Nicole Hlavacek, PharmD candidate; Drew McMillan, PharmD Periprocedural management candidate; Jeremy Vandiver, PharmD, BCPS University of Wyoming of oral anticoagulation: School of Pharmacy, Laramie (Ms. Hlavacek, Mr. McMillan, and Dr. Vandiver); When and how to hit “pause” Swedish Family Medicine Residency, Littleton, Colo (Dr. Vandiver) Here’s how best to assess patients’ bleeding and
[email protected] thrombotic risks and 5 key questions to ask as you The authors reported no consider withholding oral anticoagulants. potential conflict of interest relevant to this article. CASE 1 u PRACTICE Debra P is a 62-year-old African American woman who calls RECOMMENDATIONS your office to report that she has an upcoming routine colo- ❯ Don’t stop oral antico- noscopy planned in 2 weeks. She has been taking warfarin agulation for procedures with for the past 2 years for ischemic stroke prevention secondary minimal bleeding risk, such as minor dermatologic, dental, to atrial fibrillation (AF), and her gastroenterologist recom- or ophthalmic procedures. C mended that she contact her family physician (FP) to discuss periprocedural anticoagulation plans. Ms. P is currently tak- ❯ Reserve periprocedural ing warfarin 5 mg on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, bridging with a parenteral an- ticoagulant for those patients and 2.5 mg all other days of the week. Her international nor- on warfarin who are at high- malized ratio (INR) was 2.3 when it was last checked 2 weeks est risk for thromboembolism ago, and it has been stable and within goal range for the past (those with severe thrombo- 6 months. Her medical history includes AF, well-controlled philia, active thrombosis, or hypertension, and type 2 diabetes mellitus, as well as gout and mechanical heart valves).