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JWBK558-bind JWBK558-Bacon Printer: Yet to Come September 5, 2012 17:27 Trim: 229mm × 152mm Index 9/11 terrorist attacks 186 appendices 193–202 appraisal ratio 86–7, 165 Abdulali, Adil 37 arbitrage 181–2 absolute mean difference 12, 14 arithmetic information ratio 55–61 absolute risk dashboard 180, 195–8 arithmetic mean 7–8, 45–6, 191 active risk see tracking error arithmetic tracking error 53–4, 55–67 adjusted information ratio 61–3 asset allocation decisions, portfolio adjusted M2 160–1, 168, 179–80 managers 73, 78 adjusted Sharpe ratio (ASR) 48–9, 52, asset managers 2, 3, 57, 164, 183–7 160–1, 167, 179–80, 183, 196 Association for Investment Management AIMR see Association for Investment and Research (AIMR) 16–17 Management and Research see also CFA-Institute alpha 71–3, 74–5, 81, 83, 86–7, 90–6, asymmetrical distributions 23–4, 49, 52, 165, 168, 177–9, 189, 200–1 179–80 see also Fama-French alpha;Jensen’s see also skewness alpha; regression alpha audit 183 alternative investments 42, 164, 169, average drawdown 97, 100–1, 105, 165, 173–4 171, 178 alternative modified Jensen 88 average VaR see conditional VaR alternative Sharpe ratio 47–9, 52 averages 7–8 analytical VaR 122, 124 see also mean; median; mode annual arithmetic mean 8 annualised alpha COPYRIGHTED72–3, 200–1 back-tests, MATERIAL VaR 182 annualised returns 7, 8, 12, 19, 44–9, Bacon, Francis 1 56–61, 155–6, 172–4, 189, 193–4, banks 181–2 196, 197, 200 bear beta 73, 78–81 annualised risk 18, 44–9, 56–61, 127, bell curves see normal distributions 155–6,
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