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The BG News March 20, 1997

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"Serving the Bowling Green community for over 75years" # Faculty aim for 8.9 percent salary increase

ByDARLAWARNOCK A clause in the resolution cites he would like to see for the Uni- "It is released as information The BG News the probable cancellation of the versity. because it indicates that the fac- Faculty salary pool increases Early Retirement Incentive Pro- "It's a dialogue," Gold said. ulty of the University are the most important thing in salary," A resolution making ils way up gram, freeing up money for in- "The President has stated he An 8.9 percent increase is year Total Policy through various Faculty Senate creasing faculty salaries as well wanted to raise the level of facul- Lunde said. being requested lor the committees is aiming at attaining as the overall amount of current ty salaries to at least the 50th He said the increase needs to 1997-98 academic year 1991-92 0.00 an 8.9 percent salary increase in full-time faculty. percentile. This would do that." be met in order to attain the goal 1992-93 3.30 100/0 the salary pool for the 1997-98 She said the administration has of becoming the "premier learn- The following Is The money is distributed along a list of the 1993-94 100/0 academic year in all faculty already noted the expected facul- ing community in Ohio and one of percent of 4.05 ranks. a 60-40 split, which allocates 60 ty salary increase would be at 3 the best in the nation." salary pool 1994-95 3.00 50/50 percent for across the board percent. The recommended salary in- Increases over 1995-96 50/50 The faculty found that in order raises and 40 percent for merit crease will be discussed and the past six 5.00 academic years. 1996-97 60/40 to begin to be competitive with increases among all faculty Hal Lunde, Faculty Senate voted on at the April 1 meeting of Totals are 3.00 other higher education institu- members. chairman, said the resolution will the Faculty Senate. The resolu- shown In Averages over last J 5 years tions and keep the best faculty, Veronica Gold, Faculty Senate be a starting point for faculty to tion has already been approved percents. they need to raise the level of the secretary, said the resolution is begin conversing with adminis- through the Faculty Welfare 5.37 66/34 salary pool. Last year, the faculty in response to what University tration about how goals will be Committee and the Senate Exec- BG News Graphic by Dark W*mock received a S percent increase. President Sidney Ribeau voiced able to be met with the increase. utive Committee. Sourer Faculty Senate Honors students Emptiness Spring raffle semester's invites worth of tuition parties ByGENELLPAVELICH The BC News By SARAH BE0NARSKI "It is important for The BC News A semester's worth of tuition is students to take an being raffled off today, along With wanner temperatures interest in helping comes the increase of parties and with various other prizes, as part reward good the Bowling Green de- of the Honors Student Associa- partment is getting ready. tion's annual tuition raffle. scholarship." According to Major Thomas Carrie Dulin, HSA tuition raf- Votava, Interim chief, there is a fle co-chairwoman, said any stu- Carrie Dulin greater amount of parties be- dent enrolled this spring semes- HSA tuition raffle co-chairwoman cause it's spring and students ter for at least one credit hour tend to bring the partying out- can purchase raffle tickets and doors which creates more noise be eligible for winning prizes. The date for the tuition raffle and disturbance. Other prizes that will be raf- drawing is today. It will take fled off include half a semester's place at noon in the Falcon's Votava said that they tuition, three book scholarships Nest. Students can purchase raf- mend telling neighbors about the and 100 pizzas, Dulin said. fle tickets today up until the be- party so that they are aware of it She said she would encourage ginning of the drawing. "You should also know all the students to get involved with this Dulin said this fund-raiser is people you are Inviting," Votava raffle and even volunteer their very successful for HSA and last said. "What tends to happen is time to help with processing the year the raffle raised $24,000 that a keg is put out, and it ends raffle ticket orders. that was put toward prizes and up snagging what comes down "It is important for students to student scholarships. the street." take an interest in helping re- "Free tuition is always a nice According to Votava the hosts ward good scholarship," Dulin thing," Dulin said.'"Beyond that, must also be aware of who is 21. said. "The money raised helps getting involved with any organi- If someone underage is drinking, out those students who have zation is rewarding to feel part of the hosts can be liable for any- shown academic success." the campus community and work thing that happens to that person Besides the prizes awarded, toward a goal and see it attained or other persons that come in the rest of the money raised in in a clear-cut form." contact with that person. the raffle will be used as part of Moorman agreed and said all the J. Robert Bashore schol- "Underage drinking is obvious students have a chance to benefit more in spring than in summer arship fund for students, Dulin from this fund-raiser. said. because it is being done out- "Most college students I know doors," Votava said Stacy Moorman, HSA tuition feel a little cramped for money raffle co-chairwoman, said she As the amount of parties in- when it comes time to pay for creases, Votava said, there is also would like to see students get in- their tuition or their book bills," volved with the raffle because it an increasing number of as- she said. "The tuition raffle helps saults, littering and misconduct. can help everyone. with that; it raises money to be "Not only do we raise money "Most of these are caused by given out in the Bashore schol- alcohol, and you can get into for the Bashore scholarships for arships, but it also gives every students who work hard at their student at the University - both trouble that way," Votava said. studies and get good grades," she graduate and undergraduate, The department Is preparing said, "but with the prizes we also honors student and non-honors for the rise in parties by Increas- give other students who might student - a chance to ease their ing the number of officers on have other commitments to money troubles." BC Ncwi Photo by Hide kl Kobayuhl duty. According to the amount of juggle with school, like jobs and For more information on the Bicycle racks remain vacant over the weekend but possible bicycle traffic may arise with streaks of calls for service in a particular families, a chance to win a se- HSA tuition raffle, contact the warm weather approaching. area, each officer is placed mester's worth of tuition." Honors office at 372-S504. where the problems occur, Vo- tava said. According to Barbara Waddell, campus public safety officer, Doctors diagnose Scott Hamilton with cancer students tend to be out more and doing more things in the spring and that causes the problems. The Associated Press His doctors, urologist Eric day's appearance in Dayton and uted by Kain. Klein and cancer specialist Ron- wont appear in the final seven "...I feel 100 percent "With such an extraordinary "The number of problems CLEVELAND - Olympic gold ald Bukowski, said Hamilton will shows of the tour through March confident that I can group of people, coupled with my tends to be fairly steady on cam- medal skater Scott Hamilton has undergo chemotherapy. 30 in Rochester and Albany, N. Y., own belief that the only disability pus throughout the year because been diagnosed with testicular Kain said the chemotherapy Amherst, Mass., Providence, R.I., overcome this in life is a bad attitude, I feel 100 most students go off campus to cancer, his business manager would begin immediately at the Roanoke, Va., Hershey, Pa., and disease and be back percent confident that I can party," WaddeU said. said Wednesday. Cleveland Clinic. Hamilton hopes Portland, Maine, Kain said. overcome this disease and be Both Waddell and Votava said Robert D. Kain, head of IMG to return to his Denver home "Within the past 48 hours, I am on the ice within a back on the ice within a few that students deserve to have a North America, said tests done later this month blessed to have had the assis- few months." months." good time and party. Monday at the Cleveland Clinic Hamilton performed with Dis- tance of such a remarkable team Klein and Bukowski said the showed the 38-year-old Hamilton cover Stars On Ice in Peoria, 111., of medical specialists, the un- Scott Hamilton vast majority of men with the "We want students to party, had a lower abdominal tumor on Sunday despite severe stom- wavering support of the cast of condition are "highly curable but they have to do It legally, and caused by cancer cells In the tes- ach pains which have nagged him Discover Stars On Ice, my man- colleagues closest to me," Hamil- with an average 70 percent to 80 there needs to be a concern for ticles. for weeks. He canceled Tues- agement and those friends and ton said in a statement distrib- percent success rate." others," Votava said. page two The BG News Thursday, March 20. 1997

Mike Wendling Opinion Editor Opinion 372-6966

AARON WEISBROD Local clubs need more local bands Jt was the best of times. It was the been pretty progressive with Its scene has a lot to do with the Including cover bands, need a worst of times. music community. Toledo's problem. little time to develop a fan base. -Charles Dickens noteworthy bands are getting Now. In the name of fairness, let That's Just the way It works. better with each passing day. me say that some of the clubs In Period. Seems like all the time our boat Is more and more clubs are this town book original bands on a I suppose I wouldn't be so slowly sinking starting to book original bands fairly regulpr basis, and hence pissed off about this Issue If It You don't even seem to mind and more of a "hype" about the result In a better (and livelier) weren't for the fact that a -Garbage noteworthy bands in Toledo is weekend club scene. I think we all number of BG's clubs flat out being generated on a weekly know who these clubs are (and refuse to even give a lot of this I don't think It's a secret to basis. aren't). Please allow me to be the area's distinguished bands a NEWS anybody that I like music. Toledo still has quite a way to first one to commend these clubs chance. Mind you. I'm not Maybe I'm Just some weird freak go before It becomes a truly for booking original music, and not talking about a group of four "Serving the Bowling of nature (society?) or something, "band-friendly" town, but It living Jukeboxes. high school kids who've never but I truly believe that good music, certainly deserves to be com- Now that I've said that, let's get played out before, but rather "Through Green community for through both lyrics as well as mended for slowly (but surely) back to the problem at hand, shall bands based In the BG (and Instrumentation, can evoke and developing a portion of Its social we? especially Toledo) area who cover bands over 75 years" stimulate people's Imagination and and economical base around Yes. BG has a number of clubs draw up to hundreds of people and certain Intellect In ways that no other this thriving and growing to choose from, but most of them to their shows! 210 West Hall medium can. population. offer the students of BGSU (as well Is It Just me or does this apathetic Bowling Green State University In an age in which individual Bowling Green's entertain- as the whole Bowling Green simply not make sense? clubs, the BG Bowling Green, OH thinking Is promoted less and less ment scene, on the other hand, community) nothing more than Furthermore, it's completely community is 43403 every day. I guess I kind of view sucks. roofs to drink beer under. While unfair to the college students music as one of the last true It's not that BG doesn't have I'm not trying to criticize the who don't have access to places being de- bgnews@ bgnet .bgsu .td u reservoirs of unadulterated human the bands, because It does. patrons of such establishments (or like Toledo. Maybe I'm being a prived of the (419) 372-2601 Intellect and Insight. It's a way for Powerhouse and listener- the establishments themselves). I little naive and optimistic about (real?) enter- someone to express his or her friendly BG-based bands like am criticizing the decision of some the role of a night club, but I views In a way that not only makes The Kind. Rlbcage Houdinls. of BG's clubs to book cover bands would think that It almost has tainment we Editorial Board 372-6966 one feel better, but also gives the Evolotto. The Jlnkles. Gone Instead of original bands. an obligation to the community all so desper- people who hear It a bigger, Daddy Finch, and Choke When one takes the time to it caters to to provide its pa- ately want Scott Brown broader, and hopefully more Sympathy are all proof of this. consider what an incredibly trons with what they want. Editor enlightened world view...unless of Nor do I feel that the citizens diverse music scene (from rock to The simple truth of the and need." course It's gangster rap. of BG or BGSU can be blamed matter Is this: Through cover Vince Guerrieri D.irl.i Wamock rap to metal to blues) the Toledo/ Just kidding. for the crapplness of this town's BG area has. BG's lack of progres- bands and certain apathetic Chief Reporter Managing Editor If I were writing this column entertainment scene. When sive band booking is nothing short clubs, the BG community Is three years ago (which Is about the noteworthy original bands of criminal...not to mention stupid. being deprived of the (real?) Amy Johnson Brandon Wray time I first started writing columns (whether they be of a local, Almost everyone I've ever talked entertainment we all so desper- Assistant Entertainment for The News), I would have said regional, or national caliber) lo here at BGSU (as well as 133 ately want and need, and If the Managing Editor Editor that the majority of the people in play In town, the clubs In out of the 155 students recently people currently responsible for this area don't realize what an question are usually heftily surveyed by The News) agrees that this situation don't do some- Penny Brown Mike Wendling abundance of musicians the filled (If not jam-packed). Bowling Green's clubs need more thing about it, someone else Copy Chief Opinion Editor Northwest Ohio area has. I'm afraid that the Impotence "real" bands. Not cover bands, will...most likely at our financial Much to my great satisfaction of this town's weekend enter- mind you. but real bands. Bands expense. Hideki Kobayashi Blake Parkins and delight, however, the past few tainment scene (and the out-of- made up of artists who contribute Aaron Weisbrod Is the Thurs- day columnist for The News. Photo Editor Sports Editor years have proven to be very town exodus It results In every to the music world rather than rewarding for a number of this week) rests largely on the from it. Bands who stay up at Questions, comments, concerns, area's more talented bands. shoulders of the people depriv- all hours of the night turning and or complaints can be sent to Although most of the Northwest ing the BG community of quality composing music rather than [email protected] or 210 Copy Staff 372-2604 Ohio bands suffered greatly from entertainment on a regular memorizing It. Bands who put their West Hall. This column is lack of exposure (and sometimes basis: the clubs themselves. respectfully dedicated to every- Khsten Sherlock, Assistant Copy Chief blood, sweat, and tears Into their practice) a few years ago. more and While there are obviously a music rather than merely mimick- one throughout Bowling Green Lauren Flynn Damion Heimschel more of Northwest Ohio's citizens number of other things that and Toledo who helps and/or Darren Liderbach Beth Kerby ing someone else's words and have been receptive to the melodic contribute to the emptiness of feelings. contributes to the local original Olivia Inkrott Kerri Killion rumbling coming from the under- BG on the weekends (lack of music scc..e...u)Uh extra special Elizabeth Reiter Kelly Von Glahn And It's not as though the local ground of both The Glass City atmosphere, lack of things to do bands won't draw a crowd once thanks going out to Jim Cummer. fToledo) and Corn Town (Bowling on campus, lack of adequate you give them a chance lo flourish, Billy Hanway. and the rest of Reporting Staff 372-2604 Green). campus safety). I truly believe provided that they're authentically the Madhatter posse. We all love Thus far. the city of Toledo has that this town's crappy club good bands. Hell, all bands. you! Sarah Bednarski Jack Buehrer Maureen BarTy Tanya Markul Jennifer Schab OitdturtaAv ux tak*-ttu, Art Staff 372-6966 \A*K. 6i 27 and

Sports Staff 372-2602 Jim Tocco. Assistant Sports Editor Jason McMahon William Sanderson

Production Staff 372-8296 Jennifer Apt Andy Cantrell Jen Casperson Brian Gallatin Chad Gamby Jeff Gayton Stacy Hubert Heidi Kropf Maggie Kushlak Greg Schwiizgabel Cathy Raidl Tiffany Wendeln Jessica Wherry Carla Zvosec ■TONY CAVALLARIO Advertising Staff 372-2605 Brian Beleski Melissa Binkley Christy Hagerman Alison Polley USG fails to give students a voice Lori Patton Jim Vassallo What Is USG? That's probably a learned a lot about USG. Out of the majority of BGSU students, we On Monday. I thought maybe Letters to the Editor good question. At least once a year, nowhere I heard someone in shouldn't be forced to be a part of USG was on this path, If only they hang big white sheets with USG was trying to ban animal the cruelty. The question may be a for a split second. An Issue was If you would like lo submit a Letter to the last names on them all over testing on campus. Wow, a rhetorical one. however. raised, and students outside of Editor, please follow these guidelines: Bowling Green. Later on. the last bonaflde social controversy. Can Students may never decide to be USG showed their concern. ■ Make sure the letter b 500 words or less. names are compiled, and we are USG really ban animal testing for or against animal testing; It Is a Unfortunately, those who Please include your address, major, aca- asked to choose among them. We from campus? complex subject. Even students showed up to voice an opinion demic class and phone number (phone were at this point this week. Signs Common sense compels me who are committed to animals in before Monday's USG meeting numbers are strictly for verification and other ways are often desensitized were allegedly Ignored: at least not for publication}. all over campus said "Vote for to think such a bill would either • Letters must be typed, and not handwrit- Lastname/Lastname" or not pass or never be applied. to the ones used In scientific for the night, the bill that was ten. Letters brought in saved on a "Lastnames for student voice." After all. the animal research experiments. A few monkeys may supposed to be voted on (as Macintosh-compatible disk arc pre- The rest of the story has es- done on campus probably has seem to be a small cost for re- advertised In The News) wasn't ferred. caped me. I'm glad someone wants little to do with Ihe volition of search that benefits humans. even talked about. "We don't • Bring the letter to Room 210 West Hal, my voice, but what Is that voice students or student govern- Most people don't value mon- care about you now," said USG. "Why does it or e-mail us at bgnews®bgnet keys and Grandmas equally. But The excuse. lack of "quorum" Be prepared to show valid identification. going to say? Even If we all ments, and more lo do with feel like high • Space limitations may prevent The BG screamed as loud as we could, research agendas and funding. most people admit animal testing (senators skipping out?) is News from printing all letters received. what would USG have to do with But I don't think anyone Is Inherently unethical, but meaningless; students hoping school stu- The BG News reserves the right to edH It? Do we need a pseudo-govern- should denounce the effort that possibly a "necessary evil." for a voice were let down. dent coun- any and all letters. ment to get better parking and was made. If nothing else the If people doubt there are always At BGSU, the last thing we food situations? proposal to USG brought up a alternatives to animal testing, they need Is to discourage students cil? " Copyright C 1997. The BG News. Bowling As far as 1 can see. there Is no real Issue, and when people will stay uncommitted. Hence, who wish to speak out and Green. Ohio. Reprinting of any material in this major Ideological struggle between showed up at the USG session humans are usually not for or create dialogue. If USG wants publicahon without the permission of The BG Sews the candidates. No one wants to to support or debate the animal against animal testing, more often students to vote or If USG hopes is strictly pmhibited. use USG to privatize BGSU or testing bill. USG sounded like a the answer is both yes and no. to serve any Impressive purpose The BG News is an independent publication legalize pot. Except by names and legitimate space. Could USG be If we believe the University Is a at all. It should probably not founded in 1920 and is published daily during the Ignore the concerns of the academic year and weekly during the summer se- faces, I can't tell the candidates a forum that concerned stu- place to find answers to questions, mester. apart. They don't even have dents have been looking for? perhaps some public awareness students It represents. Opinions expressed in columns and letters to political parties. There are odd So should we ban animal would bring about finding out how the editor are not necessarily those of the student couples that you can tell by the testing on campus? Should necessary animal testing is. body, faculty. University administration or The BG pictures don't like each other. So students be able to do so? Perhaps animal testing could be Tony Cavallario Is a weekly News. Unsigned editorials are the opinion of the who are we supposed to vote for? It's a passionate debate that minimized, the burden of proof columnist for The News. Ques- Spring 1997 BG News staff. Why does It feel like high school definitely has a place on this could be placed on animal tions and comments can be sent The BG News encourages its readers to notify to or the paper of any errors in stories or photograph student council? campus. Logically, if animal testers...the possibilities for descriptions. This week, however, I may have testing was morally repulsive to progress could be endless. 210 West HalL

1. ' Thursday. March 20. 1997 The BG News page three

STATE City Blotter Grain futures Principal cuts Two teenage boys were harassing a clerk last week. They may exit Port were trying to buy cigarettes but wouldn't show any Identifi- student's hair cation. When she saw the I.D. she thought It was fake and The Associated Press The commission wants the The Associated Press had been cut. the two young men took off. board to increase storage capaci- Ms. Woodson said her son got TOLEDO, Ohio - A proposed ty for futures contracts and to TOLEDO, Ohio - A school the hairdo because it helps the A man dialed 911 last week and stated that his ex-wlfe was Board of Trade rule increase the number of delivery principal had no right to cut off a hair grow. sitting on his car and refused to leave. When police arrived, change could eliminate the Port points as a safeguard against 13-year-old boy's braids, the Mrs. Redmond said she told they were unable to locate anyone. of Toledo as a delivery point for market manipulation. boy's mother said Wednesday. Morgan to remove the multico- corn and soybean futures con- Futures contracts are agree- Glenwood Elementary School lored rubber bands holding the Last week a woman complained that two boys had given tracts. ments to deliver a quantity of Principal Ann Redmond said she tiny twists of hair In place. her a sword to hide for them. She said that she didn't want It The board has proposed elim- goods, generally commodities, at only cut off the rubber bands on When he could not, the princi- around and called the police. When police arrived one of the inating Toledo as a delivery point a specified price at a certain time Morgan Woodson's "popcorn pal said, she and Irene Campbell, boys said that he had taken It from his father's car. Both and using grain elevators along in the future. braid" hairstyle because the the school guard, used scissors to boys stated that they knew the sword was dangerous and re- the Illinois River instead. The braids could be interpreted as remove the rubber bands in her alized that they shouldn't have carried It around. The owner board will vote on the proposal in The purpose of futures con- gang insignias. She also apolo- office. tracts is to transfer the risk of of the sword was contacted. April. gized to the boy and his mother. Mrs. Redmond said gang Toledo is one of three delivery price fluctuations from people But Carla Wood-son said that members frequently wear the points for futures contracts. The who don't want the risk, such as A cat was found In a tree In the 200 of Napoleon. A was not enough. She said she was hairstyle and colors of the rubber others are St. Louis and Chicago. farmers, to speculators who are considering filing charges bands: red and blue. woman said that It had all Its claws and was friendly. The cat A delivery point is a site where willing to gamble on making big was taken lo a kennel. against Mrs. Redmond. Mrs. Redmond, the school's grain bought under futures con- profits. Superintendent Merrill Grant principal for two years, said she tracts Is stored in elevators. The "We feel the proposal is being At Kroger's last week, a man was walking In and out of the said he will investigate. was following school board poli- grain is shipped later to markets pushed through," said Mike An- "They had no business cutting store. The complaintant said that he didn't appear Intoxi- cy. in the and over- derson, president of The Ander- my son's hair without my per- The policy, adopted in 1989, cated. Just odd. When police arrived, the man said that he seas. sons, a company based in subur- mission. He's never been in- says no child shall display any was bicycling across the country and was waiting for the post "Our concern is that probably ban Maumee which operates volved in any gangs and they clothing, jewelry, insignia or office to open. He was advised to wait somewhere else. half the grain shipped out of the grain elevators. know that. They could have Item that symbolizes support of port could be affected by this," called me. I would have combed or membership In a gang. A man reported that his ex-glrlfrlend wouldn't give back said Richard Ruppert, chairman "I understand all the pres- it out and I would have taken him Under the policy, the offending his bulldog. He stated that the dog was registered In his of the Toledo-Lucas County Port sures, but making delivery solely back to school," Ms. Woodson clothing or article can be confis- name, but Its tags were under her name. He said that she Authority. on the Illinois River causes con- said. cated immediately and the par- only wants It to sell It and use the money. Police advised him The board's proposal is the cerns. The bulk of the facilities Ms. Woodson said when she ent notified to recover the item. that he needed to contact a lawyer. latest in a series of exchanges be- there can only load barges, and picked up Morgan at school on A child wearing an item that tween the board and the federal that's a problem if the river Monday he was crying because cannot be confiscated, such as In the 800 block of S. Main Street a restaurant called 911 Commodity Futures Trading freezes or floods," he said. his hairstyle was gone, and there pants, can be sent home to but hung up. When police called back, they said that they Commission, which oversees Grain stored in Toledo can be were bald spots where his hair change. were going to ask for an ambulance but changed their mind. grain trading. transported by ships and trains.

In the 800 block of Seventh Street, a man reported that his wife had been flashed. He complained that a man came up to his wife and flashed her, then took off running. When police Clinton seeks more flood money arrived they checked the area and found no one. The Associated Press change after completion of as- emergency requirements" in the fected states, said Rep. Ted sessments of emergency needs in Midwest. Strickland, D-Ohio, whose dis- WASHINGTON - President the Midwest, which suffered se- ■ $240.7 million for the Corps trict was hard-hit by the Ohio Library times corrected Clinton asked Congress for extra vere flooding, and Arkansas, of Engineers, mainly to repair River flooding. emergency money to help Ohio which suffered extensive tor- damaged levees and dredge nado damage. On Wednesday, The News reported Jerome Library, Student and other flood-ravaged states. commercial navigation channels "The situation, I think. Is dev- Services and units on Old Fraternity Row will be closed from 5 Clinton on Wednesday re- The president also sought: and harbors. astating enough and widespread a.m. to 3:30 p.m. In reality, they will only be closed from S a.m. to quested an extra $438 million in ■ $276 million for repairs to The administration's request enough that it's going to put a 7 a.m. contingent funding for the Fed- highways damaged by the floods. did not indicate how much of the strain on resources," he said, The News regrets the error. eral Emergency Management ■ $15 million in contingent additional money, if provided, adding a note of praise for Agency, a figure that would highway funding for "anticipated would end up in each of the af- FEMA. Gay rights advocates fight Abortion protesters plead discriminatory amendment innocent to trespassing The Associated Press it must reject Cincinnati's 1993 of 62 percent to 38 percent, ap- amendment because the U.S. Su- proved the amendment rescind- The Associated Press Akron, and Kathleen Marie school driveway and sidewalk CINCINNATI - Gay rights ad- preme Court struck down a simi- ing a 1992 human rights law. That Smith, 36, of Medina, were area to a public sidewalk at the vocates asked a federal appeals lar Colorado amendment last law protected homosexuals, MEDINA Ohio - Two abortion released without bond by Medina edge of the school grounds. court Wednesday to throw out May. along with other groups, against opponents pleaded innocent Municipal Court Magistrate the city's charter amendment The appeals court upheld Cin- discrimination in employment, Wednesday to trespassing at Me- Charles Lawrie. No further court Markovich, an organizer with that forbids enacting or enforc- cinnati's amendment in 1995. But housing and public accom- dina High School while distribut- date was set. the Greater Akron Life Coalition, ing laws based on sexual orienta- the Supreme Court told the ap- modations. ing anti-abortion material to stu- They were arrested on mis- said he had been told a week ago tion. peals court to reconsider the is- Michael Carvin, lawyer for a dents and displaying a photo of a demeanor trespassing charges by the school principal that pro- The advocates' lawyer, Al- sue in light of the decision in the coalition that drafted the dismembered fetus. Monday for refusing to obey a testers would be allowed on the Gerhardstein, told the 6th Colorado case. amendment, said voters were Edward P. Markovich, 42, of police order and move from a sidewalk. U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals that Cincinnati voters, by a margin within their rights Trinity Church Praise and BOWLING GREEN United Methodist Proclaiming Christ Monday 24th & Thursday 27th at the heart of Communion Service Bowling Green 7:30 pm. across from the CHURCH th March 30 Courthouse Early Easter Service at 8:00 an i. Breakfast at 8:45 a.m. DIRECTORY Sunday Worship 10:30 A Warm y Church School 9:15 Welcome for All! in Mr I. Tf*m MASS KX3QOC St. Mark's Lutheran Church Tu«s 25th: 7:30AM Mass 315 S. College Drive . Bowling Green, OH 43402 ■ 419-353-9305 or 353-6675 7PM Tenebrae St. Aloysius II l# C.OMMTTNITY ofCHRIST Rev. Edward G. Walden Wed 26th: 7PM Mass Thurs 27th: 7PM Mass Catholic a£P *{> LUTHERAN CHURCH & STUDENT CENTER Monday & Thursday 1:30 Quiet Sunday Worship 8:15-10:30PM Adoration Reflective Service w/ communion of Biassed Sacrament Ghui II II 7:00 pm Liturgy 8:30 & 11:00 AM Good FH: 12-3PM Private Devotions, March 27th: 7pm Worship Communion Service Sunday School 9:45 AM Stations of Cross, Rosary, March 28th: 7:00 Service of Reflection Good Friday Worship with Communion Communion Service 7:00 Service of Tenebrae Saturday at 5:00 PM Holy Sat: Blessing at 1 :30PM of Easter Palm Sunday: Worship at 10:30 am Food Everybody Welcome ELCA- "The Welcome Hace"@ blocks south of campus) 8PM Vigil Mass JOOOOOOOCH Palm Sun: 8 and 10AM, 12pm Mass First United Methodist ,Saii«atuuBUttuyMttBUHBHaH& Church x First l*i*4»sl» tcriau Church^" Come Join Us! Thursday 6 p.m.: Seder Meal Easter Sunday Service Sunday Mornings at 10:00 A.M. Easter Sunday: Sunrise Service at 9:00 am & 11:00 am • COME AS YOU ARE 6:30 a.m. Easter Lunch • CONTEMPORARY WORSHIP Regular Services: 10:00 am • RELEVANT TEACHING Sunday's 9:30 G> 11 a.m. Pastor David Cook Young • COLLEGE OUTREACH Come and Stay awhile 126 S. Church, Bowling Green S-v- 1506 East Wooster, Bowling Green f"\ Bowling Green ^->. « (419)353-0682 352-5176 f ovenant Church >-^lklSH.A.MRd. 352^483 •i a fc^r.^j a ES n Dayspring Assembly Of God St. John's Episcopal Churchn Church of Nazarene Rev. Howard Thomas, vicar 1291 Conneaut Ave. (corner of Wlntergarden) 352-2289 Jesus is Alive Community Service An Easter Musical Drama Noon-3pm Holy Week Services Good Friday March 23 (half and hour services) 10 a.m. & 7 p.m. Palm Sunday 23rd: 9AM Easter Sunday Breakfast Maundy Thurs. 27th: 6PM March 26, 29, 30 Corner of E. Wooster & 9:30 a.m. 7 p.m. Pot Luck Dinner Follows For more Info check out our e-mail and web site: Good Friday 28th: noon Mercer Rd. seslep© or For Ticket info call 352-0672 Easter Sunday 30th: 9AM Everyone Welcome! ■M =#*s ^>b=: . < I page four The BG News Thursday, March 20, 1997

NATION Dine In or Carry Out

4 CAFE Mother "Good Cookin' - Cowboy Style" leaves ... \ 353-CALL • Open 11:00-3:00 Mon.-Sat., and Friday nights 'til 9:00 children 109 North Main Street, Downtown Bowling Green, OH alone The Associated Press

NEWLOVE REALTY PITTSBURGH -- A woman was ordered to stand trial on charges RENTALS of endangering the welfare of children after police found her ar ~ 3-year-old son, 1-year-old 'Graduate & Professional Housing daughter and 8-year-old brother Guides Available! locked up in a house. •No parental guarantee needed! Asia Tansmore, 21, was held ^\J^ ♦Professional Management Team! for trial at a hearing Wednesday. A*iocUted PfTti •Full-Time Maintenance Service! A Los Angeles police officer stands in the middle of a closed down section of Cahuenga Blvd. in the Police, canvassing a neighbor- North Hollywood section of the city, following the death of an off-duty police officer in the area. •Pets permitted in some rentals! hood to investigate a burglary, •Recyclable Bins Available! The officer was shot by an undercover officer following a verbal confrontation as they drove in sep- found her asthmatic brother arate cars along the boulevard, according to Police Chief Willie Williams. •We will personally show locked inside their home to take you the rentals! care of his nephew and niece. When police broke into the Stop by our office for a copy of our brochures I house, the 3-year-old was crying Undercover detective and we will go through the brochure with you f in one bedroom and the 1-year- to find you the ideal home! old, wearing a soiled diaper, was crying in another. shoots off-duty officer The 8-year-old babysitter, John Wallace, was worried he might NEWI9VE Police Chief WUlie Williams get into trouble because he had The Associated Press other undercover, authorities Rentals been ordered to let nobody into said. said. Neither officer was wear- the house. LOS ANGELES -- Two motor- Undercover Detective Prank ing a uniform and both were "He's a very remarkable kid. ists exchanged words, one Lyga, 40, fired two shots after driving unmarked cars. 328 South Main He's very intelligent, very ma- waved a gun and was fatally Officer Kevin Gaines, 31, Gaines' car ended up in the shot by the other without either waved his weapon on a busy parking lot of a North Holly- —' I Our Only Office ture for his age," Pittsburgh police Detective Michael Pilyih realizing that they were police street in a commercial neigh- wood gas station a few blocks officers, one off-duty and the 352-5620 said. borhood Tuesday afternoon, from Universal Studios- Liliilli-ffiSffilNewborns feel effects of smoking

The Associated Press pital in Brussels. Exposure to tobacco in the for you, period." The study, conducted principa- womb stunts fetal growth so ba- The study was conducted on ANAHEIM, Calif. - Newborns lly by Dr. Laurence M. Galanti of bies are born small. After birth, 273 children, including 139 ba- whose mothers smoke during Mont-Godinne University Hospi- these babies are more likely to bies just one to three days after pregnancy have the same nico- tal in Namur, Belgium, was pre- suffer sudden infant death or birth. The researchers checked tine level as grown-up smokers sented Wednesday at a meeting have lung trouble, among other their urine for cotinine, the sub- and almost certainly spend their of the American College of Car- health problems. stance that remains when nico- first days of life going through diology. Robert Merritt, a behavioral tine breaks down in the body. withdrawal, a new study finds. In the United States, smoking scientist at the U.S. Centers for "The baby of a smoking mother during pregnancy is on the de- Disease Control and Prevention Cotinine levels in the newborns should be considered to be an cline. But the latest data show in Atlanta, said the latest data of smoking mothers were about ex-smoker," said Dr. Claude that IS percent of women still use "support what we have been say- 550 nanograms per milligram of Hanet of St. Luc University Hos- cigarettes while pregnant. ing all along: Smoking is not good urine Clinton names Tenet for CIA director The Associated Press former national security adviser, Clinton hopes Tenet will move Sen. Richard Shelby, R-Ala, bowed out with a bitter letter to quickly into the top job and begin the Intelligence Committee WASHINGTON -- Playing it Clinton stating that "Washington repairing morale at an agency chairman who led attacks on safe after his first choice suc- has gone haywire." that has been without a fulltime Lake, said, "I have known George cumbed to bruising GOP attacks, An angry Clinton called then director since December. If con- Tenet for several years and be- President Clinton nominated act- for an end to "the cycle of politi- firmed. Tenet will be Clinton's lieve him to be a man of integrity ing CIA Director George Tenet cal destruction" and by Tuesday third CIA director. and professionalism." Shelby on Wednesday to head the na- night had settled on Tenet and "You can't have a ship without promised a "fair and thorough tion's spy agency. ordered a background check. The a captain," the president said. "I examination" in confirmation Just two days after stiff Re- president did not want partisan didn't see any point in waiting." hearings. publican opposition persuaded sniping over Lake's demise to Tenet's close ties to Capitol "Barring something I don't Anthony Lake to withdraw from cast a shadow over other issues, Hill are a contrast to Lake, whose know about, he looks like he'd be consideration, Clinton selected a including budget talks. relations with Congress were no- a good choice," Senate Majority substitute whose long intel- Tenet said he had looked for- toriously weak. Leader Trent Lott, R-Miss., said (ondotns i Ifvn Mon-^Sdi ligence career started on the ward to serving under Lake, an "There is no room for parti- as word of Clinton's choice sur- staff of a GOP lawmaker. old friend. "It is a bittersweet sanship in the conduct of our in- 10 lo 9 faced Tuesday. "He's well known to the Senate moment for me," Tenet said, telligence community," Tenet By Tuesday, Clinton had tenta- akingldsses ^^f and well-respected by Republi- flanked by his wife, Stephanie, said to Clinton, though the words tively settled on Tenet, but he ...for the unique yo« cans as well as Democrats," the And more.. 1 to 5 and his 10-year-old son, Michael. were meant for the ears of Re- ordered aides to search the act- 510 En« vVo» president said, sitting in a wheel- He seems a safe choice: The publican lawmakers. "We must ing director's background for po- chair to protect his mending Senate confirmed him for the No. always be straight and tell you tential snags. That process ended knee. 2 spot in 1995. and White House the facts as we know them." Wednesday afternoon, and Clin- Tenet, 44, emerged as the soundings suggested a second set The choice was welcomed by ton offered Tenet the job shortly TONIGHT AT THE quick choice after Lake, Clinton's of hearings would go smoothly. Republicans. after 4 p.m.

THE SERVICEI BGSl Dining Services ■■■■■••■"-!??"???!??•!UNION■■•?••■■■■■•?•••■•■•■ The Bowl-N-Greenery ■■ ■■ Spring ICrt'ak 'y, 75 Dining Hours All You Can Eat EGBEZSa PASTA! • ~a~* z r* yeast on all you can eat pasta. "Plus, your meal includes Closing Times: soup & salad bar, potato bar and beverages. Chily's Express and GT Express: mmNO COVER W/ VALID COLLEGE t>. 1.0. -51.00m AFTER 11:00 Open Friday. March 21. 8:00 am 2:00 pm ^ Commons Dining Center: FRIDAYS £ $5.20 J^- Closed after Dinner March 20 Only "Hours: 4:30-7:00 All Other Dining Centers: Will be Closed at 2:00 pm. March 21 lOA-5 •■•••■••**■••••••■•■•*••*•■*•■■■■•■•■•■■•■•■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■•■•■ The Pheasant Room Opening Times: Kreischer Sundial Food Court: BBQ Chicken Open March 30. at 4:30 pm Or Ribs Kreischer Shadows Snack Bar: March 20 -The Rivermen March 27 - Mullins Band Open March 30. at 7:00 pm ¥ March 23 -The Presidents of the United States your dinner includes "B'BQCfiicken or OUbs, potato, Founders Keepers Food Court: tossed salad, and garlic bread. Open March 30. at Noon SATURDAYS Founders Keepers Snack Bar: Open March 30. at 7:00 pm $8.95 Chily's Express: It Othtr snadwuhes & * Open March 30. at Noon All Other Dining Centers: THE MILLIMJM ij dinners always available Hours: 4:30-7:00pm IHUrttlEVSl: MUSIC FORM MASSES iOSDMCE DISCO RETRO Open for Breakfast Monday. March 31 SUBTERRANEAN LEVEL: 01DAVID WILL SPINS MODERN ROCK All Other Snack Bars and Stores: Meal Card Accepted 4:307:00 pm SOUND FACTORY: TECHNO, HOUSE, ACID Open Regular Hours March 31 •Big Cnarae Accepted 11:30 am 1:30 pm & 4:30- 7:00pm ao9 rvi. SUPERIOR IIUIIIU IfVFO LIIVE: 419-243-44-49 OR 4446

K I >. > Thursday, March 20, 1997 The BG News page five

Blake Parkins Sports Editor Sports 372-2602

Scott 1996-97: Gone, but not forgotten Brown Men's Drama, emotion marked BG's Basketball winningest season since '49 By SCOTT BROWN Daniels The BG News MEN'S BASKETBALL preparing It was as astonishing as it was £ thrilling. for the NBA There was action, drama, emo- "Regardless of tion - and a helluva lot of win- The phone doesn't stop ringing ning. whether we made the in Antonio Daniels' room. So it was for the 1996-97 Bowl- "I don't answer it anymore," ing Green men's basketball team, NCAA Tournament Daniels explained Wednesday, a the winningest at BG since 1949 or not, we had a week after the end of his brilliant and the first since 1983 to win Bowling Green basketball career. any kind of championship. sensational season. "They just won't leave me alone." "They" are the agents - Mi- The Falcons We accomplished the chael Jordan's and Grant Hill's finished the majority of our goals among them - who are literally season 22-10, beating down Daniels' door, hop- including a beside that." ing to represent the best player in regular season Bowling Green history when the Mid-American NBA dollars start flowing later Conference ti- this year. tle. BG won the Antonio Daniels And, believe it, the dollars will regular season flow. title, but a dls- Former Falcon guard "The latest I've heard is that he's in the top five of the senior appoi nt ing Larranaga class and the No. 1 point guard in postseason saw tonio Daniels was clearly the the country," BG head coach Jim a surprising MAC semifinal loss main attraction. Daniels, on the Larranaga said. "There Is a to Eastern Michigan and then a way to what should be a prolific strong possibility that he would first-round loss in the National NBA career, was ninth in the na- be in the lottery-" Invitation Tournament. tion in scoring with a 24.0 point The lottery signifies the top 13 BG averaged 82.6 points per scoring average. picks in the draft. Generally, game this season, good for ninth Daniels, who was also 10th in those top 13 signify the most elite in the nation. Three different the nation in assists, was named players in the game, college or times the Falcons topped 100 an Honorable Mention All- pro. Over 100 agents from across points, and for the season BG American and ran away with the the country have been in contact topped 80 an astonishing 18 Mid-American Conference with Daniels since the Falcons times. Player of the Year award. dropped a 98-95 decision to West But what made this team so "Regardless of whether we Virginia in the first round of the thrilling to watch this season was made the NCAA Tournament or NIT last week. its propensity for close games: 19 not, we had a sensational Much of Daniels' time now games were decided by less than season," Daniels said. "We ac- concerns preparing for the NBA: double digits, and all told the Fal- complished the majority of our physically, mentally and finan- goals beside that. cially. cons' 10 losses were by a com- "Everything that Is going on bined 52 points. "I'm very proud of this team right now is aimed at the future," Three different times BG re- and I'm very proud of this coach- Daniels said. "I'm doing all the bounded from 20 point deficits in ing staff and anybody who had things I need to do to take that games, and twice for victories. anything to do with this team this step to the next level." The Falcons captured three of year." Those Include working out the most high-profile victories in Despite the disappointment of daily in the weight room and school history, beating Purdue not winning the MAC Tourna- shooting in the gym. His mother (three-time defending Big 10 ment and making the NCAA Is currently weeding out poten- champion), Nebraska (defending Tournament - against Eastern tial agents, and Daniels hopes to NIT champion) and Mississippi Michigan in the MAC semifinals, BG Ne«. Phoio by Scon Brawn have an agent selected within the State (defending Southeastern the Falcons played what Larran- One major reason for the success of the Falcons this year is Antonio Daniels, the emotional and on-court next few weeks. Conference champion, NCAA aga termed their worst game of leader of the Bowling Green team. Daniels is also busy answering Final Four participant). the year - BG still had a hall- calls from NBA teams. Several The team was also clearly the mark season. leading scorers this season, each sis, and the Falcons lost two semifinals. He finished averag- teams have been in contact with most successful in the 11-year BG set school records for as- were hampered by injuries at one games. Larranaga never quite ing 14.3 points and 6.5 rebounds him, Including the Chicago Bulls tenure of head coach Jim Lar- sists (523) and steals (378) in a point or another during the year. caught fire the rest of the season, per game. - a team he is scheduled to visit Other players made solid con- within the next few weeks. ranaga. season. The Falcons forced an "When you're a team that has and even with a career-best 40 Not bad for a player who just 12 "I'm very proud of the way the average of 20.7 turnovers per played as consistently well all points against Akron on Feb. 8 he tributions as well. DeMar Moore, months ago was considered an team played throughout because game. season as we did, ir you have a averaged 11.7 points per game. the Defensive Player of the Year NBA long-shot. I think they consistently played Only some untimely injuries player who is not at 100 percent, Stacey was hampered with the in the MAC, set a school record "I've been told that nobody's up to their potential," Larranaga kept the Falcons from perhaps that is going to lower your capa- flu during a game Jan. 4 at Cen- with 82 steals. Kirk Cowan had 28 stock has risen this fast in quite a said. winning a few more games. An- bility," Larranaga said. tral Michigan ~ another tough blocked shots and keyed a defen- while," Daniels said. "It's flatter- While the Falcons put on a thony Stacey and Jay Larranaga, Larranaga missed three games loss. And Stacey wasn't at 100 sive turnaround in the post over show for most of the season. An- the team's second- and third- in December with mononucleo- percent for the EMU loss in the the latter half of the season. • See BROWN, page seven.

LIVE ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY The University Bookstore will be Tuesday - Sunday . gPISi PISANELLO'S Open Weekdays at 4 p.m. closed Wednesday, March 26 & DRINK SPECIALS Open al Lunch Fri., Sal. & Sun. Friday, March 28. 6-9PM...Udies 0nly...Fri. & Sat. 203 N. MAIN, B.G. 352-5166 25t Well Drinks & Drafts YOUR CHOICE 7-9PM...Dimers...Thurs. & Sat. S We will be open Monday 3/24, Rolling Rock for $1 ANY 2 ITEMS Tuesday 3/25 and Thursday 3/27 POP-A-SHOT TOURNAMENT A Sm $4.75 Large....$7.75 8:00 A.M.-5:00 P.M. 7-9PM ...Tuesday & Sunday...$100 Crand Prize Med....$6.25 XLg $9.50 The bar formerly known as Gamers V (Best Value-12 Slices) Call for info 352-9780 Add Breadsticks! Only $2.00 . FREE DELIVERY • 352-5166 f \ NOT VAUD WITH ANY OTHER OFFER ENDS el,0 CHICAGO STYLE EXTRA "MiiMM 5/15/97 | pKo* COUPON£ EXPIRES ON 5/15/97J DINING SERVICES BGSU Dining Services Student Union Don't Surf The Net MERCER MANOR, »S Spring Break ...unless you are soing to vote In the USG elections i* Dining Hours • Kridaj, Ma«k 21, 1W7 The elections for GREENBRIAR, INC. Falcon's Nest Gnll A 10:00 am 6:00 pm The Undergraduate Student Government v Jjelcru ^■P 11:00 am 1:00 pm One of'BQ '$ 9{eivest Bakery Deli ^ 7:00 am 2:00 pm President/Vice President and At-large Senators Soda Shoppe 11:00 am 6 00 pm Bowl-N-Greenery APheasant Room 1130 am 1:30 pm will be on Netscape! Located on Mercer Road. Proul 7:00 am 2:00 pm SaBaraUj, March 22 aid Saaday. March 23. 1997 This new voting system is: These apartments feature: Falcon's Sest • Gnll 9:00 am. 4:00 pro s£ Safe and confidential Cafeteria 7:00 am -9:00 am & 11:00am 1:30 pm □'Two Full Baths Bakery/Deli 7:00 am 1:30 pm Hr Available in all on-campus computer labs Soda Shoppe 11:00 am 4:00 pm during the election W 3 Bedrooms Pheasant Room 11:30am 2:00 pm E7 Fireplace Moaday, March 24 throafh Friday, March 21. 1997 Hr Easy! The steps will be listed in computer labs E7 Air Conditioning Falcon's Sest Grill 7:30 am 2:00 pm All you need Is your BGSU PIN # and have a BGNet Account E7 Furnished Cafeteria 11:00 am- 1:00 pm Satarday, March 29,1997

Building Cloeed Elections CALL OR STOP IN FOR MORE DETAILS Saaday, March 30, 1997 March 19 - Internet voting Falcon's Neat March 20 ■ Union 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. 224 E. WOOSTER 352-0717 Grill 4:00 pm- 11:00 pm Pizza Outlet 4:00 pm- 3:00 am Library 4-11 p.m. Moaday, March 31, 1997 Watch for additional Information In the BG News classified section Internet voting will begin at 18 a.m. on the 18th and end at midnight] Resume Regular Operating Hours on the 19th page The BG News Thursday, March 20, 1997

Things you can do to protect the BG women achieve season goals environment this Spring Break: MAC Freshman of the Year as a game in which the Falcons led by -Recycle beer bottles rookie. six at halftime and essentially But Falcon hoopsters Puthoff struggled in the begin- giftwrapped the Bobcat win with & soda cans. ning of the season as the Falcons crucial turnovers - Clark dis- -Don't litter on the lost their first five games, three played some guts of her own. still hungry for more coming at the hands of the Irish, She had enough faith to insert beach (this includes the Buffaloes and the Spartans. freshmen point guard Jaymee cigarette butts!) By JASON McMAHON ing Green lost to 1997 Sweet 16 But as Puthoff caught fire, so Wappes and guard Sherry Kahle Die BC News teams Notre Dame and Colorado did the Falcons. They would win - who would go on to MAC All- -Clip plastic six-pack and NCAA qualifiers Michigan their next five games - the first Freshman honors - and sopho- rings. At the outset of this season, the State and Toledo, while knocking win gave Clark 100 for her career more center Jacki Raterman into -Never leave fishing Bowling Green women's basket- off an NCAA-bound Detroit team. - and proceeded to jump out to a the starting lineup. ball team established a set of Falcon coach Jaci Clark said 3-1 MAC start. The move worked wonders - line on the beach or goals: play vastly Improved de- that her team's RPI rating, which "Sara came on real strong," m Bowling Green reeled off a in the water. fense, shoot better from the foul gauges strength of schedule, Clark said. "You look at a person six-game winning streak which line, and earn home-court advan- showed that Bowling Green that struggled in the beginning of propelled them as high as third tage for the Mid-American Con- played the fourth-most difficult the year and had kinda two place in the MAC. The streak Enjoy your Spring Break! ference Tournament quarter- schedule in the country. The Fal- seasons. She really pushed her- came to an end with an epic 94-89 final round. cons concluded the season as the self and stayed with our game." loss to the rival Rockets at Sav- BGSU Recycling Program 372-8909 Maybe the Falcons should have second-best defensive team in Then the Falcon fortunes age Hall. aimed for much more. the MAC, allowing less than 68 turned. They lost consecutive "We made a pretty solid run Bowling Green met each one of points a game, and ranked 12th in Wednesday night road games at over the second half," Clark said. those objectives and then some the nation in free-throw shooting Kent, Miami and Ohio - the latter "If we could have done that in the en route to a solid 1996-97 season. with a 73.4 percent clip. two coming by a combined 10 first part, maybe we could have The Falcons claimed fourth place Leading that charge was junior points - and also were dealt their made a run at a championship. in the conference, and made it to Sara Puthoff. The junior guard only defeat at Anderson Arena by That's what you have to do - you die MAC Final Four before suc- was selected to the preseason Toledo. have to do it over time, and we cumbing to three-peat champion All-MAC squad and lived up to "There's one thing we didn't do did it over half a season." Toledo. the billing, scoring 16.1 points well all year and that's play well The Falcons lose only two post The Falcons closed out the year per game (18.3 in MAC contests) on the road," Clark said. "During players - center Michelle Terry with a 15-13 mark and an 11-7 to place fifth in the league. the time that we struggled, we and forward Candy Day - and re- ledger in conference play. Bowl- The Chickasaw native also led struggled on the road. turn their entire starting lineup, the nation in free-throw shooting, "Win two of those games and including second-team All-MAC knocking down 89.7 percent of we're not playing for fourth or choice Charlotta Jones. The jun- her foul shots. third place, but we're playing for ior forward led the league in re- For her efforts, Puthoff was first or second," Clark said. bounding for the second straight great named to the All-MAC team. She "That's how close we were, but year. was a second-team All-MAC that's how far away we were." scores... selection last year and was the After the Ohio debacle - a • See HUNGRY, page seven. Tennis teams head into spring break road trips Men to travel to Women go west Depaul, Butler for the weekend


While many students will be leaving tomorrow Spring break is a time mostly everyone loves. for the sunny beaches of Florida and Mexico, the To celebrate the time off, the Bowling Green Bowling Green men's tennis team will be traveling women's tennis team is heading west to San Fran- to... Indiana. cisco to play four matches in five days from March The Falcons (4-5) will face off with Butler Uni- 23-27. versity Friday in Indianapolis before traveling to BG will face Southern Utah on March 23, Cali- Chicago to take on DePaul University on Saturday. fornia-Sacramento on March 24, St. Mary's College Although BG has been up and down this season, on March 25, and the University of San Francisco it Is coming off a convincing 7-0 sweep of Xavier on March 27. All four matches count toward the last Friday for its third win in four matches. The win-loss record. sweep was the third shutout for the Falcons this The Falcons (3-2) are coming off an 8-1 win over year. Cincinnati. BG is hoping to continue that momen- In the match against the Musketeers, junior tum on the trip. Ryan Gabel picked up his team-leading sixth sin- "We came together against Cincinnati," BG gles win of the year. Sophomores Matt Wiles and senior Cindy Mikolajewski said. "UC is a good Radu Bartan each notched their fifth victory. team, and we dominated them. It is a confidence The netters can expect another hard-fought booster. Hopefully, we'll get good matches and match Friday against Butler, who defeated BG last come back in top form." year, 4-3. Falcon junior Jenny Cheung agreed. "Butler is a team that we match up pretty well "I think that'll help early on," Cheung said of the with," BG coach Jay Harris said. "We just need to UC match. "We had a lot of incentive to win that have everyone go out and do their job." match We all played our best and played hard. Saturday's contest in Chicago against the Blue We're excited for San Francisco. Demons presents a bigger challenge to the Fal- "We want to work on singles for MAC play, pull cons. Depaul is ranked 15th in the region and doubles play together, and get good wins." sports one of the top singles players in the The doubles lineups will stay the same, except Midwest in Alan Pintaric Tiffany LaSusa and Beth Wilson will play in one of DePaul, who breezed past BG last year 7-0, is the the matches. final tune-up match before the Falcons start their According to coach Penny Dean, the trip will MAC season March 29 against Miami. help the team prepare for outside play and BG "DePaul is real strong on top, but we should have weather. the advantage at 4, 5 and 6 [nights]," Gabel said. "[San Francisco weather] is more applicable to "They'll be a good test going into Miami and the weather here in April," Dean said. "The highest it MAC season." will get will probably be 60 degrees. The match The Miami match next Friday at Keefe Courts against Southern Utah will be our first outside kicks off both the MAC season and outdoor season since last fall. It's hard to adjust going from inside for the Falcons. The Redskins, who are ranked play to outside play. The other way around is not seventh in the region, are a familiar foe for BG as bad." Miami won the MAC Indoors in January. Besides adjusting to the weather, Mikolajewski • See MEN, page seven. ► See WOMEN, page seven. JOHN NEWLOVE REAL ESTATE SUMMER & FALL RENTALS (Too many to list)

Large assortment of Houses, Duplexes, ■ mini lii! and Apartments nit" "iiiiiiiimiiiiiiii'

Stop in to 319 E. Wooster for a brochure of complete details and speak with our friendly staff! 354-2260 John Newlove Real Estate 319 E. Wooster IOUU HOUSING «"OMu»iti (across from Taco Bell) I Thursday, March 20,1997 The BG News page seven Gymnasts limber up for MAC meet By WILLIAM SANDERSON competition. I felt the dual meet co-captain. r ^MSAFE The BG News against Ball State was a lot closer The Falcons do have one ad- What: 353-0988 104 S. Main than It appeared. Even the com- vantage coming from the Central ■ Falcon gymnastics at MAC For the Mid-American Confer- petition against Eastern was a lot meet. They are the only team championships ence Championships, they literal- closer than the scores indicate." other than Central that is famil- When: Grasshopper Pie ly throw out the records. All six The Falcons are coming off a iar with the setup of Rose Arena. ■ Saturday & Sunday MAC gymnastic squads will go to rather humbling loss at Central Where: Mt. Pleasant, Mich., and have an Michigan. Central dealt the Fal- "No carry over," Kim Pope ■ Mt. Pleasant, Mich. 19 and Over Every Night equal opportunity at winning the cons a 193.100-185.925 defeat last said. "Just the fact that we've conference championship. Saturday. The defeat was called used the equipment, I think, is all This Is a good thing for the "the worst of the season" by we're working off of right now." Bowling Green's last meet of the Bowling Green gymnasts. De- Connelly. In his first season with Bowl- season. Falcon seniors Kim Pope, '-/,, Mirage Salon spite setting a number of records One week after that defeat, ing Green, Dan Connelly has Susan Talbott and Andrea Sea- ,t mmm& over the course of the season, Bowling Green will re-visit Cen- been impressed with the quality man will be competing in the teCOK GRAND OPENING! Bowling Green has only managed tral's Rose Arena, where the of the competition in the MAC. final meets of their careers. Service! Milage a 1-5 conference record. Overall, Chippewas are hosting the MAC "I think there Is a lot of parity "I'll think about It Sunday," Haircuts $ 15.00 the Falcons have a 4-10 record, Championships. The team will In the MAC," Connelly said. "To Pope said. "If I go up thinking C~-~ ^!S t)o Ctt*t!}*/~B Clipper Cuu 8 00 counting tournaments. try to put the loss behind them. some extent, being new here and this is my last meet, you just get Wu Down Cul 10.00 At the start of the season, not having all that much informa- too emotionally into the routine. Cut * Shampoo 15.00 03.00 off any haircuttlng Cul/Slyk/Shrvnpoo 17.00 coach Dan Connelly predicted his "I'm looking optimistically at tion, I underestimated the quality You kind of have to postpone that service team would not finish in last this meet," said senior co-captain of this conference. I feel like I've until after." Permanent Wavei 35.00 place. Despite Bowling Green's Kim Pope. "After last week, we got a bit of an education this of 815.00 or more. 45.00 record, Connelly still feels good don't want that to happen again, season in terms of the level of Bowling Green has finished in 85.00 off any hair coloring 55.00 about the team's chances of so we've been busting our butts competition in the MAC.'' the MAC cellar for the last three Speciality Wrap. 65 00 4 Up service Hair Coloring 25.-35.00 reaching that goal. to do well." Barring a surprise win in the years. Saturday will be the last Highlighting "I'm still planning on not fin- "I cant see that happening two MAC Championships and an even opportunity for the seniors to fin- 10% off all perms. (Cap) 45.00 ishing last," Connelly said. "We weeks In a row," agreed Susan more unlikely ticket to the NCAA ish anywhere other than last (Foiling) 55.00 Talbott, the team's other senior Championships, this will be 425 E. Wooster did beat Western in head-to-head place. (behlnd Dairy Mart) Mirage Salon Welcomes 354-2016 Brooke Brockschmidt BROWN Continued from page five. being from a smaller school," really hard to stay focused with season, the shots that he sank and Daniels said. "That's how college what I have coming up. The draft the dunks that he slammed home w'wwwwwwwwwwwwyvyw ing. I know there are tons of peo- basketball works. It's a political is only in June. to roars in the Anderson Arena ple that would like to be where I type of thing. "I'm only IS hours away from crowd. Units still available for fall '97 am right now." "I'm flattered to be called the graduating, but it is really, really Now he takes his act to the Daniels credits Larranaga with top point guard in the senior hard to stay focused. I'm really NBA, where he has the tools to R.E. Management helping him improve his game. class, If only because there are trying... but it's really difficult." have a long and successful ca- Daniels flourished this season in some great ones out there." When Daniels missed a tying reer. "Quality Off-Campus Housing" a Falcon scheme that essentially The difficulties facing Daniels 3-point attempt against West Vir- "It's something I'm really look- put him in charge on the court. now are perhaps even more ginia, an era ended in Bowling ing forward to," Daniels said. •841 Eighrh Sr. «840/850 Sixrh Sr. His career numbers speak for daunting than those he faced for Green basketball. The Falcons "It's a lifelong goal that is that •Manville Ave "Campus Manor themselves - second In all-time four years as a Falcon. The colle- had their winningest season since much closer to being true. BG scoring (1,789) and assists giate innocence is gone and now 1949 and Daniels had arguably "I hate to leave Bowling Green. •825 Third Sr. •313N.Moin (573). His season numbers rank he enters a dog-eat-dog world in the most brilliant season of any I've had four great years here in the top 10 In the BG annals in the NBA where there Is as much Falcon In history. and I owe a lot to this program CHECK OUT OUR SUMMER RATES scoring, assists, free throws and trouble around every corner as Daniels will be sorely missed, and the people in it. It's really field goals. there are bags of money. on the court and off. This team, been special, and a lot of fun for CALL US TODAY Not bad for a skinny kid from The most immediate difficulty with Daniels leading the way, had me on the court." OR STOP IN FOR BROCHURE Columbus in a mid-major pro- Is graduating, which he still plans a spark that many thought was M-F 8 to 5 gram like Bowling Green. to do In May. lacking the past several years. It was a lot of fun for everyone. "I haven't gotten much credit "It's very difficult to still at- It will be hard to forget the Especially, Antonio, for those of SAT 8 to 12 ,,3 Railroad St. us in the stands. since I've been here because of tend class," Daniels said. "It's moves that Daniels put on this 352-9302 (next to Klnko's) K vvvvvvvvvvvvw%raAraivvvvvvvvvvvvvvv^ WOMEN MEN ■ Continued from page six. Continued from page six. game and fight for every point." After resting some players How the Falcons compete against Xavier, Harris will have thinks the travel will help the Although Miami has owned BG against Miami will show how far his team at full strength and team. in recent years, the Falcons are the team has progressed since ready for the upcoming matches. 'Traveling is good for team staying optimistic about the the Initial contest, Harris said. Seniors Adam Tropp and Joel Preferred Properties bonding and unity," Mikolajew- match The BG coach, who was an assis- Terman, along with Bartan, will ski said. "It affects team spirit in "With Miami, it's more men- tant coach at Miami the past two occupy the top slots while Ander- 530 S. Maple St. 352 - 9378 a positive way." tal," Junior Dave Anderton said years, also noted that the outdoor ton, Wiles and Gabel will battle in From talking to the coaches. "We have a little hurdle to get weather will favor the style of the bottom flights. Leasing Summer & Fall I Dean guesses St. Mary's College, over, but we can if we play our tennis the Falcons play. whose coach is from , is HUNGRY the best team they'll play on the she was there for us at the end. trip. Continued from page six. "I think we have a greater un- Vox Run Mini \ Charlotta can play with a lot of derstanding of what it's gonna BG will have a few days off "Charlotta played big in big people." I hi\ I'II I louse Manor after the return before facing take to get what our ultimate goal games," Clark said. "She was al- The experience the team is - to be conference champion Piedmont Krontier IIon. league-favorite Miami in the ways there for a big game. She gained from this season will MAC opener on March 30. and compete in the NCAA Tour- liirelivvooil Place HotI louses was there at the beginning and prove invaluable, Clark said. nament." she said.

Conotrt Announcement Take a Study Break All residents receive a membership to Violent F emmet Thursday Night Musicians PERSONALS Anderson Arena Tonight 4:30 • 6pm. Towers The BG News April 1,1907 FREE CHERRYWOOD HEALTH SPA 8pm Questions? Ca- 2-7164. sponsored by UAO (In door heated swimming pool, sauna. Hydra - Spa Classified Ticket* on tale NOWI Sponsored by UAO, USG. WFAL. & University ' Alpha Phi" Alpha Phi ■ Whirlpool, complete exercise equipment, complete locker Amaoassedors. For more information cal YMCA NEEDS VOLUNTEERS II room and shower facilities.) Ads Stop by the steps of the Education 372-23*3. Hey Big Zimazimahh, Building TODAY 1-4 PM" Your ternfic littles think that you rockl Have you bought tickets for Violent Femmee? 'Sponsored by IPC 102 Students' You're so lucky to have awesome htOes 372-6977 tickets on sale today - ttvoucjh Friday like us. Tatt Ftoom. 3rd Floor Union The BG New* will not knowingly nxcpi advenitcmeno Love, Knsten and Susie Cash. Check, Bursar. Charge Lrw Jiwnmifuic .<* ciKoinfe dttcnmiiuiion IIUMI any PS You must be getting old to be a individual sponsored by UAO. WFAL. USG. University 'Alpha PtvSig Ep'Alpha Phi' protected .uu> Ambassadors. Call 372-2343 for more informa- LOST: 2-3 weeks ago Congratulations to the Alpha Phi Spring lon Man's diamond ring - personal value The BG Ne»» rcteoc* the njhi to dcOutc. diKOMinue Pledged Class Sweetheart! Sg Ep's of rente any «d>eniwmcnt >i*h j> ihotc found to be REWARD 262 7031 Keith FansH del airunnj Lavting m I* tiul ba*i». misleading or fiUe PLAY BALLS-OUT BINGO •&g Ep'Alpha Pfn'Sig Ep' in natuic Alt advcnitemenlt anr •ubjrci lo edrtinj and LOST: Mans BGSU Class Ring Gold. Class ol • with WFAL AM 680/ Wood Cable 20 96. w/signature. Great mtnnsic value. Please pick up your game cards TODAY "Alpha Pht'Alpha Phi'Alpha Phi" The BG New*, n a forum open to the public. nxogfttm help. Reward if found Call 352-7164 the imotHubility of preventing all of (hit Itpe of advet- until Thurs. March 20 The new members of Alpha Phi would like Hung ind therefore cneoungci our reader*, to beware In 120 West Hall to thank all the fine gentlemen of Alw t<\ he f AITUIIM with * buuneit he I ore .ending money each fraternity who attended our pledge iirpmMding pen-mil crrdii in I mm J I ion Pleat* remem- class sweetheart! 11 SPRING BREAK Listen to play on Thurs. March 20 ber, if u touthh loo good to be true, it probably i» from 6-8pm on the SERVICES OFFERED •Alpha Phi'Alpha Phi'Alpha Phi" You can help ui by calling the *d>crtmnD depurimcM at fi.g Box ol Rock Show 4I*.17I-M05 wilhyou*cnmpUifttiand tuggcw>on> We SPECIALS ul Scat you pttaac provide yc*M naoc. addrcu and phone number along with your i petit* .ommeni. Wiih your win $100 cash and hetp we can make The BG Newt a better pubhcaiioa other great prizes' How to attract an man you want, WFAL Is now heard on channel 20 lr>gta>«d ol 50 hold hime forever using proven. powerful techniques. Super relationships guaranteed i Rock and Roll Han of Fame Turn your hie around rz Cleveland. OH CAMPUS EVENTS Send SASE »: CEO Enterpnses IS Apr. S Leave BG & 8:00am Tour ©i0:4Sam ,YvS HiirvjirlK*s $l6w/o transportation. $l9wlrans 3U22 Knolfwood Ave Dept.4 La Verne. CA 91750 Bursar able Trip to the Rock and Ron Hal of Fame, lunch m Buy silver fewelery for Spring Break. Tim Goyt the flats (NOT included in price) and shopping WAS NOW wtll be selling jewelery March 17-18 in tie downtown. Pregnant? GT BIKES Math-Science Foyer and March 10-21 on tie Sgn up Mar. 12-20 in UAO office Free Pregnancy Teats. Confidential A Caring education building step*. Questions? Call 2-7164. sponsored by UAO 354-4673. BG Pregnancy Center 96 GT TIMBERLINES 399 95 359 95 96 GT TEMPEST 429 « 389 °» MID AM MANOR 96 GT BACKWOODS 599 95 529 » NOT MANY APARTMENTS LEFT RlAll/l 1HI P 01 I N I 1*1 ARNETTE SUNGLASSES FOR NEXT YEAR!! DI YOUR SPICKS ALL 10% OFF •Within walking distance of campus •Air conditioning (illlAIHll 7T* •2 bdrm, Furnished or Work tor plau. iiwtaear tiou want. Unfurnished whenever i|ou wanl. wiln a Mali V or PL notebook computer |rom 95 •Gas, Heat, Water included (lu Computer Garri|Out. THREATS 99 95 89 117» 10595 with rent II..,!..I. Un.$35/.«k RAVENS CATFISH 69 « 61 95 Call Now!!!! [HEQM»C!0RV HOODOO'S 84 95 77 95 phone: 354-2110 352-4380 641 Third St. Apt. 4 BG htlp// reality »CS S.Main. Downtown

I page eight The BG News Thursday, March 20, 1997

THURSDAY sasawrisiriiPWiiiiRi^iBt^iMri^iv^ BROADCAST STATIONS Cosby Blossom ff Days ol Our Lives X Another World I Sunset Beach I Baywatch (In Siereo) X Montel Williams X News NBCNsws Cops* Real TV H Friends X |Suddenly |SeinleldX Truth |Law A Order X M'A-S'H | Tonight Show (In Stereo) <=a MolwWMk Instructional Programming Sewing Bill Nye Creatures Wishbone Sandiego Barney Oceanus Business News-Lshrer Andre Rieu With Strauss Orchestra Mystery! Carjlael' A Andre Rieu With Strauss Orchestra © Sesame SI nstruclional BillNye Punting Gourmet Quilting Sesame Street X Magic Bus Sandiego Wishbone News-Lshrer Arthur I Brainstorm Lawns and Gardens X Jerry Baker Gardening Keeping Up Appearances: Memoes |Chartts Rose (In Stereo) *P Dating Newlywed Copeland Tnitfi Mega Man Gargoyles Batman Spider-Man Beetleborg Rangers Quack Simpsons Home Imp. |Mad-You Seinleld X Horn* Imp. Martin X |Singie New York Undercover X News Coach X IStar Trek: Nefl Gener. Roseanne CD P*d Prog Dinosaurs ** "Decameron Nights" At Home... USA (R) Quack Flintstones Mask action Man Live at Five News Bloomberg News Bloomberg Neva CrookAChaae Jerry Spnngsr News Sportslalk News(R) Collectible : - 29 Jettanons All Family T-'aaaasV ."7 "W "1 ~ir"*"n- II ""'"■■17" TT T'"TII. ,■ 1.7" 1."W»m , '!!,'■", iimi:"!"!! " "I "1 * J Star Trek: Voyager X News IFresh Pr. Harried... Star Trek CABLE STATIONS 1 vjr(19$6,C mady) TICkX Dream on ■l-"l'|.HiV."l TVNseJon |Movie:Mt> Tiaceescfioor (1966.U medy) Comic luream on Daily snow |Conuc Ticks ESPN Sportscenief M jFlnalFGur |FlnalFour |BIUiards |FmalFour [Transpac |LPGA God Siandard Register Prg-Fisi Round. Up Close Sportscenter |B*ards: 9-Bai Superbouis Boring Sporlscenler (t Bloopers HBO (11 30] Hovle: ««»• -Gandhi" 11982) Ben Kaiosiey. PG' Movie: *•« "r.O.'(1994. Comedy) Meg Ryan. PG' |Movie: *fi fiencti K/ss "(1995) Meg Ryan. X Movie: •• "Bi<)6u»y"(1996)'PG'X [Movie: < "Fair Game (1995) R I Spons on the Silver Screen (R) X High on Crack Comedy sc Cavs Finasl Hour High School Basketball Journal Snowboard | Skiing Merc snd Les Levins MAC Now |Kent Hockey CCHA Cavs JN8A Basketball Los Angeles Lakers al Cleveland Cavaliers Mora and Las Levins Thor'bred |Thor'bred Cavs Hour SCIFI Believe n-Not btysttriss [Monstsfs Stories Bradbury Incredible Hulk Bionic Woman Sii Million Dollar Man Twil. Zone Darkside TimeTrax (InSsMO) Tekwar (In Stereo) X Forever Knight X Sd-Fi Bun |ln Specs Time Trax (R) (In Stereo) Tekw»rl USA MsK-rDsd | Claude USAUve |iJSALive USA Live USA Live USA Live |USA Live PGA GoH Bav Hil Invnatonal First Round .->• Renegade (In Stereo) X Murder. She Wrote X Movie: Mtt 'Beveriyr«rsC»/r(tM7.Comedyl Wings X |Wings X Stalkings

AGO"AGO-AGO Alpha Xi Delta * Alpha Xi Delta KA'KA'KA'KA'KA 3 Chnsoan female roommates needed. May Bowling Green Radio News is looking for a 2 bdrm apt 1/2 block Irom University $625 in CongratulaDons to Alpha Gamma Dalia The listers of Alpha Xi Delta would like to con- Congratulations to al the KA's that partiopaied 1997-May 1998. $175 per month Foi Run News Director for the 1997 98 school year. In eludes util. Dep. req'd, avail 5-20-97. 1 yr Dance Marathon Dance's We gratulate the following on their acceptance >nto m Dance Marathon. Apts Call Angie al 352 0581. terosted persons should turn resume and lease. Call 666 6541 Leave Message are so proud of youl MCO: KA'KA'KA'KA'KA Bands ft entertainers needed for Falconpa- cover letter in to Chris Malanga in 120 West AGO'AGO'AGO Kim Ax el rod Hall no later than Fnday, March 21 al 5 00pm. looza music festival. If interested, call 2 bdrm house unfurnished. Washer/dryer Angie Jackson Questions? Call 372-2354 or e-mail malang 372 51S5 or 372-4612. For more mfo., leave a hook up Parking Close to campus Available Kelly Kern a@opie KD'SPRING BREAK'KD message Jury 1 St. No pets Call 354-9740. ALPHA PHI ALPHA PHI ALPHA PHI Kelley Peters The sisters ol Kappa Delta Beautician needed Part-bmemBG area I -ova my limes Nikki and Bnanal Dana Ranalk) would like to wish everyone Showgirls Good Luck guys. Well fcfcss Youl 2 subleasers needed lor 2 bdrm apartments in Welcome to the lamilyl a sale and enjoyable Call 352-5105 Deia Vu, Toledo's premier gentleman's club is Love. Your Bffl Meredith Alpha Xi Delta * Alpha Xi Delta Spring Break! seeking highly motivated girls wanting to be- summer Very close lo campus $480rmo. starting in May. Call 354-4303. ALPHA PHI ALPHA PHI ALPHA PHI Female subleaser for Fall 97. Close to Campus come showgirls. Magazine modeling ft vav »a vail able. (419) 531 0329 Call 372-5447. 612 3RD si. Brand new 3 bdrm house ALPHA PHI ATTENTION ALL STUDENTS?!! Grants 4 Lambda Chi Alpha' Lambda Chi Alpha Need 2 lo 3 subleasers May Aug. Summer Business irrigation sales ft installa- S795/mo. 1 bath plenry ol storage, new carpel LiT Jen scholarship* available from sponsors!!! No The Brothers ol Lambda Chi would like lo rec- 2 bdrm house all to yourself Close lo campus. tion VeNde required. $8000/summer Call high etiioeny furnace - new stove & relndger- You are an awesome lil'l praps yrnsnts, everfll iJjCssh tor cot* ognise Mke Placoo for his recent acceptance Reasonable rent. Emily or Jill @352 5269 1-600-361-4074 alor washer/dryer coin operated. Small fenced Welcome to the family. We all love you I! IsgtSSS. For Into: 1-300-243-2435. into the Order of Omega The Hard Work Paid Summer jobs Cleveland area $500Vwk. Cleve- in back yard. No pels allowed - Avail imme- Love your Big. Oft I Subleaser for summer "97 Spaaous apt. Low Buy silver fewetery for Spring Break Tim Goyt land area home improvement co. Hiring all po- diately. Call 419-474-5344 Laura Lambda Chi Alpha ' Lambda Chi Alpha rent. Pay electric only, dose to campus. Calf will be selling jewelery March 17-18 in the Math sitions, will tram, start asap. Call (216) Cheryl or Kane 353-1532. Soence Foyer and March 19-21 on (he Educe- 692-3346. Available immediately tton Building Steps. Lambda Chi Alpha' Lambda CN Alpha SUMMER SUBLEASERS needed. Hugs Client Studo style eHeoeny. furnished. 451 The Brothers ol Lambda Chi would like to rec- TEACH ENGLISH ABROADf Alpha Phi' Alpha Phi Chi Omega' Dance Marathon * Chi Omega house near campus. CaB 352-9777 Thursun 11319 Call 354 2260 t345/mo. ognize corant Ray Field and Chris Tyrell lor How would you like to teach basic I Love my lirBe Christie II conversational English in Eastern danong on our behalf lor Dance Marathon Summer subleaser needed. Own room. D I G RENTALS^ONLY 2 UNITS LEFT!! ALL Welcome to the best family Congratulanons to Dawn Basham for Europe? Learn about many rewarding Good Job Guys! CallLynn 354-1391. OF OUR UNITS ARE WITHIN 2 8LOCKS OF Love Susan and Angie a wonderful job on Dance Marathon. opportunities with great benefits1 CAMPUS NOW RENTING FOR FALL. AT- Alpha Phi "Alpha Phi Lambda Ch. Alpha' Lambda Chi Alpha Your hard work and dedication paid off. Call Global Information Services: TRACTIVE WELl-MAINTAINEDUNITS: We are so proud of you I 1-206-971-3664 ext. K55442 Alpha Phi III' Bacca Alpha Phi LORAIN COUNTY STU0ENTS 606 E WOOSTER/SPACOUS DUPLEX LO- Paid Summer Internships Available Welcome to our family, you are an awesome Concert Announcement HELP WANTED CATED DIRECTLY ACROSS FROM CAM In ComnvlPC, MsriuMlng, PR, THE CLEVELAND YACHTING CLUB new addition I We love youl Love your Big Car- Violent Femmes PUS. UPPER UNIT.2 BDRMrMAXOCCUP 4. rie Social Work, Psych, Education, Recreation, RESERVED PARKING Anderson Arena Acci, Finance, Geography, History Full Time Summer Postions At Beautiful Lake Alpha Phi III' Bacca Alpha Phi April 11.1997 Front Yachting Club Seeks Friendly Team Applications In Co-op Office: 650 SCOTT HAMILTONONE UNIT REMAIN- 6pm $1500 weekly potential mailing our circulars. Players. Win Train Qualified Candidates As: 310 Student Services ING EXCEPTIONALLY NICE 2 BDRM UNIT- Tickets on sale NOW' No expenence required Begin now. For info ALPHA PHI SUSIE K ALPHA PHI LORAIN COUNTY RESIDENTS ONLY AIR COND MAX OCCUP 4 LAUNDRY FACIL- Sponsored by UAO. USG, WFAL. A University ca" 301-429-1326. Servers Ambassadors For more information call Busses ITIES ON PREMISES. RESERVED PARK Congrats to Susie Kauflman on her •• BILLING ENTRY' • pearling to Ben Balou. I love you 372-2343 Now Open' Now Open' Now Open Hosi/Hostess NO. Steady work, excellent income. Flexible hours. even though you lied' Motorcycle Mirage Salon Bartenders CALL D»G RENTALS AT (419| 2873233 AND 42SE.Woosler Knowledge ol Windows helpful. Call Dock AnerKfants/Groudkeopers ASKFOREVAORELLIE. helme!?!? Don! Surf THE NET (behind Dairy Mart) 800*35- 0SS3 Lifeguards unless you are going to vote m the USG elec- Elfic 702 1 r2 4 704 1/2 6th SI. 354-2016 Love. Big Zimmer tions. "Travel down south, work your bun off and get 2 bdrm 704 6th St Make your appointment with paid lor it. Earn $2200 per month. Cal Incentive Programs/Flexible Hrs/E xceflent 352-1430 The elections for Brooke Brockschmidt before ALPHA PHI SUSaE K ALPHA PHI The Undergraduate Student Government 1-600-269-3646 Pay Spring Break i Interviews Taken Now For Best Postions Praaldent/Vlc* President A Al Large Sena- 250 COUNSELORS and INSTRUCTORS Efficiency apt. 1/2 block Irom University. $185 tore will be on Netscape! Now Open • Now Open ' Now Open needed I Private, coed summer camp in Po- includes util Dep. req'd. Avail 5-20-97. 1 yr. The new voting system is: Wednesday Thru Sunday cono Mtns., NE Pennsylvania. Lohikan, Box 200 Yacht Club Drive lease. Call 686-6541. Leave Message 'Safe and confidential 234BG. KenilworTh. NJ 07033 (908) 276-0996 ALPHA PHI * POP ROCKS ' ALPHA PHI 'Available m al on-campus computer OOK " Omicron Delta Kappa' ODK Rocky River.OH 44116 Female subleaser needed lor summer. Own labs during the election Applications available for the Nation's largest (216)333-1155 room, large closets, $142.00/month * eiec - ATTENTION ALL MAJORS. Make $6,300 this Hey roomie - keep smiting1 Spring and most respected leadership society. Pick 'Easy! The steps will be listed m all summerl Find out why PftG. IBM, and hun- FREE gas Call Tonia al 3S4 2349 lor more break is almost here • and we one up m 405 Student Services AskForKathy/Mark info. computer labs. All you need is your BGSU dreds of others want students who have can get awesome tans! Applicants must be m the top 35% ol his/her Pm f and have a BG Net account worked in our program. 95% of student using Georgetown Manor Apis I love you-.Jim Zim class within his/her college Elections our placement office found career jobs last 800 Third St Applicants must also possess leadership in March 18 A 19 internet voting, year. Cal 1 -600-269-3846. Excellent one bdrm & two bdrm units avail, lor ALPHA PHI' POP HOCKS ' ALPHA PHI one of the following areas with some in- March 20 Union 9am - 5pm, Library 4-11 pm FOR SALE 97-98. Reasonable reni and dose to campus. volvement in another: Internet voting will begm at 12am on the 18th Check us out'Call 352 4966 Alpha Phi * Little Laun * Alpha Phi and end at midnight on the 19th. 'Scholarship 'Athletics CAMPUS POLLYEYES 'Social Service, Religious activity, and campus 440 E. Court Houses/1 & 2 bdrm turn apts year. 9 mo.. & Little Laun Kowalski, wait and see govt 'Journalism, Speech, and Mass Med-a Now Hiring 69 Mercury Sable Wagon summer leases 352-7454 how much fun well have m Alpha Phi. OPHIBGPHIBGPHIB 'Creative and Performing Ana. Apply between 2 and 4 Good Condition. Asking $4000 I love you little, with al my heart, Hey Gamma Phi's' Get excited Questions? Call Tanny Vonthron V.P. of Seise 592*661 Ask for Steve New, 1 bedroom apartment available especially now but nght Irom the atari. for the St Patrick's Day tea tions at 2-3706 Unfurnished An awesome family you are now a part tonighi horn 930-11:30 at College StaDonl COUNSELORS • INSTRUCTORS needed' Pi Phi' Phi Tau 1/2 year old microwave tor sale at $65. Call 352 5822, ask for Steve and forever a piece of all of our hearts. GPHIBGPHI BGPHIB 100 positions' Coed summer camp. Pocono Congratulations to everyone on winning the As good as rev.1 Love, Big Susie Mts . PA. Good salary/bpsl (908) 689-3339 gokJ cup a! DM Great job Everybody ' Call 352-1541 Now accepting Rental Apllications lor Fall And GREEK WEEK IS COMING"" Summer leases Call 354 8800 Home City Ice Company is now hinng for these ALPHA PHI" LAURI ■ ALPHA PHI Ask Your Rep For Details. SIG KAP ' SIG KAP' SIC KAP positions Route Dnvers. Production Stackers, 2 bdrm apt. for rent. 2 full bath, lumishedfor fall Truck Loaders. Compeenve wages/flexible 97- spring '96. Free water. One A Two bdrm apis, available. University I am so proud lo have you as Have you bought tickets for Violent Femmes Congratulanons to our New Members schedules. Locations throughout ail of Ohio Call 354-7293 Courts 6 University Village located at Clough my grandiiT. Welcome lo Alpha Phi's Tickets on sale today through Friday who were elected NMPC officers' and Southeast Michigan Call for details al and Mercer Call 352 0164. largest family i | love youl Tatt Room. 3rd PI Union Vice President - Jodl Johnson 1-800^99-8070. 2 bdrm apt for renL 2 full barh turnishedfor Grandbtg Zimmer Cash. Check. Bursar. Charge Treasurer • Tiffany Beccue summer of '97. Free water. One block from campus Student Prices $8. $12. $15 (limit 4 w/ ID) Comm. Serv. • Lesley Nadeau 239 1/2 Manviile, 1 bdrm apt Landscape Construction Co. C.1II3S4-7293. ALPHA PHI" LAURI * ALPHA PHI General Admission $11. $i 5, $19 Scholarship - Melisss Musko Call 352-9392 Flexible scheduling sponsored by UAO, WFAL. USG, University We are so proud of youl 486-66 Multi-media PC Complete $465 - Lap Ambassadors. Call 372-2343 lor more informa- Call 666-7865. top 366 w/ printer $290. Mac plus w/ printer Rooms tor rent Summer & Fall. Victorian tion $i90-CaHZach353 45i2 SIG KAP' SIG KAP ■ SIG KAP Lawn maintenance for Spring ft Summer House, walk to school, parking, dose lo down- Pi & full time positions available Attention Greeks town, private entrance, kitchen, 2 baths. Cal Call Knickerbocker Lawns. 352-5335 SAVE SAVESAVE INTRAMURAL ENTRIES DUE: MEN'S IN SIG KAP ' SIG KAP * SIG KAP 352-5817 20% off all NERTUBE WATER POLO-APRIL 2: MEN'S If you paddles or wood items mi letters Rooms lor rent lor summer & next year. Sum- SINGLES A CO-REC DOUBLES TENNIS- Congratulations for making Who's Who LIFEGUARD: Part-time position (6* hours per The French Knot mer $150/mo - School $2l5/mo ind util 6 APRIL 3 ALL ENTRIES DUE BY 4:00 P.M. IN Among American Colleges and Universftles week). Musi be Lifeguard. CPR and First Aid washer/dryer Furnished 353-7042 have any 200 S. Main; next to Md Am Bank 130 PERRY FIELDHOUSE ON DUE DATE. Amy Black Certified CPO and WSI Certifications helpful. Maria DallaValle Varied hours including weekends and even- Subleaser needed beginning Apr I11 si brains at all, Jennifer Meeker ings Position will be year around employment Kenwood KDC • CS04 compact 10 disc. CD H'use 2 blks from campus. Own bedrm $170 Julianne Patterson and offers new therapeutic aquatics equip- changer with FM modulator. Asking $300 • mo neg Call Joe 352-0367 days. 352-9091 Debbie Webster ment. Experience preferred. Applications are s Smith Corona Word Processor $100 Rob eves youll be aware We are so proud ol youl accepted Wednesdays 930-i0:00am and 353-1432. Summer subleasers needed. Thursdays 4.30-5:00pm at Sunshine Inc. of Loft for sale. Painted white. Spacious 4 bdrm house IMAGINE SIG KAP' SIG KAP' SIG KAP NW Ohio. 7223 Maumee Western Rd Washer/dryer, close to campus. Excellent condition $40 of the danger Maumee, Ohio 43537. For more information. Call 354-4115 226 E. Merry. Nikki or Kerry @ 353-7091 THE DEPARTMENT OF ETHNIC STUDIES you can call us at 865-0251 lor fax us at of depression. The Unique Boutique AND 865-9715 EOE BLOCH/HESKETT ETHNIC ARTS AWARD RECREATION AIDE/SUMMER. Temporary COMMITTEE lull-time position to work with developmentally FOR RENT invite all students who have taken Ethnic Stud- disabled persons in a summer day camp pro- Depression is a suppression of brain CHECK OUT OUR ies classes or who are currently enrolled in gram. Position will begin June 9th and end Au- NEWMAN HOISIM, Efimc Studies classes to submit an ethnically activity that can stnke anyone. It's gust 22th, Monday through Fnday, 6:30-3:30. '97-96 school year 2 bdrm. rum apis 70S 7ffi SPRING BREAK STUFFI oriented art project using any art medium powerful, it's constant, and it makes Starling pay wdl be $6 24 per hour. Strongly Si 1724 Slti Si. tSOO/mo. inclod FREE heal. Submission deadline is Apnl 7,1997. Monetary life unbearable It's also readily. prefer person with previous educa- «ral»r. »wr. pas a HBO Call 354-0914 awards will be made D the three basic entries bon/experience in the MR/DD field or recrea- Student Housing mcdicalty treatable. And that's For more information call 372 2790. tion area Must have a High School Diploma (or ■97'98'SJY.' something everyone should know equivalent), and a valid Driver's License. Re- 316 E. Marry j4S0/mo Close to Campus VISIT OUR NEW STORE TONITEATBREWSTERS 326 Leroy $350 mo LADIES NIGHT sumes or applications will be accepted 3091/2 E. Marry rooms $ 190/mo Summer 6 week leases 44$ E. Wootler Hosted by Wednesdays 9:30-10:00am and Thursdays 146 S Coaegeefl $230Vmo THE MIDNIGHT MARAUDERS 4:30-500pmatSunshinelnc of NWC*w>7223 I $35 dollars per week UHTRt/tTCD (Al the nilroad tracks) Call 353 0325 Disco Jockeys Maumee-Westem Rd Maumee. Ofno 43537. Summer Rentals also avail DEPRESSION Mon Sal II 9 Sunday 12-6 For more information, you can call us al USG'VOTE TOOAY'USG 8650251 or faxus 81865 9715 EOE Semester leases $ 850 http //www 352 3306 1 bdrm. uotum 616 2nd Si No pen S31S plus GORE/TARTARA Residential Specialist uM Call 354 9740 per semester GORE/TARTARA Sunshine Inc of NW Oho is looking for an in- GORE/TARTARA dividual lo work m a vanery of settings who 12 month leases slarting May 1997; LEADERSHIP WITH EXPERIENCE! have expenence working with individuals de- 408ECoun»8-l BRDuples-1 person USG'VOTE TOOAY'USG veiopemental disabilities Expenence with aut- S340