© Zoological Institute, St.Petersburg, 2001

New species ofbucculatricid fromNepal (: Bucculatricidae)

S.V. Barysbnikova

Baryshnikova, S.V. 2001. New species of bucculatricid moths from Nepal (Lepidoptera: Bucculatricidae). ZoosystematicaRossica, 10(1): 167-170.

Four new species of the genus Bucculatrix Z. (B. /ongispira/is sp. n., B. tubulosa sp. n., B. nepalica sp. n., and B. acutasp. n.) are described.

S. V. Baryshnikova, Zoological Institute, Russian Academy ofSciences, Universitetskaya nab. I, St.Petersburg 199034, Russia.

Among the material from dorsal blotch; two short oblique whitish streaks Nepal borrowed by my colleague A.L. Lvov­ on costal margin, and a white dot on fold. sky forstudy from the Zoologische Staatssam­ Hindwings brown; fringes of both wings gold­ mlung, MUnchen, Germany, four new species en grey. of bucculatricid moths were found. They are Male genitalia (Fig. 1). Annulus fused with described below. valvae; tegminal lobes triangular, linked dor­ South Asian bucculatricids are poorly sally with thin membrane. Aedeagus extremely known. A number of species of the genus Buc­ long, snake-shaped, slightly widened to apex culatrix Z. were described from the region by and somewhat swollen at base, with very long Meyrick (1912-1916, 1916-1923, 1930-1936); internal coil. Valvae. broad, fused ventrally, but their descriptions, based on external char­ with triangular, slightly bent apices; basal acters, are insufficient for reliable comparison. processes comparatively long and thin. Depositories of type specimens were clarified Female genitalia (Fig. 2). Papillae anales only for several Meyrick's species (Clarke, moderately sclerotized, with rather short apo­ 1955), the latter were never revised. Location physes. Segment VIII membranous. Ostium of others is unknown. folded, opened at segment VII forming a lobe The new moths were collected in the lower on its sternal side. Ductus bursae coiled proxi­ Himalaya of Nepal at altitudes 730-1800 m. mally, longitudinally foldeddistally. Bursa copu­ The morphological terms in the descriptions latrix ovate-oblong, with signum situated on its follow Seksyaeva (1993, 1994). The holotypes upper third. Ductus seminalis attached at border and most paratypes are deposited in the Zoolo­ of foldedand coiled portions of ductus bursae. gische Staatssammlung MUnchen. Several pa­ Comparison. The new species is easily rec­ ratypes of Bucculatrix nepalica sp. n. are kept ogniz�ble from any other known species of the in the Zoological Institute, Russian Academy family by the unique snake-shaped aedeagus of Sciences, St.Petersburg. more than 10 times as long as valva. In charac­ ters of the valvae and tegumen, it slightly re­ Bucculatrix longispiralis sp. n. sembles B. ulmella Z. Females den10nstrate (Figs 1, 2) very long coiled ductus bursae comparable in length with that of the Nearctic B. ainsliella Holotype. cl, Nepal, Prov. No. 3, East Jubing, Murtfeldt, but distinguished from the latter by 1600 m, l l.V.1964, leg. W. Dier!, Staatsslg. M!lnchen. its spring forming numerous regular curls. Paratype. 9, Nepal, Kathmandu, Valley Godavari, 1600-1800 m, 3.VIIl.1967, leg. Dier! & Schacht, Bucculatrix tubulosa sp. n. Staatsslg. M!lnchen. (Fig. 3) De�cription. Wingspan 7 mm. Head tuft ochreous_. Eye caps whitish; antennae fuscous. Holotype. cl, Nepal, Prov. No. 3, Eas_t Jubing, 1600 m, Forewings dark brmvn with lighter golden 20-23.VIJ.1964, leg. W. Dier!, Staatsslg. M!lnchen. brown middle area incorporating irregular pale Paratype: cl,same data as holotype. 168 S.V Baryshnikova: Newspecieso/Bucculatrix • ZOOSYST. ROSSICA Vol. 10


Figs 1-2. Bucculatrix longispiralis sp. n., genitalia. 1, cl, holotype; 2, 'i', paratype. - -- Description. Wingspan 7 mm. Head tuft fuscous spot in middle of dorsal margin. Hind­ ochreous in centre, greyish around. Eye· caps wings and fringesof both wings golden-grey. greyish. Antennae golden grey. Forewings Male genitalia (Fig. 3). Annulus strongly greyish, golden ..in central part, with unclear modified, tube-shaped, fused with valvae, not blotch before middle of costal margin, indis­ clearly showing tegumen and vinculum. Ter­ tinct oblique streak running from apical third gite IX forming two broad rounded lobes ante­ of costal margin towards tornus, and diffused riorly. Aedeagus approximately 3 times as long ZOOSYST. ROSSICA Vol. 10 • S. V. Baryshnikova: Newspecies of Bucculatrix 169

Figs 3-6. Bucculatrixspp. n., genitalia. 3, B. tubulosa sp. n., d', holotype;4, 5, B. nepalica sp. n. (4, d', holotype;5, 9, pa­ ratype};6, B. acuta sp. n., d', holotype. as valva, with widened membranous distal por­ Comparison. In the general shape and size of tion exceeding valva in length, funnel-shaped the male genitalia, the new species is compara­ apically. Valvae partly fused longitudinally, ble· with the members of the B. crataegi group with slight allusion of lobes; thin basal proc­ (Seksyaeva, 1994), in particular with B. pomi­ esses half as long as valvae. foliella Clemens (Braun/ 1963). 170 S.V. Baryshnikova:Newspecies o/Bucculatrix • ZOOSYST. ROSSICA Vol. 10 Bucculatrix nepalica sp. n. Hindwings and fringes of both wings of the (Figs 4, 5) same colour as forewings. The single specimen is in rather poor condition and does not demon­ Holotype. d', Nepal, Prov. Chisapani Garhi, Bhainse strate more details of coloration and pattern. Dobhan, 730 m, 16-20.VIl.1967, leg. Dierl & Schacht, Male genitalia (Fig. 6). Tegumen with sharp­ Staatsslg. Miinchen. ly pointed, triangular tegminal lobes. Vinculum Paratypes. Nepal: 12 d' and 'i' with same data as holotype; I d', Kathmandu - Chauni, 1400 m, 17- short and broad, band-shaped. Aedeagus slight­ 20.IV.1967, leg. Dier!, Forster & Schacht, Staatsslg. ly widened to base, angular in basal third, Miinchen. forming an oval loop near apex. Valvae rather Description. Wingspan 7.5 mm. Head tuft broad at base, sharply pointed to apex. white, sometimes with several golden hairs; Comparison. In the male genitalia, the new eye caps white. Forewings shining white, yel­ species resembles B. varia Seks. (Seksyaeva, lowish along costal margin and at fold, some­ 1992), differingin the absence of the accessory times darkened with sparse golden brown processes under tegminal lobes, the latter being scales; oblique streak from costal margin to­ more acute. The aedeagus of the new species wards tornus; large dorsal blotch more distinct clearly differs from that of B. varia in the apex near wing middle gradually diffusingto tornus. curved like a large loop. Hindwings and fringesof both wings golden. Male genitalia (Fig. 4). Tegumen with mod­ Acknowledgements erate triangular tegminal lobes and small ac­ I am very obliged to Dr. A. Hausmann (Zoologische cessory processes. Vinculum rather short, Staatssammlung Miinchen) forthe material used in this band-shaped. Aedeagus 3 times as long as study. I would like to thank Dr. S.Yu. Sinev (St.Peters­ valva, slightly widened to base, twice curved: burg) for consultations. The work was financially sup­ in basal third and near apex. Upper edge of ported by the State Scientific and Technical Program valva slightly bent in its middle part, with base "" and by the Russian Foundation forBasic only 3 times exceeding apical part in breadth. Research,. projects nos. 98-04-498 I 8 and O 1-04-49637. Female genitalia (Fig. 5). Posterior apo­ physes long and rather stout; rasping rods well References developed; a depressed area of sternite VIII with sclerotized oval plate on each side of Braun, A.F. 1963. The genus Buccu/atrix in America ostium; ostium wide, situated on posterior edge north of Mexico. Mem. Amer. Entomol. Soc., 18: 1- of segment VIII. Sclerotized portion of ductus 208. Clarke, J.I<'.G.1955. Catalogue of the type specimens bursae long, membranous one short, slender. ofMicro/epidoptera in the British Museum (Natural Ductus seminalis attached at the border be­ History) described by Edward Meyrick, 1: 1-322. tween two parts of ductus bursae. Bursa copu­ London. latrix with obliquely disposed circular signum. Meyrick, E. 1912-1916. Exotic Microlepidoptera, 1: Comparison. This_ and the following species 1-640. London. are typical members . of the B. gnaphaliella Meyrick, E. 1916-1923. Exotic Microlepidoptera, 2: group (Seksyaeva, 1994); they can be also at­ 1-640. London. tributed to the section II (subdivision B) of Meyrick, E. 1930-1936. Exotic Microlepidoptera, 4: 1-642. London. Braun (1963). The ne»1 species is closely re­ Seksyaeva, S.V. 1992. New species of moths (Lepi­ lated to B: sparsaSeks; (Seksyaeva, 1992) both doptera, Bucculatricidae and Phyllocnistidae) frorn in the male and female genitalia, differing in Maritime Territory. Entomol. Obozr., 71(2): 422- the coloration of moths and in the longer 427. (In Russian). [English translation: Entomol. aedeagus and differently shaped tegminal lobes Rev., 1995, 74(6): 149-154]. in males. Females of the new species demon­ Seksyaeva, S.V. 1993. Review of the mining moths strate longer ductus bursae with more promi­ (Lepidoptera, Bucculatricidae) of the fauna of Rus­ nent sclerotized portion. sia. Trudy zoo!. Inst. ross. Akad. Nauk, 255: 99-120. (In Russian). Bucculatrix acuta ·sp. n. Seksyaeva, S.V. 1994. New intrageneric groups within the genus Bucculatrix (Lepidopteia, Bucculatrici­ (Fig. 6) dae) distinguished on the basis of the morphology of the male genitalia. Zoo!. Zh., 73(7/8): 114-120. (In Holotype. d', Nepal, Prov. Chisapani Garhi, Bhainse Russian). [English translation: Entomol. Rev., 1995, Dobhan, 730 m, 16-20.VII.1967, leg. Dierl & Schacht, 74(2): 111-119]. Staatsslg. Mi.inchen. Description. Wingspan 6.5 mm. Head tuft and eye caps yellowish. Forewings brownish grey, darkened with sparse fuscous scales. Received 4 December 2000