Captain’s Reference Sheet - Kickball

Basic Rules - 11 v 11 including ​ ​ ● Rule #1: Don’t be a D-Bag!!! ● Minimum 6 players, 2 females ● 6 males max. on the field ● Kickball wins are worth 2 points, Flip Cup wins are worth 1 point ● Playoff seeding is based on TOTAL POINTS for the season

Game Play

● 1 bunt per inning – every bunt after counts as a foul ball ○ Bunts: ball that does not cross the imaginary line between 1st and 3rd bases OR at the ref’s discretion ● NO leading off bases ● NO stealing ● Sliding is ALLOWED ○ At ref’s discretion – any slide that results in excessive contact with defensive player will result in the runner being OUT ● You CAN throw the ball at base runners but NO head shots ○ Head shots will result in a dead ball and all players will be safe ○ Players hit in the head get an extra base UNLESS they duck into the headshot - at which point they are out ○ ALL pitches MUST be thrown underhand and slow pitch (no spin or bounce) ○ If excessive, the ref may ask you to switch your ● 3 fouls is considered an out – NO STRIKES OR BALLS ● No more than 3 males can bat in a row ○ Females can bat multiple times within order to have 3-1 ratio; MUST bat in order in regards to other females ● NO infield fly rule ● Tagging up happens AS SOON AS the ball is TOUCHED, not caught


● 7 innings in a game ○ UNLESS we hit 40 min warning – both teams will be warned & the start of the next inning will be the final inning ● Mercy Rule – lessens the chance of having blowouts early in the games (boring for everyone) ○ Max. 5 runs can be scored per inning (EXCEPT the last inning – no limit) ○ Games CAN end in a tie during the regular season ● The losing team will ALWAYS bat first at the beginning of the LAST INNING (unlimited runs) – this limits blowouts by the winning team

*Teams without the minimum players will forfeit after 10 minutes from their designated start time*

*All teams make the playoffs at the end of the season (unless you forfeit 2x)* ​ ​ *Playoffs ONLY – At the beginning of each game, both teams MUST submit a written to your host*

Flip Cup

● Mandatory - counts in standings! ● Flip Cup Win = 1 point ● Best of 7 ● 5 players minimum ● Playing with beer is not required