Detectives Tracing Coster's Connection with Two

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Detectives Tracing Coster's Connection with Two ■ H I T , • • STORES OPEN UNTIL 9 0*CLOCK EVERY NIGHT THIS WEEK AVKSAOB DAILT CIBCITLA'nON fer ttw Meath ot November, IHS nw WBATIUUI ^ Fersmet M O. B. Westhsr 6,193 Member of the Aodtt Boieoa af Obcokitlaaa i| p r a l5 MANCHESTER - A CITY OF VIIJ.AGE CHAKM VOL. LVIH., NO. 69 ASvertlalag ee rage IS) MANCHESTER; CONN., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 21,1938 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) PKIUB IHKEB CENTR Sluffffer of Mayor Explains NINTH WATERBURY HITIER FRIEND JUROR IS CHOSEN; RAPS DOCTRINE DETECTIVES TRACING PqUCYOF U. S. ' QUESTIONS FASTER Asserts Germans Have COSTER’S CONNECTION BethaBy Laborer A(xepted GATHERS a REASONS ^ Every hterest h Seeing FOR ECX)NUM1V cnun-H' WITH TWO MURDERS Cleveland, Dec. 21.— (A P )—u Nations Of Sondi America By Both State And De- V- W. J. Hammlll can’t solve the 3IONEY AND KISSES next depression It won’t be for a fense; 14 Men And Worn- lack of reasons. Independmit And Strong. BILL TO MAKE TAKEN IN HOLDUP Begra hvestigatinf PossiMe The «9-year-old retired teacher aeveland. O., Dec. 21.— (A P ) of accounting had gathered 63 —Mrs. Anna Garringer, 20, Rejected Before Choice reasona today to which assorted Berlin, Dec. 21—(A P )—AboMtlon link Of Swindler h U f CAPITAL OBEY blonde and pretty, listed $7 to experts have ascribed recent eco- of the Monroe doctrine was urged “Christmas money” and count- nomic setbacks. less kisses today aa her losses In BITLLETTN! upon the South American republics solved Deatb Of Joseph The list Includes such "rea- today by Der Reichswart, a weekly the robbery of Quong Lee’s Chi- Waterimry, Deo. » _ ( A F ) sons” as over-producUon, sun URGE^BY aO nese restaurant. LLAs the ranks of the third spote, women In business. Wall paper edited by one of Chancellor ’The money, she said, was to And Barnet Coken; Feder- panel of veniremen dwtndkid street, the “brain trust”, weath- Hitler’s, closest dlsclplco. Count have been a cash gift for her and yielded only one addMoaal er cycles. Installment buying, low Ernst von Reventlow. eight brothers and alaters back al State And Gtj Altk•^ Jtnyniaa for the Waterbary fwm Income, European unrest, “We Germans have every Interest Would Force Government to Shreve, O. million dollar fraud trial, 8n- the automobile, wronA kind of to having the states of South As for toe kisses: or Oonrt Judge Bmest A. money— America strong and Independent,' Contractors To Live Up One of two young gunmen who ities Dig Deeper h to Acte Us aaaooneed today that aa said an article by Von Reventlow trussed up Mrs. Garringer aad K paael would te drawn “Landlordism.’’ the World War, himself. Quong Lee laat night paused re- underconsumption, monopolies, •vewiTew. From the third “In order that these quaUtlea may To Regulations Imposed peatedly to kiss toe helplese paaM of 181, only S5 reoaUned growth of corporations, the un- New York. Dec. 21—(A P ) — Tba be ftilly developed It Is necessary waitress. He even demanded her aa the eonrt recom eued this balanced budget and fulfillment home addreaa. Donald Ooster-Philip MuMca afteniouB. of the Biblical prophecy of ’Dmo- that among other things the Monroe doctrine and Its various comple- In Labor Relations AcL She said toe araoroua Intruder mystery, already InvoIvtiM mfllfcaig thy In his second epistle; “In the ments be abolished. had “very pretty blue eyes.” and International dupUclty, took Waterbury, Dec. 21.— (A P ) —The laat, men shall be lovers of them- James Hagan (with finger raised) 48-year-old unemployed W PA su- “Nothing more than aa act of will ninth Juror In the Waterbury mll- ■otves, covetous, haughty, proud." Mayor LaGuardla on the steps of New new and more sinister turn today oa 4; la necessary to do this.” City hMl’ shouted when arraigned In police court, ‘1 had a right to Washington, Dec. 21.— (A P ) — Brooklyn detectives began toveoti* lloa dollar fraud trial waa chosen Baps ImpertaUstle Attltade punch the mayor." Ha waa committed to the Bellevue hospital psy- Chairman John L. Lewis said today gating toe swindler’s pooslbla con'* today. chopathic ward without ball. LaGuardla suffered no 111 effects . The four-column article was cap- the <nO’s chief request of toe next necUon with toe unsolved murders tioned “North American Imperial- of Joseph Cohen, srcoltoy poultry Rajrmoad O. Short of Bethany, a Oongresa would be passage of "a bill DR. VIZETELLY, and fish dealer, and his brother, ■ laborer for the town of Bethany, ism Under Jewish Leadership" and waa on Uie atend only three mln- AGREE ON PLAN contained familiar Nazi strictures to compel government contractors Barnett. utea when Special Prosecutor Hugh Ml the alleged tmperialisUe attitude to obey the Wagner Labor Relations Police Inspector Michael 8. Mc- WORD EXPERT, Dermott ordered detectlvea to qu80> M. Alcorn announced hla accept- of the United States toward Latin Act." 6006. America. JAPANESE RUSH TROOPS tlon members ot the Cohen RunOy TO COOPERATE Such a bill, on which Lewis was Alconi Mk6d Short JuBt six <|U6B- It said to conclusion: I wen oa Cooter-MuMca'a throa rebuffed last session, would forbid brothers — George Vemoid-MuMca, tlonx. After a conference of sev- “Between the mixed population of DIES » E N L Y eral minutes, defetiM counsel an- the United States, with Its Jewlsh- government contracts to employers Oeorge E. Dlctrleh-UaMea. sM TO MANCHOUKUO POINTS found to be Ignoring the Wagner Robirt Dtetrlch-Mnsteo—^srbo ora Mmced they would accept him ON A m s S O R S domtoated government, and ths act’s provisions for collective bar- being l)|dd ta $100,000 boU ooch oa ' without examination. South American populations there The new Juror who Joined eight gaining. Anthor Of Scores Of B oob charges of vtotaUag the SeeurttlMi is not the least rimtlarlty, not to Act of 1084. ouera In the Jury box aras the 15th apeak of affinity.’’ “This measure.” said CIO CPun- venireman quesUoned today up to Frmcipal Delegations To Acdon Taken To Pat Dovni The tovestlgnthm staitod as iid* MeanwhUe, pUed high at Temple L** Pressman: “will force large On Words, Son Of Print" ^ time of his acceptance and the KEMP APPEAL corporations such aa Bethlehem eral, state and city autbortttea dolv* hof airport were 140,000 letters for ed deeper into the fOnUstlenlly la* 231at alnoe the start of the trial, P^n-American Conference Distorbanixs Canoed By Steel, Electric Boat and Douglas last Juror waa chosen Dec. 16. delivery to South America, most of volved activltlea of the MuMea" them (^ristmas greetings. Aircraft and many others now or Snccumb After Phnri" brothers—Philip who tha 9*t E a ^ ExamHilag Pace. TO BE BASED profiting from fat government con- A Junkers tri-motorea plane la to respected head of McKonaia and Both Btete and defense set a rapid End Ten-Day Dispnte On Clnna’t Eighth Ronte tracte to obey toe law, and will ap- pace this morning in examlnteg start tba Christmas mall trip to- sy, Pnenmonia Attack. Robbins, Inc., and the brothen who venlrsmen, and 14 men and w o t ^ night, picking up mors cargo at ply to any loan, subsidy or license aided him, oU worUng under tha wera rejected for one reason or an' Wording Of Deejaration. 9Yaakfort-on-tlio-Maln trans- Array h Pnppet State. ON M W LAW or purchase of gold and silver by the elaborate guiaa of Srtltioua ■■■■■ other before Short waa chosen ferring the mall to a s ..p i.»s at Federal government. and flctlttoiia backgrounds. to New York, Doe. 21.— (A P ) — Dr. join tboae already on the Jury. Bathurst. West Africa, for the South "A atmllar bill was blocked to toe TJa flrat eight men and women Uma. Peru, Dec. 11.— (A P )—The Atlantic bop. Shanghai, Dec. 21.— (A|p)—The last session of Congress by a reac- Frank H. Vlsetelly, 74. noted lexico- Friday after be hod bean ( oaOed paraded to the stand at In- Counsel Contends Sentence grapher and master of one ot toe the orch-owtiidler to a mil______ principal delegations to the Pan- Three small Christmas trees wers Japanese were reported by foreign tionary clique In the (House) Rules tervals of about five minutes, and included to the cargo, which Is to be Committee, led by John J. O’Connor ■condsl a quarter of a century _ _ American confermce agreed today murces today to have rushed troops world’s largest vocabularlea, died none them were aoked any qum' delivered Christmas sve. I —who waa retired to private life by An tovestlgatkm won already »"»««"* on a declaration of cooperative ac- into Msnehoukuo to put down dls- Imposed Shonld Be Less unexpectedly about midnight to the way into the missing $lj)00,000 tions by the battery of defense at- the voters of New York In the last Fifth Avenue hospital of pleurisy torneys for Lieut Oov. Frank tion against aggression, ending a tu ^nces caused by units of elections.” ■soeta of toe drug concern’s ciiida Chin* * Eiflrhth Rout* Army which and pneumonia. Hayes and 21 others stoning trial ten-day dispute on wording between Under Revision Of 1930 (O’Connor, a New York Demo- drugs department when ha fitod a OB chargee they conspired to “cheat State* and Argentina. pad crosaed Into the Japanejte-doni' Dr. Vlsetelly was toe author of bullet Into .his head to his Fslrflsld. incted state. crat, was chairman of the Rules scores of books on words, ranging and dafraud” thla dty of more than The decIaraUon, highly reliable LOYAL DESTROYER committee.) Conn., honte. a million dollara.
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