The Passing Show 'x' *" BL Olney Signs Miss Phillips Jm | IT S REAL! IT’S HUMAN! GREAT ENTERTAINMENT! B To Play Fry's Lovely Lady A LETTER TO TOO By Jay Carmody Gene O’Sullivan, v/.:: Olney Theater’s managing director, did not FROM GREER CARSON! * i* —° : ’ _ ' ,®.ve * ar r ong —to look for an actress to play Pamela Brown’s .1 old role in “The Lady’s Not For Burning.” Dear friends : * He has signed Margaret Phillips for the part in the production S* which opens for two weeks on July 15. I would like to tell you about 1' 7 Miss Phillips and Fry’s lady who is not for burning might very touched w-ell a picture which me * be made for each other® 1 very h M which, no doubt, is a thought deeply. little more normal around here It tells of a town that that occurred to O’Sullivan when ' irfinMfc ... Cross Roads Theater, the I n S he began his quest for a leading might be yours - and what SB .'f: actress. , oldest summer pioduction group 9B JJp at 17 might happen there. It’s They are two girls who com- ; years, has. finally reported duty ... open bine the contrasting qualities of for It will in a called “Scandal At Scourie” new location, the feyness and world-sickness, a I converted and it’sthe story of a spirited | Guild Theater in Alexandria, combination that is better known on woman who fights spiteful, as | July 3 with a fortnight’s run of jJI bitter-sweetness. Each creates JpK ___ people the the impression of being not quite “Affairs of State.” . . . Irma and small-minded for for this world, as much by choice Hall Dumville are again in f|: V right to adopt a child whose as by the accidental design charge . . . And Lowell Swortzell faith is different from her which brought them here. Pat- is back to direct what could be own. interesting type I the season’s highlight, Truman Thrilling in ently this is an proud fiery and portrayals a wondetM motion picture that rings with sincorityl s “The Harp.” . . not commonly encountered and | Capote Grass . She's and therefore of rather special in- This one is set for August 5 and before she's through, the . will be Washington’s first view in M-G-M terest. %r town’s hisses have turned Olney's of Capote’s play . . . Pine Their meeting on Tree into hurrahs and hate Btage might well be the high Players, Avondale Playhouse their • point of the summer at the near- near Laurel, last night opened to love. It was a pleasure their GREER GARSON by Maryland theater. i second production of the and a privilege to be in this WALTER PIDGEON ** * * season, Lillian Heilman’s “The wonderful role with such . . . Lee Washington audiences may Little Foxes.” Norman, inspiring players have forgotten Miss Phillips, but University of Delaware grad, as Walter only until they are reminded of plays the role of Regina Giddens. Pidgeon and charming Scandal At Scourie her first and only appearance created by Tallulah Bankhead Donna Corcoran. . . Rudolph Pugliese here. This was in 1944 when she . directs. It’s entertainment that’s played the shy. retiring girl next TECHNICOLOR door to the George Apleys in different and real and I • “The Late George Apley.” Miss sincerely hope you like it. with AGNES MOOREHEAD DONNA CORCORAN Where and When Screen PUy By NORMAN COJWIN and IfONARO SPtGUOASU KARt TUNBLP6 Phillips was not at all famous ' «. M; Current Theater Attractions Blied On a- Story oy WAtiY >rtit

lovely wisp of O foiry tola for odults. Tfio beort that is not * ' delighted by *' * w * it it in need of I Tw sp• repair. _ # w 1 l Comedy, s»or . TECHNICOLOR MAUREENw«eoNP»es» ¦ ¦¦¦¦y Starrisg Roth’* usiti caita.on rmiß LITTLE V Jlispitait <—tm shut IITWIIK no aaeoar

~ -¦ I rii a M ¦mi s ( V 1(1. 00—m. 6 ILr“Mixes drama and im- lie A H O ST. a-MOO O OP ltd 10:10 y WEEK! «0 C°VI H ,Ml J'. PLAZA NfW YORK AVt.' AT UTH SY. L^i nowßl ## cmlP^ y I ARLSON EVENING PARKING o « I RUSH •»*» 60c O tiara sott M I ir RICO KEITHS itm L \u">b'» CAPITAL GABAGE o a 1320 N. Y. Ave. N. W. TOP AY ¦w.JJJJ.i.i.itMiJ.iwrtß Botvooo talk ul lltk B t