Lichenologist 33(1): 25-45 (2001) doi:10.1006/lich.2000.0305, available online at on IDEM

Evolutionary trends in the Physdaceae


Abstract: The current delimitation of the family Physdaceae has been generally accepted since detailed descriptions of characters allowed for a more natural circumscription of lichenized ascomycetes. The generic relations within the family are, however, still controversial and depend on the importance different authors attribute to specific morphological or chemical characteristics. The aim of this paper is to describe ascospore ontogeny and to test the present taxonomic structure of the family against a parsimony-based cladistic analysis, which includes three different scenarios of a priori character weighting. A study of ascospore ontogeny revealed two distinct developmental lines. One line revealed a delayed septum formation, which clearly showed transitions from with apical and median thickenings to spores without apical, but still well developed median thickenings, and to spores without any thickenings. In the second developmental line with an early septum formation, again taxa with no thickenings, median thickenings, and both median and apical thickenings were found. Although these characters were constant at a species level, median wall thickenings especially varied among otherwise closely related taxa. In the cladistic analyses the current taxonomic structure of the Physdaceae was only obtained after the five character groups, namely morphology and anatomy of the vegetative thallus, conidiomata and conidia, morphology and anatomy of the apothecia, ontogeny of the ascospores, and secondary metabolites of the thallus, were given equal importance, and after a subjective a priori weighting further increased the weight of the three characters 'conidial shape', 'presence of apical thickenings', and ' septation delayed'. This structure was not supported by a cladistic analysis with equally weighted characters but reflected the biased character weighting of the present day Physdaceae . The taxonomic importance of conidial characters and of anatomical and ontogenetical spore characteristics need, therefore, a careful reconsideration in future. C 2001 The British Society

Introduction within the family are still controversial, how- ever, depending on the importance different The current delimitation of the family Phy- authors attribute to specific morphological sdaceae has been generally accepted since or chemical characteristics. Nevertheless, detailed descriptions of ascus characters there is a general agreement in all allowed for a more natural circumscription morphology-based concepts of the Phys- of lichenized ascomycetes (Hafellner 1979; daceae, that growth form has a much lower Hafellner et al. 1979). Generic relationships taxonomic value than it was given in former systems (e.g. Zahlbruckner 1926), when crustose taxa were distinguished from foliose C. Scheidegger: Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, and fruticose taxa even at a family level. Snow and Landscape Research, WSL, CH-8903 Birmensdorf, Switzerland. Ascospore characteristics have been recog- H. Mayrhofer: Institut fur Botanik, Karl-Franzens- nized as important in various genera of the Universitat Graz, Holteigasse 6, A-8010 Graz, Austria. Physdaceae. Arnold (1872) used internal R. Moberg: Botany Section, Museum of Evolution, wall thickenings of ascospores in his treat- Norbyvagen 16, SE-752 36 Uppsala, Sweden. ment of Rinodina from Central Europe. In a A. Tehler: Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet, Box 50007, S-10405 Stockholm, Sweden. paper on South American Rinodina species, 0024-2829/01/010025 + 21 335.00/0 ;

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Malme (1902) subdivided this genus into ascospore wall thickenings and were used to sections and subsections based on spore separate the genus Amandinea. Later, taxa types. Poelt (1965) presented a systematic previously treated under Rinodina were in- revision of the spore types within the Phys- cluded in this same genus. The present ciaceae and he recognized seven different concept of the genus Amandinea includes spore types based mainly on internal wall both species with and without median spore thickenings. Since then ascospore anatomy wall-thickenings, but this character is always has been considered the most important constant at the species level (Scheidegger character to group genera within the family 1993; Matzer et al. 1994). Authors who (Hafellner et al. 1979; Mayrhofer 1982) and considered the long filiform conidia of high Mayrhofer showed the outstanding value of taxonomic value hypothesize the foliose these thickenings in delimiting species in genus Hyperphyscia to be closely related the genus Rinodina (e.g. Mayrhofer & Poelt to Amandinea (Scheidegger 1993), whereas 1979; Mayrhofer 1984). As already stated by authors who favoured the ascospore charac- these authors, internal wall thickenings are ters placed Hyperphyscia in the vicinity not always easy to observe and later studies of Physcia and Phaeophyscia (Hafellner on (Scheidegger 1988, 1993; et al. 1979). The authors all agree that a Scheidegger & Ruef 1988) introduced a more comprehensive treatment of the more dynamic concept of the internal wall morphology-based taxonomy of the family thickenings and emphasized that wall thick- can only be realized through a continuing enings may change during spore ontogeny. co-operation where the experience from This is also true for Rinodina colobina (Ropin different taxonomic groups among the & Mayrhofer 1995). Furthermore, lateral could be shared. and median spore wall thickenings may During the past decade character states of change among closely related taxa. Delayed spore ontogeny have been discussed during septum formation during spore ontogeny workshops and selected taxa representing also has been recognized as a new character the major diversity of the family have subse- earlier during these studies and has, since quently been analysed. The aim of this paper then, been discussed in a range of taxonomic is to test the present taxonomic structure of papers (Giralt 1994; Giralt & Matzer 1994; the family with a parsimony-based cladistic Giralt & Mayrhofer 1994a, 19946, 1995). analysis, which included two scenarios of Conidia have been given less consider- a priori character weighting, and one with ation in the literature, although Vainio unweighted characters. (1890) used filiform conidia to delimit the taxon presently known as Hyperphyscia. Later the same type of conidia were found in Material and Methods Buellia (Choisy 1950) and used to delimit Specimens the genus Amandinea (Scheidegger 1993; Matzer et al. 1994; Sheard & May 1997; One to several specimens were selected for each genus of the Physciaceae in this study. If available, fertile Mayrhofer et al. 1999) with long, filiform species, were selected, irrespective of the region and conidia. The same type of conidia are also substratum and, in heterogeneous genera especially, present in the newly described genus more than one species was investigated. Most speci- Australiaena (Matzer et al. 1997'a). An ellip- mens analysed were herbarium specimens that were soid type of conidia was found to be charac- several years old. If possible well developed, luxuriant specimens were selected and cited as reference speci- teristic of the genera Phaeophyscia (Moberg mens in Table 1. For most species additional specimens 1977) and Mobergia (Mayrhofer et al. 1992), not cited here were tested and checked for compatibility whereas the bacillar conidial type is common with the reference specimens. in all other genera. In a revision of European taxa of the genus Selection of characters Buellia (Scheidegger 1993), pycnoconidial A total of 123 characters were evaluated. Forty- characters proved to be more constant than eight invariable characters were excluded, and

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TABLI- :1. Ijst of specimens analysed and references for chemical analys O O Taxon Specimen Chemistry https:/ https:/ Amandinea eoniops (Wahlenb. in Ach.) Scheideg. Norway, Finmark: Vardo, Ad scopulos maris glacialis circa Scheidegger (1993) & Mayrhofer Wardiie Finmarkiae orientalis. 1864, Fries. Fries, Lichenes Scand. 69 (W) A. insperata (Nyl.) H. Mayrhofer & Ropin Argentina, Buenos Aires: Zarate, 6 ix 1894, G. O. Malme Mayrhofer et al. (1999) (UPS) /olul w A. petermannii (Hue) Matzer, H. Mayrhofer & Antarctica, South Georgia: on rocks by shore, near Matzer et al. (1994) Scheideg. Koppen Point, Royal Bay GR 162 098, 1961, 5. W. Greene :ionary 2230 (AAS), after Matzer el al. (1994) A. punclala (Hoffm.) Coppins & Scheideg. England, Cumberland: Borrowdale, c. 0-5 mile of Scheidegger (1993) .

University of BaselLibrary Rosthwaite, on Fraxinus in pasture by road. 30 vii 1970,


. Coppins & Rose (Edinburgh) Anapiychia aliaris (L.) Korb. Sweden, Uppland: 1959, Santesson 12757 (UPS) This study Australiaena streimannii Matzer, H. Mayrhofer & Australia, Northern Territory: Robin Falls, 13 km SSE of Matzer et al. (1997a) Elix Adelaide River Township, dense vegetation on creek flats surrounded by Eucalyptus savannah. 1989, H. Streimann 3' r-r 42134 (CANB—holotype), after Matzer et al. (1997a)

iPhy Buellia aethalea (Ach.) Th.Fr. Sweden, Vastergotland: Langared; Hallnas, siliceous Scheidegger (1993) boulder along road. 13 viii 1949, Degdius (UPS) , on B. disciformis (Fr.) Mudd Sweden: 'in Fago & c. obvia' E. Fries, 1826, Novae Kalb & Elix (1998) 11 Jul2017 at08:58:39 I Schedulae criticae de Lichenibus Suecanis, Part II, p. 9 (UPS, thallus in the middle of the specimen, indicated 1.) B. dispersa A. Massal. France, Pyrenees-Orientales: Chaine des Alberes W of Scheidegger (1993) Port-Vendres, valley to Ermit. N. D. de Consolation, vineyard at the E-slope, big siliceous boulder, 60 msm, 19 vii 1985, C. Scheidegger & K. Jaggi (Sch-7547) B. leptocline (Flot.) A. Massal. Norway, Sor Trandelag: Oppedahl hd. In the vicinity of Scheidegger (1993) , subjectto theCambridgeCore termsof Kongsvold, 1 km W of the highest point of Mt Knutsho, on siliceous boulders, 1964, Tibell 2239a (Tibell) France, Pyrenees-Orientales: Chaine des Alberes. Banyuls, B. ocellata (Flot.) Korb. Scheidegger (1993) between Pic Joan and Tour Carroig near Font Fresque, 320 msm, 1 viii 1985, C. Scheidegger & K. Jaggi (Sch-8486) B. spuria (Schaer.) Anzi Italy, Trieste: 'Litorale austriacum: ad saxa arenaria in Scheidegger (1993) agro tergestino.' 1899 Schuler. Kryptogamae exsicc. 59 (W) B. triphragmia (Nyl.) Arnold Austria, Tirol: Allgauer Alpen, Vorarlberg. Kleines Kalb & Elix (1998) Walsertal, Barguntbach S von Baad, subalpinc forest. 1300-1400 msm, on Alnus incana, 1979, J. Hafellner. PI. Graec. Lich. 187 (UPS 75718) use, available at Downloaded from TABLE 1. Continued to oo Taxon Specimen Chemistry https:/

https:/ Dermatiscum thunbergir (Ach.) Nyl. South Africa, Cape Prov: Montagu Div., Kogmans Kloof Culberson (1970), near Montagu, on perpendicular rock faces, exposed, Harper & Letcher (1966) c. 300 m, 1949, R. A. Maas Geesteranus 6731. Almborn, Lich. Afric. 56 (GZU) Dermiscellum catazvbensis (Willey) Hafellner & USA, South Carolina: Chester Co. Landsford, on rocks in Hafellner et al. (1979) Poelt Catawba River, 27 xii 1886, W. A. Green (H-Nyl. 29092) oreina (Ach.) Norman Austria, Steiermark: Eastern slope of Seetaler Alps, Leuckert et al. (1981), Zirbitzkogel, 10 km SW of Judenburg, 200 m N of Leuckert et al. (1975) Winterleitenhiitte, about 1800 m, vii 1987, W. Obermayer &J. Hafellner (GZU) .

University of BaselLibrary africana (Tuck.) Matzer, H. Mayrhofer South Africa, Cape Province: Wynbcrg, E slopes of Table Matzer et al. (19976)

. & Rambold Mt., along Skeleton Stream, 1953, O. Almborn 11388 H X D. canescens (Dicks.) A. Massal. France, Bretagne: Ploescat, Reserve de Keremma. P. Clerc Elix el al. (1988) ffl & C. Scheidcgger (Schcidegger) Dirinaria confluens (Fr.) D. D. Awasthi Kenya, Central Prov: 1972, Nannfeldt 22092 (UPS) Awasthi (1975) Hafellia leptoclinoides (Nyl.) Schcidcg. & France, Pyrenees-Orientales: Chaine des Alberes S of Scheidegger (1993) n X H. Mayrhofer Argeles-sur Mer, between Pic Sailfort and Tour de la w Massane, SW exp. 810 msm, 18 vii 1985, C. Scheidegger

, on (Sch) Kalb. Lichenes Neotropici Nr. 372 o H. parastata (Nyl.) Kalb USA, Florida: Sanford, on trees. Mai 1928, 5. Rapp. Birbeck et al. (1990) 11 Jul2017 at08:58:39 (UPS-158435), rev. A. Nordin (1996) 5 Heterodermia erinacea (Ach.) W. A. Wcbcr , Baja : 1989, R. Moberg 8909 (UPS) Moberg & Nash III (1999) H. hypoleuca (Ach.) Trevis. Russia, Vladivostok: Lazo, 1991, Moberg 9858 (UPS) Moberg & Nash III (1999) 9 Hyperphyscia syncolla (Nyl.) Kalb USA, Wisconsin: Lich. Wise. exs. no 88 (UPS) Moberg (1987) Lecanora argentata (Ach.) Malme Sweden, Uppland: Almunge parish, 'Harparbol lund' Brodo (1984) ( = on the southern shore of Langsjiin, W of Uvberget). On Alnus glutinosa, 4 vi 1961, R. Santcsson (UPS 14089) , subjectto theCambridgeCore termsof Mobergia calculifomiis (W. A. Weber) Mexico, : Guadalupe Island, Melpomene Mayrhofer et al. (1992), H. Mayrhofer & Sheard Cove, southern tip of the island; abundant on cobbles, Weber (1964) level summit of first plateau just above the weather station, near the rim of the cliffs on the southeast coast, 200-500 ft. alt,, 21 IV 1963, W. A. Weber Phaeophyscia ciliata (Hoffm.) Moberg Norway, Oppland: 1969, Moberg 1313a (UPS) Moberg (1977) Phaeorrhiza nimbosa (Fr.) H. Mayrhofer & Poelt Austria, Salzburg: Hohe Tauern, east slope of Huneck et al. (1989) Edelweissspitze near road Grossglockner, 2500-2600 m R. Tiirk&H. Winmann (GZU) Physcia stcllaris (L.) Nyl. Sweden, Angermanland: 1973, Moberg 2009 (UPS) Moberg (1977) o Physconia distorta (With.) J. R. Laundon Sweden, Uppland: 1974, Moberg 2314 (UPS) Moberg (1977) use, available at Downloaded from TABU ; 1. Continued to O o Taxon Specimen Chemistry https:/

https:/ I\xine berteroana (Fee) Imshaug Tanzania, Tanga Prov: 1971, Moberg 1494b (UPS) Huneck et al. (1987) Rmodina atrocmerea (Hook.) Korb. Norway, Hordaland: Lindas-Halviiya, near Nesbo, Hecklau et al. (1981) 20-100 m, 8 ix 1976, A. Bmchardt, P. Al Jurgensen & J. Poelt (GZU) R. bisehoffii (Hepp) A. Massal. Austria, Steiermark: Grazer Bergland, southern slope of Hecklau et al. (1981) w Gamskogel, W of Kleinsriibing, 450-650 m, 7 v 1977, o .7. Poelt (GZU) o R. confragosa (Ach.) Korb. Austria, Steiermark: Koralpe, Kumpfkogel N of Hecklau et al. (1981) 3 Glashiitten, 23 v 1976, J. Poelt (GZU) R. conradu Korb. Austria, Tirol: Otzthaler Alps, along path Tasachtal to Wirth (1995) 3

. Taschachferner, 2050 m, 17 viii 1986, E. Hinteregger University of BaselLibrary (GZU) 3 . R. gennarii Bagl. Greece, Attika: Rocks W of Lavrion, close to Kap Sunion, Hecklau et al. (1981) 7 iv 1971, J. Poelt (GZU) 5" R. sophodcs (Ach.) A. Massal. France, Corse, Haute-Corse: Col Prato, E of Morosaglia, Ropin & Mayrhofer (1993) 3- slopes of Monte San Petrone, S of Col de Prato, 1200 m, 10 v 1990, H. Mayrhofer & K. Ropin (GZU) R. thiomela (Nyl.) Mull. Arg. New Zealand, South Island: Canterbury, Banks Elix & Portelli (1990), Pensinsula E of Christchurch, summit Road 7 km S of Leuckert & Mayrhofer (1984) I , on Okains Bay, 18 km N of Akaroa, c. 550 m, 1981, H.

11 Jul2017 at08:58:39 Mayrhofer 2383 (GZU) R. trachytica (A. Massal.) Bagl. & Carestia Italy, Parma: S W exposed slopes of Monte Prinzera at Mayrhofer & Leuckert (1985) northern border of Boschi di Bardone, 600-800 m, 29 x 1978, J. Poelt (GZU)

R. turfaeea (Wahlenb.) Korb. Austria, Steiermark: Schladminger Tauern, Kleinsolktal, Wirth (1995) TO W exposed slopes of Schaufelspitze, 2350 m, 1985, M. & H. Mayrhofer 4943 (Mayrhofer) Orq , subjectto theCambridgeCore termsof R. zzvackhiana (Kremp.) Korb. Austria, Karnten: Kanzianiberg near Finkenstein SE of Hecklau et al. (1981) Villach, 650-700 m, 10 ii 1974, J. Poelt (GZU) ft Rinodinella controversa (A. Massal.) H. Mayrhofer Greece, Fthiotis: Kallidromo-mountains, along the road Hecklau et al. (1981) S3 & Poelt between Renginio and Modi, 600-640 m, 14 ix 1989, Mayrhofer & Scheidegger (GZU) Santcssonia namibensis Hale & Vobis Namibia, Outjo district: Skeleton Coast Park (grid 2313 Hale & Vobis (1978), BA), marble ridge N of the entrance gate at Ugabmond, Serusiaux & Wessels (1984) on exposed marble and on pebbles on the ground. 9 i 1986, /. Karnefelt (8609-23; Almborn, Lich. Afric. Nr. 144) Tornabea scutellifera (With.) J. R. Laundon Somalia, Bari Prov.: 1986, Thulin &> Warfa 5878 (UPS) Galun (1970) 30 THE LICHENOLOGIST Vol. 33

75 informative characters (Table 2) used for the clad- unordered. Three analyses were run with different istic analyses. The characters were divided into five character weighting. In the first analysis, characters groups describing the morphology and anatomy of the remained unweighted. A general heuristic search where vegetative thallus (10), the conidiomata and conidia only the shortest trees were kept was run. In a second (4), the morphology and anatomy of the apothecia (8), analysis characters were weighted in order that the five the ontogeny of the ascospores (10) and secondary character groups (1-5: vegetative thallus morphology, metabolites of the thallus and pigments (43). Logically apothecial anatomy, conidial characters, spore anatomy dependent absent characters were marked with '?'. and ontogeny, and secondary products) had an equal importance in the analysis. Therefore the weight of each Morphology and anatomy character was calculated as the reciprocal value of the number of characters belonging to the respective group. The methods are explained in detail in recent taxo- In order to compensate for the number of character nomic revisions published by the authors (Moberg states, the character of weight was further multiplied by 1977; Mayrhofer 1984; Scheidegger 1993). the reciprocal value of the number of character states. The weight of each character is given in Table 2. In the Spore ontogeny third analysis, the weights of the following characters were additionally increased: 'conidial shape' (120 in- Sections cut by hand through well-developed apoth- stead of 40), 'presence of apical thickenings' (48 instead ecia of herbarium specimens were slightly squashed and of 16) and 'septation delayed' (60 instead of 24). examined in water under a microscope (Aristoplan, Leica) at x 1000 magnification (aperture 1-32) with a drawing tube. Drawings were made at x 3000 magni- fication. The gradually intensifying pigmentation of the Results spore wall during the spore ontogeny was used to arrange the series of developmental stages (Scheidegger The characters investigated are summarized 1993). The terminology of the spore wall layers follows in Table 3. The chemical, general morpho- Scheidegger (1993). Only sections where the complete spore ontogeny, from non-septate to mature spores, was logical and anatomical characters need no well developed were considered. All developmental further explanation. stages were drawn from one section and the develop- mental stages specified below were further used for the Spore ontogeny description of the spore ontogeny: (i) spore non-septate, hyaline, (ii) spore 1-septate, hyaline, thin walled, (iii) In the post-meiotic ascus the first stages of thickenings beginning at septum and/or apices (some- the ascospore development were always times subapically), wall unpigmented or faintly pig- non-septate, thin-walled and hyaline (Figs mented, (iv) fully developed thickenings at apices and septum, wall faintly pigmented, (v) wall fully pig- 1-4). In the majority of the species investi- mented. Overmature spores and untypical forms were gated a septum was formed very early in the not considered. spore development, when the spore wall was Although the data presented in this paper originate still completely unpigmented and consider- from one specific specimen only, we generally checked ably thinner than in the mature spores (Figs much more material and found no significant deviations from the ontogeny presented in this paper. 1-3). In Fig. 1 the spore ontogeny was simple and after septum formation the pig- Chemistry mentation of the perispore layer slowly intensified until it was dark brown at the Information concerning the secondary metabolites mature stage. The thickness of the endo- was either taken from literature recorded in Table 1, or obtained by thin layer chromatography (TLC) carried spore layer gradually increased during spore out during these studies following Culberson & development and reached the maximum Ammann (1979). The presence of chemical substances thickness at the mature stage or shortly and the corresponding biosequential patterns before. In Fig. 2 the pigmentation of the (Huovinen & Ahti 1982) was denoted by '1' and perispore was the same as the spores de- the absence of '0'. The logically dependent absent characters are marked with '?'. scribed in Fig. 1. However, the thickness of the endospore increased much more in the Cladistic analyses medium part of the ascospore and formed more or less thick cushions on both sides of The cladistic analyses were carried out with PAUP the septum. In Rinodina lecanorina these (3.1.1) (Swofford 1993); trees were analysed with Mac- median thickenings were relatively small Clade (3-07) (Maddison & Maddison 1992). Lecanora argentata was used as outgroup and all charcters were and later disappeared completely during

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TABL E2. Description oj the characters, the character states and the character weights used in the cladistic analyses https:/ https:/ Weight in analyses Character TO Character Character states group 2 3 O_

i—> 1 Growth form (1) crustose (effuse), (2) foliose, (3) fruticose dorsiventral, 1 7 7 5 (4) fruiticose erect, (5) umbilicate, (6) placodioid tso 2 Upper cortex (1) absent, (2) prosoplectenchymatous, 1 12 12 >3 (3) sclerenchymatous, (4) paraplectenchymatous r-h . University of BaselLibrary 3 Pruina consists of dead cells (dark in polarized light) (0) absent, (1) present 1 24 24 § . (0) absent, (1) present 1 24 24 4 Pruina consists of calcium oxalate (bright in polarized light) 5 Cortical hyphae with pigment (0) hyaline, (1) brown 1 24 24 6 Lower cortex (1) absent, (2) paraplectenchymatous, 1 16 16 3 (3) prosoplectenchymatous 0- 7 Pigmentation of lower cortex (1) hyaline, (2) brownish, (3) black 1 16 16 n> 8 Rhizinae (0) absent, (1) simple, (2) brush-like, (3) squarrose 1 16 16 9 Cilia (1) present, (0) absent 1 24 24

, on 10 Soredia (1) present, (0) absent 1 24 24 (1) present, (0) absent 11 Jul2017 at08:58:39 11 Presence of pyenidia 2 60 60 12 Conidial shape (0) filiform, (1) bacillar, (2) ovoid 2 40 120 R 13 Conidiogenous cells (0) intercalary, (1) terminal 2 60 60 14 Conidiogenesis pleurogen (1) present, (0) absent 2 60 60 r? 15 Position of apothecium (1) sessile, (2) innate 3 30 30 S- 16 Presence of thalline margin (0) absent, (1) present 3 30 30 Csi 17 Presence of algae in thalline margine (1) present, (0) absent 3 30 30

, subjectto theCambridgeCore termsof 18 Proper exciple (0) absent, (1) parathecial, (2) lecideine 3 20 20 °t§ 19 Disc pruina (0) absent, (1) present 3 30 30 a 20 Oil droplets in hymenium (0) absent, (1) present 30 3 30 to 21 Colour of hypothecium (0) hyaline, (1) pale brown, (2) dark brown 3 20 20 22 Terminal cells of paraphyses (1) incrassate, (0) not incrassate 3 30 20 23 Spore septation (0) 0-septate, (1) 1-septate, (2) 3- or more septate, 4 16 16 (3) muriform or submuriform use, available at Downloaded from

TABLE 2. Continued https:/

https:/ Weight in analyses Character Character Character states group

24 Septation delayed (0) yes, (1) no, septation prior to complete spore wall 24 60 development 25 Presence of apical thickenings (0) absent, (1) indistinct, (2) distinct 16 48 26 Median thickenings (0) absent, (1) present 24 24

. 27 Spore wall swelling in KOH (1) swelling, (0) not swelling 24 24 University of BaselLibrary H 28 Lateral thickenings (1) present, (0) absent 24 24

. X 29 Spore length (mean values) (0) <10|im, (1) 10-20 (im, (2) >20|am 24 24 30 Spore surface ornamentation (0) smooth, (1) verrucose, (2) striate 24 24 a 31 Spore colour (1) brown, (0) hyaline 24 24 32 Torus (1) distinct, (0) diffuse 24 24 n 33 Iodine reaction of medulla (1) amyloid, (0) not amyloid 5 5 X 34 A acetate—polymalonate pathway (1) present, (0) absent 5 5 35 Orcinol series (1) present, (0) absent 5 5 § , on 36 Paradepsides and tridepsides (1) present, (0) absent 5 5 o

11 Jul2017 at08:58:39 (1) present, (0) absent r 37 Confluentic acid 5 5 o 38 2'-O-methylperlatolic acid (1) present, (0) absent 5 5 o 39 Divaricatic acid (1) present, (0) absent 5 5 40 Gyrophoric acid (1) present, (0) absent 5 5 41 Lecanoric acid (1) present, (0) absent 5 5 45 Lobaric acid (1) present, (0) absent 5 5 46 Gangaleoidin (1) present, (0) absent 5 5 , subjectto theCambridgeCore termsof 47 Variolaric acid (1) present, (0) absent 5 5 48 //-Orcinol series (1) present, (0) absent 5 5 49 Paradepsides (1) present, (0) absent 5 5 50 Brialmontin 51 Atranorin (1) present, (0) absent 5 5 52 Chloratranorin (1) present, (0) absent 5 5 53 Squamatic acid (1) present, (0) absent 5 5

o to o use, available at Downloaded from o

https:/ TABLE 2. Continued https:/

Weight in ffl analyses Character Character Character states group O

54 Depsidones (1) present, 55 Fulgidin (incl. fulgoicin, etc) (1) present, (0) absent 56 Norstictic acid (1) present, (0) absent 3 .

University of BaselLibrary 57 Stictic acid (1) present, (0) absent

. 58 Fumarprotocetraric acid (0) absent (1) present, 59 Usnic acid and related (1) present, (0) absent 60 Usnic acid (1) present, (0) absent 61 Placodiolic acid (1) present, (0) absent 62 Xanthoncs (1) present, (0) absent 63 Norlichexanthones (1) present, (0) absent 64 Iichexanthones (1) present, (0) absent , on 65 Thiomclin (1) present, (0) absent

11 Jul2017 at08:58:39 (0) absent 66 B mevalonic acid pathway (1) present, I 67 Triterpenes (1) present, (0) absent Co (0) absent 68 C shikimic acid pathway (1) present, Ci 69 Rhizocarpic acid (1) present, (0) absent 70 D apothecial pigments (1) present, (0) absent + rcd (1) present, (0) absent 712 GreenBrown;; KK- - ,, HNOHNO,, - (1) present, (0) absent

, subjectto theCambridgeCore termsof 73 Dull brown, K+ brownish solution, HNO, (1) present, (0) absent 74 Orange-red, K+ red solution, HNO, - (1) present, (0) absent 75 Medullary pigment; yellow, K — (1) present, (0) absent (0) absent 34 THE LICHENOLOGIST Vol. 33

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especially overmature spores. Generally, the perispore pigmentation was less intensive in this group than in the taxa described earlier. Hafellia parastata shared the delayed sep- tation with the other taxa of this group but instead of an apical thickening of the en- dospore, it formed distinct lateral thicken- ings. The endospore was usually thinner at the apex of the spore and often also the perispore was less intensively pigmented at the apex than elsewhere.

Cladistic analyses In the first analysis all characters received equal weight. A heuristic search found 182 shortest trees with a length of 244 steps. The strict consensus tree (Fig. 5) of Rinodina was poorly resolved with most of the species arising from polytomy at the base of the tree (A in Fig. 5). All foliose and subfruticose taxa were grouped in one clade (B in Fig. 5). However, the taxa, which were recorded in FIG. 1. Spore ontogeny with early septum formation; this clade included different conidial types, no internal wall thickenings are formed. A, Dimelaena for example Hyperphyscia with filiform co- oreitia'-, B, Derwatiscimi thimbergii; C, Santessonia namibensis. Scale= 10 (im. nidia, Phaeophyscia with ovoid conidia and Anaptychia, Tornabea, Heterodenma, Diri- naria, Pyxine, Physconia and Physcia with spore ontogeny. However, in Physconia dis- bacillar conidia. As well as in clade B, com- torta and Tornabea scutellifera the median plex growth forms also appeared in clade E thickenings were very prominent and per- where crustose taxa of the genera Buellia and sisted in the mature stage. In Fig. 3, in Amandinea were grouped with placodioid, addition to the formation of median en- umbilicate and bullate species. Except for dospore thickenings, apical thickenings were Diploicia all genera that were represented also formed during the ascospore develop- with more than one species in our study ment. These apical thickenings may also appeared not to be monophyletic. Buellia (E later disappear during spore development. in Fig. 5), and Amandinea (D and E in Fig. Phaeophyscia ciliata had much more promi- 5) were paraphyletic. In the latter genus nent apical thickenings during early develop- three taxa were grouped in clade D (Fig. 5), mental stages than in mature ascospores. whereas A. petermannii appeared as a sister Unlike the taxa described above, Fig. 4 group of Dimelaena in clade E. Crustose taxa shows species where the septum formation with oil droplets in the hymenium i.e. Buellia was delayed. The first, non-septate stage disciformis, B. triphragmia and Hafellia spp. developed a rather thick endospore and form a monophyletic group (F in Fig. 5). a slight pigmentation of the perispore appeared before septation. In the genera Australiaena, Diploicia, Dirinaria, Pyxine and Weighted characters some Rinodina species, prominent apical In the second analysis characters were thickenings of the endospore developed well weighted in an attempt to give each before the septation. Median thickenings character group equal importance. With appeared later during the spore ontogeny such weighted characters a heuristic search and again disappeared in mature and found 405 shortest trees with a length of

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FIG. 2. Spore ontogeny with early septum formation; median but no apical thickenings are formed. A, Rinodina lecanorina; B, Tornabea scutellifera; C, Anaptychia ciliaris. Scale=10 urn.

3320 steps. In the strict consensus tree (Fig. foliose and subfruticose taxa turned out to 6) the taxa with filiform conidia turned be polyphyletic in this analysis. Most foliose out to form a monophyletic group which and subfruticose taxa remained grouped into included the crustose Amandinea, the placo- one clade (C in Fig. 6), but Hyperphyscia dioid Australiaena and the foliose Hyperphy- appeared in clade A because of its filiform scia. This clade formed the sister group of all conidia and Dirinaria and Pyxine formed a other genera with bacillar or ovoid conidia distinct clade (B in Fig. 6). However, clade (clade A in Fig. 6). However, the group with C with Physcia, Anaptychia, Tomabea, ovoid conidia, which included the genera, Phaeophyscia, Physconia and Heterodermia, Mobergia and Phaeophyscia, was polyphyleticstill remained heterogeneous for bacillar and (clades C and E in Fig. 6). On the other ovoid conidia. hand, the genera with delayed spore sep- In the third analysis, the weight of the two tation with the genera Hafellia, Diploicia characters 'conidial shape' and 'septation (clade G in Fig. 6), Pyxine, Dirinaria and delayed', which were considered of highest Rinodina gennarii (clade B in Fig. 6), and taxonomic importance by the authors, were Rinodina conradii (in clade D in Fig. 6), were further increased. With this addition, a heu- paraphyletic. Unlike in the first analysis, ristic search found 729 shortest trees with a

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FIG. 3. Spore ontogeny with early septum formation; median and apical thickenings are formed. A, Mobergia calculiformis; B, Physconia distorta; C, Phaeophyscia ciliata; D, Physcia aipolia (Sweden). Scale = 10 (im.

length of 3690 steps. In the strict consensus and Pyxine. Clade C linked members of the tree (Fig. 7) the two taxa with ovoid conidia, crustose genera Rinodina, Buellia and Rinod- Phaeophyscia ciliata and Mobergia calculi- inella with placodioid, umbilicate and fruti- formis, now formed a monophyletic group cose taxa without internal wall thickenings. (clade B pro pane). Except for Rinodina Apical and median thickenings which were conradii and R. gennarii, the taxa with de- found in Rinodina trachytica and R. sophodes layed spore septation were now grouped in are revealed as plesiomorphic character one distinct clade, D, with Buellia disciformis, states in this clade. Apomorphic character B. triphragmia, Hafellia, Diploicia, Dirinaria states in clade C included the loss of apical

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FIG. 4. Spore ontogeny with delayed septum formation. A with median and lateral internal wall thickenings, B-E with median and apical wall thickenings. A, Hafellia dissa; B, Dirinaria confluens; C, Diploicia africana; D, Diploicia canescens', E, Pyxine berteroana. Scale=10 |im.

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Life forms r=] crustose • Buellia disciformis i foliose • Hafellia parastata i i subfruticose o Hafellia leptoclinoides i fruticose • Buellia triphragmia i umbilicate n Buellia spuria i placodioid • Buellia aethalea i bull ate • Buellia ocellata | | ID Amandinea petermannii I fn ^^™™ Dimelaena oreina I—| *•• Phaeorrhiza nimbosa l^^^^^m Mobergia calculiformis E

and median spore wall thickenings. Taxa Discussion without internal wall thickenings included the genera Santessonia, Dermatiscum, Dermis- Internal wall thickenings are often used as cellum, Dimelaena and Buellia pro pane. constant characters in the delimitation of

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• Buellia disciformis Conidogenous • Hafellia parastata cells a Hafellia leptoclinoides ^^ intercalary • Buellia triphragmia i terminal • Diploicia africana n Buellia dispersa • Diploicia canescens • Buellia leptocline n Buellia spuria • Santessonia namibensis • Dermiscellum catawbensis • Buellia aethalea • Buellia ocellata • Mobergia calculiformis • Phaeorrhiza nimbosa • Dimelaena oreina n Rinodina bischoffii • Rinodina zwackhiana • Rinodinella controversa • Dermatiscum thunbergii • Rinodina sophodes • Rinodina trachytica D • Rinodina thiomela Rinodina turfacea n Rinodina conradii • Rinodinella confragosa • Rinodina atrocinerea n Anaptychia ciliaris • Tornabea scutellifera • Phaeophyscia ciliata • Physconia distorta n Physcia stellaris • Heterodermia hypoleuca n Heterodermia erinacea B a Dirinaria confluens • Pyxine berteroana • Rinodina gennarii mAmandinea coniops m Amandinea punctata m Amandinea insperata m Amandinea petermannii • Hyperphyscia syncolla m Australiaena streimannii • Lecanora argentata FIG. 6. Strict consensus tree of 405 shortest trees. Characters are weighted in order to give each character group equal importance; tree length 3320 consistency index 0-38. See text for discussion of clades A-G.

species of crustose genera, or even for entire used so far in the taxonomic literature. For foliose or fruticose genera. The study of the instance, a distinct developmental line with a ascospore ontogeny of representative taxa delayed septum formation clearly shows over the entire family, however, revealed transitions from spores with apical and me- close relations among various spore types as dian thickenings, such as Dirinaria confluens,

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Conidial t, ten Buellia disciformis shape I ID Buellia triphragmia e=^ filiform fp ,• Hafellm parastata 1 1 bacillar n=H „ „ „. , ,. ., fl I !• Hafelha leptochnoides en Diploicia africana a Diploicia canescens • Dirinaria confluens en Pyxine berteroana en Buellia spuria en Buellia dispersa en Buellia leptocline • Santessonia namibensis en Dermiscellum catawbensis en Buellia aethalea n Buellia ocellata en Dimelaena oreina en Rinodina bischoffii en Rinodina zwackhiana • Rinodinella controversa • Rinodinella controversa en Phaeorrhiza nimbosa en Rinodina sophodes en Rinodina trachytica en Anaptychia ciliaris • Physconia distorta en Physcia stellaris en Tornabea scutellifera • Phaeophyscia ciliata m Mobergia calculiformis en Heterodermia hypoleuca a Heterodermia erinacea o Rinodina thiomela Rinodina turfacea en Rinodina confragosa en Rinodina atrocinerea en Rinodina conradii n Rinodina gennarii • Amandinea coniops en Amandinea punctata • Amandinea insperata • Amandinea petermannii • Hyperphyscia syncolla ei Australiaena streimannii • Lecanora argentata FIG. 7. Strict consensus tree of 729 shortest trees. Characters are weighted as in Fig. 6 but the weights of 'conidial shape', 'apical thickenings' and 'septation delayed' were additionally increased; tree length 3690; consistency index 0-34. See text for discussion of clades A-D.

to spores without apical, but still well- included in the genus Buellia, for example developed median thickenings, such as B. disciformis and B. triphragmia. In the Hafellia parastata. Even the median thicken- second developmental line with an early ings may completely disappear in taxa so far septum formation, again taxa with no

Downloaded from https:/ University of Basel Library, on 11 Jul 2017 at 08:58:39, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at https:/ 2001 Evolutionary trends in the Physciaceae—Scheidegger et al. 43 thickenings, median thickenings only, and genera Dirinaria, Diploicia, Hafellia, Pyxine, both median and apical thickenings were Buellia disciformis and B. triphragmia, and the found. Although these characters are con- unresolved Rinodina gennarii and R. conradii. stant at a species level, median wall thicken- Outside this clade the character was shared ings especially may vary among closely with Australiaena. The close relationship related taxa, for example in the genus between B. disciformis and B. triphragmia to Amandinea. the genus Hafellia was also supported in the However, a heuristic search of unweighted consensus tree of the unweighted characters morphological and chemical characters re- and support both the close relations between vealed a taxonomic structure which did Hafellia and B. disciformis, and the paraphyly not reflect ontogenetic characters of either of the genus Buellia. Because B. disciformis is conidia or ascospores. The strict consensus the type species of Buellia, nomenclatural tree indicated a highly paraphyletic nature of relations between the two genera were re- the three conidial types as well as of the cently discussed (Kalb & Elix 1998; Moberg delayed septum formation during asco- et al. 1999). Also after the segregation of spore ontogeny (Fig. 5). Unlike recent Hafellia and Amandinea, Buellia and Rino- morphology-based taxonomic concepts of dina are still incompletely separated. The the family (Hafellner et al. 1979) our un- analyses of the five equally weighted weighted tree suggests a monophyletic origin character sets suggest that Rinodina trach- of all foliose and subfruticose taxa. Among ytica and R. sophodes are sister species of the the more complex growth forms, only bul- clade with Buellia s.str. Within this clade late, placodioid, umbilicate and erect fruti- umbilicate and fruticose taxa of the genera cose taxa were polyphyletic. In general, the Dermatiscum, Dermiscellum and Santessonia consensus tree with unweighted characters are included. Further, Rinodina thiomela and had surprisingly close affinities with historic R. turfacea form a sister group of the foliose taxonomic structures discussed at the begin- and fruticose taxa with early spore septation ning of the twentieth century, for example by and intercalary conidiogenous cells. The Zahlbruckner (1926). genus Rinodina shows therefore the most We expect that the rather high number of complex intergeneric relations within the characters, which described the upper and Physciaceae, irrespective of the weighting lower cortex led to an overweighting of the scenarios, and needs substantial recon- vegetative characters that were often directly sideration in the future. dependent on growth form. Furthermore, Our original understanding of the taxo- homology was especially difficult to establish nomic structure of the Physciaceae shown in for the complex vegetative characters such as Fig. 7 was found only after the five character cortical plectenchyma. groups were given equal importance, and After balancing the importance of the after further subjective a priori weighting five character groups, the strict consensus increased the weight of three characters. tree supported the taxa with long filiform This structure was not supported by the first conidia as the sister group of the taxa having cladistic analysis with equally weighted char- bacillar or ovoid conidia formed on inter- acters but reflects the biased character calary conidiogenous cells. The delayed weighting of the present day Physciaceae septum formation remained highly para- taxonomy. The taxonomic importance of phyletic, and the group with ovoid conidia conidial characters and of anatomical and polyphyletic. Species with ovoid conidia be- ontogenetical spore characteristics need came monophyletic in the last analysis only therefore a careful reconsideration in future. after the three characters 'conidial shape', 'delayed septum formation' and 'presence of apical thickenings' were given extra weight- We thank Doris Pichler and Verena Fataar for the careful drawings of the spore figures and John Sheard ing. Most taxa with a delayed septum for- and an anonymous reviewer for comments on the mation now appear in a clade with the manuscript.

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Accepted for publication 6 September 2000

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