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2003 Virginia Commonwealth University Commencement Program Virginia Commonwealth University

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Processional* VCU C,)111111<: ncement Band Terry L. A ustin, Cuncluctur National Anthem VCU P,)lice Hc) l1 c) r G uarcl VCU Cummencement Band Tiara C. Walker, Suloist Welcome and Introductions Eugene P. Tra ni , President Commencement Address The Honorable Roger L. G regory Recognition of Degree Candidates Honorary Degree Eugene P Trani, President Edward A. Wayne Medals Pres idential Medallions Conferring of Degrees

Undergraduate D egrees College of Humanities and Sciences Stephen D. Guttfrcdson, Dean School of A llied Health Profcss ic>ns Cecil B. Dra in , Dean School of the A rts Ri chard E. Toscan, Dean School of Business Michael L. Sesnow it:, Dean School of Dentistry Rc)m1 ld J. Hunt, Dean School of Education Wi lli am C. B,os her, Dean School of Engineering R,,bert J. Mattauch, Dean School of Nursing Nancy F. Langst,m, Dean Schoc)I of Socia l Work Fra nk R. Baskind, Dean

Graduate and First Professional D egrees School of Graduate Studies F. DougL1s Boudin,,t, Dean School of Dentistry Rnnald J. Hunt, Dean School of Medicine Heber H. Nc1rn,mc Jr. , Dc,m School of Pharmacy Victur A. Ya nchick, Dean

Doctor of Philosophy Candidates F. Dc)ug las B\\uclincit, De,m H,aodin.L: hy Dean R, l!1a lcl J. Hunt and Dean Stephen D. Gmtfrecb, 111 Recessional** VCU C,,mmencemenr Band

The audience may remain seated dur111g the academic process ion but wil l stand fo r the national anthem Graduates will remain in place until the president's party leaves

In 200 I, The Hnn,1r,1hle R, 1,Qe r L. G rq:, 1ry hc· a U nired Stares C ircuit Juclge, the· first A fri c m -A.meri c m t, 1 be app,1inted w the U.S. C llurt cit A ~· peab f,, r the F, 1urth C ircuit. The Fciurth C ircuit enc,1 mpa:;:ses tvhryLmcl. \Vc·st Virgini a, Virginia, Nnrth C m ,lin,1 c1nd S,1uth C irulina. It has the highest perccnta_gc uf A fri can -Ame ri c m s ,1f ,1111· C ircuit Cllurt in the nati,1n. Judge G regury gr,1du,ned fr nm Virgini,1 Scne U ni nTsit\' in 1975 11·ith a Bachclllr "f A rts ,mcl the U ni,·c•r, ity ,,f Michigan Law Sch,1"[ in 1978 mth ,1 Juris D,,ctllr clegrc•e His career as an attnrney heg,m in Demiit as ,m ,1ss,1ciate attorney. In I 980, he jninecl the Hunwn and \Vilbms Lm firm in Richmond and in 1982 established the Lm· fi rm Wilder and G regury with Gm·. L. Dll ugLis W ilder, wh,, w,1s then serving in the Virginia St,lte Senate. Until his appointment to the U .S. C ircuit Cuurt, he 11 ·,is m,m,1.ging partner and head of the litigati ,m sec ti,1n. Thruughllut his career, Judge G regory has been acti,·e in his pnifessilln, including service with local, state and natilln,1l h ir assllci,1- tions, the Fourth C ircuit Judicial C nnferencc ,md the The Honorable Roger L. Gregory Virginia State Bar Foundation. Commencement Speaker Fmm 1985 to 1993, Judge G regory was a memhcr ,if tlw Honorary Doctor of Humane Letters Virginia Commonwealth Uni,·e rsity Bllard ,it Visiwrs ,md served as rector, the first and only A fri can-Americ m rectllr to serve ,m the VCU bnard. His extensive c i,·ic ilffll h-e­ ment includes sen·ice on the hoards ,\I such mgani:atilllb as the Friends Assoc iatinn for C hildren, the NAACP, the Richmond A rts Cuuncil , the Ri chmuncl Biccntcnni,1l C ommiss illn, the Virginia State Uni,·ersity Bllard uf Visitnrs, Richfood Hnldings Inc ., the C hristian C hildrc· n \ Fund, Richmc1 nd Ren,1i ss,mce, the Black Histmy• um and C ulturnl Center nf Virginia ( where he was e lected president in 2000) and the Community F"uncbtilll1. Judge G rcgllry has recei,·ed nu men ,u, ,m·,ml, and rec,1gnitinn fm excell ence and sen ·ice thn >ughllut his cli stingu ishcd career, includin.s: rccci,·ing Le,1dcr.,hip Metro Ri ehm, ,nd's A lumnus ,if the Year A 11·,ml. the Nati, ,n,1l Cnnference nf C hristians ,md Jc,,·,· Hum,rnirc1ri ,m A 11 ·;1 rcl ,md the Genruclc E. Rush A 11 ·,ir, l. , me,,( rhc Nati, ,n,il Bar Ass, 1ciari, H1S highest distincti, H1 .s. Virginia U ni" n U ni \'ersity has h, ,n" red h nn ,nth rhe H, H1llr.iry D"ctm, if Lm·s, and Eh, l!W, Cc,mm, ,n11·c·,dth , ;incl S um ,uncling, m,1_g,i:inc·, h,1n'. listed him ;i, ;im, ,n_g rhc hc·,t ,m,l hrightnt.


G il bert Rnsenthal jnined the U.S. Na,·y in 1943 alter graduating frnm Thl,mas Jefferson High SchoL,I and sc:r,·ed until 1946 when he was di sc harged ,l S a li eutenanr juniL)!' gr,1cle. Wh il e in the N m·y, he e,1rned c,,llege credits t,,ward an undergraduate degree, \\'h ich he cL, mplcted in 194 7 at the U ni,·e rsity ui Richmoncl. In 1999, the U n i,·e rsity oi Richmoncl a\\'arded him an honnrnry doctnr oi la\\'S degree. Fannie R,,,enrh,11 attended Linclcnm,nd CL,ll ege in St. C harles, Mn. Mr. Rosenthal j,,ined his fa mil y's business, Standard Drug C ,,mpan y, in 194 7. In 1976, he bec 1me chiei executi ,·e nftker ,111d sen ·ed in that role until 1993, \\· hen the company was sold. At that time, the company operated 60 st,1ries in Virginia ,md Washi ngtnn, D. C. The Rr,senthals hm·e been acti,·e in the community fo r m,)!'e than ii \'e decades. Mrs. Rnsenthal se n ·ed as a ,.L,lunteer and board member for many years at Retreat Hospi tal. She is currently on the board oi the Memori al C hild G uidance C linic Foundation, where she just cL, mpleted a term as [' res ident. She als L, spent many years Gilbert M. and Fannie S. Rosenthal in n,lunteer r,,les at Congregation Be th A habah. Edward A. Wayne Medals M r. Rnsenthal currently is a member of the boards oi Sheltering A rms Foundati ,,n , the Garlancl Gray Foundation , the CL,mmunity F,,un,fati,,n, the Virginia Endn\\'lnent fur the Je\\'i sh Aged, and the Virginia Pe1fonning A rts Foundati on. In addition , he serws on im·estment committees ,ii the Jenkins Fnundation and the Westminster Canterbury Foundation and is chairman oi the Cnngregati on Beth A habah B,,ard oi Trustees. Mr. Rosenth,11 sen ·ed a term as pres id enr d C,,ngregati on Beth A habah and was a t~i unding member ,ii the boards llf J. Sargeant Reynnlds Community Cnllege and Richnm nd Renaiss,mce. He also se1Yed fo r many years ,m the bo,1rcis ni Jeffersnn Bankshares, A merican Filtrnna and the Natinnal Assnc iation ,,f C hain Drug Stnres. The Rosenthals h.1,·e been equall y acti,·e \\'ith Virginia Cum111L,m\'ealth U ni ve rsity. In 1994, they established the Br,x,ks Ln\\·er Lectureship and in 2002, the L ,,,·e r Leg,icy Prdessorshi p. In 2000, they created ,1 mecli cal cH1e,,lngy iund ,lt the VCU M.issey Cancer C enter in hnnnr oi Dr. Thumas J. Smith. They ab,, ha,·e established student scholMships in the Schnnl ,,i Pharmacy and uther VCU departments. Fr,,m 1990 t,1 1993, Mr. Rusenthal se rved nn the Schonl L,i Pharmacy A,kisory Bn,ncl.

, )

Dr. Leo J. Dunn was the first department chair of obstetrics and gynecology at Virginia Commonwealth University, having been appointed to that position at the Medical College of Virginia in 1967. He served as chair until 1996 and then was awarded the title of professor and chair emeritus by the VCU Board of Visitors. During his tenure at VCU he was interim dean of the School of Medicine, served on many strategic committees, participated in the formation of MCV Physicians, was elected chairman of that board in 1992, and was a leader in the formation of the Stony Point fac ility. C urrently, he is the research subj ect advocate at the VCU Clinical Research Center. Dr. Dunn earned his doctorate in medicine at Columbia University in 1956 and completed his spec ialty training there in 1962. His first academic pos ition was at the University of Iowa. In 1998, he earned a master of science in health administration degree from VCU. Throughout his VC U career he was acti ve locally and nationally in areas of education and certification. He was Dr. Leo J. Dunn president of the American Board of O bstetrics and Presidential Medallion Gynecology, pres ident of the American Board of Med ical Specialties, chair of the Accred itation Council fo r Graduate Medical Education, and chair of the Council for Graduate Medical Education in Obstetrics and Gynecology. He participated in both the Residency Rev iew Committee for Obstetrics and Gynecology and the National Board of Medical Examiners Test Committee fo r Obstetrics and Gynecology. His contributions we re recognized in many ways. He was a Markle Scholar, and served as president of several international, national and local OB-GYN societies, including the American Gynecological and Obstetrical Society. He was a fo undi ng member of the Society of Gynecologic Oncologists. He chaired several committees fo r the American College of Obstetricians and G ynecologists, includi ng the Task Force on Primary Care. He received distinguished service awards from Columbia University, the American College of O bstetricians and Gynecologists, the American Board of Medical Specialties, the Society of Gynecologic Oncologists, Louise Obici Hospital, the Dean 's Award from the VCU School of Medicine and the VCU Scholar Award. In his honor, his alumni and patients funded the Leo J. Dunn, M.O. Endowed Research C hair at VCU.

7 vclf5(, ))I l)l~llfl~IJleJI( 2()()/j

O n July I, 2003, Or. Hermes A. Kontos wi ll retire as vice pres ident for hea lth sc iences at Virginia Commonwealth University and chief executive officer of the VCU Health System, fo ll owing a long and precedent-setting career in medi cine, teaching, research and higher educati on administration at the unive rsity and medical center. Dr. Kontos earned his doctorate in medicine from the University of A thens in 1958 and his doctorate in physiology from VCU in 1967. He served an internship at Maryland General Hospital, fo llowed by a residency in internal medi cine and a research fe llowship in cardiopulmonary medicine at VCU. In I 964, he joined the fac ulty as an instructor; in 1972 he attained the rank of professor of internal medicine. He is nationally recogni zed fo r his research in cerebrovascular phys iology and is a member of numerous prestigious medical soc ieties. Or. KontL)SS career at VCU continued to develop through appointments to positions of increasing responsibil ­ ity. He was chair of the Oi,·ision of Card iology and interim Dr. Hermes A. Kontos chair of the departments of Pathology and Internal Medicine and 11·as appointed interim dean in 1993 and Pres idential Medallion then dean in 1994 of the School of Medicine. In 1995, he was promoted w senior assoc iate ,·ice pres ident fo r health sc iences. In 1997, he became ,·ice president in addition to continuing to se 1Yc as dean nf the School of Medicine. During the yea rs that he se n ·ed in executi,·e-level pos itions, Dr. Knnws spearheaded the transition to what wnuld become the VCU Health System, the most signifi­ cant org,mi:ati onal change in VCU's history since its establishment in 1968 with the merger of the Medical Cnllege of Vi rgini,1 and Richmond Profess i,)nal Institute. With the establishment of the VCU Health System by the Virginia General Assembly in 2000, Or. K,,nws became chief executi ve nfficer while continuing w se n ·ice as vice pres ident fo r health sc iences. VClfBo1n 1ne11 ee1ne11t 2003 University Faculty Marshals

Grand Marshals School of Dentistry B. Ellen Byrne Robert L. Clifton Michael V Dishman Frederick B. Wayne School of Education Assistants to the Grand Marshals Samuel M. Craver Susan D. Leone Marshall P. Brownstein John A. Rossi Rebecca M. Halloran Sy bil C. Halloran School of Engineering Kaaren H. Osby Barton B. Cregger John E. Speich Patricia S. Worley

School of Medicine Cynthia M. Heldberg James M. Messmer College of Humanities and Sciences Hugo R. Seibel Charlene D. Crawley Aimee J Ellington Ji ll R. Hardin School of Nursing Janet R. Hutchinson Judith A. Lewis James E. Mays Inez Tuck Michelle Peace Janet B. Younger

School of Allied Health Professions School of Pharmacy Barbara Lindsey Jean-Venable R. Goode Thomas P Mayhew Mary-Beth F. Plum

School of the Arts School of Social Work James Farmer Pamela J Kovacs Karen M. Guthrie Joseph F Walsh Gary C Hopper Doctor of Philosophy Candidates School of Business Dolores G. Clement Ruth W Epps Sherry T. Sandkam Walter S Griggs Jr Michael A. McDaniel VCU Libraries Jean P Shipman VC®ommeneem,ent 2 008

Commencement Committee

Frederick B. Wayne Terry L Austin Department of Music Co-chair

Office of the President David H. Cooper Facil ities Management Patricia S. Worley Co-chair Carlton G. Edwards Division of University Outreach Campus Pol ice

Patricia J. Ferguson Daniel P. Tanner Division of University Outreach Student Assistant to the Committee Offi ce of the President Anjour B. Harris Records and Regis tration

Elaine M. Jones Off ice of the President

Nedra W. Jones Records and Reg istration

Pamela D. Lepley University News Services

Dan F. McDonald University Business Services

Emma L Minor Parking and Transportation Off ice

David P. Van Nest Media Support Services

/ () Academic Costume

The academic costume worn at American undergraduates, bac helors and masters could be college exerc ises derives from the Middle Ages. disti ngui shed by the simplicity or intricacy of their The old est universities of northern Europe, such gowns. The doctor's gown was often furred, wh ich as and Oxford, grew out of church sc hools, survives today in the ornamentation found on the and both fac ulty and students we re regard ed in doctoral gown. Usuall y the gown is blac k, but the Midd le Ages as a part of the clergy. They wore some colleges have gowns of diffe rent colnrs. cleri cal habits, large ly borrowed from the monasti c The wide ve lvet borders extending down th dress of that day, not just on special occasions but front of the doctora l gown, the ve h·et bars on the as their regul ar attire. sleeves, and the borders of most hoods are colored The head covering of the academi c costume according tu the scholarly fi eld of the wea rer. developed from the skull cap worn by the clergy in cold weather to protect the tonsured head. In Arts. Letters and Humanities White the universities, the skull cap acquired a point on Business Drab top, which evolved into a tasse l. The bonnet with Dentistry Lilac tasse l is sti ll worn by degree holders of European Economics Copper uni ve rsities. In A merica, it has been replaced by the fa miliar mortar board, which still retains Education Light Blue the medieval tasse l. Engineering Orange The hood (the medieval caputium) was Fine Arts. Architecture Brown originall y a covering worn over the head in bad Laws Purpl e weather, otherw ise dropped on the shoulders as Library Science Lemon the monk's cowl. A t first it was worn by fac ul ty Medicine Green and students alike, but in the earl y 16th century Music Pink it was restricted to graduates, thus becoming the Nursing Apricot mark of a degree holder. Today, each college has Ph armacy Olive Green its disti nctive hood lining by which its graduates Philosophy Dark Blue may be recognized in academic processions. Physical Education Sage Green Graduates from Virginia Commonwea lth Public Admin istration Peacock Blue Uni ve rsity may wear a hood showing a black Salmon chevron on gold background. Public Health The gown comes from the medieval mbe and Science Golden Yell ow seems to have been borrowed from the habit of Social Service Citron the Benedictine monks. In the M iddl e Ages, Theology Scarlet


Table of Contents

Recipients of Degrees School of Dentistry .. ... ··· ······ · . 43 Bachelor of Science in Dental Hygiene 43 College of Humanities and Sciences ...... 15 Master of Science 43 Bachelor of Arts 15 Doctor of Dental Surgery 43 Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies 17 Bachelor of Science 17 School of Education Post-baccalaureate Certificate in Criminal Justice 24 Bachelor of Science 45 Post-baccalaureate Certificate in Public Management 24 Post-baccalaureate Certificates 45 Post-baccalaureate Certificate in Nonprofit Management 24 Post-master·s Certificates 45 Master of Arts 24 Master of Education 45 Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing 24 Master of Science 47 Master of Interdisciplinary Studies 24 Master of Teaching 47 Master of Public Administration 25 School of Engineering Master of Science 25 ...... 49 Bachelor of Science 49 Master of Urban and Regional Planning 27 Post-baccalaureate Certificate in Computer Science 50 School of Allied Health Professions .. 28 Master of Science 50 Bachelor of Science 28 School of Graduate Studies ...... 51 Certificate in Aging Studies 28 ...... Master of Interdiscipl inary Stud ies 51 Certificate in Professional Counseling 28 Master of Health Administration 28 School of Medicine .. 52 Master of Science 29 Pre-medical Basic Health Science Certificate 52 Master of Science in Health Adm inistration 29 Master of Public Health 52 Master of Science in Occupational Therapy 29 Master of Science 52 Doctor of Medicine 53 School of the Arts ...... 30 Bachelor of Arts 30 School of Nursing .. ... 59 Bachelor of Fine Arts 30 Bachelor of Science 59 Bachelor of Music 34 Post-master's Nurse Practitioner Certificate 60 Master of Arts in Art History 34 Master of Science 60 Master of Art Education 35 Master of Fine Arts 35 School of Pharmacy ...... 61 Master of Interdisciplinary Studies 35 Master of Science in Pharmaceutical Sciences 61 Master of Music 36 Doctor of Pharmacy 61

School of Business . 37 School of Social Work .. .. . 63 Bachelor of Science 37 Bachelor of Social Work 63 Undergraduate Certificate 41 Master of Social Work 63 Post-baccalaureate Certificates 41 Doctor of Philosophy ...... 65 Master of Arts in Economics 41 Master of Business Administration 41 University Honors and Awards .... 69 Master of Science 42

Virginia Commonwealth University is an equal opportunity. affirmative action university provid ing access to education and employment without regard to age. race. color. na tional origin. gender. religion. sexual orientation. veteran·s status. political affiliation or disability. Virginia Commonwealth University is accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools to award baccalaureate. master's. doctoral and first professional degrees.

/ . }

College of Humanities and Sciences

Blocher, Kristin Ann Cruciotti, Joshua D. * Gray, Naomi * Bachelor of Arts English English Engl ish Highland Springs. Virginia Prince George. Virginia Richmond. Virginia Candidates (Jrese rnc

k5 College of Humanities and Sciences continued

Sherrill, Michael Anthony Jacobs, Will Miller Marshman, Daniel Aaron Patterson, Marjorie Ann Mcfadden Political Science Po litical Science Pol itical Science Religious Studies Richmond, Virginia Varina, Virginia Glen Allen, Virginia Culpeper, Virginia Jerkic, Dragan * Mashack, John Lockwood **• Payne, Michael Alan Foreign Languages - German Political Science Phi losophy SI imak, Robert Andrew Richmond, Virginia Richmond, Virginia Staunton, Virginia Po litical Science Springfield, Virginia John, Synda Aluma Massengale, Kasey Rose ** Penick, Jacquan Rondale Pol itical Science English English Smith, Ann Nicole * Richmond, Virginia Sandston, Virginia Richmond, Virginia Pol itical Science Richmond, Virginia Johnson Jr., Bill Reed McCall, LinDee Lorraine Pleasants, Harrison C. Foreign Languages - Spanish Engl ish History Smith, John Bradley* Richmond, Virginia Richmond, Virginia Richmond, Virginia Rel igious Studies Midlothian, Virg1n1a Johnson, Elizabeth Linette McGinley, Nicole Susan Rice, Ryan Patrick * Engl ish English Philosophy Suh, Ban Kyong Norfolk, Virginia Richmond, Virginia Richmond, Virginia Political Science and Interdisciplinary Studies Jones, Andrew Lewis Richards Jr., John Fredrick Meisner, Anna Louise Seoul, South Korea History Political Science English Midlothian, Virginia Yorktown, Virginia Richmond, Virginia Spencer, Megan Mitchel Political Science Kane, Teresa Cree * Menzies, Margaret Cross Richardson, Emily Rae Virginia Beach, Virginia English History History Richmond, Virginia Ashland, Virginia Mechanicsville, Virginia Sprague. Michael Julian Philosophy Kim, Eun Jung ** Michalec, Jennifer Erin Riggs, Elizabeth * Richmond, Virginia History History Religious Studies Richmond, Virginia Mechanicsville, Virginia Richmond, Virginia Stancil, Stephen Brett History Klotz, Graham Sebastian Milot, Jolene Ann Robinson, James W. * Richmond, Virginia Philosophy History Political Science Richmond, Virginia Coloma/ Heights, Virginia Richmond, Virginia Straus, Christina Flynn English Kowun, Mary V, Moore, Angela Nicole Russo, Joseph Phillip Richmond, Virginia History Foreign Languages - Spanish Political Science Richmond, Virginia Midlothian, Virginia Virginia Beach, Virginia Terry, Christopher Logan English Kuhn, Happy Anne Neely, Frankye Renee Santiago, Jacqueline Richmond, Virginia Po litical Science English Foreign Languages - Spanish Richmond, Virginia Roanoke, Virginia Richmond, Virginia Terry, Shannon Dianne ** Religious Studies Labbate, Richard A. * Nester, Sara Elizabeth Birdsong Sarratt, Heidi Ann ** Philosophy History English Richmond, Virginia Midlothian, Virginia Chester, Virginia Richmond, Virginia Thomson, James Stacy **• English Lintecum Jr., Cecil Lee Onyango, Christine Akinyi Scolaro, Erin Margaret**• Religious Studies English English Richmond, Virginia Richmond, Virginia Richmond, Virginia Manassas, Virginia Thornton II, John Michael * History Lombardi, Christopher Peter ** Overstreet, Mary Kate Shaffer, Bethany Lynn *0 Engl ish History Engl ish Charlottesville, Virginia Richmond, Virginia Highland Springs, Virginia Herndon, Virginia Thurston, Caroline Lane Macklin, Keasia Parent, Denise Marie Shaffer, Ella Marie * English Foreign Languages - Spanish Rel igious Studies English Richmond, Virginia Amityville, New York Alexandna, Virginia Burlington, North Caro/J11a Tildon, Calvin Christopher English Richmond, Virg111ia

/{; * Cum Laude ** Magna Cum Laude *** Summa Cum Laud e • University Honors Student

Toscano, Philip Alan Salamone, Julie A. Angel, Suzanne Nicole ** English Bachelor of Pampten Lakes. New Jersey Criminal Justice Virginia Beach. Virg1n1a Richmond. Virg1n1a Interd isciplinary Studies Stowe, Lynquita Shantemeka Trivellin, Laci Dale Richmond. Virginia Anis, Brandon Allen En gl ish Ccmdicfores /m?se n1 ecl hy Mathematical Sciences - Appl ied Taylor, Sarah C. Sandston. Virginia Dea n Src/Jhen D Gurrji·o!tlson Mathematics Arlington. Virginia Chesterfield. Virginia Truong, Mireille Diem-My ***­ Arfsten, Casey Lee ** Taylor, Teri Alexandria Foreign Languages - French Richmond. Virginia Anyadike, Nnaemeka Uchendu ­ Richmond. Virginia Richmond. Virginia Biology Bandy, Lisa Lynn Tolton, Molly Elizabeth * Hayes. Virginia Turner, Spencer Lowell Richmond. Virginia Richmond. Virginia English Archer, James Joseph Richmond, Virginia Banks, Pamela Kelley Wash, Ronald Lee Psychology and Richmond. Virginia Mechanicsville. Virginia Sociology and Anthropology Turochy, Ryan Russell Richmond. Virginia Ph ilosophy Barnes, Wayne Scott * Glen Allen. Virginia Mechanicsville. Virginia Badger, Catherine C. Bachelor of Science Urban Studies Tyler, Miranda Renee Boland, Lisa Jean Richmond. Virg1n1a Midlothian. Virginia English Candidates /Jresrn rd b:,- Richmond. Virginia Burchett, Patricia D. Da m Srer,h en D. Cmrfredsun Bagley, Jasmen Olivia Psychology Warren, David Anthony Richmond. Virginia Abdul-Khaliq, Aliya Nisa Richmond. Virginia History Cheek, Linda Logan Psychology Sterling, Virginia Sandston. Virginia Bailey, Kevin Hosea Richmond. Virginia Mass Commun ications Wentz, Karen ** Clark, Eric Jermel Abdullah, Salwa *** Chesapeake. V1rg1n1a Political Science Richmond. Virginia Richmond. Virginia Biology Bailey, Sharon Elizabeth Clark, Laura Ann Meshref, Kuwait Criminal Justice Whitlow Jr., A.C. Richmond, Virginia Mechanicsville. Virginia History Ahmed, Takiya Janice Quinton. Virginia Doran, Richard Ronald ** Chemi stry Salido, Erin Jeanne ** Midlothian. Virginia Richmond. Virginia Psychology Wigginton, Nicole Leslie Richmond. Virginia Po litica l Science Ganoe, Dan Clark * Akhidime, Chris llidon Richmond. Virginia Chester, Virginia Criminal Justice Ballout, Sammer S. Herndon. Virginia Biology Grant, Alexander Jefferson Williams, Brian M. ** Richmond. Virg1n1a Po litical Science Richmond. Virg1n1a Aljinovich, Pamela B. Roanoke. Virginia Mass Communications Barkley, Piya Kim * Johnson, Craig Antonio Newport News. Virginia Biology Richmond. Virginia Winters, Jeremiah Ezekiel Wayne Richmond. Virginia English Allamong, Courtney Anne Martin, Adam G. * Damascus. Virg1n1a Criminal Justice and Psychology Barut, Peesha G. Sandston. Virginia Williamsburg, Virginia Psychology Withers, Karen Ayne * McDowell, Deidra M. Chester, Virginia Po litica l Science Allen, Cary Elizabeth Richmond. Virginia Newsoms. Virginia Psychology Barton, Tracy Lee * Moore, Deborah Anne Richmond. Virg1n1a Psychology Wolstenholme, Amy Michelle Midlothian. Virginia Richmond. Virg1n1a Hunter Andrachek Jr.. Mark Richard History Morgan, Justin Michael Psychology Barzoloski, Pamela Wilkins Richmond. Virginia Barboursville. Virg1n1a Richmond. Virg1n1a Sociology and Anthropology Midlothian. Virg1n1a Young, Dawn M. * Pinson, Leah Courtney Androvich, Colleen Michelle ** Political Science Williamsburg, Virginia Psychology Beckley, Eric Redfield Clovis. New Mexico Richmond. Virginia Urban Studies Fairfax. Virginia

17 College of Humanities and Sciences continued

Coghill, Tammie Anne ** Benedict. Greggory James Bowers, Candace Lynette Campana Jr., Ronald Anthony Forensic Science and Psychology Crimi nal Justice Criminal Justice Criminal Justice Crewe. Virginia Midlothian. Virginia Chester. Virginia Williamsburg. Virginia Collier, Samantha Michelle Benesek, Tracey Michelle Bowman, Marcia Nicole ** Campbell, Corey Vincent Biology Psychology Criminal Justice Psychology Richmond. Virginia Prince George. Virginia Williamsburg, Virginia Richmond. Virginia Beran, Kristin Leigh Brathwaite, Vicky Lyn Campbell, Samarra Veronica Collins, Gary Lynn Mass Communications Biology Criminal Justice Mathematical Sciences - Mathematics Richmond. Virginia Richmond. Virginia Richmond. Virginia Mechanicsville. Virginia Berberich, Ryan Andrew Braxton, Jeanelle Demetris * Capriglione, Melanie Louise Collison, Elizabeth Jane Criminal Justice Urban Studies Psychology Sociology and Anthropology Richmond. Virginia Richmond. Virginia Dumfries. Virginia Gloucester. Virginia Bernstein, Lisa Marie Brinn, Katherine Anne Carter, Jennifer Nicole Connolly, Elizabeth Haning * Science Physics Criminal Justice Psychology Richmond. Virginia Highland Springs. Virgin,a Mechanicsville. Virgin,a Midlothian. Virgin,a

Berry, Shikha * Brown, Kimberly Adell ** Carter, Marika Alford Conteh, Amie Valol Mathematical Sciences - Mathematics Criminal Justice Mass Communications Mass Communications Colonial Heights. Virginia Richmond. Virginia Richmond. Virginia Dale City. Virginia

Bhatia, Priya Kiransinh ***" Brown, Quintasha Donyea Carter, Peronica Michell Howard Cooke, Kathryn L. ** Biology Psychology Science Psychology Herndon. Virginia Richmond. Virginia Richmond. Virginia Springfield. Virginia Bhavsar, Robin Rashmi ***" Buck, Sarah Denise **• Cecil, Jennifer Suzanne Cooke, Michelle Elizabeth Psychology Psychology Mathematical Sciences - Mathematics Science Houston. Texas Mechanicsville. V1rgin,a Richmond. Virgin,a Chester. Virginia

Blades, Rachel Michelle Bullock, Tasha R. Chaney, Calandra leuscha Cooper, Annie Douglas Mathematical Sciences - Mathematics Mass Communications Mathematical Sciences - Mathematics Psychology Richmond. Virginia Richmond. Virgin,a Richmond. Virg111ia Richmond. Virginia

Bland, Christina Ellen Burgess, Dikeata Nicole Charity, Nicholle Monique Cossaboon, Andrew Elias * Biology Criminal Justice Criminal Justice Psychology Richmond. Virginia Sussex. Virginia Charles City. Virginia Virginia Beach. Virginia

Bloomfield-Gardner, Andrea M. Burruss, Karen Marie ** Chow, Woon Nam ** Costa, Ryan Dale * Science Psychology Physics Mass Communications Stroudsburg. Pennsylvania Mechanicsville. Virginia Richmond. Virginia Manassas. Virginia

Blosse, Nicole M. Bynum, Kia Shante Chung, Jennifer Ann-Nicole ***" Counts, Jennifer Marie Criminal Justice Psychology Biology Criminal Justice Burke. Virginia Richmond. V1rgin,a Poquoson. Virgin,a Richmond. Virginia

Bost, Elisabeth Hill Byrnes, Michelle A. Cifarelli, Tara Lynn * Cozette, Asia Mass Communica ti ons Mass Co mmunications Mass Communications Mass Communications Mechanicsville. Virginia Arltngton. Virginia Midlothian. Virgin,a Glen Allen. Virginia

Boswell, Gwendolyn Morris Cage, Christine Elise Clanton Jr., Thomas Edward Cranney, Cassandra * Sociology and Anthropology Science Psychology Psychology Stafford. Virginia Richmond. Virginia Carson. Virginia Richmond. Virginia

Botkin, Susan Cecil Callahan, Christopher John Clarke, Lauren Nicole Crider, Jeremy R. Criminal Justice Mass Communications Psychology Mass Communications Bowltng Green. Virginia Powhatan. Virgin,a Richmond. Virginia Broadway, Virginia

!,'i' * Cum Laude ** Magna Cum Laude *** Summa Cum Laude • University Honors Student

L:ummings, Sarah Ward Doyal II, David J. Farina. Elizabeth Anne George, Roxanne *" Forensic Science Urban Studies Mass Communications Biology Sandston. Virginia Williamsburg. Virginia Moneta. Virg1111a Ridgewood. New Jersey .Curran, Amy M. * Drennon, Angela Michelle Farrell Ill. John Jacob Georges, Kathreen T. Mass Communications Psycho logy Urban Studies Chem istry Mechamcsville. Virginia Richmond. Virg111ia Richmond. Virgm1a Hampton. Virgima

Curtis, Jennifer Irene Duke Jr., William D. Faulk, Georgianna P. Getaneh, Missiratch Biable Mass Communications Criminal Justi ce Criminal Justice Biology Hampton. Virginia Chesterfield. Virginia Richmond. V11gima Richmond. Virg111ia

Darby, Christiane Lee Duong, Angie **" Ferguson, Lauren Blythe *** 0 Gilreath, Kim Sharman Mass Communications Biology Biology Psychology Virginia Beach. Virginia Williamsburg. V1rg1111a Jarratt. V1rg111ia Richmond. Vrrgmia

Davenport, Rachel Alise * Eadie, Lauren Marie *** Fischer, Bryan Burdett Glasscock, Bethany Renee ** Psychology Psychology Mass Communications Forensic Science Richmond. Virginia Richmond. Virg1111a Ches ter; Virg1111a Midlothian. Virgima

Davis, John Theodore Eapen, Mareen **" Fischer, Janine Marie * Goka, Anna Ashinu Adzoa Biology Biology Psychology Mass Communications Rhinelander. Wisconsin Chester. Virginra Hopewell. Virginia Woodbridge. Vrrginra

Day, Sarah Hilton Edmonds, Torey Jean Flood Jr., Robert Allen * Gott, Staci A. Criminal Justice Crim inal Justice Sociology and Anthropology Forensic Science Richmond. Virginia Richmond. Virgima Richmond. V1rgima Rrchmond. Virgrma

Dele, Kennedy** Edwards, Sarah Reynolds * Ford, Fatima Nicole Gracey, Caitlin Elizabeth * Chemistry Mass Communications Mass Communications Biology Lorton. Virginia Smithfield. Virg1111a Richmond. Virginia Newport News. Virginia

Depcrynski, Amy Nicole ** 0 EI-Menshawi, Mariam Ali Ford, Kristin Nichole Graham, Ashleigh Dawn Bio logy Science Psychology Psychology Midlothian. Virginia Sacramento. California Chesterfield. Virg1111a Chesterfield. V1rg1111a

Depew, James Bradford **" Elliott, DeAnna Madewell Forrester, Anne Maclean Graham, Lelia Bernice Chemistry and Mathematical Sciences Mass Communica ti ons Mass Communications Science Stafford. Virginia Chester. Virginia Norfolk. Virginia Kill Devil Hills. North Carolina Desai, Aakash Jaimini Ellis, Cathon Rebecca * Foy, Amanda Lynne ** Grandis, Adam Frederick Bi ol ogy Psychology Psychology and Mass Commun ications Gainesville. Virginia Chester. Virginia Sociology and Anthropology Mechancsville. Virgrnia Calleo. Virg111ia Devanath, Anindita ** 0 Elswick, Joseph Michael Gray, James Antwan Biology Mass Communications Friend, Jennifer Adair Chemistry Richmond. Virginia Mineral. Virginia Psychology Boykins. Virgmia Berryville. Virginia DeMaio, Jessica L. Etheredge, Lakresha Donshay Green, April Teresa Sociology and Anth ro pology Criminal Justice Fulwider, Brandi Michelle ** Biology Richmond. Virginia Woodbridge. Virg1111a Psychology Richmond. Vrrgrnra Richmond. Virginia Dodd, Shannon Nicole * Faison, Amy Elizabeth Green, Christie Yvette Biology Bi ology Furlong, Holly Christina Forensic Science Powhatan. Virginia Richmond. Virginia Socio logy and Anthropology Richmond. Virgi111a Richmond. Virgima Dooley, Kimberly Elizabeth * Farag, Susie Carolyn Green, Jaime Nicole Psychology Psychology Gardner, John Aubrey Psychology Midlothian. Virginia Richmond. Virginia Criminal Justice Richmond. Virg1111a Richmond. Virginra

;r; College of Humanities and Sciences continued

Kim, Christine Xiu Guistwite, David Timothy Hawkins, Patricia E. Jenkins Jr., G. Michael Ma ss Communications Forensic Science Biology Mass Communications Vienna. Virgima Richmond. Virginia Dinwiddie. Virginia Powhatan. Virginia Kim, Eun Jung Gupta, Shivani ** Hempstead, Jessica M. **" Jenkins, Sara B. Psychology Chemistry Psychology Forensic Science Richmond. Virginia Kingspon. Tennessee Richmond. Virginia Dinwiddie. Virginia King, Dareeka Latreece Guzman, Opheliamor Agapito Hensley, Carrie Lynn * Jennings Jr., Irvin Psychology Biology Psychology Crimi nal Justice Virginia Beach. Virginia Virginia Beach. Virginia Richmond. Virginia Richmond. Virginia Guzman, Sheila Marie * Herdt, Joshua Edward * Jeter, Jacquelin Roxanne King, Heather Crystal * Psychology Sociology and An thropology Biology Mass Communications Manassas. Virginia Chesterfield, Virginia Richmond. Virginia Richmond. Virginia Guzman, Vincent Elwood Hibbits, John M. * Johnson, Ebony F.L Kinsler, Katherine Elizabeth ** Biology Sociology and Anthropology Ma ss Co mmunications Mass Communications Richmond. Virginia Manqu1n. Virginia Alexandria. Virgima Richmond. Virginia Haas, Andrew Scott Higgins, Ann Marie * Johnson, Sarah Katherine * Kirby, Katherine Elizabeth Urban Studies Criminal Justice Biology Criminal Justice Yorktown. Virginia Richmond. Virginia Montpelier. Virginia Virginia Beach. Virginia Haas, Elizabeth Anne Him, Bunnat B. Johnson, Summer Ann Kirk, David C. Mathematical Sciences - Mathematics Psychology Sociology and Anthropology Psychology Midlothian. Virginia Richmond, Virgima Midlothian. Virginia Williamsburg, Virginia Haile, Colleen Burdette Hitt, George Wesley * Jones, Alaina Marie Kirk Jr., John Paul Psychology Physics Psychology Sociology and Anthropology Forest. Virginia Chester. Virginia Richmond. Virginia Richmond. Virginia Haile, Nolawit l Hobgood, Tamara L ** Jordan, Gino Troy Anthony Kitchen, Michelle Lynn Biology Mass Communications Criminal Justice Psychology Richmond. Virginia Toano. Virginia Richmond. Virginia Chesterfield, Virginia Hairston, LaTasha Nicole * Hoerger, Ryan Charles Jordan, Marquis Ni'Chard Klagges, Kristie Ann Criminal Justice Criminal Justice Psychology Sociology and Anthropology Richmond. Virginia Hampton. Virginia Hampton. Virginia Culpepper. Virginia Haley, Amber D. **" Hollis, Ralph Rafael * Joseph, Cristina Ann Kluttz, Shannon Elizabeth ** Psychology Sociology and Anthropology Criminal Justice Psychology Chester. Virginia . Georgia Richmond. Virginia Chester. Virginia Hall, Megan Michelle Hopkins, Kimberly DeVonne Katchusky, Anthony R. Koman, Courtney Marie Psychology Criminal Justice Psychology Psychology Midlothian. Virginia Richmond. Virgima Staten Island, New York Richmond. Virginia

Hancock, Crystal Dawn **" Hughes, Christine Patricia Keatts, Erin Elizabeth Kotowski, Erin Lee Psychology Crim inal Justice Criminal Justice Psychology Ashland, Virginia Scottsville. Virginia Midlothian. Virginia Fredericksburg. Virginia . Harmon, Natalie Stephanie Humphreys Jr., John David Kendig, Suzanne Blanding ** Kulenguski, Stephanie Leah Psychology Ma ss Communications Ma ss Communications Ma ss Communica tions Annandale. Virginia Warrenton. Virginia Richmond. Virginia Spnngfield. Virgima Hauser, Kristin Paige Jackson, Joseph Andrew Khandker, Samiur Rahman **" Lancaster, Katy Leigh Mass Communications Psychology Chemistry Psychology Rockville. Virginia Richmond. Virginia Burke. Virginia Richmond. Virginia

:!() * Cum Laude ** Magna Cum Laude *** Summa Cum Laude • University Honors Student

Landrum, Breanne Gayle Livengood, Vaughan Stiles Martin, Jacqueline Anne Midgett, Lane Alan * Biology Criminal Justice Forensic Science Psychology Richmond. Virginia Richmond. Virginia Quakertown. Pennsylvan,a Ou111wn. Virg1ma

Lane, Karri Lynn Lloyd, Olivia Lyn Martinez, Glenda Vamileth Mihajlovits, Bethany Hasbrouck Criminal Justice Ma ss Communications Urban Studies Mathematica l Sciences - Operations Richmond. V1rg11ua M1dlotluan. Virginia Herndon. Virginia Research Richmond. V1rg111ia Lankford, June Wynett Lo, Sandra S. Martins, Lola Nike Criminal Justice Psychology Criminal Justice Miller, Kimberly Murdock * Richmond. Virg11ua Richmond. Virginia Ashburn. Virg11ua Psychology Colomal Heigh rs. Virg11ua Lang, Alicia Marie* Lunsford, Susannah Catherine Mason, Denisha Luvenia Biology Mass Communications Psychology Mitchell-Dix, Samantha Leigh * Chesapeake. V1rg11ua Roanoke. Virginia Dendron. V1rg11ua Psyc hology Sands/On. Virgmia Lattimore, Janielle Shaunte Luo, Stella Linda **• Massa, Michael Jefferson Sociology and Anthropology Psychology Criminal Justice Mitov, Vladimir Richmond. Virg111ia Orwigsburg. Pennsylvania Springfield. Virginia Biology Richmond. Virg11ua Latura, Christopher Ryan Lutz, Dara Maxwell, Teresa Denise Economics and Urban Studies Criminal Justice Mass Communications Moffett IV, William Thomas Richmond. Virginia Richmond. Virg11ua Alexandna. Virginia Urban Studies Midloiluan. V1rg11ua Laxa, Adrian Melvin Lyne, Stacey Nicole McCarthy, Katharine Ilene * Biology Psychology Biology Mohiuddin, Sohaib Amer*" Virginia Beach. V1rg11ua Richmond. Virgin ia Richmond. Virginia Biology Richmond. Virg1111a Ledford, Tiffany Marie * Mabanglo, Bernadette Mendoza McFerren, Colleen Elizabeth * Mathematical Sciences - Mathematics Biology Sociology and Anthropology Moore, Joseph Andrew * Highland Springs. Virginia Virginia Beach. Virginia Kmg George. Virginia Physics Rockville. Virgima Lee, Nikisha Shuntae Mace, Rhonda Jean * McKinnie, Ceeatta + Ma ss Communications Biology Mass Communications Morgan, Antoinette N. ** Richmond. V1rgima Richmond. Virg11ua Richmond. Virg111ia Criminal Justice Glen Allen. Virgima Leonard, Danielle F. ** Madi, Faisal A. McMahon, Barbara Jehu ** Mathematical Sciences - Applied Biology Psychology Morgan, Coralyn Anne Mathematics Fredericksburg. V1rg11ua Richmond. Virgi111a Psychology Glen Allen. Virginia Fredericksburg. Virgmia Mai, Betty Phuc Minh Meleski, Stacy Marie Letourneau, Danielle Marie Biology Psychology Morris, Karen Renee * Criminal Justice Sprmgfield. Virgi111a Powhatan. Virginia Psychology Spotsylvania. Virginia Rocky Mount. Virginia Malpaya, Bernadette Sison Melis, Demetrios Jimmy Li, Mei Mei Mathematical Sciences Criminal Justi ce Moseley, Katherine Elizabeth Mathematical Sciences - Mathematics Virginia Beach. Virg11ua Colonial Heighrs. Virginia Economics Mechanicsville. Virginia Midlo1h1an. Virg1111a Marable, Elizabeth Ann Mengisteab, Winta ** Link, Katherine Augusta Psychology Crimina l Justice Mulugeta, Tewodage * Sociology and Anthropology Chesterfield. Virgm1a Annandale. Virginia Biology and Interdisciplinary Studies Alexandria. Virgmia Marsh, Diana Lynn Menzies, Carrie Lynn Richmond. Virginia Psychology Psychology Murphy, Chri stopher Lovell Little, Katie E. Richmond. V1rgi111a Ouinwn. Virgima Mass Communications Criminal Justice Fredencksburg. V1rg1111a Martella, Marisa Mesco, Kristie Lynn Fredericksburg. V1rg11ua Psych ology Psycho logy Murthy, Arvind Sreedhara ** 0 Liu, Emily Sinne * Richmond. Virginia Ashland. Virg1111a Sociology and Anthropology Psychology Richmond. V1rg1ma Vienna. Virginia

+ Oeg,ee awa1ded posthumosly College of Humanities and Sciences continued

Rogers, Wesley Adam Neese, Julie Beth ** Parvizi, Talia Noele Rabender, Christopher Scott Chemistry Psychology Criminal Justice Chemistry Suffolk. Virginia New Market. Virginia Glen Allen. Virginia Colonial Heights. Virginia Rollins, Kimberly Jo * Nenni, Frances Maegan Patton, Robert Lee Railan. Vishaal V. * Psychology Psychology Economics Mass Communications Richmond. Virginia Richmond. Virginia Sterling. Virginia Millboro. Virginia Newman, Kyle Trent Paul, Gregory Lin Ramos, Mariasharon Rosa Rondeau, Erin Nicole Biology Criminal Justice Mass Communications Mass Communications Oak Hill. Virginia Maidens. Virginia Richmond. Virginia Chesapeake. Virginia Nguyen, Trang Thi Thuy Payne, Michael Alan Redbird, Ruth Ann * Roos. Jamie Lynn Psychology Biology Forensic Science Psychology Hampton. Virginia Staunton. Virginia Wiliamsburg. Virginia Richmond. Virginia Nicholas, Nada Noreen Peacock, Aaron Michael * Reese, James Edward ** Rooths, Nicole Charisse Mass Communications Mass Communications Psychology Biology Mt. Laurel. New Jersey Stafford. Virginia Richmond. Virginia Reston. Virginia Nuten, Tiffany Consuela Pemberton, Melissa Louise Register, David Lewis Rose, Lisa Jeannette ** Biology Biology Psychology Biology Chesapeake. Virginia Amelia. Virginia Mathews. Virginia South Boston. Virginia O'Connor, Eve Elizabeth Perkins, Kelli Dawn ** Reid, Emily Grace Ross, Charmaine Nicole Biology Psychology Psychology Psychology Sutherland. Virginia Mechanicsville. Virginia Manakin Sabot. Virginia Richmond. Virginia Odion, Emmanuel Ehebholoria Perrin, Lindsey Blair Reilly, Megan Elizabeth Ross, Stephanie L Criminal Justice Criminal Justice Sociology and Anthropology Psychology Richmond. Virginia Midlothian. Virginia Arlington. Virginia Richmond. Virginia

Oertel, Kimberly Sue H e Pillsbury, Adam Andrew Rhodes, Bryan Keith Rudd, Kevin Edward Psychology Urban Studies Bi ology Physics Colonial Heights. Virginia Richmond. Virgima Dinwiddie. Virginia Mechanicsville. Virginia

Oliveri, Susan Alyse Pierson, Crystal Moore Rhodes, Marie McSherry Ryan, Kimberly Ann * Sociology and Anth ropology Chemistry Psychology Psychology Fredericksburg. Virginia Richmond. Virg111ia Clifton Forge. Virginia Chester. Virginia

Ormand, Karen Elizabeth Scott Pluge r, Thomas R. * Roca, Carla Michelle * Sager, Christopher Anthony Kurt Psychology Science Psychology Economics Richmond. Virginia Richmond. Virginia Burke. Virginia Fredencksburg. Virginia

Pandey, Shilpa Hu Polk, Christopher Robert Rockey, Nicholas Alan Sanderson, Jennifer Biology Psychology Criminal Justice Chemistry Richmond. Virginia Chester. Virginia Richmond. Virg111ia Virginia Beach. Virginia

Pantaleo, Darlene F. ** Pounds, Keisha Renee Rodgers, Damaris Anne Saylor, Victoria Rose Psychology Psychology Mathematical Sciences - Sta tistics Psychology Richmond. Virginia Danville. Virginia and Mathematical Sciences - Chester. Virginia Operations Research Parker, Christina Doris Powell, Ad am Patrick * Rk:hmond. Virginia Schepker, Anne Blair Mass Communications Psychology Psychology Hampton. Virginia Newport News. Virginia Rodier, Denise Nicole Richmond. Virginia Forensic Science Parks, Bobby Lee Hu Putman, Kristen Suzanne Richmond. Virginia Scott, Charol Marie Mass Communications Criminal Justice Psychology Virginia Beach. Virginia Lovettsville. Virginia Rodriguez, Rose Cristine Richmond. Virginia Cri minal Justice Richmond. Virginia * Cum Laude ** Magna Cum Laude *** Summa Cum Laude • University Honors Student

.Scott, Kimberly Ann ***" Smith, Tracy A. Tanner, Megan E. Turnmire, Laura Catherine ** , :hemistry Urban Studies Mass Communications Psychology , Richmond, Virginia Richmond, Vrrg111ia Williamsburg, Vrrgriua Lynchburg. Virgima

Seekins, Brannon Nicole * Snell, Natsha Latrice Taylor, La Toya Danielle*" VanRo ssum, Tricia Phillipa ** Biology Criminal Justice Biology Psychology Hayes, Virginia Hampton, Virgima Richmond, Vrrgmia Richmond. Virg11ua

Shaw, Alnique Lizoria Sondggroth, Stefanie Jane * Teaters. William Aaron Vassar, Charlene Ann Psychology Psychology Psychology Criminal Justice Richmond, Virginia Colonial Heiglns. Virginia Glen Allen, Virgmia Richmond. Virg11ua

Shelton, Sheri Bishetta Sours, Samuel Justin ** Thomas, Shona R. Vaughan, James Allen Psychology Psychology Mathematical Sciences Mass Communications Richmond, Virg1111a Stafford. Virgima Richmond, V11g11ua Midlothran. Virg111ia

Shibley, Natalie Christine Spence, Cristina Ann Thompson, Amanda Draa Vickers, Anne Brooke Smith ** Sociology and Anthropology Psychology Psychology Mathematical Sciences - Mathematics and Religious Studies Richmond, Virgima York/Own, V11g11ua Ashland, Virginia Glen Allen, V,rginia Spencer, Blair Elisabeth Thompson, Christopher Shawn * Walker, Scotty Lee Shields, Creola Psychology Mass Communications Economics Sociology and Anthropology Richmond. Vrrgriua Carson, Vrrgmra Coloma/ Heights, Vrrgmra Prince George, Virgirua St Clair, Christina Lynn Thompson, Jillian Marie Walker, Vance Edward Shipp, Deborah K. Psychol ogy Psychology Psychology Psychology El/rs/On, Virginia Richmond, Virgmia Richmond, Virginia Richmond, Virginia Staunton, James Patrick * Thompson, Kathryn T. Walton, Amanda Marie * Short Jr., Barry Stuart Chemistry Mass Communications Psychology Mass Communications Richmond, Vrrginra Richmond. V,rginra Mrdlo1h1an, Vrrgima Richmond, Virginia Steinruck, Thomas Wayne Thompson, Leigh Chase ** 0 Warren, David Anthony Small, Karl Goudie * Chemi stry Economics Psychology Criminal Justice Glen Allen, Virginia Richmon d. Virginia Ster/mg, V,rgr,ua Richmond. Vrrg1nia Stephens Jr., William David Thompson, Mark Allen Warshawsky, Brian Eugene Small, Ross Clayton * Biology Psychology Psychology and History Criminal Justice Richmond. Virgrma Richmond, V,rginra Vienna, Virgm1a Richmond, Virginia Stevens, Dale Nicole Thrift, Donna Lynn * Washington-Anderson, Robert K. Smith, Cherie Stephens ** Criminal Justice Psychology Mass Communications Psychology Cape Charles, Virgmra Burgess, Vrrg11ua Herndon, Vrrgima Sandston, Virgrnia Stevens, Elizabeth A. Tidwell, Sara Motley Washington, Shalunda Renee Smith, Deborah Maria Psychology Mass Communications Psychology Biology Wmchester. V,rgmra Richmond, Virginia Gloucester. Virginia Richmond, Virginia Streeter, Dawn Lee * Tolson, John Raymond * Watford, Alethia Nicole Smith, Khidhra Salimah * Biology Psychology Criminal Justice Psychology Richmond, Virginia Richmond, Virginia Suffolk, V,rgirna Far Rockaway, New York Strong, Jessica Ann ** Traylor, William Troy Webb, Melvin Carlos Smith, Paul Lester Sociology and Anthropology Criminal Justice Criminal Justice Mass Communications Fairfax, Virgima Richmond, Vrrgima Highland Sprrngs, Vrrgmia Glen Allen, Virginia Tabibi, Mina Trigg , Rebecca Lynn ** Westmoreland, Tanesha Monique Smith, Tiara Lynette Biology Criminal Justice Criminal Justi ce Mass Communications York/Own, Virginia Spotsylvama. V,rgmra Lynchburg. Vrrg1iua Chesapeake, Virginia

_,.,. ,,, College of Humanities and Sciences continued

White, Ebony ** 0 Wright, Starr Dawyona McClure, John Mark Psychology Psychology Post-baccalaureate Histoiy Richmond, Virginia Richmond, Virginia Certificate in Richmond. Virginia White, Tatjana S. Wrona, Heather Ann Public Management Williams. Christy Anne Lawson Mass Communications Criminal Justice Engl ish Newport News. Virginia Richmond, Virginia Ccmdidmes /nl'

Doran, Karen Michelle Marrow Jr,, William Willis Beberman, Jeffrey D, Collins, Rachel C, Environmental Studies Richmond, Virginia Mass Communications - Advertising Criminal Justice Richmond, Virglll1a Richmond, Virginia Lynchburg, Virg11ua McMullen, Ayanna Saran Durst, Kelly S, Richmond, Virginia Beyer, Bradford James Cooper, John Means Environmental Studies Criminal Justice Mass Communications - Advertising Miller, Kristina V Richmond, Virginia Fredencksburg, V1rg1nia Richmond, Virginia Richmond, Virg1n,a Edmonds, Douglas Gregory Bhattacharya, Samarjit Corneille, Maya Aisha Nedervelt, Debra A, Envi ronmental Studies Mass Communications - Advertising Psychology - Clinical Monrpelie( Virginia Midlothian, Virginia Richmond, Virguua Virginia Beach, V1rg1111a Nicholas, NiKiesha Rosemarie Schaefer, Susan Booth, Erica Michelle Cory, Kristin Camille Richmond V1rgi111a Environmental Studies Criminal Justice Criminal Justice Richmond, Virginia Penn, Alisia Michelle Yorktown, Virg1n,a Poughkeepsie, New York Richmond. Virginia Sunderlin, Julie L Borum, Elizabeth Daille Delinocci, Cynthia M, Environmental Studies Ream, Elizabeth Arleah Mass Communications - Advertising Criminal Justice Richmond, Virg11ua Richmond, Virgm1a Richmond. V1rg1n,a Richmond, Virginia

Seneviratne, Anusha Brodeur, Sydney S, Dennis, Kimya Nuru Glen Allen, Virg1n,a Psychology - Counseling Criminal Justice Master of Public R1chmoncl, V1rg1n,a Raleigh, Nonh Caro/ma Administration Taylor, Jamila Kibibi Richmond, Virginia Brown, Angelina Maria Dickinson, John Chalmers Chemis try Physics - Applied Physics C, n1cfi,ld! c'' J>r,,,, il!c'si h Thomas, Wendy Elizabeth Eilzabeth City, Nonh Caro/ma Richmond, Virginia nct1n f / ), ,;i~/.r, /,, ,11c /1 n, ,r, Lynchburg, V1rgm1a Sch,,,,/ ,,1·c;,-,it/11<11c: \111 ,/1,,, Brown, Elizabeth L Diehl , Sarah Kathryn Mass Communications - Advertising Sociology Ames, Jayme Faye Richmond, Virginia Master of Science Alexandna, Virgm1a Lorton, Virg111ia Butler, Andrew William Dinesh, Varun Biddix, Roy Wade l ·d ll tf tJ[d lL'\ /1)\'\di!ll{ /n; Mass Communications - Advertising Mathematical Sciences - Operations Richmond, Virginia I IL\lil F. I )1 111·~L 1, /·:, •11tl1n, ,r. Burke, Virg1n,a Research

\Lh,111! 1 1{ { ; },dildl L' \1 ;d/l'\ Richmond, Virgima Brown, Shannon Dominique Cadwallader, Amy Beth Charlottesville, Virginia Biology Dulude, Julie Abrams, Alice Amanda Richmond, V1rgm1a Mass Communications - Advertising Courtis, John Thomas Mass Communications - Advertising Wellesley, Massachusetts Richmond, Virg1n,a Lincolnton, North Caro/ma Campbell, Tannen Blair Mass Communications - Advertising Dunaway, Brian W Edmond, Michael Bruce Anderson. Nathan Richards Richmond. V1rg1111a Mass Communications - Advertising Richmond, Virgin,a Mass Communications - Advertising Richmond, Virglll1a Richmond, V1rgmia Carbuccia, Ana Sofia Garrison, Allison Turner Mass Communications - Advertising Einhorn, Marc J, Midlothian, Virginia Arnold, Matthew D, Richmond, V1rg1ma Mass Communications - Advertising Mass Communications - Advertising Greene, Cheryl Miller Somerville, Massachuserrs Richmond, V1rg1n,a Cassilly, Shannel Larsen Richmond, Virgm1a Criminal Justice Fearing, Peter Lane Asnani, Deepa P, Glen Allen, V1rg1n,a Ma ss Communications - Advertising Greene Jr,, Harris Merman Mass Communications - Advertising Richmond, Virginia Richmond, V1rg1n,a R1chmoncl. Virgm1a Clarida, Jill Courtney Hickle, James Ian Psychology - Clinical Ferrence, Craig Stephen Asquith, Austen Bret Mass Communications - Advertising Richmond, Virginia Springf1elc/, Illinois Criminal Justice R1chmonc/, Virg1ma Hicks-Massey, Brenda I, Morns, New York Collier. Emily Carol Mass Communications - Advertising Forbes, Bryan E, Chesterfield, V1rgm ia Basu, Biswanath Salem, Virginia Mass Communications - Advertising Holsinger, Amanda C, Mathematical Sciences - Operations Richmond, Virgm1a Richmond, Virgmia Research Richmond, V1rg1n,a College of Humanities and Sciences continued

Payne, Kimberley Rae Fulmer. Jana Claire Jennings. Stuart Borden Mackintosh. Virg inia Helen Criminal Justice Criminal Justice Mass Communications -Advertising Psychology - General Charles City. Virginia Park City. Utah Richmond, Virginia Midlothian, Virginia Pinney, Stephen M. Futrell. Eric Ross Johnson Jr., Leland Lloyd Maddux. Joel Christopher Biology Criminal Justice Chemistry Criminal Justice Fredericksburg, Virginia Fredericksburg, Virginia Virginia Beach, Virginia Richmond. Virginia Povill, David Zelik Gardner, Laura Elizabeth Johnson. Scott Aaron Mali, Vijay U. Mass Communications - Advertising Criminal Justice Mass Communications - Advertising Mass Communications - Advertising Hurley, New York Richmond, Virginia Richmond, Virginia Bombay, India Gelner, Gregory Paul Jones, Naiche Owen Martin, Adam Robert Radford. David Michael Mass Communications - Advertising Physics -Applied Physics Mathematical Sciences - Operations Chemistry Richmond, Virginia Glen Allen. Virginia Research Richmond, Virginia Richmond, Virginia Gibbons. David Thomas Kanashiro, Carola T. Randazzo, Jonathan Michael Mathematical Sciences - Operations Mass Communi cations - Advertising Maziarz. Mark G. Mass Communications - Adve rti si ng Research Richmond. Virg1n1a Mass Communications - Advertising Birmingham, Michigan Richmond, Virginia Omaha, Nebraska Kelm, Kevin L Rawat, Aziz Lalit Mohan Singh Grayson. Andrew Thomas Criminal Justice McCormack. Daniel Trucano Mass Communications - Advertisi ng Mass Communications -Advertising Stafford, Virginia Mass Communications - Advertising Dehra Dun, Uttranchal, India Richmond, Virginia Richmond, Virginia Khanna, Rajat Redford. Jeremy Brandon Gschwend, Charles Winslow Mathematical Sciences - Operations Moore, James D. Sociology Mass Communications - Advertising Research Criminal Justice Richmond, Virginia Richmond, Virginia Richmond. Virginia Rye, Colorado Robinson, Abigail Fisher Hatchett, Gregory Eugene Khoury, Allison P. Morrison, Jennifer Dawn Wendt Mathematical Sciences - Operations Mass Communications - Advertising Mass Communications - Advertising Sociology Research Richmond, Virginia Lakeville, Minnesota Richmond, Virginia Richmond, Virginia

Hensley, Kimberly Cheree Kim. Jean Heuy Musick, Jason Franklin Rose. Coleman Eppes Cri minal Justice Biology Mass Communications - Advertising Sociology Chesterfield, Virginia Newport News, Virginia Midlothian, Virginia Charlottesville, V1rg1nia

Hondorp, Stephanie Leigh Kirkpatrick, Shawn Lee Nelson, Christine Ann Salkoff. Elizabeth Anne Criminal Justice Criminal Justice Psychology - Clinical Mass Communications - Advertising Richmond, Virginia Richmond, Virginia Richmond, Virginia New York, New York

Hoyle. Benjamin Mark Lee, Jennifer Soun Nguyen, Tung Tien Schum. Lisa Nicole Mass Communications - Advertis ing Mass Communications - Advertising Mathematical Sciences - Statistics Psychology- Clinical Richmond, Virginia Pennsauken, New Jersey Midlothian, Virginia Dallas, Texas

Ingram. Grey Pearson Leung, Elaine Kim O'Halloran. Christopher D. Seashols, Sarah Joy Mass Comm unications - Adverti si ng Ma ss Communications - Advertising Mass Communications - Advertising Criminal Justice Richmond, Virginia Bloomfield Hills, M1ch1ga11 Richmond, Virginia Williamsburg Virginia

Ison, Jenny Victoria Li (Carly). Ying (Lee) Overton, Judith Christian Selander. David Martin Mass Communications - Advertis ing Ma ss Communications - Advertising Mass Communi ca ti ons - Advertising Criminal Justice Charlotte, North Carolina Beijing, China Richmond. Virginia Chesterfield, Virginia

Jack. Amy Lyn Liverman, William Jeffrey Paisley, Gregory Alexander Setia, Nina Criminal Justice Physics - Applied Physics Criminal Justice Mass Communications - Advertising Yorktown, Virginia Richmond, Virginia Orange, Virginia Paramus, New Jersey

Jenkins. Whitney K. Lopez, Emily Slaten Panozzo, Chantal Elizabeth Shah, Puja Dipak Mass Communications - Adverti sing Mass Communica tions - Advertising Mass Communications - Advertising Ma ss Communica tions - Advertis ing Richmond, Virginia Bowling Green, Kentucky Richmond, Virg111ia Richmond, Virginia * Cum Laude ** Magna Cum Laude *** Summa Cum Laude • University Honors Student

,;her. Jordan Leonaro Utterback, Michael Shawn Williamson, Heather Hillier Kaplan, Janet P. Ivlass Communications - Advertising Mass Communications - Advertising Psychology - General Richmond. Virginia Richmond. Virginia Richmond. Virgin,a 91chmond. Virginia Loethen, Lance Samuel -Skrobiszewski. John Louis Valentine, Frank E. Yancey Jr., Levi Thorton Richmond. Virgima 0 Criminal Justice Criminal Justice hysics - Applied Physics Meil, Elaine Karen Nachtrieb Aylett. Virgin,a Goochland. Virgmia Chesterfield. Virgima Yorktown. Virginia Van ltallie, Kristin Marie Zhao, Jianmin -Starr. Eric K. Randolph, Shapell Deon Criminal Justice Mathematical Sciences - Statistics Vlass Communications - Advertising Phemx. V1rgmia Raleigh. North Carolina Mechanicsville. Virginia Richmond. Virg1n,a Renfro, Beverly Renee Vij, Nandan Sean -Stockton. Adam F. Charlotte Courthouse. Virgima Mass Communications - Advertising Mass Communications - Advertising Maste r of Urban · Sarasota. Florida Wayne. New Jersey Rigler, R. Todd and Regional Planning Richmond. Virginia Swaney, Joshua J. Ware. Daniel B. Cri minal Justice Mass Communications - Advertising ( ·.,n,/1 ,L11,, /ir,,,·nlc',11"· Singh, Ruchira Glen Allen. Virginia Richmond. Virginia I )l't1i1 r-. I )1111.dt.1, /-t ql(/in ,,1. Richmond. Virginia \l'11,11/ ,,J ~ i rd1..flldl1..' \11lLl 11..'' Szatkowski, Monica Joy Washburn, Heather Lynn Tanner, Courtney Carmack Criminal Justice Biology Raleigh. North Caro/ma Anderson, Shelia V. Glenwood. Illinois Richmond. Virginia Glen Allen. Virginia Townsend, Jason Shane Taylor, Gerrit Scott Webb, Derrick J. Pascagoula. Mississippi Benoit, Jonathan Ryan Biology Mass Communications - Advertising Madison. New Jersey Ward. Christopher James Richmond. Virginia Richmond. Virg inia Richmond. Virginia Greulich, Anthony Russell Tuton, Michael Edmond Wilkerson, Courtney K. Richmond. Virgm1a Mass Communications - Advertising Criminal Justice Richmond. Virginia Woodbridge. Virgima vclfE;~, ))I ))l(?)/(J~))l(?)I/ 2()()/j School of Allied Health Professions

Pallett, Shannon Dee Skalleberg, Robert Bruce · Bachelor of Science Clinical Radia ti on Sciences Certifi cate in Aging Studies Richmond, Virginia Midlothian, Virginia ( :, 111 ,lid,lf c< />rcrcscn 1d h\· Dumfries, Virg1n1a I ).:"n C,·cil 13. I )roin Clinical Radiation Sciences l),," n F. /)u11.~lus 13,n1cl inu1. Chesapeake, Virginia Sd1""/ "( Crwlu<11c :i111Llics Alkhubna, Abdulrahman Saleh Master of Clinica l Laboratory Sciences Price, Sheritta L Bandak, Bernarda Pascal Batarse Abudhabi. United Arab Emirates Clinical Laboratory Sciences Midlothian. Virginia Health Administration Richmond, Virginia Barnes, Rebecca Ann ** Boothby, Erin Nowicki Cundiclc11 es /!resc 11ted /iv Clinical Radia tion Sc iences Prupas, Sara Ann Richmond. Virginia Deun F. Do11 glas B01icli11or, Chesapeake. Virginia Clinica l Laboratory Sciences \ cl1 uol of Grw/11 aie S111clies Blacksburg, Virginia Dorfman, Sheyna Margot Barros, Heather M. Richmond, Virginia Cl inical Laboratory Sciences Reyes, Jerrhelyn Aquimatang * Barrow, Ardith Colleen Richmond, Virginia Clinical Radiation Sciences Fowler, Linda K. Dayton. Ohio Virginia Beach. Virginia Lynchburg, Virginia Blair, Martha Susan * Coble, Lindsay Ann Clinical Laboratory Sciences Reynolds, Crystal Dawn Gardner, Janet P. Oak Hill/Reston, Virginia Dewitt, Virginia Clinical Radiation Sciences Lynchburg, Virginia Draper. Virginia Coleman Ill, William Eugene Brown, Nicole P. Lindstrom, Carol Diane Richmond. Virginia Clinical Laboratory Sciences Richardson, Crystal Dawn Richmond, Virginia Richmond, Virginia Clinica l Radiation Sciences Gharanfoli, Sepideh McRickard, Kathleen Hayes. Virginia Baltimore, Maryland Calvert, Candice G Williamsburg. Virginia Clinical Laboratory Sciences Satcher, Chad B. Gooch, Mathew Evan Neill, Christina Marie Richmond, Virginia Clinical Labora tory Sciences Charlottesville, Virginia Falls Church, Virg1n1a Chesapeake. Virginia Deitz, Nichole Lynn * Hutchison, John Lucas Owusu-Boakyewaah, Olivia Clinical Radiation Sciences Shaver, Christopher Michael Lynchburg, Virginia Richmond, Virginia Fredericksburg, Virginia Clinical Rad iation Sciences Jain, Monica Hopewell. Virginia Evangelista, BeverlyAnn Cruz Smith, Arlene W. Richmond, Virginia Clinical Radia tion Sciences Hartfield, Virginia Siggelakis, Pauline Michelle Kinney, Nathan W. Virginia Beach, Virginia Clinical Laboratory Sciences Sellersburg, Indiana Athens, Greece Hill, Aaron M. Certificate in MacNemar, Kimberly Anne Clinical Laboratory Sciences Taylor, Viva Rena * Professional Counseling Columbia. Maryland Richmond, Virgima Clinical Laboratory Sciences Richmond. Virginia Scott, Robin Andrea Hill, Amorie E. G. C<1ndid,11c, />r,'

:!,'>' * Cum Laude ** Magna Cum Laude *** Summa Cum Laude • University Honors Student rhomas, Robert Spencer Farmer, Brandon Wendell Locks Ochsner, Mary DeLayne Hatfield, Chad Edward 1eorgetown, Sourh Carolina Rehabilitation Counseling Rehabil itation Counseling Galax, Virginia Covington, Virginia Exmore, Virginia ,rhomsen, Christopher Robert Hetmanski, Jeffrey Michael 'daho Falls, Idaho Fishback, Arica Rose Ouelette, Melissa Lee Charlortesvi//e, Virgi111a Rehabilitation Counseling Rehabilitation Counseling ~an Marcke de Lummen, Thibaut Ruckersville, Virginia Colonial Heights. Virgmia Hite, Robert Russell Jeoffrey Charles Town, Wesr Virg1iua q1chmond. Virginia Gilbert, Mary Jarrett Smith, Melissa Jones Rehabilitation Counseling Rehabilitation Counseling Lombardo, Beth Hartman Roanoke, Virg1111a Richmond, Virgima Richmond. V1rg1iua

1'faster of Science Hartman, Heather Elizabeth Sowers, Peggy Jean Price Matney, Jimmy L. Clinical Laboratory Sciences Rehabil itation Counseling Galax, Virgmia , 't1ndi,/,11,·, {>rnc'111,,tl /,y Chesrer. Virg111ia Chesler, Virginia Miller, Amy Elizabeth I \:<1 11 F I ), 111,~/<1, /l, ,11 ,/in , •I. Mechanicsville, V1rg111ia \_, /i,,,,/ u( c;,.<1 ,/11 ,11 ,· :::111,/i,,, Higginbotham II, Gary Richard Stiel, Thomas Michael Physical Therapy Physical Therapy Vosburg Ill. Jon H, Chandler, Jeffrey Alvin Richmond. Virginia Richmond, Virg1111a Glen Allen, Virginia Physical Therapy Kim, Ho Joong Trice, Tina S. Walker, Eric Walter Midlothian, Virgima Pa tient Counseling Clinical Laboratory Sciences Richmond. Virg111ia Clarke, Terrie Renee Maple Glen, Pennsylvama Sandston, V1rg1ma Wenzel , Susan Marlene Clinical Laboratory Sciences Kokolis, William James Webber, Annette Dawn Rasmussen Charlottesville, Virginia Glen Allen, V1rg1iua Clinical Laboratory Sciences Clinical Laboratory Sciences Young, Michelle Riddick Coleman, Stephen August Richmond, Virginia Hopewell, Virg1111a Richmond, Virginia Patient Counseling Lindstrom, Carol Diane Richmond, Virginia Rehabilitation Counseling Zirges, Sharan D. Master of Science in Virg111ia Beach, V1rg1111a Crowder, Pamela Greene Richmond, V1rgmia Health Administration Patient Counseling Lynch, Nicole La-Tina Church Road. Virgima Rehabilitation Counseling ( ,n1t/1,l, 11 c', />r,,,,.,11_,,/ /,\' Master of Science in Crunkilton, Elizabeth M, Newport News, V1rgin1a I l,._·dn r I ), ,11...:./...i" /~ 4i/t (l1n,1r, Occupational Therapy Rehabilitation Counsel ing Lyons, Tawanda Cecelia \lh1111/ 11/l ;rdll/ ldft' \(l ttll\._'\ Alexandria, Virginia Rehabilitation Counseling \ d ihlddiL' \ {)l\'\L'nf ... \/ h:,: Ashby, Finlay Michael I J,·.in 1: I), ,11~lt1 , fl, ,11 ,/1nu1. DeVita, Arthur Paul Richmond, V1rgmia Charlottesville. Virginia \'-·hi11,l ,,f \ i rdtlllc l!t.' ~l 11 il1 ... ·\ Rehabi litation Counseling Matthews Jr. , Henry ("Hank") Midlothian. Virginia Austin, Warren Edward Maddox M1dlothia11, V1rgima Robins, Laura Lee Parmer Duke, Catherine Trice Rehabilitation Coun seling Richmond, Virginia Geron tology Mecha111csv1lle, V1rg1111a Clifton. Peggy Ann Wyrick, Anita M, Beaverdam, Virginia Glen Allen, V1rgmia Chesapeake, Virginia School of the Arts

Gravely, Garland E. Robinson, Leslie Janel Anderton, Kevin Matthew Bachelor of Arts Fashion Fashion Communication Arts and Design Richmond. Virginia Richmond. Virginia Spnngfield. Virgin ia Cundidl1c cs /ir.:senrcd h:, Guzman, Opheliamor Agapito Stone, Sallie Newbill Armstrong, Phillip Henley Dean l\ichard E. Ti,scan Music Art History Communication Arts and Design Virginia Beach. Virginia Hardy, Virginia West Point. Virginia Arturo, Mary Hart Art Hi story Herczyk, Matthew David Stovall, Auburn Hawthorne Arthur, Russel Ryan Richmond. Virginia Music Fashion Communication Arts and Design Richmond. Virginia Richmond. Virginia Reston. Virginia Batten, Rebecca Marie ** Fashion Hricik, Susan E. ** Taylor, Julia Dana Arwood, Amanda Anne ** Ashland. Virginia Fashion Fashion Pho tography and Film Midlothian. Virginia Richmond. Virginia Belcher, Diane Lynn Fairfax Station. Virginia Music Ivan, Genevieve Helen-Mary *** Taylor, Taneisha Latico Ayers, Cameron Wesley Richmond. Virginia Art History Fashion Art History Richmond. Virginia Sandston. Virginia Bingham, Kyli Beth Powhatan. Virginia Fashion Kerns, Cynthia Anne * Torres, Natalie Kathleen Azuma, Yoshika ** Ashland. Virginia Fashion Fashion Communication Arts and Design Midlothian. Virginia Boyles, Erin Brae Catonsville. Maryland Poquoson. Virginia Fa shion Killgrove, Clinton Timothy Wilson, Melanie Renea Bailey, Heather Rena ** Midlothian. Virginia Fa sh ion Art History Theatre Charlottesville. Virginia Braum, Jessica Elias Roanoke. Virginia Richmond. Virginia Fashion Lavelle, Mary McEllin Woo, Christina Eve Barker, Brian Christopher * Richmond. Virginia Art History Fashion Theatre Unionville. Virginia Caston, Jenna Laurel. Maryland Midlothian, Virg1n1a Fashion Martin, Pamela James * Baron, Emily K. Jackson, New Jersey Fa shion Theatre Glen Allen. Virginia Bachelor of Fine Arts Chang, Un-Young Ashland, Virginia Fashion Mihalik, Zabel * Cw1didmes /!r.'scn rcd h:, Barrett, Cecily Lauren Richmond. Virginia Fashion De,01 /\ichmd E. Tr"'·an Communication Arts and Design Ownton, Virginia Dezern, Valerie M. * Alexandna, Vtrg1n1a Art History Moore, Jane Eggleston Absher, Jason * Richmond. Virginia Fashion Communication Arts and Design Beasley, Michael S. Photogra phy and Film Virg1n1a Beach. Virginia Richmond. Virginia DeNeal. Deidre Hope Richmond, Virginia Fashion Mosby, Sarah Naomi * Adkins, Jenell Elizabeth Hiram. Georgia Fashion Sculpture Bereika, Timothy Alan Springfield. Virginia Colonial Heights, Virginia Communication Arts and Design Dunham, Emily Robins Richmond, Virginia Fashion Myers, Roy W. AI-Hajari, Ameera Midlothian, Virginia Music Interior Design Bergere, Regan Lane Leesburg. Virginia Doha. Oatar Art History Furbush, Andrew L Richmond. Virginia Music Reynolds, Katherine Helen ** Anderson, Robert Daniel Hopewell, Virginia Fashion Pa inting and Printmaking Bilgihan, Evren Karl Fredericksburg. Virginia Charlottesv1Jle. Virg1n1a Communication Arts and Design Manassas. Virginia

,j() • Cum Laude •• Magna Cum Laude *** Summa Cum Laude • University Honors Student

Binks, Patrick A. Carriker, Lauren Louise •• Covert, Jay Ralston Dunn, Tricia M. Painting and Printmaking Communication Arts and Design Communication Arts and Design Communication Arts and Design Richmond. Virginia Eldersburg, Maryland Falls Church. Virgima Chester Virgima

Black Jr., James Henry • Carroll, Christopher William• Cropp, Jeremy Custis • Dunne, Bridget Siobhan Painting and Printmaking Communication Arts and Design Communication Arts and Design Theatre Richmond. Virgima Roanoke. Virginia Fredencksburg, Virginia Arlmgton. Virginia

Blackwood IV, Robert A. Caspari, Kelley Bonnett Crow, Sarah Jane • Dwyer, Jennifer Kathleen Sculpture Crafts Painting and Printmaking Crafts Richmond. Virg111ia Maidens. Virginia Chester, Virgima Richmond. Virgima

Blanchard, Kelly Ulmer Chanselle, Melissa Lorraine•• Crowder, Julie Ann Dyson, Charmaine Donia Interior Design Theatre Art Education Fashion Richmond. V1rgima Winchester, Virginia Richmond. Virgima Richmond. Virg11ua

Bohen, Holly Kristin Chapman, Carrie Joanne Curtis, Daniel Lee • Eastman, James Alan •• Art Education Art Education Communication Arts and Design Communication Arts and Design Harnsonburg. Virgmia Williamsburg. Virginia M!dloth1an. Virg1/l/a Springfield. Virgm1a

Bridges, Courtney Alise Chappell, Brooke Nicole • Daggett, Todd Walker Eastwood, Shannon Leigh •• Interior Design Interior Design Communication Arts and Design Theatre Midlothian. Virgima Petersburg. Virginia Earlysvdle. Virg111ia Danv1/le, Virginia

Brown, Matthew Evan Choi, Seon Ae Dandridge, DarRon Maurice Elko Jr., Joseph Bruce Com munication Arts and Design Fashion Theatre Interior Design Midlothian. Virg1r11a Richmond. Virgmia Williamsburg, V1rg11ua Petersburg. Virgima

Brown, Tamika R. • Chu, Hyeweon •• Degrouchy, Angela Katherine Ellis, Adrian Dance/Choreography Communication Arts and Design Interior Design Sculpture Reston. Virgima Richmond. Virginia Chesapeake. V1rg111ia Richmond. Virginia

Brown, William Reilly •• Clarke, James Robert Branch Delgado, Erick German • Engler, Frank Robert•• Commun ication Arts and Design Painting and Printmaking Communica tion Arts and Design Communication Arts and Design Virgima Beach. Virgima Richmond. Virginia Richmond. Virgmia Sterling. V1rg1na

Broyles, Anthony Neal• Cole, Jeffrey Alan Dempsey, Sarah Lyle • Ertumen, Suzan Photography and Film Theatre Education Communication Arts and Design Communication Arts and Design Richmond. Virginia Chester, Virgima Pmey Flats. Tennessee Alexandna. Virginia

Bush, Mary Amber ** • Collins, Erica Renee• DeMars, Michelle Marie • Facemire, Kathryn Lynn Art Education Dance/Choreography Communication Arts and Design Theatre Chester, Virgima Alexandna. Virginia Richmond. Virginia Spnngfield. V1rg111ia

Cabral. Heather Ann Connolly Ill, John Emmet •• DeVan, Amanda Ruth Fargason, Joshua C. Art Education Theatre Interior Design Theatre Mineral. Virgima Midlothian. Virg1111a Silver Spnng, Maryland Richmond. V1rgima

Calindas, Marc Ryan Corbet, Austin Charles Dixon, Laura Renee ••• Ferguson, Sara Julia Marie Communication Arts and Design Theatre Fashion Sculpture Richmond. Virginia Virgima Beach. Virg11ua Melbourn. Florida Ithaca. New York Campagnoli, April Suzanne Corbin, Lance F. Dolour, Kofi Wia Ferreira, Ivory Nayiima Art Education Theatre Communication Arts and Design Fashion Richmond, Virginia Stafford. Virginia Richmond. Virginia Richmond. V1rg1ma

Careatti, Joshua Benjamin Cortum, Oliver S. Du, Wesley Juen-Wei • Finch, Justin Kibler Scu lptu re Communication Arts and Design Theatre Communication Arts and Design Richmond. Virgm1a Virgima Beach. Virg1ma Richmond. Virginia Richmond. Virginia

,JI School of the Arts continued

Kim, Dona Firebaugh, Keri Michelle Gliatto, Jillian Elaine Herman, Tara Elizabeth Communication Arts and Design Interior Design Sculpture Art Education McLean, Virginia Broad Run, Virginia Richmond. Virginia Richmond. Virginia King, Nikki D. ** Fleckenstein, Kathryn Ellen Goldstone, Marcy Kristen * Hicks, Emily Ruth-Alison Theatre Muhlhauser Art Education Theatre Education Richmond, Virginia Theatre Glouceste( Virginia Charlottesville. Virgima Arlington, Virgima Golenor, Lesley Ann ** Hightower, Amy-Lynn Kloiber, Jarrod Photography and Film Fleming, Tanicia Danielle Painting and Printmaking Sculpture Interior Design Fairfax. Virgima V1rgima Beach, Virginia West Cheste( Pennsylvania Highland Springs, Virginia Gordon, Nancy Edith **• Holland, Aaron Cory Koger, Kimberly Song Ee Flowers, Rebecca Lynn Interior Design Theatre Art Education Painting and Printmaking Urbanna, Virginia Cheste( Virginia Mechanicsville, Virginia Waynesboro. Virginia Graham, Brandon Kent Holmes, Murjani Kai Kraus. Leslie A. * Franklin, Sydney Renee Fashion Fashion Dance/Choreography Fashion LaVale. Maryland Richmond, Virgima Richmond, Virgima Richmond, Virginia Greene, Bonnie Catherine *** Isabelle, Renee Danielle * Krost, Lucas Lee Frazier, Travis Michael Art Education and Sculpture Communication Arts and Design Photography and Film Communication Arts and Design Richmond, Virginia Hampton, Virginia Richmond, Virginia Ashburn, Virginia Gregorio, Ronda Ann Jabbour, Diana Claudia * Krueger, Joshua Edward Freeman, Michael Paul ***" Fashion Communication Arts and Design Painting and Printmaking Communication Arts and Design Broad Run. Virginia Virginia Beach, Virginia Belle Haven, Virginia Hanove( Virginia Gulley, William Joseph * Jacobson, David P. * Krull, Todd Damon Fucci, Mark Joseph * Theatre Photography and Film Painting and Printmaking Art Education Richmond, Virginia Norfolk, Virginia Richmond. V1rg1na Richmond. Virginia Hall, Grace Marie ** Johnson, Brian David Kucera, Michael Garrett Fultz, Amelia Grey * Communication Arts and Design Sculpture Photography and Film Pho tography and Film Richmond. Virgima Manassas, Virgima Wake, Virginia Richmond, Virginia Hamon-Boomer, Jessica Leigh * Jones, Kim Kristi * Larsen, Jami Noel * Fung, Kevin Keton Communication Arts and Design Dance/Choreography Photography and Film Interior Design Dale City, Virginia Bowie, Maryland Charlottesville. Virginia Richmond. Virginia Harper, Timothy E. * Kamara, Sheku Ahmed Larson, Timothy G. Gardner, Eiren Ruth * Communication Arts and Des ign Communication Arts and Design Communicatin Arts and Design Sculpture Midlothian, Virginia Spnngfield, Virginia Westm1nste( Maryland Manakin Sabot. Virginia Hawkins, Elizabeth A.** Kavanagh, Laura Ann ** LaPointe. Valerie Marie ** Garwood, Lara Lyn ** Theatre Crafts Communication Arts and Design Communication Arts and Design Chilhowie, Virgima Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvama Virginia Beach, Virginia Virgima Beach. Virginia Healy, Lauren Katherine Kelce, Niki L LaPrade, John Marshall * Gatling, Elisabeth Hope * Fa shion Painting and Printmaking Sculpture Communication Arts and Design Alexandria, Virginia St. Lows, Missouri Warrenton. Virginia Williamsburg, Virginia Hendrickson-Weyers, Rosalind Joy Khabinsky, Yevgeny LaVelle, Mary McEllin Gienger, William E Interior Design Crafts Art Hi story Communication Arts and Design Richmond, Virginia Richmond. Virginia Richmond, Virginia Midlothian, V1rgima Henkel, Melissa Hunter Kidd, Jennifer DeeAnn Lecount, Christopher Andre Gleisner, Thomas James ** Photography and Film Art Education Painting and Printmaking Sculpture and Richmond. Virginia Colonial Heights. Virginia Virginia Beach, Virgima Painting and Printmaking Richmond. Virginia

f! * Cum Laud e ** Magna Cum Laude *** Summa Cum Laude • University Honors Student

Lee, Esther Maya ** Massie, Kristen Noel Orrock, Kathleen Rexrode, Rebecca Ann ** Co mmun ication Arts and Design Communication Arts and Design Art Education Communication Arts and Design Richmond, Virginia Faber. Virg1111a Charlottesville, Virg1ma A/die, V1rg1111a Lee, James Kenneth McDaniel, Laura Britton * Overstreet, Stephanie Waters Reynolds, Erick Armand Arraya Commun ication Arts and Design Communication Arts and Design Art Education Communication Arts an d Design Richmond. V1rg1nia Mecha11icsv1Jle, Virg1111a Richmond. Virgrnia Fa1dax, V1rg1n1a Lester, Jill A, Merril, Catherine Dunlap * Painter, Hillary B. Rice, Debra Christine ** Sculpture Art Education Communication Arts and Design Art Education Richmond. Virgima Richmond. Virg1111a Chesterfield. Virginia Richmond, V1rginra

Lewis, Katrinah Carol * Merrill, Anna R, * Palanzo, Joseph * Roberts, Kevin W Theatre Photography and Film Sculpture Painting and Printmaking Richmond, Virgi111a Orange, Virginia Keswick, Virgrn1a Richmond, Vrrginia

Livermon, Jordan Elizabeth ** Messiah, Lauren Christine Peine, Jeremy S. Russell, Lauren Renee Dance/Choreography Fashion Sculpture Painting and Printmaking Powhatan, Virginia Herndon, Virgima Richmond, Virg1111a Hampton, Virginra

Loewus, Elizabeth Marie Miller, Rachael Marie ** Pettit, Ryan Cornell Russo, Nicole Marie * Photography and Film Theatre Crahs Theatre Newport News, Virginia Danville, Virg1ma Leesburg. Virg1111a Roanoke, V1rg111ia

Logan, Jennifer Emily ** Milli, Michael C. Pietrzak, Janelle Lynn ** Samanka, Kelley Shannon ** Art His tory Photography and Film Fashion Communication Arts and Design Richmond, V1rg1111a Richmond, V1rgi111a Dumfries, Virg1111a Woodbridge, Virginia

Lommis, Cassandra Ann ** Minnick, Christine Dora Pleasants, Jeffrey Thomas * Saunders, Ward Turner * Communication Arts and Design Communication Arts and Design Art Education Art Education Leesburg, Virgrnia Silver Sprr11g, Maryland Glen Allen, Vrrgrn1a Richmond. V1rg1111a

Love, Ryan Thomas Mitchell, Matrika Shantel * Pollard Ill, Carl Ellsworth Schlobohm, Christopher John * Theatre Painting and Printmaking Communication Arts and Design Communication Arts and Design Manchester. New Hampshire Lorton, V1rginra Richmond, V1rg1ma M1dloth1an, Vrrg1111a

Loving, Rosemary Frances Morris, Nora B. ** Porter, Christian Morgan ** Schlueter, Angela Rose Art Education Fashion Communication Arts and Design Photography and Film Alexandrra, Virginia Salem, V1rg111ia Richmond. Vrrg1n1a Waldorf, Maryland

Lozano, Laura Lynn ** Mulligan, Ryan Patrick * Prachanronarong, Paweena * Scofield, Christopher Daniel Theatre Painting and Printmaking Communication Arts and Design Theatre Richmond, V1rgin1a Covrngton, Vrrgrn1a Chesapeake, Vrrg1111a Marshall, Virginia

Lutz, Erika * Neal, Matthew Bryan Prapruttrakul, Apakron ** Scordas, Katerina Thomas Communication Arts and Design Communication Arts and Design Communication Arts and Design In terior Design Richmond, Virginia Richmond, Virginia Alexandrra, Vrrgrn1a Richmond, Virginia

Mak, Cheryl Jan Norman, Leslie Ann ** Prutch, Melanie Jeanne ** Seitz, Travis Caine Interior Design Pa inting and Printmaking Communication Arts and Design Theatre Virginia Beach, Virginia Gladstone, Virg1n1a Richmond, Virgrnia Richmond, Virginia

Maple, Scott Crawford * Noxon, Hilary Anne * Quander, Kenann Modjeska Sexton V, Henry Clay ** Communication Arts and Design Theatre Theatre Communication Arts and Design Sprr11gfield, Virgima Smith/1eld, Virgrn1a Columbia, Maryland Charlottesvdle, Virgrn1a

Martino, Valerie Angelina Onyedike, Adanma Ngozi ** Ray, Dana Elizabeth * Showalter, Sharon Joy ** Photography and Film Theatre Communication Arts and Design Communication Arts and Design Herndon, Virginia Hampton, Vrrgrn1a Cameron, South Caro/ma Broadway, V1rg1111a

, _)'', ,) School of the Arts continued

Siewart, Laura Elizabeth ** Tybuski, Mark Joseph ** Wetzel. Elizabeth Ann ** Fice, Heather Anne Communication Arts and Design Communica tion Arts and Design Communica tion Arts and Design Music - Education Richmond, Virginia Bla1rs, Virginia Baltimore, Maryland Richmond, Virginia Sinha, Savita Uffelman. Kathryn J, ** Whetzel, Dawn M, ** Foster, Ruben Kaleb * Painting and Printmaking Interior Design Painting and Printmaking Music - Education Fairfax, Virginia Oak Hill, Virginia Richmond, Virginia Richmond, Virginia Sitler, Andrew Justin * Valle, Ricardo * Whitfield. Victoria Nelsen Fox, John Carlton ***" Communication Arts and Design Communication Arts and Design Crafts Music - Performance Midlothian, Virginia Alexandria, Virginia Portsmouth, Virginia Richmond, Virginia Stellwag, Jamie Ellen * Valente, Lori Therese Wilkes, Jennifer ** Fullerton, Jessica Ann Sculpture Art Education Communication Arts and Design Music - Ed ucation Richmond, Virginia Richmond, Virginia Glen Allen, Virginia Williamsburg, Virginia

Stenersen, Frances Christine ** Vaughn. Zachary Nicholas *** Williams. Ann Brandeis Hong, Kyung Hwa * Interior Design Sculpture Interior Design Music - Performance Richmond, Virgin ia Warrenton, Virginia Richmond, Virgima Richmond, Virginia

Sumner, Christopher Mark Verlinde, Jon Bernard * Williams. Jeremy Thomas ** Krohn. Joshua Scott Art Education Communica tion Arts and Design Communication Arts and Design Music - Educati on Colonial Heights, Virginia Richmond, Virginia Forest, Virginia Charlottesville, Virginia

Sutker, Megan Leah ** Vo, Vina Phan * Williams. Renee Diana Martin, Lisa Michelle ** Th ea tre Communica tion Arts and Design Photography and Film Music - Education Richmond, Virginia Richmond, Virginia Catonsville, Maryland Glen Allen, V1rg1n1a

Swisher, Adam Wayne Voss, Amy E. Wood, Sarah Michele Miller, Lisa Blake *** Theatre Photography and Fi lm Art Education Music - Performance Richmond, Virginia Burke, Virginia Richmond, Virginia O'Fallon, Illinois

Syme. Margaret Blair Wagler, Mary Lacy ** Zmuda, Megan Kathleen * Nicholls. Andrew Joseph *** Interior Design Art Education Theatre Music - Education Petersburg, Virginia Richmond, Virginia Virginia Beach, Virginia Mechanicsville, Virginia Tabibi, Maryam Wagner, Jonathan Paul Raviotta, Benjamin Paul ** Fa shion Painting and Printmaking Music - Performance Yorktown, Virginia Bachelor of Music Randolph, New Jersey South Hill, Virginia Tailor, Linden P. Waltersdorf, Heather Ann Condidllrcs fm,scnrccl h\, Scott, Matthew Michael Dean Theatre Art Education DL'u n /1ichmd E. Ti"c,;11 Music - Performance Yorktown, Virginia York, Pennsylvania Ri chmond, Virgi nia Toth, Shana McAvoy * Warlitner, Marie Elizabeth Bae, Sarah Nayung Crafts Art Education Music - Education Master of Arts Ashland, Virginia Hampton, Virginia Newport News, Virginia in Art H istory Trevaskis, Heather Leigh **• Watson, Courtney Manning *** Brust. Jason K. Communication Arts and Design Theatre Music - Performance Cu11Jid,a,·s /1rc,cnrd bv Anderson, Indiana Chesapeake, Virginia Richmond, Virginia De<111 F 011 11g/"·' T3 011di11 01, Tru dgeon, Alia Sherri ** Wesselhoft, Kwasi A. Chuchic, Laura Elizabeth ***" .\ch11"/ "/ l,r<1J1w1c .\ wdics Theatre Sculpture Music - Performance Palmyra, Virginia Richmond, Virginia Richmond, V1rg1nia Bender, Melissa Joan Virg1111a Beach, Virginia Turner, Travis Robert West, Jamie Ellen Crenshaw, Ryan Maddock Communication Arts and Design Painting and Pr intmaking Music - Performance Durham, Dennis Wyatt Virginia Beach, Virginia Chester, Virginia Upperville, Virginia Richmond, Virginia Evans. Yates Alan Richmond, Virginia * Cum Laude ** Magna Cum Laude *** Summa Cum Laude • University Honors Stud en t

,,regg, Ryan Elliot Busby, James Edward Kendrick, Shane Alen Quesenberry, James D, 111chmond, Virginia Fine Arts Design - Visual Communications Theatre - Pedagogy Richmond Virginia Richmond, Virg1111a North Tazewell, Virginia Herron, Megan Elisabeth 9ichmond Virginia Cardoza, Janice M, Kim, Song-Vi Rospert, Jennifer L Design - Visual Communications Fine Arts Fine Arts Lamon, Nancy L Pawtucket, Rhode Island Richmond, Virgmia Richmond Virginia q1chmond, Virginia Chang, Chia-Chi Charlie Kuwatanasilpa, Amphon Sato, Fumihito Schmelzer, Erika June Design - Photography and Film Design - Photography and Film Fine Arts Richmond, Virginia Richmond Virginia Richmond, Virginia Washington, D.C

Wampler, Michelle L Conboy, Matthew Liam Leuck, Vanessa Louise Stackpole, Stephen A. Newport News, Virginia Design - Photography and Film Theatre - Costume Design Fine Arts Sault Sainte Marie, Michigan Richmond, Virgmia Glen Allen, Virginia

Master of Art Education Condra, Bryan M, Luckett, Sandra Alene Stair, Jessica Joy Design - Visual Communications Fine Arts Design - Visual Communications ( 'andid,11c, prc,,'nrc,1 /,\' Richmond, Virginia Richmond, V1rgin1a Newton, North Carolina /lean F. D011,( lm l3u11 cli11 n1, Mahoney, Jamie Brake Suwanphanich, Chakrapan \ chu"/ of Cirn,/11 ,Hc' \ w,/ic'' Cox Ill, Richard Cleveland Design - Photography and Film Design - Visual Communications Design - Visual Communications Richmond, Virginia Bangkok, Thailand deWitt, Ann Catherine Richmond, Virginia Richmond, Virginia Davis, Sareese Evette Mangano, Krista Anne Jona Tejada, Elena S, Fine Arts Fine Arts Huddleston-Whitmore, Rachel Eve Design - Visual Communications Oswego, New York L11na, Peru Charlorte, North Carolina Petersburg, Virginia Fluharty, Stephanie L Martin, Natasha Lee Timberl ake, Phillip Neal Theatre - Pedagogy Theatre - Pedagogy Master of Fine Arts Theatre - Pedagogy Newport News, Virginia Cheste( Virginia Richmond, Virgi111a

Ccmdic/,11,: , />rc',c'lllt:,I h:,, Gardinier, Ann Marie Martinkosky, Jessica Louise Welch, Adam Anthony l)c1m F. /)1111 ,~/,1, L).,11cl1n11r, Theatre - Pedagogy Fine Arts Fine Arts Sch ,",/ of ( irt1,l11 ,1r,' \111 ,li c, Saratoga, New York Floyd, Virginia Burke, Virginia

Garland, Vaughn Whitney May, Catherine Ann Wheeler-Guarniere, Suzanna Anderson, Raymont Lee Fine Arts Fine Arts Theatre - Pedagogy Theatre - Pedagogy Richmond Virginia Richmond, Virginia Richmond, Virginia Richmond, Virginia Worthington, Melissa Zieziula Gefflen, Rima Lou Moncayo-Asan, Galo Patircio Baer, Ginnie Lyn Design - Photography and Film Fine Arts Design - Photography and Film Fine Arts Richmond, Virginia Richmond Virginia Richmond Virginia Richmond, Virginia Wymer, Tammy Jean Green, Artisa Victoria McOueen, David Young Baker-Westervelt, Ruth Design - Visual Communications Theatre - Pedagogy Fine Arts Design - Visual Communications Richmond, Virginia Hampton, Virgmia Richmond, Virginia Richmond, Virginia Hetzel , Allison Brandy Peters, Sarah Louise Bartlett, Wesley Alar Theatre - Pedagogy Fine Arts Master of Theatre - Pedagogy Richmond Virginia Richmond Virginia Interd isciplinary Stud ies Richmond, Virginia Pfupajena, Patrick Tendai Hill, Leland M, 1 Brien, Timothy Alan t t111 lli..LH'-'' 11rl·,l JHt. l / -. Design - Visual Communications Design - Photography and Film Theatre - Pedagogy I \ 'c11, i" I 1,, 11 ,:/.1, /·:, ,i 1,/1n, ,1, Bowling Green Virginia Chesapeake, Virginia Rockford Illinois \l h. ,, ,/ , ,( t i rtd!ldf1.: \11, , l1t.·, Johnson, Ronald Blair Phatanateacha, Pornprapha Brown, Karen Renee Fine Arts Design - Visual Communications Bermudez, Debra Theatre - Pedagogy Richmond, Virginia Balt11nore, Maryland Interdi sciplinary Art s Richmond Virginia Sdve r Spnng. Maryland

) - ,, ) School of the Arts continued

Ritson, Darren J. Brock, Andrew Thomas McCloud, Jonathan David Interdiscipl inary Arts Music - Education Music -Educa tion Springfield. Virginia Midlothian. Virginia Richmond. Virginia Scott, Toni S. Cross, Pamela Terrell Ruch, Cathleen Brandi Interdisciplinary Arts Music - Education Music - Performance Fredencksburg. Virginia Hanover. Virginia Boise. Idaho

Dye, William Russell Snead, Philip G. Master of Music Music - Education Music - Performance Richmond, Virginia Locust Grove, Virginia Cw1c/iclmcs Jm:se111etl hy Jacobs, Michael Ray Willis, Tammie Denice-Brenzovish /)<'ml F /)1mf!:l"-' i31Jwlin111, Music - Performance Music - Composi tion Sdwul u[ Gruc/ 11 ure Swclies Williamsburg, Virginia Richmond. Virginia Bordley, Heather Elizabeth Kang, Moonhee Music - Education Music - Education Richmond. Virginia Columbia, Maryland

,j (_; VCIJ3;.,/)I /)le/I('('///(-'/// :_!()()j School of Business

Bakhtiari, Shariar Brown II, Rafael M. Chambers Jr., Samuel Carlos Bu siness Administration Bachelor of Science Real Esta te and Urban Land Business Administration and Management Development and Management ; 'n11c/i,l

.Jl School of Business continued

Danley, Isabel Elizabeth Fowler, Phillip E. Harvey. Barbara Michelle Jones. Krissy Lee Finance Information Systems Finance Marketing Springfield, Virginia Bluemont, Virginia St Stephens, Virginia Richmond, Virginia

Davis, Jamie Kemp * Gaidowski, David Jeremy Hayden, Lakesa Jovan Jones. Latarsha Rickay Business Administration Business Administration Business Administration Information Systems and Management and Management and Management Petersburg, Virginia Caret. Virginia Richmond. Virginia Dillwyn, Virginia Jones, Tiffany Veronica Dortch, Randall Hampton ***" Garay, Carlos Miquel * Hayes. Sarah Finance Business Administration Bu siness Administration Accounting Richmond, Virginia and Management and Management Richmond, Virginia Richmond, Virginia Woodbridge, Virginia Jones, Tokoia Yarshea Helmkamp, Kelly J. Information Systems Duke, Jessica Michelle *** Gerbino, Nicole Marie **" Marketing Virginia Beach, Virginia Finance Marketing Chesterfield, Virginia Richmond, Virginia Mechanicsville, Virginia Kain, Jeremy David Hembrick, Candace Sheree Information Systems Dunlavey, Janie L Gluchowski, Jeffrey Alan Finance Richmond, Virginia Management Business Administration Richmond, Virginia Mechanicsville, Virginia and Management Kilgour, Stephanie Kay Manassas, Virginia Henderson, Mark Austin Marketing Eddleton Jr., William Lucius Information Systems Mechanicsville, Virginia Finance Goulet, Andrea Marie * Richmond, Virg1n1a Maidens, Virginia Marketing King, Todd Richard ** Glen Allen, Virgin ia Henry, Joseph Kirk Accounting Engel, Ashley Landis *** Economics Midlothian. Virginia Finance Graves, Christopher Brett Richmond, Virginia Midlothian, Virginia Marketing Kipreos, Nikolaos Stefanos Lynchburg, Virginia Hogue, Douglas W. Information Systems Etheridge, Andrea Sherrick Business Administration Richmond, Virginia Marketing Graves Jr.. King Master and Management Richmond, Virginia Accounting Lanexa. Virginia Krakaur, Allison Kay Human Resource Farmer, Michelle Lyal Richmond, Virginia Horton, Vernice Management/Industrial Relations Human Resource Guill, Barbara Ann Human Resource Richmond, Virginia Management/Industrial Relations Finance Management/Industrial Relations Richmond, Virginia Chesterfield, Virginia Midlothian, Virginia Lancaster, Marion Lovell * Information Systems Fernando, Andrew Chrisantha Gwaltney, Gerald Wayne Howard. John Wesley Richmond, Virginia Economics Bu siness Administration Finance Virginia Beach. Virginia and Management Richmond, Virginia Latta, Keith Carlton Finch, Donovan J. ** Richmond, Virginia Human Resource Howard, Lisa Ann Information Systems Management/Industrial Relations Hall, Steven C. * Marketing Front Royal, Virginia Rk:hmond, Virginia Finance Richmond. Virginia Fisher, Mia Artissa Midlothian, Virginia Leanza. Mary Anne Hoyle, Kimberly Jean Information Systems Finance Hardwick, Aaron Richard Real Estate and Urban Land Petersburg, Virginia Richmond, Virginia Accounting Development Fleming, Melissa Thomas Richmond, Virginia Richmond. Virginia Lemley, Jason Christopher Business Administration Business Administration Harris Ill, Maury Patrick * Jeter, Aaron D. and Management and Management Accounting Business Administration Richmond, Virginia Spotsylvania. Virginia Richmond. Virginia and Management Ford, Nicole Michelle Harris, Shirelle * Alexandria. Virginia Leone, Anthony Salvatore ** Marketing Finance Business Administration Johnson, Candace Caroline Richmond, Virginia Richmond, Virginia and Management Information Systems Chesterfield, Virginia Richmond. Virg11ua * Cum Laude ** Magna Cum Laude *** Summa Cum Laude • University Honors Student

Leslie, Bryan David ** 0 Messiter, John Carl Palmer, Jessica Beth Powell, John S. Finance Finance Business Administration Information Systems Richmond. Virginia Richmond, Virginia and Management Fredericksburg, Virgii11a M1dlorlnan. Virginia Lim. Bopta Miller, Matthew Jason Praveenkumar, Lakshmi Information Systems Business Administration Parker, Tyra Monique Visagananthi Richmond. Virginia and Management Information Systems Information Systems Richmond, Virginia Chester. Virginia Richmond. Virginia Loney, Raphael Octavian Information Systems Mitha, Navin Zulfiqarali Parrott, Susan Katherine Privitera, Joseph Christopher Richmond. Virginia Finance Business Administration Finance and Accounting Glen Allen. Virgmia and Management Mid/or/nan. Virginia Lyon Jr., William Wise Mechanicsville. Virginia Business Administration Monk, Joanna Marie * Rainsford, Brian Thomas ** and Management Marketing Patel, Hiren Jayantilal Business Administration West Point. Virginia Richmond, Virginia Information Systems and Management Richmond. V1rgima Stafford. Virgii11a , Macklin, Shakita LaChonne Montoya, Lena Marie ' Information Systems Economics Patel, Ketki Ramirez, Odell Gregorio * 1 La Crosse. Virginia Richmond, Virginia Accounting Information Systems I Richmond. Virginia Virginia Beach. Virgima Mahurin, Kelly Shackleford Murphy, Deidre Marie Rappold, Charlie Sue Information Systems Marketing Patel, Krutika B. Midlothian. Virginia Chester. Virginia Marketing Information Systems Chester. Virginia Richmond, Virginia Mappanar, Puspa Murphy, Jennifer lee Rayemendi, Salim Solomon Economics Business Administration Patel, Vaishali Ashok Business Administration Richmond. Virginia and Management Marketing Oispuranta. Virginia Richmond. Virginia and Management Markendorff, Stacey Rebecca Richmond. Virginia Business Administration Nguyen, Regina Pelei, Moliehi V. Reed, Selena Kim and Management Marketing Accounting Accounting Annandale. Virginia Richmond, Virgima Dale City, Virginia Alexandria. Virginia Marquardt, Florian Nicholas, Lesley Worrell * Penley, Shanna Diane Reese, Kristy Yvette Business Administration Business Administration Marketing Business Administration and Management and Management Ashland, Virginia and Management Saulhe1m. Germany Bumpass. Virginia Phan, Thao Phuong Richmond, Virginia Mason, Donte' Ray Nicholson, Pamela Lynne Information Systems Relai, Juned Javid Information Systems Human Resource Midlothian. Virginia Information Systems Glen Allen. Virginia Management/Industrial Relations Phillips, Gregory Van Richmond. Virginia Glen Allen. V1rgm1a Melnikova, Anna Aleksandrovna Finance Reid, Jessica Eleanor Accou nting Nussman, Lauren Clare * Chesapeake. Virg1/11a Business Administration Richmond, Virginia Finance Pilson, Crystal Nichole and Management Richmond. Virg1ma Business Administration Meloan, Shannon Nicole Keysville. Virg111ia Finance Olivier, Lamar Joseph and Management Richmond. Virgii11a Rice, Paul Winston Richmond, Virginia Business Administration Economics and Management Pino, Andrew Christopher Merchant, Treina Michelle Mechalllcsv1lle, Virginia Chester. Virginia Business Administration Information Systems Rinehults, Joshua P. * Orange, Latita leanette and Management Annandale. Virginia Accounting Busine ss Administration Richmond. Virginia Merson, Mary C. Mechai11csville. V1rg1nia and Management Pischke, Kimberle A. * Info rmation Systems Richmond. Virginia Business Administration Ritter, Jason Allen Pnnce George, Virginia and Management Business Administration Midlothian. Virgii11a and Management Richmond, Virg1/11a School of Business continued

Robinson, Jermaine McPhail ** Schubert Ill, Hans Kurt Solomon, Danielle Carlissa Thamm, Brian Ganster Business Administration Business Administration Human Resource Business Administration and Management and Management Management/Industrial Relations and Management Chesterfield, Virginia Powhatan, Virginia Richmond. Virginia Manassas, Virginia

Robinson Jr., Phillip Anthony Schwartz, Joshua E Sommer, Ryan Matthew ** Thayer, Kimberly Jean Information Systems Information Systems Bu siness Administration Human Resource Rk:hmond, Virginia Glen Allen, Virginia and Management Management/Industrial Rel ati ons Richmond. Virginia Chester. Virginia Robinson, Rachel Lynne * Scott, Jennifer Roslyn Finance Finance Spadea Ill, John Russell Thompson, Stephanie Michelle Mechanicsville, Virginia Richmond. Virginia Marketing Informati on Systems Richmond. Virginia Prince George, Virginia Robinson, Tracey Joy Shadoyan, Ratti 0. Marketing Finance Stewalt, Michael Robert Tignor, Adam Shawn Richmond. Virginia Mechanicsville, Virginia Bu siness Administra ti on Marke ting and Management Ashland, Virginia Roper, Jennifer Clark Sharp, Shayvette Nicole Richmond. Virginia Marketing Business Administration Tilahun, Emebet Elkton, Virginia and Management Stith, Kenya Stanell Informat ion Systems and Finance Mechanicsville, Virginia Rose, Monique DeVonda Accoun ting Richmond, Virginia Richmond, Virginia Accounting Shearin, Andrew Francisco * Titomir, Kirill Yuryevich * Yale, V1rg1n1a Information Systems Street. April Nicole Finance and Eco nomi cs Virginia Beach, Virginia Ross, Sharron Jane Kennedy Marketing Richmond. Virginia Business Administration Richmond. Virg111ia Shelton, Terry Jamaine Todd, Caroline Ann and Management Information Systems Streightiff, Audra Marie Business Administration Richmond, Virginia Richmond, Virginia Marketing and Management Sagadraca, Jason William Simpson, Alicia l Chesterfield. Virginia Yorktown, Virginia Finance Accounting Strickler, Christopher Paul Tran, Hai Chi Pnnce George, Virginia Front Royal, Virg111ia Business Administration Information Systems Sall, Jessica Danielle Singh, Aman and Management Woodbridge, Virginia Business Administration Bu siness Administration Richmond. Virginia Traynham, Trucinia Rochelle and Management and Management Swanson, Maria Antoinette * Human Resource Annandale, Virginia Glen Allen, Virg111ia Business Administration Management/Industrial Relations Salley, Timothy Michael Smahina, Viktoryia ** and Management Halifax, Virginia Information Systems Marketing Stafford, Virginia Tu, Galang Cumberland. Virginia Mechanicsville, Virginia Sweeney, Brett Matthew Accounti ng Shaub, Chad Thoma s Smith, Brandon Wade Business Administration Richmond. Virg1111a Business Administration Human Resou rce and Management Underwood II, Reginald Leighton and Management Management/Industrial Re lations Richmond, Virg111ia Business Adminis trat ion Richmond. Virginia Midlothian, Virginia Sykes, Maurice Del-ray and Management Saunders, Aleseia Denise Smith, Christopher Douglas Accounting Ruther Glen, V1rg1111a Business Administration Accounting Hampton, Virg1n1a and Management Waddy, Samantha Danielle Mechanicsville, Virginia Tako, Cecilia Eb ai Woodbndge, Virginia Human Resource Smith, George E. Marketing Management/Industrial Relations Schlosser, Sarah-Jane Real Estate and Urban Land Richmond. Virginia Richmond. Virg1n1a Business Administration Development Tatum, Matthew Alan * and Management Watson, Damon Lee Richmond, Virginia Economics Richmond, Virginia Information Systems Smith, Ryan McKinley Richmond, Virgima Richmond, Virgima Finance Thai, Huong Loi Roebl1ng, New Jersey Weidman, Melinda Jo Accounting Information Systems Herndon, Virg111ia Midlothian, Virginia

-1() * Cum Laude ** Magna Cum Laude *** Summa Cum Laude • University Honors Student

Weiser, Emilie Michele Zirkle, Lydia Suzanne Harris, Richard 3us iness Administration Business Ad ministrati on Real Estate and Urban La nd Master of Arts ind Management and Management Development in Economics Richmond. Virginia and Economics Richmond. Virg inia Mosele~ Virg11na .Weisz, Alexander Michael ** Hoy, Hunter Wayne Cun,/i,it11 ,· , />J' c' \c' llCc'cf h\' I lc'llll F. I J, ,1 d<1 , /3, ,u,/in , ,c. Marketing In formation Systems 11.f ( j rudt 1,Hc \rncli,·, Midlothian. V1rgima Mechamcsville. Virgin,a \ch1111 l Undergraduate Certificate Westbrook, Patina M. Levy, Wai C. Carollo, Yana Sokolenko Human Resource ( ·<1 n,/i ,/<1 cc, pre ,,·nc,,/ /,,· Accoun ting Midlothian. Virgima Management/Industrial Relations I ),·<111 ~ l i,·h<1,·/ ,,.,n,11t ·i1 : Chescerfield. Virginia Richmond. V1rgima McKeithen, Richie Neal Arel, Martina Silke Westfall, David Scott Real Estate and Urban Land Master of International Management Studies Finance Development Business Administration Richmond. Virginia Richmond. Virgin ia Richmond. Virgin,a Jerkic, Dragan l :dnclitld1,·, prn,·nr,·,/ /, \' Wilkerson, Derek Antonio Mohammad, Siddique Internati onal Management Studies /),·un F. I )uu/<1, /311u ,/inuc. Business Administration In forma ti on Systems Richmond. Virgmia \ch""{ 11 ( Crncludcc \c1 1cl1c, and Management Richmond. Virgmia Nelson. Virginia Muse, William Todd Agarwal, Vijay Wilkins, Michael Troy Post-baccalaureate Acco unting Richmond. Virgima Richmond. Virgmia Marketing Certificates Baines, Melanie Lin Richmond Virginia Presser, Rita Josefa Williamsburg. Virgin,a l ·, u1t li,/cu, \ /' J' c'\c' llC c'l l /,,· Information Systems Williams, Elizabeth A. * Bansal, Vishal /),\ tll F. IJ,,tdd, /ir,t1, /!il<1( . Richmond Virgmia Human Resource Richmond. Virginia \ , Ji .,.,{"/ ( i r<1, /t1dC c' \ cu , /1 ,·, Management/Industrial Re lations Preston, Linda Karen Batchelder, Alan H. New Kem. Virginia Accounting Adeoye, Adetokunbo Olujide Richmond. Virginia Richmond. Virginia Wilson, Wes Aaron Information System s Beck, Trent Howard Accounting Richmond. Virg inia Scott, Kathleen Harney Glen Allen. Virginia Richmond Virginia Acco un ting Beane, Amy Teresa Rockville. Virg1i1ia Bennett, Robert MacIntyre Winder, Brian Keith Real Estate and Urban Land Richmond. Virginia Information Systems Development Stacy, Richard A. Millers Tavern. Virginia Midlothian. Virg11na Information Systems Boudreault. Melanie Marie Richmond. Virginia Richmond. Virginia Yamamoto, Kazuhiro Boggess, Kevin A. Marketing Information Systems Swain, Kimberly Adelaar Brown, Darrell V. Colonial Heights. Virgima Mechanicsville. V1rg1111a Accounting Glen Allen. Virgima Midlothian. Virgima Yarbrough, Kevin Wayne Bondareva, Tatiana S. Camardella, Mario Louis Business Administration Information Systems Todd, Amanda Richmond. Virginia and Management Richmond Virginia Real Estate and Urban Land Christian, Brett Stephan Glen Allen. Virginia Development Cassidy, Tara Elizabeth Glen Allen. Virginia Richmond. Virginia Yi, Chang Hee Information Systems Copeland Jr., Paul Kenneth Information Systems Richmond. Vl(g1n,a Wongvian, Naphaphorn Farmville. Virg111ia Chester, Virgin ia Finance Champagne, Derick Richmond. Virginia Corcoran, Gabrielle Shannon Young, Jason Kenneth Accounting Midlochian. Virginia Finance Midlothian. Virginia Xia, Hanzhang White Marsh, Virginia Information Systems Curtis, James Kevin Fox, Maria Noel Crichigno Richmond. Virginia Richmond. V1rg111ia Young, LaKrisha Marie Information Systems Human Resource Richmond. Virgima Dameron, Christopher Lee Management/Industrial Relations Richmond Virginia Lynchburg. Virg inia School of Business continukd

Dawson-Flowers, Stefani Paulette Lancaster, Gregory Park Ragland Jr., Thomas Lee Brik, Alina Ettrick, Virginia Richmond Virginia Richmond Virginia Richmond, Virginia

Derkits, Daniel Robert Lavrentyev, Vladimir Rajagopal, Arun Brown Ill, Bryan Glen Allen, Virginia Richmond Virginia Richmond Virg1111a Mechanicsville, Virginia

Donovan, Shelly Le, Thanhhung N. Schilbe, Joseph Andrew Carter, Susan Therese Hendren Richmond, Virginia Mechanicsville, Virginia Glen Allen, Virginia Chesterfield, Virginia

Fand, Brian Matthew Lu, Hung -Chia Setaro, James Matthew Chang, Yu-Chih Midlothian, Virginia Richmond Virginia Midlothian, Virginia Taipei: Taiwan

Fisher, James Alexander Lu, Xiaoyang Sherrill Jr., Robert E. Clarke, Gerald Francis Richmond, Virginia Richmond Virginia Chester. Virginia Richmond Virginia

Franklin, Christopher Shawn Maxwell, Richard Steven Stairs, Paul Whitney Diana, Mark L Midlothian, Virginia Richmond Virginia Richmond, Virginia Midlothian, Virginia

Gallagher, Patricia Hall McKenna, Jeremy William Stamper Ill, George William Eades, Heather Love Bedich Warsaw. Virginia Schofield Barracks, Hawaii Richmond, Virginia Glen Allen, Virginia

Garber, Alan M. Miller, Cary Alex Udomsab, Ornsiri Falthzik, Eric David Richmond, Virginia Richmond Virginia Richmond, Virginia Midlothian, Virginia

Gaston, Michael Thomas Ngo, Giang H. Veerappan, Muthu Froustet, John Francis Richmond Virginia Glen Allen, Virginia Richmond Virginia Richmond Virginia

Gauthier, l Wayne Nininger, Scott Quincy Wakeman, Christa F. Gist, D. Christopher Richmond Virginia King George, Virginia Richmond Virginia Richmond, I/Jrg1n1a Glassman, David Jonathan Northrip, Ronald Anthony Wang, Xin Hill, Bryan Thomas Lexington, Virginia Glen Allen, Virginia Richmond Virginia Richmond Virginia Gray, Evelyn Faye Ondrisova, Andrea Whaley, Michael Henry Kodvawala, Afsheen Abingdon, Maryland Richmond, Virginia Richmond, Virg1111a Chesterfield Virginia Green, David Lawrence Opalka, James Lawrence Wolfrey, Paxton K. Laxminarayan, Jayanthi Glen Allen, Virginia Richmond, Virginia Manak1n Sabot, Virginia Venkataramani Groce-Wright, Cheryl Marcella Osbourne, Donald J.W Wyrick, Cynthia Diane Richmond, Virginia Richmond, Virginia Richmond Virg111ia Richmond, V1rg111ia Levy, Michael Glenn Hall, NaShanda Kay Perera, Jeffrey M. Zhang, Yi Richmond Virginia Midlothian, Virginia Richmond, Virginia Chester. Virginia Livingston, Margaret Ann Johnson, Gary Sebastian Petrie, Robert Stuart Richmond Virgima Richmond, Virginia Richmond, Virginia Master of Science Mooney, Donna Lynn Joseph, Lucy Ann Petrovitch, Edward Chester. I/Jrg1111a Glen Allen, Virginia Lake Ridge, Virginia C, mrnenrl'li /,y Praveenkumar, Guy De Fontgallan Koenig, Philip Michael Picard, Carla Yates IJ.:un F. l),11du, 13 11 11 ,/ 11; "1, Everard Nijeev Mechanicsville, Virginia Glen Allen, Virginia .\ch1111/ of (hu,/11u1c· .\111tlie, Richmond, Virginia Kumar, Prashant Ouitiquit, Erin Lucana Aggarwal, Amit Touchot, Sophie Emilie Richmond Virginia Richmond, Virginia Pittsburgh, Pennsylvama Richmond I/Jrg1n1a Lally, Christine M. Rafiq, Azhar Aggarwal, Meenakshi Richmond Virginia Midlothian, Virginia Pittsburgh, Pennsylvama :School of Dentistry

Pettinato, Frank Carmen Bhide, Jeet S. !Bachelor of Science Master of Science Pediatric Dentistry Reston. Virginia Tampa. Flonda \i n Dental Hygiene Brown, Annie Felicia Camliclares prese n red hv Ro, EmilyY. Richmond. Virginia Candidares presenrcd bv Da m F. D011glcl, 13 011din o1. Prosthodontics Campbell, Jason C. ** Deem Ronald J. H11111 Sclioul of G rnclcw rre,en cecl hv Cross. Griffin Albert * Richmond. Virginia Periodontics Veun Ronald ./ Hcrnr Richmond, Virginia Chicklo, Paige Antoinette ** Columbus. Ohio Diefenderfer, Mark Abtahi, Narjes Richmond. Virginia Richmond, Virginia Buelow, Dwight Van Glen Allen. Virginia Cole, Tasha Nicolette Orthodontics Dixon, Jennifer Sue Ling Mark * Ahmadi-Nabi, Arshia ** Richmond. Virginia Plano. Texas Virginia Beach. Virginia Richmond. Virginia Gardner, Holly Elizabeth * Carney, Jacqueline Michele Elhady, Sherif Nabil ** Al-Ammar, Aiman Abdul Rahman * Toano. Virginia Pediatric Dentistry Clifton, Virginia Richmond. Virginia Richmond. Virginia Jenson, Melody Jo ** Ellis, D. Michael •• AI-Bahrani, Hadi Ali Richmond, Virginia Coleman. Grant Gordon Burke, Virginia Orthodontics Richmond. Virginia Jones, Sherese Marchelle Fernandez-Acosta, Gloria Elena ** Elba. Alabama Al-Muni!, Ibrahim Ali Richmond. Virginia Glen Allen. Virginia El-Sayed, Maha Mamdouh Richmond, Virginia Knight, Erin Michelle Mustafa Fiyouzat, Bita Ashley Angus Jr. . Frank Lee Ruckersville. Virginia Prosthodontics Richmond. Virginia Richmond. Virginia Laurenza, Dawn V. Midlothian. Virginia Friend, Sarah Renee ** Anwah, Joseph Orange, Virginia Ferguson, David B. Galax. Virginia Richmond, Virginia McDaniel, Whitney Ann Endodonti cs Gardner, Joel B. Richmond, Virginia Babik, Majd J. Chesterfield, Virginia ** Richmond, Virginia Richmond, Virginia Gambrel, Madelyn Gay Nunnally Ill, Leonard Irvin Garfall, Faline Phucas Endodontics Baird, Anthony John * Glen Allen. Virginia Fredericksburg. Virginia Bonham. Texas Richmond. Virginia Walker, Karen Dayle Graham, Jeffrey Scott Overstreet. Benjamin Thomas Behbehani, Amal Habib Taqi Midlothian. Virginia Williamsburg, Virginia Periodontics Richmond. Virginia Widdicombe, Carol Ann ** Richmond, Virginia Grosso. Michael Edward Berry. Jennifer LaCroix * Pnnce George, Virginia Richmond. Virginia Peck, Sheldon L Northfield, New Hampshire Orth odontics Hopkin, Joe Turner Berry, Zane Wayland ** Newton. Utah Richmond. Virginia Chesterfield, Virginia

-1-- ,-j School of Dentistry continued

Howard, John Edward * Miamee, Golnaz Pierson, Bradley Jay * Thomas, Kenneth John * Lynchburg, Virginia Hampton. Virginia Richmond. Virginia Chantilly, Virginia

Jones, Kip J. ** Mirmonsef, Parastu Raoufinia, Arjang Toyer Jr., Leonard Dano Richmond. V,rg111ia Richmond. Virginia Spnngf1eld, Virginia Burke. V1rg1nia

Kang, Yun Min Morris, Tamesha Danielle Ridha, Hashem M. Truitt, John Edward * Richmond. Virginia Louisa. Virginia Richmond, Virginia Virginia Beach. Virginia Khalil, Ali K. Neshat, Monica Afarin Robertson, Jennifer Noel ** Truong, Kevin Tu Kuwait City, Kuwait Vienna. Virginia Richmond. Virginia Richmond. Virginia

Kirk, Christine Coleman O'Neill, Robert John Salzberg, Adam Jason Vagnetti, Mark Emil * Richmond. Virginia Richmond. Virginia Richmond. Virginia Vienna. Virginia

Konikoff, Bryan Marc * Owen, John Randall Schlensker, Scott David * Viau, Kelly Frye ** Virginia Beach, Virginia Richmond, Virginia Richmond. Virginia Williamsburg, Virginia

Le, Yen Van * Parks, Meredith Sloan Shareghi, Shadi Williams, Clayton Bruce ** Arlington. Virgima Richmond. Virginia Richmond, Virginia Richmond. Virginia

Libbey, Christopher Thomas Parris-Wilkins, Tonya Adrena Sheahan, Bridget Reilly Woodside, Jennifer Lien * Richmond, Virginia Richmond. Virginia Chester, Virginia Richmond. Virginia Ma, Andy Anh The Payne, Christopher Adam Smith, Emily Proctor Zimmerman, Anne Elizabeth Atexandna. Virginia Danville, Virginia Greensboro. North Carolina Harnsonburg, Virginia Mahoozi, Aramesh Peroutka, John Michael * Smith, Marci Shea Richmond. Virginia Richmond. Virginia Richmond. Virginia

Mansman II, Robert William Phan, Duy-Man Le * Solis, Ricardo Belinchon * Richmond. Virginia Richmond. Virginia Richmond, Virginia Mayo, Gregory Charles Phung, Anhthu Nguyen Struhs, Theodore William ** Leesburg, Virg11na Richmond, Virginia Chester, Virginia

--1--f School of Education

Edmunds, Douglas D. Spencer, Charity Elizabeth Bachelor of Science Recreation. Parks and Sport Swanson Post-master's Certific ates Management Recreation. Parks and Sport Candie/ares /m:se nced l,y Danville. Virginia Management Ccmcliclares /irese ntecl by Midlothian. Virginia Ot'Cm \1;/il/iarn C. Bos /1 c1 ./r. Featherston Ill, Charles Aubrey * Dean F. Douglm 13011Jinm . Health. Physical Ed ucation and Stevens, Jennifer Ann School of Grncl ,wte St udies !Berberich, Danielle Marie Exercise Science Recreation. Parks and Sport Health. Physical Education and Midlothian. Virginia Management Arco, Debbie Lynn Exercise Science Hayes. Virginia Principals and Supervisors King William. Virginia Johnson, Corey LaMont Mechanicsville. Virginia Health. Physica l Education and Straughen, Winston Booker, Adam Berkley Exercise Science Recreation. Parks and Sport Holmes, Dianne Widener Recreati on. Pa rks and Sport Newport News. Virginia Management Principals and Supervisors Management Richmond. Virginia Fredericksburg. Virginia Richmond. Virginia Jones Jr., William Martin Health. Physical Edu cation and Troilo, Angeline Marie Hopkins, Linda Lee Brown, Monique Nicole * Exercise Science Recreation. Parks and Sport Principals and Supervisors Chesterfield. Virginia Recreation. Parks and Sport Midlothian. Virginia Management Management Brandy Station. Virginia Landon, Robert Lewis, John Christian Richmond. Virginia Principals and Supervisors Recreation. Parks and Sport Waller, Shannon Renee Alexandria. Virginia Capuano, Brian William * Management Recreation. Parks and Sport Recreation. Parks and Sport Suffolk. Virginia Management Luck, Tammie Menzies Management Colonial Heights. Virginia Reading Specialist Markham, Sarah Elizabeth Chester. Virginia Mechanicsville. Virginia Health. Physical Education and Wilson, Kisha A. Clark, Anike Noel Exercise Science - Athletic Training Health. Physical Education and Mahayni, Nidol Health. Physical Education and Fredericksburg, Virginia Exercise Science -Athl etic Training Principals and Supervisors Exerci se Science Willingboro. New Jersey Richmond. Virginia Chesapeake. Virginia Reeves, Carey Knoeller Health. Physical Education and Lennon, Stephanie Cree Collins, Heather Kincaid Exercise Science Post-baccalaureate Principals and Supervisors Health. Phys ical Education and Glen Allen. Virginia Glen Allen. Virginia Exe rcise Science Certificates Beaverdam. Virginia Richardson, Jason Leonard Vogt, Lisa Dyson Recreation. Parks and Sport Ccmcliclares /m:sentccl h Pri ncipals and Supervisors Couey, Dana M. Management Deun F. Du 11 glas 13011(/inor. Richmond. Virginia Health. Physical Education and Brooklyn, New York Sclwul of Grncl11are Srndies Exercise Science Robinson, Jernaya Roshell Williamsburg. Virginia Ford, Lillian Elizabeth Health. Physical Edu ca tion and Master of Education Library/Media Specialist Davis, Matthew Jay Exercise Science Chester. Virginia Recreation. Parks and Sport Nathalie. Virginia C<111didmcs pre.'<' llt<'ll /J\• Management Howe, Susan Freeman Deun F. /)ouglu., 13011di11or. Coloma/ Heights. Virginia Scott, Janet Cherie School of Grnd,wre Srndics Health. Physical Education and Library/Media Specialist DeFebo, Christine M. Mechanicsville. Virginia Exercise Science Ahsan, Samrene Recreation. Parks and Sport Upper Marlboro. Maryland Adult Education and Human Resource Management Development Newport News. Virginia Smith, Lawrence Christina * Health. Phys ical Education and Richmond Virginia Dorosz, Kathryn A. Exercise Science Alexander, Marcie Kim Recreation. Parks and Tourism King William. Virginia Curriculum and Instruction Chicago. Illinois Richmond, Virginia School of Education continued

Barnes. Rhonda Nikki Delk Cook, Leslie Holliday Kennemore Harris, Maureen Michelle Pasco, Susan Croft Curriculum and Instruction Curriculum and Instruction Administration and Supervision Adu lt Education and Human Resource Suffolk. Virginia Mechanicsville. Virginia Richmond. Virginia Development Richmond. Virginia Beasley, Shannon Lee Cossaboon, Laura Ann Howson, Barbara Carr Adult Education and Human Resource Curriculum and Instruction Counselor Education Payne, Shajuana Isom Development Richmond. Virginia Richmond. Virginia Counselor Education Chesterfield. Virginia Chesterfield. Virginia Dainty, Denise Elaine Giles Hudson, Christy Lynn Benavides, Roberto Carlos Special Education - Learning Curriculum and Instruction Pugh, Patricia Jarecki Administration and Supervision Disabilities Richmond. Virginia Special Education - Earl y Childhood Mechanicsville. Virginia Midlothian. Virginia Richmond. Virginia Hughes, Elissa Renee Boehles, Mark Charles Dibble, Sherlyn Yates Special Education - Learning Pulsifer, Lisa Michelle Special Education - Learning Curriculum and Instruction Disabilities Special Education - Severe Disabilities Disabilities Glen Allen. Virginia Richmond. Virginia Richmond. Virginia Richmond. Virginia Dussault, Michael Scott Jacobs, Jennifer Sutherland Reilly, Kimberly Borden Boyer, Robin Martin Administration and Supervision Counselor Education Ad ministration and Supervision Administration and Supervision Richmond. Virginia Richmond. Virginia Chesterfield. Virginia Glen Allen. Virginia Fabricant, Tracy Fergusson Traylor Johnson, Randall W. Roane, Deborah Washington Bradley, Karen Ruth Curriculum and Instruction Administration and Supervision Curriculum and Instruction Curriculum and Instruction Mechanicsville. Virginia King William. Virginia Mechanicsville. Virginia Chesterfield. Virginia Farmer, Anne Randolph Labbe, Darby Lou Romig, Deborah Lynn Brown, Brewster Jennings Counselor Education Counselor Ed ucation Special Education - Emotional Counselor Education Charlottesville. Virginia Richmond. Virginia Disturbance Richmond. Virginia Richmond. Virginia Fellows, Brian Patrick Ladd, Danielle Renee Cantwell, Kathleen A. Administration and Supervision Special Education - Emotional Rosser, Karen Anne Counselor Education Richmond. Virginia Disturbance Curriculum and Instruction Mechanicsville. Virginia Fellows, Carey Dooley Richmond. Virginia Richmond. Virginia Cardoza, Julie A. Administration and Supervision Lawrence, Kimberly Corry Sauer, Jennifer L. Special Education - Emotional Richmond, Virginia Curriculum and Instruction Disturbance Adm in istration and Supervision Richmond, Virginia Richmond. Virginia Richmond. Virginia Forquer, Kimberly Marie Counselor Education Lundy, Cheryl D. Certosimo, Donna Jeanne Schott, Thomas Jerome Glen Allen. Virginia Administration and Supervision Counselor Education Administration and Supervision Richmond. Virginia Mechanicsville. Virginia Fortune, Andrea Alyce Fox Glen Allen. Virginia Administration and Supervision Martin, Melissa Diane Chalmers, Cara Lee Fisher Shah, Geeta S. Fredericksburg, Virginia Counselor Education Administration and Supervision Ad ult Education and Human Resource Mechanicsville. Virginia Fredencksburg, Virginia Gara, Cydney Vonderlehr Development Special Education - Severe Disabilities Mitchell, Tiffany Ann Midlothian. V,rg1n1a Champ, Deia Nicole Person Manakin Sabot. Virginia Counselor Education Administration and Supervision Shaw, Sheree Godsey Petersburg. Virginia Richmond, Virginia Goodman, Leslie Wood Curriculum and Instruction Curriculum and Instruction Morrison, Kimberly Beckford Chester, Virginia Coffey, Kimber Leigh Glen Allen. Virgima Curriculum and Instruction Administration and Supervision Short, Robert Anthony Richmond, Virginia Richmond. V1rg1nia Green, Christopher William Administration and Supervision Adult Education and Human Resource Mulholland, Amanda Robinson Richmond. Virginia Conklin, Jaime Dishman Development Counselor Education Administration and Supervision Shotwell, Whitney Richmond. Virginia Glen Allen. Virginia Richmond, Virginia Special Education - Emotional Hall, Jennifer Carroll Dis turbance Counselor Education Mechank:sville. Virginia Mechanicsville. Virginia * Cum Laude ** Magna Cum Laude *** Summa Cum Laude • University Honors Student

Silbennan. Valerie L Walthour Jr., Wilbert Arnold Fiske, Cameron Floyd , :ounselor Education Master of Science Recreation. Parks and Sport Leadership Teaching - History and Social Studies ~1chmond. Virginia Richmond. V1rg111ia Education l ·.,11 ./i,/dit'\ />l\'s, 'Jllc't/ h· Richmond. Virginia ,Sinkler. Patricia Sue Fabian / .\·t1 n F. l )1i 11 t! /d, Ii , ,11 llin 1,1 . :urriculum and Instruction Master of Teach ing Haas, El izabeth Anne \ ,·/i .... t .. , l ;,.t1, l11t1fc' \ 111 ,/i,·, Midlothian. Virginia Teaching - Mathematics Education l 't1 1h li,/dtc·s f'J'c'SC: ii[c',/ h, Midlothian. Virgima Sorrell, Elizabeth Sue Brotzman, William Craig l \'<111 F. I l .. ,,~/t1, /)., 11 ,/111 .. 1. Special Education - Early Childhood Recreation. Parks and Sport Leadership Hall, Megan Michelle \L li 1"1/, ,( t i rdt. l11dft \u1tli1.·, Richmond. Virginia Richmond. Virginia Teaching - Early Education Midlothian. V1rgillla St. Pierre, Lisa Michelle Brown. Christopher Adam Allen, Carey Lee Counselor Education Recreation. Parks and Sport Leadership Teaching - History and Social Studies Harrington , Jennifer Teates Midlothian, Virginia Richmond. Virgima Education Teaching - Spanish Education Richmond. Virgillla Ashland. Virginia Starkman, Gloria Barbara Katz Burdick, Brett Alan Cou nselor Education Recreation. Parks and Sport Leadership Boggs. Vincent Sky Hayes, Stephanie MacDonald Richmond, Virginia Richmond. Virginia Teaching - History and Social Studies Teaching - History and Social Studies Education Education Still, Rebecca Ann Craig, Melinda Jeanne Walkerton. Virg1llla Richmond. Virginia Cu rriculum and Instruction Recreation. Parks and Sport Leadership Haymes, Sarah Scott Richmond, Virginia Mechanicsville. Virginia Brooks, Robin Stephanie Teaching - Early Education Teaching - History and Social Studies Taylor, Brenda Wilson Di Tomasso, David Todd Richmond. Virginia Education Adult Education and Human Resource Recreation. Parks and Sport Leadership Chesterfield, Virginia Development Clarendon Hills. Illinois Carrubba, Carla Henson, Catherine L Glen Allen. Virgillla Teaching - Interdisciplinary Science Engelhard, Colleen Marie Education Teaching - Early Education Underwood , Kimberly Allen Recreation. Parks and Tourism Richmond. Virginia Ashland. Virginia Cu rriculum and Instruction New Orleans. Louisiana Hoge, Carrie Featherstone Midlothian. Virginia Carter, Peronica Michell Howard Fane, Adrien R. Teaching - Early Education Teaching - Early Education VanDerhoff. Heather Anne Recreation. Parks and Tou rism Richmond. Virginia Richmond, Virginia Curriculum and Instruction Portsmouth. Virginia Isak, Audrey Lynn Glen Allen. Virginia Crenshaw, Lara Elizabeth Mayo, Johnathan Austin Teaching - Early Education Teaching - Early Education Wagoner, Jennifer L Recreation. Parks and Sport Leadership Richmond. Virgmia Richmond. Virginia Co unselor Education Richmond. Virginia Jackson, Joseph Andrew Richmond, Virginia Crew, Jonathan Bradford Mergenthal, Lindsey Marie Teaching - Early Education Teaching - Earl y Education White, Jennifer Anne Recreation. Parks and Sport Leadership Mechamcsville. Virginia Richmond. Virginia Adult Education and Human Resource Elk River. Minnesota Kennedy, Kelly D' Anna Development Eadie. Lauren Marie Teaching - Early Education Warrenton, Virginia Owusu, Frank Kwame Teaching - Early Education Recreation. Parks and Sport Leadership Richmond. Virgima Gamesville. Georgia Whittingham, Michelle Cooper Richmond. Virgima Kim, Eun Jung Adult Education and Human Resource Early, C. Randy Schille-Brown. Denise Chantelle Teaching - Early Education Development Teaching - Special Education Recreation. Parks and Tourism Richmond, Virgima Richmond, Virginia Richmond. Virgm1a Richmond, Virgima Ellis, Cathon Rebecca Lawlor, Elizabeth Tracy Wright. Christine Marie Teaching - Early Educa tion Counselor Education Trimble Ill. John Teaching - Special Education Recreation. Parks and Sport Leadership Mechanicsville. Virginia Richmond, Virginia Chester. Virgima Glen Allen. Virgima Feldacker, Robert Lloyd Lombardi. Christopher Peter Villiott, Philip Michael Teaching - Ea rl y Education Teaching - Early Education Recreation. Parks and Sport Leadership Richmond, Virgima Richmond. Virginia Midlotlllan. Virginia

17 School of Education continued

Lyne, Stacey Nicole Miller, Kimberly Murdock Rhodes, Richard Gilbert Vickers, Anne Brooke Smith Teach ing - Early Education Teaching - Early Ed uca tion Teaching - History and Social Studies Teaching - Mathematics Education Richmond, Virginia Colonial Heights, Virginia Education Ashland, Virginia Burke, Virginia Macklin, Keasia Mink, Jaime Cagle Whitley, Andrea Lynn Teaching - Spanish Education Teaching - Early Education Segal, Adrienne Beth Teaching - Early Education Amityville, New York Richmond, Virginia Teaching - Early Education Richmond, Virginia Richmond, Virginia Marshall, Lisa Harty Motrynczuk, Robert K. Witt, Jeffrey Ray Teaching - Early Education Teaching - Early Education Sondgeroth, Stephanie Jane Teaching - Mathematics Education Richmond. Virginia Richmond. Virginia Teaching - Early Education Sutherland, Virginia Colonial Heights, Virginia McGinley, Nicole Susan Perkins, Kelli Dawn Teaching - Early Education Teaching - Early Education Terry, Shannon Dianne Richmond, Virginia Mechanicsville, Virginia Teaching - Ea rly Education Richmond, Virginia Meleski, Stacy Marie Teaching - Earl y Education Powhatan, Virginia VClf5r,))I ))lf!ll( 1e l)IPIII !j()()j School of Engineering

Castillo, Ryan Mendoza Fernandez, Gertrude Kuper, Stephen Kenneth Bachelor of Science Computer Science Mechanical Engineering Computer Science Petersburg. Virginia Richmond. Virginia Quinton. Virginia

Cun,/idur.:, {'h' ,c'illc\l /,,, Chamberlain, Derek Haskall *** Fry, Mary Elizabeth * LaVecchia, Paul David D,un R, ,/,,·n _I. ,\ f,mc111d1 Mechanical Engineering Electrical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Richmond. Virgima Richmond. Virg111ia Richmond. Virginia Aalai , Mohammad Ali * Biomedical Engineering Chan, Bentley P. ** Gupta, Vandana * Lawrence, William Harris ** Annandale. Virginia Mechanical Engineering Biomedical Engineering Electrical Engineering Richmond. Virginia Newpo11 News. Virg111ia Gloucester Virginia Anderson, Elizabeth W. * Lee, Kison Esther Biomedical Engineering Choe, Hye Yong Hale, Andrew Edward Chemica l Engineering West Harwich. Massachusetts Biomedical Engineering Computer Science Burke. Virg111ia Richmond. Virginia Richmond. Virg111ia Baedke, Michael Lynn ** Ma, Ru-hong * Electrical Engineering Chow, Woon Nam **• Heise, David Benjamin * Biomedical Engineering Charlottesville. Virginia Biomedical Engineering Biomedical Engineering Richmond. Virginia Richmond. V1rg111ia Richmond. Virginia Barnes, Matthew G. Mach, Ouoc Bao Mechanical Engineering Craig, James Andrew Herrera, Sebastian I. Electrical Engineering Richmond. Virginia Computer Science Electrical Engineering Mechanicsville. V1rgin,a Charlottesville. Virginia Richmond. Virgin,a Barrett, Luke John Paul * Hodges, Charles Anthony Malak, Christopher Magdi H Mechanical Engineering Crow Jr., James Brian * Mechanica l Engineering Computer Science Richmond. Virginia Chemical Engineering Richmond. Virginia Richmond. Virginia Colonial Heights. Virginia Beach, Kenneth Lee Husejnovic, Berina Mallahan, Erin Lorain * Mechan ica l Engineering Dacha, Fred 0. Mechanical Engineering Biomedical Engineering H(ghland Springs. Virgin,a Chemical Engineering Richmond. Virgima Richmond. Virginia Dinwiddie. Virgima Boone, Corey Dwayne Hussaini, Syed Kalim Hu Malpaya, Bernadette Sison Chem ical Engineering Daniell, Stuart Charles Biomedical Engineering Electrical Engineering Franklin. Virgima Chemical Engineering Chester Virg1111a Spnngl1eld. Virginia Richmond. Virginia Bryant, Avory Christopher* Hutchens, Steven Edward He Manoni, David Michael * Computer Science Davis, Donovan Tremayne * Biomedical Engineering Electrical Engineering Fredericksburg. Virgin,a Electrical Engineering Spotsylvania. Virginia South Boston. Virginia Pla111 View V1rgm1a Bryce, William Fielding Hu Martin, Jason Daniel * DeFriece, Joshua Chad H U James II, Alvin C. Electrical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Biomedical Engineering Biomedical Engineering Richmond. Virgima Chesterfield. Virginia Ridgeway, Virgima Sutherland. Virg111ia Butcher, Joseph Daniel Lee May, Maxim J. u Donald, Erik Todd H Kassaye, Yenew Tekeba Electrical Engineering Computer Science Electrical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Mechanicsville. Virginia Midlothian. V1rg1111a Richmond. V1rgima Richmond. Virg1ma Campbell Jr., Larry N. Dunlap, Kathleen Margaret Keeton, David Lyle Meidinger, Jason Earl * Biomedical Engineering Electrical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Biomedical Engineering Matoaca. Virginia Mechanicsville. V1rgmia Richmond. V1rgmia Midlothian. Virgima Carlson, Christopher M. Mekonnen, Hamere Eck Sr., Michael Wayne Kim, Joy Young ** Computer Science Electrical Engineering Electrical Engineering Biomedical Engineering Virgima Beach. Virginia Richmond. Virginia Richmond. Virgin,a Fairfax. Virgin,a School of Engineering continued

Miller, Randall Scott Peters, Katie Elizabeth **• Whitesides, Russell Andrew **• Amin, Parimal Computer Science Biomedical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Computer Science Richmond. Virginia Blacksburg, Virginia Hopewell, Virginia Richmond. Virginia

Mitchel. Christian Jon Powers, Nathan Tate Win, Maung Nyan *** Chaudhari, Sachin Dinkar Mechanical Engineering Computer Science Chemical Engineering Biomedical Engineering South Riding, Virginia Richmond, Virginia Richmond, Virginia Chicago, Illinois

Mitchell, Ryan Michael ** 0 Pruett, William Aaron * Yancey, Mark Allen * Coleman Ill, Branch Delano Biomedical Engineering Chemical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Biomedical Engineering Glen Allen, Virginia Richmond, Virginia Chester, Virginia Hollywood, Maryland

Moore, Joseph Andrew * Puthoor, Pamela Raja **• Yu, Chia-Ho Ferguson, Grace McGrady Computer Science Biomedical Engineering Computer Science Computer Science Rockville, Virginia Henderson, Nevada Richmond. Virginia Richmond. Virginia

Mukkamala, Sri Krishna **" Rudd, Kevin Edward Hivziefendic, Biad Biomedical Engineering Computer Science Computer Science Virginia Beach, V1rg1nia Mechanicsville, Virginia Post-baccalaureate Prince George, Virg1n1a Certificate in Computer Niemczyk, Timothy Paul Scruggs, Aaron Aman Science Huangfu, Donghai Electrical Engineering Computer Science Computer Science Richmond, Virginia Chesterfield. Virginia Cun,liduccs fm.:scmccl h\· Richmond, Virginia Noel, Jason Todd ** Sell, Scott A. Dm n F. /), 111g/m /311 11din 11 c, Johnston Ill, Miles Cary Chemical Engineering Biomedical Engineering Scl J1111 ! of Crnc/ 11wc Su, cl ics Engineering Richmond. Virginia Chesterfield. Virginia Richmond. Virginia Hollenbach, Nathan E. Novak, Kyle Christopher Siddiqui, Shariq Midlothian, Virginia McCormick, Timothy Edward Electrical Engineering Chemical Engineering Computer Science Manassas, Virginia Joy, Karen Lynn Richmond. Virginia Petersburg, Virginia Richmond, Virginia Osborne, Matthew C, Smith, Christopher Graham Puma, Federico Axel W. Computer Science Rujirabanjerd, Suranart Electrical Engineering Biomedical Engineering Springfield, Virginia Chester, Virginia Richmond. Virginia Richmond. Virginia Panchmatia, Amit Praful * Stahling, Katherine Virginia Computer Science Mechanical Engineering Kisumu, Kenya Saluda, Virginia Master of Science Pares, Michael Joshua Tamburello, Brian Michael * Cu ndiclnc cs Jlrcsc nc cd h)' Computer Science Computer Science Dc,m F. /),111g/m 13uw li11 11 c, Richmond, Virginia Virginia Beach, Virginia Sch, >Of u/ lhucl11ur,· Sc11 clic., Passmore, Nicole M. ** Tefera, Yadankulish * Electrical Engineering Electrical Engineering Adnani, Fedra Richmond, Virginia Richmond. Virginia Biomedical Engineering Glen Allen, Virginia Patel, Jigar Muljibhai Waldrup, Stephen Beau * Computer Science Chemical Engineering Almasri, Thaer Mohammed Richmond. Virginia Midlothian, Virginia Engineering Richmond, Virginia Perkinson, Mary Elizabeth Whitehead, Thomas William Mechanical Engineering Computer Science Richmond. Virg111ia Richmond, Virginia

,5() vcli:i,m /)1('//('('/}lf'II( !_!(}()/-j School of Graduate Studies

\faster of lnterdisc iplinary Studies

_-,mditlurcs f'rc'Sc'IH <', / /1" /.Je an F D"11glu., 8,1Jllli1111r. 'dwol u( Gn"111t1Cc' )Ci{(lic·,

Oent, Patrick Hampton Sandston, Virginia Lankford, Linda Amonette Norfolk, Virginia Sulzberg, Joseph Frank Richmond. Virginia

,; I VC® o111111e11(Je111e11t 20()/j School of Medicine

Doherty, Matthew l Krochmal, Rebecca Lauren Thakral, Vishl Pre-med ical Basic Health Ana tomy Microbiology and Immunology Anatomy Science Certificate Williamsburg, Virginia Norfolk. Virginia Burke, Virginia Donlan Ill, Martin Andrew Mendoza, Michael Vincent Vaughan Jr., Leroy Brown Candidmes /ncscnrd by Anatomy Physiology Anatomy Oum F. D011gh 1 f3 ,mclin or, Richmond, Virginia Richmond, Virginia Richmond. Virg,n,a Sc hool of Grcu/1wr e Sll(cl ics Fields, Alaina Nicole Miller, Peter Macon White, Michael Alexander Acors, Valerie Christine Phys iology Microbiology and Immunology Anatomy Physiology Richmond, Virginia Richmond. Virginia Charlotte, North Carolina Richmond, Virginia Fox, Christopher Cho Murdock, Wendy Marie Winston, Brian Phillip Ahmed, Hafeez Yusuf Physiology Anatomy Physiology Physiology Vienna, Virg,nia Roanoke, Virginia Bowie, Maryland R,chmond. Virginia Fritsch, Kirsten Rene Obusan, Franz Albert Ong Ante Ahmed, Shareef Basheer Anatomy Microbiology and Immunology Physiology Richmond, Virginia Richmond. Virginia Master of Public Health Richmond, Virg,nia Gaspar, Jonathan Patrick Queen, Brenda Allyn C(l 11 didc,rc.1 Jnc.1.:nrecl by Atkins, Latoya Tani Anatomy Physiology Dc1111 F. D011 glo s Bu"liin ot, Physiology Kilmarnock. Virginia R,chmond, Virginia Sclwol uf Grac/ 1wtc St11 dic.1 Richmond, Virginia George, Amanda Lynn Reardon, Michael Anthony Copeland, Ebony Rose Brueggemann, Daniel Anatomy Anatomy Hampton. Virginia Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics Virginia Beach, Virginia Richmond, Virginia Midlothian, Virg,nia Gibbons, Rebecca Leigh Ridder, Thomas Stephen Dillard, Natosha Chennile Burroughs, Lisa Michelle Microbiology and Immunology Anatomy Richmond, Virginia Richmond, Virginia Physiology Fredericksburg, Virginia Hollon-Early, Leah Kathleen Alexandria, Virginia Hagood, Sarah Katherine Rowson, Melanie V. Richmond, Virginia Anatomy Chang, Hewon Christina Human Genetics Joshi, Sangeeta Narahari Shawsville, Virgin ia Physiology Norfolk, Virginia Richmond, Virginia Centreville, Virginia Hartness, Christopher Brinson Shaw, Eric Thomas Karandikar, Abhijay Prabhakar Anatomy Colie, Jeraldine Ann Dkaikor­ Anatomy Richmond, Virginia Adiza Fayetteville. North Carolina Fredericksburg, Virginia Human Genetics McGill, Cory Orlando Holbert II, William H. Shea, Sofia Marica Reston, Virginia Richmond, Virg1n1a Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics Physiol ogy Coulthard, Stacy Lauren R,chmond, Virg,nia Richmond, Virg1i1ia Anatomy Jones, Christopher Steven Singleton, Michael William Montpelier, Virginia Master of Science Physiology Anatomy Dameron, William Edward Richmond, Virginia Richmond, Virginia Cun ,lidutes /ncsc nrd /,\, Physiology Dcu n F. D0 11g/m Bu111 /i1 wr, Kaufman, Elizabeth Dorothy Sundy, Christina Marie Fredericksburg, Virginia S,-/1 no/ of G md1tll1 <' Srudics Anatomy Microbiology and Immunology Daner Ill, William Etzler Roanoke, Virginia Richmond, Virginia Physiology AI-Zubaidi, Akrum Amer Ko , Sung C. Thai, Minhtam Thi Richmond, Virginia Human Genetics Physiology Phys iology Roanoke. Virginia Davis, William Bradley Spnngf1eld, Virginia Springfield, Virginia Anikwue, Rene Chike Pharmacology and Toxi co logy Richmond, Virginia Pharmacology and Toxicology Richmond, Virg,n1a * Cum Laude ** Magna Cum Laude *** Summa Cum Laude • University Honors Student

Atkins, Latoya Tani Hattangadi, Deepali Kishore Rubal, Patricia A. Tallent, Sandra McKenzie Physiology Pharmacology and Toxicology Genetic Counseling Microbiology and Immunology Richmond. Virg111ia Richmond. V1rg11ua Richmond. V1rg111ia Stafford. Virginia Barrett, Daniel Matthew Hunt, Sharyn Pierce Sadr, Kamran Nicholas Urtz, Deborah Hoyt Physiology Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics Physiology Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics Richmond. Virginia Glen Allen. Virgi111a Great Falls. V1rgi111a Richmond. Virginia

Brown, William Ross Islam, Leila Zebin Sauer, Jeremy Thomas Zameroski , Natalie Anne Physiology Physiology Anatomy Physiology Richmond. V1rg1111a Portsmouth. Virg11na Glen Allen. Virginia McGahevsv1/le. Virginia

D'Achille, Dania Marie Knightshead, Kandi T. Schleicher, William Frederick Zornetzer, Sarah Elizabeth Genetic Counseling Physio logy Physiology Genetic Counseling Richmond. Virginia Chauvin. Louisiana Forest. Virginia Richmond. V1rgi111a Dalton, George D. Lee, Jennifer Erin Schreiber, Allison Heather Pharmacology and Toxicology Genetic Counseling Genetic Counseling Richmond. Virgima Harrisonburg. Virg1111a Richmond. V1rgima

Dange, Yojana Ravindra Metts, Michael Sean Shea, Jennifer Ann Pharmacology and Toxicology Microbiology and Immunology Pharmacology and Toxicology Richmond. Virg11ua Richmond. Virginia Fairfax Sta/Ion. Virgi1na

Filicky, Leslie Anne Rankin , Molly Ward Strub, Graham Michael Biostatistics Biostatistics Human Genetics Richmond. Virginia Ashburn. Virginia Richmond. Virg111ia

Allen, Carrie Ann Avin, llan David Doctor of Medicine Richmond. Virg1111a Baltimore. Maryland Hospital Appo1111ment MCV Hospita ls of the VCU Hospital Appo111tment University of Washington Cm1d idd1,·, r,r,·,,·nlc',I h Health System. Richmond. Virginia Affiliated Hospitals. Seattle. Washmgton !Surgery) !Obstetrics/Gynecology) Dc

) ' )-, ) School of Medic ine continued

Brant, Seth Evans Chung, Jiyearn Katya Delanoy, Anne Elizabeth Meadville. Pennsylvania Waslnngton. OC. Dakton. V,rginia Hospital Appointment: MCV Hospitals of the VCU Hospital Appointments New York Hospital Medical Hospital Appoimment: VCU Shenandoah Valley Family Health System. Richmond. Virginia (Internal Center - Queens. Flushing. New York (Transitional); Practice Residency Program. Winchester. Vi rgin ia Medicine) MCV Hospitals of the VCU Health System. Richmond. (Family Practice) Virginia (Diagnostic Radiology) Brar, Vikram Singh DesChamplain, Michelle Lee Virginia Beach. Virg1n1a Clawser, Rory Adam Virginia Beach. Virginia Hospital Appointments. Medical Center of Delaware­ Orlando. Flonda Hospital Appointment. Geisinger Medical Center, Christiana Hospital. Newark. Delaware (Transitional); Hospital Appointment. MCV Hospitals of the VCU Danvil le. Pennsylva nia (Su rgery) MCV Hospitals of the VCU Health System. Richmond. Health System. Richmond. Virginia Virginia (Ophthalmology) (Obstetrics/Gynecology) Didolkar, Manjiri Mukund Baltimore. Maryland Brenner, Megan Lindsay Colvin Jr., Hugh Frederick Hospital Appointment: Hospital of the University of Vancouver, Canada Richmond. Virginia Pennsylvania. Ph iladelphia. Pennsylvania Hospital Appointment: University of Southern California. Hospital Appo111tment: MCV Hospitals of the VCU (Orthopaedic Surgery) Los Angeles. California (Surgery - Preliminary) Health System. Richmond. Virginia (Internal Medicine - Preliminary) Donohue, Kathleen Marie Brown, Michael Heath Reston. v,,g1n1a Lynchburg. V,rginia Colyn, Nira Hospital Appointment: New York Presbyterian Hospital Hospital Appointment. Atlanta Medical Center. Atlanta. Kimberley, South Afnca - Columbia. New York. New York (I nterna l Medicine) Georgia (Orthopaedic Surgery) Hospital Appointment: University of South Florida Doyle, Kelly Elaine Bruno, Todd Anthony College of Medicine. Tampa, Florida (Internal Medicine - Pediatrics) Richmond. Virginia Dumfnes. Virginia Hospital Appointment: University of Massachusetts Hospital Appointment: Travis Air Force Base. Fairfield. Conklin, Robert Charles Programs. Worcester. Massachusetts (Urology) Cali fornia (Internal Medicine) Roanoke. Virginia Eaton-Scuderi, Gaelyn Elizabeth Lee Call, Lisa Jordan Hospital Appointments· Cari lion Health System. Yorktown. Virginia Virginia Beach. Virginia Roanoke. Virginia (Transitional); MCV Hospitals of the Hospital Appointment: Portsmouth Naval Medical Hospital Appointment. Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical VCU Health System. Richmond. Virginia (Diagnostic Radiology) Center. Portsmouth. Virginia (Transitional) Center. Lebanon. New Hampshire (Internal Medicine -Primary) Cook, Adam Brett Ellis, Michelle Lee Richmond. V,rginia Chakravorty, Devi Chilhowie. Virginia Hospital Appointment: Caril ion Heal th System. Roanoke. Silver Spring. Maryland Hospital Appointment: University of Massachusetts Virginia (Transitional) Hospital Appointment: MCV Hospitals of the VCU Medical School. Worcester. Massachusetts (Surgery) Health System. Richmond. Virginia Cooper, Lauren Elizabeth Feldman, Michael John (Obstetrics/Gynecology) Midlothian. Virginia V,rgima Beach. Virginia Chapin, Lucius Tyler Hospital Appointment. Albany Medical Center Hospital. Hospital Appointment: MCV Hospitals of the VCU Richmond. Virginia Albany, New York (Emergency Medicine) Health System. Richmond. Virginia (Plastic Surgery) Hospital Appointment: MCV Hospitals of the VCU Dalal, Kevin Lee Feldmann Jr.. Mark Ernst Health System. Richmond. Virginia (Pediatrics) Roanoke. Virginia Roanoke. Virginia Cheng, Karen Deborah Hospital Appointments: MCV Hospitals of the VCU Hospital Appointment Medical University of South Laguna Niguel. California Health System. Richmond. Virginia (Internal Medicine Carolina. Charleston. South Carolina (Surgery) Hospital Appointments. University of California. Irvine - Preliminary); New England Medical Center. Boston. Ferrera, Marc Huliganga Massachusetts (Physical Medicine and Medical Center. Irvine. Ca lifornia (Internal Medicine - V,rg1nia Beach. Virginia Rehabilitation) Preliminary); University of California. Irvine Medical Hospital Appointment. Pensacola Naval Hospital. Center. Irvine. California (Neurology) Davey, Kathleen Mara Pensacola. Florida (Family Practice) Virginia Beach. Virginia Choe, Cassandra Heesung Fox, Katrina Virginia Hospital Appointment: Wright-Patterson Air Force Base Centreville. Virginia Manassas. Virginia Dayton. Ohio (Internal Medicine) · Hospital Appointment · North Shore University Hospital. Hospital Appointment: University of Washington Manhasset. New York (Surgery) Affiliated Hospitals. Seattle. Washington (Obstetrics/Gynecology)

C)-f * Cum Laude ** Magna Cum Laude *** Summa Cum Laude • University Honors Student

1Goldberg, Stephanie Pevenstein Hawkins, Kara Brenn Fulcher Jamerson, Christopher Monroe Vienna, Virg1111a Lynchburg, Virginia Richmond. Virg111ia Hospital Appointment. MCV Hospitals of the VCU Hospital Appointment University Health Center of Hospital Appomtment Memoria l Medical Center, Inc., Health System, Richmond, Virginia (Surgery) Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh. Pennsylvania (Internal Savannah, Georgia (Pediatrics) Medicine) Goodnight, Todd Anthony Jenski, Christian Alexander Halifax, Virginia Heimbach, Curt Jarvis North Haledon, New Jersey Hospital Appointments. MCV Hospitals of the VCU Pottstown, Pennsylvallla Hospital Appointment. MCV Hospitals of the VCU Health System, Richmond, Virginia (Pediatrics - Hospital Appointment MCV Hospitals of the VCU Health System, Richmond, Vi rginia (Emergency Preliminary): Mercy Hospital of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Heal th System, Richmond, Virginia (Emergency Medicine) Pennsylvan ia (Diagnostic Radio logy) Medicine) Johnson, Douglas Allan Gorelik, Dima Hobeika, Mark Joseph Falls Church, Virginia Reisterstown, Maryland Blacksburg, Virginia Hospital Appointment. MCV Hospitals of the VCU Hospital Appointment. Maimonides Medical Center, Hospital Appo111tment New York University Medical Health System, Richmond, Virginia (Internal Medicine Brooklyn, New York (Internal Medicine - Preliminary) Center, New York, New York (Surgery) - Primary)

Graves, Julia Elizabeth Hodgson, Wesley Raymond Johnson, Kathryn Marie Richmond, Virginia Gaithersburg, Maryland Roanoke, Virg111ia Hospital Appointment. Washington Hospital Center, Hospital Appointment Bethesda Naval Hospital, Hospital Appointment Johns Hopkins Hospital, Washington. D.C. (Internal Medicine - Preliminary) Bethesda, Maryland (Obstetrics/Gynecology) Baltimore, Maryland (Pathology)

Gray, Daniel Casey Hollister, Margaret Evelyn Jones, Ashley Elizabeth Madera, California Moseley, Virgmia Manak1n Sabot. Virgillla Hospital Appointment. Children's Hospital of Orange BS. Longwood University, 1999 Hospital Appointment New York Presbyterian Hospital­ County, Orange, California (Pediatrics) Cornell, New York, New York (Pediatrics) Hsieh, Chi-Feng (Lucy) Green, David Adair Hampton, V1rgillla Kaplan, Sarah Berrigan Bristol, Tennessee Hospital Appomtment Fairfax Famil y Practice Center, Brooklyn, New York Hospital Appointment MCV Hospitals of the VCU Fairfax, Virginia (Family Practice) Hospital Appointment. Brigham and Women's Hospital, Health System, Richmond, Virginia (Internal Boston, Massachusetts (Internal Medicin e) Hsu, Cindy Chiasheng Medicine) Midlotl11an. Virgillla Kasraie, Alex Grookett, Thomas Wister Hospital Appointment. San Jose Medical Center, San Laguna Hills, Califorllla Wildwood. New Jersey Jose, California (Family Practice) Hospital Appointments University of Nevada Affiliated Hospital Appointment· Temple University Hospital. Hospital, Las Vegas. Nevada (Internal Medicine - Hullett, Jonathan Bradley Philadelphia, Penn sylvania (Internal Medicine) Preliminary): Mount Sinai Medical Center, Miami Collinsville, Virginia Beach, Florida (Diagnostic Radiology) Guanzon, Angelo Patrick Hospital Appo111tment. MCV Hospitals of the VCU Danville, Virg1111a Health System, Richmond, Virginia (Anesthesiology) Khaldi, Ahmad Hospital Appointment. University of Virginia, McLean, V1rgillla Huynh, Christine Nhu Cha rl ottesville, Virginia (Emergency Medicine) Hospital Appointment Loyola University Medical Center, Roanoke, V1rgima Maywood, Illinois (Neurological Surgery) Guirkin Jr., Thomas Charles Hospital Appointment.· University of Maryland Medical Richmond, V1rgillla Center, Baltimore, Maryland (Internal Medicine) Kim. Helen Joo Hospital Appointment Georgetown University Hospital, Los Angeles, California Irvin Jr., William Johnson Washington, D.C. (Internal Medicine) Hospital Appointments. MCV Hospitals of the VCU Richmond, Virginia Health System, Richm ond, Virginia (Internal Medicine Hashemi, Ali Reza Hospital Appointment MCV Hospitals of the VCU - Preliminary): University of California. Irvine Medical Fairfax Station, Virginia Health System, Richmond, Virginia (Internal Center, Irvine, California (Anesthesiology) Hospital Appointment.Albany Medical Center Hospital, Medicine) Albany, New York (Orthopaed ic Surgery) Kimble, Michael Lee Iyer, Sowmya Glen Allen, V"ginia Hawkins, Andrew Richard Yorktown, V1rgmia Hospital Appointment: University of Texas Sou thwestern Millersville, Maryland Hospital Appointment Riverside Regional Medical Medical School. Dallas, Texas (Emergency Medicine) Hospital Appointment. Shadyside Hospital , Pittsburgh, Center, Newport News, Virginia (Transitional) Pennsylvania (Family Practice) Kline, James Lee Towson, Maryland

' ) , ,) School of Medicine continued

Klisch, Gregory Levin, Joshua Howard Mccowen, Sara Ashley Fairfax, Virginia Woodbridge, Virginia Richmond, Virginia Hospital Appointments: MCV Hospitals of the VCU Hospital Appointments St. Joseph Mercy Hospital, Ann Hospital Appointment: Allegheny General Hospital, Health System, Richmond, Virginia !Internal Medicine Arbor, Michigan !Transitional); University of Michigan Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (Surgery) - Preliminary); MCV Hospitals of the VCU Health Hospitals, Ann Arbor, Michigan !Physical Medicine McNiff, Katherine Barrett System, Richmond, Virginia !Diagnostic Radiology) and Rehabilitation) Fairfax, V!rg111ia Knust. Lisa Marie Lewis, Bryan Christopher Hospital Appointment: Portsmouth Naval Medical Latham, New York Norfolk, Virginia Center, Portsmouth, Virginia (Pediatrics) Hospital Appointment. Riverside Regional Medical Hospital Appointment: Maine Medical Center, Portland, Middleton, Angela Dawn Center, Newport News, Virginia !Family Practice) Maine !Internal Medicine) Kingsport, Tennessee Koehn, Deborah Ann Liao, David Shang-Kang Hospital Appointment: VC U Chesterfield Family Erie, Pennsylvania Adelphi, Maf}'land Practice Residency Program, Richmond. Virginia Hospital Appointment: MCV Hospitals of the VCU Hospital Appointments Riverside Regional Medical !Family Practice) Health System, Richmond, Virginia !Internal Center, Newport News, Vi rginia !Transitional); Medicine) University of Texas Southwestern Medical School, Miller, James Alexander Dallas, Texas !Ophthalmology) Bristol, Tennessee Krausse, Heather Kilbride Hospital Appointment: MCV Hospitals of the VCU Richmond, Virginia Lou, Jeffrey Cheng Koon Health System, Richmond, Virg inia (Internal Hospital Appointment. MCV Hospitals of the VCU Triangle, Virginia Medicine) Health System, Richmond, Virginia !Psychiatry) Hospital Appointment: MCV Hospitals of the VCU Health System, Richmond, Virginia !Urology) Modlinski, Ryan Edward Kreisl, William Charles Glen Allen, Virginia San Mateo, California Lyders, Eric Matthew Hospital Appointment: Moses H. Cone Memorial Hospital Appointment. New York Hospital - Cornell, Manassas, Virginia Hospital, Greensboro, North Carolina (Family Westchester Division, White Plains, New York Hospital Appointments MCV Hospitals of the VCU Practice) !Neurology) Health System, Richmond, Virginia !Internal Medicine - Preliminary); Wake Forest University Baptist Moore, Jeremy Paul Lackner, Flora Elisabeth Laguna Niguel, California Sterling, Virginia Medical Center, Winston-Salem, North Carolina !Diagnostic Radiology) Hospital Appointment: University of California, Los Hospital Appointment: MCV Hospitals of the VCU Angeles Medical Center, Los Angeles, California Health System, Richmond, Virginia Malcolm, John Bradley !Pediatri cs) !Obstetrics/Gynecology) Richmond, Virg111ia Moore, Sara Michele Lee, Kangmin Hospital Appointments. University of Tennessee College Richland, Washington New York, New York of Medicine, Memphis, Tennessee !Surgery - Hospital Appointment: Stanford University Hospital, Hospital Appointment: MCV Hospitals of the VCU Preliminary); University of Tennessee College of Stanford, California (Pediatrics) Health System, Richmond, Virginia !Neurological . Medicine, Memphis, Tennessee !Urology) Surgery) Masiky, Leslie Badra Moussally, Jon Scott Sandwich, Massachusetts Lee, Sukhyung Steve Potomac, Maf}'land Hospital Appointment: Brigham and Women's Hospital, Richmond, Virginia Hospital Appointment: George Washington University Boston, Massachusetts IEmergency Medicine) Hospital Appointment. William Beaumont Army Medical Hospital, Washington, D.C. !Obstetrics/Gynecology) Center, El Paso, Texas !Surgery) Masters, Heather Susan Mumpower, Rebecca Yvonne Abingdon, Virginia Leggett, Brett Dustin Fredericksburg, Virginia Hospital Appointments MCV Hospitals of the VCU Sacramento, California Hospital Appointment: MCV Hospitals of the VCU Health System. Richmond, Virginia !Internal Medicine Hospital Appointment: Children's Hospital of Los Health System, Richmond, Virginia !Internal - Pre liminary); MCV Hospitals of the VCU Health Angeles, Los Angeles, California !Pediatrics) Medicine) System, Richmond, Virginia (Physical Medicine and Leuthauser, Amy Denise McAllister, Robert Conrad Rehabilitation) Glendale, Arizona Richmond, Virginia Nasr, Nadim Munir Hospital Appointment· MCV Hospitals of the VCU McCollum, Eric Douglass Norfolk, Virginia Health System, Richmond, Virginia ISurgery­ Fairfax, Virginia Preliminary) Hospital Appointments: MCV Hospitals of the VCU Hospital Appo111tment: New York Presbyterian Hospital­ Health System, Richmond, Virginia !Internal Medicine Columbia, New York, New York (Pediatrics) - Preliminary); Georgetown University Hospital, Washington, D.C. IRadiation Oncol ogy)

,5(; * Cum Laude ** Magna Cum Laude *** Summa Cum Laude • University Honors Student

Neff. Pamela Mitra Pelletier, Erica Rose Salley, David Ross Staunton. Virginia South W111dso( Connecr1cur Slidell. Lou1s1ana Hospira! Appoinrmenr. Hospi tal of the University of Hospira! Appoinrmenr. Eastern Virginia Medical School. Hospira/ Appoinrmenc MCV Hospita ls of tlie VCU Pennsylvania. Philadelphia. Pennsylvania Norfolk. Virginia (Pediatrics) Health System. Richmond. Vi rginia (Otolaryngology) (Obstetrics/Gynecology) Petersen, Erik J. Salley, Kelsey Elizabeth Swanson Nicandri , Gregg Thomas Klamath Falls. Oregon Vi1g1111a Beach. V1rg1111a Webste( New York Hospira/ Appointment Allegheny General Hospital. Hospira/ Appo111rmenr. MCV Hospitals of the VCU Hospira/ Appo111 tmenr· University of Washington Pittsburgh. Penn sylvania (Surgery) Health System. Ric hmond. Virginia (Internal Medicine Affiliated Hospi tal s. Seattle. Wash ington - Women 's Health) (Orthopaedic Surgery) Phamle. Thuthuy Thi Suisun City, California Salt, Jessica Nirmalani , Anjali Hospital Appoimmenr. San Joaquin General Hospital. Fairfax. Virgima Annandale. Virginia French Camp. California (Family Practice) Hospira! Appo117/menr· Brown University. Providence. Hospira! Appointment University of South Florida Rhode Island (Internal Medicine) College of Medicin e. Tam pa. Florida (Psychiatry) Pogemiller Jr., Charles Edward Sarrell. Minnesota Samuel, Susan J. Oertel, Andrea Marie Hospira/ Appoinrmenr Hennepin County Medi ca l Cary, North Carolina Colonial He1gMs. Virginia Center. Minneapolis. Minnesota (Internal Medi ci ne) Hospira/ Appoinrmenr. Rhode Island Ho spital-Brown Hospira/ Appoinrmenr. University of South Florida University, Providence. Rhode Island (Pediatrics) Port, John Eric College of Medicine. Tampa. Florida (Pediatrics) Richmond. V11g111ia Santos, Daniel Victor Orms-Smith, Jessica Leah Hospira! Appo111rmenr. MCV Hospitals of the VCU Balr11nore. Maryland Midlothian. Virgima Health System. Richmond. Virg rni a (In ternal Medicine Hospira/ Appo11J/ment MCV Hospi tals of the VCU Hospita l Appo intrnent: VCU Chesterfield Fami ly Practice - Primary) Health System. Richmond. Virginia (Otolaryngology) Residency Program. Richmond. Virginia (Famil y Poulson, Bo Shaun Practice) Sethi , Narinder Nitin Singh Kaysville. Vermonr McLean. Virgima Pak, Jae Paul Hospital Appo111rmenr. MCV Hospitals of the VCU Hospital Appointments York Hospital. York. Torrance. Califorma Heal th System. Richmond. Virginia (Em erge ncy Pennsylvania (Internal Medicine - Preliminary): Hospira/ Appoinrment MCV Hospita ls of the VCU Heal th Medicine) MCV Hospitals of the VCU Hea lth System. Ri chmond. System. Richmond. Virginia (Ernergency Medicine) Virginia (Diagnostic Radiololgy) Powers, Jessica Faith Paletta, Laura Elizabeth Lebanon. Virginia Shew, Katherine Roscoe Mahopac. New York Hospira/ Appoimmem. Wilford Hall Air Force Base. San Sanford. North Carolina Hospira! Appoinrmenr. MCV Hospitals of the VCU Antonio. Texas (Internal Medicine) Hospira/ Appo111rments. Riverside Regional Medical Health System. Richmond. Virginia (Internal Medicine Center. Newport News. Vi rginia (Transitional): MCV Powis, Kathleen M. - Pediatrics) Hospitals of the VCU Hea lth System. Richmond. M1dlorhian. V1rgima Virg inia (Dermatology) Pastel. David Augustus Hospira! Appoimment Massachusetts General Hospital. Old Lyme. Connecticut Boston. Massachusetts (Internal Medicine - Shilling, A. Tanner Hospira! Appoinrmenrs · St Lukes - Roosevelt Hospita l. Pediatrics) Charlotresville. V1rgima New York. New York (Internal Medicine - Hospira/ Appointments University of Virginia. Quan , Lam Cu Preliminary ): Dartrnouth-Hitchcock Medical Center. Charlottesvi lle. Virginia (Surgery- Preliminary): Richmond. Vuginia Lebanon. New Hampshire (Diagnostic Radiology) University of Virginia. Charlottesville. Virginia Hospira/ Appoimmenrs Tulane Univers ity School of (Diagnostic Radiology) Patel, Devang Mahesh Medi cine. New Orleans. Louisiana (Internal Medicin e Richmond. Virginia - Preliminary): St. Vincent's Hospita l. New York. New Smith, Lane McNeil Hospital Appoinrmenr. University of Maryland Medical York (Physica l Medicine and Rehabilitation) Richmond. Virg1ma Center. Baltimore. Maryland (Internal Medicine - Hospital Appo11umenr: Metrohealth Medical Center. Riaz. Omer Junaid Pediatrics) Cleveland. Ohio (Emergency Medicine) Bluefield. Virgm1a Patil, Sumukh Balaji Hospital Appoimmem MCV Hospitals of the VCU Smith, Laura Lecompte Pitrsburgh. Pennsylvania Health System. Richmond. Virginia (Surgery) Suffo!A. Virginia Hospira/ Appo111/menrs Milton S Hershey Medical Center Hospira/ Appointmem. Stanford University Hosprtal. Sahli, Kevin Jamil - Pennsylvania State University. Hershey. Pennsylvania Stanford. California (Ped iatrrcs) Richmond. Virginia (Internal Medicine - Preliminary): Milton S Hershey Hospira/ Appoimment VCU Cl1esterfield Family Practice Medical Center - Pennsy lvania State Universi ty, Residency Program. Richmond. Virginia (Family Hershey. Pennsylvania (Diagnostic Radiology) Practice)

. JI School of Medicine continued

Soderberg, Kimberly Ingram Trimble, Gregory Robert West-Brown, Janet Virginia Beach, Virginia Great Falls, Virginia Norfolk, Virginia Hospital Appointment. University of Arkansas for Hospital Appointment. University of Utah Affiliated Hospital Appointment. MCV Hospitals of the VCU Medical Sciences. Little Rock. Arkansas Hospitals, Sal t Lake City, Utah (Internal Medicine - Health System, Richmond, Virg inia (Pediatrics) (Dermatology) Pediatrics) Wolff, Brynn Sigal Spraker, Holly Lynn Trivedi, Ami Richmond, Virginia Roanoke, Virginia Chester. Virginia Hospital Appointment. Milton S. Hershey Medical Hospital Appointment. Emory University School of Hospital Appointment. Crozer-Chester Medical Center. Center-Pennsylvania State University, Hershey, Medicine, Atlanta, Georgia (Pediatrics) Upland. Pennsylvania (Transitional) Pennsylvania (Surgery) Stagliano, David Richard Troy, Jeffrey Alan Woodson, Erika Ann Fairfax, Virginia Wytheville, Virginia Eagle Rock, Virginia Hospital Appointment. Walter Reed Army Medical Hospital Appointments. University of North Carolina Hospital Appointments· University of Iowa Hospital and Center, Washington, D.C. (Pediatrics) Hospital, Chapel Hill, North Carolina (Internal Clinics, Iowa City, Iowa (Surgery - Preliminary); Medicine - Preliminary); University of North Carolina Stallings, William Richard University of Iowa Hospital and Clinics, Iowa City, Hospital. Chapel Hill, North Carolina (Diagnostic Iowa (Otolaryngology) Reedville, Virginia Rad iology) Hospital Appointment. St. Anthony Hospital, Oklahoma Wozencralt, Colin Prior City, Oklahoma (Family Practice) Tung, Richmond, Virginia Vienna, Virginia Sun, David Antonio Hospital Appointment. MCV Hospitals of the VCU Hospital Appointments: MCV Hospitals of the VCU Wilmington, Delaware Health System, Richmond, Virginia (Internal Medicine Health System, Richmond, Virg inia (Internal Medicine Hospital Appointments. Vanderbilt University Medical - Preliminary); MCV Hospitals of the VCU Health - Preliminary); UMDNJ-New Jersey Medical School, Center. Nashville, Tennessee (Surgery- Preliminary); System, Richmond, Virginia (Physical Medicine and Newark, New Jersey (Physical Medicine and Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, Rehabilitation) Rehabilitation) Tennessee (Neurological Surgery) Wright, Karen Celeste VandeSand, Jeffrey Allen Sureja, Raj Nagji Los Angeles, California Dumfries, Virginia Mount Airy, Maryland Hospital Appointment. Reading Hospital and Medical Hospital Appointments Shadyside Hospital, Pittsburgh, Hospital Appointments: MCV Hospitals of the VCU Center, Reading, Pennsylvania (Internal Medicine) Pennsylvania (Transitional); MCV Hospitals of the Health System, Richmond, Virginia (Internal Medicine Yeatman II, Carter Fitzhugh - Preliminary); MCV Hospitals of the VCU Health VCU Health System, Richmond, Virginia (Diagnostic Radiology) Richmond, Virginia System, Richmond, Virginia (Physical Medicine and Hospital Appointments MCV Hospitals of the VCU Rehabilitation) Wallace, Timothy Jude Health System. Richmond. Virginia (Internal Medicine Swick II, John Thomas Charlottesville. Virginia - Preliminary); MCV Hospitals of the VCU Health Petersburg, West Virginia Hospital Appointments: MCV Hospitals of the VCU System, Richmond, Virginia (Diagnostic Radiology) Health System, Richmond, Virginia (Internal Medicine Hospital Appointment. Milton S Hershey Medical Zarkin, Elizabeth Leigh Center - Pennsylvania State University, Hershey, - Preliminary); MCV Hospitals of the VCU Health East Lyme, Connecticut Pennsylvania (Anesthesiology) System, Richmond, Virginia (Radiation Oncology) Hospital Appointment. MCV Hospitals of the VCU Tashjian, Vartan S. Ward, Sally Crommelin Health System, Richmond, Virginia (Surgery) Los Angeles. California Virginia Beach, Virg1n1a Zisman, Timothy Lawrence Hospital Appointment. University of California, Los Hospital Appointment: Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Albany, California Angeles Medical Center. Los Angeles. California Center, Lebanon, New Hampshire (Preventive Hospital Appointment. Uni versity of Chi cago Hospitals, (Neurological Surgery) Medicine - Family Practice) Chicago, Illinois (Internal Medicine) Tate, Kevin Douglas Wasik, Theodore Peter Catlett, Virginia Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Hospital Appointment· St. Vincent's Medical Center, Hospital Appointment. MCV Hospitals of the VCU Jacksonville, Florida (Family Practice) Health System, Richmond, Virginia (Surgery - Preliminary) School of Nursing

Dawson, Beverly Gayle Holder, Jennifer Marie * Osborne, Courtney Paige * Virginia Beach, Virginia Bachelor of Science Richmond, Virginia M1d!oth1an, Virginia Duffy, Bridget Nicole Condi c. LHL'.\ /))'L'St' iHc'd h-:, Holt, Erin Renee* Overbey, Malisa Evans Kenbridge, Virginia Bowling Green, Virginia Ot:cm Nunl')' F Lo.1 1.~ ~tr ,n Abingdon, Virginia Dunville, Frasia Morgan Holt, Vickie Counts Para, Lori Ann Adams, Tiffany Renee Richmond, Virginia Richmond Virginia Manassas, Virginia New Kent, Virginia Durham, Lavinia Nache Hudgins, Angela Gay* Peck, Allison Marie Bagley, Traci Chamberlain Prince George, Virginia Port Haywood, Virg inia Chester, Virginia Chesapeake, Virginia Epps, Tracy Hilliard * Humphreys, Ursula A. Reid, Holly Gray Ballard, Corrie Rae Prince George, Virginia Chesterfield, Virginia Newtown, Virginia Suffolk, Virginia Fairman, Bridget Susan Jill Keller, Theresa M. Ruggles, Kelly M. * Barnes, Elizabeth Virginia* Richmond, Virginia Chester, Virginia Providence Forge, Virginia Virginia Beach, Virginia Farley, Rebecca Lin ** Kimball, Virginia Marie * Schafer, Lori Dawn Benjamin, Zelda Louvenia * Chesapeake, Virginia Chester, Virginia Chesapeake, Virginia Petersburg, Virginia Fields, Tiffany Nicole* King-Barnum, Felicia Gaye Schalow, Rebecca Louisa Berry, Leslie Michelle Richmond, Virginia Hampton, Virgi/7/a Midlothian, Virginia Williamsburg, Virginia Fluellen, Chandrese Allen Kramer, Erin Elizabeth Schwartz, Jessica Leigh Blackwood, Kelley Leigh Charles City, Virginia Richmond Virginia Dale City, Virginia Richmond, Virginia Garner-Harr, Cynthia Lausell, Nadine D. Selvey-Proctor, Julie Ann Jung-hee Britland, Heidi Berry King George, Virginia Richmond, Virginia Midlothian, Virginia Richmond Virgi171a Gibson, Bonnie Jean Lawler, McKinley * Shearin, Elizabeth Stanley Burkes, Melanie Ann Scottsville, Virginia Richmond, Virginia Chesterfield Virginia Woodbrige, Virginia Glor, Ashley Lynn Ledbetter, Kelly Lynne * Snellings, Rebecca Grace* Carter, Shannon Leigh Richmond, Virginia Richmond Virginia Chesterfield Virginia Powhatan, Virginia Gordon, Craig Michael Martin, Laura Anne * Tamaddon, Yasaman Caven, Julie Michelle Glen Allen, Virgi171a Chesterfield Virginia Richmond, Virginia Richmond, Virginia Gorospe, Michelle Banan McCarthy, Barbara Lynn Taylor, Stella Marie Cazin, Kathleen Marice Richmond, Virginia Chesapeake, Virgima Durham, North Carolina Martinsburg, West Virginia Graise, Carolin Karam McEndree, Tammy Irene * Torres, Angela Champigny, Pamela Jean Holliday Glen Allen, Virginia Coloma! Heights, Virginia Moneta, Virginia Martinsville, Virginia Grinsell, Rebecca Ann Farrell Menser Ill, Daniel W. Trothen, Yvonne Clark, Kara Anne * Richmond, Virginia Richmond, Virgi171a Newport News, Virginia Midlothian, Virginia Haddad, Leila Michelle Middleton, Angela Nicole Uitto, Michelle JoAnn Craft, Sharon Richmond, Virginia Midlothian, Virginia Danville, Virginia Newport News, Virginia Haines, Melody Jayne Mills, Emily Moore Wallace, Jeanne Marion Crenshaw, Erica Elizabeth Norfolk, Virginia Richmond, Virginia Richmond Virginia Hopewell, Virgi171a Hall, Bridget Renee Mountjoy, Emily Jane Watson, Lara Catherine * Curry, Rachel Sophie *** Midlothian, Virgmia Richmond, Virginia Powhatan, Virginia Richmond Virginia Hancock, Victoria Michelle Mulligan, Karen Leigh Weber, Annie Beatrice **• Virginia Beach, Virginia Virginia Beach, Virginia Falls Church, Virginia

-() ' ) / School of Nursing continued

Whitlow. Maya Demetri * Artale, Teresa Lohr Hallberg, Heather Mayer Nunnelly, Kerry McCray Richmond V1rgi111a Aroda. Virgima Virginia Beach. Virgi111a Richmond, Virg111ia

Williams. Dawn Elisabeth Bickett, Courtney Cupp Hamilton, Virginia Anne Pack. Kathleen M. Richmond. Virg1hia Richmond Virginia Chesterfield Virginia Mechanicsville. Virginia

Windsor, Charlene Pope Brackin, Leah Ann Hedspeth, Tammy Alayne Quinn. Stephanie Leigh Mechanicsville. Virg1hia Richmond. Virg111ia Richmond. Virg111ia Roanoke. Virginia

Wooden, Towana Connese Campbell. Dena Nicole Hirsch. Audrey Lynn Rehim, Elizabeth Ann Williams Woodbridge. Virgi111a Highland Springs. Virgima Maidens. Virginia West Point. Virginia

Cornwall, Marie Cecile Bien-Aime lntal, Jorelynn May Inocencio Rodriguez, Wendy Louise Nix Colonial Heights. Virgima Mechanicsville. Virginia Post-master's Nurse Danville. Virginia Practitioner Certific ate Dufner. Chara Lee Irwin. Lora C. Samuel, Naveen Halim Richmond. Virginia Richmond Virginia Richmond. Virginia l 'im,/iclur,·, /•rc•,,111,·tl /"' Dunn. Alice Belle LeFloch. Nathalie Marie-Pierre Schaefer, Alison Marie /),·<111 F I )011 .~/u., il 11 11 ,/inu1 . Prospect. Virginia Richmond. Virg111ia Spotsylvania. Virg111ia \d1,,u/ "f l;n

(;() School of Pharmacy

Burkholder, Mindy Beth Halpin, Eileen Brigid Lineberry 11, Daniel Ray* Master of Science in Altoona, Pennsylvania Richmond, Virgima Salem, Virgima Pharmaceutical Sciences Byrd, Jennifer Roxanne* Henderson, Tonya Lache Lovelace, Anthony Richmond Virginia Ettrick, Virg1111a Chantilly, Virginia C ,n,/it/,11,,_, pr,,,,,nr ,'t l h\' f).\ 01 F. { \111,L:./d\ FL 11 1t lill11/ Cady, Christina Lynn ** Hines, Dana Courtney Luu, Han Ngoc S,h.,,,/ ,,( Cir<1,/11,Hc ::Sru,llc,, Richmond, Virg1111a Richmond, V1rg1ma Burke, Virg1n,a Choi, Ashely Dosun * Hong, John N, ** Mai, Hoa Thanh Thi ** AIJuburi, Lina Fairfax, Virg11ua Richmond, Virginia Woodbridge, Virgm1a Annandale, V1rgima Chrichlow, Tonya C, Howell, Meredith Morgan ** Manry, Rebecca Lee Nester, Rebecca Ann Richmond, Virgima Chesterfield, Virginia Richmond, Virgima Wvtheville, Virgmia Cobb, Rhonda Denise Huynh, Nga Ngoc * May, Steven Carl Orensky, Ian Abraham Richmond Virginia Fairfax, V1rg1nia Portsmouth, Virg1ma Richmond Virgima Curry, Angela Rushelle Hwang, Angela Soo-Kyung Naik. Krishna H, ** Patel, Utsavi Arun Midlothian, Virginia Centrevdle, V1rgima Richmond, Virginia Richmond, V1rgin,a DeBoy, Sarah Jane Hwang, Stephanie Hui-Won Negash, Theodros Yohannes * Charlottesville, Virg111ia Centrevdle, Virginia Annandale, Virginia

Doctor of Pharmacy Degun, Oluwatoyin 0, Hylton, Leigh Anne * Newman, Michael Scott Glen Allen, Virginia Richmond, Virgima Chesapeake, Virgm1a c,,,1 ,/id,11,, />rc'lc'll(c't l I,\' o~(lll \ .it' [·, ,r A );,n,lii, /; Diallo, Khadidiatou * Jones, Kelly Patricia Nguyen, Bao-Chau Dang Hoang* Richmond, Virginia Jarratt, Virgima Richmond, V1rgima

Agyepong, Seth Kwaku Dombrosky, Lauren Emma Joyce, Jessica Suzanne Nguyen, Bich-Nguyet Thi Ngoc Dumfries, Virg1ma Richmond, Virg1111a Halifax, Virginia Alexandna, Virginia

Alperin, Carolyn Dyer, Angela Michel Jurek, Jeffrey Michael Nguyen, Dzung Ngoc * Hendersonville, North Carolina Richmond Virg1111a Ashland Virgm1a Richmond, Virgima

AIJuburi, Lina * Eddy, Tia Dawn Keller, R Blake * Nguyen, Kathy ** Annandale, V1rgm1a Roanoke, V1rgima Mechanicsville, V11gin1a Alexandna, Virg1111a

Arduin, Nicholas James Ettare II, James Vincent Kellner, Shelli Marie Nguyen, Mai l Independence, Virginia Richmond Virg1r11a Tomah, Wisconsin Alexandna, V1rgm1a

Austin, Katie Corrine Faulkner, Robert Eric Kennedy, Christina Nicole** Nguyen, Ouynh-Anh Hoang *" Richmond, V1rgima Battery Park, Virgima Richmond, Virgima Fairfax, Virgima

Baird, Brian Gene Freeburn, Heather Diane Kha, Loi Gia Nguyen, Tuan Anh Birmingham, Alabama Matoaca, V1rgin1a San Jose, California Vi1ginia Beach, Virginia

Ball, Phillip Randall Fung, Kamy Kim, Hyun-So ** Nichols, Margaret Anne ** Richmond, Virgm1a Richmond, Virginia Fairfax, Virgin,a Suffolk, V1rgima

Beasley, Katherine Evans Gillespie, Effie Lea Ko, Michelle Sung-Hee Orensky, Ian Abraham ** Danville, Virgima Fredenck, Maryland Richmond, Virgmia Richmond, Virginia

Bremer, Meredith Rae Linder *** Gilmer, Scott Jessee*** Konopka, Kristin Michelle Osafo. Samuel Mireku Chesapeake, Virginia Lebanon, Virgima Richmond, Vi1ginia Alexandna, Vi1gima

Bryner, Eric Charles Griffin, Erin Nicole Lewis, Angelene Renee Painter, Nathan Allan Richmond Virgmia Herndon, Virgima Midlothian, Virginia Norfolk, Virginia

(; I School of Pharmacy continued

Patel, Dipti N. ** Puckett Jr., Samuel Randolph Smith, Rebecca Lee Tsiang, Chui Wan Longview. Washington Lynchburg. Virginia Staunton. Virgima Dayton, Ohio Patel, Kalpesh Jashbhai * Puryear, Joanna Shane Snodgrass, Sara Anne Tucker, Bonnie Rives Richmond. Virgima Richmond. Virginia Abingdon. Virginia McKenney, Virgima

Patel, Pinaki C. Rodas-Banker, Janel Surface, Kristin Blair Weisen, Jacqueline Newport News, Virginia Chesterfield, Vtrgima Virginia Beach, Virginia Richmond, Virginia

Patteson, Kathleen Pence * Saenz, Rafael Tepovich, Daniel Brian White, Jennifer Justice ** Richmond, Virginia Mission, Texas Virgima Beach, Virginia Cedar Bluff, Virg1n1a

Paxton, Rachel Collette Schmiedeberg, Maryliz Bayas ** Tomes, Heather Dawn * Whitley, Kandace Violet Spotsylvania. Virginia Newport News. Virginia Williamsburg, Virgima Lynchburg, Virginia

Peterson, Cynthia Ann Schultz, Courtney Anderson Tong, Deep Sawhney Worthington Ill, Charles Little Newport News. Virgima Newport News, Virginia Richmond, Virginia Winchester. Virgima Procise, Stephanie Layne *** Seaman, Christopher Raymond Tran, Thanh-Binh Thi * Yorke, Tammie Conway Victoria, Virginia Richmond. Virginia Chantilly, Virginia Chester. Virginia

Pruitt, Jessica Snell Shirolkar, Gauri Jitendra Trinh, Natalie Duyen Vu.Peggy Williamsburg, Virginia Pune, India New Orleans. Louisiana Richmond. Virginia

(/.! School of Social Work

Klow, Allison Marie •• Barush, Jessica R. Caruso, Lisa A. Arlington. Virginia Bachelor of Social Work Richmond. Virgima Newpon News. Virginia Lucombe, Denise Marcel Bass, Elizabeth Embrey Chambers, Kellee L Cu n,/i,bi,·, pr,·,,·nlc',I /,,· Richmond. Virgi111a Richmond, Virgi111a Richmond. Virginia Oc'c1n Fr,ni /, I\ /ic1,Lnd Mann, Angie Marie Baugh, Karen Rebecca Christie, Courtney Diane Richmond. Virginia Gordonsville. Virgmia Richmond. Virginia Anderson, Deborah Ann *** Meyer, Carrie Suzanne * Becker, Carrie Anne Clary, Tracy Lynn Richmond. Virginia Richmond. Virginia Richmond. Virgi111a Alexandna. Virg111ia Angle, Mindy M. Phinney, Carrie Christian * Becker, Kerry Ann Clements, Jeanette Laverne Richmond. Virginia Richmond. Virginia Vienna. Virgi111a Richmond. Virginia Baird, Jennifer Doreen ••• Pollard, Natasha Monique Bell, Kameron Brook Cohen, Dawn McVey Richmond. Virginia Highland Springs. Virginia Richmond. Virgi111a Alexandria. Virginia Banholzer, Jennifer E * Rawlings, Joy Elizabeth • Bell, Kendra Jean Collares, Susanne Ibsen Glen Allen. Virg inia Emporia. Virginia Alexandria. Virginia Burke. Virginia Bates, Marcus D. Ryals, Allison Kay Bellard, Lisa Marie Correa-Grimm, Rose South Boston. Virginia Emporia. Virginia Cldton Park. New York Springfield. Virgi111a Bourgard, Cristina Lee Bennett, Sonya Michelle Craiger, Jennifer Gail Virginia Beach. Virgi111a Savitzky, Caroline Ann *** Richmond. Virginia Pfaff/own. Nonh Carolina Stafford. Virginia Cole-Simmons, Solange Denise * Venancio. Erica Rae ••• Berkman-Parker, Jennifer R. Cummins, Heather Laura Detroit. Michigan Falls Church. Virginia Lonon. Virgima Centreville. Virginia Dennis, Jennifer Febuary Winterson, Susan Dawn * Betts, Sharon Joy Daimler, Caroline Elizabeth Richmond. Virg1111a Richmond. Virginia Orlean. Virg1111a Newpon News. Virgima Dicken, Leigh-Ann Hatchel Block, Kelli Sutton Davis, Rachel Richmond. Virgima Charlottesville. Virginia McLean. Virginia Mas ter lif Sucial Wmk Dillon, April Elizabeth * Blum, Laura Jeannine Deitch, Bethany Samantha Richmond. Virgi111a Alexandria. Virginia Midlothian. Virgima l ·t1n 1.. /1 1.. l.1k, /lrL·,l·,u L·1.. I h:· Dovi , Justin David I >L· dn ,.-. I l1 ,1 t 1~ {d , I i1,11 ,ln1r •! . Boothby, Erin Nowicki Dickerman, Gerhild Sachs Williamsburg. Virgmia Arlington. Virginia \,./1,1, ,/ ,,fl , rld11t11l· \ 111 t /,,. ·, Richmond. Virginia Duffy, Sarah Ann Borenstein, Bari Wynne Kline Dickerson, Wendy Alexandna. Virg111ia Adcock, Mary Elizabeth Richmond. Virginia Richmond. Virgi111a Charlottesville. Virgima Friedhoff. Jessica Elizabeth ** Bowen, Grace Marie Donovan, Kelley Cook Richmond. Virgmia Alley, Kristina Brye Richmond. Virginia Fa irfax. Virg111ia Richmond. Virg1111a Green, Katherine Nunnally •• Britt, Cheryl Reiszner Dorfman, Sheyna Margot Chester, Virginia Alliman, Barrie Katherine Alexandna. Virginia Richmond. Virg1111a Richmond. Virgi111a Griffith, Barbara Hobson * Brocato, Elizabeth Anne Dornan, Molly Rebecca Chesterfield. Virginia Ambrose. Barbara Lockwood Midlotl11an. Virginia Charlottesville. Virginia Richmond. Virg1111a Hartmann, Barbara Irene *** Cadora, Carole Anne Dougherty, John B. Richmond. Virginia Armstrong , Heather Lynn Glen Allen. Virginia Richmond. Virgima Alexandria. Virg111ia Hicks, Mary Kendall Caldwell, Erica Leigh Ellis, Karen Miya Richmond. Virginia Arnett, Alexia Jeanine Penny Rockville. Virginia Woodbridge. Virginia Richmond. Virginia Hong, Ellainna Campbell Jr., Robert Loy Flaherty, Shirley Jean Richmond. Virgin ia Ashton. Tracey Elizabeth Sandston. Virgima Richmond. Virginia Gainesville. Virginia Kauffman, Jana Lauren Campbell , Robyn Michele Flynn. Paula J. Richmond. Virgmia Bagsby, Jennifer Elizabeth Newpon News. Virginia Woodbridge. Virginia Newpo11 News. V1rg1111a Kendrick, Donna Marie * Campiglia, Maureen Susan Fowler, Linda K. Maninsville. Virginia Bandak, Bernarda Pascal Batarse Fairfax. Virginia Lynchburg, Virginia Midlothian. Virgmia

(1, j School of Social Work continued

Gardner, Janet P. Koenig, Rebecca Beth Page. Alison Teumer, Jonathan D. Lynchburg. Virginia Richmond. Virginia Centreville. Virginia Washington. O.C. Garver, Amy Debra Kuhlman, Jonah Blake Pridmore, David Michael Thomas, Kathryn Nicole Rockville. Maryland Springfield, Virginia Springfield. Virginia Chesapeake, Virginia Gasper, Michael Robert Langford, Sandra Hall Pritzker, Suzanne Ruth Tolin, Lisa Diane Bellingham. Massachusetts Tappahannock. Virginia Richmond. Virginia Woodbridge. Virginia Giardini, Jennifer Susan Langlet, Mark Francis Ribic, Nancy Turner, Bernell Elizabeth Richmond. Virginia Charlottesville. Virginia Arlington. Virginia Richmond. Virginia Gillam, Elizabeth Roberson Snead Laudico. Elizabeth Ann Ricks, Danika Akil Vaughan, Gwendolyn Anne Bennett Richmond. Virginia Buffalo, New York Richmond. Virginia Fairfax. Virginia Gorrell, Katherine McAllister Lea, Maria Maddalena Robinson Jr.. Edward Vazquez, Barbara Michelle Alexandria, Virg111ia McLean. Virginia Richmond, Virginia Richmond, Virginia Gosnell, Heather Marie Levy, Suzanne R. Rodzvilla, Jennifer Lea Vyas. Amee H. Fairfax. Virginia Arlington. Virginia Glen Mills, Pennsylvania Burke. V1rg1nia Griffin, Karen Patricia Lewis, Makita Dawkins Ross, Anne Carter Walker, Tamara Ann Hampton. Virginia Richmond. Virginia Vienna. Virginia Richmond. Virginia Hamlin, Hailey Michelle Lipscomb, Jacqueline Denise Russell, Erika Lynn Walsh. Marcie Jones Mechanicsville. Virginia Newport News. Virginia Manassas. Virginia Richmond. Virginia Higgins, Kim Ailene Mack, Susan Katherine Ruane Sampe, Brenda Myong Walters, Kimberly Lynn Staunton. Virginia Chester, Virginia Richmond. Virginia Bowling Green, Virginia Hiller, Allison Adams Marcus, Allison Elizabeth Schein, Christine Ann Ware, Octavia Louise Glen Allen. Virginia Richmond, Virginia Richmond. Virginia Richmond, Virginia Howard, Christy Ann Marewangepo-Jones, Emily Schlank. Sara Kathryn Widmer, Nancy Marie Woodbridge. Virginia Clinton. Maryland Arlington. Virginia Alexandria. Virginia Howard, Rubena Yvonne Arnold McBride, Patricia A. Scott, Shannon Marie Wiggins, Mary Berger Midlothian. Virginia Alexandria. Virg111ia Richmond. Virginia Lansdowne. Virginia Jackson, Beth Thomas McCauley, Jennifer Lynne Shafer, Kathryn Darlene Williams. Erin Elizabeth Arlington. Virg111ia Richmond. Virginia Centreville. Virginia Goochland. Virginia Jamieson, Elizabeth Katherine McCollin, Denise Carolyn Sherrill, Julie O'Dell Witten, Tarynn M. Richmond. Virginia Germantown. Maryland Mechanicsville. Virginia Richmond. Virginia Jarabak, Brianna Virginia McGrath, Sara Elizabeth Shugars, Deborah E. Wolstenholme, Margaret Warren Alexandria. Virginia Richmond, Virginia Manassas. Virginia Ooswell. V1rg1n1a Jefferson, Erica T. McManus, Sara J. Shuk, Teresa Ann Woods, Kristen Hemp Manassas. Virginia Herndon. Virginia Richmond. Virginia Manassas. Virginia Jennings, Stacy Marie Merrill, Elizabeth Hammond Sickler. Kathy Lee Wooley. Amy Robin Oak Hill. Virginia Arlington. Virginia Fredericksburg. Virginia Cape Coral, Florida Johnson, Felicia Michelle Morris, Patricia McGrath Smith, Michelle Angela Wright, Marlene Celeste East Orange. New Jersey Falls Church. Virginia Springfield. Virginia Richmond. Virginia Johnson, January S. Neill, Christina Marie Stanto, Daniel Shawn Wulff. Farah Elizabeth Waynesboro. Virginia Falls Church. Virg111ia Nokesville. Virginia Glen Rock. New Jersey Joyner, Aisha L. O'Flinn, Meghan Kathleen Stearns, Sarah Rebecca Yarbrough. Tanika LeTres Virginia Beach. Virginia Fredericksburg, Virg111ia Richmond. Virginia Richmond. Virginia Kennedy, Emily Katharine O'Shea, Lisa Hill Stewart, Allen David Vi , Michelle V. Roanoke. Virginia Midlothian, Virginia Woodbridge. Virginia Arlington. Virginia Knapp, Brandi M. Ogden, Vickie Lynn Storms, Lauren Christine Young, Tracy E. Huggins Ashtabula. Ohio Amherst. Virginia Herndon. Virginia Midlothian. Virginia Koch, Molly Lehto Olsefski, Lynn Metzger Swanberg, George Lyndon Younkins, Christopher Brooks Arlington. Virginia Arlington, Virginia Jeffersonton. Virginia Richmond. Virginia Koch, Sarah Elizabeth Owusu-Boakyewaah, Olivia Symonds, Kristen Elizabeth Zagar, Kristin M. Fairfax Statwn. Virginia Richmond. Virginia Fredericksburg. Virg111ia Bristow. Virginia

/)-I ,1ic•v 1 uv. ·Jr ,1;1111r11(J(-'JJ1f-'11/ !!()(J J) Doctor of Philosophy

Bader, Beth Ann Browe, David Matthew C,m,/1, /,u,·, />rn ,·111 d h · Education Physiology l),,<111 F. I>, ,11~/<1, /l, ,1,,/m , ,1. Richmond. V1rgima Richmond, Virg,111a :,,Ji,,,,/,,/\ ir,i

Cofield, Stacey Stoner Fuller, William Edward Hobson, Maria Lena Biostatistics Education Art History Richmond. Virginia Richmond. Virginia Staunton, Virginia B.S., Washington and Lee University B S , West Virginia University BFA, Virginia Commonwealth University Dissertation. "Estimated Mixed Model Selection M.B.A., Shenandoah University D1ssertat1on. "Fascist Criticism and the Novecento Art Criteria Using Variance Groups in Rwith cDNA Dissertation. "A Comparative Study of Quality of Life Movement" Spotted Microarray Data" Indicators for People with Disabilities Living in HUD Dissertation Adviser: Howard Risatti, Ph.D . Dissertation Advisers. Al Best. Ph.D .. and Subsidized Section 811 Housing and Low Income Tax Hong, John N. Viowanatham Ramakrishnan, Ph.D. Credit Multifamily Developments" Pharmaceutical Sciences Dissertation Adviser John Kregel, Ed.D . Crosby, Michael Wolferth Richmond. Virginia Social Work Goin, Robin Page B.S ., James Madison University Kenwick. Virginia Psychology - General Dissertation. "Factors Affecting the Particle Size of B.S.W.. Virg inia Commonwealth University Fort Worth, Texas Novel Condensation Aerosols" Dissertation. "Characteristics and Relationship BA. Texas Woman's University Dissertation Adviser: Michael Hindle, Ph.D., and Dynamics of Child Sexual Abuse Survivors and Their D1ssertat1on· "Parental Reports of the Development of Peter R. Byron, Ph.D. Partners" Autism in Their Children : HM Regression. Genetics Hong, Sung-Chull Dissertation Adviser. Michael Sheridan. Ph .D. and Comorbidity Influence Emerging Cha racteristics" Dissertation Adviser. Barbara J Myers. Ph.D. Education Daugherty, Wilson Parrish McLean. Virginia Physiology Gray, Andrea Dawn Coronado M.S., Seoul National Uni versity Richmond. Virginia Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics Dissertation: "Aging in Place of the Low-income BS , College of William and Mary Richmond, Virginia Homeowners in Richmond, Vi rg inia: A Systemic M.S., Vi rginia Commonwealth University BA. California State University, Fresno View" Dissertation: "Effects of Treatments Designed Dissertation. "The Physical State of the LD L Core Dissertation Adviser. Carroll London er. Ph.D. to Increase Brain Oxygen Tension on Early Influences the Structure but not the Binding Mitochondrial Function Following Fluid Properties of LDL" Jewell, Dianne Valle Percussion Traumatic Brain Injury" Dissertation Adviser: Hendricus van Antwerpen. Ph.D . Health Servic es Organization and Research Dissertation Adviser. Margaret Biber, Ph.D . Ruther Glen, Virginia Grubb Ill, Walter Lee BA. Williams Col lege Diehl , Robyn Lynn Business M.S , Boston University Psychology- General Richmond, Virginia Dissertation. "Practice Va riation in Physical Therapy: Hopewell, Virginia BA. Hampden-Sydney College Development of a Causal Model Using the Disorders BA, Randolph-Macon College Dissertation. "Respondent Faking: An Empirical Adhesive Capsulitis of the Shoulder and Sciatica" Dissertation. "The Effect of Violence Exposure on Investigation of the World Judgment Survey and the Dissertation Adviser. Stephen Mick. Ph.D. Externalizing Symptoms as Mediated by Fear of EO-i s" Crime and Perceived Risk of Victimization" Dissertation Advisers. Mike McDaniel. Ph.D.. Peg Johnson, Dawn F. Dissertation Adviser: Wendy Kliewer, Ph.D. Willi ams. Ph.D, Anson Seers. Ph.D. Ron Humphrey, Psychology- Clinical Ph.D ., and Pam Kiecker, Ph.D. Antioch, Tennessee Fisher, Richard Barnard B.S., University of Kansas Public Policy and Administration Gunnarsson, Gunnar Thor Dissertation. "Effects of Stigma tization and Richmond. Virginia Pharmaceutical Sciences Powerlessness on Females Who Were Sexually Bachelor of Architecture. University of Virginia Richmond, Virginia Abused as Children" Dissertation. "Partnering Public Sector Construction B Sc , University of Iceland Dissertation Adviser. Stephen M. Auerbach, Ph.D, and Contracts: A Conflict Avoidance Process" Dissertation. "Rational Design of First Organic Carol Prescott. Ph.D. Dissertation Advisers: Morton B. Gulak. Ph.D ., Antithrombin Activators" Erik K. Laursen, Ph.D, Ralph S. Hambrick, Ph D. Dissertation Adviser- Umesh R. Desai, Ph.D. Ko, Myung Sun and Cheryl C. Magill, Ph.D. Business Heinz, Eric Robert Richmond. Virginia Fritz, M. Lucie Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics BA. University of Washington Pathology Midlothian, Virginia Dissertation· "An Exploration of the Impact of Brookville, Indiana BS , James Madison University Information Technology Investment on Organiza ti onal B.S., Ball State Univers ity M.S ., Virginia Commonwealth University Performance: An Integrative Approach" Dissertation. "An Evaluation of Biochemical Markers of Dissertation. "Fatty-aldehyde Modified Lipids+ Proteins Dissertation Advisers. Osei-Bryson. Ph.D., and Acute Myocardial Infarction" in Sjorgren-Larsson Syndrome" Richard l Redmond, Ph.D. Dissertation Adviser: F. Philip Anderson, Ph.D. Dissertation Adviser William Rizzo. Ph.D . * Cum Laude ** Magna Cum Laude *** Summa Cum Laude • University Honors Student

Langhorst, Diane Shirley Mims Mansouri, Mehdi Reed, Melba Celeste Social Work Education Psychology - General Williamsburg, Virginia Richmond, Virginia Farmville, Virginia AB, College of William and Mary BJA, Virginia Commonwealth University BA, Spelman College MSW, Tu lane University M.Ed., Virginia Commonwealth University Dissertation. "Relation of Neighborhood Variables. Dissertation "The Relative Contribution of Client and 01sse11ation. "Perceptions of First-time Participants in a Parental Involvement, and School Self-efficacy to Program Factors Influencing Early Substance Abuse State Agency-sponsored Online Graduate Program Academic Achievement Among Urban African­ Treatment Retention for Women and Men" and its Implications for Online Education Planning, American Girls" Dissertation Adviser Michael J Sheridan. Ph.D . Development and Support" Dissertation Adviser Faye Z. Belgrave. Ph.D. D1ssertat1on Adviser. Carrol l A Londoner. Ph.D. Lawson, Sonya Ranson Rege, BhaskarMehesh Education Margolis, Paula Robin Pharmaceutical Sciences Glen Allen. Virginia Public Policy and Administration Richmond Virginia BS. James Madison University Glen Allen. Virg1111a BPharm, The Bombay College of Pharmacy, India MS, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University BS. Virginia Commonwealth University Disse11atiorr "The Effect of Chronic Renal Failure on Dissertation. "Predictors of Primary Care Residency Dissertation. "Accounting for Variation in Medicaid Cytochrome P450 Catalytic Activities" Choice and Perceptions of Medical Practice of Managed Care Capitation Rates for the Medicaid­ Dissertation Adviser Mohamadi A Sarkar. Ph.D. Virg inia Commonwealth University School of Eligible Population Receiving Benefits Through Rogers, Muriel B. Medicine Graduates" Temporary Assistance to Needy Families" Art History Dissertation Adviser James H. McMillan. PhD Dissertation Advisers. Judy Bradford, PhD , Richmond, Virg1111a and Robert Hurley, Ph.D. Leary, Carol Ann Cox BA. Middlebury College Business Mejia, Roberto Dissertation "John Hartwell Cocke (1780-1866) Fredencksburg, Virginia Psychology - General Jeffersonian Palladiani sm to Romantic Colonial BS. University of Connecticut Cottage Grove. Wisconsin Revivalism in Antebellum Virginia" Dissertation. "An Examination of Environmental D.D.S. . Institute for Health Sciences, Columbia D1sse11a11on Adviser Charles E. Brownell, Ph.D. Disclosures in IOK Reports and GAAP Compliance" Dissertation "Effects of Domestic Violence Exposure in Roybark, Helen Mervin Dissertation Adviser Ruth W Epps, PhD Columbian Adolescents' Pathways to Violent and Business Prosocial Behavior" Liao, David Shang-Kang Christiansburg, Virginia Dissertation Adviser Wendy Kliewer. PhD Anatomy BA. Saint Leo College Adelphi, Maryland Myran, Steve Paul Dissertation "An Empirical Investigation of the BS. University of Maryland, Col lege Park Education Determinants of Bond Ratings for Virginia's Dissertation "Mechanisms of Recovery of Cortical Norfolk, Virginia Municipal General Obligation Debt Utilizing a Binocularity in Ferrets" BJA. College of Art and Design Structural Equation Modeling Methodology" Dissertation Adviser Ary Ramoa. Ph.D. M.Ed , Lesley University Dissertation Advisers. Ruth W Epps, Ph.D ., and Dissertation. "Students' Ways of Knowing Middle Margaret Williams. Ph.D. Lister, Andrea Marie School Students' Beliefs about Knowledge in Anatomy Rujirabanjerd, Sinitdhorn Mathematics Education and their Impact on Learning" Richmond, Virginia Human Genetics Dissertation Adviser Maike L Philipsen. Ph.D. BA, University of Maryland Richmond, Virginia MS , Virginia Commonwealth University Null, Allison Paige MD , Prince of Songkla University Dissertation. "Pityriasis Lichinoides ET Variola Form is. Chemistry Dissertation "Characterization of Treacher Collins Lymphomatoid Papulosis and Mycosis Fungoides A Sandston, Virginia Syndrome Gene and Gene Product" T-cell Progression or Separate Entities" BA. University of Virginia D1sser1ation Adviser Rita Shiang, Ph.D. Dissertation Adviser· Randall E. Merchant, Ph.D. Dissertation. "Implications of Hydrophobicity and Mass Rusyniak, Mark John Accuracy for Gas-phase Genotyping of DNA Ma, Yanqiang Chemistry Po lymorphisms from Enzymatically-generated Health Services Organization and Research Richmond, Virginia Products by ESI-FT-ICR Mass Spectrometry" Edmond, Oklahoma BS. Virginia Commonwealth University Dissertation Adviser David C Muddiman. Ph.D . Bachelor of Medicine. An Hui Medical University Drssertatron. "Cluster Ion Mobil ity, Structures and M S , Shandong Medical University Oehlsen, Michael Eric Binding Energy: Application to the Benzene Cluster Dissertation. "Determinants of Hospital Information Chemistry System" System Integrity and Hospital Performance" Richmond, Virg1r11a Dissertation Advrser M. Samy El-Shall. Ph.D . Dissertation Adviser· Thomas Won. PhD BS, Virginia Commonwealth University Dissertation "Model Studies on Metabolism of Anticancer Active Polynuclear Platinum Complexes" Dissertation Adviser N. Farrell, Ph.D . Doctor of Philosophy continU6d1 '

Said, Amal A. Smith, Lane McNeil Venskus, Diana Gilroy Business Physiology Health Related Sciences Richmond. Virginia Richmond. Virginia Falls Church, Virginia B Comm .. Cairo University BS .. Virginia Commonwealth University BS ., George Mason University Dissertation. "The Simultaneous Relation Between Dissertation. "Critical Oxygen Delivery in the MEd .. George Washington University CEOs' Compensa tion and Earnings Management: Spontaneously Hypertensive Rat" D1ssertat1on. "Nursi ng Home Staffing Adequacy, Evid ence and Consequences " Dissertation Adviser Ronald Elowick. Ph.D. Rehabilitation Orientation and Quality" Dissertation Adviser Benson Wier. Ph.D . Dissertation Adviser. Thomas T H. Wan. Ph.D. Sun, David Antonio Schall, Carol Marie Pharmacology and Toxicology Welch, Ba-Shen Bacon Education Richmond, Virginia Public Po licy and Administration Richmond. Virginia BSE .. University of Pennsylvania Birmingham, Alabama B S.. Duquesne University D1ssertat1on. "Glutomatic Injury-induced Epileptogenesis BA. Howard University MEd .. James Madison University in Hippocampal Neurons An In Vitro Model of Dissertation. "The Clinton Presidency and African Dissertation. "A Descriptive Study of Parental Reports Stroke-induced Epilepsy" Americans: Case Studies on Policies Impacting and Perceptions of Psychotropic Medication Dissertation Adviser: Robert J Delorenzo. Ph.D. African-American Farmers. Historically Black Prevalence. Patterns of Use and Quality of Services Col leges and Universities. and Environmental Taylor, Colleen Marie in Autism Spectrum Disorders" Justice" Chemistry Dissertation Adviser John J Kregel. Ph.D. Dissertation Adviser: Melvin Urofsky, Ph.D. Powhatan. Virginia Schmitt, Michelle M. BS. Virginia Commonwealth University Williams, Salina Vivian Psychology - Counseling Dissertation. "Inner Sphere Complexation of Metal Business Richmond. Virginia Complexes with Silanol Groups of Silica Supports" Newburgh, New York BA. Purdue University Dissertation Adviser.· S.P Walton. Ph .D. B.S. Benjamin Franklin University MA. Boston College Dissertation. "Turn over Intentions of Internal Auditors: Thacker II, Leroy Ransome MS .. Virginia Commonwealth University An Empirical Investigation of the Impact of Biostatistics Dissertation. "Recovery from Substance Abuse Among Outsourcing" Mechanicsville. Virginia Participants in Drug Court Programs: The Role of Dissertation Adviser. Benson Wier. Ph.D. Unsupportive Social lnterations" BS. Randolph-Macon College Dissertation Adviser: Kathleen Ingram. Ph .D. MS .. Virgi nia Commonwealth University Yasuda, Satoko Dissertation. "Detection of Influential Subjects in the Education Selig, Patricia Marie Mixed Linear Model" Tokyo, Japan Health Related Sciences Dissertation Adviser: Ronald Elowick. Ph.D. BA. MA. Keio University Richmond. Virginia Dissertation. "Participant Characteristics and Support Vaul Jr., Robert Arthur B S.N.. University of Massachusetts Services That Influence Successful Employment Public Policy and Administration MS. Virginia Commonwealth University Outcomes for Social Security Beneficiaries with Newport News. Virginia Dissertation. "Factors Affecting Metabolic Syndrome" Trauma ti c Brain Injury Enrolled in State Partnership BA. MA. University of Texas at Arlington Dissertation Adviser. Dolores G. Clement. Ph.D. Systems Change Initi ative Demonstration Projects" MPA.. American University Dissertation Adviser: John Kregel. Ph.D. Shen, Xiaobin Dissertation. "Vi rg inia Local Government Services Pharmaceutical Sciences Through the Internet: A Diffusion of Innovation" York, Timothy Paul Richmond. Virginia Dissertation Adviser· Blue E. Wooldridge. Ph.D. Human Genetics BS. Beijing Medical University Richmond, Virginia Dissertation: "Effects of Applied Energy on the Vedam, Subrahmanya Sastry BS .. Mary Washington College Generation of Novel Condensation Aerosols" Biomedical Engineering Dissertation. "Approaches to the Statistical-genetic Dissertation Adviser. Michael Hindle. Ph.D. Richmond. Virginia Analysis of Association and Microarray Data" Bachelor of Engineering, Mangalore University, India Dissertation Adviser· Lindon Eaves. Ph.D . Singletary, Jon Eric Dissertation. "Management of Respiratory Motion in Social Work Radiation Oncology" Zhang, Aixiu (Monical Richmond. Virginia Dissertation Adviser: Paul J Kea II. Ph.D. Education BA. Baylor University Ashland. Virginia MSW. Virginia Commonwealth University BA. Nankai University Dissertation: "A Constructivist Inquiry of Church-state MEd . Millersville University Relationships for Faith-based Organizations " Dissertation. "Transactional Distance in Web-based Dissertation Adviser Mary Katherine O'Connor. Ph.D . Co llege Learning Environments: Toward Measurement and Theory Construction" Dissertation Adviser: Jon Wergin. Ph.D.

VC®ommeneement 2003 University Honors and Awards Students Graduating with the Award of University Honors

VCU bestows the accolade of "graduation with University Honors" on graduating seniors who have attained distinction through impressive achievement in course work as we ll as other formal and informal educational experiences. To merit this distinction, students must complete a rigorous prescribed honors curriculum, excel in their academic work, and submit an academic dossier that reflects their commitment to learning in the best university tradition. Their petition to graduate with University Honors must be approved by the faculty serving on the University Honors Council. The University Honors Medallions worn at Commencement recognize students earning this award; this distinction also is noted on the students' official transcripts and on their diplomas.

College of Humanities Samiur R. Khandker School of the Arts School of Engineering and Sciences Ankush A Khanna Mary A Bush Woon Chow Nnaemeka U Anyadike Stella L. Luo Laura E. Chuchic Joshua C. OeFriece Priya K. Bhatia John L. Mashack Laura R. Dixon Syed K. Hussaini Robin R. Bhavsar Sohaib A Mohiuddin Cinzia M. Eich * Steven E. Hutchens Sarah D. Buck Arvind S Murthy John C Fox Alvi n C James Jennifer AN . Chung Adam W Nathanson * Michael P Freeman Sean A. Laughter * Vivian Davis Kevin J. O'Brien * Nancy E. Gordon Maxim J. May Amy Oepcrynski Kimberly S. Oe rtel Ruth L. Raintree Ryan M. Mitchell James B. Depew Shilpa Pandey Heather L. Trevaskis Sri Krishna Mukkamala Anindita Devanath Bobby L. Parks Katie E. Peters School of Business Angie Duong Erin M. Scolaro Pa mela R. Puthoor Alyssa Arute * Mareen Eapen Kimberly A Scott Russell A Whitesides Angel D. Blue Lauren B. Ferguson Bethany L. Shaffer Randall H. Dortch School of Nursing Roxanne George Raymond H. Tademy Nicole M. Gerbino An nie B. Weber Shivani Gupta La Toya D. Taylor Bryan D. Leslie Amber D. Haley Leigh C. Thompson School of Pharmacy Crystal D. Hancock James S. Th omson Ouynh-Anh N. Nguyen Tamsen B. Heckel * Mirei lle D. Truong Jessica M. Hempstead Ebony White Christopher T Hoskin Gregory L. Will

* December 2002 graduates

70 University Ho11ors a11-d Awards Honors Program Graduates

The fo lloll'ing Honurs Program students have recci,·c cl graduati on hnnnrs nf cum laud e, magna cum laude or summa cum laude, representing a significant academi c ach ie,·e ment. These stud ents are u ,mmended fo r this sc holasti c di stinction.

Richard H. Albritton Kennedy Dele Joy Y Kirn Ryan P Rice Carey L. Allen Erick G. Delgado Virginia M Kimball Joshua P Rinehults Elizabeth W Anderson Sarah L. Dempsey Nikki D. King Kimberly J Rollins Colleen M. Androvich Khadidiatou Diallo Allison M Klow Lisa J Rose Annette V Anifantis Erik T Donald Leslie A. Kraus Kel ley S Sarnanka Brandon A. Anis Jessica M. Duke Valerie M LaPoi nte Heidi A. Sarratt Casey L. Arfsten Tricia M. Dunn Jami N. Larsen Caroline A. Savitzky Amanda A. Arwood Lauren M Eadie Tiffany M. Ledford Christopher Schlobohm Kristine Austgulen James A. Eastman Esther M. Lee Andrew F Shearin Yoshika Azuma Shannon Eastwood Jordan E. Livermon Sharon J Showalter Heather R. Bailey Ashley L. Engel Jennifer E. Logan Laura E. Siewert Jennifer D. Baird Frank R. Eng ler Ill Cassandra A. Loomis Viktoryia Smahina Pame la K. Banks Rebecca L. Farley Laura L. Lozano Karl G. Small Rebecca A. Barnes Kathryn Fleckenstein Keasia Macklin Ross Small Laura E. Bethea Amanda L. Foy Christopher M Malak John B. Smith Jennifer Bishop Jessica E. Friedhoff David M Manoni Yana Sokolenko-Carollo James H. Black Joshua Frye Lisa M Martin Samuel J Sours Vincent S Boggs Lara L. Garwood Winta Mengisteab Frances C Stenersen Tatiana S Bondareva Bethany R. Glasscock Lane A. Midgett Jessica A. Strong Mary L. Bragg Victoria L. Goins Lisa B. Miller Megan L. Sutker William R. Brown Lesley A. Golenor Rachael M. Miller Shannon D. Terry Anthony N. Broyles Andrea M Goulet Joseph Moore Gabrielle A. Teschner Lauren L. Carriker Katherine Green Nora B. Morris Travis Turner Derek H. Chamberlain Bonnie C Greene Tewodage Mulugeta Laura C. Turnmire Bentley P Chan Sheila M. Guzman Rebecca A. Nelson Mark J Tyburski Melissa L. Chanselle Grace M. Hall Andrew Nicholls Katie J Uffelman Brooke N. Chappell Timothy E. Harper Jason T Noel Zachary N. Vaughn Thomas E. Clanton Jr Barbara I. Hartmann Leslie A. Norman Erica R. Venancio Robert B. Cl oud Ca rrie L. Hensley Lauren C Nussrnan Vina P Vo Ta mmie A. Coghil l Catherine Henson Amit P Panchrnatia Courtney M Watson Solange D. Co le-Sirnrnons Tamara L. Hobgood Nicole M. Passmore Alexander M. Weisz Elizabeth H. Connolly Jessica J Hoffa Kalpesh J Patel Elizabeth A. Wetzel Kathryn L. Cooke Audrey L Isak Vaishali A. Patel Dawn M Whetzel Cassand ra Cranney Shawna R. Johns Marjorie A. Patterson Carol A. Wrddicornbe Jonathan B. Crew Krrn K. Jones Kelli D. Perkins Jenn ifer L. Wilkes Jeremy C. Cropp Na iche O Jones Christian M Porter Jeremy T Williams Rachel S Curry Laura A. Kavanagh Apakron Prapruttrakul NyanWin Danie l L. Curtis Christina N. Kennedy Joy E. Rawlings Tammi e Yorke Jorge A. Del Puerto Eun J Kim Rebecca A. Rexrode Shiho Yoshida

71 University Honors and Awards University Service Awards

Presented to students who have provided College of Humanities and Sciences outstanding service and commitment to the Ethan Beattie Sarah Buck uni ve rsity, student organizations and the Shivani Gupta Richmond community. Debraj Mukherjee

University Leadership Awards

Presented to students in leadership roles College of Humanities and Sciences in student organizations and unive rsity Sarah Buck Laura Clark committees, who have distinguished themse lves Shivani Gupta by demonstrating outstanding leadership abi lity Debraj Mukherjee and commitment to their organizations at School of Dentistry Virginia Commonwealth University. Jeffrey Graham

School of Engineering Mary Perkinson University Ho11.ors arid Awards Who's Who Among American Colleges and Universities

Presented to students that are among College of Humanities and Sciences the country's outstanding campus leaders Ethan Beattie Kimberly Brown and are se lected on the basis of academi c Sarah Buck achievement, service to the community Laura Clark and leadership in extracurri cul ar ac ti vities. James Depew Debraj Mukherjee

School of Allied Health Professions Katherine Overman

School of Business Andre Goulet Jennifer Mekol ichich

William H. Duvall Award for Student Activities Involvement

Presented to students who have provided College of Humanities and Sciences exemplary se rvice, beyond normal expectations, James B. Depew in Student Acti vities, student groups or organiza­ tions, and are in good academic standing.

VCU Alumni Association Award

Presented to the Academic Campus senior College of Humanities and Sciences Debraj Mukherjee who has exhibited exemplary characteristics in the areas of scholarshi p, leadership and se rvice to the Richmond community.

{-, .)., VC®om4JW12eement 2003 University Honors and Awards The Honors Society of Phi Kappa Phi

Phi Kappa Phi is a national honor society founded in 1897. The Virginia Commonwealth University Chapter established in 1976 is currently celebrating its 25th yea r. The primary objectives of this society are to promote the pursu it of excellence in all fields of higher education and to recognize outstanding achieve­ ment by students, fac ulty and others through election to membership and various awards for distinguished achi evement. Phi Kappa Phi typifies the honor society ideal, characteristic of American higher education, as it exists for the dual purpose of recognizing and honoring those students who attain high scholastic achievements, and encouraging those students who are capable of doing so. Phi Kappa Phi is unique because it recognizes scholarship in all academic disciplines, and does not restrict its membership to a specific field. Its interest and eligibility are extended across all subjects offered at the modem university and, by so doing, highlights the importance of appreciating and understanding more than a single limited specialty.

School of Allied Health School of Pharmacy Wayne C. Hall Professions Pravin R. Jadhav (doctoral level) School of the Arts Martha L. Walker (doctoral level) Undergraduate School of Social Work Scholarship Ann J Elacate (master's level) Scholarship Michael L. Howell (doctoral level) School of the Arts Mira E. Signer (master's level) Meesha Giles Dragana Crnjak (master's level) College of Humanities Center for Public Policy and Sciences School of Business Mark C. Williams (doctoral level) School of Education Ashrni Doshi Songlan Peng (doctoral level) Scholarship Rowana S Flitan (master's level) College of Humanities Lauren A. Woods School of Education and Sciences Julia Bardrof Graduate Fellowship Mary A. Coleman (doctoral level) Scholarship Keith A. Shannon (master's level) College of Humanities School of Engineering School of Engineering Smitha S Gowda Scholarship and Sciences Lei He (doctoral level) Leigh Thompson Charles D. Anderson (master's level) School of Allied Hasan R. Syed School of Graduate Health Professions School of Medicine Scholarship Studies Scholarships Michael A. Tevald (doctoral level) 2003 Honorary Leslie A. Fi licky (master's level) Memberships Michael Sean Metts College of Humanities School of Nursing and Sciences Denise D. Crosson (doctoral level) Edward L. Flippen Esq . Kelli W Taylor (doctoral level) Lora C Harpold (master's level) McGuire Woods Stewart S. Jester (master's level) Sari A. Soutor (master's level)

1-f University Hor1ors and Awards The Honors Society of Phi Kappa Phi continued

Terence Burton School of Allied Health William E. Fuller. Ph.D. 2003 Phi Kappa Phi Melissa Carol Butcher Professions Stephanie MacDonald Hayes Faculty Initiates Nancy Lynn Campbell Sepideh Gharanfoli Barbara Howson Jennifer Ann-Nicole Chung Heather Elizabeth Hartman Michael Huttman Lauren Proctor Clark Astrid Diane Rodgers Todd Kramer College of Humanities Kathryn L. Cooke Kimberely Lawrence and Sciences Jiarzen Chang School of the Arts Stephanie Cree Lennon Dr. Charl es R. Blem Andrew Chervencak Rebecca M Baten Stacy Nicole Lyne Leann Blem Prue Cormie Constance L. Benz Susan Marie Morgan Dr. Jill Alice Gordon Kennedy Dele Lesley Ann Golenor Joan Pennline Emily Riley Dr. Harold E. Greer Jr Amy Depcrynski Sarah Pruitt Erica Leah DePompeo Virgin ia An ne Samsel Deborah L. Romig Al lison Dickert School of Business Karen Anne Rosser 2003 Phi Kappa Phi Amy Disharoon Robert Barter Jr. Carol M Schal l A lumni Initiates Alecia F Dohnal Kristin Eli zabeth Canaday Shannon Dianne Terry Kristen Marie Dominguez Marquita Carden Michael B. Edmond School of Engineering College of Humanities Denise Dortch Woon Nam Chow Veronica Ferencz Timothy E. Emerson and Sciences Rajesh Patel Alison Game Michael P Hughes The Honorable Rosalyn Dance Brenda Hicks-Massey Lucy Ann Joseph School of Nursing Dr. William Gutzke Christopher T Hoskin Anthony Salvatore Leone Ruth Burk Ali Muhammed Khan School of Social Work Margaret Ann Livingston Babette Su zanne Proffitt Eun Kim Carrie Miller Randi Buerlein School of Pharmacy Virg inia Mackintosh Joshua J Powell Meredith Linder Bremer School of Medicine LinDee McCall Deborah G. Rice Ka vita Latesh Ga jria Dr. Milton Ende Mark f' Melmer Scott Patrick Rooney Scott Gilmer Dr. Norman Ende Lane Alan Midgett Viktoryia Smahina Christina Nicole Kennedy Amy Beth Mogetz Samira Surani Margaret Anne Nichols Academic Affairs Arvind Murthy George W Stamper Ill Ian A Orensky Joseph H. Seipel Mary Elizabeth Newcomb Adam Shawn Tignor Stephanie Layne Procise Kevin Jordan O'Brien Alexander Michael Weisz Damien M Parker School of Social Work Phi Kappa Phi Student School of Dentistry Thomas Roland Pluger Mary Adcock Initiates Dena Nicole Campbell Ruth Ann Redbird Melody Kay Baker Allison F Roll ison School of Education Carrie Anne Becker Kimberly Ann Ryan College of Humanities Marcie K.G . Alexand er Erin Boothby Heather Satterlee and Sciences Ann Elizabeth Salathe Allen Bari Wynne Kline Borenstein Kristen Nicole Shockey Stephanie Lyn Adams Carol Baron Cheryl Britt Hannah Song Michel le Alga Robin Martin Boyer Paula J Flynn Samuel Sours Nkechinyere O Anyadike Brian William Capuano Elizabeth K. Jamieson Brian W Tate Kimberly Christine Ball Alison B. Conley Suzanne R. Pritzker Myja R. Th ibault Angel Heidi Biesack L. Holli Kennemore Cook Danika Akil Ri cks Wendy Elizabeth Thomas Meghan Leigh Boyle Melinda Craig Lisa Hill O'Shea Zachary Bennett Wilmouth Sarah Denise Buck S. Dallas Dance Jul ie O'Dell Sherri ll Martin David Zanin Amber M. Buckley Denise Dainty Daniel Shawn St2nto Tanja Zlatkovic Morgan Wren Burfield Robert Feldacker Amee H. Vyas Kimberly Forquer Nancy Widmer

/ , } University Honors and Awards College of Humanities and Sciences

James B. Baldwin John Courtis College of Humanities Ryan A Berberich Department of Michael Ed mond and Sciences Bradford J Beyer Military Science Susan Fitzpatrick Erica M. Booth Fa rrah Stone Graham Kimberly A. Brown James Hick le Humanities and Sciences Ronald A Campana Jr. Commisioned as Army John Janssen Distinguished Service Jill G. Carri llo Second Lieutenents through Jauquin Lewis Award William D. Duke Jr. the Army Reserve Officer Wi lliam Marrow Robert J Fazio Catherine D. Evan Training Corps Program Brenda Massey-Hicks Counseling Psychology Jana Fulmer Jeremy W McKenna Aya nna McMull en Terri Gauvin Jason R. Taylor Patricia Morri s National Phi Kappa Phi Catherine B. Gazoo Debra Nedervel t Scholarship and Lauren A. Wendy M Gibson Department of Phys ics Ni kiesha Nicholas Woods Graduate Laura Hagy Alisia Penn Scholarship Ann M Higg ins El izabeth Ream Leigh C Thompson Kimberly D. Hopkins Sigma Pi Sigma Wendy Thomas Ecomonics Amy Jack The National Physics Honor Jesse Jacobe Society Daniela Kaufman School of Mass Department Communications Shawn L. Kirkpatri ck Bachelors Degree Candidates Laura A Kluender Daniel G. Bartels of Psychology Danielle M. Letourneau Katherine Brinn Kappa Tau Alpha National Woon Chow Vaughan S. Livengood Psi Chi Honor Society Honoring George Wesley Hitt Timothy A Martin National Honor Society in Scholarship in Journalism Joseph Moore Lola N. Martins Psychology Kevin Rudd Katherine L Mason Heather Acey Bachelors Degree Candidates Mark P Melmer Colleen Michelle Androvich Tara L Ci farelli Masters Degree Candidates Winta Mengisteab Dvora Baldwin Sarah R. Edwards Andrew 0. Austen Hunter W Pack Laurel Barrel Tamara L. Hobgood John C Dickinson Kimberley R Payn e Sarah D. Buck Heather C King Naiche D. Jones Todd B. Perseghin Karen Burruss William Jeffrey Liverma n Martha K. Philpott Jennifer Case Masters Degree Candidates Jeanettzy Rodriguez John Skrobiszewski Andrew Grayson Tammie Anne Coghill Jessica L Rosenberry Amy Cole Emily Lopez Edom Sahle Department of Kathryn L Cooke Sarah J Seashols Monica Dabney April Sebera Political Science and Department of Public Administration Rachel Davenport Criminal Justice Natsha L. Snel I Kimberly Dooley Monica J Szatkowski Lauren Marie Eadie William T Traylor Pi Alpha Alpha Amanda Lynne Foy Alpha Phi Sigma Alethia N. Watford National Public Affairs and Jennifer Friend The National Criminal Donavan L Whitfield Administration Honor Gwynneth Ela nor Garber Justice Honor Society Erica S. Wi lliams Society Bryan Geddy Austen B. Asquith Lance E. Wi ll iams Roy Biddix Marcellus Chancellor Gibson Stephen D. Atkinson Jaclyn N. Wiltshire Jeffrey Simmer Lesley A Gordon Sharon Bailey Shannon Brown Shei la M. Guzman

76 University Honors a11d Awards College of Humanities and Sciences continued

Amber Dawn Haley Tiffani Ann Smith Sarah Diehl Latasha Coleman Amanda W Hodges Jean Stu ltz Holly Furlong Chavon Coley Erin James Donna Lynn Thrift Jennifer Harris Justin Gilmer Rashida Alisha Jones Sara Hart Turpin Ra lph Hollis Jason D. Gioffre Sarah Shepherd Kammerer Gabriela Vi llalobos Lisa Hutzel Andrew Haas Susan K.K. Kie fer Stacie White Holly Mann Steven Haasch Eun J Kim Tammy J Williams Coleen McFerren Kieshawna Hall Shannon Kluttz Denise Wofsy Ryan McKee Andree Herbert Erin L. Kotowski Heather Lauren Waskey Christin Munsch Justin Hogg Sandra H. Langford Shiho Yoshida Arvind Murthy Mary Kowun Sarah Dabney Linderman Reem Zanoun Jeremy Redford Sarah Newcomb Amy E. Loving Dwight Williams Thomas Pluger Stella Luo Debbie Smith Suzanne Leiter Missak Department of Benjamin Stroble Tammie Montez Sociology and Department of Urban Courtney Carmack Tanner Sarah Moore A nthropology Studies and Planning Genevieve Tremblay Jennifer E. Oates Greg Will Kelli Perkins Alpha Kappa Delta Gamma Theta Upsilon Adam Powell International Sociology The International Nicole Lynn Rocchio Honor Society Geographical Honor Society Nee lum Sayani James Archer Er ic Beckley Ashely Katherine Scott Jamal Brook-Hawkins Lisa Bernstein Carla Simpson Jessica Brown Renee Berns tein

77 University Honors and Awards School of Allied Health Professions

Distinguished Alumni Dolores G. Clement Award Department of Award for Outstanding Advising Department of C linical Laboratory Dr. Donna Dawson Kenneth R. White. Ph D . FACHE Radiation Sciences Lori Hasty Sc iences Sherry Kohlenberg Scholarship Award A.O. Williams Award A.O. Williams Award Department of Health Yujie Shan To be announced Viva Rena· Taylor Administration Health Administration Mallinckrodt Award Junior-year Award Service Award To be announced To be announced Herman L. Mullins Award Robin Andrea Scott Amersham Award Senior-year Award for Outstanding 2002 VCU Phi Kappa Phi To be announced Management Study Kupfer Award Graduate Scholarship Sepideh Gharanfol i Emily M. Hill Award Varian Medical Systems Award A.O. Williams Award for Veronica Sikka Daria Downing Scholarship To be announced Scholarship Award Warren E. Austi n Mart ha Susan Blair Department of Chris Dickerson Memorial Sepideh Gharanfo li Occupational Therapy Award School of Allied Health Chad E. Hatfield To be announced Professions Phi Kappa Phi James L. Matney Undergraduate Scholarship Veronica Sikka A.O. Williams Scholarship Award Susan M. Wenzel Jennifer O' Brien Department of Martha Susan Blai r Mary Katherine Overman Rehabilitation Cardwell Leadership Award Counseling Thibaut va n Marcke de Lummen A.O. Williams Award Department of Ann Elacate Jerry L. Norville Award for Gerontology Sharon McGowan A.O . Williams Scholarship Outstanding Educator Mary J Gilbert Stephen S. Mick. PhD. Patti Maurer Scholarship Student of the Year Award Kristin Webb Price Scholarship for the Thomas C. Barker Arlene Smith Study of Addiction Outstanding Preceptor 2003 VCU Phi Kappa Phi Henry M. Matthews Jr. A.O. Williams Award Award Graduate Scholarship Lucy B. Lewis Mr. Fred M. Ranki n Il l Award President and CEO Ann Elacate Iris A. Parham Scholarship Medicorp Health System Award Fredericksburg. Virginia John Ehle

78 University Ho11ors and Awards School of the Arts

Mallory Callan Memorial Department of A rt Scholarship Award Department of Dance Department of Education Jus tin Beaver and Choreography Interior Design Outstanding Senior in The Ruth Hibbs Hyland Digital Imaging Bryan Whitfield Scholarship Angelo Donghia Foundation Scholarship Award Erin Holloway Tamika Brown Senior Student Scholarship Mary A Bush Outstanding Senior in Kim Jones Joseph B. Elko Jr. Meli ssa Fr iedewa ld Kinetic Imagery Leslie Kraus Jordan Liverm on Creative Office The Glenn B. Hamm Erika Lutz Darby Pack Environments Interior Academic Achievement Video and Time-Based Media Matt Rogers Design Scholarship Award Nancy Gordon Vernon Smith Memorial Jason Somma Cath erine Merril Scholarship Award Department of Interior Oates Dance-in-education Christopher Seamon Design Leadership and Scholarship Service Award Department of A rt Robert and Joye Ledford Erica Col lins Angela Degrouchy History Scholarship Award Kim Jones Deborah Simon Roger Baugh Interior Design National American College Scholarship Bernice B. Gordon Outstanding Senior in Dance Festival Gala Award Katerina Skordas Scholarship Illustration Darby Pack Genevieve Ivan Mark Tyburski Excellence in Choreography Bernice B. Gordon Outstanding Senior in Award Department of Music Scholarship Communication Design Le slie Kraus Jenn ifer Log an Jeremy Will iams Jason Somma Outstanding Graduate The Bess T. Brownell Student Taylor Barnett Assistantship Department of Crafts Department of Jennifer Logan Fashion Design and Music Teachers National Association Student Allan A. Eastman Award Merchandising Achievement Award Department of Mathew Brandon Laura Chuchi Communication Arts Chad B. Coffman H. Theo Young Award and Design Lindsey Anne Jochets Kimberly Bailey Outstanding Scholar Award John Fox John Roos Memorial Outstanding Merchandising Outstanding Senior in Scholarship Senior Outstanding Service Award Graphic Design, VCU/Oatar Adam A Welch Rebecca Batten Ve ness a Lopez Aisha AI-Mansoori Outstanding Music Educator Lisa Martin Outstanding Scholar Award Andrew Nich oll s

Outstanding Performer Trey Pollard VC® ommeneenient 2003 University Honors and Awards School of the Arts continued

Ryan P. Mulligan Barbara Ellen Powers Theatre VCU Alumni Department of Bruce R. Wilhelm Scholarship Scholarships Fumi Sato Melissa L Chanselle Photography and Fil m Brooks Fellowship for Laura L Lozano Anderson Ranch Bon Air Artists Association Courtney M. Watson Outstanding Graduate Michael D. McDevitt Award Zachery Vaughn Kym Franklin Scholarship Student Wayne Hall Scholarship Laura L Lozano George All en Virginia A. Samsel Outstanding Senior in Covington International Bradford Award Department of Travel Scholarship Photography Elizabeth A. Swerdlow Theatre Amanda Arwood Vanessa L Leuck Pollak Award Outstanding Senior in Excellence in Bobby Chandler Award Bruce R. Wilhelm Filmmaking Undergraduate Theatre Brian C. Barker Michael Beasley Heather R. Ba iley Mel issa L. Chanselle Department of Brian C. Barker Hilary A. Noxo n Service and Leadership Award Sculpture Excellence in Graduate Charles Gustina Theatre Barbara Ellen Powers Ann Marie Gardinier Outstanding Junior in Scholarship Vanessa L. Leuck Photography Bobbi Co rke r Jake Lyel l Theatre VCU Service Award Andrew Gehr West Courtney M. Watson Outstanding Junior in Scholarship Filmmaking Theatre VCU Leadership Jill ian Gliatto Benjami n Muri Award SOTA nominee for the Phi Wesley J. Du Kappa Phi, Lauren Woods Theatre VCU Black History Department of Graduate Scholarship in the Making Painting Competition Raymont L. Anderson and Printmaking Bonnie Greene Travel Grant View/2003 Award Lynne Hassell Patrick A. Binks Jame s H. Black Jr. Walter E. Carrier

r)'() University Hor1ors ar1d Awards School of Business

Undergraduates Wall Street Journal The O utstanding Dean's Scholars Richard Alb ri tton Award Co-op Student Martina Silke Arel Michael Banta Doctoral Students Jamie Davis Jayme L. Mika Samantha Waddy Dr. Flavia Cavazotte Randall Dortch Dr. Helen Roybark An J Li Distinguished Service Student of the Year Graduate Master's Joseph Loza Award and M.B.A. Christopher Myers Meenakshi Aggarwal Barba ra Sammons Barbara J Sammons Alan Batchelder Ho-Jong Shin Angel D. Blue Departmenr of Account111g Alina Brik Department of Accounting Susan Carter Alyssa Arute The Honor Society of Sarah Ellis-Bland Beta Gamma Sigma Courtney "fillet Department of Economics Kerry Fleming Department of Finance Kendall Gi les Guarav Shrestha Lucy Joseph Heather L. Acey Mathew Nuckols Department of Finance Margaret Livingston Martina Silke Arel Department of Information Thoma s Ragland Jr. Michael Banta Systems Martina Silke Arel Scott Rooney Donovan J Finch Department of Management Yana Sokolenko-Carol lo Maury P Harris Il l Kimberly Thayer George W Stamper Ill Joanna Marie Monk Department of Management Vaishali Patel Den ise Tagger Brian T. Rainsford Department of Marketing Andrew Francisco Shearin Nicole Gerbino Fast Track M.B.A. Vi ktoryia Smahina Department of Marketing James Curtis Ryan Matthew Sommer Scott Nininger Alexander Michael Weisz Robert Petrie Wei Y Zheng Muthu Veerappan

Si VC®onimeneement 2003 University Honors and Awards School of Dentistry

AD. Williams Award Edmond T. Glenn Pierre Fauchard Division of Award Academy Scholarship Dental Hygiene Third-year Class 2001-02 - Richmond Chapter Kelly Viau Jennifer Mark A.D. Williams Award Anne Zimmerman Robert Mansman Leonard Nunnally Second-year Class 2000-01 Third-year Class 2001-02 Kip Jones

First-year Class 1999-2000 Hinman Dental Majd J Sabik Society Scholarships

Gloria Fernandez Sarah Friend

v ,_; " - University Ho11ors a11d Aware-ls School of Education

Virginia A A mold Amold P Fl eshood S. Virginia and Gaynelle Whitlock Scholarsh ip Scholarship Berta M. Newell Scholarshi p Scholarship Ju lie M. Smith Elizabeth Cooke Chris tina Smith Julie Nickiforos W illiam C. Basher Jr. Jessie Hibbs School of Education Scholarship Scholarship Phi Delta Kappa A lumni Board Scholarship Scholarshi p To be announced Fay Stith Renee Hilton Tim Bostic Pearl Burford Health and Phys ical Althea Brutus Scholarship Education Scholarship Schumacher Tambula Johnson Dissertation Fund Elizabeth Turner Glenn Gohlke School of Educati on To be announced Fac ulty O rgani:atiun Jack A Duncan N. Thelma Jones Scholarshi p Scholarship Scholarsh ip Div ision of Teacher Education Scholarship Carlos Diaz Christy J Brown Julie lmholt Kristen Shockey Emily Rae Homza Patricia H. Dun can Ann Elizabeth Seyfarth Famil y Schulmship Scholarship Marston Scholarsh ip John Van de Walle Schularship Timothy Tows lee Tami Carsillo To IJe announced Th eresa Donnelly Robert and G ladys C laire McCarthy Fleming Scholarship Recreation Ri:pah Welch Scholarship Sch,1larshi p Kathryn Kirk

Toni Bastion Samantha Marsh VC®ommeneement 2003 University Honors and Awards School of Engineering

Syed Kalim Hussaini University Leadership Tau Beta Pi Alvin Curtis James Biomedical and Service Award Engineering Honor Joy Y. Kim Engineering Award for Ryan Michael Mitchell Society Sri Kri shna Mukkamala Academic Excellence Mary E. Perkinson Nicole Marie Passmore Elizabeth Williams Anderson Katie Elizabeth Peters Katie E. Peters Bentley Ping Chan Pamela Raja Puthoor Woon Nam Chow Russell Andrew Whitesides Joshua Chad Defriece University Hor1ors and Awards School of Medicine

A.D. W ill iams A lpha O mega A lpha Department Department of Human Scholarsh ips of A natomy Genetics Hamidreza Aliabadi and Neurobiology Third-year Class for 2001-02 Rachel Lorey Ammons Roscoe 0. Hughes Katrina Virginia Fox Elisabeth Joan Ashley Walther Riese Award Fellowship, 2002 Sarah Berrigan Kaplan Todd Anthony Bruno in Neuroanatomy, 2002 Timothy York Heather Susan Masters Manjiri Mukund Didolka r David Liao VCU, MCV Campus Graduate Jeremy Paul Moore Kelly Elaine Doyle Gaelyn Elizabeth Lee Eaton- Student Association Travel Second-year Class for 2000-01 Scuderi' Department Stipend, 2002 Gaelyn Elizabeth Lee Eaton- Michael John Feldman of Biochemistry Timothy York Scuderi Katrina Virginia Fox Genetic Epidemiology Jeremy Paul Moore Jula Elizabeth Graves C.C. Clayton Award , 2000-01 Workshop 12 Travel First-year Class for 1999-2000 David Adair Green Wesam Ahmed Award, 2000 Gaelyn Elizabeth Lee Eaton-Scuderi Christine Nhu Huynh Timothy York Heather Susan Masters Douglas Allan Johnson Sarah Berrigan Kaplan Department of C.C. Clayton Award for William Charles Kreisl Biostati sti cs Master's Students, 2002 W ill iam B. Porter Eric Matthew Lyders* Jennifer Lee Award in Medicine Heather Susan Masters* Biopharmaceutical Applied Eric Douglass McCollum Statistics Scholarship, 2001-02 Department of Jeremy Paul Moore* Heather Susan Masters Michelle Casey Microbiology and Jon Scott Moussally Immunology Pamela Mitra Nett Karl Peace Award for Robert C. Bryan Gregg Thomas Nicandri Excellence (Biostatistics), Award in Pathology Kathleen M. Powis 2001 -02 Finalist, John C. Forbes David Ross Salley Stacey Cofield Graduate Student Honors Daniel Victor Santos Colloquium, 1999 Gaelyn Elizabeth Lee Eaton-Scuderi University Leadership Katherine Roscoe Shew* Salma AI-Darmaki Award, 2000 Lane McNei l Smith * Stacey Cofield L. Beverley C haney Kimberly Ingram Soderberg Department of Holly Lynn Spraker Award University Service Preventi ve Med icine Vartan S. Tashjian * Award,2000 and Community Jettrey Alan Troy* Stacey Cofield Kathleen M. Powis Erika Ann Woodson Health Elizabeth Leigh Zarkin Phi Kappa Phi Award, 2001 Molly Rankin Dean 's Award for C.C. Clayton Awa rd, 2003 • Etec1ed ,n junior year Academic Achievement, Abhijay Karandikar 1999-2003 Specia l Award for Exemplary and Dedicated Servi ce as Editor - M.P.H. Program Heather Susan Masters Update Newsletter, 2003 Abhi Jay Karandik ar University Honors and Awards School of Nursing

Jennifer M. Holder Marguerite G. Nicholson Phi Kappa Phi Erin R. Holt School of Nursing Award Jorelynn May lntal Awards Lavinia Durham M. McKinley Lawler RN Award Ruth Burk Rebecca G. Snel lings Joan Hirsch Babette Suzanne Proffitt Annie B. Weber Mayme B. Wilson Lacey Maya D. Whitlow Award Temple Memorial Award Craig Gordon Teresa Artale Sigma Theta Tau Graduate Marie Cornwall The Honor Society fo r Teresa L. Artale Yingling Senior Nathalie LeFloch Nursing Marie C. Cornwall Achievement Award Cynthia L. Gross Zelda Benjamin Heather M. Hallberg Undergraduate Student Nurses Association Zelda L. Benjamin Lora C. Irwin Stephanie L. Quinn Award Dena Nicole Campbell Zelda Benjamin Kathleen M. Cazin Elizabeth A. Rehim Kara A. Clark Alison M. Schaefer Mabel E. Montgomery Rachael S. Curry Emily K. Spiker Award liffany N. Fields Jodi 8. Tolley Rachel Curry Tammy Hedspeth University Hc)IlC)rs a11Li Awards School of Pharmacy

Leigh Anne Hylton Rho C hi Christina Nicole Kennedy Professionali sm Award VPHA Research and The Nati onal H onor Loi Gia Kha Educati on Foundati on Society in Pharmacy Margaret Anne Nichol s Award Kalpesh Jashbhai Patel Kandace Violet Whitley Rachel Collette Paxton Lina AIJuburi Rafael Saenz Award of Excellence Margaret Anne Nichols Meredith Rae Linder Bremer Christina Lynn Cady in C linical Scott Jessee Gi lmer Research Excellence Communicati on Dean's Award John N. Hong Award Meredith Morgan Howell Leigh Anne Hylton Meredith Rae Linder Bremer Ke lly Anne Wa les Jurek John N. Hong Ryan Blake Kel ler Christina Nicole Kennedy Pati ent Care Award W. Roy Smith Hyu n-So Kim C linical Research Scholarships Hoa Thanh Thi Mai Award Theodros Yohannes Nega sh Krishna H. Naik Kalpesh Jashbhai Patel Theodros Yohannes Negash Lina AIJuburi Charles Little Worthington Ill Bao-Chau Dang Hoang Nguyen Excell ence in Ian Abraham Orensky Kathy Nguyen Pharmacy Award Margaret Anne Nichols Ed ward E. Willey Ian Abraham Orensky O utstanding Christina Nicole Kennedy Scholarships Dipti N. Patel Leadership Award Ka lpesh Jashbhai Patel Meredith Rae Linder Bremer Stephanie Layne Procise VSHP Excellence in Christina Nicole Kennedy Maryl iz Bayas Schmiedeberg Kalpesh Jashbhai Patel Health-System Margaret Anne Nichols Thanh-Binh Thi Tran Pharmacy Award Jennifer Justice White Leadership Achievement Award Ettie Lea Gillespie Phi Lambda Sigma The National Katherine Evan s Beasley Leadership Society in Pharmacy

Meredith Rae Linder Bremer Tonya C Chrichlow Angela Michel Dyer James Vincent Ettare II vc®Offwneneement 2008 University Honors and Awards School of Social Work

Elaine Rothenberg David Saunders Elaine Rothenberg Emmett Cocke Award Award Scholarship Amee Vyas Elizabeth Gillam (MS.WI Suzanne Pritzker Mary Beth Adcock Caroline Savitzky (B SW) William Randolph Black History in the Mel Whipple Hearst Foundation University Phi Kappa Making Scholarship Scholarships Phi Graduate Scholarship Edward Robinson Jr (M.SW) Tamara Walker Bernarda Bandek Tamara Walker (MS.WI Erin Boothby Amee Vyas Octavia Ware (M .SW) Sheyna Dorfman Denise Lucombe (B SW) Anne Fischer Janet Gardner Scholarship Christina Neil Social Justice Award Olivia Owusu-Boakyewah NASW Social Work Allison Marcus Tessa Ann Shuk Student of the Year Edward Robi nson Jr. (M SW) Michel le Yi Jennifer Berkman-Parker (MSW) Award Tom Carlton Elizabeth Gillam (MS.WI Scholarship Sally DuBose Service Award Amy Wooley Michael Grubb Book Jennifer Berkman-Parker Award

Heather Cummings