FMVSS NO. 138 Tire Pressure Monitoring System Compliance

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FMVSS NO. 138 Tire Pressure Monitoring System Compliance FMVSSFMVSS NO.NO. 138138 TireTire PressurePressure MonitoringMonitoring SystemSystem ComplianceCompliance TestTest ProgramProgram 20062006 SAESAE Government/IndustryGovernment/Industry MeetingMeeting MayMay 9,9, 20062006 Presented By: John Finneran NHTSA Office Of Vehicle Safety Compliance (OVSC) PresentationPresentation OverviewOverview TireTire FailureFailure StatisticsStatistics RuleRule History/ImplementationHistory/Implementation FinalFinal RuleRule HighlightsHighlights OVSCOVSC ComplianceCompliance TestTest ProcedureProcedure ComplianceCompliance ProgramProgram TPMSTPMS NHTSANHTSA PointsPoints--ofof--ContactContact AvailableAvailable InformationInformation 2 TireTire FailureFailure StatisticsStatistics Tire failures are caused by several factors including underinflation, overloading and insufficient safety margin Estimated 414 fatalities and 10,275 non-fatal injuries result annually from tire related problems (e.g., flat tires/blowouts) Underinflation is involved in 20% of flat tire/blowout cases that result in a crash Data as provided in 68 FR 38116 of June 26, 2003 (FMVSS No. 139 final rule) 3 RuleRule History/ImplementationHistory/Implementation Final Rule published April 8, 2005 (70 FR 18136) Response to petitions published Sept. 7, 2005 Phase-in Schedule began Oct. 2005, requires that all light vehicles be equipped with TPMS by Sept. 2007, multi-stage and alterers by Sept. 2008 OVSC conducted a public Technical Workshop and Demonstration in Sept. 2005 in San Angelo,Angelo, TXTX OVSC’s Compliance Program is underway 4 FinalFinal RuleRule HighlightsHighlights StandardStandard isis technologytechnology--neutralneutral allowingallowing anyany TPMSTPMS designdesign thatthat compliescomplies withwith thethe performanceperformance requirementsrequirements AppliesApplies toto PC,PC, MPV,MPV, truckstrucks andand busesbuses withwith GVWRGVWR ofof 4,5364,536 kgkg (10,000(10,000 lb)lb) oror lessless RequiresRequires aa TPMSTPMS telltaletelltale warningwarning lamplamp toto activateactivate withinwithin 2020 min.min. ofof whenwhen thethe pressurepressure inin 11--44 tirestires isis 25%25% oror moremore belowbelow thethe manufacturermanufacturer’’ss recommendedrecommended coldcold inflationinflation pressure,pressure, oror aa minimumminimum levellevel ofof pressurepressure specified,specified, whicheverwhichever isis higherhigher AA MalfunctionMalfunction IndicatorIndicator LampLamp (MIL)(MIL) isis requiredrequired forfor allall vehicles,vehicles, effectiveeffective SeptemberSeptember 1,1, 20072007 (MY08)(MY08) 5 FinalFinal RuleRule HighlightsHighlights -- continuedcontinued TheThe standardstandard requiresrequires TPMSTPMS performanceperformance testingtesting withwith tirestires onon vehiclevehicle atat timetime ofof firstfirst retailretail salesale TestTest CourseCourse specifiedspecified isis thethe SouthernSouthern LoopLoop ofof thethe UTQGUTQG TreadwearTreadwear CourseCourse inin SanSan Angelo,Angelo, TexasTexas ProceduresProcedures forfor conductingconducting systemsystem calibration,calibration, lowlow pressurepressure and malfunction testing areare specifiedspecified OwnerOwner’’ss manualmanual mustmust explainexplain systemsystem operationoperation 6 OVSCOVSC ComplianceCompliance TestTest ProcedureProcedure TestTest PreparationPreparation TestTest InstrumentationInstrumentation TestTest ConditionsConditions TestTest ExecutionExecution 7 OVSCOVSC ComplianceCompliance TestTest ProcedureProcedure Test Preparation RequestRequest TPMSTPMS designdesign andand functionfunction informationinformation fromfrom thethe vehiclevehicle manufacturermanufacturer priorprior toto startstart ofof compliancecompliance testingtesting ReviewReview vehiclevehicle ownerowner’’ss manualmanual toto understandunderstand thethe operationoperation andand specialspecial proceduresprocedures ofof thethe vehiclevehicle’’ss TPMSTPMS Verify calibration of test instrumentation and installinstall onon testtest vehiclevehicle 8 OVSCOVSC ComplianceCompliance TestTest ProcedureProcedure Test Preparation Locate vehicle manufacturer’s recommended cold inflation pressure from FMVSS No. 110 Vehicle Placard or optional Tire Inflation Pressure Label Determine low inflation pressure telltale activation point 9 OVSCOVSC ComplianceCompliance TestTest ProcedureProcedure Test Instrumentation DataData AcquisitionAcquisition SystemSystem forfor aa continuouscontinuous recordingrecording ofof velocity,velocity, Multifunction Display distancedistance andand time.time. (Racelogic(Racelogic VBOXVBOX 100100 HzHz GPSGPS DataData Logger)Logger) VBOX III PressurePressure GageGage forfor tiretire Brake Pedal Trigger pressurepressure (Ashcroft(Ashcroft Digital)Digital) PlatformPlatform WeightWeight ScalesScales forfor determiningdetermining individualindividual wheel,wheel, axleaxle andand vehiclevehicle loadsloads (Intercomp(Intercomp SWSW 1515””x15x15”” pads)pads) 10 OVSCOVSC ComplianceCompliance TestTest ProcedureProcedure TestTest ConditionsConditions UTQG Treadwear test course; ambient temperature 0-40˚C; dry road Vehicle test speeds 50-100 km/h, no cruise control Driving time does not accumulate during braking or when speeds are outside 50-100 km/h range Vehicle’s tires are shaded from direct sun when the vehicle is parked 11 OVSCOVSC ComplianceCompliance TestTest ProcedureProcedure TestTest ExecutionExecution-- TelltaleTelltale CheckCheck Check location and symbols used for low tire pressure warning and malfunction telltale(s) Cycle ignition locking system to verify telltale bulb function and color 12 OVSCOVSC ComplianceCompliance TestTest ProcedureProcedure Test Execution - Setup Normalize vehicle temperature outdoors with tires shaded from direct sunlight Inflate tires to manufacturer’s recommended cold pressure Load vehicle to LLVW or VCW without exceeding any vehicle ratings Check/reset tire inflation pressures If applicable manually set or reset the TPMS per owner’s manual instructions 13 OVSCOVSC ComplianceCompliance TestTest ProcedureProcedure Test Execution - Calibration Phase Vehicle Speed vs. Time Graph Rt. 388 E Loop 306 U.S. Hwy 87 U.S. Hwy 87 Loop 306 Rt. 388 W Total Cumulative Driving Time from graph = 20.33 minutes 14 OVSCOVSC ComplianceCompliance TestTest ProcedureProcedure TestTest ExecutionExecution -- TireTire DeflationDeflation Stop vehicle and shut off engine Deflate tire(s) to 7kPa (1 psi) below determined warning activation pressure Check/reset inflation pressure of deflated tire(s) 1 min after deflation Within 5 min of deflating drive vehicle until telltale illuminates 15 OVSCOVSC ComplianceCompliance TestTest ProcedureProcedure TestTest ExecutionExecution -- LowLow InflationInflation PressurePressure DetectionDetection PhasePhase Vehicle Speed vs. Time Graph Telltale Illumination Rt. 388 E Loop 306 From start of detection phase to telltale illumination. Total Cumulative Driving Time from graph = 4.82 min 16 OVSCOVSC ComplianceCompliance TestTest ProcedureProcedure Test Execution - Telltale Reactivation and Deactivation Turn ignition off and then on after 5 min, verify telltale illuminates Allow the vehicle to cool down approx. 1 hour Start vehicle engine and verify telltale illuminates Adjust tire air pressures per FMVSS 110 placard Check/reset pressures 1 min after adjustment If applicable manually reset TPMS Verify telltale extinguishes, if necessary drive vehicle 17 OVSCOVSC ComplianceCompliance TestTest ProcedureProcedure Test Execution - Multiple Tire Combinations RepeatRepeat stepssteps aboveabove with:with: Different individual tires deflated Two-tire combinations deflated Three-tire combinations deflated Four-tires deflated RepeatRepeat stepssteps aboveabove atat otherother vehiclevehicle loadload conditioncondition 18 OVSCOVSC ComplianceCompliance TestTest ProcedureProcedure Test Execution - Malfunction Detection Certification requirement does not take effect until Sept 2007 (MY 2008) Malfunction – Problem affecting the generation or transmission of control or response signals TPMS design and function information provided by vehicle manufacturer Simulate one or more malfunctions by: DisconnectingDisconnecting powerpower sourcesource toto aa TPMSTPMS componentcomponent DisconnectingDisconnecting connectionsconnections betweenbetween componentscomponents SimulatingSimulating aa TPMSTPMS sensorsensor malfunctionmalfunction 19 OVSCOVSC ComplianceCompliance ProgramProgram Demonstration tests to validate OVSC’s test procedure were conducted in 2005 Vehicles were not required to meet FMVSS No. 138 Vehicles evaluated included: MYMY 20052005 JeepJeep GrandGrand CherokeeCherokee (direct(direct TPMS)TPMS) MYMY 20052005 FordFord ExplorerExplorer (direct(direct TPMS)TPMS) MYMY 20052005 NissanNissan ArmadaArmada (direct(direct TPMS)TPMS) MYMY 20052005 ToyotaToyota HighlanderHighlander (indirect(indirect TPMS)TPMS) 20 OVSCOVSC ComplianceCompliance ProgramProgram EvaluationEvaluation ResultsResults -- 20052005 VehiclesVehicles DirectDirect TPMSTPMS equippedequipped vehiclesvehicles Illuminated the low tire pressure warning telltales in 2 minutes or less Some systems did not require any driving Some systems required minimal driving below the test speed IndirectIndirect TPMSTPMS equippedequipped vehiclevehicle Illuminated the low tire pressure warning telltale for specific tire deflation tests in 9 minutes or less Not all tire deflation tests illuminated the telltale MalfunctionMalfunction detectiondetection testtest executedexecuted onon thethe FordFord ExplorerExplorer
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