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man, Ross Moore, «was oq the stand Ancient, Rite " again, being, recalled to testify that NEWS OF THE DAY he did not go to the home of his • For Burial of brother on the Sunday evonlng of the T.-R. BULLETIN. murder. STOCK E E6G BOYCOTT ,t wh 4 Dead Monarch REBUTTAL FOR Mrs. St H. Landers and Mrs. Alice The Woathar. Fisher also testified briefly before the Sun rises Nov. 28 at 7:2; seta at 4:$4.' defense rested. Mrs. Lunders declared Iowa—Cloudy tonight, possibly rain Vienna, via , Nov. 27.—The she walkeg. home from down town with in extreme east portion; slightly rMi her huitoand, Kdward Landers, on the AGAIN III FORCE coffin of JCmperor Francis Joseph has t IN NEW YORK cloudy In west and .central portions; been Anally closed but the body wilt \- .Sundarf-night bf the murder, as he had Tuesday generally fair; warmer in testified/ When be suid he saw a man tfJS.i t^piain lying in state until Thursday, extreme western portion. the day set for Interment. Sensational Red Oak Trial enter the Moore home whom he be­ Illinois Veterinarian Closes Range of temperature at M&rs hall- Housewives League Starts At the' burial In the crypt of the lieved to>be"Albert Jones. town: Sunday 52 and 33; Saturday THREE SIDES Capuchin, an historic ceremony will be Enters On Its Third .Before the defense had nested its Chicago and East St 46 and 24; Nov. 2«, 1915, 54 and 2(. At Movement to Boot f g jg^.\ fcl/t ^ ' V?VJ - carried out which was designed to im­ case Senator Jones' counsel called him 7 this morning, 40; yesterday, 55. press the monarch's successor that In s back tO; the witness stand for the pur­ Louis Yards. .'•MW.: • :. Stage. . ;y pose otiC; Introducing a letter which he Speculators. spite Of all pomp a sovereign Is merely PAGE ONE •j !• , Teutonic Forces Begig Con- a mortal. The funeral procession will received' in answer to the one he sent mm:- to Chief of Police AVilcke,. of Blue Is- Telegraphic News: be halted at the entrance to the vault Stockyards Closed to Shlpoii verging Drive From by a challenge from within: "Who Is land; iH., and which was Introduced in BROTHER OF MOORE evidence this morning by the defend­ APPLIES ALIKE TO Outbreak of Foot and Mouth MOVEMENT MAY S'' there?" The reply will be made: "His Feared. - Three Directions, most serene majesty, the Emperor ant. Attorney Mitchell objected to the CONSULTED' SEER introduction of answer into evidence CATTLE AND SWINE Housewives Boydbtt Eggs, / BECOME NATIO Francis Joseph." Red Oak Trial Reaches 7 •?' Stage. The challenger will ttten reply: "I and although counsel for Jones argued at length for Its admission, Judge Jones Begins Rebuttal. .N know him not." Responding to a sec­ Teutons Drive Tow? ^ Bucharest greatest hanger ond challenge the announcement will Plaintiff Given Opportunity to Ridicule Rockafeller sustained the objection and Suspected Caaaa of Foot and Mouth Wholesale and Retail Dealer* Giv4 the jury' will not be permitted to see From Three Sides. £ be made: "The emperor of Austria and "\Mrs. Tompkins' Story as Originated . Disease in Kansas, Nebraska and v Approval to Flan

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