Neil McNabb 6173 172 Street Surey BC V3S4Y2 778-389-9045 [email protected]

Education: - Sauder School of Business o Governance Essentials Program for Directors of Not-For-Profit Organizations - George Washington University o Master’s Certificate in Project Management - University of Alberta o Advanced Certificate of completion in Project Management - Lots of vendor and Tech school/university courses on computers maintenance and programing - 1972 Campbell Collegiate, Regina, Sask. o Diploma – grade 12 academic

Employment History: - 2014 – Present Retired - 2000 – 2014 o Various positions (see the brief career history for details) - 1974 – 2000 BCTEL o Various positions (see the brief career history for details) - 1972 – 1974 Saskatewan Government Telephones, Regina, Saskatewan o Central Office Craftsperson.

TELUS career highlights: - Led the implementation of the new generation IP messaging voicemail platform. - Project Manager of the GVRD Expanded EAS call area project. - Project manager of the Network Optimization project that worked with a joint partner to study and develo p CCS7 data collection software that would allow the team to recommend appropriate management and inventory strategies to reduce the cost of how the Internet was affecting the network. - Member of the ISO 9001 implementation team for Network Operations. Ass isted with ISO awareness training. - Established/Implemented the Lines Trunks Assistance Centre support group, including the technical support functions for ISDN. Built a team environment that focused on using technology to reduce the effort required to resolved problems and to be able to remotely assess the equipment.

Brief career history: - Varied background in network operations with TELUS, worked in various departments including Network, Project Management, Inventory Management and BTTO. - Began my career as a technician or as it was known then as a Central Office Craftsman in the New Westminster Central Office. - TELUS supported my development over the years with numerous technical courses and management development programs including George Washington University - School of Business and Public Management, Masters Certificate in Project Management - Held numerous positions in TELUS including: - Fraser Area C.O. - Maintenance Craftsman - Burrard Area C.O. - Maintenance Craftsman - PSCC - Network Supervisor - Mackenzie Area - Network Supervisor - Network Support – Network Supervisor - Service Operations – Network Manager - Inventory Management – Network Manager - Project Management – Project Manager - Enhance Service – Netw ork Manager Emerging Service - Enhance Service – Network & Business Enablement Manager - Network Assurance – Operations Manager Voice Platforms - Mgr-Operations, IP Voicemail & Network Platform Operations - Business Performance leader – BC Core Internet, IP Voicemail & Network Platform Operations

Community service highlights: - Executive Member of BC Hockey 2009 – present. - Currently Vice President and the duties include Finance Committee, Chair of Junior Committee, and board liaison for High Performance and Coaching. - Officer at Large with various duties including Chair of the major midget league, Chair of minor committee and attended the 2011 Hockey minor committee meetings in Toronto. - District Director – Lower Mainland with various duties including tournament approval and discipline for various divisions. - Executive Member of Pacific Coast Amateur Hockey Association 1999 – 2011 during which time I held most positions including that of president for 2 years. - Executive Member of Cloverdale Minor Hockey Association 1993- 1999, and am one of their life members. - BC Hockey representative at the 2010 Molson Canadian Summit on Ice in Toronto. - Had the privilege to attend the 2015 Western Jr B championships in Cold Lake Ab as the BC Hockey Rep with the Campbell River Storm who won the tournament. - Had the privilege to attend the 2014 in Hamilton with Fraser Valley FMAAA Phantoms who did a great job in representing BC Hockey. - Had the privilege of attending the Western Bantam Championships from 2010 thru 2014 as the BC Hockey rep as the teams won 3 of 4 championships. - Had the privilege to attend the 2011 TELUS Cup, national midget championships in St. Johns Newfoundland as the BC Hockey rep for the BC MML championship entry the Vancouver Giants who placed 4th in the tournament. - Had the privilege to attend the 2011 Western Bantam Championships in MB as the BC Hockey rep for the BC Provincial Champions BWC bantam team who won the gold medal in the tournament. - Member of Surrey Parks, Recreation and Cultures Ice Allocation Advisory Board 1997 – 2005

Aw ards received

- 1998 BCTEL Network Appreciation Award from Network Customer Operations - 1999 TELUS Bravo Award – Westwood Congestion Project - 2006 PCAHA Presidents Service award for individuals who have made a significant contribution to the Society of amateur hockey in the Lower Mainland during the preceding year - 2011 Telus Legends Award –The TELUS Legend Award recognizes current and former team members with 20 years or more service who, over the years and through every stage of our company’s growth, have demonstrated a sustained level of high performance, served as mentors and an inspiration to other team members, been leaders in giving back to our Communities, and consistently and visibly exhibited our TELUS leadership values. - 2011 PCAHA Gold Puck Award for outstanding contribution to amateur hockey in the Lower Mai nland for a period of at least 10 years

Hobbies - Scuba Diving, - Canoeing, - Amateur Radio (VE7BUX), - reading - PC’s - hardware and software

Hockey Background - For those of you w ho don’t know me here’s a little about myself. o I’ve been involved w ith hockey since I w as just a little guy back in Sask. Mostly as a goalie how ever once I found out hard some of the players could shoot the puck it w as mostly on the bench! o I w as involved w ith Hockey as a volunteer w ith Prince George in the early 1990s, and Cloverdale MHA for 10 years. I’ve held most positions in an association from team parent, coach, coaching coordinator, tournament coordinator, director and vice president. I have been involved w ith hockey in the small tow ns, the bigger cities, the large districts and at the national level so I am able to understand all of the demographics issue our varied province has. o I w as also involved w ith the municipal ice allocation committee representing Surrey, Cloverdale and White Roc k Minor Hockey Associations for 10 years so I do understand some the unique issues of dealing w ith the private, city and municipal facility operators. o I’ve got a lot of district experience as I w as involved w ith the low er mainland district (PCAHA) back as far as 1993 w hen I started attending league meetings. I then w as elected to various offices w ithin the district, Managing Director for a number of years, VP’s for 3 years and president for 2 years. o I’ve been a BC hockey district director, BC Hockey Officers at Large and last couple of years I have been your BC Hockey Vice President. o I’ve been an active member of numerous hockey related committees, and some of the major ones that I w as on last few years year are: Chair of BC Hockey’s Minor Committee, Coaching, High Performance, BC Hockey rep at Hockey Canada’s Minor Council, Chair of BC Hockey’s Major Midget League. I w as also the Chair of the Safety and Risk management committee, Scholarship Tournament committee, and a member of the Financ e Committee just to mention a few . o One of the most interesting and informative meetings w as the District presidents meetings. This is the group of your District Presidents w hich get together tw ice a year to review best practices in the districts and w ith BC Hockey. I’ve been to this meeting both as a District rep numerous times and as the BC Hockey rep… it one way that you definitely give/get direct feedback on the direction the Minor Hockey associations w ould like to see hockey go in BC o In this year of change it is even more important than ever to have experience people being involved and actively ensuring that our players and MHA members interests are safeguarded and that w e don’t miss anything w hile w e are improving our processes. I have that experience and my forte over the years in my w ork experience has been new service and team introduction so I am uniquely positioned to help BC Hockey make this transition. o As have retired in the last year I also have the time to focus fully on BC Hockey activities. o Hockey has been good to me and my family and I w ould like to be able to give something back to the community and the game. I believe I have some administrative skills that I can use to help our children to continue to play the game I love. I also like to think I’ve done a good job in the roles I’ve done over the years and have both the experience and the skill sets to be a member of the board of BC Hockey and I’d ask for your continued support as I run for BC Hockey’s Director. Thank You.