8th International Congress of Croatian Society of Mechanics

Last Call for Papers

Opatija, 29 September -2 October, 2015

Congress Co-chairmen: Ivica Kožar Nenad Bićanić Gordan Jelenić Marko Čanađija About the Congress Scientific Committee Alfonso Nappi, International Congress of the Croatian Society of Mechanics is triennial Giulio Alfano, Brunel University Bojan Ničeno, Paul Scherrer Institute, Villigen meeting established for the mutual exchange of scientific and technical Ivo Alfirević, Roger J. Owen, Swansea University information from the domain of mechanics not only with a focus to the Ferri M.H. Aliabadi, Imperial College, London Joško Ožbolt, University of Stuttgart Central Europe but also beyond this region. Satya N. Atluri, University of California, Irvine Anna Pandolfi, Politecnico di Milano Prospective authors are invited to submit high quality, novel Klaus-Jürgen Bathe, Massachusetts Institute of Đorđe Perić, Swansea University papers or practical reports addressing contemporary issues, emerging Zdeněk P. Bažant, Northwestern University Pavel Polach, Research and Testing Institute Plzeň problems and other topics in mechanics. Fluid, solid and structural Nenad Bićanić, Ekkehard Ramm, University of Stuttgart mechanics contributions are most welcome. Josip Brnić, University of Rijeka Franz G. Rammerstorfer, Vienna University of Technology If you are interested in organizing a thematic session, please visit Samir Dolarević, Zoran Ren, http://www.8iccsm.com/en/thematic_sessions/45/34 for more details. Josef Eberhardsteiner, Vienna University of Technology Carlo Sansour, University of Nottingham Official language of the congress is English. António J. M. Ferreira, Ivo Senjanović, University of Zagreb Ugo Galvanetto, Vladimir Sigmund, Marc Geers, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven Jan Sladek, Slovak Academy of Sciences Pre-congress school of mechanics (optional) Jean-Michel Ghidaglia, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan Jurica Sorić, University of Zagreb Before the Congress, one-day school on multiscale methods will be held. Friedrich Gruttmann, Technical University Darmstadt Laurent Stainier, Ecole Centrale de Nantes Please see web site www.8iccsm.com for details. Hu Haiyan, Beijing Institute of Technology Leopold Škerget, University of Maribor Gerhard A. Holzapfel, Graz University of Technology Boris Štok, University of Ljubljana Submission Instructions Adnan Ibrahimbegović, UT Compiegne/ Sorbonne Universities Zdenko Tonković, University of Zagreb One page abstracts and full length papers have to be submitted via the Alojz Ivanković, University College Dublin Rade Vignjević, Cranfield University congress web pages not later than indicated on this flyer. Guidelines and Stjepan Jecić, University of Zagreb Zdravko Virag,University of Zagreb templates will be found on the congress webpage. Miloš Kojić, Harvard School of Public Health Werner Wagner, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology All accepted papers will be published in the congress proceedings. Jože Korelc, University of Ljubljana Peter Wriggers, Leibniz University of Hannover Dražan Kozak, University of Osijek Wolfhard Zahlten, University of Wuppertal Congress fees Wilfried B. Krätzig, Ruhr-Universität Bochum Before Apr 15, 2015 After Apr. 16, 2015 Lovre Krstulović-Opara, Organising committee Regular: 380 € 430 € Lars-Erik Lindgren, Luleå University of Technology Mirjana Bošnjak-Klečina, University of Osijek Student: 280 € 320 € Tomasz Łodygowski, Poznan University of Technology Marino Brčić, University of Rijeka Accompanying person: 150 € 200 € Vlado Lubarda, University of California, San Diego Igor Karšaj, University of Zagreb Herbert A. Mang, Vienna University of Technology Pavao Marović, University of Split Regular and student fees include admission to welcome reception, all Pavao Marović, University of Split Pejo Konjatić, University of Osijek congress sessions, gala dinner, lunches, coffee breaks, excursion and Franjo Matejiček, University of Osijek Zdenko Tonković, University of Zagreb Under the Auspices of congress materials. Accompanying person fees include admission to Hermann G. Matthies, Technical University Braunschweig Neira Torić Malić, University of Rijeka Central European Association welcome reception, gala dinner, coffee breaks and excursion. Jörn Mosler, Technical University Dortmund for Computational Mechanics Justin Murin, Slovak Technical University

The Venue Congressional Service Opatija is a small town located at the northern edge of Mediterranean, Tourist agency Da Riva known for well-tended parks and promenades. Tourism in Opatija, mainly Maršala Tita 170, 51410 Opatija, Croatia as winter and climatic health resort, started back in 1844, quickly gaining Tel. ++385 (0)51 272-990 the reputation of the „Austrian Nice“. Today, Opatija is a leading summer Fax: ++385 (0)51 272-482 touristic resort on the Northern Adriatic. It is also a congress centre, with e-mail [email protected] or [email protected] a congress history back to 1885. Opatija is situated near Rijeka, the web: www.8iccsm.com regional centre, and is easily accessible by car, bus or train. Bigger nearby airports are located in Zagreb and Ljubljana. For these two airports, shuttle services can be arranged via congress web page. Important dates Congress venue is Grand Hotel 4 opatijska cvijeta. Restaurants, Abstracts submissions: Dec 1, 2014 entertainment, parks and shops are conveniently located within walking Abstracts acceptance: Jan 15, 2015 distance. Staying in this hotel is optional, but we highly recommend it, as Submission of full length Apr 15, 2015 it will save you time and offer good opportunities to socialize with other papers and early registration: participants. More economical accommodation can be found at the Reservation of accomodation: Aug 25, 2015 Congress web site.