S ecci n e · Innovation · Policies

World Health Summit B ERLIN, GERMANY O CTOBER 14–16, 2018 “The World Health Summit in is “ It has a real added also a forum that value in times when is held in high inter­ we know that multi- national esteem lateral platforms in and is dedicated the world are losing to jointly furthering power.” .” J Oanne LIU HM ER Ann GRÖHE International President, Federal Minister of Health, Médecins Sans Germany Frontières, Switzerland “ The World Health “ The quality of Summit is one people here, the “ This well-known col­ of the best events quality of panels, laborative network of to meet and interact the quality of academic institutions with all aspects of discussions, the works tirelessly to global healthcare, diversity of every­ achieve its main goal: academia, govern­ body has been to improve the health ment, and pharma.” really amazing.” conditions worldwide.” T homas P. Laur HRH Princess Dina Adalberto Campos President of SAP Health, Mired of Jordan Fernandes USA President-Elect, Minister of Health, Portugal Union for International Cancer Control, “No other forum Switzerland draws the relative participants so “ I am very excited systematically into by the increased a common discourse attendance of aimed at mastering the young people future challenges of from Africa.” healthcare provision.” Matshidiso Rebecca Moeti St efan Oelrich WHO Regional Office Executive Vice President “ The World Health for Africa, Switzerland Head of Diabetes and Cardio­ vascular GBU, Sanofi, Germany Summit is truly a premier strategic “ The World Health forum for global Summit 2017 was health leaders “ The World Health a wonderful event to come together.” Summit brings together with an extraordi­ Ter d os Adhanom experts from across Ghebreyesus nary program and the globe to improve Director-General, WHO, many opportunities Switzerland both healthcare and for important and prevention.” fruitful meetings.” Kal r Max Einhäupl Chrs i toph Benn CEO, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Director of External Berlin, Germany Relations, The Global “ What a great occa­ Fund to Fight AIDS, sion to engage and Tuberculosis and , Switzerland “ Congratulations. talk about how we What a great Summit. can jointly tackle And all the best for some of the most next year’s anniversary.” fundamental chal­ Fr ancesca lenges of our time.” Colombo Wee rn r Baumann Head of Health Division, CEO, Bayer AG, OECD, France Germany FACTS 3

3 Days · 100 Nations · 200 SPEAKERS · 2000 PARTICIPANTS

F rom October 14–16, the 10th World Health Summit will Participants Presidents 2018 again draw inter­national experts from academia, politics, • 2,000 from 100 countries João Gabriel Silva the private sector, and civil society to Berlin. on site University of Coimbra • 3,500 worldwide via F ernando Regateiro At the World Health Summit, 2,000 stakeholders and deci­ live-stream Coimbra University sionmakers from 100 countries and every field in healthcare Hospitals Goals work together to find solutions to global health challenges. De tlev Ganten • Improve health worldwide Charité – Universitäts­ • Bring together stakeholders The World Health Summit promotes thought leadership in medizin Berlin from all sectors science and advances global health agendas and was founded • Strengthen international in 2009 on the occasion of the 300th anniversary of Berlin’s Regional Meetings cooperation Charité Hospital. The international conference is traditionally • Coimbra, April 2018 held under the patronage of the German Chancellor, the Results • Kish Island, April 2019 President of the Republic of France and the President of • M8 Alliance Declaration Expert Meetings the . In addition to the World Health • Statements and recommen­ • Rome, June 2018 Summit in October in Berlin there are annual Regional dations for National Acad­ • Istanbul, June 2018 Meetings in Spring and Expert Meetings around the world. emies, Governments and International Organizations • Session Reports General Topics

• Basic Biological & Medical Research • Universal Health Coverage • Drugs & Vaccines • Clinical & Patient Research • Translational Science & Medicine • Regulatory Aspects • Specific Diseases & Disorders • Public Health & Prevention • Health Visions, Strategies, Ethics • Diagnostics & Therapy • Lifestyle, Physical Activity, Nutrition • Evolutionary Medicine • Medical Technology & Engineering • Patient Safety • Demographic Change & Healthy Aging • Health Policies & Systems • Healthcare Facilities • Global Health and Development


A ngela Merkel Emmanuel Macron Jean-Claude Juncker Chancellor of the Federal President of the President of the Republic of Germany Republic of France European Commission

“ The World Health Summit has “ Cooperation between states, the “The World Health Summit is a become a well and widely respected scientific, economic and medical key milestone in our efforts.” international forum when it comes stakeholders, and civil society to the joint search for effective is essential and must be planned responses to global health issues.” over the long term.” * continuation requested TOPICS

Crent al Topics 2018

Pandemic Preparedness Strengthening Health Systems The ability to prevent, detect, respond to and control Although we now have a sophisticated arsenal of inter­ outbreaks is a significant investment that many countries ventions and technologies for curing disease and pro­ are still struggling to make. New financing mechanisms – longing life, gaps in health outcomes continue to widen. such as the Pandemic Emergency Financing Facility The power of existing interventions is not matched by and WHO’s Contingency Fund – are therefore critical the capacity of health systems to deliver them to those to ensuring global health security and saving lives. In this in greatest need, in a comprehensive way and on an process, domestic financing for preparedness and reliable adequate scale. Smart investments have to be the public health mechanisms poses a key challenge. centerpiece of domestic policies and financing.

The Sustainable Development Goals: Antimicrobial Resistance Health in All Policies Antimicrobial resistance is rising to dangerously high The SDGs are an indivisible and interdependent set of levels all over the world, and now threatens our ability goals for sustainable development that are inherently to treat common infectious diseases. The global crisis linked with the Health in All Policies approach. It provides reflects the overuse of common antibiotics, as well a tool for finding common ground between economic as a lack of new compound development on the part and social development, environmental sustainability of pharmaceutical companies to address the challenge. and human health. One of the most important challenges Fresh efforts have been made recently to coordinate for global health in the coming decade will be to develop efforts, implement new policies and renew research synergies between a wide range of SDGs and health. efforts. But major gaps remain.

Access to Essential Medicines The Digital Healthcare Revolution Some countries have made substantial progress towards The global population is growing and ageing, and that improving access to essential medicines and treatments is having a profound impact on healthcare all over the for fighting HIV/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis. Even planet. Meanwhile, new developments in technology are so, access to essential medicines in many parts of the blurring the boundaries between the physical, biological developing world remains inadequate, and new challenges and digital worlds. The goal is now the personalization – like access to NCD medicines – have arisen. Recent of medicine – allowing tailored treatments for individual progress shows that access to essential medicines can patients based on their unique genetic makeup. This be improved through stronger partnerships between revolution has the potential to provide huge health governments, pharmaceutical companies, civil society benefits and empower patients, but it also poses new and individual consumers. ethical challenges, and could make inequities in health­ care even starker than they are today.

Session Formats

Keynotes Panel Discussions Workshops • 90 minutes • 90 minutes • 90 minutes • Max. 5 speakers • Max. 6 speakers • Max. 6 speakers • Up to 800 participants • Up to 300 participants • Up to 250 participants 5 WORLD HEALTH SUMMIT 2017

3 days, 47 sessions, 250 speakers, and 2,000 participants from about 100 countries – in October 2017, Berlin was the capital of Global Health once more.

S unday, October 15

Keynotes and panel discussions:

• Opening Ceremony • Healthy and Resilient Cities: Rethinking Urban Transformation • Noncommunicable Diseases: Examining Global Health Priorities • Precision Medicine and Population Health: Forging a Consensus

… and 13 workshops

“ As long as we have “ How do we imple­ people in our world ment the One Health who don’t have access approach? There is to sustainable health­ a need to engage care systems, diagnos­ more colleagues from tics, higher education more disciplines. We institutions, research need to build long- and developments, etc, term relationships there will be a lack of and collaborations; to health security and we build trust to change are all going to be at behaviour and reduce risk collectively.” infectious behavior.”

Lod r Paul Boateng Chrs i tine Beerli Member of the House of Lords, Vice President, International United Kingdom Committee of the Red Cross, Switzerland 7

Mon day, October 16 Tuesday, October 17

Keynotes and panel discussions: Keynotes and panel discussions:

• Health Policy in the G7/G20: • Vaccine Research and Development: The Future of Global Health Governance Challenges and Opportunities • Innovations in Digital Health: • Governing the Future with the Sustainable Transforming Systems & Changing Lives Development Goals • Big Data for Health Governance: • The Health Impact of War & Terror: Benefits, Frameworks & Ethics Coordinating Aid • The Beauty of Impact: • Shaping the Future of Digital Healthcare Tech Pioneers in Public Health and Social Medicine in the Developing World • Vaccination Apathy: • Access to Health: Looking at The Non-rational Barriers to Health Protection Supply Chain & Delivery Systems – Critical Enablers • Global Health Security: to Improving Access to Health Policy Responses to Planetary Challenges • Strengthening Innovation and Health Systems in Africa: Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals … and 9 workshops … and 9 workshops

“When we know the meaning of the Genome sequence we will know the cause and the cure of everything: from disease to aberrant behavior to aging. What more persuasive call to the pursuit of basic medical research can there be?”

Roger D. Kornberg Nobel Prize laureate, Stanford University, USA M8 DECLARATION 2017

Health is a political choice

Global health is increasingly shaped in the political arena. For the first time the heads of state of the G20 included priority global health issues in their final declaration. Health is recognized as a central piece of the Sustainable Development Agenda 2030 and it is now a regular feature at the UN General Assembly. Many regional political bodies are engaging to improve health whilst city initiatives for health are gaining in relevance.

The rich discussions at the World Health Summit 2017 lead us to highlight the need for action in six key areas of global health:

Commitment Commitment Commitment 1 to Strong and Reliable 2 to Ensure Global 3 to Healthy and Governance Health Security Resilient Cities

The world needs strong global health The world is not yet ready to respond Cities are becoming transformative institutions to set norms and standards, sufficiently to a major pandemic drivers of sustainable development respond to outbreaks and to protect threat, despite a range of new initia­ and key actors in global health. and support the most vulnerable. tives which have been created to Their challenge is to act for health Their work needs the support of support greater health security for all. locally and integrate health into urban decision makers at the highest level Investments in science and innovation planning, housing investment and and it is essential that health remains as well as in public health institutions social policy decisions as cities con­ a key issue in major political fora and capacity are critical. This requires tinue to grow and change. The NCD such as the G7 and the G20 and in synergies between national, regional pandemic will only be resolved all regional organizations. and global action, between public and if there is also determined action at private actors and between develop­ the city level. The M8 Alliance calls on the coun- ment und humanitarian organizations. tries hosting the next G7 and G20 The M8 Alliances welcomes the summits and holding the presiden- The M8 Alliance calls on decision increasing number of city initiatives cies of key regional organizations makers to maintain and strengthen and networks that support health to include global health challenges their investment in health security, and calls on Mayors to give particu- on their agendas and to make the especially the implementation of lar attention to the social determi- political choices required to ensure the International Health Regulations. nants of health and their impact on the implementation of the 2030 This must include ensuring the safety the next generation of children and SDG agenda. of health and humanitarian workers young people. in war and conflict zones. Investing in resilient health systems and capa­- city at community level is one of the best approaches to ensure greater safety and reduce vulnerability. 9

Commitment Commitment Commitment to Innovation 4 to Responsible Approaches 5 to Research, Innovation 6 and Health Systems to Big Data and Development Strengthening in Africa

Big Data and artificial intelligence Intensified global efforts to step up Achieving the Sustainable Develop­ can bridge the gap between health­ vaccine research and development ment Goals will require significant care delivery and population health are essential and a range of new innovations regarding how invest­ and improve many health outcomes initiatives – such as GAVI and CEPI – ments and partnerships are devel­ through enhanced methods of re­ support the move in this direction. oped with low and middle income search. The digital future of health Important initiatives are also emerg­ counties around the world, especially has only just begun and in many ing to address the challenge of in Africa. Domestic investment will cases outpaces the policy responses. antimicrobial resistance. Part of such play an ever more important role – an effort must be the support to yet cooperation among African The M8 Alliance calls on inter­ institution and capacity building in countries as in other regions of the national organizations and on policy the global South and strong coope­ world will be more important than makers to prioritize the digital ration networks that span the globe. ever before in order to muster the potential of health systems and to still scarce resources. rapidly and systematically address The M8 Alliance calls on countries, the ethical, commercial, regulatory private sector actors and interna- The M8 Alliance calls on professional and technical challenges that come tional organizations to significantly organizations to actively contribute with this change. step up their investment in inno­ to new models of institution building vation, science and technology, and professional development to pro­ including implementation sciences, mote indigenous capacity in science interdisciplinary and translational and technology. Strategies to develop work as well as technology transfer. a highly competent health workforce, managing work force migration and circulation, involvement of Diasporas of professionals and scientists will gain in relevance. First successes in Africa show that progress is possible – they must be stepped up and sup- ported.

The M8 Alliance renews its full com­- mitment to support goal 3 of the Sustainable Development Goals which aims to: “Ensure healthy lives and promote well­-being for all at all ages.” We call on heads of state and govern- ment to invest in people and to en- sure that no one is left behind. The M8 Alliance commits to the transfor- mative approach of the Sustainable Development Goals. Success in SDG goal 3 will be achieved in a cross sec­- toral approach involving many of the other SDGs. We call on politicians to make the political choice for health. STARTUP TRACK 2017

10 young entrepreneurs from 6 countries pitched on Monday, October 16, in front of a high ranking jury and the audience and were awarded by Minister Hermann Gröhe in a ceremony that same evening.

The winning company doctHERs from convinced the jury with their idea of digitally connecting women in low- and middle-income countries to improve access Startups from all over the world to health. “Our winner combines both a significant impact presented their ideas and concepts on health and sets a vital and timely direction for social change,” so the reasoning of the jury. Asher Hasan of for the future of healthcare at the doctHERs said: “It’s like winning the Oscars. This visibility World Health Summit Startup Track will help women all over the world.” held under the patronage of For the World Health Summit Startup Track 2017, more than 70 health startups from 25 countries had applied, German Federal Minister of Health 25 of them were invited to the World Health Summit. Hermann Gröhe. World Health Summit Night Following the award ceremony, participants and speakers enjoyed the World Health Summit Night with food, drinks and music. M AEDI 11


In Zusammenarbeit mit:

Polish Healthcare Journal

Ogólnopolski System Ochrony Zdrowia

The World Health Summit 2017 was featured among others in

• Africa Times • Devex • Medscape • Agence France Press (AFP) • Die Welt • MIT News • Apotheken Umschau • DIE ZEIT • Modern Ghana • ARD Mittagsmagazin • Financial Express • MSN • ARD Tagesschau • Financial Times Health • Nairobi News • ARD Tagesschau24 • Focus Online • Radio Canada Internatinoal • Bayerischer Rundfunk • Foreign Affairs • radioeins vom rbb • Berliner Kurier • Frankfurter Allgemeine • rbb Abendschau • Berliner Morgenpost Sonntagszeitung • rbb Praxis • Berliner Zeitung • Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung • Reuters • Daily Nation • Funke Medien Gruppe • Stern • Daily News • Huffington Post- Canada • Technology Review • Daily Post Kenya • IJNet Arabic • The Express Tribune • DAZ Online • Inforadio • The Lancet • Der Freitag • International Health Policies • The News • Der Gelbe Dienst • Iran Front Page • The Peninsula • Deutsche Presse Agentur (DPA) • Kenya Today • ZDF Logo • Deutsches Ärzteblatt • La Presse+ • ZEIT ONLINE • Deutsche Welle • LifeScience


• 150 accredited media representatives • 300 reports (print, online, TV, radio) • 3,500 participants via livestream • 5,200 Tweets during the event creating about 17 million impressions • 1,700 people using the conference hashtag #WHS2017 • 250,000 online visitors from 200 countries • Press releases to more than 1,800 German and 1,000 international media contacts • Monthly newsletters to more than 20,000 subscribers neTWoRK

speakers and partners include speakers organizations (in alphabetical order) • Peter Agre • Berlin Institute of Health • Gerd Binnig • Charité – Universitäts­ • Elizabeth Blackburn medizin Berlin speakers • Emmanuelle Charpentier • German Centres for Health • Peter Albiez • Aaron Ciechanover Research • Werner Baumann • Karl Max Einhäupl • Helmholtz Association • Thomas B. Cueni • Roger D. Kornberg • InterAcademy Partnership • Christoph Franz • Barry J. Marshall • Leibniz Association • Steven Hildemann • • Robert Koch Institute • Joseph Jimenez • Hans J. Schellnhuber • M8 Alliance • Neil Jordan • Thomas C. Südhof • Max Planck Society • Suresh Kumar • Lothar H. Wieler • National Institutes of Health • Freda C. Lewis-Hall • Otmar Wiestler • Hasso Plattner • Ada E. Yonath • Severin Schwan • Rolf M. Zinkernagel • Steve Singh • Frans van Houten organizations academia speakers • Bayer • Christine Beerli • Medtronic • Arnaud Bernaert • Merck • Joe Cerrell • Microsoft • Katie Dain • Novartis • Mark Dybul • P fi z er • D a g fi n n H ø y b r å t en • Philips World • Jeremy Knox • Roche Private civil • Joanne Liu • S a n o fi sector HealtH society • HRH Princess Dina Mired • SAP • Joy Phumaphi • Siemens Healthineers Summit • Helle Thorning­Schmidt • VAMED • Elhadj As Sy • Heidemarie Wieczorek­Zeul speakers organizations • Hanan Mohamed Al­Kuwari Policy • Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation • Yukiya Amano Makers • Coalition for Epidemic • José Manuel Barroso Preparedness Innovations • Alain Berset • Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance • Margaret Chan • International Committee • Raymonde Goudou Coffi e organizations of the Red Cross • Awa Marie Coll­Seck • European Commission • Médecins Sans Frontières • Adalberto Campos Fernandes • International Governments and Ministries • Save the Children • Hermann Gröhe • Organisation for Economic Co­operation • The Club of Rome • Dorcas Makgato­Malesu and Development • The Global Fund • Matshidiso Rebecca Moeti • Munich Security Conference • Transparency International • Peter Salama • Senate of Berlin • Wellcome Trust • Rajitha Senaratne • World Economic Forum • World Wide Fund For Nature • Frank­Walter Steinmeier • World Health Organization Regional Meeting 13

World Health Summit Regional Meeting – Portugal April 19–20, 2018 Coimbra

Hosts C oimbra Hospital University Centre, University of Coimbra

V enue C onvento de São Francisco Coimbra, Portugal

Speakers include Topics e• Marc lo Rebelo de Sousa • Managing Infections Diseases President of the Portuguese in Low and Middle Income Republic Countries • António Costa • Governance for Health Equity Prime Minister, Portugal in Low and Middle Income • Adalberto Campos Countries Fernandes • Opportunities and Challenges “ The Regional Minister of Health, Portugal in Translating Innovation into “ I would like to Meeting in Coimbra Healthcare welcome you to will be a very good • Biomedical Education the University of event to serve for a Changing World Coimbra. Founded in 1290, it is one the World Health of the oldest uni­ Summit’s vision and versities in Europe to com­municate it and one of very to many countries especially in Africa.” Previous Regional Meetings S ave the date few that has been • Montreal 2017 Regional Meeting – Iran declared World Fernando Regateiro Heritage by UNESCO.” Chairman of the Board • Geneva 2016 April 29–30, 2019 of Directors, Coimbra • Kyoto 2015 Kish Island João Gabriel Silva Uni­versity Hospitals, Rector, University of Portugal • São Paulo 2014 Coimbra, Portugal • Singapore 2013 Iia n ti tives

The World Health Summit supports young experts and innovative ideas:

Startup Track N ew Voices in Global Health

The New Voices in Global Health initiative promotes the active participation of young scientists in the World Health Summit. The World Health Summit Scientific Committee identifies the best applications. Selected participants present their work at the World Health Summit.

The World Health Summit Startup Track, held under the patronage of the German Federal Minister of Health, highlights inno­vative ideas from all over the world with the potential to revolutionize healthcare and improve global health. From among all applicants, 25 startups are invited to the World Health Summit, including 10 finalists who pitch their business concepts in front of jury and audience.

Nxe t Generation of Science Journalists Award

The Next Generation of Science Journalists Award supports emerging young medical science journalists and their contribution towards public understanding of science. It is held in cooperation with Deutsches Ärzteblatt, the of Science Journalists’ Associations, the Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting, and the International Journalists’ Programmes.

IA P Young Physician Leaders

In this program, top junior professionals are nominated by the National Academies of their countries and being trained in special leadership programs during the World Health Summit. The program is organized by the IAP for Health, the medical section of all National Academies, and was launched in 2011 in partnership with the World Health Summit and the M8 Alliance. M8 ALLIANCE 15

The M8 Alliance is a unique network of 25 leading international academic health centers, universities and research institutions, and includes the InterAcademy Partnership, which represents all National Academies of Medicine and Science. The M8 Alliance acts as an academic think-tank for the World Health Summit.

The M8 Alliance currently has science based solutions to health The organization also works to adapt 25 members based in 18 different challenges worldwide. The M8 Alliance health-related solutions to rapidly countries, and includes all National promotes the bench to bedside to changing living conditions through Academies of Medicine and Science, population health translation of research in priority areas, especially represented through the InterAcademy research, as well as the transforma­tion shifting demographics, urbanization, Partnership. All M8 Alliance members of current medical care approaches and . are committed to improving global to treating the ill by creating health­ health and working with political and care systems aimed at the effective economic decisionmakers to develop prevention of disease. M8 aLLiance

interacademy Partnership (iaP) Kyoto university Graduate for Health school of Medicine, The IAP for Health combines the expertise The fi rst institution of its kind in Japan, and impact of all National Academies the Kyoto Imperial University College of Medicine and Science worldwide to of Medicine was founded in 1899. Its advance sound policies, promote excellence successor, the Kyoto University School of in science education and improve public Public Health, was established in 2000. and global health.

charité – universitätsmedizin Makerere university, uganda Berlin, Germany One of the oldest and most Europe’s largest university clinic – pres tigious centers of learning and its oldest and most prominent in Africa, Makerere University hospital – is located in the German is home to a staff of over 4,000 capital. Eleven Nobel Prize laureates and more than 40,000 students. have worked at the Charité.

coimbra Health, Portugal Monash university, australia Over 700 years old, the University of As Australia’s largest university – Coimbra is a keystone of European and with approximately 60,000 students global scientifi c culture, as well as a from over 170 countries – Monash has UNESCO World Heritage Site. Together seven campuses: fi ve in Victoria, one in with the Coimbra Hospital and University Malaysia and another in South Africa. Center, it forms Coimbra Health.

imperial college London, uK national university of singapore The Imperial College of Science and Founded in 1905, the National Uni versity Technology was created as a constituent of Singapore today consists of 16 diff erent college of the University of London. Fully faculties and schools. Around 37,000 independent since 2007, the Imperial students can be found on its three College London attracts students from campuses in Singapore and seven over­ more than 100 countries. seas locations.

London school of Hygiene national Taiwan university, Taiwan & Tropical Medicine, uK Known for its diverse and international Founded in 1899, the London School curriculum, National Taiwan University is of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine is one of made up of 11 colleges, 54 departments the leading research­focused graduate and 105 graduate institutes. It has a schools in the world. student body of around 30,000.

istanbul university, Turkey sapienza university of Rome, italy With origins dating back to 1453, Istanbul Established in 1303 by Pope Boniface VIII, University is an internationally recognized Sapienza is one of the oldest universities institute of higher learning with over in the world. With about 115,000 students, 170.000 students and 22 faculties it’s one of the largest is Europe as well. dedicated to research and education.

Johns Hopkins Bloomberg Tehran University Tehran university of Medical of school of Public Health, usa Medical Sciences sciences, iran A fully accredited private institution, the The university is the oldest, largest and JHSPH was the fi rst public health facility most highly ranked comprehensive higher in the world, and it remains the largest education institute in the fi eld of medicine school in the fi eld. and public health in Iran, off ering a wide range of courses and receiving applica­ tions from students from around the globe.

Tehran University of Medical Sciences (TUMS) is accredited with premier status by the Accreditation Service for International Colleges (ASIC). ASIC is recognized by the United Kingdom Department for Education and Skills (DfES), the United Kingdom Department for Universities, Innovation and Skills (DUIS), the United Kingdom Border and Immigration Agency (Home Office), the United Kingdom Office for Standards in Education (Ofsted). ASIC is a member of Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA). 17

university sorbonne World federation Paris cité, france of academic institutions for The University Sorbonne Paris Cité is Global Health (WfaiGH) a recently established consortium of A global network of academic health prestigious institutions that brings institutions, the WFAIGH was set up to together higher education and research help provide evidence to inform policies institutions in the city of Paris. on global health issues. , switzerland association of academic Health Founded in 1559 as a theological and centers intenational (aaHci) humanist seminary, the University of The AAHCI is a global non­profi t organ­ Geneva is renowned for emphasizing the ization that aligns eff orts among health unity of teaching and research. It’s the professionals in edu cation, research and only tertiary­level educational institution patient care. of its kind in the region.

Geneva university Hospitals, chinese academy of Medical switzerland sciences & Peking union Medical The Geneva University Hospitals college, china are heirs to a centuries­long tradition The college is among the most selective of excellence in medicine and science. medical institutions in the People’s The HUG represents a merger all public Republic of China and one of its top two hospitals in Geneva. universities.

Graduate institute Geneva, Russian academy of Medical switzerland sciences, Russian federation A semi­private postgraduate institution, Set up in 1944, the USSR Academy of the Graduate Institute Geneva was the Medical Sciences was considered the fi rst university in the world to be dedi­ most prestigious scientifi c and medical cated solely to the study of international organization in the Soviet Union. Its a ff a i r .s successor – the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences – was founded in 1992. university of Montreal, canada A public research university that started with less than 100 students in 1878, the University of Montreal has more than 60,000 today. Comprised of 13 faculties and more than 60 departments, it has the highest sponsored research income in Quebec.

Montreal clinical Research institute, canada The IRCM was the fi rst independent academic research center in Quebec to bring basic and clinical researchers together under a single roof. university of são Paulo, Brazil Founded in 1934, the University of São Paulo arose from a combination of institutions, including a medical school. Today the largest university in Brazil is seen as the country’s most prestigious educational institution. COM M ITTEES

M8 Alliance Executive Committee

João Gabriel Silva Fernando Regateiro De tlev Ganten Al i Jafarian Hé lène Boisjoly International President International President President International President 2019 International President 2017 Rector, University of Chairman of the Board of Charité – Universitäts­ Chancellor, Tehran Dean, Faculty of Coimbra, Portugal Directors, Coimbra Uni­- medizin Berlin, Germany University of Medical Medicine, Université versity Hospitals, Portugal Sciences, Iran de Montréal, Canada

Ae x l Radlach Pries Mice ha l J. Klag Ben Canny José Otávio Dean of Host Institution Strategic Co-operation Governance Auler Jr. Charité – Universitäts­ and Stakeholder Liaison and Fundraising Officer at large medizin Berlin, Germany Former Dean, Johns Hopkins Head, School of Dean, University Bloomberg School of Public Medicine, University of São Paulo Faculty Health, Baltimore, USA of Tasmania, Australia of Medicine, Brazil

Wo rLD Health Summit Scientific Committee

The Scientific Committee consists of the M8 AllianceExecutive Committee and these members of the WHS Council:

C-i o Cha rs members

Hé lène Boisjoly Rifat Atun David de Kretser Bäb r el-Maria Kurth K laus Lindpaintner Dean Director, Global Health Professor, Reproductive Director, Epidemiology Scientific Director Faculty of Medicine, Systems Cluster Endocrinology and Health Monitoring King Abdullah International University of Montreal, Harvard T.H. Chan School Monash University, Robert Koch Institute, Medical Research Center, Al Ahsa- Canada of Public Health, USA Australia Germany Jeddah-Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

St efan Kaufmann T homas B. Cueni Erc i h R. Reinhardt Heinz Riederer Günter Stock Director Director General Chair of the Board Managing Director President Max Planck Institute International Federation Medical Valley iNG innovation. ALLEA for Infection Biology, of Pharmaceutical Manu­ EMN e. V., Germany Nachhaltigkeit. All European Academies, Germany facturers & Associations Gesundheit, Germany Germany Switzerland COUNCI L | AMBASSADORS 19


Chair Catherina Böhme Susanna Krüger Peter Piot Foundation for Innovative New Save the Children London School of Hygiene Diagnostics Germany and Tropical Medicine The Graduate Institute of International and Development Thomas B. Cueni Bärbel Kurth Erich Reinhardt Studies Int. Federation of Robert Koch Institute Medical Valley Pharmaceutical Manufacturers & Associations Steve Landry Heinz Riederer Members Bill & Melinda Gates iNG innovation. Manfred Dietel Foundation Nachhaltigkeit. Charité – Universitäts- Gesundheit Ala Alwan medizin Berlin Yves Levy University of Washington, Institut national de la santé Maike Röttger Department of Global Health Klaus Dugi et de la recherche médicale Association Development Boehringer Ingelheim and Humanitarian Aid Rifat Atun GmbH & Co. KG Marion Lieser Harvard T.H. Chan School Oxfam Germany Mathias Scheller of Public Health Timothy Evans Albertinen-Diakoniewerk World Bank Klaus Lindpaintner Till Bärnighausen King Abdullah International Hans J. Schellnhuber Heidelberg University Roland Göhde Medical Research Center Potsdam Institute for Climate German Healthcare Impact Research Hans-Peter Baur Partnership Luiz Loures Federal Ministry for Economic UNAIDS Georg Schütte Cooperation and Development Jörg Hacker German Federal Ministry Leopoldina – Nationale Philippe Meyer of Education and Research Ingo Behnel Akademie der Wissenschaften Descartes University German Federal Ministry Günter Stock of Health Andrew Haines Jürgen Mlynek European Federation London School of Hygiene Falling Walls Foundation of Academics of Sciences Christoph Beier & Tropical Medicine and Humanities Deutsche Gesellschaft für Matshidiso Rebecca Internationale Zusammenarbeit Zsuzsanna Jakab Moeti Heiko Warnken World Health Organization World Health Organization Federal Ministry for Economic Christoph Benn Cooperation and Development The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Ashish Jha Bernd Montag Tuberculosis and Malaria Harvard Global Health Siemens Healthineers Lothar Wieler Institute Robert Koch Institute Tobias Bergner Andreas Penk German Federal Foreign Office Stefan Kaufmann Pfizer Germany Max Planck Institute Arnaud Bernaert for Infection Biology Hagen Pfundner World Economic Forum Roche Germany

Amb assadors

Edg el ard Bulmahn Etckar von Hirschhausen Heinz Riederer Ansgar Tietmeyer Former Federal Minister of Medical Doctor and Cabaret Managing Director Former Head of Public Affairs Education and Research Germany iNG innovation. Deutsche Bank AG Germany Nachhaltigkeit. Gesundheit Germany Germany

Manfred Dietel Michael Rabbow Reinhard Schäfers Charles Yankah Director, Institute of Pathology Senior Advisor Former Ambassador of the Chairman Charité – Universitätsmedizin E&P Focus Africa Consulting Federal Republic of Germany Afrika Kulturinstitut e. V., Berlin Berlin Germany Germany Germany Germany “ At this conference in Berlin, “ A forum of this kind “ It is viewed as the most the experts meet up to talk about must be strengthened important strategic forum for global healthcare provision.” and perpetuated.” global healthcare questions.” ARDe Tag sschau T he Lancet Die Welt

90% of the participants 2017 want to attend Jörg Heldmann World Health Summit the World Health Summit 2018 Managing Director WHS Foundation GmbH [email protected] c/o Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin Charitéplatz 1 Alexander Hewer 10117 Berlin, Germany Managing Director Save the Date World Health Summit 2018 Julian Kickbusch Tel.: +49 (30) 450 572102 October 14–16 Program Director [email protected] Berlin, Germany [email protected] www.worldhealthsummit.org