second DAY’S SALE

WEDNESDAY 5th October 2016


Commencing not before 12.30pm Collectors’ Items, Works of Art and Clocks will be on view on: Friday 30th September 9.00am to 5.15pm Saturday 1st October 9.00am to 1.00pm Sunday 2nd October 2.00pm to 4.00pm Monday 3rd October 9.00am to 5.15pm Tuesday 4th October 9.00am to 5.15pm Limited viewing on sale day

Weights and measurements are approximate guidelines only unless stated to the contrary

Works of Art & Collectors’ Item Clocks Enquiries: Martin McIlroy Enquiries: Leigh Extence Tel. 01392 413100 Tel. 01392 413100 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] 701 LOUIS JACQUES MANDÉ DAGUERRE [1787 - 1851] Inventor of the Diorama & the Daguerreotype Images, Books, Journals, Ephemera DAGUERRE, DESIGNER OF SCENERY FOR THE STAGE- a small quarto volume, [1817/18] in original binding, with the text of two plays ‘Le Passage de la Mer Rouge’ at ’s Théâtre de la Gaîté in Nov., 1817 and , is ‘Les Machabées’, at the Théâtre de l’Abigu-Comique, premiered on 23 Sept.,1817, featuring ‘Décorations de M. Daguerre’ on the title page.

Note Gernsheim lists this ‘L.J.M. Daguerre, The History of the Diorama and the Daguerreotype’ as the second of thirteen melodramas designed by Daguerre for the Ambigu between 1817 and 1822. Newspaper reviews are pasted- in after each of the texts, the latter one heaping praise on Daguerre’s work ‘…un coup-d’œil vraiment céleste. Ce travail fait le plus grand honeur à M. Daguère [sic] , jeune peintre.’ A further critic gives the designs rave reviews and congratulates the management on having ‘le jeune peintre’ M. Daynerre (sic) under contract. £400 - 600


702 DIORAMAS AND COSMORAMAS - The New Monthly Magazine & Literary Journal and Historical Register. Vol. ix, 1823. Publisher’s binding, pp. 162 & 492-495. Note The issue of April 1, prior to the public opening of the Paris Diorama, contains a short account of Daguerre’s invention, ‘…a new method of exhibiting scenes of painting, differing from the panorama…’. A second entry, listed under Fine Arts in the issue of November 1, filling four double-column pages, elaborates on the Diorama, which opened a month earlier. (The Cosmorama, which the reviewer indicates as ‘bearing no comparison’, merits a relatively brief description). £150 - 250 703 703 704 MOVING PANORAMA - A theatrical 704 nd playbill dated June 2 , 1825, including ROBERTS’ MOVING PANORAMA ‘An extensive Moving Panorama, A playbill for the Theatre Royal, Covent- Portraying views of Hyde Park Corner, Garden, Dec. 30th 1828, including Kensington, Hammersmith, Turnham- ‘Roberts’ Moving Panorama of the Green and Brentford’ Grand Russian Army’s March to Turkey, £100 - 150 St. Petersburgh at the time of a grand festival…’ etc.. £100 - 150

158 705 706 705 706 STANFIELD’S DIORAMA THE DIORAMA A double playbill for the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, Jan. 4 1830, and for Stanfield’s Mechanics’ Magazine, Museum, Grand Local Diorama, ‘Embracing the most Picturesque Views of Windsor and Register, Journal, and Gazette, volume its Vicinity. The River, near Brocas Meadow (Sunset) across the fields to Eton by 6, issue 159, Sept. 9, 1826 pp.289-291 Moonlight…’ etc. ‘The Diorama’, illustrated by a technical £120 - 180 drawing showing a section through the structure of the London installation, followed by a technical description. Bound volume, marbled boards, linen spine, minor wear In the same volume, pp.225-227, issue 155, an illustration of the exterior of the Coliseum, then nearing completion in Regent’s Park, with a detailed description. £100 - 150 707 VINCENT CHEVALIER APLANATIC OBJECT-GLASSES ‘A Critique on the Aplanatic Object- Glasses, for diverging Rays, of Vincent Chevalier, ainé et fils’, in The Quarterly Journal of Science, Literature, and Art, The Royal Institution of Great Britain, July to Dec., 1827, pp. 248-258. Volume complete, boards rehinged, spine attached but incomplete. £80 - 120 Note Vincent Chevalier and his son Charles were lens maker to Daguerre


708 THE COLISEUM An aquatint by Tho. H. Shepherd, with printed title, published April 12, 1828, of The Coliseum (alt. spelling Colosseum) and part of the lake Regent’s Park. Image size 9 x 15.5cm. £50 – 80 Note Designed by Decimus Burton, the Coliseum, opened in 1829, exhibited panoramas of London and later of Paris. Hecht 127/J/1 et seq.. Margins a little dirty and small margin repair below the date.

159 710 THE DAGUERREOTYPE Chambers’ Edinburgh Journal, bound volume VIII. No. 395, Aug. 24, 1839, pp. 243- 204 contains an article of approximately a thousand words, being ‘An account of the new process of light-painting’ with a byline only five days after Arago, standing in for Daguerre, made full public exposure of Daguerre’s method. A more extensive account follows in the edition of Nov. 2, 1839, pp. 327-328, including details of the manipulations required for daguerreotypie, and a notice that Ste. Croix is currently demonstrating the daguerreotype in London. The edition of March 30, 1839, no. 374, pp. 77-78, under the title, ‘Painting by the Action of Light’, provides an equally detailed account of Talbot’s invention of photogenic drawing. £200 - 300 711 LA PHOTOGRAPHIE, OU LE DAGUERRÉOTYPE 709 Le Magasin Pittoresque, bound volume 7 for 1839. Issue 47, 709 Nov. 1839, pp. 374-376. EAST SIDE OF PARK SQUARE, AND DIORAMA A detailed account of the recent invention followed by Engraving of the Diorama by Tho. H. Shepherd, with printed instructions for use ‘Voici la description du procédé employé title, published June 6, 1829, image size 9 x 14.5cm., in par M. Daguerre’, together with five illustrative Line window mount. Engravings. £100 - 150 Binding worn but complete. (Bound with a volume of le Magasin Universal, August 1837 - September 1838) £250 - 350 712 TWO ISSUES OF THE TIMES NEWSPAPER, 1839 A complete issue of The Times for 21 Feb. 1839, containing the first mention of photography in The Times in a letter on p.6. The signatory, ‘Clericus’, claims to have taken photographs by Daguerre’s method, together with another copy, 5 April 1839, which, on p.5, bears a brief report from the Leipzig Gazette, of a claim by Steinhil and Kobel to have invented a system of photography. £40 - 60 713 FRENCH DAGUERREOTYPE PORTRAIT BY VICTOR CHEVALIER, c.1841 A fine early portrait of an unidentified gentleman, overall size 23.2 x 21cm., plate size 9.5 x 8.2cm., with octagonal paper matt, max. 7 x 6.2cm. The verso bears the label of V. Chevalier, 77 Quai de l’Horloge, and the legend, ‘Portraits au Daguerreotype en Quelques Secondes’. £3000 - 5000 Note Victor Chevalier, 1770-1841, is recorded in ‘Notice des Produits de l’Industrie Française’ for 1834 as ‘ingénieur- opticien’, with many patents to his credit. A cartouche of a camera (top right of the label) embracing the names of Chevalier and Daguerre, and the primitive paper matt, the lack of a case, the claim of daguerreotypes in a few seconds (presumably after the introduction of the first accelerator), the characteristic blue tone of the plate, and the year of Chevalier’s death, 1841, together suggest a daguerreotype taken in 1841 or prior.


713 label

160 714 part

714 DAGUERREOTYPE PORTRAIT FROM THE STUDIO OF RICHARD BEARD A fine and rare three-quarter profile of a lady, 1841-2, overall size app. 6.45cm., matted to an oval approx. 3.9 x 3.2cm., from the first daguerreotype portrait studio in London. Gernsheim’s describes similar examples in his History of Photography (2nd ed. 1969) as, ‘…contained in little pinchbeck cases… the metal cases embossed on the back with the royal coat of arms (signifying the Royal Polytechnic Institution) and the name of the case- maker and the date of his patent T. Wharton. No.791, 24 August 1841.’ £3000 - 5000 714 715 PHOTOGRAPHIC PHENOMENA, 716 OR NEW SCHOOL OF PORTRAIT DRAWING BY THE AGENCY OF PAINTING LIGHT In George Cruikshank’s Omnibus, Pp. 309-344 extracted from The volume for 1842. Worn marbled Edinburgh Review, Volume LXXVI, boards, rebacked in quarter morocco. October, 1842 - January, 1843 and A poetic satire on Richard Beard’s bound in plain modern linen boards. daguerreotype portrait studio, with Pp. 309-322 carry an authoritative cartoon illustration by Cruikshank. anonymous review, now generally (Gernsheim, Incunabula of British attributed to Sir David Brewster, editor Photographic History 1839-1875, no. of the Review, of Daguerre’s manual 659). as translated by Memes. The final £100 - 150 paragraph of the review challenges the validity of Daguerre’s patent in England, where it ‘cannot stand a moment’s examination’. 715 The remaining pages are devoted to Talbot’s ‘Account of the Art of Photogenic Drawing; ‘Die Calotypische Portraitirkunst’ by Netto-Quedlingburg; and ‘Uber der Process des Sehens und die Wirkung des Lichts auf alle Korper’ by Von Moser. (See Gernsheim, Incunabula of British Photographic History 1839-1875, no. 1079) £150 - 200

161 717 717 COLLECTION DE 28 VUES DE PARIS PRISES AU DAGUERRÉOTYPE Gravures en Taille Douce sur Acier par Chamouin A set of engravings based on daguerreotypes, c.1845. Sm. folio, handsome gs red morocco binding slightly edge rubbed, minimal spotting on the margins of two plates o’wise v. fine, original tissue guards. (Gernsheim, L.J.M. Daguerre, The History of the Diorama and the Daguerreotype, appendix Books illustrated with… 717 part engravings after daguerreotypes.) £300 - 400

718 719 DAGUERRE OBITUARY JOHN JABEZ EDWIN MAYALL A single (unspotted, undamaged) page A fine, cased 1/4-plate daguerreotype dated July 26, 1851, extracted from of a young lady, by John Jabez Edwin the Illustrated London News. p.117 Mayall. The back of the red morocco, bears an engraving, after the 1846 ornately gold-stamped case bears two daguerreotype by Claudet, of Daguerre studio addresses in Central London 433 after his sudden death two weeks West Strand, where Mayall established earlier, on 10 July. The verso, ie p.118, a studio in the mid-1840s, and 224 carries an obituary. Regent Street on the corner of Argyll £50 - 80 Place, where he opened another in 1852, dating the image to 1852 or after. £300 - 400


719 part 719 162 720 720 721 WYLD’S MONSTER GLOBE 721 An aquatint by T.H. Shepherd, c.1851, with printed title A DAGERREIAN BROADSIDE ‘Wyld’s Monster Globe’, image size 15.2 x 22cm.. ‘SPLENDID DAGUERREOTYPE MINIATURES, TAKEN IN £80 - 120 EVERY STYLE, BY E. S. Hayden’. An itinerant American Note The Globe was 18m. in diameter, and was described daguerreotypist’s advertising broadside, 30.5 x 26 cm., with by Punch magazine as ‘a geographical globule’ of the world. vacant spaces for the insertion of a future venue. £150 - 200 Note Hayden worked around Connecticut in the mid-1850s. See ‘Craig’s Daguerrian Registry’, vol. I, p.172.

722 THE INCONSTANT DAGUERREOTYPE A short story under this title in Harper’s New Monthly Magazine, bound volume X, December, 1854 - May, 1855. ‘It is scarcely to be wondered at that two daguerreotypes placed directly opposite each other... should fall desperately in love with one another’.... £40 - 60 723 WEBSTER, CLAY, CALHOUN & JACKSON, How they sat for their daguerreotypes An article in Harper’s New Monthly Magazine, bound volume XXXVIII, Dec. 1868-May, 1869, pp.787-789, the latter two pages slightly stained by a no longer present flower pressing, not obscuring any of the text. ‘When these great men were in the very acme of their fame the daguerreotype came into vogue, and it was deemed a desirable thing to preserve their faces for posterity’, etc… £60 - 80 724 L.J.M. DAGUERRE - AFTER A DAGUERREOTYPE BY CHARLES R. MEADE A cabinet card 16.5 x 11cm., image size 14.2 x 10cm. An albumen print of Daguerre. £1000 - 1500 Note James D. Horan notes in ‘Mathew Brady, Historian with a Camera’, that in 1848 Charles R. Meade of New York daguerreotyped the inventor at his home at Brie-sur-Marne (illustrated opp. p.90). Gernsheim confirms this, saying that Meade took ‘five or six’ images of Daguerre at the sitting, the image offered here being the slightest variant (only the sitter’s left hand appears to have moved a fraction) of that illustrated in Horan, the original now being in the collection of the Smithsonian. The verso of the cabinet card offered here is inscribed in pencil, ‘Daguerre Inventor of Photography’ and imprinted, ‘Compliments of G. Cramer, Dry Plate Works, St. Louis, Mo’, and probably dates from the 1880s. A small fragment of the top left corner of the 724 card is missing, though outside the border surrounding the image and not affecting the image.

163 725 NIÉPCE & DAGUERRE A PRIZE MEDAL A rare silver prize medal, approx. 5cm. diameter, contained in a purpose-made red morocco-covered case, awarded to M. Ernest Fort at the 1902 Exhibition of the Société des Beaux Arts de Béziers(affiliated to the Societé Française de Photographie, Fondée en 1845). The face of the medal carries a double profile pair of portraits of Nicephore Niépce and L.J.M. Daguerre, surrounded by the legend INVENTION DE LA PHOTOGRAPHIE . NICEPHORE NIEPCE . L.J. DAGUERRE (sic). £800 - 1200 726 A sealed case of Chateau Mouton Rothschild 1968, OWC, stencilled to one side ‘Shoreham’ also inscribed in blue ink ‘bought 9/1973-£45’ single steel band to case. £3000 - 4000 727 A sealed case of Dows Vintage Port 1960, OWC, stamped as per title, double steel wires to case, also a Gilbey Vinters label to one end of case. £1000 - 1500 728 725 A case of Chateau Brane Cantenac 1967, OWC, stenciled ‘Shoreham’ to side of case. £500 - 600 729 A sealed case of Chateau Montrose 1966, OWC, stenciled ‘St Estephe Controle’ and also ‘Shoreham’ to case, single steel band to case. £1200 - 1500

730 731 730 731 Aethelred II (978-1016) silver penny, 1.2g. last small cross James I (1603-25) hammered silver shilling third coinage type, s.1154 (1619-25), 5.9g, mint mark Lis. £150 - 200 £150 - 200

732 Charles I (1625-49) Tower mint under Parliament, Crown 30.1g. type 5, mint mark sun both sides, king crowned in armour, on horseback left, holding sword upright in right hand, tall horse with upright head and flowing tail. £1500 - 2000


164 733 734 733 734 William III (1694-1702) half crown, 1798 ‘Decimo’ 15.3g, Henry VIII (1509-47) hammered silver groat second coinage, S.3494. second bust, 2.8g. mint mark rose, £200 - 300 £80 - 120

735 736 735 736 William I (1066-87) hammered silver penny paxs type, 1.5g., Charles II (1660-85) silver sixpence 1681 3.0g. dr. bust r. S.1257 S.3382. £100 - 150 £70 - 90

737 738 737 738 Mary (1553-54) hammered silver groat crowned bust, R. George III (1760-1820) a gold guinea, 1782 fourth Laur. head Veritas, 2.3g. S.2492 r. 8.4g. S.3728 £150 - 200 £200 - 300

739 Elizabeth I (1558-1603) a hammered gold Angel fourth issue (1578-82), mint mark sword, 5.0g. S.2525 £2000 - 3000

739 165 740 An early 19th century large painted pine dolls house with green painted simulated tiled pitched roof, triple hinged front with painted brickwork and dated 1803 enclosing six rooms including hall, staircase and landing, dining room, kitchen, drawing room and bedroom, complete with fixtures, furniture and accessories, height 113cm, width 125cm, depth 64cm, on an associated pine stand. £8000 - 12000

166 741 A collection of various examples of quartz crystal from Oman. £150 - 200 742 A collection of various examples of quartz crystal from Oman. £150 - 200 743 I & I Erat - Patent Harp Manufacturers 23 Berners Street , London. No. 2189 - A 19th century birds eye maple, carved giltwood and brass mounted harp with gilt and ebonised decorated line inlay, the fluted column headed female caryatid figures between anthemions, having six pedals, on claw feet 171.5cm high (5ft 7 1/2in. high) (requires re-stringing) £1000 - 1500 744 No Lot

745 A stained beech artist’s lay figure with articulated limbs, 64cm. high. £200 - 250 Provenance given to the present owner by the artist Fred Yates (1922-2008).

746 Reeves & Inwood, A Georgian artist’s mahogany and satinwood strung paint box of rectangular outline, the hinged lid with maker’s label to the interior enclosing a lift-out tray containing water colour tablets, glass water bowl, pottery mixing bowls ivory palette, the frieze drawer containing six pottery mixing palettes and brushes, 24cm. wide.

£150 - 200 743


746 167 748 748 747 Ackermann & Co, a Victorian mahogany artists paint box the 747 hinged lid enclosing a fitted interior with lift-out tray of water G. Rowney & Co, 29 Oxford Street, London, a Victorian colour tablets, with frieze drawer containing mixing palettes, mahogany artist’s paint box the hinged lid enclosing a fitted 23cm. wide together with two other artist’s paint boxes, (3). interior with lift-out tray of water colour tablets, with frieze £100 - 120 drawer containing paint brushes, 25cm. wide together with two other artist’s paint boxes, (3). £100 - 120

749 749 Winsor & Newton, a Victorian mahogany artists paint box the hinged lid enclosing a fitted interior with lift-out tray of water colour tablets, with frieze drawer containing paint brushes, 29cm. wide together with two other artist’s paint 752 boxes, (3). 752 £100 - 120 750 A late 18th/early 19th century polished steel and brass lark spit the circular trivet stand with turned wood handle with an A late 18th bronze skillet of traditional design the handle adjustable lark spit for three birds, on swept feet, 37cm. high. named T.P.B.Water.I., raised on three peg feet, 35cm. long. £150 - 200 £100 - 120 751 A 19th century Morocco and leather document box with stud work decoration, loop handle to the hinged top, bears label ‘Harrington, Trunk and Plate Case Maker No 305 Holborn’, 45.5cm. wide. £100 - 150

753 A 19th century brass and steel coconut grater with circular grater on turned column with winding handle, mounted on a mahogany base, 25cm. long. £120 - 150

168 755

755 A 19th century mahogany and brass game carrier of rectangular outline, with brass hinged lid to each slide and with a wood hinged handle, 48cm. long. £80 - 100

754 754 Four 19th century brass peppermills of cylindrical form with hinged winding handles, a kitchen dredger and a wax jack, (4). £150 - 180

756 757 756 757 A group of various 18th and 19th century brass and copper A Salter’s Bache’s patent clockwork bottle jack of traditional skillets, drainers, nips and spatula etc. cylindrical design, with loop handle, stamped Slater £150 - 180 Warranted, 100, No 111 Bache’s Patent, with associated key, 53cm. high. £80 - 120

758 A Victorian mahogany and chequer strung zograscope with hinged mirror plate and magnifying glass, on a turned knopped column and spreading circular foot, 62cm. high. £100 - 200

758 169 759 John Bird, London, a fine 18th century bronze sundial the 41.5cm. circular engraved scale with outer ring of Roman numerals, before/after the sun ring, calendar ring and compass points, with bronze gnomon, signed John Bird, London, bears Coat of Arms for the Buller family, green verdigris patination overall. £1500 - 2000

Provenance Kingsnympton Park, Devon.

Note John Bird [1709-1776] worked in London for Jonathan Sisson but by 1745 had his own business in the Strand and was advised by the eminent clock maker George Graham. Bird was commissioned to make a brass quadrant 8 feet across for the Royal Observatory at Greenwich where it remains to this day .He also supplied the astronomer James Bradley with further instruments of such quality that the commissioners of longitude paid him the huge sum of £500 on condition that he take on a 7-year apprentice and produce in writing on oath a full account of his working methods. This was the origin of his two treatises ‘The Method of Dividing Instruments [1767]’ and ‘The Method of Constructing Mural Quadrants [1768]’.

170 760 A fine Admiralty dockyard style model of a Queen Anne period ninety gun second-rate ship of the line, the partially planked hull with black painted main wales, closed gun ports, stern galley with balcony and running light , gilt carved transom with female nude decoration, crowned lion rampant figurehead, the beakhead bulkhead with figural decoration, partially open decks with details of staves, belfry, black painted forward capstan, supported on a dockyard style ebony cradle, on a black painted wooden base within an oak frame, the model 100cm x 36cm, the base 112cm x 34cm. £3000 - 4000

171 761 761 A hand embroidered panel depicting The Four Seasons worked in coloured silks of greens, blues, reds, pinks and cream, each panel 36 x 15cm mounted in one frame. £200 - 250 762 762 A pair of early 19th century silkwork and ivory handled face screens the embroidered panels with crest and motto - Aperto Vivere Voto (to live life as an open book or an honest person) for Chameire family, framed and glazed. £300 - 400

764 part

763 763 A 17th century needlework picture depicting the Madonna, Child and Joseph with raised work landscape decoration, within a scrolling floral border, worked in coloured silks of greens, creams and bullion wire, 73 x 56cm. £300 - 500 764 A pair of Georgian reverse glass prints representing Painting and Astronomy the former inscribed ‘London Printed for H.Overton without Newgate & R.Sayer in Fleet Street, price 1s6d’, 26 x 36 cm in parcel gilt ebonised wood frames. £100 - 200 764 765 A Regency-style silk embroidered flower picture worked in blues, pinks, greens and cream silks, to a pale green silk ground, 36 x 26cm, together with a similar woolwork picture, 36 x 26cm. £100 - 150 766-9 No Lots.

172 771 770 771 770 A pair of Japanese cloisonne jars and covers of ovoid form A Chinese bronze tripod censer and cover of circular form, with domed covers, decorated with butterflies, dragonflies the pierced cover with figural finial, the sides decorated with and insects amongst flowering shrubs, 21cm. high, some dragons amongst clouds, the handles in the form of leaping damage. figures with similar figures supporting the bowl, 28cm. high. £300 - 400 £200 - 300 772 A 19th century Canton enamel wine cup of cylindrical tapering form, decorated with reserve panels of chrysanthemums, on a spreading circular foot, 7cm. high, some damage, £100 - 150

773 A pair of Chinese bronze deer stands with inset eyes and mottled patination supporting vases of flowering shrubs on their back, raised on shaped and pierced bases, 37cm. high. £400 - 500

773 774 A Chinese bronze tripod censer with loop handles to the rim, bears six character mark, raised on peg feet, 12cm. diameter, 9cm. high, 557gms. £200 - 300


173 776 775 777 775 776 777 A Chinese carved wood figure of A large Chinese carved stone head of A Chinese carved stone head of Guanyin wearing elaborate robes and Guanyin wearing elaborate jewelled Guanyin with smiling face and headdress and seated on double lotus headdress, the gently smiling face downcast eyes, her hair gathered in a base, 30 cm high [formally painted or with downcast eyes, 38 cm high [some chignon, 30 cm high on polished black lacquered]. losses] on metal plinth. marble plinth. £40 - 60 £200 - 400 £200 - 400

779 A Chinese bronze helmet in Zhou Dynasty style with ribbed and ‘rivet’ detailing and pierced rectangular finial, 31 cm high [losses]. £100 - 200 780 An Indian gilt decorated copper group of a lion attacking a bull engraved and embossed with foliate and scrollwork bands and motifs, 14 cm wide. 779 £50 - 80 778 778 A large Thai gilt-bronze figure of a goat in crouching pose with head turned to the right, on rectangular base cast with lozenge shaped panels on a diaper ground, 74 cm wide, 40 cm high; on a simulated marble plinth. £500 - 700 Provenance By repute from the collection of Thomas Kerr, St.Esteve, Dorset.

780 174 782 782 781 A Chinese bronze vase of trumpet 781 shaped outline, the knopped stem with A Chinese bronze vase of archaic dragon mask ring handles, on a flared design of ovoid form with two tubular circular foot, 31cm. high. handles to the slender neck, the body £300 - 500 with banded decoration with archaic motifs on a spreading circular foot, 28cm. high. £100 - 200

783 A pair of Chinese square-section bronze vases of archaic Gu form, decorated with scrolling foliage, ruyi-head and stiff leaf motifs, 30 cm high and carved hardwood stands [damaged]. Provenance Kingsnympton Park, Devon. £200 - 400

783 784 A Chinese inlaid bronze censer and a tripod censer the first of Shisou type with archaic-style dragon handles and inlaid with taotie masks, key pattern borders and scrollwork, 15 cm wide; the second with lug handles to the rim, 10 cm wide [2]. Provenance Kingsnympton Park, Devon. £0 - 0

784 175 785 785 A Chinese bronze censer of ogee form with pierced mythical 786 beast head handles, six-character Xuande mark, 18 cm wide. 786 Provenance Kingsnympton Park, Devon. A Chinese bronze tripod censer of compressed circular form, £300 - 500 cast with a ruyi band and Buddhistic lion mask handles, six- character Xuande mark, 16 cm wide. Provenance Kingsnympton Park, Devon. £300 - 500


787 A Chinese hardstone and soapstone decorated black lacquer four-fold screen with mother of pearl inlaid foliate borders, one side applied in coloured stones with auspicious objects and vases of peony, chrysanthemum and other flowering plants, the reverse gilded with swallows and other birds amongst flowering branches, 20th century, 183 cm high. 788 788 £300 - 500 A Chinese reverse painting on glass depicting a courtesan and attendant playing a game within an interior, 44 x 31cm. £300 - 400

176 789 A Chinese embroidered silk coat the front and back panels decorated with stylised fish with similar decoration to the arms on a wine red field. £400 - 600


791 791 A Chinese carved hardstone mythical beast with dragons head and the body of a turtle, 13cm. long 790 £100 - 150 792 790 A Chinese carved jade figure of a A Chinese embroidered silk skirt the 793 reclining beast the stone of celadon panels embroidered with fish, and colour, 5cm. long. 793 butterflies within floral borders. £200 - 300 Two carved stone figures of a man and £150 - 250 a woman, possibly South American the stone of mottled pale green colour, the woman carrying a child on her back, the man holding a bag, 13 and 14 cm high £50 - 100

794 795 794 795 A Chinese jade handle with ridged grip and two fitting holes, A Chinese carved and pierced jade girdle pendant in Han the stone of mottled dark green colour with grey calcification, Dynasty style, in the form of stylised dragons carved with probably Neolithic, 6.5 cm. interlocking scrolls, the stone of grey flecked celadon colour, £200 - 250 12.5 cm wide. Provenance By repute from the collection of Prof.Muller of £200 - 250 Bonn, Germany and exhibited at the Museum of East Asian Provenance By repute from the collection of Prof. Muller of Art in Cologne. Bonn, Germany and exhibited in the Museum of East Asian Art in Cologne.

177 796 798 796 A Chinese jade and hardstone 798 composite necklace, in the form A Chinese spinach green jade bowl of a bi half-disc carved with scroll 797 with flared rim and short foot rim, the motifs.8.75cm. wide. 797 stone of mottled green, grey and cream colour, 10 cm diameter. £100 - 150 A Chinese carved jade model of a duck in two parts with carved feather £80 - 120 decoration, 13cm. wide, 12cm. high. £200 - 300

800 800 Three Chinese jade carvings and a hardstone figure of Budai the first of two bean pods with stalks and foliage, the stone of pale celadon colour, 5 cm high; two similar small figures, 4 and 5 cm high [damaged]; and a hardstone figure of a smiling Budai, 7 cm high [4]. £200 - 300

801 A large Chinese carved archaistic jade disc, Bi in Han Dynasty style, the centre carved and reticulated with a sinuous 799 dragon surrounded by a diamond and 799 beaded pattern field, the stone of A Chinese carved jade carving of a mottled celadon and russet colour, 25 man holding lingzhi sprays with smiling cm diameter. expression and wearing elaborate £200 - 400 robes, the stone of greyish white colour, 18th/19th century, 6.5 cm high on conforming ivory stand carved with lingzhi [minor damage]. £300 - 500 801

178 802 A Chinese hardstone archaistic ceremonial blade carved to one side with a taotie mask, the stone of grey flecked brown colour, 22.5 cm long [natural flaw to one side]. £100 - 200 803-4 No Lots.

805 A Japanese Komai enamel cigarette case of rectangular outline, the front decorated with bamboo shoots, the reverse with birds, signed to the interior, 16cm. long. £200 - 250 806 A Japanese carved boxwood okimono 806 of three monkeys ‘Hear no evil, See no evil, Speak no evil’ late Meiji period, 5 cm high. £150 - 200 807 802 A large Japanese cloisonne vase of ovoid form decorated with a blossoming tree and birds to a midnight blue ground, unsigned, Meiji period, 32cm. high. (some damage) £150 - 200 808 A 19th century Japanese carved root wood box and cover in the form of a grotesque beast the hinged lid with bear’s head finial, the interior of the lid inscribed ‘William Ewings to Thomas Michelmore Snr 1855’, raised on paw feet, some damage, 12.5cm. long. £100 - 150 809 A Japanese bronze hand mirror one side polished, the other cast with two large characters, cranes and pine trees, early 20th century, 38 cm. £40 - 60 Provenance Kingsnympton Park, Devon.

810 A Japanese carved wood Tonkotsu ( tobacco box) in the form of a basket with turtles climbing up the sides, the cover with turtle finial having inset eyes, signed to the base possibly Gekko, Meiji period, 10cm. wide, 12cm. high. £300 - 500


179 812 812 A late 19th century Japanese carved ivory okimono depicting a monkey with its fingers trapped in a clam shell whilst another monkey attempts to pull her free, unsigned, 8cm. wide, together with another okimono of a monkey feeding her young with grapes, unsigned, 5cm. high both early 20th century (some damage). £150 - 250

811 811 A late 19th century Japanese carved ivory okimono of a woman wearing a domed wicker hat with three young children, signed, Meiji period, 7cm. high. £100 - 150

815 814 815 After Kono Bairei, a woodblock print, Gekko Ogata, a woodblock triptych Scarecrow in a rice paddy 16.5 X 23cm. print The Emperor Go-Daigo dreaming £40 - 60 of ghosts at his palace in Kasagiyama Provenance Kingsnympton Park, 36 X 72cm. Devon. £120 - 150 Provenance Kingsnympton Park, Devon.

816 Three Khmer 13th century post Bayon bronze pendants of Ganesha seated cross legged on tapering pillar, 13cm. high. £100 - 200 817 A 19th century central Indian wooden 813 stile with carved figure in traditional 813 costume with headdress, 41cm. high. A Japanese ivory okimono of a £100 - 150 courtesan holding a fan in one hand Ex Gordon Reece Gallery and a lotus flower in the other, on a polished wood stand with case 816 818 £200 - 300 An 18th century Indian carved hardwood erotic figure group panel the figures standing on a plinth base 31cm. high. £100 - 150

180 820 820 A group of three Syro/Hittite terracotta idol figures comprising a double headed and two single figures, with bird-like heads, large circular eyes and pointed noses, probably circa 2000-1500 BC, 15,18 and 22 cm high 819 [some repair]. 819 £200 - 400 An American North Westcoast marine ivory miniature totem pole carved and stained with stylised bird, animal and 821 human masks and figures, early 20th 821 century, 21 cm high. A Papua New Guinea carved and £100 - 150 painted wood shield carved and painted with stylised masks, 130 cm x 30 cm. £100 - 200 822 An Indo Persian brass plaque or shrine icon with central mounted figure flanked by armed warriors enclosed within a floral border, 12 x 24cm. £150 - 200

823 A large alabaster and polychrome decorated buddha statue in traditional robes, seated cross-legged on an oval base, 83cm. high. £500 - 700 823 181 827

824 826 824 826 827 An Indian polychrome decorated A Burmese gilt-bronze and An Egyptian female wood mask from a carved white marble lion, 18th Century. turquoise mounted study of Buddha sarcophagus with traces of polychrome £150 - 250 seated cross legged, his hands decoration, late period circa 712-30 BC, 22 825 positioned in Varada Mudra, on lotus x 26 cm approx., in perspex display case. An Indian carved hardwood writing base, 14cm. high. £600 - 800 slope bordered with mother-of- £200 - 300 pearl inlay, the panels decorated with buildings and animals, having a double hinged lid enclosing fitted compartments and writing surface, 39cm. wide. £150 - 180

829 829 A Byzantine pale green glass lamp and a Roman pale green glass unguentarium the lamp with central wick-holder and applied foliate motifs, 5th-7th century AD, 9 cm high [damaged and re-stuck]; the unguentarium with everted rim and long slender neck, 2nd-3rd Century AD, 828 10.5 cm high. 828 £60 - 100 A Roman mould-blown olive green 830 glass flask of flattened form with a A South American carved grey stone mask head to each side and simple figure in Pre-Columbian style, head loop handle, 1st-2nd Century AD, and shoulders and wearing a trance like 15 cm [surface encrustation and expression, 34 cm high. 831 831 iridescence]. £100 - 200 A Roman hollow cast terracotta figure £100 - 150 of a young woman wearing long flowing robes, on oval base, circa 1st- 2nd Century AD, 21 cm high [some repair]. £60 - 100 182 832 832 837 closed An Egyptian faience beaded death mask probably Ptolemaic period, 10 x 13 cm in glazed display frame. £50 - 100 833-4 No Lot.

835 837 835 837 A 19th century tortoiseshell tea caddy of rectangular outline, A late 19th century oak humidor by H. Greaves, New Street, with recessed canted corners, having a shallow domed Birmingham of rectangular outline, the double hinged lids hinged lid inlaid with mother-of-pearl medallion enclosing enclosing a central well flanked by two compartments with two lidded compartments with bone stringing, raised on later sliding covers having gilt metal striking pads, and bearing block feet, 17cm. wide. two gilt metal labels H.Greaves, New St. Birmingham and Rd. 52066/814, 26cm. wide. £200 - 300 836 £100 - 150 A figured bird’s eye maple veneered musical box in the form of a miniature grand piano, with faux ivory keyboard, the hinged lid enclosing a box with 6.5cm. cylinder, raised on four turned peg feet, 29cm. long. £200 - 250

183 838 840 838 840 A 19th century mahogany and brass bound collector’s Attributed to the Birmingham Guild of Handicraft, a copper cabinet of rectangular outline, the double hinged front and silver mounted casket of rectangular outline, with enclosing twelve sliding trays, 25cm. wide. strapwork decoration decorated with silver flowerheads, £250 - 350 possibly by A E Jones, 14cm. wide. 839 £200 - 300 A 19th century papier mache lacquer tea caddy the hinged 841 lid inset with an oval painted scene of a riverside church and A pierced brass jewellery casket with domed hinged lid bridge, enclosing two lidded compartments, on bracket feet, having engraved foliate and pierced decoration with velvet stamped to the base ‘Lane. Birm’ below a crown, 19.5cm. lined interior. wide 14cm. wide. £100 - 150 £180 - 220 842 A late 18th/early 19th century turned wood bowl of plain form with reeded girdle, 27.5cm. diameter £70 - 90 843 A 19th century oak candle box the shaped backplate with sloping hinged lid and moulded geometric border, 26cm. wide. £30 - 50

844 A 19th century carved ivory desk seal in the form of an Elizabethan gentleman with curly hair and bearded, wearing a doublet and ruff, on a knopped stem, the gilt metal matrix incised with a Coat of Arms, 11cm. high. £200 - 300 845 A 19th century Russian ivory box and cover the circular lid carved in low relief depicting the monument to Peter The Great on the Senate Square in Saint Petersburg, with tortoiseshell lined interior, 8.5cm. diameter. £80 - 120 844

844 seal 184 846 part 846 A pair of Georgian reverse glass equestrian prints Skyscraper by Highflyer, 1789, published 12th October 1795 by Laurie & Whittle, together with Warter by Highflyer, published January 1st 1802 by Laurie & Whittle, each 37 x 52cm. (2). £400 - 600 847 A German carved meerschaum pipe bowl decorated with hounds attacking 846 a fox in a wooded landscape, 10.5cm. high. £100 - 150 848 Field, London, a Victorian coromandel wood and brass bound tea caddy of rectangular outline, with domed hinged lid, enclosing a central well (lacks blender) and two compartments, bears ivory label Field, Maker, 67 Regents St. London, 31cm. high. £80 - 120 849 A Regency period ivory and 850 850 tortoiseshell strung tea caddy of oval outline, with hinged top enclosing a An Arts and Craft period copper tray of rectangular outline, the border lidded foil lined compartment, 11.5cm. decorated with Celtic dragons and briar wide, some damage. roses, 59cm. wide. £100 - 150 £100 - 150 851 851 An orthodox icon depicting the mother Christ on wood panel, 22cm x 18cm. £120 - 150 852 A 19th century tortoiseshell tea caddy of serpentine outline, with shallow domed hinged lid, enclosing two lidded foil lined compartments, raised on ball feet, 20.5cm. wide, some losses £400 - 500


185 854 854 855 A 19th century brass honesty tobacco A pair of Black Forrest carved linden box of rectangular outline with double wood stands decorated with stags hinged top, loop carrying handle, coin and does below trees, with glass inset operated spring mechanism, raised on eyes, 29cm. high together with another ball feet, 24cm. wide. carved wood group of a stag and doe 853 £120 - 150 on a rocky outcrop, 42cm. high. 853 £100 - 150 A 19th century fruitwood pear-shaped tea caddy with silver escutcheon of foliate design 17cm. high. £250 - 350

857 857 A Georgian mahogany brass bound oyster pail of oval outline and coopered construction with scroll handles to the side, 50cm. wide. £600 - 800 858 Parkins and Gotto, 24/25 Oxford Street, a pair of lacquered brass postage scales with graduated brass weights, mounted on a mahogany and feather strung base with single drawer on squat bun feet, 21cm. wide. £50 - 70 859 A 19th century marble gilt brass and champleve enamel two-handled vase of cylindrical tapering form, with gilt brass and enamelled collar with loop handles, raised on a circular floral decorated foot, 15cm. high. £100 - 150 856 856 A 19th century oak and brass bound six decanter campaign tantalus the hinged lid enclosing a fitted compartment with six clear glass decanters and stoppers, the front inset with two brass panels engraved with renaissance soldiers and inset brass carrying handles to the sides, 43cm. wide. £400 - 600

860 860 A bronze study of a prowling lion with snarling face, unsigned, on polished wood base, 50cm. long. £200 - 300

186 862 862 After the Antique, a late 19th century bronze model of the goose boy cast by Barbedienne, the young boy 863 grasping a goose by it’s neck, on a 863 shaped base, stamped F. Barbedienne. A 19th century bronze of Psyche and Foundeur, with Collas reduction seal, Cupid Psyche semi-nude and teasing on a shaped base, 18cm. high. Cupid by hiding his bow behind her £200 - 250 back, unsigned, on a circular polished 861 marble base, 24cm. high. 861 $$ To be included in our Fine Sale on After Didier Debut, a bronze study the 5th October depicting a cherub ‘Presents D’Amour Web and Catalogue illustration with outstretched arms holding a casket £250 - 350 containing jewels, on a naturalistic base, signed D. Debut, with foundry seal, with attached plaque inscribed ‘Presents d’ Amour Prix de Rome’, and stamped to the base Exp-on de Paris 1900, on a polished marble plinth base, 42cm. high. £400 - 500

864 864 866 865 A late 19th century bronze study of a 865 866 small boy riding on the back of a dog, A 19th century Italian (possibly An Indo/Burmese carved white marble unsigned, on a polished marble base, Venetian) bronze statue of a neo- figure of a seated praying monk, on 15.5cm. wide. classical female semi-nude and partially raised oval base, 34 cm high. £100 - 150 draped, raised on an associated square £100 - 150 base with canted corners, total height 64cm. £300 - 400

187 867 Edward Onslow Ford, R.A. (1852- 1901), a bronze figure of a nude ‘Peace’ signed to the base E. Onslow Ford, London, and also ‘Published by Arthur Collie, 39B Old Bond Street, London, May 8th, 1890, 52cm. high, lacks palm leaf and dove.. £1500 - 1800

188 869 mark 868 After Adolphe-Jean Lavergne, a bronze study ‘The Lizard Charmer’ the boy blowing a pipe in one hand and holding a stick in the other, raised on a square base, with attached plaque ‘Charmeur de Lezards par Lavergne’, 38cm. high, lacks rock with lizard to rear corner of the base. £300 - 400 869

869 A. ‘*aling, a bronze bust Joan of Arc wearing armour and a garland in her long hair, the base with Royal cipher and the dates 1427-1431, 36cm. high. £300 - 400

868 870 After Michelangelo, a 19th bronze study of Guilano de Medici impressed Rtion Sauvag, 17cm. high. £300 - 400

871 After the Antique, a large late 19th/ 870 early 20th century bronze study of Venus de Milo mounted on a naturalistic rectangular base, 84cm. high. £300 - 500


189 872 A large Swiss Black Forest carved linden wood bovine group of a cow and calf and bull mounted on an oval naturalistic base, some damage 65cm. long, 36cm. high. £800 - 1200 873 A pair of Swiss Black Forest carved linden wood models of a cow and bull on oval naturalistic bases, unsigned, some damage, 33cm. long 28cm. high. £400 - 500

874 • Cosmos Muchenje (1960- ) a large carved green hardstone study of a bird with long beak and curved neck, signed Cosy K, 48cm. high. £150 - 200 Biography Cosmos Muchenje was born in 1960 in Msana, near Bindura in northern Zimbabwe. He studied at the Canon Paterson Art Centre and the Peter Birch School of Art. His work has been shown in many national and international exhibitions.

190 875 After Andrea del Verrocchio (1435-88) a 19th century bronze reduction of the equestrian figure of Bartolomeo Colleoni (1395 -1475) the figure in full armour seated on a prancing horse, mounted on a polished marble rectangular base, foundry mark to the back of the saddle G. Sommer, Napoli, overall height including base 66cm. high. lacks baton and part of bridle. £3000 - 4000

191 876 A bronze study of a reclining Bengal tiger with snarling face, raised on marble plinth base, 37cm. long. £120 - 180

877 Ulisse Passani, a large bronze bas-relief plaque decorated with a displaying peacock perched on a castellated wall signed to the bronze U Passani, ‘Trivium’ B.A., 111 x 46.5cm. £1500 - 2000

192 878 William Couper,(1853-1942), a marble bust Evangeline wearing a rosary with crucifix, raised on a socle base, signed Wm. Couper, Florence, mounted on a polished marble column of plain design with square plinth, 168cm. high £1500 - 2000

193 879 879 By James Smethurst, a pair of early 19th century incense burners of circular form raised by three gilded dolphin supports on a trefoil base, each bearing a plaque ‘Smethursts Patent, 138 New Bond Street’, 17.5cm. diameter. £200 - 300 880 A bronze model of a Sphinx unsigned 25cm. long, together with a smaller bronze model of a sphinx, 21cm. long £150 - 180

878A 878A Rossi, a carved marble figure of Aphrodite: the semi naked female standing with drapes, on a circular base, signed Rossi, Napoli, 1872, 82cm. high. £600-800

881 881 A pair of 20th century bronze models 883 of geese unsigned, 46cm and 72cm. 883 high. A pair of 20th century bronze seated whippets raised on £150 - 200 octagonal plinth bases, 80cm. high. 882 £300 - 500 A large 20th century bronze model of 884 a frog unsigned, 42cm. long. A 19th century French gilt brass desk stand of barge shaped £120 - 150 outline, of simulated clinkered construction with swept handles in the form of serpents, raised on a rectangular marble base, 31cm. long. £100 - 150

194 885 Giovanni Amendola (1848-1887), after Fredric Lord Leighton P.R.A., R.W.S. (1830-1869), ‘Wedded’ a bronze figure group, mid brown patination inscribed to the base ‘Modelled by G.B. Amendola from the picture of Sir Frederick Leighton’ on a polished wood base, 41cm. £1000 - 1500

195 886 A late 19th century bronze model of an ostrich holding a small snake in it’s mouth, mounted on an oval naturalistic and shell encrusted base, unsigned, 22cm. high. £150 - 180 887 An Art Deco period bronze and ivory study of a boy pulling a sledge with inset carved ivory face, mounted on a polished marble base, unsigned, 16cm. high. £150 - 250 888 A pair of 19th century campana-shaped urns with gilt decorated handles and knop, mounted on square polished marble bases, 33.5cm. high. £250 - 350 887 888

889 889 A group of three South West Church hamstone carvings one in the form of a gargoyle, another a grotesque mask, the third a niche, probably 15th century, 26 cm, 20 cm and 18 cm approx. £100 - 200 890 A pair of 19th century bronze and ormolu twin branch candelabra with foliate decorated nozzles and sconces on swept branches, supported by putti on circular naturalistic bases, mounted on shaped carved marble plinths, 38cm. high. 890 £400 - 600 Provenance Woolsely Hall, Staffordshire.

892 891 891 892 A 19th century gilt metal low relief After Hamo Thornycroft R.A. (1850-1925) three low relief presentation plaques portrait plaque of a gentleman with For the Open Championship Horticultural Prize, depicting females in garden shoulder length hair and side whiskers, settings, cast beneath Presented By Toogood and Sons Ltd, Southampton, wearing collar and tie, contained in an Seedsman To H.M. The King, and signed to the side Hamo Thornycroft R.A. each oval gilt and glazed case, 31 x 25.5cm. plaque 28 x 16.5cm. £120 - 160 £250 - 350 Provenance Woolseley Hall, Staffordshire. 196 893 896 Victor Heinrich Seifert (1870 - 1919), A grey and white bronze study of a Dutch girl on a variegated marble polished marble plinth, total height, fire surround with 12cm. shell decorated frieze £150 - 180 between curved 894 No Lot. stiles,on plinth bases, 145cm. wide. 895 £400 - 500 A pair of North Devon saltglazed stoneware eagles with folded wings perched on a naturalistic base, one impressed North Devon Pottery, 54cm. high. £400 - 600


897 897 898 A set of 19th century Persian bronze door furniture comprising two loop handles 898 with clasps and two hooks. A 19th century Gothic carved oak £200 - 300 wall bracket the moulded pediment with blind arched arcaded frieze, with tapering vaulted backplate terminating in a bust of a robed woman holding a shield, 50cm. high. £100 - 200

899 A 19th Century pate-sur-pate and ormolu mounted table lamp of slender tapering form, decorated with a neo- classical female, with loop carrying handles to the sides, on an ormolu square base, 51cm. high. £300 - 400 900 A matched pair of 19th century brass four-branch candelabra with plain urn- shaped nozzles with circular sconces on a cruciform frame , raised on spiral twist stems and tripod base terminating in paw feet, 39cm. high. £150 - 180


197 901 part 901 A Venetian clear glass ten branch chandelier with spiral twist branches, having faceted drops and circular drip trays issuing from a central knopped column, 80cm. high, together with a pair of matching three branch wall appliqes. £400 - 500 902 A pair of Regency-style bronzed metal table lamps with reeded flared stems on square acanthus decorated stepped bases, 42cm. high. £50 - 100


903 903 A pair of ormolu Gothic revival pricket candlesticks with hexagonal flared sconces on arched panelled hexagonal spires raised on trefoil bases with swept foliate feet, 62cm. high. £250 - 300 904 905 A 20th century brass and bronzed 905 torchiere lamp in the form of a semi- A Mettlach pottery and brass mounted nude female holding a torch aloft in her oil lamp of ovoid tapering form, decorated left hand, raised on a hexagonal plinth with oval floral medallions, enclosed in a base, 204cm. high. brass scrolling frame, on a trefoil base, the £350 - 450 lamp fitment stamped Messenger’s Patent, with modern opaque glass shade, over all height 70cm. £100 - 200 904 198 906 A glass and brass chandelier, the upper tier with eight branches, the lower with sixteen, the junctions set with florets and with cut prisms and pendants, 100 cm wide and 110 cm deep. £700 - 800 907 – 9 No Lots

910 Henri Jacot, Paris, a grande-sonnerie striking carriage clock the eight-day duration movement having a platform lever escapement with ‘Brequet’ overcoil to the hairspring, striking the hours and quarters on two gongs at each quarter (grande- sonnerie) or the quarters on two gongs (petite-sonnerie) with a lever positioned to the underside of the base for setting the strike along with silent, the backplate stamped with the trademark for Henri Jacot along with the serial number 6958, the white enamel dial having black Roman hour numerals, Arabic five-minute markings and typical Jacot inner ring, with blued steel spade hands, with a typical Jacot mask to the dial with deep chiselled engraved decoration depicting birds and flora on a silvered background, the Anglaise-riche case with fluted columns, gadrooned moulding and with an Egyptian- key handle, height 18cm/20.5cm (handle down/up). £800 - 1200 Biography, Henri Jacot, born 1796 in Le Locle, founded the Jacot carriage clock making business in Paris in 1822 at rue Montmorency 25, later re-numbered 31, and was succeeded 906 after his death in 1878 by his nephew Albert Jacot, born 1846, with the help of his father, and Henri’s brother, Julien Jacot.

911 911 Richard & Co, an enamelled bow-sided French carriage clock the eight-day duration movement striking the hours and half-hours on a gong with push button repeat of the last hour at will and having a platform lever escapement, the backplate stamped with the trademark of the maker Richard & Co, being the initials R & Co within an oval, the ivorine dial with stylised Arabic hour numerals, blued steel spade hands, filigree dial centre and a pierced and engraved gilt-brass mask, the brass case with barley-twist columns, bowed-sides and inlaid with champlevé enamel to both the top and lower frieze, height 21.5cm/18cm (handle up/down) £800 - 1200 Biography; Richard et Cie of Rue de Bondy 32, Paris, founded in 1848 as Lemaitre & Bergmann, were one of the most well-known makers and retailers of clocks with a retail outlet opened at 24 Cannon Street, London in 1857.

910 199 913 912 912 913 Arsène Margaine, Paris, a pillared carriage clock eight-day duration movement A French Edwardian carriage clock having a silvered platform lever escapement and striking the hours and half- the eight-day duration timepiece hours on a gong, with push-button repeat of the last hour at will, the backplate movement having a replaced platform stamped with the trademark for Margaine, the initials A.M. either side of a beehive, escapement, the dial with inset along with the serial number 11134, the inside of the movement plates stamped enamelled decoration and engraved Margaine, the cream porcelain dial having black Roman numerals, a decorative decoration to the mask, with stylised centre of fleur-de-lys design in black and gilt, blued steel spade hands and signed Arabic numerals and blued steel spade for the retailer Dobson & Sons, London, the Anglaise case having fluted pillars with hands, the brass Obis case with three- cast Corinthian capitals and a three-bail handle to the top, height 14cm/17.5cm bail carrying handle, height 12.5cm/ (handle down/up). Complete with numbered winding key and box, the latter having 14cm (handle down/up) a hand-written label within dated Decr. 25th 1893. £120 - 160 £500 - 700 Biography François Arsène Margaine 914 was one of the foremost French Samuel Marti, Paris, a French gilt and carriage clock makers of the late 19th porcelain mantel clock the eight-day century; born in 1835 at Bouhans-lès- duration movement striking the hours Montbozon he moved to Paris and and half-hours on a bell and stamped married in 1865. He had numerous on the backplate with the trademark of addresses in Paris during his working the maker S. Marti, Paris along with the life but the most well-known were Rue serial number 1407, the round painted Béranger, 22 from 1880, Rue Turrenne, porcelain dial having black Roman hour 84 and finally Rue Bondy, 54 from numerals on a blue ground, decorative 1904. As with his contemporary Alfred floral decoration and spade hands, the Drocourt, Margaine was much involved gilt-metal case inset to the side mounts in the Parisian horological world at this with round painted porcelain panels time being a member of the Chambre depicting flowers on a blue ground, Syndicale de l’Horlogerie de Paris with a further matching inset panel to and Vice President of the School of the base and stamped to the rear with Horology, l’École d’Horlogerie de Paris. the case maker’s details P.H. Mourey, (Further reading Thomas Wotruba, The 6 72 being the date of manufacture in Horological World of François Arsène 1872, height 38cm. Margaine, Antiquarian Horology, June £200 - 300 2014) Biography Samuel Marti was one of 914 the prolific French makers of the 1800’s and was known to be working circa 1860 at Le Pays de Montbéliard making roulant blancs. Along with L-P Japy and A. Roux he set up business in 1863 to market their movements to such firms as L’Epee. Their Paris address was Rue Vieille-du-Temple from 1870.

200 915 916 915 916 A French mahogany mantel clock the Leroy & Fils, Paris, an ormolu and porcelain mantel clock the eight-day duration eight-day duration movement striking movement striking the hours and half-hours on a bell, with the backplate stamped the hours and half-hours on a gong, the with the trademark of the movement maker Japy frères, along with the name of backplate stamped A1 within an oval the retailer Leroy & Fils, Paris, 1212, the round pink porcelain dial with gold Roman along with the serial number 7356, the numerals and decorated to the centre with a winged putto above nautical items, round white enamel dial having black with brass spade hands, the ormolu case having a decorative cast shaped base Arabic numerals with coloured swags with the main body having scroll shaped side mouldings and surmounted by a cast of flowers between each and gilt-brass cherub sitting on a shell within waves and holding the reigns of two sea creatures, pierced and engraved hands, the height 32cm. mahogany case having brass mounts, £400 - 600 four brass finials, decorative feet and Biography; Japy Freres was founded by Frederic Japy of Beaucount, born 1749 a carrying handle to the top, the sides who first made movements for the clock industry at his factory in 1777, becoming with shaped glazed panels and having the largest and most commercially important clockmaking concern in France. The cast brass cherub head mounts above, business continued after his death. height 33cm. Note For details of Le Roy & Fils see lot 924 £250 - 300 917 A French bronze and ormolu mantel clock in the form of a bull the eight- day duration movement striking the hours and half-hours on a bell with an outside countwheel and stamped with the serial number 108, the dial with black Roman numerals on individual porcelain lozenges and blued steel hands (hour hand replaced), the case having a bronze bull sitting upon a rouge marble base with the clock, resting on a decorative saddle on the bull’s back which in turn is surmounted by the figure of a bronze cherub seated within a conch shell, with decorative ormolu mounts and on ormolu ‘griffin’ feet, height 56cm. £1500 - 2500

917 201 918 Chas. Frodsham a French tortoiseshell and silver mantel clock the eight-day duration movement, with platform lever escapement, striking the hours and half-hours on a gong and stamped with the serial number 20735, the round dial having Arabic numerals and blued steel spade hands and signed for the retailer Chas. Frodsham, 115 New Bond St, London, the waisted tortoiseshell case with silver mounts and inlaid decoration, height 23cm. £400 - 600

919 919 An Edwardian French easel clock the eight-day duration movement having a platform lever escapement, the ivorine dial with stylised black Roman 920 numerals and blued steel Bennett, London, a mahogany hands with filligree decoration pediment clock the eight-day duration to the centre, set within a chain-fusee timepiece movement light green porcelain panel 918 stamped on the backplate with the decorated with various flora, serial number 5784, the twelve-inch the cast brass surround with round silvered dial engraved with c-scroll and floral decoration, black Roman hour numerals, Fast/Slow height 29cm. regulation, and signed Bennett, 85 £120 - 140 Cheapside, London, with blued steel spade hands, the round mahogany case with floral carved decoration to the edge and seated on an integral rectangular base with acanthus leaf carved decoration allowing the clock to be used as either a wall, pediment or mantel clock, height 54cm. £1500 - 2000 Biography Sir John Bennett (1814-1897) FRAS was an eminent clockmaker and watchmaker. He was born on 15th October 1814 at Greenwich as a son of the watchmaker John Bennett. Bennett is recorded as working at 65 Cheapside in London from 1847 onwards until at least 1883. He was Sheriff of London and Middlesex in 1872 and was knighted to become Sir John Bennett. He also followed a career as a politician in London. Bennett died at St Leonards-on-Sea on 3rd July 1897.

921 Dewins, Paris, an ormolu and marble mantel clock the eight-day duration movement striking the hours and half- hours on a bell, the backplate stamped Dewins, Paris, 227 within an oval, the marble dial having gilt Roman numerals and gilded-brass moon hands, the white marble case inset with rouge marble panels and with ormolu mounts, surmounted by a figure depicting a female holding her baby, height 56cm. £500 - 700 920 202 922 A French white marble and bronze clock garniture the eight-day duration movement striking the hours and half-hours on a bell with an outside countwheel and silk suspension, with a sunburst bob to the pendulum, the round white enamel dial having black Arabic numerals and decorative gilt- brass hands and seated between two tapering white marble fluted pillars each surmounted by an ormolu vase of flowers, with black marble bases to each pillar and standing on a shaped white marble base surmounted by a gilt-metal urn, together with a pair of matching white marble two-light candelabra with black marble round bases and each having a bronze cherub holding the florally decorated ormolu sconces, height 45.5cm (clock), 47cm (candelabra) £1000 - 1500 922

924 924 Le Roy et Fils, Paris, a French mantel clock the eight-day duration movement striking the hours and half-hours on a bell with an outside countwheel, the backplate stamped with the maker’s details Le Roy et Fils, Paris, 6206, the round white enamel dial having blue Roman numerals, gilt-brass decoration, pierced and engraved hands and signed Le Roy & Fils, Palais Royal, a Paris, Gle Montpensier 13-15, 296, Regent Street, London, the decorative ormolu case with a painted porcelain panel along the shaped base, with ormolu cherubs leaning either side and playing with a heron, one feeding it with a fish in front of rushes, surmounted by a pair of birds within a floral setting, with further floral mounts to the 923 base, height 29cm. 923 £300 - 500 Biography Le Roy et Fils were established by Basile Charles Joseph Silvani, Paris a French ormolu and porcelain mantel Le Roy in 1785 and were well known and fine makers of clock the eight-day duration movement striking the hours and half-hours on a bell, with an outside countwheel, the clocks. Basile Charles Le Roy was the Master Clockmaker backplate stamped Silvani a Paris, the round white enamel to Napoleon & along with his son Charles-Louis were dial having blue Roman hour numerals, black outer Arabic clockmakers to the Princess Pauline and the Duke de five-minute markings, gilt-brass decorative hands and Bourbon. Examples of their work are in all the major signed Joseph Silvani a Paris, the gilt-metal case having collections as well in the Ministere de la Guerre, Paris. The blue porcelain panels either side of the dial painted with Maison de Le Roy was founded in 1785 at Palais Royal & putti seated on clouds, with further panels inset below, the continued until the death of Charles at Versailles in 1865. case surmounted by a cast figure of a cherub seated within a They took on premises at 13-15 Galerie Montpensier, Palais garden, height 38cm. Royal, Paris when the Duc d’Orleans opened the Palais Royal gardens for both the trade and public’s use with many £400 - 600 prestigious shops opening under the arcaded walkways. From 1885 their London retail outlet was at 57 Bond Street having moved from Regent Street.

203 925 Samuel Marti, a French oak mantel clock the eight-day duration movement striking the hours and half-hours on a gong and stamped on the backplate with the trademark of the maker S. Marti, Paris, the ivorine dial with black Arabic hour numerals and decorative blued steel hands, the oak case profusely decorated with cast-brass mounts, the caddy- top surmounted by further mounts and all standing on matching feet, height 42cm. £250 - 350 For details on Samuel Marti see lot 914

925 926 926 A Victorian skeleton clock the eight-day duration, single fusee timepiece movement with skeletonised scroll shaped plates, the shaped silvered chapter ring with scalloped edges, black Roman numerals and blued steel spade hands, standing on an oval white marble base with glass dome (damaged), height 28cm (inc. base) £200 - 300 927 A Victorian carved oak chiming bracket clock the eight-day duration, triple-fusee movement striking the hours on a gong and the quarters on a further eight gongs, the arched brass dial having a raised silvered chapter ring engraved with black Roman numerals, fleur-de-lys half-hour markings, and Arabic outer five-minute numerals, with three silvered subsidiary dials to the arch for regulation, chime/silent and Chime on Eight Gongs/Chime on Four Gongs, with decorative blued steel hands and applied cast-brass spandrels, the oak case having scroll and foliate carved decoration with mask-heads to the edge, foliate decoration to the caddy top with a central mask, repeated to the carved side frets to each side, height 58cm. £1000 - 1500

927 204 928 929 928 929 John Collett, London a mahogany bracket clock the An early twentieth century small pad-top bracket clock with associated eight-day duration double-fusee movement an eight-day duration, single fusee timepiece movement, striking the hours on a bell, the round eight-inch painted the brass break-arch dial having a raised silvered chapter dial having black Roman numerals and signed John Collett, ring engraved with black Roman numerals and signed either London, the dome topped mahogany case with stringing to side of VI o’clock with the name Chas. Fox, Bournemouth, the edges and stands on brass ball feet, height 46cm. with cast-brass cherub-head corner spandrels, the arch with £500 - 600 a silvered boss engraved Tempus Fugit, the small mahogany case having three mahogany pads to the curved top, fret- work to the sides, with a brass carrying handle to the top, and standing on bracket feet, the rear having an applied presentation plaque engraved ‘An Affectionate Token, Rev. Canon H. Barton R.D. and Mrs Barton on Their Silver Jubilee from the Congregation of St Luke’s Church Parkstone, March 1920-1945’, height 30cm. £400 - 600 930 Thos. Moore, Melford a Victorian brass lantern clock fitted with an eight-day duration, single fusee movement with passing strike on the bell (missing hammer), the brass dial having a raised chapter ring engraved with black Roman numerals and single hand, engraved to the centre with the name Thos. Moore, Melford, with dolphin fretwork to the top and surmounted by a bell, height 35cm. £300 - 500

930 205 931 932 Samuel Marti, Paris, an ormolu French Gustav Becker, a ‘ regulator’ wall clock the eight-day duration striking wall clock the eight-day movement striking the hours and half- duration weight-driven movement 933 hours on a bell, the backplate stamped striking the hours on a gong and A German ‘Vienna regulator’ the eight- with the trademark of the maker having adjustable pallets and a wood- day duration, weight-driven movement Samuel Marti, Paris, the round four-inch rod pendulum with brass bob, the having adjustable pallets and a wood- white enamel dial having black Roman backplate stamped with the trademark rod pendulum with brass bob, the hour numerals, Arabic five-minute outer for Gustav Becker along with the serial two-piece white enamel dial with black numerals and decorative brass hands, number 2047868, the two-piece white Arabic hour numerals and decorative the shaped tapering ormolu case enamel dial with black Roman hour blued steel hands, the walnut case with having applied floral mounts goats- numerals, a subsidiary ‘seconds’ dial, glazed front door and side panels, with head mounts to the top of the canted decorative blued steel hands and ebonised and walnut half-round pillars corners and surmounted by an ormolu stamped with the initials GB either side to the case and turned finials, height urn, height 42cm. of an anchor being those for Becker, 126cm. the walnut case with turned finials £300 - 500 £140 - 180 Note For details of Samuel Marti see to the top and bottom, glazed front lot no. 914 door and sides, with ebonised and walnut half-columns to the front, height 122cm. £160 - 220 Biography, Gustav Becker was born in 1819 and died in 1885. He initially worked as a clockmaker in the German region of before time spent in Vienna. On his return to the area he settled in Freiburg in 1847 and opened a small clock factory. Orders came flooding in following the Silesia Fair of 1852 and production rose to some 300,000 clocks per year by 1875. The Gustav Becker brand continued after his death with a merger in 1930 with the clockmaking company Junghans. 206 934 935 936 Thos. Baldwin, Andover a mahogany Gilbert Kidd, Malton, a mahogany Peter Bower, Redlynch, an oak longcase clock the eight-day duration longcase clock the eight-day duration longcase clock the associated thirty- movement striking the hours on a movement striking the hours on a bell, hour birdcage movement striking on bell, with an associated twelve-inch the thirteen-inch brass break-arch dial a bell, the ten-inch square brass dial brass break-arch dial having a raised having a raised silvered chapter ring having a raised chapter ring engraved chapter ring engraved with black engraved with black Roman numerals with black Roman numerals, fleur- Roman numerals and outer Arabic five- and Arabic five-minute outer numerals, de-lys half-hour markings and signed minute markings, the matted centre the centre with wheat-ear border either side of VI o’clock Peter Bower, with seconds dial and date aperture, engraving, subsidiary seconds dial and Redlynch, with cast-brass c-scroll with cast-brass cherub-and-crown date aperture, with cast-brass c-scroll and shell corner spandrels, the dial spandrels to the four corners and spandrels to the four corners and blued centre engraved with a depiction of a signed either side of VI o’clock Thos. steel hands, the convex silvered boss castle flying a flag, with a steel single Baldwin, Andover, with decorative to the arch engraved with the maker’s hand and date aperture, the oak flat- steel hands and an applied boss to the name Gilbt. Kidd, Malton with cast- topped case having a long trunk door, arch engraved with a depiction of a brass dolphin spandrels to either side, plain base and tapered three-quarter mythical bird, the mahogany case with the mahogany case with canted corners columns to the hood with wood canted corners, boxwood edge-lining to the base, fluted canted corners to capitals, height 213cm. and stringing to the top and bottom of the trunk and a shaped moulding to £300 - 400 the trunk, the hood having a swan-neck the top of the door, the hood having a Biography Peter Bower is recorded as pediment with cast-brass ball-and- flat caddy-top surmounted by a brass a fine and prolific maker working in the spire finials and eagle-and-ball centre eagle-and-ball finial and fluted pillars West-country from circa 1710. finial, wavy moulding to the door and with cast-brass capitals, standing on fluted columns with cast-brass capitals, bracket feet, height 240cm including the base with inlaid decoration to the finial. centre depicting a vase of flowers and £600 - 700 standing on bracket feet, height 218cm (inc. finial) £400 - 600

207 938 John Lee, London, a lacquered longcase clock the eight-day duration, five-pillar movement (fifth pillar missing) striking the hours on a bell, the twelve-inch break-arch dial having a raised silvered chapter ring engraved with black Roman numerals and Arabic five-minute numerals to the outer aspect, the matted centre with a subsidiary seconds dial, date aperture and silvered plaque engraved with the maker’s name John Lee, London, with cast-brass female and c-scroll spandrels to the four corners, and a strike/silent dial within the arch with cast-brass dolphin spandrels either side, with blued steel hands, the green lacquered case with raised chinoiserie decoration, the hood having a pagoda top with ball- and-spire finials to either side, a brass eagle-and-ball finial to the centre and three-quarter columns with cast brass capitals, the trunk with typical Oriental scenes to the break-arch door, the base with further decoration and standing on replaced bracket feet, height 243cm (not inc. finial) £1500 – 2000 Biography There were various makers named John Lee working in London at this time, with the most likely maker of the clock being either a John Lee who was apprenticed in 1719, becoming free of the Clockmakers 937 Company in 1737 or another Henry Yeomans, Nottingham, a mahogany apprenticed in 1734 becoming longcase clock the eight-day duration free of the Clockmakers movement striking the hours on a bell, the Company in 1745. thirteen-inch painted break-arch dial having Provenance Kingsnympton Park, black Roman hour numerals, five-minute Arabic Devon. outer numerals, a subsidiary seconds dial, date aperture, with a depiction of the four-seasons painted to each corner, a rural scene painted within the arch depicting a shepherd resting with his sheep and signed to the centre with the maker’s name H. Yeomans, Nottingham, with decorative brass hands, the mahogany case with inlaid stringing and cross-banding to the base and trunk, canted corners and a shaped top to the trunk door, the hood with further inlaid stringing, turned columns with brass capitals and a swan-neck pediment with brass paterae and a ball-and-spire finial to the centre, standing on bracket feet, height 227cm, including finial. £300 - 500 Biography Henry Yeomans is recorded as a clock and watch maker, silversmith and jeweller working at various addresses in Clumber Street, Nottingham; number 19 in 1825, number 27 in 1853 and number 15 from 1864.

208 940 C. Trombetta, Norwich, a Georgian stick barometer the mahogany case with satinwood edge moulding, a turned cistern cover to the base and an architectural pediment to the top, with a glazed door to the brass dial, engraved with a barometer gauge and having an inset thermometer to the side, engraved with the maker’s name C. Trombetta, Ld Howe St, Bend, Norwich, height 97cm. £400 - 600 Biography; Charles Trombetta, an Italian immigrant, married Mary Fisher at St Stephens Church, Norwich in 1797 and is recorded as working at Lord Howe Street, Benedict’s Street circa 1800 and after.

939 Thomas Haley, London a mahogany long case clock the eight-day day duration, five-pillar movement striking the hours on a bell, the brass twelve-inch break-arch having a raised silvered chapter ring engraved with black Roman hour numerals, outer Arabic five-minute markings and signed Thomas Haley, London, with cast-brass c-scroll spandrels to the four corners and a matted centre with date aperture, the arch having further cast-brass spandrels and ‘strike/silent’ dial, the mahogany case with satinwood stringing to the door, base, trunk and hood, with satinwood crossbanding to the trunk door and panelled base, the pagoda topped hood having fluted pillars with cast-brass capitals, with brass bound weights, height 234cm. £600 - 800 Biography Thomas Haley is quite possibly the maker who started his working life in North Walsham (Norfolk) leaving in 1742 to work in Norwich and then on to London after 1746 where he was known at Cold Field Baths in circa 1753 before moving to Oxford Street in circa 1781.

209 941 A 19th century rosewood onion top barometer the ten-inch round silvered barometer dial engraved with sunburst decoration to the centre and having a blued steel hand, brass pointer and bone setting knob below, the trunk inset with a round silvered hygrometer dial, arched thermometer, butler’s mirror and silvered level engraved Warranted Correct, the rosewood case having an onion-shaped top and base, with applied rococo decoration to the edge and centre, height 105cm. £150 - 250 942-950 No Lots.