■ H I T ,



fer ttw Meath ot November, IHS ^ nw WBATIUUI Fersmet M O. B. Westhsr

6,193 Member of the Aodtt

Boieoa af Obcokitlaaa i| p r a l5





BethaBy Laborer A(xepted GATHERS a REASONS ^ Every hterest h Seeing FOR ECX)NUM1V cnun-H' WITH TWO MURDERS Cleveland, Dec. 21.— (A P )—u Nations Of Sondi America By Both State And De- V- W. J. Hammlll can’t solve the 3IONEY AND KISSES next depression It won’t be for a fense; 14 Men And Worn- lack of reasons. Independmit And Strong. BILL TO MAKE TAKEN IN HOLDUP Begra hvestigatinf PossiMe The «9-year-old retired teacher aeveland. O., Dec. 21.— (A P ) of accounting had gathered 63 —Mrs. Anna Garringer, 20, Rejected Before Choice reasona today to which assorted Berlin, Dec. 21—(A P )—AboMtlon link Of Swindler h U f CAPITAL OBEY blonde and pretty, listed $7 to experts have ascribed recent eco- of the Monroe doctrine was urged “Christmas money” and count- nomic setbacks. less kisses today aa her losses In BITLLETTN! upon the South American republics solved Deatb Of Joseph The list Includes such "rea- today by Der Reichswart, a weekly the robbery of Quong Lee’s Chi- Waterimry, Deo. » _ ( A F ) sons” as over-producUon, sun URGE^BY aO nese restaurant. LLAs the ranks of the third spote, women In business. Wall paper edited by one of Chancellor ’The money, she said, was to And Barnet Coken; Feder- panel of veniremen dwtndkid street, the “brain trust”, weath- Hitler’s, closest dlsclplco. Count have been a cash gift for her and yielded only one addMoaal er cycles. Installment buying, low Ernst von Reventlow. eight brothers and alaters back al State And Gtj Altk•^ Jtnyniaa for the Waterbary fwm Income, European unrest, “We Germans have every Interest Would Force Government to Shreve, O. million dollar fraud trial, 8n- the automobile, wronA kind of to having the states of South As for toe kisses: or Oonrt Judge Bmest A. money— America strong and Independent,' Contractors To Live Up One of two young gunmen who ities Dig Deeper h to Acte Us aaaooneed today that aa said an article by Von Reventlow trussed up Mrs. Garringer aad K paael would te drawn “Landlordism.’’ the World War, himself. Quong Lee laat night paused re- •vewiTew. From the third underconsumption, monopolies, peatedly to kiss toe helplese growth of corporations, the un- “In order that these quaUtlea may To Regulations Imposed New York. Dec. 21—(A P ) — Tba paaM of 181, only S5 reoaUned be ftilly developed It Is necessary waitress. He even demanded her aa the eonrt recom eued this balanced budget and fulfillment home addreaa. . Donald Ooster-Philip MuMca afteniouB. of the Biblical prophecy of ’Dmo- that among other things the Monroe doctrine and Its various comple- In Labor Relations AcL She said toe araoroua Intruder mystery, already InvoIvtiM mfllfcaig thy In his second epistle; “In the ments be abolished. had “very pretty blue eyes.” and International dupUclty, took Waterbury, Dec. 21.— (A P ) —The laat, men shall be lovers of them- James Hagan (with finger raised) 48-year-old unemployed W PA su- “Nothing more than aa act of will ninth Juror In the Waterbury mll- ■otves, covetous, haughty, proud." Mayor LaGuardla on the steps of New new and more sinister turn today oa 4; la necessary to do this.” City hMl’ shouted when arraigned In police court, ‘1 had a right to Washington, Dec. 21.— (A P ) — Brooklyn detectives began toveoti* lloa dollar fraud trial waa chosen Baps ImpertaUstle Attltade punch the mayor." Ha waa committed to the Bellevue hospital psy- Chairman John L. Lewis said today gating toe swindler’s pooslbla con'* today. The four-column article was cap- chopathic ward without ball. LaGuardla suffered no 111 effects . the

utea when Special Prosecutor Hugh Ml the alleged tmperialisUe attitude to obey the Wagner Labor Relations Police Inspector Michael 8. Mc- WORD EXPERT, Dermott ordered detectlvea to qu80> M. Alcorn announced hla accept- of the United States toward Latin Act." 6006. America. JAPANESE RUSH TROOPS tlon members ot the Cohen RunOy TO COOPERATE Such a bill, on which Lewis was Alconi Mk6d Short JuBt six <|U6B- It said to conclusion: I wen oa Cooter-MuMca'a throa rebuffed last session, would forbid brothers — George Vemoid-MuMca, tlonx. After a conference of sev- “Between the mixed population of DIES » E N L Y eral minutes, defetiM counsel an- the United States, with Its Jewlsh- government contracts to employers Oeorge E. Dlctrleh-UaMea. sM TO MANCHOUKUO POINTS found to be Ignoring the Wagner Robirt Dtetrlch-Mnsteo—^srbo ora Mmced they would accept him ON A m s S O R S domtoated government, and ths without examination. act’s provisions for collective bar- being l)|dd ta $100,000 boU ooch oa ' South American populations there gaining. charges of vtotaUag the SeeurttlMi The new Juror who Joined eight is not the least rimtlarlty, not to Anthor Of Scores Of B oob ouera In the Jury box aras the 15th “This measure.” said CIO CPun- Act of 1084. Frmcipal Delegations To apeak of affinity.’’ Acdon Taken To Pat Dovni The tovestlgnthm staitod as iid* venireman quesUoned today up to MeanwhUe, pUed high at Temple L** Pressman: “will force large On Words, Son Of Print" ^ time of his acceptance and the KEMP APPEAL corporations such aa Bethlehem eral, state and city autbortttea dolv* hof airport were 140,000 letters for ed deeper into the fOnUstlenlly la* 231at alnoe the start of the trial, P^n-American Conference Distorbanixs Canoed By Steel, Electric Boat and Douglas last Juror waa chosen Dec. 16. delivery to South America, most of volved activltlea of the MuMea" them (^ristmas greetings. Aircraft and many others now or Snccumb After Phnri" brothers—Philip who tha 9*t E a ^ ExamHilag Pace. TO BE BASED profiting from fat government con- A Junkers tri-motorea plane la to respected head of McKonaia and Both Btete and defense set a rapid End Ten-Day Dispnte On Clnna’t Eighth Ronte tracte to obey toe law, and will ap- pace this morning in examlnteg start tba Christmas mall trip to- sy, Pnenmonia Attack. Robbins, Inc., and the brothen who venlrsmen, and 14 men and w o t ^ night, picking up mors cargo at ply to any loan, subsidy or license aided him, oU worUng under tha wera rejected for one reason or an' Wording Of Deejaration. 9Yaakfort-on-tlio-Maln trans- Array h Pnppet State. ON M W LAW or purchase of gold and silver by the elaborate guiaa of Srtltioua ■■■■■ Federal government. other before Short waa chosen to ferring the mall to a s ..p i.»s at and flctlttoiia backgrounds. join tboae already on the Jury. Bathurst. West Africa, for the South "A atmllar bill was blocked to toe New York, Doe. 21.— (A P ) — Dr. Frank H. Vlsetelly, 74. noted lexico- TJa flrat eight men and women Uma. Peru, Dec. 11.— (A P )—The Atlantic bop. Shanghai, Dec. 21.— (A|p)—The last session of Congress by a reac- Friday after be hod bean ( oaOed paraded to the stand at In- Counsel Contends Sentence grapher and master of one ot toe the orch-owtiidler to a mil______principal delegations to the Pan- Three small Christmas trees Japanese were reported by foreign tionary clique In the (House) Rules tervals of about five minutes, and included to the cargo, which Is to be Committee, led by John J. O’Connor ■condsl a quarter of a century _ _ American confermce agreed today murces today to have rushed troops world’s largest vocabularlea, died none them were aoked any qum' delivered Christmas sve. I —who waa retired to private life by An tovestlgatkm won already »"»««"* on a declaration of cooperative ac- into Msnehoukuo to put down dls- Imposed Shonld Be Less unexpectedly about midnight to the way into the missing $lj)00,000 tions by the battery of defense at- the voters of New York In the last Fifth Avenue hospital of pleurisy torneys for Lieut Oov. Frank tion against aggression, ending a tu ^nces caused by units of elections.” ■soeta of toe drug concern’s ciiida Chin* * Eiflrhth Rout* Army which and pneumonia. Hayes and 21 others stoning trial ten-day dispute on wording between Under Revision Of 1930 (O’Connor, a New York Demo- drugs department when ha fitod a OB chargee they conspired to “cheat State* and Argentina. pad crosaed Into the Japanejte-doni' Dr. Vlsetelly was toe author of bullet Into .his head to his Fslrflsld. incted state. crat, was chairman of the Rules scores of books on words, ranging and dafraud” thla dty of more than The decIaraUon, highly reliable LOYAL DESTROYER committee.) Conn., honte. a million dollara. conference Informants said, pro- P'lptog said from from "8. O. 8.—SUpa of Speech” to Brlen McMahon, asslrtent V. Which Defendant Violated “200 Simple Bbords Everyone Moat of the first group also were vides for consultation against ag- 16 to 20 train loads of Japanese To Protect Workers attorney who come here from WoMb> had been crossing the border dally Should Know.” He was toe son togton to take charge of the anil* unquestioned by Special State’s At- gretalon, the menace of force, and Wni DASH HONE Lewis said the keynote of the pro- of a printer, bom to London, Eng- torney Hugh M. Alcorn and the few subveralvl poUUcal propaganda. at Shanhaikuan for several daya. Bridgeport, Dec. 21.— (A P ) —The gram, which waa based on resolU' land. tlple phases ot the toveotlgatloa. A Japanese Army spokesman he did examine were qumUoned Argentina won her point. In that appeal to the Supreme Court of tions adopted by the recent CIO ■old yesterday the Musiea brotbm only brlefiy. however, denied that any troops In his early years, he conducted apparently’ frittered sway niiiu«na European or other non-American Errors by G. Leroy Kemp, former convenUon In Pittsburgh^ would be a publishing house to England and Of the 84 veniremen remaining nations were not named specifically. were being sent Into Manchoukuo of the corporotloa’s doUara aad Weather And Floods and said no trouble had been re- state’s Merritt Parkway land agent, came to New York to 1891. Hla The United States attained its pur- (Coattnoed on Page Foot) first position was with Punk and probably used great sums to hush (UsnUnaed oa Page Tea.) pose. however, delegates said, in ob- ported anywhere along the border. from a prison sentence of three to blocknuUlers. The Chinese press reported trou Wagnalls, and It wras with them taining a declaration to which all seven years for conspiracy, will be that he became Internationally fam- Inspector McDermott’s teatotlva StiD Delaying Offensive ble also was brewing in Formosa theory, esUtog for a reopening of toe 21 American republics could based on several allegations Includ- ous as a lexicographer and encyclo- Bubocrlbe. where Formosans and C3tinese resi- pedist. Planned By Gen. Franco. dents were opposing Japan’s strict ing one that toe maximum penalty BORDER INCIDENTS CHILD OF WIDOW Wanfaig Bvldsat war measures. for the charges on which he was His authority oa words and his Many of the delegates held that It convicted was flvfc years when the Influence were manifest to his Chlneae Report VIctortea granddaughter, Jeanne ^ VtseteHy q a fear of propogandlst Incursion Meanwhile, Chinese reported new acts were committed. It was Indi- by European totalitarian, dictator Hendaye, France, (A t the Spanish cated today. CALLED BRAWLS Cochrane, who reached toe aga of BEATEN TO DEA1H Frontier), Dec. 21.— (A P ) — With victories on the central front and six early to 1985 with toe remark- ^ t e s which Inspired the resolution to North China where the Japanese This was Indicated today to a mo- cold weather and fioods still delay- tion died to the Superior court by able vocabulary of 10.000 words. Dr. to the first place; that even If it did were sending troop reinforcements not specifically contain the phrase ing Generalissimo Frondseo Fran- John Keogh, counsel for Kemp, Vlsetellv wras proud of that, co’s offensive, the interest of bordsr «> "tomp out guerrilla acUvlUes. v/hich asks that the "guilty" ver- lotereot Never Laagatsiwd. the lon^ deadlopk on Officials Deny Neighbors Report Hearing (Osatlaaad oa Pago Poor.) observers today turned to Gibraltar dict and the sentence of the court His interest to wrords—slang par- challenges ELECTION where the Spanish destroyer Jose toe Canton-Hankow railway, the be set aside. ticularly—never languished, and ^toese aald they had recaptured Baitferd, Dee. 21v—(A F)— a Luis Dios mode ready to dash Keogh’s motion claims that “toe Any Troops Participated he wras forever checking newspapers d rn l^ ge to the eteettoa of Gmr.- 6-Yetr-Old Gri Scream thtobgh the Insurgent fleet toward Matang station, nine mllea aouto of and other publications seeking new Yochow, gateway to Hunan prov sentence of the court was In excess Elect Raymond E. Baldwin eu tha home. of the maximum sentence provided and more expresslre words and gremid that he Is not a -iTinliiii eg BRITAIN’S POLICY Government sources sold the de- toce, tofllcttog 800 casualties. In / Czech Distnrbnces. tracing their origin. Ob, Mama, Before FomnL They also asserted Chinese guer- for to the state statutes governing the Ualoa party aad therelera 008 ■trosrer, which previously such a case." ’The motion Is based He wras toe author of more than a eatttled to the votes of that aortr blasted Its way os for oa Gibraltar mlaa to Shantung province. North score of volumnes on toe Etogllsh C ^ a , has recaptured Changkiu, 30 on the claim that the acta of which ^ revealed today Is letters g h ^ through a large part of Franco’s Kemp was convicted were commit- Budapest. Dec. 21—(A P )—Hun- language and philological subjects. out by Attorney Oeneml Ueonla F. RDUBIIN TESTED BY VOTE flset. hod been or^red to return to mllea north of Tsinan, destroying garian officials today deocribed toe railway atetlona. ted prior to the time that In amend- Officials of Funk and Wagnalls O’Ceoaor. Repreaenttog Chorlca WatsrtNify. VU Dae. 91— government port os soon oa pos- ment to the statute was made, rais- Czechoslovak border incidents Sun- ■aid Dr. Vlsetelly died about mld- (AP) — WleUteg • U-pooM dbls. TTiree thousand fresh Japanese day night as an “election brawl” and Lmi.ley of West Haven, Union par* troop* were araid to have arrived at ing the maximum penalty from five trim peotod mans!, Mildred Outside the bay the Insurgents years to 15 years. said, contrary to reports from ty member. Attorney Joeeph tilMl* Ltofeen, Shansi province, to rein- (Oonttaoed on Page Tea.) Bowers, S8-yeor-oM widow, to- Dndiess Of AAoD Oiqiosi- concentrated the cruiser Conarlaa Penalty Fixed at Five Yean. Bratislava, C^hotlovakla, that no nits of New Haven, wrote to Mr. day bhidgeonad ta death her force units now attempting to paci- Hungarian troops participated in O’Connor sslong that the aftwintj and other Insurgent unite with thdr fy aouthweatem Shansi. He claims the trial and sentence K^-jraar-oU daughter, Chrolyii. decks cleared for action. should have been governed by the the disorders. general Immediately brlog an Hftnm tKm Candidate To Cham- Meanwhile, mall services were de- Expect Offensi^’e Soon. The officials Insisted the disturb- to have the courts declare that Ihn State's Attaraay W a^ Reports from Chungking. China’s provisions of the 18.10 revision of E. Miner said apporeatiy layed at the Frencb-Sponlsh fron- the state statutes which fixes the ances were due to "aggression from $50,000 FIRE HITS highest number ot votes was nsa tier while Insurgeiff frontier guards provisional capital, said the O il- the Czech side’’ and natural election polled by Mr. Baldwin. hs a at af hMsalty. SharitT beriain Supporter At Pofls neae expected toe Japanese soon to maximum penalty on common law {nry C. Lawaoa sold Mrs. continued their Investigation of a conspiracy at five years. enthusiasm. • • • launch their projected offensive (’The reports at Bratislava said WORK TO FBjSE mine r s kmiag ttm spy plot dlscorersd Monday Involv- ■cross toe frozen Yellow river Into Kemp was sentenced by Judge STAMFORD CENTER ing British Vies Omsul Harold Frank P. McEvoy last week after Hungarian bands, among them _ Houghton, Mich., Doc. 2L— (A F ) CJri^, Scotland, Dec. 21.— (A P )__ Goodman. Shensi and Ntnghala arovlnces in number of Hungarian regular army would ha better tak- northwest China. Jury found him guilty of two —Rcscoero worked feverishly today Prime Minister (Jhamberlato’s deal' Mon pouches both from and to officers, occupied four Slovak vU of If she “did aoaw- witb-dicUtors foreign policy re- Japanese unite In Shansi and Sul- counts of common law conspiracy to tree two miners who tevo been Oatalyo. No charge Spain for the post few days was In connection with splitting com- lages Sunday night and that two trapped on the 44th level of the Com ceived Its most important b y ^ e c - yuan were reported moving Into Czechoslovak customs officers were Afl Oty Firemen Called To ' agahist Mrs. Raw- UoB test today when Kinross aad pUed up to border offices while cen- positions from which they could ad- missions with real estate brokers per Range Consolidated Gspner CO. sors sroded through their contents. while he was acting as the stye’s killed. The villages later were re- mine at Falneadale, eight mshw West Perth voters went to the polls Insurgent sources sold Goodman vance when toe river waa sufficient- taken by Czecboelovak troops, it to these aiowbound highlands. ly frozen to carry tanks and heavy representative In the bu^ng of was said. Fight Blaze After Dou- south of hero, since 8:15 p, m.. Thee, was the unsuspecting means of get- artillery. parkway land. The trial took 14 day. The miners, Tony Fnalaed, so Ths wealthy Duchess of AthoD, ting military tofonaatlon to the (As a result. Premier Joseph Tlso who broke formally srlth the (3oo- court days. Kemp Is now free on of the autonomous province of Slo- , Mich., and OHve Ueaevoesl, border to a letter which he was told TO DEVELOP INDUSTRIES bond pending hearing of bis appeal. ble Alarm At Noon. I^tarbury, Vt, Dae. 21— (AP) ■erratlvea after Chamberlain's Mu- contained only personal matter. vakia ordered the suspension of of Atlantic, Mich,, were trapped by “ t*J*’’y***'*«W OutdynOuoiyn Bowers, one nich deal had snapped party Hites, Shungklng. China, Dec. 21—(A P ) Keogh also entered a motion to- border delimitation negotiations ■ cave-la. Reoeoers were able to talh was naming for the House of Com- —Premier H. H. Kung said today Sf tores chOdrtntNH ?of Mrs. Harry DISOOVER SABOTAGE RING day to set aside the verdict on toe with Hungary pending toe receipt with the trapped men and reported jwwer^ a widow, was bludgeoned os an Independent ogatost that toe $26,000,000 credit advanced ground that It was against the law Stomford, Dec. 21.—(A P ) — The tost they were aUve and In no Uh* Barcelona, Dec. 21—(A P )—Dis to China by toe United States Es- of Hungary’s guarantees tost such to death In her Waterbury village William McNair Hnadden. little- coveiy of an Important sabotage and the evidence; that Kemp’s con- Incidents would not recur.) Spelke building at 432-434 Main mediate danger. I10II16* known OoBocrvatlve farmer. port-Impor tbsnk would be used street was badly damaged at noon • • • ring waa announced on the front aUtutlonal rights were violated; GIvee Cathollo Attitude Town Oerk Ernest Peridns said Hundreds of motortete' skidded generally for the development of in- that Stete’a Attorney Lorin W. today in a spectacular 860,000 fire, UFRISINOS REPORTED page of the semi-official newspaper dustry and communications in Justinian Oeorge Cardinal Seredl. to«;cl^ apparenUy had been over frosen roada to an attempt to Vanguardia tods^. WlIUs had made an unfair summa- which starting In toe cellar, mush- Barcelona. Doc. 21— (A F )—Mn» with an asca. swing the verdict by turning out arebbishop of Strlgonia, to a pastor- roomed Its way through toe walls ports of nprlstogs la Insorgcnt The brief aimouneement aald Uie (Oaotfais al letter setting forth toe c:athollc PoUca wars quaatlootng the most of the SS.482 poeaible votes. ring was engaged in sabotage and ea Page fea r) (Oenttoned on Page Foot.) to toe roof. All city firemen were Spain elrealnted la Harmlenn today n»U»ar. who. Dr. CSiaricaK Har- Ro*clectlon of the rebeUious attitude toward pending anU-Serol- called upon to fight toe blaze fol- wrecking particularly to the supply but tho Spanish goveraoHnl ptoos to a highly nervou. Duchess would be regortled as a se- services to large clries and was at- tlc legislation declared today that lowing a double-alarm. was skepticnl of them. Tha roperta. The father of the UtUe vere blow against the govemmenL “all who come for baptism must be Located to toe heart of toe buoi- tempting to sow seeds of diseomfort received with love.” credited In foreign neorapnpi gin died a yaar ago. Thata are two Flghthig Far PngareOBaas among the dvU population. ^ ness district, toe fire frustrated believed la Informed etnaes 1 In toe case of adults. Including )«nhodo- «to *rch lld r«i. Priscilla, 18, and “1 am fighting not only for a fOr- "AU dtlsoBs arc wonMd agotoot efforts to get Into toe cellar of toe signed to hide Marflyn. 10. slgn poUey of greater foroalgtat and Makeshift Electric Chair Jews, a three-months’ probaUon building for several minutes. hidden actions of tba enomy, om- Mens for aa effenetvo'nnd Soya Child greater courage-, she declared, "but pl^rtog provocatoty agents vilely to period would be required during It was necessary to crash plate napping. ■too tor a better state of preparation which the applicant for baptism glass windows of stores on toe H«n*y C. Lawaoa of achieve what It is unMle to coin on Montpallar, said the ehlld was mar- so urgently needed and which I feel the battle flddo,” Vanguardia — Use4 To Commit Suicide must receive religious tosbwUon ground floor In order to get smoke MARKBTB AT A GLANCE > ^ dared. aura Is one of the beat of "Hie government has on the threads for two hours weekly. Marriages out of toe building so that lines of New Yotfe. Dee. 21— (A F )— - peavontlng war." Town Oerk Parktas said Mra. ore to be examined for vaUdity from bese could be pushed through to nlrerafts r placed Umadf soUdly be- Oiktego, Dec. 21.— (A P )—A$, Hersh, 80 years old, waa found a Catholic point of view, the letter reach toe flames. Bowera was about 38 yean old. on Page ) No one else waa In the bouse but htod O iamberlato's "appeasement- makeahlft electric chair devised by Twt>M8» 16> raioa Edward______J. Kelly. His death was virtually identical quence and toe fire department waa to ac»M i^;oa, Maam." ahSut wto s M Hersh apparently com- to *»>at ot would be Umited to seven per cent a-aO a. m. Thqy roMted Into tba tte dudMOs 10.089 to 1SJS8 hi the RscelpU. $78.147.2MJS; Bertram Braurtier, a of toe number of persons ***g"gti1 .clephuned. Within a space of five mitted suicide, touad oeverol notes' minutes the store was flllrd with q .y rtm e n t aad fbond tbs tnies. M t.a004t0J5; net ^ **«tiin. ooe of which I ill them to^ughout the country. SMOTAOMWAR Chstoi I flaoMS, Dckli; I'. * evening herald. MANCHESTER, CONN. T9EDNE8DAY. DECEMBER 21. IMS r* Uon of Worthy MlatreM Mra. Mary a redUtlon. "My Christmas Tree." Mr. and Mrs. WUliam P. Qulah of ORANGE LADIES Conn, general chairman, had pre- by BUly McDonald; "A Christmas MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 21,1988 Rt- pared a aupper of aalada. Cold Dream" by Betty Irwin; violin se- Main-street want to Danvers, Mass., PAGE H A LE'S SELF SERVE' ineaU, raialn bread, rolls, wblpp^ lections by Wilfred Douglas- a to bring home their sona William and Raymond, for the Christmas IN XMAS PARTY cream cup cakea and tea. The sketo^ "Hanging Up tha Christ- MASONIC INSTALLATION floor and called to Mrs. Budrow to children wera aanred with eboco- mas a t^ ln g a " by Laura Nelson, ^cation. Both boys are students at INITTED FABRICS CUT follow her. A N D H E A LT H M A R K ET lata milk and each raeelTed a boa HUSBAND AND SON COUPLES TO U ) WATT Helen Conn, Bobbla BeU, BIrneat St. John’s Preparatory school In that Denikine Raps Russians INQUIRY PLANNED When she reached the ground THE ELECTRIC of animal crackers, a tangarina, cup iMmon. Frances Dickson gave a place. FURNACE MAN ' G?e PrescaU To Growmipt cakea and rad aad green "eallophaoe ATTENDED BY OVER 2( FROM TEXTEE GROUP Miss Lynch was under the Impres- mooologua and Mrs. Prasoott a l*«weat Coot Aetomrtte Oanti packages flUad with candy. The sion that Mrs. Burow and her NECESSARY IN VIRGINIA T H U RSD A Y SPECIA LS reading. Santa Claus c£ m with The Junior department of the ' HELD FOB MURDER Who Seek Aid of Hitler IN MERIDEN FIRE daughter also had been saved, Fire RoM Exelasively By And Children; Program grownups received favors of candy lfU for the children and the mem- South Methodlat church school if Chief John F. Moroney said, and canes Ued with tha cauistmaay cel- »ra of the lodge presented to Mrs. having Ita Chriatmaa party from the bamain hunter Washington, Dec. 31.— (A Pt — G. E. WILLIS 4k SON, INC. Jk9C 6re«i Stampa GiTcn WHh Caah Sales. lophane. S Impressiye Ceremonies Wit did not report that there were others Arlington. Va.. Dec. 21—(A P )— t ^ n a box containing among other 6:80 on thla evening, and tomorrow Elmer F. Andrews, wage-hour ad- Paris, Dttc. 21.— (A P )— Whlto^^tald had taken money from Nan on the third floor. 8 blala Street 'Brt 1188 The tables, decorated by Mrs. things a beautiful evening bag. at 7:80 p. m. the Intermediatea will "When doea thla place open," Arlington county. Just acroee toe K itm Vtaey Qaallty Presented b s t Night. Sleuths Examine Bone Fraf- ministrator, eliminated today the haired Gen. Alexia Denikine, who aMnta to aid Hitler’s reported plan The chief said the fire started In Potomac from Wartington no long- Elisabeth House, were most attrac- have their party. nessed By Large Delega- an out-of-town man naked of a of expansion to the Ukraine. Young Mother And Daughter a first floor flat when an oil con- tive with red Candles In holly can- local worker whom he stopped on manufactitring and processing of led toe White Russians tn their final er la a possible successor to Elkton, "Nazis are not the only ones," tainer burst tutu flamea and spread dlesticks and miniature Christmas Mra James Oole and-son Raymood his way to work at 7 o’clock tola menb And Hatchet For knitted fabrics from the jurisdic- struggle against toe Bolsheviks, rapidly through the building when Md., aa a Gretna Green. FR U IT C A K ES Oaugbteni of Liberty No, 135, L. trees. At the head table the cen- morning. tion of the Textile Industry’s Wage Denikine said. "The Japanese, too, Die In Blaze Sweeping Officials Informed couples seeking L O. A., followad a brief bualneaa ABOUT TOWN have arrived frpm WUmtngton. Del., tions Of Women’s Groups emerged from retirement yesterday the occupant of the flat ran toward BNTa terpiece was greatly admired! It Tbs stranger waa standing at (fammittee. have been successful to our shame marriage licenses today that a maetlnc in Orans# baU laat nlfhl to epend ten days with Mra Coie’a to condemn bitterly "any ao-called the front of the house with the •represented Santa xrewsaesiClaus, aaseTaas^driving m a DelU Chapter, R, A. M„ will hold the entrance of the uaed ear lot does To Woman’s Fate. The order was based on a recom- in buying so-called White Russians container, intending to throw It off toree-day wait would be necessary 2 i lbs. 49c U lbs. 25c with a Chriatmaa party. Paat mother and deter on HoUister mendation by the committee. It to aid them against our fatherland." Six-Family Tenement pair of reindeer with red rlbbon.t Ite regular meeting tonight at 7:80 street. Prior to her marriage she was Associated W iA Order. where toe DiUon Salea and Serr- Ruaslana" who would Join Adolf the front porch They took toe step on advice from Worthy Mlatraaa Mra Bllaabetb la expected that a aeparate com- toe commonwealth attorney that Houae of Hartford welcomed the and sleigh laden with packages and o'clock at the Masonic Temple, at 'Mies Frances Strickland. Ice Station, during tha siimnur. Hitler to fight toe Soviet Union. 'Ha supported hla statements with — flheldon R. Falk, secretary of the sprinkled with artiflclal snow. Los Angeles, Dec. 31.— (A P ) — mittee will be set up to study and a brief caae full of docuiaenta and Board of Public Safety who an- they had authority to delay Issuance membera and their yueate and a line which Uroe the Mark Master de- displayed their used caLs, tha report on minimum wage conditions Denlklne’a atatemeni\cauaed a Meriden, Dec. 31.—(AP) — The After supper the gathering re- gree wUl be conferred on a claea of omoera of Mancheatar lodge of sign still being erected and The husband and son of Mrs. Rose sensation not only In toe White letters of the White Russian secret nounced an Inquiry would be held of licenses for "a reasonable time.” C H O C O L A T E C A N D Y waa formed to the banquet room turned------to the upper hall which was The Young People’s M. 8. X- In the knitted wear industry. service. Board of Public Safety plana an downatalra. candidate#. SMiety wUl meet tomorrow evening Maaona. alaeted oa Dseambar 18, another sign reading "Drive In." Splnelli, missing ten days, .were held Rusalan colony, but among Paris- tomorrow, did not say what line The action waa similar to that decorated with red and green Andrews extended the textile lana. They knew him aa toe anti- He declared a group of White inquiry tomorrow Into the fire that the investigation would take. taken in nearby Alexandria last The committee under the dlrec- streamers, a large Illuminated at 7 o’clock at the Second Oongre- wars laataUad at an lavlUtlon eera- In the lot were parkec about 30 on suspicion of murder today while committee’s JurtadlcUon to include 5-lb. box 89c 1 -lb. box 29c Members of Enlghet Lodge, 1. O. gational church, for ite carol dng cars, an of modern vintage and detectives exaipined fragments ot Bolahevlk commander of the White Russian generala, including hitnaelf, swept through a three-story, six- Mias Lynch estimated damage to week. Christmaa tree, and at one side a O. T., gathered at the home of Mr. mony attended by over 200 at the processing of such textile fabrics as Russian armies tn the south In “aeveral years ago" obtained the the houae at more than 810,000. A new Maryland law requiring a fireplace above which was a large RDd ChrlstmM party. ^ bone aad a stw ed hatchet for bags, bandagea, bathmats, bed family tenement here, claiming the and Oeorge Wogman of 31, ______Maaonle Temple last night Open 'There’S the bast looking lot ol cluea to her fate. 1918 as well aa head of toe unsuc- entire plan of an eastern drive from delay In tasuance of marriage li- picture of Santa Claus. ■preada, blankets, diapers, dish and the Fuehrer himself. The goal of Uvea of a young mother and her to tha pubUe upon lavitatloa of second hand cars I aver saw. "What did you do with her body. ceaaful White provisional govern- daughter. Let It burn. censes had caused an Increase in For Serrie* and Quality Ths program carried out under wash cloths, aheeto and pillow cases, ment. the Nasi campaign, he said, was not Pfcgs. Btamban of tha frateralty tha iai- wonder what they asU for. I’ve Pop?" shouted William SplnetU, Jr., table coltha, towela and window cur- Firemen found toe bodies of Mra. —Spectatont to firemen .at Cleve- out-of-state applicants In • northern Beech-N utTo ps 2 29c SHOE HEPAIRING SEE the direction of Mrs. Allsn Pres- DETECTIVES TRACING He opened fire on White Russians toe Ukraine, but the rich oU deposita land fire. cott conrisM of group singing of to be a surprise party for Mr. and' “ been watting for the man to come 19. to his father, W illtw 58, aa tains. Ida Budrow, 24, and her four-year Virginia. ------Mrs. Wogman In honor of their 3let praaatva caramootaa wars wltnaaed they faced each other during hours who advocate co-operation with .1 Georgia and Azerbaijan In toe Na. 14 Can Christmas carols, with Mrs. around and open up the place. Caucasus motmtaina. old daughter, June, in a third fioor • S A M Y U L Y E S wedding anniversary. On behalf of COSTER’ S CONNECnON by larga dalagatlons of tha woman’s May buy one If toe price la of questioning In toe Police Homi- Hitter a few hours after Grand apartment after extinguishing the MayoU of Hartford at tbs piano; a Duke Vladimir, pretender to toe SHOE REPAIR SERVICE Christmas wslooms by Helm Conn, those preeent, Emil Anderson pre- orders aasocUtad with Masonry. It right," said ths man. cide Bureau. blase laat night. Flamea raging a reading hy Edna B<^e; "A lented them a-lth a china tea set. waa toe first public Installatioa Frail baldlsb SplneUl wearily BOY MAKING GALLANT non-existent Russian throne, left up the only atalrway cut off their Golden Pum pkin or 701 Mai n S t r e e t He would probably be waiting Paris for Germany, insisting he FARM RELIEF. Christmas wish”wf-^" by^ Lily Boyce;- WITH TWO MURDERS aarvlca avar hald by Manehaater yet had not toe Manchester shot back denials and a counter ac- sole means of exit and they auffo Because the meeting room was In tofiga. Past Maatar Jamas Rich- cuaation: merely waa going there for a visit. cated. “ “ •“ t night by players Jp the Informed him that they wera pot *Trou know where ahe Is. You nGHT AGAINST DISEASE "White or Red, our fatherland Dea Moines, la. —Frank Loomis' M arrow Squash (Oeattoued from Paga Oae) mond was tha Installing offloar aad second band ears, but cars owped skill as a veterinarian played a Another occupant of the . houae. 11 |.««-m i«iA.Aiaiui..rm g,juAi.jx„„------t^------maiaiaix------Firemen’s Setback LeagueT the Past Master Petar Wind was hla prokbly killed her yourself.’ remains our fatherland," Denikine Mra. Anna Lapiich, waa found un- meeting of Hose Company No 3 by employees of ths Post 0 (0 ^ Btectlve Lieut. Ray Gieae arreat- snapped before an audience com- part In a atate board of parole de- the slayings of the two Brooklyn marshal Dkte conscioiia in a second floor room and 1 PeuBd Jar Whipple waa postponed unUI tonight Each who bad parked them thsra ed the father after neighbors re- Cfiilcago, Dec. 21.— (A P)—Ray- posed mainly of Soviet-hating cision to release him from Fort m «, followed the same Una ^ Botort McLoughUa, while attending to their regular Madison penitentiary next Febru- revived at a hospital. member will bring a preimt to be foreman for the towrn water depart- he had kept a fire burning In mond Potter, 14 yeara old, waa mak- White Ruaslana in Plyell hall Man- Miss Nancy Lynch, owner of the presented to another member and Both the Cohen brothers bad dutlea Kclnerator for five hours on Dec. day night. ary. M ince M eat I G if ts’ of Lu x u ry and Beauty known ^ter-MusIca in the lean ment, waa seated aa Worshipful .4 ing a gallant stand today against building and one of several occu- after tha meeting the presents will the day his wife, 48, dlaap- a disease that haa been overcome Cannot Be Patrlota Numerous neighbors and friends pants rescued by firemen, was car- to collected and turned over to days before be became a corporation MaaUr last night Otter elecUve ired. had petitioned 'toe board for his re- officers installed were: Robert J. by only 11 persons In medical his- "Whoever may aid Russia’s ene- ried down a ladder from the third Mlee Jessie Reynolds to to dletrlb- fn ^ Italhm vlUa DIsoover Blood Splotches. tory. lease to help battle sleeping sick- In Fairfield and a 138-foot yacht Boyce. Senior Warden; John F. mies caimot call themselves patriot ness among horses In southwest \l SKU N K JA CKET ut^ to children in town. Lsearchlng the Splnelli home, In- The disease, staphylococcus men- JoMph Cohen spent a year In the Pickles, Junior Warden; Harold C. fstlgators discovered splotches of no matter what Ideological excusea Iowa, board member E. R. Moore Pastry Flour 5-Lb. B af death house at Sing Sing, as tha O B I T U A R 1 ingitis, almost invariably la fatal they may use for .aking money to lA>ng haired, silk textured, Troop 7 OIrl Scouta has Invited Alvord. Treasurer: John F. CulUn, In a bedroom and bathroom, reported. E CAMERA lEdjK slayer of Barnett Dagg, poultry Sacretary; aad Hernmn O. Montis, and pieces of bone, a gold ring, a within 48 hours. Raymond has with- fight their own people.” Laat March Loomis was given a atraight. the mothers of the girls, also tha merehant. In 1914. after Coster- stood it for 16 days to toe amaze- members of Troop i, to attend a trustee, Mr. McLoughlln’a appoln- woman’s burned purae and a charred He denounced by name a number three-year aentence for drivliig Buy Your Tobacco, Cigara and Cigarettes At Hale’s Muslca, then working as an Invea- ment of medical experts. of White Russian officers who be Mn ______At Low Prices! Christmaa pertjj^ Friday evening. Uve officers who were also seated FUNERALS fragment of clothing among aahea while intoxicated. t ^ t o r for the district attorney, btto laat night are as follows: Richard c on the driveway. Street *P**7umental In getting an affl- ness Tomorrow night at 8 o’clock the McLagan, Senior Deacon; John A. John Downing Gieae aald toe son told of hla Ladle from two gangsters confined in club 1 Popular Market will give away five Trotter, Junior Deacon; James Ma- Funeral sarvlcea for John Down- father forcing him to write a letter Sing Sing implieathig Cohen In the her. Senior Steward: John U to hla slater, Mrs. Helen AnguUl, 23 ceeds turkeys or pigs to the lucky per- ceie. There wrae eome doubt how- ing who died at hla homa $7 Ooo^r eelw, Sb.4 with H ubbard Squash Lb. sons whose names are drawn A Jenny, Junior Steward: Hayden to the effect that Mra. Splnelli had OF THE YEAR i».W*le. Ua- street e w , ae to whether the truth had street, yeetorday afternoon will be dent COAT coupon for entering the drawings Oriawold, Marshal; Oeorge Mur- ■'"gone to South America with an- Here are some of the reasons why It’s (h« bMi.. been told and Coben’e aentence w n held Friday morning at 8:80 ftem tar Orsea Msaalala of Light Rock appears In today’s Herald. fiock. Oiaplaia; William Bray. TU- tha heme aad 9 o^eloek from 8t. other man." tap'. TOmmuted to Ufa tmprleoomeat ar; Sidney MaoAIpIna, Orgaalat and "He threatened me and said he’d uiw. Later be was released. James’s church. Burial will he }a ^Velveteen Mrs. MINK MARMOT I Miss Esther Pickles, daughter ot William WaUh, Custodian. Mr. Mc- St. Jamea’s cemetery. kUl me while I was asleep If 15-Lb. Peek Ae a result of the affldavlU Coe- didn’t write It," toe youth was Peaks Psioni Potatoes Mr. and Mrs. John Pickles of Holl ter-Mualca was Indicted on a charge lx>ughlin also named hla committees Grants for Gift s quoted as saying. Mn. street and a senior at .Mount Union perjury but aa follows: Auditing, Robert W. Here is a railraad that will dellffht that Wilson. Herbert Pbelon; alck visit- Young Splnelli Identified toe gold The friendly store where your m oney buys more! Alba •to COB* College, Alliance. Ohio, haa arrived never brought to trial. ring officera found aa belonging to young railroad engineer. Completely remote Plan, Burdm FLO RID A O R A N GES home for a two weeks' vacation. Indtctment DIamIsaed. ing, Richard McLagaa, Hayden tomorrow and FRIDAY Griswold, WUliam T. Johnaon, his mother. la 193 IKMiItey The UuUctment, McDermott aald, PoHce chemists were ordered to controiled •treamlined Steam Locomotlri^ Oeorge Strant Jamea Sbeekey. A l- THE NEW Ron brottMTi Mons-Ypres Post. BriUsh War ^ djsmlse<^ In 1939. three yeara make testa of the bonea to detter- Hslgbi 15c - 29c d oz„ 3.d o z. 25c Sfter Coater-Mualca had become Me- fred Bacon, T. Walter Reicharc and Tender, Box Car, VsUrans and AuxUlary were the mlne If they were of human oriyln, M A K E M O N EY W ITH AN I AUiaai gueeU last night of Anderson-Shsa I Robblne prealdent and Willard Hortoa; apeclal building while apkes from tke faiclnerstor Tank Car, Caboose— waa a] toaaoe. Harmaa Moatla; publicity. Post, Veterans of Foreign Ware and hidden hie criminal part. CIRCLE also were aubjected to analysis. Fsdan AuxlUary at the poet home. Man- There waa the poasibul^ the In- Ronald H. farguioo, John F. raiiijn 10-piece oval “O’* Ortwp of Ooeata aisstla H E A LT H M A R K ET FORMAL BUNNY Chester Oreea. A fine program of that the CohM breto- A LABOR ftArPHDUB gauge track, speed ___ | | Mr. Mudea, entertainment waa given by mem- rememtorlng Corter-Muelca’e The Drat group of guaata to to CAKE PLATE Tbs sals at soe gaad I k J son Pa k, o n d In the caae, had stumbled controlled transfor- CAPE bers of both groups and refresh- ushered Into tha lodge room coo- TO THE LADIES! LEGION TO HOLD PARTY Tonoii menu were served. The party closed the fact that the dignified slated of member# of Temple Chap- Lin k Sausage White As Snow * Slo^ ••Uoa and ukn sm4 stMam m a mer. Huge value. Haight u. 28c with dancing. white-haired financier who bad ter, Order of Eaatern Star, headed PH dftrb, rftloT d«|rp. curttlM slipped unobtrusively into "Who’e FOLLOWING THE HOLIDAY « W« by Worthy Matron ~M ra Marlorla W Filin ppptft taftft thBn ft ppoiiff ft ptetufft With Automatic Mn. Representative-elect w iius«r j. Who In America’’ was none other wh«B bulk film Ift uftad. Morrison. Then followed tha Ama- street $10.73 Thornton will be the speaker at toaa their old acquaintance. PhlUp ranth membars haadad by Royal * Tftkftft Bffwft ftbotft* ponrftltft. oifhi ftnd Flagman Add 91.00 Frankfurts- next Tuesdajr's meeting of the Man- fttftgt and alfto usm natural colpr the bo _____ LH. 27c polltan barber. Matron, Mra Lula BldweU. DslU Officers Decide There Are Too film without ehftfif# of lent Has gt i dub. The sesalon Cmapter Masons under High Priest * onft load* Special by- LIONEL far B will be held on Tuesday because of Coster-Muslca. McDermott said Many Social Affaiis Daring iB# offtiandard AS mm. motion gtoturo film. TRIPLE X BTOaZg when Frederick Ackerman. Tall Oadam home. Sausage M eat g , the Christmas holiday. Mr. Thom- naturally would have feared ex- under Scribe Emil Miller and Aaso- The Present Week. W thorg fooftfttng ftimplIAod !• onlg twg l^c 11 Dressy Crepe Dresses R-f ton win tak to the club members posure. o«ttlnffft*-4ftr and n«ar Miss ______on measures likely to come before McMahon said today there "defi- c^laU Grand Chaplain Rev. Jamea W Faat fU Una wUb l/w to t/too abunot 'H TurrfPm , has be Stuart Neill. Just to be different, the American •pood* aalaa cr tho Adorned with lacee and JeweK In all (he new shades, the next--- General Assembly cailLl and Will will nitely are other angles to this case W Olao, I bp SH Inchoft and woigba on)v fanf* toe gu acquaint the KIwanlans with leela- lastalUng Offlocre Laglon wUl have lU Christmas party toonouneoaloadtd. sseasss* B. Rot also black sizes for mother and daughter. fraud" Involving commercial "nie Inatalling officer, Jamea Rich- after Christmaa thla year. Tbars Is 8 latlon pertaining to Mancbeeter The -IWIIALC CORII which be will propose. Another crony of Coster-Muslce's mond and his roarthal, Petar Wind ao murit going on during tha wask T®rk i MAHCHSSTsa Comm- who knew him when he was a were then Introduced and following CATEWM before and peopla are usually so Give her A RT H U R Oito h Employees of The Herald today 112”* «Py-hunter was held at a few words of walooma toe officera busy at homa and shopping at the OuutaHding tfmtwo for 28*t High stylein a usefulgift! mpuxsjom881 M A I N S T R E B T M A N O H K S m Farizei Genuine Crepe ivy oUt- $7-75 to $12-75 received their Chriatmaa bonuaes the Federal building today on a proceeded to Install. The Installation stores that it was decided to have DRUG ST O RE Open EvHtlage TU 18 UsUI ChrfatnMa. Joy y uador consisting of one week's regular charge of conspiracy to violate Fed- cecemonlea were greatly enjoyed by ALSO! the party on Tuesday night Decem- Rayon Undies homes wage. eral laws. Percale Aprons Psis Silk Hose XWOW toe visitors, most of whom were JACK HOLT hi ber 37th at the Armory. Quality that Maud* 845 Main St. Rubinow Bldg. ford a| > crodo The arrest of BenJamUi Simon. seeing toe work for the firat time. There were hints aa to the pro- The sheerest (ytt “REFORMATORY* up through meothi of As traanly styled aa amazingly long wear- aambs And a // Mrs. Ernest J. Armstrong o f\ l 49-year-old Bronx salesman with a Following toe Installation Olln E. gram la tha Buddy Column last Sat- ■wethingl Pretty gift 25« a new dratsi All A r t m . igaa Li Fairfield street who has been Ul at police record, gave credence to a urday but now definite details can ooiorfast Saras Ing) hose you can M 1ST. Hunt of Hartford, formerly of tola ... praetieal m erellt buy anywAwa . . for tMSd h / know wh€rt I'm gef- w her home for the part two weeks ^vlouBly reported story of nn old town and a member of Manchester be announced. There will be movies Frnlt-of-tfas-Loem=1 39 tmristi with an Infection, la recovering. friend who met Muslca one day NOW! SUPER GIANT SnOWt < V. ft. of the Americian Legion convention WMka lodge was Introduced and Part Mas- "THE SISTERS" I WadB> when he was still "F. Donald Cos- ter Harold Walsh presentad him and parade at Los Angela- and this ehgags I and* ting for Christ m as John Douglas, Jr., son of Mr. and ter, respected president of McKes- "PARPEN OF THE MOON" is somsthing that will bs of special Man's and ^rlng son and Robbins with a 50 year pin. Mr. Hunt waa AU kinds! BeAMeah, iCBtioa. m Mrs. John Douglas of 49 Blwood Initiated In Manchester lodge on May iatarsrt to all of tha membera. Oscar Woman’s ware di cotbon street, has .-eturned home from Wll- "Well, what are you going to do laprast W « f M I a nd I'm t ick le d p in k! 32, 1888. He was forraerty employed Anderson, the chairman of the en- Hanklof H a n d b a gs Mbneyeewaas. fbmUlei brahsm Academy for the Christmas forT me?me?" the man _ _asked when Mu jTha : holidays. by toe New Haven raUroad In thla tertalnment committee, has worked Dozens ra aad 8 elca told how high he had risen hard not only In securing this film 3 for 2 5 f 50f lO O > ^ aU IMca I o huah since toe days of toe Infamous hu- aeetlon and made hla home for many ofsmart '=-= of steal, It's an i years la Bolton. FoUowlng this tha but in arranging for the whole af- Especially nice to pull or ildal liNovt 8 A new setback series will be com- hair swindle of 1913 and toe qurtty, tozadf styles! Wist way CcMsck ^anwasasiwx newly elected master presented tha fair and the membera should show to spend SOc* Rubber tiresl >8g the Btathra menced Friday at S p. m. at the BooUea ^ m It ' Green schoolhouse when the Man- prohibition. *'«’*>°* «*urlng • retiring master. Harold Walsh with STATI their appreciation of his efforts by >nft eC chester Green Community club a Past Master’s Jewel. George Mur coming out In full force. There will ’oBwn e "Why' didn't you know?" Coster THURS. - FRL AND SAT. not be a lengthy set program but C|Srds •I rtarta a series of five playing nights replied. 'This very minute you to- dock who has.sarved for a number with large prizes for the winners. of years as chaplain was presented there will be, aside from toe movies, risorn 1 came_’'and he named a post In ‘^SWB C RCA Victor McKesson and Robbins. with a cane. a good deal of Informality and get- About a dozen membera of the po- I On Payroll A t 88,000 Yearly Paul Volquardaen favored with a Hi. togethar atmosphere, which ought to -t------lice department met lajit night at Simon has been on toe oorpora- vocal selection aad then the heada , H i-G -R’t R O M A N C - , go a long way toward a good time. W l A R E A spaghetti aupper prepared by the etate armory for the newly In- [ Uon s payroll at 88.000 a year Md of toe various Maaonle bodies ware ON WINGS OF SONG! augurated target practice training expenses for five years, and Aaslst- called upon for abort talka. Rudolph that well known chef Carl Prtess T?naan of the Careen' program, tn charge waz Policeman Tks qreal ainiia..lhe e will ba served. RADIO *nt U. S. Atto^ey-General Mc- Swanson and Mr. Volquardaen again rt romsaes!.. . of iS m Indooi Herman A. Muske. Scorez will not Mrton said last night: contributed soloa Tha newly elect- RinglcM to made public. It was said. Sirs ns f n, Wortd's WilS To match every color tehemet S "I assume he was drawing 88,000 ed Master's son Elmore McLougblln la a predacHoa that Crepe Silk Hose Mae. Mach a year for what he knew instead of was present for ths axsrclses and •sfi a asw staadsrd far J Games Dresser Sets kM. wteh^tthWhar I During last month 200 local per- what he did.” bssQly aaj.ml.(hil]] I FOOD EMPLOYERS PLAN They look Uks twice aalaa^Oibwi ONLY was Introduced to the gathering. Fun for everybody, the pnosl Thtnk of SUoi-bandlad tnod- sons rerelved old age penstone which Simon himself said vaguely that i(k A beautiful toned averaged 86.44 weekly, an Increase The assemblage waa Invited to go young or old! Get tbs psnnlas jroull cen dsslgns; M«o tra- | 0 0 NEW he "did various Joto." What ha to the banquet baU for refreahmenta $24.^5 xv-erage of $6.33. TO MAKE DELIVERIES a good supply! d 25 $ si l ditlonsll Black. toew. among other things. Mc- and a social hour after toe cere- 39 OBztsisI Deooratsdt pkkrty LOW little table model FOR CHRISTMAS DEUCACIES Total weekly expenditure for Nov- ember was 11,287,50 Mahon said, was tliat three men monies had been concluded by bene- PmCE connected with McKesson and Rob- diction pronounced by Rev. NeUl BuHalo, N. Y., Dee. 81.— (A P ) — with five push but- A supplementary shipment of bins—all hiding behind aliases— A paralysing food strike made Itself w CMM'fi were brothers of the shrewd, Ital- Hannalatta federal commodities will be deliver- felt In surrounding areas today aa FerceIrterSet tons. “Now I can ed here for distribution to the town's ian-born master manipulator. a member of toe Food Industry of Woar There w-as a quesUon as to MOTHERS, CHHJIREN iSpMcas to Mr. needy nn Friday. It -vas announred Western New York, an employers 258 K‘«e- 1.00 Smart- ***»R*t« for needy families tCKlSV. whether Simon knew that the ad- group, announced an attempt would not, far- aluml- leeUiig, Soft kM leothfir oppM * sret music and Hill be Packed with everjthing froiii soup to dreat of a non-exletent midwife on as made to take deliveries through trudei. gowns. numl It really cemfertabisl rubber becig, ttrtibto l^ t hor nuts . $2.50, $3.50 and $4.50, according to tvpe Troop 1. Girl Scouts. w1U go toe phony birth certificate filed for TO BE PARTY guests! picket linea Smbroiderod! “psrim Ftssibfa laaOisr •oirse at news in the morn- Cmrietmas caroling Saturday eve- C^ter-Muelca ill Washington in employer spokesman, who NOT TO FORGET to " " ‘I *•“ of family to whom the baal^ ning, meeting at the Center at « 1035 was his owm address In tha !d to be quoted by name, aald ing: before jotting: l-ffc deliver one or more of theee o clock. Other girls, whether scouu Bronx, 1840 Grand Concourse. Christmas Social Session To] 4 j f . ^trucks were ready to run toe or not. who ftould like to Join them Before hU arrest, Simon _ Be Held Friday At The | 'ket blockade. irm^ • • will be welcome. questioned by SEC InvesUgators city’s food termlnala were %cto^M -(A f) out of bed.” snd yerterday his name waa men- Haynes Street Clinic. picketed by membera of Local 658, FANCY FRUIT BASKETS . . . These are becoming tioned by Frederick WIngeraky, Wara bouse and Produce Workers mwe W ular every holiday . . . filled with fancy fruiS! 11 B. Cook of M Spruce street expect their son. Borton Uwyer and a vice president A Christmas party will be held union, an AFL-afnilated unit at tb4 D’Orsay a C o ^ Jerome Jr.. to arrive home tonight of McKesson and Robbins. In con- Friday afternoon from 3 to 4 p.m. International Teamsters Union. The ar Va. necUon with an uncompleted arms union went on strike after negotia- Stop'S^.! •" w m St. Peter's College. Jersey I s a l s . at toe Haynes atrast oUnlc building tlena for a wage Increaae col- He hopes you 'ttremember NOT TO FORGET City, for the Christmas vacation. I Win for the (nfanta aad pre-school chil- lepeed. ror hoy or mmmt Peal leather Hla mania for Bright Socks and TOEE DEUVERY in Maneheater or Hartford, Vlngeraky told a sUte attorney- dren and their mothara under ths A bsMar gift tbaa aese! Orders general's Inquiry that bs drafted aa Shirts ftnd Shorts Striped Ties—and Hta love for EA for Hartford must be in by Friday. I N orth Methodist church arms ammunition contract for Cos- ausptcas of ths Maachsstar FubUe Billfolds languid lounging in Gay Paja- school wUl hold Its annual Christ- ter snd was told to give the papers Health Nursing AanocUtloit. Good M Good wear ‘Seamont* Shirts wd ay mas program at the church Friday Dr. SamuM Victor and Dr. Malvtn ia Oraoti faceadclocb ZtpfMti, lets of com- R. S. Potterton TURKEYS CAPONS niTCKs to "Ben Simon," but toe deal never SNYDER PINS HOPES pi ta>eela.pvee«tie Near that tbeyTe o talk evening at 7:30. Homs, of ths Memorial hns^tal will •harts aad eonbad Sanforised shrunk, Sersice On AH Makes of Radio. N ative ye l l o w tag turkevs...... waa consummated. ee**d^ •btf*.* value to Oraatt At the Center Join with the nurses at the to I Issrtiir walletsi fins Seamonts are »ak# ths afUmoon enjoyabla for ON WOMEN JURORS A LL s man wants! raft kS4 mvwijf Phone 3733 Finest Selscted NOT TO FORGET ItoML Cuba the mothsza aad chUdrea. , I The very newest Electric Locomo- hecla, laatliL-z n.98 Miss Jaas Grant, clerk of tbs .ie!aa. Ped, bttyira, tives and all toe paraphernalia__ btihte tarn N orth w estern T urk e ys lb. 3 5c cMnIc, has mads aad presanted to I Lee Angelee. Dec. 31.— (A P )— Photo Talkative Dolla and leta precocious the clinic an SRoelleat' porter da- Martin (tha Gimp) Snydeft eomber, irgent B o n d o o o ones—Games and Sleda and Skatea F E C IA L THURSDAY! FRESHLY CHOPPED work la tha elinfe, Gifts Ruiplng, ooe-Ume Chicago nesrsboy, Sh b ti —and all other forma of youngster ZIPPER BOOTEES today mu ka praseatad aad ths children pinned hla hope today ot winning AUCTION 50$ lAO < amusements. Red Kid 5 - T U RKEYS OR PIGS FREE! - 5 exoneration in the rtootlng ot Myrl G R O U N D BEEF |b, 2 5 e BRAND NEW FURNITURE win receive candy, aad t o y T ^ ^ sills25* at ddm ass___ qsality Alderman on two women Jurors— in gtaaso* CMtalt MR ra tB t h o o Mn s d l Blue Kid Winners! back! R a t B~ -1 Variety of nami ICEBERG LETTUCE...... SEVERAL LOTS USED FURNITURE I — O H T H B S A M S m m — ‘Httle Indies who can speak quits a tbs Tew prieel THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22nd, AT 8 P 51 place." AT REIDS* AUCTION AUDITORIUM LEW AYRES NOT TO FORGET NOTHDJG to BUY’! no STRINGS AITACHED! WHITE TURNIPS ...... 4 Iba, lOc The former husband and manager U. S. Roiitf 6, Boltaii, Conn. (8 miles east of Maadiester) LIONEL BARRYMORE ot Bongstresi Ruth Etttng, who That an these hints at a Merry Jtist Fill In Coupon and Leave It With Us! Chrlstmae, and many othere can F U ^ LINE OF FRESH FISH, INCLUDING POLLOCK waa labeled a "kept man" 1^ the ■/ THURSDAY EVENING. DEC. 22. AT 7 P. M. SHARP pcoeecutlon and a "hunehbadc ot be found at . . . AND WHOLE HADDOCK...... ft. 12Hc RANOB and “ YOUNG DR. KlLnAPHw wtHSZ •*<«> rmwmttm laetadMt BaSresm Sart Notre Dame" by hla attorney, facea iSVy C o . Padded f o o d M ARKET EXTBAl FMI fBOATl prison terme up to M years if he Is Leether Solee 855 MATS STREET aional Chatrs, Eto. FUEL OILS found guilty of the five felony RUBINOW BUILDING Phone Service Until 8 P. M. 84-HOUR SERVICE MOOT jHC. GIFT NIGHT Used Funltare fadadsa: LOADS o r o m s nucs! chatitoa againrt trim. ^***...... - ...... Address The Jnzy of star men and atx wea>------...... PHONE 8820 ■— • Fhitaa BaSfa en deliberated 4H hours bateee re- tiring last night, without indicating ^p-incfiLL Ksl Q roccri/ ^nc XAjnr CHort that the men would be paid Lessner was given to toe constable ed fight against tuberculoats which S Hose Co. No. 1 . . . 2022 Phoenix ...... 78 Bait and O h io ...... Saturday of thU week, instead of forbidden administrative depart- culosla. The stethoscope ha-, made has reached into every corner of the croos-examinaUon aa to tbe Hemet, tention that the United SUtea directing him to attach tbe property Calif., phyaician’s earninga and Us S Hartman's ...... 2428 CAPITAL OBEY Travelers ...... 435 Bendlx ...... Monday, aa they expected. f n iH E R R y mente to draft legislation for sub- It possible for doctors to dltUnguteh United States and has saved mil might one day alter the good neigh- of Miner In a suit for $300 brou ^ t usual 4 St. Bridget's . . . . . 2420 Public t'tIUtIss mlsaion to Congress. lions of lives." chaigea in such cases. Beth Steel ...... bor policy and be herself a potential From New Haven cornea the re- by Joseph Hauk. o f 63 Fairview soimds In toe chest and in thia way 0 AU-SUrs ...... 2408 Conn. Lt. and Pow. .. 68 Beth Steel 7, pfd .. pert that the clerks who maka up Congressional leaders, asking to diagnose abnormal conditions. Conn. Pow...... 43 ^ aggressor. street The constable went to toe Reid’s Auctioneers 2402 Borden ...... the payrolls and Issue the checks CHRISTIHRS that their names be withheld, said "Dr. Robert Koch, German physi- Hose Ca Jrs...... URGED BY CIO Hartford Elec. Lt. ... 80 AwaiU Hotaa Approvals. barber shop, demanded payment of HELD FOB WHIPPING 2401 Can Pac ...... are working overtime. Aa a result tha chief executive had advised dsn, who in 1882 discovered tbe HEARtNO NEARS END Manchester Green Illuminating She...... 64 The resolution now awaits tha ap- toe bill and on being refused, start- 2380 Case (J. I.) ...... checks will ba sent to all of the them he had adopted a "definite germ that causes tuberculosis, and Mers Barbers .... 2302 (C>>ntlnorid frbm Page One.) Hartford Uaa ...... 32 proval of homa governments and, ed to carry out toe order of toe Pittsburgh, Dec. 21— (A P ) —The Lancaster, Pa., Dec. 21— (AP) — Cerro De P a a ...... WPA workers In Connecticut, to be policy" o f leaving tbe Job of bill through this identification of the en- Paper Makers .... 2381 So. New Eng. Tel. Co. 147 with the principal dispute settled writ Welrton Steel Company case, long- Harry Brubaker. 63-year-oId coun- follu! 'the protection of the rIghU Chea and Ohio ..... received on Saturday, DsMmber 24 drafting up to ^nate and House emy brought the first hope that it Porterflelds ...... 2347 of Western Mass...... 28 >4 likely win be adopted unanimously committees. • Having handed the writ to Mr. est and costliest In the hlst4>ry o f the try school teacher, was held in $300 American workers." Chrysler ...... within a few daya. delegation tha day before Christmas, iastaad of PETER'S might be conquered. ball today for his appearance in Mohawks ...... 2320 Industrials The President's forthcomng mes- Miner the constable ordered him National Labor Relations Board, Specifle goals included. Col Carbon ...... spokesmen said. December 29, aa was first expeotad. "Dr. Edward Livingston Trudeau, court to answer a charge that he FInaat ...... 2304 Acme Wire ...... 37 Col Gaa and E l ___ From the head o f the office force sage to Congress, they said, merely from the shop aa he intended to pad- neared at tong last today the end of Federal curbs on the use of the It provides for resistance against American pbysidan, who in 1886 es- whipped 11-year-old Mary Coleman, T^wn Garage . . . . 2304 Am. Hardware...... 27 ComI Inv T r ...... In Manchester It was leam«d this Candies and Ice Cream will make “affirmative suggestions" lock It. Mr, Miner refused to leave its travels and travail. National Guard In labor disputes. any aggression or menace of aggres- one of his pupUs, with a blackboard ib Trojans ...... 2203 Arrow H and H. Com. S8H ComI S o l v ...... noon that no notification had been Cor legislation. the shop and he was placed under to Colonials ...... 2288 taw s to abolish state poll taxee Billings and Spencer. 4 sion by force agalnet any American arrest pointer. on voters. Cons Edison ...... received, but the opinion was ax- Mr. Roosevelt's decision pre- Ramblers ...... 2212 Bristol Brass ...... 34 republic. Any o f the naUona may Last night Miner waa released on Cons Oil ...... tart the procedure of consultaUon pressed tbe decision to make the suiMbly would prevent future bill Royals ...... 2287 Federal sntl-lynchlng legislation. Colt'e Pat Firearms. 90 bonds and la scheduled to appear be- Coot Can « ...... There Is provision also, an au- payments in other parts of the state drafting by such government offi- A Congressional study of tech- Eagle L o c k ...... 14)4 Com Prod ...... would Include Manchester. clali aa Thomaa Ck>rcoran and Ben- fore the Town Ck>urt tonight Gel the Habit o f DeposUint Reffulariy In Fafnir B earings...... bo thoritative Informant said, for Oon- noiogicai unemployment. Del Lack and West Home Made Fresh— Crisp Jant^ Cohen, who have been credit- Briatel RAodorot* R«tM PINMROOM Adequate funds to provide Jobs Gray Tel. Pay Station 9H miltatlon by the nations in the event A Gift that everyone 11)4 Douglaa Aircraft . . . ,th writing much New Deal •ovo Yo 4i DoNors for all unemployed workers. hart and Cooley .... 130 Du P o n t ...... of undue Interference, with a view HARD CANDIES STRIKE CALLED OFT STAFFORD Handey Mad)., B. ... 7)4 to substituting lU own poliUcal in-1 RIBBON CANDY igislatlon. Thla practice baa been .To Mpond For wants JIFFY KODAK Expansion of the social security Eastman K odak___ LOYAL DESTROYER ,Uclzed~-.by antl-administratlon lenders, Frary A elk. 28 stltutlona, by unofficial elemenU lotortolnmoiit program. Elec Auto L t ...... 20c lb., 2 lbs. 35c ingresamen. Detroit, Dec. 21—(AP)—A city- The Savings Bank SPRINGS A Federal health program. New Brit. Mach., Com 24 having the support of any nation- 20c lb., 2 lbs. 35c wide strike of truck drivers that One i / the East tsesKsas fa Nam Tcrk SIX-^20, SERIES II do., pfd ------os Gen Elec ...... lict Cobgreas Work Out Detalla JOHN U NETTO Increased funds for housing. Gen F o o d s ...... even U done without the appear- WILL DASH HOME would have tied up delivery opera- ddtfacsat fa Ms Dfagal/lesai Ferl*#lBaieee North and J u d d ...... 22 There have been other indications 478. StaSord Adequate Federal aid for educa- Gen H o to r a ...... ance of force. The aUte cor rcreed Filled Yhat the President intends to rec- Uons during toe (3>ristmas rush tion. Psch_8low A Wilcox 8 It this case, however, must take the was called off Tuesday night 46 Ruasell Mfg. Co...... S3 OllletU ...... (Oentnined from Page Om .) CANDY CANES ommend only broad principles at of Manchester Increased appropriations for the Hec'ter P r o d ...... Initiative In applying the "principle CANDIES this se.saton and let Congress work minutes before midnight, when it Mrs. Josephine Betto of Green Senate Committee on Civil Liber- Scovlll Mfg. Co...... 25 • f solidarity." SIlex Co...... n Int M ick ...... o f the net In Its hands and win be out the details. He told his press was to have become effective. Ap- Street was elected president of the ties, establishment o f a permanent The hope for peace and universal 20c dozen HOTEL Stanley W orka...... 41)4 Int Tc' and Tel .... implacable In Its punishment." conference yesterday that sifbh proximately 1,800 trucks and 2,000 Ladles Auxiliary of the Italian Civil Liberties Bureau, and strict concord U stated; it remains unde*^ 30c lb. BRIST9L Afafafamnmma n ---- nni~iAn_ruTjuu,i_i_u^ pfd...... 274 Johns ManvUle...... Aad Up would be the case with expansion men would have been idle. 129 W «st4 tth StFRRt club for the coming year. She suc- control of private strikebreaking stood that each nation will u k e Its Torrington ...... 24 Kennecott ...... CONSUL ABSOLVED of the social security program. ceeds Mrs. Rena Natals o f West agencies and supplies of munlUons Lehigh Val Rd .... own measurea of defensa; the street Other officers are: vice presi- Veeder Root ...... 4 3 4 London. Dec. 2 1 .-(A P )— The It also waa understood on Capitol for use against strikers. Ugg and Myars B .. Juridical equality, the individual Foreign Office today declared Span- Hill that be would leave parliamen- dent Mrs. Augusta Argehta; secre- A federal arts program. New York Banka Loew’i ...... sovereignty and Independence o f all For A Real Treatl Fancy Boxed KEMP'S, INC. * tan:, Mrs Speransa Galotto; treas- Bank of New York .. 378 iah Insurgent autborltlea had ab- tary strategy on the government Extension of the CCC, National Bankers Trust ...... 41 Mont W a rd ...... the American repubilea ara recog- solved Harold Goodman. Hritiah vice Try Home Made reorganization program to hia ADVERTISE IN THE HERALD—IT PAYS uifc, Mrs. Mary Pocbinl; directors. Youth Administration, vocational Naah-Kalv ...... nised; and the reaolution le named Mrs. Mary Pellissarl, Mrs. Emma Central Hanover conaul at San Sebastian, o f any con- Peter’s Home Made House and Senate leaders He dis- training under Federal spdnsorahip, Nat Blae ...... "the DecUratlon of Uma.” Chocolates cussed it yesterday with Represen- I. Pelonl, Mra Elisabeth Fontahella, etc. Chase ...... 29 nection with "Incriminating matter" SAVE WITH CONFIDENCE! Chemical ...... 38 Nat Cash R e g ...... The agreement was reached in found in a British consular mail bag. ICE CREAM tatives Cochran (D., Mo.), and Mis . Virginia Tonidandel and Mrs. Nat D airy...... 39e pound Laws to maintain and extend City ...... 21 two long meetlnga It was said "no suggestion baa Warren (D., N. C.), who helped Alba Mareonl and Mra. Eva Dal union hiring haUs and the right of Nat DUUII...... AO Flavori Continental ...... 12 been made from any quarter that Aad Up handle the legislation last sprlnig. Plan. The auxiliary was organised collccUve bargaining for maritime N T Central ...... SHOP W ITH ASSURANCE! in 1037 and has over 100 members. workers. Com Exchange ...... 47 the British official waa Implleated Warren said afterward that First National...... loaa NY NH and H ...... Romlldo Galotto' of Brandon BORDER INCIDENTS * personally." "without any disparagement to the Extension o f civil service and Im- GuaranW Tnist ...... 326 North Am ...... Senate,” a reorganization program HelghU, secretary of the Italian proved working conditions for gov- Irving Trust ...... 9 Packard ...... would have been enacted last i AUlanee clubs o f North America ernment employes. Manufact. Truet .... 87 Param Plct ...... CALLED BRAWLS A Judge is only a lawyer Sion If Senate sponsors bad permit was elected vice president of tha Tbrilf protection for Iron ore, to Penn ...... who PETER'S Chocolate Shop Manhattan ...... 14 knew a govamor. ted Ita divlaton into four billa. (The Everybody Saves At Federated clubs of OonnecUcut at a give employment to American ore N y T r u e t ...... 88 Phelne D o d g e ...... Justice John V. Siahoney, Jnattee 69S MAIN STREET Senate passed a general measure, maatlng held in Hartford this week. workers now Jobless through foreign Phil P e t e ...... (rontlnoM rmiD l^lx« Ona.) JOHNSON BLOCK Title Guarantee...... s of the Maaaechosette Supreme but It was shelved in the House.) Mr. and M ra WiUam Schrler and ImjMrts. Pub Serv N J ...... Public National ...... 27 Court tvbo WBB appobitod by Uov- Senator Byrnes (D., S. C.), chair son PeUr have moved from the On the state legislative program, Radio bualneaaea will vary. The 1930 To U. 8. Trust ...... 1826 emor Hurley whom be bad served man of the Senate reorganization are tJ Tonoll tenement on Brandon the CIO has prepared model bills to Reading census estimate was that 3.1 per Everybody's Market! X Ex-D ivid end . be sent CIO organizations In each Rem Rand ...... cent of the population of 8.888,319 aa private secretary. committee, said recently he proba- raopei Heights to the FItspatriek cottage ADVERTISE IN THE HERALD— IT PAYS bly would accept the four-bill Idea FREE delivery: CALL IN! DIAL 57211 ’ROUBfD, BOUND BULBS IN ALL SIZES AND COLORS $1.98 up toiletries, in charmint boact of CHAIR BACK SETS ATWOOD tree-ripened CKLEBKATES 1918T BIBTHDAT Early American de»i|q. The . Z E N IT H 79c Pr. ELECTRIC I electric m m LADIES’ WHITE TUBULAR SKATES . •eeeeeRR#•$4*95 fralranca OLD SPICE . .ft • 3 9 c Jamestown. N. T., Dae. 21— (A P ) APPLES 16-qt. bskt. 39c GRAPEFRUIT 8 for 25c CANDLES . . . 4 P V C I WREATHS ... frcih, no>cl, intrituinf ’. .dj) EMERSON ALL LINEN I LADIES’ WHITE HGURE SKATES... —Mlaa Mary C. Warren, oldest living rum ...... 85.8S blended of roie peiali and tpiecf ^ DRESSER SCARFS graduate of M t Hoyloke conege, MOTOROLA BUDGET HOSIERY celebrated her lOlat birthday today ALL OUR SHOE SKATES ARE PING PONG SE T S ...... Laca Edges CHINTZ DRAPES quietly In her home. Unlike past FANCY, LARGE GRAPES ...... 1148 «p Tht Early Amrricam 69c Beautiful Patterns years Mias Warren offered no com- pound 7c LINED AND HAVE ANKLE A iirmtlagr htehjtlti; ments on toe news of toe day and Tod«So.p . . . . 49c FRESH MUSHROOMS STRAPS EXTRA FINE ASSORTMENT BOYS’ FANCY JACK. And Up Folden Freal received only a few of . her closest pound 19c TMlei• «*i«a a moigr u n . . d«o». o * ,i #.• $1.98 friends. KNIVES...... **?“ !?• r»«drr .' $9*95 "No Color Added" ORANGES dozen 19c Mat’s and Women’s '••»»» Bovcompicit . . WORKINO OUT PR4H1UEM8 SUNKIST LEMONS kan4-aKorai.d beet). Beacon 5 for 10c HOCKEY SKATES Bath Mats Syracuse. N. T , Dec. 21— (A P )- lioula J. Taber, master o f the Na FANCY SWEET POTATOES $3.69 pair «4 oach Blankets $1.98 ;ional Orange. heUeres the Amsrl- ^ p o u n d 3 c Manchester Plumbing 8r; »n farmer lsj>eginnlng to work out STRINGLESS BEANS MEirg AND WOMEirg BENSON and Lid Cover ils own problems without, depend- quart 5c on MAIM STREET ^ Also 8t Wlaiya. K»- ng on lielp t n m Congress and capl- Supply Co. furniture and radio ^da and Oiathams HARD, RIPE TOMATOES TUBULAR SKATE$ $3.98 pair at the right pcieaa. aL Tabar, bars for a masting a t an 2 pounds 25c 877 MAIN STREET i Sets 98c Bauraaca coaqaaiiy a t whlcb ha la GRKNING apples VaryNical to aa latenrlsw 7 pounds 25c Tabular Hard To* Skates $4;95 pr. •’ V l l ’ a MANCHEaiER EVENTNO HERALD. MANUHE8TER. UQWW. WEONEBDAT, DECEMBER 21. 1988 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 21.1988 PLAY TO BE PRESEITTED MAUORYISHEAD loaded with packages and may not hope for help. Ckinflrm. We forty- ^ ^ CHESTER POST OFnCEl Manchester see approaching motor cars. special grand Jury yesterday, ac- e i ^ t aboard L'IsIe Bourbon.” ing $50,000,000 to 185,000,000 a lUCKETS SELL FAST XMAS SHOPPING The thousands of people who will HOPE SUPRHIE COURT cused 16 Washington physicians, five ^UoB ym (obsut 8380,000) BY THE CECILIAN CLUB U.S. NAVY ASKED No further word bad been receiv- year. being______r offered for sale la this a: » Date Book DAILY RADIO PROGRAM move to and out of the shopping dis- ed. officials of the American Medical OF NEW COMPANY tricts to the days Just ahead but who heavy Japanese popolotton. • BUSY PLACE THIS WEEK The closest French warship to the GETS AMA CASE EARLY Association, the District of Colum- Itc^r ReaL SBC attorasy at Soath Methodliit Church Toalgfat FORK. OF C. DANCE IKAFnCCANBE do not have to travel to and from bia Medical Society, the Harris WEONEiDAY, DECEMBER 31 (Centrsl-Eastem SUnd.rd Tlm e-P M ) places o f occupaUon every day can TO CONTACT ISLE Island was reported to be at Saigon, INVESTIGATING SALE Franelseo. revealed the la vsstM U b Hold Annual Paneant Dec. 3L — Fifth annngl County (Texas) Medical Society, the bags are closed, locked and load- assiat both themselves and the tran- French Indo-Chtoa, about 3.000 Washington, Dec. 21.— (A P I — after two days’...... ro totsastve w a ^ i l ^ school concert and carol Mag at and the Washington Academy of lag which ed aboard a truck and headed for Cheney Finii’s Secretary Next Monday Eveninff. Bed; conai to ie ts e» *r,?iiue“ s sit services by avoiding the regular miles away. Officials lndlq|tted the Medical men Indicated by a Federal witaeeace w «r« Oerki Dash About Sortinf High school hsU, three chorusM and Surgery with acting In restraint of OF JAPANESE BONDS and questioned. the train. This process is repeated HELPED BY ALL traffic rush hours. This particularly government probably would hire a grand Jury on charges of vlolstlng orchestra. New Year’s Eve Social To freighter by radio to change its trade to medical activities. for all trains. The Cecilian club o f the South BASIC - Xaeti wear wnse wllr star 1 “ applies to those who without Incon- 48 Settlers, Battling Raging the Sherman Anti-Trust Act sold Named President Of Man- Thia Week course and go to the colony’s old. The case may be tried next month Honolulu, Dec. 21 — (AP) — The ■aO As PMch After Mall Under Guard. Methodist church will present its Wtas wcih kyw wfbr wre way wlien COAST-fcns kr.ln krm kvt 1.0. venience are able to do their holiday today they hoped for speedy ad- about the time the President's Com- I didn't think It woi Dec. 28. — M. h. S. Middletown wise wum ww| cbm wdel Midwex. •‘•rm khhc ktmb kiro7 c ir * * * Securities and Exchange CTommla- up Last night Merritt Blanchard and annual Christmas pageant on Mon- Be Held At Rainbow; Spe- krt Wineo whoO wow wrierwrief Wir. wire k.fn kitp. • _ . ^ shopping between the hours of 10 vancement of the case directly to mittee on Health and Welfare sub- tog daddy fqr. cage game at SUte Armory. Meuntalat kna krivl. Seuthi wmhs weh I Cent. Eait. Proper Parkmg Fill Ease a. m. and 1:00 p. ra., and who Storm, Flash SOS From slon pressed an Investigation today —ais-yeor-oM Mary Lea Edward Sauter worked sorUpg out-' chester EqoiiMnent Co. the Supreme Court. mits to Congress recommendations 1___ FoKb b Unloaded From going parcel post and afUr the last day evening, December 36th. Usual- Next Week krT’ k - S V ' «d>rc; Peei f l e: travel back and forth on motor of reports that unregistered Japa- who let her 8remaa father ly this pageant is given on a Sunday Rfl^k»w_kornoHI KRW Romo fchr khu *—- kt>o The Indictment, returned by a for s national health program cost- mall returned to other work in the _ ^ **• — Legion's New Tearte dal Decorations Pbnned. BTATlONe (operate In- w •J*''* Chr.stmee coaches and street cars at times Isolated St. Pad. nese emergency bonds totslltog one while she pot eat a bed Siw office, A large quantity of regis- evmlng, but this year, aa Chriatmas Eve ball at State Armory. Period Usual Taogle; Avoid Tran- other than the hours when large Organization of the new local In- Mtwnrkei. Is it i wbre weol wfee wlw I’iil S:5tl*** Pronram C H RIST M A S ' Tricks; Peak Not Yet tered mail al.so was dispatched, un- falls on a Snnday, the data of per- Aleo Country Club’e Nm work wrky weal wean pbf ebl wziii; numbers of workers ore being car- der guani, for the last train. dustry, the Manchester Equipment lormanca haa been chang^ed. Eve dance et club. -Thomas Quinn, head of the ticket Centrelt wcfl wimj wiba wdey ksbz Conl'nuea-wJet ried either to or from their places of wood web<- wsbf sit Rash Honrs If Pos- Paris. Dec. 21.— (A P )— The SPEC IA LS Reached. One of the busiest places last company has been effected, . It was The play entitled: "They That Sit Columbus, New committee that Is arranging for the wirl k(»r knam. Southi wapn wlak wiar employment. night was the route carriers sort- In Darltnesa " by Dorothy CTarke French government today asked IN learned today, with the naming of T e a r. Eve party at Rainbow, Bol- annual New Tears' eve d Z e r and "fbr " * ...... W800 . Ehren under normal ctrcumstances, ing cases where the bulk of Incom- officials for tha firm. Choaen to be Wilson, is quite dramatic In content. wwnc meme wavo warn kvoo wky sible. the morning and evening rush hours, United States Nsval authorities to ing mall receives Its preliminary The leading role will be taken by doming Bveats * '** ***•<• Lh* Rainbow. G O O D I By ARm nC KIU'ATKJCH president la Hfnry R. Mallory of I I ktok klem wsla kibe ki?k wabc=^87»'L?;V^ V *'’' when people are hurrying to and try to estsbiisl. radio contact with separation. Here James Wilson. 11# Hartford road, who now also Miss Marjorie Wilson, who has al- Jan. 27.—Mid-year gradautlon at roports that there has been krhl kiar koh from their occupations, create con- Last Minute Suggestions In 18 settlers who battled a raging Frank Zimmerman, Postmastee Manchester High sebooL a good sale arid many have shown a I luhr kulo knfa kiwfktr': Ptelfic kfbh U Many year* a^o wa remember holds the position of secretary of ready demonstrated- real histrionic kwa km1 kem k r» W>hi*d During the next few days before siderable traffic congestion, but storm on the Isolated Isle of St. USED C A RS Qiilsh and later Edward Sauter. Cheney Brothers, of which the ability In -form er Cecilian club dertre to make up their own parties. Cant, l a a t 7:00-. ^ Maine oM print of Santa Claua’ Buatara, Oramalla Christmas, when the worst traffic when thousands of CThristmas shop- Paul to the Indian ocean. WIlll.Tm Turklngton and Walter ^uipm ent organIsaUon la a sub- Wllbrod Messier, chairman of the Armktrong — tait: pers are added to the already size- 1935 Plymouth 4-Door ' workshop at the North Pole. The Smith worked for nearly five hours Tm a* Anneuneed weit Ph8»t«r Bt _aa tangles of the whole year are certain The request was made after a day Orphan Annie — able rush hour crowds, conditions of unsuccessful attempts to reach Sedan, heater .... $265 m White bearded, red cheeked old last night, separating the letters Other officers of the new company to occur due to the rush of pre-holi- Practical Gifts From The The Pocl's Column J g.^**L;.,£karlaa Saara A Songa^waat are aggravated and everybody Is them from French colonial stations. f craftsman, with a happy glint in his Into boxes representing the four- are Clifford D. Cheney, who will act !=?2-Drama ,0:IS=;?;Sz5; j;, day shopping, and when Connecti- likely to be Inconvenienced by de- 1935 Oldsmobile Sedan, ^ tyn, had Just finished work. Out- teen miito.s, postofTlre boxhn»n»iisn>nsaenimmwaiiMsiiMnisnHB)iMwanisnns)i ^ The Old Boy, If we remember Incoming Parcels that firm. T : S t S S t S " * * * • " !* B a m l l y - c to r ko» kca kera kjr ^ Cfiirtotmas spirit a lltUe early, ac- half way around the world was pick- I think I.have put sway your pres- l i s t S ' J t l * " ” " ! ' O oro ov O re h o o tra ed up by an amateur radio operator, 1933 Plymouth, heater, ^ rightly, was viewing his finished The sorting and delivery of the The new Industry has been formed ence for a day S ^ S t i o i S t C ” ^ 5 " * " H a ll ooriltog to transit officials. / to participate in bidding for msnu l o ^ o o Z i i - o t ? * ^ « '» • » to c General exercising of what Is usu- Their antecedents were virtually E. R. (ilbson, to Bremerton, Wash. $175 J work, great sacks of toys and play- real Christmas mail, the Incoming When suddenly I hear M # i»n # r O r c h t 8. ~ « R 9t : Cant. Kaat. ELEC T R IC A L A PPLIA N CES Don’t Grope Around In the DarkI Keep Am parcel post. Is of Interest. Few peo- factiire of parachute silk and other an accent oll®^ termed "the golden rule” will unknown. The message said; •*' things ready at the door for the an- very near. 1937 Plymouth Con- nual pilgrimage to the homes of the ple see this work ss it Is done In a textiles provided a government con- O^. hr.) all concerned to avoiding incon- —Francis H. Del Amo of Los An- "SOS St. Paul Island, Indian Eveready It Ukes roe unawares like a foot- 11.30~12:30~"Lloht8"Llgnta Out.Out.** Mystery - a.ait 7n* In Vocala—a geles referring to friends of her f kiddles. It was a Job wall done. We room In the hssement. Tnicks de- tract can be secured. The maniifooi * ' * t 0.45—Tom Mia'o Sketch jnlenco and delay. It is said, and ocean. Bad weather. Exhausted coal. vertible Coupe, radio step on the statra. CBS-WABC NETWORK • nSlf®® Loath’i aiuti—a husband whom she Is divorcing. I Telechron Electric Clocks r confess liking that picture. It had liver the parcel post to the back turing of samples. It is understood, ils refers In parUcutar to the park- WUl Madagascar please call us. We and heater. will be undertaken soon. And the old time grief la sUrred to w a r*'fk ir»*i? ' *•,*“ "PX® weal ig of motor vehicles, for avoidance ' plenty of hope and anticipation por- door of the building and the sacks anguish at that word. W0r ^kbw wkre wjr wdre wcuu BrJae s'st S-’JoZ t V**.®''**'®''® •» Org; I Self Starting Mantel Clocks...... $2.95 up Flash trayed of bundles arc dumped In plies on A caplUIlzatlon of $1S#,000 Is pro- * * • ;' Hidwaiti wWm ^•'■•"•doro - ’ careless parking, especially dou- -t 1938 Pontiac Club vided for the new organization, They told me time would heal' I wfbm kmbe Xmoa whaa kfab krnt ,,10 parking, on the part of auto Coupe, radio and heat- 1 A n o t h e r Moene the floor and workers sort the bun- would not always feel * = * t •=St.^®*®.' .’■b®n.so •- H Kitchen Wall Clocks, Cream or Green Fin- 85,000 of which is In common stock cirbfi^h cka? w bi wmia WM^iTkh^ «A'* *.».«' "proJSiS a.oi?"l S • k a t c h - w ? " rapelt operators will help considerably in light * Last night we had the privilege of dles by town sections, placing them and Is paid In. This hurt. They could not sense In er In large baakeU. Trucks then de- w.bl wbrk wnh^wSde ;Sti"w^a„ J JiSt ^'®» enabling all traffic to move freelv...... $.3.50 ' witnessing the modem recreation of me your permanence. OTxit _ Wg.i wala w.lSd air. t;30- S-'it iilt!*': a Lott Peru Parking to such a manner that it 1936 Chevrolet Con- that old ^ tu re . Instsad of the stuf- liver the mall to the addressee. wret a- wine wwi R t r h k t s a yiJtlS'’' Vha*^*ntona NOTICE! waco kuma wbt wda« wi>(g wdbi wwva riooZ Z:lS~ i:SSr2'‘*''.9«rdon9 ''*7_Oordon OrehaatiwOrehiit'ri’ forces all moving vehicles Into a vertible Coupe, radio On Hand. A G ift Anyone K A fy, cramped shop at ths top of the One of the most tedloiu of Jobs W8j8 ktui wcfta wdne wnoi kwkh 7:301 S:?2rS®''-?.X'®"* "•B'o Ray^w narrow path in the center of tho Is tending the stamp and parcel post D. A. R. CALLS MEETING . HUMORIST’S PROMISE F=??-P- Eliman Hobn. ■ world, the scene was the spacious ®*ca^se you, love, are dead, I cannot | -c* street creates a bottle-neck which and 'heater. WUl Appreciate! D 9 C Mmwro? -Obo S:8f^ 1:25^.’!*“.*'® «* Now ana Than workroofll of the Mancheaur poet- couMers during the weak or ten MIDWEST — wmbd wlon wibw kfh “ *“■- Martir.i" can only result to delay of street For Several Years I Have PER- W A FFLE IRO N S days Christmas rush. Ordinarily, 1937 Oldsmobile Sedan, i- office. Instead of the one old whlsk- FOR NEXT WEDNESDAY The foolish things that often Upped wkhb wlaq wkhh wcco wabi ko'crwnal ^‘*.X Jutih • Singtra cars and buses and all vehicles, and this duty comes to Miss Nellie Fay woo whlblslo kdah wrna wmlf tJiSSZ NPC SONALLY DELIVERED Calen- 4-door, trunk. Chrome plated with bok ' ared Santa Claus, fourteen ured my pen ' tO:66-i,^o6-Ni;;;;ro*.n"eS<''gr2W the endless piling up of traffic to M d Mlae Mary Dougherty, assisted Mlaa Marjorie Wllaon Wllbrod Me—Icr leg Indicator. FLEXIBLE FLYER workers, performed their duties with In former Umes, when the dav ^______Uio rear of the blockade. A single dars To My Clients. This Year, 1937 Chevrolet Business • happy spirit, aach worker filling by FrancU Hart and Domenic Farr. Good Citizenship Pilffrininffe auto or truck carelessly parked roav $3.98 I Ike a aapAaoOkdramas. V Miss Wilson,..... ^o_ ...... who . . ...in ^ En- • I Sweet amen I committee, la being guided by However, I Find It Impossible To Coupe. ( i g j t r z l In here and there where the flood or AU day Tuesday and perhaps today, Committee To Gather At worth League plays, has proved coming home and sharing its i " ****“. expressed a desire to delay the transportation of hundreds SLED S Christmas mall was the heaviest these four will work at these win- Hotel Rond In Hartford. adept at comedy, ahowa her versa- delight. nave apecia) boxes, and Is arranging of people. ,,, j Do So, And Ask That You Call 1937 Plymouth Tudor dows, selling stamps of all demoni- Electric Flatiro ns and where be was most needed. tlllty In these serious plays. Too much of pain, too much remem- £?.n accommodation. There WDRC Motorists were also urged to exer- A fter December 25th A t My Office Sedan, heater. It wan the 193fl Christmas ‘‘ruah~ natloni, Insuring and weighing and Mrs. Earl R. Lewis, SUte Chair- All members of the club take part, ^>eretlw— .s death. e. will be boxes arranged for parties cise more than ordinary caution stamping parcel post and tbs other from four to 16 persons. In addfUon «28 RADIO *j' with respect to standing buses and For Your 1939 Calendar. and Bomathlng to watch for a few man of the Good Citizenship PlI- In some capacity, and the stage eet-^ much of lonellneaa have entered Hsirtnrd, Conn. ISSO II Chrome pUted. AntomnUe or specific duUM Incident to dispatch- street cars during the Christmas hanrs. While the peak of the Chriat- grlmsg# CommltUa o f OonneeUcut ting and costuming are sure to be L . *®' to these there will be special Ubies Eastern Standard nme. Day M anchester - Regular etyle. ^ Um malls. Tbs lobby andwln- arranged In the hall in such a mon- shopping rush, since there will be an $1.29 ■aa postal htiBneea has not yet bean has osUsd E msEtlng at ths Houi worthwhUe In themselvee. “ “ cl* o f grief and Iom. Should Esstani Standard rUn* and op reached, the volume was haavy « « « ^ bs opsn until i;80 sseh Increased accident hazard due to the Bight this wssk. Bond. Hartford for Dscsfiibar S8th The club wUl be oaitsted by L , . * *'***“ doncbig*** ample epoca for . Wwliiroday, Dae. t l greater number of such vehicles be- M otor Sales enough to keep the oSlea staff buay at 2:00 p. m. Ths purpose of this Thomox Cordner, Walter Holman hours with singing, my uncer- 4iOO“ Eton B oyi. JOHN L. JENNET Aftsr the heaviest of the mall The dinner committee has arrang ing operated to provide efficient "At the Junction" from > o’doek until naarly l l p. m., meeting Is to organize the girls who and Howard Holman, where the I breath INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS volume was handled last night ed to have a full course turkey dln- liXO— Time Out for Dancing. transit service and the Increase (n Fasteat parformlng tbsJm variousv a i l ^ duties of thei were chosen lost year as ths most A *’*‘^ * “ Lincoln on Hartford Road PiJrtmasUr Thomas J. Qulsh, In the maocuUne element Is needed to moke "^“ h*** catch and break. But some 1:30— Those Happy GUnuuu. the number of people boarding and 791 Main Street office ouUUndlng girls in their high *»• prepared ^C & roTe to Electric Percolators OuAHint roll of caUrer, Mrvsd hla crew with the pUy reallxuc. Thomas MaxweU , " * aworo, 1:16— Leburn Sisters. ft Chriatmas broadcast leaving the transit vehicles. Many 10 Depot Square and West Center Street fu • o f t h e w W l m r a schooU. os well as the girt who went Ie the director of the club. * P^ok up bright garmenU ^ “ ff'and House w der sudwlchas and hot ooffee. This the direction o f Prank Donohue. 6:00—Ad Liner—Donee Program. It to to the NBC u lu ts to the passengers sriU have their arms To property get the picture, these U Washington, Into a club as has New Safety Steering and wd-worh period lunch, an Innova- Mlse Lucille Brown will be at the • . ^°a**‘* aside The hall la to be decorated for the 6:30— Louis Pedlmonti—Interlude and Urn Sets Electric M ixers are the ones who served In their been done In other aUtes. The Re- piano, to accompany the singing and ''’ear them for your sake, and ‘’° “ «®ctlon with respective capacities lest night: tion In the local office, is greatly occasion and special attention will Accordion Music. tho dedication of the new A P bulld- Safety Raaaets. genU and Chapter Chairmen of the to make a musical setting for the ~ . '*^*‘** MIm Nellie T^y and Miss Mary opprsclatsd by the workera, giving 5* given to the treatment of the 5:35—The C^aaUUiana. nnfh*** ^^•’•••leller center and the Aluminum and Chromb O ft SPMial With S Speeds them new spirit to continue on to D. A. R. have been Invited os well os play. The performance will start at gaycty, and so once "oor to assure Its being In good con. 5:15— The Mighty Show. 90th anniversary of the founding of Dougherty at the stamp windows U)e girls themselves. PUted. ^ a J o ^ f P and Francis Hart at the parcel post eloM the day's work. 7;30 p. m., In the banquet hall ot ,,, ^ . dlUon for dancing. 6:00—Eeeo Reporter— News, and Mrs. Fredsrlek P. LsUmer, SUte the church. | Walk Into Joyful gardens. This 1 weather. and up $11.95 window; Eklward Sauter and Merritt Perhspe, like Old fialnt Nicholas vow, $3.29 up Blanchard on outgoing parcel post; Regent of Connecticut and Mies 6:05— Johnny Herefard at the Or- toeM local workers get the real For this you asked. tion ^ n , ****" P«rt to that eec- FhlUp (thaw, Karl Hogeni and Christmas spirit them.selves by Mary C. Welch. SUte Vlce-Hcgcnt But oh, not gan. uon o f the program dealing with Domenic Farr on the dispatching will be there Miss Kmclinc A. WEAK-VOICED MEMBERS now. Not now. kmiwlng that their efforts will cause 6:15— Howie Wing. Lincoln. He la I Electric H eating Pads cases and cancelling machine; Wll- great happiness to many. At least Street Vice-President General of the WTIC 6:30— "Today" with Bob Trout currenUy appearing to the Broad- Uam Turklngton, James B. Wilson, Uiat la the Impression we get watch- National Society will be prraent also. CHERRYSTONE 8i15— The Old Fire Chief. production of “Abe Lincoln to I; C H RIST M A S T R EE D EC O R A TIO N S WILL BE HEARD BETTER Life has miniature delights. Here's Walter Bintw, Francis Hart oa tha ing them at work. It's Chriatmas— Ae thU meeting ie for the purpose Fravelers Brnadcnstlng Service. 7:00—"County Seat” starring Ray route caasa. Postmaster Thonwa J. of organising the girls. Mrs. Lewis one: even to the tired mail handlers. Hortlord. Uum. Collins, . .^•■•*‘><^1. drama except for IJ Quiah worked at various Jobe, can- has asked the following committee A watchful chipmunk basking In S0JW9 tv. HMD H C. 8H.8 M. Washington — (A P I — Weak-1 the sun. 7:15— Lum and Abner. a talk by Byron Price, A P execuUve INDOOR U G R T8 25c sat and u >esUlng, sorting and distributing chairmen to speak briefly on their voiced Mouse members will be able Eastern StoaiUrd nme. news editor, wUl be devoted largely - various malls of other claesUlcatlona Another, beautiful beyond belief; 7:80—Aak-It-Bssket with Jim Mc- work Mrs. Carl Hartshora. chair- to make themselves heard In the I WlUIkma. to a re-enactment of the outstand- f not of Christmas calibre. advocaies dniter sity man of the Girl Home Makers com- OUTDOOR LIGHTS $1.49 set ap next seaelon, but elevator oberatori I * " «®«rak> leaf, Wednesday, Dec. 21 8:00—"Gangbusters"-True crime ing news stories covered by the A P 2-Slice Electric FVed Dlelensehnelder and WUHani mittee; Mrs. Franklin C Harlow, and other capitol emplove.s will have “ ** "hlnlng DeHan, substitute auxiliary work- P. M. dramatlzatfona. In Its long exlitence. Besides the chairman of the Correct Uee of the to wait longer for uniform.®...... Uncoln assassination, among the SINGLE IVORY ora, sorted mail for the cancelling INSYEAD OF COLLEGE Flag committee; Mre. Ralph E. 1:00—Backstage Wife. 8:80— Paul Whiteman’e Orchestra. OfflcUU said that Speaker Bank-‘ 1:15— Stella Dallas. 9:00—Texaco SU r Theater. fomoua evenU to hiator:' to be re- T O A STERS ^auchlDe. It was a smooth-working C.crth. chairman of the National De- WINDOW CANDLES...... SSe 1:30— "Vic and Sade." 10:00— It Can Be Done— Edgar told ore the stoking o f'th e Mains, ^^organisation and each worker, once fense Through Patriotic Education ‘ his currant work was completed, a new loud'*spcakc? i!!!!tem"*in'’the I * '"^'chlng 1-1#— Girl Alone. Guest and Orchestra. the Son Francisco earthquake and committee and Mlse Lola P. Wil- hour '„aased Into another Job to keep the ilcnt Albert N. Jorgensen of Mouse chamber. 5:00— "Dick Tracy." 10:30—Buddy Clark Entertains. the World War. Included »isn (• S-LITE 8»c 5-LITE S14f ‘ onnwticut Bute College suggests liams, chairman ,if the Conservation And touch with reverence a ginger l^otream of mall coming and going The money must come tempo-1 flower 8:16— "Your Family and Mine." 11:00— l!.aso Reporter— News and be the founding of the Associate committee. Press. $1.29 k _ _ Bnral Chrrler rarily from funds Intended for re™. Ah«v!r . k . - 5:30—"Jack Armstrong." Weather. swn that the name of ths Institii In getting together the materioi The program to ■3 Off In one comer of tha workshop ler running expenses of the capitol'I where • “““ -plot 6:16—"Little Orphan Annie." 11:05—Main Street—Hartford. on WJZ-NBC j^Herbert McCann, Manchester's only «ifjf.*’*ft F***“ **^ Connecticut for thIa meeting and In making ar- IncIikUng the uniforms. from I to 2 p.m. State University, It wn.s disclosed Blue Quoker-ladiei take the sun and 6:00— News and Weather. 11:20— Red Norvo's Orchestra. ^mral dellvarey carrier, worked sev rangemenU Mre. Lewis has been Give freedom from the tiring today. ably assisted by her committee con- olr. 6:15— Sports' Roundup with Eddie 11:30— Vincent Lopez' Orchestra. sorting his mall for to- Casey. Sandwich To asters SKIING— Ona o f New ^ffay's deUvsry. McCann's route The Bute College prexy says the sisting of: Mrs. W. H. JUdd of New LEXICOGRAPHERS GIVE One violet In a occluded place 12:00— Benny Goodman's Orchestra. Programs tonight: arm-work of cooking, baking, •circles the town for a distance of chaitge from college to imlverslty Britain: Airs. L. B. Lambert ot New Holds everything of mystery and 6:30—Wrightvllle Clarion. 12:30— a. m.—Henry King’s Orchee- W BAF-NBC—8 One Monto Fam- getting the meals. Over a million EagUad*8 Moat Popu- grace. 6:15— "The Show Window." tra. M fi miles, he dlOclosed. The route to^t'ttl strengthen the Haven: Mrs. Thomas Sears. Taft- ily; 8:30 Tommy Dorsey music; 9 women who now use Mixmastcr lar Sports! y o M sts of 100 boxes and the de- in,! specific vllle: Mrs. W. A. Countryman, Hart- “COOLER” PEDIGREE And nothing could eurpoea. It seems 7:00—Amos 'n' Andy. Tomorrow's Program Fred Allen; 10 Kay Kyser’s Close; to me, caU it the great kitchen labor livery time la about six hours of ally those departments and divisions ford; Mrs. H. W. Dorigan, New Ha- 7:15— "The Human Side of the A. M. 12:30 Lights Out. a rr $2.98 eonUnuous driving. which have been traditional with ven- Mrs. Dorothy Stolzenherz A triUlum'a Illumined trinity. News.” —Edwin C. HIU. 7:00— Shoppers Special. W ABO CB8 — 7:30 Jim MeWU- saver — the answer to donbly- N orthlan d the Institution." Chicago. 1 A P ) — Scholtirs pre- 7:30—"Inside of Sports with Jock Today a substitute rural carrier .'•helton. paring a new dlctlortary g.-ive a 7:55— Beso Reporter— News and Hama Quiz; 8 Gong Busters; 8:30 dclicious food. There’s only will take over one-half of the route The bulletin, prepareil by Preal- EXHORT.A'nON , Stevens." , Weather. Paul Whiteman’s bond; 9 Theater of dent Jorgensen, anawcr.s questions pedigree tcKlay to the term "cooler" Life, punish me If ever I make ONE Mixmoster. So he snre Sk it * ,ior deUrtry, but Christmas or not. which, of course, mean.® the clink, 7:16—Serenadere with Peg La Cen- 8:00—Shoppers Special. Stars; 10 Eddie Guest program. rr^uii he has most frequently been naked moan. I who have pussywillows trk. the food mixer yon give (or mwM do his own by residents of fonncctlrut con- IRON GUARD MEMBERS the pokey, the hooeegow or maybe 9:00— Milton (Tharlee Recalls WJZ-NBC—7 Easy Aces; 8:30 Silex Co ffee M akers » r t l n g In the office no matter how all ray own; 8:00— One Man's Family. Hobby Lobby: 9 Flake Jubilee choir; the one yon receive) is a genn- cerning tile college. Just pl.aln Jail. ^ 9:15— Montana Slim. Make Fineat Coffee! 9 5c to $12.50 .much time It takes. It Ukes vearn Universltv of Chicago experts A thousand peacbblow faces looking 8:80— Tommy Dorsey’s circbeatra. 9:25— News Service. 10 Minstrel Show; 10:30 New com- ine Mixmester. Complete with to leant sorting proflclentlv RELEASED FROM CAMPS who have another section of the up and drinking raindrops from 9:00—"Town Hall Tonight” 9:30—Girl Interne—Joyce Jordon. ment aeries on "Public Interest to two lovely bowls, juice CTCtractor In the carriers section of the ..f- sky's tilted cup. 10:00—Kay Kayser's Kollege of p air AUTOMOBILE DEATHS new American dictlon.arv In page 8i18— Phil Boudini—AccordiontoL Democracy," Mark Sullivan and Jay end strain er...... $23.78 «c e the fourteen regular carriers proofs said they traced "cooler" A thousand silver trumpets tuned os Musical Knowledge. 10:00—Pretty Kitty Kelly. FronkUn: 11:05 Pan-American Cton- S STOVE MODELS— SKI BINDINGS...... stopped work at 5 o'clock after Bucharest. Dec. 21.— (A P I—On one to eing a soft To Deum to 11:00—News and Weather. gr«8a. '••••••-W-OO to $4.95 Mt the promise thev would refrain aa a alang term for tail 'wav back 10:16— Ue On a Bus. $2.95 tMtrihutlng mall on hand at that SHOW 90 DECREASE to I8S4 wh"n a middle west newrs- the sun. 11:15— Johnny Messner’s Orchestra. 10:15— Stepmother. Ume Into the carriers' cas.-.s f,.r from political actlrtty. 180 members pnper said one d a y :_ Life, If another winter seem of the Nazl-style Iron Guard were 11:30—Melodic Stringe — Moahe 11:00— Hartford Board of Health What to expect Thursday; quick I>scklng m their hsirv for "Two Milnor boys were arre.sted bleak, grant me remembrance Paranov, Director, Joyce All- presents. ELECTRIC MODELS— ■ntrret dellver>'. Nearly all of the Martfor.1 f»,e. 21 (AP) .Ninetv released today from coneentratlon Let this beauty speak. W EAF-NBC — 8:15 Cfiirtotmas esmps In the vicinity of Bucharest. on the charge of drunkenness, mand and Lorry Huord, vocal- 11:05—Musical Interlude. $4.95 on hand at- that hour had hern fewer peopl.; th.m last year have lodged In the cooler over night ami ists. carols from New York ferry boat; fSu^SeSm C O FrEE M A STER been killed In Connertlcut noiomo. Among those freed was the so- 11:10— Hartford Better Business 1 p.m. Carole from Schenectady; UUiA prepared for Ktieet d'-livirv then fined $5 in the morning." 1 W O N D E R ! hll- acc.denls so far till.® year the called spiritual leader of the out- 12:00— Artie Shaw's Orchestra. Bureau. 6:15 Pan - American OingreiM. This morning each carrier w.,„os giv-. Such a queer old-fashioned picture 12:30— Lights Out. Autometicelly brews coffee for the correct time end shnU off when en e snbstltut state Motor Vehicles Department re. lawed Guard-movement, Prof. N A 11:13—Scattergood Baines. WABC-CBS— 2:30 Syracuse school stre< t cTrrU-r to nr/' E. Joneacu. WRONG STARS of a funny little girl 1:00 A. M.—Silent. done— then sets itself to keep the coffee hot indefinitely. AU you do is company him with the extra ported tiKiay. 11:30— Big Slater. of children carols; 6 (Jhrtotmas pro- mall With facp so round and hair slicked Tomorrow’s Program pnt in coffee end water end forget it. No watching! No guesswork! D RIVER PO WER T O O LS throughout the ren;:iinder of rhe High wav fatalities this vear. as of 11:15— Aunt Jenn}r’s Real Life gram from Mission Dolores, OsU- me r r y CHRISTMAS BUT— St. Louie-Sheik Abdul read.® the back without a sign of curl. A. M. porio

much tlM BSBM sort ot s group COSTER IN MOVIES iUm rlrratrr would not ba in ehsrg* of ths pcndltun of th# grsats-bi'Sld funds Not a aoul, probtibly not a w any ona ef tha surviving Uualca health, maa haa thrown up many ■griculturally or m sanitation. In Ettntfstg 9 »ra U l thus propossd ms now ovsrsaa tha n ew o r k ■afeguarda around tha water aup- cedentod, picturesque demonstra-1 tha pier, bcggmg i..,.rfh»trtmen not I N Y the records of per capita coneump- brothers, baa as yet anything Ilka ntmAUHtSD kT TUB apaod^ of WPA monay. Red Cross Sends Warnings WAUR SOURCES pUaa and, aa noted la a reoaat huUa- tlon of water In the various cities * I^B* eectloa of protesting to touch the Iron steal "to be AXA riU N T IN a OOMPANT, MC. Doubtlaaa bafore wa gat through a clear picture of the compUcaUd tla of tha State Dapartmant ot and towns of toe Btote. It can be QUnatown. j used for bomhe to alaughtfir our 1< BIm «U StrMt structure of fraud, plllaga and By OBOBOE BOSS * A sunlaaa atraat, as ugly aear of for ChristmasI Health, "CoaaecUcut no longer euf- readUy seen that the greatest use of J-oadlng on tbe Greek freighter 1 countrymen." The Beckr __ UOBB. with this pussla sltogather thara Bpjwe W ^ t e d lu t Friday when enham arrived Monday fw i TBOMAt rBKUUlOB chicanery erected by the lata PhUlp New Tork.—Dava Elman as tha steel, ineeaeent grating on metal, About Christmas Accidents AMONG BEST OF fere from great outbraaks of water is In those communities wbln>aid to statas. with tha world's atrangaat evo- ing pedestrtens. Nor to t m p r ^ BWB menace such m a oontomtnated Industry the chemical balance of the approaching a true comprehension water aupply, and thoee sporadic BaMIahad Bvaiv BraDma Bseapt Poaalbly it may ba mada to work • . * * • •>••*'<1 of 10,000 ment of property. 80 the rente Waabington. D. C. Dec. 21.—ThsAhlgbly inflammable; when uring ■■ STAIFS ASSETS «.ater la held by engineers to be of !> n 4 a^ ]W a Houifayalaara Ca'larM“ ' at tl^a of the number or respective quail h o b ^ since be etarted coUeetlng canto down to rock bottom and American Rad. Croas, again acting tree decorations, take cart. eaaaa which do occur throughout tha utmost Importance. This means !||L__ battar than the preaant compll bobbylata end be bellavea that he an Impoveriahad avenue to prevant the tragedj of injunaa suite practically always Atom In- a ties or Identities of the peraonall- "Insulation which haa worn off wejpr such as ConneeUcut has in -Mall- Mittar. catad, rad-tapa-hammarad, half- has not scratched tha aurfaca. reaulL and fatoliUss at CbrUtmas time, faction from another caee or a car- abundance, soft and not productive Chriatmaa tree lighting aeto should and-half ij-atem of control. But Ues Involved in it-Yat.HoUywood, told ua about Then, added to the fitb Avenue’s checks Santo hlmoelt by instructing rier, a peraon who harbora tbe germs of difficulties which arise when toe Completfi ABBortmenU Of . SUBSCRIPTION RATES be replaced since a short circuit may Connecticat Got Early Xmas without being 111 with the dlaeaaa." OM Taar by Mall ...... MOS wa take tha llbarty of doubting It aa was to have been expected, an- the Manhattan doctor who col- temporary woes was tbe building the merry eld gentleman to flreproot start a fire. supply contains a high degrees of ^ ...... f •• nounces that not • one but two lecte water specimens from all of e new subway. Now a u b ^ hla long white beard before getting The work of the public water sup- mmeral content S ^ l a Copy ...... i 01 If It does, than parhaps—still ba- |**J*.of tha world. And ba baa "Children receiving electric toya Daltaarad Oat Taar . .. ----- picture producing concerns. ara si- construction, - -In Ita prellmlnarv pear holiday capdlea should, be trained to puU out tha ply ayatom In keeping the water fore we see the last of federally Just told ua about an Insurance ■togas, la no dalleato sight. The Present In Abmidant, Soft cleaa and free from diecaoe-carrylng H OLID A Y SPIRITS ready busily engsged In preparing Largaly bAaust of Chriatmaa plug before leaving tha room. >i MEMBER o r THE ASSOCIATED sponsored relief work—there may man who aavaa elephant hairs, for scene la aa devastating as a niejoi calebnUona, more persons are in- bactaria ala obalpa tha watertar from____ « __ PRESS ■screen versions” of the Ineradlbla 00 reason whataoover. battle at aero hour and fith Ave- "Dishes are acceptable glfto for tha Industrial atandpolnt, tines part TO RESUME LOADING Tfilephonfi 6560 For Pronpt DcUvory Shop At L The Assoelated Pr«M it taciutivtly be a swing back to tha other as- jured by fire during December than toe child who la teaming to feed It- Supply Free From Tron- P aatitltd to (he ate of rtpubllettlea episode, declaring H to be a “ natu- There’i a ocbool teachor wlio nue looked like No Men's of the treatment used in filtration of treme—complete federal control of paints pictures on cobwaba. And any other month, the Red Cross self, but It la wise to salaot those ft ef all Btws-SItParohti ertdirtd to It ral” for tlie movies. when excavation end blasting were water serves to lessen the corroolvc er BOt ethervise credited In this the expenditure of federal relief »m a n who hea collected places of to progreea. To approach lUdlo wiqrdan. Evan Bt Nichoiaa may con- made of unbroakabla matarial. blesome Minerals. quality of the water. SCRAP IRON TODAY O A K ST^ P A CK A GE ST ORE eyer and else the loetl newt nab ■Utute a fire hazard and should play funds. In a way, the movies have coma wedding cake for SO y e m bee caty tcrota fith Avenue e few Be CarefnI In Rltchen Uae of water In manufacturing 21 OAK STREET L. CERVINL Prop. BUsilcdS--- herein.------been pursuing Elman. There la safe by dipping his aometlmes High- "In the excitement 01 holiday KEMP'S All rtsbte or republicatloni ef to be a vastly amplified aucceasor montha ago meant allnktog by a prooeeaea la Ooanaetleut la im s Against any such proposal there a ^eamen around here who col- ly Inflammable whlakert in a solu- epeclal diepatebee herein are alao re- to the old time Eogliah ballad dynamite nest where stoal-helmeted time, take special care in the kitch- Among tha many natural aaseto and It la estlmatod that only about San Franolseo. Dec. 21— (A P )— eerveA la always one potent argument; iMte bomba (non-exploelva), 1 men were fusing in for aa explo- tion Of tout ouncoo of ammoma en. Keep knives out of tha raach ot writers who. If there were a sensa- ot OonnecUeut which form a baalf ona out of each ISO gallons sent out Loading of scrap Iron on two vee- that It would be sure to make WPA nouaewtfa who ooUecta ahlrtcuffs sion below. p^aophata to ona quart water. children, make aura that hot liquids tbrough tha public aupply mains la rail aerrtee ellent ef N E A Serv- tional murder In London on a Mon- a Now Fork truck driver who ool- In further voicing tot opinion of 01 appeal to Industries being urged aels which will take It to Japan was ice Inc. more than ever a political weapon propMty own- on tha atova ara aat well back from actually consumed oy human beinga. scheduled to be resumed by long- day, could be depended on to have l^ta cameoa. And a men who the majority that safety and sanu- the front edge, and In reaching for by the Btote Publicity Commlesida Tbe balaaee la utUlaad Industrially, Menibar Amerletn Newtpcper rub- In tha bands of the party In power. jJlTO to punch five million penellad BMPt mix, tha Rad Croat tuma the eboremcn today after an unpre- lltbers Aetoelailon printed copies of aome dreary song RockefeUera who had the fith Am things on top abslvaa use a auplad- and tha Chambers of Commerce to That Is an argument which many nue "L " for a facade to Radio a ty spoUlght on other anetent Tule eua- der, not a chair or pile of boxoa make Connecticut their heme are predicated on the crime on sals on he is 80. Beys It calma bis nerves Pnbllihere Representatives: The people accept and regard aa final. end a gaping subway labyrinth tot towa "Bum a candle In the window "If snow and ice aro on tha the State’s endowmanto In aourcaa Jallnt Mathewc dneclal Aatner—.Vew the streets by Tuesday evening. for corolara, by all means, but be o f^ b llc water aupply. Terb. Cbleeso. Detroit sod Boctbn. a parallel tunnel. But tost tor ground, aprlnkla stops and sidewalk ______, But In our belief—provided It be Tbe Hollywood dramaa suggested No *1e1" Chrletmae, algbtod CroaeuB tomlly anUclpeted aura that a fire extinguisher and an with Mlt or aahes to make walking when Natuie'a Chriatmaa pres- MEMBER j^DDiT bur eau o r administered with anything like After sixty yeere. toe fitb Avenue toe beautification of fith Avaotie unohatructed exit are handy!”. John safer. ants were being doled out many long aRCULATlU.MS by Incidents of current interest may The Sweetest G ift O f A ll honesty of purpose at the very . r im,.?®"**®* The wreck p a y knew that Radio a t y one Malpolder. Director of toe Red Cross "Public holiday gatherings should agee ago. (Connecticut proved for- be pretty terrible u plays and reck- ere will rase the structure short- day would ba tha show place of e lilJ iH 'in home accident prevention service, tunate in being graaUd not only The Herald Printins Comptny Ine., ; head of the government—far better Here's a gift that win peek Santo's hag brim fun ot eeoitort far — be held only in buildings which hava Btsomecv v . weovww no,ew flnancielec ii a ■ ■ ai , reenoneibtlltyI VSi STtMIB I V I 111 ^ ______...... lesaly Indifferent to the facta and ly. And sunlight, after aix dark aparious and unobstructed thcr- aalfi. ample courcea of water supply from iicel errors andterlns In results can be obtained from the to come! I t ’. A to* Inneropr^ m a t t ^ ^ u t l f t ? S S ? been pronounced free of fire haa- for tYpograpiiteol trrort opf^arlng in porsonallUeS. but at least they are ougbfere and too aub-terminua of Flan In Advance ardi. Ebcita should ba kept clear and clean, upland eourees, tut 1^ In C A N D Y advsrtlsemente la the Manebeatar full control of federal work relief an ultra-modern underground rail- Tbe Rad Cross auggesto that all obtaining water which Is axtremeht Evaalas HeralA prompt. roftd. JW Include with it a pair of PappereU ahaeto end pUIow^^TSx J dangerous ever-erowdlng should not A box af LovaJoy'B Homs Made Candle* wUI by the central government than In em of the *Ela" paasfng admit the WMM coipnunlty celabratlons In Santa’s soft and free from high mineral con- Probably there really Is a tre- ad^ntagea of its damlae. be oermltted. tent which In many other states make a "Htt” wltk "Her". any other way. With no local in- rTxn fegi lOr ba planned in advance SO that "Keep floors free of small objacto WKDNXSDAr, DECEUBBR 21 mendous movie In the Coster affair. F^or the fith Avenue *X“ has makes It necessary to aaad water UreaU to serve, no local politics *^A.?*r* •• Anything I bate It u ,a proper safety pracauttona may which may be swallowsd by Infants.' Extra Flae, Home Made, Sattn Finish But there Isn't anyone In Holly- oaodJd aboti. | observed, parucularly in respect through extenalva treatment pro- WPA OUTLOOK entering Into the selection of minor During the rush and gaiety of the cesses before it can be made fit for wood or anywhere else smart —New yom phetpgrepher Natray tbe lighting and decoration of Christmas season, with Its home- Industrial use. RIBBON C AN D Y...... 1-lb. box 25c; 15^-lb. box SSc supervisors, but the whole thing aa Konnaa about to lend hla art to immunity trees. A story came to us a day or two enough- to get It out until someone comings, parties, and celebrations, it L laA ^ L la a ^ — e— —Efi ^ c------e_ oa ____ al* With only two or three axeeptions, Ta ble Lam ps oompletaly federallsed aa the CCC glerifytag Farii avenue dsbA W A T K I N S B R O T H E R S , Jncorporated Mr. Melpoldar lists tha following la all too easy to forget bow quick- which are In small villagea where .... * **<1* mahae ■ reazlaa ire m m U dava- ago, from what we beUeve to be an knows what the Coster affair real- ways to ohaarva the Chrlatmas sea- long la ■‘UdwsMW. BeeasM It b esey u eoairel U m has been. WPA might UHe on a ly was—or la And by the Uma the ly an accident can turn a happy oc- water Is secured In a llmeetoae re- •••I u • ■wwy-wtmg iBMe tha entirely credible actirce, about a acQ gatoly: casion Into a bitter memory, tbe Red gion or from deep wells la r o ^ tha ohbibthab bo r es...... ^ new teriouanesa and a new dignity story becomes really known, even fipwtSfnSLrMa? WPA worker. It la not a funny "In order to provont the Christ- Croes official stated. Stote’e water la soft The water aup- FlOad with aawntad haad-dtpped choeolatea MME A WPPVt FEOM M FDOAFf >-woeEi w » l. atoty or ah almost funny story, like and come to perform a highly laud- in tbe rough. It will ba stale stuff mag traa from drying out, immeras "Welcome Santo and Insure fur- piles, la addltloo, ara natural watarp ao many about the WPA. able purpose. for Holl^ood. the baoa In a pap of water. ther against fire by hs'vlng chimneys unpolluted by aawaga or laduatrlal "Cotton and cellophane are both and flues cleaned now. waataa. For tha moat part, thiey are Thla WPA worksr, it appears, And on those who just must low la color ead eoatent of orgaaic L O V EJO Y C A N D Y SH OP T H E W. G . G LE N N EY C O . At Only $ 4 .9 5 ■hoot craps on tha job or fill them- liras In the westerly part of Man- Late arrivals matter sad are free from troublae BBS Main SL Next to Montgomary Ward's CoaL LombBT, Maaonh* SuppUtB, P ^ t chester. His job Is or was in tha selvas with liquor on tha public’s on the varsity nine In bis under- with Iron er a>aag> For the protectloairote^i ef the puhl|o 336 No. MBln StrtBt Telephoee 4143 l^pm eetlng Woods. He bad ovet^ Urns, we are not In ths laaat sure Washington Overnight News grduate days at Wesleyan Univer- slept and bade fair to be late. So that a good snug concentration Bity, Anderson became a school prin- swell Watkins Gift Lane stocks cipal here before studying tor t^a he called a taxicab, by phone. He camp might not axerclae a aalutory law. tnfiuanoa. bad to atop on the way at a pacK- Of Connecticut Putnam— Tha reconstruction fi- aga store to buy a quart Bo the for last minute shoppers — ay ABBOUATED FKEBB nance corporation auctioned off tbe plant, land and machinery of the taxi man charged him 7S oanU for "PURE DEMOCRACY" Washington — Anthony Eden's pu Adams Manufeturtng (Company in WBC the trip. The quart may have coat visit In tha United BUtcs is likely Bomflret — Tbraa - year • old toe city’s center, obtaining a total Earlier this month Harry r. anywhere from gl.SO to $2, prob- to have more effect In England than ! t lUyaoBd Crowley, son of of $12,423 from aeveml bidders. ably not more. Byrd, Ualtad SUtaa Banator from here. i Mr. and Mra. Alfred Crowley, Hartford—The F. H. McGraw and Wa warned you this wasn't a Virginia, delivered an address be- In his first speech, the one before was tnjurad tatally when ba fell and Company of Hartford and New Store Open Tonight, At the last minute have you remembered two or three ftagntonto of a glaaa be was hoidlng funny atory. It might be a bit di- fore the MassachuactU Paderatlon the Manufacturers Association, be York aubmlttod tbe low bid, a more gifts you must have wrapped before Santa makea ■evarad hla juglar vain. Tha child quotoUon of about $1,400,000, for of Taxpayers Asaoclatlona. a copy insisted bis visit was not connected bled to death while being rushed to verting, with tta unspoken Impllca- In any way with pubUc affairs, but his MnuaJ ^1? Watkins Gift Lane Is the place t ^ c k construction of a mesa ball, two bar- tJooa, If It were altogether unique. of the text of which, for some rea- a hospital at Putnam where hla racks. an infirmary, admlnlatmUon diplomats and politicians do not ex- ♦h-***^” beautiful, lasting thmgs mother baa been a patient since aha But thara ara any number o< WPA son or other, has just reached this pect to be taken seriously when Thursday and Friday building, commissary, etc., at the “P* itot as you have •was hurt soma time ago In an auto- now aoldlera* home In Rocky HllL ■tortea—and aome of them unfor- desk. His subject was National they make such statements. to make, so have some of our man- mobUa accident. Financial Preparedness and he Ulk- Hli visit is InUrpreted In certain Hartford—Banking Commisaloaer tunately are true—that make about wcles here at Intended to bolster ufacturers n ^ e last minute shipments . . so there aiw PABTINa *For The W e ll Dressed M an aa much sense aa this one. There ed a great deal about taxation. But until 9 P. A\. Walter Parnr raperM to Qovaraor his pofltlon In England aa the lead- many new pieces to select from. Here are Just a faw of CMOS tkat 78 mutual aavlnga banka are so many of them and the effect the one thing about the speech er of the "younger” element who Plttaburgb--A ruling by bank- J In the atata had total assets of ruptcy trusteee today separated AAaple • kna been to so seriously discredit which mskea It noUble Is a single are plugging for International or- $7M,fiSl,070A8 as of September 30 gMlwtlon to keep the peace. When "Buck” and John Recktcnwald, pale tha W PA Idea that there are more phrase. The second and final sen- oomparad to $S0fi,M4,282.13 at that and co-workera for 17 yeara. Utility $ 4*9 5 toe League of Nations folded thev time a year ago and had net eam- paopla prepared to sm ths WPA tence of the opening paragraph Is begu looking for cooperation of *3uek” la a big Belgian draft taga for tha year ending September borae and Reektenwald la bis driv- ?or The Ladies Who Cabinets ua as foDowa; toe United States to restore Britain thrown overboard altogether, soon, H> ot B87498.fifiS.48 compared to er. Both woriied for a provtslona to the balance of power In Europe S8848B4lS4fi the prevloua year. than there are prepared to see It Today nothing la more Impor- the once bad. firm. oonttnua until IMO. tMt than to bring to the dtlaena Qraenwlch—Waltor M. Auderson. The truateea ruled "Buck” wa« The story told here Is that one of BS, wail known lawyer here and It la a matter of wide notoriety of our nation a true undersUnd- toe Internal conflicts which led up "Inafftcient by reason of obaolaa- ytoe-pneidant of the Ftrat cenoa.** so he's going to a farm at That Men Like! mg of tho oomplax administra- to tbe resignation of Eden last Feb- N a tto ^ Bank of Greenwlcb, died that on any number of WPA proj- tion of our government and bsp- the age of 24. Reektenwald will ^ r y as foreign minister In Cham- W a heart attack. A star sbortatop drive a truck. Whit# and Fancy Arrow aots the workers do not work with tlm ourselves afraah In the pure berlain's cabinet was a conflict i any proper spirit; on any number principles of representative de- over what dependence could be S9.95 $9.95 Gifts under $5 Shirts Men's Duofold Underwear m of WPA Jobe the fellow who does mocracy. placed upon toe United States if $2.00 up needed In a pinch. iP;v ■thing Ilka a ^ r day's work It Is that phrase "baptize our- H w m a ^ Aluminum Clgaratto Box, two aaettona...... '. $ 4ae The Place Is If 1-1 selves afresh in the pure principles PTaatar Book Ends In gold finish, with prints, p r...... $.m • or would like to—a regarded aa a ChatnlMrlalD Had Doubts Union Suits • aucker; on any number the money of representative democracy” that Chamberlain, who remembered F r u l^ d Flower Prints. 7Hx«% maple or mahogany framaa, Other Shirts $1.15 to $1.65 $4.50 paid for labor la very largely aheer makes ua sit up and whistle. A more clearly how this country re- ...... a...*, LSS VletorlM Vanity Lamps, peach milk glaaa, satin ahadaa...... gas waste. Unfortunately we hear lovely turn of apeach, worthy of the acted against the league and again the c remembered toe negative reaction nothing about the WPA projects true star-soaring oratory for which « In gray pottery; use as bookenda. pr. . . . . SJB Shirts or Drawers $2.50 a fou to the President's "quaranttne'' Md K* (Above, right) with Its low wood gallery ^ Tola Lamp; red parchment shade...... 535 i-whers the employee turn In a fair Virginia has been famous_for many Bathrobes $5.00 up s^peech, doubted whether the ITnlted Bronze Finished Scotty Book Ends, nr * •* i HOUSE’S Tw generatlona. Stotes ever could be committed in **^ulvslent In honest work for every figured mahogany. $9.95. whito and Biu. chineL Ginger ^ Man'* group dollar they receive. We know, of to aid England. Eden quality. Both pieces are Grand Rapids There never has been one min- evidently believed such commit- Antique Parle Feehlon Prints; 13x15 white or mapU tnmu. . L48 ffHf J C U IC L R V Boxed tag. nan < ^course, that there are such projects, ute. from the time when John ments could bo had, perhaps not In *14-75 Magazine Recks; reproduced from old meple Belt-Box ' nee Umbrellas $1.50 up •hut scarcely anjone knows wheth- toe form of a treaty approved bv out q Smith became the autocratic ruler Single WaU Shelf, maple...... Handkerchiefs 50c box up toe at v®r they ara ten times as many as of the Virginia colony down to date the Senate, but In the form of G IFT V A LU ES SUPREM E! ^ understandings between offlclalt of B r... Deri. Lamp with chimney and .hade!! ! i ! ! ! ! ! i " ’ * I J : challe ‘ the other kind, or whether the _when Tidewater Virginia, which tM two countries. They broke when SH E" BUegel FUp Oleae, etched...... ’ Men's Shirts ond Shorts • $ 1 3 -5 0 The -make-beUeve. gyp sysUm Jobs are has always dominated the political Crnamberlaln Insisted on pursulnff a French Scenic Wetor Colors. 18x18 gold framM!!!.’ .*.*!!!!!!! g.M Boxfid Chain ^ woma • ten times as numerous as the and economic life flrri of the ool- policy of pacification Independently Decorated Italian Pottery Ash Trays...... 3.- 35c-65c eoch Naugi 'Vorthy ones. TOth of the league and tho United Neckwear 50c box up chanf! ony and then of the sUte, had one States. Hammered Aluminum Ash Tray*...... IJM WA TCHES! poalni However, It la something to think particle of faith In representative Rebuffs came to England time quent •very serloualy about, this probahU- democracy or any other kind of after time under tbe Chamberlain Elciii • HBRiiUon • WalthBin • Graen • Balovs Men'a Boxed Scarfs $1.00 up way. Ity that the WPA is on Its way out , democracy.---- ... 'Virginia muodidn't i rhelp l^Ucy, first from Mussolini and Gifts under $10 Diir nnd Other SwIbb Wstchea. corn a Because If that agency does dltsp- j fight the Revolutionsry War for a then from Hitler It was Eden's view, as represented here, that g i l d ’s Ladderback Love Seat; maple with splint se a t.. . . Hosiery 25c pr. up fancy vloiial pear and nothing better arises to I democracy but to gel free from such rebuffs would have been Colonial Brass Door Stop...... e woma take its place we are going to oe i British taxation and. Incldentallv avoided anff England's position Brass Cape Cod Fire Lighter and Tray and up Suspenders 50e to $1.00 boon ( up against tragedy. for a republic—which Is a long way made secure If she never bad fal- 1.50 ”.M: tered In her eaefier purpose of Man*# Something will have to be .tone from being, necessarily, the same Italian Pottery Dish with pottery fruit ciivw...... chost-i building up international organ- comm a ^ u t both the classes affected by thlng-and for hat matter Tide- ization through the league and Solid Mahogany Wall Brackets for ivy. copper Miitainer! ‘ ' Waterman and Sheaffer Pen Pa]amds $1.35 up Bill Folds ^$1.00 up Dif ^ not l^mprobsble passing of the ." ster Virginia did a great deal less through understandings with the Duncan Phyfe Coffee Table, oval top. genuine mahogany...... and Pendl ^ t s dy. a ^ A —the tsxl-and-bottle t>-pe o fjo f that fighting than Back-Coiintrv ed th« Eden went ,out of the ministry V id o r heneflclarj- and the worker who i Virginia, where there were livlne ' mahogany flnishes Bfan*fi > Ailitary Sets "ilc Immensely popular, and with a Sheraton type Occasional Chair, damask ttovers... $3.00 up "I I ^ t s to deUver a fair daj-e work | many plain farmers-eturdv souls considerable following not oniy of Leather Goods Includinsr Bill Folds Sweaters cd Al( for his stipend and then take the «'ho did believe In democracy ' the younger element but also of ^ o r a ^ Black and Ivory Metal Tray. craJkled finish $2.50 up Record Player many old heads In toe conservative Colonial Brass Andirons. Um tops, pr...... and Military Sets Mch*a LInad and Unlinad ^pend home and support bit fam- : But-Virginia's Ides of s rerresen- ' *19.75 WarthBUM tepetheewMh party. One of theu reputedly Is Bfi-Bfi wwfo ad Eiailrda ot year Uy on It. or do the best he can to- , tatlve democracy was to see to it ' former Prime Minister Stanley Tongs; C^lVidiibriii! Boy^ Gloves $2.00 pr. up w i^ ^ p p o rtln g It , in Colonial times, that no one bit ^Baldwin who continues to be a Child 8 Windsor Arm Chair, maple...... Ladles* Dresser Sets powerful party figure behind the element s Tidewater planter-not a farmer l scenes. Child’s Sawbuck Play Table, maple.. ’ .*!!...... Sweoters $1.25 up Han't which believes, or affects to be- , but a planter with a lot of .1.. Fostoria Cut Glass Only $15*00 Ueve, that the WPA problem could , should ever alt in the n riri^ One .Man Oood-WIll Tour Glodstone Bags $9.00 up be solved If the federal government ^ House of Deputies; and In nation ' Eden's trip to ths United SUtes (Below) Early American design and Tie and Handkorchiof AS33J5ValMt from a British point of view then practical utility make toU fine occa- Electrical Appliances w u ld just turn over to the states times that the shore counties with ' takes on the semblance of a one- LadlMT t o e ^ T w d n u T tr^ ” *^ through!one-third of the sUte’s population.' man good-will junket whose moat sional table a gratifying gift choice. InehidiBC ToaBters, WmSk Irons, SOez Coffeo SoH 75c ^ and put the responsibility ; Including far more Negro slaves Immediate purpose Is to strengthen Figured mahogany veneered top, (Above) BmarUy daeorattva, vary pnetleal Msken and Sandwich Toastcrik Ovornighf Cates $3.50 up Eden and his following when the 2Sx2S. Typical snake feet. Grand aa a consols, for cards, tea or oooaaloaal expected election rolls around pos- Raplda made, S1A75. sibly within a year. K Bdan a h ^ d use, this awlval top card Ubia effara a bright take advantage of bis own trip to a*"’ gift Idaa. Mada of genulaa mahogany Bronze Novelties, Evening R n y toe United States, and tha further by aklllad Grand Raplda craftsman, SIS.75. good will built up br the visit of I the King and Queen1 harehe next sum- Ladles* Cigrarette Cases and “ !r mer, to build up a tamblanoa ot an Inside “underatandlni:** between tbe Compacts U. S. end Ehiflend. he would have a *19.73 *24-75 tremendous barguinlng power with um to# electorate. In aplta of much Wallace Nuttin^r Pictures pubUc acclaim, ther.. Is stout Britlab oppoelUon to too Chamberlain “ to Baa cMtoa Uhto pat- Framed Mottoes th e « would seem to be eon, ^ !v ^ ^ policy of pacification by negotiation » < * > ». - t - » , 10. fbr doubt aa to the sure " “ * ‘**"isn but he la a and wUiingncsa to taka robuffa. Kodaks | So far ea tha United BUteo te 1 ^ t ^ ^ the bookcaaa (akove. right) ravaai Chlppaodate toflo- ,*s a 400 N u m bers to Select Fnm i *r “i and $ 1 .0 0 up «Kh a solution. M u rof ,^*“^01; C ■■“'into mcerned. obeervera here aee not tlve WDrthtoa«m.a of n « « r i S A ' ^ ’ He ^ tbe slightest possibility that any «o a . « B appropriato alao aa a wan cabinet or what-not. Gann- In Xmas Greeting Cards Brownies projects la directly traceable to the 'er's aversion Virginia plant- r ^ ''cooperative organlzetloa" with reluctance of eommunitlea to dto. ' heart 1 taxea, and whan hisE^land may be brought about ^ ^ [ ? U * * * Including iMeo U e popular fellow and haa One Special Lot of Xmas Cards vide their ah«,A I S T t iL T ^ ^ the high elm of aevlng the Britlab iB d ^ <3^ Tola Table L«np. S-candla at 8 for 10c ARRO W tb. con Of moro pernmnent ulne‘r b l t i r ^ X ^ t S L * Empire from a fate worae **«»" T A ll Shoes Sold In B»ra needed improvements. This death. But there aeama too much Sh iit t Al»ut a rebaptUm in tha "pure aplrlt of splendid iaoletlOQ in thle Bound H a ^ k with pleated valance; yel- itate control proposal doaan't ap- low. hUck piping . .V...... 7J« principle* of represenUtiva de- c ^ t r y for any poUtlea) beckatop- O ur Shoo Dept. P * v to provUJa for any chaoBa te ping. solid Mahogany Pedoatal Smoksr.... sm Underweor that dmetfoB. It la almost aa fiumy ■« » Nancy LanghenM Aator, at the Empire Green Um Table Lamp, silk CfHOUSe^SON Fitted By Fta* mmuae of VfarglBie. wtn to WATKfNS ...... MS F. E BRAY Hosiery INC. ““ tha JEWELER X-Ro y Bsfltos 737 Main StiBBt Hondkorehioft EVEmNQ HERALD. BIANCHESTER. CONN. WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER tl. 198S Tobin ot Anaonla, P. Augustus Al- termatt of Branford, Mrs. Joaephlna good stondlng, pointing out in Its IN^GDRALBALL C. Morrell of Meriden, Mrs. Ruth F. defenae that President Roosevelt Legge of New Haven, Ricnard T. VEETELLY, bad used It. On the other hand, he Johns, Jr., of Beacon Falls, William said, the word la "bologna” not little more will be done than the New York, North Carolina. Ohio, J. Whiteley of Seymour, Fred J. ■'bolney" or "boloney.” ON JANUARY 4TH For Quality and Service . Order > S E R I A L S T O R V STATE WAGE-HOUR gesture of Introducing a UU, but m Oklahoms Oregon, Pennsylvanis In OoinecUcut were rovaaiad French of Oxford. Frank J. Smith of WORD EXPERT, He was stumpiMl, though, when he MBnehester Public Market others, notably New York and Nortn Wallingford, James Malone of South Carolina, Tenneaaee, Virginia, in ths Stote Health Dspsrtasnt’s tried to find the source of the word cervHMifr. tom CaroUna, there la expaetad to be wj West Virginia and Wyoming. latest morbidity report. Southbury, Willie R. Barto of Ox- "boon-doggUng", a word frequently NEA SClIVieS* ING. determined flght for passage. ford, James N. Oanaon of New Ha- used a few years ago In connection VALVOLINE SKrS THE LIMIT LEGISLAHON SEEN Seventeen other states have legla- ^ offMt tois, however, thars srars GoTenior-Blect Baldwin To ven, Arthur C. Stone of New Haven, DIES SUDDENLY THURS^Y special s" The Federal law covers only latures meeting In January. Flori- notlcesbls decreases in tha numbar with government relief work pro- BY ADELAIDE HUMPHRIES workers In industries which engage R Wilson Clinton of North Haven, jects. Jiangre and F u e l O ils da’s lawmakers convene In April. Mexico City, Dec. 21.— (A P )—The ^ ^ e s e le a and whooping oough Benjamin F. Barnes of New Haven, (OsatlmMd fmm Paga Oaa) In interstate commerce. It does not PNEUMONIA, SCARLET Refiew First Comipany, He defended Alf Landon’s use of apply to employes of retail ea- Officials say that pressure for newspaper Etocelslor reporta tha Lucius J. Hale of Cbeshire, Wesley the word "cockeyed” In Its current CAST o r CHARACTERS Seventy pneumonM caasr — — 1 night In the Fifth evenue hospital A Fresh Sihipment of PHONE 3492 me,” Sally returned. What Dan Billi Gotdy Following Fed- tobliahments, such as grocery stores enactment of state laws Is coming Mexican Senate approved a spe- O. Collins of Cheshire, Mrs. Mary slang meaning and said It bad been 8AIXV RLAIR — heroine. She chiefly from two sources—Isbor ported aa compared to 01 Monkley of New Haven, Frank A. where he had been since Dec, 3 suf- held against her went much and gasoline stations, and In service cial tax on banking proflta made FEVER CASES JUMP the pcw> Foot G n rd Also. In the language for a century. But, iwd everything thnt popolaiity unions snd Intorstats Industries sub- vlous week while 00 w m . ___ , McGill of West Haven, Mrs. Alma L. fering from pleurisy sad pneumonia. could win her. exesept deeper. But she did not want enterprises, such as hotels and laun- through operations not conforming on the other hand, he argued that SEA FO O D The Valvoline O il Company Corey, or any of the others, to eral Statutes To Be Pre- ject to the Federal law. The latter ti the basic purposes of credit Insti- treated for scarlet fever aa caiMai!. Moeller of Milford, Charles 8. Lins He had been associated with Funk DAN REYNOLDS — hero. He dries. Thsss would be subject to ed with 44 the week before. M i-tits ley of North Branford. Charles A. and Wagnalts for 46 years ss editor anyone who said “oakie-doke" when Stockhouse Road know bow much that mattered to have to compete with Intra-state in- tutions. (lowniar^ect Raymond E. Bald- he meant "yes” had a mental age ot migbt hnve hnd Snfly bat while state laws. decreased from 7S to 6g and whoop- Buckingham of Cheshire, Lewis W. of the reference department he wna king on akls her. She picked up a plngpong sented For AcHon. dustries that are not subject to It. The tax ranges from ton per cent win, whai ha takes office January 4, not more than ten years...... racket, served a ball neatly over Exeoufives Draft BUI ing cough from 106 to 80. Barber of Meriden, Mrs. Hattla Survivors Include his widow, Ber- JSSAiiiS'r .15. lb. COREY PORTER wna king ef will guide Ckmnecticut during its Keller of Seymour and Frederick W. Fancy HaUbnt ...... tha aoolal whlrL So Bat go tha net "My ahouldara are broad A euggettad state wage-hour bui Ri tha, and a daughter, Mrs. Norma enough to taka what'a coming to JMlat year aa a state, and special Mitchell of Southbury. Cochrane. Fresh Cod Scallops on aitb the atory. Wmahlngton. Dec. 31.— (A P )— A was drafted by State labor execu- Because of the speed with which 150,000 FIRE HITS me,” the told Corey. ‘Even though ' ^ on to the 300th anniversary Smelts Swordfish Yeaterdnyt Aa Corey datea SnUy, widespread effort will be made In tives meeting here lest month. In veniremen were called during the When he went to work for Funk I am Just a party gal—on the sut^ general provlslona It follows cloeely win DOsnaid at the Oovemor’a Ball aha la more and mere aare ef her face.” on the eVraing of Inaugural day. morning, it was generally predicted and Wagnalls that organlaatlon was STAMFORD CENTER] Swedish Soaked Latefiak. Jnat in love for Den, thnt her klaaea nre state legislatures this winter to put the Federal statute, but leaves John Hataes becsime Connectl- a new panel probably would be compiling its "Standard Dictionary." nlone for him. It was then the answer to her a floor under wages and a ceUlng blanks for maximum hours and s dra^ tomorrow. His part of the Job embraced the ...... 10c each problem aa to how aha was to get cut'a first nvemor, under the Fun- CHAPTER X over houra of mUUons of workers wage minima. Each stats thus could damental Oiwra, In 1039. At the The last venireman in the second training of deflners In the art of (Oentlnned from Pag* OM.) 8nUy*a father waa aa good aa to see Dan preaantad Itaelf to excluded from the Federal Wags* set Its own standards panel and the first In the third, both drafting deflnitlone of words. bia won). Before n week bad bar. "Which reminds me,” she Hour Act. examined yesterday, were women. cK.k"B2 f -H ' |‘- raised her voice so that the rest States which have asked for In- As the work progressed he esme s'des of the stairway, which divides paaaed, through hla lawyar, Dan Information available to Labor Miss Mary C. Devlin, ® music teach- to epeclallxe more and more In defi- the nuilding Into two section*...... i Reynolds waa offered- n position of the young people could hear, formation on the model blU are Ala- Department officials Indicated today bama, Arisons, Arkansas, Colorado er from Branford, and Mrs. Loretta nitions of wines, typography, and Firemen Driven Back In a Boaton brokerage house. It "I'm throwing a party Saturday Prior, a Wallingford widow, and critical reviewing. was such a good offar, with op- night To round off tha spring that sUte wage-hour bllla wUI ha Connecticut, minola, Indiana, Ken- Crashing out the sidewalk vents w a.1. « native PORK CUTS proposed to at least 38 leglaJatures. were challenged by the state. In 1913 Dr. Vlsetelly was named FrSfih Hams, Whole or Half preah portunity for advancement, that vacation featlvltlea Incldantally tucky, Louisiana, Mains Maryland A third woman examined yester- Into the cellar of the building, fire- Saturday also happens to be my In soma states It la axpectad that Missouri, Montana, Now Jsrsey managing editor of the unabridged men were driven back time and Freah Bacon Fresh Shouldew no young man would be able to ^Only 3 More Dap day, Mrs. Edna Deleon of Hamden, birthday, so-all of you are hera- dictionary of the firm, succeeding egaln and two pieces of apparatus Pigs’ Heads turn it down. Especially a young was challenged by the defense. the late Dr. Isaac R Funk. njm who did not have any other wlUi invitad.” This waa greeted The name of Harry E. Mac- and three tinea of hose were dis- During his association with this VEGETABLE DEPARTMENT ' prospects. with a shout of iqiproval from kenzie of Bethel, former state labor patched to the rear of the building everyone, during which SaUy book the number of vocabulary where the flames bad burst through "I like the lod'a spunk," Sam commissioner and Republican leader . Blair chuckled over the reply hla again lowered her voice, and who baa pleaded guilty In the case terms It contained was increased rear windows. turned to Corey. more than 60 per cent, and It was So rapid waa the spread of the lawyer bad received. "He saya he along with Edward G. Levy of New Fancy SSlve PoUtoii'...... - ...... AAP food Storot acc^to, but only becauae he feela "I want you to do aomething Haven, was brought up Just at the necessary for him to b ^ m e one ot fire that occupants of stores on the •pom- FrUap mn4 PILGRIM BRA N D the most widely read men In the ground floor and In offices on two ob%ated to accept any offer made for me. As a special favor,” she session's close Tuesday. Saturday Eotriingm. bj^hlB benefactor — and only on dimpled at him. “I want you to Charles H. Hobro, former West country In order to keep abreast of upper floors made their way to the C i o a o d mli day street with difficulty. Employea of WndiUon that he be paid just promise you’ll bring Dan Reynolds “^Shop&Save at Wards Haven selectman and aUte repre- new words and search out old and Monday, Doe. 39th offices on the second and third ^ y ^ h a t he proves to be worth.” Not to my birthday party, Corey." Last Minute Shoppers sentative under examination was a obsolescent onea inmnany young men would have put floors, among the last to leave the Pum pem ickle B r e a d ...... " I’U do that little thing— since |X)sslble Juror, told defense attorneys Once, In an address before the TURKEY: — w such a stipulation. There waa you put It that way,"-Corey said building, were escorted to the street Je felt that Mackentle, because he Phonetic society at Columbia uni- by firemen. Mince Meat Cookies . i f ...... } £ Fancy Fresh Northwestern D|> doubt about It. this lad In lightly. But he aaw through Sally had pleaded guilty, "would be more Will Find \ps versity. Dr. Vlzetelly urged s new AH of the stores on ths ground whom Sally had token such an now. She bad taken the blame liable to tell the truth" If he took English alphabet, arguing that the Try Oar Deildona Home Made Fruit Cakes. *** Yeung Hans end Toms Interest waa made of the right the stand. floor were badly damaged by the for Reynolds’ accident upon her one now In use was inadequate to Absolutely guaranteed stuff. own shoulders. Unleaa he misaed Hobro said he would be “Inclined fire, smoke and water, while offices ^der Your Xmas liirkey Now While Our Stock h express the multiple sounds In the on the upper floors were blackened Every Bird Salaetad To say that Sally waa thrilled his guess, which usually cams to give more weight to testimony by language. Complete. Roasting Chickens. 6 to 7 Pounds Each! at the thought that she would see doss, there waa even more to it Mwkenzie than that of the accused with smoke. A well-schooled physician, he said ■The building, erected In 1921, le From Grade A Stock lb . Dan again would ha putting It than that. ’TU bring Dan along who bad pleaded Innocent. The de at another time, has a vocabulary much too mUdly. After her father fense challenged him. owned by the Connecticut Mutual DIAL 5137 ~ FREE DELIVERY Corey He, too, exceeding that commonly attributed Insurance Co. and Hyman Frankel told her that Dan waa expected pteked up a plngpong racket, the following Monday, Sally to Shakespeare. The bard of Avon, HOLIDAY REQUIREMENTS Large Roasting come on, my sweat. I ’ll beat It was bis contention, used about 5 Pound Average lb. scarcely could sleep a wink. Only you at this gaine." STATE MEDICAL UNIT 23.000 words while the medical man TOP SPEED 80 MILES. Chickens 48 houra and Dan would be In And he would beat har— or of today has 38,00 or more at bis Boston. Only 34 hours and he anybody also— at any othar. Tor Wllml^ton. Del.-(AP)— a too VSfhite Hell command. Rumford Bakini; Powder ...... lb. would have started on hla way Coiw Porter fait ho had ao Fssf> Oi Cksaw Pfsal $IS ood hoyoo SoUol fcveeoM aSNrtCfiif STUDIES CHEAPER CARE s^ed of 80 miles an hour on open Pekin Only 13 houra, only eight— and at UmtlWanawifaaUl and An educated man, he remarked on Ducklings Nvalty to fear from Dan Ray- Gift Shirts another occasion, ought to know highways In Delaware would oe last Monday had arrived and al- dolds who could nsvar amount to Gift Pamtlea Men^s Siveatera MaJ. a. B. Btarges permitted under state leglsIaUon Fancy Men’a Mnfflera 30.000 words. One of the words, the SSd*’seedl*"*“" *0c though she had not seen him, a great deal in any place now. AFrkonon 198 New Haven. Dec. 2 i._rA P ) — prop o^ to the annual mceUng of •sided ® **^'***...... pkgB. 25c Plump lb. Sally could bug the thought to her M Ms ftfsst baU, there wUl be a review, by the The C93»- Into today," Corey said. Thla waa ■u ffe^ a fall yesterday on Stork- Ovid and Horace. He never fal'cd Co odo! All Wool Fmd$l Wc to defend current usages of Ameri- MincQ MMit«»«" "•« i 17c at a gathering of "the gang” in Center Items S • 8 and lO-PlMo Ha Mao Hmtmouk flail JUROR IS CHOSEN; ■tumbled on the sidewalk. She can speech, and Inchidetf such un- tha big raeraatlcn room MBaha Jaefc«ta C^nnen Tow ela WardiHaimfUtlU^af sustoinrd a cut over an eye and a FalrchUd'a houaa...... a. " R l A t hare In Gift Tie Event derworld terms as "racket" and Boston," Corey added. “You could ■AST 8DB contusion of her cheek. ■pineapple" (bomb) In his latest dic- Nono Such pj 21C"- Today: 'Dresser Sets Water Kopolfootl tOodO a AelA t/*o/ Meq^a Pajanina tionaries. 2 have kaocked ma over with a QUESnONS FASTER feather.” ‘ AlWordi towArhol, Although snow fell heavily just Others words he embraced as no Junior boy's p i , ^ period 2 5 aAAPp Far Yew Xmaa Ptoo ^OC •Td like to try that," Pudge Inverted pleat fancy back and At Thl$ Low Ptho! 98“ before noon today, afternoon passing the teat of good social usage Squash * wUl ba from 6 to 0:46. Popitor for glfta becauaa they (Oanttnned fmm Page One) said. Ha doubled bis flats and $5.50 up ■Ip breut pocket I Reeyitit S3 are checked and raveraibla. Quality r^yena in brand-new brought with it a slackening of the were kibitzer, gigolo, dunker, nudlat, patteraal Every tie I food io~ii. wide aasortment of cotton flan, storm, and the sun tried to break gave Corey a poke in hla riba. OM. weight for W ARM TH ! the third panel drawm since necker and dumbbell. And in the AdkP Per Veer They pratandad to spar for a min- MataMngWwhCledN...... iQ e slat wrinkling. Hand.tollortd. ntlttta and broadcloth. Haw through thick clouds. A temper- mge over technocracy, ho admitted Pumpkin —Xmaapiae .. pattams. A gift that men Hkel the trial began four weeks ago, 61 ature drop this afternoon may ute er ao, with Pudge staggering Thi that word Into his book. to hla comer after Corey admlnis- hJdbJrftom*Tl,T^'cto^i?*“ *** available for queatloning to- nuike highways slippery tonight. White and 4 a 0 .^ Gold Crosses and Chains I on E3 « y . The rapidity with which those Chlseler was another w-ord he gave Daisy Cheese Colored Lb, 'tered a knockout blow. Pudge ^ ^ reeerved GotU first ^aralned during the morning always played a wUUng "stooge" ror boxing from 7 to 8 o’clock. made for Corey’s downing. The vouey baU taam sdU uae toa session were rejected strengthened gym from 0 to 7:30. Mane the opinion of court attaches that Xmas Needs' -’’You didn't aay who it was you $6,50“'" ' Loan saw," Sally reminded., after she pracUoe baa- a fourth panel wrould be necessary. 2 (k. Two Women In Group STUFFED OLIVES ANN FAQE had controlled her laughter. Thara ketbaU from 5 to 6 o’ciook. Mn waa no doubt, about it. Corey was Two women were among the first FOR CHRISTMAS PrMOce from Stone Set Crosses and C hains...... $5.50 Mra. I BOOKS Nwdax•waet ainedMixed vsarr fun. He always managed to be 7:30 to 8 o’clock. poup^led to Uia-stand this morn- PICKLES the life of the party. of tb ing. The first, Mrs. Ellen K, Bren- 8 PracUce from SaUy put bar question In aU Rocki nan of Derby, was accepted with- that I The SPARKLE DESSERTS Kxe. Coffee 4 p. f Cm tanocanca. It never oceurrad to The Oi!ean A C wUl uae the floor Pearl Beads .. ,$3.00 up out que-stlons by the defen.se. but her that Ooray*a anawar would vine ; the state, nbo without examination from 0 to 10 o'clock. The ( make her heart start thumping T w p 4 Girt Soouto srUl meet in challenged her. madly and offer tbs solution to ooUec The exaniln.itlon of the second Classic Gift TO Rec rooBs In TO Franklin echooi Ikeep •«. esd flieee Leerff their 30 OROMEDARV OATES her problem. at 0 o’clock. Ladies* Black O nyx tadvfdaatygd^jocledi ^man. Kmily Sophie Brown of Men^s OlovMMi Wilt Wans F M CMS I Naugatuck, led to one ol the ex- Whon you dpsire to ■rte bowling aUeys are reeerved Rings ...... $8.50 up UoMar Stlaa • aad endw $1 A t Rive " I t was Reynolds,” Corey said. at g o'clock. 3-thrend Crepe changes of repartee m which op- * Rift that ia di.atincti Headquarters for PEELS cTMm^mSn.it'LiMou f A« "Ump and aU.” Oor^ did Felt Slippers Count posing counsel have Indulged fre- ve not maan to ba callous or poke WEST SIDE AWokornoOmi prllbeNaM Men’a Operna Mayo quently since the trial got under tsriao eurrei «nd apjirojiriato, rpm.(>m- “ONE PIE” SQUASH 2 l b fun. Ht msisly sndaavorsd to bs Today: Gents* Black Onyx R in g s ...... $10.50 up 79* MMMSf'Satt way. amusing, " I hardly could ballavs SMt. Mod ^qaallty sapeahia 49® ttoolMrmmdWlmol 10 0 paid. During hln bruf rxuintnation. A|- her that book.s are J u i ^ baaketbaU practlee in tha Club c al* /'Christmas Candy “OHE PIE” PUMPKIH ^ my eyesight at flrsL Thought nt$in 7 to $ o'cl^ks liesee uaed for warmth I Sms com asked her whether she had pre- Ces maybe I'd had one snifter too strap wirlit to keep out cold. feaka abearar— but win wear Fewer colds with these warm ed a way.a treasured. Let end woart AU part allk. OotoUndi..Ing valnas_____ ... in __ rxceo. viously served on any Jury, and the Uv^ many. Had just left the Mandarin The four bowU^ sUeys are ro- Ronson Combination Ciga- blna faltal Paddad leatker long tag V CRANBERRY JUICE Ceektan sitl wcarine aoUa. tiqnMly mu-m'afl-r* a^ operas. “Fl■ ^m an replied she had not but had bar. But no. It waa old Danny served for the Weet Side League. The help you select the “ riRht Matchaa are aa toUows: ibla Itathar aolH, tool 6-lL been called for jury service before. BOOKS ON: . * * J S * C k r U m iM B « w a In person. I pulled up at the c tA rette L igh ter and Case flnol I Many arc called, but few are book from our larRe collec- kara waimua’s Oiecelataai GOOD LUCK PIE FILLING and offered to give him a Uft.” Hollywood Bervlee vs. West Side will n Travel a» ikair daUgbiM b a it^ PW- Tavern. chosen." the prosecutor smilingly ■Science "He was the wonder on aids, Janua tion. Come in todav. Adventure History commented. “ •’ fro* tha aakars - O&C POTATO STIX wasn’t her* Babe aaksd. “ Sort of ^^ortSord Road Tavern vs. DUJon Prealc Romance Poetry Ces M I C $7.95 r Defense Attorney John H. Cassi- ^ h«« daeorttad «o, . a Greek god with a Barrymore electet Swl CbU la proUe and a toueb-me-aot air." dy. a broad grin on his face, amend- Special Edition of “ Cone With the Wind KENTUCKY CLUB TOBACCO 'c ^ 7 S c ed the quotation thusly: 51,49 "He was the guy who Mved Gift Sally’s nsek,” Pudge put In. He ^ Many .are called, but few get up " “The Citadel"— Special h*oa« boa i RAISINS B r a c e l e t a n d L o c k e t S e t s _____...... $15.00 'I like to quote literally," retort- ...... $1.39 favorita plat «a. 6L90 w '•pL? 9c made a gesture ae though cutting DANIB$ WUL REPORT er ed Alroin I don't like corrections ' "Connecticut Beautiful” $7.50. off hie own neck with an Imag- Challeiige-d By Defense ...... $1.98 HB80N CiMDY ta. L a w and magnifleent flourish. Compacts...... $2 .00up "l.islen! The Wind"— Toilet Sets 999 ^ A^nat In beck la ReynoMa doing ON MEXICO (NL SALES The N’a i^atuck woman \va« ac- ' I La. Don*/ Forget Coffee reple.l t,y the .slate, but rh.allenged by Anne Lindbergh CROCOLATQ ur fair city? Thought be by- the ti,dense “The Yearling"__ from upstate In the haeh- Haaiilten Strap Watdisa, by Marjorie Rawlings and • u . somewhere. He bad to drop Weshlngton. Dec. 31.— (A P ) — Others tej-itr.l during the morn- CIOeOUTES _ ISTJOaad ^1 “Rebecca"— of ^ d y M l l t ^ 8 O'CLOCK r college after hie accident Another phaaa of German-American Womi teas woortos ing Session included by Daphine dn Maurier Size* to tf i Mild end MsRow •Mef -toiaer-Sali I G o t m Coo 9a ToHorod l o t o d Trtomad WERIGM MiXTURE a lae. S f e relatioiia canm to TO foremoat today HaaOtaB Wrist Watehaa, Charli-.- n Gibson of tVoleott. j “With .Malice Toward Some"- Wd you give him a lift?" Sally Fell Slippers A Mon FIvNwMt Gdt hr Har Itofcert .y Parker of Derby. . bom by Margaret Halsey Perfumes MIXED RRTS s f . com t ■s ^ . They did hot know how with arrival of Joaephus Daniels,, l 40.(Hi and Rp Wmmey Aprena cut Slips: ihallengi.j by the state: Richard B. ' “Alone”— All Wool Robea their light remarka struck horns, ambsasador to Mexico, to report on Ckotto ot 4 ColonI Benton of Guilford, Milo N. Wood- by Richard Byrd WALRRTS kno l isn xa, 2§9 brlngtag ths warm color Into bar whether Mexico is ssUt^ OsTmany Elghi Str^ Watdiss, $21.00 and ap WwtftSto Ibu. 49* Slaak horam Sotio | ^0/ ring of .North Haven, and Harold W “ C.rgndma Called II Carnal"- eheska, a sharp pain In her breast. oil setssd from AoMrican-ownad 39* Wwdilowhka Osborne of Oxford, all challenged by : by Bertha Damon FECARS ^aer saea S§9 i^LaiS wells. Mittal Wrist Watehaa. $24.75 and ap Perfect for keapiag toot warm AatraaaadibaMo^,loK $|.00 to Corey Miook his head. ’ He Sacal-pwiaMaat Itniah ergan- iUnunlag, toe defen.se; Louis A. DIetter of .New | “The Arts"— muldn’t let me,” he said. "In- M tou t! Pirat quality fait. dleal Brigbtly trimmed par- 4 gore alternating The by Hendrik Van Loon • snad variaw « Sc Daniels, en route to his home st Walthaai Strap Watehaa. Xoae, blue, grey, brown. 4 to A biaa alipe with axtra atreng H ot favorite style is this soft of Roi Haven and Edwin Benson of .Mid- ' w ted he preferred to hoof It even Raleigh, N. C., for Christ.raa, salM and abeart. All TubfMt. ■etflul Ibcatb-like flannel wrap-around! Wina er dlebury, both excused by the court. I “ Animals of .America” — Fmlfs a^d though he had a bad leg.” $17.5S and ap fit I 33-44. be hel by University Society frath Vagatokfag here to confer with Stim.ier Wellea, Navy, Sroali, MedUmn. Largs. Smith. ***^ *® h e^ harping acting accretary of aute. Nearly a bf two children, was among 36 ' “Birds of America”__ iSchick E lectric R azor . .$12.50 and $15.00 « ^ t ? " SaUy broke In. Hw WaHhaai Wrist Watches. Marioi by University Society $ 10-00 month ago WaUea asked him to In- Tueadi veniremen questioned during the I dark eyea flaabed. She puUed vesUgate reporta that Mexico had $22.50 and ap morning, a record for any single day. “ My Son, My Son” — from , by Howard Spring entered Into a deal with Germany number previously ques- Gillette Electric Shaver...... $ 20.00 MAX FACTOR RaainUHi Pecket Watehaa. oollegt “Wisdom’s Gate”__ which they ware sitting. She got to supply up to 128.000,000 worth gtiesU “ morning session was | by Margaret Barnes of petroleum. $42,JI0 and ap M and the best previous mark for a ' EVENING IN PARIS up and TToesid tha rscreaUon V music single day was 34. i round A Statitmery, attractively boxed 50c and op ORA NGES room to shut off tha Intonnlnable It was made clear then that TO Elftai Podwt Watches, challenged i YARDLEY Good Shff record macblna. "This stomal SUte Departaaent had ao oeoeera $17J0 and ap before U>e luncheon reccas, one of i Hurricane”— ractat Baakas my head ache," she in Mexican aala of Its own petro- i- ^tsm Mrs. Katherine Sennett of Clarars and Oararettea in H oliday COTY SwaatNoval aplalnsd. It had been i « y leum, but that any disposition of Walthaai Packet Watches, PTOsi^t. 8laier-tn-law of Senator ^ »nd It make- uoUyi American petroleum before aa ad- $20.00 aad ap Joeeph H. Lawlor. one of four mero- POPULAR FICTION Packaarea ADRIENNE heart ache, aa well. justment Is reached with TO pro- bers of the 1935 General Assembly . "W en. ru be . . . - Correy mut- Swlas Strap WaUhas, $8J5aadap ■Ted,- t .. 69c 75e 89c Cranberries ducers would cause deep coacsn «P awaiting trial at Hartford also as 98e CORA NOBIB Z<-35< tered. He Mmply could not under- here. *5* Waterbury jU a ^ S a lly lately. Sba must have Swtai Wrist Watehaa, $10J0 aad ap nr^HMlIoAMUnt ffraad Jury InvestlgaUon. ■ ^•^1^.00 to $10.00 Grapefruit the jRtera over aomething. Mavtw •riedwn* toefwwtAw# HooAod t afAaUaim l UooIhrlUOoOdoorGiHI Wonlda't Be Emharraaaed 4~15< ^ e stUI felt she was to SOUND Boym* S h lrta Crisp Fradi Gift Hnndbaga Snow Boota Mrs. Sennett said she would not for Mynolds’ amaahup. Which ®®pk^ Mouse Strap or Wrist Watch Men’a Gift Seeka were rhoBPD a was sUly. It waa just the break Fountain Pena Pen and Penefl Seta Celery CeiiFemie 2~-19< Mlnaeapolia—For Rotwid foMtCokrl j w . but on moUon of Alcorn the tome people go t SsUy ought to ____ _ Ahra- f o r B o y s a n d G i r l s . — ...... 53^ kwprkad MWHbWCURf gn^. aacuaed her after Judge The know that doubls featurs aaovlas art 49* wa*" 9 8 * Neap produesi s ______j- 25* H4 Jagnt expressed the be- « t least wbaa they Olvo U a aevaral thla Chrlat. Alaro Clocka, Cameraa, FlaahHghta, sre seen twice st one MttTO. So annanaL youTl boy them for Every one n design hi MM.tbere was a danger the venlre- He pulled himself up the ■ae — they're ao low prlcadl yoaraalf, tool ArtifleUl aalL he’d cbooeo Honald Mept umUsturbedthrotwh himaaoTfl Clocks •stripae or Mr. I -----“Jtove e feeling ot ea- couch, too, went feet color pcttacasi fall aiaedl ■party gralna and ‘modern1 art}mr9 * l the grand Jury In- "Sec here, SaUy my swssL** he a eoupla of shews unmindful that hla nUids. Xuwindtfk ■ixtaroo. Dewey-Richman Co. Bill Folda, Military Bmah Seta Jtwslers lowered Us voice, ’'you arsat tak- g T 5 S . “ ^ police w ^ searching Stationen tOg this oo your slender TOuldsra OptkiaM Ronaiff • father, on his tooth trip DONNELLYYMfW Vim ‘ue you? ReyaoMT had hick, l Jh Holiday mean. He’d be a haal If ha bald to TO th as^ . flnstly loeatod hta J botmo ‘ as ths l a « oustooar WM . J; FAOBTWELVB MANCHESTER BVENTNO HERALD. BIANCHESTER. CONN. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER * 1,1988

MANCHESUsk EVENTNG HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 21.1988 LEVElt PAGE J |NEW HRST H A T W itti [SEARCH FOR STAR mlttss msmbsrs, ordered a recass featsd for rs-elsctton tost Novem- usoelatsa said ha probably would « nvMM subject to call during the holiday HEARINGS ON TVA aaason. ber, resigned today from the Joint not accept an appointment to tbe partaent's News From Manchester’s Neighbors STORE IN NORTH end! mD0£((m|)Us| (Congressional Oommlttes InvtsU- T V A board evan if toe post won With toa 560.000 provided for toe gating tha Tannassss Vsllay Au- toquliy exhausted, members have offered him. Brown bad bean re- thority. ported In Senate ctretoa under coa- Workmoi Renormtlnc PBganl COMETOaOSE agreed to ask Ckmgresa for an ex- The senator tndlcsted hs would M amatHr flald, Maaa, is horns for her Christ- slderaUoa for the place left by A r- Df ooogli Boildinc Today To tension of time and addiUonal funds return today to bis Somsnworth, mas vacation. Prepare! to complete the Inquiry. The (Com- thur B. Morgan's removal by NORTH For The Opening. SY SI«RID ARNB N. H., horns to practice tow. Close President Roosevelt TOWN FARM’S INMATES The children e ( the Hebron Orssn WAPPING Lies h Coal Sack, Most Con- mittee was to report Jen. 3. two-room school have advertised a MRS. W. W (JRAMT ADVOCATE ADDED Faihire Of Witnett To Ap- Donahey told raportera he had COVENTRY school play to be presented at the 8800, Manchsstsr THE 8TORT SO PAR: A prepared a brief committee report m batng town ball, Thursday evening, Dec. *1 **•?* *«P*oy«l by toe First *Na- spicDoos Part Of Milky Storss are at work on the one-ayed giant scoopa up the to Congress on that data. Informed « oonpar- WILL BE ENTERTAINED 33. BORER CONTROL mean Qusin, bar aoldlers, and pear Causes Abandon- persons said tola merely would show Word has been received from Schoola of the town will close Fri- The Sky ClUefa ol Wapping wlU ftg a n l buUdlBg on North Mi « . M a rt— *treet getting the store ready to Way Near Soothem Cross Hulda. Ha makes the (^een the committee had callsd certain FREE.' TW O T U R KEYS FREE! ad whoop* Wallace McKnIght asking The day, following the usual (Jhrlstmas play the Manchester Tigers at baa- wash his big dishes to teach her witnesses and needed more time and Oongregatlonal cburch will hold lU Herald to extend his thanks and ap- programs, for a vacation of about 10 ketbaU Thursday evan l^, at tha M epued aa a self service grocery. meut Of Final Session. SATURDAY NIGHT This will to the first of tto ttSe some manners. funds to complete Its work. RockfiDe GM Scoots To annual Christmas party this evening preciation to the people of Coventry daya Ckimmunlty House. Tbe preliminary Free chanee betag given with every beer. Pny ke a visit! in the Parish social rooms. Each game wUl be the South Windsor (M i Way To Get Rid Of epened by this chain here. Cambridge, Maas.— (A P )—Search Chapter 15 Naed Additional $35,000 for all their kindness extended him The Hebron Congregational church ^prescntetlve Jenkins (R., Ohio), Alwnys n good time . . Alwnys good foodi member will bring a gift for ex people Is utilising wood from the ^ rls and the Norton’s Shoe storo. In order to do the Job In the for an “embedded." star, a sun be- Washington, Dec. 21 — (A P ) — at the time of his father's death In The games wUl bs foUowsd by danc- north end men ot all trades are at Iba Qesee Lenme a L sssob. TVA critic and committee memter, Present Christmas Pro- change. Mrs. Clara Kloter Is chair- Is r ^ elm tree In front of the church, Public hearings to the Cotigreaslonsl ERid h# beUaved th6 group would SATURDAY NIGHT SPECIALS: For ing. Corn Pet! b Ptroogli work. H ie sidewalls and mirrors bidden behind clouda o f •Vow than," said tha ona-ay«d man In charge. Wellabuig, N. T., a abort time ego. split and twisted by tbe burrlesne, need on additional 135,000 to finish The neighbors In both North u d A pageant. snUtlsd "Tbs Cbriat- are being Installed, a new Ule floor- **.b«(“ ff conducted at Harvard nnt to Hulda as ha stroda back tovesUgatton of the T V A cams to DELICIOUS I SPRING CHICKEN ^ G re a t e r V a lu e ! gram On Thmrsday; Miss Named CXuirmaa to replenish their fuel supplies. its investigations. Mrs. Mary Sloan of the Badstueb- South Coventry sent two beautiful Either wood or oosl can be burned mss Tale" wUl be presented at the ito tha throne room. "Where did an end today arare than nine months a » 1 lU U nig triclans are e m p l^ ^ . Flxtur.u lies In the coal sack, "toe Committee ia expected to ner Auxiliary, Veterans of Foreign floral trlbutea. In the church furnace. Men have Comunlty church next Sunday eve- w come from, and what to it like after Congress authorised the RAVIOLI I FRESH Ml^ROOMS ¥- F in e r D isp la y A t the morning aervlee o f the ning st 7:80 o’clock. arrived by truck tola morning. Thev to telescopic clues ex- jereT” He liked atoriea o f other postpone is final report until the Carolyn Trask In Charge. Wars has been named chairman of been cutting up the big trunk and _ I »et up this afternoon. plained by Dr. Bart J. Bok. The sweeping Inquiry into toe 'vast ad- a committee to provide C3iristmas Second C>>ngregatlonal church Rev. branches. . Eugene W. Piatt jrada becauae he could never leave Supreme court decides a challenge Steaks - Chops • Hamburg - All Variatles of Sandwiches ^ Easie r C h o o sin g Md fsmUy motored to Watertown, Tne name of tbe Euronean corn Tha new store la one that was “ “ b *■ *be most conspicuous '3 own, since ha was tbe only one ministration project. by private power companies of the cheer for twelve children at the Leon H. Austin used as his theme Mrs. Clarence E. Porter end Mrs. 'How Far Is It to Bethlehem?' last Sunday where thqy spent the borer should appear in red. Not I ** time occupied by the A dk P, | black patch In the milky way. The hla-kingdom who could see. Failure of Edward C. M. Richard, constitutionality of ths--TVA act Clam Chowder Every Friday. SHOP AT RockvUle, D«c. 31 — (Special) — Tolland County Home In Vernon Claude W. Jones accompanied tbe Center. The choir rendered the anthem day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. only has tola peat taken thousands vacated to open a aelf is located next to tbe southern Hulda awaUowed and tried to former TVA forester to appear to Senator Pops (D.. Idaho), defeat- Rev. H. R. Keen on a trip to Hart- Mason T. WethereU and family. ipeak, but ahe waa too frightened, BALLANTINE, RUPPERT, TROMMER ON TAP The Cardinal Flower Troop of OIrl 'The Christmas Glory Song" by o f dollars out o f tbe Dockets nt Cowlen f ^ b e r e It stands out aa an In- testify, caused Senator Donahey ed for rsnomlnatlon, was reported ford lately, to buy Christmas pres- This afternoon, tbe Cradle Roll farmers but It has dlac^urS^A 2 ^ 1 building further virest on dark field In a very bright rbe giant toughed and said, "Oh, under consideration for TV A chalr- SooaU will go to the Town Farm on TUlotson. The flowers were a ents for the tree for St. Peter’s. (D., Ohio) to abandon a achedulsd large bouquet of camatlona glvep Nursery and Beginners' class ot the many hoTO g iu ^ e ^ fJ S S , ‘ bis new PorUon of toe milky way. * t’m sorry. TU sit farther back nian, to succeed toe ousted Arthur Tbureday, December 33nd where M ra A. W. HUdlng and Mrs. How- piramunlty Sunday school a i« an- eorn^ dsh^*!^2i opened the store now con- some years photographs have ad then you won't be so afraid." final hearing of the TV A committee. B. Morgan. KEMP'S In memory of Mrs. Lillian Palmer I 1 y o f they wU) put on a Chrlatman pro- COLUMBIA ard Kelsey went on the buying trip anown that this dark cloud is not Is did, and Hulda described Toy- gram for the Inmatea there. Chrlat' by her children. The cburch had bnaual Christmas Tha chairman, with Isas than a Brown Quite Oemmlttos Charter Oak St. Tavern WESTCOTl RICE been beautifully decorated with for the same purpose for the Con- tyLrty. Their mothers have been In. whony opaque. The pictures reveal '~>d and Santa and tbe fairies and maa enroll will be aung and there I enntoa. dosen persona preasnt including only Seutor Brown (D„ N. H.), ad- 575-13. WUllfflantlc Division hemlock boughs and white lace In gregstlODSI tree. Christmas tree ex- rtted too. The Beginners' will ■Although much has been said and many faint stars shining through four of the ten Senate-House Com- 180 Charter Osk Street will be a program conaliUng of tap ercises wlU bs held Monday eveniiur program, and M ra the sack. But In some areas the giant listened, and then be ministration supporter who waa ds- dancing, readings and songs by the readiness for the White Gift service a^ttan about decreasing tbe poo- which was held in the evening. Miss In the church. danU a a u i is expected to be pre- mation through cleaning up gar- sack transmits only five per cent ot looked aromd hla b ^ e n throne varloua members of the troop Under the supervision of first Esther Koehler, Gilbert Storrs, Michael Yurega who has been an sent A beautiful nhrlwm— tr— the light om, and ■ then he looked back Those who are to take part In the dens, and control by means of RAISING selectman a a lr Robinson, the dam Christopher Glenney and John Invalid foUowlng a paralytic stroke sHta for the little folks Clue Discovered Beeeatly n, and when he did there waa program will report at the church apnys or dusts, the agricultural ex- at Columbia Lake la being repaired Kingsbury, Jr., did the decorating o f soma months or more ago, la be- win be greatly enjoyed by all. perunsnt station at New Haven still The clue to a atar wholly hi) big taar^U ln g out of hla one eye at 3:4B p.m. and those who come oq. The program presented was; Carol ing cared for at the home of Mr. and On Friday evening at 7:15 p. m. reports plenty o f borers and conse- A FAMILY la toe sack waa discovered s . "Ijogh U ^ w n hla nose. the bus from surrounding towns will of the damage suffered from high Hark the Herald Angels Sing," by Mrs. Michael Kulynyeb. toe annual Church School Christmas (oaaes. These are at least By OUve Roberts Barton weeks ago by Dr. E. M. Undsas what's the matter T” said talM the S:00 o'clock bus. water and wind during the hurri- all; Call to Worship, John Kings- Tbe road from Hopevale to the tree and party win bs given in the pwtlally du6 to fftlluro of Sftrden6ni I Armagh observatory, and confl ^WHY NOT 7 IT IS A MAQIC NEEDLE.* Miss Carolyn Trask Is In charge main road through Jones street has toramunity cburch House It is . ^ t that Santa's plaoa as cane. It haa been generally admit- bury, Jr.; Invocation, Walter Keller; to understand- . the economic------— Import* I— . I Uttle Henry was afraid of atreet by Harvard. tt the program. ted that It waa only the foraight of carol. "Joy to the World": scrip finally been opened to traffic. Ever member o f the ounds M line and we have such ance o f the borer and the necessity cars. He didn't like a whole moun- Pb^toSTsphs showed that .. rew flo ^ things here," said the ' O fllom Elected those watching the damsclosely at ture ftadlng, Christopher Glenney. since the burrlesne this road has r. ‘ 'y present There fo ^ cooperation. tain of people squeezing him and iS.* aack Is faintly luminmis. Dt "Look at tola old suit of The Holy Rosary Society of St this time that saved it from wash- solo, Phyllis Gowdy; (Thlstmas mes been obstructed by fallen trees. The U to to M wtertalnment and a fine injury is not confined to tramping on bis toes. ' 1 The light cornea from toe duat par- poaad to do. Pretty soon there needle.' She embroidered a rl Joseph's Polish Catholic church has sage, "The Star," Anna Glesecke road la known as the KeUogg road. Ume is to to enjoyed. no. It’s mads of sbesp skins. But ware lovely folds of soft woolen pattern o f oak laaves over 1 ing away, and flooding Hop River toe ears o f com. In heavy infea- By toe time he reached tbe dty ‘ owning toe dark cloud, and ‘ bow rough It Is and Pm tbs elected the following officers for the carol, "W e Three Kings"; Christ Christmas rosil here Is beginning Twenty-seven o f the neighbors elotta lying on tbe tobla about her, gtont’a Jacket Hla ona aya gUa- and Willlmantic. During the night totloM the l ^ a e bore through the with lU streets aU black slush and ** believed to to reflected from a ^ of gtonts. I should have and than thara was so much that POPULAR MARKET to assume heavy proportions accord- coming year: President, Mrs. Paul following the hurricane a few of the' mas message, "The Journey," Bea- gave Jota A. Collins a surprise * the plant breaks car tracks, he was tired »nrt star "embedded" In the sank tenad as ha watched and wnm aha ing to tbe poatrolatresa, Mrs. Clar- party last Saturday evening in ometbtog line to wear, but none of It fall to tha floor, and finally Hulda Ins Wagner; vice president, Mrs. property ownera around the lake trice Blackburn; song, "O Little i? ^"'ortbleat. In He had missed hla nap ao mother This light la extremely red. It finished ha axctolmad, ‘TU keep H assocks s|.25 Mary Jasion; secretary, Mrs. Val ence E. Porter. honor o f bis birthday. C a i^ w e r s ’ paopto can aee to aew.” erisd, "TbAt’a anough." Vp gathered and plied up sandbags Town of Bethlehem"; Christmas him In to see toe toys and probably means that the hidden It aa long aa I Uva. It's the most erla Plersanowaka; recording secre- message, **The Glfta", Nancy Rob- Quite a delegation of Hebron peo- gayed and prises were awarded to "I Oan Sow." Than at Hulda’a dlnetlon tbs where the dam had washed to with "SawT” said Hulda. "Why, I beautiful ault I ever saw." Ha tary, Mrs. Mary Deptula; treasurer, ertson; processional, "O Come All ple attended the presentation of the “ k ■‘ oro- reddish In color, and that In giant woman cut tha cloth ao that In about four feet of the back edge. u ” ' Strong. Mrs. Frank i 9*’ ’ '“ “ b. Darling, look at the ‘ “ wi Indicates the atar probably Is B sew. rn make you a su it" slipped on the Jacket and as ha Mrs. Anna Oottfrled; sick commit' Ye Faithful"; prayer, Rev. Leon Trl-County Union Cbristiqaa Carol StJxMard and Oar- thara waa a long Jacket for the turned toe pattern o f oak laavaa Now as the water Is down sand •*“ > Ml the pretty tlgbta ‘ *lrty cool. ^ "You w ill?" said the giant "But tee, Mrs. Rose Clechowski; Mrs Austin. concert at Columbia Congregational ence W. Johnson.- giant,-"‘ I t and a pair o f kneeknse braaebas. sparkled. Ha looked quite Uka and atones are being drawn in and owT" Helen Oalawska, Mrs. Anna Phillip The entire service with the ex- church Sunday evening. The at- ^Tto^i^tSHsf“P ” The reflected light tstobeana- A n lndn Hulda sawedaawed and after a King. filling in the places that washed . ------the lysed to the spectroscope. This will "Can anyone o f your people spin and Mrs. Blanche Sternal. ception of the closing prayer waa tendance waa somewhat affected by tha ault toy finished. By that time tba mean Quean away. A bath has been cut from the "'^an thread from tba abaap's But thtn fh t wrlakled her brow. TS Teach Mnslo conducted by the young people. The the unpropltloua weather. and bar soldlara had flni.htd the oI?" asked Hulda. <7 have a The whole suit was a soft tan color, Mias Marynka Rosalie Clecbow- highway to the dam and the trucka irlfta all wrappifd in white were Betty, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. breakfast dishes and they came drive right onto the dam and dump. MARLBOROUGH -gle needle." but tbars wasn’t a stitch of trim- THURSDAY SPECIALS FRIDAY placed under the tree, every one Edmund H. Horton, is ntfw attend- upstairs dragging thslr tired fa st ska, known musician, Is to open "Ftoa," said tba giant "W e have ming OB It. and Hulda knew that a sUiino la Rockville for piano pu- The sand Is being drawn from the marching around and placing hla ing the Saturday class in drawing at MRS HOWARD IX)RD stole c o n tr^ ______But In his confusion It did not But when toe Queen saw what had town bank. spinning wheel and ru aet my was what toe giant wanted. She own while singing. the Avery Memorial, Hartford, with __ Hlhemattog. mean a thing to the UtUe bov The happened and how bsppy toe giant Horace Sellers ana Sarah Lenefakv. 354-3, Bast Hampton 'ople to work at once." So ha looked psrplaxsd. Than she bad COLD STORAGE Mias Clechowska Is a graduate of The elementary schools are buay The Community Christmas tree European corn borer to now big Ughted coffee pot to the^ rtoht |NEW RUMANIA OFFICIAL -lied to several giant women and looked, she gasped, ‘W ell, I de- 5 - T U R KEYS OR PIGS FREE! - 5 this week giving Christmas plays will be held Thursday evening at Betty Was one. who earned honorable a Strangs Idea. There was a shaft clare." the Rockville High School and was hltoriMttog In old stalks, stubble pouring red and blue coffee^ud old them to apto wool thread for or sunlight fslltog through a high for several years employed at the and preparing for the holiday vaca- 7:30 In the Church Community mention at a recent school contest As has been toe custom for m«ny corn, or to the fleshy I flashing on and off looked funnv But ' ault for him. They put the big The giant frowned at bar, and here. The children have transporta- FRIENDLY TO FRANCE window right onto tbs table wtasre then toughed. "Now, your Majesty, thurseK t ^^i S cember^^ m Savings Bank of Rockville, later gO' tion. The datea of the plays are House. The program will be pre- singers wlU Journey Stella o f other plw ts left In to i Ita o w ld hl“ TOero ^ wbaal In the canter of PORK tion with Mrs. Cbarlea C. Sellers. she worked. It was a shining gold- lag to Europe to study music. She Chestnut Hill, Tuesday evening. sented by the children In the 7th evening singing *****j ^ * * ' ” *^*^. ^ debris la]noise, and too much to aee Peonle be floor and spun and n u n untU you see how this child with her NOTHING^TO BUY! NO St S ng S ATTACHED! en color with fiacka of pink to i t kindness has accomplished more returned home last July and has Center school, Thursday afternoon, and 8th grades under the direction Chttotmsa carols st tha homea^^of not dertroyed by burning, burying all looked like glanU as they hurri^ Bucharest, Dec. 3l.— (A P )— fo r - here waa little hllto o f woolen Just Fill In Coupon and Leave It With Us! of Miss Eileen Winch. shut-ififl and otherv. She wished very much that she than all your soldlera. She has been la New Toik City for three West street, Thursday afternoon six in^ea underground, or cutting by. and besides his mmmm bana- eign Minister Petreecu Comnen re- id all over toe floor, Tou sea The Coventry Fragment Socletv TOe Community ChrlKmaa tree could use It for thread to weave made me quite happy and to the months studying under Carl Fried Pine street, Wednesday evening, DISTRIBUTE TICKETS "*• *** '“" “S on to his h«,d SuTh^. ^ signed today and Immediately waa , could spin, when they couldn't pattema on toe giant's suit. Then CHOPS morning I shall carry you back to Hop River Village. Thursday eve- will meet Wednesday, Dec. 28 at D *■ (^big given by tbe Ever WUl transform Into pupae and store Worse Than Street replaced by Origore Gafeneu, news- ’, because they could guide the PO PULAR FO O D M A RKET harg of the JuUUard School of p. m. at the parsonage. A abort Ficady group tomorrow nighL For she thought, “Why not? It is a where I found you." Music. She also plana to have a ning, and Old Hop River, Wednes- M a v ^ S iriT to *jiS ^ slniost I P«P««' publtoher. who long hks foa- , ------_ wheel with their fingers magic needle." 855 MAIN STREET RUBINOW BUILDING M a g a z in e , 2 . 9 5 day evening. business meeting will he held fol- Hulda tbraaded------tbe------woolen toreiread The Queen looked at Hulda and iC doz. studio In Hartford. Mias (3echow FOR SHEA BANQUET ” k. « , b® *ood and don’t cry, Cerod pollUcal friendship with Quite Like a King. then looked down as though she On Tuesday afternoon several of lowed bv a Missionary meeting the sponsored a party fw nto her tnaade needle and agate the Name... aka studied at the Institute de rest of the afternoon. toe children of the town. ^ wlto “ '1” ** “ ** " b what ^ u France. ^ So she tried, and sure enough felt a little ashamed. • • ...... -^Address...... C a rrie rs Vp Ribeauplerre at Lausanne and also the pupils at O n ter school attend- tortr new fcrelgn mtototer had Ua raced back and forth Just as long thiaads of simshln# separated ‘ be regular church service st ~b' tt knew what It waa sup- Winner Must Be Present! 229* tha Conservatoire de Lausanne. ed the 'screen version of Dickens Tickets for the victory dinner • * - * ? . *» .tb® S eS te and a . s S S themselves and threaded Into her Tomorrowi Imprisoued agate. Christmas Carol" in WUIlmanUc. 'burch Sunday Study dub Party to to given to Senator-elect Wll- has a a lm ll^ ^ ? {n g ”^S^!rd^ *A t I ® S t o ^ I "®®” ‘ ®nr had helped negotlata' th i The Child Study Club of Tolland The church school will have Ita an' TnTli *.“ **!? *»• 'pocisi music Usm J. Shea, were distributed to and singing by the cholrT will hold Its annual CilirlstmBS party nual entertainment on Friday eve HERRON i T c l S t ^ ' S S f white’ "* * ^ **• ^ t o w ’ ^S^d! I P***- Bon-aggraarion . »_ staUon on Bey etreet extensl flui* servance of Christmas. school. Penn., Is spending the holi- man. Christmas hymns sung in- STEAKS who wish to attend will, therefore, W N«w Purchaaea Property days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. cluded "Adeste Fldeles", "As With . have to make their reservation Since 9 “ * 'i? * * * ' clatter of electric trains, toe stocatto 25 lik«l The former O'Lougblln property Gaylord Mattlson, where, her par- Gladness Men of Old", "Watchman early or they may not to able to ^ 21-(AP)-Ool. Fran- SPECIAL on Elm street has been sold to John ents. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lockwood Tell Us of the Night", "O Uttle secure a ticket if they delay. cois de la Roeque’s extreme righUst Ctottler of Tolland. The sale wa.s are boarding. Town of Bethlehem", "Awav In a The meeUng---- " ...... last night 'voted to j d«rthst^ D A ILY made through Arthur Knofla of Manger". "Joy to the World.” A extend an Invitation to Governor- FRESH I O V rcIsmOKED 1 VicH a m p ers $3-30 :lend an Invitation to Governor- the C o m m S p i^ ? 't o 'r r a S ? .^ '’ toe case of over-wintering borers, u was too m u S All Manchester for the Home Owners dedicatory service waa held for elect Baldwin and also other state Up Loan Corporation. gifts, which are turned over to Miss officers to attend toe dinner and It*!? *V‘‘ *'* Of forrigiers * •econd lot was piles o f things that had ^ lo t of LU N C H EO N S Red Croea Report GILEAD Teresa Vincent, school nurse, for have limited the number of those ‘**® *l«ctoral syste^ ust S *5 ^*iF' made a lot of souni * Mrs. Clarence E. Peterson and her use as ahe sees the most need. who are Invited to speax. roroluUon threatened uat and September tn time for the j f ^ t a B eeenw mm 35c DIVE Mrs. C. George Rathke, co-chairmen MRS CHARLES FISH Proceeds of the offering wore divided othemise to withhold from Dalad- Aiid Dp of the Annual Roll Call of the 66-5. Willlmantic between the church and Sunday er the e x p o rt of Its nine deputies Rockville Chapter, Red Cross report school treasury. in the Chamber. Daladler had a The Rev. Harold R. Keen preached EDEN ARRIVES HOME majority o f 74 In the latest parlls- Connecticut Statute 2124 re- .to H m rv V H O TEL Shoulders Shoulders |/ n. that the total of the drive In Rock- Hebron Grange held its competi- mentary test. quires growers to get rid o f stubble. And b ^ r e it w L T vlile tSSO.ea and Ellington J167..10. tive Christmas program last evening at the evening service st the Plain- The chairmen wish to thank the with Judging each Individual's own field Episcopal church Sunday eve- FROM AMERICAN VISIT SH ERID A N collectors and public In general for opinion with no public comments to ning. Several of hla parishioners NO HURBT 1 their cooperation during the drive. be made and no penalties Imposed. went with him. After the service at Council .Meets The program was between the "He- Plainfield the party motored to B w kton , Mass.—Ctoarlea A. Lap- At The 5th FRESH FISH DEPARTMENT Pomfret and attended the presenta- London. Dec. 21 — (A P ) — An- S^"rtaUon‘^?^r* SLICED A brief meeUng ot the Common bronltes" with Miss, Ulllan Grlfflng W’orth’ 69, haa placed toe last n«n ^t*th>^ki aaL^^^d'^toS?^ ®tto^ I FANCY I as leader and the "Gileadites" were tion of the Christmas pageant which thony Eden returned todav from the In his own casket Council waa held last evening with has been sponsored by the well United States "refreshed and atlmu. sl^‘or'^ufTn“rilo“" Sto Mayor CHaude Mills presiding. The led by Miss (Charlotte Warner. The The box is gold-trimmed and ANNUAL known Ponifret rcbool for a number toted" by learning America's point lined with blue sUk, a work of Fresh Cat VermoBt current bills were read and ordered following program waa pre.sented: of years. POLLOCK I SWORDFISH I Haddock FUcte Gileadites: of view on InternsUonal affairs. many months. paid. The Polish American ChUzen's The Rev. H. R. Keen preached at But Just what that riew was he -•ir- 00 Club of 62 Village street was grant- Story, Christmas at the Farm", But Lapworto to "Juat getting X M AS TREES Ethel Porter; .song, "Aw ay In a the 11 a. m. service at St. Peter’s declined to say—"I am not an In- ready.” He said be doesn't expect §c "»• -i. .-M t ed a permit to erect an overhang- Episcopal church from the theme terpreter of American opinion," said * A O S i s e s ing veranda. Manger ", all; story, "The Star of to use It until he U past 100. j ^ iL 2 5 « Bethlehem”, Dorothy Barrasso; "Personality and Opportunity.” He the former foreign secretary as he ' The meeting last night was the and his wife landed at Pl3rmouth. New Year’s Eve Sm okers $3*95 C announced services and festivities of MARBT FOR XMAS final one for 1938, as the council song, "Christmas Tide", all. Carol She has always had the courage of FUSSY SHOPPER 50c and up singing with Intervening readings the church for Christmas week aa Eden said they were "touched by her convlcUona. will not meet again until Monday follows: There will be the usual the welcome given ua" In the United Ckooae y o w tree at 30 Pearl and tableaux. Senator Vie Donahey apeaktog of Pittsburgh—A black-robed Santa | street. Jnst a step from Blato Mahogany or Maple January 2nd. at which Ume the Christmas tree party at the Rectory States, "where friendship Is combin- Evanston, HI. The new women's OYSTERS Hebronitca: his secretory who socked a police- hats, It seems, has left at least one CHaua gave toe alx Hand chUdren street. Free Delive^t ______P» 2 l « [halibut President of the Council will be Hall. Saturday evening for the ed with virility and candor." man. elected. .‘>lory and song of "Adeste man baffled rather than amused. toelr father and mother for Chrlat- Fldelt.s", Lillian Grlfflng; recitations j-oung folks of the church. This will Relief Corps Party He entered an Evanston women's "The .Night Before Christmas" and begin at 8. There will be presents A fter 34 years o f married life, Mr. Thom as J. Woods The Burpee Woman's Relief Corps for all raemberi of the Sunday hat store, but couldn't find one to "Santa Claus", Clarence Rathbun; his (or his girl’s) taste. and Mra. Hops B. Hand were divorc- Pboae 4477 or 8483 Will hold a business meeting preced- school, and refreshments will be CARTOONAUTIES ; duet. "While Shepherds Watched By Paul Aceto ed a month ago. ed by a Christmas party this eve- served to everybody. He uncovered every box marked Their Flocks b; Night", Mildred size 33 In hla vain search and then I W e'Are Feoturing for Yo ur nlng in the G.A.R. hall. There will Following this party the young But yeeterday, at toelr request, PARTY Fillmore and Mildred Porter; read- toft tbe way he came—through a be a members supper at six o'clock people plan the customary trip about . , ^ _ , Judge M. A. Musmanno remarried ing. "One Christmas Day at Jim’s", nma cut to a mctml panel of the back I the couple ao they might apend tbe with the Cnirlstmas party following the town for carol singing. Carroll W. Hutchinson: solo "Gifts ooor. holiday with their children. [^Auspices Campbell Council K. of C. Each member wtII bring a 10 cent to the Christ CTilld ", Ulllan Grif- There will be a midnight celebra- Read Hie Herald Ad _ I IJMelca, gift for exchange. The regular busl- flng. tion of the Holy Communion at tha W’ neaa meeUng will be held at eight Lecturer Program: church the same evening, beginning o’clock. The committee in charge Games; song, "Good King Wen- at 11:30 o'clock. The ^urch baa Chickena, Fowl. been beautifully decorated with ^ Full Course Dinner — Favors liE A F IsA R D I G®*«*/ of Christmas party Includes Ida ceslas". all; 'alk. "Safety Reviewed Weber, .N'ellle Wijijs. Alice Wells, for 19.38". Florence Jones. Cliristmas greens for the occasion. The midnight service takes the u u r a Wise. Hazel Roy, May Wells Santa Claus In costume presented SUBSCRIPTION 85.00 PER COUPLE place this year of the usual Christ- » r t ^ Wells. Estella Walthcra and aU with gifts. White gifts were col- mas pageant, wh'ch has been held SHRIM P •umrLAT, toll eon li e AoQtUA Scheets. lected and given to Rev. Berl Lewis TWO GRAND GIFTS PIN K SALM O N 1-lb. can 8c .Meeting of CoUege O ub for distribution. for a long term of years. Some of 7 / the church people say they will mi— lUiV/CD VIOUN > Coffee $4.95 TJe meeting of the Ctollege Oub It was voted to grant the first and DANCING 9 P.M. to 2 A.M. the pageant, and If there Is a gen- SCHOOL ORCHESnwl « Rt^viUe originally planned to second winners of the poster and es- FOR THE P A STRY FLO UR 5-lb. bog 15e I ables up eral expression of disappointment It ' AT LU X or LIFEB U O Y SO A P bor 5c Hi. o George say contest on "Safety” a check as thev did last year. may be resumed next year. Mahogany and Maple M w « held at the home of Miss There will be a aervlcs ot Holy VAN CARipS Marlon BuUer of Park street on The Safety commutes for He- ROYAL GELATINE Communlca In the church at 8 a. PEACH FC I R * M. F A N C Y Tuesday evening. The young women bron Grange was appointed as fol- Christmas day. The usual 11 a. PRICE OF ONE! from Rockville who are attending lows: Homer Hills. Qarence Rath- servlcs will follow with communion Rainbow Dance Palace M ILK ^ le g e a and universities were bun and Mildred Fillmore. service. d e s s e r t s PEACHES SQUASH Silent prayer was observed and BOLTON The Oongregatiocisl diolr met Isst TsD CsR Package music was arranged. of i resolutlcBs were drawn to be aent to B U Y T H IS T H O R W ASHER Friday evening with Mrs. William LargestNC.2K Csa _ _ _ Held Party the bereaved members of the family O. Seyma In Colchester. Mrs. Seyms ----- MENU ___ o f the late state steward Harold C. ’’O'led at the end the choir are preparing a FOR O N LY $69.95 TVin Coarae XOrlny Oteasr S' Rockville Bowling Center on Tues- Iwlaey. Mr. Kelsey Installed the He- bron officera a few yeare ago. Christmas cantata to bs given at ___ Coefetan d ^ w n l n g this being followed by the church here, "nie date erlll be O'*®*® r i l M j Installation will take place Janu- announced later. . . . A nd G et This KaUva Reaat T iirlw Wckha • P®rty at the home of ■ly 17th with General Pomona 'H flu . ReMCMBCRS Mias Antoinette Edmondo of West Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hlldlng and Ctosatent Onssteg C m S S n S S i S Ro&d. Deputy Emerson J. Leonard from a friend from New Tork erers at WFr NON-STt)P RJliHT^ d W allingford as installing officer. RfauhadPatet^ O arS7|Sl!^ tha Hlldlng plaoa bars for tha week FNBehRolla iwaa PitnenU OsKea Hebron Grange has been awarded end. Mte. HUdlng and her friend ' Aasortod Oakaa i t o u ^ naUonal prize for the Booster ara remaining over tba bidldaya M no) Poggte, 57. wife of LouU Pog- wight program presented on Sep- *J *',J*^ hrfd this morning at 8:30 tember 80th. Mias Aeeynatb Jonas, erbo is em ^A/vc/r //. :T ^ ' at the la th er A. White funeral ployed at the Hartford hoepital EMERSO N RA DIO FREE! Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Prentlee of spent the week end here at the home Blake RctOTwitioM By CsOiiif t home and at 9 a.m. at at. Bernard's ^ C h e s te r and Agnes AUen of AH Kinds L A Y E R CAKES tA M P « JBULT OgthoUe church. Burial was in st of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clauds EASY TERMS . . . $5.00 DELIVERS DOCGHNUTS aad CRULUERd ALL CUP CAKES Hartford were Tuesday evening W. Jonas. PrsBcis ColeMSB...... K A lS m BR EAD Bomanrs cemetery. st. guests at the home ei Mr. and Mrs. 290 each Birth Cerl Andarsoo. Mrs. Louisa Blums haa raturesd cnMtMinD*wNuiE9TrR y K. of C. Home...... S87 from Csnasn wbare aha has apant MfiMliO-CArmEBNE PttliCN 17c dor. . 1 7 c dor. . 2 for I f c Mr. mod M rq Stanley Dowgewlca Mie. Merton Hills vlalted at the Bookcases! several months off and on, and will Loci. 12, 19sri BerRsrd Fogarty...... eio IA of 35 Bprtiv atreet are thT^ISu 5P****o*>? ■?*> Roffw Porter In spend the Christmas ssssnn with her ®p Hartford, Wednesday. r f FIN£HU8ST (IROCQW GRAPmuiT Pink Meat GRAPEFRUIT aoB-la-Iaw and daughter, Mr. and niomss Qaton ...... 40s T^G ERD *^ Mr. and Mia. Arthur HutrtiiiMon WJjnV C^WHCNKiHT A BENSON ^RIDA ORANGES Mrs. a W. Jonas. TWsHtOa radio has sksay of tho w Moachaater ess— calkri at the CM4PBSU CQUNCIU FURNITURE AND RADIO Wflteod Mea rie r...... 728 3 fo r l O C ■ Mias AlbsrU daughter e ( i«ROS«* yoa win la d only ia hich- 4 (or age S dole. 2Sc dor. HiU-SIUSS [ W ^ P . Q g i i h ...... 4j 4( * 1 9 c wprkodradiaB. ril-TlS MAIN STRET JOHNSON HLOCE SUNKI8T ORANGES Eating and Pie APPLES CMJum. 10-La BAG ONIONS MSO. SIZE POTATOES 39o doz. 6 |bs. 2Sc PAOT roUKTBBir MANCHESTER EVENTKG HERALD MANCHESTER. CONN WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 19S8 MAWUHESriEK EVENING HERALD. MANCHIESTER. CONN. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 21,1938

total'for 846 which was high for too the kind toe old timers had," said evening. plac* tie with toe other New York Bowling METEORS NOSE OUT T om m y....a fellow reminded him club. , PA*s Edge Billiards, Green Repels West Sides Trueman ..n o 131 106 848 th* Louis left was no powder pull RANGERS TROUNCE Frankie Brimsek, Boston's young BEARS REGAIN TOP Karatey...... 108 104 114 836 ....• th st’s not a left, that’s a bat- goalie, esrned hia sixth ahutotU in CONRAN’S UDAOVB tsubmiasloa succumbed to too heavy Toscano ...... 95 108 181 332 tle axe," sighed Tommy, a great seven games even Uutigh to* . - - : • " ^ onslaught of the West Side Tavern Patton ...... 83 93 09 275 HATTERS BY 21-20 boxer ta Ms own right. RED WINGS BY 6-2 Amerka sent five forw ai^ at him GAVELLO Stanley PoUnsky loads to* flald | aa ths Center S t outfit carved out Bangston . . . ..106 110 98 807 every time they thought they had a WITHHIGEWn BE LOST TO HIGH FRH)AY with an average o f 116. Nsxt nine ths first two games and than faUed scoring chance. He stopped 33 501 Add Victory llata: Th* Hun- shots,-many of them difficult, but high men are aa follosm: Kelley, | ^ l‘**P A e pace dropping toe final 8ii 541 1586 Dalsetta Bobcaata of Angleton, the Asylum atyitaa havo shown Renn’s Tavern (0) Wildcats Down Comets And that sort of thing has become Just IIB; W. Wagner, 114; J. Oeritls, 114; Electric Co. Texas, who have won 85 straight Boston Brums Presenre what Is expected p f Bflhisek. Jack plenty of acortag ptmch In Metcalfe .. 86 8< Rersliey Tnm BmII ^ “ TO ™ T. Oonrafi, Jr., 118; P. McLagan. I ‘ »^ ttM any marks with their Breen ...... football games sines toe 1985 sea- Crawford, toe goeOie’s rival for FOREHriST SCORER trouncing West Hartford and Wind 113]^ J. Jamroga, 111; AUhoas*. I l l ; ecorea but their three points sent ..103 92 108 398 Apostolt 'Kayfoes Cocozza Haefa ...... 108 110 03 310 East Sides Repel All Stars son, averaged 30 points a game and rookie honors. Flash Hollett, and bam and bowing to Bristol. FOR REC LEAGUE a DeCiantls, 108; Klet 108; Ar*' them back from the cellar into the held th* opposition to three points Margin By Blanking The EMdie Shore, all defensemen, were Ooach Wilfred aarka oovered Into Pack of Fancy Dans kevy, 108. thick of toe fight Nelson ...... 95 88 127 810 To Lead ht-Aii^i Wui* 4 Hansen ...... 108 105 80 302 -----Jack Bennstt, to* old Chicago to* goal getters. SPRAINS AN ANKLE Oavello'a ankle with compreaseo Star Market holds first place with George Armatrong'a 357 was blgn Although the Bruins' pace, 13 vie- In Fourth Round at Arena Mahoney . . . s * — 130 101 331 middleweight, ia connected ivlto the Americans By and a viait to a doctor is scheduled Taft’s Five second and omy one three game total for toe evening Sarasota (Fla.) city recreation toriea and a ti* in IS games, threat- era DifuiM. today to nutke certain that no ^ > *»«l«n ra a and dipay-doca Uke___ Ui6rt point behind. Jack’s Taverp Is third A s la a pretty glri and an accomp- Anierb Stave Of Late whUe Ehitle Dowd and EUmer fought 500 515 512 1527 dept, now—and is in demand tor ens to rival their famous 1929-30 bones were broken. It ia astremely was a movie scout lurking behind Local Sport and WIndsorville fourto. M. Way it out with scores of 145 and 141 re- The Tuesday Junior Lsagu* play- season when they loct only five DURING PRACUCE fortunate that the Middletown New Haven, Oban,, I___ ^ . >1—;xhts opponent's head and body, seem- llshed skater. Sonja Henle must ba nsr holds league high single of IBO referee assignments In Florida By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS RIiIW Anm. a.se. Jri eem ^ hedge surround- spectively tor high single. Paganl’* Barbere (8) ed Ita eseond games last night with rings.., .strike me pink!. . . .at toe games out of 44, they may go a lit- By ASSOCIATED clash thia Friday la the only game (A P )—^The New York boxing oom- sad high three-string of 403. 'Btar tle slower for a wKU*. Charlie J **** **•“ wl’lL "~At I 'FlA having made a lot of ^ clustered Of Rivals For 31*29 Ti There wlO be s very abort but im- Hagenow .. . ..114 00 — Lester Patrick, whose aim la to Manchester has scheduled for two miaaloners recognise Fred Apostoll, to toe branches of the SO-foot Market holds team three-string with 204 ths Meteor* winning to*lr *scond Woking golf course in England Sands and MUt Schmidt were cut up San Francisco's belting bell-hop, • 5**” * •“ ** • hail ahow-off ausies and fancy dans out portant meeting at the West Side Rautenberg ..108 UO 109 327 there are no distances on the tee have hia New York Rangers first In If the scbedula maksra aff flhsli> weeks as the layoff over the hoU- ^ n d weight advantage on ApostoU «>' thia country's ice a k a U ia ^ Christmas troe on toe upper bank. Chatter 1733. Taft’a Five holds high team oonsecuUve atsrt by topptag the a bit, although not serioiuly hurt, Star Forward Out Of Lioeop daya will give the ankle a good the middleweight champion of the Some of the performer* look Uke nnipli; Green Sports Foj stagl* with 60S. Windsor LocHs Rsc Wednesday evening for all toe 0 . Neubauer . ..102 181 80 322 boxes, no scorecards and only one the National Hooksy League even If ta to* game. terasUonal-Amerfcu iMwffgy Mggoa but that W M ^ t all, Before the Norse maid Aowed un managers of toe teams in the league __ High Hatton, 21 to 20, and toe I chance to heal In time for Oavello world and no doubt another New they could do with a lesson or two in took four points by forfeit, Wapplhg Hand ...... 97 83 180 competition a year (for "toe medal” ) he has to play second fiddle to get had done their work by gtstsa M * ***’ Barcelona, Iaklmpy costumes and began The Christmas season Is defimte- and every manager la requested to B. Schubert ..117 111 103 330 WUdesto beating to* Oommeto, 27 to return to action against West York resident, A1 COcoesa of the plain round-and-round skating, for ly here... .the annual harbinger ar- not appearing. to 10, with toe East Bidea to win* ..the golf monthly of Ebidlnburgh them there, seem* to be proving V Morelll of M®*"* AHta and whirls to s p o t H ^ be present or send s representative M. Schubert . • * 108 108 a crystal ball aM aaataff raasNat*. For Middletowii Engage* Hartford here on January fi. Bronx, agrees with them today. t o ^ leave something to be dMlied, rived today in toe form of Christ- 33*19 Victory In Openej Victor AbraiUs broke to* three- says toe course is "steeped In an again that the best way to produce New York in the eight-round semi- *"<1 <« music, the a v e ra ^ ito p ie for bis team. The meeting is sched- R. Andislo .. .. --- — 82 83 toe final game from to* All Stfim, fora tbs gamss wer* ptayaC tbav Although he hasn't definitely de- Whereas the oommisloners form- Md do not rasemble either Sonja e n cards for Peter Vendrillo and string alley record with a score of 24 to 21, to *tay undefeated with atmosphere of dignity” . .. .you can a good crop of (ilayers is to cultivate PUBLIC RECORDS ed their opinion on Apoetoli's worth final ^ may have wished he was •“ <1 regarded ice skating 440. Hia scores were: 160-137-144. uled for aeven o'clock. them carefully. probably couldn’t hav* paaCsnMd a cided upon his replacement for “ ®,7 **** native land facing Oen-1 P*]l®arlly aa fun, a meana of sklm- Heme or Haxel Franklin except la Walter Harrison----- for lo! these Of Senior CircidL the Metoon. have toe dignity chum, how far Is ment Here Bot Injnry No merely by watching him In the ring, their earnestness of effort. Probably Harry Davie still retains alley high Weet Side Tavern (I) 538 545 405 1648 that little tin cup from here. The Ranget* walloped toe De- better Job of setting ity a aarias at Oavello, Coach Clarice seems likely eral^lnw Francisco Franco's bomb-1 *?•>* speedily with a mini- B ^ y years we've been receiving Elec. Oo. The first game waa a close battle Devtse to start Francis Blanchard at for- Oocoxza made his investigation the they never shall. ^ these greetings to forward and toe etngle with 186. Armstrong ....131 117 119—65't (1) troit Red Wings, 6 to 2, laat night. According to certificates of devise targeU for toe variona laagiM m ate era before Qeotgie Fitch, 177% New I ^ effort. The seorec: Kesma...... 08 130 Moone ...... 86 04 180 all toe way with Tefiford and That a not a particularly difficult bera to shoot at. . noaght Serious. ward with Mervin "Ike" Cole. Blan- hard way—by essaying to - go 10 At toe writing, one striver of time of mistletoe and hoUy wouldn’t 101—326 Thompson setting toe pace for toe Very, very strange that "caa* of recorded by Town CTerk Samuel J. Bhven Negro, finished with him. I *,? *• • aertoua business. Hie ^ e 40 winters has for an hour de- Hie PoUah-American* outlaotel Tafto (6) Klein ...... 135 104 98—32 V R. Gustafson . .. 78 110 85 373 stimt tola year when everybody Is No sooner doaa a team gat to tbs chard has seen service in several rounds with the Californian last Pitch a bombing was brief and to Rockefeller Center pond is right be completed without them ....M r. C. Dwlre ...... 105 01 386 Metoon WhUe Wilke and Matton Turktngton, property located on night at the Arena. Center BUllarda by the skin of thelT Badroslnskl .. .110 100 110— 384 H. Guotafson . . . 105 97 04—296 90 m* Jf*"^***,. D ^ * . ,. . toe walloping Detroit. But it'brought Oak place formiM part of the es- top of toe standing than It haa to games and spelled Cole against the point, his sharp punches stow-1 !if*'***»^* atreet and some stories h.iv . M iperfecting : ------toe first , I yandrtllo and Mr. Harrison may B. Bagieson .. .. 83 . — kept toe High Hatton In toe nm- naif of a figure-eight That Is, she have same by calling fOr the cards Taft ...... 07 78 106— 378 F. Wilkinson . . . 80 110 93—295 107 190 ^ * Derila are being whlppM to a a little more fame to toe Kuijnit' take a day or two off aM tat tha Elmo "Rod” Oavello, ManrhcRter Meriden last Friday. Ted Brown Ho didn't make IL In fact, he Ing the Spaniard away before the I J*** offices of the ^ t h laat night at the East Sid Arohlvy ...... lOl 138 F. McCurry ,. ..107 87 114 308 nlng. frenay by needling from to* coast farm system. George Allen vrno tate of toe late Eniaabeth Schlemln- will bo at center as usual with Har- dldn't,jBven come close for. after has been golnigaround in a circle on *t this office.. 104— 383 ger has been conveyed to two sons, others snip* away. Tha Harahay nigli'a all-atato giwrd and all-New second round ended. A ^ U t e d Press, in perfect staring Rec and the defending^ champion Andsihon...... 122 88 126— 387 Wilhelm . . . . . — 98 108 201 The second game was a tight which places them In toe same class waa brought up from toe Philadel- ry Squatrito and Jimmy Murphy In less than four rounds, referee Bill distance, so thU is written with one fbot, her araos extended grace- of toe Rec Senim- League emer KeHey 535 560 505 lOOU Louis and Otto Schlemlnger. Bears are toe latest sxampl*. A BnKland contor of laat aeaann and l^knowm Morgan, 158-pound .119 US 148— 380 clash the flnt half with toe Oometa as Wellesley, the girl's school, as far phia Ramblers yesterday to fill in few weeks ago they wais aa far the backcourt, a combination that Conway decided that Cocotza, lying some authority. 1?*^* Aen she stops to I The first greeting we received on top in an action-crammed DUIon’a VS (1) 459 480 499 holding the edge, 14 to 9. The sec- Under ternu of a cerUfleat* of de- foremoat aeorer on thia aeaaon'a Hartford Negro, suffered the first *"*P*®* ^ skat* marks absorbedly, I came from down in sunny Florida. Brown 1488 as Roae Bowl oppoaitton for South- for Lynn Patrick, aeorod two of to* vise, Henry street realty forming ahead of toe weatera divtaloa It Daaketball combine, apralncd hia should be effective enough to de- helpless against the ropen, had car- AU Oittlng Didoes laden encotmter by toe m 084 010 008—1667 ...... 110 180 92—838 ond half was a different story with goal*. Mae Colviila, Alex Shibieky. knockout of his career at toe bands ObllvfaMBVo Other* [where Tom Stowe, former Herald Olaon ...... •107 99 ern California goea-----Just when part of toe estate of toe late George looked Uke no eootaat Thto th* ankle In practice at the State Ar- feat Middletown on the large sur- ried his investigation, far enough of Eddie Booker, 149%. San Fran- ney me out there day and night to 29. The victory enable, Kane’s 116—822 .MONDAY NIGHT LBAOCB McCooe going on a scoring spree NeU ColvUl* and Cecil DUlon netted face of the Armdiy. The second live _ y now Mie'll get up nerve aporte editor, basks In ths warmth Werner • ... * • • 30 80 toe boya were beginning to take W. Kuhney has bean transferred to Cleveland Barons ba|m a wtaatag mory yesterday afternoon and will and he called a technical knockout Cisco Negro, a sparring partner for ga .. 07 131 106— 334 McGuire is not a product of to* Rangers’ go l(Mklng for a Job ia toe Ice Fol- *» a mller and harrier...... 107 108 103—312 half. MeCTooe and KaneM atarred Dukes report toe post mark couldn't Building Inspector Edward C. Tha Basra forged ahaM agaia Is slated to oppose St. Thomas' willing to try. He sUrted the fes- to 19 triumph. n, Jr. ..9 9 123 118— 333 508 509 549 1566 Hair ...... 9-j 124 122—338 "farm" chain. Allen played for New Oavello, jumping for a ball in Seminary In practice today and fasP^o*iBobby ‘‘Poison’* I pleasure, for toe Wlidcato and Blanchard wae be reM -----could It be that toe Duke Elliott haa granted a permit for a laat night with a S-I daciatan ovar Uvities by bopping Apostoll a couple Stove Off a Bally' Farr ...... n o 117 126—308 outotandtag for to* Cbmeto. Haven last aeason. but he Joined toe air, came down on another next week takes on the Loomis In- of Hartford won a de-l Probably such an Interloner would advanced of toe exhlbl- j Tlxe December Issim of the Bui 478 083 080—1080 board of strateay hM a hand in single dwelling to be built on Sum- the Springfield Indtaas, last plae* ^ y e r* ! foot and wrenched the an- of good cracks on the noggin but ‘n * Polish-Americana started o| Eleottle Oe. (•) Twamlte ...... Ill 117 106—884 In to* final game to* East Bides Ramblers tola fall and got some stitute team in order to keep tuned Buena, 129. of be banded a copy of the ^ T u l e s tomists appear totally oblivious to I *ctln, official C. I. A. c . publication, McCurry •ending th e m .,.."I believe that schooling in the Ranger system be- mit street, to William F. Johnson, club of to* eastern group. After kle that he had turned before in that turned out to be a mIsUke. toe presence of fellow human* on carries a fiat of claims handled by hi their usual briUlant fashion anl ...... 121 110 95—885 kept their slate clean by winning builder, who will erect toe struc- up for Wist HarUord. Apostoll returned the socks, with In- *Tore, 157%, of end he advised to seek bis bucolic Oerieh’s (8) Owlre .. coaching staffs occasionally inspire fore he was n.oved up when it waa apotUng Bprtayflaid tha fliat na playing aoccer thia foH. The dynam- New Haven, won a decUlon from entertainment elsewhere, toe ice, Md it la a wonder that four ths Athletes* Accident Benefit FimA pulled into a 14-8 lead over toe Bill 94 85 93—272 086 088 064 1678 their seemnd game in edging out a ture for James F. Adams of 360 terest, and pounded away merrily at , . ------preferably Culver ...... 130 88 101— 819 Eagteaon ...... 102 103 their teams with similar eploodes," learned Lynn Patrick waa suffering a smart l^pln-LaFrane* combina- ic red-bead, who thus far this sea- or nye of them are not carried out|'*^ch came into existence a year Hard cagers during the first half, 108—313 Moriarty Bros. (0) victory over toe AU Itan to atay said Howard Jones, the U. 8. C. Mata strsat at a cost ot $4,208. PauUe Warren, 157, of Meriden. at some secluded spot. CertaUtly it B rogan ...... 83 114 87— 883 8. Gustafson 93 121 from a knee Injury that required a tion, Harahay Gad th* count la tha aon htt continued the sensational ^ w - .. .only one k S clato. t a * ^ to* cloring periods, however, 03—312 Kron ...... 118 98 101—812 ta top of too league with the coach.. . .note to Duka fans: Mrs. would be a letdown for the several Nswcomb . . . . 100 133 110— 347 Wilhelm . . , . 100 123 layoff. The Col vines and Shibieky aecoM period when Hairy VToat p l a y ^ t brought him highest hon- hundred steady spectators who have eye each one obviously Is out there tered, that being on toe brtdcen hoy* ftorn toe Center stager, a w Sehoteki...... 103 110, ,.99—322 Zaches ...... 85 76 . . —160 Meteors. Priskwaldo, Scudleri and j-n*s never ra(aed any dumb chli- moved right up through toe chain DEFY NAZI ORDER WRESTLING 104— 380 R. LaChapeUs broka away from aa mid. «>“ P«Utlon laat pven up excavation - watching * “ ***"* suffered by Howard Cbnn, p«rat* drive that barely missed ch Gsrich ...... 107 104 100— 811 SO 100 89—281 Bollnsky did toe bulk of toe scoring dron. ,,, ..f from toe amateur ranks to to* big Th* Bears won out « i ba miaaad as tbs Rad *n tovor of tola higher art S fii A e crowd goes substitute back, during toe past tag to* gap. Ed Kovla and 510 501 488 1004 Brogan ...... 129 189 116—883 for toe East Sides, whUe O’Brien team. Meta, Prance, Dec. 31— (AP) — Reading, Pa.—Joe Savoldl. 318, - HartforS Tavern (1) and AnnleUo wen braak-away with Banungr McMaatw and White seeks its fifth straight ***• Rockefeller football season... .831 iLu p a ld t^ Obuchowakl fe«tur*d to* 080 087 006—1085 H. LaCThateUe 99 80 118—397 to* spearheads The senior Patrick didn’t originate Several thousand young Oermaha doing th* trick. Wumph and its third straight In Three Oaks, Mich., pinned Sammy REVEAL GENERAL PLANS t^ter critics are too cold to taks ward doctor’s bills by to* Fmd. Suchy ...... 110 104 O'Brtght for the AU Stan. living on tbs French side of the Cchen, 210,'Chicago, (21:03). I about B to 68, go at their school win, while R, Johnson and i WtadaorvMs (1) ------314 .. .. 117—117 "chain-store” hockey. Connie M om of iU OOL dladem^t the their hands out o f their pockets. ' uy uw s im o ... Prnher ...... U6 — Box acores: border hav* defied order* issued Th* achadul* calls for Harahay to Indianapolis, fnd. —George Za wmit twst for the Bllltanl Maslak'...... Ill 104 104— 819 99—314 CURB QUOTATIONS Bmytoe of Toronto probably was O ark eiM will stIU bo favored to Lou Black, Aasoclaetfi vPi__ A. Atkins ....107 110 Duffy ...... 9« go through German consulates to re- remain idle until Sundny aow wKla h ^ a s, 24S, Pueblo, Colo., defeated which toppled Into a two-way 106— 336 141—882 017 498 085 1500 fileteon toe first to go Into it seriously, ruling ClavelaM playa two gaaaaa. lira topple the Invadfra. Ris loss, how- I sports writer, had this to say la * with the idl* Barbers for third pla J. Hyduakl . . . 84 80 .. — 160 Tkggart ...... 100 01 109—306 P toe Syracuse International League turn to Germany to do ml'itary ser- • w , gives Iflddletoivn a much bet- John Granovlch. 240, New York, two FOR STATE CAGE EVENT . recent oolunm: "Mancheatar High's A. Barbsr . . . . 86 100 Nielson ...... ss _ vice. The youths affected are most- Barons hook up with th* rtiflailai out of three fails; Bob Bruns, 219, Th* nighteity was a fast; furious i 90— 376 ------88 Howards (8) 0 Cheney, r f ...... By ASSOCIATED PRESS club aa well as Canadian amateur '•'in ter chance to puU an upset and a baskrtbaU team, last season’s oUto Ryan ...... 116 181 U6— 353 Aiken ...... 102 Chanda ...... 128 105 117—350 2 Tedford, I f ...... outfits. Patrick took over toe idea ly Bons of Rhineland and Saar phis Ramblers, eastern divtaloa Chicago, and Dorve Rocha, 232, De- fWr aU th* way and prsdueed 99—201 Am Cits Pow and Lt B ...... leaders, ta the feature of to a li^ ’a game is a strong poaalblllty as Detroit, and Silent Rattan, 179, and Ntw Elngland champs, appar- wealth of stellar basketbaU. O. A tk in a ...... 106— 100 Llpp ...... — 09 Brozowski ...... 104 120 02—325 2 Atkinson, c . . . . . IH and built up toe now-famous "R” eeparatlsta who took refuge In catur, III drew; ---- — Waiter Stratton. - Indianapolis, drew. TROJANS PLAN DEFENSE 91—190 Am Oen ...... toraa-game program than vtalt ently are off to repeat . . . any West Bides Surpriss Howard ...... 112 09 142—308 0 J. Thompson, rg chain of Rangers, Ramblers, toe France when Germany regained full Title Phy Shted For March quintal that can bast Tom Mona- Ark Nat Gas ...... PltUburgh Satni^. Th* Pnvt- West Sides wsrm’t figured ' 004 080 088—1054 810 401 030 -1040 Cofek ...... 112 121 108—341 2 T. Thompson, Ig Asad Gas and El A ...... amateur New York Rovers and toe control of those regions, Mter toe han’s Bristol five by 14 points, which Petke ...... 120 124 99—849 0 Haugh, ig ...... latest addition, toe Winnipeg Roam- Saar plebtaolte of 1935. dance Reds, traUtag PhOadalphla bar was what the Bilk O ty tmnch did, glva to* Grssa much oppoalUon Am Sun Pow ...... tors* points, taka up tha paraaft FOR DUKE’S ACE KICKER tosy threw^gjlt* s surprise Jaek% Tarara Blue Ridge ...... er*. It has developed mor5 than 8,10 And 11 Next Year; must b* tops , . . that chap, Clarks party I ...... 106 - 307 CHANCE VOUOHT 082 078 668 1718 Cent States El ...... half the present Ranger squM. CALLS FOR JAP BOYCOTT again tonight playing tha Naw I who coaches Manchester, is goo<:i to* first half and traHad bj _ Maiaon...... 107 10 21 Tho Boston Bruins, whose "farm" Haven Eagles at Naw Havaa ftiU s U*6 at halftim*. Tbs poaslbillUas i 69— 397 to ths Chance Vought Inter-De- SUbros (1) High Batten (20) Cits Serv ...... standout of the tUtsi unless it was MoLogsn ...... 102 110— 340 partment League at Murphy’s al- Haberen ...... 111 99 142—352 Cits Berv., p f d ...... -activities aren’t oo widespread but Pari*, Dec. 21.— (A P )—The Gen- Springfield Jumps to Plttohnrgh for Pby-Dswitt Hay Be By Hope HigWy Perfected Qsick toe maaterful kicking of Eric Tlp- an upset, however, wer* dtsslpa Gtraldii ...... 113 10(V- 347 P B atlU produce a lot of good players, eral Confederation of Labor called a tut with tha Hoiaata, laat ptaM ta tlM closing quarters as to* Gr leys toe Deflecton took 3 out of 3 Kelsh ...... 85 97 98—275 0 Fischer, r f ...... i El Bond and S h are...... kept the Pittsburgh Speaking of Bristol ... to* Men Kut ...... 117 106- 303 ^ m es from the Materials while the trimmed the Hew York Americans upon the French nation today to team of toe waateia group. WANTS TO RECEIVE GIFTS began to hit its stride again to Petriccio ...... 102 106 105—813 0 .\laston. If ...... 8 Nlag Hud P o w ...... 3-0 In loot night's other game. That Dialricts; Numlier Of Es-| Kick WiO Offiet Tiplos’t Panthers in ouch a hole during of Monahan are atUl going atroni pipping took 2 out of 3 from the Wennergren Penn Road ...... boycott Japanese merchandise after their local setback and Iasi the decision by a comfortabi* 847 099 804— 1880 -----110 102 109—321 0 Wilke, c ...... 6, not only preoarved the Brutne’ slx- snowstorm lost month that the Insnecton and toe Final Assembly Correntl 2 Yeltema, r g ...... Ult Gas ...... which it said was “spattered with AU toe Ume It was nag, ctack Panther aggregation Saturday walloped Leavinworth gin. Johnny Hedlund, Sher Mo Star BUskst ...... 106 120 111—387 o polht lead over the Raigers. but It 'he blocd of Chinese workers and tries To Be Limited’. finally took two out of ^8 from the De- 1 Zapatka, I g ...... ,o Unit Lt and Pow A ...... —Slgnard Andnaen. Ohia WTA FROM GLENNEY’S _ Fine Phnting In Rose went down in defeat High of Waterbury to toe tune of house and Jim Murray paced i_ W. Waynar ...118 185 133— 360 spatch. dropped the Amerks out of a seconil- peasanta." worker, wka klllei Ms .^ otoer atop for practice win beM*"?.^ Otto “Cold'’ — - Winters______Groan attack, whUe D u ^ and Mull T. DaClantla .. 98 139 130— 881 514 524 060 1598 1 Rodonis, rf ...... g H. Wayner ...130 118 Andenon of toe Despatch carried 0 Wilhelm, if ...... 0 i made tomorrow at Lubbock, Texas baakeU in the victory dooii featured for toe West Bides, f 97— 880 Off all toe honon for toe night tak- ftt General plans for the 1939 state Bowl Clash; Notes On th* and Friday a sightseeing tour wui Ilooks as though a bang-up Laat night's results left toe leaguJ C. DeOantla ..115 105 US- 888 Gibson (4) 0 Bigenakl. c ...... 0 0 PoUnslty ...... 104 99 ing high single with 153 and hlirh Wilson ...... 130 125 108—363 0 Sobiski, r g ...... o basketball toumamenta were an- be m ^ at Grand C%nyon. The train store when Manchester standing as foUows: 107— 810 8-string with 373. will ^ v # in Loa Angeles Saturday to toe BeU a t y on W. Davis ...... 105 112 127—344 nounced today In the December is- Despatch Geos er Bowl Grid Tnsslea. morning about 9 o'clock. ^ I January IS PoUsh-Amerka ...... 2 .661 646 871 871 1686 ...... 103 139 114—306 * 9 2-3 30 sue of The Bulletin, official publlca- Green ...... a ...... 1*® 103—336 Abraltis ...... 134 181 130--395 Referee, Olovan-Packard...... gs gs 84—270 PootUlo May Your Christmas Be Cheerful and B righ t... Uon of toe Connecticut Interacholos- BBW BD I IJ e IntorsebolaaUc Center Billiards ...... i McCormick ...... 78 138 83—284 ...... n o 107 97—314 . 93 118 i l l — 816 WUdeato (87) tlc Athletic Conference, by Ervin E. I ^ Angeles. Dec. 21.— (AP) (AP) — A hasketbaU champlonahlp. which Paganl Barbers...... i ____ 98 76 69— 287 Anderaon ...... 118 153 104— 373 new Florida football attendance Manchester High has bop^ of West Sides ...... 0 Dow Man ...... 84 89 83—206 582 614 076 1772 P B Trask of Old Saybrook, tourney brilliant punting of Eric (The R. O oyette.... 88 101 98— 378 ' Belds (0) for^thn’ o * ^*^“ **(y assured today (ending next March, wiU t S e pUce Box scores: C. AUhous* ...118 0 Beattie, r f ...... i And Let The Spirit Of The Occasion Carry championship aeries, Bed) nplon of Duke will be met— 188 116— 358 Cavy ...... lie 127 133—376 1 Carney, If ...... o in which Manchester will defend Its ">'1 the Trojans hope offset—by toe ®( Ten- in Springfield. Maa.:. in thT^rSmw Oree* A. C. (83) C. O’Bright ...114 106 106— 834 484 578 457 1016 ” ” “ ®-“ i*.,9*'J*k?*na_here Jan. *2?" | there, on° March ieri7***ind'lS™****^ P. Final Assembly Moriarty ...... 03 114 112—310 1 ICanehl, c ...... s a ““ March hulck-klcklng strategy of Southern B. Sheldon ...... 87 93 '95—275 1 Vince, rg ...... i '®?“ Uckets re. j toe armory has a regulaUon size 0— Ford, rf ..... i 496 519 498—1007 ...... 84 90 97—271 You All Through The New Year 8’ 10 and 11, 1939. California when the two elevens Farrand ...... 93 118 88—299 0 .Varetto, Ig ...... 0 BJrt The play-down games will be run Pasadena’s Rose Bowl, “ i®’ oOflclala ap- «oor and scaU 3,600 s ^ U t o m 2—Staum, r f ...... 0 Ttylor ...... 116 134 102—351 Enw toe erecUon of ' ^o ------former Manchester' - ' High 1— Reimer, if ...... i ^urta ...... 101 8B 83—273 Kebart ...... 165 121 ’ 35— 411 2 .McCooe, c ' ...... 7 15 MRn off on March 3 and 4 If only one , Tipton’s kicking fame is well TnlA^stm **«a6 — ^ MONDAY NIGHT LEAGUE hicreale'th'p ,'*^***‘=1’ would | athletes met in colle^ate'com pM - 2— Murray, I f ...... 3 5“ :i . ..118 111 106—m Finch ...... 95 106 104—303 Naw York, Dec. 81.—(A P )—May- Dog»- Gift Boxes or more, of Ita scheduled games punting average is SO.S yards. But bUlUe*.” Poata- Score at halfttai*: 14-6, P. A. Chspta — hard but Just didn’t have toe stuff be Dr. Townoend owns stock in th* LiVf ! (with other fkmference members) ..104 89 96—391 against th* opposition who were With All Lansdell and company have run Hair . . . , .. 95 138 801 800 918 Brooklyn Dodgers... .to* daffy onea Pouiti with teams of it* own claaa, or back punts 000 y a i^ while Duke's • *<»r-**nge gUnoe at ^e Bt Sfana, who campaigned Refare*: BiaseU. 102—829 having "oo* of those nights’ Want Purchases toe 19M race. Gabby named the McGuire , ..100 85 117—811 Heehera Box scores: signed Catcher Luke Sewell who has higher. Thi* i* a new ruling this total la 390 yards. ta«t year a* the Ptilah-Amettoma Twarnlt* RaM . . . . been In to* big time alnee 1921.... year designed to Umit entrtee to Otanta. Pittaburgh ..159 141 118—412 ...... 119 136—384 CUffords Arttcl The quick kick and fleet safety CtoctanaU aa "the teama to beat* an composed M former Chicopee Marita ...... as and are after Al Simona, toe out- Boath teams quaUfied for tourney play. If men may match the pimta of Ihle 88—276 B. 1 ‘The S t Louis CanUnals' stUl S?***. “ ® n * ^ 880 558 Butchtasca ... 08 fielder, a strippllng of 85___ there's Bulldt a school wishes to enter the tourney the Red. too leading quintets la Maa*. Laat Last Night's Fights 587 1675 96-310 E. Wsisa, I f ...... 1 Dlamc in a claaa higher toon IU own, 50 J ^ » « t t t a g strength, and Frey, if ...•••••.••.. 5 no truth to a report Drover a sv e- Elect r toe nM^ speed, *0 if they do some- y w they edged out a hair-line de- percent, or more, of lu regularly TECH GOES VISITINO aoherican legion 296 815 810 920 Butler, ...... 9 land Alexander wUl pitch th* open- Futl I Ah®ut defenolTe and pitching Sl!- latter’s Ry ASSOCIATED PRESS Runde. r g ...... 4 er for toe auherbaa (haw) however Garde scheduled games must have been New Orleans. Dec. 21— (AP) — jyyp 2® to 28, and are out to make (Brietel AOays) House The Carnegie Tech football team tfouSe Havw^Fred ApoatoU. Martin, ig 4 ....q u it* a few baaf* ovar th* fact played with schools in that higher fov anybody," »>« .. u ^ — ®^ “>• •®«*ta BrUtel (6) Macht: planned a trip here tonight from . . ho added. *Td rate w^ tte Eaglet are aaxloua to pin 1*1 l-*r San Franclaco, recognised Oote . . . 107—313 McKinney, I g ...... 3 Johnny Vandermear didn’t rata Mutlei rioM Nangatuck High, runner-up toe Garda and Reds as th* danser ...122 99 100—821 to Manchester for the A crown last training quarters at nearby Bay St. by toe New York Boxing ComnUs- Schloaler • I r a e e 93—303 h i^ar ta th* AP pen for tha No. l Office spots ia Gm league. * S?*^L.** State array. ...106 is 108—807 Fortin Totals Specla March, has already signified IU in Lotfis, MiM., for a view of the city The Eagle*, aftw opening their l ^ S t ^ - .i ^ i d ^ e l g h t champloii. Chapin • . . 1 0 1 1 1 0 g i — j i u g 106—328 86 65 ^ • t e M th* y a a r...."b e pitched Waarl, "W hto 1 don't think either Bos- stopped A1 Cocozsa, 165. New York | HeOywasd Servte* two no-hlttera in a row, a feat I40 Untion of deserting aass B again in which it will play Tbaas Christian *•*« with a poor showing against Nelscn . ...117 108 93—811 Wante in toe Sugar Bowl Jan. 2. Um, getting more hltttag. or Brook- w St Johns, have etace come to 333 803 809 931 a or so pttdMra have been trying to Ht oi to play in too higher bracket lyn, getting a lot o f now players, Miner .. ...130 106 116—345 Fraher, r f ...... s It'* quite certain that MancheeUr Coach Bill Kem said toe boys “*-.?“** eeveral strenuous SUceta (8) * for 60 years and which won’t be would be permitted to browse about have bum toemaelvea into c o S ^ - prac^ aesaton*. Owch Dlegle f*M* Ken Overiln.f Wetoerell ...... 98 113 Toman, U ...... 5 don* again for another 50", writes Room I Trade will make lU fourto conaecu- 666 117—322 Driggs, e ...... 6 Board! tomorrow and go Cbrlstma* shop- ** Where they wUI help am that be haa molded togetlier an- Decatur, IU., (lO). ' 505 1586 Johnson ...... 97 94 J*x*T Natal*.. , . another reader while tighten up the race a lot" 87—278 Frttagermld. r g ...... a 0 Coutitr SrEllsworth High of ® South Windsor ping. They will then return to toe ot^r team of toampiooahlp caliber White Plain., N. Y .-L trry Kel-I St John ...... 121 129 120-370 nominated Ace Parker, AU America Hotel# gulf coast to continue practice. figure* tbs Cubs w an P. Wlgian Cariiey, Ig 0 Want* wUl gun for toe CIsm C-D crown. •ad beUevee hia array win retain Butte. M enu out-l 116—838 •M an pro laagu* foothaU plsyar, strengthened more than the Giants the^ Senior Laagu* crown, as weU E. BaUslepcr 115—343 8U 335 884 970 Totals 16 85 cr^ b a a k a th M l ptaytr aM a sw^ Aparin Oim E ON WAY WEST SLH !* “ “ t •hortstop M to eompU* anothsr Impreaatve “ ••’-I B. Stevcaaon 93—334 oM haaeman w o r ^ o f a Ug leagua MILK—A Basic Ingredient In Many Of Your Pine Bluff, Ark., Dec. 31— (AP)— Bin Juigso, catcher Ren ODea and rmoociL B. WUlde . . . . Buahia SraOIAL MATCH .... . _ Angele*—Bobby Pan^.| 109-353 WEST SIDE LEAGUE trial as tha top athlate o f our tinu. Uouaea The mighty Blue Devils o f Duke ®«“ « J ^ Ftaito Demares to New . Th« 6*»t team, onnMMing of An- 150 1-2, Um Angeles, stopped Char-1 F. Oervtad ... Suburb York for catcher Qua 67—350 (Rae. AUsys) West BUS Tavern (1) University, en route to Pasadmia, t 2S*’ X®*t., Hemlnwav, ®****** O^umbua, Ohlo| 0unm* Calif., to play in toe Roa* Bowl Tha Blusfisld*, who bava a reputa- Ptah. I f . . . . md Hullaef LoMon Baa aiumsd Holiday Food Preparations. Armstrong ...,I0 S 101 107—311 tax'tatop Dick Bsrtoll and outfield- DerrldL F r^ er, Parlack 604 568 080 1666 Uon of making ' a elaan awaap of Wan tot Clemaoa agaiast Southern CaUfomla Janu- er Hank Leiber. SouthmgUI and Dooahtw art ra-' Taggart, If . a wU for <750 (about 88,750 to a .••• 89 84 86—259 •vanto ta prneucally ovary line pf eokmtaU) on Tonuqr Fter for avad- $100 Free Johnson . ....115 101 ary 3, selected Pine Bluff today fbr “ptherwlae; I wouldn’t hav* q«*«t*d to r*port at to* *Tr" not O’SimaU, e - Ap*rtn 100—316 their first workout en route. made the dead,” h* later than 6 x not v e a t thsy dsaire to compat* In. con-' M. Waias, rg hW a fight Ip LoMon....bow'd you BE SIHIE IT’S BRYAD^ & CHAPMAN’S BMlaai Wilkinson ..U. 93 109 WEST 8IDC LEAGUE Farms 104—306 Alxmt 120 peraons wer* o* the tlausd to add further to that reputa- R. Duka, ig . Ilka to bang by your thumbs tUl h* 789 Gustafson ....111 101 113—315 ;W 1 Terry (Giants) was ths (Baa AHeys) tioa laat night with a whitewash Besaaa raue special yesterday when only manager 1 found that would HOCKEY Eagleaoc , Ig , ooUacta,. . . Ancil Hoffman, Man Blllk — Bnitormito _ Htavy rn^ Lots to 789 Laat night saw tha Wsst Slda l^ o r y ovar th* highly rogarded Light Craaai — Soar Cranm aiul t ._i-. oil 406 it pulled out of Durham, N. C.. amid talk deals at an. Nstthsr he T Q N IO H n SCHEDULE Baar’s manager. Is doing some Momrt 010 1517 • ly y t ovatkm of college auppiartara win stop if we last nights hockey Tavtre atrongthsa Us grip on first Rann'a Tavatn team. Am Bmv Totala trans ronttnictal BttMarbi Mala Oiwv* (8). can get what wa plac* ta tbs Wsst Sid* Rsc riiEiiig Pagant’a Barbara who a n r ig h tt a 56 FVtodrito .114 107 and townspaopla. want, but ths otbw Knagns BESULn MOta Jaooha new that the^dahSg 90—816 Tha team took with It * record of (No gamss aehsdttliIttle^) leagu* wUh a thrso-poiat neSj .?****, ®* sAt for Woot SUl* Glehney Stewt Bpielman . 99 93 94—386 •nn’t that way at aa* Watianal l/Mena boarUng beoors atanpad a thro* to B a a ra gte is • key figuro in Jaaobff TRY OUR VRAMIN D MILK — YOU WILL LIKE ITI ,ovcr OOloa V i - And Maritoam . 94 139 Bsvtng won tfina gams* during ths Tha Oihs hnva bami tnriiis to ob> F. WUsan, if • • sCtetes t e €sa nxt ASK OUR SALESMBNI -# ’A; 104—887 assaoo, and not onoa was It Usd. Pn'nataeo.at Naw Haven. Amrrtcana 0.| on tha othsr allsy ths “ -nntiisui m teoBM en to* MancheaUr gElae Sattyb • • 6 0 0 * • 93 117 U6-686 ^ a aoopi* ar haid uSm M Naw Y qA Rangara 6 Oatrolt 8. trie Oo. ^ T. WUaon. If . 1^ on wMb Tony Onlanto o u t« OreasI soared upon oi dsfestsd. But a s m M baa* and tha ontflald to givo g avaland at Phlladelphta. Etactric light Oo, -irtihws tha McKtanay, e . coam aM tain ’em away.... .104 IM m —866 Hartfoed Tavsni In a Th* RhiJalda took an tha ... the WallMs **• «»«* fntek. Th* Hanhay S I in Mat alghra nmUhaa a H, Wlhnn. ig - •fist him talk," quoth Miks: “ nia at I ta whwB tha (tonffh M. Bar n « PAGE 8IZTEEN MANUMBNIJCK evening herald, BtANCHESTER. CX?NW. WEDNESDAY, D E C K E R 21.1988 BJANCHESrrBR EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER *1,1988 FAOEI This Is Different By MARTIN SENSE and NONSENSE I HhNtVhY HEMRO A BttJGVA CDHPLAthW t* ceOTAtMLy OhWfc OP PQAC% - AMO NRf l k y o o 1------PATCMIO _ OP _ ^ A66 OUO VOOQHtMa TWMVOtdIb DPAT DQTVDItEM HEA AMD ^i^ACIE • • • . I- A M B m O N I ' , HO« PQ09%«Ly *0 Aoourr f CAT ‘.\ f TWIMMS I'M . ' J AWMfe OP dOtlsHb TO ^i,T ^TA660 Iff AMO Mf , ' Would that toe angels ap- I hitched my wagon to a star, but A8 *OLOTQ\y Of \AT .HEQi hama a Pool op uwMy, , pcared In toe sky again to stog but down ^ e atar came tum- MtSTAVAM*. AMO A M C m ^ ’ On Christmu Eve . . . Nevsr bling; TWMA - Ky cart came crashing to too sartb. LOST AND FOUND AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 4 1 HOUSEHOLD GOODS 81 ' w u toqlr massage, "Peace on V Barth, goodwUl to m u,” more wagon wheels a-rumbltog. LOST—PAm OF GLASSES In rare 1938 NASH SEDAN; 1036 Ply- sorely needed to a world tom Now I drive A'diisty road, my wagon on CUnton atrect. Finder pleaae call rURNTTURB FOR XMAS EXCESSIVE RACING / In repair. mouth aedan; 1034, Ford aedan; ON EASY TERMS 'b y strife u d dlssentlon. never 8363 oftar S p. m. Rawaru. 1932 Chevrolet aedan deluxe; 1933 |SECRECY SDRROONOS rwould a weary people hall It And since I came back down to Dodge 3-4 panel. Meaaler Naah, 10 Why not make the whole family RffORT LOCAL UON earth I really get somewhere. happy for Xmaa and buy aomethtng more ardently .... PEACE WmI- LOST—SUM OF MONEY in hand- Henderson fu 1. Telephone 73S8 NAME OF U: S. COUNSEL kerchief by boy riding bicycle useful for the home, such aa a room ' “ PRESENT PROGRAM Sweet Young Thing—What Shall from Blue Lantern to Middle'Turn- outStT Our Mieetlon of bedroom, i Rake—Boy, oh boy. did 'HUle I do? I am engaged to a man who New R bt sb, Dee. 31.— fAP) — tears pike Elaat. U found, call 7091. BUSINESS SERVICES dining room and living room suites f DOG APART .Jhrow a party last nlghtl Just simply c a u o t bear children. Formation of tha Connecticut CIU- Jake—You don't aay? Who all OFFERED la something worth while aeelng. «-(A P)-V tocent Kindly Old Lady—Well, you j —Aa long as 18 months to pay. Official Also Warns Against sene’ Oommlttoo with general Im- SeJJbTrS**®***’ ****^ counsel for was there? mustn't expect too much of a bus-' auto mo biles for sal e 4 —Free delivery. Free storage. provement of Hquor aale, legislation iHembers Of Emanad Qnirdi Rake—Just me u d TUlle. band. I —No paymenU if unemployed. and enforcement In this sUte as lU ^ written to the United SUtesBackaghain Vannhit StiD 1M4 FORD COACH, |16S; 1934 Ply- WANTED—CORD WOOD to saw at ffl-Advised Publicity <-Of hlina waa announced todays mouth coach, 3190; 1931 Ford Vic- 73e a cord. Telephone 4369. I —No payments In caae of lllneee. Enjoy Christmas Party At to^SH ?SF-^ »>e delighted THE COW THAt gives TWO A YOUNG FATHER IS SURE t»>a >v —Dellvetiea made Xmaa ICve. Donald North, acting chairman ot *o have the Amerfcan'^aaslat'* to the HIS SON WILL GROW UP TO BE toria coupe, 3SS; 1930 Ford coach. Some Tracks, the organization, aald memberahip V. There And. Gettinf Bolder QUARTS OF MILK AND RE- •66. No down payments. Cole LTVINO ROOM SUITES FRAINS FROM PUTTINO HER A POLITICIAN BECAUSE HE Twnerville Folks ______By Fontaine Fftx MOVING— TRUCKING 8 Pc. Velour B eU ...... 839AO up a liM y Included the names of aev- final Meethig Of Year, 2sS^2a5Sy."*th’ •» CRAWLS OUT OF EVERYTHING. Motora—6463. erai hundred dvlc Isadora In five of FOOT IN IT IS FAR MORE VAL- STORAGE 20 3 Pc. Tapestry S e ts...... •46.76 up Is Latest Chun, UABLE TRAN THE ONE WHO tho state's eight counties and tRst Queato^ ooncemlng the poaal- We know a man who never gets “ Kn o b h e a d** Ne w s ome, w h o se Wi f e is T o o n e r v i l l e^ Be s t Sh o t 3 Pc. Mohair S eta ...... 669.50 up P e ^ lt. Dec. 21— (AP) -J u d g e ble partldpatlon of United S U ^ GIVES TEN QUARTS AND-THEN AUSTIN A. CHAMBERS when you BEDROOM SUITES Joseph A. Murphy, who resigned re- It bad tho pledged co-operaflon and T ^ Luther League of the Emsn- KK3KS IT OVER seaaiek because be bolU down Us WITW A PLATE OR A TEA CUP > OtJR BOARDING HOUSE want the bes* in Local and Long cently as director of racing at the flnanclal support o f the DisUUad M l l ^ e r church held an enjoyable Attorney General Homer g. Cum- meals. 4 Pc. Walnut S eta ...... •36.30 up JJUhg*. the French lawyer dusted Rgporte received today from Dlstanca Moving Dally Express 4 Pe. Modern S e t s ...... 644.26 up I>trolt fair grMmds, said today Spirits Institute In Washington ^rlatmas party last night as Ha Buckingham definitely refuu our Hartford, Mancbeater. KocKvUie that excessive racing In sons com- He asserted that the group to naal meeUng of 1988. A fine pro- T^ -ynomore. I can give no Young M u —How about some THRBB DOLUAPf© P06R TMACT Manchester 4 Pc. Mahogany S e U ___ 666.60 up euppMlU^ expressed two days ago. old-fUhioned loving 7 FIFTY cents/ ACM, X t t o t t o Phone 6260 68 HolUaUi street DINING ROOM SUITES munities and ill-advised publicity Connecticut aoon would be followed KFsm presented that included Buckingham mountain Hon RATRIAIRCHAU AMD PBCRCPIT h«a to threaten the future of the aport. by creation of other similar units voed solos by Miss Helen Berggren. (In Washington friends o f the •wnef Young Thing—All right, eee AM A SAMTA CLAUS,VAH? Eveninsr Herald 6 Pc. Modem SeU ...... 668.76 up in many states. attorney general, whose resignation w IdenUcal with the strange crea- rn call grandmother down for you. STORIES AAOTDR? AAV WORD., H6RA1AKJ / lot tko 8 Pc. Walnut S e U ...... 668.60 up In a sUtement to the Associated by Miss Edith Johnson. ture which was shot in Cohlnsville X SHOULD RUIN MY * PAINTING— PAPERING 21 Press, Murphy, one of the nation’s While the Committee "has accept- Miss Marion Olson and Herman mm the Mbtoet becomes effective L see KmlMT CLASSIFIED 8 Pc. Period S e ts ...... 687.60 up ’’y • bunter. We had thougbf that IN STAM PS *TM» IS TO BS* BUSINESS FOR ttxJ 1«. A beat known turf ofTlciala, said that ed the cooperaUen of the InsUtute J o h ^ n and a Christmas sUt bo had under .bw animal had ^ d e r e d _ ! PROOBTI ADVERTISEMENTS PROPERTY OWNERS—AttenUon. WE WILL SEND A "COURTESY stockholders In race tracks and conaideratiem a proponl to Join to USBO POR SCiaWTIFlC HESBAHCH, I 00 f*r AUTO" FOR YOU—NO ^ which Dr. Wesley A. Sturges of and Mrs. Herman John- 2®,.*2 *nd bad stopped a baa a thousand Syet,* >twwe>w.www-wi CALL, this "fNVBlsmON / •6.96 repapera room, celling paper- owners of bidding farms and rac Yale recently was named director. Orynaspan’a defense.) Walls you have only two; and SUCM a P«OHlBlTIV» a obaraed at the one time rata. paymente arranged. Painting and had driven thoroughbred racing out was announced that a New Year'a wm SCANDINAVIANS lAwyer—AU my fault? I put up CASH All Stores Open Every Eve. "in IN LOCAL SCHOOLS party would be held on Tuesday Robblt bones have been found in a BM g^eut light for you. . for long term every carpentry. A. A. Dion, Inc. 81 Welle XMAS of the United States for all time, some quantities in the woods and [SOcENIsSOji; UBr ; la tho “ J advartlalBB alv.n upun rauaaat. atreet. Phone 4860. seem t* be concerned when the January 6, at which Ume the nowW Frisoner—Yes, and you kept yisU- u. PFiegs ?” *.**•*"'• '*>lrd or Bflh riected president, John A. Johnson, Ikmdon, Dec. 21— (A P ) — Britain Ue screech of the was tog at tha Jury that you demanded ' rroot *l-l oa ebaraad only for iba ac- FINK WALNUT CABINET Majes- rumblings which preceded that de h«^ loudly on December 18. Tha i in raid. taal oambar of thn.a tba ad appear- tic radio, little used. Cost 6336. SeR bade are heard again, we cannot 7^1 assume office. He succeeds ^^Sii***^*^ trenUes with the four jnstlca for ma until they went and Only Mon to Hold 00. ebaralna at tba rata aarnad but HELl* WANTED— be blaned." Only 10 Days Allowed This Roy C. Johnson. S(^dlimvUn nations whereby they . . *1 “**’ seems, consistently givs It to ma. i'ifi 618. Telephone 8603. Seen by ap- TOM woods owned by » ''•funda can ba mada FEMALE pointment. He declined to name the eectlons After refreshments were served f®***’® ^ **** provisions of the 1036 Nation's Tw o No. 1 Posts 35 Naval treaty of which Bri- SfiiS ®^®bjMd, but goes on Toraya BACH OF US SHOULD DE- Sftb (Ur* " * *** **>• In which he believes racing Is over Claus distributed ten-cent which take him far from that sec* william HOWARD TAFTS AT ONCE—NUMEROUS poatUona SUNBURST SPACE heater reduc done. Noting a movement for a Year to AOow For Earlier gifts brought by the Leagueie. France Uon. VOTE-IfORB STUDY TO OUR aobl torblda"; dliplar lloaa not were algnatorlea. TRADE. WE MAY THINK WE tour years to toe White open for general inaida In good' ed for quick clearance. Pot type second track In Detroit, however SanU was played by Rudolph John Awarding to Strickland. James Rouse were probably toe least P®* • •aponal bla bomra. Salaries 87. 68, 610, 6I2, | design, large 10" pot. WIU heat he suggested that Its sponsors son. TVie treaties were signed at the XjBARNEO IT YEARS AGO BUT »r more than ona locorraet Inaarilon Closing Next June. F^oregta om ce by the London minis- nvntlce has seen the animal, aa BROinj) RE3IEMBER THAT IT sstjifsctory to him of his career. advartlaamant ordartd lor 614, 616 per week. See ua at once. from 3 to 3 rooma. Valve control, "could identify themselvei with the have others In the locality. They were not conspicuous. He *»*» one tlma nresent assoclaUon take It out of Norway, Denmark PROBABLY HAS CUIANGED dhrMoa General Employment Service, 1003 regularly priced at 639.98. Now and Wn and ahd by ^scount Halli- signed the Payne-Aldrich tariff ooll^’a ““ '“ ‘on 01 meor- Main street, Hartford. 639.96. Same heater with level the clasa of commercialized racing I^ than a week ago a dog owned EVEN SINCUB YESTERDAY ®* • 6**«l*lna will ba The Christmas and New Year IROMANUN BAPTIST rw, foreign secretary, and Earl ^ Wilmer Keeney, it wae said, was bill which many believe contrib- B « M t MtlBad oolr br eancallalloD of tba valve reduced to 632.96 from make It a seml-dvlc enterprise, not uted to toe Democratic victory of for profit and add It to the attrac- holidays of the local public schools Sta^pe, first lord of the admlral- tom to pieces, and another dog has Englishman—We grow the largr I Pravl> * .If* 2?^* *®' ***• ••frieo raodarad. 643.96. Montgomery Ward. been badly mauled. It was rraorted 1912. His plans for rsclproelty •ofertloamanta rauai oonform tions” ill the d tv’s move to become will be the shortest In many years, •St cam bi to tha world over to my pkia to DOGS-BIRDS—PETS—41 a convention center. GIVEN PRISON TERMS •raey Include the provisions of the that an Italian workman working in ooontiy. tariff trestles with Canada and a toraolt It-' frpofrapbr irltb FOR SALE!—BARSTOW Insulated "Racing associations are seeking from December 23 to January 3 In- I^don Naval-treatyiiy for „cnaugeexchange the woods, saw the animal u d be- '' Anarlcaa—Ours grow so iyers to for Ilmltotlon of the size ana arma- clubhouse for some time. ' tbsm. . It was as a jurist that TSft /I irfh for youre for Xmaa. R. Urlmley, 174 ten days, whereas in the past It has M t leaders today reported 27 mem- mMt of Individual vessels but not Some Rod and Gun club, tt would •ehieved his graatest success. His Cooper street Phone 7121. OUR COMPLETE stock of 1938 Re- brondcast stories of the huge mu- been at least two full weeks. Mia of their church had been con- - Englishman-W hy is that? It 9UW0 tuel bandies. Thev do not re.allze their number. •eem, ought to load up Ita «(mi(io ps public career really bewn as a frigerators reduced up to 20 per- Classfa will be in session through v ict^ and given short prison terma ’ Awericao-i-Because tbs rabbits to iudge and he left public life in I E A L W A Y S w'lo.^ ** *®'®*'' ooon; Baiordaya cent. to make room for our new hat minions of people In the Unit ud track doam this varmint. 'But Aostralla keep nibbling at toe roots. CANARIES FOR XMAS. Your Friday afternoon, the first time In at CernauU for violation of ao old It.Is miggested that nona go down the same capacity In 1887 ha choice of white, yviloa, bufl, van- 1939 line. A chance to make a real cd Ststes believe these flgures to be many years that the schools have seldom-enforced Rumanian law for PhkYS T D P PRICB W.MC. profits apd not a custodianship ftind there In the Buckingham woods on became a judge of toe superior TELEPHONE YOUR gated and green. Young birds in saving on a new refrigerator for ctosed ao near Christmas. The enr- control of religious ceremonies. IDLE WORKERS MUST tneir own books, nosinjr nround wltk ^ AUTHORITY court in Cincinnati and three TOR EVERYTH IU a»V ^ • WFA full song. E. Scott. 194 Center S t your home. Montgomery Ward. to bo prorated back to the public Of aU tha bugs that I have knowed WANT ADS with a reasonable sum deducted for olm en t of the holidays Is due to The law, designed to check ln «- Mima in t h e i r hands. years later was appointed solicitor ------g0f9.i9seevwisMw4i.iiia- Tel. 8393. the fact that earlier cloaInF la sponaible and trivial reUgious move- They might take a shot at sbm Tkat orawl or Sy up above, fenerel of the United SUtea. ‘ha talapboaa purses and stakes. If these asso- PRESENT THEIR CARDS 6 na WM can move toe biggest load ‘ha CHARGE RATE alvan abova ciations will offer clean, high class planed In June to provide atudent menU, requires that at least 60 BucMngbam resident who might ba to 1900 President McKinley FOR SALE—TOY Pom puppies., MACHINERY AND help for strawberry picking and It heads of families attended any a he*U Just back up and shove. ‘® •fHaara. but nice selection, 6 weeks old. Price j racing the betting will take care wt to toe woods, ud who. of course; named Taft heed of toe United ____ TOOI^ 52of Itself. The flaunting In the face la necessary to have at least 180 formal religious aervlce. Baptists might appear to Stotes Philippines Commission. " ®*'® •• >h« bu.“ reasonable. Phone 5225 after 8 p. TChool days during the year under said. Hi^ord. Dec. 21—(AP)—au V Man-(to^ beggar)—So you were sc OKC.HY SMITH SIl* »«Yi ®* ,®" ®‘ ‘’••Of* ‘ba aavanih m. of the public of tremendous mutuel pewns planning to go to local closely resemble the cougar that la Four years after that President Best Wishes for an Unhappy Landingr OLIVER 8IX''CYLINDER tract toe pr^ency But be was iNBvesy PAPEe/N AUSTKAUA cannot be ruaranteed ^ n'l^ghf menace racing, Murphv said wni hold a Christmas assembly J^^^u Co»®««»oner •He looked exacUy Uke a puther (manee. Re made me put ’em upi anil to achieve hi.* lifetime ambi- >S-rm LATEST BeKKT ON a good Christmas gift. B. Tarasiuk, WANTED—TO BUY 5» Joeeph M. Tone to be sure to have tion. the woqlp----- 21 Florence atreet. "This miefit seem a paraclo-lcnl Friday and will then be rioacd until Woonsocket, R. I., Dec. 21__(AP) to me. It would approximate the INDEX OF stalrment," he went on. ’ 'but It Is Tuesday, December 27. —James Condon, 40, Central Falla their social security carda with commission of a personal affront the GOOD NEIGHBOR IS ONE That came m 1931 when Preei- I WANTED TO BUY used doU car- CANARIES FOR SALE—Gurana- a matter of common knowledge arc welder, was electrocuted today them whether they are making inl- WHO OWNS SOMETHING YOU ilent Harding appointed Taft CLASSIFICATIONS riage In good condition. Phone tlm or continued claim, for beneflU. DOUBLE TROUBLE. WANT TO BORROW. cjilef lusUce of the Supreme Blrtba teed singers. Norman Jonea. 31 6476. pianv radng laws were Placed on mo no xide gas \TCriM when he came In contact with 600- EnBaaamanVa...... Eldridga atreet. - the statute books by hostile majorl volt circuit in the Woonsocket rayon Records of the unemployment Court Taft thus became the ties reaching out desneratMy for compensation division are krot by Hartford—Mrs. Bessie Mather • He leened over toe garden fence only man in Amertcen history to MsrrlavVa ...... extra CASH RIGHT at Xmaa by Springfield, Mass., Dec 21_ OMtha ...... • • • • CANARIES 64.98-6.0.98. Select one new Bources of ta.»atlon to meet •octal security nnmbm rather than broke u arm last winter when she aad beckoned to hie n^tabor: held the two highest offlees in the Card of Tbonha...... selling your Junk to me. Wm. Ua- (A P )—Ernest F. Bessette, 44. treM- fell on u Icy sidewalk u d she aey, old man, I imderstand In Mamorlam ...V .V .V ;...... for a Christmas gift. Cages and ac- th I problems of relief snd other dire u ar of a Springfield laboratory PLOWS FOB PRESENTS by names, the labor conunlsaloner nation He served as chief Justice trinaky, 182 Blaaell street. Tel. necessities." •aid, and the numbers must appear auad tha city for * that you bava Smith’s rake? until retirement In 1930 A few Loot and Found ...... ccaaoriea. Next door to Larrabee'a 6879. ^ c e r a , was found dead today In -V r N e l i i h b o r - ^ Y e s . Announcamanu ...... Barber Shop. 17 Pitkin street. I'ele If budgets were balanced, he com- his garage, the victim of monoxide Bucharest, Dec. 21— (AP) —King on all claims sent to the central Tha caaa caxna up in Suparlor weeks later he died. Paraonala ...... t-Ha—GoodI If you’ll let me bor- phone 7626. mented. "the racing tax might not gae Mre Bessette told police she through the Department office. Court yesterday but Mrs. Mather Taft’s court record usually fol- ' m , Aafowolitlea be needed." Agriculture today gave 1,000 plowa waa a b m t row that occasionally, n i let you lowed conservative lines. He Is AutomoblUn for Salo a APARTMENTS. FLATS, thought her husband had not en AppUcanU who are unable to pre- tered the house last night. poor Runuuiian farmers as set cards will not be allowed to file Her attorney said aba tripped aw Us snow shovel whenever you sho^ here <» a stamp of the new APPROY’ED .^IB FORCE MILL • over a mg Sunday ud AiU. bnak.- wnatiL ASir Acc«\on'.,^^ ’••••• J POULTRY AND TENEMENTS 63 CniiBlmas presentj. clalma, he aald. U S reguUr series, enlarged, I t o g t o e s a m e a r m . rcopyrlsht m s. NBA Sarvlbe. Ids.) SUPPLIES Rome. Dec. 21.—(A P)—The Fas- a UI o ••••” , 2 43 FOR RENT-FOUR ROOM tene- ' Auto,—ffblp by Tni'e’k ...... cist government today submitted to ment, second floor. All Improve- the Senate an airforce training bill Autos-For Hir, . • FOR SALE—NATIVE turkeys 30c ments. Inquire 110 Eldrldge stseeL • . \ a • ^•rase*—S«trvic, Btornan “••• per lb. live weight. Jo Grobowskl, to draft .thousands of Italian youths FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS By Blosser eMBn,^s.«iiw>i Moturcjcl.^-Blc^., . *•..!'''' }? Andover, Conn. into avlaUon. The Chan.bet of Depu WASHINGTON TUBBS Warned Autoa—Motorcyolaa .111 l| FOR RENT-FOUR ROOM apajT- HOLD EV ERYTHING By Crane ment. Midlands. Call 4i 3i or ties approved the measure at Its FLAPPER FANNY By Byhfla OUT OUR WAY Bu,rn?ir* i*r,l,aal,»al Barvim NATIVE MILK FED turkeya, 8333. closing session Dec. 14. Irll A vom b i d w T o u o i •«*«wuupep. pRicf6 r Bv WllWsms Bualneaa faervicta Uffartd ...j la heavy roasters. We drcaa and de- -CM«.t»MSTat*anwet.BR. T.M.aaaaaMT.'aw. WANtE > A QUV I KNOW, ' 60AQ. ^DOER 90R THECAVALSV RfC0iAE6 try it yo ursel f once Offer,, ....ll-A liver. Otto Herrmann, 610 Center CAUNe IN OROBRS... Bulldlna—Contractins ...... FOR RENT—FIVE ROOM flat, gXTREMglV ------TRY ©ITTIN* OUT OF A Klori.t,—.N„r..rl„ ... iJ atreet. Tel. 5085. with garage, on North Mam aueet, dwjvre tnbm/ Funeral Dlrectora ...... fj CLUB RE FReSCNTS N M My a im . | CAR WITH A ARMFUL OF NATIVE TURKEYS heavy roast- steam heai furnished. All Improve- ment!. InqiUre North End Pack- Sh opping Doys B undles.' dom’ t criticize ers, fowls and broilers. Allen, 37 TILL YOU TR Y IT VOURSELVES Doane street, telephone 7616. age store. Telephone 6910. T i l l C hris tm a s pilnUna-PrpJrVn,®*” ! ? ...... FOR SALE—ROASTING chickens, FOR RENT-6 ROOM first floor flat with garage. 17 Starkweather r,°pa"n‘;“‘ '. ®*"''** ...... « 33c lb. dressed. Ralp, Von Deck Tel. 8327. street. Inquire 713 No. Main street. Buckland. Wanted-BuMnea. sVi^^rc.'’ I*.::: \\ tSdncailonal FOR SALE-GEESE. Inquire- at 621 Count, and ...... HarUord Road. Tel. 3700. BUSINESS LOCATIONS Da'n'c*i;:,''’.*‘ ^“- ' “" ...... FOR RENT 64 Mualcal-DramatlV '.' y.y.:...... '-I FOR SALE—NATIVE milk fed tur- Wanted-In.iructlooa " " “ i : :: \\ keys. Joe Schaub. 188 Hillstown FOR BENT—STORE, comer of El ti, e .. Flaaarlal road, Manchester. Te,. 4678. dridge and Spnice streets. Tele- Bondi—Btocki—Mortaaaea ji phone 7571. Builnee, Opportunlilea 3- CTHE GEVOLUTIOV) spr ead UKI V4ltPFIRE.AI Money to Loan . ARTICLES FOR SALE 45 LTTOWM af ter town faus Twm eekl iSwj?. H«lp "anted —Femala aa HOUSES FOR RENT 65 fAH,6E»40R. WAT EES Help Wanted-Mali ...... !i KOR SALEs—SIXGER electric sew- TJiRN m CLUE III Saleamen Wanted ...... ing mAchlne, cAbtnet model, good, SEVERAL MODERN SIX RUUU I Grabbed The use? wisTHts MADE Wit h single houacs, also tw„ family flats ATTEsmoN*#, AMO HAS MR V Revolotioh. ovm SFRlNOS AMO KM>OK, OR HAIR -Tt- A « n .r w '"’ -.*'*'* ®' •'•mil*.'. l1 condition, year and half old. MuM iw b PHONR Acent* named it a In excellant locations. Apply Ed CLRAR o u r "fc ^ canwot hope tdseu OUftS - po c j f T-Are^ nd* a tuation. Wanted—Femal,’ ...... ig sacrifice. $70. 4ft Victoria Hoad. J pOKPrO BACK TO CRXI8T- i berorr misr Situation. W.nted-JIaU ...... 1, ward J. HoU Telephona Manehes- ON RDOr . SMANKS COULD ANV5 II46, MUCH LESS ter 4642 or 8025. MA8 THEBE TEARS AGO— Employmeni Aaencle. 1...... JJ Cleveland jubilant; it had Just _ *im« m back; STbf* MS AND 3,000 MATTRESSES' ELECTRICAL , been named site ot O. O. P mm . happmbo sm GAVR him 7HR ^V.^BTr'57-rr,tr*'”" '* '^ APPLIANCES— RADIO 49 coovenUon the foRowteg June 4RR ! IbO A Y ME BiROl PICKETING ENJOINED . . . Censors frowning at *Chll- ’A CAURO ARAN/ Wanted- PelelVS’ „-,V-::ri.oVk J! Radio bargains—several re- Jsn’s Hour*’ and *Tobacco posaeased table and console mcxieis New York. Dec. 21__ (AP)— •“ •I-" . . . Dr. Bence named Artie,e.''”F’'or**ll.V'.*.” ': - r “ « Picketing by anU-FaselsU of a Acceaaorlea ••••• Philco, Zenetli and Admiral, 69 so to mcMed Meseryk as Czecho- Bulldlii, Material, ...... J? to 669.95 Brunner's. Phone 5191 Spanish grocery store which they slovakian president . . . Bruno DUmonda—w .tchea— V. Open until 9 p. m. aald was selling merchandise Im- Hauptmann In death ceU. . . iSoms- rtV.Tal' ^ludio :: „ ported from Insurgent Spain ««« TraUer erase attracting atten- been enjoined by a New York state “Ott . . . New Deal measurea -SSUHULH6HIXBLG& n FUEL AND FEED 49-A Justice HruVeU'Srda'’.'^'^' Philip J. McCook. » 9rtull7 awaiting Supreme He s been like tl^t ever mince be went tn w —K. ] Court M FOR SALE—SEASONED HARD iRfton and bit the PresidenL*' * You Ju8t don’t hsTn wood, cut any length. 64JSO 1-2 tim# for any fun with an thaaa holiday p iia S * •••• It cord load. Call 8893. Leonard U OlgUo. MYRA NORTH, SPECIAL NURSE On the Spot V WHY MJTHERS^GET GRiCV «XQ-wilua*as B. "ealaaraat, ONE HALF (X)RD four foot ac_- AU.EY OOP ______tt^ Roonii W Ithoul B<,ard . a, By THOMPSON AND COIX Boardara Want.d ...... *’ aoned wood, sawed stove lengic OOIC*tt.V- WHO o i o T OhI Oh! Dirty Work Ahead " 65.00 delivered. L. T. Wood Go • OG S E E COMI I Skb I—------I 8EI TER \Marr TILL . So IM OUfTTME WV BOY, m epantry Board—h .tirii...... OUT OF -ms.T ) . MA«C6/,.-a ’(CAN Yk IMAONS TH' HROVS tVpM 'TauE9SH 8 By H AM U N Hotels—Heat a uran? a ...*V **” Phone 4496. j'ogwjks. MVBA - rrs too NOW WMT, BOVS* BURE, ME. »«*S HUN& UP/ S^W ’R^are mi wanole s THRCr OP TWiff a u v -v «rT iJ 7 “S'? I imad q t amt to TBUL vou DOU’T PIPE M9ur VE aOT ME ALL j MRucriNE A ^OCM SOU VERY , t u a H ow soAAE “anted—Hooraa—Board .i!!”! "DOVES OF ' '' >> WHISPER/ VIPBBO- pe r h aps auvo _ KWO OF A HtRL, OOOLA A ^ R R MS TELUIW’ W6«aXTH»JKA \ »«Ace* r' PK3WB..„ WQOMf MMJT SERIOUSLY— and r folk* TMSV cant Heal lU la l, p „ r ,,, , t O T S A -SMARTER. DETECTIVE CUR106AM/ teach me how Tb HIM WHATO HAPPEH to JH*1, ) WW tAA aOMNA^ «I*x^m*nta. Flata. Tenementa TO J D M U P wnM NEnHER DID OOOLA* - V ^ ETUPP OVER. GARDEN— farm- PBOPte TMAM X THOUOHT .MAKS IHiT BOuisOiAND him ip hr DID/ T V ON OLD MAN "M nv/ J-Do, X JusTaem rA Bustnaa Locations for Rent BB- voua PEACE dobs/ SWLPS^HOWBH&’S ^ fiu «r BIGHT OUT Uousoa For Rent .. '* dairy PRODUCTS 50 TCIETy/ fiU . C6AL HIM THROWIM'A RARTV OOP/ Suburban For Rant ...... T MXJfUl LAPPIN/ Summer HomM For Kent...... JMV/ “IQ. HUM GOT . Wanted to Rent FOR SALE—YELLOW Globe tur- nips 50c bushel at farm, 60c de- mmr% WHACrf Bm I Eatal, p „ a,l* Apartment Bulldlna for Eal, livered. James Robtoaon, 167 High- (S Baalaoaa Property for 8, 1, land street Farma and Land tor Bale ...... Beoaea tor Sal...... t ^ "T5; . !<•« torjtale'...... GARDEN—FARBf— Mmi tor dairy PRODUCTS F<3R bal e—yel l o w Globe tur- •*•••• f S nlps 60c bushel at the farm. h . Gasik JhHWuid. PbosM iT ‘X Attirbrolcr Eorufmi C m tt WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER t l , II v/T :■!(

^0 0 0 * 0 0 0 i


h K

Give mis H O SIE R Y Children's Book Shop IN EX P E N SIV E and I HEIDI GROWS UP From Hale *8 MqtMl to the famous story millions of First quality hosiery in rmpDiT children love, published for the first time P R A C T IC A I. G IF T S ringless sheer chiffon and CROWS UP In America ...... O U C service weight. For The Home From Hale*s Picture Story Books...... 25c-50c M. K. M. A King Is B o m ...... 25c Linen Department

69c Pair Earn The Eiephant...... [.’[soc Pied Piper of H am lin......

UON BRAND Nancy Drew Books...... * ’ 50c

79c Pair T l * T o * n * ......


85c Pair Young America’s Cook B ook...... ’*,‘75 Hand Embroidered

NO-MEND ...... :::::.\‘$i.’3'9:w:5o

$1.00, $1.15, $1.25 Pair Pillow Cases Mary Oliver Chocolates...... ralr ...... 60c lb. I. Mary Oliver Chocolates, 2 Ib. pkg.-----$1.00

Hand Embroidered Mary Oliver Chocolates, 3 lb. pkg.-----$1.50

Loft Assorted Chocolates ... .. 39c to $1.25 Lunch Sets Sharaf Assorted Chocolates . .. .29c to $1.39 06i nank^.’' «»Joy wcslvtag a colorful set with four Ribbon Candy ...... napkins. All types of patterns aiid color comblnatlcms. 2 lb. pkg. 29c

Midgret Ribbon C an d y...... ^ .... 29c to 55c 52”x52’* Pure Linen ^ Assorted Sugar C uts...... 39c lb.

Yale M ixture...... 15c lb. Luncheon Sets $ 1 .6 9

Genuine Leather H A N D B A G S BHtfct.ehiSuIColom

*"*We *'pper. R m irh grain or smooth foaUkln and calfskin. Colors; Black or Brown. C O A T S W E A TE R S Hale’a 45’’zS6” Fineqiun

Complete etock of coat sweat- ^ ^ ers, Cardigans, low button tuxe- do and V neck styles. All wool *4.95 and rayon and wool. Colors are Pillow Cases Wine. Navy. White, Green, Rust. (OellopiMNM Wrapped) 54c Sizes 34 to 48. Prices; Pair T O IL E T Oiurfimoua own brand which la guaranteed ta r at least fCur ^ years’ wear. Last Minute Suggestions In

Preparations . . . And Don’t Forget!,

Satin Underwear ^

Can n o n To w els Gowns and Step-Ins In lace V* trim m rt ai^ tailored models. The gowns are In dainty prinU or plain satin. Visit Hale *s

^To w e l . 4

Te rrace "

\House furnishings

British ^

Can n o n

Bridge Ta b le and C h a ir Set

Ladies’ S N O W I To w e l Sets! ^

C hain with up- S C A R F S S U IT S holstered seats. All white or colored silk or sheer wool scarfs In Ascot AU wool suits, fully lined Jacket ^ Squares or Tubular styles. and ekl pants with zipper anklets, I Larga bath towel, yiest towel and tees d o tll pivs eolori. zlppej-hoods. Slses 10 to 18.

C A N N O N ^

5 9 c

T O W E L SET S m,M W.AW a_____. Coty’s Bath ...... $2.98-$3.98 ___ $1.00 With double brmced lege and covered tope In colore. t’ow der...... $1.00


B A BY S H O P ^ Coly’s Travel in crystal with prlam ...... pendants...... *l-25 to $4^98 ^ A lso 8 O pen Slock Patterns Set...... $2.95 OTHER SUITS AT ^ B O YS' S U IT S Make Up Your Own Towel EnamUde! $7.98 and $10.98

Hudnut Bath *2”x44”” — •aliaand M23”i46" $1.98 Pow der...... $U0

IVhit-i broadcloth blouses with na^y or bmwn all wool fiannel Loose Pow’der Children's D R ESSES shorts. Sizes 5 to 8 years. Prints, peasant styles, meaning ...... $2,49 Set I C3nnon Turkish To w ds taetystalw lthpU tlaum lm ad. Ics Upped pitcher with I Compact ... $1,001 TToung girl." Very bright and gay. 8us- pendera dirndls, Shirley Temple stylea- sizes t to 14. ... .81.49 Q Juice Sets in crystal with cut design (Ribbon Tied) r o m p e r s . Evening in Paris

Orange and Tomato Juice i Perfume 55c-$1.10

Sets in colors $1.00-$1.49 . • $1.00 $1 .98

rompers St. Denis Bath vnth hand embroidery and fagot- ^ Powder...... 65c Ice Tubs in G lass...... $1.00 to ting in white, maize, blue, and With chronic hcndlc cad ftoc too^. peach. Sizes 6 months to 1 year. C IN D E R E L L A P R IN T S


OTHERS AT 79c SI.«7t.U $ J_ .X 9 Cocktail Shaker Sets in TOYLAND Atomizers ...$1.00

glass.. $L98, $2.98, $3.98 mml I DoO Coaehca ...... $4.M-|7.»8.|11.50 Candlewick and Chenille ■ A ^ __ r __ _ M «w • — __ . _ __ Cutex Manicure ^ ® --~,f - --woo mtma Bonnet.iJU fiavu 1 IQ$" and UMI 20 Zll” HEADQUARTERS FOR GENERAL Dofla. Vain** 4a ei 40 nra.li. __“r. C R IB SPREA D S GREEN STAMPS GIVEN WITH Vahiea to 11.49. While they In s t...... |i.eo Sets...... $1.001 ELECTRIC APPUANCES FOR THE HOME CASH sal e;s **T ‘•‘■pen* «*«• Yardley Bath goes to sleep. With complete Layette, |1.00*|1.98-S2.9g $1.98 An Metal Pedal C an ...

WMto bsckgrouad with pink Powder...... $1.35 __M*totnfUiig. WiUfitalirai ***^li?^ Wagons for Little Tots, i r Size with robber ^ _ erthk Stas W T k T S ^ Santa Claus in TOYLAND

Men’s Shaving JW H A L C , ...... Every Afternoon and Uttie Girls Unndrj Sets with Washing Machine .v. .$1.00 U.00aad|L69 Sets ...... 89c Evening. MANCHISTIR CONN< ...... 1 1 .0 0

T^wrlten...... I l . 00-lt.00