S PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. D^L ' Y~jToi!N A 1'KIL aAMRM4a HArr>&! PRICE TFIREE CENTS. ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 1862^VOlT 3»" I’OK 11. AM). MAINK, THUHSOA IMi, 1!>(>0._i (leaver to hlroeelf rorres tha IO hM KIT (I Mon nrglag flit If place TROl'BIFN OF KIR OW1. Una of ratreet Frenob's arrival paaoaral ami fall tl aMura forty enemy's THE AFFAIRWITR TURRET Bear tbs Holder evl lently, however, Ur« » BLOODY WORK. right •, there la nothing MU (or thrm alarmed the Boars for they evaou> ted I •ayllnllm bwttiflgtt _' their (Wrong poeltlon near lie Wet'e dorp Load**, April qilV'.-T dkfkatT WILL GET AWAY. taring the night, and It was oocopied by at tb« ltrttlab bug Chermslde'e division this morning. The In Status of 0 monetrd Infantry nnder fan Hamilton, No Change lb* t aether ail'. la Road la Ilia Re- Ataootatad Proa* aayla* la rUw g drevr the enemy off the korjw In the Negotiations. •tap* bln by lb* l)*«ri ■Mto* n»n n,lw-b rhood ef the vreterwotka without lag tbs A naan laa maaaaemo. Iba etoka* ia oascaltlrs on onr tide. ales af Kraal Britain, Fraer*. Aaatri* Slugkbr Philippine tirfH 1AL TO TUB rBBBBeJ “The lllgb lend brigade marohrd taly and Uaraaaay bat* aabad lb*If g*r- WaetlagSoa. April »-The defeat of tweaty-fonr miles yesterday to eopport M*»r rrniaeat* la farta ta harp aim bridge at Kometlport Hunday nlgbt was datna Met. Ureal Britain. Lord Sallabary oat af tan Ualtad Mates Senate They frustrated by Kaftlre, who gave tbe alorm no farteor oomplloatloat at praaat. prersamd ala alaoilon at Iba laat nation f and frightened tbe Boer*. SULXAN THINKS IX UVKK. af tba legislature, and whan UoTsrnor “The Boera have lined all tha bills In Uliana tbay naad nil tba the an Washington. April 26.—In answer to London, April »».—Tb* |Conotenllaa- appointed him, to First Pressure vlelnlty with rlllcmen, fearing tbe today, eSerta tbay onold to prtvml tba Senate Federals Yielded attack British by many mqulrlee on snbjeet ple oorttspoident of the Dally lelo- by troops advanoing announced that from Sreiiag him Hut tb«lr flgbl did some raya ertoua route. atate department otUolaia grapb, uyai In tbe atatua not atop bara. Tbay have for a long “Tha Irlab-Amerloan oblrfly there had been no ebange “Thl Pori* oo Holder* that It* e Bar to Gen- Bells Force Kills Advance. brigade, Una* baan at work organising Is the dls- of of the negotiation with Turkey relative rebuild tb* Amerlan itrneterw bnraal with- trlote wberala rapreaeatallve* lo Iba next to tba American mlaaionary olalma at tJarput will oloer lb* qnalloa. It 126 Bolomen. For Paaaaylvanla legislature art '-dug noml- in tbe laat twenty-four boure. dip- biaa tbla belief on newr that Kneel* ha note naled; and tbay deolnre that already there lomatic reasons, tbe text of the last intimated an Intention to oppoa nay Waitt and Bond’s tititea have been nominated 10 natl-gnay He- from Mr. Orleoom, the United attempt on Mo pat of lb* Ualted SI*la la dlMrtota tba I laat year cant charge at Constantinople, tranamlttlng to enforoe payment," publtanaa men. Tbay regard It beyond n the reply ef the Porte to bla presenta- geay BLACKSTONES. a are that guay oaa ba olootad on of Gen. french’s tion of thete mlaaionary rlaltna wlth- AUBURN MEX BISCHAKUKD. paaalbllilp 411 Depends Progi'M.s He Will Retaliate United Males senator whan tba laglola- oeld from publication. Hut tha ottlalala Drelarea Good be M Tobacco, tbe or- lu re meats nail el a tar Tbay iv are willing to atate that gear rally Mull** Final Act In tbe tatire W ar raeea. Cavalry llriffaslrs. that the ao- I'alewa Uurrilla t beaten, but eeacsde that ba may Like With gotlatlona are programing; tartly Wine, fmprof.s Age. Seaadal, In Iba Turklab In oon- have auealh raoagt legislature tlon of tbe govarnmeut We have the cream of ta faros tba a leal low of torn a compromise kept oedlng the right to rebuild the destroyed Urielal to Tit nut] wba would be our Kme Old Havana, mlaaionary arhools la eminently eatlefao- candidate, asoaptabto bought fcr e te bla wing of Iba part aa wall aa tha before the war, all 1 ory and that regarding the olalma Angoata, Apill kb —In July, HA, a refusing la VISI.I O IV/ 3111 I* are etlll other wing. l'ba tight agalsel guay ■ III ll/C. H money Indemnity, thoie being military board of Inquiry foand that *JI|^ll jfl for a Iba dlitrlota Ir.belog ill as aged Wo are now this with avery reason to hope K. L Sprague and Corporal £6—4 0) aa.-Ufflaw* legislative London, Sfl.—& a. m.—it Is now working I preared Sergrant Manila. April p. and ) April In of tbe ad- by Uarld Martin In Philadelphia, west nf De Wet's dorp, facing ttaa British, and if are ono SLcoeeaful oonolualon view Fred Handenoa of oompany C of Me Oat • ha ham arrtrad b.r»- rraaa Noma apparent that tba cbaaeea ot Lord Kob- I stock, yon of I Turkish ttoastarFlyaa la tba waited parly of tbe Cronje delayed occupying an Important ml.alcn of their legality by the regiment *f the blalno National butldi Uaaaraa, ptorlaoa of Month Caaartaar. aiti catching the ratteni ng liters In s 1 the few who do not smoke I State “Chris’- Magee, tba niworfnl po- hill which the British took at noon. At government. were guilty cf tbe Introduction ot Intox- hi lap datalla of a il«hl April 14, la net are vary slender. Ifca boera hare I lllackstone Cigars, try one, it I lltlooi factor at Pltuburg, la t'.lll against nine o'clock yesterday, rids brl lg com- icating liquor* Into I be armory of tb* ablati tn rillplaot warn hllM. lb. ararywhere n tired at ,tbe tint pressure of I is the best 10c on the I menced briskly. Tne British bad mad" Cigar oompany at Auburn eaatrary to M* Amerloaa cutpoote reported i U natives the Ur i ah adtanee, and tbs hope tbet I market. ■bln to to satin to (or »m traaobes and had thrown achanzes. th# Iowa nad poltUn (Jen. would be able Indnoe np never more amembIM uir*e mil** from Handle ti Were IIW. At elevsn o'olock tha Free Stats can- QUALITY COU.ATS. | also that tbe terra* of enlistment of the** U*n. boll seat thro* d*t*oOm*oU af tba tbara to remain at benvt's dorp, uotll BREAD Um fact whlah arena. to ban eontri- non and Max Ini gone opsrsd Ore and the in demand. We tfii men had expired before tb» oona- Uto regiment with two Matlms, who they bad bean foroed tb tight or to sur- but ad materially to Mr. quay '• defeat former constantly dropped shells into mission of tbe aot for wblob they were oarruioilsd tba Filipinos, tb* render, has teen disappointed. easily readlnaea tbe Brttlsb Darkness lb at that ta tba banal* baa barn Hi to ramp. stopped have them 82c, guilty. Tbe board recommended majority of whom w«n armed with balm No attempt waa made to pursue the AND break onr party llaaa to oarry oot lighting until sleren. when tbs Bethle- 4If the men are still amenab'e to mili- and war* aoraloo bid* balaroks, oaat* commandoes retiring from Wepener. F.t- or hem mrn on tbs pxtrems heard rank "daala' for tha benefit of bit poilt'ea right 90c, $1.25, $1.75, tary law that tbe/ be ledootd to tbs a ad •bleMs. 'It* Filipinos w*r* qoloaiy er;thing now depends upon the progrtsi a 3 3-50> teat a Kepnbltaaa raaaaura la tba bi*aata, and opened bre. vloe Kegardle** of the boding* with armor. they are entering a very dltlicult, billy WALKING STICKS BUI TER commands nt out Into These and bat lot awupled to rrulnd tha Unm- Their stepped 4 o 1 this board of Inquiry Captain Lincoln Ibolr riflemen war* unable to eboet and practically unknown oonatry. 3.75, 4.25, 75, amu of tbta favor. M we» fsared by tbs darkness ond discovered a wounded li. Barney prior to the expiration of bl* straight and tba balomen nerer get near lb» oavalry have already bad along arc famous travelers. They Ha b* man and fifteen British who dralirrd aome Kopabllcaoe that If abould come from 5-°°’ 8-75 term of rervloe on the 15th day of Janu- to the A m*rloan» to go any u> marcO over heavy and sandy roada and Africa, China, 7<75> enough *> had 'o*t their way while and rooted to might or mat to acdet they rearcblcg Malay Peninsular, and Tropi- PLATES. ary relnllsted Kdgar U Hr ague oalloa. lberoforo non* af the Amet.oaar nothing la Known retarding tba on edi- an obligations at to *a for water. At daybreak ta'ettn more cal America, am are called aiul fU\Q9 cf Co £rst Isfeoti/ many praetloaUy aba boraaa. In onre It new per Fred Sauderiou C, wore WOUBded. tion of any here the ■arrltitb ta a aarty nan Tile prob- British strayed in.c ccasp. Penang, Partridge, *nd reoornraendel lost they fca appointed Lieut, baiou with SO from a raaa between tba Fadnrala and tbe eaeelrymeo an Whang la u llauiboo) doz. ably war largely a ground lata faari but In the morning tbs British started (Chinese 1 /I to tbrir former pee tlcns of sergeant and 37th et rnered bu bolo men Correa of Hen.French and Hen,Hamilton. and Congo. the regiment, a A general order Mr. qaay baa oertalaly abeam a aronder. cutflanklng moieamt sending Inrg haudsomest Canes 14 oorportl respeotlyely. In a rivet nnd shot start one, the bodlM | lbe elowneea of the resent movemvnle The Burbank, ba* be^n Issued from tbe ollioe of tol adaptability la ala •derate" body of horse to the hills south of lie Just and ex- wo'vo seen, and not expen- blzhards wblob thus Heating away. Una soldier bad hie bead of tbe lirltlsh Infantry previous Adjntnne General Wet’s dorp, Gen, De Wet immediately sive. of ______of tbe matter. MWMli Privates *■ truck off with a bolo. olMk'LY A JIUUMLUK XKKAK. tetleaoa of the ability tbs boera to Douglass d'sposes dlspstohed General Weasels with thrrp Kdgar L bprsgue and Fled U. Sander- bell'e two bard move rapidly with guns aud baggage over Uaa. rogltret,U|.ar» N. Y.. A 1 to tbe and tb- sos cannot in any way be held responsi- Uuffala, April apaela cannon to head off lliltlsb VARIETIES. & co.... workad In clearing the country. They tbr Nrwa from Niagara tala, Oak. aay*. ti. |*orma- re- their marnh. Thle wee .uooesi/al else fails. acd the annual let rrett money baa net r I freefy Vtu will rwceivo a prompt [■ ro.pl oent, amt economical cure whan all 340 t-4 Ctm|rf»i St. coal Addreae, 19 are smaller and V 1 ply, without Krtuey morning. When the lirlilsh oe- Its good effects maintained by steadily, been paid thane. They bold this t> be di- 1 ha J. C. AYKK. Lowell, M«aa. I <9 M4 **«y*he» 1*»lc«,Tni S»r. |Utti or.jCcricnu y hllle at e farm tuf, Vc OiMTWtVr. AS* • **• Ltttin upled the grneey Teljnrd •*£>•bo*toa. rect'/la violation of the treat/. ivrte* l»«*« A«»* c«s* Coaiu Office diminishing doses: repeated for tad Do Uuoo loiaiiUntsty esois •nr Uee to Cw fc>AUMn*H east book, Utc. Hours,--S&SEiSS sutcessiv? days. are being reoelved by the Sioux here from Wet, V*' MW ADVRRTISEMKm 9IW ADVRWTISKWR^TI. Harrisburg Opera boose to Dominate FREE TREATMENT OF SICK. OVARIAN TROUBLES. ~ OF liATMAL IMPORTANCE candidates for auditor general, two AN EXPLANATION WANTED. congressmen at large, aad S3 Presidential Lydia *. ntkkUiV TeoeUWo Compound Mtngm* Hall-VHal Jtsjnftl.io the electors, and also to select eight dele- Cane TbMi -Tw. Wan Irt" ** I to Strand Ag»l Thai ( area. gatee at large to the national eeareatlon Oexb Mu Putkjiam writ* £. Ptnk- ■ t Philadelphia. toll fbn of the fjod Lydia LAWN hae dona M0WERS7 Marvellous seen g are tiklng place at I The reeolotloae endorse President Me. Old Asked To bam'i Vegetable Compound Republican Convention Members bod about Uto week*. Congreaa ball dally, whore Prof. Damon Kin ley aad favor hie rswamlaatlen. me. | wie (ld|i in If the interests in the least, our machines and prices will abdomen subject you assooiata* are oorlag tba , lama, Hetorrlng to M. 8. Quay, the plat- Th# side of lpy pained and right one or two makes when come in Ohio Wed. Appear. awollen and tore I do the rest. For not restricted to you diu’ ard snlferere from eviry dlesate of form says: me and waa to that you’re record walk. The to us. We several and each has its of excellence that kbg it’ndlrg. 'that Prof. Damon stands "We again onr Una convlotlon could not carry lines, points the doctor told hue- | at tba h.ed of pnbllo haslsra of tbo alrk that la appointment of tbe Hon. Mat- my are not to be found in other mower. would liaee to any la an acknowledged foot. Mo such re- thew Stanley Quay aa a member of the band I an n ii'akMa ourea were aver witnessed In United Statee Senate from Pennsylvania, undergo operation. Was Harmo- Uov. Stone was within ble Rtw Sensation In Board of Over- Thla I refused to do { LAWN MOVERS. tbls city as ora now being dons every (jathcring Innsnally noting consti- VICTORY LAWN MOWERS. PHILADELPHIA until I had afternoon. Ibe wonderful • Halts of Vital tutional authority, aad tbs tbaats ot the given your The genuine machine with name seers of Poor. a trial. Be- as a curative la loag ■ion. Hepnblloaas of l’ennsylvaala am doe medicine magnetism agent Runs easily, cuts clean. Simple cast on wheels. It’s worth your n la row o Hon. John P. Klktns, fore I had taken s anding Slckiifg aakoawledged attorney gen- while to examine this machine if one bottle the in construction. The do not you all ovsr tba word ard that Prof. Damon eral, for hie masterly aad logical argu- parts want a reliable Lawn Mower at a low i brains ment before the eleetloas committee of • welling bo-< aid asscclats VltefSthlo pcana> out of order Its princi- Slates to get readily. it is the easiest Lawn this power to a greater degree than aoy the United Senate clearly demon- gan disap- price running Were Stubs Re and one that, commends Mower the ball on ether men, bas long teen an acknowl- A Few Personal Quar- strating tbs exlatsaoe of this power In Wby pear. I con- pal feature, (barring lieamig) edged raot. If ycucryoor friends are tbe ohlef executive of tbe State We de- tinued to use the market today. We carry four m oved From Books. itself to the man having a large suffering from any complaint. no matter rels Aired. plore the action of the United Statee Sen- your medicine styles in stock. Styles M and C are cf how ling standing, go to Congress hall ate In denying us the right of full rep until the swelling lawn, is its ball bearing running the kinds used mostly by l'ortlanders. rny afternoon nod sss for jroursrlf the reeenlatloD to whleb we are eatltled un- was entirely gone. geir, reducing friction to a minimum. STYLE M. mysterious working of this great powar der tbe Federal constitution. Ws still When the doctor and receive a treatment and ba aaaurad contend that the governor has constitu- came he was very A 24 inch Victory works as easily as Has solid wiper—width of cut from Price of Frnit and much of a wonderful benefit. ▲ limited num- Ah Effort lo Gen. Gros- tional authority to make tbe appointment [Dried Pig- surprised 10 to 20 inches, from $1.25 Keep toj a 1G inch of other make. prices sec me ao much nny Triple ber oan only be treated esob day. and and la selecting the Hon, Matthew i_ to $8.50. gery Discussed. better.”—Mas. these wishing private treatment wko are vcnor Off Ticket. Stanley Quay, he was noting In aooor- Mart Smith. Arlington, gear entirely closed, no chance for Iowa. STYLE C. able and willing to pay a reasonable fee dance with tbe oluarly exprerisd will of dirt to get in. Solid rectangular a of the of oan oall at tbs United ritales hotel ataoy large majority Kepnblloans Has all modern improvements, Oxen Mrs. Pinxii ah:—I was sick for frame, bound tightly together by- hour except the time aUsttod to the free the state. We express onr oonlldenoe la four 8 1-2 with of the womb, and blades, open cylinders, at tbs ball at U 30 aft er- Senator aad ws be- twoyears falling two cold die-drawn bolts, it is im- healing esery Quay's leadership of tbo board of overwore inch drive wheel. Width of cut from Colombia, Ohio, April 25.—Ih* Re- Tba meeting inflammation of the ovaries and bladder. ■ lieve In ble and neon. pelltloal personal Integ- laat to twist or it out of hers was of tba poor wblob waa bald evening, I was bloated possible put 11 to 20 from $5.50 publican slate oonrentlen today has been done him very badly. My left limb inches, prices rity. A great wrong bonra. A left Pretoria national The oonnpled not qnlta throe largo would swell so I could not on to $8.50. so- a led. ambulanoe men,* of Impoitauoe. delegatis wbloh the will at the step my parallel. people right prop- amount of routine bnelnoo woo nndsr Col. after being and alternate* at are oloee dlepoeod foot. I had such down l ban day Blake, large personal er time and therefore we urge and loelet hearing pains mauiDara who were wtra National Lawn Mower. If arc for a machine for a small so which as as of the Presi- of. 1'h. prevent could not or walk across you looking addressed by President Kruger, well polltloal friends that tbe Hoo. Matthew straighten up Stanley Quay Chairman Coualne and Ueaera. with an Araerloan and tbs Is as It earns Daggett, the room and such would amount this make will fill the bill. 12 to 18 cut tne men responded dent, platform just •hall be a candidate for re-eleitlcn to tbe shooting pains of money, inch, price with lb* addition of Koea, Uoody, Cowan, Dibber, Daalela, go me that I I could college cheer. from Washington, United States Senate In which be baa so through thought and York. After read- $2.75 to $3.00. Uobeftj Is and Ih* om- Johnaton, Libby not stand it. mother me a bottle “The Doers assart the Lord the anti-trust resolution long served the people with enoh dis- My got Mo ing tba raoorda, Ur. Uoudy moved that of E. Pinkham’s Com- welting for twenty thousand horses. mlsslon of tke Porto Htoan. aad fidelity and to Lydia Vegetable tinguished ability amended eo tbat not end on dele- they ba only repre- and told me to it. I took six serious Ughtlng Is expected until the Th* eo-exlled "Hanna slate," rod we him onr and pound try this pledge hearty of alao oltUant In •entatlvee tba preaa,bol bottles and now, thanks to won- ot Way." gate* end alternates at laigr, end the cordial support." your KENDALL & general who deelmd, should ba admitted derful medicine, I am a well woman." WHITNEY, A deapatob to the Dally Mall from state tioket, went through without any After Senator Penrcs* had rsadh.tbe eo to all meetluge of tbo board. Xhla waa —Mrs. Elsie Bar ax, Mich. and Federal Streets. Kimberley dated Wednesday, cays: break*. There was, however, opposition and moved Its Sena- Otisville, Temple platform adoption, voted. Apr29l.it Boers formed n new Hlsokburn be- “Yesterday the to Food Cornu:‘siloner tor was 1 hers was a Fylaa recognized. Xba bllle wblob waro laid on tba table of the department. It would now la aril laager near Windsor tonight. Tbe force cause he was running for a third tun to bowl Ur. disposition biyan down, ln- moderate to start on tbs rase I and at the laat meeting wore brought up In way there consists of Pr!< oak. Campbell and for other looal raisons, and to Usn. but the ohulrutan Inslited on fair play. oludsd la them waa tba blU of E. F.H111- lines la this milter Mr. Libby said that llriqualaod rebels about live hundred Urcsvenor for delegate from the friends Fr. the advocat- Flynn opposed plank the It will ba remem- It would tie a irtset (blag for the deter VACCINATION Unahnsll, Tbs effort* of tuun, grocer, wbo. strong." of ex-Uovernor ing Air.Quay's re-election,beojose be was bered, had charged the city more for node moot If a plgfery oould ba mulat to d the Buahnell faction to substitute some not InUruoted by ble oongfltueats to ap- -or- ofookere tbao they were eelilng In the and tbs farm Us made as self-sustaining AN ARTILLERY DUEL. on* in place of Uiosvsnor, made an un- his candidacy. prove market becauav be bad loti money on n as pcislble. But than were as many usually Interesting soena. It raaobed Its •rte do not Intend to Col. lu Wltlrh Horr* Were Finally Driven support o:rned tort tran.notion. Ur. Uowen eeld things against this Icing Inaugurated at SCHOOL CHILDREN. ollmax when J. Frank MoUrow, ex- be rail. "We believe he has en- From Position. Quay," b >l« 1 llllimiH UOU ■"■EU UI1U TV there were In favor of It. X'be ooit to eon-ln-.'aw of I retresentatlve end former from the Uctted Slates bv voie of tbe School CommKWe It has been tlr.ly disappeared those of tha bill whleb ware of the otTe' up parti munlolpaltty o:)l«otlng decided not to admit now to the Portland WaritiDton, WFdn««d»ty April Governor llusbnnll, was speaking on Senate. He then moved all reference to Mule of Kesil pupils wrong, and Mr. Uowen said that be would Is greater than flat of an Individ- Administrator'* H'uools unless they have been vaccinated. UUl «« WWV uromnor i-U —1UD WtCia, iu, his amendment to striae out be atrloken out and I the schools In Mav tor the (1st Mr.gimjrt oandicaoy that tha fault wae not ual. If the the meth- Estate. Pupils entering tbe thought parhapa deps-t-usm adopts time should be vaccinated bv the board of boldt-ot U, shelled tbe Tillage and and Insert Hanna. Hebrew eulogised demanded a roll call. to ranch that ef Hillman ae the purchas- od there should be a head. rucibiiai to a lic«us» from the lion. Henry C Health or by their to end beoame neces- whom he^haa heretofore family physicians previous British trenches It Hanna, opposed The motion wa* lout— 280 t) 00. Judge of Probate. I shall sell on tbe 7th. when tno term Hereafter no er Tha I1T of tha which had X’btio abould be t> whom Peabody. May begins. orackera, somebody tbe be sary to glee them a lei eon and to agoer- and said the Demoorifh would make The delegate* at large a* above a en- premises at Freeport Me., on SATURDAY, children will vaccinated at the •choolhouse*. been 0 oante a pound, waa cnt down two could be made. Mr. Co'ss- 2titu of 1900, at lwo o’clock In tli ■ af- Par nts desrlng further Informal ion are le- their Oal. out of the of the complilot day May. tiln strength. Monday night capital Republicans tloued were unanimously elected w.th tbs farm owned Susan ouest-d to call at office. IVr order School oents. The entire bill cf Hillman for woithy Is Me proper man M look aft r ternoon. home*teed by my Paget placed eeseial guns on the riser, President’s slate If Haona was not made tbe exception that J. B. tib Wees Darn at tbe tirre of her decease, containing Commli We. eocds to tbe olty amounted this luster,and if the Is oarrfed out acres wore or less, with a ouo and one- M. were with- furnishing pirn seventy ap.o dima>7_(> l.Olh), Bupt* l'ne bo: sea and carriage# one of “The lig Four.** watt aubatltuted. ell and Moreland, to 22-, and from this Mr. Uowen had Mr. Llbbr would very inurh fart r Met half >t ry frame dwelling house and drawn from range and at day break the When Senator Hanna was finally called For ttlrotcrn et large C’areno* Wole. barn thereon. Terms of sale cash, to close the taken off 21.88. On motion or Mr. Hoes Mr. Coleawoithy te the ollioial bead, and ettat o. Biltlrb opened a hsary bombardment to the front of the plaftorm, the speech of Frank H. Bull, Mercer; THE Philadelphia; tVt a small be him for b!a J. F. LITCHFIELD. Auoiloner. HAVE VOI SEES the It was Toted to aoospt this report. salary given wltb ehrapasl and lyddite. Tbe Boers ex-Kepreseutatlve Hebrew caused A. B. Koterte Montgomery, and W. C AMOS P, NOYES, Administrator me said tronbli. Tbe t'en should he “What ''This renlnda right hero," quo: very Freeport, April 24, I**). api2tMaw3w 111 were tsken completely by surorla? but Senator to proclaim emphatically: were nomint ted. Arnold, Clearfield, then ara Inxn- consider© l. A about Mr. Uondy, "that many carefrlly grv*tdealof EAGLE they iepllfd with lire gone including a do I care what the Democrats say Tbe aecittary of tbe convention oa»t tbe “Quad Stay” rlea whloh bars been sent out to the be p would probably be needed la look- ....AT forty pounder. A heary rifle Are was mef” Io deollulng to be a dalegate ha ballot of the convention for hianator NOT TAKEN SERIOUSLY. none bat millionaires aft r t ia he almshoane whloh ing bogs. The James Co.? opaned at tbe name time. The duel delivered a philippic against what Hardenburg fox auditor general. For Bailey can elTord. If tbeaa articles an used In "A large pa fc of t e labor can be done Burrs termed continued tunny hours, the llnallj “exDedianoiea." congressmen at Bobert II Foeider large of oouns U all the inmrt’fl" Mr. Pintdrul ll.rrla hot Worried O vrr be tha pispltal eterythlng by said) Goody. eraouatlog the position, with, It Is When Senator Hanna eafd would and Ualusba A. Urow were non ianted. right, bat I think that than mould be "As 11 the pro Its te report made In Itr.lga.ttoii U'lnllou. Portland dL Yarmouth Klectrtc Kjr. Co, fellsrea considerable loss. not serve as a delegate, thare was a mo- At 2 CO tne convection adjourned sine If they are used In tbe house," 71 febons tlct tier© was a proft In t is Kim St..Portland, for Underwood casualties on ths British tion to strike oat brosvenor and Insert objaotlon There were no die. (’AH.Sleuvespi Ing and Yarrnoutir at 6.45 a.m.. hourly "The bill for tbe Herring hones was under tiklng." 7"*"" 25.—Id relation to Ike the the ware Foster In reoent hae made Haigor, April until 1.45 p.m., half-hourly until 6.45 p. hi., side. During arming guns who, spesobas, 1 far two or three uoeen oranges oh two or Mr. Uoaeci said tut he bad oal’e re then 7.45, A45. 9 45 and *11145. The at Fueler de- report that Us may ta called on to stfely withdrawn. sniping today several thrusts Hanna. NO CONTESTS. i.eave Yarmouth for Portland at 3.41 and three ooo.slons," Mid Mr. Uowen. upon Mr. Flammer abot t this uu*tt on Ur. Uarrla pre.lU.nt of the Unlver- showed that the Bier leaser had been clined, saying ba “would not want to sign, 6 40 a. in. hourly until 17.40 p. ni., bali-hourlv bad o't inert some Infor- “Then were a.'sp 12 pounds of etaporated ard valuable of ray.: Mill 5.40, then 6.40. 7.40. A4o, ».4o p. m. *10.45 rerr ore far back to tbe eastward. break the sxoellent slate that had been •lly Maine, the ti'i t n Mr Flu aimer said 1l t be c.ir leaves city at close o! theatres. h.il.flluttU K. 81.1. l ui- apples whloh were tarnished during paid “It 1. a matter not to be taken too brought to Ohio from Washington. public... SUNDAY*. month cf February. We went over tea one mao one hundred dollars a month A. tar .e tbe mlary gore I do The resolution Foraker, Nash, v.utlun Tiul.y. aarlotialy. 1 eavc l lin street. Portland, for Underwood THE SEKJE RAISED. making 1 lot the other day and found that the for collet t'r.g the rtf* and a woman for- 1 am ooui- ;n Yarmouth at • 15 and 10.15 a, Urosvencr and Dick the delegates at not know'bow wbat rewiring Rm and All, ui.. thereafter mull 9.45 D. m. Horn KtHi-nalfd mud Wrif market pilot* had been 8 3-4 cents, and ty dollars a inert >. the t half-hourly Wrpriirr Hassle of parur with that reoelred by prselden at 7 large, was offered by ex-Senator Boston. J6.—Tbe absence of any 1/cave Yarmouth for Portland 1'*. 8.10, April that Hillman had obargrd 12 Then Mr. Flo mixer, who was In tbe 8 40 m. l' npimuril. district and cents.^__ of tiowdoln. Aekle from tbe ealary r.f- am. 9.10 a. in., then halt hourly until p. brosvenor s congressional tort of a contest at tha Kepubll ian stats Mr. Uowen In further to room, was r* st fait* 'This Mr. Uoody, slid that tha eTaporetsd proceeded give ng “Ae for tbe appointments of new men a coi bresvenor plan to avoid balloting. ths four at to the nation- HIS. f. Lowing from special respondent delegates large abot t t ie bn«in»HJ (f nolle t oilal BAfcMABAbL NOT peaches had been lent out to the Deerlng ng on tbe faouliy, they are all made by tbe dated resolution was adopted. al convention,as well as the coolldenee In AL.ftking. Bseutoland, April farm whloh had as Inmatea worthy peo- "I get f4 :00 a year for this business," tba from whiob tba The P. A. O. wain will play in Orono The convention was harmo- trustees aad college '*1 rede from Jammersburg hero unusually the atlllty of tha different otter, and 'lbe fol- At limes oranges and lemon* had he acid, "and la pa< t sub-M It I em- ate all made kauwo w!lh U. cf M, neat Wednesday, nlcus with the of the personal ple. spplloaots graduate thirling Wepener; and met Geu. Bra- exception committees ae'eoted by tbe central organ- team to Han- been presided for them. ploy cm pel 11 t) colter t In t vo wards to tbern before aottca kle taken. Asa lowing Hfttnrday the goss tant'a udvanoe guard four roller south fights made on brosvenor and iilaokhurn, ization to condnot tee builne.s, probably "I don't know where these articles and pay him one hundred dollars a •natter of fact there are eotne three or ford. three successful hofh of whom woo. acconnted for the of cf Wepener. They report smrolty ton'gbt in n him with a of last Portlaud have gona," said Mr. Hoes. "I don't th srd also lurultb rour Wealeyan ecllsga graduates out of a Nate Puls’fer year’* and who on tbs eve of a stats con- lights Saturday, Sunday Tuesday, delegates, wsi Uft field for John Smith’s bsllen that any Inmate has enr been ft *ble for hi* home A nr tier oaitr l'et of about Bfcy Including lecturers Warn will play OHIO BKITBLICAXS. are went to at the Ameri- with twenty-two casualties. vention gather r Is now Team this provided wit orange. At any tcraeriy paid sever t dollars b: t sul tutors on tbe board of Instruction. Norfolk year. or boors :,,Jhe iol-te waa raised and 5C0j of tbe Cuntrii:l(Mi Hnoaruible* and can boss, and spend two thaee atftr rate nothing Is cheaper than raid (city dollars. 1 base less t isa one ‘Of tbe made last year retired the brand foul Kven the appolnttnente enemy along Lady llusliie**. talking puilMsa. legislature nod five men ft GOVERN KENT’S DUTY. Complete* 1C* sauces, even when the prints thenaand hops employ two of the tour prafeaeors appointed hap- within cur eight aud unpursued. Co’. with Its two hundred members wss rep- Columbus, Ohio, *5 —The Ke- ere 13 cents a pound. It Is not out of the t is fi r u, t irs© of whom are la t'e pig- penad to bB Jdetuoul(&i. wine oua or casualties are April bat a few of the leaders, and i>£)R«ty’a thirty-three resented, by s a while. The 1 nave four turns and four mm t > pntlican ft t> convention re-assembled way to glva races oooe In grry them wm a Congregations-id. Mllllonsrlra Slioaltl tie Treetril l,lk« kill-»d and one hundred and tbirty-two at no time was there more than three cob- are osel In tha faml of Mr 11c- ©oil.* t t srougb t is o'ty. Frobably If tbs this morning. The reports of th oranges ly “So far as that gooa, said Dr. Harris, » Pro f. aoor.e ot tbs followers In ths cor- Other Prop!., S«j Augell. wounded.’' party o' tbe farm.” shot.Id tike care of tbe offal thl« roUtees were adopted Including the on* hLeaney.the keeper Ueerlng olty “I don't think a man's rel'gloua ten- A to the Tlrnee from lie ridors of the hotel. despatch •lee Inmates seem to get batter servloe eopplao'entary expense could be ell mi- making the temporary organisation per- ilenolaa need be considered.” New York, April 25.—Alter a mu ning Wet’e dorp, late anys Leieral That the convention tomorrow would Wednesday the than the most of ns do In our homes," ni ted. In my judgment If Ibe olty went manent ben. C. H. brssvenor of a I ter noun session at the Cat negle there that oe a most harmonious gathering seemed and Bundle arrived rooming. "1 don't believe lo fur- at tbls business In a moderate It comiritt e on resolutions, repo:tad *toa etld Mr. Ucudy. way KAJ.L1KD TOD I,AT K. Uouinenlual oonferenue bull two Ihe Loureczo correspondent ■o be generally oonceded. Hon. F. H. hall, the Barquez m fruit to the general would possibly make It Day. If tbls ar- platform whlob was adopt nishing department." central meetings tonight, one at Carne- of the Tiroes telegraphing Tut day, aaya: Willetts of Sprlngtl.ld will preside, and declarations of the St. Louis ‘This has never been done to my rang uunt 1> mad© my feelings would be The plat- the will be gie hall and the other at the Central “it 13 asserted that the ii'.era are col- following delegates probably Hoes. business. lti..fun Drf.it. Xr»» York Bf Stogie form of 1896 are re-affirmad and the reso knowledge," remarked Mr. "Nor against having any partnership and eleoted asolamatlon : Presbyterian church. Hot. Henry U. lecting enormous quantities of urovLlone presented by added Mr. If tbs should tbe Score. lotions declare t**e Hepuhlloan adminis- has It to my knowledge," city try experiment nt the with lion. Cabot of liable of Boston presided tonight at depots In the Lyd^nburg dltUlot Henry Lodge Nabant; of tbs offal from ward seven tration hoe restored prosperity t) the Johnston. only tiklng and the hall was a mouittaina. Hod. Samuil W. hl«Call of " termer rotating a view to final stand in the Wlnohsaoir; At this point tha business of the meet- thsrs be ao better results than if 1 New York, 25.-J.Ue game be- and that the United States ts would April chief

tha Brookfield, m a eh am of Waloh'a t TRAMP CREMATED. ■ad had been anraaa la tha ahlp oa oaa trip oa a cattleman. Mo had ahlppod aadar the aaaao at K. Btllea, hat Marly RINES BROS. SECOND i -1— aaya that hla raal auil waa Mdword or SALE. aad that ha Law- FOR lltal la THURSDAY Kdgar Morrla tha* FLOOR. Was Stealing Ride in a reaee. Marty aaya ha know tha ain't CO. roal oanaa waa Marrla, heaauaa oa the Freight Car. latt trip tha ahlp oorrtod aooaa eattlo eoaakraad to a nan aaaaad Matrla aad ho hoard "811m" aa ho waa oallod, toll tha head catttoaaaa that Morrla waa aim hla mmi II Was Leaded Willi CotUa WasU Bat, to ratara ha tha etory of Welsh, oooordlno So Marly. Woloh aald that bo SUITS. MILLINERY. and Took Fire- bad a oaa off with "mini" or Marrla to fo to Lawroaaat where th«y noth 11 rod. Mo ealrt that Marrla draoa aa lee wagon there aal has poren' ■> llrlap la that elty. Woloh aad Menlo went to tha aad appor Tbii is the season for Suits. We bsve worked early This department has been more than busy since the first of Coat mania I otreet, as Woloh mid, aaa Man Was Locked in and and late to deliver Snits as fast as sold. If boarded a freight train. They Ural f o' in order you day it was open to business. la aa open aar, bat tblaklap thlt wet Was Burned wish a Suit to be delivered Saturday, make your selection toj Crisp. not mfo they hunted ap a bettor plane t< AA'e offer hundreds of Trimmed flats, trimmed in New ride. Waloh mw Morrla get Into a box I York as well as in our own work rooms. Prices $2.98 to _ ear and bo hlaamlf pot »t lot hr traokt Liver baaoath a aar. They rode far soma dla Kidneys, $10.00. In case yon cannot 6nd the shape ai.d style desired toaoo aad atoppod onoa or twtee, ao Waloh stock ronsitts of Suits from to and II of it Man Who Claims (o Our #6.75 #75.00, our milliners will take order and our will be the Story aald, whoa ho haord aomaoao ahoot for an o Bowels your prices Know the Person Burned. kelp. Tha trala area than ataadlap atlll nearly SEVEN HUNDRED lowest. aad ha oranled oat ts ooo the oar which the • EAN5ES System to seUot from in difforent and materials. l Mon la had boarded all ablasa. Waloh wc. fmTaccccrniAiiw styles AA'e in stock a assortment of Sadnr and — •old that ha know Morrla had lean carry large burned up la tha oar and at onea atartod AA'silting Hats, from 89c to $5.00. D We added new Suits at #15.00. book to Portland aa aa yesterday fifty They An unknown maa.pieeuuiably o tramp, faat hla laga <£ would him. New at wee burned in death low Tuesday night carry come in Grey, Blue, Black, Brown. stylish shapes just received, $1.00, $1.25, $1.98 » Karly, who told this la the a toy ord boor bora Grouting In freight atory and PKKSS offioa lost that $3.98. c»r full of oottoa wiim from lowUtot. eight, aaya Wrloh la atlll In the aad aa be found aa Tbo oar wri owled end It la supposed ally H We show 4 that are show a assortment and In- board the Uroektield grades proving great sellers, #12.75, AVe also of Children’s that the nan lighted a pipe to enjoy a Kirly and naath- large er of the man oalled "Bllm" awoke ana • t Are to Urn ear. Iho train shipmate #15.00 #18.75, #25.00. fants' Hats and Uounels. want to Mlob'a to aea the but " woa at tbe time and dooio body, maid lnOTlog aaltba ✓ not out not Identify It aa there la llttla latt to were fastened the men cooil get Q^cts. of the burning onr wbtoh booame au Identify. Marly oeyi that Monla waa a Buy the GENUINE H«H'f O BY tall 6 fsniret pyre. very maa, fully faet or more, and Jfrrighl train Mo. 603, which left was about 21 years eld. The news cf this aooldent did not ranch (aui?rnia|Tg,Syrvp<$ Portland at 10.27 o'clock 1'aetday night, *t*UX£*% Portland until a very late hoar Cl lord was la charge cf Good actor Berry and ) ay fO#BAU»VAuo^vfc».sruf«'a KX riROCmt, A trala la woe bound for Boston over the Western morning. wrecking obarge division. Tbe train waa of about the < f Conductor (stalls and Knglneer Rog- Rines ers waa then made Brothers and In urn middle of It np and weal eat to Co. ordinary length clear track which waa aeon wee one oar loaded with cotton waits tbe done. When from the Gewiiton mills. Tbe train Coroner Prrry, who waa oaliad. Tlawed tha remalaa aad the scene of the a topped for a minute et Soar boro arousing he where tbe conduotar signed the register accident, nutllled the oounty attorney at 11 o’olook. When this waa done the and nleo tbe railroad commissioners. THE RAMSEY train ont towards Bocton, and pulled M when about o lulls and a half the other LM(rAM»I)KVMA. ( Hide of bonrboio Crossing, the engineer STHADMCLA. looking book dlsoosered that tbe train nad broken In two. The oabotsi and one “StrArtplU" Wit rgiiNhtAii vaalwrAao i car had broken away aad the Unman afternoon nod the olcslug performance Refrigerator I train to see ! started back alongside the wae given In tbe evening before a large If tbe oonduotor and brakeman were all Our Sale of end very faeblooutle nndlenoe who were Special oar load right, When he waa pas, log this demoaetratlve In t heir appreciation of tbe from tha Lewiston the of waste mills, artletle manner In wbiih tbe mauy voeal BEST IN THE WORLD. WHY? ssw a within the oar and fireman light gems of tbe opera were rendered. All V beard the of a man In dis- also groanlag ibe rough edges Incident to every lint as lbs fireman . BECAUSE . . . tress. As quick If possible production'were worn ever sitibllau the ldert ty cf ids on- Air Circulation. tbe benrlit of the ___ .. Our dozen M.7S positively Dry Fraternity. s7.SH Talfefu Pet- foiticali ilct m ot tdls tumble accident and look them over before It le Mr. Talyor's Inten Ion to produoe T.ilfc a Skirts. Call buying. t ie m au was bett'ng his FRANK m7L0W & Iteoats. umbrella Uudouttsdly toe in GO., All opera itlddeford, baoo, Mancber- made with broad All Hize*. Priee*. way td Boston on t ils t ain and had ter and other plaoes and should be do so, Men’s Outfitters, style, two ruffles, boarded tde t aln at Lswliun Spanish flounce. probably of one thing be oan be certain, It w i 1 le bias fold, dust ruf- tde doors were The coro- before sealed. with the of an .TIO.\ IJIK.\T MtliltK. corded, all prestige unqualified suo- nil Mr. Eben who had tde case aprSOdlt ties, stylish ner, N.Perry, oers in Portland. shades, for his in oharge, says t at he belleres tds 1111 shades, for this R. S. DAVIS £ POKTLANU THEATHK. a le priced at CO., tramp mui bate Ugt td his pipe and set sale, In "The Amerloan COMPLETE LIKE or ■ OH KXl'IIANCiSE STREET. tbe wrsts on Are. While tbe t-aln waa UlrV Manager !j A. Mr. Klch which { (seme _ jioee, infantry. has ordered at the The while Its oomedy Is just as wholesome Major Collins four battal- elties Trimmings Counter. may lend t the Idee t lice Mon of the ion drills this TIIEBE’S between time and the 28th end refreshing: Its heart interest nf mssl Claims Attention. mao'* body, 'lbere are some things about ot May. They will ooour onoe a week. very latest in a way, that f irOf and It* denouement a* things trimming the tala wbloh (sum Improbable,but there happily .atUfactcry, MARRiAUES SPECIAL PRICE on CiOWtAS of are are to be found here in la no doutt thn Mr. Early la tilling the worthy, always variety. OKOSdMITii TON1UUX. of fatti of this catena thay were told to In Biddeford. April It). James Mullen of Saco good muslin. square yoke turks and Braids from the plainest, narrowest little and Miss A time Maguire. him. If the person who relat'd the story lhla evening at Kolieobmar hall, we In Saco. 18. l'.imer Perkins and Miss hemstitching. most oaa some April Soutache to the widest twisted ones, to Early be found perhaps have the world famooa "Uroeamltb” the Margaret U. (iordou. 300 fancifully the in In ll. Maltlon Kutgiit of light can be thrown on attar. hnglfeh monologue entertainer Id an Limestone. April of l4nt«*«n>ne and Miss Lilliau McKinney of Fcr. in black and colors. An endless variety Gimps. Aooorolng to Early's aooouat a man entire new programme, Introducing Ur. Fairfield. On UiiWflof Hue muslin, pointed lu Wiscasset. lred il. Albee a ml widths of Black and white silk named Welch, who had been one voyage Urr simlth in new enngn, anee Ample proof lu WinUirop, April 14, Charles Baines, aged _ a i_4.: r.. i i: ,1? _ _i d..4i_ 17. wvmilliui MIIV II IIIIV (II ■till room In the world for tha white 72 years. t'ANBKIC COVER*. French VIIIW A.M. JIV 17IIIIOII-7, la Si, Brtdgham. aged style, faeod fun tha Wiulhrop. April Heury 2 THE WORLD. maker, maononlonl trlok 68 years. for Brass in all j| good quality, narrow larr trimmings, especially Shirtwaists. buttons soenery, tha beoutlfol ballet ond tha In Hpnngvale, April 16, Isabel banks, aged 28 years JO years. ♦ ond ^ sizes and of them have au enameled ■rand tranaformatloaa, they an very la e, 16. C. Jellison, shapes—some Keep Them by sprtugva April lieorge J Healthj mooh In evldenoe la the vlelt of the Uan- aged 38 years. Special Prloe 2dc in Hauiord, 16, T.. wifs of Edward Fleur-de-lis thereon—a beautiful of Buttons. Icna ot tbla April Mary array the Jafforeon week. In the H. smith, aged 48 years. tlnee of apeetalttee the Unhlona' have lu shapieigh. April 12, Issao tittles, aged 84 years. gone to ooneldenble expenee to statin lu Bucksport. April If, John W. ttlovsr, aged Haudsouse French COVER*. Mae cam- the beet that wee to be obtained. Uhlef 74 years 7 months. Crape-Nuts ;i bric, S beads of larc iasrrtlea aad edgo to This department also shows an extensive line | among theta may be mantleaed the [The funeral of the late Patrick J. Biggins emualng aorohatlo end balanolag aotora, will take place tins Tuurssday morning, at 8.30 match, for Thnraday'e sale, of Belt Buckles in silver and gilt, cut steel oV oek. iroiu his late residence. POMi Middle st. fancy < doott aad Wllaen. Food. ii Kequiem high mass at the Cathedral ol the and enamel. Lata bat not lean the Kngilih ballet Imma ulale Conception at 8 o’clock OOo whleh the Hanloaa have Imported from Pulley Belt Kings in a variety of styles and < There is a reason, [ London laat maimer. They an an ex kinds. oeedlngly pretty ml st glrla and inoe tha but never mind oapnble daneera, eoathmaa belag par that, !( tlealarly ohoaen an aoeennl ef their brlehtnaee. The danoaa lnelnde a Die- Prove it by use. <1 brella ballet, a bailing daaoa, an eriea tel danaa, n midnight gaveta aad) aa eriea I tal danaa and earn be I of armored kalghte Eastman Bros. & Bancroft. OWEN, MOORE & CO. whleh la a waadertul baton of the ahow. spilt-It ——_ 1

\ N STATE BAR jnwmmuow. tumuiraum. MMCKLl* A Jf KOl'l, WtlWCFT.T. FOITA, _bhomxotom. LAST ONE FOR GLASGOW. | ASSOCIATION'. Change* In Ttmea of (he The Final steamer of (He Mm« Ban. Maiding Terms af l oan, far Hi. tc.lllih Pari from Portland. ANYTHING INSURABLE INSURED^ U^^s^sr-q Tbe steamer Salaola of tba Thomson Tba report af tba committee appelated lias sailed from this port yesterday tor by tbe Maine State liar areoelatlon on “ Ulasgow. She took oot a oargo of Bto February 8, 18M, to draft a bill along thooiand six hundred teas, throe hun- the Una of tbo Preaidant'a address," In and as to tbe of IBj\,EEHjXtOUXTAIJ« dred and one eattle, one buodred relation (to nbangea holding sixty aheap and thirty-Ore boteje. 'This tbo terms of tbs bite oonrt has bean Is lbs last ateanear to leave Portland for printed. Tbe report will go before the INSURANCE P Pearls I and will Ulasgow tala aeaeon and It la also tbe next eessloa ef the legislalere TfnrHiynTi in.nll■l^^lll■l■ ■ .ir~Tnriwffi list toat of the Thomson lino for the be further acted upon at an adjourned THAT winter season. meeting of tbe bar aeeoelatton whleb will 'The Strath Devil of tba K’der Dempater be held In Portland on Monday, July 18. INSURES line arrived early In tbi morning. She Tbs report rsoommeada tbs ebanx* of Been eating Fame from tha Canary lalande and the tbs whole of Chapter 77 ef praotloaUy At the Insurance Office of date of the deparlurj woe April llth, A tba revlsrd statutes ofMalaa wbloh deals something that pleasant trip wat experienced. With with our jndlolal system. It alms to Captain Tilt are bta wile and son. T be •bangs tbe terms of tbe law oourt *> a* didn’t agree Strathn.vla la scheduled to aall for to giro a mtd-wlatar term and to bold 13 EMU St. ' an & terms G. out tbe summer at JONES and taka earlier data E. Avonmunth oa Sunday will CO., with ? new for you a oargo of live tbouannd tons and two Under tbe plan tbe parpeee of hundred and fifty head of oattle. This tbe lew oourt tbe State la to be made Into sailing will close the ssas.in at this port one district, Instead of three as Is now ; Take these Little Pearly The Uovernor Dlngley arrived at a few tbe easr. The ehangrs la tbe deles of IH Pills. will mtnotea before three o’olook 10 the after- bolding tbe terms of tbe law oonrt wUI They quickly New In nisi term* noon ana reported a line trip from require change* prtas m 1 relieve you. Green several oountles, and a schedule of snob York. ■ Hountain Pearls are The master of the steamer Heading obangei Is contained n tbe report. wblob arrived at tbla port on Sunday Tbe committee who drafted tbe report B a and effectual lion. Charles F. pleasant tilth a oargo of on#thooiand six hundred la oompoced uf Libby Heath tone ot ooal for tbe Urand Trunk la Capi, of Portland and Mon. H. M. uod I remedy for tain Peter P. Millar, who la tba father Hon. W. 8. Choate of Auguste. ■ KJB! CASKS. from eaob GUAM) of Tlioher Millar of last season's Port- A special oommlltt* of one' Constipation, land harebell team. Captain Millar has county has been appointed to ssoerteto sentiment of the member* ef the bar lA lint Kiipi-rlor oill’t Will He Cnllell been calling the teas for torty-four years the Biliousness, to confer end has many friends In tbla elty, an I lo their reepestlve localities, «■! To Dlipoir of Tilt. Term. and laat evening be entertained a number of with tbe oourt and report at tho masting Sick Headache de- bs held on 18. The ooro A large relume of business will be these friends aboard tba ateamer. A to July special Isas follows: John A. Morrill. Liver Troubles transacted at tbe May term of tbe Su- lightful time woe enjoyed. Captain Mil- tulttee son George H. Smith, A root perior court, oouvenlng in Portland ler tags that nla baa ilgned to play Androscoggin; F. 8. Franklin; C. Don't next Tuesday. with Walter Hjrnbam'a team In Soran- took; TlmberUks, 3 injure yourself \yith ton. for this araron. F. 1.lol>y, Cumberland; O. F. Fellows, but take Among tbe bound over cates are the Penn., The teat of *fenr:»na Disease* t* at base of brats, ■ griping medicines, Aboard tho steamer Heading yesterday Uaoeook ;; W. 8. Choate, Kennebso; A. *+aa*1}ao* When the nerve calls at this point waste, a lernbls following: 7»mc » ■ the O. 1) f \ A*Vfw,/ decline of the system occurs. Nervous Debility, el.ittlcPearlyPills. Sanborn and Allen Went- afternoon, one of the members of tha 8. LlttlsUeld, Knox; Custner, ul J? Varicocele. Pain in Raok Clarenoa ^VA'r/% Atrophy, Failing Memory, H will do a lot of go d. ba was J. 8. Oxford; F. H. insomnia. Ktc., arc symptom* of this They you worth of Standleb, for breaking and en- crew tiled an experiment wblob Llnoolo; Wright, ^fyiflTlfrl/trdflA L>ysi>epsia, MUMJiMJMkmiwWW condition. Neglected, it results in Paresis, at of could be done bnt of wh loh Appleton, Penobeeot; Henry Hndeon, 3m You can get them your terlng me collage of tieorge W. Noyes positive or Consumption. Pat mo Tablets Freak 8. Southard. Sags Insanity, J|J Lg will Portland, at Sebagu Lake. ethers had a doubt. This was the shoot- Plscstuquls; cure these ills by renewing the starved I druggist’s, ’S cents, or we K. F. CURE alldrsins ana weakness and enter- a oandle a board of dahoo; 8. N. Merrill, Somerset; cells, checking replacing Charles Stallurd, breaking ing of sperm through n mail them to IfCDUAIIC nCDII ITV with strength and ambition, goc. bos; isl*oxea I you. an man Waldo; F. 1. Campbell, Wash- 11 for ing tee olUoe of the ereler of weights the thickness cf Inoh. The tcok Uuaton, NcnYUUo UtblUl (wit'i iron cliul muruntee] i.t.OA. Send Fra# -^ O. and at a distance of about twen- ington; i. F. Haley, York. Book. UAL SID DK.UO U>., Vt-EVBLAND, and mensutes at City hall. the gun Old Ag#~P##tpon*d. albans r: vifoy company Samuil MoAllleter end ty-live feet shot tbe eaadla ’at a board C.H. GUPPY & CO.. AGENTS, PORTLAND, ME. |;John Foley, _TUS St. Albans, Vt. Prank Currier, breaking and entering the can lie went through tbe board likeu uokiiamT- and laroeny from various honees about streak and ap-adlly darted out to sea It the city. did not pierce tbe beard straight and eg The Talent elub of Uorbam held a very at the Abraham Stein, lloses lirown aod aieeuita hole of tbrie or four inches Interesting meeting this week Abraham Hodman,receiving etclsn goods long shi let re a mark of the passage. High School bnlldlng. Several ysnng woe & Wholesale from holey, MoAllleter, Currier and oth- The British schooner W. K. Smith led'is read papers, excellent muelo JOHN W. PERKINS CO., Agent. refreshment! were ers. arrived during the day from Weymouth, rendered and light John Maloney or New Fork, larceny N. S., having been on tbe voyage fer •erred. let front the person. It will he remembered forty-eight days. She brought two hun- L. J. Lamond, our popalnr drngg __ a lb. a._b. -a_U/..S Itnwtnn that Msltmy Is accused cf tab log IliiO dred and four turn of pulp wcoJ to fiom the pockit cf a young man at the lieorge A. Clark. yc Btcrdey. __v I ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A SAFE? I Mr. b. 11 Uutbrlo tao in hla Union few weeks ago. garden TANGIN station,'a ^afcs. 'Ihesc are I SERVICE DESIGNATION KOH LET- eleven loch- I X have constantly on hand all sizes of the Morris «$• Ireland Alfred U. Usman cf Portland, attempt an onion top tbat bao grow* TER CARRIERS, the best ou the market. Also have second hand safes at all prices. ra ontalde of tbla Who cun to imirapr ms ure, uii/.aueui glace iprlng. If all women knew about 1 offloltle of tbe Portland JOHN HYDE, Ylalr for Maine for tlie Morris A I Vi'llftPi Hwell of niantlaiigh- The post office beat tbat? I L, Agent liuxtcn, would be fewer Safe St. dim offioo In * 1th the new Mr*. State and TANGIN there I I ain’t Ireland Co.. Etelinuse I r, i h 1 • Is tbe well known Standlsh poet compliance H K. MUIett, etreet, | of tbe department are In- her Mrs. Howell of un- t ag* ly In which James Adame was shct regulations gurst, Chicago, HI., £ unhappy, neglected wives, I tbe letter carriers to procure Id Portland and Yar- to dsatb at the hunt's of blwell. strnotlng vlsltrd frlenda ± married sickly girls, and weak, I new ssrvi'e which Is to be Chafes Green, larceny. designations mouth. yesterday. I used to denote the of time a man btrout of Sa«x> Mothodlat stupid children. TANGIN,by There are a number of nuisance cases length Kev. Mr. tho j> bat been In In tho « rrice, Inti tad of tbe frlenda In Uorbaoo. J and the to bs disposed of church. It visiting strengthening purifying I blaok and white oow In uee. The live atrlpee Mr. btrout formally preached yearo most important organs in a I the ionrrT.- new Insignia conalele of stars of differ- here. ^ To Enjoy ■h woman’s enables her I ent colors.The tlrat hve years of eerTloe is Mr. Ivory Hamilton, Pcrtlaad street, body, to bo designated by one blaok star; 10 la orltloally 111 Mr. Hamilton was a u. s district court. blaok 14 by Is tho Working years by two stare; years, former resident of Westbrook, and J '^•3 life w ithout and suffering Yieerdey morning tbe following grand one red star; to yeari by two red stars; latbor of Mr. V. H. Hamilton of Port- in weakness. It is for You should cat hoaitily and sleep soundly. We can assist was empsselltd and immertlat* 1; :4 years, by on# silver star; 10 years, two land. good jury cooked will al- went Into ee.elon: Ueorse W. Parker silver tt trs; £6 years by one gold it ir. Mrs. Silas Hounds of fc'uuo, is tbo gussl the maiden, the wife and the the first part. Proper food, correctly tempt cf two osrrleis. and Arthur K. Hopkins Bangor; Under tbe new regulations of Mrs. Olive Hedlon, Stats street. mother. If you wish to know most every person to James P. Cerr and Rufus A. Dleaenstu Messrs. Cbarlis U, Green and George O. Mrs. David Patrlok la tbe gnoat of Mr*. what it send us a cf Rowdolnbaru; John A. Brown and U. fc'oule are entitled to wear on# allver Charles U. Wlnsblp, State street. just is, postal Mahlon 8. Ayer of Brewer; Fred W. star, while several otbera will he entitled card and we will send you a Eat Heartily and Stillman J. of s ars. Stlokney Burgle, to wear the red YARMOUTH. v Free Sample bottle, includ- our business in oPbusi- Brownfield; Edward Bark and Jarome three times a day. It is (and speaking HHUSH EIRE YESTERDAY. Xne tofaool oommlttee of Yarmouth, '."A a valuable book on the Davie cf Buokeport; Andrew L. Perry ing ncss we want it understood that we mean business in the high- and Daniel F. of The ul irm ot Are from box 136, oorner together with the tpiolal committee ap■ Clay Buxton; Henry /1\\ diseases of women. our it is our life work—this and est sense of the word), it is pride, C. Rani and Nathan 1. Sawyer of Cape of Washington avenue and Roy streets, pointed by tbe town to secure plena I l\\ A. M. B1NINGER & CO.'S Successor* meats to the John C. and situated between Eiet and North Deer- proofed with tbe erection of a new high with good wholesome keep Elizabeth; Willey Banjamln New York. furnishing humanity m irnln \ Wakefield of Cterrylleld; William W. ing at 11 30 o'clock yesterday g, sohool building, opened bids Wednesday body in condition for the daily labor. While our prices keep Frank- called the department In the Rearing dis- for tbe work of exo ovation and Clark and Elden C. Emjrton |of evening till J with dollars saved. Are on the lend owned tbe new build- the well fort; Labon Hand aad Patriot: Hopklna trict t#a brush building a fouadatton for pocketbook and K. Har- was to Mr. of Frankfort; Pater 8. Nickerson and by Messrs Henry Taylor J. ing. The eentraot awarded Benjamin F. Andrews, (foreman,) or rett Some parties were engaged In burn- C. H. Knight of Pownal, ha belag tbe Portland. ing brush, and as tbe wind was blowing lowest bidder. Mr. Knight la tba owner TXXJD set lire to tbs tarnish the stone In the District court petitions In bank- brisk some ot Ibe sparks of a quarry and la to soon n blaze was In foundation from hi* Xbe ruptcy have been tiled by Beorgo F. Col- grass and lively pra- for tbe quarry. ERCIER Ae there Is a large area of woods committee are now basing plan* for tbe eun of Sullivan, Albion P. Mace of Fatr- gma. Pianos tleld. lust beyond where the Are started, and proposed building drawn and expect to Sterling EAT tbe eloae of several raoelva tha rama in about two weeks SUPREME COURT. owing to proximity houses It was deemed expedient to sound When the plane are reoelsed the oommlt- The case of the Kumford Important tn alarm. The members of hose com- tee are to advertise for bids for tbe "no- va the ARKET._ Power Romford halls oompany the an ns also tho East tion of tho bolldlmi. At nn*l Falls Paper wlish waa placed panies 8 and 9, Deerlog Must be re- company town misting tbe sum of 10(03 was ap- certainly on trial was continued aula resoonee, and af- Tuesday, yester- jompsules, qulok for the ereotlon of the pru- and will oonsume tbe of propriated as a factor day, greater part ter nearly an hoar's bard work suooooded building. garded strong tbe week. Symondi, Snow & Cnak for psatd In tho names out by the aid or plaintiff; Clifford, Verrtll & Clifford boating in that class of pia.ios to that It was not to for defence. » brush, necessary wet the boas. which has given to Amer- RIVERTON PATIKS. I--- --1 ica the of hold- The members of tbe Hillside whist UMON VETERANS EEGIUN. prestige elub held an enjoyable afternoon with The members of Portland enoampineht ug the paramount posi- at Klrerton luneh and whist yesterday No. 137, Union Veterans Legion observed Casino. In the evening a Urge party of tion in the musical in- ladles' last evening at tbe close of tbe residents of Morrllle Corner,members nlgnt Members cf cf a wblet olub, and friends. In all a their meeting. Sbepley THE FINISHED ARTICLE dustry of the world. party of atout 10) persons, bald tbelr Damn. Sons ot Veterans, wltb the wives will come ut» to our customers' fullest hopes wni*5 auu ivr cue sroiua ami expectations. our doling supper of (be numbers were present slid sn en- at tbe C&vlao. loyatli evening bail by all. Refresh- MADE TO ORDER garments mo everything that such should be. RIENTAL RUGS ments were served daring the evening. Millions Given Away. Fit without a wrinkle, are perfectly tailored ■ -- were mad] severul of tbs and look We have a great of to the Remarks by stylish. variety It Is certainly gratifying public new spring Overcoatings In st<>ekaud big linn with co'ors land who member* of the enoaiupment and Invited JONES & ALLEN. of rare design, ripened to know cf one Conorrn In the of suitiug* of all inscription*. our Trousering* CRESSEY, j are not nfrald to be generona to tbn needy guests. are selected wltii neat care from the latest aud Bettering. Xbe proprietor* of Or. Foreign and Domestic makers, aud our ;i**ort- and mellowed .by age. Rugs that POKTDAND'S TKNDKKDOIN. rnent of Fancy Vestiugs surpasses all others King’s New lllsooyery for Consumption, »>»« la the (Jive us a call. ap-*i Coughs and Colds, bare Risen away oyer city. ro the Editor the Pi-ese: true tan million trial botllcn of tbln great of NOTICE. connoisseurs prize for their worth; medicine; and haye the natlnfaotlen of It wouldn't be a bad Idea tor soma of » •" All milk dealers are notified to bring knowing It haa absolutely oured thou- otliolals to look to tbe hereby the oily or oouoty KEI ItEl K. OVI lt. of thali Cans anu Mea.su res as required have of sands of hopeless oaass. Asthma, Bron- In all that actualy brought patrons and Mid- .Mercliuiit 3f», Section 46 of tha Revised stat- __ Hoarseness and all dlssaaes of tha condition of Federal, Kxohang* Tailor, by Chapter onltla. utes. and have the same sa iled In Wine Meas- s’, and are surely cured dle streets after nine o’elook at nlnht Threat, Chi Hongs 375 Fore, Near Foot of Exc'imge Street. ure capacity. Wine Measure being the legal stores in Boston and New York to on H. P. 67? Con- no other measure can law- rug by It. Call b. Goold's, Three streets are now called the “Tender- aprj;d if___ standard Measure, street and H. G. .Starr. Cumberland fully he used. grass loin" district, and are usually In sneh Mills, Druggie,t and git a free trial bet- E. F. SW'KTT, City Sealer. this remote spot, because they know seem to be well 1900. tie. Hegular size edits, and $1. Kyery condition that they April 16. -le or refunded. If one Is neces- tot guaranteed, prloe named. A eurfew law. Reward. Section 40—All cans, or $100 R. S., C. .'18. measures, of our rich collection from Persia, sary would tend to aid In cleaning up other vessels used in the sale ot milk, shall an- Brave M en Fall. he sealed tho sealer of and these and making them Portland Electric Mali! Company will nually by weights Jlyer and thoroughfares rpHK measures by w ine measure, and shall be were V loti me to stomaob, kidney ■ pay $100 to any one who will tornl.h evi- B Turkey and India. These rugs for a deoent woman or a self-respect- marked the sealer with figures Indicating the ---—-— troubles as well as wi men, and all feel safe dence that will convict any peraon of tainper- hy wli.oh they hold, and whoever fraudu- tbe resulta In loss of In man to without being ln* with their hues, lamps or machinery. quantity appstlts, poisons' ing pose through sells by any other measure, ca" or ves in nervousness. beed- I.IGHT lently in the and years tbe blood, haakaobe, Insulted. FORTLASD ELECTRIC COMPANY sel. forfeits twenty dollars for each offence. months making, Geo. W. Brown. FrealdenL x ache and tired,llstlesineea, ruu-down feel- Curfew Daw. aprlTdlOt feel like that. tog. Hut there's no need to the Ldstin to J. W. Gardner, Idayllla, Ind. MA1NK PKSSIONS. toning.__ He says: "Kleotilo Hitters are Just tbe thing far a man when toe Is all run down, Washington, April 26.—The following and don't oare whether he llyes or dies pinslou ohanges la Maine are announoed: and to our notice It did more to give me new strength DiCKEASh. II having coiiie good appetite than aoytblcg I could take. lliut we are reported at having W. T. KILBORN COMPANY, I can now eat anything and base a new IJAbljab K. Ayer, Pembroke, 68 to 612. tilt eu up Hie uiieucy of llie Hurd lease on life." (0 at U. P. Only oents, ©RUH.NAL, WlDOWtl. XXC. •iiiiii I’iuiio, we deem it our duly and H. U. S. Gould's, 677 Congress street to Hie mid our»elve» to SWITCHES. FREE ST. M. Thara la na BEAUTY without public, 24 blarr, Cumberland Mills drug sure, SpeoUl accrued April 11, Betity Mill control Hie •tate iliat we I Before tee our Real Human Hair l eery bottle guaranteed. Mary K. buying Pillsbury, Sanford, *8; Wright, HEALTH. “FavarHa Pra- wale of ilie Hardman Pluno, and Switch that wa sail at 33 ««’l worm Cash Corner, 68. Mi:ilI continue a» lierelofore to *s.«o. All shade* ot Uray audUiowa. h.st woman stem. We will sand ■criptlon in Mock a full Hue of quality, full weight. short carry for oxaraluattoa before you buy. WASBINUTON TOU R *85. tham tlioee renowned in*lrumeuia. EVERYTHING BEAUTIFUL by making lllu.tratrd C atalogue K*ee. the aonduoted lonr- Under personally HEALTHY. It makaa waak .If. STEIXEKT A SO*S CO.. I’OK THE BICYCLE Railroad lat Syatem of the Pennsylvania Street -AT THE- f waman STROMS a«A HI tongreas will leave Boston, April 27tb. Last tour Paris Hair Store, Uth. of D. Lovering’s at the season May Itinerary sick waman WELL- T. C. HcGOllLDKIC, Mfr. ieitea* James Co.* 8t'6 1990 Wulilagtee Hi., Bailey X. Ball. Tourist Agent, Washington leWdtf to dt! J Boston. apri6 I street, **—=—--- Min Lea* Clark, who baa beaa • Milt- trip « Sebago Late, bringing with him Mina tlai la Beaten, ban retained to WAITED ANOTHER MAA. n aalmon wslgklag fifteen sad ona-half ing ? panada. Portland. WILD SCENES 0. Jane* of LaaaarJ ami baa A reacting (or organisation mas bald Ur. K. — lueeday evening by Urn Westbrook baa* QBlU ill* Baat atree* la re at U. meat WIIHa Tlbbott# af Ho., ball eatbaeleta F. Hokmsoas OF EMOTION. j market. Xba tollowlag cBlows mars parted ill of maaatta §.%&ibbii Wesf jrook Methodists .1 voted: Manager, t. U. Hoblnaaa; Tbla la tb* happy lima for tba aasklag A. Mi P. a ears HEAR treasurer, Ur. Gobbi ooptala. af may So wore aad dellgbllag aao THE LAME WALK AND THE DEAF Satisfied. Leighton. The foUowlag players bare Shirt Waists are Lus- Aie Not at Itb tba af btrde aad tba evaa- Twentieth bean aaanrad at tha present tine: O. aarbllog Century Uavla, Adam and Uantfarron. pitchers lag eoags af frog*. An Curd «f Ailments ky a drat olnb baa Tk«| Oittresshg _ and awond base; Konlnron, bare; Tb a Far aad Maar Author.' abort MoGlaliaa,third er ous Fewer In the Hands of Prof. P. Lighten. atop; Uaorga B Griffith, tb* wsll-kuewn pool, M|S ciously Ripe, baaa: bprlng. Hirers, Harmon, Pratt and Donovan (tor Urldara. aa a raaaatly aoqnlred member. Damon and Ausslates With .tssigiiMcnl of Rpv. Hr. So«th- The annnal maailag of the Waat Knd Ur. H. III lay baa tabaa tba heuaa And ready for your ploklng. W. G. T. G. will br bald Ikli afternoon foraaarly ooaaptad by taa Flu (anally, Relieves We show here with accurate of two “Desirables” and tell you of at tbe home of Mra. b. J.SUksy, btrood- The Mraage Power That you pictures ard To Then oa Boland irtim. asler atraat at tbrsa o’alook. Still Continue* at silent Two hundred others. n .. Suffering two others and are advertising^ concerning dl oeaalona of the proposed new Tb* nazt maatlag at tba Dalin Bible •' 1 be Congrei* Hall. I 5*i !~i‘ silk mill to bo erented by tba Haskell Clata will b* bald at tba bouse of Bar. — of Mill abonld bars bean Ufty Waist made In plain 741. Waist made plain bilk oompaay Henry Chandler, St Laland arenas. 831. by three hundred and not thirty lost la colored Taffeta. front on colored Taffeta. Solid corded Ur. Kimball of Pleasant areas* baa All Mannar of Dlieaie Treated With leogth aa printed yesterday. in clusters back, front and sleeves, with slid bla beautiful togas or .each side corded Asked For Rev. OFFlGkKb. oot Medicine Money Every Had AMUUMGONU1N GLUU of fine cords with row of heavy one ioch Afieraoen at 2.30. 0 cording spaced At tbe meeting of tke Ammouooogln SOUTH PORTLAND. liem-stttchiog between, from apart. Choker with cords iu Mr. Dunnock. fcl- elub bald yesterday afternoon tbr neck to waist. Vest front of centre. Press sleeve and flare for the ensq- Free ae the Air We lowing olUot ri were elected Everything white Taffeta, solid corded, cuff. This waist is made in .all — Ing year: Breathe- Take ¥onr Slek Friends on such as Fire in Elizabeth Yester- with row of hem stitching plain colors, pink, 1 resident—Mrs. Ivabel Kay. Cape and See Them Cured. mJ Vloa Prraldent— ilrr. Km ins V. Duran. each side of vest. Top of light blue, cardinal, navy, rose, Protest Has Been Sent To Pre- Keoordlng beoreln-y—Mrs Julia Ura- day. ^ sleeve is corded from shoulder black, and all other plain bnin. colors. Eliza- Demon I* to be tha moot to cuff with ono row of hem- Price, $5.00. siding Elder. (.’orrespc n^ieg booretary—Mira Prof. proving beth M. man wbo baa aver vlilted tb la on each side. Choker Url|gs. aud Hern wonderful stitching Trcaonrar—Mrr. Hattie K. btarr. A. Monti .Inrilaii'a Hon., small city. Us la treating and oorlng many Is solid corded with Auditor—Mra Ida K. (Juiuby. ■turned to Hie Uronnd. people. Doses a of men and women wbo tu r.-over bauds of white f bare bean restored to hsaltb atand ready Taffeta. White taffeta cuffs. WOODFOHDS and willing to give testimony to hla waist is made In all cUitlal beard of the Westbrook About 11 o’olock morning, The plain j;i:« Wednesday Ula otllce. at under the a t- wonderful boiling power AlitrbdUt chcreh anting 1 be of the Do so street lire broke uut In tbe barn of A. b'oott colors. Price 86.98. pupils grammar are bled from the " a**1 made of plain colored forwarded a let- tbe United States hotel 711. vloj of tbe ohu rcb bare Fred U. Wltham, are to Jordan, un tbe Uanaafonl road, Cape school, prlnolpal u a. m., until tbe oloalug Waist made of black Taf- Taffeta. Front is solid corded r lClder K. U. i-hayer of oronlng hour, 702. I to Prealdlag ■Ivn n line entertainment Friday evening Kllaabelb, about a mil* tbU aide of de- ro with .lok people await- Front corded on on each side, extending from Woodford a, station that they do not and wltb auob hour. Up feta. solid, nt Lewis ball, consisting of literary and Grange ball, spread rapid- Ibelr turn to bo treated and Ke». O. A. Seulbard, ing patiently each aide in waved, lines; box neck to waist, in waved lines. alra tbe eeteloes of musical numbers. A ladles’ orobeatra la ity f a to completely dratroy, In a abort ourtd. tfolontlUo men marvel at tbe from tbe Farh at met uilnl.ier. are amaaad and tbe C in centre with cords. of ileevrs and choker are who was aealgned also to a salat. The cDtsrtalnnaent U be- time, Imtb barn aod home, which waa cures. plait Top auon oburob in Lewlitia to tbs Westbrook skeptical bewildered upon aeelng I Choker lias 3 wave cords. corded to match front Back brll tha In aid of tbesohool adjoining. " ing by pupils proofs of bla marvelous powers. Prof. church at tbo recmt conference. It !s war* sleeve with Hare cuff and of waist corded from neck to room decoration nud library fund of tba I apt. fc'prar and Judge MoManus Damon not only cures tbe lam» and crlp- Iircss ta ob- a not known that tvere any personal aobocl. drlrlcg along tba road at tbe time, and rird, bat all dlteaaee yield to bla strange top of sleeve corded to match waist, forming “V.” This of Use. Mr. Clatarrb, oonaumptlon, jection to tie pastorate P. btsvans and a cf when within atout a hundred yards of power. Inolplenl waist is made in all Mr. J. party nervous front. Back has 0 cords plaiu tbe ohureb takas abronlo bronohllle, neuralgia, Uoutbard. but rather j friends went to Lake last evening the boure tbey discovered amok* doming such as bebago proat'Btloo. iliabetea tile, tumora In all forming a "V” extending colors, cardinal, tbo tttal from the feot that they at- reached blad- on a brief fleblng trip. tram tbe barn, and before tbay •sod cos. daafnesa. heart dla.aae, lavender, royal, light blue, it of from neck to waist. This tended a o til to Use. U K Ujnna Hamilton bave tb tba barn waa I* Mama, and der dltcrdeta, cbronlo rbaumatlam. ob- Mr. and Mra. Llewellyn plaoa, made in black rcriso, turquoise, dahlia, white Matbodlat oburcb of lJoit- attbsta oonstlpaUon, diseases of woman, waist is only. the West Kid moved Into tbe tenement owned by Mr. a btgb wind wbloh waa prevailing carried ays troubles, canoai. rolatlca, paralyala, and black. Price, $5.00 and ererytblag, so far aa an agree- near auob Price, 85.00. land, Henry Higgins on Wtodf ord street, tbe Ore to tba houee wltb rapidity liver complalot, kidney troubles, eto., had been ad disorders ment to the salary, tbe Hoeton ami Maine Moots. ua to prevent anything being raved except sorofula, gravel, throat Impot- atthe Silk Counter. tbe oburcb aud and In all ehroulo dl-eacoe cf Summerisms by tbs oXceri of new robber tired briery nna whloh waa ratoned by auey, fact, j.itad A handsome canary brd, mbelsnaa nting OP IIAilirM tO for Dress Vlslfl th« * A new and chic thing fronts, Waists and Haw. Mr. Uunuaok, At tie oontareaoi. Mr. Walter D. Pride of McManus. “RON E VELVET.” orned by .lodge wonderful power of toll phenomenal was rent to the 18 colorings. Costs but Mr. Uunnack -- Mrs. waa In the house at tbe dots and plain, something Her. ntntuiuuft nuu uui-h Jordan heeler. Millinery, Persian pattern, polka and ltev. Mr. at the U. 8. Hotel. » a ohuroh at Augusta hail hlr.d It for the erenlag, came to time, and burrlodly made her eoospa, Offioe toon is 8 m. ooneultatloa and elegant, $3.50 of Lewiston was assigned to waa In tbe si to p Dully footbard grief on Woodford street, jaet lelow while Mr. Jordan ploughing of the examination free. Westbrook,while the former pastor a Dte hour Tuesday Held Beside# dcatruotlon of Highland eonore at opposite. If you are poor and enable to pay go to Casement and C. C. Fhelan, was sent to waa nre Bargains Friday church, Her. ereulng. At this portloolar point, during farehure, etc., one none In tbe barn me ball and be onred free. If you CHENEY’S FOULARDS. In Lewiston. It able to e Fiuell f *e you tthould go to Mr. irou'.hari’s church the two there hat been a quan- burned to death, and Mr. Jordan loat r»y Saturday. patt days .i ».....i rM tv» evivnie reeatoient dots. wbat will be done aoout of. black, rod with whtto polka !■ not known tity of brick dumped In tbe street. These waxen, bay and other property wbloh bad Best Foulards wo know Uluo, but ns there are t pastors white A few modo shades, the mattir. y. t-rlok are ai fa»t as posilble belag cov- been itored ewe; for tbsjwlnter. Blue with white stripes, also black with stripes. It li believed that cov- H.UO wltbODl assignments ered over with earth. At the point where It l« said that the loea la partially 24 inches, will bi nalsfattorlly sited are ( s best. the matter ad] the aooldsnt happened the brloks ware ered by Insurance. Don’t associate these with ordinary Foulards. They honey at an early data. tsposed and the street being dark,and n o Mr. Jordan waa formerly a reeldrnt of In the hcrre stumbled and South Portland and moved to Cape Eliza- SILK MADRAS ftpenoe and Coombs of Mew lanterns sight out about beth about a or so for the tell. The horse was quits badly year ago. of double fa'-e Hampshire,who bare the contract So wide that 1?; makes a waist. Several styles and tbe oro.rs bars of the buggy AT WOttK UN CLOTHES yards creation of tbe power station at Maillscn the le.s 1U1KVKS 75C were broken. The buggy waa a new ones stripes, Falls to be hullt by Westbrook (aitle" LINES TUESDAY NIUHX. having been purohasad only a day or so be 50c IMtesra.are haring their suppllsi shipped and down oa oiotbaa lines CORDED KAIKI. May twenty styles, H is said that the Thieves swooped for the oom- before the aoclrtent. 39c arc otherwlss making ready at tha corner of Front and Pina attests Cordless .lap Silks, twenty styles, on the atreet where the accident work at onos. work \ insuorment of the Tu'siay night, and got away with a SILKS. the ccourred Is being done by private parlies COLORED TAFFETA Mr. Andrew Hodge has gone to amount of underwear, eto. Mra Best quality Oiled Wash Tubs, me- of the goodly he Is t> take without the knowledge elty <;1U- rsg'on of the Hsngo, where Cbarlei 1-vans bad a large waahlug out New York stores got dium size, 43c The best we over saw for the money. department some In the Interests of ialt. charge of wurk on the line and in the morning found a 75c The eenloroless of Westbrook Tt mlnary 89c and A acore cf tints. This sale price Largest size, 6£ q the 8, D. Warren company of this city. and Mra. Klobarda waa IJ.OO. even- part of It mb slog the work are to present “The ltlvala“ on the The stone masons cummeootd robbed of two plllowa. Mra. Littlejohn, 59,09.75c A pair for SI.IO Of 10 at Bed Men’s hall for the BLACK TAFFETAS. of the foundation for tbe new ing May laying who lives near by, was another vlotlm The 75o ouos are Haskell*§ best. of the expenses cf tbe Clothes Linos of Manilla. brio: blook yesterday at the oorner of benellt graduating BIDS TO BE OPENED. 15c 40 feet A’aln and Ssarey strtets, that Is to be olasa. hind, long, 8o eot-rlelnment was bids will bn at tort Preble, erected for Mr. A. H. Hurler, the A very enjoyable opened 10c 50 !to held last evening In Crosby hall, JJserlng May IS, for tbe construction of hospital, A Great Thursday •• grocer. Gingham Option UWo 75 llto school bulletin ;, by the members of which arn to be nlaasd *i There Is a email on exhibition high barraoks, eto., alligator Mannish Shoes as want them. '• woe at- Our from the tbe s'.bool The ooncert well tbe land raeantly pntehaeed, ftom D* Cut piece you 49c 100 25o in the window of liodsdon and Hobeits a was curried tea -FOR tho New York 25c yard attract! con- tended and the programme Bray. At price, Ark 9 ot.nce 0 the undertakers, that Is ng _' ___ Laundry Soap. cakes, the to out In a pleasing manner by Deerlng 6 cakes for siderable sttintlon. It was brought The andTHaoa Were 10c leader, as- Merrynnnaag on,Abs 10 In a at 10c Mr. ODd Mrs Frank FI orohestra. B. W. itlraaon, Or in short lengths (5 to yards piece) yard this city by marina eaaterday tor repair* A Cold 4 pack ges fur sisted Mies Martha if. 11. Hawse, lhe railway Dust, 15c Webb this on their return from by WOMEN of the Remnants and short spring root baa tetn paced overalls new yacht / There are one thousand, five hundred yards was oarrled cut: following programme Choice new Class Oil 4 quart, 17 Cuba. which la being built, that work can for Shirt Waists, Wrappers or Children's Drosses. Can, * Artillery, Stlinson; grand lengths; nice Her. Uecrge Whltsbouse of iirsl litres, Marob, lying weather. Castle. measure 32 concert go on In all kinds of Are and effects, as Scotcby as Sterling They Mrs. Pott’s Sad hla Mrs. Frol ■election, Merltanl, Wallace; Up-to-Date. plaid stripo Irons, Mars Is risking sister, Ur Nlebola’ah year old boy, waa than set for waltz a Baroarolle, Waldersplel; long, .liaeph We It live the Oll'ur.U in inches wide (5 incites wider ordinary Ginghams.) 7 c Alder, iirown street. aald to be very dangerously sick yester- “The Holy klisa Martha 25c Trice Today. lOo yard A meeting cf the members of tbe Am- Utty’’Adams, Regular goods. Dover Hotel charaot-r'stlo marob, A day. Egg Beater, Current Events clubs is K. 11. Ilaw-s; PATENT mcnoougln end 'lbs ladles of the Unlveraallst oburob CALF, size, lkj of Dlaokbarrlea, Holzmau, Inter- held this afternoon at Cumberland Hunch ite^ular price jSc to be will give an oyster sapper sad entertain- for the fair mezzo, (Jove's Dream After tbe Dali, RUSSIA CALF, J. B. LIBBY CO. Sail to perfeot arrangments ment evening, a feature of whlob A Merry (Jo fcrldey or Bread Box. be held and 8aturday, April d7 (Jzlbulak; popular medley, C ake, Trunk to Friday will ba a “Flag Drill." Bound, Deyer; marob, Dtars ond Strips* BOX CALF, and d8 A teaohets will ba held nt the of the er- meeting Melrlu Waterbotse of the ilorever, Sousa. The proceeds ) Cunduotor til k retool bcure In Knlgfctvllle at Up. are for the benellt cf the LEATHER Westbrook Windham and Maples eleotrlo tertalniuent And ENAMEL deooratlon fund. m., Saturday, April 23. bus .etn ned from his listing (Choul room railway Mr. Sullivan of Plokett etrect, who Wr Invite j oin- inspection. baa been on a visit to blf family, re- turned to Boston last night. Mr. Augustus Willard, who had a prat- tv oloaa osll from deorb about four weeks Cush- Three Times a Day ago while Qshlog for Capt. Ueorga ing outside of Massachusetts bay and who hat been reosntly visiting he-e, left In more than a million households can you i for 541 st. Boston, yesterday. Congress Th street, upr24«ITu& breathe the fragrant aroma of # Mra. Jeremiah York, Sawyer HOUSE GLEANING TIME NOW. !■ reooverlng from what appeared to be a tl. 10 size for 69o Id a It U to nsa the Large few dare orop-ud ** critical Ulnsaa. for liOo 40o little mill aear tte furniture fictory for tin Housewife. A petition ta in circulation at ooum F. Tedious Days 1 & the manufacture cf tcctbcloka, Mr.C. Steel Enamelled Chase Sanborn’s of e Portland (or tbe employment regular of tne ; can,man, uae of the members at half awl two-thirds usual prices. to the elreete at night. *Wre are soma helpful things Preserve as j polloeinau petrol carried on a similar Kettle, company fcr srly Mr. Orlando Irish, station agent on a at tbli a few years ago. *1' e“ ,l Grade Coffees : burins plaoe 5000 lln rs I. mmiry Soap. cut. the Kumford Falls 11ns, and Mra. Irltb, of the High Following Is the programme 4 a® ®“® * B*r* White Flouting Hoap, 1 A V. Cole. Orohestrn nt Crosby Hall, Bast- HOOO Wat 25, 55, 39. Seal Brand. and Mocha, in tin I are v'siting lleering le : 19, 29, 1 Java 1900: aooo «k s. Hoap-2 c ikes each, pk cana. Other High-Grade Brands in Mr. Fred Crocker ot Maistobuselta, ing High aohool, April noth, Fairy calendar with each package.) 49. Sit, 75. $1.19, $1 39. parchtneiit-hncd hbre bags. Artillery, (An artistic I Is the guest of Mr. A. V. Cols. March—Flying »eeach Grand Selection—Maritime, Wallaoe 1000 Buis Kite iea Miuoral Soap. South Portland llose and Ladder * Sale 15, 19. 21,' 21- 29, 35 45, 59. 89, 98J. these The Conoert Waltz-La Bsroarollo, swill's Wawhinx Powder '*® 6,0,1 price, have won their way into of lOOO plus, 29o They J Company has reoelrsd 50 fast neiv T/aldteufel 7%e per cake Wood, Folding, Clothes Hack, Adams Napoli or Bon Anti. as will win their into \ hose, purchased and paid for entirely by Song—The Holy City, Iron Tea Kettles, Spiders, Doughnut homes, they way Mils Mestba F. H Hawes V> ashiux Holla i"> & pound pocket*. the company. cf Blaok- «®‘ •*»*“' Griddles, abut half price. Cbaraoterlstlo Marsh—A Bunch A .union ia. *’i« P®r Kettles, home on the merit of absolute pur- ) M. Slmmett of your Ksr. Charles Spofford, **' * "c" Bind Sale every day. A and uniform richness and s N. H„ la visiting Mr. Uscrgs Usalsy, Intermezso— Love’s Bream after the 7%eiacbbo,,,J SilverWare. ity strength. Csbulka Handles. is on the will arrive street. Mr. Slmmett Is writing Hall, Mop larger invoice way, Preble Go ^ e“* * come to and fresh s Popular Medloy-A Msrry Mop Fill!MR*. !?* They you crisp the geneeigoy of the Merrlman family. HouniL^ «• eBcb next week. from W ater palls. tin or Kay. J. A. Corey haa retarned Marob—Stars aad Stripes Forever, bourn *,e in hermetically sealed cans in Indurated Fibre Pall*. | tbs Methodist eoofsreaoo ot Gardiner. F. W. Stlmioa. oonduotor. Jonas & a5« ®“®b<»"•**> fibre lined with 1 lo Sooth llokets OB sale at Crasser, I. ood Brooms. J. R. LIBBY CO. richly colored bags, Mr. Corny baa been assigned and at Alisa’s, Chapman & Wyman’s, t loll.es Pius. »*P® ohnrobes for u and are Portland aad Kolgnirllle tbs 5a.d7%ce.oh fragrance 1 door.__ Scrub B ashes, AA4 4AA44444**4««mi ♦♦♦ parchment. Strength another I year. WUOBFOKBS UNIVKKSALIST retained until the last is used. i GrlBBu and Davidson are oom- grain Messrs CHURCH. plstlng what will be tbe most handsome Sale Lasts All This Week. No other coffee on the market is so of tbe recently organist! and brat bollt yaoht In Cano# Bey. Tba mo jthers oh arch held a two children and Woodfords Unlversallst to-day. BAD a is Wats EYES well Not detail Dr. in, wile, put up. single home of tbe K. hare engaged meeting last evening at the maid of Pawtuoket, L, Hlrawberry Cream t akes, left to chance. Worth of ( Rev. H. E. Townsend. 91 Bevere 500 l»o* Petite quality, rcome at Cliff Cottage for the month of pastor. Too Bad. the ol fresh Tint's for the of perfecting cream made from the whipped whites ex?s and most careful packing. i Angnst. street, purpose Filled with a delicate 1 f safe-guarded by The following offi- can make sec t lno AlLobeth City will bo taken off charon organisation. luscious Strawberries finely chopped, we you just ripe a * the excel- , electee: Moderator, A. M. as well as ever. We guarantee They represent highest tbe ronte Wednesday next for the usual cers were 15c Per Dome*. treas- lit or we refund your * and bar place will be Soule; olerk. Mrs. W. A. Wheeler; perfect lence in coffee and coffee cur- spring repairs, Files The at,- We make and repair X growing 1 urer, Mr. J. H. pastor —■ h —iiiwrfdBPr M—hm— money. | for n week by the Mary W. lbby. H our own * taken peluwd Messis F. L. lower and J. all kinds of glasses in and are the best coffees A com- • ing guaranteed Flits as deaooas aad tbelr appointment factory on the promises. was oonOrmed, Kav. H. h. Townsend, !Uut* pletc stock of (iold, Wold Filled I the world. Insist on MOJIKILLS. and Mr. F. L. in your grocer Klee Mary K. Bartlett I and Nicklo Frames of every des- X 1 to draft a consti- REPAIRABLE I Sr Sanborn’s Tower were appelated I everything” X cription. T you with Ckise for the government of at our supplying baseball tution and by-laws I Repaired jl '1 lhe Blddoford- high school churoh. are not the I BICYCLE REPAII* SHOP. I Copes. They cheap, they nine la slated for a game Saturday at the Seminary are good, they are economical; solace, ! the Seminary ground* with What Shall We Hava for Dessert ? CO. nine. THE JAMIES BAILEY i c 1 in the every McKenney, health. be This arises family pleasure, , A public Obarlty whlat party !• to question | 1 Let us answer it today. Try Jel'.-O. ♦ TUE OPTICIAN, on the of May at Bed day. for the it is a held evening healthful dessert. Pre- s .lunar ball. Ml«e borina Mono will Look seal; guar- a delicious and OONOKttT. hall. no HO&61N1 OBUB Men's pared in two minutes. No boiling' play two soles for rloHa, Kontano anil and worth. ooin- and Monument t antee of purity Xho Soamman Mnanlnoturlng ! add boiling water ft the Hoeslnl oluh, Bar X Square, baking simply Tie spring oosoer* (iasotta frost “Mlgnon." by sata; mar ili r»tUor8thptf ♦ understood baa been formed and to cool. Flavors:—Lenlon, Orange, Bosnw front “i rltts £ pany It In set lsst reel tel ef the season, will take Modarato and Gat a tie ♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦ »»»»♦♦♦♦ tbs asking for Incorporation ms Kaapberry and Strawberry. pack- ot Kota- Balts," by Bias. $++ papers 10 eta. T'hursdaj at fonr o’eloek, of stale at grooera today. plane expected back from the secretary age your |

"" * -f -.1 • ^HBB5S2ES2SS!1ISSL_ MAINE TOWNS. AMERICAN MECHANICS. rORSALJL _FOR SAME. Forty word* I aerated eedir this k*«4 Kortf words laeerted wnrier tills head Forty word* Inirrtni andw this head Our Ucal )f*M* oflntmit cJ*tl»er«*«l by advance. week for U» week for 45 oath siwilag ef tkr State roenrll al Gardl- owe week for ‘45 cents, eoeh In rents, cask In advance. e«eU, la •dveaee. CtrrfiptMdfHtf. err Teeterday. flM) LBT— Ilouee 307 Cumberland St., eorner POK SALE Woodford*. two story house, 9 HALE At a bargain, a lot In the central * hot 1 Kim; 14 room*, baih«. laundry, ltd rnom*. stab> and poultry house in com- JpORpart of the city on line of electric*, within HAHP8W ILL. Is at the roots. •old combination healer, all modem Im- plete two minutes Urdlner, April HA—Hula Couaoll af Clipping water, repair; A.too fe»t laa*. high elevation, un- of post on re. $ w)c;tn i>e saved in the cikIs -of the hair is provements; house in Uioroufl* repair. Just obstructed view of Cortland; must be sold. No building as no excavating is needed; front igo Kut April 84 —8. P. Laal Order of United and wid ened throughout. reasonable Hupnnll, Main*, Anertoan Me- likct thebranches painted, papered offer will be refused. Street csrs of 50 feet, depth about feet no waste land. renting to J. W. BABB, 272 Middle St. 26-1 ness the door. W. H. * FRANK H. A of San Franclaco, agent on tba Paelllo chanics, met In Bread Army ball today Apply WALDRON CO.. ISO HflEl'llERI) CO., Real Petal* of a tree with rotten Middle St. 26-1 office, 46 Exchange street 25-1 — front on floor j coact of tb* New York Lit* loanranc* for the fifth annual leaf'OB, Urea,I roots. You must fro I.K1 Pleasant, eunny room, strike I heat, near electrics and Tlalt’d relation tn net laat weak. with bath, steam BALE—Farm near Creel? Institute, DOR SAl.K—Half of block of Ga, offloere were: A. Warren. Wet- at the source. two rooms, flrst-cUss table board. MKH. Cumberland iwVTrieii Ueorge square FOR county. 120 seres, 50 acres till* A has eleven r huh. Iu kaa houses, g<»od repair* Mr. Samuel xoolbaker SKILLINGS, ft Congress excellent cuts to tons of ■ trapped •rellle; Freemoat Koee, Lewiston; W. W. Park.2fl_ | age. land, hay, plenty i'ti location. Reason ter owaev 1 wood, seTi.iig. foot flat raccoon* tbla on* la a tenements Nos. so and too good pasture, house, barn, carriage must leave the state. Wld be sold at a bargain. aprlng; Kelley, Uardlner; J. M. Jordan, Lewie- LET—Lower house and S houses In condition. TO Oxford St.; 6 rooms caeh, all In nice condi- poultry good Inquire of EIZRA HAWKPS & C’O., No. m T*ry large one. I’hrlce 03.000. W. II. WALDRON A CO., iso ton; F. 0. Hindis, Bangor; B B. Man- Seven tion sun a’l ; rent reasonable at Exchange street. 434-2. 25-1 ; day Apply Middle 26-1 Telephone Sabool* begin ban tb* laat Monday la J. F. No. 2* BOYD ST* Bing right hand bell. J6-1 At._ ley, Anbara; Measure, Portland; HALF- Or will for FOR SALK-Two good eichiDM good AprlL J. E. Klllct', Uardlner. rro LET—Whole house 16 Waverly (Maple) family FJojRbuilding lots at Woodfords or I motherland MORSEShorses. Weigh about 1050 can be Portland, COW IK KL AND. 1 street, seveu rooms and new each; sixteen acres of cleared laud near Riverton A. onlled to ordtr State Uoun- Deerlng. seenat REAR OF 107 WEST Meeting by bath, open plumbing, hot and cold water, per- ST._26-1 E. MARK Fessenden l'ark. 25-1 ('umterlend Centre, April 36.—Nathan- on fect stable three box j olllor Warren. Committee credentials repair, sunny.convenient, VOR SALE—At a reasonable a iel M.rrlll, no old realdent, died at bis excellent very price, mad* Ftnano* eommlttoj wat Sisters’ stalls, neighborhood. Inquire next well established gold, silver and nlckle HALE —Magnificent cottage lots and home last Monday nlgbt, of haul reports. door or A. 0. street. FORnew LIBBY, 42>i Exchange plating plant. A good chance for the right cottage at Ottawa Park. tlilff Cot- of whlob be bad lean a anfferaa oompoeed of Dr. F. O. Watson. tage on electric near trouble, appointed strikedeep. ___24-1 party. 1 P. CARTER. 81 ELM ST.. Bldde- Property) Cape line, Cape for Hta age waa 73. Tamer preparations Casino. Home of the advantages are good year*. Contra; Ueorge K. Colby, Unrdl- the TO RKST FOR TIIK Ml'M.*1 ford. 1'h* Inetltute ball teem They invigorate Kit, Me._go-1 streets, excellent ear service. Hebago water, Ureely played on of ner; Ueorge W. Dickey, Bangor. roots—feed them. This prettiest part Southport, nrmoslte Squirrel SALK- Two desirable bouse lots on the electric light*, tine beach, up to date restaurant two tin me* Fast Day. breaking areo. Island, toe "Thr The oeoeion olooed with in- life, cottage knowu as llrdwee,*' J^OKHOii'h Tly aide of Pleasant Avenue. Deer- on the grounds, only desirable parte*, no I oat Ik* morning game at the morning gives beauty—grace is furnished. They containing rooms, completely »i0 feet Iron! each; prices reasonable. In- Cheap cottages, ever) thing strictly first class. aohooi a itiation nf now member* to the hair. Everyone Owners desire of board for four. lng; Yarmouth High through dropped privilege quire of FRED V. MA I THEWS, 306 Congress ; Prices and plans at our ofllce. DALTON So eeore II to 8. should use them. Inference* and Address I*. W. 63 tly by a fielder, the being Afternoon eeeelon opened with reports requited given. street,__26-2 CO., Exchange street. 3-tf 'The afternoon line waa with the Nortn ABBOTT, WhltJnsvIlle. Mass. apr23diw from offlosrs n eun- aoto ■vanvwHcna. OK OK EXCHANGE Block in Dor- DOK HALF. House with it rooms amt about wen grand showing good SALK A Deerlng team, whlob they handily, LKT—At No. 4ft Sm»th Hi., to a small tor two acres of land filled with fruit trees. dltloe ef the order. chester. Mass., near Boston. Kents aeoie 10 to 6. TO faml'y of adults, an upstairs flat of five 0*710 Corner lot first class Also hou«e lots adjoining, in Fast fleering, at a tlA.STRD-MALK IIKLP. par year. renting At the annual meeting of the Congre- Umnd offloira sleeted were: State rooms, w ith suo all day, separate ceine' ted property, only one nupute from steam or elec- bargain by GKO. W. A l*A M>. to* Exchange held Tuesday craning, cellar. Trice ! trie cars, w III sell on easy teimsox exchange Hr. Executor of the estate of the ute Ueuiaman gational parish oonnelllor, Fremont state head >12.60._23-1 were Roes,Lewiston; Forty word* Inarrlrd nndrr this for real estate In or near Portland C It. Adams. 3 tf the rollowlng officer* eleotedi good __ K. U. Tie* ooenolllor, F. C. Hindis, Bangor; ou« week for *45 rents, rank In advance. DALTON, 53 Exchange street. aprkr.f Moderator— Chase. DOR HALE New summer collage, Invent s A Clerk and XTeaaurer—O. S. Thornes. state ooueoll eeoretery, W. W. Kelley, llill. Willard, (near Cape ( astno SALE Cr exchange, elegant lunch soda eighteen on one that : |i<»K rooms; built for lodging house; fur- Uardlner; state ooueoll treeenrer J. M. to work farm, JEWELRY REPAIRING * amtle creim stand at Franklin Park. comp etely FKYKDUHU. nished, Sebago water, WANTED—Mancan milk and take care of cow*. AYR- Mats. Consists of 16 open plumbing, lot of tba Jordan, Anbara; state eoanoll leduotcr, In Onr Factory On the Premiers. Boston, building toxto, 60 x 100 feet, boundrd on three streets. Fryrburg, April 36.—Tbe Church SHIRE MILK FARM. J. P. Buckley. Stroud- soda mar This syrup tountatn. ire tor* table, etc. contains a corner Jeroealam a aeoond Kes'.er S. B. etate eounell ex- water, Me. 20-1 building lot. Enquire 22 New enjoyed Manley, Anbara; We a In our business Income over $150 some days, good for $240 per Kar. make this principal WILMOt S1HKKT. Portland. Me. mar.^tt on Sunday, April 33. Tba paator, K. C. Booth, Cumberland We take the utmost pali.s to execute your rnoutb profit. Cheap for cash or will exchange aminer, Mills; male nurse. at the S. N. Stone, In tbe morning preaohed Apply order whether that bo for a Diamond for good collateral In Portland. C. B. DAL- SALE—House and cottage lots for sale state eoanoll laelde J. F. MARINE HOSPITAL. properly, an discourse on “The Second protector, WANTED—A Setting or the repair job. McKEN- TON* 63 Exchange street. apri6tf fH)Kat Willard Reach. Choice location, fine appropriate cheapest view Appearanoe of tbe Lord after Hie Hcaur- Elliot, Uardlner; state oounell outside MiY, the Jeweler, Monument Square. of he ocean. For t« ms and particulars. In- IVANTKD Boy to learn the drug buslne«s; SALE—Gray street, 2 story house, h quire of 11. E. 7 reotlon." Kaeter music waa alao Cumberland jan23dtf pOR WILLARD, Reach street. Wib glran. protector, U. A. Hmltb, one that lit* had MM experience re- A7 rooms. In perfect repair. 2 bay windows. »rd. maradlra The church waa again eery laatefolly Address CARROLL V. ALLEN, cor- 2 new cemented cellar, Me.___ Mills; representative to national ooueoll quired. LKT—A Pleasant, sunny house, contain- Drephces. furnace, large decorated with taster llllee, ner Danforth and streets. 2>1 sun SALK Twelve M.tson nlootiaaaa, May TO ing eight rooms and bate, location, lot. vegetable garden, all day; first tlm« organs & Ham- and for three years, M. K Hudson, Cumber- good will lin. New pueey willow*, bright bloatom* foli- with fruit garden, a id offered, bear carsful examination. W. H. FOR Estey. Eng and, Brown Bros., newly painted papered etc. to age Later the reaper land Mill* WANTKD-THK JAMES HaILEY aod furnace heat, no WALDRON A CO., 1*3 Middle street. 25-1 Prices fiu.OQ $50.w. CRE3SKY, JON EH plant*. atrrloe, throughout, gas objection & BOYCO.. 264 Middle street. 24-1 to children. at 156 23-1 ALLEN. 24-1 which was Kaeter Sunday, wee hold the next annuel Inquire STRING 8T. paetponedjon It voted to ROIC BALE— or house woe bald. It waa conduoted by Rer. Mr, Boarding lodging eeeelon et Mo last Btenorrapher and Typewriter with TO KENT—Also a desirable num r brick 3 20 rooms, Lew steam heat estate fob hale at south Stone and was attended a Auburn Wednesday story, by Tory luge MALEsome knowledge of bookkeeping wanted. PIANOSber of and Squares to sell at bar- and bath, one of the most mitral lo-ations. a RealPORTLAND—There never was a tune An entertainment and Uprights when such trades congregation. Tbe prcgrainma waa a fine In April, 1M01. Must write a hand and bo correct in for casn or by installments. Buffet Clari- minutes from had rooms all and could be bought In South good gains City occupied Portland real one aad waa well rendered. It conflicted waa Ms figures. A knowledge of French and of tbe nets. 1 Heald Cornet, MessionhaUr Cor et. I will enntinue In case of sale; price ge.noo cost estate as at present. Will sell banquet given daring evening by Good houses with good lots In of sorlptur* psaaogea, tbe Valtb of tbe lumber business would be of advantage. Cloos Flute. Topular Sheet Music. Inst rue Ion ooo. Hr if time offered. W. II. WALDRON good neighborhoods Me Daughters of Liberty. habits a with moat modern Improvements at iprices far New Cburob, and tha Sunday School neoesslty. GOODHUE BROTHERS. Books, extra violin and banjo strings, etc. 110CO.. l*o Middle street. 25-1 Island Pond, Vt. 20-1 HAWKS. 414 street. 81-1 below anything ever offered before. House.High * Congress __ Creed, an addre.s by the peator, aar- _ street. $12U0; house, Hliawta ut street, ttooo RENT—A desirable suite of rooms VOX SALE-Three houses at the west end eral ssleotlena the Orciraira AM1THKH BHAKaMAN KILLED. very *■ house. Front street. $1000, house. Parget f ane by Fryebnrg WANTED—A registered druggist, one cap- three One two tenement house, lo'. 50xl0u; and FORsuitable for office, on Middle street, $*00: lot of land, $ loo; lot at Cash's < f six plaoea, two carol* radiation* *" able of taking charge of a drug store. Ad- another two tenement house lu'arly new, also Broadway. Mr. a Uraad Trank minutes' walk from Monument square, up Corner. 100x4*0 ft.. $150. I also have some of by the oblldren, with carol* Ueorge Uashlne, dress giving references, salary etc., a detached six rooms; raaponrea, expected, one flight, well lighted. BENJAMIN SHAH * single house, $2ono, tbe n»<>et desiiable lots at south tb* and fell ander a to Press office. 20-1 EZRA IIANVK ES building Port- and hymn* by obolr congrega- hmkerann, movlag freight DRUGGIST, CO.. f»l 12 Exchange street.21-1 02000. $3000. A CO.. No. the from 86 land. prices ranging $100 to $200. all la tion. Tb* aerrloe waa much enjoyed by train near Oxford stetloa after Exchange street. 25 1 best part of where ebottly LKT—A very desirable upper rent of five village property ts Improv- POST OFFICE BILL. thoae and many acid that In value each present, people It o'clock morning and had ItO rooms at 31 Lincoln street. Woodfords. one ing year. Aliy porsou wishing to yesterday 8A* K-tiood phaeton. $40; baby car- a lot can one It would bean Inaplratton to them lor minute from Forest uvenue and electric cars. buy building pay dollar per week both ont off. CLOCK WON'T GO. FORriage. cost $35 no, lor $8.00; folding bed, if desired. This a rare tutor* day*. legs Good sized stable connected with the house. Is opportunity for one cost $40.00. for $lo.oi; all In good condition. wishing to secure a lot that will lucre?** la Increase for Kural Free Tb* aohooi* of tba town will eommaao* He wen from the Mp of tb* Bend or It to us. We do tbe This Is a very desirable rent for a small family. It| descending postal bring only Inquire at 125 FREE 8T. 24-1 value each year The undersigned will, if de- In best of and base made a of It F. L. JKRK1M. Congress street. 21-tf cu Monday, April 30. Fryaburg Til- oar when Us missed hie hold on the Iron work, specialty sired. the names of parties who have with- Delivery. for Al'work warranted. HrKRNNAiY give lage tbe Primary aobool will continue years. LKT—Two large rooins7~well furnished. SALK—All household goods and bus! in the last dozen years made from one to two ladder and fell to the traok. The train THE Monumeut j*n2udtf under tbe Instruction or Ml as Edith Foaa, JEWELER, .Square. TO large closet, steam heat and gas. hi quiet FOllness at No. 11 Brown s reet. One of the of Mt. Varnon, Maine, and tbe Urammar was stopped as qalokly a* possible and neighborhood, near first class boarding house; little above one hundred dollars. The public nraciai. to the trku.i also large room furnished or unfurnished. 16 house In the Must he sol 1 at once. must remember tb»t in lots Mt South school will oontlnoe under Inotrnotlon of nil effort mads to the How ef blood. AHCUIUALD rOHBfcb AND TUJfi city. Ap- buying slay CHAV ST between Tarlc and Hta*a Hi. 21-1 to MISS 11 Brown street, or W. H. Portland It Is not like out of town where this Hattie L. of ply WEST, going Washington, April ib.—\i'be House Mlsa Abbott, Fryobnrg. reached Uaekln WI 161 s rect. 24-1 some has a farm and Wben by tbc trainmen CZAB. I.KT—Pleasant convenient rests on Cum- NSLOW, Federal speculator bought up week baa bran tbe offloe Tbe annual gatberlng of tbe Alumni divided the same into building lots at a considering peat was etUI coesilous end remained so un- TO berland. Oxford, Brackett, Pine Quincy, point of Fryebnrg Aoodemy will bn bold in the London Near*.) SAI.K In center of removed from stores, post office, church, neigh- a measure (From Dally Bovrt, Lancaster. Woodfords, Sndih. Highland, Carpenter shop appropriation till, great pro- Mnitnn nn Krlrlnv mv^bIdif. Anvil *27. til bmuht bi Portland on a BDeolel established first class bors, sidewalk, sewers and other Revere, York. Neal streets and Forest avenu**. r90Rcltr. forty years; many privi- for tbe one hun- Tha Kuatlan order conferred upon Mr. chance for O"# or two smart men. Address K leges that are enjoyed a resident at sosth viding expenditure of C. A. Page of Methuen, Mate a which red hare at 1.80 o'clock Call and see our list. OK<*. F. .'I NKINS. 270 by train aril 1*. O. box 1616. 26-1 Portland For etc., call ou F. II. II \R- former of U the Forlwa tba oxar of Hneala aa a recog- Middle uear Monument 21-1 plans, dred and thirteen millions ot dollars dar- principal (tba academy Hlon'e embulanoe by street, square. FQKD, 31 Mi Exchange street. marlA-tf of the astoolatlon. jacterdej afternoon. tiaral tbe JOtb president nition of personal bravery wae given to VO BOY WORKMEN^-! no boy worie- fllHlKKING of a home this ing tbe year beginning of the eofferer to the Maine Gen- employ buying spring? 1'be 4aoo rlvtr here la high, bat at yet oonvjjed ls men but give tny personal attention to J. Call at No. 4ft Exchange street, and learn next June. him at n p* reonal Interview of a re- no damage haa bee a dona. eral boepltal, where be died a abort time cleaning ana repairing watches, decks and about l't room house, never occupied. You KNIGHTS OF Borne of tbe large ltanae of expenditure markable character whan barbae wae on Jewelry. My 20 y«ars experience with W. F. can buy it for less than cost to build now, PYTHIAS, BUMFOHD. later. Todd Is the best guarantee of satisfactory with lot thrown in. Five minutes from Union Odd Fellows. Masonic, Knights of Columbus, la ths till are million* of dollar* hie way back from tha Hanlpka pare to eighteen Geekln wee an unmarried man of about work and niv prices are always reasonable. Station. 24-1 Knights of tioldeu Eagle,| Golden Cross end Kamford, 2fi.—The past pleasant aoconnt of for compensation of IX) it matter*; for April Dnubareet to .telegraph bla C.KOKGK W. BARBOUR, 3*W Congress Bt., all other Secret Order Pins snd Charms. Wo and warm week a 80 Hie borne wee at Gorham, wrought qulta obange rearm. City SALE -To close 3 house make a specialty of these goods and always compensation of poat ollioe olerke nearly what he rightly believed to ba tbe declf- opposite tjail._21-1 estate, story In the landscape. Instead K SALK—Deerlng water, loa went ont lutb lnat. No 1HK west of Park on car line; a ereat bar * the food or drtah or be arrived Foreside. Apply at 217 CUMBERLAND ST. Pars, new nine (9> room house, with cf dollar*; for tbe stage driver ssrvloe on without rest, gain. W. H. WALDliON & CO., 180 Middle every damage But little frost la In the ground. re- modern convenience; location Attention la oalled to the Bemaej Kusilan __20-1 street. 24 l unsurpassed, nla ed route* over Uv* million* of dol- Hot day last Saturday—EO In shade. at the Imperial headquarter!, electric cars and lights. Paths, etc Price only fold by H. H. l)ee Is At Go. It for Inland by steam- Light run of sap, but.ll tile syrup made. frigerator, wterehe met lgnatleff. "Where from SALE—Fine nine room house, besides $3,500. Easy term*. DALTON & CO.. 53 Ex- l*r*; transportation U*OR change street tel»9-tf A of soma cf the lnervals has many advantage. over other refriger- * bath and pantry; two years old, three boats over balf a million dollars; for In- large part now I" said tbe general. "From the farms la under water, and yat not muoh ators and abonld oall and look minutes to electrics either wav. very fine view, SALE— Deerlng Highlands, five <5) ele- land people wae the reply. "I left there TO LET. natural boulder iouuialtou. Price 76 cent transportation by railroad!, nearly of a freshet. Sohlpke,” per F'Oitgant new houses ou car Hue. them oyer before of actual value; great L. M. LEIGH- directly million* of for rail- 1 saw one man for some buying. late last "The devil yon did I'* bargain. Every modern convenience; prices range Irom tbirty-foar dollar*; harrowing night." Good Offices with Id the First TON. 83 BL Vaults, Exchange gfrl •2.509 to $4,300 and icrras are right and easy. oar service four and a early orop last Saturday. exolalmed “yon must have way pcst-offloe lgnatleff; National Bank 1 leering properly is booming remember. The boom Is heavy at tbe sorting gap Building, including Water, 1908 SAI.K- -Fine residence at So .th Portland balf mllllois; for railway mall service beatea all onr messages by boars. Xoare 1 DAI. 1 t‘N & ( o., 3i Exchange St The boya are bating great sport shoot- WIT AND WISDOM. Steam Elevator and Janitor Service. about one mile from city limit*; excellent I must see the Heat, SALE—Tbs available lot of nearly nine and a balf million* of dollar* ing muskrats mast be the net news; you view, modern Imprdvements barn, poultry 1JK>R only land to the or small amount of T on the Western Promenade, located be- tall Apply Cashier of the haute, etc.; large land. Pos- far oarrylng foreign msil* two and on* hlr. Adams and wife are no better. emperor sad him." I tween the residences of Messer*- Cartland and mo sibly would exchange for house In Portland. A Mr. from Albany, Me., a disman- Bank.aprlildl Also a hrst-class furnished quarter million* of dollar*. Cummings aha imperial quarters were Call at 414 CONGRESS ST., Port and. 21-1 j Conley. cottage, s working for F. P. Putnam this season. Sympathetic. stable and land at Willard Beach. Apply era smaller tled anrxleh house, the baloony of which, In Xbere various expenditures, Fremont not move LEI-Four elegant rents in Dcerlng. to TRUE BROS No. 394 Fore street. 31-tf Abbott will away “Oh. doctor,” said the voluble patient, SALK — where tbe emperor etood, was Inclosed a. best resideiRlal v-ctlon, steam heat, lights, VOR Thorough built 3-story brlcK saeb a* tbs $43,00 J for mall looks and this ■ 13 rooms and Includ- SALE—New houses In on sheet spring. “I waked up the other night, and—ah— oommon oaavai aurtalns. There arch It eert between two car hues, bouse, large" bath: Deerlng. with battik plaus, car for and — — ing flue suit lo an FOR hue, $1G00, $2000. $24c0 $2800; keys; for mall bag*, oordjfastenar*, etc my teeth were chattering, and ah I nos even a oar on the to -flute and houses arc new parlunall perfect repairs WINDHAM. was pel rigged or ail modern conveniences, beat, ba h room. fire, •evep occupied. Will rent low If taken at excellent location for boarding renting $.75,000; for stamps, *to., never can account for it, and—ah”— boards. A glimpse Into the bedrowfe- central. Price mort- etc. Terms of same a* rent: postmarking once. Look at them before you tattle any- rooms; |4ooo. ,an existing places, payment Hast Windham, April H6.—Mrs. Hattie whence bis had •bowed remember our houses are new and for wraoplng $10,000, eto.t “Purely sympathetic, purely sympa- majesty emerged wherfe B> Exchange St, 25-tf gaie <aLTON, have never been Cal! and see them. Willey visiting ;Mrs. inndam. t rluy cabin with mad wells and a on 1.KT—Cottages on Great Diamond U tensive grounds. The above is one ol the most tlie time 'o secure a lot at old prices. Easy spent and hi* voloe broken nerr- ■ j Avoid ail Inhalants nn.l lue that haggard, by laud. Inquire of 11. N. MERRILL, Box desirable In Greater Portland for a payments. Call afternoons* DALTON, 33 Ex- three quarters millions of dollars in tbls days last week at Cumberland Mills, vis- drying places per- onenrcs and oy tbe rs'.hma that tfilleted 1477, Portland, Me., or on the Island. nuiuent home. BENJAMIN BilAW »v change street. 2.vit iting ber brother, Mr Led Wesoott. which cleanses and hauls the membrane. Ely's CO.; bill. 'Jbis means only on* thing, that him. martotojel* 51’% Exchange street, 21-1 auctioneer*, re- Mr. Grin Klllot hae been quite liok Cream Balia is Such a remedy, and cures Ca- j & Wilson, before tbe mall onrrler will "I wae conscious,” be eaye, "tbat my moved to 134 to IG9 Middle St., corner of very long with la for two weeks, but lv Im- tarrh and Cold In the bead t'OK BALE—Farm In Grav. consisting of 160 NOTICE—Goss grippe easily pleasantly. a as flagrantly dis- * Bi!v ur Bt» to tbe es personal appearance FOR RENT. acres, an orchard |of about 30 acre* and _dtf come farmer's door every day, proving slowly. During 111* lllutss sev- vauhh f rice 50 cents at or quickly, druggists reputable. 1 bau been wearing clothes, Middle St. balance In pasturage an I woodland Bull tings ib itis to of dweller eral kind friends came to tbe houre and The Spadona Store No. 233 waterproof be now oomrs tb* door tbe by mail. for over a In good vv. ter In house, near church ana Ki linen, or stnpe. 2' Past for him. originally white, fortnight, repair, polish post paid. out his wood was all over For by Standard school. Will be sold at a to close es- for liberal terms. FRED K. Id tb* city. For several years small Catarrh caused difficulty In speaking stud to night and uay. ... 1 maoy years ooonpied bargain goods agents; Tuesday morning, about 7.30 o’olook. Possession tate. Apply to C. J. NICHOLS. i»8 Exchange LIBBY, Ma ager. Waterville. 4 the use of about half an Inch thlok wltb dust, while Clothing Co.’ given April 1, Me._7 sum* bare been appropriated for experi- tbe house and tain on tbe Plains owned a great extent loss of hearing. By street. 21-1 the duet on my face wee obeerfolly re- 1900. For terms apply to ___ SALE— Large quantity rich old garden mental roots*, but la reality these seem by Mr. Isaac MoL'onald was burntd to Ely's Cream Balm dropping of mucus has lieved by fiery sun blisters and by a i>. i. i 'i 1:1:Y jit VOR SALE—Two very desirable building lots 13ORloam, delivered by lira load only. Price tbe Tbe loss Is oovered ln- ceased, voice ami bearing have greatly im- * in Fessenden Park. Will a very low as sm Also a lot to be entering wedeg* for tbe grouud. by stubby beard of about a week's growth. name ; l.»w. I obliged to move It. of sorsnoe. J. W. Att at Law, Mon- Fir«t .Viiil Itimk Itiilltlinu. or figure for cash, or would trade far Improved j cheaper grade. L. M. LEIGHTON, 5a Ex- establishment of tbe In all it* proved.— Davidson, y 1 bad not washed for tbree days, and al- system Messrs and .John Ulantz oame W. HI. Bradley, INN Hllil.lle *t city real estate. Address Box 100‘J, Portland. change Augustas mouth, 111. together I felt myself a humiliatingly street._apri.vt home from iaat mnrMtl 20t n't SALE—$1300. Cash oue or me completeness Attleboro, Mans., week, dilapidated representative of tbat grsat Bakery, Anotber whlota for- where have been working the past best locations lu Boston; handsome st rn service Is presvlng they on which tbe sun never seta.'' SALE—Farm. 82 acres, 2 hours from wlnier. empire 18x3t1 a feet, plate glass windows, finely fitt-d; ward la tbe pneumatic tuie * Tvloe for Bnbarbnnlte Fellowship. Forb< s explained tbe position* on the HISTELLASiKOVS. FORFor Garni on ‘Maine Centra'.’’ Here are new oveu with all necessary tools. Good rea- Mr. Wm. Thompson has been having summer homes of N. Y. and Boston malls In cities. It has been bcblpka to tbe emperor, drawing a sketch people. sons for selling. Andress ANDREW RE! \'- transporting one side of hi* bun aud white- Busy Merchant (at down town lunch work* lueerted under thin head Combines fine views, shingled of them on a sheet of Here le Mr. Forty' beauty, pleasure profit, NOI.DS, 34 Appleton st., Boston, Mass. 1M a to a paper. lanes, hid*, roads, started in New York city, and last year washed tbe past week. counter)—I’ve great mind buy one week for 23 rente, cash In advance. woodland, villages, good Forbes account of what followed!— make lot of masons' home in Parkhurst. It’s a beautiful buildings ample; some change would SALE—Fancy jobbers 1886,000 was appropriated for It. Xbl* GRAY. "Mr. Forbes," said the emperor in and extension iadde;s. All kind, of suburb. Do know lovely country home. If. S. SMITH. Mon- 1r»ORpole tbe hes been run to you anybody there? have beeo a soldier?" mouth Me. ladder* constantly ou hand. Thoroughly built year appropriation up — FngUsb, "you A DIES Avoid all dangerous *pr23d&w2w Mills, April S3. sonool began 1 opera for 2oc foot. Dry Busy Lawyer—No. don’t know any “Yee, vout majisty,” wsi the reply. 1 u Wul free of charge, a simp.e.home safe step ladders house use, per $785,000 Ur, Loud, chairman of tbe Monday with Miss Alma Savoy of Kast explain, of the people, of course. 1 only live "In the artillery or engineer*, doubt treatment, which Cures all diseased coudliiou*. on Post and Post as tsacber. Miss Is coin) fool of Myrtle, '.telephone No. Committee unices Gray Savoy boarding icaai and abnormal grow its wl'.hout street, there.—Chicago Tribune. displacements inarl6(112w Mrs. W. 11. Dow. a a: a m i_ccm-« a WANTED. 338-4. has warned tbs House tbat If with "No, said 1, "In the cavalry of me am ui pnysician. Kurds, who has sir," Address BOX Me. -6-1 Lake Leavitt, been visiting the line." w>ek. 1775, Portland, the pneumatic service Is to b* extended hla sls'er la Paris far the nast nine the said: "1 had not known of the Magic Soap to know THK URBAN CLUB. empercr E " ILL BIJY household or store \\*ANTED—Users WANTED $1000.00 IN GOLD. by tbe government, It will mean tbe ex- weeks has returned to bis bom* In tbla most WJ goods that the ageucy Is now in charge of F. K. that your cavalry offloers are for the of or will re- V T fixtures any description, 1*1! I LU Ps. 104 Spruce St., who is prepare 1 to If the readers of the PRESS will get out theii of many millions of dollars lilaoe. The Urban olub, with Invltrd guest a, eonrsnant with draftsman- same at our for penditure part military ceive the auction rooms supply all orders promptly.20-3 old or silver jewelry bring or semi it to us, Mrs. Sula UoS of Westbrook Is stop- commission. GOSS & gold Of oourss all tbs money expended In spent a very delightful afternoon with ship!” sale on WILSON, mail or express, we will remit imme- wltb nsr son, Mr. Herbert for Silver Assistant One l*y ping Loti, I rapllrrl that 1 had serred the army, Aceiloneers, 164 Middle street, corner bookke-p*r. diately money or cheek for fill value, h* we a short time. hire. Algernon Btnbbe, Hied street, on •trteu teta-tf HrANTKDthat has bad sonic not ss an but as a prlfate trooper; practical experience u*e It In our factory. McKENNKY, Manufac- ofUorr, preferred. Call between 12 and 1. Tilt. ly taxation. The receipts from postage, Stuigla V. Collar, our new stors keep- 'Tuesday. After a piano solo by Mis 1 know not whether this oonreyeu to his turing Jeweler. Monument Square. inarddtt S. contractor and James bailey m., 21.i Middle st. 20-1 er baa at last succeeded In bis honest Delong, _ — hox rents, money orders, xto., amounted raising Kwua Rawson and a song “Uood the lasprwslcn that the ■jVTOTICK-C. Bye majesty Builder; promptly attended to; SALK—1 second hand Concord wagou. new sign board. British Is skilled la XN Jobbing tl'ANTED Lady or gentleman to travel. yOR in tbe lait year to over ninety-live mil- Sweet Mis Mabel Andrew, dragoon habitually estimates houses (or la « and to let; r Zenaa Thompson make; 1 second hand ut Mra. John W. Morrill and Mrs. Howard Bay," by given; guaranteed to right Address plahmaklng. negotiated, also csre ol property, salary party. under Surrv wagon; 1 second hand harness. lions of dollars. So tbe deficit to be made Verrlll are both to be 111. Mrs. B. M. Kastman read an lntareitlag mortgages J. R. I*., Portland Press. 24-1 reported eery When al length I was permitted to take Carpenter's eh in 304 Federal Sr. Call or Apply to TRUE BROS.. 394 Tore St. P.'-2 bas come The trees are op by taxation Is not over ten or fifeen Spring again. historical pape r on Florida, supplement- the emperor addressed to me write 86 EXCHANGE ST. Office hours 0-11 a. my leave, II* ANT ED- Pianos and organs tuned and beginning to bud and tbe frog* are heard a m. and irom 1-5 o. Telephone 434 2. ; lu “Made Strong* millions of dxllnra a year at pres>nt. ing It with a pleasing talk on her recent some words wlilob gave me natural p. by maker. First yOR BALE—Bargains In the marshes. The road* are dusty In marildtf repaired expert plauo r Trousers we sell lor $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $2.1.0 glow of great pleasure. As they hsn class work or you don't a cent. sojourn there. Her description of the guaranteed pay aud $2.00 per pair—best vulue for the money places, reference to certain oooduot of my own, Send me your order bee tme. Price 75c and of 1VB WILL CLEAN OK REPAIR your Hew- sold anywhere. If not satisfactory on exami- TENEMENT HOUSE HOtiKOK. Mrs. AutIlls Foster Is rtsltlng st S. soenery, the Introduction the oocoa the reader will underctand the ♦ 1.00. Address Post Office Box 575, Portland, readily «* log Maehlue at your home, and guaran- nation. money will be refunded by returning to W. Foster’s. from nuts washed ashore from a with which 1 Me. 34-i New York, 25.—Three person a palm delicacy and reluctance tee It to work as perfectly as when new. We u* before having been worn. HASKELL A April Mrs. Charles Thompson hss mored oould l otic Monument wreck near Balm Beach, aad ef the allude to them; nor oertelnly give two weeks'trial of our work, ahd if not JONKs. Lancaster Building, Square. were killed and three In bouss s OR NTS WAN TED—93.00 a for a J severely Injured hsok to her noine In tbs owned by them, but that the exprtsdoue need by satisfactory charge nothing- Sen postal or day goo t 22-4 p23-4 farm aear was canvasser or demonstrator, man or woman. n fire thle In the six 8. W. Foster. ostrloh Jacksonville, very call. J 11. & H. M. BRONSON. 114 Pearl Bt. early morning story ths emperor Illustrate with what dignity Call or write. F. J. SMITH Ci 98 Pearl wbo bas been a One of tie men who 12-3 ., Exchange SALE—One of the best dairy farms In 71 street. The dead Small, spending satsrtilalng. pleat- and gracefulness ha oould acknowledge Street.31-1 yOR tenement, tforaytb at to A^ Cumberland County Just placed ;u my abort vocation boms, bas returned ed first ooeoanuta la still earrlce that commanded Itself to tbs are Hannab 13 these living. hand* to be sold. Situated on bear road out of Liebowltl, years old, her work In Lewiston. hie he:lp wa.mkd. EVAN TED—Customer, gentleman and wife, bad her a tendsr-hrarsdmsi he felt for gallant P8MAUI Portland, one half mile fr«>m Riverton Park and Jos- si. bsa taken the of Mrs. Kastman with large desires fumished with Aiulla l.lebowits, 11 ysars old, John Libby job eoldlere. “Mr. Forbes,” eald the osar, eouaeeilug parlors and electric cars and electric lights 011 the of of Florida < t Ugh Best refer- six oonveylng scholars from Suoktrvllle this oolleotlna pictures scenery I have bad me the privileges housekeeping. street, tine location for summer home, only five eph Liebuwltz, aged years. I reported to example Port) wordi iuarrtrd nudir this head ences given and required. Inquire MU. term. and of also a line col- our foroee miles from the City Hall. Portia no. A great were Riohmoad, Va., which you ehowad when with our week for 4.1 cents* caalt In advance. Loan Co., 457 1 2 Cou- Tbe Injured pereone burned about STEPHENSON. Equity for some one. can be bought for what on the sad before Cleese, in eusoor- gress street. 21-1 bargain lection of buttertltrs oaught by Mr. Kast- day are with land thrown la or tie fsoe nod bands while making their As the building* worlb. LIMERICK ACADEMY. lng wounded men under heavy tire. 11' Good cook short distance in the man, and preserved In tablets, whloh ANTED— WANTED Members of tii^ Maine Benefit wual the land is Worth, with the building* escape. They are not ssrlouely hurt. the head of the 1 desire to •V ou line. Address acre* of state, testify country, tnlhr *l\ing Association to know that tlie New York thrown In. b 0 acre* of fine land, 10 contributed much to the el the B. Box 26-1 1 uni Ih e house in whloh Ibe life ocourred Is a pleasure bew It us da honors yoor conduct by references. D., 1567, Life insurance is the and intervale, plenty of wood, nice wet water .Company largest A. LIBBY ottering you the order of the Htaclilaus, best lu the world. For cistern water In sink. Inquire of C. East side tenement, four families The Academy ball team on Fast Uay ocmpany. IVANTED—A for house- company rates, plant typical the a decoration capable girl general aud illuatrauens of A CU, 42 Vs Exchange a with 'creased swerds,’ 71 policies address, giving St._23-1 on a fioor. went to and were defeated 17 Later substantial lunoh with oollee, work. MWE9T8T. 25 1 living Llmlngton never oonferred exeept for personal date of birth. T. 8. BURNS, Gen. Agent. §fl Ex- SALE House of 9 rooms,I all finished, and Ice oream aad oake was served. A to Id Tbe return game wee played her* bravery.” change St., Portland, Me. ap20 4 F-ToRplastered aud papered, stable aud out Address C. T. Gl'PTILL. Pine tbs home team 14 siselon of the olub was oalled aad reso- building*. 1’reildint McKinley left Canton for Saturday winning by TTTANTED— llay wanted by carload lots; Point, Me.apr24d2w to 7. dates have been ar- lutions ef thenks voted the ladl-s who vv state price wanted. Address W. K Cleveland Wednesday morning to visit The following UUfc.li.VH DAS* 1)AY IN IRELAND. on WATCH REPAIRING. BARNES, jll., Brighton, Maas. marli-tf ycit saLt—Desirable properly Congress Aurll entertainment had oharge of the altirnoon,Mre fctutbs, ■ of about 22 000 feei of land, his two listers there. He returned to ranged 97, by Dublin, Vlotorla St., consisting her April M—Queen We make a of Watcu Repairing. 1 180 f«-et on C m cress St., annual rent $17"«. Canton last senior claasi May 16, Teaohere' conven- who bad to hoapltatly opened pleas- specialty nPAlVT^D—Potatoes, Apples. Bultei ggs evening. ■pant what It practically her last day la We do your work lu the bestpossible manner, IT and Onions. Address Good Investment Must tie sold For further tion; May 19, O. V. I. A. A. mast at ant the ladles who had favored .squashes. Turnips heme, drove and guarantee every job. We are prompt and W. E. BaKSES. JR lirigh on. Mass. inarl2-tf particular* enquire of W. F. DRESS I R. eo ser- [rslaad. vary quietly. 'Though she Corntsb park; May 90 baccalaureate with muslo and Mrs. Kaetmaa for her always have a Job done when promised. Exchange St., Portland, Me.23-1 mon ; May 99, gradual tin In p. m., Ke- out this afternoon, she did not visit any McKENNKY THE JEWELER. Monument pleasing cuntlbutlon to the enjoyment 1VANTED—Everyoue who wants a new SALE—Choice cottage lot* at Falmouth centlon In svenlng; May 93. Alumni rs- Institutions. Her wld leave the Square. Jan‘26dtf "* house in Portland or Its suburbs to see ua. IsOK 40 rods from electrics aud Town Th« safest Majesty Foreside. JCr* ^<3^ unlon In p. in. Bsll in svsnlng. ef the oompany. A onruralttee was elect- at once; we have sever*! new houses which we six minutes from “Und 1 wood." ele- and surest cure tomorrow and Landing, |P rlos ruga! lodge at noon WANTED—Au experienced cook at 14 will sell low on easy terms, or will 9r known fur BiLiot's.sitss sd to fer the annual field 7f exchange gant sea view, boating, bathing lHhlug. spiing arrange day, DEEMING ST. Call between six and for collateral; no lair oiler this is and Mick Headache and for vBft Bill COAL CONCBKN. after the short train journey to Kingston good refused; water, etc. Apply to M. lJ. BOOTH BY, *Ve*U Ja and until which the club was declared eight p. m._23-1 your chance. DALTON & CO. 63 Exchange brook. Me. jp Constipation, all Liver and Bowel will embark on board the yaeht _23-2 Com Is At the of deeds has bean re- royal »Ut« hers on Lawn street JuueUdtf plain is. registry adjourned. WANTED—20 experienced from choice White Jp escorted the Channel fleet will "f and Percale to the HATCHi>0 corded the of tbe J. C. sad, by \Vrapi*r< Apply h'GGSFOR* B. Plymouth Rock*. Buff organization MANUFACTURING C<>., 238 Wyandotte*, ■nil fov an hoar later. It le ex- CHKNFKY W ANTED sITBATIONk brown 50; for 13 S. W. White Coal to deal In ooal and M1BBINU THOMABTON UIRL FOUNB England Mid le 8t23-1 Cochins, egg strain, company, 31 Lelaud street, Dee Centre, pected the Queea will arrive at Windsor JOHNSON, ring I firewood. It H capitalized n 9 0,000 with Thomaston, April 35 — Uraoe Bowers, EXPERIENCED COOK wants situation —ex- Me. 2i-l \ Ti first-class Call at 9 fSrS°ns Friday morning. peels pay. SCHOOL 75 ffih In. Its officers are U. SALK— Farm ol 125 acre*, cut* tous ONE PILL IS A DOSE £ (10,000 paid Joseph the 13-yeara-eld daughter of (J. W. Bow- aitarnoous.26-1 yOR ST., A lu excellent and treasur- hay; good buildings repair; as They make new, rich blood, prevent 9 White of Portland, president ses, who has been miss log from her home RAILROAD NOTES. posBl«»n by a middle aged good orcligrd. excellent pasture; grand view, tk and cure Hkln and Blem* 9 WE TEST EYES shad' trees. Price term* W. Eruptions er, and O. Mlohasl was reasonable; easy. TK tabes. Enclosed in vials. directors, Joasph White, In Thome-1 in iluoe Saturday night. WANTED—Amau on a gentleman's or lady’s place, class 9 F. 80 The latest fad is the introduction of in orouiot tlio understands DKKssSER, St. Portland. 21-1 Postpaid -9ft treats a bottle | A. Aohorn and Charles H. 'Holman, found forenoon at the Free of charge. We have tlio largest stock of cliy, gardening, Exchange (h Tuesday working of horse or F. sis. old handkerchief. llye Glasses and Snecti'Cies in the city. Solid taking care a cow. Address A.. mesial goods, piano*. O 91.OU for all of Portland. house of In Kook- the time bandana red R*ALlT^Elegant rf Robert Montgoaeeiy Gold, Gold Filled. Aluminum and Nlckle Pre^s office. 25-1 FDKmusic boxes, violins, ruaudoltus, guitars, JOHNSON A COMPANY. It la lssroed that the will It is with one of the corporation port. The reason for her l-ovlug borne quite noticeable Frames. We guarantee a perfect fit. Our banjo*, cornets, harmonicas, popular sheet Boston. Mass. absorb ths ooal business at □. 8. Warren are the lowest, our /Ustes the best. French lady desires posU'.ou music, instruct on books, violin and nCbx without her father or Malue C entral brakemen on the prices supeitor & Co. Nn 8-4 Commercial street, car- notifying step- popular McKENNKY TI1E OPTICIAN, Monumeut UrANTEl>—Afor the Farts exposition- Address U- H. banjo string*. P ease call aiHAWKS, 414Con- rying It on with an enlarged tools._ mother, Is not at »ted. Portland and Waterville run. bqaar* Jau26dti DAN 1 EL, 42 Concord bq.. Boston. la3 Vess street. Si t raii.ro Atm. / rrCANKNH — w Feans. Bed Kidney..* 6041 GO v.y. «4H tm «S% Oat mean steady I picked bellies —: shoul- BALTIMORE Ar 24th, barque Adam 18% hams —> Bahia. 1 minus, bbl...... OO Juiy. 66% _; <►*«<» 86% firm; continent at 7 70; 8 ▲ at 8 2fti com- BOOTHS AY HARBOR—Sid 3Nh. *<*»»• May. 38% for Homes Sound ; aw ret potatoes, Norfolk. .'tin AO 89% pound —a ercnn Team, from Plymouth DOMINION LINE. V In 26 July.89% pork ttroni; mess (18 76x13 60: family at 1) Loud, South Amboy for Calais ; John Sweets land. *4 OATS. Meorgla Pastern r*» 36*16 00: short clear at 13 60*16 00. shore Winter Seainu INtJIKO. Kirics. fresh... 14 12% 14 Nye. fl'hlng. .. western fresh.. fit 14 May. Mutter Is Wastern creamery at 16* Rath—Kid 24th, sch Augustus Huat, Blair, io Uit Lags. 22% stcadyi of Fioduch Fees, held. *» July. HKci do factory I.*1(| Philadelphia. Portland to via. Quotations Staple B Reed. N > orh; In Cffrel Drrrnilirr 4. IS99. Liverpool Queenstown a FORK* erm at BATH -Kid ach Thos Fetter. 1 nev“er earner .. at 31 stale dairy at 16«17;do 16*t*18c. 26th, From fo 19 Cheese white at 11*« Marlon Isaac H Tlliyer, Plnladal- Hotter. Vermont. May. Jt®» Head*; fancy large Draper, do; Train* Union Station, Rsdway From Lcadins Markets. N. York and do small ; large colored leay# Square, Liverpool Cheese, Y'er'mt. ...194*1 f^% 1*70 Ifei lOHillH fancy P lor stations named and tuternieiibitft 'I alto is at P> Portland Portland, 1200 July. at do small CAPE HENRY—Paaaed out 24th. acha Anole Cranberries. ...811* lieilHct ioh«ii. follow*-. For 7.00 and 10.-25 tu m.. «u HniiiisK. i». m. 1.ARD. Mtale and Penn from Norfolk for New York, Estelle Bangor mourners._ Print. Sgga steady; 13*313. Murray, 1.20 nnd *11.00 in. For llelfaiit 7.00 a. 7 New, lor Bonlon. •12.3ft, p. Ybur. Mar 29. Dominion* Fib Apt 13 00 May. 02% Ilosln easy. Pblnney. Newport I *r l,eirons.Messina....3 6044 EC HMee. New York. m 1 20 an t Il.Ott n. in. Kot Hinimvlrii, list. 31 * aitihrotnan, Tud 17 6o«3 7 10 * quiet. CALAIS—Ar 24th. ech * 11 Uraln Orsnm. California 11 tv.« 75 July. Turpentine NS Auguala and \S atrr le 7.t0 n 11 <1 10.25 .1. ** Men Ink Mark, Maury aud Klca steady. 8M '.'4th. «rh Henry. lor Apple River. pat. A pi. 7, Routn, Wed* 28 Oranges, needling*..2 7.in ? on RIBA. | 1m m„ *l2.9ft, 1.2ft, 5 to an<*. *11.Oft p. in. For ll»th Molasses KAHTPOItT Ar 24th, »ch Abner Taylor. 8 8 "Homan** c.trrles no Market ltr»le»e Apples llaldwtiis...4 00*1.4 60 025 steady. an l^wliiim vts Brunswick 7.00 and 10/2* passengers. May... fair refining at 8 16-lBc; Cllle 1 ue|)«ucia« un « Coal f» sugar—raw steady; a ra.,*i2J5,t AM and *11.00 p. m. I nr llorkland 9* llolasses at KNAND1NA—CI4 24 b. irh Maud II Port- Raw {.Intend oh. 83®H8 Wednesdays* quoatlons. centrifugal lest at 4* sugar Np* 7.0ft a. m.. 12.30 an t ft 10 p. m. For Skowiie- Montreal to via Hintons VI. refilled Oliver, ttardlner. Uvcrpouli boiled Lduseeu on. 05*t7«» wheat. 3* ; quiet. ley. I ort- g»n 7.00 •. in 1.10 an. in. Y r 14. Vattvottyer. 2a I Cumberland, No 77/t28*c: New Orleans. Apill April Portland, Me ) mu furnace cou. retail.. A 00 May. 8"% 89% 64c 2 Barley No I Flal- Mattn wamkrag 7.1*0 a. in 1 20 and 11.00 p. m Stove No 3 aye iSo 41*440 NORFOLK —Sid ech Anna lor In * 00 July. 40% and MV Flatseod at 1 Timothy 24b, Murray, For Vnirrburo. St. Slrulirn, lloitlloir R*TI8«F PASSAGK New York, April 05—The dealings Fran*bn. sced 7...prime New ; GOO — rork st 11 60.Lard Y'oik. \\ immIaIoi k and Mt. .foliu 7.00 11. 111. .lid Flrwt Calvin y.vi.ot ami lte«cam I'eaeoal*retail.... OATS. sent at * 36. Meae 74*17 Bella,'. npwarls, almost the trenear- I a salt- Sid 24th. .oil Klee to Bailey, Clay. 11.nu ni. For Aahlauil, Isle, — and Soger monopolised ( itnliiQr buck. 7 ('6 *7 801 inori ribs sides a 90*7 ;dr» p. Fre*«|»i« 9I0A0O upwards, according to steamer May....22% J3*« NEW LONDON—Sid 24th. sell Wlnoegsuoe. Fort Putrllrtd and Caribou via 15. u A. It. Stook Kxebaoge today and Cordage ed shoulders 8* *71 short clear sides al 7 so* and accomodation. tlorsonthe July-. 23% 23% Irom Boeton for Norfolk. K 11.U0 III. For LrwUlon and Mechanic C American 4* lb.ICMBt 1 7 60. p. Nfr«nH ahiii-To Liverpool or London. 938 in that stick NEW HAVEN-Ar 26th. ,ch« Dreidtiauibl Falla *.30 a. in 1.10 5.15 m. For Itnm- tulle from tbs fiuolnatlont lit nola— .19 '«17 PURR. Butter r.nn—ermary at 13*817* ; oalrlca at and p. Slerragv -T» Liverpool, London. I.o*Vt-n- Kennebec; Wide awake, Providence. ford Faritilnalou and R..VI to bolt (d<8] May. 12 72 I8*c. Falla, PIiII1I|»m derry Glasgow, Quenuiovn. $MM to 92.1.W, there was tery ltktle of Iniereet report Manilla rope.. 11*8 acliv Warren. Benila and I0\b 12 90 ChefN firm—10n) 12c. PONCE—Sid 12tn, Navarluo. a. in., 1.10 p. m. For Kangelry tecorllni' to of an enor- Sisal. (§ July. .in; tlahnrlle I. ln in. Fur lawldan, and Abe dealings la piugir were Click— firm—fresh lOHe. Boston; Sebafo. Thompson. brig p. Wlnlhrop Auplv to T. P. MnCIOWAK, 420 C ongress I.ARO. Rggs ecb Arthur V s Woodruff, Perklne, \t atrrvlllr HA) a. in.. Llfl Ik ni. ex- 3. Flour—receipts 27,»»OU hbls; wheat 47.000; M.indy, do, •tveet, J. B. k FATING. room 4, First Nation- mous volume and tbe li'ictualloos No 1. May,... 716 Fori'and 11.00 p Hi.. 29 outs bush; Portland. Tntin.* having al Hank CflARLKS ASHTON, D47A No?. .. bush; corn 194.000 bush; 230.000 Building. a ook down July. 7 26 I 24tb. eelt Frauci. M. Saturday, ooh nol connect tu Belfast, Dover Con or DAVID TOKKANOK A tremely wild. Abe opened No in.30 rye O.ooo bush; barter »9.iK>o bush. <>KT TAMPA-Sid are-*s «tr**», RIM. Mantua Creek. and Foxcmflor bevond Bancor, except to K! s- loot ol India street. about of. 17 v% 24.0uo hbis; wheat 191.000 Hasan, .. Co., general ageoU. turn points, advaneed 7 and oloaed 0 May. 7 05 %8hlp»nenb»—Flour MbChaa I. Mm loll worth and Co. ft. K.. and leaving nov24dtf 8 oz.>. 11 busb; corn 862.000 bush; oats 247.000 bush PASCaOOI’La—Ar 23d, Waalrmflnn 3 »' ora final figutes New Orleans. II. 00 p. in. Sunday does not connect to snow- points yesterday’s Uiuki end !>>«••. rye 4.000 bush barley 12.000 bush...... Portland nally Pren Slock ((notations PHILADELPHIA—CM 24th, ech Millville, begun. At tbs eloaa of bualuese tbe 11 ret was a* Acid Chi Imho..0 j DKTROIT—Wheat quoted 7IHfl for cash Corrected rtwau 9 Barrau. banter*. 144 for hoatnti and Bangor. u M tbe Acid Oxalic.12 by White; cash Red at l*sc. May at 71M|0; July M WniTK MOUNTAIX DIVISIOX. much mystified sk ever regarding Middle laland-Paaaad up 24th. sch Ralph Portland & Stiamaoai Cat Acid tart .8i»4t48 streat. 71 Ready STOCKS. V%c. from Fall River for Bartlett 8.50 a. 1.00 and 5.50 m. Boothbaj ants) of tba violent lluotuaklone. Mr. Ammonia.15*29 Hayward, Philadelphia For m., p. 72*so; May Ethei. Hopkins, 50 in j 9TKAHKR Allies, not...8% <4 0 Description. Par Value Pld. Asked TOLEDO—Wheat steady—essh At quarantine 24lh, barque For Brldgton and Harrison 8 a. and K3THHPKI9R leares Fast daelarad be knew of no rea- 100 102 at at 7244c. from Her I laland Boot it l>ay at 7 a. m. and Uavamsyar B< chu leaves.f»647U Canal National Bank.10O 72*sc; July Kosarlo, ... 5.50 p. in. For In, Grosreton, Monday, Wednesday Bank.loo 107 ) 10 PEKTH AMBOY- Ar 24tn, sch Allred W No. Stratford and Frl lay lor l'tit/iand. touching at So. Bristol, son either in ohaog'd trade oondltlnns Hals c<>pabla.•*•••60 *9/ Caaoo National |*ou«l, liSaemUr, Heesewax .3 7 (#42 ..‘umberlaud National llank.IOC 100 102 Cotton Markets. Risk, New Y'ork. Beecher Kali* 8..V) a. in. and 1.00 p. in. For Bootdbay Harbor. or In other to tbe oourea 100 Wm II Stacy, for St. Returning, wave Franklin Wharf, Portland, any way explsli Itorax.IO«.l 1 Cliapmau National Hank.100 101 IBy Telegraph) Mid stilt, sclo Davenport, I. nnenbnrg, Montreal, Chicago, 6 100 102 Ja, A Exeter 1,1 in a and 8 5» *. ni I at 7 a. ru. Thursday and Saturday (or of tbe stook, but rumors nets Darren t Hrlmstone. 2Vy Fun National took.1«»0 April 2ft Augusta; (trav,Garland, I'iinI, llldge Unrbu Tuesday, 00 * 5 Baak. .75 109 24tn, sch M 11 Reed, Fast at Harbor Cocaine. Muriate, oer oz.6 .«0 Merchants' National 101 NEW YORK—'The Cotton market to-day w*s I'KOVINCKTOWN—Ar MCA DAYS. Boo’.hbay, touebiug Boutbbay •11 day tbat the trade war waa being Co**inn .... National Traders'Hank .loo 94 100 New York. and 80. Bristol. dull, easy; middling nplauds at 9 13 10c, do For Irovvlaton via Whtcrwftlle .. — 1 2 sells Ada Ainea- Brunswick, L*:<«l at Fire islands on tbe oontrol of tbe Vfc «, Portland National Bank-loo 109 110 — PORTSMOUTH Sid 25th. signal. settled and also that Copperas 101-lGo; sales bales. and 7.20 a. m. and 12.35 m. For nl cream tartar.27Mi *30 Vi Portland Trust Co.100 1 45 150 gull lor New York. J 11 Whtow right, Itou Bangor p. octlldtl ALFKFD Rack. Manager. hoods. As might cotton market lln.-k|M»t lor via except bkowbegan oompany was obangiog Kx Logwood.12*15 Portland Gas t ompany. 60 86 90 ■CHARLESTON—The to-day cor tor Khode Island: Montlcello, Portland points east, Augusta, Interests timiarabic.70 a 1 22 Portland Water Co.loo 103 106 closed firm; middlings 94»c. H4»iLoii; Pemaquld, Rockland fordo; Jamesa II. 00 p. in. bo exported, tbe Standard Oil fm lih oer me.20*76 Portland Hi. Kali road Co. 100 140 16»» GAIA ASTON—The Cotton market cloeed Kiln, do for do; Mary B Rogers, and Nlgar. AH ItIVALN ware named re buyers of Aloes cane .15*23 Maine Central B lOO IflO 170 for do; Deiawate. Sullivan tor do promlasnily y quiet; middlings 9 7*16c. Pamariscotta H.23 a. rn.from Bartlett, No. Conway and Camphor.• 4*-% 461 Portland & K. R. Ioj 60 61 Hoboken for Freddiei *•- tbs and whiti they are a highly Ogdensburg M RMPIII8—The Cotton market cloeed Oroztmbo. KaUport: Cornlah; 8.33 a. m. Uwldan and Me- stock, .. 2 a 65 to-day York for CaPls; Dtuld, do for Tbo- Myiru BONDS. 9*ic. ton. New chanic (1.43 a. in. Watervllle, An orowd and tbelr purobasi s 85 a 4 86 steady; middlings do for CaUla. Falls; speculative Opium.3 Portland 0s. 1907.118 120 maston ; B L Eaton, uiida and Rockland ; 11.53 a. IU. Ben her 85c*$1 NEW ORLEANH—The Cotton market cloaed Hid 34th, sells John I Snow, lor bava no foitbar mean lug It savors Indigo. Portland 4s. 1903—1912 Funding, .lot 103 ROCKLAND- Kalla. I.a near ter, Kabyaua, No. Conway may Iodine. 8 'f «3 90 9*sc. ■ tor Darien; Helena, for Portland 4s. 1913. Funding.106 1o4 quiet--middlings Bahamas; J W BeUno, and 12.15p.m. Bangor. An- be a foot tbat there has been very 4 Oo a 60 llarrlaoa; to Ipec.ic. 6s. 1906.) Water.112 114 MOBILE—Cotton market middling New York. 12.20 in. rt.16 Bangor nominal; and Rockland; p. Klug- of fir tbelr ac- Licorice, *20 Hatb Munieioal....101 1<>3 9V4c. SA VANN All-Sid 24th, brig C C Sweeney, Benila. bsavy purohaeee Sogar 05*2 0 4%s. 1907, XnataId, r*hllll|)s, Farmington, Morpnme.2 Bath 4s. 1921. 10.1 Miller, Perlh Amboy. 6.20 p. IU. count. The rite In served one 09 76«3 20 Kefntidiug.101 8AVANNAJI—The Oorton market closed A Stetson. Itamfool Kalla, hewlaton; Sugar pur- bergamot.2 4s. II 106 ETON I NtiTON—Ar 2d, sch James « Belfast unlclpal..102 9 7 10c. | Skowhrgau, \Vatervllle, Aiiguda, Nor. cod liver.I Go 2 00 qulot; middlings for New York. to ebeok the bear- ( alais 4a 1901—1911 Refunding.... loO 103 Providence ...... Koektand. Bath; ft 3ft m. St. John, Bar g^ptlllHEkS pose, namely aggresslre American cod liter.1 OOto.1 25 Addle P McFad- p. lewis Uni 1901. Municipal.103 106 STAMFORD— Ar 21st. soli Arooitouk County, Mooaebead ish whloh have been going on Lemon.1 60*2 20 (3*,’ karopoiu Markets. Harbor, operations .. Norfolk. The staunch nd steimers oo*2 50 lewtslca 4«. 1913. Municipal ....105 107 don, Smart, I.ake and Bancor; ft. 15 p. m. Rnugelcy, elegant Olive.1 SALEM Ar sch Sarah Wood, Lmes- hew I at ••BAY and In ether quarters cf the market. It also 00 **aoo 4s. 1901. Municipal..*... .100 102 (By Telegraph.) 24th, Farmington, llnmford Kalla, on ; HTA1T -TUFMONT" Peppl.. 1 75.*2 lor leave Franklin t.'euiral It K7s. 137 vllle Philadelphia. ... Montreal, Quebec, And alternately Wharf. Portland, movement whloh bo.&;\ oo Maiue 1912.coua.mt(l35 LIVERPOOL April 25. 1900.—The Cotton A.lon. nu Chicago, started a oo voting Wliitorgreen. ,.S • 110 Sailed 25th. echa Elizabeth a. m. from and India at 7.00 in. Potass or’mde.-.6«a.«o -4%s- 10S market closed quiet; spot 5 7-10d; sales 8,000 Henry Whitney, all White Mountain points; 1.25 dully Wharf. Boston, p. dally, In tbe after- • 106 lor P (» riauklori for Hath and l,»wli- Sunday. osured soma lively advanoss Chlorate. 4§ cons. mtg... .106 hales. port Hangor; Thompson, Bar Harbor, Bangor, eiept .19*20 ** •* New York: fordo; Ste- These steamers meet every demand of shad- Iodide. .*.3 7w*3 1*6 rtts.i9oo.exteirsn.i02 103 rlbeman. htonmgton toa ; and 1.50 a. «v dally except Monday. Irons noon, but moat of these gains were for do; E Cush- \\ ater- modern steamship service In safety. st>eed. a 78 Portland A Ogd’n gtts.tooo. 1st intgio2 103 phen J Wain. Macbla* Mary llnltfnx. St. John, Bar Harbor, Quicksilver.73 for And oi iravciin*. rise In Su- « Portland Water do lor Lulu Franklin do; comfort luxury ed on the cDlminatlou of tbe Quinine ..M- at i?s 4a. 1927.105 1U7 BAIL1NU DAYS OP Ot'KAR MTKA.MERH man, do; Eppea, Annie M Preble, Calaln for New Bedfoid; Nat- Through llcke'« for ProyKlencg, i.nwoll, olroumstanoe torho- Kheubarb, rt. 75*1 60 rROM *n» •Dully. etc. gar. ’Jbat goes Slock nr ii iKXioin. no lor riiniouiu. iiuniv, Worcoxter, New York. etc., lit snake.3o Roaton Virkat ... New York.. Rotterdam... A 24 GEO. F. V. r. & O. M. *40 Amsterdam pi lor Inci- EVANS, J. F. LIBOOMB. Gen. Manager the efieet tbat Sugar bid ou tbs rest of 9:4.12 land for Kali River; It L Kenney, do F. * T. A. Saltpetre. The following were the • 1 >sing quotations of Minneapolis.... New York. London.A pi 24 F. F.. BOOTH BY. O. BARTLETT, Ag.-it a dence; Harold L Berry. Port laud for Flushing; Ilf THOMAS M tbs market. luoudon bouses oontluua to Kenua.25 :$o stocks at Boston K M Theresa New York Bremen....A|*l 24 _dec* deetOdtt seed...4*^ «e 5V» u..l I.,. v; u Nam Vr»i*V liuii.tn.rfy ini ’A Allan. Bangor for Vineyard-Haven. Canary air. hi sod. inn. m here on a a nta Fe. u ,‘ncw. 26 TACOMA—Ar Emily Reed, Nichols buy moderately today, taking Cardamons .1 26 1 GO 8t Paul*.New York So'ampton.. Apl 25 24th. ship ** Bjsvod Main*...193 Port Townsend, share*. soda, by curb.*.3** 9% York Uio Janeiro Apl 25 .... talanoe about 16.033 3 do lift! Capri.New V1NEY AKIM! A VEN—Passed 24ih. sch Elvi- Sal.2‘,fl Roman-.Pori land .. Liverpool.... Ajl25 Portland & Rumford Falls of the ssasou 9 ueo Maij. ora.. 63 ra J Bangor for Philadelphia. By. The first gold shipment Sulphur.<« Teutonic.New York. Liverpool-... Apl 25 French, -19 .... 13 In port, sells Clurtotte T Sibley. Brunswick ALLAN LINE was announoed but the amount was only < Kensington.. ..New York. Antwerp. Apl 25 W .60« 60 Main* entriu... for Anna L Lockwood, So Ambov for lute wax. New England.. Boston.Liverpool .Apl 25 Belfast; lit Effect Dec. 4. no lnllueuoe .. Union Pacine.. M% Hoboken for Waldoboro & •ktu (03, anil It oertainly bad Vitro!, blue Mall York. P.rttsinbuco 25 Portland; Badle Corey, Liverpool, Halifax Union racitie nto...... 75 C.iprl.New Apl for Saco. Vanda. bean.$l3a*m Hubert.New York. Pa rat ..Apl 25 Mary C Stuart, Amboy DEPARTURE* Castor.i o C9P.tr41 4S. 80 Returned, sells Normandy. Eugenie, Maud 0®l Bremen.New York. Bremen ...Apl 26 W and 1.10 P. M. From Union Station Portland that the gold shipment mutt r in»ri>'iili boil,...338 Mailocli. Aibie Bowker. 9.. A. M. Service._ opinion i* ii Maracaibo.New York San Juan .. Apl 26 lor Poland. Mechanlo Falls, Buckle Id. ('-u> npowiter—Snoi. Ameri*aa -sugar. inouth 24ih, steamer Pounsylvanla. weight Lratlici, B. V. BRADFORD. Tiafflc Manaser. New ... from York for attention Is called to the -ialllnE of 4s. conn.134 184 PalatU.New York. Hamburg Apl 28 New Hamburg. Portland, Mama Sperhl New York— New 4s. re*...114 114 York.. Bremen 1 At Port Spain 11, barque Bonny l)oon, our new twin-screw .steamer Tunisian 10,:;78 NSW YORK, sept 25. Saale.New ..May Apl E. L. LOVEJOT. Bnporhitondent, \ Light.27329 New 43. COUD.114 114 Germanic.New York.. Liverpool May 2 Burgess, for Now York; sell Madalone coouey, tons from Poi third 21st April. The Tunisian Mid .28 329 joiedtf RumfordFalla Main a the Money on call steady 2Ml4*2Vs percent. Weight Denver .x n. U. 1st.104% 10« HtLonls.Now York. .Bo'ampton. May 2 Waae. from Paramaribo, ar 1st. for New York; will Ox. tire largest as well as fastest sU-a.ncr a 2.) that ever enteied the of Portland. Prune mercauble neper at 4g5 f;or cent- heavy.2k Erie cen. 4».. 73% 73% Noordland.New York. Antwerp ... May 2 Warwick, Sheppard, for New York. port hood d’mg.26®27 Mannie Swan, Mo.:tian.^« Tex. 2d%.09% 09% F Bismarck.. ..New York. Hamburg .. May a At Barbados bth Inst, barque Steamers sail from Portland after arrival of Sterling Exchange easier, with actual busbies* Union backs.39./ 4 ) Kansas «. Pacific cousois... Bretagne.New York. Havre May 3 Higgins, from New York. dl*g. Grand Trunk Kaliway train leaving lor uto 4 lor detr.au Am calf.bO&l 00 for in hankers bills at 88&4 88Vs Oregon Nuv.lst.108 108 K Louise.New York.. Bremen Mav 3 Sid fm Laguayra 24th, steamer Carracas, 9u. in., or Montreal 8.45 p. m., Friday. !,u in hr s. ... Juan. and 4 84 per cent is allowed on return tickets, except TRAINS LEAVE PORTLAND ou the lowest rates. 1 in No 1&2.$40« 645 25s « — 6 Silver Atchison. 25% Hpaarndam New York Rotterdam.. May Bar 50% 69 5 Second Cabin—To Liverpool. Loudon or Nor to Carolina Pine— Aicinxon'nid. 69-Vs Batavia .... New York. .Hamburg. ..May Mexican dollars For l.rnliioii, 8.10 a. mM 1.30, 4.00, *8.00 p. no. $35.' O return. 47%. 1 inch. No Cant mi pneme.. Kalter W de G New York. I .remen.May 8 Between Londonderry— single; $05.50 Governments weak. •* 8 0.2 $2*»«.VJ Che*, a duo.. po% 80% New York_New York. S'thampton May 0 Fur ■•land Pond. 8.10 a. m.# 1.30. *6.00 p. in. Stekkaok—Liverpool, lamdon. Glasgow, A 8 Belfast, Londonderry or Queenstown, $23.54. and 2 No. I.$,'i0.i$4o Ch»cai.-o.|Bur. uumes.125** 126 Friesland .... New York. Antweip May St.Paul For .Houtreal, Uurbri 8.10 a. lit., IVi, lVs Inch, Chicago, certificate* No D«-i. A mno. canal to.1*4% 115 F Grosse .New York. lo Chicago, Prepaid $21. Hlilst. 2.$28.4*38 der Bremen.May •6 00 m.. reaching Monireal at 7.00 a. m, under half fare. Hates to Cyprus— Del. l«icK. A West.178% 176% ....New York. .Havre .May 10 p. Children 13 years, The followmr quotations m« Champagne m. or from other points on ro represent p:*v Saps. 1 In. 40 uenver a U. U. 19% 20 York. ...May 12 Minneapolis aud 7.00 d. application market: 35® Etruria.New Liverpool 4 20 t leg prices In this 1 iu. :<2 1 F. MoOOWAX, ougreu Ml., Common. 2S« Erie, 13% 13% Npartan Prince.New York. Naples.May 12 and the northwest Cow and steers.6Vs l* Southern 3* lies*. TRAINS ARRIVE PORTLAND Portlaml, Me. nine..$30® 1st ma. 89% 39% Munitou.New York.. Londons... May 13 Hoorn Bulls and stairs...bV» Clear kne Foreign MrRinililp Agency, 4, pine— 11 JO a. A45 aud 6.45 Skins—No 1 quality.loo Uppers. .$60® 70 Illinois Central...1)4% 114% From Lewiston, *8.10, ui., First National IUiiK ilitlldlug, Port- No 2 .8 o Select. 60 L.keKrie* West. 31% 31% p. m. land, Maine 6»>,® snore.206 2«>G No 8 .O il.7 Fine common. 45® 55 Lake MIAMI rn UK ai.manai.APRIL 20. From Island l'outl, *8.10, 11.30 a. iu., 5.45 II. A A. ALLAN, 1 India St. declCdtf • cuts A .. 81% 81% (nils .26*60 Spruce. 16® 19 Bud rises....— 4 471 8 1 oyi p. m. Maunatlan 94 93% m*h»|,_h wftU5rw&Lrr )AM- £ hemlock. 14® 16 Kipyatea.. Hun sets. 6 :»< J FM... 8 45 From Chicago, Moulrral, (gucbec, *8.10 Mexican cental.13% 13% 2 Clapboards— Length of days.. 13 611 Moon rises 55 a. ui., A45 p. m. Hrlnll Grocer** Sugar Markn. Spruce X. 325. 35 t'lcnuan central. Clear. a 30 Minn. A 3t. Louis. 63% 03% Portland mantel—cut loaf 7c: confectioner* 28 good thing • Dally. Olhei trains week days. 95 boston and 2.1 clear. 27 M1UII. A DU LOUIS uid. 95 Philadelphia! 25.. at Co: at 5 fcc; eftllee 8c; powdered granulated No 1. 163 20 Missouri Pacific.| 66% 56% TC IN’ Sunday ♦rain leaves Portland ©very Sunday SAILINGS. VI rV KIN £TVTS (Jorharn aud Beiliu at 7.30 a. in. Tlil.ULLKLV crusnoa 5c;yellow 4'*jc. Pino. 25 ii 60 New .terse? Central....tip 119% for Lewiston. Shingles— New York Central.134% 138% to Pullman Falat o Sleeping Cars on night X .3 60 Pacific com. 6s 58% t-Olir or PORTLAND From Boston Tuesday Thursday, Saturday. kxporti. cedar 2o®3 Northern go trains and Parlor tars on trains. 50a 3 by! day Clear cedar.2 75 Nortnern pacific ofd. 76% 76% j ENG. Linn Ph LIVI 11 POOL. Steamship X No cedar.1 26 a l 75 Norm we-tern.1MI% 162 Fiona laielphij Monday, Wednesday 84 3 bush do wheat l 2 box * of WEDNESDAY. April 25. peas il,K36 Spruce.I 5051 75 DOW A west. 2D* :23 meats G70 ch canned do leather lo,'.t>3 STKANim and apples Laths, a pee.2 76® 3 00 Beading 19 19 Arrived. Friday. h Hour 2732 do oa'ineal 7480 t n cs pulp 241 Ticket Ollier, Depot at foot of India igs 1,1 uic—Cement. Kock isiana.108% 108% Steamer strathnevls. iBr) Tate. Las Palmas— From Central Wharf, llostoa 3 p.m. F.ora s 8838 deals 82-*l blocks 1323 lo maple |k*s »u I-ttUi.119% 119% Co. St ret. OH23dlf Pine street Wharf. PUilade.phia. at 3 p. in. lie 1 18 7 oak hinder Lime cask.85 500 mdse to Elder. Dempster*; lumber pkstindrle; pcs l> 8l ain nid.173 172% Bennett. Nsw York— bur am o eifocted at ottic •• t)4"* do wal lumber 133 ba'es cotton U9i cattle Cement.1 3&&0 00 Steamer Gov Dingtey. international Co. St.l’aui A uniat..119 119 and to J Llscomb Steamship Freights for llio West by the Pena. K. 1L and lbs fresh meat. merchandise pa^-tonger* 1248 sheep Guo.Ooo Matches. -- FOR .. forwarded couuoottng lrnas. Pam a urn ana uiu.z steamer Tremont. Thompson. Boston. & MAINE K. R. South by S A. Bark Carrie lor East- BOSTON $15.00. Round ROSARIO. Wiu.slow—7e3,- 8tur& gross ..00® 53 Texas Pacinc. 19Vs 19 Steamer Cumberland, Allen, Boston Passage Trip and room Included. 07 7 ft lumber. a 55 / and St Joun. NI-. luh«T St. John N.8. Htftiat H,$. Oct. Meats Dlrtifo.00 Union Pacific dig. % 76 A Er?ne* Ca!iis. iu Li foci M, UJJ port hast For freight or to F. F. WINCJ, Forest City.00®50 Wauasfi. 7% steamer Enterprise. Race, Boothbav. and .ill of New Brunswick. Novi Beotia, passage apply 3ZT from Pbils- parts Central Boston. I niporr*. uid. with barge Tbaxter, Island and Breton. The ▲geuL Wharf, Wabash 21% Tug Tacouy, Prince faiward Cape WESTERN I>I VISION. E. H. SAMPSON. Treasurer and General We mouth. N8. St hr \V P Smith-204 tons Metals. Boston A Maine.193 delplua, wlili c»al to Me Cent RIL favorite route to Campobello and st. Andrews, K sinllh. Smith, NS Manager, 49 Btate at* F «ke Building. Boston, Ij G V Clark. Copper- New York ana New Euu. of.. Seh W Weymouth, pulp N. B. Trains leave Portland, Uninn Station, fo OCU2dU pulp 14 a 48 com mo ii.CM) a 2 '/* Mask. Old 207 to G E Clark. Frarboro Crossing, 10.00 a. in.. 5-25 a 22 (Colony.207% spring Arraugrniciit. Polished copper.00 kxuress. ..120 120 Sell M J Sew all, Norton, Red Beach-plaster tSoach. Pina Point, 7.0d Portland \V!xolc** e tlurkft Bolts.0002 Adam* 6.20, p.m.; benrkoro American Express.HO 140 o C 8 'base. On and after Monday, Mar. \ hteamer will ln.00 a. rm, 8.30. 5.25, 6.20 p. IU., Oi Or ] PORTLAND. April 25. a Ctiatto. Deer Isle. on V M sheath.00 31 ii. d. i* x.. 48 48 8cm Henry Chase. leave Railroad Wharf. Portland, Monday ©hard, feaao, lti«ld«f ord. DLounobunlc. 7.00 Cousins. Brooksvllls. STEAMBOAT CO. Flour very firm in sympathy with the rl o in Y V Bolts.t H) a 18 People ..103% *01 % Sell W o Nettletou. and Thursday at 5 30 It m. Returning, leave j Mu. 16.00 u m,. 12.2.0. 3.30. 6.26, 0-20 MCDONALD a 31 Robinson. Rock laud. Lubee 'inn* lu re about Bottoms.25 pacific Mad. 3* Kch l.iucoln, bL John Kastport an.1 days. i>. m. gmicbosksort. 7.00. 8.45. I0.no | W'heaf. Corn advanced toda> i'ye. .32% Heciiinluir ?. 1W0. steamers will leave Ingot.16 <417 Pullman Palace. 185 184 Cleared. Through Ucketa Issued and baggage checked H. DU 12.30. 3.60. 5.25, P. m. Wrlls April Ca s firmer but unchanged. Piovisiona tending Tin- 109% to destination. gyKrelght received up to 4.00 Bsaeh. North llrrwlck, Dover, Pori laud Pier, dally. (Sundays excepted) at Sugar, common. 111% Carrie Winslow, Rosario Great Straits.. ®30 Barque Montgomery, ni. 7.00. 8.45, a. '.II,. 3.30, 5.25 p.m. Anniers worth, •j oo o. in. for Cou-in*. Littlejohns. upward. Western Union.81% 81V* Co. p. Antimony.12314 Frank Dudley I or tickets and staterooms apply at the Pine Korhosiar. 7 (>0. 8.4o a. in., 12.80, 8.30 p. m. heberwue. (Hantllto i's Landing). Grr’a Is- The following quoratioisrepreiduc me wuole* Southern By »»fc.. F Willard. New York— Coke.4 75«6 OO Sch Nellie Sawyer, Tree Ticket Office, Monument square, oi for Alton Hay, Laksport, and Northern Divis- land. Sebascu. Ashdale. Small Point Harbor, saif prices lor the market; Brooklyn Kaoid Iransit. 74% 74 t'o. 1 158 I ril»M vt niiK^t r/>:Ur HAILED— Steamer Salacla; barque Bruce 8.45 a.m.. 12.80, 3.30 i». m. Arrive Boston Tenn.uoai « iron. 8386 83 * M;W lOltK DIRECT Hprtdtf______13 ilawkina; sells c;eo E Walcott, Nellie F Sawyer IINE, 7.25. 10.15 a. ni. 12.45. 4 10, 7.15 n in. I e.ive Midi, and bt. Louis clear.3 "0g3 85 Hoofing Pitch, Vgulhnu..llw T. ». Rubber. 33 33 50 and others. Boston tor rortlan I 7.3U, ti.au a. m. i.au, Winter Wheat patents.4 104426 WU Pitch.3 254)3 Continental looacco. 297* 29 Vs l-5'o Sallt-li-on-LiNtl. Maine Steamship Co. 4.75 p.n:. Arrive in Portland 10.10-21 a, ul, Po Ml Oeser! & Washias S b C». tom aucl KmU. 6.00. m. llan, Nails EXCHANGE DISPATCHES. 1 ong lilnn i a muni Uy 12.10. 7.50 p. » 25 Boston Block Market. Corn, car lots... «3 Parsed Kin sale 26th. steamer Pomeranian, HNUAY Tit.4 f VC lots. 452 Wire.3 76a,3 03 I'.lhTON, Al>rll 25 1900 I'd* foliow.ng are 3 T4IPS Pf R WEEK. Friday, April 20tU, the Cora.bag from Portland for i.tverpool. Scar boro Boa eh. Pin* Point, OI«! Or- Meal, lots. fa50 iron— s ouoiauo >t rroTMio»n *i«.« .> bte.iiner bag to-«J&y Sid 1m Shields 26tlL steamer Freshtleld, for |{<-tliiccm.2UOO nc.* day* ai p. Port •mouth. Newbury mming teave MacbUspoi t Mondays and a. 14 Xotlcr to Mariner*. these steamers are superbly fitted and tur- fortl, Klttcry, Middling, bag, lots.19 0<\ft2O 50 Gen Hussla.13*^ Chicago I.ire Mock M*ri# U.00 a. nL, Thursdays at 4 a. in for all landings, arriving o travel and adord the most port, Salem. I.vuu, Itoiton, 2.09, Mixed teeu. American Kuasla.11 l2 Lighthobek nitthed for passenger Portland 11.00 |>. m. i&2o00 By Telegraph. Office of thk. Inspector. 12.46, 6.oo p. in. Arrive Ho»r; choice ateanv to strong; others slow; J. F. LlBCOMB.Geoeral Agent. 9.00 a. !IL. 12.TO. 7.00. p. la 11.45 a. in.. 1X05. 42J0 10.15. 10-10 p. in aprlSdtf Sugar— xtra line granulated.... 6 34 Zinc.934 «;10 butchers steady; natives, goodto prime steers [West Penobscot Bay. Maine.J THOR M. BARTLETT. Agt ocudti nd. Sugar—Extra C. 7 oo Pipe. 2. O s at 4 0 *6 5 80; poor to medium at ♦ 10*4 75; Bantam Lodge buoy, a red and black horizon- t > l>.\ V. Cofteo— Klo. roasted. 12 416 selected feeders at 4 f> <> 5 00: mixed stinkers has adrift. RAILROAD Sr Oils—Paints. tally striped spar, gone Hldtlefortl, Klttcry, PorUmoiifli, New and Mocha. 27 at 3 00a* heifers at 3 25 as soon as Coffee—Java o,28 3 30 *4 00; cows 60; it will be replaced practicable. bury port, Salem, By mii, Boston, 2.00 a. m., Teas— 70« 80 •j5 u 4 ho; bulls 2 75 a 4 25;catVos 4 50; of the House \moys 22*3o Sperm. 50,g6 By oroer Light Board, CASGO BAY STEAM BOATCOT 12.45 ill. Arrive Hoiion, 5.57 a. ill.. 4.00 Portland A \uruiontli Klectrtc Itj. Co. 27 60 While.50*0.» 4 0. p. leas—Congous. a Texas fed steers OOux.5 J. K. COGSWELL. in. Leave 9.00 a. m., 7.00, p. m. p. Boston, leave head of Elm street for Uuderwocd leas—Japan. 33*38 HhiiK.44)0,43 noses—receipts 26.000:2la a6c higher,closing Commander. U. S. N.. Portland, 1*2.10, 10.3Up. ml. *42 1 uciuui Ilium YYliurf, Arrive at 6.46 a. m~ Yeas—Formosa. 36.460 Shore.3 easy: mixed and butchers 6 35ab CO; good to Inspector 1st L. H. Dlst C’AkShpitug and Yarmouth hourly *'M» me. A- Monday. and Molassee—Porto Bleu. 38*56 l'orgte.3 cuoice neavy 6 4." q,5 CO; rough heavy at 6 SO.* Portlunil, Dally except until 5.45 D. ni.. then 0.15. 7.45. 9.15. 10.45*. Molasses—Barhadoes. 32436 l.ard.Ha 75 5 40; ll.ht 6 *04:5 60 Domestic Port*. Extra lor Yarmouth week days at 3.15 p. ni. 7 0 (ouimoiicim; Monday, April id, 1900. Vi. N. A P. DIVISION. at a. hew Katsina, 2 crown. 2 00*2 26 N patsfnot. ... *)7 5 Sheeu—receipts 13,000; 10c lower; lambs are Leave Yarmouth for Portland 5.40 m., NEW YORK—Ar 24th. whs I) t) Haskell, fm and — to choice wethers 6 26, *.is; 8516 Phis: sates James H Jordan, Fast Harbor, For Landing, Long 8.03, at 7.30 9.45 3.00 Herring, per box, scaled. 115% 16 Crystal 12,142 exports 6,500 tld 24th,Mbs For Gorham and a. m 12.30, 3.35. 6.05 and 6.15 p. iu. Saleratus.5«;5 Vh Governors Hattie 10.30 n. m.. 2.15 b. tu. III. Mackerel, Shore Is.25 oo&3o 00 packages; inactive, but firmer in tone with the TI; Donna T Burgs. Harbor; 6.30 and 0.20 p. Leave Yarmouth for Portland at 7.40 a. m., Spices pure— in for SINDAY TIME TAI1LE. Westhroolc Mackerel, Shore 2s. adva ee Wheat. L’ Luce, May port. For Westbrook, Cumberland Mills, hourly un il 6 40. tn n 8.l«>. Flour—Winter uts 3 30*4 Cld 24th, barque Virginia. Cates. 8t Pierre. Koiest aud Trefetlieu's l.n tid- aud W oodford* at 7.30, 9.45 a. ra., at Largo 3s. 15 00ji$17 l 06 00;winter straights For City Junction L**ave Underwood Spring for Portland, M ace....Wfi 3 3 Sid 24th. schs Annie Aiuslev. for Richmond; and Great Dia- 5.30 and 6.20 u- m. 4>c3£6; Minnesota paients 7o«,3 90;Wiu- ing, Peaks Islaud, Little 12.30, 8.00, 8.to a. in., uutil 1.10 p. iu.. then 1.50, 2.10 fork. Beef. Lard tud I'ointry, <49 Pautka, W for Portland from Worces’er at hourly Nutmegs.40 tsr extras 2 60*2 86: Minnesota bakers 2 85«, i; B Reynolds. Fla; Lucy Snow, mond Islands, 10.30 a. in.. 2.15, 4.00 p, in. Trains arrive at 3.00. 3.10. 4.10, 5.10, 6.10. 6.50, 7 10 Cork (410 00 a at 8.80 a. 1.25. 4.30, 5.10, —Heavy. Pepper.18 3 0 ; o*i low' giades 2 .6 *2 40. For Ponce's Landing, Long Is aud, 1.26 p. iil : from Rochester in., and 10.10. Folk—Medlum. (415 60 Cloves.1 al 24tb. schs S K hi from Gorham at 8.40, 8.30 and 8.40 J Rye quiet. ^nry*fil»nd—Passed Night 10.30 a. m 2.15, 4.oo p. m. and 5.48 p.m.; •10.45 car leaves at close of tlioares. Heel— lieaw. Calais c K and m. city ..lOoOaillOO Ginger...14*13 Wheat—receipts 20.35u b*tsh (exports 144.167 L-ale, from New York for ; Flint, For Islaud, 10.30 a. in., 4.00 p. m. 10.60 a. TO., 1.25. 4.15, 5.48 p. | mar.vltf Beei— 60 starch.4*6*^ Cushing's * X. A. light. 9 75*10 Laundry bush; sales 2,875.000 bush futures. 2*o.000 A it Keene, «lo lor Boston; Win H Davenport. n. J. ELANDKKO. G. T 60 A Pierce C. W. T. CODING. General Manager. boneless, nail bbls a G Gloss. .CV§@7Mi bush exports ; spot liim; No 2 Red 79*sc fob Stacy, Poughkeed'ie for Augusta; Geo j«-H Lara—tes Am- aprlGdti _ NOTKK unu nail bbl. mire.... (*SVs Tobacco. afloat ; No t Red at 77 He elev: No 1 Northern Edgewater for New Harbor, Me; Lugano, IMPORTANT laud—tc» and hall bbl.com.... fa?14 for Best brands.50*07 Duluth 70? *o f o p afloat to arrive. boy for Frankfort; Keunebec. Kiizabethport To All ■ml Receiver* of Lard—Pans oure. Shipper* Medium .. Dorn—receipts 26,326 bush t exports 168.191 Boston. via Uoilon Sl Maine Railroad. compound. 7V*» 4 8‘s Freight Lard—Fails, Common. •aiea 75.000 bush fut res; 620.000 Push Passed Fire Island 24th. tug Georges Creek, AMMONIA RUINS VARNISH leal. STEAMBOAT GO. On and a'ter April 30th all freight arriving Lard—Pure, 9*/«3iOVfc sleauy; No2 at 48Hc fob afloat; with 2 barges from Portland for Baltimore. H1RPSWELI 16 Ou To overcome this board Aucocisco over the several divisions of the Boston St Chickens. 15* r. BOSTON-Ar 26th, tug Tacouy, Portland; carriages. your Beginning Get. 2, 1899, steamer Fowl. 14 teams at my stable as my carriage room is Portland, dally. Suu* Maine k. It. will be delivered at our Maple 12g 1.000 bus: exports 1275 bus; leb Freddie A. Hlggltiv (iranfl Mimun. will leave Portland Pier, to Turkevs Grata from horae room air m. street house; and all freight for delivery 13416 ijaotatianv J stronger:No 2 at Hut 26th. tun Confidence, with barque Jas H separated by space. days excepted, at 2.30 p. for Long Island, 13 sjmt. spot cliff So. this will be received at oor Eastern Hams. lf*/3* 2 while 3 white Hanilen. for Portland; lug Peter Smith, with Little and Great Chebeague. Island, Company CHICAGO BOAUD <>tf l ;No —c;No LIVERY TEAMS ALSO. Division irrlghthouse on ltailroad Wharf. Shoulders.. 8% v Wadena, for Portland, schs John Booth Uarj»swell Baiiey's and Orr’s Islands. estern -c;track white Wes- barge and Tuesday’s quotation** and New York; Mant go ward, troin Return for Portland, leave Orr’s island Produce. Monliigton and 11. A. WtlUAT for Vineyard Haven: Bangor above landings 7.00 a. m. Arrive Tortl AfiTl?.

NOVAN, MoCLUTCHT, Beans. Tea... 2 35 43 45 ,' CatotTv—; mess at 10 00410 60; Portland Victory. G K. A for Julia & A. W. 101 (lark St. Agent. beaus. < ahiornia Pea.. .2 do** 7a ODCtthir Dunam ss-; heel basis a* 20 60* HelenG King, Calais; Martha, ao; MrFADUEN, Nellie Grant, Ellsworth, ISAIAH UAN1EI.S. Gra -Mar. apr2 id 1 w Beans Yellow byes.0 00 a 2 50 April. Utrouto, Bangor; aprlMlOt “‘wptwd! THE Ell ESS. tVOVT BlILDTRIS SIIINKR MAINE’S GREATEST RKW ADVKRTIkKMEBTI TODAY STORE^^g gait man Brov A Bancrofts i J. IL Ubbv Co \ |)ron Hooper’s Sons. the Leonard Bines Bros. Co. Cold 1 Windham Road Not To r, Facts Regarding kei.dall & Wlitinej.CB K. M. laiwson & Co. J The James Bailey Co.—Ik Be Extended. Dr. Damon 2. Dalton A Co. Cleanable P. & V. Time Ta!»K f Refrigerator. | Owen, Moore* & Co. ; Z Frank M. Isow A Co. It things Adinlnlsirntor’s Sale. 5 keeps ^ B. 8. Davis A Co. uses G#*o. C. Shaw. cold and pare; of School Children. The High Price of Material Said To Vaccination little ice and can New Wants. For Hale. To Let, Lost, Found Be the Catwe. jp au«l similar advertisements will be found on be taken apart to be pa«e 8 under appropriate beads. ^ cleaned. There are g» JIHIEF JOTTINGS. eight separate walls jp Line Will Be Graded which keep any A club bis been formed In tbe .intern en- part cf tbe olty for tbe study of law, end Four Miles. warm air from Sr; named the Cltff.'rd olob. In honor of the tcring. Air-tight 3* late eminent jmlet. Justice Clifford. It I 1. the first elob wblrb baa been named ■31 doors and patent for one of Portland ■ distinguished locks absolutely 5e townsmen AihI the Extension Probably Yeeterday the oily treaeurer paid tbe prevent, any waste € weeke Made Another Season. itr*et department fnroe tor tbe two of ice. It is Hie < closing last Saturday night. Tbe pay roll aggregates 31,512.41. easiest refrigerator members of tbe Lad lee’ jjp All Veteran in the world to Firemen’s Aid ere requested to attend jc director, of the Westbrook, W lad tbe funeral at Mis 8. K. Lewie. Thurs- |Tfeu bars de- clean. The inside street. bam and Naples electrle; railway No- I. No. 2. No. 3. gj day «t. g tO from 434 Congr-ee ^ dj cided not to extend their Toad from Soatb The Lad lee’ Circle of tbe Seoond Parish parts'ean all be easi- 5; Windham this summer as It was though t eburoh will meet Tboredey, April With ibey would do a few months ago. ly removed, and you can get into the corners with tbe P erldent, Mrs. Walter liroWD. ^ 5§ After looking the ground over earefully A large attendance Is desired at 373 without any trouble. Xo mould accumulates and the fact that stiel rails TO EVERYBODY. considering SUITS SUIT £ 8tat s street. as also copper wire, sod in fast nearly in you can’t get at because there arc no Tha Ladles’ Cfrole of tbe Flret Baptist I [ *3 places everything that gon toward tbs equip- eburoh will meet with Mre. Severee, tiJ 35 such places. We have them all from the ment of a road. Is so high at tbs pres- and High street, Thuredsy afternoon. 1 26, April 27, Saturday, ent and considering that or- Thursday, April Friday, smallest to the hotel and store sizes. The lighting committee would do well time, again j| S* up big the mills for Western Promenade and ders will not be received by to examine the 1 28, Our other lines aro the Merrill the Crescent and the six moults led the di- Wo shall on sale a April j Dry Air, some of these delivery under put be Keetern Promenade Diamond. (In the lissement.) rer tort to take the notion that thay'bave. 2JJ p asaut evenings when they are crowd- Id the first the directors feel that ed with bloyellete. both of theee popular plno* Medium and wmcWuurh,,od 70c on the Dollar, la a tew months .there will be Manufacturer’s Stock of High Grade Suits r serf sare very dork and poorly lighted probably 1 g GO-Carts Oil Stoves a rsduotlon In tbs prloes of railroad sup- Goods Are Tailor Made. All of Tills Season’s Jlnke. and the danger of eerloas accldente is These Strictly «| g mesa a of stv- Increased. The la the plies, which world taring thereby lights Hers are but a few of tbe we aro : eral thou fond dollars If orders are plaoed many bargains offering: at $3,50. Oaks were to rued on for the first time at 50 cents, later. made of All Wool in blue and brown, also Black Cheviot, coat last ONE LOT SUITS Homespun grey, Eg One made to meet the nlgbt. aud tailor — S |- orders art placed now, 35 lined with Eton bark, high flaring collar, some have trimming, others plain made, just especially Ibe steps leading from Fort Alien park Again Llt,?Ztbe silk, appliquo I* need of a pretty durable article at the time or the delivery of the stock — like Cut No. 1. Garments which sell for $17.50. Our sale price #1*250. “llnion” Lamp Stores eau he to tbe Ursnd Trank yard are In need of by a low price. The $.5..'>0 kind is end the summer season effect In the or S3 and comfortable, with used for hundreds of purposes. K some one’s attention as they are at pres- equipments ONE LOT OF SUITS made of Black Cheviot, some reefer style, others Eton high strong the tinned wheels and velvet be well advsnoed and — For this sa!e — ent unsafe. It would tne would (airly low like cut No. 2. Jackets lined with satin, skirt percaline lined. Worth $13.50. carpet Giro a hot tlame without pay people collar, seat. steady £ summer travel would ^ JS wbo use these to have them large anticipated steps dally or Covert Cloth in = 'CS Same cart with rubber tires, smoke or smell (if properly used.) be lest to the oompsny.lt Is now tbs pur- OIL LOT OF KEEFER SUITS, like cut No. 3, made of All Wool Homespun Sj — reptlred. — most some liavo These > ^1.50 directors to five miles brown, two shades of grey and blue; of them plain tailor made, but applique trimming. Tha nrnca In tha nif nnvb-fi la Kairln pose of tbs grads 1 burner 50 cents, cannot be for less iban $12.50. Our stylo, extension this or as EE suits duplicated price #7.98. A magnificent new line of H,iby Jp* tbe ilower beds are be- of the proposed fall, suits. ^3 “ ** iilng to get green, 0!\E LO'I' OF ETON HITS, high flaring collar, in gray, brown an 1 blue. Regular $10.00 c Carriages and Reclining Go-Carts 2 $1.00. 5^ ror a« NOTCD Wiuuuaiu, kuuik mrwu|(u 3J *‘ after and on tbe Eastern — ing looked For this sale only #9.50. 55 0X1 second floor. $1.00. 3& Windbam Centre. The would in all desirable colors. Made to sell for ss Promenade tbe ibrubs are commencing ground ONE LOT or SLITS ofer stylo, made of Wool Mixture then be in gcod condition for the laying — $7.50. Our sale price #4.98 53 to leaf out. = * of the tracks early In the spring of IV01. OTHER SUITS AT UORRESPOXOllNGLT LOW PRICUS. F. Gculd will give bis — Judge George sells elsewhere at $18.75. sells elsewhere at $25.00. Blue Flame Oil The directors are still sanguine, of the #1.1.00 #17.50 Ranges §• a on talk, illustrated 6‘ __ by ercoptlccD, We carry a large assortment of Jackets, Silk and Cloth Capes, Dress Skirts, Silk Waists, Silk I’ctticoats, success of their read, as the small plet> are tho ideal summer 'Old and New Portland.'7 at tbe New S5 Cotton Shirtwaists, etc. cooking 3^ now In opera!ian demonstrates that Jerasaieni obnrob on lilgb street,tonight apparatus. Absolutely safe. JJ* there la a demand for each a road and (Jw'ng to tbe alBence of Ur. Ifelt* r, pa smokeless and odorless. Will £ the owners stand ready with the Call Forenoons If You Can. there will be no study tf the {Sunday present bake, boil or broil just as well resistance of others, including resident g* {School Etsaon In Atsoolatlon hell this as any range, instantly lighted along the line of the load, to make the week. and cost for extension of live miles nett extinguished—no Lore club will renet on Ihure- propos’d Tfce Folk fuel ex- foot. (ordinary kerosene,) gg* tbe with Alisa spring an accomplished day evealng, ttOtb, Clay, cept during actual cooking. Woodfcrds avenue R. M. LEWSEN CO ■j St. = VVEDDlMiS. I & Congress We sell two this season. The TKRSONAU. Standard—2, o or 4 burners. JJ=* HUSXON—XHAUY. flllllllllllll!llllll!lllllllllllll!IIIIIIIIIIIIII!ll!ll!illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIli and tho widely advertised An- ^A very largely attended and pretty p tomatic Wick ess Blue Flame. Crept Tate, Mrs. Tats »ml son ot the 3^ home wedding, one of the first of the sea- (In tho Basement) steamer Srra'.hireylr, arc at tbe Preble son, ocourred last evening at 3t* North boose. street, the resldanoe cf liarlan P. liustoi Mr. Ueorge H. Libby, oily treasurer, when his daughter. Miss Eva f. Hustor. GOLF G003S. S' and Mrs. Llbty, bare returned from was united In marriage to Alfred U. a very enjoyable trip to Jamaica, bar- A complete line of the following balls: Tracy of this city. The bous* was pret- ing been absent from tbe city fora Mlverieivn. Bramble, Henley, Woutlley Flyer, AI n decorated for the happy event with month. tily ISiai'U Orobo. IT. S. *». A., ci l several kinds of Practice balls. w* evergreen und flower* At the hour an- llaiidnt: and all sundries. ‘'Willie Mrs. Irena Bowen and three cblldreu I'lngs, fliirklng l)lse«, J- ~~ nounced for the o remooy the brlds and Oiiiiii and "Hurry Vurilrn «:lults. of Asherll'e, N. U., are In tbe city for groom attended by the bridesmaid, bes Left handed c.ubs of all kinds a specialty. m t a few days. Mrr. liowen Is rlsitlng her man and tbs of the de- I parents trlde, Mr. of Oxford street, '*• Itemeinber —Our weekly lot of new clubs will be in on father, Urqubail and the Friday. scended the stairs entered parlor, seore cards to customers. who Is seriously 111. Free j^p* through the lane formed by six- Ht. Her. Hubert Codiuan. Jr., Bishop passing teen young men and women. The happy SRpSTSTTl 5 of Maine, will epeak before tbe Churon STORES IN THE » pair were preceded by a little flower girl, ^E\ | olub which Is to inset In Bangor In May. " i bIcycies! I Eunice Greeley, one cf the daintiest and LARQE C,TIES- 5;' m 1 ■=2 * sweetest bits of femininity that evsr o!li- We sell throughII 5 3J See the new Dayton Tandem at $75. OBITUARY. stores** wheels for Ladies and Men at cistfcd at a like function. The brlds war F^HBtour own * jp Warranted $21,50. 5* from facto-V* s> Full lino of Dayton, 11. & D. Mi aw mu t and in white Sitin nnJ wore a bridal og KBIdirect Stearns, Special. Fay aij gowned a for q wheels. The last is high grade wheel boys and girls. A. veil, lbs bridesmaid was Miss Laura hi fjj-^^BIrytoweareratone** 3J CAPTAIN H. HALL, which. withYM .3 Stone of who was beautifully ^Hprprofit, Captain A. H. Hal), Deputy Collector Boston, m °ur large business, v| tn Mr. o of Customs at Island Pond, Vt, died at gowned In blue organdie. Harry »nni ^Hfenables us lo pro-aE £ 4th Floor man Bargains, Marston of New York was the beet a >7 g bis boae there on Tuesday, after a lin- •ft BVduce higher gradeTA 5* m march was by Miss for $3.50 than car-V, gering Illness, borne In manly fortitude. The bridal played ^ Bf:shoe 3J New things in Sideboards iu Golden Oak, $13.00 jj> U. Kev. A. U. tied had elsewhere. Our t®. His death remorse one of tte best citizen Mary Jordan, Wright '^BRrbe Sideboards in Solid Mahogany as high ns $105.00 «s; knot while the bride and styles are appreciated At Island and one was held lu the nuptial 'e^Brnodern ns low as cf Pond, who men e Oak China Closets $11.50 S groom stood beneath a handsome mar- JB^y young verywhere.^31 tbe highest esttem by all who knew him. A fit Miihog;,,))' China Closets as high as $75.00 K bell of evergreen and pinks. Jf guaranteed. He held tbe position of Deputy Collec- riage Ash Dining Tables as low as $5.00 mZ The ushers at this charming wedding ——jj tor for many yrius, and always dis- Mahogany Dining Tables as high as $75.00 t wars William H. Hutton, W. K. fc5, played rare competence, oomlloed with a New in Oak and Mahogany Dining Chairs with leather Berry, J. F. Perry and F. H. Oliver Things thorough knowledge ot customs details spring seats and carved claw feet. The young ladies who served refresh- will no doubt some before in tbe dl,charge of bis dutlss. He en- require paint you Iron Beds with brass trimmings. This week only $3.40 mente were Hies Annie juary W + move dow n. The the afl tu »uo weeks, piazza floors, piazza uoarod uiuiwu i>u uii bumiuuivci * f yP my' Bird's Ciiiffonleres—13 drawers and oval French Anita Prudenoe Darla |©iJsiSe§.W M-*0 +s chairs, perhaps the whole house. Take a look 4 Eye Maple Dnnbam, bunker, customs ecrvloe by bis ever kindly and Beal Worth for $3.50. i —^ bevel mirror, $10.75 Bessie Bunker, Erls Darla, Florence I $5, 4 at the living room floor, and think how rusty JG genial disposition, s trait la bla charac- I do we make and sell more# ill^OP Jk Balance Beds at less than half. E’.bel r| Why ■ those screens may look. We deliver the T Folding which mads friends for him wherever Portsr, Erelyu Weeoott, Weeoott, Vi $3.50 shoes than any other two# ter Or paints on car or steamer. Oak Mantel Folding Beds with spring and mattress complete, & Alice Caldtrwood, Lucy Darla and Flora U manufacturers In the U. S. ?# £ pAIIVT he went. He hod many friends In tba $18.50 Shillings. Mra. James T, Jack and Mrs. HBecause they are the best.# IS; customs service In Portland, who unltv • 3* Oak Chamber Sets—Full swell fronton bureau and Commode. Forest Field pits'ded orerthe guest book HAY’S Middle StT, Paint Store ^5 In the universal expression of regret felt OUR STORE: Mi \ Bevelled mirror 24x30 inches. Finished ox blood red. Foliage Green, Jp* Among tbe guaste present were Mr. 1 PORTLAND is «5 Golden Oak or Oak, to suit taste. nice for sum- at his aaath. and Mra Leroy S. (irant of Prorldenoe, ^5 Antique your Specially 3 mer $Sit.50 ■£» He will be sadly missed also In social Ur. Walklos Jonea of Far Hookaway, % 546 StV cottage use, Stone nud Mrs Congress circles, having been a prominent Mason N. y., Mrs. D. Frank Wilson Navies of Boston, Lewis E. \ A. J. Hamilton, Mgr. and member of Ibe U. A. H. WE Xraey end wife of Boston. Charles ATTRACT Beautiful New in Parlor Furniture. The affectionate sympathy of a host of Batcbelder and wife and Mra. Ann things s' Molntira your attention to tell you that we | Ib extended to his afllioted Batonelder Miss Mary friends family. of-tfaoo, BICYCLES ever shown on our floors eouie I 3| Borne of the finest things have just Sc The funeral services will take place at of York. more Sold ou ■uitullmenu. I 3J in. Tho Inlaid and Carved Mahogany Frame Parlor Suits deserve Jjg Island Pend, Thursday afternoon. Xhe young oouple left on tbe night jn tlian passing mention. They are wonderfully rich and tastoful. liail ig train for Washington, D. C., where they I»0R1 LAND YACHT CLUB. 5* Seats, with mirror to matclt in Black Flemish Oak, Golden Oak and wt WILL FIX UP THE KkNUE. .® Hollow Seat Chairs In Oak and l): vans will puss two wteke. Un tbelr return ARPETS Mahogany, Reception Mahogany, JJC The James Go. Sofas with I!o kers in leailier and Commissioner of Publlo Works Fernald at Sd Beckett street. "Bailey “5 and great high roiling mahogany ends, they are to reside Will Celebrate Annli rrsary Uy Uluuer [ w art Carved Old Dutch Chairs and Sotloes, Gold Frame Itecep and A. Dow went out to ORRECTLY. tapestry, Uaptaln Ueorge I and CLEAN lion Chairs in tho fiuest silk Vernis-Martin damasks, Stroudw&ter rills on X'ilE WAYsIDK CLUB. At Cougrtk) Square. upholstered JJG the range Tuesday Curio etc. Forest Ctly Dye House ami -3 Uold Music Cabinets, Cabinets, Tables, J5f and made an Inspection of Its condition. X'be annual meeting of the Wayside CnOTCD’O lUjI Ln 0 Strum t'arprt llcaudng have decided to have the olub was held Monday ereulng with Mrs The Portland Yacht olub will oelehreta Work#, £-P They range Tho wonderful I lopitui VI arr that so closely resembles old over haul.d for theeeason and 79 Ailantlo street. UBoers for the dial anniversary of lta The thoroughly Crandall, organisation 13 Treble St., opp. Preble House. *5 ltookwood attracted tho attention of tho writer particularly. some will be mads whioh 1900-1901 Wfee as follows: Prf • dlOBUi- at the hotel anil dark blue colors are blended to an ex- Improvements sleotsd, by Congress Square 302. 5* ilolicnte brown green give Telephone of the JJi will add to tbe safety of the msu who dent. Mrs, Ceorga A. Polluter; Tlw- this otenlug. The hotel management will eS quislte softness of touelthat is heighteued by tho quiet colors CUFF corn Sweet carnations, green uee It. All the looal Susan A. secretary, aim to the oluD the best dinner that COTTAGE, decoration. peas, crysanthemums, pansies, 1C military companies prelldent.Mtss Cark; give tassels, etc., are produeefl iu their natural tints iu a sort of undergl.ue are now doing cor etde-aDle target prac- treasurer, Mis? Anne Burgees; delegate has been served In Portland la a number On (ape Electric Line, near JJG that brings them out strongly in somo places anil in others fades them tice and will make an effort to regain the to W. L. U., Mrs. U. W. Leightons direc- cf Already sixty members of the 3J years. 8 DON’T BUY Cape Casino, =5 gradually away till they ate scarcely discernable, s*^ ground whioh they lost after the two tors, Miss Anne Burgess, Miss Busan A. olub nave signified their Intention of be- the old Dutch A of this looks A BXOYOIiB Jn shape, styles predominate. pleco jJC, of Interruption In this work. Clark, Miss Charlotte K. Buffett. The olub will have as guests 56 like real ltookwood, and costs only about one-third a much. 5p» yeere ing present I Until Vom Seeiltc- Eagle. WILL OPEN JUNE 1st exactly Mrs Noah P. Burgess woe unanimous- Collect, r Moses,Captain Cogswell, Major THE hl'ALL WUliK AO room, for gue.O, ly elected an honorary member of the Koosaler, and Mayor Koblnson. Com- The of the McAlJ work at Old I THE JAMES BAILEY CO. tilled and parlor meeting olub. A held day by the Wayelde modore Cammlngs will preside. Everything newly ;*j Send Your Diriy Carpets to Us. £ — held with Mre. Tabor on Wednesday, Orchard, la one of the pleasant plans for -aar---.. r,3»x v; W.IL- sasgreaitt. furnished. was an Interesting one. to be tie HEAL ESTATE TKAESFKHS. exceedingly tbe summer. As It chanoed Regular Ho.cl service. Rati s Letters from Dr. Hoi titer, the new rep- a feudal hour with XO LIUUT MONUMKNX. We Will Make Them Clean—Absoli:. nlrthday of tbe hostess Frank E.Stevens of Hrldgton to JJrldg- $h to per week. y. resentative tbe MoAU aeao- ^ secretary of uad uotel entertainment and ton for at Math** of the Pcrt- SPrKooiltl |i bright Hotel company, $l,lsnd Hrldg- superintendent olatlon and lrom the field were read. light refreshments followed. toa Centre. l.nd kilMtrl. Light aompany ha* pot up new members have Many joined during Frank Uardloer of Portland to Maode two arm* as th* top a( each of th* two memorial was tbs past month. A ohalr M. Uardloer of Portland, for II, land tall pel** of Ue Street Kaliway oompaay given by one of the ladles at tbe meeting. roar Tonight In Portland. uy*r th# Mob umeot aod will hang This provides for one sitting In one of I EVERY ILL Just before retiring, if yonr liver is John Weloh of Portland to Jaaob In- aro light* thereon. They will probably tbe Paris haUs for one The annual a is year. sluggish, out of tune and you fe#»l dull, delabsn of Put (land, for 11, land In tbla be lighted tonight. It 1* thought that that Bicycle take a dose of M cured at our meeting of the American MoAU aeeoela- bilious, constipated, olty. by mow* of tnolo fear aro* th* MOBu- ly Sons, mo.t dag be *0 that th* i wel) gal tion will be held at Plttehurg, Pa., Albert, U, Weston of to Eo- lighted Freeport below Will not be gocdart. Ihe Hooper’s It) and 11. Mre. Uhsrlei 3. liras Way Cbap- light; THE JAMES Pills C. Bibber of booth for 11, are to be r* Haa was chosen delegate to the conven- Hood's gens Portland, UoaldOMoate .boat th* bate tion. And you'll be all right in tbe morning. land In Freeport. talned.

i ** i. _.a __ ~— •*-—