The Minutes of a meeting of the Cabinet Sub-Committee on European Transition 31 July 2019

Present: Rt Hon. AM AM (Chair) AM Kirsty Williams AM AM (via teleconference) Eluned Morgan AM (via teleconference) AM

Des Clifford, Director General, OFM Piers Bisson, Director, European Transition Simon Brindle, Director, Brexit Strategy Carys Evans, Principal Private Secretary, First Minister Gareth Williams, Special Adviser Tom Woodward, Special Adviser Andrew Johnson, Special Adviser Jane Runeckles, Special Adviser Madeleine Brindley, Special Adviser Paul Griffiths, Special Adviser Damian Roche, Cabinet, Plenary and Committee Secretariat (minutes) Liz Lalley, Deputy Director, Preparedness Lauren Stamp, Senior Private Secretary, CG&BM Rhys Davies, Legal Services

Apologies: Rebecca Evans AM

Item 1: Update on developments at EU and U.K. Level – Oral Item

1.1. The Counsel General and Brexit Minister invited the First Minister to report on his meeting with the Prime Minister, The Rt. Hon. MP earlier that week.

1.2. The First Minister reported that the PM had reiterated his public message that ‘no- deal’ was not his Government’s ambition, but that it could not be ruled out and planning for ‘no-deal’ over the summer was vital to ensure the UK was ready for such a scenario by 31 October.

1.3. It was noted that Sub-Committee members had all engaged or were due to shortly do so with their new UK Government counterparts.

Item 2: Preparedness: Stocktake of current position


2.1 The Counsel General and Brexit Minister introduced the item.

2.2 The Sub-Committee agreed that an enormous amount had been achieved since preparations had intensified last autumn, but there was still more that could be done, as ‘no-deal’ was the most likely outcome since the new UK administration had been appointed.

2.3 A number of cross-cutting themes were discussed, including the economic response and business resilience; the impact on vulnerable people; the funding and financial elements and communications and stakeholder engagement.

2.4 The Sub-Committee agreed that Ministers should engage widely with external partners during the summer to continue the useful dialogue about ‘no-deal’ preparations and to allow all stakeholders the opportunity to contribute as the situation developed.

2.5 Following this engagement, the suggestion was made that a coordinated day of engagement involving external stakeholders and Welsh Government Ministers and their departments should be held in early autumn, to consider the state of preparedness across the country.

2.6 The Sub-Committee noted the stocktake.

Cabinet Secretariat July 2019