Serene our deep and heartfelt grief;at this rHIHIS day the Right,Honourable John Leach, most bitter loss. By us of tbis country, where the amiable and •*• and the Right Honourable Sir William excellent qualities of Her were A'Court, Bart, were, by command of His Royal. more particularly known, and where during her Highness the Prince Regent, in the name and on long residence she had become endeared to us by repeated acts of beneficence and kindness, her loss the behalf of His , sworn of His Majesty's is felt as a most heavy private as well as public Most Honourable Privy Council, and took their calamity, and our distress is greatly increased, when respective places at tbe Board accordingly. we consider that the same moment deprived us of an offspring, who, educated under the paternal care, and virtuous and religious example of your Serene Highness, might reasonably have been looked forward to as the future boast and blessing of T the Court at Brighton, the 30th day ojf the nation. A December 1817, In the name and on the behalf of the Meeting, W. Oglander, High Sheriff and Chairman. PRESENT> "[Transmitted by the High, Sheriff of the County, and His Royal Highness the PRINCE REGENT m presented by Sir Robert Gardiner,'] Council. To His Serene Highness Leopold George Frede- rick, Prince of Saxe Cobourg. VT17HEREAS by an Act, passed in the twenty* WE, the Mayor, Recorder, High Steward, ^ * eighth year of the of His present Ma- Bailiffs, Aldermen, Burgesses, and Inhabitants of jesty, intituled " An Act for regulating the the Borough of Dorchester, in the County of Dorset, beg to approach your Serene Highness " trade between the subjects of His Majesty's with our most sincere expressions of condolence,, " colonies and plantations in North America and upon the irreparable loss your Serene Highness " in the West India Islands and the countries be* has sustained in the death of your amiable and illus- trious consort, -Her Royal Highness the Princess " longing to the United States of America, and Charlotte. " between His Majesty's said subjects and the Deeply, as we deplore the event, which has '" Foreign Islands in the West Indies," it is>. deprived the nation of its fairest ornament and its future hope, we still derive the highest consolation amongst other things, enacted, that it shall and from the reflection, that the sufferings of Her Royal may be lawful for His Majesty in Council, by Highness received every mitigation which domestic Order or Orders to be issued and published from endearment could suggest, or conjugal affection •bestow. • time to time, to authorise, or by Warrant or Under a calamity so distressing we cannot in Warrants under His sign manual, to empower the any adequate terms either express our own feelings, Governor of Newfoundland for the time beingj fcT how deeply'we sympathize with those of your to authorise, iu case of 'necessity, the importation? "Serene Highness. We however trust your Serene Highness will receive some alleviation of your into Newfoundland of bread, flour, Indian corn, grief from the unaffected sympathy of all classes of and live stock, from any of the territories belong- His Majesty's subjects in your Serene Highness's ing to the said United States, for the supply of the "affliction, and from an assurance that the many TJrtues"of your beloved -consort will long live in the inhabitants arid fishermen of tbe Island of New- memory of an affectionate people. foundland, for the then ensuing season only j pro- We-beg^also to offer to your Serene Highness, vided always, that such bread, flour, Indian corn-,, as an additional source of-consolation, the high sense entertained by the British nation of your and live stock, so authorised tp be imported into •Serene Highness's amiable qualities, wWch from the Island of Newfoundland, shall not be imported; the earliest moment of your arrival, amongst us, except in conformity to such rules, regulations,, and tave inspired its with admiration, and left upon our hearts indelible -impressions of die 'greatest esteem restrictions as shafl be specified in such Order- cr and respect. . Morgan Yeatman, Mayor. Orders, Warrant or Warrants respectively, ami ^Transmitted by the High Sheriff of the County, and except by British subjects, an'd in British-built •presented by Sir, Robert Gardiner.] ships, owned by His Majesty's subjects, and navi- gated according to law: : T the Court''at 'Brighton, 'the 30th'of De- And whereas it is expedient and necessary, that ' c'eniber 1817>- provision be made for fully supplying the inhabit- PRESENT, ants and tfishettnen of the Island of Newfound- r Is R^yal H*gkreas the PRINCE REGENT in land, ''for the'6Hsu;)Tig season, with "bread,, flour, CtorneU. Indian c'ora> and live stock, His Royal Highness