The Utility Research Garden has a million bamboo that can clear the air in Greenville, Mississippi. We’ve for Texas and a million more for whatever state you’re delivered bamboo to NOLA, to a woman named in. We have bamboo for altered states, bamboo for Zola, to Waco, to Oklahoma, to a Pancho, a lefty, grand estates, bamboo for state run television, and several right wing compounds. Our bamboo is bamboo for Grambling State, for grumbling states, ubiquitous in Austin, stands tall in Baton Rouge, DELIVERING WEEKLY and bamboo for people in rambling states of unease teaches countless Westerners about the Eastern ACROSS TEXAS, LOUISIANA, about the course of history. values of open hearts, firm bodies, bending in the Bamboo has had a thousand jobs over the past wind, but not breaking under pressure. & THE SOUTH thousand years and it’s equally at home in the Orient We cultivate over a hundred different varieties as in the Occident. Half the bamboo species in the of bamboo, and we are cultivated by it too. Blocking world are home on land you and I can walk to, but neighbors is its specialty, as is blocking freeways, CONTACT: the best known and the most recognized uses flyways, and country byways. But the true beauty, come to us from the East, which is easier to get to by only occasionally seen in our neck of the woods, [email protected] pointing your boat west. is a grove of bamboo whistling and knocking in the PHONE: 512-626-9825 That said, we have bamboo that grows well in breeze, it’s ten-thousand leaves each speaking quietly to one another. WWW.UTILITYRESEARCHGARDEN.COM Texarkansas, but not so much in Terlingua. We have bamboo that thrives in Orange County and bamboo —David Cater, the Utility Research Garden Bambusa dolichomerithalla /Silverstripe /BlueBamboo Bambusa chungii /Barbellata -SPECIES/ VARIETY ORCOMMONNAME Bambusa malengensis /Seabreeze Bambusa eutuldoides / Viridivittata / Yin Yang emeiensis Bambusa Bambusa emeiensis/Flavidorivens 65 gal, 95gal, and200galcontainersizes. Price range $199-$899. Orders are customdug, ball &burlap (B&B). for CALL inquiries. *FIELD SPECIMENS: Available sizes &pricing varies baseduponplant species/variety. Field Specimensare generally equivalent to But many should. White stripesongreen canes. to 35’ As pretty &ashardy asB. textilis. Few know thisbamboo. Why? Why not. to 35’ Big, strong canesthat grow up&out andinto thesky. the bambooofchoice where it canbeseen. to 25’ It isblue. Orit’s white, when it’s not green. Shouldbe Slightly smallerthanB. chungii. to 20’ or22’ friendly bamboo. White sheets for canes. Orblue. If bamboowere ghosts, thiswould beCaspar, the would beit. to 45’ chose abambooto strap myself to inaHurricane, this Seabreeze... Doesn’t makeawind, but moves inone. IfI yellow bambooisquite asight. 35’ there’d beafight. Try asit may, tryasit might, this “Lemon” Bamboo. But not alemoninsight. Ifit hadfruit, flavidorivens. to 35’ The green stripedwith gold. The inverse of Leaves hangingdown. Goldstripedwith green. to 35’ Has allthequalities. Tall. Not too tall. Perfectly upright. Leaves-down, thesingleprettiest bamboowe cultivate. NOTE: PricesDoNOT Include Taxes orDelivery Fees QUANTITY 196 195 160 150 27 40 14 18 15 10 17 12 13 32 60 22 18 7 6 5 *Field Specimens *Field Specimens *Field Specimens *Field Specimens *Field Specimens *Field Specimens SIZE / TYPE 30g 15g 65g 95g 30g 15g 30g 95g 30g 15g 30g 7g 5g 5g HEIGHT 7’ 20’ 10’ 8’+ 15’ 14’ 12’ 12’ 18’ 18’ 5’ 10’ 12’ 14’ 20’ 12’ 15’-20’ 18’ 14’ 10’ CALL $89.00 $35.00 $69.00 PRICE CALL $399.00 $149.00 $89.00 $399.00 $149.00 $89.00 CALL CALL $329.00 $35.00 CALL $149.00 $149.00 CALL $149.00 (15-20°) Zone 8b (20-25°F) Zone 9a (15-20°) Zone 8b (15-20°) Zone 8b (15-20°) Zone 8b (25°F) Zone 9a/9b (20-25°F) Zone 9a (20-25°F) Zone 9a COLD HARDINESS

UTILITY RESEARCH GARDEN [email protected] 512.626.9825 CLUMPING BAMBOO /GoldenGoddess GENUS -SPECIES/ VARIETY ORCOMMONNAME Bambusa multiplex /Silverstripe-Upright Bambusa multiplex /Silverstripe-Recurvata Bambusa multiplex /Longfellow Bambusa multiplex /Green Hedge Bambusa multiplex /Green Alphonse Karr 65 gal, 95gal, and200galcontainersizes. Price range $199-$899. Orders are customdug, ball &burlap (B&B). for CALL inquiries. *FIELD SPECIMENS: Available sizes &pricing varies baseduponplant species/variety. Field Specimensare generally equivalent to Bambusa multiplex /Fernleaf Bambusa multiplex /Featherleaf Bambusa multiplex / Alphonse Karr bamboo gogold, alltold. to 12’ the bamboothat turn to coffee orblack. But green ALL thebambooturn GoldenintheMidday Sun. Except none. to 16’ Grows rightinto it. Up, up, andaway. White stripesthen Same asabove, but likesthesky. Hasmore respect for it. to acurvy8’ tall Summer. Where dothey go? And why dothey go thisway? How thewhite stripescomeinSpringbut leave in tall, thisbamboocan. And it will. Weepily to 18’ This istheskinny-minnie ofthemultiplex clan. Growing a screen. to 18’ But sadnessisnot hisstyle. He’s green andhappy to form This isthePapa Bear. All hisoffspringweep andfountain. The green version of Alphonse Karr. to 15’ True to it’s name, leaves likea10’ tall fern. ‘Golden Goddess’ isnot allthat Goldeneither. to 14’ Like ‘Golden Goddess’ but not allthat Golden. But then, it. I’d let it goifIcould. But thisbambooisstill in. to 15’ I don’t love it. But peopleknow it. And they buyandplant NOTE: PricesDoNOT Include Taxes orDelivery Fees QUANTITY 690 370 15 30 40 64 75 29 30 15 50 75 8 70 *Field Specimens *Field Specimens *Field Specimens SIZE / TYPE 30g 5g 15g 15g 15g 15g 15g 5g 5g 7g 5g HEIGHT 15’ 10’ 8’ 8’ 16’ 15’ 5’ 8’ 8’ 4’-7’ 6’ 6’ 6’-7’ 3’-4’ CALL CALL $68.00 $29.00 CALL $129.00 $29.00 $68.00 $68.00 $29.00 PRICE $48.00 $68.00 $68.00 $29.00 (15-20°) Zone 8b (15-20°) Zone 8b (15-20°) Zone 8b (15-20°) Zone 8b (15-20°) Zone 8b (15-20°) Zone 8b COLD HARDINESS (15-20°) Zone 8b (15-20°) Zone 8b (15-20°) Zone 8b

UTILITY RESEARCH GARDEN [email protected] 512.626.9825 CLUMPING BAMBOO /Emerald Bambusa textilis / Albostriata Bambusa pervariabilis viridistriata Bambusa multiplex riviereorum /ChineseGoddess GENUS -SPECIES/ VARIETY ORCOMMONNAME Bambusa textilis /LeeChingKuo Bambusa textilis /Kanapaha Bambusa textilis /Glabra Bambusa textilis /Gracilis 65 gal, 95gal, and200galcontainersizes. Price range $199-$899. Orders are customdug, ball &burlap (B&B). for CALL inquiries. *FIELD SPECIMENS: Available sizes &pricing varies baseduponplant species/variety. Field Specimensare generally equivalent to equal, theprettiest. to 30’ opinion) bamboofor ourclimes. All other thingsbeing The greenest (with white stripes), andgreatest (in my reach. to 55’ altogether. culms are GIANT ‘Alphonse Karr’, with 40’ more cloud Another onethat shouldbeeverywhere it cangrow. The been turned over. Just closerto theground. This isthe6’ little-sister to ‘Fernleaf’. Sameleaf. Hasn’t amazing. to 45’ the mostamazingvegetable garden. Hardy, upright, Another bigblue-green nonalgaelikeplant. Found in all. to 65’ bamboo”. Itgrows straight and T A LL. But that’s not This isabamboothat peoplecansay, “Whoa!” “That’s to 35’ green paws that protect you from someoflifes sorrows. If thetextilis clanwere bears, thisistheMamaBear. Big bamboo). ‘Gracilis’ isnot ‘Emerald’. to 30’ know? Everyone speaksof ‘Gracilis’, (that graceful OK. thismay bethegreenest bamboowe grow. But who’d Papa Bear(Kanapaha), but with skinnny, kidlegs. to 25’ The Baby Bearwith lushgreen hair. Grows straight like NOTE: PricesDoNOT Include Taxes orDelivery Fees QUANTITY 19 6 12 410 300 185 250 47 29 17 36 60 27 34 38 11 80 69 24 5 4 5 *Field Specimens *Field Specimens *Field Specimens *Field Specimens *Field Specimens *Field Specimens *Field Specimens SIZE / TYPE 95g 30g 30g 15g 45g 30g 7g 30g 15g 30g 30g 15g 5g 5g 5g HEIGHT 20’ 14’ 8’ - 10’-15’ 8’ 7’ 4’-5’ 16’-25’ 16’ 12’ 16’ 10’ 10’ 7’ 15’ 15’ 12’ 6’-7’ 20’ 15’ 10’ 5’-6’ $129.00 $68.00 $29.00 CALL CALL $89.00 PRICE $149.00 CALL $399.00 $149.00 CALL CALL $149.00 $69.00 CALL $229.00 $149.00 $35.00 CALL $149.00 $89.00 $35.00 (15-20°) Zone 8b (15-20°) Zone 8b (15-20°) Zone 8b (15-20°) Zone 8b (15-20°) Zone 8b (20-25°) Zone 9a (15-20°) Zone 8b COLD HARDINESS (15-20°) Zone 8b

UTILITY RESEARCH GARDEN [email protected] 512.626.9825 CLUMPING BAMBOO Bambusa textilis / Weaver’s Bamboo Bambusa textilis /Scranton Bambusa textilis /MissSmall Bambusa textilis /Maculata GENUS -SPECIES/ VARIETY ORCOMMONNAME Bambusa tuldoides ventricosa /CloneX Bambusa tuldoides ventricosa /Buddha’s Belly Bambusa tuldoides / Wacky Seed Bambusa tuldoides /Punting Pole 65 gal, 95gal, and200galcontainersizes. Price range $199-$899. Orders are customdug, ball &burlap (B&B). for CALL inquiries. *FIELD SPECIMENS: Available sizes &pricing varies baseduponplant species/variety. Field Specimensare generally equivalent to people want, thedream screen. ‘Scranton’ isit. to 25’ The bamboothat isaperfect conglomeration ofwhat canes, thebroadest growth. to 45’ of thetextilis clan. Not that tallest, but thebiggest Nothing smallabout thisbamboo. And theBiggest can. to 35’ is the underdog, the come from behind, the bamboo that The nameisn’t ‘Gracilis’ but still smellsassweet. This A bigger belly ontheBuddha. his cross. I’ll sleephere when times get tough. Buddha was undertheBoditree. And Christon & out, up&down. Leaves likeRuffles, Chloro-filled. A seedlingfrom above. Acts likeaclown, growing in Organ pipesthat clack. to 60’ that makesmesmilethemost. A cathedral ingreen. At ourfarm ontheGulfCoast, thisisthebamboo Bambusa tex-til-is. to 35’ together with thegreatest ease. Say it, please. Truly themamabear. She’s woven theclan NOTE: PricesDoNOT Include Taxes orDelivery Fees QUANTITY 140 104 90 15 82 30 13 22 18 42 84 70 3 *Field Specimens *Field Specimens *Field Specimens *Field Specimens SIZE / TYPE 30g 10g 5g 30g 30g 30g 95g 65g 30g HEIGHT 18’ 12’ 8’ 6’ 14’ 14’ 12’ 18’ 18’ 14’ 20’ 15’ 20’ CALL $149.00 $59.00 $35.00 $149.00 $149.00 $149.00 $399.00 $329.00 $149.00 CALL CALL CALL PRICE (20-25°) Zone 9a (20-25°) Zone 9a (20-25°) Zone 9a (20-25°) Zone 9a (15-20°) Zone 8b (15-20°) Zone 8b (15-20°) Zone 8b (15-20°) Zone 8b COLD HARDINESS

UTILITY RESEARCH GARDEN [email protected] 512.626.9825 CLUMPING BAMBOO / Vittata Bambusa tuldoides ventricosa /Kimmeii GENUS -SPECIES/ VARIETY ORCOMMONNAME Thyrostachys siamensis/Monastary Bamboo minor/ Amoenos 65 gal, 95gal, and200galcontainersizes. Price range $199-$899. Orders are customdug, ball &burlap (B&B). for CALL inquiries. *FIELD SPECIMENS: Available sizes &pricing varies baseduponplant species/variety. Field Specimensare generally equivalent to tropics, I’d say more. to 75’ throughout the Tropical World? IfIlived inthe What to say about themostplanted bamboo holding hot air. The hot airoflife. to 45’ The GoldenculmedBuddha. Fat-little nodes Such beauty, from something solight green, so some ofthetime. to 45’ as I’ve known some. Maybe we’re allangels ‘Angel’s Mist’. I’mnot sure angels exist, even delicate, soSiamese. to 30’ NOTE: PricesDoNOT Include Taxes orDelivery Fees QUANTITY 12 59 21 6 8 SIZE / TYPE 30g 30g 15g 30g 15g HEIGHT 8’ 10’ 8’ 6’ 12’ $149.00 $149.00 $89.00 $149.00 $89.00 PRICE (30°) Zone 9b/10a (20-25°) Zone 9a COLD HARDINESS (25°) Zone 9a/9b (25°) Zone 9a/9b

UTILITY RESEARCH GARDEN [email protected] 512.626.9825 CLUMPING BAMBOO aurea /Goldenbamboo Phyllostachys atrovaginata /IncenseBamboo Indocalamus longiauritus Hibanobambusa tranquillans /Shiroshima GENUS -SPECIES/ VARIETY ORCOMMONNAME Phyllostachys humilis Phyllostachys humilis Phyllostachys circumpilis Phyllostachys bissettii Phyllostachys bambusoides/Giant Timber Bamboo Phyllostachys aureasulcata /Spectabilis Phyllostachys aurea /Koi 65 gal, 95gal, and200galcontainersizes. Price range $199-$899. Orders are customdug, ball &burlap (B&B). for CALL inquiries. *FIELD SPECIMENS: Available sizes &pricing varies baseduponplant species/variety. Field Specimensare generally equivalent to important inthe World. Bendingbut not breaking. to 40’ Happy groves allaround us, makingclearwhat is see andsmell. to 30’ through theheart. This isbamboofor thosewho want to Like Osiris’ coffin, with thescentofarich life coming Happily. to 2’ knees, thedark green leaves hangingdown to theground. Shady characters for undertrees. How Ilove the skinny these leaves. to 6’ with thegreenest grass. The variegation isprofound on A bamboofor shade, with leaves liketheSuncrossed B IG. Why shouldn’t it. to ?’ continent with thisbamboo. Friends Easttell meit gets I’m oneofpeople, theonly nurserymanonthis - relationship with bamboo. to 70’ is green andtheculmstell thelongstory ofour Photos ofPhyllostachys from Japan where thesky This yellow bamboohasgroovy green stripes. to 25’ You won’t have to put your spectacles onto seethisone. that scares theunfamiliar. to 20’ Mostly ‘Golden’. With green stripes. And azest for life NOTE: PricesDoNOT Include Taxes orDelivery Fees QUANTITY 130 250 215 150 250 55 60 12 25 80 25 22 14 20 SIZE / TYPE 15g 30g 30g 15g 15g 15g 15g 7g 7g 7g 7g 15g 20g 5g HEIGHT 5’ 8’-10’ 6’ 24” 5’ 7’ 8’ 8’+ 7’ 8’ 6’ 7’-8’ 5’ 10’ $29.00 $69.00 PRICE $129.00 $68.00 $129.00 $68.00 $35.00 $68.00 $35.00 $68.00 $35.00 $68.00 $35.00 $89.00 (0-5°) Zone 7a (10-15°) Zone 8a (-10°) Zone 5b/6a (5°) Zone 7a/7b (-5°) Zone 6a/6b (5°) Zone 7a/7b (5°) Zone 7a/7b (-5°) Zone 6a/6b (-5°) Zone 6a/6b (0-5°) Zone 7a COLD HARDINESS

UTILITY RESEARCH GARDEN [email protected] 512.626.9825 RUNNING BAMBOO Phyllostachys nigra /Black Bamboo Phyllostachys nidularia/Prominent Node Phyllostachys mannii/Decora Phyllostachys makinoi GENUS -SPECIES/ VARIETY ORCOMMONNAME Phyllostachys sp. Phyllostachys nigra /Henon Phyllostachys nigra /Daikokuchiku Phyllostachys vivax Phyllostachys platyglossa 65 gal, 95gal, and200galcontainersizes. Price range $199-$899. Orders are customdug, ball &burlap (B&B). for CALL inquiries. *FIELD SPECIMENS: Available sizes &pricing varies baseduponplant species/variety. Field Specimensare generally equivalent to first year. Then increasingly Black, which ofcourse, is Green behindtheears. Orisit wet? A greenhorn for the breaking. That way. This way. to 33’ Prominent, shesays. Powerful, they say. Bendswithout is onebeautiful being!to 35’ thing more beautiful-than-the-other isnatural. Decora Our skillat noticing finedetails that makeonebeautiful sure. to 60’ Big Bamboofor thehot-humid South. Form &grace underpres Hands down andbehindmy back.- Nofingers crossed. The best day andnight. to 65’ that way. IfIdid, I’d probably live inthisbluebambooall The mother ofallBlack Bambooisgrey, orgray ifyou go All theway. to 55’ Giant Black. Sothey say. Dai-ko-ku-chi-ku. beautiful. to 40’ - - - NOTE: PricesDoNOT Include Taxes orDelivery Fees - QUANTITY 300+ 300+ 300 179 22 26 83 22 80 54 11 190 175 750 *Field Specimens *Field Specimens *Field Specimens SIZE / TYPE 28” B&B 10g 10g 10g 15g 30g 15g 7g 5g 7g 5g HEIGHT 5’-6’ 8’ 6’ 7’ 6’-10’ 15’ 12’-16’ 8’-10’ 3’-5’ 3’ 10’ 6’-8’ 10’ 7’ $35.00 PRICE $35.00 $29.00 $58.00 $68.00 $129.00 CALL CALL $249.00 $68.00 $29.00 $58.00 CALL $58.00 (0-5°) Zone 7a (5°) Zone 7a/7b (5°) Zone 7a/7b (0°) Zone 6b/7a (5°) Zone 7a/7b (5°) Zone 7a/7b (5°) Zone 7a/7b (-5°) Zone 6a/6b (0°) Zone 6b/7a COLD HARDINESS

UTILITY RESEARCH GARDEN [email protected] 512.626.9825 RUNNING BAMBOO Pleioblastus viridistriatus Pseudosasa japonica/ Arrow bamboo Pseudosasa japonica/ Akebono-Suji Pseudosasa amabilis/ Tonkin Cane Pleioblastus pygmaeus GENUS -SPECIES/ VARIETY ORCOMMONNAME Semiarundinaria okuboi Semiarundinaria fastuosa / Viridis Semiarundinaria fastuosa / Temple Pseudosasa japonica/ Tsutsumiana 65 gal, 95gal, and200galcontainersizes. Price range $199-$899. Orders are customdug, ball &burlap (B&B). for CALL inquiries. *FIELD SPECIMENS: Available sizes &pricing varies baseduponplant species/variety. Field Specimensare generally equivalent to - Caddo. to 50’ in general. Sosay theChinese, theSpanish, the ‘Amabilis’ isfriend. As isamigo, Tejano andbamboo to 18” groundcover comesasamow-able surprise. White stripedbut not candy caned. This 18” To 3” tall. How themightyfall. Positively o-ku-boi. to 15’ behind.” to 25’ work. “Stand tall anddon’t tell mewhat’s The mosthandsomebamboo doingthebest bamboo mighthelpremind us. to 25’ obvious becauseofhow we treat it. This We live inaround Temple althoughit isnot The ‘Buddha Belly’ ofthePseudosasa. to 5’ bamboo couldbeyours but now ismine. to 18’ Straight through theheart, sogoesthisspine. This NOTE: PricesDoNOT Include Taxes orDelivery Fees QUANTITY 300+ 600 505 684 120 10 63 44 40 29 182 8 5 140 220 60 *Field Specimens SIZE / TYPE 30g 15g 10g 10g 15g 15g 30g 30g 10g 7g 3g 3g 7g 7g 7g HEIGHT 18” 18” 3” 7’ 7’ 7’ 10’-20’ 10’ 8’ 6’ 5’ 5’ 6’ 5’ 6’-8’ 10’ PRICE $12.50 $25.00 $12.50 $129.00 $58.00 $35.00 CALL $129.00 $68.00 $58.00 CALL $59.00 $68.00 $35.00 $89.00 $129.00 (5°) Zone 7a/7b (0°) Zone 6b/7a (0°) Zone 6b/7a (5°) Zone 7a/7b (5°) Zone 7a/7b (5°) Zone 7a/7b (15°) Zone 8a/8b (0°) Zone 6b/7a (0°) Zone 6b/7a COLD HARDINESS

UTILITY RESEARCH GARDEN [email protected] 512.626.9825 RUNNING BAMBOO Sinobambusa tootsik / Albostriata Shibataea chinensis Semiarundinaria yashadake /Kimmeii GENUS -SPECIES/ VARIETY ORCOMMONNAME 65 gal, 95gal, and200galcontainersizes. Price range $199-$899. Orders are customdug, ball &burlap (B&B). for CALL inquiries. *FIELD SPECIMENS: Available sizes &pricing varies baseduponplant species/variety. Field Specimensare generally equivalent to culms with pompomsofalbo-striata. stripe andnot ablack key. But 25’ ofcoffee colored The whitest stripe since the White Stripes. Not a red height. With teardrop leaves. to 24” A shruborgroundcover dependingonyour leaves justabove oureyes. to 7’ With yellow strands holdinggreen, green NOTE: PricesDoNOT Include Taxes orDelivery Fees QUANTITY 110 300 150 80 45 45 *Field Specimens SIZE / TYPE 15g 7g 10g 5g 7g HEIGHT 24” 8’-20’ 10’ 8’ 24” 4’ PRICE $29.00 CALL $68.00 $35.00 $35.00 $58.00 (10°) Zone 7b/8a (-5°) Zone 6a/6b (5°) Zone 7a/7b COLD HARDINESS


[email protected] PHONE: 512−626−9825