نی حمایت کنندۀ رسانههای آزاد افغانستان Nai supporting open Media in

Media Watch Report May 2019

Owner: Nai Monthly Report #168

Razia Shefayee Media Watch Reporter 0093 )0( 782200040 Media Watch Report In this issue: • A local journalist was wounded up in Nangarhar province • Ayna TV Cameraperson was beaten up by soldiers in • A journalist was verbally harassed by the Deputy Governor and local police in • The parliamentary journalists’ complaint on lack of access to information. • Imposing restriction on access to information by The Afghan Defense Ministry • Nai’s concern regarding imposition of restriction on social networks by the government • Inauguration of a new daily magazine under the name of “Subh-e-” • And article analysis of Access to Information bill

نی حمایت کنندۀ رسانههای آزاد افغانستان Nai supporting open Media in Afghanistan نی حمایت کنندۀ رسانههای آزاد افغانستان Nai supporting open Media in Afghanistan


During May 2019, cases which have been recorded at Nai’s Media Watch indicate conti- nuity of violence against journalists. In an incident, Imran Lemar, Mazal local Radio Journalist in Eastern Nangarhar province was targeted by unknown gunmen and badly wounded up. The incident took place while Mr. Lemar was leaving home for the radio office. Mr. Lemar was shot in the middle of capital city Jalalabad in Amir Shahid area. After the attack Lemar was taken to a local hospital in the city and then was shifted to Kabul for further treatment and according to doctors, he is getting better day by day. Furthermore, Ayna TV Cameraperson was beaten up by National army soldiers in Faryab Northern Province. Ayub Amini, the Cameraperson claimed; when he was filming misbe- havior of national army soldiers arguing with side road seller, all the soldiers got together and beaten up Mr. Amini. According to him; the soldiers had broken his camera and mi- crophone, too. Moreover, Shahrwand local Radio Journalist in Samangan province was verbally ha- rassed by Deputy Governor and local police. Abdul Rehman Saa’ee, Sports Journalist at Shahrwand Radio claimed; while attending a session on the eve of International Press Day, he was verbally harassed and prevented to join the session. In addition to criticize on lack of access to information, a number of journalists have com- plained on inaccessibility to information in the parliament. They said, they aren’t allowed to enter the parliament. Consequently, they were entirely unaware of issues occurring at the parliament lower house. According to the media sources journalists are kept waiting up to 3 or 4 PM on the daily basis in order to find and interview any member of parlia- ment on the issues of electing speakers for the parliament. It is worth mentioning that because of uncertainty of parliament speaker election process, media is the only source for out putting the news and information from the parliament in this regard. In another case, the Defense Ministry has prohibited their officials not to interview with media. The ministry had issued an official letter which was publicized and signed by Army Chief of staff and all of the officials at the ministry were prohibited to interview with media.

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In a different incident; Shahzad Aryubi, the former Minister of Communication and Infor- mation Technology through an interview with BBC had while he was the minister, said, that the National Unity Government has marked to restrict internet management. Mr. Aryubi had said that now the government is able to take action on restricting in- ternet management. The speech caused social networks users’ reaction in specific the Facebook users. Nai Supporting Open Media in Afghanistan has published a press release in reaction to the former Minister’s points and stated through the Press Release that “The Afghan Government wants to act against freedom of speech”. According to Nai’s belief, it is a worrying action which has been made by the Govern- ment in the scope of freedom of speech. In addition to these all, Subh-e-Kabul Daily Newspaper joined the Afghan Media Com- munity by raising the slogan of “We write and you judge.” Mukhtar Pidram, Subh-e-Kabul Newspaper’s publisher has said at a press conference; inauguration of another media outlet in the country determines that terrorists can’t prevent journalists from journalistic performances by killing or threatening them. Subh- e-Kabul is the 20th daily newspaper in Kabul.

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Mazal local Radio Journalist was shot and wounded up by unknown armed men in Nangarhar province Imran Lemar, Mazal local Radio Journalist in Nangarhar was shot and badly wounded up by un- known armed men on Thursday 25th March 2019. Haroon Helal, Mazal Radio Broadcasting Manager said to Nai Media Watch; Mr. Lemar was shot by the unknown armed men in the middle of capital city Jalalabad in Amir Shahid area, the incident oc- curred while he left home for the office. He was badly wounded up as result of the bullets shot. After the attack Lemar was taken to a local hospital in the city and then was shifted to Kabul for further treatment and according to doctors, he is getting better day by day.

Mr. Helal said; it was about a couple of years that he knew him and his familiarity with Mr. Lemar indicates that he had not been in any personal confliction with someone and the incident took place due to his journalistic performances. Mr. Lemar was badly wounded up from his leg and eyes, his leg feels better but eyes needed to be treated outside the country. Mr. Lemar’s colleagues ask the government to pave the ground for his better treatment outside the country. Abdul Mujeeb Khalvatgar, Nai Managing Director said; the security forces have not clarified regard- ing Mr. Lemar’s case. We stand in need to know, who the people behind the incident are. And the security entities are obliged to follow up this incident and share its results with media.

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Despite, repeated calls and attempts we couldn’t have succeeded to interview Nangarhar Provincial office and police. Nai Supporting Open Media in Afghanistan asks security entities to follow up this case and let it lead journalists in the Eastern zone be assured and continue into their journalistic performances in a safe environment.

Ayna TV Cameraperson was beaten up by National Army Soldiers in Faryab Northern province Ayub Amini, Ayna TV Cameraperson in Faryab claimed on being beaten up by National Army Soldiers.

Amini said to Nai Media Watch; on Monday, 13th May 2019, it was about 06:00 PM, the time when he heard the repeated shot sound, he went at the scene for the purpose of news coverage. Mr. Amini continued; when he was filming misbehavior of national army soldiers arguing with side road seller nearby police headquarter in Maimana city, all the soldiers got together and beaten up Mr. Amini. According to him; the soldiers had broken his camera and microphone, too. Amini said the time while I wanted to film the scene the National Army Soldiers came to me, despite I introduced myself but they beat me up, broke my camera and mike and threw me inside the ranger.

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Amini added; I was in detention about half an hour, right after half an hour the police chief came and returned my camera. According to Amini his camera had been damaged by the soldiers. Thus, the incident Nai had publicized a press release and officially asked the Defense Ministry to -fol low up the case, identify its perpetrator/s and introduce them to judicial procedures. In response to Nai’s appeal the Defense Ministry has also announced that the case will be will be investigated and followed up seriously and negligent/s will be treated in accordance to law and judicial procedures. Abdul Mujeeb Khalvatgar, Nai Managing Director said; violators should be taken to legal norms. Moreover, his camera has also been damaged so the Defense Ministry is obliged to pay for this loss. According to him, though the Defense Ministry’s Spokesperson had promised that they would fol- low up the case and identify the perpetrator/s, once more we appeal for the explicit follow up of this case. Despite, the Defense Ministry had stated that the perpetrator/s would be taken to judicial law but still the ministry has not shared any detail and required measure regarding it with media. Nai Supporting Open Media in Afghanistan asks the Defense Ministry to seriously follow up this case and introduce perpetrator/s to judicial procedures.

A journalist was insulted by the Deputy Gov- ernor and police in Samangan province

Abdul Rehman Saa’ee, Shahrwand Radio Sports Journalist claims on being verbally harassed by Samangan Deputy Governor and police. Mr. Saa’ee said to Nai Media Watch, the time while he wanted to join session on celebrating International Press Day, he had been verbally harassed and not allowed to attend the session. Saa’ee said; on Wednesday 15th May 2019, ten days belated International Press Day was celebrated by the provincial office and Information and Culture Department of Samangan. I and one of my female colleagues were appointed to attend the session for its news coverage.

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Saa’ee continued; police didn’t allow us in security check points to carry our journalistic stuffs in. And I was compelled to attend the session without journalistic stuffs so that I would share the issue with authorities. The journalist says; police and the Deputy Governor have violently behaved him and even didn’t care about it. “This issue has also been shared with governor’s secretary and expressed how violently police had treated him and said to the secretary office that he will share this issue with the journalists’ supportive entities. The governor’s Secretary abusively has said that you can even share it with the president.” Abdul Mujeeb Khalvatgar, Nai Managing Director said; whatever Mr. Saa’ee has suffered is violation of law made by police. Police aren’t authorized to prevent someone from the news sessions or press conference where media and press are invited and sessions are related to public awareness, unless focusing on the security issues for instance to identify and investigate about journalist. He said, we ask the government, in specific the Joint Committee of Government and Media and local authorities in Samangan to follow up the issue. But governmental officials in specific officials at public relation are being rough and harsh with journalists; it is related to local organs to follow up governor spokesperson’s misbehavior and harassment against the journalist. Nai asks the Local Organs Administration along with investigating and follow up of this issue, share the details with media community and Nai, too.

Journalists’ complaint on lack of access to information in the parliament A number of journalists have complained on lack of access to information regarding official sessions of the parliament. Nadir Ashkan, Arzo TV Journalist said; right after Saturday,18 th May 2019 when election was conducted election for electing speakers for the parliament. It is about four days that journalists don’t have complete access to occurrences in the parliament in general the confliction on the Parliamentary Head Position, consultations and persistence made. Consequently, they were entirely unaware of issues occurring at the parliament lower house. According to the media sources journalists are kept waiting up to 3 or 4 PM on the daily basis in order to find and interview any member of parliament on the issues of electing speakers for the parliament. It is worth mentioning that because of uncertainty of parliament speaker election process, media is the only source for out putting the news and information from the parliament in this regard. Ashkan said; parliament members as well don’t provide journalists the accurate and complete information regarding the election process of parliament speaker and ongoing issue in the parliament so that it may not be public.

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Dawood Shah Mal, Salam Watandar Journalist said to Nai; by the time the Parliament speaker is appointed as result of election process made by the representatives, journalists aren’t aware of details from parliament.

On Saturday only an hour journalists were permitted to enter the parliament house in order to produce report. But the time when confliction was made between the representatives, the entrance door was closed and journalists weren’t allowed to get in, therefore, journalists aren’t updated regarding the issues occurred at the parliament. Mr. Mal said; journalists had interviewed some of parliament members outside the hall and got some information so that to place them in their reports. He said that information have been censored and they are prevented to disseminate the conflictions occurred in parliament house. Hence, it causes questions and it is a serious challenge for journalists and Afghan people. Abdul Mujeeb Khalvatgar, Nai Managing Director says access to information is getting limited by governmental entities day by day in Afghanistan. Right after introduction of the new parliament speaker of the 17th round of parliamentary representatives we witnessed that scope of access to information has been limited. In specific by the occurrence of the confliction in parliament house, yet people don’t know what actually has happened there. Mr. Khalvatgar said; though parliament members decided to disseminate the issues occurred in parliament but media couldn’t succeed to have access to information. Therefore, they were compelled to have the information from Facebook and republish them. Nai Supporting Open media in Afghanistan asks the Parliament House to restart the Media Room and pave the path for media to have access to information regarding the occurrences there.

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The Defense Ministry has prohibited their officials in order not to have with media The Afghan Ministry of Defense issued a directive on7 th April 2019, it was written by the Army Chief and it indicated that all officials at the ministry are prohibited to interview and contact with media. The letter includes the press officials at the Ministry of Defense and there is no exception in it. It has strictly been issued in the directive, if the roles are violated; hence, there are contradictions for the offenders.

Nai Supporting Open Media in Afghanistan considers the issuance of this directive as an explicit violation of the Afghanistan’s Constitution, Access to Information Law, Media Law and all the declarations and conventions that Afghanistan has joined in or signed below that. Abdul Mujeeb Khalvatgar, Nai Managing Director said that issuance of such statement is against Afghanistan Constitution that every Afghan has the right to access to information because all the instancesof access to information which are related to freedom of speech and freedom of flow of information have been violated through this statement. Mr. Khalvatgar said that Afghanistan has signed below statements and International Conventions for instance International Declaration of Human Rights; freedom of speech has been considered as a valued principle through the statement and conventions. Nai asks the Defense Ministry to immediately abolish this directive and pave the path for media relations and the system for providing information in accordance with Afghanistan’s law. Nai asks all media outlets and the officials at public relation about cancellation of the directive and have attempt in accordance with the laws.

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Nai is concerned about the imposition of restriction made by the government on social networks Shahzad Aryubi, the former Minister of Information and Communication Technology during his chairmanship had said to BBC through an interview that the National Unity Government has marked to restrict internet management. The Afghan Minister of Information and Communication Technology acknowledged through in an interview with BBC Persian that the National Unity Government is determined to take steps to restrict Internet.

According to Mr. Aryubi, people in Afghanistan sign up with fake accounts or misuse and some are terrorists who act against a nation and sect. Aryubi said; anyone who wants to be in social networks, so he/she should not come with a fake account and publicizingany article is called an illegal deed. We at the moment can filtratesites and social networks which are immoral. This view of the former Information and Communication Technology caused different reactions of people on social networks in specific Facebook users. Nai Supporting Open Media in Afghanistan has publicized a press release in response to Mr. Aryubi’s words; “Afghan Government wants to act against freedom of speech and Nai considers such points against Article 34th of Afghanistan Constitution that freedom of speech has been considered in that.

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Therefore, Nai asks the government to clarify what is the logic behind the minister’s points and determine what the actual policy of government is regarding the use of internet?” Abdul Mujeeb Khalvatgar, Nai Managing Director said: the former minister has considered some issues with BBC that reveals authoritarianism which has been made by the Information and Communication Technology. According to Khalvatgar, at the very first we don’t have a determined and defined National Interest. Moreover, the minister says the ones who own Facebook may not come within a fake identity. Despite, it is one of the merits of Facebook that you can object on government through a fake identity in case of your own name and identification; it can cause you security challenges. Mr. Khalvatgar says; we ask the Information and Communication Technology to reassure people in specific social networks users and media and say that whatever Mr. Aryubi has said were all his own point of view regarding restriction of internet management. Nai also asks the international entities that support freedom of expression to legally pressurize and make the Afghan Government to be accountable regarding the commitment made. Based on official statistics of Afghan Government almost 3/1 part of population of Afghanistan is accessible to internet and a number of active users approach 10 Million people. Most of people are accessible to social networks and Facebook is the most usable social network in Afghanistan.

Inauguration of a new daily newspaper under the name of “Subh-e-Kabul”

Subh-e-Kabul Daily newspaper joined Afghan Media Community on Sunday 5th May 2019 by raising the slogan “We write and you judge.” Mukhtar Pidram, Subh-e-Kabul Daily newspaper’s publisher has said at a news session; inauguration of another media outlet in the country determines that terrorist can’t prevent journalists from journalistic performances by killing or threatening them. Subh-e-Kabul is the 20th daily newspaper in Kabul. Mukhtar Pidram continued that our commitment is serious enough in some scopes; 1st is protecting freedom of speech without any excuse. We believe that individual freedom should be secured and citizens’fundamental rights should be valued. No 2nd, civil freedom of people should be secured. And battling fundamentalism is our next principle. We believe that terroristic groups are one of the extreme and serious challenge for our society and along with terroristic groups there are some other extremist groups that we have not marked them yet, perhaps each of them can be next ISIS or Taliban in 2 or 5 years later. The time we would reach to a pacified society, when we aren’t

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threatened through fundamentalism issues. Abdul Mujeeb Khalvatgar, Nai Managing Director stated at a press conference; threats against journalists and media, lack of access to information and financial problems are three major challenges that media outlets sustain. But investment of each media leads people to be up to date and it can be good news for people in Afghanistan.

Mr. Khalvatgar emphasized that journalism is the first pen of history; therefore, read outing history is one of the prophecies of media. He specified, “How good this is, Subh-e-Kabul Daily newspaper has begun their responsibilities by launching the pillar of “What Taliban had done to people?” Syed Jafar Rastin, Broadcasting Head of Information and Culture Ministry said; “Lack of access to information is one of the major challenges for media. Last year we had surveyed 60 governmental administrations, most of them don’t have specific reference in their administrations.” And also he emphasized that existence of corrupted people in governmental entities is another barrier for media in access to information: “we accept corruption; we should accept as that is the actual barrier in access to information and corrupted people censor information so that their identity may not be disclosed.” Moreover, Bahar Mehr, the Interior Ministry Media Advisor said; all of the three security entities in Afghanistan are committed to provide information to media and we have asked all the officials to cooperate with media regarding provision of required information.” Mr. Mehr also asked media officials to conduct trainings for public relation officials for the purpose of better provision of information. Subh-e-Kabul Daily newspaper started its publication while more than 200 media outlets have been closed in the last 4 years based on Nai’s findings and statistics.

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Article analysis of Ac- cess to Information Law

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Article 20 Article 20th of Access to Information Law discusses the selection committee issue to elect the mem- bers of the commission. This article has 8 items. • In order to appoint members of the commission, the selection committee is composed as below 1. Information and Culture Minister as chairperson. 2. Member of the Supreme Court appointed by the Supreme Court Council as a member 3. Member of the Committee on Religious, Cultural, Educational and Higher Education of the Wolis-e-Jirga as a member. 4. Members of religious, cultural, education, higher education affairs of the commission. 5. Member of the Human Rights Commission being appointed by the commission 6. Selected representative of media entities 7. Selected representative of Civil Society organizations 8. Representative of the Independent Advocacy Association of Afghanistan • The Ministry of Information and Culture is the secretariat of the selection committee • The Selection Committee for receiving Curriculum Vita will announce the membership of the Commission within five working days after the first meeting of the committee. • The Candidate Selection Committee will examine fifteen qualified individuals after the end of a competitive process and within ten working days they will be introduced to President of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. • The President will appoint five of those individuals, taking into account the specialty and gender for the first period as members of the commission as followings. 1. Three members for five years 2. Two members for three years 3. The members of the commission will be appointed in subsequent periods for the next five years 4. The members of the commission shall be appointed for a period focusing on declared de- crees of items five and six of this article. 5. Commission members can’t perform other duties during their chairmanship but teaching in higher education institutions is exceptional The first secretary of this article chose the Information and Culture Minister as the chairman of the Selection Committee. Now, the question is raised why the Information and Culture Minister has been appointed as head of the Selection Committee? The answer is obvious, as it is something known as the access to information Commission and In- formation and Culture Ministry is sectarian which includes the commission, too. In addition to the following item, the members of the selection committee determined the members of the selection committee as representing the Supreme Court, representative of the Parliamentary Religious Af- fairs Commission, representative of the Independent Human Rights Commission, representative of media institutions representative of civil society organizations and a representative of the Associa- tion of Independent Advocacy Association of Afghanistan. According to the third item of this article, the selection committee has the duty to study the Cur- riculum vitae of the 15 individual candidates and within 5 days will declare either candidate are accepted and rejected. Then 15 persons who are eligible will be introduced to president within 5-10 working days. In accordance with the President's law, out of the 15 candidates, five will be selected; 3 for five years five years and two others for a term of three years. Members nominated for a period of time can be candidates and the next term members will be ap- pointed for a period of 5 years. Five members appointed and selected by the president as commis- sioners of access to information commission can’t serve two formal duties at the same time but can teach as lecturers in private educational institutions out of their formal working hours.

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Nai Supporting Open Media Press Releases

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Press Release Date: 29th April 2019 Kabul, Afghanistan Do not suppress freedom of speech, let people speak out The social media footage reveals that two members of the Peace Deliberative ” Loya Jirga” have been pulled out forcefully by the security forces from the Jirga Hall. It is indicated that those two men were supposed to raise their voice and express their objection during the president speech that the security forces have prevented them to speak. According to Nai’s belief, silencing people’s voice is actually a suppression of freedom of speech. Abdul Mujeeb Khalvatgar, Nai Managing Director said, based on the Article 34th of the Afghanistan’s Constitution that guaranteed freedom of expression, no one has the right to silence people's voice and deprive citizens of Afghanistan of this right. Nai believes that silencing people’s voice is in fact suppressing and silencing of freedom of expression. When such an action takes place in front of the president, this can be considered as a major damage to freedom of expression. It is worth mentioning that we had already been witnessing similar incidents that people inside and outside Afghanistan were prevented while raising their voice against president’s speech. Nai wants to acknowledge that if the president is committed to freedom of expression, he should respond to the Afghan people in suppressing the voices of objection.

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Press Release Date: 30th April 2019 Kabul, Afghanistan The government should present accurate and detailed information on the 30th April 2018’s incident On 30th April 2018, the Afghan Journalistic Community had witnessed the bloodiest day. Nine media correspondents including journalists and camerapersons were killed as result of a suicide explosion in a VIP area of Kabul “Shash Darak.” At the same day Ahmad Shah Matonwal, BBC Journalist was assassinated by the unidentified armed men in Khost. Nai Supporting Open Media in Afghanistan along with expressing its condolences and sympathy with the families of media martyrs, once again asks the government to share the details behind the 30th April 2018’s incident with the Afghan Journalistic Community. Abdul Mujeeb Khalvatgar, Nai Managing Director said; “Nine media correspondents including journalists and camerapersons were attacked complicatedly on the 30th April 2018 as result of terroristic attacks. That day right after the first explosion, the journalists arrived at the scene for the coverage of the incident that unfortunately the second explosion took place among the journalists, nine journalists and camerapersons were killed as result of the explosion. Now the questions which have been unanswered with journalists and the media community are; how the suicide bomber could have approached journalists and targeted them by crossing several serious security check points. This and dozens of other questions that are still unresponsive and the Afghan government if considers itself committed to supporting media and freedom of expression, is obligated to share what has happened with the media community.” By the passage of a year from the 30th April’s incident the government has not presented any report on how the incident took place. Nai believes that until the perpetrators of violence against journalists in specific the journalists’ assassins aren’t seriously prosecuted, we won’t witness decrement in violence against journalists. Nai once again emphasizes that the government is obligated to identify the perpetrators of violence against journalists and bring them to court, as well as present the details about the incident. Nai as well asks the media officials to be sensitive and curious about their colleagues, especially at the time of covering terroristic incidents and do not send any journalist without equipping them with safety devices at the scene.

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Press Release Date: 8th May 2019 Kabul, Afghanistan The Afghan Ministry of Defense’s letter violates the national laws and international conventions The Afghan Ministry of Defense issued a directive on 7th April 2019, it was written by the Army Chief and it indicated that all officials at the ministry are prohibited to interview and contact with media. The letter includes the press officials at the Ministry of Defense and there is no exception in it. It has strictly been issued in the directive, if the roles are violated; hence, there are contradictions for the offenders. Nai Supporting Open Media in Afghanistan considers the issuance of this directive as an explicit violation of the Afghanistan’s Constitution, Access to Information Law, Media Law and all the declarations and conventions that Afghanistan has joined in or signed below that. Nai asks the Defense Ministry to immediately abolish this directive and pave the path for media relations and the system for providing information in accordance with Afghanistan’s law. Nai asks all media outlets and the officials at public relation about cancellation of the directive and have attempt in accordance with the laws

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Press Release Date: 12th May 2019 Kabul, Afghanistan The government should determine whether Mina Mangal’s assassination has been related to her media performances or not Ms. Mina Mangal, former media staff and advisor for dead the Cultural Affairs Commission of Afghan parliaments’ lower house was shot by unidentified armed men in district8 th of Kabul on Saturday early morning. According to the interior ministry spokesperson, Ms. Mangal was shot dead by armed motorcyclists while she was leaving home for work. Prior to her recent duty as advisor for the Cultural Affairs Commission of Lower House at the Afghan Parliament, she used to work as a presenter with different media outlets including Ariana, Shamshaad and Lemar private TV channels. According to one of the officials at Ariana TV, Ms. Mangal didn’t work in media performances in the last three years and now her death has speculation and caused concerns for the journalistic community. The speculation in this regard is, has she been assassinated due to media performances and career or not. The Afghan Government should determine that what actually the causes of Ms. Mangal’s assassination were. However, Ms. Mangal’s career should not be an impediment to a quick investigation into her assassination case. The related organizations are required to identify the perpetrators of this incident and introduce them to judicial law as soon as possible. Nai Supporting Open Media along with expressing its sympathy and condolences with Ms. Mangal’s family, considers that the increment of violence against journalists is a matter of concern and regretful.

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Press Release Date: 15th May 2019 Kabul, Afghanistan The Afghan government wants to act against freedom of expression The Afghan Minister of Communications and Technology acknowledged through in an interview with BBC Persian that the National Unity Government is determined to take steps to restrict Internet. Shahrzad Arubi says: “We have localized access to Internet and now we can filtrate anything we want, the unnecessary and points which can harm Afghanistan and our culture.” According to Nai, this the most worrying commitment that the National Unity Government made in the last recent years. Nai considers such issues against the article 34th of Afghanistan Constitution that freedom of expression has been considered in that. We believe that such statements are the first step towards authoritarianism. Therefore, Nai asks the government to clarify what is the logic behind the minister’s points and what is the actual policy of government regarding the use of internet? The government also has to make the minister understand that officials at any position on the behalf of the government can’t act against law. Nai also asks the international entities that support freedom of expression to legally pressurize and make the Afghan Government to be accountable regarding the commitment made.

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Please note: All journalists and media organizations are hereby notified that Mr. Zarif Afghan works with the Media Watch in the capacity of Media Lawyer. Those journalists and/or media outlets that face legal issues in connection with their media related and journalistic activities, or need con- sultation on performing such activities, may contact him by phone at 0799705900 or via email at: [email protected]

For more information on Media Watch project please contact our team at: Nawid Mohammadi Media Watch Director Cell# +93 (0) 787159022 [email protected] [email protected]

Razia Shefayee Media Watch reporter Cell# +93 (0) 782200040 [email protected] - [email protected]

To obtain a soft copy of the report, please visit the following link: http://www.nai.org.af/Me- diawatch.htm

Note: To maintain confidentiality and to protect sources it was not possible for Nai Support- ing Open Media in Afghanistan to corroborate the incidents by carrying out additional investi- gations. Copy right is reserved for Nai Supporting Open Media in Afghanistan

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