X3 r* r* Q O Inside i I B / 5 1—H »-H C_ H O 33 O - s j J K ill d]cz XJ CZ 'O * s r A V W * . riCO CO >■ m OD 30 M ‘JO CO O CZ *—1 z. o 30 y » 'J> T) a z X O C. o r~ 1—4 33 < 15 Cents i O L K ^ m m 30 3D H CO o 138th Year, CXLIII No. 38 Established in 1844: America's Oldest Catholic Newspaper in Coni *—t Co Friday, November 26, 1982 CO H "D H •< > 30 m m H — CO Peace letter i e d e b a t e

WASHINGTON (NC) — The U.S. the secretary of the Navy and are undertaken for disarmament; showed basic agreement on another letter signed by the former and that balance, not superiority, is their controversial war and peace head of the CIA, among others. the only acceptable aim in nuclear pastoral at their annual meeting in Joseph Bernardin of strategy. Nov. 15-18, but the Chicago, chairman of the five- document stirred animated debate committee responsible for on the floor of the meeting and in the Archbishop Bernardin introduced drafting the pastoral letter, discussion of the draft by the Capital punishment press. Even the White House repeatedly turned aside media criticized it. nation's bishops Nov. 15 by noting efforts to engage him in a debate that his committee was satisfied Tommy Lee Jones plays the role of Gary Gilmore, the Utah killer, in After four days of in-depth with the administration over its that its conclusions regarding a TV mini-series that examines capital punishment. Reviewer Henry discussion on the current draft of the criticisms. nuclear deterrence were correct, Herx calls "The Executioner’s Song" one of the more challenging TV document, the bishops voted almost but it was dissatisfied with the moral dramas of the season in his review on page 12. APPARENTLY FOLLOWING his unanimously to hold an extraordi­ cue, the other bishops debated the argument used to reach those nary spring meeting May 2-3 in pastoral letter draft on its own S conclusions. Chicago to discuss and vote on a merits or weaknesses. revised version of the letter. ‘ ‘ I could not cite an instance where “ The committee recognizes the Focus on teachers While many bishops urged it (the Reagan administration delicacy of the deterrence issue. . . modifications of parts of the current letter) directly influenced" the floor and we are keenly aware of how Catholic lay teachers are called draft, only Archbishop Philip important it is that the bishops “ witnesses to the faith" in a new debate on the pastoral, said Hannan of New Orleans publicly Archbishop John Roach of St. Paul- present in this pastoral a moral document issued by a Vatican called for the whole document to be theory which is in conformity with congregation headed by U.S. Cardinal Minneapolis, president of the ARCHBISHOP BERNARDIN discarded, and only 12 of the more National Conference of Catholic the totality of the church's moral William Baum, left. The document urges than 280 assem bled deterrence of nuclear war as its sole teaching," Archbishop Bernardin that teachers receive adequate salaries Bishops, during a press conference registered "basic disagreement” at the end of the meeting Nov. 18. immediate goal while negotiations said. and recognition as fully equal members with the work in an initial “ table with and Religious of the school poll” of their reactions to the draft. The second draft of the pastoral community. Page 9. letter condemns virtually any use of Bishops gain backing A LARGE minority of bishops, nuclear weapons in war. It flatly however indicated “ major rejects first use of nuclear weapons Also retired Adm. John Marshall reservations” about the current as immoral or any second use that is WASHINGTON (NC) — Twenty- draft. They were most deeply four present and former govern­ Lee; retired Brig. Gen. Robert M. directed at or substantially affects Montague; Glenn T. Seaborg, divided over how the pastoral — civilian populations. ment officials, prominent scientists intended as a national expression of and scholars have defended the former chairman of the Atomic church teaching and moral While not condemning outright a right ot the U.S. Catholic bishops to Energy Commission and professor guidance on nuclear war and related limited nuclear response directed at speak out on the issue of nuclear of chemistry at the University of Nuclear critic issues — should treat the morality of strictly military targets, it sharply arms. California: and former Secretary of nuclear deterrence. questions the practical possibility of Commerce Philip M. Klutznick. keeping such nuclear warfare Archbishop Raymond "If nuclear war were to come, Noting that “ since President As the bishops aired their within the limits of what is morally Hunthausen, in a talk here, said if one present silence on their part would Eisenhower's day it has been well differences under 4he glare of the justifiable and concludes that on side of the nuclear arms race would be unforgivable,” the 24 said in a accepted that nuclear war could most extensive media coverage balance such usage would be, at disarm, the other would respond. He letter released in Washington Nov. well spell the end of modern ever accorded a U.S. bishops' best, morally questionable. calls it “ naive" to trust in a nuclear meeting, the Reagan administration 18, the final day of the annual civilization," they said, “ Thus, it buildup. Page 9. entered the fray in mid-meeting It also declares immoral the general meeting of the National seems reasonable to conclude that with an open letter complaining that threat or intent to use nuclear Conference of Catholic Bishops. this prospect presents a moral the document contained "funda­ weapons in ways that, if carried out, problem for religious leaders to be Signers included Sen. Mark O. concerned about." mental misreadings" of U.S. wouid be immoral. Hatfield (R-Ore.); William E. nuclear policies and failed to ON THE KEY ISSUE of the Colby, former director of the Pointing out that, in preparing consider ‘‘far-reaching’’ U.S. Central Intelligence Agency; their proposed pastoral letter on Also inside proposals to reduce nuclear possession of nuclear weapons as part of a strategy of deterrence, the Gerard C. Smith, chief U.S. nuclear weapons, the bishops weapons and the threat of nuclear negotiator in the first Strategic consulted "a substantial number of Editorial...... <...... 4-5 conflict. draft judges that that deterrence strategy must fall within the moral Arms Limitation Talks; Paul well-informed civilian and military Around the diocese...... 7 Press coverage included a limits imposed on the use of threat to Warnke, chief U.S. negotiator in Salt leaders,” the 24 signatories said, Obituaries...... 6 newspaper column in which a critic use nuclear weapons; that it must be II; Dr. Claire Randall, general "we suspect that as a result they are called the draft "nuclear heresy," a an interim strategy with disarma­ secretary of the National Council of better informed technically than Home Again...... 8 response to the column, a letter from ment as its basic goal and Churches. most of their critics."

Pastoral B ishops here 'for it’

By STEPHEN KARLINCHAK "There was strong support behind the bishops will have to try to help The diocese’s two auxiliary the letter in its substance," Aux. American Catholics form their bishops both voiced support — with Bishop Anthony Bosco said. “ I wish consciences, but that part has yet to reservations — for the second draft there was less formal language. be settled. of the proposed pastoral letter of the “ A PASTORAL LETTER is the Concerning disseminating National Conference of Catholic shepherds speaking to their people. information about the pastoral Bishops on nuclear weapons, war Catholics on the street won’t be able letter to the ‘‘Catholics in the pews, ’ ’ and peace. to fully digest the document with its Bishop McDowell said that pulpits and language." and schools might be the first place (Bishop Leonard could not be where Catholics would be informed reached for comment before press about the document. Bishop Bosco time.) Bishop Bosco said that the letter's said there was some talk at the second draft “ ignores the meeting about issuing a study guide “ I think a lot of work needs to be significant talks about the mentality done," said Aux. Bishop John and/or a summary concerning the of peace,” whileoverly stressing the pastoral letter. Both bishops said McDowell. “ The bishops aren’t a discussion of nuclear arms. ■ bunch of starry-eyed liberals. there were no definite plans to We’re very realistic. If anybody has "If we are to think of ourselves as disseminate information at this doubts, he hasn’t read the a peaceful people, people will have time. documents.” to learn to appeal to international “ Everybody knows that we want diplomacy and organizations, such to say no to nuclear w ar," Bishop Bishop McDowell said that the as the United Nations," he said. McDowell concluded, "but the bishops at the NCCB meeting Asked about the information bishops haven't sold out to the weren’t promoting a unilateral packets sent to the bishops from the Russian embassy.” disarmament. He said that the White House, Bishop Bosco said that IN OTHER MATTERS, Bishop second draft of the pastoral letter they brought little reaction from the calls for a verifiable, controlled, Bosco was elected to the United bishops assembled. He did note that States Catholic Conference's realistic freeze. “ The letter follows the materials did call attention to the Holy Father’s teachings,” the communications committee, which previous U.S. disarmanment is the administrative board of the bishop said. “ It’s much too efforts. dangerous if it is not done in that USCC. He fills the unexpired two way.” BISHOP MCDOWELL said that (Continued on page 2)

l e n t s o r m

The first Sunday of Advent, which begins the period of are Andy, 16, Kathy, 13, and Chris, 10, with five-year- preparation before Christmas, falls on Nov. 28. old twins Marisa, left, and Michele. The family Following a family tradition, the Lapps of Bethel Park belongs to St. Thomas More Church in Bethel Park, prepare to light the first candle on their Advent where Mr. Lapps is a Eucharistic minister. wreath. With their parents, Drew and Joanne Lapps — Photo by John C. Keenan

In S icily Pope condem ns M afia

PALERMO, Italy (NC) — Pope coverage focused on the two of 13 worshippers on a hillside near the John Paul II cruised around the papal speeches referring to the town of Santa Ninfa, where 7,500 Sicilian capital of Palermo last Mafia. fam ilies still live in shacks weekend and strongly condemned fashioned from corrugated tin and the attitudes and activities of the The pontiff's addresses touched on fruit crates, built as temporary Mafia, which, he said, had caused a variety of other themes, such as shelters 14 years ago. the streets to be bloodied by the importance of the home, Sicily's "barbarous violence.” He was the role as a cultural and ecumenical first pope to visit Sicily in 600 years. crossroads, and the centrality of the The pope called for stronger reliel sacraments in Catholic life. Sicily is efforts, saying that he could not help Only hours before the pope’s about the size of Massachusetts and but "raise my voice to denounce the arrival, as if scripted for film, four is the largest island in the unnatural continuation of such a gangland homicides ripped the Mediterranean Sea. pitiful situation.” Palermo area.

The pope gave strong backing the On Monday, Pope John Paul took a the church’s efforts — led by the 60-mile helicopter ride from Deadline change Mediterranean island's 64-year-old Palermo to the Belice River Valley crusading Cardinal Salvatore in the interior of Sicily. All copy, editorial display and Pappalardo of Palermo — to rid classified advertising for the Dec. 10 Sicily of Mafia violence. issue of Pittsburgh Catholic must be Share coordinators The efforts of Cardinal An earthquake in 1968 ravaged the in the office by Thursday, Dec. 2. Pappalardo and Mayor Nello rural villages of the Belice Valley, Martellucci of Palermo to steer the leaving more than 300 people dead The deadline change is necessary Receiving their official appoinment as diocesan lay Daniel, Katherine, Jeanne and Richard. The children and 40,000 people homeless. because of the installation of new coordinators for the 1983 Parish Share Program are are the third generation of the family to be press from preoccupation with the Mafia toward other aspects of the equipment at The Catholic the week Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Conley of Hazelwood. parishioners of St. Stephen Parish, Hazelwood. The Government programs have been of Dec. 6. The deadline will return to Looking on as Bishop Leonard makes the presentation annual Parish Share drive opens March 14. island’s religious and civic life went slow in rebuilding the area. The pope for naught. Much of the media's the normal Monday noontime the to the Conleys are their four children, from left, celebrated Mass for 150,000 following week. Page 2 — Pittsburgh Catholic, Friday, November 26,1982 Rumors rife as cardinals meet on Vatican finances

VATICAN CITY (NC) - A eventually to a certified public Italian banking authorities have meeting of cardinals from audit," Cardinal Krol said. “ He's said that the Vatican bank should throughout the world on the open to it.” assume some of the responsibility Vatican’s economic affairs closed for the $1.2 billion in debts of the It was not clear whether the Monday against a backdrop of total Banco Ambrosiano. Vatican bank proposed audit would include the Vatican silence and a swarm of lawyers have said that the bank has rumors. Institute for Religious Works, the no legal responsibility for the Vatican bank, which has been Ambrosiano debts. The Vatican news blackout on the involved in recent months in a Nov. 19-22 meeting of the 15-member controversy involving the bankrupt La Repubblica, a -based council for the study of the Banco Ambrosiano, formerly Italy's daily newspaper, reported Nov. 21 organizational and economic largest private bank. that security was so tight at the council meeting that only Cardinal problems of the was CARDINAL KROL told NC News expected to carry over to a meeting Krol and Cardinal Joseph Hoffner of that the Vatican bank does not of the full , Cologne, West Germany, received formally come within the scheduled to begin Tuesday (Nov. copies of the Casaroli report. All the 23). competence of the council because it other cardinals had to take notes on is not part of the Roman , the the report. La Repubblica said. Father Romeo Panciroli, director church's central administration. He of the Vatican Press Office, declined could not be reached by NC News, IN THE LA STAMPA interview, to comment even on the number of however, after publication of the La Cardinal Krol said the charge that cardinals attending the council Stampa interview. the Vatican bank has been too secret meeting. in its operations is "not entirely Asked whether he thought the unfounded.” Earlier he described the Vatican bank should be headed by a Over recent months, St. Peter parish, South Side, with assemble food packages are members of the St. gathering of the council, which has lay banking specialist, the cardinal "There is that kind of tendency at the assistance of the St. Vincent De Paul Society and Vincent De Paul Society, from left: David Carroll, met two other times since its said in the La Stampa interview, times,” he said. “ But it’s important the Ladies of Charity, sponsored a food bank which John Kuhn, Daniel Puza, Butch Sokol and George formation in July 1981, as "an "This is one of the reasons why an to maintain credibility by following helps more than 75 families, many of which have the Weber. ordinary meeting of the council.” audit is needed, because how do you moral standards of procedure.” principal wage earner unemployed. Helping to judge who’s a specialist? By ALL TH R EE North American performance.” Sources said the meeting of the members of the council — Cardinals entire College of Cardinals John Krol of Philadelphia, Terence He said the "performance” of U.S. scheduled to open Nov. 23 and last Cooke of New York and G. Emmett Archbishop Paul C. Marcinkus, four or five days, would also deal Carter of Toronto — were in Rome president of the Vatican bank for the with the Vatican bank controversy. for the meeting. It was reportedly past 13 years, “ has been excellent.” attended by 10 of the 15 members. Other likely topics were the He was maintained a solid proposed new Code of Canon Law, In an interview with the Vatican operation," Cardinal Krol said. the first revision of the code of Food drives correspondent of La Stampa, daily “ Anyone who says that he doesn't general law governing the Western newspaper based in Turin, Italy, know banking or that the people church since 1917, and the reform oi Cardinal Krol said the council was associated with him don’t know the . Many parishes and schools studying Vatican organizational banking, they don’t know what throughout the diocese sponsored structures in order that a certified they’re talking about.” Father Panciroli said Nov. 13 that food drives and other hunger action public audit could eventually take the meeting, expected to be attended projects in conjunction with the place. SOURCES SAID council meeting by about 100 of the world’s 12C Thanksgiving holidays. opened with a report from Cardinal cardinals, "responds to a desire that “ The Holy Father has said that Agostino Casaroli, papal secretary the pope expressed when he there should be — after we get the of state, on the controversial convened the cardinals the first time organizational structure and linear relationship between the Vatican in November 1979, that of being able relations of all these various bank and the Banco Ambrosiano, to consult from time to time with the entities, how they are related and to which was declared bankrupt in members of the Sacred College on what extend — that we proceed August. church problems.”

Helping with the distribution of food packages at the food bank at St. Peter’s are members of the Ladies of Charity, from left: Caroline Brozovich Service held for aborted fetuses Martha Kowalewski, Delia Hasset and Ann Blaskovich.

FORT MYERS, Fla. (NC) — An Lee County Medical Examiner’s at a local funeral home Oct. 29 drew interdenominational memorial Office. pro-life lay people and clergymen service for the remains of two from throughout southwest Florida. aborted fetuses drew some 400 pro­ THE MEDICALexaminer’soffice The service was conducted by the life sympathizers in Fort Myers and temporarily halted the memorial Rev. Jay Strack, a Baptist pastor. helped to spark a local controversy service in order to review the fetal over abortion clinic procedures. remains. A fetal death certificate is MR. STRACK then met in early needed in Florida for fetuses 20 November with the Lee County The dismembered fetuses, weeks old or older and questions Commission to discuss stricter remnants of abortions performed at were raised about the age of the controls on abortion facilities. the Southwest Florida Women’s remains. Clinic, were discovered in late Mrs. Schmidt and Mrs. Kaye said they do not want the issue buried October in garbage bags left on the Currently, authorities are street for pick-up. with the two fetuses. The two pro­ reviewing the possibility of bringing lifers raised the issue "because it is A surveillance had been kept on charges against the clinic for such an atrocity. Regardless of what the center by supporters of the improper disposal of fetal remains anyone's stand on abortion is, baby Concerned Citizens of the Unborn, a and for failure to file death remains in garbage bags is more pro-life group which had heard certificates if the fetuses were 20 than they could swallow,” Mrs. allegations of improper disposal of weeks old or older, a state's Schmidt said. fetal remains at the clinic, run by attorney’s office staff member said. Dr. Ali Azima. "We want to create enough Azima, clinic operator, already interest for people to ask if this is CCU’s founder, Pat Schmidt, said faces three other cases involving going on their own neighborhoods, in she and co-founder Micki Kaye allegations of culpable negligence in their own backyards," Mrs. Kaye investigated following reports of regard to his gynecological added. "It’s been business as usual aborted fetuses found in California. practice, according to the state’s for the past 10 years (since The two women launched a probe attorney’s office. legalization of abortion), but this which led to an investigation by the The ecumenical memorial service business is not so usual. We’ve got to take a look.”

Fu ll Christian com m union urged Students at McKeesport CentralCatholic Elementary c.° m (f lnter) gets assistance from third gradei BALTIMORE (NC) — Cardinal sacraments, not only an agreement Cardinal Willebrands told the School (Versailles Avenue) held a food drive with Joannes Willebrands, president of on certain doctrinal positions canned and packaged good collected at the school’s Stafford Townsend, second grader Kristeen Whitney gathering that "for the church, and first grader Donald Matesig with the collection. the Vatican Secretariat for leading perhaps to a facile being together as a communion in Thanksgiving Mass last week. Fourth grader Michael Promoting Christian Unity, called intercommunion. ’ ’ the name of Christ and in the power for moving Catholic-Protestant He warned that "the final stage to of his Passover is as imperative as dialogue beyond the stage of finding acting together in the service of Council raps U.S. policy Blue Army event agreements to establishing full full communion in faith and love is exacting." humanity.” communion between denomina­ The Blue Army will sponsor ar "evening of recollection" on Friday, tions. One of the urgent issues to be NEW YORK (NC) - The National financing of opponents of the B ishops, p a sto ra l Council of Churches, which includes Dec. 3, at St. Mary’s Church at the "Authentic ecumenism aims at explored in talks between the government. ’ ’ 32 Christian churches with about 40 Point, with prayers at 6:30 p.m. and enabling Christians to be one in full Disciples and the is (Continued from page 1) million members, has expressed The council called forU.S. support a Mass at 8 p.m. followed by the communion, not simply at their the link between the unity of year term of Bishop Pierre Du opposition to U.S. policy on of efforts by Mexico and Venezuela Rosary, procession, and Stations oi acting together,” said Cardinal mankind and the unity of the Maine of San Jose, Calif. Bishop Du church, the cardinal said. “ The Nicaragua. to arrange a negotiated settlement the Cross. A midnight Mass will be Willebrands recently at the Maine succeeded Greensburg Aux. celebrated. unity of those who believe in Christ is of conflict along the Nicaraguan Christian Temple in Baltimore. Bishop Norbert Gaughan, whose border with Honduras. The council not all a domestic affair” but is term has expired, as the committee In a resolution adopted without The 73-year-old archbishop of understood “ only in relation to said that attacks on Nicaragua Padre Pio group chairman. In addition to overseeing opposition on the first day of the Utrecht, the Netherlands, delivered God’s design for the whole of came from groups based in the electronic media, Bishop Bosco Nov. 3-5 meeting of the council’s The Padre Pio prayer group will the first Peter Ainslie Lecture on humanity,” he added. Honduras and it expressed fear that said the committee sets up the governing board, the council meet on Sunday, Dec. 5, beginning Christian Unity, named after the the conflict would spread. It urged The unity of mankind calls for the agendas for the bishops’ meetings. protested U.S. "involvement in with a holy hour at 2 p.m. Mass at Baltimore congregation’s founding the U.S. government to “ reverse its "reconciliation of separated human activities designed to destabilize the 3:00 p.m. will be followed by a talk pastor, an early Christian Church policy of seeking military solutions brothers and sisters," a Both bishops expressed regret government of Nicaragua, including on Opus Dei, a religious laj (Disciples of Christ) ecumenist. to the conflicts in Central America." reconciliation which will last if that the bishops didn’t have more movement, in Lawless Hall. causes of separation, “ injustice, time to discuss other matters at the _ CARDINAL WILLEBRANDS exploitation of the weak, dreams of NCCB meeting, since most of their " said ecumenism “ demands power and hubris (arrogance), are time was spent on the second draft of , communion in the faith and rooted out," he said. the pastoral letter.

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H Pittsburgh Catholic, Friday, November 26, 1982 — Page 3

B ishops hold annual m eeting

R eagan responds to bishops

WASHINGTON (NC) - The reductions in nuclear arsenals.” first appeared in the Nov. 17 edition Reagan administration's formal Archbishop Bernardin said the of The Times a few hours before the response to the U.S. bishops’ White House delivered it to the proposed pastoral letter on war and administration's critique of the second draft of the proposed bishops at the downtown Washing­ peace is "another link in the ton hotel where they were meeting. dialogue” sought by the bishops, the pastoral was welcome, but he also noted that the purpose of the Clark said in his letter that the chairman of the committee drafting administration was “ puzzled” by the pastoral letter said. bishops’ Nov. 15-18 meeting in Washington was not to debate with the “ virtual omission” of the Archbishop Joseph Bernardin of the administration the issues administration’s arms control Chicago, the committee chairman, contained in the letter. initiatives in the bishops' draft declined at a news conference to pastoral. He pointed out that critique the administration’s HE SAID THE primary purpose of administration officials had met response except to say that it raised the meeting was to hear what the with members of the bishops’ a number of the same issues already bishops had to say about the committee as the committee considered by the bishops. proposed pastoral. After the prepared the first draft and that meeting, Archbishop Bernardin comments were also submitted to “ It’s not the intent of the noted, his committee would write a the bishops after the first draft was committee at this time to give a third draft based on comments by circulated. substantive response to this letter,” the bishops and on comments Archbishop Bernardin said of a received from outside groups such "Ours are not proposals for letter to the bishops by William P. as the administration. freezes on current high ceilings. Clark, President Reagan’s national Clark said. "Ours are initiatives for security adviser. “ We are seeking the truth,” reduction, or even elimination, of Archbishop Bernardin said of his the most destabilizing systems." committee’s work, “ and anyone who can help us in this process will He added, "Your committee with THE ADMINISTRATION’S letter be welcomed.” surely recognize that the was delivered to the bishops at their administration’s nuclear reduction meeting in Washington earlier the Archbishop Bernardin agreed proposals clearly conform to the same day. that one problem facing the bishops pastoral letter’s recommendations is the question of whether to write a for cuts in nuclear arsenals. . . ” In it Clark chastized the bishops pastoral letter that talks about for not giving greater attention to specific and current initiatives for Clark’s letter also defended the the administration’s initiatives on peace or whether to write a more a d m in is tr a tio n ’ s p o lic y on behalf of peace. general letter whose timeliness deterrence. Saying that its decisions would be more long lasting. on nuclear armaments "are guided Clark said the latest draft of the by moral considerations as bishops' pastoral “ continues to compelling as any which have faced reflect fundamental misreadings of mankind,” the letter remarked, American policies, and continues ARCHBISHOP BERNARDIN "The strategy of deterrence on WASHINGTON — Conferring during opening session president of the National Conference of Catholic essentially to ignore the far- expressed surprise that the letter which our policies are based is not of the annual U.S. Catholic bishops' meeting are Bishops, and Bishop James Malone of Youngstown, reaching American proposals that from Clark was published in The an end in itself but a means to Archbishop John Roach, left, of St. Paul-Minneapolis, Ohio, vice president. are currently being negotiated with New York Times before it was given prevent war and preserve the values the Soviet Union on achieving steep to .the bishops. A copy of the letter we cherish.” Most Catholics for freeze A rch bish op backs ERA Agenda ranged f r o m w a r t o p r a y e r s PRINCETON, N.J. (NC) — A freeze, but Catholics favor it more Gailup poll just released showed strongly than non-Catholics. MILWAUKEE (NC) — Arch­ Ui>. Catholics slightly more likely According to the poll, Catholics bishop Rembert Weakland of WASHINGTON (NC) - Nuclear The bishops agreed to prepare approval, failed to achieve the than non-Catholics to favor a also tend to favor a unilateral U.S. Milwaukee has expressed personal war captured much of the attention pastoral statement on Hispanic necessary two-thirds majority bilateral nuclear arms freeze, deep freeze on nuclear weapons slightly support for a state Equal Rights at the National Conference of ministry and campus ministry and backing. cuts in nuclear weapons, or their more than non-Catholics. Forty- Amendment in Wisconsin. He said Catholic Bishops' annual meeting in on prayer and worship. Archbishop total elimination. seven percent of Catholics polled he sees support for the measure "as Washington last week, but it was Robert Sanchez of Sante Fe, N.M., The plan on pastoral care of the agreed with the idea and 53 percent my own Christian duty” after only one item on an agenda that chairman of the bishops’ ad hoc sick, the lectionary and the new The overwhelming majority of all disagreed, while 45 percent of non- examining evidence, after much ranged from administrative Hispanic Affairs Committee, said memorial dates all require Vatican Americans, the sampling indicated, Catholics agreed and 55 percent reflection, discussion and budgets to women’s rights. the Hispanic pastoral would be a approval. favor a bilateral U.S. — Soviet disagreed. consultation. Greeting the bishops, Archbishop "beacon of hope" to Hispanic Pio Laghi, apostolic delegate in the Catholics. United States, told them their Auxiliary Bishop Edward Hughes JIM DRONEY & MIKE SILVESTRE SELL concern over nuclear war of Philadelphia said the campus “ coincides remarkably well with EVERYTHING FOR THE OFFICE ministry pastoral is necessary DESKS, FILES, TYPEWRITER Quality Fund Raising Products Co. Pope John Paul's commitment to because of increasing proselytizing SPECIALIZING IN QUALITY PERSONALIZED SERVICE peace in the world.” CALCULATORS, SUPPLIES. by other religious groups on FAST DELIVERY DISCOUNT PRICES Select from over 300 Item» from famous maker» with prize program» campuses. The prayer and worship available tor all fund raising project s. IN OTHER ACTION, approving a MT. LEBANON OFFICE EQUIPMENT CO. $22.6 million budget for 1983 for the statement, due in 1983, is intended to HERSHEY M&M’s FALCON CADBURY note the 20th anniversary of Vatican SERVICE IS NCCB and its public policy twin, the 7817 Banks villi Rd„ Pittsburgh. Pi. 15216 344-4300 WARD JOHNSTON KIT PROGRAMS MY BUSINESS U.S. Catholic Conference, the II’s Constitution on the Sacred bishops also agreed to increase the Liturgy and encourage spirituality You have tried the rest now use the beat. PHONE ANSWERS 24 HOURS among U.S. Catholics. “ levy” on dioceses for support of the BRUCE S.HERER 781-2784 1 -800-472-1433 conferences. The’1 assessment will THE BISHOPS also agreed to rise from 10 cents per Catholic to 12.3 proposals for experimental use of a cents per Catholic. new, ecumenically developed The increase is intended to allow lectionary derived in large part the bishops to stop relying on from the existing Catholic investment income to fill budget lectionary; for new days for. gaps. Archbishop Edmund Szoka of observing memorials to Blessed , NCCB-USCC treasurer, Kateri Tekakwitha, Blessed Marie- said the $22.6 million budget Rose Durocher and Blessed Andre represents only a six percent Bessette; and for a revised rite for increase over the 1982 budget, which the sick. But a new resource book of was $21.5 million. prayers, while winning majority

Study on wom en U nhurried by T im e ... deacons proposed Parian China

WASHINGTON (NC) — U.S. diaconate committee, said such a TARA GIFT SHOP bishops meeting in Washington study would be beneficial and “ our 30 GRANT AVE — ETNA — PGH., PA considered, but did not vote on, committee is willing, even eager to (Within The Blimey Stone Resteurent) proposals to study ordaining women take part” in a historical study of to the diaconate, to expand dialogue deaconesses in the early church. Beautiful Giftware Of the ‘I want them to know what it means with women's groups and to issue a The committee on women in Finest Quality from to be loved by God!’ —Sister Teresa Feeley pastoral letter on women. society and in the church is expected Ir e la n d Missionary in Bolivia Bishop Michael F. McAuiiffe of to present to the bishops’ T ubs. Thru Jefferson City, Mo., chairman of the administrative board in March a Open M y friends in Christ, bishops’ committee on women in proposal for an expanded dialogue Sun and Evening« 781 “ I 666 society and in the church, presented with women "in order to develop a GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE The mission of Jesus is gift-wrapped in this wish of Sister the women’s issues Nov. 17 at the substantive program of pastoral Teresa Feeley. National Conference of Catholic action to deal with issues that are a □ Bishops’ annual meeting. concern to women." I know it is your wish too. IN THE MEANTIME, a survey on Your gift to the Missions through the Propagation of the Faith THE BISHOP said it was his women in the church in being committee’s suggestion that the prepared. Kneeling Santa Claus will help missionaries proclaim G od’s love in word and gentle bishops consider studying the AVAILABLE IN TW O SIZES s e rv ic e . question of ordaining women to the Sister Mariella Frye, U.S. Christmas Is Christ's diaconate because there is a Catholic Conference staff member B irth d ay I At last the two Please make the Missions a part of your Christmas so that our historical precedent for women for the bishops’ committee on major symbols ot Christ- brothers and sisters may share our faith and live in the peace of , mas, Santa Claus (St. deaconesses and the study "would women, said the survey will be C h r is t. be a sign to women” of the bishops’ aimed at all types of women “ to Nicholas) and the Christ y * Child combined in a pose concern. determine what their expectations I will pray) for you at Christmas Mass. Bishop John Kinney of Bismarck, are and what are the issues the P ^ wlpR- depicting their proper church needs to address." a relationship, the secular N.D., chairman of the permanent subservient to the sacred. Devotedlyin Jesus, Your family will treasure 1 th is s ta tu e fo r y e a rs . H a n d R esolution criticizes painted & Guaranteed. 11" size $39.95 U.S. econom ic policies 8 " size $24.95 Ask tor skipping charges I want to make the M issions a part ot my Christmas. I enclose my i WASHINGTON (NC) — A committee. Christm as sacrifice to help tell the Good News to all God s children resolution criticizing current U.S. Bishop Mark J. Hurley of Santa economic policies was issued by a □ $5,000 □ $1,000 □ $100 □ $10 Rosa, Calif., chairman of the committee of U.S. bishops after the □ $2,500 □ $ 500 □ $ 50 □ $ 5 bishops' Social Development and full body of bishops ran out of time to □ $1,500 □ $ 250 □ $ 25 World Peace Committee, maintain­ consider the measure Nov. 18 at its ed that the resolution was not meant Please remember my intention: annual meeting. as a partisan criticism of The “ Resolution on the Economic Reaganomics. Crisis” calls on national leaders "to He said the resolution was critical reject current policies which of both the Reagan administration □ W hen possible. I will be a m onthly donor to the Missions. attem pt to solve A m e rica ’s for making its economic proposals economic ills at the expense of the and of Congress for approving them. N A M E ______poor and the unemployed.” He also remarked that the resolution 1/3 Deposit holds your scene A D D R E S S ______It also remarks that “justice was aimed at all levels of demands that the government government and the private sector tor Christmas Pick-up. CITY ______STATE ZIP maintain its proper role in The resolution noted that Catholic SHOP BY MAIL n n a OOOC Tax D e d u c t i b l e guaranteeing that basic human institutions “ have made significant OR PHONE ¿O I “ ¿ . O c X i needs are met in our society." efforts to increase their charitable We Accept Vise, Mister Charge. Prionil Check« Make checks payable to: and voluntary programs” and that The bishops were scheduled to Omtf and QperaM by tfc Ft ink H Kira* family 1 I h r Six i r l \ lot vote on the resolution after their Catholics have an obligation to TH E PROPAGATION OF TH E FAITH discussion of the second draft of expand and improve such works. their proposed pastoral letter on war “ But charity is not enough,” the S e n d to FATHER JOHN HARVEY and peace. But when the discussion resolution stated. “ Emergency aid Mission Office, Diocese ot Pittsburgh went longer than expected, it was programs dc not in themselves 111 Blvd.ol the Allies, Pittsburgh, PA. 1S222 announced that the resolution would suffice to insure human dignity. 219 FOURTH AV£ PITTSBURGH. PA 15222 be issued instead in the name of the Justice is also required.” Page 4 — Pittsburgh Catholic, Friday, November 26, 1982 Editorial Asking for money | By S1S1LK MAH V ANN WALSH daughter. How much of that can you to St. Joe's.” They didn’t do it, not pastor put him in contact with AA afford to pay?” It's a far different because they wouldn’t have, but and encouraged him to continue “ Why did you give one-half million with the program, the high schooler Shaping a pastoral Idollars to a Catholic institution?’’ approach from setting tuition at a because they didn’t know that there level which pastor and principal was a need. who walked with a new pride someone asked a local Jewish because the pastor bought him new leader. The U.S. bishops’ pastoral United States maintains its Pastors also have to speak more sneakers so his feet looked just as about what they use the parish letter on war and peace has, nuclear arsenal." “ Because they asked me for it," good as the feet of every other boy in he replied. money for when they ask for it. They his school. whatever else, generated a But Catholics are reminded SR. MARY ANN have to be specific and quote major media debate on U.S. that there is something even That conversation offers a point WALSH figures, such as how much it cost Pastors also have to make nuclear policies. Front page more basic than deterring which pastors ought to consider next this month to heat the religious parishioners feel that their contribution counts. Too many stories and editorial comment aggression, and that is time they bemoan their balance education center, or how much it sheets. will cost to buy the film strips which pastors approach the parish deficit have sprung from the bishops’ avoiding immoral commit­ as if it were the national debit. They I suspect that Catholics do not give the adult education program study of nuclear morality. The ments, individual or collec­ requires. so that their $10 or $20 couldn’t op-ed pages of such major tive. There are moral limits on more money to their churches for estimate that the poorer familes can possibly have any impact, so why pay. papers as The New York what can be done in waging three reasons. First, they do not bother at all. know that there is a need for more ONE REASON pastors don't do What's the effect of this Fair Times and The Washington war and on what can be money. Second, they do not sense well in fundraising is that, under a No one denies that the economy is Share Tuition? Post have been filled with accepted in the name of what the money is being spent for. misguided sense of humility and bad. But it’s not bad on everyone. comment about the pastoral. deterrence, the pastoral Third, they do not see that their In the Albany Diocese, tuition confidentiality, they keep their light P rim a rily, it’ s bad on the under a barrel. They do not tell of states. Nuclear arms and individual contributions can make a revenue jumped substantially in uneducated, the minorities and the Which is to the good. One of their success stories — the kid who nuclear deterrence have to be difference. I maintain that if you tell every single school where Fair elderly, of which Catholics do not the major goals of this pastoral learned to read because the pastor evaluated not simply in the people simply and clearly what the Share was proposed. Given the form the bulk. is to contribute to the public need is, they'll fork over the cash. got him a tutor, the pregnant light of political and military option to pay w hatever they felt was Catholics have the money to give debate about the morality of teenager who got her high school MORE THAN half the schools in just, parents raised their own and they’re willing to give it. But pragmatism, but in the light of tuition! Why? Because they saw a equivalency diploma and found a job nuclear war and of U.S. our diocese have switched over to after the pastor arranged for someone, somewhere has got to tell defense policies. It is doing the Gospel. Nuclear weapons need. a n d nuclear strategy as what we call Fair Share Tuition. counselling, the drunk who dried out them what the needs are, has to that. Sometimes it seem s more What it amounts to is the principal and became reconciled with his make them feel that they can make a conceived today raise new Before, they never thought, "Gee, heat than light is emitted from saying to parents, “ This is what it this tuition seems awfully low. I children from whom he had become difference, and, most of ail, has to this national debate, but the moral and political questions, costs to educate your son or think I’ll send over another hundred estranged and did so because the ask for the money in the first place. issue is one of far-reaching it declares. importance, and the bishops Deterrence is the thorny' commendabiy have managed problem. The draft document to enlarge the discussion. is clear on nuclear warfare Advent, virtue with present-day weapons, on The pastoral’s other major the first use of these weapons, goal is to help Catholics form By FR. RICHARD MURPHY. O.P. on their use against population their consciences on nuclear centers. It condemns all three. The church is a great teacher and makes use of visual aids to teach us, not war and weaponry, a task that, only the three R ’s but about eternal life. Because the Soviets nuke New from all indications, will be the York and kill thousands of On the first Sunday of Advent, we are greeted with purple vestments, most difficult. Some of the innocent civilians doesn’t give vari-colored candles and an Advent wreath. All props, to be sure, but behind bishops at the Washington us the right to retaliate in kind them there is a great wisdom. meeting complained that the on Moscow, for example. Advent is a time for some repetitive thinking. We try to enter into the pastoral doesn’t reflect mind of the generations that have gone before us, at a time when Jesus had American Catholic views. The Beyond that, the pastoral is not yet come. As this was in many respects a somber time, the joyous Gloria answer, replied others, is less clear. On the morality of is omitted at Mass. It was a time of expectation, of waiting and of learning. education — teaching and possessing nuclear weapons as preaching the pastoral's an interim deterrent strategy, Waiting is a time of hope, of eager expectation. In Jeremiah's time the it says that strategy must future seemed to promise little, but God was in the picture, and the prophet message in parishes and could announce a thrilling message. "In days to come the broken stump of Church institutions. Clearly come within certain moral David would send forth a just shoot,” a new branch indicativeof life. this will take time an d limits, but it leaves room for debate here. JESU S ALSO made promises, and one of them was that He would come persuasion. again. In a very true sense, then, our age is the age of the promise — the It should be stressed that this Some bishops urged the promise fulfilled, and a promise for the future — the end. drafting committee to move pastoral, now in its second Meanwhile, we live in a glorious moment of God's time. The gospel is draft, addresses itself to more further in the direction of being preached and always finds good soil to grow in. St. Paul was proud of than the nuclear issue. condemning even the posses­ the Thessalonians who were among his first converts in Europe, but he Basically, it is concerned with sion of nuclear weapons. made it plain to them that the road stretched out before them. “ You must respect for life. The bulk of it is Others called for a more learn to make still greater progress," he wrote. a reaffirmation of accepted positive view of deterrence, of THERE IT IS, plain to be seen. Jesus' followers must always try to grow Catholic principles on war. its value and acceptability. in holiness, to develop those productive good habits we call virtues. Growth The desirability of peaceful The Reagan administration’s in holiness does not mean always learning new things. It is a growing in resolutions of international response to the second draft depth, perceiving ever more clearly the incredible treasures our faith conflicts is stressed, for maintained that its deterrence places in our hands. example, as is the need to policy fits Pope John Paul’s Above all, we must learn patience. Some thought, in Paul’s day, that support world economic and characterization of deterrence Jesus would soon return and inaugurate the end of the world. His return political structures that can as “morally acceptable’’ as being delayed, many became engrossed in worldly affairs and the pursuit reduce world tensions and long as deterrence is used as a of pleasure. Such is not the lesson of Advent, which reminds us to fill our step toward disarmament. days with prayers and good works in preparation for Jesus’ spiritual injustices that lead to war. But coming. the urgency of the nuclear From last week's discus­ threat brings this issue to the sions is to come a revised third fore. draft that the bishops will vote on at a special meeting the Remembering Bill Hart The crux of the bishops’ argument against nuclear war bishops have agreed to hold in By MSGR. CHARLES OWEN RICE Eventually he was elected District continues to be rejected or Chicago next May 2-3. got so far as he did with his the action. After a riot during the Approval of two-thirds of the You must indulge me in this Director of USW 19, a big district . independent spirit. Other than Phil Hubbard strike I helped to get him misunderstood by many. The Murray, he respected no man of and his followers out of custody. threat of Soviet aggression bishops in necessary for a column. It is about an old friend Today a white-collar worker like whom I buried a few days ago. position and power. Not your Often he would assist drives in other remains the overriding pastoral letter to be published. him with his college background William J. Hart was his name and IS would not aspire to work in the union conventional liberal, he jumped to parts of the country. Once I really consideration to most Meantime, the revisions are to 20 years ago he was very well the Republicans when he could not had to spring him from jail in New Americans it seems, as to the not over. Further meetings known hereabouts. handle the Democratic powers. A Jersey. They thought he was an Reagan administration. with administration officials coolness developed between us over outside Communist agitator and Bill had been Pennsylvania are planned, as well as with that, but it was late in the day and we were holding him and another Secretary of Labor for a brief period overcame it. other bishops' conferences in MSGR. CHARLES organizer incommunicado. They This is a valid worry, the but most of his life he was a labor finally allowed him to communicate O. RICE Bill tangled with Dave Lawrence, pastoral acknowledges. Europe. Discussions and leader. We were about the same age with a , me, and I went to work. Explaining the draft to the refinements will continue. and, when he was beginning his and within the union He went on a Stirring days. assembled bishops, Archbi­ From it all is to come a labor career, I was a fledgling priest rebel slate opposing David McDonald, International President I CAME to know many colorful shop Joseph Bemardin, head contemporary, nuclear-age but very vocal and active in the labor lads, including Mike Quill and cause of labor. of the USW, having been the brains of the drafting committee, application of the Church's Held, but there was a romance about of an earlier revolt, the Rarick Jock Yablonski, but Hart was as declared that “the history and teaching on war. The HIS START was unspectacular. trade unionism in that day, candidacy. colorful and as efficient as the best. posture of the Soviet Union is importance of this is hard to While working as a draftsman for particularly the CIO and its Steel HART WAS physically fearless No one exceeded h. a as an orator. the principal reason why the overestimate. Blaw Knox Steel, he organized a . Workers, and brilliant young people and quite tough, a street kid in spite With or without a microphone he white-colar union and was fired for came from all over for the action. of a layer of sophistication. In the could reach the masses and sway his pains just as the Steel Workers Bill was a native, his father had USW there were some hard men who them. In the fight against the O ther view points Organizing Committee was trying worked in many of the local mills, favored McDonald. Rarick was Communists, over which I have its wings. most of whose names were only roughed up at a convention. When some regrets but he had none, he The Census Bureau just last memories even then. Now both Blaw Hart went into open rebellion he sent proved his oratorical power before person of retirement age. I remember our first encounter. It crowds that were not his own. week reported that a study Knox and Heppenstall are just word to the top that if he were was in the Strip District, down by the Biii was fun. Everyone showed the United States In r e c e n t years s o m e memories themselves — merged out assaulted, he would make personal sociologists have been river, where one of those classical of existence. physical retaliation against big remembers his smile and his jokes population will reach zero Dave himself. There was no doubt and tricks and stratagems. deploring the steady rise of the strikes of the Thirties was wending Bill, Bill Tighe, Cliff Caldwell and growth by the year 2050, that that he could do this, and so was country’s population and have I and some others in and out of labor Withal he had the faith, the deaths will begin to exceed its tumultuous way, the Heppenstall never touched. been touting advantages of Strike. The whole neighborhood was made an informal team. It raillied Catholic faith. births within the n§xt 50 years He could not stand being zero population growth in involved. There were parades and around St. Joseph's House of In the great beyond 1 know tnat ne and that the population will dominated by anyone in any field, will make it to the place where there terms of "quality of life.” It rallies and speeches. Fr. Hensler Hospitality which I was running to begin a gradual decline after and I were both in it, and one night care for down-and-outers, but it was which is why he fought Lawrence will be no strife, no arguments to be peaking at 309 million people. now seems quite likely that Bill Hart appeared, dynamic, active in much else. There was and the Democrats, their control won or lost, and no chance of declining birth rates represent articulate, aggressive. The crowd politics, the regular as well as the here was almost total. Towards his organizing opposition since the last The p ercen ta g e of those 65 and underlings he was permissive and o v er w ill rise from 11.4 p ercen t potential disaster not just for was electrified. union kind. chap who tried that, Satan, got Social Security but for every protective, but he did not want them zapped. It will be hard for Bill but he last year to 21.7 percent by He went on to dominate and HART WAS restless and not one to to rebel against him. other aspect of our economic will settle down. He really will. Dear 2050, and the ratio of the organize the whole valley. knuckle down. It is amazing that he As he organized, Bill got right into Lord! Let him in! working age group to the and social structures. A nation retirem en t a g e group w ill drop which stops growing is doomed sharply from 5.4 to 1 last year to wither and die. to only 2.6 workers for each Trenton, N.J., Monitor Unofficial texts

By NUHBEKTF.UAUUHAN mistranslating them in a weaker it can bring the individual Catholic fundamentalist tradition, “Are Yi sense or dropping some' beloved To the media, the Bishops’ who uses it. Washed in the Blood of Jesus?” is phrases, had engineered an attempt Pittsburgh Catholic meeting had only one problem to There is another body of texts used denial of the total Paschal myster grapple with. That was the proposed to dilute Church teaching. These Good Friday, yes, Easter Sunda Official Publication of the O'umchc of Pittsburgh, Pa. in Eucharistic liturgies which has statement or pastoral on the use of received no official approbation of no. There is a wider complaint abo Serving the counties oT Allegheny, Beaver, nuclear weapons. There was the body of bishops. These are the such hymns. Many of them used Butler, Greene, Lawrence and Washington another agenda item, mostly songs or the hymns used in the some liturgies are complete unnoticed, which provoked some Liturgy. Individual collections of devoid of scriptural texts, of biblic mail to bishops. The questions hymns in hymnals may have the images and become personalist NORBERT expressions which are fuza Pittsburgh Catholic Publishing Associates raised may not yet be satisfactorily imprimatur of a local bishop. In a resolved. GAUGHAN theologically and liturgically. Most Rev. Vincent M. Leonard, D .D ., President sense, these hymns are liturgical Rev. John A. Harvey, Executive Secretary At issue was “ A Book of Prayers” texts. Is there not some kind of anomal; and General Manager gathered and translated under the The “ Instruction on Music in the Established 1844 by Most Rev. Michael O'Connor, D.D. aegis of the International the non-liturgical “ A Book Catholics had claimed tnis same Liturgy” of March 5, 1967, saw the Prayers” will have no “ official Annual Subscription Rale: $H in l'~S., £9 in l.anada Committee on English in the Liturgy problem and said: “ The custom of Member: Catholic Press Association (ICEL). This body felt the time had point often in connection with the text; some hymns and songs ai Served by NC News Sen ice texts of the Mass. substituting other songs for the freely used in liturgy without tl Second-Class Postage Paid at Pittsburgh, Pa. come when English-speaking people songs given. . . can be retained could have a common text of the Conference approval. Robert Melder, E d ito r So the present work is to be a book according to the judgment of the prayers used in devotions: the of official prayers, but not all competent territorial authority... It William McClinton, Attociate Editor litanies, etc. (Some items were "liturgical” texts. It is a "resource is for the same territorial authority Of course there is no conspiracy t Patricia Barto», Stephen Karlinchak, R eporter» already translated, i.e., ¿The collection”: from this individual to approve the texts of these songs. ’ ’ theologically downgrade texts. Bi Psalter.) prayer books, i.e., devotional, can It appears that this has not teen what is always operative in thes Jack Lee, AdreriUing Repreaenlalive matters, in some of the usages, i Last spring the bishops received be published. Some asked, does this done. For some hymns used today in Frank Rode, Btwine*» Manager banality. Given a chance, in mos an advanced text to review and to mean ail other prayer books or other the Eucharistic Liturgy are not in Frank Murray, Circulation Manager editions of these prayers, which do the Catholic tradition, have not workaday liturgies from Sunday t debate at the November meeting. Sunday, the easiest way, the mos Fublwhed Every Friday During the summer nothing not use these texts as such, but received the official approval, but which carry the old traditional are still "part of the Liturgy.” common denominator, the way c Postmaster & Subscribers: Send address change* 10 happened on the issue, but suddenly least resistance will be followed Pittsburgh Catholic, 110 Third Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15222 in October a flurry of mail came English phrases, are "unofficial?” If so, what does that mean? Consider "What a Friend We Have While some complain about officia from some who felt that the bishops in Jesus,” used in a number of Pittsburgh Catholic (ISN 032-0323J translations of texts in “A Book c were once more treading on sacred What many have missed is the places. This is a 19th Century revival Prayers,” the language of hymn 110 T h ird A ve„ P itts b u rg h , P a . 15222 waters and were about to go under. good news, that somebody seems to hymn, speaks of personal which would never get even , P h o n e: (412 ) 471-1252 These Catholics felt that the realize the need for a devotional acceptance of Jesus, denies the majority vote become non-approvei translators, by changing words, prayer book at last and the good that sacramental system and is in the liturgical texts. It figures.

1 Pittsburgh Catholic. Friday, November 26, 1982 — Page 5 Lay ministry and formation By FR. JOSEPH M. CHAMPLIN development was dramatized in our persons likewise acted as guides in the designated field. sick or elderly family religious ministry to the sick and elderly. His A Vatican official asked the own Cathedral by a “ Commission­ during the formative process. education works and parish tesks. formation, however, took an American delegate for observations ing and Certification Ceremony” for After accepting the certification THE TRAINING program For example: unexpected turn. about the condition of lay men and 58 lay women and men. degree each minister moved to a consisted of attendance at certain women’s organizations in the United large circular stand holding a In the southern region, Elsa Bode, These people had successfully major courses (one 2-hour class per massive Christ or Paschal candle as a parish minister, will be Soon after he started the training States. He responded that for week of six weeks) on topics like whatever reasons these groups and lighted a smaller candle from it. concentrating on administration sessions, Felice's doctor discovered Church, scripture, liturgy and This was then placed on a receptacle tasks while Frank and Lucy Longo, a malignancy, removed it and generally have declined in numbers counseling, participation in four all­ seem struggling to attract new around the Christ taper. as ministers to family, will prepare placed the heavy set man on day Saturday workshops, spiritual engaged couples for marriage. chemotherapy. A bit shaken by the members and, while still important and community building retreat THE GESTURE symbolized the and effective, no longer appear to FR.JOSEPH experience and weaker because of M. CHAMPLIN experiences, supervised pastoral Lord Jesus as the source of their the ordeal, Mr. Evangelista occupy a dominant role in Catholic work in their chosen field and ministry and goal of their efforts. Over to the east, three from the parishes. same parish, Sister John Blanch, nevertheless believes he will relate interviews with the Formation for The 58 candles likewise dramatized Jeanne Jurkowski and Carol more effectively to those he serves The representative from this Ministry director. the fact an impressive number of because of what he has suffered. uniquely different individuals were Trzepacz as parish ministers, will country, however, mentioned a The first part of the ceremony work on census, renewal experienc­ current phenomenon in our Church involved an examination of the about to begin, on a more formal basis, various tasks designed to es and liturgical preparation. There may be today fewer persons perhaps unknown to the Rometased completed a two-year Formation lor candidates by the bishop and an performing the specific tasks of : The rapid growth in lay Ministry program and now expression of their willingness to make the light of Christ shine more brightly throughout the diocese. UP NORTH, Richard Jenkins will Altar-Rosary or Holy Name ministries, a remarkable burgeon­ committed themselves to "three serve as ministers for that assigned societies, but we can see ing both in the actual number of years of service as ministers in the period of time. Subsequently they use talents as youth minister in his Agreeing to spend a certain rural parish while a few miles below simultaneously an explosion in the ministers and in the wide diversity diocese of Syracuse." They were came forward and received from number of hours each week as kinds of other volunteer tasks being of ministries themselves. accompanied at the para-liturgical their chief shepherd a document of him Anna Gibson will serve in volunteers in either a parish setting catechetics. done and the numbers willing to celebration by their counselors, certification indicating they had or some specialized situation, these ON A SUNDAY September undertake them. We are in a new age most of whom were parish priests completed the prescribed formation women and men offered themselves afternoon that mushrooming In the western area, Felice with new Spirit-inspired ways of although a Sister and some lay program and were qualified to work for service as ministers to youth, Evangelista has been trained for responding to its needs. What are you? Letters to the editor By FR. JEROME LEDOUX, S.V.D. healthful motion and thus both higher until you reach your goals in the whole gamut from scenes or improve and prolong your life. "You are what you eat,” of course. life. movies of violence to revenge to Doctors are finding new evidence You are what you say and do. If At least, that is the most commonly peep shows. every day that proper exercise you say one thing and do the told version of what you are. More YOU ARE WHAT you dream. No, On Spanish Catholics opposite, you are neither so good nor not usually your nightly dreams and more nutritionists and health so bad as you advertise your self to experts are becoming sold on that which are always synthetic, To the Editor: be. However, if you follow up your claim, observing that healthiness in sometimes prophetic, but hardly I submit to you that the decline in the practice of Catholicism in words with deeds of like fashion, sympathetic to the real you. It is most people falls directly in line with your words and actions tell what you Spain cannot be attributed to any faults of its priests. dietary habits. Thus, white flour and FR. JEROME rather your daydreams which tell other processed foods are LEDOUX are. what you are, or at least what you The fault lies with the Spanish bishops who for decades worked YOU ARE WHAT you read have aspirations of becoming. It is hand-in-glove with the Franco dictatorship. This political regime was anathema, while natural foods with high fiber content are desirable. habitually. The intellectual food those ever recurring conscious or disliked by the majority of Spaniards: witness the recent elections. which you ingest through reading semi-conscious flights of fancy The resentment is now directed against the Church. An unbelievable irony is being determines your mental and which leave tell-tale signs of what spiritual health as surely as physical It is easy to say that we should differentiate between the teachings of documented here: The most you are coming from, where you are food determines your physical the Church and the temporal actions of the men who guide it. In developed nations have the most and where your heart's treasure will increases both quality and quantity health. You definitely have to practice this is nonsense. Where the hierarchy has been identified with processed foods and therefore the of life. be. question your reading tastes, the state, troubles will ensue. is another example. Our worst track record in things such as You are what you pray. “ Beware cholesterol and cancer. The You are what you think. attitudes and values if your steady what you pray for" plays a special church in the past seems to have had an affinity for right-wing Physically, there is the well-known regimes, and now we are paying the price. underdeveloped nations are plagued diet is Playboy or Playgirl, hard role in determining what you are. with undernourishment, but those placebo effect wrought by the power porn or trashy gossip. This is a sure Matched up with your way of living, So dear bishops of Spain, clean up your act, say a mea culpa, and individuals who are sufficiently o f your mind over matter. This barometer of what you are. your prayers reveal whether you are recognize the advantages of the separation of church and state. nourished are generally healthier power prevents illness in some cases grateful, prone to begging, full of You are what you watch Perhaps I am being too harsh, I am expecting too much from the than their corresponding fellow and cures it in others — if you think habitually, almost in the same way praise, hypocritical, repentant, successors of Torquemada. humans in the developed nations. beyond a doubt that the desired selfish or generous. effect will happen. In times of as what you read habitually, since JOHN A. FITZGERALD YOU ARE WHAT you do in the emotional stress and reverses, your reading and watching are closely In a very accidental way, you are related methods of communicating. what you wear, what you drive, what North Hills way of exercise; that is, either toned attitudes, which have been formed up and taut or rusty and flabby. The by the way you think, determine If a picture paints a thousand words you live in, what you do as a choice is clearly yours to make: to whether you will be a winner or for you, then your watching may be profession. The fact is, "We brought allow yourself to atrophy and rust loser, whether you will wallow in the even more indicative of what you nothing into the world and. . . can Handicapped, churches away by doing nothing, or to stay in mire of depression or soar ever are than your reading is. That runs take nothing out" (1 Tim. 6,7.) To the Editor: For some time now, I have wanted to write to your newspaper to make you aware of what a farce the much publicized “ Year of the Faith, hope, turkey Handicapped" was. By DULOKES CUKKAN 8. When the first crocuses peep You gave it much publicity and attention in the Pittsburgh Catholic. Most were daily annoyances that 3. When my kids empty the trash plague us as humans living with through in the spring. Yet the majority of Catholic churches in the diocese are inaccessible Last year someone posted on a or fill the tissue holder without being other humans while trying to love to the handicapped. There are no ramps, handrails or bannisters, bulletin board an article entitled, asked. 9. WHEN SOCCER season ends them. I'd like to take the same idea either on the right or left. Not even a hand bar in the rest rooms to aid “ Forty-one Everyday Occurrences 4. When anybody makes a move this Thanksgiving to come up with when necessary. That Make You Want to Punch toward peace in our world. 10. When I hear a really good some occurrences that make me homily. Somebody.” Included on the list want to thank somebody. Here they 5. WHEN THE hot water holds I am a handicapped person myself — a stroke victim paralyzed on were items like “ Getting a telephone the left side — and you can see why these aids would be beneficial. are. Add your own. out through all the showers. 11. When I get a letter from our call from someone who as soon as college daughter. After my return from the Harmarville Rehabilitation Center, it was you answer, says, ‘Please hold',” I FEEL THANKFUL: 6. When my friend tells me she the greatest thrill of my life to be able to go into my parish church, St. and “ Getting inaccurate street 1. When someone moves over in and her husband are not going to 12. When the car finally starts John the Baptist in Baden, to hear and be a part of Sunday Mass and to directions from some well-meaning the pew to let me in. separate after all. after failing to turn over three times. walk to communion. soul who believes that any 2. When someone says, “ Have 7. When we finally use up the end 13. When my husband says, information is better than none." Our beloved pastor Fr. Ignatius Aranowski has been a source of you lost weight?” when I haven’t. of the leftovers. “ You look tired. Let's eat out." strength and friendship to me. However too long have I been silent to these glaring omissions in our churches. Undoubtedly my own handicap has made me more aware of the lack of help one has just in his desire to be present at Mass and thus Bishops’ r nuclea stance gain the peace and serenity such an effort brings to her. By MSGK. HAUL M. LACKNKK I would feel so much better about my Catholic Church if you would now a few persons can press the them are going to blow up — through unequivocal and unhesitating mount an effort toward correcting these unhappy deficiencies. At this time the Catholic bishops buttons and millions of non- accident or folly or madness. (C.P. condemnation” . (The Constitution combatants will perish. if our country are preparing a Snow, English physicist). of the Church on the Modern World, MRS. ALBERT FLANIGAN CAN A nuclear war be won? Of Paragraph 80) iocument on the morality of nuclear THE MORAL issues of a nuclear Baden war to be published next spring. It course, it can't, as those who have I am aware that the foregoing researched the problem tell us so war are certainly quite clear. Every quotations have been published far might well be their most important nuclear arsenal implies a pastoral of this century. I say this clearly. Thus, on September 2,1981, and wide on previous occasions. 133 scientists from 40 nations commitment to destroy innocent However, they need to be kept because of the influence it will have men, women and children. Opposing bishops on war on the moral consciences of some 51 meeting in Banff, Canada, called for before us because of the frightful an immediate nuclear weapons Preparation for such a war is problem that we are facing. To the Editor: million Catholics in this country, as therefore immoral. It is estimated As I see it, the only hope that the well as the country as a whole. And freeze followed by substantial weapons reductions. They said: that the world spends $1 million a world has to save it from The U.S. Bishops' recent draft of a pastoral letter concerning atomic since this country is a major world minute a military build-up. The U.S. weapons and their use prompts this letter. It reminds me of personal "It's fallacy to believe that a nuclear castastrophe is God Himself. And in power, the Bishops' pastoral letter alone has a stockpile of nuclear war can be won.” view of this, I propose that an self-defense. What if my life and property were in danger? What may well affect the future of the weapons equivalent to 615,000 times should I do? I'll tell you. I have a .357 magnum and I know how to use it enormous effort be made by the world. “ Any use of nuclear weapons the explosive force of the Hiroshima quite well. If I survive it’s God's will; if not, presumably, it is also United States Catholic Bishops to would run the risk of rapid bomb. And let us not forget that war God's will. bring the whole of the Catholic The role of the bishops in this escalation: a full-scale thermonu­ is the cause of war. population to assist them by way of I have never read a more cowardly document than the draft of the matter is not an easy one. The issues clear exchange could result in a prayer and sacrifice. are simple and at the same time catastrophic outcome for both the THE BISHOPS at Vatican Council pastoral letter of the bishops. They must have a yearning to be like the II had the following to say about exceedingly complex. We are far Soviet Union and the U.S.” (Harold Here, I do not mean just a day of Polish people and they tell the people to quote Holy Scripture: "Slaves nuclear warfare: “ Any act of war obey your masters.” removed from the Middle Ages Brown, U.S. Secretary of Defense, prayer and penance, but rather an when the theology of a just war was 1977) aimed indiscriminately at the on going crusade. Those involved in If our country should ever have to come to a head with the Soviet framed. At that time compared to “ We scientists know with the destruction of entire cities or the ugly business of nuclear Union, let us pray to be victorious and a healthy survival. We cannot be our modern world wars only a small certainty of established truth, that if extensive areas along with their weaponary are at work night and like Poland in World War II, defending itself with sabres and lances. number of people died as men fought enough of these weapons are made population is a crime against God day, and our efforts in the area of the and man himself. It merits spiritual should be no less vigilant. This stupidity of bishops reminds me of Pope Innocent II and the with swords and the cross bow. But bv enough different states, some of Second Lateran Council in 1139 which banned the use of a crossbow as a “ weapon hateful to God." Pope Innocent III tried also to have it banned. Now Swiss Guardsmen proudly lug them around when they Questions on bishops, bomb surround the Holy Father, to protect him with it I guess. Pope Paul VI labeled pacifism as "cowardice” and he was right, our By ANDKEW M. G R E E L E Y Agostino Casaroli, gave last spring bishops keep strange company for their inspirations. The draft of the Casaroli were much more aware they take seriously enough the Generally speaking, I support the in which he spoke of "realism“ than were the bishops of just how enormous military and political pastoral letter is not a defined matter of faith and morals and it should about nuclear disarmament. not be considered as such, it has no place in our times when the whole stand of the American Catholic close they were coming to threat of the Soviet Union. bishops on nuclear weapons, but I advocating surrender to Russia. world is struggling to be free. .1 am more in sympathy with the PERHAPS ATONING for their have two questions I feel ought to be new draft, with the papal letter to Obviously the Vatican could previous anti-communism, the J. KRISTICH asked about the pastoral letter: hardly approve of that. It does not bishops seem much less worried Brackenridge First of all, did the bishops water want Red army tanks in the Vatican about Russia than anyone with down their criticism of the U.S. gardens. common sense ought to be. While the policy of deterrence because of bishops don't go as far as some of the WHILE I agree with the papal pressure, direct or indirect, from European disarmament leaders and Defending Greeley position, I wonder about the the Vatican? FR. ANDREW assert that America, not Russia, is propriety of Vatican interference, To the Editor: GREELEY the principal threat, they seem to direct or indirect, explicit or According to Time magazine, the equate the two nuclear powers as I disagree with Sister Mary Ann Walsh’s opinions of Fr. Andrew bishops modified their original implicit, in the ethical deliberations being equally responsible. Greeley's writing abilities. FatherGreeley, like all of us, may have his description of deterrence as of a national hierarchy. The second faults, but writing isn’t one of them. He has far more talent than Sister “ marginally justifiable” to read question that should be asked is, if Mary Walsh. I found her criticisms misplaced. She could have that it was a “ step on the way toward the bishops thought that deterrence Such a stand simply isn't complained about the sexual content of Fr. Greeley's novels, but progressive disarmament" to bring the U.N. and with the Casaroli was only marginally justifiable, did necessary for the goals of their instead chose to attack his characterization and plot development. their stand into line with a letter to interview. For as much as most of they back off from this position pastoral. It may be a sop thrown to the United Nations from Pope John the bishops — not even those who because the Vatican had a milder the faddish anti-Americanism of the Fr. Greeley writes a novel like a journalist: he doesn’t waste words Paul, which said that deterrence object to the pastoral letter in its old stand? Catholic peace movement and it or use flowery paragraphs. Both of his novels are well written and “ may still be judged morally form as too soft on deterrence — may also reflect the 1960s radical keep the reader interested throughout the books. Perhaps he could acceptable” but not as an end in don't see it, there is precious little And if they are getting all kinds of chic of the bishops’ staff, but it does have developed his stories and deleted some of the sex but then it itself and not as a minimum \frith difference between unilateral favorable publicity in the press not reflect reality and, worse still, it wouldn’t have been “ Greeley.” which Catholics can be satisfied. disarmament and the abandonment because of their courage in standing hurts the credibility of the document up to Defense Secretary Caspar In “ The Cardinal Sins,” he uses a large part of a chapter from his of deterrence. with many Americans who are in Weinberger and CIA Director non-fiction book “ Making of a Pope." His novels are not intended to basic agreement with the bishops in NOW, THIS change is consider­ ONE BISHOP objected when I William Casey on account of their convert priests or nuns to Catholicism, but they may reach someone their central position. able. Indeed, as the statement now called him a unilateralist because moral convictions, what sort of who has led a darker life. stands, it could hardly be he wanted a complete and total courage is it that won’t stand up to The letter is necessarily a I’ve read Fr. Greeley’s two novels and four of his non-fiction books. objectionable to the Reagan condemnation of deterrence. I told the Vatican for the same moral compromise/consensus document, The priest is an excellent book writer. In his non-fiction books, one administration, however much him I did not see the difference convictions? and there is nothing wrong with that. finds that Fr. Greeley is truly dedicated to the Catholic Church. exception the administration might between the two stands. I still don’t. Yet one must at least ask questions take to other parts of the bishops' The original draft barely escaped Moreover, I don't agree with about both the influence of the Hopefully, Sister Walsh will find a topic more constructive for her turncoat liberal Michael Novak that future columns and forget the sophomoric jabs at Fr. Greeley. pastoral letter. unilateralism because it admitted Vatican, which I think improved the that deterrence was marginally the bishops are either anti- document, and the bishops' naivete Moreover, the pope’s letter seems ARLEEN EINLOTH justifiable. American or pro-Russian, but I about the Soviet Union (possibly to echo an interview that the papal must agree with him that there is Ross Township influenced by the hierarchy's staff), secretary of state, Cardinal It seems to me that the pope and little evidence in their letter that which I think unnecessarily hurts it. Page 6 — Pittsburgh Catholic. Friday, November 26, 1982 Teaching as Jesus did Basic learning 'styles9

By FR. ROBERT U. OUCH films, TV, and filmstrips; by actions and new experiences. Asst. Superintendent of schools listening to records ana other While we usually rely on one of th people; by asking questions. Even though every person is a above learning styles, it is mor learner, every learner has a “ The “ abstract conceptualizer” likely that each person's learnin different way of learning the same learns best by reading books, style is a combination of all four.! thing. The different ways of learning magazines, and newspapers. you are a teacher or a parent, yo are called learning styles. Each Instead of relying on the senses for should be aware of your ow person usually relies on one style learning, this approach emphasizes learning style and of the styles < when learning. However, optimal abstract logical thinking and your children. This awareness ca learning occurs when we are able to rational evaluation. They enjoy help you to accommodate thei use all learning styles effectively. impersonal learning situations that learning by using an appropriat emphasize theory and systematic and matching teaching styh Teachers probably teach best whe According to Kolb, Gregorac and analysis. they accommodate all of th a growing number of educators, different learning styles. there are four basic learning styles. “ The “ active experimenter” likes The person who enjoys learning in a games, simulations, role playing concrete, hands-on, practical way is and discovery approaches in order A variety of teaching methods ca called a "concrete experiencer.” to learn Independent study projects help each learner to realize his/ he This person may be the one who are preferred by this type of learner. self-worth, learning strengths an says, “ life is the best teacher.” In This type is also the risk-taker who weaknesses, and create a climat other words, real life experiences, likes to experiment with new ways of for optimal learning for all learnert work/study situations, and doing things instead of sticking to When Catholic school teachers ar laboratory settings are some ways the old tried and true methods that aware of such learning theories an that this person learns best. have worked in the past. actively implement them in th classroom, they are imitating Jesqt The “ reflective observer” is one Consequently, learning is seen as the Master Teacher, wh who likes to sit back, watch, look, a four-stage cycle: 1) immediate accommodated his learners b; listen, think and reflect. Instead of practical experience is the basis for using a variety of teaching method becoming actively involved through 2) observation and reflection; 3) to teach them about His Kingdom concrete experiences, this type of these observations are conceptua­ Sacred Scripture lists man; learner learns best by watching lized into theories for 4) possible examples for us.

-Obituaries- Polish fam ily welcom ed

Parishioners at SS. Cyril & Methodius parish in Myslywiec, Sophia Shamrock and Mary Marczak. McKees Rocks recently welcomed a young Polish Alicia is a native of Gdansk and Mariusz was born in Marie Casella Sr. Isabelle N e c r o l o g y couple who had been in a refugee camp in Austria for Starogard, Poland. The speak very little English, but the parish has already enrolled them in English Marie Vaughn Casella, 79, died A funeral Mass was offered in the 13 months. The new residents are Alicia Bielawska motherhouse chapel of the (seated) and her husband Mariusz, seated right. language classes and furnished them with an Friday, Nov. 19, after a lengthy apartment to get a start in their new country. illness. Vincentian Sisters of Charity, Please remember the deceasl Representing the parish that sponsored them are Rich McCandless Township, for Sister M. priests of the diocese in you Coperich, seated, and, standing from left, Betty — Photo by John C. Keenan Formerly of Osgood St., North Isabelle Kominak, on Saturday, prayers. Side, she was a resident of St. Joseph Nov. 20. Burial was in Sisters’ Home in Garfield and died at West Cemetery, McCandless. Penn Hospital. Nov. 29 Italians hit U. 'art9 tour Sister Isabelle died Nov. 17, in Fr. Franklin V. D eet...... 19# North Hills Passavant Hospital Fr. John Canova...... 191 ROME (NC) — A group of Italian art historians and of true Italians “ When works of art travel, it is not p rs. Casella was a lifelong after a lingering illness. She was 73 art lovers asked the Vatican to who defend their irreplaceable possible to exclude damages or resident of the North Side and was a and in her 58th year of Religious life. cancel the scheduled U.S. tour of patrimony," said an open letter losses.” retired purchasing agent for Nov. 30 written by an Italian art historian, Kerotest Manufacturing Company. She entered the order from St. Fr. Anthony Spiewak...... 198 Vatican art works because of The exhibition, which will mark Cesare Brandi, and signed by 15 She was preceded in death by her Mary parish, Brownsville. Sister Fr. Methodius C. Slatinski 19# possible damage to the 200 valuable the first time the Vatican has pieces. artists and art experts. husband, Louis J. Casella. had received her bachelor of allowed a large art collection to be education degree from Duquesne Dec. 1 The exhibition, "The Vatican THE CAMPAIGN to stop the year­ loaned to museums abroad, includes University and had taught in the Fr. Michael P. Boyle...... 19# Collections — the Papacy and Art,” She is survived by one sister, Delia long tour was initiated several works ranging from Egyptian and Pittsburgh, Greensburg, and Fr. Charles D. Galati ...... 19« is scheduled to open Feb. 26,1983, at Reilly of Crafton, secretary to months ago by Giulio Carlo Argan, Greek antiquity to the 20th century. Youngstown dioceses. Sister also Fr. Bernard J. Berg...... 19J the Metropolitan Museum of Art in Bishop Leonard, and by nieces and former communist mayor of Rome studied at Good Samaritan School New York, to move to the Art nephews. and president of the International Although the collection will be on of Nursing in Cincinnati and served Dec. 3 Institute of Chicago of July 24, and to Fr. Patrick R. Cullen ...... 19f Historical Commission of Art. display for only 10 months, it will be as a nurse at St. Vincent Hospital, make its final stop at the Fine Arts away from the Vatican for 14 months Mass of Christian burial was Monett, Mo. Museums of San Francisco from "There are no technical tricks because of the time required for offered at Annunciation Church, Dec. 4 Nov. 19, 1983, to Feb. 19, 1984. that guarantee against the dangers airshipping the items across the North Side, Monday, Nov. 22. Burial Sister Isabelle is survived by one Fr. C.M. Hegerich ...... 191 “ We hope that the supreme pontiff of sea or air travel, ground transport Atlantic and for setting up the was in North Side C athrlic sister, Sister Mary Clarence of the Fr. Stephen D. N y iri...... 191 will be sensitive to the cry of pain of or climatic changes,” he said. museum shows. Cemetery, Ross Twp. Vincentian Sisters of Charity. Msgr. Ralph L. Hayes...... 198

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WE SPECIALIZE IN TILE AND SLATE REPAIRS INCREASE ITS Low Low Price« Imling Remodeling Service 4 Installation TIN WORK IS OUR TRADE VALUE! Furnanca Claanad 4 dacha* BAM FURNANCE CLEANED S24 C o m p l e t e SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT Budget Heating Co. CALL TODAY 921-8252 | i n t e r i o r WITH ' 7 8 7 - 1 5 5 8 6 6 1 - 2 9 1 6 H e m o d e U n g Increase your living space by enclosing | HEATING & CERAMIC TILE REMODELING NEW a REPAIR your porch tor year round use, at special £' PLASTERING winter prlcesl • Roofing • Window* WALL COVERINGS RIVERSTONE A Christmas Savings Gift • Siding • HuaUui Bathrooms our f Installed t o existing foundation, Welte Roofing Contract Division • Suttra • WrConUIUnnlng Choice ot many shades ot coloring New & used Sewing Machines! Discount Priced • SuHII a Fuel! Specialty ANY HOME IMPROVEMENT Open Mon., Wed., Fit, Sat., 9-5; Tues., Thur., 9-9 FREE ESTIMATES FINANCING Q O C O G U A RA N TEE WELTE ROOFING COMPANY AVAILABLE I ■ O d fcP * Easy 510 SOUTH MAIN STREET, ftft. n o r n Financing 271-6246 885-3697 A.L. MORRONE 293^^IBERTYDO^ 563-2515 Call today tor details jJ£ | -O tO t Pittsburgh Catholic, Friday, November 26. 1982 — Page 7 Around the diocese Beechview dinners Cenacle programs St. Catherine of Siena parish in Beechview will The Cenacle Retreat House in Oakland will host a , host a parish dinner of chicken or breaded pork variety of programs through December. chops Sunday, Dec. 5, from 4 to 6 p.m. in McCann Hall. Reservations are needed by calling Ann Rusin The schedule includes a Eucharistic Guild day 341-0715 or Jan Fameli, 344-7152. Cost is $5 25 for Thursday, Dec. 2, from 9:30 a.m. to noon; an Advent adults and $2.25 for children. guided retreat the weekend of Dec. 3; a retreat weekend for Episcopal deacon interns beginning Green Tree course Thursday, Dec. 9; an Advent day of renewal conducted by Fr. Bernard Finerty Sunday, Dec. 12. An Advent series, “ Christmas In Scripture,” will A day for the Catholic Business and Professional be held Wednesdays, Dec. 1 and 8, at St. Margaret Women’s Society given by Fr. R. S. Almagno parish, Green Tree, in Campbell Lounge of the Saturday, Dec. 18; and a New Year’s Eve renewal, school from 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. Fr. Patrick O’Brien, also given by Fr. Almagno Friday. Dec. 31. diocesan director for religious education, will speak. For reservations for any of the programs call the Assumption concert Cenacle at 681-6180. Assumption Church at 45 N. Sprague Ave., Penn View open house Bellevue, will host its annual Christmas choral The Penn View Art Center in Elizabeth will host an concert Sunday, Dec. 5, at 3 p.m. open house and art exhibit Sunday. Dec. 12, from 2 to The traditional "Festival of Lessons and Carols” 4 and 6 to 8 p.m. Art works include paintings, plus readings from the Christmas season, carols and etchings, woodcuts, nature prints, lithgraphs. portions of Handel’s "Messiah” will be featured. The pottery, sculpture and tapestries, among other carols will be performed by the 125 voices of the works. The exhibit will also be open Monday and parish's children, teen and adult choirs, directed by Wednesday, Dec. 13-15, from 10to lla .m.,2to3and7 John A. Romeri. All are welcome to the free concert. to 8 p.m. The address is 999 Rock Run Rd., Elizabeth. A reception will follow. Phone number is 751-7821 or 751-8600. El Salvador service Steel talk set Fr. William T. Hogan, an internationally The Central American Mobilization Coalition will recognized steel analyst, will speak on ’ ‘Current and host an inter-faith worship service in memory of the Future Problems Facing America's Steel Industry” thousands of people in El Salvador and other Latin before a joint session of the Pittsburgh Chapters of American countries who lost their lives in recent the Business/Professional Advertising Association conflict there (including the four U.S. missionary S t . Joseph Hom e winner and the American Institute of women who were slain in El Salvador) Wednesday, Mining, Metallurgical and Dec. 1, at 7:30 p.m. at the First Baptist Church, James Kerkhan, a resident at St. Joseph Home for the aid of Beth Fischer, occupational therapy director at Petroleum Engineers Thurs­ Bayard and Bellefield Sts., Oakland. Aged in Garfield took first place in the Pittsylvania the home, he works on an original stein creation he day, Dec. 2, at 11:30 a.m. in the The group is also sponsoring a month-long U.S. Ceramic Guild’s annual show recently for his entry of hopes to enter in next year's competition. William Penn Hotel. a mushroom designed wall plaque set. Here, with the --Photo bv John C. Keenan tour for Alejandro Molina Lara, a trade unionist in The Jesuit priest has written El Salvador who will speak of the human rights several books on the steel abuses in his country. For information call Art industry and has directed the McDonald at 381-1400. Brentwood festival Vincentian open house industrial economics research The Women’s Guild of St. Sylvester Church, Vincentian High School, North Hills, will hold an institute at Fordham University Brentwood, will hold its 11th annual pre-Christmas open house for prospective students and their for more than 30 years. Bethel weekend arts and crafts festival Saturday and Sunday, Dec. 4 Fr. Hogan parents Sunday, Dec. 5, from 2 to 4 p.m. The school is He has also spoken before the and 5, in the church hall at 3754 Brownsville Rd. “ The Call to Life” will be the theme for a weekend located at the intersection of Peebles and McKnight U.S. Senate and House of Representatives and Hours are Saturday from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. and of prayer and reflection at Bethel Holy Ghost •Roads. served on the presidential task force on business Animation Center, 6230 Brush Run Rd., Bethel Park, Sunday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. The school will give its placement test to incoming taxation and as a consultant to the Council of Dec. 3-5. Sister Jacqueline Ketter, religious Items will include glass, lapidary, macrame, freshmen on Saturday, Jan. 15, beginning at 9 a.m. Economic Advisors to the President and the U.S. education director at St. Anne, Castle Shannon, will jewelry, wirecraft, Christmas crafts and many Commerce Department. present the program. The weekend opens Friday at 7 others. A donation of 50 cents is asked, with children For more information, contact Sister Theresita For reservations call J. Radley at 261-6519. p.m. and concludes Sunday at 1 p.m. Donation is $45 under 12 admitted free. Sabol, principal at 364-1616. for those who stay overnight or $30 for commuters. For information call 835-3510. Mass for Poland Monongahela events Quigley sale Quigley High School in Baden will be selling Texas Erin officers named A Mass in the Polish language, for Solidarity and The Monongahela Area Historical Society, in conjunction with 12 churches in the community, will citrus grapefruit and oranges at $10 a box for peace in Poland, will be celebrated Sunday, Nov. 28, grapefruit and $11 for oranges. Orders must be in by Two local women were named to national offices at St. Ignatius Church in Glendale Sponsored by the sponsor “ Christmas in the Park,” an old-fashioned at the 22nd convention of the Daughters of Erin, held Christmas celebration, Sunday, Dec. 5 at Chess Nov. 30, with pick-ups Dec. 21. For information call Veterans of the Polish Army, the Mass also feature Quigley at 869-2188. recently in Philadelphia. Polish hymns by the parish choir and a homily from Park, Monongahela from 7 to 9 p.m. Bernice Bolsinger, a member of Pittsburgh Court by Fr. Zygmunt Szarnicki. Among the churches participating will be 9, was retained as presidential advisor and Transfiguration and St. Anthony. rFaith9 series set chairman of the trustees. Anne Carr, also a member Vincentians celebrate The activities will include lighting of the. of Court 9, was named Pittsburgh national trustee community gazebo, dramatization of the Nativity, Fr. Walter Dworak will give a series of four and public relations and publicity chairman. The St. Vincent de Paul Society at Holy Trinity and caroling led by church choirs, lighting of Sunday conferences on "Growing in Faith" beginning Dec. 12 at 4 : 15 p.m. at the convent chapel The organization is the auxiliary to the Knights of Church, Moon Run, will hold its 25th anniversary lumniaria and visits to the churches. Refreshments' celebration Wednesday, Dec. 1, beginning with a 7 will also be served. of the Felician Sisters, 1500 Woodcrest Ave., Equity. p.m. Mass. Officiating will be Fr. Robert W. Coraopolis. Upcoming topics and dates are "The Herrmann, pastor, and Msgr. Paul Bassompierre, D r u g abuse series Call to Holiness," Jan. 8; "A Life of Prayers," March 13; and "The Individual and Community,” New Castle events diocesan director of the St. Vincent de Paul Society, St. John General Hospital, North Side, will sponsor will give the homily. April 10. All are welcome. Madonna parish, New Castle, will hold its a "family educational program" for family and friends of drug or alcohol abusers Dec. 1, at 10:30 Christmas festival Saturday, Dec. 4, from 10 a.m. to The Mass will honor living and deceased 9 p.m.; and Sunday, Dec. 5, from 9:30a.m. to4 p.m. members, the group's benefactors, and also to a.m. in the auditorium of the St. John ADR Center, in the parish hall. The hall is located on Maple Street, encourage the beatification of Frederic Ozanam, 3530 Fleming Avenue, Brighton Heights. “Modern Banking With Old Fashioned Courtesy off of Atlantic Avenue. founder of the organization. All are also welcome to Babysitting and parking will be available. the refreshments, which will follow in the cafeteria. Reservations should be made by calling 734-1010. Featured will be arts and crafts, a country store, For information call 787-1658. MAIN OFFICE SHALER homemade candies, attic treasures, bake shop, food 5137 Butler St. OFFICE and refreshments, and Christmas cards, candles Hilltop registration Pgh.. Pa. 15201 and oplatki. 781-0318 900 Mt. Royal Blvd. fSign-a-thon9 Hilltop Catholic High School, Knoxville, is Pgh., Pa. 15223 The parish will also sponsor a Christmas party for The fourth annual “ sign-a-thon,” sign language accepting registrations for the 1983-84 school year. PENN AVE. 486-4245 children Saturday, Dec. 11, from noon to 2:30 p.m. in marathon will be held Saturday, Dec. 4, from noon to Registrations will be conducted at the school office, OFFICE BLAWNOX the parish hall. Santa Claus will be in attendence 205 Orchard Place, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Monday 11 p.m. at Soldiers & Sailors Hall, Fifth Ave., and 4401 Penn Ave. OFFICE with his elves, as will a magician and clown. Bigelow Blvd., Oakland. Featured will be Dec. 6 through Friday Dec. 10. For further Pgh., Pa. 15224 201 Freeport Rd. Refreshments will be served. Breakthrough and numerous other groups, plus information or brochure, call 481-4200. 621-6626 Pgh., Pa. 15238 refreshments, and arts and crafts. For information MEMBER F.D.I.C. 362-9111 fF r . Tom Smith show9 contact the Pittsburgh Hearing, Speech and Deaf Advent series Services, 281-1375. The Fr. Tom Smith Show, featuring the singing Fr. Frank Almade, associate pastor of St. group “ The Evangels” and Frs. John Cassella and Therese, Munhall, will present a three-part Advent Pat Jones, will perform Friday, Dec. 3, at 8 p.m. at New Castle notice series, “ Three Letters from Pope John Paul II,” Montour High School in a program sponsored by St. Saturdays Nov. 27, Dec. 4 and Dec. 11, at 8 p.m. in the ST. PHILIP CHURCH Vincent Church in Esplen. Pete “ Figo” Carvella of Newcastle appears in the church club room. new book “ A Portrait of Italians in America” by CRAFTON For tickets contact Msgr. Paul Lackner at 331- Vincenza Scarpaci. The book includes some 300 5538. Donation is $7 for adults and $5 for those 12 or photos and traces the life of Italians in this country Birthright rtag day9 under. and their contributions to the society. Msgr. Robert P. Garland, Pastor Birthright, a counseling service for pregnant Carvella, a member of St. Vitus Church and its women and single mothers, will hold a red tag day on ANNOUNCES A Advent retreat Holy Name Society, is covered in the book because of Wednesday, Dec. 8, the feast of the Immaculate The Mt. Assisi parish life resource center will host his barber shop, which he decorates with photos of Conception, at churches throughout the diocese. The an Advent day of recollection for Mt. Assisi alumnae Italian-American sports figures. He carries on the monies raised will be used for the organization’s Saturday, Dec. 4, from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Leading business which was begun' by his father in 1922. services, including a telephone hotline, emergency the program will be Fr. Jerome Dixon, former housing, baby clothes and pregnancy testing. Marian Novena of chaplain at the academy. Donation is $6 with St. Anne concert reservations available by calling Sister Mark at 761- Masses and Prayers 6004. St. Anne Church in Castle Shannon will host a St. Benedict open house combined choral and orchestral concert in the St. Benedict Academy in Ross Twp., at 4530 Vision testing set church at 400 Hoodridge Drive Sunday, Dec. 5, at Perrysville Ave., will host an open house Tuesday, 8:15 p.m. The combined choirs of St. Anne, St. Nov. 30, from7:30to9p.m. All eighth-grade girls and The second part of the vision awareness program, Germaine and the Concord Sinfonietta will perform. their parents are welcome to attend. For Opens Tues.. Nov. 30th at 8:30 AM co-sponsored by St. Maurice parish and the Forest information call Sister Kathleen Mack, principal at Hills Lions Club, will be held Tuesday, Nov. 30, at Works will include the Schubert Mass in G Major, 931-6050. Closes Wed.. Dec. 8th at 7 PM 7:30 p.m. in Centurian Hall. There will be free Pachelbel’s “ Celebrated" Canon in D Major, with glaucoma testing and blood pressure readings. vocalists Susan Luffy, David Serafini and Michael Wieser. Organist will be Jonn Raevens. The concert Speakers will be: Betty Harvey of the Pittsburgh is free and open to all. g**saTHE KNEELING SANTA»®*** FATHER JOHN BODNARIK, O.F.M. Blind Association; Robert Stockville of the Leader The Perfect Christmas Gift B Cap. will preach at the Sunday 9, Dog Program; and McClure Lanning of the Lions Carlow concert “At the name ot Je tu t R Pennsylvania Eye Research Foundation. For every knee should bend" (Phi. 2110)-* 10:30 AM and 12:15 Masses and the further information, contact Donna Meshanko at Catherine Bomstein, chairman of the voice Even Sente Cleus. * Weekday 6:30 AM and 7 PM Masses. 731-7908. department at Carlow College, will be featured At last the two major symbols of Christmas. $ artist in the Pittsburgh Chamber Soloists’ concert, Santa Claus, (SL NmAoias) and the Christ ChiM K Holy Day Masses, 10:30 AM, 12:15 'Economic9 session Wednesday, Dec. 1, at 8 p.m. in the college’s Kresge combiMd in a pose depicting their proper 5 and 7 PM Theater. relationship, the secular subservient to the « Quigley High School in Baden will host a sacred. 55 discussion on the state of the economy titled Music will include the works of Bach, Schubert, • Hand-cast • Hand-Palntad i The Sacrament of Penance Stravinsky and Brahams. Admission is free. For Baautllully antiquad |j “ Economic and Investment Outlook for Individual; Quality Guarantaad K (Confession) will be available and Small Business Owners,” Tuesday, Nov. 30, at additional information, call 578-6089. Order now lor Immediate Oelvery JA 7:30 p.m. Experts in tax shelters, interest rates and following all weekday Novena investment will be participating. For information KEEP CHRIST IN CHRISTMAS I Masses. call Laura Butler at 869-2188. Pittsburgh’s largest »election ot Country -I K Please send me the following: « $ QTV. ITEM______AMT. and Early American Home Accessories, and 11’ Kneeling Santa. 539.95 W e invite you and your fam ily to use Tobacco. 8" Kneeling Santa, $24.95 this Novena of M ary to prepare for PINE FURNITURE ‘ 8 Musical Kneeling Santa, $32.95 the C elebration of the Birth of C hrist. 60 Years of Reliable Travel Service WOOD SHELVES * ^hristmas Cards. 20 per Box. $10.00 ...Dependable-Professional Planning Since 1922 GLASS BRASS Miraculous Medal Devotions are • CONVENIENT DOWNTOWN LOCATION PEWTER CANDLES Pa Residents Add 6% Sales Tax Subtotal- Shipping & Handling $2.00 per item held every Wednesday before the • AUTOMATED RESERVATION SERVICE HUMMELS ROCKWELLS TOT AI____ • COMMERCIAL AND VACATION TRAVEL Humidity Controlled Walk-In cigar Humidor Charge my: Master Charge □ Visa □ Check Encl.Q 6:30 AM Mass and at 7 PM with • INCENTIVE AND GROUP PLANNING Card No______Exp. Date______• WINTER AND SPRING CRUISES Benediction. ‘ WORLDWIOE TOURS (Dlii A lle g in g &t|Oppe NAME ...... , 2 S ADDRESS...... 8 May she who knows the suffering CASTE VILLAGE MALL ANNE EGAN TRAVEL SERVICE. INC. Ä CITY...... STATE...... ZIP...... B and troubles of Life here below bring “You're gol lo te » II to believe It ’ w Mall to: J.L.F. INC. 412-673-1700 h help to the needs of the Church. 620 Park Building (412) 261 -3942 BAPTIST ROAD, D L Y 9 -9 g 313 Ohio Ava., Glassport, PA. 15045 t 881-6969 Pittsburgh. PA 15222 1 1 WHITEHALL S U N 9 -5 FREE: Knsaling Santi Badge with Each Purchase J¡. POPE PAUL VI s» s» to je» ca «j*sj s» sa was» sa»*»: L I Page 8 — Pittsburgh Catholic, Friday, November 26,1982 P astor elected

Fr. Francis Hanudei, administra­ tor of Our Lady Help of Christians parish, East End, has been elected a Hom e A g a in definitor on the provincial board of the Franciscan Province of the . The CONNIE ANN VALENTI FR. RON LENGWIN election took place during I do not think from my limited research that it is Father, I never thought much about the Provincial entirely accurate tostate that the Catholic Church as reincarnation, about the possibility of our living Chapter held an entity believed in reincarnation during the first more than one life, until a good friend of mine began recently at the to do a lot of reading on it and shared her discoveries centuries of its existence. However, we do know that some of the early were involved in Mount Alvernia with me. I was a little frightened at first to even Retreat House, great disputes over the concept of the pre-existence discuss it because I know it’s against the Church’s W a p p in g e rs teaching, but then I realized there's nothing wrong in of the soul. Although this doctrine is not synonymous Falls, N.Y. learning - even about those things with which the with reincarnation, it is directly related to it. Church disagrees. I believe refusing to use our mind Origen was a very influential teacher in the early Fr. Hanudei can be as sinful as refusing to use our heart. Church (185-253) who wrote on biblical, apologetic, was born Sep- dogmatic and ascetical concerns. He believed that fr. F r a n c is tember 19,1945, Over many cups of tea, I began to listen to her our souls exist in heaven with God before we are ‘in Passaic, N.J. He entered the findings with an open mind, especially as she born. This teaching and many others classified Franciscan Order in 1966, made his recounted the many different religions in the world under general heading of “ Origenism” were first profession in 1967, and was which believe in some form of reincarnation. I didn’t rejected and condemned by a Church council in the ordained a priest on May 13, 1972. know whether to believe her or not when she said the sixth century. Catholic Church used to teach it, but suppressed and Father earned an M.A. in hid all the writings about it, fearing people wouldn’t The development of doctrine in the early centuries liturgical studies at Notre Dame understand it properly and be misled. of the Church was marked by serious disputes. University and is a member of the Various Church councils, which were similar to the North American Academy of As I went from room to room to check on my with which we are most Liturgy and of the Franciscan sleeping children one night, the concept or familiar, were convened to settle these disputes and Liturgical Research Commission. reincarnation suddenly didn’t frighten me any more. to establish the teaching position of the Church. In fact, I was even attracted by it. I could never He was associate novice director accept the belief that man could be born again as an The Fifth Ecumenical Council, which is also from 1972 to 1973 at St. Anthony animal, but the thought that God could send us back known as the Second Council of Constantinople, Novitiate, Catskill, N.Y., and as a St. Benedict visitors again to learn other lessons so that we could draw declared: “ If anyone assert the fabulous pre­ member of the team ministry at St. existence of souls, and shall assert the monstrous Members of the St. Bernardine gospel choir of Baltimore conducted a even closer to His love was intriguing to me. Pamphilus Church, Pittsburgh, workshop recently for the choir members at St. Benedict the Moor parish, restoration which follows from it; let him be from 1973 to 1979. He is now novice Maybe we need to learn more lessons than one life Uptown. Roger Holliman (seated), director of the St. Bernardine choir, anathema.” One of their concerns was that the director for the province. As can teach us - what it's like to be male and female, goes over a piece of music with, from left, Eddie Latimer of the St. Benedict doctrine of pre-existence seemed to deny the divinity definitor, he will assist the rich and poor, intelligent and dumb, married and choir, Donald Atkinson, choir director at St. Benedict, Holly Harris of of Christ as the only Son of God, since it seemed to provincial superior in administra­ single. Maybe each of us also has at least one Baltimore, and Veronica Morgan-Lee of St. Benedict. imply that He could have lived in different bodies at tion of the province. opportunity to live as a religious. different times. The list of possibilities is as long as our If the soul does not exist before birth, then previous British justice rapped imagination and our understanding of what it means lives on earth and, by inference, future lives are impossible. It is the teaching of the Church, which to be human, and constantly struggling to become LONDON (NC) — The Social Welfare Commission support of the Christian conscience...The vast more like God. Maybe if we were rich in this life and was greatly influenced by St. Thomas Aquinas, that the soul is the principle of our individuality or of the Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales has majority of those imprisoned are non-violent thought we might be poor in the next, we’d do more to called Britain's treatment of criminals basically un- offenders...who are more of a nuisance than a alleviate hunger and poverty. uniqueness, and that God creates each soul for a particular body at the moment of conception. Christian. Punishment must always be just, threat.” There seems to be some wisdom in reincarnation. reasonable and reasonably effective, said the The commission asked church leaders to press for Why is it frowned upon by the Church? Death might Another doctrine which Origen taught and which commission in a report titled "A Time for Justice," an end to prison overcrowding and to help remedy the Church condemned was the concept of universal released Nov. 11. not be so frightening to some people if they sincerely social and environmental factors which predispose restoration. It theorized that all of creation including thought they had another opportunity to learn more, people to committing crimes. It also called for man the good and fallen angels, and demons would to accomplish more and to try to make amends for The report stated that “ present sentencing greater concern among Catholics for the prison live together one day in harmony with God. This their mistakes before the day of final judgment. I do practice in this country cannot command the ministry. believe such a time will come, that we don't just go teaching denied the existence of hell. This view is on forever, and that there's a heaven and a hell. still taught by a few churches today. The Church did destroy as many of the condemned When I heard about Brezhnev’s death and thought writings as possible, and with them some of our about his spirit carrying his soul to the heavens to be understanding of early church history. However, we PARISH DINNER judged for what he had done in this life, I wondered can appreciate such a response. What is the typical how he felt as he stood before the light of Christ and reaction of a parent who finds a child reading material which is deemed to be harmful? Many a Sunday, Dec. 5 HEARING AIDS had to explain why he had prevented people from loving Him? Playboy magazine has been destroyed over the years. 4:00 to 6 :0 0 P M SENSIBLY PRICED HEARING AIDS PROPERLY FITTED Would there be sorrow in his heart and would he Those who believe in reincarnation point to PROMPT - REASONABLE REPAIRS want an opportunity to enter life again to try to right various passages in the bible to prove their position, St. Catherine of Siena his wrongs? Maybe he’d have to come in and live especially when Jesus seems in some way to identify SERVICE ON ALL MAKES under the conditions he had created, as a person John the Baptist with the reappearance of the MCCANN HALL, BEECHVIEW prohibited from expressing his newly-found love for prophet Elijah. I ar.i intrigued by Hindu and 30 DAY RETURN PRIVILEGE ON God and as a parent worried about whether his Buddhist concepts of reincarnation, but I am Half Baked Chicken or ALL HEARINO AIDS children would have enough to eat, or if they would overwhelmed by Christ’s teaching of God’s eternal 2 Breaded Pork Chops love for us. MENU be taken away from him if he complained too much. Mulwd potatoes. Glazed carrott, tossed Sslsd Homemade rolls and fauttar Ice Cresm Square ALLEGHENY HEARING ASSOC. INC. People In the news Coffee Tea Bland ADULTS $ 5 . 2 5 C H I L D R E N $ 2 . 2 5 D O W N TO W N : ALLISON PARK: 5080 JENKINS ARCADE 4618 ROUTE 8 RESERVATIONS 281-8847 4 8 8 -0975 Christian Brother jubilee ONLY 531-2135 Rankin woman cited MT. LEBANON: MONROEVILLE: Mary B. Ferlan, a member of Visitation of the Brother Vincent McEntee, founding principal of 615 WASHINGTON R0. 700 JONNET BLDG. 373-1151 Blessed Virgin Mary Church in Rankin, has been South Hills Catholic High School and former SUPPORT YOUR ADVERTISER 341-2221 named “ Volunteer of the Year” at Braddock principal at Central Catholic in Oakland, recently General Hospital. She received the award at an adult celebrated his 50th anniversary volunteer award program 1 1 as a member of the Christian recently in the Churchill Valley Brothers. Country Club. He marked the occasion at a Mrs. Ferlan has been a Mass and reception at Calvert volunteer at the hospital for 40 Hall College in Towson, Md., years, recording more than where he serves as a guidance P i t t s b u r g h C a t h 10,000 hours of service. counselor. She began as a World War II Brother Vincent earned an Red Cross volunteer nurses’ LLD degree from St. Vincent mBro. Vincent College in Latrobe and served at aide in 1942. * m \ many positions in education — ranging from fifth- Mrs. Ferlan Born in Rankin, she attended grade to graduate school professor — during his long the Greer Business College in WHAT BETTER Braddock and worked at Westinghouse, Union Switch and Signal and Penn State’s nutrition He also is a former supervisor of schools for the program. Brothers' Baltimore Province. She is a member of the Croatian Fraternal Union, the Croatian Women of America and the Croatian Mt, Alvernia scholars W A Y TO Beneficial Club of Rankin. Eight students from Mt. Alvernia High School, Millvale, attend three events for student leaders Finaricial honor and scholars. Joseph F. Heisel Jr., a parishioner at St. Thomas More in Bethel Park, was one of 16 local financial Student Council officers vice president Beth Ann services professionals to be awarded the new Murphy, treasurer Terry Tutschko and secretary "Charter Financial Consultant” diploma and Linda Sharpsky attended the Pennsylvania Association of Student Councils meeting Nov. 11-13 STA RT THE certification from the American College, Bryn Mawr, Pa. at Somerset Area High School. Representing Mt. Alvernia at the Pennsylvania A lifelong Pittsburgh Junior Academy of Sciences sessions at resident, Heisel attended Duquesne and at Carnegie-Mellon Universities will Central Catholic High School be Roseann Albright, Patty Pfund and Judy and is a cum laude graduate of Landalino. St. Vincent College, Latrobe. He Nominated to attend the Westinghouse Science is a past president of the N E W Y E A R ? Honors Institute were Mt. Alvernia students Coleen Chartiers Valley Jaycees, life Please send a gift card and gift subscription to each person Greene and Regina Murcko. The institute is a series member and Knight of the listed below. Enclosed $ ... fo r... subscriptions at $8 per year of Saturday lectures for gifted students with Million Dollar Round Table and (52 issues) OR bill me later for $ ... I have indicated whether Heisel has served on the editorial staff scientific interests. the gift subscription is new or a renewal. (Allow one or two of the Pittsburgh Northstar. Currently, Heisel is a Franciscan appointment weeks for the first paper to arrive. Add an additional $1 to candidate degree in financial sciences and is execu­ cover postage to Canada.) Than the tive vice president of Treloar and Heisel, Inc., Pitts­ The Missionary Franciscan Sisters of the Imma­ Gift Num ber 1 burgh. culate Conception have appointed Sister Violet Grennan as vocation director for the order's United Nursing honor States Province. Karen N. Kerner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chris The Sisters work in Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, New NAME OF SUBSCRIBER Kemer of St. Maurice parish, Forest Hills, has been York, New Jersey, Missouri, Oklahoma, and many P i t t s b u r g h inducted into Sigma Theta Tau, national honor other states. Sister Violet, who holds a master’s society of nursing. Karen is a senior at Indiana degree in counseling psychology from Loyola University of Pennsylvania and is involved with the University in Chicago, will interview candidates ADDRESS OF SUBSCRIBER student nurses association, Outdoors Club and is who are interested in Religious life and coordinate secretary of the student Newman Center. She is a vocation awareness programs in many areas where 1979 graduate of Churchill Area High School. the Sisters work. She can be reached at the Formation Community of the Franciscan Sisters, 20 CITY STATE ZIP CODE Emsworth jubilarians Manet Rd., Chestnut Hill, Mass., 02167. C a t h o l i c NEW ( ) RENEWAL ( ) George and Cecilia Belch of Emsworth celebrated M a ll Gift Subscription* re: their 25th anniversary Saturday, Sept. 11, with a St. Vincent trustee Tho Pittsburgh Catholic concelebrated Mass at Sacred Heart Church. A Fr. Quentin L. Schaut, former president of St. 1 10 T h ird A v e ., P g h ., P o . 1 5 2 2 2 breakfast followed at the Sewickley Holiday Inn. Vincent College in Latrobe, has been elected to a Married Sept. 14, 1957 in St. Francis Xavier two-year term on the college board of trustees. Gift Num ber 2 Church, the couple have one daughter, Anna Marie, Re-elected to three-year terms were Dr. Edward a junior at Pitt. Mr. Belch is employed at the Dravo D. Eddy, provost of the Pennsylvania State Corp., Neville Island. University and Fr. BecketG. Senchurof St. Vincent...... NAME OF SUBSCRIBER M Y N A M E Fr. Quentin is a former acting dean of St. Vincent, Music chairman cited faculty chairman of the English faculty there and Richard P. Gibala, chairman of the diocesan former director of the Catholic Center at Penn State. STREET ADDRESS ADDRESS OF 'SUBSCRIBER music committee, has been named to the 1982 edition of Outstanding Young Men of America. The Vincentian scholar Carnegie man’s biography will appear in the annual CITY ZÏP CODÉ STÀTÈ Jill Paulick, a senior at Vincentian High School volume. Selection to the honor is based on voluntary C IT Y STATE ZIP CODE service to the community, professional leadership, North Hills, received a letter of commendation from academic achievement, business advancement, the National Merit Scholarship program. Miss NEW ( ) RENEWAL ( ) PHONE NUMBER cultural accomplishments and civic and political Paulick placed among the top five percent of the participants in the scholarship competition. participation. Pittsburgh Catholic. Friday, November 26, 1982 — Page 9 'Naive9 to trust in nuclear buildup, says Archbishop

By STEPHEN KARLINCHAK war,” the archbishop told the CALLING THE nuclear arms Brothers' residence in Oakland. “ In trusting in the Lord, I believe audience. "If one side (of the race the “ gravest spiritual crisis Among those in attendence were a it is more naive to trust our nuclear arms race) would ever faced,” he said nuclear delegation of priests who, like the government in the building of unilaterally disarm, the other side weapons have become a challenge archbishop, have withheld portion of nuclear weapons than it is to have a would respond. It’s the most for Christians. their 1982 federal income taxes in unilateral disarmament. Nuclear practical way to disarm.” protest. armament is an atheistic, insane CONTINUING, he said; “ Nuclear Recalling Pope Paul V i’s plea armament.’’ war brings its own suffering. By before the United Nations of no more With the Seattle area heavily saying no, we disarm for peace. If war, the archbishop said it was up to dependent on the military spending, With these words, Seattle individuals to stop the impending Archbishop Raymond Hunthausen we want peace, we mustsufferor die the archbishop was asked if his for peace. . . We know little of the holocaust, adding that a unilateral decision not to pay all of his taxes as denounced nuclear weapons and disarmament would need to be done endorsed the call for a freeze on the power of peace. We do know of the a protest drew a reaction from power of the atom. . . on both national and personal levels. nuclear buildup — unilateral if Catholics in Seattle. Archbishop Hunthausen said not much, but that necessary. “ I don't believe we are the only Concerning the theory of a just has been invited by parish councils The archbishop made his nation in the world that wants peace. I don't believe all the Russians are war. Archbishop Hunthausen said in the archdiocese to discuss his endorsement before a receptive that theory has always condemned position at their meetings. audience at the Thomas Merton all pounding their shoes on a table, calling for war."* the mass killing of civilians. He Center Awards presentation, held added that because the use of Nov. 18 at Carlow College. Noting that some people believe “ I’ll get letters from people nuclear weapons is intentional, their saying: ‘I’ve discontinued Archbishop Hunthausen received that nuclear war is inevitable, use is a sin. the center’s nth annual award for Archbishop Hunthausen said people supporting the Church because of must realize that nations have Seattle Archbishop Raymond Hunthausen discusses the second draft of the your position and I’m withholding “ notable contributions to peace and “ We made idols of nuclear justice” ; he was cited for his action outgrown the race for nuclear U.S. Bishops’ proposed pastoral letter on nuclear weapons with local my stewardship appeal contribu­ superiorty. He said it was not weapons,” Archbishop Hunthausen activists last Thursday at the Christian Brothers’ residence in Oakland. tion.’ in withholding one-half of his federal said. “ We made a commitment of income tax to protest the nuclear justifiable for the federal millions and billions of dollars. By “ So I write back: “ I’m holding arms buildup. government to spend billions of doing so, we make the poor more In closing, Archbishop Hunt­ power of the Holy Spirit. back taxes as a protest against dollars on nuclear weapons and only hausen said people must pray, fast, nuclear arms. You’re withholding “ A majority of this nation doesn’t despairing. In conscience, this is E A R L IE R IN the evening, a small fraction of the monies on keep in mind the importance of your support of the Church just to share the enthusiasm for nuclear idoltry. Can we make peace by Archbishop Hunthausen met with social programs to aid families. making war?” nuclear issue and remain open to the local activists at the Christian spite me.” Vatican document urges adequate pay for lay teachers

VATICAN CITY (NC) - Calling Discussing the support that should document said. Catholic lay teachers “ witnesses to that this is consistent with the or at least more desirable, in the drug problem, legalization of be offered to lay teachers, the subject matter and the circum­ the faith in a privileged environment document lists "an adequate salary, "The church offers the Catholic present or in the future," it added. abortion, along with many other school as a specific and enriching stances of the student body and the examples of the degradation of for human formation," a new guaranteed by a well defined “ The continued existence of contribution to this variety of school school,” the document said. human life," it said. Vatican document has urged that contract, and authentic responsibil­ Catholic schools in many possibilities," it added. they receive adequate salaries, ity” in the running of the school. The Vatican mourned the decline traditionally Catholic countries is "All of this demands that Catholic continuing education and recognit­ Even in non-Catholic schools, “ the in the number of priests and going to depend largely on the laity, educators develop in themselves ion as “ fully equal members,” with "ALL BELIEVERS should teaching of the Catholic religion, Religious working in Catholic just as that existence has depended and cultivate in their students a keen priests and Religious, of the school actively collaborate in the work of schools. helping educators to reach the social distinct from and at the same time and does depend, with great fruit, on social awareness and a profound community. lay people in so many of the young sense of civic and political status and the economic level that is complementary to catechesis, The document, titled “ Lay properly so-called, ought to form a churches,” the document said. responsibility," the document their due, > ngether with the stability “ Lay Catholic educators must be part of the curriculum ," the added. Catholics in Schools: Witnesses to and the security that they must have very aware of the real impoverish­ document said. Faith,” was issued Oct. 15 by the i f they a re to a ccom pi is h thei r task," ment which will result if priests and THE VATICAN also said Catholic Vatican Congregation for Catholic it said. Religious disappear from the teachers have a responsibility to The document was signed by Education, headed by U.S. Cardinal VATICAN SOURCES said the prepare their students “ to take their Cardinal Baum, of the The document emphasized the Catholic schools, or noticeably William W. Baum. congregation was referring to the place in society" and to help build education congregation, and importance of giving students and decline in number,” the document Intended for Catholic lay teachers need for courses in comparative said. social structures based on Gospel Archbishop Antonio Javierre, its their parents a choice in the type of principles. secretary. in both public and private schools, school to attend. religions in public and non-Catholic the document urges them to become private schools. “ This is to be avoided as far as is "Today's world has tremendous "a living mirror, in whom every ” In principle, a state monopoly of possible; and yet the laity must problems: hunger, illiteracy and Ata Vatican press conference Oct. individual in the educational education is not permissible, and. . Catholic teachers who work in prepare themselves in such a way human exploitation; sharp contrast 15, Archbishop Javierre said there community will see reflected an only a pluralism of school systems public schools "should be influenced that they will be able to maintain in the standard of living of are 120,000 Catholic elementary and image of one inspired by the will respect the fundamental right by a Christian faith vision in the way Catholic schools on their own individuals and of countries: secondary schools in the world, with Gospel." and the freedom of individuals," the they teach their course, to the extent whenever this becomes necessary aggression and violence, a growing 45 million students. Archbishop backs offer to refugees 2 m a rrie d E p isco p a l priests ordained MILWAUKEE (NC) — Arch­ The two parishes are part of an Anyone convicted of harboring an bishop Rembert Weakland ol "underground railroad" for undocumented alien can receive a Milwaukee has publicly supported refugees that includes Tucson, $2,000 fine and a five-year jail HENDERSONVILLE, N.C. (NC) FATHER KUHN said he left the two parishes in his archdiocese, Ariz,; Albuquerque, N.M.; Lincoln, sentence. — Father Dennis Kuhn, 34, a Episcopal Church because of Cristo Rey in Racine, Wis., and St. Neb.; Des Moines and Davenpport, He said he "had to weigh seriously married former Episcopal priest, growing disenchantment with some Benedict the Moor in Milwaukee, in Iowa: and Chicago. According to the act of civil disobedience" was ordained a Catholic priest Nov. changes within it. He said he their offer of sanctuary to Central federal law, everyone involved in against the threat to refugees’ lives 1 at Immaculate Conception Church disagreed especially with the American refugees illegally the project is liable to prosecution “ if they are forced to return to their in Hendersonville by Bishop revised marriage laws which allow entering the United States. for each illegal refugee aided. homeland.” Michael Begley of Charlotte, N.C. divorced Episcopalians to remarry in their church without an Father Kuhn shares the title' of annulment. being the second married former Episcopal priest to be ordained a Other changes within the Catholic priest in the United States Episcopal Church also bothered with Father Daniel Munn of the him, he added. Most disturbing was Diocese of Savannah, Ga., who was that "the Episcopal Church was Christmas Craft Sale f Cheese and Fruitcake also ordained on Nov. 1. acting on her own,” he said. “ She 111 Wood St., Downtown for your wasn't consulting the Roman Family and Friends Last June in Springfield, Mo., Catholic or Greek Orthodox BENEFIT Father James Parker became the churches. The ordination of women, first married former Episcopal for example, was done without St. Mary’s Senior Citizens Center priest to be ordained in the United Prompt delivery, with consulting the other churches within satisfaction guaranteed States. Catholic Christendom.” Daily & Weekends 10 AM to 2 PM THE THREE HAVE become GETHSEMANI TRAPPIST CHEESE Catholic priests under terms Father Munn, the other priest No. 15 - Four 6 oz wedges of mild, aged. developed by the National ordained by Bishop Raymond smoky cheese ...... $ 9.00 Conference of Catholic Church. In Lessard of Savannah in the Church No. 29 - Three 12 oz wedges of mild, aged, June 1980 the Vatican Congregation of the Most Holy Trinity in Augusta, smoky cheese ...... 1 1 .5 0 for the Doctrine of the Faith agreed Ga., where the former Episcopal No 240 - Half wheel (24 oz) of mild cheese 7.25 to a request by the bishops' priest is to serve as assistant pastor. Íe bistro A No 241 - Half wheel (24 oz) of aged cheese 7.25 conference for permission to No 401 - Two 24oz half wheels of mild, aged develop such terms. Carol Kuhn places her husband’s Father Munn's wife, Jan, and c h e e s e ...... 14.00 vestments on him during his their four children, David, 24, Susan, That agreement stressed that, 22, Rebeccah, 20, and Erin, 17, TRAPPIST FRUIT CAKE while the married Episcopal ordination to the priesthood at (Flovored with Ky. Bouibon) Immaculate Conception Church in brought the gifts to the altar at the clergymen in the group seeking Offertory. The family was received No 250- 2V4 pound ...... 11.75 Hendersonville. No 500 - 5 pound ...... 21.00 admission to the Catholic Church into the Catholic Church in July 1981. would be allowed to function as (All prices include delivery) married priests in the Catholic (ÖXÜ) CHOOSE item bv number Present at Father Kuhn’s Church after ordination, the Father Munn is assistant PRINT name and address of receiver church’s requirement of priestly ordination were his wife, Carol, and professor of humanities at the (e bistro INDICATE time of arrival: Now, Christmas, etc. their three children, Jeremy, 10, celibacy was not being dropped. The Medical College of Georgia, director a Pa r i s i a n c a f é a t jCa LÀlormandi MAIL with check or money order to: Stephen, 8, and Dorothy, 6. The agreement said that ordination to of the college’s program on human priest's parents and grandparents 5030 Centre Ave . Shadyside the Catholic priesthood, or sexuality and pastoral consultant to were also among the 500 people Complete dinners from $9.75. conditional ordination, would be the Department of Family Practice. GETHSEMANI FARMS crowding the church for the Mon. - Sat. from 5:00 p.m. required depending on the facts in He will continue to occupy those BOX 152, TRAPPIST, KY 40073 ordination. posts. French wines by the glass from each case. our W INECO Wine Bar Sep. 15 * Dec. 15 you may uae this answering Business aids schools Gaelic event No Reservations Valet Parking service for placing your orders: (502) 456-0344 PHILADELPHIA (NC) — Cardinal John Krol of The Gaelic Arts Society of Pittsburgh will present Philadelphia thanked business leaders for their $14 "Readings of Folk Legends and Great Orations of million donation to Catholic education at a meeting Ireland” for their monthly program on Tuesday, of Business Leadership Organized for Catholic Nov. 30, at 8 p.m. in Synod Hall in Oakland. i Schools. HOLIDAY REUPHOLSTERING In a campaign over the past several years more j ON SELECTIVE FINE FABRICS than 2 0 0 Philadelphia businesses have pledged or Speeches of famous Irish political figures will be contributed about $14 million. The archdiocese has a featured in the program. These include orations by goal of $ 7 7 million by 1984. The largest single Charles Stewart Parnell, Eamon DeValera, Robert SPECIAL WITH THE SAME WORKMANSHIP contribution thus far has been $5 million from the J . Emmett and Daniel O'Connell, that were given Howard Pew Freedom Trust. Pew, a non-Catholic, during critical times in Irish history. The program in had during his life been the largest single contributor being produced and directed by Earl 'McCabe. WE ARE KNOWN FOR to the annual Catholic Charities Appeal. Admission is free.

Pittsburgh’s ARTHRITIS? STAND UP OR SIT DOWN WITH EASE 9 0 0 ,0 0 0 Standing up or sitting down can be a painful and frustrating experience for a Catholics are person with Arthritis, Multiple Sclerosis Muscular Dystrophy, or for Senior Citizens J. Scott Genslinger, IDD and someone who lack strength and coordination. John W. Genslinger A.I.P. RENTAL AND SALE Now's a great time to redo the look of your home at terrific special. Reach MEDICARE APPROVED savings. Select from all the newest fabrics and designs! ”**-*. PHONE Reuphobtering is our specialty. ANSWERS For 51 years we have been serving the Pittsburgh area Our 24 HOURS them through 821-1829 A DAY expert craftsmen take pride in their work. If you have a favorite softa, chair or antique that needs upholstered and Wl A. SO CUSTOM MAKI DRAPERIES the Pittsburgh Medical Supply Service you want the very best in detailing and fabrics then give us a call, for free estimates. ______10 S lj| i YOUR NEEDS Catholic 2728 MURRAY AVENUE, PITTSBURGH, PA. 15217 316 GRANT AVE. 4 2 2 -1 3 0 0 MILLVALE UPHOLSTERY MILLVALE PA.

f Page 10 — Pittsburgh Catholic, Friday, November 26, 1982

SHOP CLASSIFIED C alendar o f Events SATURDAY, NOV. *7 Christian Mothers and Uuild, St. James, CLASSIFIED ADS ordered WANTED Wilkinsburg — Consumer’s spaghetti luncheon, Killed after being set but prior 120 TOURS 385 500 SERVICES Maria Mission Circles—Annual Pandora Christmas noon, school cafeteria. Tickets, $2, available by to publication will be billed at TO BUY OFFERED dessert-card party, 12:30 p.m., Lawless Hall, St. calling 241-2456. A social will follow. Mary of Mercy Church, downtown. Donation, $3.25. half rate. Classified “kills' OLD CEDAR CHESTS INSULATION - Carpentry. St. Vincent College, Latrobe — St. Vincent cannot be accepted after 1' AMITY TOURS Bedroom & Dining Room sets Paneling, Ceilings, Floors, SUNDAY, NOV. 28 AM Mon. for current week’! wanted. Paying up to $188 for Railings, Bathrooms, Storm Camerata, annual Christmas concerts, St. Vincent issue. ESCORTED BUS TOURS cedar chests any size or shape Windows, Aluminum Siding, St. Joseph, West Aliquippa — Day of prayer, 2:30 to Basilica, 8:15 p.m., also Saturday. Directed by Fr. Also buying old gold jewelry Soffit & Fascia,, Porches, 6:30 p.m., closing with a Mass for charismatics and Cyprian Constantine, concert to feature Gregorian ACCEPTANCE of an adver Call Paul 279-8359, 242-8451. Sidewalks, Block, Brick, Stone, tisement in the Pittsburgh Christ him in Wllliimsliurg meager meal. Fr. Leo Burchianti will offer the chants, medieval Christmas music carols and md Wishing!«1 DC OLD FURNITURE - China, Cement Work, Roofing Gutters, Catholic, while based on an Hauling, Fully insured. Free Mass. others. For reservations call St. Vincent, 539-9761. brass, copper, lamps, cut glass, ext. 260. Tickets, $2.50 for adults, $1 for children. assumption of integrity on the Dec 27-30 $229 jewelry, wooden ice boxes, Est. 761-5538, 761-2301. part of the advertiser, does not Resurrection, West Mifflin — Craft show, 9 a.m. to 5 stained glass, most any old MOVING - Call us first. Home imply endorsement of L et u s lake thing. For quick cash call me p.m. Bake sale and food. apart, or offices. Reasonable SATURDAY, DEC. 4 product or service. your group to before you sell. Now conducting anytime. 481-1826. St. Mark, McKees Rocks — Pre-Christmas mini­ House & Estate Sales! Dorothy Florida A Epcot Center 279-0359. 242-0451. bazaar, noon to 7 p.m., school hall, 326 Munson Ladies Auxiliary, Sacred Heart, Emsworth — 001 PERSONALS PHOTOGRAPHY - Wedding, Avenue. Featuring Slovak food, baked goods, arts Children’s Christmas bazaar, brunch with Santa, WANTED—Old dolls, doll Viedo Recorded, Photo Candids, ALONE & PREGNANT - For a Includes Motorcoach Professional Studio Standards. and crafts and activities. Christmas boutique and continental breakfast, also confidential caring friend Transportation 7 nights clothes, old Christmas items. Any condition, teddy bears, old 784-8454. Sunday, Dec. 5, after ail Masses, church auditorium, LIFELINE - 562-0543 Down lodging, Admission to TUESDAY, NOV. 30 tin toys, and trains. CASH. 881- PHOTOGRAPHER - For ail North & Ohio River Blvd. Brunch, 11:30 to 1:30 p.m. town Pittsburgh, Butler Area, Disney World, Epcot 282-1200; Mon Valley, 489-9020 7830. ______occasions. Specialty weddings & Christian Mothers, St. Ursula, Allison Park — Wine at $1, with tickets by calling 761-5885 or 734-0541. Center, Cypress Gardens. Beaver, 843-0505, 728-5651. WANTED "TO BUY - Royal portraits. Call J. Tarr and cheese Christmas party following 7:30 p.m. Boutique, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. and after Masses. 2 Meals, Tour Escort. Photographic, 828-9285______CONFIDENTIALLY YOURS - Doulton Figurines, mugs, etc. Mass. Breakfast Sunday, 8 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Dec. 5-12 Must be in perfect condition. PHOTOGRAPHER - Some We are an individualize Guild, St. Bede, Point Breeze — Luncheon, bridge personalize dating service for Feb.5-T2 Call 366-0201 after 6 p.m. dates still available for WEDNESDAY, DEC. 1 Catholics' free to marry in the Feb. 20-27 weddings. Home portraits, and and entertainment and fashion show, noon, 289 WANTED USED FURNITURE model portfolios by appoint­ Sacred Heart, East Liberty — "An Evening of church. For information write: Mar. 6-13 — And antique. One piece or Edgewood Country Club. Also craft items and baked C.Y. P.O. Box 13047. Pgh , PA ment. Great work at decent Reflection on the Christmas Mystery,” 7:30 p.m., goods. For reservations call Mrs. Michael Boyle, complete house full. Give us a prices. 241-8299. 15243. Send name, address and call to see what we buy. Crafton school in the church. Reception to follow. Conducted 371-0401. or phone number. Trading Post 922-4441, 10-5, PLASTERING - New or old. by Fr. Myles Eric Diskin. Steeler Weekend Resurrection, West Mifflin — 17th anniversary MANY THANKS-To Saint Jude Cleveland vs Pittsburgh closed Tuesdays & Sundays. Resurfacing old plaster, stucco, patching, juaster mold new or St. Paul Retreat House, South Side — Advent “ Holly Sno-Ball” dinner-dance, St. John Cathedral and the Sacred Heart for graces Dec. 18-19 $115 390 MISCELLANEOUS repaired. Free est. Insured. 822- evening of recollection for retreatants, 6:15 to 11 received. C.M.F.______center, Munhall. All welcome. For reservations call Dec. 19 $39.50 7552. p.m. For reservations call 381-7676. Margie Slater, 461-4589 or Theresa Wright, 461-7726. THANK YOU-Blessed Mother, Tickets, Transportation CHAIR SEATS—Caning, hand toma maals Included. SEWING MACHINE SERVICE THURSDAY, DEC. 2 St. Joseph and St. Jude for and machine. Rushing and — Factory trained serviceman. SS. Peter & Paul, East Liberty — Indoor flea favors answered for me. Please needlepoint. Experience 881- Reliable, guaranteed, all market, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., school hall, 130 Larimer continue to answer me. H.J.C. 7830. Cenacle Retreat House, Oakland — Eucharistic makes. No sale pitch, home and Guild, 9:30 a.m. to noon. For reservations call 681- Avenue. THANK YOU-Dear Jesus CALL AMITY TOURS industrial machines. Joe 882- RT. 51. PLEASANT HILLS 400 MISCELLANEOUS 6180. Blessed Mother. St. Jude, and St. ACROSS FROM EAT N PARK 1988. Joseph for prayers answered. SALES WEDDING INVITATIONS - All SUNDAY, DEC. 5 Please continue to watch over 884-2707 882-2707 BEE POLLEN-Water Mill for FRIDAY, DEC. 3 us. A.D.C. Need a Bust Call Usl occasions, embossed or WPXI-TV, Channel 11 — Mass forshut-ins, 6:30 a.m. Purifying your water. Mail engraved, imprinted stationery Cenacle Retreat House, Oakland — Advent guided 884-2707 882-2707 order service. Available at Msgr. Charles O. Rice, pastor, St. Anne, Castle THANK YOU—God for answer­ napkins favors, missals. retreat, given by Cenacle Sisters, through Sunday. ing my prayers through the Chartar Buses Available. Butter Churn Antiques, 127 Discount prices. Shirley Shannon, celebrant. Choir and congregation from intercession of Blessed Mother. Noble, Crafton, 922-4607. Aisowe Stationery Co. 421-4806 or 421- For reservations call 681-6180. the parish. Mass interpreted for the deaf. St. Jude. St. Anthony and Padre buy & sell household, antiques. 2792. Pio. I’m grateful. C.T ATLANTIC COOKIES FOR ALL OCCA- St. Paul Retreat House, South Side — Weekend St. James, Wilkinsburg — Organ recital by Homer THANK YOU-So very much, CITY SIONS — Weddings, grad., retreat for men, 6 p.m. to Sunday, 2:45 p.m. For Wickline, 3 p.m. Guest soloist, Kathy Evens, mezzo- Saint Jude and "Dear God" for showers, and banq., etc. Wide THORS reservations call 381-7676. soprano, singing Purcell. answering my prayers and “Stay where you pliy" variety. We deliver. Mill 681- petitions. G.B Bally Park Place 4108, Jennie 681-3690______Window Cleaning THANK YOU-Saint Jude and CHRISTMAS 22"—3 Piece WALL WASHING N. Catholic commended Addiction project set Blessed Mother for all the favors Hotel & Casino Nativity set. Solid Cast, and GUTTERS CLEANED granted. C.M. ______colorful. For indoor or outdoor 20 yosrt dependable te/W ce Dec. 12 - 14 $25.00. 366-0612. FREE ESTIMATES North Catholic High School won praise from a 16- St. Francis General Hospital, Lawrenceville, with THANK YOU-St. Jude, Blessed We Go Anywhere member Middle States evaluation team that visited the co-operation of its addiction treatment center FURNITURE/MATTRESSES Mother. Jesus, St. Teresa & St. the school recently. Praised at North was the and the department of obstetrics-gynecology, has Anne for favors granted. Please NEW—Single, Double. Queen. 7 8 2 - 2 8 5 8 continue to answer me. L.J.K. $99 $33, $38, $47. Ten yr. guarantee. school’s commitment to training young people announced the opening of a maternal addiction FOR DETAILS CALL Frames, Headboards, $19. Bunk according to beliefs of the Catholic Church. Also project. THANK YOU-St. Jude, Blessed TOM SIMPSON drawing commendation were the faculty’s Mother for prayers answered. beds w /mattresses $99. Living room w/tables & lamps $199. dedication, the positive attitude of students, the The program treats chemically addicted pregnant Please continue to hear our 335-3355 362-8888 women in three phases: health and anti-addiction prayers. Thank you friends for Bedrooms w/mattresses $199. Strafico'* Florist academic program, the variety of student activities Dinettes $74. Dining rooms WEDDINGS. BANQUETS monitoring during pregnancy; special assistance all your prayers and cards. w 'buffet $472. Year lay-a-way CATERING. gÀ B tlE S and the athletic program. B.M.L. ANY SPEClAL-ftCCASiON during and immediately following delivery; and VIA w/$5. Delivered. Jacobs near So Recommendations included developing program after care (including parenting skill groups) for up rHANK YOU-St. Jude for Side Hosp. 481-6444. Our Floater Arrangement» helping mother and daughter Speak lor (hemtahtee offerings tomeet students' abilities, improvement of to one year. TRAVELS MMMi HAND MADE RELIGIOUS DELIVERY AVAILABLE instructional equipment and materials, addition of and granting other favors and PLAQUE — Great Christmas THANK YOU St. Anthony for CAM. PRANK, JR. computer studies and additional personnel in media, Anne Holzer, is taking referrals for the project at INC. gifts. For Free information and (412) 363-7383. inspiration and guidance in prices write to Kanya's 107 922-4394 maintenance and clerical services. finding lost articles and granting Morton Lane Pgh., PA 15226. other favors. Please continue to watch over us. E.O. MAKE OUR ADVERTISERS HUMBER ONE HAVE YOUR PORTRAIT THANK YOU-St. Jude for the ON PAINTED — From photo or life. 510 ENTERTAINMENT 520 PROFESSIONAL 600 HOME 809 APTS. four prayers answered and YOUR SHOPPING UST! 471-1252 Professional work. Reasonable 510 ENTERTAINMENT 361-6877. SERVICES IMPROVEMENTS FOR RENT Divine Help. Sorry. I'm late. ANNOUNCEMENT: PITTS­ THE DIPLOMATS COMBO - Featuring male volcalist. Pie?“ continue to help me and 200 HELP HOME MADE COOKIES BY BURGH'S MOST POPULAR my !iv. M.A.W. BARB AND “ OSE - ,$2 per doz D.J. PERSONALITY - Now Weddings & Banquets our BEDS MT. OLIVER WANTED Lady Locks, Nut Horns, Apricot specialty. For a variety of fine THANKc—To St. Jude. St. Rita booking for 83. An experience CIVIC CHURCH ORGANIST WANT­ Horns, Pecan Tassies etc. Call consulant and professional music. Call 922-4394/367-8424. AVAILABLE PAINTING CO. [or answering my prayers. 822-7152 or 821-6132. Please continue to nelp me and ED—Full or part time. Contact entertainment service for your THE JOEY JAY ORCHESTRA FOR BOTH Sailor Citizens Olscouni my family. M.T. ______882-9763. MCNALLY TYPEWRITER wedding reception. Complete — Music for all occasions. The CENTER SALES & SERVICES—3161 mobile unit. For all occasions. little band with the big band MEN A WOMEN You supply the paint THANKS - To our Lady of OFFICE HELP NEEDED - Call Sonny’s Record Revue. 241- Receptionist, typists, book­ Library Rd. Electrics from $150 sound. Phone 222-5775. (Avail­ I supply the labor Sublet Jan. 1st Occu­ Fatima, Infant Jesus of Prague, up, Manuals $29 up. All repairs 2212. able New Years Eve). In small intermediate care St. Teresa, St. Joseph ana St.» keeper», file clerks, secretaries, #4 n PER ROOM p a n c y . S e le c t 1 B R office trainees, etc. Male & guaranteed 882-1888. A BAND FOR YOUR SPECIAL nursing home in beautiful • I O PER COAT Jude for prayers answered. C.B. EVENTS — You andyour guests “TIRED OF HIGH PRICED country setting in Southern Apartment A/C, and female. Downtown & Suburban PAIR 26"—High barrel lamps BANDS?” — Want continuous Profatslonil Painter Carpeted. Rental $375 HANKSGIVING - Novena to job openings. 30 day free trial will enjoy THE MUSIC Butler County. (Valencia) $30. One rod iron like Chandlier non-stop music? Hire a DJ $100 20 y tirs experience plus Elec. E l e v a t o r t. Jude. 0 Holy St. Jude, period with pay. Kearney- BROTHERS BAND. 885-1123, $25. One beige trim brown wood 265-1112. Call Chuck 761-1766 after 5 p.m. Building, well located. postle and Martyr, great in McDonough EMP. Call 391-1071. chandiier $25. A-l condition. CALL ADMINISTRATOR FREE ESTIMATE irtue and rich in miracles, near BAND — "Easy Street” — The 520 PROFESSIONAL INSURED C a ll insman to Jesus Christ, Best offer. 885-2133. 290 SITUATIONS best in musical entertainment SERVICES 898-1594 431-1454 481-5555 aithful intercessor of all who WEDDING GOWNS - National for weddings, parties, and 281 -5457 ivoke your special patronage in WANTED advertised bridal samples banuets. 884-9133 or 655-7490. ACCOUNTANT - Male exper­ me of need, to you I nave Perfect $3-4-500.00 values. None ienced, journals, ledgers, ecourse from the depth of my HOUSEMAN-Cooking. driv­ priced ever $100.00 Call 462-2535. BANDS — For wedding, LOANS—For remodeling or ing. For rectory, friary, nursing receptions and all occasions. No payrolls, tax reports. Desires 600 HOME eart and humbly beg to whom work per day 9-5,421-9583. home improvements. Low low rod has given such great power home. Good cook. Live-in or out. charge to view our selection on IMPROVEMENTS interest for qualified home SUPPORT > come to my assistance. Help Edward 381-9621. HIGH DESERT sound and color video tape RPD ASSOC. - Licensed owners. Special discount for le in my present and urgent ENTERTAINMENT UNLIMIT­ Private Home for the elderly ARTISTIC METAL WORK- YOUR PERSONAL PROFESSIONAL BEE POLLEN! Custom Window Guards, Gates, Senior Citizens. Call Stanley 563- etition. In return 1 promise to HOME HEALTH CARE- ED. 343-7700. Cooked meals, color cable T v. 6217.______ADVERTISER lake your name known and Pure Unadulterated 12 S. Freemont Ave. 761-7656. Dividers, Stairs, Railings, Physical therapy, geriatric or BAND - "SECOND WIND” Gratings Quality Workmanship. PAINTING - Inter A Exter. ause you to be invoked. Say companion. So. Hills Area only. Bee Honeyl offering the latest in current top NURSING SERVICES - ■tree Our Fathers, three Hail Groll Ornamental Iron Works, Quality work. Fully guaranteed, Day or evenings. 885-7139 Honey Recipe Books. 40 music, ethnic music, 50’s, Available by professional Becks Run Road at Bajo St. 431- reas. rates, free Est. 793-9269, farys and Glorias. Publication experience nurses. Home 810 RESORTS & lust be promised. St. Jude pray anytime. 60's, country, and standards, 4444. 793-8229. 884-0516 221-9241 731-5412, 885-5870. nursing, private duty, physical VACATION PROPERTY jr us and all who invoke your WOMAN WANTS—4 hours of examies by R.N.'s. And health PLASTERING - Free est. id Amen. This Novena is ironing & cleaning on Mondays. BAND/TRIO — For old time consultant for Senior Citizens. Patching specialty, Insured, A onsidered by many to be very Must be near transportation. 500 SERVICES dancing. Anniversaries, Class Call ST AT, Professional MAKE OUR Clean. Dan Jones 243-0969. FLORIDA elpful. M.E.M.______References, 821-6294. Reunions, Private Parties. Nursing Service 682-2909. OFFERED Holidays & New Years Eve PLUMBING - Paneling, VACATION CATERING A-l - Exp. over 25 ADVERTISERS remodeling, furnance work 421- 385 WANTED Bookings Avail. Call Chuck 521- 2147. Batter Than A Motel yrs. You provide the occasion & 7744. PREGNANT? TO BUY we'll provide the service. Your NUMBER ONE QUALITY PAINTING - Exclusive Ocean Village And you didn't mean to be? ALL — Good used furniture location or ours. 25-500 persons. CELEBRATE - Your special Reasonable prices. Call Vincent Resort on Hutchison Island. For a free pregnancy test and wanted, kitchen sets, DR or BR Call anytime, reasonable, 231- occasion with music by Joseph 421-4107.______Beautifully furnished, 1 BR confidential support. ETERNITY. Excellence in all CHARLANE ON YOUR sets, 1 piece or entire home. Day 0947.______ROOF REPAIRS - Priced for Condo, sleeps 4. First Floor. CALL BIRTHRIGHT 766-5115, Eve. 761-4821. types of music. Call 487-4930 or 3 0 0 0 ' Private Beach, Sauna, CARPET & UPHOLSTERY SHOPPING LIST! people on fixed income. Mr. 881-8276. MANOR Quigiey, 683-2757 or 766-4088. Pool, Exquisite Restaurant & 6 2 1 - 1 9 8 8 AMERICAN FLYER. LIONEL, CLEANING PROFESSIONALS Lounge. Free Golf, Tennis VES — Toy trains and —Living, dining rooms & CLEO THE CLOWN - Whole­ CARPENTRY WORK - Wood SENIOR CITIZENS - Have some Musical, Mirth, Magic, HOME and maid service included accessory. By collector. Any age adjointing hallway $34.95. Any 6 replacement windows, porches, your walls washed or painted at Available V10/83 through or condition. PAY UP TO $5888. foot sofa or 2 chairs $39.99. Stain Mime, Puppets, Participation FOR THE kitchens, ceilings, doors, prices you can afford. 241-5953. PREGNANT? csiiata Surprises! 361-3265.______5/1/83, $ ud per week and 276-5325. & soil resistors are available gamerooms, dry wall. South STEEL VALLEY ASPHALT - 5/1/83 through 12/4/83. $265 Let's talk about your options. upon request. Excellent ELDERLY BASEBALL CARDS WANTED “COMBO”- “THE GOD­ NEAR MCKEESPORT HOSPITAL Hills Area. Free estimates. Driveways, parking lots, per week. For pictures, workmanship, years of FATHERS” - Music for all 344-7444. brochure or additional HOTLINE: (412) 791-2420 — Serious collector will pay STATE LICENSED sidewalks A asphalt sealings. cash. Call anytime 462-8286. experience. Call Frank J r. today occasions, satisfaction for all CEMENT-Brick work, side­ Serving the Greater Pittsburgh information. PREGNANCY TESTING: 901-4706 for free est. 922-3249. ages. 761-4821.______For Information walks. driveways, porches, Area. 462-3999 or 462-4245. 908 Penn Avenue. Downtown CASH — for oak furniture. CALL 431-2614 6-10 a.m. MWF. 11-1 p.m. TTS FELICE FAVA HAIRSTYLING D.J. — For all occasions exp. & on Admlaalona patios, drywalls, basements, WALL WASHING - Painting. Furnishing old home, not garages. Free est. Call Joe, 262- antique dealer. Call 361-6185. — And regular cuts, reasonable reason. Music 40-80 Mary 344- PLEASE CALL House Cleaning, window, Fraa and confidential Information, price for senior citizens. 11750 3085.______5899. cleaning, paper cleaning and AUTUMN counaating. pragnancy taating, and LIONEL, AMERICAN FLYER. Frankstown Rd. cross street replace window ropes, Grass re la te d aarvicaa. DISCJOCKEY - With person­ 7 5 1 -9 5 1 3 DRYWALL & PLASTERING— IVES, BUDDY L - Trains. from Speedy Muffler. 241-9428. Carpentry. 481-5684. cutting: Go anywhere. Free SPECIAL ALTERNATIVES TO ABORTION INC. Collector will pay top dollar. Any ality & extensive record library 672-9011 estimates. Call 481-5866. a new ptoAl onannnon age or condition. Electric or FLORIDA — When moving to of songs from the 30's - 80 s. ENERGY SAVERS - Thermal W e e k l y , — $ 1 4 0 wind-up. 343-2698. Florida or from Florida, small Professional Entertainment for Replacement Windows, Glass- WALLPAPER A PAINTING - Lowest of the Year or large amounts of furniture or your next social, private or club block. Storm Doors. Complete Interior and Exterior Painting. LIONEL, AMERICAN FLYER personal belongs. 343-1996. function. Weddings, Anniversa­ Belvedere Residence Home Remodeling. One call Discount on wall coverings. Located directly on the TOURS & IVES TRAINS - Notre Dame Free Est. George Tracy 462- HANDYMAN - All types home ries, & Reunions a specialty. SMI Approved Retirement Home does all. Free Est. John 373-3774 4035, 381-7048. Atlantic Ocean. Directly ADING, PA-Visit all the Alumnus will pay top dollar. Any Book now for 82-83. S. & S. lor Amlwlatary 8 Convilacent Across the Street from St. condition anywhere. Collector. repairs. Plumbing, heating, lets, Jan. 17-18. Motel, deluxe electrical. Cement & yard work. Production Assoc. 412-881-1024. Min A Women. HANDYMAN DAN - Specializ­ WALLPAPER A INSTALLA­ Gabriel's Church. Drew Bauer. 683-7591. 821-3389. ing in home repairs. Roofing, TION—Experienced, profes­ importation, 1 dinner. Call & Very reasonable, prompt HAVE THE MUS1C-U-L1KE BY serve now, Maryfrances 781- service. Jim 431-3026. ' Supervisory Personnel u gutters A downspouts, chimney sional paper hanger; Snop-at- Lone Palm Motel MCKEESPORT AREA - Top A DJ — Wedding & all types oi Mrs. Rhode Lyons, R.N. '5\ pointing, carpentry. Free est. Home service. Discount sanitas price paid for old furniture, parties at a reasonable price. 740 N. Ocean Blvd. 24 Hour Nursing Cars insured 921-6077.______A wallpaper. Free est. 461-8279 Pompano Beach, Florida china, clocks, lamps, toys etc. Call Jerry Fink 884-6431. • Viators Always Welcome,W IRISH CENTRE HOME CARE — remodeling, Dale Redpath. Haber Associates Also will conduct house sales. OF PITTSBURGH “HAVING AN AFFAIR” - _ Located on FREE 672-4343. X Route 422, carpeting, painting, general WALLPAPER HANGING— 412-661-3434 6886 Forward Ave. Sq. Hill Don't keep it ? secret. For 7 miles east repair. Bob 454-0897. musical entertainment a Painting, experience. Call Steve RECORDED HALL RENTAL of New Cattle 279-4055.______ACCOMMODATES weddings, parties, and HOME REMODELING - MAKE OUR banquets. Call Ken Cook Trio Call Kitchens, Family Rooms, 9 0 1 H O U S E S LEGAL 150-500 PEOPLE Paneling, Carpentry, Painting. 804 RENTAL SERVICE ADVERTISERS 276-6807. 924-2191 F O R S A L E 242-9335 All Kinds. Have your cellars, ROOMATE FINDER SER. - INFORMATION NUMBER ONE ‘ MUSIC FOR OCCASION attics-, garages, cleaned. BALDWIN TOWNSHIP- CORDOVOX — Full band sound Renters, your rent cut in Vi. ONE YOUR Chimney pointing A Slushing. Landlords, your home is your Generous backyard, move-in from one musician. Reasonable Reasonable Est. 242-3039. condition, 2 story, 3br. $51,500 2 8 1 -4 6 6 4 SHOPPING LIST! GAETANO’S rates, enjoyment for all ages. HOME FOR income. Ref. checked. Photo's taken. Fee 341-5583. owner 421-2133. BANQUET HALL S Tom Scherer 443-1481, THE ELDERLY INTERIOR PAINTING - Wall CATERING SERVICE MUSIC FOR WEDDINGS - washing. 20 yrs. exp. Very Your location or Oun Billy English Trio. $270 (Quartet SMALL GROUP reasonable. Insured. Free est. FUNERAL DIRECTORS 818 Broadway Ave. 673-5163. 030 $340). We'U handle all your LOTS OF LOVE McKees Rocks PA. 15136 special announcements: toast, J.T. A SONS — Home improve­ 771-8338 bridal dance, cake cutting, Must be Ambulatory ments. Interior and Exterior. throwing bouquet, garter. Call 24 Hour Supervision Painting, papering, drop ceiling CLASSIFIED RATES 421-2083. * REASONABLE and paneling. Masonry and Regular Rate SHOWER A WEDDING Carpentry. Prices Down “ONE MAN BAND" OR 2 0 W o r d s . . . $ 3 . 0 0 15$ Ea. additional word FAVORS “COMBO” — Music for all 787-1841 Because of Inflation. Free est. and DECORATIONS occasions complete with organ, 921-6830 or 745-3462. Prepaid Rate P A R TY TIM E accordian, & bass sound. Call Jeff 276-3954.______2 5 W o r d s . . . $ 3 . 0 0 10$ Ea. additional word Birthday Favor», Etc. PITTSBURGH’S MIKE FEINBER6 CO. k POLKÀ BANDS-Need bands to 9 0 0 ,0 0 0 Bathtubs Resurfaced MINIMUM CHARGE $3.00 DEADLINE 11 AM Mon. 120 Seventh St, Pgh., Pa. 1S222 play at Polish Club. Call 321- CATHOLIC ARE Sava over $7500 over now ______261-0490______1663 S O M E O N E tub InataRaUon. Call: 471-1252 SPECIAL. REACH BEINHAUER FREE RECORDED LEGAL INFORMATION THEM THROUGH Guaranteed. $159.95 THE PITTSBURGH CATHOLIC THE PITTSBURGH PORCELAIN 307.4 495 110 THIRD AVE., PGH„ PA 15222 CALL: 281-4664 CATHOLIC RESURFACING 120.503 Avenge Weakly Circulation Opus Dei Center opens in city Pittsburgh Catholic, Friday, November 26, 1982 — Page 11 Boxer R ay M ancini m ourns Opus Dei, the international organization reported to-the Sacred organization of priests and from a lack of understanding of what Congregation of Secular and Opus Dei is. laypersons, recently opened ai Religious Institutes; now it reports apostolic center in the Point Breeze to the Vatican's Sacred Congrega­ “ If the truth were known," death o f K orean fig h ter section of Pittsburgh. tion of Bishops, with its superior McDonough added, “ Franco exiled The group is an institute of the officer reporting to the pope every just as many Opus Dei members as church “ helping ordinary laypeople five years as would a diocese’s there were Opus Dei members in his By NC NEWS SERVICE bishop. government.” discover the call to holiness that Ray Mancini, the World Boxing they have received,” said Fr. Ron Formerly a diocesan priest in “ We don’t think we have the only Association lightweight champion Gillis, and Opus Dei priest and one of Boston, Fr. Gillis is now considered way, Fr. Gillis said. “ Our gift is to who knocked out South Korean two staff members here. He noted to be a priest of Opus Dei. "We reach out to the ordinary faithful boxer Duk Koo Kim Nov. 13 to retain that the words “ Opus Dei” translate and show them how to make it his title, was “totally distraught” as as “ work of God,” and the group's work.” Kim lay near death Nov. 17, said Fr. work includes days of recolection Timothy O’Neill, who has been and retreats. “ You get a sense of fulfillment and advising Mancini. a life of dedication from the work, he “ We want people to know what Later that day Kim was declared Opus Dei is and to help them find added. legally dead and his mother said his that holiness,” added Thomas "There’s a need for more contact organs would be donated for McDonough, Fr. Gillis's lay to respond to the call of sanctity in transplanting. Kim's body was colleague and a native of New returned to Korea late last week for Jersey. the middle of the world," McDonough said, “ and Opus Dei burial. The organization was foundea in tries to do that” Fr. Gillis added. Fr. O'Neill, a religion teacher at Cardinal Mooney High School in Madrid in 1929 by Fr. (later Msgr.) F r. Gillis McDonough Josemaria Escriva de Balaguer. Its "Opus Dei isn’t a rule, it’s a spirit, Youngstown, Ohio, where Mancini normally don’t have parishes,” he first American foundation was in he explained. “ We want people to be was the senior class president, Chicago in 1949. While new to said of Opus Dei priests. "In some exposed to the spirit." called the boxer “ a real Christian cases where there are well gentleman.” Pittsburgh, Opus Dei has centers in In Pittsburgh for the past twe Boston, New York City, Chicago, St. developed centers, a priest may IN A TELEPHONE interview, Fr. minister to an apostoiate that the months, Fr. Gillis said he and O’Neill, who has known the 21-year- Louis, Milwaukee and San McDonough have been meeting Francisco. One of the group's laity organized.” He added that old Mancini for the last eight years, Opus Dei does not maintain people and working on the described him as “ probably the supporters was the late Cardinal beginnings of the center. John Wright, Fr. Gillis said. seminaries per se, but does have most sensitive young man I ever houses of formation. Fr. Gillis said he found met.” Asked about allegations of the Pittsburghers kind .and receptive Mancini has “ seen the heights; Worldwide the organization has a and added that he has found nc organization’s political involve­ he's seen the depths,” the priest membership of 30,000, with about resistance from local priests or the ment, particularly in regard to the said, recalling that the boxer's 4,000 in the United States. Fr. Gillis bishops. He noted that Opus Dei fascist government of former brother was shot to death and that said some of the lay members are must receive a bishop's permission Spanish dictator Francisco Franco, his father has undergone open-heart married and have families and before starting a new foundation in a Fr. Gillis said that Opus Dei had no surgery. others are committed to celibacy. new diocese. political aims. He said that a lot ot Mancini has “ matured beyond his In August, Pope John Paul II jtiisformation has been connected to Opus Dei’s temporary center is raised Opus Dei to the status of year” because of these experiences, the organization; that misinforma­ located at 7015 Meade Place; Fr. O'Neill said. personal prefecture. Previously, the tion, Fr. Gillis continued, developed telephone number, 241-3653. TH E P R IE S T said he has attended most of Mancini’s fights, usually held on Saturdays. He usually celebrates Mass the next World lightweight champion Ray “ Boom-Boom” Mancini mourns the day for “ the large Catholic Italian death of fighter Duk-Koo Kim at a Mass following their fight in which Kim following from Youngstown” who was fatally injured. come to cheer Mancini, he said. After the Kim fight, he celebrated Mancini, the champion's mother, Describing other fighters as having Mass for Mancini's family and about once responded to another woman “ the art of boxing,'' Fr. O’Neill said 1,000 fans in a ballroom at the who questioned her son's Mancini does not. Tropicana Hotel in Las Vegas. participation in the sport: “ My son is fighting another man that weighs Describing Mancini as having Mancini knocked out Kim at 19 130 pounds. How about your son been an above average student at seconds of the 14th round in a fight who’s a 150-pound quarterback Cardinal Mooney Hign School, Fr that the champion afterward called being hit by three bigger men?” O'Neill said the boxer has otherl violent. He knocked Kim to the options besides a boxing career. “ He-; canvas unconscious with a left-right Mancini “ could not give up boxing plans on retiring in a year or so combination. The right hand blow, now, I don't think,” Fr. O'Neill said. anyway” and going on to college, he an especially powerful punch, lifted But he said that Mancini could not said. the challenger nearly off his feet, fight more than two more years. said reports of the fight. He pointed out that the lightweight Trial ordered On Nov. 16 Dr. Lonnie Hammar- champion is only 5 feet 4 inches tall SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador. gren, a neurosurgeon who operated and has to fight opponents six or (NC) — Salvadoran Criminal Court on the 23-year-old Kim a few hours seven inches taller. “ He has to take Judge Bernardo Rauda Murcia a beating,” the priest said. “ He's after the fight, said Kim was “ brain ordered five members of the dead.” now a physical wreck” after the bout with Kim. National Guard to stand trial for the Some moral theologians have murders of four U.S. Catholic argued that professional boxing "He doesn't know what he's going women missionaries in December, A t Black unity M ass cannot be justified morally because to do.” Fr. O’Neill said. “ To me, I 1980. Murcia issued the indictment Participating in the Black Catholic Ministries unity a boxer is trying to knock out his feel this kid is supposed to be in the Monday after he concluded a nine- Robert Harrison, of New York City, guest celebrant; opponent. public eye for a few more years." month investigation of the case. Mass last week at St. Augustine Church in Fr. Louis Petruha, OFM Cap., pastor of St. ' Lawrenceville were, from left, Regis Bobonis, acting Augustine; and Frances McFadden and Sister Eileen Fr. O'Neill said he would not Mancini is "very short and has to There is no date for the trial yet as chairman of the advisory board of the Black Catholic McGill. —Photo by John C'. Keenan comment on the morality of boxing, go in and slug," the priest said. the guardsmen can still appeal the Ministries, Thelma J. Smith, executive director; Fr. but he recalled that Mrs. Leonard “ He’s a puncher, not a boxer.” judge’s decision to a higher court.

Bishops pray at Viet m onum ent

WASHINGTON (NC) — With the monument behind them reflecting At the memorial, they greeted SAINT MARY CEMETERY sound of the sound of the birds' their images. another group of churchmen who, morning songs in the background “ We pray for those who died in like the Catholic bishops, were in 4000 MOUNT TROY ROAD and the roar of jets overhead, a town to discuss war and peace small group of U.S. bishops prayed battle, out of loyalty for their government, for those who died for issues. The other visitors were early Nov. 18 for the thousands of American Baptists, whose own freedom,” Bishop Ricardo Ramirez Americans killed in the Vietnam meeting was pondering the “ Things of Las Cruces, N.M., said. AMOUNCES War. That Make For Peace.” “ We pray that the youths of this Led by Archbishop Robert F. "W e’re trying to get the churches PLANS FOR CONSTRUCTION nation may not again have to go to Sanchez of Santa Fe, N.M., the to accept the Christian mandate for war,” Archbishop Sanchez added. bishops offered their prayers beside peace that we’ve ignored for too OF A NEW LAWN CRYPT GARDEN the long, simple black stone long," said the Rev. Elbert Beamer monument, which nestles against a VISITING THE memorial before of Fabius, N.Y. “ We’re really knoll on Washington’s mall — the the National Conference of Catholic committing ourselves and park which also contains the Bishops’ annual meeting again took dedicating ourselves to the peace Washington Monument and Lincoln up debate on nuclear war, the effort.” Memorial. bishops represented their Those present, along with colleagues as well. At the memorial, Archbishop Sanchez and Bishop “ DAY AND night you give me they paused to read some of the Ramirez, included Bishop Thomas oyer to torment...At the very names of the dead inscribed on the J. Grady of Orlando, Fla.; Bishop threshhold of death, rescue me, O monument, spoke softly and Joseph F. Maguire of Springfield, Lord . I will praise my God all the remembered the bitter days of the Mass.; Bishop Andrew G. Grutka of days of my life...I am the 1960s and early 1970s when their Gary, Ind.; and Auxiliary Bishop resurrection and the life,” they parishioners and friends coped with Norbert F. Gaughan oi Greeasburg, recited in various readings, the losses of sons, brothers, relatives. Pa.

A rgentine bishops seek action

ROME (NC) — Since 1976 the "In fact, the last letter we wrote, I groups. Argentine hierarchy has been personally gave to Gen. (Reynaldo) During that period high ranHng pressuring the military government Bignone not more than a month officials said that excesses ».y for information regarding the ago,” he said. security forces were responsible for thousands of people who disappear­ some of the dissappearances but ed after being arrested or kidnapped BIGNONE IS the current that most were the result of actions by persons identifying themselves president, named by the army high by guerrillas or common criminals. as members of security forces, said command. The military has been ruling Argentina since March 1976. THE CARDINAL’S trip came Cardinal Juan Carlos Aramburu of after several unmarked mass , Argentina. Estimates of the number of graves had been discovered in Cardinal Aramburu was missing persons made by Argentine Argentina containing more than questioned by reporters Nov. 9 as he and international human rights 1,000 bodies, many of which have arrived at Rome's Fiumicino organizations range from 6,000 to been identified as missing persons. Airport. He said that “ no less than 12 15,000. Most vanished between 1976 The discoveries have increased HOW YOU CAN BENEFIT FROM SELECTING SAINT MARY CEMETERY PROVIDES times have the Argentine bishops and 1979 when the security forces pressures in Argentina for the LAWN CRYPTS AT THIS TIME brought the problem up with the were conducting a counterinsur­ government to provide information gency war against several guerrilla about the missing persons. government.” • Low pre-construction prices offering substantial • Endowed care (perpetual care) is included In your savings selection • Lawn crypt burial assures loved ones a clean, dry • A distinctively Catholic burial for families In the and secure burial at a cost that is /ess than Pittsburgh Diocese traditional ground burial • Security and peace of mind for you and those you A. J. VATER • The selection insures the family against a love FRUIT BASKET decision made In haste under emotional stress AND COMPANY INC • Expansion to meet the growing needs of the community The Ideal Gift For PLEASE NOTE: There is a limited number of lawn r PAINTIN6 AND crypts available. Prompt action is recommended to assure W ith o u t o b lig a tio n o n m y p a rt, p le a s e s e n d m e in fo rm atio n on St. Mary garden lawn crypt program and a copy of "The DECORATING The Holidays the units you desire. For complete information, mail Family Registry”, which explains what to do when a coupon at right to: CONTRACTORS tragedy occurs. | Ask about hanging of | SO LD A T Wall Materials and NAME_ application of SAINT MARY CEMETERY Speciality Coatings. 4000 MOUNT TROY ROAD HENDEL’S PITTSBURGH, PA. 15214 A D D R E S S - Place Your Order Nowl OR CALL: 831-2028 fflil tSIIMAllNl, SiRVICf CITY______Phone 921-2258 F R U I T C O . 4 7 1 -2 8 3 5 PHONE 1509 Stutmme Ave hlbtwyh 5 Pa 210 Forbes Ave., Market Sq.

* Page 12 — Pittsburgh Catholic, Friday, November 26, 1962 M ovie review T V review ' H e i d i ’ s S o n g 9recom m ended

G ary G ilm ore story to a ir "Heidi's Song":A Hanna-barbera superbly handled and expertly it is nevertheless a happy and Production with the voices of Lome directed. The story and the music, delightful song. Not quite as perfect Greene, Sammy Davis Jr., Margery however, leave much to be desired. as it could be, the film is still: an By HENRY HERX violence from which Gilmore came has been done. It will bring little Gray. Songs by Burton Lane and Most of the songs are complete uplifting entertainment, altogether and society’s failure to eradicate it. comfort to those who justify capital Sammy Cahn. Written by Joseph throwaways which do nothing to an enjoyable way to while away the NEW YORk (NC) — One of the punishment as a necessary enhance or propel the action. The hours of a rainy Saturday afternoon. more challenging network SUNDAY NIGHT’S program Barbara, Jameson Brewer and deterrent to any who threaten the Robert Taylor. Directed by Robert story, already very simple, has been dramatizations this season is "The deals with Gilmore's return to Utah community. The media turn the simplified to a great degree of “ too While the characters triumph Executioner’s Song,’’ Norman from an Illinois prison and his Taylor. Rated G. Released by execution into a circus, but even Paramount Pictures. good to be true" in an age where over all obstacles, the audience, on Mailer’s account of a killer’s crimes relatives’ attempts to help him. He more appalling is watching the animation has advanced to loftier the other hand does not. The and execution, airing in two parts on is a classic loser — undereducated, procedures of institutionalized By FR . P ETER HORTON heights and subjects. All questions children in the audience were more Sunday, Nov. 28 and Monday, unskilled and sexually inadequate. violence in the name of the state. are answered, all conflicts resolved fascinated with the snack bar than Nov.29, 9-11 p.m. Both nights on He gravitates to the social fringe, Saturday afternoons at the local with very few dramatic or Heidi. The adults who did venture in The U.S. bishops' statement on NBC. the world of drifters, cars, beer and theatre were always a special time suspenseful twists. Yet, one has to with their children seemed to capital punishment sees the issue as promiscuity. In debt and frustrated in one’s childhood. I remember admire this honest respect for the really enjoy the film even shedding a Mailer won a Pulitzer Prize for his part of a larger need for sensitizing by his girlfriend, Gilmore commits gathering a the old Strand in material, and one must allow that few tears at just the right moments. book on the events that led to the 1977 our society to a "reverence for life.” two robberies, senselessly gunning ' Oakland (now a collection of shops) every animated film is not meant to “ Heidi's Song" is a good family execution of Gary Gilmore, a In dealing with Gilmore, the for three hours of bowling beginning down both victims. be “ Fantasia.” film to be seen by the entire family. convicted murderer who insisted program humanizes but never at nine, and then at noon attending The younger members of the that he deserved to die for his The concluding part on Monday is glamorizes an individual who has the matinee at the theatre) The story is that of a young girl audience weren’t all that certain. crimes. In dramatizing the details of devoted to Gilm ore's arrest, few redeeming qualities. Tommy named Heidi who is reunited with downstairs. Talking with some of the children Gilmore’s twisted life, the program conviction and sentence of death by Lee Jones in a powerful perfor­ her grandfather in the Alps. Until afterwards, there came forth a wide raises many perplexing issues, firing squad — his own choice. Then mance portrays Gilmore as a lost Of course, there were double she arrives, her grandfather lives variety of responses from: "It was among them questions of media begins the process of reviews and soul, unequipped to cope with life features, then, and the price for the alone and can be a bit testy, but great” to “ It's good, but not E .T ." exploitation and sensationalism. appeals filed to prevent the outside a jail cell and unable to whole day was only $1.35. Yes, but Heidi’s innocent charm will change execution. Gilmore rejects them all, express his frustrations except times do change. Gone are the all that. Heidi also has a friendship Such questions are inevitable in a insisting on his right to die and double features, gone are the 17-24 Even though I felt odd as an adult commercial medium, but a more through violence. with Karla, a handicapped child accusing the judges of being moral cartoon extravaganzas and gone with a too-often travelling father without children, I did enjoy fundamental question is whether a cowards for not carrying out the Produced and directed by are the low prices. Still, every once "Heidi’s Song” to the point where I social misfit who brutally and and a very wicked governess by the law. Lawrence Schiller, the dramatiza­ in a while, film makers allow a name of Rottenmeier (even the heartily recommend it for all. Sure, senselessly killed two people is tion argues no point-of-view, but partial return to those bygone days, the film has its faults, but on the worth four hours of television. In the THE EXECUTION is a sobering names describe the characters in through its re-creation of the a feat at which the Disney case you miss the point). This whole, these are minor. This film case of "The Excutioner’s Song" conclusion to all that has gone Gilmore case adds a human animators have excelled for years. governess is the epitome of all that is has been a long time in coming for those hours are needed and used before, but it leaves the viewer with dimension to the national debate nasty, cruel and overbearing. Yes, those who demand more family well to portray the subculture of no sense of satisfaction that justice over capital punishment. There are Karla does walk again, and Heidi is entertainment, and, believe me, it no easy solutions to any of the Now, William Hanna and Joseph Barbera attempt a like accomplish­ the one to be thanked. has been worth the wait. See, complex questions the program embrace and enjoy “ Heidi's Song," raises, but it may help focus ment based on their many years of Heidi’s sincerity is infectious and Local TV, radio animated television excellence. a pleasant oasis in the recent attention on society’s need to curb her love is contagious as more and market. Otherwise, poor little Heidi an era of growing violence without "Heidi’s Song” is their very nice, more characters, including a Television programs very cute, but flawed product. will follow “ Tex" (another excellent itself becoming brutalized in the goatherd and a butler, become some family film) into the realms of dark process. of her dearest friends. In this film, Station Program Time THIS ANIMATED fantasy has a oblivion. This would be a most Directions 6:30 a.m. Sunday love, devotion and dedication are the Channel 4 The program's content and lot going for it as it relates the tale of undeserved fate for a delightful little ultimate victors. "Heidi’s Song" Channel 2 For Our Times 6 a.m. Sunday treatment is intended for an adult Heidi as found in Johanna Spyri’s girl and a blatant conviction of us may pass as an uneven melody, but Channel 11 Mass for shut-ins 6:30 a.m. Sunday audience, although apparently the delightful novel. The animation is all. Channel 9 Mass 10 a.m. Sunday broadcast will not carry an advisory (WOR-TV) to that effect. Channel 40 Fr. Manning 1:30 p.m. Saturday TV PROGRAMS OF NOTE Channel 40 The Glory of God 6 p.m. Tuesday fC eleb ratin g single l i f e Channel 40 Mother Angelic 6 p.m. Wednesday Monday, Noy. 29, 10-11 p.m. on Mother Angelica 6:30 a.m. Thursday channel 16. “ Six Great Ideas.’’ (rebroadcast) Philosopher Mortimer Adler and journalist Bill Moyers discuss how By FR. STEVEN FALSA for a single person today in regard to relationship with God in prayer and special times of reflection. the concept of justice is integral to ' “Celebrating the Single Life: A their spiritual pilgrimage. The life of a single person cannot be Radio programs the pursuit of happiness and Spirituality for Single Persons in The single person should grow in whether it is better to suffer Today’s Word,” Susan Annette Program Time prayer life since they do not have the Station injustice at the hands of others or to Muto, Doubleday and Company, be unjust to them instead. supports of a family or community. WTAE 1250 Mass Sunday 8 a.m. Garden City, New York. 1982. 191 Sunday 6 p.m. Compassionate service is another KDKA 1020 Amplify Tuesday, Nov. 30,9-11 p.m. (CBS) pages. $12.95. important aspect of the life of a WPIT-FM 101.5 « ° saJ 7 „ Daily 7 p.m. "Something So Right.” Comic FR. STEVEN Monday through At one time, John was in the M. PALSA single. They can more easily afford WEDO 810 L,ft Your Heart complications develop when a to give of themselves in generous Friday 9:15 a.m. divorced mother turns to the Big seminary. He lived an active Spiritual Life in helpfulness in volunteer services WEDO 810 Saturday 8:15 p.m Brother organization to provide an spiritual life. Meditation and the Bible spiritual reading were part of the since they have not the responsibili­ adult male friend for her troubled 11- ties of a parent. A single person is WEDO 810 Rosary Sunday noon year-old. daily schedule. He studied hard and socialized with the other students, not complete unless they relate to Wednesday, Dec. 1, 8-8:30 p.m. but after several years of searching, God and serve their fellow man in (ABC) “ Ziggy’s Gift.” The popular John left the seminary and began to charity. comic strip character, Ziggy, makes live in the “ world.” imagined as that of a carefree Movie ratings his television debut in an animated “ playboy” who is concerned only for Useful features of this work are Every now and then people will the pleasures of today. A singles the reading lists at the end of each The classifications for the moral story of a phony Christmas drive Movies on Home Box Office: supposedly collecting money for the ask, “ When are you going back to club cannot be one party after chapter which are designed to help suitability of films are determined the sem inary?” or “ are you Cutter’s Way, A-III needy. Ziggy shows a cynical another or one social event after the single person continue their by the United States Catholic policeman and a hardened dating?” . With some surprise, another. search for an authentic and Conference's Department of Death Valley, O negatives are given in response to Ghost Story, O pickpocket the joy of giving. balanced spiritual life. Works such Communications. these questions. John is quite happy The single person has particular as De Caussade’s “ Abandonment to The Howling, O Saturday, Dec. 4,9-11 p.m. (CBS) living as a single person. Some Movies at area theaters: The Incredible Shrinking needs to be met on the spiritual level Divine Providence,” Victor “ Witness for the Prosecution.” would mistakenly think that a since they are not committed to a life Woman, A-III Frankl’s “ Man’s Search for Absence of Malice, A-II B ased on A gath a C h ristie ’ s "spiritual" li'e could only be lived in of growth in marriage or the Meaning” and the "Autobiography The Chosen, A-II Paternity, A-III suspense classic involving a London a seminary or convent, and that religious life. The spousal of St. Therese of Lisieux” are Creepshow, O Prince of the City, A-III murder trial, this production boasts normal people live it up every day. relationship of marriages gives included as examples of further E.T., The Extra-Terrestrial, A- (Recommended) an all-star cast with Ralph Ragtime, A-IV John's life is composed of each spouse a “ helper” along the reading. I Richardson as the shrewd but way toward the heavenly homeland. Fast Times at Ridgemont The Sea Wolves, A-III crotchety defense counselor and elements that make up a The Silence of the North, A-II wholesome, well rounded person­ Religious life includes community High. O Deborah Kerr as his dotty nurse. living and support. The single is The clear and articulate author of First Blood, A-III So Fine, O ality. He exercises, visits friends “ Celebrating the Single Life” is True Confessions, A-IV TV FILM FARE and does service for the community. constantly mixing with different Halloween III: The Season of people and is in the state of Susan Muto, Ph. D., director of the the Witch, O He has not left his “ spiritual” life Institute of Formative Spirituality • A-l, general patronage. Sunday, Nov. 28, 9 p.m. (ABC) back at the seminary, but has in fact transition. The Missionary, O “ The Electric Horseman” (1980) — at Duquesne University. The made it a point to participate in an institute strives to help students , O • A-II adults and adolescents TV newswoman (Jane Fonda) “ The “ world” is a noisy place. early 6:30 or 7 a.m. Mass before come in contact with the classics of My Favorite Year, A-III teams up with over-the-hill rodeo Radios blare, TVs beckon our National Lampoon's Class o A-III, adults. going to work. Every person is attention.Traffic aggravates. The our religious heritage. star (Robert Redford) to save a called to live out a relationship with Reunion, O • A-IV. adults with reservations. An A-. gallant racehorse from commercial single person seeks to find peace in An Officer and a Gentleman, O IV classillcation is given to certain films God. Single persons must not regard which, while not morally offensive In exploitation. Low voltage but the desert. They need time to reflect Tex, A-II themselves, require caution and some cheerful and unassuming. Romantic "Celebrating the Single Life” is an on their own humanity and to their status in society or the Church Victor/Victoria, A-IV analysis and explanaUon as a protection involvement between the two excellent resource for the parish discover that they do have an as second rate. It is very possible for The World According to Garp, to the uninformed against wrong principals makes it mature fare. A- leaders involved in ministry for intimate relationship to the Father. them to enjoy a wholesome, A-III interpretations and false conclusions. III — Adults, PG — Parental young adults and for singles. The The single person will find support balanced life that includes a o O Morally offensive. Young Doctors in Love, O guidance suggested. book presents some realistic ideals and peace in a deepening meaningful spiritual life.

Father Bruce Ritter THE PREDATORS

with fear. Richie and Laurie and Beth know the Thanks for all your help. We pray God will give you The predator at our Times Square: the smoking hell beneath the bright chances are downright excellent that they will not the energy and fortitude to continue your ministry door was about 30, a lights and glitter and crowds. make it. I mean they will die. Quite young, deformed dark, lank, straight- Cordially "I didn't like ripping people off,” he said. “I never and made ugly by an industry that caters to our haired, bleached- hurt anybody. I didn't like hustling johns either. Last pleasures. Society (that's us) has been unable— or blond, bitter-faced What a great letter! Boy, I needed that. month this woman offered me $500 to, to....” (he flush­ unwilling— to protect these kids or punish their ex­ woman. Her quarry, ed and dropped his head) "to have sex with her on ploiters. Meanwhile, quite literally outside our doors The only reason these kids have any chance at all is 17-year-old Richie, stage in front of a lot of people. It's pretty bad you roam— and wait— the predators, the pimps— and a because our UNDER 21 Centers are here when they was safe inside. have to look happy when you do it. At least you can't bitter-faced woman. need a place to come, to run to— a place where they I want him." she raged. "He agreed to work for see the customers though-the lights are too bright. can be safe from the pimps and predators and johns. m e " But I'm afraid of her," Richie said. "She wants me to They're good kids. You shouldn’t think they're not It work for her some more." would be wrong for you to think they're not good kids. Our security people were not polite. “He doesn't “He knows the chances are excellent that Most of them are simply trying to survive in a world want to go with you," one said curtly. The bitter-faced There are a couple hundred other kids who really he will not make it— I mean, he will die." totally hostile to kids. woman lurned to leave, malevolence incarnate. needed us this week: We are here for them because of you. Almost all of Laurie, 13— a classic middle-class runaway from a Richie, a really good kid, had arrived at UNDER 21 a the money we need to help these kids comes from peo­ few days earlier begging food and Pampers for his 18- classic middle-class family—was picked off by a it's very hard to be true to the dangers and suffering ple like yourself who care about children. As winter Times Square pimp last week and raped and brutaliz­ month-old baby— abandoned by her junkie mother my kids face every day and always be upbeat. approaches we need your prayers and financial help ed before finally being put out on the street to make and being cared for by him in a cheap Times Square Sometimes it's only the certain conviction that God more than ever. Please pray for us, we pray for you. hotel The room rent was being paid by six prostitutes some money. Early Monday morning, Lpurie had the loves these kids infinitely more than we do— even wit and the courage to escape and come to UNDER 21. who had taken pity on the homeless and incompetent when they stand condemned by their own hearts— fthese'kids de need a place to come to, to run to— $ that makes it possible for me to meet tomorrow and young father. Beth, originally from Houston, came in last night, I place where they can be safe from the predators next week and next month the hundreds of other kids tired, cynical, desperate— older inside her mind and J Enclosed is my contribution of g______"Jaime s hungry," Richie said. “She doesn't eat too who will come to our UNDER 21 Centers. And, heart than any of us will ever get. She's 17 now, has often. I haven't either." We quickly provided Pampers sometimes, a letter from a friend on my mailing list I please print: been a prostitute since 15. You might say she came by for the baby and food for both. makes me feel really great— like this one from a I it naturally. You see, her mother— a prostitute— was I NAM E:______"We can t go home," he told us. "My stepfather k illed by her pimp. (The apple doesn't fail far from the mother in Ohio: doesn't want anything to do with us. We’ve been on tree.) October 14th the street for about a year, usually with some friends. j ADDRESS:______I rip people off to get money to feed her. Sometimes I Dear Father Bruce. have to hustle johns.” The beautiful haby squirmed in “Seventeen-year-old Richie arrived at I just wanted you to know that the letters you send CITY:______STATE:______not only elicit a contribution from us, but have a his arms. "She's a good baby; she doesn't cry at all UNDER 21 begging food and Pampers 7ip 11/82 i i> when I hold her...." . profound effect on our fam ily life. We have a 18-year------Fj for his 18-month-old baby." old boy. the youngest of six. who definitely marches Richie and Jaime stayed on with us at UNDER 21, to his own drum. He has been reading your letters Please send this coupon with your donation to: and our staff began the difficult and sensitive process ever since you preached at our Church a year or so Sometimes people write me very concerned about of trying to help a young street kid get his life back in ago. He asks to see the letters and, I think, sees COVENANT HOUSE the traces of anger or sadness that occasionally himself reflected in many of the situations you order. Father Bruce Ritter appear in my talks and in my letters. Although I try describe. His rebellions and experiments are temper­ P.O. Box 2121 Rfichie’s brief history— a. runaway at 14—gave us pretty hard to control these feelings, I'm not always ing and he is developing into a very nice young man, Times Square Station an all-too-familiar glimpse into that netherworld of successful. It’s their faces. Kid's faces are supposed although frequently headstrong. Your letters have New York, NY 10108 to be happy and open and excited and alive. Their made nim realize, I think, that running from your Father Bruce Ritter, OFM Conv., is the founder and President eyes should be filled with trust and innocence. problems never solves them; and that, although we of Covenant House/UNDER21, which operates crisis centers may not be perfect, he does have a very intact, loving Because the street is NO PLACE FOR A CHILg for homeless and runaway youth all over the country. M y kids' faces are worn and cold; their eyes filled home.
