HOUSING FINANCE POLICY CENTER HOUSING FINANCE AT A GLANCE A MONTHLY CHARTBOOK April 2020 1 ABOUT THE CHARTBOOK HOUSING FINANCE POLICY CENTER STAFF The Housing Finance Policy Center’s (HFPC) mission is to Laurie Goodman produce analyses and ideas that promote sound public Center Vice President policy, efficient markets, and access to economic Alanna McCargo opportunity in the area of housing finance. At A Glance, a Center Vice President monthly chartbook and data source for policymakers, academics, journalists, and others interested in the Jim Parrott government’s role in mortgage markets, is at the heart of Nonresident Fellow this mission. Jun Zhu Nonresident Fellow We welcome feedback from our readers on how we can make At A Glance a more useful publication. Please email Sheryl Pardo any comments or questions to
[email protected]. Associate Director of Communications Karan Kaul To receive regular updates from the Housing Finance Senior Research Associate Policy Center, please visit here to sign up for our bi-weekly newsletter. Michael Neal Senior Research Associate Jung Choi Research Associate Sarah Strochak Research Analyst John Walsh Research Assistant Caitlin Young Research Assistant Alison Rincon Director, Center Operations CONTENTS Overview Market Size Overview Value of the US Residential Housing Market 6 Size of the US Residential Mortgage Market 6 Private Label Securities 7 Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities 7 Origination Volume and Composition First Lien Origination Volume & Share 8 Mortgage Origination Product Type Composition