Uif!Fqjqiboz!pg!Pvs!Mpse! Weekly Newsletter No.1962 Sunday, 5th January, 2014 11.00 am Sung Eucharist & Sermon. Celebrant & Preacher: Rev Stewart Lisk . Hymns: 79, 595, 596, Anthem: The Three Kings (Cornelius) , 77 . Setting: Thomas Mass (David Thorne). 7.00 pm Choral Evensong. Introit: All this time (Walton) . Officiant: Rev Stewart Lisk. Psalms 98, 100 . Hymns: 74, Anthem: Arise, shine (Elvey) , 75 . Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis: Stainer in A. Readings: Isaiah 60, 1-9. John 2, 1-11 . In the world-wide Church we pray today for the Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand & Polynesia and Archbishop William Brown Turei and in the Ecumenical Prayer Cycle we pray for Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Oman, Yemen, Iran and Iraq . We pray for peace in the world , remembering the people of Afghanistan and Syria . In this diocese we pray for the Parish of Llandyfodwg & Cwmogwr and Rev Julian Jenkins . We pray for our Schools , especially Marlborough Road and St Teilo’s, for the teachers and pupils. We pray for the sick and those who care for them, especially Glyn Osman, Julie Romanelli, Beryl Powell and David Blyth . We pray for the repose of the souls of the departed, especially Mary Stark and Maisie Webb , whose anniversaries occur at this time. EVENING PRAYER will be said at St Edward’s on Monday and Tuesday at UIJT!XFFL! 6pm and Thursday at 7pm, and Morning Prayer on Saturday at 9am this week. Npoebz The Epiphany of Our Lord RECORDED MUSIC SOCIETY 7ui 6.00 pm Evening Prayer. will meet in the Schoolroom on Wednesday 6.00 pm Parish Surgery. Church House. 7.25-9.30pm for a talk entitled “ Centenaries in 2014”. Chris Ball highlights singers who Uvftebz!8ui 6.00 pm Evening Prayer. celebrate centenaries this year, such as Xfeoftebz 10.15 am HOLY EUCHARIST . Followed by coffee. Eleanor Steber and Boris Christoff. Non- 9ui 7.00 pm South Clarinet Choir rehearsal. members welcome (entrance £2). 7.25 pm Cardiff Recorded Music Society. Schoolroom. ALADDIN by St Peter’s Players at St Peter’s Hall, 8-11 7.00 pm Evening Prayer. Uivstebz Jan at 7pm. Tickets £7.50 (conc. £5). (07779-088623 :ui 7.30 pm Choir Practice. or admin@stpeters players.com Gsjebz!21ui 1.15 pm Free Organ Concert: Anthony Gritten. St John’s (town). NO TUESDAY 7PM HOLY EUCHARIST at St Tbuvsebz!22ui 9.00 am Morning Prayer. Anne’s during December, January or February. Ofyu!Tvoebz is the First Sunday of Epiphany (the Baptism of Christ) . The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in St Edward’s at 11am and Choral Evensong will be sung at 7pm. Eucharist readings: Isaiah 42: 1-9; Acts 10: 34-43; Matthew 3: 13-17. CHRISTMAS SERMONS . The Pope, the , and other church leaders took the opportunity of the celebration of Christmas to pledge support for Christian communities in the Middle East. On Christmas Day itself, Iraq experienced one of the worst atrocities aimed at the country's Christian minority, when at least 34 people were killed in bombings in Baghdad. Many thousands of Syrian Christians, meanwhile, are among the millions of civilians displaced by the war in their country. In his Christmas Day sermon in Canterbury Cathedral, Archbishop Welby said that, while Christians were singing about Bethlehem, “we see injustices in Palestine and Israel, where land is taken or rockets are fired, and the innocent suffer. We see injustice in the ever more seriously threatened Christian communities of the Middle East. The Prince of Wales highlighted their plight last week.” ROATH COMMUNITY CHORUS rehearse on Saturdays, 10am-12pm at Minster Christian Centre, under the musical direction of Ben Pinnow (well known to us at St Edward’s through Opera Mint). They welcome beginners as well as experienced singers, ladies and gentlemen. No audition required: £30 per term. Their next term starts on Saturday this week. For further details call Bill (07722-131312. DISCUSSION GROUP meets next Sunday at 7.45pm in Room 2 at Roath Church House when the topic is The Psalms. New members very welcome. Informal discussion over coffee and tea and we finish about 9pm. Further information from Gill Day (20-495496. http://StEdward.roath.org.uk Facebook: StEdwardRoath Twitter: @StEdwardsRoath [email protected] THE SEASON OF EPIPHANY celebrates the visit of the PARISH KNITTING & CROCHET GROUP meets on magi, understood as the manifestation of Christ to the Mon 27 Jan, 7.30-9.30pm in Room 2, Roath Church Gentiles. We then move on to Christ’s baptism by John, House. New members very welcome – assistance given when the heavens were opened and a voice from to learners. Contact Gill Day (20-495496 or Ann James heaven declared Jesus to be God’s beloved Son. Next [email protected] for details. is the miracle of Cana in Galilee, where Jesus “first LLANGASTY DROP-IN DAY on Mon 20 Jan, 10am- manifested his glory”. The festal cycle ends with the 4pm with Eucharist at 12 noon. An opportunity to pause Feast of the Presentation (Candlemas), when the child for prayer and personal reflection – come for all or part who has been manifested to the magi at his birth is now of the day. Bring your own lunch. Coffee and tea recognized by Simeon and Anna, when he comes to be provided. No charge, but donations welcome. No need presented in the Temple according to the Law of Israel. to book. CRAFT STALL at the back of the church, in aid of Save MESSY CHURCH INTRODUCTORY SESSION . Lesley the Children Syria Appeal. Cox, South Wales Messy Church Regional Coordinator FLOWER ROTA is posted in the porch. If you would like invites you to join her at an introductory evening at Christ to provide (or pay for) flowers to decorate the church for Church Radyr Church Hall, Heol Isaf, Radyr CF15 8EW a particular week, please put your name and phone on Wed 22 Jan at 7pm. Book with Briony Davies at the number on the rota. Diocesan Office [email protected] (01656-868868. COFFEE . Please join us in the vestry after the Service this morning for a cup of coffee and a chat, and the 100 OPEN MEETING concerning the provisions made for Club draw. the Canon to enable women to be consecrated as bishops, 7.30pm on Wed 22 Jan at St Catherine’s CHRISTMAS RAFFLE raised £156 for church funds. Church Hall, Pontypridd. All welcome. There is a list of winners on the noticeboard in the porch. Many thanks to Jane Colley for selling tickets and to FAURÉ’S REQUIEM by BBC National Chorus of Wales everyone who bought them – well done! at St David’s Hall on Fri 24 Jan at 7.30pm. £10-£29 (discounts available). THE SCAFFOLDING that has been erected against the west vestry wall is for emergency work that is being COFFEE CONCERTS . The fifth concert in the series is undertaken to stop a major leak in the roof near the bell. by Nicola Harris (Soprano) & Jayne Thomas (Piano) on Water has been pouring in near the safe in the vestry, Sat 25 Jan at 11am. and above in the upstairs vestry. Some temporary LLANDAFF CATHEDRAL CHORAL SOCIETY present repairs have already been done, and appear to have Handel’s Messiah at the Cathedral on Sat 22 Feb at been effective in stopping the leak. The scaffolding will 7.30pm. Also a 40-minute “Family Messiah” at 3pm on remain in place for a few weeks. the same day. ANTHEMS . The anthem at the Eucharist is “The Three FOR YOUR DIARY . Kings” by Peter Cornelius (1824-1874). The Introit at 15 Jan. 7.30pm. Cytûn Meeting. Vestry. Evensong is “All this time” by Sir William Turner Walton 25 Jan. 11am. Coffee Concert: Nicola Harris (Soprano). (1902-1983) and the anthem is “Arise, shine, for thy light 27 Jan. 7.30pm. Knitting & Crochet Group. is come” by Sir George Job Elvey (1816–1893). Coffee Concert dates : 25 Jan, 22 Feb, 22 Mar, 26 Apr, CHORAL EVENSONG at the Cathedral, 3.30pm today: 17 May, 21 Jun, 19 Jul. Gibbons Short Service. Anthem: From the rising of the MUSIC DIARY . sun (Ouseley). Visiting Choir: Lisvane Parish Church. 24 Jan 7.30pm. Fauré’s Requiem. St David’s Hall. FREE LUNCHTIME HALF-HOUR ORGAN CONCERT CARDIFF POLYPHONIC CHOIR present Bach's Mass by Anthony Gritten (Royal Academy of Music) at 1.15pm in B minor at Llandaff Cathedral on Sat 17 May. Tickets on Friday at St John’s. Retiring collection. go on sale in mid January – book early to ensure the LADIES CIRCLE MEETING on Tue 14 Jan: the AGM best seats. You will be able to book online at and Chinese Auction, which is usually good fun. New www.cardiffpolyphonic.org.uk members very welcome – further information from Gill MILE OF COINS . All donations to the Mile of Coins Day (20-495496. should be returned as soon as possible, please. CYTÛN MEETING in the vestry on Wed 15 Jan at WELCOME . We extend a warm welcome to all visitors 7.30pm. and newcomers. Please make yourself known to one of CHORAL EVENING PRAYER at St David’s Cathedral, the sidesmen if you are new with us. Charles St, to celebrate the Week of Prayer for Christian CONTACT NUMBERS . Unity on Sun 19 Jan at 3pm. All are welcome to come Rev Stewart Lisk: and join in the hymns, prayers and psalms. Tea and (20-487854 / 07794-157604. coffee will be available afterwards at “The Cornerstone”. Parish Office (20-484808, Details from Canon Peter Collins (20-231407. [email protected] ROATH AND BEYOND is the title of an exhibition of Please let the clergy know new work by Mary Traynor at Waterloo Gardens of any sick person or any person who is in hospital. Teahouse. Mon-Sat 8am-6pm. Sunday 9am-6pm. To receive the Parish Group e-newsletter send an email to [email protected]

Uif!Gjstu!Tvoebz!pg!Fqjqiboz;!uif!Cbqujtn!pg!Disjtu! Weekly Newsletter No.1963 Sunday, 12 th January, 2014 11.00 am Sung Eucharist & Sermon. Celebrant & Preacher: Canon John Woodward . Hymns: 296, 81, 80, Anthem: I will sing with the spirit (Rutter) , 220 . Setting: Thomas Mass (David Thorne). 7.00 pm Choral Evensong. Introit: Deep River (Jonathan Hellyer Jones) . Officiant: Rev Stewart Lisk. Psalms 46, 47 . Hymns: 329, Anthem: Let all the angels of God (Handel) , 219 (omit *) . Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis: A Somervell in F. Readings: Joshua 3, 1-8 & 14-17 . Hebrews 1, 1-12 . In the world-wide Church we pray today for the Anglican Church of Australia and Archbishop Phillip John Aspinall , and in the Ecumenical Prayer Cycle we pray for Cyprus, Greece and Turkey . On this Sunday we pray for the 38 worldwide provinces, all of which are in communion with the See of Canterbury. We pray for peace in the world , remembering the people of Afghanistan and Syria . We pray for the Archbishop of Canterbury and Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew of the Orthodox Christian Church, as they meet in Istanbul this week. We pray for all who are suffering as a result of the storms and flooding , especially the old and infirm. In this diocese we pray for the Parish of Newcastle and Rev David Lloyd . We pray for our Council of Churches (Cytûn) , those who work locally to promote Christian Unity, and those who work at a national and international level. We pray for the sick and those who care for them, especially Glyn Osman, Julie Romanelli, Beryl Powell, David Blyth and Marie Schauerman (who is undergoing surgery this week). We pray for the repose of the souls of the departed, especially Rita Walters, Elsie Victoria Mayer and Joan Elliot , whose anniversaries occur at this time. EVENING PRAYER will be said at St Edward’s on Monday and Tuesday at UIJT!XFFL! 6pm and Thursday at 7pm, and Morning Prayer on Saturday at 9am this week. Npoebz 6.00 pm Evening Prayer. PARISH OFFICE is closed on 24ui 6.00 pm Parish Surgery. Roath Church House. Thursday and Friday this week. 7.00 pm St Edward’s Orchestra Practice. LADIES CIRCLE MEETING on Tuesday : the 7.30 pm St Margaret’s Committee. Church House. AGM and Chinese Auction, which is usually good fun. New members very welcome – furth er 6.00 pm Evening Prayer. Uvftebz information from Gill Day (20-495496. Thank 25ui 7.30 pm Ladies Circle AGM. Roath Church House. you to everyone who came to or supported the Coffee Morning last week, we raised £323 for 10.15 am HOLY EUCHARIST . Followed by coffee. Xfeoftebz our new charity the Touch Trust. 26ui 11.00 am St Edward’s String Orchestra Practice. 7.25 pm Cardiff Recorded Music Society. Schoolroom. ST EDWARD’S ORCHESTRAS 7.30 pm Cytûn Meeting. Vestry. restart this week. COMPLINE will be sung at St Edward’s on Thursday of this week Uivstebz 7.00 pm Evening Prayer. at 9pm. Compline is a 15-minute service of plainchant - the last of 27ui 7.30 pm Choir Practice. the monastic “hours”, sung by candlelight. 9.00 pm COMPLINE . NO TUESDAY 7PM HOLY EUCHARIST at St Anne’s Tbuvsebz 9.00 am Morning Prayer. during December, January or February. 29ui 9.30 am Pavane Rehearsal. Schoolroom. Ofyu!Tvoebz is the Second Sunday of Epiphany . The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in St Edward’s at 11am, St Edward’s Committee meets at 4pm in the vestry, and Choral Evensong will be sung at 7pm. Eucharist readings: Isaiah 49: 1-7; 1 Corinthians 1: 1-9; John 1: 29-42. DISCUSSION GROUP meets today at 7.45pm in Room 2 at Roath Church House when the topic is The Psalms. New members very welcome. Informal discussion over coffee and tea and we finish about 9pm. Further information from Gill Day (20-495496. CARDIFF RECORDED MUSIC SOCIETY will meet in the Schoolroom on Wednesday 7.25-9.30pm for a talk entitled “British Singers”. David Perkins focuses on performers from our own country, featuring choral operatic and solo items. Non-members welcome (entrance £2). CYTÛN MEETING in the vestry on Wednesday at 7.30pm. CHORAL EVENING PRAYER at St David’s Cathedral, Charles St, to celebrate the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity next Sunday at 3pm. All are welcome to come and join in the hymns, prayers and psalms. Tea and coffee will be available afterwards at “The Cornerstone”. Details from Canon Peter Collins (20-231407. http://StEdward.roath.org.uk Facebook: StEdwardRoath Twitter: @StEdwardsRoath [email protected] ARCHBISHOP will travel to Istanbul on MANY THANKS to all who gave so generously at the Monday for a two-day visit at the invitation of His All- Marlborough School Carol Services in St Margaret’s Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew. As raising £1188.06 for the Phillipines Typhoon Appeal. Archbishop of Constantinople and New Rome, St Margaret’s raised £410. There will be a concert for Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew occupies the First this appeal in St Edward’s in February or March. Throne of the Orthodox Christian Church. Archbishop SPONSORSHIP CALENDAR 2014 for floodlighting St Justin hopes that the visit will help to develop greater Margaret’s is now on St Margaret’s Notice Board in the fellowship between the two churches and contribute to Porch. You are invited to remember the anniversaries of the goal of Christian unity. loved ones, or occasions you would like to celebrate or ANTHEMS . The anthem at the Eucharist is “I will sing commemorate. The suggested amount is £3 per entry, with the spirit” by John Rutter (b.1945). The Introit at which sponsors the whole week. (More than one entry Evensong is the spiritual “Deep River” and the anthem is can be added in any one week). Many people have “Let all the angels of God worship him” by George admired the floodlighting of St Margaret’s Church – it Frideric Handel (1685-1759). has proved to be quite a landmark. Please help to keep this asset by sponsoring a week or two for only £3 per FLOWERS this week were given in memory of Betty week. The collection box can be found by the font or Murray. donations can be given directly to Chris Webb. NO CHORAL EVENSONG at the Cathedral today. CARDIFF POLYPHONIC CHOIR present Bach's Mass Congregational Evensong at 3.30pm. in B minor at Llandaff Cathedral on Sat 17 May. Tickets LLANGASTY DROP-IN DAY on Mon 20 Jan, 10am- go on sale in mid January – book early to ensure the 4pm with Eucharist at 12 noon. An opportunity to pause best seats. You will be able to book online at for prayer and personal reflection – come for all or part www.cardiffpolyphonic.org.uk of the day. Bring your own lunch. Coffee and tea FOR YOUR DIARY . provided. No charge, but donations welcome. No need 15 Jan. 7.30pm. Cytûn Meeting. Vestry. to book. 19 Jan. 4pm. St Edward’s Committee. Vestry. ROATH CHURCH HOUSE COMMITTEE meets at 20 Jan. 7.30pm. Roath Church House Committee. 7.30pm on Mon 20 Jan in Roath Church House. 21 Jan. 7.30pm. United Service. St Edward’s. 25 Jan. 11am. Coffee Concert: Nicola Harris (Soprano). UNITED SERVICE for the Week of Prayer for Christian 27 Jan. 7.30pm. Knitting & Crochet Group. Unity at St Edward’s on Tue 21 Jan at 7.30pm. The 3 Feb. 7pm. Parochial Church Council. Week of Prayer is 18-25 Jan. Coffee Concert dates : 25 Jan, 22 Feb, 22 Mar, 26 Apr, MESSY CHURCH INTRODUCTORY SESSION . Lesley 17 May, 21 Jun, 19 Jul. Cox, South Wales Messy Church Regional Coordinator invites you to join her at an introductory evening at Christ MUSIC DIARY . 24 Jan 7.30pm. Fauré’s Requiem. St David’s Hall. Church Radyr Church Hall, Heol Isaf, Radyr CF15 8EW 22 Feb 7.30pm. Handel’s Messiah. Llandaff Cathedral. on Wed 22 Jan at 7pm. Book with Briony Davies at the Diocesan Office [email protected] PLANNED GIVING . As prices increase, especially the (01656-868868. price of fuel for heating and lighting, the amount of money needed to maintain our churches inevitably goes OPEN MEETING concerning the provisions made for up. We need a reliable regular income to meet these the Canon to enable women to be consecrated as commitments. This is best provided by the envelope bishops, 7.30pm on Wed 22 Jan at St Catherine’s scheme (where people put their money in their Church Hall, Pontypridd. All welcome. envelopes even in weeks when they are not able to FAURÉ’S REQUIEM by BBC National Chorus of Wales attend the church, and bring them when they are next at St David’s Hall on Fri 24 Jan at 7.30pm. £10-£29 able to be present) or by monthly or annual standing (discounts available). orders or direct debits. If you are not already involved in COFFEE CONCERTS . The fifth concert in the series is the planned giving schemes, please consider taking by Nicola Harris (Soprano) & Jayne Thomas (Piano) on part. If you would like to join the envelope scheme, Sat 25 Jan at 11am. please speak to one of the sidespersons or our treasurer, Mr Geoffrey Smith. If you would like details of PARISH KNITTING & CROCHET GROUP meets on the standing order or direct debit scheme, please speak Mon 27 Jan, 7.30-9.30pm in Room 2, Roath Church to Alan Mayer. House. New members very welcome – assistance given to learners. Contact Gill Day (20-495496 or Ann James WELCOME . We extend a warm welcome to all visitors [email protected] for details. and newcomers. Please make yourself known to one of PAROCHIAL CHURCH COUNCIL meets at 7.30pm on the sidesmen if you are new with us. Mon 3 Feb in Roath Church House. CONTACT NUMBERS . LLANDAFF CATHEDRAL CHORAL SOCIETY present Rev Stewart Lisk: Handel’s Messiah at the Cathedral on Sat 22 Feb at (20-487854 / 07794-157604. 7.30pm. Also a 40-minute “Family Messiah” at 3pm on Parish Office (20-484808, the same day. [email protected] Please let the clergy know HUGGARD CENTRE collections at St Margaret’s over of any sick person or any person who is in hospital. Christmas raised £880 for this local charity. In particular To receive the Parish Group e-newsletter send an email the crib service raised £600. to [email protected]

Uif!Tfdpoe!Tvoebz!pg!Fqjqiboz! Weekly Newsletter No.1964 Sunday, 19th January, 2014 11.00 am Sung Eucharist & Sermon. Celebrant & Preacher: Rev Stewart Lisk . Hymns: I am a new creation, The Servant King, Anthem: Agnus Dei (Rutter) , 370 . Setting: Thomas Mass (David Thorne). 4.00 pm St Edward’s Committee. Vestry. 7.00 pm Choral Evensong. Introit: Purge me O Lord (Tallis) . Officiant: Rev Stewart Lisk. Psalm 96 . Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis: Harris in A minor. Hymns: God has spoken by his prophets, Anthem: Behold the Lamb of God (Handel) , 503 . Readings: Ezekiel 2,1 - 3,4 . Galatians 1, 11-24 . In the world-wide Church we pray today for the Church of Bangladesh , one of the United Churches, formed by a union of Anglicans with Christians of other traditions, and Moderator Paul Sarker , and in the Ecumenical Prayer Cycle we pray for Algeria, Libya, Morocco and Tunisia . We pray for peace in the world , remembering the people of Afghanistan and Syria . In this Week of Prayer for Christian Unity we pray for understanding and tolerance, not only among Christian denominations, but among all faiths. We pray for Mikaeel Kular , and all in Edinburgh who were involved in searching for him. We pray for all who are suffering as a result of the storms and flooding , especially the old and infirm. In this diocese we pray for the Parish of Cwmafan, Rev Elaine Jenkyns, Rev Stephen Jenkyns and Reader Susan Powell . We pray for the homeless in our city, and for all who work to help them, in the Paradise Run, Cardiff Action for Single Homeless, the Huggard Centre. We pray for the sick and those who care for them. We pray for the repose of the souls of the departed, especially Ronald Cox (Priest) and Rosamund Loder , whose anniversaries occur at this time. XFFL!PG!QSBZFS!GPS!DISJTUJBO!VOJUZ! Npoebz 10.00 am Drop-In Day. Llangasty Retreat House. EVENING PRAYER will be said at St Edward’s on 31ui 6.00 pm Evening Prayer. Monday and Tuesday at 6pm and Thursday at 7pm, 6.00 pm Parish Surgery. Roath Church House. and Morning Prayer on Saturday at 9am this week. 7.00 pm St Edward’s Orchestra Practice. PARISH OFFICE is closed on Monday this week. 7.30 pm Roath Church House Committee. LLANGASTY DROP-IN DAY on Monday, 10am-4pm Uvftebz 6.00 pm Evening Prayer. with Eucharist at 12 noon. An opportunity to pause for 32tu 7.30 pm CYTÛN UNITED SERVICE . St Edward’s. prayer and personal reflection – come for all or part of the day. Bring your own lunch. Coffee and tea Xfeoftebz 10.15 am HOLY EUCHARIST . Followed by coffee. provi ded. No charge, but donations welcome. No 33oe 7.00 pm South Wales Clarinet Choir rehearsal. need to book. 7.00 pm Messy Church Introduction Session. Christ Church Radyr. 7.25 pm Cardiff Recorded Music Society. Schoolroom. 7.30 pm Paradise Run. 7.30 pm Open Meeting: Canon enabling women bishops. St Catherine’s Church Hall, Pontypridd. Uivstebz 7.00 pm Evening Prayer. CARDIFF RECORDED MUSIC SOCIETY will meet in 34se 7.30 pm Choir Practice. the Schoolroom on Wednesday 7.25-9.30pm for a talk entitled “Children and Music”. Lynne Plummer Gsjebz!35ui 7.30 pm Fauré’s Requiem. St David’s Hall. investigates how children develop musically. Non- Tbuvsebz The Conversion of St Paul members welcome (entrance £2). 36ui 9.00 am Morning Prayer. 11.00 am Coffee Concert: Nicola Harris (Soprano) & Jayne Thomas (Piano). St Edward’s. 12.00 pm Pavane Rehearsal. Schoolroom. 2.00 pm Working party in church grounds and upstairs vestry. Ofyu!Tvoebz is the Third Sunday of Epiphany . The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in St Edward’s at 11am and Choral Evensong will be sung at 7pm. Eucharist readings: Isaiah 9: 1-4; 1 Corinthians 1: 10-18; Matthew 4: 12-23. CHORAL EVENING PRAYER at St David’s Cathedral, Charles St, to celebrate the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity today at 3pm. All are welcome to come and join in the hymns, prayers and psalms. Tea and coffee will be available afterwards at “The Cornerstone”. Details from Canon Peter Collins (20-231407. http://StEdward.roath.org.uk Facebook: StEdwardRoath Twitter: @StEdwardsRoath [email protected] UNITED SERVICE for the Week of Prayer for Christian COFFEE CONCERTS . The fifth concert in the series is Unity at St Edward’s on Tuesday at 7.30pm. The Week on Saturday at 11am, entitled “Come and Celebrate St of Prayer is 18-25 Jan. Dwynwen’s Day: Songs of love lost and found” by Nicola ANTHEMS . The anthem at the Eucharist is the setting Harris (Soprano) & Jayne Thomas (Piano). Music by of Agnus Dei from the Requiem by John Rutter (b.1945). Mozart, Rossini, Fauré and Novello. £2 inc coffee and The Introit at Evensong is “Purge me O Lord” by biscuits. 10% of the proceeds of this year’s Coffee Thomas Tallis (c.1505-1585) and the anthem is “Behold Concerts will go to Oldwell Day Centre, Penylan, for the Lamb of God” from the oratorio “Messiah” by George young and old people with Alzheimer’s. Frideric Handel (1685-1759). HAIYAN RECITAL SERIES comes to St Edward’s on 25 NEW YEAR IN VIENNA presented by Concert Feb. Launched last week at All Saints Church in Orchestra De Cymru today at 5pm at St Teilo’s Church, Orpington, the Series is raising money for victims of the Woodville Rd, in aid of Save the Children Philippines Haiyan Storm in the Philippines. Trumpeter Jonathan Typhoon Appeal. Tickets £10 (07888-720022. Clarke and the Haiyan Soloists have an exciting repertoire including Telemann, Honnegar and Vizzutti. ST EDWARD’S ORCHESTRA meets as usual on Their tour also includes Putney, Chesham and Bridgend. Monday at 7pm. St Edward’s String Orchestra is not Please put the date in your diary and support this event. meeting at present. WORKING PARTY to clear up, particularly in the church PARADISE RUN on Wednesday. We need loaves of grounds and upstairs vestry on Saturday, 2pm-4pm. If sandwiches of either sliced cheese (not grated), tuna, you can spare some time, please come and join us. ham or corned beef using white medium sliced bread Details from Kathie Mayer. and individually wrapped sandwiches. Also packets of crisps, biscuits or cakes, and toiletries. Items can be FOR YOUR DIARY . given to Kathie Mayer (20-495769 or left at Church 27 Jan. 7.30pm. Knitting & Crochet Group. House either at Wednesday lunchtime or in the evening 1 Feb. 7pm. 80s Disco. Roath Church House. just before we leave at 7.30pm. Further information or 3 Feb. 7pm. Parochial Church Council. offers of help please ring Chris Webb (20-455641. 25 Feb. 7.30pm. Philippines Charity Concert. MESSY CHURCH INTRODUCTORY SESSION . Lesley Cox, Coffee Concert dates : 25 Jan, 22 Feb, 22 Mar, 26 Apr, South Wales Messy Church Regional Coordinator invites you 17 May, 21 Jun, 19 Jul. to join her at an introductory evening at Christ Church Radyr Church Hall, Heol Isaf, Radyr CF15 8EW on Wednesday at MUSIC DIARY . 7pm. Book with Briony Davies at the Diocesan Office 29 Jan 1.05pm. Joshua Mills (tenor). Beulah URC Rhiwbina. [email protected] (01656-868868. 22 Feb 7.30pm. Handel’s Messiah. Llandaff Cathedral. 26 Feb 1.05pm. RWCMD Opera. Beulah URC Rhiwbina. OPEN MEETING concerning the provisions made for CONGRATULATIONS to Fran and Dan Dufell, on the the Canon to enable women to be consecrated as birth of a son, Isaac Ephraim Barton, last Monday. bishops, 7.30pm on Wednesday at St Catherine’s Church Hall, Pontypridd. All welcome. ELECTRICAL INSPECTION . All the electrical FAURÉ’S REQUIEM by BBC National Chorus of Wales equipment in church was inspected on Friday and passed as safe for use in a public building. at St David’s Hall on Friday at 7.30pm. £10-£29 (discounts available). NO TUESDAY 7PM HOLY EUCHARIST at St Anne’s PARISH KNITTING & CROCHET GROUP meets on during December, January or February. Mon 27 Jan, 7.30-9.30pm in Room 2, Roath Church SPONSORSHIP CALENDAR 2014 for floodlighting St House. New members very welcome – assistance given Margaret’s is now on St Margaret’s Notice Board in the to learners. Contact Gill Day (20-495496 or Ann James Porch. You are invited to remember the anniversaries of [email protected] for details. loved ones, or occasions you would like to celebrate or 80’S DISCO at Roath Church House, on Sat 1 Feb from commemorate. The suggested amount is £3 per entry, which sponsors the whole week. (More than one entry 7pm. Proceeds in aid of St Margaret’s Church and can be added in any one week). Many people have Roath Church House. Tickets £5 from Karen Lisk and admired the floodlighting of St Margaret’s Church – it Anna Mason. Any special musical requests please has proved to be quite a landmark. Please help to keep contact Karen on (0795-4244048. this asset by sponsoring a week or two for only £3 per CACEC COURSE : “Karl Barth and the Word of God” by week. The collection box can be found by the font or Stephen Wigley. 4 sessions on Mondays at 7pm, donations can be given directly to Chris Webb. starting 3 Feb. £30. WELCOME . We extend a warm welcome to all visitors PAROCHIAL CHURCH COUNCIL meets at 7.30pm on and newcomers. Please make yourself known to one of Mon 3 Feb in Roath Church House. the sidesmen if you are new with us. DISCUSSION GROUP meets on Sun 9 Feb at 7.45pm in CONTACT NUMBERS . Room 2 at Roath Church House when the topic is Taizé Rev Stewart Lisk: History and Music. New members very welcome. Informal discussion over coffee and tea and we finish about 9pm. (20-487854 / 07794-157604. Further information from Gill Day (20-495496. Parish Office (20-484808, [email protected] LLANDAFF CATHEDRAL SHOP . Could you spare a couple of hours once a month to help at the Llandaff Cathedral shop? Please let the clergy know Help is needed most Wed pm, some Fri pm, and one Sat pm of any sick person or any person who is in hospital. in the month, all sessions 2 till 4. You work with another To receive the Parish Group e-newsletter send an email helper & training is given. Contact Pam Barlow (20-652519. to [email protected]

Uif!Uijse!Tvoebz!pg!Fqjqiboz⌈!!!!!!!!!!! Fishers of Men Weekly Newsletter No.1965 Sunday, 26 th January, 2014 11.00 am Sung Eucharist & Sermon. Celebrant & Preacher: Rev Vernon Hodgson . Hymns: 184, In Christ Alone, 402, Anthem: Hide not thou thy face (Farrant) , We are marching . Setting: Thomas Mass (David Thorne). 7.00 pm Choral Evensong. Introit: Teach Me O Lord (Attwood) . Officiant: Rev Stewart Lisk. Psalm 33 . Hymns: 263, Anthem: O Sing Joyfully (Batten) , 78 . Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis: S.S.Wesley Chant Service in G. Readings: Ecclesiastes 3, 1-11 . 1 Peter 1, 3-12 . In the world-wide Church we pray today for Igreja Episcopal Anglicana do Brasil and Primate Francisco De Assis Da Silva and in the Ecumenical Prayer Cycle we pray for Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden . We pray for peace in the world , remembering the people of Afghanistan and Syria . On this World Leprosy Day we pray for all who suffer from the disease, all who care for them, the work of the Leprosy Mission, and researchers who seek the prevention and cure of the disease. On this Homeless Sunday we pray for the homeless in our city, and for all who work to help them, in the Paradise Run, Cardiff Action for Single Homeless, the Huggard Centre. In this diocese we pray for Neath Deanery and Area Dean Zoe King . We pray for the sick and those who care for them. We pray for the repose of the souls of the departed, especially Elizabeth Audrey Williams, Barbara Riddett, Frank Holmes and Betty Murray , whose anniversaries occur at this time. EVENING PRAYER will be said at St Edward’s on Monday and Tuesday at UIJT!XFFL! 6pm and Thursday at 7pm, and Morning Prayer on Saturday at 9am this week. Npoebz Holocaust Memorial Day PARISH OFFICE is closed on Monday this week. 38ui 6.00 pm Evening Prayer. NO TUESDAY 7PM HOLY EUCHARIST at St 6.00 pm Parish Surgery. Roath Church House. Anne’s during December, January or February. 7.00 pm St Edward’s Orchestra Practice. 7.30 pm Parish Knitting & Crochet Group. Roath Church House. 7.30 pm St Anne’s Committee. Parish Office. CARDIFF RECORDED MUSIC SOCIETY will meet in the Schoolroom on 39ui 6.00 pm Evening Prayer. Uvftebz! Wednesday 7.25-9.30pm. Non-members welcome (entrance £2). Xfeoftebz 10.15 am HOLY EUCHARIST . Followed by coffee. 3:ui 1.05 pm Lunchtime Concert: Joshua Mills (Tenor). Beulah Unitied Reformed Church, Rhiwbina. 7.25 pm Cardiff Recorded Music Society. Schoolroom. PARISH KNITTING & CROCHET GROUP meets on Monday, 7.30- Uivstebz 7.00 pm Evening Prayer. 9.30pm in Room 2, Roath Church House. New members very welcome 41ui 7.30 pm Choir Practice. – assistance given to learners. Contact Gill Day (20-495496 or Ann Tbuvsebz 9.00 am Morning Prayer. James [email protected] for details. 2tu!Gfc 10.30 am Archdeacon’s Inspection at St Edward’s. THE ARCHDEACON’S INSPECTION takes 1.00 pm Canton Chorus Rehearsal in Church. place in all three churches on Saturday 7.00 pm 80’s Disco. Roath Church House . (10.30am at St Edward’s). Ofyu!Tvoebz is Candlemas . The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in St Edward's at 11am, coffee will be served in the vestry after the Eucharist, and the 100 Club Draw will take place. Choral Evensong will be sung at 7pm. Eucharist readings: Malachi 3, 1-5; Hebrews 2, 14-18; Luke 2: 22-40. LUNCHTIME CONCERT at Beulah United Reformed Church, Rhiwbina, on Wed at 1.05pm. Joshua Mills (Tenor) and Jeffrey Howard (piano) perform Liszt’s Petrarch Sonnets and items by Quilter and Tosti. Tickets £5 on the door. 80’S DISCO at Roath Church House, on Saturday from 7pm. Proceeds in aid of St Margaret’s Church and Roath Church House. Tickets £5 from Karen Lisk and Anna Mason. Any special musical requests please contact Karen on (0795-4244048. CACEC COURSE : “Karl Barth and the Word of God” by Stephen Wigley. 4 sessions on Mondays at 7pm, starting 3 Feb. £30. PAROCHIAL CHURCH COUNCIL meets at 7.30pm on Mon 3 Feb in Roath Church House. COFFEE CONCERTS . Our thanks to Nicola Harris & Jayne Thomas for their excellent concert yesterday, much appreciated by an audience of 70 people. The sixth concert in the series is by ‘Fiata’ Wind & String Ensemble, on Sat 22 Feb at 11am. http://StEdward.roath.org.uk Facebook: StEdwardRoath Twitter: @StEdwardsRoath [email protected] HOLOCAUST MEMORIAL DAY . 27 Jan each year is ENVELOPE SCHEME . January is the time of year when when we remember, and pray for, the millions of people the new packs of envelopes are given out. So if you are who have been murdered or whose lives have been interested in joining now is a good time . Your giving changed beyond recognition during the Holocaust, Nazi can also be gift aided and that makes a significant Persecution and in subsequent genocides in Cambodia, difference to our income. Some people also give directly Rwanda, Bosnia, Darfur and now Syria. On this day we from their bank, via standing order or direct debit and we can honour the survivors of these regimes, learn the are able to provide you with details to set this up. lessons of the past and to realise that discrimination, Thank you for all your generosity. Please see Sue racism and hatred, if not checked, can lead to these Mansell for details and more information. atrocities. LENT QUIET DAY “Continuing the Journey” 10am-3pm CRAFT STALL at the back of the church, in aid of Save on Tue 18 March at St Illtyd’s Church, Llantwit Major. the Children Syria Appeal. Led by Rev Andrew Meynell. Places limited. Cost £5. [email protected] (01656 881960 FLOWERS this week were given in memory of Betty Murray. FOR YOUR DIARY . 27 Jan. 7.30pm. Knitting & Crochet Group. ANTHEMS . The anthem at the Eucharist is “Hide not 1 Feb. 7pm. 80s Disco. Roath Church House. Thou Thy face from us O Lord” by Richard Farrant 3 Feb. 7pm. Parochial Church Council. (d.1581). The Introit at Evensong is “Teach Me O Lord” 25 Feb. 7.30pm. Philippines Charity Concert. by Thomas Attwood (1765-1838) and the anthem is “O Coffee Concert dates : 22 Feb, 22 Mar, 26 Apr, 17 May, Sing Joyfully” by Adrian Batten (1591-1637?). 21 Jun, 19 Jul. CHRISTIAN AID FILM NIGHT with MUSIC DIARY . and Brecon on Wed 5 Feb, 6.45-9.15pm at St Michael’s 29 Jan 1.05pm. Joshua Mills (tenor). Beulah URC Rhiwbina. College. A free screening of the documentary UK Gold 22 Feb 7.30pm. Handel’s Messiah. Llandaff Cathedral. examining global tax evasion through the eyes of an 26 Feb 1.05pm. RWCMD Opera. Beulah URC Rhiwbina. East London vicar. Followed by a Q&A session with RAINBOW OF HOPE (who organize the Paradise Run) Bishop John Davies (in his role as Chair of the Welsh need a volunteer to work in their office in Broadway. The National Committee of Christian Aid) and Cathrin Daniel jobs include sending emails, writing letters and (Head of Wales for Christian Aid). Book online, linked answering phone calls for two hours once or twice a from llandaff.churchinwales.org.uk/ month. Hours to suit you. [email protected] HOW SAFE IS YOUR CHURCH? Health & Safety LLANDAFF CATHEDRAL SHOP . Could you spare a couple Awareness Training at Prebendal House, Llandaff of hours once a month to help at the Llandaff Cathedral shop? Cathedral on Thur 6 Feb. 10am-1pm: An Introduction to Help is needed most Wed pm, some Fri pm, and one Sat pm Health & Safety requirements for parishes – a practical in the month, all these sessions from 2 till 4. You would work session on how to carry out & write Risk Assessments. with another helper and training is given. Contact Pam Barlow 2pm-4pm: The role of a fire warden. Free of charge but (20-652519. booking is essential. You may book for either or both of OUR THANKS to everyone who joined the working party the sessions. Bring your own lunch. (01656-868861 yesterday afternoon, tidying the upstairs vestry, [email protected] cupboards and noticeboards, replacing the perspex on DISCUSSION GROUP meets on Sun 9 Feb at 7.45pm the outside noticeboard, disposing of rubble and in Room 2 at Roath Church House when the topic is unwanted materials etc. A job well done. Taizé History and Music. New members very welcome. SPONSORSHIP CALENDAR 2014 for floodlighting St Informal discussion over coffee and tea and we finish Margaret’s is now on St Margaret’s Notice Board in the Porch. about 9pm. Further information from Gill Day (20- You are invited to remember the anniversaries of loved ones, 495496. or occasions you would like to celebrate or commemorate. The suggested amount is £3 per entry, which sponsors the RESIDENTIAL RETREAT at Llangasty Retreat House. whole week. (More than one entry can be added in any one Feb 17-21: Rest, work and play. Time for refreshment week). Many people have admired the floodlighting of St and preparation. Stays from a single night available. £63 Margaret’s Church – it has proved to be quite a landmark. per 24hrs. Please help to keep this asset by sponsoring a week or two for only £3 per week. The collection box can be found by the LLANDAFF CATHEDRAL CHORAL SOCIETY present font or donations can be given directly to Chris Webb. Handel’s Messiah at the Cathedral on Sat 22 Feb at WELCOME . We extend a warm welcome to all visitors 7.30pm. Also a 40-minute “Family Messiah” at 3pm on the same day. and newcomers. Please make yourself known to one of the sidesmen if you are new with us. HAIYAN RECITAL SERIES comes to St Edward’s on 25 CONTACT NUMBERS . Feb. Launched last week at All Saints Church in Orpington, the Series is raising money for victims of the Rev Stewart Lisk: Haiyan Storm in the Philippines. Trumpeter Jonathan (20-487854 / 07794-157604. Clarke and the Haiyan Soloists have an exciting Parish Office (20-484808, repertoire including Telemann, Honnegar and Vizzutti. [email protected] Their tour also includes Putney, Chesham and Bridgend. Please let the clergy know Please put the date in your diary and give this event your of any sick person or any person who is in hospital. support. Tickets will be available shortly, £5. To receive the Parish Group e-newsletter send an email to [email protected]

!Uif!Qsftfoubujpo!pg!Disjtu!jo!uif!Ufnqmf;!Dboemfnbt! Weekly Newsletter No.1966 Sunday, 2nd February, 2014 11.00 am Sung Eucharist & Sermon. Celebrant & Preacher: Rev Stewart Lisk . Hymns: Light has dawned, 544, Like a candle flame, Anthem: Lift up your heads (Handel) , 371 . Setting: Thomas Mass (David Thorne). 7.00 pm Choral Evensong. Introit: Hail Gladdening Light (Stainer) . Officiant: Rev Stewart Lisk. Psalm 122, 123 . Hymns: 543, Anthem: When to the temple Mary went (Eccard) , 246 . Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis: Tallis Short Evening Service. Readings: Haggai 2, 1-9. John 2, 18-22 . In the world-wide Church we pray today for the Anglican Church of Burundi and Archbishop Bernard Ntahoturi and in the Ecumenical Prayer Cycle we pray for Ireland and the United Kingdom . We pray for peace in the world , remembering the people of Afghanistan and Syria . We pray for all who are suffering as a result of the storms and flooding , especially the old and infirm. We pray for Parliament , the Coalition Government and the opposition parties, and for the Welsh Assembly , the and the opposition parties there. In this diocese we pray for the Rectorial Benefice of Neath, Canon Stephen Ryan, Rev Lynda Newman, Sister Wendy Tayler and Reader Ken Reynolds and for Alderman Davies Primary School, Headteacher Colette Matchett , and her staff and pupils. We pray for our Churchwardens, Parochial Church Councillors and Committee Members . We pray for the sick and those who care for them, especially Glyn Osman, Julie Romanelli, Beryl Powell and David Blyth . We pray for the repose of the souls of the departed, especially Douglas Snelling, Edward Robert O'Donovan, Brian Shapcott, Olive Vincent Gatfield, Leslie James and Amelia Bessia Mills , whose anniversaries occur at this time. EVENING PRAYER will be said at St Edward’s on Monday at 6.15pm, Tue sday UIJT!XFFL! at 6pm and Thursday at 7pm, and Morning Prayer on Saturday at 9am this week. Npoebz 6.00 pm Parish Surgery. Roath Church House. CACEC COURSE : “Karl Barth and the Word of God” by Stephen Wigley. 4 sessions on Mondays 4se 6.15 pm Evening Prayer. at 7pm, starting tomorrow. £30. 7.00 pm St Edward’s Orchestra Practice. 7.30 pm Parochial Church Council . Roath Church House. PARISH OFFICE is closed on Wednesday this week. Uvftebz!5ui 6.00 pm Evening Prayer. THANK YOU to all who sup ported the Xfeoftebz 10.15 am HOLY EUCHARIST . Followed by coffee. 80’s disco night. A big thank you to Anna 6ui 6.45 pm Christian Aid Film Night. St Michael’s College. and Karen for organising it. 7.25 pm Cardiff Recorded Music Society. Schoolroom. CARDIFF RECORDED MUSIC SOCIETY Uivstebz 10.00 am How Safe Is Your Church? Prebendal House. will meet in the Schoolroom on Wednesday 7.25-9.30pm for a talk entitled “ Edward 7ui 7.00 pm Evening Prayer. 7.30 pm Choir Practice. Elgar”. Geraint Lewis explores the life of a composer who is something of an enigma. Tbuvsebz 9.00 am Morning Prayer. Non-members welcome (entrance £2). 9ui 9.30 am Pavane Rehearsal. Schoolroom. 7.30 pm LAVISH Cardiff. Church of the Resurrection, St Mellons. Ofyu!Tvoebz is the Fourth Sunday Before Lent . The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in St Edward’s at 11am and Choral Evensong will be sung at 7pm. Eucharist readings: Isaiah 58, 1-12; 1 Corinthians 2, 1-16; Matthew 5: 13-20. CHRISTIAN AID FILM NIGHT with Bishop of Swansea and Brecon on Wednesday, 6.45-9.15pm at St Michael’s College. A free screening of the documentary UK Gold examining global tax evasion through the eyes of an East London vicar. Followed by a Q&A session with Bishop John Davies (in his role as Chair of the Welsh National Committee of Christian Aid) and Cathrin Daniel (Head of Wales for Christian Aid). Book online, linked from llandaff.churchinwales.org.uk/ HOW SAFE IS YOUR CHURCH? Health & Safety Awareness Training at Prebendal House, Llandaff Cathedral on Thursday. 10am-1pm: An Introduction to Health & Safety requirements for parishes – a practical session on how to carry out & write Risk Assessments. 2pm-4pm: The role of a fire warden. Free of charge but booking is essential. You may book for either or both of the sessions. Bring your own lunch. (01656-868861 [email protected] LAVISH CARDIFF meet at the Church of the Resurrection, Crickhowell Rd, St Mellons on Saturday at 7.30pm, when the speaker will be Martine Lewis, who started Lavish in both Neath and Pontypridd. A series of free non- denominational events for women to have a safe space to share their stories. http://StEdward.roath.org.uk Facebook: StEdwardRoath Twitter: @StEdwardsRoath [email protected] CANDLEMAS . Today, 2 Feb, we celebrate the Festival HAIYAN RECITAL SERIES comes to St Edward’s on 25 of Candlemas, also known as the Presentation of Christ Feb. Launched at All Saints Church in Orpington, the in the Temple or the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Series is raising money for victims of the Haiyan Storm Mary. It brings to an end the 40-day season of in the Philippines (through British Red Cross). Christmas/Epiphany (marked in our own church by Programme includes Solo Trumpet: Trumpet Concerto dressing the altar in white – after Evensong today we will in D (Telemann), Legende (Enesco), Jazz Trio: It’s here revert to the green altar frontal). The name Candlemas somewhere/I’ve Got Rhythm (Willey/Gershwin), Another recalls the tradition of blessing beeswax candles on 2 Chew/There will never be another you (Willey/Gordon), Feb for use throughout the year. Brass Quintet: Marriage of Figaro (Mozart), Brass COFFEE . Please join us in the vestry after the Service this Dectet: Three Brass Cats (Hazel), Symphonic Brass: morning for a cup of coffee & a chat, and the 100 Club draw. Music for the Royal Fireworks (Handel). Their tour also includes Putney, Chesham and Bridgend. Please put the ANTHEMS . The anthem at the Eucharist is “Lift up your heads, O ye gates” from the oratorio “Messiah” by George date in your diary and give this event your support. Frideric Handel (1685-1759). The Introit at Evensong is the Tickets are now available, £5. third century hymn “Hail gladdening Light” set to music by CONCERTS AT ST EDWARDS . Opera Mint on Sat 8 John Stainer (1840-1901) and the anthem is “When to the March at 7.30pm. St Edward’s Orchestra on Tue 11 temple Mary went” by Johannes Eccard (1553-1611). March at 7.30pm. St Edward’s Orchestra Soloists on Fri CHORAL EVENSONG at the Cathedral, 3.30pm today: 28 March at 7.30pm. Peter Fielding (clarinet) and Alison Archer’s Berkshire Service. Anthem: The Lord bless you Dite (piano) on Fri 11 Apr at 7.30pm. and keep you (Rutter). FOR YOUR DIARY . DISCUSSION GROUP meets next Sunday at 7.45pm in Room 17 Feb. 7.30pm. Knitting & Crochet Group. 2 at Roath Church House when the topic is Taizé History and 19 Feb. Paradise Run. Music. New members very welcome. Informal discussion over 22 Feb. 11am. Coffee Concert by “Fiata”. coffee and tea and we finish about 9pm. Further information from Gill Day (20-495496. 23 Feb. Fair Trade Sunday 25 Feb. 7.30pm. Philippines Charity Concert. LADIES CIRCLE meets on Tue 11 Feb at 7.15pm in 8 Mar. 7.30pm. Opera Mint Concert. Roath Church House. Our speaker this evening is from 11 Mar. 7.30pm. St Edward’s Orchestra Concert. our new charity “Touch Trust”, a chance to hear about 28 Mar. 7.30pm St Edward’s Orchestra Soloists Concert. what they do and how they help people with profound 11 Apr. 7.30pm. Recital: Alison Dite & Peter Fielding. and multiple disabilities. We do hope you will able to Coffee Concert dates : 22 Feb, 22 Mar, 26 Apr, 17 May, join us. Further enquiries contact Gill Day (20-495496. 21 Jun, 19 Jul. CACEC LECTURE on Thur 13 Feb at 7.30pm at City MUSIC DIARY . URC. “Seeking the Lost: Mission in the Light of God’s 22 Feb 7.30pm. Handel’s Messiah. Llandaff Cathedral. Absence” by Rev Dr Peter Cruchley-Jones, URC 26 Feb 1.05pm. RWCMD Opera. Beulah URC Rhiwbina. Minister in Rhiwbina. £5 (students £3) on the door. 1 Mar 7pm. Cardiff Male Choir. St Faith’s Church, Llanishen. LLANGASTY DROP-IN DAY on Mon 17 Feb, 10am-4pm with CHARLES MURRAY very much appreciated the Eucharist at 12 noon. An opportunity to pause for prayer and magnificent flower arrangements in church last Sunday personal reflection – come for all or part of the day. Bring your (given in memory of his wife) . own lunch. Coffee and tea provided. No charge, but donations welcome. No need to book. NO TUESDAY 7PM HOLY EUCHARIST at St Anne’s RESIDENTIAL RETREAT at Llangasty Retreat House. Feb during December, January or February. 17-21: Rest, work and play. Time for refreshment and ARCHDEACON’S INSPECTION took place Saturday. Thanks preparation. Stays from one night available. £63 per 24hrs. to everyone who helped gather the information and made sure PARISH KNITTING & CROCHET GROUP meets on the church looked nice. We now await the results. Mon 17 Feb, 7.30-9.30pm in Room 2, Roath Church ENVELOPE SCHEME . January is the time of year when House. New members very welcome – assistance given the new packs of envelopes are given out. So if you are to learners. Contact Gill Day (20-495496 or Ann James interested in joining now is a good time . Your giving [email protected] for details. can also be gift aided and that makes a significant SLEEPING BEAUTY PANTOMIME by Revelations (Llanishen difference to our income. Some people also give directly Baptist Church Youth Drama Group - a group of children aged from their bank, via standing order or direct debit and we 11+) at the YMCA Theatre, The Walk, 20-22 Feb (Thur/Fri are able to provide you with details to set this up. 7.15pm, Sat 3.15pm). Tickets £6 (20-753033. Thank you for all your generosity. Please see Sue COFFEE CONCERTS . The 6th concert in the series is Mansell for details and more information. by ‘Fiata’ Wind & String Ensemble, Sat 22 Feb at 11am. WELCOME . We extend a warm welcome to all visitors and LLANDAFF CATHEDRAL CHORAL SOCIETY present newcomers. Please make yourself known to one of the Handel’s Messiah at the Cathedral on Sat 22 Feb at 7.30pm. sidesmen if you are new with us. Also a 40-minute “Family Messiah” at 3pm on the same day. CONTACT NUMBERS . FAIR TRADE SUNDAY is 23 Feb. We will be having a Rev Stewart Lisk: (20-487854 / 07794-157604. small stall of Fair Trade goods at the back of the church. Parish Office (20-484808, If you have anything in particular you would like to buy, [email protected] [tea, coffee, decaff, sugar, toilet rolls, kitchen towel, Please let the clergy know Burkina Faso Bangles?] let Kathie Mayer know and she of any sick person or any person who is in hospital. will try and get it from the Fair Trade shop ‘Fair Do’s’ To receive the Parish Group e-newsletter send an email to when she gets the supplies. (20-495769. [email protected]

Uif!Gpvsui!Tvoebz!Cfgpsf!Mfou! Weekly Newsletter No.1967 Sunday, 9th February, 2014 11.00 am Sung Eucharist & Sermon. Celebrant & Preacher: Canon John Woodward . Hymns: Lord who in thy perfect wisdom, Cry Freedom, Anthems: Bread of the world (Walford Davies) , Give almes of thy goods (Tye) , Shine Jesus Shine . Setting: Thomas Mass (David Thorne). 7.00 pm Choral Evensong. Introit: A New Commandment (Shephard) . Officiant: Rev Stewart Lisk. Psalms 1, 3 & 4 . Hymns: 82, Anthem: I will lay me down in peace (Williams) , 33 . Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis: Stanford in B flat. Readings: Amos 2, 4-16 . Ephesians 4, 17-32 . In the world-wide Church we pray today for the Church of Canada and Primate Frederick Hiltz and in the Ecumenical Prayer Cycle we pray for Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands . We pray for peace in the world , remembering the people of Afghanistan and Syria . We pray for all who are suffering as a result of the storms and flooding , especially the old and infirm. In this diocese we pray for the Parish of Llanharry , awaiting the appointment of a Priest in Charge. We pray for Marja and Gareth who were married yesterday. We pray for the sick and those who care for them. We pray for the repose of the souls of the departed, especially Eleanor Jones , whose funeral was last Wednesday, also Dorothy M. Brothers , whose anniversary occurs at this time. EVENING PRAYER will be said at St Edward’s on Monday at 6.15pm, Tuesday at UIJT!XFFL! 6pm and Thursday at 7pm, and Morning Prayer on Saturday at 9am this week. Npoebz 4.00 pm Confirmation Class. Roath Church House. CONFIRMATION CLASS in Roath 21ui 6.00 pm Parish Surgery. Roath Church House. Church House on Monday, 4-5pm. 6.15 pm Evening Prayer. PARISH OFFICE is closed on Monday this week. 7.00 pm St Edward’s Orchestra Practice. LADIES CIRCLE meets on Tuesday at 7.15 pm Uvftebz 6.00 pm Evening Prayer. in Roath Church House. Our speaker this 22ui 7.15 pm Ladies Circle. Roath Church House. evening is from our new charity “Touch Trust”, a chance to hear about what they do and how they Xfeoftebz 10.15 am HOLY EUCHARIST . Followed by coffee. help people with profound and multiple 23ui 7.00 pm South Wales Clarinet Choir rehearsal. disabilities. We do hope you will able to join us. 7.25 pm Cardiff Recorded Music Society. Schoolroom. Further enquiries contact Gill Day (20-495496. Uivstebz 7.00 pm Evening Prayer. CARDIFF RECORDED MUSIC SOCIETY will meet in the 24ui 7.30 pm Choir Practice. Schoolroom on Wednesday 7.25-9.30pm for a talk entitled 7.30 pm CACEC Lecture. City URC. “Vive La France!”. John Thomas surveys French music from the Baroque to the Romantic era. Non-members welcome Tbuvsebz!26ui 9.00 am Morning Prayer. (entrance £2). Ofyu! Tvoebz is the Third Sunday Before Lent (Septuagesima) . The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in St Edward’s at 11am and Choral Evensong will be sung at 7pm. Eucharist readings: Deuteronomy 30: 15-20; 1 Corinthians 3: 1-9; Matthew 5: 21-37. DISCUSSION GROUP meets today at 7.45pm in Room 2 at Roath Church House when the topic is Taizé History and Music. New members very welcome. Informal discussion over coffee and tea and we finish about 9pm. Further information from Gill Day (20-495496. CACEC LECTURE on Thursday at 7.30pm at City URC. “Seeking the Lost: Mission in the Light of God’s Absence” by Rev Dr Peter Cruchley-Jones, a minister at Beulah United Reformed Church, Rhiwbina, a mission theologian and one of the drafters of the World Council of Churches’ new statement on Mission Together Toward Life. £5 (students £3) on the door. SAINSBURYS ACTIVE KIDS VOUCHERS . Please save these for our Scout Groups – St Anne’s & St Margaret’s. They can be left in the envelope at the back of the church. The vouchers help to provide valuable equipment for the uniform groups. DEANERY CONFIRMATION is in St Margaret’s on Sun 23 March. The Celebrant and preacher will be the Most Reverend Dr Barry Morgan, and . Any young person in their final year of primary school, Year 6, aged 10 or over at the time of the Confirmation may be confirmed. There is no upper age limit!! Forms giving details of venue, times and dates are available in the churches now. Please contact the Vicar if you have any queries. http://StEdward.roath.org.uk Facebook: StEdwardRoath Twitter: @StEdwardsRoath [email protected] HAIYAN RECITAL TICKETS AVAILABLE from Kathie REMOVAL OF ST EDWARD’S BELL . In a recent Mayer today: £5 each. The concert is on Tue 25 Feb at inspection of the roof to find where the water was 7.30pm. A wide range of musical styles – something for coming in, the bell was found to be unsafe, and so will everyone. Three months after Typhoon Haiyan, the be brought down in the near future. It will be put into largest storm ever to hit land, devastated the storage away from the church until the housing and Philippines, in many places, more than half the homes bellcote can be rebuilt and made safe. consist of propped-up debris covered in blue tarpaulin MAD MARCH FAYRE in Roath Church House on Sat 8 roofs. The area around the city of Taclobanbore the full March, 10am-12pm. Hundreds of books, toys and bric- force of the 195-mph winds on 7 Nov. The storm surge a-brac will be on sale. As usual, we are looking for help brought raging waters up to one kilometre inland, and the night before and on the day. Please contact Anna powerful winds flattened buildings across the town and Mason or Pat Hyett if you can help in any way. We hope surrounding villages. More than 5000 people died in the that you can support this event. Tacloban area where 80,000 people are still living in the evacuation centres. Please give this event your support. CONCERTS AT ST EDWARDS . Opera Mint on Sat 8 March at 7.30pm. St Edward’s Orchestra on Tue 11 ANTHEMS . The anthem at the Eucharist is “Give almes March at 7.30pm. St Edward’s Orchestra Soloists on Fri of thy goods” by Christopher Tye (1500-1573). The 28 March at 7.30pm. Peter Fielding (clarinet) and Alison Introit at Evensong is “A new commandment I give unto Dite (piano) on Fri 11 Apr at 7.30pm. you” by Richard Shephard (b.1949) and the anthem is “I DISCUSSION GROUP LENT COURSE starts on Sun 9 March will lay me down in peace” by Charles Lee Williams at 7.45pm in Room 2, Roath Church House. New members (1853-1935, organist of Gloucester Cathedral and one of very welcome. Informal discussion over coffee and tea, and the conductors of the Three Choirs Festival). we finish about 9pm. This is the first of a five week Lent CHORAL EVENSONG at the Cathedral, 3.30pm today: discussion session. Details from Gill Day (20-495496. Batten’s Fourth Service. Anthem: Exultate Justi (Viadana). ST ANNE’S SKITTLES MATCH at the Crofts Pub, 7.30 PARISH KNITTING & CROCHET GROUP meets on for 8pm on Tue 11 March. Tickets £6.50 inc buffet, Mon 17 Feb, 7.30-9.30pm in Room 2, Roath Church available from Kathie Mayer today. House. New members very welcome – assistance given FOR YOUR DIARY . to learners. Contact Gill Day (20-495496 or Ann James 17 Feb. 7.30pm. Knitting & Crochet Group. [email protected] for details. 19 Feb. Paradise Run. SLEEPING BEAUTY PANTOMIME by Revelations (Llanishen 22 Feb. 11am. Coffee Concert by “Fiata”. Baptist Church Youth Drama Group - a group of children aged 23 Feb. Fair Trade Sunday 11+) at the YMCA Theatre, The Walk, 20-22 Feb (Thur/Fri 25 Feb. 7.30pm. Philippines Charity Concert. 7.15pm, Sat 3.15pm). Tickets £6 (20-753033. 28 Feb. 6pm. Installation of Dean of Llandaff. COFFEE CONCERTS . The sixth concert in the series is by 8 Mar. 7.30pm. Opera Mint Concert. ‘Fiata’ Wind & String Ensemble, on Sat 22 Feb at 11am. 11 Mar. 7.30pm. St Edward’s Orchestra Concert. FAIR TRADE SUNDAY is 23 Feb. We will be having a 11 Mar. 7.30pm. St Anne’s Skittles Match. small stall of Fair Trade goods at the back of the church. 28 Mar. 7.30pm St Edward’s Orchestra Soloists Concert. If you have anything in particular you would like to buy, 11 Apr. 7.30pm. Recital: Alison Dite & Peter Fielding. [tea, coffee, decaff, sugar, toilet rolls, kitchen towel, 26 Apr. St Anne’s Orchestra Concert. Burkina Faso Bangles?] let Kathie Mayer know and she Coffee Concert dates : 22 Feb, 22 Mar, 26 Apr, 17 May, will try and get it from the Fair Trade shop ‘Fair Do’s’ 21 Jun, 19 Jul. when she gets the supplies. (20-495769. MUSIC DIARY . 22 Feb 7.30pm. Handel’s Messiah. Llandaff Cathedral. THE NEW DEAN FOR LLANDAFF CATHEDRAL will 26 Feb 1.05pm. RWCMD Opera. Beulah URC Rhiwbina. be Rev Gerwyn Capon, who currently serves as 1 Mar 3pm Organ Recital: Hugh Tregelles Williams. Cathedral Chaplain to the Archbishop of Wales. His installation will 1 Mar 7pm. Cardiff Male Choir. St Faith’s Church, Llanishen. take place at 6pm on Fri 28 Feb, enabling him to take up 1 Mar 7pm. Cwmbach Choir. St Andrew’s URC. his role before Lent. ENVELOPE SCHEME . This is the time of year when the CELEBRATORY ORGAN RECITAL for the completion new packs of envelopes are given out. So if you are of the organ, by Hugh Tregelles Williams at Llandaff interested in joining now is a good time . Your giving Cathedral on St David’s Day at 3pm. Free admission by can also be gift aided and that makes a significant ticket only (apply with SAE to Linda Quinn, The difference to our income. Some people also give directly Cathedral Office, Llandaff Cathedral, Cardiff CF5 2LA). from their bank, via standing order or direct debit and we Sponsored by The Colwinston Trust. are able to provide you with details to set this up. ST DAVID’S DAY CONCERT with Cwmbach Choir and Thank you for all your generosity. Please see Sue guests, at St Andrew’s URC on Sat 1 Mar at 7pm. Mansell for details and more information. Tickets £8 from Rev Des Kitto (07854-347370. CONTACT NUMBERS . Rev Stewart Lisk: LENT LUNCHES begin on Fri 7 March, 12-2pm. If you (20-487854 / 07794-157604. would like to host one of these please contact Gill Day Parish Office (20-484808, (20-495496 – all proceeds go to the Paradise Run. [email protected] Venues and hosts to be announced. Please let the clergy know WELCOME . We extend a warm welcome to all visitors of any sick person or any person who is in hospital. and newcomers. Please make yourself known to one of To receive the Parish Group e-newsletter send an email the sidesmen if you are new with us. to [email protected]

Uif!Uijse!Tvoebz!Cfgpsf!Mfou;!Tfquvbhftjnb! Weekly Newsletter No.1968 Sunday, 16 th February, 2014 11.00 am Sung Eucharist & Sermon. Celebrant & Preacher: Rev Stewart Lisk . Hymns: 174, 373, Purify my heart, Anthem: For the Beauty of the Earth (Rutter) , O happy day . Setting: Thomas Mass (David Thorne). 7.00 pm Choral Evensong. Introit: O come ye servants of the Lord (Tye) . Officiant: Rev Stewart Lisk. Psalms 7 & 13 . Hymns: 83, Anthem: Exsultate Justi (Viadana) , 260 . Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis: Tomkins Tone VI. Readings: Amos 3, 1-8. Ephesians 5, 1-17 . In the world-wide Church we pray today for the Province of Central Africa, and Archbishop Albert Chama and in the Ecumenical Prayer Cycle we pray for Portugal, Spain, Italy and Malta . We pray for peace in the world , remembering the people of Afghanistan and Syria . We pray for the people of South Sudan , as we observe the Day of Prayer called for by Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori. We pray for all who are suffering as a result of the storms and flooding , especially the old and infirm. On this Education Sunday we pray for our schools and universities, for those who teach, and for those who learn. We pray for Archbishop Vincent Nichols , leader of the Roman Catholic Church in England and Wales, who will be made a cardinal by the Pope at a consistory at the Vatican on Saturday. In this diocese we pray for the Archdeaconry of Morgannwg, and Archdeacon Christopher Smith . We pray for Rev Gerwyn Capon as he prepares for his installation as Dean of Llandaff. We pray for the homeless in our city, and for all who work to help them, in the Paradise Run, Cardiff Action for Single Homeless, the Huggard Centre. We pray for the sick and those who care for them. We pray for the repose of the souls of the departed, especially John Prankerd, whose funeral is at St Margaret’s on Thursday. EVENING PRAYER will be said at St Edward’s on Monday at 6.15pm, Tuesday at UIJT!XFFL! 6pm and Thursday at 7pm, and Morning Prayer on Saturday at 9am this week. Npoebz 10.00 am Drop-In Day. Llangasty Retreat House. PARISH KNITTING & CROCHET GROUP meets on 28ui 4.00 pm Confirmation Class. Roath Church House. Monday, 7.30-9.30pm in Room 2, Roath Church 6.00 pm Parish Surgery. Roath Church House. House. New members very welcome – assistance 6.15 pm Evening Prayer. given to learners. Contact Gill Day (20-495496 or 7.00 pm St Edward’s Orchestra Practice. Ann James [email protected] for details. 7.30 pm Parish Knitting & Crochet Group. Roath Church House. Uvftebz!29ui 6.00 pm Evening Prayer. PARISH OFFICE is closed on Friday this week. CARDIFF RECORDED MUSIC SOCIETY 10.15 am HOLY EUCHARIST . Followed by coffee. Xfeoftebz will meet in the Schoolroom on Wednesday 2:ui 7.25 pm Cardiff Recorded Music Society. Schoolroom. 7.25-9.30pm for a talk entitled “ Music 7.30 pm Paradise Run. Magazine, Vol.65 No.2”. A miscellany of Uivstebz 2.30 pm Funeral of John Prankerd. St Margaret’s. recorded music and comment on items of 31ui 7.00 pm Evening Prayer. special interest presented by editor Brian 7.00 pm Theology Public Lecture. Swansea University. Gardiner . Non-members welcome (£2). 7.30 pm Choir Practice. SLEEPING BEAUTY PANTOMIME by Revelations (Llanishen Baptist Church Tbuvsebz 9.00 am Morning Prayer. Youth Drama Group - a group of children 33oe 9.30 am Pavane Rehearsal. Schoolroom. aged 11+ ) at the YMCA Theatre, The 11.00 am Coffee Concert: Fiata Wind and String Ensemble . Walk, 20-22 Feb (Thur/Fri 7.15pm, Sat 3.00 pm “Family Messiah” (40 minutes). Llandaff Cathedral. 3.15pm). Tickets £6 (20-753033. 7.30 pm Handel’s Messiah (Llandaff Cathedral Choral Society). Llandaff Cathedral. Ofyu!Tvoebz is the Second Sunday Before Lent (Sexagesima) and is Fair Trade Sunday. The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in St Edward’s at 11am and Choral Evensong will be sung at 7pm. Eucharist readings: Genesis 1:1 – 2:3; Romans 8: 18-25; Matthew 6: 25-34. LLANGASTY DROP-IN DAY on Monday, 10am-4pm with Eucharist at 12 noon. An opportunity to pause for prayer and personal reflection – come for all or part of the day. Bring your own lunch. Coffee and tea provided. No charge, but donations welcome. No need to book. THEOLOGY PUBLIC LECTURE at Swansea University on Thursday at 7pm: “Inter-Faith Relations: Scriptural Reasoning” by Professor Mike Higton (Professor of Theology and Ministry at Durham University; Academic Co- Director of the Cambridge Inter-Faith Programme, Cambridge University). Entrance free. All welcome. http://StEdward.roath.org.uk Facebook: StEdwardRoath Twitter: @StEdwardsRoath [email protected] PARADISE RUN on Wednesday. We need loaves of COFFEE CONCERT by ‘Fiata’ Wind & String Ensemble, sandwiches of either sliced cheese (not grated), tuna, on Saturday at 11am, including works by Schubert, ham or corned beef using white medium sliced bread Tchaikovsky, Mozart, John Rutter, J.S Bach & Delibes. and individually wrapped sandwiches. Also packets of £2 inc coffee and biscuits. 10% of the proceeds of this crisps, biscuits or cakes, and toiletries. Items can be year’s Coffee Concerts will go to Oldwell Day Centre, given to Kathie Mayer (20-495769 or left at Church Penylan, for young and old people with Alzheimer’s. House either at Wednesday lunchtime or in the evening just before we leave at 7.30pm. Details/offers of help DISCUSSION GROUP LENT COURSE starts on Sun 9 please ring Chris Webb (20-455641. March at 7.45pm in Room 2, Roath Church House. New members very welcome. Informal discussion over coffee ANTHEMS . The anthem at the Eucharist is “For the and tea, and we finish about 9pm. This is the first of a beauty of the earth” by John Rutter (b.1945). The Introit five week Lent discussion session. Further information at Evensong is “O come ye servants of the Lord” by from Gill Day (20-495496. Christopher Tye (1500-1573) and the anthem is ST ANNE’S SKITTLES MATCH at the Crofts Pub, 7.30 “Exsultate Justi” by Ludovico da Viadana (1564-1645). for 8pm on Tue 11 March. Tickets £6.50 inc buffet, CHORAL EVENSONG at the Cathedral, 3.30pm today: available from Kathie Mayer today. Wood in D. Anthem: And I saw a new heaven (Bainton). DEANERY CONFIRMATION is in St Margaret’s on Sun LLANDAFF CATHEDRAL CHORAL SOCIETY present 23 March. The Celebrant and preacher will be the Most Handel’s Messiah at the Cathedral on Saturday at 7.30pm. Reverend Dr Barry Morgan, Archbishop of Wales and Also a 40-minute “Family Messiah” at 3pm on the same day. Bishop of Llandaff. Any young person in their final year FAIR TRADE SUNDAY is next Sunday. We will be of primary school, Year 6, aged 10 or over at the time of having a small stall of Fair Trade goods at the back of the Confirmation may be confirmed. There is no upper the church. If you have anything in particular you would age limit!! Forms giving details of venue, times and like to buy, [tea, coffee, decaff, sugar, toilet rolls, kitchen dates are available in the churches now. Please contact towel, Burkina Faso Bangles?] let Kathie Mayer know the Vicar if you have any queries. and she will try and get it from the Fair Trade shop ‘Fair FOR YOUR DIARY . Do’s’ when she gets the supplies. (20-495769. 23 Feb. Fair Trade Sunday HAIYAN RECITAL TICKETS AVAILABLE from Kathie 25 Feb. 7.30pm. Philippines Charity Concert. Mayer today: £5 each. The concert is on Tue 25 Feb at 28 Feb. 6pm. Installation of Dean of Llandaff. 7.30pm, raising money for victims of the Haiyan Storm in 8 Mar. 7.30pm. Opera Mint Concert. the Philippines (through British Red Cross). A wide 11 Mar. 7.30pm. St Edward’s Orchestra Concert. range of musical styles – something for everyone. 11 Mar. 7.30pm. St Anne’s Skittles Match. Please give this event your support. 19 Mar. Paradise Run. FAIR TRADE CARDIFF event at on 22 Mar. Coffee Concert: Alison Dite (solo piano). Wed 26 Feb, 5pm-8pm. Drop in and meet some cocoa 22 Mar. Circle Dancing. St Michael’s, Gelligaer St. farmers, taste fair trade products, meet Martha Musonza 28 Mar. 7.30pm St Edward’s Orchestra Soloists Concert. Holman and hear up to date news from Zimbabwe. 11 Apr. 7.30pm. Recital: Alison Dite & Peter Fielding. Children’s activities, short films and talks. 26 Apr. St Anne’s Orchestra Concert. RADYR PARISH MUSIC GROUP presents Thoroughly Coffee Concert dates : 22 Feb, 22 Mar, 26 Apr, 17 May, Modern Millie, 26 Feb - 1 March, 7.30m at Bishop of 21 Jun, 19 Jul. Llandaff High School. Tickets £10 (conc. £8) 20-842995. MUSIC DIARY . COMPLINE BY CANDLELIGHT . Next service: 27 Feb. 26 Feb 1.05pm. RWCMD Opera. Beulah URC Rhiwbina. 26 Feb-1 Mar. Thoroughly Modern Millie. Bp of Llandaff HS. THE NEW DEAN FOR LLANDAFF CATHEDRAL will 1 Mar 3pm Organ Recital: Hugh Tregelles Williams. Cathedral be Rev Gerwyn Capon, who currently serves as 1 Mar 7pm. Cardiff Male Choir. St Faith’s Church, Llanishen. Chaplain to the Archbishop of Wales. His installation will 1 Mar 7pm. Cwmbach Choir. St Andrew’s URC. take place at 6pm on Fri 28 Feb, enabling him to take up 11 Mar 1pm. Metropolitan Cathedral Choir. St David’s Hall. his role before Lent. SAINSBURYS ACTIVE KIDS VOUCHERS . Please save ST DAVID’S DAY CONCERT with Cwmbach Choir and these for our Scout Groups – St Anne’s & St Margaret’s. guests (conducted by Jayne Thomas), at St Andrew’s They can be left in the envelope at the back of the URC on Sat 1 Mar at 7pm. Tickets £8 from Rev Des church. The vouchers help to provide valuable Kitto (07854-347370. equipment for the uniform groups. CACEC COURSE on Bonhoeffer by Craig Gardiner. 4 WELCOME . We extend a warm welcome to all visitors sessions on Mondays at 7pm, starting 3 Mar. £30. and newcomers. Please make yourself known to one of the sidesmen if you are new with us. LENT LUNCHES begin on Fri 7 March, 12-2pm. If you would like to host one of these please contact Gill Day CONTACT NUMBERS . (20-495496 – all proceeds go to the Paradise Run. Rev Stewart Lisk: Venues and hosts to be announced. (20-487854 / 07794-157604. Parish Office (20-484808, MAD MARCH FAYRE in Roath Church House on Sat 8 [email protected] March, 10am-12pm. Hundreds of books, toys and bric- Please let the clergy know a-brac will be on sale. As usual, we are looking for help of any sick person or any person who is in hospital. the night before and on the day. Please contact Anna To receive the Parish Group e-newsletter send an email Mason or Pat Hyett if you can help in any way. We hope to [email protected] that you can support this event.

Uif!Tfdpoe!Tvoebz!Cfgpsf!Mfou;!Tfybhftjnb! Weekly Newsletter No.1969 Sunday, 23 rd February, 2014 11.00 am Sung Eucharist & Sermon. Celebrant & Preacher: Rev Vernon Hodgson . Hymns: 173(MP), 225, 9(MP), Anthem: In the beginning (Haydn) , 119(MP) . Setting: Agutter in G & Thomas Mass (David Thorne). 7.00 pm Choral Evensong. Introit: Hide me under the shadow or your wings (West) . Psalm 148 . Hymns: 170, Anthem: Sanctus (Karl Jenkins) , 74(MP) . Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis: Norman Doe. Readings: Proverbs 8, 1 & 22-31 . Revelation 4 . In the world-wide Church we pray today for Iglesia Anglicana de la Region Central de America, and Primate Armando Guerra Soria and in the Ecumenical Prayer Cycle we pray for Germany and France . We pray for peace in the world , remembering the people of Afghanistan and Syria . We pray for all who are suffering as a result of the storms and flooding , especially the old and infirm. We pray for those who are still suffering as a result of the Haiyan Storm in the Philippines . In this diocese we pray for the Parish of Troedyrhiw with Merthyr Vale, Rev Stephen Barnes and Reader Gwyneth Williams . We pray for Rev Philip Leyshon , who will be licensed as priest-in-charge of St Illtyd’s, Williamstown, in addition to his role as vicar of Tonypandy with Clydach Vale, today at 3.30pm, and for Rev Marja Henson-Flipse who will be licensed as Team Vicar in the Rectorial Benefice of Whitchurch, with special responsibility for Llandaff North on Tuesday, and for Rev Gerwyn Capon , who will be installed as Dean of Llandaff on Friday. We pray for the sick and those who care for them. We pray for the repose of the souls of the departed, especially Walter George Shepherd, Joan Riddett and Lilian Martin , whose anniversaries occur at this time. EVENING PRAYER will be said at St Edward’s on Monday at 6.15pm and UIJT!XFFL! Thursday at 7pm, and Morning Prayer on Saturday at 9am this week. Npoebz 6.15 pm Evening Prayer. PARISH OFFICE is closed on Monday this week. 35ui 7.00 pm St Edward’s Orchestra Practice. NO PARISH SURGERY OR CONFIRMATION Uvftebz!36ui 7.30 pm Haiyan Recital in aid of the Philippines . CLASS this Monday. Xfeoftebz 10.15 am HOLY EUCHARIST . Followed by coffee. FAIR TRADE CARDIFF event at Chapter Arts 37ui 1.05 pm Lunchtime Concert. Beulah URC, Rhiwbina. Centre on Wednesday, 5pm-8pm . Drop in and 5.00 pm Fair Trade Cardiff Event. Chaptre Arts Centre. meet some cocoa farmers, taste fair trade products, meet Martha Musonza Holman and 7.00 pm South Wales Clarinet Choir rehearsal. hear up to date news from Zimbabwe. 7.25 pm Cardiff Recorded Music Society. Schoolroom. Children’s activities, short films and talks. Uivstebz 7.00 pm Evening Prayer. COMPLINE will be sung by candlelight at St Edward’s on 38ui 7.30 pm Choir Practice. Thursday at 9pm. Compline is a 15-minute service of plainchant 9.00 pm COMPLINE . - the last of the monastic “hours” . Gsjebz!39ui 6.00 pm Installation of Rev Gerwyn Capon as Dean of Llandaff. Llandaff Cathedral. Tbuvsebz St David, Patron Saint of Wales THE NEW DEAN OF LLANDAFF Rev Gerwyn 3:ui 9.00 am Morning Prayer. Capon will be installed at 6pm on Friday. 10.45 am National St David’s Day Celebrations. St John’s. 3.00 pm Organ Recital: Hugh Tregelles Williams. Llandaff Cathedral. 7.00 pm Cwmbach Male Choir. St Andrew’s URC. 7.00 pm Cardiff Male Choir. St Faith’s Church, Llanishen. Ofyu!Tvoebz is the Sunday Before Lent (Quinquagesima) . The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in St Edward's at 11am, coffee will be served in the vestry after the Eucharist, and the 100 Club Draw will take place. Choral Evensong will be sung at 7pm. Eucharist readings: Exodus 24: 12-18; 2 Peter 1: 16-21; Matthew 17: 1-9. CARDIFF RECORDED MUSIC SOCIETY will meet in the Schoolroom on Wednesday 7.25-9.30pm for a talk entitled “Lebewohl!”. Rainer Lenk , assisted by Rowland Edwards, presents his farewell programme, thus bringing to an end a long and memorable association with the society. Non-members welcome (entrance £2). MEMBERS OF THE PARISH CHOIRS OF ROATH will help to lead the National St David’s Day Celebrations in St John’s on Saturday at 10.45pm. ST DAVID’S DAY CONCERT with Cwmbach Choir and guests (conducted by Jayne Thomas), at St Andrew’s URC on Saturday at 7pm. Tickets £8 from Rev Des Kitto (07854-347370. http://StEdward.roath.org.uk Facebook: StEdwardRoath Twitter: @StEdwardsRoath [email protected] FAIR TRADE SUNDAY . There is a small stall of Fair HAIYAN RECITAL TICKETS AVAILABLE from Kathie Trade goods at the back of the church today, marking Mayer today: £5 each. The concert is on Tuesday at Fair Trade Sunday, the start of Fair Trade Fortnight, 7.30pm, raising money for victims of the Haiyan Storm in when we are encouraged to choose products that have the Philippines (through British Red Cross). A wide been produced without people being exploited or being range of musical styles – something for everyone. made to work in dangerous or unprotected conditions. Programme includes Solo Trumpet: Trumpet Concerto By supporting Fair Trade, we have the chance to help in D (Telemann), Legende (Enesco), Jazz Trio: It’s here promote equality and justice in food production across somewhere/I’ve Got Rhythm (Willey/Gershwin), Another the globe. Look out for the Fair Trade mark when you Chew/There will never be another you (Willey/Gordon), shop, and do your bit for fairness. Brass Quintet: Marriage of Figaro (Mozart), Brass ANTHEMS . The anthem at the Eucharist is “In the Beginning” Dectet: Three Brass Cats (Hazel), Symphonic Brass: from the oratorio “Creation” by Josef Haydn (1732-1809). The Music for the Royal Fireworks (Handel). Go to St Introit at Evensong is “Hide me under the shadow of your Edward’s website and click through to a “taster” of wings” by John Ebenezer West (1863-1929) and the anthem Jonathan Clarke playing Telemann Concerto in D. is the setting of “Sanctus” from “The Armed Man: a Mass for Please give this event your support. Light refreshments Peace” by Karl Jenkins (b.1944). and a glass of wine afterwards. NO CHORAL EVENSONG at the Cathedral today. DISCUSSION GROUP LENT COURSE is on Sunday Congregational Evensong at 3.30pm. evenings in Roath Church House beginning on Sun 9 LUNCHTIME CONCERT at Beulah United Reformed March at 7.45pm. This year’s Lent Course is from the Church, Rhiwbina, on Wednesday at 1.05pm. Opera Churches Together in Britain and Ireland and is entitled students from RWCMD perform songs and arias from “Parables and Possessions”. The topic for the first week Mozart to Gershwin. Tickets £5 on the door. is “Temptation”. Do come along and join us for RADYR PARISH MUSIC GROUP presents Thoroughly discussion over tea or coffee. The course will run for five

Modern Millie, 26 Feb - 1 March, 7.30m at Bishop of Llandaff weeks, omitting 23 March (Confirmation). Further High School. Tickets £10 (conc. £8) (20-842995. information from Gill Day (20-495496. CELEBRATORY ORGAN RECITAL for the completion of the ST ANNE’S SKITTLES MATCH at the Crofts Pub, 7.30 organ, by Hugh Tregelles Williams at Llandaff Cathedral on St for 8pm on Tue 11 March. Tickets £6.50 inc buffet, David’s Day at 3pm. Free admission by ticket only (apply with available from Kathie Mayer today. SAE to Linda Quinn, The Cathedral Office, Llandaff Cathedral, Cardiff CF5 2LA). Sponsored by Colwinston Trust. COFFEE CONCERTS . Our thanks to Fiata for their th CARDIFF MALE CHOIR (Cor Meibion Caerdydd) give a excellent concert yesterday. The 7 concert in the series concert at St Faith’s Church, Morris Ave, Llanishen, on is by Alison Dite (solo piano) at 11am on Sat 22 March. Saturday at 7pm. Refreshments inc. Tickets £5 (20-759333. DEANERY CONFIRMATION is in St Margaret’s on Sun CACEC COURSE on Bonhoeffer by Craig Gardiner. 4 23 March. The Celebrant and preacher will be the Most sessions on Mondays at 7pm, starting 3 Mar. £30. Reverend Dr Barry Morgan, Archbishop of Wales and PARISH KNITTING & CROCHET GROUP meets on Bishop of Llandaff. Any young person in their final year Mon 3 March, 7.30-9.30pm in Room 2, Roath Church of primary school, Year 6, aged 10 or over at the time of House. New members very welcome – assistance given the Confirmation may be confirmed. There is no upper to learners. Contact Gill Day (20-495496 or Ann James age limit!! Forms giving details of venue, times and [email protected] for details. dates are available in the churches now. Please contact RESIDENTIAL RETREAT at Llangasty Retreat House. March the Vicar if you have any queries. 3-4: A Celtic Lent, a preparation for Lent and Easter, exploring FOR YOUR DIARY . some of our holiest Celtic Christian sites in words, pictures 8 Mar. 7.30pm. Opera Mint & Pavane Concert. and worship. Rev Peter Brooks. £80. 10 Mar. 7.30pm. St Edward’s Orchestra Concert. LENT LUNCHES begin on Fri 7 March, 12-2pm, at 11 Mar. 7.30pm. St Anne’s Skittles Match. Chris Webb’s, 87 Llanedeyrn Rd – soup, bread, cheese, 19 Mar. Paradise Run. fruit and tea or coffee and a warm welcome. If you would 22 Mar. Coffee Concert: Alison Dite (solo piano). like to host one of the lunches please contact Gill Day 22 Mar. Circle Dancing. St Michael’s, Gelligaer St. (20-495496 – all proceeds go to the Paradise Run. 11 Apr. 7.30pm. Recital: Alison Dite & Peter Fielding. Venues and hosts to be announced. 26 Apr. St Anne’s Orchestra Concert. MAD MARCH FAYRE in Roath Church House on Sat 8 Coffee Concert dates : 22 Feb, 22 Mar, 26 Apr, 17 May, March, 10am-12pm. Hundreds of books, toys and bric- 21 Jun, 19 Jul. a-brac will be on sale. As usual, we are looking for help WELCOME . We extend a warm welcome to all visitors the night before and on the day. Please contact Anna and newcomers. Please make yourself known to one of Mason or Pat Hyett if you can help in any way. We hope the sidesmen if you are new with us. that you can support this event. CONTACT NUMBERS . OPERA MINT & PAVANE CONCERT at St Edward’s on Rev Stewart Lisk: Sat 8 March at 7.30pm. (20-487854 / 07794-157604. CHANGE OF DATE . St Edward’s Orchestra Concert will Parish Office (20-484808, now take place on Mon 10 March at 7.30pm, avoiding [email protected] the clash with St Anne’s skittles evening. Please let the clergy know RECITAL by Peter Fielding (clarinet) and Alison Dite of any sick person or any person who is in hospital. (piano) on Fri 11 Apr at 7.30pm. To receive the Parish Group e-newsletter send an email to [email protected]

Uif!Tvoebz!Cfgpsf!Mfou;!Rvjorvbhftjnb! Weekly Newsletter No.1970 Sunday, 2nd March, 2014 11.00 am Sung Eucharist & Sermon. Celebrant & Preacher: Rev Stewart Lisk . Hymns: 372, 559, 416, Anthem: All things bright and beautiful (Rutter) , 368 . Setting: Agutter in G & Thomas Mass (David Thorne). 7.00 pm Choral Evensong. Introit: Lead me Lord (Wesley) . Officiant: Rev Stewart Lisk. Psalm 84 . Hymns: 371, Anthem: Ave Verum (Elgar) , 560 . Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis: Hylton Stewart. Readings: 2 Kings 2, 1-12 . Matthew 17, 9-23 . In the world-wide Church we pray today for the Province de L’Eglise Anglicane Du Congo and Archbishop Kahwa Henri Isingoma and in the Ecumenical Prayer Cycle we pray for Austria, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Andorra, Monaco and San Marino . We pray for peace in the world , remembering the people of Afghanistan and Syria . We pray for the people of Ukraine , on both sides of the political divide, for a just and peaceful solution to the problems that confront them. In Fair Trade Fortnight we pray for an end to exploitation and for equality and justice in food production across the globe. We pray for all who are suffering as a result of the storms and flooding , especially the old and infirm. In this diocese we pray for the Parish of Ystrad Mynach & Llanbradach and Canon Steven Kirk . We pray for the sick and those who care for them, especially Glyn Osman, Julie Romanelli, Beryl Powell and David Blyth . We pray for the repose of the souls of the departed, especially Phyl Riddett, Henry Bruce Grant and Dora June Hayman , whose anniversaries occur at this time. EVENING PRAYER will be said at St Edward’s on Monday at 6.15pm , Tuesday at UIJT!XFFL! 6pm and Thursday at 7pm, and Morning Prayer on Saturday at 9am this week. Npoebz 4.00 pm Confirmation Class. Roath Church House. CACEC COURSE on Bonhoeffer by Craig 4se 6.00 pm Parish Surgery. Roath Church House. Gardiner. 4 sessions on Mondays at 7pm, 6.15 pm Evening Prayer. starting this week. £30. URC, Windsor Place. 7.00 pm St Edward’s Orchestra Practice. 7.30 pm Parish Knitting & Crochet Group. Roath Church House. Uvftebz 6.00 pm Evening Prayer. PARISH KNITTING & CROCHET GROUP meets on Monday, 7.30- 9.30pm i n Room 2, Roath Church House. New members very 5ui 7.00 pm Holy Eucharist. St Anne’s. welcome – assistance given to learners. Contact Gill Day (20- Xfeoftebz Ash Wednesday 495496 or Ann James [email protected] for details. 6ui 10.15 am HOLY EUCHARIST & IMPOSITION OF ASHES . Followed by coffee. 5.00 pm Family Service. St Anne’s. PARISH OFFICE is closed on 7.25 pm Cardiff Recorded Music Society. Schoolroom. Friday this week. 7.30 pm Parish Sung Eucharist & Imposition of Ashes. St Margaret’s. Uivstebz 7.00 pm Evening Prayer. OUR THANKS to Gary for accompanying our Eucharist this morning, and to Caroline for 7ui 7.30 pm Choir Practice. accompanying Evensong while Norman is away. Gsjebz 12.00 pm Lent Lunch. 87 Llanedeyrn Rd. 8ui 2.00 pm Women’s World Day of Prayer Service. Llanishen Methodist Church. 7.00 pm Preparation for Mad March Fayre. Roath Church House. Tbuvsebz 9.00 am Morning Prayer. WOMEN’S WORLD DAY OF PRAYER Service at 9ui 9.30 am Pavane Rehearsal. Schoolroom. Llanishen Methodist Church on Friday at 2pm. 10.00 am Mad March Fayre . Roath Church House. 12.00 pm Ecumenical Celebration of Family Lift. St David’s Cathedral, Charles St. 7.30 pm Opera Mint & Pavane Concert. St Edward’s. Ofyu!Tvoebz is the First Sunday of Lent . The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in St Edward’s at 11am and Choral Evensong will be sung at 7pm. Eucharist readings: Genesis 2: 15-17; 3: 1-7; Romans 5: 12-19; Matthew 4: 1-11. DAY EVENT at Llangasty Retreat House on Wednesday: How do we pray? - What is prayer and why do we pray? The first of four days on prayer spread throughout the year, led by Bishop Anthony Priddis. £25, or book all four days (Wed 5 Mar, Mon 30 June, Mon 22 Sep & Mon 24 Nov) for £85. LENT LUNCHES begin on Friday, 12-2pm, at Chris Webb’s, 87 Llanedeyrn Rd – soup, bread, cheese, fruit and tea or coffee and a warm welcome. If you would like to host one of the lunches please contact Gill Day (20-495496 – all proceeds go to the Paradise Run. Venues and hosts to be announced. http://StEdward.roath.org.uk Facebook: StEdwardRoath Twitter: @StEdwardsRoath [email protected] ASH WEDNESDAY . The Imposition of Ashes will take MAD MARCH FAYRE in Roath Church House on place at our 10.15am Eucharist. There is a family Saturday, 10am-12pm. Hundreds of books, toys and service at St Anne’s at 5pm, and the Parish Sung bric-a-brac will be on sale. As usual, we are looking for Eucharist & Imposition of Ashes at St Margaret’s at help the night before and on the day. Please contact 7.30pm. Anna Mason or Pat Hyett if you can help in any way. We COFFEE . Please join us in the vestry after the Service this hope that you can support this event. morning for a cup of coffee and a chat, & the 100 Club draw. ST EDWARD’S ORCHESTRA CONCERT is on Mon 10 FAIR TRADE FORTNIGHT . There is a small stall of Fair March at 7.30pm. Mozart’s Exsultate Jubilate (soloist; Trade goods at the back of the church. We are Anne Davies), Mozart’s Violin Concerto K207 in Bb encouraged to choose products that have been (Soloist: Carl Darby from BBC NOW) and Haydn’s produced without people being exploited or being made Symphony 104 "The London". Entrance free, retiring to work in dangerous or unprotected conditions. By collection for church funds. supporting Fair Trade, we have the chance to help LENT TALKS at St John’s in town on Tuesdays (11 Mar promote equality and justice in food production across to 8 Apr) at 12.45pm and 6pm. Theme: ‘Introducing the globe. Look out for the Fair Trade mark when you Christian Mindfulness and Meditation’. shop, and do your bit for fairness. COFFEE CONCERTS . The seventh concert in the series is by REMOVAL OF ST EDWARD’S BELL . The scaffolding has Alison Dite (solo piano) at 11am on Sat 22 March. now been extended to enable this work to proceed. We expect DEANERY CONFIRMATION is in St Margaret’s on Sun the bell to be removed some time in the next fortnight. 23 March. The Celebrant and preacher will be the Most ANTHEMS . The anthem at the Eucharist is “All things Reverend Dr Barry Morgan, Archbishop of Wales and bright and beautiful” by John Rutter (b.1945). The Introit Bishop of Llandaff. Any young person in their final year at Evensong is “Lead Me, Lord”, from “Praise the Lord, of primary school, Year 6, aged 10 or over at the time of O My Soul” by Samuel Sebastian Wesley (1810-76) and th the Confirmation may be confirmed. There is no upper the anthem is the 14 century Eucharistic hymn “Ave age limit!! Forms giving details of venue, times and Verum Corpus” by Sir Edward Elgar (1857-1934). dates are available in the churches now. Please contact CARDIFF RECORDED MUSIC SOCIETY will meet in the Vicar if you have any queries. the Schoolroom on Wednesday 7.25-9.30pm for a talk MOZART’S REQUIEM will be performed by St Edward’s entitled “Herbert von Karajan”. A number of live concerts Choir and Orchestra in the context of a devotional conducted by Herbert von Karajan have been released service on Good Friday at 7.30pm. on CD. Michael Bell highlights some great perform- FOR YOUR DIARY . ances, including his final concert in Britain. Non- 10 Mar. 7.30pm. St Edward’s Orchestra Concert. members welcome (entrance £2). 11 Mar. 7.30pm. St Anne’s Skittles Match. ECUMENICAL CELEBRATION OF FAMILY LIFE at St 19 Mar. Paradise Run. David’s Cathedral, Charles St, on Saturday at 12pm. 22 Mar. Coffee Concert: Alison Dite (solo piano). Working with Cytûn, the Archdiocesan Commissions for 22 Mar. Circle Dancing. St Michael’s, Gelligaer St. Family Life and Christian Unity invite everyone to join 11 Apr. 7.30pm. Recital: Alison Dite & Peter Fielding. them in a special non-eucharistic liturgy in celebration 26 Apr. St Anne’s Orchestra Concert. of family life in the presence of Archbishop George Coffee Concert dates : 26 Apr, 17 May, 21 Jun, 19 Jul. Stack. This service celebrates God's love at work in our MUSIC DIARY . everyday family life, in happy and less happy times. 11 Mar 1pm. Metropolitan Cathedral Choir. St David’s Hall. Refreshments will be served afterwards in the 13 Mar 7.30pm. Florilegium. St David’s Hall. Cornerstone. Everybody is very welcome. Details 14 Mar 1.15pm. Organ Recital: Robert Court. St John’s. [email protected] or (20-212821. 17 Mar 7.30pm. Byrd’s Mass for Three Voices. St Mary’s, Usk. OPERA MINT AND PAVANE CONCERT at St Edward’s 29 Mar 10am. Come & Sing Creation. Trinity Meth., Penarth. Saturday at 7.30pm: “Early Music for Spring (including 29 Mar 7.30pm. Cantemus: St Matthew Passion. RWCMD. Purcell, Handel & Haydn). Tickets £5 on the door. HAIYAN RECITAL . Our thanks to everyone who helped LENTEN TAIZÉ SERVICE at St Peter’s RC Church next with the organization of the recital and the reception, and Sunday at 7pm. to all who supported it. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the wide range of music presented by very talented PARISH LENT COURSE is on Sunday evenings in musicians. Over £420 for the British Red Cross Roath Church House beginning next Sunday at 7.45pm. Philippines Fund, and there may be more to come. This year’s Lent Course is from the Churches Together in Britain and Ireland and is entitled “Parables and WELCOME . We extend a warm welcome to all visitors Possessions”. The topic for the first week is and newcomers. Please make yourself known to one of “Temptation”. Do come along and join us for discussion the sidesmen if you are new with us. over tea or coffee. The course will run for five weeks, CONTACT NUMBERS . omitting 23 March (Confirmation). Further information Rev Stewart Lisk: from Gill Day (20-495496. (20-487854 / 07794-157604. MAKING MUSIC CHANGING LIVES ORCHESTRA from Ely Parish Office (20-484808, is featured on BBC 1 Songs of Praise next Sunday, working [email protected] with Welsh tenor Rhys Meirion performing Ar Hyd Y Nos. Please let the clergy know ST ANNE’S SKITTLES MATCH at the Crofts Pub, 7.30 of any sick person or any person who is in hospital. for 8pm on Tue 11 March. Tickets £6.50 inc buffet, To receive the Parish Group e-newsletter send an email available from Kathie Mayer (20-n495769. to [email protected]

Uif!Gjstu!Tvoebz!pg!Mfou! Weekly Newsletter No.1971 Sunday, 9th March, 2014 11.00 am Sung Eucharist & Sermon. Celebrant & Preacher: Rev Stewart Lisk . LENT BOXES for the Hymns: 92, 255, 84, Anthem: If Ye Love Me (Tallis) , 262(MP) . United Society are avail- Setting: Nicholson in G & Thomas Mass (David Thorne). able in church today. 7.00 pm Choral Evensong. Introit: Call to Remembrance (Farrant) . Officiant: Rev Stewart Lisk. Psalm 50, vv 1-15 . Hymns: 95, Anthem: Let Thy Merciful Ears (Mudd) , 106(MP) . Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis: Orlando Gibbons Short Service. Readings: Deuteronomy 6, 4-9 & 16-25 . Luke 15, 1-10 . In the world-wide Church we pray today for the and the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby and in the Ecumenical Prayer Cycle we pray for Myanmar (Burma) and Thailand . We pray for peace in the world , remembering the people of Afghanistan and Syria . We pray for the people of Ukraine and the Crimean Peninsula . Three years after the triple disaster of earthquake, tsunami and nuclear fallout in Japan , we pray all who lost their lives, and all who are still suffering there. We pray for all who are suffering as a result of the storms and flooding , especially the old and infirm. In this diocese we pray for the Parish of Cwmbach, Archdeacon Christopher Smith and Reader Glyn Davies , and for Cwmbach Church in Wales Primary School, headteacher Lloyd Thomas and his staff and pupils . We pray for the sick, especially Win Fletcher and those who care for them. We pray for the repose of the souls of the departed, especially Kenneth Stanley Griffiths, Cecil Martin and Iris Roberts , whose anniversaries occur at this time. EVENING PRAYER will be said at St Edward’s on Monday at 6.15pm, Tuesday UIJT!XFFL! at 6pm and Thursday at 7pm, and Morning Prayer on Saturday at 9am this week. !! Wednesday, Friday & Saturday are Ember Days CONFIRMATION CLASS in Roath Npoebz 4.00 pm Confirmation Class. Roath Church House. Church House on Monday, 4-5pm. 21ui 6.00 pm Parish Surgery. Roath Church House. PARISH OFFICE is closed on Monday this week. 6.15 pm Evening Prayer. LENT TALKS at St John’s in town on 7.30 pm St Edward’s Orchestra Concert . Tuesdays at 12.45pm and 6pm starting this 7.30 pm St Anne’s Committee. Roath Church House . week. Theme: ‘Introducing Christian Uvftebz 12.45 pm Lent Talk. St John’s. Mindfulness and Meditation’. 22ui 1.00 pm Cardiff Metropolitan Cathedral Choir: Easter Music. St David’s Hall. 6.00 pm Evening Prayer. ST EDWARD’S ORCHESTRA CONCERT is 6.00 pm Lent Talk. St John’s. on Monday at 7.30pm. Mozart’s Exsultate 7.00 pm Holy Eucharist. St Anne’s. Jubilate (soloist: Anne Davies) , Mozart’s 7.15 pm Ladies Circle. Roath Church House. Violin Concerto K207 in Bb (Soloist: Carl 7.30 pm St Anne’s Skittles Match . Crofts Pub. Darby from BBC NOW) and Haydn’s Xfeoftebz 10.15 am HOLY EUCHARIST . Followed by coffee. Symphony 104 "The London". Entrance free, 23ui 7.00 pm South Wales Clarinet Choir rehearsal. retiring collection for church funds. 7.25 pm Cardiff Recorded Music Society. Schoolroom. ST ANNE’S SKITTLES MATCH at the Crofts Pub, 7.30 for 8pm on Tuesday. 7.00 pm Evening Prayer. Uivstebz Tickets £6.50 inc bu ffet, available from 24ui 7.30 pm Choir Practice. Kathie Mayer today. 7.30 pm Florilegium. St David’s Hall. LENTEN TAIZÉ SERVICE at St Gsjebz 12.00 pm Lent Lunch. 87 Llanedeyrn Rd. Peter’s RC Church today at 7pm. 25ui 1.15 pm Lunchtime Organ Recital: Robert Court. St John’s (town). MAD MARCH FAYRE . Thank s 9.00 pm YMCA Sleepeasy Challenge. St David’s Shopping Centre. to ever yone who helped or Tbuvsebz!26ui 9.00 am Morning Prayer. supported in any way. Ofyu!Tvoebz is the Second Sunday of Lent . The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in St Edward’s at 11am and Choral Evensong will be sung at 7pm. Eucharist readings: Genesis 12: 1-4a; Romans 4: 1-5, 13-17; John 3: 1-17. LADIES CIRCLE meets on Tue 11 March at 7.15pm at Roath Church House for an Italian Evening with food tasting, music, a quiz – all things Italian. There will be a sales table for Books, CDs and DVDs. Details: Gill Day (20-495496. http://StEdward.roath.org.uk Facebook: StEdwardRoath Twitter: @StEdwardsRoath [email protected] PARISH LENT COURSE is on Sunday evenings in LENT QUIET DAY “Continuing the Journey” 10am-3pm Roath Church House beginning today at 7.45pm. This on Tue 18 March at St Illtyd’s Church, Llantwit Major. year’s Lent Course is from the Churches Together in Led by Rev Andrew Meynell. Places limited. Cost £5. Britain and Ireland and is entitled “Parables and [email protected] (01656 881960 Possessions”. The topic for the first week is RESIDENTIAL RETREAT at Llangasty Retreat House. “Temptation”. Do come along and join us for discussion March 21-23: Exploring Silence. Rev Nick Helm. £155. over tea or coffee. The course will run for five weeks, CIRCLE DANCING FOR LENT on Sat 22 March, 10am- omitting 23 March (Confirmation). Further information 12pm at St Michael’s, Gelligaer St. from Gill Day (20-495496. COFFEE CONCERTS . The seventh concert in the ST EDWARD’S BELL has now been removed and series is by Alison Dite (solo piano) 11am Sat 22 March. placed in a safe place for storage until the housing and bellcote can be rebuilt and made safe. There are DEANERY CONFIRMATION is in St Margaret’s on Sun photographs of its removal in the vestry. 23 March. The Celebrant and preacher will be the Most Reverend Dr Barry Morgan, Archbishop of Wales and ANTHEMS . The anthem at the Eucharist is “If ye love Bishop of Llandaff. Any young person in their final year me” by Thomas Tallis (c.1505-1585). The Introit at of primary school, Year 6, aged 10 or over at the time of Evensong is “Call to remembrance, O Lord” by Richard the Confirmation may be confirmed. There is no upper Farrant (d.1581) and the anthem is the Collect “Let Thy age limit!! Forms giving details of venue, times and Merciful Ears” variously attributed to Thomas Weelkes, th dates are available in the churches now. Please contact William Mudd or John Mudd (all 17 century). the Vicar if you have any queries. MAKING MUSIC CHANGING LIVES ORCHESTRA from Ely NO CHORAL EVENSONG at St Edward’s on Sun 23 March will be featured on BBC 1 Songs of Praise today, working with because of the Parish Confirmation Service at St Margaret’s. Welsh tenor Rhys Meirion performing Ar Hyd Y Nos. MOZART’S REQUIEM will be performed by St Edward’s CARDIFF METROPOLITAN CATHEDRAL CHOIR will Choir and Orchestra in the context of a devotional perform music for Easter and extracts from Monteverdi’s service on Good Friday at 7.30pm. Vespers of 1610 at St David’s Hall on Tuesday at 1pm. Tickets £5.50 from the box office, (20-878444. FOR YOUR DIARY . 19 Mar. Paradise Run. CARDIFF RECORDED MUSIC SOCIETY will meet in 22 Mar. Coffee Concert: Alison Dite (solo piano). the Schoolroom on Wednesday 7.25-9.30pm for 22 Mar. Circle Dancing. St Michael’s, Gelligaer St. “Members’ Choice”, An opportunity for you to let Rod 11 Apr. 7.30pm. Recital: Alison Dite & Peter Fielding. Delamere have your personal choice of music. Non- Coffee Concert dates : 26 Apr, 17 May, 21 Jun, 19 Jul. members welcome (entrance £2). MUSIC DIARY . FLORILEGIUM & THE FLORILEGIUM CHOIR at St David’s 17 Mar 7.30pm. Byrd’s Mass for Three Voices. St Mary’s, Usk. Hall on Thursday at 7.30pm with Elin Manahan Thomas, 18 Mar 1pm. Organ Recital: Thomas Trotter. St David’s Hall. Helen-Jane Howells, Robert Davies and Nick Pritchard, 22 Mar 7.30pm. Cordydd. Eglwys y Tabernacl, . performing Te Deum (Charpentier), Flute Concerto in G 22 Mar 7.30pm. Ardwyn Singers. All Saints, Penarth. (Gluck) and Mass in C min (Mozart). £5-£33.50. 25 Mar 7pm. Mozart’s Mass in Bb. St Martin’s LENT LUNCHES on Fridays, 12-2pm. This week at 26 Mar 1.05pm. E Ling Chia (piano). Beulah URC Rhiwbina. Chris Webb’s, 87 Llanedeyrn Rd – soup, bread, cheese, 27 Mar 7.30pm. Llandaff Cathedral School Concert. Cathedral fruit and tea or coffee and a warm welcome. All 29 Mar 10am. Come & Sing Creation. Trinity Meth., Penarth. proceeds go to the Paradise Run. 29 Mar 6.30pm. Cantemus: St Matthew Passion. RWCMD. CONGRATULATIONS to Mrs Megan Martin, who LUNCHTIME ORGAN RECITAL at St John’s (town) on th Friday, 1.15-1.45pm, by Robert Court (St Augustine's, celebrated her 98 birthday last Thursday. Penarth). Admission free, retiring collection. THE VICAR would like to thank the choirs of St Anne’s, St Edward’s and St Margaret’s for singing so beautifully at the YMCA SLEEPEASY CHALLENGE 2014 . On Friday YMCA National St David’s Day Service at St John’s. The Lord are challenging you to leave your beds for the night, 9pm- Mayor and H.M. Lord Lieutenant send their grateful thanks. 5am, to spend the night sleeping under the stars to support YMCA services. It will be cold and uncomfortable, but you will TWEET #2020VISION . Churchgoers across Wales are invited get a flavour for what it must be like to sleep on the streets – if to see in #2020Vision this Lent. They are asked to take a only for a few hours. Register at St David’s Shopping Centre. fresh look at changes happening in their churches and spread the good news through Twitter, using the hashtag DEDICATION OF GIRL GUIDE COUNTY FLAG at St #2020Vision. Every day in Lent @ChurchinWales will tweet Margaret’s next Sunday at 3pm. news and comments from around the Church’s six dioceses LLANGASTY DROP-IN DAY on Mon 17 Mar, 10am-4pm with about how 2020 Vision is making a difference. Eucharist at 12 noon. An opportunity to pause for prayer and WELCOME . We extend a warm welcome to all visitors and personal reflection – come for all or part of the day. Bring your newcomers. Please make yourself known to one of the own lunch. Coffee and tea provided. No charge, but donations sidesmen if you are new with us. welcome. No need to book. CONTACT NUMBERS . PARISH KNITTING & CROCHET GROUP meets on Rev Stewart Lisk: Mon 17 March, 7.30-9.30pm in Room 2, Roath Church (20-487854 / 07794-157604. House. New members very welcome – assistance given Parish Office (20-484808, to learners. Contact Gill Day (20-495496 or Ann James [email protected] [email protected] for details. Please let the clergy know of any sick person or any person who is in hospital. BYRD’S MASS FOR THREE VOICES on Mon 17 To receive the Parish Group e-newsletter send an email to March, at 7.30pm in St Mary's Priory Church, Usk. [email protected]

Uif!Tfdpoe!Tvoebz!pg!Mfou! Weekly Newsletter No.1972 Sunday, 16 th March, 2014 11.00 am Sung Eucharist & Sermon. Celebrant & Preacher: Rev Vernon Hodgson . Hymns: 291, 208, 60(MP), Anthem: Of the glorious body telling (Vittoria) , 182 . Setting: Nicholson in G & Thomas Mass (David Thorne). 3.00 pm Dedication of Girl Guides County Flag at St Margaret’s, followed by reception in Roath Church House. 7.00 pm Choral Evensong. Introit: Deliver Us O Lord Our God (Batten) . Officiant: Canon Stewart Lisk. Psalm 135 . Hymns: 299, Anthem: Lord for they tender mercy’s sake (Farrant) , 333 . Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis: A Somervell in F. Readings: Numbers 21, 4-9. Luke 14, 27-33 . In the world-wide Church we pray today for Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui and Archbishop Paul Kwong and in the Ecumenical Prayer Cycle we pray for Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam . We pray for peace in the world , remembering the people of Afghanistan and Syria . We pray for the people of Ukraine and the Crimean Peninsula . We pray for the passengers and crew of the missing Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370 . We pray for all who are suffering as a result of the storms and flooding , especially the old and infirm. In this diocese we pray for the Parish of Llantwit Fardre, Rev Philip Gullidge and Rev Kevin Simpson . We pray for the homeless in our city, and for all who work to help them, in the Paradise Run, Cardiff Action for Single Homeless, the Huggard Centre. We pray for the sick and those who care for them, especially Win Fletcher . We pray for the repose of the souls of the departed, especially Frank Begley, priest , whose anniversary occurs at this time. EVENING PRAYER will be said at St Edward’s on Monday at 6.15 pm, Tuesday UIJT!XFFL! at 6pm and Thursday at 7pm, and Morning Prayer on Saturday at 9am this week. Npoebz St Patrick, Patron Saint of Ireland PARISH OFFICE is closed on Friday this week. 28ui 10.00 am Drop-In Day. Llangasty Retreat House. LLANGASTY DROP-IN DAY on Monday, 10am-4pm 4.00 pm Confirmation Class. Church House. with Eucharist at 12 noon. An opportunity to pause for 6.00 pm Parish Surgery. Roath Church House. prayer and personal reflection – come for all or part of 6.15 pm Evening Prayer. the day. Bring your own lunch. Coffee and tea provided. 7.00 pm St Edward’s Orchestra Practice. No charge, but donations welcome. No need to book. 7.30 pm Parish Knitting & Crochet Group. Roath Church House. 7.30 pm Byrd’s Mass for Three Voices. St Mary’s Priory Church, Usk. Uvftebz 10.00 am Lent Quiet Day. St Illtyd’s Church, Llantwit Major. PARISH KNITTING & CROCHET GROUP meets on Monday, 7.30-9.30pm in Room 2, 29ui 12.45 pm Lent Talk. St John’s. Roath Church House. New members very 1.00 pm Organ Recital: Thomas Trotter. St David’s Hall. welcome – assistance given to learners. 6.00 pm Evening Prayer. Contact Gill Day (20-495496 or Ann James 6.00 pm Lent Talk. St John’s. [email protected] for details. 7.00 pm Holy Eucharist. St Anne’s. CARDIFF RECORDED MUSIC SOCIETY will meet in the Schoolroom on Wednesday 7.25- Xfeoftebz 10.15 am HOLY EUCHARIST . Followed by coffee. 9.30pm for their 70 th Anniversary Celebration. 2:ui 7.25 pm Cardiff Recorded Music Society. Schoolroom. Non-members welcome (entrance £2). 7.45 pm Paradise Run. RESIDENTIAL RETREAT at Llangasty Retreat House. March Uivstebz 7.00 pm Evening Prayer. 21-23: Exploring Silence, especially, but not exclusively for tho se 31ui 7.30 pm Choir Practice. beginning their journey with silence. Rev Nick Helm. £155. 7.30 pm CACEC Lecture. City URC. LENT LUNCHES on Fridays, 12-2pm. This week at Julie Randall’s, 4 Kelvin Rd – soup, bread, cheese, fruit and tea or 12.00 pm Lent Lunch. 4 Kelvin Rd. Gsjebz!32tu coffee and a warm welcome. All proceeds to Paradise Run. Tbuvsebz 9.00 am Morning Prayer. ART EXHIBITION at SS Andrew & Teilo, 33oe 10.00 am Circle Dancing. St Michael’s, Gelligaer St. Woodville Rd on Saturday, 3pm-6pm. 11.00 am Coffee Concert : Alison Dite (piano). NO CHORAL EVENSONG at St Edward’s 12.00 am Pavane Rehearsal. Schoolroom. next Sunday because of the Parish 3.00 pm Art Exhibition. SS Andrew & Teilo, Woodville Rd. Confirmation Service at St Margaret’s. 7.30 pm Ardwyn Singers. All Saints, Penarth. LUNCHTIME ORGAN RECITAL by Thomas Trotter 7.30 pm Cordydd. Eglwys y Tabernacl, The Hayes. at St David’s Hall on Tuesday at 1pm. £6.50. Ofyu!Tvoebz is the Third Sunday of Lent . The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in St Edward’s at 11am and Parish Confirmation is at 6pm at St Margaret’s. Eucharist readings: Exodus 17: 1-7; Romans 5: 1-11; John 4: 5-42. http://StEdward.roath.org.uk Facebook: StEdwardRoath Twitter: @StEdwardsRoath [email protected] CONGRATULATIONS TO STEWART . As you may COFFEE CONCERTS . The seventh concert in the have heard last Sunday, the Archbishop has appointed series is by Alison Dite (solo piano) at 11am on our Vicar as Canon of Caerau in the Chapter of Llandaff Saturday. Programme includes Schumann’s “Carnaval” Cathedral. The Archbishop describes this as “a great Opus 9 and Chopin’s Scherzo No.3, Opus 39. £2 inc honour” for Stewart and the Parish, however there are coffee and biscuits. 10% of the proceeds of this year’s “grave duties” attached to the position. It will entail Coffee Concerts will go to Oldwell Day Centre, Penylan, Stewart being a member of the Chapter which requires for young and old people with Alzheimer’s. him to preach and take services from time to time in the CARDIFF ARDWYN SINGERS present “French Connections” Cathedral, as well as being a Trustee of our Mother at All Saints, Penarth, on Saturday at 7.30pm. Vierne’s Messe Church. This will of course be in addition to all his usual Solennelle and Finzi “Lo, the full, final sacrifice”. Tickets duties as Vicar of Roath. There will be an installation £10/£8 on the door or from choristers. service at a date to be announced. CORDYDD perform music by Paul Mealor and a 100 CLUB . The draw on 6 Apr is the “Big Draw”, with a top collection of Welsh songs at Eglwys y Tabernacl, The prize of £100 and five prizes of £20. It is time to join for 2014- Hayes on Saturday at 7.30pm. Tickets. £10. 15: £12 now, or by installments. Cheques/cash to Charlotte, DEANERY CONFIRMATION is in St Margaret’s next Sue or Kathie, (payable to St Edward’s Church) please. If you are not currently a member, please consider joining. Sunday at 6pm. The Celebrant and preacher will be the Most Reverend Dr Barry Morgan, Archbishop of Wales ST EDWARD’S BELL has now been removed. There and Bishop of Llandaff. Please come to the service to are photographs of its removal in the vestry. support our young candidates. There will be a reception ANTHEMS . The anthem at the Eucharist is “Of the Glorious in Roath Church House following the Service to which Body Telling”, an English translation of Thomas Aquinas’ everyone is invited. We would be grateful if you could hymn, music by Tomás Luis da Vittoria (c.1548-1611). The bring a plate of food for the table, to share. Wine & soft Introit at Evensong is “Deliver us O Lord our God” by Adrian Batten (1591-1637?) and the anthem is “Lord for thy tender drinks provided. mercy’s sake” by Richard Farrant (d.1581). ST EDWARD’S ORCHESTRA SOLOISTS CONCERT PARISH LENT COURSE is on Sunday evenings in on Fri 4 Apr at 7.30pm. Please note change of date. Roath Church House at 7.45pm. This year’s Lent MOZART’S REQUIEM will be performed by St Edward’s Course is from the Churches Together in Britain and Choir and Orchestra in the context of a devotional Ireland and is entitled “Parables and Possessions”. Do service on Good Friday at 7.30pm. come along and join us for discussion over tea or coffee. ST EDWARD’S ORCHESTRA CONCERT on Mon 7 July at There will be no meeting next Sunday (Confirmation). 7.30pm. Programme includes Mozart’s Sinfonia Concertante Further information from Gill Day (20-495496. with Diana Painter (violin) and Phil Heyman (viola). BYRD’S MASS FOR THREE VOICES will be sung on St FOR YOUR DIARY . Patrick’s Day (Monday) at 7.30pm in St Mary's Priory Church, 4 Apr. 7.30pm. St Edward’s Orchestra Soloists Concert. Usk, in the context of a Eucharist according to the Prayer 11 Apr. 7.30pm. Recital: Alison Dite & Peter Fielding. Book. Celebrant: Fr Julian Gray. Champagne and soft drinks 16 Apr. Paradise Run. will be served after Mass at the west end – visitors welcome. 26 Apr. Coffee Concert: Dan & Laura Curtis. LENT QUIET DAY “Continuing the Journey” 10am-3pm 26 Apr. St Anne’s Orchestra Concert. on Tuesday at St Illtyd’s Church, Llantwit Major. Led by 3 Jun. St Anne’s Skittles Match. The Crofts. Rev Andrew Meynell. Places limited. Cost £5. 7 Jul. St Edward’s Orchestra Concert. [email protected] (01656 881960 Coffee Concert dates : 26 Apr, 17 May, 21 Jun, 19 Jul. LENT TALKS at St John’s in town on Tuesdays at MUSIC DIARY . 12.45pm-1.15pm and 6pm-6.30pm. Theme: ‘Introducing 25 Mar 7pm. Mozart’s Mass in Bb. St Martin’s Christian Mindfulness and Meditation’. This week’s 26 Mar 1.05pm. E Ling Chia (piano). Beulah URC Rhiwbina. subject: ‘Come to me, all who are burdened and heavy- 27 Mar 7.30pm. Llandaff Cathedral School Concert. Cathedral laden, and I will give you rest’ (Matthew 11:28). Also 29 Mar 10am. Come & Sing Creation. Trinity Meth., Penarth. daily in Lent 10.00-10.25am Prayer in the City; and 29 Mar 6.30pm. Cantemus: St Matthew Passion. RWCMD. Mondays in Lent 12.45-1.15pm Word in the City. 4 Apr 7.30pm. Cardiff Uni Chamber Choir. Llandaff Cathedral. 5 Apr 7.30pm. Welsh Camerata. Canton Uniting Church. PARADISE RUN on Wednesday. We need loaves of 6 Apr 6pm. Stainer’s Crucixion. St Martin’s. sandwiches of either sliced cheese (not grated), tuna, 7 Apr 7.30pm. Venezuela Youth Choir. St David’s Hall. ham or corned beef using white medium sliced bread THANKS to Pavane and Opera Mint, and to St Edward’s and individually wrapped sandwiches. Also packets of Orchestra, for two excellent concerts last week, both in crisps, biscuits or cakes. Items can be given to Kathie aid of St Edward’s Church funds. Mayer (20-495769 or left at Church House either at Wednesday lunchtime or in the evening from 7.15pm WELCOME . We extend a warm welcome to all visitors and newcomers. Please make yourself known to one of the until we leave at 7.45pm. Further information/offers of sidesmen if you are new with us. help please ring Chris Webb (20-455641. CONTACT NUMBERS . CACEC LECTURE on Thursday at 7.30pm at City URC. Rev Stewart Lisk: “Slow down to the Heart’s Time: Poetry as a resource for the (20-487854 / 07794-157604. Spiritual Journey” by Janet Morley, author of All Desires Parish Office (20-484808, Known and Bread for Tomorrow. £5 (students £3). [email protected] CIRCLE DANCING FOR LENT on Saturday, 10am-12pm at Please let the clergy know St Michael’s, Gelligaer St. Another workshop to engage in the of any sick person or any person who is in hospital. spirituality, the practice and the fun of circle dancing. All To receive the Parish Group e-newsletter send an email to welcome. Details from Ven Peggy Jackson (01446-750053. [email protected]

! Uif!Uijse!Tvoebz!pg!Mfou! Weekly Newsletter No.1973 Sunday, 23 rd March, 2014 11.00 am Sung Eucharist & Sermon. Celebrant: Canon Stewart Lisk . Preacher: Rev Rhys Jenkins. Hymns: 193, 351, Come to the Waters, Anthem: Sicut Cervus (Palestrina) , As the deer pants . Setting: Nicholson in G & Thomas Mass (David Thorne). 6.00 pm Deanery Confirmation Service. St Margaret’s. Celebrant & Preacher: Archbishop Barry. In the world-wide Church we pray today for the Church of the Province of the Indian Ocean (Madagascar, Mauritius and Seychelles) and Archbishop Ian Gerald James Ernest and in the Ecumenical Prayer Cycle we pray for China, Hong Kong and Macao . We pray for peace in the world , remembering the people of Afghanistan and Syria . We pray for the people of Ukraine and the Crimean Peninsula . We pray for the passengers and crew of the missing Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370 . We pray for all who are suffering as a result of the storms and flooding , especially the old and infirm. In this diocese we pray for the Parish of Dinas and Penygraig and Rev Christopher Lewis-Jenkins . We pray for those who will be Confirmed by Archbishop Barry at St Margaret’s today, and for their families. We pray for the sick and those who care for them, especially Win Fletcher , who hopes to return home from hospital this week. We pray for the repose of the souls of the departed, especially Hazel Heal , whose funeral is on Tuesday, also William James Doe , whose anniversary occurs at this time. EVENING PRAYER will be said at St Edward’s on Monday at 6.15pm , Tuesday at UIJT!XFFL! 6pm and Thursday at 7pm, and Morning Prayer on Saturday at 9.30am this week. Npoebz 6.00 pm Parish Surgery. Roath Church House. CHOIR & ORCHESTRA PRACTICE on Monday 35ui 6.15 pm Evening Prayer. at 7pm, starting to rehearse for the Good Friday 7.00 pm St Edward’s Orchestra & Choir Practice. Mozart’s Requiem. 7.00 pm Theology Public Lecture. Swansea University. PARISH OFFICE is closed 7.30 pm Ecumenical Prayer Service. Christ the King, Llanishen. on Wednesday this week. 7.30 pm Soldier to Saint. Roald Dahl Studio, St David’s Cathedral School. Uvftebz The Annunciation of Our Lord to the Blessed Virgin Mary 36ui 11.00 am Funeral Service for Hazel Heal. St Margaret’s. 12.45 pm Lent Talk. St John’s. ECUMENICAL PRAYER SERVICE to reflect on the 6.00 pm Evening Prayer. life of Oscar Romero at Christ the King (RC) Church, 6.00 pm Lent Talk. St John’s. Newborough Ave, Llanishen on Monday at 7.30pm. 7.00 pm Holy Eucharist. St Anne’s. 7.00 pm Annunciation Mass: Mozart’s Mass in Bb. St Martin’s. ANNUNCIATION MASS at St Martin’s on Xfeoftebz 10.15 am HOLY EUCHARIST . Followed by coffee. Tuesday at 7pm. Llandaff Cathedral School 37ui 1.05 pm Lunchtime Concert. Beulah URC, Rhiwbina. Choral Scholars and Consort: Mozart’s 7.00 pm South Wales Clarinet Choir rehearsal. Mass in Bb and Biebl’s Ave Maria. 7.25 pm Cardiff Recorded Music Society. Schoolroom. LENT LUNCHES on Fridays, 12-2pm. This week at Julie Randall’s, 4 Kelvin R d Uivstebz 7.00 pm Evening Prayer. – soup, bread, cheese, fruit and tea or coffee and a warm welcome. A ll 38ui 7.30 pm Choir Practice. proceeds go to the Paradise Run. 7.30 pm Llandaff Cathedral School Lent Term Concert. Llandaff Cathedral. Gsjebz!39ui 12.00 pm Lent Lunch. 4 Kelvin Rd. CLOCKS GO FORWARD next weekend. Tbuvsebz 9.30 am Morning Prayer. 3:ui 10.00 am Posy Making for Mothering Sunday. Vestry. 10.00 am Come and Sing Haydn’s Creation. Trinity Methodist Church, Penarth. 10.00 am Christians Against Poverty Money Training Day. Tabernacle Baptist Church, Penarth. 6.30 pm Cantemus: Bach’s St Matthew Passion. Dora Stoutzker Hall, RWCMD. Ofyu!Tvoebz is Mothering Sunday . The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in St Edward’s at 11am and Choral Evensong will be sung at 7pm. Eucharist readings: Exodus 2: 1-10; 2 Corinthians 1: 3-7; Luke 2: 33-35. POSY MAKING . Join us in the vestry on Saturday morning at 10am (after Morning Prayer) to help prepare posies for Mothering Sunday. All welcome. http://StEdward.roath.org.uk Facebook: StEdwardRoath Twitter: @StEdwardsRoath [email protected] DEANERY CONFIRMATION is in St Margaret’s today at CONGREGATIONAL (PRE-VESTRY) MEETING on 6pm. The Celebrant and preacher will be the Most Passion Sunday (6 Apr) after the Eucharist. Notices Reverend Dr Barry Morgan, Archbishop of Wales and have been posted inviting nominations for Parish Bishop of Llandaff. Please come to the service to People’s Warden, Church People’s Sub-Warden and support our young candidates. There will be a reception PCC and committee members for the next year. The in Roath Church House following the Service to which elections of People’s Sub-Warden and the respective everyone is invited. We would be grateful if you could new church committees will take place at the bring a plate of food for the table, to share. Wine & soft congregational meeting. The Parish People’s Warden drinks provided. will be elected at the Annual Vestry on Mon 28 Apr, 100 CLUB . The draw on 6 Apr is the “Big Draw”, with a along with ratification of all other elected posts. top prize of £100 and five prizes of £20. It is time to join PARISH LENT COURSE is on Sunday evenings in for 2014-15: £12 now, or by installments. Cheques/cash Roath Church House at 7.45pm. There will be no to Charlotte, Sue or Kathie, (payable to St Edward’s meeting this week (Confirmation). Church) please. If you are not currently a member, PARISH KNITTING & CROCHET GROUP meets on please consider joining. Mon 31 March, 7.30-9.30pm in Room 2, Roath Church ANTHEM at the Eucharist is “Sicut Cervus” by Giovanni House. Details: Ann James [email protected] Pierluigi Palestrina (1525-1594). MOZART’S REQUIEM will be performed by St Edward’s NO CHORAL EVENSONG at St Edward’s today because of Choir and Orchestra in the context of a devotional the Parish Confirmation Service at St Margaret’s. service on Good Friday at 7.30pm. DELEGATES FROM THE DIOCESE OF UPPSALA will join COFFEE CONCERTS . Our thanks to Alison Dite for her delegates from the Diocese of Llandaff for a 3-day conference excellent concert yesterday. The eighth concert in the at St Michael’s College this week, to share experiences of structural and cultural changes in the Church of Sweden and series is “Songs from the American Song Book” by Dan The Church in Wales. The diocesan link between Uppsala and Laura Curtis on Sat 26 Apr at 11am. and Llandaff, which was established in 2007, will be renewed SPECIAL WWI EVENT in the afternoon of Sat 7 June. during a service at Llandaff Cathedral on Tuesday evening. An opportunity to remember 100 years on, through THEOLOGY PUBLIC LECTURE at Swansea University on song, food and dress, the time before the world changed Monday at 7pm: “Disabled Church - Disabled Society” by The with the advent of The Great War. Ideas and offers of Rev Dr John Gillibrand (Anglican Priest in the Diocese of St help to any member of the committee. Davids whose book ‘Disabled Church – Disabled Society’ was short listed for ‘The Michael Ramsey Prize for Theological FOR YOUR DIARY . Writing 2013’). Entrance free. All welcome. 4 Apr. 7.30pm. St Edward’s Orchestra Soloists Concert. SOLDIER TO SAINT in the Roald Dahl Studio in St David’s 5 Apr. 3pm. Pupils of Alison Dite. Cathedral School, Cardiff Road, Llandaff at 7.30pm on 6 Apr. 12pm. Congregational Meeting. Monday. Tickets £6 (conc. £5) from www.risetheatre.co.uk. 11 Apr. 7.30pm. Recital: Alison Dite & Peter Fielding. LENT TALKS at St John’s in town on Tuesdays at 12.45pm- 16 Apr. Paradise Run. 1.15pm and 6pm-6.30pm. This week’s subject: ‘Ask and it 26 Apr. Coffee Concert: Dan & Laura Curtis. shall be given you, seek and you will find’ (Matthew 7:7). 26 Apr. St Anne’s Orchestra Concert. LUNCHTIME CONCERT at Beulah United Reformed Church, 28 Apr. Annual Vestry. Roath Church House. Rhiwbina, on Wednesday at 1.05pm. E Ling Chia (piano) Coffee Concert dates : 26 Apr, 17 May, 21 Jun, 19 Jul. performs Beethoven, Chopin & Poulenc. Tickets £5 on door. MUSIC DIARY . CARDIFF RECORDED MUSIC SOCIETY will meet in the 4 Apr 7.30pm. Cardiff Uni Chamber Choir. Llandaff Cathedral. Schoolroom on Wednesday 7.25-9.30pm for a talk entitled 4 Apr 7.30pm. Caritas Concert. St Martin’s. “The Pride and the Passion”. Former WNO member Mike 5 Apr 7.30pm. Welsh Camerata. Canton Uniting Church. Newman plays music and performances which demonstrate 6 Apr 6pm. Stainer’s Crucixion. St Martin’s. Pride and passion. Non-members welcome (entrance £2). 7 Apr 7.30pm. Venezuela Youth Choir. St David’s Hall. LLANDAFF CATHEDRAL SCHOOL Lent Term Concert at THE GOLDEN CLUB . Over 65? Love classic family Llandaff Cathedral on Thursday at 7.30pm. Instrumental & games? Enjoy meeting people? Then come to Penylan choral concert. Highlights include Bob Chilcott's ‘A Little Jazz Residential Hotel for an afternoon of games. Light Mass' and an orchestral show tune medley including “Singin' refreshments provided. Donations towards the Activity in the Rain”. Fund welcome. Details (20-496444. COME AND SING HAYDN’S CREATION with Cavatina NEW ONLINE CHRISTIAN BOOKSHOP launched this Singers at Trinity Methodist Church, Stanwell Road, Penarth month: www.thebookwell.co.uk sells hymn books, prayer on Saturday, 10am for 10.30am, concert at 7.30pm. Music provided. Entry for the day £10 (students free). Black/dark books, Church stationery items, Bibles, Directories and dress preferred. other Christian books. Based in Northern Ireland, orders CHRISTIANS AGAINST POVERTY Money Training Day on can be delivered throughout Ireland and the UK. VAT Saturday, 10am-4.30pm at Tabernacle Baptist Church, and delivery charge are added at checkout. Plassey Street, Penarth. Cost £45. (01274-760567. CONTACT NUMBERS . CANTEMUS present Bach’s St Matthew Passion at Rev Stewart Lisk: 20-487854 / 07794-157604. Dora Stoutzker Hall, RWCMD, on Saturday at 6.30pm. ( Parish Office (20-484808, Tickets £20, £16, and half price for under 30s 20- [email protected] 391391, email [email protected] Please let the clergy know WELCOME . We extend a warm welcome to all visitors and of any sick person or any person who is in hospital. newcomers. Please make yourself known to one of the To receive the Parish Group e-newsletter send an email to sidesmen if you are new with us. [email protected]

Uif!Gpvsui!Tvoebz!pg!Mfou;!Npuifsjoh!Tvoebz! Weekly Newsletter No.1974 Sunday, 30 th March, 2014 11.00 am Sung Eucharist & Sermon. Celebrant & Preacher: Canon John Woodward . Hymns: 171, 278, 515, Anthem: The Marvellous Work (Haydn) , 215(MP) . Setting: Nicholson in G & Thomas Mass (David Thorne). 7.00 pm Choral Evensong. Introit: Verily, verily (Tallis) . Officiant: Canon Stewart Lisk. Psalm 31, vv 1-16 . Hymns: 298, Anthem: Ave Maria (Arcadelt) , 343 . Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis: Stainer in A. Readings: Micah 7 . James 5 . In the world-wide Church we pray today for the and Archbishop Richard Lionel Clarke and in the Ecumenical Prayer Cycle we pray for Brunei, Malaysia and Singapore . We pray for The Rt Revd Dinis Sengulane , Bishop of Lebombo in Southern Africa, the longest-serving bishop in the Anglican Communion (38 years), and one of Africa's greatest peacemakers, who retired this week. We pray for peace in the world , remembering the people of Afghanistan and Syria . We pray for the people of Ukraine and the Crimean Peninsula . We pray for the victims of the mudslide in Washington State . We pray for all who are suffering as a result of the storms and flooding , especially the old and infirm. In this diocese we pray for the Parish of Tonyrefail with Gilfach Goch, Rev Ruth Moverley and Readers Hendryk Hayes and Steve Vargus. We pray for our Vicar, Rev Stewart , as he prepares for his ministry as Canon of Caerau. We pray for the sick and those who care for them, especially Walter Oaten, Rev Vernon Hodgson and Win Fletcher , who is now home from hospital. We pray for the repose of the souls of the departed, especially The Rt Revd Godfrey Mdimi Mhogolo , Bishop of the Diocese of Central Tanganyika, who died this week, also Doreen Brown, Robert Henry Woolgar Riddett (organist), Vernon Trevor Evans and Arthur Broughton whose anniversaries occur at this time. EVENING PRAYER will be said at St Edward’s on Monday at 6.15pm, Tuesday UIJT!XFFL! at 6pm and Thursday at 7pm, and Morning Prayer on Saturday at 9am this week. Npoebz 6.00 pm Parish Surgery. Roath Church House. PARISH OFFICE is closed on Monday this week. 42tu 6.15 pm Evening Prayer. HISTORY OF BONVILSTON EXHIBITION at 7.00 pm St Edward’s Orchestra & Choir Practice. St Mary’s Church, Bonvilston opens tomorrow 7.30 pm Parish Knitting & Crochet Group. Church House. (Monday to Friday, 9am to 4pm). Uvftebz 12.45 pm Lent Talk. St John’s. PARISH KNITTING & CROCHET GROUP meets on Monday, 2tu!Bqs 6.00 pm Evening Prayer. 7.30-9.30pm in Roath Church House. New members very 6.00 pm Lent Talk. St John’s. welcome – assistance given to learners. Contact Gill Day (20- 7.00 pm Holy Eucharist. St Anne’s. 495496 or Ann James [email protected] for details. Xfeoftebz 10.15 am HOLY EUCHARIST . Followed by coffee. LENT LUNCHES on Fridays, 12-2pm. This 3oe 7.25 pm Cardiff Recorded Music Society. Schoolroom. week at Mal & Steve Rowson’s, 56 Colchester Ave – soup, bread, cheese, frui t Uivstebz 7.00 pm Evening Prayer. and tea or coffee and a warm welcome. A ll 4se 7.30 pm Choir Practice. proceeds go to the Paradise Run. Gsjebz 12.00 pm Lent Lunch. 56 Colchester Ave. 5ui 7.30 pm Welsh Camerata Chamber Choir. St Donat’s Arts Centre. Tbuvsebz 9.00 am Morning Prayer. ST EDWARD’S ORCHESTRA SOLOISTS CONCERT 6ui 9.30 am Pavane Rehearsal. Schoolroom. on Friday at 7.30pm. Collection in aid of our “bell and 3.00 pm Concert by Pupils of Alison Dite. roof” repairs. 5.30 pm Service of Welcoming & Licensing for new University Anglican Chaplain. 62 Park Place. 7.30 pm St Edward’s Orchestra Soloists Concert . STAINER’S CRUCIFIXION at St Martin’s 7.30 pm Glories of the Baroque. Llandaff Cathedral. next Sunday at 6pm. Tickets £5. 7.30 pm Caritas Concert. St Martin’s. 7.30 pm Welsh Camerata Chamber Choir. Canton Uniting Church. Ofyu!Tvoebz is Passion Sunday . The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in St Edward’s at 11am, followed by the Congregational Meeting, and Coffee and Cakestall in the Schoolroom. Choral Evensong will be sung at 7pm. Eucharist readings: Ezekiel 37: 1-14; Romans 8: 6-11; John 11: 1-45. CARDIFF RECORDED MUSIC SOCIETY will meet in the Schoolroom on Wednesday 7.25-9.30pm for “Chairman’s Evening”. Our chairman, Colin Heath , presents a programme of music which has special significance for him. Non- members welcome (entrance £2). http://StEdward.roath.org.uk Facebook: StEdwardRoath Twitter: @StEdwardsRoath [email protected] MOTHERING SUNDAY . There are posies to present to INSTALLATION of Canon Stewart List as Canon of our mothers, in church or at home today, to mark the Caerau is in Llandaff Cathedral on Sat 12 Apr at 6pm tradition of Mothering Sunday. Our thanks to everyone during Choral Evensong when 3 Canons 2 Honorary who helped to make the posies in church yesterday, and Canons, the Metropolitan Canons & Diocesan Registrar took part in the clothes exchange, which has raised will be installed and appointed. All are welcome. £60.60 so far for the bell/roof fund (with more to come). RECITAL by Peter Fielding (clarinet) and Alison Dite 100 CLUB . The draw next Sunday is the “Big Draw”, (piano) on Fri 11 Apr at 7.30pm. Programme: Brahms E with a top prize of £100 and five prizes of £20. It is time Flat Sonata for Clarinet & piano; pieces by William to join for 2014-15: £12 now, or by installments. Hurlstone, Shostakovich and Saint Saens. Cheques/cash to Charlotte, Sue or Kathie, (payable to St MOZART’S REQUIEM will be performed by St Edward’s Edward’s Church) please. If you are not currently a Choir and Orchestra in the context of a devotional member, please consider joining. service on Good Friday at 7.30pm. ANTHEMS . The anthem at the Eucharist is “The Marvellous EASTER FLOWERS . Tricia, Sue and Kathie will be Work”, from the oratorio “Creation” by Josef Haydn (1732- pleased to receive donations towards the cost of flowers 1809). The Introit at Evensong is “Verily, verily I say unto thee” by Thomas Tallis (c.1505-1585) and the anthem is “Ave for Easter. We will be cleaning and decorating the Maria” by Jacob Arcadelt (c.1507-1568). church on Holy Saturday (19 Apr) at 10am. Your help would be appreciated. PARISH LENT COURSE is on Sunday evenings in Roath Church House at 7.45pm. Tonight’s topic is COFFEE CONCERTS . The eighth concert in the series “Forgiveness”. Do come along and join us for discussion is “Songs from the American Song Book” by Dan and over tea or coffee. Details from Gill Day (20-495496. Laura Curtis on Sat 26 Apr at 11am. LENT TALKS at St John’s in town on Tuesdays at SPECIAL WWI EVENT in the afternoon of Sat 7 June. 12.45pm-1.15pm and 6pm-6.30pm. Theme: ‘Introducing An opportunity to remember 100 years on, through Christian Mindfulness & Meditation’. This week’s subject: song, food and dress, the time before the world changed ‘What do you want me to do for you?’ (Mark 10:51). with the advent of The Great War. Ideas and offers of help to any member of the committee. SERVICE OF WELCOMING & LICENSING for the new University Anglican Chaplain, Rev David Sheen, on CATHEDRAL VISIT . Parishioners from Roath have Friday at 5.30pm in the hall at the rear of the Catholic been invited to visit Llandaff Cathedral in the afternoon Chaplaincy, 62 Park Place. All staff & students, clergy & on Sun 13 July (including Choral Evensong at 3.30pm). faith representatives welcome. Short Service led by the Please let Kathie Mayer know if you would like to come. Assistant Bishop of Llandaff together with the multi-faith FOR YOUR DIARY . chaplains of the university. Followed by tea & coffee. 6 Apr. 12pm. Congregational Meeting. CARDIFF UNIVERSITY CHAMBER CHOIR concert “Glories 11 Apr. 7.30pm. Recital: Alison Dite & Peter Fielding. of the Baroque” at Llandaff Cathedral on Friday at 7.30pm. 12 Apr. 6pm. Rev Stewart’s Installation. Cathedral. CARITAS CONCERT at St Martin’s on Friday at 7.30pm. 16 Apr. Paradise Run. Choral works for Lent and Passiontide from the 15th century 26 Apr. Coffee Concert: Dan & Laura Curtis. to the present day: Byrd, Palestrina, Weelkes, Purcell, 26 Apr. St Anne’s Orchestra Concert. Handel, Bach, Rheinberger, Fauré, Britten and Tavener. 28 Apr. Annual Vestry. Roath Church House. Tickets £10 (students/children £5) (20-751023 Coffee Concert dates : 26 Apr, 17 May, 21 Jun, 19 Jul. [email protected]. In aid of ‘End Polio Now’. MUSIC DIARY . WELSH CAMERATA CHAMBER CHOIR perform Monteverdi 7 Apr 7.30pm. Venezuela Youth Choir. St David’s Hall. Madrigals at The Glassroom, St Donats Arts Centre, Atlantic 10 Apr 8pm. CCSO. Church of the Resurrection. College on Friday at 7.30pm, and at Canton Uniting Church 11 Apr 1.15pm. Organ Recital: Gerard Brooks. St John’s. on Sat at 7.30pm. Tickets £12 (conc. £10) (01446-799100. 13 Apr 6.30pm. Fauré’s Requiem. St Denys, Lisvane. COFFEE AND CAKESTALL in the schoolroom next 19 Apr 7.30pm. Glory of Easter. Cambrensis. St David’s Hall. Sunday after the Eucharist, in aid of Stella, the child in THE VICAR, CHURCHWARDENS AND TREASURER Malawi sponsored by the Sunday School. would like to acknowledge with grateful thanks the TALK entitled “Plant Mair; Welsh Devotion to Mary - an substantial anonymous donation that was left at Roath Historical Survey” with speaker Peter Hourahane, next Church House for Parish Funds. Sunday at 3pm at St David’s 6th Form College, Tygwyn DECLINE HALTED . Statistics published last week by Rd. Organized by Wales & the Marches Catholic History the Church of England showed no reduction in weekly Society. Entrance free. All welcome. attendance by churchgoers in the decade 2001-2010, CYTÛN MEETING in the vestry on Wed 9 Apr at 7.30pm. following several decades of steady decline. CONGREGATIONAL (PRE-VESTRY) MEETING next WELCOME . We extend a warm welcome to all visitors and Sunday after the Eucharist. Notices have been posted newcomers. Please make yourself known to one of the inviting nominations for Parish People’s Warden, Church sidesmen if you are new with us. People’s Sub-Warden and PCC and committee CONTACT NUMBERS . members for the next year. The elections of People’s Rev Stewart Lisk: (20-487854 / 07794-157604. Sub-Warden and the respective new church committees Parish Office (20-484808, will take place at the congregational meeting. The [email protected] Parish People’s Warden will be elected at the Annual Please let the clergy know

Vestry on Mon 28 Apr, along with ratification of all other of any sick person or any person who is in hospital. elected posts. To receive the Parish Group e-newsletter send an email to [email protected]

Qbttjpo!Tvoebz! Weekly Newsletter No.1975 Sunday, 6th April, 2014 11.00 am Sung Eucharist & Sermon. Celebrant: Canon Stewart Lisk . Preacher: Rev Rhys Jenkins. Hymns: 108, 102, 214, Anthem: So Thou liftest thy divine petition (Stainer) , 119(MP) . Setting: Nicholson in G & Thomas Mass (David Thorne). Followed by the Annual Congregational (Pre-Vestry) Meeting. 7.00 pm Choral Evensong. Introit: Jesu Rex Admirabilis (Palestrina) . Officiant: Canon Stewart Lisk. Psalm 30 . Hymns: 107, Anthem: Ave Verum (Fauré) , 215 . Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis: Hylton Stewart. Readings: Lamentations 3, 19-33 . Matthew 20, 17-34 . In the world-wide Church we pray today for the Nippon Sei Ko Kai (The Anglican Church in Japan) and Primate Nathaniel Makoto Uematsu and in the Ecumenical Prayer Cycle we pray for East Timor, Indonesia and Philippines . We pray for peace in the world , remembering the people of Afghanistan and Syria . We pray for the people of Ukraine and the Crimean Peninsula . In this diocese we pray for the Parish of Cardiff, Dewi Sant, Rev Dyfrig Lloyd and Reader Michael Ford . We pray for Liz Rees who will be ordained deacon by Archbishop Barry at Mountain Ash today at 4pm. We pray for our Vicar, Rev Stewart , who will be installed as Canon of Caerau on Saturday. We pray for the sick and those who care for them, especially Walter Oaten, Glyn Osman, Julie Romanelli, Beryl Powell and David Blyth . We pray for the repose of the souls of the departed, especially Maureen Hanks and Rev Vernon Hodgson , who died in the past week, also William John Coleman and Janet Munday , whose anniversaries occur at this time. EVENING PRAYER will be said at St Edward’s on Monday at 6.15pm, Tuesday at UIJT!XFFL! 6pm and Thursday at 7pm, and Morning Prayer on Saturday at 9am this week. PAROCHIAL CHURCH COUNCIL meets on Npoebz 6.00 pm Parish Surgery. Roath Church House. Monday at 7.30pm in Roath Church House. 8ui 6.15 pm Evening Prayer. 7.00 pm St Edward’s Orchestra & Choir Practice. CYTÛN MEETING in the vestry on 7.30 pm Parochial Church Council. Roath Church House. Wednesday at 7.30pm. 7.30 pm National Youth Choir of Venezuela. St David’s Hall. STAINER’S CRUCIFIXION at St Martin’s today at 6pm. Tickets £5. Uvftebz Removal of St Edward’s Bellcote. Westville Rd closed. 9ui 12.45 pm Lent Talk. St John’s. REMOVAL OF THE BELLCOTE . We are expecting 6.00 pm Evening Prayer. the work of dismantling the bellcote to take place on 6.00 pm Lent Talk. St John’s. Tuesday. If it goes ahead as planned, Westville Road 7.00 pm Holy Eucharist. St Anne’s. will be closed for several hours on that day. Xfeoftebz 10.15 am HOLY EUCHARIST . Followed by coffee. :ui 7.25 pm Cardiff Recorded Music Society Annual General Meeting. Schoolroom. 7.30 pm Cytûn Meeting. Vestry. LENT LUNCHES . The last lunch has been cancelled – thank y ou Uivstebz 7.00 pm Evening Prayer. everyone for their support, especially the hosts and soup makers. 21ui 7.30 pm Choir Practice. 8.00 pm City of Cardiff Symphony Orchestra. Church of the Resurrection, Ely. Gsjebz 1.30 pm Funeral Memorial Service for Rev Vernon Hodgson . St Margaret’s. 22ui 7.30 pm Recital by Peter Fielding & Alison Dite . St Edward’s. PARISH OFFICE is closed Tbuvsebz 9.00 am Morning Prayer. on Friday this week. 23ui 6.00 pm Installation of Canon Stewart List and Canon of Caerau . Llandaff Cathedral. Ofyu! Tvoebz is Palm Sunday . The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in St Edward’s at 11am, with the Palm Procession around the park, and Choral Evensong will be sung at 7pm. Eucharist readings: Isaiah 50: 4-9a; Philippians 2: 5-11; Matthew 27: 11-54. FUNERAL SERVICE of Rev Vernon Hodgson is at St Margaret’s at 1.30pm on Friday, followed by a reception in Roath Church House. RECITAL by Peter Fielding (clarinet) and Alison Dite (piano) on Friday at 7.30pm. Programme: Brahms E Flat Sonata for Clarinet & piano; pieces by William Hurlstone, Shostakovich and Saint Saens. http://StEdward.roath.org.uk Facebook: StEdwardRoath Twitter: @StEdwardsRoath [email protected] CONGREGATIONAL (PRE-VESTRY) MEETING after INSTALLATION of Canon Stewart List as Canon of the Eucharist today, when the elections of People’s Sub- Caerau is in Llandaff Cathedral on Saturday at 6pm Warden and the new church committee will take place. during the service of Choral Evensong at which the three Nominations for Parish People’s Warden, Church Canons and two Honorary Canons, the Metropolitan People’s Sub-Warden and PCC will be forwarded to the Canons and Diocesan Registrar will be installed and Annual Vestry on Mon 28 Apr at Roath Church House, appointed. All are welcome. when the Parish People’s Warden will be elected and all EASTER FLOWERS . Tricia, Sue and Kathie will be other elected posts will be ratified. pleased to receive donations towards the cost of flowers COFFEE AND CAKESTALL in the schoolroom today for Easter. We will be cleaning and decorating the after the Eucharist, in aid of Stella, the child in Malawi church on Holy Saturday (19 Apr) at 10am. Your help sponsored by the Sunday School. Also the “Big Draw” would be appreciated. for the 100 Club will take place. THE GLORY OF EASTER presented by Cambrensis 100 CLUB . Today’s draw is the “Big Draw”, with a top Choir and Orchestra and the St David’s Praise Choir at prize of £100 and five prizes of £20. It is time to join for St David’s Hall on Sat 19 Apr at 7.30pm. £11/£13 2014-15: £12 now, or by installments. Cheques/cash to discounts available (20-878444. Charlotte, Sue or Kathie, (payable to St Edward’s COFFEE CONCERTS . The eighth concert in the series Church) please. If you are not currently a member, is “Songs from the American Song Book” by Dan and please consider joining. Laura Curtis on Sat 26 Apr at 11am. ANTHEMS . The anthem at the Eucharist is the duet “So Thou SPRING CONCERT at St Anne’s Church by St Anne’s liftest thy divine petition”, from the cantata “Crucifixion” by Sir John Stainer (1840-1901). The Introit at Evensong is “Jesu Orchestra on Sat 26 Apr at 7.30pm. Admission free, with Rex Admirabilis” by Giovanni Pierluigi Palestrina (1525-1594) a retiring Collection in aid of St Anne’s Church funds. and the anthem is the 14 th century Eucharistic hymn “Ave Mozart’s Flue Concerto in D (Soloist Nicola Loten) & th Verum Corpus” by Gabriel Fauré (1845-1924). Beethoven’s 5 Symphony. TALK entitled “Plant Mair; Welsh Devotion to Mary - an PARISH KNITTING & CROCHET GROUP meets next Historical Survey” with speaker Peter Hourahane, today on Mon 2 June. at 3pm at St David’s 6th Form College, Tygwyn Rd. SPECIAL WWI EVENT in the afternoon of Sat 7 June. Organized by Wales & the Marches Catholic History An opportunity to remember 100 years on, through Society. Entrance free. All welcome. song, food and dress, the time before the world changed PARISH LENT COURSE is on Sunday evenings in Roath with the advent of The Great War. Ideas and offers of Church House at 7.45pm. Tonight’s topic is “Sacrifice”. Do help to any member of the committee. come along and join us for discussion over tea or coffee. Further information from Gill Day (20-495496. CATHEDRAL VISIT . Parishioners from Roath have been invited to visit Llandaff Cathedral in the afternoon NATIONAL YOUTH CHOIR OF VENEZUELA (Simon on Sun 13 July (including Choral Evensong at 3.30pm). Bolivar) at St David’s Hall on Monday at 7.30pm, Please let Kathie Mayer know if you would like to come. performing Quam pulchri sunt (Vittoria), Ave Maria (Holst) and many others. £17.50 (conc. £15). FOR YOUR DIARY . 16 Apr. Paradise Run. LENT TALK at St John’s in town on Tuesdays at 12.45pm- 18 Apr (Good Friday). Mozart’s Requiem. 1.15pm and 6pm-6.30pm. The final talk this week. Subject: ‘God did not send his Son to condemn the world, but so that 26 Apr. Coffee Concert: Dan & Laura Curtis. the world might be saved through him’ (John 3:17). 26 Apr. St Anne’s Orchestra Concert. 28 Apr. Annual Vestry. Roath Church House. CARDIFF RECORDED MUSIC SOCIETY hold their 2 Jun. Knitting & Crochet Group. Annual General Meeting in the Schoolroom on 3 Jun. St Anne’s Skittles Match. The Crofts. Wednesday 7.25-9.30pm. 7 Jun. WWI Event. St Edward’s. CITY OF CARDIFF SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA in concert at 7 Jul. St Edward’s Orchestra Concert. the Church of the Resurrection, Ely, on Thursday at 8pm. 13 Jul. Roath Parish visit to Llandaff Cathedral. Russian Easter Overture (Rimsky-Korsakov), Trumpet Coffee Concert dates : 26 Apr, 17 May, 21 Jun, 19 Jul. Concerto (Böhme), Symphony No.6 “Pathétique” (Tchaikovsky). Tickets £10 (conc. £8) (20-306696 / on door. MUSIC DIARY . LUNCHTIME ORGAN RECITAL at St John’s (town) on 13 Apr 6.30pm. Fauré’s Requiem. St Denys, Lisvane. Friday, 1.15-1.45pm, by Gerard Brooks (Methodist Central 19 Apr 7.30pm. Glory of Easter. Cambrensis. St David’s Hall. Hall, Westminster). Admission free, retiring collection. 27 Apr 6pm. South Wales Clarinet Choir. St German’s. FAURÉ’S REQUIEM and Cantique de Jean Racine next WELCOME . We extend a warm welcome to all visitors Sunday at 6.30pm at St Denys Church, Lisvane. A and newcomers. Please make yourself known to one of Concert in support of St Denys Organ Fund. Other the sidesmen if you are new with us. music by Parsons, Viadana & Rutter by the St Denys CONTACT NUMBERS . Church Choir. Tickets £10 (20-752363. Rev Stewart Lisk: TAIZÉ SERVICE at St Peter’s (RC) Church next Sunday 7pm. (20-487854 / 07794-157604. Parish Office (20-484808, LLANGASTY DROP-IN DAY on Mon 14 Apr, 10am- [email protected] 4pm with Eucharist at 12 noon. No need to book. Please let the clergy know MOZART’S REQUIEM will be performed by St Edward’s of any sick person or any person who is in hospital. Choir and Orchestra in the context of a devotional To receive the Parish Group e-newsletter send an email service on Good Friday at 7.30pm. to [email protected]

Qbmn!Tvoebz! Weekly Newsletter No.1976 Sunday, 13 th April, 2014 11.00 am Sung Eucharist & Sermon. Celebrant & Preacher: Canon John Woodward . Blessing of Palms and Procession through the park. Introit: Pueri Hebraeorum (Schubert) . Hymns: 99, Broken for Me, Anthem: All in the April Evening (Roberton) , Hosanna! Setting: Nicholson in G & Thomas Mass (David Thorne). 7.00 pm Choral Evensong. Introit: O Saviour of the World (Goss) . Officiant: Canon Stewart Lisk. Psalm 80 . Hymns: 96, Anthem: Thou that destroyest the temple (Peace) , 100 . Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis: Harris in A minor. Readings: Isaiah 5, 1-7. Matthew 21, 33-46 . In the world-wide Church we pray today for the Diocese of Jerusalem of the Episcopal Church in Jerusalem & the Middle East, and Bishop Suheil Dawani and in the Ecumenical Prayer Cycle we pray for Japan, North Korea, South Korea and Taiwan . We pray for peace in the world , remembering the people of Afghanistan and Syria . We pray for the people of Ukraine and the Crimean Peninsula . In this diocese we pray for the Parish of Gabalfa, Rev Bob Capper, Rev Gill Dallow and Readers Dr Peter Edbury, Dr Michael Glenn, John Hopkins, Rod Hillier, David Page, Pauline Page and Dominic De Saulles . We pray for the homeless in our city, and for all who work to help them, in the Paradise Run, Cardiff Action for Single Homeless, the Huggard Centre. We pray for the sick and those who care for them. We pray for the repose of the souls of the departed, especially Rev Vernon Hodgson and Maureen Hanks , also Anthony Barton Goble and Hilda Winifred Thomas , whose anniversaries occur at this time. EVENING PRAYER will be said at St Edward’s on Monday and Tuesday at 6pm and IPMZ!XFFL! Thursday at 6.30pm, and Morning Prayer on Friday and Saturday at 9.30am this week. Npoebz 6.00 pm Parish Surgery. Roath Church House. PARISH OFFICE is closed on Friday this week. 25ui 6.00 pm Evening Prayer. GETHSEMANE GARDEN . Preparations for the 7.00 pm St Edward’s Orchestra & Choir Practice. Garden will begin on Thursday at about 8pm 7.30 pm Holy Eucharist . St Margaret’s. after the Eucharist. Uvftebz 6.00 pm Evening Prayer. MOZART’S REQUIEM will be performed by St 26ui 7.00 pm Holy Eucharist . St Anne’s. Edward’s Choir and Orchestra in the con text of a devotional service on Good Friday at 7.30pm. Xfeoftebz 10.15 am HOLY EUCHARIST . Followed by coffee. 27ui 7.30 pm Holy Eucharist . St Edward’s . WELCOME . We extend a warm welcome to all visitors 7.45 pm Paradise Run. and newcomers. Please make yourself known to one of the sidesmen if you are new with us. Uivstebz Maundy Thursday 28ui 11.00 am Chrism Mass (Blessing of the Holy Oils). Llandaff Cathedral. 6.30 pm Evening Prayer. 7.00 pm SUNG EUCHARIST AND STRIPPING OF THE ALTAR . 8.00 pm Choir Practice. 8.00 pm Gethsemane Garden Preparation. 11.30 pm Choral Tenebrae: The Lamentation (Bairstow). Llandaff Cathedral. Gsjebz Good Friday EASTER FLOWERS . Tricia, Sue and Kathie will 29ui 9.30 am Morning Prayer. be pleased to receive donations towards the cost 9.30 am Liturgy of Good Friday. St Anne’s. of flowers for Easter. We will be cleaning and 12.00 pm Three Hours Devotion . St Margaret’s. decorating the church on Holy Saturday at 10am. 4.00 pm Stations of the Cross. St Anne’s. Your help would be appreciated. 4.30 pm Choir & Orchestra Practice. 7.30 pm DEVOTIONAL SERVICE: MOZART’S REQUIEM . Tbuvsebz Holy Saturday THE GLORY OF EASTER presented by Cambrensis Choir and 2:ui 9.30 am Morning Prayer. Orchestra and the St David’s Praise C hoir at St David’s Hall on 10.00 am Cleaning & Decorating. Saturday at 7.30pm. £11/£13 discounts available (20-878444. 7.30 pm Easter Vigil & First Eucharist of Easter. St Margaret’s . 7.30 pm The Glory of Easter (Cambrensis & St David’s Choir). St David’s Hall. Ofyu!Tvoebz is Easter Day . The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in St Edward’s at 11am and the Service of Lessons and Carols for Easter is at 7pm. Eucharist readings: Jeremiah 31: 1-6; Colossians 3: 1-4; John 20: 1-18. http://StEdward.roath.org.uk Facebook: StEdwardRoath Twitter: @StEdwardsRoath [email protected] ELECTIONS . At the Congregational Meeting last week, REMOVAL OF THE BELLCOTE . The work took place Charlotte Evans was elected as People’s Subwarden as planned last Tuesday. Most of the rubble was and Sue Mansell accepted the Vicar’s invitation to be his removed, but the large bellcote cap is now lying on the Subwarden. The following were elected as PCC front lawn. The emergency work to make everything Members: Sue Mansell, Kathie Mayer, Janice Goble and safe has now been completed, at a cost of over £8000, Megan Martin. In addition to these, the following were and the bell is safely stored. Our new committee will elected to the Committee: Kathie Mayer, Janice Goble, need to look carefully at the options and decide how we Ann James, Fiona Berry, Mary Traynor, Alan Mayer, want to proceed. Katy Clay, Jane Colley. Kathie Mayer was nominated as ANNUAL VESTRY on Mon 28 Apr at 7.30pm in Roath Parish People’s Warden. All elections are to be ratified Church House. This is our Parish AGM with the at the Parish Vestry Meeting. presentation of the parish report and accounts and the ANTHEMS . The anthem at the Eucharist is “All in the April election and appointment of officers. All welcome and all Evening” by Sir Hugh S. Roberton (1874-1952). The Introit at on the Parish Electoral Roll may vote. The Parish Evensong is the Collect for the Visitation of the Sick “O People’s Warden will be elected and all other elected Saviour of the world” by John Goss (1800-1880) and the posts will be ratified. anthem is “Thou that destroyest the temple” from the Easter Cantata “Darkness and Dawn” by Fred W. Peace. SPRING FAYRE at Roath Church House on Sat 17 CYLCH MEITHRIN NAN LLEUCU Easter Fayre and May, 10am-12pm. Items are required for the following Egg Hunt, 1.30-4pm today at Roath Church House. stalls: Books, Toys, Bric-a-Brac, Jams/Marmalade, Come and enjoy a cup of tea/coffee and some Jewellery, items wrapped in Red or Orange for the homemade cakes at the Annual Easter Fayre in support Tombola Stall, Toiletries, Scarves, Handbags, CDs, of local Cylch. Craft Stalls, egg hunt, facepainting, DVDs, Plants and Cakes. Donations can be taken to Easter Bonnet Competition and much more. Roath Church House on Fri 16 May, 7pm-8pm. Help is needed to man the stalls and also to set up the stalls on CHORAL EVENSONG with Solemn Litany sung in the Friday evening from 7pm – coffee will be provided, procession at the Cathedral, 3.30pm today. Anthem: Ex Help is also required for clearing away on the Saturday ore innocentium (Ireland). at 12pm. Please support this event. Light refreshments FAURÉ’S REQUIEM and Cantique de Jean Racine today at will be available. The Scouts deliver all our flyers, which 6.30pm at St Denys Church, Lisvane. A Concert in support of is a great help, but please take a few posters to your St Denys Organ Fund. Other music by Parsons, Viadana & local shops, hairdressers, post offices etc, to expand our Rutter by St Denys Church Choir. Tickets £10 (20-752363. advertising. Further information from Anna Mason TAIZÉ SERVICE at St Peter’s (RC) Church today at 7pm. (07720-641653 or Pat Hyett (20-471247. PARISH LENT COURSE final session this evening in Roath SOUTH WALES CLARINET CHOIR concert with Cambrian Church House at 7.45pm. Tonight’s topic is “Transformation”. Male Voice Choir at St German’s on Sun 27 Apr at 6pm. Do come along and join us for discussion over tea or coffee. Further information from Gill Day (20-495496. SPECIAL WWI EVENT in the afternoon of Sat 7 June. An opportunity to remember 100 years on, through LLANGASTY DROP-IN DAY on Monday, 10am-4pm song, food and dress, the time before the world changed with Eucharist at 12 noon. An opportunity to pause for with the advent of The Great War. Ideas and offers of prayer and personal reflection – come for all or part of help to any member of the committee. the day. Bring your own lunch. Coffee and tea provided. No charge, but donations welcome. No need to book. FOR YOUR DIARY . 26 Apr. St Anne’s Orchestra Concert. PARADISE RUN on Wednesday. We need loaves of 28 Apr. Annual Vestry. Roath Church House. sandwiches of either sliced cheese (not grated), tuna, 2 Jun. Knitting & Crochet Group. ham or corned beef using white medium sliced bread 3 Jun. St Anne’s Skittles Match. The Crofts. and individually wrapped sandwiches. Also packets of 7 Jun. WWI Event. St Edward’s. crisps, biscuits or cakes. Items can be given to Kathie 7 Jul. St Edward’s Orchestra Concert. Mayer (20-495769 or left at Church House either at 13 Jul. Roath Parish visit to Llandaff Cathedral. Wednesday lunchtime or in the evening from 7.15pm Coffee Concert dates : 26 Apr, 17 May, 21 Jun, 19 Jul. until we leave at 7.45pm. Further information/offers of help please ring Chris Webb (20-455641. MUSIC DIARY . 27 Apr 6pm. South Wales Clarinet Choir. St German’s. HOT CROSS BUNS at Heather & Norman’s house, 21 9 May 1.15pm. Organ Recital: Robin Baggs. St John’s. Blenheim Road, after Morning Prayer on Good Friday. 18 May. 7.15pm. Opera Mint & Pavane. St Andrew’s Major. COFFEE CONCERTS . The eighth concert in the series THANKS to Peter Fielding and Alison Dite for their is “Songs from the American Song Book” by Dan and excellent recital on Friday evening. £61.50 was collected Laura Curtis on Sat 26 Apr at 11am. for our Bell/Roof fund. Also thanks to Alison for her pupil SPRING CONCERT at St Anne’s Church by St Anne’s concert last week, that raised £77 for the fund. Orchestra on Sat 26 Apr at 7.30pm. Admission free, with CONTACT NUMBERS . a retiring Collection in aid of St Anne’s Church funds. Rev Stewart Lisk: Mozart’s Flue Concerto in D (Soloist Nicola Loten) & (20-487854 / 07794-157604. Beethoven’s 5 th Symphony. Parish Office (20-484808, [email protected] CATHEDRAL VISIT . Parishioners from Roath have Please let the clergy know been invited to visit Llandaff Cathedral in the afternoon of any sick person or any person who is in hospital. on Sun 13 July (including Choral Evensong at 3.30pm). To receive the Parish Group e-newsletter send an email to Please let Kathie Mayer know if you would like to come. [email protected]

Fbtufs!Ebz! Weekly Newsletter No.1977 Sunday, 20 th April, 2014 11.00 am Sung Eucharist & Sermon. Celebrant & Preacher: Canon Stewart Lisk . Hymns: 238(MP), 132, 94(MP), Anthem: Hallelujah! (Handel) , 134 . Setting: Thomas Mass (David Thorne). 7.00 pm Service of Lessons and Carols for Easter. Officiant: Rev Stewart Lisk. Hymns: 134, 128, 140, 137, 135 . Carols: On Easter Morn Ere Break of Day, Magdalene cease from sobs and sighs, This Joyful Eastertide. Anthems: All in the April Evening (Roberton) , Dum Transisset Sabbatum (Tallis) , They have taken away my Lord (Stainer) , O Death where is thy sting? (Handel) , O Sons and Daughters (Walford Davies) , There is a green hill (Gounod) And behold I am alive for evermore (Simper) , A Gaelic Blessing (Rutter) . In the Ecumenical Prayer Cycle we pray for Djibouti and Somalia . We pray for peace in the world , remembering the people of Afghanistan and Syria . We pray for the people of Ukraine and the Crimean Peninsula . We pray for the young people and crew members who died in the South Korean Ferry Disaster . We pray for all who are facing financial difficulties , and those seeking employment . In this diocese we pray for the Parish of Roath, St Martin, and Rev Irving Hamer . We pray for the clergy who minister in this parish , our Vicar, Canon Stewart Lisk, Assistant Curate, Rev Dr Rhys Jenkins and the retired clergy who assist them, especially Canon John Woodward. We pray for the sick and those who care for them, especially Peter James . We pray for the repose of the souls of the departed. UIJT!XFFL! PARISH OFFICE is closed on Monday and Tuesday this week. Xfeoftebz 9.30 am Holy Eucharist. St Margaret’s . NO PARISH SURGERY on Monday this week. 34se 7.00 pm South Wales Clarinet Choir rehearsal. NO WEEKDAY EVENING PRAYER OR EUCHARIST this week. St Mark the Evangelist Gsjebz Holy Eucharist on Wednesday at 9.30am at St Margaret’s. Tbuvsebz 11.00 am COFFEE CONCERT CANCELLED . NO CHOIR OR ORCHESTRA PRACTICE 37ui 7.30 pm St Anne’s Orchestra Concert. St Anne’s. this week. Ofyu!Tvoebz is The Second Sunday of Easter (Low Sunday) . The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in St Edward’s at 11am and Choral Evensong will be sung at 7pm. Eucharist readings: Exodus 14: 10-31, 15: 20,21; Acts 2: 14a, 22-32; John 20: 19-31. COFFEE CONCERT CANCELLED . Due to unforeseen circumstances the Coffee Concert planned for this Saturday has been cancelled. Next Coffee Concert is on Saturday, 17 th May at 11am. SOLEMN EVENSONG at the Cathedral, 3.30pm today: Allcoat in E. Anthem: Christo resurgenti (Couperin). SPRING CONCERT at St Anne’s Church by St Anne’s Orchestra on Saturday at 7.30pm. Admission free, with a retiring Collection in aid of St Anne’s Church funds. Mozart’s Flute Concerto in D (Soloist Nicola Loten) & Beethoven’s 5th Symphony. SOUTH WALES CLARINET CHOIR concert with Cambrian Male Voice Choir at St German’s next Sunday at 6pm. #EASTERMEANS . Today is the last day to tweet your personal meaning of Easter with pictures, stories and messages (campaign by the Church of England). Bishops will be sharing what #EasterMeans to them in soundbite interviews to be released later this week. Archbishop John Sentamu tweeted “#EasterMeans new life, joy and hope. Let’s place our trust in the God and Father of Jesus Christ and let the Holy Spirit change us from glory to glory.” OUR THANKS to the choir and orchestra for their rendering of Mozart’s Requiem in the devotional service on Good Friday. £202 was collected for St Edward’s bell/roof fund. MANY THANKS to all who helped clean and decorate St Edward’s yesterday – fifteen people turned up, and did a very good job – and thanks to all who gave donations towards the flowers. THANK YOU to everyone who contributed and helped in any way at the Reception following the funeral of the Reverend Vernon Hodgson last week. It was greatly appreciated by Barbara and her family. http://StEdward.roath.org.uk Facebook: StEdwardRoath Twitter: @StEdwardsRoath [email protected] ANNUAL VESTRY on Mon 28 Apr at 7.30pm in Roath Church House. This is our Parish AGM with the presentation of the parish report and accounts and the election and appointment of officers. All welcome and all on the Parish Electoral Roll may vote. The Parish People’s Warden will be elected and all other elected posts will be ratified. PARISH DISCUSSION GROUP meets on Sun 11 May at 7.45pm in Room 2 at Roath Church House when the topic will be “Moses & Aaron”. OPERA MINT AND PAVANE join forces again for a concert at St Andrews Major Church on Sun 18 May at 7.15pm. Music from the early Baroque by Purcell, Montiverdi and more. PARISH KNITTING & CROCHET GROUP meets next Congratulations: Stewart’s Installation as Canon of Caerau on Mon 2 June. ANTHEM at the Eucharist is “Hallelujah!” from the SPECIAL WWI EVENT in the afternoon of Sat 7 June. oratorio “Messiah” by George Frideric Handel (1685- An opportunity to remember 100 years on, through 1759). song, food and dress, the time before the world changed THE SIXTEEN CHORAL PILGRIMAGE 2014 at with the advent of The Great War. Ideas and offers of Llandaff Cathedral on Sat 10 May at 7.30pm. Music by help to any member of the committee. John Sheppard, Richard Davy and William Mundy ST EDWARD’S ORCHESTRA CONCERT on Mon 7 (including Vox patris caelestis). Tickets £15/£20/£25 July at 7.30pm. Programme includes Mozart’s Sinfonia (01904-651485. Concertante with Diana Painter (violin) and Phil Heyman (viola). SOUTH WALES CLARINET CHOIR concert with Cantorion Cyfarthfa (Merthyr) at All Saints, Penarth, on CATHEDRAL VISIT . Parishioners from Roath have Sun 11 May at 3pm. been invited to visit Llandaff Cathedral in the afternoon on Sun 13 July (including Choral Evensong at 3.30pm). LONDON SYMPHONY CHORUS at St David’s Hall on Please let Kathie Mayer know if you would like to come. Sun 11 May at 5pm, performing Spem in Alium (Tallis), FOR YOUR DIARY . Ubi Caritas (Mealor), Let the people praise Thee O God 28 Apr. Annual Vestry. Roath Church House. (Mathias) and Vespers (Rachmaninov). £17.50 (conc. 14 May. Paradise Run. £15.50). 17 May. 11am. Coffee Concert: Rachel Watson (Cello). FAIRER SHARE . Llandaff Diocese is planning to make 2 Jun. Knitting & Crochet Group. improvements to the Parish Share system – the way we 3 Jun. St Anne’s Skittles Match. The Crofts. ask parishes for a contribution to the cost of providing 7 Jun. WWI Event. St Edward’s. ministry across the whole diocese. A series of 7 Jul. St Edward’s Orchestra Concert. ‘conversations’ is taking place to discuss the planned 13 Jul. Roath Parish visit to Llandaff Cathedral. improvements and receive feedback and ideas. An open Coffee Concert dates : 17 May, 21 Jun, 19 Jul. invitation is extended to anyone who involved with the MUSIC DIARY . support and funding of their local church and its work – 27 Apr 6pm. South Wales Clarinet Choir. St German’s. especially clergy, church officers and PCC members. 9 May 1.15pm. Organ Recital: Robin Baggs. St John’s. The nearest meeting is at Christ Church Hall, Radyr, 10 May 7.30pm. The Sixteen. Llandaff Cathedral. CF15 8DY on Wed 14 May at 7pm. To reserve your 11 May 3pm. South Wales Clarinet Choir. All Saints, Penarth. place contact Briony Davies (01656-868868, email: 11 May 5pm. London Symphony Chorus. St David’s Hall. [email protected] 18 May 7.15pm. Opera Mint & Pavane. St Andrew’s Major. 24 May 7.30pm. Cardiff Bach Choir. RWCMD. SPRING FAYRE at Roath Church House on Sat 17 ONE HUNDRED CLUB WINNERS of the “big” draw: May, 10am-12pm. Items are required for the following Rachel Doe (£100), Luke Edwards £20, Alex Dando stalls: Books, Toys, Bric-a-Brac, Jams/Marmalade, £20, Harriet Evans Webb £20, Sue Mansell (Church Jewellery, items wrapped in Red or Orange for the Fund) £20. Tombola Stall, Toiletries, Scarves, Handbags, CDs, WELCOME . We extend a warm welcome to all visitors DVDs, Plants and Cakes. Donations can be taken to and newcomers. Please make yourself known to one of Roath Church House on Fri 16 May, 7pm-8pm. Help is the sidesmen if you are new with us. needed to man the stalls and also to set up the stalls on the Friday evening from 7pm – coffee will be provided, CONTACT NUMBERS . Help is also required for clearing away on the Saturday Rev Stewart Lisk: at 12pm. Please support this event. Light refreshments (20-487854 / 07794-157604. will be available. The Scouts deliver all our flyers, which Parish Office (20-484808, is a great help, but please take a few posters to your [email protected] local shops, hairdressers, post offices etc, to expand our Please let the clergy know advertising. Further information from Anna Mason of any sick person or any person who is in hospital. (07720-641653 or Pat Hyett (20-471247. To receive the Parish Group e-newsletter send an email to [email protected]

Uif!!Tfdpoe!Tvoebz!pg!Fbtufs! Weekly Newsletter No.1978 Sunday, 27th April, 2014 11.00 am Sung Eucharist & Sermon. Hymns: 140, 133, 124(MP), Anthem: O Be Joyful (Stanford) , 135 . Setting: Thomas Mass (David Thorne). 7.00 pm Choral Evensong. Introit: I am the resurrection (Tomkins) . Officiant: Canon Stewart Lisk. Psalm 30, vv 1-5. Hymns: 129, Anthem: Te Deum Laudamus (Woodward) , 136 . Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis: S.S.Wesley Chant Service in G. Readings: Daniel 6, 1-23 . Mark 15,46 - 16,8 . In the world-wide Church we pray today for the Episcopal Church in Jerusalem and the Middle East, and President Bishop Dr Mouneer Hanna Anis and in the Ecumenical Prayer Cycle we pray for Eritrea and Ethiopia . We pray for peace in the world , remembering the people of Afghanistan and Syria . We pray for the people of Ukraine and the Crimean Peninsula . In this diocese we pray for the Parish of Pentyrch with Capel Llanillterne and Rev Michael John . We pray for our Schools , especially Marlborough Road and St Teilo’s, for the teachers and pupils. We pray for our Churchwardens, Parochial Church Councillors and Committee Members , those who are retiring from their posts and those who have been nominated for election at the Parish Vestry Meeting on Monday. We pray for the sick and those who care for them. We pray for the repose of the souls of the departed, especially Clive Lisk , whose anniversary occurs at this time. EVENING PRAYER will be said at St Edward’s on Monday UIJT!XFFL! and Tuesday at 6pm and Thursday at 7pm this week. Npoebz 6.00 pm Parish Surgery. Roath Church House. SOUTH WALES CLARINET CHOIR concert 39ui 6.00 pm Evening Prayer. with Cambrian Male Voice Choir at St 7.00 pm Dance Therapy Group. Schoolroom. German’s today at 6pm. 7.30 pm Parish Vestry . Roath Church House. SAINSBURYS ACTIVE KIDS VOUCHERS . Uvftebz 6.00 pm Evening Prayer. Please save these for our Scout Groups – St 3:ui 7.00 pm Holy Eucharist. St Anne’s. Anne’s & St Margaret’s. They can be left in the envelope at the back of the church. The Xfeoftebz 10.15 am HOLY EUCHARIST . Followed by coffee. vouchers help to provide valuable equ ipment for the uniform groups. Uivstebz 7.00 pm Evening Prayer. 2tu!Nbz 7.30 pm Choir Practice. WELCOME . We extend a warm welcome to all visitors and newcomers. Please make yourself known to one Tbuvsebz!4se 9.30 am Pavane Rehearsal. Schoolroom. of the sidesmen if you are new with us. Ofyu!Tvoebz is the Third Sunday of Easter . The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated with Holy Baptism in St Edward's at 11am, coffee will be served in the vestry after the Eucharist, and the 100 Club Draw will take place. Choral Evensong will be sung at 7pm. Eucharist readings: Zephaniah 3: 14-20; Acts 2: 14a, 36-41; Luke 24: 13-35. DAY EVENT at Llangasty Retreat House. Fri 9 May: Sensing the Spirit. Rev Jo Vickery and Shahne Vickery. £25. LUNCHTIME ORGAN RECITAL at St John’s (town) on Fri 9 May, 1.15-1.45pm, by Robin Baggs (St Peter and St Paul, Broadwell). Admission free, retiring collection. CHRISTIAN SINGER/SONGWRITER Martyn Joseph in concert at St Gwladys’ Church Hall, Bargoed on Fri 9 May at 8pm (doors open 7.30). Tickets £14 (conc. Available) (01443-836600 or [email protected] THE SIXTEEN CHORAL PILGRIMAGE 2014 at Llandaff Cathedral on Sat 10 May at 7.30pm. Music by John Sheppard, Richard Davy and William Mundy (including Vox patris caelestis). Tickets £15/£20/£25 (01904-651485. LAVISH CARDIFF meet at Bethel Baptist Church, Whitchurch on Sat 10 May at 7.30pm. A series of free non- denominational events for women to have a safe space to share their stories. SOUTH WALES CLARINET CHOIR concert with Cantorion Cyfarthfa (Merthyr) at All Saints, Penarth, on Sun 11 May at 3pm. LONDON SYMPHONY CHORUS at St David’s Hall on Sun 11 May at 5pm, performing Spem in Alium (Tallis), Ubi Caritas (Mealor), Let the people praise Thee O God (Mathias) and Vespers (Rachmaninov). £17.50 (conc. £15.50). http://StEdward.roath.org.uk Facebook: StEdwardRoath Twitter: @StEdwardsRoath [email protected] ARCHBISHOP BARRY preached the Easter Sermon at ANNUAL VESTRY on Monday at 7.30pm in Roath Llandaff Cathedral. He said people realised the Church House. This is our Parish AGM with the significance of what it means to believe in Jesus when presentation of the parish report and accounts and the they saw solidarity and forgiveness in the world, and election and appointment of officers. All welcome and all gave two examples. on the Parish Electoral Roll may vote. The Parish One was of the Jesuit priest Father Francis who was People’s Warden will be elected and all other elected shot dead in the recent conflict in the city of Homs in posts will be ratified. Syria. Before his death he had refused to abandon his PARISH DISCUSSION GROUP meets on Sun 11 May Christian congregation in spite of being besieged, having at 7.45pm in Room 2 at Roath Church House when the little food and being in constant danger of shellfire. He topic will be “Moses & Aaron”. could have run away at the last moment, but he chooses to face death to tell us something about the love of God, COFFEE CONCERTS . The next concert in the series is and a God who stands in solidarity with us. Rachel Watson (Cello) on Sat 17 May at 11am. The second example was of a Rwandan Tutsi woman, OPERA MINT AND PAVANE join forces again for a who forgave a Hutu tribesman 20 years after he cut off concert at St Andrews Major Church on Sun 18 May at her arm and killed her baby during the genocide in the 7.15pm. Music from the early Baroque by Purcell, country. She found it incredibly hard to forgive, but she Montiverdi and more. decides that in the end that is the only way she is going to bring violence to an end. PARISH KNITTING & CROCHET GROUP meets next Archbishop Barry said "It reminds me of the risen Jesus on Mon 2 June. who comes to his apostles after the resurrection, and SPECIAL WWI EVENT in the afternoon of Sat 7 June. whereas he could have chided them for letting him An opportunity to remember 100 years on, through down, he says to them 'Peace be with you'." song, food and dress, the time before the world changed with the advent of The Great War. Ideas and offers of CRAFT STALL at the back of the church, in aid of Save help to any member of the committee. the Children Syria Appeal. ST EDWARD’S ORCHESTRA CONCERT on Mon 7 ANTHEMS . The anthem at the Eucharist is “O be joyful July at 7.30pm. Programme includes Mozart’s Sinfonia in the Lord” by Sir Charles Villiers Stanford (1852-1924). Concertante with Diana Painter (violin) and Phil The Introit at Evensong is “I am the resurrection and the Heyman (viola). life” by Thomas Tomkins (1572-1656) and the anthem is the setting of “Te Deum Laudamus” by Rev Herbert Hall CATHEDRAL VISIT . Parishioners from Roath have Woodward (1847-1909). been invited to visit Llandaff Cathedral in the afternoon on Sun 13 July (including Choral Evensong at 3.30pm). NO CHORAL EVENSONG at the Cathedral today. Please let Kathie Mayer know if you would like to come. Congregational Evensong at 3.30pm. FOR YOUR DIARY . FAIRER SHARE . Llandaff Diocese is planning to make 14 May. Paradise Run. improvements to the Parish Share system – the way we 17 May. 11am. Coffee Concert: Rachel Watson (Cello). ask parishes for a contribution to the cost of providing 2 Jun. Knitting & Crochet Group. ministry across the whole diocese. A series of 3 Jun. St Anne’s Skittles Match. The Crofts. ‘conversations’ is taking place to discuss the planned 7 Jun. WWI Event. St Edward’s. improvements and receive feedback and ideas. An open 7 Jul. St Edward’s Orchestra Concert. invitation is extended to anyone who involved with the 13 Jul. Roath Parish visit to Llandaff Cathedral. support and funding of their local church and its work – Coffee Concert dates : 26 Apr, 17 May, 21 Jun, 19 Jul. especially clergy, church officers and PCC members. MUSIC DIARY . The nearest meeting is at Christ Church Hall, Radyr, 9 May 1.15pm. Organ Recital: Robin Baggs. St John’s. CF15 8DY on Wed 14 May at 7pm. To reserve your 10 May 7.30pm. The Sixteen. Llandaff Cathedral. place contact Briony Davies (01656-868868, email: 11 May 3pm. South Wales Clarinet Choir. All Saints, Penarth. [email protected] 11 May 5pm. London Symphony Chorus. St David’s Hall. 18 May 7.15pm. Opera Mint & Pavane. St Andrew’s Major. SPRING FAYRE at Roath Church House on Sat 17 24 May 7.30pm. Cardiff Bach Choir. RWCMD. May, 10am-12pm. Items are required for the following THE GOLDEN CLUB . Over 65? Love classic family stalls: Books, Toys, Bric-a-Brac, Jams/Marmalade, games? Enjoy meeting people? Then come to Penylan Jewellery, items wrapped in Red or Orange for the Residential Hotel for an afternoon of games. Light Tombola Stall, Toiletries, Scarves, Handbags, CDs, refreshments provided. Donations towards the Activity DVDs, Plants and Cakes. Donations can be taken to Fund welcome. Details (20-496444. Roath Church House on Fri 16 May, 7pm-8pm. Help is needed to man the stalls and also to set up the stalls on CONTACT NUMBERS . the Friday evening from 7pm – coffee will be provided, Rev Stewart Lisk: Help is also required for clearing away on the Saturday (20-487854 / 07794-157604. at 12pm. Please support this event. Light refreshments Parish Office (20-484808, will be available. The Scouts deliver all our flyers, which [email protected] is a great help, but please take a few posters to your Please let the clergy know local shops, hairdressers, post offices etc, to expand our of any sick person or any person who is in hospital. advertising. Further information from Anna Mason To receive the Parish Group e-newsletter send an email (07720-641653 or Pat Hyett (20-471247. to [email protected]

Uif!Uijse!Tvoebz!pg!Fbtufs! Weekly Newsletter No.1979 Sunday, 4th May, 2014 11.00 am Sung Eucharist & Sermon. Holy Baptism: Daniel Edward Myles Richards. Celebrant: Canon Stewart Lisk . Preacher: Rev Dr Rhys Jenkins. Hymns: 205, 365, 153(MP), Anthem: The Lord Bless You and Keep You (Rutter) , 296 . Setting: Thomas Mass (David Thorne). 7.00 pm Choral Evensong. Introit: Sacerdotes Domini (Byrd) . Officiant: Canon Stewart Lisk. Psalm 48 . Hymns: 370, Anthem: Christ Our Passover (Caleb Simper) , 128 . Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis: Stanford in B flat. Readings: Haggai 1,13 - 2,9 . 1 Corinthians 3, 10-17 . In the world-wide Church we pray today for the Anglican Church of and Archbishop Eliud Wabukala and in the Ecumenical Prayer Cycle we pray for Sudan, South Sudan and Uganda . We pray for peace in the world , remembering the people of Afghanistan and Syria . We pray for the people of Ukraine and the Crimean Peninsula . We pray for the victims of the landslide in Afghanistan . In this diocese we pray for the Parish of Barry, All Saints and Curate Rev Emma Rees , and for All Saints Church in Wales Primary School, Headteacher Clare Lewis and her staff and pupils. We pray for Daniel Edward Myles Richards to be baptised at our Eucharist this morning. We pray for our Churchwardens, Parochial Church Councillors and Committee Members who were elected at the Parish Vestry Meeting. We pray for the sick and those who care for them, especially Val Mayer, Glyn Osman, Julie Romanelli, Beryl Powell and David Blyth . We pray for the repose of the souls of the departed, especially Peter James , who died last week, also Adelaide Malkin Briers whose anniversary occurs at this time. EVENING PRAYER will be said at St Edward’s on Tuesday UIJT!XFFL ! and Friday at 6pm and Thursday at 7pm this week. Uvftebz 6.00 pm Evening Prayer. PARISH OFFICE is open on Wednesday, 7ui 7.00 pm Holy Eucharist. St Anne’s. Thursday and Friday this week. NO PARISH SURGERY on Monday this week. Xfeoftebz 10.15 am HOLY EUCHARIST . Followed by coffee. 8ui 7.00 pm Llanishen Local History Society visit St Margaret’s. CACEC COURSE : “New Monasticism” by James Karran at City United Uivstebz 7.00 pm Evening Prayer. Reformed Church, Windsor Place. 4 9ui 7.00 pm Montgomery Trust Lecture. Swansea University. sessions on Mondays at 7pm, starting 7.30 pm Choir Practice. this week. £30. Gsjebz 10.00 am Day Event. Llangasty Retreat House. LLANISHEN LOCAL HISTORY SOCIETY is :ui 1.15 pm Lunchtime Organ Recital. St John’s (town). visiting St Margaret’s on Wed at 7pm for a guided tour of the church. You are welcome to join them. 6.00 pm Evening Prayer. 8.00 pm Martyn Joseph in concert. St Gwladys Church Hall, Bargoed. 7.30 pm LAVISH Cardiff. Bethel Baptist Church, Whitchurch. PLEASE RETURN LENT BOXES to Tbuvsebz church as soon as possible so that we 21ui 7.30 pm The Sixteen. Llandaff Cathedral. can send the money off. Ofyu!Tvoebz is the Fourth Sunday of Easter . The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in St Edward’s at 11am and Choral Evensong will be sung at 7pm. Eucharist readings: Genesis 7; Acts 2: 42-47; John 10: 1-10. MONTGOMERY TRUST LECTURE at Swansea University on Thursday at 7pm: “Ageing and Spirituality” by The Rev Canon Dr James Woodward (Canon of St George’s Chapel Windsor; former Director of The Leveson Centre for the Study of Ageing, Spirituality and Social Policy, Temple Balsall; former Lead Chaplain at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham). Entrance free. All welcome. DAY EVENT at Llangasty Retreat House on Friday: Sensing the Spirit. Rev Jo Vickery and Shahne Vickery. £25. 10am-4pm. Booking essential. LUNCHTIME ORGAN RECITAL at St John’s (town) on Friday, 1.15-1.45pm, by Robin Baggs (St Peter and St Paul, Broadwell). Admission free, retiring collection. CHRISTIAN SINGER/SONGWRITER Martyn Joseph in concert at St Gwladys’ Church Hall, Bargoed on Friday at 8pm (doors open 7.30). Tickets £14 (conc. Available) (01443-836600 or [email protected] LAVISH CARDIFF meet at Bethel Baptist Church, Whitchurch on Saturday at 7.30pm. A series of free non- denominational events for women to have a safe space to share their stories. http://StEdward.roath.org.uk Facebook: StEdwardRoath Twitter: @StEdwardsRoath [email protected] CHRISTIAN AID WEEK is 11-17 May. Christian Aid is a SPRING FAYRE at Roath Church House on Sat 17 charity which works with those in greatest need, May, 10am-12pm. Items are required for the following irrespective of faith, in parts of the world devastated by stalls: Books, Toys, Bric-a-Brac, Jams/Marmalade, war or famine. Could you help by collecting from just a Jewellery, items wrapped in Red or Orange for the few houses (say about 25) or in the organisation and Tombola Stall, Toiletries, Scarves, Handbags, CDs, distribution of envelopes? We need lots of volunteers, DVDs, Plants and Cakes. Donations can be taken to so that no-one has to do very much. Please speak to Roath Church House on Fri 16 May, 7pm-8pm. Help is Sue Mansell if you are willing to help in any way. “In as needed to man the stalls and also to set up the stalls on much as you do it for the least of these…” the Friday evening from 7pm – coffee will be provided, COFFEE . Please join us in the vestry after the Service this Help is also required for clearing away on the Saturday morning for a cup of coffee and a chat, & the 100 Club draw. at 12pm. Please support this event. Light refreshments will be available. The Scouts deliver all our flyers, which NEW FLOWER ROTA is posted in the porch. If you is a great help, but please take a few posters to your would like to provide (or pay for) flowers to decorate the local shops, hairdressers, post offices etc, to expand our church for a particular week, please put your name and advertising. Further information from Anna Mason phone number on the rota. (07720-641653 or Pat Hyett (20-471247. ANTHEMS . The anthem at the Eucharist is “The Lord COMPLINE by candlelight. Next service: 22 May. Bless You and Keep You” by John Rutter (b.1945). The Introit at Evensong is “Sacerdotes Domini” by William ST ANNE’S SKITTLES MATCH at the Crofts Pub, 7.30 Byrd (1543-1623) and the anthem is “Christ Our for 8pm on Tue 3 June. Tickets £6.50 inc buffet, Passover” by Caleb Simper (1857-1942). available from Kathie Mayer today. CHORAL EVENSONG at the Cathedral, 3.30pm today: SPECIAL WWI EVENT in the afternoon of Sat 7 June. Long in F. Anthem: Let all the world (Vaughan Williams). An opportunity to remember 100 years on, through THE SIXTEEN CHORAL PILGRIMAGE 2014 at Llandaff song, food and dress, the time before the world changed Cathedral on Saturday at 7.30pm. Music by John Sheppard, with the advent of The Great War. Ideas and offers of Richard Davy and William Mundy (including Vox patris help to any member of the committee. caelestis). Tickets £15/£20/£25 (01904-651485. CATHEDRAL VISIT . Parishioners from Roath have SOUTH WALES CLARINET CHOIR concert with Cantorion been invited to visit Llandaff Cathedral in the afternoon Cyfarthfa (Merthyr) at All Saints Penarth, next Sunday at 3pm. on Sun 13 July (including Choral Evensong at 3.30pm). REMINISCENCES OF OLD NEWPORT is the title of a Please let Kathie Mayer know if you would like to come. free talk by Fr Michael McCarthy next Sunday at 3pm at FOR YOUR DIARY . St David’s Sixth Form College. Organised by Wales and 14 May. Paradise Run. the Marches Catholic History Society. All welcome. 17 May. 11am. Coffee Concert: Rachel Watson (Cello). Details (20-595899 or [email protected] 22 May. 9pm. Compline. LONDON SYMPHONY CHORUS at St David’s Hall next 2 Jun. Knitting & Crochet Group. Roath Church House. Sunday at 5pm, performing Spem in Alium (Tallis), Ubi Caritas 3 Jun. St Anne’s Skittles Match. The Crofts. (Mealor), Let the people praise Thee O God (Mathias) and 7 Jun. WWI Event. St Edward’s. Vespers (Rachmaninov). £17.50 (conc. £15.50). 7 Jul. St Edward’s Orchestra Concert. PARISH DISCUSSION GROUP meets next Sunday at Coffee Concert dates : 17 May, 21 Jun, 19 Jul. 7.45pm in Room 2 at Roath Church House when the topic will MUSIC DIARY . be “Moses & Aaron”. New members very welcome. Informal 17 May 7.30pm. Tavener’s Requiem. St David’s Hall. discussion over coffee and tea and we finish about 9pm. 17 May 7.30pm. Polyphonic: Bach Mass in Bb. Cathedral. Further information from Gill Day (20-495496. 17 May 7.30pm. Gounod St Cecilia Mass. Eglwys Dewi Sant. LADIES CIRCLE meets on Tue 13 May at 7.15pm at Roath 18 May 7.15pm. Opera Mint & Pavane. St Andrew’s Major. Church House, when the speaker will be Rachel Smith who 24 May 7.30pm. Cardiff Bach Choir. RWCMD. will be talking about her work in the Probation Service. MESSAGE FROM BARBARA HODGSON . I must add QUIET GARDEN . A half hour of ecumenical prayer and my most sincere thanks to all those in the Parish of silence on the theme of “Growing” led by John Bissett on Wed Roath who contributed so much in countless ways to 14 May at 11am at Llanishen Methodist Church, Melbourne Rd. Tea and coffee served from 10.30am. All welcome. make Vernon’s funeral such a memorable occasion. I really felt his life had been truly celebrated. FAIRER SHARE . Llandaff Diocese is planning to make improvements to the Parish Share system – the way we CONGRATULATIONS to Ed Doe on scoring the first try ask parishes for a contribution to the cost of providing for the combined Oxbridge under-23 team that beat ministry across the whole diocese. There is a meeting at combined services under-23s at Twickenham yesterday. Christ Church Hall, Radyr, CF15 8DY on Wed 14 May at WELCOME . We extend a warm welcome to all visitors 7pm. To reserve your place contact Briony Davies and newcomers. Please make yourself known to one of (01656-868868, [email protected] the sidesmen if you are new with us. COFFEE CONCERTS . The next concert in the series is CONTACT NUMBERS . Rachel Watson (Cello) on Sat 17 May at 11am. Rev Stewart Lisk: (20-487854 / 07794-157604. OPERA MINT AND PAVANE join forces again for a concert at Parish Office (20-484808, St Andrews Major Church on Sun 18 May at 7.15pm. Music [email protected] from the early Baroque by Purcell, Montiverdi and more. Please let the clergy know PARISH KNITTING & CROCHET GROUP meets next of any sick person or any person who is in hospital. on Mon 2 June. To receive the Parish Group e-newsletter send an email to [email protected]

Uif!Gpvsui!Tvoebz!pg!Fbtufs! Weekly Newsletter No.1980 Sunday, 11 th May, 2014 11.00 am Sung Eucharist & Sermon. Celebrant & Preacher: Canon John Woodward . Hymns: 245, 197, Such Love, Anthem: The Lord is my Shepherd (Goodall) , 218 . Setting: Thomas Mass (David Thorne). 7.00 pm Choral Evensong. Officiant: Canon Stewart Lisk. Introit: Thou Wilt Keep Him in Perfect Peace (C.L.Williams) . Psalm 29 . Hymns: 358, Anthem: Saviour thy children keep (Sullivan) , 24 . Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis: Hylton Stewart. Readings: Ezra 3, 1-13 . Ephesians 2, 11-22 . In the world-wide Church we pray today for the Anglican Church of Korea and Primate Bishop Paul Kim and in the Ecumenical Prayer Cycle we pray for Kenya and Tanzania . We pray for peace in the world , remembering the people of Afghanistan and Syria . We pray for the people of Ukraine and the Crimean Peninsula . We pray for the kidnapped schoolgirls in Nigeria . We pray for the work of Christian Aid and its partners, for all who support the charity, and especially those who work in dangerous areas to deliver aid to people in desperate need. In this diocese we pray for the Parish of Porthkerry and Rhoose (South Vale Group) and Rev Melanie Prince . We pray for the homeless in our city, and for all who work to help them, in the Paradise Run, Cardiff Action for Single Homeless, the Huggard Centre. We pray for the sick and those who care for them, especially Val Mayer, Walter Oaten, Glyn Osman, Julie Romanelli, Beryl Powell and David Blyth . We pray for the repose of the souls of the departed, especially Emrys Lewis Davies and Francis Digby Riddett , whose anniversaries occur at this time. EVENING PRAYER will be said at St Edward’s on DISJTUJBO!BJE!XFFL! Monday and Tuesday at 6pm and Thursday at 7pm Npoebz 6.00 pm Parish Surgery. Roath Church House. this week. 23ui 6.00 pm Evening Prayer. PARISH OFFICE is open on Tuesday, 7.00 pm St Edward’s Orchestra Practice. Wednesday and Thursday this week. 7.00 pm Dance Therapy Group. Schoolroom. 7.30 pm St Margaret’s Committee. Church House. APPEALS HEARINGS . Please note that 13/14 May, 8.30am-4pm, the upper rooms Uvftebz 6.00 pm Evening Prayer. of Roath Church House, and the outer room 24ui 7.00 pm Holy Eucharist. St Anne’s. of the Parish Office, will be used by St 7.15 pm Ladies’ Circle. Roath Church House. Teilo’s High School for school appeals hearings. The Parish Office will still be open. Xfeoftebz St Matthias the Apostle 25ui 10.15 am HOLY EUCHARIST . Followed by coffee. LADIES CIRCLE meets on Tuesday at 7.15pm at Roath Church House , when the 11.00 am Quiet Garden. Llanishen Methodist Church. speaker will be Rachel Smith who will be 7.00 pm South Wales Clarinet Choir rehearsal. talking about her work in the Probation 7.00 pm Fairer Share Meeting. Christ Church Hall, Radyr. Service. Details from Gill Day (20-495496. 7.45 pm Paradise Run. QUIET GARDEN . A half hour of ecumenical prayer and silence on the theme of Uivstebz 7.00 pm Evening Prayer. “Growing” led by John Bissett on Wednesday at 11am at Llanishen Methodist 26ui 7.30 pm Choir Practice. Church, Melbourne Rd. Tea and coffee served from 10.30am. All welcome. WILLIAM HODGKINS MEMORIAL LECTURE Gsjebz 7.00 pm Preparations for Spring Fayre. Church House. on Friday at 7.30pm at City URC. “Politics, 27ui 7.30 pm William Hodgkins Memorial Lecture. City URC. Press and Preachers” by Huw Edwards (BBC News Presenter), and Baron Griffiths of Tbuvsebz 9.30 am Pavane Rehearsal. Schoolroom. Pembrey and Burry Port. Admission free. 28ui 10.00 am Spring Fayre. Roath Church House. 11.00 am Coffee Concert : Rachel Watson (cello) & Rebecca Selley (piano). 7.30 pm Bach’s Mass in B minor. Llandaff Cathedral. CARDIFF POLYPHONIC CHOIR present 7.30 pm John Tavener’s Requiem. St David’s Hall. Bach's Mass in B minor at Llandaff Cathedral 7.30 pm Gounod’s St Cecilia Mass. Eglwys Dewi Sant. on Saturday at 7.30pm. Ofyu!Tvoebz is the Fifth Sunday of Easter . The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in St Edward’s at 11am and Choral Evensong will be sung at 7pm. Eucharist readings: Genesis 8: 1-19; Acts 7: 55-60; John 14: 1-14. GOUNOD’S ST CECILIA MASS will be performed at Eglwys Dewi Sant on Saturday at 7.30pm by Cardiff Philharmonic Choir. Tickets £8 from choir members or at the door. http://StEdward.roath.org.uk Facebook: StEdwardRoath Twitter: @StEdwardsRoath [email protected] CHRISTIAN AID WEEK is 11-17 May. Christian Aid is a COFFEE CONCERT on Saturday at 11am: Rachel charity which works with those in greatest need, Watson (Cello) and Rebecca Selley (Piano) perform irrespective of faith, in parts of the world devastated by Debussy’s Cello Sonata, Sallinen’s “Elegy for Sebastian war or famine. Could you help by collecting from just a Knight” and Prokofiev’s Sonata in C Major. £2 inc coffee few houses (say about 25) or in the organisation and and biscuits. distribution of envelopes? We need lots of volunteers, PARADISE RUN on Wednesday. We need loaves of so that no-one has to do very much. Please speak to sandwiches of either sliced cheese (not grated), tuna, Sue Mansell if you are willing to help in any way. “In as ham or corned beef using white medium sliced bread much as you do it for the least of these…” and individually wrapped sandwiches. Also packets of A section of St John’s in town has been transformed into crisps, biscuits or cakes, toiletries etc. Items can be an interactive Safe Zone to highlight Humanitarian Safe given to Kathie Mayer (20-495769 or left at Church Zones set up in areas of war and conflict around the House either at Wednesday lunchtime or in the evening world. It highlights this year’s theme of peace and from 7.15pm until we leave at 7.45pm. Further reconciliation in areas of conflict. information/offers of help to Chris Webb (20-455641. To donate to Christian Aid Week, give online at www.caweek.org call (08080-006006 or text GIVE to JOHN TAVENER’S REQUIEM will be performed by 60155 to give £5. BBC National Orchestra of Wales and BBC National Chorus of Wales at St David’s Hall on Saturday at ARCHBISHOP ROWAN (Chair of Christian Aid) launched 7.30pm. Tickets £20 (conc. £16). Christian Aid Week with an inaugural parliamentary lecture highlighting the role that inequality plays in provoking ORGAN RECITAL/TALK by Robert Court at St Augustine’s, violence. He also highlighted the role women around the world Penarth, next Sunday at 3pm, on the church’s William Hill play in peacebuilding while at the same time suffering organ, which was installed in 1898. Organised by the Friends disproportionate levels of violence. of St Augustine’s. £7 (conc. £5) inc tea & homemade cakes. ANTHEMS . The anthem at the Eucharist is “The Lord is My OPERA MINT AND PAVANE join forces again for a concert at Shepherd” by Howard Goodall (b. 1958). The Introit at St Andrews Major Church next Sunday at 7.15pm. Music from Evensong is “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace” by Charles the early Baroque by Purcell, Montiverdi and more. Lee Williams (1853-1935) and the anthem is “Saviour Thy SERVICE OF THANKS FOR CHRISTIAN AID WEEK at Children Keep” by Arthur Sullivan (1842-1900). 7pm on Tue 20 May at St Anne’s. Guest Speaker: Peter SOUTH WALES CLARINET CHOIR concert with Cantorion Donnison, Regional Co-ordinator Christian Aid. Cyfarthfa (Merthyr) at All Saints, Penarth, today at 3pm. COMPLINE by candlelight. Next service: 22 May. REMINISCENCES OF OLD NEWPORT is the title of a PARISH KNITTING & CROCHET GROUP meets next free talk by Fr Michael McCarthy today at 3pm at St on Mon 2 June. David’s Sixth Form College. Organised by Wales and the Marches Catholic History Society. All welcome. ST ANNE’S SKITTLES MATCH at the Crofts Pub, 7.30 Details (20-595899 or [email protected] for 8pm on Tue 3 June. Tickets £6.50 inc buffet, available from Kathie Mayer today. CHORAL EVENSONG at the Cathedral, 3.30pm today: Watson in F. Anthem: Sing we merrily (Symons). LUNCH CLUB . We regret that there will no Lunch Club LONDON SYMPHONY CHORUS at St David’s Hall today at on Wed 4 June. 5pm, performing Spem in Alium (Tallis), Ubi Caritas (Mealor), FOR YOUR DIARY . Let the people praise Thee O God (Mathias) and Vespers 14 May. Paradise Run. (Rachmaninov). £17.50 (conc. £15.50). 17 May. 11am. Coffee Concert: Rachel Watson (Cello). PARISH DISCUSSION GROUP meets today at 7.45pm 22 May. 9pm. Compline. in Room 2 at Roath Church House when the topic will be 2 Jun. Knitting & Crochet Group. Roath Church House. “Moses & Aaron”. New members very welcome. Informal 3 Jun. St Anne’s Skittles Match. The Crofts. discussion over coffee and tea and we finish about 9pm. 11 Jun. Paradise Run. Further information from Gill Day (20-495496. 21 Jun. Coffee Concert: Comic Songs (John Sadler). FAIRER SHARE . Llandaff Diocese is planning to make 7 Jul. St Edward’s Orchestra Concert. improvements to the Parish Share system. Anyone 13 Jul. Roath Parish visit to Llandaff Cathedral. involved with the support and funding of their local Coffee Concert dates : 17 May, 21 Jun, 19 Jul. church and its work is invited to a meeting at Christ MUSIC DIARY . Church Hall, Radyr, CF15 8DY on Wednesday at 7pm. 24 May 7.30pm. Cardiff Bach Choir. RWCMD. To reserve your place contact Briony Davies (01656- 28 May 1.05pm. Sian Cameron. Beulah URC, Rhiwbina. 868868, email: [email protected] WELCOME . We extend a warm welcome to all visitors SPRING FAYRE at Roath Church House on Saturday, and newcomers. Please make yourself known to one of 10am-12pm. Items are required for the following stalls: the sidesmen if you are new with us. Books, Toys, Bric-a-Brac, Jams/Marmalade, Jewellery, CONTACT NUMBERS . items wrapped in Red or Orange for the Tombola Stall, Rev Stewart Lisk: Toiletries, Scarves, Handbags, CDs, DVDs, Plants and (20-487854 / 07794-157604. Cakes. Donations can be taken to Roath Church House Parish Office (20-484808, on Friday, 7pm-8pm. Help is needed to man the stalls [email protected] and also to set up the stalls on Friday evening from 7pm Please let the clergy know – coffee will be provided, Help is also required for of any sick person or any person who is in hospital. clearing away on Saturday at 12pm. Please support this To receive the Parish Group e-newsletter send an email event. Light refreshments will be available. to [email protected]

Uif!Gjgui!Tvoebz!pg!Fbtufs! Weekly Newsletter No.1981 Sunday, 18th May, 2014 11.00 am Sung Eucharist & Sermon. Celebrant: Canon Stewart Lisk . Preacher: Mr Geoffrey Smith. Hymns: 248(MP), 256, 199, Anthem: O Sacrum Convivium (Farrant) , 60(MP) . Setting: Thomas Mass (David Thorne). 7.00 pm Choral Evensong. Introit: Hail, Gladdening Light (Stainer) . Officiant: Canon Stewart Lisk. Psalm 147, vv 1-12 . Hymns: 76(S), Anthem: When to the Temple Mary Went (Eccard) , 359 . Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis: Tallis Short Evening Service. Readings: Zechariah 4, 1-10 . Revelation 21, 1-14 . In the world-wide Church we pray today for the Province of Melanesia and Archbishop David Vunagi and in the Ecumenical Prayer Cycle we pray for Malawi and Zambia . We pray for peace in the world , remembering the people of Afghanistan and Syria . We pray for the people of Ukraine and the Crimean Peninsula . We pray for the kidnapped schoolgirls in Nigeria . We pray for the victims of the Soma mining disaster in Turkey . In this diocese we pray for the Parish of Coity, Nolton & Brackla, Rev Michael Komor, Rev Jayne Shaw and Reader Huw Jones . We pray for all who will take part in the Election of the European Parliament on Thursday, the candidates and all who vote. We pray for all our young people who are taking examinations at this time. We pray for the sick and those who care for them, especially Val Mayer, Walter Oaten, Glyn Osman, Julie Romanelli, Beryl Powell and David Blyth , also Charlotte Evans-Webb , recovering from thyroid treatment. We pray for the repose of the souls of the departed, especially Eileen Nicholson , who died this month, also William (Bill) Everitt Scobie and Morgan William Rees Morgan , whose anniversaries occur at this time. EVENING PRAYER will be said at St Edward’s on Monday and Tuesday at UIJT!XFFL! 6pm and Thursday at 7pm this week, and Morning Prayer on Saturday at 9am. Npoebz 10.00 am Drop-In Day. Llangasty Retreat House. CONGRATULATIONS to Rev Dr Mark 2:ui 6.00 pm Parish Surgery. Roath Church House. Dimond, former chorister at St Edward’s, 6.00 pm Evening Prayer. who has been appointed as Chaplain to the 7.00 pm St Edward’s Orchestra Practice. Archbishop of Wales. 7.00 pm Theology Public Lecture. Swansea University. CHRISTIAN AID WEEK . Thank you 7.30 pm Roath Church House Committee . to everyone who helped in any way Uvftebz 6.00 pm Evening Prayer. in collecting money for Christian Aid , 31ui 7.00 pm Christian Aid Service of Thanks . St Anne’s. and to all who gave donations. 7.00 pm Dementia Candlelight Remembrance Service. Pontypridd. Xfeoftebz 10.15 am HOLY EUCHARIST . Followed by coffee. COMPLINE will be sung at St Edward’s on Thursday at 9pm. Uivstebz 7.00 pm Evening Prayer. Compline is a 15-minute service of 33oe 7.15 pm Annual Friends Lecture. St Michael’s College. plainchant - the last of the monastic 7.30 pm Choir Practice. “hours”, sung by candlelight. 9.00 pm COMPLINE BY CANDLELIGHT . Gsjebz!34se 1.00 pm Lunchtime Recital by Llandaff Cathedral School. Llandaff Cathedral. Tbuvsebz 9.00 am Morning Prayer. PARISH OFFICE is open on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday this week. 35ui 9.30 am Pavane Rehearsal. Schoolroom. SPRING FAYRE . A big thank you to all who 7.30 pm Mozart’s Requiem & Solemn Vespers. RWCMD. helped in any way and supported the Fayre. Ofyu! Tvoebz is the Sixth Sunday of Easter, Rogation Sunday . The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in St Edward’s at 11am and Choral Evensong will be sung at 7pm. Eucharist readings: Genesis 8:20 – 9:17; Acts 17: 22-31; John 14: 15-21. ANNUAL FRIENDS LECTURE at St Michael’s College on Thursday at 7.15pm. “The Religious Politics of Edwardian Wales: in cartoons” by Professor Chris Williams, Head of School of History, Archaeology and Religion, Cardiff University. Refreshments provided. Admission free. If you are interested in attending, please contact St Michael’s College (20-563379, email: [email protected] MOZART’S REQUIEM AND SOLEMN VESPERS by Cardiff Bach Choir and St Woolos Players on Saturday at 7.30pm at the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama. Programme also includes Concerto in E minor for Oboe d'amore, strings and continuo by Telemann. Tickets £16, (£10 for Balcony & students) (20-766589. http://StEdward.roath.org.uk Facebook: StEdwardRoath Twitter: @StEdwardsRoath [email protected] SERVICE OF THANKS FOR CHRISTIAN AID WEEK at PRIZE DRAW . Please buy tickets, £1 for a strip of 5, in 7pm on Tuesday at St Anne’s. This service is organized aid of church funds. As always a variety of prizes you'll by our local Cytûn, Churches Together in Roath, and will be glad to win, including wine, a special Marmite be attended by Christians from all the denominations collection, a Samsung Galaxy mobile phone and many represented on the Council. The Order of Service is more. Tickets available from Janice Goble. Draw to be based on material from Christian Aid, including thoughts made 29 June. Thanks for your support. and proverbs from the Sudan. The Guest Speaker is PARISH DISCUSSION GROUP meets on Sun 1 June at Peter Donnison, Regional Co-ordinator for Christian Aid 7.45pm in Room 2 at Roath Church House when the topic will in Wales, who looks after fundraising, volunteering and be “Music and Christianity”. New members very welcome. campaigning through churches & community groups in Informal discussion over coffee and tea and we finish about Wales. He also leads the team on legacy work in Wales. 9pm. Further information from Gill Day (20-495496. NEW FLOWER ROTA is posted in the porch. If you PARISH KNITTING & CROCHET GROUP meets next would like to provide (or pay for) flowers to decorate the on Mon 2 June. church for a particular week, please put your name and SURPRISED BY AGE? An ecumenical event organized phone number on the rota. by Methodist Homes for the Aged at Cathays Methodist ANTHEMS . The anthem at the Eucharist is “O Sacrum Church, Crwys Road on Tue 3 June, 9.30am-1pm, to Convivium” by Richard Farrant (d.1581). The Introit at explore how ageing, spirituality and faith are at the heart Evensong is the third century hymn “Hail gladdening of the Church’s mission. For further details please visit Light” set to music by John Stainer (1840-1901) and the webpage http://www.mha.org.uk/get-involved/events/ anthem is “When to the Temple Mary Went” by ST ANNE’S SKITTLES MATCH at the Crofts Pub, 7.30 Johannes Eccard (1553-1611). for 8pm on Tue 3 June. Tickets £6.50 inc buffet, ORGAN RECITAL/TALK by Robert Court at St available from Kathie Mayer today. Augustine’s, Penarth, today at 3pm, on the church’s LUNCH CLUB . We regret that there will no Lunch Club William Hill organ, which was installed in 1898. on Wed 4 June. Organised by the Friends of St Augustine’s. £7 (conc. £5) inc tea & homemade cakes. FAMILY FUN DAY at Roath Church House, 1pm-4pm on Sun 8 June. Crafts, face painting, football, quiz, story telling, CHORAL EVENSONG at the Cathedral, 3.30pm today: barbecue, donkey rides, pets, games, toy stall, and lots more. Sumsion in G. Anthem: Come, ye children (Steffani). CYTÛN PENTECOST SERVICE will take place in Roath OPERA MINT & PAVANE join forces again for a concert Church House grounds at 4pm after the Fun Day on at St Andrews Major Church today at 7.15pm. Music Whitsunday (8 June). from the early Baroque by Purcell, Montiverdi and more. COFFEE CONCERTS . Thanks to Rachel Watson and LLANGASTY DROP-IN DAY on Monday, 10am-4pm Rebecca Selley for their concert yesterday. Next Coffee with Eucharist at 12 noon. An opportunity to pause for Concert: “Comic Songs” by John Sadler (Baritone) & prayer and personal reflection – come for all or part of Jayne Thomas (piano), on Sat 21 June at 11am. the day. Bring your own lunch. Coffee and tea provided. No charge, but donations welcome. No need to book. ST EDWARD’S ORCHESTRA CONCERT on Mon 7 July at 7.30pm. Programme includes Mozart’s Sinfonia Concertante THEOLOGY PUBLIC LECTURE at Swansea University with Diana Painter (violin) and Phil Heyman (viola). on Monday at 7pm: “Why Christianity Makes Sense: C.S. Lewis and the Meaning of Life” by Professor Alister CATHEDRAL VISIT . Parishioners from Roath have McGrath (Professor of Theology, Ministry and Education been invited to visit Llandaff Cathedral in the afternoon in the Department of Education and Professional Studies on Sun 13 July (including Choral Evensong at 3.30pm). at King’s College London). Entrance free. All welcome. Please let Kathie Mayer know if you would like to come. CANDLELIGHT REMEMBRANCE SERVICE for FOR YOUR DIARY . departed loved one who fought Dementia and for 22 May. 9pm. Compline. families whose lives are affected and touched by the 2 Jun. Knitting & Crochet Group. Roath Church House. disease, on Tuesday at 7pm at St Catherine’s Church, 3 Jun. St Anne’s Skittles Match. The Crofts. Gelliwastad Grove, Pontypridd, CF37 2BS. Supported by 11 Jun. Paradise Run. the Pentre Salvation Army Songsters. 21 Jun. Coffee Concert: Comic Songs (John Sadler). 7 Jul. St Edward’s Orchestra Concert. COME AND WALK OR PRAY THE LABYRINTH at St 13 Jul. Roath Parish visit to Llandaff Cathedral. Michael’s College on Sat 31 May, 9.30 for 10am-4pm. Coffee Concert dates : 21 Jun, 19 Jul. Organised by Llandaff Diocesan Spirituality Group. Coffee & tea & lunch provided. Admission free but MUSIC DIARY . places limited. Contact Rev Moira Spence, email: 28 May 1.05pm. Sian Cameron. Beulah URC, Rhiwbina. [email protected] (01656-881960. 13 Jun 1.15pm. Organ: Huw Tregelles Williams. St John’s. PRAY FOR THE MEDIA . Churches and Christians are being CONTACT NUMBERS . encouraged to pray for the media on Sun 1 June. The Church Rev Stewart Lisk: and Media Network, which seeks to encourage Christians to (20-487854 / 07794-157604. engage with the media, is encouraging people to submit their Parish Office (20-484808, own prayers on the newly-launched website [email protected] www.pray4media.co.uk and to tweet prayers to @pray4media. Please let the clergy know WELCOME . We extend a warm welcome to all visitors of any sick person or any person who is in hospital. and newcomers. Please make yourself known to one of To receive the Parish Group e-newsletter send an email the sidesmen if you are new with us. to [email protected]

Uif!Tjyui!Tvoebz!pg!Fbtufs;!Sphbujpo!Tvoebz! Weekly Newsletter No.1982 Sunday, 25 th May, 2014 11.00 am Sung Eucharist & Sermon. Celebrant & Preacher: Canon John Woodward . St Paul at the Areopagus Hymns: At your feet we fall, Great is the Darkness, There is a Redeemer, Anthem: I will pray the Father (Torrance) , 607 . Setting: Thomas Mass (David Thorne). 7.00 pm Choral Evensong. Introit: O Praise the Lord (Batten) . Officiant: Rev Dr Rhys Jenkins. Psalms 87 & 36 vv 5-10 . Hymns: 144, Anthem: The Day is Past and Over (Marks) , 528. Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis: Norman Doe. Readings: Zechariah 8, 1-13. Revelation 21,22 - 22,5. In the world-wide Church we pray today for the work of the Anglican Centre in Rome and in the Ecumenical Prayer Cycle we pray for Botswana and Zimbabwe . We pray for peace in the world , remembering the people of Afghanistan and Syria . We pray for the people of Ukraine and the Crimean Peninsula . We pray for the kidnapped schoolgirls in Nigeria . We pray for the people of Israel and the Middle East , and for Pope Francis as he visits that region today. We pray for the crew of yacht Cheeki Rafiki , for their families, and all who have been searching for them. In this diocese we pray for the Parish of Llangynwyd with Maesteg, Rev Geraldine Blyth and Readers David Barrington Evans and Mostyn Kearle . We pray for all who live and work in our community . We pray for the sick and those who care for them, especially Val Mayer, Walter Oaten, Glyn Osman, Julie Romanelli, Beryl Powell and David Blyth , also Charlotte Evans-Webb , recovering from thyroid treatment. We pray for the repose of the souls of the departed. EVENING PRAYER will be said at St Edward’s on UIJT!XFFL! Tuesday at 6pm and Thursday at 7pm this week. Npoebz!37ui 7.00 pm Dance Therapy Group. Schoolroom. NO PARISH SURGERY on Monday this week. PARISH OFFICE is open on Tuesday, Uvftebz!38ui 6.00 pm Evening Prayer. Wednesday and Thursday this week. Xfeoftebz 10.15 am HOLY EUCHARIST . Followed by coffee. 39ui 1.05 pm Concert: The Nightingale and the Rose. Beulah URC, Rhiwbina. 7.00 pm South Wales Clarinet Choir rehearsal. BELLCOTE . Our thanks to those who have been working in the church grounds to make a feature of Uivstebz Ascension Day the bellcote. It has been landscaped with wall 3:ui 7.00 pm Evening Prayer. flowers and (appropriately) Canterbury Bells. 7.30 pm Choir Practice. Further work is planned. If you have ideas (or want 7.30 pm SUNG EUCHARIST . St Margaret’s. to help) please have a word with Kathie. Tbuvsebz 9.30 am Pavane Rehearsal. Schoolroom. PLANT SALE in aid of the Bell Fund 42tu 9.30 am Walk or Pray the Labyrinth. St Michael’s College. after the Eucharist next Sunday: tomato plants, bedding plants etc. Ofyu!Tvoebz is the Sunday After Ascension Day . The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in St Edward's at 11am, coffee will be served in the vestry after the Eucharist, and the 100 Club Draw will take place. Choral Evensong will be sung at 7pm. Eucharist readings: Ezekiel 36: 24-28; Acts 1: 6-14; John 17: 1-11. CONCERT at Beulah URC, Rhiwbina, on Wednesday at 1.05pm. Sian Cameron (mezzo soprano) and Nicola Rose (piano): “The Nightingale and the Rose”. Songs by Fauré and Schubert and arias by Bizet and Mozart. Tickets £5 on the door. COME AND WALK OR PRAY THE LABYRINTH at St Michael’s College on Saturday, 9.30 for 10am-4pm. Organised by Llandaff Diocesan Spirituality Group. Coffee & tea & lunch provided. Admission free but places limited. Contact Rev Moira Spence, email: [email protected] (01656-881960 PRAY FOR THE MEDIA . Churches and Christians are being encouraged to pray for the media next Sunday. The Church and Media Network, which seeks to encourage Christians to engage with the media, is encouraging people to submit their own prayers on the newly-launched website www.pray4media.co.uk and to tweet prayers to @pray4media. SHELLEY GARDENS COMMUNITY FOOD FESTIVAL next Sunday, 12pm-4pm (behind Poet’s Corner Pub on City Road). Live music, circus fun & games, face painting, etc. Free admission. http://StEdward.roath.org.uk Facebook: StEdwardRoath Twitter: @StEdwardsRoath [email protected] PRIZE DRAW . Please buy tickets, £1 for a strip of 5, in COMMUNITY FACILITIES PROGRAMME provides aid of church funds. As always a variety of prizes you'll funds for church and community projects. Mike O Shea be glad to win, including wine, a special Marmite from Welsh Government will explain the application collection, a Samsung Galaxy mobile phone and many process at St Mary’s Church Hall, Marshfield, on Wed more. Tickets available from Janice Goble. Draw to be 18 June at 2pm. Reserve a place: (01656-868860 or made 29 June. Thanks for your support. [email protected] NEW FLOWER ROTA is posted in the porch. If you COFFEE CONCERTS . The next in the series is “Comic would like to provide (or pay for) flowers to decorate the Songs” by John Sadler (Baritone) & Jayne Thomas church for a particular week, please put your name and (piano), on Sat 21 June at 11am. phone number on the rota. ORDINATION SERVICE at Llandaff Cathedral on Sat ANTHEMS . The anthem at the Eucharist is “I will pray the 28 June at 10.30am. Father” by Rev George William Torrance (1835-1907). The READERS’ SERVICE at Llandaff Cathedral on Sat 5 Introit at Evensong is “O Praise the Lord” by Adrian Batten July at 10am. (1591-1637?) and the anthem is “The Day is Past and Over” by James Christopher Marks (1863-1946). ST EDWARD’S ORCHESTRA CONCERT on Mon 7 NO CHORAL EVENSONG at the Cathedral today. July at 7.30pm. Programme includes Mozart’s Sinfonia Congregational Evensong at 3.30pm. Concertante with Diana Painter (violin) and Phil Heyman (viola). PARISH KNITTING & CROCHET GROUP meets on CATHEDRAL VISIT . Parishioners from Roath have Mon 2 June, 7.30-9.30pm in Room 2, Roath Church House. New members very welcome – assistance given been invited to visit Llandaff Cathedral in the afternoon to learners. Contact Gill Day (20-495496 or Ann James on Sun 13 July (including Choral Evensong at 3.30pm). [email protected] for details. Please let Kathie Mayer know if you would like to come. SURPRISED BY AGE? An ecumenical event organized CELEBRATING 60 YEARS at Llangasty Retreat House by Methodist Homes for the Aged at Cathays Methodist on Sat 19 July. Celebration Eucharist at 12pm. Fete 2pm Church, Crwys Road on Tue 3 June, 9.30am-1pm, to to 4.30pm: home-made refreshments, cake stall, raffle, explore how ageing, spirituality and faith are at the heart plants, books, fair trade, explore Llangors Lake and St of the Church’s mission. For further details please visit Gastyn’s Church. Bring a picnic lunch and enjoy a delightful afternoon in a stunning lakeside setting. webpage http://www.mha.org.uk/get-involved/events/ ST ANNE’S SKITTLES MATCH at the Crofts Pub, 7.30 SOUTH WALES CLARINET CHOIR will give a concert for 8pm on Tue 3 June. Tickets £6.50 inc buffet, at St Edward’s on Fri 3 Oct at 7.30pm. available from Kathie Mayer today. FOR YOUR DIARY . LUNCH CLUB . We regret that there will no Lunch Club 2 Jun. Knitting & Crochet Group. Roath Church House. on Wed 4 June. 3 Jun. St Anne’s Skittles Match. The Crofts. 7 Jun. WWI Event. St Edward’s. MESSY CATHEDRAL . Come to Llandaff Cathedral on 10 Jun. St Edward’s Orchestra Soloists Concert. Sat 7 June, 10.30am-1.30pm for the Messy Cathedral 11 Jun. Paradise Run. Event. Theme: Family of God. Registration 10.30 for 21 Jun. Coffee Concert: Comic Songs (John Sadler). 11am start. Fun crafts & activities followed by worship & 28 Jun. Ordination Service (Llandaff Cathedral). meal. Children must be accompanied by adults. Email 5 Jul. Readers’ Service (Llandaff Cathedral). [email protected] to confirm attendance. 7 Jul. St Edward’s Orchestra Concert. FAMILY FUN DAY at Roath Church House, 1pm-4pm 13 Jul. Roath Parish visit to Llandaff Cathedral. on Sun 8 June. Crafts, face painting, football, quiz, story Coffee Concert dates: 21 Jun, 19 Jul. telling, barbecue, donkey rides, pets, games, toy stall, MUSIC DIARY . and lots more. 13 Jun 1.15pm. Organ: Huw Tregelles Williams. St John’s. CYTÛN PENTECOST SERVICE will take place in Roath 13 Jun 7.30pm. Brahms Requiem. St David’s Hall. Church House grounds at 4pm after the Fun Day on 14 Jun 7.30pm. Llandaff Cathedral Choral Society. Cathedral. Whitsunday (8 June). SAINSBURYS ACTIVE KIDS VOUCHERS . Please save ST EDWARD’S ORCHESTRA SOLOISTS CONCERT these for our Scout Groups – St Anne’s & St Margaret’s. on Tue 10 June at 7.30pm. They can be left in the envelope at the back of the church. The vouchers help to provide valuable BRAHMS REQUIEM by BBC National Orchestra and equipment for the uniform groups. Chorus of Wales with the National Youth Choir at St David’s Hall on Fri 13 June at 7.30pm. £10-£29. WELCOME . We extend a warm welcome to all visitors and newcomers. Please make yourself known to one of LADIES CIRCLE Coffee Morning and Plant Sale at the sidesmen if you are new with us. Dawn Jones’ house, 110 Carisbrooke Way on Sat 14 June, 10.30am-12pm. Tickets £1 inc tea/coffee. Lots of CONTACT NUMBERS . plants for sale, bring and buy, book stall, raffle. Further Rev Stewart Lisk: information from Gill Day (20-495496. (20-487854 / 07794-157604. Parish Office (20-484808, LLANDAFF CATHEDRAL CHORAL SOCIETY and [email protected] Chamber Ensemble present a Summer Concert of Please let the clergy know Music by Haydn, Vivaldi, Handel and Parry at the of any sick person or any person who is in hospital. Cathedral on Sat 14 June at 7.30pm. Kleine Orgelmesse To receive the Parish Group e-newsletter send an email (Haydn), Vivaldi’s Gloria, My Heart is Inditing (Handel), to [email protected] Blest Pair of Sirens & I was glad (Parry). Tickets £4-£12.

Uif!Tvoebz!Bgufs!Btdfotjpo!Ebz! Weekly Newsletter No.1983 Sunday, 1st June, 2014 11.00 am Sung Eucharist & Sermon. Celebrant & Preacher: Canon Stewart Lisk . Hymns: 147, 149, Reign in Me, Anthem: Justorum Animae (Byrd) , Jesus is King . Setting: Thomas Mass (David Thorne). 7.00 pm Choral Evensong. Introit: Fanfare (Martin Shaw) . Officiant: Canon Stewart Lisk. Psalms 47 . Hymns: 145, Anthem: Lo Round the Throne (Ley) , 204 . Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis: Tomkins Tone VI. Readings: 2 Samuel 23, 1-5. Ephesians 1, 15-23 . On the Ecumenical Prayer Cycle today we pray for Lesotho, Namibia, South Africa and Swaziland . We pray for peace in the world , remembering the people of Afghanistan and Syria . We pray for the people of Ukraine and the Crimean Peninsula . We pray for the kidnapped schoolgirls in Nigeria . In this diocese we pray for the Deanery of Margam and Area Dean Canon Philip Masson . We pray for the clergy who minister in this parish , our Vicar, Canon Stewart Lisk, Assistant Curate, Rev Dr Rhys Jenkins and the retired clergy who assist them, especially Canon John Woodward. We pray for the sick and those who care for them, especially Val Mayer, Glyn Osman, Julie Romanelli, Beryl Powell and David Blyth . We pray for the repose of the souls of the departed, especially Alfred Edward Richards and Joyce Davies , whose anniversaries occur at this time. EVENING PRAYER will be said at St Edward’s on Monday, UIJT!XFFL! Tuesday and Friday at 6pm and Thursday at 7pm this week. Npoebz 12.45 pm Word for the City. St John’s. WORD FOR THE CITY at St John’s, 3oe 6.00 pm Parish Surgery. Roath Church House. Mon 12.45-1.10. This week: Gluttony 6.00 pm Evening Prayer. and God’s Free Gift (John 6:33-35). 7.00 pm St Edward’s Orchestra Practice. 7.00 pm Dance Therapy Group (private booking). Schoolroom. PARISH OFFICE is open on 7.30 pm Parish Knitting & Crochet Group. Roath Church House . Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday this week. Uvftebz 9.30 am Surprised by Age? Cathays Methodist Church. PARISH KNITTING & CROCHET GROUP 4se 6.00 pm Evening Prayer. meets on Monday, 7.30-9.30pm in Room 2, 7.30 pm St Anne’s Skittles Match. The Crofts Pub. Ro ath Church House. New members very welcome – assistance given to learners. Xfeoftebz 10.15 am HOLY EUCHARIST . Followed by coffee. Contact Gill Day (20-495496 or Ann James [email protected] for details. Uivstebz 7.00 pm Evening Prayer. 6ui 7.30 pm Choir Practice. FAMILY FUN DAY at Roath Church House, 1pm-4pm next Sunday. Crafts, face painting, football, quiz, story-telling, barbec ue, donkey Gsjebz!7ui 6.00 pm Evening Prayer. rides, pets, games, toy stall, and lots more. Donations on the door. Tbuvsebz 9.30 am Pavane Rehearsal. Schoolroom. LUNCH CLUB . We regret that there will no Lunch 8ui 10.30 am Messy Cathedral. Llandaff Cathedral. Club on Wednesday this week. 2.00 pm Special WWI Event. St Edward’s. Ofyu!Tvoebz is the Feast of Pentecost, Whitsunday . The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in St Edward’s at 11am, there will be a Fun Day at Roath Church House 1pm-4pm, Cytûn Outdoor Pentecost Service at Roath Church House Grounds at 4pm, and Choral Evensong will be sung at St Edward’s at 7pm. Eucharist readings: Numbers 11: 24-30; Acts 2: 1-21; John 20: 19-23. SURPRISED BY AGE? An ecumenical event organized by Methodist Homes for the Aged at Cathays Methodist Church, Crwys Road on Tuesday, 9.30am-1pm, to explore how ageing, spirituality and faith are at the heart of the Church’s mission. For further details please visit webpage http://www.mha.org.uk/get-involved/events/ MESSY CATHEDRAL . Come to Llandaff Cathedral on Saturday, 10.30am-1.30pm for the Messy Cathedral Event. Theme: Family of God. Registration 10.30 for 11am start. Fun crafts & activities followed by worship & meal. Children must be accompanied by adults. Email [email protected] to confirm attendance. CHRISTIAN AID . The total this year, including Gift Aid, is approximately £850. More than £100 up on last year. Well done to everyone. SPRING FAYRE . A big thank you to all who helped in any way and supported the Fayre. A total of £1750 was raised for funds. http://StEdward.roath.org.uk Facebook: StEdwardRoath Twitter: @StEdwardsRoath [email protected] ST ANNE’S SKITTLES MATCH at the Crofts Pub, 7.30 SPECIAL WWI EVENT . St Edward’s will be open on for 8pm on Tuesday. Tickets £6.50 inc buffet, available Saturday, 2pm-4pm. The War Memorials will be from Kathie Mayer today. available to view, including records of the men who are named, researched by Bill Berry, a member of our COFFEE . Please join us in the vestry after the Service this congregation. Entry is free and light refreshments will be morning for a cup of coffee and a chat, & the 100 Club draw. served. We hope to welcome visitors interested in our NEW FLOWER ROTA is posted in the porch. If you local memorials to the dead of WW1. would like to provide (or pay for) flowers to decorate the CANTEMUS CHOIR Summer Concert at Llandaff church for a particular week, please put your name and Cathedral on Sat 5 July at 7.30pm. Programme includes phone number on the rota. Spem in alium (Tallis), Miserere (Allegri), Give unto the ANTHEMS . The anthem at the Eucharist is “Justorum Lord (Elgar). Animae” by William Byrd (1543-1623). The Introit at Evensong ST EDWARD’S ORCHESTRA CONCERT on Mon 7 is “Fanfare” by Martin Shaw (1876-1958) and the anthem is “Lo, Round the Throne a Glorious Band”, words by Rowland July at 7.30pm. Programme includes Mozart’s Sinfonia Hill (1744-1833), to a melody by N. Herman (1560) arranged Concertante with Diana Painter (violin) and Phil by Henry George Ley (1887-1962). Heyman (viola). PLANT SALE in aid of the Bell Fund after the Eucharist CATHEDRAL VISIT . Parishioners from Roath have today: tomato plants, bedding plants etc. been invited to visit Llandaff Cathedral in the afternoon on Sun 13 July (including Choral Evensong at 3.30pm). PRAY FOR THE MEDIA . Churches and Christians are Please let Kathie Mayer know if you would like to come. being encouraged to pray for the media today. The FOR YOUR DIARY . Church and Media Network, which seeks to encourage 10 Jun. St Edward’s Orchestra Soloists Concert. Christians to engage with the media, is encouraging 11 Jun. Paradise Run. people to submit their own prayers on the newly- 21 Jun. Coffee Concert: Comic Songs (John Sadler). launched website www.pray4media.co.uk and to tweet 28 Jun. Ordination Service (Llandaff Cathedral). prayers to @pray4media. 5 Jul. Readers’ Service (Llandaff Cathedral). SHELLEY GARDENS COMMUNITY FOOD FESTIVAL today, 7 Jul. St Edward’s Orchestra Concert. 12pm-4pm (behind Poet’s Corner Pub on City Road). Live 13 Jul. Roath Parish visit to Llandaff Cathedral. music, circus fun & games, face painting, etc. Free admission. Coffee Concert dates : 21 Jun, 19 Jul. CHORAL EVENSONG at the Cathedral, 3.30pm today: MUSIC DIARY . Allcoat in E. Anthem: Sing we merrily (Symons). 13 Jun 1.15pm. Organ: Huw Tregelles Williams. St John’s. 13 Jun 7.30pm. Brahms Requiem. St David’s Hall. CYTÛN PENTECOST SERVICE will take place in Roath 14 Jun 7.30pm. Llandaff Cathedral Choral Society. Cathedral. Church House grounds at 4pm after the Fun Day next 5 Jul 7.30pm. Cantemus Choir. Llandaff Cathedral. Sunday. WOMEN BISHOPS . The Church of England’s dioceses ST EDWARD’S ORCHESTRA SOLOISTS CONCERT have now all voted in favour of the current draft on Tue 10 June at 7.30pm. legislation to enable women to be bishops. Manchester was the last diocese to vote and they approved the BRAHMS REQUIEM by BBC National Orchestra and motion at a meeting of their Synod this week. The draft Chorus of Wales with the National Youth Choir at St legislation will now go before General Synod in July for a David’s Hall on Fri 13 June at 7.30pm. £10-£29. Final Approval vote. LADIES CIRCLE Coffee Morning and Plant Sale at PRIZE DRAW . Please buy tickets, £1 for a strip of 5, in Dawn Jones’ house, 110 Carisbrooke Way on Sat 14 aid of church funds. As always a variety of prizes you'll June, 10.30am-12pm. Tickets £1 inc tea/coffee. Lots of be glad to win, including wine, a special Marmite plants for sale, bring and buy, book stall, raffle. All collection, a Samsung Galaxy mobile phone and many proceeds in aid of our charity The Touch Trust. Further more. Tickets available from Janice Goble. Draw to be information from Gill Day (20-495496. made 29 June. Thanks for your support. SUMMER SONGS OF PRAISE & STRAWBERRY TEA SAINSBURY’S VOUCHERS . Please check if you still at Albany Rd Baptist Church on Sun 15 June at 5pm. All have any vouchers at home to bring in. They are no welcome. For numbers, please RSVP to (20-493430 or longer being given out by Sainsbury, but the Scout [email protected] Groups have until the end of June to send them off. ST MARTIN’S BRANCH OF MOTHERS’ UNION invite WELCOME . We extend a warm welcome to all visitors Sunday School children, with a parent/relative to join them for and newcomers. Please make yourself known to one of a day at St Fagan’s Museum on Sat 21 June. Coach leaving the sidesmen if you are new with us. St Martin’s at 10.30am. Rev Irving Hamer will take a short service in the reconstructed St Teilo’s Church at 11.30am. CONTACT NUMBERS . From then the day will be just free time; please bring a picnic Rev Stewart Lisk: lunch. A pick up/drop off can be arranged at St Margaret’s. (20-487854 / 07794-157604. We will leave St Fagans between 3 and 3.30pm. If you would Parish Office (20-484808, like to come please let Karen or Stewart know by Mon 2 June. [email protected] (0795-4244048. Please let the clergy know COFFEE CONCERTS . The next Coffee Concert is of any sick person or any person who is in hospital. “Comic Songs” by John Sadler (Baritone) & Jayne To receive the Parish Group e-newsletter send an email Thomas (piano), on Sat 21 June at 11am. to [email protected]

Uif!Ebz!pg!Qfoufdptu;!Xijutvoebz! Weekly Newsletter No.1984 Sunday, 8th June, 2014 11.00 am Sung Eucharist & Sermon. Celebrant: Canon Stewart Lisk . Preacher: Mr Matthew Dixon. Hymns: 152, 233, 157, Anthem: The Lord bless you and keep you (Rutter) , 239(MP) . Setting: Thomas Mass (David Thorne). 1.00 pm Family Fun Day. Roath Church House Grounds. 4.00 pm Cytûn Open-Air United Service. Roath Church House Grounds. 7.00 pm Choral Evensong. Introit: If Ye Love Me (Tallis) . Officiant: Canon Stewart Lisk. Psalms 67, 133 . Hymns: 170(MP), Anthem: God be merciful unto us (Doe) , 156 . Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis: Gibbons Short Service. ⌈Readings: Joel 2, 21-32 . Acts 2, 14-21 . In the world-wide Church we pray today for La Iglesia Anglicana de Mexico and Presiding Bishop Francisco Moreno and in the Ecumenical Prayer Cycle we pray for Angola and Mozambique . We pray for peace in the world , remembering the people of Afghanistan and Syria . We pray for the people of Ukraine and the Crimean Peninsula . We pray for the D-Day Veterans as they pay tribute to their fallen comrades on the seventieth anniversary of the invasion. We pray for Meriam Ibrahim , the Sudanese Christian woman condemned to death for alleged apostasy who is still imprisoned in Omdurman despite suggestions that she would soon be released. In this diocese we pray for the Parish of Margam, Rev Terry Doherty and Reader Peter Gibson . We pray for Rev Jon Ormrod who will be licensed as priest in charge of the parishes of Sully and Wenvoe with St Lythans on Tuesday, and Rev Andrew James , formerly assistant curate in Roath, who will be licensed as priest-in-charge of St Andrews Major with Michaelston-Le-Pit on Wednesday. We pray for our Council of Churches (Cytûn) , those who work locally to promote Christian Unity, and those who work at a national and international level. We pray for the sick and those who care for them, especially Marilyn Roberts, Glyn Osman, Julie Romanelli, Beryl Powell and David Blyth . We pray for the repose of the souls of the departed, especially Val Mayer , who died this week. EVENING PRAYER will be said at St Edward’s on Monday and Tuesday at UIJT!XFFL! 6pm and Thursday at 7pm this week. Morning Prayer on Saturday at 10am. Npoebz 6.00 pm Parish Surgery. Roath Church House. CARDIFF STORY EXHIBITION : “Plasnewydd and :ui 6.00 pm Evening Prayer. Roath” by Roath History Society, at the Old 7.00 pm St Edward’s Orchestra Practice. Library, for six months, starting 1 June. 7.00 pm Dramatherapy Group (pre-booked). Schoolroom. PARISH OFFICE is open on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday this week. Uvftebz 6.00 pm Evening Prayer. 21ui 7.00 pm Holy Eucharist. St Anne’s. ST EDWARD’S ORCHESTRA SOLOISTS CONCERT 7.15 pm Ladies’ Circle. Roath Church House. on Tuesday at 7.30pm. 7.30 pm St Edward’s Orchestra Soloists Concert . (Old Library) talk “Finding Captain Scott’s Ship the SS Terra Nova” Xfeoftebz St Barnabas the Apostle on Wednesday at 6pm. £5 entry on the door 22ui 10.15 am HOLY EUCHARIST . Followed by coffee. (students £3.50). Tea & Welsh cakes. 6.00 pm Terra Nova Talk. Cardiff Story Museum. LUNCHTIME ORGAN RECITAL at St John’s (town) 7.00 pm South Wales Clarinet Choir rehearsal. on Friday, 1.15-1.45pm by Huw Tregelles William s 7.45 pm Paradise Run. (Tabernacle Chapel, Morriston). Admission free, Uivstebz 7.00 pm Evening Prayer. retiring collection. 23ui 7.15 pm Pendyrus Male Choir. St John’s, Cymmer. 7.30 pm Choir Practice. Gsjebz 1.15 pm Lunchtime Organ Recital: Huw Tregelles Williams. St John’s (town). 24ui 7.30 pm Brahms Requiem. St David’s Hall. BRAHMS REQUIEM by BBC National 7.30 pm An Evening with Ricky Valance. St Andrew’s URC. Orchestra and Chorus of Wales with the Tbuvsebz 9.30 am Pavane Rehearsal. Schoolroom. National Youth Choir at St David’s Hall on Friday at 7.30pm. £10-£29. 25ui 10.00 am Morning Prayer. 10.30 am Ladies’ Circle Coffee Morning & Plant Sale. 110 Carisbrooke Way. 7.30 pm Llandaff Cathedral Choral Society Summer Concert. Llandaff Cathedral. Ofyu! Tvoebz is Trinity Sunday . The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in St Edward’s at 11am and Choral Evensong will be sung at 7pm. Eucharist readings: Isaiah 40: 12-17; 27-31; 2 Corinthians 13: 11-13; Matthew 28: 16-20. http://StEdward.roath.org.uk Facebook: StEdwardRoath Twitter: @StEdwardsRoath [email protected] FAMILY FUN DAY at Roath Church House, 1pm-4pm ORDINATION SERVICE . Rev Rhys Jenkins will be today. Crafts, face painting, football, quiz, story telling, ordained priest at Llandaff Cathedral on Sat 28 June at barbecue, donkey rides, pets, games, toy stall, and lots 10.30am and will celebrate his first Eucharist at St more. Donations on the door. Margaret’s at 6pm that day, followed by a reception in CYTÛN PENTECOST SERVICE will take place in Roath Roath Church House (donations of sandwiches, cakes Church House grounds at 4pm after the Fun Day today. etc can be brought to Roath Church House before the service). Further details/offers of help see Sue Mansell. ANTHEMS . The anthem at the Eucharist is “The Lord bless you and keep you” by John Rutter (b.1945), in COFFEE CONCERTS . The next Coffee Concert is memory of Val Mayer. The Introit at Evensong is “If ye “Comic Songs” by John Sadler (Baritone) & Jayne love me” by Thomas Tallis (c.1505-1585) and the Thomas (piano), on Sat 21 June at 11am. anthem is the setting of Psalm 67 “God be merciful unto PARISH KNITTING & CROCHET GROUP meets on us” by Norman Doe. Mon 30 June, 7.30-9.30pm in Room 2, Roath Church CHORAL EVENSONG at the Cathedral, 3.30pm today: House. New members very welcome – assistance given The Cherubini Service (Wicks). Anthem: Litany to the to learners. Contact Gill Day (20-495496 or Ann James Holy Spirit (Hurford). [email protected] for details. th LADIES CIRCLE meets on Tuesday in Roath Church House CANON STEWART is celebrating the 25 anniversary at 7.15pm when our speaker is the Rev Canon Roy Doxsey, of his priesting, with a service at St Margaret’s at 6pm who will tell us about his trip to St Helena. Visitors very on Sun 6 July, followed by a reception in Roath Church welcome. Details from Gill Day (20-495496. House. Details from Sue Mansell. PARADISE RUN on Wednesday. We need loaves of CATHEDRAL VISIT . Parishioners from Roath have sandwiches of either sliced cheese (not grated), tuna, been invited to visit Llandaff Cathedral in the afternoon ham or corned beef using white medium sliced bread on Sun 13 July (including Choral Evensong at 3.30pm). and individually wrapped sandwiches. Also packets of Please let Kathie Mayer know if you would like to come. crisps, biscuits or cakes. Items can be given to Kathie SOUTH WALES CLARINET CHOIR will give a concert Mayer (20-495769 or left at Church House either at at St Edward’s on Fri 3 Oct at 7.30pm. Wednesday lunchtime or in the evening from 7.15pm until we leave at 7.45pm. Further information/offers of FOR YOUR DIARY . help please ring Chris Webb (20-455641. 21 Jun. Coffee Concert: Comic Songs (John Sadler). 26 Jun. Compline. PENDYRUS MALE CHOIR give a concert with the choir of Ysgol Gynradd Gymraeg, Llwyncelyn, at St John’s Church, 28 Jun. Ordination Service (Llandaff Cathedral). Cymmer at 7.15pm on Thursday, to celebrate the 125th 30 Jun. Knitting & Crochet Group. anniversary of the church. Tickets (01443-684937. 5 Jul. Readers’ Service (Llandaff Cathedral). AN EVENING WITH RICKY VALANCE (the first Welshman 7 Jul. St Edward’s Orchestra Concert. ever to sell over one million copies of his number one hit “Tell 9 Jul. Paradise Run. Laura I Love Her”) at St Andrew’s URC on Friday at 7.30pm. 13 Jul. Roath Parish visit to Llandaff Cathedral. Tickets £8 (20-810077 or on the door. Coffee Concert dates : 21 Jun, 19 Jul. LADIES CIRCLE Coffee Morning and Plant Sale at Dawn MUSIC DIARY . Jones’ house, 110 Carisbrooke Way on Saturday, 10.30am- 5 Jul 7.30pm. Cantemus Choir. Llandaff Cathedral. 12pm. Tickets £1 inc tea/coffee. Lots of plants for sale, bring VISITING CHOIR . We hope to host a concert, next year and buy, book stall, raffle. All proceeds in aid of our charity The Touch Trust. Details from Gill Day (20-495496. on Fri 23 Jan, by a young choir called Gustavus Choir from Gustavus Adolphus College in Minnesota. They LLANDAFF CATHEDRAL CHORAL SOCIETY and sing a mix of folk, classical and sacred and there are Chamber Ensemble present a Summer Concert of about 60 singers. If you are interested in helping, please Music by Haydn, Vivaldi, Handel and Parry at the have a word with Kathie. Cathedral on Saturday at 7.30pm. Kleine Orgelmesse (Haydn), Vivaldi’s Gloria, My Heart is Inditing (Handel), MANY THANKS to all who supported the skittles evening at the Crofts Pub. £160 was raised for St Anne’s. Blest Pair of Sirens & I was glad (Parry). Tickets £4-£12. PRIZE DRAW . Please buy tickets, £1 for a strip of 5, in SUMMER SONGS OF PRAISE & STRAWBERRY TEA aid of church funds. As always a variety of prizes you'll at Albany Rd Baptist Church next Sunday at 5pm. All be glad to win, including wine, a special Marmite welcome. For numbers, please RSVP to (20-493430 or collection, a Samsung Galaxy mobile phone and many [email protected] more. Tickets available from Janice Goble. Draw to be LLANGASTY DROP-IN DAY on Mon 16 June, 10am- made 29 June. Thanks for your support. 4pm with Eucharist at 12 noon. No need to book. WELCOME . We extend a warm welcome to all visitors and ST MARTIN’S BRANCH OF MOTHERS’ UNION invite newcomers. Please make yourself known to one of the Sunday School children, with a parent/relative to join sidesmen if you are new with us. them for a day at St Fagan’s Museum on Sat 21 June. If CONTACT NUMBERS . you would like to come please contact Karen Lisk on Rev Stewart Lisk: (0795-4244048 by Mon 9 June, if you want to book a (20-487854 / 07794-157604. seat on the coach. No charge for entry to the museum Parish Office (20-484808, or for the coach which leave from St Martin’s Church on [email protected] Albany Road at 10.30am.The car park charge for private Please let the clergy know of any sick person or any person who is in hospital. cars is £3.50 if you want to make your own way there. To receive the Parish Group e-newsletter send an email to COMPLINE by candlelight. Next service: 26 June. [email protected]

Usjojuz!Tvoebz! Weekly Newsletter No.1985 Sunday, 16 th June, 2014 11.00 am Sung Eucharist & Sermon. Celebrant & Preacher: Canon John Woodward . Hymns: Introit: Sanctus (Attwood), 160 (Proc.), 162 (omit *), 74(MP), Anthem: The Marvellous Work (Haydn) , 46(MP) . Setting: Thomas Mass (David Thorne). 7.00 pm Choral Evensong. Athanasian Creed (p.419). Officiant: Canon Stewart Lisk. Introit: Honour and majesty are before him (Greene) . Psalms 93, 150 . Hymns: 158, Anthem: If ye love me (Simper) , How shall I sing that majesty? Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis: A Somervell in F. Readings: Isaiah 6, 1-10 . John 16, 5-15 . In the world-wide Church we pray today for the Province of Myanmar (Burma) and Archbishop Stephen Than Myint Oo and in the Ecumenical Prayer Cycle we pray for Brazil . We pray for peace in the world , remembering the people of Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq and Ukraine . We pray for Archbishop Justin and Pope Francis , holding meetings in Rome this weekend and discussing their joint modern slavery and human trafficking initiative. In this diocese we pray for the Parish of Cilybebyll and Rev Helen O’Shea . We pray for Rev Dr Rhys Jenkins as he prepares for his ordination to the priesthood. We pray for our Churchwardens, Parochial Church Councillors and Committee Members and for all who take responsibility for strategic planning and the day to day business of our parish. We pray for the sick and those who care for them, especially Marilyn Roberts, Glyn Osman, Julie Romanelli, Beryl Powell and David Blyth . We pray for the repose of the souls of the departed, especially Val Mayer , whose funeral is on Friday, also Pam Richards , whose anniversary occurs at this time. EVENING PRAYER will be said at St Edward’s on Monday and Tuesday at UIJT!XFFL! 6pm and Thursday at 7pm this week. Morning Prayer on Saturday at 9am. Npoebz 10.00 am Drop-In Day. Llangasty Retreat House. OUR THANKS to everyone who helped with the 27ui 12.45 pm Word for the City. St John’s. Family Fun Day. The Cytûn “Open Air” Service 6.00 pm Parish Surgery. Roath Church House. had to move into the hall because of the rain, but 6.00 pm Evening Prayer. it was good to see so many people there. 7.00 pm St Edward’s Orchestra Practice. PARISH OFFICE is open on Tuesday, 7.00 pm Dramatherapy Group (pre-booked). Schoolroom. Wednesday and Thursday this week. Uvftebz 6.00 pm Evening Prayer. PLANT SALE raised a total of £78.10 for the bell/roof fund. Our 28ui 7.00 pm Holy Eucharist. St Anne’s. thanks to Tricia and Glyn, and to everyone who supported the sale. Xfeoftebz 10.15 am HOLY EUCHARIST . Followed by coffee. 29ui 2.00 pm Community Facilities Programme Meeting. St Mary’s Church Hall, Marshfield. Uivstebz Thanksgiving for Holy Communion (Corpus Christi) 2:ui 7.00 pm Evening Prayer. ST EDWARD’S ORCHESTRA SOLOISTS CONCERT last 7.30 pm Choir Practice. Tuesday raised £69.30 for the bell/roof fund. Gsjebz!31ui 2.45 pm Funeral of Val Mayer . WORD FOR THE CITY at St John’s, Monday 12.45-1.10. This week: From Greed to Grace (Luke 12:22-31). Tbuvsebz 9.00 am Morning Prayer. 32tu 10.30 am Day at St Fagan’s Museum: bus leaves St Martin’s. 11.00 am Coffee Concert: “Comic Songs” by John Sadler (Baritone) & Jayne Thomas (piano) . Ofyu!Tvoebz is the Second Sunday After Pentecost . The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in St Edward’s at 11am and Choral Evensong will be sung at 7pm. Eucharist readings: Jeremiah 20: 7-13; Romans 6: 1b-11; Matthew 10: 24-39. LLANGASTY DROP-IN DAY on Monday, 10am-4pm with Eucharist at 12 noon. An opportunity to pause for prayer and personal reflection – come for all or part of the day. Bring your own lunch. Coffee and tea provided. No charge, but donations welcome. No need to book. COMMUNITY FACILITIES PROGRAMME provides funds for church and community projects. Mike O Shea from Welsh Government will explain the application process at St Mary’s Church Hall, Marshfield, on Wednesday at 2pm. Reserve a place: (01656-868860 or [email protected] http://StEdward.roath.org.uk Facebook: StEdwardRoath Twitter: @StEdwardsRoath [email protected] FUNERAL OF MRS VAL MAYER 2.45pm on Friday at COFFEE CONCERT on Saturday at 11am: “Comic St Edward’s and 4.15pm at Wenallt Chapel, Thornhill Songs” by John Sadler (Baritone) & Jayne Thomas Crematorium. Refreshments from 4pm at Penylan (piano). £2 inc coffee and biscuits. 10% of the proceeds Bowls Club, Marlborough Road. Family flowers only; of this year’s Coffee Concerts will go to Oldwell Day donations to Alzheimer’s Society. Centre, Penylan, for young and old people with Alzheimer’s. FLOWER ROTA is posted in the porch. If you would like to provide (or pay for) flowers to decorate the church for CIRCLE DANCING on Sat 12 July, 10am-12pm at St a particular week, please put your name and phone Michael’s, Gelligaer St. Another workshop to engage in the spirituality, the practice and the fun of circle dancing. All number on the rota. welcome. Details from Ven Peggy Jackson (01446-750053. ANTHEMS . The introit at the Eucharist is “Sanctus” by CATHEDRAL VISIT . Parishioners from Roath have Thomas Attwood (1765-1838), and the anthem is “The been invited to visit Llandaff Cathedral in the afternoon Marvellous Work” from the oratorio “Creation” by Josef on Sun 13 July (including Choral Evensong at 3.30pm). Haydn (1732-1809). The Introit at Evensong is “Honour Please let Kathie Mayer know if you would like to come. and majesty are before him” by Maurice Greene (1695- ST ANNE’S ORCHESTRA CONCERT at 7.30pm on Sun 13 1755) and the anthem is “If ye love me” by Caleb Simper July in St. Anne’s. Proceeds in aid of St Anne’s Funds. (1857-1942). Programme includes Beethoven, Telemann Viola Concerto CHORAL EVENSONG at the Cathedral, 3.30pm today: and more. Entry free; donations at the door. Moore’s Fauxbourdons. Anthem: Duo seraphim (Dering). HERITAGE WEEKEND “OPEN DOORS” is Sat/Sun 20/21 Sept. Our “Cluster” includes St Edward’s, St Margaret’s, St SUMMER SONGS OF PRAISE & STRAWBERRY TEA Anne’s and James Summers Funeral Home. at Albany Rd Baptist Church today at 5pm. All welcome. For numbers, please RSVP to (20-493430 or FOR YOUR DIARY . [email protected] 21 Jun. Coffee Concert: Comic Songs (John Sadler). 26 Jun. Compline. ST MARTIN’S BRANCH OF MOTHERS’ UNION invite 28 Jun. Ordination Service (Llandaff Cathedral). Sunday School children, with a parent/relative to join 30 Jun. Knitting & Crochet Group. them for a day at St Fagan’s Museum on Saturday. Rev 5 Jul. Readers’ Service (Llandaff Cathedral). Irving Hamer will take a short service in the 6 Jul. Canon Stewart celebrates 25 years of priesthood. reconstructed St Teilo’s Church at 11.30am. From then 7 Jul. St Edward’s Orchestra Concert. the day will be just free time; please bring a picnic lunch. 9 Jul. Paradise Run. No charge for entry to the museum. The car park charge 13 Jul. Roath Parish visit to Llandaff Cathedral. for private cars is £3.50. 19 Jul. Coffee Concert: Jazz Duo Martin & Chadwick. COMPLINE by candlelight. Next service: 26 June. MUSIC DIARY . 4 Jul 7.30pm. Principality Only Boys Aloud. Beulah URC. ORDINATION SERVICE . Rev Rhys Jenkins will be 4 Jul 7.30pm. Welsh Camerata “Birdsong”. All Saints, Llandaff ordained priest at Llandaff Cathedral on Sat 28 June at 5 Jul 7.30pm. Cantemus Choir. Llandaff Cathedral. 10.30am and will celebrate his first Eucharist at St 5 Jul 7.30pm. Spirit of Llangollen Concert. Tabernacle. Margaret’s at 6pm that day, followed by a reception in 10 Jul 7.30pm. St Athan Band. Ewenny Priory Church. Roath Church House (donations of sandwiches, cakes 11 Jul 1.15pm. Organ Recital: Richard Hobson. St John’s. etc can be brought to Roath Church House before the 12 Jul 7pm. Cardiff Polyphonic. Wesley Methodist, Caerphilly. service). The Parish has bought Fr Rhys a chasuble to 13 Jul 7.30pm. St Anne’s Orchestra Concert. St Anne’s. be worn at his Ordination and First Mass. It will be VISITING CHOIR . We hope to host a concert, next year blessed at the 9.30am Eucharist on Sun 22 June at St on Fri 23 Jan, by a young choir called Gustavus Choir Margaret’s. Details/offers of help see Sue Mansell. from Gustavus Adolphus College in Minnesota. They sing a mix of folk, classical and sacred and there are PARISH KNITTING & CROCHET GROUP meets on about 60 singers. If you are interested in helping, please Mon 30 June, 7.30-9.30pm in Room 2, Roath Church have a word with Kathie. House. New members very welcome – assistance given to learners. Contact Gill Day (20-495496 or Ann James PRIZE DRAW . Please buy tickets, £1 for a strip of 5, in [email protected] for details. aid of church funds. As always a variety of prizes you'll be glad to win, including wine, a special Marmite BIRDSONG . Welsh Camerata chamber choir present a collection, a Samsung Galaxy mobile phone and many programme of music from across the centuries based more. Tickets available from Janice Goble. Draw to be around birds (inc works by Gibbons, Janequin, Brahms, made 29 June. Thanks for your support. Stanford and Finzi) at All Saints Church, Gabalfa Rd, Llandaff on Fri 4 July at 7.30pm. Tickets £10 (conc. £8) WELCOME . We extend a warm welcome to all visitors at the door, inc glass of wine and snacks. and newcomers. Please make yourself known to one of the sidesmen if you are new with us. th CANON STEWART is celebrating the 25 anniversary CONTACT NUMBERS . of his priesting, with a service at St Margaret’s at 6pm Rev Stewart Lisk: on Sun 6 July, followed by a reception in Roath Church (20-487854 / 07794-157604. House. Details from Sue Mansell. Parish Office (20-484808, [email protected] ST EDWARD’S ORCHESTRA CONCERT in memory of Please let the clergy know Rita and Fred Waite on Mon 7 July at 7.30pm. of any sick person or any person who is in hospital. Programme includes Mozart’s Sinfonia Concertante To receive the Parish Group e-newsletter send an email to with Diana Painter (violin) and Phil Heyman (viola). [email protected]

Uif!Tfdpoe!Tvoebz!Bgufs!Qfoufdptu! Weekly Newsletter No.1986 Sunday, 23 rd June, 2014 11.00 am Sung Eucharist & Sermon. Celebrant: Canon Stewart Lisk . Preacher: Mr Geoffrey Smith. Hymns: Christ is the world’s true light, Who is on the Lord’s side?, And now O Father, Anthem: King of kings (Simper) , Jesus stand among us . Setting: Thomas Mass (David Thorne). 7.00 pm Choral Evensong. Introit: Enter not into judgement (Attwood) . Officiant: Canon Stewart Lisk. Psalms 46, 48 . Hymns: 253, Anthem: Sweet is the work (Robson) , I cannot come . Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis: Harris in A minor. Readings: 1 Samuel 24, 1-17 . Luke 14, 12-24 . In the world-wide Church we pray today for the Church of Nigeria, and Primate Nicholas Okoh and in the Ecumenical Prayer Cycle we pray for Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay . We pray for peace in the world , remembering the people of Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq and Ukraine . In this diocese we pray for the Parish of Vale of Neath and Rev Andrew Davies . We pray for Rev Dr Rhys Jenkins as he prepares for his ordination to the priesthood on Saturday, and for Rev Canon Stewart Lisk , who celebrates 25 years in the priesthood on 6 July. We pray for the sick and those who care for them, especially Marilyn Roberts, Glyn Osman, Julie Romanelli, Beryl Powell, David Blyth and John Price . We pray for the repose of the souls of the departed, especially Frederick Vernon Waite , whose anniversary occurs at this time. EVENING PRAYER will be said at St Edward’s on Monday UIJT!XFFL! and Tuesday at 6pm and Thursday at 7pm this week. Npoebz 12.45 pm Word for the City. St John’s. NO PARISH SURGERY on Monday this week. 34se 6.00 pm Evening Prayer. PARISH OFFICE is open on Tuesday, 7.00 pm St Edward’s Orchestra Practice. Wednesday and Thursday this week. 7.00 pm Dramatherapy Group (pre-booked). Schoolroom. 7.30 pm Induction of Rev Sue Rees as Vicar of Pontyclun with Talygarn. Uvftebz 6.00 pm Evening Prayer. WORD FOR THE CITY at St John’s, Mon 12.45-1.10. This 35ui 7.00 pm Holy Eucharist. St Anne’s. week: Drained by Sloth, Delighted by Purpose (Eph 2:1-10). THE FAMILY OF MRS VAL MAYER would like Xfeoftebz 10.15 am HOLY EUCHARIST . Followed by coffee. to thank everyone for their prayers, good 36ui 7.00 pm South Wales Clarinet Choir rehearsal. wishes and cards, and for the support everyone Uivstebz 7.00 pm Evening Prayer. has given them during the past weeks. 37ui 7.00 pm Llandaff Cathedral School Senior Chamber Concert. Llandaff Cathedral. 7.30 pm Choir Practice. COMPLINE will be sung at St Edward’s on Thursday at 9pm. Compline is a 15- 9.00 pm COMPLINE . minute service of plainchant - the last of the monastic “hours”, sung by candlelight. Tbuvsebz 10.30 am Ordination Service . Llandaff Cathedral. 39ui 6.00 pm First Holy Eucharist of Rev Dr Rhys Jenkins. St Margaret’s. Ofyu!Tvoebz is the Feast of SS Peter and Paul . The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in St Edward’s at 11am and Choral Evensong will be sung at 7pm. Eucharist readings: Zechariah 4: 1-6a, 10b-14; Acts 12: 1-11; Matthew 16: 13-19. PRIZE DRAW NEXT SUNDAY . Please buy tickets, £1 for a strip of 5, in aid of church funds. As always a variety of prizes you'll be glad to win, including wine, a special Marmite collection, a Samsung Galaxy mobile phone and many more. Tickets available from Janice Goble. Thanks for your support. THANK YOU to all who helped at the Family Fun Day and Pentecost Praise. £640 was raised for Roath Church House. THANK YOU to everyone who supported the Ladies Circle Coffee Morning. We raised £600 for our charity – The Touch Trust. VISITING CHOIR . We are hosting a concert, next year on Fri 23 Jan, by a young choir called Gustavus Choir from Gustavus Adolphus College in Minnesota. They sing a mix of folk, classical and sacred and there are about 60 singers. If you are interested in helping, please have a word with Kathie. http://StEdward.roath.org.uk Facebook: StEdwardRoath Twitter: @StEdwardsRoath [email protected] ORDINATION SERVICE . Rev Rhys Jenkins will be CANON STEWART is celebrating the 25 th anniversary ordained priest at Llandaff Cathedral on Saturday at of his priesting, with a service at St Margaret’s at 6pm 10.30am and will celebrate his first Eucharist at St on Sun 6 July, followed by a reception in Roath Church Margaret’s at 6pm that day, followed by a reception in House. Details from Sue Mansell. Roath Church House (donations of sandwiches, cakes CATHEDRAL VISIT . Parishioners from Roath have etc can be brought to Roath Church House before the been invited to visit Llandaff Cathedral in the afternoon service). The Parish has bought Fr Rhys a chasuble to on Sun 13 July (including Choral Evensong at 3.30pm). be worn at his Ordination and First Mass. Further Please let Kathie Mayer know if you would like to come. details/offers of help please see Sue Mansell. ST ANNE’S ORCHESTRA CONCERT at 7.30pm on FLOWER ROTA is posted in the porch. If you would like Sun 13 July in St. Anne’s. Proceeds in aid of St Anne’s to provide (or pay for) flowers to decorate the church for Funds. Programme includes Beethoven, Telemann a particular week, please put your name and phone Viola Concerto and more. Entry free; donations at the number on the rota. door. ANTHEMS . The anthem at the Eucharist is “King of CELEBRATING 60 YEARS at Llangasty Retreat House kings” by Caleb Simper (1857-1942). The Introit at on Sat 19 July. Celebration Eucharist at 12pm. Fete 2pm Evensong is “Enter not into judgement” by Thomas to 4.30pm: home-made refreshments, cake stall, raffle, Attwood (1765-1838) and the anthem is “Sweet is the plants, books, fair trade, explore Llangors Lake and St Work”, words by Isaac Watts (1674-1748), music by Gastyn’s Church. Bring a picnic lunch and enjoy a Robert Walker Robson. delightful afternoon in a stunning lakeside setting. CHORAL EVENSONG at the Cathedral, 3.30pm today: HERITAGE WEEKEND “OPEN DOORS” is Sat/Sun Howells’ Collegium Regale. Anthem: Behold O God Our 20/21 Sept. Our “Cluster” includes St Edward’s, St Defender (Howells). Visiting Choir: The Palestrina Margaret’s, St Anne’s, James Summers Funeral Home. Singers. ST EDWARD’S MUSIC & ARTS FESTIVAL 2014 . DAY EVENT at Llangasty Retreat House. Mon 30 June: The following events have so far been arranged: How do we pray? – Personal and corporate prayer. The Fri 3 Oct. 7.30pm. South Wales Clarinet Choir. second of four days on prayer spread throughout the year, led by Bishop Anthony Priddis. £25. Wed 8 Oct. 7.45pm. Cardiff County & Vale of Glamorgan Symphonic Brass. PARISH KNITTING & CROCHET GROUP meets on FOR YOUR DIARY . Mon 30 June, 7.30-9.30pm in Room 2, Roath Church 26 Jun. Compline. House. New members very welcome – assistance given 28 Jun. Ordination Service (Llandaff Cathedral). to learners. Contact Gill Day (20-495496 or Ann James 30 Jun. Knitting & Crochet Group. [email protected] for details. 5 Jul. Readers’ Service (Llandaff Cathedral). BIRDSONG . Welsh Camerata chamber choir present a 6 Jul. Canon Stewart celebrates 25 years of priesthood. programme of music from across the centuries based 7 Jul. St Edward’s Orchestra Concert. around birds (inc works by Gibbons, Janequin, Brahms, 9 Jul. Paradise Run. Stanford and Finzi) at All Saints Church, Gabalfa Rd, 13 Jul. Roath Parish visit to Llandaff Cathedral. Llandaff on Fri 4 July at 7.30pm. Tickets £10 (conc. £8) 19 Jul. Coffee Concert: Jazz Duo Martin & Chadwick. at the door, inc glass of wine and snacks. MUSIC DIARY . READERS’ SERVICE at Llandaff Cathedral on Sat 5 4 Jul 7.30pm. Principality Only Boys Aloud. Beulah URC. July at 10am. 4 Jul 7.30pm. Welsh Camerata “Birdsong”. All Saints, Llandaff 5 Jul 7.30pm. Cantemus Choir. Llandaff Cathedral. CANTEMUS CHOIR Summer Concert at Llandaff 5 Jul 7.30pm. Spirit of Llangollen Concert. Tabernacle. Cathedral on Sat 5 July at 7.30pm. Programme includes 10 Jul 7.30pm. St Athan Band. Ewenny Priory Church. Spem in alium (Tallis), Miserere (Allegri), Give unto the 11 Jul 1.15pm. Organ Recital: Richard Hobson. St John’s. 12 Jul 7pm. Cardiff Polyphonic. Wesley Methodist, Caerphilly. Lord (Elgar), I was glad (Parry), Widor’s Mass. Tickets 13 Jul 7.30pm. St Anne’s Orchestra Concert. St Anne’s. £15/£12 (under 30: £8) (01446-773953. BOOKINGS THIS WEEK : ST EDWARD’S ORCHESTRA CONCERT in memory of Sun. 2.30-4.30. Jayne Thomas. Church. Rita and Fred Waite on Mon 7 July at 7.30pm. Sat 9am-5pm. Lib Dems. Schoolroom. Programme includes Mozart’s Sinfonia Concertante with Diana Painter (violin) and Phil Heyman (viola). WELCOME . We extend a warm welcome to all visitors and newcomers. Please make yourself known to one of CIRCLE DANCING on Sat 12 July, 10am-12pm at St the sidesmen if you are new with us. Michael’s, Gelligaer St. Another workshop to engage in CONTACT NUMBERS . the spirituality, the practice and the fun of circle dancing. Rev Stewart Lisk: All welcome. Details from the Ven Peggy Jackson (20-487854 / 07794-157604. (01446-750053. Parish Office (20-484808, COFFEE CONCERT . Our thanks to John Sadler & [email protected] Jayne Thomas for their excellent concert yesterday. The Please let the clergy know final concert in this year’s series is the Jazz Duo, Julian of any sick person or any person who is in hospital. Martin (Piano) and James Chadwick (Guitar), on Sat 19 To receive the Parish Group e-newsletter send an email July at 11am. to [email protected]

Uif!Gfbtu!pg!TT!Qfufs!'!Qbvm! Weekly Newsletter No.1987 Sunday, 29 th June, 2014 11.00 am Sung Eucharist & Sermon. Celebrant & Preacher: Canon Stewart Lisk . Hymns: Thou art the Christ, I am a new creation, Lord Jesu Christ our Lord most dear, Anthem: The Peace of God (Rutter) , I will build my church . Setting: Thomas Mass (David Thorne). 7.00 pm Choral Evensong. Introit: Hail Glorious Spirits (Tye) . Officiant: Canon Stewart Lisk. Psalms 124, 138 . Hymns: 554, Anthem: Tu es Petrus (Debons) , 542 . Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis: Stainer in A. Readings: Ezekiel 34, 11-16 . John 21, 15-22 . In the world-wide Church we pray today for the Church of North India (United), comprising Anglican, Congregationalist, Presbyterian, Methodist, Baptist, the Brethren in India, and the Disciples of Christ, and for Moderator Bishop Philip Marandih . In the Ecumenical Prayer Cycle we pray for Bolivia, Chile and Peru . We pray for peace in the world , remembering the people of Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq and Ukraine . On the weekend of Armed Forces Day we pray for the men and women who serve in the Navy, Army and Air Force, and for the Veterans of the Armed Forces. and In this diocese we pray for the Parish of Pendoylan with Welsh St Donats (East Vale Group), Rev Edwin Counsell and Readers Peter Atkins and Geoff Lunn, and for Pendoylan Church in Wales Primary School, Headteacher Lyn Murray, her staff and pupils . We pray for Tom Bates, Rhun ap Robert and Pauline Smith , who were ordained as deacons, and Rev Dr Rhys Jenkins, Revd Sister Wendy Taylor, Revd Rachel Simpson and Rev Christopher Lee , who were ordained as priests at Llandaff Cathedral yesterday. We pray for Rev Canon Dr Peter Sedgwick who is leaving St Michael’s College this week. We pray for Rev Canon Stewart Lisk , who celebrates 25 years in the priesthood next Sunday. We pray for Freya Charlotte Mary Nicholls , who will be baptised at our Eucharist this morning. We pray for the sick and those who care for them, especially Marilyn Roberts, Glyn Osman, Julie Romanelli, Beryl Powell, David Blyth, John Price and Tom Colley . We pray for the repose of the souls of the departed, especially Ian Garraway , who died this week, also Kenneth Martin (priest) , whose anniversary occurs at this time. EVENING PRAYER will be said at St Edward’s on Monday at 6pm UIJT!XFFL! and Thursday at 7pm this week. Morning Prayer on Saturday at 9am. PARISH OFFICE is open on Tuesday, Npoebz 11.00 am Capitular Eucharist. Llandaff Cathedral. Wednesday and Thursday this week. 41ui 12.45 pm Word for the City. St John’s. 6.00 pm Evening Prayer. WORD FOR THE CITY at St John’s, Mon 12.45-1.10. This 7.00 pm St Edward’s Orchestra Practice. week: Why Wrath isn’t the best form of Defence (2 Cor 1:3-7). 7.00 pm Dramatherapy Group (pre-booked). Schoolroom. NO PARISH SURGERY 7.30 pm Parish Knitting & Crochet Group. Roath Church House. on Monday this week. Uvftebz!2tu 7.00 pm Holy Eucharist. St Anne’s. PARISH KNITTING & CROCHET GROUP meets on Monday, 7.30-9.30pm in Room 2, Roath Church Xfeoftebz 10.15 am HOLY EUCHARIST . Followed by coffee. House. New members very welcome – assistance given to learners. Contact Gill Day (20-495496 or Uivstebz 7.00 pm Evening Prayer. Ann James [email protected] for details. 4se 7.30 pm Choir Practice. Gsjebz 7.30 pm Birdsong (Welsh Camerata). All Saints, Llandaff. 5ui 7.30 pm Principality Only Boys Aloud Academi. Beulah URC, Rhiwbina. Tbuvsebz 9.00 am Morning Prayer. POLICE COMMUNITY ACCESS POINT at St 6ui 9.30 am Pavane Rehearsal. Schoolroom. Edward’s Schoolroom every Thursday, 11am- 10.00 am Readers’ Service. Llandaff Cathedral. 1pm. The Penylan Neighbourhood Policing 7.00 pm Cardiff Arms Park Male Choir. St Peter’s (RC). Team welcomes visitors from the local area to 7.30 pm Spirit of Llangollen Concert. Beulah URC. talk about shared issues. 7.30 pm Cantemus Choir Summer Concert. Cathedral. Ofyu!Tvoebz is the Fourth Sunday After Pentecost . The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in St Edward's at 11am, coffee will be served in the vestry after the Eucharist, and the 100 Club Draw will take place. At 6pm there is a Silver Jubilee Thanksgiving Eucharist for Rev Canon Stewart Lisk. There will be no Choral Evensong . Eucharist readings: Zechariah 9: 9-12; Romans 7: 15-25a; Matthew 11: 16-19, 25-30. THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND will be ordaining 962 men and women this summer: 488 deacons and 474 priests. http://StEdward.roath.org.uk Facebook: StEdwardRoath Twitter: @StEdwardsRoath [email protected] PRIZE DRAW TODAY . Last chance to buy tickets, £1 CANON STEWART is celebrating the 25 th anniversary for a strip of 5, in aid of church funds. The draw will take of his priesting, with a service at St Margaret’s at 6pm place after the Eucharist this morning. As always a next Sunday, followed by a reception in Roath Church variety of prizes you'll be glad to win, including wine, a House. We would be grateful for donations of special Marmite collection, a Samsung Galaxy mobile sandwiches, cakes etc, which can be brought to Roath phone and many more. Tickets available from Janice Church House before the service. We would also be Goble. Thanks for your support. grateful for help in setting up. Details from Sue Mansell. ANTHEMS . The anthem at the Eucharist is “The Peace CARDIFF POLYPHONIC CHOIR perform John Rutter’s Mass of God” by John Rutter (b.1945). The Introit at Evensong of the Children with Caerphilly Children’s Choir at Wesley is “Hail Glorious Spirits, Heirs of Light” by Christopher Methodist Church, Caerphilly, on Sat 12 July at 7pm. Tye (1500-1573) and the anthem is “Tu Es Petrus” by CATHEDRAL VISIT . Parishioners from Roath have Frédéric Debons (b.1973). been invited to visit Llandaff Cathedral in the afternoon CHORAL EVENSONG at the Cathedral, 3.30pm today: on Sun 13 July (including Choral Evensong at 3.30pm). Long in F. Anthem: Gaudent in coelis (Dering). Please let Kathie Mayer know if you would like to come. CARDIFF FOODBANK are looking for 150 volunteers to ST ANNE’S ORCHESTRA CONCERT at 7.30pm on Sun 13 assist them with collections at 3 Tesco stores over 3 days July in St. Anne’s. Proceeds in aid of St Anne’s Funds. Thur-Sat (3-5 July): Culverhouse Cross, St Mellons or Programme includes Beethoven, Telemann Viola Concerto Western Avenue. Could you spare two hours or more to help? and more. Entry free; donations at the door. Or help collect on the van? Call Ian (20-484120 for more CLOTHES SWOPSHOP on Mon 14 July in Roath info or to confirm a slot, or email [email protected] Church House Rooms 1 & 2, in aid of the Ladies Circle BIRDSONG . Welsh Camerata chamber choir present a Charity, The Touch Trust. For £3 bring along three items programme of music from across the centuries based of new or nearly new clothing (including handbags, around birds (inc works by Gibbons, Janequin, Brahms, shoes, scarves etc) to swop. There will also be a chance Stanford and Finzi) at All Saints Church, Gabalfa Rd, to buy additional items. We need lots of items in various Llandaff on Friday at 7.30pm. Tickets £10 (conc. £8) at sizes. There will be nail-painting, a raffle and tea and the door, inc glass of wine and snacks. coffee. Come along for a fun evening and a chance to EVENING RECITAL at Beulah URC, Rhiwbina, on Friday at snap up a few bargains. Details from Gill Day (20- 7.30pm. Principality Only Boys Aloud Academi perform their 495496. favourite repertoire of Traditional Welsh, Music Theatre and Popular Classics. Tickets £10 (20-765177 or from Serenade TINTERN SACRED SITE & SOUND FESTIVAL 18-19 July. in Rhiwbina Village. Optional cheese & wine buffet afterwards Part 1 at St Michael’s Church, Fri 18 July at 8pm (tickets £8) which should be booked beforehand at £5. music for solo voice, violin and choir. Part 2 at the Abbey, Sat 19 July, 7.30-10.00pm (tickets £15) sacred choral and CARDIFF ARMS PARK MALE CHOIR will give a concert at orchestral works by Tavener, Pärt, Gorecki & Britten. St Peter’s (RC) Church on Saturday at 7pm in support of the American Florida’s Singing Sons Choir who are touring this COFFEE CONCERT . The final concert in this year’s country. Also taking part is the Llanishen Fach Primary School series is the Jazz Duo, Julian Martin (Piano) and James Choir. Tickets £5. Doors open 6.30pm. Chadwick (Guitar), on Sat 19 July at 11am. THE SPIRIT OF LLANGOLLEN CONCERT on RSCM FESTIVAL CHORAL EUCHARIST on Sat 19 July at Saturday at 7.30pm, at Tabernacle Chapel, The Hayes, 5pm at Llandaff Cathedral. Celebrant: Archbishop Barry. celebrating the Llangollen International with SOUTH WALES CLARINET CHOIR will give one of the free Noah Stewart (USA) and the Mizoram Synod Choir Daytime Proms at St David’s Hall on Wed 23 July at 5pm. (India). Tickets £16 (children £5) (01978-862000. FOR YOUR DIARY . CANTEMUS CHOIR Summer Concert at Llandaff 6 Jul. Canon Stewart celebrates 25 years of priesthood. Cathedral on Saturday at 7.30pm. Programme includes 7 Jul. St Edward’s Orchestra Concert. Spem in alium (Tallis), Miserere (Allegri), Give unto the 9 Jul. Paradise Run. Lord (Elgar), I was glad (Parry), Widor’s Mass. Tickets 13 Jul. Roath Parish visit to Llandaff Cathedral. £15/£12 (under 30: £8) (01446-773953. 19 Jul. Coffee Concert: Jazz Duo Martin & Chadwick. ST EDWARD’S ORCHESTRA CONCERT in memory of MUSIC DIARY . Rita and Fred Waite on Mon 7 July at 7.30pm. 10 Jul 7.30pm. St Athan Band. Ewenny Priory Church. Programme includes Mozart’s Sinfonia Concertante 11 Jul 1.15pm. Organ Recital: Richard Hobson. St John’s. with Diana Painter (violin) and Phil Heyman (viola). 12 Jul 7pm. Cardiff Polyphonic. Wesley Methodist, Caerphilly. LADIES CIRCLE meets on Tue 8 July at 7.15pm in St 13 Jul 7.30pm. St Anne’s Orchestra Concert. St Anne’s. Margaret’s Church , when our speaker is Richard WELCOME . We extend a warm welcome to all visitors Britton, who will tell us about the 1 st Marquis of Bute. and newcomers. Please make yourself known to one of There will be a toiletries sales table. Visitors welcome. the sidesmen if you are new with us. Contact Gill Day (20-495496. CONTACT NUMBERS . CYTÛN MEETING at St Andrew’s URC on Wed 9 July Rev Stewart Lisk: at 7.30pm. (20-487854 / 07794-157604. CIRCLE DANCING on Sat 12 July, 10am-12pm at St Parish Office (20-484808, Michael’s, Gelligaer St. Another workshop to engage in the [email protected] spirituality, practice and fun of circle dancing. All welcome. Please let the clergy know Details from the Ven Peggy Jackson (01446-750053. of any sick person or any person who is in hospital. RESIDENTIAL RETREAT at Llangasty Retreat House. To receive the Parish Group e-newsletter send an email July 14-16: Summer Retreat. Rev Beverley Smith. £135. to [email protected]

Uif!Gpvsui!Tvoebz!Bgufs!Qfoufdptu! Weekly Newsletter No.1988 Sunday, 6th July, 2014 11.00 am Sung Eucharist & Sermon. Celebrant & Preacher: Rev Rhys Jenkins . Hymns: 351, 399, 10(MP), Anthem: Sanctus & Benedictus (Doe) , 262(MP) . Setting: Thomas Mass (David Thorne). 6.00 pm Silver Jubilee Service for Canon Stewart Lisk. St Margaret’s. In the world-wide Church we pray today for the Church of Pakistan (United) and Moderator Bishop Samuel Robert Azariah and in the Ecumenical Prayer Cycle we pray for Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela . We pray for peace in the world , remembering the people of Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq and Ukraine . In this diocese we pray for the Parish of Dowlais & Penydarren and Rev Joyce Harman . We pray for Rev Canon Stewart Lisk , who celebrates 25 years in the priesthood today. We pray for the homeless in our city, and for all who work to help them, in the Paradise Run, Cardiff Action for Single Homeless, the Huggard Centre. We pray for our Council of Churches (Cytûn) , those who work locally to promote Christian Unity, and those who work at a national and international level. We pray for the sick and those who care for them, especially Marilyn Roberts, Glyn Osman, Julie Romanelli, Beryl Powell, David Blyth, John Price and Bill Berry . We pray for the repose of the souls of the departed, especially Tom Colley and Sandra Brightman , who died this week, also Diana Beckitt whose anniversary occurs at this time. EVENING PRAYER will be said at St Edward’s on Monday and Tuesday at UIJT!XFFL! 6pm and Thursday at 7pm this week. Morning Prayer on Saturday at 9am. Npoebz 11.00 am Annual Leavers’ Service. Llandaff Cathedral. PARISH OFFICE is open on Tuesday, 8ui 12.45 pm Word for the City. St John’s. Wednesday and Thursday this week. 6.00 pm Parish Surgery. Roath Church House. 6.00 pm Evening Prayer. 7.00 pm St Edward’s Orchestra Concert in memory of Fred & Rita Waite . Uvftebz 6.00 pm Evening Prayer. WORD FOR THE CITY at St John’s, Mon 12.45-1.10. This 9ui 7.00 pm Holy Eucharist. St Anne’s. week: Envy’s Alienation, God’s Invitation (1 Cor 12:7-11). 7.15 pm Ladies Circle. St Margaret’s. LADIES CIRCLE meets on Tuesday at 7.15 pm in St Margaret’s Church , when our speaker is Xfeoftebz 10.15 am HOLY EUCHARIST . Followed by coffee. Richard Britton, who will tell us about the 1 st :ui 7.00 pm South Wales Clarinet Choir rehearsal. Marquis of Bute. There will be a toiletries sales 7.30 pm Cytûn Meeting. St Andrew’s URC. table. Visitors welcome. 7.45 pm Paradise Run. CYTÛN MEETING at St Andrew’s Uivstebz 11.00 am Police Community Access Point. Schoolroom. URC on Wednesday at 7.30pm. 21ui 7.00 pm Evening Prayer. HMS PINAFORE at St John's College on We dnesday 7.30 pm Choir Practice. and Thursday at 7.30pm. Adults £3 (Children £2, Family 7.30 pm St Athan Band. Ewenny Priory Church. £10) (20-778936 [email protected] Gsjebz 1.15 pm Organ Recital: Richard Hobson. St John’s (town). 22ui 5.00 pm Concert: Pupils of Jayne Thomas. St Edward’s. 8.00 pm City of Cardiff Symphony Orchestra. Church of the Resurrection. Tbuvsebz 9.00 am Morning Prayer. CARDIFF POLYPHONIC CHOIR perform 23ui 10.00 am St John’s Ambulance Open Day. St Anne’s Hall. John Rutter’s Mass of the Children with 10.00 am Circle Dancing. St Michael’s, Gelligaer St. Caerphilly Children’s Choir at Wesley 2.00 pm Open Day. St Peter’s, Old Cogan. Methodist Church, Caerphilly, on Saturday at 5.00 pm Concert: Pupils of Esther Walker. St Edward’s. 7pm. 7.00 pm Cardiff Polyphonic Choir. Wesley Methodist Church, Caerphilly. Ofyu!Tvoebz is the Fifth Sunday After Pentecost , and will be celebrated as Sea Sunday . The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated with Holy Baptism in St Edward’s at 11am, the Parish visit to the Cathedral leaves at 1.45pm, the Blessing of the Sea at Lightship 2000 is at 3pm, and Choral Evensong will be sung at St Edward’s at 7pm. Eucharist readings: Isaiah 55: 10-13; Romans 8: 1-11; Matthew 13: 1-9, 18-23. ST ATHAN BAND at Ewenny Priory Church on Thursday at 7.30pm. Tickets £10 (children £3). Fundraising concert for church maintenance. COFFEE . Please join us in the vestry after the Service this morning for a cup of coffee & a chat, and the 100 Club draw. http://StEdward.roath.org.uk Facebook: StEdwardRoath Twitter: @StEdwardsRoath [email protected] CANON STEWART is celebrating the 25 th anniversary of ST EDWARD’S ORCHESTRA CONCERT in memory of his priesting, with a service at St Margaret’s at 6pm Rita and Fred Waite on Monday at 7.30pm. Programme today , followed by a reception in Roath Church House. includes Mozart’s Sinfonia Concertante with Diana We would be grateful for donations of sandwiches, Painter (violin) and Phil Heyman (viola); Handel’s Music cakes etc, which can be brought to Roath Church House for the Royal Fireworks and The Arrival of the Queen of before the service. We would also be grateful for help in Sheba. setting up. Details from Sue Mansell. CLOTHES SWOPSHOP on Mon 14 July in Roath Church CHORAL EVENSONG at the Cathedral, 3.30pm today: House Rooms 1 & 2, in aid of the Ladies Circle Charity, The Archer’s Berkshire Service. Anthem: The Lord bless you Touch Trust. For £3 bring along three items of new or nearly and keep you (Rutter). new clothing (including handbags, shoes, scarves etc) to swop. Details from Gill Day (20-495496. ANNUAL LEAVERS’ SERVICE on Monday at 11am. Year Six pupils from 20 Church in Wales Primary Schools across the COFFEE CONCERT . The final concert in this year’s Llandaff Diocese will gather at Llandaff Cathedral for a very series is the Jazz Duo, Julian Martin (Piano) and James special service to mark the end of their primary years. This is Chadwick (Guitar), on Sat 19 July at 11am. an opportunity for the children to meet with leavers from other CATHAYS CONSORT OF VIOLS will accompany schools, while they look back on their time in primary school Choral Evensong at St Edward’s on Sun 20 July at 7pm. and look forward to the future. Introit: Adoramus Te Christe (Byrd); Anthem: Haste PARADISE RUN on Wednesday. We need loaves of Thee O God (Batten); Canticles: Orlando Gibbons Short sandwiches of either sliced cheese (not grated), tuna, Service; Preces & Responses: William Smith of ham or corned beef using white medium sliced bread Durham; Amen: Orlando Gibbons. and individually wrapped sandwiches. Also packets of PARISH DISCUSSION GROUP meets on Sun 20 July crisps, biscuits or cakes. Items can be given to Kathie at 7.45pm in Room 2 at Roath Church House. This is Mayer (20-495769 or left at Church House either at our planning meeting for the 2014/2015 programme. Wednesday lunchtime or in the evening from 7.15pm Please come along with ideas and suggestions. Further until we leave at 7.45pm. Further information/offers of information from Gill Day (20-495496. help please ring Chris Webb (20-455641. PARISH KNITTING & CROCHET GROUP meets on ORGAN RECITAL on Friday, 1.15-1.45pm at St John’s Mon 21 July, 7.30-9.30pm in Room 2, Roath Church (town) by Richard Hobson (Grosvenor Chapel, Mayfair). House. New members very welcome – assistance given Admission free, retiring collection. to learners. Contact Gill Day (20-495496 or Ann James CITY OF CARDIFF SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA concert at the [email protected] for details. Church of the Resurrection, Ely, on Friday at 8pm (part of the Ely Festival). Programme: Rodeo Suite (Copland), Flute LOCAL HISTORY TALK . Jeff Childs, Vice Chairman of Roath Concerto (Liebermann), New World Symphony (Dvo řák). Local History Society, will give an illustrated talk on the history Tickets £8 (conc. £6). (20-306696. of Roath on Tue 7 Oct at 7pm. This is one of our “WW1” events, and also part of the St Edward’s Festival 2014. ST JOHN’S AMBULANCE . The Cardiff City Division of St John Cymru-Wales have recently started meeting in St FOR YOUR DIARY . Anne’s. The group will hold an open day on Saturday, 10am- 9 Jul. Paradise Run. 1pm in St Anne’s Hall. Everyone is welcome to come along 19 Jul. Coffee Concert: Jazz Duo Martin & Chadwick. and discover what St John offer & pick up a few first aid skills. 20 Jul. Choral Evensong with Consort of Viols. CIRCLE DANCING on Saturday, 10am-12pm at St Michael’s, 20 Jul. Discussion Group. Gelligaer St. Another workshop to engage in the spirituality, 21 Jul. Knitting & Crochet Group. the practice and the fun of circle dancing. All welcome. Details MUSIC DIARY . from the Ven Peggy Jackson (01446-750053. 13 Jul 7.30pm. St Anne’s Orchestra Concert. St Anne’s. OPEN DAY on Saturday, 2-5pm at St Peter’s Church, 22 Jul 1pm. Organ Recital: Court & Howard. St David’s Hall. Old Cogan (a tiny stone church, one of the oldest 23 Jul 5pm. South Wales Clarinet Choir. St David’s Hall. buildings in Penarth, mainly 12th century, but its origins 8 Aug 1.15pm. Organ Recital: James Gough. St John’s. go back to the 6th century). Including music, stalls, BOOKINGS THIS WEEK : refreshments and a raffle. Friday. 5pm. Pupils of Jayne Thomas. Church. NEXT SUNDAY IS SEA SUNDAY . There will be a Saturday. 5pm. Pupils of Esther Walker. Church. retiring collection for the vital work of Mission to SUMMER RAFFLE raised £250 for Church Funds. A list Seafarers who support all who are in need among of prize winners is in the porch. Thanks to Janice for merchant crews and their families. Also a service at 3pm organizing the raffle, and to everyone who bought tickets outside Lightship 2000: Blessing of the Sea with and helped in any way. members of the band of RAF St Athan. WELCOME . We extend a warm welcome to all visitors and CATHEDRAL VISIT . Parishioners from Roath have newcomers. Please make yourself known to one of the been invited to visit Llandaff Cathedral in the afternoon sidesmen if you are new with us. next Sunday. We will be leaving the Parish at 1.45pm. If CONTACT NUMBERS . you need a lift or can give a lift, please tell Kathie Mayer. Rev Stewart Lisk: The visit includes tea (so definite numbers are needed (20-487854 / 07794-157604. as soon as possible – please speak to Kathie (20- Parish Office (20-484808, 495769) and will conclude with Evensong at 3.30pm. [email protected] Please let the clergy know ST ANNE’S ORCHESTRA CONCERT at 7.30pm next Sunday of any sick person or any person who is in hospital. in St Anne’s. Proceeds in aid of St Anne’s Funds. Programme To receive the Parish Group e-newsletter send an email to includes Beethoven, Telemann Viola Concerto and more. [email protected] Entry free; donations at the door.

Uif!Gjgui!Tvoebz!Bgufs!Qfoufdptu;!Tfb!Tvoebz! Weekly Newsletter No.1989 Sunday, 13 th July, 2014 11.00 am Sung Eucharist, Holy Baptism & Sermon. Celebrant & Preacher: Canon Stewart Lisk . Hymns: Eternal Father strong to save, In Christ Alone, Taizé: There is One Lord, Anthem: A Clare Benediction (Rutter) , You shall go out with joy . Setting: Thomas Mass (David Thorne). 3.00 pm Blessing of the Sea. Lightship 2000. 7.00 pm Choral Evensong. Introit: O Jerusalem (Maunder) . Officiant: Canon Stewart Lisk. Psalms 60, 63 . Hymns: 62(MP), Anthem: Ubi Caritas (Duruflé) , 31 . Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis: S.S.Wesley Chant Service in G. Readings: 2 Samuel 7, 18-29 . Luke 19,41 - 20,8 . On this Sea Sunday we pray for seafarers everywhere, especially in the Royal Navy and the Merchant Navy, and for the work of Missions to Seafarers . In the world-wide Church we pray today for the Anglican Church of Papua New Guinea and Archbishop Clyde Igara and in the Ecumenical Prayer Cycle we pray for Costa Rica, El Salvador, Nicaragua and Panama . We pray for peace in the world , remembering the people of Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq and Ukraine . In this diocese we pray for the Parish of Caerphilly, Canon Robert Donkin, Rev Gareth Coombs, Rev Susan Pratten and Reader Doug Nelmes . We pray for our Cathedral Church of SS Peter & Paul, Dyfrig, Teilo and Euddogwy, the mother church of the Diocese of Llandaff and the seat of the Bishop of Llandaff. We pray for Megan Edna Ade , who will be baptised at our Eucharist this morning. We pray for the sick and those who care for them, especially Marilyn Roberts, Glyn Osman, Julie Romanelli, Beryl Powell, David Blyth, John Price and Bill Berry . We pray for the repose of the souls of the departed, especially Muriel Alice Munday and Annette Osman , whose anniversaries occur at this time. EVENING PRAYER will be said at St Edward’s on Monday and Tuesday at UIJT!XFFL! 6pm and Thursday at 7pm this week. Morning Prayer on Saturday at 9am. Npoebz 10.00 am Drop-In Day. Llangasty Retreat House. PARISH OFFICE is open on Monday, 25ui 12.45 pm Word for the City. St John’s. Wednesday and Thursday this week. 6.00 pm Parish Surgery. Roath Church House. WORD FOR THE CITY at St John’s, Mon 6.00 pm Evening Prayer. 12.45-1.10. This week: Pervasive Pride, All- 7.30 pm Clothes Swopshop. Roath Church House . Sufficient Salvation (Gal 2:15b-20). Uvftebz 6.00 pm Evening Prayer. LUNCH CLUB every Wednesday at 12.15pm in 26ui 7.00 pm Holy Eucharist. St Anne’s. Church House. Contact Gill & Joe A rmitage (20-752630 (note change of phone number). 10.15 am HOLY EUCHARIST . Followed by coffee. Xfeoftebz COMPLINE will be sung at St Edward’s on 12.15 pm Lunch Club. Roath Church House. 27ui Thursday at 9pm. Compline is a 15-minute Uivstebz 11.00 am Police Community Access Point. Schoolroom. service of plainchant - the last of the 28ui 7.00 pm Evening Prayer. monastic “hours”, sung by candlelight. 7.30 pm Choir Practice. ST EDWARD’S ORCHESTRA CONCERT in 9.00 pm COMPLINE BY CANDLELIGHT . memory of Rita a nd Fred Waite last week raised £118.15 for the Bell & Roof Fund. The recording Gsjebz!29ui 8.00 pm Sacred Site & Sound Festival. Tintern Abbey. of The Arrival of the Queen of Sheba is online, linked from St Edward’s home page. Tbuvsebz 9.00 am Morning Prayer. 2:ui 10.00 am Quiet Day for the Pentecost Season: “Mending Nets”. All Saints, Southerndown. 11.00 am Coffee Concert: Jazz Duo. Julian Martin (Piano) and James Chadwick (Guitar). 12.00 pm Pavane Rehearsal. Schoolroom. TWITTER . @StEdwardsRoath now 12.00 pm Celebrating 60 Years. Llangasty Retreat House. has 50 followers. 5.00 pm RSCM Festival Choral Eucharist. Llandaff Cathedral. 7.30 pm Sacred Site & Sound Festival. Tintern Abbey. Ofyu!Tvoebz is the Sixth Sunday After Pentecost . The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in St Edward’s at 11am and Choral Evensong will be sung at 7pm, accompanied by Cathays Consort of Viols . Eucharist readings: Wisdom 12: 13, 16-19; Romans 8: 12-25; Matthew 13: 24-30, 36-43. WELCOME . We extend a warm welcome to all visitors and newcomers. Please make yourself known to one of the sidesmen if you are new with us. http://StEdward.roath.org.uk Facebook: StEdwardRoath Twitter: @StEdwardsRoath [email protected] TODAY IS SEA SUNDAY . There will be a retiring collection for the vital work of Mission to Seafarers who support all who are in need among merchant crews and their families. This year’s Mission to Seafarers Sea Sunday campaign focuses on the tragic plight of seafarers left abandoned on their ships without food, water or a means to get home – and the work The Mission to Seafarers does to support them worldwide. A YouTube video on this work is linked from St Edward’s homepage. There is also a service at 3pm outside Lightship 2000: Blessing of the Sea with members of the band of RAF St Athan. CLOTHES SWOPSHOP on Monday at 7.30pm in Roath Church House Rooms 1 & 2, in aid of the Ladies Circle Charity, The Touch Trust. For £3 bring along three items of new or nearly new clothing (including handbags, shoes, scarves etc) to swop. There will also be a chance to buy additional items. We need lots of items in various

sizes. There will be nail-painting, a raffle and tea and DEAR FRIENDS , I want to thank you all for making my coffee. Come along for a fun evening and a chance to Silver Jubilee Thanksgiving Service such a memorable snap up a few bargains. Details: Gill Day (20-495496. occasion. I was delighted to see parishioners from all TINTERN SACRED SITE & SOUND FESTIVAL Friday and the Churches present to welcome visitors from other Saturday this week. Part 1 at St Michael’s Church, Friday at churches, clergy, family and old friends. The Service 8pm (tickets £8) music for solo voice, violin and choir. Part 2 was marked by beautiful Liturgy, enhanced by the truly at the Abbey, Saturday, 7.30-10.00pm (tickets £15) sacred magnificent singing and music. The party following was choral & orchestral works by Tavener, Pärt, Gorecki & Britten. really excellent with delicious food and drinks, a veritable QUIET DAY for the Pentecost Season: “Mending Nets” on feast. We were overwhelmed by the generous gifts. I am Saturday, 10am-3pm, at All Saints, Southerndown. Led by the delighted with my cannon and am working out how to Diocesan Spirituality Group. £10 per person. Refreshments use it!! Karen, Lydia and Sophie were thrilled with their provided, but bring your own lunch. Places limited: contact vouchers and flowers and look forward to some serious [email protected] (01656-881960. shopping. A home in Myanmar for a poor family is quite COFFEE CONCERT . The final concert in this year’s the most inspired idea and I know many were impressed series, on Saturday at 11am, is the Jazz Duo, Julian with such a gift. Thank you and God bless you all. A Martin (Piano) and James Chadwick (Guitar). £2 inc priest’s celebration of 25 years is only meaningful when coffee and biscuits. 10% of the proceeds of this year’s you recall the 2000 Baptisms, 500 weddings, the scores Coffee Concerts will go to Oldwell Day Centre, Penylan, of souls laid to rest and the 7000 and more celebrations for young and old people with Alzheimer’s. of the Holy Eucharist which have taken place. CELEBRATING 60 YEARS at Llangasty Retreat House Sacraments which all depend on priest and people, on Saturday. Celebration Eucharist at 12pm. Fete 2pm thank you for helping to be part of those events in our to 4.30pm: home-made refreshments, cake stall, raffle, lives together. With every good wish and prayers. plants, books, fair trade, explore Llangors Lake and St Stewart Gastyn’s Church. Bring a picnic lunch and enjoy a ANTHEMS . The anthem at the Eucharist is “A Clare delightful afternoon in a stunning lakeside setting. Benediction” by John Rutter (b.1945). The Introit at Evensong RSCM FESTIVAL CHORAL EUCHARIST on Saturday at 5pm is the Recitative and Air “O Jerusalem” from the Cantata at Llandaff Cathedral. Celebrant: Archbishop Barry. “Olivet to Calvary” by John Henry Maunder (1858-1920) and the anthem is “Ubi Caritas” by Maurice Duruflé (1902-1986). CATHAYS CONSORT OF VIOLS will accompany CATHEDRAL VISIT TODAY . For those who have put Choral Evensong at St Edward’s next Sunday at 7pm. their names on the list, we will be leaving the Parish at Introit: Adoramus Te Christe (Byrd); Anthem: Haste 1.30pm. Any queries, please speak to Kathie Mayer this Thee O God (Batten); Canticles: Orlando Gibbons Short morning. Service; Preces & Responses: William Smith of Durham; Amen: Orlando Gibbons. The viols and the ST ANNE’S ORCHESTRA CONCERT at 7.30pm today choir will practice together in the church 5pm-6.30pm in St Anne’s. Proceeds in aid of St Anne’s Funds. that day. Programme includes Beethoven, Telemann Viola Concerto and more. Entry free; donations at the door. PUPIL CONCERTS last week raised a total of £68.59 Followed by wine, soft drinks and light refreshments. for the bell & roof fund. LLANGASTY DROP-IN DAY on Monday, 10am-4pm CONTACT NUMBERS . with Eucharist at 12 noon. An opportunity to pause for Rev Stewart Lisk: prayer and personal reflection – come for all or part of (20-487854 / 07794-157604. the day. Bring your own lunch. Coffee and tea provided. Parish Office (20-484808, No charge, but donations welcome. No need to book. [email protected] Please let the clergy know FOR YOUR DIARY . of any sick person or any person who is in hospital. 20 Jul. Discussion Group. To receive the Parish Group e-newsletter send an email 21 Jul. Knitting & Crochet Group. to [email protected]

Uif!Tjyui!Tvoebz!Bgufs!Qfoufdptu! Weekly Newsletter No.1990 Sunday, 20 th July, 2014 11.00 am Sung Eucharist & Sermon. Celebrant & Preacher: Rev Rhys Jenkins . Hymns: 382, Jesus is the name we honour, It’s your blood that cleanses me, Anthem: Panis Angelicus (Franck) , As the deer pants for the water . Setting: Thomas Mass (David Thorne). 7.00 pm Choral Evensong accompanied by The Cathays Consort of Viols. Officiant: Rev Rhys Jenkins. Introit: Adoramus Te Christe (Byrd). Preces & Responses: William Smith of Durham. Psalms 67, 70 . Hymns: 23, Anthem: Haste Thee O God (Batten) , 336 . Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis: Orlando Gibbons Short Evening Service. Amen: Orlando Giibbons. Readings: 1 Kings 2,10-12 & 3,16-28 . Acts 4, 1-22 . In the world-wide Church we pray today for the Episcopal Church in the Philippines, and Prime Bishop Edward Pacyaya Malecdan and in the Ecumenical Prayer Cycle we pray for Belize, Guatemala, Honduras and Mexico . We pray for peace in the world , remembering the people of Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, Ukraine, Israel and Gaza . We pray for the victims of the Malaysia Airlines disaster in the Ukraine. We pray for the victims of Typhoon Rammasun in the Philippines. In this diocese we pray for the Parish of Aberaman & Abercwmboi with Cwmaman, Rev David Way and Reader Brian James . We pray for all who are facing financial difficulties , and those seeking employment . We pray for the sick and those who care for them, especially Marilyn Roberts, Glyn Osman, Julie Romanelli, Beryl Powell, David Blyth, John Price and Bill Berry . We pray for the repose of the souls of the departed, especially Frederick Frank Loder, Alice Susan Lyon Riddett, Ingrid Baldwin , whose anniversaries occur at this time. EVENING PRAYER will be said at St Edward’s on Monday and Tuesday UIJT!XFFL! at 6pm and Thursday at 7pm this week. No Morning Prayer on Saturday. PARISH OFFICE is open on Tuesday, 12.45 pm Word for the City. St John’s. Npoebz Wednesday and Thursday this week. 32tu 6.00 pm Evening Prayer. 7.30 pm Parish Knitting & Crochet Group. Church House. ST ANNE’S ORCHESTRA CONCERT last Sunday raised £184 for St Anne’s funds. Uvftebz St Mary Magdalene 33oe 1.00 pm Organ Recital: Robert Court & Jeffrey Howard. St David’s Hall. 6.00 pm Evening Prayer. WORD FOR THE CITY at St John’s, Mon Xfeoftebz 10.15 am HOLY EUCHARIST . Followed by coffee. 12.45-1.10. This week: Victory in Christ over Sin and Death (1 Cor 15:51-58). 34se 12.15 pm Lunch Club. Roath Church House. 5.00 pm South Wales Clarinet Choir Daytime Prom. St David’s Hall. 7.00 pm South Wales Clarinet Choir rehearsal. ST ANNE’S . There will no 7pm Holy Uivstebz 11.00 am Police Community Access Point. Schoolroom. Eucharist se rvice on Tuesdays for the rest of July and August. 35ui 7.00 pm Evening Prayer. 7.30 pm Choir Practice. NO PARISH SURGERY on Monday this week. Enquiries about Baptisms, Weddings and funerals and other g eneral enquiries Gsjebz!36ui St James the Apostle please ring (20-487854 and leave a message. Tbuvsebz!37ui St Anne, Mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary Ofyu!Tvoebz is the Seventh Sunday After Pentecost . The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in St Edward’s at 11am and Choral Evensong will be sung at 7pm. Eucharist readings: 1 Kings 3: 5-12; Romans 8: 26-39; Matthew 13: 31-33, 44-52. ST PETER’S COMMUNITY GARDEN at St Peter’s Church, Fairwater, is open today, 10am-5pm. Parish priest, Revd Colin Sutton (one time assistant curate in Roath) said, “Come and learn how the garden and reserve has been created by volunteers through community and church grants and donations from individual supporters. There is a large pond surrounded by a small nature reserve, a long herb border, raised vegetable beds, Welsh heritage apple trees, a wild flower circle plus a hotel for bugs, and our latest development – our small alpine rockery.” VESTRY DOOR KEY . There has been a problem with Yale keys jamming in the vestry door lock, so we are planning to replace the lock in a few weeks time. If you have a (legitimate) key to the vestry door, please speak to Kathie Mayer to ensure that we get you a replacement one when it is needed. http://StEdward.roath.org.uk Facebook: StEdwardRoath Twitter: @StEdwardsRoath [email protected] CATHAYS CONSORT OF VIOLS will accompany CHAPLAINCY VOLUNTEERS are needed in our local Choral Evensong at St Edward’s today at 7pm. Music by hospitals to assist Chaplains with bed-to-bed visiting. William Byrd, Adrian Batten and Orlando Gibbons (Short We are looking to train people who are firmly anchored Evening Service and Amen). Preces & Responses by to their religious community. A six week training course William Smith of Durham. The viols and the choir will (one afternoon a week) begins on Wed 10 Sept at the practice together in the church 5pm-6.30pm. Heath Hospital. For more information please contact (20-743230 or email [email protected] ANTHEMS . The anthem at the Eucharist is “Panis Anglicus” by César Franck (1822-90). The Introit at CYTÛN SONGS OF PRAISE at St Margaret’s on Sun Evensong is “Adoramus te Christe” by William Byrd 17 Aug (after Waterloo Fest) commemorating centenary (1543-1623) and the anthem is “Haste Thee O God” of the start of World War I. (text from Psalm 70) by Adrian Batten (1591-1637?) . ECUMENICAL CELEBRATION OF THE ASSUMPTION CHORAL EVENSONG at the Cathedral, 3.30pm today: at St Mary’s, Bute Street, on Sun 17 Aug at 8.30pm: Walmisley in D. Anthem: King of Glory, King of Peace Vespers, Torchlight Procession, Fireworks & Barbecue. (Bach). Visiting Choir: Bedwellty Deanery Choir. CREATIVE RESPONSES TO DEMENTIA Weekend at PARISH DISCUSSION GROUP meets today at 7.45pm Cardiff MADE Gallery, Lochaber St, 6/7 Sept. Exhibition, in Room 2 at Roath Church House. This is our planning Workshops, Poetry Readings, Art Auction. Open Call for meeting for the 2014/2015 programme. Please come Submissions from Artists, Writers and Creative along with ideas and suggestions. Further information Practitioners. Proceeds to Crossroads in the Vale from Gill Day (20-495496. Dementia Support Charity. Contact Esyllt George (20- 416333 [email protected] PARISH KNITTING & CROCHET GROUP meets on HERITAGE WEEKEND “OPEN DOORS” is Sat/Sun 20/21 Monday, 7.30-9.30pm in Room 2, Roath Church House. Sept. Our “Cluster” includes St Edward’s, St Margaret’s, St New members very welcome – assistance given to Anne’s and James Summers Funeral Home. learners. Contact Gill Day (20-495496 or Ann James [email protected] for details. SOUTH WALES CLARINET CHOIR will give a concert at St Edward’s on Fri 3 Oct at 7.30pm. ORGAN RECITAL at St David’s Hall on Tuesday, 1pm- LOCAL HISTORY TALK . Jeff Childs, Vice Chairman of Roath 2pm: “Four Hands, Four Feet: the Sequel” with Robert Local History Society, will give an illustrated talk on the history Court and Jeffrey Howard. Tickets £6.50. of Roath on Tue 7 Oct at 7pm. This is one of our “WW1” LUNCH CLUB every Wednesday at 12.15pm in Roath events, and also part of the St Edward’s Festival 2014. Church House. Contact Gill & Joe Armitage tel.20- ST EDWARD’S MUSIC & ARTS FESTIVAL 2014 . 752630 (note change of telephone number). The following events have so far been arranged: SOUTH WALES CLARINET CHOIR will give one of the free Fri 3 Oct. 7.30pm. South Wales Clarinet Choir. Daytime Proms at St David’s Hall on Wednesday at 5pm. Tue 7 Oct. 7pm. Jeff Childs talk on the History of Roath. Wed 8 Oct. 7.45pm. Cardiff County & Vale of ST MARTIN'S LITURGICAL CHOIR sing Choral Glamorgan Symphonic Brass. Evensong at Westminister Abbey on 24/25 July. FOR YOUR DIARY . NEARLY NEW CLOTHES SALE at St Paul’s Church, 17 Aug. Waterloo Fest & Cytûn Songs of Praise. Paget Street, on Saturday, 10.30am-12.30pm. In aid of St Paul’s Church Hall Redevelopment Project. MUSIC DIARY . 8 Aug 1.15pm. Organ Recital: James Gough. St John’s. QUIET DAY for the Feast of the Transfiguration at CATHEDRAL VISIT last Sunday was a most enjoyable Llangasty Retreat House on Sat 2 Aug with Ven Martin parish outing. Our thanks to the Cathedral staff, and Williams and Rev Colin Sutton. £25. those who organized the visit. NATIONAL SERVICE OF COMMEMORATION to mark COFFEE CONCERT . Our thanks to the Jazz Duo, Julian the Centenary of the First World War at Llandaff Martin and James Chadwick, for an excellent concert to Cathedral on Mon 4 Aug at 10pm. Attendance by complete this year’s series of Coffee Concerts. The new Invitation only. Evensong will be sung at St Edward’s to series will begin in September. mark the centenary at 5.30pm that evening. POLICE COMMUNITY ACCESS POINT at St Edward’s RESIDENTIAL RETREAT at Llangasty Retreat House. Schoolroom every Thursday, 11am-1pm. The Penylan Aug 4-11: CARM Fabric Arts (Embroidery) and Prayer Neighbourhood Policing Team welcomes visitors from Retreat. Janet Knox and Rev Stella Polashek. £380. the local area to talk about shared issues. ART EXHIBITION by Rosaleen Moriarty-Simmonds WELCOME . We extend a warm welcome to all visitors (Mouth Painter with Mouth & Foot Painting Artists and newcomers. Please make yourself known to one of Association) at 22 Cyncoed Avenue on 16/17 Aug, the sidesmen if you are new with us. 11am-4pm in aid of CRY (Cardiff Risk in the Young). CONTACT NUMBERS . Free admission. Donations to CRY. Rev Stewart Lisk: WATERLOO FEST on Sun 17 Aug at 2pm. Once again (20-487854 / 07794-157604. the Parish is running the Books and White Elephant Parish Office (20-484808, stall. If you can help in any way please contact Gill Day [email protected] (20-495496. Items for the stall to be brought to Please let the clergy know Waterloo Gardens from 1pm on the day. Roath History of any sick person or any person who is in hospital. Society are doing guided walks around the parks on the To receive the Parish Group e-newsletter send an email day of the fete at 2.30 & 4pm. to [email protected]

Uif!Tfwfoui!Tvoebz!Bgufs!Qfoufdptu! Weekly Newsletter No.1991 Sunday, 27th July, 2014 11.00 am Sung Eucharist & Sermon. Celebrant & Preacher: Canon Stewart Lisk . Hymns: 226(MP), 255, 357, Anthem: Ave Verum (Elgar) , 201(MP) . Setting: Thomas Mass (David Thorne). 7.00 pm Choral Evensong. Introit: Lead Me, Lord (Wesley) . Psalms 75, 76 . Hymns: 242, Anthem: If Ye Love Me (Tallis) , 26 . Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis: Hylton Stewart. Readings: 1 Kings 6, 11-14 & 23-38 . Acts 12, 1-17 . In the world-wide Church we pray today for the Province de L’Eglise Anglicane au Rwanda and Archbishop Dr Onesphore Rwaje and in the Ecumenical Prayer Cycle we pray for The Caribbean: Antigua and Barbuda, the Bahamas, Barbados, Cuba, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Grenada, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago . We pray for peace in the world , remembering the people of Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, Ukraine, Israel and Gaza . We pray for those who died when the Malaysia Airlines flight was shot down in the Ukraine and the victims of the Air Algerie crash in Mali. We pray for all who are taking part in the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow , the athletes and trainers, and all who have planned and organised the Games. In this diocese we pray for the Parish of Mountain Ash & Miskin, and Rev Michael Jones . We pray for the people of St Anne’s as they celebrate their Patronal Festival today. We pray for the sick and those who care for them, especially Marilyn Roberts, Glyn Osman, Julie Romanelli, Beryl Powell, David Blyth, John Price, Bill Berry and Myra Mansell . We pray for the repose of the souls of the departed, especially John Satchel and Phyllis Smith , whose anniversaries occur at this time. EVENING PRAYER will be said at St Edward’s on Monday UIJT!XFFL! and Tuesday at 6pm and Thursday at 7pm this week. 6.00 pm Evening Prayer. Npoebz!39ui ST ANNE’S . There will no 7 pm Holy Eucharist Uvftebz!3:ui 6.00 pm Evening Prayer. service on Tuesdays for the rest of July and August. PARISH OFFICE is open on Tuesday, 10.15 am HOLY EUCHARIST . Followed by coffee. Xfeoftebz Wednesday and Thursday this week. 41ui 12.15 pm Lunch Club. Roath Church House. Uivstebz 11.00 am Police Community Access Point. Schoolroom. 42tu 7.00 pm Evening Prayer. LUNCH CLUB every Wednesday at 12.15pm in 7.30 pm Choir Practice. Roath Church House. Contact Gill & Joe Armitage Tbuvsebz!3oe !Bvh Quiet Day. Llangasty Retreat House. tel.20-752630 (note change of telephone number). Ofyu! Tvoebz is the Eighth Sunday After Pentecost . The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in St Edward's at 11am, coffee will be served in the vestry after the Eucharist, and the 100 Club Draw will take place. Choral Evensong will be sung at 7pm. Eucharist readings: Isaiah 55: 1-5; Romans 9: 1-5; Matthew 14: 13-21. VESTRY DOOR KEY . There has been a problem with Yale keys jamming in the vestry door lock, so we are planning to replace the lock in a few weeks time. If you have a (legitimate) key to the vestry door, please speak to Kathie Mayer to ensure that we get you a replacement one when it is needed. NEW FLOWER ROTA is posted in the porch. If you would like to provide (or pay for) flowers to decorate the church for a particular week, please put your name and phone number on the rota. NO PARISH SURGERY on Monday this week. Enquiries about Baptisms, Weddings and funerals and other general enquiries please ring (20-487854 and leave a message. QUIET DAY for the Feast of the Transfiguration at Llangasty Retreat House on Saturday with Ven Martin Williams and Rev Colin Sutton. £25. NATIONAL SERVICE OF COMMEMORATION to mark the Centenary of the First World War at Llandaff Cathedral on Mon 4 Aug at 10pm. Attendance by Invitation only. Evensong will be sung at St Edward’s to mark the centenary at 5.30pm that evening. RESIDENTIAL RETREAT at Llangasty Retreat House. Aug 4-11: CARM Fabric Arts (Embroidery) and Prayer Retreat. Janet Knox and Rev Stella Polashek. £380. http://StEdward.roath.org.uk Facebook: StEdwardRoath Twitter: @StEdwardsRoath [email protected] CHAPLAINCY VOLUNTEERS are needed in our local SUNG VESPERS AT TINTERN ABBEY on Sun 7 Sept hospitals to assist Chaplains with bed-to-bed visiting. at 3pm. An Ecumenical Celebration of Evening Prayer. We are looking to train people who are firmly anchored Speaker: Archbishop Rowan. There is no seating in the to their religious community. A six week training course Abbey so please bring folding chairs. Teas available at (one afternoon a week) begins on Wed 10 Sept at the the Anchor Inn after the service. All welcome to attend. Heath Hospital. For more information please contact HERITAGE WEEKEND “OPEN DOORS” is Sat/Sun 20/21 (20-743230 or email [email protected] Sept. Our “Cluster” includes St Edward’s, St Margaret’s, St Anne’s and James Summers Funeral Home. ANTHEMS . The anthem at the Eucharist is the 14 th ST EDWARD’S MUSIC & ARTS FESTIVAL 2014 . century Eucharistic hymn “Ave Verum Corpus” by Sir The following events have so far been arranged: Edward Elgar (1857-1934). The Introit at Evensong is Fri 3 Oct. 7.30pm. South Wales Clarinet Choir. “Lead Me, Lord”, from “Praise the Lord, O My Soul” by Tue 7 Oct. 7pm. Jeff Childs talk on the History of Roath. Samuel Sebastian Wesley (1810-76) and the anthem is Wed 8 Oct. 7.45pm. Cardiff County & Vale of “If ye love me” by Thomas Tallis (c.1505-1585). Glamorgan Symphonic Brass. CHORAL EVENSONG at the Cathedral, 3.30pm today: FOR YOUR DIARY . Dyson in C. Anthem: I waited for the Lord 4 Aug. 5.30pm. Evensong (outbreak of WW1). (Mendelssohn). Visiting Choir: Oriana Singers. 11 Aug. Knitting & Crochet Group. PARISH KNITTING & CROCHET GROUP meets on 16/17 Aug. Art Exhibition. 22 Cyncoed Avenue. Mon 11 Aug, 7.30-9.30pm in Room 2, Roath Church 17 Aug. Waterloo Fest & Cytûn Songs of Praise. House. New members very welcome – assistance given 23 Aug. 2pm. Afternoon Tea for Breast Cancer Care. to learners. Contact Gill Day (20-495496 or Ann James MUSIC DIARY . [email protected] for details. 8 Aug 1.15pm. Organ Recital: James Gough. St John’s. ART EXHIBITION by Rosaleen Moriarty-Simmonds ROATH LOCAL HISTORY SOCIETY in partnership with (Mouth Painter with Mouth & Foot Painting Artists the Cardiff Story Museum present an exhibition on the Association) at 22 Cyncoed Avenue on 16/17 Aug, theme “A History of the Mackintosh Estate”. Alfred 11am-4pm in aid of CRY (Cardiac Risk in the Young). Donald Mackintosh was born at Moy Hall near Inverness Free admission. Donations to CRY. in 1851 and became the 28th Chief of the Clan Mackintosh in 1876. In 1880 he married Harriet Diana THE FEAST OF THE ASSUMPTION will be celebrated Arabella Richards, heiress to the Richards estate at at St Mary’s Priory, Usk, on Sat 16 Aug with a Plasnewydd and other estates in Glamorgan. Many of Procession and Sung Eucharist according to these names are familiar to us as street names. The the Prayerbook at 7pm. exhibition is at the City Lab on the lower ground floor of the Old Library on the Hayes, and continues until the WATERLOO FEST on Sun 17 Aug at 2pm. Once again end of October. the Parish is running the Books and White Elephant stall. If you can help in any way please contact Gill Day THE EPISCOPAL DIOCESE OF JERUSALEM has (20-495496. Items for the stall to be brought to launched an urgent appeal for the Al-Ahli Hospital in Waterloo Gardens from 1pm on the day. Roath History Gaza to continue its crucial health services to those Society are doing guided walks around the parks on the injured and impacted by the recent conflict. Staff at the day of the fete at 2.30 & 4pm. Al-Ahli hospital, an Anglican ministry located in Gaza City, have maintained around-the-clock care since the CYTÛN SONGS OF PRAISE at St Margaret’s on Sun beginning of the crisis. They are now calling for help to 17 Aug (after Waterloo Fest) commemorating centenary provide urgent medical services and critical care to of the start of World War I. those injured, displaced and traumatised in the conflict. ECUMENICAL CELEBRATION OF THE ASSUMPTION Medical supplies, food aid, electrical generators and vital at St Mary’s, Bute Street, on Sun 17 Aug at 8.30pm: medical equipment are some of the most urgent needs Vespers, Torchlight Procession, Fireworks & Barbecue. to enable the hospital to continue providing essential care. Hospital Director Suhaila Tarazi described the RESIDENTIAL RETREAT at Llangasty Retreat House. many wounded filling the hospital’s emergency rooms Aug 18-22: Individually Guided Retreat. Rev June and wards – including many children, some who have Gurdon and Jane Butler. £280 per head. lost their entire families. She appealed to the global community to do all it can to end the conflict and to AFTERNOON TEA in aid of Breast Cancer Care on Sat support care for those affected by the violence. 23 Aug, 2-4pm at Roath Church House. Raffles, games and a yummy tea for a very worthy charity. Please come. WELCOME . We extend a warm welcome to all visitors Tickets £3 available from the Parish Knitting and and newcomers. Please make yourself known to one of Crochet Group members, including Ann James, or on the sidesmen if you are new with us. the day. CONTACT NUMBERS . Rev Stewart Lisk: CREATIVE RESPONSES TO DEMENTIA Weekend at (20-487854 / 07794-157604. Cardiff MADE Gallery, Lochaber St, 6/7 Sept. Exhibition, Parish Office (20-484808, Workshops, Poetry Readings, Art Auction. Open Call for [email protected] Submissions from Artists, Writers and Creative Please let the clergy know Practitioners. Proceeds to Crossroads in the Vale Dementia Support Charity. Contact Esyllt George (20- of any sick person or any person who is in hospital. 416333 [email protected] To receive the Parish Group e-newsletter send an email to [email protected]

Uif!Fjhiui!Tvoebz!Bgufs!Qfoufdptu! Weekly Newsletter No.1992 Sunday, 3rd August, 2014 11.00 am Sung Eucharist & Sermon. Celebrant & Preacher: Rev Rhys Jenkins . Hymns: 296, 365, Anthems: Bread of the world (Walford Davies) , Reverie (Norman Doe) , We are marching in the light of God . Setting: Thomas Mass (David Thorne). Sanctus and Benedictus: Norman Doe. 7.00 pm Choral Evensong. Introit: Enter not into judgement (Mayer) . Officiant: Rev Rhys Jenkins. Psalm 80. Hymns: 219 (omit * verses), Anthem: Exsultate Deo (Scarlatti) , 34(S) . Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis: Stanford in B flat. Readings: 1 Kings 10, 1-13 . Acts 13, 1-13 . In the world-wide Church we pray today for the Scottish Episcopal Church and Primus Bishop David Chillingworth and in the Ecumenical Prayer Cycle we pray for Canada and USA . We pray for peace in the world , remembering the people of Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, Ukraine, Israel and Gaza . We pray for the victims of Ebola in West Africa. As the Glasgow Commonwealth Games come to a close, we pray for all who have taken part, and that the experience will lead to greater friendship and understanding between the nations. In this diocese we pray for the Parish of Pontypridd, St Matthew and Cilfynydd with Llanwynno . We pray for the homeless in our city, and for all who work to help them, in the Paradise Run, Cardiff Action for Single Homeless, the Huggard Centre. We pray for those on holiday at this time, that they return safely and refreshed. We pray for the sick and those who care for them, especially Marilyn Roberts, Glyn Osman, Julie Romanelli, Beryl Powell, David Blyth, Bill Berry and Myra Mansell . We pray for the repose of the souls of the departed, especially John Price , who died recently, also Rubina Eccles and Philip Burfoot whose anniversaries occur at this time. UIJT!XFFL! EVENING PRAYER will be said at St Edward’s on Monday at 5.30pm and Tuesday at 6pm and Thursday at 7pm this Npoebz Centenary of World War I week. Morning Prayer on Saturday at 9am. 5ui 5.30 pm Commemoration Evensong . 10.00 pm National Service of Commemoration. Llandaff Cathedral. Uvftebz!6ui 6.00 pm Evening Prayer. PARISH OFFICE is open on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday this week. Xfeoftebz The Transfiguration of Our Lord NO PARISH SURGERY on Monday this week. 7ui 10.15 am HOLY EUCHARIST . Followed by coffee. Enquiries about Baptisms, Weddings and 12.15 pm Lunch Club. Roath Church House. funerals and other g eneral enquiries please ring 7.45 pm Paradise Run. (20-487854 and leave a message. Uivstebz 11.00 am Police Community Access Point. Schoolroom. ST ANNE’S . There will no 7 pm Holy 8ui 7.00 pm Evening Prayer. Eucharist service on Tuesdays in August. 7.30 pm Choir Practice. LUNCH CLUB every Wednesday at Gsjebz!9ui 1.15 pm Organ Recital: James Gough. St John’s (town). 12.15pm in Roath Church House. Contact Gill & Joe Armitage tel.20-752630 (note Tbuvsebz 9.00 am Morning Prayer. change of telephone number). :ui 9.30 am Pavane Rehearsal. Schoolroom. 2.30 pm Georgian Afternoon Tea. St Andrew’s Church Hall, Penylan Rd. Ofyu!Tvoebz is the Ninth Sunday After Pentecost . The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in St Edward’s at 11am and Choral Evensong will be sung at 7pm. Eucharist readings: 1 Kings 19: 9-18; Romans 10: 5-15; Matthew 14: 22-33. NATIONAL SERVICE OF COMMEMORATION to mark the Centenary of the First World War at Llandaff Cathedral on Monday at 10pm. Attendance by Invitation only. LUNCHTIME ORGAN RECITAL at St John’s (town) on Friday, 1.15-1.45pm, by James Gough (Haileybury College). Admission free, retiring collection. GEORGIAN AFTERNOON TEA at St Andrew’s Church Hall, Penylan Rd, on Saturday at 2.30pm, celebrating those who gave their lives in World War I. VESTRY DOOR KEY . There has been a problem with Yale keys jamming in the vestry door lock, so we are planning to replace the lock shortly. If you have a (legitimate) key to the vestry door, please speak to Kathie Mayer to ensure that we get you a replacement one when it is needed. http://StEdward.roath.org.uk Facebook: StEdwardRoath Twitter: @StEdwardsRoath [email protected] WORLD WAR I CENTENARY will be marked by a PARADISE RUN on Wednesday. We need loaves of service of Evensong at St Edward’s at 5.30pm on sandwiches of either sliced cheese (not grated), tuna, Monday, with prayers, readings and hymns. Introit: “Call ham or corned beef using white medium sliced bread to Remembrance” by Richard Farrant (d.1581). Anthem: and individually wrapped sandwiches. Also packets of “Thou knowest Lord the secrets of our hearts” by Henry crisps, biscuits or cakes. Items can be given to Kathie Purcell (1659-1695). Mayer (20-495769 or left at Church House either at Wednesday lunchtime or in the evening from 7.15pm COFFEE . Please join us in the vestry after the Service until we leave at 7.45pm. Further information/offers of this morning for a cup of coffee and a chat, and the 100 help please ring Chris Webb (20-455641. Club draw. ST EDWARD’S COMMITTEE will meet in the vestry on NEW FLOWER ROTA is posted in the porch. If you Sun 31 Aug at 4pm. Items for the agenda to Janice would like to provide (or pay for) flowers to decorate the Goble please. church for a particular week, please put your name and phone number on the rota. ST ANNE’S OPEN SKITTLE EVENING tickets now available. Tue 2 Sept at The Crofts Pub, Croft Street, ANTHEMS at the Eucharist: “Bread of the World” by 7.30 for 8pm. Tickets £6.50 inc buffet, from Kathie Henry Walford Davies (1869-1941) and “Reverie” by Mayer. Please bring the trophies with you on the night, Norman Doe (written for Heather and Norman’s you can always win them back again. wedding) and the setting of Sanctus & Benedictus is also by Norman (written for Kathie and Alan’s wedding). CHAPLAINCY VOLUNTEERS are needed in our local The Introit at Evensong is “Enter Not Into Judgement” by hospitals to assist Chaplains with bed-to-bed visiting. Alan Mayer and the anthem is “Exsultate Deo” by We are looking to train people who are firmly anchored Alessandro Scarlatti (1660-1725). to their religious community. A six week training course (one afternoon a week) begins on Wed 10 Sept at the PARISH KNITTING & CROCHET GROUP meets on Heath Hospital. For more information please contact Mon 11 Aug, 7.30-9.30pm in Room 2, Roath Church (20-743230 or email [email protected] House. New members very welcome – assistance given to learners. Contact Gill Day (20-495496 or Ann James DISCUSSION GROUP is having a Summer break until [email protected] for details. September, when they will recommence with interesting and thought provoking discussions. LADIES CIRCLE meets on Tue 12 Aug at 7.15pm in the Main Hall, Roath Church House, when our speaker will HERITAGE WEEKEND “OPEN DOORS” is Sat/Sun be Ruth Mumford from Cardiff in Bloom. Once again 20/21 Sept. Our “Cluster” includes St Edward’s, St please invite family and friends to join us for an Margaret’s, St Anne’s and James Summers Funeral enjoyable evening. There will be a small charge of £3 for Home. visitors – which will include tea and coffee and the raffle. SOUTH WALES CLARINET CHOIR will give a concert There will also be a Garden Produce Sales Table. at St Edward’s on Fri 3 Oct at 7.30pm. Further information from Gill Day (20-495496. ST EDWARD’S MUSIC & ARTS FESTIVAL 2014 . HOW WOMEN HELPED WIN THE WAR is the title of a The following events have so far been arranged: talk at the Cardiff Story Museum (Old Library) on Thur Fri 3 Oct. 7.30pm. South Wales Clarinet Choir. 14 Aug at 11am. Tue 7 Oct. 7pm. Jeff Childs talk on the History of Roath. WATERLOO FEST on Sun 17 Aug at 2pm. Once again Wed 8 Oct. 7.45pm. Cardiff County & Vale of the Parish is running the Books and White Elephant Glamorgan Symphonic Brass. stall. If you can help in any way please contact Gill Day FOR YOUR DIARY . (20-495496. Items for the stall to be brought to 11 Aug. Knitting & Crochet Group. Waterloo Gardens from 1pm on the day. Roath History 12 Aug. Ladies Circle. Society are doing guided walks around the parks on the 17 Aug. Waterloo Fest & Cytûn Songs of Praise. day of the fete at 2.30 & 4pm. 23 Aug. 2pm. Afternoon Tea for Breast Cancer Care. CYTÛN SONGS OF PRAISE at St Margaret’s on Sun 31 Aug. 4pm. St Edward’s Committee. 17 Aug (after Waterloo Fest) commemorating centenary 2 Sept. Skittles Evening. The Crofts. of the start of World War I. 3 Sept. Paradise Run. ECUMENICAL CELEBRATION OF THE ASSUMPTION WELCOME . We extend a warm welcome to all visitors at St Mary’s, Bute Street, on Sun 17 Aug at 8.30pm: and newcomers. Please make yourself known to one of Vespers, Torchlight Procession, Fireworks & Barbecue. the sidesmen if you are new with us. AFTERNOON TEA in aid of Breast Cancer Care on Sat CONTACT NUMBERS . 23 Aug, 2-4pm at Roath Church House. Raffles, games Revd Canon Stewart Lisk: and a yummy tea for a very worthy charity. Please come. (20-487854 / 07794-157604. Tickets £3 available from the Parish Knitting and Parish Office (20-484808, Crochet Group members, including Ann James, or on [email protected] the day. Please let the clergy know of any sick person or any person who is in hospital. THE VICAR OF DIBLEY . A stage version of the hit TV To receive the Parish Group e-newsletter send an email series at All Saints’ Church, Penarth, evenings 27-30 to [email protected] Aug. Details (20-703170.

Uif!Ojoui!Tvoebz!Bgufs!Qfoufdptu! Weekly Newsletter No.1993 Sunday, 10 th August, 2014 11.00 am Sung Eucharist & Sermon. Celebrant & Preacher: Canon Stewart Lisk . Hymns: 40(MP), 15(MP), 41(MP), Anthem: How lovely are the messengers (Mendelssohn) , 61(MP) . Setting: Thomas Mass (David Thorne). 7.00 pm Choral Evensong. Introit: Widow duet (Mendelssohn) . Officiant: Canon Stewart Lisk. Psalm 80 . Hymns: 266, Anthem: The Lord’s Prayer (Norman Doe), 174 . Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis: A Somervell in F. Readings: 1 Kings 11,41 - 12,20 . Acts 14, 8-20 . In the world-wide Church we pray today for the Province of South East Asia and Archbishop Bolly Lapok and in the Ecumenical Prayer Cycle we pray for Aotearoa New Zealand and Australia . We pray for peace in the world , remembering the people of Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, Ukraine, Israel and Gaza . We pray for the Christians and members of the Yazidi religious sect fleeing from Moslem fundamentalists in Northern Iraq. The World Council of Churches invites us today to join in prayer for peace and reunification of the Korean peninsula . We pray for the victims of Ebola in West Africa. In this diocese we pray for the Parish of Pontrhondda (incorporating St Stephen, Ystrad Rhondda; St Cynon, Llwynypia; and All Saints, Trealaw) and Rev Peter Gale . We pray for those on holiday at this time, that they return safely and refreshed. We pray for all who live and work in our community, especially gardeners , and those who look after the parks. We pray for the sick and those who care for them, especially Marilyn Roberts, Glyn Osman, Julie Romanelli, Beryl Powell, David Blyth, Bill Berry and Myra Mansell . We pray for the repose of the souls of the departed, especially Hubert Carlyon Riddett, John Henry Eccles, Beryl Kirby and Stan Kirby , whose anniversaries occur at this time. EVENING PRAYER will be said at St Edward’s on Monday UIJT!XFFL! and Tuesday at 6pm and Thursday at 7pm this week. Npoebz 6.00 pm Evening Prayer. 22ui 7.30 pm Parish Knitting & Crochet Group. Roath Church House. ART EXHIBITION by Rosaleen Moriarty- Uvftebz 6.00 pm Evening Prayer. Simmonds (Mouth Painter with Mouth & Foot 23ui 7.15 pm Ladies’ Circle. Roath Church House. Painting Artists Association) at 22 Cyncoed Xfeoftebz 10.15 am HOLY EUCHARIST . Followed by coffee. Avenue next weekend (16/17 Aug), 11am-4pm in 24ui 12.15 pm Lunch Club. Roath Church House. aid of CRY (Cardiac Risk in the Young). Free admiss ion . Donations to CRY. Uivstebz 11.00 am Police Community Access Point. Schoolroom. 25ui 11.00 am How Women Helped Win the War. Cardiff Story Museum (Old Library). 7.00 pm Evening Prayer. PARISH OFFICE is open on Tuesday , 7.30 pm Choir Practice. Wednesday and Thursday this week. Gsjebz!26ui St Mary, Mother of Our Lord (the Feast of the Assumption) Tbuvsebz 11.30 am Solemn Eucharist. St David’s Church, Llanthony. 27ui 3.30 pm Ecumenical Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary. St Mary’s Church, Capel-y-ffin. 7.00 pm Procession and Sung Eucharist for the Assumption. St Mary’s Priory, Usk. Ofyu! Tvoebz is the Tenth Sunday After Pentecost . The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in St Edward’s at 11am, the Waterloo Fest is in Waterloo Gardens at 2pm, Cytûn Songs of Praise in St Margaret’s at 6pm and Choral Evensong will be sung at St Edward’s at 7pm. Eucharist readings: Isaiah 56: 1, 6-8; Romans 11: 1-2a, 29-32; Matthew 15: 21-28. NO PARISH SURGERY on Monday this week. Enquiries about Baptisms, Weddings and funerals and other general enquiries please ring (20-487854 and leave a message. ST ANNE’S . There will no 7pm Holy Eucharist service on Tuesdays in August. PARISH KNITTING & CROCHET GROUP meets on Monday, 7.30-9.30pm in Room 2, Roath Church House. New members very welcome – assistance given to learners. Contact Gill Day (20-495496 or Ann James [email protected] for details. HOW WOMEN HELPED WIN THE WAR is the title of a talk at the Cardiff Story Museum (Old Library) on Thursday at 11am. http://StEdward.roath.org.uk Facebook: StEdwardRoath Twitter: @StEdwardsRoath [email protected] CHRISTIAN AID and the Disasters Emergency ANNUAL FATHER IGNATIUS PILGRIMAGE at Committee launched an appeal on Thursday for people Llanthony and Capel-y-ffin on Saturday. 11.30am affected by the conflict in Gaza, and the Church in Solemn Eucharist at St David’s Church, Llanthony Wales is urging people to respond to it. More than half a (preacher: Rev Richard Williams). 3.30pm Ecumenical million people have had to leave their homes after four Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary at St Mary’s Church, weeks of fighting. The Church is also concerned about Capel-y-ffin (preacher: Canon Steven Kirk). Car parking the fate of the mobile dental clinic it funds in Gaza which at Llanthony Priory and Chapel Farm, Capel-y-ffin. it has been unable to contact. Collection forms and Lunch available at the Abbey Hotel and Half Moon Inn prayers can be downloaded from the Christian Aid (or bring your own picnic). Tea and cakes on the website www.christianaid.org.uk . Donations to the DEC Monastery lawn. appeal can also be made on the Christian Aid site. SUMMER PARTY on Bank Holiday Monday, 25 Aug, NEW FLOWER ROTA is posted in the porch. If you 12pm-4pm at Park End Church. Hot dogs, cakes, tea would like to provide (or pay for) flowers to decorate the and coffee available. Fun and games and lots more. church for a particular week, please put your name and Free entry (donation tubs available). phone number on the rota. ST EDWARD’S COMMITTEE meets in the vestry on Sun 31 ANTHEMS . The anthem at the Eucharist is “How Lovely Aug at 4pm. Items for the agenda to Janice Goble please. are the Messengers” from the oratorio “St Paul” by Felix ST ANNE’S OPEN SKITTLES EVENING tickets now Mendelssohn (1809-47). The Introit at Evensong is the available. Tue 2 Sept at The Crofts Pub, Croft Street, “Widow” duet from the oratorio “Elijah”, also by 7.30 for 8pm. Tickets £6.50 inc buffet, from Kathie Mendelssohn, and the anthem is a setting of The Lord’s Mayer. Please bring the trophies with you on the night, Prayer by Norman Doe. you can always win them back again. CHORAL EVENSONG at the Cathedral, 3.30pm today: SUNG VESPERS AT TINTERN ABBEY on Sun 7 Sept Arnold in A. Anthem: A Clare Benediction (Rutter). at 3pm. An Ecumenical Celebration of Evening Prayer. Visiting Choir: The Spectrum Singers. Speaker: Archbishop Rowan. All welcome to attend. LADIES CIRCLE meets on Tuesday at 7.15pm in the ROATH FLOOD SCHEME PUBLIC MEETING on Mon 8 Sept Main Hall, Roath Church House, when our speaker will at Marlborough Primary School, between 2.30pm and 7.30pm. be Ruth Mumford from Cardiff in Bloom. Once again We will exhibit design options and gather feedback. please invite family and friends to join us for an DISCUSSION GROUP is having a Summer break until enjoyable evening. There will be a small charge of £3 for September, when they will recommence with interesting visitors – which will include tea and coffee and the raffle. and thought provoking discussions. There will also be a Garden Produce Sales Table. HERITAGE WEEKEND “OPEN DOORS” is Sat/Sun 20/21 Further information from Gill Day (20-495496. Sept. Our “Cluster” includes St Edward’s, St Margaret’s, St THE FEAST OF THE ASSUMPTION will be celebrated Anne’s and James Summers Funeral Home. at St Mary’s Priory, Usk, on Saturday with a Procession ST EDWARD’S MUSIC & ARTS FESTIVAL 2014 . and Sung Eucharist according to the Prayerbook at This year’s Festival Exhibition is of work by Philip 7pm. Setting: Darke in F. Celebrant: Fr Julian Gray, who Oswald Jennings ARE, ARCA (1921-1983). is celebrating 25 years in the priesthood. Champagne The following events have so far been arranged: and soft drinks will be served after Mass. Guests and Fri 3 Oct. 7.30pm. South Wales Clarinet Choir. visitors welcome. Singers welcome to join with the choir, Tue 7 Oct. 7pm. Jeff Childs talk on the History of Roath. with a rehearsal at 5.20pm on the day, and are Wed 8 Oct. 7.45pm. Cardiff County & Vale of requested to email ([email protected]) in advance. Glamorgan Symphonic Brass. WATERLOO FEST next Sunday at 2pm. Once again FOR YOUR DIARY . the Parish is running the Books and White Elephant 11 Aug. Knitting & Crochet Group. stall. If you can help in any way please contact Gill Day 12 Aug. Ladies Circle. (20-495496. Items for the stall to be brought to 17 Aug. Waterloo Fest & Cytûn Songs of Praise. Waterloo Gardens from 1pm on the day. Roath History 23 Aug. 2pm. Afternoon Tea for Breast Cancer Care. Society are doing guided walks around the parks on the 31 Aug. 4pm. St Edward’s Committee. day of the fete at 2.30 & 4pm. 2 Sept. Skittles Evening. The Crofts. CYTÛN SONGS OF PRAISE at St Margaret’s next 3 Sept. Paradise Run. Sunday (after Waterloo Fest) commemorating centenary MUSIC DIARY . of the start of World War I. 27-30 Aug. The Vicar of Dibley. All Saints, Penarth. ECUMENICAL CELEBRATION OF THE ASSUMPTION 10-20 Sep. Cowbridge Music Festival. Holy Cross Church. at St Mary’s, Bute Street, next Sunday at 8.30pm: WELCOME . We extend a warm welcome to all visitors and Vespers, Torchlight Procession, Fireworks & Barbecue. newcomers. Please make yourself known to one of the sidesmen if you are new with us. LLANGASTY DROP-IN DAY on Mon 18 Aug, 10am- CONTACT NUMBERS . 4pm with Eucharist at 12 noon. Revd Canon Stewart Lisk: AFTERNOON TEA in aid of Breast Cancer Care on Sat (20-487854 / 07794-157604. 23 Aug, 2-4pm at Roath Church House. Raffles, games Parish Office (20-484808, and a yummy tea for a very worthy charity. Please come. [email protected] Tickets £3 available from the Parish Knitting and Please let the clergy know Crochet Group members, including Ann James, or on of any sick person or any person who is in hospital. To receive the Parish Group e-newsletter send an email to the day. [email protected]

Uif!Ufoui!Tvoebz!Bgufs!Qfoufdptu! Weekly Newsletter No.1994 Sunday, 17th August, 2014 11.00 am Sung Eucharist & Sermon. Celebrant & Preacher: Rev John Webber. Hymns: Be Still for the Presence of the Lord, 197(MP), 119(MP), Anthem: All things bright and beautiful (Rutter) , 279(MP) . Setting: Thomas Mass (David Thorne). CYTÛN SONGS OF PRAISE at St Margaret’s 2.00 pm Waterloo Fest. Waterloo Gardens. today at 6pm (after Waterloo Fest) commemorating 6.00 pm Cytûn Songs of Praise. St Margaret’s. the centenary of the start of the First World War. 7.00 pm Choral Evensong. Introit: Old Irish Blessing (Agay) . Officiant: Canon Stewart Lisk. Psalm 90 vv 1-12 . Hymns: 69(S), Anthem: So thou liftest thy divine petition (Stainer) , 260 . Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis: Hylton Stewart. Readings: 2 Kings 4, 1-37 . Acts 16, 1-15 . In the world-wide Church we pray today for the Church of South India (United – including Anglican, Congregational, Presbyterian/Reformed and Methodist traditions) and Moderator Bishop Gnanasigamony Devakadasham and in the Ecumenical Prayer Cycle we pray for the Pacific islands: Fiji, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Nauru, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu, Western Samoa and the French Overseas Territories of New Caledonia (Kanaky) and French Polynesia (Tahiti) . We pray for Archbishop Philip Freier , who was inaugurated as Tenth Primate of Australia on Wednesday. We pray for peace in the world , remembering the people of Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, Ukraine, Israel and Gaza . We pray for the victims of Ebola in West Africa. In this diocese we pray for the Benefice of Ystradyfodwg (incorporating St John the Baptist, Ton Pentre; St Peter, Pentre), Rev Haydn England-Simon and Reader Stephen Pumford . We pray for those on holiday at this time, that they return safely and refreshed. We pray for the sick and those who care for them, especially Marilyn Roberts, Glyn Osman, Julie Romanelli, Beryl Powell, David Blyth, Bill Berry and Myra Mansell . We pray for the repose of the souls of the departed, especially Margaret Millicent Martin and Winifred Coleman , whose anniversaries occur at this time. EVENING PRAYER will be said at St Edward’s UIJT!XFFL! on Thursday at 7pm this week, and Morning Prayer on Saturday at 9am (remembering the 10.00 am Drop-In Day. Llangasty Retreat House. Npoebz!29ui first battle fought by the British Army in the First Xfeoftebz 10.15 am HOLY EUCHARIST . Followed by coffee. World War, at Mons on 23/24 August 1914). 31ui 12.15 pm Lunch Club. Roath Church House. PARISH OFFICE is open on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday this week. Uivstebz 11.00 am Police Community Access Point. Schoolroom. 32tu 7.00 pm Evening Prayer. NO PARISH SURGERY on Monday this week. Enquiries 7.30 pm Choir Practice. about Baptisms, Weddings and funerals and other g eneral Tbuvsebz 9.00 am Morning Prayer. enquiries please ring (20-487854 and leave a message. 34se 9.30 am Pavane Rehearsal. Schoolroom. 2.00 pm Afternoon Tea (Breast Cancer Care) . Roath Church House. Ofyu!Tvoebz is the Feast of St Bartholomew the Apostle . The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in St Edward’s at 11am and Choral Evensong will be sung at 7pm. Eucharist readings: Isaiah 43: 8-13; Acts 5: 12-16; Luke 22: 24-30. ART EXHIBITION by Rosaleen Moriarty-Simmonds (Mouth Painter with Mouth & Foot Painting Artists Association) at 22 Cyncoed Avenue today, 11am-4pm in aid of CRY (Cardiac Risk in the Young). Free admission. Donations to CRY. ECUMENICAL CELEBRATION OF THE ASSUMPTION at St Mary’s, Bute Street, today at 8.30pm: Vespers, Torchlight Procession, Fireworks & Barbecue. ST ANNE’S . There will no 7pm Holy Eucharist service on Tuesdays in August. LLANGASTY DROP-IN DAY on Monday, 10am-4pm with Eucharist at 12 noon. An opportunity to pause for prayer and personal reflection – come for all or part of the day. Bring your own lunch. Coffee and tea provided. No charge, but donations welcome. No need to book. HERITAGE WEEKEND “OPEN DOORS” is Sat/Sun 20/21 Sept. Our “Cluster” includes St Edward’s, St Margaret’s, St Anne’s and James Summers Funeral Home. http://StEdward.roath.org.uk Facebook: StEdwardRoath Twitter: @StEdwardsRoath [email protected] WATERLOO FEST today at 2pm. Once again the AFTERNOON TEA in aid of Breast Cancer Care on Parish is running the Books and White Elephant stall. Saturday, 2-4pm at Roath Church House. There will be Items for the stall to be brought to Waterloo Gardens a display of our work and a chance to buy items. Also from 1pm. Roath History Society are doing guided walks free wool, needles, patterns etc. Raffles, games and a around the parks on the day of the fete at 2.30 & 4pm. yummy tea for a very worthy charity. Please come. Tickets £3 available from the Parish Knitting and ANTHEMS . The anthem at the Eucharist is “All things bright Crochet Group members, including Ann James, or on and beautiful” by John Rutter (b.1945). The Introit at Evensong is “Old Irish Blessing” by Denes Agay (1911-2007), the day. and the anthem is “So thou liftest thy divine petition” from the COMPLINE by candlelight. Next service: 28 Aug. Cantata “Crucifixion” by Sir John Stainer (1840-1901). DISCUSSION GROUP is having a Summer break until CHORAL EVENSONG at the Cathedral, 3.30pm today: September, when they will recommence with interesting Stainer in B flat. Anthem: I saw the Lord (Stainer). and thought provoking discussions. Visiting Choir: Wessex Cantorum. DAY EVENT at Llangasty Retreat House. Mon 8 Sept: SUMMER PARTY on Bank Holiday Monday, 25 Aug, All the Leaves are Brown. An autumn exploration of 12pm-4pm at Park End Church. Hot dogs, cakes, tea Celtic spirituality with Rev Dr Craig Gardiner, tutor in and coffee available. Fun and games and lots more. Christian Doctrine, South Wales Baptist College. £25. Free entry (donation tubs available). CIRCLE DANCING on Sat 20 Sept, 10am-12pm at St Michael’s, Gelligaer St. Another workshop to engage in THE VICAR OF DIBLEY . A stage version of the hit TV the spirituality, the practice and the fun of circle dancing. series at All Saints’ Church, Penarth, evenings 27-30 All welcome. Details from the Ven Peggy Jackson Aug. Details (20-703170. (01446-750053. ST EDWARD’S COMMITTEE will meet in the vestry on Sun POSTPONED . Please note that the South Wales Clarinet 31 Aug at 4pm. Items for the agenda to Janice Goble please. Choir concert at St Edward’s, planned for the beginning of this RESIDENTIAL RETREAT at Llangasty Retreat House. year’s Festival, has been postponed to next year. Sept 1-4: The Sacraments in the Gospels of Mark and LOCAL HISTORY TALK . Jeff Childs, Vice Chairman of Roath John. Ven Martin Williams. £219. Local History Society, will give an illustrated talk on the history of Roath on Tue 7 Oct at 7pm. This is one of our “WW1” ST ANNE’S OPEN SKITTLES EVENING tickets now events, and also part of the St Edward’s Festival 2014. available. Tue 2 Sept at The Crofts Pub, Croft Street, ST EDWARD’S MUSIC & ARTS FESTIVAL 2014 . 7.30 for 8pm. Tickets £6.50 inc buffet, from Kathie This year’s Festival Exhibition is of work by Philip Mayer. Please bring the trophies with you on the night, Oswald Jennings ARE, ARCA (1921-1983). you can always win them back again. The following events have so far been arranged: CAMERATA VOCALE HANNOVER from Germany Postponed : South Wales Clarinet Choir. perform at the Church of St Mary of the Angels, Talbot Tue 7 Oct. 7pm. Jeff Childs talk on the History of Roath. Street, Canton, on Thur 4 Sept at 7.30pm. Programme Wed 8 Oct. 7.45pm. Cardiff County & Vale of includes Gibbons, John Blow, Brahms, Mendelssohn, Glamorgan Symphonic Brass. Rachmaninov and James MacMillan. FOR YOUR DIARY . 23 Aug. 2pm. Afternoon Tea for Breast Cancer Care. WOMAN ANGLICAN BISHOP to preside at Llandaff 28 Aug. 9pm. Compline by Candlelight. Cathedral. A day conference entitled “Crossing the 31 Aug. 4pm. St Edward’s Committee. Threshold!” at St Michael’s College on Thur 4 Sept 2 Sept. Skittles Evening. The Crofts. marks the opening of the Episcopate to women in the 3 Sept. Paradise Run. Church in Wales (which comes into effect on Fri 12 Sept). The Rt Revd Geralyn Wolf, former Bishop of MUSIC DIARY . Rhode Island, will be the keynote speaker, and she will 27-30 Aug. The Vicar of Dibley. All Saints, Penarth. 10-20 Sep. Cowbridge Music Festival. Holy Cross Church. also become the first woman Anglican bishop to preside at Llandaff Cathedral at the 7.45pm closing Eucharist. SHIA MUSLIMS in the south of Iraq have taken in nearly Canon Mary Stallard, chaplain of St Joseph's Anglican 20,000 Christian refugees, opening up their mosques and Catholic School, will preach. All are welcome. and homes. The Iraqi people and Iraqi Christians need prayers and financial support. The Diocese of Cyprus BISHOP GAYLE HARRIS (Suffragan Bishop of and the Gulf will relay donations to support the inter- Massachusetts) will become the first Anglican woman church network in Iraq who are ministering relief to the bishop to preside and preach at a Welsh cathedral when thousands in need. To donate visit http://cypgulf.org/iraq/ she visits St Asaph, on her way to take part in the WELCOME . We extend a warm welcome to all visitors and Crossing The Threshold conference in Cardiff. The newcomers. Please make yourself known to one of the service will take place on Sun 31 Aug at 11am and is sidesmen if you are new with us. open to all. CONTACT NUMBERS . CREATIVE RESPONSES TO DEMENTIA Weekend at Revd Canon Stewart Lisk: Cardiff MADE Gallery, Lochaber St, 6/7 Sept. Exhibition, (20-487854 / 07794-157604. Workshops, Poetry Readings, Art Auction. Open Call for Parish Office (20-484808, [email protected] Submissions from Artists, Writers and Creative Please let the clergy know Practitioners. Proceeds to Crossroads in the Vale of any sick person or any person who is in hospital. Dementia Support Charity. Contact Esyllt George (20- To receive the Parish Group e-newsletter send an email to 416333 [email protected] [email protected]

Tu!Cbsuipmpnfx!uif!Bqptumf! Weekly Newsletter No.1995 Sunday, 24th August, 2014 11.00 am Sung Eucharist & Sermon. Celebrant & Preacher: Rev Rhys Jenkins . Hymns: 167, The Servant King, Alleluia Alleluia, Anthem: What are these? (Stainer) , 166 . Setting: Thomas Mass (David Thorne). 7.00 pm Choral Evensong. Introit: Cast thy burden upon the Lord (Mendelssohn) . Psalms 91, 116 . Hymns: 562, Anthem: Hide me under the shadow (West) , 507 . Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis: Tomkins Tone VI. Readings: Ecclesiasticus 39, 1-10 . Matthew 10, 1-22 . In the world-wide Church we pray today for the Church of Southern Africa and Archbishop Dr Thabo Makgoba and in the Ecumenical Prayer Cycle we pray for Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania . We pray for peace in the world , remembering the people of Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, Ukraine, Israel and Gaza . We pray for the victims of Ebola in West Africa. In this diocese we pray for the City Parish of St John the Baptist and Canon Dr Sarah Rowland- Jones, and for Tredegarville Church in Wales Primary School, headteacher Emma Laing, her staff and pupils . We pray for those on holiday at this time, that they return safely and refreshed. We pray for the sick and those who care for them, especially Marilyn Roberts, Glyn Osman, Julie Romanelli, Beryl Powell, David Blyth, Myra Mansell and Bill Berry (who is returning home on Tuesday). We pray for the repose of the souls of the departed, especially Iris Brown, who died this week, also Elizabeth (Betty) Ann Judd and Hugh James , whose anniversaries occur at this time. EVENING PRAYER will be said at St Edward’s on UIJT!XFFL! Tuesday at 6pm and Thursday at 7pm this week. Npoebz!36ui 12.00 pm Summer Party. Park End Church. SUMMER PARTY on Bank Holiday Monday, 12pm-4pm at Park End Church. Hot dogs, cakes, Uvftebz!37ui 6.00 pm Evening Prayer. tea and coffee available. Fun and games and lots more. Free entry (donation tubs available). Xfeoftebz 10.15 am HOLY EUCHARIST . Followed by coffee. 38ui 12.15 pm Lunch Club. Roath Church House. PARISH OFFICE is open on Tuesday, 7.00 pm South Wales Clarinet Choir rehearsal. Wednesday and Thursday this week. COMPLINE BY CANDLELIGHT will be Uivstebz 11.00 am Police Community Access Point. Schoolroom. sung at St Edward’s on Thursday at 9pm. 39ui 7.00 pm Evening Prayer. 7.30 pm Choir Practice. THE VICAR OF DIBLEY . A stage version of the hit TV series at All Saints’ Church, Penarth, Wed to Sat evenings (27-30 Aug). Details 20-703170. 9.00 pm COMPLINE . ( Tbuvsebz Festival Weekend: Display of Wedding Dresses etc. St Tydfil’s Old Parish Church, Merthyr. 41ui 10.30 am Tower Open Day. St John’s (town). Ofyu!Tvoebz is the Twelfth Sunday After Pentecost . The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in St Edward’s at 11am, St Edward’s Committee meets in the vestry at 4pm and Choral Evensong will be sung at 7pm. Eucharist readings: Jeremiah 15: 15-21; Romans 12: 9-21; Matthew 16: 21-28. NO PARISH SURGERY on Monday this week. Enquiries about Baptisms, Weddings and funerals and other general enquiries please ring (20-487854 and leave a message. ST ANNE’S . There will no 7pm Holy Eucharist service on Tuesdays in August. LUNCH CLUB every Wednesday at 12.15pm in Roath Church House. Contact Gill & Joe Armitage tel.20-752630 (note change of telephone number). TOWER OPEN DAY at St John’s in town on Saturday, 10.30am-3pm. FESTIVAL WEEKEND 30/31 Aug at St Tydfil’s Old Parish Church, Merthyr, on the site of the Martyrdom of Tydfil in 480. It was closed for worship in the sixties when nearby St David’s Church became the parish church. On the Saturday, a display of wedding dresses dating back 50 years and other events mark its restoration to full service. On the Sunday evening, Solemn High Mass at 6pm, at which the Assistant Bishop of Llandaff, David Wilbourne will preside and preach. ST EDWARD’S COMMITTEE will meet in the vestry next Sunday at 4pm. Items for the agenda to Janice Goble please. http://StEdward.roath.org.uk Facebook: StEdwardRoath Twitter: @StEdwardsRoath [email protected] CONGRATULATIONS to Maddie Evans-Webb on her SUE MANSELL is taking part in the Alzheimers memory success in her A-levels, and to Hannah Way on her walk on Sat 13 Sept. She is walking 10k in memory of successful GCSE results. Val Mayer, Beryl Kirby, and others. She is hoping to THANKS to everyone who supported the Knitting & raise at least £100 through sponsorship; a form is Crochet Group afternoon tea yesterday, and everyone available in church today. who organized and helped. Over £400 was raised for ROATH FLOOD SCHEME PUBLIC MEETING on Mon Breast Cancer Care. 8 Sept at Marlborough Primary School, any time WATERLOO FEST . Thank you to everyone who helped between 2.30pm and 7.30pm. We will exhibit design on the Parish stall last Sunday. We raised £180 and the options and gather feedback. collection at the Cytûn Service later raised another £97. DISCUSSION GROUP is having a Summer break. All this will be going to the three charities nominated by Meetings will recommence on Sun 14 September at the Waterloo Fest. 7.45pm. NEW FLOWER ROTA is posted in the porch. If you HERITAGE WEEKEND “OPEN DOORS” is Sat/Sun would like to provide (or pay for) flowers to decorate the 20/21 Sept. Our “Cluster” includes St Edward’s, St church for a particular week, please put your name and Margaret’s, St Anne’s and James Summers Funeral phone number on the rota. Home. ANTHEMS . The anthem at the Eucharist is “What Are ST MARGARET’S OPEN DAYS are Sat 20 Sept, 12.30- These?” by Sir John Stainer (1840-1901). The Introit at 5.30pm and Sun 21 Sept, 2pm-5.30pm. Guided tours of Evensong is “Cast thy burden upon the Lord” from the the Church and Bute Mausoleum by Diane Walker and oratorio “Elijah” by Felix Mendelssohn (1809-47), and Jean Rose. the anthem is “Hide me under the shadow of your wings” POSTPONED . Please note that the South Wales Clarinet by John Ebenezer West (1863-1929). Choir concert at St Edward’s, planned for the beginning of this CHORAL EVENSONG at the Cathedral, 3.30pm today: year’s Festival, has been postponed to next year. Howells’ Collegium Regalis. Anthem: Like as the hart ST EDWARD’S MUSIC & ARTS FESTIVAL 2014 . (Howells). Visiting Choir: Amici Coro. This year’s Festival Exhibition is of work by Philip LADIES CIRCLE visit to South Wales Clay Target Oswald Jennings ARE, ARCA (1921-1983). Shooting Ground at Mynyddislwyn on Mon 1 Sept from The following events have so far been arranged: 10.30am. A chance to try clay shooting, a bacon bap, Postponed : South Wales Clarinet Choir. and tea or coffee, all for £5. You can also walk in the Tue 7 Oct. 7pm. Jeff Childs talk on the History of Roath. local countryside and enjoy the views. Please wear Wed 8 Oct. 7.45pm. Cardiff County & Vale of sensible shoes. Further information and directions Glamorgan Symphonic Brass. available from Gill Day (20-495496. FOR YOUR DIARY . RESIDENTIAL RETREAT at Llangasty Retreat House. 28 Aug. 9pm. Compline by Candlelight. Sept 1-4: The Sacraments in the Gospels of Mark and 31 Aug. 4pm. St Edward’s Committee. John. Ven Martin Williams. £219. 1 Sept. Ladies Circle visit Mynyddislwyn. 2 Sept. Skittles Evening. The Crofts. ST ANNE’S OPEN SKITTLES EVENING tickets now 3 Sept. Paradise Run. available. Tue 2 Sept at The Crofts Pub, Croft Street, 20-21 Sept. Heritages Days. 7.30 for 8pm. Tickets £6.50 inc buffet, from Kathie Mayer. Please bring the trophies with you on the night, MUSIC DIARY . you can always win them back again. 27-30 Aug. The Vicar of Dibley. All Saints, Penarth. 4 Sep. 7.30pm. Camerata Vocale Hannover. St Mary, Canton. FUNERAL OF MISS IRIS BROWN at St Margaret’s 7 Sep. 7.30pm. Rhys Watkins & friends. St Margaret’s. Church at 10.30am on Wed 3 Sept. 10-20 Sep. Cowbridge Music Festival. Holy Cross Church. 12 Sep. 1.15pm. Organ Recital: Andrew Kirk. St John’s. SUNG VESPERS AT TINTERN ABBEY on Sun 7 Sept 23 Sep. 1pm. Organ Recital: Peter King. St David’s Hall. at 3pm. An Ecumenical Celebration of Evening Prayer. 25 Sep. 7.30pm. Gail Pearson (sop). Ewenny Priory Church. Speaker: Archbishop Rowan. There is no seating in the Abbey so please bring folding chairs. Teas available at POLICE COMMUNITY ACCESS POINT at St Edward’s the Anchor Inn after the service. All welcome to attend. Schoolroom every Thursday, 11am-1pm. The Penylan Neighbourhood Policing Team welcomes visitors from CONCERT BY RHYS WATKINS & FRIENDS the local area to talk about shared issues. (including Sian Cotti) at St Margaret’s Church on Sun 7 Sept at 7.30pm in aid of Velindre Hospital and St WELCOME . We extend a warm welcome to all visitors Margaret’s Church. and newcomers. Please make yourself known to one of the sidesmen if you are new with us. CHAPLAINCY VOLUNTEERS are needed in our local hospitals to assist Chaplains with bed-to-bed visiting. CONTACT NUMBERS . We are looking to train people who are firmly anchored Revd Canon Stewart Lisk: to their religious community. A six week training course (20-487854 / 07794-157604. (one afternoon a week) begins on Wed 10 Sept at the Parish Office (20-484808, Heath Hospital. For more information please contact [email protected] (20-743230 or email [email protected] Please let the clergy know of any sick person or any person who is in hospital. OUR THANKS to Gary for deputizing on the piano and To receive the Parish Group e-newsletter send an email organ this morning. to [email protected]

Uif!Uxfmgui!Tvoebz!Bgufs!Qfoufdptu! Weekly Newsletter No.1996 Sunday, 31 st August, 2014 11.00 am Sung Eucharist & Sermon. Celebrant & Preacher: Rev Dr Rhys Jenkins . Hymns: 205, Here I am Lord, O Lord Your Tenderness, Anthem: O Saviour of the World (Goss) , Father Lord of All Creation . Setting: Thomas Mass (David Thorne). 4.00 pm St Edward’s Committee. Vestry. 7.00 pm Choral Evensong. Introit: O Sing Joyfully (Batten) . Officiant: Canon Stewart Lisk. Psalm 105, vv 1-15 . Hymns: 290, Anthem: O Give Thanks Unto the Lord (Sydenham) , 226 . Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis: Tallis Short Evening Service. Readings: 2 Kings 6, 24-25 & 7, 3-20 . Acts 18, 1-16 . In the world-wide Church we pray today for the Iglesia Anglicana del Cono Sur de America (the Dioceses of the Southern Cone) and Presiding Bishop Hector Zavala Muñoz and in the Ecumenical Prayer Cycle we pray for the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia . We pray for peace in the world , remembering the people of Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, Ukraine, Israel and Gaza . We pray for the NATO Summit , that they may seek just and peaceful solutions to the many problems facing the world, and we pray for those responsible for security, and for those who wish to protest peacefully. We pray for the victims of Ebola in West Africa. In this diocese we pray for the Parish of Lisvane, Rev Chris Burr and Reader Duncan Shadwell . We pray for those on holiday at this time, that they return safely and refreshed. We pray for the homeless in our city, and for all who work to help them, in the Paradise Run, Cardiff Action for Single Homeless, the Huggard Centre. We pray for the sick and those who care for them, especially Marilyn Roberts, Glyn Osman, Julie Romanelli, Beryl Powell, David Blyth and Myra Mansell . We pray for the repose of the souls of the departed, especially Iris Brown , whose funeral is on Wednesday, also Wilfred Lewkins, Thomas Moore and Mollie Clarissa Morgan whose anniversaries occur at this time. EVENING PRAYER will be said at St Edward’s on Tuesday UIJT!XFFL! at 6pm this week, and Morning Prayer on Saturday at 9am. Npoebz 10.30 am Ladies Circle: Clay shooting. Mynyddislwyn. PARISH OFFICE is closed this week. 2tu 6.00 pm Parish Surgery. Roath Church House. It re-opens on Tue 9 Sept. LADIES CIRCLE visit to South Wales Clay Uvftebz 6.00 pm Evening Prayer. Target Shooting Ground at Mynyddislwyn on 3oe 7.30 pm St Anne’s Open Skittles Evening. Crofts Pub. Monday from 10.30am. A chance to try clay shooting, a bacon bap, and tea or coffee, all for Xfeoftebz 10.15 am HOLY EUCHARIST . Followed by coffee. £5. You can also walk in the local countryside 4se 10.30 am Funeral of Miss Iris Brown. St Margaret’s. and enjoy the views. Please wear sensible 12.15 pm Lunch Club. Roath Church House. shoes. Further information and directions 7.45 pm Paradise Run. available from Gill Day (20-495496. Uivstebz 11.00 am Police Community Access Point. Schoolroom. 5ui 7.30 pm Camerata Vocale Hannover. Church of St Mary of the Angels, Canton. 7.45 pm Holy Eucharist (President: The Rt Revd Geralyn Wolf). Llandaff Cathedral. Tbuvsebz 9.00 am Morning Prayer. PARISH SURGERY resumes on Monday this week 7ui 9.30 am Pavane Rehearsal. Schoolroom. at 6pm, for enquiries about Baptisms, Weddings and 11.30 am “Moving Minds” Workshops. Schoolroom. Funerals and other general enquiries. Ofyu!Tvoebz is the Thirteenth Sunday After Pentecost . The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in St Edward's at 11am, coffee will be served in the vestry after the Eucharist, and the 100 Club Draw will take place. Choral Evensong will be sung at 7pm. Eucharist readings: Ezekiel 33: 7-11; Romans 13: 8-14; Matthew 18: 15-20. BISHOP GAYLE HARRIS (Suffragan Bishop of Massachusetts) will become the first Anglican woman bishop to preside and preach at a Welsh cathedral at St Asaph this morning at 11am. GOD IN WAR is the theme of a BBC Radio Wales programme presented by Archbishop Barry today at 1.30pm. He examines the church’s part in supporting and opposing war and finds out about battlefield chaplains. God in War is one of a six-part series called Wales And The Great War, broadcast to commemorate the centenary of the start of the First World War. The programme will be repeated on Monday at 6.30pm and Tuesday at 5.30am. ST EDWARD’S COMMITTEE will meet in the vestry today at 4pm. http://StEdward.roath.org.uk Facebook: StEdwardRoath Twitter: @StEdwardsRoath [email protected] PARADISE RUN on Wednesday . We need loaves of sandwiches of either s liced cheese (not grated), tuna, ham or corned beef using white medium sliced bread and individually wrapped sandwiches. Also packets of crisps, biscuits or cakes, and we need to collect more toiletries, showergels, roll-on deodorant, toothpaste and toothbrushes (no glass containers). Items can be given to Kathie Mayer (20-495769 or left at Church House either at Wednesday lunchtime or in the evening from 7.15pm until we leave at 7.45pm. Further information or offers of help please ring Chris Webb (20-455641. ST EDWARD’S SCHOOLROOM is one of the venues hosting workshops for the “Creative Responses to Dementia” Weekend, on Saturday and possibly Sunday afternoon. The main venue is Cardiff MADE Gallery, Lochaber St (Exhibition, Workshops, Poetry Readings, Art Auction). Performance and movement artist Claire Prosser invites people to participate in “Moving Minds”, a workshop dedicating time to exploring the indoor and outdoor experience g eographically, physically and emotionally using choreographed movement. The workshop is devised taking influence from stories, readings and understandings of living with Dementia and other mental illnesses. Workshops at 11.30, 1.30 & 3.30pm. The cost of the workshop is £4, 50% of which will be donated alon g with any other donations received on the day. Proceeds to Crossroads in the Vale Dementia Support Charity. Contact Esyllt George (20-416333.

THE RT REVD GERALYN WOLF , former Bishop of Rhode Island, will CONGRATULATIONS to Ed Doe who become the first woma n Anglican bishop to preside at Llandaff Cathedral represented Wales Students in the Fosters at the 7.45pm Eucharist on Thursday. All are welcome. Rugby Sevens at Cardiff Arms Park last weekend. DISCUSSION GROUP is having a Summer break. Meetings ANTHEMS . The anthem at the Eucharist is the Collect will recommence on Sun 14 September at 7.45pm, when the topic will be John Wycliffe. Discussion over tea/coffee for the Visitation of the Sick “O Saviour of the world” by finishing around 9pm. Details from Gill Day (20-495496. John Goss (1800-1880). The Introit at Evensong is “O sing joyfully” by Adrian Batten (1591-1637?), and the COFFEE CONCERTS this year will be on the third anthem is “O give thanks unto the Lord” by Edwin Saturday of each month at 11am, starting on 20 Sept Augustus Sydenham (1847-1891). with Nicola Harris (Sop) and Jayne Thomas (accomp). CHORAL EVENSONG at the Cathedral, 3.30pm today: ST EDWARD’S OPEN DOORS . St Edward’s will be open on Sat 20 Sept, 10am-4pm (Morning Prayer will be said at 9am, Christopher Knott’s Third Service. Anthem: Evening Coffee Concert at 11am). Exhibitions, Teas/coffees. A warm Hymn (Balfour). Visiting Choir: Cantorion Iesu. welcome awaits you. Anyone who can spare some time SPECIAL SERVICE OF READINGS AND PRAYERS at St please speak to Sue. Also open: St Anne’s, St Margaret’s, John’s (town) today at 6pm, praying that the NATO Summit James Summers Funeral Home. will promote just and lasting peace, for we know that God ST MARGARET’S OPEN DAYS are Sat 20 Sept, 12.30- always supports those who work for genuine peace. 5.30pm and Sun 21 Sept, 2pm-5.30pm. Guided tours of the ST ANNE’S . There will no 7pm Holy Eucharist service Church and Bute Mausoleum by Diane Walker & Jean Rose. on Tuesday this week. ST EDWARD’S MUSIC & ARTS FESTIVAL 2014 . ST ANNE’S OPEN SKITTLES EVENING on Tuesday at This year’s Festival Exhibition is of work by Philip The Crofts Pub, Croft Street, 7.30 for 8pm. Tickets Oswald Jennings ARE, ARCA (1921-1983). £6.50 inc buffet, available today from Kathie Mayer. The following events have so far been arranged: Please bring the trophies with you on the night, you can Tue 7 Oct. 7pm. Jeff Childs talk on the History of Roath. always win them back again. Wed 8 Oct. 7.45pm. Cardiff County & Vale of Glamorgan Symphonic Brass. FUNERAL OF MISS IRIS BROWN at St Margaret’s Mon 13 Oct. 7.30pm. First World War Songs, Poems & Church at 10.30am on Wednesday. Stories. St Edward’s Choir. NO CHOIR PRACTICE this week or next week. MUSIC DIARY . CAMERATA VOCALE HANNOVER from Germany perform at 10 Sep. 7.30pm. Metropolitan Cathedral Choir. RWCMD. the Church of St Mary of the Angels, Talbot Street, Canton, on 10-20 Sep. Cowbridge Music Festival. Holy Cross Church. Thursday at 7.30pm. Programme incl. Gibbons, John Blow, 12 Sep. 1.15pm. Organ Recital: Andrew Kirk. St John’s. Brahms, Mendelssohn, Rachmaninov & James MacMillan. BOOKINGS THIS WEEK : KNITTING & CROCHET GROUP Afternoon tea raised Saturday. Moving Minds. Schoolroom. over £507 for Breast Cancer Care . Next Sunday. Moving Minds. Schoolroom. SUNG VESPERS AT TINTERN ABBEY next Sunday at 3pm. 3pm-6pm. Pavane Early Music Consort. Church. CONCERT BY RHYS WATKINS & FRIENDS (including Sian WELCOME . We extend a warm welcome to all visitors and Cotti) at St Margaret’s Church next Sunday at 7.30pm in aid of newcomers. Please make yourself known to one of the Velindre Hospital and St Margaret’s Church. sidesmen if you are new with us. LADIES CIRCLE meets on Tue 9 Sept at 7.15pm in Room 2, CONTACT NUMBERS . Roath Church House. Details from Gill Day (20-495496. Revd Canon Stewart Lisk: (20-487854 / 07794-157604. SUE MANSELL is taking part in the Alzheimers memory walk Parish Office (20-484808, on Sat 13 Sept. She is walking 10k in memory of Val Mayer, [email protected] Beryl Kirby, and others. She is hoping to raise at least £100 Please let the clergy know through sponsorship; a form is available in church today. of any sick person or any person who is in hospital.

Uif!Uijsuffoui!Tvoebz!Bgufs!Qfoufdptu! Weekly Newsletter No.1997 Sunday, 7th September, 2014 11.00 am Sung Eucharist & Sermon. Celebrant & Preacher: Canon Stewart Lisk . Hymns: 245, 373, 13(MP), Anthem: Ave Maria (Schubert) , 137(MP) . Setting: Thomas Mass (David Thorne). 7.00 pm Choral Evensong. Officiant: Rev Dr Rhys Jenkins. Introit: Lord of all being, Throned afar (Campbell) . Psalm 108, 115 . Hymns: 250, Anthem: A Prayer (Lloyd) , 34(MP) . Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis: Hylton Stewart. Readings: Ezekiel 12,21 - 13,16 . Acts 19, 1-20 . 7.30 pm Concert by Nidum Ensemble. St Margaret’s. In the world-wide Church we pray today for the Episcopal Church of South Sudan and Sudan and Archbishop Daniel Deng Bul Yak and in the Ecumenical Prayer Cycle we pray for Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Slovenia, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia . We pray for peace in the world , remembering the people of Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, Ukraine, Israel and Gaza . We pray for the victims of Ebola in West Africa, and give thanks for the recovery of British nurse William Pooley . In this diocese we pray for the Parish of Caerau with Ely, Rev Jesse Smith and Rev Christopher Lee . We pray for Isaac Ephraim Barton Duffell , who will be baptised today at St Paul’s, Woking. We pray for the sick and those who care for them, especially Marilyn Roberts, Glyn Osman, Julie Romanelli, Beryl Powell, David Blyth, Bill Berry, Myra Mansell and Bob Hyett . We pray for the repose of the souls of the departed, especially Maud Evelyn Holmes and Percy Morgan Martin , whose anniversaries occur at this time. NO EVENING PRAYER this week. UIJT!XFFL! Morning Prayer at 9am on Saturday. NO CHOIR PRACTICE this week. Npoebz Day Event. Llangasty Retreat House. 9ui 2.30 pm Roath Flood Scheme Public Meeting. Marlborough Primary School. 6.00 pm Parish Surgery. Roath Church House. PARISH OFFICE is open on Tuesday, Uvftebz 7.00 pm Holy Eucharist. St Anne’s. Wednesday and Thursday this week. :ui 7.15 pm Ladies Circle. Room 2, Roath Church House. ST ANNE’S 7pm Tuesday Holy Eucharist service resumes this week. Xfeoftebz 10.15 am HOLY EUCHARIST . Followed by coffee. 21ui 12.15 pm Lunch Club. Roath Church House. LUNCHTIME ORGAN RECITAL at St John’s 7.00 pm South Wales Clarinet Choir rehearsal. (town) on Friday, 1.15-1.45pm, by Andrew Kirk (St 7.30 pm Gala Concert. RWCMD. Mary Redcliffe). Admission free, retiring collection. 7.30 pm Cowbridge Festival Camerata. Holy Cross, Cowbridge. Uivstebz!22ui 11.00 am Police Community Access Point. Schoolroom. LADIES CIRCLE meets on Tuesday at 7.15pm in Room 2, Roath Church House, Gsjebz 12.00 pm Open Doors. St Michael’s College. when the speaker will be David Salter, who 23ui 1.15 pm Organ Recital. St John’s (town). will be taking us on a “Walk Around Cardiff”. 5.00 pm Piano Masterclass. Holy Cross, Cowbridge. New members very welcome. Details from Gill Day (20-495496. Tbuvsebz 9.00 am Morning Prayer. 23ui 11.00 am Scouts Car Wash. Park End Church. ST EDWARD’S COMMITTEE will meet in 7.30 pm Ll ŷr Williams in Recital. Holy Cross, Cowbridge. the vestry on Sun 12 Oct at 4pm. Ofyu!Tvoebz is the Fourteenth Sunday After Pentecost . The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in St Edward’s at 11am, the Board of Social Responsibility Thanksgiving Service is at the Cathedral at 6pm (no Evensong at St Margaret’s), and Choral Evensong will be sung at 7pm. Eucharist readings: Genesis 50: 15-21; Romans 14: 1-12; Matthew 18: 21-35. SUNG VESPERS AT TINTERN ABBEY today at 3pm. An Ecumenical Celebration of Evening Prayer. Speaker: Archbishop Rowan. There is no seating in the Abbey so please bring folding chairs. Teas available at the Anchor Inn after the service. All welcome to attend. ROATH FLOOD SCHEME PUBLIC MEETING on Monday at Marlborough Primary School, any time between 2.30pm and 7.30pm by National Resources Wales, who will exhibit design options and gather feedback. http://StEdward.roath.org.uk Facebook: StEdwardRoath Twitter: @StEdwardsRoath [email protected] SUE MANSELL is taking part in the Alzheimers memory CONCERT BY NIDUM ENSEMBLE with Shan Cothi walk on Saturday. She is walking 10k in memory of Val (organized by Rhys Watkins) at St Margaret’s Church Mayer, Beryl Kirby, and others. Ann James is also taking today at 7.30pm in aid of Velindre Hospital and St part. Many thanks to those who have already promised Margaret’s Church. Programme includes works by sponsorship. The new target is £250. A form is available Mendelssohn & Bruch. Tickets £10 (u-18 & students £5) in church today. ROATH CHURCH HOUSE COMMITTEE meets on Mon COFFEE . Please join us in the vestry after the Service this 15 Sept at 7.30pm. morning for a cup of coffee & a chat, and the 100 Club draw. COFFEE CONCERTS this year will be on the third ANTHEMS . The anthem at the Eucharist is “Ave Maria” Saturday of each month at 11am, starting on 20 Sept by Franz Schubert (1797-1828). The Introit at Evensong with Nicola Harris (Sop) and Jayne Thomas (accomp). is “Lord of all being, throned afar” by Sidney Scholfield ST EDWARD’S OPEN DOORS . St Edward’s will be open on Campbell (1909-74), and the anthem is “A Prayer” by Sat 20 Sept, 10am-4pm (Morning Prayer will be said at 9am, Richard Hey Lloyd (b.1933). Coffee Concert at 11am). Exhibitions, Teas/coffees. A warm NO CHORAL EVENSONG at the Cathedral today. welcome awaits you. Anyone who can spare some time 3.30pm Congregational Evensong. please speak to Sue. Also open: St Anne’s, St Margaret’s, James Summers Funeral Home. DAY EVENT at Llangasty Retreat House on Monday: All ST MARGARET’S OPEN DAYS are Sat 20 Sept, 12.30- the Leaves are Brown. An autumn exploration of Celtic 5.30pm and Sun 21 Sept, 2pm-5.30pm. Guided tours of the spirituality with Rev Dr Craig Gardiner, tutor in Christian Church and Bute Mausoleum by Diane Walker & Jean Rose. Doctrine, South Wales Baptist College. £25. PARISH KNITTING & CROCHET GROUP meets on CHAPLAINCY VOLUNTEERS are needed in our local Mon 22 Sept, 7.30-9.30pm in Room 2, Roath Church hospitals to assist Chaplains with bed-to-bed visiting. House. New members very welcome – assistance given We are looking to train people who are firmly anchored to learners. Contact Gill Day (20-495496 or Ann James to their religious community. A six week training course [email protected] for details. (one afternoon a week) begins on Wednesday at the WORKING PARTY to tidy, clean and repair in the church and Heath Hospital. For more information please contact church grounds, and to decorate the church for Harvest, on (20-743230 or email [email protected] Sat 4 Oct, 10am-2pm. If you can spare some time to help, GALA CONCERT by Cardiff Metropolitan Cathedral please speak to Sue or Kathie (or just turn up on the day). Choir and the Concert Orchestra of St John’s College at ST EDWARD’S MUSIC & ARTS FESTIVAL 2014 . the Royal Welsh College of Music & Drama on This year’s Festival Exhibition is of work by Philip Wednesday at 7.30pm. Programme includes the first Oswald Jennings ARE, ARCA (1921-1983). movement of Rachmaninov’s Second Piano Concerto. The following events have so far been arranged: Tickets £5 (conc. £3) www.rwcmd.ac.uk (20-391391. Tue 7 Oct. 7pm. Jeff Childs talk on the History of Roath. ST MICHAEL’S COLLEGE OPEN DOORS on Friday Wed 8 Oct. 7.45pm. Cardiff County & Vale of 12pm-4pm (family quizzes, displays, guided tours 12pm Glamorgan Symphonic Brass. and 2pm, please email [email protected]) and Mon 13 Oct. 7.30pm. First World War Songs, Poems & Saturday 11am-3pm (Autumn Fayre, tours, displays, Stories. St Edward’s Choir. Llandaff Society Archive open to view). FOR YOUR DIARY . SCOUTS CAR WASH at Park End Church on Saturday from 15 Sep. 7.30pm. Roath Church House Committee. 11am. £5 inc cuppa & slice of cake. Proceeds towards 20 Sept. 11am. Coffee Concert. sending three Scouts to the World Jamboree in Japan 2015. 20-21 Sept. Heritages Days. DISCUSSION GROUP recommences next Sunday at 22 Sept. Knitting and Crochet Group. 7.45pm, when the topic will be John Wycliffe. Discussion 1 Oct. Paradise Run. over tea/coffee finishing around 9pm. Details from Gill 12 Oct. 4pm. St Edward’s Committee. Day (20-495496. MUSIC DIARY . LLANGASTY DROP-IN DAY on Mon 15 Sept, 10am-4pm with 10-20 Sep. Cowbridge Music Festival. Holy Cross Church. Eucharist at 12 noon. An opportunity to pause for prayer and 23 Sep. 1pm. Organ Recital: Peter King. St David’s Hall. personal reflection – come for all or part of the day. Bring your 25 Sep. 7.30pm. Gail Pearson (sop). Ewenny Priory Church. own lunch. Coffee and tea provided. No charge, but donations 28 Sep. 7pm. Evening with Cambrensis. Park End Church. welcome. No need to book. BOOKINGS THIS WEEK : COWBRIDGE MUSIC FESTIVAL . 10-20 Sept. at Holy Today. Moving Minds. Schoolroom. Cross Church, Cowbridge. Tickets: each concert £12 3pm-6pm. Pavane Early Music Consort. Church. (conc. £10, children, students & carers £1). Festival WELCOME . We extend a warm welcome to all visitors pass £50 (conc. £40, children, students & carers £5). and newcomers. Please make yourself known to one of Masterclasses free. (0844-8700-887. the sidesmen if you are new with us. Cowbridge Festival Camerata . Wed 7.30pm. Top CONTACT NUMBERS . string players from all over Europe: Tchaikovsky’s Revd Canon Stewart Lisk: Serenade for Strings, Bach’s Concerto for Two Violins & (20-487854 / 07794-157604. Britten’s Simple Symphony. Parish Office (20-484808, Piano Masterclass with Ll ŷr Williams . Fri 5pm-8pm. [email protected] Ll ŷr Williams in Recital . Sat 7.30pm. Haydn’s Sonata Please let the clergy know in C. Schubert’s Four Impromptus. Selection from Liszt’s of any sick person or any person who is in hospital. To receive the Parish Group e-newsletter send an email to Années de pèlerinage and Schumann’s Carnaval. [email protected]

Uif!Gpvsuffoui!Tvoebz!Bgufs!Qfoufdptu! Weekly Newsletter No.1998 Sunday, 14 th September, 2014 11.00 am Sung Eucharist & Sermon. Celebrant & Preacher: Rev Dr Rhys Jenkins . Hymns: Make me a channel of your peace, My Jesus My Saviour, Purify My Heart, Anthem: Hide not thou thy face (Farrant) , Ye holy angels bright . Setting: Thomas Mass (David Thorne). 6.00 pm Thanksgiving Service for the Board of Social Responsibility. Llandaff Cathedral . 7.00 pm Choral Evensong . Introit: Lord for thy tender mercy’s sake (Farrant) . Psalm 119 vv 41-64 . Hymns: 216, Anthem: Christus Factus Est (Bruckner) , 43 . Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis: Norman Doe. Readings: Ezekiel 20, 1-8 & 33-44 . Acts 20, 17-38 . In the world-wide Church we pray today for the Province of Tanzania and Archbishop Jacob Erasto Chimeledya and in the Ecumenical Prayer Cycle we pray for Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania . We pray for peace in the world , remembering the people of Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, Ukraine, Israel and Gaza . We pray for the victims of Ebola in West Africa. We pray for the victims of the severe flooding in Northern Bangladesh, India and Pakistan . We pray for the people of Scotland , as they prepare to cast their votes in the referendum. In this diocese we pray for the Parish of St Fagan with Michaelston-Super-Ely and the Ven Peggy Jackson , and for St Fagan Church in Wales Primary School, headteacher Alison Price, her staff and pupils . We pray for the clergy who minister in this parish , our Vicar, Canon Stewart Lisk, Assistant Curate, Rev Dr Rhys Jenkins and the retired clergy who assist them, especially Canon John Woodward. We pray for the sick and those who care for them, especially Marilyn Roberts, Glyn Osman, Julie Romanelli, Beryl Powell, David Blyth, Bill Berry, Myra Mansell and Bob Hyett . We pray for the repose of the souls of the departed, especially Philip Hugh Williams , whose anniversary occurs at this time. EVENING PRAYER will be said at UIJT!XFFL! St Edward’s on Monday and Tuesday at Wednesday, Friday and Saturday are Ember Days. 6pm and on Thursday at 7pm this week. Npoebz 10.00 am Drop-In Day. Llangasty Retreat House. Morning Prayer on Saturday at 9am. 26ui 6.00 pm Evening Prayer. 6.00 pm Parish Surgery. Roath Church House. 7.30 pm Roath Church House Committee. Room 2, Roath Church House. Uvftebz 1.10 pm Organ Recital by Alan Sykes. St Mary’s, Swansea. PARISH OFFICE is open on Tuesday , 27ui 2.00 pm Clarinet Masterclass. Holy Cross, Cowbridge. Wednesday and Thursday this week. 6.00 pm Evening Prayer. ORGAN RECITAL at St Mary’s, Swansea, on 7.00 pm Holy Eucharist. St Anne’s. Tuesday, 1.10-1.50pm by Alan Sykes, who has Xfeoftebz 10.15 am HOLY EUCHARIST . Followed by coffee. performed at St Edward’s on many occasions. 28ui 12.15 pm Lunch Club. Roath Church House. DISCUSSION GROUP recommences today at 7.25 pm Cardiff Recorded Music Society. Schoolroom. 7.45pm, when the topic will be John Wycliffe . Uivstebz 11.00 am Police Community Access Point. Schoolroom. Discussion over tea/coffee finishing around 9pm . Details from Gill Day (20-495496. 29ui 12.45 pm Funeral of Melvyn Himton. St Margaret’s. 7.00 pm Evening Prayer. CRICKET MATCH between the 7.30 pm Choir Practice. Church of England and the Vat ican 7.30 pm Chiaroscuro String Quartet. Holy Cross, Cowbridge. XI at Kent County Cricket Club on Friday, to raise funds for the Gsjebz!2:ui 7.30 pm King Candy and the Sugar Push. Holy Cross. Cowbridge. Anglican-Roman Catholic anti- trafficking initiative, the Global Tbuvsebz St Edward’s Open Day Freedom Network, raising 31ui 9.00 am Morning Prayer. awareness of slavery and human 10.00 am Open Day begins. St Edward’s & St Anne’s. trafficking. 10.00 am Circle Dancing. St Michael’s, Gelligaer St. 11.00 am Coffee Concert : Nicola Harris (Sop) and Jayne Thomas (accomp). 12.30 pm Open Day. St Margaret’s. ST EDWARD’S COMMITTEE will meet in 7.30 pm Septura. Holy Cross, Cowbridge. the vestry on Sun 12 Oct at 4pm. Ofyu! Tvoebz is the Feast of St Matthew, Apostle & Evangelist . The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in St Edward’s at 11am and Choral Evensong will be sung at 7pm. Eucharist readings: Proverbs 3: 13-18; 2 Corinthians 4: 1-6; Matthew 9: 9-13. http://StEdward.roath.org.uk Facebook: StEdwardRoath Twitter: @StEdwardsRoath [email protected] ST EDWARD’S OPEN DOORS . St Edward’s will be COFFEE CONCERTS this year will be on the third open on Saturday, 10am-4pm (Morning Prayer will be Saturday of each month at 11am, starting this week with said at 9am, Coffee Concert at 11am). Exhibitions, Nicola Harris (Sop) and Jayne Thomas (accomp): Songs Teas/coffees. A warm welcome awaits you. Anyone who and Arias (Handel, Rossini, Puccini, Faure, De Falla). £2 can spare some time please speak to Sue. Also open: inc refreshments. 10% of proceeds will be donated to St Anne’s, St Margaret’s, James Summers Funeral Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Support. Home. ST MARGARET’S OPEN DAYS are Sat 20 Sept, 12.30- ANTHEMS . The anthem at the Eucharist is “Hide not Thou 5.30pm and Sun 21 Sept, 2pm-5.30pm. Guided tours of Thy face from us O Lord” by Richard Farrant (d.1581). The the Church and Bute Mausoleum by Diane Walker and Introit at Evensong is “Lord, for Thy tender mercy’s sake”, also Jean Rose. Details from Pat Hyett (20-471247. by Farrant, and the anthem is “Christus Factus Est” by Anton Joseph Bruckner (1824-96). DAY EVENT at Llangasty Retreat House. Mon 22 Sep: How do we pray? – Silent prayer and coping with CHORAL EVENSONG at the Cathedral, 3.30pm today: distractions. The third of four days on prayer spread Wicks’ Cherubini Service. Anthem: The Call (Vaughan throughout the year, led by Bishop Anthony Priddis. £25. Williams). PARISH KNITTING & CROCHET GROUP meets on LLANGASTY DROP-IN DAY on Monday, 10am-4pm Mon 22 Sept, 7.30-9.30pm in Room 2, Roath Church with Eucharist at 12 noon. An opportunity to pause for House. New members very welcome – assistance given prayer and personal reflection – come for all or part of to learners. Contact Gill Day (20-495496 or Ann James the day. Bring your own lunch. Coffee and tea provided. [email protected] for details. No charge, but donations welcome. No need to book. MACMILLAN COFFEE MORNING hosted by Fenella COWBRIDGE MUSIC FESTIVAL continues this week at Clapham on Fri 3 Oct at 10.30am at 19 Axminister Rd. Holy Cross Church, Cowbridge. Tickets: each concert Everyone welcome. £12 (conc. £10, children, students & carers £1). Festival pass £50 (conc. £40, children, students & carers £5). WORKING PARTY to tidy, clean and repair in the Masterclasses free. (0844-8700-887. church and church grounds, and to decorate the church Clarinet Masterclass . Tue 2pm-8pm. for Harvest, on Sat 4 Oct, 10am-2pm. If you can spare Chiaroscuro String Quartet . Thur 7.30pm. Works from some time to help, please speak to Sue or Kathie (or the time of Mozart and Haydn in the style and with the just turn up on the day). instruments of the period. ST EDWARD’S MUSIC & ARTS FESTIVAL 2014 . King Candy and the Sugar Push . Fri 7.30pm. This year’s Festival Exhibition is of work by Philip Cowbridge Comprehensive School Theatre. Jazz swing Oswald Jennings ARE, ARCA (1921-1983). band, with singer Kate Mullins of the Puppini Sisters. The following events have so far been arranged: Septura . Sat 7.30pm. Brass musicians. Music from the Tue 7 Oct. 7pm. Jeff Childs talk on the History of Roath. Renaissance to modern times. Wed 8 Oct. 7.45pm. Cardiff County & Vale of LUNCH CLUB every Wednesday at 12.15pm in Roath Glamorgan Symphonic Brass. Church House. Contact Gill & Joe Armitage tel.20- Mon 13 Oct. 7.30pm. First World War Songs, Poems & 752630 (note change of telephone number). Stories. St Edward’s Choir. GILL ARMITAGE WRITES : Roath Church House Lunch FOR YOUR DIARY . Club celebrates its 15 th birthday in February, 2015, and 22 Sept. Knitting and Crochet Group. many people have enjoyed the meals and 1 Oct. Paradise Run. companionship. Volunteers from churches and wider 12 Oct. 4pm. St Edward’s Committee. community have manned the kitchens. I have really 18 Oct. 11am. Coffee Concert: Opus 8. enjoyed my time with the Lunch Club, but will be hanging MUSIC DIARY . up my apron in February. I believe it is time for younger 23 Sep. 1pm. Organ Recital: Peter King. St David’s Hall. people, either male or female, to step into my shoes. I 25 Sep. 7.30pm. Gail Pearson (sop). Ewenny Priory Church. have written a job description which can be obtained 28 Sep. 7pm. Evening with Cambrensis. Park End Church. from myself. We have teams of friendly people who 14 Oct. 7.30pm. Cwmbach Male Choir. St Andrew’s URC. 31 Oct. 7.30pm. Tenovus Concert. Llandaff Cathedral. provide the excellent meals – job share is a possibility with training given and you will be given time to get to SUE MANSELL AND ANN JAMES successfully know the ropes. Please help if you can – contact me, completed their 10k Alzheimers memory walk yesterday Gill Armitage, (20-752630. in 2 hours and 5 minutes, and raised approximately £600 between them. Congratulations to them both. CARDIFF RECORDED MUSIC SOCIETY will meet in the Schoolroom on Wednesday 7.25-9.30pm for a talk WELCOME . We extend a warm welcome to all visitors entitled “The Life and Music of William Walton”. Charles and newcomers. Please make yourself known to one of Kinsey explores the life and works of this ground- the sidesmen if you are new with us. breaking English composer, best known for his oratorio CONTACT NUMBERS . “Belshazzar’s Feast” and musical entertainment Revd Canon Stewart Lisk: “Façade”. Non-members welcome (entrance £2). (20-487854 / 07794-157604. Parish Office (20-484808, CIRCLE DANCING on Saturday, 10am-12pm at St [email protected] Michael’s, Gelligaer St. Another workshop to engage in Please let the clergy know the spirituality, the practice and the fun of circle dancing. of any sick person or any person who is in hospital. All welcome. Details from the Ven Peggy Jackson To receive the Parish Group e-newsletter send an email to (01446-750053. [email protected]

Uif!Gfbtu!pg!Tu!Nbuuifx-!Bqptumf!'!Fwbohfmjtu! Weekly Newsletter No.1999 Sunday, 21 st September, 2014 11.00 am Sung Eucharist & Sermon. Celebrant & Preacher: Canon Stewart Lisk . Hymns: 510, 255, 402, Anthem: Let all the world in every corner sing (Nicholas) , 372 . Setting: Thomas Mass (David Thorne). 7.00 pm Choral Evensong. Introit: Lord, we beseech Thee (Batten) . Officiant: Canon Stewart Lisk. Psalm 119 vv 33-40 & 89-96 . Hymns: 563, Anthem: O God My King (Amner) , 511 . Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis: Stainer in A. Readings: Ecclesiastes 5, 4-12 . Matthew 19, 16-30 . In the world-wide Church we pray today for the Province of Uganda and Archbishop Stanley Ntagali and in the Ecumenical Prayer Cycle we pray for Belarus, Moldova, Russia and Ukraine . We pray for peace in the world , remembering the people of Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, Ukraine, Israel and Gaza . We pray for the victims of Ebola in West Africa. We pray for the people of Scotland , especially those who are disappointed by the result of the referendum, and for all who are preparing for changes in the structure of government. We pray for the World Council of Churches holding an Interfaith Summit on Climate Change this weekend in New York City. In this diocese we pray for the Benefice of Merthyr Dyfan and Rev Robert Parrish . We pray for the sick and those who care for them, especially Marilyn Roberts, Glyn Osman, Julie Romanelli, Beryl Powell, David Blyth, Bill Berry, Myra Mansell, Bob Hyett and Margaret Connor . We pray for the repose of the souls of the departed, especially Colwyn Williams , who died recently, also Victor Herbert Coombes , whose anniversary occurs at this time. EVENING PRAYER will be said at St Edward’s UIJT!XFFL! on Tuesday at 6pm and on Thursday at 7pm this Npoebz Day Event. Llangasty Retreat House. week. Morning Prayer on Saturday at 9am. 33oe 6.00 pm Parish Surgery. Roath Church House. 7.00 pm St Edward’s Orchestra Practice. 7.30 pm Parish Knitting & Crochet Group. Roath Church House. Uvftebz 6.00 pm Evening Prayer. PARISH OFFICE is open on Tuesday , 34se 1.00 pm Organ Recital: Peter King. St David’s Hall. Wednesday and Thursday this week. 7.00 pm Holy Eucharist. St Anne’s. CARDIFF RECORDED MUSIC SOCIETY will meet in the Schoolroom on Wednesday 7.25- Xfeoftebz 10.15 am HOLY EUCHARIST . Followed by coffee. 9.30pm for a talk entitled “Bel Canto”. Bel Canto 35ui 12.15 pm Lunch Club. Roath Church House. translates as “beautiful singing” and is mostly 7.00 pm South Wales Clarinet Choir rehearsal. (though not exclusively) associated with 7.25 pm Cardiff Recorded Music Society. Schoolroom. nineteenth century Italian opera, notably in the works of Bellini, Donizetti and Rossini. But, as Uivstebz 11.00 am Police Community Access Point. Schoolroom. David Perkins reveals, this vocal style also 36ui 7.00 pm Evening Prayer. influenced some later non-Italian composers. 7.30 pm Choir Practice. Non-members welcome (entrance £2). 7.30 pm Evening of Song. Ewenny Priory Church. COMPLINE will be sung at St Edward’s on 9.00 pm COMPLINE . Thursday at 9pm. Compline is a 15-minute Tbuvsebz 9.00 am Morning Prayer. service of plainchant - the last of the monastic 38ui 9.00 am Llandaff Diocesan Conference. Aberdare. “hours”, sung by candlelight. 10.30 am Tower Open Day. St John’s (town) . 2.30 pm Commemoration Service for Colwyn Williams. Parkminster URC. 7.00 pm An Evening with Cambrensis Choir. Park End Church, Rhydyprenau Crossroads. 7.30 pm Lavish Cardiff. St Denys Church, Lisvane. Ofyu!Tvoebz is the Sixteenth Sunday After Pentecost . The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in St Edward’s at 11am and Choral Evensong will be sung at 7pm. Eucharist readings: Ezekiel 18: 1-4, 25-32; Philippians 2: 1-13; Matthew 21: 23-32. CATHAYS CEMETERY CHAPELS OPEN DAY today, 11am-2pm (followed by guided walk around new section of cemetery at 2.30pm). First opportunity to see inside the recently restored chapels. COMMEMORATION SERVICE for Colwyn Williams at Parkminster URC on Saturday at 2.30pm, followed by refreshments in the church hall. Colwyn was a great supporter of all our ecumenical efforts, and a regular supporter of concerts and other events at St Edward’s. People are asked not to wear black as this is a celebration and thanksgiving for Colwyn's life. http://StEdward.roath.org.uk Facebook: StEdwardRoath Twitter: @StEdwardsRoath [email protected] ST MARGARET’S OPEN DAY today, 2pm-5.30pm inc WORKING PARTY to tidy, clean and repair in the guided tours of the Church and Bute Mausoleum by church and church grounds, and to decorate the church Diane Walker and Jean Rose, afternoon teas, a chance for Harvest, on Sat 4 Oct, 10am-2pm. If you can spare to go up the tower etc. some time to help, please speak to Sue or Kathie (or ANTHEMS . The anthem at the Eucharist is “Let all the just turn up on the day). world in every corner sing” by John Morgan Nicholas. MACMILLAN COFFEE MORNING hosted by Fenella The Introit at Evensong is “Lord, we beseech Thee”, by Clapham on Fri 3 Oct at 10.30am at 19 Axminster Rd. Adrian Batten (1591-1637?), and the anthem is “O God, Everyone welcome. my King” by John Amner (1579–1641). IT’LL BE OVER BY CHRISTMAS is the title of a CHORAL EVENSONG at the Cathedral, 3.30pm today: concert by members of St Edward’s Choir on St Archer’s Berkshire Service. Anthem: Litany to the Holy Edward’s Day, Mon 13 Oct, at 7.30pm. Songs, readings Spirit (Hurford). and a slice of everyday life from the early days of World DAY EVENT at Llangasty Retreat House on Monday: War I. How do we pray? – Silent prayer and coping with COFFEE CONCERTS this year are on the third distractions. The third of four days on prayer spread Saturday of each month at 11am. Our thanks to Nicolas throughout the year, led by Bishop Anthony Priddis. £25. Harris and Jayne Thomas for their concert yesterday, PARISH KNITTING & CROCHET GROUP meets on the opening one of the series, yesterday. The next Monday, 7.30-9.30pm in Room 2, Roath Church House. concert is a programme of Mozart and Beethoven by New members very welcome – assistance given to “Opus8” Chamber Ensemble on Sat 18 Oct. learners. Contact Gill Day (20-495496 or Ann James FOR YOUR DIARY . [email protected] for details. 22 Sept. Knitting and Crochet Group. LUNCHTIME ORGAN RECITAL at St David’s Hall on 25 Sept. 9pm. Compline. Tuesday, 1pm-2pm by Peter King (Bath Abbey). 1 Oct. Paradise Run. Admission £6.50 (concessions). 6 Oct. 7.30pm. PCC. Roath Church House. 12 Oct. 4pm. St Edward’s Committee. AN EVENING OF SONG at Ewenny Priory Church on 18 Oct. 11am. Coffee Concert: Opus 8. Thursday at 7.30pm, with Gail Pearson (sop) and Caradog Williams (piano). Tickets £10 (children £3). MUSIC DIARY . Fundraising concert for church maintenance. 23 Sep. 1pm. Organ Recital: Peter King. St David’s Hall. 25 Sep. 7.30pm. Gail Pearson (sop). Ewenny Priory Church. LLANDAFF DIOCESAN CONFERENCE is on Saturday, 28 Sep. 7pm. Evening with Cambrensis. Park End Church. 9am-4pm at St John the Baptist Church in Wales High 11 Oct. 7.30pm. Brahms’ Requiem. Cantemus. RWCMD. School, Glan Road, Aberdare. Items for discussion: the 14 Oct. 7.30pm. Cwmbach Male Choir. St Andrew’s URC. proposed changes to the Parish Share system, the new 31 Oct. 7.30pm. Tenovus Concert. Llandaff Cathedral. Church Mediation Scheme and a report on the three CONGRATULATIONS to Rachel Doe on completing her Ministry Area Conversations. training and being admitted to the Roll of Solicitors of the TOWER OPEN DAY at St John’s in town on Saturday, Supreme Court. 10.30am-3pm. OUR THANKS to Gary for deputizing on the piano and AN EVENING WITH CAMBRENSIS CHOIR and organ this morning. Cambrensis Brass Quintet at Park End Church, CONGRATULATIONS to Rebecca (Megan’s grand- Rhydyprenau Crossroads, on Saturday at 7pm. daughter) and Luke, who are to be married on Thursday. Admission free. Retiring collection in aid of roof repairs. ST EDWARD’S OPEN DOORS . Our thanks to everyone LAVISH CARDIFF meet at St Denys Church, Lisvane, on who helped in any way with the Open Doors on Saturday at 7.30pm. A series of free non-denominational Saturday. events for women to have a safe space to share their stories. THE GOVERNING BODY has produced a short film PAROCHIAL CHURCH COUNCIL meets at 7.30pm on “2020 Vision Summer 2014” on YouTube for their Mon 6 Oct in Room 2, Roath Church House. September meeting and for everyone in the Church in ST EDWARD’S MUSIC & ARTS FESTIVAL 2014 . Wales, illustrating that change is happening in the This year’s Festival Exhibition is of work by Philip church. http://youtu.be/2gtgaCRBZsg Oswald Jennings ARE, ARCA (1921-1983). VISITING CHOIR . We are hosting a concert, next year on Fri The following events have so far been arranged: 23 Jan, by a young choir from Minnesota. If you are interested Tue 7 Oct. 7pm. Jeff Childs talk on the History of Roath. in helping, please have a word with Kathie. Wed 8 Oct. 7.45pm. Cardiff County & Vale of WELCOME . We extend a warm welcome to all visitors and Glamorgan Symphonic Brass. newcomers. Please make yourself known to one of the Mon 13 Oct. 7.30pm. It’ll Be Over By Christmas: Songs, sidesmen if you are new with us. readings and a slice of everyday life from the early CONTACT NUMBERS . days of World War I. St Edward’s Choir. Revd Canon Stewart Lisk: ST EDWARD’S COMMITTEE will meet in the vestry on (20-487854 / 07794-157604. Sun 12 Oct at 4pm. Parish Office (20-484808, [email protected] DISCUSSION GROUP meets on Sun 12 Oct at 7.45pm Please let the clergy know in Roath Church House, when the topic will be Christian of any sick person or any person who is in hospital. Art. Discussion over tea/coffee finishing around 9pm. To receive the Parish Group e-newsletter send an email to Details from Gill Day (20-495496. [email protected]

Uif!Tjyuffoui!Tvoebz!Bgufs!Qfoufdptu! Weekly Newsletter No.2000 Sunday, 28th September, 2014 11.00 am Sung Eucharist & Sermon. Celebrant & Preacher: Rev Dr Rhys Jenkins . Hymns: 173(MP), 28(MP), 157(MP), Anthem: Laudamus Te (Vivaldi) , 151(MP) . Setting: Thomas Mass (David Thorne). 7.00 pm Choral Evensong. Introit: A New Commandment (Mundy) . Officiant: Canon Stewart Lisk. Psalm 120, 123 & 124 . Hymns: 161, Anthem: Ave Verum (Byrd) , 359 . Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis: Harris in A minor. Readings: Ezekiel 37, 15-28 . 1 John 2, 22-29 . In the world-wide Church we pray today for the Episcopal Church and Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori and in the Ecumenical Prayer Cycle we pray for Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia . We pray for peace in the world , remembering the people of Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, Ukraine, Israel and Gaza . We pray for the victims of Ebola in West Africa. In this diocese we pray for the Parish of Sully, Rev Jon Ormrod and Rev Andrew James, and for Gwenfo Church in Wales Primary School, Head Teacher Val Simpson, her staff and pupils . We pray for the homeless in our city, and for all who work to help them, in the Paradise Run, Cardiff Action for Single Homeless, the Huggard Centre. We pray for the sick and those who care for them, especially Marilyn Roberts, Glyn Osman, Julie Romanelli, Beryl Powell, David Blyth, Bill Berry, Myra Mansell, Bob Hyett, Margaret Connor and Charles Murray . We pray for the repose of the souls of the departed, especially James Ernest John Mills and Ralph Holtam (priest) , whose anniversaries occur at this time. EVENING PRAYER will be said at St Edward’s on Tuesday at 6pm and UIJT!XFFL! on Thursday at 7pm this week. Morning Prayer on Saturday at 9am. Npoebz St Michael & All Angels PARISH OFFICE is open on Tuesday , 3:ui 6.00 pm Parish Surgery. Roath Church House. Wednesday and Thursday this week. 7.00 pm St Edward’s Orchestra Practice. CONGRATULATIONS to Rebecca 7.30 pm St Margaret’s Committee. Roath Church House. (Megan’s grand-daughter) and Luke, Uvftebz 6.00 pm Evening Prayer. who were married on Thursday. 41ui 7.00 pm Holy Eucharist. St Anne’s. HANNAH’S CAKES last weekend 7.45 pm St Anne’s Committee. Roath Church House. raised £70. Well done Hannah. Xfeoftebz 10.15 am HOLY EUCHARIST . Followed by coffee. MACMILLAN COFFEE MORNING hosted 2tu 12.15 pm Lunch Club. Roath Church House. by Fenella Clapham on Friday at 10.30 am 7.25 pm Cardiff Recorded Music Society. Schoolroom. at 19 Axminster Rd. Everyone welcome. Uivstebz 11.00 am Police Community Access Point. Schoolroom. HARVEST THANKSGIVING next Sunday . Please could you bring tinned foods, pasta 3oe 7.00 pm Evening Prayer. and rice for distribut ion to the homeless 7.30 pm Choir Practice. charities. 7.45 pm Paradise Run. DISCUSSION GROUP meets on Sun 12 Oct at Gsjebz!4se 10.30 am Macmillan Coffee Morning. 19 Axminster Road. 7.45pm in Roath Church House, when the Tbuvsebz 9.00 am Morning Prayer. topic will be Christian Art. D iscussion over 5ui 9.30 am Pavane Rehearsal. Schoolroom. tea/coffee finishing around 9pm. Details from 10.00 am Working Party. Church and Grounds. Gill Day (20-495496. 11.00 am Fairtrade Fayre. Lisvane Memorial Hall. Ofyu!Tvoebz is Harvest Thanksgiving . The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in St Edward's at 11am, coffee will be served in the vestry after the Eucharist, and the 100 Club Draw will take place. In place of Choral Evensong there will be a Service of Harvest Music and Readings at 7pm. Eucharist readings: Deuteronomy 8: 7-18; 2 Corinthians 9: 6-15; Luke 12: 16-30. LORD MAYOR’S CHARITY 2014/15 . The Lord Mayor of Cardiff, Councillor Margaret Jones, has chosen TENOVUS as her charity for this mayoral year. To this end I have charity clothing bags for TENOVUS, which will be distributed to each church. If anyone is kind enough to fill a bag, please can they return it to church or contact me Tricia Burfoot (Osman) at the Parish Office or at home (20-488796 and leave a message on the answer machine. I will arrange collection from you. Any donations will be gratefully accepted for this worthy charity. Regards and thanks Tricia. ANOTHER MILESTONE . This is the 2000 th weekly edition of St Edward’s Newsletter. The first edition was published on Whitsunday 1976. Bound copies of the back editions may be found in the library at the back of the church. http://StEdward.roath.org.uk Facebook: StEdwardRoath Twitter: @StEdwardsRoath [email protected] WORKING PARTY to tidy, clean and repair in the PARADISE RUN on Wednesday. We need loaves of church and church grounds, and to decorate the church sandwiches of either sliced cheese (not grated), tuna, for Harvest, on Saturday, 10am-2pm. If you can spare ham or corned beef using white medium sliced bread some time to help, please speak to Sue or Kathie (or and individually wrapped sandwiches. Also packets of just turn up on the day). crisps, biscuits or cakes. We need to collect more toiletries, showergels, roll-on deodorant, toothpaste and ANTHEMS . The anthem at the Eucharist is “Laudamus toothbrushes (no glass containers). Items can be given Te” from the setting of Gloria by Antonio Vivaldi (1675- to Kathie Mayer (20-495769 or left at Church House 1741). The Introit at Evensong is “A new either at Wednesday lunchtime or in the evening from commandment”, by William Mundy (c.1529-c.1591), and 7.15pm until we leave at 7.45pm. Further the anthem is the 14 th century Eucharistic hymn “Ave information/offers of help please ring Chris Webb (20- Verum Corpus” by William Byrd (1543-1623). 455641. CHORAL EVENSONG at the Cathedral, 3.30pm today: Moore’s Fauxbourdons. Anthem: Duo seraphim (Dering). CWMBACH MALE CHOIR and Cenestra Male Choir CONGRATULATIONS to Harriet Evans Webb on her (Visiting South African Choir) give a concert in aid of recent 21st birthday. Music as Therapy at St Andrew’s URC on Tue 14 Oct at 7.30pm. Tickets £8 (07891-663333. CARDIFF RECORDED MUSIC SOCIETY will meet in the Schoolroom on Wednesday 7.25-9.30pm for a talk COFFEE CONCERTS this year are on the third entitled “From Classical to Romantic”. From the high Saturday of each month at 11am. The next concert is a point of classicism in the 1780s, it took just 60 years for programme of Mozart and Beethoven by “Opus8” romanticism to become firmly established. Tim Porter Chamber Ensemble on Sat 18 Oct. Future concerts: takes us through this fascinating period of transition. 15 Nov Steven Biggs (Classical Guitar) Non-members welcome (entrance £2). 20 Dec Grace Bermingham (Sop) & Sandie Middleton 17 Jan Alison Dite (Solo Piano) FAIRTRADE FAYRE at Lisvane Memorial Hall on Saturday, 11am-2pm. Cake stall, Refreshments, Chocolate Fountain, 21 Feb Alex Heeley Clarinet Trio (tbc) Ornaments, Jewellery, Chocolate & Food, Local handmade, 21 Mar. St Edward’s Centenary Concert: WW1 Music Fairtrade Gifts, Christmas Decorations. 12.30pm Fairtrade 18 Apr Elinor Dixon (Flute) Rap performed by LBC’s Ricardo Erasmus, plus songs from new album! Entrance free. ROATH CHURCH HOUSE QUIZ on Sat 18 Oct at Roath Church House at 7.30pm. Teams of six persons PAROCHIAL CHURCH COUNCIL meets at 7.30pm on (or come on your own and join a team). Cost £5 per Mon 6 Oct in Room 2, Roath Church House. person. Bring your own drinks and nibbles. Contact ST EDWARD’S MUSIC & ARTS FESTIVAL 2014 . Anna Mason (07720-641653 or pay on the door. This year’s Festival Exhibition is of work by Philip FOR YOUR DIARY . Oswald Jennings ARE, ARCA (1921-1983). 29 Sep. 7.30pm. St Margaret’s Committee. The following events have so far been arranged: 30 Sep. 7.45pm. St Anne’s Committee. Tue 7 Oct. 7pm. Jeff Childs talk on the History of Roath. 1 Oct. Paradise Run. Wed 8 Oct. 7.45pm. Cardiff County & Vale of 6 Oct. 7.30pm. PCC. Roath Church House. Glamorgan Symphonic Brass. 12 Oct. 4pm. St Edward’s Committee. Mon 13 Oct. 7.30pm. It’ll Be Over By Christmas: Songs, 18 Oct. 11am. Coffee Concert: Opus 8. readings and a slice of everyday life from the early days of World War I. St Edward’s Choir. MUSIC DIARY . 10 Oct. 1.15pm. Organ Recital: Thomas Trotter. St John’s. LOCAL HISTORY TALK . Jeff Childs, Vice Chairman of 11 Oct. 7.30pm. Brahms’ Requiem. Cantemus. RWCMD. Roath Local History Society, will give an illustrated talk 14 Oct. 7.30pm. Cwmbach Male Choir. St Andrew’s URC. on the history of Roath on Tue 7 Oct at 7pm. This is one 31 Oct. 7.30pm. Tenovus Concert. Llandaff Cathedral. of our “WW1” events, and also part of the St Edward’s MEMORY WALK . Sue Mansell and Ann James took Festival 2014. part in the Alzheimer’s Society 10km walk in , IT’LL BE OVER BY CHRISTMAS is the title of a to raise money for the society and in memory of Val & concert by members of St Edward’s Choir on St Ron Mayer, Beryl Kirby and many others. Their final total Edward’s Day, Mon 13 Oct, at 7.30pm. Songs, readings was £1100, including matched funding from Barclays and a slice of everyday life from the early days of World Bank Plc. A great result and thank you to all who War I. sponsored them. ST EDWARD’S COMMITTEE will meet in the vestry on WELCOME . We extend a warm welcome to all visitors Sun 12 Oct at 4pm. and newcomers. Please make yourself known to one of the sidesmen if you are new with us. BRAHMS’ REQUIEM presented by Cantemus on Sat 11 Oct at 7.30pm in the Dora Stoutzker Hall, RWCMD. The CONTACT NUMBERS . first half of the concert includes works by Schubert, Revd Canon Stewart Lisk: Mahler, and Brahms. Tickets £16/£12/£8 from the (20-487854 / 07794-157604. RWCMD box office 20-391391. Parish Office (20-484808, [email protected] RESIDENTIAL RETREAT at Llangasty Retreat House. Please let the clergy know Oct 13-16: The Suffering Servant, a retreat using the of any sick person or any person who is in hospital. biblical texts from Isaiah and the 1996 film, The English To receive the Parish Group e-newsletter send an email to Patient. Rev Stephen Winter. £225. [email protected]

]Uibolthjwjoh!gps!uif!Ibswftu Weekly Newsletter No.2001 Sunday, 5th October, 2014 11.00 am Sung Eucharist & Sermon. Celebrant & Preacher: Canon Stewart Lisk . Hymns: 483, 482, 52(MP), Anthem: Glory Love and Praise and Honour (Harris) , 281(MP) . Setting: Thomas Mass (David Thorne). 7.00 pm Service of Harvest Music and Readings. Officiant: Rev Stewart Lisk. Hymns: 167, 173(MP), 38(MP), 486, 80(MP), 483 . Anthems: Creation’s Hymn (Beethoven) , Ye shall dwell in the land (Stainer), Summer Ended (Wood), Thou fillest all things (Simper) , The Lord bless you and keep you (Rutter) . In the world-wide Church we pray today for the Church in Wales and Archbishop Barry Morgan and in the Ecumenical Prayer Cycle we pray for Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan . We pray for peace in the world , remembering the people of Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, Ukraine, Israel and Gaza . We pray for the victims of Ebola in West Africa. For aid-worker Alan Henning , murdered by terrorists this week; and for his family and friends. At this time of Harvest Thanksgiving , we pray for farmers and all who work on the land, especially those facing stress and financial difficulties. We pray for people throughout the world who are starving , especially in many parts of Africa. In this diocese we pray for the Parish of Laleston & Merthyr Mawr with Penyfai, Canon Edward Evans, Rev Mike Lewis and Readers Arwyn Morgan and Penny Williams , and for Penyfai Church in Wales Primary School, Headteacher Christina Bach and her staff and pupils. We pray for the sick and those who care for them, especially Marilyn Roberts, Glyn Osman, Julie Romanelli, Beryl Powell, David Blyth, Bill Berry, Myra Mansell, Bob Hyett, Margaret Connor and Anne Burfoot . We pray for the repose of the souls of the departed, especially Dora Madeline Holly and Jean Dolores Taylor , whose anniversaries occur at this time. EVENING PRAYER will be said at St Edward’s on Monday and Tuesday at UIJT!XFFL! 6pm and on Thursday at 7pm this week. Morning Prayer on Saturday at 9am. Npoebz 6.00 pm Evening Prayer. PAROCHIAL CHURCH COUNCIL meets at 7.30pm on 7ui 6.00 pm Parish Surgery. Roath Church House. Monday in Room 2, Roath Church House. 7.00 pm St Edward’s Orchestra Practice. PARISH OFFICE is open on Monday, 7.30 pm Parochial Church Council. Roath Church House. Wednesday and Thursday this week. Uvftebz 3.30 pm Flood Prevention Drop-In Session. Schoolroom. CARDIFF RECORDED MUSIC SOCIETY will 8ui 6.00 pm Evening Prayer. not meet this week because of the Symphonic Brass Concert. 7.00 pm Holy Eucharist. St Anne’s. 7.00 pm “History of Roath” Talk by Jeff Childs . GOOD LUCK to Madeleine Evans Webb, who is starting her Biology degree course at Xfeoftebz 10.15 am HOLY EUCHARIST . Followed by coffee. Imperial College London. 9ui 12.15 pm Lunch Club. Roath Church House. 7.45 pm Cardiff and Vale of Glamorgan Symphonic Brass . Uivstebz 11.00 am Police Community Access Point. Schoolroom. :ui 7.00 pm Evening Prayer. MANY THANKS to everyone who helped tidy, clean and 7.30 pm Choir Practice. prepare the church for Harvest Thanksgiving yesterday. Gsjebz!21ui 1.15 pm Organ Recital: Thomas Trotter. St John’s (town). ST EDWARD’S COMMITTEE meets Tbuvsebz 9.00 am Morning Prayer. in the vestry next Sunday at 4pm. 22ui 7.30 pm Cantemus: Brahms’ Requiem. Dora Stoutzker Hall, RWCMD. Ofyu!Tvoebz we will celebrate our Patronal Festival: the Translation of St Edward, King and Confessor . The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in St Edward’s at 11am and Choral Evensong will be sung at 7pm. Eucharist readings: Sirach 2: 1-9; Philippians 4: 4-9; John 17: 18-23. COFFEE . Please join us in the vestry after the Service this morning for a cup of coffee and a chat, and the 100 Club draw. ST PETER’S COMMUNITY GARDEN in Fairwater has been awarded second place in the best kept community garden building section of the Cardiff in Bloom competition. Six years ago the garden was little more than wasteland next to St Peter’s Church. But thanks to the vision of parishioner Ian Thompson and teams of volunteers who carried out the work, a remarkable transformation has taken place with the neglected and overgrown grounds being turned into a stunning community garden. http://StEdward.roath.org.uk Facebook: StEdwardRoath Twitter: @StEdwardsRoath [email protected] ST EDWARD’S MUSIC & ARTS FESTIVAL 2014 . This year’s Festival Exhibition is of work by Philip Oswald Jennings ARE, ARCA (1921-1983). The following events have so far been arranged: Tue 7 Oct. 7pm. Jeff Childs talk on the History of Roath. Wed 8 Oct. 7.45pm. Cardiff County & Vale of Glamorgan Symphonic Brass. Mon 13 Oct. 7.30pm. It’ll Be Over By Christmas: Songs, readings and a slice of everyday life from the early days of World War I. St Edward’s Choir. LOCAL HISTORY TALK . Jeff Childs, Vice Chairman of Roath Local History Society, will give an illustrated talk CONGRATULATIONS to Ed Doe who represented on the history of Roath on Tue 7 Oct at 7pm. This is one Wales in the Rugby Sevens Grand Prix series in of our “WW1” events, and also part of the St Edward’s Bucharest on 20 & 21 September. Festival 2014. HARVEST THANKSGIVING . Thanks to everyone who has IT’LL BE OVER BY CHRISTMAS is the title of a brought tinned foods, pasta and rice for distribution to the concert by members of St Edward’s Choir on St homeless charities. If you would like to read a lesson at the Edward’s Day, Mon 13 Oct, at 7.30pm. Songs, readings Thanksgiving Service this evening, please see Alan. and a slice of everyday life from the early days of World ANTHEM at the Eucharist is “Glory, Love, and Praise War I. and Honour”, words by Charles Wesley (1707-88), NEXT COFFEE CONCERT is a programme of Mozart & Melody by J.G.Ebeling (c.1620-76), arranged by William Beethoven by “Opus8” Chamber Ensemble on Sat 18 Oct. Henry Harris (1883-1973). ROATH CHURCH HOUSE QUIZ on Sat 18 Oct at HARRIET EVANS WEBB is running the Cardiff Half Roath Church House at 7.30pm. Teams of six persons Marathon today in aid of Barnardo's and would (or come on your own and join a team). Cost £5 per appreciate any sponsorship that anyone might feel able person. Bring your own drinks and nibbles. Contact to help with. The link on the Just Giving charity site is Anna Mason (07720-641653 or pay on the door. https://www.justgiving.com/Harriet-Webb21 (includes a gift aid option for taxpayers). Or any donations in person PARISH KNITTING & CROCHET GROUP meets on to Charlotte and Nick next week would also be welcome. Mon 20 Oct, 7.30-9.30pm in Room 2, Roath Church Harriet has never run this far before so anything could House. New members very welcome – assistance given happen! to learners. Contact Gill Day (20-495496 or Ann James [email protected] for details. FLOOD PREVENTION SCHEME . You can view and discuss the design proposals at St Edward’s Schoolroom on Tuesday CYTÛN AGM in the vestry on Wed 22 Oct at 7.30pm. 3.30-6.30pm. The deadline to return feedback has been VISITING CHOIR . We are hosting a concert, next year extended to 8 Oct. The team will review comments received in on Fri 23 Jan at 7pm, by a young choir called Gustavus detail and provide a summary of feedback received and how it has been incorporated in due course. Choir from Gustavus Adolphus College in Minnesota. They sing a mix of folk, classical and sacred and there LUNCHTIME ORGAN RECITAL at St John’s (town) on are about 60 singers. If you are interested in helping, Friday, 1.15-1.45pm, by Thomas Trotter (Birmingham please have a word with Kathie. City Organist), marking the organ’s 120 th anniversary. Admission free, retiring collection. FOR YOUR DIARY . 12 Oct. 4pm. St Edward’s Committee. BRAHMS’ REQUIEM presented by Cantemus on 18 Oct. 11am. Coffee Concert: Opus 8. Saturday at 7.30pm in the Dora Stoutzker Hall, RWCMD. The first half of the concert includes works by MUSIC DIARY . Schubert, Mahler, and Brahms. Tickets £16/£12/£8 from 14 Oct. 7.30pm. Cwmbach Male Choir. St Andrew’s URC. 18 Oct. 7pm. Concert for Lesotho. St Brigid’s Church, Heath. the RWCMD box office 20-391391. 20 Oct. 12pm. Cathedral School Recital. Llandaff Cathedral. DISCUSSION GROUP meets next Sunday at 7.45pm in 31 Oct. 7.30pm. Tenovus Concert. Llandaff Cathedral. Roath Church House, when the topic will be Christian BOOKINGS THIS WEEK : Art. Discussion over tea/coffee finishing around 9pm. 11 Oct. 1-4pm. Dance Therapy. Schoolroom. Details from Gill Day (20-495496. 12 Oct. 1-4pm. Pavane. Schoolroom. LADIES CIRCLE meets on Tue 14 Oct at 7.15pm in WELCOME . We extend a warm welcome to all visitors room 2, Roath Church House when our speaker will be and newcomers. Please make yourself known to one of Margaret Salisbury who will be talking about Magistrates the sidesmen if you are new with us. in the Community. There will be a books/CD/DVD sales CONTACT NUMBERS . table. Visitors & new members very welcome, further Revd Canon Stewart Lisk: information from Gill Day (20-495496. (20-487854 / 07794-157604. CWMBACH & CENESTRA MALE CHOIRS will give a Parish Office (20-484808, concert at St Andrew’s URC, Penylan Rd, on Tue 14 Oct [email protected] at 7.30pm. Tickets £8 (07891-663333 or on the door. Please let the clergy know The choirs are giving the concert free of charge, and all of any sick person or any person who is in hospital. the money raised is going to Music as Therapy, in To receive the Parish Group e-newsletter send an email particular the Beit Sahour Project, set up in Palestine by to [email protected] Cardiff Music Therapist Liz Coombes.

Uif!Usbotmbujpo!pg!Tu!Fexbse-!Ljoh!'!Dpogfttps! Weekly Newsletter No.2002 Sunday, 12 th October, 2014 11.00 am Sung Eucharist & Sermon. Celebrant & Preacher: Rev Dr Rhys Jenkins . Hymns: Hark the sound of holy voices, 399, 519, Anthem: O How Amiable (Faning) , 621 . Setting: Thomas Mass (David Thorne). 4.00 pm St Edward’s Committee. Vestry. 7.00 pm Choral Evensong. Introit: Locus Iste (Bruckner) . Officiant: Canon Stewart Lisk. Psalm 139 vv 1-18 . Hymns: 344, Anthem: Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace (Williams) , 182 . Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis: Hylton Stewart. Readings: Proverbs 3, 1-18 . 1 John 3, 1-15 . In the world-wide Church we pray today for the Province of West Africa and Archbishop Daniel Sarfo , who became Primate following the death of Archbishop Tilewa Johnson, and in the Ecumenical Prayer Cycle we pray for Bangladesh, Bhutan and Nepal . We pray for peace in the world , remembering the people of Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, Ukraine, Israel and Gaza . We pray for the victims of Ebola in West Africa, and for everyone who is working to get the epidemic under control. In this diocese we pray for the Parish of Llansantffraid, Bettws & Aberkenfig, Rev Stephen Pare and Rev Olwen Parry . We pray for the sick and those who care for them, especially Marilyn Roberts, Glyn Osman, Julie Romanelli, Beryl Powell, David Blyth, Bill Berry, Myra Mansell, Bob Hyett, Margaret Connor, Anne Burfoot and Sandra Williams . We pray for the repose of the souls of the departed, especially Mark Payne, Lydia Beatrice (Queenie) Walsh, Mildred Edna Mary Hudd, Betty Eleanor Cohen, David Stanley Griffiths and Alexander Benjamin John Munday , whose anniversaries occur at this time. EVENING PRAYER will be said at St Edward’s on Monday and Tuesday at UIJT!XFFL! 6pm and on Thursday at 7pm this week. Morning Prayer on Saturday at 9am. Npoebz The Translation of St Edward, King & Confessor PARISH OFFICE is open on Tuesday , 24ui 6.00 pm Evening Prayer. Wednesday and Thursday this week. 7.30 pm It’ll all be over by Christmas . St Edward’s Choir. NO PARISH SURGERY on Monday. Uvftebz 6.00 pm Evening Prayer. ST EDWARD’S COMMITTEE will meet 25ui 7.00 pm Holy Eucharist. St Anne’s. in the vestry today at 4pm. 7.15 pm Ladies Circle. Roath Church House. 7.30 pm Cwmbach & Cenestra Male Choirs. St Andrew’s URC. Xfeoftebz 10.15 am HOLY EUCHARIST . Followed by coffee. LADIES CIRCLE meets on Tuesday at 7.15 pm 26ui 12.15 pm Lunch Club. Roath Church House. in room 2, Roath Church House when our speaker will be Margaret Salisbury who will be 7.00 pm South Wales Clarinet Choir rehearsal. talking about Magistrates i n the Community. 7.25 pm Cardiff Recorded Music Society. Schoolroom. There will be a books/CD/DVD sales table. Visitors & new members very welcome, further 11.00 am Police Community Access Point. Schoolroom. Uivstebz information from Gill Day (20-495496. 27ui 7.00 pm Evening Prayer. 7.30 pm Choir Practice. LUNCH CLUB every Wednesday at 12.15pm in Roath Church House. Contact Gill & Joe Armitage (20-752630. Tbuvsebz St Luke the Evangelist 29ui 9.00 am Morning Prayer. 11.00 am Coffee Concert: Opus8 Chamber Ensemble . 11.00 am Art Exhibition by Mary Traynor. 72a Kimberley Road. 4.00 pm Roath Church House Centenary Concert. Roath Church House. 7.00 pm Concert for Lesotho: Tredegar Orpheus Male Voice Choir. St Brigid’s, Crystal Glen. 7.30 pm Roath Church House Quiz. Roath Church House. Ofyu!Tvoebz is the Nineteenth Sunday After Pentecost . The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in St Edward’s at 11am and Choral Evensong will be sung at 7pm. Eucharist readings: Isaiah 45: 1-7; 1 Thessalonians 1: 1-10; Matthew 22: 15-22. HARRIET EVANS WEBB completed her half marathon run in Cardiff last week in 2 hours 5 minutes and has raised £300 for Barnardo's. Many thanks to everyone who helped her exceed her fundraising goal. POLICE COMMUNITY ACCESS POINT at St Edward’s Schoolroom every Thursday, 11am-1pm. The Penylan Neighbourhood Policing Team welcomes visitors from the local area to talk about shared issues. http://StEdward.roath.org.uk Facebook: StEdwardRoath Twitter: @StEdwardsRoath [email protected] ST EDWARD’S MUSIC & ARTS FESTIVAL 2014 . THE PENARTH GROUP have a Made in Roath Our thanks to Jeff Childs for his fascinating talk on the exhibition in St Edward’s Schoolroom starting on History of Roath last Tuesday, and to Cardiff and Vale Thursday and ending next Tuesday, 10.30am-4.30pm Symphonic Brass for their excellent concert on daily (10.30-5.30 on the weekend). They are Wednesday. Our Festival continues this week with the professional artists who live and work in and around Choir’s concert entitled It’ll all be over by Christmas on Penarth. The three members exhibiting here are Monday (St Edward’s Day) – Songs, readings and a animator turned artist Steve John, exotic wildlife painter slice of everyday life from the early days of World War I. Guy Wooles, and contemporary botanical illustrator This year’s Festival Exhibition (at the back of the nave) Chris Taylor. There will be affordable originals, prints is of work by Philip Oswald Jennings ARE, ARCA (1921- cards and unique gifts on sale. 1983). We are also hosting a “Made in Roath” exhibition in the schoolroom from Thursday, and of course we CONCERT FOR LESOTHO . Tredegar Orpheus Male Voice Choir in St Brigid’s Church, Crystal Glen on Saturday at 7pm have our Coffee Concert on Saturday. in support of local charity Seeds for the Future (Lesotho). NEW FLOWER ROTA is posted in the porch. If you Tickets £8 (children £4) (20-751401 or on the door. would like to provide (or pay for) flowers to decorate the ROATH CHURCH HOUSE QUIZ on Saturday at Roath church for a particular week, please put your name and Church House at 7.30pm. Teams of six persons (or phone number on the rota. come on your own and join a team). Cost £5 per person. ANTHEMS . The anthem at the Eucharist is “O How Bring your own drinks and nibbles. Contact Anna Mason Amiable” by Joseph Eaton Faning (1850-1927). The (07720-641653 or pay on the door. Introit at Evensong is the gradual “Locus Iste” by Anton ROATH CHURCH HOUSE CENTENARY Songs of Joseph Bruckner (1824-96), and the anthem is “Thou Praise next Sunday at 6pm in St Margaret’s, followed by wilt keep him in perfect peace” by Charles Lee Williams a reception in Roath Church House. Please bring a plate (1853-1935, organist of Gloucester Cathedral and one of of food and share with others. the conductors of the Three Choirs Festival). PARISH KNITTING & CROCHET GROUP meets on Mon 20 DISCUSSION GROUP meets today at 7.45pm in Roath Oct, 7.30-9.30pm in Room 2, Roath Church House. New Church House, when the topic will be Christian Art. members very welcome – assistance given to learners. Discussion over tea/coffee finishing around 9pm. Details Contact Ann James [email protected] or Gill Day from Gill Day (20-495496. (20-495496 or for details. CWMBACH & CENESTRA MALE CHOIRS will give a CYTÛN AGM in the vestry on Wed 22 Oct at 7.30pm. concert at St Andrew’s URC, Penylan Rd, on Tuesday at FOR YOUR DIARY . 7.30pm. Tickets £8 (07891-663333 or on the door. 12 Oct. 4pm. St Edward’s Committee. The choirs are giving the concert free of charge, and all 18 Oct. 11am. Coffee Concert: Opus 8. the money raised is going to Music as Therapy, in 18 Nov. St Edward’s Orchestra Soloists Concert. particular the Beit Sahour Project, set up in Palestine by 22 Nov. St Anne’s Orchestra Concert (St Anne’s). Cardiff Music Therapist Liz Coombes. 3 Dec. St Anne’s Choir & Orchestra Concert. (St Anne’s) CARDIFF RECORDED MUSIC SOCIETY will meet in 8 Dec. St Edward’s Orchestra Concert. the Schoolroom on Wednesday 7.25-9.30pm for “Music MUSIC DIARY . Magazine, Vol.66 No.1”, a miscellany of recorded music 20 Oct. 12pm. Cathedral School Recital. Llandaff Cathedral. and comment on items of topical or special interest 31 Oct. 7.30pm. Tenovus Concert. Llandaff Cathedral. presented by editor Brian Gardiner . Non-members BOOKINGS THIS WEEK : welcome (entrance £2). 12 Oct. 1-4pm. Pavane. Schoolroom. COFFEE CONCERT on Saturday at 11am: a 16-22 Oct. Made in Roath Exhibition. Schoolroom. programme of Mozart and Beethoven by “Opus8” ROATH LOCAL HISTORY SOCIETY in partnership with the Chamber Ensemble. £2 inc refreshments. 10% of Cardiff Story Museum present an exhibition on the theme “A proceeds will be donated to Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome History of the Mackintosh Estate”. Alfred Donald Mackintosh Support. was born at Moy Hall near Inverness in 1851 and became the 28th Chief of the Clan Mackintosh in 1876. In 1880 he married MARY TRAYNOR will exhibit her work as part of Made Harriet Diana Arabella Richards, heiress to the Richards in Roath in her home, 72a Kimberley Rd, on Saturday estate at Plasnewydd and other estates in Glamorgan. Many 11am-5pm and next Sunday 2pm-5pm. The show will of these names are familiar to us as street names. The include paintings and sketches of Cardiff past and exhibition is at the City Lab on the lower ground floor of the present. This year she has been expanding her study of Old Library on the Hayes, and continues until the end of historic buildings in Palma, Majorca, including some October. colourful examples of Art Nouveau. WELCOME . We extend a warm welcome to all visitors and newcomers. Please make yourself known to one of ART IN THE ALLEY is a Made in Roath event exploring the sidesmen if you are new with us. all things that can come from the back lane. It will be situated between Mafeking Road and Ladysmith Road, CONTACT NUMBERS . opening on Saturday and developing throughout the rest Revd Canon Stewart Lisk: of the Made in Roath period. Visitors are encouraged to (20-487854 / 07794-157604. Parish Office (20-484808, contribute creatively when they visit. Details from Esyllt [email protected] George [email protected] Please let the clergy know ROATH CHURCH HOUSE CENTENARY CONCERT by of any sick person or any person who is in hospital. some of the groups that use Roath Church House as To receive the Parish Group e-newsletter send an email to their base, on Saturday, 4pm-6pm. [email protected]

Uif!Ojofuffoui!Tvoebz!Bgufs!Qfoufdptu! Weekly Newsletter No.2003 Sunday, 19th October, 2014 11.00 am Sung Eucharist & Sermon. Celebrant & Preacher: Canon Stewart Lisk . Hymns: 226(MP), 258, 1(MP), Anthem: Cantique de Jean Racine (Fauré) , 368 . Setting: Thomas Mass (David Thorne). 6.00 pm Centenary Songs of Praise. St Margaret’s. 7.00 pm Choral Evensong. Introit: Enter not into judgement (Attwood) . Officiant: Rev Dr Rhys Jenkins. Psalm 142, 143 vv 1-12 . Hymns: 44, Anthem: The Radiant Morn (Woodward) , 330 . Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis: S.S.Wesley Chant Service in G. Readings: Proverbs 4, 1-18 . 1 John 3,16 - 4,6 . In the world-wide Church we pray today for the Province of the West Indies and Archbishop John Holder and in the Ecumenical Prayer Cycle we pray for India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka . We pray for peace in the world , remembering the people of Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, Ukraine, Israel and Gaza . We pray for the victims of Ebola in West Africa. On this Freedom Sunday we pray for an end to the crime of human trafficking, and we pray for all men, women and children who are trafficked and exploited. We pray for the Revd Dr Jonathan Gibbs who was consecrated Bishop of Huddersfield yesterday and the Revd Dr Toby Howarth who was consecrated at York Minster. In this diocese we pray for the Parish of Cwmafan, Rev Elaine Jenkyns, Rev Stephen Jenkyns and Reader Susan Powell . We pray for the sick and those who care for them, especially Marilyn Roberts, Glyn Osman, Julie Romanelli, Beryl Powell, David Blyth, Bill Berry, Myra Mansell, Bob Hyett, Margaret Connor, Anne Burfoot and Sandra Williams . We pray for the repose of the souls of the departed, especially Roger Davies and Lino Cierzo , who died this week, also Kenneth Eccles, Norman Briers and Arthur Thomson whose anniversaries occur at this time. EVENING PRAYER will be said at St Edward’s on Monday an d Tuesday at UIJT!XFFL! 6pm and on Thursday at 7pm this week. Morning Prayer on Saturday at 9.30am. Npoebz 1.00 pm Llandaff Cathedral School Lunchtime Recital. Llandaff Cathedral. 31ui 6.00 pm Evening Prayer. PARISH OFFICE is open on Tuesday, 6.00 pm Parish Surgery. Roath Church House. Wednesday and Thursday this week. 7.00 pm St Edward’s Orchestra Practice. 7.30 pm Parish Knitting & Crochet Group. Roath Church House. Uvftebz 6.00 pm Evening Prayer. WAR AND PEACE IN THE WORLD . Readings and music at 32tu 7.00 pm Holy Eucharist. St Anne’s. St Martin’s, 8pm-9pm today. A Made in Roath event. PARISH KNITTING & CROCHET GROUP meets Xfeoftebz 10.15 am HOLY EUCHARIST . Followed by coffee. on Monday, 7.30-9.30pm in Room 2, Roath Church 33oe 12.15 pm Lunch Club. Roath Church House. House. New members very welcome – assistance 7.00 pm South Wales Clarinet Choir rehearsal. given to learners. Contact Gill Day (20-495496 or 7.25 pm Cardiff Recorded Music Society. Schoolroom. Ann James [email protected] for details. 7.30 pm Cytûn AGM. Vestry. Uivstebz 11.00 am Police Community Access Point. Schoolroom. 34se 7.00 pm Evening Prayer. CYTÛN AGM in the vestry on 7.30 pm Choir Practice. Wednesday at 7.30pm. Tbuvsebz 9.30 am Morning Prayer. DON’T FORGET: CLOCKS GO BACK 36ui 9.30 am Pavane Rehearsal. Schoolroom. next weekend. Ofyu!Tvoebz is the The Last Sunday After Pentecost, Bible Sunday . The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in St Edward’s at 11am and Choral Evensong will be sung at 7pm. Eucharist readings: Nehemiah 8: 1-4a, 8-12; Colossians 3: 12-17; Matthew 24: 30-35. PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS the family of Lino Cierzo, brother of Maria Ellis, who was hit by a car on a pedestrian crossing in Montreal Canada last week and died a few days later in hospital. OUR THANKS to St Edward’s Choir for leading a most enjoyable Community Sing Along entitled “It’ll be all over by Christmas” on St Edward’s Day, with very interesting readings and anecdotes from 100 years ago. CONGRATULATIONS to Maxine and Mike on the birth of their baby boy Oliver Thomas born Wed 15 Oct, at 7lb 8oz. http://StEdward.roath.org.uk Facebook: StEdwardRoath Twitter: @StEdwardsRoath [email protected] THE PENARTH GROUP Made in Roath exhibition in St MARY TRAYNOR is exhibiting her work as part of Made Edward’s Schoolroom continues today (10.30am- in Roath in her home, 72a Kimberley Rd, today. The 5.30pm) and will be open Monday and Tuesday official opening time is 2pm-5pm, but Mary extends a 10.30am-4.30pm. They are professional artists who live special invitation to members of St Edward’s to join her and work in and around Penarth. The three members straight after this morning’s Service. The show includes exhibiting here are animator turned artist Steve John, paintings and sketches of Cardiff past and present. This exotic wildlife painter Guy Wooles, and contemporary year Mary has been expanding her study of historic botanical illustrator Chris Taylor. There are affordable buildings in Palma, Majorca, including some colourful originals, prints cards and unique gifts on sale. examples of Art Nouveau. NEW FLOWER ROTA is posted in the porch. If you COFFEE CONCERTS this year are on the third Saturday of would like to provide (or pay for) flowers to decorate the each month at 11am. Our thanks to Opus 8 Chamber church for a particular week, please put your name and Ensemble for an excellent concert yesterday. The next phone number on the rota. concert is Steven Biggs (Classical Guitar) on Sat 15 Nov. ANTHEMS . The anthem at the Eucharist is “The Cantique de SAMARITAN’S PURSE SHOEBOXES . Once again we Jean Racine” by Gabriel Fauré (1845-1924). The Introit at are sending shoe boxes to underprivileged children Evensong is “Enter not into judgement with thy servant” by overseas. The leaflet giving information is in church. Thomas Attwood (1765-1838), and the anthem is “The Please remember to enclose £3 in the envelope. The Radiant Morn hath passed away” by Rev Herbert Hall boxes should be returned on Sun 16 Nov (at St Woodward (1847-1909). Edward’s 11am, or St Margaret’s 6pm). Thank you for ART IN THE ALLEY is a Made in Roath event exploring all your continued support. things that can come from the back lane. It opened yesterday ST MARGARET’S CHRISTMAS FAYRE is on Sat 22 between Mafeking Road and Ladysmith Road, and will develop throughout the rest of the Made in Roath period. Nov, at Roath Church House 10am-12.30pm. Visitors are encouraged to contribute creatively when they VISITING CHOIR . We are hosting a concert, next year visit. Details from Esyllt George [email protected] on Fri 23 Jan at 7pm, by a young choir called Gustavus ROATH CHURCH HOUSE CENTENARY Songs of Choir from Gustavus Adolphus College in Minnesota. Praise today at 6pm in St Margaret’s, followed by a They sing a mix of folk, classical and sacred and there reception in Roath Church House. Please bring a plate are about 60 singers. If you are interested in helping, of food and share with others. The Songs of Praise also please have a word with Kathie. th commemorates the 95 anniversary of our Scout Group. FOR YOUR DIARY . LLANDAFF CATHEDRAL SCHOOL Lunchtime Recital 15 Nov. 11am. Coffee Concert: Steven Biggs (Guitar). on Monday at 1pm at the Cathedral (40 minutes). Music 18 Nov. St Edward’s Orchestra Soloists Concert. by Debussy, Ireland, Schubert and Quilter. Retiring 22 Nov. St Anne’s Orchestra Concert (St Anne’s). collection for the Cathedral. All welcome. 3 Dec. St Anne’s Choir & Orchestra Concert. (St Anne’s) 8 Dec. St Edward’s Orchestra Concert. LUNCH CLUB every Wednesday at 12.15pm in Roath Church House. Contact Gill & Joe Armitage (20- MUSIC DIARY . 752630 (note change of telephone number). 31 Oct. 7.30pm. Tenovus Concert. Llandaff Cathedral. 1 Nov. 7pm. William Mathias concert. St David’s Cathedral. CARDIFF RECORDED MUSIC SOCIETY will meet in 3 Nov. 7pm. Gregorian Mass XVIII. St Martin’s. the Schoolroom on Wednesday 7.25-9.30pm for a talk 5 Nov. 8pm. City of Cardiff Symphony Orchestra. Cathedral. entitled “Love and Hate in Opera”. Rowland Edwards 6 Nov. 8pm. Marinsky Opera Company. Llandaff Cathedral. explores these conflicting emotions as revealed in a 8 Nov. 7.30pm. University Chamber Choir. Llandaff Cathedral. selection of scenes from the operatic stage. Non- 15 Nov. 7.30pm. Verdi’s Requiem. Llandaff Cathedral. members welcome (entrance £2). 27 Nov. 7.30pm. Tenovus Lovelight Concert. Cathedral. 27 Nov. 7.30pm. Treorchy Male Choir. Albany Rd Baptist. th THANKSGIVING SERVICE for the 100 Anniversary Of Dylan 29 Nov. 7.30pm. Ardwyn Singers. Llandaff Cathedral. Thomas’ Birth at St Mary’s, Whitchurch, next Sunday at 6pm. Featuring “And Death Shall Have No Dominion”, Extract from BOOKINGS THIS WEEK : “A Visit to Grandpa’s”, Lie Still, Sleep Becalmed, set to music 19-22 Oct. Made in Roath Exhibition. Schoolroom. by Welsh Composer Nathan James Dearden. Guest Speaker 25 Oct. 1pm. Dance Therapy. Schoolroom. Prof Damian Walford Davies. MACMILLAN COFFEE MORNING . Fenella would like TENOVUS CHARITY CONCERT at Llandaff Cathedral on Fri to thank all those who either came or donated to her 31 Oct at 7.30pm. Tickets £12 (conc. £8) (20-768850. Macmillan Coffee morning. £475 was raised. DISCUSSION GROUP meets on Sun 2 Nov at 7.45pm WELCOME . We extend a warm welcome to all visitors in Roath Church House, when the topic will be Celtic and newcomers. Please make yourself known to one of Christianity. Discussion over tea/coffee finishing around the sidesmen if you are new with us. 9pm. Details from Gill Day (20-495496. CONTACT NUMBERS . RESIDENTIAL RETREAT at Llangasty Retreat House. Revd Canon Stewart Lisk: Nov 3-7: Individually Guided Retreat. Rev John Hall- (20-487854 / 07794-157604. Matthews and team. £295. Parish Office (20-484808, LADIES CIRCLE meets on Tue 11 Nov at 7.15pm in [email protected] room 2, Roath Church House, when our speaker will be Please let the clergy know Dr Gillian Body, on her project working to care for of any sick person or any person who is in hospital. children in Africa. Details from Gill Day (20-495496. To receive the Parish Group e-newsletter send an email to [email protected]

Uif!Mbtu!Tvoebz!Bgufs!Qfoufdptu;!Cjcmf!Tvoebz! Weekly Newsletter No.2004 Sunday, 26 th October, 2014 11.00 am Sung Eucharist & Sermon. Celebrant & Preacher: Rev Dr Rhys Jenkins . Hymns: 246, 369, 214(MP), Anthem: O Sing Joyfully (Batten) , 46(MP) . Setting: Thomas Mass (David Thorne). 7.00 pm Choral Evensong. Introit: Teach Me O Lord (Attwood) . Officiant: Rev Dr Rhys Jenkins. Psalm 119 vv 89-104 . Hymns: 250, Anthem: Beati Quorum Via (Stanford) , 243 . Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis: Orlando Gibbons Short Service. Readings: Isaiah 55, 1-11 . Luke 4, 14-30 . In the world-wide Church we pray today for the Church of Ceylon (Extra-Provincial to the Archbishop of Canterbury), the Diocese of Colombo and Bishop Dhiloraj Ranjit Canagasabey, and the Diocese of Kurunagala and Bishop Greg Shantha Kumar Francis and in the Ecumenical Prayer Cycle we pray for The Indian Ocean islands: Comoros, Madagascar, Mauritius, Seychelles and Maldives . We pray for peace in the world , remembering the people of Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, Ukraine, Israel and Gaza . We pray for the victims of Ebola in West Africa, where the number of cases has now reached 10000. In this diocese we pray for the Parish of Pyle and Kenfig and Rev Dr Duncan Walker . We pray for the homeless in our city, and for all who work to help them, in the Paradise Run, Cardiff Action for Single Homeless, the Huggard Centre. We pray for the sick and those who care for them, especially Marilyn Roberts, Glyn Osman, Julie Romanelli, Beryl Powell, David Blyth, Bill Berry, Myra Mansell, Bob Hyett, Margaret Connor, Anne Burfoot and Sandra Williams . We pray for the repose of the souls of the departed, especially Elizabeth Jane Harries , whose anniversary occurs at this time. EVENING PRAYER will be said at St Edward’s on Monday and Tuesday at 6pm UIJT!XFFL! and on Thursday at 7pm this week. Morning Prayer on Saturday at 9.30am. Npoebz 6.00 pm Evening Prayer. PARISH OFFICE is open on Tuesday , 38ui 7.00 pm St Edward’s Orchestra Practice. Wednesday and Thursday this week. Uvftebz SS Simon and Jude, Apostles CANCELLED . No parish surgery on Monday and no 39ui 6.00 pm Evening Prayer. Holy Eucharist at St Anne’s on Tuesday this week. HEATHER is doing Wednesday Word on the Xfeoftebz 10.15 am HOLY EUCHARIST . Followed by coffee. Eleri Sion show, BBC Radio Wales Wednesday 3:ui 12.15 pm Lunch Club. Roath Church House. around 3.30pm, just after the news. 7.25 pm Cardiff Recorded Music Society. Schoolroom. 7.45 pm Paradise Run. CARDIFF RECORDED MUSIC SOCIETY will meet in the Schoolroom on Wednesday Uivstebz 11.00 am Police Community Access Point. Schoolroom. 7.25-9.30pm for “Members’ Choice”, t he 41ui 7.00 pm Evening Prayer. first of two opportunities for you to suggest 7.00 pm Theology Lecture. Swansea University. favourite pieces of music. Rod Delamere 7.30 pm Choir Practice. is again our resident DJ! Non-members 9.00 pm COMPLINE . welcome (entrance £2). COMPLINE will be sung at St Edward’s on Thursday at Gsjebz!42tu 7.30 pm Tenovus Concert. Llandaff Cathedral. 9pm. Compline is a 15-minute service of plainchant - the Tbuvsebz 9.30 am Morning Prayer. last of the monastic “hours”, sung by candlelight. 2tu!Opw 7.00 pm William Mathias Celebration Concert. St David’s Cathedral, Pembrokeshire. Ofyu!Tvoebz is All Saints Sunday . The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in St Edward’s at 11am, coffee will be served in the vestry after the Eucharist, and the 100 Club Draw will take place. The Parish All Souls Service is at St Margaret’s at 6pm, and Choral Evensong will be sung at 7pm. Eucharist readings: Revelation 7: 9-17; 1 John 3: 1-3; Matthew 5: 1-12. THANKSGIVING SERVICE for the 100 th Anniversary Of Dylan Thomas’ Birth at St Mary’s, Whitchurch, today at 6pm. Featuring “And Death Shall Have No Dominion”, Extract from “A Visit to Grandpa’s”, Lie Still, Sleep Becalmed, set to music by Welsh Composer Nathan James Dearden. Guest Speaker Prof Damian Walford Davies. THEOLOGY LECTURE at Swansea University on Thursday at 7pm. Lord Harries of Pentregarth ( 1987-2006) will speak about “Modern Art – enemy or friend of religious art?”. All welcome. CHARITY CONCERT IN AID OF TENOVUS at Llandaff Cathedral on Friday at 7.30pm, with Abdul Seckam (tenor). Tickets £12 (conc. £8) call Abdul (07986-403261. http://StEdward.roath.org.uk Facebook: StEdwardRoath Twitter: @StEdwardsRoath [email protected] PARADISE RUN on Wednesday. We need loaves of ALL SOULS PRAYER LIST is at the back of the church, sandwiches of either sliced cheese (not grated), tuna, for a service at St Margaret’s next Sunday at 6pm. ham or corned beef using white medium sliced bread Please add the names of people who you wish to and individually wrapped sandwiches. Also packets of remember. crisps, biscuits or cakes. We also need more toiletries, showergels, roll-on deodorant, toothpaste and SAMARITAN’S PURSE SHOEBOXES . Once again we toothbrushes (no glass containers). Items can be given are sending shoe boxes to underprivileged children to Kathie Mayer (20-495769 or left at Church House overseas. The leaflet giving information is in church. either at Wednesday lunchtime or in the evening from Please remember to enclose £3 in the envelope. The 7.15pm until we leave at 7.45pm. Further boxes should be returned on Sun 16 Nov (at St information/offers of help please ring Chris Webb (20- Edward’s 11am, or St Margaret’s 6pm). Thank you for 455641. your continued support. VISITING CHOIR . We are hosting a concert, next year ANTHEMS . The anthem at the Eucharist is “O Sing on Fri 23 Jan at 7pm, by a young choir called Gustavus Joyfully” by Adrian Batten (1591-1637?). The Introit at Choir from Gustavus Adolphus College in Minnesota. Evensong is “Teach me O Lord” by Thomas Attwood They sing a mix of folk, classical and sacred and there (1765-1838), and the anthem is “Beati Quorum Via” by are about 60 singers. The concert is in the Week of Sir Charles Villiers Stanford (1852-1924). Prayer for Christian Unity, and Cytûn will be CHORAL EVENSONG at the Cathedral, 3.30pm today: joining us to make this our main united event of the Parry’s “Great” Evening Service No.2 in D. Anthem: King week. If you are interested in helping, please have a of Glory (Walford Davies). word with Kathie. TAIZE SERVICE at St Peter’s today at 7pm. FOR YOUR DIARY . 3 Nov. Knitting & Crochet Group. CELEBRATION CONCERT on Saturday at 7pm, 15 Nov. 11am. Coffee Concert: Steven Biggs (Guitar). marking the 80th anniversary of the birth of William 18 Nov. St Edward’s Orchestra Soloists Concert. Mathias, at St David’s Cathedral (Pembrokeshire). The 20 Nov. 9pm. Compline by candlelight. new RSCM West Wales Choir joins other choirs, a 22 Nov. St Anne’s Orchestra Concert (St Anne’s). children's chorus, soloists and orchestra to perform 3 Dec. St Anne’s Choir & Orchestra Concert. (St Anne’s) Mathias's cantata 'St Teilo' and other works. Tickets 8 Dec. St Edward’s Orchestra Concert. £15/£8 from end of Sept. Contact Simon Pearce (01437-720057 [email protected] MUSIC DIARY . 3 Nov. 7pm. Gregorian Mass XVIII. St Martin’s. DISCUSSION GROUP meets next Sunday at 7.45pm in 5 Nov. 8pm. City of Cardiff Symphony Orchestra. Cathedral. Roath Church House, when the topic will be Celtic 6 Nov. 8pm. Marinsky Opera Company. Llandaff Cathedral. Christianity. Discussion over tea/coffee finishing around 8 Nov. 7.30pm. University Chamber Choir. Llandaff Cathedral. 9pm. Details from Gill Day (20-495496. 15 Nov. 7.30pm. Verdi’s Requiem. Llandaff Cathedral. 27 Nov. 7.30pm. Tenovus Lovelight Concert. Cathedral. PARISH KNITTING & CROCHET GROUP meets on 27 Nov. 7.30pm. Treorchy Male Choir. Albany Rd Baptist. Mon 3 Nov, 7.30-9.30pm in Room 2, Roath Church 29 Nov. 7.30pm. Ardwyn Singers. Llandaff Cathedral. House. New members very welcome – assistance given to learners. Contact Gill Day (20-495496 or Ann James CONGRATULATIONS to David and Rachel Old on the [email protected] for details. birth of their daughter Amelia. CACEC LECTURE on Thur 6 Nov at 7.30pm at City CYTÛN AGM . At the meeting last week, Canon Stewart United Reformed Church, Windsor Place. Aled Eirug, Lisk was elected to the chair for the coming year. A full Chair of the British Council in Wales, will speak on programme of united events is being planned. “Conscientious Objectors – World War One in Wales”. THANK YOU . Chris Webb and her family would like to £5 on the door. thank everyone who sent messages of sympathy and CIRCLE DANCING on Sat 8 Nov, 10am-12pm at St cards following the recent death of her sister Pauline. Michael’s, Gelligaer St. Another workshop to engage in Your thoughts and prayers were greatly appreciated. the spirituality, the practice and the fun of circle dancing. THANK YOU to all who helped in the celebrations of All welcome. Details from the Ven Peggy Jackson Roath Church House Centenary in the concert, quiz and (01446-750053. songs of praise. LADIES CIRCLE meets on Tue 11 Nov at 7.15pm in WELCOME . We extend a warm welcome to all visitors room 2, Roath Church House, when our speaker will be and newcomers. Please make yourself known to one of Dr Gillian Body, on her project working to care for the sidesmen if you are new with us. children in Africa. Details from Gill Day (20-495496. CONTACT NUMBERS . COFFEE CONCERTS this year are on the third Revd Canon Stewart Lisk: Saturday of each month at 11am. The next concert is (20-487854 / 07794-157604. Steven Biggs (Classical Guitar) on Sat 15 Nov. Parish Office (20-484808, ST MARGARET’S CHRISTMAS FAYRE is on Sat 22 [email protected] Nov, at Roath Church House 10am-12.30pm. Please let the clergy know of any sick person or any person who is in hospital. ST ANNE'S ORCHESTRA and South Wales Gay Mens To receive the Parish Group e-newsletter send an email Chorus are giving a Christmas Concert at St Anne’s on to [email protected] Tue 3 Dec at 7.30pm.

Bmm!Tbjout!Tvoebz! Weekly Newsletter No.2005 Sunday, 2nd November, 2014 11.00 am Sung Eucharist & Sermon. Celebrant & Preacher: Canon John Woodward . Hymns: 525, 570, 571, Anthem: Ave Verum (Mozart) , 624 . Setting: Thomas Mass (David Thorne). 6.00 pm All Souls Commemoration. St Margaret’s. 7.00 pm Choral Evensong. Introit: All Saints Introit (Adlam) . Officiant: Canon Stewart Lisk. Psalms 148, 150 . Hymns: 569, Anthem: Prevent Us O Lord (Harris) , 531 . Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis: Tomkins Tone VI. Readings: Isaiah 65, 17-25 . Hebrews 11,32 - 12,2. In the world-wide Church we pray today for Iglesia Episcopal de Cuba, Bishop Griselda Delgado Del Carpio and Suffragan Bishop Ulises Prendes and in the Ecumenical Prayer Cycle we pray for Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo and Rwanda . We pray for peace in the world , remembering the people of Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, Ukraine, Israel and Gaza . We pray for the victims of Ebola in West Africa and for the victims of the tea plantation landslide in Sri Lanka , where about 200 people have died and hundreds more have been displaced. In this diocese we pray for the Parish of Llansawel, Briton Ferry and Rev Zoe King. We pray for the sick and those who care for them, especially Marilyn Roberts, Glyn Osman, Julie Romanelli, Beryl Powell, David Blyth, Bill Berry, Myra Mansell, Bob Hyett, Margaret Connor, Anne Burfoot and Sandra Williams . We pray for the repose of the souls of the departed, especially Elizabeth Lily Ronicle, Harold Paul Treasure, Gwendoline Hopkins and Sylvia Mary Camp , whose anniversaries occur at this time. EVENING PRAYER will be said at St Edward’s on Monday and Tuesday at 6pm UIJT!XFFL! and on Thursday at 7pm this week. Morning Prayer on Saturday at 9.30am. Npoebz 12.45 pm Word for the City. St John’s (town). WORD FOR THE CITY at St John ’s on Monday at 4se 6.00 pm Evening Prayer. ⌈ 12.45pm: Good and Bad Secularism – Romans 14:1-12. 6.00 pm Parish Surgery. Roath Church House. PARISH OFFICE is open on Tuesday , 7.00 pm St Edward’s Orchestra Practice. Wednesday and Thursday this week. 7.30 pm Parish Knitting & Crochet Group. Church House. Uvftebz 6.00 pm Evening Prayer. PARISH KNITTING & CROCHET GROUP meets on Monday, 7.30-9.30pm in Room 2, Roath Church 5ui 6.30 pm Christian Aid Online Service. House. New members very welcome – assistance Xfeoftebz 10.15 am HOLY EUCHARIST . Followed by coffee. given to learners. Contact Gill Day (20-495496 or Ann James [email protected] for details. 6ui 12.15 pm Lunch Club. Roath Church House. 6.00 pm Choir Practice. NO HOLY EUCHARIST at St Anne’s 7.25 pm Cardiff Recorded Music Society. Schoolroom. on Tuesday. 8.00 pm City of Cardiff Symphony Orchestra. Llandaff Cathedral. DISCUSSION GROUP meets today at 7.45pm in Roath Church Uivstebz 11.00 am Police Community Access Point. Schoolroom. House, when the topic will be Celtic 7ui 7.00 pm Evening Prayer. Christianity. D iscussion over 7.30 pm CACEC Lecture by Aled Eirug. City URC, Windsor Place. tea/coffee finishing around 9pm . 8.00 pm Marinsky Opera Company. Llandaff Cathedral. Details from Gill Day (20-495496. CIRCLE DANCING on Saturday, 10am-12pm at St Tbuvsebz 9.00 am Morning Prayer. Michael’s, Gelligaer St. Another workshop to engage in 9ui 9.30 am Pavane Rehearsal. Schoolroom. the spirituality, the practice and the fun of circle 10.00 am Circle Dancing. St Michael’s, Gelligaer. dancing. All welcome. Details from the Ven Peggy 7.30 pm Duruflé’s Requiem. Llandaff Cathedral. Jackson (01446-750053. 8.00 pm Welsh Camerata. Dora Stoutzker Hall, RWCMD. Ofyu!Tvoebz is Remembrance Sunday . The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in St Edward’s at 10.50am and the Parish Remembrance Service is at 7pm. Eucharist readings: Amos 5: 18-24; 1 Thessalonians 4: 13-18; Matthew 25: 1-13. CHRISTIAN AID is delivering emergency food and hygiene kits this week to some of the most vulnerable families under quarantine in two of Sierra Leone’s Ebola ‘hotspots’ in order to prevent families from starving. Pregnant women, single mothers, people living with HIV, the elderly and young children are among the 2,100 quarantined residents being targeted in the eastern Kailahun district and in the rural Freetown suburb of Waterloo. Donate at www.christianaid.org.uk/ebolacrisis http://StEdward.roath.org.uk Facebook: StEdwardRoath Twitter: @StEdwardsRoath [email protected] ALL SOULS PRAYER LIST is at the back of the church, SAMARITAN’S PURSE SHOEBOXES . Once again we are for a service at St Margaret’s this afternoon at 6pm. sending shoe boxes to underprivileged children overseas. The Please add the names of people who you wish to leaflet giving information is in church. Please remember to remember. enclose £3 in the envelope. The boxes should be returned on Sun 16 Nov (at St Edward’s 11am, or St Margaret’s 6pm). COFFEE . Please join us in the vestry after the Service Thank you for your continued support. this morning for a cup of coffee and a chat, and the 100 TACKLING VIOLENCE TOGETHER . Cardiff & Llandaff Club draw. Deanery Conference Open Meeting at St Mark’s Church on ANTHEMS . The anthem at the Eucharist is the 14 th Thur 13 Nov at 7.30pm. Led by Prof Jon Shepherd, a practising surgeon at the University Hospital of Wales and century Eucharistic hymn “Ave Verum Corpus” by director of Cardiff University’s award winning Violence and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-91). The Introit at Society Research Group. All welcome. (20-619211. Evensong is “All Saints Introit” by Frank Adlam (1858- ANNUAL FAIR TRADE SALE at Park End Church Hall, 1929), and the anthem is “Prevent Us O Lord” by Rhydypenau Crossroads, on Sat 15 Nov, 10am-4.30pm. William Henry Harris (1883-1973). Traidcraft tea/coffee served all day. Food, Christmas cards & CHRISTIAN AID invite you to join them online on decorations, gift wrap, jewellery, crafts, beverages, stationery. Tuesday at 6.30pm for a special Service of Details (20-752673 or email [email protected] Thanksgiving, where the address will be given by the ST EDWARD’S ORCHESTRA SOLOISTS CONCERT Chair of Christian Aid, Dr Rowan Williams. We will give on Tue 18 Nov at 7.30pm. thanks for the lives of people who have left a legacy for RESIDENTIAL RETREAT at Llangasty Retreat House. Nov our work, and for those in whose memory gifts have 19-21: Pre-Advent Retreat. Rev David Runcorn. £170. been given. COMPLINE by candlelight. Next service: 20 Nov. CARDIFF RECORDED MUSIC SOCIETY will meet in ST MARGARET’S CHRISTMAS FAYRE is on Sat 22 the Schoolroom on Wednesday 7.25-9.30pm for a talk Nov, at Roath Church House 10am-12.30pm. entitled “Musicians of the Great War”. Many brilliant CAROL SERVICES . Advent Carols and Readings on musical talents were lost in this conflict, and countless Sun 23 Nov at 7pm. Christmas Carol Service (with St others had their lives permanently blighted. Yet much Edward’s Orchestra) on Sun 21 Dec at 3.30pm. fine music was produced and Gwyn Parry-Jones will explore some of it, and consider the composers who ST ANNE'S ORCHESTRA and South Wales Gay Men’s created it. Non-members welcome (entrance £2). Chorus are giving a Christmas Concert at St Anne’s on Wed 3 Dec at 7.30pm. CACEC LECTURE on Thursday at 7.30pm at City United Reformed Church, Windsor Place. Aled Eirug, Chair of the ST EDWARD’S ORCHESTRA CONCERT on Mon 8 British Council in Wales, will speak on “Conscientious Dec at 7.30pm. Objectors – World War One in Wales”. £5 on the door. FOR YOUR DIARY . WELSH CAMERATA will mark its 10 th anniversary with the 15 Nov. 11am. Coffee Concert: Steven Biggs (Guitar). first performance of a work commissioned from Andrew 18 Nov. St Edward’s Orchestra Soloists Concert. Wilson-Dickson, called ‘Karu ṇā‘, with the internationally 20 Nov. 9pm. Compline by candlelight. renowned soloists Emma Kirkby, Ian Yemm and Paul Carey 23 Nov. St Anne’s Orchestra Concert (St Anne’s). Jones. Karuna employs texts in many languages and from many civilisations and religions, recognising "Karuna", the 3 Dec. St Anne’s Choir & Orchestra Concert. (St Anne’s) Buddhist concept of compassion. The première is on 8 Dec. St Edward’s Orchestra Concert. Saturday at 8pm in the Dora Stoutzker Hall at the Royal MUSIC DIARY . Welsh College of Music and Drama, with a pre-concert talk at 15 Nov. 7.30pm. Verdi’s Requiem. Llandaff Cathedral. 7.15pm. Tickets £20 (conc. £16) (20-391391. 27 Nov. 7.30pm. Tenovus Lovelight Concert. Cathedral. CARDIFF UNIVERSITY CHAMBER CHOIR and Symphony 27 Nov. 7.30pm. Treorchy Male Choir. Albany Rd Baptist. Orchestra concert at Llandaff Cathedral on Saturday at 29 Nov. 7.30pm. Ardwyn Singers. Llandaff Cathedral. 7.30pm: Duruflé’s Requiem, Thenody (Morfydd Owen), TOWARDS UNITY . Senior theologians in Anglican Sinfonietta (William Mathias), Suite Persane (André Caplet). Communion and Oriental Orthodox Churches have Tickets £8, £5, £3 from ticketsource.co.uk/cardiffmusic or at signed an agreement on their mutual understanding of the door subject to availability. Christ's incarnation, a subject that divided the Church BRITTEN’S WAR REQUIEM next Sunday at 3pm at St following the Council of Chalcedon in 451 AD, leaving David’s Hall, performed by the Royal Welsh College the Oriental Orthodox Churches separated from the Symphony Orchestra, Chamber Orchestra, College Eastern Orthodox Churches and the Church of Rome. Chorus & Children’s Chorus. Tickets £12 (20-878444. WELCOME . We extend a warm welcome to all visitors SAINT MARTIN FESTIVAL 2014 . Votive Mass of St and newcomers. Please make yourself known to one of Martin on Tue 11 Nov at 6pm at St Martin’s Church, the sidesmen if you are new with us. followed by Choral Evensong at 7pm (Purcell Evening CONTACT NUMBERS . Service in G), and the Martintide Lecture at 7.45pm. Revd Canon Stewart Lisk: LADIES CIRCLE meets on Tue 11 Nov at 7.15pm in (20-487854 / 07794-157604. room 2, Roath Church House, when our speaker will be Parish Office (20-484808, Dr Gillian Body, on her project working to care for [email protected] children in Africa. Details from Gill Day (20-495496. Please let the clergy know COFFEE CONCERTS this year are on the third of any sick person or any person who is in hospital. Saturday of each month at 11am. The next concert is To receive the Parish Group e-newsletter send an email Steven Biggs (Classical Guitar) on Sat 15 Nov. to [email protected]

Sfnfncsbodf!Tvoebz! Weekly Newsletter No.2006 Sunday, 9th November, 2014 10.50 am Sung Eucharist, Act of Remembrance, Sermon & Sunday School. Hymns: 579, 165, 284, 585, Anthem: Earth does not hold (Thiman), 584 . Setting: Thomas Mass (David Thorne). Celebrant & Preacher: Canon Roy Doxsey . 7.00 pm Parish Service of Remembrance. Preacher: Rev Stewart Lisk. Introit: Thou Knowest Lord (Purcell). Anthem: Y Tangnefeddwyr (Waldo Williams). Hymns: 382, 335, Anthem, 165, 584, Welsh National Anthem, 577 (vv 1,3) . On this Remembrance Sunday we remember the fallen of the two World Wars and other conflicts throughout the last hundred years, and especially at this time we remember those who have died in recent years in Iraq and Afghanistan . We pray for those who have lost relatives, friends and loved ones. In the world-wide Church we pray today for the Diocese of Bermuda (extra-Provincial to Canterbury) and Bishop Nicholas Dill and in the Ecumenical Prayer Cycle we pray for Republic of Congo, Gabon, Sao Tomé and Principe . We pray for peace in the world , remembering the people of Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, Ukraine, Israel and Gaza . We pray for the victims of Ebola in West Africa. In this diocese we pray for the Rectorial Benefice of Cowbridge, Canon Derek Belcher, Rev Edward Dowland-Owen and Rev David Boult and for Llansannor & Llanharry Church in Wales Primary School, Headteacher Paul Fisher , his staff and pupils. We pray for the sick and those who care for them, especially Marilyn Roberts, Glyn Osman, Julie Romanelli, Beryl Powell, David Blyth, Bill Berry, Myra Mansell, Bob Hyett, Margaret Connor, Anne Burfoot and Sandra Williams . We pray for the repose of the souls of the departed, especially Robert Leighton Walters, Clement Eric George Williams, Leslie Smith, Rita Waite and Eric Eustace Payne , whose anniversaries occur at this time. EVENING PRAYER will be said at St Edward’s on Tuesday at 6pm and on UIJT!XFFL! Thursday at 7pm this week. Morning Prayer on Saturday at 9.30am. Npoebz 12.45 pm Word for the City. St John’s (town). PARISH OFFICE is open on Tuesday, 21ui 6.00 pm Parish Surgery. Roath Church House. Wednesday and Thursday this week. 7.00 pm St Edward’s Orchestra Practice. LADIES CIRCLE meets on Tuesday at 7.00 pm Mass & Sacrament of the Sick. St Martin’s. 7.15pm in room 2, Roath Church House , when 7.00 pm Theology Lecture. Swansea University. our speaker will be Dr Gillian Body, on her project working to care for children in Africa. Uvftebz St Martin of Tours Details from Gill Day (20-495496. 22ui 11.00 am Act of Remembrance. St John’s. 6.00 pm Evening Prayer. 6.00 pm Votive Mass of St Martin, followed by Choral Evensong (7pm). St Martin’s. 7.00 pm Holy Eucharist. St Anne’s. MASS & SACRAMENT OF THE SICK at St Martin’s 7.15 pm Ladies Circle. Roath Church House. on Monday at 7pm. Homily by Rev Dr Rhys Jenkins. 7.45 pm The Martintide Lecture MARTINTIDE LECTURE at St Martin’s on Xfeoftebz 10.15 am HOLY EUCHARIST . Followed by coffee. Thursday will be given by Rt Revd Dr David 23ui 12.15 pm Lunch Club. Roath Church House. Yeoman, following Solemn Vespers at 7pm. 7.00 pm South Wales Clarinet Choir rehearsal. WELCOME . We extend a war m welcome 7.25 pm Cardiff Recorded Music Society. Schoolroom. to all visitors and newcomers. Please Uivstebz 11.00 am Police Community Access Point. Schoolroom. make yourself known to one of the 24ui 7.00 pm Evening Prayer. sidesmen if you are new with us. 7.00 pm Vespers, followed by the Martintide Lecture (Bishop David Yeoman). St Martin’s. 7.30 pm Roath Local History Society. Mackintosh Sports Club. 7.30 pm Tackling Violence Together. St Mark’s Church. SINCERE CONDOLENCES to John Gsjebz!25ui 1.15 pm Organ Recital: Philip Thomas. St John’s (town). and Stephanie upon the sudden death of baby Ruben aged one year. Tbuvsebz 9.30 am Morning Prayer. Ruben is a much lo ved baby of the 26ui 10.00 am Annual Fair Trade Sale. Park End Church Hall. Gough Family. Our love and prayers 11.00 am Coffee Concert : Steven Biggs (Classical Guitar). are with you all. Ofyu!Tvoebz is the Third Sunday of the Kingdom . The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in St Edward’s at 11am, the Shoebox Service is at St Margaret’s at 6pm and Choral Evensong will be sung at 7pm. Eucharist readings: Zephaniah 1: 7, 12-18; 1 Thessalonians 5: 1-11; Matthew 25: 14-30. http://StEdward.roath.org.uk Facebook: StEdwardRoath Twitter: @StEdwardsRoath [email protected] SAMARITAN’S PURSE SHOEBOXES . Once again we COFFEE CONCERT on Saturday at 11am: Steven are sending shoe boxes to underprivileged children Biggs (Classical Guitar). £2 inc refreshments. 10% of overseas. The leaflet giving information is in church. proceeds will be donated to Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Please remember to enclose £3 in the envelope. The Support. boxes should be returned next Sunday (at St Edward’s VERDI’S REQUIEM by Llandaff Cathedral Choral 11am, or St Margaret’s 6pm). Thank you for your Society, Crickhowell Choral Society and British continued support. Sinfonietta, at Llandaff Cathedral on Saturday at ANTHEMS . The anthem at the Eucharist is “Earth Does Not 7.30pm. Tickets £15 and £12 (students & children half Hold” by Eric Harding Thiman (1900-1975). The Introit at the price) at www.llandaffcathedralchoralsociety.org.uk/ or Parish Service of Remembrance is “Thou knowest Lord the (0333-666-3366 (£1.50 booking fee) or in person at secrets of our hearts” by Henry Purcell (1659-1695), and the Garlands, 9 High St, Llandaff. Order your tickets early. anthem is “Y Tangnefeddwyr” (The Peacemakers), words by Waldo Williams, music by Eric Jones. COMPLINE by candlelight. Next service: 20 Nov. BRITTEN’S WAR REQUIEM today at 3pm at St David’s ST MARGARET’S CHRISTMAS FAYRE is on Sat 22 Hall, performed by the Royal Welsh College Symphony Nov, at Roath Church House 10am-12.30pm. Bottle Orchestra, Chamber Orchestra, College Chorus & stall, Refreshments, Toys, Books, Unwanted gifts, Children’s Chorus. Tickets £12 (20-878444. Tombola: Red & Green items, Jewellery, Cakes, WORD FOR THE CITY at St John’s on Monday at Homemade Jam & Chutney, Bric-a-brac, CDs, DVDs, 12.45pm: Resident Aliens – Jeremiah 29:1-7. Plants, Handbags, Scarves & Toiletries. Please bring contributions and help put up stalls at Roath Church THEOLOGY LECTURE at Swansea University on House on the Friday evening (21 Nov, 7-7.30pm). Monday at 7pm. Professor John Barton (Oriel and Laing Details from Gill Day (20-495496 or Pat Hyett (20- Professor of the Interpretation of the Holy Scripture at 471247. Oxford University) will speak about “Concepts of Justice in the Old Testament”. All welcome. CAROL SERVICES . Advent Carols and Readings on Sun 23 Nov at 7pm. Christmas Carol Service (with St ACT OF REMEMBRANCE at St John’s 11am-11.15am. Edward’s Orchestra) on Sun 21 Dec at 3.30pm. CARDIFF RECORDED MUSIC SOCIETY will meet in PARISH KNITTING & CROCHET GROUP meets on the Schoolroom on Wednesday 7.25-9.30pm for a talk Mon 1 Dec, 7.30-9.30pm in Room 2, Roath Church entitled “The Symphonies of Franz Schubert”. The House. New members very welcome – assistance given “Unfinished” and the “Great C major” are well enough to learners. Contact Gill Day (20-495496 or Ann James known but how much do we know about the others? [email protected] for details. Keith Griffin explores Schubert’s output in the genre. Non-members welcome (entrance £2). SOUTH WALES GAY MEN’S CHORUS and St Anne’s Orchestra present a Christmas Concert on Wed 3 Dec ROATH LOCAL HISTORY SOCIETY meets on Thursday at at 7.30pm at St Anne’s Church. Free entry but a retiring 7.30pm at the Mackintosh Sports Club, Keppoch St, when collection in aid of St. Anne’s Church Funds. Glen Booker will speak on “G.I. Brides of Wales, Cardiff and Roath.” Guests and visitors welcome. ST EDWARD’S ORCHESTRA CONCERT on Mon 8 TACKLING VIOLENCE TOGETHER . Cardiff & Llandaff Dec at 7.30pm. Deanery Conference Open Meeting at St Mark’s Church on FOR YOUR DIARY . Thursday at 7.30pm. Led by Prof Jon Shepherd, a practising 18 Nov. St Edward’s Orchestra Soloists Concert. surgeon at the University Hospital of Wales and director of 20 Nov. 9pm. Compline by candlelight. Cardiff University’s award winning Violence and Society 23 Nov. St Anne’s Orchestra Concert (St Anne’s). Research Group. All welcome. (20-619211. 3 Dec. St Anne’s Choir & Orchestra Concert. (St Anne’s) LUNCHTIME ORGAN RECITAL at St John’s (town) on 8 Dec. St Edward’s Orchestra Concert. Friday, 1.15-1.45pm, by Philip Thomas (St John the Baptist). Admission free, retiring collection. MUSIC DIARY . 21 Nov. 1pm. Soprano & Harpist. St John’s, town. ANNUAL FAIR TRADE SALE at Park End Church Hall, 21 Nov. 7.30pm. Karl Jenkins. St David’s Hall. Rhydypenau Crossroads, on Saturday, 10am-4.30pm. 25 Nov 1pm. Metropolitan Cathedral Choir. St David’s Hall. Traidcraft tea/coffee served all day. Food, Christmas 27 Nov. 7.30pm. Tenovus Lovelight Concert. Cathedral. cards & decorations, gift wrap, jewellery, crafts, 27 Nov. 7.30pm. Treorchy Male Choir. Albany Rd Baptist. beverages, stationery. Details (20-752673 or email 29 Nov. 7.30pm. Ardwyn Singers. Llandaff Cathedral. [email protected] 4 Dec. 7.30pm. Hearts of Gold Carols. St David’s Cathedral. 6 Dec. 3pm & 7.30pm. Promise of Christmas. St David’s Hall. CARDIFF POLYPHONIC CHOIR Golden Anniversary 7 Dec. 3pm. The Sixteen. St David’s Hall. concert & Reception at Dora Stoutzker Hall, RWCMD, BOOKINGS THIS WEEK : on Saturday at 7pm. Programme includes Première of 15 Nov. 1pm Dance Therapy. Schoolroom. Huw Watkins’ “Charm me asleep”; also Ubi Caritas (Mealor), Psalm 43 (Mendelssohn), Ave Maria CONTACT NUMBERS . (Bruckner), Bogoroditsye Dyevo (Rachmaninov). Tickets Revd Canon Stewart Lisk: £12/£9 (student £5). £10 for buffet reception. (20- (20-487854 / 07794-157604. 391391. Parish Office (20-484808, [email protected] ADVENT SOUP LUNCH at Julie Randall’s 4 Kelvin Please let the clergy know Road on Fri 28 Nov, 12-2pm. Everyone welcome. Soup, of any sick person or any person who is in hospital. bread, cheese, fruit, tea and coffee and a good To receive the Parish Group e-newsletter send an email conversation. All proceeds towards the Paradise Run. to [email protected]

Uif!Uijse!Tvoebz!pg!uif!Ljohepn! Weekly Newsletter No.2007 Sunday, 16 th November, 2014 11.00 am Sung Eucharist & Sermon. Celebrant: Canon Stewart Lisk . Preacher: Mr Geoffrey Smith. Hymns: 372, In Christ Alone, Anthems: God be in my head (Walford Davies) , O Salutaris (Marks) , 303 . Setting: Thomas Mass (David Thorne). 6.00 pm Shoebox Service . St Margaret’s. 7.00 pm Choral Evensong. Introit: Verily, verily (Tallis) . Officiant: Canon Stewart Lisk. Psalm 89 vv 19-37 . Hymns: 220, Anthem: I am alpha (F.W.Peace) , 167 . Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis: Stanford in B flat. Readings: 1 Kings 1, 1-40 . Revelation 1, 4-18 . In the world-wide Church we pray today for Igreja Lusitana, the Lusitanian Church (extra-Provincial to the Archbishop of Canterbury) and Bishop José Jorge De Pina Cabral and in the Ecumenical Prayer Cycle we pray for Cameroon, Central African Republic and Equatorial Guinea . We pray for peace in the world , remembering the people of Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, Ukraine, Israel and Gaza . We pray for the victims of Ebola in West Africa. We pray for prisoners , especially those held in captivity on religious and political grounds. We pray for the sick and those who care for them, especially Marilyn Roberts, Glyn Osman, Julie Romanelli, Beryl Powell, David Blyth, Bill Berry, Myra Mansell, Bob Hyett, Margaret Connor, Anne Burfoot and Sandra Williams . We pray for the repose of the souls of the departed, especially Roy Perry , who died recently, also Jeanne Josephine Louise Rees, David Michael Petty and Jonathan Nevin Jones , whose anniversaries occur at this time. EVENING PRAYER will be said at St Edward’s on Tuesday at 6pm and UIJT!XFFL! Thursday at 7pm this week. Morning Prayer on Saturday at 9.30am. Npoebz 10.00 am Drop-In Day. Llangasty Retreat House. PARISH OFFICE is open on Tuesday , 28ui 12.45 pm Word for the City. St John’s (town). Wednesday and Thursday this week. 6.00 pm Parish Surgery. Roath Church House. ST EDWARD’S ORCHESTRA SOLOISTS CONCERT 7.00 pm St Edward’s Orchestra Practice. on Tuesday at 7pm (note change of time). Uvftebz 6.00 pm Evening Prayer. WORD FOR THE CITY at St Jo hn’s on Monday at 29ui 7.00 pm St Edward’s Orchestra Soloists Concert . 12.45pm: Human Rights – Genesis 1:26-31. 7.00 pm Holy Eucharist. St Anne’s. 7.30 pm Talk on the Role of Interfaith. The Cornerstone, Charles Street. Xfeoftebz 10.15 am HOLY EUCHARIST. Followed by coffee. COMPLINE is will be sung at St Edward’s 2:ui 12.15 pm Lunch Club. Roath Church House. on Thursday at 9pm. Compline is a 15- 7.00 pm Theology Lecture. Swansea University. minute service of plainchant - the last of the 7.25 pm Cardiff Recorded Music Society. Schoolroom. monastic “hours”, sung by candlelight. FREE LUNCHTIME CONCERT at St Uivstebz 11.00 am Police Community Access Point. Schoolroom. John’s (town) at 1pm on Friday. Soprano 31ui 7.00 pm Evening Prayer. and Harpist Sam Hickman with a 7.30 pm Choir Practice. programme of French melody, lieder, opera 9.00 pm COMPLINE BY CANDLELIGHT . arias and harp music. Gsjebz 1.00 pm Free Lunchtime Concert. St John’s (town). 32tu 7.00 pm Preparation for St Margaret’s Christmas Fayre. Roath Church House. th 7.30 pm Karl Jenkins 70 birthday concert. St David’s Hall. ADVENT CAROL SERVICE is next Sunday at 7pm. Advent Carols and 9.30 am Morning Prayer. Tbuvsebz Readings : a contemplative and 33oe 9.30 am Pavane Rehearsal. Schoolroom. prayerful service to anticipate the 10.00 am St Margaret’s Christmas Fayre. Roath Church House. Season of Advent. Ofyu!Tvoebz is the Fourth Sunday of the Kingdom (Christ the King) . The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in St Edward’s at 11am and the Advent Carol Service will be at 7pm. Eucharist readings: Ezekiel 34: 11-16, 20-24; Ephesians 1: 15-23; Matthew 25: 31-46. TALK entitled “The Role of Interfaith: Advantages of Unity and Disadvantages of Disunity” by Dr Mansur Ali (Lecturer in Islamic Studies at Cardiff University) on Tuesday, 7.30-9pm at The Cornerstone, Charles Street (opposite St David’s Cathedral and M&S). Following the talk there will be an opportunity to discuss aspects of interfaith dialogue in small groups. All welcome. Refreshments served. http://StEdward.roath.org.uk Facebook: StEdwardRoath Twitter: @StEdwardsRoath [email protected] SAVE THE CHILDREN . Ros Jones has produced some ST MARGARET’S CHRISTMAS FAYRE is on Saturday lovely cards in aid of Save the Children. They are at Roath Church House 10am-12.30pm. Bottle stall, available on the Craft Stall at the back of the church. All Refreshments, Toys, Books, Unwanted gifts, Tombola: sales will me match funded to church funds. Red & Green items, Jewellery, Cakes, Homemade Jam & Chutney, Bric-a-brac, CDs, DVDs, Plants, Handbags, CHRISTMAS RAFFLE . Janice Goble has tickets for the Scarves & Toiletries. Please bring contributions and help Christmas Raffle today. Prizes are at the back of the put up stalls at Roath Church House on Friday evening, church. 7-7.30pm, and on Saturday from 12-12.30pm to clear SAMARITAN’S PURSE SHOEBOXES are to be away. Details from Gill Day (20-495496 or Pat Hyett returned today (at St Edward’s 11am, or St Margaret’s (20-471247. 6pm). Please remember to enclose £3 in the envelope. ADVENT QUIET DAY on Sat 29 Nov, 10am-3pm. Thank you for your continued support. Venue to be announced. Speaker: The Very Revd Lister 2020 VISION SUNDAY – a day to celebrate where we have Tonge, Dean of Monmouth. Places limited. Contact Rev come from, reflect on where we are now and the changes that Moira Spence [email protected] (01656-881960. are already happening in our church and to look to the future with hope. There will be a 30 minute service at Llandaff PARISH KNITTING & CROCHET GROUP meets on Cathedral this afternoon at 3.30pm to which every parish of Mon 1 Dec, 7.30-9.30pm in Room 2, Roath Church the diocese is invited. Through creative liturgy and music the House. New members very welcome – assistance given aim of the service is to bring the whole diocese together in to learners. Contact Gill Day (20-495496 or Ann James celebration of the stories we have to tell, and also to reflect [email protected] for details. the responsibility we all share for finding new and meaningful ways of bringing in the Kingdom in our own time. CAROLS & SEASONAL FAVOURITES by Women in Harmony, Voicemale, Camerata Solisti, directed by Kelvin ANTHEMS . The anthem at the Eucharist is “O Salutaris” by Thomas & David Lewis. Music by Vivaldi and Corelli, 7.30pm James Christopher Marks (1863-1946). The Introit at on Thur 11 Dec at St Margaret’s Church. Admission £7.50 Evensong is “Verily, verily” by Thomas Tallis (c.1505-1585), (children free) inc glass of wine/soft drink. In aid of Tenovus. and the anthem is “And behold, I have the keys” from the COFFEE CONCERTS this year are on the third Saturday of Easter Oratorio “Darkness and Dawn” by Frederick W. Peace. each month at 11am. Our thanks to Steven Biggs (Classical DROP-IN DAY at Llangasty Retreat House on Monday, 10am- Guitar) for yesterday’s concert. The next concert is Grace 4pm with Eucharist at 12pm. An opportunity to pause for Bermingham (Sop) & Sandie Middleton on Sat 20 Dec. prayer and personal reflection - come for all or part of the day. Bring your own lunch. Coffee and tea provided. No charge, CHRISTMAS CAROL SERVICE with St Edward’s Choir but donations welcome. No need to book. and Orchestra on Sun 21 Dec at 3.30pm. THEOLOGY LECTURE at Swansea University on FOR YOUR DIARY . Wednesday at 7pm, in association with The Lawyers’ 23 Nov. St Anne’s Orchestra Concert (St Anne’s). Christian Fellowship. The Honourable Mr Justice (Sir 28 Nov. 12-2pm. Advent Soup Lunch. 4 Kelvin Rd. Paul) Coleridge (Judge of the High Court of Justice; 1 Dec. 7.30pm. Parish Knitting & Crochet Group. Founder and Chairman of The Marriage Foundation) will 3 Dec. St Anne’s Choir & Orchestra Concert. (St Anne’s) speak about “Marriage unapologetic”. All welcome. 8 Dec. St Edward’s Orchestra Concert. 11 Dec. 7.30pm. Women in Harmony. St Margaret’s. CARDIFF RECORDED MUSIC SOCIETY will meet in the 20 Dec. 11am. Coffee Concert. Schoolroom on Wednesday 7.25-9.30pm for “An Evening with David Kempster”. Chris Ball talks to former Wales MUSIC DIARY . representative in Cardiff Singer of the World and former ENO 25 Nov 1pm. Metropolitan Cathedral Choir. St David’s Hall. principal baritone David Kempster . David is singing the 27 Nov. 7.30pm. Tenovus Lovelight Concert. Cathedral. eponymous hero in WNO’s new production of Rossini’s 27 Nov. 7.30pm. Treorchy Male Choir. Albany Rd Baptist. “William Tell”. Non-members welcome (entrance £2). 29 Nov. 7.30pm. Ardwyn Singers. Llandaff Cathedral. TH 29 Nov. 7.30pm. Cardiff Bach Choir. All Saints Penarth. KARL JENKINS 70 BIRTHDAY concert marking the 4 Dec. 7.30pm. Hearts of Gold Carols. St David’s Cathedral. centenary of the First World War at St David’s Hall on 5 Dec. 7.30pm. Cantorion Sanctaidd. All Saints Cyncoed. Friday at 7.30pm. Cor Caerdydd and BBC National 6 Dec. 3pm & 7.30pm. Promise of Christmas. St David’s Hall. Orchestra of Wales. For the Fallen, Euphonium 7 Dec. 3pm. The Sixteen. St David’s Hall. Concerto and The Armed Man. Tickets £16.50-£34.50. THE NATIONAL CATHEDRAL, WASHINGTON DC was DAY EVENT at Llangasty Retreat House. Mon 24 Nov: the venue for Muslim Friday Services (Jumu'ah) last How do we pray? – Helps and encouragements, praying Friday. This is the first time the Cathedral (known for when it is difficult and doubts in prayer. The last of four presidential funerals and other major spiritual services) days on prayer, led by Bishop Anthony Priddis. £25. has invited Muslims to come and lead their own prayers. TREORCHY MALE VOICE CHOIR present a WELCOME . We extend a warm welcome to all visitors and Thanksgiving Concert in support of The Rainbow of newcomers. Please make yourself known to one of the sidesmen if you are new with us. Hope and the Leprosy Mission at Albany Road Baptist Church on Thur 27 Nov at 7.30pm. Ticket only: CONTACT NUMBERS . suggested minimum donation of £10 on the night. Revd Canon Stewart Lisk: (20-487854 / 07794-157604. Tickets from Michael James (20-753149. Parish Office (20-484808, ADVENT SOUP LUNCH at Julie Randall’s 4 Kelvin [email protected] Road on Fri 28 Nov, 12-2pm. Everyone welcome. Soup, Please let the clergy know bread, cheese, fruit, tea and coffee and a good of any sick person or any person who is in hospital. conversation. All proceeds towards the Paradise Run. To receive the Parish Group e-newsletter send an email to [email protected]

Uif!Gpvsui!Tvoebz!pg!uif!Ljohepn;!Disjtu!uif!Ljoh! Weekly Newsletter No.2008 Sunday, 23 rd November, 2014 11.00 am Sung Eucharist & Sermon. Celebrant & Preacher: Rev Dr Rhys Jenkins . Hymns: Jesus is the name we honour, Christ triumphant, Reign in Me, Anthem: Lift up your heads (Handel) , Jesus in King . Setting: Thomas Mass (David Thorne). 7.00 pm Service of Advent Music and Readings. Officiant: Rev Stewart Lisk . Hymns: 49, Wait for the Lord (Taize) , 47, 48, There’s a Sound on the Wind, Psalm 133, 52, Show Your Power O Lord, 159(MP), 50, 51 , Amen (Stainer) . Anthems: Matin Responsory (Palestrina) , Advent Prose, Adam Lay Ybounden (Ord), O Emmanuel (Stainer) , O Sapientia (Ramsey) , Behold Thou Shalt Conceive (Handl) , How lovely are the messengers (Mendelssohn) , And the Glory of the Lord (Handel) . In the world-wide Church we pray today for the Reformed Episcopal Church of Spain (Extra-Provincial to the Archbishop of Canterbury) and Bishop Carlos López-Lozano and in the Ecumenical Prayer Cycle we pray for Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali, Mauritania and Niger . We pray for peace in the world , remembering the people of Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, Ukraine, Israel and Gaza . We pray for the victims of the terrorist attack on a bus in Kenya. We pray for the victims of Ebola in West Africa. In this diocese we pray for the Parish of Treharris, Trelewis & Bedlinog with Llanfabon, Rev Matthew Gibbon and Readers Norman Lewis and Dr Fiona Parsons . We pray for the homeless in our city, and for all who work to help them, in the Paradise Run, Cardiff Action for Single Homeless, the Huggard Centre. We pray for the sick and those who care for them, especially Marilyn Roberts, Glyn Osman, Julie Romanelli, Beryl Powell, David Blyth, Bill Berry, Myra Mansell, Bob Hyett, Margaret Connor, Sandra Williams and Alec Colley . We pray for the repose of the souls of the departed, especially David Julian Waite, Mona Roseline Selway, Doreen Lylta Williams and Norman Betty , whose anniversaries occur at this time, also John S. Taylor who died 100 years ago today. EVENING PRAYER will be said at St Edward’s on Monday UIJT!XFFL! and Tuesday at 6pm and Thursday at 7pm this week. Npoebz 12.45 pm Word for the City. St John’s (town). PARISH OFFICE is open on Tuesday, 35ui 6.00 pm Evening Prayer. Wednesday and Thursday this week. 6.00 pm Parish Surgery. Roath Church House. WORD FOR THE CITY at St John’s on Monday at 7.00 pm St Edward’s Orchestra Practice. 12.45pm: A Pluralist World – Genesis 9:1-17. Uvftebz 6.00 pm Evening Prayer. 36ui 1.00 pm Lunchtime Concert by Cardiff Metropolitan Cathedral Choir. St David’s Hall. 7.00 pm Holy Eucharist. St Anne’s. DAY EVENT at Llangasty Retreat House on 10.15 am HOLY EUCHARIST . Followed by coffee. Monday: How do we pray? – Helps and Xfeoftebz encouragements, praying when it is difficult and 37ui 12.15 pm Lunch Club. Roath Church House. doubts in pr ayer. The last of four days on 7.00 pm South Wales Clarinet Choir rehearsal. prayer, led by Bishop Anthony Priddis. £25. 7.25 pm Cardiff Recorded Music Society. Schoolroom. TREORCHY MALE VOICE CHOIR 7.45 pm Paradise Run. present a Thanksgiving Concert in Uivstebz 11.00 am Police Community Access Point. Schoolroom. support of The Rainbow of Hope and the Leprosy Mission at Albany 38ui 7.00 pm Evening Prayer. Road Baptist Church on Thursday 7.30 pm Choir Practice. at 7.30pm. Ticket only : suggested 7.30 pm Treorchy Male Voice Choir. Albany Road Baptist Church. minimum donation of £10 on the 7.30 pm Tenovus Lovelight Christmas Concert. Llandaff Cathedral. night. Tickets from Michael James Gsjebz!39ui 12.00 pm Advent Soup Lunch. 4 Kelvin Rd. (20-753149. Tbuvsebz 9.30 am Pavane Rehearsal. Schoolroom. MILE OF COINS . Please 3:ui 10.00 am Advent Quiet Day. St Michael & All Angels, Tongwynlais. return your wallet to 10.30 am Christmas Fair. Nazareth House. church on Sun 7 Dec. Wallets are still available 7.30 pm Ardwyn Singers: Mozart’s Coronation Mass. Llandaff Cathedral. in church. 7.30 pm Cardiff Bach Choir “Remembrance”. All Saints Church, Penarth. Ofyu!Tvoebz is the First Sunday of Advent . The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in St Edward’s at 11am and Choral Evensong will be sung at 7pm. Eucharist readings: Isaiah 64: 1-9; 1 Corinthians 1: 3-9; Mark 13: 24-37. http://StEdward.roath.org.uk Facebook: StEdwardRoath Twitter: @StEdwardsRoath [email protected] CENTENARY . The Brass Missal Desk, used at every PARADISE RUN on Wednesday. We need loaves of Eucharist to support the prayer book on the altar, sandwiches of either sliced cheese (not grated), tuna, ham or contains the inscription on the base: “To the glory of corned beef using white medium sliced bread and individually God & in memory of John S. Taylor who entered into wrapped sandwiches. Also packets of crisps, biscuits or cakes. We also need to collect more toiletries, showergels, rest Nov. 23 1914”. This Missal Desk is in the inventory roll-on deodorant, toothpaste and toothbrushes (no glass of items salvaged from the first St Edward’s Church th containers.) Items can be given to Kathie Mayer (20-495769 which burned down on Sept 11 1919. or left at Church House either at Wednesday lunchtime or in CHRISTMAS RAFFLE in aid of Church Funds. the evening from 7.15pm until we leave at 7.45pm. Further Christmas hamper, chocolates, biscuits, wine and many information/offers of help ring Chris Webb (20-455641. other prizes. £1 for five tickets. Janice Goble has tickets CHRISTMAS – THE STORY . Once again for three weeks in for the Christmas Raffle today. Prizes are at the back of December the Christmas Story will be staged at Tabernacle, the church. To be drawn Sun 21 Dec. the Hayes. Do go along with your family and friends to see this marvellous re-enactment. As always more volunteers are SAVE THE CHILDREN . Ros Jones has produced some needed from our churches to steward, act (no lines to learn) lovely cards in aid of Save the Children. They are or help back stage. If you can help, please contact Sally available on the Craft Stall at the back of the church. All Jackson (20-493326 [email protected] sales will be match funded to church funds. PARISH KNITTING & CROCHET GROUP meets on ANTHEM at the Eucharist is “Lift up your heads” from the Mon 1 Dec, 7.30-9.30pm in Roath Church House. oratorio “Messiah” by George Frideric Handel (1685-1759). THE CHURCH ARMY in Cardiff support teenagers who ADVENT CAROL SERVICE today at 7pm. Advent have little or no contact with their families. Our Ladies Carols and Readings: a contemplative and prayerful Circle sends gifts for them at Christmas and if you would service to anticipate the Season of Advent. If you would like to join them your contributions would be very like to read one of the lessons, please speak to Alan. welcome. A list of suggested items is available in church ST ANNE’S ORCHESTRA perform a St Cecilia Concert – no need to wrap them. Please bring any gifts to church today at 7.30pm. Mendelssohn’s Hebrides Overture, by Wed 10 Dec. Details from Gill Day (20-495496. Keyper’s Romance and Rondo, Double Bass Solo by FOR YOUR DIARY . Melissa Smith and Borodin’s Symphony No.2. Free 1 Dec. 7.30pm. Parish Knitting & Crochet Group. entry; retiring collection for St Anne’s Church Funds. 3 Dec. St Anne’s Choir & Orchestra Concert. (St Anne’s) CARDIFF RECORDED MUSIC SOCIETY will meet in 8 Dec. St Edward’s Orchestra Concert. the Schoolroom on Wednesday 7.25-9.30pm for a talk 11 Dec. 7.30pm. Women in Harmony. St Margaret’s. entitled “ Four Fourths ”. Symphonies, that is. Geraint 20 Dec. 11am. Coffee Concert. Lewis takes a look at four examples from across the MUSIC DIARY . centuries (and one or two others may get an honourable 4 Dec. 7.30pm. Hearts of Gold Carols. St David’s Cathedral. mention too). Non-members welcome (entrance £2). 5 Dec. 7.30pm. Cantorion Sanctaidd. All Saints Cyncoed. 6 Dec. 3pm & 7.30pm. Promise of Christmas. St David’s Hall. TENOVUS LOVELIGHT CHRISTMAS CONCERT at Llandaff 7 Dec. 3pm. The Sixteen. St David’s Hall. Cathedral on Thursday at 7.30pm. A celebration to support all those affected by cancer and to remember loved ones we’ve SAMARITAN’S PURSE-SHOEBOXES . Thanks to all lost. Tickets £14 (20-768863 or [email protected] who contributed. A total of 99 boxes were given to the ADVENT SOUP LUNCH at Julie Randall’s 4 Kelvin Samaritan’s Purse Charity. Road on Friday at 12-2pm. Everyone welcome. Soup, ST MARGARET’S FAYRE . A big thank you to all who bread, cheese, fruit, tea and coffee and a good contributed in any way to the Fayre. conversation. All proceeds towards the Paradise Run. ELECTION OF SECRETARY GENERAL of the Anglican ADVENT QUIET DAY on Saturday, 10am-3pm at St Michael Communion. Anglicans and Episcopalians worldwide are & All Angels, Tongwynlais. Speaker: The Very Revd Lister invited to share their thoughts on the ministry priorities and Tonge, Dean of Monmouth. Places limited. Contact Rev Moira qualities of the next Secretary General of the Anglican Spence [email protected] (01656-881960. Communion. The Secretary General and the staff of the NAZARETH HOUSE CHRISTMAS FAIR on Saturday at Anglican Communion Office exist to serve the various inter- Anglican bodies, and in particular the four 'Instruments of 10.30am. Bottle stall, handicrafts, cakes, Irish coffee, Unity' of the Anglican Communion – the Archbishop of books, toys and much more. Canterbury, the Anglican Consultative Council, the Primates' THE ARDWYN SINGERS give a concert at Llandaff Cathedral Meeting and the Lambeth Conference. The Secretary General on Saturday at 7.30pm. Programme includes Mozart’s has both administrative and ambassadorial responsibilities. Coronation Mass and Handel’s Coronation Anthems. Tickets Email your suggestions to the Standing Committee: £12/£10 from choristers or on the door. [email protected] Deadline: 27 Nov. CARDIFF BACH CHOIR with St Woolos Players give a WELCOME . We extend a warm welcome to all visitors and concert “Remembrance” to commemorate the centenary newcomers. Please make yourself known to one of the of World War 1 on Saturday at 7.30pm at All Saints sidesmen if you are new with us. Church, Penarth, supporting the Royal British Legion CONTACT NUMBERS . Poppy Appeal. Programme includes Fauré’s Requiem, Revd Canon Stewart Lisk: Bach’s Mass in A and music by Vaughan Williams and (20-487854 / 07794-157604. Parish Office (20-484808, Rachmaninov. Tickets £12 (students £8) from choir [email protected] members or on the door. Details (20-339739. Please let the clergy know JOURNEY TO THE CENTRE OF THE STABLE . A Christmas of any sick person or any person who is in hospital. Musical by John Wickett and Dave Kitchen at the Salvation To receive the Parish Group e-newsletter send an email to Army (429 Cowbridge Rd, Canton) next Sunday at 5pm. [email protected]

Uif!Gjstu!Tvoebz!pg!Bewfou! Weekly Newsletter No.2009 Sunday, 30 th November, 2014 11.00 am Sung Eucharist & Sermon. Celebrant & Preacher: Canon Stewart Lisk . Hymns: 47, 51, Taizé: Wait for the Lord, Anthem: O come O come Emmanuel (Rutter) , 48 . Settings: Sydney Nicholson in G & Thomas Mass (David Thorne). 7.00 pm Choral Evensong. Officiant: Canon Stewart Lisk. Introit: Blessed are the pure in heart (Walford Davies) . Psalm 25 . Hymns: 45, Anthem: Come Thou Redeemer of the Earth (Willcocks) , 52 . Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis: Hylton Stewart. Readings: Isaiah 1, 1-20 . Matthew 21, 1-13 . In the world-wide Church we pray today for the Falkland Islands (extra-Provincial to the Archbishop of Canterbury) and Bishop Nigel William Stock, Bishop to the Forces and Bishop for the Falkland Islands and in the Ecumenical Prayer Cycle we pray for Liberia and Sierra Leone , remembering especially the victims of Ebola in that area, and the NHS team that has been training in Freetown and will now move to treatment centres. We pray for Bishop Cyril Ben-Smith , who has been elected as the first Bishop of the new diocese of Asante Mampong in the Province of West Africa. We pray for peace in the world , remembering the people of Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, Ukraine, Israel and Gaza . On St Andrew’s Day we pray for the people of Scotland, for constructive and fair approaches to further devolution of government. We pray for the victims of the attack on the mosque in Kano, Nigeria. In this diocese we pray for the Parish of Gelligaer, Rev Gary Powell and Reader Carolyn Corbyn . We pray for the sick and those who care for them, especially Marilyn Roberts, Glyn Osman, Julie Romanelli, Beryl Powell, David Blyth, Bill Berry, Myra Mansell, Bob Hyett, Margaret Connor, Sandra Williams and Alec Colley . We pray for the repose of the souls of the departed, especially Esme Catherine Scobie and Robert Woolgar Riddett (organist) , whose anniversaries occur at this time. EVENING PRAYER will be said at St Edward’s on Monday and Tuesday at UIJT!XFFL! 6pm and Thursday at 7pm this week. Morning Prayer on Saturday at 9.30am. Npoebz 12.45 pm Word for the City. St John’s (town). PARISH OFFICE is open on Tuesday, 2tu 6.00 pm Evening Prayer. Wednesday and Thursday this week. 6.00 pm Parish Surgery. Roath Church House. MILE OF COINS . Please return your 7.00 pm St Edward’s Orchestra Practice. wallet to church next Sunday. Wallets 7.30 pm Parish Knitting & Crochet Group. Roath Church House. are still available in church. Uvftebz 6.00 pm Evening Prayer. PARISH KNITTING & CROCHET GROUP meets on Monday, 7.30-9.30pm in Room 2, 3oe 7.00 pm Holy Eucharist. St Anne’s. Roath Church House. New members very Xfeoftebz 10.15 am HOLY EUCHARIST . Followed by coffee. welcome – assistance given to learners . 4se 12.15 pm Lunch Club. Roath Church House. Contact Gill Day (20-495496 or Ann James 7.25 pm Cardiff Recorded Music Society. Schoolroom. [email protected] for details. 7.30 pm South Wales Gay Men’s Chorus & St Anne’s Orchestra. St Anne’s. Uivstebz 11.00 am Police Community Access Point. Schoolroom. WORD FOR THE CITY at St John’s on 5ui 7.00 pm Evening Prayer. Monday at 12.45pm: World AIDS Day – 7.30 pm Choir Practice. Galatians 3:28. 7.30 pm Journey to the Centre of the Stable (Christmas Musical). Christ Church, Lake Rd North. 7.30 pm Hearts of Gold Christmas Carol Concert. St David’s Cathedral, Charles St. Gsjebz!6ui 7.30 pm Carols with Cantorion Sanctaidd. All Saints, Cyncoed. CAROLS with Cantorion S anctaidd at All Saints Cyncoed on Friday at Tbuvsebz 9.30 am Morning Prayer. 7.30pm. Tickets £5 (20-549158. 7ui 3.00 pm The Promise of Christmas (Cambrensis). St David’s Hall. 7.00 pm Christmas Music with Serenata Singers. St Teilo’s, Woodville Rd. 7.30 pm The Promise of Christmas (Cambrensis). St David’s Hall. Ofyu!Tvoebz is the Second Sunday of Advent . The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in St Edward's at 11am, coffee will be served in the vestry after the Eucharist, and the 100 Club Draw will take place. Choral Evensong will be sung at 7pm. Eucharist readings: Isaiah 40: 1-11; 2 Peter 3: 8-15a; Mark 1: 1-8. CHRISTMAS CAROL SERVICE with St Edward’s Choir and Orchestra on Sun 21 Dec at 3.30pm. http://StEdward.roath.org.uk Facebook: StEdwardRoath Twitter: @StEdwardsRoath [email protected] CHRISTMAS RAFFLE in aid of Church Funds. SAVE THE CHILDREN . Ros Jones has produced some Christmas hamper, chocolates, biscuits, wine and many lovely cards in aid of Save the Children. They are other prizes. £1 for five tickets. Janice Goble has tickets available on the Craft Stall at the back of the church. All for the Christmas Raffle today. Prizes are at the back of sales will me match funded to church funds. the church. To be drawn Sun 21 Dec. THE CHURCH ARMY in Cardiff support teenagers who have ANTHEMS . The anthem at the Eucharist is “O come O come little or no contact with their families, via their residential Emmanuel” by John Rutter (b.1945). The Introit at Evensong services. Our Ladies Circle sends gifts for them at Christmas is “Blessed are the pure in heart” by Henry Walford Davies and if you would like to join them your contributions would be (1869-1941), and the anthem is “Come Thou Redeemer of the very welcome. A list of suggested items is available in church Earth” by Sir David Valentine Willcocks (b.1919). – no need to wrap them. Please bring any gifts to church by Wed 10 Dec. Details from Gill Day (20-495496. JOURNEY TO THE CENTRE OF THE STABLE . A Christmas Musical by John Wickett and Dave Kitchen CAROLS & SEASONAL FAVOURITES by Women in will be performed at the Salvation Army (429 Cowbridge Harmony, Voicemale, Camerata Solisti, directed by Rd, Canton) today at 5pm, also at Christ Church, Lake Kelvin Thomas & David Lewis. Music by Vivaldi and Road North, on Thursday at 7.30pm and at Cyncoed Corelli, 7.30pm on Thur 11 Dec at St Margaret’s Church. Methodist on Cyncoed Rd, next Sunday at 6pm. Admission £7.50 (children free) inc glass of wine or soft drink. In aid of Tenovus. CARDIFF RECORDED MUSIC SOCIETY will meet in the Schoolroom on Wednesday 7.25-9.30pm for a talk INSTALLATION OF NEW CANONS at Llandaff entitled “The Welsh Choral Tradition”. Terence Cathedral at Choral Evensong on Sun 14 Dec at Gilmore-James introduces us to some notable choral 3.30pm. Rev Carol Wardman will be made a works by Welsh (or partly Welsh) composers who Metropolitical Canon and Rev Michael Komor will be resided in or outside Wales during the twentieth century. installed as a Canon at Llandaff Cathedral. Rev Dr Mark Non-members welcome (entrance £2). Dimond will be formally licensed as the Archbishop’s chaplain at the same service. SOUTH WALES GAY MEN’S CHORUS and St Anne’s Orchestra present a Christmas Concert on Wednesday ST EDWARD’S CHOIR will sing carols at Penylan at 7.30pm at St Anne’s Church. Free entry but a retiring Residential Hotel on Thur 18 Dec at 6pm. Anyone collection in aid of St. Anne’s Church Funds. interested in singing, please speak to Alan. HEARTS OF GOLD Christmas Carol Concert on Thursday in CYTÛN CAROL SINGING outside Albany Road School St David’s Cathedral, Charles Street at 7.30pm. Artists from on Sat 20 Dec at 10am (note earlier time this year). WNO, soloists from Wales International Academy of Voice, COFFEE CONCERT . Grace Bermingham (Sop) & local choirs and celebrity readers. Tickets £5 or (20-786521. Sandie Middleton on Sat 20 Dec at 11am. All proceeds to Welsh Hearts. THE PROMISE OF CHRISTMAS at St David’s Hall on COMPLINE by candlelight. Next service: Fri 2 Jan. Saturday at 3pm and 7.30pm. Cambrensis Choir & Orchestra, FOR YOUR DIARY . St David’s Praise Choir & Promise of Christmas Youth Choir. 8 Dec. St Edward’s Orchestra Concert. Tickets £13/£11 (conc. £1 off, under-12 £5) (20-878444. 11 Dec. 7.30pm. Women in Harmony. St Margaret’s. AN EVENING OF CHRISTMAS MUSIC , new and old, on 18 Dec. 6pm. Carol Singing. Penylan Residentiary Hotel. Saturday at 7pm in St Teilo’s Church, Woodville Rd. Led by 20 Dec. 10am. Cytûn Carol Singing. Albany Road. the Serenata Singers and Cardiff University Male Voice Choir. 20 Dec. 11am. Coffee Concert. Tickets on the door £10/£8/£5 inc refreshments. 20 Dec. 4pm. Concert: Pupils of Esther Walker. THE SIXTEEN at St David’s Hall next Sunday at 3pm. 21 Dec. 3.30pm. Nine Lessons & Carols. Palestrina, Vittoria, Byrd, Morten Lauridsen, Ireland. MUSIC DIARY . Tickets £20. 7 Dec. 3pm. The Sixteen. St David’s Hall. TAIZÉ SERVICE at St Peter’s (RC) next Sunday at 7pm. 9 Dec. 7.30pm. Carols & Readings. Albany Rd Baptist Church A service of prayer, reflection and music. 13 Dec. 7pm. Côr De Cymru Male Voice Choir. St David’s Hall 13 Dec. 7.30pm. Choral Society Carol Service. Cathedral. DROP-IN DAY at Llangasty Retreat House on Mon 8 14 Dec. 5pm. Handel’s Messiah. St David’s Hall. Dec, 10am-4pm with Eucharist at 12pm. An opportunity THANK YOU to St Anne’s Orchestra for the excellent to pause for prayer and personal reflection - come for all concert for Church Funds last week. £262 was raised. or part of the day. Bring your own lunch. Coffee and tea provided. No charge, but donations welcome. No need CATHEDRAL WORSHIP . Statistics published this week to book. indicate that attendance at Church of England Cathedral services on Mon to Sat doubled between 2003 and 2013. ST EDWARD’S ORCHESTRA CONCERT on Mon 8 Attendance at Sunday services showed a small increase. Dec at 7.30pm. Programme: Symphony No.103 WELCOME . We extend a warm welcome to all visitors and (Haydn). Symphonic Dances and Norwegian Dances newcomers. Please make yourself known to one of the (Grieg). Sleigh Ride (Leroy Anderson). Entrance free. sidesmen if you are new with us. Retiring collection for church funds. CONTACT NUMBERS . CAROL SINGING & READINGS at Albany Road Baptist Revd Canon Stewart Lisk: Church Lower Hall on Tue 9 Dec at 7.30pm. John West (20-487854 / 07794-157604. extends a special invitation to members of St Edward’s who Parish Office (20-484808, may like to attend. Followed by mince pies and coffee. [email protected] ST MARGARET’S FAYRE . A big thank you to all who Please let the clergy know contributed in any way to the Fayre. A grand total of of any sick person or any person who is in hospital. To receive the Parish Group e-newsletter send an email to £1150 was raised . [email protected]

Uif!Tfdpoe!Tvoebz!pg!Bewfou! Weekly Newsletter No.2010 Sunday, 7th December, 2014 11.00 am Sung Eucharist & Sermon. Celebrant & Preacher: Rev Dr Rhys Jenkins . Hymns: 269, 552, Advent Prose, Anthem: And the Glory of the Lord (Handel) , 54 . Settings: Sydney Nicholson in G & Thomas Mass (David Thorne). 7.00 pm Choral Evensong. Introit: O King and Desire of All Nations (Stainer) . Officiant: Canon Stewart Lisk. Psalm 40 . Hymns: 364, Anthem: This is the Record of John (Gibbons) , 53 . Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis: Stainer in A. Readings: 1 Kings 22, 1-18 . Romans 15, 4-13 . In the world-wide Church we pray today for the Diocese of Kinkizi in the Province of Uganda and Bishop Dan Zoreka and in the Ecumenical Prayer Cycle we pray for Cape Verde, the Gambia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau and Senegal . We pray for Bishop Sammy Azariah , Moderator of Pakistan, who is severely ill. We pray for peace in the world , remembering the people of Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, Ukraine, Israel and Gaza . We pray for the victims of Ebola in West Africa. We pray for the families of hostages Luke Somers and Pierre Korkie , killed by terrorists in Yemen in a rescue attempt this weekend. We pray for the people of the Philippines threatened by Typhoon Hagupit. In this diocese we pray for the Parish of Aberdare, St Fagan, Rev Richard Green and Reader Peter Godsall . We pray for the sick and those who care for them, especially Marilyn Roberts, Glyn Osman, Julie Romanelli, Beryl Powell, David Blyth, Bill Berry, Myra Mansell, Bob Hyett, Margaret Connor, Sandra Williams and Alec Colley . We pray for the repose of the souls of the departed, especially Sarah Lily Henwood and Winifred Haigh , whose anniversaries occur at this time. EVENING PRAYER will be said at St Edward’s on Monday and Tuesday at UIJT!XFFL! 6pm and Thursday at 7pm this week. Morning Prayer on Saturday at 9.30am. Npoebz 10.00 am Drop-In Day. Llangasty Retreat House. PARISH OFFICE is open on Tuesday , 9ui 12.45 pm Word for the City. St John’s (town). Wednesday and Thursday this week. 6.00 pm Evening Prayer. DROP-IN DAY at Llangasty Retreat House on Monday, 6.00 pm Parish Surgery. Church House. 10am-4pm with Eucharist at 12pm. No need to book. 7.30 pm St Edward’s Orchestra Concert . DONATIONS FOR FLOWERS FOR CHRISTMAS will Uvftebz 6.00 pm Evening Prayer. be gratefully received by Tricia. :ui 7.00 pm Ladies Circle Christmas Party. Roath Church House. 7.30 pm Carol Singing & Readings. Albany Road Baptist Church Lower Hall. Xfeoftebz 10.15 am HOLY EUCHARIST . Followed by coffee. HEATHER is doing the Christmas Book 21ui 12.15 pm Lunch Club. Roath Church House. Review programme for “All Things 7.25 pm Cardiff Recorded Music Society. Schoolroom. Considered” on BBC Radio Wales next Sunday morning at 9am. Uivstebz 11.00 am Police Community Access Point. Schoolroom. 22ui 2.00 pm Service of Thanksgiving for return of Queen’s Dragoon Guards. Llandaff Cathedral. 7.00 pm Evening Prayer. 7.30 pm Women in Harmony: Carols & Seasonal Favourites . St Margaret’s. Gsjebz 6.00 pm Choral Evensong: Thanksgiving and Celebration of life of Frank Roper. Llandaff Cathedral. 23ui 7.30 pm Welsh Camerata: 1000 years of carols. All Saints, Llandaff North. Tbuvsebz 9.30 am Morning Prayer. 24ui 6.45 pm Cantemus Concert: Vivaldi’s Gloria & Zadok the Priest. Dora Stoutzker Hall, RWCMD. 7.00 pm Côr De Cymru Male Voice Choir. St David’s Hall. 7.30 pm Carol Service: Llandaff Cathedral Choral Society. Llandaff Cathedral. Ofyu!Tvoebz is the Third Sunday of Advent . The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in St Edward’s at 11am and Choral Evensong will be sung at 7pm. Eucharist readings: Isaiah 61: 1-4, 8-11; 1 Thessalonians 5: 16-24; John 1: 6-8, 19-28. CONGRATULATIONS to Ed Doe who has been picked for Oxford University to play in the Varsity Match on Thur 17 Dec. The match this year is dedicated to the memory of the Blues who fell in the Great War. Ed is representing Captain Harold Augustus Hodges who died in 1918 near Ham, and is buried in Roye British Cemetery on the Somme. HANDEL’S MESSIAH performed by Cardiff Polyphonic Choir and the Baroque period instrument ensemble Réjouissance led by Simon Jones at St David’s Hall next Sunday at 5pm. Tickets £9-£26, (20-878444. http://StEdward.roath.org.uk Facebook: StEdwardRoath Twitter: @StEdwardsRoath [email protected] ST EDWARD’S ORCHESTRA CONCERT on Monday at CHRISTMAS SERVICES . 7.30pm. Programme: Symphony No.103 (Haydn). Sun 21 Dec. 3.30pm Carol Service with choir/orchestra. Symphonic Dances and Norwegian Dances (Grieg). 6pm. Carol Service at St Margaret’s. Sleigh Ride (Leroy Anderson). Entrance free. Retiring Wed 24 Dec.10.15am. Holy Eucharist. collection for church funds. 4pm. Carols around the tree. COFFEE . Please join us in the vestry after the Service this 5pm. Family Crib Service at St Margaret’s. morning for a cup of coffee & a chat, and the 100 Club . Also 10pm. First Eucharist of Christmas at St Anne’s. sale of Christmas decorations for church funds. 11.45pm. Midnight Mass. Thur 25 Dec.11am. Eucharist with Sunday School nativity. MILE OF COINS takes place today. Please add your coins to the line. If you have forgotten yours, please CANTEMUS concert at Dora Stoutzker Hall, RWCMD, on bring them along next week. Saturday at 6.45pm. Vivaldi’s Gloria, Handel’s Zadok the Priest and Coronation Anthems of 1727, Bach’s Magnificat. CHRISTMAS RAFFLE in aid of Church Funds. £1 for Tickets £16/£12 (under 30 half price) (20-391391. five tickets from Janice Goble. To be drawn Sun 21 Dec. SINGING TO BEAT BLOOD CANCER . A Christmas Concert ANTHEMS . The anthem at the Eucharist is “And the Glory of with Carols at St David’s Hall on Saturday at 7pm, in aid of the Lord” from “Messiah” by George Frideric Handel (1685- Leukaemia & Lymphoma Research, featuring Côr De Cymru 1759). The Introit at Evensong is “O King and Desire of All Male Voice Choir. Tickets £10-£15 (20-878444. Nations” by Sir John Stainer (1840-1901), and the anthem is ORDER OF ST JOHN . St John’s Ambulance Carol “This is the Record of John” by Orlando Gibbons (1583-1625). Service is at St Margaret’s Church at 3pm next Sunday. THE SIXTEEN at St David’s Hall today at 3pm. Palestrina, Vittoria, Byrd, Morten Lauridsen, Ireland. Tickets £20. INSTALLATION OF NEW CANONS at Llandaff Cathedral at Choral Evensong next Sunday at 3.30pm. CHORAL EVENSONG at the Cathedral, 3.30pm today: Rev Dr Mark Dimond will be formally licensed as the Brewer in D. Anthem: Zion at thy shining gates (Guest). Archbishop’s chaplain at the same service. JOURNEY TO THE CENTRE OF THE STABLE . A THE O ANTIPHONS will be chanted before and after Christmas Musical by John Wickett and Dave Kitchen the Magnificat at Evening Prayer 16-23 Dec. 7pm each will be performed at Cyncoed Methodist today at 6pm. day except Sunday (5pm). DISCUSSION GROUP . This evening we will be joining our friends at St Peter’s Church for a Taize Service at CYTÛN CAROL SINGING outside Albany Road School 7pm (meet at Roath Church House at 6.30pm). on Sat 20 Dec at 10am (note earlier time this year). DINAS POWYS ORCHESTRA CONCERT today at COFFEE CONCERT . Grace Bermingham (Sop) and 7.30pm at the Parish Hall, Dinas Powys. “Don Giovanni” Sandie Middleton on Sat 20 Dec at 11am. Overture (Mozart), Cello Concerto in D Maj (Haydn), FOR YOUR DIARY . “London” Symphony (Haydn). Tickets £6 (under-12 £3). 18 Dec. 6pm. Carol Singing. Penylan Residentiary Hotel. WORD FOR THE CITY at St John’s on Monday at 12.45pm: 20 Dec. 10am. Cytûn Carol Singing. Albany Road. Speaker: Jonathan Cox, Citizens Cymru – Matthew 25:31-46. 20 Dec. 11am. Coffee Concert. LADIES CIRCLE CHRISTMAS PARTY on Tuesday at 7pm. 20 Dec. 4pm. Concert: Pupils of Esther Walker. Please remember your Christmas Gift and the food you 21 Dec. 3.30pm. Nine Lessons & Carols. promised for the table. Details from Gill Day (20-495496. 2 Jan. 9pm. Compline by candlelight. CARDIFF RECORDED MUSIC SOCIETY will meet in 26 Jan. 7.30pm. Knitting & Crochet Group. the Schoolroom on Wednesday 7.25-9.30pm for a talk MUSIC DIARY . entitled “Noel”, the Society’s celebration of the festive 14 Dec. 5pm. Handel’s Messiah. St David’s Hall. season. Non-members welcome (entrance £2). BOOKINGS THIS WEEK : ST FAGANS CHRISTMAS CAROLS . 10-12 Dec, 6pm & 13 Dec. 1pm Dance Therapy. Schoolroom. 7.30pm in the Museum's 18th century Pen-rhiw Chapel. 13 Dec. 1pm-5pm. Opus 8. Church. £4 advance booking only (20-230130. CHRISTIAN AID is distributing essential household SERVICE OF THANKSGIVING at Llandaff Cathedral on items to Ebola survivors in Sierra Leone this week to Thursday at 2pm, for the return of the Queen’s Dragoon help them rebuild their lives. Nearly 900 people have Guards from Afghanistan. survived the Ebola virus in Sierra Leone, but they are now being stigmatised and treated as outcasts by their NO CHOIR PRACTICE on Thursday this week. communities as fear of the disease grips the country. If FRANK ROPER . Thanksgiving and Celebration of the life of you would like to donate to Christian Aid’s Ebola appeal Frank Roper at the Service of Choral Evensong at Llandaff visit www.christianaid.org.uk/ebolacrisis Cathedral on Friday at 6pm. Frank Roper created the fine reredos screen in the Cathedral Lady Chapel. WELCOME . We extend a warm welcome to all visitors WELSH CAMERATA present 1000 years of carols at All and newcomers. Please make yourself known to one of Saints Church, Gabalfa Rd, Llandaff North, Friday at 7.30pm. the sidesmen if you are new with us. Tickets £10 (conc. £8) inc glass of wine & festive nibbles. CONTACT NUMBERS . CAROLS & SEASONAL FAVOURITES by Women in Revd Canon Stewart Lisk: (20-487854 / 07794-157604. Harmony, Voicemale, Camerata Solisti, directed by Parish Office (20-484808, Kelvin Thomas & David Lewis. Music by Vivaldi and [email protected] Corelli, 7.30pm on Thursday at St Margaret’s Church. Please let the clergy know Admission £7.50 (children free) inc glass of wine or soft of any sick person or any person who is in hospital. drink. In aid of Tenovus. To receive the Parish Group e-newsletter send an email to [email protected]

Uif!Uijse!Tvoebz!pg!Bewfou! Weekly Newsletter No.2011 Sunday, 14 th December, 2014 11.00 am Sung Eucharist & Sermon. Celebrant & Preacher: Canon Stewart Lisk . Hymns: 50, 271, Lo in the wilderness, Anthem: Ride the Chariot (Smith) , Shine Jesus Shine . Settings: Sydney Nicholson in G & Thomas Mass (David Thorne). 7.00 pm Choral Evensong. Introit: O King and Desire of all Nations (Stainer) . Officiant: Canon Stewart Lisk. Psalm 68, vv 1-20 . Hymns: 551, Anthem: Saviour thy children keep (Sullivan) , 55 . Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis: A Somervell in F. Readings: Malachi 3, 1-4 & 4 . Philippians 4, 4-7. In the world-wide Church we pray today for the Diocese of Kitgum in the Province of Uganda, and Bishop Benjamin Ojwang and in the Ecumenical Prayer Cycle we pray for Benin, Côte d'Ivoire and Togo . We pray for peace in the world , remembering the people of Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, Ukraine, Israel and Gaza . We pray for the victims of Ebola in West Africa. In this diocese we pray for the Parish of Llantrisant and Rev Vivian Parkinson . We pray for Rev Ben Rabjohns who will be licensed as Team Vicar in the Rectorial Benefice of Aberavon on Monday. We pray for Rev Mark Dimond , formerly of St Edward’s Choir, who will be licensed as the Archbishop’s Chaplain this afternoon. We pray for all involved in the fatal St Teilo’s School bus accident last week, and the fatal minibus accident at Maesteg School . We pray for the sick and those who care for them, especially Marilyn Roberts, Glyn Osman, Julie Romanelli, Beryl Powell, David Blyth, Bill Berry, Bob Hyett, Margaret Connor, Sandra Williams and Alec Colley . We pray for the repose of the souls of the departed, especially Gladys Cheshire, Colin Herbert Williams and Margaret Elsie Morgan , whose anniversaries occur at this time. EVENING PRAYER will be said at St Edward’s on Monday at 6pm and Tuesday- UIJT!XFFL! Saturday (with O-Antiphons) at 7pm this week. Morning Prayer on Saturday at 9am. Wednesday, Friday and Saturday are Ember Days PARISH OFFICE is open on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday this week. Npoebz 12.45 pm Word for the City. St John’s (town). WORD FOR THE CITY at St John’s on Monday at 26ui 6.00 pm Evening Prayer. 12.45pm: Un/Just War – Exodus 21:24. 6.00 pm Scout Carol Service. St Margaret’s. 7.30 pm Licensing of Rev Ben Rabjohns. St Mary’s Church, Aberavon. Uvftebz 6.30 pm Summers Funeral Home Carol Service. St Margaret’s. 27ui 7.00 pm Evening Prayer: O Sapientia . SCOUT CAROL SERVICE at St Margaret’s on Xfeoftebz 10.15 am HOLY EUCHARIST . Followed by coffee. Monday at 6pm. All parents and friends welcome. 28ui 12.15 pm Lunch Club. Roath Church House. CHRISTINGLE SERVICE at Llandaff 6.30 pm Cardiff High School Carol Service. St Martin’s. Cathedral on Saturday at 4pm. 7.00 pm Evening Prayer: O Adonaï. 7.30 pm A Baroque Christmas (Opus 8 Chamber Ensemble). SS Andrew & Teiol, Woodville Rd. Uivstebz 11.00 am Police Community Access Point. Schoolroom. 29ui 6.00 pm St Edward’s Choir Carol Singing. Penylan Residential Hotel. 7.00 pm Evening Prayer: O Radix Jesse . SERVICE OF LESSONS AND CAROLS 7.30 pm Choir Practice. with South Wales Gay Men’s Choir, Gsjebz 7.00 pm Evening Prayer: O Clavis David . remembering the faithful departed at St Margaret ’s on Tuesday at 6.30pm 2:ui 7.00 pm NSPCC Carols by Candlelight. Llandaff Cathedral. organised by Summers Funeral Home. Tbuvsebz 9.00 am Morning Prayer. Followed by wine and light refresh- ments. All welcome. 31ui 10.00 am Cytûn Carol Singing . Albany Road. 11.00 am Coffee Concert: Grace Bermingham (Sop) & Sandie Middleton . 4.00 pm Concert: Pupils of Esther Walker. NSPCC CAROLS BY CANDLELIGHT at Llandaff 4.00 pm Christingle Service. Llandaff Cathedral. Cathedral on Friday at 7pm. 7.00 pm Evening Prayer: O Oriens . 7.30 pm Organ Recital: La Nativité du Seigneur (Messiaen). Llandaff Cathedral. Ofyu!Tvoebz is the Fourth Sunday of Advent . The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in St Edward’s at 11am and the Service of Nine Lessons and Carols (Choir and Orchestra) is at 3.30pm. Evening Prayer with O-Antiphons (O Rex Gentium) at 5pm. Eucharist readings: 2 Samuel 7: 1-11, 16; Romans 16: 25-27; Luke 1: 26-38. http://StEdward.roath.org.uk Facebook: StEdwardRoath Twitter: @StEdwardsRoath [email protected] THE O ANTIPHONS will be chanted before and after CHRISTMAS SERVICES . the Magnificat at Evening Prayer 16-23 Dec. 7pm each Sun 21 Dec. 3.30pm Carol Service with choir/orchestra. day except Sunday (5pm). Each antiphon highlights a 6pm. Carol Service at St Margaret’s. title for the Messiah: O Sapientia (O Wisdom), O Adonai Wed 24 Dec.10.15am. Holy Eucharist. (O Lord), O Radix Jesse (O Root of Jesse), O Clavis 4pm. Carols around the tree. David (O Key of David), O Oriens (O Rising Sun), O Rex 5pm. Family Crib Service at St Margaret’s. Gentium (O King of the Nations), and O Emmanuel . 10pm. First Eucharist of Christmas at St Anne’s. Also, each one refers to the prophecy of Isaiah of the 11.45pm. Midnight Mass. coming of the Messiah. Thur 25 Dec.11am. Eucharist with Sunday School nativity. CHRISTMAS RAFFLE in aid of Church Funds. Christ- COMPLINE by candlelight. Next service: Fri 2 Jan. mas hamper, chocolates, biscuits, wine and many other NO PARISH SURGERY until 5 Jan. prizes. £1 for five tickets. Janice Goble has tickets for JACK AND THE BEANSTALK by St Peter’s Players, at the Christmas Raffle today. Prizes are at the back of the 7pm on 7-10 Jan in St Peter’s Hall. Tickets £7.50 (conc. church. To be drawn next Sunday. £4.50) (07779 088623 [email protected] ANTHEMS . The anthem at the Eucharist is the spiritual “Ride the Chariot” arranged by William Henry Smith. The Introit at VISITING CHOIR . We are hosting a concert on Fri 23 Evensong is “O King and Desire of All Nations” by Sir John Jan at 7pm, by a young choir called Gustavus Choir Stainer (1840-1901), and the anthem is “Saviour Thy children from Gustavus Adolphus College in Minnesota. They keep” by Arthur Sullivan (1842-1900). sing a mix of folk, classical and sacred and there are ORDER OF ST JOHN . St John’s Ambulance Carol about 60 singers. The concert is in the Week of Prayer Service with Cardiff High School Senior Girls Choir is at for Christian Unity, and Roath Park Cytûn will be joining St Margaret’s Church at 3pm today. All welcome – us to make this our main united event of the week. If you mince pies afterwards. The Lord Mayor of Cardiff and are willing to help, please have a word with Kathie. H.M. Lord Lieutenant will attend. PARISH KNITTING & CROCHET GROUP meets on INSTALLATION OF NEW CANONS at Llandaff Mon 26 Jan, 7.30-9.30pm in Room 2, Roath Church Cathedral at Choral Evensong today at 3.30pm (Morley House. New members very welcome – assistance given Fauxbourdon. Anthem: Lindley’s Ave Maria). Rev Carol to learners. Contact Gill Day (20-495496 or Ann James Wardman will be made a Metropolitical Canon and Rev [email protected] for details. Michael Komor will be installed as a Canon at Llandaff FOR YOUR DIARY . Cathedral. Rev Dr Mark Dimond will be formally licensed 18 Dec. 6pm. Carol Singing. Penylan Residentiary Hotel. as the Archbishop’s chaplain at the same service. 20 Dec. 10am. Cytûn Carol Singing. Albany Road. HANDEL’S MESSIAH performed by Cardiff Polyphonic 20 Dec. 11am. Coffee Concert. Choir and the Baroque period instrument ensemble 20 Dec. 4pm. Concert: Pupils of Esther Walker. Réjouissance led by Simon Jones at St David’s Hall 21 Dec. 3.30pm. Nine Lessons & Carols. today at 5pm. Tickets £9-£26, (20-878444. 2 Jan. 9pm. Compline by candlelight. 23 Jan. 7pm. Gustavus Choir from Minnesota. LUNCH CLUB every Wednesday at 12.15pm in Roath 26 Jan. Knitting & Crochet Group. Church House. Contact Gill & Joe Armitage (20- 752630 (note change of telephone number). BOOKINGS THIS WEEK : 16 Dec. 6.30pm. Opus 8 Chamber Ensemble. Schoolroom. A BAROQUE CHRISTMAS by Opus 8 Chamber 20 Dec. 1pm. Dance Therapy. Schoolroom. Ensemble in aid of Shelter Cymru at SS Andrew & Teilo, 20 Dec. 4pm. Pupils of Esther Walker. Church. Woodville Rd, on Wednesday at 7.30pm. Great seasonal music from the 17th and 18th centuries. ST EDWARD’S ORCHESTRA CONCERT last week Winter from The Four Seasons (Vivaldi), Christmas raised £150 for Church funds. Concerto (Corelli), Christmas Cantata (Scarlatti). Tickets ST ANNE’S ORCHESTRA and South Wales Gay Men’s £8/£5 from www.opus8.co.uk or at the door. Chorus raised £543 for St Anne’s Funds funds. ST EDWARD’S CHOIR will sing carols at Penylan THE CHURCH ARMY . The Ladies Circle have been delighted Residential Hotel on Thursday Dec at 6pm. Anyone with the support and gifts you have sent for the teenagers. It interested in singing, please speak to Alan. is not too late to send items. Contact Gill Day (20-495496. CYTÛN CAROL SINGING outside Albany Road School URGENT REQUEST . Lunch club will be closing in on Saturday at 10am (note earlier time this year). All March, if no successor to Gill Armitage is found. welcome. Come & join Christians from local churches. DONATIONS FOR FLOWERS FOR CHRISTMAS will COFFEE CONCERT on Saturday at 11am. Grace be gratefully received by Tricia. Bermingham (Sop) & Sandie Middleton. £2 inc WELCOME . We extend a warm welcome to all visitors and refreshments. 10% of proceeds will be donated to newcomers. Please make yourself known to one of the Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Support. sidesmen if you are new with us. CONTACT NUMBERS . ORGAN RECITAL La Nativité du Seigneur (Messiaen) Revd Canon Stewart Lisk: at Llandaff Cathedral on Saturday at 7.30pm. Jonathan (20-487854 / 07794-157604. Bielby (Organist Emeritus, Wakefield Cathedral). Parish Office (20-484808, Admission free. Retiring collection. [email protected] THANK YOU to Mrs Alison Hooper and Mr Brian Heard, Please let the clergy know who have given new curtains and pelmets for the doors of any sick person or any person who is in hospital. To receive the Parish Group e-newsletter send an email to of St Margaret’s, in memory of their parents. [email protected]

Uif!Gpvsui!Tvoebz!pg!Bewfou! Weekly Newsletter No.2012 Sunday, 21 st December, 2014 11.00 am Sung Eucharist & Sermon. Celebrant & Preacher: Rev Dr Rhys Jenkins . Hymns: 58, Who can sound the depths of sorrow, 390, Anthem: Hail Blessed Virgin Mary (Wood) , There’s a Sound on the Wind . Settings: Sydney Nicholson in G & Thomas Mass (David Thorne). 3.30 pm Service of Nine Lessons & Carols, led by St Edward’s Choir & Orchestra. Officiant: Rev Stewart Lisk. Carols : Once in Royal, Unto us is born a son, In the Bleak Midwinter, The First Nowell, Good King Wenceslas, O Little Town, Coventry Carol, It Came Upon the Midnight Clear, As With Gladness, Hark the Herald. Anthems : The Shepherds’ Farewell (Berlioz) , For unto us a Child is born (Handel). 5.00 pm Evening Prayer with O-Antiphon “O Rex Gentium” . ORCHESTRA & CHOIR PRACTICE at 2.30pm today, before the Carol Service. 6.00 pm Service of Nine Lessons & Carols. St Margaret’s. In the world-wide Church we pray today for the Diocese of Kontagora in the Province of Lokoja, Nigeria, and Bishop Jonah Ibrahim and in the Ecumenical Prayer Cycle we pray for Ghana and Nigeria . We pray for peace in the world , remembering the people of Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, Ukraine, Israel and Gaza . We pray for the victims of Ebola in West Africa. We pray for the children and staff of the Army Public School in Peshawar , Pakistan, murdered last week. We pray for PC Neil Doyle , murdered in Liverpool. We pray for Rev Libby Lane as she prepares for her ministry as the first woman bishop in the Church of England. In this diocese we pray for the Deanery of Rhondda, Area Dean Haydn England-Simon and Reader Terry Cox . We pray for the homeless in our city, and for all who work to help them, in the Paradise Run, Cardiff Action for Single Homeless, the Huggard Centre. We pray for the sick and those who care for them, especially Marilyn Roberts, Glyn Osman, Julie Romanelli, Beryl Powell, David Blyth, Bill Berry, Bob Hyett, Margaret Connor, Sandra Williams and Alec Colley . We pray for the repose of the souls of the departed, especially Constance Frances Treasure, Donald McGregor, John Edward Thomas, Vera Gladys Ellis, Henry Wellington (priest), Bernice James , whose anniversaries occur at this time. EVENING PRAYER will be said at St Edward’s on Monday and Tuesday at UIJT!XFFL! 7pm (with O-Antiphons) this week. Morning Prayer on Saturday at 9.30am. Npoebz 12.45 pm Word for the City. St John’s (town). PARISH OFFICE is closed until Tue 6 Jan. 33oe 7.00 pm Evening Prayer: O Emmanuel . WORD FOR THE CITY at St John’s on Monday at Uvftebz 7.00 pm Evening Prayer. 12.45pm: Waging Peace – 2 Corinthians 5:17-21. 34se 7.00 pm Evening Prayer: O Virgo Virginum . THE O ANTIPHONS . Thanks to everyone who has attended these service. The final three are Xfeoftebz Christmas Eve today at 5pm (O Rex Gentium: O King of the 35ui 10.15 am HOLY EUCHARIST . Followed by coffee. Nations), Monday at 7pm (O Emmanuel) and 4.00 pm Carols Around the Tree . Tuesday at 7pm (O Virgo virginum). 5.00 pm Crib Service. St Margaret’s. LLANDAFF CATHEDRAL . Christmas Eve: 3.30pm 7.45 pm Paradise Run. Nine Lessons & Carols; 9.30pm Choral Eucharist of the 10.00 pm First Eucharist of Christmas. St Anne’s. Night: Haydn’s Little Organ Mass. Preacher: The Dean. 11.30 pm Midnight Mass. St Margaret’s. FAMILY SERVICES . Carols around the tree at 4pm on 11.45 pm MIDNIGHT MASS . Christmas Eve – a popular service for all the children. Uivstebz Christmas Day Christmas Morning 11am – our Family Euc harist with a 36ui 8.00 am Holy Eucharist. St Margaret’s. special Nativity presentation by the Sunday School. 9.30 am Sung Eucharist. St Margaret’s. 11.00 am CHRISTMAS MORNING EUCHARIST with Sunday School Nativity Presentation . Gsjebz!37ui St Stephen, the First Martyr WELCOME . We extend a warm welcome to all visitors Tbuvsebz St John, Apostle & Evangelist and newcomers. Please make yourself known to one of the sidesmen if you are new with us. 38ui 9.30 am Morning Prayer. Ofyu!Tvoebz is the First Sunday of Christmas . The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in St Edward’s at 11am and Choral Evensong will be sung at 7pm. Eucharist readings: Isaiah 61:10 – 62:3; Galatians 4: 4-7; Luke 2: 15-21. THE CLERGY wish everyone a holy, healthy and happy Christmas and New Year. http://StEdward.roath.org.uk Facebook: StEdwardRoath Twitter: @StEdwardsRoath [email protected] CHRISTMAS SERVICES . PARADISE RUN on Wednesday (Christmas Eve). We Sun 21 Dec. 3.30pm Carol Service with choir/orchestra. need loaves of sandwiches of either sliced cheese (not 6pm. Carol Service at St Margaret’s. grated), tuna, ham or corned beef using white medium Wed 24 Dec.10.15am. Holy Eucharist. sliced bread and individually wrapped sandwiches. Also 4pm. Carols around the tree. packets of crisps, biscuits or cakes. We need to collect 5pm. Family Crib Service at St Margaret’s. more toiletries, showergels, roll-on deodorant, tooth- 10pm. First Eucharist of Christmas at St Anne’s. paste and toothbrushes (no glass containers). Items can 11.45pm. Midnight Mass. be given to Kathie Mayer (20-495769 or left at Church Thur 25 Dec.11am. Eucharist with Sunday School nativity. House either at Wednesday lunchtime or in the evening CHRISTMAS RAFFLE in aid of Church Funds. from 7.15pm until we leave at 7.45pm. Details or offers Christmas hamper, chocolates, biscuits, wine and many of help, please ring Chris Webb (20-455641. other prizes. £1 for five tickets. Drawn after this COFFEE CONCERTS this year are on the third morning’s Eucharist. Saturday of each month at 11am. Our thanks to Grace CHRISTMAS TREE . We will be erecting and decorating Bermingham and Sandie Middleton for their excellent the Christmas tree ready for the Carol Service, after the concert yesterday. The next concert is by the conductor Eucharist this morning. Everyone is welcome to join us, of St Edward’s Orchestra, Alison Dite (solo piano) on Sat especially the children. 17 Jan. ANTHEMS . The anthem at today’s Eucharist is the VISITING CHOIR . We are hosting a concert on Fri 23 Italian carol “Hail Blessed Virgin Mary” arranged by Jan at 7pm, by a young choir called Gustavus Choir Charles Wood (1866-1926). The anthem at Midnight from Gustavus Adolphus College in Minnesota. They Mass is “O Magnum Mysterium” by Tomás Luis da sing a mix of folk, classical and sacred and there are Vittoria (c.1548-1611) and on Christmas morning “O about 60 singers. The concert is in the Week of Prayer Holy Night” by Adolphe Charles Adam (1803-1856). for Christian Unity, and Roath Park Cytûn will be joining CHRISTMAS CAROL SERVICE with St Edward’s Choir us to make this our main united event of the week. If you and Orchestra today at 3.30pm. If you would like to read are willing to help, please have a word with Kathie. one of the Lessons, please speak to Alan this morning. PARISH KNITTING & CROCHET GROUP meets on CHORAL EVENSONG at the Cathedral, 3.30pm today: Mon 26 Jan, 7.30-9.30pm in Room 2, Roath Church Harwood in A flat. Anthem: In the bleak midwinter House. New members very welcome – assistance given (Darke). to learners. Contact Gill Day (20-495496 or Ann James [email protected] for details. NO WEDNESDAY MORNING EUCHARIST on 31 Dec. COMPLINE is sung approximately once a month at HOLOCAUST MEMORIAL DAY COMMEMORATION St Edward’s at 9pm. Compline is a 15-minute service of at City Hall on Tue 27 Jan at 11am. Please email plainchant - the last of the monastic “hours”, sung by [email protected] by 9 Jan if you wish to candlelight. Next service: Fri 2 Jan. attend. LADIES CIRCLE EPIPHANY COFFEE MORNING on FOR YOUR DIARY . Sat 3 Jan, 10am-12pm in Roath Church House, in aid of 2 Jan. 9pm. Compline by candlelight. C.R.Y. (Cardiac Risk in the Young, remembering Owen) 11 Jan. 4pm. St Edward’s Committee. which is the Ladies Circle Charity for 2015. Bring and 17 Jan. 11am. Coffee Concert: Alison Dite. Buy, cakes, books, raffle. Admission £2, inc coffee /tea. 23 Jan. 7pm. Gustavus Choir from Minnesota. 26 Jan. Knitting & Crochet Group. NO PARISH SURGERY until 5 Jan. COME AND BE A VOICE in Sound of Wales Live MUSIC DIARY . 7-10 Jan. Jack and the Beanstalk. St Peter’s Hall. Album Recording at The Gate Arts Centre, Mon 5 Jan 14 Jan. 7.30pm. African Children’s Choir. St David’s Hall. and Tue 6 Jan at 7pm. This is a free event, but please book your place by calling (20-483344 MEMORY WALK 2014 raised £1.8 million. JACK AND THE BEANSTALK by St Peter’s Players, at URGENT REQUEST . Lunch club will be closing in 7pm on 7-10 Jan in St Peter’s Hall. Tickets £7.50 (conc. March, if no successor to Gill Armitage is found. £4.50) (07779 088623 [email protected] REV LIBBY LANE will be the first woman bishop in the ST EDWARD’S COMMITTEE meets in the vestry on Church of England. Ms Lane, Vicar of St Peter's, Hale, Sun 11 Jan at 4pm. and St Elizabeth's, Ashley, will become the Bishop of AFRICAN CHILDREN’S CHOIR perform their 30 th Stockport, a suffragan post in the diocese of Chester, Anniversary Fundraising Concert at St David’s Hall on when she is consecrated in York Minister on 26 January. Wed 14 Jan. Composed of children aged 6-12, many of CONTACT NUMBERS . whom have lost both parents through war famine or Revd Canon Stewart Lisk: disease, this concert is part of a tour to raise awareness (20-487854 / 07794-157604. of the needs of destitute and orphaned children in Africa Parish Office (20-484808, and to raise funds for the African Children's Choir [email protected] Programme, which started in Uganda 30 years ago. Please let the clergy know Many of the choir children are from Uganda. They are of any sick person or any person who is in hospital. joined by Nia Price and a choir of 400 school children. To receive the Parish Group e-newsletter send an email Tickets are £9-£12 (under-12 £5). to [email protected]

Disjtunbt!Ebz! Weekly Newsletter No.2013 Thursday, 25 th December, 2014 11.45 pm Midnight Mass & Sermon. Celebrant & Preacher: Rev Dr Rhys Jenkins . Hymns: 59 (Proc.), 432, Infant Holy, Anthem: O Magnum Mysterium (Vittoria) , 60 . Setting: Thomas Mass (David Thorne). 8.00 am Said Eucharist. St Margaret’s. 9.30 am Sung Eucharist. St Margaret’s. 11.00 am Christmas Morning Sung Eucharist & Sunday School Presentation. Celebrant: Rev Stewart Lisk . Hymns: 59 (Proc.), 65, Silent Night, Anthem: O Holy Night (Adam) , Ding dong merrily on high . Setting: Thomas Mass (David Thorne). In the world-wide Church we pray today for the Diocese of Kuching in the Province of South East Asia, Archbishop Bolly Lapok and Assistant Bishop Aeries Sumping Jingan . We pray for peace in the world , among all religions and nations, remembering especially the people of Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, Ukraine, Israel and Gaza . We pray for the victims of Ebola in West Africa. In this diocese we pray for the Parish of Pontrhondda (St Stephen Ystrad Rhondda, St Cynon Llwynypia and All Saints Trealaw) and Rev Peter Gale . We pray for the clergy who minister in this parish , our Vicar, Canon Stewart Lisk, Assistant Curate, Rev Dr Rhys Jenkins and the retired clergy who assist them, especially Canon John Woodward. We pray for the sick and those who care for them. We pray for the repose of the souls of the departed, especially Henry Wellington (priest) and Bernice James , whose anniversaries occur on Christmas Day.

UIJT!XFFL! CONTACT NUMBERS . Uivstebz!36ui Christmas Day Revd Canon Stewart Lisk: 11.00 am Christmas Morning Sung Eucharist. (20-487854 / 07794-157604. Parish Office (20-484808, [email protected] Gsjebz!37ui St Stephen, the First Martyr Please let the clergy know of any sick person or any person who is in hospital. Tbuvsebz St John, Apostle & Evangelist To receive the Parish Group e-newsletter send 38ui 9.30 am Morning Prayer. an email to [email protected] Tvoebz is the First Sunday of Christmas . The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in St Edward’s at 11am and Choral Evensong will be sung at 7pm. Eucharist readings: Isaiah 61:10 – 62:3; Galatians 4: 4-7; Luke 2: 15-21. THE CLERGY wish everyone a holy, healthy and happy COMPLINE is sung approximately once a month at Christmas and New Year. St Edward’s at 9pm. Compline is a 15-minute service of plainchant - the last of the monastic “hours”, sung by ANTHEMS . The anthem at Midnight Mass is “O candlelight. Next service: Fri 2 Jan. Magnum Mysterium” by Tomás Luis da Vittoria (c.1548- 1611) and on Christmas morning “O Holy Night” by LADIES CIRCLE EPIPHANY COFFEE MORNING on Adolphe Charles Adam (1803-1856). The anthem at the Sat 3 Jan, 10am-12pm in Roath Church House, in aid of Eucharist for the First Sunday of Christmas is the C.R.Y. (Cardiac Risk in the Young, remembering Owen) Coventry Carol. The Introit at Evensong is “All this time” which is the Ladies Circle Charity for 2015. Bring and by Sir William Turner Walton (1902-1983), and the Buy, cakes, books, raffle. Admission £2, inc coffee /tea. anthem is “The Infant King” (Basque Noël) arranged by NO PARISH SURGERY until 5 Jan. Sir David Valentine Willcocks (b.1919). COME AND BE A VOICE in Sound of Wales Live NO CHORAL EVENSONG at the Cathedral on Sunday. Album Recording at The Gate Arts Centre, Mon 5 Jan Congregational Evensong at 3.30pm. and Tue 6 Jan at 7pm. This is a free event, but please EVENING PRAYER will be said at St Edward’s on book your place by calling (20-483344 nd Monday and Tuesday at 6pm and on Friday (2 ) at 7pm. JACK AND THE BEANSTALK by St Peter’s Players, at Morning Prayer on Saturdays at 9.30am. 7pm on 7-10 Jan in St Peter’s Hall. Tickets £7.50 (conc. PARISH OFFICE is closed until Tue 6 Jan. £4.50) (07779 088623 [email protected] http://StEdward.roath.org.uk Facebook: StEdwardRoath NO WEDNESDAY MORNING EUCHARIST on 31 Dec. Twitter: @StEdwardsRoath [email protected]

Uif!Gjstu!Tvoebz!pg!Disjtunbt! 11.00 am Sung Eucharist & Sermon. Celebrant & Preacher: Rev Dr Rhys Jenkins . Hymns: 67, 594, 1(MP), Anthem: Coventry Carol, 71 . Settings: Thomas Mass (David Thorne). 7.00 pm Choral Evensong. Introit: All this time (Walton) . Psalm 132 . Hymns: 538, Anthem: The Infant King, 68 . Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis: Tallis Short Evening Service. Readings: Isaiah 35, 1-10 . Colossians 1, 9-20 . In the world-wide Church we pray today for the Diocese of Kushtia in the Province of Bangladesh and Bishop Sunil Mankhin and in the Ecumenical Prayer Cycle we pray for Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories . We pray for peace in the world , remembering the people of Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, Ukraine, Israel and Gaza . We pray for the victims of Ebola in West Africa. In this diocese we pray for the Parish of Tonypandy with Clydach Vale with Williamstown, Rev Philiip Leyshon and Reader Barbara Thomas. We pray for all who are facing financial difficulties , and those seeking employment . We pray for the sick and those who care for them, especially Marilyn Roberts, Glyn Osman, Julie Romanelli, Beryl Powell, David Blyth, Bill Berry, Bob Hyett, Margaret Connor, Sandra Williams and Alec Colley . We pray for the repose of the souls of the departed, especially Ronald James Mayer, David Vernon Edmunds and Margaret Shepherd , whose anniversaries occur at this time. UIJT!XFFL! Npoebz!3:ui 6.00 pm Evening Prayer. URGENT REQUEST . Lunch club will be closing in Uvftebz!41ui 6.00 pm Evening Prayer. March, if no successor to Gill Armitage is found. Gsjebz 7.00 pm Evening Prayer. WELCOME . We extend a warm welcome to all visitors 3oe!Kbo 7.30 pm Choir Practice. and newcomers. Please make yourself known to one 9.00 pm COMPLINE . of the sidesmen if you are new with us. Tbuvsebz 9.30 am Morning Prayer. 4se 10.00 am Ladies Circle Epiphany Coffee Morning. Roath Church House. Ofyu!Tvoebz is the Second Sunday of Christmas , and will be celebrated as Epiphany . The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in St Edward's at 11am, coffee will be served in the vestry after the Eucharist, and the 100 Club Draw will take place. Choral Evensong will be sung at 7pm. Eucharist readings: Isaiah 60: 1-6; Ephesians 3: 1-12; Matthew 2: 1-12. LADIES CIRCLE AGM & CHINESE AUCTION on Tue 13 Jan at 7.15pm at Roath Church House. New members very welcome, do come and join us. Subscriptions due £18 for the year. Further information from Gill Day (20-495496. COFFEE CONCERTS this year are on the third Saturday of each month at 11am. The next concert is by the conductor of St Edward’s Orchestra, Alison Dite (solo piano) on Sat 17 Jan. DISCUSSION GROUP meets on Sun 18 Jan at 7.45pm in Roath Church House, when the topic will be the Proverbs. Discussion over tea/coffee finishing around 9pm. Details from Gill Day (20-495496. VISITING CHOIR . We are hosting a concert on Fri 23 Jan at 7pm, by a young choir called Gustavus Choir from Gustavus Adolphus College in Minnesota. They sing a mix of folk, classical and sacred and there are about 60 singers. The concert is in the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, and Roath Park Cytûn will be joining us to make this our main united event of the week. If you are willing to help, please have a word with Kathie. PARISH KNITTING & CROCHET GROUP meets on Mon 26 Jan, 7.30-9.30pm in Room 2, Roath Church House. New members very welcome – assistance given to learners. Contact Gill Day (20-495496 or Ann James [email protected] for details. FOR YOUR DIARY . MUSIC DIARY . 2 Jan. 9pm. Compline by candlelight. 7-10 Jan. Jack and the Beanstalk. St Peter’s Hall. 11 Jan. 4pm. St Edward’s Committee. 14 Jan. 7.30pm. African Children’s Choir. St David’s Hall. 12 Jan. 7.30pm. Roath Church House Committee. CHRISTMAS RAFFLE raised £230. Our thanks to 17 Jan. 11am. Coffee Concert: Alison Dite. everyone who supported it, and to Janice for organising 19 Jan. 7.30pm. St Margaret’s Committee. it. 23 Jan. 7pm. Gustavus Choir from Minnesota. 26 Jan. Knitting & Crochet Group.