Red Bank Regis One
' '.~ A*X the ^ • /•: BSD BANK SECTION and Bvnoaadlnt X<nrnM Bold VMotessly and WIthwrt 1 RED BANK REGIS ONE VOLUME LXI, NO. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1938. PAGES 1 TO 12; Sickles Files Rumson Fair For Make Plans For Francis Nary Scots Finish Shrewsbury School Woman's Club Fair At Fair Haven New.Fire House Takes Place On Preparations To Re-Open Sept. 12 Raid Restaurant, Mrs. Alexander Pepln, chairman'of Fred C. England, principal, has an- the fair to be held for the benefit of nounced that the Shrewsbury schoo For Mayoralty Opens Tonight the Red Bank Woman's, club on the Rumson Council For Labor Day will re-open for the 1938-1939 school clubhouse grounds "Friday and' Sat- year Monday morning,-September-12, Mayor Minton to Retire Oceanic Hook and Lad- urday, September 16 and IT, called a at 8:45 o'clock. * Arrest Owner for meeting of the fancy work booth Tribute to Lewis Wilson Good Weather Is Only All new pupils, accompanied by a — Republican Contest* der Holding Three-Day committee at tbe clubhouse Tuesday, parent or a guardian, will register In Mrs. Benjamin Crate U In charge of r—Ilsley Is Named Fire Factor Now Needed to the auditorium Monday morning, for County Committee Event—Will Award Car one seetlon of tbe booth ,and Mrs. Guarantee Success September 12, from 8 to 10 o'clock. Leon de la Reussllle Is In charge of Chairman Pre-prlmary children may enroll In Liquor Violations another section, which baa for dis- the reception grade on the above Mayor Augustus M.
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