The effect of input modalities, different levels of task complexity and embodiment on users’ overall performance and perception in human-robot collaboration tasks.

Master’s Thesis to confer the academic degree of Dipl.-Ing. from the Faculty of Natural Sciences at the Paris-Lodron-University of Salzburg

by Gerald Stollnberger, BEng.

Supervisor of the thesis: Tscheligi, Manfred, Univ.Prof., Dr.

Advisor of the thesis: Weiss, Astrid, Dr.

Department of Computer Science

Salzburg, February 21, 2014 Acknowledgment

At this point I want to thank everyone who supported me in writing this thesis. First of all I want to thank my professor and supervisor Univ.-Prof. Dr. Manfred Tscheligi. Without him, this thesis would not have been written. Furthermore, I want to especially thank Dr. Astrid Weiss, my advisor for her encour- agement, helpfulness, and motivation. She spent much time on this project, and also evoked me on this topic and robotics in general. I want to thank my supervisors for giving me the chance to connect hobby (to build and program robots) with work, to have a job in the research, and to get to know the robotics community. My thanks also go to my colleagues from the ICT&S Center, who always helped me with words and deeds for writing this thesis. I am also much obliged to the people participating in my studies. Gratitude also to my mother and father and my sister for their comprehensive support and patience. Furthermore, to my wife and daughter for their love and understanding in this also sometimes exhausting and stressful process. Last but not least, I want to thank my friends and my university colleagues, who ac- companied me during my academic studies. My heartfelt thanks go to all of you. I really appreciate your contributions. Thanks a lot!

I Declaration

I hereby declare and confirm that this thesis is entirely the result of my own original work. Where other sources of information have been used, they have been indicated as such and properly acknowledged.

I further declare that this or similar work has not been submitted for credit elsewhere.

Salzburg, February 21, 2014 Signature

II Abstract

Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) is a growing multidisciplinary field of science. The focus of HRI is to study the interaction between robots and humans with a contribution of social science, computer science, robotics, artificial intelligence, and many more.

Nowadays one of the research goals of HRI is to enable robots and humans to work from shoulder to shoulder. In order to avoid misunderstandings or dangerous situations, choosing the right input modality, especially for different levels of task complexity, is a crucial aspect for successful cooperation. It can be assumed, that for specific levels of task complexity, there is always one complementing input modality which increases the corresponding user satisfaction and performance.

In order to identify the most appropriate input modality in relation to the level of task complexity, two user studies are presented in this thesis, as well as the complete prototyping process for the robot.

The first study was in a public space where participants could choose between two different input modalities (a PC-remote control and a gesture-based interface) to drive a race with a Mindstorm robot against the other participant. The second study was conducted within a controlled laboratory environment where participants had to solve three assembly tasks, which differed in complexity. In order to get the required parts, they had to use three different input modalities (the PC-remote and a gesture-based interface from the first study plus a speech control interface). Besides investigating the correlation of task complexity and input modality, it was explored in this second study, whether the appearance of the robot also has an impact on how the collaboration is perceived by the user.

One of the main findings was that all of these factors (input modality, level of task complexity as well as the appearance of the robot) had a severe impact on the results. In addition to that, many interdependencies could be identified, especially between input modality and task complexity. Differences in user satisfaction measures and also in performance were often highly significant, especially for hard tasks. Furthermore, it was found, that the perceived task complexity was strongly dependent on users’ cognitive workload, driven by the used input modality, which also emphasized the strong coherency of task complexity and input modality. Regarding the influence of the appearance of the robot, it could be shown, that the human-like shape increased users’ self confidence, to be able to solve a task together with the robot without any help of someone else.

III Contents

1. Outline 3

2. Introduction 5 2.1. Main Research Questions ...... 10 2.2. Research Sub-Questions ...... 10

3. Related Work 12

4. Prototype 21 4.1. The Purely Functional Robot ...... 21 4.2. The Anthropomorphic Robot ...... 24 4.3. The Input Modalities ...... 24 4.3.1. The Mobile Gesture-based Interface ...... 25 4.3.2. The Speech Control ...... 27 4.3.3. The PC-remote Control ...... 31

5. User Studies 33 5.1. Preliminary Study in a Public Context ...... 33 5.1.1. Methodology ...... 34 5.1.2. Measures ...... 35 Performance Measures (Behavioral Level) ...... 36 User Satisfaction Measures (Attitudinal Level) ...... 36 5.1.3. Results ...... 37 Performance Measures (Behavioral Level) ...... 38 User Satisfaction Measures (Attitudinal Level) ...... 39 5.1.4. Summary of the Preliminary Study ...... 41 5.2. Controlled Laboratory Study ...... 43 5.2.1. Methodology ...... 43 5.2.2. Measures ...... 48 Performance Measures (Behavioral Level) ...... 48 User Satisfaction Measures (Attitudinal Level) ...... 48 5.2.3. Results ...... 51 Performance Measures (Behavioral Level) ...... 51 User Satisfaction Measures (Attitudinal Level) ...... 53 5.2.4. Summary of the Laboratory Study ...... 60

6. Discussion 61

7. Future Work 65

1 A. Appendix A.1. Workshop Position Paper accepted for the 2012 IEEE International Sympo- sium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN) ...... A.2. Late-breaking Report accepted for ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction 2013 ...... A.3. Data Consent Form for the Preliminary Study ...... A.4. Questionnaire used in the Preliminary Study ...... A.5. Output of the Data Analysis of the Preliminary Study ...... A.6. Data Consent Form for the Laboratory Study ...... A.7. Studycycle ...... A.8. Questionnaire concerning the User Satisfaction Measures used in the Labora- tory Study ...... A.9. The NASA Raw Task Load Index used in the Laboratory Study ...... A.10.The Goodspeed Questionnaire about Anthropomorphism in German . . . . . A.11.Full Paper accepted for the 2013 IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN) ...... A.12.Output of the Data Analysis of the Laboratory Study ......

2 1. Outline

The goal of this work is to investigate whether there exists an interdependency between input modalities and task complexities, and its effect on performance and user satisfaction in human robot interaction (especially in a cooperative scenario). Therefore, three different input modalities were implemented to control a robot prototype, which was realized by using the NXT 2.0 toolkit.

The input modalities used in the user studies were:

• A traditional PC-remote control using the keyboard for commanding the robot,

• a mobile gesture-based interface on an Android mobile which depends on the accelerom- eter sensor of the mobile,

• and a speech control system using directly the voice of the user.

In order to evaluate the approach, two user studies were conducted involving behavioral and attitudinal measures.

This thesis is structured as follows:

• In the first chapter a short overview about the history of robotics is given, followed by the research objectives and research questions.

• The second chapter depicts the related work, especially regarding the state of the art of input modalities in the field of HRI, as well as the motivation for the used input modalities in this work.

• The third chapter explains the process and design of the robot prototype used for the two user studies and, moreover, describes the planning and the implementation of the three input modalities. Also some problems during the design process are described.

3 • The fourth chapter is about the two user studies (one in a public context, and one in a controlled laboratory setup) which were conducted in order to achieve the research goals and to answer the research questions. Firstly, the study setup is described, followed by the results of each study and a short summary of the most important findings.

• In the conclusion, the research questions are answered and discussed.

• The chapter about future work contains a short description about the prospective work, which could be performed in order to deepen the understanding of the impact of task complexity in HRI.

• In the appendix, three already accepted papers of this research, as well as all the questionnaires used in the studies, and the outputfiles of the data analysis are provided.

4 2. Introduction

The history of robots is a long and diversified one. (cf. [YVR11], [Bed64]) Already in the ancient world first experiments with machines were conducted. Around 420 B.C. Archytas of Tarentum [Arc05], a Greek mathematician, for example, created a wooden steam pro- pelled bird, which was able to fly and was storied to be the first known robot (depicted in Figure 2.1).

Figure 2.1.: Archytas of Tarentum’s Dove (

Similarly, Heron of Alexandria [Her99] described more than a hundred machines, for example automatic music machines or theaters in the first century A.D. and earlier.

With the downfall of the ancient cultures, scientific knowledge temporarily disappeared. About 1205 Al-Jazari, an Arabic engineer, wrote a book about mechanical equipment, for ex- ample humanoid automata or a programmable automaton band, which influenced Leonardo da Vinci in his research. Da Vinci [Dav06] designed a humanoid robot in the 15th century, but unfortunately, the technical knowledge was not sufficient enough to put such a machine into practice. However, some drafts of his mechanical knight (Figure 2.2) outlasted the centuries.

About 1740 Jacques de Vaucanson [Bed64] designed and implemented a machine, which could play a flute, a first programmable fully automatic loom, and an automatic duck, which can be seen in Figure 2.3 .

5 Figure 2.2.: Model of a Robot based on Drawings by Leonardo da Vinci (From Wikimedia Commons)

Figure 2.3.: Duck of Jacques de Vaucanson (From Wikimedia Commons)

6 1941 Isaac Asimov [Asi42], a science fiction author, firstly used the word “robotics” in one of his stories and assumed that robotics is referred to the science and technology of robots. He also became famous for his “three laws of robotics” which he introduced in his story “Runaround”.

1. “A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.

2. A robot must obey the orders given to it by human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.

3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.”

He also added a fourth one, the “zeroth law”

0. “A robot may not harm humanity, or, by inaction, allow humanity to come to harm.”

After the Second World War, most likely because of the invention of the transistor by Bell Laboratories, robotics made rapid advances from the technological point of view.

According to Matari´c[Mat07] who defined a robot as follows:

“A robot is an autonomous sysytem which exists in the physical world, can sense its environ- ment, and can act on it to achieve some goals.” the first real robot was considered to be the “Tortoise” of Grey Walter, because it was the first machine which met the definition.

About 1970 the first autonomous mobile robot Shakey (Figure 2.4) was invented by the Stanford Reseach Institute.

In 1973 at the Waseda-University Tokio [Kat74] the construction of the humanoid robot Wabot 1 was started, and in the same year the German robotics pioneer KUKA built the worldfirst industrial robot known as FAMULUS [KUK73].

1997 the first mobile robot Sojourner landed on the Mars [Soj97].

Nowadays, robots’ domains are manifold. On the one hand there are highly specialized robots for industrial use. They often work in highly adapted environments, strictly separated from

7 Figure 2.4.: The First Autonomous Mobile Robot ( the humans’ workingspace. The main activities of industrial robots are often handcrafts like assembly, painting, inspection or transportation tasks. However, on the other hand also in this context, there is a trend to collaboration with human workers [Ana13]. As a consequence, suiting methods for human-robot communication need to be provided, which is one of the main research goals of this work.

Other application areas, for example, are service robots, which provide attendances often directly to humans, and have to orient themselves in contexts together with human interaction partners, which again shows the importance of ways to communicate with each other in order to avoid misunderstandings or dangerous situations.

Furthermore, the toy industry has robots in their portfolio, for example the robotic dog Aibo from Sony (Figure 2.5), or the Lego Mindstorms, which were used as prototype platforms for the research in this thesis.

Looking like a game, but with a serious scientific background, robot soccer games between teams, consist of the same type of robot, are conducted. The objective of this research is to develop an autonomous humanoid soccer team, which is able to play and win against the current world champion until 2050 [Cup13].

8 Figure 2.5.: Sony’s Robotic Dog Aibo (From Wikimedia Commons)

Robots also help humans doing the housework, for example by mowing the lawn, or by vacuum cleaning. Exploration robots investigate dangerous areas such as planets in a far distance, as well as disaster areas. In medicine, robots support surgery or rehabilitation or simple monitoring tasks in a hospital.

In the military context robots are used too, for example uncrewd drones for spying out dangerous areas.

The fact that in the future robots will affect our living conditions a lot more than today, stresses the importance of enabling a clear communication, without misunderstandings. Ad- ditionally, also Hoffmann and Breazeal [HB04] propose, that collaboration between humans and robots has and will become much more important. The research field of Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) has dealt with such research questions for several years now, but there are still many questions to answer. For example, one important aspect in the exploration of human-robot cooperation is to find out which input modalities to communicate with the robot are best suited [RBO09], [RDO11], [GS08] ; especially concerning different levels of task complexity.

One severe problem of Human-Robot Collaboration is often, that not an appropriate input modality is provided for the interaction with the robot. The challenge thereby is that the ideal input modality can change between different situations or various tasks. For example, in a noisy context, a speech control may not be the most suiting tool to interact with a robot, whereas in a quiet surrounding where movement together with the robot is necessary, it could

9 be the ideal choice. The ideal input modality is also dependant on the task which has to be fulfilled, for example if the user needs a hand free for a secondary task, a PC-remote control, where both hands are required for the interaction, would not be the optimal choice, whereas a gesture-based interface which requires just one hand for the interaction, could probably provide the functionality needed for such a situation.

In order to find the best input modality for collaboration, also the complexity level of the task plays an important role. An easy and superficial task like transporting a box straight ahead, could require other input possibilities, in comparision to a more complex task where more precision is needed like a surgery for example. As a consequence, findings of task complexity research were also included for the research in this thesis. This is essential in order to find the best mix of input modality in dependance of task complexity for human- robot collaboration.

2.1. Main Research Questions

Therefore, the main research goal of this thesis is to explore the ideal mix of input modalities depending on different levels of task complexities in terms of performance and user satisfaction measures. In other words, which input modality is the most appropriate for different levels of complexities. For example, a speech control system could possible be the best choice for easy tasks, whereas a gesture-based interface could be more appropriate for complex activities. Furthermore, it is investigated if minimal human-like cues, added to a purely functional robot in order to suggest anthropomorphism, have an effect on the interaction/collaboration.

2.2. Research Sub-Questions

1. What interdependencies between input modalities and task complexities can be iden- tified?

2. How do users perceive the different input modalities in terms of user satisfaction mea- sures?

3. Are the means of interaction provided by the different input modalities effective for the human and the robot?

10 4. Are the means of interaction provided by the different input modalities efficient for the human and the robot?

5. How do the different input modalities perform for different task complexities?

The research sub-questions are used in order to assess the main research goal and to provide a broader perspective about the research in this work. The research questions will be answered in Chapter 6.

However, the first step to reach the research goal, was an intense search for literature, which was used as a starting point for this thesis. The following chapter illustrates the most im- portant work, which is related to this area of research.

11 3. Related Work

In order to enable successful human-robot collaboration, many factors have to be consid- ered:

• The context in which the interaction takes place,

• the type of the robot,

• the experience of the user,

• the task which has to be fulfilled,

• and many other circumstances.

Especially the chosen input modality used for the cooperation is an essential aspect to en- hance a satisfying interaction as there are many different possiblities to interact with robots nowadays. Much research effort has already been spent on investigating in different ways for commanding robotic systems:

• Different handheld devices [RDO11],

• tangible interfaces [GS08] or

• or different control modalities at the same time [BGR+09].

Some researchers also investigate in using speech for commanding robotic systems [CSSW10] [AN04]. All in all, each input modality has advantages and disadvantages in specific situa- tions, therefore further investigation is necessary.

Cantrell et al. [CSSW10] for example worked on the issue of teaching natural language to an artificial system. Therefore they conducted a human-human interaction experiment with the

12 purpose to collect data about verbal utterances and disfluencies of natural language. They mentioned, that most of the speech recognition systems are based on a sequential approach and just make limited use of goal structures, context and task knowledge, which is indeed essential for achieving a natural language like interaction. They identified a number of prob- lems as disfluencies, omissions, grounding of referents and others which makes it complicated for an artificial system to understand natural language. Although they believed, that “no HRI architecture is currently capable of handling completely unrestricted natural language” they proposed a very promising integrated architecture for robust spoken instruction under- standing using incremental parsing, incremental semantic analysis, disfluency analysis, and situated reference resolution besides the “classical” speech recognition, with the result, that they were able to handle most of the above mentioned problems quite well. The authors con- sider their work to be ”an important step in the direction of achieving natural human-robot interactions”. All in all, their system can handle a wide variety of spoken utterances, but it is still not free of errors. Therefore, it was decided to use a sequential approach with strictly predefined commands for the speech recognition system in the user study in this thesis, to avoid some of the above mentioned problems, for example, the grounding of referents. Furthermore it is mentioned that just a small set of commands will improve the accuracy of speech recognition systems, which will totally meet the requirements for the studies in this thesis.

Ayres and colleagues [AN04] implemented a speech recognition system, which they studied by using Lego Mindstorm robots. They implemented a system, which could control a robotic device, with a JVM, via a Wifi/WLAN/TCPIP network from a PC workstation or a mobile handheld PC (iPaq). They mention, that traditionally speech recognition systems are mainly written in C, but due to recent advances in Java, especially in the Java Speech API, this programming language would also be suitable for speech and recognition engineering. In Figure 3.1 several implemented architectures are depicted. All of them have in common that firstly the voice signal is aquired and processed by a PC Workstation or the mobile handheld PC (iPaq), and secondly all of them are using different kinds of speech recognition systems like Sphinx 2 or the JSAPI Cloudgarden API. The aquired and recognised speech signals are sent to a Linux Server via WLAN then, which searches the grammar for possible commands and redirects it again via WLAN to the robot.

The results were quite satisfying, and they’ve proved their hypothesis, that Java has become a suiting tool for speech and recognition engineering, however, further implementation and testing work is required. Furthermore, they also mentioned the possibility of using Bluetooth for communication instead of WLAN, but due to the lower range and bandwith, and the higher difficulty to program, as Java APIs were not readily available, they claimed, that

13 Figure 3.1.: The Different Speech Recognition Architectures (cf. Ayres [AN04], S. 3)

WLAN “provides a more effective networking solution”. However, for the studies in this thesis, the range and bandwith is not very important, therefore it was decided to explore a similar speech recognition approach, combining the advantages of Bluetooth with the plattform independent Java programming language.

Obviously, speech is just an excerpt of the huge amount of possibilites to interact with robots. Other input modalities such as gesture or keyboards etc. have shown promising results, too. Rouanet and colleagues [RBO09], for example, compared three different handheld input devices, in order to control Sony’s Aibo robot and to show it different objects. For this, they inspected a keyboard-like and a gesture-based interface on the iPhone, and furthermore a tangible gesture-based interface using Nintendo’s Wii. The reason why they chose the AIBO robots was that “Due to its zoomorphic and domestic aspect, non-expert users perceived it as a pleasant and entertaining robot, so it allows really easy and natural interaction with most users and keeps the study not too annoying for testers”. They conducted an experiment with non-expert users in a domestic environment, where participants had to control the robot through two tracks, which can be seen in Figure 3.2, which differed in complexity. The results showed, that all input modalities were rather equally efficient and all considered as satisfying. Especially the iPhone gesture-based interface was preferred by the users, whereas the Wiimote was rather poorly rated, although especially for the hard course, the mean completion time was slightly lower with it. According to the authors, this advantage could be explained by the user’s ability to always focus on the robot. All in all, their input modalities suffered from a little delay, which means that the reaction of the robot took a few milliseconds, until it actually happened, after a command was given. Therefore, they added visual feedback in

14 Figure 3.2.: The Two Obstacle Courses, the Dotted Line is the Hard One, the Other Line the Easy One (cf. Rouanet [RBO09], S. 5) form of lights on the head of the robot, to add an abstraction layer to help users to enable a comparison of the interfaces themselves, instead of their underlying system.

Rouanet et al. [RDO11] continued their research and applied a real world user study with the aim, to teach robots new visual objects. Three input devices based on mediator objects with different kinds of feedback (Wiimote, Laser Pointer, and iPhone) where used. Furthermore, a gesture-based interface was simulated with a Wizard-of-Oz recognition system, to provide a more natural way of interaction. The iPhone interface was based on a video stream of the robot’s camera, which allowed participants to monitor the view of the robot directly. However, it was mentioned that the splitting of direct and indirect monitoring of the robot increased the user’s cognitive load. The Wiimote interface was based on the directional cross to move the robot. The laser pointer interface worked with the light to draw the robot’s attention directly in one direction. Both of the interfaces (Wiimote and Laser Pointer) allowed participants to directly focus their attention on the robot. The gesture-based interface, using a Wizard-of-Oz framework, provided the possibility to guide the robot by hand or arm gestures (Figure 3.3). They designed their study as a robotic game, with the purpose to maintain the users’ motivations. During their experiment, they found out that although the gesture- based interface had a lower usability, it was more entertaining for the users. It also increased the feeling of cooperation between the participants and the robot, whereas the usability was

15 Figure 3.3.: Robot Guided by Gestures (cf. Rouanet [RDO11], S. 4) better when using the iPhone interface, especially for non-expert users, which could possibly be because of the visual feedback of the device. All in all their work showed that although feedback increases usability, it could be negative for the cognitive workload on the other hand. Due to the fact that the gesture-based interface, which had the lowest usability was considered to be the most entertaining modality for participants, which could offer a better overall user experience, further investigation in this kind of input modality makes sense.

Cheng Guo et al. [GS08] suggested a tangible user interface for human-robot interaction with Sony’s robotic dog AIBO. They used two input devices, namely a keypad interface and a gesture based interface with a Nintendo Wii controller. They believed, that a more natural way of interaction can be achieved by allowing users to focus their attention on more high level task planning in comparison to low level steps. Therefore a suitable input device is needed. They conducted a study, comparing the gesture-based interface and the keyboard interaction device, solving two different tasks with two difficulties each:

• Navigation task: Participants were asked to navigate the AIBO robot through two obstacle courses. For the easy task, participants could freely choose the combinations of actions they needed. When solving the hard task, they were forced to use rotation and strafing, in addition to walking and turning, for a successful completion of the course.

• Posture task: Users had to perform a number of different postures with the forelegs of the robot (cf. Figure 3.4). In this case, only one foreleg had to be manipulated, whereas for the hard tasks, both forelegs had to be transformed, in order to complete the transition.

One of their research questions was, if gesture-based input methods could provide a more efficient human-robot interaction, in comparision to more conservative devices like keyboard, mouse or joysticks. They mentioned, that the most important advantage of their suggested

16 Figure 3.4.: Possible Postures for each Foreleg of the AIBO Robot (cf. Guo [GS08], S. 6) tangible user interface was that it provided affordances of physical objects. This advantage was explained because participants “do not need to focus on their hands while performing a posture. They are naturally aware of the spatial location of their hands.” The results of their user studies showed, that the gesture-based input outperformed the keyboard device in terms of task completion times in both types of tasks, and that it was a more natural way of interaction. The fact, that the keyboard interface required more attention shifts between the robot and the device, is another argument for the Wii control. Although most of the users mentioned, that they are more familiar with the keyboard - due to their computer game experiences - they would prefer the gesture-based interface because of the higher intuitiveness. On the other hand, it was mentioned, that if there had been a training session for both devices, the keypad would have outperformed the gesture-based interface. Furthermore, the authors argued, that their results are not always transferrable for these types of tasks, because they did not use the most intuitive mapping of keys on the keyboard, as in Figure 3.5, which could have effected their data.

Figure 3.5.: The Mapping of the Keys (cf. Guo [GS08], S. 6)

Thus, that participants believed, that a training session would have strengthened the results of the keypad interface. Furthermore the statement that not the most intuitive mapping of keys on the keyboard was used, and the fact that some kind of a tangible user interface (the Wiimote) allowed users a more high-level task planning, leaded to investigate in that kind of input modalities further in the studies.

17 Bannat et al. [BGR+09] proposed that a more natural and flexible human-robot interaction could be achieved by providing different control modalities at the same time, namely speech, gaze and so-called soft buttons. So users can choose, which modality suits best in a specific situation, for example to use speech when both hands are needed for an assembly step (Cf. Figure 3.6). They conducted a study in a factory setup: The worker had to solve a hybrid assembly scenario, in which the assembly steps should be solved in collaboration with the robot serving as an assistant or also as a fully autonomous assembly unit. The aim of their research is to “establish the so-called Cognitive Factory as the manufacturing concept for the 21st century.” Their approach will be evaluated in experiments with humans in their future work.

Figure 3.6.: Three Independent Communication Channels Between Human and Robot (cf. Bannat [BGR+09], S. 2)

However, this concept has not been experimentally validated so far and the possibility of using more than one input modality at the same time could possibly lead to a higher cognitive workload.

Hayes et al. [HHA10] tried to develop an optimized multi-touch interface for human-robot interaction, using a map on a screen to control the robot. According to the researchers, static input devices like mouse and keyboard do often not result in a satisfying interaction form to command robots, especially in situations, where the user needs hands free for a secondary task, or if it is necessary to walk around together with the robot. Their multi- touch interface resulted in a better usability, faster completion times and in a lower overall workload and reduced frustration, in comparision to static input devices like mouse and keyboard. They believed, that their work was just a first step to developing a successful

18 multi-touch interaction paradigm for human-robot interaction and they are willing to develop additional touch capabilities. They argued, that it is essential to evaluate their interface with participants, who are on the move during the interaction. Their work leads again to take more flexible input devices like a gesture-based mobile interface or a speech control system into account. To evaluate their usefulness, it is inevitable to compare them to static input modalites, such as a PC-remote.

Another approach was investigated by Pollard and colleagues [PHRA02]. They evaluated the possibility of using pre-recorded human motion and trajectory tracking as an input modality for anthropomorphic robots. They used a system with several cameras to gather data about the participants’ gestures, and conducted an experiment with professionally trained actors to capture their motions, in order to transfer them to a Sarcos robot like in Figure 3.7. They came to the conclusion, that the biggest limitation of their approach was that the degree of freedom of each joint was inspected separately. This sometimes led to situations, where one joint exceeded its limit and another did not, which produced results, that the motion of the robot did not match the motion of the actor. They planned to make a second experiment, where they want to show participants different instances of actors, performing given motions and let the participants decide, whether the robot motion has been driven from the actors motion or not. An evaluation will show, if the robots motions have been retained successfully from the actors’ movement.

Figure 3.7.: The Sarcos Robot and a Professional Actor (cf. Pollard [PHRA02], S. 1)

On the one hand, the approach seemed to be very innovative and promising, on the other hand, it seems to take a lot of time to record and process human motions, which is furthermore a very complex activity. Therefore, this kind of interaction paradigm will not be used in the studies.

Although there has been a lot of research done in human-robot collaboration and especially on how to control robots, there are still many things to discover. Summarizing, many researchers mentioned that speech is the most natural way of interaction between humans, therefore, it could possibly be the most suiting control method for robots too. Several experiments on

19 speech as an input modality for robots achieved quite positive results [AN04] [CSSW10] [WBS+09] [BGR+09], but the studies and measures were often not very detailed or not tested in a complete user study. Therefore further investigation makes sense, especially in collaboration scenarios where increasing usability and user experience could provide an immense outcome for companies in terms of time, money and overall satisfaction of the workers. For the studies presented in this thesis, it is not needed to implement an interface, which parses natural language, but just about five commands have to be understood, which increases the robustness of such a system a lot. Understandably, there have to be comparative input systems for the purpose to find arguments, whether a given input device is suitable for different scenarios like superficial or more complex tasks. The other two input modalities, which are investigated, are an Android application as a gesture-based interface and a PC remote control. All in all three very different devices, that offer the possibility to find well- founded arguments for comparing them, are investigated. Furthermore, it is a fact, that also different appearances of robots could have an impact on the results, like in the work of Groom et al. [GTON09]. As a consequence this factor will also be taken into account.

All in all, what has been - up to the literature review - left out so far, is a structured investigation of the interplay between: (1) input modality, (2) task complexity, and (3) appearance of the robot (functional vs. human-like). Which means that it is essential, not to investigate these factors just separately but combined in stuctured user studies. Therefore, especially interdependencies between them are in the focus of this research. The goal is to find the most appropriate mixture of input device and appearance of robots for different levels of task complexity, in terms of the resulting user satisfaction and the overall performance.

In order to assess these interdependencies in user studies, a robot prototype, as well as various input modalities to study were needed. The design as well as the implementation of the prototype and it’s input modalities are described in the following chapter.

20 4. Prototype

4.1. The Purely Functional Robot

For the research presented in this thesis a robot was needed, which is able to fulfill pick and place and transportation tasks. These kind of jobs are often common in the context of a factory for example and needed for collaborative interaction scenarios. It was decided to use Lego Mindstorms NXT 2.0 [Wik13b], which were launched on August 5 2009, due to several reasons.

The Lego Mindstorms were developed through a partnership between Lego and the MIT Me- dia Laboratory, also with the goal, to be used, besides as a toy, as teaching material for pro- gramming. It is a good example for an embedded system, which consists of a programmable brick computer (with the possibility to use four sensors and three motors concurrently, with a 32-bit microprocessor), three servomotors, different sensors (like an ultrasonic sensor to measure distances, a light sensor to gather information about six different colours, or the intensity of light, 2 touch sensors which react to button presses, a sound sensor which enables the robot to receive information about noise, and many more), and Lego technique parts. (cf. Figure 4.1) Furthermore, the robot is able to provide aural feedback by a 8-bit speaker and also visual output with the aid of a 100x64 pixel display.

It is possible to copy nearly any thinkable mechanic system and also to construct autonomous or interactive systems with Lego Mindstorms, which led 2008 to the acceptance for the robot hall of fame [Wik13c]. In addition to that, it is a more or less affordable robot, also available for the consumer market. Although it is primarily a toy, it provides the freedom to use nearly any of the most common programming languages, for the purpose to write routines for the robot. Summarizing, the flexibility, affordability, and quality has led to the decision to use Lego Mindstorms for this research.

A first functional prototype was constructed, which was able to drive around by using two

21 Figure 4.1.: The Programmable Brick Computer with Motors and Sensors Attached (cf. [Leg13]) motors. The problem appeared, that there was just one motor left to enable the robot to pick and place things, which was essential for the user studies. As a consequence, an intensive search for literature and ideas followed, with the discovery of “The Snatcher” of Laurens. It is a functional robot with a grabbing arm, which was an inspiration for using this grabbing arm for the prototype too. In his book [Val10], Lauren provides a detailed description how to build this grabbing arm, with just one motor needed. This becomes possible by a clever combination of gears, beams, and transmission of power. The arm worked well, but after a few tests, strange noises were noticed, produced by the motor of the grabbing arm, when reaching the highest or lowest position of the arm. This was caused by the attempt of the motor, to overcome the resistance of physical barriers. In order to avoid damages to the motor, a minimum and a maximum point were defined, to restrict the movement of the grabbing arm motor. This was carried out by using the ultrasonic sensor and one touch sensor, to indicate the respective end points (cf. Figure 4.2). For example, when the ultrasonic sensor reported a distance lower than 1cm, the grabbing arm was on the lowest allowed position, and the motor should stop. On the opposite side, the touch sensor was pressed, when the arm reached the highest position and triggered the arm to stop.

Furthermore a sound sensor was added to the robot, to enable the robot to receive information about noise and of course sound commands. Unfortunately, the sound sensor was only capable of measuring the volume, and it was not managed to record actual sounds with it. The result of the prototyping process led to a purely functional robot design, which can be seen in Figure 4.3.

After a few short tests it was realised that the road grip was not adequate enough, as a consequence it was hard to precisely control the robot. This problem led to the decision, to change from wheels to chains which improved the handling a lot.

22 Figure 4.2.: The Ultrasonic Sensor Indicates the Minimum Point, the Touch Sensor the Max- imum Point

Figure 4.3.: The Functional Prototype with the Grabbing Arm

23 4.2. The Anthropomorphic Robot

In order to get an insight into the impact of the appearance of the robot on the interaction, it was investigated, if minimal anthropomorphic cues, added to the robot, would lead to differences in the results. Therefore, the appearance of the robot was altered by adding a head to the purely functional robot, to indicate anthropomorphism. The question was, if minimalistic cues are sufficient to effect the results concerning user satisfaction measures, or even the performance. The head was an outcome of a 3D-printing workshop, which took place at the Computer Science Departement of the University of Salzburg and was provided by a member of Otelo [Ote13]. In the workshop, which lasted two days, three fully working 3D printers were built and tested and for the head of the robot a model, designed by Neophyte, was used.1 The origin of the head can be seen in Figure 4.4.

Figure 4.4.: The 3D Printer is Processing the Robot’s Head

The head was then mounted on the functional prototype by using some lego bricks. In Figure 4.5, a first concept and the prototype with anthropomorphic cues is depicted.

4.3. The Input Modalities

After the robot prototype was finished, three different input modalities were implemented. All of them should have been able to control the robot to drive around in any desired direction, and furthermore to lift and release small objects by using the grasping arm of the prototype.


24 Figure 4.5.: A first Concept and the Prototype with Anthropmorphic Cues

Following the literature review in Chapter 3, it was concluded to provide

• a gesture-based interface on an Android mobile phone,

• a speech control system,

• and, last but not least a “classical” PC-remote interface, using a standard keyboard for the interaction with the robot.

In the following section, an overview about how the different input modalities were imple- mented, and what and especially why some technologies were used, is given.

4.3.1. The Mobile Gesture-based Interface

During the conception of the different input possibilities, the MINDdroid application was conquered, which offered nearly all of the functionalities, which were needed for the gesture- based interface. The executable and also the source code is freely available under the GPL v3 license 2. The source code can be downloaded at the github webpage [H13].¨

The robot is controlled by using the data of the accelerometer sensor of the smartphone, in other words, the direction of the robot is triggered by the relative angle of the mobile to the


25 ground. By using this data, it is possible to control two motors of Lego Mindstorm robots. Furthermore, the application provides visual feedback on the screen and haptic feedback by vibrations. The application also provides the possibility to start programs, which are directly installed on the Lego Mindstorm using the standard firmware or others. This happens by using the touchscreen interface via the action button. As it can be seen in Figure 4.6, the relative position of the yellow square indicates the direction, which the robots is moving to. If the yellow square is within the grey one, it stops. For the communication to the robot and sending the commands, Bluetooth is used.

Figure 4.6.: The MINDdroid Application (cf. [H13])¨

In order to allow a more exact comparision between the different input modalities, the source code was used and modified to meet specific requirements. The modification was covering a limitation of the maximum speed in order to make it equal to the other input modalities - the speech control interface and the PC-remote control. Performance measures would have had hardly any value, if one input modality allows the robot to go faster or slower, than the others.

Due to the fact, that a Samsung Galaxy S2 mobile phone was used for the studies, the app was compiled for Android 4.1 Jelly Bean with API level 16 [And13], which was at that time the newest version. For all the programming work, the integrated development environment Eclipse 4.2.0 Juno [Ecl13] and the ADT plugin [ADT13] was used, which provides an integrated environment for developers of Android applications within Eclipse.

At this stage, the robot was just able to drive around, therefore, the functionality for the grasping arm was added. For this purpose two small routines were implemented, namely to lift and release the grasping arm. For the routines, the programming language NXT-G, which was provided by the NXT 2.0 standard base toolkit, was used. It features programming by providing an graphical and interactive drag and drop environment, which can be seen in

26 Figure 4.8. NXT-G is based on LabVIEW, an industrial programming standard, which was created by National Instruments using data flow programming (cf. [Wik13b]). The programs ran directly on the Mindstorm robot, and no change of the standard firmware was necessary, which was indeed another argument for using the NXT-G language.

4.3.2. The Speech Control

Several reasons led to the conclusion, that further investigation in speech control was promis- ing. According to the work of Hearst et al. [Hea11], users prefer to speak rather than type. A good interface can bridge the gap in the back end, which makes systems more usable for less experienced people. Additionally, such an input modality provides the advantage, that it is possible to move along with the robot for a better supervision.

When it came to the implementation of speech control, the first idea was to implement the system directly on the robot, in order to avoid the necessity of other equipment. The flexibility of a directly embedded speech control seemed to be a high advantage, therefore, the soundsensor was attached to the robot and programming with NXT-G was started. The sound sensor in Figure 4.7 is, according to the manifacturer, able to detect noise levels in decibels (frequency range from 3 to 6 khz), as well as to identify sound patterns and tone differences (cf. Lego Shop [LSh13]).

The robot should “understand” 7 commands, turning in each direction, stop, and lift or release the grasping arm. Following Alan Dix [DFAB98], humans are just able to remember 7+-2 chunks of information, due to the limited capacity of short term memory. As a consequence it was decided to use the same number of commands for the robot, which was colloquial sufficient to perform the required navigation and grasping tasks.

Firstly thresholds were defined. The noise values were divided from 1 (silent) to 100 (loud) in order to strain off some of the background noise. Everything more quiet than a noise value of 20 was identified as background noise, and therefore ignored. Noises between 20 and 59 were recognized as sound commands, and for security reasons, any sound louder than 60 triggered the stop command on the robot. This was implemented because in a noisy context the robot could become probably uncontrollable and as a consequence the safest possibility for the robot as well as for the user is to stop the robot automatically.

When the sensor detected a sound within the volume level of sound commands, the robot recorded the sound for half a second, which means that for each millisecond the sound level

27 Figure 4.7.: The Lego Mindstorms Sound Sensor (cf. [LSh13]) was stored. The outcome was a graph, where the x-value indicated the time and the y- value the noise volume level. By analyzing the peaks of the graph, a differentiation of the sound commands became possible pretty exact. After the result of the analysis of the sound command the respective action on the robot was triggered. After the action was started, the programm started again because of an infinite loop, the whole programm was included.

All in all, the speech recognition worked quite well, but unfortunately just for controlling the robot forward, left, right, and to stop. When it came to adding more commands, which were needed for the grasping arm, the accuracy of the speech recognition decreased a lot. A small excerpt of the NXT-G program can be seen in Figure 4.8, just to get an idea of how an NXT-G program looks like.

As a consequence it was decided to try an alternative approach, namely a program based on Java on a laptop, which meant on the one hand giving up the advantage of a directly embedded system on the robot, but on the other hand provided much more possibilities in programming, and hopefully a higher accuracy and robustness of the speech recognition system. A divison of the interaction between the user and the robot into necessary steps was made from the speech control system’s point of view:

1. Aquire the spoken signal

2. Process and recognize the signal

3. Transform the recognized token into a command, the robot is able to handle

4. Send the command to the robot

28 Figure 4.8.: An Excerpt of the First Speech Recognition Approach written in NXT-G

5. Start again with 1.

Step 1 was simply done by using the built-in microphone of a Lenovo Thinkpad R61 Note- book, and the standard Windows microphone. The speech signal was then assigned to the Java programm, where it was processed in Step 2 by a Speech recognition framework.

There are several open-source speech recognition engines available on the Internet, but it was decided to use Sphinx [Sph13], which was released under the BSD style license by the Carnegie Mellon University and others, and seemed to be very promising [WLK+04].

Sphinx is available in different versions:

• Sphinx 2 is a speaker-independent, real-time large vocabulary especially for mobile applications based on the C programming language.

• Sphinx 3 is more accurate than Sphinx 2, but needs more ressources; also based on C.

• Sphinx 4 is a Java version of the toolkit, therefore, the first choice.

• Pocketsphinx, C-based recognizer library, especially suited for modern smartphones, and newest Sphinx release.

• there are some more versions available which are not further discussed in this thesis.

29 In 2004 Sphinx 4 was currently in development and suffered many compile errors and no doc- umentation was provided. As a consequence Ayres et al. [AN04] failed to achieve satisfying results. In the last years, Sphinx 4 has made huge advances, hence it was reasonable to use it for the speech recognition system.

The speech recognition relies on a BNF-style grammar3 in the Java Speech API Grammar Format (JSGF) [JSG13], a platform-independent grammar in textual form, expecially for the use in speech recognition and engineering systems. In speech recognition systems, this grammar needs to be specified, in order to determine, what the system should be capable to understand, and of course to describe the utterances users may and should use. Due to the fact, that 7 commands were necessary, a simple JSGF compatible grammar for the commands “forward”, “backward”, “pause”, “lift”, “release”, “turn left” and “turn right” was created:

#JSGF V1 . 0 ;

/∗∗ ∗ JSGF Grammar for commanding the robot to move ∗ around and to lift and release objects ∗/ grammar commandRobot; p u b l i c = ( Forward | Backward | Pause | L i f t | Release ) ; p u b l i c = (turn) (left | r i g h t ) ;

At the beginning an experimentation with a few possibilities for the words was done. Within the grammar, example given “stop” instead of pause, or “go forward” instead of “forward”, was defined, but it was concluded, that the accuracy of the speech recognition was best with the words used in the end. The outcome of Step 2 was a string, which matched one of the commands which were defined in the grammar.

This particular string was used to decide, which command should be triggered on the robot in Step 3. To this end, the program applied the Icommand API v.0.7 [Ico13], which offers the possibility of using Bluetooth for communication with the robot. For completing Step 4, Icommand provides several possibilites for Bluetooth communication with Lego Mindstorms, like RXTX, Bluez or Bluecove. The advantage of RXTX is, that it should be possible, to simply adress the robot by the com port (e.g. COM4). Unfortunately the connection

3 Form

30 sometimes got lost during the interaction due to unknown reasons. As a consequence, it was switched to BlueCove [Blu13], a Java library which uses directly the Microsoft Bluetooth stack, which worked out really well.

Summarizing, the system consisting of a notebook and the Lego Mindstorm robot, offered the possiblity to control the robot by speech commands.

4.3.3. The PC-remote Control

The third input modality which was implemented, in order to compare them in a human- robot collaboration task, was a “classical” PC-remote, using the keyboard on a notebook, which was a coproduct of the speech control system and also written in Java. During the development of the speech control, a key-listener was implemented for testing and debugging reasons, which was also suitable for the PC-remote. The communication to the robot worked in exactly the same way as in the speech control modality, in other words the Icommand API v.0.7 [Ico13] for parsing the command understandable for the robot, and furthermore Bluecove [Blu13] for the transmission of the command. The only differences were:

• Commands were not triggered by speech, but by button presses on the keyboard.

• Buttons needed to be kept pressed, in order to make the robot move. When the keys were released, the robot stopped, unlike, by using the speech modality, it moved, until it actually received the stop command. For this functionality the functions keyPressed() and keyReleased() from the type keyevent were used:

public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) { int kc = e.getKeyCode();

switch ( kc ) { case java.awt.event.KeyEvent.VK UP: command = COMMANDFORWARDS; break ; case java.awt.event.KeyEvent.VKDOWN: command = COMMANDBACKWARDS; break ;

31 case java.awt.event.KeyEvent.VK LEFT: command = COMMAND LEFT; break ; case java.awt.event.KeyEvent.VK RIGHT: command = COMMAND RIGHT; break ; case java.awt.event.KeyEvent.VK G: command = COMMANDGRAB; break ; case java.awt.event.KeyEvent.VK R: command = COMMAND RELEASE; break ; d e f a u l t : command = COMMANDNONE; break ; } }

public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e) { command = COMMANDNONE; }

For directing the robot, the arrows on the keyboard were used, whereas for the grasping arm the buttons G (“Grab”) and R (“Release”) were chosen.

This chapter explained the process and design of the robot prototype which is needed for the two user studies and, moreover, described the planning and the implementation of the three input modalities. Also some problems during the design process were described, such as the capability of the sound sensor or the problem with the Bluetooth communication using RXTX. In the following chapter, the two user studies (one in a public context, and one in a controlled laboratory setup) which were conducted in order to achieve the research goals and to answer the research questions are illustrated. At first, the study setup is described, followed by the results of each study and a short summary of the most important findings.

32 5. User Studies

To enable a better understanding of human-robot interaction/collaboration, especially about interdependencies between:

• different input modalities,

• different task complexities,

• and different appearances of the robot prototype, two user studies were conducted. The aim was to identify, which combination of input modal- ity, and appearance of the robot works best in terms of performance and user satisfaction for different human-robot collaboration tasks, which differ in complexity. This knowledge would make it possible to define suggestions and guidelines in terms of suitable input modalities for specific types of tasks and difficulty levels. During the two studies, users were invited to solve different tasks together with the robot.

• At the beginning of June 2012 during the 50th anniversary of the Paris Lodron Uni- versity of Salzburg, at the ICT&S Center, a preliminary study was conducted, were participants were invited to compete against each other in a Lego Mindstorm race.

• Furthermore, in a controlled laboratory study, users had to perform a collaborative task of building a house out of Lego bricks, together with the robot.

5.1. Preliminary Study in a Public Context

In order to explore how input modality, task difficulty, and the appearance of the robot interplay in terms of performance and user satisfaction, a user study was set-up at the ICT&S Center, during the 50th year anniversary of the Paris Lodron University of Salzburg.

33 [Results of the preliminary study have already been published as a workshop position paper [SWT12] and also a late-breaking report [SWT13b] was successful submitted and accepted. The publications can be found in Appendix A.1 and Appendix A.2 ]

5.1.1. Methodology

For the purpose of exposing errors in the study setup and to refine the tasks, a pilot study was arranged with volunteers from the ICT&S Center. Due to the fact that the pilot study was quite successful, in other words, no severe flaws were identified in the study-setup, a study was arranged, in which visitors competed against each other in a Lego Mindstorm race, which was set-up as a 2x2 between-subject design.

The conditions were:

• Task difficulty (Easy / Hard)

• Used input modality (Gesture-based interface / PC-remote control)

Participants firstly had to sign an informed consent [which can be found in Appendix A.3] , in order to give their allowance to use the outcoming data for scientific purposes. After that, they were provided with a short description of the input modalities and the task they had to fulfill. The overall goal was to navigate their robot through a race track, which was filled with obstacles, which the participants had to avoid. There were always two equal tracks in parallel, one for each person. At the end of each track, a Lego box was placed, which had to be transported to the starting point (cf. Figure 5.1).

One participant used the gesture-based interface, whereas the other one the PC-remote con- trol, which offered the possibility to compare the two input devices in terms of efficiency and effectiveness. The participant, who managed to transport the box with the help of the robot first, was the winner of the race. In order to gather data about user satisfaction measures, participants were asked to fill in a questionnaire after the race.

During the day the difficulty of the tracks was changed from easy to hard by adding more obstacles to the track, in order to gain insights on the impact of different task complexities (cf. Figure 5.2).

34 Figure 5.1.: The Two Tracks with the Mindstorm Robots

Figure 5.2.: The Easy (left) and the Hard Track (right) was Different in the Number and Placement of Obstacles

5.1.2. Measures

The measured information was driven from the EN ISO 9241-11 Standard [ISO99] which defines three main measures for usability, also proposed by Jakob Nielsen [Nie01].

Based on a further literature review the measures were divided into two categories.

35 Performance Measures (Behavioral Level)

In order to evaluate the potential of productivity with the different input modalities we measured performance concerning two factors:

• Efficiency - time, participants needed to accomplish the course from starting to the end point.

• Effectiveness - determined by counting the number of errors during the navigation based on collisions with other objects or barricades. User Satisfaction Measures (Attitudinal Level)

Besides performance also the attitudinal level is important to strenghten the results of the studies. Therefore, several factors were assessed:

• The perceived task complexity, in order to check, if the manipulation of the track difficulty was successful

• Acceptance, intuitiveness and satisfaction of the used device

The user satisfaction measures were captured by a questionnaire, which was inspired from a survey which was used by a colleague [MBF+09] for the purpose to evaluate the intuitiveness of the Nabaztag robot as an ambient interface. On the other hand, the USUS evaluation framework [Wei10] was used as a source for the questionnaire, which consisted of 15 questions with a 5-point Likert scale. Table 5.1 shows the item of the questionnaire concerning the perceived task complexity. The participant had to check one of the boxes which ranged from “not at all” to “very”; the last option “k.A.” meant no answer. Furthermore, participants where asked why they decided their rating, indicated by the line under the checkboxes.

Table 5.1.: The Item “Perceived Task Complexity” with a 5-point Likert Scale

36 The questionnaire consisted of:

• 1 item for perceived task complexity

• 5 items for intuitiveness

• 4 items for satisfaction

• And 5 items for the acceptance scale

Apart from the user satisfaction measures, the survey also contained information about de- mographic data, like gender or age, and furthermore which device was used. The survey was filled in within the study area to avoid the participants to be distracted from the change of the context, which could possibly influence the results of the questionnaire. The full questionnaire can be found in Appendix A.4.

Moreover, the study was videotaped, in order to recheck the measured time and number of collisions as well as to identify observable problems with the input devices.

5.1.3. Results

Although it was a challenge to conduct a user study in such an open space context, because of the frequent change of visitors, it offered - on the other hand - the opportunity of studying lots of people with varying socio-demographic background in a short time.

All in all, there were 24 participants participating in the study. 10 of them were female, and 14 male. The youngest participant was 11 years old, whereas the oldest one was 66 years old. The mean age was 36.73 yeas with a standard deviation of 14.63.

For the data analysis, 4 data sets were excluded because of two reasons:

• 2 participants passed the race without an opponent, with the consequence, that there was no real race condition. This would likely have effected the results, therefore these two participants were ignored for data analysis.

• Furthermore, a woman did not want to insult her son, therefore, she let him win the race. The two data records were also removed because that situation would have influenced the data as well.

37 Performance Measures (Behavioral Level)

To begin with, it was checked, if the task complexity was successfully diversified by the placement and number of obstacles, in other words, if the hard track was really more complex, than the easy one. For this purpose, a Mann-Whitney-U test on the number of collisions concerning the different task complexities was run. The test revealed, that the number of collisions was significantly higher for the more complex track, z = 2.899, p = 0.004. The mean rank for the hard task was 13.50, whereas for the easy one 6.00. Also the track solution time was significantly different for the two tracks, z = 2.162, p = 0.031. The average rank for the easy tasks was 7.00 and for the hard one 12.83. The absolute means concerning the performance can be seen in Table 5.2

Table 5.2.: Efficiency and Effectiveness in Dependency of the Track Difficulty

66 66 666

Summarizing, the task completion time, as well as the number of collisions was higher for the hard task, as a consequence the manipulation of the task difficulty could be considered successful.

Regarding the two input modalities, the PC-remote and the gesture-based interface, the PC-remote outperformed the gesture-based interface:

• The mean track solution time, which indicated the efficiency, was 68 seconds when using the PC-remote and 73 seconds for the gesture-based interface.

• For effectiveness of the input modalities, the mean number of collisions was 2 for both devices, but in absolute values the gesture-based interface caused 19 collisions, whereas the PC-remote just raised 16 at all.

38 User Satisfaction Measures (Attitudinal Level)

Regarding the user satisfaction measures, the scales for (1) intuitiveness, (2) satisfaction and (3) the overall acceptance, gathered by the above explained questionnaire, were computed. In order to evaluate the internal reliability of the questionnaire for these 3 factors, a Cronbach’s Alpha test was conducted, on the three scales. Internal reliability means hereby, if all items which measured intuitiveness for example, are related to each other.

The result of the Cronbach’s Alpha can be between -∞ and 1, but just positive values can be meaningful interpreted. A common rule of the explanatory power can be seen in Table 5.3.

Table 5.3.: The Explanatory Power of the Cronbach’s Alpha Value cf. [Wik13a]

α Internal reliability α >= 0.9 Excellent 0.8 <= α <= 0.9 Good 0.7 <= α <= 0.8 Acceptable 0.6 <= α <= 0.7 Questionable 0.5 <= α <= 0.6 Poor α <= 0.5 Unacceptable

The scale intuitiveness, which consisted of 5 items in the questionnaire, scored a Cronbach’s Alpha of 0.706 at first, which was acceptable according to the Table 5.3. In order to improve the Alpha value, one item of the intuitiveness scale (“The used device was hard to use”) was deleted, with the result, that the alpha value reached 0.733.

For the satisfaction scale, which consisted of 4 questions, the internal reliability score was 0.635. After removing one item (“I was satisfied with my own performance”), the score was 0.646.

Regarding the last of the user satisfaction scales, acceptance consisted of 5 items, reached a value of 0.629. Also in this case, a deletion of an item brought an improvement to the score. The item “I would not be able to solve a task with the robot, with this input device, without help” was deleted, and as a consequence, the Cronbach’s Alpha of acceptance was 0.741.

After the computation of the user satisfaction scales intuitiveness, satisfaction, and accep- tance was done, the descriptive data revealed a trend, that the user satisfaction measures were strongly dependent on the task difficulty (cf. Table 5.4). When solving the hard course,

39 the intuitiveness, satisfaction, and acceptance of the device was rated higher, although par- ticipants suffered more collisions, and they needed significantly more time to finish the track. At first, this seems paradox, but it also shows the strong coherency between input modalities and task complexities. One possible explanation of this tendency could be the fact, that people are more satisfied with a system, and also with themselves, when they succeed in more challenging tasks.

Table 5.4.: User Satisfaction Scales Regarding the Track Difficulty. (Higher Values Indicate Better Scales)


For all the three scales (intuitiveness, satisfaction and acceptance) a Mann-Whitney-U test was conducted, also concerning for the used device (PC-remote and gesture-based interface), in order to identify, if one was perceived more intuitively for example. Unfortunately, there was no significance in the results. However, a trend was identified, that the PC-remote was perceived on the one hand to be more satisfying and accepted, but on the other hand less intuitive, in comparision to the gesture-based interface, which can be seen in Table 5.5.

Table 5.5.: The PC-remote Scored a Better Acceptance and Satisfaction, whereas the Gesture-Based Interface was Considered to be More Intuitive. (Higher Values Indicate Better Scales)

2 2 2

Furthermore, the Mann-Whitney U test revealed interesting results for some of the single scale items of the questionnaire. As already pointed out in Table 5.5, the gesture-based

40 interface was rated to be more intuitive by the participants of the study. However, for one item of the intuitiveness scale (“The used device was hard to use”) it was the opposite. The PC-remote scored a higher score for this item. The result of the test was significant, z = -2.195, p = 0.028. The mean rank for the PC-control was 12.55 and the average rank for the gesture-based interface 7.17. A possible explanation would be, that using the gesture-based interface requires all in all more movement, therefore, it was perceived to be harder to use, than the PC-remote control. Anyway summarizing, the gesture-based interface reached a higher intuitiveness score.

In addition to that, a correlation between the used input device and one item of the satisfac- tion scale could be identified. The item “I was satisfied with my own performance” was rated significantly higher for the PC-remote, which reached a mean rank of 13.20; whereas the gesture-based interface just had an average rank of 7.80 (z = -2.160, p = 0.031). Obviously the kind of the used input device had direct consequences on how satified participants were with themselves. In that case they were more satisfied with the PC-remote in comparison to the gesture-based interface.

The last significant difference revealed by a Mann-Whitney-U test, was for one item of the satisfaction scale (“I would like to use the device often”) with regard to the task complexity, z = 2.438, p = 0.015. The average rank for the hard track was 12.55 and for the easy one 6.50. This is another indication, that people are more satisfied when they manage to solve more complex tasks.

5.1.4. Summary of the Preliminary Study

All in all the PC-remote outperformed the gesture-based interface, especially concerning the performance measures efficiency and effectiveness, but the differences were much lower for the easy task. Also the differences in task completion time and number of collisions were statistically significant comparing the easy and the hard track. Which means, that in general for the hard task, differences between the two input modalities were much higher, in terms of user satisfaction measures as well as in performance results. On the other hand, the hard track was not perceived much harder than the easy one, which implicates, that real and perceived difficulty not always directly correlate.

It was also identified, that there is a strong relationship between the used input device and the perceived task complexity [cf. Figure 5.3 ]. There was no statistical prove, but a trend in the descriptive data supported this assumption. Participants who used the PC-remote

41 control rated the easy track easier than people using the gesture-based interface. For the hard course it was the opposite, which means, that the gesture-based interface users thought, that the hard track was easier than for PC-remote users.

Figure 5.3.: Perceived Task Complexity in Relationship to the Difficulty of the Track and the Used Input Device

One explanation for this effect could be the fact, that especially people using the PC-remote suffered problems, when they controlled the robot back to the start. Some of the participants mentioned, that it was very challenging driving the robot back to the starting point, because they had to steer left, in order to let the robot go to the right, and vice versa. On the easy track, there was not such a strong need in turning, therefore this effect had a higher impact on the hard track.

Furthermore, there is another big advantage when using the gesture-based interface, five participants profited from. During the race they stood up in order to move along with the robot, which provided a better visibility of the race track. This behavior demonstrated the advantage of such an input modality for that type of task.

Summarizing, it could be shown, that different task complexities, as well as various input modalities have an impact on the performance and user satisfaction results. It is clear, that the results cannot be generalized for all contexts, because a race situation for example cannot be compared to a working context. Also the assumptions cannot be generalized for all variations of gesture-based interfaces or PC-remote controls, but just for the ones used

42 in the study, but it can be supposed, that for most variations of them, the results would be similar.

The descriptive data, as well as the results of the reliability analysis and the nonparametric tests can be found in Appendix A.5.

5.2. Controlled Laboratory Study

In order to strenghten the assumptions already made, and to further investigate the in- terdependency of input modalities and task complexities, a follow-up study in a controlled laboratory setting was conducted. The preliminary study was focused on solving a task as fast as possible. Now an investigation in more complex tasks, which require a more exact controlling of the robots was done. Within the laboratory environment in the experience laboratory of the ICT&S center, the impact of different appearances of robots was inspected too. In the study, participants had to solve predefined transportation tasks by assistance of the robot with three different input modalities. They had to navigate the robot through a course with obstacles - which was not varied this time - to get the required parts, needed for assembling a Lego house.

[Results of the laboratory study have already been published successfully as a full paper [SWT13a] for the 2013 IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN 2013). The publication can be found in Appendix A.11.]

5.2.1. Methodology

The start was again a pilot study with an employee of the ICT&S Center which was necessary for detecting errors in the study setup. After refining the study-plan, a study was conducted which was set-up as a 3x3x2 mixed experimental design with the three conditions:

1. Three different input modalities, namely speech and the two modalities already used in the preliminary study (gesture-based interface, PC-remote control).

2. Three building tasks with different complexities (easy, medium, hard).

3. Two different appearances of the robot prototype (functional vs more human-like).

43 The input modalities were tested within-subject in the study, which means that all partici- pants worked with all the input modalities. In order to avoid carry over effects (e.g., learning effects) [ER08], the sequence of the used input modalities was counterbalanced as shown in Figure 5.4. In other words, one participant began with the speech control, followed by the gesture-based interface and the PC-remote, another one started with the PC-remote follwed by the speech control and the gesture-based interface and so on. Each participant used each input modality once.

Figure 5.4.: Possible Sequences of the Used Input Modalities

In order to take the different levels of task complexities into account, findings of task com- plexity research were used, with regard to assembly tasks by Stork et al. [SSS08]. There they found some criteria which effect task complexity, especially for Lego assembly tasks. In their contribution “Optimizing Human-Machine Interaction in Manual Assembly” [SSS08], they were engaged with a concept for human-machine interaction, using a foot-pedal-based inter- face in a working environment. The main goal was to investigate “capabilities and bottlenecks in human information processing” and “the user controlled timing of relevant information pre- sentation”. Therefore an experimental study took place where they varied difficulty of manual assembly tasks with a view to use respective processing resources of the participants. All in all, the data was interpreted for the general optimization of human-machine interaction, and to develop an “assistive system in production environments”. However, they pointed out, that there are several important factors for assistive systems in manual assembly considering the user’s state and task properties. Workers have to process visual information, store what parts are needed, and to find, grasp and mount the parts.

They mentioned, that people are not able to process an unlimited amount of information or perform large numbers of actions in parallel, therefore the tasks should be structured in a way that they can be done in a more linear way. (One step is followed by one another). It means that the robot should not disrupt the worker, therefore most activities of the robot should be controlled by the user in cases of timing, to create a kind of turn taking interaction. In their study they varied task complexity through:

• total amount of parts

44 • amount of different parts

• object classes to be built (frame, gear, rotor, roof and group)

They found out that the amount of different parts seemed to have the weakest influence on the results, whereas the object class had the highest impact. The most difficult one was the class roof, whereas the easiest one was the class frame. Group tasks were considered to be medium difficult.

According to these findings it was decided to let participants build a Lego house as in Fig- ure 5.5 in the study, which could perfectly be divided into three subtasks which differed in complexity.

• Construction Task 1 (Easy): The frame of the house which was the easiest class ac- cording to [SSS08].

• Construction Task 2 (Medium): A group task, where participants had to add the prebuilt door to the frame.

• Construction Task 3 (Hard): To finish the Lego house, the roof was added which was the hardest type of assembly task follwing the results of Stork et al. [SSS08].

Figure 5.5.: Construction Task 1 to 3 and the Finished Lego house (From Left to the Right)

The factor task complexity was also studied as a within-subject design, because each partic- ipant had to complete the Lego house, therefore all subtasks had to be fulfilled.

The last of the three conditions was the appearance of the robot, which was studied as a between-subject design, which means, that the total number of participants was split between the two different appearances, in that case the purely functional robot, and the robot with the 3D printed head, to suggest anthropomorphism.

45 Before the study, participants had to sign a consent form, in order to allow us to use the data for scientific purpose. The data consent form can be found in Appendix A.6. After that, an overview about this master’s thesis and the research topic was given. They were assured, that the collected data will only be used for scientific purposes, and that they could not do anything wrong during the study, because the system was studied, and not them. At the beginning, the tasks and the input modalities were explained and shown to the users. Furthermore, they got a guidance sheet, on which all the necessary commands for the PC-remote and the speech control system were depicted, in case they forgot some of the commands. On Figure 5.6 the guidance sheet for the speech command interface is depicted, for the PC-remote on Figure 5.7. For the gesture-based interface, participants got no guidance sheet.


Forward Lift

Turn Left Turn Right




Figure 5.6.: Guidance Sheet for the Speech Command Interface

After that, participants had to navigate the robot through the track with one of the three input modalities and transport a box, which contained the required parts for the assembly tasks, from the end point of the track back to the start. The track can be seen in Figure 5.8

Shortly after getting the required parts, participants started with the first building task. Then they filled in all the surveys, except the questionnaire concerning the appearance of the robot, which only had to be filled in at the end of the study. The whole process was done three times. This means, that participants navigated the robot three times through the track, finished the Lego house, and filled in the surveys three times. At the very end they had to fill in the questionnaire concerning the appearance of the robot, and were asked one question about it, in order to investigate, if the appearance of the robot was suitable for these tasks.


Arrowkey up G

Arrowkey Arrowkey left right

Arrowkey down R

Figure 5.7.: Guidance Sheet for the PC-Remote Control

Figure 5.8.: The Track of the Laboratory Study

Moreover, the study was videotaped, in order to recheck the performance measures, and to identify problems with the input modalities. The studyplan can be found in Appendix A.7, but just in German, because the study was conducted in Austria.

47 5.2.2. Measures

Similiar to the preliminary study, the measures were divided into the same two categories. Performance Measures (Behavioral Level)

The performance measures were nearly the same as in the preliminary study, with the only difference, that efficiency consisted of two variables, not only the time for navigating the robot through the track was measured, but also the solution time for the building tasks. Effective- ness remained the same, that means counting the numbers of collisions while controlling the robot. User Satisfaction Measures (Attitudinal Level)

The same questionnaires as in the preliminary study were used in order to assess:

• Perceived task complexity concerning the difficulty of the track, and additionally re- garding the complexity of the building task.

• Intuitiveness, satisfaction and acceptance with the input modality.

In addition to that trust, people had in the different input modalities, was inspected, specifi- cally for different task complexities. Maybe trust is higher for more “classical and traditional” input modalities which are commonly known such as a PC-remote for example, compaired to more innovative ones such as a gesture-based device or a speech control interface. In order to assess trust, the guidelines of McKnight et al. [MCTC11] were used, who divided trust into three subcategories and explained it as follows:

• Functionality: “refers to whether one expects a technology to have the capacity or capability to complete a required task”

• Helpfulness: “excludes moral agency and volition (i.e., will) and refers to a feature of the technology itself - the help function, i.e., is it adequate and responsive?”

• Reliability: “suggests one expects a technology to work consistently and predictably.”

48 Due to the fact that the used input modalities did not provide any help function at all, just questions about functionality and reliabilty were used in the studies. So the trust ques- tionnaire which was used, consisted of seven items (4 regarding reliability and 3 concerning functionality) with a five-point Likert scale, as for the other user satisfaction measures. The complete questionnaire can be found in Appendix A.8.

Moreover, the cognitive workload of the participants after using each input modality was assessed. It was also thinkable, that for one input modality, for example, the performance is better than for another one, but on the other hand the cognitive load could be higher, which could be at the expense of user satisfaction, for example. In the work of Hart [Har06] the term workload is referred to as “the cost of accomplishing mission requirements for the human operator.” In order to assess these costs or the cognitive workload, the Nasa-task load index or shortly NASA-TLX was created. The NASA-TLX ”is a multi-dimensional scale designed to obtain workload estimates from one or more operators while they are performing a task or immediately afterwards.” It consists of six different subscales, which represent in combination the “workload” which was experienced by the participants during a task:

• Mental demand: The level of cognitive activity required for the task.

• Physical demand: The level of physical activity required for the task.

• Temporal demand: The level of time pressure participants experienced during the task.

• Frustration: How stressed or insecure participants felt.

• Effort: How hard participants had to work to solve a task.

• Performance: How successful participants were.

The six subscales had to be rated between 1 which meant low, and 20 which indicated a high value on the questionnaire (cf. Figure 5.9).

Figure 5.9.: The Item Temporal Demand of the German Version of the NASA-TLX

The NASA-TLX has often been used in several studies, and has also been translated to various languages. Due to the fact, that the participants in the studies were all Austrian or

49 German natives, the German version of the questionnaire was used. This was also used in the doctoral thesis of W¨olber [W10].¨ Furthermore, the original NASA-TLX contains a weighing scheme, in order to take into account the subjective preferences concerning the different scales. One very common modification of the questionnaire is the NASA RAW TLX (NASA RTLX) which is simplier to apply, because of the elimination of the whole weighing process. Data analysis is done simply by averaging the ratings, in order to get an estimated workload. According to the work of Hart [Har06] who investigated and compared many studies which wheter or not applied the weighing scheme, the NASA RTLX was either found to be more sensitive, less sensitive, or equally sensitive. As a consequence, it was decided to use just the NASA RTLX in the studies, which can be found in the Appendix A.9.

As already stated, it can be assumed, that minimal human-like cues which are added to a robot, could suggest anthropomorphism, and furthermore have an impact on performance and user satisfaction. Possibly an anthropomorphic robot could result in a higher user satisfaction due to the more human-like appearance, whereas a purely functional robot could provide a better performance because of the lack of “unnecessary” parts which could distract users. To get an insight into the impact of different appearances of robots, the German version of the godspeed questionnaire concerning the anthropomorphism was applied. The questionnaire was implemented by Bartneck et al. [BCK09] and tested in various studies, in order to create a standartised measurement tool for researchers in the field of human-robot interaction. They provided a set of standardised godspeed questionnaires for many key concepts of human- robot interaction like perceived intelligence, animacy, perceived safety, anthropomorphism, and likeability. The authors provide their series of questionnaires in various languages freely available on the internet [Bar08].

The godspeed questionnaire series is based on semantic differential scales, and consists of five items for the factor anthropomorphism. Semantic differential means that pairs of oppositional words have to be rated, which can be seen in Figure 5.10.

The only survey, which the participants in the laboratory study had to fill in just once, at the very end of each session, was the godspeed questionnaire concerning anthropomorphism. The complete questionnaire can be found in Appendix A.10.

Furthermore, the study was videotaped, in order to recheck the measured time and number of collisions as well as to identify problems with the input devices.


Figure 5.10.: The German Version of the Godspeed Questionnaire Concerning Anthropomor- phism

5.2.3. Results

All in all, there were 24 participants participating in the study. 11 of them were female, and 13 male.

The youngest participant was 15 years old, whereas the oldest one was 61 years old. The mean age was 29.46 yeas with a standard deviation of 12.19. Performance Measures (Behavioral Level)

To begin with, it was checked, if the task complexity was successfully diversified by the different building tasks, in other words if the frame task was the easiest one, the group task medium, and the roof task the hardest one as intended.

For this purpose, a Kruskal-Wallis test on the time was conducted, participants needed to solve the different building tasks, which revealead a highly significant difference in the dis- tribution between the three building tasks (H(2) = 36.530, p = 0.000), with a mean rank of 58.26 for the hardest task (roof), 32.22 for the medium one (group), and 22.22 for the class frame (easy).

As a consequence, it can be said, that the manipulation of the task complexity was successful. The study design for the building tasks followed the work of Stork et al. [SSS08], where they proposed, that roof tasks are the most complex Lego building tasks. This assumption could be supported by the fact, that in the laboratory study, the building solution time, which can be seen in Figure 5.11 was significantly higher than for the other tasks. Two participants did

51 not even manage it to finish the roof task at all and gave up.

Figure 5.11.: The Mean Building Solution Time in Seconds for the Three Different Building Tasks Frame (Easy), Group (Medium) and Roof (Hard)

Furthermore, also the perceived building complexity matched the intended complexity for the different tasks (H(2) = 9.188, p = 0.010) with a significant result. The mean rank for the roof task was 30.88, for the medium group building task 36.78, and 46.34 for the frame class, which was the easiest one. In this case, a low value indicates a higher perceived complexity.

Summarizing, the difficulty of the building tasks was varied and perceived as intended, and the findings of Stork et al. [SSS08] concerning the three classes of building types used in this study could be reproduced.

Regarding performance of the different input modalities speech, the gesture-based interface, and the PC-remote control, the findings of the preliminary study could be reproduced too. The PC-remote outperformed the other two input modalities in terms of track solution time and also the number of collisions. The mean values can be seen in Figure 5.12. The speech remote was the poorest input modality concerning the performance measures.

This fact was also supported by a Kruskal-Wallis test (H(2) = 49.853, p = 0.000), which revealed highly significant differences in the distribution of the track solution time concerning the used device. The average rank for the speech interface was 58.20, followed by 37.56 for the gesture-based interface and 15.28 for the PC-remote control.

52 0 0 00 0 00

Figure 5.12.: The Track Solution Time in Seconds as well as the Number of Collisions for the Three Different Input Modalities Ppeech, the Gesture-Based Interface and the PC-Remote Control

Also the differences in the distribution of the number of collisions was highly significant (H(2) = 39.204, p = 0.000) with a mean rank of 56.08 for the speech control, 27.22 for the gesture-based interface, and 27.32 for the PC-remote control. User Satisfaction Measures (Attitudinal Level)

Regarding the user satisfaction measures, the scales were computed for:

1. intuitiveness, satisfaction, and acceptance

2. overall trust and its subcategories reliability and functionality

3. cognitive workload gathered by the NASA RTLX

4. and the level of anthropomorphism gathered by the godspeed questionnaire.

In order to again evaluate the internal reliability of the questionnaires for these factors, a Cronbach’s Alpha test on all the scales was conducted.

The scale intuitiveness, which consisted of 5 items in the questionnaire, scored a Cronbach’s Alpha of 0.792. This time a deletion of an item would have brought no improvement to the score.

For the satisfaction scale, which consisted of 4 questions, the internal reliability score was 0.912 which was an excellent score for internal reliablity according to the Table 5.3.

Regarding the acceptance scale, which consisted of 5 items, a score of 0.639 was achieved.

53 The complete trust scale with its 7 items resulted in a value of even 0.955 and its subcategory reliabilty consisting of 4 items resulted in a score of 0.948. The subcategory functionality with 3 items produced a Cronbach’s Alpha of 0.904, which was also an excellent result.

For the cognitive workload, which was gathered by the NASA RTLX the value was 0.733 and for the appearance questionnaire 0.745 was calculated.

For all of these scales no deletion of items would have brought an improvement to the score, therefore all items were used for computing the different scales.

In order to further investigate the impact of different task complexities, another Kruskal- Wallis test on all the scales grouped by the different construction tasks was conducted. Unfortunately, there was no significant difference in the results besides of the already men- tioned performance measures. However, interesting significances were revealed for single scale items.

For example, the distribution of the item “The used input device was fast to learn” was significant (H(2) = 8.166, p = 0.017), with a mean rank of 32.90 for class roof, 33.66 for class group, and 47.44 for the frame building task. Another significant difference could be found for a second item of the intuitiveness scale “The used control device needs much to learn” (H(2) = 6.594, p = 0.037) with the ranks 35.67 for class roof, 33.30 for class group, and 44.94 for the frame class, which was another indication for this assumption. These results could be explained by the fact that participants perceived the used input modalities to be faster and easier to learn, when they worked on an easier building task, which strongly shows the relationship between input modalities and task complexity, although the two actions had to be fulfilled independently within the study. In other words, participants had to control the robot first, and solve the building task after that.

Furthermore, also the distribution of the physical demand, which was one item of the cognitive workload scale was significant concerning the task complexity. The result of the NASA RTLX (H(2) = 6.044, p = 0.49) scored an average rank of 37.72 for the roof building task, 45.38 for the medium task (group), and 30.90 for the easiest one, which was the frame class. In addition to that, a second item of the cognitive workload scale - time pressure - was also significant (H(2) = 5.993, p = 0.05) with an average rank of 43.02 for the roof, 41.46 for group, and 29.52 for the frame of the Lego house. That means, the cognitive workload was always lower when building the frame part of the Lego house.

Combined, all of these facts imply that the manipulation of the building complexity was successful, and furthermore, that the findings of Stork et al. [SSS08]- which were used for

54 the building tasks - could be reproduced.

In order to get an insight, which of the different input modalities (1) speech, (2) the gesture- based interface, or (3) the PC-remote control scored the best values in user satisfaction measures, a Kruskal-Wallis test grouped by the used device, was conducted. The test revealed highly significant results for many of the user satisfaction scales used in the study.

At first, a Kruskal-Wallis test regarding the perceived control complexity revealed a highly significant result (H(2) = 23.060, p = 0.000) with a mean rank of 47.52 for the PC-remote control, 40.50 for the gesture-based interface, and 21.76 for the speech interface. In other words, the PC-remote was considered to be easier to control, whereas the speech interface was considered to be harder to use, in comparision with the other two input modalities.

As in performance measures, the PC-remote outperformed the other two input modalities regarding the user satisfaction scales:

• The distribution of the scale intuitiveness which consisted of 5 questions (H(2) = 25.238, p = 0.000) revealed a mean rank of 52.74 for the PC-remote control, followed by 38.76 for the gesture-based interface, and 22.50 for speech, which made the PC-remote to be considered beeing the most intuitive device, which was a contradiction to the preliminary study, where the gesture-based interface was rated to be the most intuitive one. One possible explanation could be that for tasks which require speed the gesture- based interface was considered to be more intuitive, but for tasks which require a more exact control the PC-remote was perceived to be more intuitive. This again shows a strong interdependency between input modality and the type of task.

• The PC-remote was also rated to be the most satisfying input modality with a highly significant result (H(2) = 31.947, p = 0.000). 52.66 was the mean rank for the PC- remote control, 42.44 for the gesture-based interface, and speech was again considered to be the poorest device with an average rank of 18.90.

• Furthermore also the acceptance scale revealed a highly significant result (H(2) = 16.467, p = 0.000) with average ranks of 48.74 for the PC-remote, 40.64 for the gesture- based interface and 24.62 for the speech control.

• Concerning trust, the result was similar (H(2) = 45.001, p = 0.000) with 55.08 for the PC-remote, 43.78 for the gesture-based interface, and 15.14 for speech.

• The same was true for the subscales of trust reliability and functionality.

55 – Reliabilty scale (H(2) = 47.850, p = 0.000); 55.90 for the PC-remote, 43.46 for the gesture-based interface, and 14.64 for the speech control.

– Functionality scale (H(2) = 34.895, p = 0.000); 51.46 for the PC-remote, 44.66 for the gesture-based interface, and 17.88 for the speech control.

• Also the cognitive workload scale, where high values indicate a high workload offered a highly significant result (H(2) = 17.924, p = 0.000) with a mean rank of 26.36 for the PC-remote, 35.44 for the gesture-based interface and 52.10 for the speech control.

Summarizing, the PC-remote again outperformed the other two input modalites concerning user satisfaction scales followed by the gesture-based interface. This assumption was also supported by most of the single items. The complete data analysis results can be found in Appendix A.12.

Concerning the appearance of the robot, it was investigated, if a small human-like feature suggesting anthropomorphism - like the head used in the user study - could have an influence on the overall interaction. Interestingly, even this small change of the appearance of the functional robot influenced the results, although as expected, the robot was not considered much more humanlike than the purely functional one. Many of the participants mentioned, that the head had no functionality, and was therefore not necessary. Nevertheless, it’s even the more astonishing that a Mann-Whitney U test showed, that for the single item “I would not be able to solve a task with the robot without help” more participants tended to disagree when using the robot with the 3D printed head (z = 2.054, p = 0.040), with an average rank of 42.04 for the robot with the head, and 33.62 for the purely functional one. In other words, participants who were in collaboration with the purely functional robot were less self-confident in beeing able to solve assignments on their own. Thus, it can be assumed, that even minimalistic human-like cues added to a robot, can increase participants’ positive experience when collaborating with it. Three participants commented that the head made the robot more appealing and funny and one participant who interacted with the purely funtional prototype proposed to add eyes or similar cues to the robot in order to make it easier to forgive errors. One participant even mentioned that the head was necessary in order to identify the front and the back of the robot.

At the end of the study participants were asked, if they think, that the appearance of the robot was adequate for such kind of tasks.

• Nearly all persons concluded that the appearance of the robot was absolutely suiting

56 for such kind of tasks and compared the robot to a digger or a pallet transporter.

• They mentioned, that at first sight the mechanism to drive and also the grabber was easily noticeable and as a consequence it was clear what can be done with the robot.

• On the other hand some participants thought that the head was not necessary and that the appearance of the robot did not matter at all but just the functionality.

In addition to the comparision of the different input modalities and task complexities, some differences concerning the gender of the participants could be identified. It was not the primary focus of the studies to identify gender differences, therefore, just a small overview of the most important results of the Mann-Whitney U test is given:

• The distribution of the single item “The used control device is easy comprehensible” revealed a significant result (z = 2.448, p = 0.014) with an average rank of 43.79 for female participants and 33.45 for male ones. In other words, women considered the different input modalities to be easier comprehensible, in contrast to male participants.

• For the item “I would not be able to solve a task with the robot without help” (z = -2.100, p = 0.036) men (average rank was 41.81) were more self-confident than women (average rank was 33.15).

• For the cognitive workload, where high values indicated a high workload, the test also revealed a significant result (z = 2.829, p = 0.005) with a mean rank of 46.03 for women and 31.69 for men. Obviously the cognitive workload was higher for female participants in this study.

• Also a difference in the perceived level of anthropomorphism was revealed (z = 2.212, p = 0.027). Female persons with a mean rank of 16.64 significantly perceived the robot in general to be more human-like than male persons, with an average rank of 10.14.

Due to the fact that the focus of this work was not on gender differences, these findings will not be further discussed.

In order to get a deeper insight into the interdependencies between input modality and task complexity, the results grouped by task complexity and input modality were further analyzed. Many interdependencies could be identified within the results.

57 Participants, especially after using the speech control system, which caused the highest men- tal workload - according to the questionnaire - perceived the building tasks more complex, although the building assignment was independent from the input modality. As already stated in the study setup, people had always to control the robot first, in order to get the required parts, and then to assembly them. In Figure 5.13, it can be seen, that especially for the speech control system, the building complexity was perceived harder. In addition to that, the difference in the perception for the easy and the medium building task (frame and group) was lower than for the roof task, which was the most complex assembly task in the study. It is obvious, that there is a strong inderdependency between the used input modality and task complexity, which had a high impact on the results.

Figure 5.13.: The Buildings Tasks were Perceived More Complex, when the More Complex Input Modalities were used Before (5 = Easy, 1 = Hard)

Also for the item “The control device was needlessly complex” the result was nearly the same, for the frame assembly task, which was the easiest one, but differed much more for the classes group and roof, which again emphasizes the strong relationship between the two factors input modality and task complexity. In Figure 5.14, it can be seen, that for the easiest building task (frame), there is nearly no difference concerning the item “the used control device was needlessly complex” between the different input modalities, but for the harder tasks roof and frame the difference is huge.

In general, it can be said, for all the used user satisfaction measures and also for the cognitive workload results, that especially when the most complex input modality (in this case speech control) and the more complex assembly tasks (group and roof class) converged, the user satisfaction measures were rated much lower. One example regarding the intuitiveness scale

58 Figure 5.14.: The Perceived Control Complexity in Dependency of the Different Assembly Tasks (5 = Totally disagree, 1 = Totally agree) can be seen in Figure 5.15. This trend could be identified for all of our user satisfaction measures, as well as for the cognitive workload.

Figure 5.15.: The Intuitiveness Scale was Rated Much Lower when Complex Modality and Complex Assembly Tasks Converged (5 = Very high, 1 = Very low).

59 5.2.4. Summary of the Laboratory Study

Summarizing, similar to the preliminary study, the PC-remote again outperformed the other two input modalities in terms of performance, as well as in the user satisfaction measures. However, the differences for simple task were much lower than for hard tasks, matching again the findings of the preliminary study.

The manipulation of the task complexity worked out perfectly, even for both the perceived as well as for the real task complexity. The findings of Stork et al. [SSS08] could be reproduced. The frame task was considered to be the easiest one, and the roof task to be the most difficult assignment. Some participants even gave up building the roof of the Lego house.

The study also showed, that it is possible to enhance human-robot collaboration by just adding minimal human-like cues to the robot. The head which was added in the second user study, made participants significantly more self-confident in solving tasks on their own. An effect, which should not be underestimated because if such minimal cues improve the interaction in terms of user satisfaction, this is a simple way to improve the interaction as such for functional robots.

All in all, it could be shown, that different task complexities, as well as various input modali- ties have a severe impact on the results. It is clear, that the results cannot be generalized for all variations of gesture-based interfaces, PC-remote controls or speech control systems, but just for the ones used in the study. But again this trend should be similar for other variations for these types of input modalities.

In general, the study showed that especially when the most complex input modality (in that case speech control) and the more complex assembly tasks (group and roof class) converged, the user satisfaction measures were rated much lower. This trend could be identified for all of the user satisfaction measures, as well as for the cognitive workload. This points out the need of a careful selection of input modalities, especially for hard tasks in order to avoid to overburden users, and as a consequence handicap a performant and satisfying human-robot collaboration. The descriptive data, as well as the results of the reliability analysis and the nonparametric tests can be found in Appendix A.12.

This chapter dealt with the two user studies (one in a public context, and one in a controlled laboratory setup) which were conducted in order to achieve the research goals and to an- swer the research questions. In the following part, the research questions are answered an discussed.

60 6. Discussion

From the technical point of view, all the three input modalities which were implemented to control the robot worked out sufficiently, so that naive users could perform all tasks successfully. Similarly the Mindstorm prototype suited for the tasks in the user studies. Therefore the prototyping and implementation phase can be considered to be quite successful, although some problems appeared while implementing the different modalities. A detailed description of the prototyping phase can be found in Chapter 4.

In most cases, when humans and robot work together shoulder to shoulder, there is only one possibility to control a robot, but many different tasks to solve in collaboration. Due to the strong interdependency of input modality and task complexity, which could be identified in the studies, the design process for planning human-robot collaborative systems should specifically include the tasks which have to be fulfilled.

In order to answer research sub-question 1 (What interdependencies between input modalities and task complexities could be identified?) it could be seen, that it is not really important which input modality is provided and used for simple tasks. The differences in user satis- faction rankings and performance measures were small and not statistically significant. To put it another way, users were always satisfied when solving easy tasks, and performed them equally well, no matter which input modality they used. However, for hard assignments, the differences in performance and user satisfaction were larger and need to be taken into consideration because of their statistical significance.

Concerning research sub-question 2 (How do users perceive the different input modalities in terms of user satisfaction measures?) it could be shown, that users perceived all the different input modalities equally well, but just when solving easy tasks. For hard tasks the differences in user satisfaction measures were statistically significant. The rating of the PC-remote was best in both studies except in the preliminary study, where the gesture-based interface was rated to be more intuitive. Nevertheless, the PC-remote outperformed the other two input modalities followed by the gesture-based interface.

61 Generally, the speech control interface was considered to be the poorest device in all categories of the study, regarding research sub-question 2. One possible explanation for this fact could be the latency, which participants had to take into account. Latency is often a problem for speech control systems, which means that if a participant wanted to give a command to the robot, it took a few milliseconds until the robot actually reacted. In other words, if a participant wanted the robot to stop, it went a few centimeter further until it actually stopped. According to some of the participants, this was a huge disadvantage of this kind of modality, and made it very complex to control the robot. Furthermore, due to the used speech recognition system [Sph13] and the corresponding dictionary, the commands for controlling the robot were implemented in English, which was another problem for some participants, who were all Austrians. One participant even rejected to try the speech control, because of the lack of English language skills. These two facts had probably made a contribution for the speech control system, to be the poorest device in this study. On the other hand, the accuracy of the speech control was satisfying for most of the participants in the study, and many of them mentioned after the test run that the disadvantage of the latency could easily be compensated with a little experience using this kind of modality. Besides, they suggested, that especially for very simple tasks, like going forward or backward, the speech control system was absolutely suitable. In addition to that, the speech control was the only input modality, which provided the possibility to use both hands for a secondary or even a primary task while collaborating with the robot. Furthermore it was possible to move along with the robot, which provided a better overview over the situation, and could especially be useful in situations, where the robot could get out of sight. This is indeed a huge advantage compared to more static input devices like the PC-remote, for example.

The third input modality, which is investigated in research sub-question 2 was the gesture- based interface. It did not achieve the best values in terms of performance, nor in the user satisfaction scales, but many of the participants mentioned that it was a pleasant experience to use it, which can also be considered as an advantage of this modality. This fact could provide a better long-term motivation and satisfaction for users, which possibly leads to a higher internal motivation, what makes people more receptive to the information according to Brown [Bro88]. As a consequence, the learning process for using such a kind of input modality will be faster and with a higher output. Furthermore, also the advantage to be on the move could be capitalised, but in contrary to the speech control system, the user needs one hand for controlling the gesture-based interface. As a consequence just one hand is available for other tasks, which is anyway one more than when using the PC-remote.

Research sub-questions 3 (Are the means of the interaction provided by the different input modalities effective for the human and the robot?), 4 (Are the means of the interaction

62 provided by the different input modalities efficient for the human and the robot?) and 5 (How do the different input modalities perform for different task complexities?) dealt with the performance of the different input modalities. Again for easy tasks the difference was minimal, but for challenging tasks the PC-remote performed best in terms of efficiency and effectiveness. Probably because it was considered the most accurate, reliable, and familiar input modality. In challenging situations users probably prefer to use control possibilites which are familiar, compared to ones, which are more innovative or experimental. Concerning performance, the speech control was the poorest device for hard tasks too.

Regarding one of the main questions if minimal human-like cues added to a purely functional robot in order to suggest anthromorphism have an effect on the interaction/collaboration, it can be said, that even with this small change of the functional robot by adding the 3D printed head, a positive effect could be identified. For one item of the acceptance scale a significant difference could be detected: People collaborating with an anthropomorphised robot with head were more self-confident in solving tasks on their own than participants who interacted with the purely functional one. If even this small human-like cue could evoke a positive effect on the overall interaction, this offers many quick and often cheap possibilities to enhance Human-Robot Collaboration.

Concerning the main research goal of finding the best mixture of input modalities and different levels of task complexities in terms of performance and also user satisfaction measures, it can be stated that for easy and simple tasks it does not matter which input modality is provided. However, for challenging tasks it cannot be said, for example, that a PC-remote is always the best choice. It depends on so many other factors and circumstances. Like already mentioned one factor is if the user has to be on the move or can be static during the interaction with the robot. Furthermore, does the user need one or two hands free for a secondary task during the interaction? What is the type of task or the surrounding? A speech control system, for example, is not really suitable in a very noisy context and a gesture-based interface possibly useless in a workingplace with very little space.

All in all, the two user studies proved the assumption about interdependencies of input modality and task complexity in Human-Robot Collaboration. Pros and cons of the different input modalities were illustrated, especially concerning different complexities. Furthermore, the outcome indicates, that none of these elements should be inspected separately. Only a combined investigation of all of these factors, such as input modalities, task complexity and appearance of the robot (and probably additional factors) allows well-founded implications for Human-Robot interaction. This is a fact, any researcher who is working in this area should be aware of. It is clear, that this work cannot be generalized to all variations of

63 speech, gesture, and point-and-click input, only assumptions for the input modalities used in this studies can be made. However, these studies are just a starting point for a series of controlled experiments, to further decode this interdependency and propose adaptive multi- modal Human-Robot Collaboration scenarios. Next steps are illustrated in the following future work section.

64 7. Future Work

Due to the fact, that in this work the interaction was only studied with naive users, the aim - in a next step- is to investigate the possibility to reproduce the findings if participants had a longer training phase and got used to all input modalities. Therefore, it is planned to give participants the robot and the input modalities for usage and training in their private home for one week, before conducting a controlled user study in the lab again.

It can be assumed, as an initial tendency was found in the user studies, that a humanoid design of robots generates a more positive feeling in the user. Therefore, further investigation is needed of how to produce minimal cues on the robot, to enhance the overall cooperation from the user’s point of view. Moreover, a deeper insight into the impact of different appearances is needed; The human-like cue has a positive effect on the interaction, although the robot is not considered to be more human-like, therefore, a more human-like robot (e.g., the Nao or the Darwin robot) should be compared to the functional Lego Mindstorm prototype. Similarly, due to the fact that no subject worked with both types of robots, in a next study, a within-subject approach for further investigation is considered.

In order to further investigate in the main research goal of finding the best mixture of input modality, task complexity, and appearance of robot, the concept of an “intelligent” multi- modal interface should be explored, where people can freely choose which input modality they need in specific situations. In comparison to most typical multimodal interfaces, which provide many different input modalities at the same time, is probably not the ideal solution for successful human-robot collaboration. Users should be able to always concentrate on their primary task and not think about which input possibility would be suiting for different kind of tasks and complexities. In that case “intelligent“ means, that the interface reacts also in accordance to the context and other circumstances like light, noise, and temperature and provides a proper input modality and an according feedback modality (e.g., visual, haptic, and auditive). The resulting combinations of input modality and feedback mechanism for different task complexities should enable context-specific human-robot cooperation.

65 Therefore, the overall goal is to further explore the most appropriate input modality for a set of tasks, categorized according to their level of complexity. Additional to complexity, other factors have to be taken into account, such as whether or not the robot is physically collocated with the user, ambient noise, light conditions, and other factors, such as, if the robot could get out of sight during the interaction or the user needs one or both hands free for another task, like the necessity of carrying anything, for example. Moreover, it has to be clear, if the user needs to have the possibility of mobility during the interaction. This classification will enable the possibility to provide the ideal complementing input modality for each type of task.

I strongly believe that a more adaptive and “intelligent“ multimodality is needed, which could only be achieved if the tasks have been well classified before. This kind of multimodality concerning input modalities could be the key to context-specific human-robot collaboration and could enhance the relationship between human and robot itself.

66 List of Figures

2.1. Archytas of Tarentum’s Dove ( ...... 5 2.2. Model of a Robot based on Drawings by Leonardo da Vinci (From Wikimedia Commons) ...... 6 2.3. Duck of Jacques de Vaucanson (From Wikimedia Commons) ...... 6 2.4. The First Autonomous Mobile Robot ( ...... 8 2.5. Sony’s Robotic Dog Aibo (From Wikimedia Commons) ...... 9

3.1. The Different Speech Recognition Architectures (cf. Ayres [AN04], S. 3) . . . 14 3.2. The Two Obstacle Courses, the Dotted Line is the Hard One, the Other Line the Easy One (cf. Rouanet [RBO09], S. 5) ...... 15 3.3. Robot Guided by Gestures (cf. Rouanet [RDO11], S. 4) ...... 16 3.4. Possible Postures for each Foreleg of the AIBO Robot (cf. Guo [GS08], S. 6) 17 3.5. The Mapping of the Keys (cf. Guo [GS08], S. 6) ...... 17 3.6. Three Independent Communication Channels Between Human and Robot (cf. Bannat [BGR+09], S. 2) ...... 18 3.7. The Sarcos Robot and a Professional Actor (cf. Pollard [PHRA02], S. 1) . . . 19

4.1. The Programmable Brick Computer with Motors and Sensors Attached (cf. [Leg13]) ...... 22 4.2. The Ultrasonic Sensor Indicates the Minimum Point, the Touch Sensor the Maximum Point ...... 23 4.3. The Functional Prototype with the Grabbing Arm ...... 23 4.4. The 3D Printer is Processing the Robot’s Head ...... 24 4.5. A first Concept and the Prototype with Anthropmorphic Cues ...... 25 4.6. The MINDdroid Application (cf. [H13])¨ ...... 26 4.7. The Lego Mindstorms Sound Sensor (cf. [LSh13]) ...... 28 4.8. An Excerpt of the First Speech Recognition Approach written in NXT-G . . 29

5.1. The Two Tracks with the Mindstorm Robots ...... 35

67 5.2. The Easy (left) and the Hard Track (right) was Different in the Number and Placement of Obstacles ...... 35 5.3. Perceived Task Complexity in Relationship to the Difficulty of the Track and the Used Input Device ...... 42 5.4. Possible Sequences of the Used Input Modalities ...... 44 5.5. Construction Task 1 to 3 and the Finished Lego house (From Left to the Right) 45 5.6. Guidance Sheet for the Speech Command Interface ...... 46 5.7. Guidance Sheet for the PC-Remote Control ...... 47 5.8. The Track of the Laboratory Study ...... 47 5.9. The Item Temporal Demand of the German Version of the NASA-TLX . . . 49 5.10. The German Version of the Godspeed Questionnaire Concerning Anthropo- morphism ...... 51 5.11. The Mean Building Solution Time in Seconds for the Three Different Building Tasks Frame (Easy), Group (Medium) and Roof (Hard) ...... 52 5.12. The Track Solution Time in Seconds as well as the Number of Collisions for the Three Different Input Modalities Ppeech, the Gesture-Based Interface and the PC-Remote Control ...... 53 5.13. The Buildings Tasks were Perceived More Complex, when the More Complex Input Modalities were used Before (5 = Easy, 1 = Hard) ...... 58 5.14. The Perceived Control Complexity in Dependency of the Different Assembly Tasks (5 = Totally disagree, 1 = Totally agree) ...... 59 5.15. The Intuitiveness Scale was Rated Much Lower when Complex Modality and Complex Assembly Tasks Converged (5 = Very high, 1 = Very low). . . . . 59

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74 A. Appendix

A.1. Workshop Position Paper accepted for the 2012 IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN)

G. Stollnberger, A. Weiss, M. Tscheligi

The effect of input modalities and different levels of task complexity on feedback perception in a human-robot collaboration task.

Abstract— In the research field of Human-Robot with specific feedback modalities, e.g. if we talk to a robot Collaboration choosing the right input modality and the we assume that the robot can talk back. Speech is still consi- according feedback modality are crucial aspects for successful dered the most natural input modality for human-robot coop- cooperation for different levels of task complexity. In this eration, but it is still a problem for robots to process spoken position paper we present a preliminary study we conducted in commands with high accuracy. order to investigate the correlations between input modalities, feedback and task complexity. We assume that specific input In addition to that there are other input modalities to interact devices are suitable for specific levels of task complexity and with robots than speech such as gesture, keyboards etc. that these input modalities differ in the ideal complementing Rouanet and colleagues for example compared a keyboard- feedback modality. Moreover, we assume that through the ideal like and a gesture-based interface to communicate and mix, user satisfaction and overall experience of the human- control the system driving through two courses which robot cooperation can be enhanced. We conducted a study in differed in complexity and results showed that different task which participants could choose between two different input complexities have a significant impact on the user modalities to drive a race with a Lego Mindstorm robot against the other participant. One of the main findings was that all of performance. [1] these factors have a severe impact on the results but the effect Further studies with a Wiimote, Laser pointer, Iphone and a of task complexities and input devices was more significant simulated gesture-based interface were compared as input than the different feedback mechanisms which on the other modalities in HRI, which also showed the importance of hand strongly correlate with the used input device. Therefore according feedback modalities. [2] none of these factors should be inspected separately. Furthermore, we found out that user’s perceptions of their Bannat et al. proposed that a more natural and flexible performance in some cases differed from reality. human-robot interaction can be achieved by providing different control modalities at the same time namely speech, I. INTRODUCTION gaze and so-called soft buttons and that users can choose Human-Robot-Collaboration becomes more and more which modality suits best in a specific situation. However, important in different contexts, such as in modern homes or this concept is not experimentally validated so far. [3] hospitals as assistive systems for example and in the factory Another interesting approach are multi-touch interfaces for context as assembly, painting, inspection or transportation commanding robots. According to Hayes et al. it is not robots. satisfying commanding robots with static input devices, such One important aspect in the exploration of human-robot as a mouse or a keyboard, above all in situations where the cooperation is to find out which input modalities should be user is on the move or needs the hands free for a secondary or used for cooperation. Especially concerning different levels even for the primary task. They could show that multi-touch of task complexity and the according feedback, which needs interfaces provide a good usability and a lower overall to be provided. Therefore, we wanted to investigate the workload for users controlling the robot. [4] impact and correlation of input devices with different levels Furthermore, experiments with a tangible user interface for of task complexity and different feedback modalities. Based human-robot interaction with Sony's AIBO had been done on literature review we built two robot Mindstorm robots, using also a keypad and a gesture-based interface. The which can be controlled with two different input devices (a researchers believed that a more natural way of interaction gesture-based input system on a mobile phone and a PC- could be achieved if users can focus their attention on a remote control interface) and studied these input modalities more high-level task planning in comparison to low-level in a field trail with 24 participants. steps. Their tangible user interface outperformed the In the following paper we want to provide a short summary keyboard interface, but they mentioned that this could of related work, after that our research aim and the possibly be because they did not use the most intuitive experimental setup is described followed by the results of the mapping of keys on the keyboard. [5] study which include a discussion part and finally a few sentences about future work are given. Another approach was investigated where pre-recorded human motion and trajectory tracking as an input modality II. RELATED WORK was used for anthropomorphic robots with the aim to One relevant aspect for successful human-robot cooperation compare motions of the participants and the robots. They is the input modality, which is used to control and interact mentioned that their results were limited because they only with the robot. Clearly different input modalities suit better measured the degree of freedom of each joints separately therefore they have to conduct a second study. The process of recording human motions seems to be very complex and time G. Stollnberger, A. Weiss, and M. Tscheligi are with the HCI and Usability consuming therefore this possibility will be ignored for our Unit, ICT&S Center, University of Salzburg, research. [6] 5020 Salzburg, Austria ([email protected])

To summarize, a lot of research has already been done to compare input modalities for Human-Robot collaboration in order to identify their advantages and disadvantages in terms of performance and user experience/ usability. In some cases the input modalities were compared according to their task- suitability and their impact on feedback modalities. However, what is up to our knowledge missing so far is a structured investigation of the interplay between: (1) input modality, (2) task complexity, and (3) feedback modality. In order to investigate this interplay we conducted a preliminary small user study in which we compared two input modalities (gesture and keyboard) with two different levels of task complexity [Figure 1] with the according feedback Figure 2: The Lego Mindstorm robot. modalities.

Figure 1: Track with hard difficulty (contains more barricades than the easy track) Figure 3: The gesture-based interface with the action button to lift the grabber and on the right the PC-remote III. RESEARCH AIM with the assignment of keys for each action. The overall aim of investigating the combination of input modality with task complexity and feedback modality is to IV. EXPERIMENTAL SETUP identify which combination works best for different human- In order to explore how input modality, task difficulty, and robot collaboration tasks. The outcome should be feedback modality interplay in terms of performance and user recommendations for specific task types (and difficulty satisfaction we set-up a study at an open-house university levels) in terms of suitable input and output modalities. We event, in which visitors were invited to compete each other in expect that the input modality will have the highest impact on a Lego Mindsto rm race. the overall user performance in a collaborative task, however The experiment was set-up as a 2x2 between-subject the task difficulty and the feedback will also effect the experiment with the conditions task difficulty (easy/ hard) results. Moreover, we consider that the feedback modality and input device (gesture-based/ PC-remote) will influence aspects, such as user satisfaction and system trust more than the input modality. After a short description of the input devices and the task they had to fulfill they had to navigate their robot through

two equal courses and avoid some obstacles with the aim to For our first study we built two identical robots driven by lift and transport a box to a given goal. One of the “The Snatcher” from Laurens. [7] [Figure 2], which could be participants always used the PC remote the other one the controlled by (1) a gesture-based interface and (2) a PC- gesture based interface which offers the possibility to remote control. [Figure 3] Both robots were constructed in compare the two input devices and the according feedback in the same way and both provided aural feedback driven by the terms of efficiency and effectiveness. After the race they were sounds of the motors and optical feedback from the robot’s asked to fill in a short questionnaire to gather further data. movement. The feedback of the different input modalities During the day we changed the difficulty of the tracks from was haptic feedback from the keyboard of the PC-remote easy to hard by adding more obstacles to gain insights on the control and visual and haptic feedback from the mobile impact of the different task complexity. phone, which was used for the gesture-based interface. Although the open space context was not easy to control

because of the frequent change of visitors, it provided the We assumed that the PC-remote control will achieve the best advantage of studying many participants with different socio- results in terms of performance (efficiency and effectiveness), demographic background in a short time. but that the gesture-based interface will strengthen the feeling of collaborating with the robot and will be perceived as more intuitive.

MEASURES: For acceptance with 5 questions the value was .629 and without “I would not be able to solve a task with the robot Based on a literature review we decided to divide our with this input device without help” even .741. measures into two categories. Regarding performance the gesture-based interface enabled a Performance Measures: less efficient control because the mean track solution time • Efficiency: The time users needed to accomplish the was 73 seconds and for the PC-remote 68 seconds. course from starting to the end point. Concerning effectiveness the absolute number of collisions was 19 for the gesture-based interface and 16 for the PC- • Effectiveness: The number of errors during the remote but the mean number of collisions was 2 for both navigation based on collisions with other objects or devices. barricades. Regarding the three scales intuitiveness, satisfaction and User Satisfaction Measures: acceptance there was a trend that all of them were perceived • Perceived task complexity, intuitiveness, satisfaction better when solving the hard track and experienced worse and acceptance of the device: A questionnaire was used to practicing on the easy one even for both devices. [Figure 4] gather information about these measures. It consisted of a 5- point Likert scale and 15 questions, which were driven from Difficulty of Track the USUS evaluation framework [8] and from a survey used to assess the intuitiveness of the Nabaztag Robot as an Easy Hard ambient interface. [9] Mean Std Dev Mean Std Dev Moreover, the whole study was videotaped to recheck the Intuitiveness 4,43 ,72 4,73 ,23 measured time and number of collisions as well as to identify problems with the input devices and the according feedback Satisfaction 3,96 ,84 4,24 ,67 channel. Acceptance 4,50 ,88 4,58 ,53 Figure 4: The three scales grouped by track difficulty V. RESULTS We conducted the study with 24 participants, 10 female and Regarding intuitiveness the gesture-based interface was 14 male, age from 11 to 66 years, the average age was 36,73 considered more intuitive but for terms of satisfaction and years and the standard deviation was 14,63. For further acceptance the PC-remote was perceived better. [Figure 5] analysis four data records were removed because some participants solved the track without an opponent, in that case Used Device there was no race condition therefore we didn’t use the data. Furthermore one woman let her son win in order to raise his PC-Remote Gesture-Based mood which would have influenced the data as a Mean Std Dev Mean Std Dev consequence this data record was also removed. Intuitiveness 4,55 ,61 4,67 ,37 At first we conducted a manipulation check if the task complexity was successfully varied. Therefore, we ran a Satisfaction 4,28 ,56 3,97 ,88 Mann-Whitney-U Test on the track solution time and number of collisions to check if they significantly differ for the Acceptance 4,72 ,34 4,38 ,87 assumed track difficulty. The track solution time differs for Figure 5: The three scales grouped by used device the track difficulty. The results of the test were in the expected direction and significant, z=2,162, p<.05. The mean rank for easy track was 7.00 while the average rank for hard We conducted Mann-Whitney U tests for the three scales one was 12.83. (intuitiveness, satisfaction, and overall acceptance) for the types of device and the task difficulty, but unfortunately there As expected also the number of collisions was higher for the was no significance in the results. However, interesting hard track, z=2,899, p<.05. The mean rank for easy track was results could be found for single scale items. 6.00 while the average rank for hard one was 13.50. A Mann-Whitney U test revealed that one of the two input After that we computed the scales for the items intuitiveness, devices was less intuitive to use, which was in that case the satisfaction and the overall acceptance of the questionnaire. gesture-based interface but only for one item in the Therefore we ran a Cronbach’s Alpha test to check the intuitiveness scale (“the used device was hard to use”) the internal reliability for these 3 factors. results of the test were in the expected direction and significant, z=-2,195, p<.05. The mean rank for the mobile For the intuitiveness scale which consists of 5 questions we control was 7.17 while the average rank for the pc control reached a Cronbach’s Alpha of .706, after deleting the item was 12.55. “the used device was hard to use” the Cronbach’s Alpha was .733. Furthermore, the used input device correlates with the own satisfaction of the performance of the participants. The results The Alpha value for satisfaction with 4 questions was .635 were also significant, z=-2,160, p<.05. The mean rank for and after deleting “I was satisfied with my own performance” .646.

satisfaction with the gesture-based interface was 7.80 while All in all different input devices as well as task complexities the average rank for the PC-remote was 13.20. have a severe impact on the results. Also the effect of feedback must not be underestimated. Every input device Another interesting result was a significant difference in needs specific feedback depending on the device, task terms of user satisfaction for one item on likability (I would complexity and different situations. like to use the device for often) according to the task difficulty (z=2,438, p<.05). The mean rank for the easy track was 6.50 while the average rank for hard one was 12.55. VII. FUTURE WORK In a next step we want to investigate speech input. We plan VI. DISCUSSION to conduct a more controlled experiment in a closed Although the PC-remote outperformed the gesture-based laboratory setting adding speech as an input modality for interface in terms of efficiency and effectiveness the comparison and furthermore different embodiments difference concerning efficiency was much lower for the hard (functional vs. anthropomorphic) of the robots, which could course. Apart from that the difference in task completion have an impact on the findings too. It is planned to let a times and number of collisions was huge comparing easy and higher number of participants solve given assembly tasks hard track, but not that much for the perceived task (which will differ in complexity) together with a Lego complexity. This means that real task complexity and Mindstorm robot which helps in principle the users to perceived complexity do not always correlate directly. transport Lego parts from A to B to get further insight of the correlation of input methods, task complexities and feedback Apart from that the perceived task complexity was also modalities as well as the appearance of the robot. Finally this dependent on the used input device, which could not be proved statistically but in the descriptive data there is a trend basic research study should inform the interaction design for showing this fact. People who used the PC-remote thought a robotic arm in the context of a factory in which operators that the easy course was more easy than participants who have to cooperate also with robots in transportation tasks as used the gesture-based interface, but for the hard course it simulated in our preliminary study. was the opposite which means that gesture-based interface users perceived the hard track more easy than participants REFERENCES who used the PC-remote. [Figure 6] One possible reason for [1] Rouanet, P.; Bechu, J.; Oudeyer, P.-Y.; , "A comparison of three that phenomenon could be the visual feedback provided by interfaces using handheld devices to intuitively drive and show objects the gesture-based interface, which was used a lot by the to a social robot: the impact of underlying metaphors," Robot and participants and especially people using the PC-remote had Human Interactive Communication, 2009. RO-MAN 2009. problems when they steered the robot back to the starting [2] Pierre Rouanet, Fabien Danieau, and Pierre-Yves Oudeyer. 2011. A point of the track because of the fact that they had to steer left robotic game to evaluate interfaces used to show and teach visual objects to a robot in real world condition. In Proceedings of the 6th when they wanted to turn the robot to the right. Adding visual international conference on Human-robot interaction (HRI '11). ACM, feedback to the PC-remote could minimize the effect for this New York, NY, USA, 313-320. device. [3] Alexander Bannat, Jürgen Gast, Tobias Rehrl, Wolfgang Rösel, Gerhard Rigoll, and Frank Wallhoff. 2009. A Multimodal Human-Robot- Interaction Scenario: Working Together with an Industrial Robot. In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. Part II: Novel Interaction Methods and Techniques, Julie A. Jacko (Ed.). Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 303-311. [4] Sean Timothy Hayes, Eli R. Hooten, and Julie A. Adams. 2010. Multi- touch interaction for tasking robots. In Proceedings of the 5th ACM/IEEE international conference on Human-robot interaction (HRI '10). IEEE Press, Piscataway, NJ, USA, 97-98. [5] Cheng Guo and Ehud Sharlin. 2008. Exploring the use of tangible user interfaces for human-robot interaction: a comparative study. In Proceedings of the twenty-sixth annual SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems (CHI '08). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 121-130. Figure 6: Perceived task complexity dependant on used [6] Pollard, N.S.; Hodgins, J.K.; Riley, M.J.; Atkeson, C.G.; , "Adapting device and difficulty of track human motion for the control of a humanoid robot," Robotics and Moreover 5 participants using the gesture-based interface Automation, 2002. Proceedings. ICRA '02. IEEE International Conference on , vol.2, no., pp. 1390- 1397 vol.2, 2002 stood up during the race and moved with the robot, which [7] Laurens Valk. 2010. The LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT 2.0 Discovery demonstrates the advantage of such an input modality for this Book: A Beginner's Guide to Building and Programming Robots (1st type of task, but also demonstrates the lack of interface- ed.). No Starch Press, San Francisco, CA, USA. specific feedback which has to be enhanced by context- [8] Weiss, A. Validation of an Evaluation Framework for Human-Robot feedback (“user workaround”). Interaction. The Impact of Usability, Social Acceptance, User Experience, and Societal Impact on Collaboration with Humanoid Although the PC-remote was much better in terms of Robots. PhD thesis, University of Salzburg, Feburary 2010. efficiency and effectiveness the differences in intuitiveness, [9] Mirlacher, T., Buchner, R., Förster, F., Weiss, A., and Tscheligi, M. satisfaction and acceptance were not significant, possibly also Ambient Rabbits – Likeability of Embodied Ambient Displays. In because of the fact that the gesture-based interface provided AmI2009: Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference on Ambient more feedback to the participants. Intelligence (Berlin/Heidelberg, 2009), M. Tscheligi and B. de Ruyter, Eds., Springer, pp. 164–173. A.2. Late-breaking Report accepted for ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction 2013 Input Modality and Task Complexity: Do they Relate?

Gerald Stollnberger, Astrid Weiss, Manfred Tscheligi CDL on Contextual Interfaces University of Salzburg Salzburg, Austria [email protected]

Abstract— In the research field of Human-Robot Collaboration should be recommendations for specific task types (and (HRC) choosing the right input modality is a crucial aspect for difficulty levels) in terms of suitable input modalities for successful cooperation, especially for different levels of task robots. For a first investigation of this assumption we built two complexity. In this paper we present a preliminary study we identical robots driven by “The Snatcher” of Laurens [3], conducted in order to investigate the correlation between input which were controlled by (1) a gesture-based interface and (2) modalities and task complexity. We assume that specific input devices are suitable for specific levels of task complexity in HRC a PC-remote control. tasks. In our study participants could choose between two II. EXPERIMENTAL SETUP different input modalities to perform a race with Lego Mindstorm robots against each other. One of the main findings Our aim was to find out how input modality and task was that both factors (input modality / task complexity) have a difficulty interplay in terms of performance and user severe impact on task performance and user satisfaction. satisfaction. We set-up a study at an open-house university Furthermore, we found out that users’ perceptions of their event, in which visitors were invited to compete in a Lego performance differed from reality in some cases. Mindstorm race. The experiment was set-up as a 2x2 between- Index Terms—Human-Robot collaboration; input modalities; subject experiment with the conditions task difficulty task complexity; gesture; speech; remote; mindstorm (easy/hard) and input device (gesture-based/ PC-remote). After a short description of the input devices and the task, I. INTRODUCTION AND MOTIVATION they had to navigate their robot through two equal courses and In order to investigate which input modalities should be avoid obstacles. The aim was to lift and transport a box to a used for cooperative tasks, especially for different levels of task given goal. After the race the participants had to fill in a complexity, we built a Lego Mindstorm robot, which can be questionnaire. During the day we changed the task level of the controlled by two different input devices: gesture-based tracks from easy to hard, by adding more obstacles to gain interface on a mobile phone and a PC-remote control. These insight on the impact of different task complexity. input modalities were studied in a field trial with 24 Although the open space context was not easy to control, participants. because of the frequent change of visitors, it provided the Different input modalities suit better for different task advantage of studying many participants with different socio- complexities. E.g. for simple tasks there is no strong need in a demographic background in a short time. very precise and robust control mechanism. There are many Based on various sources we decided to divide our different input modalities to interact with robots, such as measures into two categories. (1) Performance Measures, such speech, gesture, keyboards, etc. which were tested in several as efficiency (i.e. task completion time) and effectiveness (e.g. studies. Research has shown that different task complexities number of collisions) and (2) User Satisfaction Measures: have a significant impact on the user performance [1]. perceived task complexity, intuitiveness, satisfaction, and Furthermore, a more natural and flexible human-robot acceptance. We gathered this information with a questionnaire interaction can be achieved by providing different control consisting of 15 items, which had to be rated on a 5-point modalities at the same time [2]. Likert scale. Moreover, the whole study was videotaped to A lot of research has already been done to compare input recheck the measured time and number of collisions, as well as modalities for HRC in order to identify their advantages in to identify problems with the input devices. terms of performance and user experience/usability. In some III. RESULTS cases also according to their task-suitability [1],[4]. However, what hasn’t been explored so far is a structured investigation of We conducted the study with 24 participants, 10 female and the interplay between: (1) input modality, and (2) task 14 male, aged from 11 to 66 years (M = 36.73, SD = 14.63). complexity. In order to investigate this interplay, we conducted For further analysis four data records were removed because a preliminary user study in which we compared two input some participants solved the track without an opponent. modalities (gesture-based, PC-remote) with two levels of task Therefore, we didn’t use the data. Furthermore, one woman let complexity. her son win, in order to raise his mood, which would have The overall aim of this investigation is to identify which influenced the data as well. As a consequence this data record combination works best for different HRC tasks. The outcome was also removed. At first we conducted a manipulation check, i.e. the task means: real task complexity and perceived complexity does not complexity was successfully varied. Therefore, we ran a Mann- always directly correlate. Apart from that, the perceived task Whitney-U Test on the track solution time and number of complexity was also dependent from the used input device. It collisions. We checked if they significantly differ from the could not be proved statistically, but in the descriptive data we assumed track difficulty. The track solution time differed for found a trend supporting this assumption. People using the PC- the two tracks. The results of the test were as expected and remote perceived the easy course easier than participants using significant, z = 2.162, p = .031. The mean rank for easy track the gesture-based interface, but for the hard course it was the was 7.00, while the average rank for hard one was 12.83. The opposite. [Fig. 2] number of collisions was higher for the hard track, z = 2.899, p = .004. The mean rank for easy track was 6.00, while the average rank for hard one was 13.50. Regarding performance the gesture-based interface enabled a less efficient control. The mean track solution time was 73 seconds (SD = 23) and for the PC-remote 68 seconds (SD = 31). Concerning effectiveness the absolute number of collisions was 19 for the gesture-based interface and 16 for the Fig. 2. Perceived task complexity dependant on used device and PC-remote. difficulty of track Then we computed the scales for intuitiveness, satisfaction, and overall acceptance. The Cronbach’s Alpha for these factors One possible reason for that phenomenon could be that was between .646 and .741. After deleting unreliable items, the people using the PC-remote, had problems steering the robot internal reliability for our scales was satisfying. back to the starting point. They had to steer left when they Regarding the three scales intuitiveness, satisfaction, and wanted the robot to go right. Moreover, five participants, who acceptance, there was a trend that all of them were perceived used the gesture-based interface, stood up during the race and better, when solving the hard track, and experienced worse, moved with the robot. This demonstrates the advantage of such when practicing on the easy one for both devices. [Fig. 1] an input modality for this type of task. To sum up, we could show that different input modalities Difficulty of Track and task complexity levels influenced our measures. Every task Easy Hard Mean Std Dev Mean Std Dev needs specific input modalities, depending on the complexity Intuitiveness 4.43 .72 4.73 .23 and situation to reach higher performance and user satisfaction. Satisfaction 3.96 .84 4.24 .67 A next step will be to investigate speech input and the effect of Acceptance 4.50 .88 4.58 .53 the embodiment (functional vs. anthropomorphic). We assume Fig. 1. The three scales grouped by track difficulty this could also affect task performance and user satisfaction.

Regarding intuitiveness the gesture-based interface was considered more intuitive, but in terms of satisfaction and ACKNOWLEDGMENT acceptance the PC-remote was perceived better. We greatly acknowledge the financial support by the We conducted Mann-Whitney U tests for the three scales Federal Ministry of Economy, Family and Youth and the (intuitiveness, satisfaction, and overall acceptance) for the National Foundation for Research, Technology and types of device and the task difficulty, but no significant Development (Christian Doppler Laboratory for “Contextual differences could be identified in the results. Interfaces”). Another test revealed that the used input device correlates with the own satisfaction of the performance, z = -2.160, REFERENCES. p = .031. The mean rank for satisfaction with the gesture-based [1] Rouanet, P.; Bechu, J.; Oudeyer, P, "A comparison of three interface was 7.80, while the mean rank for the PC-remote was interfaces using handheld devices to intuitively drive and show 13.20. Moreover, for the item likability, (I would like to use the objects to a social robot: the impact of underlying metaphors," device often) a difference, regarding task difficulty (z = 2.438, Robot and Human Interactive Communication. RO-MAN 2009. p = .015), could be identified. The mean rank for the easy track [2] A. Bannat, J. Gast, T. Rehrl, W. Rösel, G. Rigoll, F. Wallhoff. A was 6.50, while the average rank for the hard one was 12.55. Multimodal Human-Robot-Interaction Scenario: Working Together with an Industrial Robot. Proc of the 13th Int. Conf. on This implies that the likability was higher for harder tasks. HCI, Part 2: Novel Interactionmethods and Techniques, J. Jacko (Ed.) Springer-Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, 303-311. IV. DISCUSSION [3] Laurens V. The Lego Mindstorms NXT 2.0 Discovery Book: A Although the PC-remote outperformed the gesture-based Beginner's Guide to Building and Programming Robots (1st ed.). interface in terms of efficiency and effectiveness, the difference No Starch Press, San Francisco, CA, USA. concerning efficiency was much lower for the hard course. [4] Cheng G. Ehud S. 2008. Exploring the use of tangible user Apart from that, the difference in task completion times and interfaces for human-robot interaction: a comparative study. In number of collisions was huge, comparing easy and hard track, Proc. of the 26th annual SIGCHI conference on Human factors but not that much for the perceived task complexity. This in computing systems (CHI '08). ACM, New York, USA.

A.3. Data Consent Form for the Preliminary Study

Control ME Nutzerstudie

Teilnehmer Nr.: ___ Salzburg, Juni 2012


Liebe/r Teilnehmer/in!

Diese Studie wird von der HCI und Usability Unit des ICT&S Center (Advanced Studies and Research in Information and Communication Technologies & Society) der Universität Salzburg durchgeführt; die/der verantwortliche Projektleiterin ist Astrid Weiss. Um die Interaktion eines Roboters mit Benutzern zu optimieren, wird in dieser Vorstudie die Interaktion zwischen Mensch und Roboter untersucht.

Das Material (Text, Audio, Video, Fotos), das während der Studie erstellt wird, wird in weiterer Folge zur Auswertung bzw. Erarbeitung der entsprechenden Untersuchungsergebnisse verwendet.

Sie erklären sich einverstanden, dass das Material für diese Auswertungen verwendet wird. Das anonymisierte Rohmaterial kann für Präsentationen und wissenschaftlichen Publikationen im Rahmen der Studie verwendet werden, wird aber nicht an Dritte weitergegeben. Fotos und Videoausschnitte können selektiv für die Präsentationen und wissenschaftlichen Ergebnisse bzw. der beispielhaften Darstellung des wissenschaftlichen Tätigkeitsfeldes der HCI und Usability Unit des ICT&S Centers verwendet werden.

Mit dieser Erklärung gebe ich die Erlaubnis, als Teilnehmer/in an der Studie wie oben beschrieben, gefilmt bzw. aufgenommen zu werden.

Ich verpflichte mich weiters dazu, sämtliche Informationen zu dieser Studie vertraulich zu behandeln und nicht an Dritte weiterzugeben.

Name in Blockbuchstaben:


Bestätigung: Gerald Stollnberger (Diplomand ICT&S Center).

Rückfragen: Tel. +43-662-8044-4836, Email: [email protected]


A.4. Questionnaire used in the Preliminary Study

Das Roboter Rennen


Geschlecht:    Alter: ______TP Nr.: ______m w

Welche Steuerung wurde verwendet? HandyPC

nicht wenig mittel ziemlich sehr k.A. Die Strecke war schwer zu befahren Warum? ______

Wie sehr treffen die folgenden Aussagen zu?

nicht wenig mittel ziemlich sehr k.A. Ich fand die verwendete Steuerung

unnötig komplex. Ich fand die verwendete Steuerung

leicht verständlich. Ich kann mir vorstellen, dass die meisten Leute sehr schnell lernen

würden, mit dieser Steuerung umzugehen. Ich würde sehr viel lernen müssen, bevor ich mit dieser Steuerung umgehen könnte. Es war für mich schwierig, den

Roboter zu steuern.

Wie sehr treffen die folgenden Aussagen zu?

nicht wenig mittel ziemlich sehr k.A. Ich denke, dass ich diese Steuerung

gerne häufig benutzen würde. Ich war zufrieden mit der Leistung des

Roboters. Ich war zufrieden mit der Leistung der

verwendeten Steuerung. Ich war zufrieden mit meiner

persönlichen Leistung.

ICT&S, Human-Computer Interaction & Usability Unit

Wie sehr treffen die folgenden Aussagen zu?

nicht wenig mittel ziemlich sehr k.A. Ich habe nicht die notwendigen Fähigkeiten, um Roboter mithilfe dieser Steuerung bedienen zu können. Ich habe das notwendige Wissen um mit dieser Steuerung umzugehen. Ich könnte keine Aufgabe mit Hilfe dieser Steuerung und den Roboter lösen, wenn niemand da wäre, den ich fragen kann. Unter Zeitdruck könnte ich niemals Erfolg bei der Zusammenarbeit mit

Robotern haben wenn ich diese Steuerung verwende. Ich werde nie eine Aufgabe gemeinsam mit Robotern mit dieser Steuerung lösen können.

Gibt es noch Anmerkungen? Wenn ja, welche?



ICT&S, Human-Computer Interaction & Usability Unit A.5. Output of the Data Analysis of the Preliminary Study

GET FILE='C:\Users\Stollnberger\Desktop\Diplomarbeit\50JahrFeier\AuswertungBilder50jFeier\50JFeierSPSS.sav'. DATASET NAME DataSet1 WINDOW=FRONT. *Table of all Variables

DESCRIPTIVES VARIABLES=PA_NR Gender Age Device TrackDiff SolTime NumOfColl PerceivedTComplexity IComplexity IComprehensible ILearn IHLearn IHard SUse SatRobot SatDevice SatSelf ASkill AKnowledge AHelp APressure ANever /STATISTICS=MEAN STDDEV MIN MAX.

Descriptives Descriptive Statistics

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

Number of Participant 20 1 24 13,60 7,221

Gender 20 1 2 1,45 ,510

Age of Participant 19 11 66 35,63 15,075

Used Device 20 1 2 1,50 ,513

Difficulty of Track 20 1 2 1,60 ,503

Track Solution Time in 20 36 139 70,85 26,812 Seconds

Number of Collisions 20 0 5 1,75 1,743

Perceived Task Complexity 20 2 5 3,90 1,071

Used Control Device was 20 3 5 4,55 ,686 needlessly complex

Used Control Device was easy 20 3 5 4,75 ,550 comprehensible

Used Control Device was fast 19 1 5 4,32 ,946 to learn

Used Control Device needs 20 4 5 4,80 ,410 much to learn

Used Control Device was hard 19 1 5 3,79 1,084 to use

Like to use device often 19 2 5 3,74 ,933

Satisfied with rob ots' 20 2 5 4,35 ,988 performance

Satisfied with devices' 20 2 5 4,30 ,979 performance

Satisfied with own 20 1 5 3,85 1,387 performance

Own required skill for 20 3 5 4,65 ,745 commanding robots with device Own required knowledge for 20 3 5 4,65 ,587 commanding robots with device

Would not be able to solve a 20 1 5 3,75 1,446 task without help

Would not be able to solve a 20 2 5 4,30 1,031 task under time pressure

Would never be able to solve 20 1 5 4,60 1,095 a task

Valid N (listwise) 16

DATASET ACTIVATE DataSet1. * Custom Tables. All Variables grouped by Used Device and Task Complexity

CTABLES /VLABELS VARIABLES=Age SolTime NumOfColl PerceivedTComplexity IComplexity IComprehensible ILearn IHLearn IHard SUse SatRobot SatDevice SatSelf ASkill AKnowledge AHelp APressure ANever Intuitiveness Satisfaction Acceptance TrackDiff Device DISPLAY=LABEL /TABLE Age [MEAN] + SolTime [MEAN] + NumOfColl [MEAN] + PerceivedTComplexity [MEAN] + IComplexity [MEAN] + IComprehensible [MEAN] + ILearn [MEAN] + IHLearn [MEAN] + IHard [MEAN] + SUse [MEAN] + SatRobot [MEAN] + SatDevice [MEAN] + SatSelf [MEAN] + ASkill [MEAN] + AKnowledge [MEAN] + AHelp [MEAN] + APressure [MEAN] + ANever [MEAN] + Intuitiveness [MEAN] + Satisfaction [MEAN] + Acceptance [MEAN] BY TrackDiff > Device /CATEGORIES VARIABLES=TrackDiff Device ORDER=A KEY=VALUE EMPTY=INCLUDE.

Custom Tables Difficulty of Track

Easy Hard

Used Device Used Device

PC Control Mobile Control PC Control Mobile Control

Mean Mean Mean Mean

Age of Participant 44 28 38 32

Track Solution Time in 45 64 84 80 Seconds

Number of Collisions 0 1 3 3

Perceived Task Complexity 5 4 4 4

Used Control Device was 5 4 5 5 needlessly complex

Used Control Device was easy 4 5 5 5 comprehensible

Used Control Device was fast 4 5 5 4 to learn Used Control Device needs 5 5 5 5 much to learn

Used Control Device was hard 4 3 4 3 to use

Like to use device often 4 3 4 4

Satisfied with rob ots' 5 4 4 4 performance

Satisfied with devices' 5 4 5 4 performance

Satisfied with own 5 2 5 4 performance

Own required skill for 5 5 5 4 commanding robots with device

Own required knowledge for 5 4 5 5 commanding robots with device

Would not be able to solve a 4 4 3 4 task without help

Would not be able to solve a 5 4 4 4 task under time pressure

Would never be able to solve 5 4 5 4 a task

Intuitiveness 4,25 4,60 4,75 4,71

Satisfaction 4,42 3,50 4,19 4,28

Acceptance 4,69 4,31 4,75 4,42

*Cronbach Alpha for intuitiveness




Case Processing Summary N %

Cases Valid 18 90,0

Excludeda 2 10,0

Total 20 100,0

Reliability Statistics Cronbach's Alpha N of Items

,706 5

Item-Total Statistics Corrected Scale Mean if Scale Variance if Item-Total Cronbach's Alpha Item Deleted Item Deleted Correlation if Item Deleted

Used Control Device was 17,61 4,840 ,603 ,607 needlessly complex Used Control Device was easy 17,44 5,320 ,587 ,631 comprehensible Used Control Device was fast 17,89 4,810 ,351 ,719 to learn Used Control Device needs 17,39 5,546 ,733 ,624 much to learn Used Control Device was hard 18,33 4,235 ,390 ,726 to use




Case Processing Summary N %

Cases Valid 19 95,0

Excludeda 1 5,0

Total 20 100,0

Reliability Statistics Cronbach's Alpha N of Items

,635 4

Item-Total Statistics Corrected Scale Mean if Scale Variance if Item-Total Cronbach's Alpha Item Deleted Item Deleted Correlation if Item Deleted Like to use device often 12,53 6,708 ,313 ,630 Satisfied with rob ots' 11,89 5,988 ,420 ,564 performance Satisfied with devices' 11,89 5,322 ,649 ,415 performance Satisfied with own 12,47 4,930 ,356 ,646 performance

*Cronbach Alpha for Acceptance




Case Processing Summary N %

Cases Valid 20 100,0

Excludeda 0 ,0

Total 20 100,0

Reliability Statistics Cronbach's Alpha N of Items

,629 5

Item-Total Statistics Corrected Scale Mean if Scale Variance if Item-Total Cronbach's Alpha Item Deleted Item Deleted Correlation if Item Deleted

Own required skill for 17,30 7,695 ,563 ,519 commanding robots with device Own required knowledge for 17,30 8,326 ,562 ,547 commanding robots with device Would not be able to solve a 18,20 7,116 ,177 ,741 task without help Would not be able to solve a 17,65 5,818 ,743 ,373 task under time pressure Would never be able to solve 17,35 8,029 ,217 ,660 a task

*Compute Variable Intuitiveness without Hard to use for better Cronbach Alpha

COMPUTE Intuitiveness=MEAN(IComplexity,IComprehensible,ILearn,IHLearn). EXECUTE.

*Compute variable Satisfaction without own performance for better Cronbach Alpha

COMPUTE Satisfaction=MEAN(SUse,SatRobot,SatDevice). EXECUTE.

*Compute Variable Acceptance without Help for better Cronbach Alpha

COMPUTE Acceptance=MEAN(ASkill,AKnowledge,APressure,ANever). EXECUTE.

*Tables for new variables



Descriptive Statistics N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

Intuitiveness 20 3,00 5,00 4,6083 ,49567 Satisfaction 20 2,33 5,00 4,1250 ,73523 Acceptance 20 2,50 5,00 4,5500 ,66689 Valid N (listwise) 20

*Nonparametric Tests: Independent Samples. grouped by Device, only Single questions

NPTESTS /INDEPENDENT TEST (Age SolTime NumOfColl PerceivedTComplexity IComplexity IComprehensible ILearn IHLearn IHard SUse SatRobot SatDevice SatSelf ASkill AKnowledge AHelp APressure ANever) GROUP (Device) /MISSING SCOPE=ANALYSIS USERMISSING=EXCLUDE /CRITERIA ALPHA=0.05 CILEVEL=95.

Nonparametric Tests

*Nonparametric Tests: Independent Samples. grouped by Difficulty of the task, only Single questions

NPTESTS /INDEPENDENT TEST (Age SolTime NumOfColl PerceivedTComplexity IComplexity IComprehensible ILearn IHLearn IHard SUse SatRobot SatDevice SatSelf ASkill AKnowledge AHelp APressure ANever) GROUP (TrackDiff) /MISSING SCOPE=ANALYSIS USERMISSING=EXCLUDE /CRITERIA ALPHA=0.05 CILEVEL=95.

Nonparametric Tests

*Nonparametric Tests: Independent Samples. grouped by Device, computed Variables


Nonparametric Tests

*Nonparametric Tests: Independent Samples. grouped by Task Complexity, computed Variables


Nonparametric Tests

*Cronbach Alpha Test Intuitiveness without the item hard to use!




Case Processing Summary N %

Cases Valid 19 95,0

Excludeda 1 5,0

Total 20 100,0

Reliability Statistics Cronbach's Alpha N of Items

,733 4

Item-Total Statistics Corrected Scale Mean if Scale Variance if Item-Total Cronbach's Alpha Item Deleted Item Deleted Correlation if Item Deleted Used Control Device was 13,84 2,585 ,486 ,696 needlessly complex Used Control Device was easy 13,68 2,561 ,705 ,592 comprehensible Used Control Device was fast 14,11 1,988 ,474 ,768 to learn Used Control Device needs 13,63 3,023 ,650 ,662 much to learn

*Cronbach's Alpha Test Satisfaction without the item Satisfied with own performance




Case Processing Summary N %

Cases Valid 19 95,0

Excludeda 1 5,0

Total 20 100,0

Reliability Statistics Cronbach's Alpha N of Items

,646 3

Item-Total Statistics Corrected Scale Mean if Scale Variance if Item-Total Cronbach's Alpha Item Deleted Item Deleted Correlation if Item Deleted Like to use device often 8,74 3,316 ,218 ,832 Satisfied with rob ots' 8,11 2,322 ,514 ,463 performance Satisfied with devices' 8,11 2,099 ,693 ,195 performance

*Cronbach's Alpha Test Acceptance without the item Never be able to solve a task without help




Case Processing Summary N %

Cases Valid 20 100,0

Excludeda 0 ,0

Total 20 100,0

Reliability Statistics Cronbach's Alpha N of Items

,741 4

Item-Total Statistics Corrected Scale Mean if Scale Variance if Item-Total Cronbach's Alpha Item Deleted Item Deleted Correlation if Item Deleted

Own required skill for 13,55 4,576 ,622 ,645 commanding robots with device Own required knowledge for 13,55 5,208 ,583 ,688 commanding robots with device Would not be able to solve a 13,90 3,463 ,675 ,590 task under time pressure Would never be able to solve 13,60 4,147 ,396 ,790 a task

A.6. Data Consent Form for the Laboratory Study

Roboter Interaktions Nutzerstudie

Teilnehmer Nr.: ___ Salzburg, November 2012


Liebe/r Teilnehmer/in!

Diese Studie wird von der HCI und Usability Unit des ICT&S Center (Advanced Studies and Research in Information and Communication Technologies & Society) der Universität Salzburg durchgeführt; die/der verantwortliche Projektleiterin ist Astrid Weiss. Um die Interaktion eines Roboters mit Benutzern zu optimieren, wird in dieser Studie die Interaktion zwischen Mensch und Roboter untersucht.

Das Material (Text, Audio, Video, Fotos), das während der Studie erstellt wird, wird in weiterer Folge zur Auswertung bzw. Erarbeitung der entsprechenden Untersuchungsergebnisse verwendet.

Sie erklären sich einverstanden, dass das Material für diese Auswertungen verwendet wird. Das anonymisierte Rohmaterial kann für Präsentationen und wissenschaftlichen Publikationen im Rahmen der Studie verwendet werden, wird aber nicht an Dritte weitergegeben. Fotos und Videoausschnitte können selektiv für die Präsentationen und wissenschaftlichen Ergebnisse bzw. der beispielhaften Darstellung des wissenschaftlichen Tätigkeitsfeldes der HCI und Usability Unit des ICT&S Centers verwendet werden.

Mit dieser Erklärung gebe ich die Erlaubnis, als Teilnehmer/in an der Studie wie oben beschrieben, gefilmt bzw. aufgenommen zu werden.

Ich verpflichte mich weiters dazu, sämtliche Informationen zu dieser Studie vertraulich zu behandeln und nicht an Dritte weiterzugeben.

Name in Blockbuchstaben:


Bestätigung: Gerald Stollnberger (Diplomand ICT&S Center).

Rückfragen: Tel. +43-664-2830-569, Email: [email protected]

Unterschrift: A.7. Studycycle


Introduction and Briefing Guten Tag! Mein Name ist Gerald Stollnberger und ich bin am ICT&S Center der Universität Salzburg beschäftigt. Diese Studie findet im Rahmen meiner Diplomarbeit statt, welche ich am ICT&S Center zum Thema „Der Effekt von Eingabegeräten, verschiedenen Aufgabenschwierigkeiten und die Optik von Robotern auf die Performance in Mensch-Roboter Zusammenarbeit.“ schreibe. Vielen Dank für Ihre Bereitschaft an unserer Studie teilzunehmen. Sie helfen uns wertvolle Einblicke zu gewinnen und so unsere Forschungsarbeit voranzutreiben.

Als erstes darf ich Sie bitten, diese Datenverwertungserlaubnis zu unterschreiben da der gesamte Test auf Video aufgezeichnet wird.. Selbstverständlich werden alle Daten vertraulich behandelt und anonymisiert, und nur für unsere Studienzwecke verwendet.

Vielen Dank! Damit wir die Studie optimal auswerten können, müssen wir diesen Test auf Video aufzeichnen. Damit wir diese Daten auswerten dürfen, brauche ich Ihre schriftliche Einwilligung und bitte Sie diese Datenverwertungserlaubnis zu unterzeichnen. Selbstverständlich werden auch diese Daten vertraulich behandelt, anonymisiert und nur für unsere Studienzwecke verwendet.

[Datenverwertungserlaubnis unterschreiben] Appendix D

Explanations In meiner Studie geht es darum, die Interaktion zwischen Mensch und Roboter zu analysieren. Zu diesem Zweck habe ich hier eine kleine Strecke mit Hindernissen aufgebaut, durch die Sie in weiterer Folge dann den Roboter steuern werden.

[Der LegoMindstorms Roboter wird hergezeigt.] Damit wir die Daten im Anschluss an die Studie auswerten können zeichnen wir den Ablauf der Studie mit dieser Kamera auf.

[Die Kamera wird nochmal kurz gezeigt.] Dies ist der Bautask den sie ausführen sollen, die Teile dafür sind in der Box die sie da vorne sehen. [Auf die Box zeigen] Ihre Aufgabe ist es den Roboter zu dieser Box zu steuern, diese aufzuheben und hier bei Ihnen abzulegen. Die verfügbaren Kommandos hierfür sind auf diesem Zettel vermerkt. [Kommandos zeigen] Bitte lassen Sie sich von der Aufzeichnung nicht stören. Es geht in der Studie nicht darum Ihr Verhalten zu analysieren, sondern das Zusammenspiel zwischen einem Roboter und einem Menschen. Sie können absolut nichts falsch machen! Haben Sie noch Fragen vor Beginn des Tests?

[evtl. Beantwortung von Fragen]

Test run [Lego Mindstorm wird im Szenario platziert] [Der Teilnehmer nimmt am Tisch platz]

Wenn sie bereit sind, geben sie mir Bescheid. [Programm, Videoaufzeichnung und Stoppuhr starten]

Teilnehmer steuert Roboter durch den Kurs und holt die Box Teilnehmer baut die Lego Anleitung nach

Das Szenario ist beendet sobald der Bautask komplett ist. [Zeiten für Robotersteuern und Bautask werden separat gemessen] [Analog für PC-Remote und Gesture-based Interface, also insgesamt 3 Durchläufe.] [Taskfragebogen ausfüllen lassen] Appendix A

[Workload Fragebogen ausfüllen lassen] Appendix C

[Diese Phase findet 3mal statt mit 3 Bauanleitungen und 3 Input Devices]

Final interview Zum Abschluss füllen Sie mir bitte noch einen letzten Fragebogen aus, danach möchte ich Ihnen noch eine Frage stellen.

[Questionnaire on embodiment] Appendix B

Frage: Glauben Sie, dass das äußere Erscheinungsbild des Roboters für diese Aufgabe geeignet war?

[Eventuell nachfragen warum, etc..]

Debriefing Wir sind nun am Ende des Test angelangt. Ich bedanke mich sehr herzlich für Ihre Teilnahme und Ihr Engagement. Kann ich Ihnen noch Fragen zur Studie beantworten?

[Researcher answers the questions of the participant]

Vielen Dank, auf Wiedersehen!

A.8. Questionnaire concerning the User Satisfaction Measures used in the Laboratory Study

Roboter Interaktionsstudie Aufgabenfragebogen

Geschlecht:    Alter: ______TP Nr.: ______CT Nr.:______m w Welche Steuerung wurde verwendet? HandyPC Sprache

nicht Wenig mittel ziemlich sehr k.A. Die Strecke war schwer zu befahren Warum? ______

nicht Wenig mittel ziemlich sehr k.A. Die Bauaufgabe war schwer zu

vervollständigen Warum? ______Wie sehr treffen die folgenden Aussagen zu?

nicht wenig mittel ziemlich sehr k.A. Ich fand die verwendete Steuerung

unnötig komplex. Ich fand die verwendete Steuerung

leicht verständlich. Ich kann mir vorstellen, dass die meisten Leute sehr schnell lernen

würden, mit dieser Steuerung umzugehen. Ich würde sehr viel lernen müssen, bevor ich mit dieser Steuerung umgehen könnte. Es war für mich schwierig, den

Roboter zu steuern.

Wie sehr treffen die folgenden Aussagen zu?

nicht wenig mittel ziemlich sehr k.A. Ich denke, dass ich diese Steuerung

gerne häufig benutzen würde. Ich war zufrieden mit der Leistung des

Roboters. Ich war zufrieden mit der Leistung der

verwendeten Steuerung. Ich war zufrieden mit meiner

persönlichen Leistung.

ICT&S, Human-Computer Interaction & Usability Unit

Wie sehr treffen die folgenden Aussagen zu?

nicht wenig mittel ziemlich sehr k.A. Ich habe nicht die notwendigen Fähigkeiten, um Roboter mithilfe

dieser Steuerung bedienen zu können. Ich habe das notwendige Wissen um

mit dieser Steuerung umzugehen. Ich könnte keine Aufgabe mit Hilfe dieser Steuerung und den Roboter

lösen, wenn niemand da wäre, den ich fragen kann. Unter Zeitdruck könnte ich niemals Erfolg bei der Zusammenarbeit mit

Robotern haben wenn ich diese Steuerung verwende. Ich werde nie eine Aufgabe gemeinsam mit Robotern mit dieser Steuerung lösen können.

zu zu me nicht nicht zu Stimme zu Stimme gar Weder noch Stimme sehr Stim

Das System ist sehr betriebssicher.

Das System hat die Fähigkeit das umzusetzen, was ich umsetzen will.

Das System ist extrem zuverlässig. Das System hat die Funktionalität die ich brauche. Für mich funktioniert das System. Das System hat die Eigenschaften, die ich für die Erfüllung meiner

Aufgaben brauche. Das System lässt mich nicht im Stich.

Gibt es noch Anmerkungen? Wenn ja, welche?


ICT&S, Human-Computer Interaction & Usability Unit A.9. The NASA Raw Task Load Index used in the Laboratory Study

Roboter Interaktionsstudie Anstrengungsfragebogen TP Nr.: ______CT Nr.:______

Mit diesem Fragebogen möchte ich herausfinden, wie anstrengend oder belastend Sie das Bearbeiten des Tasks (Roboter steuern und Bauaufgabe) empfunden haben. Im ersten Teil des Fragebogens sollen Sie ankreuzen, wie anstrengend Sie das Bearbeiten des Tasks in mehrerer Hinsicht empfunden haben. Kreuzen Sie bitte die für Sie zutreffende Anstrengungsstärke an:

Unter geistiger Beanspruchung versteht man das Ausmaß, in dem Denk- und Verstehensbemühungen notwendig waren, um die Aufgabe zu erfüllen (z.B. Denken, Entscheiden, Berechnen, Erinnern, Nachschauen, Suchen,…) Meine geistige Beanspruchung war:

Niedrig Hoch

Mit körperlicher Beanspruchung ist gemeint, wie viel körperliche Aktivität nötig war, um die Aufgabe zu erfüllen. Meine körperliche Beanspruchung war:

Niedrig Hoch

Mit Zeitdruck ist die Geschwindigkeit gemeint, in der die Aufgabe ausgefüllt werden musste (langsam oder schnell, ausreichend Zeit zum Fertigwerden oder zuwenig Zeit). Der Zeitdruck war:

Niedrig Hoch

Der Leistungsdruck bezieht sich darauf, inwieweit Sie denken, die Ziele der Aufgabe erreicht zu haben, wie zufrieden Sie mit Ihrer Leistung waren. Der Leistungsdruck war:

Niedrig Hoch

Die Mühe bezieht sich darauf, wie hart man arbeiten musste, um die Ziele der Aufgabe zu erreichen. Ich habe mir während dem Bearbeiten der Aufgabe Mühe gegeben:

Niedrig Hoch

Die Frustration bezieht sich darauf, wie unsicher, entmutigt, verwirrt, gestresst oder genervt man sich während der Erfüllung der Aufgabe gefühlt hat. Meine Frustration war:

Niedrig Hoch


ICT&S, Human-Computer Interaction & Usability Unit A.10. The Goodspeed Questionnaire about Anthropomorphism in German

Roboter Interaktionsstudie

Fragebogen zum äußeren Erscheinungsbild

Geschlecht:    Alter: ______TP Nr.: ______m w

Hatte der Roboter ein Gesicht? JaNein

Bitte beurteilen Sie Ihren Eindruck des Roboters auf diesen Skalen:

1 2 3 4 5 Unecht Natürlich

Wie eine Maschine Wie ein Mensch

Hat kein Hat ein

Bewusstsein Bewusstsein Künstlich Realistisch

Bewegt sich Bewegt sich steif flüssig

Gibt es Anmerkungen? Wenn ja, welche?



ICT&S, Human-Computer Interaction & Usability Unit A.11. Full Paper accepted for the 2013 IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN)

“The Harder it Gets”: Exploring the Interdependency of Input Modalities and Task Complexity in Human-Robot Collaboration

Gerald Stollnberger,1 Astrid Weiss2 and Manfred Tscheligi3

Abstract— To enhance successful cooperation in human-robot II.RELATED WORK collaboration tasks, many factors have to be considered. We assume, that for specific levels of task complexity, there is One of the most important aspects of successful human- always one complementing input modality which increases the robot cooperation is the input modality, which is used to corresponding user satisfaction and performance. In order control and interact with the robot. to identify the ideal mix of these elements, we present two experiments in this paper. The first study was in a public It is often assumed, that most of the cooperation be- space and the second in a controlled laboratory environment. tween humans and robots can be enabled by speech input. Besides investigating the correlation of task complexity and However, even with advancing speech processing systems, input modality, we explored, whether the appearance of the it is still challenging to make computers understand natural robot also has an impact, within the lab environment. We identified strong interdependencies between task complexity language. For example, Cantrell et al. [1] worked on the and input modalities. Specifically with hard tasks, differences issue of teaching natural language to an artificial system. in performance and satisfaction were often highly significant. Their system was able to parse a wide variety of spoken Additionally we found, that the perceived task complexity utterances, but it still produced errors, which can decrease was strongly dependent on the cognitive workload, driven by the performance and user satisfaction rate of the cooperation. the used input modality, which also emphasized the strong coherency of these factors. Regarding the influence of the Furthermore, Ayres and colleagues [2] also achieved good appearance of the robot, we found, that the human-like shape results in implementing speech commands for not fully increases users’ self confidence, to be able to solve a task without embedded systems and robots, using Lego Mindstorms and help. the Java programming language. They mentioned that further implementation and testing work, especially with users, is I.INTRODUCTION required. This was, amongst others, a reason for us to Human-Robot Collaboration (HRC) has become more and consider simple speech commands to investigate our research more important in different contexts, such as in modern assumption. Additionally, the fact that a system which can homes and hospitals, as assistive systems or in a factory be controlled by speech, offers important advantages in the context as assembly, painting, inspection and transportation interaction, namely a high degree of freedom (both hands robots. are free for other tasks) and a high degree of familiarity with From our point of view, it is important for all of these this kind of modality (naturalness of speech). Moreover, the contexts to identify which input modality is most suitable approach of using a small set of speech for commands for for cooperation in turn-taking tasks, especially concerning collaborating with robots seems to be very promising [1],[2], different levels of task complexity and different appearances which motivated us to use a similar small set of commands of robots. Therefore, we wanted to investigate the impact in order to increase the accuracy. and correlation of input devices with different levels of However, there are other input modalities, apart from task complexity and different robot appearances. In order to speech, to interact with robots such as gesture and keyboards, explore our assumption, we built a Lego Mindstorm robot, which can be suitable for specific context situations (e.g., which can be controlled with three different input devices (a high ambient noise). Rouanet and colleagues [3],[4] com- gesture-based input system on a mobile phone, a PC-remote pared a keyboard-like and a gesture-based interface to control control interface, and a speech recognition system based on a system that was driving on two courses, differing in com- Java) and studied these input modalities in two experiments. plexity. Results showed that different task complexities had a One study was a field trial in a public context; the second significant impact on the user performance and satisfaction. took place in a controlled laboratory setting. Whereas, the input modalities were considered rather equally In the following, we want to provide a short summary satisfying and efficient. However, both the keyboard-like and of related work, our experimental setups, the results of both the gesture based interface showed promising results, leading studies, a discussion part, and finally an outlook about future to our decision to further investigate these two types of input work. modalities additional to speech. 1G. Stollnberger is with the ICT&S Center, University of Salzburg, 5020 Moreover, the research of Rouanet et al. indicated the Salzburg, Austria gerald.stollnberger at importance of taking different task types and complexities 2 A. Weiss is with the ICT&S Center, University of Salzburg, 5020 into account when investigating and enhancing human-robot Salzburg, Austria astrid.weiss at 3M. Tscheligi is with the ICT&S Center, University of Salzburg, 5020 collaboration. Thus, in our explorative studies, we wanted to Salzburg, Austria manfred.tscheligi at manipulate the task complexity in a similar way as in [3] and we also included findings of task complexity research, Two tracks which differed in the number of obstacles • how to categorize the difficulty of a cooperation task. In the (Easy/Hard). work of Stork et al. [5], different types of Lego tasks were Performance measures were efficiency (track solution • categorized into different complexity levels. time) and effectiveness (number of collisions). Another interesting approach is the use of multi-touch User satisfaction measures included perceived task com- • interfaces for commanding robots. According to Hayes et plexity, intuitiveness, satisfaction, and acceptance gath- al. [6], it is not satisfying to command robots by static ered by questionnaires, driven from the USUS evalua- input devices, such as a mouse or a keyboard, above all, in tion framework [10], and from a survey used to assess situations where the user is on the move, or needs the hands the intuitiveness of the Nabaztag Robot as an ambient free for a secondary or even for the primary task. They could interface [11]. show, that multi-touch interfaces provide a good usability For further analysis four data records were removed • and a lower overall workload for users controlling the robot. because a few participants solved the track without an This was another reason for us to compare more static input opponent. modalities, like a PC-remote, to more flexible ones, like a gesture-based interface or a speech control system. All in all, a large amount of research effort has already been undertaken within the research field of HRC to compare input modalities. A lot of research has already been done to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of different modal- ities, sometimes even considering task-specific differences. However, what we believe to be missing so far, is a de- tailed analysis of the correlation between: (1) input modality, (2) task complexity, and (3) robot appearance (functional vs. human-like). Is there an ideal mix of input device and appearance of robots for different levels of task complexity, in terms of the resulting user satisfaction and the overall performance? To answer this question, we conducted two user studies, Fig. 1: The Lego Mindstorm race track (Hard) with the two (1) one in a public setting and (2) one in a controlled robots laboratory setting. In order to take the different levels of task complexities into account, we used the findings of task complexity research with regard to assembly tasks by Stork B. Structured Study in a Controlled Laboratory Setting et al. [5] in our second experiment. To enable a deeper investigation (after promising results Furthermore, we have come to the conclusion, that the from the preliminary study) of the correlation of different in- impact of different appearances of robots should also not be put modalities, task complexities, and appearances of robots, underestimated, such as in the work of Groom et al. [7], as we conducted a second experiment in a highly structured different tasks could be considered as more suitable for a and controlled laboratory setting. In addition to the input human-like than a machine-like robot. modalities in the preliminary study, we also added speech as third input modality, using Bluetooth for communicating III.EXPERIMENTAL SETUP with the robot and Java and Sphinx-4 [12] for parsing the For our experiments, we built two identical robots, driven verbal utterances. by The Snatcher from Laurens [8], which were able to drive In the second study, participants had to command the around and to pick up and transport a box. robot to transport boxes containing the parts for the assembly tasks, using three different input modalities, and solve 3 A. Preliminary Study in a Public Context Lego building tasks differing in complexity. Altogether, 24 In order to gather an initial insight into the interplay of participants (11 female, 13 male, aged from 15 to 61 years, input modalities and task complexity levels, we conducted mean: 29.46 years; SD: 12.19) took part in this study. a study in a public context during a university event, where The findings of Stork et al. [5] inspired us regarding participants competed with each other in a race situation. the manipulation of the task complexity. Participants had [Fig. 1] [9] to build a small Lego house, divided into three different 24 Participants took part in a Lego Mindstorm Race (10 building tasks: (1) Firstly the frame of the house, which • female, 14 male; age from 11 to 66 years; mean 36.73 was, according to [5], the easiest type of building task (class years; SD: 14.63) frame, easy), followed by (2) grouping together the frame The experiment was set up as a 2x2 between-subject with the prebuilt door (class group, medium). The last step • experiment. was to finish the Lego house by building the roof (3), which Two different input devices; (1) PC-remote control and was the most complex type of building task in our experiment • (2) a gesture-based interface, were explored. (class roof, hard). The study was set up as a 3x3x2 mixed experimental a Mann-Whitney U test, there were significant differences design. Task complexity and input modality was tested between the easy and hard track in solution time and also in with a within-subject design and the factor appearance was the number of collisions. between-subject. (Half of the participants worked with the Regarding performance, the PC-remote outperformed the functional robot, the others with the same robot with a gesture-based interface, which was on the other hand per- human-like added feature) [Fig. 2]. ceived to be more intuitive. The difference was much lower All participants had to use all three input devices and to for the easy track, strongly suggesting the relationship be- solve all of the construction tasks. In order to avoid outside tween task complexity and input modalities. factors (e.g., learning effects) which could influence our Concerning the three scales intuitiveness, acceptance, and results, we varied the sequence of input devices participants satisfaction all of them were perceived better when solving had to use (e.g., speech first, then gesture, then PC remote). the hard course. This initially sounds to be paradox. How- After each task, they had to fill in each questionnaire, with ever, it also indicates the strong connectivity between task exception of the survey about the robot’s appearance. This complexity and input modality. In our opinion, this tendency was used only once per participant, since a participant either can be explained by the fact that when people manage to worked with a functional or with a human-like robot. solve more challenging tasks, they are more satisfied with For the purpose of investigating the effect of different ap- themselves and also with the system, when successfully pearances of robots, we used a 3D printer to produce a head, achieving a goal. A more detailed analysis of the results can designed by Neophyte, for our robot. 1 We were interested to be found in our previous publication [9]. see, if this minimalistic human-like cue is already sufficient to impact the user satisfaction with different input modalities, B. Results of the Laboratory Study depending on the task difficulty. As performance measures, we used the track solution time We started with a manipulation check to identify, if the and building solution time to measure efficiency and the modification of the task complexity, regarding the building number of collisions to measure effectiveness. Additionally, tasks, was successful. The Kruskal-Wallis test revealed that the following user satisfaction measures were gathered by the distribution was highly significant for the building solu- the same questionnaires as in the previous study: perceived tion time (H(2) = 36.530, p = 0.000), with a mean rank of task complexity, intuitiveness, satisfaction, and acceptance. 22.22 for class frame (easy), 32.22 for class group (medium), Furthermore, we were interested in the cognitive workload and 58.26 for class roof (hard) [Fig. 3]. In other words, the of the participants after using each input modality, which was roof task was the most difficult one, as intended. assessed by the German version of the NASA RTLX [13]. About trust, participants have in each input modality, we used a questionnaire following the guidelines of McKnight et al. [14], and for data about the appearance of the robot, we used the German version of the Godspeed questionnaire. [15]

Fig. 3: The mean time needed for accomplishing the building tasks in seconds

Furthermore, the results of the perceived building com- Fig. 2: The functional and the more human-like robot with plexity were significant (H(2) = 9.188, p = 0.010), with a a 3D printed head following the model of Neophyte. mean rank of 46.34 for class frame, 36.78 for class group, and 30.88 for class roof. IV. RESULTS The test also revealed that the distribution of the item A. Results of the Preliminary Study “the used input device was fast to learn” offered significant results (H(2) = 8.166, p = 0.017), with a mean rank of 47.44 We first conducted a manipulation check which revealed for class frame, 33.66 for class group, and 32.90 for class that the task complexity was successfully varied. Concerning roof. It could be interpreted that people perceived the input 1 devices to be easier to learn, as they accomplished an easier building task. This also emphasizes the relationship between For the satisfaction scale (H(2) = 31.947, p = 0.000), • task complexity and used input device. the average rank for the PC-remote was 52.66, followed In addition, the physical demand gathered by the NASA by 42.44 for the gesture-based interface and 18.90 for RTLX was significant (H(2) = 6.044, p = 0.49), with a mean the speech control. For the acceptance scale (H(2) = 16.467, p = 0.000), the rank of 30.90 for class frame, 45.38 for class group, and • 37.72 for class roof. average rank for the PC-remote was 48.74, followed by These facts indicate: 40.64 for the gesture-based interface and 24.62 for the That the building complexity was successfully varied, speech control. • For the trust scale (H(2) = 45.001, p = 0.000), the The results of Stork et al. [5], which were used for our • • manipulation, could be reproduced. average rank for the PC-remote was 55.08, followed by 43.78 for the gesture-based interface and 15.14 for After the manipulation check, we computed the scales of the speech control. the questionnaires for the items intuitiveness, satisfaction, For the reliability scale (H(2) = 47.850, p = 0.000), the overall acceptance, trust, and its subcategories reliability • average rank for the PC-remote was 55.90, followed by and functionality, cognitive workload, and robot appearance. 43.46 for the gesture-based interface and 14.64 for the Therefore, we ran a Cronbach’s Alpha test to check the speech control. internal reliability of all these factors. For the functionality scale (H(2) = 34.895, p = 0.000), For the intuitiveness scale, which consisted of 5 questions, • the average rank for the PC-remote was 51.46, followed we reached a Cronbach’s Alpha of 0.792. by 44.66 for the gesture-based interface and 17.88 for The Alpha value for satisfaction, with 4 questions, was the speech control. 0.912 and for acceptance, which consisted of 5 items, 0.639. For the complete trust questionnaire of 7 questions, the The above mentioned scales, used a five point Likert-scale value was 0.955, for the subcategories reliability (4 items) from 1 (totally disagree) to 5 (totally agree). For the cognitive 0.948, and functionality (3 items) 0.904. workload, we used a scale between 1 (very low) and 20 (very The cognitive workload, consisting of 6 items, scored high) which also revealed a highly significant difference an Alpha value of 0.733, and, last but not least, for the concerning the used input modality. For the cognitive workload scale (H(2) = 17.924, p = appearance questionnaire, the result was 0.745. • For all of our scales, no deletion of items would have 0.000), the average rank for the PC-remote was 26.36, improved the Alpha values. followed by 35.44 for the gesture-based interface and As expected, we were able to reproduce the findings of 52.10 for the speech control. the preliminary study concerning the performance. The mean Interestingly, even the small change of the appearance of number of collisions, when using the PC-remote, was 0.16 the robot by means of the 3D printed head impacted the (SD: 0.374), for the gesture-based interface 0.24 (SD: 0.723), results, even though as expected the robot with the head was and for the speech control 2.10 (SD: 1.294). [TABLE I] not considered much more human-like than the functional one. TABLE I: Performance measures of the input modalities A Mann-Whitney U test showed, that for the single item 0 “I would not be able to solve a task with the robot without 0 help” more people tended to disagree when using the more human-like robot (z = 2.054, p: 0.040). The mean rank for 00 the robot with head was 42.04, while the average rank for 0 the functional one was 33.62. In other words, participants 00 who collaborated with the more human-like robot were more self-confident in being able to solve a task on their own. Thus, we assume that even a minimalistic human-like A Kruskal-Wallis test, moreover, revealed differences in appearance increases participants’ positive experience while the perception of the control complexity (H(2) = 23.060, p = collaborating with a robot. 0.000), the mean rank was 47.52 for the PC-remote control, We further found out that participants, especially after followed by 40.50 for the gesture-based interface and 21.76 using the speech control, which caused the highest mental for the speech control. workload, perceived the building task more complex, al- Similarly, we could identify interesting differences in user though the building task was independent from the input satisfaction , depending on the used input device: modality. (People had always to control the robot for getting For the intuitiveness scale (H(2) = 25.238, p = 0.000), the required parts and after that to assembly the parts) [Fig.4] • the average rank for the PC-remote was 52.74, followed by 38.76 for the gesture-based interface and 22.50 In Fig. 5, it can also be seen that the item “The control for the speech control. This is a contradiction to the device was needlessly complex” was rated nearly the same preliminary study [9], where the gesture-based interface for the easiest building task (frame), but differed much more was considered more intuitive than the PC-remote. for the classes group and roof, which again demonstrates a Fig. 4: The building tasks were perceived more complex, Fig. 6: Intuitiveness rated lower for complex devices and when the more complex input modality was used (5 = Easy, assembly tasks (5 = High, 1 = Low) 1 = Hard)

hand, the accuracy of the speech control was satisfying for strong relationship between building complexity and input most of the participants and the disadvantage driven by the modality. latency could be compensated with little experience using the device. For simple tasks, like going forward or backward, it would absolutely suit, according to the comments of many participants. Furthermore, some people mentioned that although the gesture-based interface did not achieve the best values in terms of performance, it was a pleasant experience to use it, which can indeed be considered as an advantage of this modality. This fact could provide a better long-term motivation and satisfaction for users. In addition, if a person’s internal motivation is higher, then they are more receptive to the information [16]. As a consequence, the learning process will be faster and with a higher output.

V. CONCLUSION In most cases, there is only one possibility to control a Fig. 5: Perceived control complexity in dependency of the robot, but many different tasks to solve in collaboration. building tasks (5 = Totally disagree, 1 = Totally agree) Due to the strong interdependency of input modality and task complexity, the design process for planning human- In general, regarding the intuitiveness scale, for example, robot collaborative systems should specifically include the it could be shown that, especially, when the most complex tasks which have to be fulfilled. As we have seen, it is not input modality (in our case speech control) and more com- really important for easy tasks, which input modality is used plex assembly tasks (roof and group) converged, the user and provided. The differences in performance and also in satisfaction measures were rated much lower. [Fig. 6] This the user satisfaction rankings were small and not statistically tendency could be observed for all of our user satisfaction significant. In other words the user was always satisfied when measures and also for the cognitive workload results. solving easy tasks, and performed them equally well, no Summarizing, in performance and user satisfaction mea- matter which input modality was provided. However, the sures, the PC-remote outperformed the other two input differences in performance and user satisfaction were larger modalities. However, the differences for simpler tasks were for hard tasks and need to be taken into consideration because much lower than for hard tasks, matching the findings in the of their statistical significance. Our studies revealed that in preliminary study. challenging tasks, users preferred the PC-remote control, The speech control was rated lowest in all categories in because it was considered the most accurate, reliable, and our study, which could be a consequence of the latency familiar input modality. We are aware of the limitations as it is often a problem of speech control systems. For of our work; we can only make assumptions for the input example, if the participant wanted to stop the robot, it modalities we studied and compared and that this preliminary took a few milliseconds until the robot actually stopped, a work cannot be generalized to all variations of speech, fact which people had to take into account. On the other gesture, and point-and-click input. Therefore, our overall goal is to further explore the ideal auditive). The resulting combinations of input modality and input modality for a set of tasks, categorized according to feedback mechanism for different task complexities should their level of complexity. Additional to complexity, we want enable context-specific human-robot cooperation. to take other factors into account, such as whether or not the ACKNOWLEDGMENT robot is physically collocated with the user, ambient noise, light conditions and other factors such as if the robot could We greatly acknowledge the financial support by the get out of sight during the interaction or the user needs one or Federal Ministry of Economy, Family and Youth and the both hands free for another task, like the necessity of carrying National Foundation for Research, Technology and Devel- anything. Moreover, it has to be clear, if the user needs to opment (Christian Doppler Laboratory for Contextual Inter- have the possibility of mobility during the interaction. This faces). classification will enable the possibility to provide the ideal REFERENCES complementing input modality, for each type of task. [1] R. Cantrell, M. Scheutz, P. Schermerhorn, and X. Wu, “Robust spoken In our opinion, a typical multimodal interface, which instruction understanding for hri,” in Proc. of the 5th ACM/IEEE provides many different input possibilities at once, is not international conf. on Human-robot interaction, ser. HRI ’10. New the ideal solution for successful human-robot cooperation. York, NY, USA: ACM, 2010, pp. 275–282. [2] T. Ayres and B. Nolan, “Voice activated command and control with We strongly believe that a more adaptive multimodality is java-enabled speech recognition over wifi,” in Proc. of the 3rd interna- needed, which could only be achieved if the tasks have been tional symposium on Principles and practice of programming in Java, well classified before. ser. PPPJ ’04. Trinity College Dublin, 2004, pp. 114–119. [3] P. Rouanet, J. 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Weiss, “Validation of an evaluation framework for human-robot before conducting a controlled experiment in the lab again. interaction. the impact of usability, social acceptance, user experience, and societal impact on collaboration with humanoid robots,” Unpub- Moreover, we want to gain a deeper insight into the impact lished doctoral dissertation, University of Salzburg, 2010. of different appearances; therefore, a more human-like robot [11] T. Mirlacher, R. Buchner, F. Forster,¨ A. Weiss, and M. Tscheligi, (e.g., the Nao robot) should be compared to our functional “Ambient rabbits likeability of embodied ambient displays,” in Am- bient Intelligence, ser. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer Lego Mindstorm prototype. Similarly, due to the fact that Berlin Heidelberg, 2009, vol. 5859, pp. 164–173. no subject worked with both types of robots, in a next [12] W. Walker, P. Lamere, P. Kwok, B. Raj, R. Singh, E. Gouvea, P. 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* All Variables

DESCRIPTIVES VARIABLES=TP_NR Gender Age CTask Device TSolTime CSolTime NumOfColl Distraction PerceivedTComplexity PerceivedBComplexity IComplexity IComprehensible ILearn IHLearn IHard SUse SatRobot SatDevice SatSelf ASkill AKnowledge AHelp APressure ANever TFailSafeR TSkillF TReliableR TFunctionalityF TWorksR TFeaturesF TAbandonR NRTLXMentalDemand NRTLXPhysicalDemand NRTLXTimePressure NRTLXPerformPressure NRTLXEffort NRTLXFrustration RobotHead E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 /STATISTICS=MEAN STDDEV MIN MAX.

Descriptives Descriptive Statistics

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

Number of Participant 72 1 25 13,00 7,260

Gender 72 1 2 1,44 ,500

Age of Participant 69 15 61 29,46 12,192

Number of Construction Task 72 1 3 2,00 ,822

Used Device 72 1 3 2,00 ,822

Track Solution Time in Seconds 65 42 300 89,89 50,736

Building Solution Time in 71 17 470 63,33 70,306 Seconds

Number of Collisions 68 0 5 ,74 1,200

IAT Measurement 0

Perceived Control Complexity 70 1 5 4,18 1,147

Perceived Building Complexity 72 1 5 4,44 ,919

Used Control Device was 71 2 5 4,49 ,880 needlessly complex

Used Control Device was easy 72 1 5 4,39 1,126 comprehensible

Used Control Device was fast to 72 1 5 4,11 1,110 learn

Used Control Device needs 72 2 5 4,61 ,715 much to learn

Used Control Device was hard to 72 1 5 4,04 1,191 use

Like to use device often 72 1 5 3,55 1,369

Satisfied with rob ots' 71 1 5 3,81 1,213 performance

Satisfied with devices' 71 1 5 3,64 1,381 performance

Satisfied with own performance 68 1 5 3,93 1,026

Own required skill for 72 1 5 4,37 1,075 commanding robots with device

Own required knowledge for 72 1 5 4,27 1,166 commanding robots with device

Would not be able to solve a task 72 1 5 4,49 ,891 without help

Would not be able to solve a task 72 1 5 4,16 1,066 under time pressure

Would never be able to solve a 72 2 5 4,72 ,648 task

The System is very FailSafe 72 1 5 3,72 1,157

The System has the ability to 72 2 5 4,04 1,032 handle what I want

The System is very reliable 72 1 5 3,44 1,233

The System has the required 72 1 5 4,24 ,984 functionality

The System works for me 72 1 5 4,12 1,127

The System provides the 72 1 5 4,27 1,004 Features I need for solving Tasks

The System does not abandon 72 1 5 3,64 1,237 me Mental Demand 72 1 17 6,89 4,492

Physical Demand 72 1 9 2,45 1,803

Time Pressure 72 1 14 3,39 2,837

Performance Pressure 72 1 20 8,43 5,985

Effort needed 72 1 20 9,51 5,999

Frustration 72 1 18 4,80 4,662

Existence of a Head 72 0 1 ,52 ,503

Unecht - Natürlich 24 1 4 2,20 1,080

Wie eine Maschine - Wie ein 24 1 3 1,40 ,645 Mensch

Hat kein Bewusstsein - Hat ein 24 1 3 1,28 ,614 Bewusstsein

Künstlich - Realistisch 24 1 4 1,72 1,021

Bewegt sich steif - Bewegt sich 24 1 4 2,00 ,913 flüssig

Valid N (listwise) 0

* Custom Tables grouped by Number of Construction Task

CTABLES /VLABELS VARIABLES=Age TSolTime NumOfColl CSolTime PerceivedTComplexity PerceivedBComplexity IComplexity IComprehensible ILearn IHLearn IHard SUse SatRobot SatDevice SatSelf ASkill AKnowledge AHelp APressure ANever TFailSafeR TSkillF TReliableR TFunctionalityF TWorksR TFeaturesF TAbandonR NRTLXMentalDemand NRTLXPhysicalDemand NRTLXTimePressure NRTLXPerformPressure NRTLXEffort NRTLXFrustration RobotHead E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 CTask DISPLAY=LABEL /TABLE Age [S][MEAN] + TSolTime [S][MEAN] + NumOfColl [S][MEAN] + CSolTime [S][MEAN] + PerceivedTComplexity [S][MEAN] + PerceivedBComplexity [S][MEAN] + IComplexity [S][MEAN] + IComprehensible [S][MEAN] + ILearn [S][MEAN] + IHLearn [S][MEAN] + IHard [S][MEAN] + SUse [S][MEAN] + SatRobot [S][MEAN] + SatDevice [S][MEAN] + SatSelf [S][MEAN] + ASkill [S][MEAN] + AKnowledge [S][MEAN] + AHelp [S][MEAN] + APressure [S][MEAN] + ANever [S][MEAN] + TFailSafeR [S][MEAN] + TSkillF [S][MEAN] + TReliableR [S][MEAN] + TFunctionalityF [S][MEAN] + TWorksR [S][MEAN] + TFeaturesF [S][MEAN] + TAbandonR [S][MEAN] + NRTLXMentalDemand [S][MEAN] + NRTLXPhysicalDemand [S][MEAN] + NRTLXTimePressure [S][MEAN] + NRTLXPerformPressure [S][MEAN] + NRTLXEffort [S][MEAN] + NRTLXFrustration [S][MEAN] + RobotHead [S][MEAN] + E1 [S][MEAN] + E2 [S][MEAN] + E3 [S][MEAN] + E4 [S][MEAN] + E5 [S][MEAN] BY CTask [C] /CATEGORIES VARIABLES=CTask ORDER=A KEY=VALUE EMPTY=INCLUDE.

Custom Tables

Number of Construction Task

Frame Group Roof

Mean Mean Mean

Age of Participant 29 29 29

Track Solution Time in Seconds 94 86 91

Number of Collisions 1 1 1

Building Solution Time in 33 44 118 Seconds

Perceived Control Complexity 4 4 4

Perceived Building Complexity 5 4 4

Used Control Device was 5 4 4 needlessly complex

Used Control Device was easy 5 4 4 comprehensible

Used Control Device was fast to 5 4 4 learn

Used Control Device needs 5 4 5 much to learn

Used Control Device was hard to 4 4 4 use

Like to use device often 4 3 4

Satisfied with rob ots' 4 4 4 performance

Satisfied with devices' 4 4 4 performance

Satisfied with own performance 4 4 4 Own required skill for 5 4 4 commanding robots with device

Own required knowledge for 4 4 4 commanding robots with device

Would not be able to solve a task 4 4 5 without help

Would not be able to solve a task 4 4 4 under time pressure

Would never be able to solve a 5 5 5 task

The System is very FailSafe 4 4 4

The System has the ability to 4 4 4 handle what I want

The System is very reliable 3 4 3

The System has the required 4 4 4 functionality

The System works for me 4 4 4

The System provides the 4 4 4 Features I need for solving Tasks

The System does not abandon 4 4 4 me

Mental Demand 6 8 7

Physical Demand 2 3 2

Time Pressure 2 4 4

Performance Pressure 8 9 9

Effort needed 9 10 10

Frustration 4 6 5

Existence of a Head 1 1 1

Unecht - Natürlich . . 2

Wie eine Maschine - Wie ein . . 1 Mensch

Hat kein Bewusstsein - Hat ein . . 1 Bewusstsein

Künstlich - Realistisch . . 2

Bewegt sich steif - Bewegt sich . . 2 flüssig

* Custom Tables grouped by Used Device

CTABLES /VLABELS VARIABLES=Age TSolTime NumOfColl CSolTime PerceivedTComplexity PerceivedBComplexity IComplexity IComprehensible ILearn IHLearn IHard SUse SatRobot SatDevice SatSelf ASkill AKnowledge AHelp APressure ANever TFailSafeR TSkillF TReliableR TFunctionalityF TWorksR TFeaturesF TAbandonR NRTLXMentalDemand NRTLXPhysicalDemand NRTLXTimePressure NRTLXPerformPressure NRTLXEffort NRTLXFrustration RobotHead E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 Device DISPLAY=LABEL /TABLE Age [S][MEAN] + TSolTime [S][MEAN] + NumOfColl [S][MEAN] + CSolTime [S][MEAN] + PerceivedTComplexity [S][MEAN] + PerceivedBComplexity [S][MEAN] + IComplexity [S][MEAN] + IComprehensible [S][MEAN] + ILearn [S][MEAN] + IHLearn [S][MEAN] + IHard [S][MEAN] + SUse [S][MEAN] + SatRobot [S][MEAN] + SatDevice [S][MEAN] + SatSelf [S][MEAN] + ASkill [S][MEAN] + AKnowledge [S][MEAN] + AHelp [S][MEAN] + APressure [S][MEAN] + ANever [S][MEAN] + TFailSafeR [S][MEAN] + TSkillF [S][MEAN] + TReliableR [S][MEAN] + TFunctionalityF [S][MEAN] + TWorksR [S][MEAN] + TFeaturesF [S][MEAN] + TAbandonR [S][MEAN] + NRTLXMentalDemand [S][MEAN] + NRTLXPhysicalDemand [S][MEAN] + NRTLXTimePressure [S][MEAN] + NRTLXPerformPressure [S][MEAN] + NRTLXEffort [S][MEAN] + NRTLXFrustration [S][MEAN] + RobotHead [S][MEAN] + E1 [S][MEAN] + E2 [S][MEAN] + E3 [S][MEAN] + E4 [S][MEAN] + E5 [S][MEAN] BY Device /CATEGORIES VARIABLES=Device ORDER=A KEY=VALUE EMPTY=INCLUDE.

Custom Tables

Used Device

PC Control Gesture-based Speech

Mean Mean Mean

Age of Participant 29 29 29

Track Solution Time in Seconds 55 80 146

Number of Collisions 0 0 2 Building Solution Time in 64 47 78 Seconds

Perceived Control Complexity 5 4 3

Perceived Building Complexity 5 5 4

Used Control Device was 5 4 4 needlessly complex

Used Control Device was easy 5 5 4 comprehensible

Used Control Device was fast to 5 4 4 learn

Used Control Device needs 5 5 4 much to learn

Used Control Device was hard to 5 4 3 use

Like to use device often 4 4 3

Satisfied with rob ots' 4 4 3 performance

Satisfied with devices' 5 4 2 performance

Satisfied with own performance 5 4 3

Own required skill for 5 4 4 commanding robots with device

Own required knowledge for 5 4 4 commanding robots with device

Would not be able to solve a task 5 5 4 without help

Would not be able to solve a task 5 4 3 under time pressure

Would never be able to solve a 5 5 4 task

The System is very FailSafe 5 4 3

The System has the ability to 5 4 3 handle what I want

The System is very reliable 4 4 2

The System has the required 5 5 3 functionality

The System works for me 5 5 3

The System provides the 5 5 3 Features I need for solving Tasks

The System does not abandon 5 4 2 me

Mental Demand 5 6 9

Physical Demand 2 3 3

Time Pressure 2 3 5

Performance Pressure 7 8 10

Effort needed 8 9 12

Frustration 2 4 9

Existence of a Head 1 1 1

Unecht - Natürlich 2 2 2

Wie eine Maschine - Wie ein 1 1 2 Mensch

Hat kein Bewusstsein - Hat ein 1 1 2 Bewusstsein

Künstlich - Realistisch 2 2 2

Bewegt sich steif - Bewegt sich 2 2 2 flüssig

* Custom Tables grouped by Gender. CTABLES /VLABELS VARIABLES=TSolTime CSolTime NumOfColl PerceivedTComplexity PerceivedBComplexity IComplexity IComprehensible ILearn IHLearn IHard SUse SatRobot SatDevice SatSelf ASkill AKnowledge AHelp APressure ANever TFailSafeR TSkillF TReliableR TFunctionalityF TWorksR TFeaturesF TAbandonR NRTLXMentalDemand NRTLXPhysicalDemand NRTLXTimePressure NRTLXPerformPressure NRTLXEffort NRTLXFrustration E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 Intuitiveness Satisfaction Acceptance Trust Reliability Functionality CognitiveWorkload Embodiment Gender DISPLAY=LABEL /TABLE TSolTime [S][MEAN] + CSolTime [S][MEAN] + NumOfColl [S][MEAN] + PerceivedTComplexity [S][MEAN] + PerceivedBComplexity [S][MEAN] + IComplexity [S][MEAN] + IComprehensible [S][MEAN] + ILearn [S][MEAN] + IHLearn [S][MEAN] + IHard [S][MEAN] + SUse [S][MEAN] + SatRobot [S][MEAN] + SatDevice [S][MEAN] + SatSelf [S][MEAN] + ASkill [S][MEAN] + AKnowledge [S][MEAN] + AHelp [S][MEAN] + APressure [S][MEAN] + ANever [S][MEAN] + TFailSafeR [S][MEAN] + TSkillF [S][MEAN] + TReliableR [S][MEAN] + TFunctionalityF [S][MEAN] + TWorksR [S][MEAN] + TFeaturesF [S][MEAN] + TAbandonR [S][MEAN] + NRTLXMentalDemand [S][MEAN] + NRTLXPhysicalDemand [S][MEAN] + NRTLXTimePressure [S][MEAN] + NRTLXPerformPressure [S][MEAN] + NRTLXEffort [S][MEAN] + NRTLXFrustration [S][MEAN] + E1 [S][MEAN] + E2 [S][MEAN] + E3 [S][MEAN] + E4 [S][MEAN] + E5 [S][MEAN] BY Gender /CATEGORIES VARIABLES=Gender ORDER=A KEY=VALUE EMPTY=INCLUDE.

Custom Tables


Male Female

Mean Mean

Track Solution Time in Seconds 79 103

Building Solution Time in 51 79 Seconds

Number of Collisions 1 1

Perceived Control Complexity 4 4

Perceived Building Complexity 4 4

Used Control Device was 4 5 needlessly complex

Used Control Device was easy 4 5 comprehensible

Used Control Device was fast to 4 4 learn

Used Control Device needs 5 5 much to learn

Used Control Device was hard to 4 4 use

Like to use device often 3 4

Satisfied with rob ots' 4 4 performance

Satisfied with devices' 4 4 performance

Satisfied with own performance 4 4

Own required skill for 4 4 commanding robots with device

Own required knowledge for 4 4 commanding robots with device

Would not be able to solve a task 5 4 without help

Would not be able to solve a task 4 4 under time pressure

Would never be able to solve a 5 5 task

The System is very FailSafe 4 4

The System has the ability to 4 4 handle what I want

The System is very reliable 3 4

The System has the required 4 4 functionality

The System works for me 4 4

The System provides the 4 4 Features I need for solving Tasks The System does not abandon 4 4 me

Mental Demand 5 9

Physical Demand 2 3

Time Pressure 3 4

Performance Pressure 8 9

Effort needed 8 12

Frustration 5 5

Unecht - Natürlich 2 3

Wie eine Maschine - Wie ein 1 2 Mensch

Hat kein Bewusstsein - Hat ein 1 1 Bewusstsein

Künstlich - Realistisch 1 2

Bewegt sich steif - Bewegt sich 2 2 flüssig

*Cronbach's Alpha Intuitiveness




Case Processing Summary N %

Cases Valid 71 98,7 Excludeda 1 1,3

Total 72 100,0

Reliability Statistics Cronbach's Alpha N of Items ,792 5

Item-Total Statistics Corrected Scale Mean if Item Scale Variance if Item-Total Cronbach's Alpha Deleted Item Deleted Correlation if Item Deleted Used Control Device was 17,15 10,539 ,531 ,766 needlessly complex Used Control Device was easy 17,24 9,830 ,455 ,794 comprehensible Used Control Device was fast to 17,53 8,444 ,716 ,700 learn Used Control Device needs 17,03 10,794 ,643 ,748 much to learn Used Control Device was hard to 17,59 8,683 ,598 ,747 use

*Cronbach's Alpha Satisfaction




Case Processing Summary N %

Cases Valid 67 93,3 Excludeda 5 6,7

Total 72 100,0

Reliability Statistics Cronbach's Alpha N of Items

,912 4

Item-Total Statistics Corrected Scale Mean if Item Scale Variance if Item-Total Cronbach's Alpha Deleted Item Deleted Correlation if Item Deleted

Like to use device often 11,39 10,907 ,824 ,879 Satisfied with rob ots' 11,14 11,892 ,820 ,879 performance Satisfied with devices' 11,29 10,555 ,874 ,859 performance Satisfied with own performance 11,01 13,898 ,713 ,918

*Cronbach's Alpha Acceptance




Case Processing Summary N %

Cases Valid 72 100,0 Excludeda 0 ,0

Total 72 100,0

Reliability Statistics Cronbach's Alpha N of Items

,639 5

Item-Total Statistics Corrected Scale Mean if Item Scale Variance if Item-Total Cronbach's Alpha Deleted Item Deleted Correlation if Item Deleted Own required skill for 17,64 6,963 ,324 ,623 commanding robots with device Own required knowledge for 17,75 6,705 ,314 ,636 commanding robots with device Would not be able to solve a task 17,52 7,442 ,354 ,604 without help Would not be able to solve a task 17,85 5,748 ,602 ,468 under time pressure Would never be able to solve a 17,29 7,886 ,454 ,582 task

*Cronbach's Alpha Trust Complete




Case Processing Summary N %

Cases Valid 72 100,0 Excludeda 0 ,0

Total 72 100,0

Reliability Statistics Cronbach's Alpha N of Items ,955 7

Item-Total Statistics Corrected Scale Mean if Item Scale Variance if Item-Total Cronbach's Alpha Deleted Item Deleted Correlation if Item Deleted

The System is very FailSafe 23,75 35,543 ,800 ,951 The System has the ability to 23,43 36,410 ,839 ,948 handle what I want The System is very reliable 24,03 33,810 ,879 ,945 The System has the required 23,23 37,664 ,769 ,954 functionality The System works for me 23,35 34,716 ,900 ,943 The System provides the 23,20 36,757 ,834 ,949 Features I need for solving Tasks The System does not abandon 23,83 33,443 ,905 ,943 me

*Cronbach's Alpha Reliability (Sub from Trust)




Case Processing Summary N %

Cases Valid 72 100,0 Excludeda 0 ,0 Total 72 100,0

Reliability Statistics Cronbach's Alpha N of Items ,948 4

Item-Total Statistics Corrected Scale Mean if Item Scale Variance if Item-Total Cronbach's Alpha Deleted Item Deleted Correlation if Item Deleted The System is very FailSafe 11,20 11,595 ,844 ,941 The System is very reliable 11,48 10,631 ,925 ,916 The System works for me 10,80 11,946 ,818 ,949 The System does not abandon 11,28 10,664 ,915 ,919 me

*Cronbach's Alpha Functionality (Sub from Trust)




Case Processing Summary N % Cases Valid 72 100,0

Excludeda 0 ,0 Total 72 100,0

Reliability Statistics Cronbach's Alpha N of Items

,904 3

Item-Total Statistics Corrected Scale Mean if Item Scale Variance if Item-Total Cronbach's Alpha Deleted Item Deleted Correlation if Item Deleted

The System has the ability to 8,51 3,470 ,811 ,860 handle what I want The System has the required 8,31 3,567 ,840 ,837 functionality The System provides the 8,28 3,664 ,776 ,889 Features I need for solving Tasks

*Cronbach's Alpha NASA RTLX




Case Processing Summary N %

Cases Valid 72 100,0 Excludeda 0 ,0 Total 72 100,0

Reliability Statistics Cronbach's Alpha N of Items ,733 6

Item-Total Statistics Corrected Scale Mean if Item Scale Variance if Item-Total Cronbach's Alpha Deleted Item Deleted Correlation if Item Deleted Mental Demand 28,57 219,788 ,612 ,654 Physical Demand 33,01 295,635 ,365 ,735 Time Pressure 32,08 267,507 ,495 ,703 Performance Pressure 27,04 209,039 ,443 ,717 Effort needed 25,96 188,390 ,590 ,659 Frustration 30,67 230,631 ,488 ,690

*Cronbach's Alpha Embodiment




Case Processing Summary N % Cases Valid 24 33,3

Excludeda 48 66,7 Total 72 100,0

Reliability Statistics Cronbach's Alpha N of Items

,745 5

Item-Total Statistics Corrected Scale Mean if Item Scale Variance if Item-Total Cronbach's Alpha Deleted Item Deleted Correlation if Item Deleted

Unecht - Natürlich 6,40 5,333 ,601 ,666 Wie eine Maschine - Wie ein 7,20 6,917 ,638 ,674 Mensch Hat kein Bewusstsein - Hat ein 7,32 8,893 ,063 ,815 Bewusstsein Künstlich - Realistisch 6,88 5,193 ,701 ,616 Bewegt sich steif - Bewegt sich 6,60 6,000 ,596 ,666 flüssig

*Compute Variable Intuitiveness

COMPUTE Intuitiveness=MEAN(IComplexity,IComprehensible,ILearn,IHLearn,IHard). EXECUTE.

*Compute Variable Satisfaction

COMPUTE Satisfaction=MEAN(SUse,SatRobot,SatDevice,SatSelf). EXECUTE.

*Compute Variable Acceptance

COMPUTE Acceptance=MEAN(ASkill,AKnowledge,AHelp,APressure,ANever). EXECUTE.

*Compute Variable Trust

COMPUTE Trust=MEAN(TFailSafeR,TSkillF,TReliableR,TFunctionalityF,TWorksR,TFeaturesF,TAbandonR). EXECUTE.

*Compute Variable Reliability (Sub from Trust)

COMPUTE Reliability=MEAN(TFailSafeR,TReliableR,TWorksR,TAbandonR). EXECUTE.

*Compute Variable Functionality (Sub from Trust)

COMPUTE Functionality=MEAN(TSkillF,TFunctionalityF,TFeaturesF). EXECUTE.

*Compute Variable Cognitive Workload

COMPUTE CognitiveWorkload=MEAN(NRTLXMentalDemand,NRTLXPhysicalDemand,NRTLXTimePressure, NRTLXPerformPressure,NRTLXEffort,NRTLXFrustration). EXECUTE.

*Compute Variable Embodiment

COMPUTE Embodiment=MEAN(E1,E2,E3,E4,E5). EXECUTE.

* Custom Tables of the scales grouped by construction task. CTABLES /VLABELS VARIABLES=Intuitiveness Satisfaction Acceptance Trust Reliability Functionality CognitiveWorkload Embodiment CTask DISPLAY=LABEL /TABLE Intuitiveness [MEAN] + Satisfaction [MEAN] + Acceptance [MEAN] + Trust [MEAN] + Reliability [MEAN] + Functionality [MEAN] + CognitiveWorkload [MEAN] + Embodiment [MEAN] BY CTask /CATEGORIES VARIABLES=CTask ORDER=A KEY=VALUE EMPTY=INCLUDE.

Custom Tables

Number of Construction Task Frame Group Roof

Mean Mean Mean Intuitiveness 4,61 4,18 4,18 Satisfaction 3,69 3,65 3,79 Acceptance 4,54 4,26 4,42 Trust 3,90 3,90 3,98 Reliability 3,62 3,81 3,76 Functionality 4,27 4,01 4,27 CognitiveWorkload 5,26 6,38 6,09 Embodiment . . 1,72

* Custom Tables of the scales grouped by used input device. CTABLES /VLABELS VARIABLES=Intuitiveness Satisfaction Acceptance Trust Reliability Functionality CognitiveWorkload Embodiment Device DISPLAY=LABEL /TABLE Intuitiveness [S][MEAN] + Satisfaction [S][MEAN] + Acceptance [S][MEAN] + Trust [S][MEAN] + Reliability [S][MEAN] + Functionality [S][MEAN] + CognitiveWorkload [S][MEAN] + Embodiment [S][MEAN] BY Device /CATEGORIES VARIABLES=Device ORDER=A KEY=VALUE EMPTY=INCLUDE.

Custom Tables

Used Device

PC Control Gesture-based Speech

Mean Mean Mean

Intuitiveness 4,78 4,42 3,78 Satisfaction 4,44 3,98 2,70 Acceptance 4,70 4,50 4,01 Trust 4,63 4,31 2,83 Reliability 4,58 4,13 2,48 Functionality 4,69 4,55 3,31 CognitiveWorkload 4,34 5,53 7,87 Embodiment 1,78 1,69 1,70

* Custom Tables of the scales grouped by existence of head. CTABLES /VLABELS VARIABLES=Intuitiveness Satisfaction Acceptance Trust Reliability Functionality CognitiveWorkload Embodiment RobotHead DISPLAY=LABEL /TABLE Intuitiveness [S][MEAN] + Satisfaction [S][MEAN] + Acceptance [S][MEAN] + Trust [S][MEAN] + Reliability [S][MEAN] + Functionality [S][MEAN] + CognitiveWorkload [S][MEAN] + Embodiment [S][MEAN] BY RobotHead /CATEGORIES VARIABLES=RobotHead ORDER=A KEY=VALUE EMPTY=INCLUDE.

Custom Tables

Existence of a Head No Yes

Mean Mean Intuitiveness 4,33 4,32 Satisfaction 3,59 3,81 Acceptance 4,39 4,41 Trust 3,71 4,12 Reliability 3,53 3,92 Functionality 3,94 4,40 CognitiveWorkload 5,62 6,18 Embodiment 1,75 1,69

* Custom Tables of the scales grouped by gender. CTABLES /VLABELS VARIABLES=Intuitiveness Satisfaction Acceptance Trust Reliability Functionality CognitiveWorkload Embodiment RobotHead DISPLAY=LABEL /TABLE Intuitiveness [S][MEAN] + Satisfaction [S][MEAN] + Acceptance [S][MEAN] + Trust [S][MEAN] + Reliability [S][MEAN] + Functionality [S][MEAN] + CognitiveWorkload [S][MEAN] + Embodiment [S][MEAN] BY gender /CATEGORIES VARIABLES=RobotHead ORDER=A KEY=VALUE EMPTY=INCLUDE.

Custom Tables


Male Female Mean Mean

Intuitiveness 4,20 4,48 Satisfaction 3,59 3,86 Acceptance 4,51 4,26 Trust 3,94 3,90 Reliability 3,68 3,79 Functionality 4,29 4,05 CognitiveWorkload 5,08 6,97 Embodiment 1,46 2,05

*Nonparametric Tests: Independent Samples grouped by Device. NPTESTS /INDEPENDENT TEST (TSolTime CSolTime NumOfColl Distraction PerceivedTComplexity PerceivedBComplexity IComplexity IComprehensible ILearn IHLearn IHard SUse SatRobot SatDevice SatSelf ASkill AKnowledge AHelp APressure ANever TFailSafeR TSkillF TReliableR TFunctionalityF TWorksR TFeaturesF TAbandonR NRTLXMentalDemand NRTLXPhysicalDemand NRTLXTimePressure NRTLXPerformPressure NRTLXEffort NRTLXFrustration E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 Intuitiveness Satisfaction Acceptance Trust Reliability Functionality CognitiveWorkload Embodiment) GROUP (Device) /MISSING SCOPE=ANALYSIS USERMISSING=EXCLUDE /CRITERIA ALPHA=0.05 CILEVEL=95.

Nonparametric Tests

[DataSet1] C:\Users\Stollnberger\Desktop\FinaleStudie\Auswertung\DatenAuswertung.sav

*Nonparametric Tests: Independent Samples grouped by existence of Head

NPTESTS /INDEPENDENT TEST (TSolTime CSolTime NumOfColl Distraction PerceivedTComplexity PerceivedBComplexity IComplexity IComprehensible ILearn IHLearn IHard SUse SatRobot SatDevice SatSelf ASkill AKnowledge AHelp APressure ANever TFailSafeR TSkillF TReliableR TFunctionalityF TWorksR TFeaturesF TAbandonR NRTLXMentalDemand NRTLXPhysicalDemand NRTLXTimePressure NRTLXPerformPressure NRTLXEffort NRTLXFrustration E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 Intuitiveness Satisfaction Acceptance Trust Reliability Functionality CognitiveWorkload Embodiment) GROUP (RobotHead) MANN_WHITNEY /MISSING SCOPE=ANALYSIS USERMISSING=EXCLUDE /CRITERIA ALPHA=0.05 CILEVEL=95.

Nonparametric Tests

*Nonparametric Tests: Independent Samples grouped by Number of Construction Task

NPTESTS /INDEPENDENT TEST (TSolTime CSolTime NumOfColl Distraction PerceivedTComplexity PerceivedBComplexity IComplexity IComprehensible ILearn IHLearn IHard SUse SatRobot SatDevice SatSelf ASkill AKnowledge AHelp APressure ANever TFailSafeR TSkillF TReliableR TFunctionalityF TWorksR TFeaturesF TAbandonR NRTLXMentalDemand NRTLXPhysicalDemand NRTLXTimePressure NRTLXPerformPressure NRTLXEffort NRTLXFrustration E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 Intuitiveness Satisfaction Acceptance Trust Reliability Functionality CognitiveWorkload Embodiment) GROUP (CTask) /MISSING SCOPE=ANALYSIS USERMISSING=EXCLUDE /CRITERIA ALPHA=0.05 CILEVEL=95.

Nonparametric Tests

*Nonparametric Tests: Independent Samples grouped by Gender

NPTESTS /INDEPENDENT TEST (TSolTime CSolTime NumOfColl Distraction PerceivedTComplexity PerceivedBComplexity IComplexity IComprehensible ILearn IHLearn IHard SUse SatRobot SatDevice SatSelf ASkill AKnowledge AHelp APressure ANever TFailSafeR TSkillF TReliableR TFunctionalityF TWorksR TFeaturesF TAbandonR NRTLXMentalDemand NRTLXPhysicalDemand NRTLXTimePressure NRTLXPerformPressure NRTLXEffort NRTLXFrustration E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 Intuitiveness Satisfaction Acceptance Trust Reliability Functionality CognitiveWorkload Embodiment) GROUP (Gender) /MISSING SCOPE=ANALYSIS USERMISSING=EXCLUDE /CRITERIA ALPHA=0.05 CILEVEL=95.

Nonparametric Tests