Vol. 46. Houlton, September 18, 1906. No. 9 8 . to read a poem to the children every come to see me about Pat, haven t you. tears. “ I won’t do it again, father,” Buying a Paper. The Father of His Son. I’m glad of that. Won’t you come in day, and afterward they talked it over he promised futilely. and sit down? I shall have to open They had taken Longfellow and 'Whit­ “ Come on out of this,” Mr. O’Quinn “ Here, boy, let me have a paper.” tier in this way. They were on Lo school first, and give the children thundered. And Pat came slowly “ Can’t.” BY INEZ HAYNS GILLMORE. something to do. Then I shall have well, and Miss Perry hoped to complete “ out.” In fact, he rnay be said to “ Why not ? 1 heard you crying them plenty of time to talk with you.” Hryant and Emerson before the year have crept as lie came down the aisle, loud enough to be heard at the City was out. She liked poetry-work par Tho little school-teacher had a tease at herself in the mirror hanging there. Mr. O’Quinn’s brow had darkened and he snivelled as he moved. Hall.” She was a little round person, curly at the suggestion. His lower jaw was ticularly. She was convinced that it «f humor so keen fhat when William His lather seized him by the shoulder “Yes, but that was down 'tother dimply, with a dewy mouth, and protruding in imitation of that of the was bound to have on the children of Fajrue made an important announce­ and and looking inquiringly about him. block, ye know, where I hollered.” soft brown eyes that seemed to grow most correct type of bull-dog. Miss poverty an uplifting influence. The “ In the dressing-room.” Miss Perry ment in regard to Pat O’Quinn’s father, “ What does that matter ? Come, when she laughed. She had no Perry’s heart sank. She wondered if children liked it, too. They knew assisted him. She added a directing dht was able to tee the matter from his vivid now, no fooling. {I’m in a hurry.” features to speak of. but to make up, the “ slats” episode was about to come nothing about uplifting influences, but moiion of her hand. 1*N of view. She realized that hie “ Couldn't sell you a paper on this complexion was fresh, and her ex­ off. they knew it was “ easy,” and that Mr. O’Quinn dragged his son into unA%ad& joy in the tiding* he bdre her here block, mister, cos it b’longs to pression changeable. She was glad, as “ Shall I send Pat to his seat?” she they did not have to take examinations the dressing-room and shut the door. vatoMf the exudation of a boy’e in- Limpy. He’s just up the furdest end insinuated gently; “ it was good of you in it. •tluottvo delight in a row, not a rnali- •he surveyed herself in the scrap of An amateur pandemonium ensued. now. You’ll meet him.” fkwe pleaeare in her o>ming downfall. looking-glasss, that she did not happen to come.” She looked straight into Miss Periy read the poem on the Miss Perry said nothing. The class “ And who is Limpy ? And why to be wearing her regular school uni­ his eyes, dimpling brightly. dandelion, but first she told the children That aammueement waa the following, listened in silence. There was the does he have this block ?” form, that she had dressed thus early Mr. O'Quinn’s brow cleared a little. that each one of them must remember steady sound of blows ; some that hi a bieatbleae voice, the “ Cos us other kids agreed to let for the tea she expected to attend late He dropped his hand.—it looked like a and quote from it some line that he whistled through the air and apparently oae of hie haste, slightly him have it. Ye see it’s a good run, that afternoon. Her brow lightened as bunch ol sausages, imperfectly separat­ liked. missed Pat’s writhing figure, and others r: ’count of the offices all along, and the •»3ey, teacher, Pat O'Quinn’s father’* she turned away, the little figure was ed and a mottled yellow-blue in color— When she began to read, Pat with that found with neatness and despatch poor chap is that lame he can’t git i* tip to aehool this morn in’ with so dainty in the soft pearly gray gown from his son’s shoulder, 'lhe released an elaborate air of unconcern put his the spot where they would do the most around lively like the rest of us, so we Pat. He’s dead mad with you. He with the globe of fluffy white chiffon at Pat, taking this apparently as a com­ head on his desk and appeared to fall good. These last were in the majority. agreed that the first one caught sellin’ eaya Wa going to break your slate.” its neck. mand, slouched into the dressing-room into 4 swift and unnatural torpor. Howls, screams, and sobs, in Pat’s on his beat should be thrashed. See ?” The Utile school-teaclier stared and out to his seat, his expression that Miss Ferry sfopped. “ Come to posi- j familiar accents, reached them in a “Yes, I see. You have a sort of fcfcafcly ftv a aaoonfl down into Wil conventionally assigned to the epek of tion, Pat,” she said tranquilly. continuous stream ; but O’Q'iinn senior The • children came into the room brotherhood among yourselves ?” irradiated face, and William the walk. He threw himself Into his Pat lifted his head. He gave one was grimly silent. when the qoarter-of bell rang, in the “Well, we’re goin’ to look out for a with guileless glee back into chair and sank down into it, his legs glance at his father, scowling in lordly orderly way in which she bad trained After a while Miss Perry talked to little cove what’s lame anyhow.” 1M it waa evident that unde;* sprawling out in the aisle, his hands in possession of the platform. The glance her awed little flock. She pointed out them, but there was an air of subdued “ There comes Limpy now. He’s a hfl ahaerptkm, ebe wae thinking hard. his pockets encouraged him. “ I don’t like poitry,” to them that the way of the transgress­ excitement about them. They glanced fortunate boy to have such friends.” “ All right, William,” she said, after Miss Perry took no notice of this. he announced loudly. or is hard, and that punishment is ragerly at her where she stood at the The gentleman bought two papers of a leaf pan e, “you may clean all the “ Won’t you hftve a seat?” she begged “ I think you’ll like this,” M\ss bound, sooner or later, to come. She hall-door, watching the filing, and iiim, and went on his way down town, Uflflk'boavds and water the her visitor, prettily. Ferry informed him politely; “ come to called their attention to the fact that H their sense of the importance of the wendering how many men in business Mr. O’Quinn absented with a grunt, position.” Fat dragged himself slowly Mr. O’Quinn had come to school, that •ft to work on the boarda things they knew was only rivalled by would refuse to sell their wares in order and she followed in the wake of his to a spineless reproduction uf the atti­ morning feeling that Pat's teacher had $ seal that threatened to dislocate their recognition of the fact that teach* to give a weak, halting brother a lordly stride to the platform. He tude of the other children lie drop­ been unjust to Pat, but he had had la hie body, and toon er waa wearing wme pretty new chance in the field.—Exchange. clothes. They examined her curiously compressed his bulk into the visitor s ped his under jaw, halLclosed his eyes, only to stay a little while to see what a ip sight with a fiae chair, From this altitude he surveyed and li tened to ;he poem wifh a»* e** naughty boy Pat really was, and how duet. The teacher, with before they exchanged the knowing the class haughtily, eruciating expression of ennui. Mr. wickedly he was wasting all his time Labelling Canned Meats. \wflat about the work of ar- looks of their secret delight. The nine o’clock bell rang, The Miss Perry took her seat at the desk Q’Quinn contemplated his son. in play. And like all good parents* he w r a p flhd getting out the The cans are to be labeled so that he came to position, each pair of She opened the Bible and read in her After she had finished her reading realized that the best thing for Pat was At die day’s lessons. It was class who bu)8 may real and have some hands folded on the d» sk, every back as soft young-girl voice, “ The Lord is my Miss Ferry called for questions, for to be punished, and punished in the , however, that her mind assurance that he knows beforehand shepherd.” Then she said; “ lake out comments, for favorite lines. Inspired, presenc? of those who had seen how lot oil what aha waa doing, straight as if a ramrod had, without just what he is getting. “Sausage” your singing books, children. One! perhaps, by the presence of a stranger, qaughty he had been. ft waa (ho drat year of her teaching, warning, been run into it. lh e teach­ will not be regarded as a label iu toto. Two! '1 hree!” the children responded generally, and Once she wax Interrupted. The her lints had fallen in difficult er closed the door, walked deliberately This is certainly common sense. Tlie fifty-six statues that were her with considerable animation. B ven master of the school came in, raising la a congested Boston school, to her desk, took from the row of books “Sausage” covers a multitude of in­ class came to life. The one hundred Michael yincent’s enigmatic choice, inquiring eyebrows in the direction of district waa a poor one, the po­ there, her Bible, opened it and sat gredients, and the label must say what, and twelve hands unfolded. In a “ nor wrinkled the lean brow,” saat no the howls. Miss Perry explained the lish Catholic. The down. And then suddenly there re­ whether the filling is all pork, or pork flash fifty si-x blue bound books flew inT perceptible gloom on the occasion, In situation. He made no comment, but In Ihi building were old verberated through the room the tattoo and teef or, says the report, “ of other to the right-hand cofncife of the desks, return, Mis* Ferry told the claoa the left immediately. The children observ­ .1-4 been teaching fojr of a stern aqd commanding knock, ingredients.” In view of which wo and the one hundred and twelve hands lines she liked and why ehe liked them. ed that his shoulders were shaking. A fgaftlpft h m t . cty-ftra to flvery child in the class jumped, al­ may expect, if the provisions are carried folded themselves again, She m»de many references to the bunch theory gained ground, when they dis­ 'fugs, They had become though each one of them had been se­ out, occasionally to encounter such a “ page 86,” Miss Perry commanded, of dandelions in the squatty ginger-jar .... tbtt tuck a routine, and cretly anticipating this summons, and cussed the matter at recess that day, label as this : their unalloyed joy in the prospective The fifty-six books and tho one on her desk. that he was too afraid of Mr. O'Quinn *f|piasi of It, is bound to make of the hundred and twelve hands formed an Superfine Sausage. fSapatamMliouc meuulities. They had row ran out over every face. “ Now, Pat,” Miss Perry concluded to stay and see him. instant’s combination. There was a (Inspected as per Order.) The teacher went to the door and pleasantly, “ what did yon think of it?” That gentleman emerged from the llktlvaympethy liar her yontb, and even rapid flutter of leaves The little girl This can cantains, in sausage form, opened it. Pat stole another glance at the low­ dressing-room after a while, his blue ^$Ni wltb the new ideas of teaching and in the front *eat tiptoed up to Mr. 8 oz. of pork, 12 oz. of beef, 8 sus­ Mr. O’Quinn was short and thick-set. ering visage on the platform. “ I eyes no longer lowering, but jovial in ^ dhaipHoe U—t aba waa gradually in- O’Quinn and handed him her book, pender buttons, 2 in. cotton twine, 6 He bad a burly figure and burly bat­ think ;t was r-r-rotten,” he promul­ expression. In one powerful hand he V tcfldupiag iato bar work. She had not print painstaking toward him, Then blood vessels and other findings. tered-looking features. A nose, se- gated calmly. clutched the limp remnant of the cock- ? > i »ueb trouble with the children she tiptoed tO' an empty seat at the Or, if the details are to be carried to veral times broken, had destroyed «H The silence of the instant that fol­ suie Pat, and in the other the collection v ihomealves, with Ike exception of Pat back of the room and took the book the finest point, we may expect on a his pretences to a classic profile; and lowed waa death-like. Then Mr. of splinters that had been the rattan. |^Of(|alaat but be bad beoome a veritable from it. She passed Pat on the the can of corned beef, something after linen which it is a kindly euphemism to O’Quinn turned to th e teacher. The former displayed to the class, when ftkoca la bp Ieoh. - Ho was idle, diaor* way and he, with no pretence of con- this fashion, perhaps : cell soiled, a skin that might be chari­ “ Youse haven’t anny such t’ing as a at his father’s command and (dictation * derly, lueolept, and maliciously so, it cealment, tripped her so adroitly that Saltpeter Brisket. tably described as swarthy if it had not club laying round here loose-like, have he faced it and apologised in much de­ ^hp pedPter. She had tried all the she fell in a blushing heap against This brisket was cut from a 9-yr.-old had to accommodate itself to blond jouse, miss?” he asked briskly. tail for way he had treated his FpIfllHi tad devieea of her slender ex little, correct, pompadoured Michael steer of health physique and good coloring, pervading odor of whiskey and There was no thickness in hia utter­ teacher, a tear-stained and dirt-grimed " pflrlaafli to bring bim into line with Vincent. The latter virtuously ignored morals. He had one crumpled horn cheap tobacco put him, at once, out of ance now. His tones werp as vtaar as face. The children listened breath­ «... tho mat of her w«U-dia**iplined little the incident. and was covered with red hide, spotted ulma, but as yot she had not succeeded, the category of the well-groomed. But a bell. lessly, and the effect of the episode was “ Take out your book, Pat,” Miss white and tan. Kindly disposition. t i l fact, sb4 had very definitely failed. to her surprise, the teacher discovered haven't a ratta,n in the school­ not destroyed when, with a resumption Perry commanded sweetly, ignoring it The packers really ought to jump at s §fct*e»url? immbordination had culm- at the back of all this, and in a sense room at present,” she explained. “ I of his grand manner, Mr. O’Quinn also such a chance as this. It would pro­ yeeterdry, when he had refused apologizing for it, a pair of blue eyes don’t keep one because I have no use harangued the class in regard to their looked at his father and, ex­ mote the sales. Secretary Wilson has wltflWy her, and she had sent him that looked, if their expression had no{ for one, J don’t believe in corporal duties as pupils of Miss Perry, as future tracting encouragement from l^ia compelled the removal from the labels with the admonition not to re- been angry, as if they might he bluff punishment.” She paused and her voters of Precinct 14, and as embryo haughty mien, drew his book with a of certain advertising features, but with until hie mother came with jtifn. and jovial. H© was holding Pat by voice sank a little. “ I can borrow one aldermen of the city of Boston. Miss jerk from fob desk, pulling opto the due diligence the carefully arranged the shoulder, m \ the ^ttle teacher, though,” she added gently, Perry was not confused when he allud­ *1 fatbflf WM flf the focal floor in indiscriminate chaos pencils, details regarding the can’s contents translating the hoy's fape hy n>e*ns of “ Qid be that obliged youse for the ed to her as “ the purtiest young jool of Hp hgd beep a good *ver*ge pens, and papers. He slammed it on­ could more than make up for the com­ the father’s, found to her surprise that lend of wan,” Mr. O’Quinn pronounced a teacher in the length, and breadth of j^WUlilBftpap u*|M the pnlugky dll to his desk, and then with an air pulsory omission.—Editorial in Boston his eyes might be jolly l00 if they had inflexibly, the whole war-x^sd.” I fltwued when in a bar-*oorq scrap he superbly he collected the scat­ Advertiser. not happened, as at the present mo­ “ Dottie,” Miss Perry requested in “ And ft* fer whalin’,” he concluded, ■ 1*4. lb* felicity tq kopek John JL, tered articles and put them back one at ment, to he openly impudent in ex­ her most dulcet tones, “ go in Miss “ if there’s anny whalin' to be done llallivap down. Prom that time on- a time. After this he leisurely found More Sporting Camp* ! ty»4 Ip lived ip the fame of hi* fftM pression. He h*d red hair and so Hall’s room and ask her if fthe will here sure O’im her man and glad to do the page and the position he considered Wanted. many freckles that further discovery in kindly lend Mi«« Ferry ke* rattan.” it, son or no son.” That last phrase X$tW4- ffn give pp hie work apd lived most comfortable. This brought his - . * hitiw saloon existence, sinking regard to his features was virtually a St^ll tiptoeing, her face very aerious, seemed to please him. “ Son or no body acr ts the width of hi** de?k There is only one thing that Maind' ftathplly iuto deeper and deeper strata work of excavation. She recognized Dottie went, son,” he repeated, glowering fiercely at vaguely, however, that the expression the upper Qu^nef hf h;8 hook into the lacks to make her position as the ban­ •' gfl4N P>>, unnoticed except when a T1 ere was dead silence. The class the class. But be did not glower when neck of the little girl m frqnt of him. ner recreation Btate of the nation se­ m44»p vyait tq tqwp qf tip fprrjqqq tfiat pat’s iqother had onPe U8ed in her sat so still that the clock’s ticking he turned to Miss Perry. His blue She turned and frowned on him cure for all time. That is more camps pqgillflt lOflved memories of hi* g*e*t presence was fairly descriptive. She could be plainly heard. Miss Perry eyes twinkled, and suddenly one of Then indignantly “he craned forward and^hotelB for the accommodation of p flpept and brought him into pro* had said that Pat was “ the spit of his looked politely non-committal. Mr. them screwed up into an elephantine out of his reach. Miss Perry waited these summer visitors. To the thou­ mlneaee tgain, He was, it happened, father ” At the time the teacher h«d 0 ’Quinn looked grimly determined. wink. gathered that the similarity was not Oirefuliy. Mr. O’Quinn contemplated sands of people who have been carried mad rathjr unaccountably, a favorite Pat looked puzxlsd, but gradually and confined to physique. She had, in his son. into the woods !of northern Maine by with the famous^ man. During the The childien san^ tbp. through noiselessly he pulled his feet o’At of the Hiram Maxim, the Maine inventor, consequence, not until yesterday both­ the Bangor 6c Aroostook railroad dur­ pugilist's brief stay he lived a splendid in their earnest 8'veet voices, their aisle, put them together and injured who is now in London, has a new air­ ered the mother again. ing the past three months it is esti­ life, moving grandly from saloon to little faces sobered to suit the occasion from, somewhere 9, r&mrod for his back. ship made like the wings of birds. “ Oi’d like ^ i » perry,” Mr. O’Quinn mated that fully 15 per cent would •iloon, in one day’s-long protracted Pat kept up a droning monotone Dottie returned apace. She atarted to­ Balloon racing is the latest develop­ commanded- - grandly. His utterance have obtained accommodations at any flflvfi. through it all, trailing in the rear of his ward Miss Petty with the rattan, a ments of the sports of London. Maxim was a little thick, but his manner >yas of the numerous camp? in that region. ’ Tk* list? feacher thought all mates by an exact two beats. Miss sinewy-looking wand about a yard in thinks if he had money, he could con­ that of one descended fropi ^ings, as But they couldn’t. The camps were/ oyer, aqd ft ie not surprising that her Perry said nothing, b”t she waited length. struct a practical flying machine. When ^ndeed they were, according fo Mrs. full to overflovidng and with waiting fapp fobe^ed, Fojf a pto^ent she vyqn- ostt-ntatiopsly at th^e end °f each verse “ Qive it ta Mr. 0 ’Quinn,” the latter he gets the money, he intends to imitate Cj’Qmnn. lists also, so that as soon as one party dpryd if «be l^ad better asl{ the advice for Pat to finish. Mr- O’-Quiqn con­ said blandly. the wings of birds. He thinks he has ‘.‘I am Miss Perjy,'’ thQ lady an­ left camp another was all ready to qf aotqe qf tt*e oj^er teachers iq regard templated his sop. Mr. O’Quinn examined the temper discovered a means of performing the nounced composedly. take their places. Owners of camps lg fpe natter, flut her pride carqe \g The hymn sung, the song-books of his blade. It bent sinuously under function of wings in a simple and direct Mr. Q'Quinri stored, “ ^hw^e, Qi were constantly receiving letters from be? feecqe, qrgiqg her to iqee$ the disappeared again. The little girl who the urge of his thick fingers. manner. Maxim has already spent t’oqght youse was one of the little girls persons outside the state who had diftycplfy pnaidfld. Finally her «eqs? had given Mr. O’Quinn her book, It’8 a young cluhqv he* muttered, an enormous sum of money on experi­ in the tuf.t class,’1 he muttered. “I seen the camps advertised in the guidd* of humor got the upper hand, and she making t! is time a wide detour that ‘•but “,’vdl «jp, Oi’m thinkin’. Come ments, He invested $106,000 in try­ t’ought Miss P< ry wi s another wan of book of the Bangor & Aroostook road,' smiled. put her out of Pat’s reach, tiptoed up on out of there, ye young divule^” he ing old theories of ballooning and aban­ Simultaneously, a line of dimples, j thim old maids that’s b< en here since more than 40 ,000 copies of which have to him and w^isperiugly relieved him called louder, waving a hand in, Fft^s doned them. already been distributed gratis, and that lived » sub-idiary existence about Go<^ knows whin.” o^ it. Miss Perry todc up a volume of direction “ I have only been here « year.”. accommodations were filled ahead of h«f moxh, Hashed hi to prominence poems that lay on her desk. face had bpen rapidly losing its 8he went to the eloset-door and looked Mi*| Perry conceded graciously; “ you’ve I’yuy-Pectoral Kelleves Right Aw»> them, however, and they had to bv It’ wqa one of fier new-fangled qotiont look of bravo. He burst suddenly into Md n\*k«» a vmdf end of cough* aad caida* turned away.— Portland Press. Th« Aroovtook T!m«w Thursday. September 13. 1300. ***-4 v •» " . ' " y S g ^ i ____ Jj"g Following is the gubernatorial vote political wheel ha* landed another ve- The Aroostook Times throughout the County : publican politician high ml dry for 1 0 IiW IM M r April 18, 1889. ( *OBB Dav which we are thankful Mr. Benedicts, 8 16 llamrn the r publican ALL THE HOME NEWS. Subscriptions in arrears $1.60 per year

tetmsc n h sur n Tuesday. on square the on music tweet j 'William 'William wrds eod ae y isl in himself by made record .world's nt Andover, N.B. Andover, nt eunn oteclee hsfl, fact a fall, this college the to returning lege m as as m lege n mr, n te olo Horse Houlton the and mare, ing envstn i odhm ad friends and home old his visiting been visited he since years twelve is t I la otalmn sy h Waterville the says man, football elaaa nearly an many in the Class Class the in many an nearly L oevle fr sot time. short a for Somerville, t I JL n ovsths rte, on Watson. John brother, his visit to ing otr fteCleea h i a first a is he as College the of porters f h Bu Rbo fr h et breed­ best the for carried Ribbon also Blue Merritt the off Albert stock. ford Tnly f iteo crid off carried Littleton of Tingley . H the Class Class the week carried off off carried week e i en n h Kodk regions Klondyke the time in that been hie during he and before Houlton al M. mt i a rdae of graduate a is Smith Mi. Mail. Breeders Association took some. took Association Breeders tedd h Fi n rsu Il last Isle Presque in Fair the attended even­ Friday on town in arrived ington, ho ilbigpesr t te sup­ the to pleasure bring will whioh Rioker. land, and land, Miftiur Miftiur a h iy M. mt i lnig on planning is Smith Mr. eity. talthe nae i bsns. e a lately has He business. in engaged Mnehintoah Portland une e n tu the hear to anxious those with Sight e ob a, e iiigwt friends with visiting ie man, Colby mer mk ihseil ri srie leav­ service, ing train special with emskm dt hs rsn, rm l oe the over all from present, those to ed at h, H. . N , ih m m te ta #At, n a iln icusd rather discoursed violin a and Ante, v# R . Somerville, she will visit relatives in relatives visit will she Somerville, . R Go. hyhv ic eundt hi home •A their to returned since hove They 4 r . x . reaching Houlton about 9.30. about Houlton reaching . x . r 4 o-ikl npil. hryil pa- Cherryfield nuptials.— ton-Nickels jMn Ti t ii e npe, Dr nephew, her visit to TTtib n fjlM H Aroostook different visiting been have Chisholm Byo t9 laat t ti week. this St. Pleasant 9 at (Baytoa et 1. 96 o Pnbct Park, Penobscot for 1906 14. Sept. 98 avr oua aog h col­ the among popular very la 1908* oesti we drn te Leigh- the during week this Mokeis h get o M. n Ms Robert Mrs. and Mr. of guests thn rmtee copne b Ms B. Mrs. by accompanied there* From turned to turned Mice Mice visiting visiting atFia vnn fr e sse Mrs sister her for evening Friday laet oivlels year. last Louisville Upn a ure scn of the off second quarter a tUpplng Frances e Pth pcd ml i 1.55* in mile a paced Patch” Den “ Par- Piano Hagerman’s at pupils piano on rsn Gen t, n moved and Monday. on there St., family hie Green Bryson, John pco, a tkn om wt Mrs. with rooms taken has spector, receive will and vacation her from hywl ii fra e weeks. few a for visit will they on Tedy wee e a been has he where Tuesday, John, o a arcn meeting. recent a at Co. ett ietn Wdedy where Wednesday Limestone to went h nl os n Tuesday. on House Snell the home. tchl wr Mutn iios on visitors Moulton were Stockholm lce tue fte ot et Trust Kent Fort the of trutee a elected attending the Exhibition. the attending BaehMxm fSnevle ee at were Sangerville of Maxim KBsabeth Monday. Monday. town eeo Monday. on here odi cok sol b i every in be should clocks boudoir ' j h heSmril et o King- to "'MjNh.went Somerville Thee harp, a with musicians street Three • nuht oyu ok promptly. work your do to enough let£. ors o Hutn who Houlton of Moores, . £ Albert er Wto, f etl, Wash­ Seattle, of Watson, Henry for­ a Bridgewater, of Smith Charlea As As The dc A. B. none n ex- an announce . .B .R A c .d B e h T r adMs on eksuy who Tewkesbury John Mrs. and Mr. r. ui Ws gv a hs party whist a gave West Julia Mr*. trp Mass. Utbrep, W Min. Min. t Pu, in o Stra last Saturday on Minn, Paul, St. t A ebr 0lure Imgain In­ Immigration 0.l7urrie, Herbert children and Kidder H. R. Mrs. is lc Igro? a returned has Ingersol? Alice Miss r ad r. . . rfo of Trafton A. W. Mrs. and Mr. P. asr eund rm St. from returned Mansur . P . W was town this of Cleveland L. E. C. C. n o Jwt’ hnsm little handsome Jewett’s of One r ad r. otad n Miss and Southard Mrs. and Mr. in was Woodstock of Monahon Terry lasbs a Ogo’ bt time but Osgood’s at busy Always Houlton at 6.85 6.85 at Houlton on wr usso r. Blanche Mrs. of guests were town* 4 rc Wre o Prln were Portland of Warren Grace were received they were announc­ were they received were naeeto neet o many to interest of engagement 8 eulcn lb om i the in rooms Club Republican eekp uy ada te re- the ae and busy, kept were Pry o Iln Fls was Falls, Island of Perry, . f n Sasot o 5. Re­ .50. i S for Searsport and if aly uly fHutn and Houlton of Dudley Parley e o fw ek. h re­ She weeks. few a for her f lcin Te w tele- two The election. of il ev Kdes on at Point Kidders leave will lc wr codd Monday crowded were block alo otn h hs been has who Boston of Hall red sta f is Mary Miss of that is friends of of 6 rCa, Bwon a of man Bowdoin a Coan, Mr . on f uun Miss Auburn. of Coan C. Boston Monday evening. Monday Boston aknoh f ae and Salem of Mackintosh E Jersey Jersey E heet.—otad Psper. eity.-—Portland thie a fe vstd n Port­ in visited often has 1 < of the the of < it a ock. While While ock. . . k 21 . . rzs in prizes 6 n Friday on Here­ A D.

eie frsvrl er. es collar-bone. News. years.— several for | resided

short time at Schoodic, where they they where Schoodic, at time short Millinocket, where I)r. McKay McKay I)r. where Millinocket, now camping, camping, now

they spent Sunday. After spending spending After Sunday. spent they pair took the train to Portland, Portland, to train the took pair rd’ peet wr mn ad beauti­ and many were presents bride’s was and bride the groomsman and were bridesmaid, sister bride’s served by a skilled caterer, the the caterer, skilled a by served u. h get wr cnie t the to confined were guests The ful. wy y e bohr Hr) l e lh Harr). brother, her by away b* otn Mrok . ca, the the Jones, McKay, B. Pearl and brother Murdock "room’s Boston. errltvs f h Jns and Jones the of relatives near e. aul . un D D. of ., D D. Gunn, the C. by assisted Samuel Houlton, groom, Rev. of the A., of B. father Rev. McKay, the by Kenneth performed was ceremony oe, ee are a te oe f the of home the at married were Jones, aie on H ad i sse will sister his and He town. native er, n h ws uh mrse with impressed much was he and years, ohr f h bie Te marriage The bride. the of mother ean ee o oe time. some for here remain ere ila |ca, ets of Robinson MiR9 dentist Annie and |McKay, Millinocket, William George aiis Atr smtos repast, sumptuous a After families. rws is vst o olo fr 36 for Houlton to visit first Drew’s h trf, rseiy n got o his of growth and prosperity thrift, the Mr. is This ago. years five seventy pt s h Sel os nw stands now House Snell the been as same the spot on having was which house Houlton, a in born of resident er ryo Nwil, e, r sopn at stopping are Me., Newfield, of erly h nl Hue M. rw s form­ a is Drew Mr. House. Snell the nei ti ln before. line experi­ this had in ence has who Mr. man a proprietor, week, this twice hands changed red Ms Wnfe Pa, eund to returned Pray, Winifred Miss friend, dad etn big h present the being Keating Edward enough to be present and the society the and present be to enough etd na u fr h ogn fund. organ the for sum neat a netted olo, h hs en iiig her visiting been has who Houlton, ae ra t toe h wr fortunate were who certainly those was to & treat rare evening Monday church, Raleigh, school, Industrial and Normal ukpr, Tuesday. Buckapurt, oiin s ece i S. Augustine’s St. in teacher as position a s uh mrvd ic hs at set last Lake. his since improved much is copy. . . ad et hs onn fr the for morning this left and C., N. B on camp his at now is and he that back, learn to pleased be will head oy Pplr og, ate, two- waltzes, songs, Popular copy. South. wife of Dr. Dr. of wife morning to resume his studies. his resume to morning tp, ard og—al t 0 et a cents 20 at all songs— sacred steps, he msc o e od t 0 et a cents 20 at sold be to music sheet et ody onn ad e the see and morning Monday next Friday Ball last college Base to returned Houlton Team, the of coach and to ek otn, hc ws spent was which outing, weeks two a t atn ad te resorts. other and Castine at from returned Co., Watson John the to rm he-ek ti t Houlton.— to trip three-weeks a from imn Nwos rtre t his to returned Newhouse Sigmund oe n Tuesday. on home day. h hsbe vstn hs itr Mrs. sister, his visiting been has who ovr ad is . ao o Mon­ of Nason S. Miss and couver, eitrd t h Sel os o Mon­ on House Snell the at registered onmn a clig n i friends his on calling was townsman lzbt o Wne sre hs returned has street Winter of Elizabeth tat rtre t Bso, Monday. Boston, to returned Stuart, n eer t C. at jewelry and n Ms C J Ceead Bno, were Bangor, Cleveland, J. C. Mrs. and day. Portland Advertiser. Portland ra wr arvl a te nl o Mon­ on Snell the at arrivals were treal the guest of her brother, Dr. Dr. brother, her of guest the Moul­ leaving Fairfield in relatives ing ee Wednesday. here Monday. town, in was R., P. C. the for olo, usa mrig o a trip places. a other for and Harbor morning Bar to Tuesday Houlton, 10, t Jewett’s. at $1.00, al Lk o Tuesday. on Lake Eagle o, usa morning. Tuesday ton, on Thursday. town, n audy vnn, et 1, Sept. evening, Saturday On ae De ad itr Mr, form­ Mary, sister, and Drew James h Blioe ae o Mi St., Main on Cafe, Baltimore The r. . . ol, f Bucksport, of Towle, N. G. Mrs. ia ae Creio hs accepted has Cornelison Mabel Miaa h lcuedlvrda te Unitarian the at delivered lecture The al t aemns in Parlors Piano Hagerman’s at Call h mn fins f emn White- Herman of friends many The . . rde, ae, 0, manager ’08, Bates, Bridges, S. T. is li H Wle, stenographer Walker, H. Elsie Miss . . onned f e Yr City, York New of Aonnonfeld B. S. r. arn al n daughter and Hall Warren Mrs. Van­ of child, and wife Frisbie, T. J. r. . . oln o Washington of Collins F. H. Mrs. ia rgto otclo a former a Monticello, of Wright Hiram is ele tat wo a been has who Stuart, Nellie Miss watches of line new received Just Mr. and Mrs. J. J. from Mrs. and down Mr. came Cushing R. A. visit­ are Kidder H. J. Mrs. and Mr. olo Suei Baees only Bracelets Souvenir Houlton . . ikr taeig rih agent freight traveling Tinker, P. F. ar Wligo o Bso ws in was Boston of Wellington Harry G. h Aoeok ie Tusa. etme /. 1900, /G. September Thursday. Times Aroeetook The hy will they N. Towle, formerly formerly Towle, N. S. Osgood’s. K. Plummer Plummer return McKay happy where given S. a ptet suffering patienthas are o umnd ). an who I)r. the summoned found Mann,to left a of B.

. . al o te Highlands, and the on Hall, A. G. o e hn e rie a Hutn he Houlton, whensore he arrived at themselves was Heboarded train. the went to the residence his of son-in-law, and Stiff the robbers would-henize able recog­ was to not He thetrain. p n floe hs salns n to assailants and followed on his up l gnlmn f te a ses and steps car the gentleman off old a lr te w scoundrels two thefailure threw the a ty ihrw fo hs pocket. his from withdrawn partly brac" while the other sought his pocket rob rie ad ae butbruised dazed picked and himself ok Bt r Lc ws despite Luce But was, his Mr. book. men attacked, with evident intention to idn ter tepe robbery a Finding attempted * their and i mny hc hd lucn had which money his tained ae and whilemade boarding the train two a d o pc-okt a Brunswick pick-pockets at ofhands re-union of of re-union G er, o mc for and too re­ years, much7Gthem t ht lc cag o cr was cars of change place thata At nw rsdn o Mniel, while1 Monticello, resident ofknown returning last. n,''i Lewiston, from Friday met with rather rough treatment in the where he had attended the Fair and the Gds oke. ibrothers to Wis- sisters sheI wentand “God's Workmen." l ord Bible a will will Reading give on - with her Linton, preceptress the Ricker! new of Dickens was horn Houlton in and lived ; Teague PrincipalTeague assistant and Felchcipal il e h sbet is Jennie Miss subject the be will il e h picpl pae. r j Mrshere principal thirteen speaker. the until when, be of years will age, also, Prin­have charge the ofchcrus. At 7 o’clock p. America m. “ for Christ" returned home, Monday — BurleighMrs r Breg fo Iao wee In-! Review, where Idaho, he from (>f Burleigh Mr. i l presidewill Miss Littlefield year. of schoolProvidence, the Rhode of Liard,opening The childrenand the from John, where St. has has e tngahr ae n ead ,Hedy ou. '1 ,Hie he n day sosum. menstenographers are demand. in rp sto, meetingproposition, wit Li line th a and summer, the; for have bsen they psto a seorpe. on opportunity Young to tho-c wh stenographer. position as a Te ia Eeet n Education.’ in Element Vital “The Sundaymorning sermon the will be on ok h sotad ore t the at course shorthand the took cdmJnto. ;nulrom A. A advertise and we give whatsale—we sale is Our "no fake bargains. ,many certain McAdamJunction. et usa. oe n n se h cmn t At to coming in see and the Come rs o. Bigbargain in our 9cent priseyou. mi ting Saturday. newflannel on on Special sale more. olo Bsns Clee at term, last Business College Houlton reflects credit upon the builder, George window— Saturday only. McNair. comfortabletractive and and looking usa. h rsdne s ey at­ residence very is The Tuesday. h i nw os o Pesn S on Pleasant St on house new their left Philadelphia for week to this ing season. audy M. eny et back, went Tenney Mr. Saturday. Wednesday, ready to get for the hunt­ son occured at South Paris on Saturday, sale were private. accidental was lie discharge of a gun. ae o te umr returned for summer, theLake home Umculcus at been have who family tohis terms ofplace The of business. eerp C. va hro Saturday.Telegraph Telephone A Co., hereon v Aroostook as the of ent than other feeds. more muchfeed the not price is and feedbetter no Merritt's than is Jersey There Cow poor. pasture getsthe when Edward was by killed the Hand Jewett’s. at Jewett’s. oe sx uhl o Wie Russian White bushels of sixsowed Mulherrin Bangor house street on next been doing business here the past week. townon Tuesday prices three first class rifles. annual vacation last week Mrs. J. Kidder, H. on Pleasant St. It pays you. methods. the new shapes, in af solid gold, only, Presque Isle, last week. 17 years ofage. Cimmlh Miss of Jessie guest ofthe i a rcnl te us o hr autif, her of guest recently thewas Wheat and threshed out 120 bushels. hre A Lc, n l ad well and old Luce, an Charles A. . le Kirkpatrick ElderJ. Debec, who of n h Frt ats cuc next church Baptist First the In very ailow until lasts McLellan’s sale A. H. Burleigh, andchildren, P.wife, P. h Mse Mlern oe into moved Mulherrin Misses The on .Tne, ih i wife and withJohn his A.Tenney, 'The first hunting accident of the sea­ . E.C. Milliken ofIsland Falls was in tpy ofe gan o os whenItpays to cows grainfeed to John KiLy has A. far sale at bargain Diamond rings i'rotii upward, $.3 00 . . us, ht Settlement, White Furse, J. T. r C H Bry a purchasedMr. Berry has H. C. the Get to know more of Osgood’s repair i s ate ale o Limestone Haulier Hattie ofMiss all and sizesWedding rings all of his fimn returned Dalton Louis . Sosnoski,B. optician of Boston, has i. n hl hm n in em- in linn held him One him. i s en ert o Houlton Merritt was Fern of Miss . L.H. Cates, ofCaribou, superintend­ en o ok no some business into look , to hairfieldbeen s popular ev c wl b aatd o the to adapted beservice will il ae part the haveservice. of will h Frt an Oavahy, Mainethe First at h ogn She will, organ.the a icue f the fiacture of Prices i fml at family his will sur­ take



Houlton June. next

Mis. Dickens ami sister- her ' ■) 1 oulton Burim ss Oolhq M o;-r years, bn-nnial eo a n(i d r o m i x f . n ot S. hf Thursday, her! for hft St., on North ‘ Maine, M;e ies n 1 Likens oe n Yasn Wsosn Mrs. \Y Wisconsin.' anson, in home i much fiy visiting her Mrs. aunt, James Donm iiy: next weekabout, this matter.—Review.1 a apy o i. Moremay apply will be for known it.! and also to wlmm farmers wanting hemployment dp ; write may for information, lye t gnis n nn wanting nun agenciesployment and agentdesignated em­ to as whom the C. got here for present the potato harvest. ed be in me., few a may so days, that arrangements doubtless will be perfect A. A entering before tk< h Mi; Cnrl alod Tin s> Main;' Railroad Centralthe responding rates 111 tune to prepare, Imid onlv everv other vear so now i . isas tkn p the with lias matterA. taken upalso s tc ad h bs assortment of best the eststock and accompaniedby her niece She is of millinery. Paulineand stock winter Ryan. selecting fall her YorkNew this wck rifles, gun-', and ammunition Aroos­ in spending the sum Tier mother with her change Tuseday. on r . atn Grio, eund to returned MartiniMrs. Garrison, exhibited by George llagerman A at th< took Call Count}’. and see them. here Saturday attend funeral sp''nding helix to the of Mrs. a with tow day - her aunt, Mrs. Berry. H. A. comment tin* heard pianosof all who Gibson, B., were Y. guest Portland last Saturday morning. Coughli: (kmj and Allen Presque Fair. Lie Kings’s Hospital, Portland, called was beenj have ll-tighter, Katherine, who Sepf. IS, Justice Savage, l’eaveyMBs of Haverhill, ()sg'>od ()ntS ice n s. an in IVihain, this week. 1 Tn -e arc \ i -if pint ingI \ Saturday Monday to ill -L A M t h Exchange theat on be drum reaxouabh at very terest on each one. meet in t he 'ourt ( 11 ous > t H-t\ t,l)e guexr of Mm. i• >- I), ■ ■ i ln S,-h l,nv tie it, tld D i tiled. iuitunhv ’ when u’k " n wore."in much .oolmates offorty ! ' • 1SI Mdo l \s as w i\es Maine, t! Wi -■oil'ii -r of a-ure been has who C\ Dickens,^ Mrs. \\\ e f (’ of me en debtern i i ih col f the Night)pcnsschool; at F()ct. i s . . yn s n otn and Boston is in Miss Ryan A. M. Allium larg­ 1:. FoggCo., have the ('. Mi y.s Lydia Garrison, been lias who beautiful What: bam'"“ was a T Miss Harriette Smith, nurse a I)r, in CowperthwaifeS. and 1 loulton ,1 t'I,,.I r and Mrs.Mr ]>. .John I I )iMm. B, A inevau a , i d i . I Mrs. Her iavd I i egbes < Me.-sac Is x|f es < ex |if.i nnees > e urm Judicial Supreme be ot f ot Fairfield, of Fort Hoit lias been correct your . e right Dicle t St at 1 tor their let Tiie B. A urn home. , , 111

-mlM . 1 -impliM uppmu-.-r - 1 M .1. -i B

odtos md L thesanm conditions, aLo mid parents parents


t ■t I1 ! 1 1 1 inr nt ;

) : iv; v: - ]!

hiring Boston, lie IB -t u O, she ■d to vi ill let Paul . ot ntionim


Mrs. , Ii things Dickensids Mrs. ’on ,: m sac1:mi w.itches from *52.2.) upwapl , will s As r she e 'gatim; Ux.((', .•II os for t ehang a eo in tin aft er v pca rts «c> rates specialmv men wo generously who, agree to


i H a c c i i m n aand large numbm of|

their d to t wi, under woik, to-took (!< e has rocetiie , (1X, ■ mi mi m

i t'it 1 ■tts 1 iint. 1 he id. n ahst forty- neean of grocer, H oil ixeli her t m ee \ , pca trs fie Special terms ags il L- willbadges j ,g.( (; a the in., l 1 ;l p-e eex hoi 1 hekenx IF'. i Id'll lax an eunn to Returning nasi at nil T year' N in;U w I re numb)irge Aeeks’Win uur heudqua B-ulgerm h ind ('ounce! since resided al- 1 e Ail He (1 1 ■ e\ ' eralid 1 1 1 f o i1 an d i’.ngid with ucm ■ h - g a spring. t i o n s f il'-dgi' th-.t ti i'll ’Women Chilis

hl at While >g (1 (

dre h e d'ree

n 1On lie

For'Joodhne. j r.xt.

suggestion'! t i ssin is session lit and,ofiVm an cannot attend

a te E s at the

lay. nl Mr Imr . imthwaite '* pVir 'S )s( g >od fix Buxton f ( 'ill''’ 0 ■' li and w. pre'iding. Tuesda(-a .LuMer.d

x : ' ax 11mit hax item ng to i ' 1- I | U t"llic,-. ' ' iliricnt . ,M ." market. i e Gracewife,

to li­ I’e-.vey a M • 1 ''' 1 ■ ■ ■ \ ill' ,V (i'lll'' many i l vi'itwill ! V \c a\c v

day- mm l 'e- a bus •m-g .'■due of r a. ge w N ,1 1 i M, (l,;y. :cut inm

M-s. s' a \ XV. X XV, die 'he p the her the nor-j tin tlm At - X- ill d- v, of ld m .d , r


tud point, indirect yet it is j 1 \- h.-'U'- a m , eue, hog ti medium;s this secured, -ml, through j ad-, >t, his He: pped town this week. j : p‘nc |Aioustook Teii phone Telegraph A , (\.: Hoult'ui •m the ttiager-Dice of of the , A R. Lovett A. representing Giand the | I ami fair, a suitable the for ju-t k la of o by, w; goif cattle 'Imvv, havinglimit a : ton sjji,u]d this annuel seison to allow ,w I chiefin.-pcctor position! pron the of beenh the of toot'e same Company. d »i. R<; M. degft freshtnents ex. h" will j ! | Sp. f a 7 'lc, t hc time which at o'clock, at 7jSept. If, o uet og N 9 F ad A. and F.I Monument 96 Lodge NO ; tie the re will in he work evening Friday Mami Hall at .ie ; M w-'ull eLewhere. otberwi'r go : l i o n - u r n to mf iiM' lii: s I;i l (all 11 s1;r j. i a h ws ekn. j wiral was he seeking. f o pia . ami <»:i .pmiia a is- There only* payments ea-y you can of e tsmn i te i\< having, hovertisement Ti.\n<. the in ii v 'F ni vn m ucae paofr s little! ns pianofor purchase a am van Unwin ';F riiievx hth i bidn o Pesn river, Pleasantthat on buildinghe is sh tm ivsmn fo a fi a fromoareial investment ptvmg reports first class dams progress a his short biminexs on He trip Croix. St. to St, t"'vn, j There ateeither |jy o >u can ■.a>u ’'.'.i’ri eonwhieed uKike fully will comparison Be that tile yen .\l»i< h piano / ■ \ *dd 1 m toy,di else can purchaseae you good a piano for as little money as I u- • G-mrge 1,. ld Obre a berni appointed,Clyde O'borne has (borge ur r . . ) Ptagl ad grand- Pattangall and 1). Mrs. F. mb FalL of Campbell T. S'th n ' r ■] H f invanl, im M.’.i! in W. lbnii, ’I’ti" Fair a ed .lilt. Fleetwood Pride for left Monday on .M: if \i,ur xva’ch doesn't t •; ito )\\ \V Every week more people ,p- ■ !<• It u m li­ l de hr wl n x-.. meig of meeting xp-c.'.!here bn wdl a

okn aon ad aig comparisons before decide you making and around looking '0 New IS m-x < e k n o v t l u a f m a V ve, ns i' h >r A . i e k ie ]ak a nt !-e not W ]>ark a a may bile in an th a ,-l.

!>x F. f,.' A. yesterday. OD PIANOS GOOD

Il r "I'lv and rifles: <■!( k. be in a •,-! .3 a w ■in IF 1 locking . ( Pn >.que la I’> 1 ivben no 11 m g o s':.for a : S d a ’w a« i dav« i’ew a dm Sr :n vax ba a; r ll i; a i' '"M , lltcll. Ycvk MM rkx. w 1 M pan e p'eii'it Hill, Mu. el Wel,-i, i II n e a nee w-d.'t.X 1 toyou. dus. bn 1 p rliu-ie "' ’ dlai ii'- (i , o-'ll ' the eve: invited. Preopit Houlton (i o v a tc., tim vou t<> 'a tri ornot, this is and so whether that out is a o (iud uws in (iipudd ray of thin m i’( ■ bike ! I.,i •- : A) on ]m hi- S N BROS. LSON 11 U 1: V you ■r ■.' Fa I ing Lite t w it l. ii. lorn. r e v o X I■ ! e" x , at .V h'a the}

;ium , ■'!_/ > f < ' u


W al n wee you will and where waul ni'i'M i ‘eggs kew’oed nv nv .1 ! i'l, a i - mr . i: i l’i !■;}'. bocnx gs : hei i>. ir e th , v hi will be 11 H I j \ :‘ en mam w\ ::‘f en A.'-ur .1 inner manager. war k - F i k • : 1 Them 1 \ t i - m .milt ri '<■ ""i oulton w ;! a n was largely!e met e 4. my al members: all 'pie, it and is k"T’ ! that ■qua! 11 m 1 imt V.

and C 1 iiavd 1 y ■ ■; 1 :<• ( • 1(.M n Port-in yi-.r < ]>< ml • w w : 1; glad h i m

■n sax was e innot r up vr comes lea M’S f •. f if many s t Park that e cent per l A It is w mi­ e\t >ck are for E V ,-. F- | ll » at. to i


season. o ti we. e will He catch son this week. I ball team there for the remainder home returned Sunday. last B., Kirkland N. in fliemL i Souvni ( ir ven u o S | a | 1 I Post Card./’ Post I (' A'- % ,i •j ‘ "i ■) J J i5

Frank Nightingale went to Ralph T - ME, - , N LTO U O H iie Pois $300,000. Profits, divided un­ and Surplus, Capital, Aroostook Representative Co rd . oda , an Jord D. Fred rsrpin a Specialty.Prescriptions a \erv attractive.\erv cardsare thesetant friend ovnr o sendsomesouvenir to dis­ ofout while postcards, the ie s tl itc- As intact- is still line sotheyshould beseem We Tin-:showing of Post Cards nie n al inspection early aninvite f an crs s large, iscomprehensive beauti­ cardsand Maine of t hs tr i ide a indeed is store this at failto do cardsjustice a We’ve purchasersornot. artistic, whether intending ari interest will anci noteworthy one. u . rne deswiptious Printed ful. local views, while our stock as o ae Idle Make to Ways f Banking with theof oe Er More” Earn Money hc gvs important gives which Send to-day for “Safe for to-day Send he T o ae nild to. entitled are vou at o te advantages the facts on m ae o gtig nil getting not vmt are TRUST Drug' Drug' lot MONEY , e n,i-m wning .,:ei atBust asr Building, Mansur AGR ME. M BANGOR, Interest MERRILL Albert, who has has who Albert, f o Have You If of HAND-COLORED of HAND-COLORED G S G N B 5 Water St. ochran C uy

t \e think ifl \Ye it. lovers thingsof or . re to S CO., maussumat a m u s s u a im en visiting been

Hender­ o the for

of of a «a* | j


The Aroostook Times Thursday, SeptemberSl3, 1906.

Local News. M?. and Mm C. 3 Oigood went to WILLIAM FJoraooaville in their auto this morn- Fox Bros. W id en Wetmore, «>f ihe Indep^n- v.i TELL daat TsJephone Co , went to Fredercton Right in front is hie Stanley steamer today. <***-■-- The ladies of the Methodist Episco­ FLOUR of you pal church will hold]* baked bean sup­ m m m According to the highest authority— per in the church Thursday, September ‘Mi* the housewife—is the best dour in You set; here an illus­ lty from 5.30 to 7.30. As their for­ the world. Raises best, bakes best, tration o f our Hart mer reputation in this line has always tastes best. A word to the buyer of a Schaffner A; M a r x been Sret dace they intend to live up FOR SALE EVERYWHERE. ASK FOR IT. double-breastedVarsitv: to their previous efforts. The beans Piano or Organ %/ it’s as good looking in . if f to he baked in the bean-hole in the A. H. FOGG CO., Distributers, Houlton. peed tree woods style by one who is an this fall or winter. front as it is in the back; - Aft let in the work. Admission will be I sdl goods which will give en­ and it looks well on tire satisfaction ; and bring credit SdjMOta and a large crowd is hoped you. on my business in future years. ,1m* On Wednesday evening Sept. 12, at It’s all-wool ; and all the Beptiet Church the menibem of the right, in style, tit tailor­ Y . P. 8. C. K. gave a banquet. After G. A. HAGERMAN, ing and price, eoppi f 1 ad been served the toast-mis- DO IT Now! ' trees, ivies Cordelia E. Shaw, gave the Frisbie Block, Houlton. Opening addreea of welcome and was tecpoi dsd to by Mr. Klbridge Davis, ECZEMA AND PILE CURE Mian Baakel F ilch, Miss Mamie * Dens- FOX BROS., FRFF Knowing what it was to suiter, 1 ahow and l i t John Tidd. At the close l M kb will give FUFF OK CHARGE, to Aroostook’s Greatest H A V E Y O U R any aftlicbsl a positive curt* for Eczema, Suit ; Mr. Feed entertained them with a few Rheum, Erysipelas, Riles snd Nkiti Diseases. Clothing, Hatters V*f«M <** remarks after which the Instant relief. Don't sutler longer, Write F. . WILLIAMS, -loo Manhattan Avenue, '^ptM 'A cpem ed having had a most en- ew York. Enclose Stamp. and Furnishers. C o p y r : g h t 'JapablMiae. HOULTON, iqc6 by Hart s’ Marx . , Bither Ckeetcal Institute began its Printing F or Sale. PRESQUE ISLE, year on Tuesday with a very full One small safe in first class con­ CARIBOU. emollient of students. Everything dition, a bargain. Inquire at - atoms inferable for a ▼ety successful Done at the TIMES OFFICE. Ptof. Feleh, the Principal, Girl W anted! LOST. base identified with Kicker so r PARKEa'a A capable girl for general housework Saturday in Houlton, September W- jh amap peeve that he is thoroughly fami- HAIR BALSAM TIMES OFFICE. Clean?- ?.•■»; I'M f., s t1!.; hair. in a family where two girls are kept. with every department, and, with I rouiote* a luxuriM’t [rruvvth. 8th. A five dollar bill. The finder is SO’. » Ni-vcr Vai'.a to .Uestoro Gray Apply to MRS. P .tike c M e n t corps of teachers, it would ’/SSan .U -iir to p a Y outhful Color, P. BURLEIGH, requested to leave the same at the |J Cure* s( a)p disease, it hair tailing. aalha surprising if the ensuing year We are in a position to furnish * iOe.and >l.W at Druggists____ Main St. j Times office. LIZZIE HOGAN. [vAtfl be the banner year for the Insti- Beside Prof. Feleh the teachers Beegoe, Brown University, Bill Heads, Letter heads. Noah V. Barker, (Colby) j Baby Camr, (Colby) French Statements, Envelopes, T l aad German; Ethyl Jenka (Farmington 'Noeawl Baboo!) English; Katherine and all classes ot Job Work. im ilieid (Brown) teacher of music. D Linton, * formerly preoep- r ipawnt Shew University at Raleigh, GIVE US A CALL. Fall Special Values! "ff- C „ held, the same office at Ricker. i »•

V . Tht Carnival at Lakewood. We will furnish you up-to-date work.

N o better weather could have been School Opens in September {fjlljViiie fbrthe day's sports at Lake- 0 1 = 3 0 Tneeday. Accordingly nearly BaBb-peepts attended and enjoyed a ,% > * Itw bpurt'dslight/ul reereation in that fi Times Publishing Co. 2 We are ready to .pot- The Houlton Bud hand out to our cus­ i A f i f i l dwbR lit afternoon ud oren. l^ o i— saoiaa n o r ... s p y tomers a good hon­ . ’ . iff tht afternoon the sports be- est, strong, substan- ; ' ft* Md the winners in the various The Potato Market. as follows: £uit, one that at the On account of ideal weather condi­ ■< duw» r«ot,ydouble, won by Leonard price can’t-be-beat. tions foi Potato digging the past few >. ■ fta it and Walter B. Clark. Prize, days, farmers have generally begun *-e I ts taxes of cigars. active operations, with the result that ,1( ,%|3Win rate, single, won by Biddo potatoes have moved into market very loll. Frias, silver shaving set. freely, and the price declined to $1 00 v-: Swimming rate, Lynn Ervin, winner Perhaps you have been per barrel, and with present car short­ cf0Vffullb, .« ,¥ * H k ■ <£fWi n s til. age, there appears to be little prospect dissappoinl ed elsewhere. f r a ts. won by W ill Bnzzell. cBiuuior, of any change for the better, as buyers y" t ■( M m » a poeket book. We can give you a deal consider it too early f in the season for pole, won by young Put- the storage of any considerable quantity. Employment Department should in that will make you call a- rnm. Prise, a rifle. By reason ot the unusual demand i terest the business man in need of enm- gain, and think of us when T ie beet illuminated float was that for cars for the moving of the great! petent office help and young men and «I Harry Garrison and Harry Stetson, you want clothes ? corn and wheat crop in the West, the | women who desire to qualify for lu- b«l it was almost a tie between theirs supply is far below the demand, and j crative positions. Our services are free aad. that of Pievee. Either way try, Eier- likely to continue so for the next few ; to either at all times. Prospective Tht paviUion, the woods and the V T R A G Q O jy heimer Stein values —you mouths. Ot course, a little later, as students should write for our h | | l l were gaily deeprated with lanterns potatoes become thoroughly ripened, • will find that they can’t be '-^Matht plate looked like a glimpse of Positive Position Guaranty large quantities will be stored in the Boys’ fkirylkad. Every person who attended beat or matched anywhere. Youth’s County for winter shipment ; but the tim i d highly pleased with the day’s average farmer wishes to take advantage K. I,. SH A W , Pres., Portland, Me. Double Breasted SINGLE BREASTED . sppftt. Mr. Smith seems quite satis- of the Fall market and move at least a G. D HARDEN, Treas., Bangor, , fteii, having had an excellent attend­ Suits, part of his crop direct from the field, Me. Suits, a n ts and feeling sure that his efforts provided a fair market offers, as has i Size, 7 to 16, Goods as per this adver­ Semi-Form Fitting la pleaee the people were successful. Excellent Make and been the case up to the present time. ( tisement, ready for those Deep Vents, Bottom Fac­ No rust, blight or rot of any conse- j Trimming— Resolutions of Respect. ings, & Hair Cloth Fronts quence has been reported in the County, j AND LOOK OVER who call first. and a continuation of present favorable i Whereas, The Angel of Death has OUR $ 4.22 conditions for the next two weeks! $ 1.75 again entered our lodge and removed would warrant a bumper potato crop j I from oar midet our beloved sister Mar­ Lamson & Hubbard for the entire County, And probably as ! garet Brigge, therefore, Look For This Label well for other large potato-producing t Resolved, That by the death of our sections in other states. i sister the lodge has lost a true and faith­ ful mtmbei and on who was in every way worthy of our highest esteem, EASTERN STEAMSHIP GO- Resolved, That we extend our heart­ Summer Service felt sympathy to her sorrowing hus­ SIX TRIPS A WEEK TO BOSTON. band and baby, aud commend them to Commencing Monday, April oo, sfcennersleavt Bangor daily, except, Sunday, Him who doeth all things well, at 2 p. m., for Winterport,, j Fall Style Belfast, Camden, Rockland and Boston. Resolved, That Lady Lincoln Lodge For Hampden and Searsport Mondays, No, 5, drape its charter in mourning Wednesdays and Fridays at - p m. RETURNING jI HATS Po you know the Ederheimer Stein guarantee “Goods must please you for a period of thirty days ; that a copy » or back to us”? of these resolutions be spread upon our From Boston daily, except Sunday !We should be pleased m. veeotdc, a copy be sent to the bereaved From Rockland daily, except Monday at to show them 5.30 a, in., via Camden, Belfast, Bucksport husband, also a copy be sent to the and VVinterport. A koostook T imes and Orange Home From Searsport and Hampden Tuesdays ■ I Thursdays and Sundays. ' N ewt for publication. All cargo, except live stock, via the s'canna-s ! S. Friedman & Go. of this Company, is insured against lire and ; CLOUGH Houlton, Me., Aug. 18, 1906. marine risk. , & TAGGETT, I kjsnx M. H uggakd, i Committee II. T. SANBORN, Agent, Bangor, Me- Situation Wanted. Bessie C. Va il, > on CALVIN AUSTIN, V. P. ,v Gen’l Mann, HOULTON gor, Boston, Mass. By a young man of experience, a MAINE. Ch r istie Sh ield s. ) Resolutions. position as salesman, dry goods or groceries. References furnished, ryuy.fecunil HnlUive* KlitW Aif*, Foley’s Honey, md T&t mi Mskas ANMtdjr «u4 ot coagUM *u

FISHERS AND OMENS. to only ms So-am! i ■ ...illy it THE HUMPBACK WHALE. Notice. Notice of Foreclosure It. W. Dyer, receives for n pse.. - • . :r.. in the t uuuty of Aroostook and Mab- of •1NOOOKLBLOCK ODD SUPERSTITIONS FROM ALL OVER All llnrliip XIonMterM, To tilt* Sehvtmen of the Town of Houlton, ill as he is genera!iy ti:e one least liked. the County of Aroostook and .suite of Maine, by bis mortgage deed, dated January —DEALER IN - THE WORLD. In the Hawaiian Islands when the A “whale factory" is always located 17, ls'js, and recorded in the Aioostoos Maine:— Registry of Heeds m vol. lt>6, page 678, con­ Meat*, Groceries, Fruit fishermen aio ready to embark they are in some scantily populated seacoast The Houlton Water Company, a cor)mra­ veyed to the Eastern Trust anu Banking Incidents and Persons That Are Con greatly exasperated .diouhl a person harbor, for the odors that rise from the tion duly organized under the l>aws of said Comi>aiiy, a corporation organized uud exist­ Confectionery, state, existing according to law and having ing under the laws of the Mate of Maine, did sldered Unlucky by the Tollers ol come along and stand indolently gaz­ chimneys when a whale is being tried its place of business at said Houlton, hereby the Sea—Some Queer Motions That having its established place of easiness ut Crockery, Etc ing at them with bis hands behind him, out would speedily arouse an urban requests license and written permit from jou, Bangor, in said Mate, u certain piece or parcel Wsre Hold by the Ancients. as they believe it gives them bad luck. population to mob violence. The steam­ to erect poles ami wires, arms und fixtures 01 land situate in that part ot the village er is a stout little craft of 100 tons’ thereon ami construct its lines, with side lines and town of Presque isle aforesaid, known as MAIN 8T, HOULTOH, ME One of the commonest of superstl The ear bones, or otoliths, of the lake therefrom, for the transmission of electricity drum are often carried as amulets by burden, capable of making twelve Riverside, and described as follows, to wit: — tions among fishermen Is the alleged and electric current for heat, light and power Lot numbered ten (loy according t . the survey ill luck caused by woman. In the Isle the negro fishermen and others of the knots an hour, and is strongly built purposes, in, upon and along the followin, and plan of said Riverside made by C. E. t. highways public mads and streets, in said IM B. NER8EY, of Skye If a woman crosses the water south and are also prized by the boys .and braced to enable It to withstand Stetson for .James 11. Pliair in .July, 1-v.JO, re­ of Wisconsin and elsewhere in the a chance blow from the mighty flukes Town of Houlton, to wit: —North or I’utnam ference to said survey and plan being laid. JLttonirr ft Ooruutlor at L av In course of the fishing the luck Street, so-called. Riverside Street, Smyrna Also, one undivided half oi a certain piem or west who call them ‘•lucky stones,” of a maddened leviathan. Usually a Street, Howdoin Street, Maple street, Wash and doomed. At Flumborough, England, If parcel of land situated on the east side of the a woman happens to enter a cottage perhaps In allusion to the fact that siugle shot from the harpoon gun re­ burn .street, Lincoln Street, Highland Avenue, right of way of the Canadian Pacific ltailruud ___ NOTARY PUBLIC. they are marked by a figure which re­ sults in speedy death, but occasionally, Union ,Square, Rangor Street, Florence Company, as now located m said village and Offl«« i Slnoook Blook< when the men are preparing their lines Avenue, (hove Street, Military Street, Grange sembles the letter L. The New Eng when the weapon fails to strike a vital described as follows, to witCommencing on Aeeidenee, Mo. 8 Winter St. ■he is not allowed to depart until she Street, Green Street, Franklin Street, Colum­ the east line of said right of way, at the ■OOllOK, MAIMS. has knelt down and repeated the Lord's land fishermen carry a lucky bone point, the frenzied monster will career bia .Street, South Street, brook Street, Cleve­ northwest corner of land conveyed by Fred land Street, Court Street, Leonard Street, IgTWfll Practice la all the Courts in the 8tate Prayer. In Lapland the fishermen which they find In the head of the cod wildly ubout the ocean for hours, drag­ Barker to the Aroostook Lumber Company, ging the ship, with engines reversed, Pierce Street, Kendall ,Street, Market Square, by deed, dated November 9th, A. B. 18 to, anu avoid spreading their captured fish on fish. It Is shell-like and narrow, with Water Street, Pleasant street,, Mechanic over the water like a cork. recorded in the .Southern Bistriet ol the Aroos­ that part of the shore frequented by a length of three-fourths of an inch Street, Charles street, River Stree, Kim took Itegistry of Heeds, in vol. 152, page 86; Street, Winter Street, Summer Street Willard N. DRUMMOND FOSS women, as the next expedition would The edge is notched, while the color Most desperate and dangerous of all thence running northerly along the east line is a pearly white. Many of them eon marine monsters is the humpback Street. Rurleigh St not, Main Street, iliiams ol said right of way, three hundket! ninety- be a failure. treet, Kellernn Street, School Stre< t, l.awu aider it a good plan to carry two bones whale. When wounded, the humpback two (692) teet, mote or less, to land owned by ittin tj lid Coiostlor at Lav. On many parts of the coast of Eng St not, Park St not, Weeks Stnet, Fair F. h. Parkhurst; thence easterly along the as that will make their luck doubly will charge the ship and attempt to Street, High Street, Franklin Avenue, Pearce Prompt Attention Given to Collecting. land It is considered most unlucky for south line of said laud owned by said E. E. sure, but they both should be from the destroy It, there being a case on record Avenue, Spring Street, Powers Avenue, so- Parkhurst, one hundred (100) feet, more or Hours a woman to walk over the nets or any where a small Norwegian whaler was called, Prospect Street, Orchard Street, less, to tiie centre of the first street east of Office 8 to 12 : I to 6. head of the same fish. Sunnyside street, state Street, Hey wood of the fishing taede, although women In the Hawaiian Islands the appear sunk and all hands lost In such an en­ said right of way; thence southerly along the Telephone 2 -2 . Street, Watson Avenue, so-called, Avon centre ot said street, three hundred andniuety- take an active part In collecting bait ance of the uiui, a small flat fish which counter, while another steamer had a Street, First Street, Third Street, Fourth Some of the English herring fishermen two (692) feet, more or less, to the northeast OFFICE, French’s block, comer visits the islands only occasionally, is narrow escape from a similar fate Id Street, and Commonwealth Avenue, so-called •orner of said land convey ed by said Barker have an Idea that by beating their Newfoundland waters. HOULTON WATER COMPANY, to the Aroostook Lumber Co.; thence wester­ Main and Mechahic Sts. regarded as a sure precursor of the By B. B. MoIntvrk, Supt. wives they can draw the fish in. In death of a high chief or one of the roy- On one occasion an unusually pow­ ly along the north line of land last named one At Mara Hill Office Wednesday the Hawaiian Islands after the fisher hundred (loo; feet, m .re or less, to place of ul family. erful bull blueback, harpooned in a | Ppon the foregoing petition, Ordered, that beginning. And also an undivided half of a and Thursday of each week. men have prepared the lau melometo The ancients supposed that the seal nouvital spot, towed a whaler for j a public hearing be held at the office of the certain other piece or parcel of laud, situated (a billet of wood used as a decoy) with enjoyed immunity from lightning, and twenty-six hours around Placentia bay, Selectmen of Houlton, on Monday, the first in said village, and described as follows, to day of October, A. I), 1906, at nine o’clock in wit:—Commencing at the southeast corner of the proper Incantations care is taken among those who borrowed the protec­ doubling back and charging the ship that a woman does not step over it or the forenoon, at which time and hdace, resi­ said land conveyed by said Barker to the & D. MELDRIM &C0. tion of its skin was the Emperor Au repeatedly and requiring three har­ dents and property owners upon ana along the Aroostook Lumber Co.; thenee running enter the canoe in which it is placed, gustus, who always wore a belt of seal poons to dispatch it. Another time a highways and streets to be affected thereby, northerly along th * centre of the street above as in that event the decoy would lose humpback made a fourteen hour fight and all other persons interested, sliall have named, two hundred aud forty (240) feet, fur. The idea arose from the fancy full opportunity to show cause why such more or less, to the southwest corner of land Itumlture, Carpets, Its power, and the kahuna (sorcerer) that the seal sleeps most profoundly in against a wluiler off Cape Race, the would have to go through the opera permit should not be granted. owned by Mary J. Johnson; thence westerly thunderstorms. The crab was believed ship’s winch being demolished by the And that public notice thereof be given by along the south line of said land owned by Caskets and tlon again. by the ancients to grow only during the furious tugs the creature made as it publishing a copy of said petition and this or­ said Johnson, one hundred twenty (12o; feet, The influence of the minister is hard­ waxing of the moon, aud this is still a tried to rid itself of the harpoon. A der thereon two weeks in succession in the more or less, to side track of said railroad ly less adverse than that of women, Aroostook Times and also in the Aroostook company; thence southerly along the east Funeral Material. current belief, the writer having found third instance was where u whaler, Pioneer, two newspapers published and print­ line of said side track, two hundred forty and the practices noted as connected it in various parts of this country, par­ having shot one “fish” just before sun­ ed in said Town of Houlton, the last pub­ (240) feet, more or less, to land owned by Embahners and Funeral Director. with ths ill omen of feminine interfer­ ticularly in Alaska. This seems to down, transfixed another soon after­ lication to be at Lost fourteen days before heirs of Jarves Hayward, late of said Presque ence apply also to the clergy. The ward and spent the whole night in a said hearing. Isle, deceased; thence easterly along the north Opera House Block, have more foundation than the belief Given under our hands at said Houlton, line of said last named laud one hundred herring are said to have all left one that in thunderstorms lobsters cast most perilous light with his two vic­ this third day of .September, A. D. 1906. twenty (120) feet, more or less, to the place of part of the Irish coast because they their large cutting claws. The brain tims, whose diverse movements fre­ FRA X K A. PEA BO DY, i Selectmen beginning. Excepting Hum tiie second paroel Court St. h o u l t o n , m a i n e . heard the new parson say he was going of the carp was supposed by the an­ quently threatened to overturn the IIJALMAK EDBLAD, \ of above described, a piece of laud ninety-eight to tithe the fishery, and in Lapland and vessel. HARRY R. BURLEIGH. ) Houlton. (9sj feet in width north and south heretofore cients to grow aud diminish as the 267 conveyed to Hone Bros.

thirty barrels of potatoes from the farm JFJ*u*J*®J*J*J*J* A SENTENCE OF DEATH. Choice Extracts to the railroad or factoiy, he is much w Condensed News q more benefitted than when he can haul Ts.iit.u Kniiii'.f of i« Murder 1'i‘lul lit MOM THI SATURDAY EVENING II WONtef II ( <: ;i |-|, fifteen or twenty, a saving of time and “Oin> of tfit* most tragic scenes POST, labor. Until each man who uses the ever w: uessed.’’ said an aged lawyer, i >< > :\"r b u y a roads, realizes what good roads mean, “occurr ■.! m a small town in one of the At Jacquet River, N . B., on Friday western slates. The judge was a man HU 8ense of Guilt. last a steam boiler in a sawmill blew just so long will the ordinary rough cf sixty or more, and in addition to up, killed the night watch, and wreck­ and stony road remain. most venerable and dignified appear­ COAT, SKIRT, Let us bear in mind that a good road ance und manner he was the Maddest In th« January of 1881, butter was ed the mill. faced man I ever saw. He had come to is a help to us all, and let each man do ftfj scare* and high in price, whereas our town ten or a dozen years before his part to assist in keeping and im­ Utd waa but seven cents a pound. My Perry Knight of Fort Fairfield, was from the east, and we knew little of WAIST OR SUIT at work piftting up telephone wires on proving the roads that benefit each him except that lie was an able lawyer fhther wae in the gvtcery business in a and jurist and that his wife, who was person who has to use them. email town and ahipped lots of butter. the River De Chute road, leading out tin1 only other member of bis family One day, Joseph Petetkin—as we will from Easton. He had climbed to the rrud himself bad some great sorrow. . , Until you visit . . top of a pole and was at work placing ‘‘Due night onr town was all torn up S«ll him«~eaiiM in the store, inquired by a robbery and murder and the cap tl|» gjdeb 0i hotter, and, finding he the wires when the pole fell to the Church Directory ture of the killer and thief almost in iOhM hot obtain more eLewhere, * old ground with Perry clinging to it. There the net. For a wonder he wasn’t lynch are no bones broken but his back re­ First Unitarian Church. cd then and there, but he wasn't, nnrl my Ihther some large, fine looking rolls as soon as daylight came proceedings Co i;xkr K u a n a n d M il it a r y s t . of butter. ceived, the greatest injuries and at were instituted against the pri-oner, The Garment Store. I’astor RKV. LKVEKKTT K. DANIELS. present the physicians are unable to as­ and I was appointed, with another At dinner time my mother telephoned Residence 43 School Street. youngster, to defend him. certain just how serious they are. This SUNDAY SERVICES. tfenwn to the store for a small amount of “Really there wasn't any defense, Morning Worship and Sermon 10.30 A. m. fetter, as there was a ciock to be de­ young man is about 20 yeaas of age and I was frank enough to tell him Sunday School 11.45 A. M fected from her butter-maker in the and has many friends who sympathize that he might hi thankful if we could Over One Thousand Ladies’ Misses’ Young Peoples Religious Union 7.00 i \ m. •anitry, after dinner. . My father, with him in his misfortune. save him from a lynching. He was a and Children’s COATS will be Four O’clock Vesper Service the Second stranger in the town, evidently led knowing Peterkin was neat if stingy, Sunday of each Winter Month. there by some stories he lmd heard shown this fall. ent into a roil, intending to take some While demonstrating a new explosive ALL WELCOME. of an old miser we had among us, and feme, when wfcnt wae %i» astonishment compound in the presence of about 40 was a man of pet haps thirty-three or Free Baptist Church. thirty-four, with a most unprepossess­ contracting stone quarrymen at Lynn, in hind a thU &ating of butter over ing appearance, greatly accentuated by Mass., on Friday. Frank W. Worden- Cohnkk K k l l k u a n a n d M il it a r y St fe g tltfr tto «?tiurd ' Pastor REV. F. CLARKE HARTLEY a week’s growth of rough whiskers, Over Two Hundred to any, father did not take berger, the inventor, and another man Residence 35 Highland Avenue years or dissipation and hard living. were fatally injured. The explosion SUNDAY SERVICES. Iu those days and In such oases the Coats already opened. 4hal batter, but, after law’s delay was not much In force, and came prematurely. Preaching 810.30 a . m. 7 r. M »'ipnht in thonght, he decided Bible School and Pastors Class 11.45 A. M. by 0 o’clock of the second da)’ the pris­ The most exclusive tehfk till mnn •* leeson. Knowihg Christian Endeavor Service! 0.00 r. m. oner was standing before the judge to receive sentence. As he stood there FMutUn would be in town on a certain The 250 girls employed by the Con­ Regular Prayer and Praise Service Tuesday, styles shown...... 7.30. I\ M. that day a harder looking customer I fey , he arranged for a window display tinental Paper Bag Co , at Rumford think I never saw. ky etMiegf the rolle in twe afid placing Falls, who struck for higher wages are “ ’Have you Anything to say why First Baptist Church. with the ent aide toward the win- going to work at $7 00 a week. They sentence of death should not be pro­ Co u r t S t . . nounced upon you?’ said the judge aft­ mi n white doth. A large placard were getting g6.00 and had asked for REV. .1. A. FORI) M. A. Pastor.! er all the preliminaries were over. n hand pointing toward the rolls 17.50. Morning Worship and Sermon 10.30 a . m. “ ‘I have, your honor, if you are to L. McLEOD. 'mm iim ofd baek of them. It bore ih i Bible School 12.00 A.M. pronounce that sentence,’ replied the Junior Endeavor 3.00 r . m. prisoner with an air of almost imperti­ Tired of life, Ambrose M. Harris ,*■ •*A fin* Pie-Crust Mixture. Christian Bndeavor 0.15 r . M. nence. ‘At least.’ he added half apolo­ |ekre tor Particulars of Joseph Peter- committed suicide in Calais, Monday Song Service and Sermon 7.00 v . m. getically, ‘possibly under the circum­ =4 Maanfaeturer” afternoon, with a revolver. He be­ Prayer Meeting Tuesday 7.30 r . m. stances you might not cure to pro­ nounce it,’ Then father waited until the boy, longed in Boothbay, Maine, was forty The Church of the Good Shepherd. “This was entirely out of the ordina­ wag hired fbr the pUrpoee, an* years of age, and had been employed N o t ic e o f First M e e t in g of Cr e d it o r s SUNDAY SERVICES. ry, and I touched my client on the arm with a bridge crew on the Washington and was about to remind him of the In the District Court of the United States, Notice of ftoredosare. iig|-% i:fhie^ttfa arrival in town, Morning Service 10.30 a . m . customs of the court when the Judge for the District of Maine. In Bankruptcy, Whereas, Henry Darling of Moro Planta­ County railway. No cause is assigned Evening Service 7.00 r. M. 1 n the matter of i tion, in the County of Aroostook and State of the display was placed in requested me to leave the prisoner to Sunday School 0.45 A. M. J>awrence Kelley, > In Bankruptcy. Maine, by his mortgage deed dated Octotier .Hit window. for his /ash act. him. Bank nipt. I 3rd. 1904, and recorded in the Aroostook FRIDAYS. “ ‘Will you be kind enough to ex­ To the creditors of LaAvrenee Kellej, Registry of Deeds, Vol. 208, Page 483, con­ would heme along, stop and Litany 7.30 i*. m. veyed to A. M. Leavitt, of Smyrna, in said plain?’ he said in a strangely excited of Caribou, in the County of Aroostook Jangh and pass on. Four women and the driver of a Sittings free. All Welcome. an< district aforesaid, a bankrupt. County of Aroostook, the following described J. C. KOON, Rector. tone. otice is hereby given that on the 8th day real estate, to wit: —A certain parcel of land Peterkin rushed in funeral party were severely injured in “ ‘Well, your honor,’ responded the >f Sept., A. I). 190ti, the said I ,a\vr Mice situated in said Moro Plantation, and being Everett, Mass., Sunday when a Boston prisoner without a quaver of voice, ‘as Kelley was duly adjudicated bankriapt; a part of lot numbered eighty-one (Hi), uid that the first of bis therein, mid known as the Bates Mill Congregational Church. I’m your only son’— mating it wmmw that stuff out of the win A Northern electric car bound for •reditors a\ ill be held at the office of property described as follows, to wit:— C o u r t S t . “But the judge heard no more. It Kdwin L Vail in Houlton, on the Commencing at a stake in the turn Lowell collided with a hack containing dow t Here it ten dollars. Will that Pastor REV. DANIEL E. PUTNAM. was evident that he knew the prisoner 29th day of Sept., A. D. 1906, at of the Mill Road, so-called; thenoe run­ the mourners. 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at which time ning southerly to a birch tree; thence game fgnAW It ? I shall never hear the last Residence, 10 Kelleran Street. was telling tha truth, for, with a groan, the said creditors may attend, prove their direction to a stake by the side of Mill Brook: «T this IT I had not thought you ’SUNDAY SERVICES. he threw up his hands and fell forward claims, appoint a trustee, examine the bank- thence southwesterly to the comer of land Preaching Service 10.30 a . m. across the desk In front of him, dead, apt,* and transact such other business as may owned by one Kilgore to a stake; thence that, hotter without examin- As a result of a shooting affair in the properly tome before said meeting. westerly to the Mill Road; thence northerly Sunday School 11.45 a . m. a little, stream of blood trickling from section of Naugatuck, Conn., known as EDWIN L. VAIL, on the 5l ill Road to the first mentioned stake, d have been at- Praiso'Servioe with brief Address 7.00 P. M. his lips. Idle excitement was terrific, Referee in Bankruptcy. containing three acres, more or less, together to do it, 1 never would have “ Little Italy,” four Italians, three men TUESDAY. and In the midst of it the prisoner Dated at Houlton. .Sept. loth, 1900. with mill and all machinery thereon, and all dashed through a vidndow and would other buildings erected on same, together to do It.** and one women were shot Sunday Prayer Meeting 7.30 a . m. Avith permission to flow the pond with suffi­ have escaped, but a timely slmt from a Notice of First Meetixgof Creditors cient Avater to run said mill at all seasons of %at note hard-hearted night. One of the men, it is thought, rifle in the lm ids of a wan on the out­ the year. Methodist Episcopal Church. n the District Court of the United States for nod, after deducting the money may die, another is critically injured, side settled him forever. And, best of lie District of Maine. In Bankruptcy. And whereas, the said A. M. Leavitt by his Cohnkh M il it a r y a n d Sch oo l St s . all, his mother never knew. She lin­ In the matter of i assignment dabs! .June 29th, 1906, and record­ while the seriousness of the third man’s ed in said Registry of Deeds, Vol. 196, Page feterkln fir the fetter, gave him Pastor, KEY. G. K. KDUETT. gered a few mouths after her hus­ George F. Knilans, jin Bankruptcy, wounds has not yet been determined Residence, 28 School St. Bankrupt, I 288, assigned said mortgage and the debt the amaH remainder of the bill, band’s death, and the entire popula­ To the creditors of George F. Knilans of thereby secured to the undersigned, Bowker tray the etory leaked out and Tue woman suffered a flesh wound. SUNDAY SERVICES. tion of the town considered it to be a Blaine, in the county of Aroostook, Fertilizer Company, a corporation duly exist­ Morning Worship and Sermon 10.30 a . m. and District aforesaid, a bankrupt. ing by law aim having an established place of was felled "old pie crust” Her shooting was said to be uninten­ sacred obligation to lie to her about business in Boston, in the Commonwealth of Sunday School 12.00 A. m . the whole affair.” Notice is hereby given that on the 8th day tional. Two other Italians who have Sept., A. D. 1906, the said George Massachusetts. Epworth League 0.00 r. M. Knilans was duly adjudicated bank­ And whereas, the condition of said mortgage Song Service and Sermon 7.00 p. M. alleged to have participated in ihe affray “Step Lively!** rupt ; and that the first meeting of his is broken, now therefore, by reason of the TUESDAY. Player Meeting 7.30 p . m. creditors will be held at the office of breach of the condition of said mortgage, said made their escape and are now search­ Every one is familiar with the im­ Bowker Fertilizer Company claims a foreclos­ FRIDAY. Class Meeting 7.30 r. m. Edwin L. Vail, in Houlton, on the II Pay* to Bo Amiable. perious conductor who insists with his ure of said mortgage and gives this^notioe for ed for by the authorities. All Welcome. 29th day of Sept., A. J). 1900, at 10 “Step lively, please!” that you shall o'clock in the forenoon, at which time that purpose. Houlton, Me., September 7th, 1906. hurry as you get into the car. Most the said creditors may attend, prove their A young man in the neckwear de­ claims, appoint a trustee, examine the bank­ BOWKER IERI1LIZER COMPANY, Three were killed and 12 more or First Presbyterian Church. pieople resent this peremptory order rupt, and transact such other business as may By its Atty., G e o r g e A. Go r h a m . af Marshall Field A Co., who less seriously injured in a collision Sun­ Co r n e r H u m a n d M il it a r y S t s . and feel a bit ruffled as the car starts pr<>i>eiiy come before said meeting. 338 forward with the customary jerk, and EDWIN L. VAIL, with *the firm but a short day night between an electric car and Pastor, REV. KENNETH McKAY. Manse, Next door to Church on High Street. they either fall abjectly Into a seat or Referee in Bankruptcy. I'yuy-Pectoral Believes Bight A w ay Dated at Houlton, .Sept., 10, 1900. tnd makes a speedy end of couth* and colds. oae day waiting on a custom- a “ bus” containing a pleasure party at SUNDAY SERVICES. clutch with frantic haste the first con­ to be unuaually bard to Baltimore. Sunday School 9.30 A. M. venient strap. The would-be purchaser, who Morning Worship 10.30 A. m. A friend of mine coming from a quiet Inland city to a bustling seaport a handsome, elderly man, tossed Junior C. E. Service 2.30 p. M. Good Roads. Service in Church on Foxcroft Road 2.30 p. m. town heard the “Step lively!” of the OE t f e afeut and seemed to desire any C. E. Service G.30 p. m. car conductor with some surprise. For­ and etyla aava those offered for Evening Worship 7.00 P. M. tunately for herself she took her seat r The question of good roads is one without losing her balance; then, lift­ Hb appiovnl. The salesman patiently TUESDAY Prayer Meeting7.30 p .m. o that is of interest to every person in ing her benignant face, framed In the DO IT N ow ! Q JfaployOd a vafied assortment of the thia section of the country, especially soft dove colored Quaker bonnet, she ggnde, defUy knotting the ties end gazed at the brusque young man who to the farmer, for he is the one who feMAfe. Ihmn out lo show the effect WANTED. came to take her fare. “What Is thy = a O D O O E = S O uses the roads for business more than name?” she said. , aOl t fe skimmer of the satin or the any other person, and the road that Rattier surprised In his turn, he ■44* esatehing through boxes for the meekly replied, giving Christian and > means dollars and cents to him is used Some good, active, responsible man f e f e **t*r*, and, lit spite of the surname. H A V E Y O UR by many others for pleasure, and by as agent for our teas, comets, extracts, “Friend William Blank,” the passen­ Amenhsl oaptious manner of the cue- others for business, more or less. npices, soap, etc., in Houlton. Good ger observed, still looking steadfastly at him, “thee would not have said , Ismiij never Aw a moment lost his The automobile probably, has done oay to those willing to work. Address pid-natnre. Finally a half ‘Step lively!’ to me had thee known more for good roads than anything else giving reference, Grand Union Tea Co., that I xvas ninety years old.” ‘| 4mm ties were selected, and, with in the United States, and while it is P. O. Box No 472, Bangor, Me. The conductor touched his cap, beg­ Job Printing f Walling pencil, the clerk naked the many times, disagreeable, and some­ ged her pardon, and when the lady of . mnal question : ninety left the car he assisted her de­ time* dangerous to meet them on the Grand Union Tea Co. scent with the gallantry of a knight of “ Cash or oharga >” Done at the r road, especially when the person driv­ old.—Woman’s Home Companion. . “Charge,” replied the gray*haired ing them cares nothing for anyone but A. R. LOVETTE, Mgr. Lemattre Looked Old at Thlrty-flve. himself, yet they have come to stay, > **Wfet name, pltaee ?** Jules Lemaltre was of middle height, and must be put up with. with bent shoulders, head carried for­ - *ftf*ithaU Field.*’ TIMES OFFICE. M*uy people who have never been ward, near sighted and awkward. The • Tfe new salesman almost giUped over the highways in this part of the evening drees hung ungracefully, as with astonishment, and he probably though Its pockets were stuffed with We are in a position to furnish country imagine that the roads are Aeee not know to thia day that hit sub­ books and papers. No one would have mostly corduroy and rocks, but he wl o taken him for anything but what ho sequent promotion was owing to his thinks ao, has only to travel over them was—a mau of study, perhaps a pro­ •inerts politeness and patient endeavor fessor. He stumbled over those awful Bill heads, Letter Heads. in an automobile to find there are as to serve his employer and to please his stools or cushions the ouvreuses put good, if not better roads in this section under one’s feet and murmured, “Par­ ••sterner, who, of course, in this case of the State than in other parts that don, madame; pardon,” as be strove to Statements, Envelopes, proved to be one and the same person. gain his seat. And people whispered, are more thickly settled. “Lemaltre; Jules Lemaltre.” In those Only last week W. H. Gmrett of days he was about thirty-five and look­ and all classes ol Job Work. It Mousses energy, develops and Augusta, made the run from Bangor to ed almost fifty. Ills hair, Inclined to % etimolataa nervous life, arouses the Patten, 100 miles in four hours, and curl, early turned gray, then white, leaving him a little bald. This added courage of youth, it makes you young from a statement made by a person again. That’s what Hollister's Rotfcy POINTS ABOUT HARDWARE to the height of his forehead and made GIVE US A CALL. Mountain Tea will do. 35 cents, Tea who has driven a car from Ft. Kent to the rather insignificant features appear Portland, the roads in this section are Hardware and tools of all kinds a little lacking In space, as though the or Tablets. yon will find here in great qariety. better than in the South* rn part of the face had been of India rubber and Robert J Cochran. Tools for any purpose ; all good pressed too hard. The expression, the 3 We will furnish you up-to-date work. State. But whatever tie condition of makes, sold on their merit without glint of the blue eyes, soon forced one the roads in other places those in this nisrepresentation, and at popular to forget his rather unsatisfactory phy­ Ladiee, read this Catalogue of charms. section are what inhere.t us the most, irices for good reliable goods, sique. When he spoke he let Ills Avords drop with a sort of careless grace Avith Bright eyes, glowing cheeks, red lips, a and every town that eX] ends its road .leal here and you get a square smooth skin without a blemish, in Deal in Hardware. a little hesitation too. The voice was abort, perfect health. For sale with money in a judicious >v y wil: get more gentle und rather high pitched. When > he lectured that soft voice swelled and every package of Hollister’s Ro&ky returns indirectly from it than we John Deasey, carried to the very extremity of a 2 Times Publishing Co. 2 Mountain Tea. 35 cents. realize. large theater and ail hesitation disap­ Robjut J. Cochran. If a farmer can haul twenty-five o Baugcr St., Houlton, Me. peared.—Mme. Charles Bigot In Critic. 8 The Avoostoott Times Thursday. September 13, 1806. Dividend Notice.

“THE ORIGINAL” % A semi-annual dividend at the *1 ABOUT THE FARM. rate of three and one-half per cen1:. 8 ^ 8 % per annum has been declared by Borden’s 8 ^ 8 *he 8 ^ 8 MOULTON SAVINGS BANK, Interesting Notes. been paid by the potato grower, and in Shot Guns fact nearly every rule in regard to the

Eagle 8^ 8

payable on and after BRAND The numerous farmers in Aroostook nature and Kws of fh*» potato has been 8 ^ 8 Wednesday Hay 2. Co., who have been pestered with violated Men in Ilnur i-ngcrness to Sheep-killing dogs, will be interested in get the most out of the pot-i*o crop cut Rifles 8>^8 Dividends not withdrawn will be the following clipping from I orf, hiirm (be seed potato up into pieces, thuu added to the principal. Deposits 8 ^ 8

and Home : ‘A flock of 110 sheep weakening the potato. Then ngsin draw interest from the first day of belonging to K A Hailey of \\ i■ tlirop^ tanners take the -etd from th.) previous 8 ^ 8

each month. 522 Center which were in a pa-tun* in j year a growth and therefore inbreed, Ammu nition 8 ^ 8

Readfield, formetly owned by Dividj which is finally the death to all vegeta- Ur Notice. Aust’n, were found Friday m< ruin : o f: bles and animals 8 ^ 8

To Bank Depositors, Interest wi >cS?c6yow**ii^NsSfH'tK^ last week scattered far and wide by ( “ Ihese two great errors have been ba paid on time deposits on and after dogs. T hey found that 40 sheep had been largely followed throughout the world, 8 ^ 8 May laty 1906. killed by the dogs and the rest driven In Ireland the cutting of the seed pota- C O N D E N S ^ Anything you want MUST NATIONAL BANK from the pasture. Ten are still mis- to was largely followed, while the in­ OF HOULTON. sing. The buck cost $100 and many of breeding was followed everywhere. As in this line at the ewe?, cost 020. Mr. Bailey bought (the result of these errors rust, first made Hotioe to Depositors. Milk the full bloods of C. M. Hilton, the ' its appearance in Ireland causing much Internet will be paid on all time Leader since 1857 noted importer of sh/eep ” damage. This, it may be said, was the on nnd after May 1 st. 1906. Borden’s Condensed Milk Co., N. Y. first appearance of the potato disease. Of the thousands of carloads of po­ In the United States similar conditions FOGG'S FARMERS* NATIONAL BANK tatoes, shipped from Aroostook county, existed and the potato was cultivated in l - — — about 500 carloads frequently go to that country along the lines of its high­ lA M M rrt HUTTON FOR (HSCMARO Maine JRegister. two Southern States annually for seed, est production r srof Norman W. Kirk,Kirk. 1 In Bankruptcy namely Texas and Georgia. Ihese “ Finally in Colorado they forced its Bankrupt. 1 State Year Book 1 Host. Clarence H ai.k, Judge of cars of potatoes for the two states production to 800 bushels to the acre. Hardware Store Batriot Court of the United States for -AND— 1 District of Maine. named when loaded into two-horse 1 his overproduction in conjunction with NORMAN W. KIRK, of Ashland Business Directory of Maine. teams wonld make a procession about the other weakening processes, left* the County of , Aroostook ant potato in a very weak state, and as a Maine, in said District, N o. 37 Just Issued. 50 miles long, and the entire potato leuts that on the 30th output of the county in a favorable result came the potato bug, this bug last past, he was Filled with Valuable information u p dfetf bankrupt under the Acts year would make a similar proeession being a disease caused by a larger pro­ Come in and look over. m relating to Bankruptcy; for Everybody who wishes to know of about 200 miles. duction than the constitution of the has duly surrendered all his about the State of Maine, New property. and plant would stand. This was the be­ WE’VE GOT THE GOODS oompUed with all the Township and R. R. map of State. . cl aatt Acte and of the A party of fifteen, Carleton County ginning of the potato bug and since Court touching hhr bankruptcy, A book for every Office and Home. that time it has spread surely but slow­ The prices are right. tonic u k p r a y s . That he may men have purchased from McLaughlan by the Court to have a full die- O ver 1,000 pp. Price $ 2.00. ly over the whole of America, causing 1 all debts provable against his re­ Bros., of Cleveland, Ohio, a French tard bankruptcy Acts, except such GREENVILLE M. DONHAM, I'obllsber. Coach Stallion. His name is “ Crulai hundreds of thousands of dollars’ worth as are exoeptea by law from such 390 Congress St., opp. City Building. 4116,” and the price paid was 33750. of damage. 39th day of Aug.. A. D.,1906 Accesories of all Kinds. Portland, Maine. “ In order to keep the potato healthy NORMAN W. KIRK, 00. This is the biggest price ever Bankrupt. the farmer must not get seed from his Constantly in stock for sale. paid for a horse of his kind in this part ORDBR OF- NOTICE THEREON. own farm and he must stop cutting his New Hampshire and Vermont of the country. The horse was import­ DISCOUNTS TO THE TRADE. o t Maine, as. ed from France last spring and has a seed potatoes in pieces, and until these 8th day of kept., A. D. 1906 Registers (paper), 25c each . « foregoing peticlou. it is— good pedigree. Chas. Grey of Water- practices ar» stopped the potato disease iy thk Court, That a hearing will continue to grow. Then again i the same on the 28th day ville is now in charge of him.— Dispatch. A. D. 1908, before said Court NOTICE. the potato balls should be planted, and in said District, at ten forenoon; and that notice in order to get any good results from be published in the Aroostook Discovery of the Potato. these potato balls they must be planted a newspaper printed in said and that all known creditors, and Beginning Sept. lst,#1906, three successive years and'at the end interest, may appear at the Recorder Skinner, who is a student IN place, and show cause, if any the HouJton Trust Company of that time a good variety of potato 9$ 0 wby^thej>rayer of said petitioner will pay interest at the rate of nature as well as of Blackstone, has will he the result. E made a special of the potato, its IT It FURTHER ORDERED BY THK of 3 1-2 per cent, per annum, “ The department of agriculture That the Clerk shallI send byDy mail to origin and its growth. He claims the eradltors copies of said peti tion and payable semi-annually, on all should take hold of this question and addressed to them at their places1 of Savings Deposits instead of present potato has largely degenerated insist that the farmers plant the potato from the original potato, and that if the C. H. WILSON. the Honorable C l a r e n c e H a l b 3 per cent, as heretofore. De­ balls, for if they do not hasten to do so iteid Court, and the seal thereof present mode of cultivating the potato in arid District, on the 8th day posits made on or before the there will be no potato balls to plant, . D. 1906. is continued it will in a short time be J ag a jaw 0f nature jf anything is - ...... - DEALER IN JAMES E. HEWEY, Clerk fifth day of the month will ol petition and order thereon. draw interest from the first come extinct. Mr. Skinner also claims j noj made u$e 0f then it will soon stop : JAMES E. HEWEY. Clerk day. that the wheat in the we.t will .oon be j grow;„g snd if the p0Ul0 baI| s(op stricken with rust and other parasite pf:(j grow;ng jt will only be a matter of Central Stables Houlton, Me. Aug. 22, 1906. diseases if the present mode of culti- time before the potato itself becomes Choice Groceries vation is persisted in by the wheat extinct.”— St. John (X. B.) Star. growers. In an interview with the PROVISIONS, VEGETABLES, HOULTON TRUST CO. Star, Mr. Skinner expressed the fol­ It is too much to expect that every FRUIT, CONFECTIONERY, Market Square, lowing views in regard to these matters: graduate from a college of agriculture By Thomas P. Putnam, Treas. “ The country is in need of some cure can, on account of his college training CIGARS AND TOBACCO. or preventative in regard to the potato SOXJLTON, MAINE go out and take up the management disease, as the potato is tbs most valu­ THE IMPORTED PERCHERON of a farm and at once make it a ful STALUON. able vegetable produced and hence a Headquarters for Boarding, Bait- success. It requires business tact and Pay cash for Poultry, great asset to our country, and there­ and Stabling. Livery and experience to successfully conduct Butter and Eggs. fore it is necessary to bring it back to COCO 4 6 9 2 5 farm. All men are not endowed with ;«tfe Stable in connection. its former healthy state.” business capacity in like measure, wnile Capacity over sixty good stalls 4 0 1 3 4 . “ The potato.” he remaiked, “ was no young men fresh from schools have Dark gray, star, foalded April 7.1900. B red Hist discovered in South America including roomy box stalls, with by M. Alexis Gk>n, Authon, Eure-et-I-oir, ! yet had the benefit of experience. No Franoe. Sired by Marescot (43226) dam Ida under the following circumstances. Some MARKET SQ., HOULTON Sample carriage room. The best 1134) by Aiglon (8187) 2d dam Marie (— one can question but the young gradu­ Fayiil (1122). Weighs over 2,000 lbs. travelers in their visits to that country j caiw.taken day and night. j ate from a college course in agriculture "WI Coco was approved by the French Govern­ had lost their way in the wilds, and ment to stand for public service in France. is better prepared to grapple with 0 8 ^ 8 8 ^ 8 8 ^ 8 8 ^ 8 8 (J« $j^ 8 8 ^ 8 ’8 ^ 8 8 ^ 4 ^ 8 8 ^ 8 8 ^ 8 j* 8 ^ 8 8^J# 8 ^ 8 8 ^ 4 Prices moderate. ’Phone 3- 1 1 . With his he being without food were compelled to possesses won- the intricate problems of the farm liv« on anything they could pick up erfol quality and great activity which has made than would have been the case with the Percheron Itlie most famous of all draft In the esurse of their perambulations breeds throughout the world. His pedigree out that training. like his individual merit is the best tha. can be they discovered a bulb, and upon at­ CHAS. A. ATHERTON, found in Franoe his immediate ancestors on both sire's and dam’s side being the most tempting to eat it they found it platable An example of the increased at­ •$ * 8 ^ 8- 8>* »tm'0T noted prize winners and breeders in that and nutritious. When they succeeded ' Proprietor. oountry. tention given to horse heeding m in getting out of wilderness they car­ Aroostook comes from Fort Fairfield, SEASON 19 6• FEE $ J 2 . ried some of these bulbs with them. Allan 8. Olmstoad Wins in Court. The where the stallion, King Batch, owned Foot-Ease Trade-Mark Sustained. When they found this bulb it was Monticel o, Monday noon until f y C. A. McIntosh, had been bred to Buffalo, N. Y.—The Supreme Court has growing on the top of the ground with ' 1 a permanent injueuon with costs Wednesday. 67 mares up to the middle of August little rootlets shooting down into the ; Paul B. Hudson and others of New Toulton, Thursday until M nday with scarcely any effort made by , restraining them from making or earth. Upon returning to their homes a loot powder which the court declares Mr, McIntosh to get business. Imitation and infringement on ‘ Foot, HOULTON HORSfi BREED­ these travelers commenced experiment­ nowso laigely ad vertised and sold over The owner of the trade-mark ING ASSOCIATION ing with these bulbs and planted them The exerirrent of enclosing a flock is Allen 8. Olmstead, of Le Ro; the same as they found them, that was f „ and the derision in this suit u|upbok in a dog-proof pasture is to be tri«d by trade-mark and renders all partiess liable C. A. Atherton, Sec. on top of the ground, but somehow a fraudulently attempt to proof by the tl ex- Geo. P. Colby of Bucksport, who has Foot-lase” advertldng. in placing on some eaith fell over a few of these finished fencing 200 acres with five market the spurious and similar appearing bulbs and it was found that the one* inyanHHnration involved in the case. Inis the miles t,f wire fencing and has stocked noun declares vwas designed in Imitation and N asal the earth fell over g.ey much better infringementat of the genuine “Foot-Ease.” It up with 150 sheep, with which to raise L y|mSimilar il suits will be brought against than the others, and thus followed the CATARRH £ij.r)v lambs for Boston market. athsrswEoan now infringing on the Foot­ la all its stages See the Point ? jteM treat-marle rights. Each package of the custom of the planting of potatoes in Allen's Foot-Ease has tbs facsimile Ely’ s Cream Balm furrows or hills. The potato is the If you don t, when you go shopping for a piano you of Allen 8. Olmstead on its yellow Judging from the iiY«fe;'ous reports cleanses, sootbeeaod heals strongest and most bawdy vegetable yei may happen to get stuck. The “point" is. the diseased membrane. printed in The New York Packer dur­ discovered. It has stood more hard It caret catarrh and drives ing the pasjt few weeks the commercial flere are Pianos away a cold In the head usage and given better results than any WANTED. potato growers of the northwest find quickly. other vegetable known to the present m our stqre tlfat at§ fyijilt to la^t a lifetime. Cream B a lm It placed into the nostril? , spreads jtb it spraying is a profitable yenturo. They come within the limits of'all pqcketbooks. Thep: over tts membrane and is absorbed. Relief it im­ generation. Soma good, active, responsible man It is encouraging to note in tfris con- toqe js superb, and they are ornaments to your horae :. mediate aad a Care follows. It Is not drying—does “ After a number of years of e*peri.-] flection that the reports, as a rule, as agent for our teas, coffees, extracts, Oot prodace weegfog. Large Size, 50 cents at Drug­ \y fiy not 1)47 oqe qo\y qij tenqs you like ? To “see menting the potato became of gie-it! i,ubcate 0 healthy crop, which confirms •pices, soap, etc., in Houlton. Good gists or by mall; TrialRize, 10 cents. thp point’' is tq iqake hoiqe h^ppv toejay by Ijpylq^ 044- ELY BROTHERS, 06 Wow#® Street, New Yoak commercial value, as it was found to be t p)eoU ^ Ic‘a^ l)a>8 to spraj pay to those willing to work. Address of great value as food fov man, and so fifin g reference, Grand Union Tea Co., the different generations went on trying ...... , P. O. Box No. 472, Bangor, Me FARMS FOR SALE ' I he chicken louse, like tlie common The Houlton Mueio Store, to get the greatest production out of hou9ebreathes through the pores Grand Union Tea Co, A P P L Y T O the potato, while dually its hardy con- of its skin, so that any fine dust or stitution was weakened. powder which will penetrate these A.' E ASTLE Prop. “ jit is one of the laws of the nature cover the lice and cau"e A. B. LOVETTE, Mgr. *. J. Laffaty & Co. . . . . , , -. . i i . their speedy dea*h. The ashes from jot w e potato that it should be renro- , , C.. e P. S. BERRIE, Mgr. Real Estate Agency. r • hard coal will accomplish tma purpo.u Foley’s Honey •ad T flf duced through the potato ball or seed, and are much more beneficial' than Caribou, Me. but to this law very ltttle attention has icfd dust. ! 8 ^ 8 8 ^ 8 8 ^ .9 > ^ 8 « ^ 8 9^9 8 ^ 8 8 ^ 8 8 ^ 8 8 ^ 8 8 ^ 8 8 ^ 8 8 ^ 8 . "M