On the Mapping Theory in Metric Spaces
On the mapping theory in metric spaces V. Ryazanov and R. Salimov August 27, 2007 (RS270807.tex) Abstract It is investigated the problem on extending to the boundary of the so{called Q−homeomor- phisms between domains in metric spaces with measures. It is formulated conditions on the function Q(x) and boundaries of the domains under which every Q−homeomorphism admits a continuous or homeomorphic extension to the boundary. The results can be applied, in particular, to Riemannian manifolds, the Loewner spaces, the groups by Carnot and Heisenberg. 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 30C65; Secondary 30C75 Key words: conformal and quasiconformal mappings, boundary behavior, Q−homeomor- phisms, metric spaces with a measure, local connectedness at a boundary, strictly accessible boundaries, weakly flat boundaries, finite mean oscillation with respect to a measure, strictly connected and weakly flat spaces, isolated singularities, continuous and homeomorphic extension to boundaries. 1 Introduction It is studied properties of weakly flat spaces which are a far-reaching generalization of recently introduced spaces by Loewner, see e.g. [BK], [BY], [He1], [HK] and [Ty], including, in particular, the well{known groups by Carnot and Heisenberg, see e.g. [He2], [HH], [KRe1], [KRe2], [MaM], [MarV], [Mit], [Pa] and [Vo]. On this base, it is created the theory of the boundary behavior and removable singularities for quasiconformal mappings and their generalizations that can be applied to any of the counted classes of spaces. In particular, it is proved a generalization and strengthening of the known theorem by Gehring-Martio on homeomorphic extension to the boundary of quasiconformal mappings between domains of quasi- extremal distance in Rn; n ≥ 2; see [GM].
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