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Universal Declaration of 1948 -1998 Member. National Coordinating Committee for UDHR50 His Excellency Kofi Annan Secretary General of the , N.Y. 10017 Board of Directors

M. Glen Johnson Dear Mr. Secretary General: President Judith A. Lewittes On behalf of the Board of Directors of the Roosevelt Center at Val-Kill Wee President Shirley M. Handel (ERVK), it is my honor to inform you that you have been selected to receive the Treasurer 1998 Val-Kill Medal. The Medal Ceremony is scheduled for Roland E. Butts Secretary jSeotember 271 1998 at Vat-Kili. Eleanor Roosevelt's home..in Hyde Park, New York. Presidents William Jefferson. Clinton of the United States and Nelson Maureen Andola Hazel B. Barcher Robin Bell-Stevens Allida Black Angela Cabrera Eleanor Roosevelt's life was dedicated to changing the world around her for the Lucy Cohan better. This medal is awarded in her honor, here at her home in Hyde Park, to Paul B. Cole, III, NFS Reginetta Haboucha outstanding individuals who live their lives with a similar purpose to Mrs. Joanne Hayes Roosevelt's. You are one of these people. Mary Lou Heissenbuttel Eileen Hickey Nancy Hodgkins The 1998 Eleanor Roosevelt Val-Kill Medal Ceremony will mark the 50th Margaret A. King Patricia Duane Lichtenberg Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by highlighting the James F. Passikoff work of world leaders whose courage evokes the spirit of Eleanor Roosevelt. Manuel A. Rosa Bernice Regunberg This celebration will link your tireless dedication to bettering the human condition Frances P. Taft with the vision of Eleanor Roosevelt. We who work in Eleanor Roosevelt's name Marie N. Tarver Marc A. vanderHeyden understand and appreciate your deep commitment to the oppressed, the needy and Herbert Zohn the underprivileged. Like Mrs. Roosevelt, you choose to rise above the fray to Daniel A. Strasser look to the needs of every individual. Like her also, your work for a humanitarian Executive Director ideal includes a capacity to be pragmatic in the face of difficult options.

The inspiration for the 1998 Eleanor Roosevelt Val-Kill Medal Ceremony comes from a quote of Mrs. Roosevelt's: "Where, after all, do human rights begin? In small places, close to home..." Your life's work to help make the United Nations an effective and significant organization for the pursuit of peace and human dignity is the embodiment of those words and Mrs. Roosevelt's philosophy that an individual can and must make a difference.

"Where, after all, do human rights begin? In small places, close to home..." Eleanor Roosevelt Eleanor Roosevelt Val-Kill Medal Recipients, 1987 -1997: 1997: Trude W. Lash, Rachel Robinson, Hollis W. Shaw, Margaret R. Zamierowski; 1996: Dennis J. Murray, Her Majesty, Queen Noor of Jordan, Lea Rabin, Frances S. Reese; 1995: Hillary Rodham Clinton, Hamilton Meserve, Helen Meserve, : 1994: , Mary Lou Heissenbuttel, Lucille P. Pattison, Fred Rogers; 1992: Edward Asner, *, Jack A. McEnroe, Ethel C. Torgesen; 1991: John Chancellor*, Mary Hart Keeley, Norman Vincent Peale*. John C. "Chips" Quinn*; 1990: Hamilton Fish, Jr.* Schuyler M. Meyer, Jr.*, Cynthia Parsons, Marie N. Tarver; 1989: Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., *, Father Bruce Ritter, Rabbi Erwin Zimet*; 1988: Mother Clara McBride Hale*, Eugene M. Lang, MacArthur*, Richard K. Wager; 1987: Harry Belafonte, Trevor Ferrell, Celeste Holm, John E. Mack, . deceased

ERVK is a nonprofit organization. All contributions are tax deductable to the extent permitted by law. "•* The upcoming 50th Anniversary of the Declaration, which Eleanor Roosevelt considered her greatest contribution, is an opportunity to rally the entire world around the understanding and the conviction that a universal standard of human rights achievement does in fact exist and that it must be the unquestioned standard for the 21 st century. Today, you stand as the chief spokesman of the United Nations, which acts as the guardian of the Universal Declaration and the Covenants and other treaties deriving from it. Most importantly, however, through your humanitarian and peacekeeping work in Kuwait and Bosnia and your courageous diplomacy with Iraq, which saved countless lives, you have established a strong personal legacy. In a little over a year as Secretary General, you have restored to the office and the institution the dignity and effectiveness needed to carry out its important global mission.

Since 1987, thousands of people have come to Val-Kill to witness the Eleanor Roosevelt Val-Kill Medal bestowed to worthy recipients. Among them have been Hillary Rodham Clinton, Queen Noor of Jordan, the late Congresswoman Barbara Jordan, Harry Belafonte, Lea Rabin of Israel, Marian Wright Edelman, Rachel Robinson and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Other medal recipients are listed on our letterhead. Since receiving the award herself in 1995, Mrs. Clinton has served as Honorary Chair of the Medal Ceremony.

In past years, the powerful connection between the medalists and Eleanor Roosevelt has reverberated across the nation and the world as the press carried the story over media in the United States, Europe and the Middle East. The response engendered by the connection between Eleanor Roosevelt, , Nelson Mandela and yourself would be very significant. The union of champions of human rights in Val-Kill, this "small place, close to home," would speak to the world. It would be a powerful message that the fight for human rights cannot be stopped by intimidation, imprisonment or murder. There will always be people—good and true—who will continue the fight. The United Nations remains the hope for a universal standard of accountability in this area. It would be a profound statement to the world to see you stand with these two Presidents at Eleanor Roosevelt's humble cottage in the woods in support of these principles.

The Eleanor Roosevelt Val-Kill Medal Award Ceremony and luncheon is planned for 11 a.m. on Sunday, September 27, shortly following opening of the UN General Assembly on September 15. The Medal Ceremony is an important symbolic event as well as an opportunity to raise the funds necessary to carry on the programs of ERVK in areas of women's1 empowerment, youth development, racial harmony and commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

In keeping with Mrs. Roosevelt's personality, the ceremony is a warm and inspiring occasion and is a major event drawing its non-partisan audience from areas as diverse as Washington, D.C., the Middle East, , the Mid-West and the West Coast of the United States. The ceremony will take place on the grounds of Val-Kill, which is eighty miles north or , and is the only U.S. National Historic Site dedicated solely to an American . I enclose material about ERVK, as well as programs from recent medal ceremonies. It is our great hope that you will be able to join us for this historic occasion. If you or your representatives have any questions, I can be reached at the above contact numbers. We truly hope that your busy schedule will allow us an opportunity to honor you.


Daniel A. Strasser Executive Director

Enclosures: As stated