Illumination and Illumination ()

„ Model the interaction of with surface points to determine their final and brightness

„ OpenGL computes illumination at vertices


Shading Illumination Model

„ The governing principles for computing the „ Apply the lighting model at a set of points illumination across the entire surface „ A illumination model usually considers:

„ Light attributes (light intensity, color, position, direction, shape) Shading „ Object surface attributes (color, reflectivity, transparency, etc)

„ Interaction among and objects (object orientation)

„ Interaction between objects and eye (viewing dir.)

1 Illumination Calculation Illumination Models

„ Local illumination: only consider the light, the „ : take into account the observer position, and the object material properties interaction of light from all the surfaces in the scene

object 4

object 3 object 2 θ

object 1

„ Example: OpenGL „ Example: (CIS681)

Basic Light Sources Simple local illumination

„ The model used by OpenGL – consider three types of light contribution to compute the final illumination of an object

„ Ambient Light intensity can be Point light Directional light independent or „ Diffuse dependent of the distance between object „ Specular and the light source „ Final illumination of a point (vertex) = ambient + diffuse + specular Spot light

2 Ambient light contribution Ambient lighting example

„ Ambient light (background light): the light that is scattered by the environment „ A very simple approximation of global illumination

object 4

object 3 object 2

object 1

„ Independent of the light position,object orientation, observer’s position or orientation – ambient light has no direction (Radiosity is the calculation of ambient light)

Ambient light calculation Diffuse light contribution

„ Each light source has an ambient light contribution „ Diffuse light: The illumination that a surface receives from a light source and reflects equally in all direction (Ia) „ Different objects can reflect different amounts of ambient (different ambient reflection coefficient Ka,

0 <= Ka <= 1) „ So the amount of ambient light that can be seen from an object is:

It does not matter where the eye is Ambient = Ia * Ka

3 Diffuse lighting example Diffuse light calculation

„ Need to decide how much light the object point receive from the light source – based on Lambert’s Law

Receive more light Receive less light

Diffuse light calculation (2) Diffuse light calculation (3)

„ Lambert’s law: the radiant energy D that a small „ Like the ambient light case, different objects can surface patch receives from a light source is: reflect different amount of diffuse light (different

D = I * cos (θ) diffuse reflection coefficient Kd, 0 <= Kd <= 1)) I: light intensity

θ: angle between the light vector and the surface „ So, the amount of diffuse light that can be seen is:

light vector (vector from object to light) θ Diffuse = K * I * cos (θ) N : surface normal d N L θ θ cos(θ) = N.L

4 Specular light contribution Specular light example

„ The bright spot on the object

„ The result of total reflection of the incident light in a concentrate region

See nothing!

Specular light calculation Specular light calculation (2)

„ Phong lighting model „ How much reflection you can see depends on n where you are specular = Ks * I * cos (φ) The only position the eye can see specular from P K : specular reflection coefficient if the object has an ideal reflection surface s N: surface normal at P I: light intensity N But for a non-perfect surface you will φ: angle between V and R L R still see when you move a little bit away from the idea reflection cos( ): the larger is n, the smaller φ φ n φ θ θ V θ ? direction is the cos value cos(θ) = R.V p p When φ is small, you see more specular highlight

5 Specular light calculation (3) Put it all together

„ The effect of ‘n’ in the phong model „ Illumination from a light: Illum = ambient + diffuse + specular n n = Ka * I + Kd * I * (()N.L) + Ks * I * (()R.V) n = 10 n = 90 „ If there are N lights or

Total illumination for a point P = Σ (Illum) (N.H) „ Some more terms to be added (in OpenGL):

„ Self emission n = 30 n = 270 „ Global ambient

„ Light distance attenuation and spot light effect

Lighting in OpenGL Light Properties

„ Properties: „ Adopt Phong lighting model (specular) plus diffuse and ambient lights „ / Position and type / attenuation „ Lighting is computed at vertices ggglLightfv( (g,pplight, property, value) „ ItInterpo ltlate across sur face (Gourau d/smoo thhdi)th shading) OR

„ Use a constant illumination (get it from one of the vertices) 1 2 3

„ Setting up OpenGL Lighting: (1) constant: specify which light you want to set the property „ Light Properties example: GL_LIGHT0, GL_LIGHT1, GL_LIGHT2 … you can „ Enable/Disable lighting create multiple lights (OpenGL allows at least 8 lights) „ Surface material properties (2) constant: specify which light property you want to set the value „ Provide correct surface normals example: GL_AMBIENT, GL_DIFFUSE, GL_SPECULAR, GL_POSITION

„ Light model properties (check the book for more) (3) The value you want to set to the property

6 Property Example Types of lights

„ Define colors and position a light „ OpenGL supports two types of lights

GLfloat light_ambient[] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0}; „ Local light (point light) GLfloat light _diffuse[] = {1 .0 , 1 .0 , 1 .0 , 1 .0}; colors „ Infinite light (directional light) GLfloat light_specular[] = {1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0}; GLfloat light_position[] = {0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0}; Position „ Determined by the light positions you provide

„ w = 0: infinite light source (faster) glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_AMBIENT, light_ambient); What if I set the glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_DIFFUSE, light_diffuse); Position to „ w != 0: point light – position = (x/w, y/w, z/w) glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_SPECULAR, light_specular); (0,0,1,0)? glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_POSITION, light_position); GLfloat light_position[] = {x,y,z,w}; glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_POSITION, light_position);

Turning on the lights Controlling light position

„ Modelview matrix affects a light’s position „ Turn on the power (for all the lights) „ You can specify the position relative to: „ glEnable(GL_LIGHTING); „ Eyype space: the hig gghlight remains in the same position relative to the eye „ glDisable(GL_LIGHTING); „ call glLightfv() before gluLookAt() „ World space: a light’s position/direction appears fixed in the scene „ Flip each light’s switch „ Call glLightfv() after gluLookAt() „ glEnable(GL_LIGHTn) (n = 0,1,2,…) „ See Nat Robin’s Demo

7 Material Properties Material Example

„ Define ambient/diffuse/specular reflection „ The color and surface properties of a material (dull, shiny, etc) and shininess

„ How much the surface reflects the incident lights

(ambient/diffuse/specular reflecetion coefficients) GLfloat mat_amb_diff[] = {1.0, 0.5, 0.8, 1.0}; refl. coefficient glMaterialfv(face, property, value) GLfloat mat_specular[] = {1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0}; GLfloat shininess[] = {5.0}; (range: dull 0 – very shiny128) Face: material property for which face (e.g. GL_FRONT, GL_BACK, GL_FRONT_AND_BACK) glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE, Property: what material property you want to set (e.g. GL_AMBIENT, GL_DIFFUSE, mat_amb_diff); GL_SPECULAR, GL_SHININESS, GL_EMISSION, etc) glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_SPECULAR, mat_speacular); Value: the value you can to assign to the property glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_SHININESS, shininess);

Global light properties Surface Normals

glLightModelfv(property, value) „ Correct normals are essential for correct lighting

„ Enable two sided lighting „ Associate a normal to each vertex

„ property = GL_LIGHT_MODEL_TWO_SIDE glBegin(…) „ value = GL_TRUE (GL_FALSE if you don’t want two sided glNormal3f(x,y,z) lighting) glVertex3f(x,y,z) „ Global ambient color …

„ Property = GL_LIGHT_MODEL_AMBIENT glEnd()

„ Value = (red, , , 1.0); „ The normals you provide need to have a unit length

„ Check the red book for others „ You can use glEnable(GL_NORMALIZE) to have OpenGL normalize all the normals

8 Lighting revisit Polygon shading model

„ Where is lighting performed in the „ Flat shading – compute lighting once and pipeline? assign the color to the whole polygon

v1, m1

modeling and per vertex projection viewing lighting v2, m2 v3, m3

Rasterization viewport interpolate clipping texturing mapping vertex colors shading


Flat shading Mach Band Effect

„ Only use one vertex (usually the first one) „ Flat shading suffers from “mach band effect” normal and material property to compute the color for the ppygolygon „ Mach band effect – human eyes accentuate the discontinuity at the boundary „ Benefit: fast to compute perceived intensity „ It is used when:

„ The polygon is small enough

„ The light source is far away (why?)

„ The eye is very far away (why?) „ OpenGL command: glShadeModel(GL_FLAT) Side view of a polygonal surface

9 Smooth shading Smooth shading

„ Two popular methods:

„ Reduce the mach band effect – remove „ (used by OpenGL) value discontinuity „ (better specular highlight, „ Compute lighting for more points on each not supported by OpenGL) face

Flat shading smooth shading

Gouraud Shading (1) Gouraud Shading (2)

„ The smooth shading algorithm used in OpenGL „ Per-vertex lighting calculation glShadeModel(GL_SMOOTH) „ Normal is needed for each vertex „ Lighting is calculated for each of the polygon vertices „ Per-vertlbtdbtex normal can be computed by „ Colors are interpolated for interior pixels averaging the adjust face normals

n n1 n2 n4 n3 n = (n1 + n2 + n3 + n4) / 4.0

10 Gouraud Shading (3) Gouraud Shading (4)

„ Compute vertex illumination (color) before the „ Linear interpolation projection transformation

„ Shade interior pixels: color interpolation (normals x = a/(a+b)*v2+b/(a+b)*v1a / (a+b) * v2 + b/(a+b) * v1 are not needed) a b v1x v2 C1 „ Interpolate triangle color: use y distance to for all scanlines interpolate the two end points in the scanline, and Ca = lerp(C1, C2) Cb = lerp(C1, C3) use x distance to interpolate interior pixel colors C2 C3 * lerp: linear interpolation Lerp(Ca, Cb)

Gouraud Shading Problem Gouraud Shading Problem

„ Lighting in the polygon interior can be „ Lighting in the polygon interior can be inaccurate inaccurate

11 Phong Shading Phong Shading (2)

„ Normal interpolation „ Instead of color interpolation, we calculate n1 lighting for each pixel inside the polygon (per pixel lighting) na = lerp(n1 , n2) nb = lerp(n1 , n3)

„ We need to have normals for all the pixels – lerp(na, nb) not provided by the user n2

„ Phong shading algorithm interpolates the n3 normals and compute lighting during „ Slow – not supported by OpenGL and most of rasterization (need to map the normal back to the graphics hardware world or eye space though - WHY?)