- N -DIA 1951 OF • LA K SHOLAPUB, SATARA. SOUTH, BXJAPUa' AND KOLHAPUH DISTRICTS - I By ::BC)~ OF T~ XN"DXAN" CIVxx. Sza"VICE, SUPER~ OF CENSUS OPERATIONS .B<>l'v~:eA. yo ST.A..TE 4&- 5.4792- SHC> Lan PREFAOE A£1..eT the 1951 Census~ figures :for villages and tovv~ns .... vere published. in the Dist-rict Census I-Iand books_ The population of'. each. village and town v;,,-as exhibited u:nder eight broad livel:ih.ood classes_ Other data re1.ating .to IYluther'-tongue, .:religion.~ civ;il condition, etc_ were not sorted an.d tabulated by villages and towns hut hy larger units called Tracts. vv-hich consisted generally of the rural or urban areas of several talukas_ Indeed_. in the S·tate Reports,. the District was the smallest unit for -vvhich figures ,vere exhibited_ The result of this was that figures of 1Tlother-tongue were r:lDt avail­ a ble according to villages_ In 1954 the Government of India decided to obtain :anguage data according to villages :fo].' all multi-li:ngual talukas in. I:ndia by 1'D.eanS <..I:f a special sor'ting of the 1951 census slips_ The Government OT Bombay agreed to share the cost o:f this operation :for Bombay State equally "\'vith the Central Government, and a ten~porary office was organised .in Bombay City to handle the opera'~ions_ I ,-vas appointed Super­ intendent o:f Census Operations for Bombay State in addition to my normal ,-,\701'1-.:: as Collector of Bombay. an.d the services of 'Sh.ri K_ F_ Patel, ,-vho had been. in charge 0:[ the Tabulation Offi_ce set up at Baroda after ·the 1.95~ Census, were made a \7ailable for appointment as Deputy Superintendent in charge o:f the linguistic sortin.g olTlce at BonLbay_ After the terminati.on o£ the 1951 Census Sorting Operation, the census enumera­ tion slips had been arranged not accordir:tg to villJge.s but according to livelir... ood classes and tracts_ The present linguistic sorting operation involved the detailed sorting by villages and mother-tongues of approxi:r:nately 40 lakhs of slips pertaining 1::'0 31 multi-lingual talukas, but to obtain these 40 lakhs of slips 5E1 lakhs o£ slips had t.o be sorted_ These slips were obtained :from the Collectors of Baroda. P~hn~ednaga:r and Belgaum. in ,-vhose charge the census slips ,-vere placed at the cDr1clusion of tr1e 1951 census sorting and tabulation at these centres_ The ""vork of linguistic sortir:tg wa.s har:tdled by six supervisors and -tl~irty sorters, ""vho ,-'Vorkec1 £or a period of :four months_ Thereafter thE" service.:; of supervisors, typists and calc'l..1lati:ng machine operators ,-vcre requircci for app:ro~irnately three rr10nths more to prepare the data for publication_ 'The coloured 1TlapS ....·""hich acC"ompa:ny this booklet were prepared under the supervisior1 of Shri 13_ "\V_ Khadilkar. I"vIanager of the PILotozincographic Press, Poona. with the assistance of the staff of the Settle­ l:nent Commissioner and the Director of Lan.d Records. PoonLl_ As far as possible the separa"te boundaries of each village have beer1 sho.... vn; but in the case oE unsurveyed areas this ....vas not possible and such villages have been in.di.cated by dots_ The boun­ daries of the villages an.d towns may n.ot be exactly 'to E:cale; but they w,ill se::t:;¥'e adequately enough to indicate the location of the villages. The maps are self-e::x::pla­ na.tory_ Colours representing mother-tongu.es have been applied to areas ,"""yhere t-he speakers coT:tstituted an. absolute majority Le_, exceeded 50 per cent_ o:f the populatioY1_ Every village ar tawn was assigned a Location Code number at the 1951 census; and these Locatian. Code n.umbers were written on. all i-he census slips_ Tn general, the instructions in regard to the Location. Code :numbers ....vere fully understood and followed in 1951, though inevitably cases did occur ,-vhere enumerators had on~itted 1,0 write the Location Code n.umbers and this caused trouble at the tin'1e of the lingu.istic sorting_ However. re:ference to the National Registers and cornparison of the hand writing on the slips enabled most of the puzz-:ies to be solved_ "\Vherc the enumerators had failed to indicate ,the mother-tongue--ec:;nd such cases v~7ere not n.umerous--the slips are noVIT shown in, the category o:f < Unspecified'_ In this booklet, the absolute figures of population arLived at as a resul-t of the resorting of the slips have been. shown_ In some case::; these figures differ slightly from -the figures given. in. the District Census Hand books_ Wherever the di.fl'erence has beel'1 other than. slight, attention to the fact has been. drawn in a footnote_ According to the District Census Hand books the population o£ the areas dealt ,vith in this ¥c 2268-1 j Hand-book was 1,375,891_ According to the present linguistic sorting operation. the popu­ latl.ol."l. -....vas :1.,373,221, a diiiere:nce of' --0-19 per ce:n.t_ Inevita1.11y as a resu.lt 01' pack:tng, tran.sportl.n,g, unpacking and resorting slips some slips do get misplaced or destroyed; but the proporj!(tion of such cases is so minute as not to atlect the authenticity of the l.in..guistl.c patterIl.. that emerges from the preseIl..t resorting operation._ The liTl.guistic data after the 1951 Census were extractE'"d according to '1..~racts_ At "the presen.t linguistic sorting the areas sorted usually cii.-i not coincide with these Tracts_ It i:s :not possible therefore, to compare the peree:ntages of ~erso=s spec:oki=g different .languages that emerged from the 1951 and 1955 sorting £or lo_nguages_ In :the case o:f 13elgaum District, however, the areas sorted did coin.cide with tne 1951 Tra..... ts_ The 1.wo sets uf figures can, there:fore, be compared._ The sae:is£actor--y n.ature -~~e sortin.g done for Tracts in 1951 and now for individual villages and towns will b~·'bDVOUS :from the :following results:-- BELGA"tJ:lM: DISTRICT_ Perce-n-tages 1;0 t:o·t;;al popu,la:tio-n of t:he rno·cher-to-ng ue speakers of:-- Kallll-ada. ... ~ ...l.ra.tbia Others_ U:u"peclned_ -According to 195:1. Census 64-3 26-6 9-1 According to present sorting 63-8 26-4 9-7 o· :1 Dl.fference -0-5 -0-2 -i- 0-6 -+0-1 -The resortin.g of the data for Sholapur City has disclosed a rather disquieting "discrepa:ncy between the resu.lts of the 1951 and 1955 sort.ing for mother-tongue da1:a_ Tn the table below the break up of the population. according to the percentages ,tabu­ lated as speakin.g specified mother-tongues is shown:-- SHOLAPUR CiTY. Percen. t;age speaking as 7n-Qt:her-toTl-gue. ':\lara.1,.u.1_ Kanoada. Telugu. Urdu. Other U n ~ pacified. languages. 1~51 47-1 14-8 17-5 14-3 1955 38-9 12-8 23-9 17-2 0-3 DJt-l'erence -8-2 -2-0 -+6-4 -+2-9 -t-O-3 The cause of the error in 1951 is not known_ The 1955 figures have been checked and 1:"e-checked an.d may be taken to be authen !::ic_ I shou:td lih:e to express my thanks to the s:;aff of ::::orters and supervisors ""vho ",,,",orked. vv~i1:h great devotion. at a task that required accuracy and unflagging attention. The fact that the cost of the linguistic sortin.g operation, exclusive of the cost of puhli­ ca-wv:r:t of the data. has bee= kep!:: as low as Rs_ 22,462-6-6 or Rs_ 5-9-9 per 1,000 slips is la:!"gely due to the good ""vork of the sorters_ Shri E::._ F_ Pa~pl, the Deputy Superinten­ dent, deser"ves great credit for the way in which he h3.nd"!ed t}-~e sorters, many of 'V'V-hom had n.ever had a job before, maintaining discipline v<.-~ith tact and syrnpathy and _getting their willin.g best ou t of the hard-working teams of sorters_ I should also like to than.E: Shri E_ W_ K.hadilkar, ]\rlanagE. r. Photozincographic Press, Poona, Shri S_ A_ Sapre, Assistant Director. Govern.me-nt Printing and Sta-:'ionery. Bombay. Shri J_ W_ D'Souza, l\IIanager, and Shri S_ R. Desai, Assis!::ant IVIa:nager, . 'Go-ver:n.merl:t. Cen.tral Press, Bombay, :for their valuable advice and co-operation. in "the production o-r. these booklets_ Lastly I should like to express my grati~ude to Shri Rajeshwari. Prasad, I.A_S_, Deputy Registrar Gen.eral, India, who visited Bombay a"TId i:n.spe-cted the V\>ork in. ·progress, and whose sound advice and guidance was made available throughout the course of the linguistic sorting operation.. :T_ E_ EDWlV'lAN, Superintendent 0:£ Census Operations, Bombay> 17th September 1955_ Bombay State, Bombay. o E R D SOUTH SHOLAPUR TALUKA SHOLAPUR DISTRICT Scale of Miles REFERENCE TALUKA BOUNDARY---------- - --- ------- ---------- ---___ VILLAGE -DO ------.------ --- ------- --- _-- -------- CODE NUMBER----------------------------------· 81) o MARATHI (MOTHER-TONGUE) SPEAK.ERS EXCEED 5070- --1 KANNADA -- DO -- --- DO --------~I===!I NEITHER MARATHI NOR KANNADA--- DO--------[:;:;:;:-:-:.:.:I N o o o T· o Statistics .3f Persons speaking tbe Principal Mother-Tongue Langua.ges in the Villages a.nd To_us of' cerbl.1.Il.
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