An evaluation of the programmes run by the MPBOCW Board in MP

An evaluation of the programmes run by the MPBOCW Board in MP 2019

Guidance Shri. Madan Mohan Upadhyay, Principal Advisor Project Coordinator Mrs. Beena Shrivastava, Advisor

1 An evaluation of the programmes run by the MPBOCW Board in MP 2019

Table of contents Chapters Page Number 1. Executive Summary 3-5 2. Introduction 6-7 2.1 Rationale of the Study 7 2.2Objective of the Study 8

2.3. Methodology 8 2.4 Sampling 8 3.Findings and Analysis 9-27 4. Recommendation 28-29

5.Annexure 30-39

2 An evaluation of the programmes run by the MPBOCW Board in MP 2019

Executive Summary

“The Building and Other Construction Workers (Regulation Of Employment And Conditions Of Service) Act” was enforced in the year 2002 in and The Building and Other Construction Workers Board (BOCW board) was established in the year 2003.The Board was constituted with the objective to conduct welfare programmes/schemes for those workers working in factories or any other commercial organizations having worker strength of ten employees.Registration of construction labour is done with the Board and various welfare schemes benefits are given individually and jointly. Various Welfare schemes are run through the CESS amount collected from construction employer .

The cess is levied at a rate not exceeding two percent of the cost of construction incurred by an employer through CESS act1996. Kerala board is the oldest which (28 years) followed by Tamilnadu ( 22 years) and then Madhya Pradesh (16 years old).

The cess amount is being regularly collected and there has been a decrease in Cess amount from 2014-2015 to 2017-2018 from 303.58 crores to 281.95 crores in the year 2017- 2018.Highest Cess amount was received in the year 2016-2017 of 347.0 crores.

There has been a decrease in the difference between Cess Collection and its use since 2015 to 2018.There has been marked decline in the difference amount in the years 2016-2017 to 2017-2018 from 208.22 crores to 71.94 crores.Hence it’s a positive step taken by government in the recent years as BOCW registered labourers are getting benefitted by various schemes.

In terms of CESS collection districts , and ,,Sagar,,,, and Sigrauli are in top 10 districts .,Malanpur(Bhind) and Agar are in the bottom 10 districts in terms of Collection of Cess.In Pithampur and Malanpur(Bhind)there is no CESS Collection.

Among the of top 10 highest CESS Collecting districts.Singrauli,Khandwa and Chhindwara districts are in the top three districts which are performing good as there is less difference between CESS Collection and expenditure.

Neemuch, , are in the top three districts which is performing satisfactory where expenditure is more than the CESS Collection. is performing the best as it has the highest number of beneficiaries. Damoh,Rajgarh and Harda are the top 3 districts in this category of performance in a satisfactory manner where the difference between CESS collection and distribution is the minimal.

Bhopal and Indore districts have highest difference in terms of CESS Collection and Distribution. Bhopal,Indore and Jabalpur are the districts where CESS Collection is among the top 3 districts whereas the expenditure in terms of received benefit to registered beneficiaries is very less.

3 An evaluation of the programmes run by the MPBOCW Board in MP 2019

Analyzing the Cess Collection amount in other states Karnataka Board has the highest amount of about 2225 Crores followed by Delhi Board 1667 Crores and Uttar Pradesh about 1580 Crores.

MadhyaPradesh ranks 6th among nine selected states in the study in terms of the difference between Cess collection and its distribution from lowest difference to highest difference and 2nd in terms of expenditure as per the data of the year 2015. Uttar Pradesh has the highest number (30Lakhs) of registered labour followed by Madhya Pradesh which has (24Lakhs) and Tamilnadu at third with (23Lakhs MadhyaPradesh has the Highest number of schemes (23) followed by Uttar Pradesh (20 schemes) and Orissa of 17 schemes as per the data of the year 2015.

Hence MadhyaPradesh state is performing well in terms of expenditure and number of schemes meant for construction labourers by BOCW seeing the data of other nine states.

Since 2013-2014 there has been a decrease in the number of registered labour from 168225 to 136857 labourers but there has been a manifold increase between the years 2016-2017 to 2017-2018 from 53010 labourers to 136857 with an increase of 83847 labourers in a year. Uttar Pradesh and Delhi have good progressive and Gender Sensitive schemes.In Uttar Pradesh under “Balika Aashirwaad” scheme on the birth of a Girl Child Rs.25,000 is given and disabled girl child gets Rs.50,000.MadhyaPradesh has separate provisions of educational of Girl Children as compared to male child from 1st to Post Graduation level. MadhyaPradesh has a good provision related to disability of the labour at par with scheme provision of Uttar Pradesh which has the highest provision but there is no provision of pension for disabled labour as available in Uttar Pradesh and Delhi.In Madhya Pradesh there is Skill Building Training for labourers and the Dependent family members of labourers as well. Skill building of Dependent family members is not there in other states. 86% of the respondents had information of the Schemes run by BOCW.This response doesn’t ensure that they had information of all schemes.Highest respondents 22% had information on marriage assistance scheme of registered labour followed by 21% on maternity benefit scheme and 18% on medical assistance scheme and 16% on educational assistance.

On the basis of 400 samples it was found that 38% respondents faced problems in registration process.The respondents did not had information about all the required documents. In 52% of respondents the registration was done within one month and 47% of the respondent’s registration took more than time from one month to six months and 1% respondents stated more than six months.This clearly indicates negligence by officials in verification of documents or lack of documents as proof to be submitted by labourers to meet out the criteria’s,information of all the schemes.Out of the respondents who faced problem in registration 40% stated that they had to go to the ofice repeated number of times and 28% stated that officials did not give correct information on required document and 32% of the respondents stated demand of money(bribe) by officials.

There is ignorance about the Online Application for the Registration of labour as only 1% of the respondents opted for Online Registration.They approached government departments officials directly such as Commissioner N. Nigam/N.Palika/ N. Parishad and CEO Janpad Panchayat .

4 An evaluation of the programmes run by the MPBOCW Board in MP 2019

31% respondents faced problem in taking benefit of these schemes out of the 86% of the respondents who had applied for any of the schemes.91% respondents got benefit of schemes out of which 58% respondents got wedding Assistance benefit , followed by 13% under Maternity Benefit and 6% on Educational benefit ,4% Medical assistance ,12% respondents recieved assistance in purchase of cycle. Only 1% beneficiary received assistance for Toilet Construction scheme and two wheeler purchase scheme.

76% beneficiaries did not have information on required documents, 22% respondents shared that they needed to go to the office several times as they were called by officials again and again and 2% respondent stated that bribe was demanded by officials.

3% of respondents shared that there should be a reduction in the documents needed for registration.2% of the respondents shared that information should be shared in Mobile of the registered labour who had applied for schemes about the status of their application and reason for number doing the registration process. The other type of suggestions that were given were of appointment of Grievance redressal officer, Establishment of Helpline Number, Registration at Panchayat level , & bribe remains a problem that needs to be addressed. There is a need for Publicity of the online facility available option of Registration of labour.

5 An evaluation of the programmes run by the MPBOCW Board in MP 2019


The government established Madhya Pradesh Building and other construction Worker’s Welfare Board through a notification on 9-04-2003.The Board has 17 members. Labour Minister is the Chairman of the Board and all administrative, financial and general powers of the board are with the Chairman. The board has a ssecretary who is appointed by the state government.

Application Process for Registration as Labour An application for registration can be made to the officer authorized by the Board in this behalf. The application shall be accompanied by necessary documents and fee of Rs.5 and Rs.10 for renewal of registration which would be valid for 5 years.The Online Process of Registration is also available since august 2013 through Loksewa Kendra and M.P online Kiosk.Documents needed for Registration are 2 Photos, Domicile certificate, Self attested Form for Declaration as a construction labour,Bank pass book. A building worker who has been registered as a beneficiary shall when he/she is engaged in building or other construction work for number not less than ninety days in a year.

Issuing of Identity Card to Labour An Identity card is issued to the labour.Every employer shall enter in the identity card the details of the building or other construction work done by the beneficiary and authenticate the same and return it to the beneficiary.

Contribution of Labour to Board Contribution needs to be given by the labour to the board according to stipulated rates. If the Board is satisfied that a beneficiary is unable to pay his contribution due to any financial hardship, it may waive the payment of contribution for a period number exceeding three months at a time. When a beneficiary has number paid his contribution under for a continuous period of number less than one year, he shall cease to be a beneficiary.The Secretary of the Board can intervene in this matter.

Process of registration in MP The Chief Executive Officer, Janpad Panchayat is the office bearer in rural areas and the Commissioner Nagar Nigam, Chief Executive Officer Municipal Corporation is the office bearer in urban areas.

Building worker means a person who is employed to do any skilled, semiskilled or unskilled manual, supervisory, technical or clerical work .Every building worker who has completed 18 years of age, and who has been engaged in any building or other construction work for number not less than 90 days during the preceding 12 months shall be eligible for registration as a beneficiary.

Schemes for Registered laborers under BOCW One beneficiary can be a part of more than one scheme. There are total 22 schemes in Madhya Pradesh.

6 An evaluation of the programmes run by the MPBOCW Board in MP 2019

Madhya Pradesh related Data (till May 2018)  25,94,030 labourers are registered with the Labour Board, Madhya Pradesh. (Upto May 2018 )  22 welfare schemes are being operated with the cess amount meant for Individual beneficiary.Total 39,074,99 Beneficiaries have availed benefits of schemes meant for Individuals.  In addition to it 32,583 labourers underwent Skill building training,128 were benefitted out of the Construction labourers shed scheme,45 ,Rain Basera were constructed,4 Shramodaya Vidhyalaya were established. So the Total number of Beneficiaries is 39,40,259.  Around Rs 910.59 crores have been disbursed under various schemes.(Individual 22 schemes ).Rs1093.98 Crores spent on various schemes meant for labourers including training,shed,rainbasera and Shramodaya Vidhyalaya .Rs 1181.51 crores total expenses done by BOCW which includes IEC on schemes(Rs 27 Crores) and other administrative expenses.  CESS Collection amount Rs 2415.30 Crores.

Rationale of the study

Construction workers are one of the most vulnerable segments of the unorganized sector labour in .Their work is of temporary nature, the relationship between employer and the employee is temporary and working hours are uncertain. Basic amenities and welfare facilities provided to these workers are also inadequate. The nature of job is such that the risk to life and limb is also inherent. In the absence of adequate statutory provisions it is difficult to get the requisite information regarding the number and nature of accidents as well as to fix responsibility or to take corrective measures. Hence the BOCW Act was passed and its implementation was taken up by different states at different points of time. But even after 17 years of the Act, the distribution of benefits is skewed and many workers continue to be outside the social security net. Hence there is a need to re-examine the processes and see if there requires any change in the present system apart from seeing the schemes in other states. The study was conceived with this objective in view.

7 An evaluation of the programmes run by the MPBOCW Board in MP 2019


1) To study the process of registration of labour in unorganized sector specifically under the BOCW ACT 2002 and to identify the bottlenecks if any. 2) To assess the level of awareness of the labour regarding various schemes under this act in Madhya Pradesh. 3) To explore the reach of various schemes under this act in different districts of MP. 4) To do a Secondary data analysis of Cess Collection and its Distribution for various schemes meant for the registered labourers under this act in other states( Kerala, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Orissa, Delhi,Punjab and UP vis a vis Madhya Pradesh.) and to understand the reasons of their good performance.


The process of registration of labour and the process of inclusion of them in various schemes were looked into. Based on them a pre-designed and pre-validated interview schedule was administered to the beneficiaries.

Sampling The members of Labour cess are spread across Madhya Paradesh. Out of 52 districts, 4 districts were chosen for the survey based on the following parameters. . 2 Districts were chosen which have predominantly Tribal Population . . 1 District where the number of registered beneficiaries are less. . 1 District where the number of registered beneficiaries are high. These four districts were Gwalior in urban, in semi urban and Jhabua and among tribal.

Name of District Number of scheme Sample taken. Division. Beneficiaries. Bhopal Sehore 24332 100 Indore Jhabua 42740 100 Jabalpur Mandla 47442 100 Gwalior Gwalior 74742 100 Total 189276 400

Note: Number of District wise beneficiary list has been culled from a document made by available by labour department.The Data is till Aprill 2017.

8 An evaluation of the programmes run by the MPBOCW Board in MP 2019

Findings and Analysis

This section of Finding and analysis is based on Primary data of Sample of 400 respondents(labour).

1.Demographic Profile of Respondents

1.1 Rural and urban proportion.  63 % of the respondents were from Urban area and 37% from Rural area.

1.2 Religion  The sample predominanatly comprised of respondents from Hindu Community (97%) followed by Muslim and Christian ,with a meagre percentage of 2% and 1 % respectively.

1.3 Caste Wise Distribution of labourers  The highest number of sample comprised of labourers belonging to Scheduled Tribe (34%) followed by OBC (33%),Scheduled Caste (27%) and then General (6%). Among the 400 respondents majority of the ST labour are from Jhabua followed by Gwalior and Mandla.Sehore is the only district having labour respondents from general community and the highest number of respondents belonging to general community.

1.4 Gender Wise Distribution of Labourers  Majority of the respondents were Male comprising of 75% and Female comprising of 25% . Gwalior had the highest number of Male respondents 82% and Mandla had the highest number 35% of Female Respondents.

1.5 Age Wise Distribution of Labourers  Highest number of labourers interviewed belonged to the age group of 41 to 50 years which shows 38% from followed by age group of 31 to 40 years comprising 26%. from .Young labouers in the age group of 18 to 30 years comprise 16% of labour and aged labour aged 51 to 60 years comprised 20%.Young labour were highest in Jhabua as per sample and aged labour highest in Mandla.

1.6 Skill Wise Distribution of Interviewed Labourers  Only 1 % of the labour were skilled from Gwalior and Jhabua district.71% of them being Semi Skilled and 28% of them were unskilled.Semi skilled were highest in Sehore and Jhabua.Majority of the unskilled labour were from Mandla 73% followed by Gwalior 27%.

9 An evaluation of the programmes run by the MPBOCW Board in MP 2019

Skill Wise Distribution of Interviewed 1%Labourers

28% Unskilled

Semi- 71% Skilled

2.Process of Registration of labour and Identifying the Bottlenecks 2.1 Year of Registration Year of Registration 40% 34% As per our selected sample of 400 beneficiaries 35% Highest percentage(34%) of beneficiaries were 30% registered in the year 2013 followed by 21% 25% 21% 21% each in the year 2014 and 2016 and lowest in 20% the year 2012 and 2018 that is 2% and 1% 15% 11% 10% respectively. 10% 5% 2% 1% 0%

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

2.2 Source of Information about the process of Registration Source of Information about the process of Highest number of labour (84%) received Registration information about the process of registration 13% 2% 1% from their relatives and neighbours and other registered labour rather than government sources of mandal/board officials or Newspaper.This percentage is only 14% combined of both sources 13% from Mandal/Board and 1% from newspaper. 84%

2.3Documents Needed for Registration Document Needed for Registration Highest percentage of respondents 19% had 19% 18% 19% 20% 16% information on Bank Pass book and Photo 14% 14% as document needed for registration as a 15% labour with BOCW followed by 18% 10% respondents stated the requirement of Ration card.16% stated the need of Voter 5% ID,14% Aadhar card and 14% Samagra ID. 0% The respondents had an idea about all the Aadhar Voter ID Bank Rashan Samagra Photo Card Pass Card ID Identity Documents but dont have Book information of the exact documents needed as per act and BOCW guidelines such as Two Photographs,Domicile Certificate,Self Declaration of being a construction labour and bank passbook.

10 An evaluation of the programmes run by the MPBOCW Board in MP 2019

2.4 Application Submitted for Registration There is lack of Information about the Online Application for the Registration of labour as only 1% of the respondents opted for Online Registration rather they all had to go to government departments officials directly at N. Nigam/N.Palika/ N. Parishad and CEO Janpad Panchayat with 62% and 37% respectively.

2.5 Registration Time Only 52% respondents registration Registration Time was done in one month.38% 60% respondents were registered from 1 52% to 3 months and 9% of the 50% 38% respondent’s registered was done 3 40% months to 6 months and in 1 % responded stated more than six 30% months This clearly indicates some 20% sort of negligence by officials in 9% 10% verification of documents or lack of 1% documents as proof to be submitted 0% by labourers to meet out the 1 Month 1 to 3 Month 3 to 6 Month More than 6 criteria’s. month

2.6(a )Meeting of Criteria for Preparation of labour card

Occupation before Labour Card Registration


37% Construction labour 62% Agricultural Labour

2.6( b) Continuity of work done for a period (number of months )

Before the Registration of these respondents Continuity of work 73% 62% of the respondents were engaged as 80% Construction labour. And 62% of them are 70% currently working as construction labour.73% 60% of labourers did work for more than 3 months 50% 40% as construction labour which fulfills the 16% 30% 11% stipulated period of minimum 90 days of 20% work as a construction as a requirement of 10% 0% registration.Inspite of fulfilling criteria’s only 52% of labourers card where Less than 3 Up to 3 More than 3 Month Month month prepared in stipulated time of 30 days after application.

11 An evaluation of the programmes run by the MPBOCW Board in MP 2019

2.7 (a) Whether registration easily done. 62% respondents didnot face problem in registration process and Whether registration easily done? only 38% respondents said that 70% 62% they faced any problem in 60% registration.The percentage of 50% respondents those who faced 38% 40% problem is a significant figure.In Jhabua district 100% of the 30% respondents faced problem in 20% registration and Mandla district 10% respondents shared that they didnt 0% face any problem in registration. Yes No

2.7. (b) Types of problems faced in process of registration As per as above mentioned percentage of 38% of respondents Types of Problems Faced facing problems in the process of registration 32 % respondents stated 32%

that they were asked money for Money was Money

registration,40% stated that they had work, for asked to repeatedly go to office for 28% completing the process of registration and 28% stated that correct information was not 40%

provided on the required documents. again and Had to go again again go to Had 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%

3.1 Assessing the level of awareness of the labour regarding various schemes by BOCW Board 3.2 (a) Awareness about schemes run by BOCW Board 86% of the respondents had information of the Schemes and 14% Awareness about Board/Mandal Scheme didn’t had awareness about the various schemes run by Board..This 14% response doesn’t ensure that they had information of all the schemes.In 55% of the respondents had no information of any of the schemes.In the rest of the districts Mandla,Gwalior and Jhabua all respondents beneficiaries had information of schemes. 86%

12 An evaluation of the programmes run by the MPBOCW Board in MP 2019

3.2 (b) Names on various schemes on which respondents had information Highest respondents 22% had information on marriage assistance scheme of registered labour followed by 21% on maternity benefit scheme and 18% on medical assistance scheme and 16% on educational assistance.This analysis also states that the schemes in which there is more information of the schemes then availing of benefit gets better this is proved in the case of Marriage assistance scheme.

3.3 (a) Applied for getting benefit under various Schemes

Applied for Schemes Benefit

14% Yes

No 86%

3.3.(b) Place/official where the application was submitted

As per the above graph out of 86% respondents who had applied for Where the application was submitted 55% getting the benefit of various 45% schemes 55% respondents 60% 50% submitted application to 40% Commissioner Nagar Palika,Nagar 30% 20% Nigam and Nagar Parishad as most 10% of the respondents were from 0% Urban area and 45% to CEO CEO Janpad Commissnor Janpad in rural areas. N.Palika/N.Nigam/N. Parishad

3.4 Benefit Received and Scheme wise benefits 91% respondents got benefit of schemes out Scheme wise Benefit of which 58% respondents got wedding Toilet constructions 1% Assistance benefit , followed by 13% under Two Whealer grant 1% Maternity Benefit and 6% on Educational Cycle purchase grant 12% Equipment purchase 2% benefit ,4% Medical assistance ,12% Funeral assistance 3% respondents recieved assistance in purchase Educational assistance 6% of cycle .Only 1% beneficiery recieved wedding assistance 58% assistance for Toilet Construction scheme Medical assistance 4% Maternity benifit 13% and two wheeler purchase scheme 0% 20% 40% 60% 80%

13 An evaluation of the programmes run by the MPBOCW Board in MP 2019

3.5 Problems in Taking Benefits of Schemes Problems Faced for Benefits of Schemes 31% respondents faced problem in taking 80% 69% benefits of the scheme.Jhabua district had highest percentage(99%) who faced 60% problem in taking the benefit of the schemes followed by Sehore (24%).All 40% 31% the respondents of Mandla shared that 20% they didn’t face any problem in accessing the benefits of scheme. 0%

Yes No

3.6 Types of Problems Faced in availing benefits of schemes run by BOCW 76% beneficiaries did not have information on required documents, 22% Problem faced in availing benefit of respondents shared that they needed to go schemes 76% to the office several times as they were 80% called by officials again and again and 2% No information respondent stated that bribe was 60% on required demanded by officials. documents 40% 22% called by officials 20% again and again 2% 0%

3.7 (a) Children of Registered labour getting benefit of Schemes and types of Schemes benefitted by them.

Scheme Benefit availed by Children of registered labour 85%

90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 15% 30% 20% 10% 0% Yes No

14 An evaluation of the programmes run by the MPBOCW Board in MP 2019

3.7 (b) Type of Scheme benefitted by the Children

2% Schemes benefitted


Out of the 15% of Children of registered labour who were benefitted by various schemes 98% of the Children took benefit of the scheme ”Shiksha Sahayta chhatravitri” and 2% took benefit of “Medhavi Chhatra shiksha protsahan” scheme .This percentage of benefit under Shiksha Protsahan is high as it is not based on merit it is available for all students irrespective of their educational performance.

4.Exploring the reach of various schemes under this act in different districts of MP. 4.1 Collection of Cess Amount in MadhyaPradesh There has been marginal increase in Cess amount from 2013-2014 to 2017-2018 from 264.49 crores to 281.95 crores .Highest Cess was received in the year 2016-2017 with 347.0 Crores.

Yearly Cess Amount received in Crores

347.00 350 303.58 286.44 281.95 300 264.49






0 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18

 Source of Data- 2013-2014 to 2015-2016 data source in from Annual Report of BOCW 2016-2017 and Number of District Wise Beneficiary list has been culled from a Document made by available by Labour Department.The Data is till May 2018.

15 An evaluation of the programmes run by the MPBOCW Board in MP 2019

4.2 Year wise Expenditure

Year Expenses Under Various schemes of BOCW ( in Crores) 2014-15 58.59 2015-16 110.42 2016-17 138.78 2017-2018 210.01

4.4 Comparative analysis sheet of CESS Collection and Expenses under various schemes of MadhyaPradesh

Comparative analysis of Cess Amount and Expenses of MP 400 347.00 350 303.58 300 286.44 281.95 244.99 250 Cess amount received (in Crores) 208.22 210.01

200 176.02 Expenses Under Various schemes of BOCW ( in Crores) 150 138.78 110.42 Difference between CESS amount and Expenses ( in Crores). 100 71.94 58.59 50

0 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-2018

-There has been a decrease in the difference between Cess Collection and its distribution since 2014 to 2018.The major decline took place in the year 2016-2017 to 2017- 2018 from Rs 208.22 crores to Rs 71.94 crores.Hence it’s a positive step taken by government as BOCW registered labourers are getting benefitted by various schemes.

Data Source:Data of two years culled from PPT matter presented by labour department and data of 2016-2017 and 2017-2018 from departmental letter issued on 20th May 2018.

16 An evaluation of the programmes run by the MPBOCW Board in MP 2019

4.5 Year wise registered labour under BOCW

Year wise Registered labour 180000 168225 160000 136857 140000 115382 120000 100000 80000 57077 53010 60000 40000 20000 0 2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018

-Since 2013-2014 there has been a decrease in the number of registered labour from 168225 to 136857 labourers but there has been a manifold increase between the year 2016-2017 to 2017-2018 from 53010 labourers to 136857 with an increase of 83847 labourers in a year.

 (Data Source: Annual report BOCW 2016-2017 and a report presented by Labour department dated 20th June 2018.) Note :The registered number of beneficiaries are more than registered number of labourers as one labour and his/her family is liable to attain benefit of one or more schemes.)

4.6 Top and Bottom districts in terms of Registration of labour. On the basis of district wise analysis of secondary data it was found that Bhopal has the highest number of registered labour followed by Satna and Jabalpur.

Registration of Labour - Top 10 district

70631 Gwalior 74830 79187 Indore 79467 86886 Singrauli 88213 State 92645 Jabalpur 94013 99703 Bhopal 102926 0 20000 40000 60000 80000 100000 120000

17 An evaluation of the programmes run by the MPBOCW Board in MP 2019

Registration of Labour - Bottom 10 district

Malanpur (Bhind) 3635 Pithampur 8454 Harda 9533 Agar Malwa 11663 Bhurhanpur 17617

State Sehopur 17661 Badwani 19294 Dindori 22556 Annupur 22797 Datia 26169

0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000

-Bhind(Malanpur) has the lowest number of registered labour followed by Pithampur and Harda.

4.7 Top and Bottom districts in terms of Beneficiary among the Registered labour Similarly seeing the data of beneficiaries among the registered labour in MadhyaPradesh has the highest number of beneficiaries followed by and chhatarpur districts.

Benificiaries -Top 10 district

Ujjain 111843 Seoni 128471 Annupur 135515 Tikamgarh 143165 Gwalior 156472

State Bhopal 167090 Sagar 169486 Chhatarpur 176962 Mandsaur 235987 Neemuch 258048

0 50000 100000 150000 200000 250000 300000

18 An evaluation of the programmes run by the MPBOCW Board in MP 2019

Benificiaries - Bottom 10 district

Malanpur (Bhind) 979 Agar Malwa 3708 Pithampur 6346 Bhind 12424 14303

State Sehopur 14920 Harda 16637 Badwani 20663 Sehore 22760 26721

0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000

-Malanpur(Bhind),Agar Malwa and Pithampur have bottom most number of beneficiaries in the State of MadhyaPradesh.

4.8 Top and Bottom districts in terms of Cess collection -In terms of CESS collection districts Bhopal, Indore and Jabalpur,Gwalior,Sagar,Khargone,Chhindwara,Dhar,Khandwa and Sigrauli are in top 10 districts .Pithampur,Malanpur(Bhind) and Agar Malwa are in the bottom 10 districts in terms of Collection of Cess.In Pithampur and Malanpur(Bhind)there is no CESS Collection.

4.9 Comparative analysis of Top 10 Cess Collecting districts with its respective expenditure

Comparative analysis of TOP 10 CESS Collection and its expenditure - 3016.95 Singrauli 2808.05 5825 4184.92 Khanwa 1933.08 6118 4870.03 Dhar 1300.97 6171 Difference between CESS 4502.15 Collection and benefit Chhindwara 1767.85 6270 received.(Lakhs) 5624.53 Khargone 1115.47 Recieved benifit amount in 6740 (Lakhs). 4953.9 Sagar 2744.1 Axis Title Axis 7698 6403.29 Collection of Cess amount in Gwalor 2547.71 8951 (Lakhs) 8941.22 Jabalpur 3505.78 12447 30701.75 Indore 1667.25 32369 54255.71 Bhopal 3890.29 58146

19 An evaluation of the programmes run by the MPBOCW Board in MP 2019

-Bhopal,Indore and Jabalpur are the districts where CESS Collection is among the top 3 districts whereas the expenditure in terms of received benefit to registered beneficiaries is very less. - Indore needs to focus on increasing its number of registered labours as its in the 7th position in the top 10 registered labour as per mentioned in above graphs 4.6(a)whereas Bhopal and Jabalpur are in the first and third position among the top 10 districts in terms of registration of labour.Only district Bhopal features in the top 10 districts in terms of beneficiaries.

-Among the of top 10 highest CESS Collecting districts.Singrauli,Khandwa and Chhindwara districts are in the top three districts which are performing good as there is less difference between CESS Collection and expenditure.

4.10 Satisfactory and Unsatisfactory performing Districts in terms of Expenditure-Benefit distribution in comparison to CESS Collection. Satisfactory performing districts-10 district in terms of expenditure more than CESS Collection.

S.No Districts Collection of Recieved benifit Difference between Cess amount in amount in (Lakhs). CESS Collection and (Lakhs) benefit received.(Lakhs) 1. Neemuch 1673 4000.65 -2327.65 2. Balaghat 1951 3932.84 -1981.84 3. Jhabua 1800 3683.08 -1883.08 4. Tikamgarh 668 1851.69 -1183.69 5. Umaria 630 1621.38 -991.38 6. Mandsaur 2664 3421.16 -757.16 7. Seoni 1700 2189.91 -489.91 8. Alirajpur 353 809.84 -456.84 9. Agar Malwa 74 342.97 -268.97 10. 1293 1515.29 -222.29

Neemuch, Balaghat, Jhabua are in the top 3 districts which is performing satisfactory where expenditure is more than the CESS Collection. Neemuch is performing the best as it has the highest number of beneficiaries as well as per graph 4.7.

There are 14 districts where expenditure is more than CESS Collection.The another four districts are Mandla,Malanpur(Bhind),Ashoknagar,Pitampur.

20 An evaluation of the programmes run by the MPBOCW Board in MP 2019

Satisfactory Performing -Top 10 districts

-2327.65 Neemuch 1673 4000.65 -1981.84 Balaghat 1951 3932.84 -1883.08 Jhabua 1800 3683.08 Difference between CESS -1183.69 Tikamgarh 1851.69 668 Collection and benefit -991.38 Umaria 630 1621.38 received.(Lakhs) -757.16 Mandsaur 26643421.16 Recieved benifit amount in Axis Title Axis -489.91 (Lakhs). Seoni 17002189.91 -456.84 Alirajpur 353809.84 -268.97 Collection of Cess amount in Agar Malwa 74342.97 (Lakhs) -222.29 Burhanpur 12931515.29

-4000 -2000 0 2000 4000 6000 Axis Title

Satisfactory Performing districts in real sense -10 districts in terms of expenditure not more than CESS amount being collected where the difference between CESS collection and distribution is the minimal.

S.No Districts Collection of Recieved benifit Difference between Cess amount amount in (Lakhs). CESS Collection and in (Lakhs) benefit received.(Lakhs) 1 Damoh 1931 1920.53 10.47 2 Rajgarh 1026 984.02 41.98 3 Harda 416 325.46 90.54 4 Shahdol 1494 1362.81 131.19 5 Panna 1615 1406.18 208.82 6 Morena 1849 1636.41 212.59 7 1819 1594.95 224.05 8 Katani 1989 1749.05 239.95 9 Annupur 2711 2417.78 293.22 10 Dindori 1131 825.07 305.93

Damoh,Rajgarh and Harda are the top 3 districts in this category of performance in a satisfactory manner where the difference between CESS collection and distribution is the minimal.

21 An evaluation of the programmes run by the MPBOCW Board in MP 2019

Unsatisfactory Performing districts-Top 10 districts in terms of Expenditure less than CESS Collection S.No Districts Collection of Recieved benifit Difference between Cess amount in amount in CESS Collection and (Lakhs) (Lakhs). benefit received.(Lakhs) 1 Bhopal 58146 3890.29 54255.71 2 Indore 32369 1667.25 30701.75 3 Jabalpur 12447 3505.78 8941.22 4 Gwalior 8951 2547.71 6403.29 5 Khargone 6740 1115.47 5624.53 6 Sagar 7698 2744.1 4953.9 7 Dhar 6171 1300.97 4870.03 8 Chhindwara 6270 1767.85 4502.15 9 Khandwa 6118 1933.08 4184.92 10 Guna 5104 1180.34 3923.66

Unsatisfactory Performing districts in terms of CESS Collection- Top 10 districts

Guna 5104 1180.34 3923.66 Khandwa 6118 1933.08 4184.92 Chhindwara 6270 1767.85 4502.15

Dhar 6171 1300.97 4870.03 Collection of Cess amount in (Lakhs) Sagar 7698 2744.1 4953.9 Khargone 6740 1115.47 5624.53 Recieved benifit amount in (Lakhs). Axis Title Axis Gwalior 8951 2547.71 6403.29 Difference between CESS Collection Jabalpur 12447 3505.78 8941.22 and benefit received.(Lakhs) Indore 32369 1667.25 30701.75 Bhopal 58146 3890.29 54255.71

0% 50% 100% Axis Title

-Bhopal,Indore and Jabalpur districts are performing in an unsatisfactory manner as they are in the top 3 districts in terms of difference between CESS Collection and expenditure. Bhopal and Indore districts have highest difference in terms of CESS Collection and Distribution

Data Source: This data is culled from a report presented by Labour department dated 20th June 2018 .This data is for a period of 6 years from 2013-2018.

22 An evaluation of the programmes run by the MPBOCW Board in MP 2019

5.Comparative study of Labour welfare schemes in other states vis a vis Madhya Pradesh and other states. The other states that are included are Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka,Orissa, Delhi, UP,Punjab)

5.1 Number of labour registered within the respective boards

No of labour registered within the respective boards

Madhya Pradesh 2460000 Punjab 150000 Karnataka 1,010,660 Kerala 1900000

Andhra Pradesh 1,752,270

State Uttar Pradesh 3000000 Delhi 1700000 Orissa 1400000 Tamil Nadu 2300000

0 1000000 2000000 3000000 4000000

 In terms of registration of labour Uttar Pradesh has the highest number of registered labour.Madhya Pradesh has the second number of highest labour and Tamilnadu being the third highest.  Kerala’s registration of board is the oldest which is of 28 years followed by Tamilnadu of 22 years and then Madhya Pradesh of 15 years old. Source of Data-Document submitted by Labour Department(till 31March 2015).

23 An evaluation of the programmes run by the MPBOCW Board in MP 2019

5.2. State wise comparative chart of cess collection and distribution

State wise Comparative Chart of CESS Collection and Distribution in Crore 2500 2225 2113 2000 1667 15141580 1399 1500 1381

979 901 954888 956 1000 798 699 601 539 372 425 500 315 265 153 181 160 50 103 66 112 0 Tamil Nadu Orissa Delhi Board Uttar Andhra Kerala Karnataka Punjab Madhya Board Board Pradesh Pradesh Board Board Board Pradesh Board Board Board Cess collection Benefit distribution Difference of Collection and Benefit amount.

 In terms of Collection Karnataka is the highest of about Rs 2225 Crore followed by Rs 1667 Crore of Delhi Board and about Rs 1580 Crore of Uttar Pradesh.  Lowest difference of Collection and Benefits distribution is in Kerala and Karnataka has the highest difference .Madhya Pradesh ranks 6th out of 9 states.  In terms of expenditure of Cess amount Madhya Pradesh ranks 2nd among these 9 states but if we compare it with collection and distribution its 6th .

5.3.Number of welfare schemes

No of welfare schemes

AP 10

MP 22

Delhi 16

Kerala 12

UP 20

Orissa 17

0 5 10 15 20 25

 Madhya Pradesh has the highest number of schemes (22) followed by Uttar Pradesh (20 schemes) and Orissa 17 schemes.

24 An evaluation of the programmes run by the MPBOCW Board in MP 2019

5 .4 State Wise Analysis of various schemes (Annexure) Maternity Scheme:

Delhi and Uttar Pradesh have good package.Rs.30,000 is paid in Delhi. Uttar Pradesh has variety of schemes and it pays highest amount also totalling Rs.24,000 and Rs 30,000 for 2 years ,being paid separately for Girl Child and Boy Child paid in till attainment of 2 years of age. Financial assistance after child Birth as well Rs.12,000(birth of boy child) and Rs.15,000(birth of girl child) yearly till the completion of 2 years age of Child. In addition to assistance in maternity there is provision in Uttar Pradesh known as “Balika Aashirwaad” scheme where upon birth of Girl Child Rs.25,000 is given in one instalment as fixed deposit and is given in attainment of 18 years of age and this amount is of Rs 50,000 for disabled girl child.3 months labour is given as well after birth of the Child and Rs.1000 as Medical Bonus.AndhraPradesh is extending the benefit to two daughters of labourer as well. Madhya Pradesh has a meagre Maternity Benefit Package of Rs.1400 and Rs.1000 in Rural and Urban respectively.This is meant for providing Nutrition assistance in the last Trimester of Pregnancy.45 day’s minimum wages is given the woman labour and 15 days minimum wages as to the Male labour on delivery of his wife.

 Assistance in Marriage:

Uttar Pradesh and Delhi has a good scheme for Assistance in Marriage an amount up to Child Marriage Assistance of Rs. 40,000(dependent upon payment of all contributions by labour). In Delhi Marriage assistance for Female and Male labour of Rs 51,000 and Rs,35,000 respectively it extends to Children of labourers as well Madhya pradesh has a scheme of marriage assistance of Rs. 25,000. It is meant for one time remarriage of women labour as well.The provision of marriage support extends to two Girl Child of the registered labour male and female.

 Educational Support: In Madhya Pradesh the educational support is available from primary to higher education and technical education as well. It is available from class first till Ph.D. There is support for coaching as well. It has various schemes for meritorious students and students clearing Civil Exams at State and Union level.There are Shramadoya Vidhyalaya-School for Children of labourers for students from 6th to 12th in CBSE pattern and admission based on merit list.

Delhi also had good schemes for education.AndhraPradesh has a unique educational support scheme for physically challenged labour. In the states of MadhyaPradesh and Uttar Pradesh there is separate allocation of female student and male students in their schooling days but madhyapradesh has separate provision till 12th and in Uttarpradesh it is till 10th standard.

Housing Scheme:

MadhyaPradesh Andhra pradesh and Tamilnadu states do not have any housing scheme. In Delhi the highest amount is being paid in the Housing scheme.

25 An evaluation of the programmes run by the MPBOCW Board in MP 2019

 Medical Assistance: Uttar Pradesh has the best Medical assistance scheme where in cases of serious ailments/disease 100% amount is provided upon hospitalization in government hospitals. Ambulance Support is provided in Uttar Pradesh where Rs.300 is provided 10 km and above it Rs.10 per km maximum of Rs.600.

Madhya Pradesh has also a good Medical assistance scheme upto 3 lakhs upon hospitalization. Delhi has a poor medical assistance scheme which Medical assistance scheme which provides maximum Rs.10,000 for 5 days of hospitalization or more due to accident or any disease.

 Disability : Uttar Pradesh has a good scheme provision related to Disability viz, Temporary and Partial Disability-2 lakhs. Permanent Disability-3 lakhs and there is a Pension upon disability provision 1000 per month (50% of disability and more than it) and this Pension upon disability is Rs.3000 in the State of Delhi. MadhyaPradesh has Partial disability provision due to accident of Rs.2 lakhs as well in tune with UttarPradesh Scheme.

 Pension for labour (being aged): Delhi State has a good Pension benefit of Rs. 3000/- per month after completion of 60 years .An increase of Three hundred rupees shall be given for every completed year of membership beyond five years.MadhyaPradesh doesn’t have any scheme of pension for labour.

Schemes upon Death of labour: In Madhya Pradesh due to Natural death of the labour aged below 45 years 2 lakhs is given and and above 45 years 1 lakh.There is a age slab in giving of this scheme benefit. It is the highest amount among the seven selected states for analysis. Kerela has a meagre amount of Rs.15,000 due to Natural Death of labour. Uttar Pradesh has the highest amount Provision upon Death of a labour due to accident which is Rs.Five lakh whereas in Madhya Pradesh Rs.Four lakh is provided. In Delhi State Family pension 50% of the pension received by the pensioner or Rs.1500/- whichever is higher on the death of a pensioner, family pension to surviving spouse. Funeral assistance has the highest provision of Rs.15000 and 1 lakh amount support to dependent family in the State of Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh has a provision of Rs.5000 only which is generally available in other states among these selected states except Delhi which has a provision of Rs.10,000.Kerela has number the lowest available assistance provision of Rs.2000.

 Other Schemes facilitating functioning of labour:(Skill building training,Purchase of tool kit,Cycle,Shed Uttar Pradesh has a good amount in Purchase of tool as maximum amount provided Rs.60,000 till the age of 60 years and there is Assistance for Solar Energy. Assistance for Food-Rs.10 and amended amount done time to time for mid day meal. Assistance provided to any institution as subsidy.12 residential schools are there as well for training of labourers. Delhi has the second higest provision of Rs.20,000 but there is a conditionality that the labour should number have attained 55 years of age.

26 An evaluation of the programmes run by the MPBOCW Board in MP 2019

In Madhya Pradesh there is Skill Building Training for labourers and the Dependent family members as well labourers aged 18 to 45 years and dependent family members aged 16 to 45 years.

In the provision of Tool Purchase Rs.5000 or 75% amount of the tool amount whichever is less is paid. It is given once in 5 years. Cycle Scheme of Rs 4000 or 90% whichever is less and the labour should be registered for minimum a period of two years. Construction of Toilet Rs.12,000 is paid in two installments.This scheme is applicable since 2016.MadhyaPradesh has a unique scheme of Shed creation for labourers waiting in Market Places for getting employment. Ten lakh made available to Urban bodies scheme named “Pandit Deen Dayal Uppadhyay Peethashram ashray” 2013.

27 An evaluation of the programmes run by the MPBOCW Board in MP 2019


1.There should be sustained increase in CESS Collection and its distribution:The cess amount is being regularly collected and there has been a decrease in Cess amount from 2014- 2015 to 2017-2018 from 303.58 crores to 281.95 crores in the year 2017-2018.There has been an increase in CESS amount only in the year 2016-2017 of 347.0 crores. The contribution mechanisms need to be made more robust for a more sustainable approach. Hence timely Monitoring needs to be done by officials who collect it.

2.There should a decrease in difference between CESS Collection and distribution in selected districts of MadhyaPradesh: Bhopal and Indore have highest difference in terms of Cess Collection and Distribution. These districts should decrease the difference by ensuring availability of schemes to eligible registered beneficiaries. Timely monitoring needs to be done in a timely manner so that various timely interventions can be done to reduce these differences.

3. Special plans should be made of districts where there is no CESS collection: In Pithampur and Malanpur(Bhind)there is no CESS Collection,hence there is a need of understanding the reasons behind it so that preventive timely actions can be taken.

4. Publicity of all schemes of BOCW and availing its benefits by registered labour: More publicity of the available schemes followed by registration of labourers and clarity in the required document to avail these schemes as among various 22 schemes majority of the beneficiaries are of Maternity and Wedding assistance scheme.The Department needs to increase its visibility through better structured IEC programmes. More information needs to be made through Lok Sewa Kendras or M.P Online as there is less information on this process.The Board may, with the approval of the State Government, open as many field offices as it may consider necessary for the efficient discharge of its functions under the Act.This provision can be utilized for opening of field offices at block level to increase the awareness about various schemes through more intensive IEC.

5. Satisfactory performance indicators of districts needed to be decided and to be done in a decided period:Satisfactory performance indicators of performance of districts need to be decided which would compare CESS Collection,distribution and number of beneficiaries as well.Quarterly analysis needs to be done by each district and needs to be submitted to BOCW.If we compare it with selected other states MadhyaPradesh state is performing well in terms of expenditure and number of schemes meant for construction labourers by BOCW seeing the data of other nine states.MadhyaPradesh can perform better if scheme benefits are more distributed rather than concentrating only in some schemes.Detailed analysis of all schemes needs to be done as well.

6.Registration of labour and availing of schemes benefit to be done in a timely manner and transparency of process: Registration of labour and availing of various entitlements in a set time limit as it is dependent of the satisfaction of the authorised officer.The primary data states that registration of labour took around six months as well. In cases of rejection of application the labour should have information on the time limit of appeal so as to pursue the matter consistently and hereby reducing corruption.The applicant labour should have transparent information on his/her process of application and availing of various schemes amount through notifications in registered mobile no of labour. Reason for Rejection of the

28 An evaluation of the programmes run by the MPBOCW Board in MP 2019 application as it is mandatory to inform the reason for rejection of application that too in a written manner.

Suggestion for Improvement about the Registration Process based on Primary Data (refer to annexure 2.10) -33% of the respondents shared that there is a need of awareness about Scheme through Camp, News Paper etc.This information was given majorly by respondents of Sehore.25% of respondents shared that Registration needs to be done through M.P. Online. This was largely given by respondents of Jhabua (64%) as physical distance is an issue in this district as there are remote villages and cities. Inspite of the available system of Online Registration as people are not aware of this procedure hence the above mentioned percentage of respondents gave this suggestion. -There is a need of Publicity of the online available option of Registration of labour. 15% respondents shared that officials should timely complete the registration process. This indicates that the respondents didn’t had information of the time limit of 30 days as prescribed by Act and 14% respondents say that officials do not share clearly the required documents needed for registration. -Some 4% respondents indicated the bad behavior of the officials. If we combine both the percentage it is 33% which is a significant percentage indicating the need of working with officials in charge of this process by providing them training/orientation or monitoring their assigned duties in given deadline. -3% of respondents shared that there should be a reduction in the documents needed for registration. -2% of the respondents shared that in information should be shared in Mobile about the status of their application and reason for number doing the registration process. -4% of the respondents stated that were given were of appointment of Grievance redressal officer, Establishment of Helpline Number, Registration at Panchayat level & Bribe to be reduced.

7. MadhyaPradesh should increase its available scheme of Maternal Assistance scheme from 1400 and 1000 rupees in Rural and Urban respectively available : Madhya Pradesh should try to analyze and adopt the positive aspects of various schemes available in other states. Delhi and Uttar Pradesh have good package.Rs.30,000 is paid in Delhi.This would be helpful as Maternal and Infant Mortality rate is high in MadhyaPradesh.This can be given from the first trimester as well in form of Nutrition assistance or after Child Birth in the Neonatal period. It can introduce pension related schemes upon Disability of labour and Schemes specifically meant for the Girl Child development as available in Uttar Pradesh.

8. Madhyapradesh should have pension scheme of labourers:Currently MadhyaPradesh government doesn’t have a pension scheme for labourers.

9.More proactive role of CESS officer and labour officials: The Cess officer should mention the correct number of labourers during inspection and all required register and being filled by Employee/Contractor. Overseeing to be done of Muster roll, wages register deduction register, Overtime Register and issue of wage books and service certificates as per section 241 of the BOCW act by Chief inspector of Board.

29 An evaluation of the programmes run by the MPBOCW Board in MP 2019

Annexure 1 1.1 .Rural and urban divide for Selection of Sample

District Rural Urban Total Gwalior 50% 50% 100% Jhabua 50% 50% 100% Mandla 49% 51% 100% Sehore 0% 100% 100% State 37% 63% 100%

1. 2 Religion Wise Distribution of labourers

District Muslim Hindu Christian Total Gwalior 7% 93% 0% 100% Jhabua 0% 98% 2% 100% Mandla 2% 98% 0% 100% Sehore 0% 100% 0% 100% State 2% 97% 1% 100%

1.3 Caste Wise Distribution of labourers

District ST SC OBC Gen. Total Gwalior 16% 39% 41% 4% 100% Jhabua 93% 7% 0% 0% 100% Mandla 16% 13% 71% 0% 100% Sehore 11% 51% 19% 19% 100% State 34% 27% 33% 6% 100%

1.4 Gender Wise Distribution of Labourers

District Male Female Total Gwalior 82% 18% 100% Jhabua 77% 23% 100% Mandla 65% 35% 100% Sehore 75% 25% 100% State 75% 25% 100%

1.5 Age Wise Distribution of Labourers

District 18-30 Years 31-40 Years 41-50 Years 51-60 Years Total Gwalior 2% 27% 46% 25% 100% Jhabua 39% 34% 24% 3% 100% Mandla 5% 17% 52% 26% 100% Sehore 18% 26% 31% 25% 100% State 16% 26% 38% 20% 100%

30 An evaluation of the programmes run by the MPBOCW Board in MP 2019

1.6 Skill Wise Distribution of Labourers

Semi- District Unskilled Skilled Total Skilled Gwalior 27% 71% 2% 100% Jhabua 8% 91% 1% 100% Mandla 73% 27% 0% 100% Sehore 4% 95% 1% 100% State 28% 71% 1% 100%

2.Process of Registration of labour and Identifying the Bottlenecks 2.1 Year of Registration of labourers

District 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Total Gwalior 9% 38% 41% 10% 2% 0% 0% 100% Jhabua 0% 1% 42% 27% 28% 2% 0% 100% Mandla 0% 0% 0% 6% 52% 37% 5% 100% Sehore 0% 98% 0% 0% 1% 1% 0% 100% State 2% 34% 21% 11% 21% 10% 1% 100%

2.2 Source of Information about the process of Registration

Relatives/ News Neighbours and Mandal / District Other Source Total Paper other Registered Board official workers Gwalior 0% 100% 0% 0% 100% Jhabua 0% 94% 0% 6% 100% Mandla 4% 43% 51% 2% 100% Sehore 0% 100% 0% 0% 100% State 1% 84% 13% 2% 100%

2.3 Information on Documents Needed for Registration

Bank Aadhar Ration Samagra District Voter ID Pass Photo Total Card Card ID Book Gwalior 17% 17% 17% 17% 17% 17% 100% Jhabua 17% 17% 17% 17% 17% 17% 100% Mandla 18% 9% 18% 18% 18% 18% 100% Sehore 0% 25% 25% 24% 1% 25% 100% State 14% 16% 19% 18% 14% 19% 100%

31 An evaluation of the programmes run by the MPBOCW Board in MP 2019

2.4 Place where Application Submitted for Registration

Commissioner N. Online CEO Janpad District Nigam/N.Palika/ N. Total Portal Panchayat Parishad Gwalior 50% 0% 50% 100% Jhabua 51% 0% 49% 100% Mandla 48% 2% 50% 100% Sehore 100% 0% 0% 100% State 62% 1% 37% 100%

2.4 Registration Time

1 More than 6 District 1 to 3 Month 3 to 6 Month Total Month month

Gwalior 76% 24% 0% 0% 100% Jhabua 5% 66% 26% 0.03% 100% Mandla 32% 60% 8% 0% 100% Sehore 96% 3% 0% 0.01% 100% State 52% 38% 9% 1% 100%

2.5 Meeting of Criteria for Preparation of labour

Construction District Agricultural Labour Small Business Total labour

Gwalior 66% 34% 0% 100% Jhabua 84% 13% 3% 100% Mandla 0% 100% 0% 100% Sehore 99% 1% 0% 100% State 62% 37% 1% 100%

2.6 Continuity of work done for a period (number of months )

District Less than 3 Month Up to 3 Month More than 3 month Total

Gwalior 0% 0% 100% 100% Jhabua 10% 4% 86% 100% Mandla 55% 34% 11% 100% Sehore 0% 6% 94% 100% State 16% 11% 73% 100%

32 An evaluation of the programmes run by the MPBOCW Board in MP 2019

2.7 Present Occupation

Construction Agricultural District Other work Total Labour Labour Gwalior 66% 33% 1% 100% Jhabua 84% 13% 3% 100% Mandla 0% 100% 0% 100% Sehore 98% 2% 0% 100% State 62% 37% 1% 100%

2.8 Whether registration easily done

District Yes No Total Gwalior 97% 3% 100% Jhabua 0% 100% 100% Mandla 100% 0% 100% Sehore 52% 48% 100% State 62% 38% 100%

2.9 Types of Problems Faced

not give correct Had to go again Money was asked District information of Total and again for work, about documents Gwalior 100% 0% 0% 100% Jhabua 32% 28% 40% 100% Mandla 0% 0% 0% 100% Sehore 52% 31% 17% 100% State 40% 28% 32% 100%

2.10 Suggestions for Improvement

Awarene Work done ss about Registrat Reductio the Scheme ion Get Improve n in deadline, Informati through through correct the documen Do not on on District Others Total Camp, M.P. informat behavior ts for have to go mobile be News Online, ion. of officials registrati to their given Paper Kiosk. on. offices etc. frequently Gwalior 23% 0% 16% 16% 2% 26% 12% 5% 100% Jhabua 4% 64% 6% 1% 7% 16% 1% 0% 100% Mandla 13% 4% 17% 0% 0% 38% 0% 29% 100% Sehore 79% 0% 20% 1% 0% 0% 0% 0% 100% State 33% 25% 14% 4% 3% 15% 2% 4% 100%

33 An evaluation of the programmes run by the MPBOCW Board in MP 2019

Question related to knowledge about various schemes and process of receiving benefit of these schemes.

3.1 Information of Schemes run by Board/Mandal.

District Yes No Total Gwalior 100% 0% 100% Jhabua 100% 0% 100% Mandla 100% 0% 100% Sehore 45% 55% 100% State 86% 14% 100%

3.2 Names of various Schemes on which respondents had information

Brillia Two Mater Medic Marr Educa Fune Toilet Cycle nt Hous wheel Tool Skill nity al iage tional ral const purch stude e er District purch Trainin Total Benefi assista assist assista assist ructio ase nt Gran purch ase g t nce. ance nce ance n grant schola t ase rship grant Gwalior 21% 21% 21% 18% 13% 6% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 100% Jhabua 16% 16% 15% 13% 11% 8% 1% 4% 4% 6% 2% 3% 100% Mandla 18% 19% 31% 18% 0% 14% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 100% Sehore 55% 9% 5% 9% 0% 0% 8% 12% 2% 0% 0% 0% 100% State 21% 18% 22% 16% 8% 8% 1% 2% 1% 1% 1% 1% 100%

3.3 (a) Applied for Schemes Benefit

District Yes No Total Gwalior 100% 0% 100% Jhabua 100% 0% 100% Mandla 100% 0% 100% Sehore 45% 55% 100% State 86% 14% 100%

3.3 (b) Place/official to submit application

Commissnumberr District CEO Janpad N.Palika/N.Nigam Total /N. Parishad Gwalior 50% 50% 100% Jhabua 50% 50% 100% Mandla 53% 47% 100% Sehore 2% 98% 100% State 45% 55% 100%

34 An evaluation of the programmes run by the MPBOCW Board in MP 2019

3.4 (a) Benefit Received of Schemes

District Yes No Total Gwalior 100% 0% 100% Jhabua 69% 31% 100% Mandla 100% 0% 100% Sehore 98% 2% 100% State 91% 9% 100%

3.4 (b) Scheme wise benefits received

Medica Two Materni Education Funeral Tool Cycle Toilet l Marriage wheeler ty al assistanc purchas purchas constr District assista assistance purchase Total Benefit assistance e e e grant uction nce. grant Gwalior 0% 0% 91% 0% 9% 0% 0% 0% 0% 100% Jhabua 17% 17% 0% 3% 0% 0% 49% 3% 3% 93% Mandla 0% 0% 86% 13% 1% 0% 0% 0% 0% 100% Sehore 5% 5% 7% 11% 0% 11% 11% 0% 0% 50% State 13% 4% 58% 6% 3% 2% 12% 1% 1% 100%

3.5 Problems Faced for Benefits of Schemes

District Yes No Total Gwalior 2% 98% 100% Jhabua 99% 1% 100% Mandla 0% 100% 100% Sehore 24% 76% 100% State 31% 69% 100%

3.6 Types of Problems Faced in getting benefits of scheme

No information on called by officials District Demand for money Total required documents again and again Gwalior 73% 25% 2% 100% Jhabua 70% 27% 2% 100% Mandla 0% 0% 0% 0% Sehore 90% 7% 3% 100% State 76% 22% 2% 100%

35 An evaluation of the programmes run by the MPBOCW Board in MP 2019

3.7 (a) Children of Registered labour getting Benefit of Schemes

District Yes No Total Gwalior 29% 71% 100% Jhabua 3% 97% 100% Mandla 22% 78% 100% Sehore 5% 95% 100% State 15% 85% 100%

3.7 (b) Type of Scheme benefitted by the Children

District Medhavi Chhatravati Shiksha Protsahan Total Gwalior 3% 97% 100% Jhabua 0% 100% 100% Mandla 0% 100% 100% Sehore 0% 100% 100% State 2% 98% 100%

4.Exploring the reach of various schemes under this act in different districts of MP. 4.1 Collection of Cess Amount in MadhyaPradesh

Year Cess amount received (in crores) 2013-2014 264.49 2014-15 303.58 2015-16 286.44 2016-17 347.00 2017-2018 281.95

4.2 Year wise Expenditure

Year Expenses Under Various schemes of BOCW ( in Crores)

2014-15 58.59 2015-16 110.42 2016-17 138.78 2017-2018 210.01

4.3 Comparative analysis sheet of CESS Collection and Expenses Under various schemes of MadhyaPradesh

Year Cess amount received (in Expenses Under Various Difference between CESS Crores) schemes of BOCW ( in amount and Expenses ( in Crores) Crores). 2014-15 303.58 58.59 244.99 2015-16 286.44 110.42 176.02 2016-17 347.00 138.78 208.22 2017-2018 281.95 210.01 71.94

36 An evaluation of the programmes run by the MPBOCW Board in MP 2019

4.8 Year wise registered labour under BOCW

Year No of Registered labour 2013-2014 168225 2014-2015 57077 2015-2016 115382 2016-2017 53010 2017-2018 136857

4.9 Top and Bottom districts in terms of Registration of labour. 4.6 (a) Registration of Labour –Top 10 district

S.No. Districts Registration of Labour 1 Bhopal 102926 2 Satna 99703 3 Jabalpur 94013 4 Sagar 92645 5 Singrauli 88213 6 Chhindwara 86886 7 Indore 79467 8 Seoni 79187 9 Gwalior 74830 10 Tikamgarh 70631

4.6 (b) Registration of Labour- Bottom last 10 districts

S.No. Districts Registration of Labour 1 Datia 26169 2 Annupur 22797 3 Dindori 22556 4 Badwani 19294 5 Sehopur 17661 6 Bhurhanpur 17617 7 Agar Malwa 11663 8 Harda 9533 9 Pithampur 8454 10 Malanpur (Bhind) 3635

37 An evaluation of the programmes run by the MPBOCW Board in MP 2019

4.10 Top and Bottom districts in terms of Beneficiary among the Registered labour Top and bottom beneficiary

4.7 (a) Beneficiaries - Top 10 district

S.No. Districts Beneficiaries 1 Neemuch 258048 2 Mandsaur 235987 3 Chhatarpur 176962 4 Sagar 169486 5 Bhopal 167090 6 Gwalior 156472 7 Tikamgarh 143165 8 Annupur 135515 9 Seoni 128471 10 111843

4.8 (b) Beneficiaries -Bottom 10 district

S.No. Districts Beneficiaries 1 Raisen 26721 2 Sehore 22760 3 Badwani 20663 4 Harda 16637 5 Sehopur 14920 6 Alirajpur 14303 7 Bhind 12424 8 Pithampur 6346 9 Agar Malwa 3708 10 Malanpur (Bhind) 979

4.11 Top and bottom district in cess collection 4.9 (a) Top 10 District in terms of Cess collection

S.No. Districts Cess collection(In lakhs) 1 Bhopal 58146 2 Indore 32369 3 Jabalpur 12447 4 Gwalior 8951 5 Sagar 7698 6 Khargone 6740 7 Chhindwara 6270 8 Dhar 6171 9 Khandwa 6118 10. Singrauli 5825

38 An evaluation of the programmes run by the MPBOCW Board in MP 2019

4.7 (b) Bottom of 10 District in terms of cess collection District Cess collection( In Lakhs) Rajgarh 1026 Ashok nagar 975 Sehopur 876 Tikamgarh 668 Umaria 630 Harda 416 Alirajpur 353 Agar Malwa 74 Malanpur (Bhind) 0 Pithampur 0

4.12 Comparative analysis of TOP 10 Cess Collecting districts with its respective expenditure Collection of Cess Expenditure- Received Difference between CESS Collection and Districts amount in (Lakhs) benefit amount in (Lakhs). benefit received.(Lakhs)

Bhopal 58146 3890.29 54255.71 Indore 32369 1667.25 30701.75

Jabalpur 12447 3505.78 8941.22 Gwalior 8951 2547.71 6403.29

Sagar 7698 2744.1 4953.9

Khargone 6740 1115.47 5624.53

Chhindwara 6270 1767.85 4502.15 Dhar 6171 1300.97 4870.03

Khandwa 6118 1933.08 4184.92

Singrauli 5825 2808.05 3016.95

5.1 State Wise Registration of Labour and Establishment Years of Board Number of labor Number of years since State registered establishment Establishment Tamil Nadu 2300000 22 years 11/30/1994 Orissa 1400000 14 years 1/3/2004 Delhi 1700000 12 years 9/26/2006 Uttar Pradesh 3000000 13 years 2/3/2007 Andhra Pradesh 1,752,270 13 years 4/30/2007

Kerala 1900000 28 years 1/1/1990

Karnataka 1,010,660 12 years 11/1/2006

Punjab 150000 9 years 4/30/2009 Madhya Pradesh 2460000 15 years 4/10/2003

39 5.4 State Wise Provisions of Scheme of BOCW

States MadhyaPradesh Orissa UttarPradesh AndhraPradesh Kerela Tamilnadu Delhi

Schemes Maternity Rs 1400 (Rural), Rs.8000 Rs 12,000 for women labour in Rs20,000 for Rs3000 Rs 6000/ Rs.30,000 to registered Scheme Rs1000 (Urban) as one instalment and Rs. 6000 for women labour, women members and wife Nutrition wife of male labour given in two wife of male Rs 1000 for of male members(upto 2 assistance in last instalments. labour and to two 6 months children). trimester of -Rs,12000 for birth of male child daughters as well. Pregnancy for 2 years and Rs,15000 for birth of girl child for 2 years. -“Balika Aashirwaad” scheme where upon birth of Girl Child Rs.25,000 is given in one instalment as fixed deposit and is given in attainment of 18 years of age.Rs.50,000 is paid on birth of Girl Child who is disabled. -3 months labour is given as well after birth of the Child and Rs.1000 as Medical Bonus and two weeks leave due to family planning operation of women labour. Assistance Rs.25,000 to women Rs.25,000 Rs.40,000 (dependent upon payment Rs20,000 as gift as Rs3000/Women Rs. 10000 Financial Assistance for in Marriage labour,her once extends to of all contributions by labour). to women worker or labour and Girl Child- marriage of self and for remarriage and two two girl daughter of the daughters. children (upto 2 children)., daughters of child women worker. the building workers having registered labour continuous membership of 03 years shall be eligible. The details are as under:- - Marriage of female registered member – Rs.51,000/- An evaluation of the programmes run by the MPBOCW Board in MP 2019

- Marriage of male registered member - Rs.35,000/- - Marriage of daughter of registered members – Rs.51,000/- - Marriage of son of registered members – Rs.35,000/

Educational -Educational 11th and Class 1st to 12th Rs.2000 to Merit scholarship is Rs 5000 There is Financial Assistance for Support assistance from 12th 5000.There is a separate provision for only provided Assistance for Number education. The details are as class 1 to Ph.D. students Girls and Boys till class 10th being Rs,5000 for entrance provision under:- Support of Rs.500 to 5000 yearly paid in two instalments in a year and Rs10,000 for coaching for the 10,000. -ITI -7000 maximum 10,000 to 12,000 for boys courses at children of - Class-I to Class-VIII is per month. and girls respectively yearly for Graduation level. members Rs.500/- P.M. (Rs.6000/- -Financial Support Diploma/Pol Engineering and Medical students PA) to Meritorious ytechnic -Scholarship for Cash award and - Class-IX to Class-X is children-Rs.2000 to 10,000 per Children of scholarships Rs Rs.700/- P.M. (Rs.8400/- 12,000 from 5th month. Physically 250 to Rs 2400/ PA) class to Graduation. Professional challenged labour - Class-XI to Class-XII is -First 5000 children Courses-Rs Rs10,000 per year Rs.1,000/-P.M. (Rs.12,000/- of the Merit list of 40,000 for any class. PA) 10th and 12th yearly. class. - Graduation Level is - Children who get Rs.3,000/- P.M. (Rs.36,000/- admission in any PA) Recognized Educational institute - ITI Courses Rs.4,000/- get support of P.M. (Rs.48,000/- PA) Rs.5000 to 20,000. - Polytechnic Diploma (3 - Civil Exams years) Courses Rs.5,000/- passed by Children P.M. (Rs.60,000/- PA) of labour support of Rs.25,000 provided - Technical Courses such as -Children passing - Engineering, Medicine, MBA PSC Prelim – Rs.10,000/- P.M. 15,000.Mains- (Rs.1,20,000/- PA).

1 An evaluation of the programmes run by the MPBOCW Board in MP 2019

25,000. -UPSC Prelim 25,000.Mains- 50,000 -Coaching- 20,000 or 75% of the Coaching at UG and PG level.

Shramadoya Vidhyalaya-School for Children of labourers For students from 6th to 12th in CBSE pattern Medical Critical illness Critical Illness 100% amount is Critical illness Financial -There is Medical Assistance upto Assistance medical provided upon hospitalization in Rs.50,000 assistance in number Rs. 10,000. In case of assistance- 3 government hospitals. case of Provision. hospitalized for 05 or lakhs upon Ambulance Support:Rs.300 till 10 accidents Rs - more days due to accident hospitalization km,600 maximum amount, 500/per day Rs.3000Mis or any disease. covered under 3 for first 5 day carriage / schemes. +Rs 70 for Termination additional -Spectacle days in excess assistance of 5, subject to Upto 500/ a maximum for 2000 Rs 20,000/ workers per year Medical Benefit Rs 400/per day for first 5 days +Rs 70 for additional days over 5

2 An evaluation of the programmes run by the MPBOCW Board in MP 2019

subject to maximum of Rs 5000/ Spectacle assistance and Medical Camps are organized. Disability Death Disability: Disability-Temporary and Partial Permanent Natural Death Disability- Death Pension and Natural death Maximum Disability-2 lakhs Disability 2 of labour Temporary Death is due to an death of age below 45 amount 1 Permanent Disability-3 lakhs lakhs.(accident at :Rs.15,000. disability accident, during the labour years- 2 lakh fifty Pension upon disability:1000 per workplace) Accidental due to course of employment, the lakhs and above thousand.It month (50% of disability and more -Death Death- accident: 1 nominees/dependents of 45 years 1 lakh. depends on than it). -2 lakhs(accident 2 lakh. Rs lakh. the members shall be Death due to the Death of labour due to accident at workplace). 500/per day Pension given Rs. 2,00,000/- as accident -4 lakhs. percentage while working:5 lakhs provided to -Natural Death for first 5 day scheme- death benefit. from the Disability of dependent family member. 30,000 +Rs 70 for Rs.400 per date of joining Partial disability disability. Funeral-15000 and 1 lakh amount Funeral- additional month after membership of the fund. due to accident-2 Death of support to dependent family. Rs.10,000 days in excess 60 years. Normal death of the lakhs. labour- Pension for wife of registered of 5, Funeral worker the -Funeral Natural labour:1000 per month(after death assistance- nominees/dependents of SchemeRs.5000 is death1 of male labour).Family Pension Temporary 5000 the members shall be given lakh, would be also received after death disability due given Rs. 1,00,000. Accidental of male labour to his wife or to accident: 1 Funeral Assistance in Death dependents Rs.1000 per month. lakh. case of death of a member 2lakhs. Permanent Rs. 10,000. Funeral- disability Pension benefit of Rs. 5000 Rs 1,00,000/ 3000/- per month after completion of 60 years . Pension An increase of 200/p.m +20 Three hundred rupees shall for every year be given for every in excess of 5 completed year of years; membership beyond five

3 An evaluation of the programmes run by the MPBOCW Board in MP 2019

Maximum Rs years. A member, who 400/ has been working as a building worker for Funeral numbert less than one assistance year, on completion of 60 Rs 2000/ years of age. Family pension 50% of the pension received by the pensioner or Rs.1500/- which ever is higher.On death of a pensioner, family pension to surviving spouse. Disability pension Rs. 3000/- per month to permanently disabled member due to paralysis, leprosy, T.B and accidents etc. Ex-gratia payment of Rs. 1,00,000/- in case of permanent disability Housing There is no Making Rs. 1 lakh paid for construction of There is number Rs 50,000/ There is Advance for purchase or Scheme scheme. House house in one’s own land given in scheme. Maximum number construction of house - Rs. Pucca:1 two installments. Rs1,00,000/ scheme. 3,00,000/- a continuous lakh membership of 1 years and having 15 years of service for superannuation.

Other Cycle Scheme of Training Purchase of tool:Maximum Training for Rs 10,000/ for There is Rs. 5000/- once in 5 years Schemes Rs 4000 or 90% and Skill amount provided Rs.60,000 till the laborers in safety purchase of number (Rule – 276 (A) ) to those facilitating whichever is less Developme age of 60 years. and Hygiene. Tool. Provision. who have completed 3 functioning once in a life nt of labour Assistance for Solar years of the membership

4 An evaluation of the programmes run by the MPBOCW Board in MP 2019 of time. for Energy:100% assistance. and who remits labour:(Skil Tool Purchase- dependents contribution regularly, l building Rs.5000 or 75% as well should numbert have training,Pur amount of the wife completed 55 years of chase of tool tool amount ,daughter age. . Loan for the kit,Cycle,Sh whichever is and son till purchase of work related ed less.It is given 21 years of Tools - Rs. 20,000 (Rule – once in 5 years. age. 276) to those who have Shed scheme- Tool Kit- completed 3 years of the Rs.Ten lakh 4000 membership and who made available to Cycle:4000 remits contribution Urban bodies Purchase of regularly, should numbert scheme named any safety have completed 55 years Pandit Deen Device/Too of age. Dayal l-1000. Imparting Vocational Uppadhyay Training:2 Training to registered Peethashram 000 per construction workers and ashray 2013. month their family members maximum (Rule 283A). for 6 16. Setting up of months. Construction Academy for Purchase of Skill Development for Cycle: registered construction maximum workers amount 3000.