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3-23-1915 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 03-23-1915 Journal Publishing Company

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TIIIKTV-SIXT- II YK.XP. No. HI. MEXICO, MARCH 1915, Dally by GarrW or Mall, 60o CXXXXV. ALBUQUERQUE, NEW TUESDAY, 23, Month. Mnglfl Cople to.

and streets of the whole town, and vicinity of the theater of war. We done ii as neatly as even a Herman have none. Thev can bring up Ibcir could wish EFFECT TURK OFFICIAL supplies on trains. We must (all) RUSSIANS TAKE fEUBFUL COHUHBTSEEH BY Reminded or Male Strccl. them for miles and miles on pack 1 thought of State street, which of- animals and camels, Kvci ythlng we ten is a mess for the best part of ni need must lie transported in this day alter ii heavy snowfall, thought, II inaiiiier. Hut, as I have said, we are too, of the Rolgian highwajs of last OF PRZEMYSL'S INTERVIEWED BY aide to subsist largely on the coun- PRZEMYSL AFTER August when the Hermans soinellines try we are in. II BETWEE sent a street sprinkler ahead of an "Whether or not we intend invad- advancing column. ing Kg pt Is a political iiiestiou on At every important Russian point-occupie- which 1 have no liht to speak. What I w by the Hermans, from I heir! FALL IS BELIEVED CORRESPONDEN T i an say Is Hint the Suez canal ill SIEGE LASTING own frontier to the firing line at I In1 crossed by the ottoman troops QF the field bakeries were throwing .lust as n was crossed two weeks ago. PEOPLE GERMANY AMD off their wholesome odor and the field We have shown that II inn be dnue being Is kitchens, which the soldiers call "gou-- h and that for the time shkannonen," were steamimr. often MDSTIMPOHTA !T ALKS FRANKLY enough. We had i battalion of Infan- SEVERAL MONTHS these bakeries and kitchens would be I try on the other side for a lull day drawn up In long rows. They looked and (hen recalled Hum becuuse then like unroofed factories. nothing but a demonstration was in- THOSE We a JUST ACROSS BOBOER All the activity and order was main- tended. will soon have railroad lino at our dispos.e .nut uiilil that tained, it must be remembered, amid Allies Austiian pretty general for what with the Expect Russian Success Condition of Ottoman Army Is time nobody m id count on a general Garrison Capitulates ruin, (tossing o the (anal. The men who surging forward and back' of the Rus- to Influ- Good and Forces of and troops from August Have Accelerating as Could Be Hoped for crossed the canal mulched through Czar Take sian Herman fo;- over I'oo kilometers, to Hi comber, most of towns In the the desert the Italy's Action This Is I p llnll-- h Possession of Important Kalis., I.odz Iowlez region have ence on and at Time, Positive lies I'onv. PEASANT and "Meanwhile we have tied up in RUSSIAN RECALLS "THE suffered terribly from both invaders in Balkans, ' Strategic Fort, more from Declaration, Cgvpl a large ItritUh tone. Hut and defenders, ami oflen la- enough Ihe Fearful that force will not large latter than the former. when We In a position to assume as was 1 saw I'ppcr ale MAN WITH THE AS the destruction nl a general intensive, HOE," PAINTED Longvvy, In at lhniint, in France, ami DARDANELLES A HARD INVASION tin- - y - CONTROL OF EASTERN in a OF EGYPT "I ((insider geneial milit.ii sit Relglum, the Russian ruin was ii.MI r 'I'mi-L..,- . ...,.i I,..,. ulll..u II,.. way worse, for here was destruction NUT FOR BIG FLEET IS IN PREPARATION l,,,st the outbreak of the war. GALICIA IS GAINED IN MILLET'S TERRIBLE PICTURE plus desolation no piquancy in the m'e Ihe Herman and A list ro-1- nilgai la n people and no i harm in the natural armies have done Wonders." aspect of the region, as in France and ' uutliol Rclgiinn. assuage of Just then another ilalive to the horror Operations in Western Mohammedans Have Men, source" put in appearance. The Wild Enthusiasm in Pctrograd the wreckage of war, Just grime and Theater all new-ciiin- was aciuainl"d with the From the Prosperity and Zest for Life Shown in Kaiser's sad sickness and saddened people. of War Present No Changes Money, Ammunition and conditions under which the interview When News Is Received; Herman and Russian graves, too, by had been obtained, Country, Czar's Territory Is Vast Desolation of Squalid the roadside Scores of them us Ihe of Importance, According to Arms Wilh Which we have to do this, Crowds Stand in by; graves to "We legiet that Snowstorm miles slipped the Herman but things have conic to that point," Huts, Impassable Roads, Underfed Women and Children marked with a cross with one hori- Official Reports, War to Finish, he said. "We have shown newspaper Around Bulletins, zontal piece, the Russian graves al men everything we have to show and as Ignorant as Possible for Them to Be; Even Cattle Are ways with two then thev have left the country and Con-ta- ut Ifoail Mciidliw v told lies aboul us. If on wait you ' Joukih i (, ii,l.-,- I l ( Smaller and Poorer; Strange Scenes Meet Eye as Journey .Meanw hile the load mending and I" "o"(" "kkl iiii wihi rr. can see army in full. Von will i I'OUiton, March 22 in.)--- I our the bridge building and the setting up! tlo.T, a. 'onsla nl inople (Thursday, Feb. IS.) neces-jsur- v -- ' have no dilflciilty gelling the Mar-sh- The long mid-Hal- i- j my .vi.tHMj Nears Battleground in Poland Where Armies of Field al of new telegraph and telephone poles Investment of the 'If V'li mention name in con. permits everything possible itiiiso or l"'1'1 ' I and and the stringing of new wires wetiteian fortress of rrr.ciu.vsl has ended, '"" " ' what have told jnn, will be done to take you any where I1l'l.l TO YIIXU Von Hindenburg and Grand Duke Nicholas Are Striv- methodically on, all the Work being Deplete,! bv disease subsisting ",,ly '""' military law and alwavs oil', !oii wish provided thai, ac I'eliograd. 1!2 in a ,, .. v" '"" sh", v"llr promise not i March (7;21 p. done over u second time and ,.,. ,,.M,' i su-jd- you ' L o cording lo our iiiiblary law, "! sill louioh ,i . may be ni.. via London, 11:0ft p. ing wav i all right, but we do v m.) for Mastery. , more nearly permanent ass as Ihe do not seek f"1''''' "f "be gain- - nol Uibtde truth and Tilts I't'evnivul p up.u..n u.l.i..t. the Herman occupation of the con- - ' trust reporters and editors, any vour , iniin, VtlllCII to Ihe besieging more. They have the pi itcetlnn of miiassv tnt capitulated to the Russian army (lUcrcd territory became un thing likei""" '"'t'ctidered lied too much: llcl vo ii lllm' wise cannot do that ' ' today, surrendered a (I!y s;. a settled matter. Temporary poles, jnrmy aftert a defense lasting iiianyi""' ""' "'' ""' And let me without James o'Ikmnell Reiinctt) the me kind of cheerfulness the MSM" Uiiil "'' tight. The hoisting light cut. for ex- - i '' lf Von use my of the white ' and htirrledlv bad. .mouths, which no to ihe '" (fupyrlliln: lly Til ( Herman folks displayed. With the wni CHARGE Hag IMi: I'lilrnici Tribune. amide, been set tin during In I1 protect ion of your embassy WHITE SLAVE over this fortress, which whs latter it was work done "for the fath- the recorded as Auslrias h,hI iioIik.,,. said to be on Lowicz, Russia, 20. Her-- j w i nol help yon. You know under the point of sur- Feb. TIk' erland:" Willi men in astra- days of the occupation. Rut hen thy contribution to the war. what, man the the - stipulations I have talked to you. The j FINALLY DISMISSED! render on a number of occa- officer in the unto with me, anJ khan caps it was work done for five the occupation had continued undis I', London and Rails are ' , t Turkish army nothing j sions, caused little surprise, ns It the three Hoi'mnii officers in the auto lurbed for two or three weeks t he clebra nig the event I, might, has lo conceal I marks a day and for the invader. I'etro ' was gem-rall- re-- jbul it does not want to be lied known that It was that was following ours, gave the light poles were la ken down and ! glad and falls In the spontaneous about." III MlitNINI, JI)UHNU NIAL I ItfltD WIMI lniNis-ili- li Highways. This was the admonitory conclil- - in a terribly weakened condi- short crisp tierinan "Hurra!" which placed by stronger, slraighter ones manner cha ractermt ic of these cHicm, KaiiMis Citv. Mo., Man h 22. A j. Russian highways arc. in truth, sei ision of a statement obtained by a cor- - tion, without food or ammuni- lias a different suund from our AiinT-- j cut from tlfe Russian woods or ship-- i London w silent grim j A. T. ,. had and shippers living ilh and satisf.n respondent "White slave" charge against tion, and its wan only Iian "Hurrah:" as the tarn swept! that fanners ped bv train from Hermany. tuui which is Ihe Union s way. of the Associated l'ressj Martin, who with his wife, formerly;., endurance i '(immunities, fron- a a d in Russian near the 1 from man who would inieslion of lys. over the (lernmn frontier at the little II seemed to me as saw the pioneer The newspapers assert that lhc penult that .Miss McAndi ics of 1 lenvel, semi-offici- llcrtha War office 1 tier are wont to make considerable jas liiilhoiitv "a advices report that town of Ntnilkovvo. .Most of hor-- and tigiial regiments working fall of Ihe fortress marks most source": j was by author!-- j in order to use the Herman under the be given. arrested here federal nine Austrian generals were tier towns, by the way, have at leant detours such heavy handicaps In such Important capture of tlie war, hot Since the slalcment that he to- - roads. This is notably the practice in and must be looked upon lies(,ul ibis month, wie: chinked taken, more than U00 officers two spellings, and some maps Stral- cruel that, tlie pohs would xcepting Antwerp, In that it nol only: as an iiutborl-- ' day a hearing before,., KaluV. and towns thereu,'bouln, lor co'd first Intive source will not bring firing and later, after and iO.iioO men. kowo becomeH Strzalkowo. well enough hav e served the purpose. rclases considcraido Russian forces the a I'liiteil commissioner, Kalis, lies in a deep Indentation III. Slads will The Russian general com- The cheer, though, was good, plain a pur-- 1 which can be inln the - ' iK'niei il lie.muilllOII ' by inward curve of the Rut they did not shit Herman's thrown Slrilg dismiss,- altogether. The charge manding Ihe Investing army Derman. always give it formed an pose. ' ling." gh- in tin- - ( 'arpat hlans, but opens ill lie ii, ill ill, has The officers The fact has Sie waien nicht stark g( the was changed Just before Ihe hciir'ng been with St. Oeorge'n when they pass on Herman border line. door to t'raeovv the, t am aus I niniiiorlanl. - decorated through Strulkulo government to re- That tells the story. and plains of; lo olle f transportation of Mrs. Mar- Cross. Rhs-si- caused the Herman , ' . .i their way to the hattle front In Hungary. His statement follows: from Henver t, OSilS I .i,II custom of the impo- lin ,ll ll'l 4 4 I- vive the ancient searchlights! .Moral "The position ' - 4 tin1 on their way hark from th cheer- Look! io vou see those i;iVci (.rent. and condition of the immoral purposes, lusl, ad of a con- i sition of tolls. The Russians H moreover, in l 'x- - front if they are making the return Hashing against the darkening sky'.'l is uigued that thcliuiMsn auiiy ine aiicasus Is n,lroy t i do so. tmt fully paid the tolls on Herman roads ( MONIN JOUKSAl. (PICIAI. Journey in their coffins they repeat, drawing near to li-- i moral effe, I of the surrender will he client. WO do not expect that, the! iriD wihi rather than levy taxes upon them- Hurrah! We are I' March 22 (via the cheer. So, both coming and going, WICZ And, listen! There is the rum - tremendous, the theory of the allies uceisinn oi ihe iMiropcnn war Is to improvement of their Relieve, .eppclin Win lilt. lelTi p. m. I -- Przc-iny- sl they selves for the oeing it will raimiilate leeling lahe place in I no our The garrison of are satisfied with life. hie of the Austrian guns at RolimoW. that laiicasus. Paris, March 22 4:l'i p. in.) An Of HOOtl ltojllls. own roads. 'hi their favor, both in Rumania and erallons there have primarily the capitulated today to the Invest- And so, over bail roads, we fared There is nothing more eye witness of the llighl of the Zep-- ! As tlie stretch leading out of Stral- than a Russian village unless it is the Hulgana. just as the operations in the purpose or obliging the Russians to ing Russian army. Tlie endinir vt the through miserable villages and towns. keep a large pi lin airships, over St. Leu Taverniiis kowo the last of good village. Dardanelles are causing an agitation lone there in order to i whs almost of westward bound next Russian Mud beneath, Inward Puns Sunday morning long siege Is considered here of (treat roads, the soldier chauffeur took ad- And Hermans grime within, and a sodden sky over- ill Hreee and Italy. lease our allies in Roland and t lit lirlit. many hundreds, ( They that one of tin nliships Sud llnpoi ia'iee. It Hives Russia control vantage of It mm hi there wire legged women shuffling The Italian situation Is receiving Some of the Russian companies in and great, easy swinging am- head: bare undl to fifty-mil- e clip, rude in the renewed attention by the press of Cniiinmh have dwindled down of virtually all of eastern Uallda Russia at a mid that' tlrchc ani! expressed the belief I hut It had caused eolj to search out hither- bulances, and from the ambulances (( oMllniirrt on Tune allies, though rumors. rather than! to twenty-liv- e men instead of 2 Ml. releaaes the Rusiilun army which hut the w would waft n fee hie l.c, a hit by a fragment of a shell. to unsuspiictuU parts of n man's in- -, these ounded (facts, seem to lie.the basis of most of We recently wiped out a Russian been teslcgliiif the cily sorYIco' over cheer when the singing regiments dispatches. The Italian embassy regiment so completely that funeral tlr wards. On a bleak hillside .lust passed them, often nflfinnrMn Ith" elsewhere. the border was a camp full of Rus-- I marching east LIrl U Inillln " "lon had no confirmation to- - services had to be held In.' tin en gray and Nothing sliu capture of Lem-ber- g stock-- 1 and ofien under these skies lire orga inziil urn. Thetis wash I a, mau the shin prisoners of war. a huge country you would nee the IVIUnnU U bUIUj Summary of War ailed iniiosure with Herman sentries in this sad Li itnrlillernla:!;,'' left. and the victorious iweep of thn green and a j ' moving at a slow pace around it. Herman love of a hit of way of Sw itzerland, had been slopped t ail Invade I g.vpt. Russian army through O.illclu In tho touch of decoration from nature as- any News of Yesterday Once We had got well clear ol tin' nor was there confirmation l "The crossing of Ihe Suez canal beginning of the war has aroused an serting itself for in, the whip sockets the reported mussing of ago by frontier and out of the influence of wagons, HOI n Austrian three months n battalion of eipial degree of enthusiasm, N'ewa- - system ordering of the food and ammunition ST and Herman troops along the Aus- - Turkish infantry dcuionsirile,! The Austrian war nfi'b e iidinils the taut Herman of that ( les-Ki- over of wagons, mm ono es nun army life, every mile brought an ohject n or the hood the W I I u inn nuoiai or oi me usseinoiing waterway Is no le t ) us.1""" inennilcian rortrtssoi rrzeinysi i'i" ueHuquariers HWhU HMlllll oiiuio ie would be fastcnd sprays or boughs of artillery at Trieste. j vy,. not forcing Ions which so long bad In Id out ngalnsl "c,e nomoiiroeo won in the differences between the do intend I evergreen, the-gree- sometimes trick Ik siegers 'iniries for Information, Blood Teutonic and the Slavic way of doing I'r.cinysl Fell Willi Honor. j against Fgvpt Just now. We have Russian at lasl has been t'rowds ed out wilh strands of silver paper or lTzeniysl fell with honor, Hi it - that, pose. forced through a shortage of food, In 'i snowstorm before the bulletin things. the men enough there for mii ' l.o ir.l.i threads taken from the Christmas III PORTO RICO Ish press concedes, for It withstood hut supply lo n ,t capitulate. It was not. however, with-su- l Aninliig Contract. conditions allow j parcels which had been sent to the the onslaughts longer any !., be- - ' out a In'r u.illa. t at a In Fate Inevitable. The contrasts were as amazing as than Idace general offensive for the time allempl front from homes all over Hermany. war, hav - i I u I. ; The of they were depressing. Not five and during the Ihe Investment ji,ig. The railroad which will serve 'oithal tin ganlso sin Ton " fate the fortress hud been begun September 1 (I. some- - j With only days left Inevitable since Inst twenty miles hack all had been Irim.i Hermans Hilarious ling about make communications through the! three rations the failure of tlie e ago. to Austrian drive accurate, productive, prosperous, At K (it lid, twenty-fiv- miles from idling more than six months The an kilometers of desert easv. will he! Ihe Austrlens endeavored bie.ik from the southward the siege with I you besieging Kus-wher- e for Its relief. Thorn have been dully well lighted, cat- Lowlez, they were unite festive at the duration of compared completed soon. cannot tell through tlie lines of houses well built and Captain of Her-- ! ; r a people building where the offices of the Her- Liner Odenwald the length of time il took the thai railroad is being built sinus, but after a seven-hou- battle evidences of shortage of provisions, tle sleek, roads smooth, the vvlln-whei- up, eyes man commander of tile tow n had been mails to capture such sl rough,, Ids as where It Joins the lledjaa line, orithey were compelh ,1, under the e and reports of the ravages of J iguana with shoulders erect, heads Be A- j May Prosecuted for Liege, Namur and Antwerp was due it w ill j ering numerically reached the besiegers from to (undid, bearing of them In- established. A dado of pine bough touch the Sue, canal, gunlire of their time and the to two causes, one being .advam-itu- fast, stronger time.. Hruilually lines about, tin dependent. And now we were in a had been run around the walls of the the desire Our forces are as as foe, to retreat behind the line the ttempting to Leave Harbor of tlie lo keep loss of army (he having le- - cily were drawn tighter, within waste, grime, misery and mud: outer office, and these gave off a de- Russians the is feasible one .'lion; coast of forts. Three days IiiKt until of 'life among the besieging army at a - along stioyed up the last fortnight Russian riflemen more like huts than like cot- licious odor amid the heat of the two of the Mediterranean, anoihei- the fortifications, blown liuiises Without Clearance Papers. i - range big porcelain stones. On one wall the minimum, the oilier to thn lack of Ihe Half of Sue, ami tho third in the the guns and buined up the iitnmuul- were within of the outer works. tages, the cattle undersized, the road.'' great guns, which thn had Russian worse save soldiers had picked a crude lithograph Hermans teenier. Hon, Ihii Austlliins showed Hie while artillery pounded the form atrocious and getting Rclgiutii. j i In No Feeding Men. flag- Vienna, says ct uselessly. where Herman soldiery were of (ieneral von nilen burg which Trouble of surrender. tlie the BV I KACFO The was not close a The last Satur- people made him look us insignificant as an MOItNINO JOURNAL SPKCIAL Wlfl investment a "We have no trouble feeding our ferlress Tor a long lime hoi faced Austrian sortie of mending them, and the furtive Hio garrisons having had up un- - day was pii'Veilod by such an extrava- vice presidential candidate. Washington, March 22. While Hicione. i men In tlie held. III the Caucasus we famine. and painfully obsequious. All these American o. gant us., ft was of same of F.I Ihe Hamburg - !"' fectiny a radius about vveive have nol always been aide to give In the fall of Przemvsl, lYIiograd of ii iiiidii ii itri bv the artil- tokens of a backward system, or of The lithograph the Riilix Mono hold In to move and lery as we have recourse to . miles which aboul, them enough bread, that is true, bul asserts thai Ihe Russians look nine as to leave Ihe Impression that no system at all, were emphasized school of art as American iiiu r (xicnwaui prisoner in some told shooting cx-- i besieged army be- dispatches of (lie meat supplies in region are generals, .'100 commanding officers the was at the end of the signs in Russian language In election campaigns, but the soldiers the. ... i, that the harbor of Sun Juan, l'orto Iti: i"dilions Indulged in by the officers up riO.Ooil now, Its resources and desired to consumo came more and the tall as- liad given it a touch of distinction or so plentiful that wo have made and men. The Russians fre(uent officials of the Foiled Slates govern- of the garrison. An aeroplane post Il ii to- Ihe remainder of ammunition prior caps more numerous. at least of devotion, by making a the rations ill thai way. There a re Is said, a lit Ipnte Ihe moving trakhan evergreen. ment are considering the (iiieslion was maintained almost up to the last of of sheep In and ward Aiislria's only remaining strong lo surrendering. frame for it from sprays of Is even scanty thousands slocks I'liiliTslml Tattle. whether the stenmer'H captain shall and it said that some near t uuoasus. ( Mir men live on In rail Noiinsv of Danger. These thingsthe singing, and the plies were In wav the fortress Halicia liaiow Ihe The statement about the undersized be prosecuted for his attempt to food sui, carried this them and well oil'. There hauiof Cracow would lulng the Russians Vllhoilgh n ellmi- - of green, and the picture Hui-i'iso- j ale iTemvsl bail Russian over the frontier is not decorations Sunday Oneo ho.tinu strong. - cattle sentimental side of leuve San Juan without clear been no dilfieiilly in supplving our a step nearer lo Hermany s rich pro- nated as a positive menace lo the Itusi-troo- gave me. Illustrate the de-- The l'rzem.vsl garrison was esliinat-- ; I fanciful. A Herman farmer intensely ance miners. It is honed that no i in the south with food, though vince of Silesia. isian troops operating In slncn Herman war making. Its il nl Nil. una men Uallda the facts. Thev are as follows: (ision will be reached until more com- - nisi and the scarcity of has been W hile continued nl It systematic spirit the spirit which it it water there fighting has was Isolated and surrounded early Weight Mature Milk nlele reoorlH are receiv ed from Kan hist week Was reported that hud j o of firn. to establish biological somewhat of a problem, one which various points on hoih Hie eastern and in October, II. always had been a po-W- Russian prompts them .1 u a diminished to 2.",,ooo. There have Herman il. are meeting satisfactorily, how- - western buttle lines, no great cn Ii n t lit of danger. Many stub-eve- r, tion lbs. laboratories within ten miles of the been recurrent reports of cholera a nd source 1.500 lbs by pile Lieut. Col. Rurnham. commnndir.K I have no leeeiit data on thut counters have been reported. Petto- - born battles hav e been fought by tho 1,20(1 500 lbs. tiring line was illustrated the other, bill these were as lbs signs which the l'orto Rican regiment, cabled the subject but believe lliur the rains or grad asserts that there has been no besiegers with portions of the garrl- - 4 0 0 lbs. ef freshly printed wooden vague as many of Hie premature re- - 1.1100 His War department today that It bad the season have helped to solve this change In the from Me I, sou which to through weights tell their had lust been delivered at the com ports regarding its surrender. ' sllunlion attempted break The comparative words in been nceesniry to fire shots across the problem. Fast Prussia, to the Vistula, which Is: the Investing lines to Join relief col- - en- mando. They bore these put-lin- g Nothing of great Importance has own story. The human element odcnwal l' how lo keep her from mtii n nil i, m I'lciiliful. j.,) variance wilh the Herman eliinns iiiiiiih, which, on some ot easlons, tered when the farmer big letteis: on Fri- boon recorded overnight In the west- n into the figures lo sea Sunday, although "Talk of scan ily of ainiiiiinillon that Meun-- had ecu recaptured from pushed to within twenly-fiv- i, mile said of the extraordi- cu ern war zone. In the east, aside from that the cause a a-- ' day, in the presence of the itnius and oilier supplies of war is lank Russians of the city. nary (inference in weight lay more in HI"tks timnkwasshii collector, he hud formally the fall of rrzeinysi, Ihe situation! We have nil ion tie,,,, - warned the I nonsense. an minim 0f Ihe Vistula It Hie next Im- .Menu j mnlt and is believed here that In cattle DFM MARKT. around the Herman port of , wientific cattle feeding than captain lie would be fired upon . able to meet our demands ( ANDKRK 1ST YKRSKt.CI IT. that lis interesting-- lbis fiulory ,i. 'arpal hlans, Pelrograd reports pol taut development In Ha'.cla will be breeding. in Hermany At.I.KS the most From a , , Cra-whi- Me ndded that if he staried out of the harbor witliou' and Ihere is in operation plant ;,. j ti nm positions!.! new toward onp Itown the Hermans maintain they lnhl Austrian Russian advance would find practically no malum being we abb- lo turn out He'd j cleared. J are and guns bay been captured and cow, the Ailstrians having been 1,000 These signs are nailed up in nil have the Russians, w hile u - milch cows weighing less than Clearance had been withheld on ac- driven Vou arc at liberty to ill ,,11'lceiH Iii'tiially territory ' ns Russian market places nnil iii the bar- conl roversy is being waged by the j and nun made prisoners. driven old of the pounds. immediately count of what the customs officMs spec! In, th. ii,,, western theater. Paris asserts that far siiolhward as Ihe Co rpal hlans. Rui-ciic- racks of Herman soldiers press ot the two countries, us to inei of Existence. considered suspicious circumstances. The resources nl this country In.,,, ,,. vl(.illllv f lo- - bur- - Herman occupation of a town lias merits of the Russian contention that .l,v Dune de Fml of l.ona Sh'go. Here was a pileous sign of the the The ship, it is understood, has no men lit .,r military service have , ,,,,,.,, ,, - , Ihe Her- .,.,.I ,,. h(1H ,,,, ..... effected. The next net of the civliuns llrei on them in this latest ,, V i(,rn,n, fc ,il7" t'8s even in the western been cargo supplies. been surprise lo inc. e do n.,1 ,,, , , , , .. , .. of existence civilian other than coal and in Prussia an act ,, r we by the, soldiery is to sei in motion by Incursion Fast to men from lurkcy In .,..,.,. ... .,, .,, , ,, w.iv niee tne t.uiv ua.vs or nio Provinces of Russia; halted Fnder u joint resolution passed have lake u ''' - of tinkering with! machinery for the cleaning of ."treet.". closing of which demanded reprisals. KlllOpe f r servile ill Ihe Caucasus ' ", war. ii ii.'ih neen a inner anil reient- roadside for a bit congress during Ihe hours I..I till ges have been repulsed and 1'K'-- i ),-.,- SysK Is no I that ,,,,,H 111S re b'lt Vmnzlugly malic. There i Right now whll. ,.Vpr Ihe Is , i "'-- Fgypl, we are auto and nil of the officers the last session, the president ,i i ..A;..r .. gress In by ln-I- or system ilUlli-ll-.i...,i , UIIO il... iii imp. "" has en made the alhes ,. dav e be o Nol only are evidences cus-lem- s 'til corps in We . icm the Russians the cars to restore circulation to collectors of '"' several Anatolia. ,,r v il in,x, ex- direct to be region HikIoii l nttempta everywhere most amazing, but the -I land seems the Seveml of "lamping up and down the highway. to hold from any ves-.-H- 1 clearance will ps be more protracted The goveiiimenl has;,,,,, , An woman, almost tent of them is cidossiil. never knew peihn than Ilo give a proper answer to any force lis to raise Hie siege havft old peasant bent which he has reasonable cause to asked P, tiln In e'.plaiu the lire ,l. along with until I saw it how impressive a sight at lirsl expected. which i,iav to land on of,aii double and helping herself believe lo be about lo carry fuel, liiiilerlake two Dutch and the ,oiilos-- l a watched acres of baled bay piled twice Ibese shores. We can .hi il I.,.,.:, I, nicameis wnh th,. fall of PrzMiivsl, which staff, drew near us. We three arms, ammunition, men or supplies 'o . canon I cargoes. ,,,.,. height ef a man make. 'TIs a I1II.I-- ,t the nee, le,1 sin of heir h;IH (1,.scribed as the key to the, her Idly at first; then with interest the din any warship, tender or supply ship of! llll We have the nieii and A I .v I I IliiliHl, prUe court has spied you marvel, especially ' V) l .rv I'.li i ) l l KONT a Th, spirit of ordered Austrian empire. Ihe onlv lmiiort.ini "nil sympathy when her old eyes sight to make any bellim rent nation. plies lid eiiiipmenl. In .,, to consider that the is hat Miierican flour and wheat the ,,,lti ln tbilicla which Is utill a piece of wood In the road a piece when you have Officials of the stale, war. treasury' our troops excellent. cargoes in fvia London. March 22, mid I of three steamers in ti,,- lHiis is Cra- - of and an brought the hay wilh him con-- Paris Wea tier Conditions Rail bauds ot ihe Austl wood perhaps two feet long Invader has and justice departments were in ! following stale-- Rrilish polls be paid for. down. it down a hundred miles night.) The official ' "The. .stories alleging that the Turk- ow. hi tile norlh western part of too inch thick. Gainfully she bent and has set fereuee over the case today and they to- A op These are the incut was issued by Ihe war office ish Hoops in and else- Herman suhinaiiue has blown province clot,,, to the Uernvin border. Picked it up. tucked in under her "" from his frontier. v.ill eoiii'tdt further when comph-i- the Caucasus Hie In u make me doubt night: dying in are inven- Pilttsli skaniei Concord the In the catty days of Hie war It wart ml hobbled forward. As she passed things that ofti ri ports have been received. At the where are droves l.nglish If a spile of the tremendous "(In the plateau of Noire Inline de has been some sickness channel. the plan of the Russian campalun to " one of the officers thrust he whether, In Herman embassy it was slated that tions. There Three in Multielm, hardly Hermany can be ma- Loretle we hold all the trenches which us has been III all other arnilcs. Herman soldier: Invade Ucmiuny through Uiiliclii. The nark into her hand. She odds she faces, nothing was known there of the i use there Radon, Injured by bombs cl.'O'S powers have been In dispute during the last A good many of our men have had have been Riiss'aus rated Halicia, hut th denied what the present nnered bv the first officially re was no comment - to know and and tin few days, except one portion ten llie- feet frozen. The dropped by nu allied aviator. success of the Austi bins in holding1 meant. j which are moving heaven their hands and ,lls-pa- t, to be made. In the ex- A London newspaper prints a at- against her. ters In exlenl which remains winter in the Caucasus has been Pr.emysl and Cracow blocked nil I Cecil II .Millet' Picture. It became known today that the 1,1. b from Valparaiso staling thai I saw a dozen of nils of the Hermans. ceptionally bad, bill It is over now. tempts lo invade Hermany across tho AH '.Man In towns at- de-th- the tragedy of .Millet's Russian department had its s enemy e Hint ft wagen," or treasury has "At Ii-- Kpiarghc, the The American deserves the fact has been established the Slleslan border. whh bent old the huge Herman "kra Hamburg-America- n ambassador the Hoc" was in that tention called to the counler-attaok- s - Herman was sunk by Przemysl motor as we call them, going livoieil five w'th great credit for bis efforts lo get sail- cruiser lircdch The Austrian garrtuoii of woman. trucks, liner Saxonia, now laid up at object of covering positions w on Rrilish warships in Chilean waiers. defended Ihe city wilh swiftly dir-el- ly from freight ri "Mllarv supplies to our troops. determination On the Herman side of the frontier' as and Winslow, Washn.. wilh a cargo of was completely lleteaK il. A semi-offici- coinnitiuicat ion from inflict- ' Kit'1 back again as Us. but "There is nothing to lie said about and during the earlier mouths saw men. women and at yards to barracks and grain loided at Portland. Ore., last progress to th( Hermany thai now in ed in no more per- "We have made the much advertised defeat, of our asserts there are considerable losses on the Russlan-- Work roads. With them if thev were engaged nan . mending the of par- July, for Hamburg. Recent activities north of Railonviller." trims in the Caucasus." continued Ihe thai country as prisoners mm. cu by li'cuuc nt suit!,.-,- 'Ihe (inly means It was a service, and even ilous traffic than, the delivery offi- - patriotic I aboard this vessel have caused source. listed men mid '.i.OOii command- ,,r conininnli.ati outsldo wielded the a department store, and authoritative "The Russians with the '" Pink cheeked girls cels from cials to take steps to assure that she S TO W HO simple magnified Ihe of ing officers. world was by wirel eics telegraphy and taiigb-'"k'l- going all day long and F.STIOV affair out PI(kaxeM and plied the shovels saw this on will not put to sea again without In- WAS SI (OMMWHFI w no- - K"l.v has slopped lailwav freight aei'oplan went at I said to U all proportions lo hat actually and all the workers far into the night. .Then spection and clearance. Wo have not gone lo M a fl'io wilh Ueiinanv bv way of! All supplies of food were taken of sport goes the system-keep- ing ciirred. the le tusk as if there were a bit mvself, "There Match 22 ftl:,Hi p. m. a S'v il.erland, according lo a by army ;ii who Issued ' delivering ev- London. trouble of issuing detailed denial the ol lals. it. frontier, Russian schedule time, I Across the care. MlueiV Meeting Postponed,. The mention in the Russian official because we do not think it wort h agenej dispatch. rations to soldiers an. civilians alike. work under light side up and with Hen-er- a I Peasants were doing the erything A of the decoration of while. We have more to do than Sir booms Liplon. who ha lie-.- t The last direct word from Priemysl TheN I the motor Spokane. Wash.. March 22. statement he soldiers. And while am counting re-la- le mir-lend- direction of Herman the" meeting of the executive committee Scliwanoff as commander of th busy ouiselves Willi the falsehoods nl lUiied to Loudon from Serbia before the uiimoiiiccuicnr. of its '"o not with 1 can the boom of - worked cheerfully, but trucks hear W( sterp of Miners, army besieging Pizeinysl, has ereut. circulated by official press bureaus, a slorv of tin- appalling eonill- was that Hie RiC'ctun uttackH guns a scant ten miles away. ot the l'cderation - heavv a was to be held here today lo fonsideriihle surprise in London, as reporters and editors. II is being Hons in Serbia due to the epidemic ot were Infieiiiieiil and that the defeti- one nivht in Klodawa there was which typhus. In consider the union situation in Rulte, l! was understood that, the realized mole and more that, lies dors had little to do. heavv fall of snow that drifted. com- u it al- postponed until tomorrow, Henerul Radko Jjlmitrleff was In have short legs. So why bother ".lusl as took .ston the Przemvsl was well .nocked with am was Mont., was - market place p In Su- , the morning the non-arriv- W be was t vd Lit : great igne London," munition and provisions when tho But by-- owing to the of William mand. hether ransfi ri Thomas most impassable in places. Is I(us-.Ihii- s "v , fir-- d to Sei -- siege began, have llldi-th- e 22. New with Davidson, of P.ritlsii Columbia. John or removed not known. Make Poor Show. lays, need' clear but Ihere been Washington, .March o'clock the snow plows, lettered London evening papers print Russians bla of typhus. The recently hunger was an Tuesday. except corps and ot C. Lowney, of Rulte, Joined President The "The performance of the infected cations', the numbers of an army here, eulogies and the picture of Herieral in the has been pitiful houses a nd tlie fltithilitr of the lieoo le effective allv of the Russian. It was Probably local snows north por pushed by mo- r of ihe federation Caucasus various regiments and to'da Dlmitrieff as "the hero of Przemysl." They have a railroud line Into the shoiildho burned." 'reported that aeroplane were making tion; Wednesday, fair tor trucks, had cleared the sqnans y.


,eouhiimy In Ihc food rations, III'1 MAGISTRATE DISMISSES MERRIWEATHER ARREST ciiulil hr ii i.i 11 f a i ti .1 for three DECISIVE BATTLE RAVAGED days only. ROCK ISLAND OFFICIALS SERBIA TO BE PROBED OFFICIALLY The Comfort "It ploloil possible In effect Un- timely ,1 st iicllull i.f Hie f r n- - Kellier will) tin nuns iiml ;i in inn il ;.ii 'V MORNlNU JOURNAL IFfC'L I1IID WIRII 1ST MONNINU JOUItNAL SPICIA'. LKAI1D WlftC! Ml us w; iiM I he outer fin if n nt ions. .New Vork, Mureli 22. .Inhn J. Paxil, 'lex., Mari'il -- J. (!enl'(rr ('. "The capitulation (if the fortress BETWEEN VILLA Qllilll.lll. vice president f the 'll II .1 mi. BY PLAGUES DF I'arotlierx, hpeeiul anent nf the k state (lenaltinelit. tuin lieen Porch Chair V II ll w hli h K Ille hlithe, e J Km Island i, ml r iii ifie Hallway ilneiled hy Secretary thnr-niiK- h t 'iiinli.iny. 1.. Forbes, its Krynn tn iniike u lli.'ill.l fur a luii lime :im Hubert W"wn piiiii ll im vv In n Invi stiKMtinii nf the mu st nf mi,. past, has hml mfliii in e x n the tl'lllisfer IliVenl, Wei., liarnod MHkiAW , Aiin;i-nli- iiiJjjMlUMtl)ldAMMiJ I ' " In y - Miner .Mcrriwethei-- a s .nlncly automata . I Mt mi t ii ppoal'cd hefi.i e ji police innnis- fiuiiier naval inail'iny iiiulshipuian hy Hie iiln ... . - CARRANZA rule today (,M h ' h eluiiKini: TYPHUS, TYPHOID Allhumh i.IMii.iI nlYlcialK h.iy-in- jf Movrs a you do. Ai lh:il lin y ri fused t I' lull .'ilnekhnl'l-- 1 Mexican nn a charm: nf limine, itimi il Unit I'l i (nunterfi it X'ilhi in hiM f eli In inspect the i.i K stuck innney in. i ., il! ill.ileil ;. r f, in i' Rrsi in I'asy to grl iimnths' IHi.HeMion, transfer 'I'll fp inlanls wi I o Merriwel her Ii iiw rmt't ' st lii' lil ,'' .1 II i the loHilinu honks. 2'. - in the Con !i n iln penitentiary ut adjust. i sunn 'I nn .liinu. iiiinn emn- lato l'.yy to lln It- serins lii ml III.' el. II ly th;.t Saltilln. Everviliiiig FORCES Will ll I '. i 'i a the in vest itii iil l.i !;;i nl'iint tlie inn- - IMPENDS iii.imt nf n nn', ineinlier AID SMALLPOX of metal wood. i.r r .Merriwether van arrrsieil nearly Made or I.f Si IiIi iiiI.i I. th eullllllillee, lie . iimii I cpl son our ii it y stoeU- - two wck while en route from with the in in firtf in Quality Covrird heay taiita. hnhl. I'M, Mnnierey to Torrenn, ami taken frnm I. MIKIsON III III ( I II nt First in Result To The iii, mini i hi, !.- Inr ill his the train I'arednn nnil transferred i First in Purity s'i'vri: or siMi-- it ll Hi I, it ll vlula-uffl- li to the Saltilln penitentiary. miu Annies Are I'lHlllntl tilnli' First in Economy Massing - I People Have No of San- Near linn nf tin- I. in f,,r nf II Idea I .i ml., i x. i III ,M 2 1 i v 1:1 I Ma Kitli in i.i, in h fui ' cm i nf in anii mi mr:ii inn harm' stuck Disease-breedin- MEXICO TO RECEIVE nr J for tlicsc roasonn . i. l A ;l l i.i n I' i" - Coast for g '.Ill in Simple Which hunks W Ithli) (Ills SI tn ri fuse tn itation, and With fool extension . . limn invsl captured shuttle Calumet linking 9:1.00 iiinin I'la Mil. iVif Inn fVvi,4i-,- l ,,f ulluw Stock holdot s c the shall! MAIL FROM AMERICA In I suv drillii I Ev- fule I'le rl.'inn Ml etnleri'l. ith. j LV'ii.i il, vjwnuui u j i,i ll. Vermin Is Carried IWucr is first in tlie lining. . I Automatic Kd III it III,. Inr .1 n W,- k- - .oo feltfe'ii llllle War-tor- 'III Jelllll ii,m I' Hi ihinnrilv slui licnr!3of tlie - 1, n Republic. millions II ! ill ,i eninlil mil nf :'. m f a UP', lik- l.y erywhere, Says Lipton, MORN) NO JOURNAL tPICIAL LIAttfl WIKII hniru! Willi adjust'-- hnhl, IS Were l, milt a desire tn Ixei hi e. i( li nt In fniiil. mo, of l.ouscwivcs who ing ml r Kl ' proxies al the cominu Kl I'll Tex., March '22. Instruc- able lire tn nt.' top .S8.50 Fx.ept fur Hi hiiim s nf the A annual ineetlni; In 'hi, an". tions were telegraphed to t ho Ameri- use it end Know it, Ii :i n ni l I' el w. .1 II I, I he h.i can pustal authorities at Wash inn! on n't illl.i runA moa pi nor m RECEIVrDH!CliTSTAWDS III II llil K AMERICAN DOCTOR tuilay hy K. ll'le III tow II. il Ml heen VILLA SENDS BLANKET Ihreetnr Ceneral liarcin World Pun (ooi EipaiKna, lillleil In Ineil Hie s i i II ll I .Martinez of the Villa ko ernnipnt Cbpcaitip, ll'init. I . ENEMY AT IS MARTYR TO DUTY M.I. OUR WINDOW eelillv In little In e;il ei il TAMPICOj JQ GENERAL SCOTT mail service lit Torrenn, thai the P.rit tiBwiiiu, Fruct), Hud, servos hli h In mm h I .iihI Mexican postal system was In a pusi- - 1912. DISPLAY her Mi I 'i mi inn ttel'i- Hli' h tiun tn accept fur delivery, all uuill I Ismu i: i I. Unit V si h from tin' I'niled States, destined for he pi is tin aim CoiiLtilutinnalists Move Out M,,Nlfia JOIiltNAI Sf 'At WIN! Only Fire In nf I he t hn III V of I.I I'asu, Ti'X., M in ll lielleliil Can. Check Hideous Mexico City, the federal district of i Im HUM emlel'elj. i (itiadalajaia and the central states of th.ll the I'oit City for Purpose of Villa has luesenleil i; in nil iluuh I., Condition That Threatens to .J POWDER)) STKONC. BROS. Sent I, ehlef nf M.,11 if the t'lllleil .Mexico. ii I my, n .i il ii M ex - Host muster Slieltnn of this city, II IIKM.ItWl lii I'OHIS Eiua'j!U,r Ad- States Willi a mi cut STRONG BLOCK Convention Hi Depopulate Large Part of has arratiBeil In have the mail from st H I t i ill l;l nan hlanket, villi, h he has nt In i Mexico City in J nn re with i in ii.nn tn fnrw aril the I'nited States for Second Mint vance Neaiby Countiy, Country, Kl Curlier Copper I In ral shipped through i'aso. l'i tn.ciail. Ma Ii ( v in .nmli. n, liiin Sentt at ashiiiKtim. The lihiliUel, nn,. the lines! P. I 'I'h fulhiu ini4 ntfieial nf eyer In wan wnyen liy lit ti mil h en I' a a e r h niinle .MeH ", Vermont I'.iicuic l.iiw. Mateiin iilal a Hc.iiha ii 'IJBNAl. ipii i. i wmr) IimiiiI In the is Hn; Mexn !mt MOIININa JOIIKNAL SSfCIAL LK D WIPIC Mont pclier, VI., Marcli 22. The s in: lieai", I tun ii'.hi in .Alio nml eeiiier an All , l - ; K I I Wa.hinKtiii .Man h Kepi, tn enat nf iiliiiH Willi the "i;en- today passed an act T'"i .Mi i I 'l I In 'il. is inline, l.oiiilon, Mai cli (ti:i: l(. m.) lenislaturo mil ne ;ai ' the it, p. n tm nt Hie Alex- i l a I I' ra ihi n la eugenic A Vhlnla lllnl nn Hie II lank uf the slate ami tn ik Just us it tnuk lire to stop the ureat for innrrlaKos. line lean iex in l ' i tn Villa (Jeiierul $j(M) person Vh.lllhl hie: he, n in, ha nee. am'li' tniiav leneial ami Srntt plaKlie of is lixed for any who CLEAN COAL Ihele IiuIiimI,' ( ' la lionduii, so fires arc needeil , , that Villa anil a I'cen nm cIiinc liieml', Iiik (h'l'eial fulfillini; require- II IIHNIH II t l'IHl,M Will' ll t I i.lll 'an nz.i .tin weds without the H S- i l t m I tn Serhia of typhus. I - Inrei iir,. niasHin! near the e,,int In serv lee mi he ,ut I'ni iler. char Infected ments of the law. Tanr,i;,'en nei liii, il i hiz,,i i ui n nf .iii (houses iiilnl-itme- imlhein ,,h mi ii what may he Ih nml the cluthiiiK of the people nun I' !' illl e,',u;einenl ailllllni; i lur most i ... lecisive l.alUe fuiiKliI rime as. iHiar-tie- il i im inn! 1'iiKineei iiik innpninpitT in must he luirned, the disease , crta vviih nyeilhruwn. il ' 'n I nat h lam hi iihhiii n fii;ht hy vermin which is omnipres- SPECIALTY the Advices In the stale depa nielli F IJU T Inn Im lakiin; ihu'e i hi Ihe tnaila In- - lb ent," I.iplon OREiERS li 'im Tainpico, ilati'd March I !l, Miiii I'litnlUtlil said sir Thomas tonifiht nKl rmifelil. In the yalle:i nf the t'arr.inz.i l,,ri h Wciv "ret I eat ins,' in ii statement to the Assuciatcil l'rcss AZTEC FUEL ' nnl i v. : i, ml I a l,n a l v e I'm, near to Victoria and Villa tureen in .11 lhat the which he recounti'il the conditions paKM ami the left hank nf i i I.utikn' Her., muri'iiing nn Victoria." Th w consldcr- - COMPANY I he li Sa n. MHW in Serhia where he spent a iier was thniiiiht tn mean .that at least a PPrPARIMn TO BE TO I'MM- - FORCED j "The ItiiHsiiuiH mail , ilde in persuiial InvcHl inatioiis. hive u is u r, P e part nf Ihe 'I'anipicu i I lime fill ailvaiM en mi the hint M i nun ml mads, Phone 251 iiik had tnarcheil Inland tn .uln t'ue niiiiau "1 met nn the country the ihnlMH we ( a ,.t III l If f, (10 men, hile nrinv,'iiiliiiiK to meet Ihe uncnvl-liu- r sick tun weak tn crawl, Mullock carts j flits' nfl'ieelH a ll 1, II ' tuelllv Villa trnnps. Well Matherinn them up. ( iften a K u ii h In Ihe nf Niinknez ilireetmn 'I'll., same disp il, h said it was STROWG PROTEST! were i l' mal.H, In f u nni I h m, al-ti- n woman nut children leailiiiK PAY VILLA'S TAX 'the in pul Hi'd lhat In 'i'anipicu iinvv ap- - 'v.iNTi:i m:s tii (tie liiiMMait Inn.H nl W'le hullucks the li ii mI i ti ( ;i nil father in t ke.t imsll II'ih. ruxlinately 2. rail Americans; ,H"I Wtt.VT M i l' TT M I iHnkhiie, (irawihik nml K nnlu W'a nn, the cart raving Willi fever. Scarcely III dish' snhlects; fifty Italians; fi.'ly i (MM Hlll'fer- - eniitinh people remain linstricken to hut Were While llillled, '.'.(lail and L'.niul Chi-- , want nll tn hriliK lis henyy 1,,sm,'h. Hiatilsh, idlK which lie exposed in the Yr, inif llcse. mavos your wiiti h linn wnii I keep time, "III ('i,IINei,lieu, ,, i.f the jnVflll IccliieterleM. e'ent A lepnlt I,, the ll cpa r 11 II' II I frmn Great Britain and Fiance Are Pronunciamento Does anil let ll" Innk at It, tell ymi r SI I mi I ti pii ltcvniid Control. jnl the Mirretnl. nf Ihe Imire.-- nf I arc do, March Inilicaled lh- - It nnT, nml Mm (iruiiil dati'd !, "The situation Is entirely heyoml reimnn i'il l'rem(,l the Keiiern indium, that a lai'Hi. Villa force was on its' to Be Informed That Policy Not Apply to British and tn liuvti It jmt in lliHt-- i Inns con-(l- it , lehnlaH, IniN .the control of Hi" present force which Inikc heen iial'ilei the wa y to alt.i' k Viievu l.arcdu. .Iata-- , ton. iei,ii',e'H i l'i iHH Heenliil lle- - ' ratively needs all the help it can '':t. nf the 111"! Alien is, it vviim saal, was In im, atlckcii Toward Neutral Shipping hospitals, doctors, nurses, Other Merchants at U fully Kiiniiiiitec nil nur Wnrk Klii' nml the imi mil r nf the iirinv - tents, ''"in and I'nniiii:'! was hiirniiii-;- . nttier re- to nml turn It nut nt tlm tlnm I'lnin-Ihci- I. tii'fnie I'r.i'lnM I, ilineral Sellw a innl'l' Has No Piccedent, modern appliances, and cluthini; Is purts tuld uf an uuthreak uf hlack typlius-ihoarin- i; Monterey, Announced. noncr wkea rp boy clipaa r tg aa I HI (le- - i'replace the KaruiclltH full nf Tn ion't mr 'Ihe t! ); eli'SH nf Ille thllll Bn)r I pitiallpox in I'ampeche, nf the klllliiKi vermin." bakpni powd.r. Don't b BiitlcJ. Caloaal. Il'i COI.IS & IIIMI'WV Kl're." ami uf livestock hy Inutcis aKPra coaoaipcal rt wboIcmbiv fp.i ant rafalti. theit In' j I hospital at C.hov- - nplk i KiMhl lescrihliiK the CaIo i far fpppenor (o Mur and Mda. (Siiii''iiri In A Denlii.f.) the vicinity uf San Callus, Cuahudn, MOWNINO In-- V JOURNAL IPttlAL LtA.fO WIR l; 1, w here occurred Hie death of MORNINa JOURNAL RPCCIAL LtACCO WIRI Ml Ms M MMI Ml ION and "I the rohhlnu i.f in (inav-- j j :' V. Cential Alhuiiieli4ii(, N. M. slur's Viishini;tun, Maivch 22. President James V. Donnelly of the Ameri- Kl 1'n so, Tex.. March 22. The Villa I 1) UV . AltlMSUN teas hy a nml. which i csclilcii Ihe re-- 1 lr. li:s'l'Ot Wilson had miller tu-'d- can Kcd Cross, whom Sir Thomas Kovernmont will not require llrdish fusal uf In it flat consideration I'liiiialucu inn one of the greatest heroes of and other foreign nu rchants uf Mun-teii'- was Riven s Hint Ihe Ii iinn, Man li 'JJ (tin Ignition, numcy Hie tin' draft uf a nut,, sunn tn he 'calls lewniiii furcinn lie i:uvernur, dispatcn Ihe war, he said; to pay their a ppurtlon meiit of residents nf tin, city would lint he Mull ll '.M, 'J n. III.) - l sul-.iiii- s jsent tn illlh. llelalls said, had ordered une hundred Cleat llrilain and l'raiico is in a har-rc- million-pes- o fully HlKhlM In I'l.eniJHl W.lli (artJneH puh-l- "Tin' place a villace the tax levied a week ami forced tn pay the .sums which have nf Ihe fall nf l'i .eiiivsl are imnle I,, tn punish Ille mnh the lews nf Ihe Culled hos-jpit- of iluavnia.s Slates country, the hy (toneral I pi iiv innuif. 111 uncultivated Villa tor Ihe relief of the heen levied ml hem. a late Hlnteiiu lit i.sHiieil Min oriimeiit nn the hlnokade uf cum-Imerc- e nfflrhil Icnl'iH. an old tuhacco factory, formerly Monterey pour. Vice Cmisul his s h e, v hciwcen llritish I'll arrival lure Consul M1 the Aii' irian war nffi' the text uf Tin. Villa in mailc puhlic (uiiuany nml neutral - il C. to- 1 (llll.OKN f I ni helonuiiiL- tn Ahilul llamid. In were il. M.vles. nf thi.s city, returned receive d telegraphic assurances prom 1A IIS which fullii"-- I Tiao, leaduit: cnuiiti ics. ll that ilem ral the 'crnvvileil 1.4na persutis, without blalik-ct- s day frnm Chihuahua, where he tiled I' 'clipe . uncles', whn is at Muu- - AM) At I In week, That the i Would ipp Cm. (.MtltlsoN i: li,s "When the lilhlille nf the smitheiu itivlsliui nf Ihe caiupaii'u umniiinii'atiiin even straw men .i protest Ien-er- a tn-v- or mat tresses or formal hefore Minister of lerey, that the Villa ipivcriimcul pnivlsluiiH luimlni; short, r, i li i pi id within a. levy days, was stal- ueie in had ai rated forward lyini? in in which they I'ni'eiHn Miguel I,um-hard- u w l- ( the elnthes P.i'latiuns Diaz iiuld extend every pussihle itiuira 1. union, .March 2'2 p. in. x nn ,iism.imk ' ninlna nil''!' nf i:iii(iio tn a puli.t less ten led ufl'ioiully at the While House and ii.'.n than had lived in the trenches for months, and Minister nf Finance I'ran-cisc- n to" tn ithe lives ami pruperty uf tlie The Bl ent l mili um fui tresn nf I'r.e-liiypj- the enirixuii) ileciileil nn a last at- miles I Tampa u and that nt- Vit in well informed official ipiarters It ruin iswarniini,' with vermin. All diseases Kscuderii anainst the taxation of Hriti.-d- i in territory controlled h tack, lii inorn-InK- , was nndci'sluud that ohjootioii the whl'li the AustrlaiiH hail S" (in the liith, eaily the Kiini'd uf the Villa arinv upeialniK' stiunx iindHmull-pn- x Vil'-- ,e hluck-jai- tpliiis, typhoid, dysentery tile Iirltlsh suhjects of Monterey, lie the ivorninent. stniiiiihlv ih fi ii'leit slier I In- curly IllM tlnupM snltlcil iii'Iiish Ihe line Mala nml as has icacli'd I'.cy-- jwniilii voloeil at;ainst the In II'Upp It were herded tnnother. such of Hie war. Inln hiimls ful lllil V. Ithsli.,,,1 1n t N'ala nn Hie ground that was liased . till the nf ls Ihe lllllmst. sa, sixty miles r,,in niuras. la state In-- Dminelly fnund the hos j'f the Itllnslall Iii'sIcmcih this Ilii'llllllK Ill ll seven hums' haltle, hll'nnn lillM-sla- The civ p . pnl. Hum, it was sa'd, was nn nn precedent m law nr history. ( pital, where he had a furce nf six I'he la Ht li.r-'l- il - In ivll uf the luipripvweil liclil fnl'Ci !'. Ill In Malamuras tn nruvvns- smile hn War. American doctors, twelve American i. iiluMi wcro i iipiui i'il some " N li nn h a hii pel hn y finally fme- - Villi', Tiex. The attitude of Hit I'nlteil Slates nurses three Serhlan iluctnrs. (lihe- he in some respects same as I and ami the final ml nl Hie iliama C't the AllslliallM In lelrelit liehillil the !ill the Stench Is I ll Inw ard the Ippsj. I lie w hen I N thai held (lurlni; the civil war on Ihe! in of week Ilia' i.f fill:, The fnllnvvini,' niuht the (ililil i.os n s NOT KI "When I visited the hospital throe Hie CPPUllpiauillllit Ev p'XIieliil- - I a - suhject of him kade, it was Hi'llhernti tip si ns alt nek eil I'lzcinvsl frmn sev- SN .1 IS I'O'l'OSl iinlicaleil (American doctors and three Serhlan i I hlpi iv it Hi It Ii 11 hy .sumo nit Ileal,';, whn si .' mini in and sent ,i al siil hill the Macks hi nke llnw sui;iiosto, that Idoctors and tune nurses were tliem-Iselv- thn lulls of the liarrlsiin nut nn ( ti j In e Hi Ki r. Ti M a roll i ui icial since the recent oxehnnne nf Hides the ,,f fire nf the hemic p...... sick. I'ecciy-Iha- u'liii i:,..,.p inn. .i ip,.,.. !,.... f'li hirii hupe uf iiittini; IIm way i ust ,1, f, mlci s I.i Uov eminent dispali lies l on I'V pi In "The patients were wailed ward Ihimixii thr l.esici;p. ; "After tin- ,,f the I'.ith. It here tuday nnnuiinced (ietier-e- v ni r cum i'pl nm of the pusilhinuf1 soilie W ustrian prisoners. The fumes of Wil h the w oil the ashiuKiun nuv ernment in 1m',:i, MruiiK IliisHlaii line tU'htl'' as f nl that the pt i'Vhui'iiM cunhl AUnro iiIiickuii, whn acini reekiuu wounds and foyer were ,,,,, - It was said that Miiwn lll 'una the rultreirt, the cffnrt olls ir,.,, ,,,,,1 iH. coin- Mexico City recently, was al Tula, the attitude uf tho The patients ohjecti'd to aip,ireiitlv wiih luipelcHii Iruin t he ,,, M,,,,. llr) p, - llnlalipi Sunilav. An nhsoliite I'nited Stales nn the diictrine of! Iv,,, ,,r,,.r fauren- slate, h i winduws lieiiiK npeiied and is- - j vojiiko" lr. f;tar "ml six Ihnux.ind Austrian u j ,p r I h". a ft I I hi cc dav s that he nr unv uf his furce had "cunt inuiiiiM had heen host fnrt "us el hene denial j I nelly was forced to hreak Hie! I i iih-- j expressed in Ih" cases nf Hie Snrint;- - I'lieid fell Inln Ihe IuiiiiIm nf the ,,,1 ri,. all Ihe war I rial hail ncciiplcd San talis I'nliisl Was made panes. many nr .,,,, i hnk and the 'i IcrholT, tvvu Knulish shiih. whih' as limri' I'll dead ,,'., ,,v ,.,. A,i'ui'dln tn repurls hy (ionoral Tumas I'rliina, military lirst thiiiK )r. Donnelly did' vvuuniliMl, 'I'lie shuttered icinnanl.H of ilia, fniccs at vessels capturcii and taken inln prize "The ulrnian from the fnrtii'Ms. cnmmanilcr nf the j nn his arrival was tn test the water,1, Hn. lorcii tied hack tn rnrtresw and f,, I ce, Cum lun was open courts. the Ihe commander Old In fin sin d in that cilv. mimical w hich ho fnund infected. He then tiny now have fallen Into the hands di'slrnylinj nl San tails I'otost via Saltilln diirinif The Sprinnhnk was capl iired while the furls, liu'lnillnit hiins, ; linprnv iseil hoilcrs uf nil drums, in Hn1 Itip'i'ani. en mute Inmi l.'uKlaiul In a llritish nf a inmiinll Inn and furl if icat inns. the day. which In liuil water fur use. 'The Ik nn II y ipul't in the Hahamas. She was liulon 'Ill' imiiIsuii uf l'i.invl in much less praise Is duo In the huilers saved ."'Oil liv es,' said Dr. i u I nun "" with Ktiupowtlcr supplies. liu. nr Ka.iiiia iiuni. hull si.cril'ii Inn peiieverancc and last Unlit and nrinv 'Donnelly. Ho also luiilt ovens in I Tlie supreme the Nuillepi in, shells must have cut a! uf Ihe Hlll'i.'aui tn hlavel'V court nf I'niled pa- - than their - . , which In hake Ihe clutlus uf the mm Idei a hie iiuniher uf thuusanilNl diiiiiiK Ihe storming of the furtress .I'll,,'.- ,,' ,.l,,l II III' 1,1. '.,,! ,,l'l',l. ,l . , . , ..r,,,,.. . li.lnl ruled thai the apparent ,l,.sl ilia Utip UCIIIS, mil lie was ii"i liininnil tiuiii thai and the fitihlini; up picvlmis ucca-slnll- s Ri per apparatus. , I pi'. stcilizmn Til-- I'esleKliiK iiriny is ii n.lil ih i, In nf the vessel was the ciillfedelate This recnuilil inn the elu'lny it stall's and the fact that the vessel liiaver neolile exist than the Mllllhi'l' ahullt IL'KIIIMI nttiiel'.i. lllnl; self Will II. refits I. llcrncs Serhia"n ns: they have never a word uf fuici' will now march nn was tu call at Ihe Haliarams did nut mill Thla I'l'zotnv si. In one 1 saw a fever Cru-- inn II y voyaKe. onniplahit. ward uf i vv aller the cnnl of her the silling AiiNliian InrlreHs '"I'he tall uf the fnl t less il h w hich DENIES RAVI patient, his mannificeiit voice liuuni-- i "W , IJfp h II The court hold that the carnn would unh In 'r.i mv si, helinti Ille hlKh.'l' ciuniuand reckoned for a tn his I'lp' nf ho cnndenineil and that vessels which tin .sunns cheer cumrades. 'iniiunnceil thci liinir tune, his no influence mi the were In a dcliiium, calling for nntmanilp'r-lnniiie- re-- 1 proved to ho iiitoiulini; to Sumo lliissian i f In pi, sill, ho .ti in lioivel al. violate a hlookuile cmihl he inlercopt-oi- l 'niuthcr.' iluce the nm lent I'nllsli (apital lis Ic In (he "The ha;l Cat p,,lhiaus I'lnni ut any shine uf their Journey, I iiuscd to Sanitation, (up" lllv as 1. isj. t snk pass to tin- - rhino uf Koiiioozna VIOLATED LAW! of is the Ilium,. Ti'lp'tjniph IVierhoil nml Matainuras. "One source Infection 'Ihe l:xi cnmpanV; Is ssltlK. ' army hlack hroad, which is the only It's Loaded i il i. it h il cm In the case nf the I'olorh.iiT, find hat i.i, In, in IVti'i'iiiail of the troops. The patients in lit i p, null nl say'iiu that k r at entliu- - iiitlieis known as the "Mataniorai ration c ON I'ltl I'XItl s TO n the hospitals receive daily a loaf, was ma n If ipst ml In I'el ((.: t ad nil liases," however, ruling was mnde 'asm ii. i. a s which they put in their hod or mi- the le elpt uf Hie news. 'I a mils uf sntiui; i;i:it nn an entirely different set uf la. MORNINA IOWRNAI tfl L AO! WIRI s, cnnstil ut inn' In the view ller their pillow. Later the unused ! P Ililmincd till' sir. 'Is heel Iiik vA ' la.., Anuelcs. , .March 2 2 Scatllc, ash., Man ii Hi w d pa- loaves arc l.uunht hy peddlers and You Say ml imluli; ni; in p.'tNulli ih iiiunsl I a - ralil nf nflicinls here, nlmist an exact Hen. All. ir, i id, lei;, m. w huso whero-- M i u are sproadinn disease aninnn I It helm Heller, leimi consul here. rallel with the sit lint inn today Willi ill Im I, specula-lai- n medieval, as I'V haV. ecu a mallei' uf w v respect tn holwccll itlie people, wlui are far The 'I tl W I" lill"- whn IHi his hcorotai . II. Max ScllllU, I'.unmcroo the l" since the cv acuat iun of Mexlcn as sanitation is concerned. A Serhtan ail tn .im imi'U'.li was technically last on I'nilod Stales and Holland nr other I'll , is i h slim in nn the rear of Villa's iilio:tci week soldier is nivrn a rifle, hand nrenades eil' lef. tuiiitries cnnhniuuis tn thuse ut war. Well, I'll take your word for it. loivis on Hie Tanipicu .Muntciey line, a. eharne of cnnspii ai y, addicsscl a The I'cterluill was captured w hile and perhaps part uf a uniform, hut u coiduc; In a ilispntih t rum Vi'i'a, I'urnial h ller in I'l o'ecni iiik At!. u nci 'en route fioni I'.iinlaiiil tn Matanmras. otherwise looks utter himself; his ra- M ' vi it,:i,Nii it or I'll.l si, i iv 1'iilav v A Cm il1 ), tions eoarso hroad. Don't fool with it around here! i'i iiz. ci'i i'd 'nifu Alfred II. I.n.lin today I equcstinn that Mexico, and her earn" condemned hy are IAI'1 i III) IN VII NN I'arrur'a's tonsillar representative the c.impliiint la prize court. Chief Justice Chase "The street clean inK and hospital "Ztiha-rati.- unainsl him and Mr. lure The dispatch, sinned " i n l thai Hn- mouth of the Kin wailing are done hy Anstrians, who N1 1. i v A i Schiil. lie I lull's what any sane individual would n ii la instci da m n lumPm,' ili'M i'ilicH re n u n s nmv enieiils dismissed. In his loiter In. jnriindu was "not included in the are rapidly thlnninn nut. from typhus say lo a man wilh a Ii ,'t:t p. i I .Mueller plolesled inol ollsly M:;n 1" in Th. follow as pa' nl a ureal stral' Kic plan hv aiviinsl ;hluckailo uf tin- - pnrts uf the rchel and nttier diseases. The host hospit- l,,-,- the rests, loaded gun. Yet there are thousands tampering with a beverage inc. idliiiiil oininuiiicat urn has vv h h I'aiiaii,'! h",c.s In saiiunnd ui assertion that Ihe enmity states, and that neutral commerce al in the llalkans Is at lielnrado un- , led i i cm nt s a.tiuii viulalcd nut oiily is. heie ilia and m h uu jwitli M a ta mm as. except in contra-- ! der Dr. Kdwnrd W. liyan, of the loaded with a poisonous drug which in ils work with t , i vv H.'i liermany's l.ul gels sure precision. "Afi'-- i months iuv si mclit ihi ennn, ii i eiui iiii ii, is at lieatv rinhts Ihe cu hand, v, as out u f roe," American contingent, where there l ' i. of lliteil Slates. l'1.' invsl has houiirahlv lallen. 'I'lie Salv. iilni. north of San l.tus the lloldlnn hv lit I are H.'.hiO patients. , ui inn Attorney i, ulna inter had I, celled an mil, to he uu ...saeo sanl. 'nisei lauulin said The chief Jusiico hold thai "nou-jttn- l "Dr. livan kept the neu- liminht to- pay I'i'.e the f,,llisn to the eliciuv nil would no atteulmn to trade in or frnm a l luckaded tral during tlie Austrian occupation That beverage is Coffee tl'.iie ilavs, lai, ins,, al llu- miilnonl of I' Mil! N, T l!0( Mil Dr. Mueller's rciuosi unless tin- i ou-s- icuuiitry hv inland iiavi.atiun or and accomplished wonders iliplninat- - ifs Ii Ihc Willi I could convineo im he was i.s the Ul.'UtO't! NOW IN SN I Is I'Oldsl that" is lawful and "Ihere-- I lonlly at that time. He wurshippod Caffeine is ils dru innncciii of (ho charm's. I'nie h,.weon l.utiihin and hy the people, It that trade is in complaint j - ll 'il'.lu Tc Mai, h ;: Ai - aliened the on Matainuras. ivi-- with intent In sup- "Dr. liyan says that the Kreatest w hi, h Ill- Sill I and his la hot- is kecpinn 'I i 'ai i a ii.. i t ruupH Sin l.ll is secietaiy plv from M.'taiiinrns n""us tn lexas. the hospital free I biliousness, I leadache, nervousness, sleeplessness these arc , were lh;i hcv ed v sonic Topi' vv unfit nn il tm i; li i hy arios., conspll to iulalcd no l.hi. kade and i annul he frnm vermin. The typhus affects men ,is a , I hrilie shipplnu cm plu.v d hy a severely. next, ITCHED ires nm thai It hi, h said 'fk declared unlaw fill." the most Women come cf the signs that so oftrn accompany coffee's operations. ECEi I - snip cunip ui iiy I, re- Hull ell ti 11 .l Hill, V ith the ad- niiil'llnn reveal his This posilmn, offiiials indicateil, and children for the most part mpli'v In si ncs s h- -i I II III yiiar.i if i ionoral i 'hi cnon s cr's secrets. The minhl lie ri'lKi'i red tn in Ihe fort cover. The symptunis in the present ler l n, i n , ons ii si i v s he vv as k ' a epidemic (if nrlp. It .... i wis ii' ih mi id ' sci iiik nminn Ann an coinmunlcation to hemn like those Knowing lhat coffee is loaded, why not quit it and use mm land, nn a lllv est illl.lte,! at niifn iiialinii uf oha I'Kes made l.y Ihc ( ileal llrilain and Franco w hn have The disease lasts fifteen days with el ii a n amhas-iadi'- t t, ILL THE hot vv i, .'.'..inn and " ii, n nil men. Is that the eotn-sii- declared throunli Hie order in coun- fever and delirium." p m v vv :is Im 1, li nj;' TII purlc in,,: s, mt li w a i il nmli r marines for cil their internum of ilelaimni.' "all p. , with the ulh." Ihilaiii and shippiun them in euiniiieivc." vvh'ijlier cunt i a ha ml nr TO MURDER s, i CONFESSES , 'i li, .ns I,, Ih hia hut non- - 'I iii i il I '2 ,1,11' l(l'-lll- ,l f.,i, ' Hi 1,1 I huS'' itish 'ulil in ho ilitral'alul. oi lor nth. of lelu la cn"ll, d INSTANT POSTUM : I Ill' s ha inn made unv i ii in. nl m il h Itc-ii- ii Simp ( II l'i 'll plan is sal, tu I'" 1" n un ouuiiiil nl' anricnient in DONE YEARS AGO purchase proof ot me 20 Ihe ii a t liel ll m i .,f stale-- and the nifi'l mat am TAMPICO GARRISON t I. ' I I w ,. . nft a .1 Willi Tan an ami I'llM'-il- oil fields. a pure food-drin- made from hard northern wheat wilh a bit of ,1 ' - RV MO RN NO JOURNAL 1PECIAL LCASID WIRI) I.' ut i Am itliil Isliin Is t.l he 111..! HEAVILY REINFORCED I vv i C.iln., 22. Alleged Caffeine-fre- m r. a s II ,: ,1". til .Mexican i 'cm a Hn. i BRITISH PRIZE COURT l'lieiiln, March wholesome molasses. e drug-fre- e delicious nourishing I.I -- i, a voal.l u. With Ton. u ami Chihuahua Hie to have confessed thai he witnessed .1 i , IB. MORNING JOURNAL LI 0 WIRC u t IV l .1 11 l.eln-- PAYS BPICAL Alt tnurdi r committed near San Francisco economical. ll ilrv i.iil, is that th'S FOR SEIZED CARGO e 22. Six th.ui-sin- d years Kivinc-th- ike lis will lf-- heard rem at ua Id Has... Tex.. March ami. a man i com- .1. a i.' - I. Wife (I, IV nl,'- - TI sin I Ihc i ar- - 'ari aiuasta i oitiforceilionts naiiio uf A. l.oonev and who MORNINR L VI R w i ta. JOURNAL IfiOAl, I .K I hy h,. js so I.s j m ni mi that I his "f M.-- manded C.ciioral Caesarin Castro savK years of ane, hold hern I'ostum comes in two forms: Poshim Cereal has to I I i hv j - '"-- London. March "il i, o. Tainpico, in m t i 'In., nl'. '1 hcv W, 11 h ind lifts has in. d at fr, in lor have arrived that the auHiuritlcs. The prize today tu ad- be well boiled; 15c and 25c packages. Inslant h.ii n ll.. it i, mill 4 0 cuutt ordeied paid .iiy from Vera Cruz, aeoni'dinn I.nnnoy was arrested hy a sheriff in 5''u'l'.1i n Ami i, ., n shiium-nt- today hy aCr-lanz- v In i a will- o up I iUK In h uf vices received hero the I'khihunia in connection with thej Poshim made in the cup wilh hot water; 30c and l.old-ui- (Tii-- ll. I, I. i Pour and wheat detuned on hoard consulate. The trnnps were i and killing Lee, n j coins I'll of Ah 50c tins. Both forms are equally delightful; cost rriuiiimi. ,i iranspurtid I rum Vera Cl 117. tn Tain- iiiinian, ihuiit tht ee miles outside of Relieved Almost at Once t.,r as is known In ic. this is the lirst pico hv a iiuv tianspuits and nnr-cha- San in lSHil. Two other men per cup about the same. mumv lo IM- p., n olll ,v Ille pll..e Vcs-cl- s, which are now hcinn are under arrest in the const city, it1 I p, ry i mml t l a I hpinr . trad inns oiirt ,m Am, i a .in fundsiiitls ser;ed. used hy Ihe Carr.uiza mn el 'iinifiil. is saal. une uf whum Lunacy says (lid el .cilia hat w Hum! in in K - su in March ;': The The owners of the caiKoes of food-slnlT- s the k Hi with a revolver. Louneyi No dangers no fears with POSTUM. Old and young drink I HIV w I ,1 w ill is In. trnu h in pi olll of I'm' t States on hoard the American steam-- . llunnir the Itest Smiici'. will tie taken tn San iti-.- i.ntun-ii- t I; s.i.ip .11. I It II Francisco. nml lip. n t.i d. ,1,1c the ci 'IIM r Wilhcmiiia, d. stiued for H. rmanv j There Is nn Mince eiitial tn natural it with pleasure and benef it. iiniii- - ll i, urns,. lllv K.III--..- I,, of lo 'S, Ill .11" he, ulllllli; lIlscoul.lK.'d over Clc 'liunm'f. If you would relish your Sofhs (.laiolnl to AincricHiis. i. in ,'i a, t i . Hli; ' ale of it,- - t'l '' l'.imr ihc pi cuiiit m nivinn Hie 'meals like a hunnry hoy. take Cham- X.VV V rk. March 2 Serbia n ' I'l.-li- I. f I: it The ami ,,ti, of Ippeal Was SCI ie,l I'.d'.v nil ase a Ilea ri nn. , Sl'ltlS it ti k. ly Tabletn. They Improve tli ininisl.-- f fun-In- 1'. I. lerlain's affairs. Nikola Soap c.,n,i!, h ..It a is u; th. K a lis. us .supreme i .nn Hi t tin rase vv.:ll cnuic up Mai h dtnestlon and creiito hunger. II. D. 1'alchitch. m a eah,, received cm in x I'V l'.l niessane in.' th William ll'Ks, nf Shawnee ::. the le fof which it was ti'iita-prc- v I'armonto-- . Cridersv ille, uhai, writes: hero tuilay bv I. "There's a Reason" I 'I l'rof. Michael l'upin. i.linlsev. 2 i: c I,, pen - mnh r .elltcllee the ten lively s, liter tons postpone- "1 havm Used Chamheilain'" Tablets the Serbian consul. the ap- vn i .. m-- si a I - a , t exiresses in ll I"' sslent inlator of h n.ent. for stomach trouble, biliousness and preciation and gratitude nf his ' ' ". It',1 i Sold by Grocers everywhere. Ilea'.'! '. iiiUi ,w Th Iv.llisl' suplelnp cuurt constipation off nr.d rn fur the past tor tlie relief sent from the v r le in I n ut It. sill.d. llalli- iHiiini'd Itriirns' sentence and Cieiiirv stamps nml innrnnloe hi ten years ami have never soon their I'nited States tn the destitute Serb1. in IIIOIC. ided Hie law was constitutional, VSX'. nt .tafia's, Maloj's, Hawkins', equnl yet," tT sale by all dealers. farmers.

1 - ' " '1 J, ljt . - - - " J 1 , r f ' w r- ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, TUESDAY, MARCH 23. 1915. THREE

CHILD IS BURNED TO Swish! Corns Gone! RATES is given FREIGHT ' "GETS-IT!- What's New in New ivlexico! DEATH WHILE BOTH We Use " PARENTS ARE AWAY Second- -, 2 Drop "((rim Vanish! For everybody with cortisi them In FINE PUBLICITY 0 GRA N BELOW rfCiAL rondiarONPf N( IO mXNiNI, II.UNNAt) t evetv drug store in th land one of M , ll I'll,, I Clovis. Mat 22 the eal womb is of world, and GIG DEAL i I the il.,ar Mr. Mrs. ' LAI PROCLAMATION AUTHORITY and that KTS I I" for corns: It's ' lm FOR Williaoi lodges vv.e s.i l.adlv bm lied Ills, coin-cur- known Weill "day odovv,,l and ever tllal w'l'lln ( ves anv and e ei y eorn or AT SAM DIEGO T a few hours llovv she wa-- binned Is a IllVSM'lV, eX.cpl t I.I till , lolh'S vjl : III LAS VEGAS IS APRIL 2 PAYING SALARIES look tire there win io or,, i b., In MIES 111 Ibe Ionise .villi her but a ,Sm vean older. Mi Hodge, was ,u Hi I'A flt. barn at the llodccs pi , win,!, CVY? tfV M I - Operations of Colfax Foity-on- e Western Roads In- tin miles fioni die tv, nil, M - TW; 'j ''L SWUNG BY CLUB AS DAY n,b,,s i ' i ci.ois, I ARDOR IMPLIED BY AET County Occupy Prominent sist Upon $10,000,000 as 'I'll. s. reams ol the elder 'isler 0J3iVyLjiX hi might Mi Hodges to the liiiii' ana diS, in Rev- ' Place Piogram at New Minimum Incieaso of he li I what lie.onld. wh., h ..s little. 1 as the child's , babes bad bell i.nllod J Building, Hove, I A Ti'4 l'Sr'l Mexico enues They Must pr.icticliv "it Ii i. Her ir ,--- Pw y i Option Given to Eastern Cap- Governor Urges Observance Compensation of Travel- Ihe klies up was bi.dl) la' "v State Ihe Ham. s. Mr. I ' bun bv f, grf M italists on Large In- hit, up a and b'oncbt he V- Tract of Occasion Not Only in ing Auditor and Assistants tlPictAt connitroNoiNri f0 monnini jouhnau ,BV MONNINQ JOURNAL trlVlAl LIAtKO Mlftll bed Mm - '".vK Ra- :'- - town In' San lbcgo. Cain , March ... Chi. ago. Mar, h -' I.. Weiiling. clllld to cluding -- hot Site of Famous Schools but by People of Already ton, lis the center of the immense statistician for the forlv-oo- e western bill silo d!e, Provided for, Says a c mining operations of Colfax coiiiiIn, in railroad vstcms which have asked for Fll llcl'.t scl Montezuma Hotel, State Generally, Attorney General, given a prominent place in the pub. an in. reuse in freight rates on certain ,liv end ihe licity propaganda carried oil by the eomt bios, testified before Intel- - Xlco ccnieiciv. New Mexico building of the Ran. state Coinineice Commissioner W. M IPKCIAL OHFATCM TO ex...sil ion. today as to Ihe MOTION MORNING JOURNAL 'SI,' 'IAL OltATCM TO MOftNINO JOURNAL Daniels ihe anioiinl NEW PICTURE iBHOAL DUPATCH TO IOONiNC JOURNAL lew I loin Hill. It' an- .. Cora Kust I. is Vegas, X. M., March 22.- - Santa -- t.oal railroads hoped to add to tlo Sum Trn!, M'mn11fl, WK? Fe, March 22. (iui'il 2 2 A Inlei-estin- Friday, Santa Fe. March orneV is a pano riv . April , Another vnw nual revenue on proposed Increase HOUSE FOR CLOVIS t i Hwa'otTs-ir- The entire Montezuma property, form- was today Ar-b- y the y. designated as (leneial Frank . Clancy, in an opin- rama of Ibe city from Coat lull, which I lie rat, s ot au-- gi am pro erly owned by the Santa Fo Railway bor day (lovernor McDonald w ion in grain ho addressed to John W. I'oe, pres- , e f nevi r falls to ,li aw expression of: n. nun, HUH lb callus ii nl. wii'ioiiI fussing' mp:iny, deeded t,( Yogas issue, fo oWilo...... - .hi. ts. if f which lout lut ihe Iis he nr.... ident slah- cuiiiiiiisMMii. j ,AL n t to mcmnin,. of the lav t cewsrt.N. vv 1, M. A. commendation :i..m all who see it. i would be added lrt. nh ,iid. ir. s, ioe ha. nesscs, Y. ('. last year, has been sold "How much e railroads sinuate I M 'I h for.sts influence rub s that the act creating the oil ice I'.xhilnls of lie- great V Mai, iriiialiiig oinl- - Hrovvn, Yal-li.or- u coal deposits, revenue through all ihej to Dr. W. T. head of the ,,t appreciated gonerullv. of im- llolr annual HI , r here stale traveling also :. I :'. plcl ai. ,1 " I auditor lying Ralcn. mak,. it III- $ J , l 'J 'I , motion 11I Il . in seconds Kaiiitariiim M. be ,,f t )i about which the; ,. posed leases, Ml.j 10. apple of Vulmora, X. nnpoi tanee pav-me- ,. III,! is might to be plies sufficient auihorily for the ,.f Mil. I, ...... c plele and Ihe , vv f j r. - .Hops, ol k Is done. d, Well ling H st ified, would come otll i bine, The deal, though not entirely emphasized and impressed upon ,.s cm of t ne 111 Mils tin the of his salary ami the salaries shown among mineral! plai II Is up, agoiiv ritory, are the products. This, he ' the ol .voiir corn v;is made public today. The proper- minds of people, w grain and grain , . h - b, ,i one ho plants and of two assistants. The opinion also the No cXp co.-- ears specimens in the loggia of the build-- said, would be about olle-th- il of stale ends ;i lot leaves forever' All ty Involved in this sale is supposed to for and adds to our resources declares thai the tax commission has to it all ra. ,e Ihe I h. Ing. They atli.ot a vast amount of per The, make i be Ionian the puns that dart lo include over 8(10 acres of ;n ad- a tree, is a public to a lone cent of the total leveoue. lll-- Ill land benefactor. If we its credit total appropriation of cost ov er f '.'.ii The v attention, so thai Ralon gains inn, h w a iiient con-- j nig our le a s i.ue ihe cruclfixon of dition to the large ho el 'an produce forests on It itness presented stati . I. It I'n 11,1! Montezuma our arid lii.aiil uiintiallv. saVs: tlo-m- Is as of ! .v plains additional publicity throng,, j.ernliig all grain moving out nil the line h.u 1111; car over screaminn connecting buildings, In t we may change our climate. I I lems-- I the and the here is no doubt the Agrlcnllioal M theater. poison spring's a Ily lawv, custom it is Resources. proportional rates from in ilea polis col toe danger of blood and productive farm. Isaac and made the latiire conicniplaieil the making of bb-e- Attention is toctissei) also upon the hevouu, I'm 11 Halving by using l Yc-fa- s duty of governor il to Mississippi river citiis and Huchurach, a director of the as the to set aside one expend ores by com mission 1 sci-,s,- - other the agricultural resources of the country TUT. MAT TR l,i, iv lazius and s are gone commercial club, is responsible day of each year tree planting. beyond (he cm- - j including soul beast rrn Atlantic polls NOTHING for for i.ompensai ion of - la-I- : PI" g tributary lo It. bm. The man senrch- exports. To at ' i:rs- is the new wav. Fwlnf-in- (,f Iluoha-.lae- h This, however, is only and lo gulf poi ts lor the t,,, ,,.a. Mr. to emphnsl.e ploves, but the only sum of money 1 T I way. the importance i ing for a place io locate understands were added movements from WITH II0SITIAI r A N S the sale, simple, p. ilcs.s Trv acted as the Joint of the work, The distinctly mentioned is of there , - - representative that il I ' II s, bilu- (HID plainly that is not mineral wealth So lit Ii I Una Council lifts, lol col abuse- warts and of l)r. lirown and the local parties in- planting of trees in various localities Jill, per annum. Taking the whole una ha, ha. - alone, great it may be, on must lo 2 however Kansas City, At, bison. Kan.; I.eavcn- ions, terested. necessarily h govcrned by of section together, we must neces- I iIi-i- Vrr-- n ( f ' ev-- nl j Which Italon lelles, but that il is ihe worth, Kan., and St. Joseph, Mo, loj (.mh CRTS 1T" Is sold bv druge.lsts Since obtaining the property from oenditions. sarily bold that such other necessary Ma,, H n I epoi I c s c ute, of 'ii rich fanning country, tin Moscow. cI W lp e, I bottle, or sent dir.'," 1 expenses lhe same destination as well as IV the Santa Ke Railway company, Tree 'In riling. must be paid out of the I i g the I'rsiS which adds yearly new opportunities v leiier.,1 Sand, ki, mil n bv Iv l.avvr Co , Chicago. J .us Vegas Y. M. '.eiiii, some provision movement to Texas. nn five of tin ('. A. has endeavored "Therefore, for con- SI. utiles other cnii- - , ., the purpose 'lor business, house", cheap fuel, 17. mm. una i nor f Mo sow ;n. thai I is iprinclpil railwavs out of to dispose of the property templated, made therefor. j t - numerous do now designate and ly desirable tor factories, is cm- -- of looiii.hl many proclaim I 'or Diem of Commissioners. Ions of ram handled only 4,xmi,M,u, c pi.ceiila;e tunes and different parties were Friday, April 2, as w no ity I Arbor phasized ns foil ing Die piox be by the I out ve I of opinion ns iu tons. lid, would alfccteil Hi. Ipispilals from interesied. Owners ol large eastern day. earnestly and urgently reeom- - "I am that fo far coal mines, Ihe big pavi, per com- the and ilP I.,, 11 exa mill lol Rid reports are said to have endeavored to mend that Ibis day be by diem of the members of the (he to Raton as one of lease entirely somnl Wnshiwj Won't of mines Point l ig, III Is. I or-a- is concerned, ll big All lion. I'll', pale Id obtain the lands while the Loyal ll the people of New Mexico In Ihe mission ihe tirst section coming cities of the Whole stale, In one hospital, out I the " v I r., I all jii.ll must be construe, as maki- lug sa me io to I v vv Head of Daii dor of Moose is said to bo considering he spirit of progress, as having a of the act repay amply any investment ppl be nlllv I b ii In a c seriously in ng; a continuous appropriation of certain lo loads, In the case," said Mi lit the present time, the purchase of distinct bearing on our "ci- i d I'he lepolt coll future money up made. in ol llealhicnt mil,-- I fare. be for their compensation, to 1' Wei ling, "the total uicri ase for all tric property. The proposijion Appropriate exercises should and informal talks on I lined I repi una nd lull hospital an a, limit of Jt.diHi per minimi." Personal the wood be $ L'.'.T. .4 !' :i, or only way to get rid ot u,in. milted by r. llrmvn, however, met bold in all of our schools, when for- - loads i of Tin nine the given to supplement the , ti r albuvihg apabl, II The commission has set April I'll are till per t ll.ilit s loell u it, .Voll d"-- With the ;:al isfact ion if the Y. M. i import ol the day can be thoroughly no of one cent of the di If n to dissolve then mal lectures, mnl niueii nieraiuie lila- - i In to ihl, ll. - j us the for hearing Ihe repre- freight revenue. The ail out iiillcl set to tn.y enlirely. To do ahold. A. mill was accepted. impressed upon Jbe young mind. All date the city and Colfax county is bclniT sal this. tfl Wllo sentatives of corporal ions ns to tax lion has In en made, applving lo all of the hie pital Ii of ordinary liipinl ivoti, I 'bins (.hen Out. ale able lo do so, ought to be given out unices en raged and assisted in Ihe work Valuations. Traveling Auditor Howell loads Willi an apporl lonmecl on apply il al hlght when retiring, c' I!r..wn is at present ; !r. the time in heaii-lil.vm- upon being superseded on a, a Hie scalp and of pi, inline trees and shrubs for g F.yrnest, mileage basis ni'lead of tonna ;! 10 (i I enough to looieten. n,'' Chicago but his plans for develop- scliool-glooinl- l.y c nrrosnoi IV vv t l Hps. the and enriching the April the stale traveling auditor: basis as abovi . and mi Ibis ib ulali il ill i eld illl lie inger ment of the properly arc given out as j . ,y ? I I t should older people for- lo npiointc, Slate Auditor Mines and Mining the nun. nut would be .'. it,', li" or M0NI.Y IN Do tins eh!, and by moriiliiff follows: I'.rown was given sixty- .or lr. a get or overlook iii their present haste Saie.eiii, will been, no lb,, permanent than four dolus of cue per cent most If not all of your dandruff will -day option on property, the (chief tax commission, mid I. the and anxiety for fulfillment of tem- clerk of llm Steeple liock. of t he total revenue.'' j gone, ami three or four iimr He being a present as-- ; tnlglil-l- j M. r It WIRK , tiansactlon for the sale cash porary desire the future welfare and will probably ri lam his'i'ii Filer is contributing A. I). Ilcllll, coUlls. l fill' tile Kansas tr.Y M. !RNiNa iuhhnal lilt pin al puis will ninplelelv dissolve. A company Slec-Roc- - j n- - every single consideration. slock will growth of the stale and its people, Slslanis ill a sonoa, cao.ooy immi ily the renewed mtivilics at public nt ihl I, s commission, ill floss- I'ltlslnii'gll. I'.i , M. nil ::.'. and out. rely destroy, hIki. ' be formed and Ibe sto, k sold as far the tax i ,.i , in.-i- t m ule todav the ,.r il, no mutter how lutiell lor whom we are now holding in commission. pie Work has been resumed "u asked Ibe witness Just n. was 'land trace possible trust examination sburgh its to eastern physicians. No the bounty of nature so that il may the Jim Crow and I'tiO tons are already uie MUestioii: 'Voiir figures are based Lincoln National Paul. of 'il daudi'iilf Voll may have, Is , ta'i-- . bv I'copb-- Vol, too, nil Uchlntt local capital solicited whatever ra nsin ii led not only unimpaired by PLACE OF HONOR FOR ; the dump. The contract has been only on the fiscal year ending with bid bed over the will find, that may I I I'ibiirgli, all scalp Stop at though residents purchase stocks !us, but expanded and enlarged as a , b t f haul H e b Dinicub, Ariz. ,1 !i I I, a ml do not take Into con-- i Nat i, .1 II bank of and and digging of the will line, flurry. Iu- - if they wish to do so. i It gold silver to the extent i l wo ild b, paid by Ihe lasl c, ud your hair will be , heritage of th" future. NEW MEXICO AT FLOWER 'iarries and siilcralion the big op that followed. netoalo"s In-- ... i It ,or glossy, sill-- sort, und look lirnwn believes that stocks suf- "I reipicst county school superin- of vr.n iron, ,,.ii Sloincl like do t hey '." named in inn icil. irons, and impiove-- ! - i if I.I In laud a hundred better. ficient to guarantee the movement can tendents lo give notice of this proc- FIESTA SAN DIEGO SJU.tHitJ has been .spenl on "Yes, my figures i ml with the I'is- Tlic lasl st tcmcnl the loci limes i nt nny be sold within thirty dins and follow- lamation, and so far as practicable, incuts. The employes live in electl eal year." National disci sell llll't ll had Von en, ml nrvon a - t drug' It Is Inexpensive. and ing his conference with all (he local arrange fur the proper observance of callv lighted tents and night end Attorn, v s for lb railroads had pre- plus of nii.ittui, and deposits stoic. TO MOPNIN3 JOURNAL Sat- (felAU CORWtSPONOf Nil I V T. s u i n i never falls to do the work. ommitlees interested here next the true spirit of the day." ilay shift lire at work. The Carlisle vioiislv said that a i heir calculations . Y e, L''. .New .Mexico urday, the sale will be started in Chi- Santa .March in.-- a zinc property, has been Sold a d only h. period prior to .la- - , pplu to cago, and lis building are to nave places ol t tter to ea slern capital. 'ly. I It U. STATE INSTITUTIONS Spanish flower fiesta and I To Open Hot Springs. honor at the orilsburg. N. Rallanline, assistant to tin- "nniiiiiiinijiinnnniinii Dn-g- exposition, - The first Improvements on the market at the San A. n week sue, j J. luterrieib this second vice president of the Chicago, ' ;.'U . RECEIVE ALLOTMENTS I'retty girls in .Spanish - !JjP .imiiiiii" properly will be directed toward the this week. cd ". F. Hitter lis manager of the Pacific railroad, tes- v is-- I Rock Island and costutms; guide of ' .1 Hill" opening of the hot springs facilities the thousands Kiglily-I'iv- o mine. Hngiimer s tire tifieil 'what he termed "excessive l'"l ll IP A .Ml ll ' itofs San Diego Floral asso- - to ii ml tile syimming pool together with ;&rEOAL OIBrATCH TO MORNING JOURNAL) and the dr;viug the slakes lor the Mniineru, cost ,,f baiidting grain. tins com, j A j 111!. y holds a floral exhibit at the ' , t - thi mountain bouse. new swim- Simla Fe, March The I'niver-sit- cialion Pacific spur to the mine. The Arizona said, - ly reduced the appal'- pergola patio survey-- he ming l'"'d will be built while the old of New Mexiuo was allotled same time ill the and & New Mexico railroad Is also ! cut profit on grain hauling. one, is pro- of the fine arts building over which spur authority of the stat,. which smaller than the ,;:iili.:!0 in the distribution of funds, ing a under lloldii a I the (a,-- . posed new structure, will be remodel- totaling $:in,liiMi. made by Slate Treas Dr. Fdgar I.. Ilevvett of the School of corporation commission but the Smith. !lllllllil'ill", Archaeology F "Lasl season, for Instance." testl- - led. The bath house will be reopened urer 11. N. Mat ron today. I hese f u ds American at Santa in has mcii on me .t'leilie i'iui,' "vv- thous-- j so benefits of hot sprint's pit sides. There is a typical Spanish ri ,, ,. f wav in land otliee at Ified the witness, lad two A Hot Dish m that the the represent the sums received since the - in 1 A land cars held back on account of em- may be received and the mountain March 1. flower market uiblilion ('races. A clash seems inevitable. ' t ll j congestion on export grain. lioiise will be practically rebuilt. A For slate purposes, including sal- flow er exhibit gathered by school ..pillar tractor has been purchased bargo and up as a th,m-lan- bridge connecting the natatorial with aries, $7,7.'ii.liii was alloiled; to stale children. 'I...-- ,h.. o.iii.. in the meanwhile. ;Curs were held as far 11' 'i- Cold - for Day the mountain house also will be built. institutions, $l1,Kti7.?n: charitable The New Mexico society at San nr.. bodies of great richness have miles lioiii the ports. The grain a l)r. lirown who will be ilist it ill ions. $:i(i"i.lii; lias grow n to such an extent unexpectedly encountered on til" healed and it was neccssaiy lo Inspect, and those the current nin,,. a Interested in the opening, do not pro- school fund, .L'!i;i. u; interest fund, it is subdividing in accordance to var- - , ;,,rinle A rich blind vein was also all of it and transfer and elevate 7 Kos- - j .... a. :i An- - large portion. We had more llian; Your Winter overcoat will do you littlo pose to make the Montezuma a health ."i,l -- .40 to payment of interest on lions New Mi xlco localities. The tl in sinking on No shaft. a ..lltl-lo- $.',IHMI, mm of perishable grain: resort alone bill will make it as far bonds, $107. ibi ; to the militia well Ladies' club held meeting al oilier strike was made on Ihe worth II 'on il a large! pood if you do not develop a certain amount lis possible a big summer resort for Ipanies of the slate, $:ils.:pi; lo Ihe the home of Mrs. ('. Harris and the b Vcl A drift is lo connect with .. our hands and entailed resl-i- : explore expense. IS an excessiv e empty everybody. The financial backing agricultural college, $;( lid; to the following former Chaves county 2 Shi ft and al the same time There of natural warmth by eating a nutritious, - j H r, cars. (Hi one ill- km will be such that the place will be school of mines, $ 7 !. to the mil- dents were guest: Mrs. A. A. Mason, new ground. haul on these export 1. empty box cars body-buildi- ng food. widely advertised while the definite itary institute, $ir,."..',ii; to the nor- t'ptoii, Williams Collins, ukens, ltd I Hock. .vision nori hhounil the The best fuel for the g sevenly-foii- r per cent riiiecess of the movement cannot be mal university, $11117. n4; to the nor- Rogers, Reeves, Ruins Smith, Fee, J, Float assaying $4!i.ilU of free Id iare one hundred , furnace ia mal school, $!ilili.liU; to the Spa ll ish S. Hiiikl.-- Cass, Lewis, Miss Cenevleve picked up by .1. of the loaded box ial' mileime. human estimated. lo the ton has been - Water (.ood for Hhciimatisin. American normal, Jl.'.I.Hi: to the I'ptoii, Katheriiie Smith. Mrs. Drew Connor. In some places the fro. gold curs ale md loaded to ca- y ill During the time that the Atchison, deaf and dumb school, $;;il7.7."i; to I'rnilt, Mrs. Stadum. Mrs. Helen Rol nodules are list large as a small bean. pacii us the commission found r.m , . more Tnpcka and Santa Fe Railway com- the blind institute.; lo Ihe lins and Mrs. Ixate ,ci afley. idold Is al i renortcd near Steins. The load is noi than to in- - It do-- j twenty per , pany managed the Montezuma prop- miners' hospital, Jilil.'.L'ii; to the (ieorge R. Harris, m u ire yyi,,.,-,- ( due and Smith are doing within filleeii or cut of, H.l'U; e- - erty, the tourist travel into this city isane asylum, J l,M to the and chairman of the board of din velopment v irk. Al the Ti a ar mine. capacity. Shredded t Wheat a was exceedingly heavy while the peo- school, $:iii.l'ii; to the reform tors of the Chi. ago, r,iirlinglon and j f,.,,,, Ku, was found at a depth ol "'i'here is a g lea added ex pense nil mi - ple desiring the benefits of the hot jschol, $J7I.HS; to the stale museum, tjuincy railroad, was one ot I lie vis- twenl v feet. 'delay to other freight trains where : springs came in large numbers. That j:i(i."ii; to the penitentiary, $1,77.-I'.bl- ; ilnrs at the New Mexico bullding.l .Ilourllla. side tracks are filled Willi empty cars, every particle of these filmy shreds of baked o a j gone loading." the springs contain a great medicinal to the capitol, $.Mi4.ihi, and casual "Success is not composed of big William A. Franklin ha I" stoted for expoit grain is Idelleit $ d Hal- - whole wheat digested and converted into value was demonstrated at that time fund, ,74 a. 70. bank roll," be said. "II must be Chicago to consult w ith his issocln'es Mr. "llelm Mr. la-- iat j j when many sufferers of rheumatism measured by the service o ne ri ndersl relative lo Ihe erection ol mill on Ionium as to Hie eosl of binding, warm blood, good muscle and sound brain. that, n man Lincoln of grain, ;t n ii other .similar complaints were DAVIES ASKS COURT to the world. The tact the Sallv Dear nt Jiciirilk bor and permanently cured. has millions Is no indication of success county. The claim carries iron and Cock Island lion, I Typical. Two of these Biscuits, served with hot Any person However, the railway company was TO INVESTIGATE HIM or comparative success. gold. "Do you consider the Rock Island milk, make a complete, nourishing meal full forced to close the property during who is doing something of use in the a typical road In Kansas for cxpoili hard times and since no effort had world is successful, according to Just A year's lease has been obtained on shipments by way of ia Iv est on 7" of warmth and ;SFE-I- DISPATCH TO MORNING JOURNAL) prom- strength. been to reorganize it. Jeffer- liovv much he dois." Another the Wicks mine at Hillslioro, S'or'a "Wt so consider II." made Fe, March 22. The sensa- Mrs. Mary son Itaynolds, a prominent banker of Santa inent visitors was Out county, bv Jeflcrson llirsch and "Do you consider the .'(ssenibling of j 11 Lopcn on sue-- i lied was the Instigator of the tional trial of Roniulo the Moore, the only woman who has j.,,),,,, putting up Hi, empty Height ears in ev, talion of, TRISCUIT is the Shredded Wheat Wafer, this city charge of selling liipior to minors, cessfully composed and produced an i, of Y. M. ', A. obtaining the machinery immediately. a ct'o i movement as profitable luisi-- ! idea the to a in court be eaten as a toast with butter or soft cheese, or property which at time had been came climax the district opera. Work on the McKinlcv mine is to ness : that vehi.t, Alloroev P llavies who ii lying Mr. Rey- 'resumed bv a small lone of ni' In "We assemble cars to get die busl- - as a substitute for white flour bread or dormant for yiars. was th fending d.opez, asked the court nolds took the proposition lit) with the the beginning of April. ness and we consider the more busl-- I crackers. to appoint, a committee to investigate j Santa. Fe Railway company and last Socorro. 'ness we get the more the profit." the conduct of Davies in the ease. CASGAHETS FOR j engi- - year deeds were turned over lo Coney T. lirown, the minim "Wasn't the Rock Island one of thej the 1. Crist, K. R. j n 'Ihe court named J. neer and i Xpert, has ret a rued .from which were crilicised by the In- - iind the Y. M. C. A. given a clear title - reads (Wright, and Alexander Read. j I hree-moi- il Ii prospecting H p in Ccn- l to the lands. indicted, hill be-- I lorslnle oninierce commission nir Rope, had been Hal America. not providing labor for Ihe loading of Official announceiiH nt as to the fore tho case could be brought to be made on grain'."' proposition will probably i lie was prosecuted before a jus GDSTIVE trial BOWELS. j I Institute Directors lo Meet. "II w as not. m be ol her hand tho '.;.. ' ii larger scale next week when 'r. tice of the peace and escaped Willi a S Chicago. Fo, 22. - A of Rock Island w as considered an exeep- - Drown returns from lino of live dollars. This hearing be- Santa March meeting (he of New .Mexico In- - am In t hal il supplied ample labor fore (he justice of Ihe pence, it was directors the " XvW' limn to of Science und Kdiication, has f loading I'WV.A ... V 'y"t ! ! 1 Visitors Museum. given knowledge islituto ' asserted, was without ( .kVvl-l-- -- 2. H for Thursday iiflernooii bv 'ucs! ions were asked as to the cost Santa Fe, March John of Dlstrj.-- Attorney Alexander Read, HEADACHE, COLDS ben cilleil Asplund, i grain doors. The Drown of St. I.onis, who registered af or without reference to the pending I'residonl Rupert F. loiof pelage and two al Hip witness said he had no figures, but the museum today told of the case in the district court. I.opc, has make definite prepai ions lor I'swxvvnji' ill a year's ses- - a l il would be im pra ct lea- - expositions on the Pacific coast. The since been brought to trial on an- l.voar's cha uiiia. Last ssi nd that undoubtedly is " jsion of four weeks was such a suc- - hie on account of Ihe heavy weight to fair at San Francisco other count, and the case is now ready llMI!h.a,': .7: rmw. '..' ." ft 11 III II IfMiniliinfHil greater than that at San Diego, he . leess, bronghl so much notable talent place grain doors on box ears which for the jut v. .'! To-ni- in li 7 only part declared, but that nt San Diego is Al Hlonn Vnilf hnVAn Shu Santa Fe addilion to other were used of the year for too, there lire nel'sons. that tills years sessions ate Ibe hauling of grain. more beautiful. Then Hour by Parcels Tost. greater expli- 22.----- expected lo bring even buildings at the San Francisco Sanla Fe. March postoffice and stop headache, colds, " in slore-kcepe- However, Indian schools cit ion that have as yet nothing tells of a combination r crowds. Ihe UNION MEN PLEASED inspector j year oilier buildings that have on the South- stomach, will hold no institute tins as them and ami postmaster sour it likely one-thir- The San re- they did lasl year and is also ben Idled only ern Pacific in New Mexico who i WIFIIBONUS SYSTEM - the Archaeological summer Diego fair is a gem and the New ceived an order I'm- four barrels of that x will bo held al San Diego Ibis Mexico building Is the tinesl kind ol a customer twenty-si- school Hour from Hot a box now'. mint wealth of (ANvnetalf rl I'rpN-- i r.rrrMp.)ii,liir.) (idvertising that, the state has ever away. Dike a Hash he thought year on a' of the miles j , l .. rascals out the headache, ,. re and- Ihe fai that the n, I. n , Mali Ii 12. Trade union lone. (it hers who registered at tbc of sending it by parcel post. He tilled Turn the mission-- biliousness, indigestion, the siok, sour rchaoologi. lustiliile id America highly pleased Museum today were Tax Coin i thirty-tw- sacks, stepped behind the officials arc with the ife, of So- him- stomach and bad colds t urn Ihem out wi ,nd essioll on Ihe Pacific r Jose D. I'cn a und window of the postmaster, sold - jsittlement of their demand for n V. keep them out with Lus- which will attract some ol the corro; H. ('. I Hi fucr. Denver; T. self as storekeeper $11. till worth of and unr-- l urn- bonus to railway employes, R. A Illtes. pay carols. world's, greatest scientists. Vall, Kvansville, Did.: the stamps they cancel as their n j'l'he scale of bonus agreed upon will .Mrs. I '.corge noth- Millions of men and women take Kaslcy, Iowa; Mr. and and then shipped the Hour for mean more ban if L'H, (Mill, (Kill n year V. V. Cascaret now and then and never: ('..iifci-ciioi- ' With ( C. Preston. Dallas. Tex., and ing The railroad could not carry il dnimissloiicrs. wages by a la'.y liver, i in increased lo railway men J Albuqucniim. reason il was know the misery caused Fe. Maich 22. Receiver lowers, as freight f"t' the that bowels,' or upset stomach. Sanla the government to go on a regular mail clogged an Ralph C Kl.v and lieneral Manager iiniil terminates its until. It had in day of distress, Ho,.- ( oniimnv Incorporates. passenger train, which was de- Don't put another II. A. C, miner of the New Mexico war arrangement with the railway ion and cleanse your stomach; - Santa Fe, March :'L'. ncorporat layed ten minutes by unloading the Cascarets Central, conferred today Willi Cor- eonipaniis, at which time the bonuses ..- - sour, f, mienting food; papers were T ei in v i,y i ne .son, resourceful postmaster. remove the poralion Conimissiotiers Hugh II. will cease. This step will not bo taken (lour of the ss bile from your liver company f Delaware. lost nothing in the take the exei Williams and . I., iiwons, regarding com- went"rn ling The government , until demobilization has been ion is SfLTi.miu. i ne did. and catry out all the constipated waste faoililies with the Id Tho ennitalizat transaction, but the railroad .... .,.,.1 t.,.iv.,..v It. 1., rl'h..TI ! nil station pleted and tbc men will have full - Dunn lliu vv.- viuvl,.,, office is t , aso tV .sotii il wesi ei n hl lorrance. upon nego- (-- you greai. warning before entering county, and the statutory igent is To Survey Tier of Totvnships. will loci The commission also discussed the (X)OI) HANKING iiMUVICE (ien-niplet- A straightens you tiations for a new awreeiiient 11. Hon, of Deming. Pan ta Ke. Maf'li 22. Survey Cascaret facilities desired at Myndus, Luna by morning. They work while you The coinpanies to pay one-thir- d today ',, artatigo-o- f out county. ate mii;!il oral Dills A drug nr.-- . rrcalcs success wlicie failures have been. mcnt the siirvcy a Her of sleep. box from tiny of the increased wage evpcndil for - head, sweet stom- two-third- of thus stor..- means a clear IVreii Takes (loath of Office The remaining s will b" ships northwest t and clean, healthy liver and bowel 3 l lie First National Hank is brottylit into close contact W-fetf- J n.ecessarv step ach I,. I'e-ro- a met by the government. INDOORS taking othe first months. Children love Santa Fe, March 22. .lose those lauds open mr noinesu ao action for county, today took the willi (lie business riviiiiietneiits of a great variety of enter throw will la- because they never gripe of Socorro A sin ve.v :ug expedition Cascarets oa'lli oft ice as (ax commissioner entrv l.ce S. or sicken. of prises. in charge on Deputy Surveyor befoie Seeietarv of Slate Antonio lat- - I:,!.,, his crew into HAIR COMING OUT? .mi eill i cero. It is nndersiood, however that t mi"1 " i. , ICS X ot nt; Wanting. 3 business has financial requirements different from often weakens even Sandoval t resign li ik I. very Rern'ilillu und when you a bad he intends and the survey will take all Somr time have merely so as t, other businesses. Willi this in mind the First National Bank constitution as shortly. The - oath of office Danlrnff causes n revorlsh Irrita a strong o lie Slltll- rold give Chamberlain's Cough Rem- - sprinK and a greater part the matter of appointing sue- tin- - ii tn tvmntoms. Ian edy a trial and you will find notliinK tale tion ol uii' seaip, nair roois snriniv, rendeis a service lo eadi patron lhat is distinctive in meeting I norvniit- ' J ( mer. t.cssor. loosen und then the hair conies out wanting in that preparation. It loos- the depositor's special needs. It would like to serve voo. ftnd repeated colds. ens a cold, relieves the lungs, aids ex- last. To stop falling hair at once and Appliciiti'Mi rfotiif. Afllin; rid Hi" scalp every particle of ilui-druf- f, no.or Wilier -- or in- pectoration and enables the system to Mr. Ixfson of Santa Ke. March '.Nolle,' March A. D- gel a hottl.- of Damler-in- o every aay; rare acre ol throw "If the cold In much less time Santa Fe, "(Vinda ub to apply for 2,'00 T.. today the office of as any drug store, pour a In OikA blood. tention creek, than the usual treatment. Mrs. It. I.oeson assumed al little nrirhes the water for storase out of Alamos says. have sistaht secretary of stale in the ab- your hand and rub ll into the scalp. All I .. n a f ifl ft acres, Allison. f,oganspnrt, Ind., "I I .I1CL. IUIIRO eoimtv. to reclaim 2,uu, of Assistant Secretin)' Kafael After a few applications the hair slops ec t'nion engi-ripe- r never found anything that nave rue sence f Btrtu anatoinln v fnnie was filed today with be slate Rem- I'.omero, who has none to his home nt coming nut it ml you can't find unJ' i relief like Chamberlain's Cough - . .M. Warrender, ot "OIU RICOIlUi- inTii. by b edy docs." For Bfle by all dealers. Mora on u vucatiuii of ueverul weeks. dandruff. " i.m jii..'iii.-- rf Kan. FOUR ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, TUESDAY, MARCH 23, 1915.

4 U" B 6 SLUSH F BANKER SUICIDES HOLLAND WANTS A. B. C. GRADUATES IN THE 11 i Hudson for Signs j WOULD OF FATALLY EXPLANATIONS Wall Paper SPOIRT IS COLLECTED AFTER Head Civil Service List; Fourj A, B, C, Graduates Pass HUDSON for Picture ' SCHOOL OF MINES IS HAUTE SHOUTING WIFE FROMGERMANY Uncle Sam's Examinations! li TEH High ' Frames' FIRST STEP IS WINNER IN TWO GAMES With Ratings, Fourth St. and Copper Are. to JOURNAL) imi.iai. DnrH Four AII'H.Uerque yulinK people, llll S. IT", M . Miir.'li J'.'. The V Dutch by Hie Kind- S Miiii'K won ft ilniililf Further Evidence Given as to Howard Boocock, Treasurer of Seizure of Steamers graduates of AlbuiHer.iic TAKEN TOWARD liiinl i.f mill' ness collegi eligible on hcml'-- ycsicid.iy, 'In' niiinc from are for places fnt Election M. Submarines Confisca- Samuel s pay roll as a of till- - cnlllltv IliKll Hi tlmd llllll of Mayor Donn Astor Trust Co, and Intimate and Kntle result Socorro H. the Socorro Honidei h. Ihe lT. civil service examination tlif wcund from Roberts; Corruption Bal- Fiiend P, Morgan, tion of Cargoes Arouses stenographer and typewriter held Kir si uihiic Mi mi': I'. II. of of 'J, lor Si L'.'M IMHI 1 10 li lecently. SALE BALL I.f MllH H. - I.' FOR ORGANIZED 4 lot by Order of Leader, Resentment at The Hague, HU'Ossful rundidajes arc: Wil- I n. Ilmli S. I I.inn rum iiii--- 2 7 Commits Inexplicable Crime The liam Horsefield, Anna Myers, Jemima. Glass) wood offices lliitu i n - .li'iM'H mill Aliililiiyii ; Bu- and enclos- Long one uO-fu- it ml and Norrine only ure, shelving, tables, ilt lliitiiincll any i II , ic IRV MORHINfl JOURNAL RRVCIAL LIARIO WlRI of Ihcse had business experience Siinnil iin Kern 'I lf MORNINa JOURNAL RRICIAL LRARCtl WIRf 1ST MORNINC JOURNAL SRffflAL tffAStO WIRI suspension platform, wife nod . 1 22 Mimi-m- . :i a I I 7 1 2 11,'iKiie, March before taking the examination. S hmd nf I lit Jndliinii,till, ml.. Mn n il 2. Jnhn New 1'nrk, Tile Netherlands, Ilfclil-Spl- Miirrh Neih-erlaiiil- u n 1 o I i f p. I Mr. Horsefield, whose completion of HiTtrlo fixtures In Enthusiastic Mentis of Fans m.ii in tii niMifii ii ,. li J F. Nuni'iit, i,Hlni;irii chief of police Itoiii ni k. trciiHiiriT of th'' Aastnr (via London, li.lio in. The - af- seven lliillcrn Killbin iinil Mnnlnyii Al- Miiyni 1 "on n ,M. HnlnTtH, - TriiMt city, KiiVeriiineiit at noon today, the course in months aroused Muililing, corner Third Htreet i.ihiit rninniinv of thl iiml ( Mr-li- t I - council, special lilt) rest a short time ago, at Commercial Club iii I'criu iiml ImIIckhh, AihKi n. tiilli'il tmliiy ill tin liiiil nf tin- Tmtp liromltii'iit in Ni-- York Hm ii'ty, idiot ter a meetiiiK of the state und Gold avenue. i I - a askiiiK th." last ruling of any appli- 'I In- hi in k'liini' ;m ciillid Hi Ilio ll.iiiti' ( Iim i Inn ciiHP linw In- hail nil ami lull.. I li Im wlfo tohiiht iin hIk' w;m forwarded telegram to Merlin lived - Hie proceeilinxs cant in lL'llv civil service district Starls Movement foi Now nil uf (In- fifth llililin;. lirli'il it kIiimIi fiinil tntiilliiiK iiIiiiiikI idiiyiiiK Him (ilann fur li ih iiiti'itain-iii- i tor an explanation of the in fur- - is composed of of Ml, 'mil frmn n.ilniiiiki'ciii'in iiml nt In In Si'ycrity-foirrl- h of Ihe tlermnn submarine takinp which the slates mini thrir Imini. Knit - I - lit slenm- Nevada, Klali, Cnloradi.., ea,"j!e on Its Way, dllnif iiniiii iiuir'ii iiirM fur ri'KiHtm- Htri'i'l. The lutnki'i' linn corn-rnltti- il cible llilssessiull tile lllllch California, i V and Arizuna 'iml New Mexico. Miss Chas. Mann Hull llllll l ll l II I )l ihi h Htiiriiln revol- Haitavier and Znanslrooni, And llllli lusl full. .'Ic with thf wirru' mi i Among the Howlers I.) i in same dis- i. riinl ii list nf Halnmi ini'l .mhiIiIiiik ver. coiivnyitij them ZcebriiKKc and Myers ranked second this irni h"tm,' nwiiiiH iiml ninniiniH of innni'y Accord Inn to ttinjinljcc, ilic liankcr (heir can-i- s. The ipieslinn trict. ifir Tin' riMi iii finiti' i i ti i'.iril tin hT iii or n: Ms. 1 In, ( fii Id been of w Iiii li he Kiiiil M.'iynr li'.l.i i tH li ul Ini'l left no word eyplainlrm the murder whether a protest will be sent to tier, Mr. has already ii m I m iluh to u . I.. iir?miiwitiii "f " l'l. hllll In iiilllrt, NllKi nt hilH pli'lilli'il mid mill idc, nor coulij any inernhi r many will, it ih said, depend upon the filed an appointment to take effect A ' i I 13 ii !; Relieves CATARRH mi n' I" tin' i:in iriiMiini'i'H rrf: - P. will undoiilileilly of;I I. nrriinl i'i le v In I'niisiiii'iiii,' In fi'iliTnl of iiu- limine hold Imhl on t)i answer of the Merlin Kovernmeiit immediately; others y II i ii nr. i;il(H ; fiiirniit throw n h lIlllillK tin' hi II .iiii - semi-offici- circles ion by lil.lll'tl' s cl'Tlinn. Hi- Miiil nfiiHiil In nflair, 'lln, Hervmiln dei lnnil Unit, tin' is uiiiler.stood in receive early consiileral the ' h tnUi'ii I.imI iilnht hell Cnim Hi h' high li; hchni.m i IhtUh iim ' hi' ilhl iml imy vi-il- i collide on mont a fleet ionatii here that nl of the officers of Hutch ciiiiiiriission as they stand on the GLADDER ; Iwi'llly "II 'iihIuIh .11 in .f.:.'l w.inl wirv the of iiliulll I vessels h Hiilficient number eligible lis'.. U li ll' i' lilio hilt left iil'iillllil." terillH. i, and i i' l l in St III (JI .r.ini In m it fun" in' I"'' I'"' : af- crews to handle the ships remlin one considers the fact licit ; Jiiilni' II. Ui'.lrnmi, wlin Willi The liaijeily occurred Hliortls' their When ill tin- - i 'inn in, 'I In liil iiml i i i.s-- i iu- :i is .M.: expressed oi. linlii Ih Ihi' lHi'iity-1'lnh- t ili'-- I ter dinner. Th irinid who fc ryed the on board and the hope is only first-- ) lass, sten- v m III Willi iIh iiiiiiiiik formed ii h iiiiiiii ii Kuril in iiIhh ilnl meal, (he indict" .Mr. lloo- - that tlie .steamers will be released af- ographers, as a rule, attempt the civil .1 I I 'I 1'iiilmiln nn liiiil, (nunc inlil l V Mil Will HH 111 IMlli'llt li ml II Si S I.AsT MIGHT. been unloaded. and ;i fur Iiii nwit en inn fur ini'k Keemeil to lie litlmriim under ter their caiKoes have rervic, Hint of those A I mvIn us mm I i y '.ipilids I Tm. tni:i riu ! , quar- 1, filly per cent I tlii hii Korne exi ileliient. It is point)! oitl In Hie same examine. more than rnim-Iht- h IMV i xi ;'iL' IihIki' fiiini H.isi nf ii'iiili Whiil Hi'1 iii'iiim: Iiii In i; i.:i k chil- pass. It becomes apparent ' I iii i iil In ill, Iiml Knlii'lTM Aller dijiner tlif two linocoi ters tlial tlie of the Mattav'cr fail to that rm In I 'I t H . 17 KM III l"ii ilinir Milfi minors iik 'i thiin uncle "i h' a Imy X a V probably arc com- ripie tuny well boast nf having I i liimry. Slim linn Iii'I kmIoiiii dren, jpiiih old. and Hill and .aanstroom Alhtiiiif liiitiiimin mid in tin' hiIihIiiiiiiiiI ilinr-.ite- r li' 1, ill UNIT , i;, i m1 in, ri4 and business i niiil Kiinililmtr liinisi' lunprii'tniH of II, were rwht Id their innniH while posed of conditional contraband one of llie slrongi'st schools I IIH'IIII . . . . im :',.n mi i;im wire i'f till' ii"n "I"' I'l' "'in. ' t ill same in nl ry. our arc !.MI 4 hkhi'vsi'iI $;,nii fur ii,. I'li'i inn, Hitiil Ihe iateiilH went in tin drawnitf therefore liable to .seizure tile the ion and citizens tin- - In which llir I'liuiH I'm m il K'H il iiml iiiiiiiin'i' N hut rnlli'cti'il only $4uil, tiiom. , way as the Mrilish hav,. taken pos proud of Hie records made by the till' "I I'lixi'l'lill ill Hii" j iiwut, hf fur fillillr Iiu- Sliiii.M 1 of maid Heivanti waid freiKht winch It young men and women who have doiilit TiiImIm .. hi; 'iii'i Kit:, .'."ihf, li liiitK him JiI'Iko "ne the session of similar .e !ill 'in lni'iii t" Iiml ih,. i)ii. llllll Hhe healtl three hIioIh. The first was suspected was consiKneu to iiaiile sucli excellent records in com- ill ri pi I Il IIHH- - K II nill'Tli'it iithcr iiml Alii'niiii nil"' " '"' l In- - w I. filially Mih. Ilnocock; Willi sons and daughters Hi x 117 i j k 'Unit, ilni'MH rintinui'il, ullel wounded petition tin' nix liy ii t.itllii.i: X'i'iil leiim in tlif ih'vi ins semi-offici- ' ll mark of the Necond was fniiud in (iiartcrs, however, n dozen neighboring , . i.m .."'ii whi'ii In' tiiini'il nyi'i' th" ilny'n tile In of half stales. IciiKtie mill I lint tin will H"t Intvo under 17; no WANTED: A Ki.ImiIh, n m w.'im Inn rnx-I'Hi- i, tile icilllii;: the third eniled the it is .UKued the (iet mntis have . h Kill tn that I.I Sulll-fl- ' 111, UIHelvcH llll Nlllllllll't' t'nmfiii'l HH i!H it Is .14 iiml that the Shtit I'l.nkeiH life, Ho had ."hnl himu'lf riKht to capture tlie vessels, but Willi ri'.iiliiiir uhout if. unci IiIhiiI lit Mmiili'll II! K7 lul :iii;i Miiilil Lilly $400 tlirniiKli the head. still uncertain whether a capture has FARR COMPANY f .f j . . ijii lilnlhi'lK I'liiitiiliiili' THE WM. a iIikUH'I- mint- IhiIimhiiiIh Miiiiiif rji haul-iiij- c Young I Bright : u if 1 nf .'ii in i n, IIiiIii iIh n ili'i The hi rvnnlH teh ilninei tn taken place as the reports of Hie inili't. llllllllli Hi . '.III fS i'l'n l.'iatKi' ii In linn t.i Imi-- In :;inl lcurri f i lend nf Mrs. IIihicoi k. Mrs. Henry down of the I mich fl.iir und the Wholesale and Itetail Dealers y I K'i Slim It iff A long nlablithed and Ti'liiMinir li'iiiiiilnlliiii, " I', linyisiitl, wife of the bunker, who (leirnan colors are in- J ItKslI AMI SALT MI.ATS am Tm ii Ik 7s 7iii 7.!i lint Krilmmi incnii:' l,y hnttlin;' !n hoistini? of the Hi'li'i i .Hi'Hsm. M.iIbhii mill Ih 1". IVlCllI reputable house 40 The iiu. nf nn mi'." lii'iliniui hImii i nlli i ti'il from a iiieiiilier of the firm of J. definite. This is one of the chief Saiisngp n Specially. I in ti hi v nffn i m nf l In' M ii went 1 rtlirgcst in buiineu ha via in iiinii nihi l h lininlii'4'iii'i h, iil mii hi. nnta .Mih. IiaviMim to inicstiiiim the nitch telegram asks Tor Cattle) ami Hoes the yeart ! Xni new ,!,,l.itl.,r, h ..null' TOURNEYS SANCTIONED Smni' nf Iiu. unri did not liny tlif the. lliiiiiock'H llmiU' and ti'mii there Merlin to explain. Market Pr ices Are Paid. id Opening in this city lor a resident i nun iiu rnoiitii linn riiiiiiiiiii'ini' tlll'V WCII' IIHMt'fHI'll, llll uh. Hiiminoiii J a ihVHiclnn. The doctor It is authoritatively declared that time will be largely - lllllilllllt represenlftive. His 1114 llll- I III. llll'l tlllll'll .Mr. (leinl liiHWHe H'M'll llllll ill llll'j N. L. T. A. ANNOUNCES KiHtmit nf pnliri' HlatfiJ, K tinind Ilnocock ami the Median und French. males aboard 'i ihitf his own; the work is pleasant and n.Ml he a lie, ii fi f M. Jlcd, UViniliill, uhu Is mnnni; thnso nn trial lirealhing her last llie steamers were detained' by the w , agreeable ; his profit averages more than ho turn In outline to the wax iisHehHi-- J.iO 'J.u Mr. Hoocuck wan Yal" praduate Herman authorities, nui mm m IRf MURNIH JOURNAL RPICIAL LlARtll 1A..R,, hut paid only Hie of new leimne. cIhhh of liioo, He 4 0 ycal'H I Hirers Were business and iiniliiiK iiIhiih the hed-- j rut id Nimenl. of the Intel! sailors und Piisse yi'il'i on the done, iihhmcMi-tln- li j New York. Murtli Z':. Tile hi Mel- - .Mr Heed Hliitetl thai tin ' Maynr of (Hie. sent under an armed guard to the essential. nl- - nf I. mii iIiiIph orfii inlly 'Tiiinn litHunlnK KubertH, previous experience is not wnulil be ompiiHi'd of HI I' .ih! iianicnl Honald II. a director gian-Hutc- h nn a train, tne H 'tnlil me then Ihat Woudall wnulil only frontier is ly hiiiii Inineil l.y Kliltcn iita'i This an ideal opportunity for a young HiX, null elKht elulm. and lh' be Riven fityniH nr one favor fur (of the Ardor TriiMt cnininnn, said that blinds of which were drawn closely. IUh-be- Kawii TciihIm ,'kkci inlliii: for ol wide circle named Kl I'aho. I'liuenix. Tin huh. , Mr. Hoocuck underwent a nirnical attempt lo shut out the view of man good appearance, ol I M I f, j by eiH'h ibillar he cnnl riliitl d," H.iid Hie Ihe IiiiiikIiih, Kity, lielulni; mid . um Klveli out tmilKhl opera! ion recently itiul aller a partial not pre- acquaintance and genuine desire to Slher In- - vv it riPNH these people, however, did a n Unbelt rerin, prcHident, and Km I'lin'i'H it the towiiM lieUleH I (IIh-- recovery, left about ten days uk" fur observing that there, field of e illK KianU ('. Kailey, I'nitpd SIiiIch I vent them from make good in a profitable work. IH bide,! til ffilluW Mouth. Kaid he Willi e work lielim llolie 11 il l $ li.DIMI the Mr. Mac! imiald bad been an important si reiigtrening of Ma;. '.'.. I I Koimliy iliib. JM attorney wild that nf Ilic The rallied 'reply will receive first I. .win. In Ihe i.i LUtnlzat ion of cIiiIih lie 'ao (collecli'd by he did not know that Mr. Hoocuck the fiirllfii at .ecbrugge. The DUDLEY 2)' inclici I'nHo, Tex border HIale leriniH un N'tiKcnt and turned over ations consideration. tlml never wan a lime liad returned. Hp united that Mr. Ii newspapers inclined to tli'iliirnl llicie ell a nipioii to UhIii'IIh, only tToo w.ih pail it.' i Huti are all NORMAN 2)i inches wh-- In' HOI'llltloll, liol'iler HlateH lliiucock'M liusincHM aciuimlH were li.isel.iill talent mild mdlen the I'Klll.n deniinl al Ic . iitnpaifll take a. serious view of what they i hlllp. per in every way. - Hn h mill Haul Ihat mi in niint I feet claim Ih arbitrariness of the tier- 21, I ik la IiiiIiiii I lul and t 'oiin- - iiml the the Iml ihat the war put ii June man action. AR-RO- FOSTER GILROY "f Iry iliib, Oklahoma nkla., ik- - l'link Klser, another who llii'tlln tin Luff hall ill t'lllunl.t thlH t'll. A parliamentary paper iimtaiidtig W 301 1. i i . (.'Hilly, tehtificil Hint Kolierts Laiayelte Street ileinuiiil-l.ili- a illiillln Mat., Iiii n p Iiiiik year inn! nihil mule nr Iihh I vitli to AiikiihI i!0, t'ouiilry club, Kave him J 'Ml the limlll befme li e nil the documents reference elii HiiiMlitin I'M, are plenty lienver DUTCH DECLINE iirder-in-eoti- II. New York Ihele lU'llver, Htate cliarii- - eb tlmi fur him tn line In the "Ki tlie llrilish the i 'Iiikh It plnvelM lie i'Iiimhi I'ulii, t'oluradu sub- COLLARS i.f In had fur , protest and precinct. iHililt the Herman 2 J." A Ih n ploiinliip. In rl.. (, r,tkoJr Ca Ire. KAnt li hiiIiii'iih It till utieHtluri. "Tlie iii'iiieclnr there Ih all riuht find marine blockade of Kngland is about ( III Ml ICeetl, nf hny had All. In b,. ltd U. .Villi CUII ll" llllHilll'HH Willi llllll," lIH"l published. d ImHi'lmll. I m m. 10; I'm Hand watitH iiMaai'.'i I . Mil , 'M-cu- ki Uobel'lH told him. Iff i l ely miiimII be Kluiktiin, Cal March JJ. The TO TO il iiinpnriil kiiiii need 11 11 ACCEDE Aliie-llca- he in i' out a liiiiiiln r of curds n rlefent ihIhiU In ni t Ihe club on II' feel, hp le.mue leKiilnrH " Glass-Pai- nt feateil I'urtlarid or the I'aiitlc "'nam whl. li wiih w ritten "Hi nd me a drink. Mud, nriil from tii" unrulier uf Idle Tht'He, he Hind, wetp to lie Klven by i i inn ITO men he had Hlan.linn aroiind the li'antie, 0 to li, here today. DUKE CITY IU1 Cement-Plaste- It. II. K. Ihe lllHpei tor to Ihe men Willi Vlilcdl fc im r n Heme. hi cm Sand. ic f Ii rnunii he fell hiiI'p t !, i. the (b'u 101 l ii ic ticket and I edeenieil j that a lllieial pallointKc wnulil be in'. ChiillKi lo 10 ITI! DEMAND Cleaners-Hatte- ii n 4 by KihpI'. rs iirile.l ii (iiiiiiI h, ihi IhiII tea in. A fund ruriiiiiui Albuquerque Lumber Company Ma-yi- r; The liiHpecinr did not hIiovv up and I.I.IMHI, roiitribiilnlH In receive liiili, l ien - Klepfcr and Si luilk, of the (he elecliuti bnaid Helected a 11.111 423 North First Street he- - KeiK--t r, I'allahiiii mid I'm inch, 220 West Gold I'done 418 Klucti fur their eoritt lliiitlniiH. he who, KIhci' Hnld, "wiih mil riuht and rieVed, In Hie i llll KiMiit. wnl.lil lif ample net hh n reHiilt, hp mild, he had to pay well Hliliried blindly all day. In adillllon tn I.f I'rldiiy. Kl; A. Give No Assurance That MihIIiiu et IIihvch Atlnniii llllll ItuherlH k;iVii llllll," he Hllid, A niutliiii wiih in, nil- ami carried un-l- i Maciiii, (la., March LM. The lloa-t- "Maurice, WiiIhIi, treitHtirer of the Iff liini'iiiHlv, a in II t ce of five NatiuiialH llie Atlanta Cargoes From Holland May thai ion defeated 1I1 nn.' ic enmmlitee and a ilefeiid-nu- t, a ppnlrileil lit ciiiiviihk the bimlneHM Southern b help today, I II nil be ai'iie leani brnui'llt liirn V 0 duriim' the day l ;,. II II II MM. Not Be Destined for Ports liu iiinlcHMlonal liicn of the city for tn Ill HcV cll and thai he paid out the SOd to the pin iiuiip of s' ti ik I heir niterid- - Seine; n. II volel'H.'' nin e al a to be In ld In Ihe lillHlutl Kl 'l of Germany, I 'nmiiii rcial cluli n, xl I' lldav nixlil, at Allanl.i 5 H i. it In expicl.-i- a per-- , llallel 'lei; Itlldnlpll, HukIich and BURGLAR SENDS BACK which iiiiie that Br MORNIN4 JOURNAL RPtCIAL LCARBO WIRI1 tiialieiil m Kiiuiznl Inn w ill lie efl'ci teiK liuwily, WhnliriK; l'eill'Kiill, Allen mid TO L. London. Man li L'il (12::I5 II. in ) I llie money I'm- Hlaillnu club, JEWELRY F. LEE (in. the iv be In In ii.lililli.n every itcui'i ill.lililiu iihiii jut iiUKlie will Kitlil. j mi yd: chiimi ii nteil a cum-- i I t v j man iiremiil wai list avail Wins. K'Hirenci y, yiwlerday reeelv - "APi'.iruinK to diplomu' i." papers riillle,. uf one to Hcciire tin' alt Ki aiulHco, March .'I". The - eiiilance San ed in Ihe mail a box contalnlitR .jewel- cniiiini'iiicatc I to parliament liniay, an ii i n V f ii an cavalry, K. S. A , ,.f iih al Ihi'lIleum nf tin. Kirst ry st ilfii from his home at MM North the and French mill's! at ineeliiii1, iilefe.iteil the Hecund diviHiull, K. S. A., .'is Krliln liibl Klevi nlli mi reel Icmm than a week atco. The liaifup, In tinniiiinclnir the c .11111- - Tin- - a ppoinled by l'iesl-- 1 Iiu luilay 011 Mateo tlchl by leinmlttce ill the Sail A Mold and llie mimcy taken li iiKinnst Ih . .iin,."..-i- n kiihIh In ! In the 'ier.iitn Jr.-"l:.-f- denl MiiIhuii nf lit lu st A.jja Mine of the i 111 A l nnh M , - "4 by the buiKlar were nut h tied. blockade, assured tile ivei'ii-incl- i! 4 ' . f. fi I lunch I'livlH, W. T. M.l'ieii'lil, hai Ich Kun,' lil'M I 11 fur the pi.ln lissiiciat inn 'f, i ;;;lf jv.., full lllal wits attached tn the watch Ilia! the inleriHts of Ihe N'e h- - "Hf ill. atnl .Indue I Iii Ihe KnlyeiHiil polo loiiriia-'nieii- l Ike ill, nn lie. iiiih w.ih Men! back, however. Ill the box jerland.s mid her colonics: would lie KrallK. Mr .Matxun Ih ex officio a In Ink ii.-l.- under llie niinplces were Home trinkets that Mr, did ' H ifi'Stiiarded to lh dcf.r.'.'. nf thin ciiinmltt'-- and Ihe I'l.liitina I'arir.c 1 nlcrnal inlial utmost ifnii',- tH nul knuw had been Mlnlcn. "lit letters dated March Hi to the M Iliad Ih tn it hi it y Ihe 1111111-- 1 I XpllMil illll. (if HrltiMh and French ministers, the lul 't ,.11 their rutimlH fur ihe purpnHe h fori i ifii owl. i.f cXiliilfnnu in il.'tnlbl i.f Ihe plans Meilul to Mii. Hat low. ALPHA DELTS ORGANIZED, nub minister po.nted 2- i' at .hp t'.iv'.rni ent without fn ilic bnmie al. .ml wlii' h infui ma- - I'inehuist, N. I'., March -'. Mih. :i'l,h I the iiifn-urc- of the lielliir-jet'enl- tlmi may ibniieil. Tin iniiiil- - Iliiland II. Harlow, Merlon t'lrkcel U. N. M. FACULTY LEARNS ritlcsint le in iiNt iiroic-'- ugainst ine.isur.'H tee w ll Iliect at Mnim.ti'H bunii Ht'Tc ' lull. 1'liiliidclnliia. Willi a card of t eni'i'oai'hli'K on the riuht-- ' of the nil, run nn L'.mII an. I bcisin nlJUJ, won the Liuld nii'dal here today thia al A new fraternity appeared nl Ihe Clubmen 11 11, Dutch as pov. The urn I' mi Ihe w ul k befnl p it. In the nil fit loll I oil uf the Kuvernment a nitifal 'vviinien'H event of the annuiil I'nileil I'llivcixlly uf New Mexico yesterday. r, iiccordinii to i'llernational laws, Niirih and Smith Anialcur df 11 Is Ihe Alpha Delia, a local oi'Kani.-iithi- j '"Tile lei tern are idenlical, nut In WILL PURCHASE HOOFED ! event. Willi Ivvenly-Mi- x members. An- view of article S of the Hritish nider-- ' Hii nouncement of llie li.iieinily was in-- i iiuncll, II was linked In t'.ie leltir at America are 4 PACKERS! made to (he faculty and memhci'H ktmlJ FRANCHISE FOR the to the nrilish minister that th" Hutch wore their pins for the first time yes- "Is unable to nlv the terday. asked therein, but It coti-isidi'- IRn MoawiNO irutieiA; CARRANZA iti'claratlon "Bull" Durham ikciai. ikabio W.Ril J such declaration contrary to Enthusiastic Smokers 'III. illlu, VI Iti-l- l .'1', - '111' IVileial Al its ditlics." b .mm- will buy tin- flainhisc nf llie neutral 11.1 1,1 11:1 im im , lul, i Hi,, mi in k liul.b-- H No body of has opportunities for SAGE TEA TURNS Article S of tlie' Kritlsh order-in- - men greater wide experience, will "itliiliavv linn- will HiMliiiiied In-il- .i . SI council reads: v I.i have In- bin pi. ic pit in I lie BURIIIIilCSI AL comparison and selection. They have the means to command and . . "N'mliinu In this order shall prevent h:innn nf II receiver. .. .1 .1 ill i; In 1 the of of 'il. Illll .l.lllll-- V. i tin tie Willi relaxation Ihe provisions the trained taste to appreciate the best of everything in life. 'if (his in respect to Ihe I i'I ii i'lii-i- li'Dil'ltl llnpt liiliana order merclianl iu,s CRAY HAIR DARK msi'Im any II ic l iieie (lie vi of country which declares hat no or-- j In for themselves, tiariilic-- wuiitd I.,- a u d In MP IN YUCATAN ciiinmeree intended for or the cigarettes they make to their individual liking, iR i tin t i i'i: mi. I liic Jvaitt.iH t'iiv nf in ticruiany or helonKinK to Miibjei'ts, pro- - " .tobacco, find fiacilii"!' in linn a ifi erieil t.i (,ermiiu shall enjoy Hie from Bull" Durham these men the delicious freshness, .ewail.. J. I'v an av.i i.f lection nf its flax." incomparable mildness and unique fragrance, afford cuiilfcl liei, today, .Indue llaldwin, It's Grandmother's Recipe to; that supreme in Hie .ui.ilt ...nil, poHl piincil It tM RNIN JUURHAl RMtlAL IIARCO IRI FIFTY MINERS KILLED w enjoyment and satisfaction. At all times and occasions it is correct, iiu lo.iil mill! n ii in Ihe Kill! i lliulon. Marcli ZZ.- - SciTeUrv Brins Back Color and i'luiulil 1, tie- - la:f.tM l'lt clllli In llrynil llllil Sir Cecil Ice tile BY BIG SNOWSLIDE fashionable, epicurean to " Roll Your Own." lln c iiii, th. pi till,, m ill a li ininii ai y Hi iiislt iiiiiliaMHndiU', today Lustre to Hair, ' conferred Itijill'itinn I HI I ;i llillltc llir Keiieial over a new dani-e- mcnaclm: tl. I, ,' !,-- an Ii .Mi- - lei i lnr in hlwc Yucatan sisal licmp Miipd, from IIV MORNINa JOURNAL SPtCIAL LKASIO WIRRI . 'be Knlii ;.s filv cltili i.i tii-- win, Ii t i Hip 'aiicoiiver, It. ('., March nine Iwine In lalidi even uf dark, GENUINE IIHH wheat ill That beautiful, shade n liters weie killed and as many more .ears flop nf the can only be hail by brcw-- - ii Miles .iihl jKlnssy hair injured early today by a smiweliile f3v Canada. Harder ol S a Sul-jlih- SO) I M-- i i I i v Inn .i mixture T' and swept away levcliiud S ttdii li.'lli the r a ami the ainl.assa- - ite which Hcveral bunk - I Your hair Is your charm. It 1 Wu.-i.- T, x .'.' I'll CI. 'iui Iiml receive, ,, ii'tiiuuii if houses at the Iriin iinia. mine at Howe makes or mars llie When it II, lain! Atlii'l ., Iim f,.ii I lb i al llialaii .ilucns, w llu .said Hint I'lif-- I lace. Sound, C., ucciiiiltnii to a dispatch i. ' faiit'H, may, Mreitked and 15) Texas le.nn lien l.'dav 4. an-i- i oil a tas al lie pur! uf I'l u- - ruins received here. lieside tile bunk Si ori': i: li it'les.i W:is hill nine, mIiiii-- nf .sisal and .lookr div, wn'iiv and Mcraisy, just an house part of the aerial tranivvav of I 111 Mul- - W ii ii I 4 I fii fit ille; crow. IS ,,11,1 KlIipiH IH application nr two of X.tKe and (li,. mine v.a.s callied nwT.y. a dun- - I'livelnnil l a l (Wild taxation ami peiialtleH phur I'lilimu'i's lis appearance The slide svvent nwav a bunk house SMOKING TOBACCO K. ltd l ies lv Ilio and uf llieir I.I aiiept a died f..'d. coiitainliiij; fifteen men, a cook I ;i iliV Nul .lolll-- I'lll lltnZ.'t t'l.V I bnii'l I'oilicr lo prepare the tonic; eontainiuK en men asd several hanscs I .III, ilnl Uilliins inn mellow-rip- It is iimlel'M.iiMl that sieps will be lyon can vet from any ilrnjr Htore a in winch were a number of yv.mien Made from the finest, e leaf grown in the famous "bright" taken tn prevent anv bottle of "YVyclh's Sane and Sul-jph- and chili'ieit. Several men isoini1 i ff Ititei'efetenc" -- w . t - This iiii Hie of Hie much nced- Coiiipuund." ready to use. tlie nielli sliift at midnight were nlso tobacco district or Virginia North Carolina, that A$h fartFREE piuiiiii't, i; etilh- Ceni'ial can iiiways ne uepeiuiej upon in nrinn killed. package of "papmrt" thlckne-S- fatti. i decreed t I'll. i k. nl.- at I'rn- - back the natural color. and t last repcrtH. rescuers were wcr;- - supplies the world with cigarette tobacco. Much with mach 5c lack Me.--". 111111111; ff sisal shipnit els. Inslre of your hair and remove uun- - tns; on the pile of debris but I. til Mils ell. hi was al'iiiidoiieil when drutf, stop scalp itohiiiLT and fullintt bodies ha been found, of the delicate flavor and fragrance of this leaf llie I Lt" v ct nl i tit lmir. into, Stales if tiivr Fifteen of tlie injured were beiuK ready-mad- e liiiti.,. that the cruiser lies Mot net, Kvprybotly uses "Wyeth's'' SaRo and I hi oiinht to Vancuuver tonight by escapes from the cigarette. These - would be it.sed, if in l essary , to keep suipii'ir been use it (laikcns sn minimi- sieanier 'till pull (.pell. ly and evenly that nobodv can tell It rare qualities can only be retained in the bulk f ! Stale i.' nicnl nfticials lliink has been applied. You simply iliimp-r- n I'lcnils (.nilty tn Murder. tobacco "vBull" tile nelielal'nll in Yucatan Will a spiinKe or soft brush wiih it and KuMan. liiwa, March 'JJ. J. C. in the Durham sack, and enjoyed soon improve. Klakely draw thrmiKh taking Harks, a Monda-- Commander of this the hair, larmer liviiin near in the fresh-rolle- d "Bull" Durham cigarette. IV'V Hie I i. Muiiii-- repiiiieil tn tliciiavv one small strand at a time; by mornliiLT in. who shot hist wife last liccember, fellI'iep.ii nn til today ihat Can anza the Bt iy hair has dlsapiH-iired- and af- today plead) d Kuiliv to second degree Ifi.fie.i were now In full control of ter Htinther applical urn it becomes murder and was senti'ticed to fifteen the town iiml that order prevailed. Ibeauttfully dHik and appears glossy. years imprisonment. Jealousy Is said An Illustrated Booklet, showing correct j Tlie heal city of lahur. which had lusiroui and abundunt. to have prompted the crime. Interfered Willi the l.ia.iniK of hips FREE way to "Roll Your Own" Cigarettes, Was bcitiK relieved, it was stttd. The Good paying cash business and a rinrkaci nf cifarette nanem. 'luTnirii i;un,.uat ZaraKoza had jell will both be mailed, free, any address United the harbor mid none eastwald. to in States for sale. No experience nec- DRUMMER ALLEYS on postal request. Address "Bull" Durham. Durham, N.C J 1! I'I I Jaines (iat field. Cleveland; F. C. essary. Owner desires to sell iXMl EXKHCISE TflK 1HEYKHS C O., IC Wilmin. Santa Fe; 1). J. Cable, Ohio, (.rnrrnl llrll,ulirR and Ni Ison KhoadeR. Jr., Mexico, account health. BOX Try a name of Ton Pins. THE ANXRICAN TOBACCO COMPANY A . M. here Inst on tn Address Ibuy arm, nitihi business 205 Wewt GW coiineeiinn with land Interests In E, Journal, n nth, in Mexico. ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, TUESDAY. MARCH 23, 1915. FIVE

gunboats !n the canal, one of the girls ahoiitort to wan SOLDIER OF FORTUNE ELLIOT ak It it an armored Migfiiyj Panama-Pacifi- c T tug.' You can Imagine BUYERS RETURN Tower of Jewels at the what a Joke EXECUTED BY CARRANZA that i In the KUHdrou now, fur tin: Ul r i Acliliig, Tender I'eet. boat hhe nddwduii w.u nun,, Exposition Blaze of other a i than the admiral's fluKshlp, and we !V MCNNINO JOURNAt SriCIAL ItA.tO WIHI iMHiuif r,i,.i tli'if t, All'.'., March Henry Mini Ht mat qilli KeMt HGEL OF. MERCT ehal iievt hear tln end ol it. i rimilv known. FROM PARI S WITH Glory at Night ji'ailMin. an American soldier of for- "Tw,i nf i 'a l n'1,1 I", mi Koinjj Mannlllcetil '1 Work. tune, and Col. Klveia I lomiuguex. a li'.uml In Mimn fea haih." hl nix en "All tile Keiieniln admit that it Is Pl.t C'Uninatulcr, are reported In ad- IniOHlit t'l'lli-f- i'oI'iim mid eiiHiiiNijl HO l'i- HUflll-lo- ir m iKiiifii ent work lec-qve- liuht eff. that vr are doiiiK. lu re to been - vices today have n- ti'iiilt't In neon "vel eimie but naturally vnr Friday w ni". III REGION operations Mae no executed after a battle hich lliol lilllllollN rettileiHt. It U el account of the Buffering; civilian popu- SPRING MODELS III suited In the capture of Cninpas. tlireouh Hie imoi'ii noil lvoiMven thw III I - lace. Tluy are liiindled away from s'onora, ly a Carran.a tone led by inse. l.iilK"' ef 'nl, !! Ixxfiov- Sanilengos. fl, relit, lit HOV llrllK er KeOiTal the fighting line us quickly us pos- Colonel - , marching t.,re. I'r.'uiri"l ill Vdlial Firmillu sible, hut countless thousands are left nr .MW u 'I'ti .(. Villa forces are said to be l.lllet'ilt.O a ti.ivtoll. cihiti. northward from Nacostari, and mass-- I with the wrecks of their homes, and ostensibly Famous American Actress no Short, Full low .ilium the frontier, lo lelict funds get to their unhappy Skirts and Long besiege Agua 1'1'leta. ccrncr, and you Personally Conducts Expe- can in.ajniie what this "You an purchase market rates belp if Coats Are Most Pronounced at ours means to them. arms and mounts of your scoUHng to Get hope," dition Provisions to "I h,, added, "I may net Features of Styles for Corn- party of ten men which we captured my next caiito from America. Any lhls morning," was a telephone ines- - Starving Belgians, money conn ibullon.M which my Ameri- ing Season, sage nent by YlUa followers to Uen. sol-- can friends cue 1,1 make, would, of ! lias Calli s yesterday. The ten ! To Get Rid of a been execu'od. course, be welcome. Rrown Itms. the illers are said lo have Had Cough (An.nfliitcil Tm Correspondence) The messawe was a repetition of a New York bankers, Will H'Vept a ny tlPRCIAl COftnrSFONDCNCt TO MOMNINa JOUMNAL1 Calais March 10. Maxine Klliott ''note forwarded by Ueio ral Tril.llllo, Mich donations." New York, .March 22. The havers commanding the Villa tones south of with remarkable in A HoBie-Mai- lr has nut siicces Miss Kllloit and her companions have returned Horn Tails. Almost all Agua Skirmishing is reported Itemed? that Will provisions to Hturvlng the rncla. gottinn UHttiaim made a lonir Journey a couple of days Parisian dressmakers held their In that direction. Do It tiulcklr. ( heap and f openings, fi ml the buyers bought in tlif flKhllim 7.onH Handera. Per. I'PO to Popet itiKhc two their j Calles has received a shlp-- I Kaall)- Made with of the models and hiirrie, Ceneral serially conductlnjr her expedition by fourth army division motors loaded them t(, the mi nt of n million pesos of Ciirranza 4sWfs44 lowed through tile nt' steamers to Bet them widl on their money as Installment said to larKf, canals with provisions end i lothes. "We went Way the fust - before the maritime blockade dollars, of half France- ami l'luhdors, between the lo th Countess Vandi hospi- lea bundled thousand If you have u bud eou(;li rslean's should be enforced. a gold him by the or chest eolil nl the allies and million piomlsed which I a Ocrman arm if. tal for iyphoids (all refugee)," he The New York openings occur Im- iv m's to yield lo onlinaiy reme- tirst chief. dies, get from t is a miracle lo have Rot here," said, "and she Is we mediately after the Parisian openings, y hhv druggist 2 ounces convinced that ,n r-- (it Pinex (.ill cents pour nijil Miss Klliott to an As.sociated In answer prayer, told merely (lvnK the buyers: and their f woitlil, into a cnnie to for she booty ' .... BOMBS pint bottle und Jill tlie bottle with plain corre.spondont a ."v TO DROP prw who recently met me she had simply knelt down and chance to arrive. iTRIES Kiunuliited sugar syrup. A brief summary Is shown Start taking her and two women companlona in played for help morning and, lo, of what H tesMpooliful every hour or two. that rrom I'arin in our opening here III ON BELGIAN RELIEF SHIP in i ihc midnt of their 'work. It l,s against two utterly .stranue women up hours your cough will be conquered or turned New York follow;; very nearly Uvea every line mr a woman in ne at tneiH.Pn wit, fhi1K(( m,,Hied mntt. Skirts are ho. whooping cough is short and full, coats are MOIININd JOURNAL RPtClAL IIA.IO WIRK) greatly relieved in this wn. actual ironi, aim .miss Mi ntt succeed. ,,np imu, KirI .,, W(, wor,. three-quarter- s 'V and very short. IjiikIdii, Mii tvli II. 'I lie ubove mixture niiil.m u full pit4 e,l in her project only weeks of j (i.:i alter ,hp.0 ,, sh(. had tWentv-flv- e Narrow lover skirt sections ale placed Telegraph's i)cor-- ; a family supply of the linest cougli '.Macliiavellian Hthcmlng a wide, Tile laily Uottirdam and slav deaths in two weeks. The patients beneath nveiskirt which al- following no-- ! syrup Unit money could liny cost most respondent scuds the st a come In an emaciated from covers this lower section which captain of the Pritish of only i)l cents, lliisilv prepared in u alien utate count of the l American actress enlisted is olten ol chiffon or lace an odd j minutes, ull directions v itli Pinex. The her privation that a large percentage, of ranaina-Paclfl- o Illfuand of an alleged attack on the but effective (,f the Tower of Jewels at the International reposition In Jliis Pinex und Sugar Svrup fxpedition as a part of the services of them b,. feature summer; Uj.titio steamer under charier by the Helglan prepa- rati'iot cured. modes. Simplicity Is San Kranclsco are crystals In the colors of ttie precious stones-rub-les, ration takes right link! of ti cough the American commission for relief the marked cotnmission by a (lerinan all-- j ami "There is 'vateely any food up this dem y 'n nil these new gowns. The 0 amethysts, emeralds, diamonds. Tin; tffect when the battery of relief gives iiliuont iiinuediiite relief, ft oov In Illinium, hut financed it largely way, army tdiip: "Kccnuse we were carrying etm the dry, you see the necd.i of the colors less an, in elude! concealed searchlights plaxs on thin edltlce by night Is Hel-giil- lionise or tight eoaglt in a, ate hid, a that of a treasure trore. the ll herself, and personally conducted it 4115 foodstuffs and clothing for way is really are so gieat and tile civilians are khaki, beige, sand and the numerous This lofty tower, feet In height and covering mi to re of ground at Its bnsa, ex- that renin ikulile. Alan relief commission we did not (Itiieklv lieuls the inlluiiKst In the hope of reaching the destitute pushed on by the military authorities plum colors. both by day and night Is the dominating feature of iho entire architectural as soon as iiH'iiiliraiies pect tin attack although wliieli iieeiiinpiiny ft painful In the country where the fighting still at; I'utt as possible to gel out of The high waistline and the normal scheme of Exposition. It faces the or of we cnttgli, and them the main Scott street gates the Ki the aeroplane was sighted put on stops Hie Innaiition of plilemn in ragi'?. for these Or no one has taken the place- of the moyeii , nt- - tlm receive little the tight inn zone but there are al position and Is seen reflected In the ntral lugoon of the South Gardens. full s d. When the intention at t hiout und Itiiiii'IiuiI tulxH, age line in many of the models, it. - thus einliiiK hell from the big funds administered ways Com-- 1 j I ordered a zig- In? Iikin thousands left behind. thoiiih (lie bun. Ime is tack became evident, persistent eonttli. Ilveelleiit fur llriissels, often expressed zag course my ship a dilfl-- ! liioiieliilis, Hpiisinodie thrmiKh mander Samson, of the Hying division, in tne girdle which comes down over lo make 1'iotip und winter new departure vi t i ft in Four Members of Party. has sent me up one of the naval air the hips. and lis and marquisette ure also used for the cqlt target. coiipli". Keeps peifeetlv and tastes Koilii IcMllle. A new called tleol;;ette lolimlalloil of ellilil oidel'leM, I thrown, one of children like it. "We had on board $10,000 worth of scrvii e motors and an extra chauffeur The short round and pointed sallll "Five iimbs were satin from ii ,.v heme, used Mull, i mbi oidered wilh simple them falling so near the ship that Pine tt is a special inij highly coneen-Irnte- d fund and a dozen enormous hale of 1 de- basques ure fluffy, for a week, so am flying about coniiiined with a meal ileal tor hats. 1: s co.irstly button holed c,1l,c in blue and oilier bursting shell fell coinpoiind of u'enuine Norway pinn clothing homely barge, In my is lfaKiiients of the when our the livering food and clothing in largo frilled skirts. illustration woven satin, it (til in colors, is to to evtraet, lull in giiHiaeiil, n comes black, tan used make and trim Ion the deck. The airman was still wliiilt'is sit show a dress made of sn iped taffeta. poke-bonnet- s lienling Julia, left Calais," said Miss Klliott. quantities lo the local burgomasters and mulberry, with ribbons In, h. the charming period hats, mitneuvi ring overhead when Uritish lo the mciulit mien. i oe soon is wun a siignt leg- lo Resales herself there were only thivo in the little villages, and you can im- - waisi round, speakin of ribbons and ribbon veb and quaint, lorpedo bout destroyers were sighted nvoid ilisiipi'iuiitiiietil, ask your point directly in the The square . , - lniggist Inr members of the party, with ex-- ! Iront. ,' ,i, re are beautif i: llovveretl rib- horns, which ale the novelties for coming to Thereupon oiltiees ol I'ilieV," tin the agiue how phut they are to see us,caut j,,. j very lie- - our assistance. not much more lions nf all widths, chei Its be-- t summer. iieeept inivtliinir else. A glial llllleo ception of three Belgian soldiers who) even though women are not usually coining tuat the aeroplane flew toward land. lie of liue at the neck than the Wiiv en with uliKolule mtisfiiction, or nionev prompt-I- v 1 gar description and eh wilh The hats of tulle und chiffon .qri.,n,i two re lief liinke alter the bul ge. Two of the at straight I Hitch or rrled Pelflail lefuiiileil goes vvitli welcomed the front. round neck. The transparent I. rims are verv smart and flans, each fifty feet this prepiirutioii, party, besides Mis Klliott were wom-- j mo-w- full especially eiinmlssion I he Pinex Co., I'l. W "The I)uelns of Sutherland skirt is attractive ami decidedly attractive. I saw one. not long." uviie, lial. tn. Intimate friends of the actress. tored up to ee me today, and "summery" with ruffles, which dip in long uen of tulle with a ideated clown "Wi "set mil Pulniu the front and back, and are about Par- - from tVliru. i thrilleii by the barge, and Is now con and a brim ol the Inllc doubled. sry 4," knee-lengt- h at the sides. was placing of lite she said, "after overcoming sumed with the ambition to have some Initially chic the .if Otite Tit of T.iledo. I.lle I'oi.nir, . For some lime the corset-maker- s two Sl.le innumerable petty annoyances thr.t barge hospitals. We' see tvciybody trimming, which consisted of trunk t, t lii'tie; unkn witb ttiat he I. .nil. BALDRIDGE have been making their corsets to di-r- A one cannot peace back quills running in opposite tmiliiiT f ttii Hull i'f V. i. t'liriiff ''., foresee because in who goes to from headquarters, I l LUMBER COMPANY and curve In a little at the sides, and give t ions. thu tiu.ltie.. in lie City of Tulrilu. .uiitr aud time there is no precedent for them. and tomorrow night, Prince Alexan-- j the slightly smaller waist effect, and of tulle, chif- Sll iforeHlil. mi. tint Rillil firm will r Another stunning hat ONt! lnH.bAKS t..r 15-ye- the turn of lU'SHRKIt PAROID ROOFING ar 'or instance, it was impossible for of Sutherland, they ;nlile, a to height I with def of Ted;, the Duke then little the fon, or black lace h.n a brim which rneli aiit witt t'u.11 ef rnlari-t- bit eminot tsl us to buy a mattress in Calais. We had and Colonel bridges (111" uncrowned of the corset and added Inserts of is really a ruffle. eurej Lit lb. Ule ut Hull litirrli Curs. to beg four of the base commandant king of Belgium) are all dining on elastic to the backs and fronts Some IBANK J. niKNET, guarantee of very newest models which are to that the bailors would not have to the barge. We cook the dinner, of the On lend to Itardancllcs. SxTuri tn Defer me and ntiacrltifil In mr being sent out to try the market arc lt tbua Uib ilajr vf A. 1SS4, sleep on the lloor. course, never have anything but March J2 i,-:- p. in. I The pre.i'iiei.. l., and undoubtedly pinching the fronts a Paris. A. W. tlLKAHON, TOO IiATI', T) "We also in borrowing paper F e ti c h battleship .luuregulhrrry, Ke. ' ri.ASSlIX succeeded an oil cloth table cover and trifle. It is1 hard to tell whether this r Mulary Public, her iirmaiueiit l'i 'U UK NT Kive-rooi- n finin the army commissariat 1M.O0O napkins, but the food is Rood. Our is a forerunner of what we may ex- which carries iuihui;' Ilall'a Catarrh Cure la taken Internallr and modern ami two lii.X-iiu- h kuiim, a house, S. tins of milk, two tons of potatoes, 000 dining room kitchen are all in pect In small waists, or merely a two tela illreiily uwn tbo bliieJ anil luueeii. lir. U Murion, Suite H, and wan ordered today to Join the French o tlit ajatem. Send for teailuioulula, Harnett bulldltiK. barrels of sugar, hogshead ;.,,. i i,, gleaming to of such and alter i, miotlesa and the in older lake tare squadiou operatiinr anainst the s, f'U' i 1 a it should suddenly V. J t'llKNEY CO., Tolcdi, 0. hofishead of salt pork to Fiipplement ots Bnd pans make a charming hack-- contingency if which was lnolly ilatnaged k upon us S..1J tir nil Pruculsti, T.V. I.Kfi Ah XOTK IX our cargo. ground." conic alon." the Hater line by shells from liMi-tv- . . . .show a strong Tiike a Kauilljr I'llla for Thu II.a vr Ari'duilnillli'iitv -- ..- - ... I. .ft Parisian sketches Itali cunithatln. NOI K K .,u,r,v, me I v.. j correrqiorineni Miu Tl. i Turkish lorts. or HUT. lle ieu tendency toward straight girdles, iv stnte ef x..w M. xli.1, County nf aa Invited to was spick mid s to Urrnnlllla. inspect, ;o(t sne about to paddle down which are worn at the normal waist- In the mmili't Ciiirt. jptin from the scrubbing which .Mis8,ne railway station to collect 180 bun-Ellio- tt line. These are more becoming to the No. 101153. had given It. "It's Just a es of clothing which she had heard waist that is "nipped'' in a trifle than V. ('., I'liilntltf. v. netvlnmln M. Thnniiia; iho -- fomfy as Hartsbourne," she jili(( which is straight up anil I'nkmiun llnlia of Hen lit here at n,rlvi d for her relief work. the otic nun M. TlieniHn, Iiecruai'il, Drfuniliinla. nam, except we do all the manual down. 'lh unlit e r.-- il n n t nnil emli nf thim labor ourselves. Wo scrub the floors, The dainty muslin frocks, which hi- hiTHi.y iietlf If il Hint mi .1 plaintiff hna are already beliie; made for summer, 0 lit'elislit ault usiitiiKt them In tlie anlil (Hu- do all the cooking, make the beds and m three-inc- h velvet ll let en art lira vinar llmt hia I II lo t.i thn VICE PRESIDENT have belts of black m work like cooks, housemaids and odi ribbon. ini'iiilaea lieielnnfiir ilfaerllied lin forever t YOUR mill O il iitnl mm nt sd-- men cooked BURN. n at Hioilnat nny combined. We have for The high collar is very smart, but O l the soliliiTH ana the loir crew as well. c cliiima of aiil.t ili feiiilunta; tliut tlm Paris has, swerved a trifle from her l.riuiilii.a, nil In whb'll la aullullt to li if you please, Hnd we drop into bed ullcglance to it anil is wearing one iinli'ti'il, oi ilpRirihi'il n a fnllnwa: fiich night, exhausted but content, FORMALLY OPENS which is high in the back anil open : but nilllll.1 l fourteen (IO In tilock very collar BRIDGES niimlii teii iwciity fsin of thn nrlKlnnl town-alt- e t lad I Jke a Peasant. in the One pretty which I noticed, was a straight band of the elly of Alliiiiirili'. Nnw Mi'i-te- "My are done up in cotton to the I I'. 111 fet III with tiny m oeriirilliiK niiqia In 'of filed I go-li'- g of batiste buttoned front tlm nfflre of prolinln wool, but one doesn't mind. am - YOU. IN ALL GAS the clerk unit buttons, and, the ton, four trl- IH.HIND HUT AN reiMt'ih-- to wear sabots like the peasants rypiiniTinm around of JtiMiiiillllii I'liinity, New nic i angular pieces of the same edged with rvITCI II-.- AND YOU WILL INCRF.ASL Mmli'ii. otter this, with woolen stockings un- narrow lace overlapping, one another i Tlint itnli'Ha the anht it, f. nilnnta enter derneath. And my poor hands! Any UIU LAI UUIMUU around the neck and falling over the T11K COMFORTS OF YOUR HOME. tlii'lr utqii'iiriinre In aitltl anlt en or tiefurn the 19tll ilny ot A. II. lull,, cook In the world would be ashamed high, boned b.rnd. ' IH.ALTH OF YOUR" FAMILY. Ailll, Juilnment combined a Till. : hy ilofiiitll will lie entered therein to owqi them;" Uu'e and taffeta are I hem. '1'lial the nninea und iioatnfriee tlv MONNINO JOURNAL triCIAL LIASCD WINK I AND RKDUCL YOUR EXPENSES. its bapt- great deal fop afternoon frocks, fine uf plultit Rtlorueya 1C. V. At Dunkirk the. party had San 22. VlPe ff'n lire Francisco, March (harming- of is four on,,-- i ism of fire. "I huw a house blown dress taffeta FOR COOKING IS THE LEAST hiinno, oiiminiM, i.o AUKeieH, President Marshall, representing Pres yards wide at hem. The waist is i GAS W U'iillt nn.l A A Hl.,,1 l.t A loin om M f to of me," or- - the bits fifty yards in front ident W ilson, made today his llrsl t'ght, and from the waistline begins a EXPENSIVE FULL YOU CAN PUR- A. K. WALK Kit. mild Miss Klliott. None of our party flelal visit to the Panama-Pacifi- c ex-- j band of same color, which winds (Henl.) f'leik rilKtrlot rourt. the CHASE II- NOT WASTED INDISCRIM- HvTltOS K. r. MMIIUSON, Ilepulv. was hurt; hut seven people were killed positipn, .where be was received by In spiral effect around the hips and exposition "commission. a little further on. the national down d wn to the hem, getting wider) INATELY. NOTICK Kill I'l III l ATIIIN. been mad not to have He greeted foreign exposition officials each turn. In tlie Jilatil.t 'oiiit. .Seeoint Jmli.'ltil IMa- - "I must have chII on Ad- lat of New for thn County and then made a forma) j in J SOON AS NEED FOR HEAT tliet ef brought a camera for it has been The soils being strictly tailored AS THE II. miral Thomas P.. Howard, comman- their style require suitable materials. runllll" thrilllngly interesting country through Whose flae- - HAS CEASED YOU CAN TURN THE Kute N. formerly Kntn K. Muv, der of the Pacific fleet. Serge, gabardine, gabardine voile, va. Hymn W. which We have Iilnlntlff, nivellilsa, et al, we have passed. seen;lm tnP cruiser, Colorado, is anchored which is the lightest-weig- fabric GAS OUT. BUT YOU CAN'T RESCUE llefetldntlta. No. lllll.1t. Tnubes flying overhead and heard the off the exposition grounds. Tonight a new nt broii Icrcd Crcpo Accent miles the : Thn ilefetidiints. livron W. lUveltilsn, - obtainable for tailored suits anil ANY COAL ONCE IT IS IN THE FIRE boom of cannon. As far as the eye he was the guest of honor at a d'tine1- fabric called grosgran serge are now Itcauly of Slinplo Lines. Ahln I,. Hlvelliiss, Nettle West. limed could trenches, trenches. given in the California building by among smartest shown, BOX OF YOUR RANGE. II, lilvellilss, unltnown lielra nf Charles see. trenches, the materials K. the woman's hoard of the exposition. cheeked backs, all v Ray hril-lig- litveltiisa, unit unknown Them were funny little observation as well as the most serviceable. "t'v and i'Ih ImuntH of Intott'M In end tn ttin At a tendered the foreign liant lo go that, I GAS IS READY INSTANTLY WITH- tree-ton- s, poles luncheon Linens in bright stripes, almost like with the clothes 9 houfces In the wireless presi m property ileaerllieil tn the pliilntiffM ( omniissioners today the vice the awning stripes of a year ago, are are to have great pi piilarily !"ns sea-e- l PRELIMINARY KINDLING I'onipllilllt herein (heloW deaerlheil), barbed entanglements, andj - OUT ANY wire wo- wm - novelty son, and so the win- of fashion and unit living half- - dent weicomeo in :i vt l'v smart for waists and to plaintiff lilulnttff's est.itn warms of soldiers like siilnn In the course of nis speecn suits, chiffon, voile, organdy anil those of the factories uo on innl on OPERATION. AND THERE ARE NO tin ri In, toe hi ri'liy nntiried that anlt linn In a sea of i In hy tiliiln-tlt- f. drowned rats, poor things, VOieej sentiments of friendship handkerchief linen are the fabrics, forever. ASI IES TO 1 IAUL AWAY. en I'oinmeni'ed the ntiove nnnieil j conn- - hei-e- ill the above styled nnil niltnliereil mud. They sainted our flag as we Hn,i sympnt hy for the w,i,.. are used i nostly for the .season s For the frocks for warm weal i nnil whereby plulutirf aeeka of AUmitat Huron i nu, w are, course, very mere are (iinntlties of voi and T ourl riniae, ptissed, and gazed in amazed wonder tries Europe. ,ouses. hich of I BUY A GAS RANGE ODAY. to ipilet In herself the Idle to tlie Japanese conini,ss;on, i espouu- - . . . .,i .. ,,wim: suits. crepes, in plain eobiis and figured, at the spectacle of ...n,nn in these of the to the tailored rent estnte lylnir und lielnif lu lo come In serges and coverts, which are stunning. In the forbidden places. ed. j Milks eoiintj', New Lots On his visit to the Colorado the lion is a white crepe dress i h a n U's unit i:.'!l In hlock III nf the Perfect Greeted hv ICiiglish Olfkvrs. was accompanied hy i embroidered design in while, w hich Armlln nnil llroihers mlitltlnn to th.i i itv full vice president ALBUQUERQUE GAS, ELECTRIC "Near Adinkerqiie, a gunboat Mrs. Marshall and other members of marks the fabric off into diamonds, of Alioiite'ritie, New Mexico, ns thown on rt Knglish from Admiral including Secretary of the The simplicity of st.vle by which it is the pint or sillil mlillllon. filed In the of- officers hio i.nrtv. Coiituy Clerk of said county, W. anu .Mrs. developed Is charming, indeed. The fice of the Ay res' .squadron steamed down Franklin Ime Ihere-l- o ti interior Navy LIGHT & POWER COMPANY nml plaintiff prnvs Unit lier el ilm tv. rv .p. in vcd to see 1 1, eio AssLstiiol Secretary of the Waist is round and full with a narrow he esliil.Usheil SKulnst ths - three-quarte- r - - aniL Mrs. Uoose- round yoke of lace. The they lis. It ii- io nice in be Erected so en- Franklin Hcosevelt elulms of rh ilefendunls, nnd tint ctnr- - ItisnecthiL' the cruiser and sleeves are llnishcd with a frill of Hint enrh of them, tie forever hurled from thusinstlenllv. though we. couldn't ; velt. battleship Oregon, tne pany lace. The plain full skirt is llnishcd liil W l.S V I IINTinii imiom: hh ImvInK or chilniliiK nny Inlilcir '.r title tn was anything the ui a. f'-- flutter ourselves there trip about the bay on the torpedo lilt tile bottom With wide llounclng tin. to he same, nml such etlier anil personal in was only because a of crepe with a which mulches furl her relief na la the coiiit in;iy seem it. It boat destroyer Truxtun. desicn you nollfleit they a woman for eiiulliilde. And nre further hadn't spoken to the material. Hint tilth as your iiiieiiriiiic.i Is emercil over three and they were The materials for summer dresses herein or tlie :ird ilny of May, months NEGRO WOMAN TELLS of color, and mi lotiRing for news from home. There lure made with borders A. It., r.ill, luitrtini'tit pro cotifesso will ho stripes and bars of embroidery on the rendered niMlnrt you und relief prayed f.,r were . several men I knew. OF DAWSON MURDER em-- j hv pliillltUI-- decreed. Ilnrrv " Mclllror squadr- (plain while fabrics There are "The biggest gunboat of the bi'oidered I'lounciiigs of sheer crepe of 'l iiciiui, an. New Mexico, Is pliilntlffn water III in y. on was lifted clean out of the wiRa) ns well as narrower widths. Voiles under- lay woRNixa journal araciAL iiarcd (Seal.) A, K. WAt.KKU. hy bursting Ma- Ic M week a shell Mrch 22. Annie i of the nhove styled c uirt. flogged back Peoria, III.. neath it. The. warship rie Knight, a negress, told the police 11 V Th "h. K. I. Miiddisoii. deputy. smash, but no back Win with an awful late todav that she stood in the Recipes of Our Pioneer Mothers Mllll t; (If H A I I'l VMillll KXKCITIOM damage done, except the breaking ol Iiard while her husband, John Knight, Desc I.H V. il nted i I 'verv'thing breakable. i nvev Mitchell, negroes, within for the home treatment of III Hie lHst let Coin within and for Iho K Daw j Count v of Jlerniillll'i, Ktiitn nf New "Previously we passed the I he bouse, murdered William were wonderfully dependable True when (laughter, at Mon Mexico. son his wife and they nothing I' driiKS, but owed -- - 'The Meyers Cnnqmiiy, Plnlnllff, va. Adolfn night ti f September knew AT THE mouth, III., the Sllllls, I left lldutlt. police asser- - Hiiccess In lb roots, herbs and 30. l'JU. according to their I nrl.r nti't liy virtue of an execution tions tonight. barks of the Held. It Is Intel est Inn oul of the District Court nf Ilm Pee-'n- o Item Welcomed at I The Knight woman, arrested to note that l.ydia K. Pinkham s Vei;-- j .luclleiiil ilisiilct for Itcrnalllln enuniy. Monmouth today, was brought here. Hi :i f of New Mexl tn an notion wherein by Many Men attaches to the elalile Compound, the mo.-i- suecessl ul 'the Meyers Company wits plnlntlff. and Particular interest .ttldi;-liioi- it the police say, be- remedy Inr female ills we have, was: San Diego Exposition Adolfo Halas WHS ilefendntit upon a Dawson murder, In of nn iii plaintiff surrounding oriKinally d for home use from, favor und nK'ilnst bit cause the circumstances prepai' fhI'1 ilefenilant for the sunt nf one hun This will prove a welcome wholesale one of these recipes. Jts fame has now no cents, together' who it resembled other - dred fortv dollars nnil "f Information for all those about the same spread from shore to whore, anil thou- wilh Interesl nt the rate (if six per cent are gloomy, despon- well, Judir-inei- ii overworked, Colorado Springs, Colo., and sands of American women now per o li iki til from the slKtilnif of antil dent, nervous-an- d tremldlnrT time at have places. and Htrone; claim they owe their is worth the journey to San Diego if there were not an- iitiiil ),a lit, together with other costs limbs, dizziness, other In K. i In this hehalf exiieiidcd nnil tn h taxed, heart palpitation, , - .,.,i;....,.,. . uuia Annie Knight told health and happiness Lydia in- ii ml to mo directed mid delivered, which cold extremities, insomnia, fear in Veio-labl- Compound. h.x- - hiiK hum WHS now the Pinkhani'a one of was duly thn f If tx day without timidity in ven- it,,, in other thing to see; but you are running past the execution utlestetl cause, Juliet Mitchell is I levied on the, turing inability to act nenitentiarv at of March. l!itr, have all and general (jail at Calusburg. if you fail riKhi. title, iliilin nnd Intercut of find! ile- Naturally and rationally as others most beautiful Expositions ever held by man, fenilant In nml to the following described do, because the treatment cons'st-ln- B property, : THREATENS of j 90-da- of grain (ablets can be ob- ZEPPELIN The Treatment to see it. The excursion fare is only $35 for a y l.ota numbered four (4), five (5), and tained snd without the alx nil of block "D" of th Juan Artntjn taken FRENCH CAPITAL AGAIN addition: the north half of lot number knowledge of any one. If the twenty-aeve- symptom;', La Grippe ticket. twenty-al- (Sl), lots numbered ii rwder has anyjof the mm Influenza or (i!7). Iwenty-eliih- t ( H). twenty-uln- a and tlry go to any wmal (.1), decides to it Just -- ORNISH JOURNAL aMCIAL taAaao of CD), ami thirty (30) of block three of large t.Y la tiattn refrenhlnd these tly to read well stockV-- uruS Htore 22 (11:1,0 P. m.) It for Inlluenr.a or the .lohn M Moore addition No. 8; nnd lot Paris, March II clenrlv defined ti eHtmeiit twenty-fou- r of ?,sk threeigrain Cadnmene of an- 111 number (24) of block "L" for received warning tonight 1 a (iiiiiue. article tlie bmicet. The Santa Fe runs comfortable trains at convenient Tablets, teiqi according Paris up .limes Hell, of New York City. the Atlantic ft pacific addition. All of and take Impending Zeppcl'n raid, but tht.Te '' Jr. City of to ' accom- other air- too much medica- said uddltlons helnir tn the the directlJns which nearly midnight no hodttle savKhe In convinced tlint of llcrnuUUo, ptnto of pany g- until both unnecessary and Injurious. hours. Counly each sealid tube. The had made its appearance. tion t of la Krlppe. thn New Mexico. pifwer soon felt and craft sighted on When called to on the third) is Only one Zeppelin wiir patient Is usually fseu when the lever M Notice Is hereby given that the joy of Wealthy body experi- seen occasionally day of April. l!il,", nt ten o'clock a. m. nt a the French lines. It was first i resent. thn chill which enced. originally north- In illaense, h nenerully passetl the south door nf the Court House In the These! tablets, e Vai, about SO miles iiahera the ul Tracv-i- Hr Hell then orderi tlint the bowel JOHNSON county of Hernallllo. New Mexico, I will d'sntnsed by pjrominent physicians in department of th Tlie New Ihisque Waist And Puller arwttv or P. J. or an an! east of P"rtf!. thf ,e opened freely with nulls, "Actotds" sell Hie above described property Pharmac'fts, now are packed Creil, in the oise, U SUIrt. of innuneiila. the Iduli fever., thereof as may l) necessary to sat- admin-'"tratio- Oise. then at cllrnto "r much "h full directions f--r self miles north of Paris and later at I- nevere headunlie, mln and (tenerul soreness. Agent isfy plaintiffs flu till, besides costs ml In- wholly more charming. The Antl-kiiiii- 'l uldet every three, hnurt public auction so dliat it is llers Cotterets, about 30 miles east of and are than (inn terest nnd accrued cosis, at very - nittekly followed by coimibte relief. I highest bidder. to pay a physician for 4 5 of Parlh seme, of courne, remlmlH one - i to he Creil und miles northeast Aall for A-- luliletii. They uib Hlao imex- .IKM'St ROMERO. ' Prebcribinu Mem. Aisoe. At Villcrs Cotterets the forcefully of urosnratn in a finer lienUaclie, ueurulgla aud all puiin. , ti the In Indeed celloU lor Sheriff of Bernalillo. County, New MexicA Zeppelin dropped a bomb. quality, but the covert a r SIX ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, TUESDAY MARCH 23, 1915.

' AN IN'DKPBNDBNT KEWHPAPE I Tr, in mI hnvlnff fnllen; Huknwlnu niirl Justed and that nev er nune lonso in Transylvania have been outlined no a Imiir day's iimrcli. i MOST OLD PEOPLE Cbc JHfoiqucnjue THE IJENEVOLENT JAP IH liliN l 11 ill K' III . the pike lo he inli liv Austria for nf Xol many of these cunt ra pi ions are ARE assista nip from Runuiriiu In be limn Hi W'. t Ii i ik Ii I have seen few of them CONSTIPATED t - 11 ) I f morning till- , IliiNlliil, HclZCSnVllia in America. All of litem were tried; Journal si to twenty and li.ilmatia ii in In k'I to .Si'lliin. and tested from months The wear of years Impairs M'lirs mid when the t"st was inade tin. Hungary, racially Htitiignnlstio lo Aim-trii- i, min it was no coiiti'acioi' Willi a line of action of lh bowels. With PUBLISHING CO. will become Russian or JOURNAL either o2? KoimIh lo pusii whose word was taken aise people are dispiii,.,! independent, ttiiil Teutonic Austria as to their utility, hut the word nf to restricted activity H A. MAiTHKHSON und exerci, I'rraidnl 11 the common of ihe Would lit" l '(impelled to become soldier Orni.m . slate whi' h Is responsible i Yi.T. MiCltKIUIIT Itualiioaa Marwlxr army. If nl'ler usiiik the devices on for tiiu R. 1.. U M' AI.I.IS1 F.H Miter uf the Hel'IIHUI empire II II nf 1111.1 maneuvers Mipated condition of must A. N. M'iKdAN ' KillKir praetice inarches or at old Ilr hied, nf course, Unit A ii.h( i hi uikI w e k.i.)uX Kdlur piny this soldier de( idi'd that tiny et folks. The diKe.siive ornans ar,, (Icrmuny ale beaten in Ihe wur. worth while then the niinirt r of war more to VAm.ra Hrnrrwiilnltia, sup- sensitive the i1rm:in.s It In-- m - took them seriously, The rule upon . AMIKHWIN, cull en at mire, If Atistria- made them and rebel na,re J plies In every detail of a man's " in i (lulckly, Maniurll lliillillna, I liliiifa, III. lliingaty would Ik-- destroyed by COm-plinl- !' from a hoot sole to a collapsible A mild, 1 ' effective remedy r,,r Fa.trra KrirMrntHll, ( VMIh Hid iJl'IIIIinilM Of , driiikinu cup. constipation, anil one .v that 'is MAI K. Ml I I Hi AN, mi I The nearer we came to l.n ii z he I'll the monarchy naturally would peciully sitite,) to the needs of I. in How. New ark. more certliill it the en- lurk prefer to die lichlini; rather tlnill seemed 'hat derly people, women ami child". . ( nv tire male population of ierni.i had is the lavi-tiv- Knt.i.d K. mnVHM mnlli-- f at ttl riiliuult suicide. combination of simple o r was iny into p..i..ffif(i f AU'ii'iiu'i'i'i. N' M., untli-- Act donned uniform mid iiiov herlis with pepsin that, is sn, H was to believe at Cunitrrn. i.f March I. Ig.B. Russia, and hard in driin ."lores tinder the name nf Tin re ciin I ic no longer "".v (I'M) )t that the town of 1'osen, which nne Ir. Caldwell's Hyrtip l'epsin. THK MiKMS( Jlil.'IIS'AI, IH T II K had left only cinht hours before, was fren bottle can I CAN I'AI'KH Of NEW iiliniil It, spring ha h lump. Tin hiiii trial he fihtaincil i,y RAIilMI liKITHI full of youiiK men not wearinn mil-- i V. SI I TIIH I'HINCI-I'l.K- writing to Dr. l:, Caldwell, 4;, MKXK'O. IMI ikiiv In nmili of the 'j iisi tor niiil the run- - UKIM III.I'-A- I'AHTY A 1.1, tonus but. noinif uaily about the Washington St., .Monticello, 's. (if THK - THK TIME AM" TUB MIM'lloUS Of THK i iitu iirc liciiinnini! to sing- on the line tasks of civil life. Least of nll( JlKI'I'lU.I' AN f'AK'IV WIIKN TIET AUK bin k fence. did il .seem possible that tile lliuhl MUHT. before one liad sal in Hie white marble municipal theater of I'oseii, J jitter ritTulatl'.rt ilian mnr nlhrr paiiir X 7 lbs. good quality Roasted Tim "niy pnwr In Mw OMC XHs AMI NOW. where the aiulience was more than In Nw Krtirii. 7." H.U'il cv.ry rtv In lli ! half men, and hail witnessed for Unit - Coffee $1.00 Smile one has jjoile In 'he Irolllde cents a much more than fair pi' sen- TCKMS HTIIs'l IIII'IHIN. nf the drama of "I'aust." lllle fancy Itoust Coffee lf . tation Pallf. bi cairlt-- ur mail, t iivnih ,lne lo hunt out the mi nil In II ies helween (oTinan-- , ;(."(' .!' I'ustwiii'il Itonnd. fancy Roast Coffee .... ,;',lle 11 , m HI C- -i in today and corulil Ii.iih road.s leading into l.ovvicz MH'll'K TO l:llil.HH. The Red Wolf Coffee . .Illle PilMi-rllirr- .I'.lll IIHl, wln-i- N'.l n with Cn I" Hi' Hit Ihe noli ollii" Win flinilK' re. streamed rmans eastward P.arrint'lou Hall Cnllco . Ill,' nava r h ii UK (iermans on Her-- ; I I In th'ir ihit ft In hound horseback, lbs. Cane Siiatir. . S .11(1 I l H nlil aiplrma. hiillini! the war(if helween ilr-- mil. Aul r il ll mans on bi'Vclcs. (lermans in atmv Hi lbs. Heel thlH courilrv Here SttKar SI eil IHdhi-- cltru-UH..- n and iirial r.iitain. wnnniis, (ieiniaiiH in commandeered; '.'Il Ix-- Tba HI noiiif Juiiiniil lin lbs. Mexican lieans. . s 1. nil in any "ihi-- are Ihe compnrntiie iccokIh lo dnte. Hus.sian droschkas. (iermans in au-- 1 II ratlin man n i"' ikus. frcsli Crackers . -- . .ie 111 " III I s . and (lermans on foot, - I ll.f llHU'"ii "(in April X, xnil, Hrilinh iluss pun- I'ruit .Icily I the very lie K,M'.p"r llllri'l'.l in relalintion for ilecree regiments of these last marching . 1 mi occasionally .iiiimiif nun nf I'I'IimmIii ImhiiciI on the oicupiiiion nf briskly over the ruts and :t ciiiis best alii'oriila ;ivcn liili ;. M.VK' II 2:1, Hiinovcr, exclinliiiK Urilish Iriide, liftiny their mellow voices in patrio- (iooil quality Creainci-)-' llullei-- , iri;si'.Y. Ih ' ;,. iir- - ',rr- - the month of the I'.mn, Wem-r- , tic Minus. All Hill i ti us of AlilU (,, i:ihe mill 'Irave to he In a Htate of 1 11 rye cans bcsl Tomatoes m,, H. I ll l.lsM ,Vll M.U J(l hloi kade. (in Mav Id a Himllar ti FIGHT IN DARDANELLEvS Set of (lanbli Tools Rake, Hoc wiih iiiiide In expect lo the and Slim el Clclniril, iiii.lii'vv of thc whole coaKl of the colli Hunt from the MEANS MUCHON 'CHANGE HeM (inalilv Moiir nnd liiver l:he lo Ihe pint of llrent in- - Seeds, Uk Ill Minimi Howlis, who ilinl a ;, I'lllHIVC, i(xal (pialilv I'.riMiins nn- - ircHl-ilct- it I I :d,. lew iln.v ni'n, Ihih JiimI "1 ii 1.1, 1!lKi, III AsNiirlitlnl l're iirriHiinlence.) I - M.irch iivowi'dlv lianiclill Coll'ei- I'iIih (, n I London, March 17. The bombard- 11111I editor nf Hi'1 SiniiiKMcliI ii hi foi he llel llti dei l ee I Ijiiiincleil Slew I'ans.nic IllllliHllillK zone' 11 limit ment nf Dardanelles: and the pos- I.M.inu ) i:cinlilii nil, thiiN ki'i'ldtiK In the the e tire slniHinir a beautiful jMl. Hllllfh Ihlen, Ureal llrllllln Ifaoied the sible npeniiiK of Hie straits to mer- of Spring Shoes nnd Slippers. tin. IIowIim fnnilly a ncWHiminr thai 11 II modern oideix in conii. il, pla' ini; chant vessels Is an absorbing topic of Hoys' hcs made ktnv Pauls 2."c Ii, l i n Die country for in iiiit.ildi' in liermany iindi'i' Idockaile. on Hie "I'.altic" (l OH conversation SI. Id ...... I.. 1,,MI'M lll'l lll'f till lllMllll'W "'Ml N'oveiuliei ;l, IK .aioleon and anxiously scan IxHUed from the Imperial camp at merchants will llic tiailllioiiK of the boards for any YOnt KOI.I.AI! IH YS M()i:r4 AT maintain lierlin 11 decree which iloclnrcd Ihe the news and tickers liiiill Urn men who founded and Mlilixli ialanitM to he ill 11 Ml, lie of further information the mi, I m to In1 Keen. him kade and all commerce mid operations of the allies, which, if suc I pro- The ili'iilh of tin- - fniirth Smninl with hem to he cessful, mean so much to Russian DOLDE'S Al l; fiODDS 111 ). hibited. I exchange l.oii-jdo- hl l.lVI I fi w - trade, the Russian on 2HI-1M- jlouii H kn one nf the iclnaln- I'eliriiary IK, I'.il,',, (ierinniiy 2 Soulli Second "(in and a much needed lower price Street. iiiK 11 k h thai iimli' the Join milium (hhui'iJ Its 'war one' dei tee, Phono Oill. 7, for cereals here and on the continent. nf loclny with the 111 that '(in .Imiiiaiy ISO,, ,nrd llowick IftNiii'il an in council In- which The Hl.iel; sen harteriiie; market Mrmidlal Iii im read order imr f.iihi ii and veiiiels Wei" fill hidden lo lias ilotie little or no business for six ROSE BUSHES mid hi'l iKlied. iinlv a lew arc left Hade from one port In another, Imili rm mt lis and th'-i- is much specula-- j Tivg noii-- : n k i ," r In nf Ihe era id JoiiiiciIihiii of which Were In Ihe poMMi-wlo- or New Hooks That FEARFUL to of (.'.!'. ill! ready: ' ; CONTRAST linn as the quantity old plants, $2.50 per dozen. or iillleH. ones vvho hi 11 ;ni' it itui-- Vllell neWlii ipeiN Wi le knoWII chief control of Frame, her or shipment at (idessa, Nicola ieff, j ''I'll in likewiHe Ih forhlddeii hy the Everybody Should Ueud mi Ihe stair it llu r's. Nobody has BETWEEN GERMANS AND ly Ih'1 imimoiiiiIiI ii'H of Ihe "dc-- and other ports, when Ihe straits are; Albuquerque Greenhouses. hy ull'iilm order In council .IiihI niiiiiniiireil heard of i nu lili.ilioii" or "peine-.- " I'. - open. ies men who liiiill iii and xnaialiieil m "(in November It, 1X117, further cut inn I'l l. "1 Craluke of II. II'- Some aut hoiit claim that! I ll.'IVe THOSE ACROSS BORDER III i mm I Just read two books recently N'ard says on tins most of Ihe (train is up country and 1(11 riM of iMlldie in II hy Hhi'iT force orileix eolllli'il Were Whii'll linint: "1 at-- 11 Irnil-im- .' plai ed In the public library which if discriiuinai ops pi opn.'-e- or ( l.ickinvr, probililteil till vi'hhcIn from that means of transport are shilliiiKS per ton is about Ihe rate i of Imllvldmillly. 111 - anyono Interested Ihe problems of templed a Ka ilea Icrma 11 A niericau (( untiniii'il l'rnm I'liitr One.) Willi the pmlH of l'raiice and her while others slate that as sunn a.i the; lo be charged for iii,' (he I.oiiIkv llle , sm 1 - cliarier Henry Watlei Hon, of .iIIii-h- mid with all portK In Kniope lal iniresl should not lail to read, citizens am una ware. We have cv- route is dei lured safe for navigation vessels to the t'nited Kingdom in- In Ihe mont They lire lfl and Mastery," by ei y opporl 111, ii y in to I'oniler Journal, utiikitiK from which, thounh they were not "In this country across Ihe market places; the icy very lai'Ke will be arranged.; ( shipments continent when the grain begins In 111- - - l.lppman, example of old hi hool of Joiiriial-Imii- i; tt war with lireat llritaln, the I'.iil- Walter and "The (iuspcl of make felt what is best in lei ma slush splashimt to their knees; men 1 provided is any tonnage .avail-- move, IMl Wiih excluded, iiiiIcmk Kne ll Jesus and Ihe I'roblcms of icmocra- - hniactcr a ml life. I. el us to in urensy there ' Ih Ihn Ihiic continue coats lolling in the dark i Jame.i Cordon I'eiinelt - Since- Ivi'Mneln ivhnuld clear from a llritinli ey," by If. 4', Wilder. 1 do so, let us lontinue to have a pnun- doorways; Ihe tilth, especially in the able. the commencement of the Meralil, hi' Hiendn ill- w - - Npw Ynrk thoimh poll under reiHilatioiiH lo he preni t llolh these riters hrlnif to the (lis- j iueiit part In all endeavors for iioliii- inns, unspeakable. Not even in the Inquiries have already been made bombardment prices of grain gener- nearly all of IiIh II in Kiirope or ed In Ihe future, I'ussion of (he siiliject an enormous cal, civic and industrial pna;i ss; 1.1 most sclinesteli'd villages of lieluium for loading from both Russian and! ally here and In Hie provinces have llrltiHli In amount of knowledge in umen us for (lie id of 1111 hiK yai lit mill edilH Iiih paper hy "The order council and stand (lerinan als have seen such stupid defiance of Rumanian ports and forty to fifty' been distinctly easier.'' DiIh prohibition. and 11 selcntlfic spirit which Is above honesty, loyalty, nil ht'ulness, sanita-llo- aide or W'IicIchh; Willi. nu Candolph the most elemental rules of "(in liceemlier 17, tk(i7, Napoleon, reproach. SlarlliiiK facts and slarl-Ini- lion to work ; hi 11s cull vn te : r - The caves nf wild beasts are M llelll'Ht HeiilHt the mini of the 111 retaliation for thi'He ordi'iH. iNHiied conclusions make every pane minne, our literature and our lilt, let more decent than the courts and the men eiiidnyed all helm? his Milan decree, which, lieHhh'H bristle with interest and the reader's uh fearlessly defend' the causi of our stairways of many a Russian inn. every Is to y - """" made over hy him No that em h of hl.H nhlp that had Miibmltted attclitiiili held from start finish. ni'il her "ontil aeainst preud es nnd Halls I'm- luncheon. to Mcni'i'h by the KiikIIhIi to he ijood KKAIU'.i:. aspei'sinns. Hi t let is Irmn twelve In exactly refrain 2 the ride to ileven or JmiilialH prize, reiealed the delineation that political orwiini,ii ions which would Toward o'clock of Mi'-- 1 l.nwiir. Hie old colonel who occupied VA like all nf the ntherx; John I!. the lidaiiilx were in n Htate of set (Icrinans tins country HrltNi in apart as the second auto in the eastward .I'll II aliMolulely dilerlN the iocleR blockade and declared Hint every a class by t hcllis'c yes " With Scissors and Paste bound lloclc Kave the sinnal for a halt des- .: 111 1111 xhip that Hliould Kail from or be This tn tiilmirably nf the (1111 i;niiilri'r and the spoken that we in tile, market square of the town of tined to a poll In ('neat lliilain or hm c in it H in add II. is WuHhlnctoji I'ont, vi: M i n lo There Wlnilawn. He had had his coffee and een niaintainintf Ihe I'liiC'li ioKHeHHloiiN or In any ti i.ivi:. 'room In America for mote than one live, We need to liv lor lite is more bread and butter in Posen at f Send - Ihn Knipilrer ill It" idd priie of country decupled by the llriliull kind of name for a name - W- M 1 "X Than eatinu, drinking, weiirlni;. like Kmi" and he laid made a spacious second I JfS. IJ1 4 Iih Hlinnlil ii good pri.e. eiita the copy; Aihdpli i'i tioopH, be pb to .loor llu in ke, for example. of tea in fully expected here that lier- Than seekiiiK asnrefi door breakfast and cold meat and k r i r peiKonal conlinl over "it And hither, thither lariiiK. pate and lakes at the chateau of the many will adopt this form of retalia- : i I ( Il.v 11 rchisloi ic ciice, avenger on - the ChallalionKa TIiiich and the New tion. artificial dress and speci the Herman side of the Jul- l&CM We leach Ihe world lo lis, Wl, von and were nionkcy.", at X o'clock, ByMrAJanet (iray "AKalm-- t I dene and doubt frontier for V .Vi York licrwral llarilnou various orders nila. Time: A million vea - Mrm mr jv T him (he protested, And cry for riches out of reach aim, At In- had called a halt by the u "' I I'nileil Mm over the I. oh Anuelin TIiiich; decrees Slates We played lie , , Hat While Joy lies all about us. llli.l trcetops, !',,:, I., t.tlrl li',l'l',L-i,t- I' u, ,,..,. land as measures of rein ion ( ena.-- t l oloni'l W. 11. Neli 1111 the Kim-h'i- n in ihe Imiieo, imr lo emliarnoen arid' non-Inte- r and black bread extracted from an MeKenzieHill City Slilr, mid M. II. ih Yoiihk course." We need to love for life Is more' overcoat pocket. Three hours later drlnluim, weariiiH, eating, Yoil chased me tiilnlic.ll the forest Klo-- lHi ii 'hrolili le. Unt tele- - Than Ihe paii;s seized him an, lin, and ! oer Ihe Hall I'ram times have (handed. The A me, wiih a ii nt y ; The outer mortal sirivln,; for. nek ilavv.i was city j mm his nf refmic. Cor the utt we ( Thi re Ihe lint endn, ho far an imph mid the cabin nlve constant The Inner mortal heal nn. You humped inv slantinif foieluad fourlh time in seven hours he ate. Ich Till id I'M I saw a flock. I ci II, of the men whose pel Holialit jcomiiiulili'iit Ion between Ktirnpe mid The tinsel thltU'S of life we clutch sin and ate like one who had been a Ioiib j - While skies are blue above us. ;i iiinke the character of their new.- A merlca ; I i rent Hrilaln mid (teriHiiny lime in barren land. While here beside us at our torn h ,t eventide we'd cuddle kilovv how they can no without Wl I'lnm the black and ureasv depths FREE jiiipern. far d Are tli'iae who loiin to love us. Hie dinosa urus's wails: of the klodawa tavern, which was pernniial-- t 'ii,-- i 1'nlike niiiii' of Ihe other i jrfln Aineili in sentiment lo the And l I. hanue the subject called the Imperial hotel, he ordered Is We'd lianir by ly t (inducted newspapers, the Hpi inu- danger point. We need lo lenrn (for life more down our l.lila. lin n rich solin. bread veal cutlets. wearinu, eiiluiK, Our instructions famous la Id llepul'lican, unite r the Howies Than driukinul tea, and laeinns of connac for thej to tle editor of the Ronton Cooking School A less of Int.-- hue Tic were ih,. happy hours tradi-lloll- s little lea. There was some kind of apple Magazine book of of perpetnilled the tiiiesl lavs seventy ('Kits ( 11 were: "Get up a recipes the things people like best. family, The iivcinKo hen And more of early thinkiim. pn Danv'liiau jap": dcs.-er- I cake for l. A'i'i'.v th ini; was sa- ihe of Hie IH business. 11 AVhe you were a monkey, Find bed way lo make and bake Wlpaper vear , but she takes care not to 'We need to live and love and learn but vory and good, especially the eiitlels. each one. Then write it out so plainly III - HlillUM us. And 1 simple ape. that Stimuli Howies persisted the de- bunch Iheni in December and Janu- 'I'lle s:nilde lo cheer ami il would ha-.- beet) the part of even an inexperienced housewife can't have a failure." t I'd 'Mi h lo Philadelphia Lcdirer. '2 termination of bin lllieesloI'M In ap- a ry. established muni wisdom to nive thanks, leave marks And lenrn the lesson near us. ill "The Cook's Book" the result. Some was best on the table payment nf the meal, was of. ihe 90 recipes were orig- peal solely In what and Hnunlns Malloch. vi i:s 1: nn, kwsxv. and then fly the place, inated, many of them were improved upon, and all" were personally tested by liinhesl In American life. Huilt upon MODI I! V TDItl'l (C'llmy, K .1 it., Press.) Tlir. l). free I. lie On Ihe Inside. this best known authority Independeni i I DI N'S HI Pl.l M CY. C. jeweler, on cooking in America, and she tells so cleaily how the bedrock of absolute l( J. l'lilni.Hi, merchant, 1 was not so no (Huston l.i in Kcpiib-lican- .l cautious. Having she made Ii HprinK-llel- il Her sptinnficld pa perlln travel-Ini- t everything that one mid broad couservat 111, tile The followin description nf the pulpier, butcher, idea what the fuiui would cost and cannot go astray. s.-- Icsiu a n, snbtna-rieii- hotel mini, ciirpenter, ltepablican never was diverted 11 by s Lin- havimj also lo make payment for the model torpedo, used the Home patent absurdities about solol.-l- , lead- While some of the cakes and pastry are elaborate bass tenor soluist, choir food nf my two soldier-chauffeur- I enough for any occasion, Inward Hie "jellow" and the sensa- Httinr.hliiK ballleshipH and coln were lately enllblci lure ill er, pur- for coinetisl, farmer, etc, bus went prowlim? through the inn in the recipes are all thoroughly practical and call for no expensive and unusual tional. mcrchiiiil vessels, Is taken from tin! Huston hy thai oracle from Cast Au- chased ihe William Varm r barber rora, to describe bis search uf the pretty Polish waitress ingredients. In addition to telling how to make them, the book is ( mod-Il- who undertook shop is now In at beautifully !' urihernioie, Ihe t il les of l s of lieviews. When we un- und chaw the chu'r and her bill. The quest took me relntioUH Willi Mr. Seward In fore tak a illustrated in colors showing how to "iniper-ne- with razor In one hand and an (lark passages brouKht arrange and serve the dishes appetizingly. Mud the navy 111 thrniiKh and Mil Journalism Hint the Vailed Slates ti the cabinet y derstand liiif into in that hurl nu" smile on his face to me to bedroom occupied by two spa pet s, w it h point I years a More Muiallv utidiicled'' has only about lll'tv nf these deadly had a iliseloMiie, many reassure the victim, as is the habit of than half a million of "The Cook's Book" are now in use in Amer- from an old Irieml who was with now and thin an except Ion, the same of warfare, offensive nnd nitii. dentists. He is skilled lii the use "I"! who, like Hr. Johnson, apparently ican households. Yet the demand is constantly instruments Lincoln nt ly from bis arrival in increasing. Many send fur H Hint coiisti lonsorlal tools and will 110 doubt en hif;h pi iiielpb of honor have defensive, mid that It leillilres about iiulil the had no passion for clenn linen, and 'nice ui a nine to give to or young WatdilnKton from I'allimore joy a line business. a comprehensive assortment of both inenas house- malked Ihe polii ies of the SptlliMllehl a ycur lo manufacture one of them, senate conlirniid llto cahinci. Tiiur-lo- keepers. Don't depend borrowing j furniture, on one from a In Sprimi-fiel- d bedroom ami kitchen Itepiildlcaii. The dillereme In the we Kid some idea of the tinprcparcd-nes- Weed, visllinn l.imohi at neighbor ITIIOIT PRI'.H DK i:, j coverlets on beds were as have one of your own. In l'.e- - ill lieceniber, Mdi, bad made tm The the treatment, ti"( the stibslaliee. of this country for defense ( Harper's Al ugazi ne. I pans objeclimi to the union ol Sew, ml and dirty as the pots and on the the and the variety nf Set- - iiuse nf size apainsl nn attack by liny respectable (.'have In the cabinet. Hut Sew. ml A Worker in one of the mission stove, and the smells in both kinds was water- w ,.!',. Kin it li ,i ,, ,,n,l mmressive .,An In. How to Get "The Cooks Book the parts that r." I" make up the war power. himself. In Washington afterwards, dements speaking to some i ...... Koim,' front lu.ys with reference to Rinnan des( Tihahle atmosphere of .squalor, met ropolilaii dallies, Hie personal description follows: had made it a condition of his la every 25c can of K C. n.LInn Pnwd., The history, lie touched upon the doings clutter, and nhiftlessness pervaded - ft ..... r..L.Jini .1 U m rleincnt has been largely subinere,eil, like In that Chase be excluded. So one "Certain eminent authorities said, with a of Net o, giving a vivid picture of the Ihe place. As a bedroom it Was hope- u. ,u J' nut ji nicsc ITIIIIH. Hiri paIC morning Lincoln twinkle on postal if iiuallty the 1:1. lin Iuih not Admiral Sir Percy Scott of Knul.nnl be- less; as a it was deplorable; it caid you like) with ts but Ihe nf in eye, to my friend: cruelly of the emperor. Then he kitchen your name and opinion Hull submarine has his as it plainly wtilten, are of the 1 1 gan to ask a few qui st ioll i. both was appalling. and "The Cook" Book" will be been chnllKed. dreml-naimhl- "Well, suppose must leave both the death knell of the gave mailed free of charge. sounded Seward and Chase out. shall show "Hoys, what do you Hunk of Nero?" Hut the object which u man Only one book for each certificate. : and that to build mure of Sileiiie. broken only by an uneasy menial and physical pause Was the illll, list cabi- J'resldent A'ilson spoke highly of costly battleships is sheer Waste Mr. Wi ed today this of the these net: Secrelary of stale, W. L. Daylon: shifting nf Hie lads in their seals. half of a dressed calf which hung Addrett: Jaqucs Mfg. Company, Ihe I. He connresM as "a (ileal coti-f.nss- ," ot money. "Well, Clancy," said the lecturer, against the greasy wall paper and Chicago modern automobile torpedo Is secretary of war. .1. C. Fremont: sec- KlUra and spoke of the The a making' an individual appeal, "what over the crib of the least prepossess- m injun cotujress I 11 , . L retary of the treasury, New York - unannnnmaiii ,.i tie. Mini lie, eel i" n K, do you think of Nero'.' Would you ing of the sickly- babies; I thought of president as "a meal presidetil." The..,. ,,,, ,,,, 1, ,11, ,,,,.1,. ,,ii,l wclchs man hostile lo Seward, and so on through the list." say he was a good mall? Would you the veal cutlets which I had so relish- mutual admiration sia lely was not L'.tlOO pounds. With its wondertiil like to know him'.'" ed and my thoughts were variniis V(ii auV 11 intelli- Mr. Weed saw the list, and before by Ihe chief executive and niei lianlsm of most human Clancy In silateit. Finally, after and tumultuous. Later very rea- imitated 11 lull I Mr. Seward sent word Hint he the gence, Hie projectile In action seems again being he did so sonable bill having been Settled, 1 Ihe 111 c nf New Mexico. would concent to serve with Cniycrnor urged to reply, almost to throb with life. dives imparted or those thoughts to plows Chase, lo these words: certain like a porpoise, steers Itself and "Well, i" novee done nolhin to Ihe young Lieutenant von AVognn, IIM.V'S DI AIWI). ,,A,iL-ll.l- llll'miell till. Wntel' lit (I me," jvvho accompanied old Colonel von speed nf Id miles un hnlll'. It can i s.i wi.1. keszyckl, the champion eater of the I Magazine. I BUSINESS ., i .i, ,il.. mi. i.t ihe end nf (Cartoons in eastern few sludents T. A. Diugan, cartoonist, Herman armies the theater I'loin the l.i'itinini;, the run be iiipable of destroyltq; a "Tad" the PROMOTION IS RAPID of war. of Ihe situation have doubted that great battleship. The brain of the Was diniiiK alone in a restaurant in A I,earn ins' l I'lidure It. BUILDING It. weapon is in Ihe tall end. H Is a little Pulton street the oilier night. IN ARMY OF KAISER Italy would be drawn into Since - Young AVogan and it is us delicately adjusted strantfer dropped into the seat oppo- Lieutenant von is sub d dh ili iniauy ami hand, spurs to Turkey a chronometer. This imirv elous site and fell to discusslni; cartiions. fastidious from helmet. but as i SERVICE Atisli'i.i. il his been .eMail! that t. tnechan ism, automatically "Now, lake my old friend. Tad," (AtMirl;iti'l l'rrm Corrnqmntlenoe.) h is ills philosopher, and to my piece of - in- torpedo "1 like him pefsnti- Kcrlin, .March 1". So large has remarks as to certain phases of the i and Cicice must become (nlilrnls, steers and keeps the s'id thcsllanger pnslt'ion Its line nf liight. ally. 1 n fact, w e are t he best of friends become the list of promotions in the combination Russian bedroom and volved, in duiim; system replied: tf the torpedo tuns atoiil or Its course tint as an limsi lie is puni. Prussian army that the Military kitchen he "You will A study ot the map will tell learn, you will learn, and one of Open an account with thii growing bank, take advantage o caietnl and U deflected either to Ihe I iKht or "Vim know Tad then'.'" Tad asked. Weekly, a publication devoted ex- the - 1 I things you in a Russian why Italy icd.s so mm h thai Austria left, the nyroscope- an almost hu- Know him: should say do." clusively to the Interests of officers fust learn its modern methods, avail yourself of all its facilities and ac- operates u oii $." you don't know illage is not to go near the kitchen. i minot gi.uii, n at a moment man pilot automatically "I'll bet and soldiers, found if necessary quaint the in up or down said Tad. reaching-- for his wal has If you want the cook have him come bank officeri with your affain. lover, throws the rudders him." to issue week. Thou-Isand- s Vhen the veiv iMsteii.e ,.f the dual or bringing the let. The $10 was deposited on Ihe ta three times u you.'' and to the rnM ' v nf promotion are recorded, limn, is al sla What Italy In its proper pith. H Ible, . ".la, ja!" added the old colonel torpedo back "howltakiiig space, Such a course will be a strong factor in your ... ( of up many columns of you success. asks i lb lit ll e sr. ist 1. Auslii.i-- takes almost a thousand pieces "Now," said the cartoonist, comfortably, "what don't know mam- - going prove you wouldj The armv. especially in do you v III hii h steel brass anil nronze m i.. are von to that Hermaii doesn't any harm." HllllFtal ill. bided at f .1' 11 d lust nun s i the know Tad if you saw him 'wiir time, has nn unusually large set if, we Hi nearly all the delicate Hut as drew near the battle 1'1'ellt. 'II olid cleat moib rn torpedo. It requires nv el' one "That's cinch." chuckled the ef positions beneath the ranks of lines, the signs of Russian laxness Austrian i. IV,, station ihe lstrian Near to build and costs $ti,(Km st ra nger. is In gathered in the money. commissioned officers in its various grew more and more disheartening li'Miiial with l iiinie nnd Hie Adiialic "Voil ate Tad. branches. Constant nets of bravery tin- - sit,-n- of ijerman passion for sys- 11 In tem most vexing islands, I'i.i A ust i in u in-- i y to Kraut Among the prominent failures and gallantry reported are sending and order under the o conditions grew more more Im- wnnl.1 to men who failed to heed (.mi t'oit ki m:vcki:. numerous and these demand:' be commit life ate those (Collier's. I privates upward into the pressive. The very horses who drew k youth. "non-coms- " filicide. the notes of the nlalin elm in The pro-He- i inans have gone so far ranks, nnd the long wagon trains loaded with ranks STATE NATIONAL BANK Hut Italy does in. i merely demand as to say that "an emphatic protest into the commissioned food and ammunition were ingenious- Digeslioii. be every con- ly hood, I : Improve Your should entered against The Military Weekly also so they should, us ined Italy' t : am A list ria How lo that 'Albuquerque, N. M. 'unrede' If you lane finv trouble with your discrimlnal inn against the many tains a list entitled Heroes," much as possible, he protected from ' i y (ninth nf Chani-bc- "ur nil nf the Alien in Hol digestion lake a few doses of i millions of our citizens w ho happen- giving the names and regiments of the cold, and as for the drivers and Corser Street and Central Avequt Alp strengthen W the horsi w Scoci Die (test of the included in Iain's Tablets. They ed lo bear names." hat those who have fallen; the official ra ho rode alongside the h it perform d iscrinilnat ions? We have wagons, i my man wore cleverly de- Ihe Ijilln ambition. the Moma' nnd enable to are these reports, nnd n its functions naturally. They nr.. easy heard of hone of litem, though we Herman and Austrian signed r vclties in cans and face" Uited Statei Depotitorj Eati Fe Railway Depositor Today Russia holds, mid rbiiil'tlesi In effect. on subject with vari- resume of the important news of the pj(( s ;.,id to lake and inoft iigreeal'le have talked the - neckerchiefs nnd Cloves will reluln, nearly all nf Halicla, For ale ly nil diulem. ous "citizens whir happened to beli day. und le- .. tits that could he readily ad- - ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, TUESDAY, MARCH 23, 1915. ' SEVEN

Copyright 1S14 Bringing Up Father International News Servtca. Bg George McManus


. "i "'i Z Z Z nTfifw run i mr last part of the Jay, many holders i n i iii h i i n ii mii k iking the view that a speedy end of vm the war might pnimpH bo irm.Kii m am Mswe s warn W I WWII Aim ubout. Numerous stop amnion! bllWIIIHIUh loss orders eVykLiM were unc.ivered and rallies were only TcSI Et Tkcmiglla the- - half-hearte- SSIFIED .i notwithstanding denials COLMiS that Italy had .vet joined the fighting INFLUENCED W The'extreme break in prices compared with the high point of the session John M.oio, J .hit M Miiri. Jr., amounted to ,'ic a bushel. A4MK ( I rKlVMHINfl l'n'g.dt'iit. It- At Mrc'y. FOES SALE - KAMNU TO. lro. Falling off in for cash SoMipg- rtmn 10 N. Third. KHMlttldtli d demand 50x138; for TMg;W Ifl. nt Hie $1,000 frame, lot iii' ti poi d l'H;t. wheat throughout the west, und at S. EUROPEAN WAR! seaboard as well, tended to make xldewalk, shade and fruit trees; Mcfi'i mil pr"mMl .,..4 more Hroadway; close in. Miti i nut! clrii ni'il und iMmurd . ...Iftfl emphatic the bearish influence com- I,adieu' fluid prt'ftRr Iftrt of other news. About only fresh $2,000 flame, modern, A cash Investment of $l,OoO will the pletely furnished; large chicken Weds I.mlh'ii' nit clnatwd an1 prmtitul 91.00 up encouragement lor the bulls was at start you in a business of profit and tnt .rdi't liundltMl j umpt ly. yard, Rood outbuildings; S. Edith raroi the start, whim prices developed sonui unlimited possibilities. Don't wait for de- street; close in. New bungalow large Low-e- strength on account of reports of with Exchange Rates Drop to st modern, good 50-l'- something to turn up, start creasing stocks at Liverpool. The ef- $1,900 frame, porcli; t. lot; east front; a nice rustle and trees, OfTlcfl V. tJntd Avr. inione 10 fect, though, was altogether lost sight outbuildings, shade and fruit little home for only $S00. Kasy something. Clad to talk It over with Figure FffltS Slott.ui-'- A of a Generation of when attention began to (urn to the fine location, N. 11th street. terms. you. SALE I'ur KV1TAIU: lKAI." outlook for a possible sudden peace. $4,500 modern brick, well If ynu want (llllCAT UIil STttOMl Itrnl and Gold J1KA1.TMT t by Is Being Imported way built, hot water heat, lot 76x142, CHICKS, kh Uitl Our lint of uto fur nalo im com- - Corn nave with wheat but 2.yiiir-a- ral 4th ward. l hi'tiA. 13 tirof,l tn plpct pll pfntH't t V, - recovery, owing r.0-f-, made a fair to some I'lve-roo- t. 'I'ukit yuur ItrnnxA Tur- From Bank of England, $3,800 modern bungalow, modern brick; lot; frem. choice. t h nt .t it 1h t h Irm'tM ( inut tn dltTnrrnt export sales here and at the seaboard. key 'M9. fireplace, sleeping porch; und good location; one block from car prka la cHiion. riion r niM'MotiR of 1 in HtHtf, fur r,iitiii)r. the light- write for hlcnl J'oiiliry Itanch, ircul I'nfavorable weather and bungalow on the rear of lot. line. Trice only $1,700; $.'00 down, 211 WeHt Gold. erlcrn. turn idii ml in i.;ui inn inii iiofd. Now t Ilin ness of country offerings counted at Old All'Uiiuimiio, N. M. time to tniy uny hind of 4Htir in New A bargain. Fourth ward. $25 per month. mit tY MORNINa JOURNAL SFICIAL Wise) times in Ir.vor of the bu? mnl wet tho .if ft lively re- 3,200 brick, modern; Fourth ' L Y inniUtt In (ht future. Now York, Murrh 22. Aside from' oats were relatively firm as a , V l::,-- l ."."i1. t'fg lurtt lluv ward, on car line. now u tillt In-- i' urn htii A ht- - further open manipulation in cpe- - sult of reports of delayed seeding. I'lUl H.M.I-:--H- . a lt,i, !t In H)K SAI.I-lliiu- ww. Kitii. the $2,750 modern, large ui, rrillliK lnull'. (.! in c nt t pr m ilt t u rn tn num tu almw acreage brick; .1 mil Sic"n, i dallies toilny' aetive stork market, Nebraska advices said the I' ,NoIkiii, Nnrih I'M pii-tl- basement, corner lot, good location ' HI S.M.i: Four oioii inoilei n low ; wllliln a rur, impor-- sown to outs Would be in KUIt S.M.t;-Ck- ka, l.lll -n val-in-- niiiveinent was of secondary i the smallest In easy . iht IJ; will!fh-- to make null k nale. Apply I lr s, Highlands; terms. Poirterfiel IIca Kl lill)l .'III S liiurimc. tanee to other interesting develop-incut- twenty years. Killlh. Ph. 1JIKIJ. Inn,, ForreMer nine. Vn for tt lhus of tho A I I loUHO. particularly the. renewed Decrease of exports made provisions REAL ESTATE-- FI Tt 13 I'Ull h oil K'M'M' IHKH. $.I.U0Tl'r SUl-;New- I IhjmN A. a.NSU UANCE. I'lill modern eement hi coin tin ii ii 'M uml hi tend to ho IFLOSCira lioj,!,. Aihln-m- P. u. L'ai, or It . in foreign exchange. De- head down grade. The curtailment LOANS. llm iihunc bio. Itiintalow, e.llnr ci in ii c. I. Will m. with pi'i 'in i'l Menu und tHnuHt-h- If ymi lire) 4. I. mi Iv mand sterling- fell to $i.',h, the low- of shipments across the sea were said Loans Insurance for lotn .I. Phono 1,,XhV th fife t iisut a ii ft tif uny Und, 111 l I. o on lll hi a est price for this form of remittance to be the result of the enforcement of South Fourth Street. 21S W. Gold ull Kkk for Iiliiu. Ii C. It. ri nfViAi j; r.'iii 'ioiiI llloilel II luolu.llox', of other hieMMtKe. tho ho Iuk Mock. .t n to dttr. Wo tii London in u generation. the llritish orders in council. He.l. Prte Soiilli IIIkIi ttrfft. small pavtuenl ilow li. balance eimy lei iiih competent i.Ue ) mir oi Ilcthloiiem Steel resumed its market Closing prices: illume in; Impure lite', I'm iinter or plione solicit your InnNlniH. i A I.I7MV. leadership, 5 May, $1.31 ; July. $1.20 . Ill S.M.i: few llo.,.ui;l,l.le,l U. making a net gain of Wheat , i if o u i .Not-Il- 7 2. Corn .May, 73c; July, 75s, Mil Ik. Noilli. lakctl a! luus I'tllt s'u.lf Mm, '111 Collier We money for illentu on first peints on Its record price of The c See. Ml, I l"n 54 viteet on ear line. ite yat.l. ahililo I reea. 'it Heemity only, 1'or thn last dealings, 3 3,000 Oats .May, 59o; July, WAN ri-;- A iii :mll - FOK HKN1' ait-fti- thi.tte total aggregating buo r lit Kutll llload- Modern rooms, H V., I'tllt MI.H- Mkiia r It. C. TT Apply 4111 Ka At avenue. Phono l w enl v (.ev n eai H H d"lin shares, were hy numer- - ork May, $17.:i0; Julv, $17.73. w uv. no nick, khij wAt Central. - bal.liliiu Cinlral livn accompanied I He.lA. also S. C. W. l.rKliorns. H lie,i4,l. ten-- no Inislned' in tnia line und ni no our JMi Kilts May, $3.92; July, $10.23. W l iloi- IIIvN mors, ANTKI I'll Holo ii. no ulhi'i' I't'li mill si. epulis Soillh Atreet, -- Iiiim lout a dollar on principal or llll.e looms K.lllh I'l ill SAI.I-- Slop pai inn lent. A lioine In ever Itet-i- v :r. South S lot liorcli. fin nltdicl liotisekeepmi;. tn d Hhmii. It Is other specialties, including motor. t lor IliKlllallilN. clone on ni'iiiey hmn. for mir ; t'ull hAI.K - from itimu Coniiilt! I. hi. fur timnll payment i trae-tioi- m W A .N J prmtte lionu no sick. Puis Nottli Seconil (,hn to look ho Interrfct-- f hotli lUHl allied shares, metal, local KANSAS CITY IIOAHD OF 'lllADF. K loo nit'li to cut wooil ,it tl in-- Iteila. PeilA are Ituda. J. Uraligie, down, balance. Ilk tent a baritaln. afler el that r Her, ami lender. ami numeroUH scml-activ- e isKuesI cora. Apply to t onMitk MlnlDH Conipiiny, Con North HlKhlh Afreet. dress owner, rare mil. hu,. und f IhmioWit -- 2 7 espe-- 1 Kaiihau Citv. March 22. Wheat liCilnl. M. I'tUt HUNT KiirnmhiMl im.ina, both A M(l ii;ai. l OH AI L, rose from to points for no full sm.k Whim mho lull, Ilhie ; auk I s II ; 2 anil Hleeplm; roolllN. All'lclly mo,. c in cause. Heading a No. 1 hard. .4 "2 (i .4 !i "No. WANTLI Kxpei it in Meant laundry wafih wlnneiA. I':ki:h, .id SAI,i) Ilewl ICstnte. suffered from ern; also lileal nleepiuu porcli. IVrnt prle ft and f.! Hll pres- red, 1.4X14; May, tniin. Sout h wcRtcrit Kmpiiiymcnt Afency till per llfleeli. John M, CooK, i i recurrence of last week's selling $l.48i $1.43; Colli. I'llolle llli'.'. .North Kl HI HA l,K A eld holme Hhfl two $1.14 ' r,i !.i ; September, 110 Si.tiih Third Fitrcet. 1'lione .l.'.C I'lflll AtlVet. PROFESSIONAL CARDS sure. July, J.H IoIa. J ii ,n inlre h "4 I0it Sliver. In mar- $1.03 U 1" 1.03 :h. .Ti;i- - Kliltllli'i-I- ' lor eelllial Nimtll. von kali-- PiiAsiiin The unscttlemenl exchange ioel' tvolf m 'i n cm ii.n PCI a. ' laud for ft. 2 71 1i c; 2 plant containing ste.on tutl.hif electric l liiilimls. puppies Monle-!i- ATTOKMi kets found Immediately the reflection Corn No. mixed. No ull I''ui nislieil looim. pot r and uio ilo. j i li e propel Aiblr I., i:.. Kencratorji opetallnt;. i oiiileiiHiiiK ; out yf Ki:.' uali - loiirtinl white, 72 No. 2 yellow, 72 -c; No. heat; no 4 14 Wenl lima Kennel tThoiiipMii I. Willie- 4). UN in further gold imports from Canada tic; p. Slher i b- II. Itl.l Mil. ; AiMreHA. experience, u. Jlox X. M il'iili SAi.t: id' TliAlu; Hue,, 3. 71 72-- .May. ; 73c; koIiik iviilei. with indication that the Hunk of 'i ii July, to!. A llotiien(le t'Olt lti:.T Hoiisi keeJ.niH roomn. siMKle r f illlllidtctl housed, i,i 'i eii bus, all newly OlH.Trr. (1,1 I'i )K baby iliickA. :'.". nr.. mor,. of the September, 73 (j en mite; no ink; no children. 4 x Weal h.M.i: While ivkiu lepailetl lllol e (Ifflee CIIUeiiA Hank KldK. riione Kngland will relinquish 73"c. ii. Son. loialloll. (lol'l. rin i:i4K for lutli liunf. II re- Oats No. 2 while, 58c; No. ,2 renls C. Hie of III ee, I i lllolllll. AdilleHM metal to this market. To date the each. Will W. WIIJ40N i ilelnei. Mux Plillbibk. P.ox :t'., .! mil JOHN 55 60c. A N'l' Ivl l FOIl IlKNT Two deslruble mi r. turn flow of our gold from Ottawa mixed, ft onian for auiiliK ui'ln uml lnmiii for f. l Atlorney-al-lat- with K''llernl llouiew oi k l'hoin. ii liollsekeelilnit; barn also. 4.'t) Wesl Lead KOll KA 1.I-- Imiiroveil lola wllh CToinwall Bla7. umounts to almost $20,000,000 I't'll NAI.Ii-Kal- iiy I'lyinoiilll lloek ttoiims V.NTKlt---l- . avenue. bred llouae and other titllbllllKA. Ofteell ynliiitf Phnna 1171 extreme likelihood of a marked swell LONDON WOOL AUTION. allies to Work ul home maUhw VfiO per ttea. Pliona 15:i:iW. Offira KOll eitt, Hettliitf. I'aney tired Huff ahudu tree, fi.rly-nv- " yea r ol d fruit treea, anil tleAlBlilntr our uprliii? pantAolA, hamt KK.vr ilouAukeepoiK roonia and Orpinutnti egaa. Aeiiing. ing of this figure. II per call at 4ul IrtiKH-lion- . loiPA notUfea, pon.-he- Ktape vines, iilfulf.i. etc. All under lUCN'riNTH. irregularly Total London, March 22. There weie Htel Hearts: work Instructive mid prof- aleepini na North Thirteenth or phone !n,!l. l'.onds moved itable; no experience necessary. Mecca Alt West Ideal Hiihurhtiu place for ui ry and sales, $1,730,000. bales offered at the wool auction SAl.t; llaby tiii l.s and a; u from Harden. Nn ell T Cafh or terma. OK. J. :. HICVT par value, Slllillo. 4 o Went SlUer. liK.VT- l.ame, well healed. no ..bin Kill the talea. Call today. ''rossbrcds were strong but cup w ii lo-- it J ill ptemiseA. or addtesA I w hi' r, Hill llenlnl Knrgmia. t'niled States bonds were l'oomv; balh, no aick; no clii bii en. flale fair sllie tarred Nnrtli merinos lost recent and lloi kM ami Smitle II, I. lleds. W. Second slreel. A Ibiittueriiue. N. M. Roonia I J. Harnett Hid. Thou TU changed on call. their advance Wrl Slher tiy are now barely at the opening level, lllelz, 4C1 West A tin HI ic. Plmlie llM-W- Aniiolltttnenla Maila Mall. 'losing prices: WANTKDExperleneeil suleslailles In the IIICNT-- - HooniA 'i i Kill fui nlslieil (r ill I IIANCIOS. Alaska 34 i especially faulty sorts. Americans millinery department, ppiy ut The keepinK, and i$ I pieotis. Iloiiiei'4 lhat urn liCSIM.SS A N II Hl'KHKIIN. Hold ilniile double; raoiiable. by test, In room an bought best greasy ""H both show and aiinah Amalgamated Copper a few lots of the Keoiiomist. M' WeAi Central SAI.i-- in-- ',,r p, r nvetnia. jpro.lccera. Hreeilini; Rimk ror aale. Trimble. Foil nil at Jliiniiii HIII.OMON U lUKTIIN, M. 1. 4.'! fcourcils. inoiilh. nl. lo.imM, . American licet Sugar Kdll lllCNI Tluee laiKii tooiiia and balh T. W.Ha rio C.l ( Mil Albiiinieniiie, N' M. tl. funilslieil tn hi rlijAlilan anil Burge-m- American Can 20'i with aoiith side Aleeplna- porch, nicely CrvHnl theater, coin. r Se. and Cold Ftill hAI.K ti. C. While l.eahorns. ilay-..l,- l Phnna 117 llarnatt Blc. fill MAV VOISK Miri'AL HAKKirr. furnished for housekeeping, li li an line, one blot k flolil pal ly fcoom lAincr. Smelt. & Kef'ng VANTi:i lllodern. chleka und for Hetid for PoHltlons. West Coal. lo California on Apill I'll II:. I . H Atner. Smelt. & Kef'ng, pfd .103 Ireiilar ntul (able. W. J. Yotl. ll Kit. T. TANM .strong. b- In Throatl. . .101 ' New York, March 22. Tin A.TI-:i- KnK.;emeutH jnaclicul nurse. P O. M. Specialist Vy. a''. American Sugar Refining IliKlllHIIlls. ilox 10;. Albuiuer.llu, N. Pllune Fa, N. M. Five-to- n lots, $.Vi.,"ilKi 50. .",0. 4IHI South Hroadway, Cily, Hi'lliM. Hanta American Tel. & Tel .120 KOFI HUNT 1.; Furnished ruoma. utll Foil HAI.K At 10 a. .224 Copper firm; electrolytic. $l."i.l2''i AN PoMiilou by druK eicrk, reuis-lered- ; ail o'.liok m. March I I. IIAKKH American Tobacco Walter. Phone L'SZ. Foil HALF. lor bal. hlliK from :'llh. at Iho Foiulh alreel door of the UHH. Tl 15.50; casting, $14.5015.00. experienced, references. Addiess I'lj mouth II". ks and S. C. v. l.linlled t Kya, Kr, V ata4 Anaconda Mining .M' ll llolisek. l posollbe Iniliillni;, Hie followhiK propei j 1 $14 50 Clerk, care Journal. e,iIK ooms. In: h UK e it mat, Iron steady. No. northern, r,nr, lipleee; also "to will bn sold by of Th Atchison 1 r oins p.,ie!i, Koiiih Wab.-i- order thn court: (ti l 25 i 7 No. tvlih year old. WeHt National Hank Bld. . li 7 Villi; No ., $14. H. 5; eollli aold lie. The Hotel I r, - ho h IS built of Plata Itult iniore. ci Ohio ItlCNT-Mode- rn J and No. southern, $1 4.25 (ti 14.75. WANTKD MlMwIlanmiM. Full aleam beat Phone lli-- eolielell. blocks lilld contains seventeen lirooklyn 1 Sapid Transit wllh sloeplnu poi.h. ;a. I, A. O. NIIOHTI.K. M, I). r.lli', SA 1. 10 Kisaa S. c. jr 011 Hie ml a . WANTKD - FOIl and chleka from is si floor and slore California . . Clean cotton riKi at ttia Jour- -- Prai.tlc l.linlled lo Tuaerculoal. Petroleum C. FOIt HUNT 'run furnished rooinfl for It. I lleda und S. C, W. First room on Iho floor, also the 01- - .1.19 '4 NKW YOISK LEAD AND Sl'KIl'l :i nn Afflea. Riound Hours 11) to la I'ouM HIT Canadian Pacific IlKht liousekeepUik'. model n. Cull nt 124 prlxe lied cork, 1st and ,1nd l.enhorn cocks; ph. mil llieuler, It solid tele tin liter West Central Ara. , . 34 Vi PET CLKAN1NO. A K. 111 t'JOt Central Leather . CAP furnitur and store South rtm. also Mamntolh Hroiize turkey F. lilt, iiDxIlIU feel. ad.lolhliiK Hie hotel III. New Yolk, March 22. I.cud steady, repairing. W. A. fluff, phnna BBS. Alhiniuerque Hiinltarliiin. Phona Chesapeake & Ohio . 41'k FOIl HUNT Two furnished rooms, lama Hhellev. A Ihtninenine, N. M, mid siliciled at. II 111. r r Heeond st reel $4.onfri.4.15. I Coal A l:io res!- 1T11. ( Chicago .. . 10 CA lU'lN'TI-Il- and builder; work ciiHran-- sleeping porch, with uae of kitchen, tmi h, 111 V poiillty ul Htiiiilary PoiiHrv Vaid. and avenue. two frame ti tmaiiT r i. AiiiH KMiiiT (ireat Western .oiir 111 Cfcu-ilre- Spelter nominal. teed. Ira Dots.. li, l.'llj Hoiilll John. II s. cuok-Ih- dm-e- which are siliialeil Ihn of aml Chicago, Mil. & St. Paul . . . 87 electric k In telephone, and fuel for r.'.'n Soiilh Fiisi. Phono lip;, will .lies liar Prai Hi a Mmlleil in Women 1 propeilv Is In be Phone nib 0 Hnulh Walnut atrnet. and delh-i- rlav ordered. Fnrli v.'i-tab- bs Hie hold propclty. Tins KIsenAea. Chicago & Northwestern . .123 satisfy a of :i.VI'JI0 XIAV VOHIv MONKY .MAltlvKT. WANTKI'- i- llellable hair work, mnti a nloed and fiulls. All kin. Is of breedin sold lo Jii.lKiuent mid! ICast CeliHal Avenue. Chino Copper . 30 Ra (laneral. copls, Imjijllu l.ftwlemu F., .Stern N. M. Mrs II. V.. Itiitherrord ;.l'i Houtlt tlrnad- - poullrv kept 1.11 blind. Wilkinson liall. of 671.Id Albuquerque, . . 24 Phona Colorado Fuel it Iron n ay. Telephone 1.1 (I I.I. room-.- , huildint;. York, March 22. Mercantile Foil IlKN'l Two liiriiiHhed .his.-- i . A N pliri.'I'KV VAIII'S. 71(1 Houlb . 2 New . . I HANK Colorado & Southern Hi kepi, llan.-h- ph 14'l'M, H Hit. A. 3 WAN ITJU- P. i or live-ro- n furnished liuiswell Hroadway. S, C llrowu l.euliol us. ' '. . paper, per cent. M.1ST. 1'enver & 6'4 ( Uio Orundc .... 50 SiC l house wllh sle .pins poieh; modern; no Plllf Jiimtl ons. Prize winneis at l.l'MIH. . !' V4 silver. -- TIIHOAl' AND lienver & pfd. sb-- F. or FOIt KF.NT Dwelllnipa. lo ws Kkks und baby ' Itlo Grande, K. ei .loiirtuil. and llosw.ll 7 a ' I'J Harnelt lildn. s M; Mexican dollars, TYPKWIMTFHH. Phone m I'istillers' . SX'c In for sale. A. F. lllank. Albuiuei iiue. e Securities Oovcrnmont bonds steady; lit ii road Jul N K. col'I.OKoN. cnntruciliiK plaater-- i North. .hi. laie 22 er, plain and ornamental plastering, and l WW HKI.U rent and repair. Undorwond bonds rregular. HKNT house, In- - Typewriter Co., 122 H. Fourth. Tel. 174. Ceneral Electric cement work. 2 West TIJeras aye., ell y. Foil modern Knit HAl.t: Hiiniam erss for haiehlnp; steady. Sixty days, quire at !H!i N..1H1 aecoiid-hnnd- . DR. W, W, DILL Grct-.-t Time loans Fourth street. Also barred AH kTnLiS! Imth new ami Northern, pfd .lie 2 J I four different breeds. 2 ainale-ieoiu- . 3 3 U cent; ninety days, i house, Hocks, tiotiKht, sold, and repaired. Albu- flreat Ore ctfs. Iter WANTKD Hoarders. .Foil modern, i'l Plymouth lllack Mlnorcas. rented VV. Tijeias Ave. Phono 8G5. Northern six months, 3 , per cent. North Initulre tilt) Fourlh,, Toulouso "nil querque Typewriter fCicharma. Phona 771, 510 Ciiu;g"ihelm . . r,iv, cent; North Willie k""" Exploration 2 pet' A. occupy or Is."i7. liiiK-bce- C. A. Pflppe, 11 Hncund .104 Call money steady. High. WAN'TKP Two Isiartlei name Plione Knijllsh pheasanlH, i Houth slreel. Illinois 201 N'. W N A II I II M Central per cent; ruling rate, room, In;' no sick apply. Kdllh. Fill Norlh Fourlh street. . -- '. MIKI-HK- A TO Interhorough-Met.- , . Krt cent; low, Hi Illlthlands. ia..aiaL.a - t TIIK pfd. . of the Throat and bunas, 1 y cent. 1,1100 H. WIIITK I.KHIIOllNH. lleallhy, rmptove? Or be Tuherenloala 22 iter 1' 111 . C tVtlilt a hlnh Itrado Aeanua, Inspiration Copper li Foil KKN I'm ,!n0 new :r,.,.m Al- - 3111 West Central COlt HAI.K Mlslliiiieiiil. heavy In y In tf slock. Prizii winner at unule of sel all! s '! Mike line of the f'llv Office. . . !I2 porch. 111:1 South heller a to 11 a. m.; J to 4 p. m. International Harvester lame biuiuerque, Koswell and Kl Paso. Cockerels, want columns uf the Journal. Office Hours: . 21 KANSAS CITY rKODl'CK. SA p"At, Phone F.t.'W. Waller. r..'.r.; Hanatorlum Phona 41 Kansas City Folt $.1 no eitKS. II M per tr.; 17 'HI per Phone Southern .... eii.h; M. 1)., Director. Vi typawrller, Moih-- n I1I11 UK). B.II00 W. T Murpher. Medical Lehigh Valley .136 22. - Putter, fOK BM.E t'nderwimd food Foil IlKN'T cotlaife In ik nils. lull. Ilaby chlclis. II4U0 per Hold Kansas I"ity, March ii). 115 Second atreet. Phnna 77. Mrs. A. M. 8'U Kent already received from illo & Nashville . . . .113 order. Imiulre Codlnttloli. 'last season. Orders T1MK CAIIDS. creamery, firsts, 25c; seconds, enue, I kbit on M. D. Mexican . 71r'H IIC).1-;- and home urown berry plauln II at number of old ciisiomers. Free W. M, SHERIDAN, Petroleum Albuiiuer-ique- . TOifMiMM(ill!L(ririrrtiWfli ILnmi 3s; packing, 17c. 7?3 N. St. HKNT-F- ile 11 bouse, I111 request, fleiitrv's poultry Hunch, Mt?il . 23 per dozen. Burton Keller. th FOIt modern Ke T Imllail Jliami Copper N' M ir.:.H.I. li Ia. Eggs firsts, seconds, I.e. -- sleeplng porch, fiitnlshed or unfurnish- Phone . 10 ''i la'ie; Fi lit SAl.U I'll st class bright alfalfa hay, Dally passenaer aervlca leavlnf Kuawal Missouri, Kansa & Texas 1 4 c ; roosters, Hens. Oil l,!".-.- nholie ed South lliuh pay. the Urinary Diseases and Missouri . 10 Poultry i i II:' per ton flunsaker, ill I'lTIKV LAY. they win, thrr At ind Carrlzoxu at 1:00 a. m. Gcnito Pacific 15c. Mill.) IlKN'T Itw.llililf, Ihree-rooi- furnish- poultry shows 111 aoillhwesl way 110.11 . 120 10 'ic; turkeys, Folt three lamest 1'hrouKh fare, one National Piscuit paint- Albuquerque; Slate, ex- I Arrnnaia l S.M.i; II shal l s O. ciilelilal ed cottuKe, sleeiiini? porch, newly In lull, slate fair. nl ImlnlA tier mile II Diseases of the Skin, . 5S4 Foil H011II1 F.l Hhow; 'ilional Lead M A K R 1CTS. .M. 6, ed Inside, und out. Cull at 1.I1D position. Iluswell; Paso Poultry 10 lbs. hAKirai( free kicciis oarrleC 1 1.1 VKSTOCK Ore stuck. See Hchutt, room . 2 i won nines; American ;. Waasermann and Nouchl TaiU! tab Nevada Copper UTilllnir building. UlRh Nlrcet. lour birds f.uiyllve itoswhi At id id.. The 'MI yarsan Administered. ew York . S3i 'Poultry Association K"ld medal; five Ownera and Operators Phone 111 "alia" Central Kiiiishs Citv Mvestisk. FOIl SAl.U -- Very cheap, diamond clusler I, ueral. cupa twenty-il- l (.Ttlien Bank Bld(. V., . r,3f;i silver medals, two silver and . n. & Hartford March 22. Caltlt dinner set tn platinum. Must have over l.'.O ribbons. 11. t. Albuquerque New .101 Citv. line FOIt HKNT 3. 4 and houses. All vn olher apeelnla; Mlal Norfolk & Western r nun steady to money, care Journal. Comb Or-- 10.1 i...u Market of." modern and nicely furnished, phnna KhiI lleds, both combs; Single White Northern . S.G5 u. onas. and Comb Silfsir CDUsf"Mffiflloiif OSTMH'ATIIV. Pacific Irnn "Prime fed stee.s, $8.25ft poll Team of mules, wauon. bar or call at 1 1'i7 s.u'h Second street. nlntolis. Mottled Ho.' Pennsylvania . 10" piii- Hloek ei!KS and chicks for DAii.r Atn OMuiiii.n m aohi 'ii 7.Su ; calves, ness. new slock saddle, hnmt.v. four lllack Hiiuliims. . steers, $6.50 ff lie '. II. t'ONM K. M. I. I...... 1501.. weslern H 4 Mountain mud. 1.. K. Thomas I'oullry Yards, 717 V.uul hour PaascnKer Pervlce. 1'ullman Palace Car c Preston I'tllt It F.N T Itoomii 'With Iloanl. sale. p. Dsleopatllle Speeblllt. . 1 8 $0.00 'it 10.50. 1ia7.ei.line avenue. Albuquerque. Leave Silver city l::io m. Jj iy Copper H KOO. HA l,K Selling out uur entire alock of 1 Trent alt Curable lllsriiee. Consolidated Receipts, I. Market Foil - Leave Moff.dion 1:00 a. m. . .143',;. Sheep tools, har- FOIl HKN'I Sle porch with board for Tel. heading II. S5; yearlings, hardware, Implements, Harden gc.M.rrY COUNTS. Care meet all Karaest and besl Office: wieru lllda.l steadv. Lambs, $!.2.' bargain prices. rum alescents South Arno. l.iiby trains. 'Sepuhlio & Steel . . . 20 ness and saddlery goods ut "HI'N'HIIINK" Huff OlIiiUKl'.n chicks equipped auto livery In the aouthweat Iron har- - furnished rooms with Hock $8.O0WS.K5. Ileduced prices on wasons. buRKies and HKNT Pleasant and eus's We won American Poultry PKNNICTT A ti'I'O CO., Island Co 'i K.0OII Market Co.. removed r,0 p, r week. 1:'4 South Kdlth. di:i:ssmakinj. . 1 K!,Uecei.tH. ness. Albuquerque, carrialie hoard, $; medal; four speclai". eleven firsts Silver CUT. N. U Jiock Island Co., pfd - (Old Trimble 4 steady to 5c higher. .P...1K. to corner Second and- Copper. Nioelv fin room with and thirty ribbons ut the three Ms CHI ACClllilllllN plealllin:; fine dressmaking, St. Louis & d pi'd. Fiilt San Fran, i I"K. stables). board. Hllllalil- - two Kent lemell. 1100 show s A ihuqucrquc Hllile fair, Itoswell lall.oluir Ph'.ne f.'ll. Mr, North 7th street, "ouiiu-r- . . .75; heavy, $..'. . . . :i'i I'.lil W Kl Paso PmlHry show. We . Pacific (tl 6.00. Norlh Sec Plione Slate meet and WANTKK- - liieaainaklii. All work guaraii-teed- Southern . . . . ir., Furniture. you Willi While and Hrow-t- Hallway FOIl SAl.F KOOMS OH COTT'A'iKfi Wllh boai d, at can also furnish Will go out by day. 121 North. Tennesson . . . . . city While and liarred Hocks. Simile Copper 2S Clilcagu room n t. Lockhart ranch, country life, wllh I.eKhorns. Klahth or phone 1M:!J. . Foil HAI.K Oak dinlnif V. Comb fthnde Island lleds and Mammoth Company . . . . .133 P.e- - Mrs. W. H. Reed. 1039. J'exus M...... I. -- -- Cattl. conveniences k;n-l- 1 2 0 i ' avenue. Turkeys from the best of their Criinrt Pacific . . rii lllias'i, i. !. Ml' Hronze Market steadv. .s A . : t'eicaaalan walnut be.L We use Kssex company s model lin . . 79 15,000. ,t .ine the I'nion Pacific, pfd. . western steers no sickness. SI4 North Klevenlh FOIt ItFNT Apartment. I.. II. Moraan & Honi;c: South ATdllSO.V, TOJ'I KA SANTA I K KAIkV . t.Va0,8..V. suit; I'nited Slnloo Sleet . . . 4S'i 0. Arno, 01. jooiie j'...'. . WAV (. 35 U ".40; calves. $7.00'u la HKNT :i r.n.l furnished flat, mud Albuquerque, TO SI'llHOP.inKP.S . . 104 $5 Foil Oro.-ery- mtoiiiiiMi, ijiited States Steel, pfd. 'i Market -- kitchen table, h Inquire Havoy Hl.luner's you tn Ret your Morning Sheep Receipts. H.0U0.. ill: HAI.K UiiiiiiK ern. 'i Hold Sixth. Vn. Class. Arrives Departs tf fall tali Copper 1 ainiis, clo.-k- oil heater. Hood Journal, call ! 4 Sheep, $7.10S.l.i Mission hotel 1. California, Klpreaa 7::lup s llllp steady. Holll h VA Phone KOll MiesliK'li. TKI.KUKA1MI CO. stern I'nion frame bieyele. soli alter. In ., .1 furnished SAU; S. California l.linlled inia rtns WKSTF.HN I'NION $7.li0ry 9.90. Folt HKNT ll li 141! Wesiinghouse M a k et ,. lei 11: sleejiltiK 7. l 9 4 l'hone 147. Klectrl Iteceipts, 33.000. aunriioeiit P'Oih. SAI.I'. 'learn inllles. Walton, halness ast Kpress .a lo ins HgS 111 llisll Fill! :.Mip Sales, - 01 Norlh 9. Fast Mall II U:20t 370.000. -- T',,11.- lfi.75lflfi.X5: bf' 1V' fiulle foreno lln Phone HOW i.,. MONfTY TO IOAN. Pi. He ( Ailays . . . 7 tin Oils ii.u-i- s l.uie hui I ti.87 :. ; $ .i.b" 'ii HAI.K Oil 'I HA UK Horses, tluyliran-til- TP.ADK pigs, on iiukiiipbs Off If Itooirm. Foil i4oiihhmiii.l. C'HICAfiO ItOAKD OF j, ) 1,(,AN J.i.'ltMl at s PT ceni HK ItFNT llubbs l.nindfv pr. perty. Yrlsarrl ill K.'iener. vj vem 80S. Kl Peso 10:Jtl Livestock. I lltiees, A(liiy 1. a. SVI.K-l- i I dioitiK boise, cheap. prices Denver - KOH HKN 1' Hlii. Impress 9:b(a f'liienrn 19 Wheat lie- vnlrat. Iniif-ne- Kl Paso Virnh March 22. tain- - eon office vim s.iiii Ii Kdil SI reel. AUTO LIVERY surr. nder Denver. LOAN on salanea. household FaHlhuiind. hnink today, owing to the i strong MONKY TO HKNT-H"- st office rooms In city. FollTsAi.K -- cow. belweeii 2 end 4 iineotl-fi'iiie- il 000. Market remoyal. KOH Freh lo. Allunllc Kxpre.HS 7:Sr. I fJ6a ("all. W Will 'r Pizeinvsl of til goods and livestock, without Fourth and Cen- a:(i Give Tn Tret and because i.ioh.'.r steers. $'150 over Yrlsarrl llldx.. crncr gallons dsy. South Kdilh. 2 Fasn-r- Ks press 2 l'.p :40r hn.l declare,! lieef slock- - fnlnn Loan Co., room 11, First upsulrs. Yrlsarrl and Keleher Ton Illglit rumors that Italy .?. 1 15 no If 1IS tral. Inquire Cl SA l.F. bled Mlalll'-ii- a 4. California l.luiued :40p 7:00p 1 V l,lfr hAnlr Phone itt ar The closed heavy, calves, 7l' U. (.'. 7:U.p 7:6i)p MACII1NK, ACTO & COXSTKCO. market and feeders, $0.2511 .00; HttoitKs lively barn, K. Chleuao Kip " SC,,. Saturday nlRht. Corn ers I'lloiie Vro 20. 1 Lui (Wednesilsvs).. l:l)0p l.ltlp TION CO. ,ln(,r $8,001 11.00. IOST. "inisheri K t e off- oats, down A I.l-l- . heavy ml k from Huuth. M. Receipts, 1,000. Market HKNT OH HAI.K Improved l'7)lt S 5OU0K Magdalen, N. ,0 c, to Sheep pin FOIl s ranch, Itld mo. Kansas Clly chicngo.. 7:0ti and provisions at lOfi 12"2c Rnld watch, witn three-roo- er. cheap for, Hobinsoii strong. LOTI,a,vs lo ruiich wllh House. Appiy in City and ITileagu. I steady to taehed better "M" on pin. Hetiirti or 171. Town. Phone 1777, ill. KatisaJ Hp decline. "00 Market reward. Waal Copper, phone Sellins; of n sonie-Kh- Hogs Iteceipis, ti.75. Hroadway aad receive, of wheat became Top, $6."5; bulk, $0,701 excitcij character at times in the steady.


Crescent Hardware Co. COUNCIL PASSES COUNTY MAY HELP FOR DISK especially like Hlutm, lUngcs, House Fiiriibhln:; Goods, Cullcry, Tunis, Iron I'lpe, Valve VOUNG men the new , nml lilting, rhinitilng-- 1 cut lug, 'Jiit hihI opior W ork. Varsity models we show in 318 v. iixtuai, am:, Tii.iiiioxr. si:,. FOURDRDINANC ES: SUPPORT CITY'S I Hart Schaffner & Marx NOW AT YOUR DEALER'S f ANOTHER IS READ EIRE DEPARTMENT FIXED BY MAYOR RED WING spring suits; they're typical young men's GRAPE JUICE styles; and you can be sure of best quality, THE GRAPE JUICE WITH A BETTER FLAVOR fit. Sanatoiium Law Goes Through, Commissioners Apparently Are Teams Be," in Woik in best tailoring, best s'yle, best Attempt to Amend It Fail- - Disposed to Give Compensa- Fourth Ward and Part of See Varsity 55 for a live one; $25 in'': rioies tntcrod Acunst tion for Answering Alarms First, aking Up First Sec and more, and less ONLY A PEANUT aironj? uroiners Undertakera New Institution. Outside Limits if They Can. tion, Next Monday, I P.i it flddl Rn'V.lm i SIMON STERN. Inc. in ritoMi-- r si iivk i:. I'Iiom: Tin u in-- pm.sed fi'UI' . Hint 1 I si iiKMi, iti;u in dinn (ices 'I'h,. county priilin hi w ill mitrllnite The l'liiilh ward and iart of The home of lart Schaffner & Marx clothes Nice III l.v J Extra are, I AMI SI.COM. lllc il'l.iilirtc( lust night, Inward tile ml in,r! nf Ih,- - fire depiirt- - the riifl in went of the K.inla I'e The ini'i ting HiH held especially for ineni if AsKlHlant ItiMiirt Allnriny II railway trackn will he the .sccthm 444444444444444444444 c Peanuts-- - lllix nml lilllc Is.. Wax done. It. .hiliiKnn decldeH they run do mi nl the tn In clenlleil UJ). The t The new KiiMiiiiirliitn ordinance, ro- - Ic (tally. (l'iin-ii- ) will he .stiiite,! next .Monday. dui tin- - Iiik Inw dii lmrd IiiviiI'U hy The iiiimi y ( lit ii iti tssii ni i l h yexier- - Mayor i:..ntiinht nml Jamea 1'eak, 2 lbs. for 25c ri'li'c JmlKf ilfdiHi' K t.'rjlif In thi' ley iie,.ve(l a coniiinitiieat inn from who will niaiiiiHe the rleunlnK, LOCAL .Vliiri'hi y inti', wan due i.f the fnnr. ft ''tilll.i lllillill Hec I'nen. Im irmii n nf ncii'cd out the "iiiiiIm" yestordity. ITEMS i No. fi4H Th,. m (I'liiimc l'"ollow they w ill wils read the fire n ininillee. i nlliim n Iheir nif the I'liurth ward OLD FAVORITES fifNl I. a wan OF IffTEHEST the iilr week nan, mid the fnrt thai the I inent h'Uhi in the Th rd ward niul the part I ( Ijm- - nt I'V Ihikki'iI willmiil limine. That uli freijiieiil ly r'ti(tiilu tn .ilmtin nnii-id- Hie S cui.d west of the Snntu IPDVCTftl ARNOLD'S BEST Ilerhoth, painter. I'hune 1495J. li ii I 'nuin ilincti I fust and (.'ixmi the illy llinilH. '.,(ti tlioiiuht If the links. Tim h iK ii la mis w ill he Inst. lilg display nf Faster candicM ul ((iiildn't hi'lit ll linwiM'r. Mr. t'ltcn i I'linnh'slniierK Uoiild I, ("in feel of I'loni fnnr to '.'iv teainn and WaKnlis FLOUR Foe's en inly hIuii' VMinti'il it aim tided, hfi lliiiiK nut the hone It would he fair ci iniiellsnl Inn. v. il i.e put in rerv ice. They will li n y lirnvl: Inn rmittniK the tiiilldini; of The i ll lmyn tip ono ilh and down ain.ther In lit" Latest condition i ports free that mimiirl a tin mi lly. mad K.'l t l V If hulld-e- r tim; i; mi Il.i imiiiv tn, the ill the The " I I'uinth wind, working from line end FIfflIM rim unii itir fit Until'!' garage cuiniiiiMHlniif 1 al tiihTHtiiinl "5's'Ai U clcnn-u- leii.'ied a Mite a ldie In area fur Kef-- t nf the dtvisinii to Ih,. other. I to favor iiiakiliK Mntne for .t. I :.l )) t f, ll. ('., iv.ih I'lillnl lit inn at hast ten yearn. III'. IIiihI kitoiIiI-e- d vh en of the nl nut'iide Ih"! The people of the llr.'t division are ex Large Sacks, $1 til Santa I V yosti'l il.i y In set; a party ilelnirlini .20 a llli'llnn In III, it effeit from Mr. (dl, lint it Is iii.i Lnnwii wlietner thev pected to have the r ruhhidh ready by WIUl lH quite 111 All 'lien. The iiiiienilnietit wan derented, Will li'Ti pt Ml". I'lieti'l p' npniitliUI. t iiext Monday inoi ninu. Thnne of the the Dear Old Songs Now i Till' LoVa ( 'Ml' I ul Moose Hill hold lil divl-io- Small Sacks, $1.10 In two. t'nunty Hnrviyor I'iit Cunm w.iH in- jollier 'Will I'e notified when II III Ill,ll?l "The Third Degree" il lei: r Mll'I'tlllL' III lilt lOlllllH Council Huh (mi ml. structed to make urn nt the mad tn I.Ch'in. Brought Together in lit H It tonight. wyi ! ' HUMltury' l - 8. u'clin In cnliim ni!.ilntd the iiinemliiient flom this ntv to .loan TnfiiMi iind Mayor linatriKlit na Id the ive reel Mastci pht'e. I'linn ...... I ll, I...... ll Ul.u lu..,,,.,l nihil I'niiiiciliiii'ii nuk the uliind that m Al. ol ficer would nut notify pernoim t" One Volume, tie ; Pen of t harlcs Klclnc ' C'ehnlletn the runnhe Aluntnlio 'i U I the oyer tcrilay In Cicotge ii ii. Albiiqiier-- cniiiiill inaiiita ned cnntrol hind Riant, The county iK Milnx for clean up Ihi" u..el;. He Would not tit", que. the Hltuatlnii In the prmlHlnn that AvfiCI-ali- tn re,, Ik fme work .ui'l Cccllo Canlrcl, Albuqilct tile npcnitu of road" anl l have time all the "The Man Who Came I tin- - permtriH wlui want to huild .I heftinx. U.'HldcnlN of the firxt divixion STORE a rniy nf bonk "Snimn Dixtrirt Attorne imiinn told tic Sonic people like i . w me; ma ny ' (list In (ji t the pel miIhhIoii HUptiuxed to ( ardn and I'l'lint Ni'vt-- (iruw did. at tlm Jiuiriuil ' coinmlfxiiuicr lie needed the Hiirrev." are lean their people - nf hndy. Kven If they a love old friends. and evcry- Back" 115 Marble. 50H-2U- inftui'. No roiiimiiH iiri.i'n.uiii'y; only that hmv for u.xe In thin case. have the traxh piled for rartlnK A, I'linnc Q u'S'p bodv love.x th,. old aonics, IiIikIi Hlte they canriiit huHil unleKMthi.' (;-- t Hllhtiiit notii e. The ( lean-u- lly I'lau'iesv "! mid 4!t To New Ijihx. fnrmai Am previously Jour- of llic Modern IIO.MIIt H. V.UD, Mtfr. i o ifrnnlx pcriiiLKsUni, Mr. Hkln-- j hocsex who have announced, the Woodiiicii America. A i i i ii u I i U.ii The heard leniied an to will "turn in" those Ix of This is u npi'ilnl ii it nf Tiinil" - order the nal offering a complete collection t!niiit;hl tin- Hpi'tion requlrlnK a j not up xatiitiiry offi- splcmilil sfury In Is M, K- A M , hit cle.ined and the which in. IimIuk Xii. A. F will hp I i'i'tnuil'ion"r of the Acniuin Je Hie old - ....I, u .. "II... lu.ul I.., fl ,.(' Illf. ,.!'. cer of all favorit- sontf.x hrftuitht corpora iccl u (jrcjit lii'hl at 7. .10 o'l lorli li'iilKliI for work c'hainhal directing them to put ill n will ifit them later toKC'ther in one Iinwiii. Com. dlnaiice " If It were lint for that Home heaut'ful bin volume prim si tin. Al ,. iIikii'i' X'lMititiH mi proper head Kate at the mouth of the (ulle.1 Never nio ts'tiiitlful mvihd of 'in .Inter cnum. ;l in Ik li t allow a nmialu-- I "Kons That Crow old." WoiMlnien V neriii;i to protect the Alameda dyke. the Sanatorium at nil' I'li iiliii', y,n a Kite, NO BEER AT LUNCHEON All of tin sc soimx have been com- ( rliim to ui on hall' hlm k he County wax ati- - oloindo SpririKS Tin- I. "Kiiiikm Thill Nrvi r Oliiw Clerk Walker Kien piled and selected with the utmost i.. Kit id. Ithnrity to get cupi'H nf newly paxxed I 'III." I.X lust wllill ini w.inl. nml a IMHt IN HOUSE CLOAK ROOM, (ate by the most competent authori- Mr iiiiininiil iiIho kiiiIi flKil j ,.,ry Matinees ul 'i nnd :t::',(l 1. 1' il , nilu ,h(, ,,f stll,. fj,,v. ties copy rill linw Mi'i lll'l ill till' .lonr-- I he a Id : are printed and bound all ' iiii'intitii nl lie Fa ill uf Ihe new Iiiwh vitally affect Muhts at 7:;'.t) ami ll Mill I. Ill uIIIiimiI riHiiiiis, l"l; Ttl Hiul It the SAYS NESTOR MONTOYA naklti!; seven soni; book In dnein't ht'i'iil rlnht to Inv'le the i I ' ! i , . , , iiun.o .on iiuxinexx, III cents lii t ii III" 1,11 oi (uncial (tie volume. There are Iwo styles of !l ,h," Survivor l!,,x, ren..rle.l I1...I C M ""' t ".".! binding, one in paper covers and the All Mii'li-r- 11 ml out In the cnuntrv. There ixn lair ,,' , vli'lt'ii;; Wiinilini'ii ,,,,,,, ,,. t.U(,1,s,1 f l!epres(iitiitiT .Vent or MontoJ'u, in heavy Admission I ; ., other KiikIisIi cloih. The 10c,Children5c ul Ni'iu h I'm i iil r imlli'il tn iimi'l the danger fluin a .x.inatiiMum that iir.,i i, -- ..,.!, - who w.ih netiiiK speakfl' of the house I eontealx are the same, but, of course, i hi. 1'i'lhiwn' at X fi'i liii'H here Ix from a rooming h"use . I . II ill Ihr hull ,'l. I...... t' 11 ,1 tl... on the fifty. ninth day, laxt night U " ' ' I'll.- 'll, (l the binding Is M i mI U'iiiiiI-me- n I,, i liihx. I ytoNi to " I'""" cloth inure durable and .'titerx that live ( i re- ti'i'Hilil to iitti'inl til in o ti x" n ci'.x paid liiui all tile money denied ihe newspaper ordinary a life- "Til,. Alan Who'liun." with care should lust ini'Vltii- I'iiliili'. due mi h. runt r.nt with the exception j port that theie wax any beer nerved time. i I'..k i I'rcsenl "Shiix." iik' k." ,uiiit of fall. 1 he contract pike wnx $ at the luncheon held in the house An innovation in l.x again f ...... this edition me the Lyr (Hit III The ordinance directed i, u.'-i- t. i I. ink Tile wi Hill i an-- t that evenlim. l ic incaier firi'llirn le I'.illi'd ix nu iii raiuuii to nave ueen loom mak-nl- iccnt Illustration.-:- . These con- KI", t the "maintenance" of hiinaturluinx for - He wax V. Nmlli htli itiii'i yi .sti riliiy HKirn-- I (tlinii.ed hy the xlnle In drive twenty- reuuexti-- by Senator sixty-nin- e wull-derl- the atiiient of tuher.'iiloxix. Tin' sist of a rare calaxy of nut In I nut a lit- In rimi'lm I,. tn five mere pllex. The suryevur wax; H. Andrews nnd xcvcral friends to : ut. to he exempt. portraits of the world's Itreatcut TODAY I I'm I ii M' A (Irfci HH I'leia iiihtitutioux are be- lintiouni-- w hile he wax 'it'll ii't nil' rim instructed to put th" In uxh filllnt' at the vocal artists, many in favorite ttt"-tuni- - City CielK lltlchi'H Will litem tn till- l A Mil. ill WIIN Inn il nulifv tween piles akei- .i desk, he said, that follow-- : I' THEATER I llllw hull' in np-- th" at iince. xh The list iiulu.lev Cni uso, file niplicalinn fur peimixxtitn tn j I In tin' iiinf iiriniiiii tli. rlilnmry, j Air. It. ins wax hK.i ii,x I'ncle.l In itij; the present!! ion. of the wilver xer-- i Melbn, Slc.ak, I'onm, ii il t r and v i'jjui', ' etate the ordinunce t'.t' Ice to Sci Homero XI. A - the ccst nf dinning a canal speaker uiiiliiin Tlir Y. (' h I'lini'il ii liirniM i II tiorlt, S'nttl, I'lem.' nnd almost iiiiii' will mailt it nt the next met i and I' lnor Leader Mann, a luncheon IlPSt Show "The Storm" h;.'I tile Mil' lit Htl'i'l't .111(1 lliroui-l- the sand hat' almis; the cast fifty others. None of those portraits mi lit"! In;; hank uf Ihe wn.x to he served In tile cloak loom, ii i n lii'iirlni; . t river nlxne Unnlux have ever been shown In i work of In tho State U fiM-l- , .1, 'iiilnil t.i', tlir liifnriiiii The iK iohi ton nf ul xes-su- ut, Two I CiiluriMK tt'nr-n- iialtv Inr i After Mr. Muntoya told i . hl'iile. 'rt.ix would Insure the rept'o-- linn Unit it lt In I,. t hy a lili; No. Cit Ix a nut lean against the this character, iind they are all i KrrlHHM titnl rm Mhii, fine nf w the women to en into the clonl. room V. Al. A. l",isN"imi'l h I i.'Urrent cuttiuit away Ihe cxt diiced from copyriulitcd photoKtahx ('. I.nililln;'. nil f:'."i $lun j than nor more titan and to nx where they had luncheon. Later the j TOIMY I C It.llllH III.H I'I'llll ll I ID 111 lef-.- the hrldce h did Inst which have been apiirnved by the art- 'S.llllll In jail fur nut than re-- 1 . sprincc members filvd in and fuund the 'All lilt' ,ll-f- ten nor than ninety. Th" ists themselves. Kvery reader will for Peggy" diva mole fn shmentM consiMed of Heverali to possess run and of Gold" Ii K. nml liriiMN. nf lil-- I old wax held to I.e nu Kond I want this utiafiie "Bags hiiiiuu. t'lllllillft Sluiill li. ordinance kinds of xndw ii hc.c, cuflTe. milk nml lift I collection. , lu IiinI I. wan I Hush In. 'Iix mrhi'il ll' niKlit Iri'i' ecause the maximum penalty MISS CLAUDE ALBRIGHT clears and no Mroii(,"er drink, he Tlirco-i'i-- 'mi. Ini. Thi'V mill' In mitiniiii- - Tlie.ic books can now be secured at Mutcrple'c omitted. said. coupons, at Km' M n e A the Journal office without I'll'' tl'nlll well In li nml ttink Air. and .Mix. Harold I'ieri had PRONOUNCED SUCCESS, "The us, rl ion that liter wa.xscrv-e- d wi-f- 79 for heavy Knjrlivh cloth style, tlm triilu nt III,. I imliit. Tiny ' lead I hut Xlutpliey win' to huild a fie-- cents "Rough hut Romantic" In. Kiilorc nt the lundi pure I 40 in 1(1 tn rlrvi'll llnlllH, it hloek "f SAYS LONDON and cent), fur same bound art! nil tin' in 'llllllll mnatnrluiil within half AUTHORITY Hon," he said. "This con he proved paper. "The Boob and the IIiin mill. Tlif ItiKhWiiy, ll"-)- ' mi hi. Is Ihclr home and were at the ineetinK by members of tin- house as well ax In I. ml n H hi. In prulcnt. .'dr. I'ieicc I'aul he knew of Magician" XlUSle hundreds citizens. who were sii-yH- a $10,11110 (IM'IS of Alhu.Uer(ue l'KOCI.AM.VlTOV. Ki'iii, nil i r. fi'ini' ilv n ret'i- - ul a man whu had plans fur are' there." 1 KUXTION THE BLACK BOX" f i InokiiiK forward w ilh an-- 1 To (lualified of lliournph limit nt Hi'h i Iix. lnm IiinLiIIiiI t'hnrli-- liuiiht' tn ii the lliKhlaiiii park and the keenest the eleetnra the xann-loriu- ipalloli In t u I', Tl llllll'llll. nf l.ll'i iik illntrl' t that he would md huild if the la Hie i.uncei to lie veil City of Alliniueriiie, New Mexico, and roqoittttiw ' 'l'lH, by - - up .Miss ('lamb- Allulirhl in th.. hiuli ELOPERS STOPPED AT to the qualified electors of tho tor- in Miiiin'f tnf Ni'w Xli'Hli o, mil n wiiit 1 p. Z xclinui auditorium Thursday evenimr. I ritory adjacent to City of Albu Open in., onilniioiis Show I Inn lln (in Milli v, nf tile Nnl'ltl" cither ol dina ncex paxaed are: the I'd Hide The advance sale beyan BY SISTER OF purposes: I a ny. .Mr. No. r.41. fur huihlinw hil'k al Alatxon's BELEN querque included for school Ivw'Mrril l.llr iihii nri riiiiipii v w exlerday, ami the hi ilemaml for There, bo held tho SI, :ili'l' im linw iimmiii'IiiIcI Willi J'VK nlkn. will an election Midi" j.ients Indicates a YOUNG BRIDE-TO-B- E Tuesday April, 15, same VS'ln i'li" K. hImi mi nlil Alliiiiiii'rinic No. Slj. fur luillilinn cuncri'ti' that larce audience first of lit the , i . . 1 - WlllkM, lie, ii lie s KIIIKI'I heinir the tlth day of April, for three num. Tln lr hi .iil'iiiii i li'in hit In n "in ..ii'iiieii Allien e ec KllK-- ! v (irdiiuince No. r.r.n, iniiendlnu Itlltl isioll'lir h,.f Iniir nf , members of the hoard of education, II, Htanley XI. tarty, 1( chaullcur, i,n, I farewell Nu. 4HII. llxe.x tile pcnl'lt.V (land with Ihe Koval Carl Itnsn opera' two of whom shall lie elected for a Mr.i. A Kn'.i nn a Id ami mui, S. Thlx M lsH 1!iUl -ft nml plumh'ni; reKuln- - cninpany Afiss 'AH,r!Kl.t (1 ' Vearx old. term of four years each, and one for ', II.'hi-ii- iim il ly It. M. fur violutlon of the THEATRE aid. iii'tniiil'a ,ri0 "m of the m oM (lilficult opera ' ' l, ' ' two years, to fill unexpired PASTIME l tlulix. It ix $ln to fine nnrl mand out the I' l iil lt'i flom lh N0!t Itii'i'iivMild. i't tcrday iinnn fie,, linoilxon- - rule such Wedit ax t.l eleell th" Mantii I'e tram No. for hi i'aso, term of A. J. Maloy, resigned. Lcnlen Concert Vl'UlIN, Will iitti'inl fl',.,,, to thni'. dmx' ne''t wlli'ti' lltry most prni-- e from mnxlcal ' ""'' were to niarrieii. voting 213 W. Central Ave, - nii'iit. Keiieroux Tn,,-- Tho places are as follows: tin' falnlal nl lln In Kiniinili'l lliif- . were seen on the train nnd Auto l.lnlilx. and dramatic l ilies. Sp.-- imK of he,-- , First Ward Korhor garage, 214 ItV ntHMild. ivhli ll w ill I"' In Id In Unit i lly Ci'eillales OeorKe Uncll. sister of the Kir I, i r.4 V. in an work nl that time Ih,. I.nmlun Km 111 ' North Second street. 'I III' (li'i'i'llHi'n ilH II illnance No. prohli'lt I'll (111 if tltllll' ll ..ll'l 11 II I,, tl ll ! t !i t' IIi:m llinl llillH. ' - IX.IUI: I .1 . ., Ward- Cha.x. Chadwicli's of- lil'H.'llWll Id tumnliile huhlx xlrouuer than fPteell ".. ...I r . Second l.ll.llll'l nf lilt' llllr Ailll'll "The Unyal Carl Itnsa opera nm-- ; " ' " ' "r ' ' "' fice, 108 avenue. I jrnnille pnwer, wax reml tile firxl time. 1, West Gold TODAY Ii' S. . Knncti-- wit spe-th- e Miss and inn nf and ' t """iniinii i'te.1 the Santa - K. Claude Albright Itr. Iluxt Hit lit mi lux ua to the coun l.nny presented at Keenii.Kton heater Third Ward- II. Dunbar's office, ald. - ' lal :'1 l",,,,n. who stopped tho cil he wax forced to Mop hlx car opera entitled, "Carmen.' This fa- "' 'IH West Cold avenue. l XI. i. Willi lilii a t aiifh-mnhl- . AND HER COMPANY Hliii rai', the puwciful lUiiitx nf an le moils opet a witii its wealth of tuneful '"''J Fourth Ward A. W. Hoyden, 412 "RUNAWAY JUNE" I'.i Mli'iii'd i,..,.' ,. i .,i ,i Mr. nnd Mrs. htm h left for Helen U'l'l Smith nadwav. ill (lll'ei'tioll in ,.r West Copper avenue. KiilllK tile oppoxlle n u I (ill ii .i In an iiiiliiinol'lh' al ...... ,.. i ,.,'.itu 1. 1, ...i,. I" an late last niuhl, in. OI'IIUA linnt nf hlmdrd hlnl (iiildrru were playlllfi .r. All qualified electors within the City Tin lift It ,iMiilt in Tun Turf. Cii.MHvl'i;, I'nrlx i t tending to brine the irl hack this , liOYAI. :,( i t mid 1'i'iilral iim inn' in Ihe ahead and he did not fill. Mixx Claude AlbrtKht, late of the of Albuquerque, ami within tho torri-- CAUL IttiSA. London I ( il.-t- i il Mnit niniiiiii(.'. The Kill is the duuKhter of ,'it'li't nnnii. ul n ,iiiiiii and thi' ul' runnhiK llremi'ii ft.ermany) opera house, was lory adjacent to said city included fot KTADT II AT UK, want tn lake the chunee . Til Ilienien, i IIIh hand wax cut ( n.xt jllld .Inxeph Tomer uf CnrraleH, she and ir Miiuii'd him. them dnw n. Air. Skinner mid hi fnr tile tille xhf HllS' school purposes, muy vote at this elec- icl'lnn li v l. fi Ai I'di ilini; In I n McCaity had been sweetheorts, hut " tlir inli'i humped i a pedestrian mi the way tamed it with pronounced success. Her tion. III'MtV XV. KAVACK, New n Int. beinine estranged. They nut Vmli in.iii X. Al. Miller, tin- anl" it vocalization wax of the order wife Women possessing qualifications "The Green Idol" tn the when the linhts uf ' hichest the AllDIIN ;U.M I th' driver w.ik w generally known to have "made, up" mnnliiK fait an. I ev ex. nnd she acted ith Ivacity and spirit." electors, may also vote. car la "ihed in htx for male A Hi in Niw VmK oiin-fn- until their departure. inr li'utiirc. muii'llHK Ihe horn. Count 'ilmtin litlbeit turned In a po The price nf admission tnr the r IX If. HOATltlfiHT. Mayor. r'. ll He olid III-- 1 William liolde, the lit lltlo n aelllUK for the KradliiR anil f t cert Thursday nlchf will be vp III last (low in. tcli. nit, wlin the ti of WCsl avenue from Sixth seata iistairx ami "a cents In the CHRISTIAN SCIENTIST - lion Henry's Delivery and Mes- llil'ee weel.N at Sail I llt'K ii. Calif rc- to Kichth Mtect ami nlsn South Sev- bale. my. School children will bo ud- - Thursday ix T,n till tie, tn Ihe I'M exlerd.iv. He enth street from Coal to Iron avenue. milted for cents. TO LECTURE FRIDAY AT sengers. Phone 939. Mutual Weekly full ..r pr. linen alniul the Sail liii'Kn i ll was referred In tho street com- - March anil sax X.-- XleslcOH hlli'd-im- ; FUfiATE CASE WILL SCHOOL AUDITORIUM 25, 1915 nml exhihit.x are the inn! talked A (leleaalicn from the Ketall Mcr- - Wo buy live poultry, all kinds, tiny nl' ul Ihe exposilioii. Mr liolde !' nssociatlon wanted a "hiKh li- -. amount. Albuquerque Creamery. I - rhantx' REACH JURY TODAY; William IL lialhvon, of I)enver, SUNDAY H::ill O'CI.Ot K l. M. Il,u. ew Met co mil fen (I il ens,, placed on tile traditiK stamp and MONDAY liien, one of thi' most prominent authorities '.eiielltx lr.'in the S'n no action ' cai'l" business. The council tooK ONE WITNESS REMAINS on Christian Science In tho west, will Pdddlfi Morses. Trimble's Tied Tlarn. W in. I ii liri'K'iits .MISS IH.'I TV at Tin: pie-i- l lull. on this mailer deliver a lecture on that subject Fri NANSKX, Hie niirlil grriitest day night at the high school audi- - nml KIIWAltO .Kl:. High School (trie wllnesx for tho defendant re- ri.r.niT klar In "A I ind lliere Wax." VIRGINIA EDUCATOR TILE TO BE USED FOR toriiim. The lecture, which will ho-- In "TIIK t Kl.MHtAl I'.ll X ANIIAI." to be placed on the in i mained stand n at x:ir o'clock, ix open to tho WRITES MONTOYA FOR Y. M. C. A. BUILDING; the I'ugate case when the district public, and a large audience will Auditorium coui I recessed lale yesterday after-nu- n doubtless, be present. nmrnlng. The case will SCHOOL INFORMATION SOON until this .Mr. Kathvnii had w ide cxperl- - I'OI'lliAll AHMISMtiN PLANS TO COME reach jury today. has "TELM0" the suiue time once as a lecturer and Is thoroughly' HKMNANTH. ,"0 In I'lipiK t ii Tli. .,l,u .!.,.. Cunts nml lillilri versed in his subject, Is a pleas- - li all-wo- ( laeeu i ' lie inatciials, $J to tl'.e fame of ll' i niihllii mints' v. Al. C. A. decided to use i, toon lit in. to t lillll nlleuinu THIS It OP diieclnix ing speaker a ploitsant as well as j Ill'V KAMI S:t 75c: Suit-Hhl- c 75c Balcony; $1 Parquet east as Vtr- - cieoige Irwin, a Knnta Fe rail- and values, yard unci up. Ml is has as fat hollow tie for the building instead uf that an instructive evening' Is in store fori CAXXIII) GOODS AXI YOV lKlnnl thir- - t lif- way conductor, bent him with a for sliirts, suits and coats. Also mnia. t!tc fust of tho ni j ,n,.t their meeting yesterday those who liear him. i . punch on u Fo ax It have on hand a few Ladles' Coats, Ticket nil Sulci hi .MiiImum'n ted! el. m Cx ami inie nf the most (,., mm iM, Common lul chili. Their Santa train left iiavi; Til i: iiiosr. lightened, ax well as the oldest, ol I ne ,,, pinion was influenced by the facts Sanilla. Irw in, w ho is In California, salesmen's samples, i It li (1 LEAGUE Am. 'll., in mi) i ea lis. Is "hnw I,,,t ,u, In j: with tile walls, will could not come, his attorney sahl. MEMBERSHIP 118 S. Fourth St. Opposite 1". ). b Su-,),- , The jury Is made UP of Simon Tur-rict- mm by a letter received oolcr in the summit, the walls . Lopez. T. Cha- INCREASING RAPIDLY I crititciiilciit Alniit.iMi l':om Mruiigcr and tho cost will he Vsldro Andres Mrs. Fan n v II. Wtnstoti, ol ll.innvci, less. Tiny plan t. spend $ti..,(till In vez, Manuel Otero, M. (!aicii, Ven- TAXI CENTS - 25 a financial oirni- - tura Jojula, I'cdro Klwell, Manuel Xa, member of 'he i cast i net inn, b iivln rt.iHitt for fui'n- The Hatter-nie- I lloV v. (Jrcgorio 1)( mas, Higlnio committee of the Civic In any .att of the city lllltle,' I'll bllihllllg III' I.I I'!' eollllt li hingx. Farcin, league Moltto.a, W. W'. which Is making a cam- 1 , I.I l. In her letter All". Winston explains Secretary W. II. I'aV expe. ts the stioiig and Scratino til TO M - paign for new members Is meeting; 'i. r i .in iit inie tune n isl- by (Jarcia. l'lu 771. Ilf.- - hlcnce I NO I. urking iliinx from tho architects with gratifying success, and quite u lor :n New Xlevi.o, spcmllug several week, con- John Seth and F. S. Fursni in, sued ! the end of this I'idx from I OI 10 1 11! 11 a v Vii'Mlxlill i.,,olii ll ho "Ullioei llilincs lu'lf lidded , u, .ml ix n A '.hi m in '. iiui that she will be f i cmveliu.l NOTICE tractors called wii.ii - allot oster yesterday. The response to the i k Virginia hluhly com- to Judgment being entered against cai icl I.e. to ward The contracts are to tie award- appeal for support by the business i. the superior them fnr $7 a, the amount Ihe boy ne nuts "of ed one at a lime, so tile contract for men of the city has lieen very gen- We have just received a solid car. of famous, original II I I Kl AH I, f.H.,1, il lloll- - and asked for. Ho charged 'hein with ir i, h (lur'l M Ic ot s. ho for coiinli tile first pari of the const! u. lion eral, and the fullest expectations U Itir "I eil" kbnt. moot, tiv i t In running into him with a nnu. ivyoio. of itm mr lnnii schools that nie onstrin "d probably will it be let tho iiiil uf ' in until Ihe leudcts of the movement are be- iiiir nimti. t S Air. Jutlgo Itaynoldx granted nu exten- A nu al e i.' oMis AI"Ht"a i'. Ileiirly completed. ing .( let Iim, I, ml lint riinurr ileslglis. litlne' sion of Judgment to to the realized. :t (or ,.n paiu.lilcb of The i decided to bring Fred frrliril hi lex,n fur ifiiId. din tots Feiiian-ile- z Among the recruits added to In- e it bio lo turnis'i 1IH4 taxes in the case of he the mailer Ihat tun D. Smith, oiisl.xtant t.i the president of league yesterday were former Mayor MANITOU MINERAL WATER and : I'l company against i h l inter mat ion Johns-Alanvill- e the ctni.ti CKIMSI JAW'S r it will liHe ni the Manufacturing K. V.. Sellers and State Senator to the a t ttalill.i co'inty - l. 'iiii'II llrar It ill CrlllmllHH'll." rca.ii.l j i. tup, i Ul' of New- York and other Isaac Hat'tli. Colonel Sellers atnteil Mill". Is places, hole to speak at a business that his experience mayor CHAMPAGNE . as had GINGER ALE pin-- I .Mis. j Mr. AI.'iitoa has i. I" nicn'si hamitiet tn bo given under the ROAD DRAGGING GOING shown him the need of such an or. luiiii.hing with all data j int. hi. her ot the Mi l chants' ganization j . atispnes Uiiail and Unit he was heartily i i Iiui; the schools his hi ii. ml legal Spiil CI. A committie wan ON IN SEVEN COUNTIES in sympathy w ith Us objects, Senator LET US SEND A MAN I lli'n coiinlc. appointed to select the place. All Harth also sec tned to be Impressed ' in all sizes. Will be served and sold in all first class To Kcplace XVln.l.nv 'smith Is a V. Al. C A stcrclary. lie w ith the good to bo' by That lirokcn Col accomplished l.lll-- x will an he here the night of April :i l. K K Sellers learned the league, lor as soon as ho had CALL 23 all way 1 nun cafes, bars, drug and grocery stores and soda fountains Al IH VI I ICil I I I Mill It from Seattle. Wash., and leave the that counties the paid his dollar and received one of s:.-- A Colfax responding to t I AT TWl l I T4. following afternoon Chicago. His to Socorro arc the little accompany- HtHI'AXV lor suggestion drag reference cards throughout the city country. I'lmiie V. I'lrxl Hay and Night subject will be "The Uusincss Man'h jthe that they their ing his receipt he dispatched mes- and j Is being done in a A. II. II AC . i;ru." loads. This work senger with the card and made his j Mora, Santa Fc. Valencia. Socorro, friend Judge Mann a present it. San Miguel and Colfax, he said. of For further information, literature or sample, phone 154. REPUBLICANS SPLIT IN NOTICE. Chairman John Heaven of the Can You Do IJilter? county road board has made Cough a Pay now SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. Chamberlain's Itemedy is ji'ur IMi TX iirrangemenis fur ino eariy tiegiiiiuug medicine with an established reputa- One trial order is convincing that it is in a class of its court costs added. Send chock or SPRINGER of dragging tho road' south from tion bit and that is widely esteemed for iNjr lMiar.1 at , here to tho Valencia county line. Ha clerk of nf cilie ion. II. S. Tw o sel.x of I ep 11 I'll, a n .null. lilies excellence. Can you do better than own. - t to keep it in your 1 liiilMliiK, corner Central nml I'.roail- SAND AND GRAVEL ni ill tile ic Id In liistiii't No. a for home? Mrs. It. FOR Ih,- si hool directors election. They Indies! Now is the time to Colorite Filler, Vatidergrift, Ta., says of it, "I were noinlnal.'.l al two meetings held your straw hat. tiet It at Otwell always keep Chamberlain's Cough last night. One ticket is made up of Orug Co., W. Central avenue. itemeny in the house and I consider it ( I llaniioil. Joxe Antonio Chavex unequalod for children or adults. Ii Bachcchi Mercantile Co. l. buy kinds, any Ic Gallop Lamp Callun Move mid Juan Saiichei'., The othoV enn-slst- s We live poultry, all Rave to my son lioyd for croup audi of Sanchez, Canfilo amount. Allnquorqtio Cff.imory. whoooing cough and have used It mv-- 1 CVrrlllo Lump HAHWCOALCO Orrillo 8to Ambroxio LOCAL DISTRIBUTORS nioxK t. tbtrcia nml J. J. (loiiKnles self for bronchitis. The results have1 B. VU IJAIS always neen highly pleasing." Fo -- by all ANilJILMTTI'; AIL SI.FS, hi 1 AM I'OAL Alfalfa, Grain and Seeds. ' lvnttut il' Mle dealer. j Roomi 1 and 3. Whiting Bvilldloc. Corner First and Tijeras Avenue WikmI, .'(hmI. Ctnl Wood, Klmllluf, IJm. We tmy live 1 Ciike, Mill Fx'tnrir Ntle The Co., Corner ,$eeoncl and Go!d. poultry, Wluils, any Bittner Phone 9. amount. Albuquerque Creamery,