Curriculum Vitae

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Curriculum Vitae Curriculum Vitae ALDO RUSTICHINI March 7, 2021 email: [email protected] website: Citizenship: Italian, USA EDUCATION B.A. Philosophy University of Florence Italy 1977 M.A. Economics University of Manchester UK 1980 Ph.D. Mathematics University of Minnesota USA 1987 CURRENT AFFILIATION and POSITION Professor of Economics, Department of Economics, University of Minnesota. Interdisciplinary Center for Cognitive Sciences, University of Minnesota EXPERIENCE AND PAST POSITIONS 1987-1989 Postdoctoral position at AT&T Bell Laboratories 1987-1988 Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, University of Wisconsin 1989-1992 Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Northwestern University 1991-1992 CORE (UCL, Louvain La Neuve) and IGIER, Milano. 1992-1993 Associate Professor, Department of Economics, New York University. 1993-1996 Professor of Economics, CORE, Universite Catholique de Louvain. 1996-1999 Research Professor of Microeconomics, CentER, Tilburg University. 1999-2000 Professor of Economics, Department of Economics Boston University, 1 2000-2006 Professor of Economics, Department of Economics University of Minnesota, 2007-2009 Professor of Political Economy, Faculty of Economics, University of Cambridge, since 2009 Professor of Economics, Department of Economics University of Minnesota, RESEARCH INTERESTS Decision Theory, Game Theory, General Equilibrium Theory, Neuroscience and Economics, Ex- perimental Economics, Behavioral Economics, Microeconomic Theory, Models of Bounded Ra- tionality; Economic Dynamics and Macroeconomics, Political Economy. EDITORIAL ACTIVITY Referee for Econometrica, Journal of Economic Theory, Review of Economic Studies, Journal of Finance, Science. Associate Editor of Journal of Economic Literature Past Associate Editorships: Journal of of Economic Theory, Games and Economic Behavior, Journal of Mathematical Eco- nomics; Review of Economic Dynamics; FELLOWSHIPS Fellow of the Econometric Society, Council of the Game Theory Society 2 PUBLICATIONS Decision Theory, Experimental Economics and Neuroeconomics Published papers 1. Sophie Bavard, Aldo Rustichini, Stefano Palminteri, The other side of the coin: the paradox- ical consequences of range adaptation in human reinforcement learning, Science Advances, Forthcoming. 2. Simone Cerreia-Vioglio, Fabio Maccheroni, Massimo Marinacci, Aldo Rustichini; Multino- mial logit processes and preference discovery: inside and outside the black box, Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 2021. 3. Nicola Campigotto, Chiara Rapallini and Aldo Rustichini; School Friendship Networks, Ho- mophily and Multiculturalism: Evidence from European Countries, Journal of Population Economics, 2020. 4. Nicola Campigotto, Chiara Rapallini, Aldo Rustichini; The Slippery Slope from Pluralistic to Plural Societies, World Scientific Encyclopedia of Global Migration, World Scientific, 2020, Editor Robert Sauer 5. Matt McGue, William Iacono, Wendy Johnson, Aldo Rustichini, James Lee and Emily Willoughby; The Contribution of Cognitive and non-Cognitive Skills to Intergenerational Social Mobility, Psychological Science, 6. Emily Willoughby, Matt McGue, William Iacono, Aldo Rustichini, James Lee; The Role of Parental Genotype in predicting offspring Years of Education: Evidence for \Genetic Nurture, forthcoming in Molecular Psychiatry 7. Gary Charness, John List, Aldo Rustichini, Anya Samek, Jeroen van der Ven, Theory of Mind among Disadvantaged Children: Evidence from a Field Experiment, forthcoming in Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 8. Aldo Rustichini, Behavioral Economics: A Critical Assessment, in The State of the Mind, Alan Kirman and Miriam Teschl, The state of the Mind: Proceeding of the OECD Confer- ence on Behavioral Economics. 9. Nadge Bault, Giuseppe di Pellegrino, Martina Puppi, Galle Opolczynski, Alessia Monti, Davide Braghittoni, Florence Thibaut, Aldo Rustichini, and Giorgio Coricelli, Dissociation between Private and Social Counterfactual Value Signals Following Ventromedial Prefrontal Cortex Damage, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 10. Amanda R. Rueter, Samantha V. Abram, Angus W. MacDonald III, Aldo Rustichini, Colin G. DeYoung, The Goal Priority Network as a Neural Substrate of Conscientiousness, Human Brain Mapping, forthcoming 11. Eugenio Proto, Aldo Rustichini, Andis Sofianos, Intelligence, Personality and Gains from Cooperation in Repeated Interactions, Journal of Political Economy, 2018, forthcoming 3 12. Aldo Rustichini, Katherine E. Conen, Xinying Cai, Camillo Padoa-Schioppa, Optimal cod- ing and neuronal adaptation in economic decisions, Nature (Communications), 2017 13. Gary Charness, Aldo Rustichini, Jeroen van de Ven, Self-confidence and Strategic Behavior, Experimental Economics, 21, 72?98, 2017 14. Luigi Guiso, Aldo Rustichini, What drives women out of management? The joint role of testosterone and culture, European Economic Review, forthcoming 15. Gary Charness, Aldo Rustichini, Jeroen van der Ven, Self-confidence and Strategic Behav- ior, Experimental Economics, 2017 16. Gary Charness, Luca Rigotti, Aldo Rustichini, Social surplus determines cooperation rates in the one-shot prisoner's dilemma, Games and Economic Behavior, 100, 113-124, 2016 17. Carlos Cueva, Edward Roberts, Tom Spencer, Nisha Rani, Michelle Tempest, Philippe Tobler, Joe Herbert, Aldo Rustichini, Testosterone administration does not affect men's rejections of low ultimatum game offers or aggressive mood, Hormones and Behavior, 87, 1{7, 2017 18. Aldo Rustichini, Colin DeYoung, Jon E. Anderson, Stephen Burks, Toward the integration of personality theory and decision theory in explaining economic behavior: An experimental investigation, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 64, 122-137, 2016 19. Chiara Rapallini, Aldo Rustichini, Elective affinities matter as much as ethnicity in multi- ethnic schools, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 131, A, 243-262, 2016 20. Aldo Rustichini, William G. Iacono, Matt McGue, The Contribution of Skills and Family Background to Educational Mobility, Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 119, 1, 148-177, 2016 21. Grazioplene, Rachael G.; Chavez, Robert S.; Rustichini, Aldo; DeYoung, Colin G. White matter correlates of psychosis-linked traits support continuity between personality and psy- chopathology, Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 125, 8, 1135{1145, 2016 22. Claudia Civai, Daniel Hawes, Colin DeYoung, Aldo Rustichini, Intelligence and Extraver- sion in the neural evaluation of delayed rewards, Journal of Research in Personality, 61, 99-108, 2016 23. Aldo Rustichini, Morality, Policy and the Brain, Journal of Economic Literature, forthcom- ing. 24. Aysu Okbay et al., Genome-wide association study identifies 74 loci associated with edu- cational attainment, Nature, 533, 539{542, 2016 25. Piotr Evdokimov, Aldo Rustichini, Forward Induction: Thinking and Behavior, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 128, 195-208, 2016 26. Claudia Civai, Daniel R. Hawes, Colin G. DeYoung, Aldo Rustichini, Intelligence and Ex- traversion in the neural evaluation of delayed rewards, Journal of Research in Personality, 61, 99-108, 2016 4 27. Matt McGue, Aldo Rustichini, and William G. Iacono, Cognitive, Non-Cognitive and Fam- ily Background Contributions to College Attainment: a behavioral genetic perspective, Journal of Personality, 85, 1, 65-78, 2017 28. Aldo Rustichini, The role of intelligence in economic decision making, Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 5, 32-36, 2015 29. Carlos Cueva, Aldo Rustichini, Is financial instability male driven? Gender and cognitive skills in experimental asset markets, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 119, 330{344, 2015 30. Carlos Cueva, R. Edward Roberts, Tom Spencer, Nisha Rani, Michelle Tempest, Philippe N. Tobler, Joe Herbert and Aldo Rustichini, Cortisol and testosterone increase financial risk taking and may destabilize markets, Nature Scientific Reports, 2015 31. Aldo Rustichini and Camillo Padoa-Schioppa, A neuro-computational model of economic decisions, Journal of Neurophysiology 114, 1382-1398, 2015 32. Andrea Cavallo, Ovidiu Lungu, Cristina Becchio, Caterina Ansuini, Aldo Rustichini, Lu- ciano Fadiga, When gaze opens the channel for communication: Integrative role of IFG and MPFC, NeuroImage, 119, 63-69, 2015 33. Rachael G. Grazioplene, Sephira G. Ryman, Jeremy R. Gray, Aldo Rustichini, Rex E. Jung and Colin G. DeYoung, Subcortical Intelligence: Caudate Volume Predicts IQ in Healthy Adults, Human Brain Mapping 36, 1407{1416, 2015 34. Eugenio Proto, Aldo Rustichini, Life satisfaction, income and personality, Journal of Eco- nomic Psychology, 48, 17-32, 2015 35. Simone Cerreia Vioglio, Fabio Maccheroni, Massimo Marinacci and Aldo Rustichini. (2015), The Structure of Variational Preferences, Journal of Mathematical Economics, 57, 12{19, 2015 36. Melissa Kenig, Itai Sher, Aldo Rustichini, Children's Strategic Theory of Mind, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111,37, 13307{13312, 2014 37. Scott Adams, Niloy Bose, Aldo Rustichini, How different are smokers? An analysis based on personal finances, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 107, A, 40-50, 2014 38. Burks, S.V., Lewis, C., Kivi, P., Wiener, A., Anderson, J.E., Goette, L., DeYoung, C., Rus- tichini, A., Cognitive Skills, Personality, and Economic Preferences in Collegiate Success, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 115, 30{44, 2015 39. Marie Claire Villeval, Aldo Rustichini, Moral hypocrisy, power and social preferences, Jour-
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