輔仁大學英文系103學年度第2學期提前選課-選課說明 Registration for Spring 2015 提前選課時程: 103.10.22更新 6月9日(一) 1. 公告103學年度第1學期開設課程(含下學期預定開設課程)、課程說明、授課時 間表於網頁上。 2. 課程說明及授課時間表請上網下載,網址為: http://english.fju.edu.tw/Curriculum/StudiesStipulate.asp#pre-registration 12月15日(一) 第一階段選課 | 1. 同學務必詳閱課程說明,並可開始與導師討論未來課程/生涯規劃。 12月31日(二) 2. 自12月15日(一)起可登入新選課系統(http://signcourse.fju.edu.tw/)進行預 選。本次預選除開放系選修課登記,同學亦需選必修課程。 3. 每位同學僅能選修2門進階課程(黃色及藍色,進階國文課程不在此限),不可 排衝堂課程(同一時段僅能選一門課)。如違規,系辦將直接剔除。 4. 請更新四年計畫(如遺失者可至系網站─學習地圖,下載Four-Year Plan Part I: http://english.fju.edu.tw/Curriculum/learningMap.asp)。並將更新版上傳 至e-office「電子公事包」的「四年計畫」。請見以下畫面數字所代表之流程:

5. 全人課程並未參與課程預選,請同學依照學校公布之時間表,上網選填志願。

※重補修必修課一律人工登記(參見注意事項第9點)。 ※被擋修同學:向系辦領取申請單,請授課教師及主任簽名送回系辦。請儘早辦理 以免喪失提前選課權利。 1月5日(一) 系辦進行預選審核 | 按授課教師指定方式篩選人數並公告結果,大四與雙主修學生因為畢業在即,需要 1月6日(二) 學分,故有優先權。如課程未額滿,請於網路初選階段逕行上網加選。 1月7日(三) 第二階段選課: | 1. 加選:有餘額的課程。 1月9日(五) 辦法:請親自到系辦登記 2. 同學須至e-office產生選課清單,請e-mail通知導師並列印出來請導師簽名: a. 同學登入e-office系統,選擇「課程初選」會出現以下畫面:

b. 請點選[產生選課表],選課表檔名為同學的學號,請勿修改檔名。請同學 填寫相關問題後,點選[上傳選課表],將選課表上傳至系統。 c. 完成上傳選課表後,請email通知導師,並請導師進行紙本或電子簽名。 3. 在與導師會談之前,請更新四年計畫(如遺失者可至系網站─學習地圖,下載 Four-Year Plan Part I: http://english.fju.edu.tw/Curriculum/learningMap.asp)。並將更新版上傳至 e-office「電子公事包」的「四年計畫」。請見以下畫面數字所代表之流程:


1月15日(二) 請完成以上程序--1) 匯出選課單,填寫相關問題,2)更新四年計畫,於1月15日( 二) 下午4:00前將選課清單交至系辦,錯過截止時間者視同放棄預選權益,無導師簽名視 同選課無效,系辦將不帶入學校選課系統。 ※全人課程選填志願: 104年1月27日(星期二)09:00 至1月29日(星期四)12:00。 ※網路初選(2 次登記及分發,請詳閱學生選課須知): 104年2月2日(星期一)9:00 至2月9日(星期一)03:00。 ※網路加退選(6 次登記及分發,請詳閱學生選課須知): 104年2月25日(星期三)09:00 至3月4日(星期四)03:00。 ※越部選課(選課流程請詳閱學生選課須知): 日間部學生選進修部課程: 104年3月5日(星期四)16:00 至3月9日(星期一)21:00。

注意事項: 一、預選目的:掌握選課人數,裨便教師準備教材與教授方式、維持教學品質並安排適當教 室;確定開設課程,方便同學及早進行未來生涯/選課規劃。

二、簡碼說明: 簡碼範例 說明 備註 1. UR=University 1. 必修課程不接受選組,由系上 UR100 Requirement=校訂必修 分配;預選時按分配組別選 2. 100=一年級課程 課。 1. DR=Department 2. 預選時仍應將必修課程填 DR205 Requirement =系訂必修 入,以便與導師討論全盤選課 2. 205=二年級課程 情形。 1. LC 1. 修完「文學概論」,方能選修 =Literature and Culture 此類進階課程。 LC001 =文學與文化學分 2. 請留意是開給大二以上,還是 2. 001=流水號 大三以上的課程。 1. LS 1. 修完「語言學概論」,方能選 =Language Studies 修此類進階課程;跨文化溝通 LS001 =語言研究學分 或另有規定者不在此限。 2. 001=流水號 2. 請留意是開給大二以上,還是 大三以上的課程。 1. AW=Advanced Writing=高 限大四已經修完英文作文(三) AW001 級寫作學分 之同學選修。 2. 001=流水號

2 1. PT =Professional Training= 請留意是開給大一以上,大二以 PT 001 專業訓練學分 上,還是大三以上,或是大四的 2. 001=流水號 課程。 1. MA =MA/BA=上修碩士班 1. 限大三以上同學修讀。 課程 2. 各門課程皆有先修規定(如英 MA001 2. 001=流水號 美文學或語言學概論),請確 實閱讀該科課程規定。 三、資訊皆有公告且提供電子檔案下載,故系辦不提供紙本資料;公告或網上檔案如有謬誤, 煩請告知系辦,以便更正。



六、下學期承認之中文學分:1)系上開設之中文課程;2)全人教育課程中心與中文系部份- 待他們確定並公告下學期開設課程後,系辦始能進行認定。


八、選修學分與課程限制:請參照本系簡介及學生手冊,其他建議如下- (一)選課之前,建議同學慎重考慮個人能力與時間分配:學分太多,恐將影響學習效 果,故系上建議一學期平均修習13-17學分,並鼓勵大四同學不只修下限學分數(9 學分)而已,可依個人能力於本系或外系選修其他課程。 (二)若欲發展其他學科專長,或計畫於畢業後出國進修,則至少需在該學門修4-6門課 (例如英語教學、教育心理學等),否則系上無法為各位出具有力的推薦信,國 外學校接受申請的機率亦低。 (三)國文、大學入門、人生哲學、專業倫理限選系上自開課程,不可選修外系開設的。

九、需要重補修系上課程者,請詳閱下列說明,並請立刻向助教登記,至遲不得超過6月17 日(二): 須重補修科目 分數不及格的學期 重補修方式 備註 英文作文(一) 「英文作文」或「英 英語會話(一) 語會話」課程下學 英文作文(二) 期不及格且上學期 英語會話(二) 任一課程分數未達 須同時重補修作文與 之前已修得之學分不 英文作文(三) 78分(含),必須 會話一學年 重複計算。 英語會話(三) 重修「英文作文」 及「英語會話」課 程一學年(上、下 學期) 其他學年課,如: 第二外語-按校方規 國文、第二外語、 須重補修上學期,不 定,請選全人中心開設 上學期 文學概論、人生哲 可選下學期來補 課程。 學、演說與辯論、 除軍訓之外,其餘限選

3 語言學概論、軍訓 系上自開課程,不可選 等 須重補修下學期,不 修外系的;如有特殊情 下學期 可選上學期來補 況,請與主任約談。

須重補修上學期,不 限選系上自開課程,不 上學期 可選下學期來補 可選修外系的,亦不可 西方文明史、高級 一個學期選修二門來 寫作課程 須重補修下學期,不 重補修學分;如有特殊 下學期 可選上學期來補 情況,請與主任約談。 大一體育代碼為 (ATP1)、大二體育代碼 為(ATP2),可重複選修 大一體育、大二體 相同科目名稱者,重補 不拘 育興趣選項 修生一學期可選2門( 3 門以上請呈報告給校 方)。不得選修有學分 之體育課程來取代。 限選系上自開課程,不 大學入門 可選修外系的;如有特 不拘 視系上開設學期而定 專業倫理 殊情況,請與主任約 談。

續修規定: 續修科目 成績不及格狀況 續修方式 備註 上學期成績在50-59 可直接續修 不續修者,請辦理退 分間 選。 新學期開學後於加退 1. 續修單請向助教 其他學年課 上學期成績低於49分 選期間內持續修單請 索取。 (含) 授課教師簽名同意, 2. 不續修者,請辦理 方得續修。 退選。

同時選修先修與進階課程: 同修科目 同修方式 備註 英文作文(三)及 1. 限特殊情況。 持申請單請授課教師及主 大四高級寫作 2. 申請單請向助教索取。 任簽名同意後始得選修。 先修及進階課程 3. 請務必於新學期開學前辦理完畢。

十、排課與開班原則: (一)進階選修課程多半隔年開設,唯少數課程每年開設(如英語教學法、英國文學、 美國文學、表演藝術),請參考系網站近四年課表,一窺大概。 (二)英國文學分二年上完,即英國文學(一)︰中世紀暨文藝復興(含莎士比亞); 英國文學(二)︰十七、十八世紀(但丁至1789);英國文學(三)︰浪漫暨維 多利亞時期(1789-1901);英國文學(四)︰現代及後現代時期(1901起)。美 國文學亦同,如美國文學(一)︰殖民時期至1865年(排在上學期;下學期開設

4 美國文學(一)專題選修課);美國文學(二)︰1865年至當代(如前,即上學 期開設美國文學(二),下學期開開設美國文學(二)專題選修課)。 (三)基於老師個人時間安排與課程種類繁多,系上開設課程難免會有衝堂情形發生。 系上會盡量避免衝堂,但亦請同學諒解,另行調整選課計劃。 (四)有些課程會分二天上課,請同學要特別注意授課時間以及上課教室,以免發生選 課衝堂或跑錯教室。 (五)依本校規定,選課人數不足10人,不得開班。

十一、 選修他系為輔系、雙主修之同學:請先行查明該系規定並依規辦理選課。

十二、 若選課資料有謬誤或是選課有困難,歡迎向主任或助教反應。

Curriculum for Fall 2014-Spring 2015: Required Courses Code Course For Freshmen-- UR100 Time for Advisor UR101 Physical Education [Offered by the University] UR102 Military Training [Offered by the University] UR103 Chinese UR104 Second Foreign Language [Offered by the University] UR105 Introduction to University Studies (Fall semester only) DR101 Introduction to Literature DR104 Introduction to Bible as Literature (Fall semester only) Greek and Roman Mythology (Spring semester only) DR105 English Composition I (A) DR106 English Conversation I (A) DR107 English Composition I (B) DR108 English Conversation I (B) DR109 English Composition I (C) DR110 English Conversation I (C) DR111 English Composition I (D) DR112 English Conversation I (D) DR113 English Composition I (E) DR114 English Conversation I (E) For Sophomores-- UR200 Time for Advisor UR201 Philosophy of Life UR202 Second Foreign Language [Offered by the University] DR202 English Composition II (A) DR203 English Conversation II (A) DR204 English Composition II (B) DR205 English Conversation II (B) DR206 English Composition II (C) DR207 English Conversation II (C) DR208 English Composition II (D) DR209 English Conversation II (D) DR210 English Composition II (E)

5 DR211 English Conversation II (E) DR212 Public Speaking (A) DR213 Public Speaking (B) DR214 Public Speaking (C) DR215 History of Western Civilization I (Fall semester only) History of Western Civilization II (Spring semester only) DR216 Introduction to Linguistics For Juniors-- UR300 Time for Advisor DR301 English Composition III (A) DR302 English Conversation III (A) DR303 English Composition III (B) DR304 English Conversation III (B) DR305 English Composition III (C) DR306 English Conversation III (C) DR307 English Composition III (D) DR308 English Conversation III (D) DR309 English Composition III (E) DR310 English Conversation III (E) For Seniors-- UR400 Time for Advisor

Curriculum for Spring 2015: Elective Courses Code Course Literature and Culture Courses-- LC001 English Literature IV: Modern and Postmodern (1901-present) by Ms. Cecilia Liu [英國文學(四)︰現代及後現代時期(1901起)] (For Sophomores and above) LC002 Shakespeare by Ms. Jennifer Chiu [莎士比亞] (For Sophomores and above) LC003 American Literature II: 1865 to present by Dr. Donna Tong [美國文學史(二)︰1865年至當代] (For Juniors and above) LC004 20th Century American Poetry by Dr. Raphael Schulte [二十世紀美詩研究] (For Juniors and above) LC005 Modern Interpretation of Chinese Narrative Poetry by Ms. Yen-zhen Wu [古典敘事詩的現代詮釋] (For Sophomores and above, Advanced Chinese Literature course) Language Studies Courses -- LS001 TESOL by Dr. Bichu Chen –本課程搭配服務學習 [英語教材教法] (For Juniors and above) LS002 Psychology in Language Classrooms by Dr. Sherri Wei [語言教室中的心理學] (For Juniors and above) LS003 Teaching Writing by Ms. Beatrice Hsu [寫作教學] (For Sophomores and above) Advanced Writing (For Seniors only)-- AW001 Journalistic Writing II by Ms. Katy Lee 6 [新聞英文寫作(二)] AW002 Chinese-English Translation by Fr. Daniel Bauer [專業寫作:中英翻譯] AW003 Business English Writing II by Ms. Jennifer Hsiang [商務英文(二)] Professional Training Courses-- PT001 Cross-Cultural Communication by Dr. Doris Shih [跨文化溝通:國際連線] (For Freshmen and above) PT002 English-Chinese Translation I by Ms. Gretchen Lee [英中翻譯(二)] (For Sophomores and above) PT003 Introduction to Consecutive Interpretation: C to E by Ms. Eileen Lin [逐步口譯入門:中譯英] (For Juniors and above) PT004 2015Annual Play by Dr. John Basourakos [2015年度大戲] (For Freshmen and above) PT005 Marketing Communication by Dr. Cindy Lee [行銷溝通] (For Juniors and above) PT006 EAP: TOEFL & IELTS by Mr. Kenneth Chyi [學術英文:托福與雅思] (For Juniors and above) PT007 English for Academic Purposes by Dr. Faith Yang [學術英文] (For Juniors and above) PT008 English for Global Marketing by Dr. Faith Yang [全球化行銷英文] (For Sophomores) PT009 Chinese Culture through Foreign Languages: English by Ms. Gretchen Lee [中華文化多語談:英語] (For Freshmen and above) PT010 2015 Service Learning by Dr. Doris Shih & Dr. Donna Tong [2015服務學習] (For Sophomores and above) PT011 2015 Internship by Dr. Faith Yang [2015實習] (For Seniors) MA/BA Courses MA001 Trauma and City in Literature and Film by Dr. Kate Liu [文學與電影中的創傷與城市] (For Juniors and above, Advanced Literature Track) MA002 American Literature and Visual Art by Dr. Joseph Murphy [美國文學與視覺藝術] (For Juniors and above, Advanced Literature Track) MA003 Sociolinguistics & Corpus Linguistics by Dr. Lydia Tseng [社會語言學與語料庫語言學] (For Juniors and above, Advance Language Studies Track) MA004 The Use of Literature in ELT by Dr. Mary Lee [文學在英語教學之運用] (For Juniors and above, Advance Language Studies Track) MA005 Computer-Assisted Language Learning by Dr. Doris Shih [電腦輔助語言學習] (For Juniors and above, Advance Language Studies Track)

7 103學年度下學期跨文化研究所語言學碩士班課程 一年級 語言學的研究設計與統計(in Eng) 許洪坤 2 (二)5-6 一年級 社會語言學 (sociolinguistics; in Eng) 許洪坤 3 (一)2-4 一年級 音韻學 (phonology) 朱曼妮 3 (三)5-7 一年級 華語語音學 朱曼妮 2 (一)7-8 院選修 語言分析:理論與演練(二) 湯廷池 2 (五)3-4 院選修 論文寫作:原則與實務(二) 湯廷池 2 (五)5-6 註:許洪坤老師之課程可承認為系上「進階語言研究課程」,其餘課程尚需確認。有興趣選 修之同學,請於開學後至跨文化研究所辦公室辦理人工加簽。

8 Curriculum for Spring 2015: Elective Courses  Advanced Literature and Culture Courses

LC001. English Literature IV: Modern and Postmodern (1901-present) [英國文學(四)︰現代 及後現代時期(1901起)] 3 credits Prof. Cecilia Liu For Sophomores and above Class size: 40 Prerequisite: Introduction to Literature

Overview: In this course we will read the works of major authors classified by the term “modern” and “postmodern” in the twentieth century English literature. You should relax and let the words and images form impression in your minds, not force meaning out of them. In your reading, you might try to assume the mood that Woolf describes in The Mark on the Wall: "I want to think quietly, calmly, spaciously, never to be interrupted, never to have to rise from my chair, to slip easily from one thing to another, without any sense of hostility, or obstacle. I want to sink deeper and deeper, away from the surface, with its hard separate facts" (Norton 2146). However, you should be aware that postmodern texts consciously disorient the reader, shaking off the soft blanket of chronological, straightforward storytelling in favor of a harsher, more forbidding narrative style. The reader is led through multiple shifts in consciousness, chronology, and geography, often without a chapter break, let alone a comment like "Fifty years earlier," to guide the way.

Postmodern means so many things to so many people, and it has a slightly different meaning in nearly every discipline, from art and architecture to fashion and technology. For that reason, I'd like to give an overview of what to expect when encountering a postmodern novel or short story, then give a couple of tips on how to read postmodern texts.

First of all, let's examine a few of the most common narrative and stylistic devices found in postmodern texts: 1. Postmodern literature often uses confusing chronology, jumping from one historical period to another and from one character's thoughts to another character's thoughts without any indication at all. 2. In 350 B. C. Aristotle wrote that every story has a beginning, a middle, and an end. With postmodern texts, that's not always the case. Postmodern writers often leave their stories open-ended, with no satisfying conclusion, or the book concludes by making a reference back to the beginning, thereby offering circularity. 3. Postmodern stories and novels often rely on parody or satire, revealing little tolerance for aspects of our culture that typically evoke reverence. 4. The postmodern text, at heart, reveals skepticism about the ability of art to create 9

meaning, about the ability of history to reveal truth, about the ability of language to convey reality. All of that skepticism leads to fragmented, open-ended, self-reflexive stories that are intellectually fascinating but often difficult to grasp on the first read.

How best to read postmodern texts? First, more than most literature, postmodern literature needs multiple readings. At any minute you might be thrust backward into the early 19th century, and it's going to take a while to figure that out. The author is often trying very hard to disorient you—so be patient and flip back a few pages early and often.

Second, sometimes you just have to go with it. If you're following a story about a fever epidemic in the 19th century and then a contemporary voice comes along describing the Philadelphia fire, make a note in the margin ("who the heck is speaking now?") and keep going. Postmodern texts often rely on sharp juxtaposition of voices and historical periods, so trust that it'll make more sense on re-reading and keep plowing ahead.

Postmodern literature can present some of the most difficult reading out there, but it also offers some of the best intellectual challenges.

Texts: The Norton Anthology of English Literature. Ed. Stephen Greenblatt, et al. 9th ed. Vol.2. New York: Norton, 2012.

Requirements: Participation/preparation. Students should read and prepare the texts assigned for each class meeting before the beginning of class. Class time will involve a combination of lecture, discussion, and presentation. Quizzes will also count toward your class participation grade. Because this is a survey course, we will not try to cover every aspect of every assigned text. Nevertheless, students are expected to read and study all the texts, and express comments online. On exams and in essays students are encouraged to go beyond what we have said in class.

Attendance and promptness are essential to this course. Absences, or persistent lateness, will hurt your grade. Students with more than three unexcused absences will fail this course. Send me an email explaining any absence beforehand, if possible, or as soon as possible after the missed class. If you have been sick and sought professional care, please give me the sick leave application right after you come to class. An unexcused absence will lead to a lower grade and three unexcused absences will lead to the failure of this course.

Group presentations: 3-4 people form a group. Each group needs to sign up for at least one presentation topic. At the time of the presentation, the group will provide ppt slides to class. In order to enhance interaction between the presentation group and audience, another group will be assigned to ask the group questions. Students who ask questions and respond to the teacher’s questions in class will get extra points. After the presentation, group report outlines and ppt files are expected to be put online (iCAN).


This course observes all rules of academic integrity. Please learn to document your sources well in your group report. You will immediately fail this course if you plagiarize.

Grading Policy: Group presentations 小組報告 20% Midterm 期中考 30% Final 期末考 30% Quizzes and class participation 小考/課堂參與 20%

Teaching Methods: Lecture/Ss presentation: 40% Socratic Q & A: 40% Discussion: 20%

Weekly schedule Week Date Topic Unit 02/23 1 No class Read pp.1887-1910 Monday Introduction to the course: the Introduction Auden: two poems 2 03/02 historical and literary background Discussion: What is modernism? Modernism (pp. 2056-58) Conrad: Heart of Darkness 3 03/09 Conrad: Heart of Darkness (pp. 1951-81) Conrad: Heart of Darkness 4 03/16 Conrad: Heart of Darkness1 (pp. 1981-2011) Discussion on Film: Apocalypse Film: Apocalypse Now (dir. by Coppola, 5 03/23 Now 1979; film clips) Yeats: ”The Second Coming,” W. B. Yeats & T.S. Eliot: poems ”Leda and the Swan,” ”Sailing to 6 03/30 Byzantium” (pp 2099, 2102) 2 3 Eliot: Little Gidding from Four Quartets (pp 2547-54) 7 04/06 No class / Spring break

8 04/13 Virginia Woolf Woolf: Mrs. Dollaway (pp 2155-2264 )

9 04/20 Midterm Exam

James Joyce: Stories from The The Dubliners: “The Sisters,” “Eveline,” 10 04/27 “A Mother“ (xeroxed), “The Dead” Dubliners 4 (pp 2282- 2311) 11 05/04 Samuel Beckett 5 Beckett: Waiting for Godot (pp 2619- 77) Greene Graham Greene & Doris Lessing: : “The Basement Room” 12 05/11 (xeroxed); Lessing: “To Room 6 7 Nineteen” (pp 2758-80) Naipaul V. S. Naipaul (pp 2730-52) 8 & : “One Out of Many” (pp 13 05/18 2856-78); Heaney: “Digging,” “The Seamus Heaney 9 Forge,” “Punishment” (2824-26)


Harold Pinter & “The Comedy of 14 05/25 Play: “The Dumb Waiter” (pp 2816-36 ) Menace” 10 15 06/01 Peter Shaffer 11 Play: Equus (xeroxed)

16 06/08 Willy Russel 12 Play: Shirley Valentine (xeroxed)

17 06/15 Final Exam

18 06/22 Review

LC002. Shakespeare [莎士比亞] 3 credits Ms. Jennifer Chiu < [email protected] > For Sophomores and above Class size: 45 Prerequisite: Introduction to Literature

This course will focus on five of Shakespeare’s plays written and performed in the Elizabethan/Jacobean world of Renaissance England. We will read one comedy (Twelfth Night), two tragedies (King Lear, Macbeth), a history play (Richard III) and a late romance (The Tempest). Each play must be read carefully and actively. This class aims to give you a set of 課程學習目標 techniques for reading and considering Shakespeare’s plays in their literary and theatrical contexts. It is necessary then to also understand the social, political, and cultural environment in which William Shakespeare lived and wrote. Your final grade for the semester will be based on the quizzes, assigned writings, participation, attendance, and the final exam. 授課進度 Course Progress Outline 週次 日期 備註 主題 Topic 單元主題 Unit Week Date Remark Introduction to the course 1 02/26 His Time William Shakespeare 2 03/05 William Shakespeare His LIfe & Work 3 03/12 Romantic Comedy Twelfth Night 4 03/19 Romantic Comedy Twelfth Night 5 03/26 Roman Tragedy Julius Caesar 6 04/02 Roman Tragedy Julius Caesar 7 04/09 History Play Richard III 8 04/16 History Play Richard III 9 04/23 MIDTERM 10 04/30 Great Tragedy King Lear 11 05/07 Great Tragedy King Lear


12 05/14 Great Tragedy King Lear 13 05/21 Great Tragedy Macbeth 14 05/28 Great Tragedy Macbeth 15 06/04 Romance The Tempest 16 06/11 Romance The Tempest 17 06/18 Conclusion 18 06/25 FINAL 課程教材 Norton edition of Shakespearean plays; audios and videos; academic Course Material articles Greenblatt, Stephen, et al., eds. Norton Shakespeare. 2nd ed. New York: 教科書 W. W. Norton & Company, 2008. Bush, Douglas. Prefaces to Renaissance Literature. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1966. ---. The Renaissance and English Humanism. Toronto: U of Toronto P, 1962. Kermode, J. Frank. Four Centuries of Shakespearean Criticism. New York: Avon Books, 1965. 參考書目 Tillyard, E.M.W. The Elizabethan World Picture. New York: Vintage Reference Book, 1959. Wells, Stanley, ed. The Cambridge Companion to Shakespeare Studies. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1968. Wood, Michael. In Search of Shakespeare. London, BBC Books, 2003. BBC, 2003. DVD. ---. Shakespeare. London: BBC Worldwide Ltd., 2003. 方法 Method % 方法 Method % 方法 Method % 學生表現側寫報 個案分析報告撰 課堂之前測 10 0 0 告 寫 專業團體之證照 專題發表 0 課堂上實作演練 0 0 檢定 期中考 25 期末考 25 隨堂考(小考) 0 學習評量 書面報告(含小 0 課堂參與 0 心得或作業撰寫 20 Learning 組或個人) Evaluation 口頭報告(含小 20 面試或口試 0 自評與小組互評 0 組或個人) 參加競賽 0 展演 0 筆記 0 其他 0 說明:Students are expected to (1)finish reading (2) and be prepared to ask questions and join the discussions in class. Extra credits will be given to those active participants. The final grade for the semester will be based on the quizzes, assigned 學習規範 writings, participation, attendance, the oral presentations, and the mid-term and final exams. 13

Attendance is mandatory. Excused absences are accepted for medical or family emergency with appropriate documentation. More than six absences in total, however, will lead to failing the course. Tardiness past 20 minutes after class has begun, leaving before the class ends, or coming to class without bringing the textbook as requested, is counted as one absence. Three-time lateness equals one absence, and one-time truancy equals two absences. Attendance will be taken at the beginning of each period; if you are not present at that time but come late, it is your responsibility to make sure you receive partial credit for your attendance.

LC003. American Literature II: 1865 to present [美國文學史(二)︰1865 年至當代] 3 credits Dr. Donna Tong For Sophomores and above Class size: 45 Prerequisite: Introduction to Literature

This course encompasses American literature chronologically from the Civil War to the contemporary period. This span will include discussion of artistic and literary movements such as realism, naturalism, modernism, postmodernism, and multiculturalism while examining and considering pivotal and relevant historical moments and events.

Throughout our studies of selected American literary texts, we will analyze and interpret the different experiences and constructions of identity represented in these literary works. Literature is essentially about the human experience, about representing humanity. We will 課程學習目標 question and challenge how this humanity is conveyed, how it was relevant during the era of publication, and how it might still be relevant today despite the span of time and distance, literally, symbolically, and culturally.

Some themes you are asked to consider in reading any of these works: how is the self being defined? What is the relationship between the individual and the larger society? How are men and women being represented as men and women? How different ethnicities and races represented and what are the larger implications of these representations? 授課進度 Course Progress Outline 週次 日期 備註 主題 Topic 單元主題 Unit Week Date Remark 1 02/26 Intro Nathaniel Hawthorne 14

2 03/05 American Romanticism Edgar Allan Poe American Gothic; detective Henry David Thoreau 3 03/12 story Journal 1 Sherlock (BBC) American Abraham Lincoln; Harriet 4 03/19 Transcendentalism Beecher Stowe 03/18 Discussion questions Civil War; Abolitionist 5 03/26 Civil War David Walker; literature Frederick Douglass African American slave W.E.B. DuBois 6 04/02 narratives Journal 2 Double consciousness; Zora Neale Hurston; Jean 7 04/09 color line Toomer; Langston Hughes; Midterm Exam Review Alice Walker 8 04/16 HOLIDAY Review 9 04/23 Midterm Exam Walt Whitman; Emily Dickinson Harlem Renaissance; Kate Chopin; Charlotte Perkins 10 04/30 Naturalism Gilman Women’s writing; Gertrude Stein; Jack London 11 05/07 feminism Journal 3 Robert Frost; William Carlos 12 05/14 Modernism; Existentialism Williams; Ezra Pound; T.S. Eliot; E.E. Cummings Gwendolyn Brooks; Allen Ginsberg; Anne Sexton; 13 05/21 Imagism Adrienne Rich; Sylvia Plath; Audre Lorde Sui Sin Far; Maxine Hong 14 05/28 Confessional Poetry Kingston; Li-Young Lee Journal 4 Gloria Anzaldua; Sandra 15 06/04 Asian American writers Cisneros Leslie Marmon Silko; Louise Chicano/a writing; 16 06/11 Erdrich; Sherman Alexie borderlands Journal 5 Native American writing 17 06/18 Review Final Exam Review Have a good summer vacation! 18 06/25 Final Exam ♡ 方法 Method % 方法 Method % 方法 Method % 講 述 20 影 片 欣 賞 0 討 論 20 個 案 研 討 服 務 學 習 問 題 導 向 學 習 教學方法 20 0 0 競 賽 遊 戲 專 家 演 講 專題實作 Pedagogical 0 0 0 Methods 電 子 教 學 0 體 驗 教 學 0 角色扮演實境教學 0 競 賽 讀 書 會 0 產 業 實 習 0 自主學習 20 對 話 教 學 法 10 樣 本 觀 察 10 校外參訪 0 實 作 教 學 0 個 別 指 導 0 其 他 0 課程教材 Baym, Nina, et al, eds. Norton Anthology of American Literature, 15

Course Material Shorter 7th Edition. New York: W.W. Norton & Co., 2008. Print. Baym, Nina, et al, eds. Norton Anthology of American Literature, 教科書 Shorter 7th Edition. New York: W.W. Norton & Co., 2008. Print. Discussion Questions You will be placed into a group of 2-3 students. Among your group, you will need to decide on a schedule of which person is responsible for formulating a discussion question for a particular week. Please be prepared for a tentative answer to your group’s discussion question.

Presentations In your group of 2-3 students, you will need to work with your classmates to prepare two presentations. For each presentation, your group must select a leader to be in charge of the presentation. Your group must prepare a Powerpoint file that will be shown in class and sent electronically to the instructor for credit on the assignment. 參考書目

Reference Journals You are required to complete five journal entries with a minimum of 500 words for each entry. Each entry must analyze a text of your choice. Answer one of the following questions for each entry:

1.What is compelling about the language of the text? Does it provoke an emotional reaction in you? If so, what kind of emotion and how does the text accomplish this? 2.What does the text teach you about the history and culture of that particular place, time, and those people? How does the text do this? 3.What does the text teach you about your history and culture? How does the text do this? 方法 Method % 方法 Method % 方法 Method % 學生表現側寫報 個案分析報告撰 課堂之前測 0 0 0 告 寫 專業團體之證照 專題發表 0 課堂上實作演練 0 0 學習評量 檢定 期中考 期末考 隨堂考(小考) Learning 20 30 0 書面報告(含小 Evaluation 0 課堂參與 20 心得或作業撰寫 0 組或個人) 口頭報告(含小 20 面試或口試 0 自評與小組互評 0 組或個人) 參加競賽 0 展演 0 筆記 10 其他 0 學習規範 Attendance & Participation20%1 discussion question from each group every 16

week. Presentations20%2 group presentations. Journals10%5 journal entries minimum 500 words each. Midterm Exam 20% Final Exam30%


Conduct, Plagiarism, Cheating

Attendance is MANDATORY. Excused absences are accepted for medical or family emergency with appropriate documentation. Three tardies equal one absence. Tardiness past 20 minutes after class has begun is counted as one absence. More than 3 absences will lead to failing the course.

Paper Format & Submission

•Font: Times New Roman 12 point size. •Margins: 1-inch all around. •Spacing: double-spaced text.

At the end of each essay, students are required to have the WORD COUNT written. For example: Word count: 1079.

Headings must have the student’s name, ID #, course, and date, with the assignment and title that corresponds with the content of the essay.

All essays must be submitted in hard copy with an electronic copy sent through email to <[email protected]> on the due date.

LC004. 20th Century American Poetry [二十世紀美詩研究] 3 credits Dr. Raphael Schulte For Juniors and above Class size: 15 Prerequisite: Introduction to Literature This course will sample some of the types of poetry written in the United States during the past century, with an emphasis on short lyric poems and their social and cultural contexts. The primary objectives of this lecture and discussion course are (1) to enhance your appreciation and 課程學習目標 understanding of the range of American poetries written since the beginning of the twentieth century and (2) to provide you with a broad critical framework for reading poetry. This survey course will examine various types of poetry—from the surrealist poetry and imagism of the first decades of the last century right up to the present, including such 17

contemporary types of poetry as Beat poetry, New York School poetry, Deep Image poetry, Objectivist poetry, and Confessional poetry. We will also touch upon examples of African-American poetry and Asian-American poetry. The last hundred years have been notable for the number of exciting and challenging American poets writing. Because of this, we cannot in one semester hope to read or even sample all of that poetry. With that in mind, if there are poets (or even specific poems) that you are interested in studying, please feel free to tell the teacher. We may read poems by Ezra Pound, T.S. Eliot, Mina Loy, Robert Frost, William Carlos Williams, Wallace Stevens, Langston Hughes, Elizabeth Bishop, Robert Lowell, Sylvia Plath, Allen Ginsberg, Frank O’Hara, James Wright, Lorine Niedecker, Li-Young Lee, Mark Doty, and Kay Ryan. 授課進度 Course Progress Outline 週次 日期 備註 主題 Topic 單元主題 Unit Week Date Remark 1 02/27 Introduction 2 03/06 Ezra Pound 3 03/13 T.S. Eliot 4 03/20 Mina Loy 5 03/27 Robert Frost 6 04/03 William Carlos Williams 7 04/10 Wallace Stevens 8 04/17 Langston Hughes 9 04/24 Elizabeth Bishop 10 05/01 Robert Lowell 11 05/08 Sylvia Plath 12 05/15 Allen Ginsberg 13 05/22 Frank O’Hara 14 05/29 James Wright 15 06/05 Lorine Niedecker 16 06/12 Li-Young Lee 17 06/19 Mark Doty 18 06/26 Kay Ryan 方法 Method % 方法 Method % 方法 Method % 學 生 表 現 側 寫 個案分析報告 課堂之前測 0 0 0 報告 撰寫 課 堂 上 實 作 演 專業團體之證 專題發表 10 0 0 學習評量 練 照檢定 期中考 期末考 隨堂考(小考) Learning 20 0 0 書面報告(含 心得或作業撰 Evaluation 20 課堂參與 20 10 小組或個人) 寫 口頭報告(含 自評與小組互 10 面試或口試 0 0 小組或個人) 評 參加競賽 0 展演 0 筆記 10 其他 0 18

Students will be expected to write regular response journals, as well as complete both a midterm exam and a final paper. Your final grade for the 學習規範 semester will be based on the quizzes, assigned writings, presentations, participation, attendance, the mid-term exam, and the final paper.

LC005. Modern Interpretation of Chinese Narrative Poetry [古典敘事詩的現代詮釋] 2 credits Ms. Yan-zhen Wu < [email protected] > For Sophomores and above Class size: 45 一、103 學年度下學期「古典敘事詩的現代詮釋」(D200222300)與 103 學年度上學期「古典 抒情詩的現代詮釋」(D200222299)課,乃上下學期系統相關的課程,為維持課程順暢 銜接之教學品質。已經選修過 103 學年度上學期「古典抒情詩的現代詮釋」課的同學, 可「優先」選修 103 學年度下學期「古典敘事詩的現代詮釋」課。 二、初選已選修到「古典敘事詩的現代詮釋」課的同學,請務必參與 2/26(四)課程說明, 保障自身退選的權益。若因故而無法參與者,請務必在 2/24(二)前寫信到吳燕真老師 信箱([email protected])具體說明:請假原因,表達選課的意願,和委託分組同學 姓名。並且在 3/5(四)前印製好課程講義、詳閱課程規定、上網填寫課程問卷。若無 故缺席者,未寫信說明(或寫信請假,卻無法達到以上要求者),請在加退選時間進行退 選。 三、初選未選修到「古典敘事詩的現代詮釋」課的同學,若有意在加退選其間加選,也請務 必參與 2/26(四)課程說明。大五延畢生,全程參與課堂說明者,可額外由老師人工加 簽。非大五延畢生,請自行上網加選,恕不人工加簽。 四、加退選其間加選到「古典敘事詩的現代詮釋」課的同學,若無法參與 2/26 課程說明者。 請在 3/3(二)前寫信到吳燕真老師信箱([email protected])請具體說明:首堂缺席 原因,表達選課的意願,願意配合老師指派分組。並且在 3/5(四)上課前印製好課程 講義、詳閱課程規定、填寫課程問卷、上課積極投入小組討論。無法達到以上要求者, 請勿加選。 五、若有未盡之事宜,教師有補充和調整選課須知之責任與義務。


1.「知識」:透過「古代韻文史」的發展和名家名作的鑑賞中,瞭解中國古代敘 事詩的演變和特色。並且配合所選文本,適時論及其文藝思潮、文學理論及作 品分析。除了深刻認識具代表性的敘事詩,同時提昇對於韻文再創作與理論的 了解。 課程學習目標 2.「方法」:鍛鍊鑑賞作品的基本觀念和能力,從分析過程的鍛鍊中培養眼力、 胸襟、處事的態度、團體合作,與自主學習的能力。並且同時培養閱讀與創作 之興趣,以及激發吸收與創作之潛力。 3.「心靈」:藉由主題韻文的細讀、分析與討論,進行自我、社會、傳統的剖析,


達至生命智慧之啟發、價值思考之深化、知情意行之統整,與文化批判性的繼 承。確立價格與價值之別,追求心靈成長與人格思辨。 先修課程 大一國文(或現代小說選讀、當代小說選讀、古典抒情詩的現代詮釋) 授課進度 Course Progress Outline 週次 日期 備註 主題 Topic 單元主題 Unit Week Date Remark ◎課程安排,將視 1 02/26 婚姻與困境 ○課程說明與意見發表 實際操作情況,作 適當調整。 2 03/05 婚姻與困境 古典敘事詩導論 □分組名單 《詩經‧衛風‧氓》 □札記 1 3 03/12 婚姻與困境 延伸閱讀:《詩經‧邶風‧谷 風》 〈陌上桑〉 □札記 2 4 03/19 婚姻與困境 延伸閱讀:辛延年〈羽林郎〉 蔡琰〈胡笳十八拍〉、〈悲憤 分組報告 1 詩〉 □札記 3 5 03/26 婚姻與困境 延伸閱讀:范曄《後漢書‧ 列女傳‧董祀妻傳》 〈古詩為焦仲卿妻作〉(孔雀 分組報告 2 6 04/02 婚姻與困境 東南飛) □札記 4 延伸閱讀:〈上山採蘼蕪〉 〈孤兒行〉 □札記 5 7 04/09 命運與承擔 延伸閱讀:〈東門行古辭〉 〈木蘭詩〉 □札記 6 8 04/16 命運與承擔 延伸閱讀:徐渭〈雌木蘭替 父從軍〉 影片欣賞:馬楚成「花木蘭」 □電影回饋單 1 9 04/23 命運與承擔 延伸閱讀:迪士尼「花木蘭」 白居易〈琵琶行〉 分組報告 3 10 04/30 命運與承擔 延伸閱讀:元稹〈琵琶歌〉 □札記 7 元稹〈連昌宮詞〉 分組報告 4 11 05/07 命運與承擔 延伸閱讀:韋莊〈秦婦吟〉 □札記 8 □微電影劇本、分 12 05/14 命運與承擔 單元總結與綜合討論 工明細 白居易〈長恨歌〉 □札記 9 13 05/21 江山與美人 延伸閱讀:陳鴻〈長恨歌傳〉 杜牧〈杜秋娘詩〉 分組報告 5 14 05/28 江山與美人 延伸閱讀:杜秋娘〈金縷衣〉 □札記 10 馬致遠〈漢宮秋〉 分組報告 6 15 06/04 江山與美人 延伸閱讀:王安石〈明妃曲〉 □札記 11 二首 16 06/11 江山與美人 吳偉業〈圓圓曲〉 □札記 12


延伸閱讀:陸次雲〈圓圓傳〉 17 06/18 江山與美人 小組微電影放映 □電影回饋單 2 □課程回饋意見 〈我的「古典敘事 18 06/25 江山與美人 課程總結 詩的現代詮釋課」 課〉

方法 Method % 方法 Method % 方法 Method % 講 述 30 影 片 欣 賞 10 討 論 30 個 案 研 討 0 服 務 學 習 0 問 題 導 向 學 習 30 教學方法 競 賽 遊 戲 0 專 家 演 講 0 專題實作 0 Pedagogical 電 子 教 學 0 體 驗 教 學 0 角色扮演實境教學 0 Methods 競 賽 讀 書 會 0 產 業 實 習 0 自主學習 0 對 話 教 學 法 0 樣 本 觀 察 0 校外參訪 0 實 作 教 學 0 個 別 指 導 0 其 他 0 說明:1.講述 30%:由教師講述相關單元精神與文本,協助學生熟悉主題概念。 2.影片欣賞 10%:選擇與單元或與學生經歷相關的影片,啟發深度思考。 3.討論 30%:課程中以主題為導向提出問題,再由各小組進行相關討論。 4.問題導向學習 30%:在延伸閱讀中除預習札記之外,需思考相關議題。 課程教材 教師自編 PPT Course Material 教科書 1.教師自編講義 2.教師補充文本 邱燮友注譯:《新譯唐詩三百首》(臺北:三民書局,2011 年) 王立著:《中國古代文學十大主題-原型與流變》(瀋陽:遼寧教育出版社, 1990 年) 王國瓔著:《中國文學史新講》(臺北:聯經出版公司,2006 年) 高友工著:《唐詩的魅力》(上海:上海古籍出版社,1989 年) 葛曉音著:《山水田園詩派研究》(瀋陽:遼寧大學出版社,1993 年) 聶永華著:《初唐宮廷詩風流變考論》(北京:中國社會科學出版社,2002 年) 柯慶明著:《中國文學的美感》(臺北:麥田出版社,2000 年) 參考書目 方瑜著:《唐詩論文集及其他》(臺北:里仁書局,2005 年) Reference 傅剛著:《魏晉南北朝詩歌史論》(長春:吉林教育出版社,1995 年) 葛曉音著:《八代詩史》(西安:陝西人民出版社,1989 年) 趙敏俐著:《漢代詩歌史論》(長春:吉林教育出版社,1995 年) 蕭滌非著:《漢魏六朝樂府文學史》(北京:人民文學出版社,1984 年) 戴君仁編:《詩選》(臺北:文化大學出版部,1981 年) 聶永華著:《初唐宮廷詩風流變考論》(北京:中國社會科學出版社,2002 年) 蕭滌非等著:《唐詩鑑賞集成》(臺北:五南出版社,1990 年) 袁行霈主編:《歷代名篇鑑賞集成》(臺北:五南出版社,1993 年) 學習評量 方法 Method % 方法 Method % 方法 Method % Learning 學生表現側寫報 個案分析報告撰 課堂之前測 0 0 0 Evaluation 告 寫 21

專業團體之證照 專題發表 0 課堂上實作演練 0 0 檢定 期中考 0 期末考 0 隨堂考(小考) 0 書面報告(含小 10 課堂參與 70 心得或作業撰寫 0 組或個人) 口頭報告(含小 10 面試或口試 0 自評與小組互評 0 組或個人) 參加競賽 0 展演 10 筆記 0 其他 0 說明:1.書面報告、口頭報告:20% 以小組為單位,分組報告。老師評分包含書面資料 10%,口頭報告 10%。 書面資料包含:A.開會記錄 B.呈現計畫書(A.B.各繳交一份給老師)C.講綱(一 張 A4 文件統整上台展演的重點,影印發送給同學和老師。)D.回饋單:裁切 後發給每一位同學,收集黏貼成 A4 頁面,不可以重疊,交給老師掃瞄。(A.B.C. 需上台該週準時繳交,遲交扣分。D.需上台隔週準時繳交,遲交扣分。) 口頭報告三不原則:①不拿講稿②不以講授方式呈現③不一一輪流上台。負責 報告小組報告後,其他小組必須進行提問、對談、溝通或辯論。 2.展演(小組微電影):10% 以小組為單位,製作微電影。老師評分包含書面資料 5%,微電影 5%。 書面資料包含:A.開會記錄 B.呈現計畫書(分工明細)C.詩作與改編劇本(A.B.C. 需期中 4/23 繳交,遲交扣分。) 微電影原則:①以 15 分鐘為限②不使用侵權的影音檔案③影片需在放映前兩 週(6/4 前)放到教師指定 YouTube 帳號。 3.課堂參與:70% 札記 12 篇,一篇 4 分,共 48%。請用 18K 活頁紙「書寫」,嚴禁抄襲,抄襲 以零分計算。課前預習札記必須在當次上課「點名時」繳交,上課書寫不予計 分。上課遲到者,在補點名時立即繳交,仍予計分。札記包含上課參與準備, 凡遲交或請假則無法參與討論,該篇將會斟酌計分。 電影回饋單 2 篇,一篇 4 分,共 8%。 課程回饋意見 1 篇,一篇 4 分,共 4%。 以上評分等第為 A+:95%(2.85 分)有思考的啟發性,對生命有體認。 A+:90%(3.60 分)有自我創見想法,能夠獨立思考。 B+:80%(3.20 分)善於表達意見,思考議題未深入。 B+:70%(2.80 分)有自己的見解,但論題發揮有限。 C+:60%(2.40 分)嘗試表達意見,然取材思考不足。 C+:50%(2.00 分)粗略解釋說明,未加以發展陳述。 準時繳交但缺席討論:降一級分 缺交:0 分 其他表現 10% 在每一堂課中的特殊表現,如:積極發言(每一次上課發言一次,加總分一分, 每次上課以加分一次為限)、主動參與、全勤等實際表現,將斟酌給予加分。 學習規範 103 學年度下學期「古典敘事詩的現代詮釋」選課須知


一、103 學年度下學期「古典敘事詩的現代詮釋」(D200222300)與 103 學年 度上學期「古典抒情詩的現代詮釋」(D200222299)課,乃上下學期系統相關 的課程,為維持課程順暢銜接之教學品質。已經選修過 103 學年度上學期「古 典抒情詩的現代詮釋」課的同學,可「優先」選修 103 學年度下學期「古典敘 事詩的現代詮釋」課。 二、初選已選修到「古典敘事詩的現代詮釋」課的同學,請務必參與 2/26(四) 課程說明,保障自身退選的權益。若因故而無法參與者,請務必在 2/24(二) 前寫信到吳燕真老師信箱([email protected])具體說明:請假原因,表達 選課的意願,和委託分組同學姓名。並且在 3/5(四)前印製好課程講義、詳 閱課程規定、上網填寫課程問卷。若無故缺席者,未寫信說明(或寫信請假, 卻無法達到以上要求者),請在加退選時間進行退選。 三、初選未選修到「古典敘事詩的現代詮釋」課的同學,若有意在加退選其間 加選,也請務必參與 2/26(四)課程說明。大五延畢生,全程參與課堂說明者, 可額外由老師人工加簽。非大五延畢生,請自行上網加選,恕不人工加簽。 四、加退選其間加選到「古典敘事詩的現代詮釋」課的同學,若無法參與 2/26 課程說明者。請在 3/3(二)前寫信到吳燕真老師信箱([email protected]) 請具體說明:首堂缺席原因,表達選課的意願,願意配合老師指派分組。並且 在 3/5(四)上課前印製好課程講義、詳閱課程規定、填寫課程問卷、上課積 極投入小組討論。無法達到以上要求者,請勿加選。 五、若有未盡之事宜,教師有補充和調整選課須知之責任與義務。


「古典敘事詩的現代詮釋」課程規範 1.請假規定:單一學期 18 週,只能請「四次」假,四次之中只能有一次請假, 沒有檢具相關證明(包含生理假)。病假、公假、喪假、婚假,凡依照請假規定 請假不扣分,未依請假規定請假,皆扣總分 2 分。第四次「未到課」需主動與 老師聯絡說明,曠課「四」次,依教育部與學校學則規定,一律扣考,並且以 ICAN 公告通知扣考訊息。 2.點名規定:老師抵達教室,即開始點名,每堂必點。點名結束到第二堂上課 前抵達的同學,請在第二堂上課前主動向老師報到,計為第一堂遲到扣 1 分。 第二堂上課時間才抵達的同學,計為兩堂課都遲到扣 2 分。早退未向老師說明 得到許可者,依早退時間,決定扣 1 分或 2 分。 3.作業規定:作業凡請公假、婚假仍需「提前一週」繳交,唯病假、喪假可次 週補交。其他作業遲交補交者,視遲交程度斟酌扣分。 4.在上課課程中,請尊重自己與他人發言的權力,別人發言時請專心聆聽,適 時回應溝通。 5.未經教師同意,上課不得使用 3C 產品,經善意提醒一次之後沒有改善,即 扣總分 1 分,每次上課以扣分一次為限。



Advanced Language Studies Courses

LS001. TESOL [英語教材教法] 3 credits Dr. Bichu Chen < [email protected] > For Juniors and above Class size: 40 Prerequisite: Introduction to linguistics Objectives: The objectives of this course are listed as follows.

1. Help learners understand different teaching techniques and principles over the course of English teaching history. 2. After taking this course, learners are empowered to verbalize different 課程學習目標 teaching techniques and able to describe the kinds of teaching principles. 3. Learners are likely to have the ability to analyze ways of teaching after they observe classroom or tutoring activities. 4. Furthermore, learners should be able to design and perform their lesson plans based on what they have learned in this course. 5. Finally, put theories into practice by engaging in service learning 授課進度 Course Progress Outline 週次 日期 備註 主題 Topic 單元主題 Unit Week Date Remark This syllabus is 1 02/26 Orientation & Introduction subject to change. Chap 8 Total Physical 2 03/05 Response; class management Chap 8 Total Physical 3 03/12 Response Chap 4 The Audio-Lingual 4 03/19 Quiz Method Multiple Intelligences 5 03/26

Group Presentation 6 04/02 Service Learning (CALL) 7 04/09 Chap 3 The Direct Method Group Presentation Group Presentation; 8 04/16 Chap 6 Desuggestopedia Quiz Midterm Week 9 04/23 Service Learning 10 04/30 Chap 9 Communicative Group Presentation 24

Language Teaching Chap 10 Content-based 11 05/07 Group Presentation instruction Technology in Language 12 05/14 Learning 13 05/21 Review; Service Learning Quiz 14 05/28 Service Learning 15 06/04 Chap 13 Strategy training 16 06/11 Chap 13 Strategy training 17 06/18 Service Learning- Final Project 18 06/25 Service Learning- Final Project 課程教材 Textbook Course Material Teacher selected materials Textbooks: Larsen-Freeman, D.& Anderson, M. (2011). Techniques and Principles in 教科書 Language Teaching. Oxford University Press.

Brown, H. D. (2007). Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to 參考書目 Language Pedagogy. 2nd edition. Pearson Longman. Reference

方法 Method % 方法 Method % 方法 Method % 學生表現側寫報 個案分析報告撰 課堂之前測 0 10 0 告 寫 專業團體之證照 專題發表 0 課堂上實作演練 10 0 學習評量 檢定 期中考 0 期末考 0 隨堂考(小考) 10 Learning 書面報告(含小 Evaluation 20 課堂參與 0 心得或作業撰寫 0 組或個人) 口頭報告(含小 20 面試或口試 0 自評與小組互評 10 組或個人) 參加競賽 0 展演 0 筆記 0 其他 20 Class Requirements Attendance 1. If you are absent for more than 4 times without acceptable reasons, you are forbidden to take the final exam or do the final presentation. Absence for more than three times means failing of this course (including absences, sick leaves, and personal leaves)!

學習規範 2.Please be punctual. Being late 10 minutes will affect your class performance as well as your semester score. Three latenesses will be counted as one unexcused absence.

3. Submit your homework on time. No late work.

4. Important! Students enrolled in this class offer on-site school tutoring or 25

instruction to students at Kuo-Tai Elementary School (Time and length: TBD; Some class hours (TBD) will be waived for service learning.)

LS002 . Psychology in Language Classrooms [語言教室中的心理學] 3 credits Dr. Sherri Wei <[email protected]> For Juniors and above Class size: 45 This course aims to introduce relevant psychological theories and approaches in the discussions about language pedagogy. Language learning is a socially mediated process, as we learn a new language, we must have gone through certain psychological changes. This psychological journey deserves our attention as much as the linguistics aspect of language acquisition. In fact, this is why in the past three decades, teachers and researchers have paid more and more attention to issues like motivation, attitude, beliefs and learning styles. In order to discuss these illusive psychological concepts, examples from various sources, like movies and songs, will be selected as reading materials and topics for in-class 課程學習目標 discussions.

Students who complete this course will 1. be able to analyze scenarios in everyday life through the reading of psychology theories. 2. read related psychology theories to gain a deeper understanding of the factors involved in the teaching and learning of the English language. 3. apply these psychology theories to analyze social interactions in classrooms, either face-to-face or online. 4. gain a deeper understanding of personal learning and teaching experiences through the lens of psychology theories. 授課進度 Course Progress Outline 週次 日期 備註 主題 Topic 單元主題 Unit Week Date Remark Course Orientation: 1 02/24 Course Orientation Educational Psychology Behaviorism & Cognitive 2 03/03 Educational Psychology Psychology Humanistic Approaches: Language Learning Theories 3 03/10 Maslow’s Hierachy of & Methods I Needs Language Learning Theories Vygotsky’s Zone of 4 03/17 & Methods II Proximal Development


Motivation, Attitude & Belief 5 03/24 I Motivation, Attitude & Belief 6 03/31 Dangerous Mind I 7 04/07 Spring Break No class 8 04/14 Studies in Effective Teaching Mediation Theory 9 04/21 Midterm Review Learner History & Individual 10 04/28 English Vinglish Differences 11 05/05 Positive Psychology I Authentic Happiness 12 05/12 Positive Psychology II 13 05/19 Studies in Effective Teaching Strategy-based Instruction Social Media: Does Facebook 14 05/26 Make Us Sad? Social Interactionism I: 15 06/02 Collaoration and Group Dynamics Social Interactionism II: The 16 06/09 Learning Context 17 06/16 Final Report I 18 06/23 Final Report II William, M & Burden, R. (2001). Psychology for language teachers. New 課程教材 York: Course Material Cambridge University Press. William, M & Burden, R. (2001). Psychology for language teachers. New 教科書 York: Cambridge University Press. Byram, M. (2004). Routledge encyclopedia of language teaching and learning. London: Routledge. Lightbown, P. M. & Spada, N. (1998). How languages are learned. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Oxford, R. (1997). Cooperative Learning, Collaborative Learning, and 參考書目 Interaction: Reference Three Communicative Strands in the Language Classroom. Modern Language Journal 81(4), 443-456. Richard-Amato, P. A. (1996). Making it happen: Interaction in the second language classroom. White Plains, NY: Addison-Wesley. Seligman, M. E. P. (2004). Authentic happiness: Using the new positive psychology to realize your potential for deep fulfillment. London: Nicholas Brealey.


Vygotsky, L. (1978). Mind in society: The development of higher mental processes. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. 教學平台網址 https://www.edmodo.com/ 方法 Method % 方法 Method % 方法 Method % 學生表現側寫 個案分析報告 課堂之前測 0 0 20 報告 撰寫 課堂上實作演 專業團體之證 專題發表 10 0 0 學習評量 練 照檢定 期中考 期末考 隨堂考(小考) Learning 20 0 0 書面報告(含 心得或作業撰 Evaluation 0 課堂參與 0 20 小組或個人) 寫 口頭報告(含 自評與小組互 0 面試或口試 20 10 小組或個人) 評 參加競賽 0 展演 0 筆記 0 其他 0

prohibited. Please have a big breakfast before you come to class! For every lateness, 3% will be deducted from your final grade, and for every unexcused absence, 5% will be deducted. Three unexcused absence will lead to a failing grade. -class and online are essential to the success of 學習規範 this course. The platform we are going to use is Edmodo: https://edmo.do/j/3c6bq7 ase upload your assignment on Edmodo and bring a hard copy to class on the due day. There is a zero tolerance policy on late assignments and presentations! Plagiarism of any form has serious consequences of failing this course!

LS003 . Teaching Writing [寫作教學] 2 credits Ms. Sherri Hsu For Sophomores and above Class size: 45

Course Description Is writing teachable? What is the teaching of writing about? What are the effective writing practices and their challenges? As teaching is an expression of values and attitudes, what can the writing teacher do in the present-day learning-centered classroom? Those who are interested in language learning or writing instruction are invited to join this dialogic class where they will examine key aspects of the writing pedagogy and explore tasks and activities that are both educative and effective in developing writing skills. The two-credit

28 course will begin with an understanding of the challenges learners face when writing in English; follow by first, a review of common L2 writing theories and lesson planning and second, an investigation of the contextual factors of the writing practice; and conclude with the students’ providing a critique of the writing curriculum or a proposal. Participants will need to finish weekly reading requirement and to frequently examine their own beliefs both as a writer and as a potential L2 writing teacher. To record and reflect on your progress and understanding so as to maximize learning, you will keep reflection journals and conduct an end-of-semester self-evaluation.

Objectives 1. To gain an understanding of the nature of writing 2. To have an overview of approaches to teaching L2 writing 3. To understand the key aspects of learning and teaching L2 writing 4. To learn to design a writing lesson 5. To develop a reflective approach of wring instruction

Textbook and References Hyland, K. (2003). Second language writing. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (eBook) Kroll, B. (Ed.) (2003) Exploring the dynamics of second language writing. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. MacArthur, C. A., Graham, A., & Fitzgerald, J. (Eds.) (2006). Handbook of writing research. New York: Guilford Press. Muller, T., Herder, S., Adamson, J., & Brown, P. S. (Eds.) (2012). Innovating EFL teaching in Asia. Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan. (eBook) A selection of journal articles.

Requirements  Reflect on experiences and engage in exploration.  Keep journals.  Complete required reading before class.  Be open to yourself and to your peers.

Grading Policy 1. Participation and performance 15% 2. *Reflection journals 25% 3. **Lesson plan demonstration 20% 4. **Project report 30% 5. Self-evaluation 10% *Students will write 10 reflection journals, five of them to be completed in class and the rest elaborated after class. Journals kept as e-portfolio are highly recommended.


**Students will complete these two tasks either individually or in group. A Tentative Schedule Week Date Topic 1 2/25 Objective and Agenda The Writing Contract 2 3/4 The Writer’s Narrative The Nature of Writing 3 3/11 L2 Writing at a Threshold 4 3/18 Exploring the Voices 5 3/25 Writing Development Writing Instruction and Learners: Multiplicity 6 4/1 Syllabus Design and Lesson Planning 7 4/8 Spring Recess: No class 8 4/15 The Writing Practice: Input/Output 9 4/22 Lesson Plan Demonstration (1) Tasks in the Writing Class 10 4/29 Lesson plan and demonstration (2) Activities to Support Writing 11 5/6 Activities to Support Writing 12 5/13 New Technologies in Writing Instruction 13 5/20 Responding to Student Writing 14 5/27 Assessing Student Writing 15 6/3 Plagiarism 16 6/10 The Reflective Writing Practitioner General Review 17 6/17 Final presentation and critique (1) 18 6/24 Final presentation and critique (2) Self-Evaluation

 Advanced writing: Required courses for Seniors. Please take one of the followings.

AW001. Journalistic Writing II [新聞英文寫作(二)] 2 credits Ms. Katy Lee 30

For Seniors only Class size: 27 Prerequisite: CC III

This course is designed to give students practical writing instructions in journalistic report writing. Students are encouraged to improve their writing skills even when facing deadlines. Besides writing methods, students are advised not to use poorly structured sentences which could kill readers’ interests. Students will read current news clips and discuss the writing skills of 課程學習目標 stories. Lectures of how to write a newsworthy story which would grab the attention of readers. Story writing practice in and outside of classroom. News report assignments would on campus events as practical exercises. Newspapers, magazines and electronic media samples of reporting would be discussed and put into individual and group work. 授課進度 Course Progress Outline 週次 日期 備註 主題 Topic 單元主題 Unit Week Date Remark 1 02/24 Introduction 2 03/03 Writing the hard news 3 03/10 Writing the soft news 4 03/17 Reporting on accidents 5 03/24 News Stories 6 03/31 News Stories 7 04/07 CNN news reports 8 04/14 CNN news reports 9 04/21 Feature stories 10 04/28 Feature stories 11 05/05 Obitraries 12 05/12 Obitraries 13 05/19 General rules 14 05/26 Specific rules 15 06/02 Opinions 16 06/09 Editorials 17 06/16 Reviews 18 06/23 Reports 課程教材 Morenberg, Max & Jeff Sommers. The Writer’s Options: Lessons in Style Course Material and Arrangement 8th ed. New York: Longman 2010. Morenberg, Max & Jeff Sommers. The Writer’s Options: Lessons in Style 教科書 and Arrangement 8th ed. New York: Longman 2010. 參考書目 Morenberg, Max & Jeff Sommers. The Writer’s Options: Lessons in Style Reference 31

and Arrangement 8th ed. New York: Longman 2010. 方法 Method % 方法 Method % 方法 Method % 學生表現側寫報 個案分析報告撰 課堂之前測 0 0 20 告 寫 專業團體之證照 專題發表 0 課堂上實作演練 20 0 檢定 期中考 20 期末考 20 隨堂考(小考) 0 書面報告(含小 20 課堂參與 0 心得或作業撰寫 0 組或個人) 口頭報告(含小 學習評量 0 面試或口試 0 自評與小組互評 0 Learning 組或個人) Evaluation 參加競賽 0 展演 0 筆記 0 其他 0 說明:Attendance is MANDATORY. Excused absences are accepted for medical or family emergency with appropriate documentation. Three tardiness equal to one absence. Tardiness past 20 minutes after class has begun is counted as one absence. Three absences will lead to zero percentage points for attendance and participation. As part of your participation grade, there will be quizzes on different information that you have learned throughout the semester. No make-up quizzes will be administered in the case of unexcused absences. Attendance is MANDATORY. Excused absences are accepted for medical or family emergency with appropriate documentation. Three tardiness equal to one absence. Tardiness past 20 minutes after class has begun is counted as one absence. Three absences will lead to zero percentage points 學習規範 for attendance and participation. As part of your participation grade, there will be quizzes on different information that you have learned throughout the semester. No make-up quizzes will be administered in the case of unexcused absences

AW002. Chinese-English Translation [專業寫作:中英翻譯] 2 credits Fr. Daniel Bauer <[email protected] > For Seniors only Class size: 27 Prerequisite: CC III

The purpose of this course in Chinese-English translation is to give students an opportunity to develop general skills in translation, but to specifically also assist them in improving their grammar and vocabulary 課程學習目標 range in English, to develop their appreciation for the art of translation by careful observation of published works of translation, and to improve their ability for analysis and articulation of ideas in class discussion.


Indirectly, the course should also help students to improve in skills related to human interaction (be good listeners during classmates’ reports and sharing of views, participating in class discussions, and so forth) The instructor recommends that students become more familiar with Chinese - English translation on the popular level by reading articles in bi-lingual sections of local English newspapers, for example the 先修課程 Times or the China Post. Virtually any publication however w. bi-lingual journalism would be useful for students interested in the field of professional Chinese-English translation. 授課進度 Course Progress Outline 週次 日期 備註 主題 Topic 單元主題 Unit Week Date Remark introduction of course materials, distribution of written syllabus, 1 02/27 presentation of method plans, and formation of student groups for oral reports. Beginning of oral reports by Groups 1 and 2 on observation of translation process in published translations in the 2 03/06 Taipei Chinese Pen / DUE date for Groups 1 and 2 of 1 page assignment on ‘observation of published translation sample’. Continuation of the same as 3/06 class / DUE date for Group 3 of 1 page 3 03/13 assignment on ‘observation of pub. trans. Sample’ Finish oral reports / lecture by 4 03/20 instructor Groups 1 and 2 report on translation assignment 1 and class discussion / 5 03/27 DUE date of Translation assignment 1 for Groups 1 and 2 Groups 2 and 3 report on translation assignment 1 and class discussion same 6 04/03 as above for 3/27, and DUE date of Translation Assignment 1 for Group 3 / coaching Group 3 finishes reports on translation 7 04/10 assignment 1 and class discussion / instructor’s lecture /coaching Group 1 and 2 (representatives chosen by lot) report on translation assignment 8 04/17 2 and class discussion /Due date for Groups 1 and 2 for translation


assignment 2 / coaching Groups 2 and 3 (representatives chosen by lot) report on assignment 2 and class 9 04/24 discussion / Due date for Group 3 on translation assignment 2 coaching 10 05/01 mid-term exam Groups 1 and 2 report on translation assignment 3 / class discussion Due 11 05/08 date Groups 1 and 2 translation assignment 3 Groups 2 and 3 (representatives chosen by lot) report on translation assignment 12 05/15 3 / class discussion / Group 3 due date translation assignment 3 Part I of a comparison of a portion from the Hung lou meng - Chinese and 13 05/22 English - What do we observe? Class discussion / instructor lecture Part II of a comparison from the Hung lou meng and beginning of Group 1 14 05/29 report on translation assignment 4 / Due date for Group 1 of translation assignment 4 Groups 2 and 3 report on translation assignment 4 / groups 2 and 3 due date 15 06/05 for translation assignment 4 / class discussion, and coaching Instructor’s concluding lecture / 16 06/12 coaching 17 06/19 final exam 18 06/26 seniors have already graduated 方法 Method % 方法 Method % 方法 Method % 講 述 30 影 片 欣 賞 20 討 論 10 個 案 研 討 服 務 學 習 問 題 導 向 學 習 教學方法 30 0 0 競 賽 遊 戲 專 家 演 講 專題實作 Pedagogical 0 0 0 Methods 電 子 教 學 0 體 驗 教 學 0 角色扮演實境教學 0 競 賽 讀 書 會 10 產 業 實 習 0 自主學習 0 對 話 教 學 法 0 樣 本 觀 察 0 校外參訪 0 實 作 教 學 0 個 別 指 導 0 其 他 0 說明:case study includes students reporting on t. “cases”; (articles) they are translating / discussion includes class discussion of our processes of translations and the instructor’s lectures / the instructor will use occasional videos from YouTube translation programs in lectures The course will use a number of issues of the journal The Taipei 課程教材 Chinese Pen for reference in class discussion, as well as approximately Course Material 25 articles drawn from Chinese newspapers recently published in .


Students will make frequent use of a course workbook for class sessions as well as assignments, which the instructor will provide at the cost of printing alone. In addition, the instructor will provide a few handouts 教科書 outlined or xeroxed for classroom use only from textbooks on theories or practices of translation. “Introducing Translation Studies Theories and Application,”2nd edition, author Jeremy Munday will be a major background text. Please note with care the syllabus which the instructor will distibute in 參考書目 the first class. That syllabus may be slightly updated from this on-line Reference posting. For more information about this course, please commuicate by e-mail or telephone. 方法 Method % 方法 Method % 方法 Method % 學生表現側寫報 個案分析報告撰 課堂之前測 0 0 25 告 寫 專業團體之證照 專題發表 25 課堂上實作演練 0 0 檢定 期中考 15 期末考 15 隨堂考(小考) 0 書面報告(含小 0 課堂參與 10 心得或作業撰寫 0 學習評量 組或個人) Learning 口頭報告(含小 10 面試或口試 0 自評與小組互評 0 Evaluation 組或個人) 參加競賽 0 展演 0 筆記 0 其他 0 說明:The terms above are general remarks to inform university officials of areas of evaluation for the students in this course. The precise figurings are: mid-term and final exams 15% each = 30% / observation remarks # 1 homework assignment 10% = 10% / each individual translation assignment 10% = 40% / class participation in general 10% Students will submit 5 written assignments: one 1 page report which summarizes observations on a short piece of published translation from Chinese to English from the quarterly journal The Taipei Chinese Pen, and 4 written samples of translation they do themselves, each a minimum of 2 (size A-4) pages. In addition, students should be prepared for active class participation with frequent individual oral reports (approximately 4 times) during our class sessions. Students will also take a mid-term and final exam to further demonstrate translation skills and their ability to analysis 學習規範 processes of translation. Weekly class attendance is of course necessary. Plagiarism is a serious offense and will result in a score of zero on the assignment and a conference with the instructor and department chair.

scoring scale: 1 page “observ. of pub. Sample” assignment 10% = 10% course grade each individual translation assignment 10% = 50% of course grade mid-term and final exams 15% each = 30% course grade Reports and participation in class 10%. The instructor resesrves the right to


subtract from the 10% or add to it, when appropriate. Students will be divided into groups. Each group will be composed of 4 - 7 students. The course syllabus will designate specific weeks in which each group is to report in class, students doing so individually or in pairs, as they choose. Students’ “reporting” means a sharing of observations on the 備註 translation process for their assignment at that time of the course, and an opening of their mind to suggestions from the instructor and classmates in response to their words. Oral reports by students should be a minimal 5 minutes in length, and includes response and Q time from the class audience.

AW003. Business English Writing II [商務英文(二)] 2 credits Ms. Jennifer Hsiang < [email protected]> For Seniors only Class size: 27 Prerequisite: CC III

This course will expose students to the basics of written English communication in business and to assist them in the development of the skills needed to write good business communications. 課程學習目標 The contents of this course include a good deal of background information, writing principles, related commercial terminologies, the courteous wording, and various sample letters study. 授課進度 Course Progress Outline 週次 日期 備註 主題 Topic 單元主題 Unit Week Date Remark Orientation 上課內容,評分 Orientation 上課內容,評分 1 02/23 方式 方式 Sales Letter (advanced) 2 03/02 老師補充 進階銷售信函 Complaint Letter 報怨信函 3 03/09 Unit 7 寫作 How to deal with 4 03/16 Unit 7 complaints 處理報怨 Employment Application 5 03/23 Unit 15 (1/2) 英文履歷表寫作 (上) Employment Application 6 03/30 Unit 15 (2/2) 英文履歷表寫作 (下) 7 04/06 Memo Writing 備忘錄寫作 Unit 14 8 04/13 學校調整放假 學校調整放假 9 04/20 Midterm 期中考 Midterm 期中考 10 04/27 Midterm review 期中考檢 Midterm review 期中考檢


討 討 Collection Letter (1/2) 11 05/04 Unit 6 催收信函寫作 (上) Collection Letter (2/2) 12 05/11 Unit 6 催收信函寫作 (下) Business Contract (1/3) 13 05/18 老師補充 英文貿易契約之一 Business Contract (2/3) 14 05/25 老師補充 英文貿易契約之二 Business Contract (3/3) 15 06/01 老師補充 英文貿易契約之三 16 06/08 Final exam 畢業考 Final exam 畢業考 17 06/15 畢業班已結束課程 畢業班已結束課程 18 06/22 畢業班已結束課程 畢業班已結束課程 方法 Method % 方法 Method % 方法 Method % 講 述 50 影 片 欣 賞 0 討 論 20 個 案 研 討 服 務 學 習 問 題 導 向 學 習 教學方法 0 0 0 競 賽 遊 戲 專 家 演 講 專題實作 Pedagogical 0 0 0 Methods 電 子 教 學 0 體 驗 教 學 0 角色扮演實境教學 0 競 賽 讀 書 會 0 產 業 實 習 0 自主學習 0 對 話 教 學 法 0 樣 本 觀 察 0 校外參訪 0 實 作 教 學 30 個 別 指 導 0 其 他 0 課程教材 Commercial Correspondence Course Material 教科書 Commercial Correspondence 參考書目 Commercial Correspondence Reference 方法 Method % 方法 Method % 方法 Method % 學生表現側寫報 個案分析報告撰 課堂之前測 0 0 0 告 寫 專業團體之證照 專題發表 0 課堂上實作演練 0 0 學習評量 檢定 期中考 期末考 隨堂考(小考) Learning 30 30 0 書面報告(含小 Evaluation 0 課堂參與 0 心得或作業撰寫 40 組或個人) 口頭報告(含小 0 面試或口試 0 自評與小組互評 0 組或個人) 參加競賽 0 展演 0 筆記 0 其他 0 One point will be deducted for each late arrival; two points will be deducted 學習規範 for absence. Five points each week will be deducted for late assignment w/o written approval for leave.

 Professional Training Courses


PT001. Cross-Cultural Communication [跨文化溝通:國際連線] 2 Credits Dr. Doris Shih < [email protected] > For Freshmen and above Class size: 18

The content of this course is subject to change

 Course Description: This course provides a format for students to learn about other cultures without traveling. This is part of the Global Academic Outreach Project directed by East Carolina University (ECU), USA. In this semester, we will most likely connect with university students of two to three countries –East Carolina University, USA (ECU) and maybe one or two other countries through live video and chat technology. Discussion topics ranging from college life, family structure, the meaning of life, health care, food and nutrition, to stereotypes and prejudices. Class sessions include discussion in both small groups and one-to-one chat with reflective journaling/papers and/or oral presentations afterwards. Besides international connecting sessions, local sessions (which mean only local class session without videoconferencing) are also held to integrate and synthesize information gained in the global sessions. Participating students from different cultures also read each other’s newspapers to learn what is current, timely, and to get real exposure to what is going on in their partners’ cultures.

In addition, the instructor is in the process of inviting former alumni who is studying abroad (in France) to share with us the learning and cultural experiences via skype. We may also talk to speakers who know Middle East cultures.

Meeting Time: In this course, we will have local weeks and international connection weeks. For local weeks, we will discuss some cross-cultural learning theories and methods. For international weeks, we will meet with our partner school via videoconference and text-chat. The details will be announced at the beginning of the semester. Classroom: SF 901

*Daylight saving in USA starts on March 8, 2015. ** Please bring your own laptop to class on connection sessions if you have your own laptop (for mIRC chats).


 Grading and Requirements:  Attendance: Please note that attendance is compulsory. For every unexcused-absence (per session) will mean 3 points off the final average grade. A total of six excused absences of will lead to the failure of the course.  mIRC Text-chat records must be uploaded to EngSite area and will be the proof of your attendance of chat connection weeks.  1 Individual Paper 20%: Topic can be related to the culture or comparison of the cultures.  1 collaborative project 15%: maybe with Peruvian students  4 Journals 20%  Oral Presentation 20%  Participation: 25% Pre-Survey and Post-surveys & text chat records (counted as part of participation)

PT002. English-Chinese Translation II [英中翻譯(二)] 2 Credits Ms. Gretchen Lee < [email protected] > For Sophomores and above Class size: 30

*第一週上課是唯一加退選的機會。已預選上者未出席視同放棄修課機會,空出的缺額由來上 課想加選者遞補。 This course, organized as a workshop, provides students with a practical and solid training in English to Chinese translation. Students are required to do supplementary readings and in-class exercises, participate in discussions and group work, give written as well as oral reports and feedback, and get hands-on experience of translation. 課程學習目標 Through translating and discussing a wide range of authentic texts and analyzing and offering critiques of existing translation, students are able to acquire advanced translation skills, develop their own translation strategies, and learn to generate natural, idiomatic, and faithful translations. 授課進度 Course Progress Outline 週次 日期 備註 主題 Topic 單元主題 Unit Week Date Remark Unit 1: Introduction and Course Overview 1 02/23 Preview 39

Unit 1: Introduction and 2 03/02 Translation Overview Preview Unit 1: Introduction and 3 03/09 Translation Skills Preview Unit 1: Introduction and 4 03/16 Translation Skills Preview Unit 1: Introduction and 5 03/23 Translation Skills Preview Unit 1: Introduction and 6 03/30 Translation Skills Preview Unit 1: Introduction and 7 04/06 Translation Skills Preview 8 04/13 Spring Break No Class 9 04/20 Projects and Practice Project 1 10 04/27 Projects and Practice Project 1 11 05/04 Projects and Practice Project 2 12 05/11 Projects and Practice Project 2 13 05/18 Projects and Practice Project 2 14 05/25 Projects and Practice Project 3 15 06/01 Projects and Practice Project 3 16 06/08 Projects and Practice Project 3 17 06/15 Review and Conclusion Review and Discussion 18 06/22 Review and Conclusion Review and Final Exam 方法 Method % 方法 Method % 方法 Method % 講 述 20 影 片 欣 賞 0 討 論 30 個 案 研 討 0 服 務 學 習 0 問 題 導 向 學 習 0 教學方法 競 賽 遊 戲 0 專 家 演 講 0 專題實作 50 Pedagogical 電 子 教 學 0 體 驗 教 學 0 角色扮演實境教學 0 Methods 競 賽 讀 書 會 0 產 業 實 習 0 自主學習 0 對 話 教 學 法 0 樣 本 觀 察 0 校外參訪 0 實 作 教 學 0 個 別 指 導 0 其 他 0 課程教材 Reference, Tool Books, and Worksheets Course Material 賴慈芸(譯)(2005)。 P. Newmark 著。翻譯教程。臺北:培生教育出版 教科書 集團。 參考書目 Newmark, P. (1988). A textbook of translation. New York: Prentice Hall. Reference 方法 Method % 方法 Method % 方法 Method % 學生表現側寫報 個案分析報告撰 課堂之前測 0 0 0 學習評量 告 寫 專業團體之證照 Learning 專題發表 0 課堂上實作演練 10 0 檢定 Evaluation 期中考 0 期末考 10 隨堂考(小考) 10 書面報告(含小 0 課堂參與 0 心得或作業撰寫 50 組或個人)


口頭報告(含小 20 面試或口試 0 自評與小組互評 0 組或個人) 參加競賽 0 展演 0 筆記 0 其他 0 Students are expected to come to class on time, meet the deadline for each assignment, and participate in the class discussion actively. In addition to assignments that cover various areas (business translation, film translation, journalistic translation, literary translation, and scientific and technical translation), the course also demands an oral presentation. Quizzes will be given to check students’ learning.

Students should attend each class on time. Your attendance record will definitely affect your final grade. (1) Three absences—either excused or unexcused—shall result in a failed 學習規範 grade for the course. (2) Each absence will lead to a 3% deduction of the final grade. (3) Arriving late more than three times will count as one absence and each late attendance costs 1 point of the final grade. (4) When you enter into the classroom 20 minutes after the class starts (for each class period), you will be deemed as absent, not late.

(1)You can download the assignment questions online. (2)You need to submit the assignment file before the deadline; the due date will be specified clearly once you check the EngSite assignment area.

PT003. Introduction to Consecutive Interpretation: C to E [逐步口譯入門:英譯中] 2 credits Ms. Eileen Lin <[email protected]> For Juniors and above Class size: 20

To help students learn active listening, understand how interpreters divide their attention amongst multiple tasks—listening, comprehension 課程學習目標 and note-taking, acquire correct conceptions about consecutive note-taking, and build their own systems of note-taking. 授課進度 Course Progress Outline 週次 日期 備註 主題 Topic 單元主題 Unit Week Date Remark 1 02/27 Intro to CI 2 03/06 active listening exercise + STM training active listening exercise + short CI 3 03/13 without notes


active listening exercise + short CI 4 03/20 without notes 5 03/27 Short CI without notes/with script 6 04/03 Short CI without notes/with script Note-taking/CI: general text (Opening 7 04/10 speech) Note-taking/CI: general text (Opening 8 04/17 speech) 9 04/24 Mid-term 10 05/01 Review of Mideterm/ In-class Practice 11 05/08 Note-taking/CI :general text 12 05/15 Note-taking/CI :general text 13 05/22 CI: speech of specific topics 14 05/29 CI: speech of specific topics 15 06/05 CI: speech of specific topics 16 06/12 CI: speech of specific topics 17 06/19 Final exam 18 06/26 Final exam 方法 Method % 方法 Method % 方法 Method % 講 述 20 影 片 欣 賞 0 討 論 0 個 案 研 討 服 務 學 習 問 題 導 向 學 習 教學方法 0 0 0 競 賽 遊 戲 專 家 演 講 專題實作 Pedagogical 0 0 20 Methods 電 子 教 學 10 體 驗 教 學 0 角色扮演實境教學 20 競 賽 讀 書 會 0 產 業 實 習 0 自主學習 20 對 話 教 學 法 10 樣 本 觀 察 0 校外參訪 0 實 作 教 學 0 個 別 指 導 0 其 他 0 Gile, D. (1995). Basic concepts and models for interpreter and translator training. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 劉敏華 (2008)《逐步口譯與筆記》,台北:書林出版。 課程教材 Pöchhacker, F. (2004). Introducing Interpreting studies. London, New Course Material York: Routledge. Pöchhacker, F. and Shlesinger, M. (ed.) (2002). The interpreting studies reader. London: Routledge. 楊承淑 (2008) 《口譯的訊息處理過程研究》。台北:輔仁大學出版社。 Gile, D. (1995). Basic concepts and models for interpreter and translator training. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 劉敏華 (2008)《逐步口譯與筆記》,台北:書林出版。 Pöchhacker, F. (2004). Introducing Interpreting studies. London, New 教科書 York: Routledge. Pöchhacker, F. and Shlesinger, M. (ed.) (2002). The interpreting studies reader. London: Routledge. 楊承淑 (2008) 《口譯的訊息處理過程研究》。台北:輔仁大學出版社。 參考書目 none


Reference 方法 Method % 方法 Method % 方法 Method % 學生表現側寫報 個案分析報告撰 課堂之前測 0 0 0 告 寫 專業團體之證照 專題發表 0 課堂上實作演練 0 0 檢定 期中考 30 期末考 30 隨堂考(小考) 0 書面報告(含小 0 課堂參與 40 心得或作業撰寫 0 學習評量 組或個人) Learning 口頭報告(含小 0 面試或口試 0 自評與小組互評 0 Evaluation 組或個人) 參加競賽 0 展演 0 筆記 0 其他 0 說明:1. Please prepare before coming to class. 2. You are supposed to record yourself when you do CI exercises in class, and then transcribe the segment of the source English speech you interpreted in class and compare it against your own rendition as the weekly assignment. 1.Speeches on general topics are used as course materials. 2.First two weeks will focus on active listening skills. 3.Basic CI skills and training will be given before we start the CI exercise. 4. Constructive criticism will be given, both by the teacher and other 學習規範 classmates, in relation to your notes and renditions. 5. You will be required to take turns in producing a weekly summary of our class, which should be compiled by the class representative and handed in to the teacher by the end of the semester.

PT004. 2015Annual Play [2015 年度大戲] 3 credits Dr. John Basourakos For Freshmen and above Class size: 30

I. Course Description: This course is a survey of practice in all phases of play production, including acting, play choice, directing, staging, casting, make-up, costume design, lighting and scenic design. Most of the class time will be devoted to the intensive readings and discussions of selected play texts, as well as in active 課程學習目標 participation in theatre exercises intent on developing voice, movement, and role-playing. During this creative process, students will reflect on and then analyze their work, evaluate the process, and critique their development as theatre artists. Theatre production will focus on the following important elements: (1) developing co-operation as a group; (2) building confidence in


each other as performers; (3) building awareness of the immediate environment; (4) building a sense of attention to detail; and (5) developing an appreciate of the art form of play production. In addition to class meetings, students will be expected to participate in rehearsals scheduled outside of school time. II. Course Objectives: In this course: a. Students will cultivate an understanding of themselves as creative and communicative persons. b. Students will develop an appreciation of acting as an interpretive art. c. Students will broaden their views of the theater as a valuable indicator of culture and life. d. Students will acquire knowledge of a chosen play, of a chosen playwright, and of his or her cultural context. e. Students will acquire knowledge of play production which they will put into practice to produce a play. f. Students will develop and refine their interpersonal and communication skills. g. Students will develop their problem-solving skills and abilities. h. Students will cultivate their abilities to work with others in a cooperative and responsible manner. 1. Students who are interested in acting. 2. Students who are interested in the technical aspects of stage production. 3. Students who are interested in learning about staging a play from 先修課程 choosing the play to staging the final production. 4. Students who are interested in learning about a specific playwright and about his or her work in depth. 授課進度 Course Progress Outline 週次 日期 備註 主題 Topic 單元主題 Unit Week Date Remark Introduction to the Course Outline. 1 02/26 Course. Introduction to Play Production. Performance. What is Involved in 2 03/05 Production. Producing a Play? Theatre Exercises. Analysis and discussion of the play to be staged. The play and the 3 03/12 Dialogue, setting, characterization, playwright. movement. Job Assignments. 4 03/19 The play and the Analysis and discussion of the


playwright. play. Visual effects, setting, props, and costumes. Performance. 5 03/26 Scene Study. Commentary on the Performance. Performance. 6 04/02 Scene Study. Commentary on the Performance. Performance. 7 04/09 Scene Study. Commentary on the Performance. Blocking. Movement. Voice. 8 04/16 Play Rehearsal. Theatre Exercises. Blocking. Movement. Voice. 9 04/23 Play Rehearsal. Theatre Exercises. 10 04/30 Staging and Design. Costumes and Make-Up. 11 05/07 Staging and Design. Set Design, Props, Lighting. 12 05/14 Play Rehearsal. Dress Rehearsal. 13 05/21 Play Rehearsal. Technical Rehearsal. Final Rehearsal. 14 05/28 Play Rehearsal. Commentary. 15 06/04 Student Production. Performance of the Play. 16 06/11 Group Skits. Performance of Group Skits. 17 06/18 Group Skits. Performance of Group Skits. Final Group and Self-Assessments 18 06/25 Reports. in the Course. 課程教材 Lectures, theatre exercises, readings of play texts and discussions, Course Material rehearsals, scene studies, performances. 1. Lee, Robert. Everything About Theatre: A Guidebook of Theatre Fundamentals. Colorado Springs: Meriwether Publishing, 1996. 教科書 Play (s) to be analyzed and discussed in class will be announced at the beginning of the semester. 1. Rodgers, James W. Play Director’s Survival Kit: A Complete Step-By-Step Guide to Producing Theater in Any School or 參考書目 Community Setting. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1997. Reference 2. Bloom, Michael. Thinking Like a Director. New York: Faber & Faber, 2001. 方法 Method % 方法 Method % 方法 Method % 學生表現側寫報 個案分析報告撰 課堂之前測 0 0 0 告 寫 學習評量 專業團體之證照 專題發表 0 課堂上實作演練 30 0 Learning 檢定 Evaluation 期中考 0 期末考 0 隨堂考(小考) 0 書面報告(含小 0 課堂參與 20 心得或作業撰寫 0 組或個人) 口頭報告(含小 0 面試或口試 0 自評與小組互評 10 45

組或個人) 參加競賽 0 展演 40 筆記 0 其他 0 Attendance and Participation.20% Scene Studies.30% Play Rehearsals. 20% Final Production.20% Final Report.10%

Attendance for this course is MANDATORY. Students may only be excused for being absent for medical or family emergencies and with appropriate documentation (i.e. a note from a physician in English attesting to the medical 學習規範 reasons behind the absence).

1. If students are late for class twice, they will be marked down as being absent. 2. If students are late for class 5 minutes after class has started, this will be counted as one absence. 3. If students are absent twice in the semester, they will receive zero percentage points for attendance and participation.

Any act of plagiarism or cheating will lead to failing the course.

PT005. Marketing Communication [行銷溝通] 2 credits Dr. Cindy Lee For Juniors and above Class size: 45

This course introduces students the principles and practices on integrated marketing communication (IMC) with opportunities to study, analyze, and exercise the design and execution of IMC programs. This course is suitable for those who are interested in applied linguistics, semiotics, communication, branding, and international marketing. In the globalized world, hundreds of different communication activities deliver brand messages both formally through planned communication programs and 課程學習目標 informally through other activities. This course provides a framework for students to understand how all these programs and tools can work together to engage target audiences with consistent, pervasive messages that get people talking/thinking about a brand. The course will begin with basic communication theories followed by the concepts and practices of advertising, public relations, direct response, and promotions; then wrap up with the topics on IMC umbrella and evaluation effectiveness.


授課進度 Course Progress Outline 週次 日期 備註 主題 Topic 單元主題 Unit Week Date Remark 1 02/23 Introduction Orientation Topic 1 Principle: Back to Advertising Brand 2 03/02 Basics Communication Brand Communication and 3 03/09 Topic 1 continued Society Topic 1 Continued How Brand Communication 4 03/16 Topic 2 Principle: Be True to Works Thy Brand Segmenting and Targeting 5 03/23 Topic 2 Continued the Audience Strategic Research and 6 03/30 Topic 2 Continued Planning 7 04/06 春假 8 04/13 Mid-term Exam Topic 3 Practice: Developing 9 04/20 Breakthrough Ideas in the The Creative Side Digital Age 10 04/27 Topic 3 Continued Promotional Writing Topic 3 Continued 11 05/04 Topic 4 Media in a World of Visual Communication Change 12 05/11 Topic 4 Continued Media Basics Paid Media and Interactive 13 05/18 Topic 4 Continued Media Topic 5 Principle: IMC and 14 05/25 Public Relations Total Communication Direct Response & 15 06/01 Topic 5 Continued Promotions 16 06/08 Topic 5 Continued The Practice of IMC 17 06/15 Final Exam 18 06/22 Final Exam 方法 Method % 方法 Method % 方法 Method % 講 述 50 影片欣賞 5 討 論 5 個 案 研 討 服務學習 問 題 導 向 學 習 教學方法 20 0 5 競 賽 遊 戲 專家演講 專題實作 Pedagogical 0 5 10 Methods 電 子 教 學 0 體驗教學 0 角色扮演實境教學 0 競 賽 讀 書 會 0 產業實習 0 自主學習 0 對 話 教 學 法 0 樣本觀察 0 校外參訪 0 實 作 教 學 0 個別指導 0 其 他 0 課程教材 Textbook, videos and cases Course Material 教科書 Advertising & IMC: Principles and Practice 參考書目 To be assigned Reference


教學平台網址 www.mymktlab.com 方法 Method % 方法 Method % 方法 Method % 學生表現側寫報 個案分析報告撰 課堂之前測 0 0 0 告 寫 專業團體之證照 專題發表 30 課堂上實作演練 0 0 學習評量 檢定 期中考 期末考 隨堂考(小考) Learning 30 0 20 書面報告(含小 Evaluation 0 課堂參與 0 心得或作業撰寫 20 組或個人) 口頭報告(含小 0 面試或口試 0 自評與小組互評 0 組或個人) 參加競賽 0 展演 0 筆記 0 其他 0 (一)作業或任何考試遲交補作僅給予評語不給予分數。 學習規範 (二)上課時電子用品及手機僅在教學需要時才能使用,其他需要使用電子用 品者請離開教室使用。 請參考以下英文系給分標準。 BAMA-(2)Definition of Grades A+91 and above91 and above 所有目標皆達成且超越期望(All goals achieved beyond expectation) A87-9087-90 所有目標皆達成(All goals achieved) A-83-8683-86 所有目標皆達成,但需一些精進(All goals achieved, but need some polish) B+79-8279-82 達成部分目標,且品質佳(Some goals well achieved) B75-7875-78 達成部分目標,但品質普通(Some goals adequately achieved) 備註 B- (MA cutoff)70-7470-74 達成部分目標,但有些缺失(Some goals achieved with minor flaws) C+67 - 69 達成最低目標(Minimum goals achieved) C63 - 66 達成最低目標,但有些缺失(Minimum goals achieved with minor flaws) C-60 - 62 達成最低目標但有重大缺失(Minimum goals achieved with major flaws) F59 and below 未達成最低目標(Minimum goals not achieved) X0 因故不核予成績(Zero score due to specific reasons)

PT006. EAP: TOEFL & IELTS [學術英文:托福與雅思] 2 credits Mr. Kenneth Chi < [email protected] > For Juniors and above Class size: 35

I. COURSE DESCRIPTION English for Academic Purposes: TOEFL preparation is an English language skills training course preparing students for the TOEFL test, or Test of English as a Foreign Language, an exam conducted by Education Testing Service (ETS). This class provides a review of

48 integrated English language skills like listening, reading, writing, and speaking necessary for success on the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL iBT). Emphasis is placed on practicing language skills, test-taking strategies, exercises, and reviews to provide comprehensive TOEFL exam preparation. NOTICE: This course focuses mainly on TOEFL. The EILTS test format will also be introduced.

THE OBJECTIVES OF THIS COURSE ARE: 1. Familiarize the students with the format and directions of the test; 2. Familiarize them with the types of questions that are asked in each section; 3. Learn key test-taking techniques 4. Developing the English language skills (vocabulary, grammar, writing, speaking, listening and reading) that are necessary to be successful on the test. 5. Practice TOEFL test-taking with time limits

II. REQUIREMENTS A. This class requires: 1. Exams: a. A midterm and a final b. 2 full-length Practice Exams c. Quizzes. There will be some pop quizzes, which will be announced in class. 2. Assignments: There will be two written assignments. Both assignments should be completed on time. a. A TOEFL Reading Vocabulary Study Sheet. b. A TOEFL Listening/Speaking STUDY SHEET. (Details will be announced in class) B. Language Policy: English is the language used throughout the whole class. C. Be active in class—this is especially in your presentation and group discussion. D. Perfect attendance is required. If you are absent, you are responsible for the material that we cover in the class. E. Submitting assignments on time is very important for your grade and progress in language learning. For any late papers, a full grade will be automatically deducted from the final grade of the assignment. That is, B+ will become C+. F. Please do necessary review for the lessons; failure to do so will positively affect your performance.



Evaluation Items Percentage 1. Class participation and attendance 25% 2. Assignments 25% 3. 2 Practice Exams + In-class pop quizzes 25% 4. Midterm and Final Exams 25%

IV. REQUITRED TEXTS Phillips, Deborah. Longman Preparation Course for the TOEFL Test: IBT. White Plains, NY: Pearson, Longman, 2007. Print.

PT007. English for Academic Purposes [學術英文] 2 credits Dr. Faith Yang For Juniors and above Class size: 45

This EAP course aims to advance students’ language skills in reading, listening, writing and speaking, so as to prepare them for graduate level academic studies.

Academic here refers not only to the context of learning but also to the core value of independent study. Therefore, apart from providing basic language skill training, the course will also aim at strategy developments which focus on enhancing students’ awareness toward audience, paying 課程學習目標 more attention to purposes of academic discourses, and systematically developing their bank of vocabulary. Matters of school application and test preparation will be discussed, while various disciplines including psychology, neurolinguistics and cognitive neuroscience will be brought in as content areas for in-class discussions. Students are expected to carry out a research study on one of the eight topics pre-selected by the lecturer, developing ideas from an early stage, elaborating the ideas into an A0 size poster as a group project. By the end of the semester, students need to submit a review paper individually base on the same topic. 先修課程 English Conversation & Composition II 授課進度 Course Progress Outline 週次 日期 備註 主題 Topic 單元主題 Unit Week Date Remark 1 02/23 Course Orientation 2 03/02 Academic Poster Production (I) 50

3 03/09 Academic Poster Production (II) 4 03/16 Academic Listening (I) 5 03/23 Academic Listening (II) 6 03/30 Academic Reading (I) 7 04/06 Graphic Description (I) 8 04/13 Graphic Description (II) 9 04/20 Mid-term Exam 10 04/27 Academic Reading (II) 11 05/04 Academic Writing (I) 12 05/11 Academic Writing (II) 13 05/18 Academic Speaking (I) 14 05/25 Academic Speaking (II) 15 06/01 Panel Discussion 16 06/08 Holiday (Dragon Boat Festival) 17 06/15 Tutorial 18 06/22 Final Poster Presentation 課程教材 Hand-outs, PPT teaching slides, MP3 listening materials Course Material 教科書 Hand-outs, PPT teaching slides, MP3 listening materials 參考書目 http://www.uefap.com Reference 方法 Method % 方法 Method % 方法 Method % 學 生 表 現 側 寫 個案分 析 報 告 課堂之前測 0 0 0 報告 撰寫 課 堂 上 實 作 演 專 業 團 體 之 證 專題發表 0 15 0 學習評量 練 照檢定 期中考 期末考 隨堂考(小考) Learning 0 0 0 書面報告(含 心 得 或 作 業 撰 Evaluation 30 課堂參與 25 0 小組或個人) 寫 口頭報告(含 自 評 與 小 組 互 30 面試或口試 0 0 小組或個人) 評 參加競賽 0 展演 0 筆記 0 其他 0 Absenteeism Policy • Credits cannot be earned without decent attendance. • There will be a 5-minute grace period at the beginning of each class. • Tardiness beyond the 5-minute grace period will be classified as “excused” 學習規範 or “unexcused” lateness. • 2 unexcused tardies equal 1 unexcused absence. 3 unexcused absences will lead to failing the course. • Excused absence must be supported by proper documentations.

PT008. English for Global Marketing [全球化行銷英文] 2 credits Dr. Faith Yang For Sophomores


Class size: 13


This course aims to help students who need to communicate with confidence and efficiency in English in the context of global marketing. You will be learning useful language, phrases, and vocabulary to improve your communication/presentation skills in English in different marketing/advertising situations.


課程學習目標 This course is designed for students who intend to work in marketing and advertising. The course covers a range of skills and topics such as talking to clients, discussing advertising campaigns, establishing a marketing plan, and writing a press release. • The essential responsibilities of those working in marketing and advertising departments will be discussed • Relevant vocabulary and communication skills such as telephoning, emailing, and giving presentations will be addressed • Specialist vocabulary relating to branding, market research, direct marketing, and public relations will also be introduced 授課進度 Course Progress Outline 週次 日期 主題 Topic 單元主題 Unit 備註 Remark Week Date 1 02/26 Course Orientation 2 03/05 Elevator Pitch Introduction to Marketing & 3 03/12 Advertising 4 03/19 Consumer Demand 5 03/26 Finding the Customer 6 04/02 Planning a Market Strategy (I) 7 04/09 Spring Break 8 04/16 Planning a Market Strategy (II) Needs & Wants of the Consumer - 9 04/23 film Selling Skills in Travel and Tourism 10 04/30 (I) Selling Skills in Travel and Tourism 11 05/07 (II) 12 05/14 Market Analysis (I) 13 05/21 Market Analysis (II)


14 05/28 Knowledge sharing project 15 06/04 Marketing Tools & Shop Types (I) 16 06/11 Marketing Tools & Shop Types (II) 17 06/18 Presenting Your Public Face 18 06/25 Final Exam - Course slides 課程教材 - Hand-outs Course Material - Online resources 教科書 Gore, S. 2008. English for Marketing and Advertising. OUP, Oxford: U.K. 參考書目 Gore, S. 2008. English for Marketing and Advertising. OUP, Oxford: U.K. Reference 方法 Method % 方法 Method % 方法 Method % 學生表現側寫報 個案分析報告撰 課堂之前測 0 0 0 告 寫 專業團體之證照 專題發表 0 課堂上實作演練 0 0 檢定 期中考 30 期末考 25 隨堂考(小考) 20 書面報告(含小 學習評量 課堂參與 心得或作業撰寫 組或個人) 0 25 0 Learning 口頭報告(含小 Evaluation 0 面試或口試 0 自評與小組互評 0 組或個人) 參加競賽 0 展演 0 筆記 0 其他 0 說明:Attendance and in-class participation: 25% Weekly quiz: 20% Mid-term group project: 30% Final written exam: 25% Absenteeism Policy

• Without decent attendance and punctuality, credits cannot be earned • There will be a 5-minute grace period at the beginning of each class. 學習規範 Tardiness beyond the 5-minute grace period will be classified as “excused” or “unexcused” lateness • Two unexcused tardies equal one unexcused absence. Three unexcused absences will lead to failing the course

PT009. Chinese Culture through Foreign Languages: English [中華文化多語談:英語] 2 credits Ms. Gretchen Lee <[email protected]> For Junior and above Class size: 40 Upon completion of this course, you are expected to achieve the following 課程學習目標 objectives. Summarize and explain features of Taiwan.


Articulate your understanding of Taiwan. Critique highlighted issues related to Taiwan. Define your identity and/or lack of identity. Develop a panoramic view through exploring various aspects of Taiwanese society. Broaden understanding of Taiwanese cultures through internal examination and analysis. Compare and contrast the main features of Taiwan and those of other countries. 授課進度 Course Progress Outline 週次 日期 備註 主題 Topic 單元主題 Unit Week Date Remark Orientation and 1 02/25 Overview Introduction Historical & 2 03/04 Taiwan Panorama Geographical Taiwan Cultural Identity and 3 03/11 Self-Introduction Social Network Cultural Identity and 4 03/18 Education & Society Social Network Cultural Identity and 5 03/25 Education & Society Social Network Perception, General Discussion & 6 04/01 Conception, and Conferences Expression 7 04/08 Feature Report Prep Conference 8 04/15 Features of Taiwan Hot Spots in Taiwan 9 04/22 Features of Taiwan Popular Tours 10 04/29 Features of Taiwan Popular Food Culture 11 05/06 Features of Taiwan Popular Food Culture 12 05/13 Features of Taiwan Religions 13 05/20 Features of Taiwan Customs and Conventions 14 05/27 Features of Taiwan Games and Toys Social and Cultural 15 06/03 Features of Taiwan Phenomena Soft Power & Hard Museum Highlights & The 16 06/10 Facts of Taiwan Pride of Taiwan Group Presentation: 17 06/17 Review & Wrap-Up Showcasing Hometown 18 06/24 Review & Wrap-Up Final Oral Exam 課程教材 Textbook, Online Materials, and Worksheets Course Material Liu, Amy C. Taiwan A to Z: The Essential Cultural Guide. Taipei: 教科書 Community Services Center, 2009. Print.


Online Magazines and Websites: Taiwan Panorama , Taiwan Review, 參考書目 Taiwan Today Reference Relevant Links 方法 Method % 方法 Method % 方法 Method % 學生表現側寫報 個案分析報告撰 課堂之前測 0 0 0 告 寫 專業團體之證照 專題發表 0 課堂上實作演練 0 0 學習評量 檢定 期中考 期末考 隨堂考(小考) Learning 0 10 20 書面報告(含小 Evaluation 0 課堂參與 20 心得或作業撰寫 20 組或個人) 口頭報告(含小 30 面試或口試 0 自評與小組互評 0 組或個人) 參加競賽 0 展演 0 筆記 0 其他 0 Students are expected to come to class on time, meet the deadline for each assignment, and participate in the class discussion actively. Quizzes will be given to check students’ learning.

Students should attend each class on time. Your attendance record will definitely affect your final grade. 學習規範 1. Three absences—either excused or unexcused—shall result in a failed grade for the course. 2. Each absence will lead to a 3% deduction of the final grade. 3. Arriving late more than three times will count as one absence and each late attendance costs 1 point of the final grade. 4. When you enter into the classroom 20 minutes after the class starts (for each class period), you will be deemed as absent, not late.

PT009. 2015 Service Learning [2015 服務學習] 2 credits Dr. Doris Shih & Dr. Donna Tong For Juniors and above Class size: 40

(This is for the Service Learning section:) In this 2-credit course, you enter the workplace of elementary school teaching as service learners in order to 課程學習目標 1.understand what the teaching job involves and how it relates to your life goals and career potentials; 2.utilize the English abilities and professional knowledge acquired at school,


while developing through service learning the professional skills of interpersonal communication, problem-solving and adapting to new environment, and 3.Assist the English Department to develop modes of integrating service learning in courses in order to improve the English Department’s social engagement. 授課進度 Course Progress Outline 週次 日期 備註 主題 Topic 單元主題 Unit Week Date Remark 1 02/25 Introduction Introduction Teaching Observation & 2 03/04 Teaching & Internship Internship Teaching Observation & 3 03/11 Teaching & Internship Internship Teaching Observation & 4 03/18 Teaching & Internship Internship Teaching Observation & 5 03/25 Teaching & Internship Internship Teaching Observation & 6 04/01 Teaching & Internship Internship 7 04/08 No Class; Spring Break Spring Break Teaching Observation & 8 04/15 Teaching & Internship Internship 9 04/22 Midterm week Midterm week Teaching Observation & 10 04/29 Teaching & Internship Internship Teaching Observation & 11 05/06 Teaching & Internship Internship Teaching Observation & 12 05/13 Teaching & Internship Internship Teaching Observation & 13 05/20 Teaching & Internship Internship Teaching Observation & 14 05/27 Teaching & Internship Internship Teaching Observation & 15 06/03 Teaching & Internship Internship Teaching Observation & 16 06/10 Teaching & Internship Internship 17 06/17 Presentation week Presentation 18 06/24 Final week Final week 課程教材 Links will provided on the Course Website (Link to be announced later). Course Material 教科書 Handouts and links will be provided. 參考書目 Handouts and links will be provided. Reference 教學平台網址 http://ce.etweb.fju.edu.tw/engsite


方法 Method % 方法 Method % 方法 Method % 學生表現側寫報 個案分析報告撰 課堂之前測 0 0 0 告 寫 專業團體之證照 專題發表 15 課堂上實作演練 0 0 檢定 期中考 0 期末考 0 隨堂考(小考) 0 書面報告(含小 15 課堂參與 0 心得或作業撰寫 15 學習評量 組或個人) Learning 口頭報告(含小 15 面試或口試 0 自評與小組互評 0 Evaluation 組或個人) 參加競賽 0 展演 0 筆記 0 其他 40 說明:Lesson plan: 15% EngSite Discussion: 15% Guo-Tai teacher evaluation: 40%

Points will be taken off for late assignments Two points will be taken off for each unexcused absence. One point off for lateness without any excuse(to the elementary school and class attendance). According to the university regulation, more than three unexcused absences or six excused absences result a failed score.

學習規範 This course also prepares you for your future career and helps develop your work ethic, sense of responsibility, and interpersonal and communicative skills. You should go to every class on time (for both observation and teaching), properly dressed, and well prepared for your teaching. Please note that three absences will result in a failing grade of the course. 1. The contents of this syllabus are subject to change.

2. Grading Scale: A+=91 and above; A= 87-90; A-=83-86; B+=79-82; B=75-78; B-=70-74; C+=67-69; C=64-66; C-=60-63; D and failing= 59 and below

3. There is no regular class meeting in which the teacher lectures. Instead, you are asked to go work with/observe the class at Guo Tai Elementary School and do practice teaching. You will work closely with your Fu Jen teacher and Guo Tai teacher (through the class observation, writing of lesson plans, and actual teaching), and learn from your teammates and classmates (through 備註 journal writing/reading and online discussion). To facilitate your observation and teaching, some invited speeches on picture books and phonics will be arranged at the beginning of the semester. You’re also asked to come to several whole class meetings and group meetings with your Fu-Jen teachers. In addition, you need to present in the final departmental presentation, reflecting on your learning in this course. Your performances will be evaluated jointly by both your Fu-Jen and Guo Tai teachers.

4. Guest speakers may be invited to give speeches related to teaching elementary school children. These guest speakers will come on Wednesdays during advisor’s time. We are not sure about the schedule for now. To be 57

announced later.

PT010. 2015 Internship [2015 實習] 2 credits Dr. Faith Yang For Seniors (AAOT project can be for Freshmen and above) Class size: 20

課程學習目標 業界實習 授課進度 Course Progress Outline 週次 日期 備註 主題 Topic 單元主題 Unit Week Date Remark 1 02/23 Course Orientation 2 03/02 Internship 3 03/09 Internship 4 03/16 Internship 5 03/23 Internship 6 03/30 Internship 7 04/06 Internship 8 04/13 Midterm Report 9 04/20 Internship 10 04/27 Internship 11 05/04 Internship 12 05/11 Internship 13 05/18 Internship 14 05/25 Internship 15 06/01 Internship 16 06/08 Internship 17 06/15 Internship 18 06/22 Joint Presentation 方法 Method % 方法 Method % 方法 Method % 學生表現側寫報 個案分析報告撰 課堂之前測 0 0 0 告 寫 專業團體之證照 專題發表 0 課堂上實作演練 0 0 學習評量 檢定 期中考 期末考 隨堂考(小考) Learning 0 0 0 書面報告(含小 Evaluation 30 課堂參與 0 心得或作業撰寫 0 組或個人) 口頭報告(含小 0 面試或口試 0 自評與小組互評 0 組或個人) 參加競賽 0 展演 30 筆記 0 其他 40 Weekly journal and group discussion @ Edmodo : 30%

學習規範 Mid-term written report and final oral presentation* : 30%


Evaluation from the company that offers internship : 40%

* mandatory attendance: semester-end presentation

 MA/BA Courses

MA001. Trauma and City in Literature and Film [文學與電影中的創傷與城市] 3 Credits Dr. Kate Liu For Juniors and above Class size: 5

Trauma and Postmodern City in North American Fiction and Film Objectives: To study the relations between postmodern cities and their traumas, which are either carried to the cities by immigrants, or caused by local disasters and political struggles. The questions to study are: 1)Can postmodern cities cause traumas and/or resolve them? And how? How do postmodern cities—with their features such as flows, hyper reality and mediated communication—impact on city dwellers’ remembering, presenting and working through traumas? 2)If postmodern cities as diasporic cities are also dialogic, can trauma fictions set in cities be dialogic, too? In other words, can they allow cross-talk as Diana Brydon puts it, or Stef Craps’s idea of cross-traumatic 課程學習目標 affiliation? 3)If postmodern diasporic cities are also Exopolis as Edward Soja defines it, do immigrants in a city help produce a larger urban network through digging up city’s past and extending its histories to those of their ‘elsewhere trauma’? 4)Future Tense Trauma: How does trauma define our history, and project our future? How is city presented in future tense traumas?

This course will mainly focus on the trauma texts set in Toronto, Montreal and the post-911 world of New York. Tentatively, the texts I choose are: 1)Mediated Communication: Incredibly Close and Extremely Loud (Jonathan Safran Foer 2005) and The Five Senses (Jeremy Podeswa 1999) and/or The Reluctant Fundamentalist (Mira Nair 2013) 59

2)Palimpsestic History: Fugitive Pieces (Ann Michaels 1996), Ararat (Atom Egoyan 2002) and/or Le confessionnal (Robert Lepage 1995) 3)Diasporic and Dialogic City in Trauma: What We All Long For (Dionne Brand) Incendies (Denis Villeneuve 2010) and/or Polytechnique (Denis Villeneuve 2009) 4)Future Tense Trauma: Salt Fish Girl and Lucy (Luc Besson 2014) 授課進度 Course Progress Outline 週次 日期 備註 主題 Topic 單元主題 Unit Week Date Remark 1 02/24 Trauma and City: The Five Senses 2 03/03 Incredibly Close and Extremely Loud 3 03/10 Incredibly Close and Extremely Loud 4 03/17 Incredibly Close and Extremely Loud The Reluctant Fundamentalist (Mira 5 03/24 Nair 2013) 6 03/31 Fugitive Pieces 7 04/07 Fugitive Pieces 8 04/14 Fugitive Pieces Ararat (Atom Egoyan 2002)and/or Le 9 04/21 confessionnal (Robert Lepage 1995) 10 04/28 What We All Long For 11 05/05 What We All Long For 12 05/12 What We All Long For Incendies (Denis Villeneuve 2010) 13 05/19 and/or Polytechnique (Denis Villeneuve 2009) 14 05/26 Salt Fish Girl 15 06/02 Salt Fish Girl 16 06/09 Salt Fish Girl 17 06/16 Her and Lucy (Luc Besson 2014) 18 06/23 Paper Presentation 方法 Method % 方法 Method % 方法 Method % 講 述 40 影 片欣賞 10 討 論 50 個 案 研 討 服 務 學 習 問 題 導 向 學 習 教學方法 0 0 0 競 賽 遊 戲 專 家 演 講 專題實作 Pedagogical 0 0 0 Methods 電 子 教 學 0 體 驗 教 學 0 角色扮演實境教學 0 競 賽 讀 書 會 0 產 業 實 習 0 自主學習 0 對 話 教 學 法 0 樣 本 觀 察 0 校外參訪 0 實 作 教 學 0 個 別 指 導 0 其 他 0 方法 Method % 方法 Method % 方法 Method % 學生表現側寫報 個案分析報告撰 課堂之前測 0 0 0 學習評量 告 寫 Learning 專業團體之證照 專題發表 0 課堂上實作演練 0 0 Evaluation 檢定 期中考 0 期末考 0 隨堂考(小考) 0 書面報告(含小 60 課堂參與 10 心得或作業撰寫 0 60

組或個人) 口頭報告(含小 30 面試或口試 0 自評與小組互評 0 組或個人) 參加競賽 0 展演 0 筆記 0 其他 0 A. Attendance and Participation: 1) No late or absences 2) Reading, active thinking and discussion. (If there is no lively discussion in class, we will require weekly short oral reports by every member in the class.)

B. Writing: 1. 1 one-hour formal Report --on a theoretical text we read. (Report outline should be typed and later publicized online on the course page.) 2. a. 1 short (20-min) text analysis --bring in quotes and your own analysis 學習規範 b. a (30-50 min) Discuss a theoretical text in relation to the literary texts we read. . 3. Final paper (15-20 pages) analyzing a text (postmodern or not) using some postmodern and postcolonial theories and/or in response to the issues discussed in class. Proposal due in the mid-term week.

Grading Policy (subject to change—BA students’ learning outcomes will be assessed differently) Participation -- 10%; Two Reports -- 30%; Term Paper -- 60% All in all, to discuss trauma and city in the texts selected above is to see how their urban settings play a role in causing and responding to the characters’ 備註 and the cities’ trauma, helping to work through their traumas and, possibly, causing more risks, traumas and their solutions in a small corner of the network of world’s trauma cities.

MA002. American Literature and Visual Art [美國文學與視覺藝術] 3 Credits Dr. Joseph Murphy For Juniors and above Class size: 5

What is the relationship between written words and images—between literature and the visual arts (painting, sculpture, photography. How do literary and visual forms influence each other, and how can one help us to 課程學習目標 understand or interpret the other? These are the fundamental questions addressed in this course, with a particular focus on American culture. To this end, the course will pursue three objectives:


1) To examine how writers have portrayed visual artists--their personalities, their motivations, and their relationship to society--and how artists have portrayed writers.

2) To study the developments of the following aesthetic movements in, respectively, literature and the visual arts: romanticism, realism, and impressionism.

3) To gain an understanding of ekphrasis, a device in which one aesthetic form explicitly responds to or represents another. How does a work of literature, especially a poem, go about representing a painting or sculpture? How does a painting represent a work of literature? 授課進度 Course Progress Outline 週次 日期 備註 主題 Topic 單元主題 Unit Week Date Remark Introduction Unit 1: The Artist 1 02/27 Nathaniel Hawthorne, “Drowne’s and the Writer Wooden Image,” 2 03/06 No class: Teacher’s Day Hawthorne, “The Artist of the Beautiful” 3 03/13

Painter: John Singleton Copley Henry James, “The Madonna of the 4 03/20 Future” Henry James, “The Madonna of the 5 03/27 Future” Willa Cather, “Coming, Aphrodite!”

6 04/03

Painter: Paul Cézanne Gertrude Stein, “Matisse,” “Picasso” John Updike, “Museums and Women,” “Still Life” 7 04/10

Painters: Henri Matisse, Pablo Picasso Thomas Cole, “Essay on American Scenery” William Cullen Bryant, “To Cole, the UNIT 2: Painter, Departing for Europe” AESTHETIC 8 04/17 Nathaniel Hawthorne, “My Visit to MOVEMENTS. Niagara” Romanticism Lydia Sigourney, “Niagara”

Painters: Thomas Cole, Asher B.


Durand, Jasper Cropsey, Frederic Edwin Church, George Inness Nathaniel Hawthorne, “The Ambitious Guest”

9 04/24 Painters: Thomas Cole, Asher B. Durand, Jasper Cropsey, Frederic Edwin Church, George Inness Representing the American Indian From Romanticism

10 05/01 to Realism Painter: George Catlin

Photographer: Edward S. Curtis Walt Whitman, selections

Painters: George Caleb Bingham, 11 05/08 Thomas Eakins, Winslow Homer, Ash Can School (e.g., John Sloan, Robert Henri) 12 05/15 Marianne Moore, poems Henry James, “A New England Winter,” “On Some Pictures Lately Exhibited” (excerpt on Winslow From Realism to Homer), “The Impressionists, 1876” 13 05/22 Impressionism

Painters: Urban Impressionists (e.g., William Merritt Chase, Childe Hassam) Henry James, “A New England Winter” 14 05/29 Painters: John Sargent, Mary Cassatt Washington Irving, “Rip Van Winkle” William Cullen Bryant, “Thanatopsis” William Carlos Williams, “The Great UNIT 3: 15 06/05 Figure” EKPHRASIS

Painters: John Quidor, Asher B. Durand, Charles Demuth, Cy Twombly William Carlos Williams, selected poems; Pictures from Brueghel

16 06/12 Painters: Pieter Brueghel, Charles Demuth, Charles Sheeler, Marsden Hartley Photographer: Alfred Stieglitz 63

Mina Loy, “Brancusi’s Golden Bird” Robert Lowell, “For the Union Dead” 17 06/19

Sculptors: Augustus Saint-Gaudens, Constantine Brancusi 18 06/26 Review 課程教材 Collection of course readings. Course Material 教科書 Collection of course readings. 參考書目 Websites to be announced, and bibliographies to be distributed. Reference 方法 Method % 方法 Method % 方法 Method % 學生表現側寫報 個案分析報告撰 課堂之前測 0 0 0 告 寫 專業團體之證照 專題發表 0 課堂上實作演練 0 0 學習評量 檢定 期中考 期末考 隨堂考(小考) Learning 0 0 0 書面報告(含小 Evaluation 35 課堂參與 25 心得或作業撰寫 15 組或個人) 口頭報告(含小 25 面試或口試 0 自評與小組互評 0 組或個人) 參加競賽 0 展演 0 筆記 0 其他 0 Class participation. Read and prepare the texts assigned for each class meeting before the beginning of class. Come to every class prepared to comment on the assigned readings and visual images. Students are responsible for coming to class regularly and on time, and to communicate with the teacher about any absences. Absences and lateness will negatively impact students’ participation grade, and more than 3 unexcused absences will be grounds for failing the course.

Presentation. 20 min. Give a presentation, using PowerPoint, on one of the assigned visual artists.

Writing assignments 學習規範 --Two short commentaries (about 500 words each, single spaced and formatted on one side of a page). Twice during the semester each student will write a short commentary: one should be on a passage from the assigned reading; the other should be on one of the assigned images.

--Essay (due at end of semester). MA students: 3000-3600 words; 10-12 pages. BA students: 2100-2700 words; 7-9 pages. Develop an original argument bringing together at least one literary text and one visual text. For MA students, the essay should refer to at least two secondary sources; for BA students, secondary sources are not required. Students may opt to write two papers, each one-half the length indicated above (one due at the midterm, the other at the end of the semester). A list of possible topics for


papers will be made available.

MA003. Sociolinguistics & Corpus Linguistics [社會語言學與語料庫語言學] 3 Credits Dr. Lydia Tseng <[email protected]> & Dr. Ken Lau, The University of Hong Kong For Juniors and above Class size: 5

Course Description This course has two major components: Sociolinguistics It aims to introduce several key concepts and methods used in sociolinguistics study. This course explores why people speak differently in different social contexts, and the ways it is used to convey social meaning, as well as the ways people signal their social identity through language. Different ways in which sociolinguists research language in use in social contexts will be discussed. Possible topics covered in this course are: bilingualism and language choice, code-switching and code-mixing, language maintenance and shift, linguistic varieties (including World Englishes, English as the lingua franca and linguistic imperialism), multilingualism, communities of practice, social networks (face to face and virtual types), language and gender, style, context, and register.

Corpus Linguistics It aims to provide a basic knowledge of corpus linguistics and to showcase its value in language studies and teaching. By the end of the course, students should be able to exploit online corpora for language studies and teaching, to create a simple corpus for language analysis and teaching, to know how to conduct corpus-based empirical language studies. **NOTE: This part of course will be conducted as the intensive course.

Schedule WK1~WK11 & WK13 (2 hours per week: Tue 13:40-15:30 X 12 weeks=24 hours) WK14~WK18 (3 hours per week: Tue 13:40-16:30 X 5 weeks=15 hours) WK12: Corpus Linguistics Workshops **WK12 2015/05/11~2015/05/15 (Mon~Fri) 15 hours 2015/05/11 (Mon) Introduction to the key concepts in Corpus Linguistics 18:00-21:00 (3 hours) Designing a small-scale Corpus Linguistics project


2015/05/12 (Tue) Exploring Lexis and Grammar with Corpora 13:40-16:30 (3 Student-led discussion of a research article (1) hours) Building your own corpus 2015/05/13 (Wed) Exploring Discourse with Corpora 18:00-21:00 Student-led discussion of a research article (2) Analyzing your own corpus 2015/05/14 (Thur) Using Corpora for Language Teaching and Learning 18:00-21:00 Student-led discussion of a research article (3) Preparing for project presentations 2014/05/15 (Fri) Students’ project presentations 18:00-21:00

References Sociolinguistics Holmes, J. (2008). An Introduction to Sociolinguistics. 3rd Edition. Pearson Education. Meyerhoff, M. (2006). Introducing Sociolinguistics. 2nd Edition. Routledge. Coupland, N. & Jaworski, A. (2009). The New Sociolinguistics Reader. Palgrave. Macmillan. Corpus Linguistics Baker, P. (2010). Sociolinguistics and Corpus Linguistics. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press McEnery, T. and Wilson, A. (2001). Corpus Linguistics (2nd ed.). Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. Meyer, C. (2002). English Corpus Linguistics: An Introduction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Pedagogical Methods lectures, discussions, oral presentations, hands-on workshops (Corpus Linguistics part), peer review, individual conferences.

Assessment class participation and discussions, oral presentations (group& individual scores), reflection journals, a term paper.

MA004. The Use of Literature in ELT [文學在英語教學之運用] 3 Credits Dr. Mary Lee <[email protected] >


For Juniors and above Class size: 5

Objectives: This course aims to familiarize students with the rationale for using literature in the language class, criteria for text selection, and ways in which a range of literary genres, including poetry, short stories, novels and plays, can be used in ELT. It also examines a variety of materials, techniques, tasks and activities that have been designed and developed to integrate literature and language in different teaching contexts. Students have the opportunity to evaluate and discuss published materials and research articles on literature in ELT before they produce and present their own materials that show the links between research and classroom practice.

Recommended Textbooks: Literature in the Language Classroom: A Resource Book of Ideas and Activities. By Joanne Collie & Stephen Slater. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1987. Literature and Language Teaching: A Guide for Teachers and Trainers. By Gillian Lazar. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1993. Teaching Literature in a Second Language. By Brian Parkinson & Helen Reid Thomas. Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP, 2000. Literature in Language Teaching and Learning. Edited by Amos Paran. Alexandria, Virginia: Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, Inc., 2006.

Evaluation: 20 % for class participation 20 % for teaching demonstration (pair work) 20 % for oral presentation 20 % for literature circles 20 % for materials design assignment

Weekly Schedule: Week 1: Reasons for using literature in the language classroom Week 2: Approaches to using literature with language learners Week 3: Introduction to literature circles Week 4: Criteria for text selection Week 5: Teaching poetry I Week 6: Teaching poetry II Week 7: DEMO (pair work) / Paper review


Week 8: Teaching short stories I Week 9: Teaching short stories II Week 10: DEMO (pair work) / Paper review Week 11: Teaching novels I Week 12: Teaching novels II Week 13: DEMO (pair work) / Paper review Week 14: Teaching plays I Week 15: Teaching plays II Week 16: DEMO (pair work) / Paper review Week 17: Materials design presentation and panel I Week 18: Materials design presentation and panel II

MA005. Computer-Assisted Language Learning [電腦輔助語言學習] 3 Credits Dr. Yu-Chih Doris Shih For Juniors and above Class size: 5

This course is designed for those interested in the computer-assisted language instruction and computer-aided research for applied linguistics. This course differs from the course Computer-Assisted Instruction in which it focuses on the areas of foreign language instruction, testing, and research. The content of the course will be presented through various ways: presentations given by the instructor, in-class and online discussions, student professional presentations, and multiple activities. Learners will also produce computerized language applications using software such as Inspiration ® and HyperStuio. The instructor is also in the process of inviting speakers to talk about computer-assisted learning and cognitive load. We will also visit the foreign language resource center and labs on campus. Grading: 1. Participation…………………………………………………………… 10% 2. Attendance (please see below) 3. Inspiration application & demo.…………………………………… 15% 4. Lab design demo & 自學室 evaluation…..………………………… 15% 5. A CALL paper (explain research study/studies)…..……………… 10% 6. Final Project application & demo…………………………………… 20% 7. Online Discussions & learning portfolio…………………………… 30%


Tentative Topics: Historical foundations of Computer-assisted SLA; Teachers tackle thinking”; EFL labs; Computer-assisted language testing; Inspiration; “Element of Design”; Computer-assisted SLA research; Learning Styles & technology HyperStudio


輔 仁 大 學 外 國 語 文 學 院 英 國 語 文 學 系 授 課 時 間 表 103 學年度第二學期 December 12, 2014 一年級 星期一 Monday 星期二 Tuesday 星期三 Wednesday 星期四 Thursday 星期五 Friday 1 8:10 跨文化溝通:跨國連線 9:00 2 選

A 2 9:10 施佑芝 英文作文(一)2 必 SF901 英語會話(一)1 必 10:00 文學概論 2015 年度大戲 3 必 3 10:10 3 選 A 組 B 組 C 組 D 組 E 組 劉紀雯 包磊思 11:00 易 徐 郭 蔡 徐 外國語文-高級英文 SF204 M 理圖劇場 青 惠 瑩 中 慧 2 必 (SF205 討論室) 11:10 4 青 卿 萍 蓓 蓮 LA306 LA306 LA308 LB306 LB301 LA404 12:00

5 1:40 導師時間 全民國防教育軍事訓練 希臘羅馬神話典故 0必 希臘羅馬神話典故 2:30 0 必 3 必 易青青/徐惠卿/郭 3 必

P 6 2:40 (單週) 劉淑真 瑩萍/魏亦淳/徐慧 劉淑真 LM505 LB301 蓮 LB301 3:30 LA306 7 3:40 中華文化多語談:英語 國文 M 4:30 2 選 2 必 李桂芬 8 4:40 LB306 LB301 5:30 輔 仁 大 學 外 國 語 文 學 院 英 國 語 文 學 系 授 課 時 間 表 103 學年度第二學期 December 12, 2014 二年級 星期一 Monday 星期二 Tuesday 星期三 Wednesday 星期四 Thursday 星期五 Friday 8:10 1


A 2 9:10

10:00 2015 年 英國文學 西方文明 莎士比 語言學概論 度大戲 10:10 (四) 史(二) 亞 3 3 必 3 選 英中翻譯 3 選 3 必 3 選 全球化 袁韻璧 寫作教學 包磊思 行銷英 人生哲學 11:00 (二) 劉雪珍 墨樵 邱文媛 M SF131 2 選 理圖劇 文(A) 2 必 2選 SF131 SF131 LA306 徐惠卿 場 2 選 司馬忠 11:10 李桂芬 4 LB301 楊馥如 SF131 SF130 LA308 12:00 英文作文(二)2 必 1:40 演說與辯論 2 必 古典敘 5 英語會話(二)1 必 全球化 導師時間 事詩的 A 組 B 組 C 組 D 組 E 組 行銷英 2:30 0必 現代詮 B 組 C 組 張 墨 董 邱 陳 美國文 文(B) 外國語文(進階英文) A 組 張瓈文/墨樵/董多 釋 郭瑩 李桂 瓈 樵 多 文 碧 學史 2 選 2 必 2:40 2 選 P 6 董多芳 文 LA308 芳 媛 珠 芳/李桂芬/陳碧珠 (二) 楊馥如 萍 香 吳燕真 LA306 LA306 LB509 SF512 ES302 LA308 LF106 3:30 LA308 LB509 3 選 LA308 董多芳 LA306 7 3:40 中華文化多語談:英

M 4:30 語 2 選 8 4:40 李桂芬 LB301 5:30 輔 仁 大 學 外 國 語 文 學 院 英 國 語 文 學 系 授 課 時 間 表 103 學年度第二學期 December 12, 2014 三年級 星期一 Monday 星期二 Tuesday 星期三 Wednesday 星期四 Thursday 星期五 Friday 1 8:10 跨文化溝通:跨國連線 9:00 2 選

A 2 9:10 施佑芝 SF901 10:00 英國文學 語言教室中 2015 年度 莎士比亞 二十世紀美詩研究 (四) 的心理學 大戲 3 10:10 英中翻譯 學術英文: 3 選 3 選 3選 3 選 寫作教學 3 選 (二) 托福與雅思 邱文媛 蕭笛雷 M 11:00 劉雪珍 魏亦淳 2 選 包磊思 2選 2 選 LA306 LA102 SF131 LB301 徐惠卿 理圖劇場 4 11:10 李桂芬 齊國斌 LB301 12:00 SF130 LA308 服務學習/2 選/ 服務學習/2 選/ 12:40 施佑芝、董多芳 施佑芝、董多芳 英文作文(三)2 必 導師時間 英文作文(三)2 必 1:40 古典敘事 5 英語會話(三)1 必 英語會話(三)1 必 行銷溝通 學術英文 0必 美國 英語 詩的現代 A 組 B 組 C 組 D 組 E 組 A 組 B 組 C 組 D 組 E 組 2:30 2選 2選 楊蕙君/施佑芝/劉 文學 教材 詮釋 楊 施 劉 張 包 楊 施 劉 張 包 史(二) 教法 2 選 2:40 李欣欣 楊馥如 蕙君 佑芝 紀雯 麗群 磊思 紀雯/張麗群/包磊 蕙君 佑芝 紀雯 麗群 磊思 P 6 吳燕真 LB301 LB306 LB30 SF30 SF31 SF20 LA40 思 3 選 3 選 LB3 ES30 LA2 LA3 LA3 LA308 3:30 6 9 0 8 4 LB306 董多 陳碧 06 2 04 06 08 7 3:40 芳 珠 中華文化多語談:英語 LA306 ES301 逐步口譯入門:中譯英 4:30 M 2 選 2 選

8 4:40 李桂芬 林虹秀 LB301 JSB18 5:30

輔 仁 大 學 外 國 語 文 學 院 英 國 語 文 學 系 授 課 時 間 表 103 學年度第二學期 December 12, 2014 四年級 星期一 Monday 星期二 Tuesday 星期三 Wednesday 星期四 Thursday 星期五 Friday 1 8:10 商務英文 跨文化溝通:跨國連線 (一) 9:00 2 選 2 選 施佑芝 A 2 9:10 向慧芳 SF901 10:00 LA204 英國文學 語言教室中 2015 年度 二十世紀 莎士比亞 (四) 的心理學 大戲 美詩研究 3 10:10 英中翻譯 學術英文: 3 選 專業寫作: 3選 3 選 寫作教學 3 選 3 選 (二) 托福與雅思 邱文媛 中英翻譯 M 11:00 劉雪珍 魏亦淳 2 選 包磊思 蕭笛雷 2選 2 選 LA306 2 選 SF131 LB301 徐惠卿 理圖劇場 LA102 4 11:10 李桂芬 齊國斌 鮑端磊 LB301 12:00 SF130 LA308 LB306 服務學習/2 選/ 服務學習/2 選/ 12:40 施佑芝、董多芳 施佑芝、董多芳 5 1:40 古典敘 行銷溝通 學術英文 新聞英文寫作(二) 美國 事詩的 2:30 導師時間 現代詮 2選 2選 2 選 文學 英語教 0必 釋 2:40 李欣欣 楊馥如 李桂香 史(二) 材教法 P 6 LB301 2 選 LB301 LB306 LB406 3 選 3 選 3:30 吳燕真 董多 陳碧珠 LA308 7 3:40 芳 ES301 中華文化多語談:英語 LA306 逐步口譯入門:中譯英 M 4:30 2 選 2 選

8 4:40 李桂芬 林虹秀 LB301 JSB18 5:30

輔 仁 大 學 外 國 語 文 學 院 英 國 語 文 學 系 授 課 時 間 表 103 學年度第二學期 December 12, 2014 BA/MA 星期一 Monday 星期二 Tuesday 星期三 Wednesday 星期四 Thursday 星期五 Friday 1 8:10

9:00 A 2 9:10 電腦輔助語言 10:00 文學與電影中 學習 的創傷與城市 3E 3 10:10 3E 施佑芝 劉紀雯 11:00 Dr. Doris M Dr. Kate Liu Shih 4 11:10 SF901 LE404B 12:00 5 1:40

2:30 社會語言學與語料庫語 美國文學與視覺藝術 言學 P 6 2:40 3E 3E 3:30 墨樵 曾明怡 7 3:40 LC302 JSB21 M 4:30 文學在英語教學 之運用 8 4:40 3E 5:30 李宛倫 9 5:40 LB306 6:30

Class Schedule, Dept. of English, Fu Jen Catholic University Spring 2015 December 12, 2014 Freshman Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1 8:10 Cross-Cultural 9:00 Communication 2E 9:10 D. Shih A 2 CCI SF901 3R 10:00 Introduction to 2015 Annual Play 10:10 Literature 3 3E 3R (B) (D) J. Basourakos K. Liu 11:00 (A) (C) (E) Foreign Languages M B. C. SVD Theater SF204 C. Yi T. Kuo T. Hsu Hsu Tsai 2R LA306 LB306 LA404 (SF205 for discussion) 4 11:10 LA308 LB301 LA306 (English) 12:00

1:40 5 Greek and Roman Greek and Roman Time for Advisor Mythology Mythology 2:30 Military Training 0R 3R 3R 0R C. Yi/ B. Hsu/ T. B. Sy B. Sy 2:40 LM505 Kuo/ C. Tsai/ T. Hsu P 6 (1:40~3:00) (1:40~3:00) LA306 LB301 LB301 3:30 3:40 7 Chinese Culture

through Foreign 4:30 Chinese M Languages: English 2R 2E 4:40 LB306 8 G. Lee

LB301 5:30 Class Schedule, Dept. of English, Fu Jen Catholic University Spring 2015 December 12, 2014 Sophomore Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1 8:10


A 2 9:10

10:00 History of English 2015 Annual Western Literature Introduction to Linguistics Shakespeare Play 10:10 Civilization 3 IV 3R 3E 3E English-Chinese II Teaching 3E Y. Yuan J. Chiu J. Philosophy of Life 11:00 Translation II 3R of Writing M C. Liu SF131 LA306 Basourakos 2R 2E J. Murphy 2E SF131 SVD Theater M. Selvamani 11:10 G. Lee SF131 B. Hsu 4 SF131 SF130 LB301 12:00 Public Speaking CCII Modern 1:40 5 2R 3R Interpretation Time for Advisor (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) of Chinese 2:30 0R Advanced Foreign D. J. D. J. B. Narrative (B) (C) D. Chang/ J. American Languages (A) Chang Murphy Tong Chiu Chu Poetry 2:40 T. Kuo K. Lee LA306 LA308 SF512 LB509 ES302 Murphy/D. Tong/ G. Literature II 2R P 6 D. Tong 2E LA306 LA308 LB509 Lee/ B. Chu 3E Y. Wu 3:30 D. Tong LA308 LA306 7 3:40 Chinese Culture through Foreign M 4:30 Languages: English

2E 8 4:40 G. Lee

LB301 5:30 Class Schedule, Dept. of English, Fu Jen Catholic University Spring 2015 December 12, 2014 Junior Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1 8:10 Cross-Cultural

9:00 Communication 2E A 2 9:10 D. Shih

SF901 2015 10:00 English Psychology in Annual th 20 Century American English-Ch Literature Language Shakespear Play 3 10:10 EAP: Poetry inese IV Classrooms e 3E 3E TOEFL & Teaching of Writing 3E 11:00 Translation 3E 3E J. Chiu J. M IELTS 2E R. Schulte II C. Liu S. Wei LA306 Basourakos 11:10 2E B. Hsu LA102 4 2E SF131 LB301 SVD K. Chi LB301 G. Lee Theater 12:00 LA308 SF130 Service learning/2E Service learning/2E

12:40 D. Shih/D. Tong D. Shih/D. Tong English CCIII Modern CCIII 5 1:40 Marketing Interpret for 3R Time for Advisor 3R Communic (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) ation of (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) 2:30 Academic 0R TESO Chinese ation P. D. K. A. J. American P. D. K. A. J. Purpose P. Yang/ D. Shih/ K. Narrativ 2:40 2E Yang Shih Liu Teo Baso Literature L Yang Shih Liu Teo Baso P 6 2E LB30 SF30 SF31 SF20 urako Liu/ A. Teo/ J. e Poetry LB3 ES30 LA2 LA3 urak C. Lee II 3E F. Yang 6 9 0 8 s Basourakos 3E B. 2E 06 2 04 06 os 3:30 LB301 Y. Wu LB306 LA40 D. Tong Chen LA3 4 LA306 LA308 08 ES301 7 3:40 Chinese Culture Introduction to through Foreign Consecutive 4:30 M Languages: English Interpretation: C to E

8 4:40 2E 2E G. Lee E. Lin 5:30 LB301 JSB18

Class Schedule, Dept. of English, Fu Jen Catholic University Spring 2015 December 12, 2014 Senior Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1 8:10 Business Cross-Cultural

9:00 English II Communication 2E 2E A 2 9:10 J. Hsiang D. Shih 2015 LA204 SF901 Poetry in 10:00 English Psychology Annual Shakespear the Works English-Chi Literature in Language Play 3 10:10 EAP: e Translation: of Bob nese IV Classrooms 3E TOEFL & Teaching of Writing 3E Chinese-En Dylan 11:00 Translation 3E 3E J. M IELTS 2E J. Chiu glish 3E II C. Liu S. Wei Basourakos 11:10 2E B. Hsu LA306 2E R. Schulte 4 2E SF131 LB301 SVD K. Chi LB301 D. Bauer LA102 G. Lee Theater 12:00 LA308 LB306 SF130 Service learning/2E Service learning/2E

12:40 D. Shih/D. Tong D. Shih/D. Tong 1:40 Modern 5 Marketing English for Interpretat 2:30 Communic Academic Journalistic Writing II Americ ion of Time for Advisor TESO Chinese ation Purpose 2E an 0R L Narrative P 6 2:40 2E 2E K. Lee Literatu LB301 3E Poetry C. Lee F. Yang LB406 re II 3E B. 2E 3:30 LB301 LB306 Y. Wu D. Chen Tong LA308 ES301 7 3:40 Chinese Culture LA306 Introduction to through Foreign Consecutive M 4:30 Languages: English Interpretation: C to E

8 4:40 2E 2E G. Lee E. Lin 5:30 LB301 JSB18

Class Schedule, Dept. of English, Fu Jen Catholic University Spring 2015 December 12, 2014 BA/MA 星期一 Monday 星期二 Tuesday 星期三 Wednesday 星期四 Thursday 星期五 Friday 1 8:10

9:00 A 2 9:10 Computer-As Trauma and 10:00 sisted City in Language Literature 3 10:10 Learning and Film 3E 11:00 3E M Dr. Doris Dr. Kate Liu Shih 4 11:10 SF901 LE404B 12:00 5 1:40 Sociolinguistics &

2:30 Corpus Linguistics American Literature P 6 2:40 3E and Visual Art Dr. Lydia Tseng 3:30 3E JSB21 Dr. Joseph Murphy 7 3:40 LC302 M 4:30 The Use of Literature 8 4:40 in ELT

5:30 3E Dr. Mary Lee 5:40 LB306 9 6:30

LC=Literature & Culture LS=Language Studies PT=Professional Training AW=Advanced Writing 進階文學與文化學分 進階語言研究學分 專業訓練學分 高級寫作學分

103 學 年 度 第 2 學期課表 本課表與課程說明可至本系網站下載: You may download our class schedule and course descriptions from our website as follows: http://english.fju.edu.tw/Curriculum/StudiesStipul ate.asp