RELATIONS BETWEEN BRAZIL AND PHILIPPINES: AN OVERVIEW MINISTRY OF EXTERNAL RELATIONS Foreign Minister Ambassador Celso Amorim Secretary General Ambassador Antonio de Aguiar Patriota ALEXANDRE DE GUSMÃO FOUNDATION President Ambassador Jeronimo Moscardo The Alexandre de Gusmão Foundation (Funag) was established in 1971. It is a public foundation linked to the Ministry of External Relations whose goal is to provide civil society with information concerning the international scenario and aspects of the Brazilian diplomatic agenda. The Foundations mission is to foster awareness of the domestic public opinion with regard to international relations issues and Brazilian foreign policy. Ministry of External Relations Esplanada dos Ministérios, Bloco H Anexo II, Térreo 70170-900 Brasília, DF Telephones: (61) 3411-6033/6034/6847 Fax: (61) 3411-9125 Site: JOSÉ CARLOS BRANDI A LEIXO Relations between Brazil and Philippines: an overview Translated by Susan Casement Sergio Ferrez and José Carlos Brandi Aleixo Brasília, 2010 Copyright © by José Carlos Brandi Aleixo Fundação Alexandre de Gusmão Ministério das Relações Exteriores Esplanada dos Ministérios, Bloco H Anexo II, Térreo 70170-900 Brasília DF Telefones: (61) 3411-6033/6034 Fax: (61) 3411-9125 Site: E-mail:
[email protected] Capa: Antonio Saura - Cabeza - 1986 Técnica mixta sobre cartón - 26,8 x 22,9 cm Equipe Técnica: Maria Marta Cezar Lopes Cíntia Rejane Sousa Araújo Gonçalves Erika Silva Nascimento Fernanda Leal Wanderley Henrique da Silveira Sardinha Pinto Filho Juliana Corrêa de Freitas Translated from the Original: Relações entre Brasil e Filipinas: uma visão abrangente by Susan Casement, Sergio Ferrez and the Author. Revised by: Sergio Ferrez, Teresita Barsana and the Author.