
N -DIA 1951 OF • LA K


- I






5.4792- SHC> Lan PREFAOE

A£1..eT the 1951 Census~ figures :for villages and tovv~ns .... vere published. in the Dist-rict Census I-Iand books_ The population of'. each. village and town v;,,-as exhibited u:nder eight broad livel:ih.ood classes_ Other data re1.ating .to IYluther'-tongue, .:religion.~ civ;il condition, etc_ were not sorted an.d tabulated by villages and towns hut hy larger units called Tracts. vv-hich consisted generally of the rural or urban areas of several talukas_ Indeed_. in the S·tate Reports,. the District was the smallest unit for -vvhich figures ,vere exhibited_ The result of this was that figures of 1Tlother-tongue were r:lDt avail­ a ble according to villages_ In 1954 the Government of decided to obtain :anguage data according to villages :fo].' all multi-li:ngual talukas in. I:ndia by 1'D.eanS <..I:f a special sor'ting of the 1951 census slips_ The Government OT Bombay agreed to share the cost o:f this operation :for Bombay State equally "\'vith the Central Government, and a ten~porary office was organised .in Bombay City to handle the opera'~ions_ I ,-vas appointed Super­ intendent o:f Census Operations for Bombay State in addition to my normal ,-,\701'1-.:: as Collector of Bombay. an.d the services of 'Sh.ri K_ F_ Patel, ,-vho had been. in charge 0:[ the Tabulation Offi_ce set up at Baroda after ·the 1.95~ Census, were made a \7ailable for appointment as Deputy Superintendent in charge o:f the linguistic sortin.g olTlce at BonLbay_ After the terminati.on o£ the 1951 Census Sorting Operation, the census enumera­ tion slips had been arranged not accordir:tg to villJge.s but according to livelir... ood classes and tracts_ The present linguistic sorting operation involved the detailed sorting by villages and mother-tongues of approxi:r:nately 40 lakhs of slips pertaining 1::'0 31 multi-lingual talukas, but to obtain these 40 lakhs of slips 5E1 lakhs o£ slips had t.o be sorted_ These slips were obtained :from the Collectors of Baroda. P~hn~ednaga:r and . in ,-vhose charge the census slips ,-vere placed at the cDr1clusion of tr1e 1951 census sorting and tabulation at these centres_ The ""vork of linguistic sortir:tg wa.s har:tdled by six supervisors and -tl~irty sorters, ""vho ,-'Vorkec1 £or a period of :four months_ Thereafter thE" service.:; of supervisors, typists and calc'l..1lati:ng machine operators ,-vcre requircci for app:ro~irnately three rr10nths more to prepare the data for publication_ 'The coloured 1TlapS ....·""hich acC"ompa:ny this booklet were prepared under the supervisior1 of Shri 13_ "\V_ Khadilkar. I"vIanager of the PILotozincographic Press, Poona. with the assistance of the staff of the Settle­ l:nent Commissioner and the Director of Lan.d Records. PoonLl_ As far as possible the separa"te boundaries of each village have beer1 sho.... vn; but in the case oE unsurveyed areas this ....vas not possible and such villages have been in.di.cated by dots_ The boun­ daries of the villages an.d towns may n.ot be exactly 'to E:cale; but they w,ill se::t:;¥'e adequately enough to indicate the location of the villages. The maps are self-e::x::pla­ na.tory_ Colours representing mother-tongu.es have been applied to areas ,"""yhere t-he speakers coT:tstituted an. absolute majority Le_, exceeded 50 per cent_ o:f the populatioY1_ Every village ar tawn was assigned a Location Code number at the 1951 census; and these Locatian. Code n.umbers were written on. all i-he census slips_ Tn general, the instructions in regard to the Location. Code :numbers ....vere fully understood and followed in 1951, though inevitably cases did occur ,-vhere enumerators had on~itted 1,0 write the Location Code n.umbers and this caused trouble at the tin'1e of the lingu.istic sorting_ However. re:ference to the National Registers and cornparison of the hand writing on the slips enabled most of the puzz-:ies to be solved_ "\Vherc the enumerators had failed to indicate ,the mother-tongue--ec:;nd such cases v~7ere not n.umerous--the slips are noVIT shown in, the category o:f < Unspecified'_ In this booklet, the absolute figures of population arLived at as a resul-t of the resorting of the slips have been. shown_ In some case::; these figures differ slightly from -the figures given. in. the District Census Hand books_ Wherever the di.fl'erence has beel'1 other than. slight, attention to the fact has been. drawn in a footnote_ According to the District Census Hand books the population o£ the areas dealt ,vith in this ¥c 2268-1 j

Hand-book was 1,375,891_ According to the present linguistic sorting operation. the popu­ latl.ol."l. -....vas :1.,373,221, a diiiere:nce of' --0-19 per ce:n.t_ Inevita1.11y as a resu.lt 01' pack:tng, tran.sportl.n,g, unpacking and resorting slips some slips do get misplaced or destroyed; but the proporj!(tion of such cases is so minute as not to atlect the authenticity of the l.in..guistl.c patterIl.. that emerges from the preseIl..t resorting operation._ The liTl.guistic data after the 1951 Census were extractE'"d according to '1..~racts_ At "the presen.t linguistic sorting the areas sorted usually cii.-i not coincide with these Tracts_ It i:s :not possible therefore, to compare the peree:ntages of ~erso=s spec:oki=g different .languages that emerged from the 1951 and 1955 sorting £or lo_nguages_ In :the case o:f 13elgaum District, however, the areas sorted did coin.cide with tne 1951 Tra..... ts_ The 1.wo sets uf figures can, there:fore, be compared._ The sae:is£actor--y n.ature -~~e sortin.g done for Tracts in 1951 and now for individual villages and towns will b~·'bDVOUS :from the :following results:--

BELGA"tJ:lM: DISTRICT_ Perce-n-tages 1;0 t:o·t;;al popu,la:tio-n of t:he rno·cher-to-ng ue speakers of:-- Kallll-ada. ... ~ ...l.ra.tbia Others_ U:u"peclned_ -According to 195:1. Census 64-3 26-6 9-1 According to present sorting 63-8 26-4 9-7 o· :1 Dl.fference -0-5 -0-2 -i- 0-6 -+0-1 -The resortin.g of the data for Sholapur City has disclosed a rather disquieting "discrepa:ncy between the resu.lts of the 1951 and 1955 sort.ing for mother-tongue da1:a_ Tn the table below the break up of the population. according to the percentages ,tabu­ lated as speakin.g specified mother-tongues is shown:--

SHOLAPUR CiTY. Percen. t;age speaking as 7n-Qt:her-toTl-gue. ':\lara.1,.u.1_ Kanoada. Telugu. Urdu. Other U n ~ pacified. languages. 1~51 47-1 14-8 17-5 14-3 1955 38-9 12-8 23-9 17-2 0-3 DJt-l'erence -8-2 -2-0 -+6-4 -+2-9 -t-O-3 The cause of the error in 1951 is not known_ The 1955 figures have been checked and 1:"e-checked an.d may be taken to be authen !::ic_ I shou:td lih:e to express my thanks to the s:;aff of ::::orters and supervisors ""vho ",,,",orked. vv~i1:h great devotion. at a task that required accuracy and unflagging attention. The fact that the cost of the linguistic sortin.g operation, exclusive of the cost of puhli­ ca-wv:r:t of the data. has bee= kep!:: as low as Rs_ 22,462-6-6 or Rs_ 5-9-9 per 1,000 slips is la:!"gely due to the good ""vork of the sorters_ Shri E::._ F_ Pa~pl, the Deputy Superinten­ dent, deser"ves great credit for the way in which he h3.nd"!ed t}-~e sorters, many of 'V'V-hom had n.ever had a job before, maintaining discipline v<.-~ith tact and syrnpathy and _getting their willin.g best ou t of the hard-working teams of sorters_ I should also like to than.E: Shri E_ W_ K.hadilkar, ]\rlanagE. r. Photozincographic Press, Poona, Shri S_ A_ Sapre, Assistant Director. Govern.me-nt Printing and Sta-:'ionery. Bombay. Shri J_ W_ D'Souza, l\IIanager, and Shri S_ R. Desai, Assis!::ant IVIa:nager, . 'Go-ver:n.merl:t. Cen.tral Press, Bombay, :for their valuable advice and co-operation. in "the production o-r. these booklets_ Lastly I should like to express my grati~ude to Shri Rajeshwari. Prasad, I.A_S_, Deputy Registrar Gen.eral, India, who visited Bombay a"TId i:n.spe-cted the V\>ork in. ·progress, and whose sound advice and guidance was made available throughout the course of the linguistic sorting operation..

:T_ E_ EDWlV'lAN, Superintendent 0:£ Census Operations, Bombay> 17th September 1955_ Bombay State, Bombay. o E R




Scale of Miles


VILLAGE -DO ------.------_------CODE NUMBER------· 81) o MARATHI (MOTHER-TONGUE) SPEAK.ERS EXCEED 5070- --1 -- DO -- --- DO ------~I===!I NEITHER MARATHI NOR KANNADA--- DO------[:;:;:;:-:-:.:.:I

N o



T· o Statistics .3f Persons speaking tbe Principal Mother-Tongue Langua.ges in the Villages a.nd To_us of' cerbl.1.Il. Talukas of BGmbay St:a1"e,

(Compiled ti-om the 1951 Census enumeration slip,,".)


Mother Tongue (Absolu:te F:gures) Mother Tongue {Percenta.ges} Loo.. tjoft CodeXo. Na.me oft-he of'the Vi.l1agc or Tuwn. r------~------~ Village ..... To_.c.

~ s '10


Sh<.lapur C. ty 276.5l0 .107.253 132.848 760 as-g L2: -9 48'0 Vil7ag"",_

t Shnl"'pur Non- Mun"oip",l Ar...... Inoluded in Sholapur City_

2 Shelg, 1.345 604 533 202 6 4"'-9 39-6 15-0 3 Dahit&no 694 372 34 287 1 53-6 4-9 41-3

4, ECiparge 580 393 .17 154 I6 87-8 2-9 26-5

5 llagloor 696 657 I 37 I 94'3 0-2 5-3

6 li:kruke 475 26~ 2 212 55'0 0-4 44-6

7 T ... r..,tgaon 149 147 2 98''1 1- 3

8 Raiera.s 808 SOl 6 ] 97'7 2-0 0-3 9 HOfi-sal 701 586 o 109 83·0 0-9 15-5

10 Mardi 3.112 2.376 {} 725 5 76'3 0-2 23-3 0-2

11 llaocga.on 621 555 48 18 89'4 7-7 2-9 Bhoga.-o-n 307 283 16 8 92'2 5-2 2-0

13 Khpd 400 ~41 57 2 85"'2 14-3 0-6

:14 Guh,vanchl 81,7 779 1. 67 9':::=-0 0-1 .. -9

15 K",,,,,,mbe 1,078 714 95 261) 66-2 8'S 25-0

16 Akolekatl 1.275 980 295 7C-9 23-1. 17 Na.naj 2,64.7 1.64, 5 94-0 5-8 0-,2 18 Ra.n.ma.sa.le ),.3:'15 82 I 94-1 5·8 O-l: 19 In-cbga.on D E s E H. T D 20 '-Vaugi 472 422 45 ). 80-4 0- Z: 21 904 880 I6 2 98'0 1- S 0-2..

2!! 'Vadale 2.076 1,8:)9 20 155 2 91-5 7-J;i O~l:c

23 Darf'al 1.288 2 30 2 97-4 0-.2 2-2 O~.2

24 KavathaJj .1.544 1.459 5 79 1 94-5 0-3 5-), O~,l

25 306 302 4 98-7 ).- 3 20 KalTIl.a.n 1.593 .1 136 .l 92-0 0-1 7-S 0- 1: _O,A Yo ~26S-I"


l\:[other Tongl..1.e (.oihsolute Figures) J\'[oth",r T-o-ng119 (Pcrccn t;a,ges) Looa.:I:...i.on Code No. Nameo£t:.he "'"P0p-1... t1a1:.ion oCt.he ~ril1&-ge or To~n '"'" ----- Village or cO ~ -= ..." ~ To~n ;E -s.., ;& ""="'" ·s § ~ ""'- <» 1? '" --'" ~..,. "" ~ ~ 'is ..... """ ~ <5 := ..- ~ 0 g 1 2 3 4- 5 6 7 8 9 10 LL VUlu{Tes-contd. 27 DarCsl Bi hi 2,046 I,B21 2 223 89-0 0- ]_ 10'0

~'3 Kondi 1,283 1,19S 3 80 --. 93'4 0-2 6·2 0-2 29 :Kegaon 672 488 4 180 72-6 0-6 26·8

30 Rale 1,422 1,247 29 141 [) 87-7 2-0 g-g 0-4- *31 Kumathe 2,196 1,06 7 661 468 48·6 30- ]. 21·3 3.::? Soregaon 1,506 411 .'547 547 I 27-3 315-2 30-a 0-1 33 Samshapur 164 98 13 53 59-8 7-9 32-3

34 Xa.ndl.l_r 410 2~3 .122 63 54·4- 29-8 15·8

3u DongauIl 1,76 0 1,.495 8. 175 3 84-9 4-9 10'(> 0-2 30 Tclgaon 7 ..4:4 732 1 1) 2 98-4 0- 1 .,,2 0-3

37 Pathari 1,.050 816 30 203 1 77~7 2-9 19-3 0-.1 38 Tirhe 1,161 983 7 170 1 84·7 0-6 14-6 0-1 29 Shiva:n.i 541 534 3 4 98- • 0-13 0-7 40 Pakni 1,264 1,158 -~~ 84 !'II-0 1 - 7 0-7 41 :Hira,j 1,270 1,032 23 213 2 81·2 1- S 16-8 0-2 42 DegaoIl. 3,S09 2.379 694 732 4 62-5 18-2 19-2 Q- ]_ 43 Belati 923 756 60 107 Sl'9 v-5 11-0

44 :r~_a.the 966 548 20 396 2 56-7 2-1 41-0 o·!!

Tot-a."! for Villages .. - 48,364, 38,166 3,121 6,989 8S 78'9 6-5 14-4 0-2

"1""OTA..L FOR T.A.LUK.A_.,._ 324~S74 ~45~4~9 38,764 ~39,837 854 44-8 ~1-9 43-0 0-3

*The 1951. Censu.s population. o£V"illa.ge No_ 31-Kum.a..the. ao-cor-dJ.:n.g to -the Dist.rict; Cen.sus Handbook, is 2,296_ o E R




Scale or M i/os 2 "


VILLAGE - DO ------_------CODE NUMBER ------80 o MARATHI (MOTHEf-T ONGUE) SPEAKERS E XCEED 50,7.- --c==J KANNADA -- 0 0 -- -- DO ------I I

HEfTHER MARAT HI NOR KANNAOA -- D O ----- u - I: ":._·:. :·:.:~:I

N o




(J s

&PZ.P. PtltlNA. "!S5. Statistics of Persons speaking the Principal Motne:r--Tongue Languages in the Villages and Towns of certa.in Tu.lukas of Bombay Sta.te.

(C"Jmpiled fr'OFt the 1951 Oen~us enumeration slip.s) TALUICA SOUTH SHO'LAPUR DISTnIcT SHOLAPUR

:r... o-cati-on IVfother Tongue (Absolute Figurps) ]\J:ofoher Tongue (Percen!;ag_) Code No_ N .... an.e o£ the Pupu.lation of the Village or TO'Vll ------~------~ r------~------~ Village "'l:f or- Town Q;> -s"'" ~ :;:§

1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11.


1 Hipa.... ge pr _ ~f"'rdi __ _ 737 700 2 95-0 0-3

2 Varalegaon 297 ~36 61 79-5 20'5 3 Vadaji 687 597 30 56 4 86-9 4-4 s- .1

Ule 1.4S0 1,232 11 237 83-2 0-8 16-0

Kasegaoll 2,720 2,306 51 357 {'I 84-8 1-9 13-1 0-2 Tanduhvadi ],.197 843 237 114 3 70-4 19-5 0-3 7 Musti 2,.£;.,J;7 1,109 887 9,,'17 4 37-,-; 30-0 32-4 0-1 S Sangadari 778 159 534 84 1 20-5 68-6 10'S 0-1

9 D-oramRIli 1,649 82(l 930 4S-4 24-3 27-3

10 Doddi 505 130 120 1 66-8 17-2 15'9 0-1 11 1\,:[ale gaon 1,.4.07 933 283 l6i, 6 07-8 Zi)-l 11-7 0-4 12 Daraganhalli 1.261 279 851 124 7 22-1 67-5 9-8 0-6 13 Dhotri 1,862 528 1,018 310 6 28-4 54'7 16-6 0-3 14 Shirpanhalli 278 154 124 55-4 44-6

10 Vadgaon 572 134 418 20 23-4 73-1_ 16 Kardehalli 1,079 979 76 22 2 90-7 7-0 0-2 17 RaD1pur 1,086 469 444 173 43-2 40'0 15-9 18 Gurdehalli 130 29 100 1 22-3 76-9 o-s 19 Togarhalli 5.51 284 178 87 2 32-3 1.5-8 0-4

20 Ku~bhari 4,228 704 2,926 569 29 16-6 69-2 1.3-5 0-7 21 Valsang 4,601 944 1,117 3 20-5 55-I 24-3 0-1 22 Dindore 713 144 514 5<1 1 20-2 72-1 7-6 0-1 23 Tirth 872 152 573 145 2 17-4 65-7 1.0-7 0-2

24 Chincholi (L~bi) 1,162 202 671 288 1 17-4 G7- 7 24-S 0-1 20 Hana.lngaon 718 162 230 325 1 32-0 45-3 0-1 26 Shingadgaon 1,514 011 651 245 7 40-4 43-0 1.0-2 0-4

27 ~<\'chegaon 2,164 707 1.002 454 1 32-7 '16-3 21-0 28 Auj 622 341 230 51 54-S 37-0 8-2 29 Hipale 231 159 49 23 6S-S 21-2 10-0


Loca.ti.r D. M-Jther Tongue {Absolute Figures, Met-her TLugue (Porcont.agea) Cod" No_ Na.ntc oft-ho PocpulaticD oEthe Villa.ge ur T~ ..... n Village or T-(j"'WD

! 2 3 7 D 10 11". V,Uages-ccntd_ 30 Tillehal 480 397 11 71 1 82-7 2-3 14-8 0-2

31 Ingalgi 1,007 244 630 133 24-2 62-6 13-2 32 Shri'Wal 891 35 780 76 3-9 87-6 g-5 Ka.n.ba.& 1,012 21 933 66 2 2-] 92-2 6-5 34 Alega<:n 299 233 2 77-9 0-7 21-4 35 Bornl 285 24 235 26 8-4 82-5 9-] 36 Bankalgi 1,158 452 572 130 4 39-0 49-4 11-2 0-4 37 Aherw- 2,231 445 1.270 514 2 20-0 56-9 23-0 0-1 38 H(Jtagi 1,401 1,813 2,108 8 26-3 34-0 39-0 0-% 39 Yetnul 722 122 534 60 6 16-9 74-0 8-3, 0-8 40 Savant Khed 98 29 11 58 29-6 11-2 59-2

41 .1 l ...1; l';ur 2.520 467 1.302 750 l IS-o 61-7 20-S

42 Ma.dre 828 323 203 302 39-0 24-5 36-5 43 Chandrahul 17 5 J2 29-4 70-6

44 Sindkhcd I,ORa 14-1 852 90 13-0 78-7

45 924 (;0 _579 293 2 (I-4 62-0 31-4 46 Vacihbal .543 117 221 205 21-b 40-7 37-8 4.7 Biru] 121 2 CO 1-6 49-6 48-8

48 Rajur 2(;7 28 238 1 10-5 89-1

49 Sanjwad 4f:;O 9 429 11 1 2-0 95-3 60 Aurud 1,951 56J 94-,"i 441 28'S 4 .. -4 na.nda.lgi 79 10 64 6-3 12-7 81-0 52 Evlkavate 720 27 5.52 141 3-7

53 Hatta.rsanJZ ~04 1 076 23 0-2

54 I<:udal 19,'> 3 155 37 7U'5 65 13a.rur 1_1.53 34 714 4-05 <:>1-!) 35·1

56 Chinchpur :.!Ol 199 2 99-0 1-0

57 Takali 1,008 SOD 104- 5 0-4 88-8 10-<; o-_~

68 NandLni 784 3-56 332 60 42-3 ~'6

59 ~Inndrup 5,237 1,543 2,323 I,S65 6 29 4 5 4etc-S 26-1 0-1

60 "Fangi ],282 376 436 466 29-3 34--0 36-4 0-3 61 YeJegti...... n 693 148 438 106 1 21-4 63-2 15-a O-I

17 102 70'ft 0'5


Lo,"'8-t; on Mother Tougue (AbsoJute FjgnTeB) Mother Tongue (Percentages) Code No. N ... mc of"the Population of the V,Ha.gc or Town -----"-- ---. -V.lUa.ge -or ...... ""g ~'OWD ~ ;.a -0"" '6 :...=i ..a ~ ... ~ :: ~ - '" ....a ~ = '"... '" "'"' :.i ""...... d ~ ~ is ~ ~ ~ <5 k

~ 2 3 4 n 6 7 S 9 If) 1.1 Villag(,s-contd. 63 KandalgacD 2,:'122 627 1,434 247 14 27-0 61..8 10' tl 0'0

ti4 ,Akole 358 327 1 27 3 91'S 0.3 7'0 0'9 66 Gunjogaon 707 628 60 79 30 78'8 7_5 g.g 3·S 66 Antrc.li 740 535 43 159 a 72'3 5.8 21'6 0'4

·67 Ma.lkavathe 1,305 178 832 288 7 13'0 63~8 22'1 0*5

68 K.urgh...,~ 468 58 294 116 12'4 62.8 24,'8 69 ,,-... dapur 855 765 3 SO 89-5 0.3 10'1 0'1 'iO Kasllr 1,019 144 780 94 1 J 4'] 76.6 0·2 0'1 71 60 60 100.0 72 Tclgaon 877 44 739 94 5-0 84.3 10' 7 'is VlZ.lchur 1,074 .E03 930 135 6 31-9 59.1 8'6 0-4

74. N~mbargi 2,187 564 1,187 434 2 25'8 54..3 19·8 0'1 75 Bhanda.r Kavathe._. 2,966 390 2,268 304 4 ]3'2 76.(j 10'2 0,] 76 S.-dapur 549 lOB 311 132 19-3 56.7 24'0 71'1 Balgi 306 6 269 31 2-0 87.9 10-1 78 Lavangi 751 43 634 73 1 5-8 84.4 9-7 0'1

79 Karkal fi68 40 498 12 17 7'0 S7.D ~·l 3'0 SO .A uj n..andrup 1,122 )9 768 332 <> 1-7 68.4 29'6 0'3

Tot.al for V~llageB -_. 93,4,840 ZO,147 44,!-lG7 lS,IOI 269 32'2 4H_I 19'4 0'3

TOTA.L_FOB. T ..... LUS ...... 93,484 30.1.47 44,967 1.8,1.01. 269 32'2 48·1. :19-4 0'3

5 Sta.tistics of Persons speaking tbe Prineipa.1 Mother-Tongue La.nguages in the Villages and Towns of certain Talukas of Bombay State. -

(Uo:n... piled frou ... t;he ! 95] Census enUH1.eL·ation slip"'_) T'ALUKA MANGALWEDHA DISTRICT S:HOLAPUR

Locafdon :'IIoth~'1' '.rongHc (~'l.b",olut,e :Figureo.) ,!.,rother To:r>gue (Percen t;age .. ) Code No_ Name of-tl.1.o P01)-ul o...t ion o{'t;he V,U.. gc or T(H'Tl \7illage .------~ o-l.~ Town

1. 3 -1. 6 7 s 10 II '1'own .. lO-IX _ ... .L\:langa.l"\.-vc-dl1a, 1\-1 un i- 9jo265 7,337 1,Ms 14 7!.J 4:_? 18-0 0-1 cipality. Villaae8_

1 l),[angal'We dha 0,0':':0 4,fJ3S 10 70 0-4 1-4

2 Aka1e 459 450 2-0.

3 277 276 .1 O~J 46 0.-4

_--\..ndha Iga,oJ:~ 13 ]50 S9-3 o-s 9-9

-3 Laxi:u)_i-Dahi",\yud i :?,:210 32 70 9.3-1 1-4 o-a 6 1\;1:amdabad 811.01:£a1. 2!JO 1 0-3 7 GunjcgaoLl 026 8 II 97-1 1 - 7

8 ::\[arapur 854 8.34 100-0. 9 Gharniki 613 336 77 87-4 12-6 10 194 1.00-0.

II 1\-Ialle"Wad i 410 _376 28 3 3 91-7 6-9 0-7 0-7

12 Dhuyalas 717 715 1 I UO -8 0-1 0. -.1

13 Dharmgaon. 327 326 1 90-7 0.-3 14 ::>'.[l1.d.avi D':;O 040. 6 DD-o. 0-6

13 Uchethan :306 304 G9-3 0.-7

16 .I3a;than tllS (11) 1 OS-7 0-2, 0-9 0-2 17 Bramh:t..l>t.Lri 1,80_3 .1,730. 05-8 3-6 D-J

IS 1I-Iachnur 831 794 1 93-3 0. -1 6-6 19 Tamdardi 379 3 6 97-6 0-8 1-6 20 R... hate...... ad i .:20 17 91''.) g-g g'4 o.-S 21 Mnnue'Wadi 930 337 32 _5 39-8 :16-2 3-4 0-6 22 BoraIe :l,S7U 712 6 66-6 S'O 23 Tandore S 3 90.-9 3-6 1-4 Siddapur 1,3201- 352 797 .173 :26-6 60.-2 13-1 0.-1 Arli 6:?1 124 19-0 75---1- 4-7 *2(; Nandllr l_,200 -lc27 7.23 148 I 3-2·9 11-4 0-1


..,.. CODE NUMBER ------______"1b MARATHI (MOTHER-TONG U E ) SPE AKERS E xcEE D 50,X- - - -f:===~ KANNADA -- DO __- -_ _ 00 ------[ NEI THER MARATHI NOR KANNA"'" - _ _ D O ______j:!;:;:;:;:.:;:;;::;:' ::;.:':;:.~:1 o o <

< -



Strafe of Mil,.,. :> • e

r o I


:Locatio:;;::) Mot-her Tongue (Absolut.e Figures) Mother Tongue (Percentages) Code No. N .... lI:D.e

L 2 <> 7 s IQ V ..Uages-contd. KarjaJ 107 106 1 99-1 0'0

28 KatraJ 325 85 153 84 3 26-2 47-1 25-S 0-0 20 J":agas_ 425 358 6:1 6 84-Z 14-4 30 Donaj 1,766 277 946 543 15-7 53-0 80-7

31 Bh ale_ad j 650 629 II 10 96-S I-7 1-5 32 Mar...... ada 1.749 1,607 42 98 2 91-9 2-4 5-6 0-1

33 'TaLsangi 828 570 177 79 2 6S-S 2.l~4 0-5 0-3

KhoDl.Dal 453 2 4-0 1. ~H-a O-Z

35 ffivarg.a..on 351 I 99-7 o 3

3f> Bbahvani 853 768 13 65 7 90-0 I-O 7-6 o-s 37 371 247 77 46 I 66-6 20-S IZ-8 O-S

;~8 K.have 219 I89 29 I 86-3 13-2 0-5

39 y",dr...... 502 405 07 SO-7 IO-3 40 173 173 100-0 41 Hulja.:Ufij 1,417 alI 1,024 so 2 21-9 72-3 5-6 0-2 116 66 50 56-9 43-_( 719 8 675 36 1-1 03-9 5-0

Sblvangi 901 402 435 85 29 44-6 4S-8 3-9 3-2

Salga.r (Kb.) 447 400 43 4- SO-5 0-6 0-0 Pout; 270 221 7 40 SI-9 2-0 14-8 0-7

46 Janga.lgi 4-30 31 385 21 2 7-1 87-7 4-S 47 Bavachi 447 350 77 1 78-a 17-2 0-2

48 Nimboni 800 619 134 46 1 77-4 16-S 5-7 0-1 1.440 1,364 25 49 2 94-7 1-7 3-4 0-2

50 C'hikaJgi 896 486 385 25 54-2 43-0 Z'S 51 S ...lgar (Bk_) 1.31S 748 512 55 3 56-S 3S-S 0-2 52 1.038 486 313 236 3 46-S 30-Z 2Z-7 0-3

53 366 186 128 52 50~8 35-0 14-2 54 Sbir:na.nda.gi 733 706 9 18 96-3 I -Z 2-0 55 M"'Dl.dabad HUD.D.u.r_ 6R4. 634 17 95-1i 1 '8 0--' 56 LoI1a.r 1,208 1,050 138 19 I S6-9 11-4 1-6 0-1 57 Hunour 1,432 1,352 36 41 3 94-4 2-0 2-9

58 Bhoee 2,744 2,629 57 56 2 95-S 2-1 2-0 0-1 7 TALUK;A MANGALWEDHA DISTRICT SHOLAPVR

I....oca'tion Mot.her 'rung... ", (Absulu.{,c Figures) Mother Tongue (Percent..,gcB) Code No. Na>ne of the Popu.lat.ion. oCthe Village or Town --.. ViU ..ge -=~ -= Qr To-vvn as ,J;; ::a -i1 -g :a 7:J ~g -:;; ... """ ... c0= ~ po.., S po.., -'" ~.,. c'" -£i! r:! ~ ~"" <5 ~ ;:;a :::::::"" = p .. 2 3 4, Ii 6 7 8 n 10 11 T7 itlages-contct. 59 Nandcsb-wo..r 1,715 1,687 5 19 '" 08-4 0-3 1-1 0·2 60 Shirsbi 704 683 3 17 :I 97-0 0-4 2-4 0-2

~. I..€--nd ve--CJ:L in eb ale 1,"105 1,097 8 09-3 0-7

62 (_:}one""\vadi 721 691 2 27 1 95-8 0-3 3-8 O-j

63 Kh.upa.sang i 914 S09 14 91 88-5 1 -0 10-V 64- Ju.n.oni 260 257 3 9S-S 1 -,2 6."'5 Khadki 147 145 ]. 1 9S-6 0-7 0'7

-66 Sidbankire 99 40 59 40-4 .59-6 67 Jalihu.l 4-14 344 66 4- S3-1 15-{) 1-0 08 • .r"japur 313 306 6 1 97-8 1-9 0-3

-69 DODugargaon sao 748 4R 4- 9_7-5 6-0 O·!')

70 Patkhal 1,070 1,068 I 1 VD'S 0-1 0.1

Total :for Villages -- 60,651 47,1)31 0.393 3,,195 132 79-0 15-5 5·3 0_2

TOTAl:.. FOR T.A.LUKA. .. 69,916 5.5,268 9.639 4,863 146 79-0 13-8 7-0 0-2

..... 'l~e 1951 Cen_[i;us pop111a;t-ion of village No_ :26-N"andur... a.ccording to the District Cens··us Ha:u.dln:... ok 1S t 1,381_ .""\ It; s- ~ "-'" I::: n. ..::> z:~ ~ '" ..,; ~ '" ~ ,_II: Z !§... ~u5a:: !t!i-8 ~l!s -I

oil"~~ _. .I. _0. ,__au :z~


>- p.- ..( .d .,.,. 'Po- ::::. ' , ~ '.,.. \, -i DD~.:- . > ! , \ l \ ~ ~ : U'l ..~ 0 w CD 0 ".-, w 0 U OJ >< <[ I- w w :os::: t...) u 1 til >< Q; :::::> ~ w w _. a: fJ} .., 0:: '"..: w [OJ -« In .... lL "'" ..: 1 IJ) t- a ... "" <{ ~ ...... , OJ c ~ ""' ... "- I « = '" ... z =--=-- I- a::: .... ;:u'" z 0 :::;) ...,~ => ... 0... l!> I :::s:::::: , z "'"or __. <_. 0,_ 0 ;. i z c::t: 0 "'S- 0:: a: w I :::IC:: :r: « :r: U) 0 a: l- 1 !t: c::c ~ 1 w 0 0 Cl: -< (ij ..: w I 0 ..- « l!> Z « I- w ~ I ..: 0 :::> <{ w ..: z :I: -' 0 ;; z t: =i _J 0 z ""... co: UJ I- :; U :::0 ::;: ~ z Sta.tistics of Persons spea.king the Pdncipal Mother-Tongue Languages in the Villages and To~1S of certain Talukas of Bomba.y Si.a.te.

(C._Hupiled :frolll thp 1951 Census enumera.tion slips.)


~ca.tion. Mother Tongue (Absolute Figures) lIIIother Tongue (Percentages) Code-No_ Na.me aftho of the Village or To"W"U Village or TO"'W'"Tl

2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11

TO""t-07ls ...

16-VI Akalkot Munici- ]8,112 7,968 4,452 5.670 22 44-0 24-6 31-3 0-1 paIity_

16-VII :r.-Iaindargi Munici- 1.0,004 785 5.358 3.844 1.7 7-8 53-6 38-4, 0-2 pality_

I6-VIII Dudhani Mllnici- 6,043 326 4.212 ].499 5-. 69-7 24-8 0-], pality_

Total for Towns 34,159 9.071J 14,022 I I ,013 45 41-1 32-2 0-], V ..llage8_

I Akalkot Non- 785 687 3 95 87-5 0-4 12-1 Municipal Area~

2 Ba.slegaon 658 28 570 58 86-6 8-8 0-3 3 Naganhali 312 94 40 178 I2-8 57-I

4 Matan.halli 343 53 99 I!H 28-9 55-7

U Gulorgi 895 50 798 45 89-2 5-0 0-2

6 Kantehalli 3L3 1 226 86 0-3 72-2 27-5

7 Itage 100 21 45 2~-O 45-0 34-0 8 Ra.mpur 99 1 98 I-O 99-0 9 Jakapur 149 1. 148 0-7 99-3 ]0 Miraja.gi 487 64 387 .:13-), 79-5 7-4

]1 Hing.a.ni 40 40 .1:00-0

12 Kaleg.a.on. 106 91 6 9 85-8 5-7 8-5 ]3 KoJibct 74 6 41 27 8·]. 50-4 30-5

14 1\I:ahamadabad 262 21 237 4 8-0 90-5 I-5 15 Nimbgaon 349 14 209 1.26 .-0 59-9 36-1 16 Hattikanbas 94 894 6I 8-9 85-1 5-8 0-2 17 Konalli 913 390 419 104 .2·7 45-9 11-4, 18 Bagehalli 711 328 316 67 46-I 44-0 9-4 19 Gaudgaoll (Kh_) 360 I 222 137 0-3 61·7 38-0 20 Umarg.. 530 48 462 17 3 9-0 87-2 0-6

21 ~a.in_d:a_'rgi No-n- 7 87 92-0 Municipal Area_ 22 Ha.aapur 742 312 25]. 179 33-8

9 _0- Uk Yc 2268-2a TAL~A AKALKOT

Loca.tion Mother To:ngue (Absolute Figures) Mother Tongue (Percentages) Code No_ Name of the Population. of the Village or T'o-,;vn ~------~~------. Vill ....gA or To~n. ~ g. j 1 ~ 1 <::> I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II

T~illage.s-coll t-(l.

23 Jeur 3,893 376 2,833 680 4 9-6 72-S 17-5 0-1 24 Jainapu,r 25 21 4 S4-0 1.6-0 25 Dodyal 615 275 223 117 44-7 36-3 19-0 26 Hanjagi 1,470 258 1,045 166 1 17-5 71-1. 11-3 0-1 27 Halchincholi 359 31 269 57 2 S-6 74-0 15-9 0-6 28 Karjal 967 391 381 195 40-4 39-4 20-2 29 Nanhalli 279 1 278 0-4 99-6 30 Kadabgaoll 122 1,251 636 40 6-0 61-1. 31-0 31 Ramtirth D E S E R T E D_ 32 4,082 339 2,864 879 8-3 70-2 2],-6 33 Hanclral 343 342 1 99-7 9-3 34 Gaudgaoll (Bk_) 1,576 206 1,144 221 5 13-1 72-6 14-0 0-3 35 Kalhi parage 237 48 182 7 20-3 76-8 2-0 36 M_angrul Pa.nache '2.959 632 I,C9B 628 3 21-4 57-3 21-2 0-1 37 Hilli 778 16 607 152 3 2 -I 78-0 1.9-5 0-4 38 Duvikavathe 338 19 278 41 5-6 82-3 12-1

39 Kudal 185 7 117 61 3-S 63-2 33-0 40 Ande-.vadi (Kh_) 175 U 137 33 2-9 7S-3 18-S 41 Ande'

44 Tadaval 1,605 126 1,154 320 5 7-9 71-9 19-9 0-3 45 Mundevvadi 1,011 27 842 141 1. 83-3 13-0 0-1

46 Chincholinajik 593 12 453 128 2-0 76-4 21-6 47 Sulerjavalge 1,405 446 804 153 2 31-7 57-2 1.0-0 0-2

48 Mha.isalge 824 26 768 24 6 3-2 93-2 2-9 0-7 49 Khanapur 548 1 349 198 0-2 63-7 36-1. 050 Kegaon. (Bk_) 718 6 683 29 0-9 95-1 4-0 51 Kegaon (Rh_) 240 7 232 ]. 2-9 96-7 0-4 52 Kumathe 327 276 43 s 84-4 13-1

53 Koraaega.o:n. 956 5 825 126 86-3 :13-2

54 Ankalge 565 8 490 67 86-7 11.-9 55 GuddeW"a.di 518 82 402 34 77·6


Location. .IM:other TOrLgue (Ab301ute Figures) Mother Tongue (Percentages) -Code No. Name of the Populat>ion of the Village or Town r------~~------Village orTo~

1 2 3 4 G 6 7 S 9 10 11 VillageS--COHtd_ 56 Dha.:rsang 147 126 85-7 14'3 57 K.alkarja.l 476 10 329 132 69-1 27-7 }_-].

58 Alge 508 420 88 82-7 1.7'3 59 Shega.oX1 539 2 512 25 0-4 95-0 60 Nagan.sur 882 4.082 834 20 70-2 :1.4-3 o-S 01 Navi.n.dgi :11 962 358 o-s 72-3 26-'!._J 82 Haidre 1,465 9 929 527 0-6 63-4 36 u Tolanur 2,935 48 2,345 539 :3 1-0 79-9 0-],

64 Udagi 1.693 S91 1.100 )_73 29 23-1 65-0 10-2 65 Boroti (Kh_) 492 13 276 203 2-6 56-1 41'3 66 Boroti (Bk_) 991 75 694 222 7-6 70-0 22'4 67 Satan-Dudhani 1,818 519 1.10S )_91 28-0 60-9 68 Chapagaoa 2,601 B58 1.456 287 33-0 56-0 11.-0 69 Dahitane 1,,925 1.128 530 267 5S-6 27-5 13'9 70 Barha.-n.pur 1.446 256 241 949 17-7 16-7 65'6

0 71 Pitapur 1,015 251 92 671 1 24-7 g-1. 6( ). 0-1 72 N anhegaon. 714 255 293 164 2 35-7 41.-0 23-0 0-3 73 Boregaon. 609 194 358 57 31-9 5S-S 9-S 74 Da-rshnal 773 260 311 202 33-6 26'2 75 Akatnal D E E It T E D_ 76 Arali 903 391 167 345 43_3 IS-5 38-2

77 Ha..nnTIr 1.491 390 941 160 26-2 63-1. 10-7 78 DombarjavaJge 928 449 273 206 4S-4 29'4 22-2 79 K.in.i 2,877 1,206 1,257 412 2 41-0 43'7 14-3 0-1 80 Motyal 760 538 7 209 6 70-S 0'9 27-5 O-S -81 Shindkhed 357 278 15 64 77-9 17-9

82 Ba..savgir D s E R T E D_

83 Chungi 1.675 :1,197 285 190 3 71-5 17'0 11-3 0-2 84 Sultan.pur 495 288 142 65 5S-2 2S-7 13-), 85 Kurnur 2,166 1,769 32 362 3 81'7 ),-5 0-1 86 Kaj ika:n bas 1.230 623 407 200 50-6 33'1 87 Shirwul 2,805 1.399 1,072 328 6 49-9 3S-2 0-2

88 Sa.phale 619 121 417 76 5 19-5 67-4 0-8 89 Shirai IS8 89 60 39 47-3 3),-9 11 TALUKA AKALKOT DISTRICT SHOLAPUR

Locati on. ~,[other Tongue (Absolute Figu.res) Moth

1 2 4 5 6 7 10 T-T il1u~c8-contd. 90 B ... dole (Kh_) 135 41 8(j S 30·4 63-7 5·9 91 B,.d",le (Bk_) ] ,734 814 505 364 1 46·9 32·0 21· 0 0-1

92 Sau.alapur 863 71 715 73 <1 8-2 82-8 8-5 0-5-

f}3 Sungavi (Bk.) ],059 7:l4 76 68-4 7-1 24·.5

94 Sangavl (Kh.) 229 127 51 55-4 22-3 22·3

Banasgol 970 458 438 73 1 47·2 45·2 7-5 o· l_ DO Chikehalli 8I9 161 554 104 19·7 67-6 12·7

07 ""\Vagadc.Lri '3,.771 46~ 2,914 392 2 12·3 77-3 10·4

GogaoTl. 400 486 37 43-3 52-7 4-0 99 Kha'rat 861 90 546 225 10-5 26-1 100 Bhu··j Kavathc 1.0"!."> 445 448 1.52 42-6 42-9 14-5

101 Gh(:>lasgaoIl. 461 8."'>2 252 29·5 54·4 16-1

102 K. ranu,ha.lJi 807 422 270 ]15 52-3 33·5 103 BOTd.gaon ] .657 518 G99 31· 3 42-2

104 Pa.]apur 4]1 127 218 3 SO· ~l 53·.1 :15·3 0-7 105 Nagare 693 12 5G9 112 1·7 82·1 16-2

106 1'T

107 Binjager 426 17 16 7 4-0 90-6 3-8 1-6

108 Tal"'Wad 618 57 513 48 9-2 83-0 7-8 109 Sa.n..g<-)'gi -Basavan 665 6 625 31 3 O·g 94-0 4-7 0·4 110 Andewad1 Jahagir. 1 324 99 0·2 76·4 23-4

III Ibrd,himpur­ 792 J3 772 5 :I - 6 97-5 0-6 0-3 112 Rudde"Wdcll 632 3 2 6 0-5 98-3 0-3 0·9

113 D1... dhall L N"OTl­ n_[unicipal Area .. 114 Slllllur .. 963 4 677 282 0-4 70-3 29·3

115 Robalad 1,240 14 760 1 1-1 61-3 37-5 0-1

116 ChiI1choli 466 10 240 215 1 2-2 51-5 0·2 117 Muga.li 1.31G 22 1.04·_h 246 3 1-7 79-4 18-7 0·2 118 Salagar 3,941 2]6 3,141 584 79-7 14-8

1:19 Sdongogi-Aland 423 {) 371 415 2- 1 87-3 10-6 120 Bhosage 604 19 584 1 3-1 96-7 0-2 121 Torani 420 2 407 10 1 0-.5 96·9 2-4 0·2

Total fur Villages 115_279 25.792 68,891 20,356 240 22-4 59,8 17-6 0·2

TOTA_L FOR TA..LUKA.. 149,438 34,871 8%,913 3:1,369 285 23·3 55-5 2:1·0 0·2

12 _-

s R l I sta.tistics of Persons speaking the Principa.l Mother-Tongue Languages in the Villages "a.nd To1.VI'ls of certain Talukas of Bombay State_

(Compiled from the 1951 Census en.umeration slips)


Location. Mother 'Tongue (_'\bsolute Figure,,) MOLher 'T'ongue (Per(_ ~~ tages) Code No. Nn.YYle 01' the ..Popnla+ioTl of the Village or To~T!. r---~~-~------"----- ~---~-,. r-.---- Village or Tuwn. '"E ~ = ;:; ",,-, =:e ~ 6 7 :3 9 1.0 I),

TO'lOn ..

Ju.th Municipality 3,795 1.790 1,411 9 25-0 20"~ 0·1


I Jath Non-:\lunicil,al £142 604- 313 25 64·1 33·~ 2-7 ..:.\.rt_~a ..

2 520 125 80-6 19·4

.3 !\1 alla} 162 66 1 5<;·0 40-8 0·6 0·6

-4 YeJaza.ri 006 4 80·0 91-3 0·7

6 Rillur .l,037 3,1 leQ 3 22·3 67-5 G Ougv

8 Rasargi 264 725 73 _l 68·2 6-9 O· ]. 9 Shindur 101 1,176 1 7·8 90·4 1·7 O· 1

1.0 Umrani 3,4SB 596 2,5..35 333 17-.1_ 73-2 g·O O· ). ]] Deva:nal 4-16 254 192 57-0 43-0 lUendhcgiri I,OSI 2" 1,069 10 O-l. 99-0 0·9 13 Sal.,kiri 744 482 198 62 2 64·8 26·6 S·S O·S 1.4 ShAdy... I V26 188 427 11 30·0 68·2 1·S J5 WaJsang 1.247 662 643 41 .1 4,")-1. 51·6 I6 Da£a.lapur 2.771 244 243 2 82·:t 8-S 8-8 o· I .1.7 Kudnur 817 315 1 1 &9·8 O· ]. 0-1 IS Bhinganapur 734 726 7 I 08-9 .1·0 o· ). ],9 Jirgya,l 1.360 766 540 42 6 50·3 -'LO· I 3-1 0-5 20 Eknndr 780 .13 737 28 2 1-7 94-5 0·2

2), &1irw-ad 46), 362 89 80·S 19-7 :22 Khal.... thi RI6 742 17 1 90·9 2·1 6·0 O· J W_ban 344 325 13 EO 94·5 3-S 1-7

Kanth.i 768 7..38 .10 98·7 ].·3 Dage ... adi 6]8 <0;03 2" 13 97·6 o·s 2·]

26 Birnal 491 4-:...0 UO·8 o·~


:Loc.... tion Mother Tongue (Absolute Figll~-es) ]\-:[other Tongue (Percentages) Code No_ N ...~e otr'-t-he Population. o:fthe Village ~r To'WZl Village or To~

1. 3 4- 6 7 S 10 1.1

27 E:.umbari 1.272 37 33 2 94-3 2-9 2-6 0-2 28 :'ljvare ].124- 736 14 :':1:73 ) 65-5 1-2 33-2 0-) 29 DorH 820 820 )00-0 30 1.210 1,204_ 4- 2 99-5 0-2

31 Raj 1.892 1,774 I 11<3 ) 93-S r, - 1 Rclunki 1:.084- 990 82 .12 91-3 7-6 I-I '33 1.53a 1,471 3 •• 9D-6 0-2 0-4- 34- Anf>ral 021 536 1 74 ]_o 86--1- 0-1 1]:9 1-6

35 Shegaon 2.803 2~.385 1.19 3-4 4-3 0- 1

36 Aundhi 1..213 I 4 99-2 0-1 0-4 0-3 37 Lohagaon. 830 824 99 -=~ 0-1 0-2 0-4 38 Shingana.balIi 1:.016 991 1. 24 97-5 0-1 39 -\V ... I ..khindi 2.264 2.1.66 11 84 3 0-5 3-7 0- :t

40 Be",~anur 1:.218 1.147 7] o-s 41 Oulvanchi 622 612 1 8 I 98-4 0-1 1-3 0-.1 Pra1:apur 384 277 1.07 72-], 27-9 4-3 Ansari 1.162 1.155 7 0-6 Revanal 800 795 3 0-2 45 TippehaUi 37·; 373 4,

46 Acllaka..nhaUi 724 073 ]_41 10

47 Niga.di (Kb_) 1.002 88-1, 118 11-8 48 WaiphaJ 8S6 845 39 2 95-4 D-2 74-5 49 Afa.itb .. l ~6) ~2v 25-0

lliO Vhaspet:h 958 778 127 9 81-2 13-2 4-6 5J. Gndda.pur 3U7 54 226 27 17-6 73-~ g-S 32 Asangi Jath 1._304- 995 176 13]_ 2 76-3 ]3-5 10-0 0-2 53 Tillyal 21.4 186 15 1.3 86-9 7-0 b -]_

54 Sordi 1.1.28 - 972 1.0G 49 2 S6-2 9-3 4--a 0-2

Darikonur 548 109 4 79-4 1.9-9 0-7

56 Boblad Ja.dra. 6 2,449 2 2 0-2 99-6 0-1 0-],

57 Anka.lgi 26.1 1.012 159 18-2 70-7 1.1-1

58 Kunikon ..... 649 550 5 94 84-7 0-8 ]_4'S TALUKA JATH DISTRIOT SATARA SOUTa

I..roca.tion !>1.other '.rongue ( ...... b ... oiute Figures) 1\~ot,h_er ··T·ongue f]:::"erc-cntage-.~)

Code No_ Na.me or the ropulation ,_---______.A______-,. ne the Village or To.vn r------'------. Village ro ~:s: Tow... l -g~ go s=:~ p ;;;;;,""

3 5 7 8 10

69 J\IIadgyaJ 1..669 53l. 1,083 54 I ~1-8 64-9 0- J 60 Ko1eg"rj _550 47 (l 2 90-0 1-], K .....Jangi 561. 371 l..G2 37 I Go-1 27-1 6-6 0-2 62 397 333 5 58 S3-9 1-5 G3 Sanamadi 894 SG2 ::1;1 1 1.>6-4 64 1.075 1.D3" 7 31 2 96-3 0-6 0-2 65 .1.207 971 36 1 HO'5 :3-0 16-5 66 Umacli 3.646 .1,146 2.076 421 3 :ll-4 0'7-0 11-0 0-],

07 Nigadi ilk_ 320 29 227 64 9- 1 70 -~) 20-0

68 SC)~C\1 163 30'0 61 -0 9-0 69 UtHgi .L.607 44. 1.341 222 2-8 83-4 .13-8

70 SonaJgi 679 29 628 22 4-3 92"'5 3-2 71 Sualad .I4.J. 839 75 13-4 79-5 7 - ,_ 72 Halli 967 20 SG). 83 3 2-0 89-0 S-6 0-3

73 Balg,~on l..182 57 '73 4-8 89-0

7 .. B.,lond~.gi 757 8 G96 liB 1-0 fl2'0 7-0 75 ::Borgi Dk. 488 22 390 75 l. 4- fi 80-0 15-3 0-2

76 Borgi l>:.h_ (>01 3S 474 79 :1.0 6-4 78-9 13-1 1-6 77 Akalwadi 281) 204 85 70-6 29-4

78 Girgaon 915 343 1.63 7 43-9 37"'5 17-8 o-s

79 Manik.na.l 212 170 42 80-2 19-8

80 Kara.jgi 2.1 775 1-9 ('.9-3 28-8

81 Sau.k.h (;72 2,.235 145 2 22-0 73-2 -10-7 0-].

82 Khandalal 386 207 J.7G 2 53-8 45-7 0-5

83 1)aribada<'hi .1.875 7.'54 840 271 :I. 40-2 40-3

84, Sidhanath 664 l(l1 48). 22 24-2 3-3 1-2 97-9 85 .TalihaI I~k_ 557 54-5 5 0-0 SO Muohanrli 2.251 202 1.£'77 71 0-0 87-9 60-3 3-1 S7 ran_do~ari 37S 138 22S 12 36'6

SS As",ngika'-jgi .1.768 .1,300 27:> 184 73-6 15-5 10-4, 0-6 S9 Kagnari 28 226 84 S-3 66-8 2·Jc-9 90 Tikundi 325 692 46 30-6 60-1 16 TALUKA .lATH DIS'1'H.IOT SATARA sOUTH

:r_"o('~O<:IItiOl:. Mot.her Tongue (PercentagPH)

00de No. ~d.'1:_~-'_ "LJl "Lb( ~ ______. __J> o:f'1:h.. ,- alB:Zp err rr'r ~~ -_.-_-_. ----~--, -~--- . , 'Vil1ag<> u£ Tu"'Yrfl. :.a "Sf"" ~.., i ~... .,g ~ ~ J 0 ~ .0 " '" !-' t~, J 1

l ... f1'( ~!::~ ~.374 .tvu I 72-'" 2!.!-4 bou

")2 .1601 2:-11 112 1 ]!J, ~ t_j._ 70-0 1;1 -1'< 0-6

16,-' 11.7 70-f~ 2()- 1

J ~...--,- 12R 69~2 25$._:f- ::;?-z

,Jnliha I (1.1'; 1>11 ,', OS -!) "-9 0-2

_1~hi~;}r~:;: SC·4 ~t_J' 1 lOot' BS'!? 1-7 o· .l

:32,651 fi... 727 l7:::

8.1138 :l81 40-2 0-2

16 NOTE:_ REFEREN CE 67&16-IX,6S &18-]: HAVE BEEN T;?E'ATED A~~ ONE UNIl FOR PLOTTiNG T ALUK'" BOUNDARY __ . ------OF COLOURS VILLAG E --00 - _ _ _. _ _ _ .______------CO D E NUMBE R ______. ______. ______. ___ . - - . ------.. ------. _-- - - 68 MARI\TH I (MOTHER TONGU E ) o;Pto: AKERS EXCEED 50J-- - - ~:====:; KANNAD A ( - " 0 ---- do - ) .- - ~o --- -- do ------I._ _-' " - c: , JAMKHANDI TALUKA I I I BIJAPUR DISTRICT tr

Scale of Miles

o 2 4 6 8 ~ tzr=:t::::::t- --t:==-==-==t- ====l /


J... 0



< & T (!7 o .q D l. u U K A. A Statistics of Persons spea.king ~he Principal Motner-Tongue Languages:in tb.e Villages and Towns ox certa.in Talukas of Bombay State_


.1 .... 0catioll Code No. Name 0T the

of the ,\-Tilln...ge or rJ"1'o;.v:r._._ ~----... Village --d vr 'T"O","T_n_ :S ~ ="" 2 .;- ;. ItO J J

_-,_, . 8 l.S __'TII .T'lmkhallui ~iun.ic,­ :-'.HIO • () ... ~ J .j. lS-7 29·4 -I jJ~ll! icy, l.b_Vifi Bauh,,_t1-, :\luLli.,.- t!"- ) paHt.-- • _. 1S-iX R.aJ ... l..._~\.vi ,J..... lu'411t_·iI)<~_ !J ... 13(;' I ... ;;:~ ... I . '"' I 1--6 .. II "t~'_ .- IS-X '_Cerdul .b:Il LIt i ... · j.lll.llity .. 10.387 _:!-i·_J I I ~i)"l n·.

G1,.U3U ·12 0-1


J J arukha.n di S63 10-1. 4.R7

IA HUllnur I5fJ () ~ 7 ;3'4

2 1~a.t:n.tirth 33 18 15

3 i<.ud_pa;tti 639 4 99-4 u-6

-i I,Clllcb.inal ,~90 .375 07- ~

-"'ladarkhand, 1~252 0-.1 "'.--. -J 4'£> KalhaU. , .162 J .0• .,;1 JOH O·;.!

7 AlL,'] 733 d38 87-0 13'0

*8 .:\lUtt.lH· :-J:'! I 18 90·3 1-7

to ~'\.1aig·u_..L r ,,07;""; 0'7 flt"-) .. 1. 3-2 L.l Kallka_lJ. '\.,\-radi _L! :.,-tS2

l~ .lOO·O

13-i _l ~ (.-ue ::!.~ 16 1.1 251 0-5 1.0-4

(13-2 1 :~'.lllpUf B.168 I.OOe:! 1 31-6

J 1, L·l~i.l_!l._d.d 11-0

j.::; ","-.-.1 ~la t .._ 96-0

16 Ja~d.fll 1.4.38 31 :.? 4 1

17 ~a,"-algl 2.118 .100 US 8 l_ n 17 TALUKA .TAM.K;HANDI DISTRIC'1.' BIJAPUR

Location. Mother Tongue (Absolute Figures) Mother Tongue (Percentages) Cude ;-';0_ NaDl.e 01 the Population of the Village or Town Village or ToW'n cd 1 J 1 2 a 4 6 7 8 9 1.0 J.1. ViElages-contd_

18 Bbandegani 246 245 100'0 19-] A.saugi 2,307 1.989 312 0-3 86-2 13-5

19-2 Asangi (Hamlet) 412 39() 22 94-6 5-4 20 Kulhalli 2,192 150 1.828 213 1. 6-9 83-4- 9-7 21 Hippargi 2,031 7 1,722 302 0-3 84-S 14'9 22 A1gur 2,417 126 2,142 149 5-2 88-6 6-2 23 Sanal 473 466 4 3 9S'5 O-B

24 Kuncbnur 1,764 36 1,701 27 2-0 96~4 ],'6

25 K.umbharal 949 3 90C) 45 1. 0-3 94-8 0') 26 Jakbnur 330 330 100'0

27 Chingundi 641 606 35 94-5

28 Hun ashikatti 510 30 480 5-9 94-1 29 Y...I'ingnnr 1,430 4- 1,420 6 0'3 99-3 0-4 30 Shiddapur 1,509 6 1,503 0-4 99'6

31. Hu1ya,l 2,,670 60 2.460 147 3 2-2 92-1 5-6 0- J. 32 1\'lareguddi ].573 1,437 136 91. -4; 8-6 33 SavaIgi 3,734 237 3,382 115 6-3 90'7 S'O

34 Kurgod 182 182 100'0

35 Ka.nali 1,159 286 810 63 24-7 69'9 36 Tungal 2,4-59 100-0 37 Jambgi (Kh_) 564 564 100'0 3S Jambgi (Bk.) 1.308 31 1,041 236 79-6 :18-0 39 'I'akkalgi 524 524 1.00-0 40 'I'ak.kod 467 467 100-0 41. 'I'ubobi 602 678 14 98-0 2-0

42 Shurpali 1,209 ~ 1,174 33 1 o -J. 97-1 2-7 O-I 43 HirepadsaJgi 3,02 9 85 2,766 IS8 91.-0 6'2 44 Chikpadsalgi 1.11 I 62 45 90-4 4-0 45 1,709 94 1,351 264 79-0 15-5 406 K.ajibilagi 1,544: G5 1.412 67 91.-5 47 K.a.Ibi]agi 1,141 3.;(1 66:3 137 29'9 58-], J..2-0

48 Gadyal 1.392 86 1.255 51 6-2 90-1 3-7


Loca.t.ion Motber Tongue (Absolute Figures) ~I:other Ton.gue {Percen.tages} <:Jode No_ Name o:fi>be Populai>ion ori>b .. Village or To'Wn ,_.... ViHage -0 "d 'or Tovt1'D 03 <8 ... ~ ~ re -8 -5 iiI oj. ~ 4> ~ .,. E ~ '" ($ ~ ~ ~ :i1 ~- ~ :§ ::;;: 1:.::1 0 ~

i 2 3 -~ 0 6 7 8 9 ]0 11 V .llage"_'on td_

49 Kavatgi ],037 I 994- 42 95-9 4-1. -50 Jan_ad 209 76 1.26 7 36-4 60-3 3-3

51-1 Bidri 1,880 47 1,635 .19S 2"'0 S7-0 1.0-0 5.1-2 R a hima1;pur 213 213 1.00-0 -52 ChikaJgi 1,280 337 877 71. 26-2 68-2 5-6

53 Todalbagi 1,640 3 1,064 72 .l 0-2 95-4 4"4-

54 Nagnllr 632 557 75 88-], ~.l·9 .55 Yargat1;i 239 239 100-0

56 Hango,ndi 1,676 30 1,233 412 1 I -S 73-6 2-t;-6 .57 HaJiDgalj 2.873 2,680 193 93-3 6-7 58 M ...dman:rnatti 394 394 100-0 59 Tamdaddi 987 9S7 1.00-0 60 KaJ1>ippi 536 536 100-0 61 Golbhavi 933 13 895 25 .1-4 95-9 2-7

62 Sasalatti 1 ... 251 4 1:p 22I 26 o-a 97-0 2 -.1 63 Konnnr 2,.086 2,075 {) 2 99-5 0-4 0-1 64 Ga.ni 90S 908 ],00-0 fl5 BudDi 314- 314 1.oo-u 66 Banhattj (Non-JH:uDi- 145 133 1.2 91. -7 S-3 cipaJ Area)_ 67 Rabkavi (Non-MUlli- 212 28 1.84 13-2 S6-S cipaJ Area)_

-6S TerdaJ (Non-Munici- ~71 87 184- 32-1. 67-9 pal Area)_

Tota.l for Villages . - 91..028 2,7.52 81,659 6,59(5 21 3-0 S9-7 7-3

TOTA..L FOR. TALUKA. 1.42,967 7,21.8 :1.1.7,442 :1.8,244 63 5-1. 82-:1. 1.2-8

The 1951 Census population of village No_ .l3-Hosllr, according to i>he District C1enBllB Handbook. i .. 5,584 (in,elu.des the p-c::tpula-tian Po ~ Rampur).

"'·.rhe 1951. Cen.sus popu]"tion of village No_ 8-l\Iuttur. according 1;0 the Dist;ric1; Census Handbook. is 1,1.22_

19 stat,isties of Person.s speaking the Prineipal Mother-Tongue Langua.ges in. the Villages an.d To-.wns 01' certain Taluka·5 of Bombay state~

(<-X.mpiled from the J ~5l_ Censup enumeration slip",,)_


Location Mother '_L'ongue (Absu!ULo Jrigures) Monher Tongue (Percen.tage.. ) {lode No. Name 0:£ the Popu'lat>ion o:f'the \ -illage or To-wn --'----- Village -I,..r To'W"D

.1 Ii 7 10 11

l;S-V 9,865 18'1 u·~.

1'"l--VI Mahalingaplll" 53 7,855 1.367 13 0'6 84-6 14'7 Murrlc;paliny.

1.9,153 ].845 13,652 39 9'6 71-3 18'9 0'2


I ~a.la.pur tie 7 68:~ 18 1. »8'U 0-1 . 2 ShiraI 3,130 32 2,908 175 15 1-0 1J2-9 O-G 3 KulaU 1,452 63 1.3515 33 • 4-3 0- .1 4 Mugalkhud J..21.0 :1. 1.106 101 0'2 lH'4

['; 4,201. 22 a.D9g 177 0-5 95-2 4-2 0']' Duc:lni P_ D. 466 460. 100-0 7 Kesa.rgop 1,380 23 1..354 3; 1-7 98-1 8 Bisana! 521 516 ['; 99-0 1.-0

9 Saidapur 700 66 63!. 3 9-5 90-.1 0-4-

.10 1'>Iadhabhavi 671 38 59~ 42 5-7 88-], 6'2

11 Marapur 596 516 79 1. 1:S6-6 13-2 0-.2 12 !'!a.nganatti 700 690 10 U8-6 .I '4

13 lJhaval.... h"" .. r 9 J .~IOt JOO 0-6 7-:1 0-1.

14 N3ndagaOT.l 473 "",29 44 ~10-7 9-3

15 ~~k.kimaradi 552 .12 .1 97-6 2-2 0-2

16 ~Iallapur P_ JH1tlbagi :~S6 2 0-5 99-5

1.7 nfirji 1,093 20 33 2 :1'S 95-0 3'0 0-2

IS Vantigad 1,020 12 1.004 ~ ]"2 98-4 0'4 1.9 Chennal 661 5 624- 32 0'8 [14-4 4'S 20 Nagral 1,496 1,363 132 1. 91-1 8-S

21 Ranjangi 70~ 2 670 30 0'3 95-4 4'3 22 »Ialali 1,393 D6 :1.255 6'9 90-1 a·o

23 Sorgaon. 780 29 27 3'7 02-8

24 Uttur :1,199 ]. 1.194 0'1 89-6 0'3 N o Ti-t" It,C.;Lt;"h of \lin(7,~$ 4:; .... 4 ", ,,;d,


< G


TALUKA BOUNDA RY------.. ------__

VILLAGE ._ do ___ ------. - - - --.-- CODE NUMBE R ------80

UN INHABITED ------. ------" ------.. ------U.L



'- () Scale of Miles o <\ 6 8 I s TALUKA MUDHOL lJISTRl(;T BIJAPUB.

1' .. )ra-t.ioD Moth<-r T


25 J ...1i.ber .398 ~94 ::J 1 99-0 0-2 26 Rug. 660 J 643 HI 0'1 97-:: Mct:agudd 1,511. 105 1. 98-4 0-1 H.,,1iki _ .. 590 1 1 J '2 O' J 29 Ningapur 754 32 675 46 89-5 I}. 1 0'1


20(1 177 20 1 .~ 88-5 10-('

K:a.n_a.sa..geri 1:00-0 Ho~alo, 2 0-3 , tJ· ;, Dada 1'1'"tt.j 0-2 PS-4 1 -l.>

~Iana.pur :p_ L' 'l,a­ 3 294 j l. - () 9S-7 0-3 pUT .( I ••

Viu'chagalJ .262 Jad .... ArnlikatH 272

I :yd.... r AY"'I Iik... t:f i H6'v 1,2- :-1 1-7

·i-tt Pa}jkirnaUt· 100-0

41 J ...llikatti (XL.) :.:n8 .')alJikat.Li (Bl..) lSO

I·~ 2,470 :261 :. 1Il....·5 HI ".fi 0-:':

4-4 324

I) E T .F. 1,_ Na,ga.napur 238 100-0 Cha;wadapur 230 :tOO-to

Ohitra.bhankoi: 02 90--~ .-,84 99

[,(. Jllt.~llltannnr- 1.072 2 O'j 0- I

.f.l 13.adHU'r 9

.J II.DB'-UJ'" 98"';--.

Hudni (Bk.> 26] u-" 64 M.a.cl"la.ka.n.o()Y· J,(,-;-I 66 o-!_! 7 :..- -r.

£l,,"t.aJ 1 tj


Looation Mother Tongue (Absolu.te Figures) J.v.I.other Tongue (Percentages) Code No. Name of the Popul",tiQn. o:F~he Village or To~ Village ""'d ~Tovv:n :;e -=oS'" IS ~ :a -='" g. ~ ... ~ i ~ -:S ~ 'i'iI ~ ~ ~ <0 J:3 Jf t""I <0 ::!§ 1. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1.:L Vill7ges-cnH"td_ 57 355 350 100-0 58 Muddapur 650 646 1 3 99-4 0-], 0-5 59 Raabe J a.m bagi I,213 I54 I.009 50 12-7 83-2 4-1 60 Bidari 507 507 100-0 61 Alagnndi (:81<:_) 890 1 8S9 0-1 99-9 62 Antap-ur 497 6 49], ],-2 98-8 63 P:':::h_) 406 405 1. 99-8 0-.2

64 I> F: S E R 'I' .E D_ 65 Chinchakandi 650 6 644 0-9 99-I (Kh_J 66 Chinchakandi 829 825 1 3 99-5 0-], 0-4 (Bk_)

67 Gulg-Jambagi 989 987 2 99-8 0-2 68 Jirgal 632 476 156 75-3 24-7

69 Ingalagi 1.598 1.597 1. ~OO-O 70 Yedhalli 1.226 1,226 100-0 71 Barigi 1.157 1,156 1 99-9 0-:1 1"72 Vajara.ma.tti 922 3 918 1 0-3 99-0 0-1 §73 2(;7 266 1 99-6 0-4 74 Halagali 2,470 9 2.460 .. 1 0-4 99-4 0-2 75 MelUgeri 1.131 1 1.126 2 2 0-1. 99-5 0-2 0-2 76 K:isnri 149 149 ]00-0

§§77 Ma.:ntoor 1.790 2 1.775 13 O·I. 99-2 0-7 78 .::BUd.Di P .. M_ 689 1 687 I. O·I. 99-8 0-1

79 lI-:tucihol (Non-:M"u.:ni- 318 46 163 101 8 1.4~5 u_l·3 31-7 2-5 oipal Area). §§§80 MahaJi:ngapur (Non- M:1ll1icipal .Area)_

'.l'ota.1 £or Villages .. - 63.507 836 60,1.05 2.408 68 1-3 94-S 3-S 0-1. TOTA..L FOR TALU:::K.A. 82,660 2,68:1 73,847 6~OZ5 i07 3-2:; 89-3 7-3 0-:1.

:01= The 1951 Census popt.::Ila.tion OI village N o~ 27-:wretag1.'lldd, according to the T)i.striof Ce:n.su.a HQ.l1d- bo...='k,. jo 16-. 22 s R EFERENCE

TALUKA B OUNDARY------_, VILLAGE --- D O ------CODE NUMBER ------44 « MARATHI (MOTHER -T QNGUE) SPEAKERS E )l.cEED 5 0.1.- -. ~ :=:~ ,_ f".A.NNADA --- DO -- --- D O ------1 -4. NEITHER MARATHI NOH. KANNl\DA --,_ DO - - - . . - -- - ~I'.;.:.:.:.;.;.;.;:;: ..;:;.:;:;. '~'I .


I ,/ \ z 26- 10-I \ «


K O L H APUR DISTRICT Scale of Miles o 1 2. a I ! II ! I ! " I j - 1 ,


, id Stat.isi.ica of Personaspea.king the Principa.l Mother-Tongue Languages in *he Village. and To'loVDS of certain Talukaa o:f Bombay Siat....

(Compiled from the 1951 Census enu.:rne:ra.tion slips) TALUKA SHIROL DISTRICT K.OLHAPUR

Mo1>her Tongue (Absolute Figures) Mot.her Tongue (Percentages) L.oca.tion Code No. Na.me of th.. Population ,------~------~ of" th.. Village or To-= Villa.ge or To,;vn :a j 1 1. 2 3 7 8 9 :1.0 :1.1 T0U7A8. 26--III Jaysingpur Muui­ 8.022 3,783 2.108 1 27-2 OLpality_ 26--X Kurund...... a.d 1M:uni­ 6.406 1.,377 140 20-0 0-2 ci_pa.lity ... 26--10--I Shirol 8.567 533 877 53 8-S 0-5 26-10--II Na.ndani 2.326 2,634 700 S 12-4

Total :Cor To~ 21.,032 6,652 17-0 0-2

1 Dh... rangutti 586 458 47 53-7 42-0 4-3 2 Haroli 767 412 76 61-1 32-g 6-1 3 Jambholi 1.68 139 82-0 y-g S-:1. 0-1 4 Kondigre 557 382 171 '" 68-6 30-7 0-7 Ii 1.488 972 401 :l12 65-3 27-0 7-5 0-2 6 Ta.ka...... Ie 2.666 1.524 801. 339 57-2 30-0 .12-7 0-], 7 Shahapur 865 762 62 4:& 88-1 7-2 4,-7 8 Tamdala.ge 890 59S 269 IS> 67-2 30-2 1-7 0-9 {} Nimshirga.oD Khalsa 1.316 719 541 56< ,5.&-6 41-1 4-3 10 Nimshirgaon DUlInala. 550 332 190 26 GO-4 34-5 4-7

~1 Omparl 936 !HS 5&-6 35-.1 8-2 12 Ja.in.a.pur 903 494 331 78- 54-7 36-7 8-6

],3 Kothali 2,S72 1,064 1.669 :137 37-1 58-.1 4-S

],4. Da.noli 4.461 2,804 1.209 ~ 62-9 27-.1 10-0 15 1.635 892 600 233 64,-6 30-6 14-2 ],6 1.515 761 720 :16 60-3 47-5 1-1

17 3.181 1,575 1,124. 475 .~-6 35-3 .14-9 18 1.382 895 .... 50 37 "'-7 32-6 2-7 ],9 2.005 444 98 72-8 22-2 .... -9 0-• 20 Ghal.... ad. 1..327 1,21.5 39 73 Sn-6 2-g 5-5 21 Shir&t.i 2.1.),0 784 1,166 156 37-2 65-3 7-4 .,..-J. 22 Kan:wa.d. 1,357 431. 306 620 31'S 22-5 4,5-7


I...c>-cation Mother Tongue (Absolute FiguTe8) Mother Tongue (Perc~ta.g ....) Code No. Na.me of"" the Popu.I.a.t.ion of"the Village or 'rown Village or To-wn 1 J. 7 8 1) ;1.0 .J..l

23 818 1 17 97-9 0-1 :l-O 24 Hasur 204 862 33 18-6 78-4 8-0 25 997 240 532 223 2 24-1 53-3 22-4

2<'1 884 1,.227 235 1 37-7 52-3 1.0-0

27 567 231 281 515 40-7 49-6 9-7

2S 3.719 900 2.376 353 26-6 63-9 0-6 29 Ghosarvvad 2.798 ••631 023 232 .2 5s-a 33-3 8-3 0-1 30 2.408 67S 1.516 202 12 28-2 62-9 0-6 31 Bhirdvvad 2,584 1.213 1,257 94 20 46-9 48-7 S-6 O-S 32 4,916 J,527 3,174 21I 4 31-1 64,-6 4-2 0-1

33 Shirdhon 3.0»1 :1,074 1,648 8'28 11 153-8 10-7 0-4 34 :&£,ajare-wa.de 929 497 424 a 53-5 45-0 0-9

.as .Aki~a.t 3,31.8 603 2,317 397 1 18-2 60-0 1),-0 -36 Taka.Ii with Ta.k.a.Ii­ 4,265 2,926 J.226 96 7 68-S 28-S 2-2 0-2 -,:va.di.

37 Raja.pur 2,024 1.12 35S 5-5 76-S 1.7-7 38 Khidrapur 1.,409 250 S04 355 17-7 57-1 25-2

~9 Ala... 3,879 1,1.12 1,706 1,059 28-7 44-0 27-3

40 Aur___ ad 1.,654 720 178 754 2 43-5 10-S 45-6 41 .1,012 291 268 453 28-7 26-5 44-8 42 K.:avat.hegu la.nd 1,279 783 35.5 141 6J_ -2 27-8 1.1-0

487 1.4] I 287 ]. 22-3 64_6 .1;3-]: aa.neshvvadi 943 1,213 234 3 39-4 50-7 0-1.

37.630 134 40-9 43-0 10-9 0-2

TOTAL FOn. TALUKA ..... :120,926 61.,1.70 44,282 1.5,269 205 50-S 36-S cl2-S 0-2

24 S A

A /

> o



Sc ale lJf Miles ~ ~ , 8 I f ! I REFERENCE


VILLAGE - DO ------

CODE NUM8ER------· 46

MARATHI (MOTHER-TONGUE) SPEAK.ERS EXCEED 50,% - ---:=1 ==~ KANNADA -- DO -- DO ------1 I NEITHER "'IARAT HI NOR K A NNADA 00 ------[:;:::::::;:;:::1 Siatistics o~ Persons speaking th~~ri!:tc!_pa.l Mother-Tongut> La.ngijAges in. the Villa.ges and To'W:o.s of ~a.19--'raluka.s of Bombay ~a.te.

(Compiled rrom tIJ.~e---19G:t_~Ce-=siis ~~~~~'ati()n slips.) TALUKA HATKANANGALE Dl.STRICT KOLHA"PU.R.

I...oca.t-i on. :Mother Tongue (Absolu.te l!~jgur" ..) Code No. Name ofthc Poptllation of'the Villa.ge or 'Town Villa.ge orTa......

i5 (; 7 9 10 Ll

3,370 1..440 65-4 27-9

26-_II Kumbhoj a.71~ 1.738 516 62-2 29-1 0-

26-5-III Ruka.d:i .'5.375 !1.17S 1.433 759 59-1 26-7 0- I

26-5-IV Pa.ttan Kodoh .''>.993 4.785 689 512 79-9 11-5 8-5 U-1

;i!l6-5-V Hupari 6.978 5 111 595 1.005 373 6 80-2 14-4 5-3 0- I

26--IV Va.d'5aon. Kaaa.ba. 6.145 5.Q88 454 585 IS 82-8 7-4- 9'5 U-3 1lr.[un~cipali t.y.

26--II Iohalk.a... an.ji ?£u;nici- 27.268 3.678 71-3 18-5 0-2 pa.hty.

Total for 'TO...vI1S 6~.882 45.175 6.766 85 71-8 17-3 10-8 0-1


1 Ha.-tTu.,nangale :~.914 2.750 585 570 70-3 1.4·~ 1.4-6 0-2 2 Karachi 1.803 919 725 159 51.-0 4-0·2 8-8

3 T ...rda.I :~.318 2.800 361 146 2 84·6 10-0 0-1. 4 M.a.j... Ie 564 689 1 2 44·0 54-8 0·1 o-z 5 Ka.bnoor 1,336 968 310 2 51-1 37-0 11· 8 o· 1 6 Bui 3.130 1,546 J .14] 440 3 40-4 36-4- 14-], 0- 1

7 Cha.ndur 3.069 L821 L.J 19 l26 :3 59-3 36-5 4- 1 Q- 1

8 S ...ja.:ni 1.722 .l.Jll 299 71 4. 75-0 20-2 4-1 0-2

9 :&fa.ng-a.OD 4.1.42 2,109 _l ... 531 -"77 25 50-9 37-0 11-5 0-6 10 Tilavani 876 621 108 86 1. 70·9 10-2 0'8 0- l

II Chok.... k 853 378 2 60-2 30-6 12 Atigre 1..370 :2 :3 90-0 0-2 0-2

13 M'udshingi 1.054 935 49 09 88-7 4-7 6-5 0- .l

14 Male 861 692 1.52 1.6- BO'4 17-6- 0- 1 15 Halondi 1,236 054 581 1 52-0 4.7-0 0- I 16 Nagaon 2,180 1,730 365 70 6 70-5 1.6-7 3'0 17 Harle 2,471 1,37 I 699 3 54-4- 30-2 15-4. lI<£ouje - Vadga,on. 1,000 134- 1.78 :3 76·1. 10-2 13-5 0-2 4.678 05 719 II 82-4, 2-0 O'Z TALUKA HATKANANGALE DISTRICT KOLHAPUR

Loca.tion Mother Tongu.e (Ahsoll.1te Fig-ures) ::;>.-tother TOT1gu.e (Percentages) Code No_ Name of the oft-he Villa.ge or To-wn Village or To-wn.

I 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 II V.llagee--contd_

20 Top 3,587 3,553 ]_ 11 99-1 0-6 0-3

21 T.a.sa.gaon '700 C;:95 5 99-3 0·7

22 Minache 2,0'75 1,523 291 258 3 73-4 14-0 12-4 0-2

23 Savvarde 3,010 2.793 7 207 3 92-8 0·2; 0-9 O· 1 24 Latvvade 2,217 2,081 1-5 116 5 93"'9 0·7 5-2

25 Tngali :1.,635 199 4 68-(; 22·8 S·4 o-~

26 Dhadole 3.810 1 329 3 9j_-3 8·0 o· ]_

27 Kin:i 3,192 556 7 55-2 27'2 1.7-4 0-2 28 Ghunnki 3,526 3,245 2'6 252 3 92'0 0-7 29 '7athar Ta.rt- Va

35 Chavare .1,474 4 ,5 99-0 0·3 0-4 0-3 36 Khochi 2.,;C36 234 I25 2 84-9 9-8 5-B o· ]_ 37 Va"Lhar Tarf Uda.­ 1.241 81 ]15 3 80-2 s-o 0-2 ga~.n_ 38 Narande 1,897 489 93 4 76-4 19-7 3-7 0-2

*39 Hrngangaon 364 -:'l48 72 46-4 44.-4 9-2 40 Ncj 464 117 9 66-1 26·7 0·7 0-5

41 Bhcndavade 1.093 372 269 8 62-7 21· 4 15-4 0·5 42 Re:ndal 4.301 3.611 172 517 1 84-0 4-0 1.2'0 43 Talandage 1,777 1,257 '355 165 70-7 20·0 9·3 44 YeIglld 2,1.21 :1.520 471 121. 71-7 22-2 5·7 o:_~ 45 RangQli 1.572 .ao53 138 2 06-5 27·6 O·S O· I

40 Jangam-w-adi 2;98 100-0

47 2\.[ .angaryachi~.a dj 365 357 s 97-S 2-2 (Hamlet of"K...... b ... VadgaoTl)_

F_rotal for "'\.-TJ._llages 106,386 81,491 16,198 8,495 202 76- 6 15- 2 8· 0 0- 2 ------~------"~OTAL FOR rr AT.. UXA- 126~666 27~054 :t5~261. 287 74-S :16-0 9-0 0-2

23 ~ ______• "0 L$ULoJP J"l "", ,...".....c-_ _ • ______."._._ _ ___...,"'_. -... ______llEFERENCE T .,A.\ _ I""' ...... A BOUMCt... "lI..'R""Y' ------. V ILLA G E --£.10------.- .------.-- --

CODE "'U7'1 9E'--, ------• . . ------. - - - .-- -- - 95

UN ! "'!-4 A a l T r~ D ------_.-- --- ._-- -. ------_ . - - - U .I. ""AHAT H. (MOTHER T iJNt;UE) 5 ,:C EA ..~ ER 5 E X CEED S O / ;.-- -n-I I L lo( ,'. N N-o" , D A -- (.>:) - - DO ------.- -C__ :J G



-1I -


\. o ' :< .. 6 f:!!!!!!' 1 I I I sta.tistics of Persons speaking tbe Principal Mother-Tongue Lan.guages in the Villages and TO,",DS of cer10ain Talukas of Bombay Sta,1oe_

(Compiled from the 1951 Census enumeration slips) :PETA GADHINGLAJ DISTRICT KOL}::L<\.PUR

Location l\1other Tongue (Absolute Figures) Oode No_ Name of tho Populat.ioIJ. of the VJUage or To-..vn r------,------~ Village or Town.

I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11


26-VIII Gadhinglaj ~J:llnici­ 8,547 4,560 3,129 840 18 53-4 36-6 9'8 pality. Villages.

4 Icl:iralge 1,236 1,213 6 16 I 98-1 0-5 5 Konlag... 1.4:17 107 63 88-0

6 970 825 64 86 4 84-3 7 Inchnal 1,667 1.5!'i6 41 5B 2 93'9 8 At.yal 1,434 1,369 63 2 95-5 9 Karambn..li 1,683 1,.563 116 3 1 0'2 10 Ship'-Lr 'I' _ Ajra 1,138 1,108 30 97-4

11 Jakhe-wudi 586 100-0 12 Linglluor K. Nool 1,159 833 298 27 1. 71-9 25-7 2-3

:13 G-ijawane 2,166 1,357 739 69 I 62-7 34- 1

14 Kadagaon 3.633 3,174 353 100 o 87-4 9-7 0'2

15 'VV'a..da.rage-Majare __ .. 2,770 2.569 191 8 2 92-7 6-9 0-3 0-1 16 Aumal 857 478 378 1. 65-8 44- 1 0-1 17 1lIIadyaJ 932 24 885 23 94'9 18 Shendri 991 802 15B 29 2 16'0 19 "Hanimhal 1,253 803 359 71'3 2S-6 20 Hasur-Cha..mpu 804 1,277 16S 56-S 7-5 21 Dundge 1,650 141 1,365 l44 S'6 82-7 8-7 22 Mugali-Ka'H1ba Nool .1,996 901 1,062 33 45-1 !'i3-2 :r_-7 23 Hebhal 1,903 170 1.687 46 8-9 8S-7 Nilgi 919 100 718 101 10'S 78-2 11-0 25 1lIIut.nal 2.120 301 1,770 40 3 14-2 S3-8 1-9 26 Hlt:ui 1,827 290 1,451 84 2 15'9 79-4 4-0 27 1.413 406 894 112 1 63'3 7-9

~S Na:ngnur 1,293 S02 44-5 46 62-0 3-6

29 Aralg-unn.i 709 57 629 22 1 8-0 S8-7 c:- 2

30 Kadalag.. 1,249 ~60 864 125 20-S 69-2 10-0


.L.o-ca t~on ]'>'[other TOHgue (Absolute Figures) Mut.h er ".congue (l_'ercen tages) C<>de No_ Na:ul.c ..-,-f t.he J P(_~pnlation. of'the Villa.ge or '1"o-wn. ---~'"---~------, Vjn~e -g i_·r To"iVU. ... <+'> 1 1 J J J. 2 4 6 7 s 10 1.1

3I I:(.la.-rgncn i 5BB 1.66 402 18 2; 2S-2 68-4 3'1 o-s

32 No.--.! Ka.::-~r_l,b~~ 3.338 1,393 I.S2 2 41-7 52-S

33 1.914 87B 1.007 29 45-9 34 Chaunek.uppi 1.534 1,176 354 4 76-7 0-2 31> Uh.il.1cho'\VaUi 827 476 349 2 5'''1-6 o-;e 36 Kh.n u-:!.lch.o::.L.tti 763 406 357 _33-2 43-S

37 Ta::'.I.,awaui 61.4 3],5 273 18 S fi1- 3 2-9

38 YeLl6cha vB.n.di 812 64,1 170 1 79-0 20-9 39 Hu.Jkarni 3.793 S82 700 23-2 58-3

40 ChaTl_(.{aJ:.k1.1d 258 4 236 IS 1-0 9J -5 7-.(,)- 41. Ba.-sarge Bk .. 2.301 1.175 1.095 30 51.-1 47-6 42 12 12 1.00-0 43 Kun1balha1 334 55 260 IU 1.6-5 77-S 44 904 .;')7S 306 IS 2 6S-1} 33-9 0-2 45 913 722 174 ],7 79-1 1.9-1

46 Nare-wacli 1.217 1.126 70 21. 92_5 6-S 47 395 375 16 4. 94-9 4-1.

48 624, 623 1. 99-S

49 Ka(lal 529 523 1 4 1. 9S-9 U-7 0-2

&0 H.iu.~d. ugg i 928 635 282 1.1. 68-4

51 Na.l.l.k:.tul 946 749 :197 79-2 2'_~)- S

.'52 Has-ur-Sa.11':-'J;"T1ri 1.158 333 :3 77-4 22-3 0-1 071 :?607 :153 19-5 76-0 260 206 1.9 42'5

55 FI..a.rali Bk .. 1.039 997 42 4.-0

56 H" r" Ii Kh. 1.365 1.114 217 30 4. 81-6 1.5-9 2-2 0'3

57 Mal"l.a..gaun -".527 ;~.649 582 2 80-6 12-9 6-5 58 IJu_gun_wa,di 635 576 39 20 90-7 6'2 3-1.

59 :Mu:ngu..r-vvadi 820 797 22 I. 97-2

60 Tenginhal 502 473 2 24 :3 94-2 0-0 6I 1.336 427 907 2 32-0

62 Terani :!.411 581 1.387 430 1.3 24-1 57-6 1.7-8 0--5 Ka favi -Katti 1,353 934 418 I 69-0 30-9 PETA GADHINGLAJ DISTRICT KOLHAPUR

:Location Mother Tongue (Ab..,olut., Figures) Code No_ Naro.e 0:1 the Popnlation oi'the Village or To'OVD. ,----'------"'------. Vin",ge ------~------.~ or To"A"D "E ~ a:§

I 2 3

64 Gudalkop E E '1'

66 :r.tin.gl.l..00r Ka~a.ba. 582 1 Ne~.n.ri_ 66 .T.a.mbul"W'A.di 712 711 1 O-j

67 M.angnur alias Sa"W'­ 900 881 Ii"> 0'4 a.J_..__ t""\v-a~i ~ Ra.ta Kn,nn.agaloA

69 'V'V'ag araIi B15 100-0

F£.. bbal (Jalo:lyal) 1,10} 0-5

Tl Bidrevadi 437 3S6 48 ss-a

72 Shipur-Kas&ba NesAri 593 .'593 LOO-O

He-le-wa-=-:i 148 147 .1 99-3 0'7

74 N"osn.ri IoC,asaba.. 2,525 1,.e.-72 366 ·487 66-2 76 :Maladewa.

  • 82 VVu.tangi 1.f199 1,089 S I l. 99'1 0·1 0'1

    8a S~.j..:roli 652 650 2 99-7 0.3

    84 Yemeha..t-t.i 295 295 100-0

    K.u.la TIl ""'W"a..

    86 K."1~lll.a.I·i 5tH; 549 10 6- 97-2 1-7 1- 1

    87 1.130 1,125 5 99-6- 0-4

    88 315 315 100-0 S9 Done-wa<1i 237 155 so 65-4 33-S O·S

    90 Hadalage 1,208 1.201 6 ]. 99·4 0-5

    91 Bakuul 847 767 75 .5 90-6- S-8 0-6

    92 Belguu

  • '1'otal for ViU.. g:es 102.861 65.716 32.861 4,195 S9 6a a 9 31-9 0-1 ------~------TOTAL FOR PZTA. __ :1.::11.408 70.276 35.990 5,035 :1.07 63-:1.
