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Media Watch Report January 2019

Owner: Nai Monthly Report #164

Tahir Paiman Media Watch Reporter 0704464404 نی حمایت کنندۀ رسانههای آزاد افغانستان Nai supporting open Media in Afghanistan

Media Watch Report In this issue: • Assassination of a local journalist in Farah province by Taliban • The insult and arrestment of Ayna TV Journalist in by police • Rocket attack on Neda-e-Subh Radio in Ghooriyan District of Herat province • Threaten up of two journalists in South zone by Taliban • Journalists’ insult by provincial authorities in Urozgan province • The concerns of the media and the Afghan Journalists Federation about the marginalization of media role in peace talks • Insult of Paiwaston Radio Head by security forces in Urozgan province • Armed attack on Hamisha Bahar Radio and TV in Nangarhar province • Nai; Freedom of expression and media have been forgotten in the peace talks • Article analysis of Access to Information Law نی حمایت کنندۀ رسانههای آزاد افغانستان Nai supporting open Media in Afghanistan

Summary Nai Media Watch Reports on cases of assassination, wound up, beaten up and abuse of journalists in the media sector in January 2019. In the early days of 2019, Afghan Media Community has lost one of its members. The vic- tim is Mr. Javed Noori, Neshat Local Radio Anchor in Farah province, who was shot died by Taliban on Saturday, January 5th 2019, when traveling with a group of thirty other passengers using public transportation. Mr. Noori worked diligently with Neshat Radio and was supposed to launch a weekly magazine in Farah as well. On another occasion, Saddam Hussain Bashash, the Ayna TV Journalist in the North- Eastern zone of the country was beaten up by police in Dasht-e-Qala District of Takhar province, and been arrested illegally for three hours as well. The reason behind his ar- restment and beaten up is that he tried to film the police’s harsh and rough behavior with the sellers beside the road. Moreover, the Neda-e-Subh Radio in Ghooriyan District of Herat province was targeted by a rocket attack. Unidentified persons had attacked on Ghooriyan Radio with a RPG rocket that destroyed some of the radio equipment but the radio transmitter was not damaged, radio broadcasts were temporarily stopped and started back. Mr. Jamshid Nekjo Azizi, proprietor of the Neda-e-Subh Radio said to Nai Media Watch that there wasn’t anyone while the rocket hit to the building but it had damaged radio assets. Furthermore, two journalists were threatened by the Taliban in Qandahar province. Abdullah Hamim, ToloNews Journalist and Javed Tanveer 1TV Journalist in South zone said to Nai Media Watch; at the very first they got the issue through their friends that Taliban want to assassinate them, whereas Qandahar Police warned them about the probable threats by terrorists; so that they could care of themselves. In addition to the aforementioned issues, some journalists of the private media outlets complain because of the practice of dual behavior of provincial authorities in Urozgan province. Moreover, on Sunday, 13th January 2019 journalists were invited by the pro- vincial officials to cover a program that was hosting governmental officials from . But it was about 30 minutes later that the deputy governor of Urozgan province an- nounced that except RTA (Radio and Television of Afghanistan) Journalist of other private media should leave the hall and they will not be allowed to cover the remaining portion of the program. Journalists of the private media were forced to leave the session and the concerned

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journalists considered it an insult and abuse to them, and they had recorded their com- plaints at Nai Media Watch as well. Additionally, Paiwaston Radio Head in Urozgan claims that he has been insulted by local security forces that belong to the Garrison branch. Fazl Ahmad Basharmal, Paiwaston Radio Head in Trincott city of Urozgan has been insulted by the local security troops due misplaced parking of his car on Monday 31st December 2018. Local soldiers humiliated Mr. Basharmal among all and forced him to clean the soldier’s car due to misplaced parking of his car. Furthermore, in addition to the targeted attacks on media outlets, this time Hamisha Bahar Radio and Television has been targeted in Nangarhar province. Unidentified per- sons have attacked on this media, as result of the attack the antenna has been damaged and it faced lots of technical loss. Moreover, on the eve of peace talks with the Taliban group, Nai as a leading advocacy organization stated its concerns regarding victimization of media and freedom of- ex pression through a press conference and also Nai considered specific sorts of recom- mendations to government and negotiating parties.

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A journalist was shot by Taliban in Farah province Javed Noori, Neshat Local Radio Anchor, was shot by Taliban when travelling with a group of 30 other passengers in public transportation.

Hamidullah Hamidi, Neshat Local Radio proprietor in Farah said to Nai Media Watch that Mr. Javed Noori was killed by Taliban on Saturday on the way. Mr. Hamidi said that Javed Noori used to work with Neshat Radio in Farah and intended to launch a weekly magazine in the upcoming days in corporation with Mr. Noori. Taliban has proclaimed Mr. Noori’s assassination in a bulletin and considered him a “Foeman Agent”. At the meantime, Reuters has quoted Muhammad Shoaib Saabit, the Farah Governor’s words that Mr. Noori was not only a governmental employee but also he was busy in journalistic activities. Abdul Mujeeb Khalvatgar, Nai Managing Director condemns Mr. Noori’s assassination and asks Afghan Government to be accountable to Afghanistan journalistic Community in this regard and also asks Taliban to tell the reason behind civilians and journalists’ assassination.

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Mr. Khalvatgar emphasized that Mr. Noori is the first victim of Afghan Journalistic Com- munity in 2019. 2018 was considered the bloodiest year which ended with the assassination of 20 jour- nalists and wound up of 20 other journalists and media workers. During the last year, Nai Media Watch recorded 200 violence cases against journalists. Based on the Nai’s annual report, 20 journalists and media activists were killed in 2018 and most of them were killed in the terroristic incidents.

Ayna TV Journalist was beaten up and arrested temporarily by po-

Saddam Hussainlice Bashash, in North-EasternAyna TV Journalist in North-Eastern zonezone was beaten up by police in Dasht-e-Qala District of Takhar province and arrested illegally for a couple of hours. Saddam Bashash said to Nai Media Watch on Wednesday, January 9th that, when he witnessed that the police misbehaved and abused the roadside sellers, he filmed the scene. Due to this police had beaten him up and abused him in front of all. Mr. Bashash said that he was beaten by police on the way from the Bazzar to the police district. Police insulted by use of abusive words as well. Despite, Mr. Bashash has shown his identifica- tion card but police have hit his card on his face and called him spy. Abdul Mujeeb Khalvat- gar, Nai Managing Direc- tor said; although the new appointed police head has promised that police’s performances

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and behavior will change, so that it sounds good for national interest and beneficiary of people but still we witness that police violate the law and behaves unprofessionally with civilians. Nai Managing Director asks Interior Ministry to recognize those, who misbehaved and beaten up Mr. Saddam and introduce them to judicial procedures and also share the further details of the incident.

Neda-e-Subh Radio was targeted by a rocket attack in Ghooriyan District of Herat province

It was Wednesday, 26th January 2019, around 07:00 PM that unidentified persons had attacked on Neda-e-Subh Radio with a RPG rocket that destroyed some of the radio equipment but the radio transmitter was not damaged and radio broadcasts were tem- porarily stopped and started back. Jamshid Nekjo Azizi, Proprietor of Neda-e-Subh Ra- dio said to Nai Media Watch that there wasn’t anyone while the rocket struck to the building but it had damaged radio assets. Mr. Azizi also said; thus the incident we informed the Ghooriyan Police district and they came to observe the scene but still the security organs couldn’t have shared any update regarding the incident occurred yet although a week has been passed.

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According to Neda-e-Subh Radio official, specifically the target of the attack was Neda- e-Subh Radio, as there isn’t any other organization nearby the radio building, so that the terroristic groups may target that. The aggressors had tried and intended to hit the radio building and destroy all its assets and facilities. Mr. Azizi emphasized that before also we had been threatened by extremist groups and even have demoralized the officials at the radio. According to Mr. Azizi the Neda- e-Subh officials and employees have been threatened and warned through phone calls by unidentified people, thus the rocket attack and they have been threatened, by the continuity of their media activities, they will be targeted again. The result of the security authorities’ investigation reveals that the one who contacted was the appointed district head of Taliban in Ghooriyan district of Herat province. In accordance to Mr. Azizi’s be- lief the incident was designed by Taliban. Abdul Mujeeb Khalvatgar, Nai Managing Director says that recently attacks on Media have been increased. Mr. Khalvatgar emphasized that Afghan Government should pre- vent the physical security threats over media. Mr. Khalvatgar emphasizes that attack on media means causing physical risks over me- dia and the articles publicized and the government is obligated to take required and prompt action in this regard. Nai Supporting Open Media in Afghanistan asks the security entities to seriously follow up this case and take specific measures for security and safety of media investments and facilities so that we may not witness such incidents in the future.

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Two journalists were threatened by Taliban in Qandahar province Two journalists were threatened by the Taliban in Qandahar province. Abdullah Hamim, ToloNews Journalist and Javed Tanveer, 1TV Journalist in Southern-zone said to Nai Me- dia Watch; almost three weeks before, they came to know about the security threats through Qandahar Police District that they are under threat of Taliban. Mr. Hamim said when he came to know about the security threats, he was on leave for

three weeks then he received an official letter from Qandahar police district that he is under serious threats and has to care about him. Hamim said that the warrant which was addressed by Qandahar police district had an authentic impact on his performances and now he is worried about his life and safety and it seems possible to be assassinated by terroristic groups. Moreover, Javed Tanveer 1TV Journalist in Southern-zone said to Nai Media Watch that firstly he got this issue through his friends that Taliban want to assassinate him and then Qandahar Police District informed him that he and ToloNews Journalist are under threat by terroristic groups. Mr. Tanveer said that the threat is a matter of concern for him and his family and it has

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a negative impact on his performances and it is more than ten days that he couldn’t concentrate to work on any report. 1TV journalist says in this situation continuity of journalistic work is impossible for him in the southern-zone and security entities should assure him and other journalists, who are under risk and threats, so that journalists could work and the keep the free flow of information on going in a safe and secure environment. Nai Supporting Open Media in Afghanistan believes that security organs should provide safety and security to journalists on the basis of their responsibility rather than warning them. Abdul Mujeeb Khalvatgar, Nai Managing Director said: “It isn’t government’s duty to inform the citizens about the threats but to prevent it. We ask the government to pay attention toward security and safety of journalists and media activists rather than warn- ing them.” Nai also asks Interior Ministry to take required measures regarding this case and resolve the anxiety and concerns of journalists.

Journalists’ abuse by provincial officials in Urozgan province A number of journalists complained on dual behavior of provincial state in Urozgan province. Ehsanullah Wolosmael, Killid Radio Journalist in Urozgan said to Nai Media Watch: “A number of private media outlets journalists have been insulted by provincial authorities.” Mr. Ehsanullah continued; On Sunday, 13th January 2019, the journalists were invited by provincial state for covering a preplanned program that was hosting governmental of- ficials from Kabul. But it was about 30 minutes later that the assistant governor of Uro- zgan announced that except RTA (Radio and Television of Afghanistan) Journalist other private media journalists should leave the hall and they will not be allowed to cover the remaining portion of the program. Furthermore, Sharifullah Sharafat, Azadi Radio Journalist in Urozgan said: “It was really insult to private media journalists when the authorities took us out from the program. He said if it was supposed not to allow private media journalists, so they shouldn’t have invited journalist in that occasion.” Moreover, journalists in Urozgan complained on inaccessibility of information. They em- phasized that provincial authorities, police district and none of the other governmental

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entities have spokesperson or official for the press department in the province and -jour nalists can’t get information from governmental entities. Despite, repeated phone calls, we couldn’t succeed to be in contact with Urozgan Gov- ernor. Nai asks the provincial authorities in Urozgan province to clarify; why media had been invited and what was the reason that private media reporters were prevented from continuing the coverage of the program. Abdul Mujeeb Khalvatgar, Nai Managing Director said: “When journalists are invited in any program and then they are forced to leave the session, it is not only a deprivation of media performances but also an insult to media and journalistic activities.”

According to him, RTA journalist was allowed to cover the session but the other journal- ists were forced to leave there. It has not only been an insult to journalists but also they have violated media law and made discrimination among media outlets. Urozgan Governor or anyone who made this decision should be accountable that what the logic behind their dual behavior was and the case requires to be followed up through judicial procedures. Nai also asks the local organs to investigate on contemptuous behavior of governor’s as- sistant and provincial office against journalists and introduce its perpetrators to judicial law.

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The concerns of journalists and media on the victimization of freedom of ex- pression during the peace talks

Media and Afghanistan Journalists Federation stated their concerns through a state- ment regarding marginalization of media performances and freedom of expression which have been the major achievement in the last 17 years. Officials of some media outlets held a session in coordination with journalists’ federa- tion and took a decision on media’s position and role related to peace talks.

Media officials and journalists’ federation by welcoming and supporting the ongoing Afghanistan’s peace talks have asked Afghanistan Government, countries and the in- ternational entities, who are a part of the peace talks to concentrate on this point and freedom of expression and free flow of information should be listed as the fundamental principles.

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Afghan Journalists Federation had emphasized through their statement that the out- comes of peace talks should not negate freedoms which have been assured through Af- ghanistan’s Constitution, Mass Media Law, Access to Information Law and other several legal documents which are designed for media. And also stated through the statement that media and federation welcome and support the peace talks process but aren’t ready to sacrifice the achievements and values which are achieved through hard works and trails in the last 17 years. Moreover, journalists also worry about the marginalization of freedom of expression and achievements achieved in the 18 years. Ms. Zahra Joya, Etla’aat Roz Daily Magazine Journalist, worries about the marginaliza- tion of media role and achievements of media in the last 18 years during the peace talks process. Journalists have witnessed many sacrifices in this field, so these achievements should not be sacrificed and marginalized. Ms. Joya continued that freedom of expression has not been demonstrated during the peace talks process and we are concerned that by the progress of the talks, we may not

lose this freedom. She said, we ask the government not to deal with the value of free- dom of expression and freedom of media during the peace talks in order not to harm

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the values. Hussain Buyok, Salam Watandar Journalist has also expressed his concerns that Afghan Journalistic Community and journalists don’t have good memories from Taliban Regime. Since, the Taliban had attacked on journalists in Kabul for several times and in most of the cases journalists have faced and witnessed many casualties. He continued that -at tacks on Moby Group, journalists in Shash Darak and assassination of journalists in Southern-zone of the country reveal that journalistic community of Afghanistan should be worried about peace talks and its impacts on media performances and its role. Mr. Buyok said; I appeal the peace talks negotiators to identify freedom of expression as a red line during the peace talks process, since, freedom of expression is one of the achievements of government right after the overthrow of Taliban’s regime. The statement stated that the involved groups in specific the Taliban should assure the safety and security of journalists, media and media workers and pave the path for jour- nalists in terms of access to information and its dissemination in the sites which are under their control and don’t create any kind of trouble and barrier for them overall the country. Media and journalists also ask the government to pay attention to the aforementioned values as a red line which were stated through the statement during the peace talks with Taliban and other neighboring and international parties.

Paiwaston Radio Head was insulted by Garrison in Urozgan province Fazl Ahmad Basharmal, Paiwaston Radio Head in Trincott city of Urozgan claims that on Monday 31st December 2018, he had been insulted by the local security troops due to misplaced parking of his car. The garrison troops humiliated Mr. Basharmal among all and as a punishment; he was forced to clean the soldier’s car due to misplaced parking of his car. Mr. Basharmal said to Nai Media Watch that the Garrison has insulted him by pretend- ing the misplaced parking. He said; “If it was against law, they should have introduced him to the relevant entity rather than treating him roughly and he had been insulted and forced to clean the soldier’s car.” Basharmal said that the reason behind his insult is dissemination of the reports on viola- tion of law by police headquarter which had been publicized through Paiwaston Radio

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recently. He said that police had asked him several times not to disseminate any article or report on police headquarter. Basharmal had shared this issue also with the provincial authorities but the authorities didn’t care and pay attention in this regard.

Abdul Mujeeb Khalvatgar, Nai Managing Director, considered that Mr. Basharmal’s insult is violation of human rights and said that insult of a media head among all is strongly considered violence and misbehavior which has to be followed up and investigated by security entities. Nai asks the local organs and authorities to follow up Mr. Basharmal’s case and identify the perpetrators and introduce them to judicial procedures.

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Armed attack on Hamisha Bahar Radio in Nangarhar province Hamisha Bahar Radio Officials said to Nai Media Watch; on Saturday 5th January 2019, unidentified armed men attacked on the radio and as result of the attack the antenna has been damaged and it faced lots of technical loss.

Samim Stanikzai, proprietor of Hamisha Bahar Radio in Nangarhar through an interview said to Nai that Atal Stanikzai, Radio Editor in chief could arrest one of the aggressors by the help of the criminal department and introduced him to police but the other aggres- sors had escaped away. It is claimed that Mr. Atal has been arrested due to pressurizing of entities on arrestment of the aggressors. Mr. Samim Stanikzai also emphasized that he has been threatened by two persons in the police headquarter right after the arrestment of the aggressor. Mr. Stanikzai said:

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“He introduced the aggressor to police but there had been two other persons named Hewad and Mirwais who seemed to be involved in the attack. They came to police sta- tion, somehow to threaten Mr. Atal but the police had checked him and found a gun and he has also been arrested and then introduced to Attorney General.” According to Mr. Stanikzai, the accused persons have been introduced to Attorney Gen- eral but the Attorney General had liberated them and did not investigate them related to the attack. Mr. Stanikzai emphasized that there are documents and findings against the accused persons which have been ignored by the Attorney General but in coordina- tion with the journalistic supportive entities the aggressors have been introduced to Attorney General. “The time when police introduced them to attorney, the attorney wanted to liberate them as it happened so. Then with lots of efforts and in corporation with the relevant and responsible entities, we could arrest and present them to Nangarhar Attorney. But the attorney wants to liberate or forgive those aggressors, though we had provided all the witness and findings but I don’t know either they are attached through the docu- ment or it isn’t. But the attorney has ignored all those findings regarding the case.” According to the proprietor of Hamisha Bahar Radio, media face serious security threats in Nangarhar and governmental authorities have not taken any action yet. Furthermore, Abdul Mujeeb Khalvatgar, Nai Managing Director says that Nangarhar At- torney has arrested Mr. Stanikzai and this arrestment is against Mass Media Law, which is considered violation that the attorney has to be accountable regarding this deed. Mr. Khalvatgar said: “As it is claimed that the proprietor of Hamisha Bahar Radio was arrested by police based on the attorney’s order. The attorney claims that this man has insulted the Attorney General by publishing a post on Facebook. Each media violation has a specific duct to follow up and the commission is for investigating and following up the media violation. Based on the presidential decree, official letter of the Attorney General and in general, based on the Mass Media Law, none of the entities has the right to interfere in media violations unless the violation is solved through the relevant commission. Nangarhar -At torney has violated the law and it should be accountable.” Nai asks Nangarhar Attorney and Interior Ministry to firstly liberate Mr. Atal Stanikzai and then follow up the case thoroughly and introduce its perpetrators to judicial law.

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Nai; Freedom of expression and me- dia have been forgotten during the peace talks process Nai Supporting Open Media in Afghanistan says that freedom of expression and media achievements in the last 17 years have been ignored during the peace talks. Abdul Mujeeb Khalvatgar, Nai Managing Director stated at a press conference on Mon- day, 28th January 2019 that freedom of expression as a protective value should be in- corporated into any document resulting from peace talks.

Mr. Khalvatgar said at the conference that more than 70 percent of Afghan people have not remembered about peace and didn’t witness it yet. He reminded; it is about couple of years that the government, different international entities, who put efforts for peace and were engaged to wind up fight but misfortu- nately, yet we have not witnessed the result of these efforts and hard works. He added: recently, Afghanistan’s allies’ countries addressed by United States of Amer-

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ica; by its representative of the Foreign Ministry of USA in Peace Affair of Afghanistan, Mr. Zalmai Khalilzad, has held meetings regarding peace affairs of Afghanistan with a number of Taliban negotiators in Doha, Qatar. He said: “Mr. Khalilzad has met President Ghani after the Doha’s Peace Talks session. He considered that the points discussed in the session was important and said that Khalil- zad concentrated on Intra-Afghani negotiations, cease fire and other points during the talks and shared all with president Ghani but misfortunately, they have ignored to point out human rights and its achievements in the last 17 years. Mr. Khalvatgar continued as result of the peace talks process, if peace is to be achieved, there should be a certain guarantee to assure Afghan Media Community for the safety, security and protection of freedom of expression and free media. Nai Managing Director said that media should be aware of details of peace talks which don’t ruin the process. Nai as leading advocacy organization in media sector and right of freedom of expression warns the in the peace talks negotiators that killers and perpetrators of violence against journalists and media should not be forgiven under any peace agreement. Freedom of expression and freedom of media have been marginalized, since 2018 was the bloodiest year. During the last year, 20 journalists and media workers were martyred in the different incidents. The fourth peace talks has been held by the presence of Taliban’s negotiators and Zal- mai Khalilzad in Doha, Qatar. The session which lasted in 6 days, was the lengthiest visit about Afghanistan’s peace talks and the both sides were satisfied about the talks and its outcomes.

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Article analysis of Access to Informa- tion Law Prohibitions Article 16th 1. The provision of information in the following situations is prohibited: • If independence, national sovereignty, territorial integrity and public safety are compromised; • In case it disrupts the political, economic and cultural ties of Afghanistan with other countries; • If the life and property of a person are at risk; • If it prevents the crime from being discovered or prevented from committing a crime; • If it disturbs the investigation process and follow up of the accused or the pre- cautionary measures in this regard; • If the process of fair trial or enforcement of the ruling is undermined; • If it violates a person’s privacy; • If information on business issues, personal property, and bank accounts, un- less it is recognized differently by law; 2. The following situations of the above decrees, the element 7th and 8th of the item 1st of this article are exceptional. • If the competent court decides to disclose personal information. • If the copyright protection law, author, artist and researcher (Copy write) and the law protecting competition and other regulatory documents are not violated; • The information contained in item 1st of this article shall be provided to the applicant if the public interest requires it; • The public interest listed in item 1st of this article is recognized by the relevant department; • If the requested information relates to information provided by a third person in series, the department will contact the third person to determine his agreement or disagreement with the disclosure of the information. In cases he has objected, should be preserved but the decision either the information requested is within the scope of the prohibition or not is taken by the administration. • The information that has lasted more than twenty years, no any prohibition can be imposed on it, unless the aforementioned period can be extended to a maxi- mum of 10 years by the verification of the commission. • Whenever a section of the requested information is in the scope of the prohi- bition, except the prohibited one, provide the rest of the information.

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• The departments are required and obligated to classify and categorize the rel- evant documents in accordance with the confidentiality of the separate procedure. Prohibited information of Access to information in other laws is generally specified to the extent required by that law but in the Access to Information Law, each individual component of prohibited items are specified and determined so that the applicant can easily identify the prohibited items from non-prohibited items. Identifying prohibited items somehow helps the applicant to simply focus on the pro- hibited items and furthermore, prevents the applicant from referring to other laws in order to save time and also the news information may not lose its value. Basically, the prohibition of accessing to information based on Article 59th of the -Con stitution Law is the information which is against the independence, territorial integ- rity and national unity. The Article 59th of the Constitution Law has indicated the prohibited items as the main source of barriers to access to information and somehow the prohibited items have been listed in the subset of Article 59th. After the articles the restrictions which are expressed in Article 59th, other limitations are considered more than the criminal issues that are stipulated in Article 16th of the Access to Information Law, in case the required information causes matters such as the preservation of one’s life and property, Jeopardizing the detection of crime or preventing the commission of crime, or limiting issues such as judicial procedures or punitive proceedings. The other point which is discussed in this article is the privacy of one’s life and matters that on the basis of law one’s privacy worthy and valued. The domestic law of the Constitution and Mass Media Law has designed specific value for one’s privacy and moreover, the international documents such as Human Rights declaration and Civil and Political Rights Convention have also set specific position and value for one’s privacy that even valued the national security in most of the cases. The Access to Information Law in conjunction with the Constitution Law values the privacy and indicated the privacy of individuals as the prohibited items of access to information. If someone demands information that harms one’s privacy, based on the Article 16th, it is prohibited. The last issue relates to the expiration of information, the information which has last- ed more than 20 years so there isn’t any restriction and prohibition according to the law. But this option doesn’t match all information, specifically, the 59th article and privacy issues. The issue of information’s expiry on criminal and criminality issues that fall under the passage of time, the crime related information after 20 years has lost its criminal and its publication doesn’t harm the society.

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Please note: All journalists and media organizations are hereby notified that Mr. Zarif Afghan works with the Media Watch in the capacity of Media Lawyer. Those journalists and/or media outlets that face legal issues in connection with their media related and journalistic activities, or need consulta- tion on performing such activities, may contact him by phone at 0799705900 or via email at: [email protected]

For more information on Media Watch project please contact our team at: Nawid Mohammadi Media Watch Director Cell# +93 (0) 787159022 [email protected] [email protected]

Mohammad Tahir Paiman Media Watch reporter Cell# +93 (0) 704464404 [email protected] - [email protected]

To obtain a soft copy of the report, please visit the following link: http://www.nai.org.af/Medi- awatch.htm

Note: To maintain confidentiality and to protect sources it was not possible for Nai Support- ing Open Media in Afghanistan to corroborate the incidents by carrying out additional investiga- tions. Copy right is reserved for Nai Supporting Open Media in Afghanistan

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