so¢ Wis onsin O i October 24, 1964 Great New Name in WISCONSIN - OHIO STATE W11.HtJR E. SNYl'I'. Hditur and Advertising Manager John F. HummeL......... _ circulation Manager National Advertising Representative Spencer Advertising Co., 271 Madison Ave .. New York 16, N. Y. The Univ ersity President s ----------------------··------------· ---------------------------------- 2 Uni ve rs i ty of Wisconsin Offi c i a Is ------------- ------------------------------------------------ 3 Ohio State Students Welcome Grads ------------------- -------------------------------------- 4 S::enes on the University of Wisconsin Campus ______________ ---------------------- 5 St ars Among the Wisconsin Badgers ----------------------------------------------------- 6 Camp Randall With Civil War Background _____________ --------------------------------- 8 Ohio State University Football Coaching Staff ----·-----·------- -------------- _____ 9 Ohio State University Football Player Pages ____________ 10, 18, 22, 32, 36, 44, 46 University of Wisconsin Football Player Pages _______ --·-- ____________ 12, 20, 30, 34 Championship Team of 1916 Holds Reu nion -------------------- --------------------- _14 Ohio State University Athletic Staff ____ ____ __ ___ ______ ___________________________ 16 Badger Assistants and Staff Members __ ____ ---------- ___ _ _ _ ----------- _19 Ohio State University Football Roster _ __________________________________ 24 University of Wisconsin Football Roster -------------------------------------------------------- 29 Buckeye Captains Hold Annual Reunion -------------- ---------------------------------- 38 Half-Time Music By The Marching Band -------------------- __________ -------------------·---- 41 Ohio State Football Mo nagers _____ ____ _ ---------------------· --------------------------- . 42 Ohio State Freshman Football Roster ----------------------------------- --------------------- _ 48 FROM POWER IN THE MAKING 100 million years, from th e age of the mighty dinosaurs, when oil was forming in the earth, comes Sinclai r DI NO SUPREME, the advanced premium gasoline that OHIO STA TE FOOTBALL cleans as it powers-keeps your engine running smoother, longer. REWARDS THE SMART DRIVER who wants all the power he paid for in his high­ powered car. Try a tankful today. YOUR SAT ISFACTION GUARANTEED by Sinclair-or your money back. Stop at the si$n of the Sinclair Dinosaur. - ·, ,_..,,, , , DRIVE WITH CARE AND BUY SJRC/1/Jf ANNIVERSARY SINCLAIR REFINING COMPANY • 155 N. WACKER DRIVE • CHICAGO 6, ILL. The University Presidents Represen·ting The University of Wisconsin IVAN WILLIAMSON Director of Athletics DR. NOVICE G. FAWCETT President, The Ohio State University MILT BRUHN Head Football Coach DR. FRED H. HARRINGTON PROF. FRANK REMINGTON Preside nt, Un iversity of Wisconsin Faculty Represe ntative 2 3 Ohio State Students Welcome Grads campus scenes UNIVERSITY o f WISCONSIN Shown here are members of the 1964 student Homecoming committee with the 10 finolists in compet1t1on for Homecoming queen. The committee, left to right;-Dick Foster, queens; Carol Washburn, general secretary; Phil Barrett, donce; Bill Beddow, house d ecorations; Keith Kistler, alumni; Dick Fischer, finance; Paul Coleman, procurements; Dave Kieffer, special arrangements; Don Moore, tickets; Jeff Hockman, generol chairman; Brian McConnell, publicity. Queen candidates, sitting, left to right, Pam Anderson, Mory Jone Henderson, Linda Hartlerode, Betty Su ttle, Cathy Muzilla; kneel· ing, left to right, Paula Smith, Pari Turner; standing, Cinda Burk, Donna Spindler, Bonnie Michel. H AIL! Hail! The gang· all here .... new que n and her c u rt. The 1964 Homecoming committee an I the largest Before the game today, the lovely homecoming number of undergraduate tudent in 0 .. C. hi torv queen and her court will be introduced, having been welcomes you. THE OHIO STATE ALC:\INI to elected by popular election, similar to those held our ALMA :\IA TER. nee again. a · in the past annually ince Ohio tate was admitted to the \Vest­ eighty-one year , 0 .. U. alumni meet to revive old ern onference in December, 1912. memorie by \·isiting familiar place and renewing fter today's game, alumni are urged to enjoy old friend hip . the many campu open houses and see the wonderful La t night, out ide Ohio tadium, we showed ''Happines i ..." decoration . them that Ohio's her , as thousand gathered for \ Velcome home. Buckeye ! The Student nate, the traditional bonfire rally. \Ve ''set the earth tudent hody, and 1964 Homecoming Committee ren:rherating with a mighty cheer" when Coach extend to you their heartiest greetings and invite "\Yoody" Ha)1es introduced our Buckeyes. you to enjoy every minute of the 1964 Homecom­ Later, at the Hom coming dance and concert, thou­ ing. For though sea ons hav passed. and the year ands enjoyed the talents of The I ing ·men, Count roll ed by, our heart till rebound to your thrill Basie. an I The Four Saints, and then cheered the HIO. , 6 v ..+ 4 + 4 v++,e,+++++++++++++ i.W W iW ¥++ M ++W+++++++W !W !W iW W W W W W+++•e++V + WAWe,+4,++++VAW+++,+a++W W4 ,e,; e++V ELM DR IVE DORM COMPLEX 4 5 OHIO STATE WINTER SPORTS SCHEDULES_ STARS AMONG THE WISCONSIN BADGERS BASKETBALL Morch 25 -26-27 NCAA meet at Jon. 9 At Indiana, here (Saturday games, 2:30 p.m. Non - Iowa State University Jon. 16 At Michigan Saturday dotes, 8:30 p.m.) Cooch - Robert Bartels Jon. 23 At Iowa . 2 South Dakota, here Jon. 30 At Michigan Stole Dec Feb. 6 At Wisconsin J A:\[E JONES: Badger All-American candidate at an turned five punt for 48 yard and five kickoff. a total of Dec. 3 St. Louis, here FENCING and Sou thern Dec . 5 At Texas Christion Feb. 13 Minnesota end position ... i noted for hi fantastic catche 145 yard . played in four port in high school . Jan. 9 Fenn and Cose, here Illinois, here Dec. 7 A t Houston Jan. 23 Oberlin, Air Force Academy Feb. 20 Illinois, here earned hi fir t major "W" award last a on by playing won fou1· letter in ba eball, three in football. two in track, Dec. 9 Butler, here and Wayne State, here Feb. 27 At Boll State Dec. 19 At Davidson Feb. 6 Wisconsin and Detroit, here 213Y, minute ... saw no action in 1962 becau e of knee and one in basketball. Dec. 22 At Brigham Young Morch 5-6-7 Big Ten Meet at Illinois Feb . 13 Illinois and Indiana at Illinois Cooch - Joseph Hewlett injury ... a l o uffered an RONALD :\!ITH : Won Dec. 28 Dartmouth, here Feb. 20 Michigan State and Notre eye injury la t season which Dec. 30 Duke, here Dome at Notre Dome econd major "\\'" award in Jon. 2 Georgia Tech, here, 4:30 p.m. Feb . 27 Iowa ond Chicago at Chicago TRAC K hampered him . was ec­ footba ll la t ea on playing (regional TV ) March 6 Big Ten meet ot Ohio State Jon. 30 Michigan State, here ond leading receiver with 22 was u eel Jon. 9 At Purdue Univer$ity Feb . 6 Kent State, Kentucky and West 12 Y, minutes ... Jon. 16 Indiana, here Morch 19-20 NCAA meet ot Univ. of Virginia, here (tentative) catche for 379 yard and as both halfback and flanker Jon. 23 At Minnesota Detroit Feb. 13 At Illinois caught Jon. 30 Wisconsin, here Coach - Charles Simonian Feb . 20 Federation meet or three touchdowns ... ... carried the ball 12 time, Feb. 6 At Wisconsin (regional TV ) quodrangulor, here Feb. 8 Illinois, here six pas ·e for 100 yard and for J3 yard and caught 12 WRESTLING Feb . 27 Indiana, here one TD v . Notre Dame yards and one Feb . 13 Iowa, here Morch 5-6 Big Ten meet at Illinois pa, e, for 141 Feb. 16 At Ill inois Dec. 5 Waynesburg (Po .), Hiram and Morch 12· 13 Milwaukee Federation ... transferred to \Vi consin touchdown . was 5econd Feb. 20 At Michigan Mankato State meet Feb. 22 Michigan Stole, here Jon. 9 At Illinois Cooch - Lorry Snyder from Trinidad Junior Col­ on the team in punt returns Feb. 27 Northwestern, here Jan. 16 Iowa, Indiana, and Minnesota lege in olorado, along with and kickofT return . .. had Morch 1 At Indiana at Iowa Morch 6 At Michigan State Jan. 23 Open (to be filled) HOCKEY ex-Badger end Bobbie John- fine ophomore season in Morch 8 Michigan, here Feb . 6 Purdue, Virginia Tech Dec. 5 Oberlin, here on. 1962 coring seven touch­ Cooch - Fred R. Taylor and Pittsburgh, here Jon. 8 At Ohio University Jon. 9 Lake Forest College, here RON AL D LEAF BLAD: downs. including five by Feb. 13 Michigan Stole, here SWIMMING Feb. 20 Indiana and Wisconsin Jon. 16 Western Michigan, here One of the most popular of ru hing ... gained 172 yard at Wisconsin Jon. 23 Toledo, here Jon. 9 At Illinois Feb. 27 At Indiana Jan. 30 Dayton, here all B a cl g e r , Ron \\·a. fo r 3.3 yard p r carry Jan. 15 Miami, here Morch 5-6 Big Ten meet at Ohio Stole Feb. 5 At Wisconsin elected co-captain for the average . caught nine Jon. 23 At Minnesota University Feb. 6 At Illinois Jon. 30 Wisconsin, here Morch 25-26-27 NC AA meet at Feb . 13 Notre Dome, here coming ea on ... won hi pas es for 144 yard, and Feb. 5 Cincinnati, here RONALD LEAFBLAD DAVID FRONEK University of Wyoming Feb. 20 Pennsylvania, here e on I major "\\'" a,,·ard t\\'o TD"s ... cored three Feb. 6 Purdue, here Cooch - Cosey Fredericks No. 86 (CC)- End No. 9- Holfbock Feb. 13 Michigan State, here GYMNASTI CS Feb. 27 Ohio University, here last sea on while playing touchdown a g a in t Iowa Feb. 20 At Michigan Dec. 5 At Central Michigan Morch 6 Denison, here 279:V, minute , second high­ ... tallied lone Badger ~core March 4-5·6 Big Ten meet at Wisconsin (tentative) Cooch - Tom Bedecki e t of returning lettermen ... played 238 minute o n 1962 against Ohio tate at olumbus on 47 yard pa play from title team . is noted for hi fine defensive play . Ron VanderKelen ... returnee! eight kickoffs 178 yards to had five catches for 45 yard last season ..
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