Page 1021 Appendix C – Formal Representations Schedule for Site 94 (Land at the end of Hannibal Way)

71 objections (out of 194 representations) were redacted because the council judges the objections to be either offensive to or to discriminate against individuals or groups on grounds heritage, ethnic or national origin and are not appropriate to be published.

The council is bound by the Equality Act 2010 which applies to those providing services and public functions and prohibits direct and indirect discrimination and harassment all of which these types of remarks might amount to. Agenda Item 5 Consultee ID Consultee Name Comment ID Comment Officer Response Agenda Item 5 1 R. W. Baldwin & 1 We object to the above proposal to build a travellers site on Hannibal Way.This The council will undertake further work on P. A. Baldwin area at present is a recreational area with Tennis/Gym/ sports club and also making provision to meet the future needs of Football pitches for our and our young people's enjoyment. If these so called Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. people are Travellers thats there choice, why do we have to allocate them a permanent site,why does the council not build permanent 1st time buyers housing for those in need, as at this moment we are always being told there is a desperate shortage for housing. 4 Karin Mills 4 We object to the above proposal to build a travellers site on Hannibal Way.This The council will undertake further work on area at present is a recreational area with Tennis/Gym/ sports club and also making provision to meet the future needs of Football pitches for our and our young peoples enjoyment. If these so called Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. people are Travellers thats there choice, why do we have to allocate them a permanent site,why does the council not build permanent 1st time buyers housing for those in need, as at this moment we are always being told there is a desperate shortage for housing. 7 Maria Pereira 7 This area is already being over populated with the development of high -rise The council will undertake further work on dwellings on stafford road. We are concerned with the impact it will have on making provision to meet the future needs of access traffic, rubbish. Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. Pressure on schools, crime and policing. Also it will have a detrimental impact on the value of house prices. The site is also within close proximity to a school & a playing field that is used by many families and children. Furthermore in recent times which the caravan were parked at Hannibal Way the road & surrounding areas was left in a dreadful state - with no regard to the general public. No I do think having the sites is suitable for this in Wallington. 9 Mr. J. Pierce 9 This is discrimination against the ordinary tax paying community. The council will undertake further work on making provision to meet the future needs of It seems to be heavily biased in favour of gypsies. Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. The well being of local residents.

This is an encroachment on the local community. Page 1022 It will cause congestion and animosity from neighbouring residents.

10 David Gibson & 10 I agree that the council has a problem with unauthorised gypsy camps and long The council will undertake further work on Susan Gibson term it would be easier to find them somewhere. What I don't agree with is making provision to meet the future needs of upsetting communities by putting them in the middle of a crowded residential Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. area! They would be happier in their own space away from people and so would we!!! I think gypsies should not be given special treatment. My daughter had to save for years to get a disposal for a mortgage. Others wait years to get a council house, why should gypsies get given special accommodation priority? The last time gypsies illegally camped there it cost the council £25,000 to clear up. If there was a site there, you can bet there will be fly tipping issues - not on their own doorstep but within the area. Hannibal Way - a gypsy site will seriously impact the use of the park area, the power league football/social centre the leisure centre as local people will not feel safe there! Hannibal Way is too near a good residential area, the Kimpton and the site behind Asda Lane they are out of the way! We have already got gypsy sites in our area, why should we accept more? find other boroughs!

1 13 Jason Scott 13 It seems the council have made decisions with no options. Without consulting The council will undertake further work on the residents that pay their taxes and will both most affected. making provision to meet the future needs of Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. The 2 new sites identified already suffer from severe traffic. If the sites are ideal for housing then make the areas available to affordable housing or an estate for ex military. Hannibal Way/Kimpton Parkway for gypsies? The areas are not suitable for travellers. 15 S Jewell 15 Why do they have the right to a new site, when there are already two existing The council will undertake further work on sites in the borough. making provision to meet the future needs of Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. The site will put stress on local services! It will create more traffic,mess and possible tensions in the local community. Why do we as a borough have to lose another piece of green space to create something that will cause so much chaos and harm to the already overstretched area! Page 1023 Wallington is not a suitable place!!! Who will be paying for this??? 16 David Critchfield 16 I don't agree with the council's standpoint on the need for new Gypsy and The council will undertake further work on Traveller sties. making provision to meet the future needs of Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. I don't agree with the draft policy on Gypsy and Traveller sites. I believe it would be inappropriate to use this as a gypsy and traveller site for rumerous reasons, the entrance to Hannibal Way is difficult to enter or leave because of the amount of traffic. A bus stop has already been moved by TFL because of the entrance also, the amount of traffic that now uses this road would be made worse by a travellers site. This would also be very near too Wilson's School (which has a large field) which may cause problems. 17 P.Critchfield 17 I don't agree with the council's standpoint on the need for new Gypsy and The council will undertake further work on Traveller sties. making provision to meet the future needs of Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. I don't agree with the draft policy on Gypsy and Traveller sites. I believe this is not a suitable site for a permanent gypsy/traveller site because of all the problems it would create. Traffic problems are all ready horrific because of access into and out of Hannibal Way.This was the reason for the bus stop being relocated. Also this could be a strain on our local school who are already feeling the strain. 18 Phillip Ghiu 18 I don't agree with the council's standpoint on the need for new Gypsy and The council will undertake further work on Traveller sties. making provision to meet the future needs of Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. I don't agree with the draft policy on Gypsy and Traveller sites. 19 Mrs. S. Ghiu 19 I don't agree with the council's standpoint on the need for new Gypsy and The council will undertake further work on Traveller sties. making provision to meet the future needs of Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. I don't agree with the draft policy on Gypsy and Traveller sites.

20 S.Thayaparan 20 I don't agree with the council's standpoint on the need for new Gypsy and The council will undertake further work on Agenda Item 5 Traveller sties. making provision to meet the future needs of Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. I don't agree with the draft policy on Gypsy and Traveller sites.

2 22 Evelyn Otu 22 Don't agree it is the best site for the Gypsies and Travellers it is going to impact The council will undertake further work on Agenda Item 5 on local residents. The loss of the community use of our parks and other making provision to meet the future needs of amenities. Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. Having a traveller site on our doorstep will not be a welcome idea considering there are alternative locations available. It will destroy the look and feel of the local area. It will impact on the children services especially schools and the security we feel will be lost. Generally, our amenities will be affected. The loss of use of our parks and the noise and disturbance we are likely to face makes it unacceptable. 25 John Pick 25 Surely to plan ahead for new sites will only encourage more families to decide to The council will undertake further work on reside in Sutton. Seems like more emphasis given by council to cope with making provision to meet the future needs of travellers than to find homes for council tax paying tenants. Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. If sites have to be designated they should (like the present council site) be nowhere near local residents. A site at Hannibal Way so close to local schools is totally Inappropriate. The effects, not least on added traffic (would horses be allowed on site?) would be unacceptable. The Hannibal Way site would certainly affect the amount of local residents and would add to more pollution and certainly traffic movements. The Hannibal Way site is not suitable, not least for the reasons stated above. The Hannibal Way site would impact on a good number of local residents as well as the school children nearby. 27 Cathryn E Bridger 27 I don't agree with the council's standpoint on the need for new Gypsy and The council will undertake further work on Traveller sties. making provision to meet the future needs of Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. I don't agree with the draft policy on Gypsy and Traveller sites. 28 Perrina Benito 28 I don't agree with the council's standpoint on the need for new Gypsy and The council will undertake further work on Monaco Mario Traveller sties. making provision to meet the future needs of Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. I don't agree with the draft policy on Gypsy and Traveller sites.

31 S. A. Lacey 31 This area is busy enough without adding to it. The council will undertake further work on Page 1024 making provision to meet the future needs of I don't agree with the draft policy on Gypsy and Traveller sites. Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. So many new flats are going up all over site place even above shops. Sutton area has no more room, not even enough green space for travellers. 32 T Lacey 32 Area to busy at present time. The council will undertake further work on making provision to meet the future needs of I don't agree with the draft policy on Gypsy and Traveller sites. Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. Sutton has too many flats being built as it is.

35 Sunil Patel 35 Travellers have occupied that site before, creating mess in the streets, knocking The council will undertake further work on on doors for work. making provision to meet the future needs of Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. Its a lovely green area, with a grammar school and football pitches, it's a recreation ground for local residents. 36 Manoj Patel 36 Mess in the area, house prices will depreciate constant knocking on doors The council will undertake further work on looking for work. making provision to meet the future needs of Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. I don't agree with the draft policy on Gypsy and Traveller sites. 37 Alpa Patel 37 House prices will go down, area will look messy, Powerleague business will go The council will undertake further work on down. Constantly looking for work at doors. making provision to meet the future needs of Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. I don't agree with the draft policy on Gypsy and Traveller sites.

3 38 L. R. Jeyakumar 38 -Distance to neighbourhood The council will undertake further work on -Distance to Wilson's school making provision to meet the future needs of -Better to locate a more remote site away from residential/school areas. Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. I don't agree with the draft policy on Gypsy and Traveller sites.

42 Lesley Randall 42 I feel there are more than enough sites in Sutton anyway and we certainly do not The council will undertake further work on need any more. making provision to meet the future needs of Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. A new site would inevitably have an adverse impact on the local environment as there would be more noise and litter. Presumably the council tax would increase to pay for this project. Schools will be more overcrowded and many other local facilities will be stretched. Parking is a problem in this area and this will make matters worst and the local environment will suffer. I just do not think that this site is suitable for a new gypsy site for all of the

reasons above. Page 1025 45 Agath Perrina 45 I don't agree with the council's standpoint on the need for new Gypsy and The council will undertake further work on Traveller sties. making provision to meet the future needs of Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. I don't agree with the draft policy on Gypsy and Traveller sites. 46 Shazia Rasul 46 I don't agree with the council's standpoint on the need for new Gypsy and The council will undertake further work on Traveller sties. making provision to meet the future needs of Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. I don't agree with the draft policy on Gypsy and Traveller sites. 47 Max Teyakumar 47 I don't agree with the council's standpoint on the need for new Gypsy and The council will undertake further work on Traveller sties. making provision to meet the future needs of Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. I don't agree with the draft policy on Gypsy and Traveller sites. 48 Jukalista 48 I don't agree with the council's standpoint on the need for new Gypsy and The council will undertake further work on Teyakumar Traveller sties. making provision to meet the future needs of Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. I don't agree with the draft policy on Gypsy and Traveller sites. 49 John Francis 49 I agree with the council's standpoint on the need for new Gypsy and Traveller The council will undertake further work on sties. making provision to meet the future needs of Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. I agree with the draft policy on Gypsy and Traveller sites. 50 Vismaya 50 I agree with the council's standpoint on the need for new Gypsy and Traveller The council will undertake further work on sties. making provision to meet the future needs of Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. I agree with the draft policy on Gypsy and Traveller sites. 51 I Measrei 51 Unsafe environment for site children increased traffic in Hannibal Way and The council will undertake further work on congestion to an already busy road. Already enough traveller sites in area. making provision to meet the future needs of Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. As above The area is built up enough and this will lead to increased pollution etc ie noise traffic waste etc. Too built up already in this area having a detrimental effect on local community, education, local shops & greenbelt/area of pollution.

Yes, built as stipulated above. Agenda Item 5

4 53 Abbie Measures 53 Why should a traveller be allowed to destroy our friendly and calm community. The council will undertake further work on Agenda Item 5 Already when they stay there illegally they create noise pollution and leave their making provision to meet the future needs of rubbish where our roads are a landfill site. Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. It will impact the locals around the areas as more noise pollution will be created and it being there will cause congestion as it is only one road. Hannibal Way as it is only are road so it will cause congestion. It will cause more pollution in the area and more traffic the access isn't safe and will cause disturbance to power. 54 Graham Topliss 54 In respect of section I-12, and specifically Question 12b of the Local Plan The council will undertake further work on consultation document. making provision to meet the future needs of I do not feel that the land at the end of Hannibal Way (Potential Site Allocation Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. S94) is suitable to be established as a permanent site for Gypsies and Travellers. The following points relate to the criteria listed in the Local Plan which need to be satisfied before granting planning permission for a Gypsy or Travellers' site: - The access road at the top end of Hannibal Way (up to the point where the road ends and turns left to the Virgin Sports Centre) is narrow, and any vehicle left in this section could prevent emergency vehicles gaining access to either the proposed site, or to the sports centre. - A site there would take away green space from the area to the side of the Purley Way, thus having an adverse impact on the local environment and affect local wildlife. There would also be a detrimental increase in noise and air pollution, and an increase in traffic movements along Hannibal Way. - The proposed site would be very close to Wilson's School and any increase in traffic would cause concern for the safety of the boys who cross Hannibal Way to walk along Imperial Way to access buses running along the Purley Way. - My son (who is in Year 7 at Wilson's School) stopped using Imperial Way to get from the Purley Way to school via Hannibal Way, when a group of travellers parked in Imperial Way. He said he felt very scared walking past their caravans, were several dogs were allowed to run loose. Several other boys felt the same, and they now travel via the Fiveways junction and along Stafford Road. - While the Travellers were there, and after they moved on, there were large amounts of rubbish left in the street. Has the Council taken this potential negative aspect into consideration if the proposed site goes ahead? Page 1026

5 55 Councillor 55 The explanation is confusing for residents as the standpoint mentions at 12.6 The council will undertake further work on Manuel Abellan that """"Gypsies and Travellers on the grounds that, the council site is so making provision to meet the future needs of overcrowded, new site(s) are needed regardless."""" but at 12.5 it says """"The Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. assessment identified no need for New Travellers, Roma or Travelling Showpeople. It also identified no need for a transit or temporary site. """" I would like to object to the site on Hannibal Way (S94) being designated for Gypsy and Traveller accommodation. I believe that because of the past history of illegal incursions on Roundshaw and the very tense relationship that past travellers have had with the local community, the designation of this site will have an adverse impact on the local environment and community. I also think that this would be unfair to residents who have had to put up with too many illegal incursions in the past and I believe that the Council needs to take this into consideration. The explanation that travellers on permanent sites behave differently to illegal encampments does not provide me with the necessary reassurances that local residents will not be affected. Last year, residents had to put up with vandalism, crime, aggressive verbal and physical behavior, noise and intimidation during many weeks. I am

worried that this would lead to a rise of anti-social behavior in the area. Page 1027 For these reasons I would call for the Hannibal site to be removed from the local plan. Furthermore, (Received incomplete) 56 Ms Denise 56 The proposed use of Hannibal Way as a travellers site after last summer's very The council will undertake further work on Emmerson, Vice- costly incursion is just one of the reasons this site is so unsuitable. making provision to meet the future needs of Chair Flightpath It actually fails your own draft policy on every issue as well as the fact the local Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. Residents community is totally against the idea due to many ASB issues which arose last Association summer and during the many previous incursions. 56 Ms Denise 57 I disagree with the use of Hannibal Way for development as it is currently well The council will undertake further work on Emmerson, Vice- used as a sports facility. making provision to meet the future needs of Chair Flightpath The access is used for maintenance and green cutting and the emergency Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. Residents services. Association 57 Ms Denise 58 I would like you to clarify a few points for me regarding the proposed new The council will undertake further work on Emmerson, Vice- Travellers' sites. As your proposal states there is actually no identified new for making provision to meet the future needs of Chair Flightpath new Travellers sites, according to the Government guidelines, but there is a Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. Residents need for a site for Travellers who need a permanent base and therefore under Association guidelines cannot be identified as Travellers, how is the law applied in this case? I see in the document you are proposing the new sites regardless of this. Can you tell me if the plan was drawn up before the significant and costly incursion on the open spaces at Roundshaw last year? What safeguards will be put in place if this site is chosen as we have significant costs and cleanup issues here when there is an incursion. Will the residents be assured there will be none of the behaviour witnessed from all the other incursions we have had and what action could be taken if this is the case? Have the police been consulted about the practicalities of using this site? Where will the emergency access be relocated to if this goes ahead? Will local schools be consulted with regards to place available for students? In your own draft document it says the site should not impact the local community, how can you safeguard this when the community was so badly affected last summer? 59 David & Barbara 60 We refer to item S94, Wallington: Land at the end of Hannibal Way, Beddington The council will undertake further work on Ashworth and it's possible use as a Gypsy and Traveller site. This small site is currently making provision to meet the future needs of Agenda Item 5 used as a sports facility for local community organisations such as youth and Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. children's football clubs. The current use should be retained as a valuable local amenity. Developing the site further adjacent to the open, semi-rural parkland of the former Airport would detract from the current arrangement.

6 59 David & Barbara 61 Use of S94, Wallington as a Gypsy and Traveller site is inappropriate. The site The council will undertake further work on Agenda Item 5 Ashworth is too small and would attract other gypsies/travellers onto the adjacent open making provision to meet the future needs of park land, industrial/warehousing areas (which are often unused during Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. weekends/nights), housing and the private leisure centre. These areas currently and repeatedly suffer from trespassing and spoiling by gypsies/travellers. 60 Mr Graham 62 I do not agree with the Council's draft policy on Gypsy and Traveller sites. The council will undertake further work on Strange The site at Hannibal Way is not properly described; there are two houses in making provision to meet the future needs of immediate proximity to the proposed site outside of which the road narrows Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. considerably.The environment of the residents of these two houses would be seriously adversely affected. The Site at Hannibal Way is .31hectares . Using the recommendations of the London Gypsy and Traveller Unit of July 2009 . The suggested density is 25 pitches per hectare .This site would therefore only accommodate 7 or 8 pitches. This is less than the Council's stated needs and would represent a very poor return for such a large investment in money and land when the same amounts of resource could, if residential uses are considered, accommodate a much larger number of residents in standard housing. The proposals at Hannibal Way and Kimpton Road show insensitivity in these times of general austerity. To propose to give such preferential treatment to so few residents and spend such a disproportionate amount on so few residents when such resources could benefit so many more residents in need of housing is indefensible. The proposal at Hannibal Way shows further insensitivity to the locals both residential and leisure and business given the problems experienced with travellers in this area in the recent past. 61 Mr David James 63 In addition to the points I raised in 12a & 12b a Gypsy and Traveller site is not The council will undertake further work on suitable for Hannibal Way or Kimpton Park Way and should NOT be developed making provision to meet the future needs of as such. Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. 61 Mr David James 64 Negative impact on house prices The council will undertake further work on Negative impact on businesses adjacent to the proposed sites making provision to meet the future needs of Negative impact on surrounding community facilities Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. 62 Ms Pravina Ellis 65 I do not support the release of this land: it should be retained as MOL because The council will undertake further work on * It clearly fulfils the criteria for MOL: the council’s own review states it meets making provision to meet the future needs of eight of the review’s 11 MOL criteria Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. * It is in use as sports ground and releasing a thin strip of MOL in this way would Page 1028 make the space too small for a large number of sporting activities * It would also pave the way for further development into the playing fields, the further encroachment onto which will compromise the playing field * It will leave the MOL indefensible (i.e. lead to the possibility that an argument could be made that the entire area should be released) 63 Ms Alexandra 66 I wish to raise my objection to the proposed use of the land at the end of The council will undertake further work on Loggie Hannibal Way in Beddington (S94 of the proposed sites) for possible gypsy and making provision to meet the future needs of traveller use in the future. I am a member of the Virgin Active club and have Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. witnessed the violence and theft that the club members and shop have experienced whenever the travellers park-up for a few weeks along Hannibal Way for their holidays. The area is already quite dangerous for women to be walking alone especially at darker times of the day. I try not to go into areas that travellers frequent because those around here are not like those I have grown up with in Kent (this was confirmed by the local police when reporting an unprovoked attack on myself and my one year old daughter by a gang of traveller children in Roundshaw Park where they had set-up camp).

7 64 Ms Emma Venosi 67 We are a local group of residents from Wallington who have collated a large The council will undertake further work on number of responses (attached) from local householders within the locality of the making provision to meet the future needs of proposed new Gypsy and Traveller site planned as part of the new ‘Sutton Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. planning for our future 2031’. We are submitting our concerns and objections in relation to the ‘Sutton local plan issues and preferred options document ‘ Issue 1-12 – site 94 * Under the Protecting Amenity Draft Policy on Protecting Amenity (I-29) it states that the council will not grant planning permission for any development that adversely affects the amenities of the future occupiers or those currently adjoining or nearby properties, or has an unacceptable impact on the surrounding area. Some of the main concerns are based on the consideration below: • Access is safe and secure and does not cause disturbances. • Outlook/sense of enclosure. • Noise and vibration levels and times when such disturbances are likely to

occur. Page 1029 • Odours, smoke, fumes, dust, litter accumulation, refuse collection/ storage and exterior lighting. • The effect of traffic movements to, from and within the site and car parking. • Microclimate (as the site will be a small and restricted area). Agenda Item 5

8 68 Mr Russell 71 We are writing on behalf of our client, Virgin Active Limited and Virgin Active The council will undertake further work on Agenda Item 5 Adams, Adams Health Clubs Limited, in order to register our client’s grave concerns over the making provision to meet the future needs of Planning + potential allocation of the above-referenced site as a Gypsy and Traveller Site. Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. Development Ltd Virgin Active Ltd operates 273 high end Health Clubs in 10 countries across the world, and currently operates 96 Clubs in the UK, with 1.4 million members worldwide undertaking 100 million visits a year. Virgin Active has an extensive range of facilities at the Surrey Health and Racquets Club, including a swimming pool, tennis facilities, a spa, gym floor and classes and a crèche, in order to provide for all ages and sections of society. The club has in excess of 40,000 member movements in/out the premises a month. The Virgin Active brand and offer is unique, and it is important for the brand and the members that the Health Clubs continue to improve and operate in a safe, secure and attractive environment that differentiates the brand from the ever-increasing budget and 24-hour operators. The Club currently employs around 150 members of staff and has in excess of 4,500 members, and we would respectfully suggest that the Council should be prioritising the retention and enhancement of this important employer and the provision of health club and tennis facilities over the needs of the Gypsy and Traveller community, when their actual requirements are not fully understood (see answer to Question 12a below). Chapter 4 of the Local Plan Issues and Options consultation document deals with the ‘Potential Site Allocations and Options.’ Whilst our client commends the Council’s allocation of sites, the National Planning Policy Framework (the NPPF) makes clear that the identification of potential sites should be based upon a robust and credible assessment of suitable, available, and achievable land. Although the land appears to be available, it is apparent from our analysis of the site and its surroundings that the site is not suitable for the proposed Gypsy and Traveller site allocation. Site Context The attached S94 Site Assessment Form identifies that the site is currently occupied by a sports pavilion and ancillary vacant car parking land. To the north,

and directly adjoining the land is a large industrial unit, which is part of the Page 1030 Imperial Way Strategic Industrial Location; to the east is the Virgin Active Health Club building, car park and external sports facilities; and to the south and east are the Roundshaw Playing Fields and public open space of Roundshaw Park; and directly east of the site are two residential properties that front on to the site, beyond which is the large Roundshaw Housing Estate. The Virgin Active Health Club is the only property that is reliant upon the daily use of the access road that passes through Site S94, and the proposed site allocation lies directly adjacent to their main entrance and car parking areas. The site lies directly in between the Croydon Powerleague 5-a-side Football Pitches and the Croydon Pirates Baseball pitches, one of the most successful teams in the British Baseball Federation. This area of the Borough provides an important recreational and sporting outlet for Croydon, and introducing the proposed Gypsy and Traveller site allocation would have significant impact upon the day-to-day, year-round enjoyment of the area for local residents and visitors to the area. The proposed new Gypsy and Traveller Allocation (Site Allocation S94) represents a major concern to our clients. Introducing the Gypsy and Traveller site will compromise the amenities of the adjoining neighbours, and will be an inappropriate use given that it will be directly adjacent to residential properties and the main entrance of the Virgin Active Health Club.

Our client’s primary concerns are as follows: 1) Access 9 The sole access to the Club is via Hannibal Way which runs through Site S94 and dissects in into two halves. Hannibal way is only partially adopted. The part of Hannibal way running from the Wilsons School entrance/Powerleague building, through Site S94 and to the Club is not adopted. The Club has the benefit of easements granted in its lease from the Sutton Council (as freeholder) to use unadopted part of Hannibal Way for access to and from the Club. The proposed allocation of Site S94 could block access to the Club. The Club is legally entitled via the easements in its lease to retain at all times unhindered access via Hannibal Way in its current location. The Club’s Management regularly experience complaints from members with regards to access issues caused by the cars parking along Hannibal Way when sports matches are on, on a weekly basis. There is often severe congestion caused by parked vehicles along Hannibal Way and the route between the parked cars is often extremely narrow. Even assuming Hannibal Way would be retained in its current location, Gypsies and Travellers often have a touring caravan and one or more vehicles that Page 1031 accompany them on their travels. Given that the adopted highway passes right through the middle of the proposed Site S94, there is a strong possibility that these vehicles and caravans would be parked on the main adopted highways or spend a significant amount of time turning on the road, causing blockages of the main entrance on a regular basis. Finally, due to the nature of activities that take place in our Clients Club, they have to be certain that the Emergency Services, particularly ambulances, have immediate unhindered access into the facilities. Such possible future use proposed would likely restrict such Emergency Services Access so must be opposed.

2) Security The Site Allocation will effectively be an agreement in principle to the use of the land as a Gypsy and Traveller Site. If the site is allocated, this will provoke major security concerns for Virgin Active staff, members and visitors to the site, as well as the security of the Health Clubs and cars parked in the car park. Although Virgin Active are keen to stress that they do not conform to any stereotypical views or perceptions of the Gypsy and Traveller Communities, given the perception and portrayal of this section of society within the media, it is inevitable that the proposed site allocation will result in the loss of memberships, with some members already having raised their concerns with the proposed site allocation. Staff and members are likely to feel intimidated and put off by having to drive or walk through the middle of a Gypsy and Traveller site and the presence of the Gypsy and Traveller site directly outside the main entrance, and no level of screening could mitigate the perceived threat caused by the Gypsy and Traveller site given society’s perception of this section of society.

There is the potential for increased harassment, crime and intimidation for staff and members both on and off the Club grounds, and Virgin Active will have to increase their security measures, upgrading their security measures that have Agenda Item 5 already been put in place as a result of past issues with vandalism and fly tipping outside of the main entrance. 3) Rubbish and Fly Tipping

Virgin Active has had to cover over the outdoor swimming pool of the Health Club due to past issues with objects being thrown into the Club posing a health 10 and risk to staff and members. The presence of a resident population on a land Agenda Item 5 area that is not naturally overlooked is likely to give rise to increased potential for rubbish and fly tipping on and around the Virgin Active site, which is inevitably going to represent a financial concern to Virgin Active as a result of the increased need for surveillance, and the potential damage to the Virgin Active brand image. 4) Overcrowding The Council’s own needs study demonstrates that the Gypsy and Traveller Community are, as a result of their travelling lifestyles, transient in nature and they do not necessarily come back to the same site and/or Council District year on year. When one factors in the fact that only a portion of the 0.31-hectare site will be useable, due to the need to maintain the access road to the Club, it is apparent that the net developable remaining site area will only be able to accommodate a small number of caravans. This small land area is likely, over time, to give rise to the potential for conflict between competing Gypsies and Travellers aiming to occupy the land resource. The competition for the use of the site will give rise to conflict and overcrowding over time. Any caravans and/or vehicles that are unable to occupy the site are likely to park on Hannibal Way or within the vicinity of the site, leading to on-going access, safety and amenity issues for our client. It is our considered view that the adverse impacts and planning blight that will ensue from the Gypsy and Traveller allocation will be disproportionately adverse when balancing this against the benefits of the allocation which will be negligible when one considers the net useable area of the land area. We note that the site allocation is defined as being allocated as either a Gypsy and Traveller site or a Sports Facility. We can confirm that our client does not object to the proposed retention of the existing Sports Pavilion and/or the Sports Facility allocation, as this would continue to compliment the surrounding sports and recreational facilities. We have reviewed the Issues and Options consultation document, and we have extracted and responded to the relevant queries raised within the document, as set out below. Page 1032 5) Site Allocation includes part of the Virgin Active property The proposed Site Allocation includes part of the health club property. We assume this is an error in the drawing of the plan, but it needs to be amended. Please see attached VA demised plan.

11 70 Louis 73 I don't agree with the council's standpoint on the need for new Gypsy and The council will undertake further work on Traveller sties. making provision to meet the future needs of Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. I don't agree with the draft policy on Gypsy and Traveller sites. 71 Mrs B. Louis 74 I don't agree with the council's standpoint on the need for new Gypsy and The council will undertake further work on Traveller sties. making provision to meet the future needs of Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. I don't agree with the draft policy on Gypsy and Traveller sites. 73 Matthew Wood 76 I don't agree. Why should my council tax that comes out of the money work hard The council will undertake further work on to earn - Go to clear damage causing inevitably by Travelers. making provision to meet the future needs of Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. As for the above reasons. Travelers by definition are 'mobile' so why make a permanent abode. None of them. 74 Karen Walk 77 I don't agree with the council's standpoint on the need for new Gypsy and The council will undertake further work on Traveller sties. making provision to meet the future needs of

Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. Page 1033 I don't agree with the draft policy on Gypsy and Traveller sites. 75 Unreadable 78 We agree with the Statement on the need for Traveler sites but this should be The council will undertake further work on further away from busy residential or commercial areas. making provision to meet the future needs of Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. We do not agree as they should be a closure that... They may not be settled .... residential area for culture differences cannot with ordinary residents. Hannibal Way is too close to the Wilson School a national asset , where a number of international students study. This is also too close to the residential area. Hannibal Way - S94. Not Sutton sites for GYPSIES AND TRAVELERS 76 Kelly Brooks & 79 A travelling community needing designated sites where there are already The council will undertake further work on John Faraday ''travelling'' is unnecessary. Demand for primary schools will dramatically making provision to meet the future needs of increase. I work personally with the community and feel it's not needed in Sutton Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. at this stage. 5-6 sites will not be 5-6 as the community of travellers are larger than this with extended family. I feel it would be problematic in terms of getting 'travelling reputation' to move on. Police / Postman / Taxis refuse to go. Star Lane in Bromley. Housing prices will reduce (as shown by many current areas such as Star Lane in Bromley. Increased pressure on traffic on Fiveways which is already hard. Increased litter. Increased demand on school places in local community. Hannibal Way, Wallington. Traveller site. The site for the travellers in Hannibal Way is not suitable because of the road impact on surrounding areas + parking. 77 Deanna Ring 80 I don't agree with the council's standpoint on the need for new Gypsy and The council will undertake further work on Traveller sties. making provision to meet the future needs of Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. I don't agree with the draft policy on Gypsy and Traveller sites. 78 Unreadable 81 I don't agree with the council's standpoint on the need for new Gypsy and The council will undertake further work on Traveller sties. making provision to meet the future needs of Agenda Item 5 Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. I don't agree with the draft policy on Gypsy and Traveller sites. 80 Grace Alexander 83 I don't agree with the council's standpoint on the need for new Gypsy and The council will undertake further work on Traveller sties. making provision to meet the future needs of Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. I don't agree with the draft policy on Gypsy and Traveller sites.

12 81 Paige Alexander 84 I don't agree with the council's standpoint on the need for new Gypsy and The council will undertake further work on Agenda Item 5 Traveller sties. making provision to meet the future needs of Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. I don't agree with the draft policy on Gypsy and Traveller sites. 82 Omar Al Hathaf 85 I don't agree with the council's standpoint on the need for new Gypsy and The council will undertake further work on Traveller sties. making provision to meet the future needs of Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. I don't agree with the draft policy on Gypsy and Traveller sites. 83 Anne Alexander 86 I don't agree with the council's standpoint on the need for new Gypsy and The council will undertake further work on Traveller sties. making provision to meet the future needs of Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. I don't agree with the draft policy on Gypsy and Traveller sites. 86 Mrs Shirley 89 Support The council will undertake further work on Hudson & S. Ap. making provision to meet the future needs of Hudson Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. 87 M. T. Simonds 90 I don't agree with the council's standpoint on the need for new Gypsy and The council will undertake further work on Traveller sties. making provision to meet the future needs of Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. I don't agree with the draft policy on Gypsy and Traveller sites. 88 Guoxing Song 91 Support The council will undertake further work on making provision to meet the future needs of Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. 92 Lombardo 95 I don't agree with the council's standpoint on the need for new Gypsy and The council will undertake further work on Traveller sties. making provision to meet the future needs of Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. I don't agree with the draft policy on Gypsy and Traveller sites. 93 Mr.F Kan 96 I agree with the council's standpoint on the need for new Gypsy and Traveller The council will undertake further work on sties. making provision to meet the future needs of Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. I don't agree with the draft policy on Gypsy and Traveller sites. 95 Ross Powell 98 I don't agree with the council's standpoint on the need for new Gypsy and The council will undertake further work on Traveller sties. making provision to meet the future needs of Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. I don't agree with the draft policy on Gypsy and Traveller sites. 96 Ellie Powell 99 I don't agree with the council's standpoint on the need for new Gypsy and The council will undertake further work on Traveller sties. making provision to meet the future needs of Page 1034 Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. I don't agree with the draft policy on Gypsy and Traveller sites. 97 Anna Murray 100 As a resident and homeowner I do not feel that this would be a fair and just site The council will undertake further work on mainly because no matter what you ''the council'' say it will have a great impact making provision to meet the future needs of on the surrounding areas. Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. Whilst I agree with the draft policy this proposal should have been brought to all residents in the area attention, we all pay council tax and should have been informed. The proposed site it would have great impact not only on the traffic flow but also there and we know it will happen to our beautiful Mellows Park would being ruined. I have watched travellers ruin Mellows Park then for the Council to have to straighten it up until recently Morrisons car park and the rotten mess they left it in. Hannibal Way. We don't want them we are all taxpayers and residents in a beautiful area this is going to cause unrest and not only the fact our properties will devalue, and it will become ugly. 98 Mrs Kan 101 I don't agree with the council's standpoint on the need for new Gypsy and The council will undertake further work on Traveller sties. making provision to meet the future needs of Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. I don't agree with the draft policy on Gypsy and Traveller sites.

13 99 M.Kirubendran 102 I don't agree with the council's standpoint on the need for new Gypsy and The council will undertake further work on Traveller sties. making provision to meet the future needs of Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. I don't agree with the draft policy on Gypsy and Traveller sites. 101 J Thorne 104 I don't agree with the council's standpoint on the need for new Gypsy and The council will undertake further work on Traveller sties. making provision to meet the future needs of Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. I don't agree with the draft policy on Gypsy and Traveller sites. 102 Lisa 105 I don't agree with the council's standpoint on the need for new Gypsy and The council will undertake further work on Traveller sties. making provision to meet the future needs of Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. I don't agree with the draft policy on Gypsy and Traveller sites. 104 Harpreet Panesar 107 Me and my family have moved to this home near Hannibal Way to avoid the The council will undertake further work on travellers and gypsy sites from our previous home. I do not want a site near my making provision to meet the future needs of home again. Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. I don't agree with the draft policy on Gypsy and Traveller sites. 106 Jaspreet Panesar 109 We have recently moved here simply to avoid gypsy and traveller sites from our The council will undertake further work on

previous home. I do not want to go through distress again. making provision to meet the future needs of Page 1035 Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. I don't agree with the draft policy on Gypsy and Traveller sites. 107 Philippa Field 110 I think the borough needs to look a more rural site as this would be more The council will undertake further work on suitable. The existing traffic entering and exiting the Hannibal Way site is already making provision to meet the future needs of overcrowded at rush hour and would make for gridlock. Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. There are already sufficiently accommodating sites within the borough. The site mentioned above is totally unsuitable for a permanent traveller/gypsy site for reasons given and the integration with the existing community would be difficult. The local area is more suitable for the siting a traveller/gypsy site and is not compatible with their needs nor the local community is. HANNIBAL WAY. This site is not suitable, for reasons given above. Also, the provision of school places would place a strain on already over-subscribed primary+secondary schools. This site is not suitable for reasons given above for a traveller/gypsy site. 108 Victoria Hoeh 111 I don't agree with the council's standpoint on the need for new Gypsy and The council will undertake further work on Traveller sties. making provision to meet the future needs of Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. I don't agree with the draft policy on Gypsy and Traveller sites. 109 Victor Hoeh 112 I don't agree with the council's standpoint on the need for new Gypsy and The council will undertake further work on Traveller sties. making provision to meet the future needs of Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. I don't agree with the draft policy on Gypsy and Traveller sites. 110 Paul Nash 113 I don't agree with the council's standpoint on the need for new Gypsy and The council will undertake further work on Traveller sties. making provision to meet the future needs of Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. I don't agree with the draft policy on Gypsy and Traveller sites. Agenda Item 5

14 111 John Keown 114 This project will cost too much to the commercial and domestic ratepayers who The council will undertake further work on Agenda Item 5 have not been consulted. This project is doomed to fail. It has not been thought making provision to meet the future needs of through. Who will pick up the pieces when it fails? The poor old ratepayer. Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. The site proposed is totally unsuitable. The amount of traffic congestion in this area is at its limits from Fiveways, Stafford Road, morning and afternoon school run not to mention incidental road works. It is not logical for this site to be considered for what is proposed. Who pays? how much? I am not aware of any other sites. But all I know is that Hannibal Way is not suitable if pushed through. It will seem there will be many problems in the future that the council has not even thought of. If the council intend to go ahead with this proposal they will regret it. The site seems far too small for all the amenities that are intended. All your doing is storing up a whole lot of troubles both financially and environmentally for the future. 112 Maureen O' Leary 115 Support The council will undertake further work on making provision to meet the future needs of Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. 113 Pat Keown 116 This site doesn't provide safe areas to and from existing road network. Travellers The council will undertake further work on are notorious for following where other travellers already dwell so how will the making provision to meet the future needs of size of the community be priced. Sutton council repeatedly tell us the need to Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. protect our green spaces this proposed site contradicts this statement. Maintaining those sites will place added stress onto already over stretched facilities. eg. refuse collection, health services and schools all oversubscribed not to mention our police force. Cost! This site is very confined and will have a huge impact on local residents and nearby Wilson's School/St Elphege's Sutton council maintain site should be a reasonable distance to shops, this is not so as many shops have closed down near by again emphasise who will foot the Page 1036 bill for this site? Will our council tax increase? Do travellers pay any taxes?!! 114 Ian Sadler 117 Cost involved to provide this facility will be huge and put huge pressure on The council will undertake further work on already overstretched budget. making provision to meet the future needs of Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. This site will have large impact on local environment and cause distress to local residents. Who is paying to have site designed to high standard? Do travellers pay council tax? No safe guess will increase traffic to already over congested Stafford Rd 115 Natalie White 118 Hannibal Way is off busy road leading to Fiveways already congested, A Gypsy The council will undertake further work on site there will add to this congestion. making provision to meet the future needs of Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. Will have huge impact on already overcrowded schools and health service Too close to Wilson's School Site not large enough as stated for all the associated facilities.

15 116 Richard 119 Until recently I was the Green Keeper of a Bowling Green in and have The council will undertake further work on Matthews experienced first-hand the consequences of Traveling community taking making provision to meet the future needs of residence in the immediate locality, albeit only for a matter of two / three months. Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. During that time on a number of occasions my first job in the morning was to remove items of rubbish (including nappies) from the green surface and repair the Electric Fox Fence protecting the green which had been torn down by the travelling children in order that they could play on the green, having first broken down the fence to access the Green area. Whilst the Travellers kept the area in which the Caravans were parked in a fairly clean state, after they left it was discovered that they had completely covered an area that once contained two hockey pitches with rubbish up to 4 feet high which had been collected subject to a fee from numerous locations south and north of the Thames (evidenced by address on envelopes). Their source of income!! – I believe quotes obtained by the landowner for the clearance of the site amounted to circa £70000 and it took several months before the job was carried out. During the Travellers stay; a local boarded up Sports Pavilion and caretakers flat

where broke into, the Caretakers having been intimidated so much that they Page 1037 vacated the flat, and the Pavilion & Flat were trashed. Subsequently used as a communal toilet!! Local residents also experienced abuse from the children and their front gardens were also used as toilets. Relating the above to the ‘The Hannibal Way’ proposed site: The site is near to sports facilities and top secondary School. Both used by under 18 year olds. As such the site is not appropriate for setting up a permanent Gypsy / Traveller site. With regards to rubbish dumping the location offers plenty of sites for that purpose, both private and public land. Property in the locality, including on the ‘Chase Estate’ is highly sort after due to the several top secondary & primary schools in the area and as such command high prices. A Traveller site in the locality will cause house prices to drop. As did the Roundshaw Estate until it was re-built. Unless the Travellers children are forced to attend school they are likely to spend a lot of time (day & night) roaming the local streets and this will not be welcomed by the residents. Agenda Item 5

16 117 Graham Strance 120 I disagree with the need for new Gypsy and Traveller sites. The council will undertake further work on Agenda Item 5 By the definition in PPTS (Planning Policy Traveller sites) September 2015 it is making provision to meet the future needs of self evident that the residents of the two existing sites do not qualify as travellers Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. entitled to be classed as a distinct group of residents with a culture requiring special requirements. Therefore, although the present sites may be preserved for the residents that originally occupied them, the residents of these sites who constitute the number said to be overcrowding should be treated in exactly the same way as any other Sutton resident in need of housing. I disagree with the draft policy on Gypsy and traveller sites. Please see above. Hannibal Way. The road narrows on approach to the proposed site. The description of the site does not include the two houses next to the site whose resident's environment will certainly be adversely affected. The proposal at Hannibal Way shows complete insensitivity to the present residents and business users of the area given the problems experienced with travellers in the recent past. Spending such an amount of money during these times of austerity on such a few residents when the money and land could be put to use to benefit a large number of residents who need housing is indefensible. Hannibal Way The site at Hannibal Way serves a useful purpose as a clubhouse bringing pleasure and promoting healthy outdoor sport along with the football pitches and leisure club to many residents. There is no good reason to change its use to benefit such a tiny number of residents. Hannibal Way The site at Hannibal Way is only. 31 hectares. Using the figures from the "Working Paper Net density and Gypsy and Traveller sites in London v.01 London Gypsy and Traveller Unit July 2009." The suggested density for a traveller site is 25 pitches per Hectare. This site would therefore only accommodate between 7 and 8 pitches. This is a poor

return for such an investment of land and resource when the same amount of Page 1038 land if put to general residential use would benefit a large number of residents the number dependent on the type of housing. 121 Anne Botting 124 There is no benefit for our local community in having a site on Hannibal Way The council will undertake further work on judging by previous times when travellers have illegally parked nearby they making provision to meet the future needs of leave litter,mess, and cause damage to park land with their caravans and big Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. vehicles. A site would put local facilities, eg doctors,schools,under pressure, that accommodate these extra people. 125 Lukshini 128 * Taking over a public place for childrent to go play The council will undertake further work on Kuthanathan * Football games will have a restricted amount of space on the field. making provision to meet the future needs of * They chose this lifestyle and they do not need to take other people's areas Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. which is surrounded by houses and kids. Children use this as their playing area.

17 126 Rakulan 129 -Because gypsy and traveller sites always tend to bring mess to the surrounding The council will undertake further work on Kuthanathan areas, in addition to causing trouble with people/residents in the local area. making provision to meet the future needs of Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. I agree with the draft policy on Gypsy and Traveller sites. -An agreement from the travellers and gypses, agreeing they will be either fined or made to laeve when proven to have not followed the policy. -The site chosen (at the top of the document), is one which residents in the local area visit often potential problems may occur. -The site is used for local residents as a place of gathering/play area for children. 127 C& D Sutton 130 No- the council can't provide adequate social housing for people so why are they The council will undertake further work on spending our money on traveller sites when housing is what is needed in the making provision to meet the future needs of borough for all. Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. Because points A+F are not satisfied. a) Not safe access. b) adverse impact on area c) no essential services at present d) already overcrowding in schools/doctors f) where's the money coming from to facilitate this proposal. Page 1039 Local residents not informed of this in advance of the consultation date so that a fair debate could take place and views given from both sides. Hidden underhand agenda. Loss of recreational land 128 B Slater 131 I don't agree with the council's standpoint on the need for new Gypsy and The council will undertake further work on Travellers sites. making provision to meet the future needs of Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. I don't agree with the draft policy on Gypsy and Traveller sites. 129 S Begbie 132 I don't agree with the council's standpoint on the need for new Gypsy and The council will undertake further work on Travellers sites. making provision to meet the future needs of Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. I don't agree with the draft policy on Gypsy and Traveller sites. The proposed site on Hannibal Way is most unsuitable, there is already a traffic problem around the area (Stafford Road) there are also two schools in close proximity. The gypsy and travellers have no regard for other people's property and would reduce value of houses in locality. Why do we have another unpopular site site in this area - the incinerator in Beddington Lane we didn't agree with but went ahead 130 Luigi Cirille 133 Unreadable The council will undertake further work on making provision to meet the future needs of Unreadable Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. 134 Kerry Lork 137 I don't agree with the council's standpoint on the need for new Gypsy and The council will undertake further work on Travellers sites. making provision to meet the future needs of Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. I don't agree with the draft policy on Gypsy and Traveller sites. It will decline the value of surrounding property. School places already overcrowded in area.

Not suitable access as only exit on to Stafford Road. Agenda Item 5

18 136 Ig Phillips 139 We have paid a lot of money and years of work to get our house the way it is The council will undertake further work on Agenda Item 5 now. We don't want a gypsy camp on our doorstep. making provision to meet the future needs of Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. I don't agree with the draft policy on Gypsy and Traveller sites. Crime mess Too close to residents. these camps should be out in the country. 138 U Farrell 141 I don't agree with the council's standpoint on the need for new Gypsy and The council will undertake further work on J.Farrell Travellers sites. making provision to meet the future needs of Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. 140 Harry Sane 143 It's not in line with the Government definition of traveller. They should travel The council will undertake further work on therefore not need a permanent location. Numbers of gypsies and traveller are making provision to meet the future needs of decreasing therefore why do we need additional spaces. Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. The site in Hannibal Way should not be developed as an increase in population will only impact negatively on our local schools and hospitals which are already over stretched. My taxes should not be used to persuade a service which is not necessary and purely for those that do not pay taxes. The site in Hannibal Way should not be developed as a traveller site. 141 K Jiohar 144 I don't agree with the council's standpoint on the need for new Gypsy and The council will undertake further work on Travellers sites. making provision to meet the future needs of Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. I don't agree with the draft policy on Gypsy and Traveller sites. 142 Jr Groombridge 145 I don't agree with the council's standpoint on the need for new Gypsy and The council will undertake further work on Travellers sites. making provision to meet the future needs of Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. I don't agree with the draft policy on Gypsy and Traveller sites. 144 A.Davlevan 147 The above site at Hannibal Way should not be developed as it will devalue the The council will undertake further work on property prices in the area. making provision to meet the future needs of Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. 147 Dr. Sowe 150 The council's standpoint is not in line with the Government's definition. The council will undertake further work on making provision to meet the future needs of

Spending council tax on a travellers site that will not be needed in the future Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. Page 1040 according to the assessment. More pressure on local schools and health service. Council spending council tax on travellers passing through. Keep open spaces and sport facilities. 150 Ann Maekie 153 I don't agree with the council's standpoint on the need for new Gypsy and The council will undertake further work on Travellers sites. making provision to meet the future needs of Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. I don't agree with the draft policy on Gypsy and Traveller sites. 151 Mr W Page 154 Because wherever there is a gypsy site there is a litter accumulation which The council will undertake further work on would cause an increase in vermin and also cause the proposal site unsafe for making provision to meet the future needs of children to play near by. Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. 160 Mrs Murrels 163 I don't agree with the council's standpoint on the need for new Gypsy and The council will undertake further work on Travellers sites. making provision to meet the future needs of Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. I don't agree with the draft policy on Gypsy and Traveller sites. 161 J.Brooks 164 The council have enough Gypsy and traveller sites we do not need anymore The council will undertake further work on making provision to meet the future needs of Lack of respect for local amenities Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. Hannibal Way is an industrial area and will cause noise in the evening and youths roaming around to local areas during the day.

19 162 Valerie Brooks 165 I agree with the council's standpoint on the need for new Gypsy and Travellers The council will undertake further work on sites. making provision to meet the future needs of Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. I agree with the draft policy on Gypsy and Traveller sites. Hannibal Way will lose the changing facilities of the 6 a side football. Traffic will be increased and the entrance to h.w is dangerous due to oppositely located bus stop. Hannibal Way is an isolated mainly industrial site. No shops or facilities for travelling families. It will increase the number of youths/children with nothing to do apart from wander the area and maybe make mischief. 163 Mrs Beech 166 If travellers are prepared to live on a fixed traveller site, why can't they live in a The council will undertake further work on house flat defeats the object of being a traveller! making provision to meet the future needs of Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. No use of the money but these sites to house the travellers instead! We do not want to live near a traveller site our properties would go down in value the area would be very unattractive Page 1041 The site at Hannibal Way should not be developed. The schools in the local area are over subscribed at the moment. Where the site is located near to power league regularly used by young children I would not be happy for my son to use these facilities with a traveler site next door. Also it would be next to a sports centre. The people who attend this centre would not want to use the facilities next to a traveller site. 164 J Stannard 167 Why should we provide sites for travellers when we have Sutton residents The council will undertake further work on waiting for homes? making provision to meet the future needs of Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. Loss of green space, extra burden on schools for which Sutton residents will pay. extra burden on doctors' surgeries and other local facilities eg hospitals, waste disposal. 165 L Stannard 168 Why should we pay to provide sites for travellers when Sutton residents are The council will undertake further work on waiting for homes? making provision to meet the future needs of Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. Loss of open green space, provision of extra school places+ paid for by Sutton residents, burden of providing extra local facilities - doctors, hospitals etc, waste disposal costs. 167 Shati Chowdbury 170 Support The council will undertake further work on making provision to meet the future needs of Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. 168 Mandy Guigell 171 The above site at Hannibal Way should not be developed as it will cause The council will undertake further work on problems with the local estate and decrease house prices. making provision to meet the future needs of Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. 169 Gill Eveling 172 I don't agree with the council's standpoint on the need for new Gypsy and The council will undertake further work on Travellers sites. making provision to meet the future needs of Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. I don't agree with the draft policy on Gypsy and Traveller sites. Hannibal Way - extra traffic, noise, pollution. Could have a detrimental effect on the surrounding area. I.e. Chase Estate As above, also too close to Roundshaw, Wilson and the leisure facilities. 170 G Gorall 173 I don't agree with the council's standpoint on the need for new Gypsy and The council will undertake further work on

Travellers sites. making provision to meet the future needs of Agenda Item 5 Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. I don't agree with the draft policy on Gypsy and Traveller sites. Will put me off using the leisure facilities on Hannibal Way.

There is already traffic congestion on Stafford road. This will only add to the problem. 20 175 Terry Charles 178 I agree with official sites for travellers but the term traveller implies non The council will undertake further work on Agenda Item 5 permanent temporary accommodation, therefore there should be no static making provision to meet the future needs of caravans on site. Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. Hannibal Way is an industrial estate and not suitable for a travellers site. Additionally an established sports training venue would be closed which I object to. 176 Brenda Charles 179 I don't agree with the council's standpoint on the need for new Gypsy and The council will undertake further work on Travellers sites. making provision to meet the future needs of Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. Hannibal Way is not suitable for a travellers site. Venues already there will have to close. 177 Val Borrie 180 I agree with the council's standpoint on the need for new Gypsy and Travellers The council will undertake further work on sites. making provision to meet the future needs of Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. I agree with the draft policy on Gypsy and Traveller sites. Unfortunately the travellers have a negative reputation for leaving behind their rubbish so therefore Hannibal Way is too close in proximity to houses. The aftermath on Hannibal Way would have long standing effects. 178 David Borrie 181 I agree with the council's standpoint on the need for new Gypsy and Travellers The council will undertake further work on sites. making provision to meet the future needs of Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. I agree with the draft policy on Gypsy and Traveller sites. Hannibal Way - too close to housing - given travellers' reputation for leaving mess behind. Hannibal Way and its environment would be damaged long term. 179 J.Webb 182 Stafford Road is very busy and it will affect traffic flow. The council will undertake further work on making provision to meet the future needs of This is a commercial area and I feel that access to local businesses will be Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. impacted by parking issues. I feel an accumulation of rubbish will have an environmental issue and an

increase of vermin. Page 1042 I think the site will adversely affect the local community. 180 S.Webb 183 Stafford Road is a very busy road, this will increase traffic volume and The council will undertake further work on congestion. making provision to meet the future needs of Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. As this is a commercial area access for deliveries will be impacted by parking and traffic volume. This will have an impacted on the local community+businesses I feel it would cause an accumulation of litter, which could have an impacted on the environment in this case. 183 I. Alder 186 More private houses are needed The council will undertake further work on making provision to meet the future needs of They don't seem to respect neighbours Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. We still need more green spaces. Too many lorries and vans in and out.

21 184 J.E. Alder 187 The money could be better spent elsewhere in the borough. The council will undertake further work on making provision to meet the future needs of The traveller site would be too close to private houses. Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. All house price would drop. None would like to buy houses in the vicinity.

186 Anna Peiris 189 The area is already largely populated for the facilities available. It states in issue The council will undertake further work on 12 of the above document that some Gypsies & travellers prefer to live on a making provision to meet the future needs of permanent pitch but this is a preference and I do not feel it is essential for an Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. already overstretched council, in terms of finance and population, to provide this. I think it will have an impact on traffic congestion and the character of the area. Our gp's and schools are already at capacity with nearly having to expand to accommodate the people moving to flats/houses within the area. As stated overleaf, this is already a very congested area so the impact on traffic movement to, from and within the site and car parking will be huge. Also the litter accumulation will be excessive also the school capacity around the area is at its Page 1043 limits where local children are not able to attend local schools. For all the reasons stated above. in addition this is a well used sports pavilion and for the health and benefits of our local community it should remain as such. Again, due to the reasons above, traffic congestion , litter there is just not the capacity to accommodate the quantity of people this sort of site will attract. 187 Iruing Peiris 190 Area is already over populated and there are too many financial strains on the The council will undertake further work on council. making provision to meet the future needs of Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. As stated the area is already over populated,schooling is at full capacity already. Traffic at the area is already bad, the proposed site will just add to the problem. Agenda Item 5

22 68 Mr Russell 191 YES The council will undertake further work on Agenda Item 5 Adams, Adams making provision to meet the future needs of Planning + The allocation of Site Allocation S94: Land at the end of Hannibal Way should be Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. Development Ltd restricted to a Sporting Facility, as this is a valuable community facility, and the proposed Gypsy and Traveller allocation would be entirely inappropriate, for the reasons outlined above. In conclusion we would respectfully request that the Council removes the Gypsy and Traveller site allocation S94: land at the end of Hannibal Way from the Draft Policy, as referenced in paragraph I12.8 of the Issues and Preferred Options consultation document. If the Council does not remove the Gypsy and Traveller it will have a significant impact upon Virgin Active Health Club’s staff and members, and is likely to a significant bearing upon the future viability of the Club given that it is directly outside the main and only entrance. The benefits of the Gypsy and Traveller allocation are significantly outweighed by the adverse impacts due to the adverse impacts the allocation will have upon the neighbouring recreational and sporting land uses, and the amenities of the surrounding residents. This is not a reasonable or appropriate land use for the Council to be promoting given the need for the Council to protect the existing business and residential interests within their Borough, and the proposals will not accord with Policy I-29 of the Issues and Preferred Options draft of the Sutton Local Plan for the reasons outlined above. Accordingly, we consider that it is appropriate for the Council to remove the proposed Gypsy and Traveller land use from the proposed Site Allocation S94. We would be grateful if the Council could please register the under-signed on the Council’s Local Plan Consultation list, in order that we can receive all future planning policy consultations. 188 Mr Robert 192 S94 (Land at end of Hannibal Way). While accepting the potential for The council will undertake further work on Landeryou development here, we are opposed to the creation of a Gypsy and Traveller site. making provision to meet the future needs of Chairman of We have doubts about the ability of the council and police force to control Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. Onslow Gardens numbers, to prevent spread over the Roundshaw Open Space and to preserve Residents’Associ the amenities of this space for residents and visitors. ation 189 Mr Nathan Cole, 193 I am clearly not privy to the information in relation to the Gypsy / Traveller The council will undertake further work on Page 1044 Head of Wilsons populations within Sutton and so cannot comment on the need or otherwise for making provision to meet the future needs of School new sites. However, this also means that the case for 'identified need' has not Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. not been robustly demonstrated. My concern is that unauthorised encampments have caused significant problems for Wilson's School over the years, including abuse being hurled at young children whilst playing (the school's Astro pitches are directly adjacent to Hannibal Way), footballs being stolen when they go over the fence and abuse of my staff. The local police have been involved on occasion. Such incidents have been issues of child safeguarding. Given that Hannibal Way is a narrow road, with significant industrial traffic as a result of the businesses that operate around that areas and the fact that it services both Power League and Virgin Active, it does not seem to me to be sensible for this to be the site for a new Traveller site. It is almost inevitably going to cause further congestion and disruption to the businesses concerned. This clearly violates the clause that the site must have 'adequate provision for parking, turning, servicing and emergency vehicles'. When unauthorised encampments have been on Hannibal Way, it has been a potential block for emergency vehicles accessing WIlson's from the rear of the site. Finally, whilst there are nearby primary schools, the nearest secondary school to this site (Wilson's) does not have casual vacancies. The transport network necessary for students to get to school might not be sufficient.

23 190 Dr Patrick 194 While accepting the potential for development here, we are opposed to the The council will undertake further work on Radford, creation of a Gypsy and Traveller site. We have doubts about the ability of the making provision to meet the future needs of council and police force to control numbers, to prevent spread over the Gypsies and Travellers in the borough. Residents Roundshaw Open Space and to preserve the amenities of this space for Association residents and visitors. Page 1045 Agenda Item 5

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