X3 r* r* Q O Inside i I B / 5 1—H »-H C_ H O 33 O - s j J K ill d]cz XJ CZ 'O * s r A V W * . riCO CO >■ m OD 30 M ‘JO CO O CZ *—1 z. o 30 y » 'J> T) a z X O C. o r~ 1—4 33 < 15 Cents i O L K ^ m m 30 3D H CO o 138th Year, CXLIII No. 38 Established in 1844: America's Oldest Catholic Newspaper in Coni *—t Co Friday, November 26, 1982 CO H "D H •< > 30 m m H — CO Peace letter i e d e b a t e WASHINGTON (NC) — The U.S. the secretary of the Navy and are undertaken for disarmament; bishops showed basic agreement on another letter signed by the former and that balance, not superiority, is their controversial war and peace head of the CIA, among others. the only acceptable aim in nuclear pastoral at their annual meeting in Archbishop Joseph Bernardin of strategy. Washington Nov. 15-18, but the Chicago, chairman of the five- document stirred animated debate bishop committee responsible for on the floor of the meeting and in the Archbishop Bernardin introduced drafting the pastoral letter, discussion of the draft by the Capital punishment press. Even the White House repeatedly turned aside media criticized it. nation's bishops Nov. 15 by noting efforts to engage him in a debate that his committee was satisfied Tommy Lee Jones plays the role of Gary Gilmore, the Utah killer, in After four days of in-depth with the administration over its that its conclusions regarding a TV mini-series that examines capital punishment. Reviewer Henry discussion on the current draft of the criticisms. nuclear deterrence were correct, Herx calls "The Executioner’s Song" one of the more challenging TV document, the bishops voted almost but it was dissatisfied with the moral dramas of the season in his review on page 12. APPARENTLY FOLLOWING his unanimously to hold an extraordi­ cue, the other bishops debated the argument used to reach those nary spring meeting May 2-3 in pastoral letter draft on its own S conclusions. Chicago to discuss and vote on a merits or weaknesses. revised version of the letter. ‘ ‘ I could not cite an instance where “ The committee recognizes the Focus on teachers While many bishops urged it (the Reagan administration delicacy of the deterrence issue. modifications of parts of the current letter) directly influenced" the floor and we are keenly aware of how Catholic lay teachers are called draft, only Archbishop Philip important it is that the bishops “ witnesses to the faith" in a new debate on the pastoral, said Hannan of New Orleans publicly Archbishop John Roach of St. Paul- present in this pastoral a moral document issued by a Vatican called for the whole document to be theory which is in conformity with congregation headed by U.S. Cardinal Minneapolis, president of the ARCHBISHOP BERNARDIN discarded, and only 12 of the more National Conference of Catholic the totality of the church's moral William Baum, left. The document urges than 280 assem bled prelates deterrence of nuclear war as its sole teaching," Archbishop Bernardin that teachers receive adequate salaries Bishops, during a press conference registered "basic disagreement” at the end of the meeting Nov. 18. immediate goal while negotiations said. and recognition as fully equal members with the work in an initial “ table with priests and Religious of the school poll” of their reactions to the draft. The second draft of the pastoral community. Page 9. letter condemns virtually any use of Bishops gain backing A LARGE minority of bishops, nuclear weapons in war. It flatly however indicated “ major rejects first use of nuclear weapons Also retired Adm. John Marshall reservations” about the current as immoral or any second use that is WASHINGTON (NC) — Twenty- draft. They were most deeply four present and former govern­ Lee; retired Brig. Gen. Robert M. directed at or substantially affects Montague; Glenn T. Seaborg, divided over how the pastoral — civilian populations. ment officials, prominent scientists intended as a national expression of and scholars have defended the former chairman of the Atomic church teaching and moral While not condemning outright a right ot the U.S. Catholic bishops to Energy Commission and professor guidance on nuclear war and related limited nuclear response directed at speak out on the issue of nuclear of chemistry at the University of Nuclear critic issues — should treat the morality of strictly military targets, it sharply arms. California: and former Secretary of nuclear deterrence. questions the practical possibility of Commerce Philip M. Klutznick. keeping such nuclear warfare Seattle Archbishop Raymond "If nuclear war were to come, Noting that “ since President As the bishops aired their within the limits of what is morally Hunthausen, in a talk here, said if one present silence on their part would Eisenhower's day it has been well differences under 4he glare of the justifiable and concludes that on side of the nuclear arms race would be unforgivable,” the 24 said in a accepted that nuclear war could most extensive media coverage balance such usage would be, at disarm, the other would respond. He letter released in Washington Nov. well spell the end of modern ever accorded a U.S. bishops' best, morally questionable. calls it “ naive" to trust in a nuclear meeting, the Reagan administration 18, the final day of the annual civilization," they said, “ Thus, it buildup. Page 9. entered the fray in mid-meeting It also declares immoral the general meeting of the National seems reasonable to conclude that with an open letter complaining that threat or intent to use nuclear Conference of Catholic Bishops. this prospect presents a moral the document contained "funda­ weapons in ways that, if carried out, problem for religious leaders to be Signers included Sen. Mark O. concerned about." mental misreadings" of U.S. wouid be immoral. Hatfield (R-Ore.); William E. nuclear policies and failed to ON THE KEY ISSUE of the Colby, former director of the Pointing out that, in preparing consider ‘‘far-reaching’’ U.S. Central Intelligence Agency; their proposed pastoral letter on Also inside proposals to reduce nuclear possession of nuclear weapons as part of a strategy of deterrence, the Gerard C. Smith, chief U.S. nuclear weapons, the bishops weapons and the threat of nuclear negotiator in the first Strategic consulted "a substantial number of Editorial....................... <.......................................................................4-5 conflict. draft judges that that deterrence strategy must fall within the moral Arms Limitation Talks; Paul well-informed civilian and military Around the diocese................................................................................7 Press coverage included a limits imposed on the use of threat to Warnke, chief U.S. negotiator in Salt leaders,” the 24 signatories said, Obituaries................................................................................................6 newspaper column in which a critic use nuclear weapons; that it must be II; Dr. Claire Randall, general "we suspect that as a result they are called the draft "nuclear heresy," a an interim strategy with disarma­ secretary of the National Council of better informed technically than Home Again............................................................................................ 8 response to the column, a letter from ment as its basic goal and Churches. most of their critics." Pastoral B ishops here 'for it’ By STEPHEN KARLINCHAK "There was strong support behind the bishops will have to try to help The diocese’s two auxiliary the letter in its substance," Aux. American Catholics form their bishops both voiced support — with Bishop Anthony Bosco said. “ I wish consciences, but that part has yet to reservations — for the second draft there was less formal language. be settled. of the proposed pastoral letter of the “ A PASTORAL LETTER is the Concerning disseminating National Conference of Catholic shepherds speaking to their people. information about the pastoral Bishops on nuclear weapons, war Catholics on the street won’t be able letter to the ‘‘Catholics in the pews, ’ ’ and peace. to fully digest the document with its Bishop McDowell said that pulpits style and language." and schools might be the first place (Bishop Leonard could not be where Catholics would be informed reached for comment before press about the document. Bishop Bosco time.) Bishop Bosco said that the letter's said there was some talk at the second draft “ ignores the meeting about issuing a study guide “ I think a lot of work needs to be significant talks about the mentality done," said Aux. Bishop John and/or a summary concerning the of peace,” whileoverly stressing the pastoral letter. Both bishops said McDowell. “ The bishops aren’t a discussion of nuclear arms. ■ bunch of starry-eyed liberals. there were no definite plans to We’re very realistic. If anybody has "If we are to think of ourselves as disseminate information at this doubts, he hasn’t read the a peaceful people, people will have time. documents.” to learn to appeal to international “ Everybody knows that we want diplomacy and organizations, such to say no to nuclear w ar," Bishop Bishop McDowell said that the as the United Nations," he said. McDowell concluded, "but the bishops at the NCCB meeting Asked about the information bishops haven't sold out to the weren’t promoting a unilateral packets sent to the bishops from the Russian embassy.” disarmament. He said that the White House, Bishop Bosco said that IN OTHER MATTERS, Bishop second draft of the pastoral letter they brought little reaction from the calls for a verifiable, controlled, Bosco was elected to the United bishops assembled. He did note that States Catholic Conference's realistic freeze. “ The letter follows the materials did call attention to the Holy Father’s teachings,” the communications committee, which previous U.S.
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