March 2021

FEATURE : Trends Leading up to the UN Biodiversity Conference (COP15) CURRENT TOPICS : · Requests Listing on Appendix III of CITES · Measures to Prevent the Spread of Red Imported Fire Ant (RIFA) · Ten Years After the Great East Japan Earthquake ·Initiatives to Promote ESG Finance · Global Environmental Action (GEA) International Conference 2020 VOICE OF MOE FAMILY IN THE WORLD NATIONAL PARKS OF JAPAN : Fuji--Izu National Park

Mt. Fuji FEATURE Trends Leading up to the UN Biodiversity Conference (COP15) The 2050 Biodiversity Vision for "Living in Harmony with Nature"

the targets, the report points out that national targets set by each country were “generally poorly aligned with the Aichi Biodiversity Targets, in terms of scope and the level of ambition.”

2 Global Status of Biodiversity The Global Assessment Report released in May 2019 by the Intergovernmental Science- Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) identified direct and indirect drivers of change in nature, shown in the box below. It then pointed out that while targets for nature conservation and sustainable use cannot be achieved at the current rate, these goals can be Participants of the Regional Consultation Workshop on the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework for Asia and the Pacific, January 28-31 2019, in Nagoya, Aichi Prefecture, Japan achieved through cross-cutting social change (transformative change) in The next global targets for biodiversity plan consists of the 2050 Biodiversity our economies, societies, politics, are now under consideration. The current Vision, aimed at “Living in Harmony science and technology. Aichi Targets were decided upon at CBD- with Nature,” the Mission to “take COP10 held in Japan in 2010. Japan effective and urgent action to halt the (Direct drivers) is contributing in various ways to the loss of biodiversity” by 2020, and the 1 Land/sea use change determination of the next targets, which Aichi Targets, which indicate concrete 2 Direct exploitation of will take place at COP15 to be held in actions for each of the 20 targets. The organisms China in 2021. Aichi Targets include a variety of 3 Climate change goals, including conservation goals 4 Pollution 1 The Aichi Targets and to designate 17% of terrestrial areas 5 Invasive alien species Status of Achievement and 10% of marine areas as protected (Examples of indirect drivers) At the tenth meeting of the areas, goals for the sustainable use 1 Production and consumption Conference of the Parties to the of biodiversity, and goals for the patterns Convention on Biological Diversity scientific infrastructure and funding 2 Human population dynamics (CBD-COP10) held in Japan in needed for biodiversity. The fifth and trends Nagoya, Aichi Prefecture, in October edition of the Global Biodiversity 3 Trade 2010, global biodiversity targets Outlook (GBO5) released by the 4 Technological innovations were agreed upon. These targets, CBD Secretariat in September 2020, 5 Local through global which were intended as a global judged that while considerable governance framework for all sections of society, progress has been made, none of the Drivers of change in nature are officially a part of the Strategic targets have been fully achieved. As Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020. This to reasons for this failure to achieve

2 JEQ JAPAN Environment Quarterly | Vol.27 FEATURE

In addition, the Global Risks Report 2020, released in January of 2020, ranks “biodiversity loss” as the fourth most likely risk and the third most impacting risk. Among ecosystem services, the report points Necessary Efforts to Restore out impacts on economic activities Biodiversity due to the decline in supply of services, the destabilization of society due to the decline in regulating and supporting services, and the loss of various future potential benefits that humans receive from biodiversity. Further, the aforementioned GBO5 states that we need to break Global Biodiversity Outlook 5 away from “business as usual” and (Secretariat of the Convention enact transformative changes, and on Biological Diversity, 2020) that we must respond in a coordinated manner rather than individually. It points out the possibility of realizing are underway on enhancing Kumamoto Prefecture, aimed a net gain in biodiversity after 2030 consideration of biodiversity in at contributing to the post-2020 by halting biodiversity decline and socioeconomic activities, based on framework based on the experiences shifting to increasing it. It also the idea that actions taken in the field of the Satoyama Initiative. Likewise, indicates eight transition areas to of nature conservation alone will not Japan has actively contributed to the achieve the 2050 Vision, focusing on solve problems of biodiversity loss, as deliberation process by providing agriculture, forestry, and fisheries, pointed out in the IPBES report and financial support for the preparation including climate change response GBO5. For example, deliberations of GBO5. and the One Health approach. include perspectives on reducing Japan has also contributed to burdens on biodiversity in supply discussions by voicing constructive 3 Status of Deliberations chains and promoting sustainable opinions to ensure that the ambition on a Post-2020 Global consumption activities. Efforts are level of the new targets does not Biodiversity Framework also underway to set quantitative regress from the Aichi Targets, and An Asia-Pacific regional targets and to advance discussions that they are easy to understand so workshop held in Nagoya, Aichi on more effective assessment and that a larger diversity of actors can Prefecture, Japan, in January 2019 reporting of each signatory country’s participate in the implementation got the ball rolling on deliberations state of implementation towards of the new framework, considering on a post-2020 global biodiversity achieving the post-2020 framework. that it must include socioeconomic framework. Subsequently, meetings Global targets set for elements. In addition, discussions in each region, meetings on biodiversity have to date included are being held with the Japan specialized topics such as protected the 2010 Biodiversity Target and the Business Federation on how areas and ecosystem restoration, Aichi Targets, but in both cases we Japanese companies can contribute to and meetings of subsidiary bodies have failed to achieve our targets. In achieving the new framework through to discuss the post-2020 framework light of this situation, the setting of their technologies. Japan intends progressed smoothly up to February both ambitious, realistic and effective to continue to make contributions 2020. However, the deliberation targets is required. to ensure that the new framework process has been significantly delayed can create a virtuous cycle between due to the impact of COVID-19, and 4 Japan’s Contribution biodiversity and the economy. COP15, which was scheduled for As previously mentioned, the October 2020 in Kunming, China, deliberation process on a post-2020 was postponed to 2021. Meetings global biodiversity framework began of subsidiary bodies have also been with an Asia-Pacific regional meeting NAKAZAWA Keiichi, Ph.D. postponed or held online. Within held in Nagoya in January 2019. In Director deliberations on a post-2020 global September of the same year, an expert Biodiversity Strategy Office Nature Conservation Bureau biodiversity framework, discussions workshop was held in Kumamoto,

JEQ JAPAN Environment Quarterly | Vol.27 3 ◀ CURRENT TOPICS 1 ▶

Japan Requests Listing on Appendix III of CITES

In November 2020, for the first time, trade control measures to be taken, Japan of these seven species have Japan submitted the request to the and implementation of regulations been regulated under the Act on Secretariat of the Convention on on international trade by importing Conservation of Endangered Species International Trade in Endangered Species and exporting countries. As of of Wild Fauna and Flora, but to date of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) to list six February 2021, 182 countries and there have been no regulations on gecko species of the genus Goniurosaurus the EU are parties to the convention. international trade between third and one newt species of the genus While proposals by member states countries. Following inclusion Echinotriton, which are endemic to on Appendices I and II should be on Appendix III, confirmation of the Amami and Okinawa Islands, on adopted by the Conference of the country of origin will be required for Appendix III of CITES. Inclusion on the Parties, which meets every few years, international trade, making it difficult Appendix regulates international trade requests on Appendix III can be for specimens smuggled from Japan by only allowing trade of listed species made at any time and by any Party to flow into international markets, upon presentation of certificates of origin, unilaterally after satisfying conditions helping to prevent illegal capture in critical in preventing inducement of for the species’ protection under Japan and smuggling out of Japan. illegal capture in Japan and smuggling its national legislation. This recent Inclusion in the Appendix took out of Japan. request for inclusion on Appendix effect on February 14, 2021. III was made to call other parties for prompt cooperation in regulating the Towards Effective Conservation trade of national endangered species of our National Endangered believed to be affected by trade. Species Measures to protect endangered Request for International plant and animal species include Cooperation in the habitat conservation and various Conservation of National other approaches depending on the Endangered Species situation of the species. With regards The species requested for to species for which capture and Goniurosaurus kuroiwae inclusion are endemic to Japan collection due to demand for trade and are endangered species whose are the main reasons of reduction in habitat is limited to the forests of the population, the Government of Japan islands of Okinawa and Kagoshima will continue to make appropriate prefectures. In addition to threats to implementation of CITES and other the survival of these species posed by international frameworks to ensure invasive alien species, these exotic biodiversity in Japan, and will and eye-catching species of geckos actively contribute to discussions and newts are in high demand as pets, on the appropriate enforcement of with confirmed cases of their sale CITES as a Party to the Convention.

Echinotriton andersoni in overseas markets pointing to the potential threat of capture for sale. What is CITES? On the Amami and Okinawa CITES is an international Islands, rich in biodiversity and home KASAHARA Aya agreement between governments to numerous endemic species, local Deputy Director to prevent species extinction due to stakeholders have been working Wildlife Division excessive international trade through together to implement measures to Nature Conservation Bureau listing of endangered wild plant and prevent poaching of rare species and NAKANISHI Chihiro animal species in need of protection Section Chief domestic illegal trade. The capture, Wildlife Division on Appendices (I-III) according to the domestic trade, and export from Nature Conservation Bureau

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Measures to Prevent the Spread of Red Imported Fire Ant (RIFA) Response to the unintentional import of invasive alien species

Red Imported Fire Ant (RIFA or Solenopsis State of response to RIFA invicta) were first observed in Japan in Of the 64 incidences of RIFA 2017, and as of the end of December in Japan to date, the majority were 2020, there have been 64 instances in 16 observed in marine containers or on prefectures. The government, as a whole, the ground at ports where containers considers this to be a priority issue and had been unloaded. It has been will continue its efforts to prevent RIFA observed on multiple occasions at from spreading in Japan. ports that handle large volumes of imported containers, such as the ports The impacts of RIFA and of , Yokohama, Nagoya and response policy Osaka, revealing a definite correlation The spread of RIFA, on the between distribution volume and IUCN’s (International Union for RIFA infiltration risk. Conservation of Nature) “100 of the In places where RIFA is observed, World’s Worst Invasive Alien Species” the Ministry of the Environment list, has been reported in nearby (MOE) works together with relevant Chatbot countries including Australia, Taiwan local governments, port authorities and Dealing with the unintentional and China since 2000s. In 2005, businesses to effectively exterminate infiltration of invasive alien Japan designated RIFA an invasive and monitor the situation following species alien species based on the Invasive extermination. Likewise, periodic From the perspective of Alien Species Act and has since precautionary surveys are carried out stopping infiltration at the source, maintained guard against its import. at 65 ports and 31 airports around the discussions with experts are taking In the United States, in addition to country in cooperation with facilities place on simple methods of cleaning having caused many deaths in the administrators of the Ministry of containers. A constituent of wasabi past, RIFA is also known to cause a Land, Infrastructure and Transport and and some household disinfectants wide range of harmful impacts such Tourism. Moreover, MOE has provided are known to have a certain degree as disruption to daily life when they guidelines on response methods to of effectiveness. In this globalizing colonize nearby habitats, damages local governments, and holds training world, there is an increasing risk of to crops and livestock on farms, and sessions every year. Additionally, MOE unintentional imports of invasive damage to infrastructure, with annual has created a pamphlet, a website and alien species, and there are limits to damages reportedly ranging as high as an automated answering service using responses by individual countries. five billion USD. Accordingly, since a chatbot to promote understanding on Japan sees this issue as important in RIFA was first observed in Japan in the impacts of RIFA among the general the Post-2020 Framework, and would 2017, it has been considered a priority public. English versions of these like to seek increasing international issue for the government as a whole materials have been published. cooperation. and has been the subject of ministerial These measures at ports and Information on Red Imported Fire Ant meetings and expert councils, with airports have been effective, and at https://www.env.go.jp/nature/intro/2outline/ attention/02_general/index_en.html protection measures put in place at present no cases of proliferation in ports and airports. residential areas away from port areas FUKAYA Yukio have been confirmed, indicating that Assistant Director the domestic spread of RIFA has been Office for Alien Species Management Nature Conservation Bureau prevented.

JEQ JAPAN Environment Quarterly | Vol.27 5 ◀ CURRENT TOPICS 3 ▶

Ten Years After the Great East Japan Earthquake Environmental Remediation and Regeneration Initiatives in Affected Areas

March 11, 2021 marks the 10th anniversary of the Great East Japan Earthquake. The Ministry of the Environment (MOE) has been advancing environmental restoration efforts to quickly reduce the impacts of the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station of Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings (TEPCO), including decontamination, interim storage and treatment of contaminated waste.

Environmental Regeneration Minister KOIZUMI with members of “Okuma-Futaba Environmental Town Planning Meeting” Initiatives Decontamination is the process materials, bringing about the need key to its final disposal outside the of removing radioactive materials for the facility to provide safe and prefecture. MOE is working on the from residential areas in order intensive management and storage of development of technologies for to reduce radiation exposure. A these soils during the period before volume reduction treatment and decontamination process has been their final disposal. MOE has built an recycling of soil. In a demonstration carried out following formulated Interim Storage Facility surrounding project on recycling in the Nagadoro plans in 100 cities, towns, and the TEPCO’s Fukushima Daiichi Borough of Iitate Village, farmland villages in eight prefectures, with all Nuclear Power Station (NPS) and has has been created and test cultivation the decontamination completed by been transporting and storing soils of crops is ongoing. Measurements of March 2018. As a result, the air dose there. In terms of land acquisition, radioactivity levels of crops grown on rate has been significantly reduced contracts have been signed for more a trial basis this year ranged from 0.1 compared to the early days of the than 70% of the total 1,600 hectares. to 2.3 Bq/kg, a figure well below the decontamination efforts. Moreover, Also among the approximately 14 standard for general foods (100 Bq/ as decontamination progresses, million cubic meters, roughly 10 kg). most evacuation orders have been million cubic meters have been lifted. At present, decontamination transported (as of December 2020). and demolition of houses and The transportation process to this other buildings are underway Interim Storage Facility is expected in areas designated as Specified to be completed by March 2022 Reconstruction and Revitalization (except for the soils generated from Bases (SRRB) within the Difficult-to- Difficult-to-Return Zone). Return zone, aiming for evacuation Soils stored at the Interim orders to be lifted sometime between Storage Facility must undergo final spring of 2022 and spring of 2023. disposal outside of Fukushima Volume Reduction and Recycle of Nagadoro Borough, Iitate Village In Fukushima Prefecture, Prefecture within 30 years of decontamination has generated commencement of storage (by The accident at TEPCO’s a large amount of soil and waste 2045). Reducing the volume of the Fukushima Daiichi NPS has also contaminated by radioactive massive amount of stored soils is generated a large amount of waste

6 JEQ JAPAN Environment Quarterly | Vol.27 contaminated by radioactive materials. In the Countermeasure Area, which covers 11 cities, towns, and villages in Fukushima Prefecture, the government is moving forward on the disposal of disaster waste. The volume that has been transported in Temporary Storage Sites has reached approximately 2.93 million tons (as of the end of December 2020). Waste contaminated by radioactive materials exceeding a threshold of concentration (8,000 Bq/kg) has been Aerial view of the Interim Storage Facility designated by MOE, and efforts are being made to dispose of this waste both inside and outside of Fukushima Prefecture according to actual situations faced in each prefecture.

Fukushima Regeneration/ Future-Oriented Project In addition to environmental restoration initiatives, a cooperation agreement with Fukushima Prefecture has been signed on the promotion of future-oriented environmental measures for the reconstruction of Fukushima, in preparation for the next stage of the reconstruction. Efforts are being continued in the reconstruction of disaster-affected areas from an environmental perspective. As part of this project, Air dose rates of Fukushima and major cities of the world an “Environmental Town Planning Meeting” was held with Okuma and Futaba Towns. Discussions on community building were held with young people who have connections to both towns, with “environment” and “sustainability” as keywords. Currently, radiation levels in Fukushima Prefecture have dropped significantly over time since the accident at TEPCO’s Fukushima Daiichi NPS, reaching levels that are no different from major cities in Japan and overseas. MOE will continue to work towards the Air dose rates measured at the height of 1m above the ground / recovery of areas affected by the Transition according to land categories Great East Japan Earthquake. Environmental Remediation KAWAGUCHI Takashi http://josen.env.go.jp/en/ Deputy Director Environmental Regeneration and Material Cycles Bureau

JEQ JAPAN Environment Quarterly | Vol.27 7 ◀ CURRENT TOPICS 4 ▶

Initiatives to Promote ESG Finance

ESG (environmental, social, and positively. Deliberations on this issue governance) Finance, which is closely are underway in the Positive Impact related to changes in social structures, Finance Task Force mentioned below. continues to expand worldwide. In recent years in Japan, institutional investors, Toward the development of financial institutions, and private ESG Finance companies are advancing initiatives to To further develop ESG spread decarbonization in corporate Finance, it is essential to share good management and encourage information ESG Finance High-Level Panel examples of ESG Finance initiatives disclosure. This section introduces and maintain ongoing discussions the promotion of ESG Finance with a Regional financial institutions, among the various actors involved. particular focus on E (environment). such as regional banks and credit MOE will continue the ESG Finance unions, supply funds to small and Awards Japan, the first ministerial Promotion of dialogue on the medium-sized enterprises. Thus, ESG award in this field, and will commitment by the finance initiatives taken by these institutions periodically convene the ESG Finance sector to ESG, and ESG have become important. In FY2019, High-Level Panel, a gathering of top information disclosure MOE conducted a project to establish executives in the finance industry, as While ESG investment has a process to assess business feasibility a forum for raising awareness and been expanding faster in Japan than and to take into account ESG action on ESG Finance. We will share in major European countries and the factors by forming green projects and follow up on the latest initiatives United States, signing the Principles geared to regional characteristics. in ESG Finance and disseminate this for Responsible Investment (PRI), As a summary of this project, MOE information both domestically and an international ESG investment developed and updated the “ESG internationally. At the third meeting initiative, and the Principles for Regional Finance Practical Guide”. of the ESG Finance High-Level Panel Responsible Banking (PRB) requires held in October 2020, the Positive setting targets for investment and Expansion of investment and Impact Finance Task Force and the lending policies, and assessing the loans targeting positive impacts ESG Regional Finance Task Force, status of initiatives based on global To achieve the goals of the established under the Panel, reported standards. As the related workload Paris Agreement, private funds on the “Basic Concept of Impact and coordination costs have become must be shifted to decarbonization Finance” and the compilation of a bottlenecks, in FY2020, the Ministry projects. Thus to expand the green “Common Vision” outline for the of the Environment (MOE) has bond market, MOE will continue expansion of ESG Regional Finance. provided support to encourage to subsidize the costs of external Both task forces continue to work on the signing of these frameworks. reviews and support for framework the compilation of the “Green Impact With regard to the promotion of development, which arise in addition Assessment Guide” (tentative title) information disclosures, MOE to the standard price of bond issuance. and the text of the “Common Vision,” continues to improve “the Practical The “Green Bond Guidelines “was with plans to present the final report guide for Scenario Analysis in line revised at the end of FY2019, and to the Panel’s next meeting. with TCFD recommendations,” and the “Green Loan and Sustainability- MOE will continue to promote has supported scenario analyses Linked Loan Guidelines” were various initiatives to realize the goal targeting financial institutions. formulated to enhance the framework of becoming a leading nation in ESG of the green finance market in light of finance. Implementing ESG Regional global trends. In ESG Finance, it is Finance to support solutions to essential that the environmental and regional issues social benefits of investments and With Japan’s wide range of loans are measured and maximized. It MATSUDA Sachiko Section Chief industries, its financial structure is is necessary to develop concepts and Environment and Economy Division based mainly on indirect financing. evaluation methods to impact them Minister’s Secretariat

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Global Environmental Action (GEA) International Conference 2020

The Global Environmental Action (GEA) Majesties the Emperor and Empress, International Conference 2020 was GEA Chairman TAKESHITA held on December 14-15, 2020, where Wataru delivered the opening discussions took place with the title speech, followed by an address by “Integration of the Environment and His Majesty the Emperor of Japan, Economy: Towards a Virtuous Cycle of a guest speech by Prime Minister Environment and Growth.” SUGA, a video message by UNEP Executive Director Inger Andersen, Global Environmental Action (GEA) and a commemorative speech by Opening Speech by Mr. TAKESHITA, Chairman of GEA The GEA is an NGO Asahi Kasei Honorary Fellow, founded by former Prime Minister YOSHINO Akira (2019 Nobel Session 4: Promotion of Circular TAKESHITA Noboru, with members Laureate in Chemistry). Economy and Countermeasures for including influential figures, non- Marine Plastic Litter partisan Diet members, the business Over the two-day event, the Policy development based on community, and academic societies, following discussions took place. the circular economy concept in who were instrumental in organizing Session 1: Implementing the SDGs Japan and overseas, solutions for the International Eminent Persons’ and the Paris Agreement and marine plastics, and the importance Meeting on Financing Global Moving towards the Post-2020 of international collaboration were Environment prior to the 1992 UN Global Biodiversity Framework discussed. Conference on Environment and The need for redesigning Session 5: Strategic Initiatives for Development. socio-economic systems, including Achieving SDGs The GEA holds international decarbonization, strong green Methods of localizing the SDGs conferences inviting domestic and stimulus, and the expansion of and the roles of stakeholders such as foreign companies, international synergies among the SDGs, climate local governments, businesses and organizations, researchers, goals, and biodiversity targets, in the the financial sector were discussed. governments, and leaders from context of the recovery process from various fields to participate. The 14th the global COVID-19 pandemic, was To prevent the spread of conference was held on December discussed. COVID-19, this conference was 14-15, 2020, rescheduled from the Session 2: Innovations for held under considerable constraints original dates in March 2020 due Renewable Energy Diffusion such as the limited number of to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Discussions were held on the participants and the first attempt of Ministry of the Environment co- importance of systemic innovations online participation from overseas. organized the conference with the to expand the utilization of renewable Nevertheless, intense discussions Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the energy, as well as on other issues took place at the venue provided Ministry of Education, Culture, above and beyond the topic such as opportunities to deepen understanding Sports, Science and Technology, the CO2 capture, utilization and storage on a virtuous cycle of environment Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry (CCUS). and growth towards which to strive. and Fisheries, the Ministry of Land, Session 3: Climate Change Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, Adaptation and Water and the Ministry of Economy, Trade The need for scientific and Industry. knowledge and predictions on Global Environmental Action (GEA) http://www.gea.or.jp/en/index.html climate risks, promotion of effective and climate-conscious disaster GEA International Conference AMAKO Naoki 2020 management, and international Deputy Director At the opening ceremony, cooperation were discussed. International Strategy Division Global Environment Bureau which was attended by Their

JEQ JAPAN Environment Quarterly | Vol.27 9 VOICE OF MOE FAMILY IN THE WORLD

Battle for Blue Skies In January 2013, severe air pollution affected an area of 1.4 million km2 in the centre of Beijing, China. Since then, air pollution countermeasures have been implemented. As a result, the

concentration of SO2 in the air has significantly dropped in recent

years, and although NOx and PM2.5 levels were also reduced, O3 levels have yet to be effectively controlled. Project for Environment Friendly Society Building Sino-Japan Friendship Centre for Environmental Protection, an affiliated organization of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment of the People’s Republic of China, established with grant assistance from Japan, has been

Analysis by MALDI-TOFMS implementing a Japan International Cooperation Agency

Pacific Climate Change Centre Climate change is the single greatest threat facing the Pacific. Leaders have committed to promoting national and regional initiatives and have called for urgent and ambitious actions by the international community. To respond to these commitments, the Pacific Climate Change Centre (PCCC) started its operation in 2019. The Government of Japan supports its construction and capacity building program at the PCCC. Projection of climate change in the South Pacific suggests continuing sea level rise and increasing intensity of tropical cyclones. Last year Category 5 tropical cyclone Harold passed through and made landfall in four Pacific counties amid the COVID-19 pandemic, The PCCC located next to SPREP. Solar panels on the PCCC provide 20% of its electrical needs. and caused huge livelihood and economic losses.

From Japan to the World, From the World to Japan March 2021 marked ten years since the Great East Japan Earthquake. Although many issues remain in work on off-site decontamination, significant achievements have been made, including the completion of full-scale decontamination other than the Difficult-to-Return Zones. Sharing Japan’s experience with the world Japan’s decontamination work is unlike anything the world has seen before, making it essential to share the experiences and lessons learned with other countries worldwide. In July 2019, I became the first employee of the Ministry of the Environment (MOE) to be seconded to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and am currently in charge Vienna International Centre, home to the IAEA of reflecting practices gained from decontamination projects

10 JEQ JAPAN Environment Quarterly | Vol.27 (JICA) technical cooperation project since 1992, which Analysis and Measurement, Tsinghua University, and entered its final phase (Phase 5) in April 2016. This final Japanese experts for elucidation of the components phase involves the “Project for Environment Friendly organic carbon (OC) in PM2.5. We are analyzing samples Society Building” (scheduled for completion at the end of of air pollutants collected by Tsinghua University using a 2021). mass spectrometer (MALDI-TOFMS) provided by JICA. Currently, the “Battle for Blue Skies” is underway Some of the research results have already been published in China to prevent and control air pollution to regain as papers, and further research is expected to clarify blue skies. In one of the sub-projects on air pollution sources and generation mechanisms of PM2.5. control, we have acquired methods for analysis of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and formulating VOCs emissions inventories, and published a textbook that SOMENO Kenji introduces Japan’s experience. Chief Advisor JICA “Project for Environment Friendly Society Building” In addition, a joint research system was established Sino-Japan Friendship Centre for Environmental Protection between the National Research Center for Environmental

The PCCC is expected to play an important role in increase training opportunities for practitioners in the region. enhancing resilience and low-carbon development in Pacific Partnership is key to the successful implementation of Island Countries and Territories (PICTs). Through its four activities of the PCCC. Collaboration among a broad range of functions, which are knowledge brokerage, applied research, partners, including countries and territories, as well as regional training and learning, and innovation, the PCCC will support and international organizations, NGOs and the private sector, regional efforts to tackle climate change. should bring about innovative and tangible activities and Although the COVID-19 pandemic has prevented outcomes to address climate change and enhance resilience. partners and stakeholders from traveling and meeting in person, Reference URL activities have continued by changing ways of executing Pacific Climate Change Centre | Pacific Environment (sprep.org) Kainaki II Declaration for Urgent Climate Action Now – Forum Sec initiatives and delivering services. The regional training programs to strengthen the resilience of the Pacific region, implemented with the Japan International Cooperation Agency OGAWA Masako JICA Expert (Chief Advisor), (JICA) from July 2019, have shifted to a virtual platform. An The Project for Capacity Building on Climate Resilience in the Pacific e-learning platform is under development and is expected to

onto IAEA Safety Standards and compiling the results of generation of Japanese primary school-aged children and discussions between MOE and IAEA. younger have little or no personal experience with the Sharing the world’s experiences with Japan disaster. Even as reconstruction in affected areas moves There are many cases worldwide of radioactive forward, the importance of passing on these experiences contamination other than nuclear power plant accidents, and lessons to future generations only increases with such as those caused by nuclear testing, as well as time. I believe that cooperation between IAEA and MOE contamination caused by natural radioactive materials will become more critical. contained in the by-products of mining of mineral IAEA URL https://www.iaea.org resources. One of my assignment’s primary objectives is to share many of these experiences with Japan and use MORI Yoshitomo, Dr. Eng. them to address the issues. Radiation Safety Specialist Sharing with future generations Assessment & Management of Environmental Releases Unit Department of Nuclear Safety & Security As ten years have passed since the Fukushima International Atomic Energy Agency Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident, the current

JEQ JAPAN Environment Quarterly | Vol.27 11 NATIONAL PARKS OF JAPAN

Fuji-Hakone-Izu Fuji-Hakone-Izu National Park National Park A Formidable Volcanic Mountain Range Connecting the Islands of the Pacific to the Spectacular Mt. Fuji

The Fuji-Hakone-Izu National Park offers volcanic natural landscapes and an array of diverse scenery forged by human culture. The park is composed of four distinctive areas: the Mt. Fuji Area, the Hakone Area, the Area, and the Izu Islands Area.

Overview of Fuji-Hakone-Izu National Park Honshu. The area was designated a UNESCO Global The Fuji-Hakone-Izu National Park stands as a Geopark in 2018 for its highly-varied coastline, gently- symbol of the volcanic country that Japan is, featuring sloping Amagi Mountain Range, and other geological Mt. Fuji at its northern end, and a variety of volcanic features. The Izu Islands Area is an archipelago landforms such as hot springs, ever-changing coastlines, stretching southward into the Pacifi c Ocean for about and islands. The park is divided into four areas, including 120 to 290 kilometers from Tokyo. Each island has the Mt. Fuji Area, with lakes and plateaus surrounding its own unique natural scenery, including an array of the iconic peak, and the Hakone Area, once home to a volcanic landforms made of both old and new lava, post town on the Tokaido Road that has long prospered beautiful contrasts of different shades of sand and blue as a hot spring spa. Also, the Izu Peninsula Area offers sea, and unique fl ora and fauna nurtured by volcanoes the Amagi Mountain Range, a highly-varied coastline eruptions and the warm Kuroshio Current. and hot springs, and the Izu Islands Area encompasses the park’s many islands, including the volcanically active islands of Oshima and Miyakejima. Spectacular views of Mt. Fuji available throughout the park, as well as its proximity to the Tokyo metropolitan area, have made it the most visited national park in Japan.

The Four Areas of the Park In the Mt. Fuji Area, visitors can see a typical vertical distribution of vegetation varying with the Shiraito Falls altitude and the effects of lava. Flows of lava from Mt. Fuji created a rich variety of natural formations at its skirts, including the Fuji Five Lakes, the vast Aokigahara Forest, wind and ice caves, and lava tree molds. Mt. Fuji was registered as a World Cultural Heritage site in 2013 in recognition of its value as a place of worship and a source of art. The Hakone Area has had visitors coming and going since ancient times as a post town on the old Tokaido Road. The area, which boasts Mr. Fuji from the view point at the top of Mt. Mihara superior sceneries and abundant hot springs, including on Oshima Island Lake Ashi, the Wetland, and Owakudani, Fuji-Hakone-Izu National Park https://www.env.go.jp/en/nature/nps/park/fujihakone/index.html where fumarole phenomena can be seen and smelt, has welcomed many visitors from overseas in recent years. CHIBA Yasuto The Izu landmass became a peninsula when islands and Director submarine volcanoes of the Southern Ocean moved Kanto Regional Environment Offi ce Fuji-Hakone-Izu National Park Offi ce northward on the Philippine Sea Plate and collided with

Japan Environment Quarterly Vol.27 March 2021 web http://www.env.go.jp/en/ e-mail [email protected]

© 2021 Ministry of the Environment Editorial Assistance: Institute for Global Environmental Strategies