Guru celebrated at Mata Amritanandamayi Devi's

States » SouthPosted at: Jul 16 2019 11:30PM

Thiruvananthapuram/Kollam, Jul 16 (UNI) Guru Purnima was celebrated at the Amritapuri Ashram of Mata Amritanandamayi Devi, a renowned humanitarian leader and spiritual teacher, in Kollam on Tuesday. Guru Purnima is traditionally observed by , Buddhists and Jains to revere their chosen spiritual teachers or leaders and express their gratitude. In a message, Mata Amritanandamayi Devi, who is also known as hugging saint, said "Knowledge is light, ignorance is darkness. The day that we remember with humility and gratitude all the that held our hand and led us from the world of darkness into the world of light is Guru Purnima." She said the Guru was the noblest and trusted friend who awakens us to the reality that, ''I am not this small entity (body, mind and the intellect); I am the infinite, as pervasive as the sky. I am fullness itself." The Guru Purnima celebrations at Amritapuri Ashram started with Gurupaduka followed by Archana, , Arati and Prasad Distribution. Swami Turiyamritnanda Puri led the celebrations and a short discourse after the Puja. Thousands of devotees and inmates of Amritapuri Ashram and students from Amrita University, Amritapuri Campus, participated in the event. The festival is celebrated on the day (Purnima) in the Hindu month of (June–July) as it is known in the of , Bhutan and . UNI DS JTS 2301
