Davidson College
DAVIDSON COLLEGE INTIMATB PACH COMPILBD IY CORNELIA REBEKAH SHAW Librarian ILLUSTRATED Fleming H. Revell Press Naw You Copyright, 1923, by Wn.w11 J. MAlnN THIS VOLUMB 18 AFFBCTIONATILV DBDICATBD TO THI SONS OP DAVIDSON FOREWORD .. Tm story ot tho origin and growth of Davidson College, told for tho first timo in this volume, is typically Ame,ioan. The conseorated idealism of its founders, the bold experimenta• tfon · of its manual~labor infancy, its long and losing battle with poverty and indifference, its rescue by an overruling Providence through the splendid munificence of Maxwell Chambers, the ac cumulating momentum of recent years, its present stability and far-reaching usefuln~, its promise for the future-these con sHtuto a thrilling panorama ol divine Providence and human heroism, Its unselfish builders rest from their multiplied la bors, but in endless and ever-increasing beneficence their works .do follow them. Our world has leamed some startling lessons since the new cen. tury began its course. It knows now, as never before, that mere earthly lenrnhlg, human art and science and inventive genius, the harnessing of nature's giant forces, the production of illimit able wealth and undreamed of luxuries, if these are untouched by religious love and self sacrifice, cannot develop or even pre serve our hard-won civilization; that no gifts are more fatal to human welfare than wealth and leisure without moral culture, liberty without self-control, and unUmf ted power without jus tice or mercy; that in this age of revolution and reconstruction 01,,rlstian leadership is the one and only hope o.f imperfled and bewildered Ohristendom.
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