Sccond Day. 'hlcsdny. Octobcr 19 . 197r...... If. Third Lhy . Wcdllcstlfly. Octohcr 20. 1970 ...... !Z Fourth Ihy. Thursdny. nctohrr :I. 1970 ...... 25 Fifth Day. Fritlny. Octol~er22. 1!)7h ...... Z!) Sixth Day. Saturday. October 23. 1976 ...... 58 Seventh Day. Sunday. October 24. 1976 ...... 45 Eighth Day. Monday. October 25. 197G ...... 49

Nintli [lay. Tues~lz~y.October 26. 1976 ...... 5.7 Tenth Day. Wednesday. October 27. 1976 ...... 54 Eleventh Day. Thursday. October 28. 1976 ...... 64 Twelfth Day. Friday. October 29. 1976 ...... 70 Thirteenth Day. Saturday. Octohcr 30. 1976 ...... 76 Fourteenth Day. Sunday. October 31. 1976 ...... 77 Ffftccnth Doy. Monday. Novcmbor 1. 1976 ...... 78 Sixteenth Day. Tuesday. Novemhcr 2. 197G ...... 79 Scventcenth Day. Wednesday. Novembcr 3. 1376 ...... 86 Eighteenth Day. Thursday. Novcmher 4. 1976 ...... 91 Nineteenth Day. Friday. November 5. 1976 ...... 96 Twentieth Day. Saturday. November 6. 1976 ...... 101 Twenty-first Day. Sunday. November 7. 1976 ...... 102 . Twenty-second Day. Monday. Novcrnbcr R. 1970 ...... 103 Twenty-third Dny. Tuestlay. Novc~nbcr 9. 1976 ...... 106 Twenty-fourth Day. Wednesday. Novcmbcr 10. 197G .... 109 Twenty-fifth Day. Thursday. Novcmbcr 11. 1976 ..... 112 Twenty-sixth Day. Friday. Novmhcr 12. 1976 ...... 115 Twenty-seventh Day. Saturday. Novc~nl~rr13. 1976 .... I25 Twenty-eighth Ilny. Sunclay. Novc~sl>rr14 . 1376 ...... 1ZR Twenty-ninth Day. Monday. Novemhcr 15. 1976 ...... 132


Thirtieth Day. l'~~csd.~y.Novrmltcr 10. 1?76 ...... 136 'lI~Irty-l'~~'st1)lly. W(.

Forty-fourth Day. Tucsdny . Novcmbcr SO. 1976 ...... 242 Forty-fifth Day. Wctlncstl.~y. Drcc-mhcr 1. 1976 ...... 219 Forty-sixth Day. Thurstlny. Dcccmher 2. 1976 ...... 283 Forty-seventh Day. Friday. Deccml~er 3. 1976 ...... 296 Forty-ei~hthDay. Saturday. December 4 . 1976 ...... 312 Forty-ninth Day. S\~r*lay. I)eccn~l>~r5 . 1976 ...... 314 I:iftictl~ Ilny. Montl~~y.Ilrt.~mhcl- (. . 1!l70 ...... 536 In accordance with M;lri;rn:~s Law No. 4-205 the Const itutional Convent ltrn of the Norther11 Mnriann lslnrl

Acting President was Erwin D. Canham, Resident Commissioner of the Northern .

Act inp, Prcsidcnt C1ln11;tm: 'I'lltx I l rst H('H!IIOIIor LIII' Nortl~crnM:~riarlas ConstJ tut l~~nal Convention will be in ordvr. I'lrnne 1c.t nn: snv th:l~ It is intleed a great privilege and honor to welcome each and everyone of you.

First, to invoke divine blessing on this solemn occasion. I invite the. Reverend Monsignor Tomas A. Camncho to lead us in prayer. Will you all please rise.

Monsignor Camncl~o: In the name of the Father, tllc Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Let us pray.

God of Abraham, God of Isitac, God of the Forefathers of the American people, as we begin another chapter of this historic and momentous occasion of our future destiny, we beg You to come and to enlighten these duly elected members of the Constitutional Convention of the Northern Msriana Ielanda. Help them to be people that nrc alwnys mi11df111of Your grace and glad to do Your will. Bless wit11 wlndc~m nnd nol>ll lLy of spirlt Ll~c~cIndies ar~dgentlemen so that the decisions they make will no! reflect eelfinhness, but for the benefit of all future Americana living on thia far-flung of the future frontier. Bless this august body with proper guldance as they confront the problem of making a wiee and practical conetitution. Help them to remember the spirit of courtesy and graciousness in dealing wi~hthe people of the Mariana Islandn and their neigl~boringislnndd. Grnnt t1111t tllc product of thls Constitutional Convention be a symbol of freedom and justice for the rest of the Paciflc Islands. Keep ever before us on this Bi-Centennial Ycar of the United States the vision of the land of the free, the home of the brave. and the nation whose God is tl~r*Lord. Wc arrk this thr~,up,hour I.ord J~Hu~(:hrist, your Son. who lives and reigns with You ai~dthe tloly Sylrit, one God, for ever nnd ever. - Amen.

Acting President Canham: It is Indeed n very Rreat privilege to be able tr) welcome the Elected DelrRiltcs to this C~rnvc-ntIon. me congratulate you becnuse you l~nvcI>c-rn cal lrcl ul>r,rl to pcrfr)rm IIII- moHt important function in the history of these bcautiflll lvlnnds and thctr eager peoplr. Your job is defined in the briefing papers prepared for this Convention in the follow in^ terms: "The essential task of tl>r. Cnnst l tilt 1o11;ll Convr*ntinn is. which 1 quote: - "to sllr~pethe lrnn lc Inst i iuL 1011:: of R<>vrrnmrnL11f tl~cnew ~ommnnwealth." Tll is undertnking rcqulrc-r~ Flrt~Ltl111t t111, Il~~lr~n~~.r~I111.ntffy thr political values thnt tl~t-Lrprol~lr ~l~crl~l~ 1111a1 1111' RCI~IR t1rt.y Iropr to ncl~leve. Nex't they muat fnst~iontl~e pollt lcnl in~tl tutions tl~;~trcbflect these values and provide the macl~ineryto pursttc their gonl~. And, finally, they must write a Constitution to Rive legal effect to the system they have created and to provide a symbol of unity for all the people of the Commonwealth."

This is a massive task. You do not have much time in which to nccompllah SOCII Rrent purpose. But I hnvc full confidence in the capncity of tl~lsreprcseniniivc Ihody. You were elected by a large turn-out of voters who coped wiLh an unavoidably complex ballot with considerable discrimination. You are served by an able staff of advisers and provided with expert and scholarly analyses of your problems.

Yet all the decisions ore yours and you wlll be accountable for them up to the stage of ratificntion by the people of the Northern Marianas and up to final approval by the Government of the United States. You will have very difficult decisions to reach, some of them calling for the wisdom of Solomon and Thornas Jefferson combined. Will your Constitution be broad and gcnernl or sprci f lc arid restr lct ivt.? How will you divide power between the executive. Lllr 1rgfsI:1tiv~,and the judicial branches7 CONVENTION JOURNAL -- ].st Day 0crc1l1r.r 18. 197h

What kind of provisions will you make for the special conditions and unique traditions of these islands?

You llnvc one great advr~ntnge. Tl~cCovenant to IZstnhlisll a Commonwealtl~ of the Nortllern E1nri:lnn lslnntls~ In I'ol iticnl Union wi tl~tl~e IJnited States already defines many constitutionnl elements and relntionohips. It is a solenul act of self-determination, carefully neuotiated, ratified by an overwhelming majority of your peoplc and also by the Congress and President of the United States. The Covenant is n gulde and n comltment for your labors.

But your task still remains immense, and I am sure you realize there is no time for petty disputes over issues that are not really constitutional issues at all, nor for lndulgcnce in oratory for its own sakc while the 50-day clock continues to tick relentlessly on.

My respect for this body's capacity for good judgment and for self- restraint is great. When you have finished your labors, I am sure the people of the Northern Mariana~will have added respect for yourselves and for the historic decisions you make with objectivity and wlsdom.

Needless to say, the admltllstratio~lgovcrnmel~t of the Northern M.~rianns stands ready to assist you in any way we can, as we are obligated to do. We are also indebted to our very good neighbor and our long-time parent, the Trust Territory Government. We live in close cooperation with that Government. If a8 a kind of eldest son, or oldest child, we have left the family roof, it does not mean that our respect and affection For the old homestead is diminished. Indeed, no less than eleven of you are officials of the Trust Territory Government and as a member of the Joint Commission on Transition, I must exprevu to the act in^ Iligh Comu~lnmionc.r nlltl hln Dcl~~~tyotlr Rreat apprecia- tion fur their villi~lgllefln-- Lct me put It bluntly -- to put you on administrative leave. It is n most generous aid to a tight budget.

A great deal could be added In recognition ofthis vontlerful momRnt that has come. You must feel as 1 do, profoundly moved. This Is a long- avaited hour. It is solemn; it i~ full of challenge and difficulty, and yet, it is full of the brightest of Itope. Thank you.

Now, thy I call upon a distinguished speaker, the Honorable Vicente N. Santos, Speaker of the Nortl~ernMarianas Lrgisloturc.

Speaker Sa-: Thank you very mucll. Delegates to the NorthenlMariana Islands Constitutional Convention. To all superficial appearances today, October 18, 1976, might be just another prosaic Monday, indistinguishable from a long list of probaic Mondays past; but appearances would be wrong, very wrong. Today, Elonday, October 18, 1976. Is n vrry nper lnl dny, n bencllmnrk day, an hietoric dny.

Today marks an elldtng and n beginning for our people. It heralds the end of R Ion~suhsrrvipncy to many masters and the beglnnlnp. of our journey into destiny under our own I~eln~nmclnsl~l~.

'[llc pcopli> of tl~rNortllt-r~r Marlntlns Ilnvc. ~1,okt.n. l'l~~y11nve nelertod you to act for them at conntitutltrnol convention; in effect charging you wit11 the awesome responsihillty of cl~nrtinga meaningful course into the harbor of cousti tutional govc3rnmrnt.

On the one hand, the great honor bestowed upon you is both signal and historic; on the other, it imposes responsibilites of monumental proportions. The "work" in the eense of an opuo whicll you are cnl lrd upon to mold within the coming dnyu 1s nothiug lenrr tl~ann commitment to n future vay of life, not only for this generation, h~~tfor our posterity. We do not delude ourselve!, that the task vill be etlsy; it wlll demand application of historic perspective, vision, and a keen sense oE selectivity to achieve a work which must be nothing short of an eclectic masterpiece.

In exercising their franchise tl~rpeol)lr of tl~rNorthcrn Mnrlana Islands hovc expressed confidence in tllls llunornhle Ueleuation; they have said that you possess the necessary qualifications and that you shall lead the way. CONVENl'ION JOURNAL. -- 1st Day October 18. 1976

For myself, I om ln full .rc-cord with the wisdom of the people. I have full confidence that you will acqult yourselves well; that we shall all hove just rnuse to ncrlaim vnur rffnrts. T hope. however, that at tlii~point n fe'w wcnl 1 inlf*rilIr~n~.(i rri~lt. lrin-~ wl l l 11nt hl- tl~nup.lit prerrrrmptuous.

Remember tllnt tlic etll llccl rh;~t you llave been cnmmlssiorrt~dto ercct must - be able to withstand the stresses of time.

Remember that meanlngfu l c.nntrnt must take prc.crsdence nver f lne rhrtorir tE ytlrrr c-ii~lrr~vorI:* I t> t.nclr~r~*Ilrt :rc.c .

Remember that wtllle brevity may he the soul of wit. it is not necessarily the hallmark of an acceptable law of the land.

Our Constitution must he ns conlprehrnsive and detailed as the times, the state of development of our people, our culture and our place among the nations of the world demand. Miere to draw the linc Ls no easy task. I do not pretend to know. but with the aid of the excellent brleflng papers providccl by your advisors and their daily counsrltn~coupled with your own innate sense of what is f ittirig nnd neetlful . 1 do not dcrrrht ~III, crl1tcnmc.

What is fundamental and crltlcal, It is your function tcr dlscern and imp lerncn t .

Mny Cod Rrnnt you VIR~IIII, tli~.P.~(.:I~III~L(!I 01 so111 tcr rlritn :rhc~ve pirrti- snnnhtp, uhjrct lvl ty nnd rln ;I~>~II-~clrrt lcrrr of tlrc. I~l:;tc,rlrn l ril~nlficnnve 01 the grent endeavor upon wliicll you embark today.

We wish you well; we nwal t your nccompl lslrmc-nt .' Thank you.

Acting President Cnnhnm: My riext resl>orisll>lll ty ir, to vnll the roll of the Delegates. I think just to he original, I wlll begin with tl~esmallest Delegation first. Each please reflpond in turn.

(Acting President Canllnm c.alled the roll nlpliabetlcally. by Delegation.)

Acting President Canham: The entire Delegatinn, without exception Is present.

My next duty is to ask tlra. Deleflotlon to rlse for the purpose of the Oath of Office. It will be tnkcn t~>,:etlier nrld I wlll ank you to repeat en masee:

"I do solemnly swear tlr:~~L wl 11 fnltlrfrrl 1y excbcutr tlrc* off lcc of Delegate to th~Northern Mar inn;ls f:t>nsr l tut lonnl I:a,nvr~rition nnd wil I. to the hcxqt of my ahil ltv. nuppnrt tl~rf:r~rir;~ l trrt lon of the (1nitt.d Stales and thr Cnvennnt to Est;ih l lfili ij Ce~mmc~nw~.alth of the Nortllern Mariann Isiand~ in Politicnl Union with tl~crUnited Stntc:s OF America. +;i>help mr Cod."

Acting Pre~idcnL_C~nt~nm:Tlir, ric3xt task, tlre Inst orle wlrich 1 am required to perform, is tlic electlon of yerur. presldt-nt.

Del egtrtc Franc l sco 'T. _L'nlnc:io'c : 1 mc> I.c~rerrzo I. (:rrcrrrro be elected President of tllr Convc,nt ion.

The motion was secondcd.

The motion was seconded to closc nominations.

The motion carried by voicc vote to close nominations.

Motion to elect Lorenzo I. Guerrero ;IS President of the Convention carried unanimously by voice vote.

Resident Commissioner Cnnham: With the greatest pleasure t invite President Cuerrero to the Chnir. ('0NVI:NTION JOURNAL -- 1st Day Ortohrr 18. 1976

President Cuerrero: First of all I would like to extend my appreciation to the Delegates of this Convention for giving me their confidence to be elected as your President of this Convc*ntion. Z thank you, everyone of you. Refore Z

I wLL I I :III1 I I I I I I I I I Itrmk Fellow Delegates LC, tl~1s Colivr~~LI~III. Ill rll IIIEII I ::11(.iI (;111.!11

The glorious days have romc for us, the Uelragates to this Convc~~tion, to carry out tlie rundate of our peoplr, 2nd commencr tlie task of drafting a constitution which is truly rrpresentative of our people's wishes and aspi rations, nncl wj tl~Ln tl~~p,~~lclcl l nc3.; C3r.t forll~~~ntlc-r the Covenant on the estnblisl~mentof the Comonwr~~l tli o l LIics Nortl~ernMarlatlos .

Framing a constitution is not an easy task. Each and every Delegate has his or her om ideas and heliefs on what would best suit the requirements undcr our new government, nncl wl~icl~govc-rr1tnent;ll setup would be the most sultable for adoption. It is in the consolidatlon of our tndlvidunl ideas that we could really form a constitution that would apply to the present generation, and the future.

Wl~iletime 1s of Llir c,ssc-rlce In L~I~Rp,ivc*n ~:isk,our approach on serlsitivc and del lcn~ematter.; munt ;I~W:IYGhrb W~LIIcaut Loti illid extreme cnrc. Thr. matter of citizenship and naturalization, for instance, must be given the strictest degree of concern. Let us learn from the mistakes of other nations, and have the lessons of the past guide us in securing a brighter future. Let us provide an assurance that our people will continue to be the majority in our island nation. We must similarly provide due protection to our people's rights and strengthen the safeguards to the privileges they now enjoy as part of the dcmocrotic way of life.

To achieve success, we must first attain unity and harmony, and maintain a close working coordination among all tile 1)elcgnten. I am confident that we will succeed in our common goal of having a constitution which embodies our people's ideals and aspirations, and that this Constitutional Convention will go down as one of the most significant events In the history of our nation. Thank you Si Yuus Mnasel

President Guerrero: Before we go on to tl~cncnxt i~cmIn our agenda. whlch is adoption of Rules of Procedure, I recognize Delegate Renigno H. Fltial.

Delegate Benigno R. Fitial: Z move we postpone items eight (8) and nine (9) of the agenda ;lnd move on to other bunl~icss.

The mot ion was neconcletl.

The motion was seconded.

Prrs Ide~it(:u~,rr~~ro: 'I'IIc* (:II:I I r rtqC.tlF.nI ZI~!I LII;I I WI, !;III~IId (1 I X~OHCof tl~e .------. motion for recess first.

(A voicc vote' was takt.11 :111cl was not ronc. ltl?r lve.)

Delegate Jose R. Cruz: I would I.ike to request n roll call vote.

The roll was called and the Ue1eg;ltes v~tcdas follows:

AFFIRMATIVE: Delegates Felix A. Ayuyu, Jose S. Borja, Olympio T. Borja, Antonio M. Camactlo, Cnrlos S. Camacho, Magdalena C. Camacho, Juan DLG Demapan, Herman Q. Guerrero, David Q. Marntita, Jesus C. Villagomez, Ramon G. Villagomez, Jose R. Cruz, Daniel P. Castro.

NEGATIVE: Delrgates Felipe Q. Atalfg, Vtcent~~T. Attan, 1.ui~A. Llenov~nte, Junn S. Demnpan, Benlunll R. Fl r in], Pcsclrll L. 1y.l t111, Luis A. L.imrs, .lone P. MaCnns, Frenrfscn T. I':lLnrlo!l. Onrrrr (:. I~~HII,Mnl1u1.1 A. l't.n~~rlo,Jonqujn S. TorrcBs, llavid M. Atalip,, Pedro M. Atalig. Crrgorio S. Calvo, Pedro Q. Drla Cruz. Benjamin T. Manglona, Prudencio T. Manglona, Pedro M. Ogo. Leon I. Taisacan. Hilario F. Diaz, Henry U. Hofschneider, Egteven M. King. (;ONVtKLlUN JOIJI:NAL -- 1st Day October 18. 1976 #

President Cuerrero: The vote 1:: 23 affirmative. 13 negative and 2 abstentions. The motion for recess is defeatc~d.

(A voice vote was taken nncl the rn

The next item on our ngr~lcl.~is ltc,m 10. tl~c0rg;rntz:lt Ion of the Convention, and at this time, 1 would llkr to rall on Pedro A. 'Tenorin. Director of Trnnslt ion Studics :III~ Planl~ingto give US thc orp,anf zat Ion of this Convention.

Director Pedro A. Tenorio: 'l'llilllk YOU Mr. 1'rc:ridcrnt. l)n hc~l~nlfof my stnff In the Office of Transition Studles and Planning. 1 would like to congratulate all of you Delegates on your election to serve in this very important body.

In accordance with provisionfi of the Marlanas Law No. 4-205. establisl~ing the EInrlnnn~Conntitutlonnl (:c~nvr~ntiun.nnrl 111 ~~nrtfrl~lnrSrrtlon 11, dealiup wit11 f lnancinl nnd staff su~portfrom tl~c(lfflrcr of Trnnsltl(1n Studien and Planning, I would like first to report to you that my vfflce and staff are prepared to assist the convent tor^ Delc~;~tes111 every way possihle to insure that ndminlstrative problems do no lntrrfere with your bnslc role and responsibilities as 1)elegntes.

In order to prollerly cor>rrllnntc LIIC act1vitjm of L~I!(:1111vent Ion and to streamline support ~ervlcestc~ vtsrr, there In wltllln cny ot F 1ct. an aclm111lntrnc IVV eqanization crested ~peciflrtllly to metst thr nccds elf L'III) (:e>nventInn. Sllcll orgalli zntion cclnnirt~of yer~01111r'lwho nrr nnti l,tl gcmernl rrnd sprcif LC functions to pcrform tile;lry ~ervlcct~r~nd to aupptrrt you.

In the area of financial support, the Office of Transition Studjes anti Planning will be re~~onsihlefor the payments of salaries and per diems of tho Del egates, lnclud lng all nt11t.r expenRcs rvlnted to the Convention. 111 addition to the United States f1111ds mnde available for thr l~oldingof the Conatitutionnl Convention, the Northern Martallas Legislature has also aide available $30,000.00 to defray expenses of the Convention.

I wish to acknowledge, as the Resident Commissioner has already done. the generosity of the Trust Territory Covernmc!nt, specifically tl~eActlng High Commissioner and thr Executive Off lcer, In grntrtin~i~dminiutrat ive leave te) thoue Delegates who are employed by the Trust Territory Covrrnrnrnt. This represents a savlngs of approximntcly $20,000.00 to tt~rCo~~vcnt ion. -. .- - -. I nlso wish to nrknnwl~.dv,i. the support nncl c.oopernt Ion of tlre Renident Comml~sLoncr, Mr. Cnnl~llm, nnd 11 lrl stuff, fclr the lr anslutonce and support in the plnnning of this event. In addition, Mr. Canham's willingness to assign to the Convention several key members of his staff is greatly appreciated.

l.nntly, 1 nlno wlq11 to rcvopt*rllt Inn Il~c-Spenkvr of the Nortl~ernMrlrlnrln 1slnlldfl I.c~Islnt~~r~b,Mr. Snntos, In prclvlcl lnp rqulpmrnr , clericnl and Inglsticnl suppclrt to the (:nnvrntic~n. ~t thl~timr. 1 wn111d like to introduce the key c'mpl~yl-csof the Cnnvc-ntton ant1 tlle Office of Transition who will be performing the administratlve and general support services to the Delegates.

Mr. Pedro M. Atalig, who is n Uelcgate will act as Lhe principal in charge of the overall administrative functions of the Conventicln. He will be assisted by Mr. John Boyer, the Administrative Officer.

Pcr diem and snlary cl~c~ck~of Drl~~&ntc~ wll 1 I)e di~l~ur~edhy Mr. 1lc~yc.r The person in-chnrge of recording and public inf13rmation ;~ctjvlties is Mr. Rudy Sablan. He will be asslsted by Mr. Herbert Rosario.

Mrs. Stacy Pounds will he the princlpnl .lournal Clcsrk and will he anaintr*d hy Mrs. Emy Slll?lnrl rlncl MrH. 1.1ryr1e. 11 typlng r~nd~rrretorin!

pool will be eet up for the use 1,f the nelrgates and for chr reproductlon of journsls. It will be under the supervision of Mrs. Connie Togawa. Our printing room supervisor is Mr. lien Knplleo, and the Librarians for the Convention are Mrs. Rltn Carnnct~n and Chris Ramlrez. The Sergeant at.Arms is Mr. Jose Ada from the Mnrinnns Department of Pul)lic Safety. (:ONVENTION .JOURNAL -- 1st Day Ortnher 18. 1976

A map of the location of delegations, consultants and staff offices is provided this morning to acquaint you with the layout of the Convention facilities.

Tl~rI.nw Firm of Wl1mr.r. l:utlrr 6 I'l<.k(.rl~tp,of Wl~!~l,lngton.D. C. wan rctnt~irdhy the Of f1c.t. of 'I'~;IIIs lt lc>n St(lellv.4 ;III~ I'lnnt~lng to prcpiare briefing paprrs for tltr Dclegotes, to advise regitrdi~lp,tl~e organization and procedures of the Convention, and to provldc other profcsslonnl services during tile Convention. The law firm wlll work under tl~rgeneral supervision of the President and Officers of tllc Conventinn. Tl~c- llrm wlll hr available to prepare legal memor;lndn regnrdlng Lssurs brlort, tltr (:t,~>vcntlc,r~,to :~ssistthe comlttren in their work, to draft constitutional provisions reflecting the decisions of the Convention, and to perform such other assignments as seem appropriatc. The work of the law firm and other professtorla1 consultants is undcr the supervision of Mr. llownrd Willr~~s.1 wlll nsk Mr. Willrns to introduce the members of his tcnm. Mr. Wi1 Lcrls.

Consultant, Mr. Howard Willens: Thank you. Mr. 'l'cnorio. Mr. I1resl dtwk. Ilcsident Commissioner, Delegates to the Convention and Honored Guests. It Is an honor to be here on behalf of my law flrm to assist thjs Convent Ion In i ts Lmportanr asst~nnlcnt. I ltnvr II:I~ LIIC,l:ct(~

I would Likr to I~itroducc-two of my si-nlor vollc.n~ui~.iwl~r~ wlll hr helpLn)( tllis (:onvclit io~i. Fl rnt, I wol~ltl likv to Introducc. my partner. Deanne C. Siemer. Ms. Siemcr received her training at George Washington University and the University of Hawaii. She took her legal education at the Hnrvard Law Sclionl nnd hns prncticc~lInw in WnsllingFon during the past riglit yenrs. Sl~clins lind n dl!at l~igulnl~c~clcnrctrr with the United States Budgcat nurenu na wcll na wl tl~our Inw flrm.

Second. I would like to introduce Howard N. Mantel, who in the Associate Director of the Institute of Public Administration, Mr. Mantel is a lawyer by training. Hc has worked with the Tnntitute an an advisor to local, state and federal government agenclcs ill thc United States. Mr. Mantel hns a wldc rnngc of rxlrt-ricncr y1,11(.;a11 ci~kr.r~dvnntr~~c of In tltt! course of yoirr del ihcrat loris.

We have four addttlonal 1;twycrs 1r11m my law firm Ilrre 111 work wit11 the Convention. Mr. Pnul S. K<,, H(?Ilt.rt A. Major, Neal S. Solomol~ and A. Mark Weisburd. They wl 11 he working wltli Ms. Sirmer. Mr. Mantel and myself.

As you know from our hricfing pnpr-i-n, wt. Itnve banically one assignment liere. tlint 1s to I~i-lpyou prtSparr n Cc~nstltutionthat is consistent with thcl Covonnnt 11nd tlio Uriltcrl SL:ttc-5 Con~titutionand responsive to tlic iieccls of your people. We Ilavc prepared briefing pal~ere which are designed to put before you the various alternatives which we think you would like to consider on many of the important issues before this Convention. We have no predilections regarding the kind of Constitution you sliould hnvc. We nre herc to provlde you wit11 our guidance, if you request it. IJt= are prepnrctl to nsnlnt you in rvcry wny pnsslble during the next 50 dnys arid look forwr~rdto tlic opportunity of working with you. Thank you.

Director Pedro A. Te~iorio: Thank you. Mr. Willens. Mr. President, I would like to say if any of the Delegates lias any particular problem they want us to look into, please do not hesltate to call upon myself nnd the other members of my staff. Again. on behalf of the members of my staff, I wish you all success in your very difficult role as you prepare the Constitution for the Islands of the Northern Marianas. Thank you very much.

Prcsidrtit Guerrero' Thank you. Mr. Trnoric~. Tlic next tlling on our agenda is tlie report of the Pre-Conventlon Committee. At this time, 1 would like to call Mr. Jose P. Mafnas. who is the Cl~airmanof the Pre-Convention Com- mittee. Mr. Mafnas. CONVENTION JOURNAL -- 1st Day October 18. 1976

Chairmnn Jose P. Mafnas: Thank you. Mr. President. Resident Conrmissioner Cnnham, and Members of this Convention.

Your Prc-(:onvcntlo~l Committee met lnut wrrk to dincuss the organization and procedurcus of tlli~Cunvr.rltl~)n. We devcloprd a proposed agenda for thin first session, a set of procedural rules, nnd a draft schedule for consideration by this body. The results 0f our work were passed out to each Delegate last week.

It Is now up to a11 of us - from each Delegntion - to work together to drnft n Constitution for the (:ommonwenltl~ of the Northern Harinna Islands. No Constitutional Convention in recent history has tried to do so much in so little time. We must use each of our 50 days to the fullest. It is for that reason that the Pre-Convention Committee proposed a draft schedule for your consideration. This schedule provides that our committees would try and complete their work in the first three weeks of,tl~cConvention and submit their reports at the con- clusion of that period to tlle Convention sttti~lgas a Committee of the Whole. We know that this is an ambitious schedule. Speaking on behalf of the Pre- convention Committee, let us set aside our political differences, let us put our heads together and concentrate our efforts on the next 49 days so that when December 6th arriven, we crln be proud of our accomplishment. Thank you.

President Guerrero: The Cl~nirrecognizes Delegate Benjamin T. Manglona, Chairman of the Rota Delegntion. Mr. Manglona.

Dalegnte Denjnmin T. ~inglonn: Mr. Prr~ident.Fellow Delegutcs and Honored Cues t s :

Before we end this opening session I would like to make a few remarks on behalf of the Rota Delegation.

Hy fcllow 1)elegntee from Ibtn nntl I wlul~to extend our congratulntiDnH to the Delegates from Tininn and to tl~isConvention. We ~elieveit is a great honor to be elected by our people to prepare the first Constitution in the history of the Northern Harlana Islnnds. We are here to work. We wish to aemure the Delegates from Tlnian and Satpnn of our wholehrnrted flupport In the important nneignment of tl11t1 Convention.

It ie unfortunate that thls Convisntjon opens during n pnlitictil campalgn season. Some of us belong to tl~eTerritorial Party; others hrlong to thr Popular Party. We must avoitl tlie temptation of using this Convention to advance our ow11 politcnl forturlt-3 vr tl~osrof nny poltticnl pnrty. We must unite -- regnrdless of poltticnl affiliation -- in the effort to write a vorkable Constitution for all tlie people of .

We from Rota come to thin Convrntlon wit11 nn open mind, ready to forget the injusticrn of the pnqt. Wc, rlo not helirvr that our people were always fairly trented by the lenders from Saipan. Wr ore prepnred to look to the future, not the past, and to asqume thnt all the islands in the Marianas will share equally in the brneflts of our new Commonwealth. There can be noprogress without Justice, and there can be no justice until we recognize that the people of the Northern Marianas are one people. Our Constitution must reflect this basic principle.

We hnve lnlrcl~ to do in only 50 clnys. WI~muut take 'advantage of each of these dnys. evrli if it mcallR 11:ll.d work nlld Ionu hours to nccomplish tl~ejob givon 11s by thr voteru. Tllc HII(.CBHR of tl~c(hnvcntton lieu 111 our hnnds. Let ur begin. 'I'hnnk you, Mr. Prr~lcfcnt.

President Guerrero: Ihe Chair recognizes Delegate Olymplo T. Borja at his request to make a few remarks. Mr. Borja.

Delegate Olympio T. Borla: lleslderlt Commissionrr and Mrs. Canham. Mr. President, Delegates to the Constitutional Conventlon of thc Northern Mariana Islands, Honored Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen:

Mr. Presldent and Honorable Delejiates, with your indulgence, I wish to make a few brief remarks at thls opening session of our Convention. CONVENTION JOURNAL-- 1~tDay October 18. 1976

At the outset, I want to extend my deep and sincere appreciation And "dan- gkulo na si yuus manse" to tl~rpeople of the Northern Marianas for allowing me. -- ~ndnll of us -- tllc opl)ortunl ty to rcBllrrscnt tl~cmin tht~crucial event. Second. I wnnt to of itsr ~ny I~ri~rtlcnl rc>ngr;~tul:~CInn to you, Mr. President, for the election to the hlgh offlce of Prcsidcnt and tl1l.q assures me that our work here will be carried out effcciently and effcctively. in the best spirit of harmony, cooperation, and mutual interest for the benefit of our people, and I offer my sincere coopera- tion in this regard.

Hr. Presldcmt. 1 an1 surc thclt tl>t, IlisLorlciiL iml)urtance and meaning or this Convention have escaped none of us: Wr l~ovcr~ndert;ikcn n solemn and st:rluus duty to write the basic legal foundation'for our future Government, one that will allow for local autonomy, yet be responsive to a11 our citizens. It is an awesome task, hut T am certain that we wlll ;I! I rlse to meet the challenge to the best of our nbilitles, so we may see real lzatlon of full Constitutional self- government early Ln 1978. As I mentioned, this is an historical convention for it is yet another step in achieving towards our ultimate political goal -- it is a step which perhaps was preordained when American Armed Forces liberated the people of the Northcrn Mariann Islands amldst the smoke and ashes of World War I1 some 30 years ago. Prior to that day, our people and islands had been no more than coloninl possessions of three forcign powers over a period of three centuries Now. as a loglcal consequence of our liberation and administration by the United States of America, and our lol~gdesire to become a part of the American Political Family, we are preparing to wrlte our own Cons! 1 tut lc~nand prepare for true self-government; we are prcpnring for a final step in the process which began with our status negotiations. the plebiscite, and the signing of the Covenant. In effect, Mr. President, what could not have been done in 300 years previously, we will accomplish in 30 short years.

In thcrrforc rc~tllzl~lgille hi~toricnluI,q~~lflcnncr~ of this moment, and this Co~lvcntlon, ir: I~cl~oovcsell of us to also look forward to the next 300 years. and the next generations of our people. We must protect their interests, and the interests of thelr cllildrcn In this one document, and consequently, 1

respectfully suggest that pncl~one of 11s wnu electl!d a Uelegnte to do (1 Job for all of our people. ha cxlt.cted rcprcsr~~tatlves 1 urge all srf us to put ;~sldc# any politica 1, culturc~i or otl~~roff 11 I;lt ions we may huvc.. and tn work togr,~I~t*r in a spirit of harmony for all our pcol)lc. Of course. Mr. President. there are hound to be problems, and many perplcxlng questions to consider in our Convention. Wl~llcthe concept of a Co~~stltt~tlonis n simple one, it involes complex matters, nnd tllff lcc~ltdeclslo~~s. A Co113tltutlon ~ll(ruldhe brief, hut not too brlcr; It ~lli>llldbe Clcxlble, not too vngur; Lt rrl~ould be all cncompasalng. but not unduly restr11.tive; Ic rnuat fit tl~cp:~rtlculnr I~lstory, clrcumstanc:c?s and needs of ;1 people, but It milst n1:irr ant lc. lpntc! n cl~angc. in thosc clrcrn~st:~nce!; and needs in the future.

For t11l.q I.~-JI!I~II, Mr. I'ri.!;l(lcot , I W;III~ 10 ~III~,~L'011t Cor pralne our Consulting Firm of Wllmer. Cutler 6 Pickrrl~~gfor the extrneive and exhaustive brlcf- ing papers which hnvc been profcssionolly prcpared for our review and consideration. Certainly the excellence of their research in their background papers will be of invaluable assistance to our conslderatims and clcliberations in the days forthcoming. The better prepared we arc, tlrc better c:l~nnccsare for a successful convention. and nn excellent Coltst l tut Ion.

'Illc.reforc, T Ilnw t.vrr.y 11o))(-nnd ~.xl~~-c.lill II)II tl~nt.8lvt.n tl~cquai ity of tlrt* L)clcgi~~e~end lcrldlbr.rl~Il),nl~tl t-l~c. tctrl~~~lc;~lcbxpc-rtt~c. provided, we will succesaf~llly ~ccompllshour n~l~slo~~wltl~ln tl~c, 50 di~yu111 lc1wc.11 hy our law.

In setting forth on our task. we must note that because of the unique requirements of the Trusteeship agreement, our entrance into Constitutional Government perhaps hns been delayed far hrynnd wl~atwr winh~d,hut on the otllr,r hnnd. wr must n lso arknc~wlr?dgc~tl~r~t wi tl~tl~r (:ovl.nntlt In l~nnd. and the Constitution close nt hend, we wil L II:IV~! tl~rpotent la1 for eujoylnp loc:~lnutonomy and self- government to a degree which remalns beyond the grasp of other lurisdirtions within the,American Political Family. CONVENTION JOURNAL -- 1st Day October 18. 1976

111 concl~~nlon,Mr. I'rt~~1~1,.1it111id I)~l#.g~~tt~y,let us ask the Lord for Ills Bleeeing upon this Convention arid upon us so that we will carry out his vork. with foresight and wisdom. with equity and with courage, and oleo discharge our dutiem and remponsibilitir~as Delegntea in this very important and historical tank for thc brncfit of our Inlr~ntla nt~tl our Rrnrratlon~to comr. Thank you very much. Mr. PreaLdcnt.

President Guerrero: Delegate Fclipe Q. Atalig is recognized by the Chair.

Delegate Feljpe Q. Atnlig: I nm not p.0111~to give ony .qprcches today, but I would like tlir house to rrcog~ilzcCommissioner Pcdro Nakatsl~knoa, Jose C. Tenorio, Mayor Felipe Mendlola, Speaker Jose R. Rlos, Speaker Alfred Apatang, Chief Exec. Francisco C. Ada. Dr. Uenusto R. Kaipat, and prospective Senatorial candidate, Jose R. Lifoifoi.

President Guerrero: Thc Chair recognlzc3 Renlgno R. Fitial, Delegate from Saipon.

Delegate Benigno R. Fitial: I move we recess until 1:30 p.m.

Delegate Jose R. Cruz: Mr. Presldent. I just wont to request this Convention to recognize everybody In the ~nllery.

Preaidrnt Guerrcro: Ycs. we tllonk you nll for coming todoy.

The motion has been made and seconded that we recess until 1:30 p.m.

Recognize Delegate Jose R. Cruz.

Delcgnte'Jose R. Cruz: Point of Informntion. This body i~ duly constituted, however. this body is without Rules.

Delegate Oscnr Rasa: Therc In n motl.oll on tl~rfloor.

President Guerrero: We will now vote on the motion to recess until 1:30 this afternoon.

A voice vote wan tnken nntl thc mot Inn cnrrird for rrcabsll

Praeident Cuerrrro : 'I'llnt wll 1 c.trnr ludr nur program for tl~ln ~wnrnin~,larllc.~ ail11 ~~~~l~~~~t.W1, thank you for ynllr prrRcBnce nt tl~eConvent.ion this morning.

The Convention recessed at 10: 10 a.m.


President Guerrero called the Convention to order at 2:10 p.m.

Preeident Currrcro: Aa per tlie motior~mndr thl~mornlnp,, our first order of business el~ouldbe to ndopt the Rules or I'rocedure for thi~Convention. Do I hear a motion?

Delegate FK~~~HCOT. Pnls+-oL>: Mr. Prcnltlrnt. I move thnt the Rule of Procedure as proponed for the* Conventir~r~.Inrlt~alvr of tl~releven proposed amendment^ as Just diatributed, be adopted as thc olficinl Rule9 of Procedure of this Convention.

Tile motion was seconded.

Delegate Olympio T. Borla: Mr. President, I would like to ask the privilege of expressing my views on the motion. particularly on the proposed amendments to the Rules of Procedure. 1 believe that the Rules of Procedure to be adopted should be the ones prepared by the Pre-Convention Committee since Public Law No. 4-205 gave them the authority and mandate to prepare such for consideration. After reviewing. the eleven proposed amendments it appears to me that they are in conflict when we don't have the official Rules of Procedure adopted. 1 can see that these proposed amendments could be tippropriate if they were taken up later on as provided for in the Rules. I think it is only correct. Mr. President. if we adopt our own Rules of Procedure, they should be the ones prepared by mandate and authority. They CONVENTION JOURNAL -- 1st Day ?a: Octohcr 18. 1976

should hc Lhr ofTicli~lHu1c.s III Pr~rceclurc-. Thrsc- wrrv prepared In :~dvenceand we had tlmc to ~tudythem:Sl~t- ~~roposed;~mvrrdmenl-R I~nve hccn dlstrihuted to(] rcc'rlltlv for us to have time Lo study tl~tlm. If I look 111, rl~r(.h:~ptvr pertnlnlng to Iutllrc chnnges. we cnn rr~~llv 11dt111t :IIIV ~II~(~II(I~I*II~!J :II 11 ~III.II~Cd:ttv. It ;II)PC~TH LO me. Flr. I'r~slde~rt,tl~~rt cBvt*ry I)(~lt~):t~t~ l~tkrt. ]!I CIIII ltlt-cl LO ~I~VIIII~I-notice on11 tlnlc. for them to review und dellberate. It would be good to have notice of onr day. or possibly five days, as provided for here. The only opposition I have for the motion is that I do not like to see us. the Delegates, act on the proposed amendments when we do not nlrcndy have thr official Rules of Procedure for this Convrlrt Lon. Tl~crt.fc~re.Mr. l'rt~ulclrn~,1 wtr~~lcll lkc to mnkc- nn nmt~ndmrnt em n privileged motlocl to ndopt the Kulcs i>T L'rocedure that have been prepared solely by the Pre-Convention Committee.

The motion was seconded.

President Guerrero: There is now an amendment to the main motion, is that clear? Delegnte Borjn requested that the Rules of Procedure prepared by the Pre-Convention Committee be adopted before any amcr~dme~rtsbe ndoptrd by tllls Conventlon.

Delegate Olympl~lT. I111_r_l_q: MI.. I'rl,!:ldt.~~t, 1 w~~c~l~ll ikv to cl:~rlfymy 11olnt :I I lltla. bit. 'I'l~e proposccl nmendmcc~ts, numhc~rs one tl~rougl~el cbvc.n provide witllln tl~cm::elven

thnt they are amendments. ' My objection is that we sllould adopt the officlal rules first and then discuss and perhaps adopt the amendments.

Delrente Frnnctsco T. Palncl~,.~:We cnlllrljt r~rncncl tl~vRules at thi~time because there arc 110 Rules to nmend. Firat we mu3t nclopt the Rulcs of the Convention. Any Delegate who wants to amend the Rules should do so after we adopt the Rules of Procedure; so the motion to amend is not in order.

Delegate Ramon C. Villa-: Mr. President. I agree wholeheartedly with Delegate Borjfl and I would like to add to hls position. The eleven amendments that are before ua are proposcd changes in the Rules of Procedure. They have been given to us within the last few moments and we have had no opportunity to look at them and take them into consideration. I believe that the main. or primary, Rules of Procedure were issued by the Pre-Convention Committee and the members of this Convention hnve trad tlme to determine whether they ere proper or improper. We have not Irnd tlme to look nt the proposed cllangea to tl~c. Rules. Therefore, I believe that not only is it more proper at this time to adopt the Rules given to us by tile Pre-Convention Cormnittee, hut we should wait until after then to make any amendments aa permitted. Ti w,- are golng to adopt the proposed amendments now, we ore jumping nlrcnd (rf ouravlvc-n. We 11;rvc ncrt llnd L- lme tcr look over thone proposcd amendments. I think 11- is proper at tl~Lstfme to oprn discu~sionand discuss each one of those proposed amendments.

Delegate Joaquin S. Torres: Mr. President, I vehemently dlsagree wit11 Delegate Borja. If a lack of time is the concern. may I suggest that we have a fifteen minute recess. The ~rr~~poscdc~mcl~drnrntr, nrv very slml~lrnnd T think we should go ahead with the work of tI11s Cor~ventionin ndoptlng the Rules at this time.

Dclegt~tcJose H. CCII~:Mr. 1'rt~~ldt.nt.I~crw cnn wt- propose amcndment.q to the Rules of Prt1cc.dure wl~cnvr llr~vrno I

Delegate Oscar C. Kilsn: Point of order, Mr. President. Delegate Borja's motion is out of order simply because Delegate Pnlncios' motion is not to amend the Rules of Procedure. but to incorporate the proposed changes. We have to make a point of clarification in here. We cannot amend a Rule that is not in existence. In order for these Rules of Procedure to be adopted, this Convention as a Whole will have to vote on tl~em. We have not yet voted on these Rules. The motion made by Delegate Palacios is that we must incorporate not the amendments, but the proposed changes. Therefore, the amendment to the motion is out of order. Mr. President. I move for the previous question.

Tile mot ion was secor~dcd.

Delegate Herman Q. Guerrero: Point of privilege, Mr. President. Could we have time to review this question?


---, --?.*.-- -.------CONVE3'LlON JOURNAL -- lac Day October 18. 1976

Dslc~ntcOHW~ 1311~1i: Mlly I (IH~~IIP Iklognte to ldrntlfy what point of privilega. There is a motion for the prevllrus quest ion. He is out of order Mr. Preaident; , -. . Preaident Cuerrz: Ill0 fllntr rc*co~nlzeaDelr~atc' Hermnn Cucrrcro. Please ~tnta your privilcncr. Plcnsr mnkv UIII I. 1t 'm ~.r~n.tlut~*nLwl tl~ our dlncurolon.

Delegate Hermnn 4. Guerrero_: Mr. Presitlent. we shou1.d all be able KO work harwnioualy in this Convention. We should have Rules, I agree with this wholelieartedly. The incorporation of the proposed changes to the Rulea of Procedure as propoeed, as the papers have been handed to us only within the last minutes, have not left time to digest what is proposed. We do not know what effect these proposed changes will make. All I am asking is sufflcient cime to review these propoaed changes. Thank you. ..

c P President Cuerrero: There is a question on the floor. At thia time the Chair -. recognizes that we should dispose of the main motion as made by Delegate Palacioa.

Delegate Jose R. Cruz: Mr. President, having heard the explanation of Delegate baa, I believe that we have, in essence, the same position. The eleven aheeta of paper jut distributed, as I was saying before, propose Rule amendments. You can look at the top of each of these eleven sheets and they say "Proposed Rule Amendment." My qucation i~:llow cnn we linve o proposed nmendment to a Rule when thia body doesn't have any Rules? I am saying that I agree with Senator Borja.

Delenate Oscar Rasa; Mr. President, I made a motion for the prevloue queation.

President Guerrero: We will now vote on Delegate Raso'e motion for previous question.

voice vote was taken on the motion for previous question. A diviaion of the house was called. On vote by show of hands, motion carried for previous question.

President Cuerrex At this time 1 would like to nsk Delegate Palacioa to pleaae restate lila mot Lon.

Delegate Francisco T. Palacios: Mr. President, my motion was to adopt the proposed amendments to the propoeed Rules of Procedure for the Convention, inclusive of , proposed eleven amendments.

The motion was seconded.

President Cuerrero: The floor is open for discussion on that motion.

Delegate Jose R.Criiz: Mr.Pre~tdrnt, I would llke to request. perhapa from the Legal Department, some clnrificotion under Publlc Act No. 347 ......

Delegate Olympia T. Borja: Mr. I'resitlcnt , thcrc is already, a motion for the previous question. Point of order.

Delegate Jose R. Cruz: Point of order, Mr. President, he has not been recognized by the Chair and is speaking.

Preaident Guerrero: Please, T your conperntion in thia. Hey I call upon our legal counsel to clarify thia mntter. Delegate Cruz, please continue. , . Delegate Jnne R. Cruz: 'rhe quemtion I nrn poslng. Mr. Premident. ia that under Act No. 347, Section 6(b), there Is language that stipulates that this Convention has the legal and final authroity to determine the eligibility of the delegate- elect. Now, under the so-called Proposed Amendment No. 4, it say, "No protest or , petition conteuting tllc election or appointment of any delegate shall be received or considered by the Convention." I just want a simple clarification ofthat.

President Guerrero: May I have on opinion from our Legal Consultant, pleaae. 'C Mr. Willens: Mr. President, it La our view that the Proposed Rule Amendment No. 4 is consistent with the enabling Act.

President Cuerrero: We will now vote on the main motion as, mde by Delegate Palacioa.

Voice vote WAR tnkrn ncld n divln11,n of tlir Iiounc? called. Upon vote by ' show of hands, motion cnrried to adopt the proposed Rule* of Procedure for the Convention, including the eleven proposed amendments as presented. CONVENTION JOURNAL -- 1st Day October 18, 1976

President Guerrero: I just want to make a clnriflcation here. I hope it is the undcr~tnndinp,and nlnlority of conscnsu:l thn~we ntlnpted illr KII~CR of Procedure ns n~llcllilcd Ily the'II~H . Our IIPXL or~lt:rnf IIURIII~RRis the election of our c~fflcers. Wc wlll vLCct tliree vice presidents and according to the Rule Just adopted, we will have n tl.oor leader.

Delegate Benigno R. Fltial: Mr. President, 1 nominate Delegate Benjamin T. Eisnglolm, Delegate from Rota, tor our First Vlce Presldent.

The nomination was seconded.

Delegate Jose R. Cruz: Mr. President. I move that nominations are closed.

Eloti1111 was secur~dedto closr ilomlnations.

Delegate Oscar C. Rasa: Mr. President, there being no I~~rtllernominations, I move that we elect Delegate Manglona by acclamatlon to First Vice Presldent of our Convention.

The motion was seconded.

President Guerrero: Moticln being made and seconded that Delegate Benjamin T. Mnnglonn bc! elected to our Flr!it Vlce Prccrl~lrl~t,mr~y we l~ovca round of appli~use.

First Vice President Ilenlaml~~1'. Manglt~nri: Mr. I'resldent. I wclultl Llkc Lo express my deepest npprecintion to each and every one of the Delegates for thclr vote of support in making me First Vice President of this Conventiorl.

Delcgnte M11tluc1 A. l'crlorlo: M Vice President Uelegn tc V~C~IIL

The nominatlon was seconded.

Delegate .lose R. Cruz: I novc* that nomlnntion~c losr.

Motion wns seconded to L, Lo~enomlnrit 1011s.

Delegate Oscar C. Rnsa: Mr. l'resldent, 1 move that Delegotc Vicente Manglonn be elected Seco~ldVice Preslclcnt by ~~cclani;~ti.o~~.

The motion was seconded.

President Guerrero: I)clega te Vicen tc M. M;~nl:lona 1s eltsrtctl Second Vice Prcfilden t by acclnmnt 1011.

Second Vlcc Preeidc~~tVit.cll~c Monglo~~;~: 011 I~cl~ullof nly ran~llyand my~e1i, I would like to extend my sincere oppreclatlon to all those who have delegated the responsibility ot Vice President to me.

Delegate Leon I. Tnisacan: Mr. Preslden t, 1 nominate Delegate Francisco T. Palacios as our Third Vlce President.

The nomination was seconded.

Delegntc! Jose R. Cruz: Mr. Presltlent, I 11oln11i:lteI)clegn~c Olvmplo T. Borja nu Third Vice President.

The motion was seconded.

klcgnte OIym11io T. nor111: FII-. l're.qlrl,.~~~,(1:; IIIII(:~I IIR I .I(~III-c~..~~~c(I~IICnomlllntlon. I must decliuc. I move tllnL we elcc~I:rar~r:lsco 'T. Pa1at:los II~acchmation.

The motion was seconded.

President Guerrero: Delegate Palacios is electecl by acclan~tion to the position of Third Vice President.

President Delegate Frnncisccl T, P~I~~~~~: - J wol,ld like to exprrPs my to YOU for electing me your ~lli~{lvjCc. prcs,dpnt,

- 12- CONVENTION JOURNAL -- 1st nay October 18, 1976

Delegate Denlgno It. Fltid: Mr. Presld~nt,I nominate Delegate OUC~~C. ksil for the office of Floor Lender.

-Delegate OLyruplo 'T. Dorjn: Mr. Pre~id~~~it,I mtlve tliat we elect Uele(lclte Rosa by acclamation.

The motion wns seconded.

President Guerrero: Gentlemen. Mr. Kasa Is our new Floor Leader by acclamation. The election of our officers is now concluded.

Delegate Pedro Q. Dela Cruz: Mr. Presldent, correct me if I am wrong, but I believe the Rules of Procedure state thc Secretary should be elected, too.

Delegate Benigno R. Fitial: Mr. President, I'm not sure if it is required, but 1 nominate Delegate Pedro M. Atallg as our Secretary.

T 'm clot sure -I)c.lcgntcs - fIt.rt~yc~i~Gt~cr~~'!~ I)oli~tof I~~forrmct Ion, Mr. Pre~ldent. the Conventlon -Secretary ie to I)e elected by the Delegates.

President Guerrero: For your Informtion, I checked before the meeting today and that pomttio~~of Convrntinn S~cretnrydoen not have to bc elected. I am uure that Dele~atcPetr Atnl.lg IHbc.111~ r~l)polc~~etInu S~!rretnry for our (:onvention and is to be congrntulated.

Dele~ateBenlamin T. Uanglona: Mr. President, may I request a brief recess, subject to the call of the Chair. I so move.

Motion was seconded

President Gucrrero: There will be a sliort recess, subject to the call of the Chair.

Tlie Convention recessed ;it 2:40 p.m.


President Guerrero called the Convention to order at three o'clock, p.m.

Delegutr Ilciilrcm~lri 'l'. Mnn~lori?: Mr. Pre~ldenl-,I wonder if 1 aru in order to make a motion to amend CI~npterVI1, Section l(b), nnd Chapter VII, Section 3(b), of our newly :cdopted Convcntlon Rules of Procedure. I want to cliangc! the wording of the adopted Rule to the old propo~cdwor~ling as provided in the Rules of Procedure. I wnnt it plncccl 0'1 tomorrow's caleridar in ac:cordance with tlie Cllnptcr tlint cnlls for one dny's notice. I move that thefie matters nre p1;lced on the calendar for tomorrow.

The motion was seconded and carried for Chapter VII, Sections l(b) and 3(b), to be considered on tlie Order of Bu~ines~for the following day.

President Guertr~: Tliere Iii~sl~een a sheet of paper recently distributed tn this Convention Hall. The Chalr would like to take this opportunity to assign the following 1)elegates to each respective Committee:

(:11n 1 r1nr111

Cl~nlrmr~~~t>f ~lic- Cnmn~l t tob'. on "l'crsnnr~l I< lglit s nnd Nntlrral Rc~so~~rces"wll 1 be Drlcgntct IJ(-I 10v At:il lg. '1'111- Vl c.r- ('1111 trmr111 for tl~ntl:crmml LLrcb wj11 I)e I)t*lc&ntc Harno~~C. Vl llr~~orncz.Mcmht.r!i wl l 1 I)e I)elc~gn~t~sllcnry IIofsrh~~t.lder,I.ct)n 'I';tlsocan, Pete Atalig. I.uls Lin~cs. Frnnc.l.ico Pal;~cio~.Juan S. Ilemepnn, Manuel A. Tc~iorlo, Fellx A. Ayuyu, Joae S. norJa. Ilanlel 1'. Cn~tround Ililurio I:. Diaz.

The Chairman of the Committee on "Finance, Local Government and Other Matters" will be Delegate . Vice Chairman will be Delegate Pedro Dela Cruz. Members will be Delegates Pete Ogo,Esteveo King, Luis Benavente, Junn Tcnorlo. Oncnr C. Rnsn, V lccntr M;iri~lnnn, Jesun G. Villagomez. Magdnlcna C. Camncl~o, Junli [)I,(;. Ucrnnpnn nncl (:;irlos S. Cnmncl~o. (;ONVEN'I'I ON .ICIUHNAI. -- I nt I)ny oc.tol*~~rIH. 1076

If there are no objections from tl~cflr~or, thost will hi. thc. ;~sslgnments of each Committee.

I~IIIIII!II I WOII It1 1 I rc-s6zmy apIrr(*c:La~iozi for my appointment as Vlce Chnlrmnn of the Committee on Personal Rights and Natural Resources. However, I would like to say thnt I am more interested in being involved in the work of this Cornittee as a member. For that reason, I would like to inform you that I would prrfrr to no^ accrpt tl~eappoi~ltment. Mr. Prrsidc.nt.

President Guerrero: 'l'l~ank you, llelega t r Vt 1 l nfiomvz. The (:ha l r rcrogn l zes t11r interest you have expressed. At a Later time today I will make another appointment for the Vice Chairman of that Committee.

T would like t~ nnnounrc- before we adJourn tocloy that the Committee on Organization and Procedure that consists of all officers just elected wlll have a meeting just as soon as the Convention adjourns today. We need to proceed with the necessary actions to be followed in this Convention and we also need to put in the calendar for tomorrow's meeting.

The Choir hou not at tills tlme, of course, appolntcd any sub-comitters. Appointmrnt is pending meetings with these other officers. If we see that it is required, we will assign some oE the members to those sub-committees.

Delegate Jose R. Cruz: Mr. PrcsLdcnt, T move thnt we reccBss untL1 tomorrow morning at nine ~"clock.

Motion was seconded.

Delegate Olympio T. Borln: Pc~intof informtion, Mr. President. Dl.11 you have further business?

President Guerrero: Yes, I would like to mnkr two annozlncemel1t.q hefore we rcSccr;s. There is a receiption thls evcnlng to bt. Ilostc:d hy tl~eHrr:ltlt!nt Commtssloner, the Of ficc of the Northrrn Hnr1;111;1 I sln~ldn'I'rnnsit lor1 (:ommi HS Ion ;~ndthe Off ice of Trnn~Ltion Stud lefl 1111~1 l'lnnll 111): crf th~.Nortltc-rr~ Mnrlnrln Is~;III(IR. It wil 1 be from six to eight o'clock p.m. at tl~lshotel and all Delegates are urged to attend.

I recognize Delegate David Q. Marntita.

Delegntc David Q. MnrntG: Mr. Prcnldc?nt, 1 would like to inquire what title we are going to use in tl~isConvtmtlon. Arc we going to use "Delegate" or "Senator?" I would hope that each of us would be "Delegate."

President Guerrero: Tl~nnk yoit. Dnvc, for your concern. The most proper language for 011 of us to use 1s "Delv~;~~r"sLnc(. we are nll Drlegatcs to this Convention.

Delegate David Q. Marztxa: Thank you. Mr. Prestdcnt. I wc,uld jufit like to be assured that no morr ri~vornl'lc trriltm~ntwould be given n Sctl;~tor than to any Delegntc,.

Deleg:~tc- .losr I;l-.!l~\fl: Plr. I'rt.!~i~ll,~~tIWI~ 1 !III):I!c~!:I I II:IL l r tI1(0 P~c-RI1Ien1 uIsII~..~ -. .- -- - . to Intll ~t trn t l tlcrt, ul~csr~111, I I.I.LIUII I IIOIII~-(III~~I lkc Il(-1 iSy,:lt iv I30rj:z. IIC sayn, "blr. Dorjn, St~tinlt>rDnr);~, Dr.lcgnlc Borjj." (L.3ughtcfir)

Delegate Hllarlo F. DI;g.: Mr. I'resldcnt , polnt of please. An L understnnd it, 811 thcs c.Lcctcc1 offlrrrv 11:lvc r.xl~rc:;scd thclr appreciation In this Chamber today. I Wils just curious about our Floor Leader, the distinguished Delegate Oscar Rasa. I would llke at tl~istlme to make a brief speech on his behalf.

Floor Lcader Rasa: Mr. Presldcnt, it wo(11d he mont appropriate if T did this in writing. That is the reason wily I llnve not expressed my appreciation. Be rest assured that I will do this in writing.

President Guerrero: Thank you. There is one other sheet that was distributed today listing the Administrative Asslstance/Public Information Officers for each Drlcgntion. Fnr tllr Snipnn Munlcipnllty It 1s Mr. Nick Santos. For the Rota HunicipalLty Lt Is Mr. Elnteo Ehsga. For the Tinian Municipality is Mr. Martin San Nicl~olas. Saipan, by the way, includes the Nortl~ern Islands. CONVENTION JOURNAL -- 1st Day Ortohcr 18. 1976

Delegate Oscar C. Rasa: Mr. President, there being no further business. I move that the Convention recess 11ntLl nine o'clock tomorrow morning.

Delegate Jose R. Cruz: Mr. I'resldent., point of order. I belleve the motion made by our Floor Leader is out of order as ttie motion was already on the floor. (Laughter)

Floor Leader Kasa: Mr. Presltlcnt, tlle motion as entcrtalned by Delegate Cruz is techdicnlly dead. A new motion to recess is in order.

Delegate Jose R. Cruz: I respectfully withdraw my point of order, Mr. President.

President Guerrero: The Convention is hereby recessed until tomorrow morning at nine o'clock.

The Convention recessed nt 3:15 p.m.

I(c~pect,f~lll] ~ubmitted,

Convention Secretary (~ONSTTI'IITIONAI, (:ONVI:NI'TnN of thl! NOI<'I'IIEI

VEl:IIA'TIE!.______JOI!RNAI.____ ('I'IIAHSCRI_ _ I"T) SE(:ONI) I)AY 'Tuesday, Octol~er19. 1976

(1) The Constittrtional Convrntion of thc Nortl~crnMarinnn Islands waR cal.led to order at 9:15 a.m. The Honorable Lorenzo I. Guerrero, Presitlent . presided. (2) A moment of silent prnyrr was ob~ervctl.

(3) The Convention Secretary called the roll. There were 38 Delegates present. Delegate Herman Q. Cuerrero was absent.

Floor Lender Raea: Mr. President, I move thnt Dele~nteIlerman Cuerrero be granted leave of absence.

The motion was eeconded and, there being no objection from the floor, the Prcsi- dent so ordered.


President Cuerrero: The next item on ollr agenda 1s the adoption of our Journal. For your information, I received information from the Secretary that duplication of our Journal for yesterday's meeting is not completed and is in the proceee.

Floor Leader Rnsa: Mr. President, just a point for clarification. accord in^ to the rules and procedures that we adopted yesterday item number I, "Adoption of the Journal" ie not included in the official Rules of Procedure. I, therefore. move that we bypass this and move on to item 5.

The motion was seconded and carried by voice vote.

(Delegate Herman Q. Guerrero entered the Convention floor.)



Chairman Felipe Q, Atalil(: 1'11~Comlttee on Per~onalRlghts 6 Natural Resources hae no report at this time, Mr. Prcaident.

Chnfrmnn .TORC P. Mnfnfl?: Mr. Prcoitlcnt, yo~~rCommlttco on Covernmcntal Ineti- tutions has no report as yet.

Ch~irmanBenign0 Fitinl: The Committee on Finance, l.oca1 Government and Other Hnttcro tins not yrt mcc o~lcl, t11crrCorc:. 11n~nn rcport nt this time, Mr. President.





Delegate Benjamin T. Manftlonn: Mr. President. before I make a motion I would like to refer this Convention to line item 68 of our Rules of Procedure, "Notice and Vote Concerning Amendment of Rules." It requires this Convention to have not less thnn five (5) Convention dnys' notice in order to make an amendment. Therefore, CONVENTION JOURNAL - 2nd Day October 19. 1976

Mr. President, st this time 1 wlsh to move for the temporary suepension of our Rules of Procedure in order to adopt Proposed Amendment Number 12.

Thc motloti WCIR crccondctl 1t11dc:nrrlrd by voicr vote.

Delegate Carlos S. Camncho: l't~lntof information, please. I don't have o copy.

President Cuerrero: Do any otlter Delcgnten not hnvr copies of the Propoeetl Amendment7 Are you ready to v~lteon that suspension of the Rules7

Delcgnte Olympio T. Uorla: Polnt of information, Mr. President. I believe we just adopted the suspension of the Rules end I think we now need a motion to adopt Proposed Amendment No. 12.

Delegate Pedro Q. Deln Cruz: 1 so move--that the Proposed Rulee Amendment No. 12 be adopted.

The motion was seconded and carried by voice vote. Proposed Rulee Anendment No. 12 was adopted by the Convention.

Delegate Luis M. Limes: Mr. President, I am sorry but 1 am all mixed up. Has Proposed Amcndmcnt No. 12 bcen ps~~edout yet?

President Guerrero: 1 am sure that nll tl~eneceannry papere have been passed to the individunl Delegates. Docti everyone Iluvc n copy at thie time, pleaee?

Delegate Luis M. Limes: Yes, Mr. President. Thsnk you.

President Guerrero: Before going to item eleven I'would like to aek our legal counsel about the "Summary of Voting Requirements under Convention Rules" that wns dietributcd this morning.

Mr. Willens: Mr. President, we thought it would be useful for the Delegates to have a summary of the voting requirements established by the Rulee of Procedure that you have adopted, which wc have distributed to you. It is a one page summary of the voting that when during debate you come up against a particular motion, you will be able to easily ascertain whether a majority vote is needed or whether some other requirement ie eetablished by the Rules. It is for your convenicnce, and has no independent legal significance.

.-Delegate Olympio T. Borja: Thank you. Mr. President. I believe that while we are discussing Motions an2 Resolutions, the point raised by Floor Leader Rase is a valid point. I concur with him, but I fail to see any provision in the Rules that the Delegates must adopt the Journal on the folloving day. I must bring this notice in advance, like Delegate Manglona did yesterday. Since this provision is very important 1 would like to make a motion that such insertion fijr the adopticln of tllc .lolrr~~nlbe p111ccd on the cnlcndnr for tomorrow. I will put it in wrlting followi~wtoday's seseion so that it will be included on tomorrow's celendnr. Therefore, Mr. President, in the intereet of convenience end nn effective .Tournel lor the Convention, 1 movc that tomorrow'e cnl=nc!ar contnin a proposal to insert tl~ereclulrement~ of the JorlrnnJ for the npyrcvnl of the Convention.

The motion was seconded.

-.Dclcgnte Drnigl~oFit*:: Mr. I're~lclerlt, polnt of information. Was thie ititcbnt lorlnlly lrft r,ltt by 1 I1c3 I'rcn-(:g,nvcntion Conrmi tter?

Delegate Jose P. Mafnas: No, it was not intentionally left out. It was inadvert- ently omitted.

Floor Leader Rnz: To provide more enlightenment on the issue, upon reviewing Journal, it appears that a few of the statements were left out. I suggest that we should get together and try to decide just how we're going to work those aspects which will affect the adoption of the Journal. The members should be given time to review statements they made because we do make miatakee. Delegates as well as secretarlcs. It should be reviewed before adoption by the Convention ss a Whole. CONVENTION JOURNAL -- 2nd Day October 19. 1976

Mr. Willens: The Rules provide in Rule 14(b) that the Secretary has the responsibility of keeping n daily Journnl II~the Ccmvrntion proceedings, nu~t~~rr~rizlngtllc ant l I-rtt C.I)IIIIl~l~!rc~cl IIIICI t-1111 IIC L IOIIH LII~L-~Iby tl~eConvention. and to provide n copy lor the I)r*lcunte~u~ promptly ns possible. It is the intention of the Rules that the Journ;ll be a summary of the actions taken and the mntters discussed and that the Journal not be a verbatim transcription of the proceedings of this Convention. As Delegate Rasa has indicated, a transcription involves numerous problems of accuracy. oE completeness, and cannot possibly be done in our view on n doily bnsis. We Imlieve tllnt a Journal uhould be n short eumnry of whnt was done on each day so that it could be prepared easily and reviewed by the Delegates at the beginning of each session. I am trying to distinguish between a Journal and a verbatim transcription.

Dele ate Fell e ArqLI 1 di~arep with the leeal consultant. 1 am specifically refe:rlng to &%Z€&iE&'un page 8. This is just a minor thing. but "Comis- sioner" Pedro Nakatsukasa should be inserted in there. It has been deleted and, also, "Prospective Senatorial Candidate" Jose R. Lifoifoi. Why was this not included in my stntement?

Delejinte JOR~R. Cruz: Mr. President, for further enlightenment, not for any recrimination motive. Mr. President. But a Journal which must be adopted by the Convention should be on a verbatim basis. We cannot shortcut statements made by the Delegates. Delegate Jose R. Cruz. on the last page, and I quote. Mr. President, "I believe otrr Fl.oor Lender is out of order ns the motion was - alrcrldy on the floor." 1 dld mnke u rcflponnc which evidently is eliminnted. Tl~escare minor things. We should not qunrrel. But I think as a matter of record the Journal should be on a verbatim basis. That is why Senator Borja is coming up with a design tomorrow so we can act on it. We cannot shortcut state- ments, Mr. President, made by the Delegates. This is distorting statements.

President Guerrero: Your point, Mr.cruz, is well taken and I am sure that we will discuss this with our recorders here, who are under the responsibility and direction, of course, of the Secretary, so that all the statements made by the individual Delegates will be inserted in the Journal. I would urge, also, that each member should have an opportunity to review the Journal and make sure that all the statements are well taken for the adoption of the Convention.

Delegate Jose R. Cruz: Thank you, Mr. President. I certainly agree with the remarks made by Delegate Rasa. The remark I made yesterday, and the response shown In the Journc~lcertninly mnde it look very much ridictrlous on the pnrt of the Delegate. Mr. President, on page 5, Rule 14(b), as our consultant indicated. this Convention agrees to the substance of these provisions that the Secretary shall keep a daily Journal of this Convention summarizing the matters considered. We have to decide whether we want this Convention to have just a summarized Journal or verbntim. That is the question now that we have to decide, otherwise we are bound by this Rule.

Delegate Dela Cruz: Thank you, Mr. President. This is the same line as Floor Lender Rasa mentioned. Yesterday I made two statements and they are omitted from the Journal entirely.

Dclc~ntcJonquin Torrcs: I ngree with the Delegate from Tinian's interpretation of the Rule. However, that does not include omission of statements made by Delegates. Summary does not mean omission of statements made by Delegates when the Rule provides for summarization of statements made by the Delegates. Again I repent: thnt does not autliorize omission of stntements made by the Delegates.

Delegate Manuel A. Tenorio: Thank you. Mr. President. For clarification, I want to know, for the Convention, if the tapes are kept as a record. And when the Convention does, in fact, adopt the daily Journal, will they adopt the daily recordings for the record, too?

President Guerrero: For your information, Delegate Tenorio, I am sure that all the recordings are in custody of the Convention under the jurisdiction of the Secretary. I am sure that it is well recorded and if anyone has any doubt they could refer to the tnpes.

Delegate Francisco Palacios: Mr. President, I agree that the Rules provide for a summary, however, in this First Day Journal some of it is summary and some is verbatim. That is why there is some ill-feeling here, because whac Delegate CONVENTION JOURNAL -- 2nd Day October 19. 1976

Cruz stated is verbatim, but t11:it statement is not followed by what Delegate Rasa had stated. There is somcJ unbalance. If we want a sunanary Journal. then let's have n nllnmvlry .lnurnnl. If nnt, tllrn Ict 'u dcrld~wl~nt we should have. TIIIIII~yuu.

Deleglite Jose I{. Cruz: Tlic~nk you, Mr. ['resident. What I think happened during the Pre-Convention meeting, in the interest of efficiency and so that ve have - a daily digest, it was discussed that perhaps a summarization of the Journal is the best formula. I would like to exprcRs a point that I do not condone ogission of a statement by n certain I)clr.gotc. Whnt I wau referring to awhile ago is that we have a Rule, we hnve odoptcd sucl~Rules, and we are bound by these Ruleo that state the Journal will be on o sunrmary bnsis. Now, if this Convention wishes to have a verbatim Journal, then we should just change the Rules. That is the sub- etance of my remarks earlier.

Delegate Benigno Fitial: Mr. President, we have, I'm sure, identified the problem and if we are going to keep talking about it, I'm sure there is nothing that can be done at the moment. Delegate Borja has a plan that will be sub- mitted in tomorrow's ogcndn to resolve tliis problem. So let'a end debate on this particulr~rmcltter. L HO Inovr.

The motion was seconded arid carried. Debate was ended.

President Cuerrero: Arc we ready to vote on the main motion by Senator Borja?

Delegnte Jose 1. Mninas: Mr. I'rc!tldcnt, point ol Information. May I nsk the distinguished Delegate, Senator BorJa. to restate hls motion, please.

Delegate Olympia T. Borln: Mr. President, I am ver'~happy to respond and restate my motion. 'Cl~cmotion I llr~vc111nced on the floor iu a motion to place on the calendar of business for tomorrow's co116ideratlon of an amendment to the Rules of Procedure concerning the requirement of the adoption of the Journal.

Delegate David Q. Maratita: Mr. President, I just want to be enlightened on agenda item number ten, "Motions and Resolutions," referring to Rules of Pro- cedure Chapter 7. Section l(b) and Section 3(b). Where can I find these particular chaptera?

President Cuerrero: I'm sure you can findtl~psrinthe Proposed Rules of Pro- cedure.

Mr. Willens: Mr. Presldcnt, the Rules have becn renumbered so now there is an amendment to Rule 66 and Rule 68.

De3.egnte Pedro Uelo Cruz: l'm uorry. Mr. I'rcnldent. We only have to page 20 of the new regulations, so the old rcgulntic~nnshould be taken off.

Mr. Willene: It is on page 18 of the retyped version distributed this morning. There was an amendment to Rule 66(b) and 68(b) and a substitute page can be prepnred reflecting the nction of the ConventLon this morning. Throw away the old ot\es.

President Cuerrero: Delegnte Mnratitn from Saipan, is that clear?

Delegate David Q. Mnratita: Chapter 7, Section l(b) and Section 3(b), I cannot find it here.

President Cuerrero: That is tlie old numbering.

Delegate Dnvld Q. Maratita: I would like to refer to this particular Chapter. Are we referring to the ndol~tcd Rules of Procedure?

President Cuerrero: Yes, correct. The one that we adopted yesterday. This ia the Proposed Amendment that will be submitted this morning.

Delegate David Q. Mnratita: Mr. President, Chapter 7, Section l(b); con any- one help me in finding this7 CONVENTION JOUWAL -- 2nd Day Uvtc~l,c.r 19, 1976

Delegate Pedro Dela Cruz: Mr. President, maybe I cnn explain this.

I'rts:~~ Idt-IIL (:uc,rrcbr': I ' I I IIIIV~. L lit. 1)k.I tTgrlltt I rorn I(~IL;I, Mr. I)cla Cruz, expln Ln.

Delegate Pedro Deln Cruz: Chapter 7, Sectlon l(b). is on page 25 of the old regulations. This wan amended yesterday and a new verslon has been produced. So take this old regulation and ttlrow it out the window. And then turn to page 18, number 66, in whlcll number 66, Sectlun l(b) is, and then you refer back to Proposed Rule Amendment No. 12, which has been adopted. That's where it is. Page 18. No. 66, is supposed to be the old Chapter 7.

Delegate David Q. Maratita: Thank you. Mr. President. I hope we can adopt this system in Chapter 7. Section l(b), on the new Kules of Procedure. I don't see any Chapter 7, Section l(b).

Secretary Atalig: Mr. President, if you will recall, yesterday,Delegate Benjdn Manglona moved that we consider Chapter 7. Section l(b) and Section 3(b) and the motion was carried. Thnt woa n motion to pt~tthin on the cnlendar and that ie why It clppcarn here, it you rccnll.

Delegnte Uenigno Fitial: I think the problem here, as a point of reference, is that the new version of the Rulee of Procedure does not include any chapters. The new Rules are being enumerated and they are not clasaified under the chapter aystem.

President Gucrrero: I am sure that we have had enough discussion on that, so let's move on to our next item on the agenda.




Chairman Fitial: Mr. President, I would like to announce that the Committee on Finance, Local Government Hnd Other Mntters will have n meeting immediately after this morning's aoseion in one of the room8 over In thc annex.

Chnirman Atnlig: 'I'l~e Committee on Per~onalK Lgl~ts6 Nt~turulReeources will have a meeting immediately nfter this session, along with the con~ultantsfor the Committee. May I nsk. Mr. President, thnt the attendnnce of this meeting is mandatory. They have to be there for this meet in^, and I urge every member to come nnd if they don't comc, we will tlw powcr of thc Sergeant-at-Arms.

Chairman Mafnas: Mr. President, your Committee on Governmental Institutions will be meeting imediately after this session. 1 urge every Delegate to be present.

Delc~ateA~~tonio M. C:macl~o: Mr. President, I would like to add to the directive of Delegnte Atalig. I think the Uelcgate who intends to be absent could send a proxy to his Committee.

President Guerrero: I hope that matter can be settled with your respective chairmen. Make sure thnt any Delegate who will not be nble to attend any meeting will extend a notice of excuse, with some good reason that you vill not be able to attend.

Delegate Pete Ogo: Mr. President, for H point of clarlflcation on these announcements. I vas listening for some specific place. We have a meeting today but we don't knov where we are to meet. I am very sure there is going to be a lot of confusion after this meeting. I hope these announcements for meetings can be more specific in time and place.

Cl~airmnnMofnns: The Commlttee on Governmental Institutions will be meeting in the Conference Room immediately after this session.

Chairman Fitial: The Committee on Finance, Local Government and Other Matters will be meeting in one of the conference rooms that will be available.

-20- CONVENTTON JOURNAL -- 2nd Day October 19, 1976

President Guerrero: For your information, the gallery behind us could be utilized for s Committee meetlng. I tlnderstnnd there iri (I partition that can I,@ r1o~c.dl f It Irt ~t~~~~c-rtrrclty.

Secretary Atall&: I would like to point out that I will be the one scheduling the different rooms for use. Some Committees are larger than others. Naturally those smaller Committees could meet in a conference room. The larger Committees, such as Governmental Organization, could use this Convention Hall. There is also another fncility and that Is the Kcio Room, the Jnpnneae reetaurant. I would like the chnirmen to get together with me on this and nor just schedule their om.

Delegate Manuel Tenorio: Mr. l'resident, if there Is no further discussion or announcement, I would likc to move ttrnt we recess until one o'clock this after- noon.

Delegate Olympio T. Borja: Mr. President. I would like to amend the motion to state that we will recefis until tomorrow morning at nine o'clock a.m.

'TI10 motic,n was tlecondecl and cnrrled hy voice vote.

The Convention recessed at 10~55n.m.


(1) 'Tllc Con~titutionalConve~~tion or the Northern Mariana Islande was called to order at Y:15 a.m.

'l'he tln~~ortrl>lrI.c,rc-r~zo I. (:uerrero, I'resldent, presided. . I (2) A moment of r;llenL preyer was 01,served. I (3) 'rlle Convention Sccrctory culled the roll. There were 39 Delegates present. No Ilelegutes were absent or excused.



Cl~;llrmnnJoee P. M11fnt1s: Mr. Presidc~nt, I would like to make an oral report to ttlc. (:onverltion. Your Committee on Governmental Institutions met yesterday and made. substantlnl progrefis on tl~eififiue of a Washington Representative. A report will be prepared and submitted to the Committee of the Whole. Thank you.

Cllalrmnn R~~rligr~!~~lj~~: Mr. I'res l (lent, your Comi ttee on Finance, Local Government and Other H;~Ltersalno met yes~erdayand adopted a ochedule of meetings and agenda. We are very confident we will accomplieh our aeeignment in three weeks as provlded by the scl~edulefrom the Pre-Convention Committee. 'I'oduy we will discuss Cnnstitutionnl Amendment and we are also confident that we will accomplish tills today.

Chairman Felipe Atalig: Mr. President, at thie time I would like to make an oral report. Your Committee on Personal Rights 6 Natural Reeourcee began ite deliberation yesterday morning. The Commlttee decided to coneider the matters assigned to it in the follow in^ ordrr: Eli~ibilityto Vote and Election Proceilurcss tlcl~c~luleilfor dlscuu~ior~on October 19 and 20; followed by Bill of Kigllts on October 20 and 21; then Nntural Resourcee on October 26 to 28; and Land Alienation from October 29 to November 4. Your Cownittee designated November 5 for their review and adoption of all constitutional provisions to be prolinsetl Iiy the (:rinnnlttrr to t11c Cn~lvention. At its afternoon meeting the (:o~~r~~iittcc11 I HCIIHHC~ 1; Llfillii 1 l t y LC) Vote. The Committee tentatively made 1lt.r i~qlonsrcll~crr~~l~ig c 1 L lzrnuli lp, ~gcand residency requirements. Today 'e agenda fnr the Col~nittecincludes llterncy requirements, disqualification from voting dtlr to conviction of a crime, election procedures, initiative, referendum and recall. I wlsl~to rurtl~erreport, Mr. President, that the participation and output of work by your Coomlittee members is excellent and highly commend- able by your Committee Chairman. Thank you.

Delegate Jose R. Cruz lntroduced Delegate Proposal No. 01, entitled "Proposal Regarding the Executive Branch of Government."

At the request ol Floor Leader Rasa, President Cuerrero dispensed with ilcnls (7) and (8) of the Order of Business, there being no objection from the I I oor .

I . . -- r-. . .- . - --I:- Mr. I'rt.:;l(lt:r~~,;IL tl~lrpoint I would like to move that (;~,~,vc.nt:lo~~I(ulib OkI(i1) 11t. Lclnl,ctr;\r I ly HIISI,CII~~~. CONVENTlON JOURNAL -- 3rd Day October 20, 1976

Tlie motlon was secor~de(lr~nd carried to cnmpororily s~vipendRule 6(J(n).

Floor Lendcsr I{nsn: Mr. I'rr!~l(lcnt,rit tl~l~11r1int 1 wr~uld 1 lke to Lntroduce -- - .- .- ..- .- - - . I'rc~ln>~c~lIlu 11% hne~icl~~~en~No. 1 I . tiptLcl l icnlly deul~wiL11 thc Jourrlnl and the transcript. I move that Proposed Kule Amendment No.13 be adopted.

The motion we8 seconded and carried. The adopted Rule Amendment is as follows:


Resolved, That the following be added to the Rules of Procedure:

77. Journal. The journal to be prepared by the secretary pursuant to Kule 14(b) shall consist of a summary of the pro- ceedings of the Convention. The journal shall be produced daily for the delegates and shall be submitted for their approval each day during thc Convention's considerntion of preliminary matters under Rule 38.

78. Transcript. A verbatim transcript of the proceedings of the Convention sl~allbe produced and distributed by the secretary under Rule 14(g) to the delegaten ns is practicable. 1)elrgntee sl~nllhnvr four (4) dnys, excluding day8 on which the Convention docs not meet, in whichto correct inaccuracies in the transcript by filing an appropriate notice with the secre- tnry.of the Convention or by offering an ,menbent or addition during its consideration by the Convention. Following this four (4) doy period, the preflident sholl submit the transcript to the Convention for its npproval.

Floor Leader Rasa: Mr. President, there being no further action under Motions and Resolutions, I requeet thnt we move on to item (10) of our Order of Businese.

President Guerrcro: There bclng no objection from the floor, it is so ordered.


-Dclcgate Olympia T. BorJn: Mr. Prrsident. In line with the Rule Amendment No. 13 just adopted by the Co~lvc~ition.1 would like to move for the adoption of the Summary Journals of the first and second days.

The motion was seconded.

Delegate Jose P. Mnfnns: Mr. President, on page 3 of our Summary Journal of tl~cFir~t Uny. Am I correct thnt thr Vice-(:I~nlrmnn of the Connnittee on Pereonal Riglita C Nntural Kcsources is still Ramon Villagomez?

President Cucrrero: For the tnformntion of the Delegates, yesterday I offirl~llynppointrd Delr~ntcFelix A. Ayuyrr to be Vice-Ch~irrrwn of tbt Conl~nlttre. '1'111s surning 1 rri:civcd 11 communication from Dc1eger.e Ayuyu saying that he reluctantly declined to be Vice-Chairman of that Connnittee. At this time I would like to lnform the Delegotes tht I will delegate the ~utllorityto the Chnirmnn or that Committee for them to elect their Vice- Chnirman.

Motion to adopt the Swnm;~ryJournnls of the First and Second Days carried.



Convention Secretary: Mr. President, I would like to announce that the three substantive conmittees will meet immediately following our recees. The following rooms have been assigned for their meetings: The Committee on Governmental Institutions will meet in the Convention Hall. The Committee on Personal Rights C Natural Resources will meet in the Keio Room. And the CONVENTIVN .JOURNAL -- 3rd Day October 20. 1976

Committee on Finance, Local (hvernment and Other blatters will meet in the room nt the hack of the (:o~ivt!nt inn llnll.

I woul~lnlso Llkc Lo arlliouurr tl~nt~(,rrcc ;inti hot ten wlll he provitlrtl to the Delegates at the expense of fifty cents (50~)per day per Delegate.

Floor Leader bsa: Mr. President, there being no further business, 1 move that the Conventlon reccfls until ten o'clock tomorrow morning.

The motion was seconded and carried.

The Convention recessed at 9:30 a.m.

Respectful y submitted, t 11 VEKRATIbl .IOUKNhl, (TRANSCRIPT)

FOURTH DAY l'l~ursday, October 21, 1976

(1) The Constitutional Convention of the Northern Mariana Islands was called to order at 10:lO a.m.

'I'llr llonoroblc Lorcnzi) 1. c;ucrrerr>, l'rc~ldent,pres l ded.

(2) A moment of silent proycr was observed. '

(3) The Convention Secretary cnlled the roll. 'There were 39 Delegates present. No Drlegntes were excused or nlisent.

Floor Lender Rann moved that the (:onvention Rule of Procedure No. 68(a) he tempornrily suspended. Thc motion was ~ccondedand carried.

Floor Leader Rasa moved to amend Rule 38 of the Rules of Procedure to include "Adoption of the Journal" to appear between Jtem (c) "Roll Call" end item (d) "Reports of Committecs." The motion was seconded and passed.

1:loor Leader Rasa moved for the mdoptlon of the Summnry Journal of the Third Dny. The motion was seconded and carried.


Srcrctary Atnlig: Mr. Presldrnt, we Ilnve two (:ommuni~ntion~thin morning. The first is a memorandum to all Convention Delegates from the Convention President. nttnching a memorantltlm from Pedro Tenorio, Director of the Off ice of Transition and Planning. regarding "Compensation of Mnrianas Constitutional Convention Delegates. " Thc second Comul~l.cationis a mernorandllm to a1 1 Convention Dele- gntes from the Convention Presldent concerning "Speeches Given on the Convention Floor." Both memorandums are self-explanatory and have been given to all Delegates.

Delegate Pedro Dela Cruz: Mr. President, nfter going over the correspondence from the Director of OTSP I have some statements or comments to make regarding the pe.r diem rate on11 sectloll 2 and nection 3. Z renlize the legality of the per dlem rate, as well as tlle per diem allowance for off-island Delegates, and let me say that I have no quarrel about that. We who are the subject here, being off-island Delegates, do not protest the per diem rate. However, going down to Section 111, sub-section 1, where it says. "Each delegate is entitled to one roundtrip transportaton except delegntes who nre employees of the CNMI nnd wl~oseduty station is S~Lpiln." I feel that is a grossly unfair situation. We might be required to go down to Rota to confer with our constituents. And I think that, in all fairness, that has to be done. If I have to perform the f~lnctionand responsibility ns a I)elep,nte, I feel the Convention should put out the expense of the tran.rportntlon tlckot. I do not feel that I should be using my own financial resources for this matter.

Convention Secretary: Mr. President, to respond to that statement, you know the rntionnle for the per diem nnd you know your duty stntlon is here in Saipan. If YIXI are going to llota on (:oinmittec b~lntne~s,I don't thjnk there will be any prob1t.m. nut for you to go on your ovn pernonnl Luslness, T don't think the Convention should cover the expense of the ticket.

Delegate Pedro Dela Cruz: When I have to go dovn to pursue and to discusfi matters with my constituents, C think that is Convention business. That is not personal husiness.

Convention Secretary: Delegate Dela Cruz. if you will come and see me we can clear this up. CONVISNTION JOUIWAL -- 4th Day October 21, 1976

Delegate Dela Cruz: Mr. Prcsldent. this has been discussed previously and I fecl the Floor should decidc on tliis.

I)c.Lcgrite (:riagorlo (:;~lv~:1 IIIIV~,to rlgrcc. wlth;.:nteI)cla Cruz. Mr. Presi- dent. After thc Co~lventlonI thltik it is right that we take wllntever we have here down to Rota. We feel that Ls still Convention business even though it is after the Convention. We have to take to our people what has been done here.

Delcgnte Jose R. Cruz: Mr. President, I just want to inform the Convention that during the Pre-Convention Committee meetings we discussed this briefly. Delegate Ben Manglona and other members of the Pre-Convention Committee were involved in this discussion. To be truthful, I am somewhat surprised to see this communication before us thia morning because we informed the OTSP office tllnt the Delcgntes from other island^ arc required from time to time to return to their respective municipnlities for consultation purposes. It is unlike Delegates from Saipan because they live here and they represent the people here. In the case of Rota, Tinian, and even perhaps the Northern Islands, the Delegates are required to return to their respective areas for consultation. Tl~erefore,Mr. President, I think it would be wise nfter the seesion to see the Secretary and settle tl~isinternal problem once and for all. ,

Delegate Hilario Diaz: Mr. President, I wholeheartedly agree with the Dele- gnte from Rotn. I also feel thnt we ore obligated to consult with our consti- tuents on Tiriian. I therefore request thnt this particular matter be reconsidered.

Convention Secretary: Mr. I'resldent, one of the reasons why we hired the Adminietrative Assistants wnu for them to eerve nR Puhllc Tnformation OffJccru. It seems thnt the Dc1egntc.s rlrc wnnting llcrllnp~a roundtrip ticket every week. I must be blunt. Tlle budget doe^ not cover this. We might be in the red Lf we persist in trying to overspend.

Dele~ateFelipe Atnllg: I think it nppenrs that the matter is more a problem directed to Rota and Tininn. I therefore suggest, Mr. President, that we should go ahead and discuss the rest of the ngendn of the house. This should be discussed later on by their respective leaders with our Secretary.

Delegnte Benjnmin Manglona: Mr. Pre~ident,I consider this problem to be a communicntion problcm. I ngree wit11 Delegnte Atali~that we should proceed. with the other items on our agenda of business. I will take up this matter with my Delegation and also with the office of OTSP.

Delegate Pedro Dela Cruz: Mr. President, if this cannot be resolved I feel the President should enter this case. Also,I hove the feeling that somebody is just ramrodditi~things down to ua.

President Guerrero: I can assure the Delegntes that we will study and thoroughly discuss with the Pre-Convention Chairman what commitment was made by the office of OTSP. And we will discuss this matter with the Director. I suggeet we proceed with our agenda.

Floor Leader Rasa: Mr. President, I would like to inform the Delegates that under "Miscellaneous Connnunications" Robert's Rules of Order. the newly revised edition, debate of Issues is restricted. I suggest that if there are rlny prohlernn, tlicsy tilloiilcl bt- tllrrctcd to tllc nl>prc~l~rlntr!body.


Chairman Mafnas: Mr. President, may I respectfully submit my report and ask thnt it be read by the Secretary.

President Guerrero: Please read the report, Mr. Secretary.

The Committee Report, as read by the Secretary, was as follows:

"Mr. President, your Comittee on Governmental Institutions met yesterday and made subntantial ptogress in coneidering matters dealing with the Judicial branch of government. The Comittee will meet today to consider n draft report and constitutional article pertninlng to Wanl~inp.ton represrnt~tion. Tomorrow the Committee wlll turn to t.lle nubJcct of the I,r,gislntive branch of government.

-26- (;ONVENTION JOURNAL -- 4th Day October 21. 1976

"The members of your Cnmmlttee on (:ovcrnmcntnl InaLitu~lonsare working well together and nre maklng good progress townrds complatinp, thr Comltt~r'flnnflf~~~rn~~~t . Tl~nnkyou, Mr. I'rceidcnt ."

-Cl~r~i~.rnu~i IJitinJ: Your (:clll!lnlr L1.e on Flllr~ncc, I,ocr11 Covernment and Other Hatters met yesterday for a total of five hours nnd has completed its deliberations on a very im7ortant provision to be incorporated in the Constitution, Mr. President, namely. Constitutional Amendments. The exnct constitutional language for thin partlculnr proviflion is bring ~lraftedby the legnl con~ultnntsand will be rcvirwed by your Committee, I~ollefully, todny. If not today, definitely it will be reviewed tomorrow, Mr. President. Also, your Comittee is very confident thnt this particular provision will be ready for consideration by the Convention Comittee of the Whole by the end of this week. Mr. President, I want the record to sl~owthat the meml)cr~l~ipof your Committee is fully participating nnd ~~ctivelydeliberating on tilie particular issue. I also want the record to show that very careful analysis of this provision has been made. We will be meeting today to discuss and review this matter, and also to take up another very important provision, nnmely, Education.

(:I111 1 rmnri Atnl b: Your Connni ttchr nn I1c.rac>nnl Itlgl~tnb Nnturnl Renources haa completed their deliberations on Eligibility to Vote. Election Procedures, and Initiative, Referendum and Recall. I would like to note that the report has been given to the Committee members and I urge the members to review carefully their report. I found out in the first glance that there has been so many deletions and additions in the report, Mr. President, that have not been discussed by the Comittee members. I therefore urge the President of this Convention to please provide some sort of recording system for the Committees whereby the matters discussed would be kept accurately.

--President Cucrrcro: Your polnt is well tr~kcn,Chnirmnn Atnlig. I suggest, of couree, that all Comittee Kcports be tlroroogl~lydiscussed before preeentation to this Convention.

Deleg~teRamon Villagoner: Cl~airmnnAtalig mentioned that a lot of point8 were changed in our Comittrc Report. I tl~lnkIt is not very accurate to just stop nt that point. I think we shoultl nl~orealize that the consultant who drafted this report wae given n very short time. We asked to have this report completed by this morning at eight o'clock and they were under a great deal of pressure by lack of time. I think we should take that into consideration. There is an understanding that this report will be reviewed by the Committee so ~l~atthere may be addltjonr: or corrections. So. that IRa problem, but it is not that serious a problem. Thank you, Mr. President.

Chairman Atalig: Mr. President, in response to Delegate Villagomez, I want the record to reflect that the report submitted this morning is a reflection of my ohaemations on tile glnnre thnt 1 hnd nt the report. 1 see no reason thnt there should be substantive cl~angesor deletions on the report.

President Cuerrero: ks I pointed out enrlier, Chairman Atalig. that matter nhould be discussed chorou~l~lywith your Committee and the legal consultant tllnt LR rendering srrvice to tltnt Comrnl ttee.


Delegate Jose R. Cruz introduced and read Delegate Proposal No. 02, entitled "Proposal Regarding Taxation and Finance."

Delegntr Pedro Igitol jntroduccd Drlegnte Propoenl No. 03, entitled "Proposal Regarding the Judicial Branch of Government." Tllc Convention Sccrc- tary read the Proposal.

1)elegate Francisco T. I'aJ ncior; introduced Delegate Proposal No. 04, entitled "Proposal Regarding the Protection of the Culture of the Northern Mariana Islands."

Delegate Franci~coT. Pnlncios introducrd Delegate Proposal No. 05, entltlcd "Propoenl Kegnrdin~the Prnctice of Traditional Medicine."

Delegate Antonio M. Cnmacho introduced Delegate Proposal No. 06, entitled "Proposal Kegarding Executive Branrh of Government." It was read by the Secretary. I CONVENTION JOURNAL -- 4th Day October 21, 1976

Delegntr Ramon C. Vlllnjiomez intrr>duced and rend Delegate Propoaal NO. 07. entitled "Propoeal Icrgnrdin): the Executive Hrnnch of (;overnment ."

Delegate R~mon(;. Vlll~~gomezlntroducr(1 ;ind rrc~d Ijc-legntc lJrnposal No. OM, entitled "l'royosal Rcgordlng Statutca of LimltnLLona in 1,nnd Mattera."

Delegate Ramon C. Villagomez introduced and rend Delegate Proposal No. 09, entitled "Proposal Regarding Special Court to Deal with Land Matters."

(8) FIRST RlihUINC 01: PI{OI'OSALS - None.


Delegate Proposal No. 01, entitled "Proposal Regarding the Executive Branch of Government.", was assigned to the Committee on Governmental Institutions.



Chairmcan Mnf nna flnnounced that tllc Comrnl t tee on '~overnmentalInstitutions would meet inrmcdtntcly nftcr tllc SCRH 1011 In LIIC Convention llnll.

Chairman Atalig announced that the Committee on Pereonal Rights 6 Natural Resources would meet at one o'clock in the same room where they had been meeting.

Chairman Fitial announced that the Committee on Finance, Local Government and Other Mntters would meet imediatcly following the session in the Convention Hall back area.

. President Guerrero announced that there would be a meeting of the Committee on Organization and Procedures In the Office of the Presiderlt at 1:00 p.m.

Floor Leader Rasa: Mr. President, there being no further business, I move that the Convention recess until ten o'clock tomorrow morning.

The motion wnrr seconded and carried.

The Conventinn recessed at 10:40 a.m.

Respectfully submittedr7 ,;'

1.- Pedro M. Atali~- Convention Secretary (:ONSTI 'I'II'I'I ONAI, IX)NVKN'I' ION ol' Llll! NOI(1'111-HN MAKIANA LSLANI)S


FJ FTII 1)AY I;rldny, October 22, 1976

(1) The Constitutional Convention of the Northern Mariana Islands was called to order at 10:30 a.m.

'I'l~eIlonornble Lilrcnzo 1. (;uerrero, President, presided.

(2) A moment of silent prayer was observed.

(3) The Convcntlon Secretary 1.a1lcd Llle roll. There were 39 Delegates present. No Delegates were excused or absent.


Floor Leader Kasa: Mr. Preflidcnt, T move for thc ndoptl.on of the Sununary Journal of tire Fourth Day.

The motion was seconded.

Delegate Fellpe Atalig: Mr. President. T would ljke to cnll the attention of tile Uelegntca to I1nge 1, under item (5) "Miscellaneous ~ommunications", para- graph 3. There seems to be some typographical error here in that tlmiscellaneous dommunications" was deleted. The sentence should read "Ploor Leader Rasa suggested that since Robert's Rules of Order. Revised Edition, restrict8 debate on miscellaneous communications, any problem should be directed to the appro- priate body." I would like that correction to be made.

President Cuerrero: It is so ordered.

The motion carried. The Summary Journal of the 4th Day was adopted.



Chni rmnn FLti~l.: Mr. Prc!~ltlcrit , toclny your C~nrnnlttce on Finance, Local Covern- mcnt r~ndOtlicr MRttcrs IlnppLly presents its report on the Constitutional Amend- ment provision. It is a fourteen page report and I would like to eubmit it for the record and incorporation into the Journal. Copies are available for distribution to all members of the Convention.

President Guerrero: At this the I would llke to announce that some of our ' Committee Reports are pending and tlie reason for it is that our Xerox machine is out of order again this morning. We can resolve back to this matter again when copies of the reports are availnble.

Chairman Fitial: Mr. President, just for the record, your Committee on Finance, Local Government and Other Matters completed deliberations on another very important provision, that of Education, yesterday. The exact constitutional language of this provision is being drafted and will be ready for your Ccmmittee's consideration, hopefully, today. Thank you, Mr. President.


Delegate Felipe Q. Atali~introduced Delegate Proposal No. 10, entitled "Proposal Regarding Land." The title of the Proposal wne read by the Secretary.

Delegate Felipe Q. Atnlig introduced Dele~ateProposal No. 11, entitled "Proposal Regarding Nurses and Teachers." The title waa read by the Convention Secretary.

Delrgntc I:eJ ipc Q. Atn 1lg introcluccd I)r legnte Proptlsal No. 12, entitled "Proposal Hegnrding 'Traditlonn 1 Custom." The title was read by the Secretary. , .. * CONVENTION JOURNAL -- 5th Day . ,,A!? .. t : . _i.,.... October 22, 1976 , I?..:! .; 1 ., ,. . .

...f. . ," ( Delegnte Felipc Q. Atnllg Introduced Delegate Proposal No. 13, entitled , "Proposal Regarding Official Iloltdnys." The title was read by the Secretary.

Dclegnte Pedro M. Atnl l~ 1ntroduc:cd nrid rend Dclcgate Proposal No. 14, entitled "Propoflal Rcgnrdlrrg Con€l.lct~ of Irrterc-st."

Delegate David Q. Maratitaintroducedand read Delegate Proposal No. 15, entitled "Proposal Regarding the Lcglslative Brnnch of Government."

Delegates Benjamin T. Manglona, Jose R. Cruz, Pete Ogo, Prudencio Manglona, Esteven King, Vincente Manglona, Henry Hofschneider, Hilario Diaz. Pedro Dela Cruz, Pedro Atalig, Leon Taisacan, Gregorio Calvo and David Atalig introduced Delegate ' Proposal No. 16, entitled "Proposal Regarding the Executive Branch of Government."

Delegates Benjamin T. bnglona, Jose R. Cruz. Pete Ogo. Prudencio Manglona, Vicente Manglona, Pedro Atalig, Esteven King, Pedro Dela Cruz. David M. Atalig. Gregorio Calvo, Leon Taisacan and Hilario Diaz introduced Delegate Proposal No. 17. entitled "Proposal Regarding the Legislative Branch of ~overnment."

Prcsidcnt Cuerrero: Recogntze Delegnte Benjamirr T. Monglona.

Delegate Benjamin T. Manglona: Mr. President and Fellow Delegatee. On Monday, rit the opening day of our historic Convention, I addreflsed this honornble body on bchalf of the Rota Delr.g:~tion. As you may recall, the momentum of my opening remarks wns centered on the subject of unity and justice. As I sit in this Convention in the Last four days, I sense this reeling of unity - I sense thls feeling of justice amongst the Delegates.

Fellow Delegntcn, the real test Is now. In the days ahead we will prove the worknbility of this test.

Today our Delegation is pleased to introduce two Delegate Proposals on two very important issues to be deliberated and to be resolved by this Convention.

Our Delegation has met nnd dincussed neveral issues of concern to the people of our munlripality. who desire to secure ndcqu~iterrpreaentntion in the new Government of the Comonwealtlr of the Nortl~ernMariana Islands. For the purpose of background and as prelude to further discussion and deliberatinn on topics of critical importance to our people of Rota, our Delegation have cast tentative decisions on the following issues.


A. Structure

In pursuit of the goal that is shared by Rota and Tinian municipalities of taking a firm role in the conduct of the new Government of the Northern Marians Islands, our Delegation proposes the following executive branch structure: an elected Governor (elected at-large, Cornonwealth-wide); one elected Vice- Governor (elected at-large. Cornonwealth-wide); two elected Lieutenant-Covernore (elected at-large, within the respective municipalitiea. Rota and Tinian). It is the view of our Delegation that since the Governor shall exercise general super- visory power over the Commonwealth, and because the Vice-Governor ehall succeed as Governor in the event of a vacancy in that office during the term of the incumbent, both the Governor and the Vice-Covernor should be elected from the qualified voters of the entire Commonwealth. Accordingly, since the Lieutenant- Governor shall represent the interests of Rota and Tinian municipalities within the Commonwealth Government, they should be elected from the qualified electors of their respective municipalities.

Our Delegation desires that, in order to ensure that the interests of Roto nnd Tinianmuntcipaliticsare fully represented in the executive decision making process, the Lieutenant-Governor be accorded a position in the Governor's council or cabinet. The accessibility to the Governor will enable the views of the people of Rota and Tinian to be presented effectively within the Executive Branch of the Commonwealth.

B. Budget

Our Delegation, in furtllcr:~~~~.c.of our tlcsirc to allow Rota and Tinian

-30- CONVENTION JOURNAL -- 5th Day . . October 22, 1976 . ., ;t k ' ,.

'1:. '1:. .L municipalities s degree of local autonomy. proposes that the Lieutenant-Governor ,, .. be allowed to participate actlvely in the preparation of the budget and ite presentation to the legislnture of tl~e Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana ! , . Islnnds. It ie the view of our Delep,ntion thnt one method of achieving this ' . , objective wclr~ld permit thc Llcutennn~-Covernor to aubmit to the Governor's budgets , . for services to be delivered on Rota and Tinisn for coordination with all other budgetary matters in one executive budget that will be eubmitted to the legislature. Upon legislative approval, them responsibility for supervising on implementation of the financial programs npproved by the legislature for Rota end Tinian ahall lie with ttir Lieutenant-Gover~lor. . . 11. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH OF GOVEKNMENT . . . . . ,

Our Delegation proposes the following with respect to the legislative 1. , . >, branch of government: a ,,.. . . - a. 4-4-4 combination in tho upper house; ~lcrbrch b. retain the same number of representation of the Northern Marianil Islands by-3 5 Legislature in the lower houue c. appropriations originatr in the lower house and ere approved in the upper house . . d. governmental app~)intrnentswith the advice and consent of thc -,,, *! .--I upper house . .' ;t e. any member of the upper house of the legislature may introduce a . . . I bill or resolution pertaining exclusively to the needs end interests of the ialand that he represents and which will have application only in such islands f. prior to acting on any bill submitted by a member of the upper house, the a Governor shall consult with the Lieutenant-Governor of the island concerned.

Mr. President nnd Fellow Delegates, this concludes our justification in our proposal. In the next few days of this Convention, our Delegation is more than pleased to cooperate with individual delegates, committees and this Convention in considering our Delegation's proposal.

In closing, our Delegation wishes to seek your understanding and full endorsement of our proposal. Thank you.

President Guerrero: We will continue with Introduction of Proposals.

Delegnte Oscar C. Rase Illtroduccd and rrnd Delegate Propoeal N4i. 19, entitled "Proposal Regarding the Executive Brnnch of ~ovcrnment."

Delegates Gregorio Calvo. Benjnrnin Manglona. Prudencio Mnglonn end Davld Atalig introduced Delegntc Proposal No. 20. cntitled "Proposal Regarding Health Services nnd Social Welfnre." The text wan read by Delegate Calvo.

Delegates Jose R. Cruz, Hilario Diaz. Henry Hofschneider, Eateven King and Vicente Manglona introduced I)c?legate Proposnl No. 21. entitled "Propoeal Regarding Agiguan Isl~nd." The propoa;~lwas rend by Delegate Renry Hofschnrider.

Delegnte Oscar C. Rasa Introduced and read Delegate Proposal NO. 22, entitled "Proposal Regarding the Legislative Branch of Government."

Delegates Leon Taisacan and Ramon Villagomez introduced Delegate Proposal No. 23, entitled "Proposal Rc~gardingDisposition of Public Lands." The text vae

read by Delegate Villagomez. ,. ,L

Delegate Pedro Igitol introduced Delegate Proposal No. 24, entitled "Proposal Regarding Eminent Domain."

Delegate Olympio T. Borjn introduced and read Delegate Propoeol No. 25, entitled "Propoaal Regarding Bill of Rights."

Delegate Olympio T. Borjn introduced and read Delegnte Propoanl No. 26, entitled "Proposal Regarding Eminent Domain."

Delegnte Olympio T. B0r.j~introduced and read Delegate Proposal No. 27, entitled "Proposal Regarding Eminent Domain." CONVENTION JOURNAL -- 5th Day October 22, 1976

Delegate Olympio T. Borja introduced and read Delegate Proposal NO. 28, entitled "Proposnl Regarding the Status of the Constitution."

Chairman Jose P. Mnfnas: May we tcmptlrarlly su.ql,cnd thc Ortler of Ilu~incunand move back to item nttmber 6, Cormnittec Reports.

Prrsident Currrrro: So ordered.

Chairman Jose P. Mnfnas: Mr. Prrsidc*nt. On behalf of the Committee on Governmental Institutions, I have the honor to offer the Committee's unanimous Recommendation No. 1. The Committee's submission includes proposed draft constitutional pro-, visions and a report setting forth the Committee's reasons for recommending those provisions.

In brief, the Committee recommends that the Washington representative be ', popularly elected and, at least at the outset, serve a two-year term. Under the Committee's recommendation, the representative mustbe at least 30 years old. a qunlified voter in the Northern Marianas, and have been domiciled and have resided in the Commonwealth for the ten-year period immediately preceding hie election. Persons convicted of felonies in the Northern Marianas or in any , area under the jurisdiction of the United States would be ineligible for election as representative.

Tile Cormnlttee's recorn-ncled provision would require the representative to report annu~llyto the Cmvernor and Leglulature, to represent the Colmnunwealth in the United States, and to perform those related duties which are assigned to him by law. The representative would be entitled to adequate compensation.

Mr. President, the Committee on Covernmental Institutions respectfully requests that the Convention do the following:

1. Adopt this Committee report and Comittee Recommendation Number 1; and 2. Schedule the matter for discussion by the Convention at an early date.

Thank you, Mr. President.

President Guerrero: Recognize Chairman Benigno Fitial.

Chnirman Fitinl: Thank you. Pir. Prcsldent. Regarding the report from your Comittee on Finance, Local Government and Other Matters, I would like to insert a few remarks for the verbatim Journal. The remarks submitted are as follow :

Your Conunittee on Finance, Local Covcrnment and Other Matters happilv prenenta its report on its rt!rommcndi~tion for an article of the Constitutlon on Constitutlonal Amendment and the accomp~nyingCommittee Report for introduction and flrst reading.

Tile rccommsndntion proposes tllnr. thc Con~titution of the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands can be amended in the future by Constitutional Convention, legislative initiative, or popular initiative with the ratification of the voters at a regular general election. In this way our historic Constitution can be reviewed in the future. And if additional changes are needed, they can be mnde or nddrtl tl~rou~ltthe Confltituticlnnl amcndmcnt process.

Your Committee's recommendation, if they are adopted and made a part of our Constitution, will assure that in the future there is a very careful consideration of any needed changes. Further, such changes would be adopted only with the approval of the people, i. e.. by ratification hy the voters, at a regular, , general election.


Delegate Proposal No. 02, entitled "Proposal Regarding Taxation and Finance," was referred to the Committee on Finance, Local Government and Other Matters.

Delegate Proposal No. 03, entitled "Proposal Regarding the Judicial Drench of Government," was referred to the Committee on Governmental Institutions. (:ONVENTIt)N JOURNAL -- 5th Day , , L .,-> , . .- October 22, 1976 .. . . ,. ;,:-- ;J .,: . :..- ;. *(:!;.2:.<.- , '. ,,j;..,*!.,:. - ,.,,, ,,.~<~;;:<..> ,. . .!A. . Delegnte Proposal No. 04. rnti t led "l'roposal Regarding the Protection of-. . :.! 5." 1 ~'"'[~!:~~d=l.14 i~ 1 :. the Culture of the Nortt~ernM.iriann lslnncls." waH referred to the Committee un , , .:... ..: *., P J'- . J Finance, Local Goverr~mcntant1 Othcr Matters. , , M ..? . . . /.,.,'.I ., Dclc~~tII. Prcrpntln l NII. Or), 1.111 It 11-11 "~'~II~IIII~IIl I(t.gnrdi~il( the Practice of Trntlltionnl Elcdlcll~c," wnH rc, Lo tllc- I:ommlttee on Personal Rights h Natural Resources. -,.s

Delegnte Proposal No. Oh, entitled "Proposal Reg~rdingExecutive Branch of Government ," was referrcrl to rhe Committcr on Governmelltal Institutions. ., 1,

Delegnte Proposal No. 07. ent 1t led "Proposal Regardint: the Executive Brilnch . , of Government," was referred Lo the Committee on Covernmentnl Inutitutions. .. .I . ,:. ..,I . ,:. . . ' J '. Delegate Proposal No. 08, entitled "ProPosol Regarding Statutes of 1.lmlLatlons .. i,:,~. in Land Matters." was referretl to thr (:ommlttee on Personal Rights h Natural .. .. , 3 ,,! . ;.., . Resources. . .I s .!,. '.I

,!.,ii:: 1 ..I . .,j.:'. :'. Delegate Proposal No. 09. entitled "Proposal Regarding Special Court to '. .,. .!;, !; Deal with Land Mntter," wns rcQferred to thc Comlttee on Governmental Znstitutions. . ,.: . : .' !, .,; 3:.l:':'c , ..,. , >,.-I..: ;* . (10) SECONI) AND FINAL REAI)LN(.:S OF 1'ItOPOSAl.S - Nonc. ; ., , .,.+.


President Guerrero: Recognize Delr~ageBrnigno Fitial. , . Delcgnte Uenigno Fitial: Mr. Presitler~t. I would Like to offer the following resolution. That Rule 54 br amended by substituting the date of October 29, -' 1976, for the date ;f November 25, 1976, and that the contents of Rule 54 .' be amended to rend: No dele~ntepropo~al nhnll he introduced after October 29, : 1976, except with the unanimous conecnt of the Convention."

Mr. President, adopting this would mean that all Delegate Proposals would have to be submitted hy one verk from today. Under the Provi~ionsof Rule 68 thls would required flvr (5) dnye notice before this Convention can take action. The purpone of tl~i!j proposal is to encourage all the Delegates tonffer thcir Proposals promptly. Wc all know tl~isConvention has a very short time to finish its work. Only 45 days are left until December 6tl1.,.::~, : The work of the Convention is being done largely by the three Cowittees, Mr. President. Each of these Committees has adopted a tentative schedule for considerntion of the mattrrs assJgned to It. The Delegates muet recognize thnt Delegnte Proposals mufit be considered promptly by the careful consideration of the Cotmnitter. It is not my purpose to prevent any Delegate ' from expressing his or her view on any subject relevant to our proposed Constitution. There are nt least three ways in which this can be done. First, any Drle~ntecan mnkc n Prnpo~aluntil Octoher 29. 1976. Second, nny Delegnte nt nnytlmc can present 111% view to the responsible Committee regarding any matters and consideration. Third, any Delegate can offer an amendment on the floor to nny [:ommittec Recnmendation with which hc does not agree.

In view of these oafrg~lards,Mr. I'resldcnt, C urge tl~rConvention to adopt this proposed amendment to the Rules. Thank you.

Floor Leader Rasa: Just a point of information. Do I understand thnt Chairman Fitial wishes this resolution he treated ns n motion?

Chairmnn Benlgno Fitial: Ncl, 1 was Just pr(.sr.nt lng my on the proposed . Rule Amendment.

Floor Leader Rasn: I underst;~~ldthat, Mr. President. If that is the case then I wish to make the following motion: I move that Convention Rule 68((1) be suspended.

hemotion WRS secondecl and carried to susprnd tempprarily kule 68(a).

Floor Lendcr Roan: I move ~III! Rcsolut 1 on I~itrorluced by Cl~nirmanFi tiel be treated as a motion.

The motion was seconded and passed that Rulr 54 he ;~rncnded. CONVENTION JOURNAL -- 5th Day October 22, 1976

President Guerrero: Recognize Ctiairmnn Joge P. Mafnas.

Clinirman Josc l'. Mafnns: Mr. Prrsldt.nt. T move thnt Committee Report from tlic (:om1 ttt-~'on Covrrnmt-~it~~I Inrt l LII~lol~n, No. 01 , rcgnrdfng "Wnsliington ~~r~rctsentation"hc ndoptcrl.

The mot ion was

Clinlrman RP~lgno FILM: Pnllir of Infl,rmrlt Ion. I'Iit- Chn lrmn of a Committee cnnnot movc? to ndopt 111s our1 (:ommi t t ~-t.'nItc-ptjct .

President Guerrero: T believe with ttieconcurrenceof the Delegates we can recognize the Chairman's motion.

The motlon was cnrri~~tlhy voice votr to accept the committee'^ Report.

Chairman Benigno Fitial: I would likr to move for the acceptance of my Committee Report.

The motion wns ~econdrd.

President Guerrero: Recognize Floor Leader Rasa:

Floor Leader Rasn: Mny I request thnt the word "my" he deleted and the word "your" subnt ituted.

Presldent Guerrero: So ordered.

Delegate Dnvid Q. Msratitn: Is the motion hcfore the Convention to adopt, in its entirety, the recomnlcndntion of tlic Committee for inclueion by the Convention7

Delegste PeLipe Aralig: I want to rcEcr 1-0 tlic Chair that Chapter 3, Number 1, requires that the Delegate from is to rise before being recognized.

President Guerrero: Recognize Delegate Cruz from Tinian.

Delegate Jose R. Cruz: Mr. President, I do not have a copy of the Committee Report made by Chairman Fitial, which 1s under motion for acceptance.

Chairman Benigno Fitial: Your Committee Report is available for distribution. I do not see any reason why It has not yet been distributed.

President Currrero: May I nsk the Secrctnry to distribute that Report before wc. vote on tlle motion.

Secretary Atalig: Mr. Presldent. May we have a 5 minute recess so the copies of the Committee Reports can be distributed to all Delegates.

The President ordered tlir rcccsg.

The Convention recessed at 11:12 a.m.


The Convention reconvened at 11:22 a.m.

President Guerrero: We still have a motion on the floor, which was made by Chairman Benigno Fitial for the Committee on Finance, Local Government 6 Other Matters.

Recognize Delegate Olympio T. Borjs.

Delegate Olympio T. Borla: Mr. President. Point of informtion, please. T believ taking a motion on any Comtttee Report at this time la not only inconsistent wite our Rules, but not to the odvnntnge of the Dc.legntce mince we would have to adopt , each one individually. I think we should accept the report and place it on the (Igy. t-d 1 , calendar under General Orders so that we can resolve to the Committee of the Who1 and move for adoption instead of moving now for each adoption and then again, on , . , \I- tt~rfollow in^ dny, tnkin~\I[\ thr snmt- thlng. , ,, CONVENTION JOURNAL - 5th Day j '".,';j i 1.::; October 22. 1976 ,. . ' . L.It~y~.,$!,i!j....: . ,.\ ,,/; :.DJl;..-w*;i; ;.,;t;:b{;>,'$.j . ,-,,. ,, ,**: :.,!.:,,,rl,:::,;,: 31; 4 . .h 7 I helicve it wciuld bc h~tterto accept this and place it on a calendar. Tor .:,:. ':, dellberntton and ndnpti~liby tlie Comlttee of the Uholc. In the intercayof !,; -..! ' exprdlency. T belleve tlicit wg. nl~ouldchnnge the motion to say "acce~tthe :! ,; ,,,*~kr'.,, ; I .' Ra-lwrt n~~cl~rlncr? 11 1111 tlicl c.r~l~a~idr~r"11lntcwd of adoptl lo^^" nt thie tim~.*,,.~ ,.w,-, .p . ,.,+ .a .. Ttinlik you. .,;.,:,+p+l., it ... i

,. ,. . , ,,'A&---* , . Other Matters. : 3; (12) UNFINISHED BUSINESS - None.


...a .': Prenldont Gucrrrro: At tltln tlmc I would like to announce that the"t~o""'~~-' Committee Reports and Comj ttee Recommendation presented earlier in the .messLon will be placed on the calendar of business for tomortow so that the.,CoyitFe~ of the Whole can have discussion. . A# .?a(. -!r .. .

...:I-' ..,.! Recogtilzc Delcgntc Dnvlcl Maratltn. '-7. ." Delcgnte Davld Maratita: Polnt of prlvilege. Mr. President. Regarding Introduction . of Proposals nnd Recomendaticin of Comittees, I wonder if the Committee, ,,. submitting the Recomendat ion is in line with Rule 54 of our ~roceduree."~n,other ' words, tho Comittee ls eubmitt in8 its reconnncndetions on a proposal. ~lll",this be on the calendar under "(:cric.rnl Orclers?" On "IntroductLon of Proposaln", 'will tlint be taken up by De1egutc.e or Com.Lttees at that time? ,.,,,.t.;%:;- : , .. v... 'I I Chairmnn Jose P. Mafnas: The purpose of adopting a Committee Report, Mr. President, Is not passage of that report; it is merely to insert in the,record . , that such report becomes property of the Convention. +:&63; :>..I ...,. -.. Delegate David Maratita: Mr. President, I am not questioning whether or not'the Committee Report should be nclopted by the Convention. I am just concerned whether on tlie Ortlrr of the Dny, "Int roduc~icrnof Proposals", la that by Delegat? or by CommitLee7 . :ir~,'~.n President Cucrrero: According to Rule 54, "Introduction of Propo~als", !ncJ;l?es

Delegate Proposals and Comlttee Recomcndations. a,,i": >.$A#: -Floor -- - -Lendcr- -- Rnnn: Tllcre cnn bc no report wlthout having first some propoeale, and a rtqiort 1s a justlfica~lonof a proposal. SO,~Report or a Recommendatton

by a Committee is a propo~altn itself. .,(,. ,

I -Delcpte Dnvld Mnratlta: As we look at the vario~~sCommittee Reports. they are mnlclng recomrncndations an to rhc provinlon in the Constitution. That is the point I am raising now, whether or not Introduction of Proposals by Committees should be done on the Order of the Day under "Introduction of Proposals" either by Delegate or by Committee.

Tlic Committee Report tllc~twas just adopted was a propo~alwithin itself; nnd was tlilu Lntrnducc.d according to Hule 547 Mr. Premident. there ie no "Comittee Recommendation" on the Order of the Day. We have only "Introduct l.on of Proposals by Delegates," hut no "Introduction of Propo~olsby Comittee."

U' --Delegate Olyrnpio T. Borfa: J feel wc are consistent with Hule 54 anrl'thai in. any Proposal submitted by R 1)elegate should be con~idereda Delegate Proposal and Recommendntions submitted by the Committee should be considered Recomendntions. , We have adopted two Recommcnclntiona fromComnittees to be placed on tomorrov'e calendnr for Comlttee of ttic Whole deliberationn. If you will note in Rule 55. thin ln the! proredtire to he fctllowed. Flrst ncccpt thv Gomnittee'u Recommendations cind plltru tl11m IJII tlie calrtitlr~rfor ~IR~URR~O~under Cw~ernl Ordern elf thc Dny

by t ltc Commlitcc of tlic Uliolc.. . ~ . ,

Pre~itlcntCuc.rrcro: Thnt 19 vorrrct. Dclr~:ntr Ijorja. The two Cornrnttt~e Roliortn II~IVC.hcc-lr plncecl crrt I IIC, cnlr!~~tlnrunder Cc.ncrci1 Orders of tl~uUay for delilwrntlon by Commlttec. of tlle Wliole. (:ONVENTION JOURNAL -- 5th Day Octohrr 22, 1976

Delvgate Jose R. (LC: lly,II lows lor a Delegntr or n (:onmliLtc.r tc) nuhmit itn report, but it do*.- nsrl pr(,vicic- 11 ~I~~vIHI~IIfc>r thls body LIB adopt RUCII proposn I .

Delegate Olympio T. Borjn: In Ilne. wlth tllc. polnt rnlpr-el by Delc~gateCrtla and Delegate Maratita. item 11, on (tic Ordrr of Uuslncsu. "~otIons nnd Resolution-" is where we should accept the Rcport nntl plncc It for tomorrow.

President Guerrero: Privilege of the Floor 1s given to Dclegate Leon I. Talsacan from Rota. t:K - nclcgntct Lccln-- I. -'l'nl9nr1111:------Mr. Prc.qltlc.111 ;111cl ~.'c.llow I)rlceatr~. My rca~rks nrc 111 support of Ll~cf ro[)c>qcl1 Just I~iLr~ducedIly Uelcgnte Benjamin Manglonn ~,.LL this morning.

I, like many people of the Northern Mariana Islands. both in tliis room and elsewherr. woulcl llkr to ndcl my npprov:ll to the idea^ and goals CRIIOLIH~?~by Ilrlc~r~trUc-nJ:~ml n M:lnglotln. 1'111. I)c l rgntrrc to the Conatitutionnl Convention have undertaken n solerrm duty to prepare the fundamental document for the people of the Northern briana Islands. Although inequities have existed in the past and perhaps will continue to exist in the future, it should be our desire -- indeed, it is our duty -- to ensure that the voices of those wl~ohnve suffcred the pnst wrongs arc not loot. These voices must and will be heard in our new government. It is of the utmost importance, Mr. President. that the goals envisioned by Delegate Manglona are given effect and that the proposals that he has offercd to the Convention are given our approval. If the Delegates to this Conventlon do no more than assure the adequate representa- tion of ~IIORPwho II~VRnot I>c(.~ henrci In tllc- pnrrt, then thin effort will br one of the grentc!st triumphs In our island group'^ Iii~tflry. Thnnk you.

President Guerrero: Any more speechrs to b(! givcn thls morning?

Recognize Delep,nte .Illan ])LC. Demnpan.

Delegate Junn DLC. Ucmapan: Mr. Prcslclent and I:<-llow D~lt>gates. Tt is wit11 heavy heart and grave concern that 1 feel crhlip,ntcd to register my deep disappointment with the d lrt~ctionnur Const i tut Lonal Convc.11t ion seems to he taking.

On Mouday, October 18, 1976. the oprnfng day, most of the speakers empliasized the need for this Convention to approach the grave task ahead with open minds and dedication to the cause of our prople to the end that the Constitution tl~ritit ie our duty to draft nlrd suhmlt LO tlic prople i~ one designed to scrve the he~tinterests of nl our ~lc~oplonow :lnd in the future.

The spenkers stressed Llle necd f-~lrgood wlll, hard and thoughtful work, but above all, they recognized the absolute necessity to put aside all political , partisanship during our deliberations. Were these only words? Unfortunately. I am led to believe so.

If the srlectlon of comnllttcc l~~:~cIi~rsl~ip1s any indicatlon. then I am forced to the conclusion that political affiltatlon and considerations will play x large part in the days ahend. No one will convince me that it was not possible to find a single minority pnrty meml)er to rhnlr one singlc committee. All connnittees. without exception are chnired by membcara of the majority party.

Please he assured that my disappointment docs not lie In the fact that I was not selected to head-up a committee, f-ar from it; but ? do know and so docs everyone hcrc that tl~crenre sevcra 1 ~lcle~atcsfrom the mfnority party who are more tl~nnqunlifirtl. Wily were tl~cyovrrlookctl if it wan not because of their party affiliations?

%ere is the spirit, unity and nonpartisanship that was urged upon us in opening day speeches? Where is the good will and solidarity of effort we were ndviscd to prncticr?

If our conduct of the pafit fcw d:lys is indicntivc of the future then we will have betrnyed the trust plncrd in u.s hv tlie people. CONVENTION JOURNAL -- 5th nay Octohpr 22, 1976

1.c.t us I~earin n~lndtl~nl WI. nre worklnp,, not only and primarily for n~~rrelves hut for our proplr, our 1,111 l(lrr11 n~~clfor f~~tt~rr~c.rrt-rnt lr~n?;. We dnrc not fnll them.

I.rt otlr dc!LLh#.ratlc~ns:III(I clr:cLnlc,tlu I,c I,nuecl ~I~WIIVRon whet is the j:renteat good for tile greatest number.

I, for one pledge mysr'lr to put nslde any end all pcilltlcal consideratjnns in the, llursuit of' my sncrvd tlt~tl~tsI~ere.

I exhort you all to do Ilkewise. I'osterity will hless us or curse us according to the quality of the work we do here on their behalf. Thank you.

President Guerrero: Recognlzr Dclegatc Jose R. Cruz.

Uclognte Jose R. Crliz: Mr. President and Fellow Delegates. I just Want to endorse the remarks made to this Convention earlier by the Delegation Erom Rota. I am in support of their Proposal and I would also like to urge thls Convention to take into serioua conniclcr~ltiontlie rrnmrks made by Delegate Demapan. Thank YOU.

President Guerrero: Recognlzc Chairman FeLipe Atalig.

Chnirmn Felipe At*: Tl~nnkyou, Mr. President. .It~stfor the record I dis;~greewith the utntc.mcnc sl;~tlr by I)e lrgn t r Jtinn 1)I.C. I)rmripan.

-.-- -.-- Chnl rnwn Rcnlgno Fit=: Thv (:nmml t trc! rln Flnnt~rr,l,ot::~l Covrrnmrnt nnrl Other E!attt?rn wlll be meeting immr*cllntely rllllowln~thl~ Rc.n!:lon in Itx usual Incarting plncc in the area hchinil the (:onver~tIon Ilnl 1.

Cllni rmnn Jose P. Mi~fnna: Mr. Prc~ldrnt, your Coruinl t tee on Covernmcntal. lnst l tutiono will be meeting at 2:00 p.m. this afternoon in the Convention Chambrr. -Cltairmnn FelLpc AtntA: My ( 1s well-lnformrd ns to the time nntl place of thrtr meeting. -Delegate Joaquin Torres: 1 move thnt thls (:onvrntlon recess until 2:00 p.m. tomorrow, October 23, 1976.

Prcsldr~ltGucrrero: Hecognlze I)c.leqntr JOHP I(. (:ruz

Delegate Jose R. Cruz: I wo~rld like to ask il question for planning purposes. Is this weekend and Monday a 1101 ldnyl

-..---Prrrldcnt C;t~c,rrrro: Accorcll~i~:to tl~c. lrlw wl~jcrh rrrntr~lthr (:onvrntlon, Sc-i-tion 9, tlltu CotlvenLion wLll meet f~rr50 consecutive days n~~dIt will mee: for 50 consecutive days.

'l'lie niotion to recrgs wnrl sr*rondc*cl t1r111 cnrrl rd.

The Convention recessed at ll:lt5 a.m.


(:or~vctltion Sccrc.tary 1.) CONSTITUTIONAI, CONVENTION ot the NOllTIIl?l~N MAIt JANA I SI.ANn$

S IXTII DAY Snturdny Octobcr 23. 1976

(1) The Constitutional Convention of the Northern Mariana Islands was called to order at 2:05 p.m.

The Honorable Lorenzo I. Cuerrero, President, presided.

(2) A moment of silent prayer was observed.

(3) The Convention Secretnry culled the roll. There were 33 Delegates preaent. Delegntes Felipe Q. Atalig, Olympio T. Borja, Carlos S. Camacho, Daniel P. Castro, Juan DLC. Demapan and Herman Q. Cuerrero were excused. A quorum wae present.


Floor Leader Rasa: Mr. Presldcnt, I move for the ndoptlon of the Sununary .lournal of the 5th Day.

The motion wns seconded.

The Convontion Secretnry reported that there was n correction to be mode on the second page, whereby Delegate Proposal No. 21 was read by Delegate Hofschneider. I The motion carried and the Summary Journal of the 5th Day was adopted.



Chairman Benigno Fiw: Mr. President, your Committee on Finance, Local Covern- ment and Other Mutters happily presents to the Convention its recomendations on the subject of Education, and its nccompanyin~report on this subject.

This Committee hns reviewed extensively the briefing papera and other documents pertaining to educnt ion, includirlg provisions for our people of the Nortl~crnMnrinlln Tfllnnd~. (]ui~lltyeducntlon for our people is vital and should be encouraged at nll levels, including elementary mnd secondary, higher education, as well as adult, vocational, and special educational programs.

The Comittee recommends, Mr. President, thnt the Constitut.ion state clcnrly thnt there ullnll br frce, puhlic nncl compul~oryeducation in the Norcl~crnMnrinnn Islr~nds. Furthcr, thnt there ellall be higher education within the needs and resources of our people.

Mr. President, we recognize that there are many matters pertaining to the provision and financing of education which will command the attention of the legislature, education authorities and officials of the Commonwealth Government. The proposed constitutional provisions set forth the high goals and aspirations for our people. We 'strongly recommend that the Convention and its Comittee of the Whole consider and approve in principle the recommended constitutional provisions we hereby submit.

Thnnk you very much, Mr. President.

Chairman Mafnas: Your Committee on Governmental Inatitutlons hns no significant report to make at this time except that your Committee has met and tentatively come up with constitutional I nnguage on "Judlclnl" and "Legislative."

Vice Chninnan Palacios: Mr. President, your Committee on Personal Rights 6 Natural Resources has three separate recommended Constitutional provisions for submisflion to the Committee of the Wllole ot this tjme. The first recom- mendation Jcnls with eliglbllity to vote, the second wjth election procedures, and the third with initiative, referendum and recall. We have prepared reports

-3R- CONVENTION JGURNAL -- 6th Day October 23, 1976 to the Committee of the Whole ::tnting our Committee's reasons for proposing this Constitutional language. At thifi tlme I offer the Committee's three reports and nsk that these rcports be received by the Convention and that the ~ommlttee'.spropo~ed (:on~tltuLlonnl provirllonfl be plnced on the calendar for discussion hy the Cormnittce uf ~IICWhole nt the earliest possible date.

I would now move that the Convcntion acknowledge receipt of this report.

The motion was seconded. l'resident Guerrero: If there is no ol~jectionfrom the floor, it is so ordered.


Delegntes Pedro Q. Deln Cruz, Leon I. Taisacan. Pedro M. Ogo, David M. Atolig, BenJnmln T. Mnnglona, l'edro M. Atollg, Gregorio S. Calvo, Benigno Fitial and Pedro Igitol introduced Delegate Proposal No. 29, entitledl'Proposal Regarding Election Procedures." The Proposal was read by the Secretary.

Delegate Jose R. Cruz int~odr~cedand read Committer Proposal No. 30, entitled "Propofla1 Regnrding the Offici.11 Lnngunge of the omo on wealth."

Delegate Jose R. Cruz introduced nnd read Committee Proposal No. 31, entitled "Proposal Regarding Trial by Jury."

Delegate Dnvid Q. Marotitn introduced and rend Cornittee Proponal No. 32, entitled "Proposal Regarding Local Goverment."

Delegates Pedro Q. Deln Cruz, Benlmin T. Mnnglona, Gregorio S. Calvo, Leon I. Taisacan. Prudencio T. Mnnglonn, Peclro M. atoll^, Pedro H. Ogo and David M. Atnlig introduced Delegntc Prollo6ol No. 33, entitled "l'roposal He~ardlngthe Executive Branch of Government." The Proposal was read by the Secretary.

Delegates Esteven M. King. Vicente H. Manglona. Henry U. Hofschneider and Hilario Diaz introduced Delegate Proposal No. 34, entitled "Proposal Regarding Governmental Institutions." The Proposal woa read by Delegate King.

Delegates Esteven M. King, Vicentc M. Manglona, Henry U. Hofschneider, Hilario F. Diaz and Benjamin Kqnglona introduced Delegate Proposal No. 35, entitled "Proposal Regarding Capital lmprovement Funds." The Proposal was read by Delegate King.

Delegate Pedro Igitol introduced and read Delegate Propo~alNo. 36, entitled "Proposal Regarding the Office of Public ~uditor."

Delegntes Pedro Dela Cruz, Prudencjo Mnn~lonn, Benjamin Manglona, Gregorio Colvo, Pedro Ogo, David Atolig. Leon Tnisacan. Pedro Atalig, Benigno Fitial and Pedro Igitol introduced Delegate Proposal No. 37, entitled "Proposal Regarding Land Alienation." The Proposal was read by the Secretary.

Delegates Pedro Ogo. Prudencio Manglona, Jose Cruz, David Atalig, Pedro Dela Cruz, Pedro Atalig, Leon Taisacan and Benjamin Manglona introduced Delegate Proposal No. 38, entitled "Proposal Regarding Education." The Proposal was read by Delegate Ogo.

Delegate Francisco T. Pnlncios introduced and read Delegate Proposal No. 39, entitled "Proposal Regarding Members of the Medical and Dental Profeesions."

Delegate Francisco T. Palacios introduced and read Delegate Proposal No. 40, entitled "Proposal Regarding Taxation and Finance."

Dclcgntefl Munuel A. Tcnorlo. Vicentc M. Manglona and Leon I. Taisacan introduced Delegate Proposnl No. 41, entitled "Proposal Kegarding Governmental Institutions." The Proposal was read by Delegate Tenorio.

Delegate Ramon G. Villagomez introduced Delegate Proposal No. 42, entitled "Proposal Regarding the Office of Comptroller." The Proposal was read by the Convention Secretory.

Delegates Pedro M. Atalig, Jose R. Cruz. Felix A. Ayuyu, Benjamin T. CONVENTION JOURNAL - 6th Day October 23, 1976

Mn~lfilonc~,Prudenclo 'I'. M:~n~lon;~,I'cdrl, (1. Dc1.n Cruz, David M. Atalig. Leon I. Tt11~11cannnd c:r.cfiorl~)S. (:r~lvtll~ltrod~~ccd I>clrgnLc Propoeal No. 43. entitled "l'~.c>~~~~~nlRcgnrcll~~~ (:onn~l~l~c.r I'roi.cctl~~n." 'I'll<. I'ropo~nlwas read by the Convention Sccretnry.

Delegate Manuel A. Tenorio introduced and read Delegate Proposal NO. 44, entitled "Proposal Regarding Education. I'

1)clegntc M~IIIIC-1A. Trnorln 1ntrotlr1rc.d nnd read Delegate Proposal NO. 45, entltled "l'ropounl I(ogurd1ng Nomrnclu~urc for (:overnu~cntOffices."


Delegate Proposal No. 10, entitled "Proposal Regarding and.", was referred to the Committee on Personal Rights 6 Natural Resources.

Delegate Proposal No. 11, entitled "Proposal Regarding Nurses and Teachers.". was referred to the Comittee on Personal Rights 6 Natural Resources.

Delegatc Propo~cilNo. L2, entitlc~cl"llropoaal Kegnrding Traditional Custom.", was referred to the Comittee on Finance, Local Government and Other Hatters.

Delegate Proposal No. 13, entitled "Proposal Regarding Official Holidays.", wns referred to thc Comittee on Finnnce. Local Government and Other Matters.

Delegnte Proposal No. 14, entitled "Proposal Regarding Conflicts of Interest.", was referred to the Committee on Governmental Institutions.

Delegate Proposal No. 15, entitled "Proposal Regarding the Legislative Branch of Government." . wa8 referred to the Committee on Governmental Institutions. Delegate Proposal No. 16, entitled "Proposal Regarding the Executive Branch of Government.", was referred to the Cornittee on Governmental Institutions.

Delegate Proposal No. 17, entitled "Proposal Regarding the Legislative Branch of Government.", was referred to the Committee on Governmental Institutions.

Delegate Proposal No. 18, entitled "Proposal Regarding Conflicts of Employ- ment by Public Officials.", was referred to the Committee on Governmental Insti- tut tons.

Delegate Proposal No. 19, entitled "Proposal Regarding the Executive Brnnch of Government.", was referred to the Cornittee on Personal Rights 6 Natural Resources.

Delegate Proposal No. 20. entitled "Proposal Regarding Health Services and Social Welfare.", was referred to the Cornittee on Personal Rights 6 Natural Resources.

Delegate Propo~alNo. 21, entitled "Proposal Regarding Agiguan Island.", was referred to the Committee on I'ersonal Kighta 6 Natural Resources.

Delegate Proposal No. 22, entitled "Propoaal Regarding the Legislative Branch of Government.", was referred to the Committee on Governmental Insti- tutions.

Delegate Proposal No. 23, entitled "Proposal Kegarding Disposition of Public Lands.". vas referred to the Committee on Peraonal Righta 6 Natural Reeourcas.

Delegate Proposal No. 24, entitled "Proposal Regarding Eminent Domain.". was referred to the Committee on Personal Rights 6 Natural Resources.

Delegate Proposal No. 25, entitled "Proposal Regarding Bill of Rights.", was referred to the Committee on Personal Rights 6 Natural Resources.

Delegate Propo~alNo. 26, entitled "Proposal Regarding Eminent Domain.", was referred to the Committee on Per~onalRlghts 6 Natural Resources.

Delegate Proposal No. 27, entitled "Proposal Regarding Eminent Domain.", was referred to the Committee on Personal Rights 6 Natural Resources.

Delegnte Propoaal No. 28, entitled "Proposal Regarding the Status of the CONVENTION JOURNAL - 6th Day October 23, 1976

Constitution.", wnu referrcd lo thc (:ommlttce on Finance, 1,ocal (:overnment and Other Mnttrre.


Chairman Fitial: Mr. President, I move thnt the Convention adopt, or receive. the Committee Report and Rccon~~~~erldntl~inNo. 2 ns reported by the Comlnittec on Finance, Local Government and Other Matters, regarding ducatio ion."

The motion was seconded and carried.

President (her-: Chairman Fitinl, just for the record, is that supposed to be considered for First Reading today?

Chairmnn Fitlal: To be placed on the calendar for tomorrow, or whenever you feel, Mr. President. t'renldc~~t(:ui-rrero: You rlrt! r~.quc:itlr~~tl~c Chnir to calendar the Committee's Report 7

Chairman Fitial: Yes, and nr the tinmc time for the Convention to accept the Report.

Vlce-Chalnnun Palacloti: Mr. I'resident, what happened to my motion? I moved that your Committee's Proposal be received by th,e Convention.

President Cuerrero: Hny I call on the Floor Leader.

Floor Lender Rasa: Mr. President, if I may. I think it would be most appropriate if we adopt a Committee's Report under "General Orders of the Day." Before adopting it we ehould go into Cmittee of the Whole. After Comittee of the Whole we rise, and the Committee of the Whole will make a recolnmendntion to the Convention. After thnt we go Imck to motiono and we move that all those motions, all those Reports be adopted.

President Guerrero: Is that clear, Delegate Palacios?

Vice-Chn Lrtnnr~ Palnc LUFI : Yes.




Floor Leader Rasa: Mr. President, I move that the Convention now resolve itself into the Cormnittee of rhe Whole In order to consider Comittee Recommendation No. 1 from the Comittee on Flnattce, I.ocnl Government and Other Matters, regarding "Conutitutional Amendment," nnd to consider RecornendatLon No. 1 from the Committee on Governmental Institutions, regarding "Washington Representative."

The motion was seconded and carried. The Chair requested that Delegate David Mnrrlt i tn preside.

The Convention resolved into the Committee of the Whole at 2:30 p.m.

The Convention reconvened in Plenary Session at 3:56 p.m.

Presidant Guerrero: The meeting is now called to order again. I will receive the report of the Committee of the Whole.

Chnlrman Mnr~tita: Mr. President, your CommLttee of the Whole is pleaeed to report back to the Convention chat it h3s acted on the two proposale ae presented to it, onc from thc Conmi.ttcc on Covernmentnl Inetitutionn and the other from the Committee on Finance, Local Government and Other Matters. Your Committee has debated on two particular Recommendations. One was the Constitutional Amendment and your Committee is pleased to report that the Committee has adopted the committee's recommendation with an amendment to the Report on the draft Article. Your Cormnlttrc has nlao ndoptcd the Recommendation from the Governmental Insti- tutlorls Comnllttee on Wnshingto~lRepresentntive. CONVENTION JOURNAL -- 6th Day October 23, 1976

Chairman Fitial: Mr. President, I move that we place these two Cormnittee Reports along with the Recommendations for Second and Finn1 Reading.

'L'l~omoL 11111 wilrl ~~CCOII~II*LI.

President Guerrero: Any specific date7

Chairman Fitial: At your discretion, Mr. President.

Delegate Jose R. Cruz: Point of information, Mr. President. Could I ask the Floor Leader for some direetiom on this, as to whether or not we could dispose of this on Final Rending today. If we can do it, and there is no objection, why not do it today?

Floor Leader Rssn: Mr. Prenldent, ae I understnnd it, there is nothing in the Rules which would prohibit this Convention from adopting or placing the Committee' 1"Y Reports from Committee of the Whole for Final Reading or adoption of the Report. We cnn plnce it for Second nnd Final Reading, et the Ram time we can dispose of it i~nytlmewe wlslr to.

President Guerrero: Thnt is the reason why the Chair pointed out to the Delegates that, if there is no objection, I have to hear from the Delegates of this Convent ion.

Delegate Jose R. Cruz: Mr. President, if I am in order, I would like to move that Committee Recommendation No. 1 on the subject "Washington Representative" be adopted by this Convention on Final Reading. The motion wns seconded. ;I Floor Leader Rasa: Mr. President, these are issues that might have some connection with other Constitutional provisions which we have not seen. Second and Final Reading demands the final phrasing of the Constitutional language. So, the only renson why I would like to request for the Convention to at least try to get in touch with other mmbern in othcr thnt we try to see the relationship between this provision and other related provisions. I understand that in the'final analysis there will be a review of the complete draft which must be coneidered by the Convention. That will call for a Third Reading, in essence. But I would still like to see that the Convention does not act on it immediately, so that a complete revised amendment be given to each member and that Final Action should be determined at the discretion of tile President.

President Guerrero: It is so ordered, Floor Lender. The Chair will recognize that and I will try to calendar further discussion and for Final Reading some- time next week.

Delegate Jose R. Cruz: Point of order. Mr. President. There is a complete motion on the floor. I am not in the same position with the Floor Leader's suggestion. I am in favor of completing the remaining process of the motion n~tdthen we cnn go Into tllc next bualness.

President Guerrero: Delegate Cruz, for your information, I consulted with our legal counsel in that respect and if the Convention would like to diepoee of the motion made by Delegate Cruz, we can vote on it without any objection from the Chair.

Delegate Jose R. Cruz: I am simply saying, Mr. President, that there is a complete motion that should be acted upon by this Convention. The Chair cannot deprive this Convention of a complete motion action.

Preeident Guerrero: The C11aLr recognizes your motion, 1)elegate Cruz.

The motion unanimouely failed.

Delegate Jose R. Cruz: I voted against it, Mr. President, based on the rxp ln~t ion.

Chairman Fitial: Mr. President, I move that these two Committee Reports. along with their Recommendations, be placed on the calendar for Second and Final Reading at your discretion.

The motion was seconded and carried CONVBNTlON JOURNAI. - 6th Day October 23. 1976

Ramon Villn&oz: SLncc it nl)pe:lrfi that we havc covered most of the things that were set for today. T nlovc thut we recess until Mnnday morning nt ten o'clock.

:1r111iiMI: I'olnL of order, Mr. I'resldr~~t,we sti 11 llnve one Item on our calcndnr .

President Gucrrero: Our next item of business is Announcements, but before we go into that, does anyone havc n speech to be given today7

Floor T.eclder Riisa: Mr. President, I understand that everybody is tired in here but I wish to say a few remarks with regard to the works of this Convention. I would like to address these remarks to all the Delegates, but particularly to those from the outer municipalities. I don't suppose that we can form a Commonwe~lth If the Intent of aepnrntium, of regionalism, continues to haunt this Hnll. Mr. Prrslclant. I nm clLngu~tcdby the di~trumtin which most the mcmbcrs from the outcbr municlpalitlea have plr~cedupon the Delegnte~from tile municipality of Snipan. I, for one, will never support a Proposal ju~tbecause it has hecn introduced...or is n Proposal introduced by the Saipan Delegation. I think n Propopoeal hnd to be judged on its merits nnd demerits and not eseentially frw ite originutclrs. Wclll he coiifrontin~n lot of complex imauen which would demand give nnd take, nnd we cannot. continue to hnve equal distribution on this haeis. We hnve to acccpt the fact, Mr. President, that even here in the Marianas alone- here in the municipality of Saipnn--we don't get to support each other's view all of the time. So, with the kLnd of attitude which ia evidence of the negative attitude tclwnrde our Del-egr~tion,I wlnh to inform Delegntefl from the other muni- cipalities that we are here with opcn minds and we are not here to eupport what we think is good for Saipan and not for Rota or Tinian. I hope that we can come to a compromise becnuse not all the issues can be distributed equally. If we have only Three Dollars and we continue to put out One Dollar for each municipality, and ~uchml~nlcipality doesn't need tl~cOna Dollar. then we're going to end up with three meparntc, irldcpendent Conunonwealtl~s. 1 don't think that'e the course of this Convention. All the lip-service of "unity" has lost its definition just a few minutes ago. I thank you.

Delegate Belljamin M;lnp,lonn: Mr. PresLdent, thank you. The remarks made by our Floor Lender have ~~tomptrdIn<., nlscr, to mnkr rl fraw rrmnrk~. Mr. Pre~ldentand fellow Delegntefi, K don't think It lr right to accu.qc the Rotn Delegation. nor the l'lnian Delegation, for the action we have done In thls Conventton. T tliink. all along. we have coopernted in tlellhernt Inn our work hcrc and I don't tl~lnkwe have come to the point whrre we use tt11q Co~iventior~to disrupt tlic ac:tlvltlea of thi~I~onorr~ble body. I tl~lnktlic 11ctic111wl1lc.11 we lievc )u~tnpprovc.d Iu n good actir~nHII~ T tl~lnk it is a good compromise. I don't think Lt's right thot Drlegate Kafi;~ shol~ld. .. . . -----Floor Leader Rosa: Poitit of order, Mr. Presldrnt. May I ask the spenker to confine liimsrlf to thr LSRUC n~~dnot to mention pnrticulnr mcmhers ill hlfl sgeech.

I'rcuidcnt Cuc,rrcro: 1 nsk thr pnticncc of tl~e1)clcgatc from Rota to conf Inc himself and not mention the name of a person.

Delegate Benjamin Manglona: Mr. President, I don't want any member or Delegate from this Convention to try to nccilsr n Drlrgnte from my municipality. I think we I~nveto l~nvcmutual exprrrrslons and grlcvnnces of our people and that is why we are presenting this problem here in this Convention. While we are in the process of framing our Constitution we have to make this a workable Constitution for all of UR. I cnnnot find other words to exprcss it otlier than to say, "we're dlssatisfied," so that I cnn I-onvince the Delegatem in thla Convention. The reason why I came here is to present our problem and that i~ all tllnt I h;lve to say. I cnnnot hide it. Experience has taught us to do thifl. 1 regret, if in a way, I hurt some of the Delegates. but I cnn aaeurc. you that my Dclc~ation is willing to work along harmoniously with cnch end everyone of you. -Dclcgnte Leon Taisacan: Mr. l'resident and fellow Deleuatee, I do not know the real definition behind these unfavorable remarks from one of the Delegates, but if it is to better facilitate better communication among the Delegates, then let it be so. However, if it is for any other reason, then I pray that such arrange- ment will not affect our unity in this Convention. With these Cornittee Reports we hr~vohented exi)reesioli on Home issues. b11t let us not forget thot we are here to represent our peoplebl view. That view, Mr. President, is the drafting of a sound and effective Constitution for the Cornonwealth of the Northern Marianas.

Delcgnte Frnncisco T. Palncios: Mr. ['resident, the concern of the smaller muni- cipalities in many instance9 is Justified, based on their previous experience CONVENTION JOURNAL - 6th Day October 23, 1976 with the ndminietrntlon. I\ut bear in ~nlndthat the administration ie not us. adnlinlstered by Homronc rl~c.. necntlar of tl~ntexperience they generate fenr thnt n sirnilor exprri once mrly occur ur1c1t.r t l~rCo~monwenlth. They're looking Tor justice and .lustice hornc tr~rt of equnl Ity. In the nnmc of equality, we, the bigger municipality. ahould liot try to trkr. edvo~itngeof the mallcr municipnllty. At the same time I havo mixed feeling whether the ~mnllermunicipalities is injustice for the amaller municipalities to take advantage, in the name of justice, thnt 213 of each munlcip~lityshould be able to block the wishes of the mnjority of tllc ~wople. If, 4 ndeed, one-mnnlonc-vote concept is the democratic concept, I feel that in the !lame of unity and justice, it is not good for the bigger municipality or bigger population to dominate the smaller municipality and smaller population. At the same time we should be careful that the emaller municipality does not dominate the bigger municipality because, by the same token, the bigger population should not dominate the smaller population. If the smaller population dominntes through the name of equality, then it becomes inequitable and we will have a Rhodeaia. In Rhodesia the minority dominates the majority. So let us discuss this thing and talk about it in the next couple of days and let us look nt it, issue by issue, and see how we can resolve this.

Delegate Jose R. Cruzr Mr. Preaident, I just want to thank the firet speaker for hie eloquent and straightforward frankness on the very important ieeue that all of ue should remember during the remaining bnlance of this Convention. 1 want to esRure the original npeaker and the rent of the Delegatem that the Tinian Delegntion is here to frame a workable Con~titutionfor the people of the Northern Mariann Islnndn. An evidence of orir fnithfulneee and our pledge to this principnl, I wish to remind everyone here that the people of Tinian, with its 3ery limited land, has committed more than 213 of its land to our future national defense and for the future of the Comonwealth Government of the Northern Mariana Islands. Thank you.

Delegate Hilclrio Ilinz: Thnnk you, Mr. Preaident. I just wsnt to add eomething to what my fellow Delegate from Tinian just aaid. 1'11 make it very ehort. We respect the views of every Delegate in this Convention and I believe we all have a concern to see that we have equal representation, equal protection and equal opportunity in our new government which will be the Commonwealth Government. That is all I have to say, Mr. Preaident. Thank you.

Dele~ateJuan P. Tenorio: Mr. President, if there are no further announcements, I would like to move that the Convention recess until Monday morning at 9:OO.

President Cuerrero: Before I entertain that motlon there should be announcemente.


Chnirman Mafnns: Your Committee on (;c~vernmcntnlTnfltitutione, Mr. President, will be meeting tomorrow ut 10:UO in the Cc~nventlonHnll. I urge that every member be preeent. If a member cannot be preeent tomorrow, Mr. President, I urge that he makes a proxy so his vote can be counted. Thank you.

Chairman Fitinl: Your Committee on Finance, Local Government and Other Mattere will be meeting tomorrow at the same [)lace at three o'clock in the afternoon.

Acting Chairman Palacios: Your Committee on Personal Rights 6 Natural Resources will meet Monday right after the Plenary Session.

Floor Leadcr Rnsn: Mr. Prenldent, there bclnp, no further businese, I move that the Convention recess until two o'clock tomorrow.

Convention Secretary: Mr. Preaident, one more announcement first, pleaee. I would like to remind the Delegates that we need the originals on all Delegate Proposals. I would like them to be given to me for filing purposes and for duplication.

The motion to recess WRB seconded and c~rried. The Convention receased st 4:20 p.m. n

(:onvent Lon Secretary I/ (~ONS'I'I'I 11'1'1 ONAI, CONVKN'I'ION

111 l111. N(ll('l'll1~:l:NIlAN LANA lSLANUS


SEVItN'I'lI DAY Sir~ld;~y.0cLoIj1.r 24, 1976

(1) The Constitutional Convention of the Northern Mariana Islands was called to order nt 2:10 p.m.

The Honorable Lorenzo I. Grlerrero, President, presided.

(2) A moment of silent prayer was obnrrvcd.

(3) l'llr Convi.nt11111 SrcrrLl~ryrillled tllc roll. Tlrere werc 30 Delegates prcaent. Delegates Olympio T. BorJa. Antonio M. Camacho, Magdalena C. Camscho, Jose R. Cruz. Jose P. Mafnas and Ramon G. Villagomez were excused. Delegates Carlos S. Camacho, Juan DLG. Demapan and Herman Q. Guerrero were absent. A quorum was present.

Floor Lender Rnrrn: I move thnt tt~onc1)clegate~ not in attendance who had offered prior notificntion of their nbsc:nce be excused by the Convention.

The motion was scconded and carried.


Floor Leader Rnsa: I move for the adoption of yesterday's Summary Journal.

The )motion WBR scconded and carried to adopt the Slxth Day Summary Jourrlol.




Vice Chairman Francisco Palncios: 1 mtrve for the adoption on First read in^ of Committee Recommendation No. 1: Eligibility to Vote) Comittee Rccommendatlon No.2: Electionr and Election Procedures; and Comittee Recommendation No. 3: Initiative. Referendum and Recall. from thc (:ommittce on Personal Rights ~ndNatural Rest,urces.

The motion was seconded.

chnirman Benigno Fitial: I move for the adr~ptionon First Reading of Carmutttee Recommendntto~lNo. 2: Educntlou,from Ll~eComtttee on Flnance, Local Government and Otllcr Mnttcr~.

The motion was seconded.

Delegates David Q. Maratita introduced and read Delegate Proposal No. 47, entitled "Proponnl Regarding Executive Brnncl~of Covernment. "

delegate^ Luis Lirnee, Lorenzo I. Guerrern, Pedro M. Atallg, Benigno Fitial end Pedro Igitol introduced Delegate Proposal No. 46, entitled "Proposal Regarding Natural Resources." The Secretary read the Proposal.

Delegate Esteven M. King introduced and read Delegate Proposal No. 48, entitled "Proposal Regarding Employees ' Rights ."


Delegntc Proposnl No. 29, etltitlerl "l'ropo~ul Regarding Election Procedures.", was referred to the Committee on Personal Rights and Natural Resources. CONVENTION JOURNAL -- 7th Day October 24, 1976

Delegate Proposal No. 30, entLtled "Proposal Regarding the Official Langua~e of the Commonwcnlth.", wnfl refcrrcd to the Committee on Finance, Local Government nxtd Otllcr Mnttcra.

Delegate Proposal No. 31, entltled "Proposal Regarding Trial by Jury.", was referred to the Cornittee on Personal Rights h Natural Resources.

(Delegate Rnmon G. Vil ln~omczentcrrtl tl~cConvention Floor.)

Delegate Proposal No. 32, entitled "Proposal Regarding Local Governrcent.", was referred to the Committee on Finance, Local Government and Other Matters.

Delegate Propo~alNO. 33, rntltled "Proposal Regarding the Executive Branch of Government .", was referred to the Committee on Governmental Institutions.

Delegate Proposal No. 34, ent Ltled "Proposal Regarding Governmental Institutions.", was referred to the Committee on covernmental Institutions.

Delcgate Proposal No. 35,on'itled"Propon~l Regnrding Capital Improvement Funds.", wae referred to the Committee on Finance, Local Government and Other Matters.

Delegate Propoeal No. 36. entitled "Propos~lRegarding the Office of Public Auditor.", was referred to the Committeeun Governmental Institutions.

Delegate Proposal NO. 37, cnt itled "Proposnl Regarding Land Alienation.", wan referred to the Committee on Pers~jnalRights h Natural Resources.

Delegate Proposal No. 38, cntltled "Proponnl Regarding Education.", wns referred 1 to tho Codttee on Finance, ,I.ocal Government and Other Matters. .I I Delegate Proposal No. 39, entitled "Proposal Regarding Members of the Medtcal and Dedtal-Professions.", was referred to the Committee on Finance, Local Government and Other Matters.

Delegate Proposal No. 40, cntltled "Proponal Regarding Taxation and Finance.", was referred to the Committee on Finance, Local Government and Other Matters.

Delegate Proposal No. 41, entitled "Proposal Regarding Governmental Institutions.", was referred to the Committee on Covernmcntal Institutions.

Delegate Proposal No. 42, entitled "Proposal Regarding the Office of Comptroller.", was referred to the Committee on Governmental Institutions.

Delegate Propom~lNo. 43, entitled "Propona1 Regarding Consumer Protection.", woe referred to tlie Committee on (;ovcrnmcntnl In~titutions.

Delegate Proposal No. 44, entttled "Proposal Regarding Education.". was referred to the Committee on Finance, Local Government and Other Matters.

Delegate Propo~nlNO. 45, ent ttlsd "Propo~nlRegarding Nomenclature of Government Offices.", was referred to the Conrmittee on Governmental Institutions.



Vice-Chairman Palacios: I move for the adoption on First Reading of Codttee Recommend~tion No. 1: Eligibility to Vote from the Committee on Personal Rights and Natural Resources.

.:$' Floor Leader Rasa: Mr. President, if I am not mistaken, I think under item 12, General Orders of the Day, we havr Committee Recommendation No. 1: Eligibility to Vote. It is necessary that the House resolve itself into Cormittee of the Whole 3 !: "T:. - so that we can debate the issuee involved and then go backandadopt it by the .-' , .i Convention. 1 RUg8eBt. if there la no objection by Vice Chairman Palacioe, that ' . .?tia ?.I we wait until nfter debate of the issues. 1;i;$/ :? ;; President Guerrero: Vice Chairman, can you withdraw your motion please. ;? q ts45 5if

Vice Chairman Palacios: I can, Mr. President, but the reasons I made this motion ram .. ,.. T,r.: that we still have Second Reading and on Proposalslike Eligibility to Vote and a ; a-; Elections which are non-controversial I thought we would not need debate. I a, will yield to the Floor Leoder'uvtahes and withdraw my motion. . ., President Cuerrcrn: For c l ;lri l i rT:lt Ion ;~ntl In formnt Ion to tl~rDelcp,ntr.s, inl-reduction of t111. Comml ttc3r':; Ilr*l.ol~l~~~r*l~tl:~lIotn u111lc.r I t,.nt 7. IIIL rc~cltlr:tIon r~nd Fl rfll Rcntl lng of I'r~~l~osals.Is tllc ~llcrrtt ;~l~lu.(l~~rlat(-I ln~r! for introduction. We will then discuss tl11-3~Rcc~rmncntl:ltlr~n!i undrr (:I*III.~;IIllrtlrr!; of tl~eIlay whlle in Cornittee of the Who le .

Delegate Pedro Dela Cruz: I nolnlnnte Iklegate David Q. Plaratita to bra the permanent Chairmnn of the Comni ttec of the Whole.

----Prc::IJ,?nt Cucrrrro: Point ~II'orll~r. I'l~t.Cl~nlr 11ns tl~r.prrrngntlvr to appol~lt any member of this Delegat ion to he (:hairman of Committee of the Wll111e. 'I'he point of order has been stated by the Chair and this Is taken care of.


(12) GENERAL ORDERS OF TllE DAY --Floor I,eader Rnsn: I move tli;it l~cPlcl~ary Sr~sslon resolve into the Committ~w of th~\dholeIn order to dlsrus,; the four stlpulilted items nnder General Orders of the Day.

The motion was seconded :III~ carried to resolve into ('ommfttee of the Whole to conslder Conlmittre Kccon~mc~~l~l:ltlonsNo. I, No. 2 and No. 3 from the Committee on Personal RigI~tsnnd Natural Itcsources and Committee Recommendation No. 2 from the Committee on Finance, Local Government and Other Matters.

President Guerrero: T appoint Iklcgate Renjamln Manglona to act as Chairman of tl~lsCommittee of tlir Wl~trlc.

Tl~eConvention resolved into the Committee of the Whole at 2:25 p.m.

The Convention reconvened in Plenary Session at 4:24 p.m.

Delegate Rcnjamin lhny,lonn: Mr. Presidrnt, I am very happy tn report that vour Committee of tlie Whole dellberatr-d and has adopted, in prlnciple. Committee Recommendation No. 1: Eligibility to Vote,and Committee Recormnenda:ion NO. 2: Election and Election Procedure!;.frorn the Committee on Personal Rights and Natursl Resources. It also adopted Cormnittee Recornendatlon No. 2: Educatinn, from the Committee on Finance, I.ocnl Government and Other Matters.

I would like to inform the Chair that after considerable discussion on Committee Recommendation No. 3: Initiative, Referendum and Recall, from the Comittca on Personal Hi~,l~tsand Naturnl Rr~ol~rcen,it was decided by your Gormnittrc of the Wl~olr to drfrr llctlnn r,n tl11~mnttcr and this is referred back to the Conunittee on Person:~l Rights and Natural Resources.

Floor Leader Rasa: I move that the Convention adopt Recommendation No. 1; El igibiljty to Vote, from the Comittee on I'ersonal Rights and Natural Resources.

The motion was seconded and carried.

Floor Leader Rasa: I move that the Conventlon adopt Recommendation No. 2: I:lectians and Election Procedures, from tile Committee on Personal Rights and Natural I

The motion was seconded and carried.

Floor Leader Raan: I move that the Convention adopt Recommendation No. 2: Iducation, from the Committee on Finance, Local Govcrnmcnt nnd Othrr Matterm.

n1c motlon WRR seconded ci~id carried.

Floor Leader Rasa: I ask for unnnimous consent that we recess until tomorrow.

President Gucrrero: We wil L Iinvc announcements first

(13) ANNOUNCEMENTS CONVENTION .IOURNAL -- 7th Day October 24, 1976

Chnirman Fit ln 1 : 'Ihe Commit tee on Finnnce, T.c~c:~lCovcrnmcnt and Otlier Mattere , will he mectlng ton~orrowmclrrlll~g nt 9:00 n.m. II~Its u3unl mcicting plr~ce.

President Guerrern : FLI-~t, I tat mc rc~:c)~nizcVice-CIIB 1 rmiili I'rudelrc lo Manglo~r:i.

Vice-chairman Prudenclo Manglona: The Committee on Governmental institution^ w1l.l be meeting at 10:00 n.m. tomorrow morning.

Chairman Felipe Atalig: I think it is abominable for any Delegate to express his discontentment on any Committee Recommendation when his participation has been practicallynothing. Therefore, this particular person should come to the meeting tomorrow. And I will express again, that regnrdless of another duty, he should attend this meeting.

The Committee on Personal Rights andNntura1 Resources will meet tomorrow mrning at 9:00 a.m. in the same room.

Floor Lentlar RtiAa: I rove that we rccct~suntil 2:On p.m. tomorrow.

The motion was seconded and carried.

The Convention r~c~uscdnt 4:30 p.m.

Convention sec;etary CONS'I'I 'TlI'I'1ONAI. CONVEN'TION of I l~r NO1~'TlllllW MAR'l ANA ISIANUS


EIGHTII DAY Montlny. Octolrcr 25. 1976

(1) The Constitutional Convention of the Northern Marinna Islands was called to order at 2:10 p.m.

The Honorable Lorenzo t. c:uerrern. Prcs ldent, presided.

(2) A moment of silent prayer was nbserved.

(3) Tile Cn~~vcntinnSecrrtr~ry 1.31 l rtl the roll. Thrhr~.wlare 34 DelegaLes present. Delrgntc~Olyr~~pio T. IlrjrJ11. l+~):dolc~~nC. (:t~mncl~o.Junn I1I.G. Dcmnpnn. Herman Q. Guerrero and Pedro M..Ogo were excused. No Delegotcs were absent. A quorum was present.

Floor Lender Rasn: T mnvc tllr~tnbuc-111: rnrml~ers I,r c.xct~scd.

The motion was seconded and carried.


Floor Leader Rasa: I move that yesterday's Journal be adopted.

The motion was seconded and carried to adopt the Summary Journal for the Seventh Day, October 24, 1976.

Delegate Fellpc Atallg: T bcllcvc prior to adoptinn of the Journal, we should have open discuuulon In cnse tliere tu IIIIY error Ln the Journal. That is the reason I asked the Cl~alrto be recognized becausr? I have found a typographicnl error. It is on the first page under item (7). paragraph 4. whereby it should be correcterl to Dclrgnte DnvldQ, Maratltn.

Preaident Cuerrero: tl~c*rcqcord f~l~ow~111s la to bc r!orrccted.



Chairman Fitiol: I have a report from the Cormnittce on Finance, Local Government and Other Matters. I would, ilt this timc, like to make a motion that this report No. 3, regarding "Corporations" be accepted by the Convention.

The motion wns seconded and corried to accept the Committee's Report.


Chairmn Fittal: At this tjme I would like to introduce for First Reading Commlttec? Rcromncndr~ttonNo. 7 from tl~cC~~mmi t tcc. on FJ nance, Local Government and Other HRttcrs,reg~dlng"Corporatione." At this time I would like to tell the Convention that this is a very important subject and considerable attention was required by the members of this Committee during its deliberations. We examined many issues including the status of pre-existing corporations, registration of foreign corporations, possible misuse of corporate privileges and franchises and official requirements of non-prof it, educational and public corporations. We have reviewed very quickly the consultant'rbriefing papers on corporations and its extensive consideration of constitutional restrictions and statutory practices in the Northern Mariana Islands jurisdictiwte. The Constitution should contain a clear and unambiguous statement regarding in- corporation of private business. Specialactsof incorporation which are subject to abuse would be prohibited. This is essential to the protection of our Commonwealth and we recommend that detailed matters on corporate definition also various acts and organization of non-businees corporation ahould be left to Legislative decision. .further we request the Committee on Personal Right8 nnd Natural Kesourccs look at the Important matters pertaining to reatrictiona CONVENTION JOURNAL - 8th Day October 25. 1976 on land alienation insofar as they involve rorpnratlonn. Mr. President.Isubmit tl11.r Kecomnlet~dution i~ndReport nf the Cclmmlttee on Flnance. Locnl Government and Other Matters and urge that our proposrd provisions on private business corporations bo considered in tllr Commlt~c.c.of tl~i.W1iol.c- In prlnclpal. I thank you.

Ue1egnt1- Crvgorl~tS. (:rl l vo int r~rducrtl Dl'] cSgl~tcl'roptr~~s l No. 49, enti t lctl "Proposal Re~nrdlngI!onrtl of I~tlucoti~w~.It 1'111. (:o~ivcntlo~iSt.crc!tnry rend tlir Proposal .

Delegate Juan S. UCIIUI~:III Int rc1dtlcc.d rand rchn~l Dcit.goLc. Prnpoua l No. 50. entitled "Proposal Regarding Inter-luland Sports Competition."

Delegate Juan S. Demapan introduced and read Delegate Proposnl No. 51, entitled "Propoual Regnrdlng Rill of Rlghts."

De1.egatc Juan S. Demapan Lntroduccd and rcad Dr.Legate Proponal No. 52. entitled "Proposal Regarding Natural Resources."

Delegate Juan S. Demapan introduced and read Delegate Proposal No. 53. c~ititlcd"Propcrnnl IZrgnrd III~,Nnturnl Ilcaourcen."

Delegate Juan S. Demapan introduced and read Delegate Proposal No. 54. entitled "Proposal Regarding Narcotics and Other Dangerous Drugs."

Delegates Jane R. Cruz. Estcven Klng. I{llarto Diaz, Vicente Manglona and Henry Hofschneider introduccd Dele~atrI'roposol No. 55. entitled "Prctposal Regarding Local Government." The Proposal was rcad by Jose R. Cruz.

Delegate Oecnr C. Kas:~ L~itroducedI)elegatc Prnphsnl No. 56, cnt ltled "Proponnl Rcgnrding Trnn~nctIon ol Ilua lncsa ."

Delegate Oscar C. Rasa introduccd Delegate Prnposnl No. 57, entitled "Proposal Regarding the Passage of Bills."

Delegate Oncar C. Rnsa introduced Delegate Proposal No. 58, entitled "D~ld~ctSubmisnlon."

Delegate Oscar C. Rosa introduced Delegate Proposal No. 59, entitled "Emergency Power ."

Delegate Oscar C. Rasa introduced Delegate Proposal No. 60, entitled "Proposal Regarding the Restrictions of Office."

Delegate Oscnr C. Rnsn lntroduced Delegate Proposal No. 61, entitled "Proposal Regarding the Legislature."

Delegate Oscar C. Rasa introduced Delegnte Proposal No. 62, entitled "Proposal Regarding Immunity ."

Delegate Felipe Q. Atalig introduced and read Delegate Proposal No. 63, entitled "Propoenl Regarding Ulll of Rlghtn."

Delegate Felipe Q. Atalig introduced and read Delegate Proposal No. 64, entitled "Proposal Regarding Bill of Rights."

Delegnte David Q. Marntita introduced and read Delegate Proposal No. 65, entitled "Proposal Regarding the Executive Branch of Government."

Delegate Daniel P. Castro introduced Delegate Proposal No. 66, entitled "Propoeal Regarding Land Alienation." The Proposal was read by the Convention Secretary.

Delegates Esteven H. King, Vicente H. Manglona, Henry U. Hofschneider, Hilario F. Diaz and Jose R. Cruz introduced Delegate Proposal No. 67, entitled "Proposal Regarding Bill of Rights." The Proposal was read by the Convention Secretary.

Delegate Jose P. Mafnas introduced and read Delegate Proposal No. 68, entitled "Proposal Regarding Removal of Executive Appointee from Office.''

Delegate Jose P. Mafnss introduced and read Delegate Proposal No. 69, entitled "Proposal Regarding Pardon and Clemency." (:ONVENTION .IOURNAI. -- 8th Day (ictr,l~i.r 25. 1976

1)clcgate JoRI! 1'. MA~II;~?: I lit rocluct.d and rt-od I)rl rgate I'roposnl NII. 70, entl t I rd "Proposnl Rc~:rrcllnp, Ilc.ntor;~tLoll of Clvl 1 Illght:: ;111rl 1.i11crtl1~s."

Dclegatr. Hnmnn C.. Vl 1 I:IV,OII~~Z 111trc~duci~cJI)elvl:i~tc Proposal No. 71 , en1 t t1c.d "I'roposnl Kegnrdlng Lruld (kni.r:;htp." 'Tl~c. Scr!rcstnry rcacl tl~cL'roposnl.

Delegate Ramon C. Villagomez introduced Delrgate Proposal No. 72, entltlrd "Proposal Regarding Covernment Institutions." The Convrntlon Secretary read the Proposal.

Delegaton Lorerlzo I. (:uorr~.roand 1.u Is M. Limes lnt roduced Delegate I'roposa 1. No. 73, entitled "Proposal Regarding Natural Hesourccs." The Propos;~lwas reill1 by the Secretary.

ncl cgntcn 1.irrrnl.o I. Currl vro :lricl 1.11 I rl M. I.lmc.~ Int r&~duc!edDe 1e):atc. I'roposnl No. 74, entitlcd "Proposnl Regarding Idand." 'flie Pro11os;ll was read by the Convention Secretary.


1)elcgatc I'roporinl No. 46, cnt 1t lt*cl "l1rol)c>snl I\cp,arcllng Natural Resources.". wns rrierrcd to thr Commlttc-r OII I'ersc~nal Rl~l~tn6 Nnturnl Resources.

Delegate Propofial No. 47, entltlrd "Proposal Regarding Executive Branch of Government.", was refrrrrtl 1 o tlie (:onuni ttoc on (:ovcrnmcntnl Inetitutions.

Delegate Proposal No. 48, entitled "Proposal Regarding t?mployees' Rights.", was referred to the Committee on Finance. Local Government and Other Matters.




(11) SPECIAL ORDERS OF TIII: lls - Nol~r.


Delegate Fclipe Atallg: At tl~cprrmlss Ion of the House, 1 woilld llkc the Ilouse to recogllizc tlie presence of my sister. Mrs.13cdro Olopnl, c~nd nly friend, Mr. Tgn:lcio Villanueva, from San Antonio. 1 would like the House to recognize the presence of everyone In the gallery.

President Gucrrero: At thls tllne, the Cl~nlrwould llke to take the privilege to deliver a sllort remark.

Monday. October 25. 1976. marks the eiglrtli day of progress in thie Constitutional Convention. Your unselfish and unremitting efforts, as well as your dedicated attendance, has resulted in excellent progress thuefar. Howevvr, fellow Delegates, we cannot Ignore t11r fact that the more we progress, the more crucial our tnsk bccomrs. I, :IR Conv~*ntIon I'resldrnt, and you, as De1.egott.s. shnrc the rcsponniblllty nnd acconnt;rblllty for iulfilllng the monumental assignment we have been given. We, together, are one and all in this process.

I,et us put aaidr indivitlu:~l differcnccs, politlcal disagreements, the pursuit of indlvldunl glory. nnd any otl~ernctlvity detrimental to the success of our crucial mission. 1 urge each of you, fellow Delegates, to be altruistic --to practice the sacrifice of self in the interest of society -- in every endeavor of this Convention. Partisansl~lpby Delegates is a luxury our constituents can ill-OK.If 1 my repeat myself, our tnsk is most crucinl and demanding.

Not only present issues. but matters of future concern, could possibly nffect what we are doing these days. Because of that, I am happy to say that our three substantive committees are being very ambitious, active and progressive in their specific assignments. Reme~berthat committees are designed to permit each Delegate to serve effectively. Most proposals introduced by the committees in the past 7 days have had tremendous impacl among the Delegates themeelve~and the public at large. CONVENTION JOURNAL -- 8th Day October 25. 1976

'Cl~r! Ci)rnnil ttcc! ci~i Cov~~r~~rnvntn1 111nt l tutlonn In nppnrently the most sensitive conunl ttec In that It 1s rr:lljoll:t lble for tlie constructlon of the most worbblo and frir~ctionnl govcrnrnental structure of our new Commonwealth.

'The Committee on Personal Rights and Natural Refiources is another group whose particular and unique role in the formation of our future Constitution we should recognize. The challenging issue of personal rights and the protection of our natural resources art- demanding and rcquire extreme care. We are caught in a time where people of distinct clas~esand different walks of life are beginning to emerge and seck tt~cir innlienablc rights.

The Committee on Finance, Local Government and Other Matters is responsible for recommending appropriate local governmental institutions, should our Constitution authorize their creation. No republican form of government can evcr achieve its end^ witliorlt providing the mcsns to pursue its ultimate goals. We cannot create more than wllnt is ncrdcd. We cannot ask for more than what we have to give. Anythlng beyond our present capacity, and anything above what wc can offer to our constituents, could possibly lead UR to governmental chaos. Lct us roopcrntc wltli the~t-rommittces 1007..

The various proposals ir~troduccdare specifically intended to be incorporated in our constitutional provisions. Unfortunately some of those proposals may not reach maturity, while some do. Indeed, we are all here to try to do tl~c bent we cnn to protect thc interest of our people in their rcspcctivc locnl ltlcfl. Somc. of UH my he prcpnrtng to Purrnut? extreme demands to furthcr special lntcrcstfl. However, let us keep in mind that we need to compromise. Nothing could he accomplished while we are here, fellow Delegates, without consent of 314 of the vote.

I am confident that witti your full cooperation and altruism we will accomplish our crucial task with undcrntandlng and harmony. May the blessings of the Almlglity come to us aud give 11s guidance now and forever.

I thank you.


Chairman Jose P. Mafnas: You5 Committee on Governmental Institutions will meet inmediately after this session In the Convention Hall.

Clltiirman Felipc AtalIg: Ilir (:ommlttcc on Personnl Hlghts 6 Natural Resources will meet imcdiately after this scssion in their usual meeting place.

Chairman Benigno Fitial: The Committee on Finance, Local Government and Other Matters will meet tomorrow morning for the entlrc'day and again the following morning.

Floor Leader Rasa: There being no further business, I move that the Convention recess until Wednesday, October 27, 1976, at 2:00 p.m.

1he motion wns seconded and cnrrlcd.

The Convention recesscd at 2:40 p.m.

cdro H. Atalig Conventlon Secretary w


(1) The Constitutional (:onvc*ntlon of thc Nor~hernM:irlana Tslnnds was culled to order ut 2:05 p.m.

The Honorable Lorenzo I. Gurrrrro, Prrs ltlel~t, prcsslded.

(2) A moment of silent prayc.r was O~)HI.~VV<~

(3) The Convcntfon Secretary called the roll. There were 37 Delegates present. Delegates .Juan DLG. Demapan and Oscar C. Rasa were excused. No Delegates were absent. (Delegate Juan DLG. Drmapan arrived on t11c Convention Floor just after roll call.)

Delrgntc Fcl tpr Atn l l g: I movr thnr Lllr~~c-111. I c.eiitru not prcsent be granted leave of nbsence.

The motion was seconded and carried.

Delegate Jose R. CKUZ: 1 move we adopt tl~r.lournal for the 10th Day.

Delegate Olympio 'T. Borja: I would likc to amc.nd tl~rmotion to state "8th and 9th Days."

The motlon was ~econdedand cnrrlcd to nclol~t tl~t?Summary Journals for the 8th and 9th Dnys.


Chairman Jose P. Mafnas: On I>chalF of the Cormittee on Governmental Institutions, I nm pleased to submit Committee Recommendation No. 2. This Recommendation concerns the ".111dlcl11l Branc.11 of Govcrnm(?ntq' and consifits of a proposed con- atltutionnl :~rticlr~II tl~c- Jucl lc la1 I)r:~nct~nr~d rill accoml)anyfng explanatory report.

The Committee recommends the creation of n Commonwealth court system. The Committee recognizes, howcvcr. tllat the Northcrn Marianas has few lawyers and little experience wl tl~admlnlster lr~gn Judiclal branch. Accordingly, we suggest thnt at the beginning only a Commonwealth trlal court of defined jurisdiction be formed. The court would consider all land matters, all other civil matters not involving nore thw$5,000, and criminal cases involving fines of not more than $5,000 or imprjsonment for not more than five years. Other civil and criminal cnsrH nnd 1111 nppnnltl woulcl 111. t~rnrcll)y t11r Stntrn Dlutrict Court for the Northern Marianas.

Five years after the Constitution becomes effective, the Committee's recommended language would permit the Le~islatureto expand the jurisdiction of the Comonwrnlth triill court and to ~uti~bli~l~appellnte courts.

The Committee's proposed article would empower the governor to appoint Commonwealth judges, suject to the advice and consent of the upper house of the legislature. Judges would serve for an initial term of six years. They would be eligible for reappointment to one or more terms. The Committee's propofled lnnp,ua~cwould nuthorlzr thr Iep,tfllaturr to incrense the terms of judges who are reappoilltrd to a [wrlod not to cxcec.d 12 years. Judges would be subject to impenchment and to removal by the governor Following the recommendation of an Advisory Commission composcd oC lawyers and representatives of the public. CUNVENTlON JOURNAL -- lot11 Day Octohrr 27. 1976

'I'l~c. \II!I I 0 1111. 1,;lr. 111~. ;~l(.I lrn 111 ~IICLilt-, Judiclnl rtlllcrl. I it1's of I:II IIIIIIIII~I~I. Tlicsnr nllc~would br submitted to tl~cIe~lslnture and would tnk(3 (affect 00 (lays after subrnisslon unless disnpprovcd by either house of the lngislnturc.

Mr. Preslmmlttre on C~vvrrnmcntnl Institutions believes the judiciaJ systcln tllnt I llnve nu1 l I III.c.ol~(~mlr:l l lv. 'l'l~rt (:omml t II.I- III KI'II tl~r(:~r~~vr.nt 1011 to accept tl~ls Krcom~~~~~lid~~t11111 :ind to (':I lc.~~(l:~rI L 1 or tatlrl y COII~lclrrnt11111 by the Commlttee 01 ihe Whole.

'Thank y~~u,Mr. I'rt-nlrirnt .

I 1.1. 1111 :; 111111 -.Chni rm:ln- - - -Prl - -ll,~;.AJcL!fi: '1.111. 1:olllrnl t I'I.~IIIIII~l I{ ly,l~t Nnturi~lRPI;IIII~C~.:: completed Its re cons id ern ti or^ rvgnrdlny: Comml ttrc Kccommenda~ionNo. I: InilinL Lvis, Referendum and Recall, as requested by the Committee of the Whole. The Committee has three reports to sr~bmlt. FLrst, a Committee report on referendum and recall; second, a majority rrport on Lnltiativr; and tl~ird,a minority report on initiative.

Each of tt~escreports Iln:; ;~ttacl~i!~l tc1 it proposed constitutional language that the Committee will ask tlic Committee of the Wl~oleto consider. Tllank you.

~1~I~mIi~(~!~t;~!!~-~~_t_l~!~l_:011 111.11111 i 11i y~l~rt.1:111nrnl LlraS on Flr~nnce, Local Government :111cl Otl~rrM:lr tvru. 1 :I~I II:I~,~I~111 !111lrm1t (:c>~nmlttrc.Ilccon~mc-ndntion No. 4, regarding "(:urnst Ltut loll:( I hn~c~~icln~cr~~:~."

Mr. President. I wish tc? ntltlress a most 1mport:rnt issuc whicl~han already rec~ivc.d the 111Lrnt Ion oi ~II1:; c:onv~.~~tloll In I t~ Comml ttce oC the Whole.

1 rrit.l- 111 1111~!IIII~.J(.(.L (~i 1.011st I LII~ICIIIII~ II~I~.III~~I(.IILSnnd more n~ec.iflcnlly to rntiftcatlon nlc!tl~ods. Tl~cn Cirmmlttre of the Wl~ole11ad amel~decl the orlginaJ recommendation of the Commlttee on Finance. Local Government and Other Matters to require npproval by 213 oi the votes cast In cncl~of the three municipalities.

Your Comnll ttec IIIIR rr*1-(111,:I (Icrr(1 LII lr: nm(~ndmc~nt:~nd I ts ImpLlcn t lclnn. We nre concerned Ilecnune under j t any one mun!(,ipnll ty coulcl prevent rat 1f ICAL ion although the voters of that lnlllllril1nl Iry c.onr;titute~la sn3ll pcBrcentn$:e of thlm total votes cast by tlic Commonw~-althR:I n wl~olr.

Ucnial, Mr. I'res lrlrnt. of LIIC* b:~slcpr11ii.lplc. 11f mrllorl ty rule rnlght pow constitutional problems under tl~eFederal Constitution Equal Protection Pr~rvl.rion. This is true in Light of the Iml>ortant decision of tl~eUnited States Supreme Court in Reynolds v. Sim, the "on(. man-one vote" clecision.

Fur co11:11I lt~tIOIIII I rrs:ltl~u~~l,:III was I I :II: ~IIVI~~IIIIII-II~:I~IIII~11111 I tict~lonvn, we Invor the prll~clpivoC mnlt~rllyrrllc. At tl~c*s:ime tlme, Mr. President, we should not Ignore the separate ;111cl sprrLn1 needs of tl~rindividual municipalities.

Hi~w then, Mr. Prrsldcnt, c:ln we blend both sets of tnterents -- those of the mjorlty of the. ilopulntLon and the intrrcsts of the individual islands? Tl~e Covenant provislon on le~islatlverepresentatton suggests an approach

We propo:lr n further amr-n(1ment to tlie ratlflc;~tlonprovjsion. In the case of co~~stitutio~ralamendment prolrosed by leglslat ive initintive, in wliich the lndlvldunl Irnlnlcip~~lICII-s lirr ri~u:iLIy rcprf.s~~~LrdIn tl~rc~ppcr hoi~se, a mijority of tl~evotes rnut wcluld I)e rrqulrrd. In tl~c. cnsc. of ame~~dmcl~tsproposed by constitutional convention or popular Lnltlative an affirmative vote of a r%~.iorJty of the votes cwt -- Commonwealth wide -- would be required ;~ndn two-thirds vote of cnch of two of the three muntclpnl.ltlcrr. Thus, you have blended two ir~terc-sts: ~nnjorttyrulr 11nd ~prclrllnc~-ds of tl~cislands.

Delegate Olymplo T. Borja: I would like to move for acceptance of the report made by the Chairman of tlie Committee on Governmental Institutions.

The motion was ~ccondednnrl cnrrird.

Delegate Olymptc, T. Uurj;~: 1 movr we the reports mad(. by tl~rl:halrnu~~~ of the Committee on Perfional Klgl~tsnnd Natural Resources a11d the Chairrni~n of tlle Committee on Finance, Imrnl Covprnment nnd Other Matters.

'L'IIC. moLlo11 was srcc>t~dt~da11c1 cnrr1c.d. CONVENTION JOURNAL - 10th Day October 27, 1976


Delegntrfl Rclmon C. Vlllr~gomcz, .Ir~r~c.S. BorJn. Juan S. Demopan and Henry U. Hofschneider introduced Delegate Proposal No. 75, entitl.ed "Proposal Regarding Public Officials." The Proposal was read by Delegate Borja.

Delegates Pedro M. Atalig, Benjamin T. Manglona, Leon I. Taisacan, Prudencio T. Manglona, David M. Atalig. Cregorio S. Calvo. Henry U. Hofschneider, Vicontc M. Manglonn. Efltevcn M. King, Pedro M. Ogo, Pedro Q. Dela Cruz, and Jose R. Cruz introduced Delegate Proposal No. 76, entitled "Proposal Regarding Governmental Institutions." The Proposal was read by Delegate Dela Cruz.

Delegates David M. Atalig, Prudencio T. Manglona, Benjamin T. Manglona, Pedro M. Ogo, Leon I. Taisacan, Pedro Q. Dela Cruz. Cregorio S. Calvo, Pedro M. Atalig, Vicente M. Manglona, Henry U. Hofschneider, Esteven M. King, Hilario F. Diaz and Jose R. Cruz introduced Delegate Proposal No. 77, entitled "~ro~osalRegarding Code of Ethics." The Proposal was read by Delegate Dela Cruz.

Delegates Pedro Q. Dela Cruz, Leon I. Taisacan, Benjamin T. Manglona, David M. Atalig, Pedro M. Atalig, Prudencio T. Manglona, Gregorio S. Calvo, Pedro M. Ogo, Vicente M. Manglona. Esteven M. King. Jose R. Cruz and Hilario F. Diaz introduced Delegate Proposal No. 78, entitled "Proposal Regarding Capital Punisllment." The Proposal wan read by Delegate Dela Cruz.

Delegates David M. Atalig, Prudencio T. Manglona, Benjamin T. Manglona. Pedro M. Op, Leon I. Taisacan, Pedro Q. Dela Cruz, Gregorio S. Calvo, Pedro M. Atalig. Vicente M. Manglona, Henry U. Hofschrreider, Eeteven M. King, Hilario F. Diaz and Jose R. Cruz introduced Delegate Proposal No. 79, entitled "Proposal Regarding Private Employer." The Proposal was read by Delegate Dela Cruz.

Delegates Pedro M. Atalig, Benjamin T. Manglona, Leon I. Taisacan, Prudencio T. Manglona, David M. Atnlig, Pedro Q. Dela Cruz, Esteven M. King, Jose R. Cruz, Hilnrlo F. Diaz. Pcdro M. Ogo, Cregorio S. Calvo and Vicente M. Manglona introduced Delegate Proposal No. 80, entitled "Proposal Regarding the Bill of Rights." The Proposal was read by Delegate Dela Cruz.

Delegate Vicente T. Attao introduced Delegate Proposal No. 81, entitled "Proposal Regarding Land. "

Delegate Vicente T. Attao introduced Delegate Proposal No. 82, entitled "Proposal Regarding Extradition .'I

Delegate Vicente T. Attao introduced Delegate Proposal No. 83, entitled "Proposal Regarding Apportionment in the House of Representatives."

Delegate Vicente T. Attao introduced Delegate Proposal No. 84, entitled "Proposal Regarding Public Land. "

Delegates David M. Atalig, Prudencio T. Manglona, Benjamin T. Manglona, Pedro M. Ogo, Leon I. Taisacan, Pedro Q. Dela Cruz, Cregorio S. Calvo, Pedro M. Atalig, Vicente M. Manglona, Henry U. Hofschneider, Esteven M. King, Hilario F. Diaz and Jose R. Cruz introduced Delegate Proposal No. 85, entitled "Failtire to Mnke Appropriations. I'

Delegates David M. Atalig, Prudencio T. Manglooa, Benjamin T. Manglona, Pedro M. Ogo, Leon I. Taisacan. Jose R. Cruz. Vicente M. Manglona. Henry U. Hofschneider, Pedro Q. Dela Cruz, Cregorio S. Calvo, Pedro M. Atalig, Esteven M. King and Hilario F. Diaz introduced Delegate Proposal No. 86, entitled "Proposal Regarding Oath of Office."

~elegatesDavid M. Atalig, Prudencio T. Manglona, Benjamin T. Manglona, Pedro M. Ogo, Leon I. Taisacan, Pedro Q. Dela Cruz, Cregorio S. Calvo, Pedro M. Atalig. Vicente M. Manglona, Henry U. Hofschneider, Esteven M. King. Hilario P. Dinz and Jo~eR. Crrlz introtluccd Delcgate Proposal No. 87, entitled "Proposal Regarding Existlng Officcrs Continued in Offlce."

Delegates David M. Atalig. Prudencio T. Mnnglona, Pedro M. Ogo, Benjamin T. Manglona, Pedro Q. Dela Crtlz, Cregorio S. Calvo, Pedro M. Atalig and Jo~e R. Cruz introduced Delegate Proposal No. 88, entitled "Proposal Regarding Public Employees."

-56- CONVENT1 flN JOURNAL -- 10th Day October 27, 1976

Delegates David M. Atalil:, Prcldencio 'l'. Mnnglona, Ben jamin T. Manglona, Pedro M. Ogo, Leon I. Taisacnn, Pedro Q. Dela Cruz, (;rel:orio S. Calvo, Pedro El. Atalig, Vlcrntc M. Efnrcy,lcrcc:~. .10!41, I<. Crl~z.Illlnrlo F. I)in;.., llenry U. Il~~f:~c~l~~~cltIt~r:111<1I?IJ(I.VI.II Fl. KIIIH 1111 I-II~III(.(.cI I)C~C.~;IILPI)r~po.~~ill 140. 89, entitlcd "l'rolrosnl lh:!::crcl 111g SCII l:l:~\tc~rI es."

Delegates Benigno R. Fltial, Pedro Igltol and Luis M. Limes introduced Delegate Pro1)osal No. 90, entitlcd "Proposal Regarding the 1,eeislative Branch of Government." The Proposal was read by Delegate Fitiol.

Delegntcs Hilario F. DLaz, Vicente M. Manglona, Henry U. Hofschneider and Jose R. Cruz introduced Delegate Proposal No. 91, entitled "Proposal Regarding the Office of Ombudsman." The Proposal was read by Delegate Diaz.

Delcgntr~llilnrlo F. Dlr~z, Vlcerltc M. Manglona, Henry U. Hofschneicler, Eateven M. Rlng and Jose R. Crr~zintroduced Delegate Proposal No. 92, entitled "Proposal Regarding Revenue From Natural Resources." The Proposal was read by Delegate Diaz.

Dclc~:1Lc~!1.Ionc It. Crclz, Ill111rlo I:. l)lrlz, Vlcc~ltrM. Hllr~glona,llenry U. tlofscl~neiderrind Estcven M. Kl11g introduced Delegace Proposal No. 93, entltled "Proposal Reg:~rding Juetiflcatlou of (iovernmental Programs." The Propoflal was read by Delegate Cruz.

Delegflte~Eetcven M. Klr~y., llenry 11. IloCticllrleldc!r and Illlarlo F. Ulna introduced Dclcglite Propotlnl Nrr. 94, cent ttlrcl "Propoual Regarding Personal Rigl~ts." Tllc Proposal was rcacl by tl~cConvention Secretary.

Delegates Enteven M. K In!:, Vicc~lteM. Manglona, llenry U. Hofschneider and Ililnrio F. D1:la Lntrocl~~ccdI)c,lc.~c~te Prop~rt~:~l No. 95, cnt ltlcd "Proponol Rcgnrdlng F.111c1nce." the Propo:~nlwns rend by the Secretary.

Delegates Pedro M. Ogo, Pedro Q. Dela Cruz, Leon I. Tnisacan, llcnry 11. Rof~cl~netdrr,Enteven M. Klny,, Frr~ncl!~co'T. I'nlaclo~,I)r~vlcl H. Atnlil:, Grel(orlc~ S. Cnl.vo, n17n.lnmin T. Hnn~lonn.Prc~tlct~cio 1'. Mlln~lorln, Vlcc~lteM. E~I)IIP,~OII:I, Ililnclo 1.'. 1)1~1zand Jose H. (:r~~zLr~trc~duccd Uclegnte Prol)o!+nl No. 96, el~tlllccl "Proposal Regarding Official Flag." The Proposal was read by Delegate Tatsacan.

Delegate Daniel P. Castro introduced and read Delegate Proposal No. 97, entitled "Proposal Regarding Governmental Institutlons ."

Delegntcs Luie M. LLmcs :~ntlLorenzo 1. Guerrero Introduced Delcgate Proposal No. 98, entitlcd "Prol~osolRc~arding Ombudamen."

Delcp,ntcs Luls M. Ltmrs and Lorcnzo I. Cuorrero introd~~cedDelegate Proposal No. 99, cntitled "l'rolrosnl Hr):ording Microneaiar~Claims Act."

Delegates Lorenzo I. Guerrero and Luis M. Limes introduced Delegate Proposal No. 100, entitled "Proposal Regarding the Different Orders of Court."

Uelcg:~tc!: 1.orr11zo t . (:ucl.rero ar~dLul R M. Lin~e~Introduced Delegnte Proposnl No. 101, entitled "Proposal Regarding the Jurisdiction of the 'Supreme Court' of the Commonwealth."

Delegate5 Lo~~~zoI. Cuerrero and L11i6 M. Limes introd~~cedDelegate Proposal No. 102, entltled "Proposal Hc):nrdlng the Native Longunge of the Commonwealth of the Northern Mnriana Ialnnds. "

Delegates Luis M. Limes, Lorenzo I. Guerrero, Leon I. Taisacan, Pedro M. Atalig, Felix A. Ayuy~~,Hilario F. Diaz and Henry U. Hofschncider introduced Delegnte Proposal No. 103, entitlcd "Proposal Regarding Conflicts of Interest."

Delegates Luis M. Limes and Lorenzo I. Guerrero introduced Delegate Proposal No. 104, entitled "Proposal Regarding Bill of Rights."

Delcgntes Lcrln H. I.imrn nl~cl I.orenzo I. Gucrrero introduced Delegate Proposal No. 105, cnt ltlccl "l'ropor~n1 I

Delegates Luis M. Limes and Lorenzo 1. Guerrero introduced Delegate Proposal No. 106, entitled "Proposal Regarding Employment of Minorities in the Labor Force. " CONVENTION JOURNAL -- 10th Day .i : October 27. 1976 4; 1: j. Delegates Luis M. Limes and Lorenzo I. Cuerrero introduced Delegate Proposal No. 107, entitled "Propo~nl Rcg:irding Nnturnl Resourcen." !'

Uclc~nt~.~1.11 lrr M. L IIII(-H IIII~LO~CIIZ~ 1 . (:III-I.~C~O Introduccd I)clt?guEe Proponal No. 108, entitled "Proposnl Regarding Oath of Office."

Delegates Juan P. Tenorio. Esteven M. King and Pedro Ogo introduced Delegate Proposal No. 109, entitled "Proposes a Provision in the Commonwealth Constitution tllat the Following be Included in the Local Government." The Proposal was read by the Convention Secretary.

Delegates Juan P. Tenorio, Esteven M. King and Pedro Ogo introduced Delegate Proposal No. 110. entitled "Proposal a Provision in the Commonwealth Executive Branch." The Proposal was rend by the Secretary.

Delegate Ramon G. Villagomez introduced and read Delegate Proposal No. 111, entitled "Proposal Regarding Chamorro Language Requirement Tor Government Jobs."

Delegate Proposal No. 49, entitled "Proposal Regarding Board of Education.", was referred to the Committee on Governmental Institutions.

Delegntc Proposal No. 50. entitled "Proposal Regarding Inter-Island Sports Competition.", was referred to tl~e Committee on Finance. Local Government and Other Matters.

Delegate Proposal No. 51, entitled "Proposnl Rpgarding Bill of Rights.", was referred to the Committee on Pernonal Rights and Natural Resources.

Delegate Proposal No. 52, entitled "Proposal Regarding Natural Resources.", was referred to the Committee on Personal Rights and Natural Resources.

Delegate Proposal No. 53, entitled "Proposal Regarding Natural Resources.", was referred totfie Committee on Personal Rights and Natural Resources.

Delegate Proposal No. 54, entitled "Proposal Regarding Narcotics and Other Dangerous Drugs.", was referred to the Committee on Governmental Institutions.

Delegate Proposal No. 55, 'entitled "Proposal Regarding Local Government .", wns referred to the Co~nmittecon Fi~~uncc.Local Government and Other Matters.

Delegate Proposal No. 56, entitled "Proposal Regarding Transaction of Business.", was referred to the Committee on Covcrnmental Institutions.

Delegate Proposal No. 57, entitled "Proposal Regarding the Passage of Bills.", was referred to the Committee on Governmental Institutions.

Delegntc Propcl~alNo. 58, entitled "Budget Submifision.", wns referred to tlle Committee on CovcrnmcntnJ InsLitl~tlonu.

Delegate Proposal No. 59, entitled "Emergency Power.", was referred to the Committee on Governmental Institutions.

Delegate Proposal No. 60, entitled "Proposal Regarding the Restrictions of Office.", wns referred to the Connnittcc on (:overnmental Institutions.

Delegate Proposal No. 61, entitled "Proposal Regarding the Legislature.", was referred to the Committee on Governmental Institutions.

Delegntc Proposal No. 62, entitled "Proposal Regarding Immunity.", was referred to the Committee on Governmental Institutions.

Delegate Proposal No. 63, entitled "Proposal Regarding Bill of Rights.", was referred to the Committee on Pcrsonal Rights and Natural Resources.

Dclcgntc. Propo::nl No. (311, cant it lcvl "Proponal Ilrp.nrdinp,Bill of Rights.", was referred to the Conunittcc on Pcrsonal Rlgllts and NaturalResources.

Delegate Proposal No. 65, entitlcd "Proposal Regarding the Executive Branch of Covcrnmcnt . ". WCIR rcferrcd to the Cclmml L tee on Covernmen tal Institutionn. CONVENTlON JOURNIU. -- lot11 Day Octobcr 27. 1976

I)c.Lc!K!II~ I'IOOI)~I~I~N~I. (10, c11~1~lt.d"lDrul~osnl I(egard1ng Land ~llenat'lon.", was referred to thc Comll-tee on Personal Ri(;l~tsontl Natural Resources.

1)elefintc Prn(~o~nlNo. h 7, pnt 1 L lrtl "Prc,pr,t,r~ l Iti-f:l~rdlnp,BLll of Rights.", wnti rtrl'crrcd LO thi: (:OIIIIIII CLt-1% UII I'ern(11li11 I~IKIILH11nd Nncural Re~ourCCfl.

Delegate Proposal No. 68, entltled "Proposal llegardinfi Removal of Executive Appointee from Office.", was referrcd to the Committee on Governmental Institutions.

DclcgaLc Proposnl No. 09, cntltled "Proposnl Hcgerdl~~p,Pardon and Clemency.", was referred to the Committee

Delegate Proposal No. 70, entitled "Proposal Regarding Restoration of Civil Rights and Liberties.", was relerred to the Committee on Personal Rights and Natural Resources.

Delegate Proposal No. 71. entitled "Proposal Regarding Land Ownership.", was referred to the Committee on Personnl Rights and Natural Resources.

Delegutc Proposnl No. 72, entltlcd "Proposnl Regarding Governrnc-ntal Institutions.", was referred to the Committee on Personal Rights and Natural Resources.

Dclagntc Proponnl No. 70, cntlt lcd "Proposnl Reg:rrdlng Natural ~esources.", wns referred Lo thc Cormnittcr on Pernonnl Rights and Natural Resources.

Delegate Proposal No. 74, entitled "Proposal Regarding Land.", was referred to the Committee on Personal Rlghts and Natural Resources.

Pres-Lclcnt Cuerrero: I wol~ld llke to rcmlntl thc Dele~nterttlrnt according to Rule 54, as nnlcnded, no Delegnte Proposal con be presented niter October 29, 1976.





Delegate Olymplo T. Rorlg: I would l lke to move tll;lt (:onunittee Recommendation NO. 2 from tlle Committee on Governmental Institutions, regarding "'fie Judicial Branch of Government.", be placed on the ralendar under General Orders of the Day for tomorrow for consideration by tl~eComml ttcc of the Wlli~le.

'L'III! mot lc111 wnn HCCOIII~(.C~111111 t:nrrl 1-tl.


Chairman Renigrio Fitial: I would like to move tllat the Plenary Se~eionresolve into the Comittee of the WlloLc in order to consider Committee Recommendation No: 3 from the Committee on Personal Rights C Natural Resources, regarding "Initiative, Referendum and Recall.", and, also, Committee Recommendation No. 3 from the Committee on Finance, Local Government and Other Matters, regarding l'~orporations.''.

The motion warn flccondcd n~ldcnrrlrd.

President Guerrero: At this tlme, I would like to csll on Vice President Francisco Palacios, to preside over the Committee of the Whole.

Thc Convention resolvcd Into the Committee of the Wllole at 2:38 p.m.

The Convention recodvened in Plenary Session at 4:07 p.m.

Chainnnn Palacioe: I would I lkv tu report Lhnt the Comittec of the Whole ~ldopted the aections in the Reconsideration of Committee Recomendatlon No. 3 regarding, "Referendum nnd Recall," but they recommended re-referral of the section regarding "Initintive" to the Comittee on Personal Righte and Natural Resources. CONVENTlON JOURNAL -- 10th Day October 27. 1976

'She Coma1 ttec or Ll~eWII~J 11: II~HIJr~tlolr Led Co~nmLl.tec?Kecomendation No. 3 from the Committee on Finance, Local Government and Other Matters, regarding "corporations. "

ItI I:IIL I rrMr. I'rrl~l~~ttlllnk we need to ------I - I ndopt the rcpi~rtfrom the Committcuc of the Wholr. I feel we need to do this.

Chairman Benigno Fitial: I move that the Committee Recommendations, as adopted by the Committee of the Whole, be adopted by this Convention.

The motion was seconded and cr~rrird.


Delegate David Q. Maratita: Mr. fellow Delegates, I wish to take a moment of your time to express my views about the proposal I introduced to provide for a draft Constitutional article prohiblting the creation of units of local government in the new Commonwealth.

As we :111 know, the govrrnment tllnt we shnll be forming under the new conatltutlol~HIIOIIL~I IJP 11 filrlcl lc~linl govc!mmc!nt tnklng nll things under this system as totally devoid of the Lnconslstcnciee of the past experiences under the Trust Territory Government Administration.

The Municipal Governments that we now have are more than what I can normally call a "parosite" which eat of a ~izenbleamount of the capital resources that would Imve more npproprlnti-ly been undcr n ccntrnlized agency.

Allow me to quallfy my ol>.servntlon on why I feel thnt we, in thin Convention, should on urtlcle In tllc conatltutlon prol~ibitingtlie creation of local governmentn.

Flrst, if we ore to continuethepresent system, that is, the existence of municipal governments in the new Como~lwealth,we will be sacrificing an essential part of the cnpitol resources made avnllal~leto fund for the operations of municipnlltics. As nn example, the Snlpan Municipal Government for its fiecal yenr budget for 1977, that 1s July 1, 1976 to June 30, 1977, a total of about $451,883.00 will be needed to operate the municipality against an estimated ' " revenue of $453,392.00.

In a locality such as Saipan where the central government has activity such as Public Works, tlle services performed by the Municipal Government in public works become inter-phnsed in area of similnr responsibilities. While Saipan is more evident of the duplication of public service efforts, Rota and Tinian to a certain degree, equally share the problem of duplicating some of the efforts that are provided by the central government. This appears unnecessary and unwarranted in the new Commonwenlth Government for economic reasone.

Second, the absence of local government would make the delivery of services ' to the people more efficient. Legislative programs can be handled more effectively by limiting the process to one level of government, the central government. In other wordo, the 1e~lal.aturcand the governor cnn program for the people under the concept of a central government with decentralized functions operatingfor the entire Commonwenlth. Since the Commonwealth Legiulature will be composed of representatives elected from the islands of Rota, Tinlan and Saipan and the governor elected on a commonwealth-wide basis, there should be a reappraisal of our mental nttitude to refer to our Kovrrnmant ns one central government and not persist on eopnrnte po 11 t l cnl 8~11~-(1ivi~i011~.

Since the Covenant under Section 203(c) gives the people of Rota and Tinian protection that their particular intercsts be recognized and acconrmodated in the new Commonwealtl~, it would to a large degree be more advantageous to include a constitutional provision that would prohibit the creation of separate political sub-divisions on the islands of Rota, Tinian and Saipan. To insure, however, that the people living on these three main islands are represented in the executive bronc11 of govrrnment, we should conflider providing a constitutional language that would require tho governor to cstabllal~within his immediate staff, a peraon to be responsible for the affairs of the islands, a position that would require the advice and consent of the legislature. At the same time, a provision could be CONVENTION JOURNAL -- ICth Day 01-111l1i-r27. 1976

I~~IJVltlcd Lllr~t 1 llc lcgl r lctt t~rt.114- rcatlit I ctl LII C.IIL~IIIltth IIV !I vctrunl~~lo~~c~~nhl~~nyntr.u or whatever allowing for tlie election of one person from encl~lsl~nd who will hc the chieF rrpresentntive of the governor on matters pertaining to their particular island. Compvnflation tic tlreqc- commlsn~onc~rrrwl ll 11c a~ provlded by lnw nnti to be lnc 111tlcd In ~II<. con~mo~lwt-~~l t 11-w 1111- butlu,.~ lor I l~c. crllt-rrlL 1t~t1III tlie excc.itt tvr hrnncl~. The Commlaslc~nrrfor llotr~clnd 'I'lnlan 1111drr t111s flyetcm could he authurlzi,d by statute to I>e in direct chnrgr of tllr hdminlstrntion in Llir tlclivery of ~erv1cc.n under a decentralized budget drvelopcd by the respective conmissioner and npproved in the governor's budget.

By doing away wlth a local government, the degree oC delineation of authority as to what the locnl government can and cannot do will be less confusing to our people. In other words, the sad experiences that have been had prlor to the new Commonwealth Government should not be repeated. I feel that a government functioning an one unit. thclt 1s the central govrrnment, will do mote for the people on a commonwenlth-widr basis rather than permitting a local government to perform only certnin things for a given locality. Tile less local govcrnment we have the more efficient services can be delivered by the central government in that tliere will only be one level of government to work wiL11. By decentralizing the function of this ccntrnl government to Rota and Tinirtn nllocating the authority thnt cnn be locnlly llnlidlrd In mnttere pertnlnlng to the admlnietratlc~nof the goveniment, we will not have to worry nhout maintaining nnother level of govern- ment operating under its separate identity such as we used to experience.

My fellow I)PLC~IILPR, pi-rl~nl~~whnt I Ilnvr c.xprc~acd may hc facetious, hut I feel that wr are llrrc In tl~lnCc>nvention drnftlng r>rrr charter for a new government. 1 will urge a close review of our present polittral experience and ensure ourselves thnt wl~ntwe will be providing for crrlr future governmcllt will be a workt~blcand t~ccel~tr~blenppr~lacll to our nep Co~mnonwcalth.

In concll~:l~on,1 am Inr II c'cnLrnl Comonwr-nltlt Cnvernmcwt undrr the concv{~t of decentraljzcd functionfl with respect to the administration of auch a RovernmenL.

Delegate Hilario F. Diaz: Mr. President and fellow Delegates. The Convention has now used over nine of its allotted 50 days. We have made substantial progress in some areas. Neverthele~~,I think that it i~ important to pause to asseRs whet we hnve done IIII~what we must nccompllr~hin tile next 40 days in order to accomplish our mission.

Our Mission iu straightforward; we must write a Constitution that not only crentes a worknble structure of government but also in sturdy and flexible enough to witl)stand the test of time. We must devote all of our efforts to achieving this objective. We must not permit geographic differences to inter- fere with our crucial task. The minority must never take advantage of the majority. The majority must never dominate the minority. Let rls always remember thnt the United States Government would probably veto any Constitution that unfairly discriminates against any group, majority or minority, of our people. Rejection of our Constitution by the federal government would be a tragedy whose dimensions would be beyond our capacity to measure.

Mr. President and fellow Delegates, we must all remember that the Con~titution will scrve nfl the foundation of our new Comonwenlth. But what is a commonwealthl It is a government founded 011 law and united by the people's compact with themselves to act for the common good. To speed the creation of our Commonwealth, we of the Tinian Delegation are willing to consider the completed Constitution as an entity. Even though we may disagree with specific provisions adopted in principle by tlie Committee of tlie Wliole, we will not obetruct the work of the Convention. After the drafting of the Constitution is concluded, we will

examine the entire document to determine if the interests of our constituents ' are adequately protected.

'I Mr. President, the Convclition hns henrd mnny words urging Delegates to cooperate wit11 each other. Over the next 40 days, we must give meaning to those words. We must act in the interests of all of our people on all of our islands. Let us create a Commonwealth that will serve us and our children well. Thank you.

Dele~ateHenry U. Hofschliclder: Mr. Prrsident and Honorable Delegates of this historic Convention. This day marks our 10th day of our Convention and I would ~ul.IVk.NlIUN JUUKNAL -- 10th Uay October 27, 1976 like to tnko LII~R oplx,rtunlLy on bcllnlf of my fellow L)clegates from Tinian to ,, ' congratulate all of our hard working Delegates in this Convention. :': 6 L First of all. Mr. President. I worlld like to go on record that disunity nmonu IJR, 111 I.II~.II Iwrnlmc:t I vc. Inttn lcll,r~l It y 111 tlje Cnvnrnment of the Northern Murlnnne, 11su I,ccome lderll let lc FI~IICP Ll~eheglnnlng of this Convention. Let , me further state that speeches and comments have been well established in thia ,, Convention against the wishes of both Rota and Tinian Municipality desires and presumably the Northern Islands. We all wlsh to frame a Constitution vhich . Would not duplicate our experience of frustration in our government system but to formulate a supreme government syntem in which that as citizens of the Northern Heriana Islands should ratify without the sense of future confrontation between ourselves. The delegates from Tinian, wish to express and assure a11 Delegates, and you. Mr. President, that we will cooperate in order to form a , workable Constitution that will be accepted by nll our people. We are divided by a body of nceen, tlowever, thie ehoulrl nnt bc an el~stacle,we will not let it be an obstacle. It pains me to think that at one time our ancestorn were one . people and then were coloniallstically divlded by foreign power; we have . t been see-sawing from one power to the other. '1 I Mr. Prsultlcnt nnd fellow I)elc~ntr~.let un not lone thie opportunity to , . break forever from the Trust Territory Corernment. In conclusion, my fellow delegate^ and Mr. President, Tinian is ready and open its hands to its brothers. Thank you.

Delegate Leon Taisacan: Mr. President and fellow Delegates. We assemble here in- this Convention for the purpose of creating a workable Constitution for the . . Northern Marianas Government. During our assemblage in this Convention Hall, , I have heard some encouraging speeches on unity in this Convention. I sincerely . hope that each of us is honest about unity. I do not believe it vould be vorth anybodys while to note that if we want unity In this Convention and then attempt to brenk-up the npirit of unlty and cooperntion through actione. I hope that , , what we have said here about unity can be put into meaningful actions.

Mr. Presldent, I just want to inform the Delegates that our proposal of 20% participation in the initiative process did not come out from our briefcase. It come out over n long period of time. It came out eopecially from the experience Rota and Tinian have had in the District Legislature in a manner in vhich ve have treated each other. It came out from a long history and background of our relationship with the two Municipalities. Thank you.

Delegate Gregorio Calvo: I noticed on the Convention Journal for the 9th Day that there was no session. I believe the fact that we had committee meetings . that day, even thoughtherewas no Plenary Session, should be in the Journal.

President Guerrero: Yes, the Convention Journal will be corrected to shw that committee meetings were held on the 9th Day, even though there was no Plenary Session. !,. . Delegate Jose R. CNZ: I just want to state an observation concerning a remark made earlier by one of the Dclegateu. While I am very much concerned about governmcntnl levels, expenditures. funding and so forth, I wish to point out to this Convention that we should not close the door in drafting the Constitution for the possible future creating of a local government. I .. , wish to remind this Convention, for example. the State of Hawaii.hascounty and

city governments similar to the structure the Marianas presently has. Perhaps ,,, only the names are different. The reason why local government has not been very successful in the Northern Marianas IR simply becnuse there was no decentralization of responsibility according to the various municipalities. I want this to be a reminder to all the Delegates, in drafting our Constitution, it is very important that we include the provision that if we want to have local government in the future, we have the avenue to do so.

Delegate Benlgno Fltial: I just want to cheer-up my fellow Delegate from Tinian. In regard to his remarks, that particular Delegate Proposal has been tabled.


Cl~airmanFelipe Atalig: Your Committee on Personal Rights and Natural Resources will meet tomorrow at the usual place at 9:00 a.m. CONVENTION .JOURNAL -- 10th Day octc~l,cr 27. 1976

Chairman Jose P. Mafnas: Your 1:ommittee on Governmental Institutions will meet tomorrow morning at 9:00 a.m. in the Convention Hall.

Cllnirnlrin Ilrti- l g~~c!-l;lt-111 I : YII~II ('ttmml I! I.I. IIII I:~II;~I~I.I..I,OI-II I (:t)vi.rnm~.nt .~ndOtlit-r hblt L,~I.Hw1 1 I III(.(*L L

President Guerrero: I would like to announce that the Committee on Procedures and Organization will be mcct ill!: immedlntcly folluwing tl~inficsslon.

Delegate Pcdro Ocln Cruz: T move thnL we rrcesn until tomorrow at 2:00 p.m.

The motion was seconded nn,l carried.

The Convention rccesscd at 4:27 p.m. CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION of tl~r NOIVI'II l,:l

ELEVENTll DAY Tllursdny, October 28. 1976

(1) The Constitutional Convention of the Northern Mariana Islands was called to order at 2:05 p.m.

The Ilonort~blcLorcnzo I. Guerrcro, 1're.r ldrnt , presided.

(2) A moment of silent prayer was observed.

(3) The Convention Secretary called the roll. There were 37 Delegates present. Delegates Danlel P. Cnstro nnd Joaquln S. Torres were excused. No Delegates were nbsent.

Floor Leader Rasa: I move that those Delegates not in attendance be granted leave of absence.

The motion was seconded and cnrried.


Floor Leader Rnnn: I move tllat we adopt tl~cSummary Journal for the 10th Day.

The motion was seconded and cnrried to adopt the Summary Journal for the 10th Day.

(Delegate Jonquin S. Torres entered the Convention Hall.)



Chaimn Jose P. Mafnns: I would like to report thnt your Committee on Governmental Institutions is now discussing the executive branch of the government. I also have several Delegate Proposals which have been disposed of by your Committee. Regarding Delegate Proposal No. 75, entitled "Proposal Regarding Public Officials.", the Committee IIAR met the np,e for Senntor at 30 years minimum and the age for Repreaentntivcs at 25 years mh~lmumage.

Delegate Proposal No. 76, entitled "Proposal Regarding Governmental Inetitutions.", it was agreed that all sessions of the Legislature will be open to the public except on highly sensitive issues.

On Delvgi~teProposal No. 62, rnt l t led "Proposal Regarding Immunity .", the Committoe has decided to accept this.

Delegate Proposal No. 61, entitled "Proposal Regarding the Legislature.", requests that the Senate and House of Representatives shall be called "The Marianos Congress." Your Committee on Governmental Institutions has tentatively decided to call this body "The Northern Marianas Commonwealth Legislature." I have reservations on that particular conclusion.

On Delegate Propoanl No. 17, entitled "Proposal Regarding the Legislative Brnnch of Governmcnt.", your Committee hns agreed tentatively that the upper house will be cnlled "lhe Itouse of Scnatc" nnd will be composed of three Senators from Tinian, three Senators from Saipan and three Senators from Rota. The lower home, "The House of Representatives." will be composed of 30 members; 25 from Saipan, 3 from Rota and 2 from Tininn. Also regarding thia Proposal, your Cornittee has tentntively n~reedthnt npprnprtntlon hllln mt~ouldoriginate in the lower house and will be subject to npprovnl by the upper I~ouse.

Chairman Felipe Atalig: I would like to yield the floor to Delegate Manuel Tenorio for presentation of the report from the Comittce on Personal Rights and Natural Resources. CONVENTION JOURNAL -- 11th Day October 28, 1976

I)c lr~~~tch11111uc1 Tctlorlo: 'l'l~r Ci~~mlttee on Personal Rigl~tsand Natural Resourceu has deliberated on the provlslo~ion Initiative that had heen re-referred to the Committee by Commi ttrr of tl~rWl~olr ye.rtcrdny. The Committee Itas agreed to rccommrnd tltc* llr~tI'I.O~~II!I(I~ t11.1t wnn ofierr11 to the Convrntlon requiring twenty pcrci8~IE(202) (11 1l1r ICILIII t~ul~\li*-rc>f rlunlll'lctl votcbru wlthin the Comm~~nwealth.

Chairman Benigno Fitial: Your (:omittee on Finance, Local Government and Other Hatters will make no report at his time.


Delegate Juan S. Demapnn it~troducedDelegate Proposnl No. 112, entitled "Proposal Regarding Land." The Proposal was read by the Secretary.

Delegatee Olympio T. RorJn and .Jose S. Borjn introduced Delegilte Propc~nnl No. 113, entitled "Propo~alRcg:trdIng Sovereign Immunity. " The Proposal wc~!i read by Delegate Olyrnl~ioT. Borja.

Delegates Manuel A. Tenorio. Luls M. Limes, Jose S. BorJa, Francjeco 'l'. Palacios, Juan S. Demapnn. Felix A. Ayuyu, llenry U. Hofschnelder and Juan P. Tenorio introduced Delcgate Proposal No. 114, entitled "Proposal Regarding Legislative Matters." The Proposal was read by the Convention Secretary.

Delegnteu MAnuel A. Tenor 111. LUIRM. Limc~,Frnnci~ro T. Palc~cio.'~.JoR~. S. BorJa. JUIIIIS. Drmr~pnn. Iltst~rv U. IIoIncl~nt~lcl~~r,HIlnriu J. IJiuz and J~tar~I*. Tenorio introduced Delrgate F'rol~oanl Ntr. 11 5. ent ltlcd "l'ropoeal Kegording Land he." Tl~rProposnl WIIS rr:>d by thc Convention Secretary.

Delegates Manuel A. Tenorio, Luis H. Limes, Hevry U. Hofschneider. Leon Taisacan, Daniel Castro, Lorenzo I. Cuerrero and Juan P. Tenorio introduced Delegate Proposal No. 116. entitled "Propot~nl Regarding Natural Reeourcee." The Proposal was rend by the Corlventlon Secretary.

Delegates Manuel A. Tenorio, Luis M. Limes, Leon I. Taisacan, Lorenzo I. Guerrero and Juan P. Tenorio introduced Delegate Proposal No. 117, entitled "Proposal Regarding Natural Resources." The Proposal was rend by the Secretary.

Delegntes Benigno R. FitIal and Pedro Igitol introduced Delegate Proposal No. 118, entitled "Proposal Regarding the Northern -Marianas Youth Congreae." The Proposal was rend by Delegate Fitial.

Delcgntr~neni~no R. FltInl and I't-dro lgltol introduced Delegate Proposal No. 119, entitled "Proposal Kegnrding Public Disclosures by Elected Officials." The Proposal was read by Delegate Fitial.

Delegates Benigno R. Fitlal and Pedro I~Itolintroduced Delegate Proposal No. 120, entitled "Prol~omnl Rcg:~rdlng Public Dlnclouure of the Budget .'I Thr Proposal wns rend by Delegate Fltial.

Delegate Benigno H. Fitlal and Pedro Igitol introduced Delegate Proposal No. 121, entitled "Proposal Regarding Governmental Institutions." The Proposal was read by Delcgate Fitial.

Delegate Fr~nciscoT. Palacios introduced Delegate Proposal No. 122, entitled "Proposal Regarding Public Land."

Delegates llennnn Q. Cuerrero and Hnudolene Cnrnacl~o introduced Delegate Propoeal No. 123, entitled "Proposnl Regarding Employment and Conditions of Labor."

Delegates Herman Q. Guerrero and Magdelena Camacho introddced Delegate Proposal No. 124, entitled "Proposal Regarding the Imprisonment of Children."

~elcgati~sllermnn q. Gut.rrcrr~ and Hngdnlena Carnacho introduced Delegate Proposal No. 125, entitled "Proposal Regarding Child Labor."

Delegates Herman Q. Guerrero and Magdalena Camacho introduced Delegate Proposal No. 126, entitled "Proposal Regarding the Structure of Government."

REFERRAL OF PROPOSALS I Delegate Proposnl No. 75, entitled "Proponal Regarding Public Officials.", was referred to the Conunittee on Cavernmento1 Institutione. CONVENTIC'N JOURNAL -- 11th Day October 28, 1976

Delegate I'roposnl No. 76, entitled "Proposnl Kegnrding Cavernmental Institutions.", wae referred to the Committee on Governmental Institutions.

Dole~ntcPrflpclnnl No. 77, cntltlrd "Prclpomnl Hegardlnh Code of Ethics.", was referred to Ll~cCon~mI LLOC OII (:trvcrnma-~~tnllut~t 1 tut ~OIIA.

Delegate Proposal No. 78, entitled "Proposal Regarding Capital Punishment.". was referred to the ConrmitteeonPersonal Rights 6 Natural Resources.

Delegate Proposnl No. 79, entitled "Propo~alRegarding Private ~mployer.", wna referred to tho Comlttcc on Personnl Rigl~ts6 Nntural Resourcee.

Delegate Proposal No. 80, entitled "Proposal Regarding the Bill of Rights.", was referred to the Committee on Personal Rights 5 Natural Resources.

Delegate Proposal No. 81, entitled "Proposal Regarding Land.". was referred to the Committee on Personal Rights 6 Natural Resources. .

Delegate Proposal No. 82, entitled "Proposal Regarding Extradition.", was referred to the Committee on Covernmentnl Institutions.

Delegate Proposal No. 83, entitled "Proposal Regarding Apportionment in the House of Representatives.", was referred to the Cormnittee on Governmental Institutions. I

Delegntc Proposal No. 84, entitleti "Propclsal Regarding Public Land.", was referred to the Committee on Personnl Rights 6 Natural Resources.

Delegate Proposal No. 85, entitled "Failure to Make Appropriations.", was referred to the Committee on Governmental ~nstitutions.

Delegate Proposal No. 86, entitled "Proposal Regarding Oath of ~ffice.". was referred to the Committee on Finance, Local Government and Other Matters.

Delegate Propofla1 No. 87, entitlcd "Propo~alRrgardingExistingOfficers Continued in Office.", was rcferrcd to tl~cCommittee on Governmental Institutions.

Delegate Proposal No. 88, entitled "Proposal Regarding Public Employees.", was referred to the Committee on Personal Rights 5 Natural Resources.

Delegntc Proposnl No. 89, entitled "Propoanl Regarding Sea Fisheries.". wns referrcd to thc Conunittee on Pcrsonal Rights 6 Natural Resources.

Delegate Proposal No. 90, entitled "Proposal Regarding the Legislative Branch of Government." was referred to the Cornittee on Governmental Inetitutione.

Delegate Proposal No. 91, entitled "Proposal Regarding the Office of Ombudsman.", was referred to the Committtee on Govenmental Institutions.

Delegate Proposal No. 92, entitled "Proposal Regarding Revenue from Natural Resources.", was referred to the Coamittee on Personal Rights 6 Natural Resources.

Delegntc Proposnl No. 93, entitled "Proposal Regarding Justification of Governmental Programs.", was referred to the Committee on Governmental Institutions.

Delegate Proposal No. 94, entitled "Proposal Regarding Personal Rights.", was referrcd to tho Comittce on Pcrsonnl Rlghte 6 Natural Resourcee.

Delegate Proposal No. 95, entitled "Proposal Regarding Finance. Local Government and Other Hatters.

Delegate Propoael NO. 96, entitlrtl "Proposnl Regarding Official Flag.", wee referred to the Committee on Governmental Institutione.

Delegate Proposal No. 97, entitled "Proposal Regarding Governmental Institutions.", was referred to the Committee on Governmental Institutione.

Delegate Proposal No. 98, entitled "Proposal Regarding Ombudsmen.". was referred to the Committee on Governmental Institutions. CONVENTION .JOURNAL -- 11th Day Octollrr 28, 1976

Delegate Proposal No. 99, t.nti tletl "Prol,osal Regard tng Mlcronesinn Clainis Act .", was rcfrrrcd tn tt~r(:c,n~rni ttcr or1 I'rrfionnl Rlp,hts 6 Natural Resources.

1)~'113~:111~~'~CI~,CI-I:I~ NIB. II10, q.111 I I Il.11 "~.~I)~IIIIIII\\(~,p,:~rtl 1111: I 11~I)l fft.r~nt~rcl~rg [ I . I:I t I I IIIILLt I IIVI~II~I~LII 111nt ltution!:.

Delegate Proposal No. 101, entitled "Proposal Regartling the Jurisdictiol~ of the 'Suprernr Court' of tlie C<~mmonwoilth. ", was rcferrcd to the Com~nlttci-on Covcrnfi~cntnl Irl~tltut Ions.

I)rlegtite Proposc~lNo. 102, eanLl t 1t.d "Proposal ~egnrtlirl~I llr Native Lonjiuoge of tl~eConnnonwcalth of the Norlllcr~iMnriana Islands.", was rrferrcd tt~tlic Committee on Finance, Local Covt.rnment and Other Matters.

Delegate Proposnl No. 103, cntitlcd "Propu~al RC!p,arl{in~ Conflicts oi Interest.", wcis refcrretl to tilt. (:iinunltLce on (;~~vcrr~rnt*nt;~lIllst Itul-ions.

Urlrgntc Propo~nlNo. 1011, entil led "Prt~pocrnl Rrgarlll~igRlll of I(lgl~t!;.". wan rrrerred to thr Ct,mmlLtrt* 1111 Per~n~inIRIEIII H 6 Natural Ik,sources.

Uelcgnte I'roponal No. 105. cntitlcd "Proposal Regarding the Constitutjons.", was referred to the Committee OII Governmental Institutions.

Delegate Proponnl No. 106, rnt it 1i.d "Propnn;~l Rrg.irdinR Employment of bli~lorll-irsill tllr I'l)", wrls rl-frrrr~lto tllr (:~frmniLLrr on Per?lonnl Rigl~tn 6 Nnt~trnlRrut~urcrs.

Delegate Proposal No. 107, entitled "Proposal Regarding Nilturn1 Ilesourccs."~ was referred to the Committee or1 Personal Rights 6 Natur'al Resources.

Delegate Proposnl No. 108. rnLi tlvd "I1roponnl I

Delegate Proposnl No. 109, cnt 1tlc.d "Propo~esa Provision in the Commonweal tll Constitution That tllr Followlr~gIIC 111clud~d111 tllr I.ot-nl Covrrnmcnt .", was rcferrrtl to tlie Comml~trr nn IVl t~rlr~cc.I.ocn1 (;c~vrrnmc.nt niid Ot llcr MntLorR.

Delegate Proposal No. 110, entitled "Prol~osnl A Provisjr~nin the Commi~nwe;~ltt~ Executive Branch.", was rcierrctl to the Committee on Govc!rnmcntal Institutions.

I)t3L(.p,utc Proptisci l No. 1 1 1 , t-11tiL11-11 "I'roI)os:~1 I



Delegate Fellpe Atall&: I worfltl like to Introduce the f~,llowlngresolutions:

"llesolution No. 2 :

"Resolved, that the NorthernMarianas Constitutional Convention is aware of the fact that any land on Tinian which has been leased to the United States is publlcly owned land, not land tnken from private pnrties, nnd resolved further, tll:lt the Co~lvrntionwlll take note of this fact in cons ltlc.r ln~nfry I)~~I~N?!I~I1 rs-lrlt LIIR to prlvnt 1.1 y I,WIIPI~ lnntl on 'Tinlnn."

"Resolution No. 3:

"Resolved, that the Northern Narianaa Con~titutionalConventlon, offers it- bent wlsllrs Lo ttit* rno~twldi-ly known citlzc~~~of Pl.nln~. Georgia, .llnnny C:~rter."



Chairman Benigno Fitial: I would like to move that Cnmmlttee Recommendation No.1 (:ONVENTION JOURNAL -- 11th Day Octnber 28. 1976

from the Committee on Finance, Local Government and Other Matters, regarding "Constitutional Amendment." be placed on the calendar for Second and Final Reading tomorrow, October 29, 1976.

The motici~lwns sccondrd nnd def 1.n trd


Floor Leader Rnsa: I move thnt the (lonventior~resolve into the Committee of the Whole in order to consider Comittce Heromenclation No. 2 from the Committee on Governmental Inetitutions, regarding "The .Judicial Branch of Government." ,.

The motion was seconded and carried.

President Guerrero: I would like to call on the Delegate from Saipan. Delegate Olympio T. Borja to Chair the Comittee of the Whole for today.

The Convention resolved into the Conunittee of the Whole at 2:26 p.m. ., ,,:.

Tlle Conviv~tion rrcorivcnrtl In Plcnnry Scsnlon nt 3: 11 p.m.

Chairmnn Olympio T. Borja: I would like to report that the Committee of the Whole. after thorough deliberation. has unanimously adopted Committee Recommendation No. 2 from the Committee on Governmental Institutions, regarding "The Judicial Branch r! of ~overnment.'I

Chairman Olymplo T. Borla: 1 now would llke to move that the Convention accept my oral report on Committee of the Whole and that Committee Recowendation No. 2 fromthaComlttee on Governmental Instjtutlon~be placed on the calendar for Second and Finn1 Reading.

The motion was seconded and carried.

Preaident Guerrero: I would like to call to the attention of the Delegates, thnt nccording to Rule 47. if there nre nny arncndments, these should be in writing and distributed prior to euch consideration.

Chairman Benigno Fitial: What is the decision of the Chair regarding Committee Recommendation No. 4: Constitutional Amendments, from the Committee on Finance, Local Government and Other Matters.

President Guerrero: Conunlttec Recommcndntion No. 4: Constitutional Amendments, from the Conunittee on Finance, Local Government and Other Matters, is recognized as an amendment to Committee Reconrmendation No. 1: Constitutional Amendments, previously submitted by your Committee. This amendment will have to be offered during the Second Rending nince Comittae RecomendationNo. lweealready adoptad, unamended, during its First Reading.

Chairman Benigno Fitinl: I don't think it wns understood in my previous motion that I was not asking for adoption of Committee Recommendation No. 4, I vas asking that it be placed on the cnlcndar for discuss Lon.

President Guerrero: Any amendment to a Committee Recommendation that has already been adopted during its First Reading has to be made at the Second Reading.


Delegate Junn S. Demapnn: I would like to make a few remarka.

Mr. President and fcllow Delegates. The recent deciaiona to refer Committee Recommendation No. 3: Initiative. Referendum nnd Recall, indicate that there ie misunderstanding and division of the House on a matter that may seemingly affect the Couuwnwealth at a point in time in the future.

Mr. President nnd fcllow Delegster;, the mnjor problem we now face is that we are not thinklng about Comonwralth na a whole but rather divisions of people. If this chnmber continues to bclievc in tl~elntter, L nm sorry to say that this supposedly one Conrmonwealth, one ~lcople, is going to hell. What is past ia paat -- it's the future we look into. I.for one,stronglybelieve in a Commonwealth. CONVEN?ION JOURNAL -- 11th Day October 28, 1976

For only when there are differing types of governments and natione'can there be a compromise. The Northern Marianas la one Commonwealth and nothing else. We shall all look ultimntely for one dlrection. For if I were in a foreign country at one future date and nomsonr nnked me where I from, for mure 1 won't eay I'm from Hotn. hut from tl~oC~lmnc)~~wrnl tl~of tl~oNortlrcrn hriannn. Therefore, I only urgc cncll one of you to tlllnk Com~lwenltll.

Thank you.

Delegate Jose A. Cruz: If someone asked me whcre I am from. L am going to certainly answerD5romthe Mnrlnnas. But then I might say that I represent the individual people of Tinian.


Chairman Benigno Fitial: The Conunittee on Finance, Local Government and Other Matters will meet at 9:00 a.m. tomorrow morning.

Chairman Jose P. Wefnaa: The Committee on Covernmental institution^ will meet tomorrow monrlngat9:OO a.m. in the Convention Hall.

Chairmnn Felipe Atalig: The Committee on Personal Rights 6 Natural Resources will ale0 meet tomorrow morning at 9:00 a.m.

Convention Secretary: Mr. Rudy Sablan, Public Information Officer, is in the process of making bbographical eketches of all the Delegates and also a pictorial record of the proceadinee. He would like the Delegates to prepare their own biographical sketches and give them to him.

Dele~nteJunn DLC. Demspon: I move that thc Convention recess until 2:00 p.m. tomorrow afternoon.

The motion was seconded and carried.

The Convention rcceseed st 3:20 p.m.

Pedro M. Ata Convention secretary CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION of the NOIt'I'IIl~ItN MAN1 ANA 1SIANl)S

TWELFTH DAY Friday, October 29. 1976

(1) The Constitutional Convention of the Northern Mariana Islands was called to order at 2:40 p.m.

The llonorable Lorenzo I. Cuerrero, President, presided.

(2) A moment of silent prayer was observed.

(3) The Colivention Secretc~rycnllcd the roll. Therc! were 39 Delegates present. NO 1)elegates were excused or abee~it.


Floor Leader Ras~: Mr. President, I move for the adoption of the Summary Journal of the 11th Day.

The motion was seconded.

Chairman Benigno Fitial: Mr. President, tliere is an error on page 4, under Special Ordere of the Dny. It should reflect thnt Connuittee Recomnendation No. 1 was from the Cowittee on Finnnce, Local Government and Other Matters.

President Cuerrero: The Chair will order that such correction be made.

Motion to ~~doptthe Surn~nnry .Journnl of the 11th Iloy crirried.



Chairman Mafnas: Mr. President, your Committee on Governmental Institutions met thie morning and they are discussing the Executive Branch of Government. If 1 may continue, Mr. Prcsident. I will give the dlfiposal CIC Delegate Proposals asslgned to your Coml.ttec.

President Cucrrerg: l'leanc contilluc.

Chairman Mafnas: Delegate Proposal No. 03, "Judicial Branch of Government.", was discussed by your Conunittee on the portion that discusses a court with jurisdiction over disputes involving land. Your Committee reported out on that in n Committee Recommendntlon madc yeetcrdny, Committee Recormendation No. 2. On the portion that proposed to create at least one judgeship to staff the court, that was also reported out in Recommendation No. 2 yesterday. On the portion proposing appointment of an attorney who is not a resident of the Northern Marianas to eerve a5 n judge of the court, your Committee decided on Recommendation No. 2 to be silent on thnt in the Constitution. Also from the same Delegate Proposal, Mr. President, the request that a judge be authoriecd to sit temporarily on courts which decide caees not involving land, was reported out favorably by your Committee yesterday.

On Delegate Proposal No. 09. "A Prop~,sr~lRegarding Special Court to Deal with Land Matters.", your Coamittee Recommendation No. 2 made yesterday reflects favorably on the Proposal in its entirety.

On Delegate Proposal No. 15. "Proposal Regarding the Legislative Branch of Covernment.", your Committee recommended (in a Recommendation to be submitted at n lnter date) thnt the bl-camera1 legislature be called Northern Marianas Commonwealth Legislature and not Northern Mariana Islands Legislature. That the upper house, to be addressed as Senate, with three members from each chartered municipalities--that was tentatively agreed upon by your Committee. CONVENTION JOURNAL - 12th Day October 29. 1976

That the lower house be addressed as House of Representatives and membership configuration be based on population--in o report to be submitted at a later date your Cornittee recornmendm1 s membership of 30 in the House of Representa- tives (25 frnm Snipnn. 3 film Hntn nn~l2 from Tlnlrlll). We I~nvenot acted on lr11g111UC tcrln inr ~llk-llll)er~01 rltl~erII~IIII~, IIII~ prnvide for a minimum age of 30 yenre in the upper house nnd 25 yenrs in the lower house. These are subject to changes in the Convention Hall, Mr. President.

On Delegnte Prnpounl Nn. 82, Mr. Prculdcnt, regnrdin~"Extradition," your Committee hns yet to reach n poflition on this mntter. We have, in fact, discussed this Proposal this morning.

Delegate Proposal No. 85, regarding "Failure to Make Appropriations."-- your Comittee hns reached n favorable decision on it in LC? entirety.

Delegnte Proposal NO. 100, regarding "The Different Orders of Court.",-- your Committee Recomnendation No. 2 has reported that Proposal favorably.

Delegate Proposal No. 101, regarding "The Jurisdiction of the 'Supreme Court' of the Cormonwealth."--that position, Mr. President, is reflected in your Committee's Recomendntion No. 2.

Delegate Proposal No. 69, regarding "Pardon and Clemency.", this is a provision granting the power to the governor--your Committee reported out fnvornbly and provided a Board of Pardon and Parole who recommends approval of any pardon or clemency.

CheiKman Atali~: Mr. President, your Committee on Personal Rights 6 Natural Resources hns considered the Kecomendation No. 3. regarding "Initiative," and I believe Minority hnfl also mnde a report in thim regard. At this time I would like to n~kthe Convention Sccretnry, since he's one of the signatories of the minority report, to report this to the house.

Convention Secretary Atalig: There is a report to the Committee of the Whole and the Convention as a whole that the Minority feels that the required number of voter, req~liredfor "Initintive" sholrld be three-fourth8 of the votes cast. We submit our Minority Report in this matter.

Chairman Fitial: Your Committee op Finance, Local Government and Other Matters is still deliberating on "Local Government." At its next meeting, Mr. President. your Committee will have its final deliberntion on "Revenue and Taxation Finnnce" and, hopefully, by Tuesday we will have a complete and final Committee Recomen- dation for the review and consideration of the Committee of the Whole. Thank you, Mr. President.


Delegate Jose S. Borja introduced and read Delegate Proposal No. 127. entitled "Proposal Regarding Preamble."

1)elegotcs Pedro Del n Crr~znnd Be11 I~nnF L t in1 Introduced 1)elc~nteProposal No. 128, entitled "l'roposr~l I

Delegates Henry U. Hofqchneider, Jose R. Cruz. Pedro M. Atalih. David M. Atalig. Leon I. Taisacan, Pedro Dela Cruz, Prudencio Manglom. Jose Borja. Esteven King, Felix Ayuyu, Benjamin Mnnglona, Mnnuel Tenorio, Vicente Manglona. Hilario F. Diaz, Cregorio Calvo and Pedro Ogo introduced Delegate Proposal No. 129, entitled "Proposnl Regarding a Land Corporation." The Proposal was read by Delegate Hofschneider.

I)elegntes Eflteven M. KLIIR, Brnigno Fltlnl, llcnry Hofflchnelder. Pedro Deln Cruz and Luis M. 'Limcs intruduccd Delrgclte Propounl No. 130, entitletl "Propon111 Regarding Official 1,anguages of the Commonwealth." The Proposal was reud by Delegate King.

Dcl~gntcsCnrlo~ S. (:arnilt.t~o, Ant 1tr110 M. [:nrn:lrl~r), Frl Ix Ayuyl~ ~nd.lufln DLC. Demnpan introduced Delegate I'roposal No. 131, entjtled "Propo~nlRegarding Alien Immigration Quota into the Northern Mnrisnas." The Propofla1 was read by Delegate Demapan. CONVENTION JOURNAL -- 12th Day October 29, 1976

Delegates Francisco T. I'alacios, Daniel P. Castro, Benigno K. Fitial, Mnnuel A. Tenorio and Luis M. Limes Introduced Delegatc Proposal No. 132. cnt ttled "Prol~osnl I{cgnr~IIIIE I:.x~cIIC I vc 1lrr1111.11Olf ICCII." l.1~Prt>p~flnl wn8 rend by I)t-lcgutc. I'nlnc,.ln~~.

Delegate Magdelena (:a~nac:llo llltrodr~ceda11d r~;~d1)rlcgatc Propnsnl No. 133, entitled "Proposal Regarding l'ersonnl Rights. "

Delegnte Mngdelenn C~m~nchointroduced and rend Delegate Proponal No. 134, entjt led "Propo~nIRe~nrdjn); I.cgis111tl ve Bra11cI1."

Delegates Francisco T. Palacios. Daniel P. Castro, Juan S. Demapan, Benigno Fitial and Manuel A. Tenorio introduced Delegate Proposal No. 135. entitled "Proposal Regarding Bill of Rights." The Proposal was read by Dele- gnte Palncios.

Delegates Francisco T. Palacios, Luis M. Limes, Manuel A. Tenorio, Juan S. Demapan and Jose S. Borja introduced Delegate Proposal No. 136, entitled "Proposal Regarding Economic Development." The Proposal was read by Delegate Palacios.

Delegates Francisco T. Palacios, Juan S. Demapan, Benigno Fitial and Mnnuel A. Tenorio introduced Delegnte Proposal No. 137, entitled "Proposal Regarding Nntural Resources." The Proposal was read by Delegate Palacios.

Delegates Frnncisco T. l'alncios. Daniel P. Castro, Benigno R. Fitial, Mnnuel A. Tcnorio nnd Luis H. Limes introduced Delegate Proposal No. 138, entitled "Proposal Regarding Educntion."

Delegates Junn P. Tenorio, Oscar C. Rasa. Henry,U. ltofschneider and Manuel A. Tenorio lntrnduced Delceate Proposal No. 139. entitled "Proposal Regarding Co~nmo~~wenltllLegit~lnturc." 'I'l~eI'rol~onnl was rend by Delegnte Juan P. Tenorio.

Delegates Manuel A. Tent~rio,Magdelena S. Camacho. Ramon G. Villagomez, Jesus C. Villagomez. Juan P. Tenorio and Carlos S. Camacho introduced Delegate Proposal No. 140, entitled "l'roposal Regarding Public Land Matters." The Proposal was read by the Secretnry.

Delegates Larry I. Guerrero, Benigno R. Fitial and Felipe Atalig intro- duced Delegate Proposal No. 141, entitled "Proposal Regarding Refusal." The Proposal was read by Delegate Atalig.

Delegate Olympio T. Borja introduced and read Delegate Proposal No. 142, entitled "Proposal Regarding Preamble."

Delegates Lorenzo I. Guerrero and Benigno R. Fitial introduced Delegate Proposnl No. 143, entitled "Proposal Regnrding Consultation on Matters Involving tlle Commonwealtll of the Northern Mnrinna Islnnds." The Proposal was read by Delegate Fitial.

Delegates Pedro Ogo and Carlos S. Camacho introduced Delegate Proposal No. 144, entitled "Proposal Regnrding Members of the Medical, Dental, Nursing and Education Professions ."

Delegates Carlos S. Carnacho. Antonio M. Cnmacho and Felix Ayuyu introduced Delegate Proposnl No. 145. entitled "Proposal Regarding Executive Branch of Government." The Proposal was read by the Convention Secretary.

Delegates Juan S. Demapan, Jose S. Borja and Pedro M. Atalig introduced Delegate Proposal No. 146. entitled "Proposal Creating Environmental Protection Board. "

Delegnttr~.lu1111 S. DPIIIIIIIIIII, JORCS. Horjll nnd Pedro M. Atnlig introduced Delegnte Proposnl No. 147, entitled "Proponul llegilrdlng mas^ Trnnelt."

Delegates Herman Q. Cuerrero and Carlos S. Camacho introduced Delegate Proposnl No. 148, entitled "Proposal Regarding the Takjng of Census."

Delegate .Jose K. Cruz orfered n I'ropofinl orally. regarding the Commonweslth Legislature, and then imcdlately ruled hlm~rlfout of order because it was not offered in writing. (:ONVENTTON JOURNAL -- 12th Day October 29, 1976

nelegntr Propo~n1 No. 112, ent ltlcd "l'roposr~l Regarding land.", van rrrrrred to rile Cnmmlttrr on Prrnonnl ItIp,lltn 6 Nntl~rnlResourceu.

1)elcgnre 1'rol)o~lllNO. 113, rnt 1tlc~l "l'roposnl Regarding Sovereign Innnrtnity .'I, was referred to the Committee on Covernmentnl Institutions.

Delegate Proponnl No. 114, entitlc-tl "Proposal Regarding Legislature Elnttcru .'I, wnn referred to the Committee on Covcrnmental Institutions.

Delegate Proposnl No. 115, entitled "Proposal Regarding Land Use.", was referred to the Committee on Personal Rights 6 Natural Resources.

Delegate Proposal No. 116, entitled "Proposal Regarding Natural Resources.", wns referred to the Committee on Pcrsonal Rights 6 Natural Resources.

Delegatc Proposnl No. 117, entitled "Proposal Regarding Natural Resources.", was referred to the Committee on Personal Rights 6 Natural Resources.

Delegatc Proposnl No. 118, entitled "Proposal Regarding the Northern Marianas Youth Congress.", was referred to the Committee on Governmental Insti- tutions.

Dclcgntc Propcwnl NI,. 110, enti tlrtl "Prol,osnl Regnrdlng Public Disclosures by Klcctcd 01-T lclf~lr~.",wnn rrfrrrrtl to the (:omml ttee on Finnnce. Local Govern- mcnt and Otl~erMntters.

Delegate Proposnl No. 120, entitled "Proposal Regarding Public Disclosure of the Budget.", was referred to the Committee on Finance. Local Government and Other Mnttere.

Delegate I'ropo~alNo. 121, entitled "Proposal Regarding Governmental Insti- tutions.", was referred to the Committee on Covernmental Institutions.

Delegntc Proposnl No. 122, entitled "Proposal Regnrding Public Lnnd.", was referred to the Committee on I'ereonal Rights 6 Natural Resources.

Delegate Proposal No.123, entitled "l'roposal Regarding Employment and Conditions of Labor.", wns referred to the Comnittee on Personal Rights 6 Natural . Resources.

Delegate Proposnl No. 124, entitled "Proposal Regarding the Imprisonment of Cl~ildren.", was referred to the Committee on Personal Rights 6 Natural Resources.

Dclegnte Proposnl No. 125, cntl tled "Pro~)oenIReg~rtling Chj.ld Lnbor.", wils referred to the Committee on l'crsonnl Ilights 6 Natural Resources.

Delegatc Proposal No. 126, entitled "Proposal Regarding the Structure of Government.", was referred to the Comrnlttee on Covernmentnl Institutions.





Chairman Fitial: Mr. President, I move that the Convention reconsider your Committee's Recommendation No. 1, regarding "Constitutional Amendment." And I nlso move tllet it be placed under Cenernl Orders of the Day on Tuesday for consideration.

The motion was seconded and carried.


Floor Leader Ram: Mr. President, 1 move that the Convetltlon resolve lntcr the Committee of the Whole Ln ortlcr to Co~~nlder(:ttmmlt cee Recommendntion No. 3, rcgilrdlng " In1 tint lvc ," nncl Lo corlr8 l~lt-r(:c)~~anl Rccimenclnt Ion No. 4. rr*gnrdlng "Bill of Rights." CONVEN'I'ION JOURNAL -- 12th Day October 29. 1976

The motion waa seconded nnd carried. President Cuerrero appointed Vice- President Vicente Manglonn to preside over the Comittee of the Whole.

The Convention reflolvrd into the Conrmlttec? of the Whole at 3:10 p.m.

The Convention reconvened in I'lenary Se~sionnt 4:31 p.m.

Chairman Manglona: Mr. President, I would like to yield the floor to the Chairman of the Committee on Personal Rights to give the report.

Cllnirman Atnllg: Thnnk you, Mr. President. The Committee of the Whole recommended again that Committee Recommendation No. 3 on "initiativei' is to be deferred until the next meeting, which will be on Tuesday. 1 would also like to report to you, Mr. President, that on the same matter the Committee's Recommendation No. 4 has been adopted by the Committee of the Whole. At this time I move thnt the Committee's Kccommendntion No. 4 on "Personal Rights" be ndopted.

The motion wns seconded and carried.

Floor Leader Ilasa: Mr. President, Section 10 on "Free Public Education," according to the Committee's Report, provides that each person shall have the right to a free public education. If we go back and review the Recommendation which was passed by the Committee of the Whole and the Convention regarding Section 1 on "Educntion." which stntes thnt there shnll be free, compulsory and public elementnry and secondary educntion...... I think there is a eub- stantial difference between the two. Public education could be considered to be institutions which are run and subsidized by the government. Compulsory public elementary and secondary education stipulates that there must be primary and secondary levels. I have to oppose the counse1"s decision that we should incorporate the Article on Educntion ns submitted by the Cornittee on Finance and Taxation under the Cornittee's Recommendation on "Free Public Education" because I think there is a substantinl difference. And I do intend to come in with an amendment on the Second Reading. Thank you.

President Cuerrero: I ask that any amendment be made before taking our Second and Final Reading, please. Have it in advance, wrttten and ready to distribute among all the Delegates. That will give them a chance to read it and make the final decision in their voting.

Delegate Benjamin Manglona: Mr. President, I would like to make a few remarks.

Mr. President and fellow Delegates:

Todny mnrks the 12th day of our Convention. When our Delegation entered this sacred hall of justice for the first time, we pledged ourselves to devote our full energy to the challenging task ahead of this Convention. We are here to frame a workable constitution that will guarantee the pursuit of happiness, protection and prosperity to all our people. A workable Constitution that will be equally enJoyed by the people of Saipan, Rota and Tinian. During the last 11 days, we have sat in this Convention and heard many eloquent speeches. We have heard speeches on unity. We have heard speeches on mutual trust and cooperation. We have heard speeches condemning the delegation from one or more of the municiynlities. The free axpression of the Delegates in this Convention is a model to all of us of the American democracy in action. We can proudly say that we nrc glnd thnt we ure pnrt of America, a great nation.

We came to this Convention with some reservations. We know we are the minority. We know we will have many differences. We know that at times we may even qunrrel on issues. We anticlpsted heated debates. But despite all these reservations, you should be grateful that we are here. We are here as your good friends and good neighbors. Let us reason together to .achieve a good compromise.

Our delegation does not regret that we are sharing together in this Con- vention. We are getting to know and understand each other's position, day by day. We are learning to be a Saipanese while you are learning to be a Rotanese. And at the same time we are all learning to be a Tinianese. Altogether we are one people. But our ocean has divided us and our past experi- ence I~nsdisunited UR. CONVENTION JOURNAL - 12th Day October 29. 1976

Today, as we frame our Constitution we seek unity, we seek friendship, and let us all hope that the product- of nur hard work wfll produce a workable Conut ltution tllrtt vlll nl:lkl- rmc IALIIII~1n1t or mrltly lulnntls und one people out ,!iInntly licsolilc rcci [ l~rtt.11 1 11rr1r1 to rcnllr cnn prn1111l y uny that 1 nm glrld L 1p1I y I LII my l~cI Ilnn 1 I m.L thonk you, Mr. President.

Delegate Esteven King: Mr. President, I have a speech today, please.

Mr. Prrslclrnt IIII~Trl low 1)rlc~ntr~of the Nortltcrn Mnrj nnas:

With respect and honor, let's have the type of Constitution in the new Government of the Northern Marianas that we can ever hope to achieve the kind of life we desire by protection of law. The Constitution, the supreme power that there will be many changes to expect in life in the Marianas. The citi- zens of tire Marianns will ratify the new Constitution for our country and its people for the protection of unity. The people of the Marianas will be the ones to hold the power of the Government, compromising with the personal guarantee without any foreign interference. But, let us have the type of Constitution tlrat will givc thc people of the Marlanas the strength of authority nnd rcsponslbllity tlrot they will no longer be dependent upon outside powera to handle internal and external affairs. Let's have the type of Conetitution to defend us from all advantages and disadvantages of foreigners. The Consti- tution will be a great guide in solving the problems that we will face in our mctnmorphosiu to n frcc and utrong pnrndisc country. Mr. President, we shall preserve the llcritngc of the past and protect the promise of the future. Witl~outjustice under law for all and equal protection--that means the Marianas Government would not be strong without a Constitlltion. Mr. President and fellow Delegates, let's not make it a simple Constitution because of 'minority and majority.' Let's make it strong so that the people of the whole world will respect us nnd we will become the proud gunrdlans of our inlands and our people, now and forever. Thnnk you.

(The Plenary Session was conducted in the Chamorro language from 4:37 p.m. until 4:46 p.m.)


Chairman Fitid: Flr. Presldcnt, yotlr Committee on Finance. Local Government and Other Mfltterfl wlll br meeting Sntrlrdny at tcn o'clock. Sunday at ten o'clock allcl Elondny nt cut) o'rlock 111 their u~unl,rcy~.r~lnr rnrstlr~g 1~lnce.

Cl~airmanAtalig: Your Committee on Personal Rights & Natural Resnurces will meet at 1:30 p.m. on Saturday. Their meeting times for Sunday and Monday will be announced later.

-Dnlegnta Hrn J.tmIn MII~H~OI!~I: Mr. \'rt.!cltic~\t, <:IIIIl rnt:ln M:ll nrllt ntlkccl mc to announce thnt your Comlttrr on (:uvcr~unent;rl lnnt l ~utlo~~swlll be meeting ;~t ten o'clock Sunday morning.

Dclegate Jose R. Crnz: Mr. ['resident. I move that the Convention recess until nine o'clock, Tucsday mornlng.

The motion to recess was seconded and carried.

The Convention recessed at 4:55 p.m.


Convcntlon Secretary FOURTEENTtl DAY Sunday, October 31, 1976

'L'hcre wus nrl 1'lcn;iry Scs:{ Ion LIl Is cln~r,hl,wevrr, th(,rl. wcrr 1'1lrn111lLlcc rneeL111~~.


FIFTEENTH DAY Monday, November 1, 1976

There no P lennry Scssion tills dntr, I~owcver, tl~srcwt-re co~mnittee !etlngs.

~es~ectfully)submitted, - ,

- q'edro M. Atnlig .> Convent Lon Secretnrv ~:~~N!~'l'l'l'~l'l'~~lNAl.(:ONVI~N'I'ION

llf Llll. NOl~'l'lll~.l~NNAI~l ANA 1SI.ANIIS

(1) TII~ con:;^ l tut lon:~1 (:onvcn~l~loll of rl~eNortllc:n~ H;lr I:III:~ Is l;lnclS vits c;ll 1c.d tci nrdrr at 9:lH 11.n1.

l't~t. Honclrnl~le I.orrnzcr 1 . (:t~crrcrc),Prrst dent , prrs l

(1) III VIII y IIII I I. '1'llt.rc. va-lc. I)~-I~agntr.rrprc-! I)t'I(,fi;~lc Ft.1 LIIC' At;) l 1): was t*xt.~~:;(=d.Ncr I)<. lc-gate..; wcrc al~:;l.~~t.

Floor I.cadcr I(:~sn: I move tl~:~tthe Dclcgatc- not in nttc~~dnnccI,e grnnced leavc of nhsrnce.

l'l~rmot 1011 was sccollded :11ld cnrrled.


The motion was seconded and carried.


Cllnlrman Ucnigno FI t l ;ll : Your (:ommlttc~' on I:lnnn~:c, I.oc;~l c:ovrrnment and Other Mnttcrs has completed Lts an;ilysis of two important subjects: taxation and debt. and we have the honor of presenting this Convention this morning two sets of Recommendations and accompanying Reports for consideration of the Committee of tl~eWhole. Coplcs of these documents hnvc already been distributed to each Delegate this morning.

(:ommittcr Hect~m~~ic~iiltltl~~~~No. 5 dr*:111; wl LII tnx:ltl~rn. 'I'wc, critical rnnttl!r:; art? respectfully propofietl for consldcrat ion. First, your Committee strongly recommendri that the Constitution prohiblt levying of taxes or appropriation of funds excrpt for a public purpose. Public funds could not be used for private purposes. This rc,sLrlrt(on. Mr. I'rrsI~lr.nt, woitld nclt :~pplyto ;~l~prol>rlntlon.sfor nssistance to industrial dcvclopmc!nt projccis in wlilcl~prlvntc lnvcstors also participate when the undertaking serves a publlc purpose for the benefit of the Commonwealth.

Second, your Committee has a recommendation on the subject of tax exemption. ' We c(~11clutler1,nftrr cnrrr111 IIII:I~~RIn, f lnt prc~l~ll,lt lnna nnd ~prcificexempt1on.s sllould l~utI~tr In tl~cCon~ttLuLion. Uut we rccommend and conrm~>ndto the considcrntion of the Delegates a constitutional requirement that the Governor prepare and submit to the Legislnture,every five years, a report on the use of statutory tax exemptions that may be granted. This report would annlyzc the use, social, and economic impact of tl~cexemption, as well ns Its consequences with respect to achieving a balanced b~ldget.

Mr. President, the Committee on Finance, Local Government and Other Matters also submits Recommendation No. 6 dealing with Cornonwealth debt. In the judgment of your Committee, it is imperative that horrclwing for public improvements be done wi tl~c;111t toll, c~nd ~x~rsunntto wrll-ordt,rcvl ~)II~Hlcn l tml)rovemcnt plans. Moreover. it Ls l~npcrntlvc that I lmltnt lone he placed on the nmount of debt that can be incurrcd by tile Comonwealtll Government and its politicaL subdivisions.

Tlierrfnrc, we propose tllat the dcl~t l imitation contained in the Covenant be made a part of the Constitution. That will assure that borrowing by way of general ob1ig:ition bonds be limited at any one time to not more than ten percent (10%) of the as~essedvalue of property In the Cr)mmonwrnltl~. cONVEN'I'IONJOURNAL -- 16th Day November 2, 1976

We, also, have a second recommendation to control debt. This ,applies both to general flblig~tionand revcnue bonds. Under the omitt tee's proposal. no public debt shall be authorlzcd or incurred ttnless approved by a two-thirds vote of the mcmbor.q in cnclt Itorl!ic. of thc 1,e~I~lature.

Tile capacity of our pcople to actlieve their dreams cannot be done without cost. We must plan cnrcfully, consider wisely, and spend cautiously. This is tlie cssence of thc two ~ctgof r~~oInInC!ndntionsthnt wc submit this morning.

Chairman Jose P. Mafnas: Your Committee on Governmental Institutions is still considering the "Executive Branch of Government."


Chairman Benigno Fitial: At thls time I would like to Lntroducc Committtbc Recommendations No. 5 and 6 from the Committee on Finance, I.ocal Government and Other Matters, concerning Comonwealth Taxation and Comonwealth Debt, for First Reading.

Referral of Proposal

Delegate Proposal No. 127, entitled "Proposal Regarding Preamble.", was referred to the Co~mittec(In Covernmrntn l In~titt~tion~.

Delegate Proposal No. 128, entitled "Proposal Rcgardlng Regulation of Business.", was referred to the Committee on Finance. Local Government and Other Matters.

D~lcgntrPr~~ponn 1 No. 129, cnt 1 ~lc-tl"Pr~rportnl Regording n Land Corporation.", WAR referred to the ColmnLttcc. on Per~o~lnlHights 6 Natural Resources.

Delegate Proposal No. 130, entitlrd "Proposal Regarding the Official Languages of the Comonwealth.", wan referred to the Committee on yinance, Local Government and Other Mt~tters.

Delegate Proposal No. 131, entitled "Proposal Rcgarding Alien ~kigratlon Quota into the Northern Marianas.", was referred to the Committee on Governmental Institutions.

Delegate Proposal No. 132, entltird "Proposal Regardin8 Executive Branch Offices.", was referred to the Committee on Governmental Institutions.

Delegate Proposal No. 133, entitled, Proposal Rcgarding Personal Rightfi.", WRY referred to thr Committee on Personnl Rights h Natural Resources.

Delegate Proposal No. 134, entitled "Proposal Regarding Legislative Branch.", was referred to the Committee on Governmental Institutions.

Delegate Proposal No. 135, entitled "Proposal Regarding Bill of Rights.", was referred to the Committee on Personnl Rights 6 Natural Resources.

Delegate Proposal No. 136, entitled "Proposal Regarding Economic Development.", was referred to the Committee on Personal Rights 6 Natural Resources.

Delegate Proposal No. 137, entitlcd "Proposal Regarding Natural Resources.", was referred to the Committee on Personal Rights 6 Natural Resources.

Delegate Proposal No. 138, entitled "Proposal Regarding Education.", was referred to the Committee on Finance, Local Government and Other Matters.

Delegate Proposal No. 139, entitled "Proposal Regarding the Commonwealth Legislature.", was referred to the Committee on Governmental Institutions.

Delegate Proposal No. 140, entitled "Proposal Regarding Public Land Matters.", was referred to the Committee on Personal Rights 6 Natural Resources.

Delegate Proposal No. 141, entitlcd "Proposal Regarding Refusal.", was referred to the Committee on Personal Rights 6 Natural Resources. CONVENTION JOURNAL -- 16th Day November 2, 1976

I)cblcgr~tl:L'ropo~i11 NO. 142, cntitlrd "Proposal Regarding Preamble.", was referred to the Committee on Governmental Institutions.

Dclegnte Proposal No. 143, entltl~d"Proposal Regarding Consultation on Elnl-:~ro Tr~vnlvln~t111, (:c~rrn~~<~~~wa-:~ltl~or 1l1r. Nrjrtl~crn Mnrlnnn ~.lnnds.", was rr l crrrd to tl~c*c:i~n~ml ttec 1111 (:ovcrnmcntnl Institutions and the Committee on Finnncc, Locnl Government and Other Matters.

Delcgate Proposal No. 14h, cntltlcd "Proposal Rcgnrding Members of the Eledicnl. Dental. Nurslng rlnd I:.ducntlon Profcnaionn.", waa referred to the Conul~lttccon I:ll~ancl-, I.ornl (:t~vc*r~lml-ntn~~d Otl~er Mnttcra.

Dclegnte Proposal No. 145, entitled "Proposal Regarding Executive Branch of Government.", was referred to the Committee on Governmental Institutions.

Dclegatc Proposal No. 146, entltled "Proposal Creating Environmental I'rotcction Board.", was referred to the Cornittee on Personal Rights 6 Natural Resources.

Dclcgate Proposal No. 1/47, enti tlrd "Propoar11 Regarding Mefis Transit .I1, was referred to the Cnmmittcv on Flriance, l.ocal Government and Other MRttera.

Delegate Proposal No. 148, entitled "Proposal Regarding the Taking of Census.", was referrcd to the Committee on Finance. Local Government and Other Mattcr~.

(8) SKCOND ANll FINAL I(EAI)IN(; 01: l'I(0l1OSAl~- Not~c


(11) SPECIAL OR1)I:KS 01: TllE DAY - Nune


Preyidcnt Guerrcro: We have tl~rceCommittee Hecommcndations to be discussed today: Committee Recommendation No. 3 from the Committee on Personal Rights 6 Natural Resources, regarding "Initiatlve.", and reconsideration of Committee Recornendations No. 1 and 4 from the Committee on Finance. Locnl Government and Other Mattera. regard lng "Conxtitut l onnl Amr11drnc:nt ."

Floor Lender Rosa: I move tl~atthe Convcntion resolve itselr lnto the Committea of the Whole.

'Llle motion was seconded and carried.

Prrsldrnt Cucrrrro: 1 would llkc to call on Ilelcgate Jonr K. Cruz, from Tinian, to Chair our Committee of the Whole this morning.

Thc Convention lnto the Comn11ttcc of the Whole at 9:30 a.m.

Tile Convention rcconvcncd in the Plenary Session at 10:53 a.m.

Chairman Jose R. Cruz: Mr. President, your Committee of the Whole begs to report as follows: Proposal of Amendment No. 1 and Committee Recommendation No. 4 are approved by yo~lrCommittee that it shall be incorporated in Section 5. stating: "Annmcndment proponcd by Legislative Inltiative shall be approved if it receives an nffirmative vote of the majority of the votes cast. An amendment proposed by constitutional convention or by popular initiative shall become effective if approved by a majority of the votes cast and at least two-thirds (213) of the votcs cast In two of tllc three mi~ntcipalitica."

'I'IIP rit,xt rrport: Your (:rm~mlttcsc or the Whole bcgs to rcport as follows: that tile matter brought before tl~cCommittee for further reconsideration on No. 3 "~nitiative", and the Proposal by the 'Ilnian and Rotn Delegations be approved.

President Guerrero: 'rllnt includes the amendcd verslon of the .. .

Cheirm?n Jose R. Cruz: That is correct, Mr. President. As I pointed out, the Proposnl presented by the Dclcgntions of Rotn and Tinlon.

Prcsidcnt Currrrro: For tlir rccord. L W;IIIL to cnl l nttention to the amendment. Cnn you also give tliilt? (:ONVENTION JOURNAL -- 16th Day November 2, 1976

. '-. Chairman Cruz: Yes, Mr. Pre~ldent,your Committee approved ns follow^: , .I '. .. I :t.: 9 <, . Sectllln 1: In1 t I:lt lvc.-- 'I'l~r~~coplc mrly cnarl lows by inlt 13tiVe.

11) 1\11 1111 ( lrll Ivt. 11t'L I I 11111 >IIIIII I t:~~tl~.rllt~I 11,- ful 1 t~xtof the proposed law and .vl~i~l.lbc SLRIICVI Oy at lens^ twc.11t.y (20) pcsrcent of the total number of voters qualified to vote on the proposrd law and if the petitlon proposes a general law that ;~ffectseach chartered municipality the petition uhall he eimcd by at least twenty (20) perctsnt of tl~c?qrlnl lllrd votrrn Ln ench of two nf tl~cch:lrterrd rnt1111t.lpalitic~. b) Initlatlve pct lt1on.r ~11t111 he flLed wl 111 LII~. ALLttrncy (:c!lli>r:l 1 for certification thnt he requirements of SectLon I(n) hnve been m1.L. C) Initiative petitions certified by the Attorney General shall bc submitted to the voters at the next re~ulargeneral election, provided that such election Is held at least 180 day8 from the date the initial petition Is filed with the Attorney General. d) An inltiativc petition submitted to the voters shall become law if approved by o two- thirds (213) majority of the registered voters, and 611crll take effect thirty (30) dnys after the date of the electlon unlres tllr initlntivc petltion ~tsclfotherwise provides. ;

Chairman Benigno Fitial: I move that the Convention adopt Committee Recommendation No. 4 as adopted by the Committee of the Whole on the amended constitutional provision re~nrdlng"Connti tutionnl Amendments. "

The motion was seconded.

Delegate Ben:jnmin Manglona: I hate to disrupt the motion, hut I need to be enlightened on a proviflion in our Rulcfl of Procedute that all Conntitutionol . provisions have to be approved by a three-fourths (314) vote. Ts this the . proper time to apply this provision in our Rules of Procedure?

President Guerrero: For your informntion, at this time we are only adopting the report from the Committee of the Whole. After that, if there is a motion for pasflcrge on Firflt Hendinp. in the Ylrnnry Sesslon. then would be the appropriate time for nny debate. I would like to mnkc the Delegntefl swnre that any proposed amendments to be taken up on Second Reading should be prepared in vriting, . distributed and thoroughly discussed during the Committee of the Whole.

-Floor Lendrr Rn~n:In thnt connection, nlno, we still hnve two readings coming up. One is the Second Reodlr~p,, nntl we wlll resolve ourselves into Committee of the Whole nnd then go back into the Plenary Session. This will give those who want to propose amendments two chances. Plus, after the construction of the provisions, there will be a three-fourths (314) majority vote required. It is necessary to put all these pieces together so that we cnn see where we stand. If we continue to go on a piece-meal basis,wemay delay the Constitution, nnd I suggest that all tlle people wishing to make amendment8 note that we distribute the Commlttee Reports before we place them on General Orders for the Day, so this should give them ample time to have their amendments in written form. This would nlso allow ample time for the Delegatestoreview nmendments. So,we still I~ovethrre chnncen to amend nll these provisions.

Delegate Benjamin Manglona: I certainly appreciate the explanation made by our Floor Leader, but I am still troubled by the procedures that, after we get all the constitutional provisions formulated, the three-fourths (314) vote of the entire membership would be required. I feel that the Rota Delegation would do the Convention nn injustice becautle if one or two of the provisions are not met to our sntiafaction and we vote against the whole package. I would prefer that we would vote on the merit of each constitutional provision separately and then approve the entirepnckage on the Second Reading. Delegflte Jose R. Crw: Point of information. As I understand it, the motion is simply requesting thnt the Convention accept the Committee of the Whole's report. Is that true?

President Guerrero: That 1s correct. We will now vote on the motion made to nccept Commlttee Recommc~~dationNo. 4 from the Colmnittee of the Whole.

A voice vote was taken and the motion carried. (:ONVI~.NI'ION JOUKNAL -- 16th Day Novl*mhcr 2, 1976

1)elcgiltc D:lvl(l Mnrntlta: I would llkc tr~movr. tl~;itwe adopt the report of the Committee of the Whole regarding "Initlativc," as amended, in Cornittee Report No. 3 from tlia Comtttee on P('rnona1 HI~htsnr~d Nntur.11 Resources.

'I'l~rmot lo11 wnrc HI.COII(II*(I IIIIII rrtrrl101l.

Floor Lender I<+\so: I WHIIL IL LO OC clear, tl1:it wc adopt tllc Report :IS mcndcd.

President Guerrero: Yes, adopted as amended. Now we should have a motion for the passage of tllc Fir~tRending.

Floor 1,eader I

President Guerrero: That is the reason a 1)clegntc has to be aware of what we are adopting. That means that any passage of a Committee's Report in this session means that it has been passed on its First Reading.

Delegate Jose R. Cruz: I would please llke to ask that the Delegates of this Convention rcfrnin from pnrllomentnry trickcry. Just n remnrk.

Delegate Herman Guerrero: Could I be enlightened? What constitutes First Reading and Second Reading of an article. I think when we pass a committee's Recommendation with an article attacl~ed,thnt should not he constituted as a First Reading of that c~rtlclc. Is tllnt tllc? cn?rc.7

President Guerrcro: When the Committee of the Whole reports to the Plenary Session. and it is in favor of a particular Committee Recommendation, then that is the passage on the First Reading. This also includes paskiage of the attached article.

Delegnte Joae R. Cruz: I would like to ask for some direction for my om ' enlightenment from the consultantson the mttcr brought bcfore this Convention by the Floor Leader. Could they explain the three aspects mentioned in regard to acceptance, adoption and passage.

Flclor Lcader I{~FIII: T don't tl~lnktl~~srr in any need. I quotc from Robert's Rules of Order Ncwly Revised, page 422, fourth paragraph:

"EQUIVALENCE OF TERMS; INCORRECT MOTIONS. As applied to the assembly's action with respect to bonrd or committee reports or any of their contents, tl~~'c.xpressionfi cldopt, ncccpt, nnd agrrc to are nll equlvnlent -- that is, thc tcxt adopted becomes in effect tllc act or statement of the assembly. It is usually best to use the word adopt, however, since it is the least likely to be misunderstood.

A common crror is to move that n report "he received'' after it has been read -- apparently on the supposition that such a motion is necetisnry in order for the report to be taken under consideration or to be recorded as having been made. In fact, this motion is meaningless, since the report has already been received. Even bcfore a report has heen rend, a motion to receive it is unnecessary if the time for its reception 1s cstahllsllcd by the order of business, or if no member objects."

Consultant Willcns: I concur with the Robert's Rules of Order and the statement that was made by the Floor Leader. I think that the important point is that you are approving matters in principle by the Committee of the Whole and your reporting it to tllv full Convrntlon nr~dtl~c proccvlurrti, ns I undcr~tnndthe Chair and the Floor, ctrc L11:lt rcc~~ll~tuC Llirlt rc'port amounts to npl~rovnl, In principle, on First Reading. Thnt is the way I understnnd the rulings of ~lleChair and the Floor Leader and I underscnnd that Is consistent wi tl~the--procedures that you have adopted and Robert's Rules of Order.

Prcsident Gucrt'ero: .Just as ;I reminder, we II:IVC tlint in item 35, of our Rules of Procedure. It states, "In cc~st?sconceriling vhlch the Ru~~Hcontain no applicable provi.sions, the proceedlngn sl~illlbe control led by Rohert'~Rules of Order. 1'

Delegate Olympio T. Rorjn: There has been qultc a bit of confusion, and I have sllured in somrq of tllls corlfualon. espcclally :ls stnted by Delegate Benjamin Manglona.

CONVENTION JOURANAL -- 16th Day November 2, 1976

. . When we accept the report from the Committee of the Whole we have also accepted.+P the Committee Recommandation for the First Reading. This is, in essence, what all the discussion has been about. I hope thls is clear to each Delegate. "

R. Crux: Wllilc t~nnrnrlco1f1 not all r.xcuNt3, I wlsh tn nppeal to the Chair, tllnt the dl~tl~~~ulnl~t~tlDCLPKIIIP from Ittjln, I~cr~~.~rnlnHnn~lona. cmpl~aticallyexpressed to thia Convention, wl~eoyou pose such a question, whether this Convention is m.&rely accepting the Committee's-Report, or Is it acceptinp; it on First Reading, .Second Reading or Third Readlng, for that matter.

Delegate David Maratitti: I think that matters 11ndrr (:c!r~crnl Orders of the Uny which are recomended for acceptance by the Plenary Session by the Comittee of the Whole, that would constitute First Readlng.

President Guerrero: That is correct of any report adopted hy the Committee of the Whole.

Delegate Davld Maratita: Now the Committee Rccommcndation wlll go to Second and Final reading on the Order of Business.

F11,orLeader Rnsa: I just wnnt to polnL out tl~ntthere iu ntr need for ua to follow Robert's Rules of Order slnce the adoptlon of Comittcc Recommendation8 is outlined in our Rules of Procedure. I don't think there is any procedural problem.

Delegate Benjamin Manglona: I am somewhat disappointed, because I understand that we have a procedural problem in this Convention. According to Public Law 4-45, and also stipulated in our Rules of Procedure, pny provision for the Constitution must pass by a three-fourths (314) majority vote. I still don't understand at what point we nrc to npply thnt provision. I think the procedure must be stipulaccd If that is to apply to Firnt Reading, Second Reading or whatever. We need to have assurance thnt no Constitutionnl Provision will be passed without following the provisions provided. Is it Third Reading that has to be roll call in order to see if three-fourth majority want acceptance of a provision7 We are very much concerned as to this procedure.

President Cuerrero: 111e most appropriate time to use the 314 majority vote is when a Recommendation is being considered for Second and Final Reading.

Delegnte Olympio T. Borja: I want to supplarncnt the ruling made by the President. in that. the Finn1 Reading is the time for the Convention to pass a.provision with three-fourtl~s (314) majority. To give you one good example, the Secretarial Order for the new Legislature. required two readings. meEZrst Reading was mostly discussion, but the Final Reading required a two-thirds (213) mnjority vote of the membcrahlp. The First Rending appears to be mostly discussion and the Second nnd Ffnal Rcading is wllerc wc vote in compliance with the Public Law.

Floor Leader Rasa: It is very possible for a three-fourths (314) majority on the First Reading and the Second Reading not to meet the three-fourths (314) majority. So that is why we have to hove a 314 majority approval on the First Readlng, not tl~cSecond Reading.

Delegate Jose R. Cruz: I just want the Chair to insure that a three-fourths (314) majority vote requirement will be administered on the Second Reading.

Presldcnt Guerrero: You can be sure, tl11~reql~lrcmcnt wlll be made by the Chair.


Clrclirman Benigno Fitial: 'Illere will be a joint meeting of the Committees on Finance. Local Government and Other Matters and Governmental Institutions this afternoon at 2 o'clock.

Vice Chainnan Palacios: The Committee on Personal Rights and Natural Resources will be at 1:30 p~m.thin afternoon.

Delcgntc Pedro Dela Cruz: I'olnt of prlvilege. Frldny we had an Executive Seusion, yet Saturday morning, the newpaper covered the discussion regarding our Executive Session. What is the purpose of an Executive Session if the deliberations are going to be covered in the newspaper7 CUNS'll'l'UTlONAL CONVENTION -- 16th Day November 2, 1976

Prcs~ldcnt Cilc.rF2: L ?cnw rl11. ncwspnpcr, ~IIII, for your iflfllrl~tIon, and I won n little disgu~trdI)CC~IIHI. tllcsrc. werr clctnll~CI~ whnt we discussed. nClep,nte Pedro Deli1 (:~{IZ: Al~n.for tl~c-rccc~rd, I would like to make It clenr III:II tl~rRCIIII IIIIII 'I'IIIIIIII IJI.IIQ~:IIIOIIII w4.1.~. IM~I I IRIII-I 11~11~-11111. t1111t time. W,, our IIIL~.IIL LOII:I, 111111 tl~ii~'x to I~csc 1:1r If led.

President Guerrero: I urge that if you meet with the Pacific Daily News representa- tive again, make him corrcct it to show your position.

Floor 1.endrr 1(:9?1.?_: 1 movt- t\l:~ttl~v (:LIIIVI.II~~OII Tt*L.(.!IH until 2:00 p.m. tomorrow afternoon.

The motion was seconded and carried.

The Convcant lo11 rccrssrd ;IL 11 : 20 rl .m.

ksprctFully submitted. SIWKNTEEN'I'II I)AY Wcdncsdny , Noveml~er 3. 1976

(1) The Constltutionnl Convrl~tionof thc Nnrtllern Marinna Islands was called to order at 2:05 p.m.

The Honorable Lorenzo 1. Gurrrero, President, presided.

(2) A moment of fillcnt prnyc3r wna oh~c~rvctl.

(3) n~eConvcntion Secrel.;iry called tllc roll. 'Illere were 37 Delegates present. Delegates Carlos S. Camacho and Manuel A. Tenorio were excused. No Delegates were absent.

Floor Leader Rnsa: I move that those 1)clcgntcs not in attendance be granted lenve of abscncc.

The motion was seconded and carried.


Floor Leader Rasa: I move we adopt thc Summary Journal for the 16th Day.

The motion wo~seconded :ind cnrrlctl to otlopt the Summary Journal for the 16~hDny.


--CIlnlrmnn Ile~li~~~t~J&lnI_:Y~IIII- (:~~nunlttt.c- 1111 I:~II~III~.I~.1.01.111 (:ov~%rnmc?ntnnd 0tllc.r Matter~has rm~dc remc~rknbll. IIrogrcHs t~~dr~yIn (111. lnntlrr rcsgarding. "Local Government ." 'Comorrow we wll 1 have f Inn 1 dct rrmlnntion on how the Local Govr.rnment Provision will be deslgned in t~urConstitution.

Chairman Felipe Atal Lg: Your CommL ttec on Pcsrson.ll Rlghts and Natural Resources has completed thelr work on "I'ublic I.nndsl' and it la expected that some time tomorrow this particular report will be given to the House. The Cornittee is now working on "Natural Rcsourccs", which is one of thc very Important laflues to this Convent ion.

Chnlrrnnn .loat? 1'. Mllf11;ls: YIIII~(h1nnltt1.c 1111 (:~~v(.r~~rncnt;~IInst Itutionm will submit its report on "Legislative Branch'' tomorrow at thls tlme.

President Guerrero: I would like to ask all the Chairmen to please make a summary report of all the nrlt-gate Proposnl~rrgarding the :~ctionthat has been tnkc-n 11y your Cornmittcr for tl~t.convrriirr~c:~~ of nll thc I)r~lcp,:rtes. Thi~will help us know what action has been taken on the Delegate Proposals.

(Delegate Manuel A. Tenorio entered the Convention Ilall.)




(10) IJNFINISHEI) HUS'LNESS - None 1'1-,*:; Iclc-nL (:uc-rrt.r~):Wt. II;IVIQ IW

Thc motion was sccondctl and carried.

rrc.sitlc~it Guvrrcro:~....---- At tl~l:~time, I would likc to nr:k tlln Flrsr: Vic (1.0111 Ilot:~, I\(-II I~IIII~II~I;IIIKI 011.1. I 11 L:l1:1 I r tl11, (:IJ~IIII~t t cbcn II~LIIP WIIOI c

'l'he Convt-~~lIon Into LIIV (:onunlttc.c, of tl~c'WII~III. :at 2:

The Convttnt lot1 rcronvenccl in Plenary Scss lon at 2: 30 p.m.

IIII:III Ila~tl_]i1111111 I Lt.1- (:II:I- - 1 -. .- .- - - . - - .- F~:I!IJ~IIII:I: - .- - . . Y~DII~(:IIIIIIIII III LIIc* WIIII l c*, Lo w11 LCII 1 two I~cconmcnd:~tIOIIS, Is p l(~i~~c'clto report the followlr~g: Committee t No. 5, regarding "Commonwcnl tll Taxation" and Committee Recommendatl, regarding "Commonwealth Debt." have been unanimously adopted by the of the Wllole.

Chnirman Benigno Fitial: I movc that the Convention adopt Committee l't .---A I r No. 5, regarding "Commonwenlth Taxation" and Committee Recommendation No. 6 regarding "Commonwenltl~ Debt" from the Committi,e on Finance, I.ocal Government and Otller Matters.

All'l l('l.1; --.-- 'I'ASA'I'ION AN11 Fl NANCI; Section 1: Public I'urpose. No tax shall be Levlrd or appropriation of money made, directly or indlrectly, except for a pul)lic purpose. Sect ion 2: Report on Tax Exempt ions. Evcry 'flvc ycars tllc governor :;l1:111 prcl):lrr n rfsport LII tl~cs Ic-gl!~lnturc. ~II;IL :lsscssrs tile ufie and the soclal, f iscal and ecor~onlic lmpnct of ally tax exemptions established by 1. The report shall include any recommcndatlons by the governor on excmption pol icy or laws.

Scctlon 1: Publlc Debt Limitatlon. No public indebtedness otlicr than bonds or other obligations of the government payable solely from the revenues derived from any pubLic improvement or undertaking shall be nutllorizrd in exrcss of tc.n prrcrntum of tllr np.RreRnte assessed valuation tii tlli* pl ol)crt y wl tl~l n tl~i.Nortllc.r~l M:lr I;III;I I'i I:III(~H or for nnv operating expensce of the (:ormnonwc;~ltl~govcrr~mrnt or Lts poll tical subdivisions. Section 2: Pul~licDebt Autllorizntlon. No p"blic debt shall be authorized or Incurred unless approved by two-tl~irds (213) of the members In each house oi thc legislature.

Dele~nteOlymplo T. Uorja: Mr. Prrsidcnt, distinguishrrl Dt?lcgatrs, ladies and Gent lcnlcn:

As wc c-rltt'r Illto rllr tlllr{l wc!vk oi our wc~rk 11c.r~.I 11;tvr somea observations whic11 I believe my be useful and helpEul to us all.

Like aL1 of us, I want to see the rest of the 50 days remaining to be II~i 1 izccl In tl~i.hc::t 110s!11111 I* f:~!il~l OII 111 nr(lr.r 1.0 form111i~t(' ~IIC best Constitution iell-,I l l LIILI OC.O~I~~.01 ~IICNort111~r11 blnrl;~lln I>il:~nds. CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION -- 17th Day November 3, 1976

In this connection, Mr. President, wl~ilewe have yet to hold public hearings on sow of nur propnsnlrr, cl>mmlttre wr~rk I~ns~iro~rrnnc*rl wrll, and wc have molded nomv tile ht~uli! c:c11lcept11I4or 011r (;~VC*~IIIII~*II~.

111 terms of the Judit:Lt11 systchm, tl~i.r~.1:1 p,cn~~c,rnlI,:IH~c ngrccncent, hut wt. utlll find problem with the executive, espcclally the dc!grce of autonomy for local. government.

Mr. Pre~idcnt. 1 strcln~lybellevc that if wr trust cnch otherhew in this mecStfng, then I t w 1l 1 11c. 111ltl1vnrry :111cl pr>rl.ql I, 11- to crrnt n ~ovcrnmcr~tstructure whicll will protect the 111ter.rsts of cvr:ryr>nr.

Unfortunately, recent debate on certain issues has thus far left me impressed with the progress so far, hut distressed at the certain issues -- which should not be mnjor issue- -- aplw:lr to be maJnr obs~c~clcnblocking our path to a smooth and rupid end to our procrt!dl~~gs.

I have seen a lot of references in the news media about so-called "geographical differences" at this Convention. For myself, however. I wonder just what geographic differences arc beiilfi rcfcrrc!tl to?

I had always thought when we negotiated the Covenant, we were talking about the Northern Mariana Islands -- not the Commonwealth of Rota, the Commonwealth of Ttnian and the Commonwealth of Saipnn. Mr. President. let us recall that we are drafting neitller a Dcclar:~tion of Indcprnclencc, nor the Conutitution of an emerging nntion. Whnt wc. arr draf~lngin point of fnct is very simtlar to that of a State Constitution, with the Covenant and the U. S. Federal Constitution as compelling and practical examples.

Certotnly, thr pojnt cnlr rol1r~111.sf rnm Tlnj;~nand Rota emphasized In II~IL. lout 1111 1111; WI- ~IIOW III;I! L11t.y IIIIVI. ~11'1'11 II(B~~I!I.LI-~In the pnnt under a Trust Territory Admlntstratlo~l. This wns not our fault. What happened in the past should not be repeated, and that, of course, is the very point the distin- guished Delegates from Tinian and Rota arc making.

I, for onc, ccrtninly believe and support the concept and the practice of giving morc autonomy to 1oc:r l ilrcnu, to nll chartered m~~nicipalitieswith the further thought that It will be the Commonwealth Legislature which will provide the necessary funds to implement priority programs and projects to the municipalities according to their rcquirrmcnts and demands -- and which funds will be managed and colltrolled by thcm in 11 di!crntralizcd Iast~lon. But, ot the same time, we should not, and we cannot afford to let some of our differelices in the manner of representation paralyze this Convention, and inhibit it from carrying out its task.

Rclnted to tht!:. Mr. I'rl~!:lde~lt.I rcv.:~ll :I nt;ltcmcnt I prepared for the Covenant, signed by PresldcnL Ford In W:~sllington, I). C. Wl~nt 1 cr~ncludcdtn that statement was that we are proud of becoming a part of the United States and that we pledge that America will be proud of us.

Mr. President, noL only :Irr the eycs of ijur rcpresentat.ives, the people of ttic Northern Mnrinna Islol~dsupon us, but also the attentton of our friends in the Territory of Guam, the Trust Territory, and the Executive Branch and Congress of the United States, as well as our future fellow Americans. What are they to think of our deliberations7 Are we truly equal to the task at hand?

Surcly, Mr. P~~HL~PIIL.Llle re~utt of tl~lr;(:onvrntlon, and the wfiy in which we go about drafting our Constitution, will riglltfully raise or lower our stature in the eyes of those who are watching us. Therefore, I for one, ask us all to set aside our differences, and to concentrate on providing basic protections and legal rights. equity and fairness for all the people of the Northern Mariana Islands.

'Ilie structure of the uxecutive and legislative branches, as it has been provided in both State and Federal Constitutions,has proved workable despite the vast and real geographic and demographic differences in the Unites States of America. I see no reason why such a basic approach cannot work here in the Norttlern. Harinnas.

Some volcrs have been raised ovrr the Issue nf reprcscntation in a bicameral legislature: some Delegates claim they are concerned over the respective powers of rrpresentattves ha-ed on rc-gion ver.rt.5 population. Rut, Mr. President, it woulcl ;l()l)c!nr LII ine Ll~ntour jol) l~rrcconsists of fiett lng tIlc general guidcl lnrs; we arc not Ilerr to do the Irglsl;~ture'shattl~,; we are here to create a structure conrnl~llll~cl~r~-kn nlltl I)r~l~~~lc.ct!;:wr nrr riot- I~t.rt. to rotl~trnlnor othcwine limlt tllr* n~)tIon :11111 1111t11.1.111111r- tltt. of 1111. f~~tt~r(*legtuli~tive brancl~.

I!<)I' ti~c.::~.!:{)rl:;, Ell-. I'r~..iI~I-IIL, I !I lrlc#.r~~ly ask ue .?I I to concentrate 011 tllc main objrctlve and that 1s a worka1)le Cor~sritution,congistent and in t.011- formnnce with the. Covcanant and with tllc Collst ltution of tllc. United States of hmixricn.

Of curwt I I I t I I ~II:I IIII~:III I~II(~~.IIVII~Id p(.rl e:.L, Il11- Collst I tlltLo11 rllld tllcs (;ovt?llrll~L Illc~ut~e~~.i111d 1l1,lt IS tllc rIp81son why J~~~)V~N~DIIS urr made for :ln~rr~~lmr~ltof r IIOSI. dor~imel~ta.

'Tllerefort~, let- us at Lllls point 111 hlfitorv, try I:o f~~rgcto~ether the most rcn:ronnhle, rqll ltnl) lc, ;anti c~ffcrtlvc.(:1)11st ttut Ion For tl~cNorthern Mnr lane 1sl:lnds I.rt 11s not ~:~IIIIrrl~;~psmore properly wItlll11 rlle re:llm of our fl~trlrcgovrrnrncnt. Atldl t lonnlly. we* mast not let our dlffrrr.l~ces cri.ntc tl~cpotc,nrinl fnr disnpprov:~l oi LIIIRlllstoric documcnt. Tnstcncl, Irt us work t~>gc.tllt.r ::I) tl~:~twl11-n wr come to tllv flnal product, we wlll bit a\)lc L~Itake pride Ln I~avingdischarge11 our duties and responsibilities in a commendable manner on hellnlf of our constituents.

Wr have rllc oppnrtllnll y, :11- t111e t lrnr, to srt n !iIll~~l~~p.rxnn~plc for oth~r I::~:III~itr'c-:ls IIII(II*~ II. :i. 1111 I!:tllrtI~~rl,r111d to 1)rovc. tllnt we ;Ire wortl~yof tl~e tl.u::t placccl 111 url hy tl~c. IIIII t,!il St:~tc-g,:~n~l ~CJ truly mnkr tl~c.~)roplc of America proud to llave us ns member:; of their political family.

T11e choici: is up to un. 'Thank you, Mr. President:

n IIII:I. I' I I 1 I I I I. I speak today cc~ncerlltng n tcSr wll lcll. I It-or, tl~rc:~tcnstl~r ::~~cccss of our Convention. I refer to the spirit of narrow localism with whlcl~some Delegates are so pror~ou~~cclyconcemrd.

St)mc? of our coll1-:1~11r:; ~1.11 us. "wc: arr n mlnorlty, tllc.refore, wc must have protection; for we cannot trust the new government." Mr. President, if any group is a minority in these Islands, it is the Gupalno. If discrimination is to be feared, surely we must fear it more than anyone else. The late Pr(,s l,lcnt IZoos~~vrlt (rrlcc s:~Id, "'I~I(~~P1 r~otl~lnr, 1 11 fc~nr,but fear Itself ." Tllr (:110;11:lci do not il~-nl:~r~d::1)i.1.1:11 nrr;lllfic-mrllc!:; WI.

Clc,. tllc 1:upn l rlo I rnltl S~II~);III, (.vvn w t tl111t11:I s l nK 11. I<~.~~rt~:;~t~tnlIv(' ill t 111- Nort IIVI-11Mnri;111:1s l,ls~?l:: III~III-1,. arc IIOW rr:~clv LO 11 I :I(.{. our la I t11 In LIIC I~ollrsIy, Int~b~rl t v, nncl go111l !ci-t~~c.01 t It(- m;l jor l ty. AI I I :Irk from r IIC I)elrgatcba fron~ Rota and Tlni;ln is rl~altl11.y 110 no Ipss. Tl~altkyou, Mr. President.

Chnirmnn Fellpc~Atnl kg: I .im rlrxeply to~lc,hl.rl I)y tl~rrlmarks mr~drby I)el~'gal~ Fitlrll :1nd I :lm 111 s!jpllt>rt t,f rllr spc.c-1.11 tl1:11 \I(. o\.~clc$.

Drlcgnl r IlenJ:l~nli~-- M:ll~&:n:~: - I am sr~mrwl~nt(I I!;turl)c~(III~ tllc. ront lnuous ;~cc,us;~tIon of some Delegates that we are delayillg the work of this Convention. We are working together with you. I am sorry, if a times, we are raising issues. I think, in order to understand each other better, we have to raise issues. I think it would not bc nice for any of US to condemn n municipality Drlcgatfon. I appreciate thc concern rnlsrtl hy the spr,:lkrr. Alsn. In rchgnrd to the minority on Saipon, I ccr~:~I.lllyrc,spcct tllc spcs:tkc~rlsvlews, but onr tlllng we llave to remember is that tl~eminority hrrc on S:~i(~nnis more fortunate than the minority in Rota and Tininn. Thr mlnority 1111 S:llp;~n nrr the most rortunnte minority, because tllry II;IVP ncc1.s~ 1.0 go011 p11I11IC l~~nll.l~Carp: t11cv llnvr accrss to good SC~IOO~S; tl~cyII~IVP :lcccss te~,:c1ocl ro:l(I!:; ~l11.yllilvr :ICCI.:;S to good rtt l l l t les; they havc- ncc'rs!; to goc~l):

Delegate Pedrn Dcl:~Cruz: I w<~uldI,e very satlsf led if someone could clarify for me, how nre we delay lug tl~rwork of tlli- (:onvcllt lon?

PresLdcnt Cucrrcro: 'l'l~c Clr:~lr (IIICH 11111 (1.1~1 I II;I~ LIIL~~114 LIII! rl~htt lme lor ilvbl~tc on this particular issue. I helleve tl~atn I1 the L)clep,atea In this Conventli~n are working in a most cooperative manner and the Chair recognizes tl~attllis should be the case during this Convcntion. I wlll not rt.rognize anymore speakers in tlris regard.

Chatrmnn Bcnigno FLtlal: I JIIHL want tochcer-up tl~e(:onvention. I want to propose that we, the Convcntiorl, send ;i congr;ltulatory message to the new President of the United St:itcs, whoever Lt may be.

-.Dclcgntc - .- FrlA3c- - Atnllx:- A TI-w clays rlp,n, I I~ltr<~drrredn l(c.r~nlution regarding .Jin~n~y(:nrtcr nncl T Ll~ll~k11 1:: prolwr IIC LIIIU Limc to COIIR~I~C~RUC~ a R~Ho~u~~oII.

President Guerrero: For your i~~formation,Chairman Atallg, the Chair recognizes the urgency of that Resolution. As you were notified earlier today, action will be tnkcn lntcr on in the seaalnn.

Uelcgnte Dnvid FL?rntita: 1 w:tnt to rcmtncl 1)clcgnte Atniig, that I think we should defer the Resolution regarding, Jimmy Carter, ul~tilwe know for sure he is the new President.


Chairman Benigno Fttial: Yot~rComml ttre on Fin:~ncc. Lncn 1 Government and Other Matters will be mectlng tomorrow at 9:00 a.m.

Cllr~frmnn .Joe@ 1'. Mqfnnm Yt,t~r Cormnlttc-r 1111 (:ovt-rrimenLnl ln~tltutionswill be mecting imcdintcly after tli Le scss lnrl.

Chairman Felipe Atalig: Your Committee on Personal Rights and Natural Resources will be mecting immediately nfter this session.

l'rcu ldt-nt Currrero: 'l'l~c COIIIIII~LLcc or1 Or-gl~nier~~lo11 nntl I'rorc!dures will meet immediately after this session in the President's Office.

Delegate Juan DLG. Demapan: 1 move thnt the Convention recess for today until 2:00 p.m. tomorrow.

The motion wccs srcondccl .lrld r~~rrlrd.

The Conventton rc,ccssed ;~t2:50 p.m.


EIUITEENTH DAY Tl~ursday,Novemher 4, 1976

(1) 'Tl~c. (:onrat l t ul loll.? 1 (:1111vt.ntill11 or LII~. Nc~rtI~c-r~iMnr l:rnn Tulnnd~was called to order nt 2:05 p.m.

The Honorable Lorenzo I. Guerrero, President, presjded.

(2) A moment nf :I l lent pr:lycr WILS nl~nc-rvcstl.

(3) The Convention Secretary called the roll. Tliere wcrc 39 Delegates present. No Delegates were absent or excused.


Floor Leader Rnsn: I move we adopt the Summary Journal for the 17th Day.

Tlie motion was .sccondcd and cnrrlcd.

(5) COMPlUNT(:AT IONS - Nclnc


Cllairmnn Jose P. Mnf~fl: T would l ike to rrport on tllr dfspofial of Delegate Prol1osn1.s hy tlic Committc~*on (:ovc*r~~mc.ntnlIrlnt Itrlt Innn.

Delegate Proposal No. 139, entitlcd "Proposal Regarding the Comnonwralth Legislature," states: 1. The new Comnonwealtl~Legislaturr shall Ilr. on a part 'time basis for tlle first seven ycnre of its exlntence. 2. Tlie aalnry of tlie Upper llouse or the Commonwenlth LC~~R~RLII~CsIla11 be set at $1,200.00 per nnnum the first seven years of the ~egislature's existence. 3. The snlary of the Lower House of thc Commonwealth Le~islatureshall be srt nt $1.000.00 111-r an~iumtlic Ti rut scvrn years of its existence.

Your Committee feels that thls Proposal would he most economical and acceptable in principle, however, it Is the feeling of the Conunlttee to reject the Proposal in itcl entirety. Wc wnnt our Lc~lslntureto IIP on a fllll tine bacis and to be con~~iensntednccnrdl IIR~~,III t~r~lcr to ohtn l II tlelrl l l l Ird prople.

Delegate I'ropouul No. 134, entitled "l'rol,c~sal Rc~nrdingLep,islatlve Branch ," states: 1. Provides reapportionment at least every I5 years; 2. Provldes o speclnl election to fill vacancy for unexpired term of nure than one year; appointment hy Covc=rnor. less than one year. 3. Any membcr of Conxress, 1. e., Senator or Iiourtr, may not hold any other puhlic off ice or employment. 4. Any leglfilntlon of approprintlull rthould he by If4 votas or enl:t~ of the two house^.

Yuur Cornmlttee feels reapl~urtionmcntflliould tnkt- 11luce at leafit every 10 yrarn. Special election should be conductcd to till vacancy for unexpired term of more than one year. Tlie Governor should appoint those candidates who received the next I~i~hestvotr lE thr vacancy 1s for utirxplrc-[I trrm of lcsu than one year, provi~lrcltllr al~pol~iLc.r151 rrnm tllc m11n1r lpnl 11 y In vl1lc.11 LII~vncnncy cxlstfi. Thc Cnmmlttcse ol~ofecln tllnt 110 rnllnl~~rII~ tllr Lt-~,Lulnture:~llull ht. permitted to Iiold nny offlce in the .Judiciary and I'xccutlvc 1lr~ncl1c.r.;I membrr of the Legisl~tureshall not he ~)crmitt~dto srrvc on any board t>r re~ellntoryacency. wl~etlier11 votlng member or non-voting. LONVEN'I'ION JOULNAI, -- 1Btt1 Day Novcmbrr 4, 1976

Delegate Proposal No. 90, entitled "A Proposal Regartling the Legislative Branch of Government," states: 1. Requires tl~etrncml~rr:~ oF he ~~lrctrdhy the cumulative vor Ill}: !'Y,Il <~'ll.

1 r-c-):~-t-t10 t'1.1rnrl 111:11 111l:1 I'II~OO.III~1:' II(II :II.(.I-~II:IOIVnr ~IIIII timr. nlc one mn - one vote l~rluclplr1s 111 tl~cs11cst ( of crur fu~urrCom~nonwealth Government.

Delegate Proposal NO. 75. entitled "Proposal Regarding Public Officials,'' states: 1. Providrs t11:lt ~IIPnllnllrnllrn a~cfor Stmntnr hr 25 yrars; 2. I're~vldc.!~1l1:ll III~III~~II~IIII:IHI+ ror I(~.~~rt.~i,~lltII t I vt. IIP 21 yc5nr.s; 3. Provide8 that mlnumum age for (:ovrrnor Ile 30 years; 4. Provides that mlnumurn age for Mayors he 25 years; and 5. Provides tllot minrlmurn age for Attorney General be 25 years.

Your Committee, upon reconsiclrration, 112s nccrptrd tl~lsproposal in principle.

Delegate Proposal No. 62, entitled "Proposal Regarding Immunity," has been accepted by your Cornittee in principle.

I)r l rp:itc 1'rol~c~s;i1 No. 11 'I , cqll(. 1 t l ctcl "l'rolu~!~;~l I

Your Committee recolnnlcnds ncccbpLance of this restrlctiori whether a voting member or non-voting member. This Proposnl is along the same line as Delegate Proposal NO. 134, wl~ichI llnvc already rcportcd on.

Mr. President, your (:omrnlttec on (:ovrrnmcntal I~istltutionuis now ready to present to the CunvcnLIon l ts Hcc~ommc~ndntio~iNo. 3 OII the "Legislative Drnnch." Your (:ommi ttec! rc?cn!mnends Llic~l the Conve~itic~nntlopt, In principle, the Constitut lonnl provisions wl th ri*sl~rc:t to tl~c. I.egisl;~tlvc. I5rancl1 of p,overnmcnt whlch we wlll now eubmi t.

Chairman Felipe Atalig: Your Committe~on Personal Rights and Natural Resources ha^ submitted their Commlttrr Rccnmmrntl;~tIon No. 5. rrgardlng "Public Lands." We would llke to rrclilc-st tl~nL Ll~cIIclc*g;~t~s take t lme 111 going over the report nnd we also request tllnt Colm~llttcrRccc~n~mcnd;~tir~n No. 5 he placed on tomorrow's calendar. Furtliermnrc, in cornpliancc with tl~cCli;~ir's request yesterday, regarding the status of DcIrg:~teProl)os;~ls, I wish to report that attached to Committee Recommrndation No. 5 is a status report on Delegate Proposals beginning on Page 21.

Chairman Benign0 Fitfal: Your Commlttcc on Flnai~ce,I.ocal Government and Other Hatters is still deliberating on the subject of "Local Government." In regard to your request for n report cln Dclc~ntrProponnls, your Committee will submit n wrlLLcn fitatu~rc'I1orL.


Chalrmnn Felipe At- I wIt;l~ to Int rnducc (;onrmlttcrc- Rrcomrncndation No. 5, rc~nrding"Puhllc II~1~icI~,"to (IL- ;idoptc!d On t111- Flrst Hc::ldll~g.

Ghsirmnn Jose P. Mofnns : Cornn~lttrc Kt-commend;~tionNo. 3, regarding "1.cglnl.ativc Branch of Government." from the Commlttec on (;overnrnrntal l~istltutionsis ready to be placed on tomorrow's cnlcndnr.

President Gucrrero: Wr will place hot11 (:r~mmlttc.rHrcommt~nd:ltlon No. 5 from tl~cConnnittee on Pcr~cxialRi~l~ts and N;~tural Resources and Commlttee Recommendation No. 3 from the Commlttee on Governmental Institutions on the calendar tomorrow under General Orders of tl~eDay.



I-- -8.I . --.I _. . I:I'IIII~ I r.I III.IIPV(. wcS I)~HIII.~orit! 1tc.m on our r~p,i-i~tlrlrind tllr~t:IH "I ntroduct Lo11 ol ltrsolut Lotis ."


Delegate Hilario Diaz: Actually, J do not Ilave any resolution to introduce at this t tme, howrver, 1 woclld 1 lk? to rv- lntrtrcl~irc-tl~r rrnol~tt Ion sulmitted by CI~!itrn~;iiiAtalig tllr 1)Lllrr dny. tjlllcc we al 1 know now that .Ilmy Carter is the President-Elect of the United States, I would certainly like to see the resolution become a reality by this Convention.

Chnirmnn Bentgno Fltlnl: I do have ;I resolution to introilr~ceregarding this, in ordcr to cxtcnd our congr;~tulatlt~ns and grretings to lIi(- 11c-wly clrctttd President of tlie United Statcri, and I would I. lke tllc SccrvLnry to read the resolut Lon.


t' (:ut,rl.rrc: I I)rLlcevtt tllr 1rg;ll con!;ult:~nts sl~ouldrrvlrw t 111s Resolution before it's sent.

Chairman Felipe Atali&: I think It is ;I~SCJ1)roprr that tliis (:unvc~~tionrccognlze the work of tlic outp,!nt of the IJII l tt~lSt;itt-s.

(12) GENERAL UH1)I:RS OF 1'1113 I)AY - Nonc


---Chnirmnn Fe1 Ip18 Atnllg: Mr. I'rrsidol~t ;~i~clf1.I IIBW I)t.lcB~ntc.::t19 tl11.r Convent Ion. This afterno011 I ~;liltto tnkc tl~l:;c~pportili~lty to ;~dclrcss;I Irw rcmlrks tc) my col 1eilguc.r concerning our work here.

At the outset. Mr. Prcsidcnt, I want to nssnclntr myself wit11 remarks made earlier by Hotnr Delrgnt~.~,(.OIIC(.~II 111~rlit. nt-t-11 for I~i~rmit~iy,coop(.r,it lon, nnd fu~t pli1~11IIJII-~ work nrtldcd to nl:lkt. this Cotlvc.ntion ;I su~~crssfulonc. CONVENTION JOURNAL -- 18th Day November 4, 1976

As we :111 know, the rvc,llLs 1cs;lcl lnp, rn Jriclucl inp, tl11s very Converition epitomize what is cvaslvely tcnnc!d as the "dt-mocrat ic: process"; a phrase whjcl~ is not without somc* sul~stilntt:~lnlck;rnlr~g ;IS ~.vlclrnceJIjy tl~eAmcrican Reaol9t-j.on I\ic~cnt~~~~~~lalccl<~l~r;ltrcl In t 114. Ill11 [rcl StnLrrt tl~lfiyt5;lr.

~1115 Convent ii)n w.15: rona.4.l vr,~l In f rrc.IIIO~.I.:II.Y.1n0 is dcdicntetl to Lo~Lertht~t concept and practlcc.

The framing of Constitutions is not an oasy task, wlretlrer it be a State or National, whethcr the goal be separate or pollticnl entity from one polity or merge it with nnothcr.

One might look back to the drafting of the U. S. Constitution which replaced the unworkable Articles of Confederation; the stage set tin^ for that meeting in Pl~ilndrlphi:~took l~lnceIn the* wnkr of n rlatlonnl tlrprcssion and a rebellion. Durlt~p,it, tl~~rewas cons ldcr:~l~lrdlssy,r~cmvnt, protest, nntl dissension -- yet ultimntely to their credit, one of the most workablc, Elexlble, and durable Constitutions in the world was formulated and later approved. In fact, Mr. President, if memory serves correctly, many of the same issues addressed at that Convention in 1787 are being here today ln thc. Northern Marianas in 1'176.

For tl~isrcasoll it 1s r~llclr.rstandnl,le -- to me at Ic- as^ -- some of the corlfuslon and coap1afnt.r we llnvc llr~rdhere in our mrc.l- lnl: place. It is i~ncl~~rst;r~~cloblctl~nttl1l.r Ir; 1111. f I I-~t: L Imp rro~ni. I)i-l~~~::~rr~r;II;IVC 11nd contact with surl~n aopl~ist1cr1Lc.d 311d romplcx mattcnr.

Related to this. I want to nssure the Convention that the work of the Committee on Personal Rights and Natural Refiources has exFrnplified a non- part tsan, democratic npproach, In confront 111g anrl secklng solutions.

Delegate Dnvid Mnrntitn: November 2. 197b, is my hlrtl~dayau well as an for the U. that a Democratic candidate hnu been elccted to the U. S. Presidency in eight years. The election of Jimmy Carter rind a ncw adminlstration would be important to us in tl~isConvention herause thc comltment of the U. S. Government hafl agreed clpon In tlie Covrnnrlt to c!it;lblfS\l a Commonwealth of thc Nortl~rrnMnrlann I~lnnd~lcould Ilnvc n srriouc: complicntlon :IS to Lhe outcome of the kind of Constitution we have out of tl~eConvention. We must bear in mind the fact that the Republican administration l~nqgiven its lull support to our desire to become a permanent member of the American polltlcal family and that it was President Ford. I~lmsrlF.who gnvr uq thc~t;~usurn~~ce Ily approving the Covenant on March 24th of this yenr.

1 It would appcnr proper tl~enfor us in tlrls Convention tc~express our appreclntion by adopt in^ n rr:>olutlon :~ddrrr;::c.IILr(*ln~ ton~I111) wl tl~tl~rl Unl trd States n~rd to President-Elect Jimmy Carter, nnd hls new Democratic administration, urging him to continue the spirit that the U. S. has initiated by acting favornbly on our Constitution when presented to the U. S. Government for consideration. I hop<. that our product from this Convention will receive the snme degrce of critl~u!~lnr;n~rrnd :~pprovnlby tl~rnew U. S. President aa that of his predecessor. We have yet to see the new lesdership in Washington with respect to our future relationship with the United States.

Chsirmnn Felipc Atnliq: I guess the previous spcnkcr forgot ti-at it wae a Democratic Congress that actually passed the Covennnt for the approval of the President of the Unitcd States, so I hope he will take that into consideration

Delegate David Marat%: I Just want to rcmlnd my collcnpue from Susupe thnt tl~eDemocratic Con~rcssIs still rrtnir~lnp,rontrol of the U. S. Congress, so tlrny're still In order.

Delegnte Juan P. Tenorio: It Is my understanding that most of the remarks and speeches are usually submitted in writing. I respectfully request the Chair to spare me the agony of listening to those speeches and have them passed out to thr Delrgntcs. l'rcs Itl18nt (:1rcsrrcru:-. l.'(-L 111w 11,.Ir~ate!~. As yo11 kllow, incuml,~nt llrcaldent Gerald Fnrtl II~Rlost tlrc. 11. S. rr13.i IJl-rit in l lrrnri I II Mr. .llmmy Cnrtcr. The rlcrticln i 1.nt1l I :8 w0111tl I~rlvg. III*PII III:II :III orcl 1t111ry r111e1 I~III1}:11l firn~~t(.v(*nt tcl UR in tltcs No~.ll~cr~iFlnr lnnns I I I L wvr I* IIIII f11r t111?c~vc~rwl~rlrnin~ support we received from t'r~*std~%ntI:orcl nrltl 11 I!; rlr!rninl.~trntlon In our rlursnt fur Commonwraltl~status. An n f 111ill proof of tl~o~nupport, President Ford signed the Covenant c)n Marc11 24, 1976.

IJl~lleue certainly rcgrrt Presldent Ford's loss, because of its possible effect on the 11. S. rntlfic:~tlonof tl~vConstitution we are now drafting, wf! sl~o~~lclin nll cnrldclr :\I so srwtl nclr rncss:lRt. of conp,ratr~lation to the Presidrnt- I.:lc.ct. Mr. .I 1111nly(::~rtcl-, wl 1 11 tltc- sI~~cr.rr~:;c1111pc-s tl~ntoilr (:c,vcrnmcsnt will still contlnur to rcccivc tl~esupport previously extended by the Ford Adminis- tration. I feel that a rrsolutlon to this effect will he very timely and in order. Thank you.

Chn il-man Jose 1'. F1.7fnns: Ylmr (:on~rnltteeon Governmental it~stltutions will mrrt tomorrow at 9:OO a.m.

--Cunvcntion Srcrrt:~ry: I wr>crl

Flo,tl- I.c:~clcsr I:;IR:I: 1 nlovcs III:II tl~c. l'c>rivt-1111,111 unt I1 2:00 p.m. tomorrl~w. ~ - - - .- - - - .- - .

'l'he lnot f on was ~;ccon~lccl.IIIC! [.;I rri cd. I:ONS'I'I'I'lJ'~I ONAl. (:ONVI-N'TION 111- tl1c NtII<'CIIII1{N ElAI( I ANA I !;l.ANI)S

NINE'I'ELNTII DAY Prlday, November 5, 1976

(1) The Constitutional Convention of the Northern Mariana Islands was called to order at 2:07 p.m.

The Honorab1.c Lorenzo T Gr~errrro,Presic'crit, presided.

(2) A moment of silent prnycr was observed.

(3) Tlie Convention Secretary called tlie roll. There were 33 Delegates present. Dclcgntes Carl~mS. (:;lmncIio, .lone R. (:rilz, llcrmnn Q. (herrero, Francisco T. I'olaclos. Oscor C. Kasa nrid .loaqi~lnS. 'Torres were excused. No Delegates were absent. A quorum was present.

(Delegate Benlgno I:Lt l;~l moved tlint Ilel cy.ntrs not In attendance be excused. Thc n~c,tion w:~rr nrro~itlcrl:i~i

(Dcleyntcs Kasa and 'l'orrcs entcretl the Cnnvcritlvn llall during Committee of the Whole.)


Dclcgnte Felipe Atalig: Mr. I'reslderit, I move that the Summary Journal of the 18th Day and the Verbath 'Cranscripts of the 1st. Znd, 3rd. 4th and 5th Days be adopted.

The motion wns sccontlc~land cnrricd.


The Convention Secretary rend tlic following communication:

"The Honnrable Larry L. Cucrrero, I'rcsldcnt and Honorable Delegates Marianas Constitutional Convention c/o Saipan Intercontinental Inn Saipan, Marinna Islands 96950

Dear President Cuerrcro and Honorable Uelcgntes:

As your Marianas Liaison Officer In Wastilngton, it is my privilege and lionor tcr convcy to you not only my personal greetings and congratulations but also those of your Friends in the Mainlarid upon the calling of the Marianas Constitutional Convention.

Our friends in Capitol 1Ii11, Congressman Phil Burton, on behalf of hjmself and the mcmbcrs nnd staff of tlir! Ilousc Cormnittqe on Interior nud In~ultlrAf f:~Lrs,:IIIC! ill H CI>I1 P~IKIIL-H 111 ~\ICC:II l fnrnln Delegation; Senator Bennett Johnscon, on behalf of hlmself and his colleague8 in the Senate Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; Senator Fong. on behalf of himeelf and the Hawaiian delegation, former Ambassador Franklin Hadyn Williams. Ambassador Phillip Manhard and the staff of the OMSN and the etnff of the Office of the Territorial Affairs, Uepartmcnt of the Interlor; 1:ormcr Hlgl~Comissioncr Will Coding; Continental and Pan American Airlines; the various services of the Armed Forces of the U.S.; former commifisioners of the Micronesian War Claims Conrmission; the Peace Corps; former expatriate employees of the Governments of the Northern Plariana Islands and the Trust Territory; and residents of the Marianas in the Mainland have called in the office to convey their best wishee to all of you for the historic occasion of our endeavor to formulate and adopt the Constitution for the Marianas toward self-government. CONVENTION .JOURNAL -- 19th Day November 5. 1976

"'Tl~esc friends of ours in the mainland have asked to he remembered by you ;~ntl tllc prople of tllr Mnrlannfi and to extend their best wishes for qll,.~,r!:.;rilI c~~~l~v(~l~~I~SII.

Edward DLG. Pnnge1ln:tn Pl:trianits W;lslt 111gton I,ln l so11 Of ficer


Cl~airmanMnfnns: Mr. I'residcnt, I have sevcrnl Ilelt-gate Proposals to report disposition by your (:omittce on C;overnmental Institutions. Delegate Proposal No. 68, regarding "Kemoval of Executive Appointee from Office." was accepted by your Committee. Delegate Proposal No. 65, regarding "the Executive Branch of Government," which provides that the Governor shall organize, arm and discipline the militia of tllc C~~n~rnonwrnlth, rtc., etc., etc. To thc disappointment and rc?llsItlrn;lt Lo11 of tllc* I :lt III):II l~:It(~clIlrlegntr Milrnti ta. tl11 H Proposal was unanimously dcLcatcd. Instcod, your C

Chairman Ataliq: Your Commlttcc on Personal Rights 6 Natural Reeources. Mr. President. has eublnltted Conunittee Kcport No. 5 for the Convention's consider- I.T would also like Lo rlotr thut tl~cCommittee hn~been working vigorously on tliu "Private I.;~ncl Mnttcrl;" nnd Lt Is expected that this week the Committee w.111 finis11;~rlnl~lune~it on prLv;~tclnndn.

Chairman Fitial: Pursuant to your request regarding the status of Delegate Proposals referred to substantive committees, your Committee on Finance, Local Government and Other Matters today is submitting its rcport on Delegate Proposals III wrl t Lng. (:oil Ir!: llrr 11ow lrc.111~ dintrll,uted by M~H.(:uerrcro. Also, pursuant to ynur second rerltlc:;L conccl-nlng cr)mmLttce rncet lng attendance, your chairman would like to rcport that with the exception of two Delegates, attendance hae been very good. I



I)r legate Olys~l~lo'l'. Ilorl;~moved that I

1)eleg;ite ncirj:~ also n~uvrdfor the tcmpr)rary silspcnsion of Convention Rule No. 47. Tllc mot loll w;in srron~l~~land rnrr ierl.

Uelegnte HorJa moved that wording be addcd to the proposed Resolution between "A Resolution" and the first "Whereas" clause. He proposed to add "Conveying greetings and hest wislies to President-Elect James Earl Carter. Jr." The motion wns seconded.

nclcgntc Henlgno Fitinl nlovcd to end debate. The motion was seconded and carried.

Tt~cmotion to nmentl, 3s offered by Dclrgnte Olympin T. Rorja, carried.

1)clegatc OIympiu T. l\orj.t moved to further amend by adding another "Whereas" clause after the fifth "Whereas" clause and before "Be It Resolved." The proposed wording was "Whereas, it is the sense of the delegates of the Consti- tutiorlnl Convention of the Northern Marinna Tslnnds that President-Elect Carter slluulcl rl*vrl vc (111~l.~'rol:~I I l[OII I r(rm hl~filt~lre fel low Am(.rlvnnfl in the Marianne: 110~.~l~c.rrfo~-c.". 'I'l~c sol 1011 w113 :~econJrcl;tnd c;trrlcd. CONVENTION JOURNAL - 19th Day November 5, 1976

Delegate Felipe Atallg offered an oral amendment that was defeated.

Delegate Benigno Fitiol moved that all Delegotee to the Convention sign the Reaolution if adopted as amended. The motion was seconded and carried. Delegate Olympio T. Borja moved to amend the wtion to adopt the Reaolution as offered by the Committee of the Whole. The motion was seconded and carried.

The motion to adopt Resolution No. 4, as amended, carried. The Resolution is as follows:

"Resolution No. 4.

A RESOLUTION Conveying greetings rlntl best wlsllc.~ to l'rcaldcnt-Elect James Earl Carter. Jr.

WHEREAS, pursuant to the Covenant to Establish a Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands in Political Union with the United States of America, the people of the Northern Mariana Islands are engaged in the historic task of drafting R constitution; ond WHEREAS, the Constitutional Convention 11as heard the results of the election for the Office of President of the United States; and

WHEREAS, the Commonwealth Constitution will take effect during the term of office of the next President of the United States; and

WHERUS, the people of the Northern Mariana Islands desire to secure effective and cooperative relations with the Government of the United States of America, now nnd in the future; and

WHEREAS, such good relations involve close ties between our people and the elected officers and other officials of the United States; and

WHERFAS, it i~ the senHe of the delegntea of the Constitutional Con- vention of the Northern Mariono Islunds that President-Elect Carter should receive due recognition from his future fellow Americans in the Marianas; now, therefore,

BE IT RESOLVED. That the greetings and best wishes of the delegates to the Constitutional Convention of the Northern Mariana Islands be expressed to the Honorable James Earl Carter, Jr., on the occasion of his victory in the presidential election; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Secretary of the Constitutional Con- vention be requeeted to eend a copy of the text of this Resolution to the Honorable James Earl Carter, Jr.

Adopted: November 5, 1976" (10) LlNFINISllED UUSINESS - None. (11) SPECIAL ORDERS OF THE DAY - None. (12) GENERAL ORDERS OF THE DAY President Guerrero: We have two items to be discustied today during the Committee of the Whole. They are Committee Recommendation No. 3 from the Cormnittee on Governmental Institutions, regarding "Le~islativeBranch of ~overnment," and Committee Recommendation No. 5 from the Committee on Personal Rights and Natural Resources, regarding "Public Lands."

Delegate Hilario Diaz: I move that the Convention resolve itself into the Committee of the Whole.

The motion was seconded and carried.

President Cuerrero: I would like to have Delegate Maratita Chair the Committee of the Whole for today. C0NVI:NTION .IOURNAL -- 19th Day Nuvembrr 5, 1976

Delegate David m.iilratita_: T appreciate the honor, but I would like to to somc-t,nc wlro II:I~. not I~cclr(:l~:~(rmr~n of tllc C~~mmlttceof Llie Wllole.

---Prrqltlrnt - ---- Gurrrrro: Will Ih-lep,ntrt Dcla Cruz Chair the Committee of the Whole?

Dclegntc Pedro Dela Cruz: Mr. President, I have to leave on airport matters ;ind I have already reported tl~isearlier. I thank you for the offer.

Presldcnt Gucrrcrq: 1 call on 1)elcgate Juan P. Tenorio [rum Salpan to Chair Lllc Committee of tl~cWliol~'.

Tllc Convcntlon rcsolvcd into the Commlttee of the Whole at 2:40 p.m.

Tl~cConvrntlon rccnnvcnc-d Ln Plennry Se~sionat 4:bA p.m.

-(:l~alt-man- .JII;~II l'. 'Tcxr~orln:- '1'11~. (:nmmittce of thc Wliolc hnq adopted Cc~nunittee Recomcndation No. 3 from tllc Comittec on Governmental Institutlons, regarding "Legislative Branch of Govcrnment."

Rcgrctfrll ly, tllr Cr)nnnl ttc-r of thr Wllol~drclrlr~rl to defer action on Committce Hc~co~n~~~r~itlnLloll No. 5 from 1 II~.Cornml t t 1.c 011 I'c rsol~rt1 Hl~llc?tr~nd Nncurnl Hewourcen, rcgrirding "1'11bl ic lands."

Cllnlrmnn Jose P. Ma[=: T move that the Convcntion adopt on First Reading (:r,mmlttcc Hcc~ommcnclntlnn No. 3, rcgr~rrll~lg"Legirilntivc Drnnch of Covernment." from the Commlttee on Gov~rnm~ntalInrttitutions.

The motion was sccondcd and carrled.



Chairman Jose P. Mainas: Your Committee on Governmental Institutions will mect tomorrow at 9:00 a.m.

I I III I I AnI I: Y~IIIr (:~,ru~nlL ~c-c or) I'c.r.ronii 1 Itightti itnrl Nai urn1 Kcnourcee will mcet tomorrow at 9:00 a.m.

Cliairlnrln Beni jino I7ltU: Thr Comml t tci, on Ff nnlicp. Locn l Government and Other Mnttcrs will recrss For Lhc wcckcnd.

Delegate IILlilri~, I)Lis 1 mfJvc tlr.~ttl~t! (:c~~~vcxnt II~ rcccss unl ll M~>~iclayntorliinp,, Novcmber 8. 1976. aL 10:OO i1.m.

Prc.ql tlcnt Cut-rrc.rcl: 1 wou Ill rassllcrl lol l y lk~.111 rt.n~lnrl tlrt. I)I= l c-~:~tc?stl~:~l - - . -- -- I tllr (:LIIIVPI~~IIIII HIIOII It1 nt II.:I::~II.IVC. (:t111ln111 (I*[. Mt-c:~111~s 1lv1.r tl~t.w~,ckc~~d.

Delegate BenLgno Fltial: The CommLt tce on Finance, Local Covernment and OLhcr Matters has nothing to discuss until Monday.

I)t%lc.l;n~cFcl lpdtli!l Your (:ommLt~cc~III I1c.rfi

President Gucrrcro: May I ask the consultants Ln regard to the law that the Convention will meet everyday for 50 consecutive dnys; since there are no Commi.ttec Meetirlg~or Plcnnry Ses~lnnon Sullday, will thls be in accordance with the law? -Consultant WLllens: In our vlew, the actirm rstabltshing thls Convention rcqt~lresthnt you cnmlllctcr your work In 50 d;~ys; It not require that yorr nlcet r?;icli ilnd c~vr~rydavwlttttn tt~nsc50 d:~ys. 'That 1s our Interpretation of thc Act.

Delegate David Maratita: In terms of salary, when there are no meetings, will we be paid by tlie Convc~ntioli?

I'rc~';lclt.~lt (:(lt.rrr,ro:- 'I'l~c lr~w:I;I~:I I)r>l~.~;~~t.tiull l I)(. ~aldwt~cn meetlng and working for tile Convcntion, the Chair also says thnt ul~cnyou are not meeting, whether In Plenary Session or Committee meeting, there will be no salary paid for those days. CUNVttll lUN -- 19Ll1 b.iy November 5, 1976

Delegate Jose Dorja: Thcrc. 1s also thc pos~iblitythat some Colmnittee membera work at night. Sometimes we work for more than eight hours. Ae long aa we vork at night, that juntific~being pnid. -Drlrgate Mnnuc!l Tr~iork:I wr>111rf Ilkr to bc criL1~Iitc.ncd jn rcgarde to the low. Does lt state that n wr~tkday wlll br A Iiourn?

President Guerrero: The law states you will be paid for "a Convention Day." whether it be 8 hours or even if we have to work at night.

Dcl~.p,ntc Dnvid Mnrntlfi: Tt w~n~lclnpprnr to me. if n Delegate comes to o committee meeting or ylclir~ryecsslo~~, then IIC Ls c-ntltIcd to the pay. But if there is no session or committee meeting. then tlie Delegage is not entitled to pay.

Dclegnte Gregorio Cnlvo: I would like to announce that the Rota Delegation is willing to stay over the wec>kclid and work so that we will not be accused any further of delnying tllc work of this Convention.

Chairman Jose P. Mafnas: If the main motion will be withdrawn, I would like to make another motion.

Delegate Hilario Diaz: I withdraw my motion.

Delegate Jose P. Wfnaa: I move that on Sunday thc Delegates will report back to their con~titur~itsand rvport the progre~sof the Convention, and I move tlint the Convcntlon reccm until Monday at 2:00 p.m.

The motion was seconded and defeated.

Delegate Pete Ogo: Clarification should be made ontrecord that the motion wn~dofentcd I)ccni~ncit ntntcd thnt on Sundny the Delegates should report bnck to their rcepcctj.vr prcclncte, not ~UHLfor outer islonda.

Floor Leader Rasa: I move that the Convention recess until Monday at 2:00 p.m. * The motion was seconded and carried.

The Convention recessed at 5:15 p.m.

Respectfully submitted, izilx Pedro M. Atalig *-- Convention Secretary CONSTITUTTONN. CONVENTION of tllc NOI<'TIIEHN MARTANA ISLANDS


TWENTIETH DAY Saturday, November 6, 1976

There was no Plenary Sesslon this date, however, there were committee rncetlngs.



TWENTY-FIRST DAY Sunday, November 7, 1976

There was no Plenary Session this date, nor were there any cormnittee meetings.

Respectfully submitted, a

)&zedro M. Atalig4- As- CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION of thc NOI('L'III:KN blAK1ANA 1Sl.hN11S

(1) 'The Constitut Lonnl Collvent lou of the Northern Mariano 1 slands was called to order at ?:15 p.m.

The Honorable Lorenzo T. Guerrero, President, presided

(2) A moment of silent prxycr was observed.

(3) The Convention Secretary called the roll. There were 37 Delegates present. Dclcgntes Daniel Cnstro and .lose Mafnas were absent. No Delegates were excused. A qunrum was prCSCnt.


I:Loor 1.eridcr Rnsn: Mr. Prc.:il~lcnr, I mnve for tllr acli111t 111n of thc Summary Journal of the 19th Ilny.

The motlon was scconded

Convention Secreti~ry: Mr. President. there ;Ire two co;rections that should be mrlde. On the accr~ndpngc. ~lxthparr~&rnpl~. It sllor~ld~IIIIW tllnt Delegate norj;l1e mot Ion to nmcnd the mnln mt,tlt)u cnrrictl. On the third page nt the top, before 1)clcgiltc Dlnz witlldrcw hie motion. it shor~ldreflect that Delegate Gregorio Cnlvo made the following stntcment: "The Rota Delegation Is willing to Ptay nnd work rwer tllc weekci\d, no thry :il~oulcl not ;ip,nin 11r nccu!iccl trf delayin# the work of tllr Convelition. 1 w~)llltl I1 kc tlilt8 Lo he rrf Iihrtc!d ~IIcl~c! recl>rd."

Ptotlon to nd(i11t the Sununary Journ:ll of the 19th Day carried.


Acting Chairman Palacios: Mr. Prcsidcnt, your Committee on Personal Rights 6 Natural Resources has complctcd its work on emlncnt domain ~ndon behalf of the Committee I suhmlt the (:nmmittee'n Report and rrconunendcd constitutional prnvislonrr on emll~cntclrrrn:~ln :Inti ask lhnt it bc. ral~ndnrrtlfor cnnsidcrotion by tl~cCc)mmitLec of tile Wllolr nt tl~rc-orliest ~~osslblt.tlme.

Acting Chairman Prudencin Mnnglonn: Your Committee on Cuvermr?ntal Institutions is stL1.1 working on the mnttcr of thc "Executive Brancli."

Cllnirmc~n171 tls: Elr. I'rrs l4ll~nt. tin I,el~allof the (:11mn11ttre crn Flnancle. Local (;uvernment nr~dOLller M~itters. I 11.1vc the honor co prcsrnt to the ConvenLLon. for consideration In Co~nn~lt1c.c. of the Wholr*, (:ormnitLcr Hccon~mendatinn No. 7 on "0~1th of Offlcc." We hr~vcexilmined :IHR~~UOUH~Y~.~m.qtitr~tlon~ (~fother atatev on the rrquiren~entsfor nliil wrrrclfnp, of 11 const ltutl~~nnlo~th of officc. We hnvc reviewed Scctlon 204 of the Covcnnnt wh1r.h reqblretr that nll member6 of the legialature and all officers and employees of the government take an oath of affirmation to support the Covenant, Commonwealth Constitution and applicable provisions of the Federal Constitution, treaties, and laws. Mr. President. based on the Covenant provision, we have proposed a constitutional oath that would bc. required of all Ierrialntors and officer^ and employeee of the Cormaon- wi.111~11 and political suhdlvlsionfi thcreof. 1 reconmend, on behnlf of my colleague^ an your Camlttce on FLnance, Local Government and Other Matters that tlle Convcntlou, rneeLI11)~. In t'a>~mnj~teeof thc W~ola,;~ciol~t the propo~ed constl Lr~tltinnl lrc~lgungcOII :In [irltll of office nncl tl~c. Conulilttec. Recomendnr Ion No. 7 and Itcport.


--:I-I -- iti: At CIIIH I.~III~*I would likc LO Introdtlcr? I

Acting Choirn~anPslacios: At this time I ask that Committee Recommendation No. 6, regarding "Eminent Domain.", from the Committee on Personal Rights 6 Natural Resources be calendared for First Reeding.



Delegate Ramon Villagomez: Mr. President, I would like to introduce a Resolution which I will read:


WHEREAS, the people of the Northern Marians Islands have elected o new group of legisl~t~rfl.lllcluding dele~ateuto the Conetitutional Convention, aa members of tlie new legislature; and

WHEREAS, the delegates and the other new legislators will ensure that preparation for the Commonwealth government is efficient and thorough; and

WHEREAS, the spirit of unity, effectiveness end fairness neceseary to the above endeavors is being promoted by the delegates and the other legis- lators;

NOW, THERIIFORE, nE TT I(ESOLVED, Thnt the Northern Marisna~Constitutional Convention offers its slncsre congratulations to the delegates and the other members of the new legislature.

Offered by: Ramon C. Villagomez.

Convrntion Sccrctnry: nclrgnte Vlllnp.timrz. there Is nn error in the Resolution. I'm aure it's u typogrnplilcnl error, but "ef'fcctlvericss" is mlsepelled.

("Effectivenesa was originally spelled "effecitiveness.")

President Cuerrero: I would suggest that the Secretary and introducer of the Resolution get together nnd correct that typographical error.





Delegate Rnmon Villrigurnez: Mr. Prcsldent, T would llke to ask the Convention to recognize the presence of Senator Mnnuel Muna from Saipan, Senator-Elect Pedro Guerrero from Saipan, and all other visitors present in the Convention Hall.

President Guerrero: The Clinlr also recognizes the presence of the Vice-Speaker of the Municipal Council, Mr. Plasido Tagebuel.


Chnlrmnn Fitinl: Mr. Prcaldcnt, your Committee on Finnnce, Local Govermnent and Other Matters will meet immediately following the Plenary Session, in their usual meeting place.

Acting Chairman Pnlacios: Mr. President, the Committee on Personal Rights 6 Natural Resources will meet right after the session at the Comnittee's office.

Acting Chairman Mnnglona: Mr. President. your Committee on Governmental Insti- tutions will meet right after this session. in this Convention Hall. CONVENTION JOURNAL -- 22nd Day November 8, 1976

Floor Lender K.?H~: 1 move th;it tl~eCoriventicbn recess until two o'clock tomorrow.

The Convention recessed at 2:30 p.m.

Res~ectfullv submitted, @AdPedro H. Atelig uL&p Convention Secretnry (:ONSTITUTIONAI. CONVENTlON II~tl~r NOI('I'III,:HN MAl(lANA I!;I.ANI)S

Twenty-Third Day Tuesdny, November 9, 1976

(1) The Constitutional Convention of the Northern Mariana Islands was called to order at 2:10 p.m.

The Honorable Lorenzo I. Guerrero. President, presided.

(2) A moment of silent prayer was observed.

(3) The Convention Secrctnry cnllcd tlrc roll. Tllerr were 35 Delegates present. Delegntee Jose R. Cruz, Daniel P. Cnstro, Olympio T. Uorja. and Luie Limes were excused. No Deiegatc?~were absent.

Floor Leader Rasa: I move that those Delegates not in attendance be excused.

Tl~emotjon wns sccondrd nnd cnrried.


Floor Leader Knsa: I movc that the Su-ry Journnl df the 22nd Day be adopted.

The motion was seconded and cnrried.



Chairman Felipe Atalig: The Comittee on Personal Rights and Natural Resources has completed Committee Report No. 7, regarding "Natural Resources," and this will be introduced for the First Reading on today's agenda.

Chnirmnn Joec P. Mnfnne: 'Tile Commlttce on Covcrnrnental Institutions ie etill deliberating on the "Execut ivc Brnncll. "

Cl~nirmanBenigno Fitinl: Your Committee on Finnnce, Local Government and Other Matters has completed dellberation nnd has adopted the constitutional language for the provision on "Local Government." This will be finalized and presented tomorrow to the Convention.

President Guerrero: At this time, the Organization and Procedures Committee would like to report that tlic Order of Business for today does not show the scheduling of Committee Report and Recomendntion No. 5, regarding "Public Lands," for consideration of the Committee of the Whole for First Reading today. This should be inserted in your Order of Business under item 12, "General Orders of the Day .'I

Chnirman Felipe Atalig: I would like to introduce Comittee Recommendation No.7, regarding "Natural Resources," from the Committee on Personal Rights and Natural Resources. I would like this to be placed on the calendar for First Reading.


(9) INTRODUCTION OF RESOLUTIONS - None m(10) UNFINISIIED BUSINESS Convention Secretary: ?he Committee on Personal Rights and Natural Resources has reconmended re-referral of Delegate Proposal No. 26 to the Committee cn Finance, ,') ., %.. ,(I r Local Government and Other Matters and Delegate Proposal No. 21 was re-referred to the Committee on Governmental Institutions. CUNVLNI'LUN .lUUlU4AL -- Z3rd Ilay November 9, 1976

President GutBrrcro: 'Tile C<)mmlttce on Orgonlzntion and Procedurrn will rcas~ign those Delc~~LcPropomle ttr the opproprintc utandin~cormittee sometime this afternoon.



Floor Leader Rasa: I move that tlie Convention resolve itself into the Committee of the Whole in order to consider Committee Recommendation No. 5, "Public Lands." Committee Rccommendntion No. 6, "Eminrnt Domnin," and Committee Recommendation No. 7, "Oath of Office."

The motion was sccondcd and carried.

-Prcsidcnt C~lcrrcro_: I would Llke to cnll Iklegate Pedro Deln Cruz from Rota to Cl~i~irthe Committee of the Wl~ole for today.

Thc Convention resolvcd into the Committee of the Whole at 2:18 p.m.

'Tllc Collvrnt lon recollvt-ncd 111 P lc.llnry SI.!JRIon at 4:45 p.m.

Chairman Dela Cruz: Your Committee of the Whole llas adopted all three recommendations. Regarding Committee Recommendation No. 5, it was adopted ns nmended.

Cl~nirmanDeln Cruz: I move that the Convention adopt the Recommendations, as ndopted by the Committee of the Whole. These are Committee Recommendation No. 6. "Eminent Domain," from the Committee on Personal Rights and Natural Rcsources, Committee Recommendation No. 7. "Oath of Office." from the Con~mitteeon Finnncc, I.ocnl Covernmcr~t nnd Other Matters, and Committee Kccommendation No. 5, ns nmcnded, on "Publlc I.andsW from the Committee on Pcrsonnl Rffil~Ts6 Nntur:~1 Rrr~ourcct~. Tl~c nmrndmcnt to Commi ttce Recommendntion No. 5 1s as follows:

Committee Recommendatlon No. 5: Public Lands

Sc-ct.loll 'i(a2. 'SIIC (:orporilt lc~tlnl~n l 1 mk~.nvnl lnhlr tlomc port Ion of the publlc lands for a tlomcstend program. No permon, shall be cli~lble for more than one agricultural and villnjie homestead. No person shall rpceive titlc to n Ilomr~teud for flvr ycaru after the grant of a t~on~cstc:~dor shall he ;ll>le to transfcr title to a llome~teadwithin ten years of recelpt thereof provided, I~owever, that these requirements shall bc wnivcd for pcrsons who have established a continuoua residence on public lands for at least 20 years as of the effective date of this Constitution. Othcr requirements for cllgibility for ttle homestead program and the nature of the lnterest In land to be transferred by the Corporation shall hc ns provldcd by law.

The motion was seconded and carried.


--I'r~~tiItIr~lt ..- -- (:~i~\rrrro: - -- - '1'111.rc. 114 :I rt.~~oll~~lonOI-I~IR 1)n~nl.d nro~l~~d for signnture that will bc sent to Presldcnt-Elect Jimmy Carter. I suggest that all the Delegntes sign where required and return this to the Convention Secretary.

Chairman Benigno Fitial: Your Committce on Finance, Local Government and Other Matters will meet tomorrow at 9:00 a.m.

Cl~nirnqnAtolig: Your Committee on Personal Rights and Natural Resources will mcct tomorrow nt 9:00 a.m. CONVENTION JOURNAL -- 23rd Day November 9, 1976

Cl~alrmanJosc P. hfnaa: Your Committee on Governmental Inatitutionr will maat tomorrow at 9:00 a.m.

President Guerrero: There will be a meeting of all Convention officers, including the three Vicc Prc3identu nnd thc (Shnirmen of the three substantive conmitteea immedlntely following this session.

Floor Leader Raga: I move that the Convention recess untii 2:00 p.m. tomorrow.

The motion was seconded and carried.

The Convention recessed at 4:50 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Pedro M. Atal g gd&/- Convention Secretary CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION of tl1c NOI('L'III:ICN MAI


Twenty-Fourth Day Wednnaday, November 10. 1976

(1) The Constitutional Convention of the Northern Marinnn Islands was called to order at 2:03 p.m.

TIIP Ilonorablc? Lorenzo I. Cuerrero, Prcs ldcnt, presidecl.

(2) A moment of silent prayer was observed

(3) The Convention Secretary cnlled the roll. There were 33 Delegates present. Delegates Olympio T. Borjn, Daniel P. Castro, Francisco T. Palacios, Oscar C. Rasa, Manuel A. Tenorio and Joaquin S. Torres were excused. No Delegates were absent. A quorum was present.

Delegnte Junn Tenorlo: I move that those Delegates not in attendance be excused.

The motion was seconded nnd carried.


Dclegnte Junn Tenorio: I move thnt the Sunrmnry Journnl of the 23rd Day and the Verbntim Journnl Trnnscipts for the 6, 7, 8, 10 and 11 Days be adopted by tire Convention.

The motion was seconded nnd carried.

President Cuerrero: I would like to announce that si~lcrFloor Leader Raea is unavailnble for today, I. have nl~polntedDelegate Juan Tenorio as Acting Floor Lender.


Chairman Benigno Fitinl: Your Committee on Finance, Local Government and Other Hatters is submitting Comittce Recommendntion No. 8, regnrding "Local Government," to thc Convention.

Chairmnn Felipe Atalig: Your Committee on Personal Rights and Natural Reeources has completed their assignment and all Committee Reports will be submitted some- time this week. Hay I also add, thnt the participation of your Committee Members la highly recognized and the output of all the Cormnittee Uembere is highly appreciated by the Chnirman. Thank you very much.

Chnirman Jose P. Mafnns: Your Comitlrc on Governmenc~l In~tltutionshopefully will submit their Report ~lndRecommendation on the "Executive Branch" by tomorrow or Friday.

Chairman Benigno Fitial: I want to report to the Convention that with the submission of Committee Recommendation No. 8 on "Local Government," this Comitteehascompleted its essential task and we would like to offer our assi~tanceto the other two Committcen if clccmed npproprlntc.

Chairman Felipe Atnlig: On November 13 and 14, 1976, some members of your Committee are going to Tinian and Rota for the purpose of planning public hearings. At this time, the Chairman would like to recognize that Ramon Villagomez has been appointed to go to Tinian and Jose Borja and Manuel Tenorio will go to Rota. The appointment of Ramon Villagomez is subject to his acceptance. CONVENTION JOURNAL -- 24th Day November 10. 1976


Chairman Benigno Fitial: At this time I would like to introduce Committee Rncomwndntion No. R. rc~~r~lln~"Locnl Cov~rnmrrrt," from the C~mitteeon Fl~~n~rcu,Local Covcr~inmntnncl Otlicr hLtcrn to be pluced on the calcndnr for First Reading.


(9) INTRODUCTION OF RESOLUTIONS - None (Delegate Manuel Tenorio entered the Convention Hall.)




~,,,,~Guerrero:As allown on tlrc Ordcr of Dusiness, we have one item to be discussed today by the Committee of the Wl~ole. It is Committee Reconrmendation No. 7, regarding "Natural Resources.'' from the Committee on Personal Rights and Natural Resources.

Acting Floor Leader Tenorio: I move that the Convention resolve itself into the Cormnittee of the Whole.

The motion was seconded and carried.

President Guerrero: I would like to cnll Delegate Gregorio Calvo from Rota to act as Chairman for today's Committee of the Whole.

The Convention resolved into the Cornittee of the Whole at 2:12 p.m.

rile Convcntion reconvcncd in Plcnnry Sension at 2:52 p.m.

Chairmn Gregorio Cnlvo: Your Committee of the Whole has unanimously adopted Recommendation No. 7 from the Committee on Personal Rights and Natural Resources, regarding "Natural Resources.''

Delcgnte Rnmon Villngomez: I movc tlint thc Convention adopt Connnittee Recommendation No. 7, regardlng "Nnturnl Resources," from the Codttee on Personal Rights and Natural Resources.

The motion was seconded and carried.


Delegate Joee R. Cruz: A vhile ago, thkconvention resolved itself into the Cornittee of the Whole and I was recognized by the Chair to speak. Before I started speaking, someone raised the point of "Rulcs." I did not have a chance to speak. I urge this Conventlon that when a newspaperman is here at the session. not to etir up 8 show to show that he is better than another Delegate, eo that his name will be in the headlines of tomorrow's paper, eepecially when it comee from the Chairman of a substantive cornittee who doesn't seem to know the answer to a question, but can't stand to have another member answer the question.

I think this Convention should have respect and cooperation among all the Delegates. Everyone should have a chance to speak. I know that when the newspaperman comes here someone wants to show-off. We're here to frame the Constitution of theNortHnrnMnrianas, not at a beauty contest.

Chairman Felipe Atalig: The statement made by the Delegate from Tinian, ie referring to the Chairman of the Personal Rights and Natural Resources Committee. I wish to register my concern at this moving statement and hope the Delegate from Tinian can see that theue iJ no place for this kind of childish discussion in this Convention. For fourteen yenrs hc has been in a legislative body, therefore, he should be used to complying with the Rules and Regulations. Let the record show, Mr. President, that CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION of the NOIVI'III~I


Twenty-Fifth Day Thur~~rlny.Novcml1cr 11. 1976

(1) The Constitutional Convention of the Northern Mariana Islands was called to order at 1:05 p.m. !

The Honorable Lorenzo I. Cuerrero, President, presided.

(2) A moment of silent prayer was observed

(3) The Convention Sccretnry cnlled the roll. There were 34 Delegates present. Delegates Olympio T. Borja, Daniel P. Castro, Herman Q. Gucrrero, David Maratita and Francisco T. Palacios were excused. No Delegates were absent. A quorum was present.

Floor Leader Rnsn: I move that tl~oseDelegntesnot in attendance be excused.

The motion was seconded and carried.

(Delegates Herman Q. Guerrero, David Maratita, apd Francisco X. Palacios entered the Convention Hall during Committee of the Whole.)


Floor Leader Rnaa: I move that the Convention adopt the Summary Journal of the 24th Day.

The motion was seconded.

Chairman Felipe Atalig: There is a correction that should be made on the first page under item 6, the second paragraph. The word "that" should be chnngcd to "this. "

The motion to adopt the Surmnary Journal of the 24th Day carried.



Chairman Jose P. Mnfnas: I am sorry to report thnt the Cormnittee on Governmental Institutions is unable to submit the Committee Report and Recommendation on the "Executive Brnnch" th lm morning.

Chairman Benigno Fitial: The Codttee on Finance, Local Government and Other Matters was hoping to present the Committee Report and Recommendation, regarding "The Preamble," but the duplicating machine wns not functioning properly. The Reconnuendation will definitely be introduced tomorrow.

Chairman Ftlipe Atalig: Your Committee on Personal Rights and Natural Resourcos has completed their work on Committee Recommendation No. 8, regarding "Land Alienation." However, as stated previously by Chairman Fitial, due to problem with the duplication machine, your Chairman is not able to submit that report. We expect to submit it to the Convention tomorrov.





Prcflidcllt Cucrrero: Toduy we l~aveCommlttec I~ecommcndatlonNo. 8 from the Committee on Finance, Local Government and Other Matters, regarding "Local Government." for discussion during the Committee of the Whole.

Floor Leader Rnsn: I move thnt thc Convention rcnolve itself into the Commit tee of the Wl~ole.

The motion wns seconded and carried.

Prc~idcntCclrrrcro: U1y I c:;1I.1 on Delegntc Ramon Vlllsgomez to Chair the Comittee of the Whole for today.

The Convention resolved into the Comittee of the Whole at 1:15 p.m.

Chairman Ramon Villagomez: I am happy to report to you that Committee Recommendation NO. 8 from the Committee on Finance, Local Government and Other Matters, regarding "Local Government." has been adopted with certain amendments .

I move tl~ntthe Convention adopt the recommendation of the Committee of tile Whole.

The motiol~was sc!condrd and cnrrird.

Tl~eamendment to Committee Recommcndat Lon No. 8, regarding "Local Government," from the Comittee on Finance, Local Government and Other Matters is as follows:

(1) 'Chc word "~hnll" 1s substituted for the word "may" in the first line of subsection 3(d); and

(2) The following sentence is added to subsection 3(d): "Any propoual rclatinp, to the budget made by the mayor shnll be considered by the responsible Cornonwealth official and rejected only for good cause."


Chairman Felipe Atnlig: I wish to announce tl~atthis evening at 7:00 p.m., your Committee on Personal Rights and Natural Rcuources will be meting to review the Inst (:oarmittec'~ Rcccrn~mer~tl:~l.1011, No. 8. I wc1111rl111so 11ke to auk the Committee memlwrrr to pick up copieu of Reco~mnr~ltliltlonNo. 8 so they will have ample time to rcnd it before tl~cmeeting tonight.

Chairman Benigno Fitinl: Your Comittee on Finance, Local Government and Other Matters will meet tonight at 7:00 p.m. I would like to invite interested Delegates from Rota and Tininn to attend for the purpose of discussing further the provision on "Local Government," which was just adopted by the Convention on First Reading.

Chairman Jose P. Uifnas: For reasons that I cannot reveal, which I will advise you on at n later time, your Committec on Governmental Institutions cannot meet tonight. We will meet tomorrow morning at 8:00 a.m.

Delegate Henry Hofschneider: I would like to attend the meeting of the Committee on Finance, Local Government and Other Matters,and I am asking if I can be excused by the Chairman of tllr Committee on Pcrsonal Rights and Natural Resources.

Chnirmt~nFellpe At.?llg: Yes, lrrovlded there Is one Delegate from Tinian in attendance, so I urge Delegntc Diaz to come and attend the meeting. CONVENTION JOURNAL -- 25th hly November 11, 1976

-I 11t~rrr 'I'IIP~c w I I I bv n IIIC~L.~~II~OI LIIU tl~rreVice Prealdente, three Committee Chairman, the Floor Leader, and Convention Secretary imediately following this session.

Delegate Juan DLG. Demnpn~~: I rnovc that thc Convcntlon recene until 2:00 p.m. tomorrw.

The motion was secondcd and carried.

The Convcntinn recessed at 5:05 p.m. Respectfully- submitted,

Pedro M. Atnlig Convention Secretary (:~~~~~~l'l'~~l'~l~INAl.(:ONVV.Pl'V ION of 1111- NOICI'IIIIRN MAI(1 ANA I SI.ANDS


'I'wPr1ty-s I XI I1 I)11y Frld~ly,November 12. 1976

(1) The Constitutional Convention of the Northern Mariona Islands was called to order at 2:10 p.m.

The Honorable Lorenzo I. Guerrero, President, presided.

(2) A moment of ~ilcntpr:lyer wns ob~r.rved.

(3) .Tl~eCor~ventioll SecrcLary called tile roll. Illere were 35 Delegates present. Delegates Olympio T. Borja, Daniel P. Castro, Pedro Q. Dela Cruz and Francisco T. Palacios were excused. No Delegates were absent.

Floor Leader Rnsn: I move tl~ntthose Dclc~:~tcsnot in attendance be excused.

The motion wna seconded and carried.


Floor Leader llano: 1 move thr~tthe,urnnl c,C tlre 25tl1 1)ay hr ndoptccl by the Oonvention.

The motion was secondcd and carried.



Ch~irmanBenigno Fitial: I nm happy to report that your Committee on Finance, Locnl Government nnd other Mnttcrs is uc~bmittingCommittee Recommendation No. 9, rc~nrding"Prenrnblc."

Ch~irmanFeli~e Atalig: At this time, your Committee on Personal Rights and Natural Resources is submitting a written report on the disposition of Delegate Proposalsbyour Committee. I am nlso lrappy to submit to the Convention Co~nmitteeRccomendnt ion No. 9, regard lng "Miscell~neou~Provisions." Thie Report denls with Statute of Limitations, Trcntment of Chi1dren.i~ Criminal Proceedings, and Senrch and Seizure.

Chnlrman Jonc P. Mnf~:'I'l~c hneic Cormat lrrn nncl rt~q~riremrntr;.ra~nrdin~ the "Exc&~tive ~rrlncl~," llnve bee11 renched I,y your Cormni t tee on Governmental Inn t j tu- tions. However, tllerc is one ohstocle that djd not permit your Committee to submit this report this afternoon. That is the composition regarding the so- called myor/lieutennnt governor portion of the Recornendation. The proponentn of tlic nmelldment introduced yeaterdoy hy klc~ntcJose R. Cruz and our Cormnittee nre tlcndlockrtl on tl~ntifl~ur. For thc (:nnvr~rtlon'sinforinntion. the President hnd formed a Special Committee to iron out the problems that we are facing on the question of local government and thc lieutenant governor's authority and responsibilities. I have yet to hear from the Chairman of that Special Committee. I understand that they met this afternoon and I hope that resolution vas reached so thnt we can proceed with our business.

Delegate Joaquin Torres: Mr. President, could you tell us who the Delegates were that comprised that Special Committee? -Prculdcnt Gr~errero: For your Lnformntirrn, the 1:onvcnrjon Officers met about 5: 30 p.m. yesterday evening nrld vc m~dethe selection and appointed the following Delegstes: CONVENTION JOLIIL'IAL -- 26th Day November 12. 1976

I)olc.~~iLrt~BCI~.):IIII~II HIII~~ l OIIR, .lot~v It. (:ruz, 1'1.dr0 At :I 1l p,, J~tnnP. Tenorio, Jesus Villagomez and Francisco T. Palncios. Unfortunately Delegate Palacios was unable to attend and Delegate Ramon Villagomez was appointed to attend in his place.

Dulcgnto Jose R. Cri~z: 111~!:1)~1c1111 COIIIIIII t t PC 1r11.t ~indv~y,oro~~sLy rat tempted Lo tackle the problem and it scetnn to me that a solutlon has been ten~atively reached, although this must be reduced into constitutional language so that everyone can aecertain the gist of the concern. We think with more time this afternoon, or sometime tomorrow, we stiould he able to come up with some kind of solution.

President Guerrero: I hope that the Special ~ommitteecan come up with an abtemative that will solve these problems so that we can discuss and complete the Committee's Recommendation.


Chairman Benigno Fitial: At this time, I would like to introduce Committee Recommendation No. 9, regarding "Preamble," from the Committee on Finance, Local Government and Other Matters for First Reading.

Chairman Felipe Atalig: At this time. I would like to introduce Committee Recommendation No. 9, regarding "Miscellaneous Provisions," from the Cornittee on Personal Righte and Natural Resources for the considerntion of the Convention.



Chnimn Felipe Atalie: I linvc n resolutic>11LO rend lnto the record.


WHEREAS, the Committee on Personal Rights nnd Natural Resources has coi~q~lctctl it^ dcllbcrritions ntld llns rc-ported its rccomcndntions of conetitu- tional provisions to the Convention and,

WHEREAS, the Cormnittee produced eight (8) constitutional articles and thirty-nine (39) constitutionnl sections, plus supporting papers amounting to one hundred-sixteen (116) pages and,

WHEREAS, the Committee was faithfully and diligently assisted and provided every necessary profcseionnl guidance at every moment of its deliberations by the two legal consultonts, Ms.DcannrC. Seimer, Eeq. and Mr. Ncil S. Solomon,

WHEREAS, the consultants did not in anyway impose any idea or opinion upon the Committee but did give comprehensive and objective analyses of all the committee's recommcndntirins and,

I~IIEREAS, the Comnlit tee is greatly apprecint ivc of every assistance and ~uidancereceived from its consultants,

NOW TIIEREFOIE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Northern Marianas Constitutional Convention that its Delegates express and cxtend their appreciation and congratulate them for their successful assistance, an3

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Secretary of the Convention be requested to send a copy of the text of this Resolution to the two consultante mentioned above and to the lnw firm of:

WIIJER, CUTLER AND PICKERING 1666 K Street, N. W. Washington, D. C. 20006

(11) SPECIAL ORDERS OF THE DAY - Nonc CONVENTION JOURNAL -- 26th Day November 12, 1976

President Guerrero: For tod;1y1a discusston 1s Committee Recommendetion No.8, regarding "~estrictioneof [.and Alienntlon," from the Committee on Personal RLp,l~tsand N;~turalRcsourcc~!~.

Floor 1,cader Ilnsa: [ move tl~nttl~e (:onvention resolve 1tself in the Committee of the Whole..

President Guerrero: At this time, the Chair would like to call on Delegate Luis Limes from Saipan to preside over the Committee of the Whole for today.

The Convention resolvcil tnto the Committee of the Wl~oleat 2:27 P.m.

The Convention reconvened in Plenary Session at 3:35 p.m.

(During Committee of the Whole. Delegate Felipe Atallg asked the House to recognize the presence of Senator-Elect .lesus Mafnas.)

Cllairmn Luis Limes: Your Committee of the Whole adopted Committee Recommendation No. 8 from the Committee on Personal Rights and Natural Reeources, regarding "Restrictions On Land Alienations."

Floor I.cadcr =: L rnovc. tl~;~tthe Convent Ion adopt Commit tec Recommendation No. 8 from tile Committee on Personnl Riglit8 and Natural Resources for First Reading.

The motion was seconded and carried.

.-Prt.stdcnt -- CII~.-I: l'hr (:IIIIlr woulcl I lkr rtl presence of all the il~tcrcstedclLlzcns IIC Ll~cNortl~crn Mi~rlanus wl~o nrc in the gallery.


Delegate Junn S. Demapan: Good afternoon, Mr. President and fellow Delegates:

Today, we begin the last linlf ol our Convention days, and our tasks etill remain abound. With so little time remaining and much to do, it seems that ve won't ever accomplish the task of forniulating a Constitution that is representative of our peoplc's nccdn and wants. Such n task is not eosy. but in Cod we ask n mlroclc to sl~owus the way to understal~dthat only through a unity of purpose cnn we accomplis\i auch a task that, at present, is seemingly impossible.

As n member of this honorable body, I have a moral and public responsibility to promote undcrstc~ndlnp,n111l trust -- unity of purpose -- amonget ourselves. In fn~.t,this i:~tllr I>r,:lt plrlrc. Lo HLnrl It.

'The nlnJor ohstncle facing this body is that some of us are fearful of nbnntlonment and innttcntion of the basic mterinl needs and wants of our people in our otller municipalities. That fear, unquestionably, stems from pnst repetitive expcrtcnccs. But if wr are really going to think about it, the fcnr- L.r I)n*lcn lly root<-cl111 lnaclrqllnt c ~nonrtnryBupport to these islands in order to c.stnhli:rl~ nclihilu~~tc. boslc' facilities sucl~as l~ospltaln,schools. airports. docks, roads, etc., necessnry for tl~ewell-being and convenience of our people in these outer islands. This, In short, is Cundarnentally the injustices of the past.

But let's be practical aiid renlistic. On its own. Snipan may never be nble to support our neighboring islands for materinl conveniences. In fact, it has never been.Tl~pTrunt Territory Administratton, the administering nuthority, if nnytl~ine;,in the tllrerc 9nllrc:e for such 1nJ111;tice~of the pnnt.

'To be sure, our problcsms here are no different from LII~otl~er districts in thc Trust 'Territory. My experience 111 the other di~trlctflhag been one of grcnt eorrow. For It seems that only the n~j~>rtslnnd crnters ;Ire where evrrythlng eer~~lsto bc. 'Ihc otlLer l~illllds~f 'rr~lk.t+lr~ll.111~, I)OIIUPC. Yap. and Pf.313~ilrc! prol,~ll~lymore n~ltztrontndnnsl for~nLtc.11 I 11nn IIII I~a.rc' III tl~c.k~rlul~u~. CONVENTION JOURNAL -- 26th Day November 12, 1976

I have seen islande out there wlthol~trunnin~ water, electricity, roads. airports, hoapitale, and ports. In mcdlcare, these islands sometirnen get it once In every forty-five day^. So if lrljusti~enwe want to uny, that i~ wllcre inju~ticcsexiet. We are rn~~(.l~Iuckler nntl [ortc~~lote,in fnrt, hy far. Bt11 with $8.5 milliotl for govcr~~mer~Ll~loporl~tlonr~, (III~I H(IIIIP $4 lnl l I Ion for capltal improvements, ns provided by the Covcnnl~t,we can 811fely mny thnt our often shouted "injustices" are more than eliminntetl.

Tl~us,my fellow Delegntc:l, I wish to clo~cwit11 :I wr~rnlng: c(~nLlnt~arlc.c* of concentrating our efforts nnd time on rnn~c~rlal1nIr1:;t leer; of the pnst, could very well lead us to forget the henrt of our task, namely, protecting the interests, rights and desires of our people, and protecting ourselves from the expected and unexpected evils of government and amongst ourselves. Only history will tell what we do in this Convention to protect our cherished people and lands and heritages on a planet filled with custom#, cultures nnd bellefs of peoples and nations far different and outnumbering our kind. In finnl, 1 wlsl~to nsk that we all join hands and work for the good of all our people and islands and the generations to come, which is the task we here face.

Delegate David Maratita: I would like the Convention to recognize in the gallery. the presence of Francisco Ulodong. the newdescent of the Marianas. and tvo members of the Pacific Daily News staff who are 100% American citizens.

Chairmnn Felipe Ataliq: I have a letter that hne been prepared to our pageboy for 111s outstanding work for our CommltLec on Ycr~onnlItI~l~ts and Nntural R~Hou~c~~.This in A very ~liccinloccnsion :~nd 1 would llke to preRe11t thiu letter to the Sergennt-at-Arms to be preael~tedto the Prcsident so that it can be inserted in the record. I would like the Convention Secretary to read the letter to the Convention.

November 12, 1976

Mr. Ramon R. Scmnn Northern Marianas Constitutional Conventlon Saipan, Mariana Ialnnds 96950

Dear Mr. Semnn:

On behalf of the Committee on Personal Rights and Natural Resources. I vish to express our sincere appreciation and commendation for your sincere nnd most generous services provided the Comlttce during the past 26 days of our deliberation in our Committee's work.

We are pleased to present to you a small gift as a token of our appreciation for your kind services provided which we all cherished.

The Committee rcct~gnlzetithe 1ml)ortoncc (if your work with respect to providing a comfortable ;~tmo~pherein our daily work nnd we hope you continue to extend your excellent spirit for the remining 24 days of the Committee's work.

Thank you ynn wi Yuss mnnfii. Ha doll1 na unmnlefa nni chairman yan i mangnchong nu gi sakan 19 77.

Felipe Q. Atalig Chairman, Personal Rights and Natural Resources

Prr~i~lnnt(lt~crrero: Todny mnrka tllc 26th clny of ~es~ionof our Conatitutional Convcntion. Tlic progress ncl~lcvedhy the backbone of this august body ie par- excellent, and, therefore, worth honoring every effort contributed to thie effect. Aa President of thie Conetitutional Convention, it is my pleasure, and I am proud to mention, that the Committee on Governmental Institutions haa made it possible to undo complexities nnd difficulties relative to governmental structure which were undoubtedly necessarytoaccommodate demands and to relieve grievances of the past. CONVENTION JOURNAL -- 26th Day November 12, 1976

Third, even if a governor should bc 60 unwiae an to reject all or mont of the reasonable recommendations of a mayor, the legislature could reject the budget. Remember that Rota rind Tinian will control the senate. If the senators from those islnnds belicvc thnt the Rovrrnor's b~ldgrt1.9 unfair to their constituents, they will have tlic. power to dinnpprove ~llcrllLlrc. ~)IIIIKI!~. Wj 11 o governor attempt to denyadoquate services to thc outer islnnds if the co~tis the rejection of his entire program? I think not. Remember, also, that the senate will exercise the power to confirm or reject the governor's principal appointees.

Despite the ample protections of this Committee Recommendation, some Delegates continue to demand complete autonomy for the outer islands. The words of these Delegates are disturbing for two reasons. First, a governmental system, and we are addressing only one system, that serves only 15.000 -- or even 150,000 people -- is not workable if it is splintered into three autonomous parts, each duplicating the functions of the others. The governor would be little more than a figurehead if three so-cnlled "lieutenant are given responsibility for administering the govenment and hiring and firine its employees on their islands. We are told that the governor and his department heads will "set pQBicy." But what does that mean if the people who will implement the policy are not selected nnd cnnnot be s~~pcrvisedor removed by the policy-makers? Pollcy will soon degcnernte. If the Kovcrnor nnd n lieutenant governor are of different political parties. conflict between the two is inevitable. Soon the lieutenant governor will seek out ways to repudiate the policies of the chief executive.

Furthermore. Mr. President, the experience of the United States suggests that the needs of Rota and Tinian can be met without this lieutenant governor proposal. The state of Hawaii is also a community of islands -- separated by many more miles of ocean that is true in the Northern Marianas. The individual islands of Hawaii do not begin to have the kind of powers and local autonomy that our colleagues want for Rota and Tinian, even though the islands in Hawaii are much richer in terms of people and money. In fact, the State of Hawaii provides most of the significant public services -- education and %elfare, for example.

Mr. Prcsldent, what flonlc of my collenguc~arc dcmnnding is a system in which the lieutenant governors will be more powerful than thc governor. This is a system appropriate for a federation of loosely joined sovereign states, not for a Commonwealth where the interests of all of the people are paramount. If the governor has the authority to supervise governmental servicee, the Commonwealth will receive the benefits oE a comprehensive civil service system. Employees will be hired and promoted according to objective standards bnocd upon merit. It is clear that qualified public servants will be more effective than the~~b6liticcllcronies of a lieutenant governor.

The proposal for local autonomy would be more than inefficient. It wollld be coatly. A different set of ~upervluornwould hc required for each island. These administrators will strain the limited resources of the Commonwealth. This can only result in the reduction of the services actually available to the people of the Northern Marianas. Mr. President, is our concern elaborate orgnnizntiunol charts whose only bcneficinriesarethose who fill positions listed on those chnrts7 Or is our goal to ensure services sufficient to their needs?

The words of Delegates supporting local autonomy are disturbing for a second reason. Some of my colleagues have suggested that if their views do not prcvdil they will block ratification of any Constitution. Some even threaten to walk away from our responsibilities before our fifty days have ended. Mr. President, now is not the time for threats. My fellow Delegates. let us try to reach consensus. Letusnot be alarmed or dismayed if we cannot agree today or tomorrow or even two weeks from now. Let us use all of the time remining to us to resolve this troubling issue if that is necessary. But let us also not lose sight of why we were sent here by our people -- to draft a Constitution for them. So while we continue to discuss the issue of local government, let us continue also to reach agreement on other questions. In twenty-four days, let us have a Constitution. I thank you.

Delegnte Juan DLG. Dcmnpnn: Mr. President. nnd fellow Delegates. Wc are all CONVENTION JOURNAL -- 26th Day November 12. 1976

nware that thls Co~~stitutlonthat we are in the process of drafting is a matter I of utmost seriousness. Not only will our am people be passing judpent on our work, but it muet nlso stand up under the scrutiny of the United States Congress nntl tl~ePreeidrnt or the llnltcd Stntcs. Unles~we reliflh the idea of heing brn~ldcdas incompetents. It Is Lmportnnt that we apply ourselves to doing tl~ougl~tfulfirst-class work.

We have been provided with cxcellcnt briefing papers, which if read and studied, should mnkc our work relatively easy.

It is true that there are unique local problems that have not been antici- pated in the briefing papers, but as to them, the question is: Are they really matters that can only be resolved hy Constitutional provisions? It seems to me that many of the proposals submitted reflect local concerns based upon pamt

It may well be true that under a series of incompetent Trust Territory , Administrations, themunicipallties of Kota and Tinian were treated as step- children, but does not the fault lie partly with our equally incompetent District Adminlfltrntors who were more concerned with pleasing Headquarters than tending to tllc needs ol our friends In the munlclpalities. Nar that we look forvard to a District Administrator (governor) who will answer rather than to a High Commissioner, is it not reasonable to expect more responsive consideration? Surely the allegiance of a governor who need not look to a High Commissioner for Job ~ecuritywlll lln wit11 the people; nll of the people. Therefore, should not the Delegates from Tinian and Rota make an effort to forget past injustices and refrain from trying to guard against past neglects that will not be repeated by introducing proposals which do not belong in a constitution. These disputes only consume precious time and lead to nothing constructive.

With the advent of n new lorn of government, in which the three branches draw their respective authority from a written law, and which at the same time, placesclearcut limitations on the exercise of that authority; it is my firm belief that no one need fear a repetition of the excesses or neglects of the pnst. We should look to our Constitution ns a unifying force rather than a divisive one.

Should we persiet in tht. attempt to guard again~tpast wrongs -- real or imngined -- by lneerting nll sorts of ill-ndvised and distorting provisions in our Constitution, it is clear tl~ntwe wlll wlr~dup with a document, yes, but will It be n Constitution? I think not. It wlll Ijc a joke, the laughing stock of all thinking men everywhere; and whnt is of prime importance, it will not pass muster neither wit11 our people nor the U. S. Congress.

Let us havc faith thnt nll nnfleml>lcd I~crcnre men of good will. that we all seek the common good. 1,ct aectionnlinm be set aside and let us get on with the work appolnrcd in n splrit of unity.

For myself, I pledge that my concern embodies the welfare of the people of Rota and Tinian, toas great a degree as those of Saipan. We are a unit, let us behave as one. Thank you. R. Cruz: Mr. I'retlidc~~t,I don't l~aven prepared flpeech, but I would like to make a comment. 1 would llke to assure this Convention that the Dele- gation from Tininn, and perl~nptlI cnn spenk for the Delegation from Rota. llnu IIO 111tcntlo11 of trying to brln~wllnt took place in the past. We are wL11- iug to forgct whr~t I~oppcned In the post, but cartnlnly we refuse to continue the practices of the past. So as I stated, we the minority from Tinian joined in forces with the other minority from Rota, came up with a proposal because we firmly believe that that's the only way we can have a workable government. We are not belnp, sclfisl~. We nrc only bringing to the nttention of this Convention that we want to be treated equal. We believein the American proverb. "what is good lor the goose is good for gander." We arc minorities. nnd unfortunately as a result of this mlnority, we have had problems in the past, but we don't intend to keep dragging that up in this Convention. But in order for the Delegation from Tinian to be assured that it is understood fully by the Convention, the il~lr~sticesand tl~nLneclult 1 ty ve have .sufTer~:d in thc pnst, we have to explain thlu to the Convention so that the members will understand our problems. CONVENTION ;OURNAL -- 26th Day November 12, 1976

We arc not nskiug nr1ytl1111g11nl)oseiblc. Wc WIIII~ Home more voice in our futc~re government. The only reason the people from Tinian supported the Covenant and the new political status is because we want to change the suffering we have had in the print 25 years. If we knew that uuct~safeguard would be turned down by tl~lsConvc~~tion to protect the intcrc.~ct c1f the mlnortty. we would have voted down the paseoge of tile Cove~~ilnt.Wc woultl :~nvcrefused nacrlficing the very emall ieland of Tinian to be turned over for future national defense. I would respectfully like to remind this Convention that the people of Tinian sacrificed more than two-thirds of its very small island for the future of the Marianas. We nre only nskin~thnt we have more volcc, more authority, in this new government. If we don't get this, then we refuse to hnvc a new constitution. What ie the uae for us to join thie new political entity if the arrangement will be just like the old days7 I have heard so many speeches accusing the outer islands of being selfish. What is the danger, Mr. President, if giving Tinian and Rota a man who is elected locally to administer their local affairs7 Why do we have to resort to people from Saipon, like the old days7 The governor will sit here all the time, he doesn't spend 24 hours on Rota and Tinian. We want a workable government. We want to be a port of that government. Thank you.

Delcgnte nenjnmin Mnnglonn: I certainly apprecinte the remarks made by several of the Delegotea and certn1nl.y ahnre some of their consensus. However, Mr. President and fellow Delegates, the Rota and Tinian Delegations have been continuouely blamed for the action and the work of this Convention. One thing I wont to make very clear, we have been making ourselves available in all the Committee work nnd we hnvr I~ecnat this Convention. I assure the Convention that we hove no intention of trying to walk out unless we come to the point where we think that there is no where to go to protect the interest of the people of Rota and Tinian. I still think there is hope and room for understanding. We will continue to be in this Convention until that time. I want to assure you thot it is the feeling of our Delegation that we still have plenty of room to resolve our differences.

One thing I want to ask you, is to give us the protection that we are asking. It is not the protection for the people of that island. It is the protection for all of the people. We have some people from Saipan vho have come to Rota and decided to live there. It is protection for these people, too.

One thing I want to make clear; we are doing our work and hope we can reach an agreement on the proposal we have submitted. Thank you.

Delegate Ramon Villagomez: I'think we havc reached the polnt where we cannot come to a further compromise. a further understanding, a further giving away of power. This is it. This ie the time to walk out. Let me explain why. There are three municipalities in theNdrtharnMarianas; 12.000 of the people on the island of Saipan, 1,200 or so on Rota and about 750 in Tinian. We found out we couldn't have a Covenant if we didn't have a compromise. so we thought we were giving compromiees. But instead of compromise, the people of Saipan have given to these minorities more than they are entitled to. Think about this carefully. What we have given up to this point to the minoritiee. is more than they are entitled.. There ie nothing that the people of Saipan can enact in the way of legislation without the permission of the people of Rota and Tininn. Nothiag. Nothing con go tllrough thnt legislature without the people of Rota and Tinian saying "yes." There is nothing that the people of Rota can ask Saipan, that the people of Saipan can refuse. Because if Saipan says we refrl~eto cut down your tree^, the people of Rota and Tinian in the senate will aay, we refuse to cut down your treca and nothing hoppens. Therefore. to ask for more whcn we hove nlrendy Riven more thnn they are entitled to, the power is not here in Snipan now. The power is in the minority. The minority ia aaking for more. What more power can we give7 We cannot negotiate anymore and we cannot compromise anymore, because we have given more than we can give. We have given more than we can afford. Ifyouare looking for the time in which we cnnnot go any further, that time has come. We cannot any longer negotiate or compromise.

If you think the only way you can solve thie problem is to walk away from it, let me warn you that Snipan will not suffer. If you are not going to have a Commonwealth as we have been seeking to have, all the dreams that we have been dreaming, all the goals we have been expecting, are never going to come. We are not going to give anymore, we havc ~ivenmore than enough. Thank you. CONVENTION JOURNAL -- 26th Dny November 12, 1976

Delegate E~tevenKin&: This iu not n speech, Just a very short comment 1 would like to make to the Delegates. Let's look back on the Constitution of the United States and whnt happened when they gave very stong power to the government. They cndcd 11p wl tl~n clvil wnr. nlootly. Un tlo not wnnt thin flnrne thin^ to happen here 111 Il~i. Mtlrlll~i~l~(:OIII~K)IIWI~III I 11. lCv(.ll ~IICI~IHIIwe nre n minority, we are asking for cq11t11 treatment. Thc ialnnds of Tinlnn and Rota nre not ~cpnrntedfrom Saipan by barbed wirc, we are separated by ocean. We are not asking for decentralization of power. we nre asking tllnt therc is some power in Tinian and Rota. I would like to ask the cooperation of thls Convention in listening to the issues ve have presented. We are trying to be trented equnlly with all people of the Comonvealth. So I ask for the cooperation of tlie Delegates; notice that on certain issues, not only are Rota and Tinian Delegates voting against it, some Saipanese are also voting against it. I'll bet that the Delegates that stand up and say I'll fight for you; why, because they are feeling the pains. I want this Convention to recognize that it is just not the Tinian and Rota Delegates voting against the issue, but some Snipaneae, too. Let's be realistic in this Convention on each issue. Certain Delegates from Saipan would like to vote with Rota and Tinian, but they cannot speak becauae they are residing on this island. Thank you.

Chnirmnn Jose P. Mnfnnu: up or^ complrtion oi the session. I would like to report back to our constituente that we have formulated o Constitution. When you appointed a special committee to iron out these problems; I wish to advise every Delegate in this Convention to please refrain from jeopardizing the negotiations that are going on in this special committee. As the Chairman of the Committee on Governmental Institutions, who has yet to report to this Convention its report on the "Executive Branch,'' I find that it vill be very difficult. at tliis time, to reach n consensus becauae of the speeches that have been mede directed agninst the wishefl of the people of Rota and Tinian. I feel thnt there is still time to reach a consensus and 1. strongly advise every ~el'gate to please refrnin from making any remarks that might jeopardize the negotiations. Tlinnk you.

Delegate Juan DLG. Demapan: I am full admiration of love and destiny and I do sympathize with the feeling, sentiments nnd concerns of the people of Tinion and Rotn. nut, Mr. President, T think they are vrong, as Delegate Rnnloll Villn~omczmid. I thlnk there is enougll protection for the municipalities of Rota and Tininn. Since tlie senate is three/ three/ three, let me assure you tlint no legislntion will be approved without the consent of the two municipalities. Thnnk you.

Delegate Henry Hoischneidrr: Let's assume. Mr. President, that the Constitution hns been rntliied. I would be very pleased, as for my fellow Delegates, if we follow what formula is being recommended now. 1 would like to extend invitatioris to residents from Snipnn to stay on Tililnn and shn~ewith us our expcr lence .

(14) ANNOUNCEtlENTS - '1 Chairman Felipe Atalig: Your Committee on Personal Rights and Natural Resources ( ,.( , . will meet toilight nt 7:OO p.m. in Room 225. I urge all members to be present.

Chnirmnn Jose P. Fhifnn~: 'l'lirrc wlll IJ~! a rncc~tingof your Committee on Governmental Irl~tttutioiirrin~mcdlntcly after tliis ~en~ion.I would like the President to ,'"' ndvlse tllc! mcmhcr~of tlie S~wrlnlCommtttce to pleoue be present in this meetina.. I SO 1x1 we cnn llenr wllnt transplrcd tlieir mecting this nfternoon.

President Ctlrrrcro: Mny I rc*apectfully request tllnt members of that Special Committeenttcnd the meeting of the Committee on Governmental Institutions, as Cliairmnn Mnfnas has requested, which will be held immediately following mtliis seesion. Cl~ntrmnn Ucnig~ioFLtinl: I would like to nliriouncc thnt the Committee on Finance, Local Government and Other Plattcrs will meet jointly with the Committee on Governmental Institutions so we can hear what transpired in the Special Committee's meeting.

Dclccntc .Jo:ic- 11. 151%:I (lo not opposr th~Iotl~t mccting of the two Comittees, CONVENTION JOUXNAL -- 26th Day November 12. 1976

Ilowevcr, wc still need Lo drclTL the co~l~LlLutlonrllla~~gun~c and we hnvon't dono that yet. Before the Tinian Delegation accepts the solution we have to have draft language. We want to make sure our concerns are protected. I don't know if we will ncooml>linh thnt t IIIH nftnrnonn. - President Cuerrero: I suggest thnt tllc Comn~lL tce 1111 Covernment;ll Institutions should proceed with its meeting, and I also urge the Special Comittee to come up with the committee' s recommendation and draft concerning the "Executive Branch ." If you still have areas in which no solution has been formulated, I suggest that the Chairman please try to expedite that problem within your conunittee and come up with a conunittee report. Whether you have a minority or mnjority report, please expedite.

Chairman Jose P. Mafnas: Mr. President, am I to understand that you are with- drawing your directive to the Special Comittee to attend the meeting this after- noon?

President Guerrero: As suggested by Delegate Cruz, it may not be wise to meet at this time since they have not reached the drafted language of their proposed ~mendmcnt.

Chairman Jose P. Mafnas: After hearing the explanation of Delegate Cruz, I was under the impression that the Special Committee had reached a tentative agreement on the problem, but if this is not the case. I withdraw my invitation.

Chairman Benigno Fitinl: If thnt is the case, the Committee on Finance, Local Government and Othcr Matter3 will meet nlone immediately after this session.

Floor Leader ksa: I move that the Convention recess until 10:OO a.m. tomorrow.

Tllc mot 1011 wns sctcondctl n~ldcnrr l~btl.

The Convention recessed at 4:30 p.m.

Respectfully ~ubmitted,

Pedro H. Atalig Convention Secretary (:ONST' LTUTIONAI. CONVIs:N'r ION of tI1t. NIII~~I'IlI~I~NMA14 IANA lSl.At4l)!;

Tventy-Sevcnth Day Sntr~rtlny,Novrml~cr 13, 1976

(1) The Constitutional Convention of the Northern Mariana Islands was called to order at 10:19 a.m.

The Honorable Lorenzo I. Guerrero, President, presided.

(2) A moment of silent prayer was observed.

(3) The Convcntion Secretary called the roll. There were 29 Delegates present. Delegates David Atalig, Gregorio Calvo, Jose Cruz. Pedro Dela Cruz, Hilario Diaz. Benjamin Manglona, Prudencio Hanglona. Vicente Manglona. Pedro Ogo and Francisco T. Palacios were excused. No Delegates were absent. A quorum was present.

PrcsIdent Cucrrcrol Mr. Srcrctory, for your informtion. tltc Delcgntea from Rotn and Tininn who are not present nre excused oe they nre attending a meeting in the Rota Deleg~tionroom. ' a Conv~*ntionSecretmy: Alao. Dele~atrFrnnc l~coT. Pnlacion end Delegate Pcdro Deln Cruz aeked to bc excufled for very urgent business.

Floor Leader Rasa: I move that those members not present be granted leave of absence.

The motion was srcondctl nnd cnrrled.


Floor Leader Rasa: I move that the Summary Journal of the 26th Day and the Vcrbntim Journal Transcripts of the 12, 16, 17 and 18 Dnya be adopted by the Con vcn t ion.

The motion was seconded and carried.


Convention Secretar~:A communication from the Chairman of the Committee on Finance, Local Goverl~mentand Other Hatters states:

Subj rct : hppo lntmct~tof I)clrp,:~~crcfrom hlc.~ntLons to Conduct Public Hearinge

111 coo~pllancewltll your verbal lnstructlons for public hearings, the following Delegates from the Committee on Finance, Local Government and Other Mnttcrfl hnve becn nppointcd from their respective Delegations to conduct puhllc I~cnrirr~:~on Snlpnn, Tinian and Rota.

Saipnn: Delegnte Jesus Villagomez and Delegate Oscar Raea

Tinian: Delegate Juan Tenorio and Delegate Benigno Fitial

Rota: Delegate Luis Benavente and Delegate Esteven King

President Guerrero: Have the Chairman of the other tw Committees submitted the names of the Delegateswhowill attend the public hearings on Saipan. Tininn and Rota?

Chairnun .Jose P. Maf~las:T have the names. Mr. President, and I will submit these names to you right after this session.

(6) COMMITTEE REPORTS CONVENTION JOURNAL -- 27th Day November 15, 1976 13

Chairman Jose P. Mafnas: On behalf of tlie Committee on Governmental Institutione, I have the honor to introduce Committee Recommendation No. 4. The Committee's Recommendation concerns tlie "Executive Brnnch of Government."

In brier, Lhc Cc~lmnitlr' rccommend~ il~r~tthe c~xccutivebranch be headed by a governor nnd o vlcc Rovcrnllr. These officinls would fierve four-year terms and would run on the same tlcket. The nrticle offered by the Committee also provides for a board of cduc:~~Lon. nn attorney general, a pul,lic auditor, and n civil scrvFce comminr;lon. 'Ilie lcglslnture would hnve the power to estn- blislr ndditlo~lnldcpnrtmc~~t!: :111tl np,c~rclc.r. TII~jiovrrrror wol~ldhnve the authority to reorganize the executive branch subject to e legislative veto if the reorgan- ization would depart from existing law.

Among the governor's pre~cribedduties are the responsibilities to address the legislature at least once a year and to see that the laws are faithfully executed. The Committee's recommended article would also require the governor to consult with the chief executive officers of Saipan and the islands north of it, Rota, and Tinian, in preparing his proposed annual budget. The governor would also be required to detail to the legislature his response to the budgetary requests mnde by tl~echief executive officers of the islnnds.

The Committee has decided not to submit any proposal with respect to the issues of local government and the powers and title of the chief executive officers of the islands. The Cormnittee believes that further discussion of thene iesues by the Convention or the Committee of the Whole should be deferred until the President's Special Committee advances its recommended compromise. Accordingly, Mr. President, the Committee respectfully requests that the Convention and the Committee of the Whole neither debate nor vote on these issues during the discussion of Conrmittee Recommendation No. 4. Tlie Committee's rcnsons for deciding not to propose constitutional language denling with the lieutenant governor/mnyor is~lueare fully diecuesed in an attachment to the Report that we submit today.

Mr. President, I ask that the Convention accept Committee Recommendation No. 4 and that it be calendared for early consideration by the Cornittee of the Whole. Thnnk you.

President Guerrern: The officers of the Convention, composed of the three Vice Presidents,thethree substantive Chairmen, the Floor Leader, and the Convention Secretary, will meet right after this se~sionto decide if this matter will be calendared for tomorrow's meeting.


Chnirman Jose P. Mafnas: At this time, I would like to introduce Committee Heconrmendnt ion No. 4, rep,nrtll ng "Thc Execut lve Drnnch of ~overnment," from the Comittee on Governmental institution^. to the Convention.




(11) SPECIAL ORDERS OF 'll11.: DAY - None


President Guerrero: As shown on the Order of Business for today. we have Committee Recommendation No. 9 from the Committee on Finance, Local Government and Other Mntters, regarding "Prenmblc." and Committee Recommendation No.9 from the Committee on Personal Rlghts and Natural Resources, regnrding "Miscellaneous Provisions,'' to discuss during the Comittee of the Whole.

Floor Leader Rase.: I move that the Convention reeolve itself into the Comittee of the Whole.

The motion wns seconded and cnrrlrtl. CONVENTION JOURNAL -- 27th Day November 15, 1976 i3 l'i.c.:iLclcnc (:uc-rrcru: Huy 1 t::111 on Chairman t'ellpe Atalig to Chair today's Committee of the Wliole discussion.

The Convent Lon rcr:r?lvcsd Into tlir (:ammlt tpe of the Whole at 10:30 a.m.

111c Convcntlon rccessc(l wtlile 111 the Conunittee of the Whole. Recess was called at 11:23 a.m., ta Last until 9:00 a.m. the following morning.

Petlro M. Atalig Convention Secretary CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION of the NOI('I'III:IlN MAll IANA 1:;lANIIS


Twenty-Eighth Day Sunday, Noveml,cr 14, 1976

The Constitutional Convention of the Northern Mariana lslands reconvened in Committee of the Whole at 9:14 a.m.

The Honorable Felipe Q. Atalig, Delegate, presided.

The Convention reconvened in Plenary Session at 10:22 a.m. The Honorable Lorenzo I. Guerrrr~~.Prp~ident . pres lded over the Convention.

Cl~airmnnIrel.Lpa Atallg: Tl~c(:ommittc.e CJ~thc. Wllolc drl 11,eratcd nnd adopted the following Committee Reco~nendntiorls: Committee Recommendation No. 9 from the Committee on Finance, Local Government and Other Matters, regarding "Preamble," and Committee Recomendatlon No. 9 from the Committee on Personal Rlghts and Nnturnl Resourcru, regrirdln~"Hlscellaneou~ Provisions." Each of these Recommendntiolln were adopted unnnimously.

The Committee of the Whole al~oadopted, as amended. Committee Recommendation No. 4 from the Committee on Governmental In~titutions,regarding "The executive Branch of Government ."

The amendments are as follows:

Wherever the words "vice governor" now appear in the text, will be changed to read "lieutenant governor.'' and wherever the words "lieutenant governor" now appear in the text, will be changed to read "mayor."

Codttee Recommendation No. 4: The Executive Branch of Government

Section 18: Public Services.

a) The governor nmy delegate to tllc mayor renponsibility for the execution of Commonwealt11 laws and the administrntion of public services in the island or islands in which the mayor has been elected. b) Public services on Rota and Tinian shall be supervised by a resident assistant director in the departments providing such services nppointcd by the head of the department with the advice and consent of the representatives and senators in the legislature from the ieland where the assistant director ahall perform his duties. c) Public services authorized by law shall be provided on a fair and equitable basis to 1-111the citizens of the Cornonwealth. The legislature may require thnt such services be provided through decen- tralized administrative arrangements. The governor shall make any necessary recommendations to the legislature in order to accomplish these objectives.

Chnlrman Fcllpc Atal Lg: 1 movc tl~ntthe Corlvcntlon accept the report of the Comnittee of the Whole nnd ndopt Committee Recommendation No. 9 from the Committee on Personnl Rights and Natural Resources, Committee Reco~ndation No. 9 from the Committee on Finance. Local Government and Other Matters, and Committee Recommendntion No. 4, as amended, from the Comittee on Governmental Institutions.

The motion was seconded and carried.

(13) MISCELLANEOUS CONVI'NTION JOURNAL -- 28th Day Novcrnber 14, 1976

Uclc~~~te.lo.rtb It. Crt17.: Mr. ~'~UH~~CIIL,1 WAIIL to express my ~entimenton behalf of my Delegation. During the past several weeks, there were times when we were highly emotional and times when statements were made that were uncalled for. But I want to assure thls Convrntion that we nll did this in good faith. We don't wnnt to drclu IIILO totlny, ycqtc-rdny'u 111Juutic~~.nut in order for ua to juutlfy our J)IIR Ltto11 , LIU ~JIIIL tl~1 H COIIV~I~t ion Cnn IIIII~CKRtand IIOWmuc11 my people have suffered, we have no other ~lternativcbut to go on record, Mr. President.

Totlay I wnrlt Lo tllnnk tl~emcmbcr~ of tl~lsConvention, in particular the Cllt11rmcn. for tl~elrunncll L.rl~nrr~rin111l thou~l~tfulncunfor mkinn the people of Hotn and l'lnlnn tllelr concrrn. 011 bc.llalf of my people I wnnt to thank thl~ Convention. Now the Comnlo~~wenltll18 only the next day ahrutl of url. Thnnk ~011.

Delegate Hllnrio ninz: 011 brhnlf of the 1)clegation from Tlninn I wnnt to nssure this Convention that we will cooperate to the mnxlmum extent to assure the cclnclusion of this Convention, nnd we vlll work with full cooperation toward a workable Constitution. Thank you.

Delegnte Joflquin Torres: I wt~uldlike the record to show that Chairman Felipe Q. Atnlig chaired the Comittec of thc Whole during its most turbu- lent nnd criLicnl period. tlr~d hc led discuualon wlth distinction. He sl~ouldbe highly commended.

Delegate Benjamin Manglonn: On behalf of my Delegation. I wish to convey our wl~ole-hearted tllnnks to ench nelegnte for reacl~ingn workable compromiae. I certainly appreciate this opportunity to express this thanks to you.

Delegate Viccnte Manglona: On behalf of my Tinian Delegation I would like to tlinnk encl~and every Delcg~~tefrlr tt~cirthou~htfuLnea~ nnd understanding coi~cerntn~ our compromise . 'I'hnnk you.

Ilclegnte Estcvcn King: I would like to express my gratitude to all the Delegates who voted for our compromise, butthereis still Second and Final Reading. We are happy that we were able to come up with a compromise. We are glad to have cooperat ion among the Delegates. Thank you.

Dclcgntc Dnvid Hnrntlta: I Just wnnt to nsflure the memberu of the Delegations from Rota and Tinian that, as a Rotanese by birth and aa a Delegate by election from Saipan, there was no way in my heart that I could resign myself from the fact that I was a Rotanese. We are discusair~giasues of concern that will nffcct the Commonwc;~lth of tl~eNortllern Mnrinnn~. Regardleas of the fact, Mr. President, tllnt I am now living in Saipan, I still want to call myself a citizen of the Northern Marian~sFirst, and a Rotanese, second. The fact ia, we are all here working for the good of the Commonwealth. Thank you.

Delegate Pedro Ogo: 017 bchnli of the people of Rota, we are now feeling the sense of unity in tl~iqConvention wit11 the adoption of thin proposnl on the "Executive Branch oi Government," No. 4, as amended. Thank you.

Delegate Pedro Igitol: Let me borrow a quotation from Davy Jones, "Dam the torpedoes and full speed ahead." Let's get tllis thing over with.

Dclc~:ltc. Bcnlpo Fitial: Slnce wc 11avc reached a compromise, I would like to ask that all the Delrgntcs Join hands and sinp, our National Anthem of the Northern W~rinnn.?. -P~(*:I~IIcII~ (;~~~rrcro: IIcI ore wc slnfi, tl~crcarc f till Rome Delegates who wish to make statements. We will slng our National Anthem before ve recess.

Chnlrmn Jose P. EL-1na.s: T woulrl I ikr the Collvcntion to reco~nizethe presence of tl~cllonorilble Mlnor Pounds. 1)Lstrict Attorney from Ponape.

1:loor Leader Itilun: 'Illis 1s rlot tllc tlr~ttime that I hnve tangled with this problem. I am very much impressed by the persistence of the Delegations from Rota and Tinian. I think we all still remember the time I opposed, and I still oppose, in negotiations that they managed to see that there is n hi-cnmcrnl congress, vhicl~I foup.l~t. nnd ntil1 think is not economical. Noid tllcy mnrl:lp,r, o~lcc;1ga111. to get wha~tllcy want on the executive level. CONVENTION JOURNAL -- 28th Day November 14, 1976

I am not saying that it is wrong, I am only saying that what I did should not be construed as what I think is right. I should be construed it is done because the desire of the people 1s paramount. Thank you. Nu~url'l'onvrlo: 1 1 IIHI wltnt ~I1t. (:OIIV(-III 1011 LO r-vco~nlze the outsL1111d1n~ work of the Committee on Governmental Tr~stitutlonswllo provided the constitutional language and the Special Committee for providing thc compromise. Thank you.

Delcgate Pcdro Dcln Crt~z: One wny to rc~olvcnn ivsue is to argue intensively. This is one way that we cnn let things out. Bccnur;c wc sllould not leave here saying, this is what we should have done and should have argued in there. I would like theDelegates to recognize and respect the opinions of cthers, because we all have different thoughts and feelings. Thank you.

Prcsident Cuerrero: The Chair would also like to commend the good work of the Special Committee in providing this Convention with a good compromise. I am sure that with all the good words from the Delegates, we will achieve the goal of this Convention.

Dclcgntc Juan DLC. Dcmnpnn: It is not only the klcgntcs from Rota and Tinian who h~vesuffered; the people of Saipan have also suffered. There are a lot of people in Salpan who still don't have running water. We also have suffered regarding hospital services. You sometimes have to spend all day at the hospital for treatment. We are not totally accommodated with such services. I would like to apologize to the Delegates of Tinian and Rota for being constroversial. Thank you.

Delegate Maratita: In regards to singing, I move that we go to Codttee of the Whole.

Prcnldcnt Cuerrero: Tllc Cl~nlrwill rccognlze the requent made earlier by Chairman Fitial that we sing the National Anthem of the Northern Marianas.

Chairman Benipo Fitial: I would like to a~kall the Delegates to please join mc in slngi~lgtlle Nutlonnl Anthcm. (Tllc wordu arr ae follow:)


Gi talo gi halum tasi 'Nai gaigi i tano hu Malagoho Mil beses yan mas Hu saluda hao Catbo na Islas Marianas Hu tuna hao

Ya un dia bai hu hanao Bai hu fattu ha talo Tisina hao hu dingngo 0 tano ho Flil bescs ynn m?~ Hu snluda llno Gntbo nn I~lssM.?rin~~on Hu tano hoo ,

Delcgnte Jose R. Cru~:WC havi- j~lstRUIIR our Nntional hnthcm of the great Northern Mnrianas. At thin tlme, I would like to dedicate a song to our future nation, the United States of America. I will sing "God Ble~sAmerica." If anybody wants to join me, please do so. (The song was sung in unison.)

President Guerrero: This is n very special day and this shows the spirit and llarmony present. 1 Ilol>c this wtll continue and the Convention will ~roceedwith its tasks and that we will finish by our 50th Day.


Cl~airmnBenign0 Fltinl: Thc Committee on Finnncc. I.oca1 Government and Other Matters will meet immediately following this session right here. CONVENTION JOURNAL -- 28th Day November 14, 1976

Clinlrnu~~~Jouc. 1'. Nnlllnu: S111cc we llnve solved our most troublesome problem, the Comittee on Governmental Institutions will take a vacation today.

P~Hl~lr~it.- (;~yrr$~c~: I WOIIIII I I kt' 111 ~IIIIOIIII~.~.,tllv of IITP~II II~ the Co~~ventlo11 wc1111d 111<<. I 11 HC.II~SLIII11. 111,. 11111) I 11. 111.i1rIIIH:I 111 I(IJ[~I r1n11 '1.1 II lr~r~1111 WI*IIII(>HIIIIY, :IIIII 1 r' poss ll~lcwe wc~uld Llkr to CI)II~IICt tlle pub1 lc Ileorlnl:!; 11) S;I l11n11 on Wcdnc~ilr~y and 'Thursday. I urge the Conunittee Chairmen and eacl~Commlttcc Flcmber to be prepared for these importal~tpublic heoring~.

The Cornn~ittre(In Orjinr~lzntlo11 nntl Proc:rdurrs wlll mvct immcdintely following this session in the office of the President. Tllis meeting includes the officers of the Convention.

Delegate Jose R. Cruz: Could the Committee Chairmen please announce which members of their respective Committees will be going to Rota nnd Tinian and nttending the public hearings in Saipan?

Committee on Personal Rights and Natural Resources

Rota: Delegntes Manuel Tenorio and Felipe Atalig Tinian: Delegates Jose Borja and Juan S. Demapan (Legal Consultant to Rota: Deanne Seimer)

Committee on Governmcntnl Institutions:

Rota: Delegotrs Joaqi~inTorres and Ilrrmnn Gllrrrcro Tininn: Delegates Olymplo T. Borjo and Jose R. Cruz (Other Comittee Members will attend Salpan hearings)

Committee on Finnnce, I.ornl Government nnd Other Hatters

Rotn: Delcgiltetr Eetevcl~King ond LuLs ncnovente Tininn: Delegates Juon Tcnorio and Benigno Fitial Saipan: Delegates Oscor Rasa ond Jesus Villagomez (Otller Commlt tee Menll>crs wil.1 ntter~dSnipnn hear Inas)

Chairman Felipe Atalig: I announced earlier that Delegate Ramon Villngomez would be going to Tinian, but at his request to remain in Saipan. Delegate Jose Borja will be going to Tinian in his place.

I)rlrp,:itc' Pcdro Ucln (:*: 161 It nlrlgl~tIT ;I Dclt.~;~tofrom Rota or Tinian wishes to follow the team? Can wr go alone if we poy our own way?

President Guerrero: Yes, any Delegates who wishes to go along, may. But I do suggest that at least one Delegate from Rota and Tinian be present at the Saipan hearings.

Floor Lender Rasa: 1 move that the Convention recess until 2:00 p.m. tomorrow.

The motion was seconded and carried.

The Convcnt lon rcct-s::rd at 10: 52 a.m.



Twrnty-Nintl~ Dny Monday, November 15, 1976

(1) The Constitutional Convention of the Northern Mariana Islands was called to order at 2:06 p.m.

The Honorable Lorenzo I. Guerrero, President, presided.

(2) A moment of silent prayer was observed.

(3) The Convention Secretary called the roll. There were 37 Delegates present. Delegate Manuel P. Tenorio and Juan DLG. Demapan were excused. No Delegates were absent. A quorum was present.

Floor Leader bsa: I move that those Delegates not in attendance be excused.

The motion was seconded and carried.


Floor Leader HIIUR: I IMVC for ndn11ttc111 of tllc S~~mryJournals of the 27th and 28th Days.

The motion was seconded and carried.








President Guerrero: I would like tn ask the Conventlon Secretary to place all pending Resolutions under Sprcial Ordersofthe Day for the next day's session.



Ih~lcgntclRentgnnI(. ]:LC 1~11-: Mr. I'rct~lcl~~~t.nll nf Ll~c. Dclcr.ntefl to this Conven- tion can take pride in our drcisiorls of the laer few dayn. I would like to point out a major concern that I have. The geographical minority of our people. through their Delegatee, has expressed their concerns thoughtfully and per- suasively. The Convention responded by approving the Recolmnendation of the President's Special Committee. Snipan Joined with the outer ielands in guaranteeing Rota and Tinian, and hopefully, the Northern Ialande, eubstan- tial protections under the new Comnwealth government. To make that guarantee. the Saipan Delegation made significant concessions to our colleagues from other islands. I was pleased to support the Special Coonnittee's compromise, because as a member of a minority myself, I understand the concerns of those who fear the excesses of a majority. CONVENTION JOURNAL -- 29th Day November 15, 1976

It is for my minority -- the 4.000 Carolinians in the Northern Mariana Islands -- that I speak today. For too long, we have been victimized by discrimination -- in jobs, and especially in education. dnd in access to IIO!II t tons of ~crvrriln~cntnl~lnwrr. Jtlnt na tl~rrecnn he no place for regional 111'1b.lucl1cen III tl~ctirw Cus~n~otiwc~r~l I 11. tile brtitnl lty oi ctlinlc dlscrimlnatio~l must cease. Dy degrading our Carolinian community, the m~J0rityhas also deprived the Northern Marianas of the talents of 4,000 of Its most productive and creative people. The new Commonwealth will be unable to afford this unthinking waste.

I, tlicreforc, call tlpon n1y fcllow Delrgntes to extend tlie protection of the Constitution to their Carolinian brothers and sisters. In the near future, I will offer several amendments to the constitutional provisions that we have tentatively adopted in principle. These amendments will be designed to assure Cnrolinians of dignity, equal opportunity, and cultural integrity as we take our place in the new Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. I urge today, as I shall urge in the remaining days of the Convention, we pclrge our- selves of tlie ethnic discrimination that has tainted our political, social, and cconomic nffnirs. Thank you.

(Delegate Juan DLG. Demapan entered the Convention Hall.)

Delegate Pedro Ogo: I would like to comment on the Sections on Personal Rights in the preliminary draft of the Constitution. It seems to be vorded in a rather negntive manner. Could we chnnge thi~so that the wording would be more positive? There seems to be a lot of "nos" in the Bill of Rights.

Consultant Dcanne Seirner: I understand thnt concern. Delegate Ogo. The rcason most of thofie are phased as "no." is because there are limitationu as to wlint the govcrnmcnt con do wlth rcspcct to Individual personal liberties. So, they nre saying "no" to the government; the government cannot do that. Other than what is provided in the Bill of Rights, the government can do anything. That is vhy It does not have to he phrased positively. There may be some room in the drafting when we go back over and make chnngee simply for style without changing tllc mcnnin~. We my be ahle to accomaodntr that.

PrcRid~ntCucrrero: I have some miscellaneous business to announce and I will read as follows:

The consultants have prepared a preliminary draft of the Schedule on Trrtnsitionul Matters. which is needed to ensure the orderly transition from thc Trust Territory Covcrnment to thnt of tlie new Comonwealtli of the Northern M~rianaIslands. The Schedule will hc attached to our Constitution and will he approved hy the voters nt the time the Constitution la ratified. It has the same force ns n statute pnsaed by the legislature.

The draft schedule has nine sections. Sections one through seven. which I assign now to the Committee on Finance. Local Government and Other Matters, pertain to the continuity of our current laws, government employment ancl operatiolis. nncl Judicial and legislntive matters; citizenship; and elections. Sections t*ip,lit. all11 nlnr, wl~lrhI nr~sl~nnow to the Committee on Governmental I~tstltutions,dcnl wit11 plcctlon dlstrlct~nnd commencement of term of office oT Commonwenl th oificialfi.

I urge the Committees to meet and consider these transitional matters ns promptly as possthle and to report hack to the Convention.

Dclcgnte Josc I<. Crt~z:Mr. Presiderit. 1 Juat want to ask. now that we have a draft constitution, can we give copies to our constituents to be used during the public hearings? Do we have a sufficient number of copies?

President Cuerrero: As discussed yesterday. copies will be available for Tinian and Rota. There will be 100 copies avialable for Tinian and 100 copies available for Rota. The remaining 300 to 400 copies will be for Saipan. Ilowever, copies will monitorrd througli my office to help eliminate ttnnecessary cofit.

Dclcgntc Jose K. Cr112: WIIO \I:I:; tlie rg-:iponr~lhllityoi brlngtnp, these 1.00 cnpies to Tinian? CONVENTION JOllRNAL -- 29th Day Novcmbcr 15. 1976

President Guerrero: I have delegnted that responsibility LO the Secretary of the Convention to make those available as soon as they are ready -Delegate Jose R. Crliz: Mr. Prc~ltlent,If thrrr 1s ~io:iubstantive ~0mIittee clinirmall ~lsslgtiedLo attcud ri~im'rl.tllrin pttbllc I~i.nril,~..crin Delcgrlte OlYIlpio T. Borja be desibmated to clinlr the lienring?

President Cuerrero: We hove delegated ell the rc-sponsibllitles to the Vice Presidents for ench municil~nlity. T hnvc dclegntcd tliat responsibility to the Second Vlcc Pretlldcnt rrom Tl~iinti. Uclugutc Vice-ntc. Mnnglona.

Chainnan Felipe Atalig: I question the necessity of passing out copies of the draft constitution. The reason I state this is 1 am sure there will be somc changes made, thercforc, to eliminate this expense, it would be wiser not to pass all those copics out.

President Guerrero: The consensus of the Convention is that the copies are necessary for the public to review in order to take part in the public hearings. I think the purpose of the public hearings, is not only to dissemi- nate what we have accomplished in this Convention and to present a product of our accomplishment but, also, to entertain the views of the people.

Floor Leader Rasa: I received ~everalrequests from students at the University of Guam, Guam high school students and other citizens of the Northern Mariana Islands who will be eligible to vote in Commonwealth elections, but who reside in Guam, for a public hearing on Guam. I think there is a need to send some Delegates to Guam for a public hearing. Those who are interested should get together after this session to discuss how this trip will be financed. These people in Guam are very interested niitl financinl problcms of the Convention should not be a deterrent.

President Cuerrero: We will take note of the possibility of public hearings on Guam and possibly we can send six people to accommdate this request of the concerned people in Guam. It is very important for them to knw what is going on. We will check lnto the financial arrangements.

Delegate Jose R. Cruz: I wnnt to rcglster yomc concern that the Office of Transitional Studies isbeing so stingy about the cost of the Constitutional Convention. We are talking about $1.5 million for the Constitutional Government, and I strongly resent this kind of attitude. All the hopes of the Office of Transition are worthless without this Constitution.

President Cuerrero: Point of order. I want to remind the members of the Convention that they formed a Pre-Convention Comittee, and the Pre-Convention Committee should look at all these problems that we have today.

Delegate Jose R. Cruz: Many recommendutlonsmndeby the Pre-Convention Committee were not carried out by the Office of Transition Studies and Planning. That ie why I am saying this.

Chnimnn Jose P. bfnns: The Comittee on Governmental Institutions will have 11 brief mccting lmmcdiatcly rollowing tliin RCRR~O~.

Cllairman Felipe Atallg: At Lhia time, I woultl like thc hottue to rtlcognizc tho pranence of the newly elected Sennror from the Territorial Pnrty. the Honorable Norman Tenor1o.

Chairman Benigno Fitial: I would like to ask all the membersofthe Committee on Finance, I.ocnl Government and Othcr Matters to meet with Consultant Howard Mantel immediately following this session todi~cueevery briefly what we are going to do on the transitional matters.

Delegate Hilario Diaz: Since our Connuittee on Personal Rights and Natural Resources is not having a meeting today, may we attend the meetings of the otllcr two Comittccm?

President Guerrero: All Delegates have the privilege of attending any substantive conrmittee meeting. CUNVEN'I'IUN JUUKNAL -- 29th Day November IS. 1976

lor:I I: I IIIVVC. for LIIC Couvc.11~1o11to rcccen until 9:00 n.m. tomorrow.

The motion was seconded and carried.

'I'l~rConvcnt Ion r~rr:ir~~*tlIIL 2: 72 p.m.

Resl)ectful l y st~ltn~iI t rd. &,dk- Pedro M. Atalip. CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION of the ;N .Y r L.~W(L+&~ NORTHERN MAHIANA TSlANDS

!,I? !,I? /L- T<.~d.r;L - -VEI(BAT1M .IOURNAI. ('L'IUWSCRI PT) Thirtieth Dny 'I'ursfldoy, Novcbmhcr 16, 1976

(1) The Constitutional Convention of the Northern Marinna Islands was called to order at 9:13 e.m.

The Honornble Lorenzu T. Cuerrero, Presidcnt, presided.

(2) A moment of silent prayer was observed.

(3) The Convention Secretary called the roll. There were 35 Delegates present. Delegates Jose R. Cruz, Pedro Q. Dela Cruz. Manuel A. Tenorio and Ramon G. Villagomez were excused. No Delegates were absent. A quorum was present.

F1oor:Eeader Rosa: Mr. President, I move that those Delegates not present be excused.

The motion was seconded and carried.


Floor Leader Rnsn: Mr. Prcfllclent, I move thnt the Sumary Journal of the 29th Dny be ndopted by the Convention.

The motion was seconded and carried. The Summary Journal of the 29th Day was adopted.

Dclegnte Junn DLC. L)emnpnn: I move tl111t the Vrrbntim Transcripts of Days 19. 22, 23 and 24 be adopted by the Convention.

The motion was seconded and carried. The Verbatim Transcripts of Days 19, 22, 23 and 24 were adopted.



Chairman Mnfnas: Mr. Presidcnt, your Committee on Governmental Institutions met yesterday and discuscled Resolution No. 5, as lntroduced by the Honorable Dele~ate Ramon G. Villagomez. It passed unanimously.

Prerident Cuerrero: A shect should hove been distributcd giving the schedules for public tlet~rings. For tllr~cpurpone we'll have a five-minute recesa.

The Convention recessed at 9:18 a.m.


(Delegates Manuel Tenorio and Ramon Villagomez entered the Convention Hall during the recess.)

The Convention reconvened at 9:25 a.m.

President Cuerrero: The Chairmen should now have all necessary papers pertaining to the public hearings and we can proceed with our brder of business.



(10) UNFINISHED BUSINESS - None. Convention Journal -- 30th Day Novcmber 16. 1976


Floor Lender Rnsn: I move for the adoption of Resolution No. 2, as introduced hy 1)cLegrrtc I:rlil)c. Acnlig.

The motion was seconded.

Delegate Dnvid Mar;ltita: Mr. President, I move that we resolve into the Conlmittec of tl~rWl~olc 111 vrclrr to cllnrunn tt~rneRcnolutlonfl.

Floor Leader Rosn: Mr. President. I don't think it is necessary that we resolve ourselves into the Conunittee of the Whole. These are very short Resolutions and the arguments for and against them could be easily perceived. It would be a waste of time to resolve into the Cormnittee of the Whole. , President Guerrero: The Cllnir will recognize the fact that we can discuss this in Plenary Session rather than resolving into the Committee of the Whole, if there is no objection from the floor. If there is no objection, we will proceed with the discussion on Reflolution No. 2.

Delegate bratita: Mr. President, the Resolution before us for discussion. I feel is not necessary due to the fact that the substance of the Resolution is noting that the Convention is avare that any land on Tinian which haa been leased to the United States io publicly amed land. If we were to read the Covenant. Elr. Prcsidcnt, it is n well-established fnct that these publicly ovned lands on Tinian are publicly owned lands. I don't think we ehould dwell on the necee- sity of taking a stand on this Resolution. It would be a waste of our time and I hope the Convention will see no need to pass this &esolution.

Delegnte Hilnrio Diaz: Since the Covenant has explicitly stated reasons for lensing the lnnd on Tininn and that is public land. I do not see a reason for - the Resolution. However, Mr. President. I would like the introducer to give us . some enlightenment as to what prompted him to introduce this Resolution and what wns his intention.

Delegnte Felll)e Atalig: First of all, I share the viewe of the Delegate from Garapan, Maratita. But it appears to me, Mr. President, that the Delegate from Garapan still has a misconception as to the content of the Reeolution itself. The purpose of the Resolution is to reconfirm and reaffirm the position as stated in thc Covenant. I feel thnt thin Convention ehould adopt a position wllereby to rrlnfurce the Covennnt. I think the Delegate from Carnpan ehould ., be aware of ;~tldremember dlfferent deliberations by different representatives which have been stated and claim that the two-thirds land of Tinian belongs to ' the people of Tinian. This is the idea, Mr. President. I want to convey the message and remind them that the tvo-thirds land of Tinian is not the land of ' - the people of Tinian, but is the land of the Northern Marianas Coornonvealth

Government. Therefore, Mr. President, I see no harm in passing this Resolution + ." to reconfirm our position. ., .

--Uete~r~te Rcnlfino 1:ltlnl: Althou~hI don't eee rlny harm. I still don't see any need. Mr. I'rculdcnt, we rrre nwarc that the land lensed to the military on Tinian is public land and thcre is no need to reaffirm that awareness. There- fore, Mr. President. I move that this Resolution be tabled.

Tile mot 1rill w:ltr ~econclccl.

Delegate .Jose Eh~fnaa: Privilege, Mr. Preaidcnt. May I nsk the mover of the motion to please withdraw his motion to table. There are Delegates who have questions on this particular Resolution.

Delegate Fitial: Do we continue to question our awareness?

Delegate Mafnas: It goes further than that, Mr. President. May I aek the mover of the motion to please withdraw his motion.

Delegate. Fltlnl: No.

Motion to table Resolution No. 2 carried by roll call. The votes were as follow:

Yes: Delegntcfi David Atnlig, Pedro Atalig. Felix Ayuyu, Jose Convention Journal -- 30th Day November 16. 1976

Borja, Carlos Cmacho, Daniel Castro. Juan DLG. Demapan. Hilario D~Rz, Benign0 Fitial, Herman Guerrero, Henry Hofschnrl~ier, Estrven Klng, Henjnmin Manglona, David Mnrnt 1111. Potlro OW,,, .IFHIIIIVJ 1ll1~omr.znn~l Rumon Villngomcz.

No : Delegates Fclipe Atallg, Cregorio Clllvo, Jone Mafnas. Vicente Mnnglona, Francisco Palacios, Oscar Rase, Leon Taisacan. Juan Tenorio, Manuel Tenorio and Joaquin Torres.

Abstnin: Uelegntrv Vicente Attao, Lui~Benavente, Olympio T. Borja, Antonio Camacho, Magdalena Camacho. Juan S. Demapan. Lorenzo 1. Guerrero, Pedro Igitol, Luis Limes, and Prudencio Manglona.

Floor Lender hsn: I move tlint Resolution No. 3 he filed by the Convention.

The motion was seconded and carried by voice vote.

Delegate Jose Mnfnns: I move that Re~olutionNo. 5 be adopted unanimoufily.

The motion was seconded.

Delegate Joaquin Torres: Mr. President, I ask that Delegates who are affected by this Resolution not vote, based on conflict of interest.

Delegate Gregorio Calvo: Mr. President, yesterday the Committee on Governmental Institutions met and agreed to include the name of the author of this Resolution. Am I in order to make an amendment from the floor at this time?

Prcsldent Cucrrero: You arc in ordcr to mnke an amendment if there's no objection.

Delegate Calvo: I would like to make an amendment to include the words "Intro- duced by Ramon G. Villagomez" following the title sentence of the Resolution. It would then rend. "A Resolution offering sincere congratulations to the delegates and other membcr~of the new legislature, as offered by Delegate Ramon G. Villagomcz."

The motion was seconded.

Delegate Felipe Atalig: Mr. President, with all due respect to my fellow delegnte from Rota, I really don't see a need for inserting the words after "legislature" of "introduced by Delegate Villagomez." I think introducing that would have some significant change on the title itself. And, besides, Mr. President, the original appeared with the introducer's name on the Resolution. It is for that very reason that I am against the propo~edamendment.

Delegate Calvo: Mr. President, I Just feel that the permon introducing thls should be given due recognition.

Delegate Olympio T. Borja: Mr. President, I believe it is just a matter of ~tyle. If we put the name of the introducer following the title sentence it could affect the title, but I go along with the mover that the name of the introducer sl~ouldbe Lnscrtcd. I would like to nek the mover if he would have any objection to putting that "introduced by" following "Resolution No. 5" and just above "A Resolution offering ....I1 If he will go along with that, I will support it. I think that would be the most appropriate spot.

Delegate Benigno Fitial: I don't see any need. Mr. President, to insert the name of the introducer. I have never seen a resolution that was passed by a legislative body or any constituted body that included the name of the intro- ducer. I think that if we all agree to endorse this Resolution, it should bear the name of the body, rather than the name of an individual.

Floor Leader Raaa: Mr. President, there is no rule which restricts specifi- cation regarding tho author, hut it is a norpal procedure that anything intro- duced on nn tndividual basin and adopted by the house, ~houldbe the property of the house. I hnve no ohlection to putting somebody's nnme as the introducer but, then, there might be some future.question as to what will happen to indi- vidual proposals which have bean taken into consideration by the committees-- whether our names would be reflected on the documents-or whatever it ia. My point in question is that it is not the normal legislative procedure to have the name of the introducer Included in the Resolution which ia supposed to be Convention Journal - 30th Day November 16, 1976

,,ctcsted by the officers of the Convention. I think it is necessary that we rFallze the fact that although we have various ideas coming into the Convention, of the Convention should be considered as a unitary action in that theIv clle of,-icinl~of tlrc (:onvontlon ccl~ncrld hnve their name8 specified in tlre 1 Wollld l111ve to OI)PORC HIIC~~n move slmlily hccnuse it would teclrrri- 17,I,,,,IIIIIl,IltH. n ,ly provl~c I~eccdciicefor future dlflputes over ldens as introduced by indi- ,','I vidunl delegates. ~~,~~~lnTorres: Mr. l'reelde~it, since tlre issue under debate relates I,cl ,, tc, pkving due recognition to Individual drlrl:ate'~ effort in ttrin Canvention, verbntim transcript of all tliose speaking in favor of the Rosolution I move that nttaclled to this Resolution-

[.r,,s idcnt ~uerrero: Delegate Torres, we are discussing the motion offered by ,," Cnlvo from Rota-

DcleR3te ~orres: I am amending the motion, Mr. President.

Delegate ~orres'motlon to amend was seconded.

___---,,l.,.!,~,lc.llt (:uerrero: Mny I nlik the mover of the motion to amend to restate llla moclon.

l)rlc,pnce ~orrc~:The motion 1s to incorporate Delcgate Calvo's suggestion of lI1:ir;ting Delegntc Villagomrz' nnme in the title of this Resolution. And, then. was to also include a verbatim transcript of all those speaking in favor of this Resolution to be attached to the Resolution before it is submitted to those individuals covered by the Resolution.

on voice vote, Delegate Torres' motion to amend was defeated.

~l,~~rLender bsa: Mr. President. I forgot to include that should a person desire to know the name of an introducer, the record will reflect all names of introducers of all measures. To have eomebodyls name on the Resolution would ollly duplicate what we already have in the record of the Convention. -~)t*L~):atc Olympio T. Borja: Mr. President, I am still in support of inserting tire name of the introducer. I am, mainly.because yesterday when your Conunittee deliberated they agreed that we should recognize the author. Aa pointed out by Floor Leader Rasa, if we don't have a rule specifically providing for thia, citlirr we put it or we don't. Our leglslnture in the Northern Mariana Islands. t111 bills or resolutlona, puts "introduced by." That is provided for in tlie rl1lc.s there and although our rules don't so provide, I don't think it would 111tr~since tlie Committee rrcormnended doing so. I, therefore, still eupport tllc- lnotion to insert the namc of the Introducer by putting the words "Introduced 11s 1)c.legatc Knmon C. Villagomcz" on top of the words "A Resolution."

~~!l~~ateDavid Hsratita: I wonder if the Connnittee Chairman, to vhich this RL'401uti~n referred, has made a report as to the action taken. That would constitute a record to the Convention, and I believe the action taken yesterday 'I' Conmittrr wollld rcr1~c.tthat Llio prrsori vlio Introduced the Resolution un!l Honorr'ble Rumon C. Vi llngomez and if the action taken by the Cornittee Cnvornble. I am neither recommendingnornot recommending the approval of 'n!lcrting the nnl'flc of the introducer in the Rc~olution,but 1 think, as a matter "[ l'r.nctiCc* liomnll~tllc name of tlle introducer Is not on the final product or Rcyolution~ or 0111, for that mntter. It does not make much difference to mc' 'lr' President, and I urge that we take a vote.

Dcll'g'lte Jc4tla Villngornez: 1 belleve we hnve had enough disrclsafon on this -'"" I, therecore, rnovc. we end clebntc.

I'llc' moLlclll vno;111,1 (.nrrI(ul1.

C1lnlrmn Jose Mafnas: Poillt of prjvllege. We rannot vote on the amended motion t'ecnllse we have Rlllre oC I'~~c~.J~~~.. not tcmpornrily suspended Rille 47, acvordlng to our

1: 1 I 11~lI VV~. v 1.~11ttlittli I nl~ll" c.Onj(t.nt nny 'lntcndn1c1ltor crlll cntertll ill can move tor the HUHIIC.~)HII)Il ,)r I(uLC /,7.

-1 39- CO-TION JOURNAL -- 30th mr November 16,

Chairman Jose P. Mafnas: Yes, Delegate BorJn is correct. lhat was on ~esoluti~~ No' and No' 3' We are now diecueeina Resolution NO. 5. Lodcr Rma: 1 move t1111t .u,pcnd llounr 1~7. The mDtion Was seconded and carried.

Dele~nteJesus Villa omez: Point of order. 1 thought the suepension had to be ~ani~u~l~approved: I raised up my fullopposlt~on to the usp pension, therefore* it could not possibly be npprovod.

President Guerrero: If I am not mistaken, kule 47 does not require unanin~ousconsent, but a majority consent.

Delegate Jesus Villngomez: DO you meen that unanimous consent means a simple majority? That 1.9 not unanimous coneent.

Chairman Feliee Atalig: I don't think the speaker in the back is fully aware of what is specified in Rule 47. Rule 47 does not specify that it has ~.nanimousconsent, therefore, I believe we ere in order.

President Guerrero: we will now vote on Delegate calve's amendment to the motion. Would the Secretary please read the amendment to the motion?

The proposed amendment wan as follows:

on the resolution above the vords "A RESOLUTION."

~esolution." If this is acceptable to Delegate Calvo, then this is the amendment to the motion.

President Guerrero: The Chair believes the normal procedurcif you want to include the name of the introducer,is to place it on the top right-hand side of the page: "Introduced by." , Delegate FranciscoT. Palacios: We are ~pendin~toomuchtime on this kind

The motion to amend the Resolution carried.

Chnirman Jose P. Mufnos: L move that the remnrko mnde by Delegate Palacios be striken from the record. This is not monkey-business.

Delegate Francisco T. Palacios: I am privileged to say whatever I want on the floor.

President Guerrero: The Cllnir will recognize that that is the prlvilege of the individual Delegate. But I hope that after this session. Delegate Palacioe will request that the Secretary strike that word from the record.

Delegate Francisco T. Pnlncios: No, Mr. President.

President Cuerrero: We will not vote on the adoption of Resolution No. 5, as amended.

The motion wns cr~rricd.

The Resolutlon is as follows:

Introduced by Delegate Ramon C. Villngomez


Offering sincere congrn~ulationsto the delegates and other members of the new legislature.

-140- CONVENTION JOURNAL - 30th Day November 16, 1976

wIIERMS, the people of the Northern Mariana Islands have elected a new group of legislators, including delegates to the Constitutional convention, as members of the new legislature; and

WIII+:I(I(A!:. Ll~c. ~ICII.KIILL.R nncl ttlc othcr new le~ialatorswill ensure tbot preporat1011 for tl~cCormnor~wealth Government is efficient and thorougll; and

WHERJ3S, the spirit of unlty, efEectiveness and fairness necessary to the above endcnvors is being promoted by the delegate6 and the other legislatore;

NOW. THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVEI), That the Northern Marianas Consti- tutional Convention offers its sincere congratulations to the delegates and the other new members of the new legislature, nnd that a copy of this Resolution be sent to each member of the new legislature.

I ADOPTED: November 16. 1976 /s/Lorenzo I. Guerrero President, Conetitutional Convention /s/Pedro M. Atalig Convention Secretary


Chairman Benigno Fitial: Several days ago, this convention adopted a Resolution, which I introduced, which congratulated the newly elected Preaident of the Unitctl state^. I wnnt to reglster my concern thnt that Reeolution wae unanimously adopted by the Convention and the introducer was not recognized. It vas considered as offered by the Cornittee of the Whole. Mr. President, there is some inconsistency. I want to point this out for the Convention.

President Guerrero: For your informntton, there wns a motion at that time, 11 there was no objection. that the Committee of the Whole appear as the introducer of that Resolution.

Chairman Benigno Fitial: I was hoping that the Convention would have more sense of respect for the introducer, the author of the Reeolution. I agree with Delegate Palacios, so let us not monkey around.

President Guerrero: I would like the Convention to recognize the presence in the gallery of the students from Marianas High School, as well as their teacher. They arc here to stltdy the Convention, as well as being intereared citizens of the Northern Marianas.

Delegate Juan DLG. Demapan: I want to advise the Convention Delegates to please be careful oE the language they use. In the gallery there are several studenta, nncl it is very improper for any Delcgnte in thi~Convention to uee improper or unfair langunge. Thank you.

Delegate Jonquin Torres: Several people have indicated to me that they are having problems obtaining copies of the proceedings of thia Convention. I understand, from these people, that they are not being provided copies because there is no money to duplicate more documents. Perhape, Mr. President, you can direct the Secretary to make these documents available to anyone upon request. Also, the presshas complained to me that they are not receiving copies. The reason given is that there is no money to duplicate copies. I would hope that n box would be provided for the press to obtain copies of the proceedings of this Convention. Not only the Pacific Daily News, but our local paper.

I would also like to find out the status of Delegate Raea's requeat for' public hearings in Guam.

P~cH~tlellt Guerrero: There wtl l be a drlegatton of not more than six members. nt least one from encl~municipality, sent to Guam over the weekend. CONVENTION JOURNAL -30th Day November 16, 1976

Convention Secretary: I would like to make a remark in regard to Delegate Torres' ,tatement. First of all, the press has never approached w in aaking that copies be provided for them. We have, in the xerox room. set aside special boxes for them. I have directed my xerox people to prnvide all reports to the press and to put it in their respcctivc?boxe~;wt~ichthey hnve. I nm kind of diesapointed that the press is going to you and not to me. 1 wonder if they think you are the Convention Secretary. I have informed my public information officers and ndministrative assistnnt~to provide information to the public and I have not heard complaints coming to me.

Delegate Benjamin Hanglona: Since you have appointed me to head the Delegation for the Rota public hearings. I am proud to announce that the following people were appointed by their respective substantive mmmittees to go to Rota. They are: Delegates Felipe Atnlig, Manuel Tcnorio, Herman Q. Guerrero. Joaquln Torres, Luia Benavente. Esteven King. David Atalig. and Greg Cnlvo. I am proud to say that the people of Rota are looklng forvard to receiving thcm with honor. The check-in time will be tomorrow. Wednesday, at 3:30 p.m. at the Continental ticket counter.

Delcentc ~lce~~te'Hnnglonn: 'Illc Dclep,ntes p,oinp, to Tininn nre: Benlgno Fitial, Juan Tenorio, Jose Cruz. Antonio Camactlo. Olympio T. Borjn. Juan S. Demnpan. Jose Borja. nnd Pedro Ogo. Also, legal consultant. Mark Wcisburd, will accompany our delegation. There nre two flights scheduled to 'rinian and I would like to see everyone bc on schedule.

Delegate Benjamin Manglonn: Also accompanying the delegaltion to Rota are two consultants, and it is a pleasure to have them accompany the delegation to Rota. This delegation will be returning to Saipan. Thursday, at 2:30 p.m. We are scheduling public hearings on Rota on Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. and on Thursday from 8:00 a.m. to 12:OO noon.

Delegate Francisco T. Palacios: I would llke to announce the names of the members on the committee for the Saipan public hearings. They are: Delegates Ramon Villagomez. Oscar Rasa. Jesus Villagomez, and all members of the Committee on Governmental Institutions who are not going to Rota and Tinian. Other Delegates not going to Rota and Tinian are welcome to come in and participate in the Saipan public Ilearings.

I want to meet with the members of the Saipan public hearings immediately following this session to discuss our program.

Delegate Vicente Manglona: I will give the members of the Tinian Public Hearing Delegation copies of the schedule.

President Guerrero: The Chair would like to urge the Delegates who are not going to TinIan and Rota public hearings Lo participate in the public hearings in Saipan. We will conduct the hearings here starting nt 9:00 a.m. tomorrow and the following day. Please check with Delegate Palacios on the schedule to see if there are any changes.

Also, the Chair would like to nnnounce that the group going to Guam somctime tlll~weekend to mcet wittl tllc Univernity ~tudcnts,will be Chaired by Floor Leader Rasa. Delegate Benigno Yitial will nlso accompany the group. I would like to check with Delegate Olympio T. Borja to see if he will able to attend this hearing. The other member will be delegated by the President of the Convention.

Delegate Joaquin Torres: I Just came back from the Xerox room as a follow-up on the Convention Sccretary'e statement, and the Xerox man told me there was no box for the Mnrinnns Variety. So I would hope that you will take care of thin.

President Guerrero: We will communicate with our Secretary. For your information, a week ago, the Secretary of the Convention advised me that the Marianas Variety had been neglecting to pick-up their copies. CONVENTION JOURNAL -- 30th Day November 16. 1976

~k~~irmnnDenlgno Fltinl: Your Comlttce on Flnance, Local Government and OLhcr Hntters ,111 meet immedlntcly following this senslon to discusa transitional matters. c~,)~~swll l be distributrd nt tl~ntmeeting.

(:llil 1 1 IIUIII Jotit' 1'. E~II~II~IR: YIIIII Coma1 t Lrc. on (:ovcr~~rnt.~~tnlIn!~t i tution8 will mct immcdintcly lollowing this scssiori to discuss tren!litional provisions. I urge member to be present.

-prrsidrnt Cucrr~ro: 1 wo11l cl I ikv to rrqucnt that the Delegation from Rota and ~11~I>,. It.&?.nt [IIII fro111 lllllll fll~tltll~ltry to fr1.1vi-L nl It*i~rrL one Dcl~~ntcto accompany the group to Cunm for public hearings. Kcport vl~oyou have selected to me please.

Also, there will be a meeting at 1:00 p.m. today of the three Committee Chairmen, the Floor Leader. Convention Secretary and the three vice Presidcntr.

Floor Leader Rasa: Since we will be having public hearings tomorrov and Thrlrfidny, I would like to move that the Convention recess until Friday at Z:OO p.m.

The motion was seconded and carried.

The Convent Lon rrccqs at 10: 15 a.m.

Rc:3pct.~fully ~ubmltted. /3 P+, ,,:& ,,:& M. Pcdro M. Atc~lig Convention Secretary

I I hearings.There ~l.air~SV*~~, th,m rrr. , l,,.r,. rrr. 11uhlic

Respect 1111ly submitted. VEKAATIH JOURNAL (TRANSCRIPT)

Tllirty-Sccond Dny 'Sln~rfidny, Nuvcmbcr lH, 1976

Thcre was no Plcnnry Scnslnn this dnte, howcvcr, there were public l~c;~rl~igs.

Respectfully submitted.

Convention Secretary