Neighbourhood Centres
NEIGHBOURHOOD CENTRES Assessment 2014/2015 Date: 11 May 2015 CONTENTS SECTION 1: Introduction SECTION 2: Assessments SECTION 1: Introduction 1. AIMS OF THE DOCUMENT Local Centres are; Broad Green, Brighton Road (Selsdon Road), Brighton Road The purpose of this document is to: (Sanderstead Road), Hamsey Green, Pollard’s Hill, Sanderstead, Shirley and Thornton Heath Pond. (a) Provide a robust evidence base document upon These centres typically serve a localised catchment often which to formulate policy; mostly accessible by walking and cycling and may comprise a (b) Provide evidence to support decision-making on local parade and small clusters of shops, mostly for planning applications convenience goods and other services. This may include a (c) Make publicly available, information which resulted in small supermarket (less than 2,000m2), sub-post office, the designation of Neighbourhood Centres and to pharmacy, launderette and other useful local services. provide evidence why other areas have not been Together with District Centres they play a key role in designated addressing areas deficient in local retail and other services. There are no further tiers which sit below Local Centres and 2. BACKGROUND INFORMATION concern has been raised about whether the Local Plan Town Centre hierarchy is offering the opportunity for clusters of The Unitary Development Plan (2006) set out the uses, in particular community uses to emerge or be supported hierarchy of centres in Table 12.1 and are updated in by current planning policy. SP3.6 of the Croydon Local Plan: Strategic Policies (2013) to conform with the London Plan Town Centre Current planning policy protects community facilities but does Hierarchy.
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