
Wis onsin O i October 24, 1964 Great New Name in WISCONSIN - OHIO STATE W11.HtJR E. SNYl'I'. Hditur and Advertising Manager John F. HummeL...... _ circulation Manager National Advertising Representative Spencer Advertising Co., 271 Madison Ave .. New York 16, N. Y.

The Univ ersity President s ------··------· ------2 Uni ve rs i ty of Wisconsin Offi c i a Is ------3 Ohio State Students Welcome Grads ------4 S::enes on the University of Wisconsin Campus ______------5 St ars Among the Wisconsin Badgers ------6 Camp Randall With Civil War Background ______------8 Football Coaching Staff ----·-----·------_____ 9 Ohio State University Football Player Pages ______10, 18, 22, 32, 36, 44, 46 University of Wisconsin Football Player Pages ______--·-- ______12, 20, 30, 34 Championship Team of 1916 Holds Reu nion ------_14 Ohio State University Athletic Staff ______16 Badger Assistants and Staff Members ______------______------_19 Ohio State University Football Roster ______24

University of Wisconsin Football Roster ------29 Buckeye Captains Hold Annual Reunion ------38 Half-Time Music By The Marching Band ------______------·---- 41 Ohio State Football Mo nagers ______------· ------. 42 Ohio State Freshman Football Roster ------_ 48

FROM POWER IN THE MAKING 100 million years, from th e age of the mighty dinosaurs, when oil was forming in the earth, comes Sinclai r DI NO SUPREME, the advanced premium gasoline that OHIO STA TE FOOTBALL cleans as it powers-keeps your engine running smoother, longer.

REWARDS THE SMART DRIVER who wants all the power he paid for in his high­ powered car. Try a tankful today.

YOUR SAT ISFACTION GUARANTEED by Sinclair-or your money back. Stop at the si$n of the Sinclair Dinosaur. - ·, ,_..,,, , ,

DRIVE WITH CARE AND BUY SJRC/1/Jf ANNIVERSARY SINCLAIR REFINING COMPANY • 155 N. WACKER DRIVE • CHICAGO 6, ILL. The University Presidents Represen·ting The University of Wisconsin

IVAN WILLIAMSON Director of Athletics

DR. NOVICE G. FAWCETT President, The Ohio State University

MILT BRUHN Head Football Coach

DR. FRED H. HARRINGTON PROF. FRANK REMINGTON Preside nt, Un iversity of Wisconsin Faculty Represe ntative 2 3 Ohio State Students Welcome Grads

campus scenes UNIVERSITY o f WISCONSIN

Shown here are members of the 1964 student Homecoming committee with the 10 finolists in compet1t1on for Homecoming queen. The committee, left to right;-Dick Foster, queens; Carol Washburn, general secretary; Phil Barrett, donce; Bill Beddow, house d ecorations; Keith Kistler, alumni; Dick Fischer, finance; Paul Coleman, procurements; Dave Kieffer, special arrangements; Don Moore, tickets; Jeff Hockman, generol chairman; Brian McConnell, publicity. Queen candidates, sitting, left to right, Pam Anderson, Mory Jone Henderson, Linda Hartlerode, Betty Su ttle, Cathy Muzilla; kneel· ing, left to right, Paula Smith, Pari Turner; standing, Cinda Burk, Donna Spindler, Bonnie Michel.

H AIL! Hail! The gang· all here .... new que n and her c u rt. The 1964 Homecoming committee an I the largest Before the game today, the lovely homecoming number of undergraduate tudent in 0 .. C. hi torv queen and her court will be introduced, having been welcomes you. THE OHIO STATE ALC:\INI to elected by popular election, similar to those held our ALMA :\IA TER. nee again. a · in the past annually ince Ohio tate was admitted to the \Vest­ eighty-one year , 0 .. U. alumni meet to revive old ern onference in December, 1912. memorie by \·isiting familiar place and renewing fter today's game, alumni are urged to enjoy old friend hip . the many campu open houses and see the wonderful La t night, out ide Ohio tadium, we showed ''Happines i ..." decoration . them that Ohio's her , as thousand gathered for \ Velcome home. Buckeye ! The Student nate, the traditional bonfire rally. \Ve ''set the earth tudent hody, and 1964 Homecoming Committee ren:rherating with a mighty cheer" when Coach extend to you their heartiest greetings and invite "\Yoody" Ha)1es introduced our Buckeyes. you to enjoy every minute of the 1964 Homecom­ Later, at the Hom coming dance and concert, thou­ ing. For though sea ons hav passed. and the year ands enjoyed the talents of The I ing ·men, Count roll ed by, our heart till rebound to your thrill Basie. an I The Four Saints, and then cheered the HIO.

, 6 v ..+ 4 + 4 v++,e,+++++++++++++ i.W W iW ¥++ M ++W+++++++W !W !W iW W W W W W+++•e++V + WAWe,+4,++++VAW+++,+a++W W4 ,e,; e++V ELM DR IVE DORM COMPLEX 4 5 OHIO STATE WINTER SPORTS SCHEDULES_

STARS AMONG THE WISCONSIN BADGERS BASKETBALL Morch 25 -26-27 NCAA meet at Jon. 9 At , here (Saturday games, 2:30 p.m. Non - Iowa State University Jon. 16 At Michigan Saturday dotes, 8:30 p.m.) Cooch - Robert Bartels Jon. 23 At Iowa . 2 South Dakota, here Jon. 30 At Michigan Stole Dec Feb. 6 At Wisconsin J A:\[E JONES: Badger All-American candidate at an turned five punt for 48 yard and five kickoff. a total of Dec. 3 St. Louis, here FENCING and Sou thern Dec . 5 At Texas Christion Feb. 13 Minnesota end position ... i noted for hi fantastic catche 145 yard . . . played in four port in high school . Jan. 9 Fenn and Cose, here Illinois, here Dec. 7 A t Houston Jan. 23 Oberlin, Air Force Academy Feb. 20 Illinois, here earned hi fir t major "W" award last a on by playing won fou1· letter in ba eball, three in football. two in track, Dec. 9 Butler, here and Wayne State, here Feb. 27 At Boll State Dec. 19 At Davidson Feb. 6 Wisconsin and Detroit, here 213Y, minute ... saw no action in 1962 becau e of knee and one in basketball. Dec. 22 At Brigham Young Morch 5-6-7 Big Ten Meet at Illinois Feb . 13 Illinois and Indiana at Illinois Cooch - Joseph Hewlett injury ... a l o uffered an RONALD :\!ITH : Won Dec. 28 Dartmouth, here Feb. 20 Michigan State and Notre eye injury la t season which Dec. 30 Duke, here Dome at Notre Dome econd major "\\'" award in Jon. 2 Georgia Tech, here, 4:30 p.m. Feb . 27 Iowa ond Chicago at Chicago TRAC K hampered him . . . was ec­ footba ll la t ea on playing (regional TV ) March 6 Big Ten meet ot Ohio State Jon. 30 Michigan State, here ond leading receiver with 22 was u eel Jon. 9 At Purdue Univer$ity Feb . 6 Kent State, Kentucky and West 12 Y, minutes ... Jon. 16 Indiana, here Morch 19-20 NCAA meet ot Univ. of Virginia, here (tentative) catche for 379 yard and as both halfback and flanker Jon. 23 At Minnesota Detroit Feb. 13 At Illinois caught Jon. 30 Wisconsin, here Coach - Charles Simonian Feb . 20 Federation meet or three touchdowns ...... carried the ball 12 time, Feb. 6 At Wisconsin (regional TV ) quodrangulor, here Feb. 8 Illinois, here six pas ·e for 100 yard and for J3 yard and caught 12 WRESTLING Feb . 27 Indiana, here one TD v . Notre Dame yards and one Feb . 13 Iowa, here Morch 5-6 Big Ten meet at Illinois pa, e, for 141 Feb. 16 At Ill inois Dec. 5 Waynesburg (Po .), Hiram and Morch 12· 13 Milwaukee Federation ... transferred to \Vi consin touchdown . . . was 5econd Feb. 20 At Michigan Mankato State meet Feb. 22 Michigan Stole, here Jon. 9 At Illinois Cooch - Lorry Snyder from Trinidad Junior Col­ on the team in punt returns Feb. 27 Northwestern, here Jan. 16 Iowa, Indiana, and Minnesota lege in olorado, along with and kickofT return . .. had Morch 1 At Indiana at Iowa Morch 6 At Michigan State Jan. 23 Open (to be filled) HOCKEY ex-Badger end Bobbie John- fine ophomore season in Morch 8 Michigan, here Feb . 6 Purdue, Virginia Tech Dec. 5 Oberlin, here on. 1962 coring seven touch­ Cooch - Fred R. Taylor and Pittsburgh, here Jon. 8 At Ohio University Jon. 9 Lake Forest College, here RON AL D LEAF BLAD: downs. including five by Feb. 13 Michigan Stole, here SWIMMING Feb. 20 Indiana and Wisconsin Jon. 16 Western Michigan, here One of the most popular of ru hing ... gained 172 yard at Wisconsin Jon. 23 Toledo, here Jon. 9 At Illinois Feb. 27 At Indiana Jan. 30 Dayton, here all B a cl g e r , Ron \\·a. fo r 3.3 yard p r carry Jan. 15 Miami, here Morch 5-6 Big Ten meet at Ohio Stole Feb. 5 At Wisconsin elected co-captain for the average . . . caught nine Jon. 23 At Minnesota University Feb. 6 At Illinois Jon. 30 Wisconsin, here Morch 25-26-27 NC AA meet at Feb . 13 Notre Dome, here coming ea on ... won hi pas es for 144 yard, and Feb. 5 Cincinnati, here RONALD LEAFBLAD DAVID FRONEK University of Wyoming Feb. 20 Pennsylvania, here e on I major "\\'" a,,·ard t\\'o TD"s ... . cored three Feb. 6 Purdue, here Cooch - Cosey Fredericks No. 86 (CC)- End No. 9- Holfbock Feb. 13 Michigan State, here GYMNASTI CS Feb. 27 Ohio University, here last sea on while playing touchdown a g a in t Iowa Feb. 20 At Michigan Dec. 5 At Central Michigan Morch 6 Denison, here 279:V, minute , second high­ ... tallied lone Badger ~core March 4-5·6 Big Ten meet at Wisconsin (tentative) Cooch - Tom Bedecki e t of returning lettermen ... played 238 minute o n 1962 against Ohio tate at olumbus on 47 yard pa play from title team . . . is noted for hi fine defensive play . . . Ron VanderKelen ... returnee! eight kickoffs 178 yards to had five catches for 45 yard last season ... caught three pace team . . . in career ha returned nine punt for 93 pa e for 43 yard a a sophomore ... one wa a 13 yard yard and 14 ki ckoff for 291 yard,. coring catch from Ron VanderKelen to cap 56 yard Badger DAVID FRO JEK: \~'on major '·\V" award la t ea. on march again t Minne ota in 14-9 title game conquest ... while playing 178 minute . . . hand! cl the place kicking back injury idelined him in 1961 ... wa awarded an extra chore for the Bado-er and wa their econd leading scorer year of competition by the Big Ten. . .. converted 16 of 17 extra point attempt and 4 of 6 field OHIO STADIUM INFORMATION LEE BERNET: hared the left tackle po ition with Roger goal trie for 28 point ... completed 21 of 41 pa se• dur­ TIC KET SALES SERVICE TO PATRONS Pillath for the past two sea on ... ha won two major ing la t season for 301 yard ... Best effort was ten passe AVAILABLE TICKETS are for sale at gate 1 (closed end). Emergency medical treatment is available in special first "\V" award . played 186:V, minute in 1962 ... 251 Y, compl eted in 15 attempts for 171 yard again t Michigan The Ticket Office is located in the southeast corner of the aid quarters back of Sections 11 and 12 in " B" deck. A minute in 1963 ... i expected to play on the offen ive tale. St. John Arena, just 100 yards north of the closed end of the mobile station also is available on the ground level at the unit thi year ... rugged performer with quickne and HAROLD BRAKDT: \Von hi second maj or ·'W" award Stadium. Phone CY 3 -2624. northeast section of the Stadium. Pay telephones are located at Sections 5A, BA, JOA, 17A, 19A, 20A, 22A, and al the agility ... named to A ll-Chicago, All- ection, and All­ in football la t year and al o won a major "\V"' award in Permanent seals: 71,371. Total Seating capacity, 81,109. ba eball a a fir t ba eman ... played 55:V, minute in 1962 Construction cost: $1,341 ,000. Financed chiefly by gifts southeast corner of the Stadium. Divi ion team while at Morgan Park High chool. ,083,000, pledged by 13,000 persons. and 197 :V, minute in 1963 . . . was econd in Big Ten in aggregating $1 A LOST and FOUND W INDOW is maintained at the norlh RALPH L. F RMER : Won junior "W" award in 1962 B, 14,429; Section C, Seats in Section A: 31,330; Section or closed end of the Stadium until 30 minutes after the and then won a major "\V" award la t year while playing pas ing and third in total offense in 1963 ... Completed 18 21,145. " A" Boxes, 2,828; " B" Boxes, 1,748. Total permanent of 36 pa e for 228 yards and two touchdowns a a sopho­ games. Lasses should be reported there or,d any articles found 209 minute ... played 44 minutes in 1962 . . . howed good seats, 71 ,480. should be turned in there or to any usher. Address inquiries ta more ... ha 1963 total howed 86 completions in 181 field bleachers, 4,771 . 1>romi e at becoming an out landing receiver by grabbing Temporary seats: South stands, 4,858; Arena Ticket Office, St. John Arena (CY 3-2624). nine pa e for 84 yard la t year ... caught three pas es attempt for 1006 yard and ix touchdowns ... top per­ Total temporary seats, 9,629. for 36 yard as ophomore ... wa a member of the 1962 formance came against Purdue on 14 completions in 22 at­ Tolal seats between goal lines: 29,175 or 37%. RADIO AND MOVIE CAM ER AS Western Conference rules prohibit spectators having either Rose Bowl quad ... lettered in football, ha ketball, and t mpts for 196 yard and one scoring pa · to Jimmy Jones Height of wall: 98 feet, three inches; length, 752 feet, ... again t .Jorthwe tern rallied Badger in fo urth period 6 inches, ground area, 10 acres. Circumference, one third RADIOS or MOVIE CAMERAS at the games. These may be baseball at Madi on We t High chool rated All-City, the north or on ix completi on in eight attempt for 117 yards including mile. Material: Concrete and steel. Seats in press box, 144. checked at the LOST and FOUND WINDOW at All -Conference. All-Area. All- tate. and ll-American Radio and photo booths, 15. closed end of the Stadium and may be reclaimed there unlil a 50 yard scoring aerial to Rick Reichardt ... batted .364 honor during hi sen ior year. SCOREBOARDS 30 minutes after game at the some window. 1964 diamond campaign ... CARL ILVESTRI: Won econcl major "\Ill" award lat as Badger first baseman in The Stadium has three scoreboards. Two ore located at paced team in run batted in with 23 ... wa co-captain PUB LIC ADDR ES S ANNOUN CE MEN TS sea on while playing 161 :V, minutes ... wa econd leading the southeast and southwest towers. The third is located at public of 1961 freshman team. No announcements are ever mode over the Sladium ru her to Louie Holland with 351 yards in 72 carrie the north end under " C" deck. address system except under the gravest circumstances, such al o caught five pas e for 49 yard ... intercepted one pass JO HOHMAN": \!Von econcl major " \V'" award la t ARCHITECTURAL FEATUR ES as serious illness or accident. Kindly refrain from requesting year by playing 277Y, minute , third highe t of returning against Iowa and returned it 31 yard ... wa hampe1·ed Eighty-seven concrete and steel arches each 13 feet wide this service. lettermen ... played 86 minute a a sophomore .. wa and 56 feet high. Towers at the open and north entrance injury in 1963 ... a a 1962 opho- Physician members of the Academy of Medicine of Colum­ omewhat by an ankle forced to mi 1963 Ro e Bowl trip becau e of a knee in­ each 100 feet high and 36 feet square. A half dome 86 feet, bus and Franklin County and the staff of Doctor' s Hospital more played 173 minute , ranking fo urth in rushing with six inches high and 70 feet in diameter. Twelve ramps feed jury . . . rated as a potentially fine offensive guard per­ are paged by numbers. 243 yard and a 6.2 yards per carry average . . . caught former ... participated in football and track at Appleton 112 aisles. even pa es for 117 yards ... ha scored three TD's in High chool ... won A ll -Fox River Valley conference REST ROOMS GAME TIME Men's rest rooms ore located at gates 7, 10, 12, 13, 17, All games will begin at 1 :30 p.m. EST. Badger career to date and 20 points ... in career ha re- honors in football and ll"as on the second ..\ Ii -State team. 18, 23 and 24. Women's rest rooms ore located at gates 1, 2, 12, 13, 19, and 20. Four rest roams also ore located VARSITY "O" on " B" deck. The larger but least used rest rooms are located Post-game meeting place of Varsity " O" will be in lhe on B level at the north ar closed end of the Stadium. recreation center of the stadium dormitories.

6 7 Ohio State Football Coaching Staff CAMP RANDALL HAS CIVIL WAR BACKGROUND

pita] on the knoll and were buried in what i~ now Confederat Re t at Fore t Hill Cemetery. The land again became the tate fair ground "·hen peace returned and when Gen. . . Grant visit cl it 1S years later he hail cl the transformation a , "'a symbol of beating the spear of war into the plo\\"­ shares of peace.·· Other Yisitor · to the grounds were Gens. and heridan and Pres. Haves. \ \'hen the tate lair wa moved to :\Iilwaukee a~d a few vears later even the Dane ounty Agricultural ·ociety topped u ·i ng it for fairs. the Civil \ ar Yeterans \\"ere furious to learn the land was to be sold for building lob. Bia ting the " ordicl acrilege.'' they urged the I gislature to buy it and in 1893 the tate pre:ented LYAL CLARK ESCO SARKKINEN HARRY STROBEL it to the l_'ni,·ersitv as a memorial athletic field. Defensive line End Coach Guard-Center Coach \\'hen the question of a name aro e, the veterans promptly carried the clay for "camp" instead of .. field." Camp Randall Stadium from the air. Intercollegiate athletic had been started at \ \'is­ con in in 1881 and the G'niver it,· had had a fouthall T HEY call il Camp Randall. team ince igg9_ The school ~von its first great That' importanl. victory in 1894. defeating :\Iinne ota 6-0 in a game £yery now and then someone \\"ill call it "'Rawla:J on the lm,·er campus that part of the crowd watched Field," but he i , corrected quickly. fro111 fringed urreys. The great teams of '9 ,. '97, The "Cniversity of Wisconsin i proud that it; and ·01 \\"ere among the first to play at the new field. sporl center is more than just an athletic fielcl­ Charles \ 'an Hise, who beca111e pre id nt of the ancl that the drama and excitement of football eas­ Gniversity in l 03. wa a sports enthu·ia t a~ well ons are set again ta backclr p of colorful \Visconsin as a great pre iclent and he u eel to ride his horse history. nio-htly out to watch the football practice. Game In its 65 years of ownership. the "Cniver ity ha ' were played before the old 1rnocl fair tand and many expanded the facilities there until they include a :\Iadison hu -ine' and profe ional men till boast large tadi11111, fielclhouse, memorial practice build­ of the hole · the\' found as bov to in ure a free look ing and football practice fields. at the fun. · - But the Cni\"("rsity didn't name it. The name wa The Cni,·ersity had a "real" taclium by 1913 but decided long before that by ,·eterans of the Ci\'il it stands 11·e re still wo den. The legi lature declined \Var wh knew it was a great military camp named to pay for concrete-and con equently. wa prom1 tly HUGH HINDMAN LOUIS McCULLOUGH Tackle Coach for a " ·artime governor. \ \'hen the t_; n i,·ersi ty took blamed when a large section collap eel l ov. 21. 191 S. Offensive Backs it o,·er. they in isted that the name be pre en·ed at the climactic \Vi consin-1\Iinne ota game. W . W . WOODY HAYES Head Coach forever a a memorial to their fallen friends. Twenly people were injured, some eriou ly. and Tn the day before the CiY il \Var. the ite \\·a, cnly the fact that the .'eat fell lowly prevented more o-wn cl 1 y the tate Agricultural Society who 0 c casualtie among the 1.800 in the area. yearly state fairs attracted holidaying thronu there. o in 1917 the present taclium- following com- \Vith the outbreak of th war. however, the ociety 1 letion of the past year's aclclition-wa start d with turned the place over to the g vernment to become a grant of $15.000 from the legislature. The rest of the tate's major training cent .r. the mane,· wa earned bv athletic event and the The display hall were transformed inlo white­ ·taclium ,iow seats 63,435.- ·washed barracks and the hall used for flo1Yer sh 11· 3 The first game to be played in Camp Randall became a hospital. A total of 70.000 troop - \\",h tadium was the 1917 homecoming game again. t drill ed-u ually about 7,000 being tationed there .it :\[inne ota' · i-olden Gophers. The Badgers won the a time- and 500,000 relati,·e and friends came to game 10-7 to hand the Gopher their only Big Ten vi it them. lo s. relegating them to second place in the final Later in the war. part of the camp became a conference standings. A week later. Ohio State prison where a group of ick Confederates, captured vi itecl Camp Randall and inflicted a 16-3 defeat on by Gen. Pope at I land No. JO in the :Mi si ippi, the Badger -. The Ohioan won the title that year was broughl. :\Iany died in the drafty pri on hos- 11·ith an unbeaten record.


JO N I JAYNE v:ico l ,s t

(:, MARK piano & guito ri~ t Nitely 9 p.m. to 2 a.m . • DO NALD UNVERFERTH WILLARD SANDER COCKTAIL & DINNER MUS IC No. 26-, Pre-Medicine No. 33- Fullback, Engineering in the MAIN DIN ING ROOM FROZEN FOODS 4:30 to 9:00 p.m. FOR THE FOOD SERVICE INDUSTRY MARIANNE lovely Organ Stylist Available Everywhere in Ohio GRILL MEATS, INC. FROZEN MEATS INC. SEAFOOD BAY Sandusky Ravenna SPRING & HIGH STREETS GOOD FOODS INC. PORTION-PAK MEATS INC. FREE PARKING in Adjo ini rig Lo t Piqua Columbus after S:30 pm. Enter from the All~y in

GLICK'S Pre enting the Authentic Alumni

ROBERT REIN DANIEL PORRETT A Captain Thompson Library, The Ohio State University 's Chair No. 45-Halfback, Commerce No. 78- Guard, Education PERSONALIZED WITH THE Pl10tos Bv House of ONLY Portraits OFFICIAL SEAL OF YOUR 29·95 COLLEGE OR FRATERNITY Available with Be a " chair leader" ... for the old Alma Mater! Thi s comfortably designed, sturdily constructed, handrubbed maple Naugahyde finish chair proudly bears the seal of YOUR university or vinyl fraternity. It is a distinctive addition to the family room, upholstered den, office or lounge. Visit any Glick's store or order yours seat; by phone or mail. Official seals of most universiti es in the United Stoles include Ohio Stole, Ohio Wesleyan, Kent State, $39.95. Capital, Dayton, O berlin and other Big 10 schools. Order Yours Now! Free Delivery! 1------, I Glick's Furniture Co. 65 E. Long St. Cols. Ohio I I ' I I NAME ------I I ADDRESS ------I l CITY ------STATE ------l I Name of school I • DOWNTOWN - 65 E. LONG ST. • NORTHERN LIGHTS • GREAT I =~l::a;r:i~:k:-f:--:;;liv;,y - Add-;;-sales tax I W ESTERN • TOWN & COUNTRY I O CASH O CHECK O MONEY ORDER enclose d I TOM BARRINGTON ED ORAZEN DONALD HARKINS • CHILLICOTHE, OHIO No. 25- Ha lfback, Arts No. 77- Tackle, Educotion No. 46-Ha lfback, Arts L------~ ~o 11 COWALL PROMOTIONS • NEW CHRISTY MINSTRELS • HARLEM GLOBETROTTERS Wednesda y, Oct. 28 - 8 :15 P.M. Friday, Nov. 20 - 8 :00 P.M. Vetera ns Memorial Aud. Fa irgrounds Coliseum • "HOLIDAY ON ICE" • NANCY WILSON Concert Monday, Nov. 2 Th ru Su nday, Nov. 8 Wednesday, Nov. 25 - 8:30 P .M. Fairgrounds Co liseum Vetera ns Memorial Aud . • BALTIMORE BULLETS vs. CINCINNATI ROYALS • SMOTHERS BROTHERS Jerry Lucas meets Gary Bradds - N.B.A. League Game Friday, Nov. 6 - 8 :30 P.M. Sunday, Dec. 6 - 8 :00 P.M. Veterans Memorial Au d. Fairgrounds Coliseum Tickets • Central Ticket Office (Rich man 's) , 37 N. High St., CA. 8-1305 JAMES JONES ROBERT MONK RALPH FARMER No. 87- End No. 78- Center No. 89- End


ERNEST VON HEIMBURG ROBERT FREIMUTH JOHN WOOD No. 52- Ce nter No. 60-Guard No. 38- Fullback

Relax, refresh, enjoy d istinctive d in ing at The Christopher Inn, 300 East Broad Street. Luncheon, d inner, supper, cocktail s . Free parking after 5 p .m . Reservations 228-3541.

RONALD SMITH MICHAEL SACHEN CHARLES BURT No. 25-Halfback No. 56-Tackl e No. 11 - Quarterback 12 13 First Championship Team Holds Reunion l\rltuytou l\rmn •otr1 *** *** * ** il(tuy~ n lnu 111rntaurant Me mbers of 1916 football squa d recall events of 48 years ago 1335 DUBLIN ROAD COLUMBUS 12, OHIO TELEPHONE: H U 6-02 11 * 160 Luxu rious Rooms * Convention Rooms • Sales Rooms • Meeting Rooms * Silver Chalice Cocktail Lounge * Year ' Round Swimming * After-the-Game Buffet Featuring Prime Rib, Ham and Ch icken * Introducing Our New Knaves Cave

RESERVATIONS accepted for th e BUFFET - Call HU 6-0229 Where Every Guest Is King or Queen.

Hungry Football Folks make a mad rush to GET REAL hio State l.Jniversity' first Big Ten champion­ The 1916 sea ·on opened with a 12-0 victory over hip football team of 1916 is holding a reunion thi Ohio \\"e leyan. On the following Saturday, the ACRON... week-end as the 196-t- Buckeye meet the Univ rsity Buckeyes ran up their bi 0 ge t score in hi tory-12 of \\'i con in in Ohio tadium. to O OYe r berlin. FINE RESTAURANTS Forty-eight years ha\"e elaps d ince an und rdog The Big Ten a on or ened a week later and the 7·UP quad, coached by the late Dr. J. \ \T. \ Vi Ice, upset out-manned Buck ye beat Illinois 7 to 6 at Cham­ four conference opponent \\"hO cored only four paign. Harley' - touchdown run cam in the final touchdown . Three hio opponents al o bowed in minute and he kicked the winning point on a mud­ YOUR the eYen-game schedule. covered field. Ohio tate's fir t all -A.m rican, Charle \V. Thi gave the carlet and Gray battler the im­ THIRST (Chic) Harley, led the carlet and Gray attack with petu to head for the championship, wh ich they did • Superb food moderately priced his dazzling running, pa ing kicking and defen ive with victories over \,Vi consin, 14-13 ; Indiana 46-7 • Elegant, enjoyable atmosphere play. Thi was Ohio tate's first undefeated season AWAY and 1 orthwestern 23-3. • Delightful wining and dining since 1899. H arley and e,·eral other members f • Attentive service the 1916 s 1uad al o played in 19 17 when hio State The seventh victory of the ea on wa cored Tune to WBNS - 14 60 on your d lal -lor Press Box Review by again won the championship with an -0-1 record. over Case, 28-0. During the Football Game BIii Corl ey Immed ia tely after the g a me. MIDTOWN SUBURBAN at Concession Stand 19 North High St. 3015 East Main St. Free evening porking Plenty of free parking at Tower Garage ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 14 15 The Ohio State University Athletic Staff


27 Pancake Varieties 10 Waffle Valiations FLOYD S. STAHL GEORGE R. STATEN WILBUR E. SNYPP P.S. We hw Asst. Athletic Director Director of Ticket Soles Director of Publicity vc Sten hs, Chops, Chich e11 , f;> Shrimp



DR. RICHARD PATTON DR . ROBERT J . MURPHY DR . JUDSON D. WILSON Team Physician Team Physician Team Physician

Th e All-American J. EDWARD WEAVER J azz Band Associate Director of Athletics BILLY

DR. LUTHER M. KEITH, JR. FREDERIC BEEKMAN ERNEST R. BIGGS Team Physician Director of lntramurals Head Trainer MAXTED and his MANHATTAN JAZZ BAND

Newly Redecorated -

· • looks smoother 6iraubuiew Irnn • looks glossier One of America's Foremost Re staurants Just 5 Minutes from the Center of Columbus •· looks better longer !DEAN JAMES R. McCOY MARVIN W. HOMAN RALPH GUARASCI RO BERT C. RIES ....______./ !faculty .Re presentative Asst. Director of Publicity Stadium Superintendent Asst. Tic ke t D irector 16 17 Badger Assistants and Staff Members \\\\\0 STATE FOOTBALL

TYRONE BARNETT NICHOLAS YONCLAS No. 14-Halfback, Arts No. 22- Quarterback, Arts

CLARK VAN GALDER PAUL R. SHAW FRED E. MARSH OSCAR C. DAMMAN Assistant Coach Assistant Coach Assistont Coach Director of Ticket Sales

Union Building, The Ohio Stole University ARNOLD CHONKO STEPHAN DREFFER No. 23- Quorterback, Pre-Medicine No. 30-Fullback, Pre-Law JAMES MOTT LAVERN VAN DYKE GEORGE LANPHEAR DERAL TETEAK Photos By House of Portraits Asst. Publicity Director Assistant Coach Publicity Director Assistant Coach

DOUG DRENIK LEON LINDSEY TOM FEDERLE WILLIAM ASPINWALL WALTER BAKKE ART LAMBOLEY FRED JACOBY No. 32- Halfback, Commerce No. 49-Halfback, Education No. SO-Center, Commerce Business Manager Head Trainer Equipment Manager Assistant Cooch 18 19 STEPHEN YOUNG RALPH KUREK ROGER ALBERTS No. 61 - Tackle No. 34-Fullback No. 28- End





THIS PROGRAM IS A PRODUCT OF OUR PLANT LEE BERNET LOUIS JUNG DAVID NEUBAUER No. 73- Tackl e No. 84- En d No. 27- Halfback 20 21 OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY \\\\\0 S1ATE FOOTBALL BASKETBALL SCHEDULE 1964-1965 December 2 South Dakota, here, 8:30 p.m. December 3 St. Louis, here, 8:30 p .m. December 5 At Texas Christion December 7 At Houston December 9 Butler, here, 8:30 p.m. December 19 At Davidson December 22 At Brigham Young December 28 Dartmouth, here, 8:30 p.m. December 30 Duke, here, 8:30 p.m. January 2 Georgia Tech, here, (Regional TV) 4: 30 p.m. January 9 At Purdue January 16 Indiana, here, 2:30 p.m. JAMES NEIN MICHAEL ORAZEN January 23 At Minnesota No . 85- End, Arts No. 93-End, Engineering January 30 Wisconsin, here, 2:30 p.m. FOR T H E S IXTH February 6 At Wisconsin (Regional TV) CO N SEC U T IVE V E A R February 8 Illinois, here, 8:30 p.m. February 13 Iowa, here, 8:30 p .m. February 16 At Illinois S ASO N -LONG February 20 At Michigan HO M & A W AY February 22 Michigan State, COVERAGE here, 8: 30 p.m. February 27 Northwestern, here, 2:30 p.m. March 1 At Indiana March 6 At Michigan State March 8 Michigan, here, 8:30 p.m.


1964 Sept. 26 So. Methodist, here Oct. 24 Wisconsin, here University Hospital, The Ohio State University KIM ANDERSON JOHN FILL Oct. 3 Indiana, here Oct. 31 At Iowa No. 57-Center, Arts No. 15-Halfback, Education Oct. 10 At Illinois Nov. 7 Penn State, here Oct. 17 U.S.C., here Nov. 14 Northwestern, here Nov, 21 Michigan, here Photos By llousc of Portra,ts 1965 Sept. 25 N. Carolina, here Oct. 23 At Wisconsin Oct. 2 At Washington Oct. 30 Minnesota, here Oct. 9 Illinois, here Nov. 6 Indiana, here Oct. 16 Al Michigan Stole Nov. 13 Iowa, here Nov. 20 Al Michigan S A T UR D AY 1966 Sept. 24 Texas Christion, here Oct. 22 Wisconsin, here NCAA GAME of the WEEK Oct. 1 Washington, here Oct. 29 At Minnesota Oct. 8 At Illinois Nov. 5 Indiana, here S UN D AY Oct. 15 Michigan State, here Nov. 12 At Iowa Nov. 19 Michigan, here 12 :00- 0SU GAM E HI LITES 1967 Sept. 30 , here Oct. 28 Illinois, here 1:00-HIGH SCHOO L HILITES Oct. 7 Oregon Nov. 4 At Michigan State at Portland, Ore. Nov. 11 Wisconsin, here vv KDAY :1 5 Oct . 14 Purdue, here Nov. 18 Iowa, here NI G HTLY-11 :1 5 Oct. 21 At Northwestern Nov. 25 Al Michigan 1968 SPORTS NEWS with Jimmy Crum 8 Phil Somp Sept. 28 So. Methodist, here Oct. 26 At Illinois Oct. 5 Oregon, here Nov. 2 Michigan State, here Oct. 12 Purdue, here Nov. 9 At Wisconsin Oct. 19 Northwestern, here Nov, 16 At Iowa PAUL HUDSON DWIGHT KELLEY JOHN McCOY Nov. 23 Michigan, here No. 36--Fullback, Education No. 53-Center, Commerce Na. 12-Halfback, Agriculture

22 23 OHIO STATE FOOTBALL ROSTER No. NAME POS . WGT. HGT. AGE CLASS HOME TOWN H. S. COACH 11 Thomas, Will -----·- __ RH 174 6-0 19 Sophomore Lima Al Scrivner 12 McCoy, Jahn ---- RH 188 5-10 19 Sophomore Wooster Roman Majerczak 14 ** Barnell, Tyrone RH 172 5-8 21 Senior Orrville Bill Shunkwiler 15 Fill, Jahn LH 177 5-9 21 Sophomore Cuyahoga Heights Will iam Jacobs 16 Badenbender, George RH 184 6-0 21 Senior Bellefontaine Dick Beltz 17 Meinerding, Wesley RH 209 6-0 19 Sophomore Canton Chet Fair 19 Adderley, Nelson _ LH 183 5-11 21 Junior Philadelphia, Pa. John Zarweckie 20 Newcomer, Mark --- __ QB 175 5-11 19 Sophomore Gibsonburg Herb Redding 21 All en, Richard QB 177 6-1 20 Junior Sidney Ollie Cline 22 *Yanclas, Nicholas QB 180 5-10 20 Senior Delhi, N. Y. Ed Shalkey 23 **Chonko, Arnold .. QB 209 6-2 21 Senior Parma Bob Brugge 25 *Barrington, Thomas -· _ LH 216 6-1 20 Junior Lima Joe Malmusur 26 *Unverferth, Donald _ QB 208 6-3 20 Junior Dayton Ed Regan 27 Kaylor, Ronald .. QB 200 6-3 21 Senior Canton Jerry Wampler 28 Vanfossen, Jesse RH 156 5-10 19 Junior Centerburg Jack Wilson 30 ** Dreffer, Stephan . __ __ _ FB 204 5-9 21 Senior Montpelier Carl Peirano 32 ** Drenik, Douglas _ -· __ FB 190 6-1 21 Senior Wickliffe Ed Logan 33 *Sander, Willard _ ---- FB 215 6-2 20 Junior Cincinnati Robert Geiser 34 Farbizo, Thomas _ ----· __ FB 194 5-11 19 Sophomore New Philadelphia Al Christopher 35 Baas, James _ FB 205 6-1 19 Sophomore Columbus Marv Moorehead 36 Hudson, Paul --····· .. ____ FB 205 5-11 20 Sophomore Coatesville, Pa. Bob Bowman 37 Wallenhurst, Douglas ·- QB 187 5-10 18 Sophomore Massillon Andrew Steve 38 Reed, Samuel __ _ RE 183 5-8 18 Sophomore Garrettsville Robert Helms 44 Richley, Richard _ __ LH 183 5.9 22 Junior Cincinnati Paul Schlosser 45 Rein , Robert __ .. _ ... ____ RH 182 5-11 19 Sophomore Niles Tony Mason 46 **Harkins, Donald _ ----·-·----RH 200 6-1 21 Senior Urbana Roger Braver 47 ** Espy, Bennie ______LH 178 6-0 21 Senior Sandusky Earle Bruce 48 Lykes, Robert _ LH 185 6-1 20 Junior Akron Jay Osborn 49 Lindsey, Leon .. ----··-- _ LH 180 5-10 22 Senior Steubenville Ray Hoyman 50 *Federle, Thomas ___ .. C 197 5-11 21 Senior Cincinnati Paul Misali 52 Fitz, Thomas .. ______LG 219 6-2 21 Senior Cuyahoga Falls Ed Wentz 51 Cochran, Terrence . __ C 198 5-9 20 Junior Richwood Fritz Drodofsky 53 *Kelley, Dwight __ --- __ C 216 5-11 20 Junior Bremen Robert Hamm 54 Truster, Jerry ___ ----·- _ LG 208 6-0 21 Senior Columbus Marv Moorehead 55 Rutherford, William ___ -· ___ C 188 5-10 19 Sophomore Columbus Bob White 56 Oates, James ----- ______c 229 6-0 20 Junior Dunkirk Jack Peterson 57 Anderson, Kim ______c 194 6-0 19 Sophomore Orrville Bill Shunkwiler 58 Miller, Gary RG 213 6-0 20 Sophomore Bellevue Lowell Shaffer 59 Cummins, Thomas . . C 190 5-10 21 Senior London James Bowlus 60 Phelan, Robin ----·- ______LG 194 6-0 18 Sophomore Columbus Jack Ryan 61 Andrick, Theodore __ LG 208 5-11 20 Junior Cuyahoga Falls Dave Martin 62 Funk, Robert ___ . ______RG 236 6-1 20 Junior Lakewood Bob Duncan 63 Eachus, William ______RG 209 6-0 19 Sophomore Gallipolis Jack Olcott 64 Snyder, Larry ______RG 198 6-2 21 Senior Wooster Roman Majerczak 65 Pryor, Ray __ .LG 220 6-0 19 Sophomore Hamilton Louis Florio 66 *Bugel, Thomas ______LG 203 6-0 19 Junior W. Homestead, Pa. Nick Kliskey Hotnew! 67 Windle, Gary ______LG 214 5-11 19 Sophomore Warren Ben Wilson 68 *Van Horn, Douglas _ ----- RT 236 6-2 20 Junior Columbus Robert Stuart Dodge at a 69 *Ridder, William _ RG 212 5 -10 19 Junior Springfield Ron Murphy 70 Green, Mark ------·- _ RT 250 6-4 18 Sophomore Groveport Glenn Johnston new lower price. 71 *Kasunic, Gerald .. ______RT 228 6-1 22 Senior Cleveland Charles Hofelich Coronet '65. 72 Anderson, Richard _ ___ RT 238 6-5 20 Junior Lodi Ben Spechalske 73 *Davidson, James --· ______LT 231 6-4 21 Senior Alliance Mel Knowlton Bigger! Than the both 74 Current, Michael -·-- -- . _ LT 230 6-4 19 Sophomore Lima Al Scrivner of them: Chevelle and 75 Kohut, William LT 251 6-4 21 Senior Youngstown Ralph Robinette 76 Burgin, Asbury ______RT 232 6-2 19 Sophomore Euclid Chuck Asher Ji'airlane. In wheelbase. In power. 77 *Orazen, Edward ------__LT 232 6-0 21 Senior Euclid Don Mohr 78 ** Porrello, Daniel RG 230 6-1 20 Senior Clairton, Pa. Neil Brown Inside. 79 Hill, Joseph __ . LT 239 6-1 19 Sophomore Columbus Dick Walker Buckets. 80 Stack, Robert LE 193 6-1 21 Junior Washington, Pa. Dave Johnston 81 Anders, Billy __ . LE 191 6-2 19 Sophomore Sabina Did not play in H. S. Bomb. 82 **Spahr, William ______LE 192 6-2 21 Senior Columbus John Montgomery 83 Walden, Robert _----- _ LE 176 6 -0 19 Sophomore Middletown Glenn Ellison Bonus. 84 Housteau, Joseph ______RE 213 6-2 21 Junior Girard Tom Carey Check the price. 85 Nein, James ___ LH 193 6-2 19 Sophomore Middletown Glenn Ellison 86 Palmer, John _ _ __ _ RE 208 6-1 20 Junior Kettering James Hoover Surprise again. Right 87 *Lashutka, Gregory ______RE 219 6-5 20 Junior Cleveland Dave Richards down 88 ** Kiehfuss, Thomas _ __ RE 205 6-3 21 Senior Cincinnati Paul Misali with the little ones. 89 Anderson, Thomas -----·- . LE 200 6-1 21 Senior Orrville Bill Shunkwiler It figures. It comes from '&5 Dodge Caranet 90 Cairns, Gary --- • _ RG 238 6-1 19 Sophomore Canton Don Nehlen 91 Mobley, Ben .. _ LE 208 6 -2 22 Senior Montclair, N. J. Clary Anderson Dodge. DODG( (OfliUS ON BIG fOR ' 6.S • DART • CORONET • POLA.A • CUSTOM 110 • MONACO 92 Howman, Dennis FB 208 6-1 21 Senior Wooster Roman Majerczak And Dodge comes 93 Orazen, Michael . --- _ __ RE 203 6-0 19 on big Sophomore Euclid Don Mohr DODGE DIVISION,~ 94 Longer, Robert . . .• ___ RT 192 6-2 21 Senior Cleveland Charles Hofelich CHRYSLER for J.(165. ~ MOTORS CORPORATION 95 George, August ... - ----· __ RG 222 6-0 19 Sophomore Kettering Jim Hoover 96 Smith , Larry ---·------_ RT 209 5-10 20 Junior Amsterdam Wm. Offenbecker 97 Wortman, Robert --·- __ LT 238 6-2 21 Senior Cincinnati Paul Misali 98 Vargo, Thomas _ ------.. LG 190 5 -10 19 Sophomore Columbus Jack Ryan *denotes letters won

24 things go -·Wlt Qke

OHIO STATE THE BUCKEYE SQUAD WISCONSIN THE BADGER SQUAD 12 McCoy, RH Richley, LH PROBABLE STARTING LINEUP 44 61 Andrick, LG 78 Porretta, RG PROBABLE STARTING LINEUP 9 Fronek, RH 37 Brash, FB 61 Young, RT 77 Piraino, LT 14 Barnett, RH 45 Rein, RH 62 Funk, RG 79 Hill, LT No. Name Position No. Name Position l O Pinnow, QB 38 Wood, FB 62 Maslowe, RG 78 Monk, C 15 Fill, LH 46 Harkins, RH 63 Eachus, RG 80 Stock, LE 87 JAMES JONES _------_ LE 15 Kaye, QB 40 Burns, RH 63 Hoffman, LG 79 Jacobazzi, RT ROBERT STOCK ______.. LE 80 17 Meinerding, FB 47 Espy, LH Snyder, RG 64 81 Anders, LE 73 LEE BERNET ______LT 16 Hennig, QB 41 Frasier, RH 64 Hohman, LG 81 How a rd, la., RE 73 JAMES DAVIDSON _____ LT 20 Newcomer, QB 48 Lykes, LH 65 Pryor, LG 82 Spahr, LE 64 JON HOHMAN ______LG 18 Brandt, QB 42 Frain, HB 65 Johnson, LG 82 Grudzinski, LE TED ANDRICK ______LG 21 Allen, QB 49 Lindsey, LH 66 Bugel, LG 83 Walden, LE 19 Hakanen, QB 44 Howard, Le., RH 66 Richter, RG 84 Jung, LE 61 52 ERNEST von HEIMBURG C 22 Yonclas, QB 50 Federle, C 67 Windle, LG 84 Housteau, RE 21 Grossman, LH 45 Silvestri, RH 67 laCroix, LG 85 Jenson, LE 50 TOM FEDERLE ______c 60 ROBERT FREIMUTH __ RG 23 Chonko, QB 51 Cochran, C 68 Van Horn, RT 85 Nein, LH 22 Heebink, HB 46 Kuhlemeier, RH 68 Kostka, RG 86 Leafblad, RE 78 DAN PORRETT A .______RG 25 Barrington, LH 52 Fitz, LG 69 Ridder, RG 86 Palmer, RE 79 ROGER JACOBAZZI _ RT 24 Clark, HB 47 Yates, RH 69 Lysaker, RG 87 Jones, LE 26 Unverferth, QB 53 Kelley, C 68 DOUG. VAN HORN ___ RT 70 Green. RT 87 lashutka, RE 86 RONALD LEAFBLAD -· RE 25 Smith, LH 48 Jankowski, LH 70 Maselter, LG 89 Farmer, RE 27 Kaylor, QB 54 Truster, LG 71 Kasunic, RT 88 Kiehfuss, RE 26 Waller, HB 50 Goeke, C 71 Currier, LT 90 Peterson, LE JOHN PALMER ______RE 18 HAROLD BRANDT ___ QB 86 30 Dreffer, FB 55 Rutherford, C 72 Anderson, R. RT 90 Cairns, RG 25 RONALD SMITH ______LH 27 Neubauer, RH 52 von Heimburg, C72 London, LT 91 Beise, LG 26 DON UNVERFERTH ____ QB 32 Drenik, FB 56 Oates, C 73 Davidson, LT 91 Mobley, LE ______RH 28 Alberts, LE 54 Aulik, C 73 Bernet, l T 92 Rusch, RE 33 Sander, FB 45 CARL SILVESTRI 25 TOM BARRINGTON ______LH 57 Anderson, K. C 7 4 Current, l T 92 Howman, FB 33 McKinney, RH 55 Chickerneo, C 7 4 Jenkins, RT 93 Boots, RE RALPH KUREK ______fB 35 Baas, FB 58 Miller, RG 75 Kohut, LT 93 Orazen, M . RE 34 34 Kurek, FB 56 Sachen, RT 45 BOB REIN ______RH 75 Sobocinski, LT 94 Rice, RE 36 Hudson, FB 59 Cummins, C 76 Burgin, RT 94 longer, RT 35 Brigham, FB 57 Loukas, LG 76 Sonnenberg, RT 97 Cuccia, RE 33 WILLARD SANDER ____ FB 38 Reed, RE 60 Phelan, LG 77 Orazen, E. l T 97 Wortman, LT 36 Milek, FB 60 Freimuth, RG Plymouth roars into '65 University of Wisconsin Roster

s POS . WGT. HGT. AGE CLASS HOME TOWN with 4 great new sport ! No. NAME 9 * Fronek, David .. RH 187 6-1 20 Junior Antigo 10 Pinnow, Gary ... QB 188 6-0 19 Sophomore Racine ______QB 11 15 Kaye, Jesse 180 6-0 20 Junior Gree n Bay 16 Hennig, James - QB 170 5-11 21 Senior Green Bay 18 * Brandt, Harold QB 198 6-2 21 Senior Hinsdale, Ill. 19 Hakanen, Lauri - QB 187 6-5 19 Sophomore Waukegan, Ill. 21 Grossman, Robert LH 180 5-11 20 Junior Minneapolis, Minn. 22 Heebink, Peter HB 181 5-11 21 Sophomore Madison 24 Clark, John HB 195 6-0 19 Sophomore Green Bay 25 *Smith, Ronald ---- LH 181 6-0 21 Senior East Chicago, Ind. 26 Waller, Jomes ... HB 190 5-10 19 Sophomore Prairie du Chien 27 Neubauer, David ... RH 170 5-11 19 Sophomore Neenah 28 Alberts, Rodger -·--- LE 220 6-0 20 Junior Rockford, Ill. 33 *McKinney, Ge rald _ RH 210 6-0 23 Senior Milwaukee 34 * Kure k, Ralph _ FB 205 6-1 21 Senior Watertown 35 Brigh am, Thomas ____ FB 192 5-11 21 Junior Two Rivers 36 Milek, Joseph FB 201 6-0 21 Senior Melrose Park, Ill. 37 Brash, Joe l ------FB 216 6-2 20 Sophomore Deerfield, Ill. 38 Wood, John FB 217 5-11 19 Sophomore Barrington, Ill. '65 Sport Fury 40 Burns, Timothy RH 185 5-11 21 Junior Whitefish Bay 19 Sophomore Rhinelander The biggest, plushest Plymouth ever. 41 Frasier, Larry RH 183 6-1 HB 193 6-0 21 Senior Chicago, Ill. brand-new "ultra-everything" 42 * Frain, Ronald A Leo RH 195 6-2 20 Sophomore Maywood, Ill. Plymouth that's still solidly 44 Ho ward, 45 * Silvestri, Carl RH 193 5-11 21 Senicr Shorewood in the low-price field. 46 Kuhlemeier, James RH 196 6-1 19 Sophomore Freeport, Ill. 47 Yates, Ronald RH 190 6-0 19 Sophomore Jacksonville, Ill. 48 Jankowski, Thomas ---- LH 195 6-0 19 Sophomore Whitefish Bay Sophomore Toronto, Canada 49 Janule, Victor . ------HB 193 6-0 19 50 Goeke, James ___ -- .. - - --- C 225 6-2 20 Junior Lockport, Ill. 52 * von Heim burg, Ernest _ ..... C 208 5-11 21 Senior Marinette 54 Aulik, David ------·-----·c 218 6-2 20 Junior Antigo 55 Chickerneo1 Leon ~------· ...... C 208 5-11 19 Sophomore Highland Park, Ill. 56 Sachen, Michael ... _____..... ----- .. RT 225 6-2 20 Junior West Allis _____ LG 57 Loukas, Anthony ... ·------220 6-2 19 Sophomore Chicago, Ill. 60 * Freimuth, Robert ------... RG 229 6-3 21 Senior Green Bay 61 *Young, Stephen ------RT 225 5-11 21 Senior Mt. Pleasant, la. Sophomore Elmhurst, Ill. 62 Moslowe, Richard ------...... RG 214 5-11 19 ______.. ______.. __ LG 63 Hoffman, Duncan 206 5-11 21 Senior Park Forest, Ill. 64 * Hohman1 Jon ------LG 231 6-0 21 Senior Appleton 65 Johnson, Brekke ... ------· ...... LG 205 5-10 20 Junior Madison '65 Belvedere Satellite 66 Richter, Robert ···------...... •. __ RG 203 6-0 19 Sopho,nor~ Milwaukee .... _____ ------... ___ LG 211 5-10 19 Sophomore Valders A new way to swing without going out 67 LaCroix, Richard '65 Valiant Signet Kostka, Wayne ... ___ ...... ______RG 203 5-11 19 Sophomore Milwaukee limb. For the buyer who knows that, 68 on a 69 Lysaker, John ..._ RG 195 5-11 20 Junior Crookston, Minn. The compact that hasn't forgotten it's Plymouth, pride of ownership when 70 Maselter, William _ LG 230 6-5 20 Sophomore Madison why you buy a compact. Still the best can still go hand-in-hand with low price. all-around compact, proving that 71 Currier, Charles ...... LT 224 6-0 20 Junior Beloit have to go big-car 72 London, Michael __ .....·-····-··· ..._ LT 227 6-2 19 Junior Madison Valiant didn't Senior Chicago, Ill. in price or size to give you 73 *Bernet, Lee ------LT 238 6-2 20 Jenkins, Nathan RT 210 6-2 22 Junior Atlanta, Ga. big-car performance. 74 . -- 75 Sobocinski, Philip . LT 230 6-1 19 Sophomore South Milwaukee 76 Sonnenberg, Michael RT 230 6-1 19 Sophomore Milwaukee 77 Piraino, Albert .. LT 245 6-5 20 Senior Waukegan, Ill. 78 Monk, Robert -· ------C 255 6-3 21 Senior Wausau 79 * Jocobazzi, Roger ... ___ RT 227 6-2 22 Senior Westmont, Ill. Ill. 81 *Howard, Larry - . -- -- RE 209 6-2 22 Senior Maywood, 82 Grudzinski, Jomes _____ LE 181 6-1 20 Junior Hobart, Ind. 84 Jung, Louis ------LE 193 6-2 20 Junior Randolph 85 Jenson, Joel ... ______LE 218 6-1 20 Senior Io wa City, la . 86 * Leafb lad, Ronald - RE 197 6-1 22 Senior Waukegan, Ill . 87 * Jo nes, James LE 183 6-2 23 Senior Washington, D.C. 89 * Former, Ralph ...... ------RE 217 6-5 21 Senior Madison ______.. ______90 Peterson, Philip -- LE 205 6-1 18 Sophomore Comstock '65 Barracuda Fastback 91 Bei se , Grant ------LG 213 5-11 20 Junior Excelsior, Minn. rt RE 198 5-11 20 Junior Two Rivers at a spectacular THE ROARING 65s 92 Rusch, Robe The fast-moving fastback 93 Boots, Richard RE 200 6-0 19 Sophomore Appleton price. America's best combination low FURY 94 Rice, Eric RE 203 6-4 20 Sophomore Milwaukee yet of sports-car look, youthful vitality, 95 Wehrspann, William ...... RG 205 6-1 19 Sophomore Joliet, Ill. economy. all-purpose versatility, and all-around BELVEDERE 97 Cuccia, Henry ------· RE 213 6-2 20 Junior Madison VALIANT 98 Brown, Steven .. _ LT 229 6-2 19 Sophomore Lincolnwood, Ill. BARRACUDA * d .:, r:otes lettermen Get your free copy of the NCAA Football Almanac . FOR THIS - LONGI N ES - THE WORLD'S MOST HONORED WATCH" at your nearest participating Plymouth Dealer's. Plymaulfi = e.-. "OFFICIAL WATCH GAME =~ 29 PLYMOUTH DIVISION ,.~ CHRYSLER ~ MOTORS CORPORATION EVERYONE LIKES THE ©tentangy tnn UNIQUE DINING TREATS · 1 299 Olentangy River Road Between 3rd & 5th Ave. AND ENTERTAINMENT AT. AX. 4-5211 COLUMBUS' BEAUTIFUL, ULTRA-MODERN RESORT HOTEL HOTEL LU XURY, RESO RT ATMOS PHERE AND PLEASURE Singles from $6.00; Doubles from $8.50 FRI DA YS FISHERMANS' The Inn's Fabulous FIREWATER ' ti\ 9 P·"'· 8 WHARF BUFFET Suodov• ~t i.ul\C\1£01\ CHAMPAGNE DINNER ROOM Al most u nlimited ll\\t~Y.0\)\~!\£.\\ A Gormet's Delight Co,y Cocktail se lection of Lounge \ Priced Served Nightly $4.95 lv\oderote Y A ;reol savory, delectable. Nitely ROBERT RICHTER DAVID AULIK Dioners. ·\ seafoods - including ANTHONY LOUKAS s undoY Whole fom• Y· 2 Big FASHION SHO WS live Maine lobster JA YLENE GRA y No. 66- Guord No . 54--Center No. 57- Guard for the. Children's Every Thursday 1 & 7 p.m. ouo Spec,o\Pric~ $3 .50 ~;j~·~2 $ l.7S1

FOOTBALL PRIVATE Cheerful, Attractive DAILY LUNCHEON COFFEE SHOP LUNCHEON DINING ROOMS PARTY AND BUFFET Appetizing dishes, BUFFET CONFERENCE ROOM Mon, lhru So t. economically priced. Speedy service . . For Up lo 1 S A most popular experience WISCONSI N 0 25 Open from 6 a .m. do il y buses lo game in dining ... featuring a and return r-...... 1, antoli zing va riety of di shes. ADGER $1.50

~THE WORLD'S-- MOST·­ HONOR ED WATCH LONGINES Official Watch for these Games and for L eading National and ROBERT GROSSMAN MICHAEL SONNENBERG KESSE KAYE International Sports Ass ociations No . 21 - Halfback No . 76- Ta ck le No. 15- Quarte rback Throughout The World

Major Games • Games • Ame rican Football League Games • Major League Baseball Games, including the World Series • U.S. Olympic Trials 1964 • President's Cup Regatta • Pike's Peak Hill Climb • Mobilgas Economy Run • 100,000 Mile Mercury-Comet Record • North American Ski Championships • SCCA Na t ional Rallys • National Bobsled Championships • National Speed Skating Championships • World Professional Ski Championships • National Horse Shows LONG IN ES has been proven superior in open co m­ • National Outdoor Men's & Women's Swimming Championships • World Automobile Speed Record-Lake Eyre, Australia • Grand petition with the world's costliest timepieces. Prix de Monaco • Monte Carlo Rally • Austrian Rowing Champion­ Longines is chosen year after year to time almost ships • Swiss Rowing Championships • Int. Ireland Automobile Rally • Int. Akropolis Automobile Rally-Greece • Tou r of Britain al l major championship sports events th ro ughout (Cycling}--London • Tour de France (Cycling}--Paris • Giro the wo rl d. Longi nes watches are sold and se rviced d'ltalia (Cycling}--Milan Shell 5000 Rally-Vancouver­ Montreal in 150 countries of t he free world. LONGINES, Th e World's Most H Illustrated- onored Watch Longines Gran d P rize Admiral Longi nes Lad y's World's Fai r A 10 World's Fair Grand Prizes utomatic Cale ndar Watch, Sol id 14K gold with faceted Gold Filled. 28 Go Mesh bracelet. unbreakable synthetic ld Medal Awards From $135. Highest Observatory Honors for A ccuracy sap phire c rystal. From $125. Premie r Watch of Science, Aviation a nd Exploration At Fra nch ised LONGINES-WITTNAUER WATCH COMPANY LONGINES-WITTNAUER JEWELERS RICHARD LA CROIX PHILLIP SOBOCINSKI MICHAEL LONDON No. 67- Guard No. 75- Ta ckl e No. 72- Tackl e 30 31 \\\\\0 SlAlE FOOTBALL

TOM ANDERSON MIKE CURRENT No. 89- End, Commerce No. 74--Tackle, Commerce ''161 '' MOTOR LODGE & RESTAURANT Jct. Routes 161 & 71 (North/South Freeway) Columbus Phone 885-4484

134 Spacious Rooms

Excellent Food

Cocktails in Plush, New SPORTS Denney Hall, The Ohio State University BILLY RAY ANDERS THOMAS CUMMINS FORUM Lounge No. 81 - End , Education No. 59- Center, Vet. Medicine

Pliotos By Tl ouse of Portraits Beautiful, Heated, Indoor Patio-Pool

Special Buffet Luncheons Before Games & Private Buses To & From Stadium

Most Convenient Location Via Freeway To Stadium & Downtown Areas

Stay over Sunday and see the "Browns" game on TV - ask about our special Sunday rates.

~owARDJ ,QI-I nson'S "161" '· :t

THOMAS FITZ WILL THOMAS TED ANDRICK Phone 885-4484 No. 52- Center, Engineering No. 11 - Halfback, Engineering No. 61 - Guard, Commerce (A rea Code 614) 32 33 I E.VE.RYO~ES HEADED TO MAII-J Al-JD HIGH S1l

LEO HOWARD ALBERT PIRA INO THOMAS JANKOWSKI No. 44-Holfbock No. 77- Tockle No. 48- Holfb ock

,1\HG 4 W S C 0 N S I N ftlW~ aughan's JI , "" SEED C01\1P ANY ~(£ 't, ADG R 5300 Katrine Ave., Downers Grove Ill., 60515, U.S.A.

These items ca n b e p u rchased at leading Hardware Stores, Garden C e nters and De­ SPRING """" " "'" """'" fill SUMMER "" "'""""" partment Stores. Vaughn's One Shot is be­ wr @ $8~ ing used on the O hio Stadium turf. oo,. caTIIIS IP 1111.1 Jtfl -­ CHARLES CURRIER LARRY HOWARD JON HOHMAN oz VAUGHAN 'S SEED CO. No. 71 - Tockle No. 81 - End No. 64-Guo rd CMKAM .... v oe11

-. ------

Known From Coast To Coast for SUPERB ITALIAN CUISINE Chicken Cacciatore - Veal P armigiano S teak Pizziola - L asagne Genuine Homemade Spaghetti & Raviola

1692 W. Fifth A e. H . 8-6440 "Phone for Reservations" HAROLD BRANDT CARL SI LVESTRI THOMAS BRIGHAM No, 18- Quorterbock No. 45- Holfbock No. JS- Fullback 34 35 \\\\\0 SlATE FOOTBALL

RICHARD ANDERSON GREGORY LASHUTKA No. 72- Tackle, Arts No. 87- End, Arts

law Building, The Ohio State University ROBERT LYKES JOHN PALMER No. 48- Halfback, Commerce No. 86- End, Commerce

Ph otos n!/ II ouse of Port rm ts

What does she mean "cigars ... cigarettes ...Tiparillos"?

You'l l be hearing that chant more and And never before such mildness! surprisingly whiter ash is visible evi­ more- now thatTiparillos have arrived. The most careful blending of choicest dence. Smoker's proof. Here is flavor And arrived they have. In all the right imported tobaccos has seen to that. you don't have to inhale to enjoy. places . With all the right people. So, too, has the exclusive, veinless "Cigars ... cigarettes .. . ?" Who The new Tiparillo has a neat, trim Ultra Cigar Wrapper* that burns so knows, maybe someday it will be just shape. It looks young and debonair. And evenly and smoothly it insures com­ "Tiparillos!" its pearly, pliable tip pays more than plete mildness. Why don't y ou ask for one today? RAY PRYOR ROBERT FUNK RONALD KAYLOR You ca n even see the mildness. The No. 65- Guard, Arts No. 62- Guard, Commerce No. 27- Quarterback lip service to your smoking pleasu re. 36 Tiparillos are on sale at this stadium. BUCKEYE CAPTAINS HOLD ANNUAL REUNION ALL ROADS LEAD TO OH IO STATER INN

Convenience is a paramount feature of THE INN .. . you can walk to every important office, se rvice administrative headquarters, the Sta­ dium and St. John Are na on the Ohio State University campus. It is easily accessible to all h ighways and expressways l eading into Colum­ bus from all directions . • . North, South, East or West. The OHIO STATER INN is conve niently close to nearby industrial a nd commercial establish­ ments , .. close to University Hospital and other hospita ls •. . close to Columbus Ai rport ( five miles d ue Ea st} . .. close to Batte ll e Memorial WILLIAM SPAHR THOMAS KIEHFUSS JAMES DAVIDSON Institute. No. 82- End, Arts, Captain No. 88- End, Commerce, Captain No. 73- Tackle, Commerce, Captain

\Vhen Ohio tate l.;niversity' football captains J oining the liYing captains unday 011 thi , 75th meet unday morning for their annual reunion . they anniYersary of Buckeye football will be Ohio State' For Reservations, write OHIO STATER INN, Mr. Currie Wallick, general manager, 2060 will pay tribute to tho e \\'ho have pa secl on. The fir t tri-leacler in hi tory, :,enior· James DaYicbon 1, Ohio or Telephone 294-5381 . list of clecea eel captain is indicated below by an of Alliance: \Villiam Spahr of Columbus and Thomas North High Street at East Woodruff, Columbus asterik. K iehfus of Cincinnati.

*1890 Jesse L. Jones {Spring) *1918 Clarence A. MacDonald 1946 Warren Amling, D.V.M. * Paul M. Lincoln (Fall) 1919 Charles W. Harley 1947 Robert 0 . Jabbusch *1891 Richard T. Ellis 1920 lolas M. Huffman, M.D. 1948 David I. Templeton *1892 Richard T. Ellis 1921 Cyril E. Myers, M. D. 1949 A. Jack Wilson *1893 A. P. Gillen *1922 Lloyd A. Pixley 1950 Henry Bill Trautwein *1894 W. G. Nagel 1923 Boni Petcoff, M.D. 1951 Robert C. Heid *1895 Renick W. Dunlap 1924 Francis D. Young 1952 Bernie G. Skvarka OHIO STATE FOOTBALL FANS *1896 Edward H. French 1925 Harold B. Cunningham 1953 Robert V. Joslin * William A. Reed 1926 Marty G. Karow George Jacoby *18 97 Harry C. Hawkins 1927 Theodore R. Meyer 1954 C. Richard Brubaker ENJOY THE BEST *1898 John Segrist *1928 Leo Raskowski John R. Bo rto n *1899 D. B. Sa yers 1929 Ala n M. Hol man 1955 Frank C. Machinsky *1900 J. H. Til ton 1930 Wesley E. Fesler Kenneth W . Vargo *1901 J.M. Kittle 1931 Stuart K. Holco mb 1956 Franklin D. R. Ellwood *1902 W. F. Coover 1932 Lewis G. Hinchman P. William Michael *1903 James R. Marker 1933 Joseph T. Gailus 1957 Galen B. Cisco *1904 John D. Th rower Sidney G illma n Leo M. Brown 1905 Ralph W. Hoyer 1934 J. Regis Monahan 1958 Francis T. Kremblas 1906 James F. Li ncoln 1935 Gomer T. Jones Richard P . Schafrath *1907 H. J . Sc ho ry 1936 Merle E. Wendt 1959 James E. Ho uston *1908 W. D. Barringto n 1937 Ralph C. Wo lf 1960 James Tyrer *1909 Thomas H. J o nes James A. McDo na ld James Herbstreit HOT DOGS *1910 Leslie R. Wells 1938 Michael Ka bealo 1961 Thomas Perdue * 1911 Frank P. Markley Carl G. Ka planoff Michael Ingram 1912 Don R. Barricklow 1939 Steven F. Andrako 1962 Gary Moe ll er Served at all Home Games 1913 W. Irving Geissman 1940 E. J ames Lo nghurst Robert Voge l 19 14 Ca m pbell J . G raf 1941 J ack W. Stephe nson 1963 O rmo nd e Ricketts 19 15 Iva n B. Boughton, D.V. M. 1942 Geo rg e M. Lynn Ma tt Snell / *1916 Frank Sorensen 1943 J o hn R. Dugge r 1964 James David son *1917 Ha rold J. Courtney 1944 Gordon Appleby Willia m Spahr O,HIO STEAK AND BARBECUE CO. * Howard Courtney 1945 Will iam C. Hackett, D.V.M. Thomas Kiehfuss * Decea sed

38 39 THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY MARCHING BAND CHARLES L. SPOHN, Director ROBERT HARPER, Drum Major Your Host, Inc. FRED M . DART, Assistant Director RICHARD HEINE, Music Arranger RAY L. EUBANKS, Marching Band TOM JOHNSON, Announcer Graduate Assistant WILLIAM R. SMITH, Pres ident Pre ent MR N. KEEPER Operating: HAPPINESS IS . . .

'-IOWARDJownson'S Motor Lodge - EAST * '-IOWARDJownson'S Motor Lodge - WEST *

5000 E. Main St. ( U.S. 40) Columbus, Ohio 3833 W. Broad St. (U.S. 40) Columbus, Ohio

Orange Jug Cocktail Lounge* Aunt Jemima's 2855 East Main St. Columbus, Ohio '-IOWARDJownson'S Motor Lodge - WEST * Open 24 Hours KITCHENe Columbus, Ohio

(opening soon) '-IOWARDJownson'S Restourant - SOUTH '-IOWARDJownson'S Motor Lodge* 3318 Chapman Highway Knoxville, Tennessee Downtown Knoxville Tennessee

Executive Club* Sheraton Inn ::: 5050 East Main Street (U.S. 40) Downtown Columbus, Ohio Rack Island, Illinois INSTANT RE SERVATIO N SERVI CE

TURN TO THIS PAGE AT HALF-TIME - COURTESY YOUR HOST, I NC. E r TH E SIX O~JPANY FRO T ...... "llappy Days Arc llere gain" ( G tting th right answer to a quc tion ) Please join in and sing 2 + 2 = ? ...... " Thinking .'1 usic" 2 + 2 = 5 -----·--··------····· ------····-··-·····-u··-·· ····-·········· __ " o o A Thou and Ti1nes o" GARMEN OHIO 2 + 2 = 4 ...... "I Ain't Down Yet" ( The ubmarin rac ) "Pomp and Circumstance" Ohl come let's sing Ohio's praise B !AIU E ...... "Gelling to Know You" ( Finding a parking place ) And songs to Alma Mater raise; CARS P RKI G ...... "See the in your Chevrolet" While our hearts rebounding thrill ( The victory bell ) BELL ...... " Sound of the Bell " With joy which death alone can still "Fight the T eam'' ( Graduation ) ummer' s heat or winter's cold, PROFfLE OF CH DU TI TC T DE T ...... "Pomp and ircumstance" The sea ons pass, the years will roll: "Put on a II appy Face" ( ing th cript) Time and change will surely show CH.IPT OIICO ...... "Le Regiment de ambr et Meu e" How firm thy friendship - OHIO THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY MARC HING BAND Cli p out and moil. Records of the FSR Label - Beautiful Full Colar Jackets ORDER FROM : Copyright 1916 Melrose Music Corp. Renewed , Used by Permission D VOLUME I - Monaural only $4.00 Marching Band Records D VOLUME II - Stereo or Monaural $4.00 1899 North College Raad D VOLUME Ill - Stereo or Monaural $4.00 The Ohio State University * SPECIAL BUSES TO STADIUM & RETURN Columbus 10, Ohio - EVERY HOME GAME THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY MILITARY BAND NAME -··-·-··- D Military Marches - Stereo or Monaural $4.00 _____ Your Host, Inc. - Owners, Operators, Consultants • Motels, Hotels, Restaurants (Prices include Ohio Sales Tax) ADDRESS --·-·---··-·--··---···-···- MAILING CHARGE 25c


350 Rooms and Deluxe uites. All Beautifully r decorated Guest Rooms • • • • and refurnished. Each with bath, radio and television. Long famous for wonderful food and service, the Pick­ Fort Hayes is recommended by America's foremost food authorities. The rystal Room, exquisitely decorated and rurnished, i olumbus· most beautiful, formal. dining • • • • Restaurants room. The new an d Ipopu R 1 ar oya cots 1 open every day for br akfast, luncheon and dinner, serving fine food at mod rate prices. Visit the Round-Up for delicious luncheon specialty or your favorite beverage. n entire floor of newly modernized, enlarged and beautifully redecorated private dining room . Ideal for Banquet Accommodations • • that pecial social occa ion-luncheon or banquet-sales conference or convention. 10 exceptionally fine rooms comfortably seating from 15 to 350 per ons.



just o ff t h e Oh io St a t e J cam pus ... only a mile north Stor/fors [ of the s tadium! U/VIVERSITY I/VIV

• 150 spacious guest rooms • every room with TY, rodio, phone, a ir conditioning • delici ous Stouffer food served in three beautiful dining rooms Front row, left to right: Andy Heck, senior, Zanesville, Arts College; Mike Curtis, senior, Quincy, Ill., • enjoy cocktails, late d ining, music Commerce; back row, left to right, Karl Schmitt, sophomore, Burton, 0 ., Commerce; Brian Livingston , jun­ in the Red Lion Tavern ior, Indianapolis, Arts; Joe Heineman, sophomore, Butler, Pa ., Engineering. (Absent from picture, Tim Mc­ Guire, sophomore, Columbus, Education.) • Olympic-size pool for yea r r o und swimming D uring f otball ea ·on a nd f r ·e,·eral week prior player durin

• Accommodations for 300 SMORGASBO RD SEAFOOD • Convention & Party 70 Hot & Col d JAMBOREE Dishes FIND OUT Facilities for 250 Daily: 11 :30 a .m. ABOUT FRID AY-5-11 P.M. 1:30 p. m. OUR • NIGHTLY ENTERTAINMENT FAMOUS Featuring Monday: 5 p.m. - 9 p.m. WEEKEND • DANCING - FRIDAY NIGHTS Live lobster Sunday Brunch: PACKAGE • 9 HOLE PAR-3 GOLF COURSE 9:30 ta 2: 00 p.m. _!'~

GERALD KASUNIC W ILLIAM KOHUT SWIMMING No. 71 - Tackle, Commerce No. 75- Tackle, Education


Mershon Auditorium, The Ohio State University ROBERT W ALDEN BEN MOBLEY HISS STAMP No. 83- End, Comm erce No. 91 - End , Ed ucation

Plw tos By House of Portraits COMPANY


Preside 11 t and General Manager

RUBBER, BRASS AND STEEL Dinner's ready and wa iting, for After guests or family, i n yo ur new MARKING DEVICES automatic GAS oven. Just a sample of the convenience and the good living you 'll enjoy with Mod­ BRONZE TABLETS ern Gas Appliances. Ch oose Gas ame also for ... heating and cool ing, NUMBERING MACHINES g dishwashing, water heating, clothes drying, incineration, refrigeration . . . al so - ~ - for practical and picturesque outdoor lighting. 195 EAST LONG STREET


DOUGLAS V A N HORN TOM BUGEL No. 68- Tackle, Arts No. 66- Guard, Commerce

Route 23, North of Worthington, Ohio, at WRFD Call and Make Reservations fo r Football Week-end Package Plan. Phone 885-4051.

"The Best Rest East or West" ICE COAL Orton Hall, Th e Ohio State University WILLIAM RIDDER BENNIE ESPY No. 69-Guard, Education No. 47- Halfback, Arts 98 Air-Conditioned Rooms

Photos By IJ ouse of Portraits 24-Hour Automatic Ice Vending TV and Radio in Every Room Service Stations

Heated Swimming Pool Blocked - Crushed - Cubes Ice Carvings - Ice Punch Bowls Freezer Warehousing Manual Ice Dispensers Throughout jaAvifooce Central Ohio Refrigerated Delivery Service MOTEL

Dubl in Road at Grandview 486-0651 MURRAY CITY COAL & ICE CO. Six Minutes to Campus 1334 Edgehill Rd . Phone 294-1674 Phone 294-167 4 JAMES BAAS W ESLEY MEINERDING ROBERT WORTMAN No. 35- Fu ll back, Engineering No. 17- Holfback, Arts No. 97- Tackle, Education 46 47 ENOUGH ARE YOU GOOD OHIO STATE COACHES' RECORDS TO BE AN ARMY OFFICER? Coach Years Wori lost Tied Pct. Ohio State Freshman Football Roster Alexander S. Lilley 1890-1891 3 2 0 .600 Jack Ryder 1890 NAME POS. WGT. HGT. AGE HOMETOWN H. S. CO ACH IF YOU ARE, DON'T SETTLE Aaronson, Stuart .... G 235 6-1 18 Brooklyn, N. Y. Moe Finkelstein 1892-1895 LESS! 1898 22 24 2 .479 Adams, Thomas G. .•• E 210 6-3 19 Fairport Chester Roject FOR Charles A. Hickey 1896 5 5 .500 Amlin, George ---· HB 165 5 -10 19 Tiffin Wade Roby David F. Ed wards 1897 7 .125 Barber, Fred ·------.. _ G 195 5-6 18 Ashley Wess Grile John 8. Eckstorm 1899-1901 22 4 3 .810 Calloway, Thomas ··- E 186 6-0 18 Troy John Price Perry Hole 1902-1903 14 5 2 .714 Case, Patrick __ QB 207 6-1 18 Cincinnati Bron Bacevich E. R. Sweetland 1904-1905 13 7 2 .636 Clevenger, Donald E 165 6-0 20 Shelby Bill Wilkins A. E. Hernstein 1906-1909 28 10 .731 Howard Jones 1910 6 3 .857 Dowdell, Terry ------···-·-··----······ G 215 5 -10 17 Columbus Forrest Shorrock Harry Vaughn 1911 5 3 2 .625 Dugan, James -----·· ·----·----·- _ FB 208 6-1 18 Flagstaff, Ariz. John Pl y John R. Richards 1912 6 3 0 .667 Dwyer, Donald ·-··· .... 215 6-2 18 Limo Jomes Young -·-·-··-- ·--·· G John W. Wilce 1913-1928 78 33 9 .687 Elliott, Sam ·--··-··· .. --·· -· .•. QB 176 5-11 18 Akron Ed Levy Sam S. Willaman 1929-1933 26 10 5 .695 Fender, Paul ·--- ···-·-· -···--- ·----·-··- ··- ___ T 228 6 -3 17 Warren Ben Wilson Francis A. Schmidt 1934-1940 39 16 .705

Fontes, Arnie ---·--··-··-··--·---· ·-·-----· HB 180 5-11 18 Canton Tony Ware Paul E. Brawn 1941 -1943 18 8 .685 Carroll C. Widdoes 1944-1945 16 2 0 Freeman, Ronald _ ·-· _ LB 190 5 -7 18 Parma Bob Brugge .889 Paul 0 . Bixler 1946 4 3 2 .555 Friend, A.lien J. -···-······· .. LB 220 6-0 19 Mansfield John Volentine Wesley E. Fesler 1947-1950 21 13 3 .608 Hamlin, Stan ... ····- ·---·-···· ··-- ·-·- ... HB 190 6-1 18 Monessen, Pa. Joe Gladys W.W. Hayes 1951 -1963 83 29 7 .727 Heintz, Ned -·--··-· ----····· _ .... FB 193 6-2 18 OeGraff Rex Aukerman All -Time Record 410 185 45 .676 Himes, Dick ·-·-······-··· .... ··-··-·--···--·--E 235 6-4 18 Canton Larry Kelly

Hubbard, Rudy ··-··· --·-··-··-- -···· HB 185 6-0 18 Hubbard Don Modak

Jacobson, Ho ward ··---····- ... FB 192 5 -10 18 Freeport, N. Y. William Ashley

Johnson, Rob ····- .. ·-···---··· QB 210 6-1 18 Logan Mel Adams

Kahl, Jeffrey --···-···· .. ··- ·- . ·- C 205 5-10 19 Toledo Dave Hardy

Kasselmonn, John . -·· ··-····-··· ...... G 225 5 -11 19 Cincinnati Bron Bacevich Kelley, John ..•.... ······-----·-·· ·-· C 215 6-0 18 Englewood Ned Booher W isc o n s in Ohio State JAi-LAi CAFE Knight, Chuck --·- _ G 194 6-3 18 Cincinnati Joe Clark October 24, 1964

Lone, lester ----··--- --··--····· ------_ ... FB 193 5-11 18 Ak ron Brody Western 1421 OLENTANGY

Longhurst, John HB 190 5-11 18 Columbus Tom Saurders COLUMBUS , OHIO

Motozel, Dennis __ ---- _ ------__ HB 175 5 -11 17 Clinton Anton Prosher McDaniel, David ·-··-- ··----···-···--·-···· LB 200 6-1 17 Mechanicstown Larry Davis the FINEST in Messham, Bob .. ---··--·-··· ... G 220 5 -10 18 Dayton Dale Lindsay

Milligan, Dennis G 183 5-6 23 Dayton Mo rcu m Spears Mong, James H. ········-··-··········E 195 6-2 18 Columbiana Ray Dempsey FOODS and Newcomer, Robert .• ···-·-----·· . LB 215 6-1 19 Toledo Ro ~ert James Pol ivka, Thomas FB 195 5-11 18 West Hempstead Warren Meyer BEVERAGES Portsmouth, Tom •• E 175 5 -10 18 Middletown Paul Walker

Reilly, Todd -··· .C 230 6-1 18 Cuyahoga Falls Paul Cary BANQUET AND PARTY ROOMS Reynolds, Dave -· -----······ HB 191 5-11 18 Lima Al Scrivner AVAILABLE Sharp, C~arles -·· ·- ----·-. ·-··- ... C 195 5-11 18 Springfield Lowell Storm

Thrasher, Gory A. -··-······ ---···--· -··- . G 197 5-7 20 Westlake Jim Janosek Ample Attended Parking Utz, Stanley -··-· ___ .....•. --··· ... -··-· C 160 5-8 18 Columbus Did Nat Play TODA Y'S COVER Walker, Paul -····-·· . _ -··· _ ...... •. QB 210 6-2 18 Middletown " Tiger" Ellison Features a new vi ew of University Hall, taken by Malcolm Emmons. All football program covers PHONE 294-5111 invite your atte ntion to campus s cenes in fou r colors.

48 49 I RED DOOR TAVERN---- 1736 W . FIFTH AVE. • HU 8-0114 • JACK YOUNGQUIST, MANAGER A FOOTBALL SPECIAL CARRYOUT Signal us 30 m inutes in advance . . we' ll pre pare your soup, sandwich and pie to take to the game. Make an e nd run before o r after the game to the RED DOOR for d e licious food and refreshme nts. WE'RE OPEN SUNDAY • 4 P.M. We se rve exce ll e nt German food, includ ing Germon sandwiches for oil . ENTERTAINMENT: FRIDAY • SATURDAY • SU NDAY EVENINGS ALL LEGAL BEVERAGES SERVED. DON'T ACC EP T A SU BSTITUTE - SCORE IN EATING ENJOYMENT AT THE RED DOOR .


... All-A merican Dining Near Ohio State University and Entertainment For the th ri ll of a lifetime... f -:- RoariDg )£,"" · 2o's ~

1856 Northwest Blvd. Evenings and Sundays l • Roaring Cocktails HU 8-1167 HU 6-7356 - TR 6-6077

ROUSING CHEER • FLA::: :~1;:L~SSES ,~ EVERY FRIDAY A T 7:30 P.M. FIFTY-YEARS OF BUCKEYE FOOTBALL BROUGHT ALIVE ON FILM. IIEAR RICHARD LARKINS, HOST, AND CL OSING SAT . OCT. 24 OTUER GRID GREATS. VIC J ANOWICZ- OCT. 30 Wood Motors, Inc. THE SNOW BOWL-NOV. 6 PHIL PALUMBO AND HIS PALS Imperial - Chrysler- Plymouth - Valiant plus - PENNY NICHOLS Direct Factory Dealer Sultry Songstress-pianist OCT . 26 THRU NOV. 7 611 E. Broad Street " DON'T STOP, GO" REVUE Since 1924 Music, Dancing and Sh ows - --- "atwmµ. a tBJJ.flllll (f)Jla.!" ____ (!)JlMU.llA COLE Hotel HAROLD R. WOOD ' 31 , President


"Patented grass? That's preposterous!"

N FACT the whole story is highly improb­ with less moisture. Glories in the heat of sum­ I able. But that's just what makes it interest­ mer. Less vulnerable to disease. And you don't ing. Particularly if you happen to have a house have to cut it so often. In fact you can prob­ with a lawn around it. ably skip every other mowing. will tell you, Scotts - As any agrostologist How would you like that? the lawn people - go looking for better grass OHIO STADIUM the way others search for gold. And in the past Seed production of WINDSOR - that's its 95 years they have probably examined every name - has gone from a thimbleful in '49 to y supplying the some highest quality limestone aggregate Our Arrow-Universal Divisio n is toda variety known to man. a million pounds this year. Yet even that won't concrete which insured the end uri ng beouty and permanence of this structu re completed in 1922. But it wasn't until 1949 that they struck real be nearly enough as it gradually takes over as T H E MARBLE CLIFF QUARR IE S CO. genetic treasure. At first it was nothing but a the successor to other bluegrass strains. C O L U MB US , OHI O patch of promising sod. But fourteen years of A fortunate discovery. But no more acci­ tests have proved it to be a mutation in which dental than the development of the first long­ all the virtues of bluegrass are multiplied. lasting lightweight lawn fertilizer (TURF It grows greener, thicker, more carpetlike. BUILDER) or the first effective crabgrass pre­ Sends out more and sturdier roots. Gets along venter (HALTS) or the first accurate spreader. These, and most other such firsts, came from the persistent research program at Scotts - Facts-of-life about Windsor the only company that devotes itself exclu­ for the technically minded sively to the making of better lawn products. WINDSOR is a mutant of Poa pratensis. It repro­ duces asexually by apomixis, with progeny true­ to-type. Chromosome count is double that of Scotts® Superior Tea and Coffee Co. T H I! LAW N ~ l!O~lC common bluegrass and greater than that of any CHICAGO Columbus other variety. Plant patent No. 2364. Dayton 0 M SCOTT 6 SONS, MARYSVILLE, OHIO Serving Restaurants, Hotels, Institutions and the Vending Trade If you'd like to be one of the first to plant this improved grass, just say the word "WINDSOR" to your Scolls Dealer. 52 _PUT VITALITY ON YOUR TEAM! Drink Milk, the Vitality Beverage! It's your ticket to vigor and verve that really lasts. And cool, refreshing milk helps keep you bright and in the fun game all day long. So heed the cheer for milk-"put vitality on your team!" .& a message from dairy farmer members of ~ american dairy association