Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 3-20-1997 The BG News March 20, 1997 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News March 20, 1997" (1997). BG News (Student Newspaper). 6152. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/6152 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. Directory SPORTS OPINION 2 TODAY Switchboard 372-2601 Basketball Antonio Daniels Aaron says he wants to see more local Classified Adi 372-6977 bands at local clubs Display Ads 372-2605 Men's and Women's prepares for Editorial 372-6966 life as Sports 372-2602 season wrap-ups Entertainment 372-2603 STATE 3 partly sunny Story Idea? Give us a call Falcon basketball teams reflect weekdays from I pm. to 5 pm.. or on memorable seasons Port of Toledo could be eliminated as e-mail: "[email protected]" a delivery point after April vote High: 45 Low: 28 THURSDAY March 20,1997 Volume 83, Issue 122 The BG News Bowling Green, Ohio "Serving the Bowling Green community for over 75years" # Faculty aim for 8.9 percent salary increase ByDARLAWARNOCK A clause in the resolution cites he would like to see for the Uni- "It is released as information The BG News the probable cancellation of the versity. because it indicates that the fac- Faculty salary pool increases Early Retirement Incentive Pro- "It's a dialogue," Gold said. ulty of the University are the most important thing in salary," A resolution making ils way up gram, freeing up money for in- "The President has stated he An 8.9 percent increase is year Total Policy through various Faculty Senate creasing faculty salaries as well wanted to raise the level of facul- Lunde said. being requested lor the committees is aiming at attaining as the overall amount of current ty salaries to at least the 50th He said the increase needs to 1997-98 academic year 1991-92 0.00 an 8.9 percent salary increase in full-time faculty. percentile. This would do that." be met in order to attain the goal 1992-93 3.30 100/0 the salary pool for the 1997-98 She said the administration has of becoming the "premier learn- The following Is The money is distributed along a list of the 1993-94 100/0 academic year in all faculty already noted the expected facul- ing community in Ohio and one of percent of 4.05 ranks. a 60-40 split, which allocates 60 ty salary increase would be at 3 the best in the nation." salary pool 1994-95 3.00 50/50 percent for across the board percent. The recommended salary in- Increases over 1995-96 50/50 The faculty found that in order raises and 40 percent for merit crease will be discussed and the past six 5.00 academic years. 1996-97 60/40 to begin to be competitive with increases among all faculty Hal Lunde, Faculty Senate voted on at the April 1 meeting of Totals are 3.00 other higher education institu- members. chairman, said the resolution will the Faculty Senate. The resolu- shown In Averages over last J 5 years tions and keep the best faculty, Veronica Gold, Faculty Senate be a starting point for faculty to tion has already been approved percents. they need to raise the level of the secretary, said the resolution is begin conversing with adminis- through the Faculty Welfare 5.37 66/34 salary pool. Last year, the faculty in response to what University tration about how goals will be Committee and the Senate Exec- BG News Graphic by Dark W*mock received a S percent increase. President Sidney Ribeau voiced able to be met with the increase. utive Committee. Sourer Faculty Senate Honors students Emptiness Spring raffle semester's invites worth of tuition parties ByGENELLPAVELICH The BC News By SARAH BE0NARSKI "It is important for The BC News A semester's worth of tuition is students to take an being raffled off today, along With wanner temperatures interest in helping comes the increase of parties and with various other prizes, as part reward good the Bowling Green police de- of the Honors Student Associa- partment is getting ready. tion's annual tuition raffle. scholarship." According to Major Thomas Carrie Dulin, HSA tuition raf- Votava, Interim chief, there is a fle co-chairwoman, said any stu- Carrie Dulin greater amount of parties be- dent enrolled this spring semes- HSA tuition raffle co-chairwoman cause it's spring and students ter for at least one credit hour tend to bring the partying out- can purchase raffle tickets and doors which creates more noise be eligible for winning prizes. The date for the tuition raffle and disturbance. Other prizes that will be raf- drawing is today. It will take fled off include half a semester's place at noon in the Falcon's Votava said that they tuition, three book scholarships Nest. Students can purchase raf- mend telling neighbors about the and 100 pizzas, Dulin said. fle tickets today up until the be- party so that they are aware of it She said she would encourage ginning of the drawing. "You should also know all the students to get involved with this Dulin said this fund-raiser is people you are Inviting," Votava raffle and even volunteer their very successful for HSA and last said. "What tends to happen is time to help with processing the year the raffle raised $24,000 that a keg is put out, and it ends raffle ticket orders. that was put toward prizes and up snagging what comes down "It is important for students to student scholarships. the street." take an interest in helping re- "Free tuition is always a nice According to Votava the hosts ward good scholarship," Dulin thing," Dulin said.'"Beyond that, must also be aware of who is 21. said. "The money raised helps getting involved with any organi- If someone underage is drinking, out those students who have zation is rewarding to feel part of the hosts can be liable for any- shown academic success." the campus community and work thing that happens to that person Besides the prizes awarded, toward a goal and see it attained or other persons that come in the rest of the money raised in in a clear-cut form." contact with that person. the raffle will be used as part of Moorman agreed and said all the J. Robert Bashore schol- "Underage drinking is obvious students have a chance to benefit more in spring than in summer arship fund for students, Dulin from this fund-raiser. said. because it is being done out- "Most college students I know doors," Votava said Stacy Moorman, HSA tuition feel a little cramped for money raffle co-chairwoman, said she As the amount of parties in- when it comes time to pay for creases, Votava said, there is also would like to see students get in- their tuition or their book bills," volved with the raffle because it an increasing number of as- she said. "The tuition raffle helps saults, littering and misconduct. can help everyone. with that; it raises money to be "Not only do we raise money "Most of these are caused by given out in the Bashore schol- alcohol, and you can get into for the Bashore scholarships for arships, but it also gives every students who work hard at their student at the University - both trouble that way," Votava said. studies and get good grades," she graduate and undergraduate, The department Is preparing said, "but with the prizes we also honors student and non-honors for the rise in parties by Increas- give other students who might student - a chance to ease their ing the number of officers on have other commitments to money troubles." BC Ncwi Photo by Hide kl Kobayuhl duty. According to the amount of juggle with school, like jobs and For more information on the Bicycle racks remain vacant over the weekend but possible bicycle traffic may arise with streaks of calls for service in a particular families, a chance to win a se- HSA tuition raffle, contact the warm weather approaching. area, each officer is placed mester's worth of tuition." Honors office at 372-S504. where the problems occur, Vo- tava said. According to Barbara Waddell, campus public safety officer, Doctors diagnose Scott Hamilton with cancer students tend to be out more and doing more things in the spring and that causes the problems. The Associated Press His doctors, urologist Eric day's appearance in Dayton and uted by Kain. Klein and cancer specialist Ron- wont appear in the final seven "...I feel 100 percent "With such an extraordinary "The number of problems CLEVELAND - Olympic gold ald Bukowski, said Hamilton will shows of the tour through March confident that I can group of people, coupled with my tends to be fairly steady on cam- medal skater Scott Hamilton has undergo chemotherapy. 30 in Rochester and Albany, N. Y., own belief that the only disability pus throughout the year because been diagnosed with testicular Kain said the chemotherapy Amherst, Mass., Providence, R.I., overcome this in life is a bad attitude, I feel 100 most students go off campus to cancer, his business manager would begin immediately at the Roanoke, Va., Hershey, Pa., and disease and be back percent confident that I can party," WaddeU said.
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