From: Jim Mclnnis To: ENRD. PUBCOMMENT-EES (ENRD) Sent: 3/29/2013 9:35:45 AM Subject: United States v. Lake Michigan Trans-Lake Shortcut, inc., D.J. Ref. No. 90-5-1-1-10771. Good morning, I support the Lake Michigan Trans-Lake Shortcut, Inc. in their efforts to continue the service the S.S. Badger offers on Lake Michigan. I believe the historical significance has been overlooked, and the negative effects to the environment has been overstated. The economic impact to our community would be grave as well as far reaching. From my standpoint this situation has become more political and emotional than it’s true significance in impacting the environment. I support the continued service of the S.S. Badger. Jim Mclnnis, Supervisor Pere Marquette Charter Twp. (231) 845-1277;
[email protected] TRANS-LAKE-LMTLS-COMMENTS000189 BILL HUIZENGA 1 2 1 7 Lo n g w o r t h H o u s e O f f ic e R u jl d in g W a s h i n g t o n , DC 20515-2202 2nd D istrict, M ichigan P h o n e : 2 0 2 - 2 2 5 ^ 4 0 1 Fa x : 2 0 2 - 2 2 6 - 0 7 7 9 COMMITTEE ON FINANCIAL SERVICES 1 S o u t h H a r b o r Coitgresis; of tfje U n ite t S u it e BB G h a n u H a v e n , M l 4 9 4 1 7 P h o n e : 61B-414 -5516 of IXepresfentatibeg Fa x : 616-414-5521 4 5 5 5 W il s o n A v e Wnsfljinston, ?BC 20515-2202 S u it e 3 G r a n d v il u e , M l 4 9 4 1 8 P h o n e : G 1 6 - S 7 0 - 0 9 1 ? April 10,2013 Fa x : 616-570-0934 The Honorable Ignacia Moreno Assistant Attorney General U.S.