The Church Bells of Devon with a List of Those in Cornwall

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The Church Bells of Devon with a List of Those in Cornwall The Church Bells of Devon with a list of those in Cornwall BY Rev. H. T. Ellacombe File 02 – Appendix C (Inscriptions) Pages 90 to 161 This document is provided for you by The Whiting Society of Ringers visit for the full range of publications and articles about bells and change ringing 9J THE CHURCH BELLS OF DEVON. APPENDIX C. THE INSCRIPTIONS ON THE BELLS In the Towers OJ all the Old Parish Churches in Devon, with the Diameter of each Bel! and the Note of the Tenor, including New Towe1·s 1oith Peals, and Old Pa1-ish Turrets or Bell Oot3, with the Name of th~ Saint to 'whom the Church is Dedicated. Nou.-The Numbers between [ 1 refer to tho Cuts. A, at the foot, means in good order; B, Bad orJer; C, Clean ; !5, Dirty. The Date is when the Tower was visited. No Diana. No 1. ABBOTS BICKING1'0N. ln. 3. ABBOTSKERSWELL. S.Jama. S. Mary. 1 .$~~¢ ~:& t;~ la:lU :&L [ +48] 23 1 IOHN + TVLL .;. IOHN .;. GOTHAM ·:· 3%J 2 [+a] :A m )(~ :Afl; ¢~X$ + • 26! CHVRCH ·:· WARDENS. ·:· I. Q P . + (Backwards.) 1664 2 RICILillD .;. SCOBEL .;. MARY .;. SH.ARS 36 3 Plain 29 .;. WARDE:SS. 1705. T. P. B, B, D. Juue 22, 1865 D 3 PETER .;. YEABSLEY .;. IOBN .;. POPE+ 38 CHVRCH WARDENS .;. T. Q P . •;. G 1637 A. July 6, 1866. 2. ABBOTSHAM. S. Helm. 4. ALLINGTON EAST. 1 SOLI DEO ... DETER GLORYA 32 s . .A.ndmD. T Q P 1631 1 CAST BY IOBN WARNER & SONS, 30 LONDON, 18C1, REV0 · H. R. FORTESCUE, 36 2 ( +41] llil [o49] ~~L4ii.$ [o47] )(~~I$ IDNISTER. o ~:&.$tf>~:&~ o ~:AmP... 't~)( o 2 E.o F. A. R ..;. EDWARD SLVTE, GENT. ;. 32 l{f)llf}(~~I.$ lOaN MVRCH, CH. WARDENS. 1723 These nre most beautifully formed letters. 3 EDMVNDUS [\Jl] FORTESCUE, ARMIGER. 33! 3 SOLI DEO DETVR. GLORIA oW : W.T.S. : 38 IOH.Am"'ES EGERTON, RECTOR. E. o S. I t B : W t S W L t I Q P 1674 ; I . M. W D S ; C. Q P. 1723 4 This is a very fine toned bell, the casting is very 40 4 E. FORTESGl'E, ESQ. [\Jl) EDWARD [\Jl] 36 dift'erent from all others. The words are set SLVTE, GENT. JOHN l!URCH, CHURCH­ in reversely, and are repeated nine times G~ WARDEN. C Q P I Q P 1733 amnJ)OWJ. illVUJ)OW3} ih11UJ)OUU} TIMOTHY NORRIS & NOAH ![A.NN. itanifomel illWJJOUUl J!tafinomtl PHILLIP PILLAGE, IUNR. J!tanifomel J!tBnffomd J!tanffomd 6 EDMUNDUS [IJ1) FORTESCUE,ARMIG.[\J1] 41 There is no initial cro&B. The first three words JOHANNES EGERTON, RECT. : E. ('C}l] are u{JBide down, the nen is backwards, the next 18 upeide down, the nen is backwards, SLOUTE : I. : M. : C Q P + I Q P G and eo are the nen three. 1723 + D : 0 : M : S. B. 23, 1864, A.14g. 80, 1866 B, D. .J.ugun 17, 1864. THE CHURCH BELLS OF DEVON. 91 :No 5. ALPHINGTON. o::_-. ., No! 8. ALVINGTON WEST. S. Micllatl. ..1.11 &inu. 1 EDWARD COLLYNS, ESQR. &: MR. THOMAS 26l 1 BRIDGET MARY ILBERT, AGED 6. 30 S.ARELL, CH. W. WILLIAJrl HAYNE, FRANCES ILBERT, AGED 4. GIVEN GENT. o T. B. F. 1749 BY CATHARINE ILBERT, 1776. T. Q 2 Ditto 271 BILBIE, FECIT. 3 Ditto 29l 2 IOHN BICKFORD &: EDWARD REED, 31 4 Ditto 33 CHURCHWARDENS. T Q B Q F. 1776. 6 Ditto WILLOUGHBY ILBERT, AGED 1. 6 Nil 36 ~ 3 PETER ILBERT, AGED 9. MR. RICHARD 33 7 Nil 39 !AGO SQUIRE, T Q B Q CULLOliPTON, 8 THE REVEREND :MR. IOHN PITMAN, FECIT, 1776. EDWARD COLLYNS, GENT., &: lf:R. ' 4 PEREGRINE ILBERT, 10, THOMAS PYLE. 34 F # I THOMAS SARELL, CH : WARDENS. VICAR, MR. RICHARD SQVIRE, Q Q WILLIAM HAYNE, GENT. FOR CHRIST I T. BILBIE, FECIT, 1776 IDS FLOCK I ALOUD DO CALL, TO I 6 WILLIAM ROOPE ILBERT, AGED 12. 37 CONFESS THEIR SINS &: BE P ARDOND ROOPE ILBERT, AGED 11. ROGER ALL. T. BILBIE CAST US ALL, 1749. PRIDEAUX, GENT. CATHARINE, IDS March 6, 1749, a Licence was decreed by the WIFE, SISTER OF WII.UAM ILBERT, Bishop, to set up a ring of eight bella in the place ESQ. T Q BQ FECIT, 1776 of five, one of which was broken. 6 IOHN LUSCOMBE, ESQ. WILLIAM R. IL­ A, C. Octol>er 31, 1864. BERT ESQ. FRANCIS ILBERT IDS WIFE I TO THE CHURCH '!'HE LIVING CALL, AND TO THE GRAVE DO SUMMON ALL. WILLIAM ELFORD ILFORD, ESQ. 6. ALVERDISCOTT. THOMAS BILBIE, FECIT, 1776 .dll Samt4. A, C. Oetol>er 6, 1866. 1 THO . BRENTON t IOHN t PIDLIPS, 28l CH. WARDENS. C Q P 1766 9. ANSTEY EAST. 2 [+a] $¢~ Illl~ '~'ft 'ftE$ ~~~ 31 8. Micllatl. ]i\~~ liHfllU$ 1 [ + 1] 1JDee mea fJifJa bepcliD cunta uocfua 3 [+a] $~'ft(t) ~,.'It ~;t ~I Jt ~~Jt 36 ldl1 oi1 plaublt A most beautiful and clean sharp casting, maiden ]i\~{f) 'ft~~I$ D bell with beuderick. B, D. JuM 20, 1866. 2 [ + 1] Ditto ditto 3 THOMAS BLACKMORE, CHVRCHWARDEN, 1619. T QP 7. ALWINGTON. 4 ;file meliDt bcre nDn sub ere. R. S. S . .A.ndrew. Maiden bell, bad casting. B. Jlq 4, 1865. A [ +19] <;Ittfl~U I'ft E~¢:&It$I$ li>Etfl (Crowned letters : aee Fig. 3, Pl. vi.) 10. ANSTEY WEST. 2 [ + 18] santa matia. t.g. 8. P,trock. t.g. may be initial of founder. 3 WILLIAM : BRUTON : GENT : WILLIAM 1 Broken, the head and Bhoulders gone, all lying 27 36 on the tloor MEADOW : GENT. : (66] THOMAS 2 THOMAS LOCK ; CH ; WARDEN : THOMAS 30l BLEKE : RECTOR : RICHARD BILBIE, FECIT. 1779 COFFIN : ESQ. : IOHN COLLAErr 3 [ + 3] jl!lfltrciUs tattis npleat nOJ m£a 33l IOHN : HOCKERIDGE : WARDENS Jobannis t Q n 1712 Canons broken. 42 4 [ +18] maria [ +1s] 1anrta Dta ptD [+Is] 4 RICHARD + SNOW + CHVRCH 38 twbfs [ + 18] t. g. WARDEN + I Q P 1664 B,D. .A.ugud 23, 1864. G B, D. Mag4, 1866 . 92 THE CHURCH BELLS 01<' DEVON. No DiaDt. No I>ica. 11. ARLINGTON. ln. 14. ASHBURY. J..a. S. Jame&. 8. Mary. 27 1 DOMINI EST TERRA. CAJ\TTATE DOMINI. [ + 3] Il!tE.$~.$ C. PANNELL & Co., 18.55 (Letters, Plate vi.) 2 JUBILATE DEO VOX HARMONIJE. C. 28~ I 2 PHILIP WOOLCOMBE, CLERK, WARDE + PAN NELL & Co. 1855 I~ P 1721 3 C. PANNELL & Co. FOUNDERS, EXETER. 30 I 3 [ + 3] .$. ¢l!f.ttQ;E:R.rn~ 21 1855. CONSERVA ME DOMINE. (See letters, Plate vi.) 32 4 C. PANNELL & Co., FOUNDERS, EXETER. This is the only bell hung up, the other two are D# 1855 on the second floor, and are suppoeed to have 5 DOMINUS NOSTER REFUGIUAI. rl.EV. H . 36 been there since 1767, when the tower was damaged by lightning. I. CHICHESTER, RECTOR. L. ROCKHEY, B. 1lag1B, 1865. H. YEO, WARDENS. C. PANNELL & Co., FOUNDERS. 15. ASHCOMBE. 6 PEETAS :MORS ATQUE VOLUPTAS NOS 39 RESONARE IUBENT. REV 0 lAMES 8. N6Ctanru. HAMILTON CHICHESTER, IOHN G# 1 DANIELL 0 CLIFF 0 CHVRCHWARDEN 0 30 ROCKHEY, HENRY YEO, CHURCH­ MORDECAI 0 COCKEY 0 CAST 0 ME 0 WARDENS, 1856. C. PANNELL & Co., IN TOTNES 0 1686 EXETER. (Vine lea'l'es and grape frieze above. Fig. 86). A, C. &p. 29, 1864. 2 [ + 1 ] lPtattge bitga pia qwrss conbaco ~amta jllaria 12. ASHBURTON. (Not a clean casting.) 8 • .41Ulrew. 3 G ·!· P ~ HALLALV +I·!· A+ 1607 ·!· 36 (A very high shouldered bell.) 1 THE GIFr OF THE RT. HONBLB. SIR WM· 33l YONE, BART· AND KNT. OF THE A, c. July 8, 18&4. A BATH, AND IOHN HARRIS, OF RAINE, ESQ. 16. ASHPRINGTON. [0 14, 16, O Plate viii. on the waist.] 8. Dat7id. 2 Ditto, ditto; also THOMAS LESTER, OF 35 LONDON MADE ME IENY· THE 17, 1740 i 1 THOS. MEARS, LATE LESTER, PACK, & 28 [014, 16 0 on the waist.] CHAPMAN, OF LONDON, FECIT, 1790 3 THE GIFT OF THE RT· HONBLE. SIR WM· 37l 2 Ditto, ditto - 30 YONGE, BART. AND KNIGT OF THE 3 Ditto, ditto - 31 BATH; AND OF IOHN BARRIS OF 4 Ditto, ditto - 33 BAYN, ESQ. THOMAS LESTER OF 5 Ditto, ditto - 36 LONDON MADE US ALL All maiden bells. 4 Ditto Ly whom given, and two coats as on the D. 17, 1866. A second. 6 Ditto, by whom given. 1740. RECAST, 1844. 44 WM· MARSH, VICAR. W. A. COCKEY, 17. ASHREIGNY. CHURCHWARDEN. BY W. PANNEL 8. Jame&. AND SON, CULLOMPTON 1 JOHN BABBAGE & WJLLM. COLE, C. 27 6 Ditto, by whom given, &c., 1HO. 48! WNS· 1826 Weight 22 0 4 Incised. 2 W & I T 1826 28 A. JU111 16, 1866; Jfay16, 1866. F 3 1826 30 4 A W & I TAYLOR, OXFORD, FECERUNT, 31 13. ASHFORD. 1826 s. Peter. 5 THOMAS MEARS, FOUNDERS, LONDON, 33 1841 1 [ + 19] !;¢¢!; ~<;;TH~$ ltlEI - 28l ?rfR. IOHN BAB:JAGE, } Letters, Plate vi., a longer letter than the 2nd. MR· W. COLES, CHURCHWARDENS. 2 [ +21] $~~¢~!; I{f)~lift~E.$ (f):R.~ 32 (Engraved.)' ~ tt'lai.$ 6 THIS PEAL WAS RECAST BY W & I (Crowned letters, Plate vi., Fig. 3.) TAYLOR, OXFORD, 1826 A B. .dug. 23rcl, 1866, 8q1. 26, 18€4. D,A. .4ugrut 4, 1866 THE CHURCH BELLS OF DEVON. 93 No Dlam. No 18. ASHTON. Diam. ln. 21. ATHERINGTON. In, 8. Neetamu. 8 .•Vary. 1 WILLIAM GODFREY, GENT., I. P ! C. P. 261 1 I P C P 1786 29 1787 2 I P C P 1786 30 ~ I . P i C.
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