April 26, 1900

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April 26, 1900 S PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. D^L ' Y~jToi!N A 1'KIL aAMRM4a HArr>&! PRICE TFIREE CENTS. ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 1862^VOlT 3»" I’OK 11. AM). MAINK, THUHSOA IMi, 1!>(>0._i (leaver to hlroeelf rorres tha IO hM KIT (I Mon nrglag flit If place TROl'BIFN OF KIR OW1. Una of ratreet Frenob's arrival paaoaral ami fall tl aMura forty enemy's THE AFFAIRWITR TURRET Bear tbs Holder evl lently, however, Ur« » BLOODY WORK. right •, there la nothing MU (or thrm alarmed the Boars for they evaou> ted I •ayllnllm bwttiflgtt _' their (Wrong poeltlon near lie Wet'e dorp Load**, April qilV'.-T dkfkatT WILL GET AWAY. taring the night, and It was oocopied by at tb« ltrttlab bug Chermslde'e division this morning. The In Status of 0 monetrd Infantry nnder fan Hamilton, No Change lb* t aether ail'. la Road la Ilia Re- Ataootatad Proa* aayla* la rUw g drevr the enemy off the korjw In the Negotiations. •tap* bln by lb* l)*«ri ■Mto* n»n n,lw-b rhood ef the vreterwotka without lag tbs A naan laa maaaaemo. Iba etoka* ia oascaltlrs on onr tide. ales af Kraal Britain, Fraer*. Aaatri* Slugkbr Philippine tirfH 1AL TO TUB rBBBBeJ “The lllgb lend brigade marohrd taly and Uaraaaay bat* aabad lb*If g*r- WaetlagSoa. April »-The defeat of tweaty-fonr miles yesterday to eopport M*»r rrniaeat* la fa<tra*l Mas aa la Goes Oo. eabater guay la Ida Senate, although Ueoeral Uemllton and halted for the a ala Bara ad Mat aa ex- Re- alia liar rial m II la bp ably aaa rata, la aoverlbotoa* Lord Roberts Chances of Catching night at Kilo Kraal, four miles ehort of Claims For Still fifing aa Indjjuaity be umiab gor*rnm*at baa aa* yad eaadlbg great dalsat altar aa ox reading Hannas i'cet. la In- • Fr»ssed. aaarad la anibaeaadar'e lagaaM renal light. Tbs leader* at Iba reform “Brabant and Hart are still a few •uoetloaa and aealaaplaia ladlrldaal element la Poaaaylranla dec I era that It Boers Is Slender. miles ehoit of Wepecer and tbe numbers aetlaa. WblB Ma aiUMda af Ha Baja* Is aaetbsr mile atone on the rare rand treating of tbe to hart somewhat enemy appear ly'a gorarnnrat a aa* af ragiet Ibal Iba •blab to to toad la tba ultimata retire Increased during tbe last few days lilt Untleb oInline baa* eon* M tale Mage II nasal af tba grant boas from polllloa. It It la net l’kely there will bemueh trouble The Insurgents Burning In tbe neighborhood of onoa wlU co-op*rate la nay plan dulded apaa to tna Iba* Hr. guay attll eoatrola tba Wepeoor Be Wet's doro la ocoopted our Reason To Hope li la BO* * by troops. Every by tb* alba poweri eeaarand, Towns. Kapnbttaaa maablas la Pennsylvania. hollered at tb* IlrlMab foretga oBa. Big Ma oeatrolled Iba ooaroollon wblab met Success. % MAY BE DISAPPOINTED. For bowerer, Mat joibt aetla* will lab* lb* at Mmrtabarg ysstardoy to alaot daUgalaa Itoern Not Looking For Be* form of aa ulllaaalam a re*all M any to tba National aoarontlon. and ha atlll Was Evacuated By Fighting thing ezoept lb* raaawal ol aaelaa pro baa a pewecfol fallowing, lint tba anti- Wepener fore End of IQaj. toatalloas to Mo TarhlM goreenmoat gang Mapnbltaar* bars nil tbs It ma been London, April 20.—The Ilally Met! Should tb* oontloeatal power* a#r»* oa mating a light. Tbay have not Them baa the from Lonrenio Shows No powerful Yesterday. fc’lowtng Barques Lord Snlisbury Dispo- tnaletlag that they be treated aa lb* earn* attempted Is oast Mr grey from bla oon- dated A pill 26: wtU litim ftrveN n liver In. bail* aa M* United Stela May Fifty tral af tba atata aaahlaa.but bara steadi- “A daring attempt to destroy tbe sition to Dip follower la only bar* a lake-warm ly tenetsMetad Ibatr *lf >rta ta harp aim bridge at Kometlport Hunday nlgbt was datna Met. Ureal Britain. Lord Sallabary oat af tan Ualtad Mates Senate They frustrated by Kaftlre, who gave tbe alorm no farteor oomplloatloat at praaat. prersamd ala alaoilon at Iba laat nation f and frightened tbe Boer*. SULXAN THINKS IX UVKK. af tba legislature, and whan UoTsrnor “The Boera have lined all tha bills In Uliana tbay naad nil tba the an Washington. April 26.—In answer to London, April »».—Tb* |Conotenllaa- appointed him, to First Pressure vlelnlty with rlllcmen, fearing tbe today, eSerta tbay onold to prtvml tba Senate Federals Yielded attack British by many mqulrlee on snbjeet ple oorttspoident of the Dally lelo- by troops advanoing announced that from Sreiiag him Hut tb«lr flgbl did some raya ertoua route. atate department otUolaia grapb, uyai In tbe atatua not atop bara. Tbay have for a long “Tha Irlab-Amerloan oblrfly there had been no ebange “Thl Pori* oo Holder* that It* e Bar to Gen- Bells Force Kills Advance. brigade, Una* baan at work organising Is the dls- of of the negotiation with Turkey relative rebuild tb* Amerlan itrneterw bnraal with- trlote wberala rapreaeatallve* lo Iba next to tba American mlaaionary olalma at tJarput will oloer lb* qnalloa. It 126 Bolomen. For Paaaaylvanla legislature art '-dug noml- in tbe laat twenty-four boure. dip- biaa tbla belief on newr that Kneel* ha note naled; and tbay deolnre that already there lomatic reasons, tbe text of the last intimated an Intention to oppoa nay Waitt and Bond’s tititea have been nominated 10 natl-gnay He- from Mr. Orleoom, the United attempt on Mo pat of lb* Ualted SI*la la dlMrtota tba I laat year cant charge at Constantinople, tranamlttlng to enforoe payment," publtanaa men. Tbay regard It beyond n the reply ef the Porte to bla presenta- geay BLACKSTONES. a are that guay oaa ba olootad on of Gen. french’s tion of thete mlaaionary rlaltna wlth- AUBURN MEX BISCHAKUKD. paaalbllilp 411 Depends Progi'M.s He Will Retaliate United Males senator whan tba laglola- oeld from publication. Hut tha ottlalala Drelarea Good be M Tobacco, tbe or- lu re meats nail el a tar Tbay iv are willing to atate that gear rally Mull** Final Act In tbe tatire W ar raeea. Cavalry llriffaslrs. that the ao- I'alewa Uurrilla t beaten, but eeacsde that ba may Like With gotlatlona are programing; tartly Wine, fmprof.s Age. Seaadal, In Iba Turklab In oon- have auealh raoagt legislature tlon of tbe govarnmeut We have the cream of ta faros tba a leal low of torn a compromise kept oedlng the right to rebuild the destroyed Urielal to Tit nut] wba would be our Kme Old Havana, mlaaionary arhools la eminently eatlefao- candidate, asoaptabto bought fcr e te bla wing of Iba part aa wall aa tha before the war, all 1 ory and that regarding the olalma Angoata, Apill kb —In July, HA, a refusing la VISI.I O IV/ 3111 I* are etlll other wing. l'ba tight agalsel guay ■ III ll/C. H money Indemnity, thoie being military board of Inquiry foand that *JI|^ll jfl for a Iba dlitrlota Ir.belog ill as aged Wo are now this with avery reason to hope K. L Sprague and Corporal £6—4 0) aa.-Ufflaw* legislative London, Sfl.—& a. m.—it Is now working I preared Sergrant Manila. April p. and ) April In of tbe ad- by Uarld Martin In Philadelphia, west nf De Wet's dorp, facing ttaa British, and if are ono SLcoeeaful oonolualon view Fred Handenoa of oompany C of Me Oat • ha ham arrtrad b.r»- rraaa Noma apparent that tba cbaaeea ot Lord Kob- I stock, yon of I Turkish ttoastarFlyaa la tba waited parly of tbe Cronje delayed occupying an Important ml.alcn of their legality by the regiment *f the blalno National butldi Uaaaraa, ptorlaoa of Month Caaartaar. aiti catching the ratteni ng liters In s 1 the few who do not smoke I State “Chris’- Magee, tba niworfnl po- hill which the British took at noon. At government. were guilty cf tbe Introduction ot Intox- hi lap datalla of a il«hl April 14, la net are vary slender. Ifca boera hare I lllackstone Cigars, try one, it I lltlooi factor at Pltuburg, la t'.lll against nine o'clock yesterday, rids brl lg com- icating liquor* Into I be armory of tb* ablati tn rillplaot warn hllM. lb. ararywhere n tired at ,tbe tint pressure of I is the best 10c on the I menced briskly. Tne British bad mad" Cigar oompany at Auburn eaatrary to M* Amerloaa cutpoote reported i U natives the Ur i ah adtanee, and tbs hope tbet I market. ■bln to to satin to (or »m traaobes and had thrown achanzes. th# Iowa nad poltUn (Jen. would be able Indnoe np never more amembIM uir*e mil** from Handle ti Were IIW. At elevsn o'olock tha Free Stats can- QUALITY COU.ATS. | also that tbe terra* of enlistment of the** U*n. boll seat thro* d*t*oOm*oU af tba tbara to remain at benvt's dorp, uotll BREAD Um fact whlah arena. to ban eontri- non and Max Ini gone opsrsd Ore and the in demand. We tfii men had expired before tb» oona- Uto regiment with two Matlms, who they bad bean foroed tb tight or to sur- but ad materially to Mr. quay '• defeat former constantly dropped shells into mission of tbe aot for wblob they were oarruioilsd tba Filipinos, tb* render, has teen disappointed.
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