

MISSION STATEMENT: To provide accurate and time sensitive information to the traveling public and assist them in their personal response to States of Emergency incidents.

ORGANIZATION: The Department of Transportation has organized a group of Central Office employees in Montgomery to serve in the Emergency Call Center (ECC). This organization is comprised of Administrators, Supervisors and Operators from the various Department Bureaus who volunteer to serve.

INTRODUCTION: The ECC is set up and organized by the Transportation Director’s office.

HISTORY: The ECC system was adopted during the 2005 Atlantic Hurricane Season. An information telephone line was established to respond to the public request for information and assistance before, during, and after hurricanes. Initially, the phone system was implemented with five lines, but increased call volume created the need for additional lines. During Hurricane Dennis in July 2005, the ECC was activated and phone lines were staffed beginning on a Saturday, continuing through a Tuesday. Over 1,200 calls were taken during this event. The phones were manned from 6 a.m. until 8 p.m., daily. Contraflow on I-65 was also activated during this event.

The next major event and ECC activation was Hurricane Katrina in August 2005. The phone lines, increased to seven, were staffed from a pool of 45 volunteers. Approximately 5,000 calls were answered during the five-day event, from 6 a.m. until 10 p.m., daily. The public’s response was overwhelmingly favorable and most appreciative.

The ECC was next activated in August 31, 2008 during the Labor Day weekend for Gustav. Phone lines increase to 10 and were staffed by more than 50 volunteers who took more than 3,800 calls.

In January of 2010 the ECC activated once again, but for a very different situation – a winter ice storm that shut down half of the state. ALDOT volunteer operators and supervisors again rose to the occasion, staffing the ECC over a period of four days. Over 4,300 calls were received during that activation.

Another winter storm of major proportions hit Alabama from Birmingham to Mobile. The ECC mobilized at 6 a.m. Tuesday, Jan. 28, 2014 as the storm left roadways slick with ice and piled with accidents. State Troopers worked over 730 crashes between Tuesday and Friday when the southern portion of the state began thawing out. Thousands of motorists were stranded with some spending the night in their vehicles while others abandoned theirs. When the ECC de-activated on Thursday, Jan. 30 at 6 p.m. operators had taken almost 6,000 calls during the three-day period.

TODAY: Since 2005, the mission of the ECC expanded to include any State of Emergency, not just hurricanes. An annual training exercise is held to update/train new and existing operators and supervisors. Operators are equipped with Internet access and emergency information resources to effectively respond to callers concerns. Supervisors work as a liaison to Administrators and oversee ECC operations.

ACTIVATION: The ECC is prepared to activate within a 24-hour notice in direct response to incidents that could create hazardous road conditions and/or I-65 Reverse Laning and coastal evacuations. Now operating with 10 phone lines with an additional five if needed, the ECC can remain activated 24-hours a day if warranted.

Serving in the ECC provides a great opportunity to make a difference during potentially catastrophic events. Working as a team, to help someone reach their destination safely is a truly rewarding experience.

“The habit of giving only enhances the desire to give.” ~ WALT WHITMAN


Active on Page TABLE OF CONTENTS Flip Chart Intranet 1 Cover N Y-in Notebook 2 Mission Statement/Overview Y Y-in Notebook 3 Table of Contents N N 4 Activation Levels N Y-in Notebook 5 Call Center Evacuation Instructions N Y-in Notebook 6 Whiteboard N N 7 Phone/Computer Log-in Instructions Y Y-in Notebook 8-9 Operators Job Description N Y-in Notebook 10 Operator Procedures N Y-in Notebook 11 ALL EVENTS 12-13 Important Contacts Y Y 14-15 State Information and Links Y Y 16 911 Procedure N Y-in Notebook 17 FAQ’s Y Y-in Notebook 18-19 Alabama Sheriffs N Y 20-21 County Engineers N Y 22 2-1-1 Y Y 23 DOT Frequently Used Terms Y Y-in Notebook 24 Spanish Translations Y Y-in Notebook 25-26 Welcome Centers/Rest Areas Y Y-in Notebook 27-29 Hospitals Y Y-in Notebook Highway Map 101 Y N 30 I-10 GAS STATIONS Y-Notebook 31-3 I-65 GAS STATIONS Y-Notebook 34 HURRICANE EVAUCATIONS 35 Hurricane-Related Info Y Y-in Notebook 36 FAQ’s – Hurricane Evacuation Y Y-in Notebook 37 Evacuation Routes Y Y 38 Evacuation Map Y Y 39 Activation Levels-Reverse Laning Overview Y Y-in Notebook 40 Reverse Laning Info Y Y 41-42 NEWIS Alabama N Y 43-44 NW FL Evacuation Routes N Y 45 Hurricane I-65 Evacuation Route-Hospitals N Y 46-49 County EMAs N Y-in Notebook


TO: Emergency Call Center Administrators, Supervisors, Operators

The Emergency Call Center remains at ALERT LEVEL 1, yearound until the possibility of activation arises.

The ECC can be activated for all types of emergencies affecting roadway/traveling conditions season so it is very important to remain ready to serve.

Additionally, the 2013 Hurricane Season officially is, June 1 through Nov. 30, and the National Weather Service has predicted an active 2013 Atlantic Hurricane Season .

Volunteer responsibilities at ALERT LEVEL 1 include reviewing the Emergency Call Center Online Manual, the Training Video and other Emergency Call Center information on the ALDOT Intranet at http://csnts006/Hurricane%20Call%20Center/ALDOT%20Hurricane%20Call%20Center.htm.


TO: Call Center Administrators, Supervisors, Operators

The Emergency Call Center is at ALERT LEVEL 2. Your volunteer responsibilities at ALERT LEVEL 2 include being prepared to serve in the Call Center if activated.

Please review the Call Center Online Manual, Training Video and other Emergency Call Center information on the ALDOT Intranet at http://csnts006/Hurricane%20Call%20Center/ALDOT%20Hurricane%20Call%20Center.htm.


TO: Call Center Administrators, Supervisors, Operators

The Emergency Call Center is at ALERT LEVEL 3. Your volunteer responsibilities at ALERT LEVEL 3 include checking the attached schedule and confirming your availability to serve when called by a Supervisor and then reporting for duty during your assigned shift if/when the Call Center is activated.

Please be prepared to receive the Emergency Call Center Activation Notice.


TO: Call Center Administrators, Supervisors, Operators

The Emergency Call Center is at ALERT LEVEL 4 and has been ACTIVATED!

First Shift Operators should report for service as quickly and safely as possible.

Operators assigned to other shifts will be contact by a Supervisor.


In the Event of an Emergency:

 Remain Calm!  Follow the Supervisor’s Instructions.  Exit the ECC through the rear door into the hall.  DO NOT Exit the building.  Sit in the SAFE hallway until safe to leave.  Return to your post for instructions. Exit

NON SAFE AREA Conference Offices Room Mail Room




Exit Courtyard Women’s

Conference Rooms



DATE: 211 ADMINISTRATOR ON-DUTY: 1-866-869-4921 WWW.211connectsalabama.org SUPERVISOR ON-DUTY:




2 TO LOG IN – Press LOG IN button. Verify LOG IN on phone screen.

(Screen should display a √ mark.)

3 TO TAKE CALL – Press Headset button.

4 TO PLACE CALL ON HOLD – Press the HOLD button on phone keypad.

5 TO END CALL – Press Headset button.

6 TO LOG OUT – Press LOG OUT button. Verify LOG OUT on phone screen.

(Screen should display an X mark.)


STEP INSTRUCTIONS 1 TO LOG ON – Enter NAME and PASSWORD located below the keyboard.

2 TO OPEN INFO TABS –Open the 5 tabbed pages used for operation. 1) ALDOT Road Conditions, 2) Intranet-ECC Page, 3) Interactive Map, 4) FAQ’s, and 5) Traffic Information Map.

7 ALDOT Emergency Information: Call Center Operators

Call Center Operators Requirements Nature of the Work Working Conditions Compensation


™ A helpful and calming voice. ™ Strong verbal communication and listening skills. ™ Ability to understand how to read Emergency Road Closure Information, Information Manual and communicate this to callers in an understandable and useful manner.


You serve as a direct point of contact for callers. You are responsible for ensuring that the callers receive an adequate level of service or help with their questions and concerns. These callers may be individuals, or the media. All media calls will be handled by forwarding the call to the Media Relations Officer on duty. The nature of their calls can vary considerably.

All Call Center Operators interact with callers to provide information in response to inquiries about the current emergency. Some operators handle general questions and complaints. When asked a difficult question please ask the caller to hold and ask a more experienced operator or the supervisor by holding up the Red Hand card.

™ Many caller inquiries involve routine questions and requests.

For example, operators may be asked to provide information about the following:

™ Road closures. ™ Reverse laning schedule and limits of operation. ™ Evacuation routes. ™ Curfews in towns and cities. ™ Availability of gas or diesel fuel. ™ Current weather conditions.

Obtaining the answers to such questions usually require simply looking up information on the White Board, computer, Information Notebook or Info Cards. Other questions are more involved, and may call for additional research or further explanation on the part of the operator. In handling callers’ complaints, please forward these calls to the supervisors by holding up the Red Hand card.

Most operators will use computers and telephones extensively in their work. Operators frequently enter search information into a computer as they are speaking to callers. Often, callers may ask a question that the answer may be found on the computer, White Board, in the Information Notebook or Info Cards while the caller remains on the line. However, at times, the operator must place the caller on hold and ask someone who may be better able to respond to the callers needs.

If a caller is reporting a road concern, please refer them to the Supervisor by holding up the Red Hand card. You will then transfer the call to the Supervisor’s phone extension.

DATE REVISED: 06/17/2010 8 ALDOT Emergency Information: Call Center Operators

In the call center, operators will spend their entire shift on the telephone. Operators need to remain aware of the amount of time spent with each caller so that they can fairly distribute their time among the people who require their assistance. This is particularly important for operators whose primary duties are answering telephone calls and whose conversations often are required to be kept within reasonable limits. For operators working in call centers, there usually is very little time between telephone calls; as soon as operators have finished with one call, they must move on to another.


The Call Center will be located in the ALDOT Conference Room. In this type of environment, workers generally have their own workstation equipped with a telephone, Information Manual, Info Cards, headset, and computer. The call center may be open extended hours, beyond the traditional workday, and may be staffed around the clock, if necessary. These positions may require workers to take on early morning, evening, or late night shifts. Weekend or holiday work may also be necessary. This work is driven by the type of emergency and conditions.

The call center may be crowded and noisy, and work may be repetitious and stressful, with little time between calls. Workers usually must attempt to minimize the length of each call, while still providing excellent service. Long periods spent sitting or looking at a computer screen may cause eye and muscle strain, backaches and headaches. You will need to gauge your breaks with other operators to minimize the stress.

For virtually all types of operators, dealing with difficult or irate callers can be a trying task; however, the ability to resolve callers’ problems has the potential to be very rewarding.

Operators play a critical role in providing an interface between callers and ALDOT. For this reason, we have sought out people who come across in a friendly and professional manner. The ability to deal patiently with problems and complaints and to remain courteous when faced with difficult or angry people is very important. In addition, an operator needs to be able to work independently within specified time constraints. Operators should have a clear and pleasant speaking voice and be fluent in English. However, the ability to speak a foreign language is becoming increasingly necessary, and bilingual skills are considered a plus. If you speak Spanish, please let the shift supervisor know. You may be called upon to assist a caller.

COMPENSATION You may be performing your operator responsibilities during your regular working hours. Their will be no additional compensation for working during this time other than a great sense of purpose for aiding people in need. If you should work outside of your regular working hours, you will be compensated by standard ALDOT accounting procedures.


Operators-Start of Shift > Sign in on the Log in-out Sheet as you come through the door. Check the posted Operators Schedule. > The work station consists of a telephone with headset, laptop, Information Notebook, Flip Chart, NOAA State Weather sheets and office supplies. > The phone and laptop should already be logged in. (If not, follow log-in procedures found in the flip chart.) > The laptop should already have Page Tabs opened for the following: 1) Emergency Road Closures, 2) ALDOT Hurricane Page, 3) Interactive Evacuation Map, 4) FAQ’s, and 5) Traffic Information Map. > Prior to taking calls, familiarize yourself with the latest information on the White Board & Emergency Road Closures Page on the laptop and the Emergency Status on the TV. > Put on headset and press the LOG IN button once to begin answering calls.

Begin Taking Calls > “Thank you for calling the ALDOT Emergency Call Center. This is your name. How can I help you?” > If a caller reports a road concern/closure, first check the White Board and/or Emergency Road Closures page to see if the concern/closure is listed. IF NOT, place the caller on hold, raise the Red NEED HELP Flip Chart card a Supervisor/Administrator will assist you. Transfer the caller to the Supervisor. > If a caller is experiencing an emergency, remain calm. Raise the Red Hand card and Supervisor/Administrator will assist you. Tell the caller you will transfer them to the Manager on Duty (MOD) for assistance. Transfer the caller to the Supervisor. > Be courteous to callers and co-workers. If you become frustrated, notify the Supervisor you need a break. > Try to coordinate breaks with other operators if possible so that the phones stay manned. > Be prepared to answer callers’ questions, but don’t attempt to answer a question you are unsure about. Simply raise the Red NEED HELP Flip Chart and a Supervisor/Administrator will assist you.

Helpful Hints  Speak clearly.  Be courteous & friendly.  Answer the phone with a smile.  Answer questions to the best of your knowledge  Answer professionally and as quickly as possible.  Don’t eat, drink or chew while talking on the phone.

Don’t Say: I don’t know… Do Say: That’s a good question… You’ll have to… Let me check and find out… Yeah, OK and sure… Yes, that’s fine and of course… Uh-huh… Thank you and You’re Welcome…

Operators-End of Shift > Remove headset and press the LOG OUT button to log out of phone. > Minimize the opened Window Tabs on laptop. Close out any other pages opened. > Wipe down the headset, laptop keyboard and mouse with sanitary wipes and clean up your work station. > Check the posted Operators Schedule at the Entry Table to check next assigned shift. > Sign out on the Log in-out Sheet as you leave through the door. > Thank you for your SERVICE!

Operators-Final Shift (Call Center Closes) > Close out all windows on laptop and Log off. > Wipe down the headset, laptop keyboard and mouse with sanitary wipes and clean up your work station. > Sign out on the Log in-out Sheet as you leave through the door. > Thank you for your SERVICE!




Organization Phone Website STATE AL Department of Transportation 334-353-6650 www.dot.state.al.us ALDOT Oversize/Overweight Permits 800-499-2782 www.dot.state.al.us Alabama Road Closures http://alitsweb.dot.state.al.us/roadconditions Alabama 2-1-1 800-869-4921 www.211connectsalabama.org AL Bureau of Tourism & Travel 800-252-2262 www.800alabama.com AL Dept. of Conservation (ADCNR) 334-242-3151 www.outdooralabama.com ADCNR-Marine Resources-Mobile Co. 251-476-7256 ADCNR-Marine Resources-Baldwin Co. 251-968-7576 AL Dept. of Conservation-Marine www.outdooralabama.com/boating/enforceme Police 334-242-3673 nt.cfm 334-242-4128 AL Dept. of Public Safety *HP (47) www.dps.alabama.gov AL Dept. of Education 334-242-9700 www.alsde.edu AL Dept. of Environmental Mgmt. 334-271-7700 www.adem.alabama.gov AL Emergency Management Agency 205-280-2200 www.ema.alabama.gov AL 334-353-3050 http://le.alabama.gov AL Dept. of Human Resources 334-242-1160 www.dhr.alabama.gov AL Dept. of Insurance 800-259-5300 www.insurance.alabama.gov AL Dept. of Public Health 866-264-4073 www.adph.org AL Governor’s Office 334-242-7100 www.governor.alabama.gov Gov. Faith Based-Community Initiatives 877-273-5018 www.servealabama.gov AL Office of Attorney General 334-242-7300 www.ago.alabama.gov Alabama News & Media www.abyznewslinks.com/uniteal.htm Alabama Power (Power Outages) 800-888-2726 www.alabamapower.com Alabama Rural Electric Association of Cooperatives 800-410-2732 www.areapower.com Alabama Sheriff's Association 800-622-7827 www.alabamasheriffs.com Baldwin County EMA 251-972-6807 http://www.co.baldwin.al.us/pageview.asp?edit_id=50 Dothan Electric 334-615-3360 Mobile County EMA 251-460-8000 www.mcema.net Montgomery County EMA 334-241-2634 www.montgomeryal.gov/index.aspx?page=46 Montgomery Humane Society 334-409-0622 www.montgomeryhumane.com NATIONAL American Red Cross-Montgomery 334-260-3980 www.redcross.org American Red Cross-Mobile 251-662-2600- FEMA (Disaster Assistance) www.fema.gov U.S. Coast Guard (8th District) 251-441-6218 Nat’l Weather Service Mobile-Pensacola www.srh.noaa.gov/mob

12 Weather Channel www.weather.com

NEIGHBORING STATES Arkansas DOT (Road/Traffic Info) 800-245-1672 www.arkansashighways.com Florida DOT 850-414-4100 www.dot.state.fl.us Florida EMA 800-226-4329 www.floridadisaster.org Florida 800-459-6861 www.flhsmv.gov/fhp/traffic Florida Emergency Information Line 800-342-3557 Georgia DOT 511(Road/Traffic Info) 888-635-8287 http://www.511ga.org 404-624-7000 *GSP (477) http://dps.georgia.gov Louisiana DOT (Road/Traffic Info) 866-452-3683 www.dotd.state.la.us LA Emergency Preparedness 225-925-7500 www.gohsep.la.gov Mississippi DOT 601-359-7017 www.GoMDOT.com Mississippi DOT (Road/Traffic Info) 866-521-6368 www.MSTraffic.com Mississippi EMA 866-519-6362 www.msema.org Mississippi Highway Patrol 601-987-1212 www.dps.state.ms.us Tennessee DOT 511 (Road/Traffic Info) 877-244-0065 www.tn511.com 615-251-5175 *THP (847) www.tn.gov/safety/thp.shtml MEDIA WKRG-Channel 5-Mobile 251-662-2900 www.wkrg.com WEAR-Channel 3-Mobile 850-455-4599 www.weartv.com WPMI-Channel 15-Mobile 251-602-1588 WAKA- Channel 8-Montgomery 334-270-9252 www.waka.com WSFA-Channel 12-Montgomery 334-284-5276 www.wsfa.com White Pages www.whitepages.com Yellow Pages www.yellow.com



Emergency Management Agency 205-280-2200

Alabama 2-1-1 1-800-869-4921

American Red Cross – Montgomery 334-260-3980

Alabama Road Closures

Transportation Information Call Center 1-888-588-2848 Local 334-353-6650

Department of Transportation 334-242-6356

Highway Advisory Radio System HARS Montgomery Area Frequency 1690 AM Mobile Area Frequency 1630 AM

ALDOT Oversize/Over Dimensional 1-800-499-2782

Alabama Hurricane Center

News & Media

WSFA Channel 12 Montgomery

WAKA Channel 8 Montgomery

WKRG Channel 5 Mobile

Bureau of Tourism and Travel 334-242-4169 1-800-ALABAMA Hotels 334-252-2262

Department of Public Safety 334-242-4371 Alabama Highway Patrol 334-242-4128 Cell Phones *HP (*47)

Department of Homeland Security 334-353-3050

Alabama Sheriff’s Association 1-800-622-7827 334-264-7827

Governor’s Office 334-242-7100

Office of Faith Based/Community Initiatives 877-273-5018

Attorney General 334-242-7300


Department Conservation/Natural Resources 251-476-7256 Marine Resources – Mobile Co. 251-968-7576 Marine Resources – Baldwin Co. 334-242-3673 Marine Police

Department of Education 334-242-9700

Department of Environmental Management 334-271-7700

Department of Insurance 1-800-259-5300 334-269-3550 Department of Public Health Emergency Preparedness Information 1-866-264-4073

Alabama Power Company 1-800-245-2244 Power Outages 1-800-888-2726 Alabama Rural Electric Cooperatives 1-800-410-2732 Dothan Electric 334-615-3360 334-615-3000

United States Coast Guard (8th District) 251-441-6218 National Weather Service Forecast Office (Mobile/Pensacola)



Let them know you are passing this information on to the local authorities.


Give this card to the Supervisor and he will contact the Authorities in that area and pass on the information NOTES:


Q Where is the closest shelter? Dial 2-1-1 Q Help, my vehicle is broken down at ……What can I do? Dial *HP or 2-1-1 (Then alert supervisor of break down location and description of vehicle) Q What route can I take from………….? Check White Board for road closures. Refer to Map. Q Are the rest areas open on Interstate.………..? Please let me check. Check White Board. Q Are there any hotels available? Refer them to 800-252-2262 or 2-1-1 Q What are the areas affected by this event? Please let me check. Check maps and updated White Board. Q Are they letting people back in _CITY__? Give them County Sheriff Office phone number located on the Intranet for that area. Also refer them to 2-1-1. Q Are there any gas stations open on Interstate……..? Check listings located on the Intranet and give them the most updated information you have. Q What route can I travel to get to my destination? Please let me check. Check Road Closures page, Travel Information Map and White Board. Q What are the conditions in the affected area at this time? Give them the most up to date information you have. Q How heavy is the traffic on ……. at this time? Check the Traffic Information Map on the Internet for an update. Q Do you have any information about the roads in __? Give the most up to date information you have, and a contact phone number or email address for that area. Q School closings? Refer them to the Alabama Department of Education’s Web site at www.alsde.edu or tell them to call their local school system. Also, the TV stations usually have the best information or they can call 2-1-1.

SPECIAL INFORMATION: Phone numbers and addresses for Gas Stations and Hospitals located on Interstates, and County Sheriff Offices, Media Outlets, and Neighboring States are on the Intranet page.


COUNTY SHERIFF PHONE # FAX # Autauga Sheriff 'Herbie' Johnson (334) 361-2500 (334) 361-2516 Baldwin Sheriff Huey "Hoss" Mack (251) 937-0210 (251) 580-1687 Barbour Sheriff LeRoy Upshaw (334) 775-1128 687-4121 (334) 775-1121 Bibb Sheriff Keith Hannah (205) 926-4683 (205) 926-3110 Blount Sheriff Loyd Arrington (205) 625-4127 (205) 625-3264 Bullock Sheriff "Buck" Rodgers (334) 738-2670 (334) 738-3982 Butler Sheriff Kenny Harden (334) 382-6521 (334) 382-7491 Calhoun Sheriff Larry Amerson (256) 236-6600 (256) 237-6321 Chambers Sheriff Sid Lockhart (334) 864-4333 (334) 864-4309 Cherokee Sheriff Jeff Shaver (256) 927-3365 (256) 927-4543 Chilton Sheriff Kevin Davis (205) 755-4698 (205) 280-7245 Choctaw Sheriff Tom Abate (205) 459-2166 (205) 459-4666 Clarke Sheriff Ray Norris (334) 275-8156 (334) 275-8637 Clay Sheriff Ray Latham (256) 354-2176 (256) 354-4576 Cleburne Sheriff Joe Jacks (256) 463-2277 (256) 463-7687 Coffee Sheriff Dave Sutton (334) 894-5535 (334) 894-6472 Colbert Sheriff Ronnie May (256) 383-0741 (256) 386-8599 Conecuh Sheriff Edwin Booker (334) 578-1260 (334) 578-3194 Coosa Sheriff Terry Wilson (256) 377-4922 (256) 377-2690 Covington Sheriff Dennis Meeks (334) 428-2640 (334) 428-2702 Crenshaw Sheriff Charles West (334) 335-6568 (334) 335-5805 Cullman Sheriff Mike Rainey (256) 734-0342 (256) 737-9868 Dale Sheriff Wally Olson (334) 774-2335 (334) 774-2909 Dallas Sheriff Harris Huffman (334) 874-2530 (334) 874-2563 DeKalb Sheriff Jimmy Harris (256) 845-8561 (256) 845-8564 Elmore Sheriff Bill Franklin (334) 567-5546 (334) 514-5849 Escambia Sheriff Grover Smith (251) 809-2142 (251) 809-2155 Etowah Sheriff Todd Entrekin (256) 546-2825 (256) 549-2171 Fayette Sheriff Rodney Ingle (205) 932-3205 (205) 932-6699 Franklin Sheriff Shannon Oliver (256) 332-8811 (256) 332-8816 Geneva Sheriff Greg Ward (334) 684-5660 (334) 684-5666 Greene Sheriff Joe Benison (205) 372-3242 (205) 372-4600 Hale Sheriff Kenneth W. Ellis (334) 624-3081 (334) 624-0218 Henry Sheriff William K. Maddox (334) 585-3131 (334) 585-5200 Houston Sheriff Andy Hughes (334) 677-4888 (334) 671-8775 Jackson Sheriff Chuck Phillips (256) 574-2610 (256) 574-5317 Jefferson Sheriff Mike Hale (205) 325-5700 (205) 325-5364 Lamar Sheriff Terry Perkins (205) 695-7470 (205) 695-1871 Lauderdale Sheriff Ronnie Willis (256) 760-5757 (256) 760-5765 Lawrence Sheriff Gene Mitchell (256) 974-2405 (256) 974-2528

18 ALABAMA SHERIFFS Updated 5/22/2013

COUNTY SHERIFF PHONE # FAX # Lee Sheriff Jay Jones (334) 749-5651 (334) 749-4835 Limestone Sheriff Mike Blakely (256) 232-0111 (256) 233-6473 Lowndes Sheriff John Williams (334) 548-6151 (334) 548-2621 Macon Sheriff David M. Warren (334) 724-0669 (334) 724-0009 Madison Sheriff Blake L. Dorning (256) 532-3412 (256) 532-6976 Marengo Sheriff Ben Bates (334) 295-4208 (334) 295-2226 Marion Sheriff Kevin Williams (205) 921-2101 (205) 921-7598 Marshall Sheriff Scott Walls (256) 582-2034 (256) 571-7774 Mobile Sheriff Sam Cochran (251)574-7827 (251) 574-8631 Monroe Sheriff Thomas Tate (251) 575-2963 (251) 575-7661 Montgomery Sheriff D. T. Marshall (334) 832-4980 (334) 832-7113 Morgan Sheriff Ana Franklin (256) 351-4800 (256) 351-4822 Perry Sheriff James Hood (334) 683-6534 (334) 683-2201 Pickens Sheriff David Abston (205) 367-2000 (205) 367-8333 Pike Sheriff Russell Thomas (334) 566-4347 (334) 807-0555 Randolph Sheriff David Cofield (256) 357-4126 (256) 357-2790 Russell Sheriff Heath Taylor (334) 298-6535 (334) 291-7667 Shelby Sheriff Chris Curry (205) 669-4181 (205) 669-3865 St. Clair Sheriff Terry Surles (205) 594-2141 (205) 594-2142 Sumter Sheriff Tyrone Clark (205) 652-7984 (205) 652-7981 Talladega Sheriff Jimmy Kilgore (256) 362-2748 (256) 761-2140 Tallapoosa Sheriff Jimmy Abbett (256) 825-4264 (256) 825-1012 Tuscaloosa Sheriff Billy Sharp (205) 752-0616 (205) 349-0973 Walker Sheriff John Mark Tirey (205) 302-6464 (205) 302-6100 Washington Sheriff Richard Stringer (251) 847-2202 (251) 847-6677 Wilcox Sheriff Earnest Evans (334) 682-4715 (334) 682-9425 Winston Sheriff Rick Harris (205) 489-2115 (205) 489-3090

19 COUNTY ENGINEER First Name Last Name Phone Number City Autauga County David Bufkin (334) 361-3761 Prattville Baldwin County Cal Markert (251) 937-0371 Silverhill Barbour County Patrick McDougald (334) 775-3420 Clayton Bibb County Jeff McKinney (205) 926-3111 Brent Blount County Winston Sitton (205) 274-2128 Oneonta Bullock County Jason DeShazo (334) 738-3883 Union Springs Butler County Dennis McCall (334) 382-3232 Greenville Calhoun County Brian Rosenbalm (256) 237-4657 Anniston Chambers County Josh Harvill (334) 864-4359 LaFayette Cherokee County Corey Chambers (256) 927-5573 Centre Chilton County Tony Wearren (205) 755-0530 Clanton Choctaw County Garry Grantham (205) 459-2473 Butler Clarke County Daniel Overton (251) 275-3366 Grove Hill Clay County Jeremy Butler (256) 396-9393 Ashland Cleburne County Shannon Robbins (256) 463-2271 Heflin Coffee County Randy Tindell (334) 894-6112 New Brockton Colbert County John Bedford (256) 381-2120 Tuscumbia Conecuh County Winston Foshee (251) 578-7032 Evergreen Coosa County Donald Eason (256) 377-2261 Rockford Covington County Darren Capps (334) 428-2620 Andalusia Crenshaw County Benjie Sanders (334) 335-2874 Luverne Cullman County Jon Brunner (256) 796-1336 Cullman Dale County Derek Brewer (334) 774-5875 Ozark Dallas County George Jones (334) 874-2503 Selma DeKalb County Ben Luther (256) 845-8584 Ft. Payne Elmore County Richie Beyer (334) 567-1162 Wetumpka Escambia County Bill Bridges (251) 867-0234 Brewton Etowah County Tim Graves (256) 549-5359 Gadsden Fayette County Bobby McCraw (205) 932-6282 Fayette Franklin County David Palmer (256) 332-8434 Russellville Geneva County Justin Barfield (334) 684-3450 Hartford Greene County Willie Branch (205) 372-3302 Eutaw Hale County Danny Miles (334) 624-8110 Greensboro Henry County Chris Champion (334) 585-2735 Abbeville Houston County Barkley Kirkland (334) 792-4149 Dothan Jackson County Philip Widner (256) 259-6037 Scottsboro Jefferson County Tracy Pate (205) 254-2039 Birmingham Lamar County James Smith (205) 695-7136 Vernon Lauderdale County Ken Allamel (256) 760-5880 Florence Lawrence County Ben Duncan (256) 974-2478 Moulton

20 Lee County Justin Hardee (334) 737-7011 Opelika Limestone County Richard Sanders (256) 233-6681 Athens Lowndes County David Butts (334) 548-2324 Hayneville Macon County J. D. Smith (334) 724-2619 Tuskegee Madison County Richard Grace (256) 746-2900 Huntsville Marengo County Ken Atkins (334) 295-2236 Linden Marion County Mike Shaw (205) 921-2115 Hamilton Marshall County Bob Pirando (256) 571-7712 Guntersville Mobile County Joe Ruffer (251) 574-8595 Mobile Monroe County Robert English (251) 743-3672 Monroeville Montgomery County George Speake (334) 832-1310 Montgomery Morgan County Greg Bodley (256) 773-5297 Hartselle Perry County DeAndrae Kimbrough (334) 683-2236 Marion Pickens County Daniel Sky Hallmon (205) 367-2030 Carrollton Pike County Russell Oliver (334) 566-4508 Troy Randolph County Burrel Jones (256) 357-2311 Wedowee Russell County Larry Kite (334) 855-0209 Seale Shelby County Randy Cole (205) 669-3880 Columbiana St. Clair County Dan Dahlke (205) 594-2190 Ashville Sumter County Anthony Crear (205) 652-9608 Livingston Talladega County Tim Markert (256) 761-2130 Talladega Tallapoosa County David Moore (256) 825-1062 Dadeville Tuscaloosa County Bobby Hagler (205) 345-6600 Tuscaloosa Walker County Mike Short (205) 384-7249 Jasper Washington County Jason Sturdivant (251) 847-2423 Chatom Wilcox County Fred Powell (334) 682-4725 Camden Winston County Bryan Cheatwood (205) 489-5031 Double Springs

21 THE 411 ON 211

• 211 is a central clearinghouse for confirmed information in relation to numerous services needed by the public during a disaster/emergency. • It takes very little time to activate the 211 Call Center. • The primary 211 Call Center in Birmingham activates upon Level 4 prior to AEMA. • The secondary 211 Call Center in Montgomery can activate if needed. • There are 35 operators in the 211 Birmingham Call Center and another 15 on standby to activate the Montgomery Call Center if needed. • 211 uses Intranet for updating info for operators as well as a white board for most pertinent information in the Call Center. • 211 has a representative on the SEOC floor during activation. • 211 will be marketed in Birmingham, Mobile and Montgomery. • The Governor will also promote in his emergency speeches. • 211 is connected with several major cell phone companies to enable users to dial 211 from their cell phones.

ALDOT’s Role • 211 would like to receive and pass on information from and to the ALDOT Emergency Call Center. • 211 would also like to be displayed on ALDOTs electronic message boards and HARS along I-65 for motorists’ information. • 211 would like to participate in the May 20 drill in conjunction with AEMA and ALDOT as call receivers and callers. • 211 will use ALDOT brochures in their call center as information guides for operators.

22 DOT Frequently Used Terms & Other Information L‐## ACRONYM MEANINGS SR State RouteU S ## US U.S. Highway I Interstate CR County Road ROW Right of Way MP Mile Post OPEN Road Open CPI Check Pertinent Information CLOSED Road Closed NB Northbound SB Southbound EB Eastbound WB Westbound WC Welcome Center RA Rest Area CONTRAFLOW Reverse Laning HARS Highway Advisory Radio System ASAP Alabama Service Assistance Patrol DPS Department of Public Safety AEMA Alabama Emergency Management Agency

 Highway Exit numbers also indicate the mile post number  Even numbers are used in EB & WB highway designations  Odd numbers are used in NB & SB highway designations


ENGLISH SPANISH PRONOUNCIATION CALL 911 LLAMAR NUEVE ONCE lyah-mar’ noo-ay’-vay on’-thay call nine eleven CALL 211 LLAMAR DOS ONCE lyah-mar’ dose on’-thay call two eleven ACCIDENT ACCIDENTE ac-the-den’-tay BRIDGE PUENTE poo-en’-tay CLOSED CERRADA ther-rah’-dah EXIT SALIDA sah-lee’-dah FLOODED INUNDADO in-oon-da’-do HEAVY TRAFFIC MUCHO TRAFICO moo’-cho trah’-fe-co much traffic INTERSTATE 65 AUTOPISTA SESENTA Y CINCO ah-oo-to-pees’-tah say-sen’-tah ee theen’-co highway sixty and five NORTH NORTE nor'-tay OPEN ABIERTA ah-be-er’-to, tah ROAD CARRETERA car-ray-tay’-rah SOUTH SUR soor TUNNEL TUNEL too’-nel

24 25 26 ALABAMA HOSPITALS Nearest County City Hospital Name Address Phone Route/Exit Autauga Prattville Prattville Baptist Hos. 124 S Memorial Dr. 334-361-4267 I-65/Exits 179-181 Baldwin Bay Minette N. Baldwin Infirmary 1815 Hand Ave. 251-937-5521 I-65/Exit 37/SR-287 Baldwin Foley S. Baldwin Regional 1613 N. McKenzie St. 251-949-3400 I-10/Exit 44/SR-59 Baldwin Fairhope Thomas Hos. 750 Morphy Ave. 251-928-2375 I-10/Exit 38/SR-181 Barbour Eufaula Lakeview Comm. Hos. 820 W Washington St. 334-688-7000 US 331 I-59/Exit 166/US 231 Blount Oneonta St. Vincent’s 150 Gilbreath Dr. 205-939-7413 I-65/Exit 284/SR-160 I-65/Exit 228/SR-25

Bibb Centreville Bibb Med. Ctr. 208 Pierson Ave. 205-926 4881 I-20-59/US 82 Bullock Union Springs Bullock Co. Hospital 102 West Conecuh Ave. 334-738 2140 US 29 Butler Georgiana Georgiana Hospital 515 Miranda Ave. 334-376-2205 I-65/Exit 114/SR-106 Butler Greenville L.V. Stabler Memorial 29 LV Stabler Dr. 334-382-2671 I-65/Exit 130/SR-10

Calhoun Anniston Stringfellow Memorial 301 East 18th St. 256-235-8989 I-20/Exit 185/US 431

Calhoun Anniston Regional Med. Ctr. 400 East 10th St. 256-235-5121 I-20/Exit 185/US 431 Chambers Valley Lanier Health Services 4800 48th St. 334-756-9180 I-85/Exit 77/US 29 Cherokee Centre Cherokee Med. Ctr. 400 County Road 118 256-927-5531 US 411

Chilton Clanton Chilton Med. Ctr. 1010 Lay Dam Rd. 205-755-2500 I-65/Exit 208/CR-28 Choctaw N/A Clarke Thomasville SW AL Med Ctr. 33700 US Hwy. 43 334-636-4431 US 43

Clay Ashland Clay County Hos. 83825 SR- 9 256-354-2131 SR-9 Cleburne Heflin Cleburne County Hos. 411 Ross St. I-20/ Exit 199/US 78 Coffee Enterprise Enterprise Med. Ctr. 400 North Edwards St. 334-347-0584 US 84 Colbert Sheffield Helen Keller Hos. 1300 S Montgomery Ave. 256-386-4196 US 43 Coosa Sylacauga Coosa Valley Med. Ctr. 315 W Hickory St. 256-401-4000 US 231 Conecuh Evergreen Evergreen Med. Ctr. 101 Crestview Ave. 251-578-2480 I-65/Exit 96/SR-83 Covington Andalusia Andalusia Regional 849 S. Three Notch St. 334-222-8466 US 29 Covington Florala Florala Memorial 24273 Fifth Ave. 334-858-3287 US 331 Covington Opp Mizell Memorial 702 N. Main St. 334-493-3541 US 331 Crenshaw Luverne Crenshaw Community 101 Hospital Cr. 334-335-3374 US 331 Cullman Cullman Cullman Regional 1927 SR-157 25-737-2000 US 278/SR-157 Cullman Cullman Woodland Med. Ctr. 1910 Cherokee Ave. SW 256-739-3500 US 31/SR-69 Dale Ozark Dale Med. Ctr. 126 Hospital Ave. 334-774-2601 US 231/SR-123 Dallas Selma Vaughan Regional 1015 Med. Ctr. Pkwy. 334-418-4100 US 80/SR-14 Dekalb Fort. Payne Dekalb Regional 200 Medical Center Dr. 256-845-3150 I-59/Exit 218/SR-35 Elmore Wetumpka Elmore Comm. Hos. 500 Hospital Dr. 334-567-4311 US 231 27 ALABAMA HOSPITALS Escambia Atmore Atmore Community 401 Medical Park Dr. 251-368-2500 I-65/Exit57/SR-21 Escambia Brewton D.W. McMillan Mem. 1301 Belleville Ave. 251-867-8061 I-65/Exit 77/SR-41 Etowah Gadsden Gadsden Regional 1007 Goodyear Ave. 256-494-4965 US 431/SR-74 Etowah Gadsden Riverview Regional 600 South 3rd St. 256-543-5200 US 411 Fayette Fayette Fayette Med. Ctr. 1653 Temple Ave. 205-932-5966 US 43 Franklin Russellville Russellville Hospital 15155 Highway 43 256-332-1611 US 43

Franklin Red Bay Red Bay Hospital 211 Hospital Rd. 256-356-8160 SR-24/CR-11 Hale Greensboro Hale County Hospital 508 Greene St. 334-624-3024 US 80/SR-61 Henry Eufaula Med. Center Barbour 820 W Washington St. 334-688-7000 US 431 Houston Dothan Flowers Hospital 4370 W. Main St. 334-793-5000 US-84 Houston Dothan Southeast Med. Ctr. 1108 Ross Clark Cr. 334-793-8111 US-84

Geneva Geneva Wiregrass Med. Ctr. 1200 West Maple Ave. 334-684-3655 SR-196 Greene Eutaw Greene County Hos. 509 Wilson Ave. 205-372-3388 I-20-59/Exit 40/SR-14 Jackson Scottsboro Highlands Med. Ctr. 380 Woods Cove Rd. 256-259 4444 US 72 Jefferson Bessemer Medical West 205-481-7000 I-20-59/Exit 108/US 11 Jefferson Birmingham Children’s Hospital 1600 7th Ave. S 205-939-9100 I-65 N/Exit 259/SR-149 I-65 S/Exit 259B/4th Ave. S Jefferson Birmingham Cooper Green Hospital UAB Campus 205-930-3600 I-65 N/Exit 259/SR-149 1515 Sixth Ave. S I-65 S/Exit 259B/4th Ave. S Jefferson Birmingham Princeton Baptist 701 Princeton Ave. SW 205-783-3805 I-65/Exit 258/CR-18 Jefferson Birmingham Carraway Methodist 1600 Carraway Blvd. 205-502-6333 I-20-59/Exit 126 A Jefferson Birmingham St. Vincent’s 810 St. Vincent Dr. 205-939-7111 I-59/Exit 134 & US 31 Jefferson Birmingham Trinity Med. Ctr. 800 Montclair Rd. 205-592-1000 I-20/Exit 132 I-65 N/Exit 259/SR-149 Jefferson Birmingham UAB 619 South 19th St. 205-934-4011 I-65 S/Exit 259B/4th Ave. S Jefferson Homewood Brookwood Med. Ctr. 2010 Brookwood Med. Ctr. Dr. 205-877-1000 US 31 Lauderdale Florence Eliza Coffee Memorial 205 Marengo St. 256-768-9413 US 43-72 Lawrence Moulton Lawrence Med. Ctr. 202 Hospital St. 256-974-2212 SR-24 Lee Opelika East Alabama Medical 2000 Pepperell Pkwy. 334-749-3411 I-85/Exit 58/US 280 Limestone Athens Athens-Limestone Hos. 700 West Market St. 256-233-9292 I-65 N/Exit 351 I-65 S/Exit 354 Lowndes N/A Macon Tallassee Community Hospital 805 Friendship Rd. 334-283-6541 I-85/Exit 26/SR-229 Macon Union Springs Bullock Co. Hospital 102 W Conecuh Ave. 334-738-2140 US 82 Madison Huntsville Crestwood Med. Ctr. 1 Hospital Drive SW 256-883-7140 Madison Huntsville Huntsville Hospital 401 Lowell Dr SE # 5 256-265-1775 Marengo Demopolis Bryan Whitfield Mem. Hwy 80 E 334-289-0701 Marion Hamilton N. Miss. Med. Ctr. 1256 Military St South 662- 377-3000

28 ALABAMA HOSPITALS Marshall Guntersville Marshall Med. Ctr. N. 8000 Al Highway 69 256-753-8109 Marshall Boaz Marshall Med. Ctr. S. 2505 US HWY 431 256-593-8310 Mobile Mobile Bay Pointe Hospital 5800 Southland Drive 251-473-4423 Mobile Mobile Mobile Infirmary 5 Mobile Infirmary Cr. 251-435-4700 I-65/Exit 9 Mobile Mobile Providence Hospital 6801 Airport Blvd. 251-633-1000 I-65/Exit 3 Mobile Mobile Springhill Med. Ctr. 3719 Dauphin St. 251-344-9630 I-65/Exit 4 Mobile Mobile USA Med. Ctr. 2451 Fillingim St. 251-471-7000 I-65/Exit 8a/US-45 Monroe Monroeville Monroe County Hos. 2016 S Alabama Ave. 251-575-3111 Montgomery Montgomery Baptist East 400 Taylor Rd. 334-277-8330 I-85/Exit 9 Montgomery Montgomery Baptist South 2105 East South Blvd. 334-288-2100 I-65/Exit 168 Montgomery Montgomery Jackson Hospital 1725 Pine St. 334-293-8000 I-85/Exit 6 Morgan Decatur Parkway Med. Ctr. 1874 Beltline Rd. SW 256-301-3412 Morgan Decatur Decatur General 1201 7th St. SE 256-306-400 Morgan Hartselle Hartselle Med. Ctr. 201 Pine St. NW 256-751-3000 Pickens Carrolton Pickens Co. Med. Ctr. 241 Robert K. Wilson Dr. 205-367-8111 Pike Troy Troy Med. Ctr. 1330 Old Hwy. 231 N. 334-670-5000 US-231 Russell Phenix City Summit Hospital 4401 River Chase Dr. 334-732-3000 Shelby Alabaster Baptist Shelby 1000 1st St. N 205-620-8100 St. Clair Pell City St. Vincent’s-St. Clair 2805 Doctor John Haynes Dr. 205-338-2939 Sumter York Hill Hos. Sumter Co. 751 Derby Drive 205-392-5263 Talladega Talladega Citizens Baptist 604 Stone Ave. 256-362-8111 Tallapoosa Alex City Russell Med. Ctr. 3316 Hwy. 280 256-329-7100 Tuscaloosa Tuscaloosa DCH Regional Med. 809 University Blvd. E 205-759-7111 Tuscaloosa Northport Northport Med. Ctr. 79 Middleville Rd. 631-261-4363 Walker Jasper Baptist Walker 3400 Hwy. 78 E 205-387-4000 Washington Jackson Jackson Med. Ctr. 220 Hospital Dr. 251-246-9021 Winston Haleyville Lakeland Community 42024 SR-195 205-486-5213

29 Gas Stations on I-10 in Alabama

EXIT Exit Name + Info Phone # 4 Grand Bay, SR‐188 4 BP Diesel 251‐865‐6175 4 Rand Bros. Energize 251‐865‐1063 4 Texaco 251‐865‐9801 4 Travel Centers of America 423‐517‐0074 13 Theodore, CR 30 13 BP 251‐653‐1210 13 Chevron 251‐653‐5545 13 Pilot Travel Center 251‐653‐8834 13 G‐Mart Shell 251‐653‐3835 13 Dog Track Texaco 251‐653‐6223 15A Theodore‐Tillman’s Corner, U.S. 90 15A Kangaroo Express 251‐653‐8544 15B Tillman’s Corner, U.S. 90 15B Chevron 251‐666‐6499 15B Racetrack 251‐665‐1370 15B Shell 251‐666‐2888 35 Daphne‐Spanish Fort, U.S. 90/98 35 Walmart 251‐625‐0940 35 Lake Forest Shell 251‐621‐8449 35 Jubilee Shell 251‐626‐1878 35 Summit 251‐626‐6835 38 Spanish Fort‐Malbis, SR‐181 38 Chevron 251‐625‐3018 38 Malbis Shell 251‐621‐6902 38 Texaco 251‐534‐1491 44 Loxley, SR‐59 44 Chevron 251‐964‐6682 44 Exxon 251‐964‐5025 44 Racetrac 251‐964‐5863 53 Robertsdale, CR‐64 53 BP Diesel 251‐960‐1148 53 Chevron 251‐960‐1193

30 Gas Stations on I-65 (Exits 19-365) in Alabama

EXIT Exit Name + Info (H‐Hospital) Phone # 19 Satsuma 19 Pilot Travel Center 251‐679‐6260 19 Chevron 251‐679‐6070 37 Gulf Shores Pkwy.‐Bay Minette‐Rabun, SR‐287 37 BP 251‐937‐5219 45 Rabun‐Perdido, CR‐47 45 Chevron 251‐580‐3177 54 Creek Indian Reservation, CR‐1 54 BP Truck Stop 251‐446‐8065 57 Atmore‐Uriah‐Monroeville, SR‐21 57 BP 251‐368‐3587 57 Exxon 251‐368‐3913 69 Flomaton‐Wallace‐Barnett Crossroads, SR‐113 69 Conoco Truck Stop 251‐867‐6510 69 BP 251‐296‐5754 77 Brewton‐Repton, SR‐41 77 Kangaroo Shell 251‐248‐2948 93 Evergreen‐Monroeville, U.S. 84 93 BP Truck Stop 251‐578‐9669 93 USA Travel Center 251‐578‐1262 93 Shell 251‐578‐3767 96 Evergreen‐Midway, SR‐83 (H) 96 Chevron 251‐578‐9439 96 Spirit Travel Center Shell 251‐578‐3588 101 Owassa, CR‐29 101 BP Truck Stop 251‐578‐1555 101 Exxon Truck Stop 251‐578‐4080 114 Georgiana‐Starlington, SR‐106 (H) 114 BP 334‐376‐9888 114 Chevron 334‐376‐2720 128 Greenvile‐Pineapple, SR‐10 (H) 128 Shell 334‐382‐5868 128 BP 334‐382‐7189 130 Greenville, SR‐185 130 USA Travel Center 334‐382‐0942 130 Shell Depot 334‐382‐5653 130 Chevron 334‐382‐7948 130 Phillips 66 334‐382‐3899 142 Ft. Deposit‐Logan, SR‐185 142 Chevron 334‐227‐8920 142 USA Travel Center 334‐227‐4069 142 Shell 334‐227‐4830

31 EXIT I‐65 GAS STATIONS‐pg.2 PHONE # 151 Hayneville‐Letohatchee, SR 97 151 BP 334‐227‐8556 151 Pacecar 334‐227‐8701 158 Pintlala‐Tyson‐Hayneville, CR‐6 158 Flying J Conoco Truck Stop 334‐613‐0212 158 Stuckey’s BP 334‐288‐4307 164 Hope Hull‐Pintlala, US 31 164 Kwik Shop Shell 334‐281‐4362 164 Safeway Truck Stop 334‐281‐9100 164 Chevron 334‐284‐4205 164 Slades Exxon 334‐284‐3331 164 Amoco 334‐284‐2703 168 Montgomery, US 80E/US 82 168 Liberty 334‐263‐9682 168 Kangaroo Express 334‐286‐8972 168 Entec 334‐284‐1332 170 Montgomery, Fairview Ave. 170 Liberty 334‐263‐9682 170 Petro Mart 334‐264‐0250 181 Prattville, SR 15 181 I‐65 Prattville Texaco 334‐365‐8199 181 Racetrac 334‐290‐3860 181 Cobbs Ford Chevron 334‐285‐9513 181 Cobb Hill Shell 334‐285‐5499 186 Pine Level, US 31 186 Morris Chevron 334‐365‐2104 186 United Food & Fuel 334‐365‐8829 205 Clanton, US 31/SR 22 205 Quick Shop 205‐755‐0910 205 Peach Park Express 205‐755‐9600 205 K & F Shop & Fill 205‐280‐1446 208 Clanton 208 Chevron Food Mart 205‐755‐2810 208 Allen Food Mart 205‐755‐8811 219 Union Grove‐Thorsby 219 Chevron 205‐688‐2614 219 Exxon 205‐688‐1022 228 Calera, SR 25 228 Chevron 205‐668‐2595 231 Saginaw, US 31 231 Shell 205‐668‐2919 238 Alabaster, US 31 238 Chevron 205‐664‐0420 238 Shell 205‐663‐9488 238 Exxon 205‐621‐5148

32 EXIT I‐65 GAS STATIONS – pg.3 PHONE # 238 Cannon Quick Shop 205‐663‐0613 242 Pelham 242 Shell 205‐663‐8939 242 Coosa Mart 205‐663‐6560 242 Pelham Crossroads Foodmart 205‐621‐6448 246 Cahaba Valley Road, SR 119 246 Murphy USA 205‐664‐3248 246 Kangaroo Express 205‐987‐1484 246 BP 205‐733‐1910 246 Chevron 205‐663‐9019 267 Walker Chapel Road 267 Chevron 205‐841‐0764 267 Raceway 205‐841‐1425 267 Shell 205‐849‐5092 267 Murphy Express 205‐849‐0513 271 Fieldstown Road 271 Murphy Express 205‐608‐3699 271 Circle K 205‐631‐1000 271 Shell 205‐608‐3300 271 Chevron 205‐608‐3619 287 Blount Springs, US 31 N 287 Lee’s Grocery 205‐647‐7604 287 Robertson 205‐274‐7988 310 Cullman, SR 157 310 Conoco North 256‐734‐2568 310 Shell Mart 256‐739‐3353 310 Cullman BP 256‐739‐2234 310 M & M Mini Mart 256‐739‐0352 310 Southmart 256‐737‐5144 318 Lacon, US 31 318 Mr. Quick Store 256‐784‐5260 322 Falkville, SR 55 322 L & R Express 256‐784‐6297 328 Hartselle‐US 31 328 Liberty 256‐751‐9950 328 Hwy 31 Shell 256‐751‐0058 328 Hartselle Food Mart 256‐773‐8930 365 Ardmore‐SR 53 365 Country Store 256‐423‐7511




A HURRICANE WATCH indicates the possibility of experiencing hurricane conditions within 48 hours. The watch should trigger citizens’ disaster plans, and protective measures should be initiated, especially actions requiring extra time such as securing a boat or leaving a barrier island, etc.

A HURRICANE WARNING indicates that sustained winds of at least 74 mph are expected within 36 hours or less. Once this warning is issued, citizens should be in the process of completing protective actions and deciding the safest location to be during the storm. IF A STORM THREATENS, CITIZENS SHOULD HEED THE ADVICE FROM STATE AUTHORITIESAND EVACUATE IF ORDERED.

Tropical Depression - An organized system of clouds and thunderstorms with a defined surface circulation and maximum sustained winds of 38 mph (33 kts) or less.

Tropical Storm - An organized system of strong thunderstorms with a defined surface circulation and maximum sustained winds of 39-73 mph (34-63 kts).

Hurricane - An intense tropical weather system of strong thunderstorms with a well-defined surface circulation and maximum sustained winds of 74 mph (64 kts) or higher.


35 Q Where is the closest storm shelter? Dial 2-1-1 Q What route can I take from………….? Check White Board for road closures. Refer to the Evacuation Map. Q Are the rest areas open on I-65/I-10? Please let me check. Check White Board. Q Are there any hotels available? Refer them to 800-252-2262 or 2-1-1 Q How far north do the reverse lanes on I-65 go? The reverse traffic flow begins south of SR-225 near Exit 31 and ends in Montgomery just north of Exit 167, the U.S. Highway 80 exit. Q Are they letting people back in _CITY__? Give them the phone number for that area, and refer them to 2-1-1. Q Are there any gas stations open? Check your list and give them the most updated information you have. Q Will they reverse the lanes for returning south? At this time there is no plan for that. Q What route can I travel south? During the reverse laning, the detour route is U.S. Highway 31 South. Q Where is the storm at this time? Give them the most up to date information you have. Q How heavy is the traffic on I-65 at this time? Check the White Board for an update. Q Do you have any information about the roads in __? Give the most up to date information you have, and a contact phone number or email address for that area. Q School closings? Refer them to the Alabama Department of Education’s Web site at www.alsde.edu or tell them to call their local school system. Also, the TV stations usually have the best information or they can call 2-1-1.

SPECIAL INFORMATION: Phone numbers and addresses for Gas Stations, Hospitals, and County Sheriff Offices along I-65 & I-10 are on the Intranet page.


updated 06/08/2010 The following are evacuation routes traveling northward from the Coast.

From Mobile County CR-59 to US-90 to I-10 to I-65 NORTH SR-188 to I-10 to I-65 NORTH I-10 to I-65 NORTH US-98 to Miss Line US-45 to Washington CO to Miss Line US-43 to Washington CO Line

From Baldwin County SR-59 to SR-287 to I-65 NORTH US 98 to I-10 to EXIT 44 to SR-59 to SR-287 to I-65 NORTH CR-20 to CR-83 to CR-87 to CR-112 to US-31 to CR 47 EXIT 47 to I-65 NORTH

From Escambia County and Escambia/Santa Rosa County Florida Fla SR-97 to AL SR-21 to I-65 NORTH US-29 to SR 113 to I-65 NORTH EXIT 69

From Covington and Okaloosa County Florida Fla SR-87 to AL SR-41 to EXIT 77 to I-65 NORTH

From Geneva and Walton/Holmes/Bay County Florida Fla 189 to AL SR-137 to US-29 to US 331 to I-65 NORTH Fla SR-85 to AL US-331 to US-80 to I-65 NORTH

From Houston County US-231 to Montgomery US-431 to Auburn/Opelika

From Mississippi Line to Alabama I-20/59 to Tuscaloosa


LEVEL 1 24/7 – 365 days a year HURRICANE‐RELATED > E‐MAIL ALERT – The Call Center June 1 – Nov 30 Team will receive a status e‐mail (Atlantic Hurricane Season) and annual training information LEVEL 2 Emergency Incident Hurricane Watch is declared > E‐MAIL ALERT relative to possible within Alabama’s strike zone > SUPERVISORS are contacted by disaster or as directed or as directed by Director SO. LINC (text) by Director LEVEL 3 Emergency Hurricane Warning is > E‐MAIL ALERT Incident/Disaster is declared within Alabama’s > SUPERVISORS are contacted by imminent or as strike zone or as directed by SO. LINC (text) directed by Director Director > Tentative Schedule is created, e‐ mailed and posted > Supervisors contact operators scheduled for their respective shifts > Call Center is set‐up > Key Cards are updated LEVEL 4 Emergency Traffic volume from coastal > Call Center is Activated and First Incident/Disaster evacuations is extremely Shift Begins Occurs heavy and the need to help guide motorists North to safety is warranted or I‐65 contraflow is implemented CONTRAFLOW (REVERSE LANING) OVERVIEW

During coastal evacuations, ALDOT may implement a reversed lane plan for I‐65. As directed by the Transportation Director, Category 3, 4, and 5 hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico and other State of Emergencies are situations that might result in I‐65 contraflow (reverse laning).

 The decision to reverse lane is NOT automatic. Contraflow is only implemented when evacuating traffic volume warrants.  Contraflow means all lanes of I‐65 (both North and South) travel North.  Reverse laning begins north of Mobile (mile marker 31) and ends in Montgomery, just north of Exit 167 (U.S. 80 Exit)  All exits along I‐65 will remain open.  Any traffic exiting the interstate will be directed to re‐enter the interstate (usually into the “normal” northbound lanes.)  Law enforcement officers assist with traffic control.  Rest Areas will be open on the northbound side only.  It takes approximately 2 hours to divert southbound traffic and reverse lanes.  It takes approximately 3 hours to stop contraflow and restore northbound traffic and approximately 1 additional hour to complete north terminus directives.  Contraflow is halted prior to nightfall and/or storm landfall.

39 To provide additional roadway capacity during hurricane evacuations from the Gulf Coast, a portion of I-65 may operate entirely in the northbound direction, meaning both southbound lanes of I-65 would be converted into northbound lanes. These Beginning of lanes are called contraflow lanes. CONTRAFLOW Baldwin County I-65 NORTHBOUND – Contraflow begins in Baldwin County just south of Exit 31 (State Road 225). A paved crossover at that location allows motorists traveling in the normal Northbound lanes to transition (crossover) to the contraflow lanes.

Contraflow ends in Montgomery just north of Exit 167 (U.S. 80). Motorists in the contraflow lanes will crossover into the two left lanes of the normal northbound lanes. Motorists travelling in the normal northbound lanes will merge into the two right lanes and continue north and onward to their destinations.

I-65 SOUTHBOUND – During contraflow, southbound traffic travelling on I-65 through Montgomery will be directed to exit the interstate at Exit 167 at U.S. 80 and then onto U.S. 31 South. From Montgomery southward, all southbound I-65 traffic is detoured to U.S. 31. Eastbound traffic on U.S. 80 cannot enter I-65 at Exit 167 and will be directed to U.S. 31.

Southbound traffic cannot use I-65 between Montgomery and Mobile during contraflow.

I-65 CONTRAFLOW FACTS End of An I-65 lane reversal is not automatic CONTRAFLOW in every hurricane. Montgomery County ALDOT and law enforcement personnel are posted along each exit of the contraflow portion of I-65.

Travelers exiting I-65 will be directed by onsite personnel for re-entry onto the interstate.

Rest Areas on the normal I-65 northbound lanes, located at mile marker 84 near Evergreen and mile marker 133 near Greenville, will remain open if possible.

Electronic message signs display travel information along I-65 and northern portions of U.S. 31.

Evacuations may result in heavier traffic and longer driving times. Slow down and drive with caution.

Tune into the Highway Advisory Radio System (HARS) for updated information. Look for advisory signs in these areas. Mobile area – 1630 AM • Montgomery area – 1690 AM

Click here for Additional Evacuation Routes from the Gulf Coast of Alabama, Florida, and Mississippi.



Mobile Mobile Mobile Infirmary 5 Mobile Infirmary Cr. 251-435-4700 I-65/Exit 9

Mobile Mobile Providence Hospital 6801 Airport Blvd. 251-633-1000 I-65/Exit 3

Mobile Mobile Springhill Medical Ctr. 3719 Dauphin St. 251-344-9630 I-65/Exit 4

Mobile Mobile USA Medical Ctr. 2451 Fillingim St. 251-471-7000 I-65/Exit 8A/US-45

Baldwin Bay Minette N. Baldwin Infirmary 1815 Hand Ave. 251-937-5521 I-65/Exit 37/AL-287

Baldwin Foley S. Baldwin Regional 1613 N. McKenzie St. 251-949-3400 I-10/Exit 44/AL-59

Baldwin Fairhope Thomas Hospital 750 Morphy Ave. 251-928-2375 I-10/Exit 38/AL-181

Escambia Atmore Atmore Community 401 Medical Park Dr. 251-368-2500 I-65/Exit57/AL-21

Escambia Brewton D.W. McMillan Mem. 1301 Belleville Ave. 251-867-8061 I-65/Exit 77/AL-41

Conecuh Evergreen Evergreen Med. Ctr. 101 Crestview Ave. 251-578-2480 I-65/Exit 96/AL-83

Butler Georgiana Georgiana Hospital 515 Miranda Ave. 334-376-2205 I-65/Exit 114/AL-106

Butler Greenville LV Stabler Memorial 29 LV Stabler Dr. 334-382-2671 I-65/Exit 130/AL-10

Montgomery Montgomery Baptist East 400 Taylor Rd. 334-277-8330 I-85/Exit 9

Montgomery Montgomery Baptist South 2105 East South Blvd. 334-288-2100 I-65/Exit 168

Montgomery Montgomery Jackson 1725 Pine St. 334-293-8000 I-85/Exit 6

Houston Dothan Flowers Hospital 4370 W. Main St. 334-793-5000 US-84

Houston Dothan Southeast Med. Ctr. 1108 Ross Clark Cr. 334-793-8111 US-84

Dale Ozark Dale Med. Ctr. 126 Hospital Ave. 334-774-2601 US-231/AL-123

Pike Troy Troy Med. Ctr. 1330 Old Hwy. 231 N. 334-670-5000 US-231

Covington Andalusia Andalusia Regional 849 S. Three Notch St. 334-222-8466 US-29

Covington Florala Florala Memorial 24273 Fifth Ave. 334-858-3287 US-331

Covington Opp Mizell Memorial 702 N. Main St. 334-493-3541 US-331

Crenshaw Luverne Crenshaw Community 101 Hospital Cr. 334-335-3374 US-331

45 EMA’S

County Phone Address City/State/Zip

Autauga 334-361-3758 826 Gillespie St. Prattville

Baldwin 251-972-6806 23100 McAuliffe Dr. Robertsdale

Barbour 334-688-1387 545 East Barbour St. Eufaula

Bibb 205-926-3113 157 S W Davidson Dr. Centreville

Blount 205-625-4121 220 2nd Ave. East Oneonta

Bullock 334-738-3883 110 Hardaway Ave. Union Springs

Butler 334-382-7911 201 South Conecuh St. Suite 104 Greenville

Calhoun 256-435-0540 507 Francis St. West Jacksonville

Chambers 334-576-0911 3507 Veterans Memorial Pkwy. Lanett

Cherokee 256-927-3367 260 Cedar Bluff Rd. Suite 104 Centre

Chilton 205-755-0900 505 2nd Ave. Suite 225 Clanton

Choctaw 205-459-2153 816 West Pushmataha St. Butler AL

Clarke 251-275-8775 114 Court St. Grove Hill

Clay 256-396-5886 86838 Highway 9 Lineville

Cleburne 256-463-7130 6751 Highway 78 Heflin

Coffee 334-894-5415 1065 East McKinnon St. New Brockton

Colbert 256-386-8558 120 West 5th St. Tuscumbia

Conecuh 251-578-5911 102 County Shop Rd. Evergreen

Coosa 256-377-2418 100 Main St. Rockford

Covington 334-428-2670 272 Hillcrest Dr. Andalusia

46 Crenshaw 334-335-4538 118 East Third St. Luverne

Cullman 256-739-5410 2020 Beech Ave. SE Cullman

Dale 334-774-2214 168 South Merrick Ave. Ozark

Dallas 334-874-2515 102 Church St. Selma

Dekalb 256-845-8569 111 Grand Ave. SW Suite 21 Fort Payne

Elmore 334-567-6451 201 Hill St. Wetumpka

Escambia 251-867-0232 314 Belleville Ave. Brewton

Etowah 256-549-4575 90 Broad St. Gadsden

Fayette 205-932-4510 118 1st Ave. NE Fayette

Franklin 256-332-8890 12951 Highway 187 Russellville

Geneva 334-684-5677 200 S. Commerce St. Geneva

Greene 205-372-1911 226 Main St. Eutaw

Hale 334-624-8160 998 Church St. Greensboro

Henry 334-585-6702 101 North Doswell St. Abbeville

Houston 334-794-9720 114 North Oates Dothan

Jackson 256-574-9344 102 E. Laurel St Scottsboro

Jefferson 205-254-2039 709 N. 19Th St. Birmingham AL

Lamar 205-695-7105 1118 Co. Rd. 9 Vernon

Lauderdale 256-760-6363 110 W. College St. Room B25 Florence

Lawrence 256-974-7641 555 Walnut St. Moulton

Lee 334-749-8161 908 Avenue B Opelika

Limestone 256-232-2631 1011 W. Market St. Athens

47 Lowndes 334-548-2569 105 Tuskeena St. E Hayneville

Macon 334-724-2626 210 N. Elm St. Suite 006 Tuskegee

Madison 256-427-5130 320 Fountain Cr. Huntsville

Marengo 334-295-8870 101 E. Coats Ave. Linden

Marion 205-921-4555 280 Winchester Dr . Hamilton

Marshall 256-571-7329 3550 Creek Path Rd. Guntersville

Mobile 251-460-8000 348 N. McGregor Ave. Mobile

Monroe 251-743-3259 65 N Alabama Ave. Monroeville

Montgomery 334-241-2339 911 Communications Pky. Montgomery

Morgan 256-351-4620 302 Lee St. Decatur

Perry 334-683-2236 Washington St. Marion

Pickens 205-367-2009 155 Reform St. Room 100 Carrollton

Pike 334-566-8272 216 South Oak St. Troy

Poarch Creek 251-368-9136 5811 Jack Springs Rd. Atmore

Randolph 256-357-0014 751 Main St. S Wedowee

Russell 334-291-5079 311 Prentiss Dr. Phenix City

Shelby 205-669-3999 504 Highway 70 Columbiana

St Clair 205-884-6800 1610 Cogswell Ave. Suite B-10 Pell City

Sumter 205-652-6347 110 Hospital Dr. Suite 104 Livingston

Talladega 256-761-2125 26715 Hwy 21 Talladega

Tallapoosa 256-825-1078 125 N. Broadnax St. Dadeville

Tuscaloosa 205-248-4960 2150 McFarland Blvd. East Tuscaloosa

48 Walker 205-384-7233 16781 Highway 69 S Jasper

Washington 251-847-2668 435 Hearn Dr. Chatom

Wilcox 334-682-4843 119 Hawthorne Ave . Camden

Winston 205-489-2747 23415 Highway 195 South Double Springs